#number 1 energy healing on etsy
harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
Gratitude in Full Bloom: #1 on Etsy for Distant Energy Healing Shaina Tranquilino February 9, 2024
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In the realm of holistic wellness and alternative healing, achieving recognition and success is often a journey paved with dedication, passion, and hard work. Today, I am overjoyed to share the incredible news that my efforts have been recognized, and I have reached the pinnacle as the #1 provider of distant energy healing on Etsy. This achievement is a testament to the power of perseverance, the magic of energy healing, and the incredible support of my clients. Join me in expressing gratitude as we reflect on this significant milestone.
The Journey to #1:
The path to becoming the top-rated distant energy healer on Etsy has been filled with challenges, growth, and moments of self-discovery. It began with a deep passion for holistic well-being and a commitment to helping others on their healing journeys. Through continuous learning, refining my skills, and embracing the principles of energy healing, I steadily built a clientele who found solace and transformation in the services I provided.
Hard Work and Dedication:
Becoming the best in any field requires unwavering dedication and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Countless hours of studying, practicing, and fine-tuning my techniques have been invested to ensure that every client receives the highest quality of care. This dedication extends beyond the healing sessions to the continuous exploration of new modalities, staying on top of the latest research, and adapting to the evolving needs of my clients.
The Power of Distant Energy Healing:
In a world that often demands our physical presence, the success of distant energy healing is a testament to the profound connection that transcends time and space. Through intention, energy, and a deep understanding of the universal life force, I have been able to facilitate healing for clients across the globe. This achievement reinforces the transformative impact that energy healing can have on individuals seeking balance, peace, and restoration.
Gratitude Overflowing:
As I stand at this pinnacle, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the incredible community that has supported me throughout this journey. My clients, old and new, have entrusted me with their well-being, allowing me to be a part of their healing process. Each positive review, heartfelt testimonial, and word of mouth recommendation has played a crucial role in propelling me to the top spot on Etsy for distant energy healing.
A Heartfelt Thank You:
To all my clients, I extend my deepest thanks for being an integral part of this incredible journey. Your trust, openness, and commitment to your own healing have not only shaped my practice but have also allowed me to reach this momentous milestone. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve you and contribute to your well-being.
Being rated #1 on Etsy for distant energy healing is not just an acknowledgment of my skills; it is a celebration of the collective energy and intention we have cultivated together. As we move forward, let us continue to embrace the transformative power of energy healing, spreading love, light, and healing across the globe. From the depths of my heart, thank you for making this dream a reality. Love and light, Shaina www.etsy.com/shop/flowertherapyhealer
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thynisia-pac-readings · 10 months
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[ This is a bit similar to the previous PAC, except this reading has more to do with the specific road you "chose", whereas your path is more destined and general. I've used new divinatory tools in this reading! ]
Now breathe in and breathe out slowly, empty your mind and pick the first picture/number that attracts your eyes or that you keep coming back to. Or whichever way you always pick piles.
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This road will require you to go deep within. To you, it might feel like you are going into your own pit of hell. But that is needed. If you do not go within and know yourself, how will you know where you want to go?
This road will actually help you to find your own path.
It seems that you are a bit unbalanced between your left and right brain. You may be using your left brain (logic/analysis etc) way too much. You are limiting your consciousness' growth. In truth, you are blocking yourself from merging more of your consciousness with your subconscious. It is creating illusions and stubbornness.
You must turn to your right brain and your feminine energy more.
You must go within, even if it looks like you are entering through a pitch black door into nothingness. I assure you, it is far from empty. You must be patient and let your eyes adapt themselves to their environment...and you will.see.
Find a place to withdraw to go within. Meditate. I emphasise, you really need to meditate. Slowly, your inner, rich wisdom will come out. And you will truly see.
You shed these masks and personas that you have created for yourself. They are only causing you pain. Gradually you shed them off, and once you've done that, you will feed so so much better. You will feel relieved. I can feel these masks making you feel so hot and suffocated, sweating and uncomfortable. Without them, you feel so fresh and nice. Without them, I can see your throat chakra getting healed again. But it's also related to your emotions and your heart chakra. Self expression and self love okay?
Now, I can also see that this road will definitely lead you to a happier, brighter and peaceful place. It's an inner place...aka state. I can see your higher self craddling your soul as if this life of yours is like a precious baby that has come to completion after you finish this road - and even as you go through it. It is really helping your higher self to evolve.
This road will balance and align you between the higher divine realm and the earth realm, in harmony you will live. Meditation, also, plays a big role in helping that process.
Your spirit family and you will be celebrating at this success.
While it will not be an easy road as you will have to face yourself, it is a highly rewarding one and you are asked to trust yourself and trust what you feel guided to do. Never question it.
A quote channeled by me: "White or Black. A strong bear, or a frail bird. Space, or Earth. Warm, or cold. Who are you?" ©️
Lamb, C. "Ti's the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected".
possible signs/country: South Africa (i.e. Port Elizabeth, East London, Lesotho, Swaziland), Madagascar.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Well Pile 2, you all are unique and different - more than everyone else. You walk the road that is not walked, and you walk it before anyone else. You choose the unbeaten path, it is not even a road yet! And it's not easy.
It's not easy to see things before everyone else, it's not easy to believe in things others don't. You're the visionary and you have innovative ideas. You want to manifest things - and you can. It's just, not easy.
There may not be as much support on the road you choose, whether financial, social or any other aspect. You might even feel lonely, either because there's no one to share your ideas with, or to partner up on this road. On the financial, legal or material aspects, you might also encounter problems or blocks or just slow progress in general. But Pile 2, don't despair. I feel strongly that the road you've chosen, only you all can do it, not anyone else. You've got the skills, the drive, the soul to do it. Whatever you create, people think that you've made it out of magic! You're that amazing, it's like you're guided by the divine. So here's some guidance from the divine.
My god Pile 2, some of these cards came out so violently 💀. Source/Spirit REALLY wants you to stop doubting yourself, and especially your dreams. Like "stop it already !!!". Stop judging yourself, stop this "I don't deserve this" mentality. Source wants you to realise that you are SO guided and protected. All your ideas and creations are not random, it's a team project between you and the divine, whoever that may be. Source, ancestors, guides, angels, Gaia... You're not walking this road alone! Far from it! So they want to realise that and hopefully that empowers you. Boost your ego a little Pile 2 😂
Now that this was said, all of you Pile 2, must find other 'Pile 2s', whether online or irl. Form a group! Support each other selflessly! Make each other thrive! Let the divine guide you to each other! Maybe even produce projects with each other. I feel so much creativity in this pile, whether it is in art or in any other field. Creativity is not just arts and crafts ! It could be social projects too.
For some of you, not all, be cautious of whom you put your trust into with these projects. Who you talk about your ideas and projects. Who you collaborate with. How you collaborate. Follow your gut feeling y'all, even if it looks good. :)
Again, Source is emphasising that even though this road might be intimidating or scary, you will never get lost as long as you lead with your Heart! It is the seat of your Soul.
Random but if anyone has seen Frozen 2, there's this song Unknown that Elsa sings. She was scared to follow her 'call', but as she did it, she found herself. Or more so, she faced herself. All of it. What did she find? A stronger self. A powerful self. A divine self. She was still her, but somehow she was even MORE of her. This is what's in it for you Pile 2! It's the road to your self.
A quote channeled by me: "A mirror is a reflection of yourself. So are your wishes." ©️
Cornwall, L. "Be mindful of the things you say and how you say them - 'you might upset a friend without even knowing".
possible signs/country: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Beira, 21 Jump Street
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 3
First of all, some of you guys are funny AF. I can't even. But some of you are super chill and slow. So relaxing. It's so interesting lol, you seem different at first, but actually you're all the same. And I feel like you're all very wise and knowledgeable, but people may be surprised by the funny peeps of this pile because they don't expect you to be that. Also, all of you Pile 3 have chosen the same type of road. So here we go.
This road you've chosen? It's both a literal road and a metaphorical one. Some of you might actually drive or fly back home, where you grew up or to your parents'. For some, you will go on a journey of self-rediscovery. For others, you will be pulled to finally face your past and accept it, so that you can finally let go. Or both of those. That will happen whether or not you go back home.
For some of you, whether or not you go back home, you might encounter some old friends. That will 'trigger' you, but for your highest good. It will do you good actually so this is most likely happening in a good sense.
Pile 3 you're all going to face something again, and you might find yourself looking at the past and the future. Eventually, on this road you will end up more grounded and in the present moment, and more in control/centred. This is amazing Pile 3! I feel so much power and confidence emanating from future you. Even more than now.
You might not have been ready to face those things before, and life gave you some time to just live. Now that you're ready, just follow wherever you're guided to.
Now for some guidance, advice... You guys, make amends. Or, let the other party make amends. Maybe both of you make amends, because a relationship goes both ways. As Cleo Wade said, love is selfless and ego is selfish. For example, you might have had a difficult relationship with your parents or your sibling. You might have left to another city as soon as you could support yourself. You haven't gone back in years. Maybe they got really sick and you feel like you should back home, just in case. But you've also grown, and they have too, and you feel ready to face them, and they want to say sorry and reconnect... The timing is there, don't miss it.
I'm definitely seeing you guys will find home again, both family wise but also in your heart. I feel like at the end of the road, you will find peace. I'm feeling emotional now, but in a good way! Like, what a relief! I'm in so much peace and I didn't know how much I needed - and wanted - that! In the future, your heart is finally smiling Pile 3. From deep inside.
A quote channeled by me: "You are not trapped in your body. Your soul is FREE." ©️
Lamb, C. "'Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected."
possible signs/country: India, far East India, Bangladesh.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 4
Ego. Pride. False beliefs. Insecurity. Pile 4, this is reading is there for you to wake up before you fall deeper into quicksand. Yup, that's exactly where you're going on this road if you don't come to your senses. The cards are coming at me so directly that I have no choice but to tell it like it is. No sugar coating in this reading Pile 4, but you have to know the truth for you to actually approach this journey better, right?
Thing is, the key words I've mentioned at the beginning are what's standing in your way or your perception of yourself and your environment (physical and social). Ego, pride, false beliefs, insecurity.
You've got to be more humble, and you have to question yourself why you've become like this with yourself, Pile 4. It's going to be a different story for all you, and also, you have to figure it out yourself. So, question yourself why's, write it down as you do, dig deeper and deeper.
You need to wake up and open your eyes! There's more for you to see than what your closed mind, limiting beliefs, are showing you! And it's much more beautiful. And most of all, you have to see where you're going, so that you don't fall to your end. That's the feeling I'm given here.
Some channeled advice/insight, whatever resonates:
Some of you have a habit of lying or exaggerating things. It's not doing anything good for you, and Source/Spirit is asking you to stop doing that and find ways for you to manage this habit. You can do it.
Some of you may be surrounded by people lying to you, trying to take advantage of you. They want whatever you're having but Pile 4, stop bragging about it too. You brought (attracted) these people onto yourself. Both of you are wrong here. Again, too much pride/ego. Cut these people out of your life and learn about how to practice humbleness. It's a learning journey.
Some of you willingly believe in the lies and fake compliments of some people, because it feeds your ego, pride or insecurity. You seek external validation. Why is that? Source/Spirit is asking you to have compassion towards yourself. You should dig a little deeper to be more aware of why and how you've become like this. It's a healing journey, too.
Pile 4, take whatever resonates but also don't close your eyes again if you feel like parts of this reading is hitting something you don't want to face. You have to face it, because the cards are clearly saying that it's only going to create problems for you that you will not foresee. This road you've chosen, that you're on, it's an opportunity for you break out of your comfort zone and the illusion you've created. It's going to lead you to TRUE empowerment.
A quote channeled by me: "A mirror is a reflection of yourself. So are your wishes." ©️
Cornwall, L. "Be mindful of the things you say and how you say them - you might upset a friend without even knowing."
possible signs/countries: Island Galapagos, far East of South America, Ecuador, Peru, Columbia.
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 5
The wind is blowing one way but you're going in another? The road you've chosen Pile 5, it shows me a goal which you will reach by working with others and helping each other. But there's confusion or uncertainty on this road, or about the goal, or how to reach it. This wind is not an external force against you, it's your own mind, Pile 5.
Aw you guys are the sweetest. Also, you might have grown up in an environment where everyone knew each other, were close, or maintained connections... It was just important. It's like living in a little Chinese neighbourhood and everyone's your aunty and uncle, sister and brother. That stayed with you. And you're using that gift on this road you've chosen. Some of you may have become social butterflies if you're extroverted, and the introverts here would have become very social too though not as much. Connection is important.
I'm getting you're worried about how you appear and present yourself Pile 5. I think you may have also gotten that from where you were growing up. Maybe you were socially pressured to present yourself with grace and maturity, don't make the wrong step. You feel like you have to make things look effortless. Whether you're a man or woman. Physical and social appearances were given so much importance, in that little neighbourhood of yours. And now, you've chosen a road but these ingrained anxieties are getting the best of you.
Another thing you're worried about, as I mentioned at the beginning, is that you're worried about your goal and how to reach it. Pile 5, many of you are worried whether you can do it, if you have what's needed. "Do I have the potential? Can I see this through?"
Oh but you're all so sweet and lovely. There's no way you don't have what's needed for the road you've chosen. Be your genuine self, and you will be the most graceful and stable you've ever been trying. Because you won't be trying.
On that note, don't try so hard on this road. The easiest way to walk it is step-by-step. Don't try to see further than you can. You'll just miss everything eventually because you keep looking so far ahead, only to see nothing anyways. So this road you must approach progressively, stay in the present. You may look 2,3 steps ahead to plan, but no need to look into the horizon. You're no eagle Pile 5. You're a beautiful human.
Spirit wants to assure you that as long as you glide along this road in your time, even if you take some breaks on the side, you'll get there - it's a certainty. So put your worries aside my dear Pile 5. You're perfect as you are, you are loved and you are very capable. Your goal, whether it is, it's not going to disappear. Like the Sun rising up everyday, just keep your eyes on it but lose sight of the connections being made either.
A quote channeled by me: "You are not trapped in your body. Your soul is FREE." ©️
Source said let's give Pile 5 another quote so: "There is giving in receiving, and receiving in giving." ©️
Aww makes so much sense TT
Ford, H. "My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."
possible signs/countries: Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran maybe. Feels very "in-between".
