#obi wan LIVED BREATHED AND LOVED being a jedi so much he is the DEFINITION of service above self
americankimchi · 2 years
trying to find more padawan obi wan fics out there that don’t do the following:
turn qui gon into a villainous caricature by reducing him from a complicated, traumatized character to Horrible Person Who Abused Our Poor Obi-Wan Unjustly For His Entire Padawanship Without Pause
turn yoda into a crusty evil gremlin who is cold, calculating, and supremely manipulative. usually framed in a way to make him stuck in his old ways. basically the jedi equivalent of a republican conservative.
and for some reason ki adi mundi also gets this treatment??? what’s going on here
forget that the jedi are a religious community and not a government/military organization
ignore the jedi’s philosophies and ignore or misinterpret the tenets of the jedi code in bad faith
CONSTANTLY say that the jedi are incapable/not allowed to love because ~love is attachment and attachment is forbidden~ when this is so far off what canon AND george lucas tells us it’s hysterical
have obi wan defect/be abandoned by/get kicked out/otherwise leave the jedi order for whatever reason to join the mandalorians
if above happens, uses obi wan and the mandalorians as a mouthpiece to criticize the jedi order for being an inherently flawed organization for which there is no redemption
and instead does the following:
literally just treats the jedi with respect. please. i’m begging you. if i see another “the jedi order lets their children be abused within their organization because for some reason an entire temple full of level 100 psychic empaths would either not notice or care that one of their own is suffering” ice cold take i’m going to explode
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jackdaw-kraai · 10 months
I think there’s something rather strange going on with all the folks who insist that the Jedi Order in the PT was right and didn’t forbid love and Anakin should just have followed their teachings when the whole point of the prequels is that they are prequels. They come before the OT, and the OT proves the Jedi wrong. They literally do not make sense if they don’t do that.
Luke, in the original trilogy, gains his ultimate triumph, his ultimate victory, because he loved in defiance of the teachings of the old Order. He quite literally had the ghosts of the past telling him, explicitly and without ambiguity, that he has to put his love for his father aside and kill him, as is the duty of a Jedi. Luke has the weight of millennia of teachings weighing down on his shoulders, telling him they knew and know better than a young, inexperienced man barely out of his teenager years. That he should follow their teachings or be destroyed. That is an immense weight to carry, and many people would and explicitly have given in to it in-universe. What are your feelings and ideals in the face of such immense legacy, after all?
But Luke doesn’t give in.
He doesn’t bend.
He says “I may be young, and I may be new, but I believe to my heart and soul that love matters more than this legacy. Matters more than your teachings.” And he says this to the ghosts of his mentors. That is such a powerful moment and one I can’t believe George Lucas didn’t create deliberately for even a second. This young man, being told he has to kill or die trying for a system that is dead or dying itself, that couldn’t survive itself, and refusing to do so. He is the living refusing to continue the violence of a dead generation. He is the young man refusing the draft into a war the old generation started, saying “peace and love matters more than you being right.” He is the embodiment of breaking the cycle.
And the movies vindicate him.
The main villain vindicates him with his last dying breath.
Darth Vader, dying, says “You were right.” and admits he and his were wrong. The main antagonist, Luke’s nemesis, in the face of his son’s immense, defiant love, gives way and does the impossible: he comes back to the light and dies a Jedi. The very thing the old Order says was impossible.
They were wrong. They have to be. The narrative demands it, the movies don’t make sense without it.
The solution was never to continue the cycle of the old Order, or Luke would have failed there, would have failed when he said “I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” And claimed that defiant, deviant, condemned definition of being a Jedi over the one presented to him by the Grandmaster of the old Order. If the old Order was right, Luke would have to be wrong. Be wrong about love, be wrong about laying down the sword, be wrong about refusing to fight. He would have to be wrong.
But the old Order is dead, explicitly killed by a monster, in some part, of their own making. It’s members only existing as bones in the ground or ghosts speaking from beyond the grave. They did not deserve it, it should not have been inflicted on them, but the narrative is clear on this: “The old way is dead, and was dying for a long time before that. Long live the new.”
Luke is that new. Luke is the breaking of the cycle, the reforging of swords into ploughs, the extended hand. Luke says “I don’t care how much I was hurt, I refuse to hurt you back, and you don’t need to hurt me either.”
“We can end this together and choose love instead.”
And Darth Vader, killer of the Jedi, End of the Order, lays down his arms as well, and reaches back as Anakin, saying “You were right.”
It wasn’t Obi-Wan, Yoda, Mace, Qui-Gon, or even Ahsoka who achieved the ultimate victory in the end, following the tenants of the old Order. It was Luke. Young, inexperienced Luke, who saw that the age of legacy handed to him was only history, that the sword handed to him as his life was only a tool, and that the decrees of the dead were only advice. And he took it all, said “thank you for your experience, but I’ve got it from here,” and laid it all down to instead extend an open hand towards his enemy.
And his victory, his ultimate triumph, his vindication, was that he was proven right when his enemy reached back and became just another person. Just another person, just like him.
The Jedi did not deserve what happened to them, and they did not deserve to die. But the story is clear on this: the Jedi of old were wrong, and the Jedi of new, the Last Jedi, was right. No sword or death will ever end the rule of the sword or end the bloodshed. But love?
Love can ignite the stars.
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mykinkyyandere · 1 year
Hi! I hope you are doing well! Could I ask you to write about Darth Vader?
It's Anakin
Pairings: Yandere! Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker X f!Reader
Summary: He's not the person he used to be, but you want to believe that he is.
Warnings: Yandere, obsession, possession, stalking, kidnapping, manipulating
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You felt like you were being followed. The more you plunged into the crowd, the more you felt like you were in danger. You were overwhelmed as if there were hundreds of faces looking at you, and you watched your quick steps give way to running. Anakin Skywalker. The twisted young man who swore to get stronger. He's the man who let the dark side lure him and now he's hunting you. He always dreamed of being with you, and he was a Jedi back then. Obi-Wan didn't try to separate him from you until his attachment to you became a problem. Maybe if Obi-Wan hadn't interfered at all, it would have been different today, who knows?
You hid behind a ship unnoticed by anyone and waited, that was the best you could do. Darkness made it easier for you to hide, or so you hoped. The crowd was noisy and hurried, making it impossible to figure out who was lurking.
"Please let me be wrong, please don't be you." You whispered while holding the necklace Anakin gave you as a gift. He wore it around your neck after he confessed his love for you. You didn't want to throw it away, you always wanted to remember him good.
But witnessing the huge ship being thrown into the air with an incredible force proved that he had no trace of goodness left.
The huge ship flew into the air as if it was a toy piece.
You couldn't believe it so much that your mouth was left open in horror. It seemed like he kept his word to the full extent.
Anakin has become frighteningly powerful.
And it scared the hell out of you.
They had already surrounded you before you tried to escape. And he was in front of you. Even if you couldn't see behind the mask, you knew it was him.
"I told you." He stood where he was.
"You are out of your head."
He took his time by walking slowly. His cape made his look more intimidating in the darkness. You gasped as his towering body closer to you. He wasn't the same person you knew.
"Maybe." He touched your face. "I told you I'd catch you."
You lowered your head, accepting defeat. "What will happen now?"
He didn't say anything for a while. His silence was starting to worry you, so he took his hand off your face and took off his mask. His eyes, his hair, his lips... They were all the same as you remember, but tougher, more threatening.
"You will join me." There was no room for resistance in his tone. His eyes burned with a strange sparkle, he looked at you with those twisted eyes, as if he hadn't just threw an entire ship at the risk of dozens of innocent lives.
You didn't want to show your fear, but he already felt it. If it was going to make you be with him, he would spread fear to the entire galaxy.
"Or..?" He smiled when he heard your hesitant voice. He knew you wanted Anakin, that you missed him sp much, but he wasn't Anakin anymore. Seeing the conflict of this in your eyes made him feel stronger. He was definitely going to use Anakin to keep you.
He came close to your ear and gave his warm breath. "Do you really want to know, my angel?"
Your body was stiffened by his cold-blooded tone, and you tried to send the tears that had placed in your eyes by blinking. "I don't recognize you." you whispered in frustration. "What happened to you?"
Anakin moved his hands around his neck and pulled out the necklace he was hiding. "Nothing, my angel. It's me, your love."
You couldn't hold back the tears as you looked at his necklace in amazement. Then he reached for your necklace and caressed it. "I knew you were keeping it. You could never forget me." He put his mask back on and took your body, which looked like it was about to break, in his arms.
It came out in the form of a whisper, as if you wanted to make sure that it was indeed him. You tried to make sure that Anakin was the one who took you into his arms.
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fromasgardandback · 1 year
My Promise To You
Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
description: She promised never to leave his side, which means following him to the dark side.
word count: 3.0k
warning: semi-fix-it fic. mentions of death, murder, suffering, pain, fluff, and some quotations not written by me.
note: should i write a part 2?
masterlist | oneshots
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She met Anakin when he walked into the Jedi temple on Coruscant. She hid behind her teacher peeking out to lightly wave at him, to which he waved back with a smile. He was kind and friendly with everyone. Although it did come with its challenges being new to a planet you’ve never been to, leaving behind your only family to follow a gift you were born with, and not to mention people you just met and are forced to trust. Just a week prior to Anakin’s arrival, Obi-Wan found Y/N crouching in fear in the back of some random bar on Coriella. Her parents weren’t in her life and the woman who cared for her couldn’t take care of her anymore. Even in her horrible situation when she was found, Y/N would give her life to the nameless bartender, if it weren’t for that woman, she’d be good as dead.
After Anakin was accepted into the Jedi teachings, he was assigned a partner to learn with. And although they would mostly pair them with the same genders, there weren’t enough to go around, so she became his partner. They sat together in the dining hall, read the same books in the cozy chairs in the library, and lived a few rooms down from one another. They were inseparable. He would sit with her when she had a nightmare of her childhood. Anakin normally wrapped his arm around her shoulder to give her comfort while he told her everything would be okay. She reciprocated when he was missing his mom. One day it was so bad that she had to help him breathe again. It never got that alarming again. Anakin took Qui-Gon’s death hard, and Y/N was there with him. She understood his pain, although she didn’t know him as well as Anakin, she hurt just as much. Obi-Wan begged the council to teach them both but was denied that request until they were older Padawans. 
She was Master Billaba’s Padawan. Learning from a strong woman definitely had its perks. When they would spar with each other, she maneuvered in a way that a flexible body can bend. Master Billaba taught Y/N that along with meditation, flexibility would get her many places. It serves to be true on one mission she grabbed the pipes above the control panel of an Imperial ship, swung her legs around a droid, and took them all out in one turn. Y/N was glad to have a female Jedi Master for her younger and coming-up years, but with the stories of Obi-Wan, she could hardly wait to become his Padawan as well. She would walk past a training, heading to the dining hall when she heard Master Kenobi talking with the younger children about one of his adventures. She watched the children’s eye beam with excitement when he told them the ship blew up and all the bad guys were no longer. Quietly she giggled to herself as one kid screamed happily.
“What are you doing spying on Master Kenobi?” Anakin whispered into Y/N’s ear, peering over her shoulder and looking into the room. She nearly jumped a foot up in the air.
“Anakin! You scared me. Don’t do that again.” She chuckled, lightly hitting his upper arm.
“My apologies princess, didn’t mean to cause you to be in fear. Here, I can help the bad guys go away.” Anakin dug his fingers into her side, tickling her to no end. She laughed loudly, remembering where she was, and quickly covered her mouth sliding down the parallel wall and kicking her legs at him to stop. Anakin laughed quietly at her stature with a wide smile on his face. To her ignorance, his eyes shined with love and adoration for the teenage girl under him on the hallway floor. 
“Stop, stop. I can't breathe.” Y/N panted while continuing to giggle.
“Alright. I’ll stop. Shall we head to dinner?” He smirked.
“Can I catch my breath first? Geez Ani.” She chuckled, getting off the floor. 
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A few months later Y/N stood before the Jedi Council and was transferred over from Master Billaba to Master Kenobi. She tried her hardest not to show strong emotion in front of the council, but the minute she left the room she jumped up and down happily holding Anakin’s hands. They laughed carefreely and practically ran to an empty training room waiting for Obi-Wan to finish his meeting with the council. 
“Do you even know how to spar? I mean I know we did as kids, but do you remember? It’s kind of tricky, here I’ll show you the correct way.” Anakin smugly mocked her.
“Haha. Very funny Ani, put your saber up.” She quipped back at him. 
They spared for what felt like twenty minutes waiting for Obi-Wan to return. Both of them fought exceptionally well. Every turn she made, he followed suit. Every twist he made, she was quick with it. Y/N twisted her torso, lowering herself down to s squat, and kicking his legs out from under himself. She used this advantage to take his lightsaber and extinguished it. Smiling down at his surprised expression she remarked back at him.
“Do you mean this kind of sparing because from what I can clearly tell you still have lots to learn about the element of surprise? Master Billaba was right in teaching flexibility. Seems like you could use it.” She smirked, handing him his lightsaber as he stood up. Anakin was about to respond when Ob-Wan entered the room.
“Both of you are still learning and lack experience. But from what I saw, I can confidently say that you two will become great Jedi someday. Now, to the basics.” Obi-Wan smiled, walking into the room and standing before them with his hands behind his back.
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Summertime came quickly on the planet of Courscant which meant the stars were visible from the highest balcony in the Temple. Nights were spent sneaking up to the observation balcony with Anakin overlooking the city in all its glory and the sky in all its beauty. On certain nights you could make out different constellations. 
“Anakin look, there Orion.” She pointed it out above his left shoulder. She smiled wide in bewilderment. “The stars are breathtaking tonight.” Y/N leaned against the railing looking up above.
“You’re breathtaking every night. The most beautiful creature in all the galaxy and I’m grateful to be with her here.” Anakin commented, turning her around to face him, eyes not leaving hers.
“Oh, Ani.” She blushed harshly. “You know we can’t. What if we get caught?” She gently placed her hands on his chest.
“Then so be it.” He held her close. “I have fallen in love with you since the day we met as children. You took my heart and I wouldn’t want anyone else to have it. It’s not right they won’t let us form attachments. Attachments are human nature and make us focus more on our jobs to protect others. It gives up gumption and spirit. If we’re forced to leave, I’d want it to be with you.” Anakin poured his heart out.
“Oh, Ani. I want to be with you too. I want us together and I want to live our lives in peace and harmony. I’ve felt the same way for you since we were young. I should care about the Jedi code, but right now with you, I only care about us.” Y/N wrapped her arms around his next, pulling him closer to her. As their lips touched, they felt a push in the force as their hearts and spirits intertwined. 
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Senator Amidala was a good friend of Obi-Wan and Anakin. She’s met Y/N a few times, but the girls grew closer when there was a threat to the Senator’s life. The three Jedi were sent to protect her and the friendship grew closer. Whenever Padme was on Coruscant the young Jedi Knights would go out or go to dinner. So when they heard she was going to be in town to vote in the Senate, they couldn’t pass up their opportunity to talk with Padme. 
“C’mon Padme. Can you please do this for us?” Y/N practically begged her.
“Why so you and Anakin can be together? Y/N you know my job is much more important than just your needs.” Padme said looking over documents. That comment stung in her heart, but she also knew that it was selfish to ask.
“Padme. I did come with selfish intentions, but this is for the good of the Jedi Code. We can’t form attachments. What the hell kind of code is that? We are taught to be fearless and that fear leads to anger and anger leads to the dark side. Well, fear is what brought that code together. The fear of losing, hurting, or seeking vengeance for a loved one instills emotions we aren’t supposed to have. Therefore, the code of attachments is completely bogus. We should celebrate the fact that we care so deeply to want a relationship with people to better the republic. Do you not see that too?” Y/N sat down next to Padme’s desk looking at her friend. Padme slowly turned to look at her. She was right. The act and right of attachments should be allowed. Not everyone would be subject to fighting, change, and the stereotype of only being a Jedi for the ones you love.
“Fine. Put together a reasoning and valid points with at least fifty signatures and I’ll look it over and debate it at our next meeting.” Padme said gently placing a hand on her friend's arm, “But I cannot promise you anything.”
“I thank you for even listening.” The girls hugged and Y/N sneaked herself out of the Senate offices back to the Jedi Temple.
Anakin and Y/N spent the next few days working on getting signatures from others in the temple in hopes they would see their cause. Although, they had to be discreet about it because if the Council got wind of this “uproar” happening, it would not go well for either of them.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Anakin asked sitting on her bed in her room.
“We can only hope, Ani. Padme said no promises. All we have to do is have faith.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, rubbing his back soothingly, and laying her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head. 
“All I want is to live the rest of our lives together. I don’t care how that looks. If we have to sneak around and stay Jedi or leave the Order and find sustainable jobs, then so be it.” Anakin whispered softly into her ear.
“I feel the same Ani. I just want to be with you.” Y/N leans up and kisses his jaw.
That night, Anakin slept in Y/N’s room with her, cuddling close. He proposed that it made him calmer and it was “practice” for when they were married. To which the comment made her giggle. Anakin tossed and turned most of the night. Sweat beading down his body and hairline. He shot up quickly panting, hands shaking, and fear running through his body. The vivid imagery was fresh in his brain. He got up, putting his robe on walking to the small balcony that connected to his girl’s room. He took in the fresh crisp early morning air, steadying his breath and looking over the city. ‘She can’t die. I refuse to let her die. Y/N is my life. I will do anything to protect her.’ 
“Ani?” Y/N asked walking onto the balcony and rubbing his upper back soothingly. “I felt you leave the bed. What’s troubling you?” She kisses the back of his head.
“Nothing.” He grinned lightly, enclosed his arm around her waist, pulling her into his lap. She obliged, looking deeply into his eyes for reassurance.
“I know you’re not telling me the truth. Talk to me Anakin. I’m right here.” She caressed his cheek.
“I had a dream. A nightmare where I lost you.” Anakin didn’t turn to look at her. “You died before me. I couldn’t save you, Y/N.” He lifted his head. “Like my mother. I won’t let this one become real.” Anakin held her closer.
“I’m not going anywhere. I promise you, Anakin. I won’t leave your side.” She rubbed his back holding onto him ad he rested his head on her chest. 
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“You're fulfilling your destiny, Anakin. Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force.” Palpatine spoke softly to Anakin. Anakin breathed out heavily for a moment, looking up at the man before him.
