#obi wan is all that matters
ryan-is-a-god · 2 years
*Trying to find something sensible to wear during the winter*
My options:
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+ My options when I finally bought a cloak:
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kov-nyn · 7 months
Obi-Wan watching with morbid fascination as Cody puts a mug of water in the space microwave.
Obi-Wan: ...What are you doing?
Cody: I'm making tea?
Obi-Wan: Oh, dear... Do you know what temperature the water is?
Cody: Um...hot?
Obi-Wan: Oh, darling, no...
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aprill-99 · 1 year
I love the characters whose perceptions of their own powers and abilities and personalities are all completely fucked by their own context.
Prince Zuko for example: The guy goes around like “wow is me. I am such a failure of a Fire Bender” for three whole seasons of television.
Babe, no. It’s just that the only 3 people on the entire planet who are better at it than you all live in your house.
Obi-Wan Kenobi only thinks he’s a less powerful Jedi because his constant companions are essentially the demigod descendants of an Eldritch Horror running the galaxy. Everyone knows else, including the Eldritch Horror Spawn, think you’re in the top 10 to ever live.
I could go on, but the main point is that I live for the moments when a character who is constantly down on themselves off-handed mentions something the other characters know to be near impossible and have their Elle Woods moment when questioned.
“What, like it’s hard?”
Yes, yes my guys, gals, and non-binary folk. Yes it is hard.
You’ve just trained yourself to think that you had to succeed at everything right up to the lines of the impossible and perfect because you spent a lifetime watching very particular people calmly go skipping right over it.
You are now hyper-competent and should maybe look in to getting some therapy before we all inevitably turn to you to survive the on-coming End of Days.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
smthn smthn the fact that there is no true rhyme nor reason that caleb dume--kanan jarrus--is able to flee the purge while nearly all do not; the fact that he is just some guy, when it comes down to it, neither a great jedi nor a miserable one, struggling as a mentor and a man and all else while still doing his best; the fact that he is so small, in the grand scheme of things, but still the force asks so much of him, still takes everything he has possible to give... and he gives it...
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phoenixkaptain · 2 months
Me upon waking up this morning, before I thought of anything else: Vader definitely wanted to put Obi-Wan’s body in the Obi-Wan Obsession (Obi-session) room that he ended up keeping Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in.
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bluevelvt · 1 year
writing obikin is just having them kiss and saying “and the force sings”
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lukereiter · 2 months
as much as i love ahsoka and her dynamic with anakin, i think i enjoy reading anakin’s character without her inclusion more. but this is basically how i feel about tcw in general anyway so idk
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stairset · 2 years
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ayceofcard · 3 months
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do you think there was a specific moment where one couldn't recognize the beloved they were arguing with
(scene redraw) i've been getting my friend into star wars & we were on rots the other day. naturally, i made it my mission to inflict them with as much emotional damage as possible :)
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meebles · 1 year
the harvest of a lifetime (real bad tea)
Codywan / Rated T / One-shot / No warnings
“Well, how do you like it?” He sets the cup down, and turns to Kenobi. The look on his face is vaguely hopeful, but mostly one of genuine curiosity. Cody has no doubt in his mind that if he tells Kenobi he doesn’t like it, the other man won’t take any offense. It is, after all, just a drink. But Cody thinks of how passionate Kenobi was when discussing the tea, how entirely happy he seemed. A true moment of joy that Cody doesn’t know if he’s ever really seen from his General. It’s such thoughts, swirling in the back of his mind, that compel him to do something completely unnecessary and entirely stupid. They compel him to lie.
Or: Cody and Obi-Wan often share a cup of tea while they work. The fact that Cody hates tea is inconsequential.
Read on Ao3
A late fill for @codywanweek Day 6: Flimsiwork & Tea
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anakin: hey let's do get help.
obi-wan: what?
anakin: 'get help'.
obi-wan: no.
anakin: come on! you love it.
obi-wan: i hate it.
anakin: it works every time.
obi-wan: it's humiliating anakin.
anakin: well do you have a better plan?
obi-wan: no.
anakin: we're doing it.
obi-wan: we are not doing 'get help'
*moments later*
anakin carrying a limp obi-wan out of the elevator: help me! please! my brother is dying! get help! HELP HIM!
*throws obi-wan at the guards knocking them all down*
anakin: a classic!
obi-wan, brushing himself off: i still hate it.
anakin: i don't.
