#now i want monster hunter!eddie
rose-n-gunses · 2 years
started rewatching supernatural and dean and jo are lowkey hellcheer coded (especially in 2.06)
she's tough and sick of being controlled by her mom (no hate to ellen tho) and he wants to keep her safe while also not making her feel like he's trying to control her and when she gets taken he just about loses his mind trying to get her back
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formosusiniquis · 2 years
things i know/things i want to learn
also on ao3 if you want the full smut experience, otherwise this stands on its own
He knows it's crazy. He knows it borders on batshit even. He knows it's weird and obsessive and, frankly, a little unhealthy.
But Nancy Wheeler started it.
Nancy Wheeler who is scary and prim and proper. Nancy Wheeler who had his hand in her lap last week, painting his nails a regal navy blue because it was the closest Nancy Wheeler had to black. Nancy Wheeler who spent the time their nails were drying chatting at him, like the Upside Down had spit him out solely so she would have a gal pal she could talk about boys with -- a first, he imagined, if his memory of Barbara Holland was at all accurate. Nancy Wheeler who said, "Jon is sweet, and he tries so I feel bad for even thinking it, but he just doesn't have as much fun when he's down there and you can tell. I mean, you know, when Steve did that thing he does with his tongue-"
Eddie has been running that particular sentence fragment through his head for the last week.
That thing with his tongue.
Has fun.
You know.
You know.
You know.
Cause the thing is, he decidedly does not know. He has never come anywhere near the realm of knowing. He would love to know exactly what he has done to make his new sort of friend, sort of nemesis and obvious flame of Steve's still burning affection think that he has any fucking inkling of a clue what kind of shit Steve 'always goes down' Harrington does with his tongue.
It's all he can think about.
Eddie is but a man. A man who has been forced by the fascist government and their pet doctors to stop smoking and give up most of the other addictive substances that he partook in for the sake of his admittedly shaky health. A man who has had these demands enforced by the much more effective puppy eyes of one Steve 'stop calling me mom, remember I was cool once' Harrington. A man who has an addictive personality, comes by it honest, and having given up smoking and drinking and the occasional bump -- anything from nature's bounty stays of course, he's not a total fucking loser -- has needed something new to latch onto.
Thank you Nancy 'I can only orgasm from oral' Wheeler for helping him straight onto the high that is staring at Steve Harrington and his pretty pink mouth.
I can tell he isn't having fun, not like Steve.
This thing with his tongue.
You know.
He wants to know.
The second thing, and it's barely a thing at all these days, is he does technically have some of the same shit going on that Wheeler does. A little bit less now. If there's a silver lining to this whole bat thing it's that, though he may be a nipple short, he lost enough of one tit to sweet talk his way into government funded top surgery, just to even things out. A just as silver lining, he was saved from the awkward 'guess what I'm trans' conversation thanks to the bat induced blood loss. When the older teens found him and Dustin, one of them in hysterics the other clinging to this mortal coil with both fists as best he could; and used the remains of a shirt that had seen better weeks to staunch the bleeding from his neck only to reveal that his own rippling pectorals had a different bounce than Steve 'at least I got to see his chest before I die' Harrington's. There wasn't any time for anything other than 'if he's still bleeding he's still alive let's move.'
They haven't talked about it.
He is fine not talking about it.
Prefers his acceptance this way actually. He knows he has a heating pad with his name, literally, on it at the Harrington abode, along with some other necessities. The only acknowledgement of his situation at all, that heating pad that's tucked away in the same drawer as Robin's -- also with her name on it like Steve doesn't trust them to share.
He would like to talk about it a little now. Now that he's been cleared for moderate exertion by a very mean physical therapist who enjoys inflicting so much misery on him that he's thinking of scrapping the black hanky all together. Cause he'd really, really like to know about that tongue thing.
Actually, first he'd really, really like to know why Nancy thinks he would already know. Maybe that's what eats at him the most -- second most the bats had actually eaten at him a lot, so he figures he can obsess about this for at least another week before it risks overtaking the literal eating -- that the woman who having had it all, having had Steve 'I know I saw you yesterday, but I missed you' Harrington in her pocket, and gave it away somehow sees something that makes her think Eddie is having sex with her ex-boyfriend on the regular.
She's supposed to be a detective, a real dateline NBC type. How on earth can she be looking at him and not see a starstruck virgin who, yes, is admittedly very, very in love lust with her ex.
And how is she okay with it?
Isn't there a best friend code or something? Not that Eddie would lay claim to that title, and it definitely feels weird ascribing it to Nancy when he's got the hellfire boys; but surely the regular friend code or the we survived a traumatic experience together and now we're inexplicably bonded for life code also has a byline about not sleeping with your compatriot's ex-boyfriends.
Even if she already thinks you know about how he gives good head.
So he just watches instead.
Watches him smile. Watches him pout. Watches him bite and lick and worry. Watches how they shine with something that's definitely more than just spit some days. Watches even closer to see if he can catch what Mabeline magic must be going on them.
He watches and watches and watches.
He has, by virtue of obsession, become the most studied observer of Steve 'absolutely wearing cherry flavored lipgloss' Harrington's mouth. He has also, by virtue of necessity, become the most talented reader of Steve 'seriously, Eddie, do I have something on my face' Harrington's lips.
Which provides him with a very interesting opportunity as he's browsing through the Family Video, looking for his pick for the weekly Big Kids Only movie night and not at all stalking Steve Harrington and his mouth.
"I'm going to ask him."
And Robin says something that involves an eye roll and a finger jabbed into a green polyester vest.
"I know I said it last week, but I mean it this time."
Her eyebrows are raised, so unimpressed she goes back to the counter to do whatever work stuff they supposedly do while they're here.
"I do mean it,” those cherry flavored lips pout, a dignified hand on his hip in the face of Robin’s clear disbelief.
She doesn’t open her mouth to answer this time but the arched brow and quirked smirk are clear enough that even he can make a guess at her response.
“I know I said that too, but I only kind of meant it last week. I actually mean it this time. “
She rolls her eyes, spitting out something quick and no doubt sharp and cutting with a slash of her hand.
“Just watch this.”
By this point Eddie 'hopelessly devoted to Stephan Richard Harrington’ Munson had actually stopped even pretending to be browsing the movie offerings of the sainted Family Video. He had in fact been standing with his hands wrapped around a copy of  The Last Unicorn watching Steve ‘does this thing with his tongue’ Harrington and his stupid mouth while he gossips with his stupid friend -- sorry, Buckley. A fact Steve must have already made note of, since he’s locking eyes with Eddie from across the store and shaping those soft pink lips into, “Go out with me?”
And that’s…
He does this thing with his tongue, you know.
You know.
Maybe he didn’t then, and maybe he doesn’t know why Nancy ‘shit we might actually be friends, I can never let her find out about this’ Wheeler thought he already would.
But if he plays his cards right, he might find out very, very soon.
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augustjustice · 8 months
Chemistry, History, and Shared Trauma
AO3 Link
The day Eddie’s released from the hospital, he’s packed up into Steve’s BMW and driven straight to the Harrington mansion.
The government agents are still in the process of doing the whole song-and-dance routine required to clear Eddie’s name, so laying low is ideal. There hasn’t been time to relocate Wayne to a new trailer–something Owen promises is happening, though Eddie will believe it when he sees it–and a hotel room isn’t really a great place to recover, especially considering the state Eddie finds himself in. 
When the question of where exactly he was going to go had come up, Steve had volunteered all too quickly.
“You can stay with me,” he had said, easy as pie, like it was nothing. “My parents aren’t home, and, besides…it’s not like anybody’s going to be looking for you there.”
Though Eddie had tried to protest, quick to say that he didn’t want to put Steve out, his jock savior wouldn’t hear a word of it.
So, the next day, Steve had shown up to the hospital early, signed all the appropriate paperwork, and then wheeled Eddie out into the parking lot whistling some upbeat, poppy tune Eddie didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of recognizing–but still found oddly endearing, in spite of himself. 
And that had been that, Steve hauling Eddie’s cane out for him under one arm and his bag of meds in the other once they pull up in front of the Harringtons’ house, ready to put Eddie up in the guest room next to his like he’d belonged there all along.
Eddie’s mobility is still pretty limited–hence the cane and the wheelchair now sitting in the Harrington’s den–but that doesn’t mean he isn’t bold (and stupid) enough to try to make his way up the stairs on his own.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Steve scolds, catching Eddie around the waist as he wavers on his feet a little, clearly being careful of the open wounds on his stomach and torso. “Hold on, just…hold on, man.” 
“You got me, big boy?” Eddie teases.
The flirtatious call back is a diversion, an attempt to cover up the embarrassment of having to be this damn reliant on…well, literally everyone around him, but Steve in particular from here on out. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I got you,” Steve says, tone nothing less than perfectly sincere. 
Eddie deliberately ignores the way his stomach gives a little swoop in response. 
So he leans on Steve heavily as they make their way to the next story of the house, close enough to get a faint whiff of Steve’s cologne, a surprisingly sweet mix of amber, vanilla, and something a little fruity tickling his nose. Once they’re finally inside, though, Eddie does manage to hold himself upright long enough for a quick look around, taking in the digs he’s going to be sleeping in.
The room itself is almost sterile in its cleanliness–neat military precious corners on the bed, devoid of the usual clutter Eddie associates with home. The blue floral pattern that covers the walls is bizarrely identical to the fabric of the curtains, the repetition almost comical, when he thinks about the uniformity of all the houses that line the street. It’s the kind of detail that would be called too ‘on the nose,’ if written into a book. 
Eddie’s surprised to find a few exceptions to the cold tidiness, however, and even more surprised those exceptions come in the form of a stack of fantasy novels stashed inside the bedside table and a couple of action figures tossed in one corner.
Following his gaze, Steve turns from where he’s ‘tidying up’ what can only be an imaginary mess perceptible to the eyes of babysitting monster hunters and babysitting monster hunters alone, Eddie guesses. He gives Eddie a wry look. 
“Dustin stays over sometimes,” he explains, “the other rugrats, too, but it’s still mostly his stuff that winds up here. Leaves his shit all over the place.” 
There’s a fondness to Steve’s smile that undercuts the annoyance in his words. 
Eddie thinks back to the months and months Dustin spent talking Steve up to him. How even then it never really occurred to him just how close they might be. It’s strange to think, now, that though Eddie’s spent nearly a whole school year as DM for Steve’s nerdy band of babysitting charges, their paths had rarely ever crossed, beyond glimpses and a handful of long forgotten words exchanged, before that nightmare of a Spring Break. Almost like their lives have been running in some kind of strange parallel, fated to collide, without either of them even noticing it.
Eddie’s not exactly sure how to phrase the feeling that comes over him at the thought, so instead he says, “I can’t believe we’re best friends with a fourteen year old, man.”
“God, tell me about it.” 
Eddie takes a few stumbling steps forward and sits down on the bed, honestly a bit proud of himself he manages it with as much grace as he does. As he settles in, he catches sight of a small stack of photos splayed out on the bedside, sitting atop what looks to be a photo album. 
Though it’s only a brief glimpse, the two visible pictures alone hint at the whole life story no doubt tucked away between glossy pages. 
Theres’s Dustin, several years younger than he is now, in a suit shooting the camera his gummy smile and with a hairdo that looks suspiciously like Steve’s own. And a polaroid shows Robin sprawled out on the counter at Scoops Ahoy, company policy be damned and a book in her hand, Steve’s head just in frame as she flips off the camera.  
While Steve fusses over him, fluffing his pillows and insisting he go get Eddie something to drink, Eddie can’t help but think he'd sorta like to hear it sometime–Steve Harrington’s life story. Be regaled with tales, from the photos and beyond, now that they’re here together, after the almost end of the world.
He hopes that, maybe, if he’s lucky, Steve will want to tell him some day. 
The bloodcurdling scream wakes Steve. 
He’s out of his room and down the hall in a flash, nail bat quickly snatched out of its hiding place underneath his bed with ease after years of practice. 
Even with his heart racing, he’s quiet when he opens the guest bedroom door, not wanting to scare Eddie or alert…anything else that might be lurking inside. 
“Eddie,” Steve calls out, whisper soft as he approaches the bed. When he repeats it, it’s a little harsher, more of a hiss, trying to get Eddie’s attention. “Eddie!” 
As he draws closer, Steve can see that Eddie is sweating, large droplets visible where they’ve beaded on his forehead, and he’s writhing hard enough in the sheets Steve’s worried he’s going to pop a stitch if he doesn’t stop him soon.
There’s really only one option ahead Steve sees for himself. 
So he gets a knee on the mattress and climbs into the bed, wrapping his arms around Eddie to still him. Even as he does it, Steve worries his bottom lip between his teeth, anxious Eddie might fight against the restriction and inadvertently make the situation worse. 
But then huge brown eyes fly open, Eddie’s terror reflected plainly as he stares up at Steve. 
“Jeez–Christ!” Eddie manages to get out, stuttered and slurred, cutting off when Steve makes a soft shushing sound. 
“Hey, man,” Steve murmurs, trying to keep his tone soothing as he gives him a tentative smile, “it’s me. It’s just me. You’re okay, you’re safe.” 
He brushes Eddie’s sweaty bangs back from his forehead, a gesture that would be too intimate in any other circumstances, and then just keeps trying to murmur reassuring shit to him, voice low and gentle. 
“I’m here, Eds. I’m here.” 
Eddie is shaking against him, but he isn’t squirming or trying to buck him off, which Steve takes as a good sign–as ideal, really, as Steve could hope for in this situation. One of Eddie’s hands comes up to run down his face, his curls shifting against the pillow as he shakes his head fervently. 
“Shit, Harrington, I thought–I mean, what I saw–” he trails off, lip trembling. 
“I get it, man. Trust me, I get it.”
Though Eddie had squeezed his eyes firmly shut through the come down, he blinks them open again, looking at Steve through the darkness.
“Yeah, uh. Guess you would, wouldn’t you? Probably better than anybody.” 
Steve can only nod his agreement.
“I mean, not just me. All of us get them,” he whispers, compelled to say it quietly, as he’s not sure if that truth is a comfort or a burden. “The nightmares, you know? Nance, Dustin, Robin–me.” 
“Well, can I just say, they truly and royally suck.”
“Yeah…can’t really argue with you there, man.”
Eddie seems to register, then, that Steve has curled his body around him. His steadily loosening posture goes stiff again, much to Steve’s disappointment, and his eyes dart over nervously to catch Steve’s as he sucks in his bottom lip. 
“Fuck, I-I’m sorry, dude. I totally didn’t mean to wake you up with my–terror-filled screams.”
The smile he shoots Steve is self-deprecating, tentative. 
Steve’s grip slackens, but he doesn’t pull away, still pressed against Eddie’s side. 
“Hey,” Steve coaxed, “you don’t need to do that, Eds. Like I said, we all fucking get them. That’s what I’m here for, okay? I–just wanna help when I can.”
The quirk of Eddie’s lips looks more genuine, now, some of the tension draining away. 
“You know, Harrington, it’s kinda annoying how much I know you mean that.”
“Better get used to it, Munson. Cuz I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve gives Eddie one final quick squeeze around his shoulders, wondering if the gesture somehow crosses the line of casual, friendly touch Steve has gotten used to doling out to Eddie since all the Upside Down shit started, the jocular back pats and hair ruffling he’d justified as just typical guy stuff. 
With that thought firmly at the front of his mind, Steve pulls away, albeit reluctantly. That said, he really doesn’t want to go back immediately on his word by slinking off to his bedroom, abandoning Eddie to fight off whatever images linger alone in the dark.
Especially not when he hears the almost imperceptible noise Eddie lets out as he stands. 
Steve eyes the floor speculatively, an idea already taking root in his head. 
“Speaking of, why don’t I just–stay here tonight. Yeah?” he suggests, already tossing the pillow and throw from the chair in the corner on the ground, making himself a pallet.
Sure, it’s not the most comfortable sleeping position ever, but between chairs in the Wheelers’ basement and the cold, hard floor of a Russian elevator, Steve’s done a lot worse. 
“C’mon, man–you don’t have to do that,” Eddie tries to protest. 
Like Steve can’t clearly see how haggard he looks, peering down at Steve through the curtain of his hair, the end of one strand damp where he’s pulled it up to his mouth and chewed on it.
Steve waves him off. “It’s not a problem. I already told you, dude, Henderson stays over all the time–you think I’ve never had to have a floor sleepover when he was around? Get real.”
Eddie quirks an eyebrow at him. 
“...Something tells me you’re not going anywhere even if I pull out my magnificent rhetorical skills from years of DMing  and try to argue with you, huh?”
Steve thinks that really Eddie’s just proved his point, the fact that, since Steve mentioned staying, he’s recovered himself enough to be teasing all the more reason sticking around is clearly a good thing. 
“Nope,” he answers, voice chipper as he shoots a finger gun at Eddie.
Eddie shakes his head ruefully. “Alright, didn’t think so.” 
Without further ado, Steve flops himself gracelessly onto his makeshift bed for the night, the thick carpet beneath softening his landing. 
“Night, Eddie.”
“Yeah. Yeah, night, Steve.”
Several long moments pass, and Steve listens, waiting to hear Eddie’s breathing evening out. It’s a sound he has become well acquainted with after many nights spent at the hospital, fitfully trying to sleep in the uncomfortable chair at Eddie’s bedside. When he fails to hear that telltale signal, Steve can’t help but stay tensed, ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.
He doesn’t have to wait long before Eddie breaks the silence.
“Steve?” Eddie calls out, voice wavering. “Could you–fuck, man, I just need…”
He trails off, becoming muffled as he probably buries his face in his hands again. Even in the darkness, as Steve sits up, he can see the way Eddie’s shoulders hitch with his uneven breathing. 
Without a word, he abandons the pillow and blanket on the floor to climb back onto the bed. Eddie doesn’t even look up when Steve’s weight dips the mattress.
“Hey, man,” Steve hipchecks him, nudging him over gently, “move over.”
“Harrington…” Eddie drawls slowly, looking completely lost even as he does as requested. His eyes widen further when Steve climbs into the empty space he left behind. “What’re you doing?”
“What does it look like?” Steve asks, raising an eyebrow as he leans back onto the pillows, getting comfortable. 
“I know what it looks like, I just need some reassurance I’m not just hallucinating from blood loss or something here, man. Maybe you didn’t actually pull me, barely alive, out of that hellhole, and everything since then has all just been a really, really elaborate dream.” 
Steve laughs, jostling his shoulder slightly.
“You’re not hallucinating.”
Eddie continues to stare at him in silent disbelief, causing Steve to sigh and sit up.
“Look, man, I–I get it, okay? All this, afterwards…sometimes it helps, just…being together. Close by, you know?”
Steve had had Nancy and the pretense of normalcy after the first go around, though that had all quickly gone to hell. 
