#obi-wan's pet
coline7373 · 1 month
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Master Kenobi - Citizen Cody - Admiral Yowlaren Draft
My many thanks to the author of the fic, @adiduck, the mods of @codywanweek and its participants!!!
I love no-O66 post-war era and was re-reading this fic when I saw what the prompt for day 5 of @codywanweek was!
It was fate.
Go check them out!!
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codywan pet names ,,,
you know that post that’s like one partner calls the other loads of elaborate pet names and the other calls them by their name. yeah. that’s codywan to me. obi-wan is like my dearest darling, light of my life etc etc. and cody is like. Obi-Wan.
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nakaremfarlei · 5 months
Was just thinking about the amount of animals Obi-Wan interacts with compared to literally everyone else and in the Clone Wars episode where Kamino gets attacked he literally gets saved twice by the same ray-like animal and just...
The growth from judging Qui-Gon for the 'pathetic lifeforms' he picks up to whatever he has going on during the Clone Wars era. He must have gotten that from Qui-Gon though, right?
And because it's my brain and it's rotting with all the star wars stuff I am consuming I was thinking of Obi-Wan saving all these creatures and the 212th having to deal with that. Surely they made one of the rooms pet proof in case one of them needs a new home. There also have to be clones who love that because of course Obi-Wan can't really take care of rescues on top of all his duties.
After the first few times this happens Cody learns to order animal food and other necessities. And if the Republic doesn't fulfill these requests or asks too many questions he'll just have to make sure to organize them on planet during the campaigns.
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threebea · 2 years
I like the idea the moment Padawan Qui-Gon got to a world with forests that was it. The biggest tree would be climbed. Dooku would turn his back for two seconds and his Padawan would already be stuck. Sure he can get up there, but can he get down? No, his Master dignified Master Dooku who is a great orator, negotiator, and duelist has to climb the tree himself to retrieve his teenage tree happy apprentice.
See also Anakin dipping into all the water the moment he can solidly swim and Obi-Wan having to dive in and fish him out.
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tennessoui · 1 year
brain will not let me sleep until I say
same age padawans au where they’ve been in a weird wired frenemies thing for ages but now that they’re both mature adults (all of 24/25 years old) they’re more friends than enemies….
And it’s Obi-Wan that Anakin tells when he’s decided he’s going to leave the Order, not anyone else. He has a wife. There was a pregnancy scare a few weeks ago and it made her want their relationship to stop being a secret so they could really have kids. He has to leave the Order. Doesn’t Obi-Wan understand?
Obi-Wan, who has been a little in love with Anakin since they were younglings, does not understand. Not one bit. Instead of wishing him well and helping him pack, he goes to the Council and requests a mission in the Outer Rim….perhaps a month long or more…perhaps undercover? No contact with anyone on Coruscant. And maybe they could assign Anakin Skywalker as his back up? He can help with the undercover aspect.
And at first, Anakin is pissed because he was planning to resign from the Order in the next few days, but Obi-Wan convinces him to go on this mission with him….one last mission as a Jedi. To say goodbye to the Jedi life.
Obviously, Obi-Wan sort of wants to go on one last mission with Anakin because in his dreams, he wants the mission to go so perfectly that Anakin stays with him the Order. But realistically, he mostly wants to go on this mission to say goodbye to Anakin and then let him go, soaking up all his warmth and light, memorizing every casual touch bestowed on him because he knows they’re ticking down to the last handful of seconds together.
But then obviously the mission works TOO well and Anakin falls in love with Obi-Wan but doesn’t admit to it even to himself before they’re on the ship about to head back to Coruscant and Anakin realizes he doesn’t want to leave this planet because he doesn’t want to leave Obi-Wan if it could always be like this so he crashes the ship during take off so they can stay longer because he’s 24 and doesn’t know how to handle the immensity of his love except through destruction
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twinterrors29 · 2 years
Anakin, practicing his basic with children's books: Obi-Wan, what's a duck? Obi-Wan: it's a type of semi-aquatic bird common on many planets in the Core, why do you ask? Anakin: this is the third book that has mentioned bringing one with you when you bathe Obi-Wan: ...huh Anakin: yeah it sounds weird Obi-Wan: Anakin: Obi-Wan: do you want to try it out? Anakin: ...yeah! Ten Years Later Rex: it's time for us to hit the showers, General Anakin: oh good, I saw just what we need earlier, let me go get one real quick! Rex: ...why did the General just run back outside? Kix: ...is he chasing those birds? Anakin, returning triumphant with a confused duck pinned under his arm: I brought us a duck to bathe with! Rex: ...is this a nat-born thing? Anakin: yeah, I guess so! Rex: ...sure, let's try it Two Weeks Later Padme: Ani, why don't we...take a bath together ;) Anankin, excited: that sounds great! I brought a duck back from the campaign with me, give me just a moment to grab it! Padme: what
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 8 months
I had a dream and I had to share it with you all because it was... something else. (Aka the dream where Obi-Wan keeps the 212th)
So Obi-Wan (who was gender fluid or something because one minute it'd be cannon Obi and next it'd be Fem!Obi and sometimes neither, it was just a whole thing) basically laid claim on the 212th.