“I will do whatever you ask.” Anakin sighed. “Just please help me save Y/N’s life. I can’t live without her.” Anakin pleaded with Palpatine.
“To cheat death is the power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret. The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith, you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...Vader.” Palpatine spoke to a knelt down Anakin.
“Thank you, my master.” Anakin bowed his head. 
Y/N was with Master Yoda when they both felt something in the force move. She looked down at the Jedi Master, nervous about what she felt. It couldn’t have been what she felt.
“A disturbance in the force, I feel. Come, go we must.” Yoda said, leading Y/N back to the ship. They were soon picked up by Obi-Wan and Senator Organa. They were told of a mass murder at the Jedi Temple but Y/N didn’t pay attention after that. All she could think about was her love. Where was Anakin? How was he? Is he safe or is he hurt? Did they get him, even though he is the chosen one, and fought back against everyone? The moment they landed she ran off the ship scouring the dead bodies, tears running down her face as she passed the people she once had a close bond with. 
“Y/N, slow down. We don’t know if who did this is still here.” Obi-Wan scolded her.
“I’m sorry Master. I was looking for someone. I will obey and stay close behind.” She answered, still scared to find Anakin’s dead body. But it wasn’t until they saw the security tapes that her heart shattered. Her beloved Anakin killed all the Jedi, and the one part that broke her most was the younglings. The ones they swore to protect and share wisdom with. The ones they would tell stories to of adventures. The younglings that had looked up to them and he just went at it. Slaughtering them like animals on a farm.
“This can’t be,” Y/N whispered.
“I can’t watch anymore.” Obi-Wan shut off the hologram.
“Destroy the Sith, we must. Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone, he is, consumed by Darth Vader.” Yoda looked up at Obi-Wan saddened. “You will join him, Jedi Knight. Go before it’s too late.” Yoda looked at Y/N.
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Y/N and Obi-Wan sought their feelings and found Anakin on the planet Mustafar. He stood there in the control panel, running through the small building to the landing port. She ran down to Anakin wrapping her arms around his neck. Anakin lifted her off her feet, holding her body close to his.
“Y/N, my love. What are you doing here?” Anakin scanned her face carefully.
“Me? Ani, what are you doing here? I’ve come to take you back home. You can walk away from this. Please don’t do what you’re planning to do.” She pleaded with him, raising her hands to hold his face.
“There is no going back, Y/N. I have this new power that will save you. You will not die. I can save you.” Anakin looked at her seriously.
“Ani… You killed younglings.” 
“I did that for us.”
“For us? We said we would fight to be together and if not, leave the order. This wasn’t what we talked about. Why wouldn’t you tell me your fear got this bad?” She tried hard to blink away the tears but failed feeling the salty water rolling down her cheeks. By this point, Obi-Wan walked down from the ship towards them.
“I love you, Anakin. I’m begging you, please don’t do this.” She tried to hold onto him. He stepped back from her.
“I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire,” Anakin stated, eyes darkening.
“Your new empire?” Obi-Wan chimed in.
“Don’t make me kill you.” Anakin reached for his lightsaber.
“Anakin, my allegiance is to the republic, to democracy!” Obi-Wan reached for his lightsaber.
“If you are not with me, then you are my enemy.” Anakin stepped closer.
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.” Obi-Wan stepped closer.
“You will try.” Anakin ignited his lightsaber, raising it up. Obi-Wan following suit.
“NO!” Y/N stood between them. “Please Anakin, don’t fight Master Kenobi. I will follow you. I will join you. Please don’t fight him.” She pleaded.
“Y/N.” Obi-Wan sternly said.
“I promised I wouldn’t leave you. I promised I would stick by your side. I’m not lying, and I am not leaving.” Y/N gently placed her hand on his left cheek. “Just do me this one favor and not kill him. You know Obi-Wan. You love him like a father and a brother. Please remember.”
Anakin contemplated looking between the love of his life and his master. The internal fight could be visibly seen by both the two people he loved most. Anakin placed his lightsaber back on his belt loop, leading Y/N to his ship, refusing to look at Obi-Wan.
“Y/N. Do not leave with him.” Obi-Wan yelled.
“I promised him, Obi. I love him, I’m sorry.” She smiled sadly at her master, leaving with the love of her life.
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su cuy´gar
Summary: Cody still works for the Empire two years after Order 66 but one day he sees something from his watchtower he just can't believe. (This is just a little short reunion fic.)
Warnings: none? Canon-divergence and post Order 66 but that's it
I think I wrote this back in 2021 and already did upload it on ao3 but hey why not here too (you know, I finally sat down and got an account last month and I'm slowly getting comfy here)
Don't expect too much, especially when it comes to posting more... I'm working on other fanfics but keep getting sidetracked or start others...the usual.
Anyways, enjoy! (Feedback is appreciated)
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It has been two years since the rise of the Empire, exactly two years since Utapau. And Cody never quite understood why he stayed. Why he stayed with this new regime.
He followed orders.
He always did.
Maybe that's why he stayed.
There was nothing for him outside the Empire. Though, he heard some of his brothers had joined together, got others out and promised safety, Cody just couldn't see that for himself. The one person he would have returned to was gone.
There has always been blood on Cody's hands. First, that of his brothers. Cody led them into their death time and time again. Then, it was the blood of his general. Now, it's the blood of innocent.
He's so far gone from the clone he used to be and there is no way back.
He can't even try, stuck in a wasteland, an excuse of a planet under imperial control. There is nothing. Nobody.
So, Cody's initial reaction to double check the image currently being projected to him via holo is understandable.
It simply could not be.
The clone runs down the stairs of the watchtower he is stationed in, abandoning his post.
At foot of the tower he could now see the figure approaching without any gear and yanks off his bucket - probably the fastest he has ever done it - and yet he sill can't believe what he is seeing.
No matter if it was or simply his mind stabbing him in the back one final time. Seeing Obi-wan Kenobi is like seeing the sun again after a cold and terrifying night, seemingly endless and without escape.
A two year long night it has been.
His programming practically screams at Cody, telling him to do what apparently he didn't on Utapau, to follow through with the order like a good soldier and he would be lying if he said it wasn't hard, resisting the urge grab his blasters and start mindlessly shooting the jedi.
But this isn't just any jedi. This man, currently breaking into a sprint towards him, is the general.
It is his general.
Cody won't do the same mistake twice, he should have said kriff the programming back then, he definitely is saying it now. Over and over again in his mind while closing the distance between himself and the one he thought dead.
Cody blamed himself for everything that had happened daily, going numb and blank by the rotation till all that was left of the commander was the programming only.
Whatever Cody forcefully sacrificed that day on Utapau comes flooding back, for a second overwhelming the clone with regret, self-hatred and...love, adoration.
Slowing his steps Cody looks from his dark boots up to meet the jedi's face, unreadable. It makes him uncertain, scared to a degree.
"Cody...“, Obi-wan breathes out, standing so close, suddenly holding Cody's face in his callused, warm, living hands. Cody, in response, is quick to grab the jedi's wrists, he lingers but ultimately decides to pry them away - missing the warmth but believing it is better that way.
"I don't want to hurt you...general“, his voice is merely a whisper and the thought of actually hurting and loosing Obi-wan all over again breaks the clone.
Maybe Cody should have agreed to being send back into active duty, whatever that implied, then he would not have to deal with his own emotions, the raging fear of harming the only person he ever loved with such intensity.
Cody has committed atrocities yet Obi-wan, with his heart of pure gold, looks at him with a smile, his gorgeous eyes - tired, pleading - filled with nothing but fondness.
The jedi wiggles his hands free from Cody and moves to close the clone into a hug instead, one hand on his back the other gripping at the back of his head, sinking into Cody's dark curls.
Part of Cody still screams, part of Cody doesn't trust this to be real. Just another one of his nightmares for sure. He's gonna wake up in moment, alone.
But the moments pass and he's still here surrounded by warmth and the smell he has missed for so long. The smell of comfort. Of home.
"Darling“, he hugs the clone tighter and Cody finally regains control of his own limbs enough to cling to Obi-wan in return, “I have been searching for you for so long", Cody can hear the despair in Obi-wan's voice and once again curses himself for being the source of it, "hoping you were not under the countless who lost their life because, dear“, Obi-wan moves away a bit to really look at the clone, tears visible in both their eyes now, “I will not let them or yourself destroy you any further", funny how after everything the general still knew him so we'll.
"Cody...I found a place we can be safe, the two of us“.
And Cody, former commander of the 212th, battle hardened and bred to withstand almost everything, falls to his knees crying in front of the jedi, his jedi.
It feels good. He feels free.
Yes, he will keep them safe.
Kriff the programming, it is long due time to make his own decisions.
"I would love to follow you there“.
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antianakin · 11 months
I love your blog so much. There is so much Anakin worship in this fandom and your blog is a breath of fresh air.
Anyway, I have a question: Do you think that Anakin never wanted the twins in the first place? It seems that after he had first nightmare about Padme dying, all thoughts about the unborn baby went flying out the window.
Thank-you, sometimes venting is good for us!
So my personal headcanon is that Anakin never wanted kids in the first place, but I don't think that this is at all canon or necessarily what Lucas or Hayden Christensen intended to get across in ROTS.
I think Anakin is likely INTENDED to seem very overwhelmed by the prospect of having kids and definitely MORE focused on Padme simply because he's in the habit of focusing on her and it's easier maybe. It's possible that we're maybe intended to understand that Anakin hadn't really THOUGHT about wanting kids, but that it didn't mean he wasn't happy enough about having them once they were in the equation. He certainly never SAYS he doesn't want them or anything negative about them at all, obviously.
But my personal headcanon is that Anakin wants the people he's in relationships with to be completely committed to and focused on him. Anakin is selfish with people's time and attention and we see this over and over again.
So when Padme mentions that she's pregnant, it means that there's now a new person (obviously it would actually be two, but neither of them are aware of that throughout ROTS) in this relationship that are going to take Padme's time and attention away from him and I don't think Anakin likes the idea of sharing Padme, even with their children.
I also think that Anakin, like Padme, is fully aware that throwing kids in the mix is 100% going to fuck up the secret part of their secret marriage. When it was just the two of them, they could keep pretending that this would never ever have consequences and that they could have their cake and eat it, too. They can keep their respective careers and their relationship and just take what time they have with each other as a gift or whatever. But kids require a lot more care and time and effort, Padme wants to raise the baby on Naboo rather than on Coruscant, and if Anakin wants to be in this kid's life AS ITS FATHER, then he has to be WAY more open about this relationship than he's ever been before, something that could easily end up costing him his position within the Order (the Jedi likely won't kick him out, but I do think they'd ask him to make a CHOICE between being with Padme and being a Jedi and it seems a lot more in character that he'd choose Padme over the Order). The pregnancy spells the end of their relationship and lives as they know it and I don't think Anakin really relishes what their new lives are going to look like. The kids are consequences for their choices, not a gift.
But Padme clearly wants to SEE IT as a gift and keep pretending like everything's roses and Anakin can tell that she's looking for a positive reaction from him so he gives her one. Because he wants to keep up the fantasy, too, so he just... smiles and says the right words. He changes the subject to something he's more comfortable with whenever she tries to talk about their future with the baby. But I don't really ever think he means it. I believe he mentions protecting their baby all of once after he has the visions, but Palpatine doesn't use saving the babies as his trump card in his office, it's only Padme that he accuses Obi-Wan of trying to steal, and after he gets in the suit, it's only Padme he asks about. And this could easily just be glitches in the script-writing, we all know how many of those there are in the Prequels, but as a headcanon, I think it tells me that Anakin never REALLY cared about the baby, he wasn't doing this for the baby, and he's not honestly all that upset that they're dead along with her.
And of course the natural counter to this is "but look how obsessed he is with Luke and how much he wants Luke to join him and what a massive impact Luke ends up having on him by the end! Of COURSE he loved the kids and wanted a family!"
To which my argument is, "yes, but all of that happens AFTER PADME'S DEAD."
And not only that, but so is Obi-Wan, and at this point he probably assumes Ahsoka is, too (even if he questions her death, she's long disappeared and unavailable to him anymore). Even R2-D2 is working with the Rebels, as is C-3PO, Shmi is long dead, he clearly didn't care much about the Larses or consider them family but even if he did they're also dead, and the Order itself is long gone with most survivors killed off over the last 20 years. So Anakin's got NO ONE LEFT of the people he cared about.
And then Luke walks in and all of the sudden, he has a SON. This piece of Padme, this piece of HIM who is young and reckless and full of anger and fear of his own. Of COURSE he fixates on Luke now that there's NO ONE ELSE to obsess over. But how would he have treated Luke if Padme had lived? Would he have cared so much about Luke's approval if he resented Luke for taking Padme's attention, for being the reason he had to give up his career as a Jedi? They intentionally parallel the offer he makes to Padme with the offer he makes to Luke. He tries to get Padme to rule the Empire with him and that doesn't work, but 20 years later he makes the SAME offer to Luke. Luke is just a replacement for what he had with Padme the same way Padme was always just a replacement for what he had with Shmi. He can have with Luke what he lost with the others, if only he can succeed at convincing Luke to do what the others would not.
It's never really ABOUT Luke, any more than his relationship with Padme was really about Padme. Padme was convenient, he wanted her because he saw her the way he wanted to see her rather than as the person she actually was, and THAT'S what he loved. He sees Luke the same way.
Obviously some of this changes right at the end because he does decide to sacrifice his life to save Luke and all, but he's also been put in a lose-lose situation for the first time. Even with Padme, he always thinks he COULD save her. He has to sacrifice the Order to do it, but he'll have Padme at the end of it so he still wins. Saving Padme doesn't require dying or losing her some other way. But in ROTJ, his choices are now limited. Either he dies to save Luke, or Luke dies. There is no version of this scenario where he gets to keep Luke. He can't win. Which, arguably, makes choosing the selfless thing a lot easier than it was back in ROTS where the option to win was still available at the cost of the entire Jedi Order (and the entire clone army, and the Republic). He still DOES choose the selfless thing and that's important, but it is made WAY easier by making it a lose-lose situation to begin with. He's not sacrificing as much because he's never going to keep Luke now no matter what he does. Whereas if he'd made the choice to help the Jedi and kill Palpatine in ROTS, he would theoretically have been choosing to give up what he believed to be a guarantee that Padme would live. He's choosing to potentially sacrifice Padme's life in favor of protecting the Order and the Republic. Doing the right thing requires giving up something he wants. That's not... really true in ROTJ because Palpatine's made it so he'll never get what he wants anyway so what does he truly have to lose now?
I recognize that that's... an uncharitable take on the end of ROTJ and removes a LOT of the messages of that scene and that choice he makes and nobody's going to like that. Anakin chose to die to save his son and that feels very heroic, I get that. But whatever. Long story short, no, I don't think he wanted kids at all as per my personal headcanon and I think his reactions to Luke don't contradict that because he mostly just sees Luke as an extension of the relationships he's been trying to replicate his entire life and, in many ways, an extension of himself. And when that relationship is taken from him a THIRD time, but the option is open to save Luke anyway, he chooses to take it. Because what does he have left to lose when he's already lost?
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“We’re Not Promised Tomorrow” Chapter 10 “Comlink.”
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Masterlist    Chapter 9 
Pairing: Obi-Wan x OC 
Word Count: 5.0 K
Warnings: I burn for Obi and I love these two together. Other than that I don’t believe there are any warnings. 
A/N: In this chapter, things start to pick up a bit and the plot definitely moves along. This chapter begins one of the many story arcs because kids when I said this was a slow burn I meant it. I love these two and I will die on this hill. Also, for some inspiration, I was listening to the song “What You Mean To Me.”The Broadway version of “Finding Neverland,” so was a huge inspiration. As always thank you all for your support, it means a lot. Enjoy the chapter. 
ALSO! If Emily’s lightsaber sounds like it's similar (or exactly) to a specific Princess General’s lightsaber from the original trilogy...well maybe it was done purposely for a plot down the road. 
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Obi-Wan believed in punctuality. He insisted on it really. As it was drilled into him, it became a trait he had repeatedly tried to instill in Anakin over the years. His apprentice had become better at being punctual, but he could still be tardy at the best of times, much to his Master’s dismay. Like he had continually observed, some things never changed and Anakin was one of those things. Silently, Obi-Wan was thankful. While Anakin was a challenging Padawan at times, deep down he was his brother and his best friend and he accepted him for who he was, only wanting the best for him.
It was 7:15 A.M. and he was early. He had done that purposefully. He was too excited to sleep in on his mornings during this downtime, well…only on the mornings he was seeing Emily, then there was no sleep. He wanted to be there early so that she would not be left waiting alone; he was a gentleman after all. And, again,  he may have been a tad bit excited to see her.
He was leaning against the thick marble railing of the Grand Staircase, loaded at the mouth of the Grand Hall in the Jedi Temple. Around him, were ceilings that reached into the clouds, domed and held up by columns made of marble and stone. The same marble and stone filled the Grand Hall, the colors of the floors and hallways sparkling in the early morning sun that came blazing in through the multiple windows that adorned the hall. The Temple was one of the most beautiful buildings he had ever had the pleasure of being in and its beauty never failed to take his breath away.
Leaning against the railing, his robes hanging loosely over his shoulders, waiting for her, he felt full of hope for the first time in a long time.
Being away from the doom and gloom of intense battle, enjoying the company of his friends….seeing Emily; it had all done wonders for his spirit. He was enjoying it so much that he had begun dreading returning to the field. Combat forced him to continually be calculating and on guard, responsible for the lives of his men, his fellow Jedi, and himself. All that calculation, worrying about the bottom line, it went against his helpful, generous, and genuine nature. However, returning to battle was inevitable. He knew he would eventually get back into the groove, after all, he had a job to do and he would do it.
Sighing, he wondered if he would continue to see Emily after this week. They had always had an odd pattern of running into each other in their history. When they were younglings they always saw each other. They were always attending lessons together and training with one another. He remembered that they were even part of the same gathering experience on iilum; that had been an experience he treasured. They had started off together in the cave, but the force had eventually called them to different paths on their crystal search, and being good younglings they separated and followed the Force.