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
Collective energy of this PAC
There is an overarching theme of healing and persistence in these Piles. All of you are transcending limiting beliefs you learned growing up. Also, you are walking past a blockage, a significant one. You're making a huge progress in your life, each of you. You are aligning with your purpose!! Everyone is getting lighter and lighter. So much growth and happiness coming your way because you are making space within you. That's what's waiting for you on this road, no matter what you're doing really. So happy for everyone. This collective has chosen a road, and it's yours only.
💁🏽‍♀️ To purchase a reading from me or to support ya girl -> https://ko-fi.com/thynisia
💁🏽‍♀️ Also check out my masterlist ~
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Amity's Crystal & Ring
So I decided to try and find engagement rings that represent the growth and wants of the gang. Amity's first!
At first, I thought star ruby was a good choice. It is good for healing from past traumatic experiences and matches Amity's color pallet beautifully. However, in jewelry, I think it looks too much like the necklace that Odalia controlled Amity with.
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Therefore, I kept looking and I found Iolite.
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– "Helpful for abuse/trauma survivors – Gives insight & guidance – Helps to develop a positive outlook/perspective – Helps when making decisions"
One of the websites I looked saw literally says: "Use Iolite if family members have unrealistic expectations of you, or if your career path was chosen for you because of family connections. As an amulet, Iolite brings travelers safely home." All in all, I think it hits home on Amity in many aspects. For the ring band, I think moon/star imagery is likely since its part of her outfit so often. Here are some of the bands I could see her having.
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The last one is not an iolite gemstone but the band is really beautiful.
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shiningmystic · 3 years
Pick-a-card General Tarot Reading- What do you need to know? 🧐☀️❤️
~ By ShiningMysticTarot 🌞
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Hello lovely spirits! My name is Elpitha and I will be giving you general information on what you need to know right now! Know that whenever you see this, it will apply to you. If not now then later 😉 This is a message from your spirit guides, angels and your galactic family! Mother Earth popped in as well to give you some guidance! Hope your days have been full of happiness!
Now for the cards:
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Pick a card
Pile 1: Fluorite
Pile 2: Red Jasper
Pile 3: Tigers eye
You can pick more than one if more are calling to you! There is definetly a mix of energies so possibly pick another one of the other doesn’t apply! Don’t be afraid to pick another pile if more than one calling to you! When I pick a pile; I close my eyes and use my third eye visualizing the cards and seeing if a pile is “heavy” with energy like if it’s dark and heavier compared to the others or one that’s springing up with energy and “floating” compared to the others. From there I usually see one of the other or both if I need extra guidance. I’m sorry if you can’t use visualization as a key component in sensing out piles but that’s just a way for others who do visualize. If any of you non visualization people want to let me know what you do, I would love to listen and learn!
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Pile 1:
Your Numbers: 5, 55, 2, 11, 3
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There is a need to balance your masculine and feminine energy (yin and yang). You have been way to focused on “the doing” then anything else meaning you are rushing ahead and not listening to your inner self that might be trying to tell you something. There is some avoidant energy like you are so busy that the negativity can’t affect you but your missing the call to stand still and listen to your heart and soul. Make sure to take a second to stand still and let your mind quiet so you can understand why your emotions are out of wack or just not coming to you clearly. I can see you are not feeling to good and you don’t know why even though you are taking your responsibilities seriously and taking the steps you think will lead you to the right place or just need to be done. You are not recognizing the amazing things you have accomplished and how much work you have put into whatever you are doing. This rushing energy makes you miss the wonderful things that are happening infront of you. Don’t just let your mind take control. Your mind shouldn’t be the one in control aka being the pilot of your life. Allow your intuition to lead you. Your mind dismisses your accomplishments and tells you you can do better and try harder when you need to nurture and know you have accomplished a lot; slow down!! There are some answers you are seeking and the only way to acquire them is to listen to your inner self and your spirit guides who want you to hear them! Your answers are within not outside of yourself. You have all the time in the world even though this plane of existentce is measured by time, know that any age you are, you have enough time to do what you want and accomplish anything you desire. Using your mind as much as you do hurts your creative spirit and you are losing track of your truest self which is a creative infinite being! Ground yourself and always remind your brain that you do have enough time. Any age you can start over and any time you can redo your projects and get to your goals! Start something new that you have always wanted to try especially if it comes from the heart! Feed your yin energy! Things that are not meant for you will fail/fall away so don’t force it. Just know that when something falls away, that leaves room for something even BETTER to come into your life which could be anything from an idea, situation or person. Your past failures and experiences are not going to repeat if you have learned from them and know to not be afraid of them anymore. Your inner strength is massive and you are such a strong person for doing what you think is right; but now is the time to seek the answers within. Other opportunities will present themselves to you if you take a moment to listen. Watch for the synchronicities and know you already are the answer ❤️ beautiful human!
Pile 2:
Your Numbers: 8, 88, 5, 9
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First off, you are doing amazing!! But there is guidance here to not take your work to seriously! It is dragging you down; possibly add some spice to your life with a creative project but don’t forget about your goals that you have been working on. There is a sense of growth and learning some type of lesson recently. That’s awesome!! Some of you have already taken the time to relax and and recuperate and I’m glad you recognize this as something important. This is a call to others to take a step back and relax! Simplicity is key to happiness! The time is now to have some fun! Let your inner child come out because they have some wisdom to share! You have everything you need to start over and do what your creative spark has been telling you. Some of you have been to scared to put your creative ideas out there and make them a reality like being called to create a Etsy shop for your art or something you’ve wanted to post or create into something more than what it is. You have all been growing at a steady rate from your inner guidance and now is time to take the next step into fully becoming your true self. There is a need to let go and be vulnerable which might make you scared. That’s ok! We are human and our egos only want to protect our delicate hearts. But is it really living if we aren’t even fully our true selves! If you don’t know who that is make sure you listen to your soul and inner child; they definetly know! Your are such a creative and beautiful soul never forget! There is a need to break from the conditioning of the world around you and open yourself up to the possibilities that only a child could imagine. Everything is possible never forget. Ground the best ideas you have and begin the process of creation. Remember to do things from the heart and keep your values/integrity in tacked when you become wrapped up in everything; your true self knows you will do your best work that way. Keep doing things for the right reasons especially if there is passion behind; it will be key to your success. For some of you, you are definetly in a place where you are feeling suppressed; like a person or situation. Know that there will be something coming your way that may change that situation and that believeing and trusting that the good is only around the corner will help ease the stress. Trusting in yourself and your guides will help whatever you are manifesting into fruition. Be aware of the possibilities, and know that you are an infinite person that does not need to stay the same everyday. With an unlimited soul we have the ability to change from day to day. Maybe today I want to where pink then the next I go all black! It doesn’t matter what others perceive you to be like how it doesn’t matter what the world thinks you should be. What matters is what you think of yourself, and from what I see you are such a gentle sensitive creative spontaneous fun loving energy! Let the flow encompass you and let the love of your loved ones, spirit family and yourself fill you with power! Gorgeous soul!☀️
Pile 3:
Your Numbers: 0, 1, 11, 4, 3
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I can sense your in a uneasey energy! This is a time to let go of the past and past regrets! Don’t let it be the thing that holds you back! Those situations will not repeat again! This is a time to trust yourself and or teach yourself to trust so that your spirit family can bring opportunities to you. Take that leap that you are afraid of but want to do so badly! There is a need to change your perception of those past events. Possibly some healing work for some of you. They happened so that you can learn something; maybe to not do it that way again or even that it wasn’t something right for you. Things fall apart so better things can come in. Keep a positive attitude and know a positive shift is occurring! Believe! I’m getting an energy of you feeling alone and that isn’t true! Your friends, guides and loved ones from the other side are always beside you. Passed loved ones you have lost on earth are next to you sending there love and support ❤️ you are afraid to take the next step; know that is ok! Just know that path is right for you, sometimes the path we are afraid of is the right one. Dont give up and work towards your dreams. Know that if you take that first step and work towards it, you will succeed! Your happiness and freedom is worth fighting for even if your fighting yourself for this oppurtunity! Sometimes we are our biggest bullies and obstacles. Know that you are WORTHY of all the good things coming to you! Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a person on the physical plane as well; like a mentor a friend and I’m also getting coworker? I think that’s specific to someone out there. Possibly someone you have started working with. But anyways, I can say with full confidence many signs, synchronicities, gifts, money, and love are on there way right now in the most unexpected places! Your manifestations are coming to fruition, don’t let that fear be what stops them dead in there tracks! Even when there is a set back, that is just another stepping stone to success! Life is not a straight line but one that shifts constantly like water spilled on concrete. Your spirit team is always there to support you even in the hardest moments. Stay strong and know you got the chops to conquer that fear! Your powerful just remember that!
Alrighty! Thank you for your time and energy my glowing spirits! I hope this helped you one way or another and I highly recommend you go take a walk to shed some of this heavy energy you guys have! Take a breather! Anyways I love you all, stay warm and keep being beautiful 🥰
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pragmaticempath · 4 years
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Scorpio Season Pick A Pile ♏️ What’s coming your way???
Scorpio is ruled by mystery and fierce authenticity. It can be one of the most misunderstood signs for that reason. Overall Scorpio is ruled by Transformation/Death. Unafraid and limitless when in their power and depressing/nihilistic when weak. This season represents the movement of overall evolution. We are being encouraged to not let the chaos distract us and we are being redirected towards our passionate focus.
Scorpio is ruled by water/emotions which is what makes them so intuitive. They are highly sensitive underneath their hard exterior. They can feel beyond the veil and read between the lines naturally. Scorpios can be assertive but harsh. Lessons happen during this season for us to find that balance between yin and yang. Observe don’t absorb is important during these intense times.
Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto and Mars. They represent rebirth, and drive/action. During this time shadows are coming to light for you to blossom and grow. It’s a time to balance your actions and let yourself be motivated by your passions. It’s important not to get too lost in any desires at this time but appreciate what you have and where you are. 💫
Pile 1: 3 of Pentacles Owl and Mummy
Stop being overproductive with your energy and rest in stillness. Your creativity is blocked when external circumstances take over your reality. It’s important to remember the greatest escape is within. You don’t have to run away from your problems or numb the emotions that are surfacing. This Scorpio season you are very focused on your career/work life. Your time is valuable, stop juggling aspects that are a distraction from your purpose. You are naturally intuitive but when give to much of your energy away to objects/things/places you can’t decipher what’s your intuition and what’s anxiety/noise. Whatever fork you feel you’ve hit, is actually a blessing in disguise. Blessings will be unraveling, stay present to recieve. The universe will be sending you an opportunity, prepare. You don’t need to deplete your energy in order to receive. Accept help from others and the Universe/Spirit during this transformational period. Lucky numbers for this pile: 333 ✨ Spirit Animal: Owl 🦉 Ancient Ancestral Wisdom: Egypt 🇪🇬 Astrology Energy: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer ♋️ ♉️ Chakras: Heart/Sacral
Pile 2: The Empress, The Magician, and Invisiviblity
You have the power of a chameleon and a panther. You can blend in/be a middle ground to any place or situation. You have strong senses and a natural intuition. You aren’t afraid of the dark, infact you thrive in the darkness. You have developed a strong sense of awareness. Spirit is asking you to allow your self to be expressed, your awareness is a blessing. You are a creator, stop doubting yourself. You are a natural manifestor and the only thing blocking you is your mind... separate yourself from the thoughts. During this Scorpio season your being encouraged to have more compassion for yourself and the world around you. Things aren’t meant to be perfect. Each person has a different puzzle in this life to solve, and you need to recognize what patterns are helping you evolve and which ones are making you feel stuck. During this time the world needs light workers/warriors/people that are willing to be vulnerable against the veil of illusion. Be your radical self. Share your authentic human experience without worries or fears. “You are a spiritual being, living this human experience.” Protect your solar plexus/will power and remember you are the conductor for your life. You are manifesting. Keep an eye on your thoughts during this transformative time. Lucky Numbers for this Pile: 13 and 31 (4) ✨Spirit Animal: Frog 🐸 Ancient Ancestral Wisdom: Western Rome (Renaissance) 🏰 Chakras: Throat/Third Eye 👁 Astrology Energy: Aries/Taurus/Scorpio/Gemini
Pile 3: 3 of cups, Forgiveness, and Skull of Light
You thought you had it all figured out but spirit laughs at us to ever think such a thing. It’s okay to take life lightly and not so seriously all the time, but it’s also important to build structure and boundaries in your life. Are you surrounded by what is fulfilling your heart? Or are you just looking for noise to avoid the healing that is surfacing? Are you holding on to grudges or emotions that are blocking your perspective? Forgive not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace. Let go of any resistance. During this Scorpio season you will be entering a time of ascension. Be unafraid and up for spiritual adventure. Let go of the physical drama and problems around you. You are more connected than you think. Your crown chakra/divine nature will be powerful during this season. You will be activating and accessing ancestral wisdom. Be open and receptive to divine assistance/intervention. You are unlocking truths that are leading you to your destiny. You don’t have to go searching, your truth is in daily living. Existence doesn’t have to be so complex. Life is meant to be simple, awareness of this truth is something you have figured out for yourself. Continue to paint your path from your heart and the results will be a masterpiece. Lucky Numbers: 3, 33, 6 ✨ Spirit Energy: Ancestors/Tree 🌳 Wisdom: Ethers/Space Chakra: Crown Astrology Energy: Cancer/Pisces and Virgo
IG/YT for more: Chellepragmaticempath
You can also purchase readings on Etsy: Pragmatic Empathy
Blessings and Presence 🦋💙✨💫 Chelle
44 notes · View notes
rory-aradia · 5 years
United States Metaphysical Shop Masterlist
Here is a list I have created of the above-mentioned stores using multiple sources including Aminos, personal experience and research, word of mouth, forums, and Facebook groups. To submit a store to this list please PM me or send an email to [email protected]!
Please include:
Phone Number:
Other: (any other miscellaneous information you think people should know about the store)
Note: I will make a separate post for Etsy stores/online shops without a physical retail location. Once posted, I will edit this post so you can find that by clicking a link here. 
