#obviously this post is a joke as is the entire course probably. i just Know it’ll be bad :
abba-enthusiast · 2 years
I’m sorry but that harry styles university course is so fucking weird. Imagine taking that exam and having to write about the significance of the rainbow bondage bear in relation to the ‘larry conspiracy’
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mtkay13 · 4 months
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Gonna post TWO hoboxus today because I CAN! (still desperately trying to catch up with my twitter posts LOL help I'm terrible at this)
From a meme based on art by KOTTERI, the author of Veil (among amazing other things). Find them on twitter @_K0TTERl_!
More musing below, as per usual! (Be ready it's a LONG one again)
I really hesitated with how I wanted to do this. The original had this gorgeous red poster that seemed like a perfect fit for WKX:
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Either I went for the imagery of ZZS wistfully gazing upon the mysterious and eccentric WKX, which would definitely have been more aesthetic and undeniably fitting, or I went the semi-humorous route of channelling the "WKX fell for that ugly hobo and his gorgeous shoulder blades" meme-ified side of their dynamic.
Well, clearly that's where I ended up going, but I feel like explaining a bit.
For me, this picture was three-folds:
First part is the meme; it's kind of funny, kind of ridiculous, and sets the tone of what TYK starts off as; rather absurd, with its reasonable dose of dark humor, and the (at first seemingly improbable) meeting and love story between a silly dying hobo and a strange, suspicious, hedonistic gentleman. It felt thematically appropriate for TYK to twist the original image and put the obviously uglier one on the poster since TYK relies heavily on genre subversion to begin with.
Secondly, there is WKX. So, controversial opinion (/jk) but I don't think WKX was necessarily convinced or even really thought that ZZS was "a beauty" underneath his alleged mask. It was probably a mix of various feelings and teasing/provoking which lead to this joke. First, everything he expresses throughout the book and in extra 4; the fascination for this man who seemed too hide great strength and was of no known identity--who was probably more than what he seemed.
(I'm gonna push it just a little bit ((but isn't that the fun of literary interpretation)), but the "beauty under the mask" is not only physical. It could be a way to say, I think that beneath your raunchy, ridiculous attitude, beneath your gross appearance, beneath the pretense that you're a nobody, that you're a peasant, you're probably someone of great importance and great accomplishments, someone much stronger than you pretend to be--someone like me, perhaps, even. The shoulder blades references are, besides of course WKX *actually* noticing them, the observation of how ZZS moves, of how agile his body is, etc...)
Anyway-- the entire point of this intro is to say that to me, this isn't actually referring to that whole side of their dynamic (or not entirely), but rather to that passage that I am STILL OBSESSED WITH where Wen Kexing recognizes ZZS just from the way he's sitting in a restaurant, and that makes him feel things not entirely positive:
Zhou Zishu stepped into an inn alone. He chose a seat by a window, ordered a few side dishes and a jug of mulled rice wine, and drank it slowly while soaking in the sunshine. As soon as Wen Kexing walked in, he saw Zhou Zishu from behind. He didn’t know why, but he thought that this view was quite special—he could always pick it out of a crowd. Zhou Zishu did not sit with his back straight. Most of the time, he lounged indolently at an angle that looked exceptionally comfortable. Wen Kexing thought that it seemed as though nothing weighed on him; seeing him was enough to ease the heart. Wen Kexing unconsciously halted his steps. He stared at Zhou Zishu’s relaxed silhouette for a while, with no trace of an expression in his face or eyes. His heart swelled with some strange feeling—strange, in that it was no feeling at all. He felt as though this man was mocking him with this wordless posture; he who rushed around for one thing or another, who was burdened with so many cares, yet obstinately put on a devil-may-care persona. Zhou Xu—as carefree as duckweed, he thought, with a body like willow catkins. In all the world, with its boundless perspectives, where could you find someone who walked their path alone and never allowed anything to trouble them? Yet he was not apathetic—he had his joy, his anger, his sorrow—and they came in a flash as quickly as they went. Within the blink of an eye, he had forgotten it already.
(Tian Ya Ke, chapter 18, TL by Lianzi) (have I quoted this already??? If not I should have I love this passage so much)
From the moment he'd noticed his shoulderblades, felt this rush of excitement, to when he'd started liking who Zhou Zishu was, when he'd thought——so this is the Commander of Tian Chuang. Suddenly, he'd felt as if he'd met his other self. Both of them, lone wolves caught in a hunter's trap, struggling for freedom to no avail, until they had resolved to coldly gnawing off their own legs in the end. He'd felt compelled to follow him around, watched him, until he suddenly realised—if Zhou Zishu could live like this, then surely, so could he?
(Full passage in this other post LOL)
So yes, THIS. Those two things. That's it. Need I say more? HAH OF COURSE I DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO (help)
More seriously--the way WKX is captivated by ZZS' apparent carefreeness and freedom, all the different feelings (or absence thereof, as he puts it, which I interpret as so distant from what he's used to feel that it almost feels like nothing at all) is what I was going for here.... By not showing his face at all LMAO
The envy, the frustration--the impression of being mocked, but also the longing, how it inspired him to follow along and try to be free like he was.
-cough- yes, so that was point 2 out of 3.
Now lastly, about ZZS himself and my representation of him as hoboxu. I think (?) I've written enough about him that I think I can keep this succint. I love how priest often makes a point of expliciting, in the book, how he's so often smiling, and how he's always incredibly energetic in the morning, as if the night of pain had never happened. I like to think that hoboxu is both a carricature of a ridiculous character that ZZS has fun embodying---but also a liberated expression of his deeper self.
WKX feels like he's mocking him, but ZZS is also mocking himself relentlessly, when he feels like the outside resembles the inside finally, when he feels ridiculous in these new robes, when he allows himself the most outrageous behavior---and then there's mocking life itself, mocking jianghu, mocking everything that he nonetheless deeply cherishes. It's almost... gently mocking, affectionate mocking of everything because his own life has become a joke yet he's still going to enjoy it to the fullest--drinking to his heart's content, rolling in the mud and visiting touristy sites (or so he intended).
In the end... the world is still in his own hands. He chose everything, chose the way he lived, the way he (would have) died and still has the power to dissappear at will--but he stays. Stays and endures what he pretends annoys him, because he can't help himself, because he's ridiculous and is aware of it and may as well have some fun while being so.
I can't seem to ever have enough of this, of this vibe. I wanted to have him laugh at and with WKX, at and with the people seeing him, at and with himself, at and with the narrative.
SO YEAH HAH THATS HUM THAT'S IT. You know what they say, it's only a fun meme if there's an essay behind it (noone says that help 😭😭😭😭)
I hope you had fun reading it and have a nice weeked 🤪
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I really need to vent about how much I like Cal and Merrin's dynamic in Jedi: Survivor cause they've quickly become probably my favorite canon pairing in the franchise.
I absolutely love that this relationship is built on the basis of friendship, respect, and a genuine mutual understanding of each other. From gameplay comments and conversations, Cal is very clearly so enamored with Merrin and literally everything about her. I know it's become a bit of a joke how clearly into her he is but he just thinks she's the most incredible being in the entire galaxy and it's honestly the sweetest thing. The writers could have very easily made his connection to Merrin a weakness or had it where it made his struggle with the darkness harder but I adore that they allowed him to be completely smitten with her and presented it as a strength. It's refreshing not only in Star Wars but in media in general, at least in my opinion. Love being presented as a positive asset is something so deeply missing in media nowadays - especially romantic love. Far too often in this day and age, love is presented as a weakness or something that will only bring you down, so I respect the fuck out of this writing.
Oops, this got really, really long so I'm putting the rest under a cut. It's kind of spitfire, so I apologize if it feels random.
I love how their first kiss is Merrin basically making a split-second decision where she realizes she doesn't want to die without kissing him at least once even if it runs the risk of making things awkward should they survive. Is it cliche as fuck? Absolutely, but it works so well in this instance. Cal being so dumbfounded, gawking at her like a fish, trying to process what the hell just happened that BD has to remind him they're literally about to die is the best thing too.
I appreciate that Cal is so obviously hesitant about giving into any sort of romantic feelings for Merrin because, of course, he would be due to his upbringing. He's pushing so hard against it to the point that he's even completely reluctant to so much as discuss it with Bode when they're on the Lucrehulk. Personally, I don't think Cal is oblivious to their potential feelings for each other. I've never been a huge fan of treating Cal as completely naive. He still might be a bit emotionally stunted, sure but he's lived 10 years outside of the Jedi Order at this point. I think he's hesitant to talk about it because first of all, it's really none of Bode's business but also, if he talks about it, he has to admit it, and if he admits it, that makes it real, and if it's real... well fuck, now he has to do something about it either way which is exactly what he's trying to avoid. I think he's trying to stay as neutral about it as he can until he gets to a point in the story/his arc where he decides he actually wants or feels ready to make a decision. Bode almost gets it out of him too before they're interrupted. The progression of Bode's questioning during that mission is something I actually find really interesting but that's a different topic.
Many people have pointed this out but Cal smiling so brightly while Merrin is clearly freaking the fuck out of Bode is just the cutest thing. Not only because he finds such humor in her scaring the shit out of people for fun when he of all people knows it's a running joke but he also goes along with the joke any chance he gets. He does this even when she's not around. People will be freaked out by her and he still plays along and it's not even like, "Yeah, I know, she's fucking scary bro," it's more like, "Yeah, I know, she can wake the dead, isn't it amazing how scary she is!" Someone else already pointed this out in another post but that feels almost more intimate than any kiss they share. His attraction to her encompasses all sides of her including those that many people find incredibly terrifying and I find that so endearing, he wouldn't ask her to change for anything. He's the only person who genuinely isn't freaked out by her in the slightest but not only that, he finds that side of her to be so incredible. Also, Cal being so blase with Bode about his obvious attraction to Merrin a mission prior and then having the most blatant sexual tension with her in front of Bode in the next scene is peak comedy, I don't care what anybody says. Like, Cal, honey, you just spent the entire previous mission trying to convince Bode (and yourself) there's nothing there and/or you're not pursuing it, so you're not doing yourself any favors by looking at her like that, standing that close to her, and speaking to her with the cadence of a lover bro.
I love that the second Cal walks onto the Mantis after killing Rayvis, she instantaneously picks up on the fact that something's wrong. Literally instantaneously. You can see her face drop the moment she sees him. She just knows something happened. Her ability to read him insanely well is something that is introduced very early on in the game, most noticeably in the campfire scene, and it stays consistent over the course of the story. The following conversation they have is honestly one of the best moments between them in the entire game. It's this type of conversation I've been wanting to see with a Jedi and their potential lover since Revenge of the Sith. He is so open with her even in a somewhat roundabout way about his genuine fear of losing himself and while the conversation is not explicitly about their relationship, the implication is still there and she 100% picks up on it, especially since he wonders aloud why Santari didn't see the change in Dagan before it was too late. Instead of shaming him for his reservations or calling it ridiculous or anything else she could have said at this moment, she instead decides to possibly help curb those fears and give him some comfort regarding it. She goes on to basically tell him in so few words she knows what she's signing up for and is willing to cross those bridges with him if they come. It's a great difference between Cal and Dagan. Though it's never outright stated that Dagan and Santari were in love, I feel like it's... pretty heavily implied, or at least he was definitely in love with her (was I the only one who read it that way??) but whereas Dagan demands that Santari talk him away from the darkness and seems to almost expect her to, Merrin herself plainly offers to do it with no prodding on Cal's part. It doesn't seem to be a burden Cal wanted to put on her, not something he was inherently expecting of her but she willingly offers, it is her choice, she wants to carry that burden with him. While she does seem maybe slightly annoyed by his hesitancy regarding their relationship to each other, she is also so incredibly patient with him while he's stewing over what he wants to do. It's beautiful. As a side note, "A shared dream is not so easy to wake from," is such an amazing line. Seriously, I want merch with that quote on it.