And the second time, when the kids truly were still kids, not the tiny adults they were fast becoming, there had been Dustin. The night after their second showdown, they’d slept side-by-side on their own makeshift palate on Joyce Byers’ living room floor, the other munchkins all scattered around them and Steve’s hand ruffled in Dustin’s hair, just the reassurance that he was there safe and comforting.
It was the best Steve had slept in almost a year. 
And then, after the third time, there had been Robin. Filling up his parents’ empty house with laughter, movie marathons and impromptu sleepovers. Robin crawling into his bed in the middle of the night because she didn’t want to sleep alone in the echoing walls of Casa de Harrington, the two of them kicking each other like two giggling preteens until they fell asleep. 
So, yeah. Together, in Steve’s many years of experience, was undeniably better.
“Besides, this way I can check and make sure you don’t actually bleed out in the middle of the night.” 
“...If you say so,” Eddie says dubiously, but he doesn’t argue any further, which Steve counts as a win. He’s learned to take them where he can get them, these days. 
But even after his agreement, Eddie’s restlessness is transparent. He fidgets beside Steve–drumming his fingers, squirming in the sheets as though trying to get comfortable, and eventually rolling half onto his side so that he’s facing away from Steve entirely. As Steve peers curiously at the outline of his shoulders, he realizes Eddie is still trembling, just a little.
His heart gives a painful kick in his chest. 
“Here, just–” Steve turns until he’s lined up along Eddie’s back and then wraps a hand around his waist, pulling him back against him.
Eddie’s fidgeting stops immediately as he freezes in Steve’s arms. 
“How’s that?” he asks into the waves of Eddie’s hair brushing against his face. “Better?” 
The hesitation in Eddie’s voice makes Steve really wish he could see his face, get a better read on the situation. Eddie’s so damn expressive, he might as well be the poster boy for “heart on his sleeve” as a phrase. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I think so.”
“Are you totally weirded out?” Steve asks, trying to keep his voice casual. “If you want me to, like, stop, you can just…tell me, you know.” 
“No,” Eddie laughs, his head dipping downwards, “no, man, it’s…it’s definitely not that. I’m just trying to reconcile several shifting pieces of my world outlook into place all at once.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
Eddie turns, then, tipping over onto his back again so he can stare at Steve in disbelief. Steve doesn’t loosen his hold on his waist. 
“Steve Harrington. Is in my bed. Spooning me,” Eddie raises his eyebrows at him. “None of that strikes you as weird?”
“I’m not spooning you now,” Steve points out. “You turned around.”
“Dude!” Eddie smacks his shoulder, shaking his head, laughter in his voice. They’re close enough his hair tickles Steve’s face as it whips around them.
“And, no, not really,” Steve shrugs. “Probably doesn’t even rank in the top ten weirdest things I’ve done in the past three years.” 
“I mean…after the shit I’ve seen? I don’t doubt that, dude.”
But Eddie stares at him for a long beat after he admits it, eyes bright and brows drawn. There’s an expression, on his face, like he’d like to crack Steve open and see how his gears work, understand him from the inside out. 
Plenty of people have looked at Steve like they wanted him. Steve’s not sure anyone has ever looked at him like this before, though. 
The comforter has fallen down around Eddie’s waist, the shirt Steve had lent him riding up, exposing the pale line of his stomach. The worst of the wounds are still covered in bandages, the stitching hidden underneath them, but a patch of fresh, purple scarring spills out from the stark white gauze.
That’s the only real explanation that Steve has, for what he decides to break the sudden, loaded silence with.
(Plus maybe, just maybe, it’s one way of giving Eddie a part of himself, one jigsaw piece in the puzzle those bright brown eyes seem eager to solve.)
“You know, Nancy has a scar on her palm.”
When Eddie’s face turns towards his on the pillow, shooting him a puzzled look, he keeps going. 
“Here, like this,” Steve tries to sound nonchalant as he takes Eddie’s hand, drags a finger gently across it. He’s not sure how much he’s succeeded, seeing the way the furrow of Eddie’s brow deepens in the low light. “And it’s…from the first time, with the demogorgon? Nancy and Jonathan, they–they lured it out together, and they’ve got the matching scars to prove it. She explained it to me, later, what happened.”
“I mean…that sounds like a gnarly war wound,” Eddie observes hesitantly. Then, his lips tug into a lopsided smile. “Not as impressive as a missing nipple, of course, but, you know–not everybody can be as badass as me.”
“Shut up, dude,” Steve scoffs, trying to bite back his own smile as he very gently jostles Eddie’s arm. 
“What I’m trying to say, Harrington, is–I’m not really sure why you’re telling me this now?”
“I was getting to it, Eds. Sheesh, when it comes to patience, you're as bad as the munchkins.”
Eddie inclines his head for Steve to continue, not even bothering to hide his amusement. “You have my sincerest apologies for interrupting, Stevie. Please–carry on, my liege.”
“Thank you,” Steve says snippily, partially out of habit, and partially because returning to the topic at hand is making him a little nervous. “So, like I was saying–Jonathan and Nance, they’ve got these matching marks on their hands, right? And, after they got back together–not to sound like a stalker, or anything, for the record this was when we would hang out sometimes–but more than once I would…I would catch them, just. Doing this thing where they pressed their palms together, like this.”
He demonstrates, spreading his hand out so his and Eddie’s hands line up together perfectly, Steve’s own longer fingers inching out over the tips of Eddie’s own.
“I don’t think they ever realized I noticed. But I always knew, when they did it, they were comparing their–what did you call them?–their matching war wounds. Like they carried this secret little thing that would always tie them together, no matter what happened. And I’m not gonna pretend I wasn’t jealous, at first, but even then, I always thought it was…nice. The thought of having somebody who would always be connected to you, that way, where you could never really erase what you’d been through together.” 
A long beat of silence passes between them, him and Eddie staring at each other in the moonlight. Steve hopes, desperately, that maybe some part of what he’s trying to work up to saying is getting through. 
“That is…incredibly morbid. Especially for you, Harrington,” Eddie notes finally, a corner of his mouth ticking up in amusement. 
Steve huffs out a breath, beginning to pull his hand away, “Whatever, man, if you’re just gonna make fun, forget I said any–”
“Shit, no no no, dude!” Eddie’s arm flies out, gripping Steve tightly around the wrist, not letting him slink away. “I’m sorry, Stevie, I–that’s not what I meant. I do, I do get what you’re saying. Like you said, scars like that–they work like a symbol, that you’ve been through some tough shit together, side by side, and made it out the other end alive. I totally fucking get it, dude. And against all instincts, I do think it’s pretty romantic, in an absolutely metal sorta way. That’s why I said it like that. Just didn’t expect your romantic side to come with so much edge, Stevie boy.”
“Yeah, well,” Steve lets out a dry huff, “almost dying about a hundred times will do that to a person.” 
“Yeah, I guess it will. I’m, uh. Still not completely clear about what Wheeler and Byers’ big epic love story has to do with us, though?” Eddie’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows hard. “Unless…you’re here to wallow? In which case–I mean, fair enough. Wallow away, my good sir. You’ve more than earned it.”
“It’s not that,” Steve insists, even as he shrugs his shoulders, slightly conceding the point. “I mean, sure, with Nancy…I really thought she was it for me, once upon a time. And so when I saw what she had, with Jonathan–it hurt. Because it was her, of course, but also…because I wanted that with someone, as twisted as it maybe sounds. I’d gone through hell and back, too, and all I got was that nail bat and a bunch of mouthy kids to look out for.”
Eddie lets out a bark of laughter, and Steve grins back at him.  
“Not that I’m complaining, or anything. I mean, I got Robin, too, and I don’t know what I’d do without her, or the hellions, for that matter. But, I–”
Deliberately, he tugs up his own shirt, shifting until he’s pressing carefully against Eddie’s side. Their matching bandages brush, an identical swath of white in the darkness, tangled scars seeming to almost curl together. It’s hard, in that moment, to tell where one of them ends and the other begins. 
“I just–never thought I’d have anybody else to match with. That’s all.” 
“But–now you do?” Eddie says slowly, something cautious in his voice.
“Well, yeah,” Steve shrugs, the corner of his mouth curving upwards in a tentative half-smile. “Now I’ve got you.”
“...You got me,” Eddie agrees quietly, almost like he’s afraid to speak that part out loud. “Dragged me out of hell and everything, Harrington. No return receipt after all that so…don’t really think there’s any getting rid of me now, even if you wanted to.”
“Good,” Steve says curtly, with a sharp, certain nod of his head, leaving no room for any creeping doubts. “Like I said, Munson, I’ve been waiting on this for a while, so you don’t get to run out on me now.”
Eddie shakes his head again, lips curling in bemusement. 
“You are something else entirely, Steve Harrington,” he admits. “Full of surprises.”
“Good ones?” Steve asks, suddenly self-conscious.
Eddie tilts his head back and forth, as though he’s considering.
(Later, he will tease Steve about it mercilessly.
“Was that the infamous Harrington charm at work? Bet you tell that one to all the boys you lure into your bed, seduce them with tales of matching battle wounds connecting you like a pair of fated lovers.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Eds,” Steve will counter with that same sincerity that always sends Eddie blushing, “cuz I’ve never said anything like that before. Not to anybody. Not before you.”)
But, for now, it takes only a moment for Eddie’s face to dissolve into a warm smile. Reaching over, he tangles his fingers with Steve’s again, tugging their interlaced hands up to rest against one of the scarred patches stretching across his belly. 
The skin feels smooth under Steve’s hand. For a moment, he wonders how it would feel, to press his lips there. 
“Yeah,” Eddie answers, eyes sparkling with so many promises of the future, for now left unsaid. “Yeah, I’d say pretty good so far.”
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stevesbipanic · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 25: Love is asking, "do you want a blanket?" @thefreakandthehair
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Eddie had developed a small obsession.
It wasn't in his usual realm of obsessions, no dragons or magic to speak of here. No, it existed in the same space as one of his other recent obsessions which was Hawkins Golden Boy, Steve Harrington.
This particular obsession started at one of the monster hunters alliance's movie nights. They'd started routinely going over to Harrington's house every Friday night, rotating which of the teens picked the movie. It helped, having something to look forward to every week.
Now November, the movie nights were just him and Steve, waiting patiently for their college bound friends to return over Christmas break. Eddie didn't mind, he learnt pretty quickly he and Steve had more in common than just the kids. Finding out Steve had seen all of the Star Wars movies would've put a younger Eddie in a coma.
But back to the obsession, it started so innocently, they were both sitting on the couch, slouched on either end, their usual positions, when Eddie had a random shiver. The weather had dipped as they crept towards winter and now that movie nights were at Steve's apartment not his old fancy house with central heating, it was a lot colder.
"Do you want a blanket?"
It had been such an innocent question, Eddie didn't know what he'd be getting into by accepting.
"That would be great, I forget this place's walls are as thin as the trailers."
Steve had gone to his room and returned with a thick woven blanket, large enough to stretch across both of them without them moving. That wasn't its only perk, the material was probably the softest thing Eddie had ever touched and it didn't hurt that it smelt like Steve. He felt warmer already the moment it touched him.
After that Steve would always have the blanket out once Eddie arrived, a few times Eddie even stayed over and slept with the blanket. He was pretty sure Steve must've taken it from his old house when he up and moved without warning over summer, but Eddie didn't want to mention it, Steve didn't like talking about it much.
The blanket felt like home. It also seemed to possess a magic power that meant Steve didn't mind tangling his legs with Eddie's underneath it as the movie played. Eddie had half a mind to ask to take it with him he loved it so much.
By Christmas though, their friends had returned. Tales of big cities and college life were told around the table as they had dinner together before the movie. Now all shoved onto the couch and armchair it wasn't as cold but Eddie still mourned not getting to have the blanket, and Steve so far away from him.
"Steve I'm cold, could you go get your blanket," Robin pouted part of the way into the film. Robin knew about the blanket? It must be from the Harrington's then, some fancy blanket that cost more than his trailer.
Steve glanced at Eddie so briefly he almost missed it before nodding and getting up to retrieve it. He placed the blanket over the three of them, Nancy and Jonathan seemed plenty warm cuddled in their position on the armchair.
"Ah I have missed this blanket, remind me why I can't steal it from you and take it back to my dorm?"
"Because then I'll be freezing on my bed without it, besides, if you'd waited you would know I made you your own for Christmas."
Robin's eyes lit up in joy while Eddie's widened in surprise now a million questions in his head. Made? Steve had made this blanket? Had made one for Robin too? And he didn't have another one on his bed, meaning Steve had willingly given him the only blanket when Eddie stayed over.
"You made this?" He couldn't help the burning question from tumbling from his lips. Steve looked shy now.
"Um yeah, my gran taught me how to knit years ago and helped me make this when I was younger."
Eddie had too many questions but they'd have to wait. A couple weeks later their friends gone again, movie night rolled around and Eddie found himself on Steve's couch once more.
"You always give me the blanket when I stay over."
Steve raised an eyebrow but let Eddie continue, "You only have this blanket and you let me have it, the one you made, even though you'll be cold."
A faint blush is gracing Steve's cheeks now, "Don't want you to be cold," he mumbled.
"Steve?" Eddie said, feeling brave, "Can I stay over tonight?"
"Of course Eds."
"Don't want you to be cold though, think we could share?"
There's a brightness in Steve's eyes as he understands, "Course Eds, wouldn't want you to be cold." Somewhere under the blanket, their hands met and maybe that obsession had a different word, love.
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abibliophobiaa · 7 months
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my skin in your teeth
summary: you’re meant to eliminate creatures from the upside down, but something — or someone — has got a hold on you lately…
warnings: 18+, blood drinking, biting, allusions to sex, smut, maybe a bit of obsessiveness, and hint of implied soulmates. to be honest, i don’t really know what this is. just wanted to write something. also thanks @myosotisa and @blueywrites for the additional vampire inspiration. 🤍
vampire!eddie munson x f!monster hunter!reader
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Chance and Andy cackle ahead of you, their feet rustling the leaves littering the grass, guns at the ready. Normally you’re on duty with Steve, Nancy and Robin, but the powers at be today have decided to put you together with the biggest assholes of the bunch. Cocky, rude, still bullies despite everything — and yet, some of the best shots in the Upside Down Elimination Team. You suppose there’s some comfort in that. Should things go awry.
Your one goal on today’s mission? Make sure the perimeter of area four is safe. Fortunately for you, it’s been a quiet night. For the guys? They’re not having fun with it. For two trigger happy individuals, an eerily quiet night is an oddity. During your last overnight shift, you, Nancy, Robin, and Steve had managed to take down at least fifty demobats that had come through the gate, along with a fully mature group of demodogs.
The hours tick by. Nothing out of the usual to see. A flicker of movement from a solitary demobat with an injured bat here, rustle of leaves there. But nothing major to note when you return to base once the sun rises and your shift ends.
That is, nothing until three in the morning arrives and you catch the familiar whistle. The crack of a twig in the distance. The rustle of leaves as they draw nearer. A pack of demodogs rush through trees, but the familiar glint of predatory canines draws your attention.
You draw your dagger and throw. The metal slams into the trunk with a loud thud and you shout over your shoulder, “You go on ahead, I’ll take care of this!”
The guys run along, practically bouncing in their steps at the mere prospect of taking down a pack of demodogs on their own. Giddy with it. But your mind? Your mind is drawn to the darkened silhouette in the woods, the one that, given the chance, Andy and Chance would rip apart bit by bit.
And you can’t allow that, because Eddie Munson is yours.
It was forbidden; fraternizing with the Upside Down.
Even more so slipping away in the middle of the night to entertain a dalliance with a creature harbored and hemmed in the place where the world had ripped into quadrants.
No one understood how it happened. You’d all seen him die. Had seen what happened when a man was ripped apart by those winged hellions. And yet he’d appeared one night, trembling and starved. A hunger that you’d managed to quench, despite Steve shouting at you otherwise, by slicing your own palm and offering it to your friend.
The friend who peered out from those darkened eyes, lines of deep hunger like spiderwebs crawling from beneath his lashes. You whispered that it was okay, that you wanted this when he stared up at you with worried eyes.
Don’t want to hurt you, he said, sounding so much younger than his now twenty-one years of age. Or twenty? None of you understood this magic. He died at twenty, heart stopped at twenty — but months had trickled by, his birthday passed, and it only felt right to honor it all the same.
Shaking hands had curled around the back of your palm, his lips sliding over wet, injured skin, dripping scarlet rubies onto the forest floor below. Steve whirled around, choked out a horrified breath as Eddie drew in your blood, drew in your essence.
Loud, hungry gulps met your ears, making Steve retch. But you leaned in closer, curled your fingers around his bicep, clinging to him as you slipped away in your mind.
Into that heady, rich, velvety, lush ether.
“Eddie,” Robin warned, as your eyelids drooped, body slumping further into his frame, “Eddie, I think she’s done. Let go of her.”
He fell back, ragged breaths pulling from lungs. And he sounded so familiar, you nearly weeped at it. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, sweetheart —”
Those eyes shifted, changed back into the ones you knew before all of…this. Less haunted, more him, and despite the world tilting on its axis as you fell back into Steve’s arms unconscious, it seemed worth it.
You carried on with it in secret. Your friends decided it was better if, until things got better around Hawkins, Eddie remained nothing more than a shadow in the night. They’d find a way to make things right, but in the meantime…you learned how to keep things secret. How to slip away beyond the outer lines of Hawkins — to find ways to sneak off during patrols. Often, Steve would turn a blind eye. Nancy would wave you onward. Robin would give you a little eye roll and tell you to run along.
It started with conversations in the night. Things you never talked about when you’d known one another prior. And yet — since the day he’d drank your blood, you felt a connection to him in a way you hadn’t before. You would sit side by side, laughing and reminiscing. Dreaming, on nights where the world was quiet and it felt like you were the only two people who existed.
Those meetings changed as the seasons did. His gazes lingered longer. Your hands wandered. His lips glided over yours. Your fingers threaded in his hair. He fisted the back of your thigh and dragged you into his lap, whispered he wanted you against your throat.
That first time had been quick and needy. A frantic thing, with buttons flying, his shirt nearly shredded at the hem to get it off faster. He rolled you over onto your back and pinned you there against the dirt, the ground biting into your flesh, reminding you that you were alive despite it all. And you kissed him, panting into his mouth as his hips rolled furiously against your own, your fingers clutching at blades of grass, nearly ripping them up from the root as your orgasm stole your breath.
It kept on like that for months. Secret meetings, whispered words. His teeth in your skin, your bodies entwined, heart to heart, chasing whatever this thing was between you.
He was euphoria and light in a world filled with darkness, and you were addicted, and nothing would rip him away again.