My personal favorites are starred as such.*
Name: Dry River Witches collective
Address: 414 EAST 7TH STREET, TUCSON, AZ, 85705,
Phone Number: 520-861-7020
Website: N/A
Other: Specializes in hoodoo, voodoo, tarot and feminism focus
  Name: Fantasia Crystals
Address: 5108 N 7th St, Phoenix, AZ 85014
Phone Number: (602) 265-4065
Website: https://www.fantasiacrystals.com
Other: Lots of classes and networking opportunities
 Name: Jan Ross New Age Books & Gifts
Address: 4239 W Thunderbird Rd #2, Phoenix, AZ 85053
Phone Number: (602) 841-4933
Website: http://www.janrossnewagebooksandgifts.com
Other: Lots of divination readings
 Name: Crystal Magic
Address: 2978 AZ-89A Sedona, AZ
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://www.crystalmagic.com
Other: Huge store with an amazing selection of crystals, incense, and other tools. An entirely separate section of hundreds of books and tarot and oracle decks.
 Name: Tree of Life Metaphysical
Address: 1515 N Gilbert Rd #D112, Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone Number: (480) 284-4705
Website: https://treeoflifemetaphysical.com/
Name: Atomic Squid
Address: 1410 E Main St, Russellville, Arkansas, 72801
Phone Number: (479) 968-3337
Other: Gems, Candles, Wands, Accessories, Altar Accessories, Books, Incenses and Sage, and plants.
Name: Everitt’s Minerals
Address: 54300 N Circle Dr., Idyllwild, CA 92549
Phone Number: (951) 659-7075
Website: https://everittsminerals.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Enchantations
Address: 2160 Winchester Blvd, Campbell, CA 95008
Phone Number: 408.508.5900
Website: http://www.enchantations.com/
Other: An actual witchcraft shop (not just metaphysical) and actually owned by witches.
 Name: House of Intuition
Address: Echo Park Location is located at 2237 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026. For additional locations please see their website.
Phone Number: 213-413-8300
Website: https://houseofintuitionla.com
Other: The store provides healing services, readings even through a phone call, classes and workshops. They also have a monthly moon box subscription and Zodiac birthday boxes.
 Name: The dragon and the rose
Address: N Grand Ave k, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone Number: (714) 569-0100 2424
Website: https://www.thedragonandtherose.com/  
Other: Stones & Crystals, Herbs, Essential Oils, divination tools, candles, incense, altar statuary, books, CLASSES, etc. they are well-stocked and have just about anything. They’re really kind and their customer service is very nice and helpful!
 Name: Alexandria II
Address: 170 S. Lake Ave. #100 Pasadena, CA 91101
Phone Number: https://www.alexandria2.com
Other: Has a large selection of books possibly best in LA for that, crystals, psychic readings, and metaphysical supplies, etc.
Name: Mondazzi Book and Bead
Address: 570 Hayden Station Road, Windsor, CT 06095
Phone Number: (860) 285-0538
Website: www.Mondazzi.com
Other: Thousands of crystals, jewelry, altar tools, candles, herbs, salt lamps, books, tarot, decor, furniture, and beads. They also have a salt room and host classes on Wicca, yoga, and jewelry making.
Name: Finding Avalon*
Address: 102 S Main St, Camden Wyoming, DE 19934
Phone Number: 302-697-9729
Website: https://www.findingavalon.org
Other: Has a palm and tarot reader every weekend, a bi-weekly meditation group, and offers personalized appointments for Reiki, Wellness consulting, and assistance with your fitness goals (The Healing Garden at Finding Avalon). Sells everything a witch/Wiccan would need from books to crystals to jewelry to affordable ($20 range) classes on Wicca, Shamanism, Female Empowerment, Paganism, Runes, the Occult, and more. Has a great atmosphere and sells delicious hot and cold organic teas and coffee so you can sip while you shop. Oh, and an adorable black shop cat named Fiona!
 Name: Buddhas and Beads
Address: 2134, 232 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Phone Number: 302-227-6004
Website: https://buddhas-and-beads.business.site/
Other: N/A
 Name: Inspirit Studios*
Address: 190 Dogwood Drive, Magnolia, DE 19962
Phone Number: 302-222-4804
Website: https://www.inspiritstudios.com/
Other: Offers Intuitive healing through a variety of holistic modalities for the support of physical wellbeing and spiritual growth. Owned by Anita Brown, an Intuitive healer, Reiki Master/Teacher, Meditation Instructor and seeker whose goal is to offer natural, holistic  therapies such as Reiki, Aromatherapy, herbals, sound and crystal work, and meditation as a way to encourage healing and to support you on your spiritual journey. They also offer classes and workshops in the areas of Reiki, Shamanism, meditation and chakra work.
 Name: Mandie’s Magical Marketplace
Address: 818 Kings Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958
Phone Number: 302-858-3859
Website: https://mandiesmagicalreadings.com/ and mandiesmagicalmarketplace.org
Other: A shop run by a medium and psychic who offers classes of that nature and sells a wide array of magical items. Holds monthly Full Moon Gatherings on Lewes Beach.
 Name: Crystal Underground
Address: 149 Rehoboth Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Phone Number: 302-727-8228
Website: https://www.crystalunderground.com/
Other: A 30+-year-old crystal shop with a knowledgeable owner.
Name: My Cauldron
Address: 210 S Spring Garden Ave, DeLand, FL 32720
Phone Number: 1-386-624-7000
Website: No website.
Other: Crystals, Tarot, Incense, Deity Figures, Wands, Books, Jewelry
 Name: The Purple Lotus
Address: 106 St. George St., St. Augustine, Florida AND 35 San Marco St., Augustine, Florida
Phone Number: 904-295-8876
Website: thepurplelotusshop.com
Other: 2 locations one (on St. George St) is much smaller than the other both have the the same assortment of things, but the larger location does have a broader selection of items. Starting July 2018 there will also be classes and workshops at the larger (San Marco) location.
 Name: Spiritual Uplifts
Address: 2186 Park Avenue Suite 102, Orange Park, Florida 32073
Phone Number: N/A
Website: www.spiritualuplifts.com
Other: This shop specializes in crystals, Tarot cards, psychic readings, energy healings, weekly classes on witchcraft and other occult knowledge.
 Name: Spellbound Gemz-Jewelz & Beyond
Address: 120 FL-13, Saint John’s, Florida 32259
Phone Number: N/A
Website: On Facebook only.
Other: Specializes in crystals, tapestries, oils, Tarot readings.
 Name: Midnight Sun
Address: 1055 Park Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32204
Website: midnightsunimports.net
Other: Specializes in incense, singing bowls, books, jewelry, clothing, home decor, unique crystals, custom items
 Name: Earth Gifts
Address: 1951 Stimson Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32210
Phone Number: N/A
Website: earthgifts.com
Other: Specializes in herbs, statues, necklaces, pendulums, books, art, crystals
 Name: Gypsy Apothecary Herb & Metaphysical Shoppe
Address: 3540 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32806.
Phone Number: (407) 745-5805.
Website: http://www.gypsyherbshop.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Avalon
Address: 1211 Hillcrest St, Orlando, FL 32803
Phone Number: (407) 895-7439
Website: http://www.avalonbeyond.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Spiral Circle
Address: 750 N Thornton Ave, Orlando, FL 32803
Phone Number: (407) 894-9854
Website: spiralcircle.com
Other: N/A
 Name: The Caudron’s Corner
Address: 1721 9th Street West, Bradenton, FL, 34205
Phone Number: (941)-800-9393
Website: https://www.thecauldronscorner.com/
Other: They have an awesome herb collection and also give classes in Wicca.
 Name: Five Sisters
Address: 8805 SW 132nd St, Miami, FL 33176
Phone Number: (786) 250-4170
Website: http://www.fivesisters.com
Other: Metaphysical store with weekly classes and events
 Name: Creative Energy
Address: 780 W New Haven Ave, Melbourne, FL 32901
Phone Number: +13219526789
Website: https://m.facebook.com/creativenergymelbourne/
Other: They have everything except herbs. You can find crystals, Oracle and Tarot cards, wands, fairies, books, cauldrons, Sage, etc. they have the surge invited by section so if you looking for something from week our presidents and there's a whole shelf dedicated to it. If you're looking for fairies there's an entire shelf dedicated to fairies, and so and so...
 Name: The Triskele Cove Jacksonville
Address: 10300 Southside Blvd #1090B, Jacksonville, FL 32256
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://m.facebook.com/TheTriskeleCoveJax/
Other: Metaphysical supply store located in the Avenues Mall
 Name: Crystal Garden
Address: 2610 N Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach, FL  33435
Phone Number: +1 (561) 369-2836
Website: Thecrystalgarden.com
Other: Jewelry, essential oils, crystals and gemstones, chimes, books, decks and spoken audio, aromatic mists
 Name: Expedito Enlightenment Center
Address: 4047 Okeechobee Blvd, Habitat Plaza #129, West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Phone Number: 561-682-0955
Website: botanicasanexpedito.com
Other: Vast selection of candles, spiritual oils, herbs, spiritual baths, spiritual sprays, bath salts, religious articles, spiritual books, statues, and crystals from around the world.
 Name: Mama Jo's Sunshine Herbals
Address: 1300 Pine Tree Dr # 3, Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
Name: WhiteOak Art Designs
Address: 11661 Commerce Rd, Athens, GA 30607
Phone Number: (706) 362-2517
Website: http://whiteoak-art-designs-more.business.site
Other: You can get a tarot reading here, and they specialize in herbs and altar tools.
 Name: Simple Strands
Address: 115 Merchants Square, Cumming, GA 30040
Phone Number: (770) 781-2283
Website: http://www.simplestrands.com
Other: N/A
 Name: The Open Mind Center
Address: 1575 Old Alabama Road, #213, Roswell, GA, 30076
Phone Number: N/A
Website: www.theopenmindcenter.com
Other: Yoga Studio, Metaphysical/Reiki Shop, Sells crystals/stones, tarot, candles/incense, natural salts, and essential oils. Offers psychic readings, yoga, reiki, classes and workshops, coaching, massages, and wellness services.
 Name: Sun, Moon & Stars
Address: 120 Clarksville Plaza, Unit A, Clarksville, GA 30523
Phone Number: (706)754-5417
Website: www.sunmoonandstars.net
Other: They sell crystals/stones, candles and holders, incense and burners, essential oils, bulk herbs, natural health/beauty products, tarot and Oracle cards (new and used), books (new and used), jewelry, statuary, decor, many other metaphysical/spiritual supplies, and local artisans' consignment items. They offer Tarot, Rune, Tea Leaf, and Oracle readings, workshops and classes, custom herb and oil blending, and clergy services.
 Name: The Triskele Cove Savannah
Address: 7804 Abercorn Extension, Savannah, Georgia 31406
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://m.facebook.com/TheTriskeleCoveSavannah/
Other: Metaphysical supply store kiosk located in Oglethorpe Mall.
 Name: Cosmic Corner
Address: 905 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31401
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://www.cosmiccornersavannah.com/
Other: Metaphysical supply store.
 Name: Brighter Day
Address: 1102 Bull Street, Savannah, Ga 31401
Phone Number: N/A
Website: http://www.brighterdayfoods.com/
Other: Health food store that sells witchy things such as essential oils, smudge sticks and an array of herbs (literally the only place I've seen in person that sells dragons blood resin).
 Name: Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore
Address: 5531 Roswell Rd NE, Sandy Springs, GA 30342
Phone Number: 404-255-5207
Website: N/A
Other: Tarot readings, massages, candles, books, statues, sprays, jewelry, crystals, and best of all - shop cats!
 Name: Forever And A Day LLC,
Address: 7830 GA-92, Woodstock, GA 30189
Phone Number: 770-516-6969
Website: N/A
Other: Statues, crystals, tarot readings, psychic fairs, salt cave.
Name: Enlightened Balance Chakra Spa 
Address: 30 N. Williams St. F Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Pandoras Box
Address: 1100 Derby St. Pekin, IL 61554
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Evolve
Address: 54 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, IL 60014
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Alchemy Arts Occult Supply 
Address: 1203 W. Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago, IL 60660 
Phone Number: (773) 769-4970
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Sincerely the Craft
Address: 22 E. Main St. Belleville IL 62220
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: Metaphysical. Occult. Esoteric. Spiritual. Crystals. Tarot Reading. Herbs. Incense.  Candles.
Name: All My Relations
Address: 7218 Rockville Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46214.
Phone Number: (317) 227-3925.
Website: http://allmyrelationsindy.com/
Other: They specialize in crystals and have a HUGE selection as well as having jewelry, candles, books, and other items typical in metaphysical shops. They also, do readings of different kinds, offer a variety of classes and small groups, and have pitch-in celebrations for the solstices and equinoxes.
 Name: Elderberry Tree House Shoppe
Address: 7714 Lima Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46818
Phone Number: (260)489-6707.
Website: N/A
Other: Amazing customer service and a knowledgeable owner.
 Name: The Pride
Address: 6823 Indianapolis Blvd, Hammond, Indiana
Phone Number: 219.844.2244
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Castle-Brooks Spiritual Supply
Address: 713 Main St., Lafayette, IN 47901
Phone Number: (765) 420-8082
Website: N/A
Other: The store feels very peaceful. Great selection of crystals, statues, components, some books. Very knowledgeable and helpful staff who will order any book you want.
 Name: Von’s Book Shop
Address: 315 State St., West Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone Number: (765) 743-1915
Website: N/A
Other: Not nominally a metaphysical store, but has tons of crystals, jewelry, statues, and books in that genre.
 Name: Amused Clothing
Address: 316 1/2 W State St., West Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: Not nominally a metaphysical store but has a huge selection of individual incense types. Cool vibe.
Name: Om
Address: 105 S. Linn St Iowa City IA 52240
Phone: (319) 358-1282
Website: http://infiniteomgifts.com
Other: N/A
Name: The Energy Within KC
Address: 7807 W 151st Street, Overland Park, Kansas
Phone Number: (913) 296-8412
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Into the Mystic
Address: 5727 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS 66202
Phone Number: +1 913-766-9906
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
Name: The Peace of Mind Center
Address: 3722 Youree Dr., Shreveport, LA 71105
Phone Number: 318-219-8344
Website: https://thepeaceofmindcenter.com/
Other: N/A
 Name: Coyote Moon Crystals & Gifts
Address: 1938 Perkins Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Phone Number: N/A
Website: http://coyotemoonbr.com/
Other: They’re very affordable for someone on a budget and the store is kept smelling amazing.
