#obviously this is not a sign of anything im just so lucky
my-thirteenth-reason · 7 months
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python333 · 1 year
Hey author. I loved your father's day card post. But how would L.V. , Konig and Alex react to getting father's day cards too or how would Kate and Farah react to getting mothers day cards. Anyways you don't have to write it but enjoy your day.
alejandro, könig, alex, and kate reacting to receiving father's/mother's day cards from [reader] — python333
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synopsis just as the title says, some more people receiving father's/mother's day cards! you can see the first part with task force 141 here!
relationships platonic!alejandro & gn!reader, platonic!könig & gn!reader, platonic!alex & gn!reader, platonic!kate & gn!reader.
characters alejandro, könig, alex, kate.
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign], reader intended to be 16/17-20/21 but can be interpreted as older as long as they're still below 24 [just so that the hcs make more sense!], might be ooc :{
note hi anon!! tysm for the request, like ive said before ive never actually played cod (yet i write ff of them, i know) instead i watch playthroughs so im not as familiar with some of these characters, so i really hope theyre not too ooc!! i also didn't write in rodolfo or farah because i didnt know what to write for them :{ so sorry! again, this is all just straight fluff, so enjoy :3
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➥ honestly finds it very endearing.
➥ obviously it catches him a little off guard, and he has to actually process that you gave him a father’s day card, but right after he finds it very endearing.
➥ he’s surprised but not surprised at the same time that you gave him the card.
➥ like he knows and is aware that he has a tendency of acting more paternal towards you than others, but really? you gave him a card?
➥ he won’t cry or anything but his voice will definitely waver a bit while he thanks you for the card.
➥ he’ll give you a nice hug and everything too.
➥ maybe a small kiss on the forehead if you’re lucky. maybe.
➥ he doesn’t know where to put the card at first, because obviously he’s not gonna throw it out, so he just ends up putting it in a folder and tucking that folder with the rest of the important folders he has in his office.
➥ he starts calling you things like ’cielite’ and ’pollito’ more than your actual call sign.
➥ which, the others notice, but he couldn’t care less.
➥ he’ll have the same reaction every time you give him a father’s day card, if you ever give him more than one.
➥ maybe after the tenth or twelfth one, he’ll get used to it. but otherwise he’ll have that same ‘wait, they gave me a father’s day card?’ reaction every time.
You stared at the card in your hand nervously, your eyes darting from Alejandro, who sat in his office unaware of your presence right outside of the door, and back to the card. It shouldn’t be that hard to give it to him—he probably wouldn’t even be that shocked. It’s not like it’s a huge deal or anything, giving the card to him, right? It’s just a card. It’s just a card.
After a few more moments of hyping yourself up to give him the card, you’d finally sighed and knocked on the door to his office. Almost immediately, Alejandro called out, “¡Entra!”
You took another deep breath and opened the door, hiding the card behind your back as you walked in and closed the door behind you. Alejandro looked up from his desk and upon seeing you, a small grin split across his face.
“Well, hello, [c/n],” He greeted you, noticing your arm that went behind your back, but not commenting on it, “Did you need something?”
“Uh…” It was like all your words had left you, but refusing to back out of this now, you simply nodded and pulled your hand out from behind your back and held the card out to him, face down so that he couldn’t read the words on the front. Alejandro looked at the card curiously and gently grabbed it, turning it around to read the front.
He mouthed the words as he read them, ’¡Feliz Día del Padre!’, and took a moment to actually process the words before his grin grew and he opened the card. He read the few, short words written on the inside, and closed the card, looking at the front once again. He stared at it for a few seconds, leaving you to just stand there and watch as he read the same sentence over and over again, before he stopped and set the card down on his desk.
Before you could question him, he stood up and hugged you tightly, making you freeze for a second before hugging him back. His chin came down to rest on your head as he hugged you, and he kept you like that for a while before pressing a small kiss to the top of your head and pulling away from the hug. He kept his hands on the sides of your upper arms, his thumbs rubbing small circles into your skin as he looked down at you and murmured, “Thank you, mi cielite, that meant a lot to me.”
“I could kind of tell,” You muttered, making Alejandro chuckle softly and look back at the card on his desk. He turned back to you and squeezed your arms gently before letting go completely.
“When did you get it?” Alejandro asked curiously, nodding to the card, “The card.”
“About a week ago.”
His eyes widened, “And you waited this long to give it to me?”
“Wasn’t sure if you’d like it.”
Alejandro scoffed, “Wasn’t sure if I’d— [c/n], I love it, it’s perfect, and I’m going to keep it forever.”
“Well I know that now.”
“I can’t believe you thought I wouldn’t like it.”
“I thought you might not like it,” You clarified.
“Eso es lo mismo—” Alejandro started to argue, before letting out a huff and shaking his head, “Don’t hesitate to get me something like that ever again. I adore it.”
➥ he might actually melt into a puddle of goop.
➥ he’s usually not soft for anyone, much less paternal, but it was a completely different story with you.
➥ so when you give him that card he just straight up goes completely soft.
➥ it’s not the usual kind of soft he is with you, which is typically just him being less hard on you and calling you things like ’mäuschen’ or ’liebling’, no, this is him just straight up malfunctioning.
➥ he finds it very sweet and will protect that card forever (trust me he told me himself).
➥ if anyone dares even touch the card he’ll slap their hand away immediately and will tell them to fuck off.
➥ the only acception is maybe horangi.
➥ he’ll tear up a little bit, not enough for it to be noticeable to you but it’s definitely noticeable to him.
➥ he’s very surprised that you got him the card, doesn’t see it coming at all.
➥ he’ll definitely hug you.
➥ while he hugs you, he’ll be muttering little things like ’you’re such a sweetheart, just the sweetest thing, i definitely didn’t deserve that card, thank you so much, you’re too sweet.’ all in german on loop so all you can hear is just straight word vomit and you can barely make out the words he’s saying but you can still understand it, not from the words but from the way he tightly hugs you and the way his voice wavers and softens when he talks.
➥ he keeps the card in his office, in a locked drawer in his desk, just so that nobody can touch it.
➥ similar to alejandro, starts calling you little terms of endearment in german more than your actual call sign.
➥ it never really shocks anyone when he starts almost exclusively calling you ’mäuschen’ and ’liebling’, so if he just refers to you as one of the two, they know who he’s talking about.
You waited in the hall outside of the recovery room, knowing König was in there, just resting there for a few hours until he had to get to his next assignment. You looked down at the card in your hand, reading the ’Alles Gute zum Vatertag!’ on the front, and reading it again, and again, and—you need to stop stalling.
You sighed quietly and took a deep breath before opening the door to the recovery room, spotting König on one of the couches, reading a book that practically looked like a pamphlet in his hands. His eyes snapped up and over to the door where you stood awkwardly in the doorway and eventually stepped completely into the room, making your way over to the silent colonel.
He watched silently as you walked over to the couch, holding a card in one of your hands, the blank side facing him so that he couldn’t see what it said on the front. You didn’t know what to say so you just sort of stood there, awkwardly. Did I mention how awkward it was? I’ll say it again. God, it was so awkward.
Eventually, König cleared his throat and nodded to the card, looking up at you as if asking ‘what is that?’. You silently held out the card to him, hoping he would just take it so that you could run off and die in a hole so that you never had to see him again. Right as he took it, you started to do just that, slowly walking away before his hand caught your wrist and looked at you pointedly, daring you to leave.
“Don’t go yet,” He said quietly, not looking at the card yet, “Explain what you just handed to me.”
“Read it,” You replied simply, not giving him an explanation just yet. He raised an eyebrow at you and glanced back at the card in his hand before letting go of your wrist and opening the card with both hands, not bothering to read the front. His eyebrows furrow and draw together in confusion as he reads the inside, before he realizes he should probably read the front and closes the card to read the front and— oh God.
He blinked down at the words on the front for a moment, and his eyes softened almost immediately, as well as his posture. He might as well have just melted right there, like a goopy idiot, but all you could see was him softening up a bit while reading the card silently.
You waited anxiously for him to say something, anything, but instead he silently got up and set the card down onto the couch. You could barely get a word out of your mouth before he pulled you into a tight, almost suffocating bear hug, burying his face into the top of your head. Hesitantly, you hugged him back, which only really served to make him hug you tighter. You arms barely went above his waist, while he had to bend down a bit to hug you properly, and the size difference made his mind race even faster because all he could think about was how small you were compared to him.
He pulled his face up from your head and instead lifted you up, making you gasp quietly at the sudden movement and instinctively wrap your legs around his waist. He tightly wrapped his arms around your much smaller frame and tucked your head under his chin, muttering small, incomplete sentences under his breath.
“Du bist einfach das Süßeste, mein Gott, du bist so ein Herzchen, viel zu lieb, um in der Armee zu kämpfen—" He murmured, his words practically inaudible to you, but you could still understand a few of the words and could piece together what he was saying from that.
“Why?” He asked softly after he was done with his muttering, making you wonder what he was asking, until a second later when you realized he was asked why you gave him the card.
You shrugged, mumbling, “Just felt like it.”
“Well…” König looked over at the card on the couch before saying, “Thank you, mäuschen. I love it.”
“I’m glad you do.”
➥ he audibly lets out an ‘awwww’.
➥ he finds it so sweet and will cherish it forever.
➥ he’ll give you a nice, firm hug and tells you how much he appreciates it.
➥ be sure to give him one of those super cheesy father’s day cards.
➥ like one with a pun on it or a dad joke.
➥ he starts calling you his kid. like straight up refers to you as either his kid or just ‘the kid’.
➥ he probably starts acting the most like an actual dad out of everyone in this post tbh.
➥ he starts jokingly saying language after you swear, only to start cussing like a second later.
➥ oh god the dad jokes he starts telling you too.
➥ the dad jokes.
➥ he doesn’t tear up at all, but he does have a smile on his face for the rest of the day. maybe even the rest of the week.
➥ he’ll keep the card in his back pocket and just carry it around wherever he goes.
You looked around the corner, looking at Alex, who was sitting on the couch just scrolling through his phone. He hadn’t noticed you, despite the twenty-something times you’d looked around the corner, trying to build up your confidence to give him the card. You looked down at the card, the simple ‘happy father’s day!’ and pun on the front staring right back at you.
You looked over at Alex again before sighing and turning the corner completely, walking into the small recreational room, trying to take deep breaths while you walked over to the couch. Alex noticed you walking over to him and looked up from his phone, giving you a friendly smile and greeting you with a simple, “Hey, [c/n].”
You nodded in return and he tilted his head curiously at your silent greeting, before he looked down at your hands and noticed the card in one of them. Before he could ask anything further, you held the card out to him, looking away from him as you did, making him raise an eyebrow at your very odd behavior.
“Okay, then,” He muttered, gingerly taking the card, flipping it over to read the front. He reads the three bold words on the front quickly, and once he’s processed them, a bright grin takes over his face. You looked back over at him, just to make sure he’s not disappointed or anything, only to see him looking back up at you and getting up to hug you.
He pulled you into a tight bear hug, making you let out an audible ’oof’, but you still hugged him back.
“Thank you for the card,” He said graciously, “I love it.”
“You do?”
“Of course I do,” Alex scoffed, before pulling away from the hug and putting both of his hands on your shoulders, “It means a lot to me that you thought to give me a card, kiddo.”
“... You’re welcome, then.”
Alex simply smiled and gave you one last tight hug before picking the card up and off of the couch, instead putting it into his back pocket. He looked back at you and said, “I’m gonna go show it off to Farah now, and make her all jealous.”
You huffed out a small laugh and responded, “You do that, then.”
➥ she’s honestly not that surprised.
➥ she’s definitely aware that you think of her as a sort of mother figure, and before you give her the card, she’s kind of neutral about that.
➥ like she doesn’t mind it, but she also won’t feed into it that much.
➥ that is, until you give her the card.
➥ she’ll be dead silent at first when you hand it to her and you almost want to take the card back and just run away so that you never have to see her again.
