amarisrosalette · 9 months
His Body (Yandere!Venti x Yandere!Artist!Immortal!Reader)
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author's note: contains angst and dark content, hurt/comfort, yandere themes, manipulation, venti being a nasty boi, unhealthy relationships, obsession, mentions of stalking, tyranny, war, abuse, and disaster, mentions of body worshipping kink, reader is immortal, reader and venti are obsessed with each other and are delusional, slightly suggestive (especially at the end), proceed at your own risk!
synopsis: you are an immortal artist who has been with venti for the longest time. venti and you have been obsessing with each other for over a millenia as he finds out about your adoration for his body... and your lingering guilt issues for knowing the true story behind his form. but he's here to reassure you that you don't need to feel guilty, he is as obsessed with you as you are with him.
you are just so in love with venti's body. you are so in love with the kind of grace and elegance he has, with every curve of his limbs and lean posture effortlessly making you want to crumble to your knees because of how pretty he is. he's just so beautiful it hurts. it makes you ache. you don't know why; was it from jealousy? pure and utter admiration for him? you don't know. and sometimes, it's frustrating. from the way his hands smoothly hover his lyre before he strums it with his slim and calloused fingers, to the plumpness of his thighs and limbs, to the way his skin looks so soft and dewy you think of it as a better pillow than yours to the point that you'd much rather dig in the oppurtunity to get a closer taste to his wine-covered scent... through his skin. it's becoming addicting. to the way he forcefully digs his heels unto the ground when giving all his force in combat, you can feel the force he exerts in his body to the point you can see a glimpse of his slighty muscled body from his profound skills in archery. although you'd rather chew on your right leg that admit it, you want to see him in action. in battle. in his raw fierceness and emotion. you wonder just how graceful his moves would be. his face is quite youthful too, and his eyes.
oh, his eyes.
how you feel so jealous but so enamored of him, you start to absentmindedly doodle him on the sketchbook on your lap when his body is completely still. it wouldn't hurt if you just stole a teeny-tiny gaze to look at him while his eyes reflect a serene expression, his brows relaxed as he hums a tune. he is leaning against a tree as he is gently weaving a crown made of cecilias before he finishes before his near-triumphant tone of his voice makes you smile like an idiot. you were among the forests in mondstadt during a quiet day of hanging out with him.
"all done! my love, come look what i've made for you," you snapped out from your trance as you look down at what he has made for you.
oh, and it's beautiful. a piece of art from his skillful hands, you wanted to say. you are so trapped in admiring what he has made for you that you practically forgot the essence of reality for seconds that feel like hours.
and before you knew it, venti balanced himself on his knees as he hovers on top of your head to gently fit the crown in your head.
"oh, it fits perfectly on you, windblume!" he gestures to the nearby stream before he urges you, "take a look at yourself."
it's a calm body of water, and it's clear enough for you to get a perfect look at yourself. you lean forward as you see yourself bathing in wonders of your own reflection.
you are speechless as you turn around and finally muster what you wanted to say to him for the longest amount of time, but they are the words that cannot fully express what you wanted to tell him. you wanted to praise him for his skillful hands, his work of art, everytime he sings you love-laden songs of poetry, everytime he plays his lyre with melodies that make you swoon. you want to praise him for everything. you want to adore him to the ends of the earth, until your own pen and hand is sore and tired and breaking from how much you drew the every part of his body that you deemed was beautiful of him, until you couldn't physically do it anymore, which you never could be. for you loved him more than you loved yourself. you loved him more than you loved your own skill in art, you loved him so much that he was able to command every piece of your drawings and sketches to revolve around him and him only. forget about the other subjects you could draw, he took the mantle of being your only subject, your inspiration, your muse. you could paint an enormous canvas of every detail of his face and body that you would never forget nor stop loving about him, you could find a way to immortalize him through your unspoken skill that expressed your love for him that no other skill could have ever done.
you turn your head back to him as you stroll to him. you kneel beside him and softly thank him for the cecilia crown he gave you.
but you feel that he just can't see it in himself. it felt like he couldn't see the true beauty he held, how he truly has so much power over you. despite his playful braggings about being the best bard in the world, you knew that he was a lonely soul in person. he was too humble, you reason to yourself. you desperately wish you could give him a comfort that could soothe his worries about himself, that he was truly special, beautiful, and precious. if your art didn't work for him, you would find more ways to comfort him and his worries if it meant letting him use your body for a while, you told him in a dream once. but that was only a dream. you wanted to tell it to him, but for archon's sake did you consider yourself a shy coward.
he lets out a hearty chuckle as he gives you a warm you're welcome, my dear. his hands trace over the sketchbook that you set aside earlier before you headed to the stream to look at yourself. you panick.
sadly, you were more of an artist than a poet. you are one that expressed through art than their words. you were not very good with orally expressing your feelings, much so with words. talking was overwhelming for you; you didn't want to burden him with your difficulty in handling your feelings for him before it all threatens to spill out one day. but you hoped that day wouldn't happen. you weren't as expressive as he was, and that was something that you envied him for. you want to curse your introverted self for every missed opportunity to use your words to express every ounce of your immense love for him. it was always the same cycle; whenever venti does something, or even just the tiniest thing that makes your heart swing and your body twitch with excitement, your words feel stuck in your throat. but sometimes it would always be too late before venti would have to leave or either look like he didn't notice how awestruck you were. and there you were, left dumbfounded and alone with your awkwardness in emotion you can't help but feel like you weakly told him only a small percentage of how much you really love what he does for you. a pathetically small one, you might say. it doesn't quite express how much you really do love him. you want to give your all, but oh, curse you for being such a shy little melted puddle around him. people say an artist loves too much, but most of all they disregard any warnings before they throw themselves in the endless ocean that we call obsession. and in that obsession, you can see it clearly in every artwork they do. and that obsession happens to be that bard you fell madly in love with, who is no other than the venti you love.
he catches a glimpse of your in-progress sketch of him. "ohohohohoh! let's see what you've managed to sketch of me, hehe," normally, you wouldn't even let anyone see your sketchbook. not even a peek. but if it was venti, you'd make an exception. but at the same time, it still makes you nervous when he traces his eyes over your art. but you're glad he always asked for your permission to do it until now. "may i look at your drawing? i'm sure there's a lot of talent you haven't shared with me!"
you nod shyly and give him a look that tells him: of course, he can do it.
but little did you know, he can see how much you adore him. the body doesn't lie, after all. your trembling lips when you shyly utter his name doesn't lie, your twitching fingers at the mention of his name doesn't lie, the way your eyes avert their gaze from him when he approaches your direction doesn't lie, the way your legs instinctively cross and attempt to rub that spot of yours when he leans in closer to you after you press your sketchbook against your chest as you meekly hope that he doesn't see what you're drawing of him doesn't lie, the way your ears flash red when he tosses teasing remarks that not-so-subtly hint to your raging obsession of him doesn't lie, the way he can hear your heart beat within a moment's notice as he makes provocative hints to your big fat crush on him doesn't lie, the way your back muscles spasm and limbs convulse as his hands pin you hard down on the floor during that one time he tells you to keep quiet as he rails you in your awfully detailed daydreams of him doesn't lie.
venti is not stupid; and you knew that.
it makes him want to smirk with how cute you look like trying to hide your obvious obsession with him. he flips to the page where you last left off thanks to the pen you inserted in between the page. he grabs the book by one hand before he observes it closely, a clear look of pleasure in his face.