 Name: Earth Odyssey
Address: 306 Charles St., New Orleans, LA
Phone Number: 504.581.1348
Website: http://www.earthodysseynola.com
Other: Specializes in crystals and jewelry, but does offer psychic readings.
Name: Enchanted Herbs and Teas
Address: 48 Maine St, Waterville, Maine 04901
Phone Number: 207-860-0318
Website: https://enchantedherbsmaine.com
Other: Offers Tarot and Oracle readings, Tea Leaf readings, Reiki, hypnosis, psychic healing, sells loose leaf personally blended teas, herbs, stones, and candles, as well as other assorted goodies.
 Name: Dragon Star Creations
Address: 45 Cottage St, Sanford, ME 04073
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://dragonstarcreationsonline.com/
Other: Regular shop items as well as some clothing and decoration items. They also occasionally host events where people can come together and cast spells, get tarot readings, and even get massages. The shop owner is very friendly
Name: India Emporium
Address:  107 S Baltimore Ave, Ocean City, Maryland 21842\
Phone Number: 
Website: https://www.facebook.com/OCIndiaEmporium/
Other: Not a metaphysical shop per se, but definitely in the same realm. Affordable incense, beautiful jewelry, essential oils and perfumes made by the owner. Lovely atmosphere.   Name: The Smile Herb Shop
Address: 4908 Berwyn Rd, College Park, MD 20740
Phone Number: (301) 474-8791
Website: https://www.smileherb.com
Other: Comfy shop offering an array of herbal supplements, teas & holistic items plus garden plants
Name: Earthly Elements
Address:  33 N Market St, Frederick, MD 21701
Phone Number: (301) 631-5511
Website: http://www.earthlyrocks.com
Other: Earthly Elements strives to be an old style Rock Shop carrying a large variety of mineral specimens, crystals, gemstones, fossils, metaphysical stones, as well as unique gifts.
Name: The Turning Wheel
Address: 7942 Belair Rd, Baltimore, MD 21236
Phone Number: (410) 882-8060
Website: https://www.facebook.com/The-Turning-Wheel-Bookstore-101532546680197/
Other: Everything Metaphysical Bookstore for the Witch in you. Everything from crystals to Norse items.
Name:  Crystals, Candles, & Cauldrons
Address: 927 W 36th St, Baltimore, MD 21211
Phone Number: (410) 467-4111
Website: https://www.wiccancrystal.com
Other: Unique shop with a curated collection of mystical wares, such as incense, tarot cards & wind chimes.
Name: Black Cat Curiosities Art and Antiques
Address: 24 Harrison St., Easton, Maryland
Phone Number: (410) 924-4436
Website: https://www.facebook.com/theblackcateaston/
Other: N/A
Name: The Crystal Fox
Address: 311 Main Street, Laurel, Maryland 20707
Phone Number: 301-317-1980
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
Name: Atlantic Spice Co.
Address: 2 Shore Rd, North Truro MA 02652
Phone Number: (800) 316-7965 and (508) 487-6100
Website: www.atlanticspice.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Mystik Moon
Address: 244 Commercial St, Provincetown MA
Phone Number: 508-487-6006
Website: https://mystikmoon.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Shop Therapy
Address: 288 Commercial St, Provincetown MA
Phone Number: 508-487-9387
Website: https://www.shoptherapy.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Buddha Beads
Address: 2390 US-6, Eastham, MA
Phone Number: 774-207-0105
Website: ttps://www.facebook.com/pg/BuddhabobsCapecod/
Other: N/A
 Name: Earth House
Address: 121 Rt 6A, Orleans MA 02653
Phone Number: 508-240-0257
Website: https://www.earthhouse.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Instant Karma
Address: 547 Main St, Hyannis, MA 02601
Phone Number: 508-827-4212
Website: www.instantkarmahyannis.com/home.html
Other: N/A
 Name: Seven Stars
Address: 731 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone Number: (617) 547-1317
Website: No website.
Other: Its half bookstore half crystal shop. They have books on every religion or philosophy you could think of, they sell crystals and tarot and a bunch of miscellaneous magic tools behind the cashier. The staff is super lovely and its a calm atmosphere.
 Name: New Moon Gifts
Address: 5 Cheshire Rd, Pittsfield, MA, 01201. (Allendale Shopping Center)
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://m.facebook.com/newmoongiftshop/
Other: It has crystals, smudges, incense, cauldrons, mortars, herbs, candles, Wiccan charms, spells, BOS's (as per my request), essential oils, and totems, to name a few things. Most of the stuff there is above 5 dollars, but the incense is 25 cents per stick.
Name: Coyote Wisdom
Address: 2442 N. Grand River Ave., Lansing, MI 48906
Phone Number: 517-323-1707
Website: www.coyotewisdomstore.com
Other: They have a loyalty card for a discount and first timers get to draw from a grab bag of goodies like crystals.
 Name: Glow Fish Studios
Address: 2840 Biddle Ave Wyandotte, MI  48192 United States
Phone Number: (734) 552-6323
Website: glowfishstudios.com
Other: Specializes in crystals and tarot.
 Name: Kokopelli’s Korner
Address: 111 east grand river, Howell, Michigan
Phone Number: N/A
Website: http://www.kokopelliskorner.com/
Other: Offers crystals, jewelry, tarot cards, incense, tea, herbs, etc. Owner is amazing.
 Name: Boston Tea Room
Address, Ferndale 224 west nine miles rode Ferndale MI
Phone Number: 248-548-1415
Website: N/A
Other: Offers a wide variety of crystals tarot and palm reading, salts, and candles and herbs and incenses, figures and free tea
Name: Enchanted Boutique
Address: 4074 White Bear Ave N, White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Phone Number: (651) 600-3769
Website: enchantedboutiquemn.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Eye of Horus Metaphysical
Address: 910 W Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55408
Phone Number: (612) 872-1292
Website: eyeofhorus.biz
Other: N/A
 Name: Magus Books & Herbs
Address:1848 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Phone Number: (612) 379-7669
Website: magusbooks.com
Other: They recently moved places so if you are looking for a place on google maps and can't find it, that is why. There are tarot, home things, incense, other cards, books, jewelry, witchy tools, statues, essential oils, herbs, crystals and talismans of different cultures.
 Name: The Wellness Circle
Address: 7094 Lake Dr, Lino Lakes, MN 55014
Phone Number: (612) 871-5622
Website: thewellnesscircle.vpweb.com
Other: This one specifically is less of a witchy-centered store and more about health and healing in general. They have a chiropractic person, they offer yoga, acupuncture, massages, natural healing, intuitive readings, hypnosis, and aromatherapy.
 Name: The Chakra House
Address: 1620 7th St W, St Paul, MN 55102
Phone Number: (651) 493-2586
Website: thechakrahousemn.com
Other: This house/shop submitter would rate more than 5/5 stars. You can get a bunch of services there and it is just starting to grow. It offers tarot readings, AMAZING aura readings, crystals, rock lamps, oils, candles, and books. I personally got my aura read there for around 45$ and it is worth the money. The the reader is absolutely an angel. You get a picture of your aura around your head, and then around your body, in addition, it talks about your chakras and what you could work on to improve them individually. It is wonderful.
 Name: Divine Time
Address: 14555 S Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068
Phone Number: (612) 961-7879
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
Name: Aquarius
Address: 3936 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64111
Phone Number: +1 816-931-6303
Website: http://www.aquariusbooks.com
Other: N/A
Name: Euphoria
Address: 4139 O Street, Lincoln, NE. 68510
Phone Number: 402-488-8853
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
Name: Crystal Alley Emporium
Address: 2841 N. Green Valley Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89178
Phone Number: 702-434-7626
Website: http://www.crystalalleyemporium.com
Other: N/A
New Hampshire
Name: New Day Metaphysical
Address. 9 Madbury Rd, Suite 103, Durham, NH 03824
Phone Number: (781) 724-8447
Website: https://newdaymetaphysical.gosite.com
Other: This store has a nice variety of altar supplies and various herbs/oils/etc and provide tarot readings.
 Name: Scallops Mineral and Shells (Market St. Location)
Address: 93 Market St., Portsmouth, NH 03801
Phone Number: (603) 828-2044
Website: https://www.scallopsmineralandshell.com
Other: A wide selection of crystals, gems, fossils, and basically any fancy rock you can think of in lots of different cuts and shapes. They also carry jewelry and some other items such as books and tarot decks.
New Jersey
Name: Goddess in Eden
Address: 282 Bloomfield Ave, Verona, NJ 07044
Phone Number: 973-919-3600
Website: N/A
Other: It’s a regular metaphysical shop that also offers classes and has a psychic.
 Name: The Gem Mine
Address: 65 Westwood Ave, Westwood, NJ 07675
Phone Number: 201-722-8676
Website: N/A
Other: Crystal shop, but the staff is also knowledgeable of their metaphysical properties.
 Name: Rocky’s Crystals and Minerals
Address: 559 Bloomfield Ave, Montclair, NJ
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://www.rockyscrystalsonline.com
Other: Large selection of high-quality crystals and jewelry for decent prices, and a wide selection of reiki candles, as well as some dried herbs and other useful items. They provide tons of information on every product in their store.
New Mexico
Name: Abitha's Metaphysical Shop
Address: 2231 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112
Phone Number: (505) 262-0401
Website: https://www.abithas.us
A a family-owned and operated shop that specializes in purpose oils, incense, and ritual herbs. Other: With over 1,200 blends of oils, and 30 years of magickal herbalist experience to create custom spell kits, fixed candles, and ritual herbs to help the seeker along their path.  They also carry a variety of crystals and stones, wands and foci, runes and pendulums, altar cloths and athames, tarot and oracle decks.
(Upstate) New York
Name: Bramble
Address: 118 W Green St., Ithaca, NY 14850
​Phone Number: (607) 379-0113
Website: http://www.brambleithaca.com/
Other: Community Herbalism store with dried herbs, tinctures, balms, sage, and community classes.
 Name: Crossroads Gifts & Wellness
Address: 131 & 133 Jay St, Schenectady, NY 12305
Phone Number: +1 518-357-8366
Website: http://www.crossroadsgallery.com
Other: N/A
 Name: The Magic Moon
Address: 15 Phila St, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone Number: +1 518-583-2488
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Mythic Treasures
Address: 274 Goodman St N # B127, Rochester, NY 14607
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://www.mythictreasures.com/
Other: N/A
 Name: Epiphanies
Address: 215 East Ridge Road, Rochester, NY 14621
Phone Number: N/A
Website: http://epiphanies.business.site/
Other: N/A
 Name: Mystic Moon
Address: 115 Park Ave, Rochester, NY 14607
Phone Number: N/A
Website: http://www.mysticmoononpark.com/
Other: N/A
 Name: Spirit & Crystal Connections
Address: 714 University Ave, Rochester, NY 14607
Phone Number: N/A
Website: http://spirit-crystal-connections.business.site/
Other: N/A
 Name: Psychic Thyme
Address: 1460 Lyell Ave, Rochester, NY 14606
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: High winds Herbs
Address: Campbell Hill Rd, Middleburgh, NY
Phone Number: (518)827-4030
Website: highwindsherbs.com
Other: Specializes in herbs; smoking, medicinal, magickal, tea, resin, ethnobotanicals
 Name: It’s Called Herbal Magick, Inc.
Address: 402 West Ave., Lockport, NY  14094
Phone Number: +1 (716) 439-5144
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
New York City
 Name: Flower Power Herbs and Roots, Inc.
Address: 406 East 9th St., New York, N.Y. 10009
Phone Number: 212-982-6664
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Rock Star Crystals*
Address: 146 W 126th St, New York NY 10001
Phone Number: 212-675-3065
Website: http://rockstarcrystalsmanhattan.com/
Other: Gemstones, Jewelry, Fossils, Meteorites, Shells and Metaphysical Tools. The person who runs the store is extremely knowledgeable and happily assists with any needs you might have. Came here even before converting to Paganism and fell in love. A tiny but beautiful shop I came upon by happenstance.
 Name: Enchantments
Address: 424 E 9th St., New York, NY
Phone Number: (212)-228-4394
Website: enchantmentsinnyc.com
Other: Offers a small selection of books, tarot/oracle decks, incense, herbs, custom candles, and more.
 Name: Namaste Bookshop
Address: 2 W 14th St., New York, NY
Phone Number: (212)-645-0141
Website: NamasteBookshop.com
Other: Specializes in crystals and books. A wide array of tarot/oracle cards. Candles, jewelry, incense and more. In-store readings.
 Name: Stick, Stone, & Bone*
Address: 113 Christopher St, New York, NY 10014
Phone Number: 212-807-7024
Website: www.stickstonebone.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Catland Books*
Address: 987 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Phone Number: 718-418-9393
Website: catlandbooks.com
Other: Offers great books and wares for all experience levels.
 Name: Ruby’s House of Crystals
Address: 119 Columbia Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231
Phone Number: N/A
Website: rubyshouseofcrystals.com
Other: N/A
 Staten Island
 Name: East Meets West*
Address: 2655 Richmond Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314 (Staten Island Mall)
Phone Number: 718-494-3064
Website: https://www.eastmeetswestusa.com/
Other: Nice little metaphysical shop in the mall.
 Name: Magic Moon Sisters*
Address: 4116 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10308
Phone Number: 718-948-3006
Website: magicmoonsisters.com
Other: A metaphysical shop run by two women – one with Native American Lineage and one with a Celtic background - that offers magickal and spiritual wares, classes, and spiritual healing of all kinds.
 Name: Mystikal Wonders
Address: 451 Jewett Ave, Staten Island, NY 10302
Phone Number: 718-816-1234
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
North Carolina
Name: Dancing Moon Books & Gifts
Address: 1840 Wake Forest Rd, Raleigh, NC 27608
Phone Number: (919) 833-8081
Website: dancingmoonraleigh.com
Other: Has plenty of crystals, incense, candles, and books. They host readers and have classes in the house as well.
 Name: The Holy Rose
Address: 311 Blake St, Raleigh, NC 27601
Phone Number: (919) 803-5787
Website: theholyrose.com
Other: Must be 18+ to enter the shop. They card at the door. They have lots of crystals, candles, incense, and books.
