#obey me mc’s mom
l3viat8an · 1 year
*Games night in Levi’s room*
Mammon: Damn this game is crazy!
MC: Crazy?
MC & Levi:*In perfect sync* I was crazy once, they locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with with rats, and rats make me crazy, crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with with rats, and rats make me crazy, crazy?-
Mammon: What the fuck is wrong with you two????
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lyrichi · 7 months
Beel, walking up to mc: do you wanna go to Hell's Kitchen with me?
mc, one ear bud in and only half paying attention: the fox show starring Gordan Ramsey??
Beel: ...what?
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notcreative360 · 5 months
Is it just me? Or does anyone else see Lucifer as a "wine mom"? When I first found out that Lucifer enjoys drinking demonus, it instantly reminded me of those moms that drink wine when their children become too much to handle lol.
Lucifer: This is my collection of demonus. It's precious to me, so you better not touch anything.
MC: ...I know a new nickname for you other than Luci.
Lucifer: What's that?
MC: *Whispers* Wine mom.
Lucifer: What?
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cookiesandbiscuits · 3 months
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666writingcafe · 2 months
The Kingsblood Crucible
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit annoyed. I get that Diavolo can't control the exact time of his trial, but did it really have to be mere moments after I woke up from the coma that Nightbringer put me in? It's almost like the universe is playing some sort of sick joke on me.
At least I'm able to eat the food Lucifer brought before Diavolo and I leave.
Once the two of us arrive at the royal tomb, we walk inside and go up to the statue of the Fairy King. According to the research I've done beforehand, the land that makes up the Devildom used to belong to him, but then one day a demon gave him some wine made from his own blood, putting the king into a deep sleep. The demon stole all of his land, thus becoming the first ever king of the Devildom.
Diavolo turns and gives me a ceremonial knife, and I draw a line on the palm of his hand.
"Fairy King, I present you with the blood that courses through my veins. My name is Diavolo, descendant of the rightful King of the Devildom and heir to the royal legacy."
The statue absorbs his blood, and its eyes remain closed. So far, so good.
Suddenly, the statue issues an order: prove thy virtue and thy destiny. The royal tomb is momentarily plunged into darkness before revealing...
Oh no. I've seen this before. Question is, why is the Fairy King showing us this particular memory?
"Oh, Lucifer," Diavolo whispers. "To think I'd have to see you like this again. The way you looked on this day..." He's holding back tears. I gently pat his shoulder as a way of letting him know that it's okay.
"I don't remember being so angry," he quietly observes.
"You weren't," I respond. After a brief moment of confusion, Diavolo nods his head.
"Of course. That makes a lot of sense. Do the others know?" He's referring to Barbatos and Thirteen being aware of my relation to Lilith.
"Yes. Lucifer suspects it, but I've been able to get him off my case for now."
"Good. He can't figure that out. Not yet, anyway."
"I am sure there could be no greater disgrace to one such as yourself, he who was once celebrated as the pride of the Celestial Realm," the memory of Barbatos states before turning to face the two of us. "However, it's far too little given the circumstances. Wouldn't you agree, Young Master?"
A shiver runs up my spine as Diavolo's eyes widen.
"This isn't how I remember it going--" he starts to tell me. Barbatos--or rather, a fake version of Barbatos--interrupts,
"The Celestial Realm has already rendered its judgement. Her punishment has been decided. If you willfully ignore that and choose to help her, it will mean war between the Devildom and Celestial Realm."
"I'm aware, but--"
"--but these dazzling jewels from the heavens have landed on your doorstep, and you must have them." The smile on fake Barbatos' face is rather eerie. If I didn't promise Diavolo to stay by his side through this trial, I'd start running.
"No matter the price, no matter how many demons must be sacrificed in exchange, you want these seven brothers for yourself," he continues. "And I know exactly why."
"Barbatos, stop. Don't do this." I see the fear in Diavolo's eyes, which means the illusion can, too.
And it will do anything in its power to use that fear against him.
I don't recall seeing anything about witnesses being allowed to help candidates pass the Kingsblood Crucible, but there also wasn't a rule prohibiting it, either. Should I take the risk?
"It's all about being a great demon, one who's worthy to call himself the Demon King's son. Isn't that right?"
Screw it. I'm not about to let an illusion lie to Diavolo like that.
"Don't listen to him," I tell the prince.
"They're so rare and beautiful. It's hard not to compare them to gemstones. If you were to command a group of demons like that, your esteemed father would surely be proud. All of this is so you can live up to his name."
"That isn't true!" I exclaim. Unfortunately, Diavolo doesn't seem to hear me. His eyes are glassy, like he's under a trance.
"I have to surpass him," he mumbles. "Otherwise, my life has no point."
"Exactly, which is why you're willing to help this 'family in need', even though you know it entails far too great a risk. But ask yourself: is that really the sort of conduct you'd expect from a demon king?" Diavolo slowly shakes his head.