➥ but then she gives you a warm smile and says ‘thank you, i appreciate this’.
➥ she won’t tear up or anything, but she’ll still give you a nice hug.
➥ she shows her wife the card and pretends like it’s not a big deal to her but it definitely is.
➥ she keeps the card back at her house, right on top of her bedside table (like a normal fucking person, she doesn’t keep it in her office or stuffs it into a jacket).
➥ her wife demands to meet you after kate shows her the card, by the way.
”Come in!” Kate called out, just a second after you knocked on the door to her office. You let out a shaky breath and hid the ‘happy mother’s day!’ card you had brought with you behind your back, opening the door to her office and tentatively walking in. Kate didn’t look up from her computer just yet, and instead motioned for you to sit in the chair across from hers.
You nodded even though she wasn’t looking at you and closed the door behind you, quickly walking over to the chair in front of her desk and sitting down. Only then did she look up from her computer and over at you.
“Hi, [c/n],” She took off her rectangle frame glasses and set them down, “What’d you come in here for?”
“Just, uh…” You started, before trailing off and just opting to set the card on her desk in front of her, face down. She raised an eyebrow at you, questioning what the card was before touching it. You simply gestured for her to read it and she sighed, putting her glasses back on and flipping the card over to reveal the words on the front.
Her eyebrows raised at the text but she didn’t say anything just yet, instead opening the card to read the few short written words on the inside. She closed the card back up again and instead stared at the front, reading the ‘happy mother’s day!’ text over and over again.
“... I can take it back if you don’t like it—” You began to offer, only for Kate to hold up a finger to cut you off, effectively silencing you. She doesn’t look up until a few moments later, when she sets the card down and looks over at you with a small smile gracing her lips. The smile makes you relax a bit in your seat.
That relaxation was thrown out the window just a second later when Kate said, “Get up,” and stood up from her seat.
You quickly followed her orders and stood up from your seat, prepared to leave if she asked you to, when you were suddenly being embraced by her. You took a moment to hug her back but you do eventually, hesitantly wrapping your arms around Kate.
She kept you in the hug and even tightened her hold on you whilst she whispered, “Thank you for the card. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem.”
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hearts4golbach · 2 months
Helena. (Pt. 2)
"What's the worst that I could say? things are better if I stay."
I want to make this an actual book in the future, so I will not be doing more parts.
not proofread.
word count:
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you stormed over to Johnnie in a fit of rage. "what the actual fuck is wrong with you, Johnnie?" you pressed your hands against his chest and pushed him back.
"i-im sorry, y/n." he choked out, staring at you in awe.
"Are you serious? I can't believe this is the way we run into each other after all these years." You were so angry tears began to well in your eyes.
you turned towards your car, the damage wasn't too bad. it had a noticeable dent in the side, and you'd definitely need to take it into a shop.
"Look, I'll pay for you to get it fixed." he ran his hand through his messy hair. his eyes lingered on your lips for a little too long.
you rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms. "I have my own big girl money. thanks." you said sarcastically.
"at least let me do something nice for you. I feel so fucking bad," Johnnie pleaded with you. "come stay with me."
"why the fuck would I want to do that?"
Johnnie took a step closer to you. "Because you wouldn't have to pay for a hotel." he bribed. "Come on, y/n. please?"
his pleading made your heart ache the same way it did when you were younger. "Fine."
"follow me home. you can still drive your car, right?" his eyebrows raised with concern.
"how the hell would I know?" Johnnie followed you over to your car. you climbed in and started the car. it sputtered before turning on. "you are so fucking lucky this turned on, Johnnie."
he let out a relieved sigh. "are you okay? do you think you need medical attention or anything?" his eyes grazed over your body,
"im fine. can i even trust you driving back to your house? you obviously don't know how stop signs work." you crossed your arms. Johnnie hated how stubborn you were being.
he rolled his eyes. "I'll be fine. trust me, y/n."
you gave in, shutting your car door. you weren't sure why you took him up on his offer, but you did.
the drive back to his house wasn't far. you nearly cried on the drive there from how angry you were about your car. he better fucking pay for it.
he parked whatever car he had on the side of the road and you did the same. you climbed out of the car and Johnnie crossed the street to meet you. "this is my house. by the way, I have two roommates, so.."
"you could've mentioned that originally." you slung your backpack over your shoulder and followed him up to his house.
he unlocked the door and walked inside. it was dark and quiet, but he flipped on the kitchen light. "you're gonna have to stay in my room."
"figured as much." you grumbled. he grabbed himself a glass of water and handed you one. "Thank you."
"here, let me take your bag." he offered, searching for forgiveness. you handed it to him and followed him up to his room. "you can take the bed." he said, setting your backpack beside it.
"it's your bed, I'm not taking it. I can make a pallette on the floor or something."
"you're not doing that. we can just share the bed, it's not like we haven't before." you could see exhaust starting to set into his face.
you felt bad and didn't want to tire him out anymore. "okay." you agreed, not wanting to protest.
"what side do you want?" he asked, turning towards you. "I mean, you always had the wall. you can have the wall." he offered.
"okay, ill take the wall." you hadn't shared a bed with anyone since Johnnie. Deja vu was eating you alive.
you carefully climbed into his bed. it was soft and plush. it felt amazing on your tired, aching body. you pulled the covers over the two of you as he climbed in next to you.
"do you have a new girlfriend, Johnnie?" you asked quietly, turning to face him. your voice was softer than before, just as he remembered it.
"no, I haven't dated anyone since you." he answered truthfully.
you sighed, "me either." you rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling.
there was awkward silence for a couple minutes. "night, y/n." Johnnie rolled towards to face you. he always slept on that side of his body.
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polyklok · 1 year
Hello there!! I really enjoyed your "what makes them soft/what gets them hard" headcanons for Dethklok. I was wondering if you could write a similar thing for Charles? If you're comfortable taking that request, that is. If not, feel free to ignore. I love your blog!
So Charles isn’t in my “men to simp for” Radar, as much as I love him as a character and I don’t think I would ever write anything like that on my own-
BUT YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IM GONNA TRY also you seem like such a sweetheart so I have to
Charles Offdensen
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What makes him soft 💘
Charles is, obviously, a very busy man. All day, everyday, work work work. His hands are usually full, signing away at documents, shaking hands to confirm business deals, fidgeting nervously while he discusses finances. So it means a lot when you gently stop what he’s doing and take the time to kiss his hands. Graze your lips over his knuckles and fingertips, he’ll be entranced by the sentiment. Even if you let go to let him continue whatever he was doing, he’ll be thinking about it for at least an hour.
He really likes being sung to. The only music he listens to nowadays is death metal (usually Dethklok’s) which obviously includes a lot of screaming, growling, and heavy instrumentals. He says it ‘puts him in the brutal mood’ for whatever Dethklok is going pursue next. But, despite this, his favorite type of music is listening to your heartbeat while you quietly sing or hum. Doesn’t matter what song, doesn’t matter how good you are. Please let him place his head on your chest and just sing for him.
Basically the opposite of Toki’s Charles is a serious, uptight, no-fun business man. Everyone calls him Mr. Offdensen, Dethklok gets the privilege of using his first name and occasionally robot, and only you can use any sort of pet name. Use it to your advantage, it’s so funny how dry he is to your dumb names, and despite seeming indifferent, he really does love the silliness of it.
“Hey there, my adowable, wittle pookie-bear muffin boy!”
“Hello Y/N.”
The thought of a room full of government officials and businessmen having to watch this display while holding back the cringe is so funny to me holy shit.
Whats gets him hard ❤️‍🔥
I’m gonna repeat again; Charles is busy. As much as he cares about you, he hardly has time for your relationship and is simply trying is best. Sex is barely ever on his mind. Until it is all that’s in your mind and you let him know. Seeing you needy and wanting him, hanging onto him, tugging at his tie, trying to pull him away from his work is the quickest way to get him hot and bothered. He just hasn’t considered being so desired before and it makes him crazy to watch you act like that for him.
Continuing that, when the two of you are in public and you suddenly get all touchy with him. Grazing his thigh, kissing his neck, running your hands in his hair. He knows that he should be above this and tell you to stop, but he really does love how shameless it is and how good it feels. He’s usually the most economically and socially powerful person in any room he’s in, so no one’s gonna tell him to quit on on the PDA anyway. If you’re lucky, he’ll pay you back for it at home. If you’re really lucky, he’ll drag you off into a nearby bathroom or closet. If you’re unlucky, well…
Is he a mean lover? No. Charles is very attentive and mindful of your needs. He’s going to constantly affirm with you that he’s doing the right thing. How selfless of him. But once that is all done and taken care of and he understands your limits…oh my god he wants to see you cry so badly. He just loves seeing you whine and squirm, your pretty face leaking tears for him. Of course he’ll be nice enough to kiss your tears away and praise you for how good you’re being, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stop.
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+ My Clumsy Bitch +
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G: 🍓-fluff (I guess)
Warnings: Sae being mean, grammar errors, might possibly add a few more details, Cuss words.
God you were so nervous to have this meeting, You were already 15 minutes late which was not a good thing for wanting a position.
There was already a long line of girls outside waiting patiently, You were quite shy so cutting in front of them was a bit of a hassle.
'Making my way to the front desk was like walking on stage with over a trillion eyes set on me'. Some whisper and shake their heads in annoyance'.
You finally made it to the desk .
"Um excuse me?". You ask politely. "I'm here for the assistance position".
The man behind the desk didn't even glance at you.
"There's a line sweetheart". He gruffs.
"Exactly" .Some girl from the back said.
This caused you to flinch.
"Uh, but um , I-I was scheduled for 2:40 today though". You said this nervously , already being in a slightly awkward position. The older and obviously annoyed man let's out a sigh before going to his computer.
"The first name is (F/n)". You told him before he types it in.
"Your last name". He commands the obvious as he impatiently taps his foot waiting for his answer.
"Oh yeah obviously". You tried to joke the situation but the man doesn't even smile.
"(L/n)". He types it in. "Ah". He stated, "The one who's late". He says this loud for everyone to hear.
Causing you to grow even more uncomfortable as more sets of eyes are on you now.
"Alrighty, it's gonna be the third door on your left, knock first I think another meeting going on".
You shook your head before you took the directions he gave you.
You were getting closer and closer to the door, with ever step you took you had to tell yourself to relax. Just as you were only feet away the door opens showing a girl running out of the room, with her hand covering her face as tears stream down her face along with her mascara.
"Good luck with this one" She whimpered to you not looking at you while say it .
The scene only made you panic,why was she crying? Is he really that mean? Or was she just crying for the lost position?. This series of questions ran through your mind as you try to answer them as a way to possibly get your heart to stop racing. But your thoughts were ruined when a voice spoke from the other side .
You swallowed nervous before entering the room.
There were two men , one sitting cross legged , he had reddish-brown hair and turquoise eyes. Sae Itoshi.
The other stood slightly hunch over, he had glasses and straight black hair and a tired expression.
Itoshi spoke first , "You must be (random name)".
"O-oh no I'm (L/n) (Y/n,)". You corrected. "Uh I was scheduled for 2:40".
"Oh the one who wasted my time". Itoshi spoke with no filter.
"I'm very sorry!".You bowed your head slow. For to long apparently.
"Well hurry up and sit down I don't have all day". Sae says impatiently.
"R-right". You were quick to sit down on the chair across from him.
It was only a 25 minute meeting, you barley got anything about yourself out and he only glanced at your file.
"You're hired". Was all he simply said.
"Huh, B-but im not even ha-".
"Do you want the position or not?".
"Yes I do but-". You stop yourself mid sentence, realizing how lucky you are.
Sae turn to the man who was standing next to him
"Giroland,you can dismissed yourself, you've been replaced, you're no longer needed here as my assistant".
Your mouth dropped as you watch the man just got fired right in front of you.
That's how you got hired as the young famous football player's assistant
Approaching this man with something is like walking on egg shells...
He's not exactly suuuuuuper mean it's just that when he tell you to do something or whatever he aspects it to get done ASAP. Other then that there'll be almost no problems at all.