 Name: Mystic Elements
Address: 4403 Park Avenue, Wilmington, NC
Phone Number: (910) 799 1001
Website: mysticelements.com
Other: This is a great, locally-owned shop that carries crystals, sage, tarot cards, and more! It has statues for many different religions/cultures and has a wide variety of incense.
 Name: Crystal Visions
Address: 5426 Asheville Hwy., Hendersonville, NC 28791
Phone Number: (828) 687-1193
Website: http://crystalvisionsbooks.com/
Other: Crystal Visions is a Sanctuary for the Spiritual Seeker, providing resources for transformation and growth including books, music. crystals, jewelry and more.  Serving the Greater Asheville, NC community since 1989.
 Name: Raven and Crone
Address: 555 Merrimon Ave. Asheville, NC, 28804
Phone Number: (828) 424-7868
Website: www.ashevilleravenandcrone.com
Other: N/A
Name: Book of Shadows
Address: 1100 Clarendon Rd., Canton, Ohio 44710
Phone Number: 330-451-6083
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: The Dragon’s Mantle
Address: 962 Kenmore Blvd., Akron, Ohio 44314
Phone Number: 330-687-5654
Website: https://dagonsmantle.webs.com/
Other: Host all kinds of classes and host parties and ritual for every sabbat. Great prices and very smart people.
 Name: Once In A Blue Moon
Address: 4348 Monroe St Toledo, OH  43606 United States.
Phone Number: 1 (419) 810-1478.
Website: https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Shopping---Retail/Once-In-A-Blue-Moon-246088728797706/
Other: N/A
 Name: Whatever Works Wellness Center
Address: 7433 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
Phone Number: 513.791.9428
Website: http://www.whateverworkswellness.com
Other: They have a very organized selection of crystals and also offer sheets that list the meanings and are very reasonably priced. They also have books, teas, and some herbs and oils.
Name: Spiritual Rose
Address: 2929 S Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK 74114
Phone Number: (918)779-4131
Other: A small store owned by a friendly couple. You can ask them any question and they are super nice and very helpful! They offer classes in Wicca and do small get-togethers on Tuesdays.
Name: The Crystal Mirror
Address: 189 Liberty Street Northeast B5, Salem, OR 97301
Phone Number: +1 971-240-0862
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/thecrystalmirroronline/
Other: N/A
 Name: By Candlelight & Conjure
Address: 410 Pine St NE, Salem, OR 97301
Phone Number: +1 971-388-9373
Website: https://m.facebook.com/pg/candlelightandconjure/about/
Other: N/A
Name: Shooting For The Moon
Address: 6247 Rte 209 Stroudsburg PA 18360
Phone Number: 570 992 0943
Website: www.shootingforthemoon.com
Other: They have 6-week classes including herbology, tarot, and planetary magick. There are also full moon ceremonies and Sabbats
 Name: Garland of Letters
Address: 527 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Phone Number: (215) 923-5946
Website: N/A
Other: New Age/pagan bookstore with crystals, incense, candles, tarot decks, yoga classes, and more.
 Name: juju
Address: 6739 Reynolds St, Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Phone Number: +1 814-460-1538
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Sparkledragon’s Magical Emporium
Address: 2120 Broadway Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15216
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: Specialized in crystals, books, and curiosities.
 Name: Journey's of Life
Address: 810 Bellefonte Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  15232
Phone Number: N/A
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Crystal Wand
Address: 529 Baltimore Street, Gettysburg PA 17325
Phone Number: 717-420-5637
Website: www.crystalwandinpa.com
Other: N/A
Name: Heaven & Nature Store
Address: 3972 Jonestown Road, Harrisburg PA 17109
Phone Number: 717-545-0204
Website: heavenandnaturestore.com
Other: N/A
South Carolina
Name: Serenity at Sunset
Address: 321 E Main St., Pickens, SC  29671
Phone Number: (864) 878-9973
Website: http://www.serenityatsunset.com/
Other: Books, oracle cards, art, jewelry, orgon, malas, crystals, candles, natural care products, bags, tapestries & more! We still carry feather smudge wands, sacred herbs, and smokeless sprays - custom order options available. A beautiful serene meditation center available for your peaceful practice. A library & tea room for you to relax, read and ruminate!
 Name: Earth's Elements
Address: 220 E. Main St., Walhalla, South Carolina 29691
Phone Number: (864) 916-4001
Website: http://earthselements.co/
Other: They offer handcrafted bath and body products like soaps, salves, and lip balms, shampoo and conditioners and lotions, herbs, healing stones, gemstone jewelry, natural teas and Essential Oils.
 Name: Nyla Beans
Address: 1523 N Pleasantburg[EG1]  Dr., Greenville, SC  29609
Phone Number: (864) 292-5529
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Nyla-Beans-185261374846000/
Other: Eclectic shop, featuring handcrafted gifts and jewelry, fair trade items, and bohemian, casual, and festival clothing. We also carry crystals, incense, and metaphysical items.
Name: Spiritual Awakenings/We 3 Witches
Address: 3694 West Market Street Johnson City, TN 37604
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualAwakeningsJC
Other: Handfasting rituals to offering tea leaf readings, oracle readings, tarot readings, Etc. They host various events that can be found through their site. They sell crystals, full moon water, incense, candles, spells of various kinds already prepared for you with instructions on how to do them, journals to create; grimoires, dream journals, and book of shadows.
 Name: Valhalla’s Gate
Address: 209 Dover Rd., Clarksville Tennessee 37042
Phone Number: N/A
Website: Valhallasgatetn.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Cosmic Connections
Address: 1701 Portland Avenue, Nashville Tennessee 37212
Phone Number: N/A
Website: yourcosmicconnections.com
Other: N/A
 Name: Yellow Sky Emporium
Address: 1313 Rocky Hill Road, Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone Number: (865)560-8894
Website: https://www.yellowskyemporium.com/
Other: N/A
Name: The Magick Cauldron
Address: 2424 Montrose Blvd., Houston, Texas 77006
Phone Number: 713.523.0069
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
 Name: Hearth Wisdom Store
Address: 3901 W. Arkansas Lane Suite 118, Arlington, Texas 76016
Phone Number: 682-323-5085
Website: www.hearthwisdomstore.com
Other: Very welcoming and knowledgeable staff. They sell a variety of books, bags, jars, spells, crystals/stones, furniture, clothing, accessories, and have an amazing herb, incense, and candle selection. They also have tarot decks and multiple other divination methods. HWS also hold events and classes on certain days, as well as rituals for all.
Name: Moonshadows Gifts For The Spirit
Address: 72 N Main St., Saint Albans, VT  05478
Phone Number: +1 (802) 524-6758
Website: N/A
Other: This store sells everything for the Witch/Wiccan/Pagan! They have tons of crystals, crystal balls, books, incense, herbs, cauldrons, chalices, motor and pestles, pendulums, tarot cards, personal learning sessions, and so much more!
Name: Lotus of the Moon
1386 Jadwin Ave., Richland, Washington
Phone Number: (509) 940-7460
Website: N/A
Other: Spiritual store. Also offer services, educational opportunities, and yoga
 Name: Zenith Supplies
Address: 6300 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
Phone Number: (800) 735-7217 or (206) 525-7997
Website: https://zenithsupplies.com/
Other: If you want it they most likely have it, from tarot to crystals to essential oils and much more.
 Name: Life Keys Energy
Address: 1700 SE Mile Hill Dr #240, Port Orchard, WA
Phone Number:
Website: http://lifekeysenergy.com
 Other: It's a witch owned yoga and reiki studio that also sells an ever growing amount of holistic items like bath salts/bath tea, Palo Santos, bracelets, and mandalas.
 Name: Wonders Of The World
Address: 621 W Mallon Ave, Spokane WA. 99201
Phone Number: (509) 328 - 6890 and (509) 325 - 2867
Website: wondersoftheworldinc.com
Other: They have a large selection of crystals, medium-sized figurines of greek deities, medium-sized figurines of dragons, and much more!
 Name: Crescent Moon Gifts
Address: 2502 6th Ave., Tacoma, WA  98406
Phone Number: +1 (253) 572-8339
Website: crescentmoongifts.com
Other: Tarot, crystals, herbs, pendulums, candles, statuettes, ritual tools ... the the list goes on and on.
Name: House of Magick
Address: 4726 S Packard Ave., Cudahy WI 53110-1430
Phone Number: (414) 294-3444
Website: N/A
Other: N/A
Name: Aquarian Book Shop
Address: 3519 Ellwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221-2722
Phone Number: (804) 353-5575
Website: N/A
Other: The store includes crystals, candles, clothing, books, statues, and more. Also hosts classes, tarot readings, and has an apothecary and healing center.
 Name: Crystal Cottage
Address: 4320 Electric Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24018.
Phone Number: 5407766861
Website: crystalcottage.com
Other: They mostly specialize in crystals but also carry some overtly Wiccan items, incense, candles, etc.
 Name: Mountain Mystic Trading Co.
Address: 215 South St., Front Royal, Virginia
Phone Number: N/A
Website: https://www.mountainmystic.com
Other: N/A
 Name: 13 Magickal Moons
Address: 440 Mill St., Occoquan, VA 22125
Phone Number: (703) 495-5135
Website: www.13magickalmoons.com
Other: This is a cute shop, with lots of crystals, herbs, jewelry, and homemade candles—plus, two shop cats. The owner does tarot readings. (Somewhat hectic as the owner’s small kids are often around, but still a good shop.)
 Name: Sacred Circle Books
Address: 919 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone Number: (703) 299-9309
Website: N/A
Other: Great selection of books, also has crystals, herbs, tarot cards, statues, and jewelry. A huge amount of community events and offers reiki, psychic/tarot readings, and classes/workshops. Has a binder with a list of everyone who does mystical stuff for the whole area.
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freecycleusa · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freecycleusa.com/product/recycled-skateboards-12mm-1-2-plugs-plugs-and-tunnels-ear-gauge-wooden-plug-wood-tunnel-wooden-plugs-wood-tunnels-gauges-2/
Recycled Skateboards, 12mm (1/2) Plugs, Plugs and Tunnels, Ear Gauge, Wooden Plug, Wood Tunnel, Wooden Plugs, Wood Tunnels, Gauges
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RECYCLED SKATEBOARD PLUGS ………………………………………… These authentic SESH signature recycled skateboard 12mm (1/2) plugs are handmade by British artist and skateboarder, Gomez. There is only a limited amount of these available and they are ready to ship straight out. You can select either a pair or single plug option upon checkout. We offer flat rate shipping, so purchase as many designs as you like from our shop for only one postage fee. Suitable for healed piercings only and please follow care advice to prolong lifespan D E T A I L S Made from the skateboard in SIZE 12mm 1/2 inches Finished in dual layers of specialist varnish to add protection and shine Packaged in biodegradable cellophane with SESH card and care card Authentic handmade design and each colour option is very limited edition All designs are shipped worldwide in high quality recyclable mail bags Please note, due to hygiene reasons this is NONRETURNABLE . W H Y C H O O S E S E S H ? We are the original designers and innovators of many now popular recycled skateboard designs We fought many years to pave the way for recycled skateboards to be loved and valued against much adversity. This concept may be hard to imagine now they are so very popular, but I promise you that we were once looked at like we were crazy! Recycling skateboards for us is not a business but a way of life, therefore all designs are offered at the fairest price for the highest quality. We genuinely care and want to look after every customer. We hope to inspire and empower through our work, as well as continue to be inspired and humbled through the amazing people we serve, work alongside and meet Every SESH piece is designed, handcrafted and packed with great care using our own happy, thoughtful hands ……………………………………………………… Visit our shop for more of our World Iconic Recycled Skateboard Jewellery, Fashion, Gifts and Homeware: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SESHNOTSTIGMA?refsellerplatformmcnav . M A K E E X T R A S P E C I A L ? Gift wrapping is available at an extra charge. We will pack all designs in an order together, unless you request otherwise and add the extra gift wrap options to the order ADD AN ENGRAVING! Simply add the engraving option from our shops upgrade section and leave a note on the order with details. All engraving is done inhouse by us, using a laser engraver, so we would always contact you if there were any problems with your request. Please note that we can only engrave simply text and numbers at this time. We can engrave more detailed designs, but this will require graphic design work, for an extra cost. Do message us if you wish for this service and we can provide more accurate information tailored to you. . W H Y R E C Y C L E S K A T E B O A R D S ? Skateboards are made from 7 layers of compressed maple (a very complex yet beautiful wood), which through our careful craftsmanship and attention to detail creates perfect light weight and smooth pieces of jewellery and homeware. Dont be fooled by a skateboards rough, broken exterior! It has simply faced many battles in its past life. We bring its soul alive so the natural beauty can be enjoyed by everyone. Making designs from cherished skateboards is our utter passion (we literally live and breathe it!) and we are very proud of every single piece we design and create. Skateboards are treasured by their owners, and endure so much in their often short life, but from the time they are created to the moment they are placed in our hands, the journey of strength, determination, belief, success and inspiration are embedded deep within. We value and honour the history and stories enclosed within each skateboard. We purchase skateboards from a huge range of skaters and skateparks, including many professional skateboarders. The rest of its story is then written by you as the new owner. We hope that when you wear and own SESH designs, these very qualities and the positive energy will be passed onto you, and the board can be loved once more. Visit our shop to read more about us. . V I S I T O U R W O R L D We would love you to join the SESH family! Like our Facebook or Instagram pages to be the first to hear about our new designs, follow our progress and receive special offers. Facebook: seshUKbrand Instagram: seshuk Send us your pictures or stories of Strength, Endurance, Solidarity and Honour to inspire others! If you have any questions at all please do get in touch and we always try to respond as quickly as possible.
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soundof-rain · 3 years
My Journey with Spirituality.
