#kh axel x reader
randoimago · 10 months
since requests will be closed soon, may i ask for sora, riku, axel and roxas from kingdom hearts crushing on an oblivious reader?
They Have a Crush on an Oblivious Reader
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Character(s): Sora, Riku, Axel, Roxas
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): You got it!
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Axel is the one that makes it obvious he's flirting. Just lots of teasing and touching, mostly playful shoving or poking your forehead. A wide grin is just on his face whenever he hangs out with you and his nonexistant heart is pounding in his chest, but you just don't notice.
Buys you so much seasalt icecream that Roxas starts to get jealous. Also gets you little gifts that he thinks you'd like. His flirting isn't working so maybe he can buy your affection a bit?
Absolutely sighs in exasperation when he talks to Roxas, Xion, and/or Kairi about how you haven't picked up on his flirting. They try cheering him up about it but he really doesn't mind too terribly. He'll confess to you one day, but for now he'll just be happy with remembering how you smile at his jokes.
Riku really isn't one to fall in love or crush on people so when he realizes he likes you, it definitely takes him a bit by surprise. He doesn't really know what to do with this crush and so he just keeps trying to be your friend because he doesn't want to ruin this relationship.
Except you never seem to pick up on the fact his ears turn red when you look super happy because of him. Or the fact that his eyes are softer when he listens to you talk.
Honesly anyone would be oblivious if Riku had a crush on them, so he's glad that you haven't noticed. He wants to be the one to confess to you one day and likes the idea of it being a (hopefully) nice surprise when he's ready.
Fights with himself so often over the fact that he has a crush on you. He doesn't hate that he has a crush, it's just new and scary and he knows how to treat you as a friend. He doesn't like the idea that a crush could cause you two to drift apart.
Roxas is constantly on eggshells because what if you realize he has a crush on you? What if you start questioning him about why he blushes so much or why his heartbeat is so loud when you're near?
Don't get me wrong, one day when he has the courage and isn't afraid of your relationship changing then he'll confess. But for now he just wants to make you laugh and smile as his friend. Even if calling you "just a friend" hurts.
It's so obvious to everyone that he's crushing on you with how red his face gets and how he stutters a bit when talking to you. You just give him the classic, "You're so sweet, I'm glad we're friends" and he nervously chuckles at it.
Constantly tries to spend time with you when he can. Just going on walks with you or telling you about the different worlds he's visited. Absolutely brings back a little souvenier for you that he thinks you'd enjoy. Even if you don't realize his crush, he does like how your face lights up at the gifts.
Riku and Kairi are the ones that teases him about the fact you haven't noticed and make suggestions with what Sora could do. But honestly, even if you are oblivious to Sora's affections then he's fine as long as he can enjoy your presence and friendship. One day he'll confess to you, but for now he's happy just being your good friend.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
[Kingdom Hearts Request] How about S/O sharing a Paopu fruit with Roxas, Axel, Ventus, Terra, and Riku if you don't mind? I know Riku knows the whole legend with the fruit, but it'd be so cute with the others not really knowing and then finding out
Sharing a Paopu Fruit with Roxas, Axel, Ventus, Terra, and Riku
notes - I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS! I don't often get KH requests, so to get this was a delight! Like this whole idea is super sweet and I am more than happy to do it for you, especially as a Terra and Axel simp :) thanks so much anon and I hope you enjoy!!! <3
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when I tell you that this lil guy's jaw was hanging open when you told him
and like, he started getting all stuttery and saying that he isn't worth being all connected to you and stuff
what a doll
and you were just giggling while he was panicking
though he is more than happy to have life shared with you like that
he didn't even think he would find anyone that wants to share a destiny with him especially since he's just a confused lump of a boy, so he is more than happy
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he was SUPER hungry
so you convinced him to share this fruit with you
you were giggling and holding back laughter the whole time, but he really didn't care considering the dude was hungry as hell
once he put that thing away, you finally told him
and let me tell you, he was BAFFLED
at first, he laughed at you, thinking that you were joking
and once you told him that you weren't, he went silent
and then got a little teary
he quickly wiped said tears though and just looked at you, tilting his head and asking, "you really want our hearts to be connected, y/n? even if I don't have one?"
you just told him, "everyone has a heart, Axel. Even you."
and omg he fell in love
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you wanted to share the fruit with him so bad, but you wanted to tell him the conditions first
when you did, he agreed SO FAST
he wants to be there to protect you and be there for you your whole life, so to have a destiny that goes hand in hand is a dream come true
he wants to go through everything with you and eating that fruit in the sunset was amazing for you two
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you and him have talked about the fruit before, you've explained it to him and the two of you have even joked about sharing one
but once you actually got one and showed Terra, the man was BLUSHING
"you really wanna do this y/n?"
"of course I do, dummy! what? you don't wanna do it or something?"
"n-no! it's not like that I just... are you sure?"
of course you were sure, so you cut that thing in half and handed it to him
he was hesitant, as he didn't want you getting involved in anything dangerous in the future, but you were so sure that you wanted to share this life with him and he was more than grateful <3
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when i tell you that you got this man BLUSHING
he wanted to share the fruit with Kairi YEARS AGO, but it never worked out because it was meant for her and Sora, so when you offered to share it with him after everything that had happened in the events of KH2, he couldn't believe you
of course he agreed though, you two had been through so much and you fought so hard that he knew that it was perfect that you two were to share this fruit
it was also perfect because you were back on Destiny Islands smiling and having the time of your life <3
kingdom hearts masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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frickingnerd · 6 months
best friends to lovers with axel
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pairing: axel / lea x gn!reader
tags: fluff, tiny bit of angst with a happy ending, axel & reader are in organization xiii
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both you and axel were part of the organization, so neither of you was particularly familiar with what love was
you've heard about it, but didn't know if it was something a nobody like yourselves could feel
though without realizing it, you two had been in love with each other since you two became friends, always believing those feelings you had to be nothing but friendship
axel was the first one of you to realize that you weren't just a friend to him, nor were you just his best friend
roxas and xion were both his friends, best friends even, but you were still so much more important to him
axel only realized it was love, when one of the other members of the organization made a joke about it, telling axel that what he felt for you must be love
and while it was just a joke, axel truly did feel that way about you and slowly realized it because of that
though he knew that even if you felt the same way, you'd never realize it on your own
and so, axel began to introduce love to you slowly; telling you stories, showing you poems and love songs, in an attempt for you to understand what love truly was
and as you became more familiar with what love was like, axel decided it was time for him to confess to you! 