Order 66 never happened, Obi slaughtered Palps, blah blah blah. Here's the point: The senate refused to give the clones rights and recognized them as more than property. There was arguments about who could claim them as their property, namely the Long Necks saying since they made them, they own them, and other senators claiming that since they should have ownership of x number of troops for y reason or other bullshit.
Then Obi-Wan shows up and the convo basically goes like this: (I'll spare you all the legal jargon that comes from having studied parts of law)
'Since you refuse to give them rights, the 212th belongs to me.'
Whannnaaa whannaa- a bunch of legalese and subtle threats and insults, basically amounting to 'And how do you figure that?'
'Well, since the GAR was created for, and paid for by, the Jedi, and I found them, They belong to me. Finders Keepers, Loosers Weepers. Also, possession is 9/ 10ths of the law, they're mine, cry about it. Also, they've been - (meaning scars, tattoos, etc. changed since shipping out)
Cue legalese and bullshit that ends with Obi-Wan having legal possession of not just the 212th, but the whole Vode, including those just decanted on Kamino.
Cue the 212th wondering how the hell they're all going to fit into the temple, especially around Obi-Wan's rooms. Then Obi-Wan, in true dream logic, has a door in his room that opens to a whole ass hall that has tons of benches for them to use when putting on/taking off their armor, bunk beds, and a bunch of storage drawer-type things with little stickers and markers and whatnot for them to decorate/personalize to store their things, plus a welcome package including a special blanket, a stuffy, the decoration things, etc.
Mind you this is a temporary situation.
Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is technically 'kicked out' of the Jedi Order because he technically has a bunch of people as possessions/attachments to his 212th. In reality, they've taken Obi off active missions, as settling the Vode and figuring out what to do with their literal thousands of people is a long-term mission.
Obi-Wan ends up winning a planet in Sebbac by the skin of teeth (purposefully making it seem like he just barely won) knowing full well the person he's playing often bets the planet. Because the planet is a hellscape. No one wants to inhabit it, there are no native peoples, just flora/fauna because it's 60% water and the 40% land of it has massive storm seasons that threaten to kill anyone who settles there and has ruined attempts to settle before. But Obi knows if there's anyone who can thrive on the planet, it's the stubborn Vode and their banthashit-crazy Jedis. (Because Koon ain't leaving his Wolf Pack, no sir. Those are his kiddos.)
Also, the whole Vode is absolutely in love with Obi-Wan, who's making calf eyes at Cody half the time. Cody has gotten a Very Large Stick to beat off his vode from his general after they saved them from mass decommissioning waiting for them with the long necks. 'recycling bio mass' their shebs.
(Waxer and Boil adopt an Add. Fox gets a tooka. or five. and Rex finally gets a fucking vacation. (he likes fishing. (the 'fishies' are twice his size, will swallow a vode whole, and need to be physically fought into submission)))
(Also, also, Obi-Wan installs a council of Alpha batch, and they all simp for Obi-Wan so hard. Cody has beaten them with his Stick. Multiple Times. And tried to feed 17 to the 'fishies'.)
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intermundia · 1 year
one thing in TCW that once you see, you'll never be able to unsee, is how so many shots are set up to make obi-wan look small and anakin look big. like objectively the models are not that different in size, anakin has longer legs, but the angles they choose and the frames they set up, almost always puts obi-wan in a position where he appears smaller than he is, whether it's that he's further away, or leaning in, or the camera is tilted down. i'm not sure why TCW prefers to make anakin look Bigger, like maybe it's part of the show's tendency to make him more look and sound more Masc than hayden did in the prequels? but in any case it's a pattern that generally drives me insane lmao
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beebrown80 · 11 months
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I've captured my boys' energy whenever they play together, which reminded me so much of Kenobi and Vader, not sure if anyone else has heard of these movies called Star wars buuuut 😌 lets just say the franchise doesn't have enough attention already lol jk pls let me commission me to draw your pets halloween costumes, it's all I ask V
Been working on a series of Pet Halloween Costumes for my boys Chowder and Boogie!! Stay tuned for their next costume >:) AND if you'd like me to draw Your Pet's Halloween Costumes I'm open for Commissions!! ✨🌟 Dm any questions! 👻
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lead-acetate · 1 year
Quin: if you're paranoid it doesn't mean you're not being followed by anyone
Obi-Wan: dear, have you considered going back to therapy?