I liked that going through with the relationship was Cal's choice in the end. Merrin didn't push it, she didn't pressure it. She let him bring it up and come to her when he was ready and if that meant potentially being rejected by a man she very clearly adores, so be it, and I have no doubt she would've respected that choice if that's what he'd wanted. I know a lot of people seem to think he only makes this decision due to Bode's questions earlier but it really seems to be a combination of multiple things that lead to this. Bode picking his brain definitely got him thinking about it, maybe more than he wanted to, but I do think the other big part of Cal being willing to go forward with it at this moment is his confrontation with Dagan that, while an illusion, did cause him to come to grips with his own mortality in a way. "How does it feel knowing you're about to die. That your life meant nothing." As Cal says, Dagan uses an extremely powerful force hallucination based on fear here, so while losing himself to the darkness might scare him, his life being completely meaningless is what he seems to fear the most. Cal's journey throughout Survivor encompasses many things but one of them revolves around feeling aimless and finding a purpose, preferably outside of being a hired weapon that will surely and slowly consume him. It's what everyone consistently tells him: find a home, settle down, embrace happiness because it's fleeting, the path you're on is not healthy and will consume you otherwise...etc. His decision here to give in to his romantic attraction to Merrin is a culmination of all of these interactions and conversations he's had throughout the story, how they've influenced his line of thinking, and him coming to his own conclusions regarding what he personally wants and at this moment, when things are finally, calm and everyone is in a good place with a plan going forward, he personally decides there's no point in living up to the expectations of the Jedi when the Order doesn't exist anymore and wants to see where this could go.
I love the fact that when Merrin witnesses Cal's darkness in the ISB, it's made abundantly clear that she's just as afraid of losing him as he most likely is of losing her. I do think a major reason why she was able to talk him down at the moment is that he fundamentally understands what it feels like to lose everything and everyone, your entire livelihood. That is what they first bonded over and it's something that keeps them bonded in the saddest, yet most profound way and he would never want to add himself to the list of people she's lost. She's also doing exactly what she said she would. In an instance where again, she reads him like a fucking book, she can tell just from his responses on the intercom that he's losing himself and is guiding him back. She immediately went to rescue him as she says. No question, no argument, nothing, she simply does it. She made him a promise and she kept it and in that moment, he promises that she won't lose him, he won't allow it. This is a fundamental difference between Anakin and Padme's dynamic and Cal and Merrin's. While Anakin's love for Padme quite famously ends up extremely selfish in an "I would lose myself to ensure you're not ripped away from me" type of way, Cal and Merrin's dynamic is leaning towards a more selfless, "I won't allow myself to be lost because I can't let that happen for your sake," type of way and god damn it, I love it.
There are several interactions they have in gameplay that I'm lowkey peeved weren't included in cutscenes and one of them is when Cal returns to the Mantis after all but demolishing the ISB, they have this really short but great interaction where Merrin says that if he ever feels that way again, he needs to tell her. She doesn't even ask him to do it, she all but demands it, "If you feel that way again, you will tell me." She's demanding communication from him regarding the darkness and he doesn't fight this demand at all. He agrees to respect this request and I fucking love that from both of them. I will genuinely be kinda upset if we don't get a moment like that in the next game.
I like how their kiss after they've successfully navigated the abyss is kind of their first kiss inverted but instead of "omg we might die, I need to kiss you" it's more "holy shit, we survived, I need to kiss you," but instead of Merrin initiating, now it's Cal. I'm probably reading too much into that but whatever, it's cute.
This isn't about any one part in particular but I do love that it looks like the headcanon so many people had regarding Merrin most likely being quite physically affectionate is turning out to be true.
...I think that's enough for now lol I might add on some things later
Apologies for any typos and thanks for indulging my rambling if you got this far.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
So I'll be sharing a snippet from a different fic today! If I share anymore of Bring Me Home, I may as well just post the entire first chapter. (Which, I will be looking for a new job and hopefully moving in 2 months or so, so I'll probably try and start posting after that. Get another chapter or two written in the meantime.)
This fic is also from a prompt that was submitted by @regonold to @stealingyourbones. I did part of a collab fill previously, but the idea has been living in my mind rent free and I couldn't help but want to take it on more fully. I've written 5.5k and this snippet is just under 900 words.
The formal gardens beyond the iron gate filled Danny with dread. Vlad’s mansion had looked like this, too. But Jazz had promised him, over and over again, that the Waynes were nothing like the Fruit Loop while begging him to come. Besides, he’d spent weeks making sure his schedule was clear and making deals to prevent any interruptions. No backing out now. With a sigh, he pressed the button for the intercom.
“Good evening, may I ask your business?” asked a man with a British accent.
“Um, yeah. Good evening.” Why was it so much harder to communicate with other people as human Danny than ghost Phantom? “Um, I’m Danny. Jazz’s brother?”
“Ah, yes. Of course. We’ve been expecting you. Follow the drive up to the house and welcome.”
Motors activated and the gates slowly opened. Danny started the trek up the long driveway. His anxiety wasn’t relived when he saw the manor with it’s dark stone facade and literal tower. If it was made of lighter stones, it could have been a copy of Vlad’s castle.
“This is for Jazz,” he muttered under his breath as he walked up the stairs. Before he could knock on the doors, they opened and Jazz ran out to hug him.
“Danny! Thank you so much for coming! How’ve you been? I know you’re busy, but you need to call me more often.”
Danny hugged her back tightly. “Sorry, Jazz. You know how I lose track of time. So where’s this famous Jason?”
A man stepped forward and started speaking, but hanging off his back was a ghost. The ghost of the dead Robin, to be exact. Shit.
At least the position of the ghost meant he appeared to be looking at probably-Jason. Even if he didn’t hear a word the man said. To make it worse, Robin realized he could see him and was sending out help-me trills.
Danny had to bite hard on his tongue to keep from vocalizing his own comforting chirps.
He was so focused on Robin that he almost didn’t notice probably-Jason holding out his hand to shake. Laughing self-consciously, he took it. “It’s great to finally meet you.”
The other man hesitated a moment and asked, “Is everything all right?”
But all Danny could focus on was Robin hanging off Jason’s shoulders and sending out happy-sad-helpless feelings. Danny relaxed the hold he had on his ghost self and tried to sense what was going on. But he had to reassure the human, too. “Yeah, I’m fine.” But wow, was Jason not. Where had he come into contact with such weird ectoplasm? It seemed to twist every emotion into anger and fear and violence.
Even worse was Robin. He was barely perceptible even to Danny’s enhanced senses.
Of course, Jazz was liminal enough to realize he was doing something. Quietly, she chirped a question.
Danny just shook his head and pulled back his power. “Later,” he murmured.
“I’ll hold you to that,” she said back, just as quietly.
Louder, Danny said, “Sorry. I just have bad memories about large manors like this. Has Jazz told you about Vlad?”
“He’s come up a time or two. With the black hair and blue eyes, someone will probably make an adoption joke at you before the night is over. But I’ll stab them if they do.”
Danny's laugh would have been much less forced had he not just felt the twisted anger inside probably-Jason. “Just don’t hit anything vital,” he said, hoping it sounded like a joke.
Robin rolled his eyes—and how could he do that so obviously with a mask on?—and tried to pull on Jason to lead him inside.
“Well, it might be summer, but Gotham is never warm. Come on in and I’ll introduce you to everyone,” said Jason.
Jazz grabbed his hand as they made their way inside where they were greeted warmly by an elderly gentleman.
“You must be Mr. Danny. Welcome to the Manor. I’m Alfred. Dinner will be served in one hour and please let me know if you need anything. Your sister stated you didn’t have any dietary restrictions?”
“What’s that?” Danny was trying not to stare at Robin who was now hugging the older man. Before Alfred could repeat himself, however, Danny’s brain caught up to the human conversation. “Oh, uh, no. I don’t. Jazz is right.”
“Very good. Can I take your coat and bag?”
Danny did shrug off his backpack, but only so he could also take off his coat. “Can I keep the bag? I don’t feel comfortable without it on me.”
“Very well.” Alfred hung the coat up on a rack right next to the door. “Master Jason, be sure to show him where the bathroom is on your way to join the others. Mr. Danny, there are plenty of drinks in the sitting room where everyone is relaxing should you need a refreshment.” And he finally had confirmation that this was Jason!
“’Course I will, Alfie.”
“Thanks,” said Danny, though he was more focused on the desperate chirps Robin was sending out.
I’m here-notice me-I love you.
Looks like he was breaking his promise to Jazz to not do any ghostly business tonight. Of course Jazz’s boyfriend would be haunted by a ghost that needed help. Why was he even surprised?
As far as I know, there hasn't been a lot of requests for a tag list on this one. @addie-lover-of-stories is the only one I noticed. But let me know and I'll start one!
Next Part
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Meet the Parents Part 1
Okay! So, someone requested to talk about Gwen’s scenes with both of Miles’ parents, and I thought it would be nice to do something a bit more light.
As always, we start a bit early.
(Also, this post has been needed to be redone THREE TIMES because tumblr keeps thinking I want to delete the entire post while I am just trying to delete a screenshot or a line.)
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This part is something I wanted to mention here because 1) I don’t have that much to say about it to make it a post, but still wanted to mention it, and 2) I just think is nice.
Gwen quickly apologizes to Miles about snapping to him like that. I think this is great because while it is a small thing, I feel is nice and realistic that Gwen can quickly admit that she shouldn’t have done that. I feel in any other piece of media Gwen would had stayed mad or made Miles apologize (or maybe one from just a few years ago, I am traumatized by the stuff I watched as a kid.) But she doesn’t have that kind of pride, which I like.
Besides, I think Gwen didn’t want to waste time on stuff like that. The watch is fine, nothing happened; she wouldn’t want to ruin the mood over this.  
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Yeah Miles didn’t really seem to care that much anyways, and of course I notice Miles looking at Gwen lips. And considering where Gwen is looking, I believe she may have notice that too.
Do I think he was going to go for it? Maybe, I think he would have definitely tried if they had a few minutes together and didn’t think anybody was watching, I don’t have any strong evidence for this one other that I do think he was trying to get closer not to try at that moment, but maybe find a way to get close enough to do it.
No idea if it would had happened or not, I think even if I believe Gwen is trying to not start something between them (not today at least,) I am not sure Gwen would had refused. Again, the girl is whipped.
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Oh boy, I can't never watch this scene without feeling so bad for Miles and Gwen, to be honest I don't know which one I feel worse on this scene.
Obviously Rio and Jeff aren't trying to mess up stuff on purpose (At least I don't think neither of them expected Miles to care this much, or for Gwen to needing to leave as she did.)
But imagine being in the position, going with the assumption that they were having a moment (that may or may not lead to kiss, I think they needed just a few more moments for have the proper mood, but that's just me.) And then your mom/the mom of your crush pops in out of nowhere.
Little sidenote, does neither of them have super hearing?
Perhaps super hearing is too much, but for what I remember their sense are heightened, including sound.
This has been showcased in other spiderman properties in other ways, and part of the reason I thought they had it (or at least Miles,) was because later, when Spot is whispering to himself that he is going to be much more than a villain of the week, Miles hears him.
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And this is with Gwen and Pavitr screaming as they hit the shield who also makes noise when hit.
For me when I saw that scene I was like "Wait how did he- Oh yeah, super hearing."
Maybe it was just for a joke and I am thinking this too much, but for me it meant that their hearing is better than average.
Which leads me to...how lost in their own world were these two that they didn't Rio coming in; specially since I think because is not a regular staircase but a ladder, being talking quietly to themselves, they should had hear it.
Guess they were too busy focusing on something else.
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I literally watched this multiple times in slow motion to make sure I wasn't imagining things, and then a couple of times at regular speed to make sure this was something that you were meant to catch.
You know? Something funny that happens in a lot of these posts, is that I do an analysis because I thought may be fun or someone requested it, but I think to myself "It will probably be boring, what is there to analyze or catch on this one?"
And then I start looking things at slow motion and be like no fucking way.
I love this because you can actually see that Gwen is actually nervous around Miles' parents.
Yes this isn't necessarily new information, specially watching the rest of the scene; but I what I liked about seeing this in slow motion is that you can see how Gwen goes from the surprise, to trying to act as if she didn't get spooked, to preparing herself to present herself to Miles's mon.
That's really the part that I found most interesting, how Gwen looks down for a second in what it seems she is taking a deep breath before smiling and presenting herself to Rio.