after all, he was certain you felt the same way about him, you just hadn't realized it yet! 
but even as you admitted to having feelings for axel, that were so confusing and overwhelming, you were scared to act upon them
after all, you cared so much for axel. too much! you didn't want to lose what you two had if this love thing ended up going wrong
but axel assured you that nothing will change between you two. you can be friends and dating at the same time. those things aren't mutually exclusive
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discodreaming · 8 months
May I please request headcanons for Sora, Riku, and Axel dating a famous female singer and reacting to her performing on stage with a male singer that she’s close to?
characters: sora x reader, riku x reader, axel x reader
genre: modern au / famous au
content notes: female reader ( afab reader ), like a smidgen of jealousy and insecurity
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truth be told axel is out here vibing bc god damn that's his girl up there in that sexy outfit and singing like that!
his eyes are completely on you and you alone
he likes your friend... kind of... a smidge maybe he's on thin ice with axel some days but he gets along with him for you
now throughout the times you guys are like pressed together he's like filled with so many mixed emotions like he knows it means nothing but it's also like excuse you??????
( bonus ramble: axel to me is probably gonna be like god my gf is fucking hot while watching you move in that outfit and sing bc lbr here he's a bit smug bc he does know you're gonna go home with him after this. he just doesn't like your friend sometimes with how touchy he does get with you, like sir back up?? he ignores that when he gives you the biggest fucking kiss back stage )
sora is dramatic but he's not gonna ruin your night or performance over it
sora can't help but both think you look so damn good but also can't help but like rolls his eyes whenever you guys get close to each other
it's this one who is sulking about the performance
sora would have much rathered you two be pressed close that way bc he can't help but feel that little green monster rearing its ugly head
( bonus: sora is torn between sulking and excitement. he denies being jealous so damn vehemently when you ask him if he's jealous and this boy is like laughing and denying it a bit but you can see how his cheeks flush and how much of a LIAR he is and he only starts to sulk when you tell him he's such a liar when you kiss his cheek but that's okay bc he's over it real quick as he's suddenly very !!!! and just all out praising you while touching your hands and some of the clothing to just be !!)
he does not like your best friend he will not like your friend but he believes you in him being a friend so he's cordial
he legit just needs to get to know him he's riku
he's jealous, he's angie, but god damn if he's not gonna stare at you the entire show
now he's like not usually clingy but for this imma say he is just slightly at your back while u talk to ur friends
( bonus: an unbothered ( very bothered ) king as he gives your friend a smug look over your head when you run to hug him once he reaches back stage. every ounce of jealousy and irritation melting away instantly as he hugs you tight in his grip and land a big kiss on you as he praises and hypes you up in his own riku way as he showers you in kisses )
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authors note: im ngl it's been a while since i wrote for them so i genuinely apologize if it's like N o
im also apologizing bc it took me so long to get out I'm sorry
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theladyheroine · 4 months
Kingdom Hearts Playlist 🩷
❥ Another Valentine’s Playlist!
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Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid
Kiss Me Again by We Are The In Crowd
Hot Air Balloon by Owl City
Tale As Old As Time from Beauty and the Beast
Angel Pt 2 from Fast X
Strange Magic by Evan Rachel Wood & Alan Cumming
Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty
Hold Me by Casey Tutton
Butterfly Wings by Owl City
A Whole New World from Aladdin
Let Me Love You by DJ Snake & Justine Bieber
Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
I See The Light from Tangled
Now I See by Lou & SQVARE
Broken Melodies by NCT Dream & JVKE
Can You Feel The Love Tonight from The Lion King
Sucker by Jonas Brothers
Fire by JVKE, YUQI, & Alan Walker
So This Is Love from Cinderella
Perfect by Ed Sheeran
Princess Peach by Ruth B.
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k1ngdom-of-thieves · 2 years
Hugging some members of Org XIII
I’m literally just doing this for me lmao
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He is. So fucking warm. It’s like hugging a breathing heating pad with no waist. It’s not too warm for it to become unbearable though, it’s like the warmth of a fuzzy blanket.
He rubs your back if you’ve been having a particularly tough time. It’s a small act, but it still shows that he’s got your back.
If he’s feeling playful, he’ll pick you up and spin you around. You might get a little annoyed at first but his infectious laughter washes that away just as quickly as it came.
“Looks like someone’s happy to see me. How’ve you been while I was on my mission?”
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Marluxia rarely gives out hugs, but when he does, they are so comforting. He smells like fresh flowers and a hint of cologne.
He places a hand on the small of your back. The other goes to the top of your head if you’re shorter than him, and to the upper part of your back if you’re taller than him.
He usually stays quiet, but sometimes on a good day, you’ll hear him hum a little tune. If you ask him about it, he’ll tell you he doesn’t remember where he heard it from.
“Oh? Have you missed me that much? Well then, I promise to not leave you for that long again, my dear.”
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If you thought it was hard to get a hug from Marluxia, it’s nearly impossible to get one from Larxene. She’s never been one to partake in “cutesy” stuff like that. Her words not mine
She only makes an exception for you, AND only in private. No one else deserves to see her be vulnerable.
Larxene holds you so tightly, like she’d never get to hug you like this ever again. She doesn’t know why or where this desperation came from, but she’d never admit that she had that desperation to begin with.
“Well of course you’d come to me. Those other losers don’t even come close to being able to touch you.”
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(Y/n): *trying to make a family tree*
Roxas: Why did you put Xion as your niece?
(Y/n): Huh? Wait, I thought she was our cousin..?
Xion: I thought you said we were sisters?!