"oh my..."
as you've finally sat beside him, you perk your head to look at him. before you can say anything, he goes,
"my goodness, windblume. you are truly talented," he grazes his fingers over the sketch, careful not to smudge it. "i can tell you're not done with this yet, but..."
you wait for him to finish. he looks at you with appreciation.
"you've gotten all of my features right! my hair is just the right length, my eyes are the correct shape, and my clothes..." he laughs to himself, but you catch a distant and wistful look in his eyes. you can tell he was thinking of something else, but you didn't want to inquire him about it. but you can feel something was up by that look. you knew his body did not belong to him, and that's what made you extremely guilty for loving his body. his body wasn't his, it belonged to that boy from the rebellion. the boy who took down that ruler who once ruled over mondstadt. the boy that venti did not want others to forget about. your admiration for him had never felt so wrong and disgusting for yourself, you were lusting over a body that wasn't his. you were craving to be touched by the body of a boy who lived from many a millenia ago, and yet you couldn't force down the irrepressible obsession you had for the bard that was staring at the body you drew of that boy. you knew it, and it made your stomach churn at the thought of venti discovering how much you loved his body. the feelings of guilt devour and chew you away. how disgusting of you, [y/n], you reprimanded yourself. your last bits of rationality tugged at you, it begged you to keep some form of dignity with yourself. but every touch from venti is sending you to commit sin with him, not like he was already a sinner. a god for a sinner, and you, his angel. it felt like you only lusted over him, not loved him.
and you didn't want that to be the only message that you would give him. you loved him so much more than just that, but damn your cluelessness in how you wanted to say it to him. damn it all.
you wanted to convince him that he is his own person. that he wasn't a reflection of the one who took on so many burdens as he did. that he was just a statue carved from the harsh hands of the past. that he didn't have to be tied down to the solid pole of his tauma.
you wanted to love him in a way that didn't disgust him; but you weren't sure of what reaction he would take if he would ever find out.
but you didn't know how. he always kept to himself, despite his expressive personality, he held so many secrets about what he truly feels and you could sense that. so, would the same thing happen if you were to profess the love you had for him?
he sighs, than he proceeds to close his eyes for a moment before looking at you. "you are truly one of the most unique of artists i've ever met," he spoke in a somber tone that made you wonder what made him come up with that tone all of a sudden. "tell me, why is it that you love drawing me so much?"
the silence was louder than it should've been. but you braved yourself to continue.
"i... i've always thought you looked beautiful," you admitted, "and.."
"hmm?" his silence in listening to you made your heart pound at such an intense rate. you couldn't recall that one time where someone had listened to you like this.
"and your... body... is something that i admire. it's part of being an artist."
"part of being an artist? what do you mean?" he shifted his somber expression to a curious one, hanging on to your every word. it made you feel like you were held on a pedestal, his eyes were on you. it took all of your willpower to not stutter and lower your voice.
"you see, venti," you clear your throat. "when an artist loves you, you will live forever. your image is something that will be imprinted in the pieces of art they commit to. i'm sure you can understand this as a poet and musician."
venti nods. "of course i do. but from what you've said, you hint to say that you love me?" he chuckles lightly once again. he knows your passion for art, and that is something that he has always encouraged from you time and time again. he cheered for you endlessly, and he is what kept you going. "that's very sweet of you, my muse. but why the shyness in admitting this? is there something you want to take out from your chest?" he noted on your rather... extreme shyness than your usual air around him. you open up to him more than you do to other people, and that was something that he had always taken pride in for. you trusted him more than you trusted others, for he had a place in your heart that none could compare.
"it comes from a place that i wouldn't like to admit to anyone else but you." finally. you've gotten a sentence out. but you haven't watched the other words you wanted to say to him, until he asked you.
"oh? and what is it?" that's it. you've piqued his interest.
"that i love your body."
venti pauses. he has never heard someone regard him in such a way. in all his years he has never had someone admire him like this. more so to the point that they admit it like that. it's all so... sudden, so... casually. he is used to people worshipping him in different ways, and he had heavy responsibilities bequeathed unto him from it all. he was loved and worshipped, but not in the way a lover or a friend would do for him. no, he was loved and worshipped like they clung and prayed to him for their dear lives and whispered to their anxious companions that their diety, their god, might save them all. that their salvation may arrive to appease the disasters and protect them from everything that slowly destroyed their lives. that hopefully, just hopefully, his touch would strengthen the weakened soldier who clasped his hands together and murmured prayers where, amongst a war, his knightly comrades had fallen. that his gentle voice would soothe the crying infant whose mother couldn't comfort as she cradled it, shielding its head with her trembling hands as she stuck her eyes to the fiery clouds above and the looming dark dragon that ravaged the city. that his return will bring hope to the ones who lost it. the songs of their worship was whispered and cried in moans, wails, and pleads as they endured floggings from their oppressors. but they didn't stop, no. they didn't stop. they didn't stop until they preached about how lord barbatos will come and guide them.
but he saw them all.
and he failed them. or so that was what he believed. he failed them so terribly that the marks of how they clinged unto his arms and legs left scars that couldn't heal on his body. he watched his children's lives wither under the evil hands of war, tyranny, and disaster. whose lives were crushed under its sharp nails. in a life where he is used to religious adoration, one that had mercilessly thrown such pain, guilt, and responsibility unto his shoulders, never would he have thought that someone would fall in love in the form he took. the form of a friend.
venti hid the spiraling thoughts under a well-played mask of carelessness and naivety that was even better than the best of performers in teyvat. for you had not seen what his looks had told you. he remained as intrigued as he was seconds ago.
but you can tell he felt something that was more than just curiosity. but you didn't quite know what it was. but all you knew is that you can tell it wasn't a pleasant feeling.
and now that friend crossed his mind now that you've mentioned his body. that friend...
he knows he loves you too, he loves you to the moon and back and he would sing songs of his love for you until his throat bled and his voice was hoarse. he, just like you too, was madly obsessed with you. you were there with him for the longest time, when all fell down, you were the last one standing, you were the one who still extended your arms to him in an open welcome. you loved and welcomed him time and time again. your loyalty to him was as unbreakable and ran rapid and free in every corner of teyvat like the wind. like the wind, it was always there and flowed in every manner of direction; from the way you would defend him against anyone who had dared to harass and misjudge him when he was only but a new god, to the way that you would softly hold him in your arms as we wept onto your shirt until it was wet from his tears from all that he had been through, to the way that you would carry him sturdily when he was passed out drunk until you got back home, to the way you took care of him and fed him during the days he neglected himself when no one else did, to the way you kissed him more fervently than he thought he could do, to the way you had done everything for him. you stood beside him in transforming mondstadt to the way it is now, when his friend could not see the fruits of his labor in the country that he protected, you were there. you were there for everything. and he was for you, too.
but he could sense a pang of remorse in your voice when you admitted that.
"but venti, please, listen. i don't mean it in that way, i just-" you spoke after a few seconds of witnessing his expression form to that of pensiveness. "i don't want you to be scared, or disgusted when i say this-"
"scared? disgusted? who said i'd be?" venti did not even know where the sudden urge of his words came from. maybe it was from the intense emotion of confusion when you spoke those words, but he could never imagine himself being scared or disgusted at you. not when you admitted how much you loved his body. he felt complimented, in a sense. it meant you loved the boy whom he had taken the form of. you honored him the same way he did. at least, that's what he deluded himself to think. he would've cringed at how sudden he spoke those words, but there wasn't anything that could be done. the words have been spoken, there was no need to push them back once it had already gotten out.