I also love how during all of this Rio doesn't stop looking at Gwen (After all I am sure this is the first girl Miles had brought,) and Miles is just lamenting this is his life.
Another thing I want to bring up while we are here, is that while in another previous scene Rio and Jeff were judging Gwen (I think it was just overprotectiveness, even if I don't think it was nice or fair for them to do so,) in these shots when Rio is trying to meet Gwen, she is trying to smile very friendly and act as normal as she can while looking so awkward.
While she probably still is judging a bit in this moment, I think she was trying to at least act nice and warm because first presentations are important.
Then Gwen puts her foot in her mouth.
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Okay, story time.
I am from Latin America (not Puerto Rico, but there are some cultural similarities in certain aspects;) and I remember an american friend of mine, who didn't really understand what was the big deal about Gwen using Rio's first time.
Me, and another latino friend (he was born in America but his background is Mexican,) were just mildly horrified and not just because this was established earlier (which honestly? Smart move from the movie really.)
Here is the thing, how this works depends from the culture, if the parents are immigrants themselves, children of immigrants, and also the type of environment they grew up and how they are as a person.
But for me, my friend, and a bunch of other latine people I know, you would either need to say Mr or Mrs (last name,) or (First name.) In my case, using a last name or first time depended from where I knew this adult (friend of the family, the parent of one of my friends, coworker of one of my parents, etc.)
Considering Gwen is a teen and she is "friends" with Miles and just meeting him, growing up for me I would had needed to use Mr and Mrs Morales until they told me to call them something else, if that got to happen. It would be important that I wait for them to tell me so or I would have my mother chiding at me for being disrespectful.
I am bringing this up because again, my american friend didn't know why Miles's parents were being so hard about this, but for me it made this scene all more investing by the fact that I was on the other side of this cultural discussion.
(Again, take this with a grain of salt. Rio looks like she moved from Puerto Rico to New York a good while now, and for what I gather Jeff and Aaron were born and raise in New York. So how they do things may still be different that what I can talk by personal experience.)
Also I brought those frames of Rio because 1) We see the exact moment Miles knew Gwen fucked up, and 2) While still smiling and looking cordial, we can see the shift in Rio's face.
This is important because Gwen is trying to talk warmly and excited, how she has heard so much about her and knows her first name even if Miles never officially present them.
Meanwhile Rio is probably thinking that 1) This girl cannot just be calling her by her first name just from minute and 2) Oh yeah knows her so well and doesn't know she and Jeff hate that.
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Small thing, but I like how Miles goes beside Gwen as soon as he gets his mom properly standing on the water tower.
Yes, it makes sense because this is the "friend" he is presenting and he of course wants to make sure everything runs smoothly with his parents because, feelings aside, one of the friends he always talks but never shows up is finally here and he doesn't want any issues from either side.
I still adore that he went to get beside his girl as soon as possible.
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We already talked about Gwen messing up by calling Rio by her first name, so I will not dwell into that.
Something I like about this scene is that when Rio and Jeff first realize Miles isn't in her room, Jeff storms up but Rio stares at the sweater. I believe this is because she was the one who notice it was from someone else while Jeff thought Miles just dipped.
Which brings me to Miles and Gwen's expression here.
Is not a huge reaction but if you watch this scene close you can realize Miles and Gwen were mildly surprised by Rio bringing this; now while it could be just at Rio having the sweater, my theory is that they are both thinking into
1) Gwen's hero costume is probably in Miles' room, considering she has a shirt showing her arms she actually is going to change to her suit later rather than having below her regular clothes like Miles.
2) They are realizing that they got into the room at one point that they didn't know, meaning they could had been caught when Gwen broke gravity for a few moments to open the portal.
3) They are both wondering if Miles' parents may think there is more going on between them because hey how often do you find clothes in your son's room of someone who you don't know, while not knowing how long that garment has been there?
Maybe there are more options that I am not thinking but for now this is what I am going with.
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Brief side note but Jeff, what are you doing.
We saw Rio come from the centre, where we later see Miles go down a ladder; meanwhile Jeff instead of using that one (Even if Rio isn't on the ladder anymore and could just come behind her.) is going by one of the legs of the water tower.
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He even hit his head while doing this.
I am starting to understand where Miles got his half-second thinking that normally pans well enough but not all the time or working all the way in some cases. Jeff you cannot talk shit about your kid you are the one that when having an available ladder decided to pull a Rambo and climb.
Jokes aside, is interesting how in a way, this confirms neither one here knows what to do in this situation.
Gwen is nervously trying to act out as a responsible nice girl without realizing that cultural differences can make you look disrespectful even when you are trying to be friendly.
Miles is watching this as passively as he can while probably thinking to himself that maybe Kingpin killing him didn't sound so bad right now (I know that would be my thought process if I was in his shoes.)
Rio came almost out of nowhere while looking at Gwen non-stop in a way that makes her look a bit insane when you see it closely.
And Jeff apparently needed to establish himself as someone who doesn't need to use a ladder and is completely fine after hitting his head with a random tube; is okay it was all part of the plan.
Nobody here knows what they are doing but pretend everything is fine, is hilarious.
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Gwen still doesn't catches onto that being a no-no and Miles is just looking at the situation unfold but no idea what to do.
I think this is a good time as any to mention something that we all notice but I am still thankful for it: More Gwen screen time.
In the first movie, we got to see Gwen get awkward, but because the focus was mostly on Miles and Peter B, as well as being a significantly shorter movie than this one; the only significant time we see Gwen being kind of a mess while when she was trying to pretend she was a student.
This altogether makes sense because regardless if she has been Spiderwoman for two years now, she probably has never needed to infiltrate in a school and spend some days there. For me it felt plausible she was overall a collected and cool character that only stumbles in really out of there situations that no one would be sure how to do without warning.
This movie? Oh no, Gwen is just that awkward.
I think is important to highlight that 1) She didn't have too many friends, we only get multiple mentions of Peter from her past, not other friends, meaning she probably only was close to Peter and anyone else was just in o-kay terms for school but not much else, and 2) Since she has only needed to deal with May Parker; she isn't sure how to present herself when talking to the friend's parents.
Let alone the guy she is currently crushing on.
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(I bet anything that at this point Miles was thinking "Oh is just downhill from here isn't?")
We talked about Gwen, let's talk about Rio and Jeff.
While I do want to have a post about them and what they do in this movie; I want to preface this by saying that while I don't approve how they are behaving here, I can get it.
Is not the worst I had seen (specially in real life, I had seen presentations like Gwen's go SO much worse.)
Rio and Jeff have no idea what going on with Miles, they notice there are lies, he is missing classes, and being unreliable; they don't know what to think. And the fact that he mentioned a bunch of names of people he claims to know but are never around, makes it look like Miles is making people up just to keep them distracting.
And then one of those mysterious people show up.
Miles is 15, and has been Spiderman for a year, while struggling to balance his personal life and his hero life. Regardless that he is head over heels for Gwen, I think is safe to say Miles never attempted to bring a girl or talk about a girl before this, because even if the girl he is crushing on wasn't in another dimension; there is no way this boy found time to date.
Which makes the other viable conclusion that Miles has been hiding this girl because she is up to no good; and doesn't help that she looks older.
(Canonically, she is 15 months older than Miles, meaning she is 16 or 17 at the latest. I think Rio was being catty when she said Gwen looked old enough to vote, but she is not that far off that range, and I could believe Gwen looks older because she is stress out for obvious reasons.)
Is not nice for Jeff and Rio to assume Gwen is automatically the reason why Miles is doing the things he is doing, but is not the craziest of conclusions.
And like they both admit later in the movie; neither Rio nor Jeff are sure how to take care of Miles now that he isn't a kid but is not an adult either.
Everyone is struggling here really.
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For me, this a very face palm moment in a way, but I also think is just makes sense.
Once again, Gwen thinks she has this in the bag; her dad is a captain, she probably has met her dad's coworkers before and get along well, she probably had this exact joke with the previous Police Captain. And it was never an issue because they met her in the quality as the daughter of one of their coworkers.
But Gwen is not being judged by those standards anymore, and her dad's coworkers don't behave the same way Miles' parents do.
So I think Gwen is just trying to be chill and do the things that had work in the past, but really she isn't sure what she is doing (and I do believe Gwen is noticing this is not going smoothly,) and trying stick with the usual is somehow making things worse.
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Miles finally talks in this conversation (Earlier he was just saying something to himself,) and trying to salvage this the best he can.
You know? After seeing Gwen trying to act casual and failing, Rio coming out of nowhere, and Jeff trying to act tough in ridiculous circumstances; Miles is probably the most normal one here.
He has also stuck up with Gwen's fake name; I wonder if he is trying to keep this consistent in the case Gwen used her fake name with other people in this universe and the teachers at the academy may remember her with that name.
(I don't know what's worse, that the teachers didn't notice a complete new student that came out of nowhere, with no records or similar. Or the fact that Gwen decided to use a fake name despite not being from this dimension, meaning there is nothing tracing her back; at best she was trying to avoid being linked with this universe's Gwen Stacy.)
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Couldn't catch a good screenshot because this was movement, but before she said those words she was nodding a little; which I interpret as "Oh thank fuck he remembered that lie because I am not sure what to say anymore with them."
Guess who, once again, put too many images and made the post way too long. Yep.
I swear I don't know how I keep doing this.
Will post the second part of this particular scene today, hope you guys enjoy it despite how long it is!
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Lyney & Lynette when GN S/O is on their period
tw; just blood, aches, nausea.. anything you'd expect out of a period pretty much
further notes: first post on this blog! very hopeful to get at least a couple requests this week. hopefully i didn't mischaracterize too bad, even if it's pretty much bound to happen with the majority of fan content
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A less mentioned and yet convenient pro to pyro visions is how it can make the owner of the vision warmer, a perfect thing to know when your boyfriend has one. Especially when you're on your period. He'd be sure to allow you to enjoy it too, resting one of his hands on wherever your aching while he rests next to you.
Of course- don't think that Lyney'd stop with just helping your aches. Oh no. He'd be sure to spoil you more than usual, going out of his way to ensure you have all the candies and chocolates you'd ever want plus more. He'll be sure to start making you extra during breakfast too, you'll need the extra iron to help with all the blood loss after all.
Also not ashamed to buy you period products! ^^ He'd try and find whatever you asked for, and 99% he'll actually get the right thing + some sort of gift (usually consisting of stuffed animals or chocolates).
If you're nauseous he'd probably be pretty good help with that too, Lyney tends to take care of his siblings and even himself when sick so he's rather experienced in this field. Master at holding people's hair while rubbing the back.
Probably thinks to try and distract you with some magic tricks, whether this works or not is entirely up to you but honestly it's the thought that counts.
All together pretty good boyfriend for someone on their period, he tries his very hardest and luckily he is pretty knowledgable in this subject due to him having his sister and all. Probably made a joke about doing a magic trick and make your blood disappear at some point though, so he ends up ranking at a 9/10 due to his tomfoolery.
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Lynette honestly is a pretty solid period partner, she wouldn't coddle you as much as Lyney but that doesn't mean she'll just sit and be useless either.
She definitely knows some helpful tricks (as in like life-hacks not magic tricks) to help deal with it due to her being on stage quite frequently and all. This primarily consists of ways to help make things easier for going on with day to day life without being in complete misery constantly.
Would take you to get some nice desserts more often too, as in the beginning of every morning before she goes off to perform and whatever else she does throughout the day. Nice warm drink included too, even if it isn't tea.
Will also obviously get you whatever period products you need, though unlike her brother it'll just be what you need, kind of. If she has a little spare change then that might change the result, though this'll likely just be a bit of candy or something of the like.
Primarily just trying to help you more than anything, also pretty good if your sick. Wouldn't comfort you as much as Lyney but makes up for it by making sure medicine is consistenly in the counter and that you always have a good place to throw up
In general Lynette is more convenience over comfort when it's up to periods, not uncaring just not acting like your gonna die. Helpful and considerate without being too over-bearing out anything. Another 9/10 experience, point only deducted due to her probably trying to wash your clothes from any blood with the washing machine then breaking the washing machine with your clothes still in it. Still reccomend either way.
