#obey me unpopular opinion
messysketchyobeyme · 9 months
ALSO, Lucifer getting pissed seeing MC in Cocytus only to go apeshit when he sees Mammon's there too is so good...
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inactiveobeymeblog · 9 months
Don’t get me wrong, I love the headcanon side of the obey me fandom, but y’all gotta stop making the gender-neutral readers act all “anime loli girl” and shit.
(Unpopular opinion under the cut)
I’m not saying this because I’m a guy, but I’m pretty sure most gender-neutral readers in the fandom aren’t helpless, shy, easily embarrassed, overly expressive, insecure, or the damsel in distress.
I feel like we need to normalize that not everyone has the same personality in this fandom. And don’t even try making the excuse “but I don’t know how to write (insert personality)”. YOU WILL NEVER LEARN IF YOU NEVER TRY!!
But seriously, stop making the readers the stereotypical feminine “anime loli girl” and start including more personalities UNLESS they specifically ask for the previously mentioned personality.
Also, here’s another VERY unpopular opinion:
Not every character is a top. Let them switch or bottom. For fucks sake, don’t be the common, basic, bottom bitch and consider a more versatile and open mind when it comes to characters
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impish-ivy · 1 year
It genuinely confuses me that so many people hate some of the characters in ObeyMe.
Every character has multiple redeemable traits and I can’t think of one bad thing a character has done that a couple others haven’t.
Even my least favorite character, Barbatos has many great traits and moments. I can see why so many people like him and although I don’t, I can respect people who do. In case anyone was wondering I just think he’s boring
I think the characters of ObeyMe are really good. I think they’re (for the most part) well written and enjoyable.
So whenever I see a post bashing a character I just scratch my head. Obviously you’re allowed not to like any character but I just don’t get.
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xxstraymoonchildxx · 1 year
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So, Satan is on the "pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza" fraction?
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animeplshelpme · 1 year
same font different text
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lyftyart · 1 year
Random thought about Obey Me! Nightbringer: I don't like how casually the characters chat with us through text. Obey Me! Nightbringer is supposed to be about the character's pasts, set after the celestial war. They're supposed to feel great anger, sadness, and depression. So seeing Satan rate cat poses and send us pictures when he's supposed to feel anger and resent his very existence feels weird. It's not the Obey Me! where MC was kidnapped in the devildom for the exchange program, where they are a beloved human. It feels like I'm seeing the texts they send later in Obey Me! Shall we Date, where they get closer to MC and they have had more time to cope with what happened during the war? Receiving those texts from Satan in the other game wouldn't be surprising, because we know his huge love for cats and how he is actually quite calm in his day-to-day life. But in Nightbringer? It feels too weird. Too casual. We don't know him that much yet, so why would he be that vulnerable? And this goes for every character and side character too.
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saladfingersstan · 11 days
Unpopular opinion, but realistically speaking, I think Levi (Obey Me) would be scrawny with slight muscle definition.
It is canon that he stocks up on snacks in his room and stays there for weeks. Even when the food stock runs out, he will remain there until he finishes whatever he is doing. It is also canon that Lucifer forces him to work out to maintain a defined body in order to uphold the family's reputation and status.
He is also quite a slow runner. It is canon that Simeon, running regularly, is way faster than Leviathan sprinting with all his might.
I think he would have slight muscle defenition but would be thin.
Scrawny or not he is still hot ash ♡
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nerdy-talks · 10 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 35
It might be a very unpopular opinion, perhaps I will be entirely alone on this, but...
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Is anyone else not into this?
I consider Lucifer extremely old fashioned, which certainly isn't a bad thing. So I feel like this gesture came from a very thoughtful, sweet, even innocent place.
But I'm the type of person who likes to wear what I wanna wear. I definitely wouldn't want someone else choosing my outfit for me.
Despite that... I chose the blue outfit xD
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You're damn right there is.
Choosing my outfit and my meal?