"no one. i just felt scared the moment i told you that..." you answered him in a flash to quell the worry you heard from his voice.
"scared?" he repeated, "w-why?"
"because your body doesn't belong to you. i didn't know what you'd think about me loving the..." you trailed off, before taking a deep breath, "form that you took."
his eyes relax in realization, but his gaze was still on you.
"i did not want to make you feel like i only lust for your body, but i just love you, i really do. i don't love you for your body, i love you for being you." you couldn't handle it when the word lust left your lips. it felt disgusting to you, but you also craved a form of it. you wanted to be touched, held, kissed, and adored by him. you craved those intimate moments that you were sure you wouldn't ever get from him. at least, not until now.
you winced at the image of lusting for his body, but you couldn't help it. you remember all the nights you had spent obsessively doodling him from memory on your sketchbook, remembering all the curves on his smiles and the bright sparkle in his eyes. you drew his hair hanging on the air so gracefully, and his clothes were painted as if they were so real. to say that you were a talented artist would be an understatement. but on some days it had gotten worse, where your obsession would get the best of you. all those suggestive and lewd sketches were torn and tossed into the trash, you were confident no one would see the fantasies that ran around your head when you drew suspicious poses of his hands and body languages that hinted all the things you wanted him to do to you.
but they weren't safe. thanks to him.
surprise, venti was obsessed with you to the point that he would stalk you sometimes. much to your obliviousness, each night he would follow you home and watch your behavior from your window. you'd always assume that he's out performing, but sometimes he can't help it. he just wants to admire his pretty little songbird, so it wouldn't hurt if the bard did not appear to the plaza. afterall, he doesn't have a set schedule that he's obligated to follow. instead, he goes back to your shared home and sneaks in by the window when you weren't there. sometimes, he was left alone in the house during his freetime. and he takes advantage of this time by snooping around your items, checking them all without leaving a trace. you think you've kept them all safe, but little did you know that each of your drawing was seen by him. even the ones that were thrown in the trash, oh boy! it was a ride for him to see. although it took him moments, agonizing moments for him to process what he saw, he remembered that he was obsessed with you, too. so he wasn't alone. but he was delighted. and from then on, your drawings became a favorite part of what he likes to browse in your room when you were gone. regardless if they were torn, he would persistenly find the other paper to piece them together to reveal the full image.
and someday, he would turn those drawings into a reality.
but he would never force his hand, no, you're his angel! how could he do such a thing? he would never force you into doing such things of him, he would consider it very unbecoming of him to do this to his own precious significant other. unless of course, you initiated it. this just so happens to be the day where he is so happy!
hiding behind mixed emotions, he is a guilty boy behind all that. he feels thrilled, delighted, shocked, surprised, but also... guilt. and he knows why and where it came from. he had taken the bard's form for a thousand years, and when he had committed actions and left blood stains on his hands for the ways war had cursed him, and he wondered to himself what the bard would've thought and what he could've done if it weren't for him. would he approve of the things he had done now? he was carrying his image, after all. the people, unbeknownst to the past with his body, will strongly associate his actions to that of the bard. or maybe, they will forget about his friend one day. as a result, he was always careful of what he did, he did not want to be some brutish, warmongering god that handled situations with physical violence, for he did not want violence to be associated with his friend's name. it's no wonder pacifism was his strong suit, he was a gentle god, after all.
but to picture himself indulging in sexual acts with his friend's form... it left such mixed feelings inside of his stomach. he couldn't shake off the pitting feeling in his belly at the imagery of linking his lips with yours as a string of saliva between the both of you drips to your chest when he pulls his lips out from yours, bare skin to bare skin. the moans he emits from his own friend's voice, him making you moan because of his- no, his own friend's body thrusting into you, the confusion in him spiraled him into insanity. he did not know wether it was his or his friend's body anymore. but oh... how much he wants to curse you for making him fall in love with him. but at the same time, it's hard for him to be so mad at you, when you're so angelic, compared to his sinful desires. but alas, he had been victim to the hypnosis of temptation. he was no longer the holy god of freedom, for he was bound by the chains of lust when he fell in love with you. the dilemma was truly hard to figure out.
but now he's given up on that a long time ago, due to how long he had been in love with you.
"oh, my windblume," he cooed. the sudden tilt of his voice made you think again. first, he was somber, and now, he was... becoming affectionate to some degree? you hoped that this was because of a positive change in his realization and understanding of your words. you gulped, hoping that this conversation would lean to a better turn.
"you do not need to be so guilty," he spoke in a reassuring tone, caressing your cheek and pressing soothing circles around it. "but you must know..." his grip grew firm on you. "that i love you regardless. even if you think your love for me to be revolting, please know i do not-" his voice starts to become serious, yet tender. "and i mean do not ever think that i would be scared or disgusted of you. i love you so much, i can't ever see myself to be that way around you, my angel."
his words left you speechless, for a while. making you inwardly sigh a breath of relief. his free hand gently places itself on top of yours that is resting on the ground, he lifts your knuckles and kisses it. "but i do take flattery after you admitted that."
"hmm? y-you think so?" you look at him with a perplexed look, the pink in your cheeks becoming amusingly obvious to him. "but i thought-"
"ah, ah, ah." he shushed you with the hand that was previously caressing your cheek, "i know what you're going to say. that you thought i was going to be offended at the fact that you love the form of my friend?" you were surprised at the way he read into your mind so well. you nodded vehemently at the isn't that the answer, hmm? look he gave you.
"thought so. in that case," he leaned in foward, his hand was still in yours.
aaannnd that bastard was back into his usual tone, you thought.
"it's only fair if i..." he breathed into your neck.
the hand that held yours was now pinned unto the grass, your hand unable to move because of just how strong his hand was in pinning it down, you did not expect that. it wasn't like you wanted to resist, anyway. before you knew it, he props himself up from his knees until his chest was until your eye-length to head-length and uses the hand that previously shushed you into forcefully pushing your shoulders down to the ground in a split second, your chest was heaving up and down from the tension.
all while keeping his eye contact with you with those lovestruck, half-lidden eyes. and that smug smirk.
how on earth did he?- you stare at him with wide eyes, completely motionless.
your breath hitches and your heart is running a marathon from the feeling that you got on your waist.
it was venti straddling to position himself on top of your hips.
"...show you how i'm not the slightest bit offended, but honored."
"i- venti-" you couldn't comprehend how all this happened in a flash, well, venti did have a feat for taking you by surprise on multiple occasions, but not this one, no.
"but first!-" went on, completely ignoring your protests. "let me have a show of demonstration for my..." he presses his lips threateningly close to yours, "gratitude to your gratifying confession."
"or should i say," he lilts, "confession to your god?"
"and that is?" you rasp. suddenly wanting to defy and challenge him. venti rolls his eyes, he was used to your sudden spouts of defiance and sassiness towards him. but this wouldn't stop him now.
