#now i need to hunt up everyone else's so i can see their answers!
sun-lit-roses · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tags @curator-on-ao3 and @emonydeborah! I apologize for how long it's taken me to respond 💛
I'm so late to this, I have no idea who's already done it. If you haven't yet, please, please consider yourself tagged - and tag me in your response so that I can read your answers! (Actually if you have done it already, also link me so I can read your answers. These are fun questions with bonus fic recs so I'd like to see them all!)
Anyway, I got a little rambly, so I'll put in a cut to not murder anyone's dash 😁
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 82.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 397,560.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I've been primarily writing Star Trek (Strange New Worlds and Voyager) lately, with a dash of The Librarians and Leverage.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fringe Benefits (SNW) - My beloved monument to ridiculousness where I approach the totally canon subject of Chris Pike's horse skills via Number One's hair.
October 2373 (Voyager)- My magnum opus! The one time I've managed to achieve completion of an October prompt list - five of them. In one coherent (ish) fic. Granted, it did take me until December... but the point is that I finished it! It follows a very eventful and occasionally random month aboard the Starship Voyager, where they have to deal with imprisonment, alien attacks, diplomatic meetings, and Kathryn's inability to talk about her feelings.
For the Captain Who Has Everything: A Prixin Story (Voyager) - Look. You can't just give me three delightful misfits for ONLY ONE EPISODE and not expect me to adopt them as my own. SO this is what happened next for the little Good Shepherd flock, where 'what happened next' is shenanigans to set up their Captain with her First Officer as a gesture of gratitude.
Growing Pains (SNW) - Aw, one of my early Chris and Una fics! This is one of the set I wrote while the first season was just airing weekly - hard to believe that was almost two years ago 😲 This one was the aftermath of Una 'I'm just fine-ing' her way into emergency surgery and Chris letting her know that there were things up with which he would not put - top of the list being losing his Number One.
Command Advice (SNW) - Another of the early SNW set! This was my 'spicier' take on the resulting conversation between Chris and Una after she learns about her Where Fun Goes to Die nickname. In one version, they have a very serious conversation about Starfleet principles. In *this* version, they're less serious. Also naked.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! Or at least I try. I love and cherish every comment, but I tend to run (very) behind on responding and have to play the game of 'is it weird to reply to a comment this late?'
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? My very first fic ever! Actually I think it might be my only fic with an angsty ending. I guess I got it all out of my system early. That one is Wednesday, a Sanctuary fic where Helen has a very sad day.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Literally everything else. I can't even pick out of my collection of sappiness.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, there's very little I would not be willing to at least try writing! Up to now I think I've written at least mildly smutty M/F, F/F, and F/M/M sexcapades and/or BDSM. I'm working my way around to some F/F/M for SNW if I could get the three of them to cooperate.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I think I've only written one crossover and it was for SNW/The Librarians, bringing about a meeting between Eve Baird and Una Chin-Riley, which we would have in a fair and just universe.
Wait, I take that back! I also had a little snippet on Tumblr where Hawkeye, BJ, Jonathan, and Ardeth meet up, because The Mummy/MASH is... certainly a combo. Actually, I think I also had a snippet of Gomez Addams meeting Hawkeye and BJ? What is it about MASH?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Also not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Kind of? The Discord crowdsourced the plot to a ridiculously hilarious fic and I wrote a bit of it for fun, but I'm not sure if that counts? Co-writing does sound like a good time, though!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Voyager! The happiest little ship in the Delta Quadrant 🚀
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a lot of bits and pieces on my hard drive that will never be finished and released into the Ao3 wilds - the plot didn't work out/was barely a plot, I've moved on from the fandom, I was trapped in a fever dream of my nieces playing Frozen on repeat, blacked out, and woke up to 3 chapters dealing with the socio-political ramifications of Elsa decamping and Anna appointing the prince of another land in charge rather than Arendelle's Privy Council. Anyway.
The WIPs I have posted, though, I fully intend to finish at some point! It may take a while and it might not be my original planned ending, but they haunt me. So one day I will have to put them to rest. Possibly with a 2x4, tarp, and shovel.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think I'm pretty good at getting into the character's voice. I hope so, at least; I spend a lot of time on it! Also, humor, although that one is objective, of course.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Commas. Clearly.
Structurally, it varies per fic, but I have a habit of running thin on plot. I start strong at A, want to get to B, but the middle gets kind of wander-y. This also leads to me sometimes stalling mid-project if I get distracted or pulled away - hence my current three WIPs. Though it doesn't help that the past six months have sucked on letting me have much free time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If it was short, easy dialogue in Spanish or French I might be able to swing it. Otherwise, I would need to phone a friend.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Sanctuary!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is a hard one. I love them all for different reasons, some of which have more to do with the time I was writing them than with the actual contents. Reluctance was my first multi-chapter fic ever back in the FFN days, so that seems like a pretty good candidate. I learned so much while writing that fic!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Our second DCXDP au has Danny hiding in Gotham with the cores of Dani, Dan and two other clones who survived. They need DNA to be able to reform but it's in a ‘it doesn't have to be now’ kind of way. Not just Danny’s DNA but another to to balance out their genes.
They'll become babies and be raised up. Dani was melting but forced Danny to promise he wouldn't find someone right away he'd take his time to fall in love first. Dan did the same and the twin clones did to.
Danny decides it's a good idea but keeps the cores safe. He ran to Gotham in the DC universe because the GIW were to close to killing him. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Grandma Ida and the Foleys all followed. Grandma Ida is running some gang down in crime alley having a blast with Sam, constantly trying to hook Sam up with Jason who Ida is in a turf war with. Tucker is happily running a tech company that will soon outstrip it's competitors., his parents helping Jazz is terrifying in Arkham as she tears our corruption.
Maddie abd Jack found out about the Leauge of Assassins and went: study time. Danny, knowing its corrupted ecto and also not wanting to deal with assassins lets then have fun. So Ra’s is dealing with liminal mad scientists who keep stealing the Pits and also have uncovered two Damian clones they kidnapped. Their kids now.
But we’re focusing on Danny who is in college and living a peaceful life which is what he wants most of all. The cores of his kids are always on him just in case and he's casually dating. It's great. He can just be Danny the guy who is super into space and plans on being a mechanic for the watch tower.
Then one day Two-Face attacks the cafe he's at (because of a sale it was having where it was two for one on some sort of new treat). Danny has to run for his life. He gets hit and the bag he has the cores in is harmed. One falls out and he freaks, diving for it. He grabs it just as Black Bat swoops in to save him. She flies him up to a roof.
They land and then she moves to grab one of the cores that fell out. Danny gets antsy but it requires skin contact so it should be okay, she's wearing gloves after all. It'll be fine!
On her part, Cass is wondering why her hand feels tingly but there isn't anything malicious in the mans face so she thinks it might just be the orb she caught being weird. She swings off, noting that she has a hole in her glove.
Danny goes home and doesn't think about it until he realizes that the core the hero touched is growing. And it's getting sick without the touch of its other parent.
Cass on the other hand feels strange. Like she's pulled somewhere. She instantly thinks of the guy and alerts the others to him. They hunt him down to find him on a rooftop. He's surprised to see them, holding an Orb that’s glowing.
“I thought it would take longer…” the man says. He shakes his head. “Umm… rip the band-aids off- I'm nottotslly human.”
The Batfam kinda pauses cause he's giving this info up for free. Cass is eyeing him closely. It's just her, Batman and Robin in front of the man. Everyone else is listening in or in the shadows.
“I ran away from my home dimension cause they were hunting me down to kill me because they believed I was non-sentient. You know sad trench- I mean, John Constantine? I think he put in the word we’re friendly,” the man babbles. The orb shines. “Okay, okay. I need to… Black Bat did your glove have a hole in it when you touched this?”
Cass hums but nods. Barbara has Constantine on the line (and no one wants to know the blckmail she has to make him answer) and he's confirming it's a friendly.
“Okay, okay… this is a Core and it's the heart, soul, brain, everything of an ecto-entity like me. And it… it’s my child. But it needed a second set of DNA. It's fine dormant, it doesn't hurt the baby. But it…” the man swallows. “Skin touch.”
Cass knows in a second what he's leading up to. She touched the orb. It needed DNA.
That's her baby in his hands.
Que the chaos.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 8 months
Love Sucks III. The Hunt
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Vampire!Steve Harrington x fem!reader He’s just a gloomy, little guy.
The Masterlist 🩸
Honestly, it probably didn’t help that everyone was standing in a line, a front row audience to what Steve deemed a very nerve wracking moment in his afterlife. 
“Ignore them, son,” Wayne gruffed, waving a dismissive hand at his nephew and all his friends. 
“But, Eddie has a camera,” Steve responded with weak offence. Eddie grinned and waved, the video camera balanced against his shoulder. He refused to answer to anyone who asked where he got it from, but Nancy spoke loud and frostily about a handheld that had been stolen from the newspaper’s office last week. “He keeps pointing it at me.”
Eddie laughed. 
You stepped in, scowling at your friends and smoothing your hands over Steve’s cheeks in what you hoped was a calming gesture. He was cold, almost icy, that forever faded summer tan paler than ever. His eyes were bloodshot, the skin underneath rose and lavender. He looked more like a vampire than ever. 
He was hungry. 
“Hey, hey,” you were frowning, something Steve hated to see on you but you were growing more concerned by the day. “I can tell them to leave, if you want?”
Steve glanced over at the kids, all sitting with snacks and chatting excitedly, their boots covered in mud and buried in the piles of leaves. Robin was perched on a low tree branch beside Jonathan and Nancy was talking to Hopper about the deer population. 
“No, it’s okay,” Steve murmured. His words sounded slurred, sluggish, too thick for his dry mouth. “You’ll stay back though, right? I don’t want to hu—”
You let your hands trail down his shoulders, catching his cold fingers and squeezing. “You won’t,” you promised him. “But you need to eat. Let Wayne and Jim help you, yeah? Rabbits aren’t cutting it anymore, handsome.”
And they weren’t, Steve knew that. And he hated how sad he got once he bit into their soft fur, the small amount of blood not doing much more than breaking his heart. You told Wayne about it one day when he came back from hunting and the older man huffed and ranted tiredly about the overgrown population of deer, elk, wolves. 
“Tell your boyfriend to catch some of those and we won’t have a problem.”
Except Steve had stared wide eyed at you at the suggestion. “An elk? I don’t know how to catch one of those.”
And that’s why you and your friends were in the middle of the woods on an October afternoon, just before evening fell. Hopper had swept the clearing for other hunters, dog walkers, campers and once he was satisfied, he gave Wayne a thumbs up. 
“Okay, let’s go, Dracula,” Wayne announced and Steve frowned, offended. He pointed. “You see it’s neck? That’s where you wanna aim, got it?”
The “neck” was non-existent. Joyce Byers’ old exercise bike was sitting in the mud, padded out with pillows tied with string. Someone (Mike) had draped a blanket over it and someone else (Max) stuck branches to the handles, faux antlers, much to Steve’s dismay. He spared a glance back at you, looking forlorn before Wayne snapped his fingers and whistled. 
“Hey, concentrate. You wanna jump it, right? Now you don’t got no gun, or crossbows, but I know there’s some heavy weaponry in that mouth of yours, so you gotta use it.”
Steve looked glum, lifting his fingers to rub at the sharp fangs he’d let protrude from his gums. They felt brittle and dry, ready to feed. You stepped closer, nudging yourself into Steve’s space until you could wrap your arms around his waist. He was icy under his shirt, almost too told to touch but you loved the way he relaxed into you at the touch of your hands, warm and soft, sneaking up the insides of his sweater. 
So Steve nodded and then the rest of the evening was spent in a mess of semi-hilarity and frustration. Steve scowled and kicked at the dead leaves as Hopper egged him on and Robin and Wayne took turns in pretending to attack the bike, throwing themselves at the pillow padding, miming biting the fake neck. 
Eddie caught everything on camera. 
Eventually Steve relented and you watched as he paced around the fake animal, sulky looking with his red rimmed eyes and frown. But he seemed to move a little faster than you’d see him do before, his movements not superhuman, but definitely unnatural. Then he’d pounce, throw himself onto the bike and swear as pillows fell off the sides, the makeshift antlers poking him in the ribs as he scrambled for the bike's handles/neck. 
People cheered, Eddie cackled, you kissed his pale cheek and Steve rolled his eyes with the impatience and embarrassment of a teenager going to his first prom. 
“This is stupid,” he muttered but the next night he slipped into the woods to feed and he came back satiated. 
He returned covered in mud and pine needles, with a drop of blood or two on his jeans and his shirt was torn from a scuffle from an animal that he deemed a monstrous size, but your boyfriend was pleased with himself and that’s all that mattered. 
Two days later, Eddie made him watch Bambi on the VCR and Steve was horrified, declaring that he was going vegetarian.  
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lazyneonrabbitt · 2 months
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Daryl Dixon x reader [pt.2]
Daryl finds a woman with her newborn pup, taking them into the group. Slowly their bond grows stronger.
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The group traveled by foot after losing their vehicles. Tired and worn they walked on the road when Daryl decided to move into the woods to hunt while the others rested.
"Don't leave for too long, we gotta find shelter." Were the last words he caught before he walked off.
He got lucky finding two squirrels rather quick, but his nose caught a different scent he couldn't ignore.
With the squirrels strung over his shoulder he moved through the forest, not a sound as he stalked low to the ground and using all his heightened senses to seek out the source of the scent. He usually never went after anything other than food on these short hunts, but his instincts were screaming to go with his guts and follow his nose on this one.
The scent grew stronger and he could now tell apart all the separate ones. Human, low to the ground. And wolf, like him. He was either walking into something amazing, or he walked to his doom. He'd find out soon enough seeing his target wasn't moving.
"Hey, ouch! Come on, what did I tell you about those teeth.." a sigh left your lips as you softly rubbed the cheek of your son, who was nursing huddled against your torso as you sat against a large tree, partially hidden by low greenery. "God damn, what child has teeth this sharp at a couple days old.."
You were so focused on the feeding child that you didn't catch the man who appeared from behind the tree until a crossbow was aimed at you.
The second you saw you curled around your child, eyes closed and waiting for it tk be over.
Daryl heard the voice of a woman complain. Teeth, babies. Weird. But he now had her location pinpointed to behind a large tree, and made quick strides to round the tree, crossbow at the ready.
The woman came into view and so did her child. He watched her duck around it and waited, but Daryl dropped his crossbow instead and turned around before the blush creeping up on his face could be seen.
"M'sorry. Didn' mean ta watch ya feed." You watched the man's back, one hand lifted and the other holding his crossbow loosely. You shuffled your layers back over your chest with lots of vocal protests of the fuzzy newborn in your arms. His whines and grumbles were so strange to you, never had you heard a newborn sound like that. But then again, you never had seen a newborn like this.
"So, what's a human doin' with a werewolf pup on 'er own? Where's dad?" He still had his back to you and kept his distance, knowing full well he needed to keep his scent off the new mom and child if he wanted to survive. Male werewolves were insanely protective of their newborns.
"Human mom's traveling with her son, surviving like everyone else out here." You weren't going to respond to that last bit. Not now, not yet.
"Righ, if yer alone ya can tag along. Got a group tha' won't mind havin' ya an' the pup." He had turned his head and peeked if you were decent again, fully turning to catch your response when he saw you were covered up. "How do you know what he is? You're too okay with this."
Daryl let out a soft, breathy laugh and sat on his haunches to be at eye level with you. "They're common where I'm from." His voice was so calm as you stared at the smile on his face. You watched him stare at your son who was squirming in your arms. He was restless and you couldn't understand why.
"If yer comin' I gotta ask ya sum questions." Daryl was back on his feet again, ready to start heading back.
"I want to join you." Your answer was quickly given, much to Daryl's surprise. "I'm alone, and have no clue how to raise him so if I can stick around and get help from people who know his kind I'd be forever grateful."
Daryl let out a grunt of approval and nodded for you to follow him as you both exchanged names. He still made sure to keep a respectful distance from you in case dad was still around, but easily led you all back to the road where his group still rested.
"Hey! Daryl's back." "Wait, who's that?" "He found someone?"
"Did you ask her?" Rick's voice cut through the chatter and watched his friend shake his head no. He stepped over to you but was held back by a strong arm before he could get close, only letting out a simple warning. "Keep yer distance."
You watched the man give Daryl a look before turning back to you. "So, miss. How many walkers have you killed?"
You gave him a funny look, unsure who in their right mind kept track of something like that. "A bunch. Mostly avoided them lately, I assume you can guess why." You gave the pup in your arms a look, but averted your eyes back to the other man who continued his questionnaire. "How many people have you killed?"
Fuck. "Two."
"Why?" The question came so fast you had no time to even think.
"First one turned when we were asleep. Hid a bite and I'm a light sleeper." The man raised his brows, a clear sign he was waiting for number two.
"I killed his dad." You nodded to the pup again. "Tried to kill me and take him when my water broke. Guy was a psycho." You looked down at your arms, bundling your son even closer to you at the memory.
Suddenly Daryl stepped closer to you, holding out a hand and watching as the almost fully black furred pup stared at him with big eyes and made grabby hands at his fingers.
"Ya had him on yer own?" You nodded at Daryl's question and ran a hand through your son's fur. "I'm still sore.. having to move around immediately after is the absolute worst."
Seeing you were alone and with a child you weren't seen as a threat and allowed to travel with the group, much to your relief. You never expected your life to get even a little bit better, but now that you were traveling along with more folks you felt content. They watched your back when you fed your son and had a very handsome man help you feed him leftover meats from his hunts.
You were falling for him. Your son was absolutely in love with the man and you were starting to head in that direction too.
It wasn't helping your case that you r son wouldn't let anyone else but you and Daryl carry him, so when your arms were too sore to keep going he had to step in and stay close to you.
Your group shared dog meat and cheered in the rain, all the way to the point of the rain turning into a storm and having to run to seek shelter.
That’s how you ended up where you were now, all together huddled in a barn, desperately trying to catch up on some sleep while Rick kept first watch, but your don wasn’t helping the situation at all. He was whining his little lungs out with no signs of stopping. You had walked around with him, tried to breastfeed and give him some meat but he wanted none of it. Carol had offered to look him over but quickly retreated when a small clawed paw swiped at her when she reached out for his tummy. You were desperate, on the verge of tears as soft sniffles escaped your lips. Not being able to quiet down the whining pup was bad enough already, to have you crying on top of that would be the absolute worst. You pulled him close to your chest, his side against the soft flesh of your exposed chest, hoping the feel of your warmth would help but again it did nothing.
On the other side of the barn Daryl had settled, just around a corner and out of view. He had been trying to sleep for longer than most, but was having a much worse time than them. The pup’s whines weren’t directed at the others. They were for him.