The sounds of the guy’s hoots and hollers of enjoyment over their hunt grows quieter as you approach Eddie. He’s leaning against a tree, the dagger embedded near his shoulder, those dark eyes of his crinkling at the corners as you draw nearer to him. Lips curl back over elongated canines, and you note the swirling lines beneath his lashes, deciding you’ll have to do something about that later when you have more time and there’s no threat of the jackass twins coming back and throwing a wrench into things.
“Sorry I tried to kill you,” you tease, falling into his chest as broad palms slide around your hips to tug you close, “needed to make it look believable.”
“It’s fine, but next time you should try harder.” He draws a sigh from deep within your chest as he leans in to claim your mouth. It’s a quick kiss, doesn’t linger long, his head pulling back to look at you in amusement. Mouth curling into a grin, hair in disarray, dark eyes gleeful in the night. “Didn’t know you could throw a dagger like that.”
“You liked that, huh? Been working on that for months now.”
Your smirk grows as he flips you around, your back hitting the trunk of the tree. He grunts out as you coast a palm along the front of his jeans, grinning ruefully at the way his erection strains against the fabric.
“You did.” A satisfied smile creeps up along your features, heart skipping as he grips the dagger hilt near your head and tugs it free from the bark. The metal glints, the sharpened edge twirling as he toys with it in his palm. It shouldn’t be as hot as it is, him playing with your weapon, but the way he’s so leisurely about it — like he’s maybe done this before…knowing how good he is with his hands because you’ve been a very satisfied benefactor of their skills many a time now —
“You okay there? You forget I can hear your heart racing.”
He drags the dagger along the hollow of your throat, the standard issue button up uniform loose there, and then lower still toward the first button. He flicks his wrist and a button clatters against the ground, moves down a few centimeters and does the same to the next, the next, the next.
The knife follows. Falls into a pile of leaves, rustles them. There’s a moment — a quick, flash of time before he’s cutting off your breath in a searing kiss. Lips and teeth and hunger — a ravenous type of love, a ruinous thing that you crave. Fingers curl around your throat, apply the perfect amount of pressure that has you moaning into his mouth. He tips your chin up, up, up. His tongue glides along the skin there, silly nips spliced between, the rake of a fang over the throbbing beat of your pulse.
Heat pools in your belly. The sort of heat you know he can sense, your heightened arousal never to be hidden thanks to newer senses. He chuckles to himself as his nose nudges beneath your ear, lips toying with the lobe, breath sending chills down your spine as you shudder against him when his free hand slides down the front of your jeans, dragging a lazy circle over the wet fabric covering your slit.
“How long do we have before those idiots come back to get you?” he asks, a sultriness seeping into his tone.
“Long enough for you to feed,” you rasp out on a gasped breath, “or fuck me. Maybe both.”
“What do you want?” he asks, teeth scraping deliciously against your pulse again.
A little bit more, if you push him down a bit and ask him to take what he needs, and he’ll have sunk them into you again, submitting you to the delectable liquid honey that’ll flood your senses once he does.
The anticipation is one thing, a clanging cymbal that heats your blood. The knowledge that you can do this for him — that you enjoy it. It’s frighteningly empowering. Knowing it’s you who has kept him for so long— that it’s your blood that sings to him. Some might call it wrong; your friends had their own reservations and fears about it, understandably so.
After that first time, you got better with it. Quickly made sure to learn when to stop, how to stop (even if you often didn’t want to).
Sex had been one point of connection for the two of you. And that had been wonderful in and of itself. You craved him in ways you had never craved another. But this? Him having a part of you within him, your souls quite literally becoming one every time he drank from you — that was another level.
A sort of intensity that often made you both lose control. Whatever it was, you were irrevocably changed. This wonderful man, this creature you were meant to kill — the love that drew you into the forest like this, his hands making quick work of your jeans, tugging them down to your ankles, as his mouth licked at you furiously.
A gasp heaved from your chest. Fingers clutch in his hair as he pushes your hips back against the bark, fingers gripping tight to the dough of your thighs, keeping you spread out salaciously before him. It’s thrilling, the waves of your orgasm robbing you of your breath at the dawning realization of it, that at any moment Andy and Chance could appear.
That they might see you tangled so deeply in the web of lies you’ve become so tangled with these months, wrapped in the arms of the man who…loves you.
Because it’s forbidden, yes. By all means, if you’re found out it could be dangerous for both of you. They could kill him — would kill him.
But you would rip them all apart for the man who made a mess of you for all others.
You wince. And there’s coo. Eddie’s hands loosen from around your thighs, his body coming up to its full height before you. He lifts your hand, turns your palm up to inspect the splinter wedged into a fingertip. Blood pools from the wound, a scarlet teardrop that coasts down the back of your hand, trails toward your wrist.
Eddie’s eyes darken, and your lips curl up. You say quietly, “Go on.”
It might be wrong, on many levels, the way he brings your hand up to his mouth, tongue dragging along your wrist, the back of your palm, erasing the trickle of blood.
And it’s downright sinful the way he drags your finger into his mouth, eyes hazy and hooded, sucking lightly. Your mouth drops open, eyes fluttering rapidly at the beginnings of that familiar euphoria sparkling around the edges of your mind.
“I want to be inside you,” he groans, making no effort to let go of your offended appendage, “and you know I prefer somewhere private for…that.”
You know he means when he sinks his fangs into you, when he’s inside you, and you both lose yourself to the magic in his bite. Wants to be alone for when that primal desire kicks up within him, and he loses himself in your body intertwined like that.
“Eddie,” you whisper, dragging him down to the ground, onto the jeans laying sprawled across the floor. “Please. It’s been days.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, hissing out a breath as you make quick work of his belt buckle, the sound of a zipper ramping up your heart rate, “because your schedule has sucked this week —”
“Please,” you urge him as he helps you up and over his thighs, sliding you down his length like the thousands of times you’ve done this before.
His breath stutters against the curve of your throat as you rise and fall steadily over him, injured hand splayed over his heart.
There’s always a sting. It’s only a brief moment. A soft prick of pain like that of a needle. Only it’s really two, and they immediately are replaced by his tongue to soothe away the ache. A healing balm that oozes into your bloodstream. When he latches on again, it’s a bubbly, almost buzzing feeling that spreads through you. The feeling of sifting slowly through sinking sand, like dragging your fingers through water. Your mind numbs, a feeling of floating — of lightness unparalleled has you sinking further into him, the rolling of his hips beneath you tethering you to reality. Here and there, on the precipice of something earth shattering. It’s always like this with him.
“You’re perfect,” he whispers against where he’s bitten into your collarbone, into the skin peeking out from the collar of your shirt, “God, I love you.”
And he’s rolling you over, hands on either side of your face, eyes closed in blissfulness. The forest floor at your back, your thighs around his hips, bodies connected in a practiced dance. You marvel at his features, missing that point of additional connection, cupping his cheek instead. He’s told you you taste like the sweetest nectar, like heaven itself. Says it’s not like this with anyone else. That you’re divine, velvet, rich. You’re ethereal and his. And it takes everything in him to restrain himself, to tamper down the throbbing of his heart when he’s drinking you in, to not take too much. He could lose himself in you, in the bliss of your coupling, in the perfection of your essence.
You both come with a cry, and, as always, hate when it ends. There’s no time to hold one another, to kiss along his bare skin as he keeps you close to him. Not with the fear of Andy and Chance appearing at any time, fresh from their hunt, with murder on their minds.
Instead he leans down and cups a hand around the back of your head. Presses his forehead to yours and whispers of his love, devotion, desire for you. It’s a promise for later, sealed with the softness of his lips against yours, and he’s gone…slipping into the shadows.
No longer next to you, and yet forever marked on your heart.
A pair of white, well-loved Reebok’s sit near the door.
Paintings and sketches are scattered around the living room.
Further in the home, Eddie listens to the familiar thump-thump coming from down the hall. Can hear the reassuring inhale and exhale of your breath.
It’s night once more, and you’re finally off work, finally able to catch up on some sleep. Have slept most of the day since you got home, now that he thinks of it.
The bed shifts as he joins you once more, kissing along a bare spine, blankets curling low around your hips. He chuckles at the memory of you earlier, nearly kicking the door open on the hinges, ready to reprimand him for showing up unannounced while you were on patrol, only to end up ridding him of his clothes on your way to rest for the evening.
“Hi,” you whisper, eyes blinking up at him, adjusting to the darkness of the bedroom, “How long have I been out?”
“Few hours,” he tells you, running a hand along your bare shoulder. “Missed those eyes.”
“Sap.” It’s a tease. You see him every day, and even then it’s not enough.
“I made you dinner,” he says, rolling over onto his side beside you, nose brushing yours gently.
“Thank you.” You lean over to kiss him, smiling against his skin. That’ll never get old. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Another kiss. “Today was fun.”
A smirk curls your lips. “It was.”
“I should visit you at work more often.” He’s grinning, the insinuation of his words making your heart stumble happily. It’s music to his ears. “You liked that, didn’t you? Could smell it on you. Bet if I touched you now you’d be wet just from the memory of it.”
He’s not wrong. And he proves that point with the teasing drag of his middle finger along your clit, relishing the soft cry of, “Ed —” that spills from your parted lips.
“Reminded me of that first time we were together,” he purrs, rolling over you. Rolling you over onto your back. Your body settles beneath him, form soft and warm against his. “Forest floor.”
“Sexy,” you tease, breaking off into a whine as he pushes inside, rolling his hips against yours slowly. “All the dirt, twigs and leaves. Nothing screams romance like a nice forest fling.”
“We worked with what we had at the time,” he chuckles, cock dragging along your walls, drawing another moan from your throat. “But I think I like this better. Our bed. In our home.”
Because, though it’s forbidden, you never could handle the thought of being without him.
Had asked him to move in here months ago, into your home on the outskirts of town, to live a quiet life away from prying eyes.
Here, where you could protect him.
Here, where you never needed to be parted from him.
Here, where for a year now, and forever still to come, he’d have a place by your side.
“Next time, just bite me somewhere else, will you?” you ask, when you tumble back onto earth when it’s all over and you’re left satiated once more, body draped over Eddie’s. Eddie’s brows arch high on his forehead. “By the time your freaky magic saliva started to heal the bite, the guys thought it was a hickey and teased me relentlessly. And I can’t be with you from jail if they keep it up.”
“Pretty sure we’ll always be together.”
Forever, he’s promised.
Because maybe it’s his new, more animalistic side. The part of him that recognizes a soul mate. Maybe it’s the way you fit in his arms, the way your lips feel against his, or the way your blood sings to him.
But he thinks, in a way, you feel like his.
And he knows, in his heart, he’s yours.
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californiaboytoybilly · 2 months
Eddie Munson would like to think that years of hunting monsters had taught him to be incredibly aware of his surroundings.
Over those years, lots of things- both of the human and creepy-crawly variety- had tried to get the jump on him and they always either ended up unconscious, or dead.
However, he must have missed something this time.
Pointed fingertips dig into his throat as his back hit the wall hard, enough to feel the aftershock rattle through his bones. The breath was punched out of him in one smooth whoosh.
His eyes shot to his attacker as he tried to rapidly calculate how to get loose.
“Got you.” The man purred. For the briefest moment, he almost could have passed as human with his golden skin and blue eyes, impossibly big and gleaming in the dim alleyway.
Gleaming like a cat’s eyes.
Not human. Vampire. Fuck.
“I will rip your head from your fucking neck—“ Eddie snarled, kicking out with his loose leg. He might as well have kicked a bag of flour for all the good it did him.
“Oh, I’d really rather you didn’t. I’m pretty fond of his head, especially attached.” A second voice chimed in from the other side of the alleyway, earning a snort from the creature who had him trapped.
“You’d just miss my tongue, sweetheart.” He said without hesitating, lips curling into a grin. His sharp teeth glinted. Eddie felt his panic spike as the other figure started to come into focus. He tried to suck in a breath, the hand on his neck a little too tight.
After everything he’d survived— everything he’d done and learned— he was going to be some vampire couples fuckin’ Happy Meal while they flirted over his cooling corpse.
“Mm, maybe. Now come on, Bils. Stop playing with your food, I want to go home.” The other creature stepped free of the shadows at last, studying his nails like a bored trust fund baby.
No, not nails. Claws.
He was tall, athletic in build and covered in lean bands of muscle. A trail of thick, dark hair disappeared into cut off denim shorts, which in literally any situation where his life wasn’t at stake he might’ve been distracted by. His amber eyes were lazily trained on Eddie and the vampire ‘Bils’ and there was a dog collar- with tags- around his throat.
A werewolf? Eddie’s baffled eyes darted between the two. He’d never seen a vampire and a werewolf in the same space unless they were trying to rip each other into tiny, bloody shreds.
What the fuck?
At least he got to see something new as a send off. Very little surprised him in general anymore.
“But he’s feisty. That’s half the fun, Stevie.” The bloodsucker honest to god pouted as he looked back over his shoulder at his partner, who just sighed.
“I’ll do that thing you li-“ Wolfy started, raising an eyebrow.
“Done. Deal.” That only earned him a bark of laughter in response.
Eddie, who’d been slowly getting his arm closer to the sharp dagger hidden in the holster on his belt, suddenly had the vampire’s full attention back on him.
“It’s a waste though. He’s kind of pretty.” He said, venom-sweet breath washing over Eddie’s face as he leaned in. The other one crossed to where they stood. Eddie flinched as a warm hand skimmed over his shoulder and into his hair, claws leaving a tingling trail in their wake.
“He is…” Stevie agreed, starting to sound a little foggy. Eddie felt the tension drain from his body, against his will. As he felt the sharp scratch of fangs on his throat, he sent a quiet apology to Wayne. Those razor sharp teeth cut his skin like butter, making him yelp out in pain. As ripples of euphoria began to spread from his throat to the rest of his body, he heard one last thing come from the werewolves' mouth. "Maybe we can keep him, if you don't make a complete mess of him anyway." Eddie Munson- from hunter to prized show poodle, he thought sardonically as his brain started to swim. And that's when he lost the battle against unconsciousness.
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little-annie · 1 year
In This Lifetime
Vecna's dead and the gates are closed and life is finally back to normal.
Well except for one thing.
Eddie's entire view of Steve Harrington has been tipped on its axis, shattered, booted off a fucking cliff. Whatever you want to call it. Because, well, the guy's not an asshole. He's strong and passionate and so goddamn caring. He's probably the kindest, most giving person Eddie's ever met and although he'd like to say he doesn't know what to think of it, we'll he does. And he thinks he's in love.
Steve Harrington is like fucking sunshine and unfortunately for Eddie's fragile heart, that glow of light doesn't fade.
They become friends. Best Friends. Nearly inseparable. Attached at the hip throughout the years.
They move to Chicago together, rent a shitty two bedroom apartment that maybe as well be one because they still have nightmares and being plastered next to one another seems to calm those terrors.
They laugh and they sing and they dance around the kitchen while they smile and cook and inevitably burn whatever meal they had planned, opting to order pizza instead.
Eddie's in a band and Steve never misses a show.
Steve's in school, planning to become a Guidance Counselor and Eddie's by his side quizzing him with the reward of candy in hand.
It's perfect, living life together in domestic bliss. Even if all they are is only just friends.
But it's still perfect all the same and if it was up to Eddie, he'd spend the rest of his life in these years. Repeat them again and again, if only to fall asleep at Steve's side and wake up to honey-brown eyes every morning.
But he knows it can't always be like this and that's why this is the hardest thing he's ever done.
This is the hardest thing he's ever done, and he's done some difficult shit. Like surviving a near death experience in literal hell being the main contender. But sitting across from Steve Harrington as he turns a little golden ring between his fingers and goes over his proposal plan, yeah that's pretty fucking difficult.
And it shouldn't be, he should be excited, he should be cheering for his friend but there's a gnawing feeling in his gut that's telling him it should be him. It should be him that Steve drops to a knee for, it should be him that Steve professes his undying love to, it should be him that'll one day get to call this man his husband.
But it's not. It's not because even though he's known this ragtag group of monster hunters for years now he's never been able to come to terms with telling them that he's gay and he sure as shit hasn't come to terms with telling Steve Harrington that he loves him and loves him in a very much not 'just friends' kind of way.
So that's why when Steve asks him what he should say to this woman [Becky, who quite frankly could double as Eddie's twin] he spills the beans. In a very subtle way he supposes. He doesn't come out, doesn't outright tell Steve he loves him, but as he's telling Steve what to say to his future fiancé, he's letting his emotions come out like word vomit, only wishing Steve knew he was talking about him.
"I don't know man." Eddie huffs, shuffling uncomfortably in his chair, eyes avoiding Steve's as he contemplates his words.
But it's hardly more than a few seconds before they come tumbling out, Eddie sucking in shaky breath before he stares into the carpet and begins to speak, "Tell her she's like sunshine, beautiful and bold and the source of life. That she's like the blood in your veins, forever present in the most beautiful way and the only thing that keeps your heart beating. Tell her that even on the most difficult days that she's the one you want to see, the one you want to hold, the one that makes you take the breath you need and steady your heart when it's beating out of control."
It's a building thing, slowly growing out of control, he can feel his pulse thrumming in his veins and he's beginning to think he might just do something crazy. He pauses for a moment, gauging Steve's expression. He'd gone to get them beer and hasn't bothered to sit back down since Eddie began talking. There's an indecipherable expression on his face and he's stood still, in front of the couch, beers on the coffee table and he's silent, waiting for Eddie to continue.
And you know, if Eddie was a normal man he'd stay in his chair, talk to his friend from an acceptable distance away and not profess his love, but he's not. He's a showman and as his acting skills get the best of him, he's moving, shuffling across the carpet, taking Steve's hand in his own and kneeling before him. Because why not make this a harder interaction for himself. Christ, it nearly feels like the real thing as he looks into Steve's eyes and shuffles the littlest amount closer.
Eddie shudders a breath, taking a single second to appreciate this moment, even if it'll never truly be real and then he continues, "You get down on your goddamn knee Steve Harrington and you say, ' Sweetheart you're the only thing that keeps me alive in this crazy fucked up world. Having you in my arms and my heart keeps me steady and breathing. I've been through some shit, but I'd go through it all again to find you in the end. The blood, the sweat, the tears, nearly fucking dying to be by your side for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with you Darling, I want us to grey and weather together. To find ourselves fifty years from now watching our kids and our grandkids; all the life we've brought into this world. All the love our life together has brought into existence."
Eddie's crying now, because of course he is, he's confessing his love to someone he knows will never hold the same emotions for him, but through a watery laugh and a sniffle he carries on, tightening his grip on Steve's hands.
"I want you in this lifetime and the next, in any way that you'll have me. I can't bear the thought of a single day without you let alone an entire lifetime. I'll find you, I promise I will Sweetheart, but for this lifetime, I ask that you spend the remainder of it with me."