"you'll see, my dear," he continued on with his 'show of demonstration', proceeding to press unexpected kisses from your collarbone after pulling away the collar of your shirt to kiss your bare skin. his kisses were something that you were used to, but they were always the ones that make you fall for him over and over again. you can feel the lust between them, each kiss having a whimper or a moan from either of you. he slowly progressed to nibbling, to licking, to biting. you felt his hard-on from his shorts rubbing against your clothed area. but you didn't care. you didn't ask him to, but you don't feel the need to ask him for him to do it anyway. it began for what feels like minutes, until hours. he went from your collarbones, to your shoulders, your neck, then finally, your lips. he did not miss a single spot of your bust, no. you were quite literally a whimpering mess under him; unable to control your noises any longer. you were sure you felt like you weren't so sweaty, until you felt his saliva marking you from his lust, which made you go crazy even more. now you weren't only covered by your sweat.
he drove you insane, but you drove him insane even more.
although him kissing your lips felt light, now, they felt like it was devouring you. even if he gave you a few seconds to breathe in between kisses, now it felt like you had only one before he dove in for the next kiss. he kissed you until he was tongue-deep into your mouth, both of you making a moaning mess of each other. he was biting your lips playfully at first, but now it was no longer a joke. it stung. but you loved it. you wanted it, anyway.
so who were you to deny him?
"you know," he whispered, "all those drawings you threw away didn't help in covering your secrets."
you were sure you felt your eyes widen at him, your heart going evern crazier by the second.
"those what?"
"come on, you heard me." he teased, "go on, would you care to explain?"
he laughs, "i was only kidding! you don't have to justify yourself in front of me."
and there he goes, saying things that put you on the spot, only to have him say it was only a joke or a prank. that bastard. or maybe you were just reading in a little too deep? maybe you don't have to take him seriously. but how did he find out about them anyway?
"but... how did you find out about them, anyway? i thought i-" you pause, "wait, you did not sneak into my trashcan, did you?"
"heheh, what else could i have done? you're not very good at keeping secrets, you know." he sighs, "honestly, you could've done way better than that."
"but why would you do that, anyway?" you hissed.
"because i couldn't help myself! it's not like your drawings totally didn't stick out from the trashcan that i completely did not notice them at all!" he sarcastically fought back.
shit. you swore you kept them well. but now you've come to the conclusion that you lacked better foresight, but you knew that there was no getting out of this situation. not when the cat's out of the bag.
"fine. i... i really did draw them all," you admitted. venti was still giving you your well-deserved love marks, but he paused.
"of course, i know you drew them! who in mondstadt could ever draw like you? much more even live in the same house as me?"
you gulped. you realized you just stated the obvious to calm the tension that was building in the air. talk about your social skills, you remarked yourself.
venti laughs, amused by your dumbfounded expression. "there's no getting out of it, windblume," he taps your cheek in a reassuring manner. "for now, let's enjoy the moment we have. but you did say you love my body?"
"well, seeing that you always admired me in my pure form as barbatos," he sighed dreamily. "maybe i'll..." he lifted himself up, hands below the hem of your shirt, cold hands rubbing on your bare belly. he positioned himself comfortably as he unclipped his cape and untied the back of his corset. he grunted as he set aside his cap. but you did not stop him.
there was no stopping him from the depths of lust that he reached, all just for you.
forgive me, my friend, he tells his body, ...for what i am about to do.
he has finally made his decision.
"...reenact all those drawings of me with you."
TAGLIST: @ventiscumdump @ventishipwindows @ventisslut @dearestxiao @carmendeiact2whenplz @lanternlightss @cinnabell2 @honorary-fool
callling on all venti fans! i'd love to hear your thoughts on this fic! likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
[Kingdom Hearts Request] How about S/O sharing a Paopu fruit with Roxas, Axel, Ventus, Terra, and Riku if you don't mind? I know Riku knows the whole legend with the fruit, but it'd be so cute with the others not really knowing and then finding out
Sharing a Paopu Fruit with Roxas, Axel, Ventus, Terra, and Riku
notes - I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS! I don't often get KH requests, so to get this was a delight! Like this whole idea is super sweet and I am more than happy to do it for you, especially as a Terra and Axel simp :) thanks so much anon and I hope you enjoy!!! <3
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when I tell you that this lil guy's jaw was hanging open when you told him
and like, he started getting all stuttery and saying that he isn't worth being all connected to you and stuff
what a doll
and you were just giggling while he was panicking
though he is more than happy to have life shared with you like that
he didn't even think he would find anyone that wants to share a destiny with him especially since he's just a confused lump of a boy, so he is more than happy
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he was SUPER hungry
so you convinced him to share this fruit with you
you were giggling and holding back laughter the whole time, but he really didn't care considering the dude was hungry as hell
once he put that thing away, you finally told him
and let me tell you, he was BAFFLED
at first, he laughed at you, thinking that you were joking
and once you told him that you weren't, he went silent
and then got a little teary
he quickly wiped said tears though and just looked at you, tilting his head and asking, "you really want our hearts to be connected, y/n? even if I don't have one?"
you just told him, "everyone has a heart, Axel. Even you."
and omg he fell in love
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you wanted to share the fruit with him so bad, but you wanted to tell him the conditions first
when you did, he agreed SO FAST
he wants to be there to protect you and be there for you your whole life, so to have a destiny that goes hand in hand is a dream come true
he wants to go through everything with you and eating that fruit in the sunset was amazing for you two
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you and him have talked about the fruit before, you've explained it to him and the two of you have even joked about sharing one
but once you actually got one and showed Terra, the man was BLUSHING
"you really wanna do this y/n?"
"of course I do, dummy! what? you don't wanna do it or something?"
"n-no! it's not like that I just... are you sure?"
of course you were sure, so you cut that thing in half and handed it to him
he was hesitant, as he didn't want you getting involved in anything dangerous in the future, but you were so sure that you wanted to share this life with him and he was more than grateful <3
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when i tell you that you got this man BLUSHING
he wanted to share the fruit with Kairi YEARS AGO, but it never worked out because it was meant for her and Sora, so when you offered to share it with him after everything that had happened in the events of KH2, he couldn't believe you
of course he agreed though, you two had been through so much and you fought so hard that he knew that it was perfect that you two were to share this fruit
it was also perfect because you were back on Destiny Islands smiling and having the time of your life <3
kingdom hearts masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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frickingnerd · 2 months
love triangle with ventus & aqua
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pairing: aqua x gn!reader x ventus
a/n: after recently playing bbs, i've become a massive simp for ventus and aqua. (huge wayfinder trio fan in general but those two just straight up stole my heart--)
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aqua is likely the first one to notice that both ventus and her have feelings for you
ventus is too captivated by you to notice anyone but you when you're in the same room as him, so he's oblivious to aqua's feelings for you at first
aqua doesn't want to hurt ven's feelings by asking you out, but she knows it's inevitable to confront him about his crush on you
aqua tries to carefully let ventus know that she has a crush on you as well and that, while she doesn't want to hurt him, she wants to continue pursuing you
ven is pouting a little when he realizes he has to compete against aqua for your love. he thinks very highly of aqua, so ven's worried that compared to aqua, he doesn't have much to offer that would make you interested in him
ven switches between being shy and quiet around you to being open and bubbly! usually, he's talkative and always smiling around you, but when he remembers that there might come a day where you'll date aqua and he can't spend his days with you anymore, he grows quiet…
aqua seems to remain the same around you at all times, but you do notice her getting a bit more serious around you at times
aqua tries to tells you that only does she have a crush on you, but so does ven. she knows ven won't get it out on his own, so she tries to help him this way
while aqua wants you to be with her, she wants you to choose the one you love more. and if it happens to be ventus, then at least aqua knows you're in good hands…
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(Y/n): *currently flipping her shit*
Ventus: shouldn’t we… stop her? You know, before someone gets hurt?