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Collector's Fic: Mulder, Scully, and Courthouse Weddings
Mulder and Scully and weddings-- do they or don't they? In this case they do and they don't.
Tagging @pookie-mulder, who inspired this idea!
Loose chronological order below~
in another world - Chapter 22
it happens in vegas, of course, and it happens because of langly and melissa.... it’s directly following mulder’s breakup with diana, and he’s been moping around the hotel room the entire time; dana is in the midst of stressing over a big test for medical school, and has refused to leave the hotel room so that she can study to the point of driving melissa crazy. 
AU-- Pre-S1 Mulder and Scully meet and marry in Las Vegas.
I wish you would write a fic where Mulder and Scully are married and domestic af. AU, obviously.
...Mulder and Scully are married on August 16, at a courthouse in Virginia. The date has no significance, no probable reason to get married then—and that, Mulder says, is why it's perfect.
AU S7 Scully is appalled at her and Mulder's shamelessly gooey "married" behavior.
#32: It looks good on you.
He says, “Wanna get married today?”
She lifts her head to look at him, her eyes wide with surprise and maybe an ounce of caution. She says, “You're kidding.”
“Dead serious, Scully.”
AU S7 Mulder and Scully get hitched on a spur-of-the-moment October day.
Five Moments Mulder and Scully Shared (And One They Didn't) (Tumblr)
The new weight is unfamiliar on her hand, but not in a bad way. She grabs his hand and presses a kiss half against his finger and half against his own ring as they huddle together on the steps of the courthouse. 
AU Post S11 Mulder and Scully get a second chance at their entire lives; and determine to make better choices with each other.
@silhouetteofacedar/SilhouetteOfACedar's Pearl, Ch. 1 (Ao3)
Scully shakes her head. “Sorry, no. I’m just nervous.”
“We can keep holding hands, if you want,” he says quietly. “Play the part of a happy couple for a few minutes.”
She glances at him to see if he’s joking. He’s not; his face is strangely serious.
He should be joking, she thinks.
AU-- Mulder and Scully wed after her cancer diagnosis.
@mchalowitz's (Ao3) chain reaction, part 5
Mulder doesn’t bring up the proposal for three days. He figures he should mention it before the weekend because after two days apart, the seriousness of it will wear off. It’ll just be an awkward occurrence, not a real offer. 
“Should we get you a ring?” 
Scully coughs out a laugh and glances at him briefly from the filing cabinet.
AU-- Between Scully's cancer and Teena Mulder's drama, Mulder and his partner are able to find a brief, bright spot: their marriage.
@leiascully's (Ao3) Mulder told Scully he would do whatever he could
They get married.  It’s a quickie courthouse wedding with Maggie and Tara as their witnesses.  Bill refuses to be any part of it.  
AU-- Mulder and Scully get married and leave the FBI to adopt and raise Emily.
All a Family
They get married at the courthouse. They bring her mom.... But she smiles during the ceremony, at least, and Scully does too, a little shyly, and Mulder knows he does, in a way he can’t contain.
AU-- Mulder tells Scully about her ova after her remission; and the two have successfully begun an IVF pregnancy and started the adoption process for Emily when they decide to wed for better chances.
Ficlet: “Marry Me” (Ao3)
She stops where she is.  “Are you serious?”
He pauses a moment to consider, and then he says, “I’m serious.” 
...She’s next to the bed now.  “Yes, then.”
AU-- Post Requiem Mulder asks Scully to marry him.
She feels a little bit guilty that she can’t give her mom what she wants, when there’s so much she’s missed out on. Maybe she would have wanted it herself once, but not anymore, now. “We just…we don’t want to wait, Mom,” she says, and maybe that’s silly, since they’ve already waited quite a while. Since they already have a child together, a life, love. But that is how they feel.
AU-- Mulder, Scully, and William are readjusting to life as free citizens no longer on the run... well, Mulder and Scully are, anyway.
@scully-loves-ruthie's Better Call Scully
“Mulder, look at me.  He faces downward eyes locked on hers.  “Do you really believe that you’ll never stake someone thinking they’re a vampire only to find out too late you were wrong... again?”
He stares at her weighing his response before offering a playful smile as he pulls her toward the courthouse
“That’s what I thought.”  She mutters quickening her pace to remain in step with him.
AU-- Post Bad Blood Mulder and Scully get married for "practical" reasons (of course.)
@cauldronoflove/thegoodthebadandthenerdy's All I Need's a Fraction of Your Happy Heart
(Mulder had meant his proposal, sure, but in the end it was Scully who proposed. Neatly and to the point, but so full of an unrestrained want and sincerity that Mulder had covered her hand across the crayon-scribbled tabletop without even checking left or right.)
AU-- S7 Scully reflects on the journey from her recent marriage to Mulder while she and her partner are on a case.
AU/Married/ISTJ reflects how banter had turned to serious convo/duo both proposed/courthouse/giddy together on case-- All I Need's a Fraction of Your Happy Heart - [Archive]
@msrafterdark's (Ao3) MSR // Ficmas Day 30 - Fireworks
Their belongings are all in storage save for a few toiletries and some clothes for their honeymoon next week. They're signing for a house next month. A simple but beautifully elegant wedding dress hangs on the back of the door of Scully's childhood bedroom. A bundle of wedding presents from relatives and friends--including a rather suspiciously-wrapped gift with the initials "TLG" scrawled on it--sit on Maggie's kitchen table. Even AD Skinner is stopping by for the courthouse appointment tomorrow.
AU-- S7 Mulder and Scully enjoy the night before their wedding together.
beduini/Beduini's Legitimate
The baby moves again and he smiles, a wide, cheek-splitting smile. After a few more minutes, he raises up on his forearm once more and looks down at her with eyes shining, as if he'd just solved a case. "Hey Scully, we got married today."
Her lips turn up in a slight, amused smile. "Yes, Mulder, we did."
AU-- Post Vienen Mulder and Scully hit up the courthouse.
Vickie Moseley’s (Ao3, Gossamer)
Mother of the Bride
"Dana," I whispered, holding my breath and hoping my suspicions about this 'appointment' were correct. "Can you tell me what this is all about?"
Suddenly, Fox was on the phone. "Call it an early birthday present, Mrs. Scully. And maybe a late Mother's Day Present, as well."
Post Existence Mulder and Scully wed at the courthouse.
@aloysiavirgata’s (Ao3, WBM, Gossamer, LJ, Alt. LJ) A Tent of Shelter (Ao3)
She smiles at him, her lopsided grin. “Mulder, what can change, really? The taxes. The health insurance. But I think we’ve reached some point of terminal commitment, don’t you think? And you can hardly imagine I’ll be Doctor Mulder. So do I like the idea? I do, very much. But it’s hardly shocking.”
“Scully my love, you need to read more romance novels.”
Post IWTB Mulder wants to get married for his birthday.
@agentscully/agent_scully2084's Important Traditions
With minimal protest, Scully allowed Mulder to carry her over the threshold, laughing as Mulder explained the symbolism of the ancient tradition and appeared to take seriously his duty to protect his new bride from evil spirits.
Post IWTB Mulder and Scully get married in khakis and blue.
@scully/humancredentials's "Did you just call me 'baby' in front of my mother?"
She looks like she’s about to say that yes, something is wrong and that he shouldn’t antagonize her brother that way and even though they’re living together now, even though they’re ink on the paper official, sworn to each other in a courthouse in rural Virginia in front of her mother, her God, and all of their ghosts, it still makes her anxious when it’s on display.
But she doesn’t, doesn’t say any of those things, realizes she doesn’t even really want to.
Post IWTB Mulder is prone to slipping up with pet names after he and Scully tied the knot.
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN) AU head canon - Mulder and Scully never separated...
Mulder and Scully marry two months later in a small service at the county courthouse. Scully’s mother gives the bride away while Skinner agrees to be Mulder’s best man. It’s a quiet affair, formal too but it’s exactly what they wanted. 
AU-- Post IWTB Mulder and Scully vacay, wed, and stay together during the hard times.
@broadcastnews1987/audries/@kennedyandheidi/inkspl0tchess's (WBM 1/ 2/ 3) Unnamed
“you’re my wife,” he says, over and over. her fingers are tugging at the tie she’d made him wear to the courthouse. he hadn’t really minded. “you’re my wife, scully.”
Post IWTB-- Three moments are Mulder and Scully tied the knot.
@m0lderitsme's Just a post MSIV fluff piece.
A big wedding was most definitely not for either of them. Plus, they didn’t really have anyone to invited anymore. Sure, Scully could have asked her brother Bill and his wife and son, but she didn’t really want them there. They decided that they’d get married in a very, very quick ceremony with a Justice of the Peace.
Post Revival Mulder and Scully marry with Skinner as their witness.
@flukemen/@pinebluffvariants/pinebluffvariant's Barrows
On a Friday afternoon, Mulder and Scully get out of a cab just a few blocks from the basement where they used to eat hotdogs at midnight and argue over evidence, when they were young. The streets are cleaner than they used to be, back then. The air is too. At least it feels that way today.
Post Revival Mulder and Scully wait in line outside the courthouse... and watch Skinner skip right on through.
@kateyes224's (Ao3)
Unchained Melody
Scully wiggled her small toes on the hard-wood floor, glad to be barefoot.  Her pale ecru dress shimmered in the darkened kitchen, her face half shadowed. She looked up at Mulder, and something in the way she was sitting, staring up at him, her cerulean eyes luminous in the dark, niggled at his brain like deja vu.
After the courthouse ceremony, Mulder remembers one moment when his parents looked really, truly happy with each other.
Honorable mentions:
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s The Proposal (Parts 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/)
jeri’s (Gossamer) Vulpecula (Gossamer 1/ 2/) (post here)
@rationalcashew/RationalCashew's Dark is the Way; Light is the Place (Tumblr)
Vickie Moseley’s "My Dearest Son"
Thank you for reading~
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makerofmadness · 10 months
What's with Balloon Boy and the Daycare Attendant?
The Balloon World arcade machine exists, it's in the DA's room and both characters are involved in it. It's probably one of the most cryptic minigames in the FNAF series as a whole, but while we could ponder what exactly it's supposed to mean (maybe I'll do that for all the security breach minigames eventually), the main question I have is this:
WHY Balloon Boy specifically? Why is the minigame about HIM?
Is there a connection between the two characters? Or was it a completely random decision?
Out of nowhere, thinking about Balloon World, I came to a realization:
The Lights.
Balloon Boy's entire gimmick in FNAF 2 was that if he got into your office, he would disable your flashlight and vent lights (...somehow. I know we all make the jokes about him taking the batteries [and then that FNAF 57: Freddy In Space thing in FNAF World said he just straight-up steals your entire flashlight], but you never see the battery icon disappear or appear empty in FNAF 2 itself when he gets into your office. And the vent lights also stop working, so unless they also operate on batteries, then... does he actually take them from you?).
What's the one rule in the daycare?
Keep the lights on.
His mechanic is the antithesis to what Sun wants and exactly what Moon would want. Balloon Boy doesn't keep the lights on. He prevents you from turning them on at all.
(which also makes me kinda sad there wasn't a Glamrock version of BB. Then again, I don't know how exactly he would've uniquely affected like anything. Regardless I am hoping for the day someone in the fandom makes a glamrock bb who is arch-enemies with sun and gets along well with moon skseijdndndnd-)
It feels kinda obvious and I'm guessing I'm not the only person to think about this, but I have never seen anyone else bring this up. Not on YouTube, not on tumblr, nowhere. Maybe if I go looking for it I'll see, but i'm surprised I haven't bumped into anyone else saying this just naturally. I go into the BB tags a LOT, surely SOMEONE would've said something, right? I don't even see it noted in the trivia on the page for the arcade game on the fnaf wiki.
...but is this supposed to mean anything? Or is it just a cute little reference or callback? it's hard to say, especially with how ambiguous the minigame is.
Though I DID think of ONE thing... (possible minor spoilers for Ruin under the cut):
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Saw this pointed out in a youtube video that the BB World screen (with Eclipse, who makes their proper debut in Ruin after effectively being foreshadowed by the minigame in SB's base game) can be seen on the ceiling in the DA's room. Which makes sense, obviously, but also take note of the pirate-themed windows in the hallway leading to it.