With the distance between him and you there was no chance you’d hear his frustrated growls under his breath. Each peak in whines had him quietly snarl until eventually he couldn’t handle the child’s desperate cries anymore.
“Can ya tell yer kid I ain’t his goddamn dad?!” His voice rang through the barn, a deep growling tone to it that scared you so bad you lost the ability to hold back the tears you were trying to keep at bay, and had your pup go from whining to full on crying. Loud scraping howls and cries shook his tiny body, no attempts to shush him succeeding.
On the other end of the barn you could hear the soft groans of Judith waking up and quickly joining the chorus of cries. With her awake and crying now as well the mood in the whole barn dropped to a heavy negative. On one end you tried to shush the pup and on the other end the rest of the women huddled around the young girl to quiet her down.
From your angle you could see Abraham sit up from his spot next to Daryl who remained hidden behind a low wall. You watched the large man reach out his arm and whack it beside him, earning him an annoyed snarl from where Daryl laid. “Get yer ass up to the lady and her pup so we can all get some shut-eye.” Another rude snarling noise sounded and it was returned with another harsh smack. “Get movin’ or I’m gonna get the lady and plant her pretty little self and the noisemaker in your lap myself.”
Abraham’s words made you softly giggle, but you quieted down when a tired grunt came from beside him and Daryl came into view. He rubbed a hand over his face and stretched out his back as he moved over to you with his sleeping bag in hand. “Move over.” His voice was stern, and you complied immediately, scooting over to make space for him between you and the low wooden wall. With his appearance the pup’s cries had gone down to sniffles and hiccups, his paws outstretched in Daryl’s direction while he was laying out his sleeping bag.
On his way to lay down your pup managed to wiggle himself from your grasp and clamp himself around Daryl’s arm, who had to pry him off while you apologized on his behalf.
“Ain’t yer fault.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he laid down and pulled the pup against his chest. With his one free arm he grabbed you by the shoulder and pulled you closer too, laying you opposite him with the pup nestled in between you. Almost immediately he calmed down and curled up to sleep. “M’sorry fer yellin’. Jus’ tired.”
You forgave him immediately, thanking him for going out of his comfort zone and sleeping with the two of you.
The barn was finally quiet, safe for the rain still pouring outside, and sleep soon took over.
The next morning you woke up to a pain in your chest. Jerking up you almost smacked Daryl who was now grumbling as he was woken up by your sudden movement.
He watched you sit up with a hand covering your breast, inspecting it by peeking down the neckline of your shirt while an eager furball made grabby hands at your chest.
“I think I’m gonna head out the door and feed him. Need some fresh air after last night..” Daryl followed suit after your words, he had some confessions to make and properly apologize for making your son behave the way he did last night. You watched him follow you from the corner of your eye and held the door ajar for him. With a soft thanks he shut the barn door behind him, crossbow in hand. He still kept his back to you as you sat down against the outside of the barn and got ready to feed the pup. He's always turn away until you started talking again, signaling you were decent enough.
You watched Daryl pace in front of you, chewing the side of his thumb in thought. "Hey, what's wrong?" Truth being, his pacing was making you really nervous.
He let out a groan and stopped his pacing, now nervously shifting his weight from one foot to another. "We gotta talk. S'about the pup." He shook off his nerves and sat down with you.
"Was he really crying for you last night? You yelled at him about not being his dad." You knew that. He was a kind stranger who helped you with your child.
"He kept whinin' fer me ta hold 'em." He's unsure how to continue. He had to tell you the truth before the pup entirely imprinted on him, if it wasn't already too late.
"Back when I found ya it weren't by chance. Picked up yer scent an' sniffed ya out. Got excited when I caught 'nother wolf."
He watched your face go from focused to confused at his last sentence. Deciding words weren't going to help him right now he raised his hand into view, taking a deep breath and letting his claws come out. Fhe skin of his finger pads darkened as his nails thickened and extented into full claws. "Pup thinks 'm his dad. Didn' think it'd happen so quick, m'sorry."
As you watched Daryl's hand change, yous son squirmed out of your grasp with all his might and plopped into Daryl's lap and grabbed at his wrist.
"So, we co-parent now? You know I'm mkre than fine being with a werewolf." Oh god, those weren't the words you meant. Yiu weren't telling him you were into him like that. Wait. Could he have sensed it already when you thought about it earlier?
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you watched him try to keep your son from climbing on top of him even more.
"Ya still ne'er named him, didya?" Daryl felt the change in energy and decided to change the topic. He remembered one of the women asking for the pup's name and you admitting to never giving him one. It was still something you ran through your mind every day, nothing seemed to fit.
The scene went silent aftet that, both adults watching the little furball as he dug his paws into the sand, fished out a worm and stuffed it in his mouth, swallowing it whole.
You scrunced up your nose at the action, but Daryl only smiled proudly and watched as the little black fuzz hopped around and jumped up to chomp at a fly, missing the first two times but catching it the third try.
"S'gon be a good hunter, tha' one."
"Little Hunter, huh?" It rolled nicely off the tongue, it fit. You looked his way and called for him. "Hey, pup. Hunter, come here." He quickly came back to you and plopped himself on top of you.
Daryl wanted to grab and hold you both close in congratulations of naming the little guy, but he wasn't the father. He should keep his respectful distance up, Hunter was only yours.
A lot of happened between then and now, where you sat on the porch steps of a home in a safe community.
Hunter rolled around in the grass in front of you and Daryl sat on the railing with his crossbow and a cloth in hand.
"Hey Daryl," It was Carol who came from the house, all dressed up nicely. "Have you showered yet?"
Daryl only grumbled at the question. "Sweety, why don't you go take a shower with him?" She aaked as she walked past you and watched you smile and saw Daryl's face turn beet red.
Not long after you arrived in the community Carol had taken you aside and told you about Daryl's feelings he couldn't put into words, and in turn her learning about your love for him too. Ever since then she had been trying to set you up.
You and Daryl already shared a room, still sleeping apart from each other but still actively being parents to Hunter. Daryl hated to admit it, but caring for your son helped with the anxiety surrounding his new home.
"You know, Dee? Catol makes a great point. Come on." You got up and motioned to Rosita to watch Hunter for you while you went to try something.
Walking over to Daryl you took his hand in your and softly tugged for him to follow and to your surprize he let himself be dragged into the house and up the stairs.
This was easier than you expected it to be, hsving him upstairs and in the bathroom with you in a matter of minutes.
When you let go of his hand and turned away to run the water you half expected him to run off, but when you turned back he stood at the sink. He was staring at you through the mirror.
"How come you're so distant again today? Yesterday you were good stepping up to me and hugging Hunter." Daryl was difficult to read, and you often needed Carol to translate for you, not that you could call her over now that you were trying to get closer to Daryl in this way.
His gaze kept following your movements in the mirror as you went to grab towels and place them near the tub, making sure you had all the needed soaps and shampoos and a brush and sponge at hand.
"It ain't jus' me in ma head, ya know tha' righ? Me, I wanna make sure m'not invadin' yer family 'n respect tha' he aint mine ta care for." He spoke while he watched you undress. His head told him to look away and be respectful, but somewhere a voice kept telling him you wanted this too. He had smelled it on you that you were happy and content around him, he only smelled love and adoration on you but with you never saying it was okay out loud he never acted on it. But now you took him here and stripped down to just panties and a shirt. "And what says the other you? The one that's staring at me right now?" He watched a wide smile appear on your face as yiu pointed at your eyes and then at him. He hadn't even noticed his eyes had changed as he listened to his feral side talk inside his head.
"Tells me m'wastin' time not bein' withya. Found someone who ain't afraid of us, survived havin' a pup. Keeps yappin' about havin' a perfect mate walkin' around fer me an' bein' a bitch fer not goin' for ya." It was clear in his voice he was struggling with this day after day, and you weren't making it easier by not just speaking your feelings to him. You led him here to confess, to have the balls to outright tell him what you felt for him in the privacy of the room.
Even barely dressed and inviting him into the shower he still didn't take the hint you wanted him. He needed the words so you gave them now. Standing beside him and turning to look at him you grabbed his leather vest and pushed it off his shouders.
"Daryl Dixon, both human half and wolf, listen to me." Your words made him turn to you, and just as it was easy to drag him up the stairs, it was easy now to undress him ever so slowly. "If you truly believe I'd be a good mate to you then, please.." You were giving him time to stop your hands as you ever so slowly pushed his shirt off his shoukders and followed his arms down to his hips. "I want you to make me your mate. Hunter has already claimed you as a dad and now I want us to admit to our feelings." Your fingers worked at his pants and got them open, but quit when his hands moved.
You thought he was going to stop you, but instead he reached for your shirt and lifted it over your head. "I wanna try withya. But ya gotta be patient with me, please." You, the human, had to be patient with the werewolf. It was adorable in a way, but you'd keep that to yourself.
"I promise to be patient with you. Except for right now, come and get your ass into the shower before Rosita gets tired of Hunter." With a laugh you undressed entirely and went to feel the water temperature and swap to the showerhead before stepping in. "I'm still telling you to join me in the shower, just to make sure you got the hint."
He may have been slow, mentally preparing for something so intimate, but he ended up in the tub with you. He sat half under the stream as you gave his hair a spa treatment and scrubbed his skin. You were scrubbing harsh, but he didn't mind. It felt nice to be rid of the grime and dirt for once. He felt good once you were done, and returned the favor with the utmost care. His touch was so soft, if you weren't facing him you barely believed it was him who cleaned you.
That night, long after retrieving Hunter and having a quiet family dinner you shared a bed for the first time. Just to sleep, nothing more.
Well, a bit more. Soft kisses, brushes of skin and cuddles were shared. Enjoying each other's warmth and find your space on the bed was the priority tonight.
The others all quickly caught the changes in your behavior about each other. The three of you were a real family all of a sudden and Carol gave herself a pat on the shoulder for getting her friends to be real with each other now.
With weeks passing you turned Daryl's downstairs room into his workplace slash quick nap spot and moved all the bedroom stuff upstairs and made a real, adult couple bedroom with a nook for Hunter's crib.
More weeks passed after moving into your new room and everything was so real now and it felt good, but nothing felt as good as certain words leaving Daryl's mouth after you came to an agreement a couple weeks prior.
"Smells so good, hun. Whatcha got cookin?" Daryl had just rolled out of bed after coming home late last night from a hunt. He sauntered over and wrapped his arms around your middle, hands resting on your stomach as he took a long whiff to take in all the scents swarming the kitchen.
You told him shat you were cooking as he followed your words with his nose. The fresh baked bread you went to grab early. The stew simmering in the pan and the eggs baking in the pan. But there was something else cooking, something you probably hadn't realized yet.
"Yer forgettin'bout yer oven, hun." You had yo know what he meant, you were so excited about it before.
"Dee, this kitchen has no working oven." You giggled as his chin scruff rubbed against your cheek as he kissed you there. "No tha' oven.." His hands spread over your stomach and squeezed soffly. "Ya smell even better than I hoped ya would."
You smelled different? You still used the same shampoo and soaps. And you couldn't remember you using a seriously different laundry soap either.
"Hun." Daryl had to stop you srirring the stew for a moment, turning off the heat under the eggs and turn you around. The irony of her joking about having to be direct with him to make him understand, and then now not getting it when he wasn't saying things literal.
"Ya smell pregnant." It was as direct as it could be. Straight to the point and perhaps the only way to bring this.
To say you were shocked was an understatement. You had your whole day planned full of tasks around the community, but you knew you weren't going to get anything done now.
But Daryl let you get back to your stew, staying stuck to your back with his hands massaging your belly.
"Well, ya better start believin' cuz tha' pup's gon' be here soon." Daryl was excited, for the first time in his life he felt like he wasn't that little fuckup redneck boy he was always made out to be. He was ready to be a father, and this time not of an adopted child but one of his own.
"Can't believe it took so fast." You were thinking out loud now as you moved from stirring the stew to cutting the bread for the eggs.
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A/N: A very human were!Daryl this time.
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hunnylagoon · 3 months
The Killing Moon
PT2 The Colour Wars
Ellie Williams x Reader
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It’s the perfect night for mystery and horror. The night itself is filled with monsters.
Premise: Summer camp feels a little different. Could it be newfound feelings for your friend or creatures beyond the imagination stalking you? Either way, it’s time to win the Colour Wars.
Warnings: Raunchy humour / mentions of cryptids / creepy?
PART ONE: Camp Spirit
Hope everything is alright with you because I'm so stressed that I may be spiralling into insanity at any moment. I understand that I'm an adult now but I too need someone to scream my frustration to until my lungs burn and I'm light-headed. "Hey, I'm having like super bad cramps and my flow is super heavy so I can't play this game."
I look at the girl in front of me, she's around fourteen if I had to guess and has two blonde French braids. We were in the middle of the first game of colour wars -the treasure hunt- and this girl was sporting a blue shirt, I didn't know her face nor was she on my team and I hadn't even noticed that she had been tagging along with my group for ten minutes. "Who are you?"
"Why are you here?" I ask but Laila only answers me with a shrug and a sneer "Never mind, I'm not your counsellor and I don't care, go to the nurses."
"Can I go to the nurses too?" Olive peeps up behind me "I think I have a scrape on my knee.":
"Don't we all?" I look back at her "We gotta win this game, we're so close," We were, mostly because every time the blue team gathered treasure I would send out feral kids to ambush them and bring it back to me "We're gonna have all the treasure we can carry." The objective was simple; The directors hid treasure (Cheap jewelry, hats, clothes from the old theatre program, etc.) across campgrounds and we had to source it out, whichever team came back to the sports field with more treasure won.
"We've been out here for hours," Morgan groaned, you'd think that these girls had been sent to war with the way they complained.
"It's only been forty-six minutes."
Olive took a seat on a rock, Leah doing the same, it didn't take long for each girl to have firmly planted themselves on the ground and refuse to get up. Valentina grabbed a stick and began to scratch drawings into the muddy ground.
"C'mon guys, there's like fifteen minutes left, and I know for a fact that there is still treasure to be found." I know how ridiculous I must've looked at that moment, I had been wearing a purple 'royal cape' that was pilling onto my T-shirt and a cheap dollar store crown that kept slipping off my head.
"I'm so bored," Chloe drew out.
"Because you're being boring!" I exasperate. Never had I ever had a cabin that was so apathetic and unenthusiastic, they were a stark contrast to last year when everyone had sunshine running through their veins and mud smeared across their faces; those pitch black summer nights live in my bones.
"This isn't fun, can we play something else?" 
"No," I take a deep breath out, composing myself "You are at summer camp to be outdoors, you're developing important social, cognitive and emotional skills."
I'm met with blank stares from each and every girl sitting below me "I don't know what that means," Leslie said.
"It means we're going through puberty," Kim tells her.
"No," My eyes go wide "No, it means that you're figuring out who you are."
"Am I gonna get my period soon?" Valentina drops the stick from her tiny hands. 
"Maybe- I don't know," I thew my hands out. 
"What's a period?"
"It's where you bleed until you don't have any blood left and then you die," Kim says this so matter-of-factly like she has a degree in healthcare and has been teaching the health unit in PE for a decade.
"WHAT?" Chloe jumps up from her spot on the ground, looking around to see if she's already bleeding out.
"We're gonna die and you didn't tell us?" Leslie looks even more terrified than she did on the night of the camp legend.
Every girl was beginning to panic, fear was clear across their small faces. It's moments like these where I wish I was alone, maybe solo camping or back in my bedroom from high school, somewhere where only the moon knows how I rot and the sun knows how I yearn.
"Guys, calm down, a period isn't a bad thing and it won't hurt you," This was my attempt to soothe the ten-year-old girls who were contemplating how they would spend their last days on earth. The plastic crown slips off my head and I reach down to grab it and readjust it.
"Then why is it called a period if it doesn't end your life?" Kim asks, crossing her arms.
"I don't know but it doesn't end your life-
"Can we just go back to the soccer field until this game is over?" Tamar chimes in, looking like she rather be staring at cardboard boxes. 
"Fine!" I finally gave in, gathering all of the treasure that once sat at my feet into my arms. The amount of treasure was almost overflowing, I had stolen a bunch from some kids in Dean's cabin who were too scared to argue with me. 
"Am I going to die?" Leslie scurries up beside me and I look down at her, behind the thick lenses of her classes, she is holding back tears.
"Not for a very long time," I can hardly bend my neck to look at her with the amount of shit I'm hauling, the girls being little to no help with this. The girls trail behind me and I have to turn my entire body to look at them "If anyone runs off this time, I'm feeding them to the snatchers."
Suddenly they want to listen. The woods aren't scary in the day, just at night when they begin to whisper. As of now, I know the quickest way to every part of camp despite the identical trees so thick that you can hardly see the sky when you're beneath them. 
Leslie holds onto the bottom of my red Colour Wars T-shirt since my hands are full, Valentina holds onto Leslie's hand and all of a sudden I've become a mother hen with little chicks following me around. 
"If magic isn't real then why were people so scared of witches," Valentina asks me while she kicks a rock across matted fallen leaves and dirt. 
"Maybe magic is real," I say "To burn a witch is to admit magic exists."
"How do I become a witch?" Chloe appears out of what seems to be thin air on my other side, I can't see her since my pile of goodies is up to my chin and I'm afraid that if I move all of it will come tumbling down.
"Practice magic," That was my guess, I didn't know squat about witchcraft.
"How do I do that?"
"A real witch will figure it out herself," I say. When you've worked with kids for five years, you get to a certain point where you run out of creative answers. During my first year working here, I was sixteen and a CIT, terribly afraid to mess up because I hadn't lived yet. With each passing year that I've come back, I get more and more comfortable, returning to familiar faces and the smell of petrichor.
Chloe nods excessively like I've just said something extremely profound, I can see the gears turning in her head like she's already thinking of spells to cast. 
It takes a little less than five minutes until we're out of the woods, we emerge by the crafts cabin, the soccer field is in clear sight. The soccer field is built over a little mound, slightly elevated from the ground and on top I can see two piles of knick knacks and a pretty big sum of campers and counsellors alike waiting on the top. 
From the looks of it Tommy and Joel have already begun to count their respective teams mound of treasure, Tommy being on the amazing red team and Joel representing the awful/disgusting/foul/boring/untalented blue team. That might've been a stretch but there were no friends in the Colour Wars.
In what seems to be the blink of an eye a hoard of kids runs past me and my girls, nearly knocking me off my feet. I didn't even process that some boys with too much energy had stolen plyed my well earned (stolen) treasure from my arms leaving me with nothing but my cape and crown until Liza, a girl from the Grizzly cabin snatched the cape right off my back and none other than Ellie herself grabbing the crown off my head.
They were booking it to the soccer field "Go get our shit back!" I yelled ushering my girls to go after the kids who were at least three years older than them. Only two of them actually listened; despite how hard they were trying, Leslie and Chloe's stumpy legs couldn't take them very far, leaving me to be the only one in pursuit.