Lucifer, my dear... you're crossing into unfriendly territory ( • _・)
Mainly because I'm a picky eater, but I also like to make my own decisions lol
Not gonna lie though, the power struggle is a turn on~
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I wasn't sure which choice I wanted to go with, so I tried them all.
The first choice resulted in Lucifer basically dismissing us/brushing off our comment.
The second choice earned a pretty snarky/lowkey hostile comment from Lucifer.
In the end, I chose the third option.
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That's a very bold claim you're making there, Lucifer. Try not to be too overconfident~
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Ugh, there it is... "In fact, I know you far better than you know yourself."
Realistically speaking, if anyone ever said that to me, I would instinctively respond with an annoyed "fuck you."
But that's not an option here. And I can agree that staying in the Devildom would be the best choice, since I would be happiest in the Devildom.
Only problem is that we have to return to the "present", a detail that Lucifer is still unaware of.
Still.... Claiming to know us better than we know ourselves... for some reason, that statement makes my skin crawl.
It feels soooooooo manipulative to me. And declaring it as "fact" makes it even worse.
And yet... there's something about manipulative Lucifer that I really like~ (≖⌣≖)
I know, I'm fucked up and have equally fucked up kinks lol
Then we reach this part :
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You supposedly know me better than anyone else, myself included, yet you laugh when I say that I feel depressed?!
He really is a sadist... (˶ •̀⤙•́ ˶ )
As someone who actually does have depression, this would have likely pissed me off while also making me feel super sad/gloomy lol
Though I know Lucifer probably didn't mean it in a bad or negative way. I think he's just enjoying the challenge that comes with our stubbornness. It may seem like I'm making excuses for him, which I absolutely am. And that's because I love this sadistic old man, so it's all good xD
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roykleinberg · 3 months
Unpopular tron opinion (at least in the part of tronblr I'm in): Clu was not blameless. Yes Flynn gave him a flawed directive but that doesn't excuse the genocide and lengths he went to "follow his directive". With a function as vague as that, Clu enacted perfection in different ways but he chose to kill and destroy. I think a lot of times the Fandom lets him off the hook and blame Flynn. Just my opinion tho
tron confessional with moss
oh biiiiig agree. lotta parts to this but I'll try to keep my thoughts relatively concise
it's a problem I see in a lot of fandoms -- a tendency to fixate on a protagonist's shortcomings to the point of flat out claiming that they're a horrible person worse than the villains, while at the same time excusing a lot of the antagonist's actions for [insert thinly justifiable motive here]. and I'd love to analyze why this happens. are people just completely unwilling to admit that the "good guys" have critical flaws because they don't want to admit that real people are also flawed? are the actions of an antagonist usually so overtly Evil that it somehow makes them easier to stomach than the oftentimes lesser but more realistic mistakes of a protagonist? or has fandom just lost sight of the fact that characters are vehicles for storytelling and they need to have flaws in order to drive the narrative?
yeah lol
one of the things that always struck me about Clu, personally, was how vindictive a lot of his actions come across? I always got the sense that his retaliation against the ISOs was personal just as much as it was directive-driven -- in the same way that he clearly wanted to make an Event out of killing Sam in the lightcycle arena. he wants to destroy the things that Flynn cares about, that Flynn loves, the things that distracted him and took his focus away from the Grid. and yes as a system admin it's obviously his job to prioritize the Grid and make it perfect efficient etc. but. the whole franchise is about the fact that programs have thoughts and emotions of their own and can exist outside of their function. so like you said, I think to reduce it to Clu just obeying his written purpose is just that -- reductive. Basics have free will, and I 100% think that what Clu did was a choice.
and circling briefly back to Flynn, I've always felt like the fandom is unfairly harsh on him. yes he made mistakes but again that is the point. of storytelling. and I could spend paragraphs talking about Flynn as a character and why I think he's well written and not a bad person, but that's a whole other level of unpopular opinion
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
Unpopular Opinion: Ursa's parenting negatively affected Zuko
One of the fascinating things about the ATLA fandom is that people are utterly uninterested in analyzing how Ursa's parenting really screwed up Zuko, even though it's pretty clear. I don't mean to attack Ursa here, because I think she had good intentions, but, although her parenting was far better than Ozai's, it contributed to Zuko's many poor decisions.