When you don't get work done ASAP:
"(Y/n) did you read the manual sheet I told you to read and sign".
"Uh I forgot them on my desk at home but I swear I'll have them tomorrow first thing in the morning".
His eyes narrow a bit . " You said that yesterday and the day before that ".
''Yes I know but-”
"Yea yea I know you're sorry, that's all you've been ever since I hired you, it's only been two weeks and you're already a fuck up".
His words stung you for sure as you avoided eye contact with him.
He sighed before dismissing himself. "And the mail I told you to pick up is on my desk I assume".
You nervously looked up at him before getting up from your seat . "I-i'll get them right away".
He rolls his eyes before exiting your room .
When you fuck up big time :
"Not again not again not again" . You repeated to yourself as you ran into the airport.
Which was crowded meaning you had to push people out of the way.
You felt bad but you were already late, you see you would usually sleep at a hotel room that's right across Sae's but you decided to go home instead since you had forgot something but it would be a hassle to go all the way back to the hotel.
Which was a bad idea since now you're late, you slept through your alarm and missed 7 miss calls and texts from Sae.
As you were approaching your flight area you could already see your manager impatiently waiting while checking his watch.
But when you finally got to him you immediately apologized and tried to explain why you were late but he ignores you by walking away to the lady waiting at the desk. Leaving you to try and catch up .
"Sae Itoshi and (Y/n) (L/n), Um hey I'm not seeing your names on the list for this flight, I mean I can check again but it's not popping up".
Sae's eyes twitched as he looks over to you.
"You did remember to book our flights did you?". He asked. And your mouth fell open.
''Um i-I swear I did". You stutter as you fish out your planning book from you bag and began to skim through pages that had list of previous request he had asked you to do that were already crossed out meaning you accomplished some them .
All accept one, the very last thing he asked you to do.
IMPORTANT :'Schedule flights '.
"I-". You started as you look up at him. But he wasn't having it .
"How the hell do you have a planning book but you can't remember jackshit". He cussed.
"We do have two seats available and they're first class too and they're right next to each other ". The lady at the front desk seems nervous as she said this.
"We'll take those then". The already on the verge of exploding male grumbles.
The flight was silent as you wrote in your book you usually don't write in public but after the recent events you needed to jot down your feelings.
Till you felt a small amount of pressure hit your shoulder you looked to see that none other then Sae Itoshi had fallen asleep on your shoulder. The grip you had on your pen tightened. Should you wake him up?. You decided not to as you began to relax on the outside yes, but on the inside you were fangirling like crazy.
He was so at ease, his face was to relaxed. You pressed index finger and ring finger against your lips before pressing them against his forehead.
When you're late, again:
"What's your excuse this time?". Sae commands as he hears you stumble in .
"I slept past my alarms, again" .
He shook his head , not even looking up at you .
"I'm sorry".
'' I know, don't just stand there you have shit to do don't you and you're already behind on the things I asked you for from the days before no to mention the shit that's I need for today ".
"Yes I know".
"Maybe if you got here on time you wouldn't have so much work piled up onto yourself and me on the verge of firing you".
You flinch." That won't be necessary I promise I'll do better!". The girl said as she bows her head in an shame .
When he confronts you about your screw ups
"You were late 7 times later week 3 times this week , you somehow cancelled one of my appointments, you forgot to schedule an appointment, you left all your important files back at America, you lost my phone and yours". He listed all your screw ups.
"You know I should fire you right?,A long time ago at that ".
"Yes I'm aware and I'm really sorry, I'll try and do better. If you'll keep me that is".
"But um, why haven't you fired me yet?"
He sighs before he gets up from his seat and approached you till he was right up against you .
His tense eyes met yours before you felt something soft press up against your forehead.
After he does his deed he walks past you, leaving you confused.
You gently rub the spot that was recently touched.
"That one was for the plan and you're lucky I like you a lot or else I would have been fired your ass".
Reblogs are highly appreciated 👍
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safetycar-restart · 4 months
Hi! Congrats on surviving exams and getting some sleep! Im so glad and impressed! May the rest and recovery be yours.
Some tired thoughts:
So much ducati drama! But happy thoughts. The moto boys have an unusually large break now, in the dom au are they spending all their time with their doms?
Is someone basically under for like a week? Who is having the hard impact scenes that are very impractical when racing? Who is being pampered and petted all the time? perhaps someone is having all the overstimulation? Is someone shibari artwork?
🏍 anon
Oh my god 🏍 anon I have missed you so much and I have missed your Motogp thoughts so much. During my little unplanned hiatus I actually got even more into MotoGP so this is just... 10/10. For everyone else: if you send me Motogp thoughts they will get answered embarrassingly quickly.
So let's discuss a few riders with this long break in the D/S AU!
So I really like the idea that you first became Enea's dom last season and you kinda had a baptism by fire because of his injury in the first race of the season and so you had to support him throughout the recovery period. Because of this, you never really had a normal progression of a professional dom/sub relationship? Because you just immediately started practically living with him.
In other words, you raised a kitten in quarantine and now you can't leave him alone. All of this is to say that of course you're with Enea during the strangely long break.
However, I think maybe Enea surprises you with a trip to see your family? Like you think you'll be spending the break with Enea at his house helping him train and scening with him, but no. Enea knows how insanely lucky he is to have you and he wants to show that! So he plans to go with you back home and spend time with your friends and family and he is truly just the bestest boy ever.
(Also, of course Enea is so so scared when Ducati announce that they've signed Marc to be Pecco's teammate because he's so scared that you won't come with him wherever he moves. But obviously he need not worry, you're going with him. Maybe this even prompts you to officially collar him??)
Marc is absolutely THRIVING this season. Not only does he have a good bike, but also he just has so much support?? He's got his brother as his teammate and his dad in his garage at all times and his dom and he's just so happy.
But I also think he's putting so much pressure on himself, because he feels like he should have gotten his first Ducati win by now and he's punishing himself for not doing that. He's still crashing and making mistakes and he beats himself up for it.
So I actually think you'd have to put your foot down during this break? Marc says he's happy and ready to train hard and focus on racing this break so that he can get his first Ducati win, but you actually put your foot down and tell him that no, no he's not going to do that.
You've been Marc's dom since he started at Honda, and you've collared him years ago. You know him. And he knows better than to try and argue when his dom orders him. You can see that if Marc keeps on pressuring himself like this and beating himself up for losing, he's gonna end up in the same bad headspace he was at Honda so you put your foot down. You tell him that you and him are going away. He can keep up his workout schedule, but no bikes and no meeting with Ducati personal or anything. Just Marc relaxing and floating in subspace.
He's a little upset when you first say this, throwing a little hissy fit and trying to disobey you. But after a week, he admits that you were right and he's already starting to feel better. It serves a reminder about just how much you know Marc and how you're the best dom he could ever have.
Fabio is definitely one who spends a week in subspace. In fact, fabio doesn't even try to plan for the break, the moments he finds out about it, he just immediately tells you. He doesn't even have to ask for you to plan the break, because he knows you will.
For the first week, it's just you and him in Andorra and when you tell him this he is just so happy. You scene with him the entire time and he's just this happy, giggly sub floating in subspace and being a good boy and being fucked hard every day.
But then after that week, you spend a day slowly getting Fabio to come out of subspace and he just SO happy. He feels so so good and he knows he still has two weeks with you and it's perfect. And then... then you tell him that actually you two are spending the next week with his family?
Which naturally prompts fabio to just burst into tears because he can't believe how lucky he is and he's so excited to spend a week with his family and his dom.
Only after that week is fabio allowed to do some proper racing and working with Yamaha and of course fabio is just in the best headspace possible for that work.
So as we all know, Jorge has just confirmed his new contract with Aprillia next season and obviously that wasn't an easy decision. For a long time leading up to that decision, he was just so stressed and so worried and so confused.
You support him of course, making sure he's entering subspace regularly and not letting him fall into spirals and whatnot.
But now that it's all confirmed and he has this long break, it's the perfect time to just relax and calm down and recover. It's just the two of you and you do everything to make sure that Jorge feels the least amount of pressure.
He can be as needy as he wants and trust you to look after him.
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kvothbloodless · 6 months
ok, this might be stupid but it's going to bother me until I can write it to someone, and you're the lucky random target from the PTGE tag :P
I keep imagining an AU where Akua flips early like maybe she sets up a Plan where she plans to seduce Cat, steal all her secrets, stab her in the heart, and leave? As always, the first part of the plan succeeds, she seduces Cat, acting like she cares to get close to her. and that's the problem because by acting like she cares, she starts to. next thing she knows she's part of the Woe and has a new Name (I don't think it would still be diabolist but you never know) and she's fully in Bed with Cat literally and figuratively. I feel like she'd be a bit annoyed by the realization :P
Id obviously read this, because ill read Any guide fanwork thats decent, and because i love the idea, but i will say, im not sure thats how itd play out, if were not bending things for the sake of fanfiction (an honorable activity, tbc).
Its true that most of what catalyzes Akuas redemption arc is being treated like a person for the first time. BUT. I think its Critical that this all happened After she lost. Akua plays along with Cat because, by Akua's own world view, Cat has proved that Akua's world view is inferior.
Without that system shock, Im not sure Akua would ever view the Woe as Equals, in a way that let the friendships mean anything. Akua is fully aware that genuine friendships and love exist, even in the depths of being the Diabolist. She just thought of them as lesser, believed that having those feelings was a sign of being an Inherently inferior class of being. I think that, if shed joined up with the Woe without ever losing to them, shed have tried to use any signs of genuine feeling, and done her best to repress any emotions that got stirred up. She might feel Bad when she betrayed them, but I do think it would be basically inevitable.
But after losing, she has Nothing to go off of. Her entire worldview has been shattered, And her only ambition/purpose in life has been taken from her. When she first interacts with Cat and the Woe in book 4, shes doing so as their Inferior for the first time. Thus, when they treat her as an equal, its not taken as an insult or a wrong or incompatible with her world view, its seen as them raising her Up, as well as introducing her to what Must be a superior world view (because it beat hers).
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feminisedlad · 8 months
How might one get into "reading for a living" because that's a dream job
it is not a dream job, its called publishing and i make less than 40k a year LOL.
to be less arch, im an editor, and i work in editorial which is the 'flashy' department (lmao), but it's a pretty stressful job. obviously it's one i enjoy because no one would stay in the industry unless they got some reward for it. but still. i say 'reading books' is my job but thats probably only like 40% of it. a lot of my day to day work involves nagging people for deadlines, having meetings abt whether XYZ feature will cost extra, researching marketing trends, etc. YMMV if you work as a book designer or some other dept, i know they have different rules. this isnt to bitch but i think publishing has REALLY good PR among english majors and these are things i wish someone had told me before i sunk money into a publishing degree. BTW: dont get a publishing degree. experience > MA in publishing
so like, i cant in good conscience recommend the industry -- its sort of like going to grad school except with worse pay (the phd candidate gets a stipend; the unpaid intern does not.) but if you already have prion disease and you want to go into publishing, heres what i got
publishing advice below:
first things first, you need book experience. you can get this through the obvious ways (working on ur college lit mag, unpaid internships, copyediting freelance work) but i feel like that prob goes without saying. so what ill say is: if none of those options work, you could always work at a bookstore. lots of the editors i work with actually got their start by saying in the interview, "i worked at barnes and noble and noticed that [category] sells well. i love noticing which books resonate with people" or what have you
i will say that i work in nonfiction publishing, which has some differences from like, editing queer YA fiction. one of those jobs is more competitive than the other. and the industry standards are pretty toxic (if your author misses his deadline and sends the manuscript at 6pm, tough shit, you have to work late to make sure the book doesn't miss its pub date. if you're not thinking about all your books constantly, you must not really care. etc.)
that said one of the best things i can recommend is looking into publishing jobs in different departments. most people are competing for editorial department jobs (things like acquiring and signing books, and being the main point of contact for an author.) but if your passion mostly lies in editing or making things pristine, managing editorial departments often hire production editors who still read through all the books, but their day to day work is more like proofreading, checking barcodes, and other printing related tasks.
theres also finance. finance publishing jobs are never anyones first choice, but on the plus side, you wont have to tell the author why his advance is late. thats the acquiring editor's job. and also lots of people pivot to editorial after they have some years doing finance, design, production, etc.
i will say there are way more remote publishing jobs now than ever. theyre all super competitive but you should apply anyway. if youre entry level, look for "editorial assistant" type roles. some of these actually pay really well: to give an example, harvard hires copyeditors and editorial assistants at a rate which is more than my yearly salary. i mean, its harvard. you gotta look around. but there are more options besides the big 5 publishers. academic publishing is its own field! work at your favorite journal/database! work at JSTOR or wiley!
i dont think theres anything else i would add, other than just random shit talking abt industry standards and quirks of the industry. i dont want to sound whiny because i realize im lucky to be working in my field -- but, i think people oversell publishing as one of "the only career options for english majors."
to be totally honest, most people could make double or triple my salary from being a project manager or corporate editor. so if you enjoy reading and editing, there are better options to you than trade publishing. if you enjoy the act of connecting with authors and making their vision a reality, you might enjoy publishing. or you might not. idk!