Vanitas: *laughs* I may be darkness, but I’m not crazy.
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theladyheroine · 7 months
Kingdom Hearts Playlist 🩷
❥ Another Valentine’s Playlist!
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Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid
Kiss Me Again by We Are The In Crowd
Hot Air Balloon by Owl City
Tale As Old As Time from Beauty and the Beast
Angel Pt 2 from Fast X
Strange Magic by Evan Rachel Wood & Alan Cumming
Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty
Hold Me by Casey Tutton
Butterfly Wings by Owl City
A Whole New World from Aladdin
Let Me Love You by DJ Snake & Justine Bieber
Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
I See The Light from Tangled
Now I See by Lou & SQVARE
Broken Melodies by NCT Dream & JVKE
Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King
Sucker by Jonas Brothers
Fire by JVKE, YUQI, & Alan Walker
So This Is Love from Cinderella
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Princess Peach by Ruth B.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
How would the kh boys react to their s/o returning to yen Sid's tower after a week long mission and the s/o even brought the boys a little souvenir from the world she visited? Please and thank you in advance 😊💞
OMG this is so cute! Hope you enjoy!
KH Boys Getting a Souvenir From You
Warnings: None. Just pure, cloud made fluff
Rating: SFW
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Sweet baby boy is so happy you're home!
And you brought him something?! How sweet
But he feels bad cause he wanted to bring you something as well
But he cherishes the gift you gave him
If it's a stuffed animal, he's cuddling the shit out of that
If it's just a little trinket, he'll put it on the dashboard of the gummy ship
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Was lowkey worried about you
But he's glad to know that you're safe and happy to see him
He's a little shocked that you brought him a gift.
But he likes it.
He won't show it to everyone but he does place it somewhere in his room where he can look at it and think of you
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Was highkey worried about you
He's thinking of all the bad possibilities while you were on your mission
And for a week?! Are you trying to kill this boy?!
When you came back, he legit squeezed you so tight cause of how worried he was
And you brought him a gift? How sweet of you
Sweet boy keeps it as a lucky charm and to think of you when you're away
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This man forgot you were coming home
Like he was so busy training that he forgot you came home.
Please spook him, it would be so funny
But he will pull you into a bear hug and spin you around
If you gave him something like a charm, he would put it at the handle of his Keyblade so he's always reminded of you
If not, then he'll just keep it on his bed
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He'll act like he's not worried, but really he is
He tries to be chill about when he hears you're coming home but just ends up jumping around
Will literally push people out of his way to get to you first.
And he loves the gift you got him
Actually, he loves anything you do or give him
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Will literally call you every five minutes to make sure you're okay
And you may or may not have blocked him
When you come home, he's just asking you why you blocked him as if he wasn't the one distracting you
But you make up for it by giving him a gift while you were on your mission
And he immediately forgives you
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multifandomthoughts · 9 months
Ventus Sleepover Headcanons
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You had decided to invite Ventus over for a sleepover, to have a bit of fun and show him what life was like. He had been sleeping for 10+ years, so you wanted to make sure he got to experience a bit of fun.
First of all, you didn’t sleep one bit. The two of you just stayed up all night, eating pizza and sweets. Sure he may be a growing boy, but missing one night of sleep wouldn’t hurt him. Plus, you may have made a mistake of showing him a few horror movies.
You made sure that he had the comfiest seat in the house when you watched the scary movies. You didn’t want him to hurt himself by getting jump scared or accidentally pull a muscle being so tense. You did make sure that after watching a horror movie, that you put on something a bit calmer. You didn’t want to completely traumatize him.
After that, he gravitated towards some of the newer video games that you had. Was convinced that he could beat you, then got absolutely destroyed. You let him win every so often though. You decided to make it a habit to let him play some of the story based games with you.
All night, he had a smile on his face. Even through terror at the horror movies, and frustration over not being able to defeat you in video games. Laughter echoed throughout the house and it made your heart feel warm.
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remmammie · 2 years
Can I get headcanons for riku, sora, and ventus babysitting a really hyper kid while traveling different worlds?
Sorry for the small hiatus, college threw a lot of exam intervention at me after my winter mocks so I had to get all that done before I could think about you lovelies. Still, I'm here now! I'm so excited to do some writing about platonic love with the Kingdom Hearts cast!
Riku, Sora, and Ventus babysitting an energetic kid on their adventures HCs
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Now, over the years, Riku has learnt to be patient with a lot of things: his energetic friends, the darkness, meddling villains, etcetera. But he never really expected to be dealing with children.
I can't say he'd be experienced at all, so, after defeating some Heartless attempting to attack a young child in a world, Riku wasn't entirely sure what to do.
They clung onto his leg with an enthusiastic smile, toothy and wild. They were so in awe of Riku's style of combat and the Keyblade itself that Riku almost couldn't get a word in edgewise. Eventually, he managed to ask them where they were from and where he should take them to.
The child told him they were from a different world, that they had been dragged into some sort of dark portal and transported to this strange place. And, though Riku knew he had other things to do as a Keyblade Master, he couldn't exactly leave a child in a strange place with no guardian - they sort of reminded Riku of himself from not too long ago. Lost, confused, vulnerable... This was his duty as a Keyblade Master, right? To protect the light and, therefore, the people of the future?
After bundling the excitable child into the Gummi Ship, Riku knew exactly which world they had mentioned and planned the correct route accordingly. However, the main issue Riku was facing was keeping the kid away from the many flashing lights on the ship's dashboard. He felt bad having to tell them off and drag them away from buttons that would forcibly eject their seats or open a door in the middle of the Lanes Between, but knew he'd much rather be seeing the kid's pout than lose them completely.
Once arriving at the correct world, Riku almost feels sad to let the kid go. Their excitement reminded him of Sora, and their unbridled curiosity reminded Riku of his younger self. He'd refuse to give them the power of the Keyblade purely out of kindness, not wishing his cruel life on this innocent child who knew nothing of darkness or war, but would offer them a way to contact him again.
Riku told them that, if their world was in ever danger or if someone they knew needed protecting from darkness, they could call for Riku using their heart and he would be there.
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I'm not entirely sure if I would trust Sora with a child on his own, much less a hyperactive one. He's quick to notice the light heart in danger and jumps in to protect them, but doesn't know how to react to the clinginess that follows.
When the child starts to show interest in his Keyblade, that's when Sora starts to lighten up to the idea of having a little companion for a bit, even when he recognises that they have to return to their homeworld eventually. So, he sets up the Gummi Ship to head out to this world he's...never actually heard of. Oh no.
Sora might end up taking the child to a few worlds before getting to the right one, choosing to use his heart to guide him. Maybe he also wanted to spend some more time talking to his new friend, but an excuse is always nice.
The two spend their entire journey together chatting about Sora's life and the Keyblade as well as the child's life in their homeworld. Sora adores talking about all the adventures he's gone on and about his friends, and the child watches and listens with stars in their eyes, perhaps sitting in Sora's lap as he (tries) to pilot the Gummi Ship.
Throughout every world, the two hold hands. Sora is eager not to lose such an innocent soul and he makes sure to fight off any darkness while he's there while he's at it. The child watches on in awe and might even try to copy him with a blunt stick on a big rock while Sora is asking townspeople about the child's home.