...now, which character do most of us tend to associate with Balloon Boy? His "tag-team partner," of sorts?
Foxy. The Pirate.
With this, I found that there's more Foxy-related stuff associated with the daycare area than I had previously realized because I had never made any connections before. I mean, Kids' Cove is directly linked to it for god's sake.
Like. I hope i haven't forgotten to mention anything (I've been writing this post over the course of hours 'Cus I had stuff to do in the middle of it all). My brain's kinda starting to fry. But basically: Was Foxy originally meant to be the Daycare Attendant, in-universe? Was there gonna be a Glamrock Balloon Boy with him, like as his first mate or something??? Were they gonna be connected to Fazbear Theater????? (Uh basically Sun/Moon to my knowledge from confirmation in the books and a lot of more subtle implications in-game mainly involving environmental pieces were originally meant to be in the Fazbear Theater as a stage animatronic but got moved to daycare duty instead and being reprogrammed. Which actually explains a lot about them when you think about it-)
Like. Ok I'm forgetting where I was going with this, I'm sorry, but I guess it's food for thought/adds to the weird connections between DA and BB, I guess. Idk. I can't focus that well right now to keep making new ideas.
felt like sharing my interpretation of the Balloon World minigame itself at least since earlier I did kinda finally get it down concretely:
I kinda developed a theory that Eclipse is Sun/Moon's "safe mode" and that rebooting DA reactivated Eclipse as a result. Like, they're their own AI that was at one point implemented. but then Vanny happened and locked them out thanks to the whole Glitchtrap virus thing (albeit it only seemed to reach Moon, while Sun remains seemingly unaffected. Guessing it's because they're different AIs [finally implied/basically confirmed by their Ruin dialogue). Eclipse has seemingly not been active for some time, or at least never post-pizzaplex closure, given how they're seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this place is closed with no signs of opening.
So the minigame was foreshadowing Eclipse's existence and implying their "trapped" nature, which also could be seen as paralleling Vanessa's whole "Vanny" situation, especially given how iirc one of the messages related to princess quest can be found near the arcade machine.
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howlsnteeth · 3 months
hi, just wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to like. interest-dump about cotl and your thoughts about the lore/storyline and stuff as ive seen you show in your art, id read PARAGRAPHS. im so curious and love to hear about people's interest in game/story/media lore and the interpersonal relationships within the universe!!! - from an autistic system who has loved your art since like. forever. (u can call us moss)
okay hi moss :3
i'm kind of due for an infodump on my cotl headcanons, so! i'll try be somewhat concise because this is going to be a long post anyway rip. i drew some pictures :D
(i can't really think of any warnings to give outside of usual cotl themes/killed race/dying/blood/etc but let me know)
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obviously watching the destruction of your entire race is traumatic as fuck, also because it likely took a few weeks or months to achieve. so they died pretty underweight/weak bodied/pretty shut down. the bishops are gone by the time lamb is revived by toww, and their body hadn't quite made it to a 'body pit' (or food pit). still, they get Their Bell from another of their race on the way out. probably weren't thinking about it too hard and just desperately wanted to grab something while their eyes burned in their sockets and this red crown fit like molded clay in their hand. my lamb has a little notch out of their left ear which was caused while escaping, which ends up never healing because of a few reasons but mostly because i like it.
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over the course of the game/story they start to slowly physically change. after revival it takes scars a Long time to fade, considering lamb is technically a walking corpse, and also because of their affiliation with Death (narinder, who has similar i'll mention later). they get dark marked lines under their eyes from that classic 'bleeding eyes' action during rituals/etc. their ears but especially horns get longer and sharper. their way of coping is similar to most lambs, jokes and pulled punches.
by the end of the 'main game/toww fight,' they've already made their choice, and start flexing their control/communication with the red crown itself. it gets harder for toww to view through it, and lamb gets somewhat intoxicated with the idea of an ultimate revenge, having killed all the other bishops. they've done everything they can to stop their cult members noticing signs of weakness, but as things get more stressful this kind of rubberbands around to them seeming extremely unstable. by the time they go to fight toww they're muttering nonstop, barely aware, and also they let their wool get longer and basically end up with a mullet. <3 because it's funny to me
they obviously beat toww and for them it's like a smashing of clarity, like a gripped handle let go, standing up from the river of blood. it's freeing but also the most pain they've ever been in. and instead of killing toww this pit in their stomach spares him. lamb went from a corpse to a god and now, in some sick way, they want to watch a god turn into a living corpse, just like them. because with every other sheep dead, narinder is the only one with a connection to that genocide, the cause of the other bishops doing it.
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narinder hates their fucking guts. obvs. he thinks, or knows, that lamb is doing it on purpose. but narinder's body hasn't been normal for far, far too long. even before he was made death (as in artworks i've done with him), his body turned skeletal and rotted away. lacerations open all over his body, but especially down his front torso. when he's first brought to the cult, lamb gives him red robes, also because of this 'problem'. but narinder does every single thing he can against them. he gets white robes and lets them turn bloodied and disturbing to everyone around him.
even washing them stops working, and lamb does resign slightly to letting him sit in his dirty stupid robes. it's the pettiest shit. narinder also keeps his veil, and lamb can't bother with a reason to take it away. let that dumbass keep his yuck robes and veil. you can only stick him the stockade for a week before your other followers get too concerned.
over time, they do end up getting closer, but it comes from a place from both being touched and changed by Death, the red crown, and the choices of the other bishops. it takes a really long time and only after all the other bishops have been recruited (another whole thing). both of them catch themselves enjoying little things, and then having moments of all the pain bleeding through. an example is over time narinder does end up wearing darker robes, but it's fairly gradual. in this piece, it's lamb getting too deep in the countless lives that were taken from their race, triggered by blood (a whole little story thing), and narinder does make the (semi subconscious) choice to wear dark robes.
anyway you're probably looking at that giant shadow in the picture huh. it takes a long time but lamb Does end up truly becoming a bishop.
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not 100% done with this design, but it has the basics. their main horns end up breaking off (thinking of a story behind that still). the main thing with them that i really like is they have multiple strings of bells on them. so everyone starts associating the sound of ringing bells as Death. so if you hear them, they're coming for you. that being said, they also have the ability to move completely silently, despite being covered in bells. which adds to the scaring-the-fuck-out-of-everyone factor.
there's a ton more i could get into with the other bishops, ratau, the duck siblings, the crowns themselves, more aym and baal, but i'm probably gonna do more artworks with them so i can talk more then :3 this is already too long lmao
thanks for the ask though!! it's nice knowing people are interested in my stuff :D (it's also worth mentioning that i am also a system and have alters of lamb, narinder, and aym and baal, who all contribute to this stuff)
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
“I really just need to make an entire breakdown on Medic one of these days 😭” Well, do it. Umm, you coward —I'm so sorry for calling you a coward, Jamison :'(—.
Medic's Past Headcanons (Also Some Archimedes Content!)
No apology needed my friend, I am but a coward 😭
I lied a little bit, I changed my mind on doing a full breakdown, just changed it to some headcanons about his past and meeting Archimedes </3
But no, I've mainly not posted this because I've had other requests and also this one will probably get heavy. I wasn't sure if I wanted to post content with actual angst and upsetting themes.
But I'm here now because looking past all the jokes and my own personal love for doctors. I should also mention, written by an American and a person with know knowledge of the German education system, and medical practices in general!
ALSO, finally writing Medic with his accent and some actual German, please forgive me if you are a native speaker for using a mix of google translate and my very poor German skills 💖
ALSO ALSO mutual appreciation comment! Another thank you for letting me talk about Medic <3
He's been asked about his mother before, his answer has always been,
"Meine mutter? She vas good woman, she... she did her best." Said with a softer tone than anyone has ever heard him speak in.
He's lying. She severely neglected him as child. After his mother fell pregnant, his father left. His mother resented Medic for this, blaming him for his father leaving, refusing to realize how volatile their relationship had been before he was conceived. When Medic was born his mother refused to bond with him, holding him only when others gave her expecting looks. For the first years of his life his mother only tended to his basic needs to keep him from crying, his crying always annoyed her. It never got better with time, she never learned to love him like people had claimed when she started expressing her contempt for him. She would sometimes give him small bits of attention, then she would get a wicked smile on her face as he cried when she stopped paying attention to him for seemingly no reason. Always making him feel like he was responsible for the sudden lack of attention.
His younger years in school is also something he will lie about if asked. (I'm ignoring college because uh, I have no idea what to write for that 😭)
"I vas great, top of my classes, Natürlich. Ich war sehr beliebt."
(Of course. I was very popular)
When he was younger, he was top of his classes. He always excelled at whatever class he was put in, his favorites being science, he obviously loved medical textbooks, along with zoology textbooks, always had one of the other, he'd spend lunches just reading from his books, or hiding in the library, trying to learn everything he could about both. In a way you could say he was popular, but not in the good way. He always had his books on hand, always had the best grades, was always the teachers favorite student, and the other kids hated that. He took his fair share of beatings while he was in school.
————————————————————Medic had never thought about dying, sure he watched patients die, and he knew deep down his mother had died at some point, (He never heard from her after he left his home town, despite his attempts to contact her) but he never thought about the concept of him dying. It hit him like a ton of bricks when he had his first panic attack, and it clicked in his head that he just didn't want to be alive. He couldn't tell you why the switch flipped in his head that made him reach that low, but it did, and it was awful. He almost went insane, he couldn't breathe, he couldn't do anything besides sit in his room and feel years of emotions just hit him out of nowhere. He thought he would die, he wanted to die, dying would be preferable to whatever this was. In the midst of his panic attack, something hit his window with a loud thump. (Aren't I so clever for this transition? lmao 😭)
The day Medic and Archimedes met continues to be one of the best days of his life. A bird had hit his window, pulling him out of whatever spiral he was currently having. Medic just looked at the window for a minute, content to just assume the bird flew off after being dazed a bit. When he heard tiny coos and chirps outside. He pushed it open and saw a little dove huddled in a corner, cooing sadly, shaking as it tried to move its wing but chirping painfully when he moved his wing. Medic put his hand out and tried to scoop up the bird, and the bird ended up attacking his hand. Medic pulled his hand back, a tad shocked, but then tried again. The bird slowly eased up to him once he understood Medic wasn't going to hurt him. Medic took him inside and checked him out. His wing was broken, and it was nothing Medic couldn't fix. He fixed up the birds wing, then decided to get some things to keep the bird comfortable while he recovered. He ended up spoiling him without realizing it. He went to go buy a bird cage and ended up buying the nicest one, the best bird food, and even toys 😭 He came back and set it up all nice for the bird. They bonded pretty quickly after that. However, time passed, and Medic found himself growing attached to the little bird, even naming him, which he knew was a mistake the moment he did so. He knew it was a bad idea, and he did it anyway. After about a month of them living together, Archimedes wing was functional again, Medic enjoyed watching him fly from his cage to the door to great him when he came home from wherever he had gone. But after the third or fourth time, Archimedes greeted him at the door. He knew he was well enough to go back out into the world. That evening, before sunset, Medic opened his window and put Archimedes on the ledge, prompting him to fly off, totally not on the verge of tears, about to experience the worst pain of his life or anything. Archimedes just tilted his head, confused, turned around, and nestled up to Medics arm that he had been propping himself on. Audible sobbing could be heard from his house that night. Medic would later find a way to keep Archimedes to live forever with him, making sure that Archimedes was spoiled to death, and was told each day the value Medic put on their friendship.
"Wir werden für immer zusammen sein, mein Freund, das verspreche ich!"
(It'll be us forever my friend, I promise.)
(I'm counting on it)
Ough, im a sucker for a happy ending 😭or for some reason, I feel like this is super embarrassing, but I' going to ignore that feeling. Sorry for the angst dump, but it had to be done, and I'm sorry it's not very long! I hope you guys like this! Uh, a mini headcanons, then another Medic post, and then some new headcanons are in the works! There is so much Medic content, but I'm not complaining 💖
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plantboiart · 3 months
I love looking too deeply into things that were clearly meant to be jokes and not serious in any shape or form. Today on the list: Kian’s relationship with Donna. Under the cut to avoid filling people’s feeds
Now I think most people will agree that Kian’s relationship with his own parents probably wasn’t great. I mean I’m just saying if my parents didn’t give me a last name I probably would just assume they didn’t want me or something. It’s one thing to support your child if they want to change their name but it’s a whole different thing to not even give them the choice to keep the name you gave them.
