#now to do workout and the like
dcviated · 1 year
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I emerge from my drafts covered in blood.
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time-slink · 1 year
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whoops all scribbles :3
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electric-friend · 7 months
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grvntld · 26 days
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feeling hopeful bc of today's movement 🥹 it's all about honoring an ending, honoring the ending—resolve to evolve 🤍✨️
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museenkuss · 2 months
loving and moving my body this week (15.04.-21.04.24)
Monday. ballet beautiful x train like an angel [30 mins]
Tuesday. Pilates & Yoga Inspired Flow [19 mins]
Wednesday. Gentle morning Pilates [15 mins]
Thursday. feel good full-body pilates for positive energy [30 mins]
Friday. yoga & stretching good morning routine [12 mins]
Saturday. feel good pilates [23 mins]
Sunday. twist shimmy belly dance workout [24 mins]
Exhale to splits: Day 26 [18 mins] // Day 27 [12 mins] // Day 28 [17 mins] // Day 29 [11 mins] // Day 30 [21 mins]
This week marks a new beginning (new semester, new sports courses I'm excited to be taking) and an end - the exhale to splits series!! I'm extremely excited for both. Let's move, stretch, GROW this week!
In case the suggestion doesn't feel right for that day, here are some alternatives (12 minutes or less, can also be used as add-ons). No shame in taking it slow! Let's move according to our needs! :) nightime flexibility stretches // bedtime yoga stretch to release stress & tension // 8 min beginner's ballet flexibility. // 10 min | Beginner Belly Dance Workout | Slow & Smooth Tutorial // 15 min Gentle Pilates Workout For Beginners
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not-gray-politics · 6 months
#I see so many transfems say they want to have “flat stomachs” or do diet and exercise regimes to try and get an “hourglass figure”#and it really worries me. girls you do not have to destroy yourselves to fit into unachievable beauty standards#the vast majority of cis women don't even fit those standards#and the same goes for you transmascs! I see you! I see you trying to get smaller chests and hurting yourselves with weight loss routines#and excessive workouts. it's not worth it. weight loss has OVER a 90% long-term failure rate and there's a reason for that#I assure you whatever diet you think you've found that “works for you” won't be working so well 5 years from now#and you're going to blame yourself for “slacking off”. but it's not you. it was never you. it was designed to fail.#these standards are made to hurt people and then sell them a false solution at the price of your health#I encourage you to transition if you'd like and live your best life I really do. but please please please do so SAFELY.#if weight loss is part of your transition goals please reevaluate WHY you believe thinness is necessary for achieving femininity#(or masculinity or androgyny but this stuff particularly affects women in the way it's marketed)#do research on fatphobia and the roots of weight loss culture. Learn where these ideas come from and why they're so prevalent.#It's extremely important#take care. stay safe. love you very much#trans#fat liberation#transgender#lgbt#trans rights#fat positivity#diet culture#fatphobia#transfem#trans positivity#transgirl#trans women#trans woman
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pendraegon · 5 months
it's unreal how much i like meditation now that im older....
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brucespringsteen · 10 months
learned today im not depressed and progressively becoming stupider i have pernicious anemia. not 2 brag but my doctor said my levels are the lowest she's ever seen in her medical history. not my squeamish ass getting b12 injections for the rest of my life
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soldier-poet-king · 5 months
'im doing so well! I'm never happy or motivated in January!'
I was soon to realize the folly of this hubris however....
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vimesbootstheory · 6 days
I'm just hanging out in bed rewatching journeyman (shout out to the 6 people who have seen journeyman, banger of a show, STRONG influence on the next lawrusso fic) and I'm so euphoric? It's weird. Like I feel all the good parts of drunk for no reason. The only theory I have is an unusually long endorphin high from today's workout
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starredforlife · 2 months
ive been so productive today I scheduled a dentist appointment and paid a bill and sent an invoice to my professional job i should just play videogames the rest of the day (<— I’ve been putting off the aforementioned errands for like a week lol)
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liquidstar · 11 months
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WOW I FINALLY FINISHED THIS SET. There were a lot of things I wanted to get right for them so I took some extra time but hopefully it was worth it! The guild for this set is Cobalt Heart- a guild with focus on maritime missions, lead by (of course) guildmaster Neptune. There was no other planet I could've picked for his namesake lol. They're the guild I jokingly call the most jockish, but some moreso than others. I really do hope I did all the characters justice, but if you wanna know more about the individual members, it's under the cut as usual!