Axel: What the fuck is up with this wacky tree??
(Y/n): I don’t know!?!
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glowingbadger · 4 months
idk if this will be too specific so feel free to mix and match as you like, but 2, 16, 37, and 38 for Axel?
AXEL MY SPECIAL MAN I love him so much, always thrilled to write for him lol. And y'know, I've had this concept in mind with him for a super long while that, after he gets his heart back, he might have a hard time fully dealing with how intense his feelings for Reader-chan are, and how different it makes the sexual side of things feel for him, so I'm gonna roll with that for this and apologies in advance if it gets a bit longer than some of the other kink prompt drabbles~~
(Side note I wasn't sure who you wanted on the giving/receiving end of any of this so... I guessed lmao. Also because this was a lot of kinks for one piece, I played a little fast and loose with them and some are represented more than others. I was just kinda winging it idk)
Anyway man I spent too much time struggling to find any time to write lately so like if I have to come back to this in a week to fix word repetition and type-os then... so fuckin be it I guess lol
Axel (Kingdom Hearts) x GN! Reader
Kink prompts list #2 - body worship, #16 - praise, #37 - massage, #38 - size difference
NSFW 18+
Axel kisses you differently these days. Like the moment he feels your lips on his, he's struck by something powerful and compelling. Like he can't quite control himself. With his heart returned to him at last, you've quickly discovered the novel and enthralling sensation of it pounding rapidly beneath your hands when they come to rest on his chest. But then- just as he has every time since your reunion -he stops. The warmth of Axel's touch leaves you, and he pulls away even as your hands subconsciously remain clenched around his black t-shirt. You blink your eyes back into focus. He glows in the early evening light where the two of you have settled on a large blanket along the shores of the Destiny Islands. The stunning turquoise of his eyes still seems to sparkle like the sea itself, even as he glances away from you and sighs.
"S- Sorry," he mutters, his head hanging, "We should, uh, probably get back to the others, yeah?"
Your brow furrows, and you pause to watch him at first. It's impossible to tell in the bleeding reds and oranges of the coming sunset, but it almost seems as though his face is flushed pink. You wonder- have you ever seen Axel blush before? It doesn't seem like him. But then, he hasn't had his heart for very long.
Just as he starts to pull away from you, you find your voice,
"Axel- wait," you gently tug him back towards you on the blanket, and he follows so that he's made to face you, "Is... is everything alright?"
"Huh? 'Course everything's..." he trails off as he meets your eye. His expression falls, and you can tell he sees the pained concern on your face. He sighs.
"Sorry, I uh... Ugh," he runs a hand through his hair, exasperated, "Don't look at me like that, c'mon. I'll spill, okay? It's just," his posture deflates, "it's pretty lame."
You shift closer to him, straightening the scrunched up blanket as you do so you can pretend you don't notice the way his body tenses beside you.
"You've just... been worrying me a bit lately, that's all. About how you're doing and, well, about us."
"Woah, woah, hey now!" Axel frantically takes your hand in his, holding it almost painfully tight near his chest, "Don't go thinking like that! Don't ever think that! It's my fault- I'm... not used to actually feeling all of this."
You frown a bit, then your brows raise as you gradually begin to understand. As you process, he elaborates,
"Before, when I 'felt' things, it was more like remembering, or thinking about feeling. Like... when someone tells you something really sad, and you feel bummed about it, but you weren't really there, right? It wasn't your sad thing that happened."
You get the feeling that, for him, this is a frustratingly inadequate metaphor. Still, you understand well enough, so you nod.
"I got used to that," he says, his eyes low before raising them to gaze at you with a sincerity that makes your chest ache, "But now, it's different- I feel everything. I feel it so much- an-and, being around you, it... drives me absolutely nuts. My heart," he releases your hand and places his at his chest, "It just goes wild when I touch you, sometimes it's like it's about to go up in flames."
You look at him warmly, leaning close.
"Well, if anyone could handle that, it'd be you."
He gives a short laugh through his nose, and his gaze softens.
"Guess so. Anyway," he sighs, "it's super lame, so... I didn't wanna bother you with this. But I kinda blew it, huh."
"It's not lame, Axel," you say with a grin, "Honestly I probably should have thought of that before now- I'm sorry I didn't. It must be really overwhelming to be feeling so many things for the first time in so many years. You were just a kid when you lost your heart."
"Guess that's fair..." his body finally relaxes a bit, but after a pause, he adds, "Still, I feel like a jerk though. It's not that I don't wanna be near you, or... touch you and all of that," there's a heat in his expression as he speaks, raising a hand to tentatively graze his fingers down your jawline, "Man, I really, really do."
"Then... maybe you just need to ease back into it?" you lean into the feeling of his hand at your cheek, offering what you hope is a reassuring smile. He looks at you, confused but intrigued, and you say,
"Like, maybe you could just, you know, practice touching me. Take it slow, don't rush, and, well... touch me as much as you want."
The crimson of his face rivals his hair, and his voice scratches just slightly in his throat,
"Wha- like, like a massage?" he gives a short laugh, "I mean, I'll try, but I've never-"
"Sure, like a massage," you smile, and immediately begin undressing to only the bathing suite you'd thrown on beneath your clothes. He's seen your body before, back in his Nobody days- many times, and every inch. Now, you see his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathes deeply, watching you with something like awe in those bright teal eyes. A part of you dearly wishes you could fully understand how it feels for him. How world-shaking it would be to live without true emotions of your own, to somehow come close to love in that state, and then to one day regain those feelings and be confronted with the full intensity of it all. You wonder if he'll ever fully adjust; he lived without a heart for a decade, after all. But, at least for now, he seems very interested in that massage idea.
You lay across the blanket on your stomach and glance expectantly back at him over your shoulder. This seems to shake him back into the present moment, and he positions himself above you. Your body warms at the reminder of how much taller he is than you- the way that, in the past, he'd been able to manhandle you, touch any part of you, overwhelm you while you gasped his name. You shake the thought from your mind for the time being- he needs you to take this slow. For now, anyway.