Now this plays pretty interestingly with Donna considering the fact that she’s without a doubt the best parent we see in the campaign. And we don’t know exactly how old Kian was when he and the others became friends, my personal headcanon is like 12-13, but if you have a child and they make a new friend who’s parents are probably known to be in a cult and also hippies and also didn’t bother naming their child? I’d grab that child so fucking fast and try to treat them as my own. Show them some love and support they wouldn’t get from their own parents.
And so like I find it extremely reasonable to assume that when they were younger Donna probably would have been very caring towards Kian (and obviously Rolan as well but this post isn’t about him). And I find it pretty reasonable to assume that if Kian’s parents were neglectful he would probably have just clung onto that care from an adult because he just needed some fucking paternal support.
But the thing is. I find it very easy to headcanon Kian with some major abandoment issues that honestly even rival Rand’s. Because I mean Rolan left them, Becky left him and he waited for her for fifteen fucking years, we can assume Rand wasn’t exactly emotionally available because he had his own issues (can’t really blame him for that but still), his parents were probably shit, and judging by the fact that Kian is very clearly a huge romantic who literally waited for his high school girlfriend for fifteen years, and yet in his introduction it’s made extremely clear that he doesn’t seem to do like serious relationships anymore? My guess would be that he had a lot failed relationships in his like early twenties and when none of them worked out he eventually just gave up and settled for one night stands.
Now this works alongside something else that is of course very notable about Kian: his looks. Like we don’t know their stats exactly I don’t think but he is canonically extremely attractive and probably has his highest characteristic in appearance. Because he’s a grizzly character. Of course he does (/lh).
But I find it very reasonable to assume that if someone had pretty bad abandonment issues and was extremely attractive and aware of that, it would become very easy for them to assume that people could only want them or care about them for their looks. And if we assume that, we can probably also assume that they would heavily lean into that and use their looks to get even some kind of affection and care from others even if it’s extremely surface level.
And bringing this back to Donna: if we assume that all my reachings in this post are correct (they are not, i am looking too deep into things because it is my favorite hobby) then it really just puts Kian’s relationship with Donna into an entirely new and way sadder light. Because suddenly it’s not just an extremely flirty person flirting with his friend’s mom for fun, but instead someone who’s been lacking any kind of paternal affection for his entire life trying to make himself sexually appealing to the one person he might have received it from because at least that way she’d care for him on some level.
And the thing is I don’t know if Kian would even be like… aware that’s what he’s doing. Or if he’d really just removed any possibility for platonic or familial love from his own life that he couldn’t even recognise that that’s what he really wants.
And maybe it’s even worse that it works. That Donna is attracted to him. That he can get that affection and love from her, someone who probably knew him as a kid, who might have practically raised him, and wouldn’t that just make him even more sure that he’s right? That the only way anyone could ever truly love and care for him is if he makes himself sexually appealing to them?
(Sorry for long post. I am. Thinking about him every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every-)
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
hi! so i've been binge watching spy x family because it's the greatest anime ever (thank you so much @loekas for making me watch it) and now loid forger has taken over my mind and he won't leave anytime soon. he just lives here now, let's just keep going with our lives.
so i had this little scenario of loid getting jealous and wanted to write it with a big smut at the end, but as i reached the end it didn't feel right anymore, so enjoy this non-smutty piece. i may write the smut and post it as a second part just because.
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(Loid Forger x Reader)
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📖 summary: while at a party, loid gets jealous when a man approaches you (and makes you laugh).
✒️ word count: 2.7K
⚠️ c.w.: jealous loid, confession of love, idiots in love, anya existing.
reader is a little inspired in yor just because, but not entirely yor;
not proofread, i'm sorry for the mistakes;
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your relationship with loid forger was nothing but strictly professional, and you knew that. he hired you to pretend to be his wife, the perfect stepmother for his daughter, and you knew that. it was only pretend. holding hands when outside, cute little compliments here and there, greeting you with a big smile and a kiss on your cheek, anya calling you "mama" - only pretend. and you knew that. you knew. which is why you were so mad at yourself.
how could you be so stupid and fall for him? oh god, the trouble! you should know better than that, honestly! loid never even touched you if you weren't in public. sure, you two talked a lot at home, and he was really sweet, and a great father, but you should know better than that.
but then again... can you really control these things?
the best you could do now was to keep pretending everything was fine, normal as usual and ignore how badly you wanted to run your fingers through his hair and kiss his entire body.
you took another sip of wine from your glass and watched as the group of men laughed at something loid said. you didn't hear, but it was probably really funny and charming - loid himself was funny and charming. more charming than funny. and handsome. god, was he handsome! you tighten your grip on the glass and finished it in one last gulp as if you could drown these thoughts on wine and make everything ok, but you knew that wouldn't happen. so you put the glass down, determined to not drink anymore because that was your second glass and you could not give the impression of having a drinking problem - specially at the people from anya's school. you had to look cultured, funny, smart, the greatest mother ever - you know, the job loid hired you to do.
fucking perfect loid forger.
"what is a pretty lady like you doing all alone?"
you lifted your eyes to find a man next to you, the same man you notice that had been watching you from the moment you entered the place with loid two hours ago in what was supposed to be a fun party for the parents of the school, to forget the responsabilties a little and have fun, but it was obviously just an excuse for people to judge each other beyond their parenting skills. loid insisted you went, so of course you did. you left anya with a baby sitter, put on one of the many beautiful dresses loid bought you and your best smile, and you were ready to go. you hated socials and being around shallow and superficial rich people who never had to work hard for anything in their lives, but you tried. for anya, you tried. for loid. and he was perfect at it. you know he told you he didn't like them any better than you did yourself, but he was a better actor.
"well, kind sir, i'm waiting for my husband to remember i came with him tonight, but he seems to be really into those gentlemen." you laughed at your own horrible joke.
"oh, so you are married."
"well, yeah! isn't everybody in this room?"
"not everybody. i'm sam, by the way. widow. nice to meet you."
"oh, i'm sorry! i didn't-"
"it's ok, it was a long time ago."
"i'm sorry anyway. it must be... hard. for your child specially."
"it was, in the beginning. things are better now."
"i'm glad to know. how old is your...?"
"daughter. her name is camilla. she's six."
"so is my anya." you smiled. "my husband's ex-wife passed away too... he raised his daughter by himself for a while."
"until he found you, i imagine. lucky him."
sam couldn't seem to take his eyes off of you, and you felt your cheeks burn a little, which you tried to hide by fixing your bangs.
"have you been married for a long time?" he asked, when the silence was too long.
"no, erm, for about four months i think."
"only four months? and he's already leaving you all alone at parties to hang out with his friends?"
"no, it's not like that, he-"
"all i know is that if you were my wife i would never leave you alone."
his gaze was intense and you felt breathless for a second. maybe you could have that - a normal life, with a real husband, and not just pretend. someone who found you attractive and would take you on dates not only to make people believe you loved each other, but because you actually did. but... where were guys like sam when you needed a boyfriend so that your brother would relax, knowing that you wouldn't die alone, or so that those mean women from work would shut up about how weird and unloveable you were?
it was loid's voice. your eyes met his blue gaze immediately, clearing your head. you felt your cheeks burn a little as your heart beat strongly in your chest. you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel guilty, almost as if loid caught you doing something extremely wrong.
"loid, hi!"
loid smiled charmingly, putting his eyes on the man standing beside you.
"hi, nice to meet you. i'm loid, the husband. and you are?" he introduced himself extending his hand to sam, emphasizing the word husband.
"i'm sam, the friend. glad to meet ya." sam joked, in the same tone loid used.
you laughed a little at the joke, and loid's eyes didn't miss that.
"are you ready to go, darling?" loid asked, offering you his arm, that you accepted.
"yes! sam, it was nice meeting you."
"you too, y/n. hopefully we get to see more of each other soon enough."
loid's arm was wrapped around your waist now, but you still smiled and nodded.
he guided you to the car in silence, opened the door for you in silence, and drove all the way to your house in silence. you turned on the radio to fill the uncomfortable silence. loid didn't usually like music on, but he didn't seem to bother today. you didn't dare to say a single word until you stepped inside the house.
"my feet are killing me!" you took off your heels the moment loid closed the door behind you. "you'd think these expensive shoes would be more comfortable."
you went straight to anya's bedroom while loid paid and dismissed the sitter. she was sleeping peacefully, hugging director chimera, not a care in the world. you tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead before making your way to your bedroom. as you grabbed the things you would need for a good shower before bed, loid came in, leaning on your door step.
"did you have fun tonight?" he asked.
"i suppose. though i can't really find these things entertaining. boring music, bad food, shallow people..."
"you seemed to like that sam guy. i saw you laughing a couple times."
"he's alright i guess. did you have fun?"
loid didn't answer, what made you look at him.
"he's alright?" he asked.
"i mean... we didn't get much time to talk, so i don't really have an opinion. i guess we'll have to wait and see."
"oh, so you plan on spending more time with him?"
ooh, that sounded like a tricky question. loid took two steps in your direction while waiting for your answer.
"no?" you tried. "i shouldn't? his daughter is the same age as anya, we'll probably see him a few more times. it may be nice to have a good relationship with him, just in case they become friends..."
"you're probably right."
there it was, that awkward silence again. you drew your attention back to the towel in your hands, but when you opened your mouth to tell loid you were going to take a shower he cut you off.
"you know, i don't care if you feel the need to flirt with other guys, just don't do it in places where people believe we're married. we have a reputation and image to protect. for anya."
"i know, i don't- oh!"
suddenly it hit you: loid was mad because he thought you were flirting with sam. but you weren't! right? or were you?
"i wasn't flirting."
"you obviously were! it was really embarrassing to see my wife melting for another man like that, when i was two feet away the whole time."
"that wasn't flirting! he was nice, he noticed i was alone and-"
"you weren't alone. i would never leave you alone."
"well, you weren't talking to me..." you muttered low enough so only you could hear it.
"it's fine, loid. i'm sorry! maybe i gave him the wrong idea, and i'm sorry it seemed like i was flirting with him, i wasn't. it wasn't my intention. i could never do that to Anya."
"y/n..." he said your name like it was a warning.
"and i'll make sure you're not around when i feel like flirting with someone."
before you could laugh at your own joke loid grabbed you by the arm and pulled you so close you had to look up to see him. he was furious - you could tell by the flames dancing in his eyes and the way his eyebrows almost met each other.
"it was a joke, i'm sorry!"
"i don't wanna hear it! you can't flirt with anyone besides me. i am your husband!"
"f-fake husband." you corrected, trying to lighten to mood, but completely out of timing.
"i have a paper that states otherwise. and the ring on your finger. you're my wife. my. wife."
you closed your eyes at the sound of those words, your whole body suddenly aware of how close loid was. when you opened them again loid had a confused expression on his face.
"yes. yes, i am, loid. i'm sorry, i really am."
loid's eyes wandered through your face, lingering on your parted lips more than he should, then back at your eyes.
"i am your husband." he repeated.
you simply nodded, not knowing exactly how to act. this was so unlike him. but you'd be lying if you said you weren't quite enjoying it - he was so close you felt inebriated by him. all you had to do was lean forward, at the tip of your toes and your lips would meet.
"please... please, don't flirt with anyone else."
you nodded again feeling your stomach agitated and getting your hopes ridiculously high with his words before you could even think about it rationally. he was probably asking you to not flirt with anyone because someone could see and that would ruin the image you've worked so hard to build, but maybe, just maybe... maybe he was jealous. maybe a little part of loid did thought of you as his wife and that's why he would hate if you flirted with other people. just maybe, but that was enough to make your heart race on your chest.