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Name: Neptune
Name Origin: The planet named for the god of the ocean
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 52
Guild rank: Guildmaster
Weapon: Trident
Ethos (Power): Ocean wave (Control over water- stronger with sea water)
Flaw power is based on: Originally based on his overly relaxed go-with-the-flow nature, but since becoming a father and guildmaster he's matured, and his power grew from simple wave control to more powerful control over the ocean's water. Waves aren't always peaceful, but he's become someone who understands their power and the responsibility needed for it.
Notes: If it's unclear, the marks on his chest are meant to be top surgery tattoos, but in cool wave shapes!
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Name: Triton
Name Origin: Neptune's moon, aptly named for his son
Pronouns: He/they
Age: 24
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Twin sai
Ethos (Power): Ocean breath (Underwater breathing as well as other aquatic adaptions)
Flaw power is based on: His ardent wanderlust, especially in regards to the ocean. They literally cannot leave it alone despite any possible better reasoning, which is when it becomes a problem.
Notes: Was his other parent a mermaid or did they just do the fish thing on their own? The world may never know.
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Name: Otrera
Name Origin: A trojan asteroid named after the queen of the Amazons
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 32
Guild rank: 5 star
Weapon: Brass knickles
Ethos (Power): Preflexes (Hightened reflexes)
Flaw power is based on: Her overly-guarded and cagey nature.
Notes: But her brass knuckles are pink so its quirky when she knocks your teeth out.
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Name: Naos
Name Origin: A star whose name means "ship"
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 21
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Modified crutches
Ethos (Power): Helm (He can change the direction of inanimate objects. It's not limited to projectiles, he can change the direction of objects while they're in someone's hand too.)
Flaw power is based on: His avoidant tenancies, especially where more serious responsibility is concerned.
Notes: Honestly? Joined the guild to boost his playboy status.
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Name: Aitne
Name Origin: One of Jupiter's moons, named after the personification of Mount Etna, a stratovolcano
Pronouns: They/them
Age: 27
Guild rank: 4 star
Weapon: Spiked gauntlets and armor
Ethos (Power): Molten Core (Lava manipulation)
Flaw power is based on: Their brash and destructive nature.
Notes: Likes all their food to be charred.
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Name: Ariel
Name Origin: A moon or Uranus, named after an air spirit!
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 16
Guild rank: 2 star
Weapon: Baton
Ethos (Power): Harmony (Perfect balance on anything)
Flaw power is based on: Her own difficulty maintaining emotional balance under stress
Notes: She's a gymnast! And even though I didn't make the character named "Ariel" a mermaid, you can still see a scale pattern in her leotard!
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Name: Maru
Name Origin: A white dwarf whose name means "Sky." It's orbited by the planet Ahra.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Claymore sword
Ethos (Power): Sky walking (She is capable of interacting with air as if it were a tangible object, creating leverage for herself to walk and balance on as if it were solid)
Flaw power is based on: Her somewhat vain tendency to place herself above others
Notes: Complete and utterly confident she's the cooler twin
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Name: Ahra
Name Origin: A exoplanet whose name means "Ocean." It orbits the star Maru.
Pronouns: She/her
Age: 18
Guild rank: 3 star
Weapon: Claymore sword
Ethos (Power): Wave riding (Creation and control of tidal waves to ride on, as if she was surfing them with no board. But she does have to be on them.)
Flaw power is based on: Her arrogance and recklessness
Notes: Completely and utterly convinced she's the cooler twin.
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Name: Pipoltr/Pip
Name Origin: A star named for "a bright and beautiful butterfly."
Pronouns: Whatever really?
Age: 8
Guild rank: 1 star
Weapon: Giant lollipop
Ethos (Power): None yet!
Flaw power is based on: N/A. This doesn't mean they're flawless, but until their power develops they're really just here to go on fun little adventures.
Notes: This child hangs around with sailors all day long. The words they know....