Once they became Padowan’s it became the opposite, they were lucky if they saw each other a few times a month. By the time they had both become Jedi Knights, the war had broken out. Then there wasn’t much time for him before he had to start training Anakin. He was able to see her still able to see her during this time, but it was usually for a few minutes in the hallway, at council meetings, or when they would run into each other at the archives. On occasion, they would have the luxury of being able to have a meal together in the mess hall. But that was it, nothing to the level of interaction that they had been having while he was on sick leave. And again, it was scaring him how much he not only enjoyed her presence but was seeking her out.
In all the time he had been a Jedi he had only ever been on one mission with her. He personally did not even count it because they were both still Padawans under Master Plo Koon and Master Qui-Gon Jinn. They had different skill sets so they weren’t usually paired up for missions once they achieved the rank of Jedi.
The fact that he was going to miss her was an issue for him. He had always loved her from afar, but something was different this time for him. He had chalked it up to the war affecting everyone and his emotions. It had never sat well with him that Jedi went from being peacekeepers to being soldiers and experiencing life or death situations every day. Going through those experiences on a daily basis made him think differently, and changed his perspective.
Life was short, and that was something he learned quickly, especially during the war.
Emily’s lightheartedness, innocence, and positivity made him happier than it usually did. She was like a ray of sunshine and a breath of fresh air all rolled into one. In his eyes, she saw something positive in everything, even darkness. She would quote an old Jedi teaching about how without darkness there could be no light, and she would bust the quote out whenever darkness would creep into their lives as a way of keeping everyone's spirits up.
What he loved even more about her was that she was able to maintain her delicate and genuine state of being while being completely capable and able of taking care of herself. She was a tough and cunning warrior who could disarm her opponent with her brain or her saber;
To him, she was absolutely astonishing and breathtaking.
He wanted to keep seeing her again. He didn't want to go another significant stretch of time without her. Not being able to know how she was doing, if she was taking care of herself, or if she was well. He wanted to be there to greet her when she got back from her missions, to hear her stories about them like he used to when they were both Padawans. He wanted her to be a constant force in his life as opposed to a chance one.
Banging his hand on the railing, the sound reverberated off the marble columns around him as he muttered under his breath. “Shit!”
It was happening again.
He was falling in love with her all over again. Spending time around her, creating memories, and sharing emotions with her was reminding him of why he was so hesitant to start coming around her a few days ago.
When he was away from her and didn’t see her, he was able to think of her fondly and leave it there. To stuff his emotions down and focus. Yet, when he was with her for a period of time, she became intoxicating and addicting to him. The more he was around her, the more he wanted of her. She was the perfect vice and his only weakness. He hadn’t felt this way or had it this bad since he was a teenager.
He knew then what he knew now, that they were made for each other. He could feel it in the force, the way their signatures mingled with one another, the way she made him feel, how his hand fit perfectly in hers on the few occasions he held it. How her laughter was like the softest music to him and how her eyes were the most beautiful windows to her exquisite soul. They were the missing pieces of each other's puzzle.
But they were Jedi. And secondly, and arguably, more importantly, she didn’t love him back. In fact, she never gave him a single indication that they were more than close friends. She was rightly dedicated to the lifestyle as a Jedi to even consider him and his foolishness romantically.
Today would be the last day he could allow himself to see her. This couldn’t go on and he needed to be tough with himself. He may be in love with her but she was not in love with him. His feelings were a one-way relationship, so there was no point in admitting them. And if there was no point in admitting them, then there was no point in having those thoughts. He would have to hide in his apartment and meditate or force himself to be around Anakin or Ashoka. He would have to go back to training his mind to not think of her the way it was starting to.
Maybe some light training and exercise would be good for him again. Get back into the “General Kenobi” mindset.
Obi-Wan was taken out of his self-loathing thoughts by that familiar sense of goodness and light that Emily’s Force Signature carried. It always warmed him down to his bones.
He turned to see her coming down the hall. She was dressed in lighter colors today. She wore brown Jedi tunics and pants with a beige Jedi robe and brown boots. Her lightsaber swung by her side. To him, her’s was the only lightsaber that he had ever seen to be embellished with pink gold, it contrasted beautifully with the silver base, other embellishments, and the hilt of the saber in the sunlight.
“Even her saber is delicate and strong like her.” He smiled to himself as he realized this.
To his dismay, they looked like they purposely matched their clothing. Whereas she had lighter-colored robes and darker tunic and pants, he was in his usual brown robe and beige tunic and pants. He could lie and say they both planned the brown boots. Maybe in another world, he could make that joke and not have it raise any eyebrows.
As she approached him he could see the familiar smile on her face, which made his heart soar. He loved her smile, but more importantly, he loved to see her wearing her smile.
Yet, as she got closer he could feel the emotions coming from her Signature. She was happy but something was bothering her. Energy, nervous energy was coming off her in waves that shot through the whole hall.
“Good morning.” His voice was breathy as he spoke, trying not to let his emotions rise to the surface.
“Good morning.” She said meekly.
Obi-Wan noticed how her voice contrasted with her expression immediately and he went into protective mode, against his better judgment.
He knew that voice, when she spoke like that, she was hiding something or stressing about something. Additionally, he could feel her in the force, her signature was unsure and cautious.
“Is everything alright? You seem on edge?” He didn’t want to press, not everything was his business but her energy was cause for concern.
She grimaced as she looked away from him. “Curse the Force.”  She thought to herself. Of course, he would be able to feel her emotions. She had to do a better job of shutting herself down and putting up walls when she was around him.
“Yes, I’m fine. Pre-mission jitters is all it is. You know how it goes.” She forced the lie out of her mouth. Lying made her feel worse.
Wasn’t she the one who was angry with him for lying to her a few nights ago?
“Now I'm a hypocrite. Great way to start the day. Nervous that Sorv is going to show up to the mission off the rails with anger and now I’ve done the very thing to Obi-Wan that I asked him not to do to me. It can only get better from here right?”
He nodded his head at her, pretending to buy that answer. He would get it out of her before she left for the mission, but for now, he wouldn’t push. Maybe she needed time to think about something. Normally he would have dropped it but with the energy coming off her as strong as it was, he knew she needed to talk to someone.
“We should get going.” She indicated toward the staircase with a nod of her head.
He swept his hand out in a gesture that said: “after you.”
As they walked he made a particular effort to wrap his Force Signature around her. He knew how it could be tough for her at times, having the Force strength of a healer; where every emotion and feeling was amplified through the force. If he could help pull some of that energy off her, help relax her, he absolutely would.
While they walked she nonchalantly hugged her arms around herself. She could feel his Force Signature surrounding her, helping to balance her. She wished she could visibly reach out, grab his signature, and draw it around her like her Jedi robes were. He never knew how much comfort and safety she felt whenever he did that. His signature was full of goodness and compassion, and it went all the way to her soul. She would always love that feeling that only he could give her.
Once in the mess hall, they ate in their typical comfortable silence. Well, Obi-Wan ate. Emily swirled the contents of her bowl around methodically with her spoon.
She knew Sorv was a loose cannon. His actions had been becoming more and more erratic for weeks now. She had previously not wanted to admit it to herself but after yesterday she wasn’t sure she could ignore it anymore. She had been excusing his bad behavior recently and now she regretted it. If she had intervened earlier, would she have been able to help him? Could she have changed anything?  Even his Force Signature had changed. What could he be going through that would cause him to change his Force Signature?
Obi-Wan could still feel her nervous energy. It was starting to affect his energy and make him jittery. He was convinced that if she swirled the contents of her bowl around anymore that she was going to burn a hole right through the bowl from all the friction.
He reached out his hands and laid them on top of hers, forcing her to stop her movements. Her hands were ice cold. The Force was so charged around her that it was starting to drain her of her life force energy.
“Emily…..” His voice was soft and smooth. He didn’t want to startle her.     “Please tell me what’s the matter. I promise whatever it is you can tell me. I will not think twice about anything you say or will I speak a word of it to another soul if you don’t want me to.”
His hands were so warm, so comforting. Maybe Obi-Wan was the person she could talk to about this. Truthfully, if she hadn’t seen him this week and she had been having this problem, he would have been the first person she would have thought of to ask for help.  
“It’s not mission jitters.” She whispered, eyes still cast down at the bowl.
He smiled, still holding her hands. “I surmised that might be the case.” He chided, giving her one of his infectious smiles for courage. He was unaware of just how well it worked on her.
“.....It’s Sorv…..” She admitted.
“Sorv? What puddle of drool has he reared his head from that has you acting so nervous?” He questioned her comedically.
“After you left yesterday he showed up…..” She unconsciously gripped his hands harder, taking more comfort in them.  
“He’s changed Obi-Wan. He had such an edge to him. The force was rolling off him in waves of anger and aggression…...his Force Signature has even changed. It’s still the same color so something about him is still the same. But the texture, the feeling of it…..it was dreadful. He was dreadful, especially towards me. He has never acted like this towards me before.”
She looked ashamed. She wasn’t used to leaning on others with her personal problems. It was not the Jedi way that they were taught. Jedi didn’t have personal problems.
Obi-Wan’s eyes suddenly became a shade of ice, a blue so pale they were almost white. They were cold and filled with alertness.
“He didn’t do anything to you did he?”
If Sorv had hurt her in any way, Obi-Wan would find the sniveling coward and give him a piece of his mind, and then some.
“No.” She reacted quickly sensing the change in the Force around him. She knew he was the type of man that respected women and he expected nothing less of other men  “No. He didn’t do anything to me...but the way he spoke to me. His presence. He did say some nasty things but it was…..petty. He was so full of pettiness and jealousy; with a mixture of aggression. He just caught me off guard and his actions have been bothering me ever since yesterday…..”
If Obi-Wan didn’t dislike the man before today, he did now. Emily was still talking but he wasn’t listening. If he had stayed yesterday he could have been there. Been there to help her….to protect her. Instead, she was left to fend for herself with that monster because they were playing games with their Signatures. She could handle that jerk, sure…..
“But she shouldn’t have had to handle him alone. I should have been there. Will you ever grow up Obi-Wan? Your rediculounesses yesterday drained you and distracted you”
Emily’s words ripped him from his thoughts
“What?!? He’s still accompanying you on the mission today?!” Obi-Wan couldn’t believe it.
“I don’t know. I have no reason to think otherwise. I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt out of courtesy for our friendship. I told myself that if he showed up at the hangar bay in the condition that he was in yesterday, then I would inform the Council and respectfully request that he be taken off the mission.” She replied to him.
She was a smart girl, he had to give her that. If it were someone he cared about like Anakin or Ashoka, he would have handled it the same way. Although he couldn’t understand why she was giving him this courtesy, he didn’t think Sorv deserved it in the first place. But that kindness was what made Emily....well Emily.
“Is it just you and him on this mission?” He asked, afraid of the answer.
“No Xira is assigned to it as well.” Obi-Wan noticed that she looked relieved to say that.
“Your old Padawan? You two have a good relationship right?” He was pretty sure that was the case but he wanted to double-check.
She fully smiled for the first time all morning.    “The best. Xira would have my back no questions asked. She is very loyal. I tell her to be mindful of her thoughts and loyalty but she doesn’t always listen….in a way I am thankful for it. I feel so much safer and more confident with her there. She is a fantastic Jedi and is capable of fending for herself. She is an asset to any operation.” She beamed. She would always be proud of Xira.
“She sounds like a version of Anakin. A copy really. Well, I feel safer and better knowing that she is going with you. I know it is hard on missions to watch where you put yourself but….if you're alone with him…..just don’t let your guard down.”   He felt the need to remind her of what she already knew.
“I agree. I’m not going to jeopardize my mission, nothing is worth that, and that's if he ends up even coming at all. But if he does, I will just have to be mindful of him.”
She instantly felt the loss of his warm, reassuring hands once she released them. It was getting late. She was due at the hanger bay for her shuttle in 15 minutes. She still had to check in on Commander Red and see that he and the 102nd were ready. But before she could say her good-byes, his warm, sweet, voice pulled her from her thoughts.
“You have to get going. Come on, let's get you to the Hanger Bay.” He reminded her, standing up and sliding in his chair.
“Of course, he was watching the clock. He was always aware of everything. Good or bad.” She thought to herself.
“Oh, it’s fine, you don’t have to come. It would be silly for you to walk all the way out to the hanger just to walk back. Plus, I was thinking that myself, that I needed to get a move on it.”  
She was afraid to have him come, truthfully. His presence might set Sorv on edge even more than he was.
“Oh if you think that I am going to let you go there alone, knowing that he could show up and be behaving like a caged animal then you are delusional.” He warned her. No hint of joking in his voice or his expression.
“No, really, it’s fine.” She insisted.
“Emily, you don’t get a say. I’m sorry, but you don’t. You're my best friend. I can’t just sit here or go off and do something else knowing that you could be walking into a situation with someone who is in an unbalanced state of mind and that you might need all the help you could get. Especially if you do have to involve Master Yoda or Master Windu. Do you think he is just going to sit there peacefully and patiently and wait for them to come and reprimand him? No, I am coming. If you don’t want an escort then walk ahead of me and I will follow behind you at a slow pace so no one sees me. Either way, I am accompanying you to that bay and I’m staying somewhere within earshot and eyesight till your ship leaves, if not standing right by your side.” He replied firmly.
She knew it was pointless to argue.
“Alright let’s go….and you can walk beside me…..” She replied.
Reassured by his gesture to accompany her till her shit left, she chose to lighten the moment.
“Besides, if I am going to have an escort, I mind as well get the best one, and a council member no less. Being escorted by the “Negotiator” has a nice ring to it. “
“There’s my girl. There’s that sense of humor and that smile.” He thought to himself.
“You know, I'm handsome too. Good with a lightsaber as well.” He chided back, walking side by side with her in the direction of the hanger.
“Oh if he only knew how handsome he was.”
But now was not the time for flirting; she had a mission to get off the ground.
“Pppphhh….okay, don’t get ahead of yourself there “Mr.Perfect”; there aren’t any Arena for you to Force Jump over.” She mocked him with a smug expression.
“You know….I probably could make it this time. I'm taller now and have longer legs. I’ve got a better handle on the Force.”    He pantomimed a jump as he walked next to her, puffing out his chest and taking a longer stride than he normally would.
She laughed hard and playfully bumped into him as they continued to walk to the hanger.
- - - - - - - - - 
Emily, Obi-Wan, and Xira were waiting at the hanger bay. Commander Red and Captain Jamie, Sorv's head Trooper, had already checked in. Everything was all set to go. The only thing they were waiting on was Sorv himself.
“Is he always this irresponsible and late? He hasn’t even checked in with his own men yet.” Obi-Wan asked the two friends.
“Yes and No. He is a lot of things. Annoying, slimy, and hot-headed are a few of them. He usually pays attention to his troops but lately, he has been falling short. And, unfortunately, he’s either on time or early.” Xira said to him.
“Oh, I like her.” He said to Emily, winking at Xira.
“She is pretty awesome if I do say so myself.” Emily smiled in Xira’s direction.
“Do not send me on a mission with a big head and a confident ego, that will just be bad for everyone involved. But I am glad you all finally noticed I’m fantastic!” Xira joked back with them. The three friends smiled and chuckled.
“Having confidence is never your problem. You're usually overconfident and overestimate your abilities. However, it is usually a challenge to find you in a competent state. You never get anything right.” Insulting her, Sorv joined the group.
Obi-Wank just turned and looked at him. If he ever considered violence towards a person, it would be then. It was against his code, but a punch in the face ought to be the answer to this guy's problem, or he believed it would be. Where was Cody or Anakin when he wanted them? He knew they’d punch him if he asked them to.
“My, my aren’t you a lovely sight in the morning. Glad to see you finally arrived to join your team. Say what you like about Xira but she remembered what time the transport was leaving.” Obi-Wan winked again at Xira, hoping that this time Sorv saw this one.  
“Master Kenobi, wonderful to see you too. Tell me what brings you to the bay? Are you joining us on our mission? You seem to be spending a lot of time with Emily lately as it is.” Sorv’s expression was smooth but it masked a contempt for Kenobi that even a blind person could see.
“No. Unfortunately, I don’t have the pleasure of accompanying this mission. Shame. They’re going to need someone to pick up your slack.” His words were a challenge aimed at Sorv.
Before this peacock show could go any farther, Emily intervened.   “GENTLEMEN. ENOUGH!” She said stepping between the two men, putting her arms up, hoping they would act as a barrier for either man.  
She wheeled around to face Sorv.
“Are you ready to leave?! Have you done everything you need to?!” She demanded.
“Yes. I am set to leave when the ship is ready.” He replied flatly to her.
He was better than yesterday. Gruff and arrogant was his usual state. Sure having Obi-Wan here probably didn’t help, but Sorv’s feelings were no longer a concern of hers.
“Good, as the General in charge, I say we’re leaving now. The ship is ready and we’re two minutes late. Xira, tell Captain Jamie and Commander Red to load up the troops. Sorv, alert the Admiral that we are ready to depart. If either of you aren’t on that ship in 2 minutes I will have the Admiral leave without the both of you.” Again, she demanded this of them.
She felt bad for lumping Xira into her hostility toward Sorv, but she knew she could apologize and explain later. She had just lumped her in there so Sorv wouldn't have anything to complain about. More so, she knew Xira would understand; Xira knew how he could be.  
Obi-Wan did not want her to go on this mission. In fact, he never wanted her around Sorv again. He wanted to punch the man into the side of The Temple and leave him there to rot. He was not going to stop worrying about her until she got back. Thank goodness the mission was only for today and she should be back by late this evening. He dipped his hand into his pocket.
“This is my com-link. It’s a personal one. Only Anakin and Ahsoka have the number other than myself. If you need someone, call it and one of us will answer, most likely me. The other receiver is in my apartment. I will go back and get it when you leave. Take this one with you.” He offered it to her.
She began to protest and decline but he pushed it towards her. He lowered his voice.
“Emily, that man is not right. You know it and I know it. When you get back from this mission you need to go to the council. I am begging you to take this. If you don’t use it that's perfectly alright, but I will feel better knowing you have it. If you need to use it, use it. I won’t call you because I don’t want to distract you. But IF you need me I will be there.” He said placing the comlink into her hand and closing her fingers over it.
“Thank you.” She admitted to him.
She would have never accepted the comlink if it was from someone else. She was capable of taking care of things on her own. But she knew she could trust him. It was a comfort for her to know that she had a way to get in touch with him if she needed to.
She hugged him. It was a brief but strong hug. One that conveyed appreciation and thanks.