Axel's hands come to rest tentatively at your shoulder muscles, and you smile at the familiar warmth of his touch. He's always been warm, though you suppose that only makes sense. Very gently- almost too gently- he begins to rub your shoulders up to the muscles at the base of your neck. You close your eyes and exhale, smiling while your heart flutters at the chance to finally feel this, feel him. Gradually, he works down to your shoulder blades, and you let out a groaning sigh as he works out a knot you hadn't noticed prior.
"Mmm, that's nice..." you murmur. You feel Axel's body tense behind you. "You doing alright?"
"Yeah," he says, too quickly.
Before long, those strong hands reach a firmer and more consistent pressure, and he seems ever slightly more sure of himself. You allow yourself a few happy sighs and groans to encourage him, commenting now and then when something feels especially nice. He takes his time, and you're patient, reminding yourself that, for as much as you burn and ache for more, he needs to be the one to guide your pace. Yet by the time his hands run down your back, tracing your waist and reaching your hips, you can't help the cat-like way you squirm beneath him. He's closer to you now, and you can feel his heat behind you. For a moment, you think you feel something else, too- something hard and warm at the swell of your ass.
"Damn, Y/N..." he mutters as he runs those hands back up your body, thumbs applying a wonderful pressure close to your spine, "You're gonna make me lose it with those noises..."
"Mmh, but it feels so good, Axel," you luxuriate on your words, mercilessly prodding at his lust. Perhaps it's cruel to tease him this way; already, you can feel the harsher grip of his hands, and you're certain you hear something like him biting back a groan of his own. With a playful look back at him, you arch your body and say,
"I missed this, you know. Having you on top of me."
"You little..." his words trail off, but his hands wander lower, briefly groping at your ass in a way that reminds you of how he'd grabbed and spanked you in the past.
"Sorry, sorry," you say with a small laugh, "Is this too much?"
"No," he grips your thighs and runs his hands upward until he's cupping your ass in both hands, spreading it beneath the fragile barrier of your swimsuit, "Now that I'm past that first barrier... it's nowhere near enough. Maybe that's what I was really nervous about this whole time."
At first, you only hum pleasantly as he fondles your body, your pulse racing with the thrill of his hands meticulously tracing your every contour. When you finally think to speak, you ask,
"What do you mean?"
"I mean..." you feel Axel's thumb play along the edge of your swimsuit, just barely sneaking below the clingy fabric, "I mean that I'm so crazy into you that right now I can't think of anything but how badly I wanna show you exactly how my heart and body both feel about you. And once I start..." his body presses to yours, his lips brushing the shell of your ear, "I don't know how I'm ever gonna stop."
For a moment, you're mindless and breathless. The heat of him around you is intoxicating, warming you through to your core even as the sun begins to dip beneath the glassy ocean behind you. Axel props himself over you with one arm on the blanket beside you, while his free hand holds at your hip, tugging you against him so you can feel the pressure of his hard and throbbing cock against your ass.
"Please," you whimper, "Axel, I've missed you so much."
Without a word, he tugs your swimsuit out of the way and opens the front of his jeans. The head of his member presses to your needy, clenching little hole, then forcefully begins to spread you open around him as he thrusts forward. His impassioned groan is swallowed up by your gasping cry of his name, but for a moment, he simply remains sheathed in you. You'd nearly forgotten how big he is, and he seemed eager to remind you, but even so, you can tell he hasn't entered you to the base just yet.
"Sorry... for makin' you wait so long..." he grunts against your ear.
"Wo... worth it..." you barely manage to reply. The pain and pleasure of him stretching you around his iron-hard cock is mind-numbing. You feel the tingling sensation across your skin all the way to your fingertips. Then, just as you'd begun to get accustomed to his size, his hips begin to sway. Despite his desperation for you, he's gentle, carefully and gradually pumping into you at a pace that allows you to adjust as he fills you just a little deeper with each pass. Axel has always been so much more gentle than he wants anyone to know, but you adore the harsher things about him, too. When you feel the tinge of discomfort of his cockhead bottoming out inside of you, your ass finally meeting his lower abdomen, you sigh his name aloud in absolute bliss.
"How's... that heart of yours doing?" you half-sigh.
He's pressed against you, holding you with an incredible loving tenderness while his massive cock sends mind-breaking tremors through your core.
"On fire," he says, the pace of his thrusts picking up, his breath hot and ragged at the back of your throat, "I like it."
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cinnbar-bun · 2 years
NSFW HCS- Larxene, Marluxia, Saix, Xemnas
Posted on my AO3: Right here
Warning: Unlike most of the other ones, this is a bit more intense (that's kinda what you get for including Larxene and Saix lol).
There are mentions of pain, bloodplay, electrocution, berserk form, and choking. If those topics are uncomfortable, I would suggest skipping this one.
Larxene is not for the faint of heart- but I’m sure you already knew that 
Canon sadist- she loveees inflicting the pain on you
Unlike some of the other ones who don’t wanna hurt you- Larxene revels in it; bloodplay, knifeplay, electrocution, asphyxiation- if you didn’t know any better it’s almost as if she’s trying to kill you
She enjoys being on top and hates the idea of relinquishing control freely at first; it makes her uncomfortable and she just isn’t about that life 
She WILL however have so much fun if you try to fight back and take charge- then she knows she can really break you 
Big on humiliating you and telling you all sorts of mean things. If you’re into that, she’ll definitely keep it up 
Loves teasing you in public- after all, you’re so disgusting to like what she’s doing to you, it’s almost like you want the others to see it. 
Big on toys and other items, she totally could do things with just her hands but honestly, she finds it hotter to use things to make you feel better. 