"It's almost as though you don't even want to be king," the illusion adds. "You just want to earn your father's approval--nothing more."
"Diavolo!" I yell. Nothing.
"Lord Diavolo!" Still nothing.
"Goddammit, look at me!" That finally gets his attention.
"I'm not fit to be the demon king," he whispers.
"Are you seriously going to believe a fairy apparition?!" I don't mean to sound quite so angry, but him seemingly giving up like this is rather frustrating. If he fails this trial, I might as well kiss everything resembling my home goodbye, and I won't allow that to happen. Not on my watch.
"Look, maybe you've acted this way before," I add. "It's not like I knew you as you were growing up, so it's perfectly possible that your sole motivation was gaining your father's approval. But I can tell you this: the Diavolo I know cares deeply about others. Not just your people, but everyone you meet and befriend. You try your hardest to do what is right, even if it goes against popular opinion. You strive for a future where the three realms can live harmoniously, because you know your father's way of doing things was selfish and cruel. If anyone is fit to rule over the Devildom, it's you."
"Do you actually think I can be the sort of king everyone hopes for?" Diavolo asks. "Can I be proper and just?"
"Trust me: I'm one of the last people that will blow smoke up your ass. If I felt you weren't capable, I'd let you know in a heartbeat. Besides, you won't be doing this alone. You'll have others helping you."
"Including you?" I find myself smiling, recalling the time he once told me that he'd want me to rule beside him someday.
"Including me." Taking a deep breath, he steps forward and grabs my hand.
"Then maybe there really is hope." The scene around us disappears, and soon we find ourselves back inside the royal tomb. A note awaits us at the base of the Fairy King's statue.
𝔗𝔥𝔢 ℌ𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔏𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔰 𝔥𝔞𝔰 𝔡𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 ℭ𝔯𝔲𝔠𝔦𝔟𝔩𝔢. 𝔑𝔬 𝔣𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔫 𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔢.
(Transcription: The House of Lords has determined that you have passed the Kingsblood Crucible. No further action shall be taken at this time.)
Once we're outside the tomb, Diavolo stops and looks at me.
"You know, I'm not sure if I'm ready to return just yet. I need some time away."
"Perfectly understandable," I reply. "You've just been through a rough experience."
"So have you." Wait a minute.
"You're not suggesting I join you, are you?"
"That's exactly what I'm doing." Well, damn. Didn't see that coming.
"Of course, it's fine if you don't want to. I can have Barbatos open a portal for you to return to the castle. I just..." He momentarily trails off. "I feel bad for not allowing you to properly recover, and I want to make it up to you."
"Got somewhere in mind?" He grins at me
"Of course. I think you'll like it. It's nice and quiet, and the view is absolutely breathtaking."
Taglist: @lost-in-time-wanderer, @fuzztacular, @dianedancer18, @sweetbrier2908, @flare-love, @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf, @thunderlightning351, @l3v1chan, @anxious-chick, @5mary5, @expressionless-fr, @tenkobitch, @interconnectedmatrix
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celestialrealms · 1 year
i can't tell if this is better or worse than the "hell of a butler" jokes
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also ngl i just really need to be gnawing on him.
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solomiracle · 2 months
what if it's revealed that diavolo and barbatos pulled a kyoya and routinely gives mc's loved ones updates on their well being, with just many lies as to their actual location and living conditions. what if they're friends with mc's mom on facebook
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hopeluna-archived · 1 year
"Omg Obey Me! Nightbringer is gonna be full of so much angst!!"
Obey Me! Nightbringer:
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warper-in-training · 4 months
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I will finish this one i will finish this one i will finish this one o swera i will fi.ish it
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andminnequin · 10 months
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awritingotaku · 1 year
Mammon showing MC around the Devildom when they first arrived: So that’s the place of the demon I got my first car from. Friendly guy and was supposed to be a teacher at RAD.
MC nodding unsure what to say: Okay.
Mammon suddenly remembering something: Also where there was a chainsaw killing but that happened happened a while ago. We call it the murder house.
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blithesharem · 11 months
Mammon + 🍓🦇 MC?
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, babe, it’s pretty n’ all but what are we waitin’ for…?”
“Shh, be patient! You’ll see.”
You grin at the face Mammon makes, ‘Be Patient’ one of his least favorite phrases, right after ‘Compounding Interest’ and ‘Stay’. The two of you are seated on a grassy hillside in the human world, looking out over a small park through which a rugged river was slugging through.
“I want to bring somewhere special,” you had told him, “Somewhere I used to go when I was a kid.” Mammon of course was happy for any excuse to get you all to himself, and chance to go off on a proper date with you sealed the deal. He’d been buzzing all day, trying to guess where and what this special thing was as you’d biked through town, ate a lazy lunch and just did…normal date stuff. It was almost breathtaking how comforting it was, to get him alone and just be a couple like any other for a day.
“Ooooh, do we get to eat those now?” Mammon lit up as you pulled out the strawberries you had picked out at a farmer’s market with him.