So if you read the last entry then you have a little background of how spirituality came into play, sort of . This post will be about my actual spiritual journey, what I went through ,how I felt, etc. It all started with a simple twitter download and a couple Youtube videos. So, downloading twitter I just started following spiritual platforms  (as advised as my bestfriend) and these said spiritual platforms post daily messages for each of the twelve signs. Now before all of this I actually forgot to mention that I had been seeing angel numbers (111,222,333 etc. if you don’t know what they are i’ll make another post explaining them ) but I didn’t know what they meant or what was trying to be “told” to me by the angels. When I started putting more time into using twitter and getting into these daily messages I wasn’t clearly using discernment just taking what I wanted from the messages ignoring what I didn’t, which were clearly all the positive messages and fortunes & feeling a sense of doubt when these fortunes didn’t come true. I had absolutely no idea how all of this worked I just jumped right in and hit the ground running, I feel it’s important to mention that a couple years prior I was fucking around and listening to youtube meditations that would open my third eye and trying to meditate but I sucked at it before so I left it alone because I have a bad tendency of quitting things before I see them through to the end, I was also super depressed and couldn’t care to follow through with it due to lack of energy but again different topic for a different day. Even though I quit before I got anywhere significant,  listening to these videos gave me an advantage I didn’t know I had or needed, throughout the years I would feel my 3rd eye or ‘intuition’ as most would call it go off seemingly randomly because 1. I didn’t know I actually opened my third eye and 2. I had no idea about my intuition or how to listen to it .
 So now my bestfriend and I are going on this spiritual rampage together sharing posts back and forth, I actually found out my big 3 from my bestfriend because she was into charts and astrology way more than I was so she told me how to pull up my chart and boom now I know i’m a Scorpio sun, Virgo Moon, Virgo Rising , this information is like essential in the spiritual community since it allows you to really discover how/why you act the way you do or think the way you think and respond to things throughout life. Having this information led me to Youtube once again but this time I began watching prediction videos about what could possibly happen for any given topic in any area of my life whether it be career, love ( I was never big on love readings, still don’t care for them oops) or just in general and I would say that watching these videos definitely caused my interest to deepen and for me to pick up momentum in discovering myself as a person. See, before I discovered spirituality I had a lot of trouble making the next moves in life I didn’t have a sense of direction or anything I actively wanted to pursue just lost , the only thing I knew strongly was that I was meant to be someone doing something important & I felt this strongly. A 9-5 job was not my destiny and now I had a way to actively make sure it wasn’t for sure. Before I knew it I was back committed meditating and really diving deep into trying to learn myself all over again as well as unlearn all the bullshit trauma that I’ve been through over the years, I promise you it’s wayyyyyy easier said that done. Unknowingly , as I was trying to unlearn toxic behaviors and habits I still indulged in these behaviors on a daily basis, behaviors in which I didn’t consider toxic or even necessarily bad because it was normal for me, programmed into my brain by no one other than myself that these things were okay and I could continue doing it because no harm no foul right ? Wrong. It’s like I knew what I was doing was wrong but some part of me refused to acknowledge it because I was comfortable and comfort is something that has not been easy to attain in my life so I held on to whatever I could that provided me this feeling. I was ,however, very dedicated to bettering myself so I began to purchase readings from earlier mentioned spiritual platforms in hopes of answers to my pleads of guidance , in doing so I came across a reader who would become a friend of mine over time and they would provide me with much needed answers throughout my entire journey pushing me higher and further closer to my higher self.
One reading in particular really struck a nerve within me , It was an aura reading that I got from a nice girl and what it showed was basically me healing & being divinely protected but severely hindered by my crazy toxic environment, this didn’t sit right with me at all. Finding out this information I no longer felt crazy or bad for placing blame on my surroundings for my sometimes unpredictable manner, i discovered that I am an empath and I soak up every bit of my surroundings without even meaning to which in turn leads me to behave and think in manners that weren’t my intention but others. Once I found out this information a lot of things began making a lot more sense to me , pieces of the puzzle began to fit perfectly and even though i have always made it  my mission to eventually  leave my surroundings at some point in time it became an urgent mission from that point on. As bad as I wanted to leave my situation i realized that I couldn’t until I healed everything that needed to be healed in that space and time before I could go anywhere but there was another fork in the road, I had a terribly materialistic mindset that i discovered would be very hard to get out of. I was operating from a place of lack and poverty so i thought money and material were everything I needed to get out of this funk and progress forward, boy was I soo wrong. I spent months browsing etsy spending hundreds of dollars on trinkets and charms that promised would bring wealth and happiness to my life, none ever worked of course, partly because they were fakes and partly because I didn’t understand that intention played a huge roll in manifesting a greater life for myself I believed that simply wearing the oil or charm would make my wildest dreams come true , of course none ever did lol. 
Pt. 2 will be up in a few days <3
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ssteezyy · 5 years
10th Anniversary Celebration and BIG Giveaway
This giveaway is sponsored by participating brands and contains affiliate links*
Today is our 10th anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been ten years since I started this blog, inspired by Amber, the original Conscious Cat. And while this is a huge milestone for Allegra, Ruby and me, this day really belongs to you, our readers. Without you, we wouldn’t be here, and we appreciate you so much for reading, commenting, and sharing every day.
10 years – 3,654 posts – 88,000 comments 15 million page views
Since March 1, 2009, we have brought you 3,654 new posts. 88,000 comments are a testament to the strength of our Conscious Cat community. And with more than 15 million page views, our site is reaching an ever growing audience of cat lovers who want the best for their feline family members.
The Conscious Cat has become the “go to” site for cat parents looking for reliable information about cat health, behavior and nutrition, as well as new cat products, book reviews, and more.
225,000+ social media followers
Our community extends to our Facebook page, and Instagram. Both attract cat lovers who enjoy sharing their love for cats with a group of like minded people every day. It’s truly a joy to curate both. We post unique content and lots and lots of cat photos and videos several times each day. We’re also represented on Twitter and Pinterest. The internet is truly a wonderful place when it creates thriving communities like ours.
Happy, Healthy Cats and Humans
But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Behind these numbers are countless cats who live happier and healthier lives thanks to the information presented on this site. There’s nothing that makes me happier than receiving messages from readers whose cats have been helped by the information found here.
To celebrate these last ten years, and to thank all of you for making it all possibly by reading, commenting and sharing, we have a BIG giveaway for you!
10th Anniversary Giveaway: 10 Grand Prizes, 10 Winners
We’re giving away a a Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed, a $100 gift certificate from Triple T Studios, a MaxScratch Oversized Scratching Post and Perch from Hauspanther, an Assisi Loop, a Jackson Galaxy prize package, a Meowfia felted wool cat cave, a 3-month supply of 1TDC® 4-in-1 Wellness Solution, a custom portrait by Jessica Lindell, a custom cat flower pot by KittyCat Studio, and a package of all of my books, personalized and autographed.
For instructions on how to enter to win, see the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post.
Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed
The Sleepypod mobile pet bed helps make travel with your cat easier because it is packed with features to make travel a breeze. It transitions from a pet bed to a carrier, thereby helping to alleviate travel stress and anxiety because your at is always traveling in his or her everyday pet bed. The Sleepypod mobile pet bed even converts into a crash tested car seat. Other features include durable, non-abrasive mesh panels that enable air to circulate on three sides, machine-washable Ultra Plush bedding, water repellent liner for easy cleanups, and a padded shoulder strap. The Sleepypod mobile pet bed is available in Medium (MSRP $189.99) and Mini (MSRP $169.99) sizes.
For more information and to purchase, visit Sleepypod.com.
$100 Gift Certificate from Triple T Studios
Triple T Studios creates and curates uniquely designed handbags and accessories with feline finesse. Shop their cat inspired handbags, jewelry, scarves, and cat toys. Triple T Studios donates to global conservation projects including Lion Guardians Project, The Cheetah Conservation Fund, Panthera, and select domestic cat non-profit organizations. Triple T Studios motto is Fashion with a Passion™.
Exclusive 20% discount for Conscious Cat readers: use code ConsciousCat20. Code never expires.
For more information and to purchase, visit http://www.triple-t-studios.com.
Hauspanther MaxScratch Oversized Scratching Post and Perch
The Hauspanther MaxScratch is big enough not just for scratching, but also for climbing and perching. This oversized cat scatcher is wrapped with natural jute rope, creating a durable and attractive scratching surface. A sturdy base keeps the post from tipping over. The built-in perch on top gives kitty a perfect lookout spot. Allegra and Ruby not included.
The MaxScratch Oversized Cat Scratching Post and Perch is available from Wayfair.
Assisi Loop
The Assisi Loop provides safe and effective pain relief without adverse effects. The Assisi Loop features targeted pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (tPEMF™). This modality was first studied in the 1970s and is FDA-cleared for use in humans. It uses low-level pulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to help relieve pain, inflammation and swelling. You can find multiple accounts of how the Assisi Loop helped cats with varying conditions ranging from arthritis to post surgical pain to lymphoma here. Please note that the Assisi Loop requires a prescription from a veterinarian. Winner will need to provide a prescription in order to claim their prize.
For more information about how the Loop could help your cat, visit http://www.assisianimalhealth.com or contact Assisi Animal Health at [email protected], 866-830-7342.
Jackson Galaxy Prize Pack
This prize pack contains an assortment of toys and supplies from the Jackson Galaxy Collection by Petmate. All of the items are designed by the Cat Daddy himself, so you know your kitties will love everything in this prize pack. Actual prize pack may vary from the image shown above.
For more information about all of Jackson’s fantastic products for happier, healthier cats, visit JacksonGalaxy.com.
Meowfia Felted Wool Cat Cave
Meowfia Felted Wool Cat Caves are handmade from 100% Merino wool, a soft, lightweight natural fiber. Merino wool is breathable, keeping your cat warm in the winter or cool in warmer weather. The beds are safe and eco-friendly. There are no plastic or other man-made materials used. Merino wool naturally repels odor, dirt and stains. The caves can be hand washed in cold water with a mild detergent designed for wool, and should be air dried. Machine washing is not recommended.
Meowfia Felted Wool Cat Caves are available from Amazon in a variety of colors.
3-month Supply of 1TDC™ 4-in-1 Wellness Solution
1TDC™ (which stands for 1-TetraDecanol Complex) is a revolutionary natural solution that keeps joints, muscles and gums healthy at a cellular level. This product goes beyond supplements containing glucosamine and fish oil. It works systemically as a catalyst to allow the body to improve joint and oral health.
For more information about 1TDC™ and to purchase, please visit 1TDC.com.
Exclusive 10% discount for Conscious Cat Readers: use code CONSCIOUSCAT10 at checkout. Discount never expires.
Custom Water Color Portrait by Jessica Lindell
Custom portraits are a wonderful way to celebrate a special cat, or preserve the memory of a cat no longer with you. Jessica Lindell’s water color portraits capture emotion and personality in vibrant colors. This giveaway will be for an 8×8 custom portrait on a 2 inch cradled hardboard panel (value: $297).
For more information, and to order your custom portrait, visit https://www.aquilawatercolor.com/p/custom-pet-portraits
Exclusive 10% discount off any custom portrait for Conscious Cat readers: use code CATLOVE10 at checkout.
Custom Flower Pot Cat Sign from KittyCat Art Studio
Laura Anglemoyer, the artist behind KittyCat Art Studio, creates beautiful and unique handmade cat items ranging from ornaments to picture frames to food bowls and much, much more. Laurel can even create custom made items from photos of your cats. These adorable kitty signs are made of a thin gauge metal, cut to shape and hand painted. They are sealed in a weather resistant coating so you may hang indoors or out. Hangs by a removable wire hanger. Measures: 14 inch tall by 9 inch wide.
To see more and to purchase, please visit KittyCat Art Studio’s Etsy Shop.
Exclusive 10% discount off any product from KittyCat Art Studio for Conscious Cat readers: use code CATSTUDIO at checkout.
A Complete Set of Autographed Copies of My Books
This set will include one copy each of Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher, Purrs of Wisdom: Conscious Living, Feline Style, The BIG Book of Cats With a BIG Attitude, and Purrs of Wisdom: Conscious Living, Feline Style. I will also include a Kindle copy of Adventures in Veterinary Medicine: What Working in Veterinary Hospitals taught me about Life, Love and Myself.
All of my books are available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold.
Enter to win one of 10 Grand Prizes – 10 Winners
For up to 13 ways to enter, see the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is open to readers in the United States only, and ends Friday, March 31. Winners and prize will be chosen by random drawing.**
For up to four ways to enter, see the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is open to readers in the United States only, and ends Sunday, March 31. Winners and prize will be chosen by random drawing.**
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*FTC Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by the brands providing the prizes, which means that I was paid to feature this content. Regardless of payment received, you will only see products featured on this site that I believe are of interest to my readers. The Conscious Cat is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon and affiliated sites. The Conscious Cat is an affiliate partner of Jackson Galaxy and Triple T Studios. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission.
**No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook. By entering this giveaway, you understand that you are providing your information to The Conscious Cat, and not to Facebook. We will never sell, rent or share your information with third parties. Winners will be notified via e-mail. Prize winner must provide The Conscious Cat with a physical address to which the prize will be mailed within 72 hours. If this information is not received, an alternate winner will be chosen by random drawing. Winners will be announced in a separate post following the drawing.
The post 10th Anniversary Celebration and BIG Giveaway appeared first on The Conscious Cat.
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Gratitude for Over 10,000 Five-Star Reviews
Shaina Tranquilino
January 30, 2024
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As a distant energy healer on Etsy, I am humbled and overwhelmed with gratitude to have reached a significant milestone – over 10,000 five-star reviews. This achievement is not only a testament to the efficacy and impact of distant energy healing but also a reflection of the trust and support from clients around the world. In this blog post, I want to share my emotions and thoughts about what it feels like to receive such an overwhelming response.
1. Validation of Healing Abilities:
Receiving thousands of glowing reviews reassures me that my services are making a positive difference in people's lives. It affirms that my dedication, knowledge, and experience in distant energy healing have resonated with countless individuals seeking emotional well-being and spiritual balance. Each five-star review serves as validation that my intentions are being fulfilled, inspiring me to continue evolving as a healer.
2. Connection Across Borders:
One remarkable aspect of having such an extensive client base is the opportunity to connect with people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and geographical locations. By sending distant energy healing through an online platform, distance becomes irrelevant as energy knows no boundaries. Witnessing how this universal approach has brought comfort and transformation to clients worldwide fills me with immense joy and fulfillment.
3. Impactful Testimonials:
The heartfelt testimonials shared by clients through their five-star reviews serve as powerful reminders of the profound effects distant energy healing can have on one's life. Reading about personal growth stories, emotional breakthroughs, or physical healing experiences reinforces my belief in the power of energetic connections and encourages others who may be hesitant to try alternative therapies.