Loves when you’re loud, she gets really disappointed if you’re quiet, and it makes her go harder to get a reaction from you 
Despite her ahem lovely exterior, she’s a very ride or die kinda girl and doesn’t wanna include others in this. She’ll totally get off with the chance of you two getting caught- but someone actually seeing you two? Big no. She hates that and absolutely doesn’t want any of the other org members to know this 
I think the only one she’d ever really consider to join in is Marluxia but other than that, they all can piss off
Like I said, she’d really hate to give up control and doesn’t wanna feel powerless, however, I think after a while of you two being together, she might try and bottom (or at the very least, be a power bottom) but that’s a big maybe and it’s gonna take a lot for her to even try 
Her aftercare is not all that good, but compared to how vicious she can be, it’s a huge difference. She’ll prolly just make you both shower (“ugh, it reeks in here now”) then have you locked in a deathgrip when you both lay down. Occasionally you’ll hear her teasingly whisper, “you’re not so bad, you know…” and just pepper a few kisses over your bruises and neck before she falls asleep next to you. 
Totally possessive and doesn’t take kindly to the other members tryna make jabs at you
Saying Marluxia “has sex” or “fucks” is such a detrimental understatement. This man makes love to you. 
Despite having no heart, he could almost fool you into thinking he did with the way he just effortlessly makes you melt with a touch of his finger 
He’s a switch- he will pamper but he’s kinda a narc so he thinks you should pamper him back, it’s just fair. (Although how could you resist with how amazing he is) 
He’s the kinda guy who has a bottle of champagne and roses on the bed- THATS the kind of experience Marluxia gives. 
When he’s domming, he’s very thorough- almost no part of you goes untouched. He just has to touch you and feel you all over, whether with his mouth or his fingers. 
When he’s giving you the reins, he is a spoiled brat. He practically is begging for your attention and demanding you touch him all over. 
Loves your hands and fingers. Stroke him gently and he’ll be sighing and whispering some praise or dirty talk 
He’s willing to experiment and be a bit crazy- depending on his mood. He’s very open during sex and he’s also a bit of a wild card when it comes to you. Not as crazy or experimental as say, Axel or Larxene, but willing to get down. 
Definitely would put him as one of, if not the, most romantic member of Organization 13. He cannot feel or have a heart, but he does put effort into making sex somewhat more intimate than the others. He just isn’t too trusting nor is he someone easy to become intimate with, so he takes it seriously. 
Really into oral, both giving and receiving. He also is just big on his mouth on you, or yours on him. Your lips are like his favorite part of your body and he goes nuts for them. Consider adding some colorful lipstick or shiny gloss and watch him lose his mind
Honestly, sex is a pretty talkative time with the both of you. When he is not dropping expletives or whispering dirty talk, he does like to praise your body or discuss the future he wants with you. He does talk a lot though so shut him up with some kisses. 
Aftercare is a must, but honestly he wants you to spoil him and complains if you don’t. He likes both of you sitting in the bath or quietly talking in the bed after you finish. He gets really introspective sometimes and likes to talk about his plans. 
Let’s get something out of the way real quick. He REALLY fears having sex with you because he knows if he goes berserk on you it will be an unpleasant experience all around, and he worries greatly that you will be hurt. 
He is a possessive lover and his berserker side makes him actively refuse to see you at night or anytime leading up the moon rising. Straight up will lock himself away because he can’t trust himself. 
It takes a long time for those barriers to be broken down, and Saix is a stubborn mule who is unwilling to argue when it comes to your safety. 
A compromise is made though- sex only during the day (at least right now). It’s definitely not as romantic but at the very least Saix can relax knowing he’s not gonna switch. 
And trust me, with this agreement, Saix takes full advantage of it. Be prepared to memorize the details on the desk, because that’s what you’ll be seeing from now on every time Saix calls you to his room or office. 
He tries to control himself but you’re just so pliable and soft, and it’s so much easier to take his aggression and stress out on your ass instead of the others. You aren’t complaining too much with how he handles you, and it’s almost a bit fun to get the others to rile him up to give you attention
Very much a dom and does not like being submissive or in a position where he is weak. He just doesn’t like giving up control. Course, that can be worked on another time when he eventually feels more relaxed with intimacy. 
Big sir kink. You only refer to him as sir or master or whatever other term he deems you call him. Big on power struggles and dynamics where he is on top
Humiliation kink for you. He might try and have you humiliate yourself in front of the other Organization members (like maybe forcing you to sit on his lap or call him a name) but in general he kinda wants that kept in private. He both loves and hates the fact that the other members know, and a part of him finds it untoward, but another part thinks its all too amusing to watch you get flustered. 
He’s… really selfish at first. There’s no other way to put it than selfish. He really only saw sex as a way for him to feel something of an emotion, and an extension of his control for you. He doesn’t focus too much on getting you off or satisfying you since he already got off. He treats you like a cum dump at first I’m sorry
It’s only after an argument or discussion where you bring it up that he confronts himself and recognizes he has to actually put in the effort beyond just being physical. He’s gotta make the time to make you feel special and enjoy it too. 
And that’s where you’ll see the best version of Saix, the slow, methodical beast of a man who will quietly murmur praise and orders, or just tease you in that nice voice of his. This new awakening in him makes sex more pleasurable, fun, and just way more intimate than before. 
He can still be a beast in bed, and trust me, sex with Saix is anything but gentle, but it feels way more loving when he tenderly kisses your neck while going to town on you. 
Run your fingers over his scar. Oh my gosh, the man is so WEAK for it, it’s crazy. He finds it revolting and the fact you can just look at him, touch him, and love him so unconditionally is indescribable. He gets even more urgent and needs you to feel how you make him feel. 
He doesn’t talk much during, or after sex. His aftercare is pretty shit at first too, where he’d either order you to get out or just leave. But after a while he gets into the groove of things and likes to stroke your head or wash you and then cover you in a blanket so you can rest. He expresses himself more with physical actions and he hopes you understand that he loves you so damn much even if he doesn’t have the heart or the words to say it honestly. He really wants his heart back so he can stop being a coward and truly express all that he wishes to deep down. 
Take what I said about Marluxia and multiply it by a thousand. This is not fucking, this is not sex, this is not even making love- no, it is an experience
It is earth-shattering, world-breaking sex with a bronze god
We already know his voice is hot. And he knows how much you love it. He likes to give you orders and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, all to watch you crumble and melt in his arms
Sex with him is slow. Very slow. But its purposeful. Every touch, word, breath, is done precisely to have you wailing for him. He likes be thorough and make sure every inch of you has been touched and loved. 