I summoned back all of my memory from playing rugby in highschool and jumped on Ellie's back, I didn't take her down but she stumbled. I was so desperate to not turn up empty handed. By the time I made contact with her, she had already thrown the crown ahead for Liza to catch. They ran up the soccer field, dumping the double stolen treasure into their hula hoop. Even visually they were in the lead now, thanks to my expert piracy skills and theirs too, I guess.
"I hate you," I slid off Ellie's back, my sneakers hitting the dusty ground. "My girls earned that fair and square."
She looks me up and down, bathing in my anger like some kind of prize "I know you stole it."
"Because I know you."
"Oh yeah?" I cross my arms, taking a step closer to my friend "Do you know how I'm gonna kick your ass later?"
She grins "I look forward to it." Ellie leaves me with this while she walks up to the soccer field to revel with her team in their newfound victory.
"What does 'kick your ass' mean?" Olive padded up behind me along with the rest of the girls, except for Leslie who was bent over, one hand on her knee to support her while she clung to her inhaler for dear life. "Are you gonna beat Ellie up?"
"I think she means 'kiss her ass'." Kim said, turning her head to look at Olive "Like they're gonna have sex later."
"What's sex?" Chloe furrowed her eyebrows.
"Kim you need to stop talking," I tell them, hands on my hips, nothing but frustration etched into the forefront of my brain. I glance back at Ellie as Maria rings the bell to signal that the game was over. Softly, with hands gentle as rain, I will wrap my hands around her neck and strangle her.
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"Listen up!" I announced to the eight girls in my cabin. To absolutely no surprise, blue won the treasure hunt, now we were setting up for a water balloon fight in the allotted section of woods that Joel taped off in bright pink flagging tape. "I physically and mentally cannot handle another loss, I will be very disappointed in each and every one of you if we don't win-
"That's not true," Daniel cuts me off "The point of today is to have fun, winning doesn't matter, just do your best." The both of us are standing tall on a rock while the campers sit around and stare up at the two of us like we had been mighty gods preparing to throw wine and bread at their little feet.
I eye Daniel from the side and look back to everyone "None of your hard work is going to matter unless you win so do you want to be a whiney loser like Daniel or be cool like me and win the colour wars?"
Everyone fell quiet for a moment as if a curse of silence fell upon us until Kim not-so-sublty yelled "Daniel's a pussy!" I was beyond the point where I cared about the girls cussing, the only thing on my mind was showing my very dear friend, Ellie how awful her team is and rub my win in her beautiful face.
"That's what I like to hear!" I smile "Now let's go win this!"
My girls erupt in cheers and Daniel almost shamefully steps off the rock. I had finally made a breakthrough with my cabin after slightly snapping at them after Maria announced that the red team lost. Maybe the treasure hunt wasn't my thing, but water balloon wars? I had won that every single year, even when I was still a camper. 
The objective was easy, be the last team with players, once you get hit you're out. Friendly fire is strictly against the rules as well as headshots, they had to be hit in the torso, once you get wet, you're out and have to leave the allotted zone to watch. 
We played in a patch of forest that was less dense than the rest, making it easier to run around. 
"Three!" Maria shouted, "Two!" She's standing in the middle of the zone, so everyone can hear her though no one can see her since the two teams are on opposite ends to make it fair. "One!" She blows her whistle and kids are already dunking their hands into buckets of icy-cold water balloons and setting off to the enemy end.
The CITs were responsible for keeping a consistent flow of water balloons and buckets spread evenly in the zone, I remember when I was a CIT and had to miss out on capture the flag to pick up every bit of balloon that at splattered across the ground. 
I had a balloon in each hand, making my way around the perimeter discreetly. I lock eyes with a younger boy in a blue shirt, he immediately turns to run, not fast enough though "Come back here ankle biter!" I yell, decking a water balloon at him, it hits him right in his back.
There was a boy in Sawyers's cabin, one of the wild ones with animal teeth that ran off of energy drinks and the huff of Sharpies. He tried to throw a balloon at me but it missed me by a landslide, his second attempt wasn't much better.
I however nailed him in the chest "You're out buddy!" I smiled, and he met this by giving me the middle finger. "Whatever carrot top, tell Sawyer I send word!"
I was way too good at this game. Every year I thought I could take on the other team single-handedly and every year I'm proven right when I'm the last one standing. After a prompt reminder from Joel that this was supposed to be fun for the campers and I was treating it like World War Three, I had to cool down a little bit.
We played this game straight after lunch so everyone was either hopped up with energy or sluggish from eating too much, alternatively, there was Ashlynn. She was wandering around, a black bleach-stained hoodie thrown over the top of the shirt for whatever team she was on.
Ashlynn had a can of Diet Coke in hand, where did she get it? I'm not too sure, my guess is that she stashed them under her bunk. "Hey," She sits on a log beneath the tree I was hiding behind. "You're way better at this than you should be, you know you're playing against children, right?"
"I didn't come here to fuck around," There weren't a whole lot of people left in the game, I just took out Abby and the only counsellor left on the blue team was Ellie, maybe Ashlynn but she didn't pose a threat in any way shape or form. 
"Do you have any nic on you?" She looked up at me, taking a sip from her diet coke, her shaggy bleached hair was one more dye away from being fried.
"No?" I furrow my eyebrows "I don't usually bring nicotine to a summer camp full of children."
Ashlynn almost looks like she's hungover but then again she usually seems that way "I brought a couple joints and I'm like ninety percent sure two got stolen."
My eyes widen "You brought joints? Ash, you're getting fired if Maria finds out."
She shrugs "I don't mind, I either smoke weed here or I smoke weed in my backyard." 
"Okay but if it actually got stolen then it's probably some little shit that has it, they're gonna say that you gave it to them and that's a whole case."
"It's legalized though."
"Yeah, not for children." I was taken away from the game until I saw the smallest bit of a blue shirt beneath Ashlynn's sweater, I didn't hesitate to drop a balloon on her. She doesn't seem to mind and from this reaction, I'm beginning to think she's the one who smoked those missing joints. 
I come out from behind the tree empty-handed and plant a kiss on her forehead as an apology for getting soaking wet "Love you, Ash, hope you find your weed." I tell her before jogging off. Ashlynn doesn't get up to join everyone else outside of the boundary, she just stays on the log and drinks her diet coke.
Dina is still in the game on my team as well as a few campers, I hear her voice yelling at children somewhere off in the distance. Sadly, the girls in my cabin were picked off almost immediately, I swear I will avenge their little souls.
"You're soaking Conner, get out of here," Dina scolded a kid on the blue team "You gotta play by the rules, so beat it shrimp."
"Nuh-uh," He said. Lord knows I hated this kid, last summer when I went to the bathroom during dinner Conner stole my food and denied it even though he was the only one in the mess hall with two plates, he then kicked me in the shins and waddled away.
"You gotta go, baby hippo," I tell him, his round cheeks are bright red from running and he's short-breathed. He shakes his head and with a final stern look from both Dina and I, he leaves. "Nice, who's left?"
"One camper on our team and just Ellie over there," She tells me "Like best case scenario, just go over there and seduce Ellie."
I raise an eyebrow "Nah, I'm winning with brute strength and incredible strategy."
"I'm guessing that going for the little kids first is your definition of incredible strategy?"
"Yup," I say, walking to a bucket to grab another balloon "Get ready, this could go south."
"God forbid we tragically lose our lives in a water balloon war," Sarcasm drips from her tone even though she grabs another balloon.
"I know, that would be awful," I say with full seriousness.
Dina is struck with a water balloon out of nowhere "Shit," She mutters, looking at her now dripping shirt. I don't think I've ever reacted so quickly to anything in my life, I throw a balloon at Ellie and it barely hits her, but it still does.
"Look, you're wet," I smile, brighter than I had this whole summer "You're wet, you lost!" I'm almost jumping around, I'm so unreasonably happy at such a stupid thing. "I won!" I yell trying to capture the attention of the CITs so my win could go on record. 
"Fuck yeah!" Dina gives me a high five then looks at Ellie "You lost!"
"You lost," I say in a sing-song voice "Red team wins," I grab Dina's hand and raise to the sky like she's just won a wrestling match "We win, you're all wet!"
"You're wet too, D," Ellie says.
"Yeah, but you lost!" Dina wraps me in a hug around my torso, pinning my arms down and shaking me back and forth.
"Ew, get off," I can't help myself from laughing "But seriously I won, put that on record."
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"Wow they have their worst player guarding the flag," I say, we were nearing dinner now and everyone was getting tired out, not me though, I had a war to win. Capture the Flag was the last game and that game is my shit, I know I said that about every other game but I really mean it this time. 
"I always forget that you're way too into this," Ellie says, she's unmoving in front of the blue team flag, pole stuck into the ground. 
"Ellie, you need to let me win," I say "Or I will do unspeakable things to you."
"Is that a threat or a promise?" She teases.
"Whichever you want," I almost surprised myself by saying this but it just slipped from my mouth like wax off the wings of Icarus. Behind me, I feel a harsh slap on my back and swiftly turn around to see a pudgy kid with a huge smile on his face. 
"You have to go to jail," Conner says and if he wasn't a child who stood at 4'3 I probably would've hit him.
"Yeah, I know, Conner," I glance at Ellie who is biting back a laugh and gives an obnoxious little wave as Conner drags me by the hand towards the jail. He waddles along, clinging to two of my fingers, his hands are greasy and slippery, whatever reason, I'm not sure I want to know.
He takes me to a rope circle laid out on the ground, there's already a handful of people on my team in it. Conner drops me off there, sticking his tongue out before scurrying away as fast as he could (Which wasn't very fast). There's one blue team guard, I recognized him from Jesse's cabin. 
I'm far too bitter for someone playing a harmless camp game, I hold a grudge easier than I hold someone's hand. "Why are you here?" A boy from Miles cabin asks.
"Because I got tagged, Emmet," I say, agitated. "Why are you here? Because you can't outrun an eight-year-old?"
His smile drops "Yeah," He looks down at his shoes, kicking some dirt. 
"How are we supposed to get out and win this?" Another boy asks.
"Jesus," I mutter "How old are you?"
"Fifteen and you've never played Capture the Flag?"
He nods his head "I mostly play COD and Fortnite."
"Oh my god," I run my hands down my face, fighting the urge to gag "Someone from our team who isn't tagged has to tag us, they can only tag one person at a time and we get a free walk back to our side if we're tagged, to win the game you need to capture the other teams flag- you know what, I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory."
"So who's going to tag us?"
"Probably no one because a kid with Fortnite skills isn't really worth saving" I answer and he falls quiet. Harsh? yes. Necessary? No, but I was annoyed.
"Hey, Crawford," A voice says, she's standing a few yards back with one of her friends giggling.
"Oh, hey," The guy guarding us, coughs, deepening his voice "What's up."
"I can't believe you're actually playing this game," The girl sniggers.
"Nah, I'm just waiting for Lucas," He lies.
"Find him later, come hang out," She smiles at him.
Crawford looks from us to her, and with little to no hesitation, he goes with the girls. Once I see their figures retreat beyond the trees, I look around to see if there are any more people on the blue team around before stepping out of the rope circle.
"I thought you said we had to get tagged by someone else before we could leave," The boy says, looking around nervously as if he was buying pot in an alley.
"Are you a narc?" I ask.
"Then we're good to go," I say, ushering my team out of the circle. The sun has just begun to set, casting an orange hue over everything and making it look like it had been touched by Midas. While the rest of my team runs back to our side where they are safe from being tagged, I have something else on my mind, Ellie Williams. 
I began to retrace my steps back to where Ellie waited with the flag and where I'm sure a bunch of overeager kids were patrolling to protect the priceless flag from the claws of the evil red team.  Ellie was never into these games until I was, the second I had the urge to win something, she was compelled to beat me.
Someone hadn't been looking where they were sprinting when they crashed into me at full speed, they would've knocked me down if they weren't the same height as an Oompa Loompa. She let out an 'Oof' while she fell to the ground "Chloe?"
"Hi," She looks up at me, and quickly the posse rolls around. All of the girls in my cabin, even Tamar and Morgan were actively participating.
Leslie ran up to me and hugged me around my legs "Hi, girls," I said with furrowed eyebrows. The past two weeks I had struggled to even get them to collectively go to breakfast without putting up a fight because they didn't want to. "How's the game going?"
"We know where the flag is!" Valentina peeps up, she has mud smeared under her eyes like war paint. 
"Yeah, but Ellie's there and I'm scared of her," Leah mentions.
"Well, we're all together now so we can strategize," A smile cracks onto my face.
"We should put a scorpion in her hair," Kim has a wild grin on her tanned face, her honey-blonde hair is tangled into a rat nest, with a couple of leaves in there.
"No, good idea though, we'll save that one for later," I point at Kim "I was thinking that I could distract Ellie while half of you keep the other guards away and the other half grabs the flag and makes a break for it."
Kim nods enthusiastically, Tamar doesn't seem thrilled by the idea but she doesn't object to it so I take her silence as a win. This is the exact moment I put on my invisible captain hat, giving each of my girls a specific role with the promise I would sneak them candy on Saturday if they pulled this off. 
With each passing minute, the sky got darker and darker, I wanted to finish this game until Joel and Tommy made the counsellors walk around with headlamps on to keep an eye on everyone. "Hi, El."
"What do you want?" She's been standing in the same spot for a little over an hour, her vexation was shining through in her tone. 
"To be done with this game," I say, prepping myself for the little heist "This is really dragging on and- I saw Crawford run off with some girls from your cabin."
"Who the hell is Crawford?" She furrows her eyebrows.
"One of Jesse's boys, I know it's an unfortunate name."
"Who did he leave with?"
"Uh," I rack my brain for their names "Cindy and the rude one."
She nods, immediately knowing who I was talking about from my vague description "So, when are you gonna run past me and steal the flag?"
"What?" I acted like her question was incredulous "Why would you think that's what I'm trying to do?" I'm so bad at acting, I'm behaving like one of those wasted middle-aged men who get pulled over on the freeway and pretend that they're stone-cold sober by making a bunch of hand gestures while they talk.
"You're awful at acting," She says, crossing her arms, I watch the veins tense in her forearm below her tattoo sleeve.
"Fuck," I muttered "Fine, I give up," I plop myself on the ground, my spine against the trunk of a tree, I look up at Ellie "Okay, I'm officially over these games."
She raises an eyebrow and I can tell that she doesn't believe me. "First of all, you're sitting in mud. Second of all, eleven years of bloodshed and you're giving up out of nowhere?"
"It's not out of nowhere, I'm just getting older," I say the second half a little quieter "I'm in college I need to stop acting immature."
We both fall silent, she doesn't know what to say to this. Ellie usually wasn't the best at comforting me in whichever situation, I remember back when I was fourteen and a wreck because my first dog died and all she could do was give me a hug and ask if I wanted water. 
"You’re not immature," Ellie says, unsure of what to do.
"Alrighty," I press my lips together in a thin line, equally diffident. "I'm just bored of this, it's gotten kind of repetitive."
"Then what do you wanna do?" She asks, in this light she's dimly illuminated by the setting sun. She looks like a sculpture carved from honey.
"Keep looking at me like that and I'll do whatever you want," I smile.
"Are you trying to flirt with me?"
"Is it working?"
"Not entirely," She says, behind her, there's a snap and just before she turns around I call her attention back to me. I saw Valentina, Chloe, and Olive emerging from behind trees, just seconds away from victory.
"Okay," I chuckle "Help me up?"
Ellie regards me for a second before taking my hand stretched wide. The second her hand clasps in mine I pull her down with all of my might and believe me when I say this is no easy feat, Ellie was sturdy. Luckily I caught her off guard and managed to pin her beneath me, I straddle over her torso, gesturing for the girls to run.
"Go!" I whisper-shout so others on the blue team can't hear me. Ellie grabs me by the waist and uses momentum to flip me over, now I'm the one with my back in the mud and she sits overtop of me. 
She had been so close that our lips brushed, and I had felt my heart stop, I almost didn't want to move just to see what would happen next but in utter panic, I reached next to me, a handful of mud and smeared it down Ellie's face. "You're so gross," She squeezes her eyes shut, leans back and begins to scoop mud off her face, I use this as my opportunity to wriggle out from beneath her.
It takes me a minute to get off my knees and onto my feet, by this point, almost the entirety of my legs are covered in mud, leaves, sticks, and probably bugs. I try to take off but my sneakers betray me and I fall face-first into the mud.
Of course, Ellie sees this and she's laughing so hard she needs to support herself, one forearm against a tree while her other is clutching her stomach. I scoop up more mud, almost squirming in distaste from the sensation of it caked beneath my nails but I still throw it at Ellie with perfect accuracy. 
She tenses up when I do this. Once again I struggle to my feet but this time I am victorious, I stay frozen in place for a moment to be sure I won't face plant again. When I'm sure that I won't fall, I bend down to throw another mud pie at Ellie for good measure than I'm off to see if my girls completed the mission.
When I finally got back to my side I saw my team already celebrating "Woohoo!" I yell and the crowd immediately falls quiet, regarding my current state. I probably look like a creature who's just crawled out of a stagnant swamp. 
"Why does she look like that?" Ashlynn whispers to Bowie who doesn't respond and from his red eyes alone, I know the reason why.
"C'mon girls," I smile "Bring it in!" I open my arms for my cabin to come in for a hug but they just back away from me with wrinkled noses. 
Tommy looks at me "Why are you dirty?" I knew he was getting sassy when he propped his hands on his hips "What happened in the ten-minute gap since I last saw you that has made you so filthy?" It wasn't malice in his voice but genuine curiosity, Tommy was a fun-loving guy for the most part.
I shrugged "I wouldn't know, mate, you tell me." His eyebrows furrowed as his confusion delved even deeper. He looked into my soul from across the clearing. Eventually, Ellie makes her way to join me, she's a little better off than I am though she's still grimy.
"Oh, great, you too," Tommy says, gesturing to his niece. 
Joel lets out a deep sigh "You two better shower before dinner."
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I let the hot water run over my body, dripping down and consuming me whole. Ellie and I are the only ones in the showers, we're separated by nothing more than a divider though the steam is so heavy I wouldn't have been able to see her regardless. 
Since we were sent to grab a change of clothes and clean off Ellie had been almost silent, she wasn't even teasing me back or making a punchline when I had thrown out an obvious setup. 
After thoroughly washing the grime off of my body I turned the shower off, walking over the laminated bench where Ellie and I had out put our clothing only to find them missing. For a minute I thought I was crazy and had misplaced them but after awkwardly pattering around the shower house, I realised they were gone.
"Hey, Ellie," I say on the other side of her shower stall "Someone stole our clothes."
"You're hilarious," She deadpanned, not an ounce of amusement in her tone.
"Yeah, I know but I'm not joking."
I hear the water turn off in her stall, she pokes her head out and looks at the bench "Where did you put them?"