It's cheesy, he knows, but it seems to take effect because as he looks into the eyes of the man above him he sees the swell of tears gathering along thick dark lashes.
The room's suddenly silent, save for the pounding of Eddie's pulse in his ears and the hope that Steve didn't see through his actions or words. That all he saw was his rather expressive friend acting out as per usual.
But a tear finally escapes and rolls down Steve's tanned cheek and a rather aggressive sob breaks past his lips.
Eddie's to his feet in seconds pulling Steve to his chest, one arm firmly around his waist while another wraps around his shoulders and cradles a head of mousy hair as close as he can. Steve's sobbing, short shaky breaths and surely there's snot and tears staining Eddie's shirt, but it's not like he can say much, what with silent tears streaming down his own cheeks and dripping to Steve's hair.
Steve hiccups around a sob, voice shaky and muffled against Eddie's shoulder, "I can't do this."
God, that's not what Eddie wanted to do, he didn't mean to scare Steve away from his impending engagement. No matter how much he wished it was him. He loves Steve, but if he can't have him, he just wants him to be happy. He deserves happiness. He deserves love.
Even if it's not with him.
Eddie cards his fingers soothingly through Steve's hair as he speaks, "Yes you can. I know you can. Steve, you love her, you're just scared. You can do this."
Another sob heaves against Eddie's chest while Steve continues to shake in his arms, "I can't Eddie."
"Why not Sweetheart?"
Steve's knees give out as a pained nose escapes his throat, dropping to the floor, taking Eddie with him, he doesn't answer, only continues to cry and burrow into Eddie's chest upon settling into their new position on the ground.
He's verging on a panic attack, Eddie knows this, he's seen it many times before. The way Steve's fists clench in his shirt and his breaths are short and sudden, gasping for air that's not filling his lungs, he's flushed white and Eddie knows it's only a matter of time before he gets sick.
"Stevie, come on, you gotta settle down. I'm sorry if I said anything wrong, I didn't mean to if I did. We can talk about it later. But right now you just gotta breathe for me okay." Eddie grabs Steve's hand, tight fist and all and holds it against his chest, allowing Steve to feel his steady breaths, "Breathe in with me, come on Big Guy. Take a deep breath in." Eddie takes a large lungful and holds it for a second, waiting for Steve to do the same and even though it's shaky and raspy he manages.
They repeat this process ten times over, Steve's head and hand now resting against Eddie's chest, their backs to the couch, the rooms fallen silent enough that only muffled sniffles are audible aside from the hum of electricity and the joyous screams of children outside.
After a moment, Steve wiggles himself closer, if even possible and again states, "Eddie, I can't do this."
He's not quite sure how to answer, really. Should he push or should he allow Steve to call off the engagement before it even happens. Lord knows where his own wishes lie. "You wanna tell me why you think you can't do this?"
Steve's breathing picks up again, but before he can reach hysterics Eddie's fingers card through his hair and he soothes Steve back to baseline.
"You," Steve whispers after quite some time of Eddie waiting for a response. It's a quiet thing, Eddie wouldn't have even heard it if he wasn't intentionally listening for Steve to say something.
It's a pain in the chest to know he may be the reason for Steve not to propose, sure he wished it wouldn't happen, but not like this. For him to say something so stupid that makes Steve call the whole thing off, "I'm sorry if I-"
He doesn't have time to finish his sentence before Steve's speaking, "No, not like that, you have nothing to be sorry for Eds. Its just- fuck- I wish I could tell you."
Combing his fingers through Steve's hair, Eddie reassures, "Steve, you can tell me. Please. I want to help."
Steve shakes his head, wrapping an arm tight around Eddie's waist, tucking his head in close, "It's nothing you can help with Eddie."
Nosing against the side of Steve's head, hair tickling his nose, Eddie whispers, soft, gentle, scared to frighten Steve off, "Try me."
And then it's silent. Dead quiet and for quite a long while. He knows Steve will answer, he knows he's just gathering his words, sorting things out before he speaks. It's obviously something big, something important to have warranted such a reaction from such a strong man.
It's with a sudden movement that Steve's sitting upright, turning to face Eddie with the appearance of confidence and sheer fear on his face. He looks fucking terrified. Working his jaw, eyes darting all over Eddie's face before he finally settles on his eyes and speaks, "I love you, okay." The words are far from gentle, they're sharp, rushed, sudden, like if he didn't get them out they'd burn a hole in his throat, but before Eddie has a second to even process those few words, Steve's barreling on.
"And when you were down on your knee infront of me, I wanted nothing more than for that to be the real thing, for those words to actually be directed towards me because I love you so fucking much it hurts. And I get it, I do. I know you're straight and we can never be a thing or really even get married but Eds, fuck, I love you so much and I can't marry Becky knowing I feel that way about you. I was going to try because I knew this could ne-"
He knows what Steve was meaning to say, but Eddie had to cut him off before those words could be spoken into existence because they're wrong. It can happen. Holy fucking Christ, Steve's loves him. It can all happen.
"I love you too," he says with such haste, taking Steve's face into his hands as he speaks with so much passion it nearly hurts, "-so much."
Cheeks squished in Eddie's grasp, Steve's eyes begin to well with tears once again, but now, now a smile is fighting its way to his lips, only growing with utter disbelief as Eddie quietly says, "and I meant every word of it. Every fucking word Sweetheart."
Steve's eyes search Eddie's own for only half a second before their lips crash together. It's a feverish thing, years of pent up love and need crammed into a single embrace, but their lips move as if they've met a million times before. And maybe they have. Maybe through the thousands of years this little rock in space has been turning, they've never left one another's side. Maybe they do find each other in every lifetime. Maybe they fall in love against all odds. Maybe this lifetime is no different.
Many Years Later
Turns out, it's not different at all.
When the time comes, so does the real proposal. It's been planned for years and when word of legalisation reaches Eddie's ears he's running to Steve. Dashing through streets, shouldering past strangers and dropping with a painful thud to the hardwood of Steve's office floor. In those few short moments to follow, the life he wished to have so many years ago becomes a reality.
Steve's his fiancé.
Soon to be his husband.
In this lifetime and the next.
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katyawriteswhump · 7 months
Eddie and Steve: Monster Hunters (steddiemicrofic/steddielovemonth)
For @steddiemicrofic Feb prompt, ‘edge,’ and @steddielovemonth day 23, Love is giving him your sweater even if it makes you cold. (@stevesbipanic) Thank you <3
Rating: T. WC: 509. CW: None. Tags: established steddie, angst, slight au, slightly fluffy, slightly soft Eddie, slightly silly!
Eddie wasn’t sure how he’d gotten separated from Steve. However, there he was—alone, the demo-goat caught between him and the quarry, his Molotov cocktail primed.
“Eat dirt, you evil, bleating little sh—iiiiiiit!”
Suddenly, Steve was there, hot on the goat’s hooves, brandishing a home-made flame-thrower.
Too late. Eddie’s missile already flew. A flash blinded him, echoed by a crackling boom, and a thunderclap in his chest. He rushed, choking, through the smoke. DID I JUST EXPLODE MY BOYFRIEND?
Eddie swayed on the quarry precipice, from which Steve dangled, clinging with both hands. And then with one hand. Already on his knees, Eddie grabbed Steve’s wrist.
“You trying to kill me?” Black goop smeared Steve’s pale face.
“Didn’t see you, Stevie.”
“I’d got this… Jesus! My shoulder… your rings… Hurts. Oh shit, oh shit, I’m gonna die!”
Sweat beaded Steve’s brow, fingers quivering for grip as he slipped farther. Eddie squeezed tight words from gritted teeth:  “Gimme your other hand.”
It didn’t go like in movies. Steve’s efforts wrenched at Eddie’s faltering hold. Their gazes locked, pulses going apeshit in union.
“Steve, I—"
Steve plummeted into the cool twilight. Eddie’s heart dropped through his boots, falling with his boyfriend, as far as the distant splash.
Eddie stumbled blindly to the shingle shore. He saw only his final image of Steve—Steve’s horror mirroring Eddie’s own, Steve’s too-pretty mouth forming a perfect ‘o’.  Almost like when we kissed, and those times we… The sex no longer mattered. It’d been casual between them till now, when the idea of a future without Steve shredded Eddie’s soul. Worse, poor Steve! Way too young to…
Eddie whipped out a flashlight, legs numb, stomach knotted. Something crawled out of the water. Hopefully, not the demo-goat. Seconds later, he hovered over Steve, who flopped onto his back, arms flung wide.
“Holy shit.” Eddie tugged his hair, hesitating to touch Steve—fearing he’d shattered some illusion.
Steve panted hard, catching his breath. Wet, bedraggled, and incongruously adorable, his flat hair made his eyes seem huge. Then he scowled, attempted to sit. Eddie finally tumbled forward, flung his arms around him.
“You scared the shit outta me.”
“You angling for an apology?” Steve’s voice was trembly as the rest of him. “Diving that far stings like a b-bitch! Did I say I wanted a swim, Munson?”
“Sorry.” He rubbed Steve’s back
“Thought I was a g-gonner. Makes you realize… about… st-stuff.”
Eddie sniffed then pulled off his sweater, shivering himself as he wrapped it around Steve. Steve raised a weary brow. “B-body heat st-still required, Dipshit.”
Eddie enfolded him tight again, then might have sobbed as he helped Steve up. Steve proved too tired to speak, Eddie too choked, till they reached the car. Eddie dialled the heater up, touched Steve’s thigh: “Stevie, there’s something I… uh…”
“I love you, man.” Steve rested his head back, eyes fluttering closed. “Try not to nearly kill me again this week, ’kay?”
“Love you too.” Eddie tenderly stroked dripping hair from Steve’s brow, then scrambled over the gear-lever to get cosy.
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hippiegoth97 · 24 days
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story: Pt. 23
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 22
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @cairro-xx @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafeyscurtainbangs @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @usergeta @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@loserboysandlithium @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@mediocredreams @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @ali-r3n
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: swearing, light smut, nightmares, arguing, mentions of violence/domestic violence, sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, mentions of blood, mentions of vomit, anxiety, panic attack, crying
Word Count: 8k
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divider by @strangergraphics
Part 23: Scary Monsters and Super Creeps
Monday, June 26th, 1989
You've been grinding on Eddie's lap on his couch for what feels like hours, hungrily kissing his plush lips and tangling your fingers in his hair. His hands are squeezing your ass, leading you as your hips roll against him. You both let out low moans at every touch, winding each other up more and more with every passing second. You break away from his mouth, migrating to suck on his neck. "I love you, Eds." You say breathily, nipping his throat with your teeth. You await his reply, but he doesn't say anything. He's stopped the motions of his hands as well, going completely still. You look up to see what's going on. His face has gone stiff as stone, and his eyes look right through you. "What's wrong, love?" You ask, cupping his cheek.
"Get out." He says flatly, ceasing his touches on you altogether.
"What? Why?" You ask, confused. You were both having a good time just a second ago, and now he wants you to leave?
"I said, get out!" He yells at you, violently shoving you off of him. You gasp as you fall backwards from his lap and onto the floor of his trailer.
"What the hell is your problem?" You shout back, Eddie's never gotten physical with you like this. He would never, ever hurt you. Right?
"My problem? I think you fucking know, Y/N." He replies angrily, crossing his arms.
"Clearly I don't, Eddie. Can you just tell me?" You ask, matching his attitude. You have no clue where this is coming from, he's not himself at all.
"God, could you be any more stupid? I'm talking about Tommy!" He shouts, getting on his feet. His fists ball at his sides as he looms over you, and you're afraid he might hit you.
"What about him? I already told you everything!" You don't back down, standing up as well. You cross your own arms, shaking like a leaf as you wait to see where this goes.
"Oh, right!" He laughs mockingly. "Yeah, I don't buy that whole sob story, sweetheart. You keep...letting him touch you, and call you little names. If he's so fucking awful, why don't you fight back?" There's such cruelty in his voice, and his facial expression isn't much better. Is he seriously trying to suggest that you want to be harassed?
"Because...we'd lose our jobs, Eds. And we need the money...for our future." You say sadly, tears welling in your eyes. You wish you could tell him why the money is so important, that you want to move in together and get your lives started for real.
"Our future? What the fuck does that even mean, Y/N?" Eddie yells even louder, getting closer to you. You flinch at his words, your eyes squeezing shut to avoid looking at him. "Look at me!" He screams, and you open your eyes again. His face has gone all red, the vein in his neck poking out in his rage. "You know what I think, princess? I think you like the extra attention. To have two guys into you at once, that's gotta be thrilling for you. And I know how much you like a thrill...I'm sure Tommy does, too." His words make you want to vomit. This isn't Eddie, this isn't the man you fell in love with. But here he is, standing before you, saying the most vile things. You thought he was different. But you guess you were wrong.
"You know damn well that I don't like what Tommy's doing. I love you, Eddie. I only want you. I don't know what else you want me to say." You say in defeat, seconds away from tumbling to the floor. Your knees threaten to give out from under you, and your brain is in a swirling frenzy of fear and anger. You resent him for assuming the worst of you, and you're afraid to lose him all the same. This is all too much, this can't be happening.
"Well, I don't love you." His words feel like a knife stabbing you deep in your heart, but he doesn't stop there. "I can't love you...because you're a whore." The proverbial blade twists, deepening the agony. His eyes bore into yours, letting you know he means everything he's saying. He steps closer as he continues to speak, which in turn makes you walk backwards with every footfall. "You're a whore for attention. A whore for pain. A whore for pity. I'm sure you tell every man you meet about your father ditching you. Crying in their arms, eating up the comfort they offer. Stop me if I'm wrong, here, sweetheart." Your back meets the wall, with Eddie standing just centimeters away from your face. "Answer me!" He shouts again, some of his spit hitting your cheek.
"You're wrong, Eddie. I only care about you. I love you more than anything. You're my whole world. I need you." You sob uncontrollably as you try to get him to understand. Your vision blurs with tears, and your chest hitches repeatedly as you continue to fall apart.
"Stop lying, bitch!" He screams, and his hand comes up to slap you across the face. It stings like nothing you've ever experienced, and you gasp in shock at him hitting you.
"I'm not lying! I love you, Eddie! Please, you have to believe me!" You sob even harder, to a point where you feel sick to your stomach.
"Shut up! Just shut up! You're a liar! A liar, and a whore! I fucking hate you! I can't stand you! Your phony panic attacks, and your constant whining and crying about everything!" Eddie keeps slapping you harder and harder with every heartbreaking sentence he utters. He's screaming so loud, his voice rings in your ears.
"Eddie, please! Stop it! You're hurting me! I love you, please! Please! Please!" You beg for him to stop, but he doesn't. His free hand holds you firm against the wall, the back of your skull digging into the paneling as he repeatedly hits you. The slaps hurt so much, and your cheek has begun to swell.
"You lying bitch! You don't love me! You never did! Stop lying!"
"Mew!" Eddie's shouting has been suddenly interrupted by the sound of Arwen's meowing. You're thrown at first, as your eyes have been closed again for a while. You notice the hitting has also stopped, and you look to find that Eddie isn't here anymore. You're not in the trailer anymore, either. You're surrounded by dark fog and nothingness. And then you hear the sound again. "Mew!" Louder this time. And you sense what feels like tiny claws digging into your chest. "Mew!" Another petulant noise from your feline friend.
"Arwen!" You call out, and the words echo into the void. But there's no response. "I've gotta wake up."
Your realization that you were dreaming snaps you awake instantly, and you gasp as you look around you. You're in your room, with Arwen pressing her paws against your chest. None of it was real. Eddie didn't hit you, or say any of those disgusting things. He would never do that. You let out a sigh of relief, wiping your tears away. Your heart is still pounding, and you're coated in sweat. You look at the clock, 9:30am, you slept through your alarm. Your eyes return to Arwen, who's still making imaginary biscuits on your chest.
"Good morning, little one. Thanks for helping me wake up." You say sweetly to her, scratching behind her ears. She leans into your hand, purring loudly. "I gotta call Eddie." You observe aloud, as there's still a teeny tiny part of you that's worried the dream was true. You pluck the kitten away from her pretend bakery, setting her in the plush cat bed on the floor. You jog down the hall, almost tripping as you reach the phone on the end table beside the couch. You fumble with the headset, bringing it to your ear. You pound Eddie's number into the little buttons, waiting for the dial to go through. It rings once, before he picks up.
"Hello?" He asks, and you're so fucking happy to hear his voice.
"Eddie!" You exclaim, a little too loud.
"Y/N? What's wrong? I was just on my way over." You can hear Eddie's concern through the phone, which puts you a little more at ease.
"I, uh, had another nightmare. It was really bad, and scary. I just had to make sure you didn't hate me. I'll explain more when you get here." You're talking way too fast, and some more tears spring from your eyes.
"I could never hate you, princess. I'll be right over, okay? And you can tell me all about it over breakfast." He replies sweetly, wishing he could hold you in his arms and shower you with kisses.
"Okay. I love you, Eds." You sniffle, trying to calm yourself down. There's a pause, and you're worried that you're still asleep. Your chest tightens, and a wave of nausea rolls over you. Here it comes, he's gonna call you a whore again.
"I love you too, sweetheart. See you soon." He says, which makes your entire body relax. He can hear your sigh of relief, and he knows for sure that he needs to get to your place now.
"Bye, love." You reply with a nod, hanging up the phone.
"Everything okay, sugarpuff?" Mom asks, having come from her own room when she heard you making noise a few minutes ago.
"Yeah, just a bad dream. That's all." You try to stop yourself from crying again. But the mere mention of it makes all the awful images of Eddie berating you come flooding back. You burst into tears, and Mom moves forward to take you into a firm hug. Your head burrows into her chest, and you sob uncontrollably.
"Oh, Y/N. It's okay, it was just a dream. Eddie's coming over, right?" She asks, rubbing her hand up and down your back to comfort you. You nod against her at the question, and she tuts lightly. "It's gonna be alright, sweetie. He'll be here soon." You stay with her just like this, standing in the middle of the living room until Eddie shows up a few minutes later. He comes in through the door, and Mom looks over at him. "I think you can take over from here." She smiles at him, pulling away from you.
You meet Eddie's eyes, your own are red and puffy from crying so much. The look of complete and utter care and worry on his face tells you everything you need to know. He closes the door without a word, and you run over to him. You wrap your arms around his middle, squeezing so hard you're almost suffocating him. He strokes your hair with his hand, laying his chin on top of your head. "It's okay, love. I'm right here. Just calm down, it's alright." He coos quietly, trying his best to console you. You've gotta be at work in about an hour, and you still haven't showered, or gotten dressed, or eaten. "C'mon, baby. Let's get you cleaned up and you can tell me everything." He says softly, ending your tight embrace to lead you to the bathroom. He closes the door, and helps you strip off your sweat-soaked pajamas.