4. Building Trust:
Trust is essential when it comes to providing remote healing services online. Earning over 10,000 five-star reviews demonstrates that clients have faith in my abilities as a healer and feel comfortable entrusting their well-being into my hands. This trust is not something I take lightly; it fuels my commitment to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and authenticity.
5. Gratitude and Growth:
Receiving such overwhelmingly positive feedback humbles me and fills my heart with gratitude. It reminds me why I embarked on this journey – to bring healing and joy into people's lives. To spread love and light to the world. The continuous flow of appreciation from clients encourages personal growth as well. It motivates me to deepen my knowledge, explore new ways of healing, and expand my skill set so that I can continue providing transformative experiences for those seeking healing energy.
The abundance of over 10,000 five-star reviews on my Etsy Shop: Flower Therapy Healer has been an incredible source of joy, validation, and inspiration throughout my journey as a distant energy healer. Knowing that I have touched the lives of countless individuals around the world brings immense fulfillment and purpose to my work. However, beyond the numbers lies the deep sense of gratitude for each person who has placed their trust in me. As I move forward, guided by these remarkable testimonials, I am committed to further honing my skills, expanding my offerings, and continuing to provide exceptional distant energy healing experiences for all those who seek solace through energetic connections.
Thank you sincerely for your support.
Shaina www.etsy.com/shop/flowertherapyhealer
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
10 Simple-minded Ways To Heal A Broken Heart
I cant do this anymore.
The terms still reverberating in your ears, ricochetting around until they land like a punch in the gut. Youre instantly transported to a new world, one you didnt know existed before this moment. A world-wide and life without your beloved.
It doesnt feel real. You pinch yourself to wake up from this nightmare, but youre still here, still revolving from this declaration, this revocation of love.
Warm snaps stream down your face until you begin to sob, that terrifying uncontrollable sobbing that leaves you gasping for air. You want to hide away, cry yourself to sleep, and somehow magically feel better tomorrow.
Weve all been here. Or some modification of it. Weve all had our centers cracked and stomped on. Weve all diverted over every moment of our relations in our headings and wondered, What could I have done differently?
But we are now transported into a macrocosm where the love we seemed is grasped away from the americans and dont know what to do with ourselves other than suffers and sorrow our loss.
I recently read a work that briefly touched upon anguish and its advice mostly amounted to go out with your lovers as far as possible. WTF? Thats it? Thats how Im going to heal my mettle? Most of my lovers are scattered in all regions of the world. Becoming out with them every night isnt even a viable option.
How on globe do you turn off those kinds of impressions? What happens to affection lost? How do you mend a broken heart? I decided to investigate how to mend my own shattered heart.
In previous breakups, Ive simply idly fallen into my personal motifs of desire lost. For me, I exclaim, I stay in bed, watch bad tv, chew cookie dough, and hide away from the people who love me. I mainly dont DO anything. I sit and wait.
Because time heals all winds, right? Or does it? If occasion is a construct of our attentions, do “weve been” have to wait for the occur of period, something illusory to mend ourselves? Can we speed up the process of healing our wraps? How much is impossible to ensure our healing through our wars and blueprints?
So, instead of blindly falling into my decorations, I started to ask myself some questions about my habits. Im looking at my structures with enjoying interest, playing with them a little bit, realise what is actually acting me and determining what patterns are there exclusively because of economy, because my memory, form, and nerve are too tired for anything but pattern. And heres what Ive learned
1. Lean Into Sensation
Essentially, everything we know as physical beings comes down to sensation that we name good or bad. When I began to lean into the wizard in my body, requesting what it had to tell me, thoughts began to transform. I asked where the ache lives in my torso. I closed my eyes and supposed symbolizing my excitement. I described what it felt like in writing, how I had to remind myself to breathe and how fascinating the absence of a act- breath and love feels so heavy.
I examined the tightening in my chest, trying not to label it good or bad, just simply as superstar. Human tolerating is predominantly an expression of the results of labeling event as good or bad and right or wrong.
The thing about perception is, its ever changing. It doesnt stay forever. When we change our perspective of know-how merely being a temporary district of existence, it takes service charges out of it, simply through the simple-minded number of observation. In my own experience, the sensation itself tend to change faster the closer I look at it.
By noticing how heavy the fact that there is breath felt, I began to fill my lungs with slower, deeper breaths and learnt my entire being become a bit lighter.
2. Frankie Says Relax
Remember those t-shirts from the 80 s from Frankie goes to Hollywood? Passes out those guys had a good idea.
While this might seem a little bit self-contradictory to simply discovering perception, this practice of tightening your body has slightly different merits. We support so much better tension in our mass on a daily basis, and its even more amplified in times of high-pitched stress.
Make a practice of checking each part of your mas for tension. I like to start out lying down on my back and closing my gazes like I would for savasana. Take a couple of deep sighs, then try to contract and tense up every single muscle in your organization at once. Hold this for got a couple of seconds, then liberate the tension in your whole mas. Repeat a couple of times. I find it helpful to see the comparison in how my person tones between the tension and the relaxation.
Then take it further by slowly checking each part of your form from leader to toe. Tense up an individual muscle group for a moment, then exhaust it. Crinkle your forehead, and handout. Squeeze your eyes tight, and handout. Clench your jaw, and handout. Press your tongue to the ceiling of your opening, then make it hang loose in your mouth.
You get the picture. We all know we view so much friction and stress in our shoulders and backs, but also pay attention to the little neighbourhoods. Tightening the smallest muscle radicals, particularly in my appearance, often prepare the most difficult difference in how I seem afterwards.
3. Move It
Rest is important in mending a middle. But I often situate too much emphasis on it. Yes, I need to take care of myself with sleep and the blessing of stillness. But I now believe it is equally important to move your torso very. The medium of shift isnt important. Just move.
On day one I went to a yin yoga class. While technically moving my body, the needs of the of yin yoga are much less than read a spin class. Yin allowed me to extend my form while still allowing me to appear introverted and my existence internalized which was all I could handle.
On day two I croaked for a four mile walk in the common. I remained my headphones on and didnt talk to anyone, but extended my legs and got plenty of oxygen into my lungs.
This movement is facilitating me hinder some momentum and vigour for other aspects of “peoples lives” I dont want to placed on hold while my centre heals.
4. Reach For A Better Feeling Thought
This one can feel a bit tricky. For starters, the thought of exuberance can feel so far removed from where you are right now. So, start where you are.
If you are depressed, what next best happen can you contact for? Depression is experiencing hopeless, disheartened, retiring. There isnt even any energy around depression. Happiness and desire can feel like a world away from depression.
Can you reach for something that seems slightly better than this powerless desperation? Perhaps hope? Or wrath or storm? Most passions have more vitality behind them than hollow. While temper isnt a situate you want to stay in, it can also stimulus some movement.
What if every day you worked towards an spirit merely one step in future directions you wish to move? Take a look at the Emotional Guidance System scale I formed from Ask and it is Given below. Moving up by one spirit a daylight will put you in a pretty good region in not so long a time.
There is something else to watch out for here. In the midst of my profound bereavement, I have minutes of genuine laugh when I hear something funny. The first few meters it happened, I immediately experienced guilty.
It was as if my feeling good in any way was a disloyalty to my broken heart. My mentality was telling me that if I feel good, its as if I didnt appreciate such relationships as much as I felt I did. Well, that is hogwash. That is my hurt ego talking. My relationship mean and still signifies “the worlds” to me. Tell me be really clear on this point…
If youre having a hard time contacting for a better sensitive conception, try some visualizations. Stay away from thinks about your relationship and cherish. They are very charged topics, so start somewhere easy.
Close your eyes, thought the sentiments of the warm sunlight on your look, and cool breeze on bare shoulders. Dream the flavor of your favorite dinner on your tongue. Dream your abs hurting after a good belly laugh. Improve on this feeling with knowledge from our lives you can draw from. What in your life is full of ease and joy?
5. Surround Yourself With Reminders Of Truth, Beauty, And Love
I have a tattoo on my left forearm that enunciates Love Inspired by a blog upright called the Beauty of the Ellipsis, it serves as a reminder that ardour isnt a finished thinking. It is always in motion, ever deriving. Adoration for myself, my family, your best friend, and those Ive lost.
I have a maple seed necklace to remind me that in every moment Im planting the seeds of my future. I have prisms hanging from my windows for an extra perforate of coloring and rainbows on sunny epoches. I am gradually building a jungle in my house. I fill empty spaces with plants that remind me of life and vitality even on the grayest of days.
Fill your encircles and life with little bits that remind you of what you know to be true, beautiful, and joyful. These neednt be grandiose or expensive, just simply concepts that reverberate with you. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Flowers from Traders Joes. Pinterest board filled with beauty. Follow an inspiring Instagram or Tumblr account. Make or find a mantra. Use Canva to build and print out invigorating paraphrases to embellish your room. Croak for a step and find the perfect stone to bring home. Find a brand-new favorite aroma and spread it around your mansion liberally. Buy new stationary. Treat yourself to a book from Etsy. Draw portrait or stimulating mentions with sidewalk chalk in your vicinity. Find a neighbourhood neighbourhood to make a coffee or tea mug. Alternately, find one that impresses your imagination at Society6. Create an altar or sacred cavity and crowd it with crystals, palo santo, and offerings. Spend day with children. Find reminders of your truism and joy.
These may seem to be insignificant things that are only on the surface, but I find the more I border myself with items that experience whimsical and magical in some small-scale acces, the more Im able to remind myself of how I want to feel in each time. They help me choose to feel glee and magical when I might otherwise choose grief.
6. Self-Care Saturday( Or any era. Or every day !)
We can be quite penalize to ourselves in times of conflict and stress, so take some time to really take care of yourself in some way.
Were all busy and charged with the responsibility, but if you dont take care of yourself first, the main responsibilities can begin to suffer as a result. Im more focused and productive when Ive taken care of my necessities first. I attend to my responsibilities in a bigger and better behavior when my goblet is full , not empty.
Theres a lot of area for reading here as to what self-care consider this to be for each person. While technically, all the suggestions in this article are a species of self-care, I miss “youve got to” block off some time specifically for self-care, mining deeper into what that means for you.
Maybe its taking a long, palatial shower and spending duration pampering yourself with tinctures for your skin that move you feel radiant. It might be spending a duo hours in live animals shelter fondling with puppies and kittens. Perhaps its planning a hot stone rub. Maybe its nourishing your form with vibrant healthy food youve cooked yourself. It might be taking a couple hours to read a book thats been sitting on your nightstand for months.
Tailor your self-care and rotate it into a weekly or even daily ritual.
7. Invest in Yourself
Im willing to bet everyone has something new theyd like to try if merely they had the time, coin, or excuse.
Here is your allow stumble to try that something new.
Did you want to pick up knitting, or perhaps learn to play the guitar? Maybe memorized some bayonet abilities to hoist your prepare? Rock climbing, sky diving, paint, memorizing another language, the possibilities are interminable. You can find a class on just about whatever it is you like online these days.
As progenies, we try brand-new occasions all the time. Its how we discover and change at an exceptional charge. But this slows down as we grow up and our visual field becomes smaller as we narrow down our athletic field. So expand your compass, invest in yourself in some way, and learn something new.
The cognitive requirements of memorizing something new are also welcome to serve as a great pattern of distraction when you need a distraction. Perhaps youll be brought to an end picking up a brand-new hobby, check off another carton on your pail listing, or have a good story to tell.
8. The F wordForgiveness
Ahh, a big creepy one! The topic of forgiveness can be a fiction in itself. Perhaps there is a requirement forgive the actions of your ex, or maybe forgive yourself for your own. Or a combination of both.
We dont always like to forgive people for actions we deem incorrect or unkind because it can feel like we are giving them a free pass. But Ive became aware that maintaining onto exasperation and resentment is always worse. Its a tremendous force suck and you cant find joyful as the same duration “you think youre” feeling justified in your fury. So, I select my own gaiety over my resentment.
Its a choice to make over and over again. Its not easy to forgive in one large-hearted sweeping action. It generally happens in increments. Its helpful to practice radical rapport, vividly dreaming how it feels to be the person who did you wrong. You know most people are essentially doing the best they can with the information they have at each minute. It becomes easier to suppose why they did what they did when you put yourself in their shoes. You begin to feel more empathy for them.
You recognize that the indignation youre accommodating acts no one. And you gradually begin to let it go, piece by piece.
Because forgiveness is not for them, its for YOU.
9. Afford what you wish to receive
I was walking around, detecting like no one loves me, which is totally and completely untrue, but when youre heartbroken, your subconsciou does all kinds of irrational thoughts. I received a pal of mine berth about writing a note of encouragement to a pal, and I wished to be that friend with every fiber of my being. I wanted to open up my mailbox and receive letters of cherish, a validation of the adoration that exists for me.
I expected myself what could I do to feel that adoration? I decided to Pay what I wished to RECEIVE. I started writing words of encouragement and love to pals and strangers alike. All I had to do was write what I wanted to hear, for myself. It was that easy.
This did two things for me.
One, the brain doesnt is the difference between handing, receiving, or even witnessing magnanimity. When you perform an act of kindness, the pleasure and rewards cores light up, releasing feel good chemicals as if you were the recipient, which some psychologists have dubbed the helpers high.
Two, it demo me that we live in a macrocosm of abundance. I dont is a requirement to accumulation away love and kindness to keep it. It actually thrives when I open it away. Its generative. And often, when you demonstrate adore and kindness away, others are inspired to mirror your enjoy and kindness back to you as well as fee it forward to others.
We cannot presume to understand the dominance of the extent of what a few kind words can do for someone and its ripple effect on the world. Win win triumph!
10. Investigate Your Own Patterns
This is by no means a complete list. Merely recommendations of the start of opportunities for your own healing. The biggest occasion you can do for yourself is to get curious, examine your own personal decorations in its own experience of sorrow, and doubt each one.
Hold each one up as they sound and question Does this suffice me?
If the answer is truly yes, keep it. If the answer is no, try something new or the opposite of that first inclination. Play with the brand-new reaction, see if that one provides you better, prepares you feel better both in the present and the long term.
And most important, be gentle with yourself. There are epoch to push your borders, to peruse, and to experiment. But i still have a meter for rest and a is necessary to give. Dedicate yourself the grace to know you are where you need to be when you need to be.