He wanted to keep her there. Nothing could harm her while she was in his arms. His stomach was in knots. She was going somewhere remote with that slimo and there wasn’t a thing he could do about it because it was for a mission. There was a war going on. This is what they did, it was part of the job. He pleaded to the Force that she would be safe. To just come back in one piece….come back to him.
“Try not to get to board while I’m gone.” She retorted as she boarded the ship.
He would be anything but bored today, worrying about her.
“I could say the same to you, but you have your hands full, so I will spare you.” He teased.
“Emily…..” He called back to her before she disappeared into the shuttle. He sobered up his expression.
“May the Force be with you.” He said it so seriously that if someone who didn’t know him heard it, they’d say it sounded like a plea or a prayer. Maybe it was.
“May the Force be with you.” She replied back to him, standing in the doorway of the ship as the hatch was lowering.
Obi-Wan stood in the bay and watched the transport take off. He knew she would be okay. She was tough and good at what she did. The challenge would be keeping his worry in check all day. She had his comlink if she needed it. He had done everything he could to ensure her safety. It was up to the Force and her to accomplish the mission and come back to the Temple. Back home.
@nanagoswife @transcending-time @sillynilly27 @janebby @the-clones-and-me​ @thewhitedannimal​ @kirstenvldfan21​ @tamnight​ @ocfairygodmother 
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
I see so much asks and interaction from you on the Jango Fett tag. I can tell you're a fan lol. What made you a fan of Jango?
Hi, Nonnie ♥ ~
In line with the recent discovery of very accurate depiction and discourse about my king, my baby, and overlord, Jango can-get-it Fett, I will answer this trying to suppress an all time high. Bear with me.
I think I have such a high drive for daddies that it cannot be helped. And I'm not just focusing on the daddy!kink part, but the entire concept of fatherhood and the angst and glory behind it. This probably stems from my sheer amount of daddy issues, but I always am drawn to the workings of a father; someone who is not motherly in a plethora of definition and depiction. Someone who is hold to a certain standard and demand that it always come with the mysteries of 'why did he choose to do that', 'why didn't he just', 'he should have', 'well, that's what dads do'. 'a mother would', etc. I think I went ham on how the concept of fatherhood plays such a huge role in my choice of muses, threads, and perception of life but I'm quite horrible at tracking posts so, I hope this answers a little bit?
I am a sucker for men in armor, uniforms, and all the mysterious shindig.
But in all seriousness, the first time I saw Jango Fett I was in love. In love with how shiny and badass this mfker is and the western allure of all things cowboy-related. The day I saw that man spin his gun and shove it down the holster was probably my spiritual awakening. It didn't help that this all happened in space, because ya girl's a space ho.
He was so bad ass that he didn't even flinch when held at saber point. Like this man was so smart to hire somebody to do his bidding as to not get caught. The audacity and BALLS to be sassy with Obi-Wan in Kamino before ensuring his armor was tucked away (I believe this was no mistake or negligence).
The ingenuity of modifying his blasters for optimum usage. Being an absolute utility belt of all things gadget and gizmo. The sheer I will kill you without hesitation but also, you need to die but as an honorable man, I will not cause unnecessary casualties and give what is due.
Then I fell more into the comic series and I just, ugh. This perfect being and origin is too much. The angst. The journey. The drive.
The Tem comes along and destroys me like there's no tomorrow.
I'm very much an audiophile so my auralism comes naturally.
And the fact that he is neither Jedi nor Sith, making him sit in the perfect balance that I would paint in my head with everything of two choices; good and bad, yes and no, red or blue. That grey area that has so much color to pull from just takes my breath away.
Then you go over the stories of Mandalorians in general. I think tribe things have an effect on me coming from a country who has originated from tribes to modernization.
I am also dtf with how people may think he's such a minor character without realizing that he lives on past death. I'd go on about how order 66 secured his legacy and vengeance by being the last pair of eyes beyond the gave (through the clones) the Jedi will see as they fall dead is the...
I am weak just thinking about it.
Also, just look at him? Won't you love him too?
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He don't even have to do anything and I'd be on my knees worshipping this god.
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twinterrors29 · 3 years
the surprising part is how long it takes him to notice
it’s not until years after his death that Obi-Wan realized that the other Force ghosts were not quite as...tangible, as he is; they got ‘tired’, and weren’t ‘present’ all the time the way he was
Obi-Wan wrote it off as some quirk of his connection to the Force, some difference in his training compared to the others
but Anakin, for all his power, could only show himself to Luke, briefly and without voice
Yoda, for all his years of preparation, beginning even before teaching Obi-Wan himself and extending after his death, cannot interact with the physical world, and yet Obi-Wan has always been able to sit on real surfaces and touch the living at will
not to mention Qui-Gon, who can only ever manifest as a disembodied voice, and even that only rarely, and exclusively to Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan
that belief was shattered by an accidental encounter after the Battle of Endor
Captain Rex (who was still refusing to accept his well-deserved promotion to Commander) wasn’t the least bit Force-sensitive, and by all rights shouldn’t have even been able to see him
after all, none of the other clones he’d sought out over the years since his death reacted to his presence, although he couldn’t bear to visit any of them more than the once
and yet
“shoulda known the rumors of your death were exaggerated, huh,” Rex had muttered, walking up to deliver a slap to his surprisingly-solid shoulder
they awkwardly, but happily, chatted about Rex’s ongoing efforts to track down his surviving brothers for a few minutes before he got called away, leaving Obi-Wan staring after him in disbelief
then he settled in to piece together this new mystery
it’s not like he had much else to do, being dead, and with the Empire largely defeated
and now that he had a purpose to pursue, his ability to interact with the physical realm and non-Force-sensitives came in handy when attempting to research esoteric Force phenomena in a galaxy nearly empty of his own people
first, he drew on dimly recalled memories of a strange incident during the Clone Wars: Mortis, a planet where even Qui-Gon was able to appear, and where he witnessed a series of unusual deaths
with a little digging, he was able to pull up some unexpected references to the three beings he met, the Daughter, the Father, and the Son, in old Jedi legends, and even a reference to Nightsister beliefs regarding the Daughter and Son in particular, but was able to find no reference to others in his state
he found nothing regarding their origins, and little more about their home planet
unable to find Mortis itself again, Obi-Wan instead searched through the remnants of several long-abandoned Dathomiri villages when he was found by a familiar face
“General,” the clone breathed, looking awed
it took a second for Obi-Wan to recognize him; it has been so very, very long, and age had taken it’s toll on his former Commander, but there was no mistaking the curving scar around his left eye
“I killed you,” Cody looked faint
“no, dear one,” Obi-Wan quickly denied, “you didn’t, and even if you had, it wouldn’t have been your fault”
it took a few more reassurances, but eventually his old friend was willing to accept that he hadn’t, in fact, killed his General
after all, it’s hard to argue that you killed the seemingly-alive and whole man standing in front of you
“you know,” he remarked, sipping at the tea he had made for Obi-Wan, who was politely pretending to be able to drink it, “I probably should have figured it’d be harder to kill you, considering all the stories the men would tell about you”
“oh?” Obi-Wan asked, remembering that Rex had expressed a similar sentiment, “what sorts of stories?”
“that you were some unkillable god of misdirection or something,” he paused for another sip, “all respectful of course, but the rumors had definitely spread back to Kamino before the war ended”
this was news to Obi-Wan, but considering the looks some of the shinies gave him when he welcomed them to the 212th, he could believe it
“they even built these little shrines to you”
“they what”
“yeah,” Cody winced, “I made them take it down whenever I found one, but I know I never found them all”
“speaking of finding,” Obi-Wan seized upon any chance to change the subject, “how long ago did Rex track you down?”
“Rex is alive?” Cody sounded surprised but pleased at this revelation
“ah, I assumed you knew; when I spoke with him recently he mentioned his efforts to find his brothers and remove their chips”
“no, I haven’t seen him since he left for Mandalore back during the war,” he shook his head, “and my chip just stopped working about three years ago”
“just like that?”
“yeah,” Cody squinted, recalling the experience, “I was getting ready to sleep after just another shift on the Devastator, when I felt...”
“felt?” Obi-Wan prompted, feeling an uncomfortable familiarity with the scene Cody was describing from his single visit to his Commander shortly after his own demise on the Death Star
“warm,” Cody eventually decided on, “I felt warm, and by the time the feeling had faded I was myself again”
Obi-Wan expressed his relief to hear about Cody’s awakening, but despite his joy at seeing his Commander safe and mostly happy, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had something to do with Cody’s chip malfunctioning
after eventually parting ways with Cody, who had been sent to explore the slim possibility of starting a settlement on the long-abandoned home of the Nightsisters, Obi-Wan decided to search out the other survivors of the 212th that he had checked in on after his death
somehow, he wasn’t surprised to discover that every one of them was now free of the chips’ control, with no scar on their forehead like Rex’s, and that they were to a man working together to free and organize any of their remaining brothers
and, in each of their ships and bases, he noted, was a loving arrangement of lights and tea bags and plants, all surrounding a still holo of himself
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tennessoui · 3 years
FeralObi anon here. How do you come up with these so fast?? Are you an infinite number of ideas and worlds in human-shaped form? I love both of those ideas. The first one kills me tho, Obi gets his first kind touch in years from lil Anakin. Also you can have lil Anakin coming home one day with a skulking, snarling nonverbal murder puppy and saying brightly, "He followed me home, can I keep him?" Schmi thinks this is definitely worse than the time he brought a krayt dragon home.
ah! hello! yes this is the first idea of a feral obi-wan who meets anakin when he's still on tatooine. i will also still do the second idea because like. i liked them equally as much rip me
but i told myself these were going to both be very short snippets and instead this one is uh 2k so i'll post the second one tomorrow instead of tonight!
(ficlet where obi-wan is captured by pirates/unspecified forces at a young age and then tortured for a decade before he escapes to tatooine when anakin is like 6. obi-wan, after a decade of torture is....not alright in this fic though he's only here at the end) (2k)
Shmi had known that when she sent her little Anakin away to follow after the stern-faced, warm-eyed Jedi Master, that this would not be the last time she ever saw her boy. She couldn’t explain how she knew, just as she had not been able to explain how she became pregnant, but she knew beyond a doubt that one day, she would see her little boy back in her arms.
She just hadn’t known it would be so soon.
“He died, Master Jinn died,” Anakin mumbles into the front of her dress, unwilling to move his head far back enough from her hug that he could talk clearly. “On Naboo. And the stupid Jedi council refused to train me even after I was so amazing in the air. Mom, I destroyed a blockade! Entirely! And they wouldn’t--they didn’t--” his little face scrunches up and then he’s bawling into his hands.
A slave, a born slave, knows intrinsically the injustice of the galaxy. It is not often they know hope.
“Oh my boy,” she whispers, smoothing a hand over the top of his head. She has questions. She has so many questions about everything he’s just said and what those strangers have put her son through, but the most important thing is a question she cannot wait until he has cried himself out to ask. “Is your chip gone, Ani? Did they remove your transmitter?”
Because she had sent him away from her so that he could be free. And that had been her own twisted version of hope, that her son could know a life she never would again. If the Jedi masters had proven to be just like every other master in the world, she would find herself sobbing into her own hands.
“Yeah,” Anakin sniffles and wipes at his ruddy cheeks, pulling back a few steps. “They removed it and everything. And--”
He pauses and drops his satchel to the ground in front of her. “They gave me credits. To buy you. For my trouble.”
He spits out the last three words like they’re the most disgusting thing in the entire world. As if Shmi’s freedom isn’t laying at their feet, mere centimeters away.
“Republic credits are no good here,” she hears herself say faintly.
“Padme, the handmaiden you met, she talked to the queen about me I guess,” Anakin mumbles, kicking his feet. “And when the queen learned that the Jedi didn’t want me even after all that, Padme says the queen says I’ll always have a place on Naboo. Me and my family. And then she took the Jedi credits and gave me these instead. It should be enough, Mom.”
Shmi sits down on the floor. With shaking hands, she opens the bag and looks inside. Yes. Yes.
There’s more than enough.
There’s enough to buy her freedom and take her boy away from Mos Espa. There’s enough to take her boy away from Tatooine completely.
“I…” she says. “Ani, I…”
“Padme said she’d send a ship for us,” Ani reports as if their lives are not changing right in front of their eyes. “In two days ‘cause I told her it might take a little bit of time to get Ben to come with us. But we can’t leave without him.”
This is said fiercely and with his arms crossed tightly over his little chest.
Shmi stares at him.
“I’ve already left him once!” Anakin says, stomping his foot. “But that was okay, because I knew you would bring him food and water and stuff. But if we’re both gone, no one’s going to be there for him.”
Shmi bites at her lip. There’s a lot of things happening very quickly right now, and she doesn’t know how to process half of them.
Her son has come back, after only being gone for a week and a half.
He has apparently either endeared himself so much to the queen of Naboo that she was willing to give him the money necessary to buy his mother from slavery and also promise him sanctuary on her planet. He says he’s done this by single-handedly ending a blockade, which is something she just cannot even think about right now.
He has told this queen--queen--that he will gladly live on Naboo with his family. Yes. Alright.
His family seems to include his imaginary friend, Ben.
Anakin has been talking about Ben for years now, ever since he was six and a half years old and sent by Watto to retrieve any scraps he could from what looked to be a crashed pod in the Wastelands. She’d let him ramble on about the ghost of a friend, because she’d known it to be something all children go through and experience. She hadn’t thought Anakin a lonely child, not with the friends he made in Mos Espa, but she’d always known that Anakin had a wandering spirit, ill-suited for Tatooine. If he liked to imagine an older man from a strange world hiding in the caves of the Wastes, then she wasn’t going to say anything.
“You have been leaving him food, haven’t you, Mom?” Anakin asks, almost accusatory. “I told him to expect you and everything.”
No. Shmi has not been traveling to the edge of the Wastelands every day during her precious few hours of free time in order to leave food to be picked apart by womp rats and desert critters and not her boy’s imaginary friend.
“Ani,” she says cautiously, quietly, “we cannot...we won’t be able to bring Ben with us when we go.”
Anakin, predictably, does not react well. “Why not!” he yells, backing away from her even further and looking as if she is the enemy. “Padme’s fine with it!”
“Aren’t you a little old for imaginary friends?” Shmi asks desperately, feeling cold suddenly even though the heat of the mid-morning sun has not abated at all.
If anything, her son looks more offended. “He’s not imaginary! Saying...saying that he’s not coming with us...is...is a bunch of poodoo!”
“Anakin!” Shmi gasps.
“Come on,” her boy says forcefully, grabbing at her hand and tugging her towards the door. She gets on her feet reluctantly and has half a mind to pull back just because he needs to learn that this sort of behavior is not okay, war hero or not. “We’re going to buy you from Watto. And then we’re going to go visit Ben!”
Buying her freedom takes less time than Shmi Skywalker ever thought it would. It feels distant as well, as if it’s happening to someone else.
It doesn’t help that her Ani is impatient and surly by turn, spilling the coin out onto Watto’s counter and barely waiting for him to finish counting it before he’s looking at the price of renting a four-person speeder parked outside.
“You won’t survive out there on your own,” Watto sneers, even as he’s passing her the kill-switch of her own slave chip. “Days. It’ll be days until the Hutts find out there’s a newly freed slave with no connections out there in the open. Ripe for the pickin’.”
Watto doesn’t have to tell her any of this. She knows. Gods, does she know.
But Anakin seems so sure about possessing the favor of the Queen of Naboo, or at least her handmaiden, which might be close enough to the same thing. She thanks Watto--she thanks him and then doesn’t even know why--and meets Anakin outside.
He’s bouncing around the speeder, little hands clutching his satchel to his chest. “Good!” he says when he sees her, hopping onto the machine and putting the parcel between his feet. “I got Ben something called a fig on Naboo, but I don’t know how long it’ll take for it to go bad. Apparently they’re sweet.”
Shmi goes along with it. Shmi doesn’t know why she goes along with it, but she does. She can see this is important to her boy, and though she’d rather spend the afternoon and early evening saying goodbye to her friends, she will allow Ani to say goodbye to his imaginary friend. Maybe she’ll even talk to it. “Hi, hello, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the imaginary blue milk and delicacies I’ve left out for you this past week and half. Oh no, it was no bother. My son insisted.”
The ride is quick--Anakin has always been a driver to push the limits of any engine he comes across--and before she knows it, he’s dismounting on a piece of desert and rock that look exactly the same as the last four pieces of rocky terrain they’ve past.
“Ben!” Ani calls, satchel clutched firmly in his hands as he makes his way deeper into the crevices of the landscape. “Ben, it’s Ani! I’m really sorry that I left! Ben? Ben! I’m back now! Ani’s back!”
It’s actually...quite pathetic, to watch her boy speak so pleadingly to the cold stone faces of the rocks around them, but if this is what he needs to do to say goodbye to his life on Tatooine, Shmi won’t say a word.
“Ben--” Anakin draws in a breath to call again, but then there’s movement out of the corner of Shmi’s eyes, and something jumps from the rock down to land on her boy.
She screams and darts forward, but the thing on top of her son snarls at her in guttural warning.
“No, Ben,” Ani coos, stroking at the face that yes, is human, now that it’s not in unnaturally fast motion. “That’s my mom, Ben.”
Ben--Ben??--growls anyway, pinning the boy--her boy--beneath him with his legs and arms.
“She’s fine,” Ani murmurs gently, one hand reaching up to stoke over the beginnings of a beard on Obi-Wan’s face “Oh Ben, I’m sorry.”
The man on top of Shmi’s child finally looks away from her and at her boy, which is both better and worse.
“Ani,” Ben drawls out, as if the word--or perhaps forming the word--hurts him.
Anakin is happy. Shmi can tell he’s happy without even being able to see much of him. It’s like the very air vibrates with his joy. “Yes!” her son says. “Ani. Ben.” He taps the man’s chest. “Ben. Ani.”
The man buries his head into Anakin’s hair, hands rubbing up and down his sides and his arms and his face.
Shmi needs to say something, wants to say something about this strange man touching boy like he owns him, but the memory of his growl and the flash of his golden eyes stops her from stepping forward.
“Anakin, get away from him,” she hisses instead of stepping forward and tearing the stranger off of her son. She has the distinct feeling Anakin wouldn’t let Ben go anywhere, not with the way his little hands are holding so tight to the man’s shoulders. The man’s shoulders that are covered with one of her old tunics that Anakin had told her became unsalvageable after its last wash.