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thebasementnerd · 1 month
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Hi! I'm looking to get into pet or animal photography professionally and figured posting 10 of my favorite animal pics I've taken over the past few months might be a good show of what I do and help give an idea of skill set. Would anyone have any idea how to transfer this skillset to a professional capacity?
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cactusspatz · 2 years
September recs
Whelp, I've started my annual fall DCU binge. I don't know what it is about this time of year, but every October for the last three years has been Batfamily Time in the Spatz household. I just started a little early this year!
Five DCU fics above the cut, plus four more DCU and five other fandom recs underneath!
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Like a Hinge, Like a Wing by Ultrageekatlarge/ @bonesbuckleup​
The problem is that Tim’s spent the past month or so slowly getting murdered.
(AKA, An AU where Jason never went to Ethiopia, and Tim takes a different road home to the Waynes.)
SO GREAT. I went absolutely feral about this fic, which I have already read twice and have open in a tab for reccing so I'll...probably go read it again after this. Just A++ Tim h/c where he's being poisoned for his trust fund after his parents die, and tries desperately to rescue himself before finally reaching Bruce and telling him he needs Batman's help, and then the fallout of all that. Wonderful!
Send to All by kerosceene
I, ___________________________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
The bats have a sex pollen release form. Because of course they do.
Hilarious and extremely chaotic Batfamily epistolary goodness, and Barbara is the absolute best and does not deserve this shit.
two against the world by carolinaa / @officialratprince​
“I’m Tim,” he says, though introducing himself to a puppy makes him flush in embarrassment. “Are you hungry?”
The dog blinks at him, all scared eyes.
“Where’s your family?” Tim asks. “Did they leave you?”
(Or: Tim Drake finds a friend.)
This is a sweet and achy AU, but Tim is also a feral little goblin boy, so it's basically perfect.
Immersion by @smilebackwards​
Father’s Day is going to be a disaster. What precisely is Tim supposed to get Bruce? The man has everything—cars, planes, a space station—and millions of dollars to buy anything he doesn’t.
Or: Tim is this close to calling Bruce ‘Dad’ when life takes an unexpected turn.
The final part of the Surveillance series (my beloved)! Absolutely love this story where something objectively miraculous happens to Tim but it is actually The Worst, because that's how Tim's life is. <3
Aftermath by ivy_and_ivory
Now: Batman is in Paris, pulled there by a case that extends beyond Gotham’s borders, when circumstances lead him to a badly injured Red Hood – who might hold the key to Batman’s investigation.
Then: The Red Hood storms into Gotham, begins to stake his claim on the criminal underground, then abruptly disappears – but only after he breaks into Arkham Asylum and leaves the Joker dead in his own cell.
Or: A study of why Bruce couldn’t kill the Joker, what would happen if someone else could – and how you move on from the aftermath.
Really fascinating AU with some brilliant identity porn and wrenching Jason-Bruce interactions, plus a dash of casefile for your plotty pleasure.
More DCU recs under the cut, plus recs for Murderbot Diaries (more amnesia fic!!!), 9-1-1, Star Wars, and Biggles.
Missed Calls by nightwalker
Five times Jack Drake didn't answer his phone.
And one time he did, but it was already too late.
Mmm, tasty neglected!Tim h/c. (yes, I'm predictable, shhh)
Grilled Cheese by crumpetz
"Tim doesn’t step around Jason like he’s fielding landmines and he laughs at Jason’s jokes instead of flinching. Which Jason finds interesting, given that he’s definitely tried to kill the kid a couple times."
Tim and Jason have a bad fight, and then Tim gets really hurt on his way home right afterward.
This one's seriously whumpy, but vivid and intense with a fantastic Jason POV.
Instead of All the Colors That I Saw by SilverSkiesAtMidnight
Dick comes around to stand fully in front of him, keeping a steadying hand on Tim’s arm. “Just because you know you’re safe intellectually doesn’t mean you always feel safe,” he says softly. “It’s okay if you don’t feel safe.”