Know that you wont always feel like your centre has been rent out of your chest. Lessen the distance between a shattered heart and a mended middle by experimenting with these alternatives to your motifs. One day youll open your middle again and feel the rushing of falling in love. Youll look into attentions that truly see you and reflect your feeling back to you. And youll be ready for large-scale ardour because youve already done their efforts to heal your middle.
Read more:
The post 10 Simple-minded Ways To Heal A Broken Heart appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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theelvenmystic · 3 years
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Quick Yes or No ⚡️Ask a question then choose a number between 1-3. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Enjoy 😊 Follow @theelvenmystic for more Pick a Card readings. Check out my Etsy store: https://etsy.me/3nU4Ldq 💫 Have a nice day everyone 💕 #tarot #witch #witchyvibes #witchesofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #mindfulness #balance #wellness #yes #no #ask #spirituality #guidance #trust #believeinyourself #energy #universe #aura #soul #mindset #manifestation #goodvibes #goodmorning #healing #higherself #smallbusiness #blue #purple #selflove #selfcare (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhlFUZHlj9/?igshid=1upj7p4vojx79
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freecycleusa · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freecycleusa.com/product/recycled-skateboards-12mm-1-2-plugs-plugs-and-tunnels-ear-gauge-wooden-plug-wood-tunnel-wooden-plugs-wood-tunnels-gauges/
Recycled Skateboards, 12mm (1/2) Plugs, Plugs and Tunnels, Ear Gauge, Wooden Plug, Wood Tunnel, Wooden Plugs, Wood Tunnels, Gauges
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RECYCLED SKATEBOARD PLUGS ………………………………………… These authentic SESH signature recycled skateboard 12mm (1/2) plugs are handmade by British artist and skateboarder, Gomez. There is only a limited amount of these available and they are ready to ship straight out. You can select either a pair or single plug option upon checkout. We offer flat rate shipping, so purchase as many designs as you like from our shop for only one postage fee. Suitable for healed piercings only and please follow care advice to prolong lifespan D E T A I L S Made from the skateboard in SIZE 12mm 1/2 inches Finished in dual layers of specialist varnish to add protection and shine Packaged in biodegradable cellophane with SESH card and care card Authentic handmade design and each colour option is very limited edition All designs are shipped worldwide in high quality recyclable mail bags Please note, due to hygiene reasons this is NONRETURNABLE . W H Y C H O O S E S E S H ? We are the original designers and innovators of many now popular recycled skateboard designs We fought many years to pave the way for recycled skateboards to be loved and valued against much adversity. This concept may be hard to imagine now they are so very popular, but I promise you that we were once looked at like we were crazy! Recycling skateboards for us is not a business but a way of life, therefore all designs are offered at the fairest price for the highest quality. We genuinely care and want to look after every customer. We hope to inspire and empower through our work, as well as continue to be inspired and humbled through the amazing people we serve, work alongside and meet Every SESH piece is designed, handcrafted and packed with great care using our own happy, thoughtful hands ……………………………………………………… Visit our shop for more of our World Iconic Recycled Skateboard Jewellery, Fashion, Gifts and Homeware: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SESHNOTSTIGMA?refsellerplatformmcnav . M A K E E X T R A S P E C I A L ? Gift wrapping is available at an extra charge. We will pack all designs in an order together, unless you request otherwise and add the extra gift wrap options to the order ADD AN ENGRAVING! Simply add the engraving option from our shops upgrade section and leave a note on the order with details. All engraving is done inhouse by us, using a laser engraver, so we would always contact you if there were any problems with your request. Please note that we can only engrave simply text and numbers at this time. We can engrave more detailed designs, but this will require graphic design work, for an extra cost. Do message us if you wish for this service and we can provide more accurate information tailored to you. . W H Y R E C Y C L E S K A T E B O A R D S ? Skateboards are made from 7 layers of compressed maple (a very complex yet beautiful wood), which through our careful craftsmanship and attention to detail creates perfect light weight and smooth pieces of jewellery and homeware. Dont be fooled by a skateboards rough, broken exterior! It has simply faced many battles in its past life. We bring its soul alive so the natural beauty can be enjoyed by everyone. Making designs from cherished skateboards is our utter passion (we literally live and breathe it!) and we are very proud of every single piece we design and create. Skateboards are treasured by their owners, and endure so much in their often short life, but from the time they are created to the moment they are placed in our hands, the journey of strength, determination, belief, success and inspiration are embedded deep within. We value and honour the history and stories enclosed within each skateboard. We purchase skateboards from a huge range of skaters and skateparks, including many professional skateboarders. The rest of its story is then written by you as the new owner. We hope that when you wear and own SESH designs, these very qualities and the positive energy will be passed onto you, and the board can be loved once more. Visit our shop to read more about us. . V I S I T O U R W O R L D We would love you to join the SESH family! Like our Facebook or Instagram pages to be the first to hear about our new designs, follow our progress and receive special offers. Facebook: seshUKbrand Instagram: seshuk Send us your pictures or stories of Strength, Endurance, Solidarity and Honour to inspire others! If you have any questions at all please do get in touch and we always try to respond as quickly as possible.
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vibratinglove · 7 years
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What an inspiring piece of nature this Chlorite Quartz is! Gold plated wire and black hemp bring out the inclusions in this stone. 💚🌎💚 . Order this necklace in the @HappyMedium4eco store for $45 USD + shipping 🌻 . https://www.etsy.com/listing/535163991/large-chlorite-inclusion-quartz . ✨Chlorite Quartz✨ ~One of the most powerful healing combinations available; for any ailment ~Grounds energies and emotions with the Earth ~Powerful purifier for the energetic and chakra systems ~Psychic protection and useful for clearing/cleansing space ~Connect with higher vibrations and spiritual guides ~Helpful for detoxing and mineral absorption ~Heart Chakra energy of love, compassion, and growth ~Aids a person in seeing their spiritual nature ~Vibrates to the number 1 in numerology: independence, initiative, will power, determination, leadership . Custom orders welcome 🍃🌚 . . . . #Wearetothe9s #flashofdelight #livefullyalive #fashiondiaries #sheisfearless #jewelryshop #streetstyleluxe #womanoftheworld #makeitblissful #theeverygirl #holdthemoments #momentslikethese #thatsdarling #etsy #etsyjewelery #boldjewelry #happynow #whatiwore #jewelry #shopinstagram #buyoninstagram #handmadebusiness #handcrafted #aboutalook #bold #lifeisgreat #treeoflife #chloritequartz #crystaljewelry #crystals
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freecycleusa · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freecycleusa.com/product/recycled-skateboards-6mm-1-4-2g-plugs-plugs-and-tunnels-ear-gauge-wooden-plug-wood-tunnel-wooden-plugs-wood-tunnels-2-gauge/
Recycled Skateboards, 6mm (1/4) 2g Plugs, Plugs and Tunnels, Ear Gauge, Wooden Plug, Wood Tunnel, Wooden Plugs, Wood Tunnels, 2 Gauge
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RECYCLED SKATEBOARD TUNNELS ………………………………………… These authentic SESH signature recycled skateboard 6mm (1/4) plugs are handmade by British artist and skateboarder, Gomez. There is only a limited amount of these available and they are ready to ship straight out. You can select either a pair or single plug option upon checkout. We offer flat rate shipping, so purchase as many designs as you like from our shop for only one postage fee. Suitable for healed piercings only and please follow care advice to prolong lifespan D E T A I L S Made from the skateboard in SIZE 6mm 1/4 inches Finished in dual layers of specialist varnish to add protection and shine Packaged in biodegradable cellophane with SESH card and care card Authentic handmade design and each colour option is very limited edition All designs are shipped worldwide in high quality recyclable mail bags Please note, due to hygiene reasons this is NONRETURNABLE . W H Y C H O O S E S E S H ? We are the original designers and innovators of many now popular recycled skateboard designs We fought many years to pave the way for recycled skateboards to be loved and valued against much adversity. This concept may be hard to imagine now they are so very popular, but I promise you that we were once looked at like we were crazy! Recycling skateboards for us is not a business but a way of life, therefore all designs are offered at the fairest price for the highest quality. We genuinely care and want to look after every customer. We hope to inspire and empower through our work, as well as continue to be inspired and humbled through the amazing people we serve, work alongside and meet Every SESH piece is designed, handcrafted and packed with great care using our own happy, thoughtful hands ……………………………………………………… Visit our shop for more of our World Iconic Recycled Skateboard Jewellery, Fashion, Gifts and Homeware: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SESHNOTSTIGMA?refsellerplatformmcnav . M A K E E X T R A S P E C I A L ? Gift wrapping is available at an extra charge. We will pack all designs in an order together, unless you request otherwise and add the extra gift wrap options to the order ADD AN ENGRAVING! Simply add the engraving option from our shops upgrade section and leave a note on the order with details. All engraving is done inhouse by us, using a laser engraver, so we would always contact you if there were any problems with your request. Please note that we can only engrave simply text and numbers at this time. We can engrave more detailed designs, but this will require graphic design work, for an extra cost. Do message us if you wish for this service and we can provide more accurate information tailored to you. . W H Y R E C Y C L E S K A T E B O A R D S ? Skateboards are made from 7 layers of compressed maple (a very complex yet beautiful wood), which through our careful craftsmanship and attention to detail creates perfect light weight and smooth pieces of jewellery and homeware. Dont be fooled by a skateboards rough, broken exterior! It has simply faced many battles in its past life. We bring its soul alive so the natural beauty can be enjoyed by everyone. Making designs from cherished skateboards is our utter passion (we literally live and breathe it!) and we are very proud of every single piece we design and create. Skateboards are treasured by their owners, and endure so much in their often short life, but from the time they are created to the moment they are placed in our hands, the journey of strength, determination, belief, success and inspiration are embedded deep within. We value and honour the history and stories enclosed within each skateboard. We purchase skateboards from a huge range of skaters and skateparks, including many professional skateboarders. The rest of its story is then written by you as the new owner. We hope that when you wear and own SESH designs, these very qualities and the positive energy will be passed onto you, and the board can be loved once more. Visit our shop to read more about us. . V I S I T O U R W O R L D We would love you to join the SESH family! Like our Facebook or Instagram pages to be the first to hear about our new designs, follow our progress and receive special offers. Facebook: seshUKbrand Instagram: seshuk Send us your pictures or stories of Strength, Endurance, Solidarity and Honour to inspire others! If you have any questions at all please do get in touch and we always try to respond as quickly as possible.
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freecycleusa · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://freecycleusa.com/product/recycled-skateboards-6mm-1-4-2g-plugs-plugs-and-tunnels-ear-gauge-wooden-plug-wood-tunnel-wooden-plugs-wood-tunnels-2-gauge/
Recycled Skateboards, 6mm (1/4) 2g Plugs, Plugs and Tunnels, Ear Gauge, Wooden Plug, Wood Tunnel, Wooden Plugs, Wood Tunnels, 2 Gauge
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RECYCLED SKATEBOARD TUNNELS ………………………………………… These authentic SESH signature recycled skateboard 6mm (1/4) plugs are handmade by British artist and skateboarder, Gomez. There is only a limited amount of these available and they are ready to ship straight out. You can select either a pair or single plug option upon checkout. We offer flat rate shipping, so purchase as many designs as you like from our shop for only one postage fee. Suitable for healed piercings only and please follow care advice to prolong lifespan D E T A I L S Made from the skateboard in SIZE 6mm 1/4 inches Finished in dual layers of specialist varnish to add protection and shine Packaged in biodegradable cellophane with SESH card and care card Authentic handmade design and each colour option is very limited edition All designs are shipped worldwide in high quality recyclable mail bags Please note, due to hygiene reasons this is NONRETURNABLE . W H Y C H O O S E S E S H ? We are the original designers and innovators of many now popular recycled skateboard designs We fought many years to pave the way for recycled skateboards to be loved and valued against much adversity. This concept may be hard to imagine now they are so very popular, but I promise you that we were once looked at like we were crazy! Recycling skateboards for us is not a business but a way of life, therefore all designs are offered at the fairest price for the highest quality. We genuinely care and want to look after every customer. We hope to inspire and empower through our work, as well as continue to be inspired and humbled through the amazing people we serve, work alongside and meet Every SESH piece is designed, handcrafted and packed with great care using our own happy, thoughtful hands ……………………………………………………… Visit our shop for more of our World Iconic Recycled Skateboard Jewellery, Fashion, Gifts and Homeware: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SESHNOTSTIGMA?refsellerplatformmcnav . M A K E E X T R A S P E C I A L ? Gift wrapping is available at an extra charge. We will pack all designs in an order together, unless you request otherwise and add the extra gift wrap options to the order ADD AN ENGRAVING! Simply add the engraving option from our shops upgrade section and leave a note on the order with details. All engraving is done inhouse by us, using a laser engraver, so we would always contact you if there were any problems with your request. Please note that we can only engrave simply text and numbers at this time. We can engrave more detailed designs, but this will require graphic design work, for an extra cost. Do message us if you wish for this service and we can provide more accurate information tailored to you. . W H Y R E C Y C L E S K A T E B O A R D S ? Skateboards are made from 7 layers of compressed maple (a very complex yet beautiful wood), which through our careful craftsmanship and attention to detail creates perfect light weight and smooth pieces of jewellery and homeware. Dont be fooled by a skateboards rough, broken exterior! It has simply faced many battles in its past life. We bring its soul alive so the natural beauty can be enjoyed by everyone. Making designs from cherished skateboards is our utter passion (we literally live and breathe it!) and we are very proud of every single piece we design and create. Skateboards are treasured by their owners, and endure so much in their often short life, but from the time they are created to the moment they are placed in our hands, the journey of strength, determination, belief, success and inspiration are embedded deep within. We value and honour the history and stories enclosed within each skateboard. We purchase skateboards from a huge range of skaters and skateparks, including many professional skateboarders. The rest of its story is then written by you as the new owner. We hope that when you wear and own SESH designs, these very qualities and the positive energy will be passed onto you, and the board can be loved once more. Visit our shop to read more about us. . V I S I T O U R W O R L D We would love you to join the SESH family! Like our Facebook or Instagram pages to be the first to hear about our new designs, follow our progress and receive special offers. Facebook: seshUKbrand Instagram: seshuk Send us your pictures or stories of Strength, Endurance, Solidarity and Honour to inspire others! If you have any questions at all please do get in touch and we always try to respond as quickly as possible.
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