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medicus-felini · 9 months
Christmas Special Candle Service! 🎄🎅🎁 If Kara Barai was already a cheerful island usually, during the holidays it reached its peak.  Many customs and cultures meshed together, celebrating that end of the year in their own way. It wasn't ideal to be happy that Victoria Punk had been damaged in their last voyage, Mr 3 knows. To the point that it would take a month to repairs being made? Especially during the holidays? His guardian angel was really working hard. Getting "along" with Mr Eustass…meeting Linn. A blessed year indeed. On that day, he scouted the Mink behind the main tent, where more traditional decorations were put. While he would love to boast himself and explain the cultural significance of things, that day Galdino seemed half-hearted doing it. Often doing too short explanations, his head was clearly in another place even if he held the woman by the arm during their walking.  " Pardon me, ….. My mind has been all over the place since I saw the state of your crew's ship, ga ne. Going after Mr Shanks. Mr Eustass really.. has such strong will. Admirable."  As messy their schedule was, that crew kept consistent two to three months visits to exchange marines there. That time took a little longer, obviously there was something wrong. His pessimistic stance couldn't bear to imagine waiting for them without news or any sign that they would be ok somewhere. That anxiety was his own fault for letting himself get too attached.  He pauses under one of the cone trees that was decorated with colorful lights.  " Missy Linn, forgive me. But.. I'll be giving your gift a little early this time or I won't be able to rest at all. " From inside a little blue striped letter, a nice folded paper is shown at Galdino palm. When left by itself it starts to drag itself in his direction. " I'm sure you know what a vivre card is, do you? Missy Linn." " For christmas…. Would you have this? I..If anything happens, independent if your crew needs to exchange marines or not. I would—without doubt help in any way possible, ga ne. If you need anything, please.. this will let you find me anywhere. ” “ If it isn't too bold of myself…. to ask for my own gift. Would you lend me your vivre card as well? I..If my letters one day return and you and your crew take too long to return I’ll just.. definitely seek for you no matter what! I really.. really need to know if you would safe and sound ever far from me or else I can't sleep, ga ne! B—”   " B—ECAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH YOU , MISSY LINN, GA NE! "
❀⊱ 𝕀𝕥'𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕞𝕒𝕤 ! ⊰❀
↷ ⸍ @waxgentleman ⸝
      𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑉𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑃𝑢𝑛𝑘 𝘩𝑎𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒.      Collateral damage. Every single one could count themselves lucky to have survived. It would be hard to get into the Christmas spirit, knowing the ship will need nothing less than their shipwright's full attention. Kid was persistent in 'visiting' Shanks. But her captain's decisions will not hinder her from taking a breath, enjoying some calm moments on this often-visited island. A little favorite by now, even.
Linn feels somewhat stunned, not having planned on seeing Galdino so soon. The mink would have gotten a present, definitely, just . . . What an awful timing to be shipwrecked right at Christmas. Scolding herself silently as she spots the paper in the artist's palm. Damn it. Why couldn't this galère wait so she would have been able to show up with a gift herself   ?   
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 Vivre cards were not unfamiliar to her   —   after joining a pirate crew, that is. Usually, exchanging these little papers was more reserved for alliance partners, captains, navigators, important people. That was the most convenient use, after all she knows. Mr. 3 pulled out this adorable letter, offering a glimpse, seeing the card quiver softly leaves her eyes twinkling with intrigue. Like a magnet, the vivre card pulls gently toward the sculptor's body. How thoughtful. How brave. He really wants to offer assistance if things go sour. Linn frowns a bit. She would never want to bring him into a dangerous situation just because of her (or her captain's) poor decisions.
     ❝ Oh, Mr. Galdino, you didn't have to- . . . ❞     Slowly, his words echoed in her head. Love   ?
L o v e   ?
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  Her inner ears play ping pong with themselves, repeating this phrase over and over and over again. The longer she stares with eyes wide open, the darker this warm hue on her cheeks gets. It was clear to the feline; that these feelings towards the artist were more than casual. Long ago even. Whatever he had in mind for them, it never failed to impress her. She enjoyed every single minute, second, moment close to him. Hells, he most likely had caught wind of the crush already. But how unlikely nervous Galdino sounds for knowing it already.
Was he that oblivious   ?
Slowly, almost like time itself went thick like honey around them, gloved fingers reached for the paper.    ❝ You do . . . ? ❞     A mere whisper. For anything she stands for, Linn would have loved to thank him for the present first, yet this situation makes her decision falter. There was a larger elephant in the room than just showing gratitude for the card.
A small step closer brings them almost to eye level before the doctor's fuzzy, warm cheek brushes against Galdino's. A lingering stroke, accompanied by a shy purr.     ❝ I am . . . moved. And glad you said it first . . . I don't know what I would have done if you turned my feelings down. ❞     There was this subtle break in her words as they fell silently next to his ear. But a smile was prominent, even if his eyes would not catch hers. Her palm closes over his hand, caging the vivre card in both of their hands.
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     ❝ I do so too. I share these emotions towards you, Mr. Galdino. It is . . . mutual. ❞
Clearly, that was the last thing the mink would have expected today. What a nice present to have clarity over whatever both tried to conceal these last months.
No more words were shared. Lazily, her forehead finds rest on his shoulder. Almost like the way it did when they first met. How nostalgic . . .
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lahotelbellamuerte · 2 years
𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗟 & 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗖𝗘 - episode 05. number five & eight
series masterlist! current: number five & eight ! next: vanilla milkshake
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paring: five x eight (oc)  warnings; suggestive language, suggestive sexy time, the handler being weird asf not proofread ! word count: 8.3k  notes; not gonna lie i shipped the handler and five IF he had been older. anywayz this book was pretty vanilla with the sexy time, second book i think had like one scene not detailed either tho, idk, iM BAD AT WRITING SMUT
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ASH still floated through the sky. Raining the painful reality that earth is no longer the same, but rather engulfed in flames. Five walked alone with a cart in hand, a bundled-up mannequin to join him as he walked up a long trail of cement. The cracked surfaces made his cart creak and tumble. Eight had left for the early years of the apocalypse, the two had gotten into a fight, and she took her belongings and left for good. Living her life in hell alone, just as Five did. 
There was no denying that Eight didn't miss her ex-boyfriend during those years, but with the isolation, she was able to find herself adjusting to these new times. She was able to fend for herself, from many things that the world threw at her. Along with the time, she saw earth begin to take back what was hers. Plants, roots, bushes, and seasons began to return. It was like the human race had never graced the earth. Something so beautiful about seeing new life start once more. 
As the blonde roamed the empty streets and plains, no longer a child but teenagers with a responsibility to stay alive. It was a lucky day for nineteen-year-old Eight when she found a working motorcycle. She was able to fix it up enough to where she gathered her stuff and rode off to find her old partner. It wasn't longer than a week that it took her to find him. Being as he was the only other human that lived on what was once earth. She hoped to rekindle their relationship. 
Five had been lying on the ground, their hands holding the sniper close to him, in case of any danger. That was until he heard a distant growling noise. It didn't sound like any animal to him, but rather a machine. But what machine could be running during these times. Quickly he jumped to his feet and had his hands on the trigger.
"Shh," Five signed to the mannequin who was against the wall, who obviously wasn't going to say anything—I mean—
The growling halted, and footsteps coming closer could be heard. Crunching underneath booths was an easy sound to call. He wanted to see what walked, but who else would be on this earth, who survived? Five moved closer to the shadows of the broken building. Gun steady in his hands, as a finger was floating before the trigger. 
A figure walked past the doorway, it was obvious that it was a woman, by the way, her clothes fit her body. The long coat hugged tightly against her waist as a similar gun was strapped onto her back. Five was quick to get up and swing his gun at her, but she disappeared through a portal quick enough and tripped him from behind with a lasso.
Five groaned and turned to his back and looked at the woman who had removed her face covering, "Eight?" Five gasped in disbelief, her face as youthful as he remembered it. 
"Five?" she gasped, her hands making the glowing lasso disappear at the sight of her old lover. 
The young man quickly dropped his gun and stood up, pulling the familiar blue-eyed girl into a tight hug. One so tight that he was afraid that if he pulled away she wouldn't be there. 
His hands gripped at the blonde tresses in the hug, and tears brimmed in his eyes as he could smell her scent once more, "I missed you," Five whispered into her neck, as he tightly held onto her as if she'd leave again.
Eight let out a sad laugh "I missed you too," Eight replied, equally hugging the boy tightly around his torso. 
"Don't leave me again please, Delores gave me so much shit when I let you go," He chuckled as he kissed the side of her head 
"I won't, I promise," She replied, pulling away to look at his face. 
The two just stared at each other for the longest ot saying anything, but at the same time saying everything. The boy couldn't take it anymore, so he leaned in and smashed his lips onto hers. Grabbing her face as they moved in sync after years of being apart. Words didn't have to be spoken as actions were used rather. He had missed everything about her; long blonde hair, soft skin, plump lips, and her perfect shiny eyes. 
Five pushed her into the wall, not really caring much about their location, or that Delores could see everything. Biting her lip caused Eight to gasp in surprise, using it to his advantage he slipped his tongue into her mouth. The kiss was warm, needy, and urgent. The couple wanted to show how much they missed the time apart. Five was holding her tight, his move rushed and quick. As if one of them would disappear at any moment. Slowly Five's mouth moved down to her neck, as she let out ragged breaths. 
His lips left wet kisses on her neck, all encouraged by the pretty noises the woman let out. Whining and desperate squeezing on his upper arms. Softly he taps the back of her thighs signaling her to jump, and without hesitation, she wrapped her legs around his hips. Quickly moving back to their heated kiss, walking they over to a dusty couch at the corner of the room. He lays her carefully on it, his eyes moving to meet his. Both dark and desperate. 
The boy tried to steady his breath as he looked down at the girl below him, he wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off her body. But he wanted to make sure this is what she wanted, not feeling forced into something. He sat on his calves looking down at Eight, his hand resting on her hip, thumb rubbing circles on it. "Are you sure you want this?" Five asked placing a hand next to her head, as he leaned over her face, placing a chaste his on it. 
Eight nodded, reaching up to grab his face with a soft smile, "I didn't travel miles to come to you just to leave again," She replied leaning up to plant a kiss on the corner of his lips. Then letting her lips brush his softy, "I want this," she confirmed leaning up to kiss him fully this time. 
While the two were in agreement about what would happen, Dolores, the Mannequin was not. The poor intimate object was forced to watch the events that accrued in the ruins. Watched as Five's hands carefully removed Eight's clothes, treating her as fine china. His cold fingers brushed against her soft skin, leaving kisses behind. Eight's nimble fingers removed his clothes as her hands trailed patterns all over his skin. Under the flickering light of a warm fire near them, both were equally entranced in each other's embrace. The poor mannequin had to listen to the moans, ragged breaths, whines, and skin slapping skin. All echoing in the lonely building. Two souls rejoined once more. 