“But it’s not okay!” Tim bursts out. “Because if I don’t feel safe, then how is Jason supposed to feel safe? He shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable just because my brain is screwed up!”
There’s a faint sound by the door, barely more than an intake of breath, and his eyes snap to the no-longer empty doorway.
Lovely, wrenching examination of Tim and Jason's relationship: the trials of loving your brother after he tried to murder you that one time.
Gotham CPS by ebjameston
A CPS agent gets sent to investigate a tip that Tim Drake has been abandoned by his parents and is living with the Red Hood. The CPS agent leaves with no Tim Drake, a date with Red Hood's lieutenant, and an intern who's promising to fix the IT systems at his office.
It's a weird day for Theo.
Bordering on cracky, but so fun! Until it punches you in the face with feelings, of course. Theo is a delight.
If This Story Had A Title Then I Forgot by CompletelyDifferent (Murderbot, gen)
Murderbot is at a party.
This is not a normal state of affairs for SecUnits. Neither is the comfy clothes or the sitting or the way the humans keep smiling in its general direction. The smiling, it suspects, will stop, if/when they realise their SecUnit has suffered some sort of catastrophic glitch and has no idea where it is or the specifics of its current assignment.
So it's not going to let them find out.
I would just like to thank the universe/internet for bringing me all this great amnesia fic lately. And this one goes in the rare but delightful subcategory of 'characters who would 100% try to bluff their way through having amnesia a la John Mulaney'! Plus good portrayal of Murderbot's organic vs computer memory, and wonderful use of the Mensahs.
The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (9-1-1, Buck/Eddie)
The Buckleys are celebrating their 50th Anniversary, and Maddie and Buck are both expected to come. To take the heat off Maddie, Buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new.
Obviously, there's only one solution: bring Eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. No problem, except for the, uh. "Pretend" part.
A very classic fake dating setup, but the execution is perfect! I really loved how Buck and Eddie's support and partnership is so sharply contrasted with his parents' shittiness, plus there's some really great and necessary conversations that I can only hope happen in actual canon at some point.
Come from Over the Horizon by rosepetalfall / @islandbetweenrivers​ (Star Wars, gen)
They never stayed anywhere for long, so Luke and Leia both had spacer’s accents - an indeterminate amalgam of the blandly Core-adjacent tones of their holoschool lessons and Ben’s cut-glass Coruscanti, colored in at the edges by Outer Rim spaceport slang.
D'awww, chaotic Skywalker twins growing up together! And Rosie's writing is so good in the details - there's a vivid sense of familiarity and fondness in every interaction of their little family.
True Love's Kiss by thosenearandfarwars (Star Wars, Codywan)
Cody had never actually planned to tell Obi-Wan that he loved him. There was the war, their age difference, their difference in rank, the fact that Cody wasn’t really a person and Obi-Wan was too kind to let something like galactic prejudice against clones stop him from being his friend, and a half-dozen other logical, sound, well founded reasons he had in a spreadsheet titled “Reasons Why I Will Never Kiss or Kriff Obi-Wan.”
A T-rated, crack-treated-seriously fill for my Codywan Kiss Bingo square for "True Love's Kiss," featuring secret romance novel author and Space Excel wizard Marshal Commander Cody.
This is absurdly charming, with the crack premise balanced out by Cody's very pragmatic reactions to everything, and an adorable ending.
Something Old, Something New by @sholiofic​
In order to stay in Britain after the events of Biggles Buries a Hatchet, von Stalhein must wed a British subject.
I read this on a late-night plane trip and thus totally failed to leave a comment, sorry Sholio! The pining domesticity is FIERCELY good in this one, and the slow burn finely tuned - all their prickles and misunderstandings subsiding into a true partnership was so satisfying. Plus every time the ensemble showed up was warm and bubbly and perfect!
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faytelumos · 4 months
Y'all, I need a quick book rec:
I have like two hours to tell my love what audiobook I want.
What is a good monster horror book? I'm particularly looking for Stephen King, but I'm open.
Icky and just plain scary monsters preferred.