“No,” Anakin says, tightening his hold on his...friend. “He says you didn’t give him food the entire time I was gone! He’s hungry.”
Shmi thinks there’s a very good possibility that this Ben is going to eat her, but she knows not to say anything of the sort. Not when it’s two against one.
“He hasn’t said anything!” She cries instead.
Anakin huffs at this and pats at the feral’s head. “Maybe not to you, but he talks to me.”
Shmi stares at him and wonders if there’s something she’s supposed to be doing or saying here. The man won’t allow her to tear him off her child, she knows that automatically. But she can’t--she doesn’t know--
“Anakin,” she tries, desperately.
But Anakin doesn’t even look at her, too busy petting over the man, who has at least allowed him to sit up. “Hey, I’m sorry, I thought she would,” he tells him in an undertone. “I really thought she would, but I’m back now. I’m not going anywhere without you again--”
He extends his hand and Ben presses his cheek against it with enough force that it pushes him back slightly.
“You’re coming to Naboo with us, Ben,” Anakin promises, clutching at the ends of the man’s long hair. “Or I’m not going at all.”
To Shmi, it sounds like a threat.
The way her son’s eyes flash an unfamiliar golden color makes her feel cold as a Tatooine night. She shivers, but no one notices.
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elenamiria · 3 years
A False Marriage
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Rating: PG-13 Summary: On a recon mission you and Obi-Wan must pretend to be a married couple. This brings feelings to light that neither of you realized were there. Written for @sugared-strawberrys who was a winner of my 600 follower giveaway! I hope you enjoy this, I absolutely loved writing it. It turned out really soft and I hope you don't mind 🥰 Also I really can’t help myself with the tropes in this one haha oops. And this is the inspiration for the dress reader wears in this. Word Count: 3.2k Warnings: Tension, kissing, mentions of sexual situations, fem reader, talks about braided hair and putting hair in an updo Tags: @crazycatladyjenga @oneirnaut , @a-dorin , @blxwjobsforclones, @lynnie51 @katrynec @mistermiraclee​ @theelvenvalkyrie​ , @ifvckedurmom​ Masterlist & Obi-Wan Kenobi Masterlist
You had tried to hide the terse look on your face as you sat next to Obi-Wan on your transport to a high class gala on Alderaan for your mission, but unfortunately you were never good at holding you expressions in check. You would have felt much more comfortable in your A-wing than the civilian ship you and your mission partner were travelling in. 
A short sigh left your mouth as you tried not to worry yourself about the mission, after all there wasn't much you could do to change your circumstances. Your brief noise caught the attention of Obi-Wan and he tilted his head towards you, taking in your tense features. A small smile covered his lips as he quipped, "Come now, it's not as if you actually had to marry me."
You rolled your eyes at his statement and shot a facetious glare his way, "Not everything is about you Master Kenobi."
Settling back into your seat you allowed your eyes to slide to the window in front of you watching space pass by. Though you could certainly see why he would think your little huff was directed at him considering you had been less than pleased at your mission partner when in the mission debrief. It wasn't that you lacked respect for the Jedi General in fact you held him in the highest regard. However, your perfectionist nature and the fact that Obi-Wan seemed to be naturally gifted in most things he did led to a fiercely competitive friendship through the both of your lives. In truth you weren't really upset that you had been paired with him, the frustration stemmed mainly from within and your worry that you would make a fool of yourself in front of the esteemed Jedi next to you. 
Apparently you missed his reply, lost in your own thoughts, and you were startled from your racing thoughts by a call of your name. Turning abruptly you met his genuinely concerned gaze and you blinked blankly at him for a second until he prompted, "Are you are alright?"
This time your huff was directed towards him and you narrowed your eyes in annoyance, this was just like him to question you like that. You knew he was truly just wanting to ensure there was nothing wrong but the part of your brain that enjoyed pushing his buttons seemed to take over as you muttered, "Fine. Just thinking about how I have to pretend that I, your wife, let you keep your hair like that."
Obi-Wan's mouth parted and a rather indignant noise flew from him before he glared back at you, one hand subconsciously tugging at the end of his long locks, "Yes, well at least you don't have to deal with a partner who's recon missions tend to go as well as falling into a sarlacc pit goes."
An audible gasp flew from you as you spun towards him, your face heating in anger, and you spit out, "You're lucky I don't have my lightsaber on me Kenobi!" A smirk covered his lips and you knew whatever was coming next would only serve to further provoke you. Your thoughts were proven absolutely correct as Obi-Wan smugly questioned, "I think rather it's you who's lucky that your weapon isn't on you as we both know how embarrassing it would be for me to best you after that little quip."
Having known Obi-Wan for so long you could pretty easily predict what was going to come out of his mouth and this time you were ready. You let out a short laugh before retorting, "I'd only hope that you'd grant me the small mercy of knocking me out so I don't have to listen to you prattle on anymore." "My dear it seems that would be the most beneficial option for both of us." Came Kenobi's smooth reply. Crossing your arms and sinking further down into your seat you snapped back a short 'fine' and allowed the space craft to fall into silence. It remained that way for majority of the few hours left in flight, the quiet only disturbed by the occasional question as you went over the mission plans again. The mission in question was to find out if a high ranking Alderaan official was secretly pushing a separatist agenda - something that Bail Organa's wife had become suspicious of. You had questioned why this wasn't simply a solo mission and much to your displeasure had found out that this man had a penchant for married women it seemed, thus here the two of you were.
Thanks to your rigorous study of the mission details it didn't seem all that long until you were arriving on Alderaan and being escorted to your room within the royal palace. When you arrived you barely had time to take in your surroundings before Obi-Wan was softly muttering that he would get ready first and you could make yourself comfortable. He quickly retreated to the bathroom of the luxurious accommodations and you took a moment to take a look around. Though the room was grand it was decorated minimally, not that it mattered when a large window gave a stunning view of the snowy topped mountains.  
 You took a long breath to soak in the beauty that you didn't often get to see within the bustling confines of the city before turning and setting your bags down. One bag was dedicated solely to the gown you were supposed to wear tonight - a truly impressive dress that made you feel like royalty and at the same time completely out of your element. Pulling it gently out of the bag you laid it across the couch, ensuring there were minimal wrinkles. Satisfied you let your eyes roam the room and then you settled your gaze on the bed in the room. Blinking for a few seconds your head quickly turned to look around the rest of the room as if you could will a second bed into existence.  A deep exhale left your mouth as you pinched the bridge of your nose already deciding that you would offer to let Obi-Wan take the bed, after all you had been the one to pick a fight with him on the ship, it seemed the least you could do. 
Settling on the couch next to your dress you pulled out a small mirror and began to undo the tight braids your hair was in to hopefully save you some time in the bathroom. It wasn't often that you wore your hair down and your could feel your scalp thanking you as you lightly massaged any sore spots. You weren't sure how much time had passed, once again allowing your thoughts and worries about the mission consume your thoughts despite your best efforts to simply relax, and you startled slightly when the refresher door slid open. Obi-Wan strolled out dressed in a similar style to Bail Organa and you wondered if perhaps the senator hadn't lent him some of his clothing. Though all thoughts flew from your head as he passed the window and the sun caught on his cheekbones, highlighting his skin and lighting up his brilliant blue eyes. You could have sworn time slowed down as he offered you a gentle smile and your breath caught in your throat as you tried to regain some of your sense. It was only after a few moments that you noticed he had trimmed his hair, where the curls had fallen just past his shoulders they now just brushed them. Had he done that because of your snarky statement? Your brow furrowed slightly as you questioned why you were so caught up in his appearance in the first place and the moment was broken by your gaze snapping to the floor. 
Obi-Wan's gaze lingered on you, a slight frown covering his face as he wondered if he had somehow upset you when you quickly gathered your belongings and practically fled into the bathroom. A small noise distracted him from your retreating form and he bent down to pick up the fake engagement and wedding rings you had been given to wear. Standing he turned to call out to you but as the refresher door slid shut he simply held onto them, figuring he could give you them before the two of you left for the gala.
Staring into the mirror you sighed deeply, shaking your head. The only reason you were distracted by Obi-Wan's appearance was because of your nerves about the mission you had decided. Nothing more and nothing less. You had certainly never looked at Obi-Wan in that light before - though there were all the times when you found yourself captivated by his grace in combat and how his......no you definitely had never seen him like this before.  
Focusing back to the task at hand you applied your makeup and finished putting your hair into a simple updo, one that you had done before and that was elegant and yet functional at keeping your hair out of your face. And then came the dress. You disrobed rather quickly, folding your clothes into a neat pile, and stepped into the dress. Pulling it on you could admit that it truly was a beautiful dress though as your arms slid into the small off the shoulder sleeves you could tell that there was no practicality in the dress. Your arms seemed to fit into the sleeves a bit snugly and thus your movement was quite severely limited, an issue you found when attempting to reach back and lace the back of the dress. After several futile attempts you hung your head in defeat, taking a deep breath before calling out for your Jedi partner. You waited several seconds before calling out again, this time hearing several hurried footsteps before you heard your name come from the opposite side of the door. Sighing you gave in and as quietly as you could manage (while still ensuring he could hear you) asked, "Will you please come help me?"
The door slid open and you stubbornly stared at the counter as your face heated in embarrassment, "I just- I can't get the laces and I'm not really even sure how they're supposed to go. Please don't laugh, I know I look completely ridiculous and I-"
You were cut off by a soft, calming call of your name and then you felt Obi-Wan's fingers brush at your back, gathering the laces. His gentle tone caught you off guard yet again and you stilled, chancing a glance in the mirror. Blue eyes caught yours and the serious look on his face had you freezing where you stood. Deftly he laced up the back, tugging and pulling as lightly as he could, only breaking eye contact for a few moments at a time. His sureness had you feeling more calm by the second and when he finished, tucking the laces in between the layers of your dress, his gentle smile brought you back to reality. Turning your face heated for an entirely different reason as you realized how close you were, gaze dropping to the floor again. 
A warm hand captured your left hand and gently raised it, calloused fingers brushing softly over yours. Looking up at him in confusion you were met with a mischievous grin and his opposite hand procured the rings you were supposed to be wearing. You let out a small laugh as you relaxed completely in his grip, "Looks like I'm not getting out of this marriage am I Obi-Wan?"
"Most certainly not my dear." A smile crossed your face as he slid the rings onto your finger delicately. Your other hand rose to run through the hair at the nape of his neck as you questioned, "Did you cut your hair for me?"
General Kenobi tensed slightly at your question and as your eyes met his a light pink dusted his cheeks. That was answer enough for you and an airy laugh fell from your lips, "Thank you darling, it looks wonderful."
Purposefully you drawled out the pet name in an attempt at his accent. There was a pause and the Obi-Wan let out an equally as bright laugh before he squeezed your hand, "Well I'm glad you think so. However, I do believe it is time for us to head to the gala."
As if sensing your nerves about to spike Obi spoke again in a teasing lilt, "And you don't look ridiculous, you truly look absolutely ravishing."
With that he swept out of the room, leaving you to pick your jaw up off of the floor and your hands smoothed down your dress before you followed after him - an air of confidence overtaking you.
The two of you arrived shortly after the gala had began, a steady flow of officials and ambassadors filling the room. Swallowing you took a step closer to Obi-Wan and a comforting hand met your lower back. Sharp eyes scanned the room as the two of you searched for the target. 
"I don't see him." You said lowly and Obi-Wan nodded in agreement, "Nor I. While we wait would your prefer to mingle with others, dance or should we make ourselves known at the bar?"
You opted for the last option, as it offered a solid vantage point of everyone entering and having a small drink never hurt. Courteously Obi-Wan guided you through the crowds and even pulled out your seat for you, ensuring you were sat comfortably before taking his own seat next to you. Ordering quickly your partner slid around on the stool to face outwards and you turned to face him, your thighs brushing together lightly. 
The contact had you taking a healthy swallow of your drink once it arrived and then you distracted yourself by keeping an eye out on the entrance. A warm palm settled on your knee and a shock shot up your spine causing you to nearly choke on your drink. Glancing at Obi-Wan you noticed his eyes trailing someone. A look towards his eyeline confirmed that he had located the target, who in a stroke of good fortune was heading directly towards the bar. Deciding it would be best to play up your false marriage you softly called out for Obi-Wan's attention, which was promptly given. You inhaled deeply as you made eye contact and whispered, "Do you trust me?"
Obi's eyes searched yours as he nodded and surely stated 'of course'. That gave you the courage to lean forwards, left hand coming up to cup his face, and connect your lips together. The Jedi jolted and froze for a split-second before responding to the kiss more eagerly than you had anticipated. His lips were soft and warm, moving in tandem with yours, and when his hand slid up to your thigh a small nip on your lower lip had you melting into him. In the moment everything faded away - the mission, the crowd surrounding you, the cacophony of sound - it was only you and him, that's all that mattered. His other hand rose to cup your hand on the side of his face and he gave it a soft squeeze as he parted from you, a warmth gleaming in his eyes that hadn't been there before. 
You felt your face heating as he gave you a sparkling smile, you pulled back slightly but he kept your hand clasped in his. A brush of his lips against the tips of his fingers sparked something in your lower stomach and you had to suppress a gasp as he then pressed a kiss to your palm, lips trailing to the pulse point on your wrist. As his lips made contact you swore you forgot how to breath, his cerulean eyes locked with yours as your lips parted in a silent exhale. With that gentle touch he slowly rose, brushed a stray hair off of your cheek, and bent to your level. Beard tickling at your cheek he whispered to you, "He's directly behind you, I think we peaked his interest darling." 
Standing up to his full height again he made it clear that he would be right back before pressing a kiss to your forehead, seemingly leaving you alone with the target, your heart racing from the intimate touches. You knew that he wasn't going far, the banquet hall in the palace had secret eavesdropping locations hidden behind screens and you knew he would be retreating to one of those. 
Spinning to face the bar again you caught the bartenders attention to order another drink and a gruff voice spoke up from next to you that he would be paying for your drink. A false smile coated your face as you turned to thank him and you made sure to show off the ring on your left hand as you finished the first drink. As the man gave you a smug smile you knew you had him exactly where you wanted him.
He turned out to be a ridiculously easy mark, caring more about impressing a stranger who he thought he could fuck than keeping his mouth shut about his views. It was only after you got the information you needed to relay to Senator Organa that Obi-Wan swooped back in. His arm sliding around your waist and he pulled you close to him had the stranger grumbling as the two of you excused yourselves. To keep up appearances you made your way around the ballroom once before sneaking out. You weren't going to lie the two drinks had you speaking a bit more freely than normal which led to several bouts of unrestrained laughter from the two of you as you made your way back to your quarters, Obi-Wan’s arm never leaving the comfortable way he had it wrapped around your waist. 
When you reached the doors Obi-Wan hesitated and you tilted your head at him in confusion. There was a pause before he spoke, "I know throughout our years we've both strived to best each other and given that you are a fierce competitor I wouldn't have it any other way. However, I enjoyed tonight and how easy it was with you."
You simply smiled and entwined your hands, pulling him into your quarters for the night. Once the door slid shut you pulled him into another soft kiss, this time it was short and sweet, leaving a tender smile on both of your faces. 
It seemed there were many unspoken things left to be said but for tonight as the two of you lay on opposite sides of the bed (both of you had refused to let the other sleep on the couch) nothing else needed to be said. It wasn't long before you had rolled over and scooted close to the center with Obi-Wan following shortly after. As he wrapped you up in a cozy embrace you nuzzled into his chest, sleep nearly overtaking you but you couldn't let him go to sleep without a teasing reminder of, "I hope you know this won't make me go easy on you when we spar. I'll still have no problem beating you." A chuckle rumbled in Obi-Wan's chest as he muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'you can certainly try'.
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
Yay Prompts! :D Congratulations again Katie! It was really hard to choose between them, but I decided on 12. “It reminded me of you.” for Obi-Wan and Anakin during the early years of their Padawan & Master time. (maybe with Obi-Wan bringing something back from a mission?) Thank you! <3
Ahhh thank you for the prompt! I love it! // from these prompts
So this is the spiritual sequel to this ficlet, but you don't need to read it to understand it. Here ya go!
It is the middle of the night on Coruscant and Obi-Wan is wide awake.
For once, he is not being kept awake by his own thoughts or anxieties. This time around, Obi-Wan is awake because his ship has just landed in the temple hangar after returning from Alderaan where the time is currently mid-day. Obi-Wan’s body believes it is time to go get a mid-day meal, but he resists the urge. He knows he needs to get adjusted to Coruscant time sooner rather than later — especially with a rambunctious padawan on his hands.
Obi-Wan smiles at the thought of seeing Anakin. They’ve been apart for two weeks now, and while Anakin has gotten more used to Obi-Wan going on solo missions every now and then, he still didn’t like it. Whenever Obi-Wan returned from his missions alone, Anakin tended to act even clingier than normal for a few days. Not that Obi-Wan minded too much.
He missed Anakin too.
He hopes Anakin isn’t too angry with him. Obi-Wan was supposed to be back at the temple in the afternoon, but he had slept through his alarms on Alderaan — his body exhausted from two weeks of travel and negotiations and pretending like he enjoyed the company of the politicians around him. Still, he can’t help but feel a little bad about his tardiness.
A spring bounds itself to Obi-Wan’s steps and he rolls his eyes at his own energy. Of course the one time he’s well-rested, he’s adjusted to the wrong time zone. A group of nocturnal Jedi conversing together in the hallway stare at him as he passes them by. He offers them a wave and ignores their questioning stares.
Despite his unexpected energy, he is relieved when he gets to his apartment. While Obi-Wan loves to travel beyond the smog-saturated atmosphere of Coruscant, he is always most content within the walls of the temple.
Quietly, he waves open the front door and takes soft steps through the foyer. With a flick of his wrist, a lamp switches on, bathing the entire living room in a warm glow and revealing golden hair peeking out of a bundle of blankets.
“Anakin?” Obi-Wan questions in surprise. “What are you doing on the couch? It’s the middle of the night. Why aren’t you sleeping in your own room?”
Anakin blinks at him tiredly. The childish part of Obi-Wan that still remains can’t help but feel some sort of smug satisfaction at being the one to wake up Anakin for once. Normally, Anakin is the one hell-bent on keeping Obi-Wan awake. But the feeling does not last when he gets a closer look at his padawan. Flushed cheeks, unfocused gaze, sweat-soaked hair. Obi-Wan kneels down next to Anakin.