After that night the couple promised to stay together no matter the situation. All the starvation and hardships they faced together, surviving each and every one. For the following years, the duo spent them together. The highs and lows of living in the world of nothing. The tears and laughter that were shed over the years. The moments of bliss and many more.
One of the best memories that Five would always remember was when he proposed to his darling lady. It's not like there would be another person he could be with until the end of time. He liked to believe that if anyone else was stuck with him, they wouldn't mean as much as Eight did to him. The now older man grown and aged, had been out looking for any life. He never looked forward to it, since he always returned home in disappointment. Yet this trip turned out differently for him. 
Dirt and rubble crunched beneath his boots are he walked. Bag and gun strapped onto his back, just in case. Eyebrows furrowed his eyes trailed the growing greens on the floor. Eight had been right about the beauty in the destruction. Somehow out of all the fire and heat, the world slowly started coming back in a way. The animals that did survive now have all the land to live in. 
Poking around different rubble, he was walking when a glint hit his eye. He stopped walking and tried to find the glint once more. Moving his head around until his eyes spotted the shining small object. Walking closer, he reached down and grabbed the small object. Blowing the dirt on his palm he chuckled at the sight. Out of anything he could have found in the wasteland it was this. 
The man whistled at the sigh, "Well look what we got here," he spoke softly, his eyes trained on the gold band with a diamond perched on top. While it wasn't anything that would help in the long run, it was sure to be significant. Smiling he pocketed the item and continued on his journey to find anything else. The skies were clear blue, with a light breeze that made it perfect for walking. 
A few hours later, the man headed back with a few things in his bag. A smile was still on his face after the small find. As he neared the house he heard his name be called, turning around he saw his girlfriend running towards him
"Five! Guess what!" Eight's voice ran behind him as he reached their home before she had. Her gun was also strapped to her back as she got closer. 
"What?" he asked with a smile seeing how happy his lady looked. Never denying that emotion in their situation. 
Eight blushed as she had her hands behind her back, "Well, I know this isn't traditional, but I mean we're living at the end of times," she rambled but shook her head before she could get any further, "Will you marry me?" She asked him as she had found a plain gold band while searching for food. Oh, how coincidental. The lovers found a piece for one another. 
Five couldn't help but laugh, reaching into his pocket and taking out his finding, "Not if you don't marry me," he said now going onto one knee, resulting in the blonde gasping and covering her mouth in glee. 
Eight Hargreeves was never materialistic. Didn't like large flashy things, but small stupid stuff her siblings gave her, meant more than gold. Now having Five on his knee with a literal priceless piece of jewelry she couldn't help but tear up. The woman nodded in glee, "There's no one else I'd rather marry at the End of the World," she said handing him her left hand. 
Five smiled and slipped on the ring, getting up from the ground, Getting up he looked down as she slipped the other ring, onto his finger, "Till death do us apart," said Eight, gripping his hand.
"Till death do us apart," Five confirmed gripping her face and kissing his now-wife. Their wedding was only the two of them just as they would be now forever. 
As time moved on for the married couple, they argued as couples do. They hunted, drank, and spiraled into a belief that they could return home. In a crumbling library where some books were able to make it alive, the duo scribbled all along the walls. Possible equations to get them home. 
One fateful day the two were sitting around as they drank wine from surprisedly well-kept metal cups, the two now elderly, with grays mostly displaying on their heads. Skin is no longer supple and soft, but worn and used. 
The silver-covered man chuckled as he drank from his cup, his gloved hand holding it tight, "Love, do you remember that one mansion we went to a couple of years back? You know where we—"
"—Yeah I wouldn't mention those few hours around Dolores. We left her alone," Eight interrupted before he started explaining what happened down in the wine cellars of the mansion. Not caring one bit about the mannequin near hearing all the lewd things the two happened to experience in their younger years. 
Five scoffed, "Well I could talk about it. Delores, you talked shit about me those years while she was gone," He said pointing at the mannequin, "I will freely talk about how I fucked my wife for hours and left you alone!" He exclaimed happily.
Eight facepalmed, and looked over at Dolores, "I'm sorry D," She said blushing, embarrassed that her husband was now a grouchy old man—no different from his young years. 
"Well, I'm—"
Before he could finish the crumbling of rubble could be heard, as if someone was approaching. Five and Eight stood from their seats and pointed their guns at the incoming target. While they were older the two had enough experience in their older age to kill someone. 
The two glanced at each other wearily when they saw the sight. A woman with bright white hair, clad in a long leather coat. Holding a briefcase of sorts, looking not even mildly intimidated by the two holding the guns. Something out of the ordinary, which to them wasn't surprising. For crying out loud, they had extraordinary skills that no one else on earth had. 
Who she was? The Handler, the woman who would become Eight's worst nightmare, but also the key to their very survival. 
The morning had arrived at Diego's place and Five woke up to be pressed against Eight's back. The blonde just lay there silently, waiting for him to wake up. It's not like she had a choice that is, Five happen to have a tight grip around her waist while he slept. As soon as he let go, Eight sighed happily and sat up. Five moved around her and sat down next to her.
"Morning' love," Five mumbled softly rubbing his eyes, trying to wake himself up.
The girl just rolled her eyes, "Yeah, mornin'," Eight replied as she watched Luther snore on the chair near them. Using her powers, Eight lifted a pen on one of Diego's desks and flung it at the sleeping giant. Causing him to wake up with a startle, his eyes, and hands alert to fight the intruder.
"Oh good you're awake," Luther said blinking slowly his eyes focusing on the blonde in front of him, "When is it happening?" He then asked seriously remembering why he stayed with the couple. 
"We can't give you the exact hour but..." Five trailed off.
"We've got about four days left," Eight finished off running her hand through her hair, realizing she must have lost her headband last night, during her whole drunken debacle. 
The man leaned forward, "Why didn't you say something sooner?" Luther said worriedly.
"It wouldn't have mattered," Five replied sadly. Eight noticed his sadness and gripped his hand softly.
"Of course, it would've banded together and helped you try to stop this thing," Luther countered.
Five sighed, "You already tried," he said flatly, this memory wasn't a kind one for him. After all, it had been the first sight the two had encountered when they had made it into the future. 
"What do you mean?" Luther asked suddenly.
"The first time around, we found you, your bodies," Eight explained her throat feeling tight.
"We die?" Luther swallowed thickly.
"Horribly," Five answered.
A flat silence filled the air, as they all looked at each other. Nothing could be said that would make it right. Not even Luther's optimistic view on life could make the older couple feel any better. The sight of the Hargreeves all sprawled out on the ground was bad enough. All looking above with dead eyes and nothing more. The familiar feeling of anguish washed over the air.
"You were together trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world," Five said looking down at his intertwined hands with Eight, squeezing it back in comfort, the only thing that kept him sane all these years. 
Luther looked over at the two, "How did you know that?"
Five searched into his pocket, and pulled out the familiar prosthetic eyeball, "This was clutched in your dead hand when I found you."
"Must have ripped out of their head right before you went down," Eight said as he looked over the eye that Five tossed at him.
"Who's head?" Luther asked looking at the blonde, in hopes of getting an answer, then back to the eye in hand. 
She shrugged, "We don't know," a frown forming lightly on her face. 
"Well there's a serial number on the back," Luther offered, ideas popping in his head, in hopes of helping the two stop the end of the world. 
"No, that's a dead-end," Five said, towards Luther, "Just another hunk of glass."
Eight stood up letting Five's hand go and took the piece of the eyeball and held it. Before any more could be said the door slammed open and a very angry Diego strolled in. His eyes looked straight at the blonde in fury, why didn't she do anything? 
"Piece of shit," He mumbled going down the stairs, "Do you have any idea what you just did?"
He said walking straight towards them, but Luther stepped forward grabbing him. "Get your ape hands off me!" He hissed towards Luther. 
Eight stuffed her hands in her skirt pockets, "Let him go, Luther," she said calmly trying to diffuse whatever was starting. She loved herself a fight, especially since she could see it was directed towards her. 
"Yeah let me go!" Diego replied as he struggled to get out of the large man's hold, eyes still trained on the blonde, he wanted nothing more than to dig his knife into her body. That's new...
Luther looked at the blonde in question, and she nodded. And quickly he continued to stroll towards Eight, but before he could, he ran into some invisible force. The man looked around it, slapped his hands on it, and punched it. It was no use, of course, Eight wouldn't let herself be touched by the man. 
Diego let out a strangled yell, as he punched the invisible force that stood between them, "Let the through you freak bitch!" He yelled hysterically. This time caught the attention of Five. 
The man stepped forward but stopped when Eight's hand went up to stop him. Cocking her head, she smirked, "My prediction was right," she said her eyes on his teary ones. 
"Oh you've been busy, haven't you? Griddy's, Gimbel Brothers, and the academy. All looking for you," He hissed punching the invisible wall one more time, yet it still did nothing to reach her. 
The blonde shrugged, "Not my fault Diego, Patch was in the way," she said dropping her shield without him noticing. 
Luther had a brow raised on who Patch was, but he didn't really care, "Who are they?" He asked instead, wanting to know who was sent after the couple. 
Eight sighed, putting her hands in her pockets, "They work for our former employer, A woman we called the Handler. She sent them looking for us, and Patch was in their way, fair game," she said once again looking to Diego. Sure she felt bad for the woman who had died, but nothing would stop the two assassins after her or Five.
His eyes darkened at the sound of her words, "Well now they're my fair game," Diego said looking straight at Eight, "And I'm gonna see that they pay."
"Diego I wouldn't if I were you, they've killed people much more dangerous than you," Eight called out as the man turned to leave the room they were staying in. 
Continuing to walk away he never turned around, "Yeah, well we'll see about that."
The blonde then looked at Five, "You know I can't let him die," she told him, with a frown. 
Five sighed and nodded. He knew the whole Hazel and Cha-Cha stories, was never a fan, but they were good at what they do. And if anyone could survive them, it was his wife, "Give 'em hell, kid," he mumbled pulling to kiss her temple. And in a second she was gone. 
She jumped into a portal and landed in the passenger seat of Diego's car. She turned to see tears running down his face, "Oh, darling, come here," she whispered, pulling him into a hug as he hugged her back tightly. While he had said some things to her, he was glad it was her that was there. Eight Hargreeves had that effect on people, being there when they most needed it. 
She softly ran her hand through his hair as his body raked sobs, "I'm sorry Diego," She whispered, pulling away from the hug and gripping his face.
"I really liked her," Diego whispered not meeting the blue eyes in front of her. Patch had got him out of countless of shit, after they had separated he still yearned after the law enforcement woman. He never got to tell her that he loved her. Now she was gone, no longer breathing. 
"I know," She said knowing he wouldn't be able to drive. Carefully she let out a deep breath, "Hold on," she said, her hands beginning to glow slightly. 
Diego's eyes widened, "What—"
Before anything more could be said Eight had created a portal beneath the car that landed in their parking spot. The car bounces as she sees the mansion. The teen grinned at the sight. 
"Nice I still got it," She quipped and got out of the car, "You comin'?" Eight added as she looked down to see a frightened Diego. 
Diego stumbled out, wiping his tears, not wanting any sign of his moment of weakness, "God I hated that," he said shivering at the feeling of falling, memories triggering back to their training days. 
"Alright you baby, just get what you need and I'll help you," Eight said walking into the home.
"Wait you're coming? What about Five?" Diego asked as he followed her into the home, shocked that she would follow him rather than her boy thing. 
"He's capable of protecting himself, he did it for six years," She said scoffing while walking to Diego's room where she knew he had many more knives hidden. They hadn't been friends for most of their childhood so of course, she knew everything about the boy.
Of course, she knew about the crush he had when she was younger. As a mind reader, nothing got past her. Diego was everything she'd want in a partner, but in this universe, they weren't meant to be. And that was a given—she was a married woman now. Even if Diego would forever have a soft spot for Eight, he knew his boundaries—sometimes. He wouldn't deny that since she got back, he hasn't flirted with the blonde. So part of his fantasy was coming to reality as the tall blonde stood in his room.