#finn's ocs#finn's art#oc references#FINALLY POSTING THIS SET#there was a bit of a delay bc i wanted to make sure i got the crutches w naos right#i ended up not making just the crutches a weapon but like. with modifications based on a real self defense item i found#but slightly different for both fantasy reasons and also i think its patented lol#his pose is also based on a real self defense w crutches video that my friend sent me (hiiii thank you for that once more btw <3)#so like hes very much in motion here. thats not how he usually stands w the crutches lol he usually like. uses them as crutches lol#the little trigger on them is what releases and returns the blade in them btw#also as for the rest of the group! i think neptune is absolutely the most fitting of his namesake out of all the guildmasters#i mean they all have aspects of it but he's fully embraced it. despite what i said abt him growing into responsibility and all#hes still such a chill nice guy. just in general. it would take a lot to get him angry (and if you did the sea is NOT peaceful!)#and in a lot of ways triton is like how he was when he was younger. responsibilities dont matter he needs to go to the challengers deep NOW#also the reason i picked twin sai to be his weapon is bc i didnt wanna do a trident twice. even tho like thats kind of the typical motif#but sai are like. also a 3 pronged weapon. so i felt it kept the energy. but smaller and 2 of them#omg speaking of weapons i completely accidentally added a trans flag to ariel's baton design lol. but i left it in why not#i had such a hard time w her colors bc i wanted her to be flashy but also to make the leotard mermaid esque#also for it to not be too revealing. like leda (from the lunar flare set) can have an exposing leotard tutu sure but shes an adult#and i wanted to give ariel more of like an 80s home gym workouts vibe. with the legwarmers and scrunchies lol#and the twins!!! i wanted to make them samey but differeny. in a way i havent done w matching outfits before#bc the actual shapes of the clothes are very different but the colors totally match!#plus the twins are fraternal. i feel like thats obvious what w their different hair colors but there are more subtle things#like slightly different eyes. the height and weight differences arent part of that tho bc that can happen to any twins even identical#otrera i also had a lot of fun with. especially the blonde hair in an emo bang with like a pink sporty outfit#the crown logo references her namesake being a queen too!#she really was fun tho bc shes just no nonsense trusts nothing but her gut. and shes meant to be like an MMA type#aitne was also super fun but a bit tricky to make it clear that their eye is half lidded from the burns and not just like a drawing mistake#but i think i made it clear! its important bc their vision is also impaired on that side#and the burns themselves were most likely an accident on their end. remember they're brash and destructive. even to themself!
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kiwiplaetzchen · 2 months
Miss you, sweetie❣️
Oh, but I am always here, Honey. Doing my shenanigans~
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It's nice to see you back 😌💚
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nomouthtospeakof · 20 days
they really gave this sad, middle-aged dork an 8 pack, an hourglass figure, and yaoi hands
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So I'm wondering, did Pete have a roommate before Porsche? Sharing rooms seems to be a normal thing (room layout is clearly for multiple people), but Pete didn't have one when Porsche came. Was he just always alone (could explain the no-pants workout, since Pete is shy about it), or did his roommate like,,, die, and didn't get replaced until Porsche joined??
Quitting isn't a thing to the family, and the person never came back so it wasn't a vacation either. Did the minor family buy them maybe? Unless Pete just never had a roommate, which I find kinda sad but also congrats dude you got a suite to yourself that's pretty cool
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gio-cosmo · 4 months
I’ve finally finished P3R!
So now of course I must write paragraphs abt how much I loved it. Spoilers below the cut!
I can say without any hesitation or doubt that P3R is by far the best game I’ve ever played in my life.
They truly did such a wonderful job with remaking this game, so much so that it really makes me look forward to the possibility of more persona-remakes in the future. I’m so thankful that they stayed true to the original story, but improved where it was necessary. I’m blown away by every detail they put into this game, and how they managed to make even the menu screens absolutely beautiful.
I’ve always tended to get a bit sappy/emotional about games I really like, but I genuinely do believe that the persona franchise, specifically p3 and p4, have changed me as a person. They’ve effected me emotionally, and helped me navigate the meaning of my own life. I got invested within the persona franchise at a very young age (I think I was in the 5th grade lmfao 😭), and it was the first game series I really fell in love with — and that was only through watching playthroughs on YouTube at the time. Looking back on it, I think that it’s what really sparked my passion for video games, and also game development in general.
I started getting back into the persona franchise about 1 and a half, maybeeee 2 years ago, and being able to reconnect with the games and fall in love with them all over again has been such a crazy cool experience. Playing P3R after playing the original p3 was such a joy, and I can confidently say it emotionally impacted me just as much as the original did, if not more.
It’s not often I feel the urge to replay a game right after I finish it, usually I have to give it a break for a bit, but I’ve already started my New Game+ run of P3R and I’m not feeling even remotely burnt out, which I think is another example of how much I absolutely adore this game.
AAANYWAYS if you’ve read this far hi!! Rambling and getting overly emotional about video games is my one and only talent fr so thanks for listening 🫶
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