You still haven't said a word to him since he's arrived, you just can't manage it right now. Eddie remains patient the whole way, getting the shower set nice and warm for you. He sits on the toilet while you wash up, waiting to hand you a towel. You don't spend a lot of time showering, you want to be able to tell Eddie everything. The warmth of the shower calms you down little by little, and you've stopped crying completely by the time you're done. You step out of the shower, and take the towel Eddie's extending your way. You wrap it around your trembling body, and head over to your bedroom to get dressed. "You ready to talk, sweetheart?" He asks, shutting your door and sitting on your bed. Arwen perks up at his presence, padding her way over to be picked up by him. He does so, setting her in his lap while you pull out your uniform.
"Yeah. I think so." You say quietly, retrieving some panties and socks from your dresser. You begin to recount your terrible nightmare to Eddie, managing to avoid another fit of tears. A couple singular ones still escape, but it's already a major improvement. He doesn't interrupt you as you put every nasty little detail out there. He just listens intently, waiting until the end to weigh in. Once you're finished and dressed, he stands up to put himself before you. He gently sets his hands on your shoulders, and gazes deep into your eyes.
"Y/N, I am so sorry that you went through that. It sounds like the worst dream ever. But I am telling you right now, I would never, ever lay a hand on you." He raises a hand to cup your cheek, making you flinch. He drops it immediately, remembering what the dream version of him did. "Shit, sorry." He clears his throat, kicking himself for the mistake. "I would never call you mean names, or say any of those awful things. I love you so much, baby. And nothing is ever going to change that. I promise." He means every last word he's said, and you appreciate him putting in the effort to make these things clear to you. You didn't have any doubt before, but it's good to hear him effectively put any future ones to rest.
"I love you, too, Eddie. More than anything in the world. Thank you." You carefully press your lips to his, and you melt into each other. Another couple tears roll down your cheeks, and you feel a few come down Eddie's face as well. Your heart swells at the intensity of his love for you. Just hearing you say what he did to you in your nightmare breaks his heart. He knows you don't actually think he'd do such a thing, but he can't even imagine hurting you. Not like that, with such cruel intentions. Never. He wishes so much that you didn't have to see that, feel that. If he could, he'd wipe it all away from your memory for you. Like recording over an old videotape. He'd replace it all with happy things. Kisses, late-night drives, D&D campaigns, movie dates, cuddling in either of your beds. Even things you haven't gotten to do yet. Like living together, picking out furniture, bickering about paint samples. Or getting married, your smiling face as you walk down the aisle, how gorgeous you'd look in your dress. Anything to chase the ugly caricature of himself away.
You break away to breathe, both of you wiping your eyes. "Let's get some food in you, princess. I'd hate for you to go to work hungry." Eddie says quietly, taking hold of your hand. You gladly let him do so, walking down the hall together to the kitchen. You set a Pop Tart into the toaster for Eddie, and pour a bowl of cereal for yourself. "You gonna be okay to work today? We could call you in sick if you want." Eddie offers, always looking for ways to help you feel better.
"I'll be fine, Eds. I think work will take my mind off this. I'll just stew all day if I stay here." You reply, taking a large bite of your Frosted Flakes.
"If you say so, angel." He sighs quietly, munching away at his pastry. He's scared out of his wits at the idea of you going to work today. You're still visibly shaken up, despite him doing everything in his power to comfort you. He has no idea how today will go for you, especially if a certain someone tries his little games on you again. It's pretty much a given at this point, and that's the most terrifying part. Maybe he can get Biggs to keep you in the ticket booth or something, that way you don't have to deal with Tommy at all.
"Alright, everyone. Quiet down, we need to get through these assignments before we open." Mr. Biggs bellows to all of the employees of the Hawk as you stand in a small circle in the lobby. Well, except for Milo since he always works the projector. Your boss looks at Tommy first, pointing his pencil at him while reading the paper in his hand. "Hagan, you'll be in the ticket booth." He moves on down the list. "Jamie and Eddie will be on concessions and clean-up. And Y/N, I'm going to have you do inventory today. You'll just count everything in the storage room and fill it in on this clipboard. You'll also need to add everything currently set out in concessions." Biggs hands you the clipboard he's kept tucked under his arm, and a freshly sharpened number two pencil.
You take them apprehensively, looking down at the sheets of paper clipped to the board. "Um, okay." You say softly. You've never done 'inventory' before. It's usually something that Harriet does as the assistant manager.
"I figured since you've shown such strong work ethic, you can do with a little more responsibility." Biggs says, his lips upturning into a stilted smile. The man doesn't use said facial muscles very often, so it's kinda off-putting. "That'll be all. Let's get to work." He dismisses everyone to attend to their duties, but keeps you behind for a moment. Eddie gives you a look, and you nod to tell him you'll be alright. "Y/N, the reason I'm giving you this assignment is because I think you have potential here. And if you do well with this, and a few other tasks I have in mind, you could very well become a supervisor in the near future. Pay raise and all."
"Oh, really? I appreciate that very much, Mr. Biggs. I won't let you down." You say semi-excitedly. You tone it down so you don't seem too eager for it. But, supervisor...it has a nice ring to it.
"That's what I like to hear. Well, I'll leave you to it. If you need any help, you can ask Harriet. But I'm sure you're bright enough to figure it out on your own." He replies, his smile fading as he mentally moves on to something else regarding the theater. You're just about to go on your way, when he stops you one final time. "Oh, and Y/N? Don't tell anyone about this just yet. I'd hate for them to get jealous, especially since I haven't fully made up my mind."
"Sure thing, sir. I'll keep my mouth shut." You chirp.
"Good woman. Come find me once you're finished." And he leaves you without another word. Eddie's been watching this interaction from the concession counter, quirking an eyebrow curiously. He'll have to ask you about it later on, it appears you’ve got a special job to do. 
You head into the storage room, flicking on the light switch. The overhead light casts shadows all about the place from the stacks of tall boxes that surround you. You look down at the sheet, finding cups listed at the top. They're measured by case, so you go ahead and count the boxes. There's open ones for each size as well, and you're guessing you need to add those, too. But not as a whole. So, according to that logic, there's 4.5 cases of small cups, 3.7 medium, and 5.1 large. This isn't so hard, you think to yourself. You continue down the list: lids, candy, soda syrup, popcorn, artificial butter, napkins, boxed candies, straws, etc. It's simple observation and addition, you're surprised this is considered a supervisory task at all. A monkey could do it. You move on to the refrigeration and freezer in the back of the room, adding up the various pre-made snacks like hotdogs and pretzels. 
You hear the door to the storage area open up behind you, and you don't bother to turn around. You figure it's just Eddie coming in to have some fun with you. You could certainly use it, this morning really fucked you up. You hear the lock click, and a sly smile spreads across your face. "Couldn't wait until later on, Eds?" You ask, back still turned as you keep working your way through the papers.
"'Fraid not, sweet thing. But I think you've got me confused with somebody else." You freeze immediately when you realize it's not Eddie in the now-locked room with you. It's Tommy, who's managed to leave his post outside and slink in here under everyone's noses.
"Go away, Tommy. I'm busy." You say shortly, paying him no mind. If you make it obvious you're uninterested, he'll go away. Won't he?
"Sounds like you're plenty available to me." He sneers, and you hear his footsteps approaching you slowly.
"Well, I'm not. Biggs needs me to finish this." You insist, refusing to face him.
"Ugh, when did you get so boring, babygirl? We used to have so much fun." Tommy's only a few steps away from you now, and you just try to keep working. You've only got half a page left until you can retreat to concessions. Just ignore him. You don't say anything else, pressing your lips together in irritation. After a few moments of silence, he moves even closer. His hand lands on your shoulder, squeezing hard. "It's pretty rude to ignore me, Y/N. You're so uptight. Why don't you let me help you relax?" He speaks in your ear, his hot breath against your skin makes you feel sick.
"Leave me alone, Tommy. I'm not your girlfriend anymore. And I'm definitely not gonna fuck you." You raise your voice a little, hoping it's enough to alert someone out there of the very dangerous situation you've found yourself in.
"Oh, come on, you don't mean that. I know you want me, Y/N. You'd be stupid not to." He leans in from behind to try and kiss your neck.
"Get away from me!" You smack him in the face as hard as you can with the back of the clipboard.
"Ow, fuck! You fucking bitch!" He shouts as his nose starts gushing blood. You push past him and run for the door, hoping to get away. But he catches up to you pretty quickly, pulling you backwards by the arm. You scream in surprise, falling onto your back on the packed carpet. The clipboard falls from your grasp, sliding across the floor. Tommy looms over you, clutching his nose. "You're gonna regret that, Y/N." He seethes, using his free arm to pull you up by yours.
"Let me go, Tommy!" You yell, trying to kick and punch him so he'll let you go. But he's stronger than you, despite only having one hand available. He slams you up against one of the shelves, knocking over a case of Raisinettes. The little cardboard boxes spill all over the floor, the candies inside rolling around their packages. The metal racks sting your lower back and head when you make contact. He presses his body against yours, his nose dripping onto your clean white shirt while he holds you against your will.
"C'mon, Y/N. You're wasting your time with Munson. Let a real man show you how it's done." He insists, his eyes wild. A thick stripe of blood runs down the middle of his face, like an elongated mustache. He pays no mind to drops of it running into his mouth, he's too focused on you.
"Eddie's more of a man than you'll ever be. Now let me go, right now." You hold strong, trying your best to stand your ground.
"What are you gonna do about it? I'm much stronger than you. I can just take what I want if I have to." He says threateningly, tightening his grip on your wrists. You try to kick him in the crotch, but he easily blocks the blow. "Big mistake, Y/N. I was tryin' to play nice." He tries to force his blood-soaked lips onto yours, but you twist your head so they land on your cheek instead.
"Help! Somebody, please! Eddie! Jamie! Someone, help!" You scream, almost gagging at Tommy's blood smearing onto your skin. You don't want any part of him on you, you want this to stop. He keeps trying to kiss you, even going so far as to hold your head in place. This lets your left arm free for a moment, and you take the opportunity to sock him right in the jaw. Your fist lands hard on the bone, and it hurts like hell. You've never really had to punch anyone before, you didn't anticipate inflicting pain on yourself in the process. He cries out at the blow, and tears begin to well in your eyes from your own agony.
"Stop fighting! I'm gonna make you see, Y/N! You should be mine, you need me!" Tommy screams at you, stilling your head. He stares at you with insane intensity, managing to kiss you now. You attempt to scream and cry, but it's muffled by his iron-flavored lips. You keep trying to spit out any and all taste of him, but it just goes back in your mouth. You feel sick, and you can't fight back. He's managed to pin you completely to the shelf now.
You suddenly have the urge to vomit, and you accept it as a way out. Maybe this will be enough to get Tommy away from you. You let it all go, regardless of the mess. The bile rushes up your throat, and spurts against the seal he's created with your lips. Even the force of him can't stop the puke from spilling out. It sprays out slightly from the edges of your mouths, some of which he ends up swallowing. He pulls away at the vile taste, rapidly spitting to get it out. The rest unfortunately lands on your uniform along with his. "Fuck! Ew, I swallowed some!" Tommy almost shrieks, and you manage to push him a few feet away from you.
You dash for the door, fumbling with the handle. You push it down to disengage the lock, finally freeing yourself from captivity. You almost fall onto the floor, scrambling over your own feet to get to Eddie. "Oh, my god!" A random movie-goer exclaims when she sees you covered in your own vomit. You stand upright, pushing past people to reach the concession stand.
Eddie's eyes find you immediately as you reach the counter, and he kicks into overdrive when he sees the state of you. He stops scooping popcorn for the matinee rush, and comes to you. His hands sit on your shoulders, and he searches your face for any information he can find. "Y/N, what's wrong? What the hell happened? Are you sick?" He asks frantically, so many questions at once.
"T-Tommy..." You stutter, before trailing off completely. You feel sick again once the name leaves your lips, and you lunge behind the counter to throw up in the trash can that's kept back here. You fall to your knees, just barely making it into the can. You're an absolute mess, covered in your own barf, barfing some more in front of all the customers. It's all so embarrassing.
"Y/N! You fucking bitch!" You hear Tommy's voice shouting from behind you. He's come out from the closet now, clearly dazed and disgusted from your defensive strategies. Eddie's eyes snap to Tommy, noticing the bloodied nose and vomit covering his shirt and vest. What the fuck did he do? Eddie thinks to himself, his own rage beginning to take hold. "Where is she?" Tommy demands, he can't see you behind the counter.
"I think a better question is what the hell did you do to her?" Eddie seethes, coming out from behind the stand to get closer to Tommy. Please, not another fight. I can't take much more of this. You sob as silently as you can to maintain your hiding place, wiping the puke away from your chin. You look up at Jamie who's frozen in place behind the counter. He gazes down at you, shaking his head as a signal to stay where you are. You nod, agreeing that it's probably best at the moment.
"I didn't do anything! Your fucking whore of a girlfriend on the other hand hit me in the face, twice! And then she yakked all over me!" Tommy retorts, gesturing at himself. The customers in the lobby have stopped to watch the show, gathering along the walls as they've long forgotten about the film they paid to see. Biggs and Harriet come out of their office, wondering what the hell is going on now. They find Eddie and Tommy in yet another stand-off, and all the looky-lou's munching away on their popcorn.
"Attention Hawkins Theater patrons! It appears we have an employee issue to work through here. Please, if you've paid for a ticket, make your way to the auditorium and enjoy your film. If not, I must ask you to leave the premises until we can settle this matter." Biggs announces to the crowd, snapping at Jamie to usher them all to their respective destinations. It takes a few minutes to clear the lobby, but you eventually hear all the chattering voices stop. "Okay. Now, I would love to know why our business day is being interrupted by yet another fight between you two." He says, addressing Eddie and Tommy now.
"Y/N came over to the counter a few minutes ago, clearly upset. I dunno what happened, exactly. But it seems Tommy here had something to do with it." Eddie explains as calmly as he can, clenching his teeth together as he speaks.
"Okay. Well, where is Y/N? I'd like to hear what she has to say." Biggs replies, and you slowly stand up to reveal yourself. You face your boss, tears still streaming down your cheeks. His eyes bug out at how awful you look. "Y/N. Can you please tell us what happened?" He asks, looking very concerned for you.
You nod, coming out from behind the counter completely. You stand beside Eddie, needing him to hold your hand. He does, squeezing lightly to comfort you. "I-I...was doing inventory like you asked. I was almost done, actually. I had my back turned to the door, and I heard someone come in. I thought maybe it was Eddie to check in on me, but it was Tommy." Your eyes flick to Tommy, which you instantly regret. You squeeze them shut for a moment, more stinging tears escaping them. You stare at the floor once you open them again. You're trembling beyond your control, but you have to get the words out. "He, um, locked the door. And he tried to get me to have sex with him. I said no, but he didn't listen. He tried to...k-kiss me, and I hit him with the clipboard. That's why his nose is bleeding." You point awkwardly to Tommy's face.
"Is that all?" Biggs asks, pressing you further.
"No. Um, I tried to run away from him, and then he knocked me down. Then he picked me up, pinning me against one of the shelves." You choke back a sob, and Eddie's other hand strokes your arm gently. You let out a shake breath, and keep telling your story. "He kept trying to kiss me, and he managed to, once on the cheek." You point to said cheek, which everyone can clearly see has a streak of blood on it. "And then I punched him, and I w-was screaming. But I forgot the walls are pretty soundproof in there." You chuckle dryly, not finding it funny at all. "He got mad, and held me harder. He kissed my mouth, and I...uh, threw up." You pause again, another wave of nausea washing over you.
"Anything else?" Biggs asks, and the queasiness thankfully passes.
You nod. "He got grossed out by the vomit going everywhere, and I managed to get away this time. I came to get Eddie, and that's all." You finish awkwardly, losing the ability to form words. Eddie pulls you into his arms, and you continue to sob into his chest. He holds you close, and you can feel him shaking as well. But you know it's for a much different reason. He's angry, furious that this happened. And on today of all days? When you're already having a hard time? Absolutely not.
Biggs contemplates your words for a minute, before speaking once more. "Tommy, get out. You're fired." He says, which makes Tommy scoff.
"What?! You can't do that!" Tommy yells, gearing up to pull out the threats.
"Yes I can, Mr. Hagan. I agreed to give you a job here at your father's behest. But at the end of the day, this is my business. And I will run it as I see fit." Mr. Biggs replies calmly.
"Oh, please! She totally wanted it!" Tommy insists, gesturing at you in an accusing manner.
"No the fuck she didn't, Tommy! She said no, more than once! And she hit you to get away, more than once! And your persistence literally made her sick! What about that says that she wanted anything to do with you?!" Eddie screams, leaving you for a moment to get in Tommy's face. "I told you to leave her alone! But you didn't listen! You kept touchin' her, and calling her names like she's your property! You're a fucking pig!" Suddenly, Tommy's fist makes contact with Eddie's face. “Fuck!” He stumbles back slightly, his hand coming up to hold where he was hit.
"Fuck you, man! I don't want your bitch of a girlfriend anyway! You can have her, she's fucking crazy!" Tommy yells, ending in a resigned laugh.
"Oh, you're gonna fuckin' regret that, Hagan!" Eddie attempts to lunge at Tommy, but Mr. Biggs pulls his arms behind his back, effectively restraining him. "Let me go, dammit! He tried to rape her, for fuck's sake! Fuckin' piece of shit, I'll kill you!" Eddie continues to scream, kicking and squirming to break loose. But Biggs manages to hold him still, not wanting a bloodbath in his goddamn theater.
"Calm down, Munson! He'll only get you in trouble if you hurt him. I know you care about Y/N. We all do, alright? But she's going to be fine. You have to stop, you need to stop!" Biggs does his best to reason with Eddie. It's proving difficult, however, and he's extremely protective of you.
While this is happening, Tommy attempts to make a break for the door. "Oh, no you don't!" Harriet shouts, chasing him down and tackling him to the floor. He squeaks out a groan as the wind is knocked out of him, and she yanks him off the carpet and holds him tight. Harriet may look a bit old and frail, but she knows how to use her strength to her advantage. "Jamie, call the police, please." She calls to your coworker who has stiffened up once again at the fight breaking out. He goes for the phone behind the counter, quickly dialing 911. "I'll lock him in the office until they arrive, boss." She says with a smile as she leads Tommy to the back room. He still tries to break free, but it's no use. "Keep tryin', bub. I did my time in the army, and I can do a helluva lot more than hold you still if I need to." That seems to shut him up, which makes her smirk.
Once the asshole is secured, Biggs lets Eddie go free. "Fuck, man. Should've let me beat his ass. It's what he deserves." Eddie grumbles, rubbing his sore wrists.