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tennessoui · 1 year
omg time traveler ahsoka au! she gets obi-wan to leave the order for satine in the hopes that he’d be weird with someone else but anakin gets sent on a mission to mandalore and wow there’s this handsome duke he has to look after. what a shame he’s married and definitely wouldn’t leave his wife for this jedi he feels immediately weird about
hmmmmmmm this is one of Ahsoka’s closest attempts because obi-wan’s personal sense of loyalty wouldn’t let him cheat on his wife, and he’s spent so long building a family and a life on Mandalore that he would never toss it aside to be romantically involved with a kid (read: 22yo) that he doesn’t even know even though he feels a very strong pull towards him….obi-wan is adept at lying to himself
It gets easier to lie to himself when he realizes that Skywalker is also married, though secretly…..it offends part of Kenobi, but that’s just because Skywalker is making a mockery of the Jedi order with his secret marriage!! Kenobi is no longer a Jedi of course but he still has great respect for the Order!!!
That’s the only reason he feels so strange when he thinks of Skywalker’s marriage even long after Skywalker and the senator he was guarding as she came to a celebratory feast on Mandalore leave again.
(Ahsoka tenses on her reset button as anakin makes his way back to mandalore a few months later, but they’re being….normal…this anakin requests to study ancient mandalorian and Jedi texts that are housed in the capital city and it’s weird because he’s never really cared about history but he’s being very…respectful….and master obi-wan is also being very respectful if a little stand offish….he accompanied him down to read the texts and they spend hours down there together but as far as Ahsoka can tell there is nothing inappropriate happening —she has gotten very good at telling when something inappropriate is happening between her old masters—they really are just…talking and reading and they’re being…sort of weird…but sort of normal….it’s the closest they’ve come to the original timeline in fact…Ahsoka relaxes on her reset button)
War breaks out anyway of course and obi-wan lasts only a month or so after anakin is pulled to the front lines before donning an old beat up and anonymous suit of mandalorian armor and flying to fight with him. The Duchess of Mandalore offers no comment. The official story is that her husband is sick in bed from a nasty case of Flafu flu. No one knows that it’s the Duke of mandalore in the red armor, supporting Skywalker’s troops.
Ahsoka wonders if Anakin knows, up until the moment some droid gets a lucky shot in and obi-wan goes down on the battlefield and anakin levels an entire field of droids to get to him looking half out of his mind with worry and rage….then she knows he knows and maybe that he’s always known
She’s tensed up over the reset button again, but after obi-wan’s been seen to by the medic, anakin sends him back to his wife on mandalore and, miraculously, after 2 years fighting to be by anakin’s side, obi-wan…stays, but he looks so beaten down over it, so without half his heart, like he’s suddenly aged 20 years and lived in a desert for all of them. But he stays.
The war ends eventually and the Jedi triumph. Ten years later, leia runs through Anakin’s study with an old red helmet over her head as Luke runs after her, playing war. anakin gently takes it off her and sets her on the ground. He cradles the helmet though in battle worn hands, but thankfully before either of them can ask, padmes speeder arrives and they shoot off to go welcome their mom home - anakin stays for a second longer, just staring at the helmet with such a naked expression of wistfulness longing heartbreak and acceptance that Ahsoka almost wants to turn away. Before she does she sees anakin touch his forehead to the helmet’s once before rising and putting it away, turning instead to go greet his wife
and it leaves Ahsoka with such a WEIRD feeling in her own heart that she’s pressing the reset button before she can think it through because she wants them to be apart and she wants the Jedi to win the war and everyone to get their happy endings but…but not like this…not if they’re not happy….she gets 1 reset where she gets to be selfish ok she’s gone through thousands now probably.
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thicctails · 1 year
Another quick star wars au/fic idea thing BC it's been rocketing around my brain lately. Warning, this one is WAY angstier and contains Major Character Death and graphic descriptions of injuries
A Pet Sematary-like AU, for both CW and TBB
Scenario 1- Anakin, (maybe Ahsoka depending on which would be more devastating: Obi-Wan loosing both or him trying to comfort Ahsoka amidst his own grief) part of the 501st, and part of the 212th are killed on some newly discovered planet that they crash landed on. The world is eerily quiet, lifeless and void of any animals or natural sounds. Unable to store the bodies properly due to the state of their ships, the survivors bury the dead on the planet's surface, once their grief and shock has no longer paralyzed them.
Obi-Wan is suffering immensely from the loss of Anakin, and decides to spend the night curled up with his grieving men. It's for that reason that he doesn't question the feeling of someone snuggling up to him during the early hours of the morning. That is, of course, until he feels the familiar brush of metal against his neck, and realizes that he can't feel this person in the Force. They smell of dirt, burnt skin and stale air. His Padawan is next to him, tucked into his chest like he had when he was small.