"I didn't put them anywhere," I say, in an attempt to sound convincing. "Someone took our shit," All that was left behind we're Ellie's Converse, knocked onto the ground and my carabiner with keys, a flashlight, and my shark keychain. 
"Fuck," Ellie mutters and looks around for a moment before her eyes land on me and she quickly averts her gaze, "Can you turn around?"
"It's nothing I haven't seen before."
"I hate you."
"I hate you too." I tell her though I do turn around "What's the plan here?"
"I'm looking."
"I already did, dumbass."
"Thoroughly." She adds.
I stare at empty shower stalls and white tile walls while Ellie checks every single spot that I already have. I can hear only her and the plop of dribbles of water splattering against the cold ground. The steam is still heavy and easy on my sharp lungs.
"I can't find them," Ellie says at last. "But I did find some clothes that look like they could've belonged to Adam Sandler.”
"Yeah, no shit," I turn around and see her standing there completely nude, she moves quickly out of my eye line and into a stall "You've changed in front of me a million times, what's different now?" I say, nonchalantly, walking past her.
"Maybe I don't want you to see me buck naked."
"I think I just heard something," I stop in my tracks.
 "not really the time-
"Why do you always think I'm fucking with you?" I ask, furrowed eyebrows.
"Shh," I hush her trying to listen for the sound. I walked toward the entrance of the shower house there was a large wall in front of the door so no one could open the door to peek in, they had to go around the wall and properly enter, the same way most locker rooms were set up. I'm about ten yards away from the entrance when I see a figure poke their head out, just a quarter of its face, I can see their amber eye. They spot me in almost a split second and jet out in a blur, I hear the door open and crashing shut, their feet scrambling away. Just like that, I felt my blood run cold. 
"Fuck!" I yell, scuttling back towards the stalls "Ellie, there's fucking someone in here!" My heart is beating faster than I think it ever has before and I almost feel sick with the thought that someone was in here the entire time Ellie and I had been vulnerable and unaware. 
"What?" She steps out of the stall and looks around before she sees me. I'm on the floor, my knees to my chest and eyes wide. "You saw someone?"
"Yes!" I say throwing a hand out to gesture to the divider "They were hiding behind there and fucking watching us!"
"Shit," She says, walking towards the wall and looking behind it, she freezes too. Ellie turns towards me and the doubt on her face is gone "We need to find some clothes and get out of here."
"What?" I say "Did you see something?"
Ellie begins to open every single locker, tossing articles of clothing that people left behind on the ground. She wasn't exaggerating earlier when she said she found clothes that could've belonged to Adam Sandler. No wonder they were left behind.
"What was it?" I press again.
"Just some mud tracks, they were probably ours," She dismisses. "Now get dressed."
This doesn't ease me in the slightest, I'm so on edge that I haven't made a joke about Ellie and I casually being naked in front of each other. How ridiculous the pair of us looked didn't aid me in calming down; Ellie was wearing a black T-shirt about three sizes too large that read 'Ask me about my IBS' with a caricature of a man-eating cheese beneath it, this was paired with blue basketball shorts that had two white stripes running down the side. "How's your IBS?" I tease.
"It's a constant battle." At least she had her shoes, I had to wear flip-flops that hardly fit, so small I almost thought they belonged to a Barbie. While Ellie was moderately comfortable, I was not, I had to wear skinny jeans that were crudely cut into Bermuda shorts, matched with none other than an American flag tank top, how patriotic. 
"I'm almost thinking it would be better to go out in nothing," I say, looking at myself in the mirror. I glance over at Ellie, I know she's trying to play it off but I can tell she's shaken.  "You look so stupid."
"Damn," She says "I was just trying to show my support for those with IBS," Ellie jokes, trying to ease the tension.
The both of us are procrastinating on leaving the perceived safety of the shower house. I feel dread emanating from the woods, we will no longer be surrounded by four walls and engulfed by bright light. As we walk towards the entrance I reach for Ellie's hand, intertwining our fingers. "So we're going straight to the mess hall?"
"Yup," She says, giving my hand a little squeeze, it's her way of saying 'I got you'. I wonder if she can sense the panic pulsing through me or distress pumping in my veins. At the door I saw the tracks Ellie was staring at, they hadn't been ours. We walked in with muddy sneakers, these were barefoot prints, and whoever they belonged to had walked in many circles. I'm sick to my stomach once again, fighting the natural urge to vomit until I cry and my parents come to comfort me.
I click my flashlight on, but nothing lays ahead but forest and a beaten path. We stepped out into the darkness, it wasn't a far walk to the mess hall where everyone was gathered but that didn't stop my heart from racing like a rabbit moments away from getting snagged by a terrifying beast. 
My heartbeat slowed the further we walked, so far we hadn't been kidnapped by a pervert. I take a deep breath, trying to push overtly dark thoughts to the back of my mind, next to me Ellie is calm as a marble statue bathed beneath moonlight.
Each breeze makes me shudder despite the humid weather. Suddenly, regarding my current situation, the summer camp doesn't feel like home anymore. It feels like those abandoned houses up the road that my parents had carefully trained me to stay away from. The rustle of leaves is reminiscent of the laugh that belonged to creepy men who used to watch children at the park who didn't belong to them. 
I'm no longer met with the fresh scent of pine but something ancient, something rotted like it's been sitting in the back of the fridge for a decade. It reeks of shit to the point where I'm gagging on nothing like little hands of wind pushing on the back of my throat. 
My hand grows sweaty clasped to Ellie's though she shows no indication of being bothered by this. I hear a rustle somewhere around, whether it's in the trees or the bushes I'm unsure, instinctivly, I freeze. I look around, the gleam from my flashlight gliding across the flora, searching for something that likely isn't there.
"It's okay," Ellie says, her voice tender as a lullaby  "We're fine," She pulls gently on my hand to keep us going but I'm stuck in place. My flashlight is frozen on the body of a rabbit, Its white fur soaked through with red. I break my hand free from Ellie's grip and clasp it over my dry lips to choke down a cry. The entire skin of the rabbit's torso had been torn off on one side from the spine to the stomach, you could see its brown organs, the still beating heart, and everything that made it function was pooling out of it. If it hadn't been for its little head, beady eyes full of fear and perked-up ears, I wouldn't have known it was a rabbit at all. Whatever mauled it did a messy job that it hadn't quite finished like a dull axe to the back of the head. 
Behind the trees, I hear slurping, something wet and hungry. It wretches on what I assume to either be its newest feast or its saliva. It devours every last breath it has, the breathing is shallow and gruff like it's eating so fast it's choking on its meal, though it takes the time to slurp and swallow the remnants of whatever it's chowing down on. I see a pair of golden eyes glint behind a shrub in the cast of my light.
I reach for Ellie's hand again and run like I've never run before. She quickly takes the lead, so fast that she's nearly dragging me along. We don't speak but we understand each other clearly, we need to move. 
Trailing us, I hear heavy steps beating against the dirt pathway. I don't even need to look back to know that it's following u, its heavy, wet breathing is clue enough. I'm starting to feel a burning in my lungs, saliva builds in my mouth and I spit it down onto the pathway, heaving with every quick-paced step.
One of my too-tight pink flip-flops catches a rock stuck in the path and sends me tumbling to the ground. For just a moment I see a pitch-black figure wearing tattered clothing with amber eyes that glow light street lamps gaining on us; I could've sworn it had human hands and feet but I wasn't in my right mind, it's still enough to send adrenaline coursing through my veins. Without even stopping, Ellie pulls me back up and I kick off my other sandal, running barefoot on the trail.
My feet hammer against the dirt, rocks, and pebbles. I can feel the souls of my feet getting sliced and torn though I don't slow down, the sight of the mess hall in the distance makes me run even faster. 
"Hey!" Ellie yells, trying to capture the attention of someone in the mess hall. Her grip on my hand doesn't loosen, in fact, it gets tighter as she pulls me along. I don't know if whatever was chasing us is still there but I'm too mortified to check. 
I wave with my hand clutching my carabiner but it does nothing to garner any kind of attention within the mess hall. Our feet moving faster than we could form thoughts we ran towards the entrance. 
Ellie pulls the door wide open and pushes me in before slamming the door shut behind us. The very second my heaving body hits the floor, everyone's attention falls on us.
"Woah," Miles regards us with confusion before it morphs into a smile on his face "Did you guys just have sex?" He takes a bite of his sandwich, he looks like he got into Ashlynn's stash.
"Why do you look like Adam Sandler and Hilary Duff?" Dina furrowed her eyebrows next to Jesse, he looked like he was trying to work together some type of conclusion for why we were breathing so deeply and why my feet were bleeding. 
I look at Ellie and she meets my gaze, she no longer looks calm. There's a sense of dread written clearly across her features, that thing didn't seem animal, it didn't seem human either and I wasn't sure which was worse, the echo or the answer.  
A/N: Not much to say today but thanks for reading! Love you all.
TAGLIST: @wherearthepilots-blog @diddiqueen my tags are being so weird I’m so sorry if you weren’t tagged
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onskepa · 4 months
Hi hi hi!!
Can i get neteyam x human reader? Let's say she was jake's teammate back on earth before he lost his legs. And they had some cool nicknames for each of them. Jake calls her 'bullet' (or anything else you want) and she calls him 'marine' (the way grace always called him) or 'mermaid' (to mock him. Idk you chose). When quaritch appears and kidnaps the kids, she's there too fighting along with him. But she doesn't know these are Jake's kids. When she finds out, she sides with them and saves the kids. At first, Neteyam hated her because initially she sided with quaritch. I need them to have the 'enemies to lovers' trop
Hello sweetie! So I went over your request a couple times. While I love your idea, I hope you dont mind if I did some adjustments to it. Reader will most likely be the same age as Jake, meaning she will be old enough to be a parent herself. So, I thought if it is ok to have it be platonic instead of romantic. I hope you are ok and understand the change of it. Hope you can enjoy this one!
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The natural sunlight of Pandora blinded the marine for a few seconds. Blinking a couple of times to adjust the sudden brightness. Here she was, in the far away planet that is the ideal of new human colonization. And by god, is Pandora beautiful, almost makes her wanna cry. But she came with a new mission and goals. Now arriving and being assigned under the group section following ex-colonel Quaritch. 
After hearing the news of Jake Sully now considered a traitor to human kind, the marine now needed answers. It isn't like him to just act out like that. There has to be some logical reason. Seeing as he has gone native, it will be tricky to find him. But hopeful with her new position, finding Jake sully will be easier. Hopefully. 
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“Our mission is to hunt down the one they call Toruko Makto, Jake Sully” Quaritch gives a brief description of their new mission. Marine stood out among the rest of her ‘squad’ as everyone else literally is 4 feet taller than her and blue. Though she paid close attention, she couldn't help but feel weird. 
But now that the squad is heading out, to look for him in the forest to look for him. And while no success, they did find the old shack at the last battle that Jake had with human Quaritch. Not only that, but to see the last minutes of the fighting in a recorded camera of the old armor, the marine almost didn't recognize jake. He looked feral and angry. 
“That is Jake’s woman” one of the members points out the female na’vi in the recording. “She is an animal,” the other commented. In a way, she did. 
But then suddenly, with a turn of her head she looks at the direction of the forest. “You see something soldier?” Quaritch asks, noticing her looking out. Giving a quick look around her, she shakes her head. “No sir, nothing” she replies. 
Though, she could have sworn she heard a voice. Somewhere near a distance.
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The surprise attack was indeed surprising. The recom team captured four na’vi children and one human child. Yet two of the four na’vi children have five fingers and eyebrows, indicating they are mixed. 
“Show me your fingers” Quaritch demanded one of the children, and without hesitation, the young boy flipped his middle fingers up at Quaritch’s face. It made the man grin, but the marine almost wanted to laugh. Why does it remind her so much of jake? 
“You’re his alright” Quaritch comments. The marine girl blinked a few times. Are they Jake’s kids? 
Quaritch takes off the mic neck piece from the child and turns it on. And out comes a voice the marine woman thought she would never hear in a long time. 
“Lo’ak? Lo'ak, do you read me?” Jake Sully. Sounding alive and well. And it seems Quairtch knows it too. Shit, if the kids really are his, it will make the situation tense and anything could go wrong. Yet she is the enemy to them. What on Pandora is she gonna do? Be part of the reason for hurting her best friend's kids or will she go rogue? 
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Guns were pointed at the children's heads, neither recom hesitating to be rough on the kids. Especially the little one. “Really sir? They are just kids” the marine girl spoke, her eyes narrowing at her commander. Quaritch shook his head dismissively. “They are the spawn of the traitor. They are valuable so long as they dont do anything rash” he responds. 
She is not liking every second of it. 
The youngest child yelps in pain as the one holding her was causing her pain. “Easy! Damn, let me have her” she tells the big blue off. She grabs the youngest in her hold, still being strong but hopefully softer than how the other was holding. The recom walks away in annoyance. The child however was close to crying. Leaning closer to her ear, the marine whispers “ssshh, its going to be ok. Your dad will come save you soon. I need you to be a big girl and be strong”. 
It sort of seemed to work. Now to figure out how to help the other literal big kids without having her head blown off. She can only hope Jake can get his blue ass faster.
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It was night but it was perfect for neteyam and his parents. Yes, they told him to stay put and not move. But how could he stay still when his siblings are in the hands of the enemy? Following quietly, neteyam hid among the large plants, letting the darkness cover him. 
Getting closer, he can see those false na’vi holding down his siblings. He looks and sees tuk, scared yet calm. A human woman was holding her from behind. Narrowing his eyes, neteyam wonders why there is a single human in an all blue team. It won't matter, she along with the others will die. 
So being quick, he managed to kill one false na’vi, however he exposed himself. 
“NA’VI!” one of the recom shouts. Just in time jake catches neteyam and pushes him down to the ground, avoid a flood of bullets. Neteyam knows he will be in big trouble later, but it will be worth it. 
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The marine knows she will be in serious trouble later but right now it will be worth it. 
Bullets and arrows were flying around, taking a moment to use it, the marine woman took out one of her bombs and yanked off the ring. Throwing it in the center of where everyone was at. Quickly counting how many seconds she has, the marine grabs the kids and yanks them to a certain direction. 
“Go go go go!!” was all she yelled, pushed the youngest first to the direction where she saw the na’vi. The others followed as she did, counting the time the bomb exploded. Bodies flying all around. The light from the bomb gave her enough sight to see where she was going. However, it was too good of an escape. A sudden and quick sharp pain was felt on her leg. But she couldn't stop to see what it was. Mostly likely she has been shot. By why? It doesn't matter at the moment. 
“MARINE!” she heard quaritch shout. Not looking back she continues to guide the kids deeper into the darkness. 
Until a giant blue body tumbled her to the ground, blade against her neck.
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Neteyam hissed dangerously at the unknown woman who kept touching his siblings. He raised his arm ready to kill the woman once and for all. 
“STOP!” kiri shouted, grabbing his arm, forcefully trying to take the blade away from him. Lo’ak also forcefully neteyam to back off from the woman. He looked at them in confusion. “She didn't hurt us! If anything she made sure those killers didn't hurt us any further” kiri was quick to explain. Lo’ak nodded, “yeah, she calmed tuk down and made sure she didn't cry '' he added. 
Tuk wasn't far, “she is really nice! Not like those killers' '. 
Neteyam looked down at the human who was still laying flat on the ground. “Listen, I understand you want to end me. But I am not your enemy. I know I looked like it, but trust me-” the lady’s words were cut by the worried shriek of a female na’vi. 
The kids turned around and saw their parents approaching. Quickly they all ran towards them and hugging them for dear life. Weeping and crying, the parents hugging their children as they sigh in huge relief. “My children! oh thank eywa, you are all safe!” the female na’vi says. After the kids were being checked over, the marine took a good look at the male na’vi. Looked a lot like the recom blues, but also a native. 
Her thoughts were interrupted when the oldest son yanked her up and pushed her rather roughly towards the parents. “The human was there with the demons, holding tuk against her will” Neteyam states. Anger still present. 
“She is not like them!” Tuk protests. Eager to go side with the human woman but jake wasn't letting her. “Please, she didn't want to hurt us,” Kiri adds. Neytiri was ready to kill the human, but Jake gently placed a hand on his wife’s shoulder. Getting right at the marine’s face, mad yet confused.       
The marine couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle, “long time no see little miss damsel” she says. 
“No fucking way….”
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Neteyam didn't know what to feel. One moment his father was ready to kill the human, and now his father was happy and rough housing with the demon. His mother was just as confused as he was. His younger siblings however were happy and enjoyed playing with the human. Maybe it was so late into the night, maybe the thrill was dying down and he was just hungry and tired. 
Yet he cant help but not trust the human woman. How can his father have him accept the demon who held a weapon near his baby sister? Sometimes he understands his mother more. 
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“And this I dunked him in the orange liquid! Oh you should have seen his face! He looked like a shaking, crusty chihuahua!” The marine woman was retelling a funny memory to Jake's family. While the kids laughed, neytiri trying to remain a stoic face couldn't help but crack a smile. 
Jake looked like he wanted to die on the spot. 
“Oh yeah? What about that one time when we were in Guatemala? You were so drunk that you were flirting with that bartender” Jake smirks as he recalls another memory from their shared past. The woman blushed but also looking ashamed. “Not my proudest moment,” she confessed. 
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“Swaxpi is so funny! I hope she stays with us” tuk giggles as neteyam tucks her in bed hammock. Neteyam gave a surprised look, “why?” he asks. Tuk shrugs, “I like her!”. Shaking his head, he gives her a kiss on the forehead and leaves. 
He was tired but not sleepy, so much has happened in the few short hours. He needed some time alone. So he quietly leaves his family’s hut and out to the nearby area. Silence was perfect. 
Until it wasn't 
Seems like the human woman was also in the same area neteyam wanted to be in. Neteyam grabs his blade by instinct, observing her move in case she does something. “Calm down kid, I will be gone soon” the human woman explains. 
She turns around and her eyes meeting his. 
“Come here, I could use some company,” she says. 
Huffing in annoyance, neteyam walks over to her and sits near a branch, keeping distance from her. It didn't bother the woman. From what Jake told her, his oldest son is more cautious of possible danger and tends to be alarmed often. 
“Swaxpi, your siblings and your mother have started calling me that, I'm not very well educated on your language, so what does it mean? I hope nothing too mean” the woman asks.  Yes, neteyam has also noticed that too. Mostly tuk and lo’ak calling the odd woman hat name. But hearing that his mother calls her that too was very surprising. 
“It means family member…” neteyam replies slowly. 
The woman humms at that. Seeming more relaxed, swaxpi makes herself comfortable on a branch. “I like it, but I find it odd. I only have met all of you in less that a day, was part of a enemy squad, exposing some of your father’s embarrassing secrets and now look. Already seeing me as family-” 
“I don't, you are a demon no matter what. A killer.” Neteyam cuts her off. 