I've given a broader coverage to values Ursa extols to her children elsewhere. The general point you should take away from that is that Ursa was critical in instilling imperialist values in her children and in teaching them to respect/obey the Firelord.
However, that's not the point I will belabor here. I want to turn to something else. Let's take a look closely at the scene where Zuko tries to perform Azula's firebending routine in front of his grandfather and his father but falls flat on his face:
Ozai frowns at this news. Zuko starts off well, doing the same circular motions as Azula earlier. He manages to produce a small fire blast, which does not impress Fire Lord Azulon. When he tries to create another one, he falls. He gets back up, panting heavily, and tries again, only to fall harder. Ursa gets up worriedly and approaches Zuko to comfort him. Young Zuko: I failed. Ursa: No. I loved watching you. That's who you are, Zuko. Someone who keeps fighting even though it's hard.
The lesson that Zuko learns from Ursa here is that his gift is stubborn persistence and that he should never stop trying to meet the toxic expectations of the Fire Nation royal court and of his father(she also might have inadvertently encouraged the Zuko-Azula sibling rivalry).
How do we know this is what Zuko took away from this? These scenes are paired together at the end of "Zuko Alone," as Zuko struggles to defeat Gow:
In the flashback, Zuko is sleeping in his room at night when a hand gently touches his shoulder. He awakens drowsily to see his mother dressed in a cloak.
Young Zuko: … Mom? Ursa: Zuko, please, my love, listen to me. Everything I've done, I've done to protect you. She pulls the barely conscious Zuko into a hug. Ursa: Remember this, Zuko. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are.
and this scene:
Gow: Who ... who are you? Zuko:My name is Zuko. Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Prince of the Fire Nation, and heir to the throne. Old man: Liar! I heard of you! You're not a prince, you're an outcast! His own father burned and disowned him!
Zuko took Ursa's advice to never give up and never forget who he was to heart, and as a result even though he's been burned, banished, and declared a traitor, even though he objectively has no real chance of getting his status and Ozai's favor back at this point, Zuko is still trying to do that and refuses to let go of his long-lost position in the Fire Nation as crown prince. The smart thing to do would be to give up and move on, but Zuko refuses to do that.
We can also turn to what Zuko says to Aang in "The Siege of the North, II":
Zuko: I finally have you, but I can't get you home because of this blizzard. [Stands up and looks outside the cave.] There's always something. Not that you would understand. You're like my sister. Everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don't need luck, though. I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.
All of this brings me back to my main point. Ozai might have been the one who burned and banished Zuko, who abused him and declared him a traitor, who demanded that Zuko capture the Avatar, but Ursa is the one who taught Zuko the persistence that made him chase after legends for three years, that made him take reckless risk after reckless risk, that made him continue chasing the Avatar even after Ozai was having him hunted as a traitor across the Earth Kingdom.
The biggest problem in Zuko's life is that he refuses to let go of his dream of regaining Ozai's favor, that he refuses to accept that Ozai doesn't love and move on and find something better to center his life around, and from what we see Ursa played a huge role in this, because she taught Zuko to never give up trying fulfilling the expectations of Ozai and the court, no matter how many times he failed. Ursa wasn't intending ill, but her parenting had a huge negative effect on Zuko's life.
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foxieskullz · 9 months
Hello bitches I’m back with my unpopular opinions on my boi Bill Cipher:
Bill is NOT a Masochist he’s more closer to a Sadist. He finds enjoyment in other people's pain. Before anyone bring up Sock Opea, He was in DIPPER'S body, it did not belong to him.
Bill is very much the “Rules for thee but not for me” type. He’s allowed to do whatever he wants but you better obey any rules he makes.
Bill is not as powerful as he claims. He said it himself in the AMA, he overstuffed his resume and played himself up.
Bill never called himself anything other than "the master of the mind", all his other titles came from people naming him and he never corrected them.
People's belief in him makes him stronger. The more his icon is out there to more power you give him.