When the two eventually reach the child's home, Sora isn't excited to let them go, but he's glad they can get back to having a normal life, relieved that they have a nice home to return to. He makes a promise to return one day with the famous "paopu fruit" that Sora mentioned.
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As someone eager to prove himself to others as mature and reliable, Ventus immediately jumps at the chance to protect the child and swoops in to save the day. Of course, he also just can't sit idly by and watch someone as innocent as a child get hurt by the darkness.
At first, he's not quite sure how to take all the new attention. The praise is strange and it really warms Ventus' heart with a type of pride he never knew he was capable of feeling. He might take a while to take the child away from the world he found them in because he's too busy showing them how he fights with a Keyblade. Maybe he's showing off, but it's nice to have someone cheer for you.
Still, Ventus knows the child is someone with their own life and they absolutely need to return to the people that love them. So, he shows the kid something even cooler than the Keyblade: his Keyblade glider and armour. He places his helmet on their head to protect the kid from the darkness in the Lanes Between and tells them to hold on. They kid laughs heartily the entire time, thoroughly enjoying the ride through the Lanes Between.
With no real way to navigate the Lanes Between and differentiate between where worlds are, Ventus has to entirely rely on both his heart and the child's, asking them various questions about whether they feel closer to home or not. It takes a while, but the fun, exciting ride makes it all worth it.
When they arrive at the kid's homeworld, Ventus makes it his mission to speak to their guardian, making up some story or another about finding them somewhere in the world. He makes a pinkie promise with the child to never ever talk about what they did together, promising that they'll definitely do it again when they're older.
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This is my current fanfic list. My requests are open :)
I am new to posting fanfiction and taking requests, so there are a few rules I’d like to address.
I only write platonic fanfiction, that’s all I’m comfortable with.
Please do not ask me to write anything I am uncomfortable with!
I refuse to write smut, incest, or anything along the lines of these topics.
Characters I will write for are:
Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Ventus (Kingdom Hearts)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Most clone troopers, but I write well for Fives and Tup (Star Wars)
More will come to my list, but I am just starting out and am in need of more practice :)
(The poll below has one week until it goes down!)
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vampire2468 · 1 year
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HURRY HURRY!! You gotta read my ongoing kingdom hearts Roxas x reader x Ventus fanfiction on Wattpad!! The storyline goes through all the games but don’t worry you’ll enjoy the ride!
Profile name is vampire2468
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cozfics · 1 year
New blog
Howdy hey! I opened a new blog to write x reader requests or crossover requests. I’ll probably keep those in separate tags. 
Now to go over just some basic overviews
I write for:
Kingdom Hearts
Linked Universe
Owl house
Monster Hunter Stories(1 and 2)
Percy Jackson
Maybe Voltron(all versions)
My Hero Academia
+Anima(My comfort manga here)
Maximum Ride
Wings of Fire
Kid Icarus
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I know there’s more
I also might link my Toyhouse and offer ocs to write x readers for but IDK.
Requests are closed means requests are closed
I will either write child characters platonic or aged up But no nsfw with them!
NSFW will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays if I have any.
I will write yandere
I do write for aus
I do allow platonic scenario’s
Reader will be gender neutral.
If you request nsfw please specify reader gender?
That’s all for now
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talyns-fanfics · 2 years
Hello again! I recently requested Riku x reader who is a heartless and also Ansem’s child, and I was wondering if you do the same but this one is Ventus or maybe Terra x Gender neutral reader who is a Unversed just like Vanitas but also his child as well?
Yeah, I’m going with Ventus on this one.
Who Is She
Since I’m using Ventus, there’s no romance in this. Just pointing that out. I just want to write Ventus.
Takes place during Birth by Sleep and a little thing for KH3 at the end.
Along with seeing Vanitas, Ventus also sees a small child everywhere he goes.
R is gender neutral with they/them pronouns. Again, no restrictions of gender. Also, R is the same age as Sora.
It has been a growing constant with Ventus. As he visited various worlds, along with seeing Vanitas, he’s been seeing a small child walking around. The child couldn’t be older than four years old. Ventus tries to follow them, but they always disappear the second he gets close. He almost considers giving up, until he saw the child in Radiant Garden.
He walks up to them, only for them to not run away this time. He’s able to get a better look at them. They wore a blue and red body suit with a black belt around their waist. The belt buckle was the Unversed emblem, but he didn’t really notice it. They had (hair length) (color) hair. Their (color) eyes slightly looked like red in the right light.
He gently places a hand on their shoulder. “Hey, who are you?” He asks, but they refuse to talk. “Oh.” He slightly backs up. “Where’s your family? Are you lost?” The kid shakes their head at the second question. “Did you run away?” He asks, getting a nod in return.
He slightly chuckles, scratching the back of his head. “I ran away from home, too.” He tells the child, making them slightly smile. “Do you wanna explore the worlds with me?” He offers, watching as the child emphatically nod. The two walk off, reading to explore the worlds they haven’t been.
The two explore a lot of worlds. Sometimes, the child would stray off. Ventus wouldn’t think anything of it until they come back, multiple unversed chasing after them. Ventus would defeat the unversed before asking the child why they ran off. He’d never get a response, so he drop the conversation and the two continue exploring. They soon end up in The Keyblade Graveyard to face off against Xehanort.
Ventus, the child, and Vanitas were in a secluded area. “Go! Hide! I’ll take care of him!” Ventus urges them to leave, only for them to stand perfectly still. Vanitas laughs. “You can’t imagine (Y/N) would listen to you when their father is here.”
Ventus’ eyes grow wide at the new information. “They are Xehanort’s child?” Vanitas groans. “No, you idiot.” He says as (Y/N) starts walking towards him. “They’re mine.” He says as (Y/N)’s walk slows to a stop, turning to face Ventus. “It was all part of the plan. Get you so close to them you and have them pull your heartstrings just enough so that you couldn’t bare to see them get hurt.”
A few flood unversed popped up, pulling Ventus to the ground. “The unversed come from you?” He struggles to get out of the unversed’s hold. “Of course.” Vanitas responds. “What do you think (Y/N) is?” He taunts. Ventus finally saw the Unversed belt buckle (Y/N) wore. He felt lied to. Betrayed. His anger and hatred was directed towards Vanitas and they fought, forging the x-blade.
It wasn’t known what happened to (Y/N) after Vanitas disappeared. Some say they died with the other unversed…
More than a decade later, Sora and his friends found themselves in Monstropolis. As they turned a corner, there were countless unversed and a hooded figure standing on the far end of the room. The ground defeats the unversed, just to realize that Boo was taken.
Sora turns to the entrance of the door vault to see the hooded figure holding Boo. With a taunting wave, the figure disappears into the door vault. The group hastily follow.
After a while, they caught up with the hooded figure and Boo. “Leave the girl alone!” Sora yells. The figure shrugs. “Why, though. I’ve always wanted a little sister.” Sora was a little weirded out by the response. “Kidnapping is not the way to do it, though!” Mike tells the cloaked figure.
Boo wiggled out of the figure’s hold, running back to the group. The figure groans, summoning a dark corridor. “I’ll be back.” The figure disappears, leaving the ground alone in the door vault.