Swaxpi lowered her gaze, her smile faltering a bit. “Call me what you like neteyam, but never call me a killer. Yes, I joined the RDA. Yes I have held weapons. But never ever have I taken a life. Human nor na’vi. I never brought death to anyone” Swaxpi calmly defends herself. 
Long minutes have passed and neither spoke a word. 
“They can call you swaxpi all they want. But in my eyes, you are nothing to me” neteyam declares. Almost trying to convince himself more than the human. The woman however lets her lips grow back into a smile. “Sure neteyam, whatever you say” she replies. 
Yes, neteyam will never call her Swaxpi or anything endearing towards her. She is nothing to him, nothing. 
But if she is nothing to him, why does it feel wrong? 
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This took too long that I would like. BUT! I hope you all liked this one. And also hope you guys understand the changes I made. So, until next time! See ya!
Swaxpi = Family member
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deanbrainrotwritings · 5 months
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SUMMARY :  part IV of gimme half. something quick. something hot. in between busy tasks. when everyone else has not arrived.
PAIRING : dean winchester x fem!reader
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), fluff, p in v, clothed sex, against the wall
A/N : jimin song title. this fills the quickie square of my @jacklesversebingo card. I don’t even know what I’m doing 😋 but these can be read as standalone fics 😌 XXX
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Dean made cute faces all the time. 
It was hard to resist smiling when she was around him. His jokes made her laugh, his faces made her laugh, even his laugh made her laugh, and the way he playfully sang along to the music from his playlist, the faces he pulled in concentration or as he tasted what he cooked made her smile. 
He was the embodiment for endearment. Those adorable dimples of his only made him more charming. She swooned an embarrassing amount of times in all those moments. 
She was delighted when he called her some time after noon and asked her to come over if she wasn’t busy to help him out with dinner. He spent most of the afternoon cooking and baking for his friends. It was one of the best times she’d spent with him, getting to know him like this, seeing in person as he serves others rather than peeking through the windows of her house to get to know him. 
It sounds creepier than it actually was, at least she thought so. She was a nosy neighbour. Oh, God, that’s horrible. To be fair, she was only nosy when it came to Dean—they were enemies. Were.
That phase was over. 
Sometimes she woke up in his bed, other times he woke up in hers. And then they’d make each other breakfast. And now they went on dates. And now they babysat his nephew when Sam and Eileen went out on dates—that brought up a lot of thoughts she didn’t have before. Kids. 
Seeing Dean like that with his nephew… Using a cute voice and singing him to sleep, messy feeding and messier baths, bedtime stories and playing pretend, soothing him when he cried and teaching him new things. 
She wondered if Dean felt the same, if the thoughts of fatherhood haunted him the way they haunted her when he fell asleep in her bed. Or when she woke up with the sun, to Dean’s sleeping face. Or when they were alone at home, cooking, watching movies, sharing stories, drinking… when they went on rides with no destination in mind, on picnics, or even just grocery shopping. Sometimes he’d keep her company as she worked on hobbies and she’d do the same for him, watching him fix anything broken, or tune up his car. 
She was too afraid to bring up that conversation. They were retired hunters. It’s part of why she refused to admit that she did want children. It’s like the choice was robbed from her and it hurt for so long, but it got easier to accept when she focused on hunting or her job as a professor. 
Besides, she had her cat. Close enough. 
When she went over to his place, she focused on helping Dean with chopping up whatever vegetables he needed to use, she washed them for him before using them, she brought the spices and herbs he needed, or the condiments that could be used, and cleaned up the dirty dishes after he was done using them. 
Now that they were finished, they sat at the table waiting for everything to finish simmering while talking about things to do after. Watching a movie was the obvious answer, which one to watch was the harder part. 
She believed it was Jody, Donna, Claire, Kaia, Alex, and Patience that were coming over. She met them at Sam’s wedding, barely. The only one who could truly answer that question was Dean, but now he was pouty because he wasn’t sure what they’d want to watch, but maybe he could ask them when they came. 
He picked up some of the excess shredded carrots for the carrot cake he made for those who didn’t want pie, and dropped them into his mouth. He chewed, the carrots barely touched his taste buds, and he grimaced, but swallowed it anyway.
“Tastes better in the cake,” he grunted, getting up for a beer. She giggled and shook her head at him. “Want one?” He asked from the fridge, getting his open, but she shook her head, so he sat back down with her. 
“So… you’re just good at everything?” She asked, scooting closer when he put his hand on her thigh and squeezed. He chuckled, his cheeks reddening. He ahh-ed after taking a sip of the cool beer and thought for a while. 
“I’m not good at… designing clothes?” He offered bashfully, pushing the beer far away from him. She stared at it subtly then glanced up at him curiously. 
“No, not like that,” she smiled softly, “you fixed my electrical outlet…” she reminded him, leaning forward to tap his plump lip. His mouth dropped open slightly and he exhaled, rolling his eyes shyly. She dropped her hand onto the table and thoughtlessly traced patterns on the surface, watching him get embarrassed. 
“It was… nothing,” he sniffled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He leaned back in the chair and took the bottle of beer from the table again, playing with it to avoid her gaze. 
“You’re very… John Wick,” she sighed, stretching her arms upward. He hummed softly, leaning back forward with his arms on the table, staring at her with interest. “It’s hot,” she whispered quietly, her eyes holding affection and longing. 
“Yeah?” He murmured, staring at her like she was all that was there. It made her turn pink self-consciously, but she continued to gaze into his eyes. She saw his hand move and then it was over hers, warm and comforting. 
“Mmm, yes,” she replied quietly. 
Being around Dean was like being surrounded by a gas leak, and one kiss, one touch, one right word, acted like the spark that ignited everything. The fire robbed her of breath and stripped her skin away so she was bare and vulnerable to him. 
Dean leaned forward, practically lunging to meet her lips, but the timer he set earlier went off loudly at the centre of the table, and made them jump away. They both laughed awkwardly, she extended her hand to turn it off while Dean turned the stove off. 
“Wanna taste?” He asked, hummed softly as he took a tiny sip from the metal mixing spoon, and waited for her when she nodded. She stood before him, waiting and watching him blow air against the hot lentil soup in the spoon to cool it down. 
She bit her lip and smiled, then he cupped his hand two inches beneath the spoon so it wouldn’t drip onto the floor. She opened her mouth and took the delicious, warm soup into her mouth, savouring it with a pleased hum, her eyes full of surprise and satisfaction. Dean pulled back a little too early, causing some soup to dribble down from the corner of her lip due to the awkward position they were in. 
“Oh, my god,” she moaned, too distracted by the flavour. She only looked at Dean while he set the spoon down on the counter, indifferent about the puddle it created beneath. He grabbed her chin and dipped down to kiss the small trail of soup away, his warm tongue gently swiping up and down. Her breath hitched and her face burned hotter with embarrassment. 
The embarrassment didn’t last and was replaced by a flush of arousal across every inch of her skin. Dean seared her lips with a hard, demanding kiss that made her breathless and numbed her mind of any thoughts. 
He gently manoeuvred her across the kitchen, breaking apart from the kiss to breathe before returning to each other’s lips. She made quick work of the white apron around his waist, gasping at the unexpected bump of her back against the wall. 
Dean took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth and trailed his hands slowly down her sides, his palms pressing against her curves firmly. He only removed his hands from the short baby-blue dress when she shoved the thick green flannel off his shoulders, watching him throw it over onto the nearest counter in the kitchen. 
Dean grabbed her hips to guide her into the hallway, digging his fingers into the tight dress to create dips into her flesh. She smoothed her hands down his chest and hooked her fingers over his leather belt, tugging him to her so she was pressed into the wall once more. 
Dean was short of breath, his cheeks and ears becoming scarlet red when she started to undo his belt, staring into his eyes daringly. He slid his hands down her thighs, and sneaked them up under the mini-dress. The soft cotton rode up with his hands, his fingers hooking against the sides of satin, beige panties, swiftly pulling down so they dropped down around her ankles. 
“Fuck, it’s like your horny all the time,” she whispered with a breathy laugh, wasting no time in tugging his jeans and boxers down. Her hand instantly circled around the base of his erect cock to squeeze tantalisingly.
“It’s not me being horny all the time, it’s that you’re always so fucking sexy, I can’t resist,” Dean quipped, dropping down to kiss her pushed up breast over the square neck of her dress. 
Dean bent his knees, and stretched his hands down to press his fingers against the back of her thighs, urging her silently to jump so he could lift her up. When she did, she freed his dick, and placed her arms over his shoulders, and her legs around his waist, kissing him once more. Dean ground his hips against her, his hard cock rubbing against her leaking pussy. 
“Please,” she whined, squirming when his cock brushed over her clit repeatedly. “They’re gonna be here in less than thirty minutes, Dean,” she reminded him. He chuckled huskily, but unhurriedly guided his cock to her needy, wet cunt, and pushed in at a tormenting pace.
He could feel her gushing around him, hot and wet. Dean moaned, reaching behind her arched back for the zipper of her dress, lowering it down halfway. He bounced her on his cock once with a smirk on his face, and lowered the straps of her dress off her shoulders, slid his fingers across the neck of it to tug downwards until her breasts spilled out from the tight material. 
Dean instantly began to fuck her into the wall, his thrusts harsh and desperate, wasting no time in building up her orgasm. His fingers scraped up her thighs to tighten around her hips, blunt nails digging into her delicate skin. 
Had the flowery drywall been cheap or damaged, she thought he’d break it down with the force of his thrust. He pounded into her, groaning out with pleasure into her ear before kissing and biting her throat, lovingly licking the red marks he left behind. 
Her clit throbbed with each slap of his pelvic bone against her, her cunt felt hot and full stuffed with his cock, and her muscles were somehow tense and mushy all at once. Lust overcome her will, drawing loud noises of pleasure from her lip, mewls and whimpers of his name that made him fuck her faster and harder.
“Say my name, baby… I love when you say it,” Dean panted against her lips, feeling her pussy clenched tightly around his throbbing cock. With a whine she brought him closer with both her legs and arms, the knot in her belly becoming tighter and tighter.
She could barely speak as every rough thrust stole the oxygen from her lungs. She managed a gasp of his name, brought her hands down between their connected bodies to ghost her fingers beneath his shirt. Her hands slipped upwards and curled around to his back, her manicured nails digging into muscular shoulders, causing him to moan. 
Every thrust drove Dean’s cock into the deepest depths of her vagina, brushing against sweet spots she forgot she had residing against the velvety, ridged walls of her pussy. She clenched around his pulsing cock, her nails scratching down the skin of his back, the knot becoming impossibly tight before she finally let go. Pleasure ran through her like electricity through a circuit, blinding her to the point of seeing an entire galaxy behind tightly shut eyes.
She screamed his name, the way he swore he’d make her scream the first night they were together. He slowed the thrust of his hips as he climaxed almost immediately after she reached hers, his cum spilling into her. Then he started up again, fucking her through her orgasm, until he softened inside her, his cum dripping around them. 
“I think that’s the fastest I’ve made you cum,” he laughed, his voice gravelly. She laughed with him, grateful for the slowness in the way he pulled himself from her, and lowered her weak legs to the wooden floors. 
“I need to pee,” she whispered, leaning against the wall with a smile while he fixed her dress, kissing and licking her nipples until they were tight before covering her back up, and zipping up the dress. 
“Okay, sweetheart. I’ll get your underwear and meet you there,” he smiled softly and kissed her forehead lovingly before she left, pulling his jeans and boxers back up as he observed her very sexy behind.
She turned around with a knowing grin on her flushed face, sending a wink in his direction before she made a turn towards where the bathroom was. 
“I’m fucking you slower tonight!” He shouted after her. 
“Still rough, yeah!?” She called out teasingly, her voice echoing louder now that she was in the bathroom.
➥ my you
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morganski-19 · 20 days
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 10
part 1, prev part
The next day, the Chief is back looking like a man on a mission. Catching Wayne’s eye while he’s on his way in, but interrupted when the Harrington kid steps in his path. Talking to him in hushed whispers, but tense as hell.
The chief sighs, cocking his head to the side and bringing the kid to talk outside. Wayne isn’t the person to eavesdrop, but after yesterday, after the endless questions with no answers, he is desperate for an explanation.
An explanation why his kid is stuck on a hospital bed while Steve is walking around like he has every right to. Like he isn’t part of the reason his boy was halfway to dead for the past week.
What made his boy protect a person that he seemed to hate? A person who’s had everything handed to him, never had to experience real hardships. Stood on the sidelines while his boy was mocked and taunted. Ostracized for being who he was. Molded into this villain.
Kings look down on villains, seeing them as threats to their status. Their reputation. And the Harrington’s are part of the rulers of this town. Funding the high school extracurriculars, the hospital, the candidates on the ballots. Money that, in the grand scheme of reality, Wayne couldn’t give a shit where it goes.
Until it comes between him, his kid, and their lives. Eddie could’ve died, and for what? So the rich can keep being that? So they can keep coming out on top.
Wayne understands why Eddie would throw himself into danger for Dustin. Hell, he probably would have done the same thing. But Steve Harrington. Wayne’s not so sure that’s the path he would choose.
Taking the last cigarette from the pack, Wayne positions himself near the corner of the hospital. Hearing the Chief and Harrington talking right around the bend. Taking a long drag, he tilts his ear up to listen.
Living in a trailer park made everyone a secret gossip. Wayne just never thought he was going to do it like this.
“What about Owens?” Steve’s not so hushed voice carries around the corner. “He seems to be the one to fix all your problems.”
Wayne can hear the annoyance in the Chief’s voice. “Either still in hiding or avoiding my calls. I’ve had to go through his partner for all of this.”
“We need to fix this, Hop, and fast. Eddie can’t be pinned for this shit.”
“I know.” The Chief takes a deep breath. “But the town needs a fall guy. I can’t take the cuffs off just yet.”
Steve hisses a breath. “He’s been getting better. Doesn’t have the ventilator anymore, could wake up any day now. He doesn’t deserve to wake up thinking the town still hates him for something he was a victim of.”
“Kid, I know but I can’t-.”
Steve cuts him off. “I saw how effected his was by all this, Hop. I saw how upset he was thinking the town thought he could do that to her. To all of them. All of them willing to pick up their pitchforks to hunt the freak. He was terrified.”
Wayne feels the anger start to simmer up again. Hearing this kid put words in his boy’s mouth. Saying that he knows everything.
Maybe he does. Maybe Wayne’s blowing this all out of proportion. But he can’t help it. He’s tired, his hope is running dry. One wrong move and he’ll snap. Harrington’s just an easy target.
“I hear you,” the Chief’s voice raises. “But I really can’t-.”
Steve cuts his off again. “Yes, you can and that is the whole problem.”
“No, I can’t.” The hushed screams turn to louder reprimands. “Until the Feds get what they want, I’m powerless here.”
“But if it was El, that would be a completely different story, wouldn’t it?”
Even though Wayne can’t see them, the silence is so thick not even the sharpest blade could cut through it. Steve pushed the wrong button.
“Don’t go there, Steve.” The quiet anger in the Chief’s voice is enough to make anyone step down.
Steve doesn’t. “I am going there.” Steve’s voice has almost reached a yell. Full of anger of his own. “You do everything when it’s affecting you, and the people you care about. But as soon as it’s someone else that might get the fall, you step back and say you can’t do a damn thing.”
“I can’t do a damn thing,” the Chief booms.
“Yes. You. Can,” Steve yells right back. “If it were El, or Joyce, or Will, hell even Mike there strapped to that table right now, the cuffs would have been off the second you came back. No matter what. You would have taken the fall of that. You would have taken the Fed’s anger about it. You would have fucking done something about it. Why not now?”
Before the Chief can even answer the question, Steve is walking away with a huff. Not even noticing Wayne as he walks right back to the parking lot and slams the door of his fancy car. Driving away faster than he should.
Wayne might be directing the anger that sits in his chest at the wrong person.
But all of that doesn't seem to matter anymore. Almost immediately as his sits back in the hospital room, ready for nothing to happen. Eddie opens his eyes.
next part
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koolades-world · 4 days
Congrats on 2k!
Could you maybe do prompt number seven with Belphie, but instead he's the one wearing MC's shirt rather than MC being the one wearing his? (I know people always assume MC's smaller than all of them, but just let me have this 😞🙏 /hj)
I mean, I don't really know what the prompt could indicate, so I thought I should clarify
thank you! yes of course i can!
since i got two asmo ones for this prompt too, i almost spun one to be asmo wearing mcs shirt, but then i saw this request! you read my mind haha
i'm glad this prompt is well liked because it's gotta be one of my favorites
not sure what my upcoming posting schedule will be either because i just downloaded wuthering waves and my man's (jiyan) banner is about to go away since i didn't start on launch. he goes away in three days. i must have him.
enjoy <3
prompt 7 w/ Belphie
Another day was finally over. It’d been fun, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t long. You had a day out with friends from breakfast, to a movie, then to someone else’s house where you spent the rest of your day hanging out. You hadn’t spent much time with them recently, and you felt as if was much needed catch up time. But, you couldn’t deny how tired you were now that the adrenaline had died down.
You were eager to get home and rest. But, the lounging clothing you’d laid out on your bed was missing. Well, half missing. The pants were exactly where’d you left them, but your shirt was nowhere to be seen. So the hunt for it began. Usually, you’d let it go but it was your last lounge shirt and considering you were currently waiting in the line to do your laundry, you didn’t have a choice.
You started in Mammon’s room. He wasn’t there, so you searched all the usual places he would hide things he snatched from you. While you were searching, he walked in on you rifling through his closet. Once you told him, he vehimently denied, but did suggest you text the group chat asking if anyone else had seen it. You thought it was a pretty good idea, but wanted to check a few more places first, in case it was in plain sight.
Next, you made your way to Levi’s room. It probably wasn’t in there, but if you wanted to ask him, you’d have to go in person. He was too busy playing his games to answer any text messages. After giving the secret knock and password, he opened the door for you. He was happy to see you and asked if you were up to play something with him tonight. However, once you informed him of your situation, he told you he hadn’t seen it, which you kind figured. Both of you knew he hadn’t left his room today. With that, you told him you would love to do something with him later, but you had to continue your search.
You decided to check one more place before you sent out the text. You knew Beel would be in his room because you’d arrived home at around the same time as you and he’d told you he’d be there after his shower. You made sure to knock, and after he opened the door, you asked if he’d seen your shirt. Unfortunately, he says he hadn’t and asked if he could help in any way. You thanked him for his kind offer, and just asked him to keep an eye out for it. With that information, you left and went back to your room.