"He's not worth it, kid. Trust me. He's the cops' problem now." Mr. Biggs sighs, taking off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. "Shit, his father is going to rip me to pieces for this."
"Oh, come off it, Henry. You know everyone hates Jack fuckin' Hagan. But they love you, and they love the Hawk. We're a goddamn town landmark. We aren't going anywhere. No rich asshole's opinion is going to change that." Harriet says once she returns to the lobby.
"I suppose you're right, Harriet." Biggs thinks it over for a moment, scoffing slightly. "I can't believe I didn't throw the little snot out of here on his first day."
"None of us could believe it either, sir." Eddie comments, returning to your side as you wait for the police to arrive.
"We'll have to stop the showing, some of these customers are witnesses." Jamie pipes up, taking the initiative to run up to the booth and tell Milo to kill the movie.
"I'm sorry." You say quietly, drawing everyone's attention to you as you haven't spoken in a while. You've been too busy listening to everyone else to contribute to the conversation.
"For what?" Eddie asks, wondering why you're apologizing.
"For...the mess. And hitting Tommy. And for dating him in the first place." You say as you begin to fall to pieces again.
"Sweetheart, it's okay. It's not your fault. He was gonna hurt you, you were just defending yourself." Eddie tries to comfort you, but you shake your head.
"No! If I wasn't so stupid, none of this would've happened! I made you upset! And the theater is losing business! And I was supposed to do the inventory, because I might be made a supervisor! But I've messed it all up, and we have to deal with the cops again!" You're crumbling into hysterics, sobbing and rambling and blaming yourself. You can't breathe, or think straight, You fall back against the counter, sliding down to the floor. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" You keep repeating, your vision blurring with every syllable. You feel lightheaded, like you might pass out.
Eddie kneels before you, tapping your cheek to keep you conscious. "Y/N, it's okay. I promise, just calm down. I'm right here, princess. Just stay with me." His shaking voice begins to echo and distort. The theater fades to black a moment after.
You wake up an hour later in the back of an ambulance. It's parked outside the theater, with the doors sitting open. You're laying on a gurney, with an oxygen mask over your face. A male EMT is attending to you, checking your vitals on the beeping machines inside the vehicle. Eddie's sat by your side, holding your hand like his life depends on it. Tears stain his cheeks, and his lower lip trembles. He's got a dark bruise next to his left eye, from where Tommy punched him. He notices your fingers twitching in his hold, and he looks to find that you're awake. "Oh, Y/N. Thank fuck!" He lets out a sigh of relief, which gains the attention of the EMT.
"What's going on?" You ask groggily, focusing on his thumb brushing against your fingers to stay lucid.
"You passed out, sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Eddie questions.
"Tired, and oddly hungry." You reply, smiling weakly at him. He returns it, brushing your hair with his other hand. "Can we go home now? Mom's probably worried about me." You sit up, pulling the mask off your mouth and nose.
"She's already here, love. Dustin, too. And the cops need to talk to you." Eddie says softly, slowly pushing you back down onto the gurney. "You gotta slow down, baby. They're still checking you out."
"Okay." You say simply, allowing him to put the mask back over your face. "I'm sorry." You add, the pangs of sadness hitting you again. Today has totally sucked, more than you ever thought possible.
Eddie tuts, shaking his head to reject your apology. "Angel, please stop apologizing. None of this is your fault. I mean it." He speaks seriously, needing you to accept this simple fact. "It's gonna be okay. We'll get through this, just like everything else. Together."
"Together." You nod to affirm his statement. You just need to relax, and ignore your destructive tendencies.
"I'll go get your mom, alright? She's been worried sick about you." He kisses your hand, getting out of the ambulance to give your mother a turn to see you.
"Hey, sugarpuff. How's it going in here?" Mom asks a minute later, hopping up into the boxy vehicle to sit beside you. Dustin's following close behind, squeezing in with her on the little seat inside.
"I'm fine. I think." You laugh lightly, looking down at the wires and IV attached to various parts of your body.
"Eddie called us right away. He was so worried about you, Y/N. He could barely contain himself." Mom says, her heart aching at how incoherent and desperate Eddie sounded when he called your house. He was crying so hard, she could barely make out any words besides 'theater' and 'Y/N' and 'police'.
"Did he tell you everything?" You ask.
"Actually, Mr. Biggs did. Eddie was a mess until you woke up, nobody could understand what he was saying." Dustin answers. He pauses, his eyes changing a little. "Are you okay, Y/N? I'm sorry about what Tommy did." He asks, barely above a whisper.
"I'm okay. Tommy's in worse shape than I am, I'm sure." You roll your eyes at the idea. You hope more than anything that the taste of your puke never leaves his memory, and that his nose never looks the same again.
"Well, he sure doesn't look happy in the back of that cop car." Dustin snickers, earning a small smack on the arm from Mom. "What? He deserves it!"
"That may be true. But I taught you better than that, Dusty." She scolds him, and he bows his head. "Is she cleared to go, sir? She still needs to talk to the police." Mom asks, addressing the EMT.
"Yes, ma'am. Let me just take out the IV, and she'll be all set." He smiles kindly, and you read his name tag. 'Chad'.
"Thanks for the help, Chad. I'm sorry to be such a bother." You joke, making him let out an airy chuckle.
"No trouble at all, young lady. I'd love to go a few more months before seeing you for a third time, though." Chad replies, and your eyes widen. He was the one that took you to the hospital after the fight with Jason. "I see you still have that necklace. It's very pretty on you, I'm glad I didn't leave it behind." He says casually, keeping your eyes on him while he removes the needle from your arm.
"Well, thank you for bringing it along. It means a lot to me." You reply breathlessly, utterly gobsmacked at this man.
"So does the man who's name is carved into it, it seems. He sure is a keeper. Going after not one jerk that messed with you, but two? I've never seen a man so passionate about a woman before." Chad laughs again, drawing one from you, too. "All set, Ms. Henderson. Just make sure to eat real soon, and drink plenty of water."
"I will, Chad. Thanks again." You smile as you remove the mask, sliding off the gurney to go find Eddie. Mom and Dustin keep close behind, and you see your boyfriend leaning against a lightpost while having a smoke.
"All good, babydoll?" Eddie asks, taking your hand as you extend it to him.
"Yep. Let's get these questions out of the way, I'm starving." You reply as Chief Powell approaches you. "Oh, hey, Chief! It's nice to see you again." You smile at the tall man, gaining one in return.
"It's nice to see you, too, Y/N. Though I'd prefer if it wasn't regarding a crime, for once." He chuckles, and you do too. "You ready for us?"
"Yeah. Let's get this over with." You reply, exhaling deeply as you prepare to recount the events of today for the second time. "I'll be right back. You good to wait?" You turn to Eddie for a moment, checking in on him for once. It's been all about you today, you can only imagine how hard it's been for him. To see you cry so much, to see you get hurt again.
"You know it, baby. I'll be right here, and we can go get some drive-thru after." He gives you a warm smile, and you let him go to give your side of the story. It doesn't take long to make your statement, you're able to keep yourself together enough for Powell. He's a kind man, and extremely gentle with his questions.
"Thanks for the help, Y/N. We'll be in touch with any updates." Powell says, dismissing you as he and Callahan make their way back to their vehicle.
You return to your boyfriend's side, when you hear a couple more sets of footsteps approaching you. You turn to see Mr. Biggs, Harriet, Milo, and Jamie. "I'm deeply sorry, Y/N. I never should've kept Tommy on, it was unreasonable and unfair to you." Biggs says, regret lacing his voice. Harriet nudges him, urging him to say something else. He gives her a look, sighing loudly. "And I'd like to offer you the position of supervisor. You'll get a five dollar raise, and I'll go over your duties once you feel comfortable returning to work."
"I accept your apology, Mr. Biggs. I understand the pressure you were put under to hire him. I will say I'm disappointed that you gave in to such a thing so easily, I know you've got more integrity than that. And as for the job, I'll happily take it. I'm looking forward to proving myself worthy of the position." You say as calmly as you can. It's not what you actually feel, you're far more angry on the inside. But you're too exhausted to care about that right now.
"Thank you, Y/N. I hope to see you back soon." He says, turning to leave with Harriet close behind him.
"You gonna be alright, Y/N?" Jamie asks.
"Yeah. I could use a hug from my boys, though. If I'm not too disgusting for you, anyway." You say with a light laugh, and Jamie and Milo reciprocate it. They each give you a tight hug, wishing you well before heading home for the day. It's safe to say the Hawk is closed until tomorrow after all the shit that's gone down. "Food time?" You ask, turning to Eddie once again.
"Food time, princess. Let's go." Eddie smirks, flicking his cigarette away and leading you to the van. You say goodbye to Mom and Dustin, you'll see them at home in a bit. You hop into the van, and Eddie drives you both to get some burgers and fries. You take the food back to your place, sharing it with your family for lunch after you clean yourself up. Afterwards, you're feeling rather tired, so Eddie takes you back to your room. You crawl into bed together, and he spoons you to keep you safe and warm. Arwen is napping in her cat bed, purring quietly as she sleeps.
"I love you, Eddie. I don't know what I'd do without you." You say quietly as your eyes begin to flutter closed.
"I love you too, Y/N. I'm always gonna be here for you." He replies, his words humming against you as he presses tender kisses to the back of your neck. You settle into him entirely, and slowly drift off into a much-needed rest.
To be continued...
19 notes · View notes
munson-blurbs · 2 years
That blurb about Eddie hating his scars just gave me the biggest feels…. Could you maybe write about taking care of Eddie after he’s back from the upside down? Fluff-ganza and a little bit of angst helping with his wounds and nightmares … ah 🥹 love your blooooog ❤️
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Warnings: language, blood, mentions of surgical procedures
WC: 2.6k
A/N: This was more fluff than angst, but I hope you like it! Please leave feedback <3
@princesseddie86 here is the fluff piece I promised you!
“Stay with me, Eddie, please,” you beg as you follow the gurney down the hospital corridor. You watch him take shallow breaths, hair matted to his face with blood.
He groans softly, unintelligible sounds leaving his lips. He’s shivering from the blood loss. You’re not even sure if he’s aware that you’re here, but you keep talking to him.
“You’re gonna be okay. You’re at the hospital; the doctors will take good care of you,” you promise, though you’re unsure what can be done.
The nurses surrounding him are listing different codes. It’s like a foreign language to you, but it might be better if you can’t understand it. They might be saying things you don’t want to hear.
The whole situation was so bizarre. You’d been friends with Robin Buckley since grade school; you were one of the few people she’d come out to. You thought it was crazy enough when she told you she was now friends with Steve Harrington, but what really sealed the deal was when she’d told you about an otherworldly realm dubbed the Upside Down. Oh, and now a demon-type entity named Vecna was brutally mutilating and killing random Hawkins teenagers, and maybe, pretty please, could you help them fight him?
Before joining their brigade of monster hunters, you hadn’t had much contact with Eddie Munson. For starters, you took honors classes, while he struggled to pass his introductory courses. You’d been privy to his many cafeteria table speeches, but never paid too much attention to them. You didn’t think he was a freak or running some satanic cult like many of your classmates assumed, but you didn’t really have anything to do with a slacker metalhead like Eddie.
Of course, that was before you actually got to know him. Before you saw the way he took care of the freshmen who idolized him, his passion for anything related to music, how he read dog-eared fantasy paperbacks until he had them memorized. Before you realized how much you cared for him.
You watch the doctors whisk him to the ICU, and it dawns on you that you might not ever get the chance to tell him.
Eddie’s uncle Wayne meets you at the hospital after Steve and Robin find him at the trailer park and fill him in on what happened. Well, sort of--it was too much to get into the whole “Upside Down” business, especially when his nephew’s life hung in limbo--so that would have to be a conversation for another day. 
You’re waiting in the waiting room, chewing on your fingernails, when he walks in solemnly. His hands are shoved in his pockets, and though he’s stoic now, his tear-stained cheeks reveal that he’s been crying. Your gaze meets his, and he comes over to sit with you.
“You Y/N?” he asks, and you nod numbly. “I’m, uh, Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.”
You try to offer a smile, though the effort makes it feel more like a grimace. “Eddie’s told me a lot about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
“Of course. He told me all about how you raised him after his dad went to prison and his mom...” you trail off. Even the thought of death--anyone’s death--is too hard to think about right now.
Wayne nods. “Was the least I could do. My brother--Eddie’s old man--he and I were raised by our drunk of a dad. And that really messed with my brother. Messed with me, too, but maybe I missed some of it because I was younger.
“He started drinking, too; starting drinking too much, too fast, too young. Makin’ bad decisions, just like our dad. And after he got taken away, I couldn’t let Eddie fall into that same trap.” He pulls out a cigarette and looks at you. “Mind if I smoke?”
“No, that’s fine,” you reply softly, and he lights it. “Actually, could I bum one?”
Wayne gives you a knowing look. “’S not a good habit, y’know?”
“I don’t normally...only when I’m stressed.” You take a cigarette from him and lean in so he can light it.
“Don’t tell Eddie,” he whispers. “He won’t like me poisoning his girlfriend’s lungs.”
You choke, and it’s not from smoke inhalation. “We’re, um...I’m not his girlfriend,” you mumble. But I wish I was, you want to say.
Wayne lets out a small chuckle, then takes another drag from his cigarette. “Well, if you say so.”
You want to ask him to elaborate when a nurse enters the waiting room. “Wayne Munson?” Wayne stands up quickly, motioning for you to join him. “Your nephew is out of surgery. You can see him now.”
“Okay,” he replies, “his girlfriend’s gonna come with me, if that’s all right?”
The nurse nods. “Of course.”
You don’t even bother to correct him this time.
The hospital doesn’t have any of Eddie’s favorite books; no copies of Lord of the Rings anywhere in the place. You settle for an old tattered copy of The Catcher in the Rye and read aloud to the sleeping boy next to you.
He still hasn’t woken up from the anesthesia, but you’re still relieved to see how calm he looks, his breaths even instead of ragged. They cleaned him up a bit so there’s no traces of dried blood on his face. He looks more like himself.
You’re still reading when you notice him stir ever so slightly, making your heart leap.
“E-Eddie?” you whisper, placing a hand over his, careful of his IV. “Eddie, can you hear me?”
He groans softly and promptly falls back to sleep. The nurses warned you that he might go in and out, that it was normal, but you just wanted him awake.
Wayne comes back in the room, holding a paper cup of water. He hands it to you and you accept it gratefully.
“Any news?” he asks.
“He just kinda...moved a little bit? And made a tiny noise. But that was it,” you report, disappointment written all over your face.
Wayne puts a hand on your shoulder. “I know it’s useless tellin’ y’this, but you don’t have to stay. I can call you from the payphone when he’s up.”
“I want to be here when he wakes up. Unless I’m in your way, and I can leave.” It hadn’t dawned on you that Wayne might want to be alone with Eddie, but the man just shakes his head.
“No, no. The company helps,” he reassures you. “Jus’ figured you need some rest.”
“I’m okay for now.” Okay is too strong a word; really, you’re barely surviving, but you can’t manage to go home. You turn your attention back to the book, clear your throat, and continue reading.
The voice is quiet and gravelly, barely audible over the sounds of machines beeping and Wayne’s light snoring, but you hear it. You hear Eddie.
“Hi, sleepyhead.” You get up from the chair where you were half-sleeping and crouch by his bedside. “How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” he mutters. “What happened?”
You knit your brows, unable to hide your concern. “Do you...do you remember what happened? With the bats?”
He tries a laugh but ends up coughing, holding his torso in pain. “Fuck. Yeah, I remember those motherfuckers. Just not...after.”
“Well,” you start, “after you decided to be a hero, Dustin and I grabbed you and brought you back to Hawkins. You were so pale and shaky and...” Tears threaten to spill from your eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be brave for you.”
But Eddie’s not even listening to that part. “You and Henderson came back for me?” he asks incredulously.
You nod. “Of course. You know he worships the ground you walk on.”
“And you?”
Because I care about you. Because even though we’ve only been friends for a few days, I feel complete with you. Because now that I know you, really know you, I can’t live in a world without Eddie Munson.
“Because you’re my friend, Eddie,” you manage, swallowing down all of the other things you actually wanted to say. You look over at Wayne, who is still sleeping. “C’mon, let’s tell your uncle that you’re awake.”
Eddie is discharged from the hospital after three days. He has to use a cane to get around until he’s fully healed, which he complains makes him look elderly, but you reassure him that it looks totally metal.
You help Wayne get him into the trailer and onto the sofa, where he sits back with a grunt.
“Okay, I think my work here is done!” you announce and turn to Wayne. “Could I use your phone? Steve can pick me up.” You’d driven to and from the hospital in Wayne’s car, which meant either calling Steve for a ride or walking home.
“You’re leaving?” Eddie asks from his spot on the couch. Maybe you’re imagining it, but does he look...disappointed at the prospect of you going?
You laugh. “Taking care of you for three days straight wasn’t enough for you?” 
“No, I think I need you here full-time,” he says, pushing out his lower lip into a pout. “Y’know, bring me my meds, change my dressings, give me a sponge bath...”
That last comment earns him a thwap on the back of the head from his uncle. “Behave,” Wayne warns.
You roll your eyes, heading for the phone. “I have to go home and rest. Maybe see my parents, let them know I’m alive.” There’s more truth than sarcasm in that statement now with Hawkins seemingly crumbling around you. And you are exhausted.
“Okay,” he concedes, looking at you with his brown doe eyes, “can you come back tomorrow? Wayne can’t take any more days off from work.”
“I think I can manage that.” You call Steve, who was on his way back from volunteering at the school-turned-crisis-shelter, so it only took him five minutes to get to the trailer park. As you walk to his car, closing the door behind you, you hear Wayne’s gruff voice.
“Boy, if you don’t take that girl on a date once you’re healed up...”
Two weeks later, your phone rings just before 8 AM on a Sunday.
“Hello?” you croak groggily, stifling a yawn.
“Y/N!” Eddie’s voice booms through the receiver, jolting you awake.
“Eddie? Is everything okay?” You sit up so fast that dots form in front of your eyes, and you put a hand on the bed to steady yourself. You’ve been going to his trailer nearly every day, bringing him his homework and often staying to help him with it. The boy was determined to graduate this year, come hell or high water. 
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he says, like he’s just realized how early it is, “but can you come over now? I wanna show you something.”
You stretch and feel your back crack. “Sure. Let me just get dressed and I can be there in, like, half an hour?”
“Perfect.” You can sense his delight over the phone. “I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come in when you get here.”
“Sounds good.” You run a comb through your hair and throw it up in a loose bun. Pulling on some light wash jeans, you rummage through your dresser to find a shirt. You weigh your options carefully and laugh at yourself. This isn’t a fashion show, you’re just going to see Eddie. Why do you care about what you look like? 
You know why, you think, but push it away as you throw on an oversized navy blue shirt and finish the rest of your morning routine.