“Hey,” Obi-Wan says gently. “Are you feeling okay?”
Anakin shakes his head no.
Obi-Wan grimaces. “You should be resting in your room. What are you doing out here?”
“Waiting for you. You’re late.”
Guilt swells in Obi-Wan’s chest. He rests his hand on Anakin’s forehead and winces at the heat.
“That’s a pretty bad fever,” Obi-Wan murmurs more to himself than to Anakin. He moves his hand down to cup Anakin’s cheek and the boy leans into the touch. “I thought Master Plo was supposed to be checking on you twice a day?”
“He was. He came by this morning. I felt fine this morning.”
“And not this afternoon?”
“You were supposed to be here this afternoon,” Anakin states, blinking big puppy dog eyes up at him. The sticky feeling of guilt intensifies.
“Why didn’t you call for Master Plo? He would have come back and helped you.”
“I thought you were coming.”
“I know,” Obi-Wan sighs. “And I’m really sorry. But I’m here now okay? I can take care of you now.”
Anakin nods. “Okay.”
Obi-Wan gets up and starts rooting around the kitchen. “I should make you some soup. When was the last time you ate? I bet you haven’t eaten today. Oh Force we have nothing here. Okay, okay let me go find you something, and then we can—”
“Master,” Anakin says, cutting him off from his ramblings. “You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?”
“The thing where you start thinking out loud.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan says sheepishly. “Well, have you eaten?”
“I ate this morning.”
“That was a long time ago,” Obi-Wan says. “I think.”
“Don’t care. Not hungry. Don’t feel good.”
“You might feel better with something in your stomach,” Obi-Wan suggests.
“Don’t think so. And isn’t it the middle of the night? No one eats in the middle of the night. It’s not a meal time.”
“Time is made up.”
Obi-Wan shakes his head. Maybe now is not the best time to bring up his existential musings. “Nothing. Sorry. I’m still on Alderaan time. It’s throwing me off.”
Anakin narrows his eyes at him and shakes his head. “I don’t want any soup,” he declares.
Obi-Wan sighs. “Fine. But I’m making ginger tea and you will drink it.”
“Ugh,” Anakin grimaces. “I don’t like it.”
“I don’t care.”
Obi-Wan begins making the tea, his hands going through the motions on their own accord while his thoughts linger on Anakin. He was only a few hours late. Still. Guilt continues to coil around him like a snake. Obi-Wan can feel Anakin’s distress still clinging to his Force presence. He was probably scared and he was definitely disappointed. Obi-Wan frowns at the thought.
The high-pitched whistle from the kettle makes him shake those thoughts away. He brews the tea and returns to the couch to find Anakin half-asleep and shivering.
“Oh, Anakin,” Obi-Wan murmurs. “Let’s get you to your actual bed. It will be warmer there.”
Anakin nods but makes no move to get up.
“Come on, Padawan,” Obi-Wan says, setting the tea down on the side table. He pulls the blankets off of Anakin and he shivers even more.
Obi-Wan guides Anakin to his bedroom and he slides into bed. Obi-Wan starts to pull the blankets up over him, but the Anakin pulls them away on his own. “I can do it,” he says sharply.
“Oh, can you now?” Obi-Wan says with a raised eyebrow.
Anakin huffs in reply, already tangling himself up in the sheets.
“Are you still mad at me?” Obi-Wan asks.
Anakin gives a petulant nod and it takes everything in Obi-Wan to smother his laughter.
“That’s too bad. I got you something while I was gone.”
Anakin perks up slightly. “You got me something?”
“Mhmm,” Obi-Wan hums. “But since you’re so mad at me, I know you probably won’t want to accept any gifts from me, so I’ll just hold onto it.”
“Wait,” Anakin says, sitting up. “I’m not that mad.”
“Oh really?” Obi-Wan teases. “You can forgive me for all my transgressions?”
“Some of them,” Anakin says tentatively.
“I guess that will have to do for now, huh?” Obi-Wan says as he digs through his robe.
Anakin nods his assent and watches Obi-Wan with bright eyes.
“Do you remember a few weeks ago when you brought home that loth cat?”
Anakin perks up even more. “Did you get me a loth cat?”
Obi-Wan cringes. He probably shouldn’t have led with that. “Kind of,” he says.
Obi-Wan presents the stuffed loth cat he picked up on Alderaan to Anakin and the boy’s eyes light up.
“Thank you, Master!” Anakin says, giddy with excitement at the prospect of being given a gift. He probably hasn’t received too many gifts in his life, Obi-Wan thinks a little sadly.
“You’re most welcome, Anakin.”
“Why did you get this for me?” he asks, his eyes not leaving the stuffed animal.
“I don’t know,” Obi-Wan falters. “I saw it and it reminded me of you.”
Anakin pulls his eyes away from the loth cat to give Obi-Wan a disbelieving look. “Really?”
At that, Anakin jumps forward and throws his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck. Obi-Wan smiles at the reaction, but worry creeps back in when he can feel the heat still emanating from Anakin’s body.
“I’m glad you like it,” Obi-Wan says. “But I think this is enough excitement for one night. You need to get some sleep if you want that fever to go down.”
“I’m not tired.”
Obi-Wan sees the lie for what it is, but he indulges him anyway.
“Well then, why don’t you lay down, and maybe you’ll start to feel tired?”
“I don’t think I will, Master,” Anakin says, even as he starts to settle back into bed. He lets Obi-Wan pull the blankets over him this time. The stuffed loth cat is held tightly in his arms.
“Wait here then. I’ll go get you your tea.”
Anakin groans. “I don’t want it.”
“It will make you fall asleep,” Obi-Wan insists. He ignores Anakin’s protests as he ducks out of the room and finds his way back to the living room where he left the tea.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan groans to himself as he notices for the first time all the droid parts littering the floor and the coffee table. He takes a moment to straighten everything out before grabbing the mug of tea and heading back to Anakin’s room.
“Now, I know you don’t like it, but I promise it will—” Obi-Wan cuts himself off when his eyes land on the form of his Padawan. His breaths have evened out and his eyes are closed. The blankets are pulled up to his shoulders and the stuffed loth cat is nestled under his chin.
Obi-Wan stands in the doorway, smiling softly and sipping on lukewarm tea.
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A selfish, guilt-ridden choice
For @codywanweek 2021 Day 1: Fix-it.
You can also read this fic here on A03.
Warnings for mentions of blood, injured characters, mentions of mind control and a non-graphic character death (it is a fix-it, so two guesses who dies.)
Cody felt his face twist into a snarl when he watched Palpatine throw Fox against the wall of his office, without thinking, Cody ran across the room, ignoring the sounds of lightsabers clashing as his cyare and his fellow Jedi tried to defeat Palpatine. The Sith Lord. The thought lodged in Cody’s throat, his brothers and the Jedi had been pawns in a Sith Lord’s plan, a Sith Lord who Fox had had to face every day and a Sith Lord who had made Fox connect with the wall with a sickening crack. When Cody skidded to a stop on his knees beside Fox’s crumpled form, he slowly took off his brother’s helmet and looked down at Fox’s slack face. Part of his curly hair had been shaved away so they could take out his chip (same as Cody), but there was now a bleeding cut on his forehead from the force of his helmet hitting the wall. Blood was now coating the left side of Fox’s face and it made Cody’s stomach twist unpleasantly. He turned for a moment, checking to see that Obi-Wan was still alive, he wanted to help his cyare, the thought of losing his Jedi when they were so close to winning the war was not a thought he wanted to think about. But helping Obi-Wan now, would mean leaving Fox lying unconscious, vulnerable, and that was not something Cody was willing to do. Fox was one of his batchmates, he was the youngest of their batch and Cody had spent three years thinking Fox was as safe as he could be on Coruscant, to find out Fox’s mind had been tampered with by Palpatine, a Sith Lord, filled Cody with unbridled rage.
He turned back to Fox and leaned over his vod’ika, gently cradling his slack face. “Fox?” There was no answer, panicking Cody felt for a pulse and was relieved to find one. “Fox’ika?”
Fox’s face twisted in a grimace. “Don’t call me that,” frowned Fox, his voice gravelly with a faint slur.
A relieved breath whooshed out of Cody’s lungs. “Then don’t scare me like that. Do you have any idea what Wolffe would do to me if I let anything happen to you?” Fox just stared up at him with an unimpressed glare and raised eyebrows. As much as Fox liked to argue that he wasn’t the ik’aad of the batch, it fell on deaf ears, and Wolffe, the third oldest of the batch, always wanted to look out for and protect Fox.
They both flinched at the sound of cackling laughter. Fox tried to twist his head on the plush carpet to look, but Cody made him keep his head still, while he turned to look himself. Generals Windu and Skywalker were on the floor, Palpatine towering over them, Obi-Wan was pushing himself up off the floor and forcing himself to rush to his former Padawan and friend’s sides. Cody tensed, knowing Obi-Wan would not fare well if he faced the Sith Lord alone. A hand gripped his arm and pushed him onto his hands and knees.
Turning back to look down at Fox, whose eyes looked glazed, a definite sign of a concussion, his brother glared up at him. “What are you waiting for?!” Fox growled threateningly, Cody nodded and then picked up his fallen blaster and rushed closer to the action, wanting to put some distance between Fox and what was happening. He knelt, his knee digging into the plush purple carpet, and aimed his blaster at the back of Palpatine’s head. But the Sith Lord could sense the danger, and with a creepy smirk just batted the blaster bolt away with a swish of his hand. The blue bolt streaked through the air and struck the wall above where Fox was lying, causing Cody to hastily push himself back up on his feet. Some plaster debris fell onto Fox who just started glaring hatred at the Sith Lord as dust settled into his dark curls.
Suddenly, in a flurry of red and blue lightsabers, Palpatine used Cody’s lack of focus on the fight to throw Obi-Wan to the floor, while his yellow eyes turned to look at Fox who was struggling to sit up. His cyare landed with a heavy thump and didn’t move, Cody’s heart seized in terror, he couldn’t even be sure whether or not if Obi-Wan had been struck by the Sith’s lightsaber.
Cody was torn. He was stood in the middle of the Chancellor's office, stood an equal distance away from two people he loved dearly, while the Sith Lord swung his deadly, blood red lightsaber, cackling as he nearly caught General Windu's shoulder. General Windu who had quickly stepped forwards and was valiantly standing in front of Obi-Wan, who was lying on the floor, his face turned away from Cody's sight. Cody didn't know if his cyare was badly injured, but if Cody ran to Obi-Wan, his brother who, clearly had a concussion and was still lying crumpled on the floor as he tried to force himself to sit up. Would be left vulnerable.
As he stared between his love and his vod'ika, everything slowed down. Cody's breaths echoed in his ears; his eyes darted from his injured love to his injured vod'ika. Knowing if he chose one over the other, he was leaving the other to potentially die because he didn't choose them. It was a heavy burden placed on his shoulders. A burden he couldn't alleviate by saving them both.
He had to choose.
Time was running out.
Obi-Wan continued to lie still, Windu and now Skywalker trying to protect him. As the Sith Lord tried to court Skywalker to his side. Cody flinched and inched towards his cyare, but then his breath caught as his gaze skittered over to Fox. His vod'ika who had suffered enough having to serve with Palpatine as his Commanding Officer. If Cody chose Obi-Wan now, Palpatine might well kill Fox, his vod'ika injured with a concussion after being Force-thrown against the wall.
If Cody chose Fox. He might live out the rest of his life knowing his choice killed Obi-Wan. That his choice would make him break the promise he made to himself. The promise that he would do whatever it took to get Obi-Wan to survive the war. To save Fox, Cody would have to lose his cyare.
If Cody chose Obi-Wan. He would live knowing he willingly sacrificed his vod'ika to save his cyare. Sacrifice the brother who had never relaxed in three years, who ran himself into the ground to protect his Guard. If he chose Obi-Wan, Fox would never live a free and happy life. Cody would be forced to look his batchmates in the eye and tell them Fox was dead because he was selfish. That he valued his cyare above his vod'ika. If he chose his little brother, he would lose his cyare.
For the first time in his life, Cody didn't know what to do.
Then Fox lifted his head and stared Cody down with a firm, but glazed look. And Cody's heart sank. Fox didn't have to say anything, Cody could read his vod'ika. He had spent his Cadet years protecting Fox from the trainers, had promised Fox that one day everything would be alright. Silently promised himself that he would rather die than hurt Fox.
Fox shook his head and frowned at him. His glazed hazel eyes shone with anger and disappointment. He had listened to Cody talk non-stop about his cyare, about how much he loved him, how he wanted to spend his life after the war with Obi-Wan. Fox knew what Cody would lose if he chose Fox over Obi-Wan. And he knew Fox would never forgive him for giving up his happiness. Cody felt tears prick the backs of his eyes, as Fox mouthed one order that broke Cody's heart. “Go.”
And so, Cody made his choice. He hated himself as he turned away from his vod'ika, hated the choice he had just made. Screamed inside his head as he raised his blaster, screamed and cried how choosing was wrong. But as he raised his blaster and those cold, calculating, yellow eyes locked onto him. Cody wondered if he didn't really have to choose. Perhaps he could save both his cyare and vod'ika. He would just need to be the one lost in this battle. This was an easier choice to make.
Palpatine twisted his arms and made Skywalker and Windu stumble against each other as they hurried to avoid the red lightsaber striking at them. Cody stepped towards the Sith Lord, neither moving closer to Fox or Obi-Wan, making himself a target. Then Cody felt an invisible hand start to tighten around his throat, Cody growled at the Sith Lord, trying to raise his blaster once again, but another invisible hand kept his arm pointing downwards. Palpatine sneered at him, his yellow eyes promising death. The way he had looked at Fox, it made Cody furious and he tried to fight the Force hold that was holding him, he was prepared to die for his cyare and brother, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to fight back, he wasn’t going to let Palpatine have the opportunity to still win even if Cody died fighting. He wouldn’t go down that easily. Not when those he loved still needed to survive this fight.
While he was prepared to sacrifice himself for the greater good, he wasn’t going to give Palpatine an inch of success. Not only were Obi-Wan and Fox at risk, but the rest of his brothers were as well. They were de-chipping every single brother, but it wasn’t fast enough if Palpatine decided to reach for a commlink. He tried to struggle in the invisible grip, gasping slightly when the hold around his neck tightened a little more.
As Cody stared down the Sith Lord, he recalled the first time he met Obi-Wan, how he had been immediately impressed with the Jedi General’s care and devotion to the men under his command. Very quickly Cody came to trust Obi-Wan and from there they became very good friends. Every hurt the Jedi took on hurt Cody, he hated to see his General hurt especially when he got hurt protecting the 212th. Cody felt it was his job to protect his General, not the other way around. When the war had been going on for a year, one day Cody looked at his friend and realised that his heart pounded harder at every shared look, his hand or arm would tingle after Obi-Wan touched him there and soon enough he realised that he had fallen in love with his friend. There had been no grand revelation, just a quiet conversation that led to a gentle kiss and Cody silently promising himself that he and Obi-Wan would survive the war and live a peaceful life together.
Seeing Obi-Wan’s blatant terror at the revelation that Palpatine was the Sith Lord they were looking for, how Palpatine had been trying to Turn Obi-Wan’s former Padawan to the Darkside, led Cody’s protective urges to ramp up into hyper drive. Cody had used his rank of Marshall Commander to get his chip out first, Fox a close second. Cody had wanted to keep Fox away from the impending fight, but the determined fire in his vod’ika’s hazel eyes made Cody aware that he couldn’t stop Fox from coming with them. And so, Cody had to just try and breathe, his vod’ika and cyare were in harm’s way, as they all tried to stop a vicious Sith Lord from gaining control of the galaxy. But as those evil yellow eyes stared at him, Cody was filled with fear, what if it wasn’t enough? What if Palpatine still won? What would he do to the Jedi? To Cody’s brothers? As he stared death in the face, Cody could only hope his sacrifice would be enough to at least buy his cyare and his fellow Jedi enough time to permanently stop Palpatine.
Cody didn’t close his eyes as he braced himself, knowing that Palpatine intended to kill him. That was clear from the look in the yellow eyes staring at him with complete and utter contempt and hatred. But while his eyes remained open, not wanting to physically demonstrate his fear, Cody’s sight was instead filled with memories. The first time Obi-Wan smiled at him. The time Cody dragged a young Cadet Rex to his barracks. The time Cadet Fox gave Alpha a run around in the vents for three hours, the proud smirk on his face. The time Ponds, Cody and Wolffe met up with Fox in 79’s and dumped beer all over him. So many happy memories passed through his mind, and while Cody knew he was going to die, he at least died with the smiling faces of his cyare and brothers in front of him.
“No!” cried a voice, and just as Cody felt his feet begin to lift from the floor, he was bodily slammed back down to the plush carpet. Windu and Skywalker rushed Palpatine, distracting him away from Cody and whoever saved him. “Cody? Are you alright? Cody?!” snapped the voice worriedly.
Turning his head up, Cody felt his helmet pulled off his head and blinked blearily up at the face of the person leaning over him. He blinked and was surprised to find Obi-Wan was the one leaning over him. Bruises and cuts lining his face, Cody was shocked, just moments ago he had thought Obi-Wan was badly injured, as he lay unmoving on the floor. Raising a shaking hand, Cody cupped the side of Obi-Wan’s face. “You’re alright,” he stated in confusion, sure that he had almost lost his cyare.
Obi-Wan smiled slightly at him, but there was a slight bitter twist to it. “I was until I saw you prepared to sacrifice yourself,” frowned his cyare, his hands shaking as he helped Cody up to his feet. Heart still pounding at the image of Obi-Wan unmoving in his head, Cody grasped tightly onto one of Obi-Wan’s arms. Not yet prepared to watch his cyare yet again fight the Sith Lord.
Cody’s attention was caught on a shadowed figure who was creeping around Palpatine, who was still too busy trying to recruit Skywalker to his cause as he fought Skywalker and Windu. Between one mad cackle and the next, a blaster was fired, the bolt striking Palpatine in the back of his head, causing the Sith Lord to gasp and collapse face forwards into his plush purple carpet. All eyes slowly drifted up from the body to Fox, who was leaning on the Chancellor’s desk for support, his blaster starting to shake in his grasp as he lowered his arm. “I’ve always wanted to do that,” he murmured, his voice hoarse. Cody then watched as his brother swayed on his feet, further demonstrating that Fox must have a concussion, when suddenly Fox’s legs gave out. Cody released his grip on Obi-Wan’s arm and once again ran to Fox’s side. Part of him panicked at leaving Obi-Wan’s side, the Force knew how much of a trouble magnet his Jedi was, but another part of him needed to make sure Fox was alright. The guilt at choosing Obi-Wan first starting to eat at him, despite the fact it was Fox who told him to choose Obi-Wan.