The best way to make Bill leave you alone isn't to tell him no, it's to be his buzzkill. He is a bully after all…
The reason why he's a 'being of pure energy" He's a ghost. He's dead. He is stuck as a 2d spirit and wants a body again. A better body as well.
(Gonna go deeper in my headcanon with this. Au terriory. He was burned to death, that how he got his fire powers and possible have a slight fear of being trapped in fire. He's able to use the fire because he has control of it)
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redsixwing · 2 months
Mohg for character opinions?
The last of my batch of asks for the character meme! Thank you, this was fun.
How I feel about this character
I've thought since encountering the Bloody Fingers for the first time that - despite how the goal of "kill a bunch of people to raise a new god" looks - Mohg is actually one of the more successful demigods in leading a new organization toward the future.
hear me out.
He's got a faith that is outside the Golden Order, and yet the Greater Will seems to have no particular interest in slapping him down. YOU do that of your own volition, either because Gideon told you to or because you're curious (or you don't).
He's got loyal followers who aren't necessarily gunning for his death. Unlike Radahn, Rykard, and Godrick, none of his followers intentionally set you up to confront him. He isn't trapped in a state of passivity like Rennala, Ranni, Radagon, or Malenia* or completely gone like Marika, Godfrey, or Miquella.
He's a leader of his own people, at least some of whom have come a very long way to find him (Okina, for instance). The person he's most directly comparable to is Morgott, his twin. The Veiled King is the main mover and shaker aboveground, just as Mohg is in his own organization.
That makes complete sense if the Omen Twins were raised by Godfrey for a time, and Godfrey - whose own knights used Crucible power to do his bidding - may not have seen them as inherently twisted, as their mother did. These two have the skills to rule. Mohg appears to have been at least partially successful in doing so.
Now that we know Miquella likes to mindwhammy people into obeying him, I have to wonder how much of that skill got nerfed by a charm. How much more could Mohg have done if he weren't used as a pawn by an Empyrean? ---------------
*From continues to have a pattern of not permitting its woman antagonists to have agency, but that's not what this is about.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Once again, I don't have an answer here. I think Varré wants to have his Lord's love; I don't think Mohg feels that way about him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Sir Ansbach :) I think they were good friends. There's a lot of room for Lord and Knight tropes to be in play, with the devilish twist of "yeah they're both completely in it for your blood."
Also my Tarnished LET THEM BE FRIENDS who keeps saying that.
My unpopular opinion about this character
*parades around with Varré's "Apologize to my Lord" sign*
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
There should be a Mending Rune of Blood that lets you restore carnal, craving life to the Golden Order alongside Destined Death.
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expectopatronum18 · 7 months
Unpopular opinion
Ron and/or Hermione should have died in the deathly hallows. And I say this as someone who loves these characters (probably Hermione more than Ron), but here me out
Now let's be fucking real, I really like ron, but he really wasn't skilled or prepared enough to fight in a war against voldemort, be it magically or mentally. And that's ok! He's still 17, he's not meant to be fighting a war. And to some degree he probably knew that the chances of him actually making it were pretty slim too. But he still stuck with Harry anyways coz there's no way he was going to let his best friend go through with this alone. Because that's who ron is, he'd rather die fighting beside his best friend, for his family, his muggleborn gf and for the cause than play it safe and hide.
Now coming to Hermione, things get a tad trickier here. Yes, she is very skilled and powerful and quick on her feet. But is she powerful enough to take on an army of adult DEs who've trained for years and have experience from the first wizarding war? To win against the darkest wizard who ever lived, who's said to be worse than Grindelwald, who's the most powerful wizard in the whole world after Dumbledore? No, I'd say she isn't. Because she's also fucking 17, she's not even done with school yet. But I think she'd live longer than Ron, or that there's a better chance of her making it out alive. But if she did die it would be extra heartbreaking coz a) Harry (and the readers) just lost 2 of the people who had been there from the very beginning, b) Hermione's parents would live on in Australia, not remembering that they had a daughter, not knowing that their daughter gave her life in hopes of saving her friend and creating a better world.