Frankly speaking, he adores your very being. If you get to the point where the Superior is in love with you- he is obsessed. Everything about you is entrancing and he can’t resist it. 
One thing he loves- no, needs- is eye contact. He is gravitated to your eyes always, it’s one of his favorite parts about you. Your eyes are gorgeous orbs, the windows into your soul he wants to drown and melt in. He will even remark during sex for you to look at me. Look. Don’t break away. Let me see you in all your glory
Sex to him is a way for you to be as one. He wants to break both of you down- mind, body, soul (heart)- and experience the thing he’s been wanting to for so long. He wants to be overwhelmed by your very being, and have you be overwhelmed by him in return. He wants his thoughts to be only of you, to feel only you, to touch only you- he is obsessed with you and wants you to be the source of his light. 
Pet names- “dear”, “darling”, “my heart”, “my love”, “my light”, “my everything”. 
Despite his exterior, he’s actually willing to let you take the reins (provided you two have been doing this for a while and he is comfortable with you). But he’s condescending as heck. He’ll let you do your thing, but he’s cooing praise at you that sounds like he’s belittling you. It makes it as if you’re just his prey, and he’s toying with you before he gets the power back. Maybe. Maybe not. 
Loves when you run your hands through his hair, it makes him shiver when he feels your hands rove through his body. Compliment him too and he’ll be happy. 
He likes to “show you off” and remind everyone that you’re his. Sometimes he’ll just ‘steal’ you away in front of others to satisfy his obsession and have it be a warning to the other members not to mess with you. 
He loves breathy, light moans. Something about you trying to catch your breath and being too wrapped up in the pleasure he’s giving makes him feel such a rush. He can’t describe it and his thoughts trail into wondering what other sounds you can make. 
He often just gives way to his thoughts when he’s having sex with you. It can be fun or veer off into almost making you actually see heaven. He’ll wonder how you feel if he bent your body that way- and he’ll hit a spot you didn’t know he could and you’ll melt. Then he’ll wonder how you’ll behave if he stopped your breathing, and then it goes a bit haywire. His need to answer his obsession with you as well as his curiosity as a researcher makes him liable to actively hurt you. If you’re cool with that, he’s down and willing to continue. But if you’re not, he retracts immediately and stops. This is supposed to make you both one and if it doesn’t, he won’t do it again (or at least without a warning). 
Loves blindfolding you and discussing exactly what he’s going to do, then make you beg. It gives him such a power trip and he loves how you crumble underneath him and beg for him to touch you. He likes to rip the blindfold off when you two are getting closer to reaching the end and watch your eyes. 
Aftercare is also god tier- but in a different way. Yeah he’ll clean you and whatever, but it’s after when you two are sitting together that it becomes like a whole new thing of its own. 
He’ll caress you, pepper small kisses onto the crook of your neck, and hold you close. Sometimes he likes to talk too, and his voice is so good you quickly fall asleep. He’ll continue to stroke your head then whisper how much he adores you and how you’re his heart. Xemnas also feels calmer hearing your heartbeat or seeing your chest rise and fall in time with your breathing. All these things make you so alive and he can’t help but crave to want to have that as well. Soon. Soon he’ll become whole again. And soon, he can truly be yours.
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hayisins · 6 months
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"i have wanted to kiss you every time i've seen you smile."
"then why haven't you yet?" ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ ⊹˚. ♡
yippie a writing prompt !! this features lea and isa from kingdom hearts !! ♡ contains : fluff + implied nsfw ! a liddle smidge of angst and a whole lot of loveeeee ♡ enjoy !!
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the worlds left lea’s mouth faster than they intended too. both men found staring at each other in a stand off, a violent silence coming between them as they both processed what exactly these words could mean. immediately he cleared his throat, scratching his neck awkwardly as he tried to diverge any kind of idea as to why he’d even have such a rebuttal. that sentence tossed around in his mind. was this a confession? did his childhood best friend feel the same ??
shaking his head slightly, lea went to push his way past the other male. he wanted to run. he knew he’d had the confidence to quip back but the lost expression that plastered isa’s face was enough for him to understand that the feelings were probably negative to him. not a positive thing to want to kiss your best friend of almost 20 years. however something willed his feet to plant firm before walking away almost completely. another small moment of silence washed over as the two dared each other to speak.
“are you going to say anything ?”
lea was the first to break the silence, as he usually was. isa’s heart clamoured a bit before nodding, swallowing dryly he grabbed the wrist of his former best friend. in a switch motion the red head was pressed right up to the chest of his closest companion, both their faces burning hot as finally after all this time their lips had made contact.
inevitably this notion brought a smile to lea’s cheeks, one so wide their tender kiss had been broken. they both had no idea what this meant. they both had no idea what this meant for their future. however — wrapped in his arms, they both felt a warm sense of security and bliss. lips connecting once more as isa finally whispers to the heavenly man in front of him,
“that smile . . never failed to convince me of how beautiful your heart really is.”
a small chuckle from lea is what brought them back to reality, his hand tracing up isa’s back to gently grip the back of his hair, dragging his mouth closer,
“how ‘bout you come see just how beautiful all of me is?”
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randoimago · 5 months
merry (a bit early) christmas! ❄️
may i request roxas, xion and axel (separately or together, whichever you prefer) adopting a pet with the reader? (can be platonic or romantic)
hope you're having a nice christmas & holidays! take care :)
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Character(s): Roxas, Xion, Axel
Note(s): This request unfortunately wasn't finished until after christmas, but I hope you had a good holiday too!
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Pretty excited at the idea of adopting a pet together. He probably would prefer a bigger dog that can go on runs with him and stuff. He's an active guy so an active pet sounds good to him.
That said, he's happy to play and mess around with any kitties. Would vibe with holding a couple lizards too.
Would want to get the best accessories for any pet you both have too. Rather it's a cool collar/leash or the best toys, he'd just spoil the heck out of a pet.