Once he reached Fox, kneeling beside his brother, he ignored Fox’s hands trying to bat him away and instead leaned Fox’s back against the side of the Chancellor’s desk. He knew his eyes were wide as he stared at his vod’ika, he knew his hands were shaking but he didn’t care right now. He was too busy trying to fight against the tightness of his throat as he recalled how easily he had followed Fox’s order and chose his cyare over his vod’ika. He distantly heard his cyare talking with Windu and Skywalker, they were probably planning what they were going to tell the rest of the Senate. But Cody only had eyes for Fox, and noted how his vod’ika was fighting to keep his eyes open.
“FOX!” bellowed a voice. Fox jerked and reached up to grasp onto Cody’s shoulders.
“Oh no,” Fox faintly mumbled. Cody turned towards the footsteps running towards them and found himself looking at Manner, the Senior Medical Officer in charge of the Guard’s medical care. The medic with his buzz cut black hair and permanent scowl on his face was well-known throughout the entire GAR. Many medics were feared by their men, but Manner, named for his gruff, no nonsense personality and non-existent bedside manner, was one of the scariest medics. Manner had actually been voted in as that year’s scariest medic in the GAR, despite the fact Manner had never left Coruscant in the three years they were at war. And the battle of wills fought between Fox and Manner, two of the most stubborn brothers in the GAR, during the war was a well-documented series sent via commlink to brothers in the GAR courtesy of Thorn and Thire, leading to Cody and the rest of his batchmates’ never-ending amusement. As Fox’s situation on Coruscant became more known, Cody and their batch were at least mollified that Fox had Manner looking out for him. Not that Fox ever saw it that way.
Manner came to kneel beside Cody and took one look at Fox and his bloodied face and non-responding pupils. “Another concussion then,” Manner drawled with a roll of his eyes.
Fox tensed and it was only Cody keeping him where he was that stopped him from moving. “It’s not like I intend to get concussions Manner,” bitched Fox. “They just happen.” Leading to Cody wanting to know just how many karking concussions Fox had had and not told him about.
Ignoring his Commander, Manner grabbed a hypo spray and jabbed it into Fox’s neck. His look to Cody told him to brace himself, Cody frowned in confusion until he remembered, that for some reason, Fox and a handful of other brothers were far more affected from the pain relief hypos than the rest of their brothers. Within moments, the tension bled out of Fox and his head drooped, leading to Cody having to hold his head up so he didn’t hurt his neck. Fox then blinked up at him and Manner, a dopey smile beginning to form on his face.
Manner smirked as he placed a bacta patch on the cut marring Fox’s forehead, “so care to tell me what happened Commander?”
Fox’s body flopped uselessly as he tried to nod, instead jerking his entire body, his dark curls falling into his eyes. “Sith Lord threwww meee. I fleeew. Then I hit the waaaaall. That wasn’t good… Cody my head hurts,” he added pitifully, with wide eyes reminiscent of the Junior Cadet Fox used to be.
Ignoring Manner’s amused snorts, Cody took pity on his vod’ika and hugged Fox against his chest. Successfully hiding his grin in Fox’s mess of dark curls. He turned his head slightly and met Obi-Wan’s amused look, as Fox continued to babble nonsense. But any good humour Cody had, it drained away as he held his vod’ika against him and looked at his cyare. Once again reminded how willingly he was prepared to potentially lose Fox in order to try and save Obi-Wan. His Jedi must have noticed the look on his face, but before Obi-Wan could approach him, Windu was needing to talk to Obi-Wan as some distressed Senators barged their way into the office. Knowing it would be best to get Fox out of sight of Senators he knew his little brother didn’t like when his tongue was loose, Cody lifted Fox into his arms and with Manner’s help, got to his feet carrying Fox bridal style. Leaving Manner to collect his medical supplies, along with Fox’s helmet.
“Cooodyyyy,” complained Fox, waving his hands in the air and gently smacking his hands against Cody’s face. “Coodyyy, I can walkkk,” whined Fox. Despite the situation and his own guilt, Cody couldn’t help but smile. Fox’s whining reminding him of when Fox was a two-year-old Junior Cadet who had been told he wasn’t allowed to vent crawl by Alpha-17.
“No, you can’t vod’ika,” he corrected gently. “You won’t be steady on your feet.”
“Who needs feet, when you can flyyyy,” grinned Fox, clearly out of it as he looked up at Cody with unfocused eyes.
Cody shook his head and left it to Manner to explain why it was not a good idea for Fox to try flying again. Instead, he looked over to Obi-Wan, his cyare already looking at him and signing for Cody to meet him in his Temple quarters. Cody nodded his agreement and with one more look at his Jedi, he left the office with his vod’ika held securely in his arms. His guilt still weighing heavily on his shoulders.
After leaving Fox in the Guard’s Medbay in Manner’s capable hands and after comming Wolffe that he was going to be needed to babysit Fox and stop him from wandering off on a pain-relief-hypo-high. Cody made his way to Obi-Wan’s quarters and found he had beaten his cyare there, he sat down heavily on the sofa and just buried his face in his hands, continuingly berating himself for daring to choose between his cyare and his brother. He didn’t know how long he sat like that for, but when the front door of the quarters opened, Cody looked up and found Obi-Wan looking at him seriously as he placed Cody’s helmet on the kitchen table.
“You seem awfully grave for someone who has just helped rid the galaxy of a Sith Lord,” Obi-Wan stated mildly, his hip leaning against the kitchen table.
Cody just shrugged, finding it difficult to voice his thoughts. How could he tell Obi-Wan, the man he loved, that he felt guilty for choosing him? How could he explain the guilt of willingly risking Fox’s life to save Obi-Wan’s? It wasn’t exactly an easy conversation to have.
Hearing a soft sigh, Cody brought his focus back to Obi-Wan, and just watched as his cyare approached him. Obi-Wan slowly sat beside him on the sofa, his body sinking into the cushions. Cody’s throat convulsed as he tried to think of something to say, but his guilt constricted this throat and he could not force any words out. Obi-Wan laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and once Cody felt himself calm down, he watched as his cyare began to remove his armour pieces with practiced ease. Once Cody was left in his blacks, he looked down at his hands in his lap, his hands pressed firmly together, his nails cutting crescent moon shapes into his palms. He jumped when his cyare’s calloused hands came to rest over his own. Cody slowly raised his eyes and found his cyare’s caring, ocean blue eyes looking back at him.
“Cody, what is wrong?” asked Obi-Wan in a quiet voice.
After a pause, the silence heavy in the quarters. “I’m sorry,” mumbled Cody, turning his face away in shame.
A hand came to rest under his chin, and gently turned his face back towards Obi-Wan. “What could you possibly be sorry about?” questioned Obi-Wan with a frown. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”
“But I do,” Cody retorted, his voice gruff as his guilt and shame for his guilt and horror at his shame rose up within him. He felt guilty for choosing Obi-Wan, he felt shame for even daring to feel guilty about choosing to help Obi-Wan and then he felt horror at how readily he seemed to be prepared to leave Fox to be possibly killed by Palpatine.
“Cody, cyar’ika. I cannot help you if you do not tell me what is wrong,” commented Obi-Wan, his hands now resting against each of Cody’s cheeks, his blue eyes wide in concern.
Sucking in a shaky breath, Cody lifted his hands up to lightly grip Obi-Wan’s wrists, finding the contact comforting. “I’m just a mess right now,” he stated, seeing if that would mollify Obi-Wan. One look at his Jedi told him that was not the case. Heaving a steadying breath, Cody found his eyes trailing away from Obi-Wan, unable to look his cyare in the eye as he confessed his feelings. “I chose to help you. I chose to turn my back on Fox. It doesn’t matter if Fox told me to go to you, I still willingly turned away from my vod’ika who needed my help… and now I feel guilty and then that makes it worse. It’s worse because how could I ever feel guilty for trying to save you?” Cody’s voice cracked on the last words, and he felt tears begin to sting the backs of his eyes.
“Oh, Cody,” sighed Obi-Wan. Cody clenched his eyes shut and forced himself not to lean against Obi-Wan and take comfort in his cyare’s presence. “Cyar’ika, you do not need to apologise to me for those feelings.”
Opening his eyes, Cody stared at Obi-Wan, not comprehending how his Jedi seemed fine with part of him regretting trying to help him. “But you are my cyare! I should not feel guilty for trying to help save you!” he protested. He only realised he was crying when he saw and felt Obi-Wan brush away his tears.
Obi-Wan smiled sadly at him. “A heavy burden was placed on your shoulders and you are a good man, Cody. No matter which one of us you tried to save, you would have felt guilty either way because that just tells me how good you are.” Cody wanted to refute his cyare’s words, and he began to shake his head. It couldn’t be that easy. But Obi-Wan pressed a thumb against Cody’s lips, silencing him before he could even speak. “Cody, I love how much you care for your brothers and I would be surprised if you weren’t feeling guilty about how the events in the office played out. And I will tell you now. If you had chosen to help Fox instead of me, I would not be angry. You have a big heart Cody and it is in your nature to protect everyone you care about.”
Cody bowed his head as his shoulders began to shake. “It just felt so wrong having to choose between you like that.”
“Choices like that are awful things,” agreed Obi-Wan as he pulled Cody against him. Allowing Cody to tuck his face into the crook of Obi-Wan’s neck, while the Jedi began to tangle his fingers in Cody’s dark curls. “As a Jedi I have faced many similar choices and whichever person you try to save, there is no right or wrong answer. Sometimes you just have to make the choice you feel you could live with. But you faced a most terrible choice, Cody. There was no right choice for you and I wish I could lift that burden from you, but you have to understand. Fox and I are both alive and in Fox’s case, mostly unharmed.” Obi-Wan then leaned back slightly, causing Cody to grumble a complaint, but he did look up to meet Obi-Wan’s eyes, once again the blue depths looked at him seriously. “But if you ever are faced with a similar choice again Cody, please do not feel sacrificing yourself is the better option. Committing selfless acts is one thing, but needlessly sacrificing yourself is a completely different matter.”
Seeing the barely hidden terror in the ocean blue depths, led Cody to wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck and push their foreheads together. Knowing how he would feel if Obi-Wan had been in his place, made Cody readily agree to never do that again. “Depending on the situation, I promise never to sacrifice myself like that again.”
Obi-Wan smiled and nodded, keeping their foreheads pressed together. “I know it is not easy keeping a promise like that. There may be many situations to come that might require a little self-sacrifice, I am a Jedi after all, so I know this quite well. But thank you. We have now won the war; I do not want to lose you so soon.” If Cody had not known his cyare so well, he would not have heard Obi-Wan’s voice tremble slightly on his last words.
“We survived,” comforted Cody, his guilt starting to ease. He knew his guilt would not be fully lifted until he spoke with Fox when he was not on a pain relief high, but he also knew that conversation would lead to Fox smacking him upside the head, so he was fine to leave the conversation a little longer. He felt Obi-Wan’s shoulders drop in relief and then press his face into the crook of Cody’s neck.
“It’s really over,” stated Obi-Wan, his voice filled with exhaustion and disbelief. Cody tightened his arms around his cyare’s middle and nuzzled the copper hair that tickled his cheek.
“Yes, cyare. It is really over,” Cody found himself grinning as he looked up at the bland ceiling of his cyare’s quarters. Never had a blank ceiling looked so good to him. It was proof that they were safe. They were not on the Negotiator heading to another campaign, they weren’t on some distant planet trying to hold back the Separatists, they weren’t in a Medbay recovering from injuries and they were not still in the Chancellor’s office trying to defeat the Sith Lord. Everything was alright. Cody knew it would take some time for that to sink in, but everyone he cared about. Obi-Wan, Rex, Fives, Echo, Fox, Wolffe, Boil, Waxer, Ponds, Bly, Monnk, Grey and the rest of their brothers and friends in the Jedi were all alive and safe. (Even if Rex and Echo were blocking out Fives’ declarations that he had helped save the day by finding out about the chips. Apparently, that made Fives and Tup’s love of conspiracy theories not so crazy.)
For the first time in his life, Cody allowed his faint hopes to bloom into reality. During his training on Kamino and fighting the war, he had hoped that one day he would be able to live a peaceful life with Obi-Wan. Able to watch his brothers be happy, able to go on Jedi missions with his cyare and just get to live in a galaxy in peacetime. While Obi-Wan had never outright said anything to him, Cody knew that for the past six months, Obi-Wan, Plo Koon, Mace Windu, Shaak Ti, Depa Billaba and Yoda were all working together to achieve citizenship and rights for all of Cody and his brothers. It was everything Cody had ever hoped for and now it was all in touching distance. The war was over, he would not need to helplessly watch as he lost brothers to the war. Also, his cyare’s friendship with Bail Organa and other Senators filled Cody with anticipation for the Clone Rights Citizenship Bill passing soon.
Which would hopefully mean, Cody would never be faced with a choice like he had in the Chancellor’s office. With peace restored and the chips taken out of his brothers’ heads, Cody would never be forced to make a selfish or guilt-ridden choice again.
Feeling much better, Cody let himself fall onto his back, sinking into the sofa cushions and pulling Obi-Wan with him, so his cyare was lying on his chest. They smiled at each other, their elation at the war’s ending evident in their eyes. Cody wasn’t sure who moved first, but he didn’t care, because soon their lips were pressed together and Cody could prove to himself that this wasn’t a dream, he was awake and this really was happening. They had gotten a happy ending, which he hoped would soon transform into a happy beginning.
End note:
My brain wanted to add a scene of Fox in the Medbay, but as this is a Codywan fic, this scene did not make into this fic. So, if anyone is interested I might post a fic with two missing scenes from this fic, so let me know if this is something you would want to see/read. The first being Cody dropping Fox off at the Medbay and Wolffe coming to babysit Fox and the second being Cody and Fox's conversation about Cody feeling guilty for choosing Obi-Wan.
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kaminobiwan · 4 years
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: Throwing all caution out the window, Obi-Wan dives headfirst into a long awaited confession. At least, he tries to. The universe seems to leave an obstacle for him at every turn, but Obi-Wan is nothing if not persistent.
a/n: Oh my goodness, this has got to be my proudest piece. It was one of the victims of the incident™ and I had to rewrite the whole thing from scratch, but I actually think the final version came out better than the original! The title is inspired from the summary of my previous fic Indulgence, but this one is actually the cornerstone of all of my jedi!reader x Obi-Wan fics: every one of those has stemmed from this storyline idea that has been living in my head for so long. Suffice it to say this is THE fic that I have wanted to write from the beginning — my pièce de résistance, if you will.
I hope you enjoy :-) p.s. here's my taglist form
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In all the years he’s known you, Obi-Wan swears he only ever started to lie to you during the Clone Wars.
In his defense, he’d been lying to himself, too. Forcibly crushing down his much-deeper-than-platonic favor for you in the hopes that it’d disappear, forgotten in his darkest recesses, was exhausting in more ways than one. One’s mind can only be dishonest with the heart for so long.
But after more than a year and a half into the fighting, he’d felt too many times the choking fear that he’d never see you again — be it because of his death or yours.
So he’d given up in repressing his emotions, and let himself feel. In the precious minutes of reprieve amidst the horrors of combat, sometimes the only thing that could console his jaded and war-torn soul was the memory of you.
He wonders how he managed to continue for as long as he did before allowing himself to consciously love — it was well into the conflict when he came to terms with it. If he closes his eyes, he can easily remember the exact moment.
Geonosis. His return to the forsaken planet.
The chaos of it all had been staggering. He’d barely been able to hear Cody’s warning before he was shot out of the sky, and the crash that claimed the lives of nearly everyone in the transport had been just the beginning of the hellscape he’d endured.
There was an instant where he’d been sure he was going to die on the field, seconds before the remainder of his battalion was about to be overrun.
He remembers the gunfire surrounding him, piercing the falling bodies of his men as he laid helpless and injured. Cody’s shouting amidst the mayhem. The stabbing pain of his ribs that had blackened the edges of his vision. The dirt that had caked his face and armor. The sheer amount of it had been maddening.
And yet, as the bugs had closed in around him and he’d forced himself to his feet to meet his imminent end, the only thing that had run through his mind was...you.
Your name, your face. The dissatisfaction at the fact that the last time he’d seen it, it’d been distorted, static and blue from the holo you’d shared with Master Unduli. The way you’d hidden a smile as she interrupted his competitive jeering with Anakin ahead of the battle.
At least he’d made you laugh, he’d thought, and with that, he’d ignited his lightsaber.
And then the reinforcements had come. And he’d been left to sink back down on shaking knees with the image of you burning in his brain until the concerned presence of Ahsoka materialized at his side.
He hadn’t had any time to process the stunning realization that he was in love with you. He’d scarcely had a second to gather himself before he was already spouting a revised attack plan to take the droid factory, reverting to autopilot the way he always did when he assumed his identity as a war general.
But the universe had seemed intent on not letting him escape it, regardless. Just days later, he’d saved your life — you’d arrived at Point Rain with Luminara only to be taken by the Geonosian queen to be turned into a mindless, shivering zombie.
“I still haven’t forgiven you for that, you know.” You’d chirped, while tapping his nose teasingly.
“What? The stunt with the worms? You know I wouldn’t have actually let it go up your nose.”
“No, for disobeying an order to fall back and leave us behind.”
His heart had clenched at your words. Never in a million years would he abandon you if he thought there was the smallest chance of saving you. He knew that, finally.
But the fear of losing the only life he’d ever known outweighed the fear of losing you, and he’d settled with yearning for you from afar. It would be enough, he’d convinced himself. He refused to burden you with the knowledge that he’d been pining helplessly for you for Force knows how long, and ruin the careers in the Order you’d both worked so hard to construct.
That was, until now.
Until he’d seen Satine Kryze again, after decades apart, and she’d declared her surviving affection for him from all those years ago, Anakin witnessing the whole thing. After he’d seen the weight of her unspoken truth upon her shoulders. And although he regretted that he couldn’t grant her the relief from her wanting, he’d resolved that he didn’t want to spend the rest of his days the same way — slowly being crushed by his own supression. Even if his feelings were unrequited.