I majorly have 2 specific reasons for being this sadistic. The first one is the fact that the plot dumbs down it's main villain and his followers just to make the kids win. Voldemort (during Harry's time) is probably the dumbest villain ever written, he doesn't live up to his hype. People have already discussed how stupid his gof plan was. In ootp, during the DoM fight Lucius says that voldemort can't come get the prophecy himself coz the ministry is filled with ppl and he would risk revealing himself. But it's possible for 6 mostly dumb teenagers and an army of DEs, (who hv just escaped azkaban and are sought after by the ministry) to enter in undetected? Doesn't 👏 make 👏 any 👏 sense. The supposedly feared DEs who were trained by voldemort himself can't win against a group of teenagers. It's surprising how long it takes them to take the kids down in the DoM battle. The thing is though, this is out of character for ALL of them. It seems like they were dumbed down just so the MCs could make it out alive. Voldemort during the first WW started out as absolutely no one to having the highest class of the wizarding society obeying his every command. The whole wizarding world was so afraid of him that they wouldn't even say his name. The DEs picked out member after member of the original ootp, mostly coz they were outnumbered but also coz they're fucking death eaters. And ur telling me these guys can't fight kids? Pathetic. Also it doesn't make sense that most of the adults from the first war are dead but all the kids live. Like did the war become safer or sm shit? Instead i would have loved it if the trio got away with things in the first few books, but then realised what a war against voldemort actually means later on. But they won't back down, and they'll still stick with their friend and fight for each other and the cause anyways, and that vil have real, legitimate consequences
Now, the second reason is that it would have been an amazing but heartbreaking callback to book 1. Ron sacrifices himself in a game of chess and Hermione says that there are more important things than books and cleverness, like friendship and bravery. Ron's line of "It's you who has to go on Harry, I know it! Not me, not Hermione, you!" would have also come full circle. Back then they were still 11, so they could still get their happy ending. Now they're in a real war and the stakes are higher, but they'll stick to what they started anyways. Ron sacrifices himself so the other 2 can move forwards, Hermione's intelligence gets her further but she still needs to part with Harry. Harry needs to leave them behind and face voldemort alone because that's how it was always meant to be
And finally, it would have given us a more bittersweet ending to the series instead of that vanilla 'all is well' epilogue. Harry has lost almost every one he loved. But there's still life, there's still hope, and he lives by cherishing their memories and making their sacrifice have meaning. Kinda like the ending of the hunger games. Ik this is a kids book, but Harry Potter as a series is incredibly deep and deals with a lot of fucked up shit, so I think it could handle it if it was written well.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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sakura-chan-25 · 3 months
Unpopular opinion, but I don't like Nightbringer.
I mean I was excited when it came out and I played it like everyday for a month or two straight, but I lost interest in it so fast and barely play it anymore and playing it for the story is actually so much of a chore for me, because I'm feeling so bad ☠️
In the og timeline the boys are worrying their shit off while MC is fucking around with the brothers' freshly traumatized past selves, I don't know, I just wanna go back😭
What's worse is I feel like I'm losing interest in playing Obey Me all together because of it (not gonna stop writing fanfics about it nor am I gonna stop obsessing over Luci). I mean, I could just open the og game and everything would be fine! I'd have Lucifer greeting me with that soft look instead of a pissed one glaring at me! I'm still at the end of S1/beginning of S2 and there's still so much more, even though I spoiled myself with the most important things. I have so many cards in the og, so much Grimm and Devilpoints, so many lightstick thingies and I'm supposed to put that all to waste because Nightbringer has the whole og story available?