“Mammon, I saw you sneak at least three before we even got here.”
“Whaaaat? Me? Nah, must be some other Mammon you’re thinkin’ of…”  You rolled your eyes playfully, and he grinned, snaking an arm around your waist to pull you into his side. Lifting a strawberry to his lips, you watched him nip it from your fingers then picked up another for yourself. They were delicious, both sweet and tart, right at the end of their growing season and warm from baking in the sun all day.
“Mmm, not bad,” Mammon hums, nuzzling even closer to you, “Reminds me of somethin’ else sweet I like…”
“Not now!” you laugh again, shoving Mammon away as he fought you cover your neck with messy kisses, “Mammon! We’re gonna miss it! Look…”
With a dramatic, beleaguered sigh, Mammon lifted his head and loosened his grasp on you, following your indication to note that the park had begun to fill with other onlookers. The spot you’d brought him to, however, remained rather private, the secret location well-kept in your family.
“Everyone’s here to watch the sunset?” Mammon asked curiously, noticing now that the sky had begun to burn with oranges and golds.
“No – oh! Look! There was one!” you gasped, grabbing his knee and pointing again. There, from a crooked point in the riverbed, a single black shape came tumbling up into the air. Mammon leaned forward curiously, squinting to try and mark what it was.
Then, with a cheer from the gathered crowd, there was a rush. Spilling into the sky, tumbling together as one and many, bats gushed from their cave. Their chirps filled the air, the sheer volume never failing to surprise, and for a moment the sunset was obscured by their dance. Mammon, squeezed at your arm, and you tore your gaze away to take in his look of awe (with a hint of nervousness). It reminded you of the first time your mother had brought you here, when you were small enough still to be carried. How magical it had seemed, watching these creatures tumbling and twisting, a throng never crashing into one another or falling to the earth.
The moment stretched on, the movements hypnotizing. Then there was a softening, almost like an exhale, and the bats dispersed into the night. You and Mammon continued to watch silently, until the sky had darkened to blue twilight and you could no longer pick out any bats in the sky. Only then did Mammon move to pick up a strawberry and bring it to your mouth, waiting for you to bite the sweet fruit before dipping his head for a long kiss.
“Worth it?” you asked softly, wrapping your arms around his neck as he set the berries aside and dipped you down over the grass.
“With you? Always.”
Send me an Obey Me Character and an Emoji (or two) and I'll write a ficlet or HC post for them.
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
Just for the funsies, what would happen if Ciaran's mother meets the Demon brothers...? Would Ciaran tell her the truth or make up some excuses? (like, for example, introducing Satan as "Stan" instead)
Oh, this is indeed an interesting scenario, anon! Thank you for asking about it!
Okay so for those who don't know, Ciaran's mom is a devout Catholic. I was just thinking initially how she'd react just hearing about them.
Like if Ciaran said, "Oh yeah, I'm living with Lucifer and his brothers."
She would be massively concerned. Normally I'd say she'd faint dead away, but she's too sturdy for that lol. No, I think she wouldn't believe Ciaran. She'd be like, "Your friends shouldn't use such names so casually..."
But if she actually met them?? Hmm. I think it would depend on the reason she was meeting them. Like if it was just an unusual situation that couldn't be avoided, I do think Ciaran would just make up some excuse and give them different names.
But what if Ciaran married one of them? There is no way his mom wouldn't be at the wedding, you know?
So I think Ciaran would have to come clean before anything serious like that happened. And then I see his mom really struggling with it at first, like oh wow you're not kidding this is the actual real Lucifer.
She could have a crisis of faith. And maybe deep down, she kinda does.
But I've always thought of Ciaran's mom as being Catholic by habit. Like she's devout because it's all she's ever known and she's never bothered to really explore what that means for her in a deeper sense.
So I kinda think she could just compartmentalize. Like she tucks things away and doesn't think about it.
And that's how Ciaran's mom can still be a Catholic while simultaneously scolding Lucifer for something like not eating enough and telling Beelzebub how handsome he is, etc.
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sweetbrier2908 · 10 months
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he's really the mom
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Yknow I love seeing those posts about MC missing the brothers but ima be real if I was MC I'd be worried about my pet and friends and family.
Like yeah immortal demons are cool and all but have you MET my best friend? They're pretty dang awesome and if I can't get back to them in the future I'm gonna be devastated.
Also I have a pretty awesome pet who misses me! I need to get back to him so I can take him on walks!
And my family's alright I guess but I know they're freaking out if I'm not only living with 7 hot sus guys but I disappear while in the care of those 7 hot sus guys.
Got a lot of motivation to get back to the future beyond some pretty boys with behavioral problems you know (≖ᴗ≖✿)
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rouecentric · 2 years
we have an au where reader is basically mammon's mom, a doll!lilith au, but what about if reader was luke's mom? WHAT ABOUT READER BEING BARBATOS' MOM??? PLEASE hear me out,,
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