In his sleep deprived, half delusional state, Obi-Wan forgets that he'd lowered Anakin's mangled body into the ground only hours ago. He exhales softly and draws Anakin in closer, throwing and extra blanket over him in reflex when he feels how cold he is.
Then, as the first rays of dawn begin to cause his men to stirr, someone screams bloody murder. The sound jolts Obi-Wan to alertness, but he finds that he cannot move, caged by stiff, icy arms that are mottled with burns, some so severe they expose blackened bone. Fear fills the Force around him as his eyes meet the glassy gaze of his former Padawan, one milky orb nearly falling out of its ruined socket.
There is supposed to be no death, only the Force, but Obi-Wan is pretty damn sure that the man he once loved as a Padawan, a brother, a son, is non-living proof that those ancient words are lies.
Scenario 2- Clone Force 99 looses their newest, youngest member when the Havoc Marauder gets critically damaged in a brutal dogfight. Crosshair, under the chips influence and already injured, makes the shot that sends the ship spiraling towards a nearby planet in the unfamiliar system he chased them to. Before they loose complete control, one of the Bad Batchers manages to damage Crosshair's craft badly enough that he, too, crash lands on the planet, the impact granting him enough freedom from the chip to realize what he's done once he awakens.
His brothers are alive, scratched and bleeding and looking like they'd just been dragged through hell, but alive nonetheless. The same cannot be said for Omega, who is unmoving in Hunter's arms, the Sargent holding her so close that it would have hurt, had she still been able to feel pain. Their collective injuries, shock, and Crosshair's obvious guilt keep the batch from immediately murdering their brother in revenge, but he is not permitted to stand with them when they finally manage to bury Omega, the act of taking her cooled corpse from Hunter taking far more time than digging her grave.
He keeps his distance as he watches his ori'vode kneel beside the freshly turned earth, his chest constricting with emotion. Any quips he might have once spoken about Hunter going soft or Echo's legs having finally given up have long since died away, replaced by words of condolence that he did not know how to express. He hadn't known Omega, not like they had, but she'd been so, so kind to him during the brief moments they'd had together before everything had gone to shit, and as he listened to Echo raggedly choke out words that the regs spoke whenever one of their brothers passed, the little details he'd noticed on the kid clicked together like a horrible puzzle, and Crosshair finally realized what she had been.
Realized that he'd just murdered their only sister.
He stood guard by the grave when the others inevitably passed out, only daring to creep close when he was sure his approach would go unnoticed. He laid a trembling hand on the ground, tears dripping onto the soil as he whispered apologies and begged for forgiveness. He silently prayed that Echo's batchmates would guide her to whatever afterlife waited beyond death's veil, hoped with all his heart that her suffering was over.
Eventually, his own exhaustion catches up with him, and he collapses next to the small circlet of stones and flowers that act as a makeshift grave marker.
When he wakes, it is to the sensation of pressure on his chest, like someone was laying against it. Eyes sore and bleary from tears, he looks down and blinks stupidly when he sees a mop of bloodied blonde hair, his breath catching in his throat.
The dirt beneath him has been disturbed, pushed and pulled apart by the child that now lay beside him, her neck tilted at an unnatural angle. Crosshair remained frozen, hoping that this was all some horrid, guilt induced nightmare. That he'd wake up and she'd be gone and his brothers would finally realize that they could get revenge for the life he'd stolen away under the command of that damned chip.
Yet there would be no such merciful release. Omega would remain as solid and real as she's been in life, and when the others awoke and saw her it was as if they all entered a state of deep, deep denial. Hunter and Tech fussed over her fatal, blood-crusted wounds the way a mother would over a child's skinned knee, while Wrecker and Echo pulled a still frozen Crosshair to his feet. The bigger clone smacked him on the back and laughed when he saw the sniper's pale, horrified face, insisting that he didn't need to be so afraid of the kid, that Omega wouldn't bite.
But when Crosshair looked at her, watching her as Hunter lovingly scooped her up and carried her because rigor mortis had begun to set in and her limbs were slow to obey, he saw no sign of the child that had tried to bring him comfort back on that horrible day on Kamino. Omega may not bite, but Crosshair was sure whatever was in her body now would.
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bunnywan · 4 months
“obi-wan is the dog” was the first thing I thought of when I saw that sith anakin picture and that’s 1000% because of you tysm
i would say my agenda is working but its not even an agenda its just the truth. loyalist bitch in the galaxy. best in show. put my man in a dog collar !!! he WILL bark.
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