Doesn't say much when you go to the animal shelter. He doesn't display an outward excitement, but the way his eyes light up tell you exactly how excited he feels. Might gently tug on your sleeve in a specific direction depending on which animal catches his eye.
He did try his best to research different breeds and such, but he ended up distracted by cute animal videos. So really he's going to choose an animal with you based on vibes.
I can see him wanting an older pet. A kitten/puppy/some baby animal might be too much work and he likes the idea of an older animal just hanging out with him.
Like Roxas, she doesn't really show much outward excitement. You might hear small gasps from her due to the cuteness of some of the cats playing or puppies. Tugs on your sleeve a bit more excitedly if she wants to go in a certain direction.
I can see her being a cat person. Xion would love any cat too. Even if the cat looks like a total grump, she'd absolutely call it her baby (and honestly, she seems like the type that causes any cat to like her even if it hates everyone else).
Would probably want to just play with the cats/dogs that are in a more open area to be played with before the two of you look around to chose the right animal to adopt.
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cozfics · 1 year
New blog
Howdy hey! I opened a new blog to write x reader requests or crossover requests. I’ll probably keep those in separate tags. 
Now to go over just some basic overviews
I write for:
Kingdom Hearts
Linked Universe
Owl house
Monster Hunter Stories(1 and 2)
Percy Jackson
Maybe Voltron(all versions)
My Hero Academia
+Anima(My comfort manga here)
Maximum Ride
Wings of Fire
Kid Icarus
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I know there’s more
I also might link my Toyhouse and offer ocs to write x readers for but IDK.
Requests are closed means requests are closed
I will either write child characters platonic or aged up But no nsfw with them!
NSFW will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays if I have any.
I will write yandere
I do write for aus
I do allow platonic scenario’s
Reader will be gender neutral.
If you request nsfw please specify reader gender?
That’s all for now
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Congratulations for the 900 followers! :D For the event: "Axel" from Kingdom Hearts and "now this is embarrassing". Hopefully this is inspiring xD
Alive - Axel
notes - OKAY I HAVE HAD A REAL BRAINROT FOR KINGDOM HEARTS LATELY AND YOU HAD TO SOME SAVE THE DAY WITH THIS REQUEST YOU ARE A SAINT <33333 And AXEL?!???! You are amazing omfg Thank you so much and I really hope you enjoy because I am very very VERY proud of this piece! Sending lots of love and hugs!!!
word count - 1,501
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Meeting the Nobodys was the strangest experience in your life. You had a heart full of love and full of hope and full of memory after memory, so in order to see how to obtain it, a man named Xemnas had asked the other members of his organization to kidnap you.
At first, it felt like hell. A man named Vexen would visit your prison like room every morning with a plate full of food and run some tests on you. He would do examinations of your heart, play happy recordings that would make you smile, play sad recordings that would make you cry, and ask you questions you didn't know the answer to. Some you did know the answer to: where you were from, who your friends were, all that. You didn't know why you would ask these things, and you didn't know why you were answering them.
Vexen was never someone you hated, even if it felt like he was the one who was imprisoning you. He would bring you nice food and tell you a nice story from his day. Sometimes he would come in grumbling about something one of the organization members would do and it would leave you with a smile or even a small giggle.
You didn't often get to meet the other organization members though. You met Marluxia, who said you were beautiful every time he would come to visit. You met Demyx, who would always stumble into the room asking Vexen a stupid question. And of course, you met Xemnas, the big bad boss leader, the man lacking emotion on his face, the man who put you here. You hated him. You hated him so much. The Nobodys you made friends with were trapped by this man and because of him, you weren't allowed to leave your room.
You also met Xigbar. But while you were alone. You saw a portal appear on the ceiling one day and a long ponytail stick through before a man hanging upside down was only a few feet away from your face.
"Just wanted to see whatchu looked like." He had told you before disappearing. He did make time to visit you everyday and at least play one trick on you.
The few that you met were the only things making you feel human in that cold room you were shoved in.
You just felt so alone though. No matter who visited.
Every night you would hug your knees and watch the heart shaped moon from outside of the sliver of a window you had before falling fast asleep.
One morning, you woke up to the sound of someone pounding on your door. You jumped awake and hid yourself under your sheets before retreating to the corner of your bed. You hadn't met all of the Nobodys yet, who knew if this one was out to get you.
"Look, Larxene, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, okay? Stop being all pissy and let's just go on our assigned mission, okay?!" The voice said from outside the door. It sounded young and almost... playful??
"Larxene, please open the door!" The voice shouted again. You didn't know what to do. It's not like you could've opened the door yourself, you didn't know how. So you stayed quiet. Maybe he would leave you alone? Plus, you didn't even know a Larxene.
"I'm coming in, Larxene!!" You threw your blanket aside and a purple and black portal appeared in your room, very similar to Xigbar's, but it wasn't him at all. Instead, it was a boy with bright red spikey hair, a crooked smile perminitely on his lips. He wore the same robe as the rest of the Nobodys, but you could already tell he was one of them when he used the portal to get in.
He stared at you in awe, his pale face turning a shade of red nearly brighter than his hair. He clicked his tongue and whistled once. "Now, this is embarrassing." He said, almost trying to avoid eye contact with you. "You must be... y'know, I'm not even gonna finish that sentence, I already know who you are. And you're definitely not Larxene. I always get lost in this giant ass castle. Sorry about that."
He made a portal and went to leave the room.
"Wait!" You shouted. Something about the way he smiled at you, the way he was so sincere... it made you feel... comforted. He felt like a human amongst these souls just floating about around you.
He turned to you. "What's up? Need me to grab Vexen or something?"
"No, please, don't get him... What's your name?"
He smiled, a little confused, but answered anyway. "I'm Axel," he walked forward and sat backwards on the nearest chair. "Got it memorized?" He tapped his temple with his index finger and you smiled.
"I'm y/n," you stuck out your hand and he gladly took it. Through his leather glove, his hand was warm, almost hot.