Since it was your last resort, you sent a message to the group chat, simply asking if anyone had seen it. Everyone reponsed pretty quickly, save for Levi and Belphie. You’d already talked with Levi, and you knew he hadn’t seen it. Belphie, however, you hadn’t seen. He must’ve been asleep somewhere. Not in his own bed, at least. Since you didn’t have anything to wear, you decided to get something small to eat while you mulled over what to do. You could always borrow something from one of the brothers, but you were a little afraid you’d start a war if the other brothers found out you picked someone else. But, you weren’t about to wear any of your any day clothes to bed.
As you grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry and settled in a seat at the kitchen island to think about your next move, Belphie walked in. He had his cow pillow as usual and a blanket that had been a gift from his twin draped around his shoulders. “Mc. You’re back.” He sat next to you and set his head on your shoulder.
“Hey, Belphie. How was your day?” He looked very comfortable, and the way he dragged himself to your side basically answered the question.
“I had a great nap outside today. Beel went out for a hike and carried me on his back. We spent some time at the top of nice hill in some shade. It was great,” he sleepily recalled.
“Glad to hear you had a good day. My day wasn’t nearly as relaxed, but I still enjoyed it.” You unclipped the bag of chips and began munching.
“I was just about to ask how that went.” He looked intrigued at what you were eating, so you turned the bag around so he could see the label.
“Yeah, it was super fun. I won’t like though, I’m tired and I’m not even sure I can stay awake for dinner.” Belphie reached around you to grab a chip. When he did so though, you got a better glimpse at what he was wearing. He had on some slouchy, comfy looking pajama pants, and an awfully familiar shirt. Just the one you’d been searching for. “Belphie, is that my shirt?” You struggled to contain your giggles. You couldn’t believe he’d just had it all along.
“It’s very soft. And I missed you. So I just borrowed it,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“You’re adorable, you know that?” You gave him a quick kiss on the top of his head, much to his delight.
“So, if I borrow your things more often, I get more kisses?” He gazed up at you mischievously.
“As long as you promise to return them. I do need that back today though. Any other time I wouldn’t care, but that’s my last shirt.” With your statement, he shrugged the blanket off his shoulders and moved to remove the shirt. Slightly alarmed, you placed your hands on his shoulders to stop him. “Not right here!” He chuckled at your exclamation.
“Well, you didn’t specify.” He was such a little shit and he knew it. But, he also knew he could get away with it.
“If you’re so eager to take it off, let’s go to my room or something.” It was your turn to laugh.
“What are we waiting for them?” With the most energy you’d seen out of him in the past week, he grabbed your hand and effectively dragged you after him. You had a soft spot for him, and you both knew that. You loved this cheeky, mischievous demon with all your heart. He loved you back to. He always looked at you with a caring, soft gaze that was reserved for you and you alone. How lucky were the both of you.
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kirislovelygf · 10 months
tsireya x fem!sully!reader pls pls pls?? 🥹🥹 y/n is lo’ak’s twin and she likes tsireya a lot but she thinks tsireya likes lo’ak so she starts skipping lessons to avoid her, only to find out she was wrong the whole time because one day after training lo’ak storms into the marui pod all mad and when y/n asks what’s wrong he’s like “i told tsireya i like her but she turned me down because she likes you” but y/n just doesn’t believe him until the next day tsireya comes up to her and asks to talk in private and you can make it up from there!! 🤍🤍
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sunsetz (tsireya x omaticayan fem! reader)
contents: confessions, crushing, hugs, lumity reference at the end, lo’ak and y/n are twins, good ole wlw happiness.
wrd count: 1.8k
a/n: ty to whoever submitted this prompt and i’m so so so sorry it took so long!! i feel so bad! i hope this makes up for it. enjoy! :)
when y/n’s family arrived here in awa’atlu, it took her a while to adjust. but she eventually became happy here.
after the war, and neteyam’s recovery, she was already growing closer with the reef kids.
especially tsireya. y/n had fallen hard for her.
tsireya was kind, graceful, smart, generous, and beautiful. y/n could think of hundreds of terms to describe her.
everyone knew about her painfully obvious crush except for her twin lo’ak and tsireya.
only because they were too focused on each other.
to tsireya, she thinks she found a new best friend.
to lo’ak? a crush as big as y/n’s.
the only thing that was stopping y/n from asking her out was because of her twin.
she thought they were obsessed with each other from looking at how much time they spend together when they’re in a group.
she had mistook tsireya’s friendship with lo’ak as a crush and was afraid that if she tried anything, she’d humiliate herself.
or ruin the friendship with tsireya and then her relationship with her best friend from birth.
for the past couple weeks, the kids have been taking underwater hunting lessons with tsireya, au’nung, and rotxo, but y/n’s been skipping them.
her crush was stronger than ever and she couldn’t go through another lesson where lo’ak was flirting with the girl she loved.
today was the third lesson she skipped.
she was sitting on the edge of her family’s marui while looking down at the water, one knee propped up to hold her head.
neytiri was behind her organizing her things, or sharpening a knife, something that y/n couldn’t really care less about.
“why aren’t you out there?” neytiri asks her.
“you should be learning how to hunt.”
“i have a headache. i don’t feel like swimming right now.” y/n responded in a low tone.
“hmph. next week, i better see you out there with everyone else.” neytiri said.
“yes, mama.” y/n muttered. neytiri sighs looking at her daughter's sad demeanor and decides to leave her alone.
“uhm.. i need to gather some fruits for later. i’ll be back before eclipse. your father should be back soon, so you won't be alone for long.” she said as she stood up.
“okay, mama. see you later.” y/n mutters. she turns slightly to smile at her but quickly looks back at the water.
neytiri watched her for a moment before grabbing her basket and leaving the marui.
a little while later, jake comes back from a meeting with tonowari and they sit together, organizing some of his tools.
“whoa, can i have this one?” she asked her father while holding up a knife that was made from sea glass.
“what’s wrong with the one you have?” he asks.
“nothing, i just want this one.” she shrugs. he chuckles and nods, “fine, keep it.”
she smiles and gets up to put it away in her corner of the marui.
“hey, dad. where’s y/n?” lo’ak said from the other side of the marui.
“uh, she’s in her room.” jake answered.
y/n gets up and watches as lo’ak storms into her corner, throwing the divider that acted as a door aside.
“hey! what’s your problem? i coulda been naked.” she grumbled.
“but you’re not. sit down, we gotta talk.” he said quickly.
she rolls her eyes but they both sit down together.
“what?” she asks.
“why have you been avoiding tsireya?” he asks.
her mouth suddenly went dry. could he know? he must be mad with how he entered her room. “uh..”
he rolls his eyes. “just tell me. i probably already know the answer.”
“i.. wh- uh, why do you think i’ve been avoiding her?” she asks hesitantly.
“because you like her. no, not even. you love her.” he said bluntly.
“bro, what the hell are you talking about? you don’t know that.”
neteyam was walking past the room and heard her ask when he said, “how could anyone NOT know that?”
“go away, ‘teyam!”
“bro, go away!” the twins yelled. they rolled their eyes at neteyam’s snickering and didn’t continue until they heard his footsteps walk away from the room.
“look, i went to tsireya earlier because i had a crush on her too. i decided i was gonna tell her today, so i did.” he admitted.
y/n’s expression softened with sadness. “oh..”
“but she told me she didn’t like me. because she’s already in love with you.”
“what? no, she isn’t-“
“come on, would i lie to you? i’m serious, she’s crazy about you.” he said in an irritated tone.
“okay.. and you’re mad at me cause she likes me and not you?” she asked him hesitantly.
he scoffed. “no! dude, i’m mad because you’ve been a bitch about it and you haven’t spoken to her in weeks! she thinks you hate her.”
“i haven’t been mean to her-“
“no, dummy. bitch like wimpy, scaredy cat, a pussy. but you’ve been mean to her too, so that applies too.” he nodded. y/n glared at her brother before he continued.
“i tried my best to convince her you don’t hate her but she still thinks you and her have a zero chance of happening. so you have to let her know you’re obsessed with her.” he poked her knee and she swatted his hand.
“i’m not obsessed with her, lo’ak. i swear, if you told her i am-“
he chuckled. “i didn’t. i didn’t even know you liked her until today. i was too focused on tsireya to notice.” he shrugs.
y/n sighs and her hands drag down her face with she groaned in frustration.
“look, i know we fight a lot and stuff. but you’re my best friend.” lo’ak started softly.
y/n looks up at him. lo’ak looks down at his hands, fidgeting with his fingers and not making eye contact.
“i care about you. i guess if tsireya doesn’t wanna be with me, i’d rather her be happy with you. cause i know you’ll treat each other right.” he continued, slightly stumbling over a few words.
y/n looks up at her brother and smiled. “thanks, lo’ak.” she holds his hands that were folded together. he unfolds them and holds hers in his one hand.
y/n sighs. “okay. i’ll tell her..”
“yes! good.”
“no! go, now! like, now, now! come on.” he grabs her wrist and picks her up from the floor but y/n stops him.
“no, lo’ak!”
he looks back at her. “what? if you ignore her any longer, she’s gonna lose interest.”
“it’s almost eclipse, anyways. dad’s not gonna let us out.” she told him, literally reaching for any excuse.
it was just a coincidence that the eclipse was in a couple minutes.
“oh.” he mumbled. “yeah, that’s a problem.” they stand by the entrance of the room and figure out what to do.
“okay. tomorrow, we will find some flowers, make a bouquet, you’ll go to her dad-“
“her dad?! why would i go to him? he’s gonna stab me with his big-ass spear!” y/n said.
“not if you’re nice. and then you’ll be all like ‘i’d like to take your daughter out on a date.’ and he’ll be like ‘oh my god, you’re so sweet, of course.’ and then ronal-“
“hell. no. ronal will literally make sure i never see my family again.” she says, shaking her head.
“don’t be dramatic.” lo’ak laughs and suddenly, they hear voices in the main room of the marui.
y/n and lo’ak quickly shut up to hear who it was.
“i was wondering if i could talk to y/n for a moment. it’s important.”
y/n and lo’ak look at each other with wide eyes and started whispering to each other.
“what the hell do i do?”
“go out there!”
“no, i look like a mess! you go and ask what she wants and then-”
“oh my- just go!” he shoved y/n out of her own room and her heart was beating what felt like a million times per minute.
“y/n. your friend, tsireya’s here to see you.” jake called out.
“coming!” she responded, her voice cracking.
she could hear lo’ak’s quiet laugh from her room and rolled her eyes.
she meets up with tsireya and they agree to take a walk. jake asked her to be back not too late since eclipse was soon.
the girls walked away from the village, down the beach, just talking about bland topics, avoiding the topic they actually needed to be discussing.
“uhm.. so i wanted to ask you something.” tsireya said. she stood to face y/n.
“okay.” y/n says worriedly.
“so.. i was speaking to lo’ak earlier and i was asking him about you.”
“i can’t help but think you don’t like me. or you hate me. i haven’t seen you in weeks and every time i try to look for you, you’re busy with something else.”
y/n suddenly realized how shitty that was of her and felt a wave of embarrassment.
her hands covered her face as she chuckled lightly. “oh, god- i’m sorry. i’m so sorry, no wonder you think i hate you.”
tsireya gently takes her hands away from her face with a soft smile. “so, you don’t hate me?”
“no, of course not. i could never hate you. you’re so amazing and nice and pretty. i mean, i’ve liked you since we got here and you showed me around the village and you were just super nice.”
“you think i’m pretty?” tsireya interrupted. hints of pink flooded her cheeks.
“uh.. yeah.” y/n said quietly.
tsireya blushed even harder and looked down.
“i really thought you despised me and the whole time you just..” she laughs out softly.
“i’m really sorry, tsireya. i actually really like you. you’re the kindest and more generous and considerate girl i’ve ever met and uh..”
tsireya watches y/n’s expression, waiting to hear her ask the question she’s been waiting for ever since y/n arrived.
“i uhm.. will-“
“will you go out with me?” tsireya interrupted.
she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth as she watched y/n’s face. she was ready to ask tsireya already.
y/n sighs out before tsireya laughs out.
“i’m sorry!”
“i was so ready to say it! ugh, tsireya…”
“i’m sorry! i’m sorry, i’ll let you say it..” tsireya smiled.
y/n chuckled lightly. “tsireya.. will you go out with me?”
tsireya squeals in excitement before hugging y/n, throwing her arms around her neck.
y/n laughs out and spins her around, holding her tight in her arms.
she puts her down, her hands still on tsireya’s waist. tsireya had her hands on the back of y/n’s neck and they were inches apart from each other.
they would have kissed and had a nice, happy, sapphic ending, but the author is single and sad and will not be made jealous of by two fictional characters.
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chiiyuuvv · 4 months
[DAY 6] masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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— " why are you staring? Is there something on my face? " ; friends to lovers ft. hunter
♡list : @yzerpoz , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @dogyunslover , @starryriize
"Hey! Why aren't you paying attention?" Seeun snaps his fingers in front of your zoned out face, a pout on his face as you blink away your daydreams. "Maybe she doesnt want to hear your rant." Says hunter who was scrolling on his phone unbothered, licking off some ketchup from his finger before resting his chin on it.
"Sorry, I'm just super sleepy." You cut off the boys that were just about to start their weekly fusses, a yawn leaving your lips as you rub your eyes, laying your arm on the lunch table before resting your forehead against it.
Seeun and hunter share a worried glance at you then each other, before deciding to keep quiet so they dont accidentally annoy you or something. Being sleepy was true.. but it wasnt the full truth. You werent daydreaming about climbing into your bed and clocking out for the day, you were daydreaming about a certain someone.
It was just so.. weird finding seeun anything other than annoying, your heart skipping beats whenever you catch him looking at you. Why was this the case? You werent sure, too overwhelmed with your feelings to pinpoint an exact answer. Seeun wasnt doing anything different. He was just his regular 'ol seeun self, being at the top of the class while also the class clown, finding new opportunities to make you and hunter laugh.
Yet now it feels like butterflies swarm your stomach whenever you crack a smile at seeuns behavior, hiding your face in your hands to cover your blush. It didn't help that seeun is touchy too, carefully prying your hands away to return the smile, your faces inches away from each other and it feels like your heart was going to explode.
It also didn't help you were starting to dream about the boy, shooting up every night to wipe the sweat from your brows when he was seconds away from kissing you.
In your dreams of course.
You could never imagine actually kissing seeun in real life, the nerves getting the best of you, plus, seeun didnt even like you. You were sure of it. He only saw you as a friend as he did with everyone else. Theres no need to be so delusional.
Until you hear a voice calling your name. And a warm hand attached to your hair, rubbing your scalp. You didnt know what was going on but you enjoyed it, a satisfied hum leaving your lips as you lean into the touch.
"Hey!" You hear that same voice again, a familiar voice. "Wake up, pleasee," you could hear the pout in the voice, and suddenly youre yanked from your precious sleep, lifting your head up to find your friends staring at you.
"Sorry, sorry. Wait- I fell asleep?" You ask confusedly. You dont even remember closing your eyes, let alone snoring. "Are you sure you're okay?" A concerned hunter asks, and although seeun doesnt say anything you can see the concern in his eyes.
When he was so caring, he was so cute, following you like a lost puppy just to make sure you were mentally and physically stable. It was adorable. "Why are you staring? Is there something on my face?" Seeun snaps you out of your thoughts, touching his face in confusion as you realize you were indeed staring.
"Huh? Oh nothing.. its nothing." You avoid his gaze, looking to your side to hide your red cheeks. While it might have worked on seeun, hunter could read you like a book, a smirk quipped onto his face as he watches you clueless idiots. He knew you two would like each other. If not then, it was definitely now.
He stretches his arms as the bell rings, signaling lunch and break time was over. His eyes follow your figure, watching as you hurriedly pack your things before bolting out of the door. But he was already a step in front of you. Patting your shoulder, he slows you down, his next words making your mind spin. "Just, you know, tell him."
Hunter says those five words so casually, like this wasnt some big deal, like he wasnt aware of how you affected you were before walking off, adjusting his straps like it was such an easy thing to do. You despised him, affectionly.
"Wait up!" Seeun runs after you, snapping you out of your thoughts once again. "You know, I've never seen you think before." He hurriedly moves away from your flying hand as you try to hit him, before comfortably walking beside you like a few seconds prior. "Serious, what's wrong? I've never seen you like this." He pouts again, his voice softening and you just want to jump off a cliff at how fast your heart was beating.
"Seeun, its nothi-"
"I know you." He cuts you off, grabbing your hands and looking deep into your eyes. "I know when somethings on your mind."
You open your mouth to say something, but it seemed like the words just evaporated. Seeun shakes his head, before affectionly rubbing his fingers on your palm. "If you cant say it, do it."
"You heard me. Do it." You've never seen seeun so serious, his eyes boring into yours before you look away, nervous about the eye contact. But what you wanted to do.. could ruin your friendship. "Please.." he breaks you from your second guesses, his voice strained with desperation. So much desperation you decide to do it, ignoring the consequences.
And without stopping to think you actually do it, getting on your tippy toes to give the frozen boy a peck on the cheek. It was something small, but it felt like you were set on fire. Your hands were still connected so you look down at him, anxiously waiting for his repsonse as you chew on your bottom lip out of fear.
Did you actually ruin everything? A few seconds pass by and still nothing, your eyes stinging as you let go of his hands, about to book it to your next class and cry your eyes out. But you feel something tug at your wrist before youre slammed against the wall, seeun intertwining your hands before placing it above your head, leaning his own to lay his lips onto yours.
Your eyes widen and youre glad youre holding hands because you feel your knees getting weak, but after relaxing under his soft touch he wraps your hands around his neck, his own resting on your waist. You stay like that for a while, enjoying your presences while slowly deepening the kiss. It breaks after a couple seconds because of your shared smiles, your eyes fluttering open to stare at the other in content.
"eHEM. We still have class people," hunter comes out of his hiding spot, scaring the both of you. "R-right." Seeun clears his throat before walking behind hunter, his hands slowly interwining with yours as he gives you a lovesick smile. "We'll talk about this later, okay?" He whispers to you, his eyes lighting up as you nod.
"Okay." You reply before blushing furiously when seeun presses a kiss to your forehead.
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New World🍂Part 2!