Not paying much attention to the girl in the room, he slowly slid out a grey case with the umbrella insignia. Carefully he placed his knives in the case and clasped it shut. Getting up he grabbed the handle, and looked at Eight, "Let's go."
She nodded and moved out of the way and follow after him, but he shook his head. What he was about to do was cross boundaries, but he didn't care. He grabbed onto her hand and pulled her with him. All she could do was look at their hands and frown. The two began walking further down the stairs. Eight didn't really know what to say about the whole situation. She liked Diego, but not the way his thoughts bubbled.
Worse part his lover had literally died, and he was still chasing after someone who was both older and younger than him. But with respect to his recent loss, she kept her mouth shut. As the two arrived on the main floor, they saw Klaus standing staring at the chandelier that had fallen on the ground.
"You look like shit," Diego pointed out as he stared at his brother. 
Eight furrowed her eyebrows and let go of Diego's hand. Carefully she walked over to Klaus smiling softly, she pulled him in a hug. The Séance didn't hesitate to pull the blonde closer. He knew that maybe she understood his pain better than her husband could. After all the blonde was his comfort person. 
"Where are you going?" he said to her, still embraced in the hug, not wanting to let go. Something about it felt almost like a mother clinging onto their hurt child. 
"Nope—" Diego began but was silenced with the raise of Eight's hand. 
"I know you wouldn't take no for an answer, just get yourself together," She mumbled into his shoulder. 
The man nodded, "Two minutes," he said softly, and then walked off to get his things. 
The blonde sighed, she definitely knew something was up. Klaus was never to be the quiet one, even when the memories of their father plagued his mind, they would never get him like he is now. She watched him as he left and scratched himself and sauntered off.
She furrowed her brows at this. Familiar. Those were some of the symptoms of time travel. That's when it hit her, Klaus was the one that was kidnapped by Hazel and Cha-Cha. In return, he took the case and got stuck somewhere else in time. 
Diego grabbed her hand, snapping her out of her trance. She looked over at him and motioned for the car. She nodded and followed him outside and waited for Klaus.
The three were now in the car as Diego drove, but Eight couldn't help but know something was wrong. Something about instincts if you want to name it. 
"Klaus, darling, are you alright?" she asked, turning to the back seat where he leaned on the window as he drank from a bottle rather than answer her. 
Diego raised an eyebrow, and glanced at him through the rearview mirror, "Wow. This is a first. My brother Klaus is silent. The last time you were this quiet, we were twelve. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels, tripped over, and broke your jaw." He said looking at Eight's amused face. "How long was it again?" 
Klaus didn't move from his spot, but with a small voice he responded, "Eight weeks."
"Eight glorious weeks of bliss," he mentioned, but quickly Eight smacked his arm, "Ow!" 
Diego gave her a look but the blonde only glared at him. Not knowing the seriousness of the situation, most of the time he never did. 
Klaus finally sat up blinking harshly, "Hey, just drop me off here," he said as they parked harshly into some place called Lake Shore. Quickly Klaus stepped out of the car and stumbled over to the building. All in rushed movements to make it through the glass doors. 
Eight removed her seatbelt and placed her hand on the door handle, "Hey where are you going? I thought you were going to help me?" Diego said gripping her arm.
The blonde turned over to him and removed his hand, "And I'm going to make sure my brother who is definitely not okay, make sure he doesn't get harmed. 
And I am after I make sure my brother who is not okay, doesn't get harmed," she said and stepped out of the car. 
As she neared the door in large white letters it read, "Welcome to Veterans of Foreign Wars." The blonde sighed, "Oh Klaus where did you go," She whispered and opened the door which opened with a ring. 
Walking into the building, Eight then realized it was a bar for veterans. She frowned sadly. Eight had her horrors of the past that she always falls into, and she would never want to share those types of pains with anyone. But here she was entering the bar watching her brother look at a picture, as he relived the horrors of war. 
Her eyes flickered to movement caused in a room, and it was to a large man with grey hair. He was making his way towards Klaus who was looking sadly at the picture hung up on the wall. He lost someone she concluded. If she wanted she would have looked into his mind to see what had happened, but for the privacy of his loss, she refused to. Eight would let him explain it himself if it ever came to that.
Eight decided it was time to confront him and moved towards him before the large man could. Carefully she placed her hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at her and sighed.
"Please go away," He whispered then looked back at the photo, his eyes trained not on himself but on a young man beside him. 
Her eyes traveled to the photo of the many men there, "No, you're my brother, and I'm here for you," she said squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. 
"Hey you two," a deep voice came from behind her. 
The two siblings turned around to look at the large man. Eight raised a brow at the older man sporting a vest with probably the war he served at, she just looked him over with a scoff. 
"This bar? It's for vets only," He informed the two softly, hoping not to start anything. 
"I am a vet," Klaus replied sadly his eyes turning back to the picture behind him. 
The large man chuckled, "Really? Where'd you serve?" he asked, obviously not believing the Seance next to her. 
Klaus wasn't in the mood to answer anyone's questions, he had just gone through hell and back, "None of your business," Klaus replied not wanting to talk about it.
"You got balls comin' in here, pretendin' you're one of us," He said not knowing the situation at hand. And if we're being honest, Eight didn't like when others picked on her brother. 
"Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you, asshole," Klaus said, his voice raising his last word. Finally turning around to meet the eyes of the old man. 
The large man went to step closer, but that's when Eight stepped in, "Hey, there now, we don't want problems," she said calmly, "You don't know the situation here, so I would appreciate it if you let me take care of him." 
"Sure thing," The man said pausing and looking at Klaus, "As long he apologies," he finished causing Eight's eye to twitch and Klaus to giggle. 
"Look I'm sorry, he's sorry, we'll just be on our way now," she said looking at her brother, forcing the words out of her own mouth, hating this man trying to embarrass them. 
The man shook and said, "No, I want to hear him say it," he smirked. 
This crossed the line for her, she didn't fucking care anymore that he was some veteran. He was an ass of a veteran. Her brother was a veteran and if he didn't believe him, that was on him. Also, she was already pissed as it is with the whole end-of-the-world thing. 
Eight lunged forward and grabbed his collar, "Listen here you, idiot. You do not get to ask for any more apologies. You don't know what shit my brother has gone through and I won't let anyone walk all over me or him," she hissed as his face was close to hers and shoved him away. 
In anger, the man swung forward but his fist met a gloved hand, "You don't go hitting ladies," Diego's voice said as he punched the old man. 
Klaus had jumped into the fight and jumped onto the veteran's back. Just as Eight had grabbed a flying fist at her face and grabbed his wrist and twisted it around to turn his body. Still, in the lock, she kicked the man and let him fall to the ground with a painful thud. 
Another man came towards her, "I would leave little school girl, this is no place for you gi—" before he got a chance to finish his sentence, Eight had punched the man square in the nose, receiving a loud satisfying crack. 
"Suck my dick, asshole," She yelled, grabbing his arm and pulling herself near him to shove him over her shoulder and slam him onto the ground. Sure she loved fighting, but it wasn't satisfying fighting older men. 
Eight was then quick to grab her brothers from their ears and push them out, Klaus stumbling to grab his coat and walking out. 
"God Klaus couldn't tell me beforehand that you were a vet?" She hissed pushing him into the backseat. Getting in the car she sat up in the seat and leaned back to smack him in the head. 
"I would've controlled their minds not to see you!" she was fuming, "1968! That's a very fucking time change!" She groaned leaning to hit him again, but Diego grabbed her and sat her back down.
"Stay," He said to her as she huffed and crossed her arms, "You got a big mouth," he told Klaus pointing at him. 
Klaus scoffed, "Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego," He replied sarcastically. 
"Everything's a big joke to you right?" He asked him his eyes rolling. 
Eight turned to him and saw him trying to take drugs, and lunged to grab them, "Would you stop, idiot!" she said flinging it out the window, then smacking him in the head while he threw a tantrum. 
Diego scoffed, "Why are you putting this shit in your body?" He asked and looked back at him, "Check this out," He added, lifting his sweater and slapping his toned stomach. 
"My body is a temple," he said looking at him and then back at Eight and winked, she just rolled her eyes. Men. 
"All that shit you do, it's just weakness," Diego said. 
"Oh, wow, beautiful. Well, weakness feels so good," Klaus replied, digging into his pocket to grab more drugs. Again Eight leaned back and smacked it out of his hand, "Hey! The fuck did I just tell you?"
Klaus whines, knowing it was best not to fight her. 
Eight sighed, "Klaus you have to tell us what happened, we know you're not okay," she whispered to him.
"Well then read my mind to see what happened," He yelled at her still not feeling like talking about the most recent events that just happened. 
Eight furrowed her eyebrows and sighed shaking her head, "Klaus I only saw what I needed to see, but anything more serious that happened you need to tell us," she said blue eyes looking into his saddened ones. 
"I lost someone," he sighed sadly looking down at his lap, "I lost someone. The only..." he sighed deeply pausing, "The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself," he finally got out, reaching into his pocket and popping a pill into his mouth. 
This time, the blonde didn't reach to smack it into his hand. She could feel to an extent that he was hurting. 
"Well, you're luckier than most," Diego started, "When you lose someone, at least you can see them whenever you want."
Klaus looked away knowing that wasn't entirely true. There was a reason he turned to drugs most of the time. Memories of being stuck in a graveyard with the dead haunted him. The suffering of hearing all those voices yell at him was too much. Being high, kept him from hearing them all the time. 
Number Eight and Four knew all about the voices constantly being there. The hushed whispers that only caused headaches. While the blonde just kept herself busy, Klaus turned to drugs to keep it tame. 
Eight sighed and leaned back onto the chair, her eyes blank as she stared off into the distance. Mumbling random names under her breath. 
The man beside her rose a brow, not hearing anything coherently. Only heard hotel and bird which didn't make sense, but never made sense anyway. Shaking his head he moved his eyes from her to his mirror and spotted a few familiar faces. So he elbowed the blonde beside him and motion behind. 
Snapping out of her trance she looked at the mirror and her eyes narrowed, "Hazel," she whispered to him. 
"Hey I know that man," Klaus said suddenly also looking back to see the large man. 
Diego looked at his confused, "How could you possibly—"
"They were the ones who tortured me, I barely got away with my life," He explained to his sibling looking back as Hazel got into some older looking blue car. 
Diego started the car, as he noticed his car backing out of the space, "Eight I need you to be careful, okay? They probably still want you," He said to her, worried as she would get hurt. 
The blonde scoffed as his worries, "Diego, I am the greatest at what I do," she paused to glare at him, "if I truly wanted, Hazel and Cha-Cha would be dead," she chuckled when she noticed Diego's glance as he drove, "I was an assassin, it's my profession," she shrugged. 
Number Three just shivered slightly, "You're nothing like when we were kids," Diego said looking back onto the road. 
Klaus leaned forward from his seat, "Oh, little Eight is exactly the same, you just don't know her like I do," he paused and lifted a finger, "She's still arrogant, fun, and killer instinct—" 
"Klaus, I love you but I will shove a sock in your mouth," She said, turning her head to look at him with a sweet smile. 
The rest of the ride the three were silent as they followed Hazel's car. It was for the best to keep silence, while Eight was the fun sibling, she was also a lunatic that would possibly snap. 
Hazel's car parking into a small Hotel that made Klaus shiver as he had just been there not too long ago. The man getting out and retreating into the small room up stairs. 
Eight didn't say anything when Diego stepping out of the car to go mess with his car. Most likely to put a tracking device on it. 
"He likes you know that right? He always has," Klaus said giggling. 
Eight sighed, "I'm aware, but he and I won't ever happen, I'm a married woman," she said lifting her hand to reveal her ring. 
"To your teenage boy-friend," He laughed, "It's funny that you two are this age again, I didn't get to see you this age," he added leaning his head beside her. 