"Nice to meet you, y/n. I bet it's been pretty lonely in here, huh?"
You nodded and hugged your knees. "A little. I mean, I get an occasional visitor, but it makes the lonely moments even more lonely. At least Vexen is a good cook though."
"You think Vexen does all the cooking?!" Axel threw his head back in laughter. "No way in hell would we let that man's chemical fingers get all over our food. Xaldin cooks all the food. He's a super talented chef surprisingly. Have you met Xaldin yet?"
You shook your head, intrigued on how much this man wanted to talk to you.
"I'm not really surprised. He's really quiet. Have you met Saix yet?"
"Nuh-uh." You told him. That lonely feeling from earlier was nonexistent now.
"Good! That man is nothing but an ass, but he's my ass. I love that dude. Been best friends forever. He denies it, but I don't care."
You chuckled a little. Then you heard Axel tell you dozens of stories. Missions he went on with other members of the organization, sleepovers they would have together, "family game night", the whole nine yards. It made the people who came in to visit you seem a little less evil and more just like lost souls.
"Please come over more often," you had told Axel. "I like the sound of your voice."
He smiled, his ego clearly boosted. "Never heard that one before! Thanks cutie." He winked at you before leaving your room.
Even though you were alone, you felt a lot less... alone.
You really hoped he would come back.
And luckily he did. He never failed to visit you, telling you stories or just bringing you snacks and goofing off with you for a few minutes before he had to go. The two of you became incredibly close and the tests that Vexen would hold on you were showing that more and more everyday.
"Have you been around anyone other than myself for a long period of time?" Vexen asked you, shocked at the readings from your test.
"Axel. Why?"
Vexen hummed in response and ignored your question, getting up. "I'm going to get him in here, y/n. I'll be right back."
Quicker than he had left, Vexen was back, Axel right behind him. Axel smiled at you and pulled up a chair. As if Vexen wasn't even there, you continued your day as usual, laughing and telling each other jokes and stories.
Clearly, Vexen was pleased with the tests results because he printed them out and ran down the hallway, exclaiming Xemnas' name.
"What was that about?" Axel giggled. "The nutcase has somehow gotten nuttier it seems."
You laughed. "He's probably losing it because whenever I'm around you, my heart swells." You clasped your hands together and batted your eyelashes at Axel making him chuckle and roll his eyes as he pushed your face away.
"Shut up."
"I'm being serious!" You told him. "You are the only thing keeping me sane in this godforsaken prison of a castle."
Axel blushed. "R-Really?"
You nodded. "Really. I don't know what I would do without you, to be honest."
Axel smiled warmly at you and grabbed your hand, placing a kiss onto your knuckles. "Glad I could be here, y/n. You're probably the best thing that's happened to me here. I feel like I lost everything when I came to this castle, but I don't know, call it cheesy or whatever, I don't care, but you really make me feel alive. Like not like a...."
"Nobody?" You asked, looking softly at him.
"Yeah." He chuckled. "A Nobody."
He stood up and walked over to you. His hand was still in yours so he used it to help you up. You stood up and immediately wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. His arms wrapped around your waist and his thumb nicely stroked over your hips.
"Thank you, y/n."
"For what?"
kingdom hearts masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda -- do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appriciated <3
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frickingnerd · 7 months
yandere roxas
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pairing: roxas x gn!reader
tags: mostly fluff, mentions of xion & axel
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you're everything to roxas! 
he's just a nobody but you're everything he could never be! 
roxas wants nothing more than to keep you safe and make you happy however he can
he's so eager to please you, always buying you seasalt icecream and bringing you little gifts from his missions
even when you two are seperated, roxas always talks about you! 
he's always thinking of you, wishing to be with you again, which axel and xion tease him for! 
speaking of axel and xion, roxas really wants you to be friends with the two of them as well! 
they are very important to him and he only trusts those two around you, as they would never make a move on you
he doesn't want you to get to know the rest of the organization, as he doesn't trust them! 
axel and xion sometimes spend the days with you as well, when roxas is out on a mission and he wants someone to look after you
though when neither of them is with you, roxas heavily encourages you to stay away from everyone else and lock yourself in your room
he doesn't want to risk you getting attacked by heartless or the organization, so he practically begs you to stay by yourself, until he's back
you mean so much to roxas, that he couldn't bear losing you! 
he would do anything for you and in return, he only wants to be someone special to you
if he could only be your favorite person, that would be enough for him…
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elvenxwarrior · 1 year
Kingdom Hearts Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
Please check out my guidelines!
You can also find these posted on my AO3!
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
Axel / Lea
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
• SFW Headcanons
• N|S|F|W Headcanons
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
Cool I have the kh boys headcanons with their S/O who runs a bakery and the boys come home to the house smelling like sweets only for their S/O in the kitchen surrounded by baked goods? Please and thank you 🤗 🤗🤗
Y'know, I thought I did something similar but turns out I didn't so today is your lucky day
KH Boys With a Baker S/O
Warnings: None, just pure fluff
Rating: SFW
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This sweet boy would LOVE to bake with you!
And he loves coming home to smell all of your baked goods.
He will even try and steal one from you
Better keep your eye on the lookout!
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Riku will watch you bake but never try baking himself
He's always afraid of burning himself or messing up the ingredients
It's okay, baby. It happens.
He will let you do the baking and he be the taste tester
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I'm being dead serious. He loves baking especially with you.
And he will bake anything and everything
Hell, he might just get a job at your bakery cause of how much he loves it
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Okay, so it's canon that Terra is not one for sweet things such as baked goods
But when it's your baking, he loves them.
His favorite are you macarons
He loves all the different flavors and designs you put on them
Please keep making these for him
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He is you helper in the kitchen!
Whatever you need done, he'll do it for you.
He loves smelling your baking.
And he always looks forward to coming home to see you bake something. Whether it's for him or for your bakery.
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Roxas loves your baking but he will stay away from the kitchen
Like Riku, he doesn't want to burn himself or mess anything up
And like Axel, he loves coming home to your baking
Plus he looks so cute just watching you bake. Like a curious puppy
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