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world
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It’s been about a week since we got to the quarry and everything has been going smoothly…..well as smoothly as things could go with Merle around, he teased both Daryl and I every night that he stayed in the tent but in his gross ways that he talks
But I tried to put it to the side because I had my best friend with me and that’s all I could ask for
Today was a new day and we were running low on supplies so some people decided to go on a run to the city
“Hey y/n do you wanna come in the run with us?” Glenn asked as he came over to the table Daryl and I were sitting at
“She ain’ goin no where” Daryl answered before I got the chance
“I could help though”
“I ain’ risking your life out there, I need ya here where it’s safe, Merle can go in yer place” he said trying to plead with me
“Wow baby brother tryin to feed me to the walkers” Merle laughed as he came and sat next to me throwing his arm around my shoulder
Merle always did this, he thought it got a role out of Daryl, plus it made me damn uncomfortable
“Merle get your hands off me” I said swatting his arm away
“Yer a damn brat we should’ve left ya to the walkers” Daryl gave him a look that I’m glad I’ve never gotten, it honestly gave me the chills
“Fine I’ll go, only cause I gotta find me some more pills” he laughed before he left to get his shit together
Glenn had long go left knowing how Merle was with any person that wasn’t white here
“So ummm what are you gonna do today?” I asked feeling awkward now
“Gonna head out hunting, try and find somethin, might take awhile” he said as he cleaned his arrows
“Please be safe out there”
“Always am” he grunted but I saw a lift at his lips making me smile
The day went on as we all carried on with our chores, I missed Daryl it’s only been a few hours but he was my biggest constant now and the fear of him alone placed a heavy weigh in my chest, but I know he’s knows how to handle himself out there……but still
Some of the girls and I were hanging clothes and it helped clear my mind
“I miss my straightener” Andrea said
“I miss my kitchen, making home made dinners every night” Lori smiled reminiscing
“…….i miss my vibrator” I stated as all the girls laughed
“Me too” Andrea and Carol said in unison making us all cry laughing now
“Y/n why do you need a vibrator when you got that Dixon basically sowed to your hip” Andrea said
“I…..I don’t know what you’re talking about” I would’ve said he was just my best friend like before but that’s not how it felt to me anymore
“Oh come on sweetie we all see how you both ogle at eachother when you think no one else sees, or when you’re doing chores he’s looking at you like you hung the moon in the sky, it’s adorable” Lori stated making me blush
“Don’t tell him please, I don’t want to ruin anything between us” I admitted
“Ooooooo I told you” Amy said pushing Andrea’s arm
“I guess I’ve felt it deep down for a long time, I mean he’s the whole package but, I’m just plain ol’ me, he could have anyone he wanted” I said clipping on of his shirts to the line
“You’re hilarious, if anything he doesn’t deserve you, girl you’re hot” Amy laughed
“Sure whatever, just everyone better keep their mouths shut”
I loved talking with the girls it always felt like we were back in the normal world, when all we had to worry about was paying bills
As we were tidying up I decided to take a nap, I couldn’t get much sleep last night with Merle’s snoring, so I told the girls and headed to my tent
I woke up abruptly to a ruckus outside so I quickly unzipped the tent and ran out with my knife Daryl gave me, tight in hand
“He was a danger to us all he would’ve gotten us killed” this new guy said
Daryl was about to jump this guy when Shane got him in a choke hold, I ran over and pushed Shane off him
“What the hell is wrong with you, don’t EVER touch him like that again” I yelled at Shane
I knew Daryl past, hell I was the one usually to help get him through it and I know he didn’t like others touching him like that
I kneeled infront of Daryl and held his shoulder
“Are you okay” I asked worried
“ ‘m fine” he said swatting my hand away and standing up, it hurt but I understood
“Rick is going back to get him aren’t you” Lori said seeming angry
“Ya, I’ll get a group and we’ll head back for him, I won’t leave him out exposed, well he’s four tomorrow morning”
“Fine” Daryl groaned as he left out into the woods
I quickly followed him seeing him walk back and forth in the same spot I could tell he was fuming, he had a hard time controlling his temper sometimes
“Daryl I’m sorry” I said stopping him from his wandering
“Damn guy just shows up and now my brothers gone, the hell is wrong with him”
“We will find him, eventually you guys will find each other, you always do” I said pushing his hair back out of his face
He was quiet for some time trying to calm down I assume
“Sorry ‘bout before, I shouldn’ have smacked yer had away like that”
“Daryl it fine I just want you to be okay” I smiled
“It’s not”
“Come we need to get some food in ya and we should go down to the quarry and wash first it’s been a while” I took his hand and led him down the trail to the crystal blue water
“Do you wanna go first?” I asked
“Nah, go ahead” he motioned to the water as he sat on the rocky shore
He looked away as I stripped down and glided into the warm water, I was covered up to my shoulders when he looked back but this was clear water I’m sure he saw a little something but…I wasn’t apposed to it
“Me and the girls were talking earlier” I said as I ran my hand over my dirty skin
“Ya? ‘Bout what?”
“What we miss, some said straighteners, cooking in a nice kitchen, what do you miss Daryl?” I cupped my hands and let the water run through my hair
“Mm…probably our dinners, and the drives we’d take on Merle’s bike at night”
I remember those nights so fondly, wrapping my arms around his waist and holding him close as my hair flew behind me, the smell of him surrounding me, the cigarette and woodsy smell I adored so much
“I miss it too”
“What was yer answer to the girls” and my cheeks instantly exploded with heat
“Ummm nothing” I squeaked out
Which he obviously could tell I was lying
“Really? You miss nothing at all” he smirked his conniving smirk he knows I loath
“Maybe a few things”
“What do I gotta do fer ya to tell me?”
“Hmmm the only way I tell you is if you don’t laugh”
“Fine, now tell me”
God this was so embarrassing
“I said I missed…..my vibrator” I squeaked out the last part feeling my heart in my throat
I heard him choke obviously shocked by my response
“I told you not to make fun of me”
“I ain’ just can’t believe ya really used those thangs” he said trying to compose himself
“I’m a woman Daryl I have needs”
“What ‘bout them guys you talked too?”
“They never got past the part of getting to know each other, too many pricks in our town”
“Ya I get that, best ya don’t waist her time, ya deserve better”
I cleared my throat down with this embarrassing conversation
“Umm I’m done, your turn”
(I’m gonna change from using *i* to *you* instead it’s just easier to write that way!)
After we were both washed up we headed back to came, ate our food and went to the tent
“I’ll take Merle’s bag tonight” Daryl said
“Oh okay” we changed and laid down
An hour went by and you couldn’t sleep, it was freezing without Daryl, you rolled over and whispered
“Daryl? Are you still awake?”
“Mmm” he grunted from an answer
“Can you come back to our sleeping bag, it’s too cold without you” you whined desperate for some warmth
You couldn’t see it but his eyes were wide open from shock, he didn’t say anything but he came back over and climbed in behind you
“ ‘course” he whispered before his snores started to lull you to sleep
The next day went on and they were gone looking for Merle for a long time, and it was worrying you, the sun was now setting and your belly felt like a knot of stress
As everyone was sitting around the fire Amy got up to use the washroom, a few minutes later she was screaming, you turned around and walkers were surrounding the camp coming from everywhere
You took your knife and jammed it into the walkers that came near you, until a big one stumbled over and fell ontop of you, you struggled until an arrow shot it dead, well…. forever dead now
It was pulled off of you and Daryl picked you up and held you against his chest, you wrapped you arms around him feeling lucky to have him back and safe
“Are ya okay?” He asked looking you over for bites
“I’m okay, are you okay D?”
“Fine, Merle got away, knew he’d be comin back to take revenge”
Everything died down, the camp lost a lot of people, when the sun rises we buried our dead and burned the walkers
“Where do we go now, it’s not safe here anymore” Lori asked the group but mostly Rick and Shane
“We head to the CDC that’s the only place I can think will still be running”
So after everyone packed up we got in our cars and were off, thankfully it was just Daryl and you in his truck, giving you both some much needed peace
“Do you think we’ll be safe at the CDC?” you asked looking over at him
“We best be, we ain’ got much more places to go”
You could see the worry in his body tension, and the way he talked, sure he was a grump with everyone else but not you, never you
“We’ll find something Daryl, as long as we have each other” he looked at you and looked back at the road nodding
We’d be okay…….right?
Need some ideas for this story please put you suggestions in the comments
Taglist: @thebadbatch2022 @writer-ann-artist @deansapplepie @ghostboneswrites
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yve-barr · 1 year
Promise braids
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Warnings: legolas (yes he is a warning), use of Y/n, touching someone without consent, reader is half elf half human, also this is my first fic ever so sorry it'll be shite <3
Pairings: legolas X F!reader
Au where Gandalf goes to Rohan alone and tells the three besties to go someplace safe until he can meet them again.
I've always liked the idea that the braids in elves hair are promises made to them so that's what's happening in this.
You heard a knock coming from the door. Walking towards it you called out,
"who is it?"
"it's me Legolas, me and my companions need a place to sleep tonight," he replied.
"how many of you are there?" You asked whilst opening the door.
"Only three," answered a dwarf to legolas's left. You stepped aside and gestured for them to enter.
Once everyone had entered and the door was firmly locked, legolas took you aside. "We are being hunted, we need a safe place to stay. With someone we trust."
"who's chasing you?"
"Orc's but we will be gone before they arrive," he took your hand in his. "You need not worry about us, about me."
"but what about the town, if the orcs think you are here they will burn this place to the ground and me with it." You pointed out.
"well you would come with us, you shalln't go all the way with us to Isengard but-"
"To Isengard? Your going to Isengard? Why?," You cut him off.
"I can't tell you my love, all I can say is that we need your help."
"and you know I would do anything for you, and yet you still refuse to stay by my side for long."
"I promise you this is the last quest the last adventure before I am yours."
You sighed, "Would they like to eat?" You gestured a thumb towards the ranger, and the dwarf who were now talking of hobbits and wizards you didn't know.
"yes, we haven't eaten in a week." Legolas looked ashamed.
"this must be an important quest my love." You kissed his cheek before walking of to your pantry and gathering foods enough for three meals.
When you returned your guests were sitting at the table patiently waiting. Gently you placed hams, cheeses and fruits in front of them, before fetching plates, cutlery and 2 glasses filled with wine.
"If anything is not to your tastes please tell me." You said before fetching a pint of ale for the dwarf. Who beamed upon your generosity.
Once your guests were eating they told you tales of orcs and hobbits, until all the food had gone and you showed them to rooms.
"master dwarf you can sleep here tonight, the lavatory is the door across from yours in the hall and through that door," you pointed to a door inside the room, "is master rangers room."
"please call me Gimli," requested the dwarf shaking your hand.
"of course, sleep well Gimli." You said before closing the door.
"master ranger this is-"
"Aragorn," he said before slipping inside the room and closing the door.
"well that's that then," you said before taking legolas's hand and entering your own bedroom.
"Are you sure it is wise for us to share? I do not wish the others to find out about us," he asked as you took of your dress and tucked yourself under the duvet.
"well then by all means sleep on the floor, but I do not have anymore rooms," upon hearing that he undressed and slipped under the covers to join you.
When dawn came you awoke to legolas sleeping peacefully beside you. And not very hushed whispers coming from down the hall.
"It is not impolite to awaken first Gimli."
"Aye but it is rude to wander someone else's home whilst they sleep," you decided to go and see what all the fuss was about. Sitting up you swung your legs over the side of the bed and felt a soft hand glide down your side.
"Where do you think your going?" Murmered a sleepy legolas. As he trailed kisses up your back.
"to go and help my guests." You slipped out of bed and pulled on the same dress as yesterday. "Should I expect you to get up?" You asked kissing his forehead.
"yeah, give me a moment," he pulled the duvet off of him, and you left him to dress.
Walking into your front room you saw Aragorn and Gimli sitting across from eachother.
"would you two care for breakfast?" You asked already making your way to the kitchen.
"yes please," Gimli emphasized the please and Aragorn rolled his eyes.
You pulled out four bowls and filled them with porridge and honey topped with toasted acorns. Putting them down infront of the two you then sat on the right of Gimli. And you all began to eat.
"You know legolas never told us your name," commented Aragorn matter of factly.
"My name is Y/n," you told them and Gimli smiled.
"a beautiful name for a beautiful woman," he grinned at you.
"The dwarf is right it truly suits you," added Aragorn. You were about to reply when Legolas entered the room, now Fully clothed.
Silently he took his seat next to Aragorn and started eating.
"I'm going into the market today," you announced. "You are welcome to come with me or stay here."
"we need to go into the town's library, if you'll take is to it?" Aragorn said.
"of course, but may I ask why?" you asked.
"to meet a friend of ours." Answered Aragorn simply.
"will you be leaving after that? Or will I have the pleasure of your company for longer."
"we don't know, although I suspect we shall take our leave," you nodded before taking all the empty bowls and bringing them into the kitchen and beginning to wash them along with the plates from last night.
You were just finishing cleaning the last plate when you dropped it and it shattered against the hard floor.
"oh, bastard," you swore as a shard tore into your ankle just bow the hem if your skirt.
Holding onto the wall for support you got off the stool you had been sitting on , picking up the shards of porcelain you binned them and placed your foot upon the stool.
Carefully sweeping your hair out of your eyes you assessed the wound.
Biting your lip you yanked on the small peice of porcelain and it sliced across your skin enlarging the cut to almost triple the size.
You cried out at the sharp needles of pain traveling through your nerves.
Suddenly legolas, Aragorn and Gimli were in the room.
"sorry I saw a bee," you lied quickly dropping your skirt so it hid the blood pouring out of the gash.
Legolas grabbed your ankle and tugged the skirt up to your knee watching as the blood dribbled down your foot and dripped onto the floor "quite a nasty bee," he said making eye contact.
"I cut myself on a bit of broken plate," you couldn't lie with him looking at you like a puppy denied attention.
"you will be the death of me Y/n, wheres your first aid kit?" He shook his head resigningly.
"top shelf on the left." Aragorn Hurriedly lifted it down and handed it to legolas.
"well we'll just be through here then," said Gimli then he and Aragorn left.
"you must be more careful my love," legolas scolded, "had you been sitting on the floor it could have been your eye," legolas gestures to a shard of plate left stuck in the wall next to where your shoulder had been.
"you say it like I dropped the thing on purpose," you rolled your eyes.
"No I am merely concerned," legolas wrapped a bandage around the wound after putting a weird ointment on it. "Make sure you change this regularly or the wound may get infected."
"why would I do that when I have you to do it for me," you scrunched your nose in amusement. But he didn't seem to find it funny. As you turned back to the shelf and lifted the kit back up to it you felt strong hands on your waist slowly trailing up and down your sides. Then you felt his hot breath on your neck.
"you should really listen to me you know," he kissed your neck. "Because one day I'll stop repeatedly telling you, and you will have no idea what to do with yourself."
"well I manage just fine when your not here, which is pretty much always."
You could feel your blood boiling, he was never here but when he was he always had something to scold you about.
"I'm here now," he kissed the spot just under your ear before taking your earlobe into his mouth and sucking on it gently.
Your blood was filled with a new kind of fire as legolas left your ear to suck a mark into your neck.
"Legolas," you gasped, your voice barely audible. But he heard and spun you round in his arms.
"yes my love?" He whispered.
"not here," you were surprised you could talk, as your thoughts were lost in his eyes which were blown dark with lust, his pupils almost ingulfing his entire iris.
Legolas left a quick kiss on your lips before he left rejoining the others.
Breathing heavily you took a few moments to gather your thoughts back together before following him.
"So this is the market?" Said Gimli.
"yup this is it," you gestured to the many stalls and shops laid out in front of you. "I just need to buy a few things before we go to the library."
"well then what are we waiting for," said Aragorn. As he tried to enter the mass of people.
"Wait do you all have money?" You stopped him.
"no why?" He answered.
"take this," you handed all three a small bag of money, "I wouldn't want you to be mistaken for theaves. Plus the more money you have on you the more you will be respected, so try not to spend it all."
"I shall not spend a single penny," said Gimli before he disappeared into the crowd, swiftly followed by Aragorn.
"Well in we go," you muttered before moving towards a small stall selling rings. Pretending you didn't know legolas was still by your side you examined one of the many rings. It was a band of muted gold woven round ruby's of the finest origin.
"If this is a hint directed at me, consider it ignored," legolas sighed.
"I was only looking," you tutted but placed the ring back down and moved to the next stall, filled with fabrics and ribbons.
Picking up a roll of white cloth you rubbed the corner between your thumb and forefinger.
"How much?" You asked the kind old woman behind the stall.
"Eight casters deary," smiled the woman sweetly. Silently you handed over the money and placed the fabric in your bag.
Legolas stared you down in this time.
"what did you need that for?" Legolas asked.
"well it's my job, that you would know nothing about because your never here," legolas was about to protest but you shushed him. "I'm a seamstress, I make various garments and such."
You started walking away again when you heard a kerfuffle to your right, turning towards it you saw Gimli running towards you at top speed, pushing people out of the way as he went.
"your right I shouldn't have spent it all," Gimli puffed. Behind him you could see 5 guards running alot faster towards him.
"stand back I'll handle it," you said and pushed him behind you.
The gaurds stopped infront of you.
"is there a problem?" You inquired.
"We suspect that dwarf of theiving," boomed one of the gaurds.
"well did he steal anything?" You quirked an eyebrow.
"No, but he has no money, what would someone without any money be doing in a market if he wasn't theiving," pronounced the gaurd proudly.
"well maybe he has just spent all his money in said market."
"Ah but then he would have something to show for it wouldn't he," said the gaurd before saying in a more menacing tone "are we gonna have a problem pretty lady?" then he leered over you trailing his right hand down your cheek slowly bringing it lower until it rested on your breast, a wicked grin on his face.
You felt legolas move his hand to his sword and Gimli shift into a fighting stance.
"no sir," slowly you turned to Gimli.
"What did you buy with the money?" You asked kindly.
Looking ashamed Gimli looked down.
"I bought myself some more ale," he mumbled.
"see, if you so desire we shall find where he bought the ale, but I wouldn't want to waste your time sir," you tilted your head and stuck your bottom lip out just enough that you wouldn't notice the difference but your lips would look slightly bigger.
"no that shalln't be necessary," he said before leaving, the other gaurds following close behind.
"That was close," you sighed before turning back around.
"Why did you let him touch you," legolas grimaced and Gimli nodded.
"Well if I didn't it would have made things worse."
"I thought we made a deal," Said legolas in elvish as he stepped closer. Your breathe caught in your throat as legolas trailed his finger along the braid neatly woven into your hair.
"legolas," you warned and he stepped back again.
"Legolas," called a voice from the crowd and milliseconds later Aragorn appeared. "Gandalf has arrived."
The two others quickly followed as Aragorn hurried up the library steps and into the vast halls filled with books. With you trailing behind them almost tripping over your long ankle length dress.
When you finally stopped it was to find yourself before a tall old man with long white hair and a beard to match. You ducked behind a bookshelf and listened.
"Gandalf what happened?" Asked Aragorn.
"Saroman had corrupted the king's mind, but worry not all is well," Gandalf smiled. Although you could feel a but coming. "But you three must go and fight at helm's deep."
"where?" Gimli asked.
"it is a fortress north west from here. I assume the people of Rohan have fled there?" Aragorn explained.
"yes and they need some help."
Legolas's hand went to the braid woven on his right. His fingers felt the length of it before he took his hand back down.
"I can't go," he said briskly.
They all looked at him shocked.
"But you have to!" Exclaimed Gandalf.
"You said the fortress was Northwest, well Rohan is southeast, meaning the enemy must pass through here."