At The Keyblade Graveyard, Sora, Aqua, and Ventus were in a battle against Terranort, Vanitas, and the hooded figure from Monstropolis. The guardians were really going at the hooded figure. With one hit too much, the figure falls to the ground. Their hood falls off, showing (Y/N). They were much older, but it was still them.
Ventus drops his keyblade, running over to (Y/N). He kneels down next to them, gently pulling their head to his lap. They were coughing badly. Sora and Aqua ran up to the two. “Potion! They need a potion!” Ventus says to them, extending his hand out. Sora pulls a potion out from his pocket and hands it to Ventus.
Ventus opens the bottle, only to be stopped by (Y/N) keeping their mouth shut. “It doesn’t taste that bad.” Ventus tries to convince them. They take the potion from him and downs it, wanting to not be in pain anymore.
Their wounds heal and they were back to normal.
I’d add more, but I’m lost of ideas. I hope you like this, regardless.🥰
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elvenxwarrior · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
Please check out my guidelines!
You can also find these posted on my AO3!
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
Axel / Lea
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
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princessnamine14 · 2 years
Ven: I’m back. I got your favorite.
(Y/n): Thank you.
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𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓻𝔂 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮
꧁𝑇𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢,𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒꧂
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𝐼'𝑣𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑟𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑠 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦...
    Sparkling, crystal tears fell from my best friend's eyes. Desperation was painted on his face as he stared me straight in the eyes. The globs of water marking their path on his face, clinging to his jaw, before falling down onto his star-embroidered blanket.
    His hands fell slack on his lap, held open and clenching like he was trying to grasp something. I'd just removed them from his face and hair. He'd been so distressed, so stuck in his head, that he had started scratching away his skin and pulling harshly on his hair.
    I took his hand in mine and tried turning my frown into a smile, to try and comfort him. I smoothed out his messy bedhead with my other hand, not knowing what else to do.
    "Ven," I whispered softly, pausing before my eyebrows furrowed, "You wanna talk about it?"
    I didn't want to upset him, but maybe if I knew I could help. A strangled gasp left his lips and another wave of water came from his tear ducts. In a rush, I brought the blond close to my chest, trying to calm him. I felt my face fall and I tried to stay calm.
    "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to!" As a sob racked his lips, my anxiety crept up my back like tendrils, and I was desperate to keep it from consuming me. I had to focus on Ven. His nightmares have never been this bad before. Never left him this... broken.
    Usually, it was just a scare, too vague to hurt, not real enough to cause tears. They were easy to brush off and put away in a corner of his mind to deal with in the morning. Where we could talk it out and get rid of any doubts and such, usually it ended with a heartwarming crying session and some movies after quests, but that was easy. This was...
    "It's okay." I repeated to him over and over, trying to quiet him down, mixing in 'I'm sorry's' where I could.
    He shook his head, "It," He stifled in a breath, "it was bad this time. The dark–" He cut himself off, burying his head into my collarbone, gripping my shirt in his hand as the other one had a tight grip on my shoulder.
    I wrapped my arms around him, hoping that would help and not set him off.
    "It wrapped around me, clouded my vision, I heard a voice– I think." He rushed through his explanation.
    "Shhh, Ven, take your time," I told him softly.
    He nodded and took in a breath, moving away from me and curling into himself, "There were two voices, there was one, it was so loud (N/n), it screamed at me. It told me that I did it, that I did this, and that I was a bad person. All that awaited me was more, never-ending darkness. That I deserved more than that for what I did. It– I." Tears fell from his eyes as he moved his hands to look at them, eyes taking in every detail of his pale skin.
    "When the darkness lifted, there was blood, so much blood," He choked, trying to breathe despite the lump in his throat, he looked at me.
    "Your voice was there, it was so faint. I tried to hear you, I did, I tried focusing on you. You sounded so panicked, I wanted to help you..! I tried summoning my keyblade, but, but..." I hugged him.
    "Ven, it's okay. It's okay."
    "No, it's not. I killed you." I tried not to stiffen as he said that. How am I supposed to respond to that? Tell him everything is okay? Tell him it was just a dream and he would never do that? He already knows that.
    "It's just a nightmare, see? I'm right here." I moved away from him, pointing to myself and trying to smile. I didn't know if brushing it off was the right thing to do, but, but what else was I supposed to do?
    "You were the light in my dream, and you were so far away, so faint." He mumbled, not looking at me.
    "Maybe the darkness was right... Maybe all I have left for me is–" I put my hands on his shoulders and cut him off.
    "Don't say that! Ven! Don't even think that!" I exclaimed, "Don't you know? It's okay to find light with your friends, with your loved ones. That's the meaning of light, of the strength to fight the darkness! It's your relationships. So don't think, so don't think," I stuttered, trying not to cry myself at the horrifying thought that Ventus would think that, believe that. That he has to go through these nightmares, being harassed by darkness like this. He doesn't deserve it!
    His heart is filled with light, so much light. The purest light I've ever seen.
    "Hey, Hey," Ventus sputtered in surprise, "Don't cry!"
    We looked each other in the eye, "Then don't think that! Ven, your heart's full of light. And no matter what, the darkness will never get to you."
    "But it already has," His voice broke, his hand went to his chest. And I'm sure he's thought of all the times I've used my own light to dim his darkness. Because having the purest light, unfortunately, means attracting the deepest darkness.
    And Ven's seems to creep ever closer toward him. Trying to swallow all that's in his heart in pursuit of its endless search for power.
    "My lights, just not strong enough..." Ven muttered, looking away. "You're my only friend, (Y/n). That's not enough, not enough to fight this." His hands clenched into fists.
    "Then I'll be your light. Just like in your dream." I declared to him, "If you think your light'll fail. Then I'll be all the light you need, I'll guide you home, no matter what!"
    Surprised, he looked me in the eyes before smiling, his blue eyes that once dulled lit up in joy, "Thank you, (Y/n)."
    A singular tear rolled down the right side of his face. I wiped it away and smiled. No more tears followed.
    "No problem, just say the word and I'll fight away any darkness, no matter how big or strong!" I tried cheering him up, showing him the muscles on my arm.
    He shook his head, "No, you don't have to do that. If you're going through all the trouble of lighting my way, then I should at least be able to move through the path you make for me myself."
"I guess that makes sense..." I tapped my cheek as I thought about what he was trying to say.
"I'll get strong, make my light stronger so that you never have to do that for me. Cause you've already done so much for me, (Y/n)!" Ventus grabbed my hands, holding them in his.
"I'll get so strong, so strong I'll be able to fight the darkness for both of us. So strong I'll never get lost, so strong you'll never have to worry again."
I giggled at his declaration, "I'll always worry, silly,"
He pouted, but I continued, "But it's a promise, Ven."
"A promise?" He tilted his head, short blond hair sweeping over his forehead.
I smiled, "Yeah, a promise."
He smiled too, "Promise."
I held out my pinky finger, letting him take it before we squeezed our fingers together tightly.
"I love you, (Y/n)."
"Love you too, Ven."
    A wave of vertigo hit me as I exited the gateway of light, patting myself down to give me back my sense of reality. Those portals always gave me a sense of nausea I didn't know what to do with. I let my keyblade dematerialize, the metal dissolving into particles of light.
    The dark inner meeting room of the clocktower did nothing to remedy the coming headache and sense of dread I felt. I looked around, the gears of the clock tower out in the open to the open room, meshing together as intended. Around the Foretellers' circle sat two of the new masters, the white-haired male, Ephemera, and the dark, long-haired female, Skuld.