You gently push open the trailer door and see Eddie laying on the couch, reading The Catcher in the Rye.
“Hi,” he breathes, then holds up the book. “Someone never got to finish reading this to me, so I had Henderson check it out from the library.”
“You never read it in your ten years of high school?” you tease gently, placing your jacket on the chair near the door.
“Hey, it’s only six!” he protests. “And no. Probably was s’posed to, though.”
“Is that what you wanted to show me?”
“Nah,” he grins. “Watch this.”
Your eyes stay locked on him as he pushes himself up slowly, grimacing as he uses the arm of the sofa for balance. His cane is leaned up against it, but he doesn’t reach for it; instead, he takes careful, methodical steps without any mobility aid.
You feel a smile spreading across your face, though it’s a bit dampened with concern. Should he be walking by himself? you wonder, but allow him his moment. He’s so proud, so determined.
He gets to you and takes your hand gingerly. “Ta-da!”
You want to fling your arms around his neck and pull him in for the tightest hug of his life, but you’re not about to re-injure him, so you squeeze his hand instead.
“Look at you! You’ll be back to torturing the rest of Hellfire in no time!” You go to drop his hand, but he doesn’t let go. You think maybe he just needs to hold on for stability, but then he takes his other hand and wraps you in a hug.
“It’s all thanks to you,” he murmurs. 
“I think the doctors and nurses who stitched you back together deserve some credit,” you remind him, but you feel your cheeks burning.
You feel him shake his head. “I’m not talking about the medical stuff. I’m talking about the...trying again stuff.”
“Trying again?” you look up at him quizzically. 
Eddie sighs and leads you back to the couch. “Yeah,” he says softly. “I kept trying to walk a little more each day so I could meet you at the door to hug you.”
Your heart surges. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
It’s his turn to blush. “That’s me, y’know, the murderous satanic cult leader with a heart of gold.”
“What a coincidence,” you laugh, “that’s just my type.”
He lets out a small chuckle and takes your hand again. “Wanna know what my next goal is?” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “I’m gonna work up the strength to take you out on a date. If, uh, if that’s okay with you.” 
“If that’s okay with...Eddie, of course that’s okay with me. It’s more than okay!” You rest your free hand on his knee. “But there’s no rush. We can hang out here and watch movies until you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere.”
And then something comes over him, a feeling that he ordinarily would’ve dismissed, but now he leans into it. He cups your chin and brings your lips to his, kissing you softly. Your body is tingling as you move your hand from his knee to his bicep, mindful of his healing wounds. 
A fleeting thought crosses your mind, leading you to break the kiss earlier than you wanted. He misinterprets this and apologizes quickly.
“Sorry, should’ve waited until we actually went on a date...” he sputters, playing with his rings.
“No, Eddie. I just...” you sigh deeply. “I’m worried that you only think you like me because I’ve been taking care of you. And then once you’re better, you’ll realize that...”
His jaw drops slightly in disbelief. “Y/N, I’ve been thinkin’ about you since Robin introduced us. And then when I realized that you’re cute and caring...” he trails off. “kinda fell for ya.”
“Oh,” you’re taken aback by his honest confession and allow yourself to fall back into his warm embrace. “Well, in that case...” you smile as you kiss him.
His shoulders relax and he holds you as close as he can.
“I’m never letting you go,” he promises, and you vow that you’ll never let him go, either.
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mykuup · 2 days
Of bone and bloom - Cryptid!Eddie Munson AU Part 5
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Moodboard + summary + Serie Masterlist
My masterlist
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 soon
Summary : Nobody could fight against you. No hunters could kill your feelings. And after this gloomy night, you made a choice.
wc : 749
Warnings : monster romance // fluff // smut // MDNI // unprotected piv (wrap it irl guys) // mention of injuries // mention of blood // size gap // no mention of y/n // porn with plot // afab reader (but no description)
A/n : Hello there beautiful people, I'm sorry for this very little chapter. Don't worry, the next ones will be longer butI hope you will still enjoy this one! As always, thank you to my pookie @saphirmoraitie for beta reading 💜
Taglist : @jasminelafleur @maedesculpaeusoubi @sassidykassidy
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Healing soul
The night wore on, and the forest seemed to hold its breath, as if aware that something sacred had unfolded beneath its ancient boughs. You remained close to Eddie, your body pressed against his, sharing what warmth you could. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it the distant sounds of the hunters, their voices faint but persistent as they searched for the creature that had eluded them.
Your heart ached with the knowledge that this safety was only temporary. The hunters would not give up easily, and you knew they would return, more determined than before. But for now, the forest shielded you both, a silent guardian standing between you and the human world that sought to destroy what it could not understand.
Eddie stirred beside you, his breathing still shallow, but more even now. You glanced at him, your eyes tracing the sharp lines of the deer skull that masked his face. Once, it had been a fearsome sight, haunting your nightmare. But now, it had become something else—a symbol of the bond you shared, a connection forged in blood and shadow.
As if sensing your gaze, Eddie opened his eyes. There was pain in their depths, but also a quiet strength that made your heart swell with something you could hardly name. He looked down at you, his clawed hand resting gently on your shoulder in a gesture that felt almost protective.
“Wildflower.” The nickname brought a smile to your face. “You should leave,” he rasped his voice a low growl that resonated through you. “They’ll come back… for me. And I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You shook your head, gripping him tighter. “I’m not leaving you,” you said firmly, your voice steady despite the fear gnawing at your insides. “Not now, not ever.”
His eyes searched yours as if trying to understand why you would risk so much for him. He was a creature of the forest, a being of darkness, and yet here you were, a human who should have feared and hated him, standing by his side with a loyalty he had never known.
“Why?” he asked, disbelief weighing heavily on the word. “Why would you do this… for me?”
You hesitated, the words you wanted to say caught in your throat. How could you explain the pull you felt toward him? The way your heart ached when he was in pain, or how you had come to love him despite everything that should have driven you away?
Instead, you reached up, your hand gently cupping the side of his skull, your thumb tracing the rough surface where bone met fur. “Because you’re not the monster I’ve heard about,” you whispered, your voice trembling under the weight of the truth you had discovered. “You’re more than that, Eddie. And I see you… I see what you really are.”
Eddie’s breath hitched, his eyes darkening with emotion. For so long, he had been alone, an outcast in the very forest he called home. The humans who wandered too close saw only the beast, the terror that haunted the woods. None had ever looked beyond the surface, beyond the fearsome appearance, to see the soul that lay beneath.
But you… you saw him.
“You don’t know what you’re saying Wildflower,” he muttered, though there was no conviction in words. “You don’t know what I’ve done… what I am.”
“I don’t care,” you replied, your voice fierce. “Whatever you’ve done, whatever you are, it doesn’t change the way I feel. You’re not alone anymore, Eddie. I’m here, and I’m not leaving.”
He stared at you, his eyes glistening with something you had never seen before—hope. It was fragile, buried deep within him, but it was there, a flicker of light in the darkness that had consumed him for so long.
Your heart pounded as you realized the depth of what you were saying, and what you were committing to. This was no ordinary love; it was something primal, something that defied the boundaries of your worlds. But it was real, and it was worth fighting for.
Gently, you leaned in, resting your forehead against the cool surface of his skull, your breath mingling with his. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, bound by a connection that was as dark and wild as the forest itself.
“I’m here,” you whispered again, the words a vow, a promise that you would not break. “And I’m not afraid.”
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
Thinking about Eddie and how it probably takes him some time to figure out what he wants from life after having his whole worldview sent toppling and very nearly dying in an alternate dimension.
Like after he gets his GED it's odd jobs and moving town to town looking for a place that isn't put off when they do a background check and find out what he'd been accused of (no matter that he was cleared of all charges) and it's changing his last name and just surviving for a while rather than chasing down any sort of passion projects.
Maybe he tries the music thing out a few years in, figuring people probably care less about who's playing a gig so long as they know their way around a guitar, but he's still young and stupid and traumatized and it becomes very clear to everyone putting in the effort to stay in touch with him that he's about to be taken majorly advantage of by the industry so that's kind of a bust. He gets out as fast as he can, can't face the reality of his name ending up in the press anymore than it already has for Wayne's sake as much as his own.
And it's hard. It's messy and it's survival and it's just a lot for a guy who never really planned to still be alive this many years after that guitar solo in the Upside Down but he has to stop running around the country at some point and hey, Chicago's as good a place as any right?
Robin's working on her Master's out there and Nancy's at the Herald kind of kicking all kinds of journalistic ass. Steve just finished up his degree after floundering a bit like Eddie for a few years there when all the head trauma caught up to him and chronic tinnitus finally started turning into hearing loss and he's working at a school for HOH and Deaf kids now, genuinely actually thriving.
And Eddie feels a little bit like he's still the third-try senior at Hawkins High because what has he done? Lots of false starts and changed minds and spontaneous moves cross-country because he got too restless being in one place for too long, what has he really done?
He moves to Chicago, though, gets a job at a bookstore which is really far from the worst gig he's had in the past five or six years and it also just so happens to only be a handful of blocks away from the Art Institute where he happens to know one of the top undergrads.
The first time Will Byers comes in it might as well be because Steve is dragging him by the ear, because Eddie's only lived here three weeks but Steve has spent every day of that time making sure Eddie is getting settled and acclimated and has people. Almost like he's worried about Eddie leaving again.
Almost like he wants Eddie to stay.
And he drags Will Byers into the bookstore, eggs them into catching up outside of the Monster Hunter Reunions Joyce tries to make happen around major holidays. And then he does it again. And again.
It's Steve and Will bringing him lunch or bringing him coffee when it starts getting cold in the windy city and Eddie is loathe to admit it, but it's nice. It's not some big revelation, it's not Eddie's chance to change the world or anything, but he's got people around who keep making him aware that they're around and he's more settled than he's maybe ever been.
And then one day it's--
"Hey, Byers, you tell Ed about that thing you've been working on?"
If Eddie's hands weren't busy designing a killer fantasy display (if he does say so himself) he would be noticing the sly smugness in Steve's shoulders. He would know this was a set-up. He would just know.
The thing Will is working on is a graphic novel.
The thing Will is working on is a fucking metal ass premise of a graphic novel, taking no shortage of inspiration from the kid's quite frankly too insane for fiction experiences while still somehow putting so much of his own voice into it and Eddie is obsessed, Eddie is enthralled, Eddie is--
"Would you mind giving me feedback sometime? It's just-- I've got all these ideas, but I never know how to streamline them. You were always so good at that as a DM-- making everything make sense, you know?"
On that day, Eddie is mostly just honored that Will sees him for more than a guy without any formal creative writing education and trusts him enough to look at his work.
A matter of weeks later, Eddie is somehow not just giving feedback, he's basically a co-author. They use the big empty wall above Eddie's couch in his tiny studio apartment for storyboards and beat notes and it's on accident, the way Eddie finds this thing he loves.
Except for the fact that it's only an accident for him.
"You're such a fucking meddler, you know that?" he says to Steve over beers at Steve's apartment one Friday afternoon after gushing over Will's new art drafts for the book for approximately 45 minutes straight.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Steve smirks, not even trying to hide it.
"Oh, come on. Will told me he came to you asking if you thought I'd be interested in helping out and you came up with this elaborate slow-burn plan. The gig is up, Harrington, I'm in your head."
Steve just telegraphs his movement as he reaches up and shuts off his hearing aid, "Sorry, I can't hear you, man. Maybe if you wrote it in a book for me, drew some pictures--"
Who would really blame Eddie for kissing him on the mouth?
Someone needs to shut that guy up every once in a while.
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screaming-universe · 3 months
*breaks through wall*
( ◕◡◕)っ ♡
Hi! :3c (make me write game)
🐺 Werewolf Hunters
Herne, it turned out, had volunteered Eddie as unwilling participant for the net-throwing practice of the hunters in training. Eddie did not want to hate them—they were children after all, maybe sixteen at most—but it was hard. Some of them looked at him with fear, the lies of their elders making him a monster to them. Some of them looked at their trainers with fear and Eddie wanted to do nothing more than get them out of here. Some of them though positively leered at him and Eddie was suddenly glad for the guards posted on the kennel room. It had never occurred to him that they might be there to keep Buck and Tommy and him inside, but also overzealous hunter trainees outside. "Ryan, no weapons, we need them alive for now!" Herne yelled at a boy who stared at Eddie in a way that made his skin itch and who held a net and spear up as if this was a gladiator fight in Ancient Rome. Buck had once gone a research deep dive on the different kinds of gladiators and told Eddie all about it during a slow shift. Retiarius, Eddie recalled. That kind of gladiator fought with a net and a trident and Ryan came pretty close to it.
🐈 Werecat AU
"Hey Tommy," Buck found himself saying one evening. They were in bed, Tommy spooning him, and Buck was so comfortable that he would have fallen asleep already if it hadn't been for the thought haunting his mind. He had almost forgotten about it but the afternoon they spent with the Diazes and seeing Eddie and Tommy all up in each other's space like that; until there was no space between them left, had dragged it back to the front of his mind. "Y-You said that you weren't sure it's over."Tommy just made a confused noise and pulled Buck even tighter against him. It was dirty move that was bound to make Buck melt against him and usually let him fall asleep quickly. But not tonight. "Wha-d'you mean?" Tommy mumbled against Buck’s neck when he'd woken up some more after Buck remained tense in his arms. "You said you weren't sure it's over," Buck repeated, heart racing for some reason. "The courtship between me and Eddie." "Oh Evan," Tommy sighed against his neck and placed a quick kiss right there, "that's not a conversation I'd chosen to have in the middle of the night."
✨ Space AU 1
Being called like this to appear in front of his parents was basically its own dark omen: nothing good had ever come of it. Nothing good had ever come of any interaction with his parents, a dark part of Buck’s brain whispered and today he wasn’t inclined to disagree. He was ushered into his mother’s study and there sat his parents: Lady Margaret and Lord Philip of House Buckley. Buck would rather be anywhere else. “Evan!” his mother said with the fakest smile she had ever managed. “We have secured a marriage for you!” He could feel the blood freeze in his veins but with the very next sentence his mother stopped his heart. “You will be courting Lord Edmundo of House Diaz when the next season begins.” Edmundo—Eddie—Diaz? The man he had been sneaking around with—quite literally—because their love was forbidden? Or at least he had thought it was. Buck let out a slightly hysterical giggle before he could suppress it fully.
🌌 Space AU 2
Hen was working another shift in the med bay with Chim when she—Chimney’s neighbour, Karen—walked in. She still was a mystery: when Hen looked at her directly, all she saw was a woman. Not that Hen was complaining because Karen was certainly a woman Hen liked to look at. But out of the corner of her eye Hen could sometimes catch a sparkle that no human should emit. Trying to figure out what Karen’s deal was had led nowhere so far, at least not by just looking. And Chimney had only shrugged and grinned when Hen had shared her observations. He had been no help at all. “She’s an astrophysicist,” he had said instead, as if that would explain anything. “I think you might get along really well.”
🐉 Would you still love me if I was a wyrm?
The vest, as much as Eddie hated to admit it, did have some advantages. It kept the medal safe, for one. Buck had taken one look at him clutching the now much bigger - at least to him - medal to his chest with both hands, and then picked up a leather cord and cut it to the right length. When he'd put out his hand, Eddie had immediately dropped the medal into it and he was rewarded for it by the new necklace that he now wore. Usually though he wore it under his uniform and there it was safe. Now he had a new kind of uniform, he supposed. And as much as he disliked the way the neon yellow looked against his copper scales, he would never have set fire to it when nobody was looking. Because this vest had Buck's handwriting all over it. Eddie did not know how he had missed it but after all the excitement of the day he had passed out curled up in Buck's lap pretty early when Buck had sat down with- oh. When Buck had sat down with the boxes he had some sewing equipment and fabric in. And he'd asked to measure Eddie before that but Buck was a curious guy and so he hadn't questioned it.
I'd like to thank my beta Buff who I just throw the snippets at and who saves me from confusing save and safe allkjkdfdj
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stevesbipanic · 9 months
@steddiemas Day 25: Christmas Day
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Early morning light shone softly through the bedroom window. It's rays felt warm on Steve's cheek but it was nothing compared to the heat from his boyfriend beside him. He didn't need to open his eyes just yet, allowing himself to lay in the haze between sleep and waking up.
It was Christmas, Steve reminded himself at the back of his mind. This one felt different, good different. There was something that felt more whole this year. Steve had had good Christmases since falling into his unconventional family of monster hunters. Today was different because the last missing piece of his puzzle had been found. This year there was someone to kiss under the mistletoe, hold hands with under the dinner table, and fall asleep beside tonight.
Eddie stirred next to him and Steve begrudgingly cracked open his eyes. Eddie blinked at the sunlight, ultimately deciding cuddling further into Steve was more important, Steve couldn't blame him.
"Merry Christmas, Eds," he whispered softly, carding his fingers carefully through the other boys unruly bed curls.
"I'm pretty sure I asked Santa to eliminate the sun, guess I'm getting coal for Christmas instead."
Steve laughed softly pulling Eddie closer and wrapping a leg around him. "You're on my nice list, baby."
"Guess I'm in the clear," Eddie replied, he sounded more awake now as he craned his neck to press a kiss to Steve's cheek.
"What time is it? Do we have to leave for the Byers yet?"
Steve glanced over Eddie's shoulder to look at the clock, they had time.
"It's still early, let's rest a bit longer, we need our energy for the kids later."
Eddie groaned closing his eyes again, "They're lucky they're good kids." Steve smiled and kissed his head, cuddling back down into the bed again, "Very lucky."
Later they would need to get up and ready, Joyce wanted them at breakfast after all. There would be cooking to do, presents to unwrap and the big family photo. But that was for later, for now, two boys could lay and enjoy the morning of their very first Christmas together, knowing there would be many more.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Wingman Nancy 5
hey @an-entity-i-think how does it feel being a psychic?
“If it matters at all, I hate this”, Nancy said.
“Noted”, Eddie replied.
“I don’t know if I’m on board with our mediator”, Robin said. “Was Argyle not available? Or...Will? Or Lucas?”
“I gotta say, I didn’t intend to spend my day like this either”, Hopper blew a puff of smoke as he stood on the porch of his cabin. “You said this was an emergency”, he pointed the statement to Eddie.
The four teens stood outside Hopper’s cabin, waiting to be let in.
“It is”, Steve said.
“I fail to see how teen relationship drama is any of my business.”
“Because relationship dynamics effect the group as a whole”, Eddie explained. “And if Nancy Wheeler falls apart because her heart is broken then your whole squadron of monster hunters is severely crippled!”
Hopper didn’t look impressed. Or convinced. “You’re not gonna get off my porch until I let you in, huh?”