"i can't take it anymore, y/n. i can't."
what is it that he couldn't take it anymore? you? the fake marriage? anxiety washed over you while your mind raced through your memories trying to find where you could've gone wrong besides today, when he thought you were flirting with a complete stranger, but you couldn't find anything. maybe you really were unloveable, and that's why the only man who ever agreed to be with you only did it because he was desperate for a woman to pretend to be his wife to get his daughter in that fancy school, but even in that situation he couldn't stand you. you lived your whole life giving excuses as to why you were alone - your work, your brother, how shy you were, other priorities - but maybe it really was because no one wanted you.
"i-i'm really sorry, i promise i'll-"
"i love you." loid confessed.
his voice was so low and he spoke so fast you could've just imagined. you felt your cheeks burn and your heart seemed to want to get out of your chest. loid loosened his grip in your wrist and took a step back.
"i've loved you for some time now, you're all i can think about. it's maddening and i don't understand it, but i want to be close to you at all times. i can't pretend i don't care anymore and simply watch as other man hit on you when the mere thought of someone else holding you makes my whole body shivers. i can't be in the same room as you without wanting to take you in my arms."
loid's eyes never left yours, so he noticed when you froze. he thought you were panicking, completely terrified. you were panicking, alright, but definitely not terrified. you just didn't know how to act, what to say, what to do. loid took his eyes off of you and focused on the door.
"now i understand if you don't feel the same and want to leave, which is completely fine. we can figure out what to do with anya and the school, and your brother of course. i really didn't think this through, i wasn't counting on losing it today."
"loid, i-i love you."
loid looked back at you instantly, turning his body in your direction.
"you do?"
"yes!" you laughed. "i thought it was obvious because anya knows! i felt so pathetic. this wasn't part of the deal."
"no, it wasn't."
loid made his way back to you and stopped when he was close enough to touch, but far enough to give you space and an option in case you didn't want him that close. now that you both confessed your love it seemed you didn't know how to act with each other anymore, it felt a little awkward, but probably because you were so nervous.
"i'm going to kiss you now." he warned you.
"i may be terrible at it." he confessed. loid hasn't kissed many people in his life, he can actually count how many on one hand, and all of them were strictly for missions, never because he intended to. this was all new to him.
loid examined your face to make sure you were comfortable, and leaned forward, touching your lips with his. you felt energized, as if his lips released an electrical discharge through your body, and you wanted more. you wanted to be completely taken and filled by him, needed to feel him everywhere. your hands moved on their own to his shoulders and you pulled yourself closer to him. loid's tongue shyly brushed against your lips before you opened them and allowed his tongue to caress yours. a soft moan escaped you, which made him smile - apparently he was a good kisser after all. his hands cupped each side of your face as he deepened the kiss, then traveled down the sides of your body, landing on your waist and he pulled you impossibly close, fingers indenting their shape on your skin.
"mama..." anya called from her room.
loid broke the kiss, but didn't let go of you, instead resting his forehead on yours while you both panted.
"she'll go back to sleep, i'm sure." he only hoped he was right.
"she's been having bad nightmar-"
loid's lips captured yours in a passionate kiss before you could finish your sentence, only letting you breathe when anya called again.
"i better go see if she's ok." you said, collecting your hands for yourself.
he kissed your forehead and finally let you go. when your feet reached the doorstep, before you left to anya's room he called your name, making you look back at him.
"stay with me tonight. i'll wait for you in my bedroom."
"okay." you replied with a smile.
"but you don't have to go, there's no pressure. i just want to be close to you, nothing else."
"it's ok. i'll see you soon."
you swear you heard him chuckle before you left.
so you entered the room of your daughter to make sure she was okay before meeting your husband in his room. life can be really wonderful sometimes.
taglist: @obitovoir @smutteedreams @justmyownreality
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royallpetrichor · 7 months
Okay so I haven't posted in like 12 years and I know I'm like a week late, but what's everyone's thoughts on the live-action ATLA teaser? I'm genuinely very interested to know, because I certainly have thoughts, and I've definitely seen some polarised opinions. What do you like about it, and are you worried about anything?
Anyway, my long personal thoughts are below the keep reading line. I probably haven't said anything super new, or any hot takes but they're there.
First, what I loved about the teaser. It looked visually stunning! The shot composition all looked amazing (to someone who knows nothing about film), the visual tone was definitely there, and the set design was gorgeous! The entire time I was just going "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" but in a good way. The characters especially look great. In particular, I loved Suki, Aang, and Zuko. I know some people were disappointed with how the characters looked, but I really think it's the best we could have gotten considering the wide disconnect between animation and live-action, and I think it's something people need to remember.
The acting obviously hasn't been shown very much, so it's still up in the air in that regard. I've been trying to convince myself I'm cautiously optimistic, but quite honestly I've gone straight to pure excitement, despite my worries.
We're also getting more flashbacks, as shown by the fact there's a scene of the Air Nomad genocide. More worldbuilding and backstory is definitely something I'm very happy about, so I'm excited to see where it goes. The thing that stumps me on it is whether they're going to do it well. In the film that shall not be named, Shyamalan put references to the original show everywhere, but he never took the time to understand why they worked. It was like he wanted us to say "Wow! They said the thing!!!!!" as if we'd clap at the screen without actually thinking about anything. I'm really, really hoping that's not the case here.
The tone is definitely something that people are concerned about, myself included. The teaser was very serious and dramatic. Of course, the show has those moments but it's overall very lighthearted. It's a show about friendship first and foremost, and those positive messages are highlighted throughout the series. I'm hoping this teaser is more Netflix saying "Look at these cool effects!" and less "This is the overall tone of the entire series!".
The humour also comes to play in this. ATLA has a lot of jokes. You know this, I know this, they work, I don't have to talk about it. I'm curious about the humor in the live-action series because a lot of the humour in ATLA works because the show is animated, and wouldn't work in the live-action setting. In the film that shall not be named, Shyamalan tried to take jokes from the show, but they just fell completely flat because it was the completely wrong genre and just created tonal dissonance.
The last big thing I'm worried about is the characters, particularly Katara and Zuko.
I'm worried about Katara, because film has had this tendency in the past (and I know this is probably outdated) to "tone down" a female character's more "unsavoury/unladylike" traits. This is a bad example but it's the best my brain can come up with, but Hermione in the HP films compared to the books. In the films she was smart, brave, never wrong, and never made fun of. In the books, she was smart, yes, but also naive, and really mean and judgy sometimes.
Katara is a strong female character because she's not perfect. She's hotheaded and can hold a mean grudge, but those make her who she is. Also, in the film that does not exist, other character's strong moments are inexplicably given to Katara to make her more "badass" without actually putting in the work for her.
I'm worried about Zuko for an entirely different reason. I'm scared they'll "tone back" his assholeness in the first season, and possibly even give us his backstory a lot sooner. I really don't want this, because the whole reason his redemption arc works is because he was a villain first. He did bad things, but he atoned for them. His backstory explains his actions but doesn't excuse them. If we're sympathetic to him too early, the payoff is going to feel a lot cheaper, and like he didn't actually work to make himself better because he was already there.
Okay wow that was a lot, but that sums up all of my thoughts/concerns/excitement for the show. I'm really stoked to see where they go with it, and even if it's a disaster I'll probably enjoy it anyway honestly.
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rushingheadlong · 7 months
okay, last post about the tank top (for now, until we inevitably get more photos) but setting aside the flailing and thirsting and excitement and everything else for a moment here
more than anything I am just SO happy that Brian felt comfortable enough to wear that tank top out onstage again without anything else over it
because he's obviously been using tank tops as his undershirt for the entire tour so far but even with everything being posted from soundchecks and hotels and his stationary bike we haven't seen him in just the tank on this tour before. he's wearing these constantly now, nearly daily, and until Halloween every image of him from this tour had been with an overshirt on or wearing a different t-shirt entirely.
and we know that Brian had(/has) body image issues and if you look at his entire wardrobe over the entire course of his life it's pretty freaking obvious that at least some of those issues are with his torso and shoulders. yes he's allergic to buttons but how many photos do we have of him actually shirtless compared to, say, Roger or Freddie?
more than that, how many times has he performed with Queen while wearing a tank top? I'll tell you right now you can count it on one hand and it's never been during a Queen concert specifically. the closest he's ever gotten has been rolling up his sleeves during the Q+PR years, or the handful of times he did the same in the 80s.
"we was glam!" Brian once said, and honestly that's probably a large reason why he's never worn tanks onstage with Queen before. because Queen's aesthetic is very different than that of his solo tours, and Q+AL is very different from Q+PR in that the glam vibes that Adam brings allow Brian to return to some of his own stage costume roots. Brian has a wild number of shirt and/or outfit changes during the show, and even the "street clothes" he wears on stage are sparklier than they ever were during the Q+PR years - not to mention that he's actually wearing costumes again, with the borhap solo outfits and the military jackets and everything else he does.
Brian may not be "fashionable" in the sense of being into fashion, following trends, etc. but he has always been extremely aware of how to follow the fashion in Queen specifically (and one day I'll write up that post about how Brian and Freddie continued wearing "costumes" onstage long past the point where Roger and John stopped....). it's really obvious when you look at Brian on the Magic Tour, where his stagewear is mostly just street clothes that vibe with what Roger and John are wearing, but he still pulls out those fabulous coats towards the end of the show to match the grandeur and spectacle that comes with a Queen finale.
Brian is clearly comfortable wearing tank tops in general but it's a very different matter for him to a) wear them publicly, where there will be photos and videos of it on the internet forever and b) wear them during a Queen show in 2023 when they match nothing else going on with his stagewear for this tour.
and I don't want to spend a lot of time on Point A because I am sick to fucking death of trying to get this fandom to understand that cracking "jokes" about the visible signs of natural aging (like the shoulder hair) isn't actually funny, especially when people are doing it on platforms that Brian himself is on like instagram
but with regards to Point B, like... there was just no reason for Brian to do this. there's no reason he couldn't have worn the Frank mask with the mirror ball suit, or if there was a reason he still could've worn an overshirt like he did when they had timing issues and he couldn't do his quick-change a few shows back.
but clearly Brian wanted to do this. he wanted THAT to be his Halloween costume specifically - not the mirror suit or his stagewear with a mask added, but a full outfit that was specifically unique for that moment in that show even if it was pulled from other clothing pieces he already had on hand.
it's a choice that, for about 20 seconds, made him completely visually different from anything anyone else had worn during that show. it's a choice that doesn't fully match Queen's aesthetic, either then or now, and it's a choice that's already generating some questionable "teasing" at his expense.
Brian has always had his physical appearance put under a microscope. from his height to his hair, the clogs to the unbuttoned shirts, by sheer virtue of the fact that he exists in the public eye Brian cannot wear anything without getting comments and critiques on it to some degree. and as he's aged those comments have naturally shifted to be about his aging - about his decision to dye or stop dyeing his hair, about how much skin he shows and how appealing the rest of the world finds that, how much body hair he now has and the small belly he's gained and everything else that comes along when you're a human being who's been alive for 70+ years.
but despite all of that, Brian wore that tank top on stage.
despite the dozens of reasons why this could have been a bad idea, despite the wildly varying opinions I've already seen, despite the aesthetic of Queen and this tour, despite the routine they already have for his outfit changes, despite the fact that this was always going to special because of the green lights and the Frank mask...
despite everything... Brian stripped down to that tank and stepped onto the raising platform without wearing any of his glam overshirts or special-made costumes, knowing that the thousands of people in that venue were waiting to get pictures and videos of that solo, and that he'd be opening himself up to very specific criticisms about his appearance by doing this.
and Brian was still confident enough, comfortable enough, in himself to do that during possible the highest-stakes moment in the entire show.
so yeah, I'm excited because there's new tank top content and I'm not above admitting that I personally find this sort of confidence very sexy even on a man of Brian's age
but I'm also just happy FOR Brian with this - happy that it went off without a hitch, happy that it has mostly been well-received by fans, happy that he seems to have had fun with it and, above all else, happy to see that any lingering self-doubts or body image issues aren't enough to stop him from giving us a moment like this.
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Hug = Existential Crisis
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Ship: Izzy Hands x Reader Notes: This angry little man is on repeat in my brain. So I wrote the whole Izzy scenario out from the Headcanons: Hugging the Revenge Crew post. A character expecting bad things and getting kindness instead is a trope I live for. Warnings: izzy being himself, lots of cursing (obviously)
You honestly had no idea how you’d gotten yourself into this situation.