"yes well it is but a small town a small sacrifice compared to how many would die if you did not come. You cannot save these people legolas."
"I don't care about the people, but her, no. I shall not leave her, nor will I bring her to die."
"legolas, saroman cares not for these shack's. We need you at helm's deep."
"did I stutter? I won't leave her here."
"Legolas, you would let innocent people die for the sake of one girl?"
"she is not a girl she is my best friend and besides I shall not be missed I am but one archer."
"I thought I was your best friend," muttered Gimli.
"we need all the help we can get," Gandalf boomed, several people turned to look and the librarian did not look amused.
"we cannot talk here, where are you staying?"
The three exchanged looks. Feeling they had noticed your absence you quickly fled, hoping they didn't see you leave.
Rushing down the library steps and into the now deserted side streets, market day could wait.
You dashed down alleyway after alleyway until you found yourself at the stables on the edge of town.
You allowed yourself a moment to catch your breath before you walked past the stables and down to the moorlands.
Looking around you found yourself alone.
Subconsciously your hand shot up to the braids in your hair fiddling with them.
You thought of what legolas had said. He wasn't leaving you. Not this time.
Walking around the last outskirts of town you saw your own house sitting with its neighbours next to the main road.
Slipping inside through the backdoor you were greeted with the sounds of frantic arguing.
You gulped, they had beat you back.
"where is she?"
"she's probably still at the market."
"I swear she was just behind us."
"arguing won't find her."
"Y/ns smart she'll know we're here."
"but how will we know where she is."
"maybe she's still at the market."
"we searched the market 3 times she's not there."
Stepping into your main room you spoke up making sure you were heard. "wow three whole times and yet you still failed to look else where,"
"Y/n!" Legolas jumped up and rushed to you stopping just short he squeezed your shoulder in his left hand. "Thank god your safe, we were worried."
Suddenly Gimli poked your side hard.
"Ow," you exclaimed.
"that's for makin us worried, and this," Gimli hugged you tight. "Is fer coming back,"
"it is good to see you too, I'm afraid I walked the long way back so-"
"The long way," scoffed Aragorn, "you took 2 hours," Then he stood and walked over to you and patting your back. "You scared us, don't do it again."
"I'll try not to," you smiled. Before the same man as before cleared his throat. "who's this?" You asked.
"I am Gandalf."
"I assume you are the person they went to meet?"
"yes I am and the four of us must leave within the hour," legolas swiveled around his grip on your shoulder tightening.
"Gandalf!" He warned.
"you two should pack your things," Gandalf ignored legolas. Gimli nodded, then he and Aragorn left.
"Gandalf I have told you once I will not go with you," legolas let go of your shoulder and took a step towards Gandalf.
"and I told you hundreds will die if you stay."
"may they rest in peace," legolas spat.
"legolas," you gasped. Horrified at his words. Both of them turned to you. "If people will die you must go."
"if I go you will die," legolas tried to reason.
"that is no excuse I am but one person if hundreds will die you must go!" You were astonished that he could even consider this matter.
"no I won't leave you, not again," he said sternly.
"legolas!" You exclaimed.
"No Y/n," legolas raised his voise and you stopped arguing. "I love you to much, if I leave and you die I will never Ever forgive myself, especially if I could have done something about it," legolas tucked one of your braids behind your ear.
"then let me go with you," you nagged.
"I shall never leed you to your death like that."
"I'm not asking I'm telling, take me or leave me just pick one, but you must go," you said exasperatedly.
"I thought you wanted me to stay?"
"I do my love but not-" slowly he bent down and captured your lips in his own. Softly curving his mouth across yours. You melted into him, before recoiling in disgust.
When he saw your expression he frowned.
"don't ever try to manipulate me like that again." With that you turned on your heal and marched into your bedroom fuming.
"wait Y/n!" He called after you.
"I don't want to hear it!" You mumbled through the tears coursing down your cheeks .
Half an hour had past and you still lay in your bed trying to delude yourself with possible reasons to why legolas would do that.
When the justling of things had ceased you were met with the quiet discussion of how to say goodbye to you.
Just then your door creeked open and legolas stood in its frame. He took a step into the room and shut the door.
"what do you want?" You asked a fresh tear sliding down your face.
"to apologise, I didn't think and-" he stopped something had cought his eye. He took a step back and slid down against the wall.
"What?" You didn't bother turning your head to look at him properly.
"your braid," you could hear his voice shake with unshared emotions and his eyes fill with unshed tears.
Bringing your hand up to your hair you felt through the crinkles on the left side of your head.
"you broke your promise, I undid the braid. I don't see a problem."
"I didn't mean-"
"but we can make new promises, you can try again." You sat up the hair tie still in your hand. Carefully you sat down in-between his legs facing away from him.
Silently you passed him the hair tie.
"what do you want me to promise to you?"
"your honesty," you murmured. So quietly that had it not been for legolas's elvish sences he would have missed it.
Once he had heard the tears he had been holding back slid from his eyes and he leant his forehead against your shoulder.
You leant back against him so his back was firmly against the wall. Your own tears mixing with his.
"I'm sorry, Y/n, your everything to me. I just didn't want to lose you too," he sobbed into your neck.
"I don't need an explanation," you turned your head and kissed his temple.
"I love you," he said through his tears.
"I love you too."
Part two
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Wednesday x Kitsune!Reader
Part One|Part Two|Part Three|Part Four|Part Five|Part Six|Part Seven
Eugene waves at you as you slid down the stair railing with your pack. Your smirk was wide as you land on the carpet with a muted thud.
"Eugene! You ready for the hunt?"
The boy nods as you both make your way towards Ophelia Hall. "Yes! I have everything we need. Snacks, extra batteries, some bug jars, just in case." He says with a wiggle of his eyebrow.
You let out a laugh, only to stop right in your tracks as the sight of Wednesday in a beautiful gothic dress steals your breath away. But the confusion set in when you register the fact that Tyler was next to her. In a tuxedo. You were too baffled to say anything, so Eugene piped up.
"Wednesday, what's going on?"
You shake yourself out of your reverie and spoke up as well. "Yeah, what happened to staking out the cave?" You couldn't look Wednesday in the eyes for fear of getting drawn in again. "I broke plans to join you on this."
Wednesday didn't answer. Her eyes just flitted awkwardly from side to side, uncomfortable in the situation. You and Eugene both took that as a sign. The bee boy looks at you dejectedly.
"I guess we'll have to check out the woods on our own."
"Don't! It's dangerous. Stand down."
Your arms cross. "You don't think we can handle it?"
"We'll all go tomorrow night. Understood?"
With that, she turns and walks away with her date. The burning feeling within you builds up as you glare at the duo's backs. Eugene just pats your back, drawing your attention to him.
"Let's go anyway. We'll show her how capable we are."
Your head shakes in reply. "Sorry, Eug. I don't feel like it anymore." Your eyes didn't move, even when Wednesday and Tyler disappeared from eyesight. "I think I'm gonna put my original plans back on the docket."
Finally, you turn to look at your friend.
"Rest for tonight. We'll hit the woods tomorrow, with or without Wednesday."
You walk away, getting ready for the Rave'N.
Your eyes burned slightly at the bright whites and blues of your surroundings. Wandering around, you weave through the crowd, greeting friends as you pass them. Soon enough, you're joined by your dancer friends. The group huddles together, debating on when to execute their plan. Before you could make a decision, you see your crush on the dance floor.
The movements caught your attention and suddenly, along with some others, you were staring. She seemed so unbothered by anyone else. The unnatural dance moves seemed to inspire you.
"I know when we should do this. Irina, go talk to the DJ. Everyone have their ribbons?" When everyone nods you give them a smirk. "Just like we practiced, guys."
The dance continues on. Wednesday and Tyler dance close until you suddenly pop up between the two.
"Having fun, lovebirds?" You blurt out with a wicked grin. Wednesday balks at you.
"Y/N? What are you doing here?"
"I told you. I broke plans to hang out with you. My plans are here."
"What plan? Pestering me? You do that regardless."
Your grin goes wider. "That's just a plus."
You whirl around Wednesday to stand behind her. Before she could move, she felt something tightened around her neck. The touch of fabric slide away, revealing a black ribbon in your hands. Backing away, you tie the ends of the ribbon together and wrap the loop around your wrists, binding them together.
With a record scratch, the song playing ends abruptly, only to have another start. Vocalizations begin as you continue your path backwards, eyes never leaving Wednesday. From other points in the crowd, your friends join you, wrists also bound, jerking them around at the last two beats of each measure.
The performance begins.
You and four others drop to your knees as the lyrics begin and you all start to pulse your chests, as if your hearts were trying to burst out. It's clear now that it's a choreographed dance as the crowd circles you to watch. Before long, you're back up on your feet, alternating between jerking moves and smooth transitions. Your eyes land on Wednesday's as you remove the ribbon around your wrists with your teeth and toss it to her before going full out on the dance.
The goth couldn't take her eyes off of you. The way you spun and whipped around with ease as you worked the crowd was fascinating. At the second chorus, the other dancers circled you while you knelt, she could see how heavily you were breathing. But it still wasn't a moment's rest. You were still performing as your eyes pierced through hers. When your solo came, the others dropped to the floor, hidden by the fog. Only their hands and legs were seen as they did their floor choreography.
Then the bridge to the final chorus began. Instrumental with the same vocalizations that happened in the beginning. All the dancers broke from the group, weaving in and out of the members of the crowd. You, on the other hand, inched over towards Wednesday with stuttered steps. Suddenly, you surged towards her and grabbed her wrist. You bring her hand to your neck. Her fingers reflexively curl around your throat as your fox eyes and fangs make their appearance to her for the first time. You stare into her eyes as the bridge ends.
"Deo mangchyeojwo" you say alongside the song before jumping back and finishing the dance at the last chorus.
The room erupts in applause as you hit the final pose, holding it to revel in the cheers. It wasn't until you felt a drop on your face that you dropped your pose. Looking up, more drops fell, leaving red streaks on your face. The sprinkler systems had been triggered, raining red on everyone.
Cheers turn into screams as people begin to scramble away, slipping and sliding as they try to escape the 'Carrie' recreation scene. Only you and Wednesday seem to be unbothered. Your attention turned to Wednesday when you hear her scoff.
"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood." She looks over at you. "It's paint."
You let out a soft laugh, your anger and jealousy ebbed for the moment, especially after the dance. "I'll getcha pigs' blood and redo this whole thing."
You and Wednesday ended up in the eye of the storm. Chaos reigned around you while you had just a moment to see the goth's lips quirk up ever so slightly at your words.
The sudden hit of a vision burst that bubble.
Worried that she may fall, you moved closer to Wednesday, but she recovered quickly with wide, worried eyes. She grabs your arms to steady herself before rushing an explanation.
"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger."
With a nod you bolt out alongside the girl, hoping to the gods that you two will make it in time.
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bogkeep · 9 months
it was always a strange dichotomy. every middle school classmate i had told me i'd be a millionaire when i grew up, a Famouse Artisté. it's easy enough to imagine as a teen, i suppose: skill equals fame equals money. i was doubtful about this prophecy, not because i wasn't confident in my ability to draw, but because it was hard to imagine a world where i'd be paid for it.
it was an ice breaker game at summer camp. horrible one, really - everyone in a group were given a character profile. now we had to imagine that it was the zombie apocalypse, and the helicopter to safety was two seats short and we had argue why we deserved a spot. the character i got was an asshole doctor of some kind. i don't remember if i argued my way into the helicopter or not, but i do remember the feeling that's been hanging over me my entire life - if the apocalypse happens right now, i have nothing to contribute.
there's something really painful about it. i have cultivated a skill for my whole life, i can make art and tell stories that are entirely unique to me, there is no way to get someone else to create in the exact same way i can, and yet - i've contributed more to capitalist society by sitting in an empty hotel reception for eight hours a day.
which made me develop anxiety, to boot.
i illustrated two children's books. they're some of my best work. the contract i signed was industry standard and the indie author who had hired me was incredibly kind... but even after stock sold out i had earnt little more than some pocket change.
in high school we had an outing to dig our own snow caves that we would spend the night in. in teams, thankfully. i have so little physical strength to speak of, most i could do to help was clear away the snow rubble and toss it outside. i know, i know, my classmates reassured me it was an important job to do, i was an invaluable member of the group, sure - but it's that feeling, you know?
what would my task be in the communist solarpunk commune?
a person cannot be useless. it's a human being. they just exist, no ifs and buts about it. one can only be useless in the eyes of an ableist, capitalist society that sees no value in being alive beyond production and profit.
sometimes i receive messages from internet strangers to tell me something i said - often several years ago - was helpful to them. maybe it was a throwaway comment on a forum. maybe it was replying to a question they could've googled the answer to. maybe it was an encouraging reply to someone's artwork. turns out it mattered to someone. huh.
of course you can learn new skills. i have learnt plenty over the years! i have also learnt that there are limitations to what i can do. that some of the obstacles i face are not in fact obstacles everyone faces. it's not that i can't break tasks into smaller steps, it's more that half of those steps are going to be "rinse your hands because you Touched a Thing and now you're going to have to touch Another Thing." i wonder if that's adding to my cognitive load or something.
i was never raised to be a man, so by all accounts i do not understand why i'm so haunted by the spectre of toxic masculinity - what would i do if i was a medieval peasant and a war broke out? what if i was in a pre-historic hunter gatherer society and i was expected to hunt? what if i was a humble farm boy discovering the sword of the chosen one and the world depended on my non-existing courage to face certain death?
look, it's stupid. these are not scenarios i will find myself in. besides, pre-historic humans depended on community and taking care of each other. that's how we survive.
i'm not useless and i decided to make peace with being useless anyway.
we're surrounded by digital clocks. we can't really escape them. do we need watchmakers? would they save me a spot in the zombie apocalypse helicopter? no, don't answer that. i'm just happy i found something that requires a light touch and an observant eye.
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agent-barnes40 · 4 months
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13th Doctor & Reader (Platonic)
The Fam + Dan & Reader (Platonic)
The Doctor knows someone in Team TARDIS is sick, and she'll figure it out. She always does.
Sort of a sequel to Escape and yes, I'm pretty sure I have a cold. The ending is abrupt but with Escape, it was an abrupt ending as well.
TW: contagious illness talk
The Doctor knew someone was sick, she usually could tell. She is a Doctor after all, well not really a doctor but she could be one if she needed to and right now she really needed to be one. The TARDIS had alerted her that one of the humans on the ship was sick and she couldn't really figure out who, so she implemented a down week, where she could keep an eye on everyone.
Right now, Yaz and Ryan were doing their own things in their rooms while Dan and Graham were busy watching shows in the TARDIS theater room. You were curled up in your room, probably sleeping or reading in bed. The TARDIS always tracked where everyone was, including The Doctor.
The Doctor knocked on Yaz’s door, a subconscious tap of four, and she grimaced a small bit but smiled when Yaz tossed the door open. “Is the sick week almost over?”
“No, one of you guys are still sick and I was hoping it’d be over by now but it’s still sticking. I was just coming to check on you, see if you started having any symptoms.” The Doctor quickly explained, her hands moving quicker than her words were. She had pressed her hands against Yaz’s forehead and then stilled.
A loud sneeze echoed down the corridor and then a croaky voice echoed “Sorry.”
Yaz laughed softly. “Think we found your patient, Doc.”
The Doctor laughed as well, turning to look down the hallway. "You get settled back into whatever you were doing, Yaz. I'll take care of them."
Yaz laughed again, a whole new burst of noise. "Yeah, yeah, cause your The Doctor."
The Doctor never expected to see you around the corner, she had abandoned Yaz at her door so she could hunt down her patient. You had been bundled up in a blanket, one Graham had gotten you when The TARDIS had accidentally lost your blanket. The Doctor looked you over, barely giving you time to register who was touching you. Her hands were pressing on your forehead, and then checking your lymph nodes.
You smiled and just stared at her, leaning into her colder hands. "Hi Doc."
The Doctor smiled softly and looked at you fully. "How are you feeling?"
"Cold, and warm and hot, all at the same time." You mumbled and she nodded.
"Yeah, you have a cold. Lets get you back to your room. Don't want you spreading this around the TARDIS." The Doctor said, pulling her hands away and you whined softly.
The Doctor wrapped an arm around your waist, to help direct you to your room. "I was heading to the kitchen, I wanted to get food."
The Doctor nodded, and turned the two of you back around. "I'll bring you some soup, okay?"
You nodded and leaned on her. "Can you have anyone else make the soup? Your a bad cook."
She laughed softly and nodded. The Doctor turned to open your door after a while and led you inside. You had a tight grip on her as she led you to your bed, and got you sat down on it. Her hands immediately grabbing the top comforter to wrap it around you. "How's the body aches?"
"Horrendous. My spine literally feels like its been operated on. My shoulders hurt too." You complained and lied down as The Doctor pushed on your shoulders just a tiny bit to have you lie down.
"Can I can scan you? Make sure you don't have anything else going on aside from the cold." The Doctor asked, hands already moving to pull out her sonic from her jacket.
You nodded against the pillows, eyes closing as you listened to her start to scan you with the sonic.
"Hmm, looks like your running a low grade fever, somewhat dehydrated. Do you have a headache? Never mind. You can answer that later." The Doctor rambled for a minute and then leaned over you and tucked you in.
"Stay here. The TARDIS will absolutely alert me if you even think of getting up." The Doctor ordered and you opened your eyes to stare up at her.
"Of course, Doc. I'll always listen to you." You mumbled out and smiled at the grin that appeared on her face.
The Doctor pressed a kiss to her hand and then pressed her hand onto your forehead. "I'll be right back, okay kiddo?"
The Doctor was surprised to see Graham and Dan arguing over what soup was the best for a sick person and watched them from the door way for a minute. "You two are acting like two dad's right now."
Graham looked over, shaking his head softly. "Grace usually made Ryan soup when he didn't feel good, so I wanted to make the same one for the kid and well-"
"I'm forty-two! I'm not nearly old enough to be a dad!" Dan complained and The Doctor grinned.
"Old enough to be their dad. Graham, why don't you make Grace's soup recipe and Dan, you can help me find a tray." The Doctor delegated quickly, kneeling down to dig through a cabinet to find said tray.
"Why are we looking for a tray?" Dan asked, immediately kneeling next to her to help her.
"I don't want them to eat alone, so I'll go and eat with them." The Doctor said.
"We could all sit and eat together? Might help them feel a bit better, not being cooped up in a room with just you." Graham pointed out, starting on grabbing supplies for the soup.
"You all could get sick and its an Earth common cold. I don't want to have an entire ship of patients." The Doctor said, looking over at Graham.
Dan was still digging through the cupboard when Yaz entered the room. She leaned on the door frame as she watched the older people move around the kitchen. "Soup for dinner?"
Graham turned to look over at her. "Yeah, Grace used to make this for Ryan."
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