Very reluctantly, Hopper allowed them inside. Everyone else was out and about on this lovely Saturday morning, leaving him alone. Well, alone until the Hormone Brigade invaded.
“So what exactly is the issue? And before you start, are you absolutely sure you don’t want Murray to weigh in?”
“No!”, Steve and Nancy yelled at once.
Hopper held his hands up and sat down in the well-used chair in his living room. Nancy took the other chair, Steve and Robin took the loveseat, Eddie sat on an ottoman.
It was silent for about thirty seconds as Hopper looked at each of them.
“You know I actually can’t help until I know what the problem is.”
Eddie looked to Nancy expectantly and she just glared at him. Steve bit his lip as he spoke up.
“It’s kind of...complicated.”
Hopper’s brow furrowed. “Complicated how?” He then looked to Nancy, then Robin. “Please tell me you didn’t let one of these duds knock you up?”
Eddie cackled so hard he fell backward off the ottoman and the others allowed themselves to smile. Somehow that issue seemed simpler than the real one. Robin let out a breath, feeling some tension already released.
“So um, you remember how Will uh, you remember how he told everyone that he’s...he’s into guys?”
Hopper nodded slowly.
“Well...surprise!”, Robin said weakly with the most pathetic jazz hands.
“Oh, oh okay then”, Hopper replied. “But what’s the got to do with....”, he trailed off when he looked at Nancy, who’s eyes were flitting from ceiling to floor to wall. “Ah, okay, well, now what do you-” He was about to ask Steve, only to follow Steve’s gaze to Eddie, who was looking right back at him like they were the only ones in the room.
Hopper let out a long breath and slouched in his chair a bit. “Right, that does make things a little...complicated.”
“That’s not really the issue here”, Nancy said. “Since we’re all...you know. It’s not a compatibility issue it’s just...baggage.”
“A lot of baggage”, Robin agreed.
“Can I get the short version?”, Hopper asked.
So Steve started the story with him and Nancy. He told Hopper how they had been dating, he thought they were happy, but then had a nasty breakup. Robin wanted to date Nancy but was having second thoughts because of how things ended between her and Steve. When the bare bones were explained, Hopper turned to Eddie.
“And what exactly is your horse in this race?”
“Me? I just wanna jump on Steve’s horse, sir.”
Steve tossed a throw pillow at Eddie so hard he fell back onto the floor again. “Eddie and I aren’t really, involved. But this is happening to our friends. We want to help. I just want Robin to know that I’m okay and I’m not against her dating Nancy.”
“You guys talked about it?”, Nancy asked.
“Yeah. Didn’t you talk to someone about me?”, Robin asked.
“I-we-”, Nancy glanced at Eddie. “That’s different. We had to make a plan.”
“Wait, you guys planned this?”, Steve looked to Eddie.
“Nancy thought she couldn’t make any moves on Robs while you were still single. And I happened to be available and very, very willing~”
“So you were thinking of Steve’s feelings”, Robin pressed. “I mean, this time you were.”
“I...”, Nancy turned her eyes to Steve. “I wasn’t thinking of how you would’ve felt, when I hooked up with Jonathan. I convinced myself you wouldn’t care, that you’d just go on to the next girl like you always did. I thought what we had wasn’t real because how could it be? Everything you said and I, I was sure you did it for other girls.”
“You were a serial dater, Steve”, Eddie added.
“Well Steve? What do you have to say about that?”, Hopper asked. The Harrington reputation got around.
“I meant everything I did with you Nancy. Yeah, a lot of it was just the usual boyfriend stuff and yeah I did things for other girls like, got ‘em flowers, or drove them around in my car, but isn’t a boyfriend supposed to do that?”
“A boyfriend is also supposed to know when his girlfriend is grieving.” Nancy’s eyes hardened.
“I knew that, that’s why I was trying to keep your mind off it.”
“I didn’t want to keep my mind off it! I wanted to think about it, wanted to do something about it. You just wanted to push everything down!”
“Nancy, it was over! If I had known that it was-that it was something that could come back, maybe I would’ve wanted to talk about it but it was supposed to be in the past!”
“But it wasn’t in the past for me. Especially when they were lying about Barb, I couldn’t let them get away with it. Steve, think about our friends now. If Max had died fighting Vecna and the government covered it up, would you have let them? Would you have just forgot about it?”
“Nancy....I didn’t understand back then what you were going through with Barb. And I’m sorry.”
Robin put a hand on Steve’s shoulder. He put his hand on top of hers and shared a smile with her. 
“You have to promise me”, he said to Nancy, “That whatever you’re doing with my Robin is serious. You’re not just going for her because you’re experimenting, or trying to break out of a cookie-cutter life, or anything like that.”
“Steve, I never meant to hurt you-”
“But you did. You just came back after that tunnel shit and you and Jonathan were a thing. And I had to act like I was okay with it. Do you know what it’s like, watching someone you love with someone else?”
“Yeah”, Eddie, Robin, and Hopper said.
Nancy’s eyes were glistening a little. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for disappearing on you like that, for not ending things cleanly, and...and for calling you bullshit. I feel like I see better now. Maybe it wouldn’t have worked out for us in the end, but you would’ve given it your all, wouldn’t you?”
“If you had let me, yeah”, Steve smiled.
Nancy gave a light laugh as she looked down at her lap, shaking her head. “Six kids and a winnebago.”
“I’m sorry, what?”, Robin’s eyes got wide.
“The hell does that mean?”, Eddie asked while Steve put his face in his hands.
“Please don’t tell them. I’ll never live it down.”
Hopper cleared his throat. “Seems like we’re close to finishing so let’s wrap this up. Steve and Nancy both apologized, so Robin? Anymore hang-ups?”
Robin held Steve’s hand, intertwining their fingers. “If he can forgive you after all that...well let’s just say his title ‘King of Second Chances’ is pulling a lot of weight here. If this reformed, prom king jock asshole says you’re worth the heartbreak, then yeah. No more hang-ups.”
“There was a compliment somewhere in there, I’m sure of it”, Steve said.
“So, I get a second chance?”, Nancy asked.
“Tuesday is discount movie day”, Robin beamed. “We could get a double feature.”
“And while the girls are away, the boys can play”, Eddie rubbed his hands together while looking at Steve.
“Oh I’m so glad this ended happily ever after. Now get out of my house”, Hopper pointed to the door.
l0st-strawberry explicitly said they were being a good boy so you guys get steddie’s date night
Steve checked the time. Robin was being picked up by Nancy right about now and Eddie was due to arrive any moment. He looked himself over in the mirror, hoping he didn’t come off as too ‘date-ready’. This was supposed to be a casual hangout between two buddies.
Except Steve was 60% sure Eddie was into him. Either that, or he was trying to learn his ‘jock language’ as Robin had called it. Helping him practice with Lucas, going out on jogs, flattering him about his muscles, it was totally out of character for Eddie.
But if he was trying to get on Steve’s good side....and if he was doing that because he liked him then...
There were the little touches too, small things he did that could just be friendly but....well Steve really hoped there was a ‘but’.
He heard the doorbell ring and checked himself over again. He was wearing a green polo and some jeans. 
“Very simple, very casual”, he said to himself in the mirror. “You’ve got this Harrington.”
The bell rang again and he tore himself from the mirror to answer the door. He let Eddie in and they went right to the TV.
“Alright, on three, whip ‘em out”, Eddie said when they sat down on the couch.
Steve rolled his eyes at the wording, but on 3, pulled a movie from behind his back. They had agreed on an exchange, both picked a movie they wanted to share with the other.
“Question, why does it not have a cover?”, Steve asked. It was just a title.
“Because what I have here is an extremely rare bootleg. And I see you’ve picked a classic yourself.”
“Rock paper scissors for which we watch first?”
Steve ended up losing, so they were going to watch Eddie’s movie first.
“You go ahead and put it in, I’ll get the popcorn and drinks”, Steve said.
Since he was walking away, Eddie let himself stare at his very valuable assets before going to put the movie in and get it started. He could do this. He could be smooth and flirtatious and totally get Steve Harrington to fall in love with him.
Steve knew when someone’s eyes were on him and couldn’t help but smile to himself for his choice in jeans. “Beer or coke?”, he half-shouted from the kitchen.
“Coke!”, Eddie answered back.
Steve returned with a bowl of popcorn and two cokes. When he sat down, there was about a foot of space between him and Eddie. Eddie closed the space a little by putting his arm across the back of the couch. Every time, Steve took a sip and put his can back on the coffee table, he moved just the teensiest bit closer to Eddie.
“So this is a bootleg?”, Steve asked.
“Yeah. Got it off a guy when me and the boys were doin’ a gig one night. You can’t find this anywhere.”
“You like stuff like that? Rarities?”
“I wouldn’t call myself a collector by any means. But if I find something good and I think I’ll never see it again, I can’t help myself.”
Steve bit his lip. He wanted to be that for Eddie. Something he just couldn’t help himself around.
“You know, I’m kinda like that. When I see something good, I go for it.” Steve turned a little towards him.
“Oh yeah?”, Eddie grinned, any feigned interest in the movie completely gone now. “Do tell.”
“You know, sometimes I want a pair of shoes, I got for it. Or if I really want a position on a team, I go for it.”
“Got any relatable examples?”, Eddie asked, turning his own body towards Steve.
“Every time I’ve liked a girl, I asked her out. There was only one time I didn’t.”
Eddie swallowed. “What stopped you, Steve the Hair Harrington, from asking out a girl?”
“.....It wasn’t a girl.”
Eddie gulped again. “Shit.”
Steve met his eyes, trying to assess if that was a good ‘shit’ or a bad ‘shit’. Eddie could see he was trying to read him and smiled.
“Still not hearing a reason why you wouldn’t ask.”
Steve let out a breath and ran a hand through his hair like he had really been sweating Eddie’s reaction. Like Eddie would run out this house just because he liked guys.
“Well, even if I asked, I’m not sure he’d say yes. See, I still can’t tell which part of me he likes.”
“I mean, if he’s into guys, typically they’re into one specific part”, Eddie’s eyes drifted to Steve’s crotch before rocketing back to his face.
“Okay you perv, I mean my personality. Like, would he be into King Steve? Or is he more into the Steve I am now?”
“Are you still King Steve?”, Eddie asked.
“Not...entirely. But I still do things I did from back then. I work out and Robin calls me a meathead. I hang out with nerds but I can’t for the life of me get interested in Dungeons, no offense.”
“None taken”, Eddie shrugged. “We can’t all have taste.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I’m saying, sometimes it feels like I haven’t changed. So how can I ask this guy out? What if he still thinks I’m that guy? What if he wants that guy?”
Eddie wanted to kiss the sadness right off his face. “Steve?”
“I want you. All of you.”
Steve felt his heart quicken. His arm rested against the back of the couch. “Even the me that goes for jogs at 6 in the morning?”
“I will be up at 9 to have breakfast with you.”
“And if I never, ever, ever get into that game with you guys?”
“I could think”, Eddie started while letting his fingers walk up Steve’s arm, “of some other games I’d like to play with you.”
Their knees were touching now and Eddie had walked his fingers up to Steve’s bicep. Eddie bit his lip. Then made his fingers tap dance on Steve’s skin while he scatted.
Steve giggle-snorted and then leaned into Eddie’s space. “You’re such a dork.”
“Hmm, but a cute dork, perhaps?”
“Cute, some might even say hot.”
“Now who would say that?”, Eddie grinned with a shake of his head.
“Kiss me.”
Eddie closed the very short distance between them and kissed Steve, finally. The next thing he felt was Steve’s very strong hands on his waist.
“Damn”, he breathed out.
“Sorry”, Steve pulled back a little. “Too much? I’ve never-mmf.”
Eddie nipped any second guesses with a kiss. “Stevie baby, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what I wanna do to you.” He felt him give a little shiver and Eddie licked his lips. “You like when I call you baby?”
Yes, Steve liked it but he wasn’t gonna say that out loud so he just kissed him again. He also liked Eddie’s little promise. He wanted the whole iceberg, whatever that meant. Eddie pressed more into him and Steve let himself be pushed down onto the couch. Steve had been under girls a few times but typically he was the one on top. And even when they were, usually they were smaller than him. He’d never been under someone like Eddie, someone who was nearly the same size.
His weight, combined with Eddie’s hair falling over like a curtain and the kisses that never let up and Steve felt like he was drowning in the man and he never wanted to come up for air. Eddie’s knee came up a little between his legs and Steve couldn’t stop the way his hips jumped to meet Eddie’s, who let out a hiss of pleasure just as the phone began to ring.
“It’s just telemarketers. Ignore it”, Eddie said.
“At this hour? I doubt it. I should-”
“Stay here and be kissed by me?” Eddie gave his lips a peck. “Wait, I think I missed a spot.” He kissed him again and got a little bold, starting to kiss his jawline.
Steve let out a gasp and was halfway to letting Eddie’s lips find their way wherever they wanted when all the worst what-ifs came to mind. With a sigh, he pushed Eddie away and got up, jogging over to the phone before whoever it was hung up. 
He picked up and heard Robin’s voice.
“Please tell me I just interrupted you and Eddie running a marathon.”
Steve took a moment to catch his breath.  “You knew what might be happening when you called. By the way why are you calling? Your date with Nancy finished already?” He checked the time. The movie was sure to be done by now but would they have ended the date right after?
“Oh we’re finished alright.”
Steve frowned. “That doesn’t sound good. What happened?” 
“Are you sure it’s more important than Eddie’s blue balls right now?”
He had the decency to blush. “Robin you’re way more important than Eddie’s balls.”
“Hey!”, Eddie looked up from the couch. “I heard that Harrington!”
With a broad smile, he turned to look at Eddie.  “She’s more important than your dick too!”
“Steve, you have no idea how much that means to me.”
Robin didn’t sound right. Something really bad must’ve happened during her date.  He turned his back on Eddie as he spoke again. 
“I mean it. If you wanna talk I can send Eddie home and you can come. Or I’ll go to you.” He’d drop anything for Robin and hopefully Eddie would understand that.
“Your courting suitor won’t mind being booted?”
Once again, Steve turned around and saw Eddie, watching him with a dopey smile on his face.
“No, I don’t think he’ll mind “, he twirled the cord around his finger. “I’m like….85% sure he’s super into me and will let me get away with anything.”
“We can talk tomorrow. You know, when he’s not humping your leg.”
“First thing in the morning”, Steve promised. “Good night.”
“Night, Steve.”
Steve hung up and was able to give his full attention to Eddie, who was still staring at him.
“85% sure, huh?”
“Give or take a few percents”, Steve sat back down on the couch.
“So, what’re we gonna do now?”
“Well, your movie finished. Let’s start mine.”
It was all a cover, for what neither knew because as soon as it started playing, they were making out again. Then the movie ended and before Eddie could even suggested heading home, Steve was pulling him upstairs.
“It’s late. And I bet you’re tired, right?”
“Yeah, tired, yeah”, Eddie said as he found himself in Steve’s room. He then found himself in Steve’s bed, wearing Steve’s clothes, kissing Steve again. Kissing his beautiful, spotted neck again and pulling out sounds he only dreamed of.
Steve was a delicious combination of nervous but eager which paired great with Eddie’s eager but nervous energy. What started as not-so-innocent kissing lead to definitely-not-innocent handjobs and Eddie was pretty sure he died and went to heaven.
When morning came, the heaven thing still made more sense because where else would he wake up with his face buried in Steve’s hairy chest?
Steve took heaven away when he got up and had to go to Robin. But Eddie sucked it up and decided to seek out Nancy. If not to make sure she and Robin were fine, then to assure his and Steve’s alone time didn’t get interrupted again.
Part 7 (END)
I chose Hopper because he literally could not give a shit in any way or form. Everybody else they know would have an opinion or a bias.
Tag Team
@goodolefashionedloverboi @rainydays35 @desert-fern @alienace @homohomohoe @savory-babby @gothwifehotchner @gregre369 @estrellami-1 @l0st-strawberry @dreamlandforever @justforthedead89 @hallucinatedjosten
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wildandsmile · 1 year
K͓̽i͓̽n͓̽k͓̽t͓̽o͓̽b͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ a͓̽n͓̽d͓̽ M͓̽a͓̽s͓̽t͓̽e͓̽r͓̽l͓̽i͓̽s͓̽t͓̽
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🍎we don’t know about y’all, but pea and i are beyond ready for spooky season! nothing is better than having an apple spice candle burning by the windowsill while you make pumpkin muffins. of course, with great vibes come great orgasms ;) 🎃
🔥pea and i collectively agreed to begin prep for kinktober now because neither of us work very well under pressure. that being said, it’s an open house! i’m going to leave a list of kinks below. to request, simply choose the number corresponding with the kink, and then tell us who you want it to be for. example: “one, tanjiro komado”. you can also add your own tidbits like tropes, setting, etc. have fun with it! Then once everyone has thrown out their character for that day me and Pea will pick one to write about for that day this way it fair and fun.🔥
🔪to make this fair for us and avoid confusion with you all, i’ll also leave a list of the fandoms we write for below. don’t be afraid to suggest spooky movie characters too! (i.e ghost face, brahms, venom, etc.) y’know, the typical monster / slasher men you’d want to get down with. 🔪
🚫Be aware that we will NOT write for real killers!!! (ted bundy, the menendez brothers, jeffrey dahmer, etc.) not only is it immoral, it’s disrespectful to the victims and the victims’ families. so don’t ask🚫
❤️ other than that, happy requesting! there are 31 spots open, we’ll choose the ideas we think are the most creative / freaky / etc. happy halloween!<3 ❤️
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𝐯𝐚𝐥’𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 —
a court of thorns and roses
sally face
ice breaker
diary of a wimpy kid (rodrick)
call of duty
avatar: the way of water
criminal minds
alice in borderland
venom / eddie
stranger things (NOOO eddie munson. 😾)
ghost face
the last of us
𝐩𝐞𝐚’𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 —
jujutsu kaisen
call of duty
tokyo revengers
hunter x hunter
blue lock
my hero academia
genshin impact
resident evil
honkai star rail
spider-man: into the spider-verse.
𝟑𝟏 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐲 —
knife / gun play - Sanzu
choking - Miguel O ‘ Hara
spanking / impact play - Kage
degradation / dumbification - Blade
pet play - Upper Moons
psychological manipulation - Gojo
tears / overstimulation - Notes
consensual non consent
bondage - Gaara
temperature play
phone sex
dirty talk - Bakugou Squad
mirror sex - Leon
cam girl - Link
hate sex -Ristto
exhibitionism - Itto
sex toys
marijuana + sex
forbidden love
orgasm denial - Connie
electrostimulation - Ryuji
oral (giving + receiving) - Sanji
hair pulling + collars kiss
remote control vibrator - Itoshi Rin
spitting - Ghost
Sir - Reo
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💀happy requesting, also make sure to like and reblog for your favorite writers<3 💀
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