"It's better you didn't get to see me this age, Klaus, Five was a lot more horny and didn't have the end of the world to worry about," she sighed remembering since they got to this time, he hasn't stopped trying to get into her pants. 
"Ha, so much for you two being the smart ones," he snortend, "Little Five is probably frustrated from multiple things." 
"This is Five's fault, not mine," Eight groaned running a hand through her hair, not wanting to think about dick at the moment. 
Diego got back into the car and kept his eye on the building where the murderers of his friend were staying. 
"You know killing these people is not going to make you feel any better?" Klaus said from the back drinking from his bottle.
"What he said," Eight added with a snap of her finger.
Diego scoffed and looked at her, "Aren't you an assassin?" 
Eight nodded, "A professional one, I don't kill for personal reasons."
"Yeah, but when it's done...I'll sleep like a baby," Diego said to her with an exaggerated smile. 
Eight only hummed in response. Back in the Commission that was the first thing she learned. To not make any killings personal, whether they were bad or good, it didn't matter, they were the mission. While her brother was angry and wanted to get revenge, he wasn't cut out for this type of work. 
"Stay in the car, both of you," Diego said after a while of silence his eyes lingering on Eight. 
"Um, what the fuck? I'm the assassin here!" Eight said angrily as he stepped out of the car, "I killed a man with a pencil before, a fucking pencil!" 
"Well aren't you cute," Klaus said sarcastically tapping her nose with his finger. 
She smacked his hand and pushed open her door"Come on," Eight said, suddenly getting out of the car. 
"But he said to stay in the car," Klaus said, but still following the girl from the car. 
This time she snorted as she walked in a hurry up the steps "Yeah and he also said he didn't steal my bra when we were younger," she scoffed. 
"Oh, I remember that. Who knew little old Five could hold that much rage," Klaus giggled. 
Eight turned to smile at him, "That's my husband." 
The two then silently went up the stairs that Deigo was currently on. Spotting him peaking around the corner. 
"So, what's the plan here?" Klaus asked suddenly.
Diego sighed deeply, "I thought I told you two to stay in the car," He emphasized turning to the two. 
"Yeah, but you also told me licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes," Klaus rebutted, bringing up his memory rather than hers, knowing it would cause a fight between the two. 
Eight laughed remembering that conversation when they were little. 
"We were eight," Diego said to his brother. 
Klaus was about to step forward, but Diego stopped him. 
"No, you two are going back in the car," He told the two being serious. 
"Klaus get in the car, we'll be back," The blonde told Klaus, she worried more about the fragile man then the man next to her. 
"Hey you don—" Diego started but he was teleported inside the empty room before he could say anything. 
"I know the way those people think, they're gone," She said and right there the rev of an engine was heard, and the car drove off. 
Diego opened the door and apparently too soon as the bullets started to rain on the group.
Eight stuffed her hands in her pockets and blocked the bullets from hitting her with an invisible force field. But it seemed life wasn't on Diego's side as she heard him groan when he was shot from one of the bullets. 
"Idiot," Eight said as she saw his injured hand, and began walking away from the two followings, "We're taking the ice cream truck," Eight said as she stepped further out, not really looking around her surroundings. 
"We have a c—" Diego said, but then he saw the condition it was in. How is it possible that she knows everything? 
Eight teleported into the van, and jumped started the car, as it began to start she smiled. So, far everything was moving smoothly, well it won't but that's not the point. 
"Get in the van losers, we're going after maniacs," She yelled to them, as she lowered the window. 
And quickly they slid the door open as she began driving quickly in the direction she watched the two phychos go in. 
As she pressed on the petal she felt Five's presence near. It was something that she was able to do since she was left alone. Some told her that is the feeling of souls being connected. Others said that it was just a second instinct. Well, whatever it was, she was fucked. She didn't tell Five they were coming and well here they were in an ice cream truck chiming the Ride of the Valkyries. It wasn't sudtle at all. 
Eight looked out from the small window and mouthed sorry to the two. While Klaus waved at the two. Luther and Five were at the most confused as to what just happened. Eight knew what she had to do, she felt the early rift of what was coming. 
She teleported and stood next to Five who quickly moved her behind Luther, but time seemed to slow down and come to a stop. That's when Eight realized what Five had done. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at her partner. 
"You called her?" She seethed at her husband, her eye twitching at feeling. 
"Love, I'm—"
She didn't wait for his apology; rather she stepped out from behind Luther and walked to the clearing of nothing, waiting for the woman. Better to get this shit out of the way now. 
"Neat trick, isn't it?" The Handler's voice rang out, more nails on chalk thought Eight at the sight of the silver-headed woman clad in her black trench coat and signature red lips and heels. 
"Hello, Five, Eight," she greeted, removing her glasses, "You look good, I mean look at you Eight, youthful and beautiful. Must be enjoying the new found strength?"
"It's good to see you again," Five said calmly, Eight rolls her eyes at the sentiment, she hated the woman more than she hated many other things in life. 
"Feels like we met just yesterday, of course, you both were a little older then," she said smiling, "Congratulations you two. On the age regression, by the way. Very clever," She complimented. 
"No need, my husband is just an idiot," The blonde emphasized knowing the woman always had more than a mutual liking for him. She found it disgusting, but who truly was the winner? 
"Your attempts are futile, so why are you really here?" She asked the couple. 
"I want you to put a stop to it," Five asked more than anything, his hands stuffed in his pockets. 
The Handler raised her brows, "You realize what you're asking for is next to impossible even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'être."
Without hesitation, he whipped out a gun from his side and pointed it at her, "Yeah? Well, how about survival as a raison?" Five threatened. 
Now, as a person who is sworn to tell all. Eight Hargreeves who's said to feel no different after returning to a younger age—well she coudln't help but fidget and bite her lip. That was hot. 
"God if only we were alone," Eight commented biting her lip again at the situation. 
Five's eyes flickered to the blonde for a second, "Really now?" he groaned. 
The Handler watched the exchange and cringed, but looked back at Five, "I'll just be replaced. I'm but a small cog in a machine. This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse...is just that a fantasy." 
"Get to the point lady, before I blow your brains out," Eight deadpanned. 
"Well, Mrs. Hargreeves, we are impressed with you two, you are quite something. We want to offer you a new position back at the Commission, in management," she said waving her fingers at the two. 
Eight was actually surprised with the response of the wicked woman, "Pardon?"
"Come back to work for us again. You both know where you belong. Eight you have a huge reputation back there, people would love to have you back," she said with a smile trying to convince the teen girl. 
"As you can see, that didn't work too well with my husband and myself," Eight said motioning around them, but she wasn't going to admit, she needed to check on a few things with the resources the Commission had to offer. 
"Oh but you wouldn't be in the correction division but the work office, the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel," the woman said stepping closer to the two with each word, "We could reverse this, bring you back to your older age, I mean you can't be happy like this." She said, stepping closer towards the two—more to Five than Eight. 
Eight was quick to step closer to her husbandand make the woman back up some steps as she knew she was capable of killing her here with no hesitation. At least she remembers her reputation. 
"We're not looking for happiness," Five said, looking directly into the woman's eyes. 
The Handler stepped forward and lifted her hand to touch Five's cheek, but her wrist was grabbed before she could. 
"As much as I get that my husband is a beaut, get your old hands of him," she seethed, pushing her hand off, "Plus what would happen to my family?" she asked as well, now she was stepping forward to the woman.
"What about them?" She asked, feeling slightly intimidated by the blonde woman. 
"I want them to survive," Five said pulling his wife closer to his side, but on the inside he was grinning at how territorial she was with him. 
The women sighed looking back at Luther and the truck that held the other two, "All of them?"
"Yes all of them," Five scoffed with a roll of his eyes.
"Well, I'll see what I can do," The Handler said as she put her glasses back on, "Do we have a deal?" She said offering her hand to Eight who was closest.
The blonde looked over to Five for reassurance, that they were both agreeing to this. He nodded but lifted his finger motioning he had something to say to her.
Eight walked over to the boy, "The guns," he said motioning over to Hazel and Cha-Cha. 
The girl nodded and walked over to them. Taking them apart as she scattered the pieces around.   She walked back to duo, but Eight paused noticing the bullet by her head. So she turned to it and moved it so it would avoid hitting Luther.
Five grabbed Eight's hand and turned to shake The Handler's hand. And just like that time continued on as they disappeared.
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sinkableruby · 1 year
do you think there is life orbiting nearby stars?
i took a class about this actually
there's potential! in fact some of the planets in our solar system have ice lakes, some have the right distance from the star to get a decent temperature, some have atmospheres... but that's about bacteria life, and probably not what you mean, im guessing
if you mean like, aliens, then uh. no
we've been looking and we woulda found em already. in or outside our solar system. might not be able to see them itself but we'd see the signs of a planet with life, namely oxygen. theres a chance life can come about without it, because we're obviously our only example of a planet with life, but we haven't seen anything to dissuade us from thinking that oxygen is necessary either
so yeah. and i dont doubt theres like life in the galaxy/universe. just might not be sentient. or if it is just might not be close enough to us, or existing in the same time as us, because space is big, and space travel is hard, and the conditions that brought life on earth were very tumultuous and could have been a few specific things that happened or they could have been the entire sequence that happened (making us pretty lucky). as far as i know, we can't really be sure
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windmills123 · 10 months
what if... you told me all about your fansession (i would love to learn more about it)
no way the real moss guy in my inbox... heehe... im actually really excited to ramble about this!!! =D back when i first read hs i made many fan characters but i got an idea to make a fansession where, instead of the 12 zodiac signs it was the 22 major tarot cards..... and it kinda went from there!
because obviously 22 character session would be insane i at some point formed out 6 kids who were having The Session, and the rest of the characters were "npcs" made by sburb. but yknow, more humanlike than the carapacians, so kinda akin to the trolls. oh yea i changed some of the sburb worldbuilding for this, so i suppose its an alternate version of the game.... ;p also the session would take place around 2019.
okeeey anyways heres the players!
ester olsen (the star) is a knight of hope from sweden who's foolish and hyperactive but also very hopeful and loyal like a dog, she's internally a deviantart kid who draws exclusively on ms paint and sburb's quest for her is to become a typical hero. her land is a field with a country town inhabited by animal people.
her older brother emil (the chariot) is a rogue of breath who moves trough life very fast and always thrives to make progress by any means, and also takes care of ester... because hes awesome... his land is a giant sea of energy kind of similar to terezi's.
elio cassini (the sun) is the heir of light, he's just a really lucky boy who likes jrpgs and magic spells. he's anxious and keeps to the rules but well meaning; best friend of ester. he learns to accept the dark sides of the world instead of escaping from them. his land is an orange desert full of broken glass, ancient bones and mysteries.
elio's sister is nastia the maid of space (the empress)! she's kind of a snarky girl next door who likes art, gardening, fashion and baking but she struggles with persistence. her land is a field of giant flowers.. and frogs of course ;p
selene's the mage of void (the moon). (no surname i thought of for these two..... whoops....) she's the oldest one and also very lonely, although she isn't expressive she tends to cling to other people. she used to like weird and fascinating things, her land is a broken apart mountainous area flooded by dark water!
then selene's younger brother rasmus the prince of time (the emperor)! hes your average delinquent scriptie kid who tends to get into fights (usually with ester), but he's never completely malicious. his land is a fiery lava pool that's hard to navigate.
the goal is still to make the next universe via a frog, but theres no derse and prospit and instead dreaming just teleports your ghost self to a random location. there's still a fight between dark and light though, but this time it's the magician card (light) and the high priestess card (dark) who have their forces battling it out, which is pretty much everyone else, on a skaia stand in which is no longer a chessboard and now just a black and white planet. they're also the final bosses in place of king and queen, and they get stronger the session goes on so the party needs to act fast!!!
idk how to summarise the whole duration of the session to be honest because too much stuff gets involved.. but basically they do make it out in the end! (with some major character deaths though... hehh..)
well uhh this makes wayy more sense in my head lol, but i hope you like it! =D i have some drawings but i havent really made anything properly rendered that has all of them... also i would love to hear about your fansession!