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tennessoui · 7 months
Ok kit I have a bone to pick with you because you write all these amazing angst stories that go on forever but then there’s only like 3 glimpses of fluff ????? Like ???? Please don’t rip my heart out and just leave it there ???? After putting us through thousands of words of pure dread and stress I feel like we deserve a lil treat at the end like give us more kisses and cuddles and pure happiness
(I’m kidding btw I love everything you give us lol I feel like I need to be in the right headspace sometimes gotta prepare my heart for what’s about to happen. Like pretty pls give us like a very short summary of what happens after that kiss in the drunk party au like surely they get together and get married and whatnot?? Also why did anakin only just divorce padme after 9 years like that’s a pre long time to stay in a marriage he’s not 100% into imo but also what do I do know about love lol)
so storytime right when i was in the sixth grade, smack dab in the middle of impressionable middle schooler at 11 years old, i read ahead in my english textbook (nerd) to a poem we never actually got to in class and it was about these two people who used to be together but who broke up meeting at a party and it's both amicable and bittersweet and they're both on this balcony with the party noises in the background and a storm is approaching and the narrator thinks that everything is frozen in that moment except for them because it's like the person she had loved then was changing and growing before her eyes until they turned into a stranger and then they both go back inside because the storm is almost here and you actually can't stop time and they're not lovers anymore they're just strangers but they had one last moment of being together filled with awkward conversations and nostalgic feelings and then they too understand they can't stop time because you really can't stop time did i mention that and the storm was always going to hit and it's like their final goodbye to both each other and who they used to be
and ive never been able to find that poem cause i don't remember the title or the poet or the 6th grade english textbook it was in but when i say that it had a deep effect on me.....lmao. everything i've ever written contains at least one or two elements of that poem i just wanna make someone else feel the way i did when i was twelve and read it for the first time
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pandora15 · 1 year
Angstpril 2023 Day 1 Prompt: Liar
tw: character having trouble breathing, open ending
Obi-Wan knew, from the moment that he agreed to take on this mission, that it would be difficult.
Faking his death, having to pretend to be someone he wasn't for the sake of his own survival, having to interact with the likes of Cad Bane and Count Dooku himself without getting his cover blown…
Well, he knew from the beginning that it would not be easy.
But none of that was as difficult as it was to return.
The transformation from Rako Hardeen back to his own body was uncomfortable — painful, leaving him shaky and somewhat feverish. The vocal emulator wreaked damage to his vocal chords, and Master Che had confirmed that there was likely some infection in his throat that she'd like to monitor over the coming days.
Which obviously meant that he was stuck in the Halls for now. It wasn't ideal, but considering the fact that he couldn't keep down most foods because of his throat and his entire body ached any time he tried to move at all, he supposed it made sense.
Obi-Wan didn't exactly like it, but even that wasn't the worst part.
Anakin wouldn't speak to him. On the ship when they were returning from Naboo, he'd maintained his distance, and once Obi-Wan had gotten his commlink back, he'd sent Anakin messages frequently, only to receive nothing.
Obi-Wan knew that the deception had upset Anakin. He understood why — more than most, he understood.
But he had hoped that Anakin would also understand why he did it.
"You lied to us," Anakin had said, when Obi-Wan had approached him on the ship. "What else have you lied to me about? Do you even care about any of us?"
Obi-Wan had no response to that — how could he, when he knew that Anakin was right? He did lie to them, after all.
And now he was here, alone, because he did what he knew to be right. Anakin wouldn't speak to him, Ahsoka wouldn't speak to him, Cody wouldn't speak to him, the Council wouldn't speak to him.
He'd succeeded on his mission, and yet —
He'd failed them all.
Letting out a sigh, Obi-Wan placed his commlink back on the table next to the bed. He winced as his throat spasmed at the rush of air, and then he coughed, bending forward slightly to gasp for air.
That seemed to trigger a chain reaction of sorts. The more he gasped for air, the more it irritated his throat, causing him to gasp even more. And the air wasn't even traveling down his throat properly, which meant that —
He couldn't breathe.
He couldn't breathe.
The room seemed to tilt on its axis around him as he shuddered and gasped and placed his forehead on his knees. There was a ringing noise, muffled by the blood rushing in his ears, followed by the sound of footsteps. Voices surrounded him, but he couldn't make them out, not until —
"Obi-Wan?" A hand on his shoulder, pushing him back until he was lying back again, head arching backward in a desperate reach for air. He couldn't speak, couldn't breathe, couldn't —
"Okay, okay, just hold on." The voice was gentle, soothing. "Your throat has swollen up too much. You're not getting enough air."
There were hands holding him down, the hiss of a hypospray, followed by the feeling of everything getting floaty and blurry, until…
His eyes snapped shut, and the memory of his lies that constantly plagued him faded away.
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backpackingspace · 2 years
Okay but the real reason the disaster lineage doesn't have family dinner like everyone else is simply because they are all petty bitches who make the most extreme incompatible food possible. Yoda is just serving up raw living frogs that hop off everywhere. Dooku probably serves up some mini rich food and then judges everyone for needing more food than 1/2 inch of whatever. Qui gon's is just straight up inedible. Obi wan makes the spiceist thing he can manage. Anakins involves bugs. Ashokas is just a plate of raw meat
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
no cause i need someone to just. understand the way the Ahsoka & Vader fight of Rebels and the last Obi-Wan & Vader fight in the Kenobi series make me fucking RABID. make me INSANE. make me ALL SORTS OF FUCKED UP
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sithdestined · 6 months
we all talked about it and we decided no terfs in star wars sorry
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