So he’d decided that he’d tell you, Jedi Code be damned. He wouldn’t hold it in any longer.
As the Coronet docked on the landing pad where the Chancellor was waiting, he’d been jittery with anticipation. That, and disoriented from the events that had transpired on the way there. He’d blubbered uncharacteristically when Satine had caressed his face in farewell, Anakin watching delightedly at his back. Then, as he’d turned to find a speeder to make his way to you in the Temple, the universe had yet again toyed with him — you were there, appearing on the platform out of nowhere like a summoned spirit, but not making your way towards him.
No, you were walking straight towards Satine.
You didn’t seem to notice him or Anakin behind you, welcoming the Duchess with practiced cordiality and leading her to the airbus where the other Senators were boarding, glaringly obvious that you’d been assigned on escort duty. Obi-Wan held back a groan. Of all the Jedi.
Anakin had practically collapsed in hilarity, a hand heavy on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “The Force works in mysterious ways, Master,” he crowed. “I finally get that one.”
You’re perched high up on a viewing balcony of the Senate Chamber when he finds you, a little before Satine is set to address the Republic.
“You’re certainly off your game today,” you exhale an amused laugh as he skids to a stop, attempting to compose his appearance as he approaches you. “Anakin told me all about what happened on the Coronet en route to Coruscant.”
His blasted Padawan. Obi-Wan could strangle him.
“I didn’t teach him to gossip,” he grumbles, coming to stand beside you. He'd run the whole way here to catch you, but his rapid heartbeat isn’t from physical exertion. You’re as tranquil as ever, though, and your presence relaxes him despite.
You give a snort. “Maybe not intentionally. He definitely learned how to operate outside the lines of the Code by watching you.” He knows you’re poking fun at him, but his breath catches at the mention of the doctrine that dictates you both.
But he’s set on telling you. Today.
“Actually, I was hoping to talk to you about something similar.”
You turn to the Chancellor’s podium as his voice reverberates through the hall, but Obi-Wan’s hearing is fixed on you. “Of course, Obi, but it’ll have to wait until later. I think your friend is about to speak.”
He opens his mouth to reply, to bring your attention back to him, but you’re focused on the proceedings. He doesn’t like the jovial way you say friend, as if you’re almost happy about it, but he forces his gaze to follow yours as Satine begins her address.
Which, of course, goes terribly wrong. Because nothing seems to want to work out today.
Even your usually optimistic features are set with a grim expression as a testimonial from Satine’s own Deputy Minister slights her leadership, and the Senate turns against her. As her repulsorpod retreats from the center of the chamber, you cast concerned eyes towards him.
“Go,” you urge him, and he’s frozen between staying or leaving. “She needs you. I’ll buy you some time with the security detail.”
Obi-Wan doesn’t want to depart from your side, words hanging on the tip of his tongue, but he knows you’re right. He nods at you gratefully before chasing after Satine.
He tries again in the evening, while you’re between shifts of guarding the Duchess’ guest quarters.
“She seems...interesting,” you nod to the Mandalorian guard that passes by to take your post, speaking low enough that your conversation is relatively private. “She certainly had much to say about you.”
Obi-Wan wanted to scream. It seems everyone had been able to get you alone except for him. “I told you about that year on Mandalore after I came back,” he protests, and you shoot him a pitiful wink.
“Not the way she described it.”
Before he can demand just what Satine had let on, the sound of rapid footfalls draws both of your attention to the guard you’d greeted earlier. “Master Jedi! The Duchess is gone. We don’t know for how long.”
You curse lightly and rush down the hall to follow the Mandalorian, and Obi-Wan is about to do the same when his comm buzzes on his wrist.
He sighs in frustration. He knows exactly who it is.
After he’d relayed the untampered evidence to Padmé in time for the Senate convocation and Satine had been released from custody, Obi-Wan makes his way to your quarters in a determined stride. The past couple days were nothing short of a wild Bantha ride from start to finish, and he was tired of tiptoeing around you.
As he raises a shaking hand to knock outside your room, he stalls in a moment of fleeting hesitation. The impending metamorphose of your relationship nags at his brain, and he pauses. What he’s about to do will indelibly transform the dynamic between you, for better or for worse. It dawns on him that there won’t be any going back from this.
He hears your voice from a distant memory of late nights in the Temple gardens, basking in the light of the stars. Of course everything will change. Nothing can stop that.
So be it.
He stands as tall as he can manage, and knocks resolutely.
You open the door looking ready for bed, clad in a billowing camisole, face dewy from the refresher and hair still damp. He smiles at you as you open it wider. “Hello, Obi.”
He shuffles inside, meekly nodding in apology of his interruption. “I thought I’d come see you.”
Like routine, you’re already heating up a pot of water for him as you search for his favorite tea in your cupboard. Ever so thoughtful. His heart flutters beneath his robes. “I’m glad to see you found the Duchess,” you chime lightheartedly, “I had a hunch when you disappeared earlier.”
His hand finds the back of his neck. “I hope I didn’t make you look too bad, being on protection and all.”
You shake your head dismissively. “I was just glad to hear she was safe. You helped save her people from Republic occupation.”
Altruistic honesty radiates off of you, and his chest drops, in a good way. You care, and it’s written all over your actions.
You’re the best person he knows. Without question.
For a split second, Obi-Wan wonders if he even deserves you. But he pushes the thought in the back of his mind for later, hell-bent on not letting anything get in the way of what he wants to say.
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
You face him fully, abandoning the tea as you take in the seriousness of his posture. He sucks in a stunted breath.
“It’s about —”
“I know.”
He startles, momentum lost as you interrupt him suddenly. Your gaze is penetrating. “What?” He asks dumbly.
“It’s about Satine, isn’t it?” Your bare arm comes up across your body to hold the other, and Obi-Wan finds himself staring at the way your too-long pants brush the floor as you sway to one side. Your sleeping shirt brushes the middle of your thighs, and he realizes how utterly small you seem in the moment. “You feel the same way about her that you used to.”
His eyes snap up to yours at your words, mind reeling. It takes him an eternity to force out a single word.
You tilt your head confusedly, and Obi-Wan wants to pinch himself to test if this is some sort of stress-induced hallucination. “No? You do know she’s positively infatuated with you, don’t you?”
“No, I —” he shuts his eyes desperately. “I mean, yes, I know, but I don’t —” he breaks off abruptly, opening his eyes at you with newfound willpower. Blast it.
Obi-Wan crosses the room in three steps, reaching his hands out to cradle you delicately as he pulls you in for a bruising kiss.
He hears your breath stutter, shock just about vibrating off of you, but in the next second your eyelashes graze his cheeks as you close your eyes and lean into him. His heart pounds in crazed gratification, and Obi-Wan feels downright dizzy from the sensation. He’s going to faint, he’s going to die right here in your arms —
Your hands find the top of his chestplate, fingers curling against it, but after a beat of his body singing with joy, he feels you apply the smallest pressure on his armor. You detach your lips from his slowly, and he blinks dazedly at you when you pull away. Disbelief paints your frame.
“Obi, what —”
“I love you,” he says quickly, hands still on either side of your face. “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you. For so long.” One of your hands reaches up to clasp his own against your cheek. “I know that this goes against everything we’ve ever been taught, and you must be confused. I’m sorry.” He breaks off for a second, eyebrows creasing, because he’s not sorry. He could never be sorry for what he’s just done, not with the feeling of your lips still rippling in tingles through his brain. “But I had to tell you. I just...couldn’t go on without you knowing.”
Your mouth opens and closes as you flounder in his confession, and he studies you with more intensity than he’s felt in ages. He’s suddenly hyper-aware of everything about you, offhandedly concentrating to memorize every tiny detail. He’ll relive that kiss a thousand times over for the rest of his life if it’s the last one he’ll get.
“I — I don’t know what to say,” you manage to let out, and he presses his forehead to yours before releasing you. Say you love me, his heart cries. But Obi-Wan pushes the sentiment away.
“It’s alright,” he promises gently. You stare at him as he squeezes the hand that’s still holding his. “You don’t have to say anything.”
“Obi-Wan, I —”
Whatever you’re about to say is cut off by a loud knock from outside, and the way you jerk back from him pricks at his emotions. You quickly pad to the door, opening it a crack as he attempts to conceal himself from your unexpected visitor.
“Sorry to bother you so late, Master,” Anakin’s voice fills the air, and Obi-Wan shrinks further into the shadows. “I’m just checking in before I leave for Vanquor. I wanted to make sure you’re still available to train Ahsoka while I’m gone?”
It takes you a little to formulate a response, your eyes still wide. “Yes — of course, Anakin, always.” You attempt to shut the door, but Anakin speaks up before you can.
“Actually, I was hoping to ask you for some advice as well, if you don’t mind.”
You can’t look at Obi-Wan without giving him away, so he sends a subtle wave of reassurance your way, hoping you pick up on it.
The tension releases from your shoulders, and you nod at his old student. “I’d be happy to. Give me a bit to get ready,” you gesture behind you, “and I’ll walk you to your quarters.”
Anakin must nod in return, because you close the door without another word. You reach up to grab your outer robes from where they’re hung on the wall, and turn to him with a tormented expression.
Go, it’s his turn to coax you as he mouths the word silently. It’s alright.
Your eyes are shining with emotion that he can’t quite read in the dim light, but eventually you slip on your cloak and shoes and open the door once more. With one last lingering glimpse at him in the corner, you disappear into the hall where Anakin is waiting.
As he feels your presence dwindling away, he sends a final thought into the vacant room, more to himself and the aching emptiness of the Force than to you.
I love you.
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glimmerglanger · 3 years
(public) In transactional states I'd love to see Obi-Wan somehow encounter the Jedi again... Do you think this ever happens? Is Jango known as an "enemy" because of taking the bounty on that one guy who was probably Qui-Gon?
Oooooh, I think the Jedi are definitely popping by more frequently after Quinlan confirms that, yes, this really is Obi-Wan. The Jedi are probably leery of Jango after Galidraan, to be honest, more than what turned out to be a rescue from a prison. In any case, I...definitely took this opportunity to have Ben and Jango run into Qui-Gon. Because I couldn’t resist.
This is after the coda on TS. No major warnings for this snippet, though, of course, there are major warnings for TS. Mentions of past trauma and abandonment issues. 
There was a little town not far from their home. It had barely been a settlement when they first arrived on Yulion, but it had grown over the years. There were markets there, regularly, where off-worlders could bring wares and the settlers around the area could swap their produce or buy what they needed.
Ben enjoyed going to the markets, walking through the streets and stopping at every stand along the way. Jango never felt exactly happy about being in crowds, but walking around a bunch of farmers was hardly a major concern. 
His level of concern raised a little after Ben’s old friend from the Jedi stopped by their home. They’d stayed mostly tucked away for five years. He’d taken a few jobs, here and there. But for the most part...no one had known where they were. 
He’d liked it that way.
Ben had found it important to tell the Jedi about everything that happened with Komari Vosa. Jango had watched him send the message with a tight feeling in his gut, knowing it meant the end of their time set apart from the galaxy.
A Jedi had shown up less than a month later to prove him right. Still, Ben had seemed happy enough to talk to Quinlan, and the man had left again without causing trouble. Jango had even liked Quinlan, he had a sharp sense of humor and seemed to understand how the galaxy actually worked.
It didn’t change the undercurrent of tension he’d felt each day since the man left. It was the feeling that came from tasting the air and knowing a summer storm was on the way. An itch down his spine that whispered warnings into his head.
So, Jango was already tense when Ben went still while leaning over a stall selling sweet fruit pies and then reached out, grabbing Ani’s shoulder and pulling him closer. Ben’s eyes had gotten bigger, all at once, and the color had drained from his expression.
Jango adjusted his hold on Jas - she’d gotten tired halfway through the morning and insisted he carry her - and turned, following Ben’s line of sight through the crowd. 
Ben was staring at a man across the road. Tall. Long, graying hair. A beard. Robes that proclaimed him to be a Jedi, to anyone bothering to pay any attention at all. And Jango had done his research, in the years they lived on the moon. He’d wanted to know the man who left Ben behind on sight. And so he knew what kind of trouble was coming, even as Ben grabbed his arm - painfully tight - and said, “Master Jinn is here.”
“I see him,” Jango said, frowning, because the man had noticed their attention, had drawn himself up and started walking across the street. Ben’s grip tightened further, and Jango shifted, said, quietly, “Take Jas.”
Ben took her automatically, releasing Jango’s arm. He cradled her close, still, Jango noticed, keeping a hand on Ani, who was looking around with wide-eyes and pressing closer to Ben. Ani picked up on emotions even easier than Ben did, Jango thought. 
He wondered what Ani was picking up on at the moment, as Ben edged back a step. Whatever it was, it had Ani balling a hand up onto a fist down by his side, eyes wide and mouth thin.
Jango put his back to Ben as Jinn made it across the street, his expression some strange and anguished thing. Jinn said, “Sweet Force, it really is you, I--”
And he cut off - satisfyingly - when Jango kicked one of his knees to the side. Jinn was tall, much taller than Jango. But he dropped with his knee to the perfect height for Jango to land a punch across his jaw.
It was...less than Jango had wanted to do to him, some nights. But his children were behind him. Ben was behind him, breath gone all erratic and wrong. And so Jango snapped, “You’re not welcome here,” turned on his heel, and left, ignoring whatever it was Jinn called after them.
The trip back to their home was a blur. Jango asked three times if Ben were alright and only got a nod each time. He resisted the urge to swear, ushering Ben and the kids through the door and tugging Ani to the side, bending to tell him, “Take your sister upstairs and play with her for a while, yeah?”
Ani stared across at him, eyes too big when he asked, “Is dad okay?”
“He’ll be fine,” Jango told him, which was not a lie, and Ani nodded, took Jas by the hand, and guided her off up the stairs. Ben hadn’t moved from the front door, just standing there, staring at something that must have been years in the past.
Jango swore, then, moving to get into Ben’s line of sight, unsure what to say or how to help or--
“He left me,” Ben rasped, quiet, with a shudder that started at his shoulders and traveled down. “He left me behind. He--”
And it hurt, watching Ben’s expression slowly crumble. Jango blurted, not sure what else to do, “I know, Ben. I know he did. But I won’t.”
Ben sucked in a breath, blinked like a man waking from a dream, and lurched a step forward. He tucked in against Jango, face pressed down, holding on the way he did when he needed whatever Jango was feeling. Jango curled an arm around him, and wished the galaxy had left them alone, just a little while longer.
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kaijusplotch · 3 years
I love this codywan fic so here's a bit more!
my M!preg Cody because of Force Shit WIP is just funny. X3 and cute. I love Baby Jinn <3
Cody looked over the latest reports from the restoration missions from the 212th. Boil had stepped up into his new position as acting field commander while he was on maternity leave. He was proud of his brother; and even prouder that Waxer had also stepped up to his own position within the 212th.
“Anakin just sent in a report from the 501st. The Seperatist alliance is opening up to negotiations,” Obi-Wan said with a smile from his own desk in their joint office in their Jedi Temple apartments. “The war is well on it’s way to being officially over, my love.”
“We can’t be too careful. Sidious nearly won, and we don’t know what other plans he had in place in the event of his untimely death.” Cody cautioned, but smiled back at his husband.
“Observant as always,” Obi-wan sighed, his eyes soft as he leaned his chin in his palm.
Cody snorted and hid his face back into his datapad, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
It was another few moments before Cody frowned and glanced up at the room. “It’s quiet,” he said, leaning back in his chair.
“Yes, for once Jinn seems to be taking a good nap,” Obi-wan said with a soft laugh before it faded with a furrowed brow. “That...isn’t right.” he admitted.
Cody quickly checked the baby monitor, turning the volume up higher and checking the batteries; but it was fully functional. He tried to keep his anxiety down, even as he flicked open the video feed from Jinn’s room.
“Obi-wan, he isn’t in the crib!” Cody hissed standing and hurrying to the door; panic flooding his mind and chest.
“Cody! Cody it’s okay, I don’t sense anything in the Force.” Obi-wan gently gripped Cody’s arm, sending a warm pulse through their connection to calm him.
Cody frowned but took a deep breath, accepting his husband’s gentle Force presence. Once his anxiety was under; somewhat; control, he walked briskly out of their office.
They both checked the nursery, finding the door open and the room empty. Obi-wan once again reassured Cody that nothing was wrong, per say, but that there was a strange sensation in the Force. Cody was never going to understand the Force, no matter how much he tried; but he trusted Obi-wan with his life and their son’s.
Cody turned back to the living area, spotting Korkie sound asleep on the couch with several datapads and flimsy papers on the coffee table and on his lap. He smiled and walked over.
“Korkie...hey, you fell asleep.” Obi-wan walked over to gently shake his shoulder.
“Huh?! Oh!” Korkie bolted awake and rubbed his face. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. You need to take a break, kid,” Cody smiled at his adopted son. “You still have another week before finals, you’re still fourteen. Enjoy life a little.”
“Aren’t you sixteen technically?” Korkie asked with a smirk.
Cody rolled his eyes. “He is definitely your son, Obi. We are on a mission though. Did you take Jinn from his bedroom?”
Korkie furrowed his brows. “No. I’ve been study-er...sleeping for about an hour now? Ugh.” The young mandalorian hung his head and rubbed his face.
Obi-wan looked up as there was a noise from the kitchen, his brows furrowed. “No…”
Cody looked at his husband before hurrying with him into the kitchen, Korkie on their heels.
The sight before them was beyond interesting but not exactly shocking. Their son was seated happily on the kitchen floor, his pudgy hands reaching up to the open upper cupboard door where a tub of apple bite puffs was floating wobbly in the air.
Obi-wan bit his lip as Cody stared at him, unimpressed and exasperated. “Well,” the jedi said with a laugh. “I guess that answers the question on whether or not he would be force sensitive!”
“Huh? That’s what it’s called? I used to do stuff like that when I was a baby. Not like THIS but...making toys fly a little bit.” Korkie said with a grin.
Cody covered his face and walked to pick up Jinn, who was more than happy to lean forward and catch the container of apple puffs with a delighted squeal. “Well then I guess it will be up to you to baby jedi-proof the apartment then.” Cody said flatly at Obi-wan and Korkie.
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