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inkyclive · 1 year
ahhhhh happy thursday 🥹🥹🥹
thank you do continuing to feed us on another glorious day ❤️❤️❤️
honestly having her breakdown clive is so managing to think of. and maybe it’s just me but i imagine clive being a wee sexually repressed not to say he’s a virgin but he doesn’t just like do it just to do it yknow all that vengeance will be mine bs
but there is like just something about reader and how she pushes all his buttons. he doesn’t realize she’s a distraction until it becomes apparent that it’s a good one??? like he doesn’t just feel good after interacting with her but his head feels clearer??
and when he gets to pin her all those thoughts just go brrr. he’s always had trouble controlling his fate but controlling this pretty little thing between his thighs? oh he can do that and he can do it well
I just asgdghfjnycjh im so happy sharing thoughts and hearing your takes 😭😭 you’re the only one I can 🥹🥹🥹🐥🐥🐥
aw hehehe anon ur so sweet!! thank u for interacting with me!! c:
no okay SAME SAME because i think that his only sexual encounters have been at brothels when he’s rly horny or he needs to wind down/let out excess stress or something along those lines, meaning he’s never actually had to do anything. they’ve always handled it all, they’ve always done it all for him, because it was their job and it was a service he was paying for. so when it comes to actual intimate relationships and sex that isn’t an explicit service, he’s kind of fucking clueless. like he can fuck, obviously. he can flip you over and snap powerful hips and make you cum, but it only really happens when he’s super pent up, super angry, or both—almost like an innate, instinctive, primal thing, you know??
oooooh hehehe you are going to LOVE the reader for my clive centered au then!!!!!! i kinda wanna share the premise with u but i also rly want to keep it a surprise!!! >.< let's just say i love writing clive with a reader who knows just how to get under his skin, just the right buttons to push to get him wound up so tight he fucking snaps <3 those are literally the words i have in my notes for that series!!!!
exploring more purposeful sex with him would be really interesting!!! it’d definitely be an adventure! i definitely think he would pick it up really easily and be somewhat of a natural at it the moment he understands it (‘it’ being a kink or a technique or whatever etc). YEAH YEAH YEAH SEEEEEEE like this innate thing!!!!! like his mind just fogs over with intense, extreme lust, and his instincts take over, and he just fucks the absolute life out of you <3 idk like the man oozes sex appeal; he just seems like one of the lucky few who, even when he doesn’t really know what he’s doing or is drunk on this hedonistic rage, can still fuck you and fuck you well, can still make you cum more than once, like he has this fucking talent for it <3 his cock is pretty as fuck too i know it i just KNOW it <33333 joshua’s, too HEHE
waah ur so cute!!! no it’s the same for me tbh!! no one around me has even played any of the final fantasy games so i just scream to myself and write myself fics LMAO. finally with xvi i was like my god just make a blog for fun and go scream into the void hehehe so here i am! ALSOOO every time you sign off with a lil chicky i think of a lil babie chocobo HEHEHE <333
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viragosoul · 2 years
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HUH YUNJIN  22  FEMALE  SHE / HER — ; where do you get your inspiration, SONG SIYEON ? you’re so OUTSPOKEN, i can’t help but think of BLASTING MUSIC AT 3AM, THE LINGERING SMELL OF SUNSCREEN, BROKEN CLAY SPREAD ACROSS THE FLOOR when i hear your name. your friends tell me you can be DELUSIONAL sometimes . i guess it’s understandable given the circumstances . besides , i can’t even imagine how stressful SCULPTOR classes must be — not to mention you’re also in THE RED AND GREEN CLUB & SODALITES ! you’re a NEWCOMER , right ? yeah , i thought so . either way , welcome to mugunghwa !  ( rouge , 21+ , cst )
hello friends ♡ i’m rouge and i’m v excited to be here to bring you this bullheaded woman named song siyeon! she’s still relatively new and doesn’t rly know what’s going on, but that’s okay b/c she’s just here to prove herself 💪 anywho i have her profile and personality page set up, but under the cut i’ll have more info on her background and maybe even some half-baked plots if we’re lucky! please like this post to plot or add me on discord at saturnian charm#3118 which is highly preferred over tumblr ims! i’m super stoked to write with you all!
there’s nothing much to note of her background: she was born in seoul to a well off family as the miracle child after many fertility issues. mother was a professor turned stay at home mom, and her father is a politician, although a highly controversial / disliked one. her grandparents on her mother’s side are known art aficionados within the seoul scene. due to being the only child, she was pretty much your typical spoiled golden spoon baby.
deemed gifted with art at a very young age, and because her skills brought esteem to the song name, her parents decided to cultivate it and throw the best of whatever money could buy: tutors/mentors, supplies, schooling, experiences, whatever was recommended and whatever she asked for was gotten. in return, she was constantly put into art competitions “for her benefit” in her parents terms, but in hindsight it was obviously just for the attention ⏤ and didn’t start off too hot. anything that wasn’t top three was a failure
high school was ... alright. that’s when her father started becoming more controversial, and every time she started to win a competition her name was always attached to his, which caused her to be less socially accepted with her non-artistic peers ⏤ and even some of the artistic ones as well, thinking that she only won due to her family name. and in her eyes, there were only two ways of dealing with this: fall into despair and feel sorry for herself, or fight it. don’t give a damn and prove them wrong by working hard at her craft. and so, she does. and tbh ... this is probably whenever she reaches full menace status too LOL.
reaches out a sculptor that she admires via social media, and after meeting up at her exhibits siyeon becomes her mentee during her third year in high school. during breaks she travels abroad to where she lives in paris and hones her craft under her knowledge. does a lot of growing up during this time too.
after high school, she flies to paris after an argument with her parents regarding her future and decides to wing it. but actually living in a place abroad is much different from visiting, and culture shock hits her hard; she’s about to give up probably 4 weeks in until her mentor finds her, and instead siyeon spends that time under her tutelage while in art school. doesn’t reconnect with her parents ( especially since her father’s views get much worse while she’s away ) and instead contacts her grandparents more instead.
her grandparents talk about coming home and going to mugunghwa, as her grandpa has invested within the school, but she says no. however, when she meets minjun and finds out that he goes to to the same school, siyeon takes that as a sign and uproots her life to transfer there instead.
and yeah, that brings us to here and now! except now she’s single LMAO
okay so i actually lied and i don’t have plots here because the above took a lot out of me but i promise i love brainstorming so please don’t be afraid to hit me up! ♡ 
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mossolantern · 1 year
LITERALLY ANYTHING IM BEGGING YOU CANT JUST MIX TWO THINGS IVE OBSESSED OVER FOR YEARS AND NOT EXPECT ME TO EXPLODE!!!! tho obviously im especially looking at info of my sillies Karcat and Dave heheheheheh - BB
ooo okay, well! i should probably start off with karkat (it's hard to give details on both him and dave at the same time in this au since they haven't met yet!)
Crabsnap (Crab, at the time) was a runt kitten born to a once-kittypet mother during leafbare in an abandoned twoleg nest, he was the only surviving kit in her litter.
however, just because he survived, didn't mean that she would be so lucky. as there was little to no food around this area, she soon died.
He was then taken in by one of the clans who had just so happened to be making a journey to a new home, they were told to leave the kit for dead, as there wasn't any more mouths that needed to be fed, but a small group of the clan cats collectively agreed to go against the wishes of their leader, because they believed that this kit was a sign from starclan, and that he would play a part in a prophecy that had been given to them a while back. a prophecy that they believe foretold the overthrowing of their wretched leader!
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kirazdaha · 2 years
HAHAHAHA Every Turk Family has one of those names and unironically mine does too 🫡 Tell your mother thank you she is a very lovely lady
I know all of the artists you listed below because my dad blasts them on the radio everytime we go out... I call it old people music but hey I never said it was bad, they're awesome and I might have memorised some of the artist's songs from how much I listen to them... Barış Manço is a classic without a doubt! Fun fact my parents were able to go to his concert and got a signed picture with him I will always envy how lucky they were 😭 I love how women in the industry made the most iconic songs I hear them often in weddings too! Or clubs, even though I only went to one once I'm not very fond of them...
My questions were do you have any tips or inspiration with how you draw! I love your art and artstyle and it's honestly what I've been trying to achieve for a while, I can't believe I'm learning how to draw men because of a silly lawyer show it's a disease...
(We are just having a conversation at this point) (I feel like those people who speak out loud in public) (I hope you and anyone who's reading this is having a good day :) be kind to yourself and others everyone)
OH MY GOD i envy them too😭😭 also omg that sounds like heaven to me. the other day i went out partying and i felt sooo out of place because i only knew like 3 songs. omg it was so so bad.
hmmm tips and inspiration…. my number 1 tip would definitely be to look at a lot of other artists you like and analyze what exactly you like. and then try to emulate that in your own work. i try to look for inspiration everywhere - artists online, traditional artists, old masters, 3d artists, even theatre and poetry, etc. - doesnt mean that i am equally inspired by them all (because all these things at once sound so scary and big but they really arent!) but rather, i try to be open for anything and that helps me find inspiration :) 
ill try to explain my thoughts more under the cut because this got long:
for me for example, so far i only posted some art i made that was lined (which, i would say makes up maybe half of the art i draw - i mostly sketch and recently have been building up the courage to paint more) and one of my inspirations is meltow. i think if you go over and check out their art youll definitely see it lol. but also i love the clean look some comics have and my friends tell me my art looks like it belongs in a comic which, i guess yeah :) when it comes to colors and composition i LOVE this artists works. i still have a lot to learn and just looking at their works inspires me so much!!!
i will say i have ALWAYS struggled with lineart. its probably the worst thing in the world to me because it never feels right!!! i like lining on paper with harsh inks and stiff ink nibs that allow for like. very little variety in line weight, but i havent done that in over 3 years (i hope i can get back to that). but yes, something about lineart makes me feel so icky when i use any brush that reacts to the pressure you put on your tablet LOL i just hate it. ugh. i havent been able to work it out.
it was only in 2020 i think that i decided to try it out with a thick brush with some texture and no pen pressure. that probably was the first time i got actual lineart that (at the time) i liked done. and then later on, discovering that other artists are able to achieve beautiful drawings with similar brushes AND that lining with a very simple brush can feel so satisfying helped me evolve a lot! until 2022, i actually wasnt able to give my art the kind of finished look that i wanted. so what people consider my style is really just born out of my limits and working with them. that obviously doesnt mean that i dont try to challenge myself as much as i can. i do and i think everyone should! thats what makes art so fun
if theres any good advice i can give to a beginner itd probaaaaably be. okay this is difficult and i feel like im not really qualified for this. as a hobbyist much less so because a lot of the knowledge and skills i acquired was through an intuitive process (i could never stick with habits such as regular studies or warmups or whatever is meant to be good for you) which definitely isnt the most “productive” way but i mean it doesnt have to be. its just a hobby! you dont have to perfect art. but yes, i would definitely say dont stop drawing. youll always be your harshest critic and at the beginning, and especially if you begin at an older age because youve been training your eye your whole life but your drawing skills for only a relatively short time you will notice a lot of mistakes. and youll think you wont achieve the image you have in your head. and maybe you wont (because youll always strive for more and youll never really be satisfied as an artist bla bla) for a while. but you have to keep drawing! try out different strategies, find out how other artists draw, watch speedpaints, try out different papers and pencils, try everything that makes it more fun and keep going! it will all pay off!! 
in my eyes theres also no point in saying “i should wait till im better to draw this idea i have” because if inspiration strikes you you should use that. even though i still sometimes catch myself thinking like that. you can always redraw things later on!! if theres anything that will keep you drawing you should use that! like getting into shows and games that make me want to draw helps a ton LOL people are not joking when they say getting obsessed with one character is the quickest way to improve. i 100% agree!!! if you saw my first nachos you wouldnt even recognize him. not kidding wow this got long. thank you for the questions though!! i hope some of my rambling can help you. feel free to talk to me whenever!
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