    I took in the two, it feels like I haven't seen them in days, just seeing Ephemeras smile as he peered over at Skuld's book while she tried to seem annoyed at his hovering energized my exhausted self enough to smile.
    "I'm back," I announced to the two, watching as they looked over at me. Ephemera's smile brightens and Skuld drops her facade of annoyance for an expression of happiness.
    "Oh, finally!" The blue-eyed boy exclaimed before rushing past Skuld and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. I've had enough of them by now to wrap my arms around him too, used to the strength found in them.
    "Nice to see you, (Y/n)," Skuld waved at me while walking over, her book forgotten on the table, neatly closed so as to not damage the pages.
    "Nice to see you too, Skuld," I patted Ephemera's back to signal to him to let me go, which he did. Curly white hair bounced as he stepped back. Red scarf bundling up and covering his mouth, he moved his gloved hand to pull it down. Big, bright smile steady on his face.
    I brought Skuld in for a hug of my own as soon as I was free, but it didn't last nearly as long and wasn't so breath-stealing. The chain attached to her skirt jangled together, creating the sound of grating metal in my tired brain.
    "I haven't been gone too long, I hope?" I asked, not entirely sure how long I'd been gone outside the context of the Game Central Station's clock.
    "A week," Skuld answered me, giving me a lopsided grin once she saw the shock cross my face.
    "Wha? Really?" I mumbled tiredly. Seriously, a whole week? Wow, that was much longer than I was expecting. To me, it only seemed like three days. Three very, very long and sleepless days.
Ephemera scratched the back of his neck and chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry, 'bout that."
I shook my head, waving my hand to dismiss him, "No, don't worry about it. This is exactly why I went instead of you, Ephy."
"Thanks, (N/n)," His smile didn't leave his face, but by the way his eyebrows furrowed, I knew he was troubled by the thought of troubling me.
"Anytime, Ephemera," I gave him a reassuring smile back, which seemed to brighten the sunshine's mood.
Speaking of sunshine, I turned to Skuld, who seemed to know exactly what I was about to say.
"We sent Ventus home an hour and a half ago, he looked a little pale, and, well, he missed you a lot."
I cringed, I never told Ventus I was leaving. He must've been surprised. He'll definitely be upset with me, we always tell each other where we're going so that the other knows that they're safe. Or, on the off chance they aren't, they can be there.
"Thanks, Skuld," I nodded to her, then to Ephemera, "Thanks, Ephemera."
"Anytime," Skuld said with a shrug, caramel-colored eyes looked into mine with no issue.
A thought crossed my mind, and I looked at both of them before asking, "If it's alright with either of you,"
Skuld hummed and Ephemera tilted his head, both intrigued. I shifted my feet before continuing, "Is it alright if I take a couple of days off from Quests? I'm drained."
As I talked, I started playing with my fingers, pulling on them, and generally fidgeting with my index finger. Skuld snorted as Ephemera gave her a look.
I lifted my brow, "What?"
"Nothing. It's nothing." She dismissed me, repeating her comment, "of course you can take a couple of days off."
I sighed, relieved, I really needed that after all the Heartless I faced inside of the Game Station, the unchecked darkness in there was no joke.
Ephemera put a hand on my shoulder, "Take all the days you need, (N/n), you deserve it!"
"Thanks again."
"Well, we wouldn't want to work you to death, you're one of our best wielders," Skuld teased me.
Ephemera adding in, "And friend,"
She continued, placing her gloved hands on her hips. "Wouldn't be very beneficial. Now would it?"
I shook my head, "Nope. But we all know I'm only the best because you all play favorites."
"Not true!" The white-haired boy defended them, while our ebony-haired friend shrugged again.
"You can't prove anything."
"Ephemera." She sang back, a smile on her face. Enjoying the rare time when she gets to let go and relax. Usually, Skuld has to be calm, and collected, always with her head on her shoulders and heart grasped firmly in hand instead of on her sleeve.
In comparison to Ephemera and I, she's an adult. Meanwhile, both I and my scarf-wearing friend seem to charge in with our emotions, our hearts to lead the way.
So, seeing Skuld be like this, kinda like a kid, feels nice.
"(Y/n)!" I exclaimed, making both turn to me.
There was a second of silence, before I shrugged, "I didn't want to be left out."
A second later, the sound of our laughter filled the room.
    By the time I had gotten to the front door of our particular apartment complex, the sun had started to set. The usual blue sky, dotted with the occasional star and the illusion of purple clouds circling the sky due to the sun's light coming up in the distance was instead replaced with the unique sunset found here, the sky, still dotted with stars, became enveloped in clouds as blue turned into a beautiful orange. One of the only times the sky ever changed.
    It was truly beautiful. One of the reasons I loved the sky so much.
    Maybe tomorrow Ven and I could go to the cliff and have some ice cream, watch the sky and wait for the stars to show.
    I smiled, that sounded like a great idea. I'll have to bring it up to him right away!
    With that thought, I pushed open the door to the building. Waving at the familiar faces of my neighbors as they left for their daily quests, opting to take the night shift.
    I continued my way to my apartment on the third floor, exhaling in relief at the sight of the familiar door with the number of the room and my name. I turned the handle, letting the door creak open.
    A dark room awaited me, but that was to be expected, I'd been gone for a week. I stepped inside, breathing in the almost stale air of my apartment but relishing in the familiar smell.
    It was good to be home!
    I closed the door behind me and didn't bother with anything else as I made my way to the door found in the middle of my living room's wall, the one Ven and I had added when he'd moved into the apartment next to me.
    More than anything, I wanted to see my best friend before doing anything else. And I'm sure he'd want the same!
    So, I rushed through the door, swinging it open without care. Happily announcing my presence to him as I exclaimed, "Ven, I'm home!"
Unsettling darkness and the absence of sound were all that greeted me.
𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒,𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙?𝑂𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑡?
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
If possible may I please have the kh boys headcanons for their s/o having an older sibling in the organization for example riku's s/o is related to Luxord thank you in advance
You got it! I couldn't come up with anything for Axel but I hope you enjoy
KH Boys Reacting to You Being Related To The Organization
Warnings: none really. Just fluff
Rating: SFW
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When Sora found out you were Xemnas's sister, he was SHOCKED
He had no idea Xemnas even had a sister!
He even wants to help bring him to the guardians of light side considering how close the two of you were.
But Sora has to be careful though. One wrong move and he is gone!
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Riku is lowkey terrified to find out you're related to Ansem SOD.
Like this man put him through so much, he's scared you would do the same thing.
But you're the exact opposite of Ansem! Hell, you keep him from doing stupid shit!
And Riku finds it funny how you're able to keep such a "scary" man in place
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This is his exact reaction to when he finds out you're related to Axel
Which leaves him confused cause he's known Axel from when he was known as Lea.
Until you explain that you were much smaller back then
That clears everything up for him
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Sweet himbo is confused as fuck when you tell him you're related to Xigbar.
Like how is someone as gorgeous as you related to a rat man like him
Xigbar takes great offense to that cause he knows he's hot (he is. He really is)
Yeah, he's probably gonna die by Xigbar. Sorry not sorry
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Sweet boi is confused as fuck when he finds out you're related to Saïx
Especially when he first joins the Organization and getting to know everyone there.
And he knows how scary Saïx can be so he tries to not piss him off
Which works. Sometimes.
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