Honestly if I'm playing Nightbringer, it's because of the battles, but not for the story, but I don't have enough resources to level up my cards, so I'm getting stuck on battles every five seconds😵‍💫
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marsbar17 · 10 months
OH yes please absolutely make a part two pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺💗
I gotchu babe 😘
More of the legends finding out that you're a ✨️masochist✨️
This is the next 5 legends in release order (excluding caustic and revenant, request if you wanna see them though)
Also apologies the pet names in other languages are mostly masculine but if your femme just imagiiiineee
CONTAINS: pain kinks, spanking, biting, praise, degrading, bruises, electric shocking, bondage, sexual torture, overstimulation, knifeplay, and scratching :)
All he wants during sexy time is to worship you. You give in to his need for praise all the time so he might as well return the favor, in any way you want. When you tell him you want him to hurt you he's a bit hesitant, but realizes that pain isn't exclusively hardcore shit like slapping or punching you. He probably prefers marking you up with hickeys and small bites than other things.
"You're so pretty for me, baby. Now everyone will know you're mine."
There's never a moment where you don't have a hickey. Once they fade he just gives you more. Occasionally he will spank you lightly or bruise your hips from holding you but that's only when he's been really frustrated.
He'll do anything to make you cum as fast as possible, and as many times as possible. If pain is your thing, he's all for it. Anything to feel you shaking and quivering in his arms. When you keep asking him to go harder, grab you, slap you, anything, he just laughs and smiles before obeying your demands. He loves that he can feel you squeeze around him everytime he spanks you.
"You're clenching around me, muñeco. You're a twisted little thing aren't you? I like it."
He spanks you, not super hard but fast and sharp. He'd probably be into knifeplay too. Any man with a butterfly knife is into knifeplay, I'm right. He leaves small scratches along your thighs, not enough to scar, just enough to bleed and sting.
Finally getting to write about my favorite character <33
She's a woman in stem, she's gonna be up for trying a variety of kinky things. That's my opinion on women in stem, coming from someone in stem. She's probably already brought up something like spanking, electric shocking, basically soft sexual torture. She'll tie you up and attach muscle stimulators to your thighs, watching you twitch uncontrollably. You're little "experimenting" sessions always end in you crying and overstimulated.
"Interesting... You're enjoying this quite a bit, aren't you, mon chéri? Want me to increase the intensity?"
None of it is done specifically with the intent to hurt you, or a need for power over you. She just wants to know all the ways your body responds to her torture. Spanking, overstimulation, bondage, electric shocks, muscle stimulation, None of it is specific painful, but it's so overwhelming that after a while you end up sore and sensitive.
Okay unpopular opinion but this man is pretty vanilla. He's not not super against trying new things but he probably draws the line at bondage and blindfolding. When you tell him about how you get turned on by pain he hesitates and looks uneasy, but he's reassured when you tell him it doesn't need to be super hardcore. He's more comfortable with the thought of light spanking than slapping you in the face or nipple clamps yknow. Feeling how you clench around him though, he might start spanking you harder.
"Y-you're squeezing me so much. 씨발~"
Just generally softer and lighter stuff. If he's close he might hold you hard enough to bruise but other than that he sticks to light spanking. My man has enough people he takes his anger out on (ahem ahem mirage and octane) so when it comes to you he just wants to feel loved and to make you feel loved.
The trailer for Kill Code part 4 just came out as I'm writing this and like, my gurl needs some stress relief. The rage in this woman's body never ends man. She probably figured out your kink while fucking you to let off some steam and accidentally digging her nails a bit too hard into your skin. The way you squealed and whimpered made her think she hurt you at first and she stopped to check if you were okay. Once she saw how glazed over your eyes were though her concern turned to a sadistic look.
"Oh you liked that? I'm going to have fun with this, beautiful~"
Now that she knows she can let out a bit more rage on you and you'll gladly take it, she does all kinds of shit. Everything you can imagine pain wise, yeah. Obviously she doesn't want to scar you, at least not a lot, you're too beautiful to ruin just for temporary pleasure. So spanking, light scratching, overstimulation, biting, all that jazz.
I intended to post this a couple days ago but then I fucked up my sleep schedule and today I got my wisdom teeth out so I completely forgot jfbdbsjsk, lemme know if a part three is in order :)
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ay-chuu · 1 year
Unpopular Obey Me! Shall We Date? opinion:
The year that fandom was at its most vibrant was 2021...
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