As Stede Bonnet’s first mate and the self appointed peace keeper of the Revenge, you had been trying incredibly hard to get Izzy Hands to be part of the crew. You invited him to join in any activity and tried to get the rest of the crew to relax with the insults. You’d even taken to chatting with him during evening watch.
Evening watch was a chore the whole crew hated. But you always liked it. It was calm and quiet and you’d take almost any chance to enjoy the night sky. It seemed that Izzy also enjoyed the night shift so the two of you had ended up alone on deck most nights. The two of you had developed a bit of a rapport. It became routine for you two to spend late nights chatting about all kinds of things or just sitting in comfortable silence.
As much as you wanted to say that you’d been trying to include Izzy for the crew’s benefit, there was another reason. You had… a crush. It wasn’t just that you thought he was handsome (though he absolutely was and you absolutely did). That would have been easy to deal with. But no, you had a proper honest to god crush.
You’d actually gotten to know the high strung first mate and under all the aggression, he was honestly quite likable. He was dedicated, hardworking, loyal, and a shockingly good teacher once you got past the yelling. It also helped that his harsh snark was absolutely hilarious and you’d laughed so hard you worried you’d wake the crew many times during these little chats. He balanced you out pretty well. You were an alright sailor, but a weak leader. You struggled with being assertive. But together, you two made a good team. Izzy handled the assertiveness and you brought a softer hand.
Yes you had a hopeless crush on the man.
And yet you’d offered him a hug without even thinking.
The night had started normally enough, as usual you brought two cups of tea up to the deck, one for you the way you liked it and the other for Izzy, black tea with a little milk. He always insisted that he didn’t want any but he always drank the entire cup so you always brought him one.
Everything else was just as typical. Izzy’d been complaining about Stede as usual, something about having been subjected to a long rant from the strange captain about some kind of fancy manners thing. And while you liked Stede, you could agree that the man could probably talk even the most patient of men into an early grave. Of course the specific circumstances where he was annoyed eventually ended up being moved aside for the real reasons he was upset. How he thought that the way Stede and the rest of the crew did things were going to get everyone killed. Izzy had been almost nervous and clearly upset so you’d said something incredibly stupid.
“Do you need a hug?” The offer slipped out so easily. Everyone on the Revenge was pretty liberal with the physical affection and were it anyone else, it would have been the right thing to offer. But it was Izzy, who was clearly uncomfortable with the idea. You hoped your face wasn’t as red as you thought it would be.
Izzy baulked at the idea, staring at you with wide eyes in shock for a moment before… “Fuck off.” Izzy finally hissed out and looked away from you.
Most people would have backed off at that but you spoke fluent enough Izzy to know that ‘fuck off’ said in that tone of voice actually meant ‘I have no idea what to say in this situation’ so you persisted.
“If that’s actually what you want then I will. But I wasn’t joking or anything. I mean it. If you need a hug, just say the word.”
Izzy narrowed his eyes as he visibly tried to figure you out. “Don’t need one.” He mumbled, the venom gone from his tone. He almost sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than you. You could see a hint of some kind of sadness in his eyes and his hands shook for a moment before he tightened his grip on the railing.
You frowned. You had assumed that Izzy, as abrasive as he usually was, wouldn't want a hug, but maybe you were wrong? Has Izzy ever gotten a hug? He might have just said that he didn’t need one but he really seemed like he did.
You decided to keep trying. “Do you want a hug?” You offered softly. “I mean, even if you don’t need one, if you could survive without one, it’s still nice.”
He stared, eyes narrowed and all but scrutinizing your face, as if he was waiting for you to withdraw the offer or reveal it all to be a joke. You met his gaze resolutely, trying to convey your genuineness as best you could. To really show him that you were a hundred percent serious, you held your arms out slightly.
You stood there watching him internally war with himself and doing your best to not lose your nerve. Then after a small eternity, he finally mumbled out a soft, “fine” and pushed away from the railing and just stared at you, hands hovering awkwardly as he didn’t seem to know how to reach out.
Beaming, you gently pulled him into your arms, wrapping your arms comfortably around him and resting your head on his shoulder. He held his arms in the air awkwardly, seemingly unsure if he could touch you, tense. “You can hug me too.” You whispered and you felt him shiver when your breath tickled his neck and ear. He gently dropped his hands onto your back and stilled.
You could still feel how tense he was and you immediately started doubting yourself. Maybe he didn’t want a hug after all. You loosened your hold, planning on moving to step back and get out of his space, when you were stopped by suddenly getting pulled tightly into him as Izzy fully hugged you and buried his face in your shoulder.
He was trembling. Your heart ached, you held him tightly in return, rubbing his back comfortingly. He seemed to melt into your arms, leaning against you more than you’d expected. Luckily you managed to maneuver the two of you into a much more comfortable kneeling position on the deck before you both fell over. You sat on the deck with Izzy practically in your lap.
His shaking hadn’t subsided and a strained painful keen was pulled from his lungs as he desperately clung to you. You felt your shoulder dampening slightly and realized that he was crying. You moved slightly to be able to run your fingers through his hair as you whispered softly, “It’s alright. I’ve got you. Everything’s alright.”
That only seemed to make him cry harder. But you figured it would probably be for the best. It’s probably better for him to get it all out of his system. You were sure the poor man hadn’t had a good cry any time recently. So you just sat there on the deck with the first mate in your arms and did your best to soothe him with gentle words and soft hands on his back.
Eventually he stopped crying head still buried in your shoulder. Even still you kept hugging him, rubbing his back and gently mumbling sweet words. He didn’t push you away and you doubted you’d have the strength to let him go.
Izzy couldn’t believe it.
How did he manage to fuck up this badly?
He had no idea what he should do.
He was used to being hated. But at the very least, on Queen Anne, they feared or respected him. Here, on this fucking ship, no one feared him (they knew as well as he did that the captains wouldn’t let him do anything to them) and no one respected him either. Except for you. You had been the only person on this ship that actually respected him.
Or at least you did.
No way you’d have any respect left for him after this. He couldn’t even blame you. Who could respect him when he was crying in your arms? You barely needed him anymore. You’d gotten much more comfortable taking charge and the crew actually listened to you, actually liked you. Not that he could blame them for that, you were impossible not to like (he’d know, since he’d tried).
You didn’t need him.
You didn’t like him.
And now, since he was being so horribly pathetic, you didn’t even respect him.
Izzy tried to tell himself that it was fine. He didn’t need your companionship. He would be fine going back to how everything used to be. He’d be fine alone and without your stupid conversations during night watch and your stupid laugh and your stupid tea and your stupid comforting words and your stupid warm embrace and fuck-
He had no idea what to do. Attacking was out of the question. The crew liked you much more than him and they sure wouldn’t give him the benefit of the doubt if anything happened to you (that was the only reason he didn’t try to attack you, it had nothing to do with the fact that he couldn’t stand the thought of you being hurt much less by himself). Running would've been equally pointless.
Izzy decided that since his dignity was dead and gone already, he’d savor this. The (probably) first and (definitely) last hug he’d get in his miserable life, so fuck he’d enjoy it. He buried his face into your shoulder and clung on tightly, the movement making him aware of how he was practically sitting in your lap.
You kept rubbing his back gently and still saying all those gentle things (mockingly, it had to be, he had no idea what to do if it wasn’t mockery). Izzy wanted to delay the inevitable and hide in your arms forever but the looming threat of one of the crew finding him like this forced him to push away from you. He pushed away from you so hard that he fell as he tried to clamber up to his feet, landing gracelessly on his ass.
You stayed where you were and just smiled. “Do you feel better?” You asked, voice just as soft as your arms had been.
Izzy heaved a breath then spoke, hating how his voice shook. “What do you want?” If the crew saw this the mockery would be so much worse. At least if it was just you he could try and bargain for you to keep this secret…
You furrowed your brow, like you didn’t hold his reputation in your hands. “What?”
He resisted the urge to growl at you for toying with him. “What do you want from me to not tell the crew about this?” He honestly had no idea what kind of thing you’d ask for. If it were any other crew member, they would probably ask to get out of chores, but you didn’t seem to mind them, so he had no idea what you’d want.
“Oh, I won’t tell the crew if you don’t want me to.” You said it so simply. He narrowed his eyes. “I’m serious!” You defended yourself. “As far as the rest of the crew, hell, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, we had a totally normal night watch.”
“Why?” The word escaped his lips before he could think about it too much.
“If you don’t want me to tell anyone, then I won’t.” You finally pulled yourself off of the ground and held out a hand to him to help him get to his feet. “Promise!” Izzy took your hand, trying very hard not to think about how soft you were (or about the fact that he actually trusted you).
“And if you want another hug, just say the word!”
“Fuck off,” Izzy snapped on reflex.
You shrugged it off, chuckling lightly. “Or maybe I should ask you to give me a hug sometime? Even if you don’t need them, I sure do.”
Izzy recognized what you were doing. You were giving him a way to ask for a hug without really asking. How stupidly thoughtful.
“Maybe I could be convinced to do that.” He mumbled.
Your smile could’ve lit up the entire night sky.
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phil-lesterfan · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Squidbob tell me now
HI!!! i know you said now and it's been a few hours but we'll put it up to time zones. anyway, i was thinking about this ask and ultimately it's that quote from dan in that interview, right? "best friends, arch enemies, husbands, business partners, partners in crime, soul mates, just mates, who the fuck knows?"
obviously it's antagonistic, but on spongebob's part, it's unintentional (my knowledge is rusty, and i'm not fully caught up on spongebob, though i've seen a few squidbob moments from more recent eps) and when he does hurt squidward, he genuinely feels bad about it – when he picks up on it, at least. but, like, when squidward says spongebob has hurt his feelings or when it's really obvious, spongebob takes accountability and tries to right his wrong(s). even if that means making the situation worse, lol
AT THE SAME TIME, yes, squidward can really hurt spongebob and even enjoys seeing him hurt, but he understands when things have gone too far, and it seems to me like he doesn't just want to be in spongebob's good books for the sake of his reputation. take "fools in april" for example: squidward really hurts spongebob with his "prank" and it's a very public prank where people make clear their disapproval of his actions. of course, no one wants to be seen as the huge asshole, and squidward even says "it hurts, doesn't it?" to plankton when plankton becomes the most hated thing in bikini bottom. BUT when squidward apologises to spongebob, while he struggles, it's clear he wants to (he just physically can't) and he doesn't know everyone else is at spongebob's house. he genuinely just wants spongebob to like him again. (plus, he finds it humiliating when it's revealed other people are there – clearly, it's not about reputation)
the other obvious one is "dying for pie" where he puts spongebob's life in danger and realises he doesn't want to be responsible for spongebob's death nor does he really want spongebob to die at all.
it's also insanely cute to me that he's, like, as far as i know, the only one who calls spongebob "sponge" – i don't think i've heard any other character refer to spongebob like that . . . except maybe patrick? but i might be confusing it with a – you guessed it – squidbob scene.
also the way squidward's voice goes all soft when he calls "spongebob sponge" :') and how he's protective of spongebob too. like in "pizza delivery", when the customer is rude to spongebob and spongebob sobs, we can infer squidward KNOCKED THE GUY OUT!!!!! and he went back over to spongebob and reassured him that the customer was happy with the order and everything was ok :)
squidward also gets flustered when spongebob compliments him and spongebob likes it when squidward is having fun. i think deep down, they both genuinely care for each other, and they both want the other to be happy, they just have different ideas of happiness and aren't sure how to get them to align. there's really great potential there, and i personally love relationships like theirs where it's just so fucked and they're more prone for divorce but they keep remarrying anyway
sorry for this mostly focussing on squidward . . . spongebob is a bit more complicated to me bc he's a mix of childish and mature and you're never entirely sure when which facet will be more prominent. ultimately though i think they have the potential to balance each other out but still have a good time together (as in, they won't settle right into "BORED old married couple"). when i have more thoughts on spongebob's side of the relationship, i will let you know o7
i know this spawned from the "to be loved is to be changed" post tags, but for squidbob's part i feel i was mostly joking or i probably made a tblitbc comment while watching spongebob with my irl and i've forgotten why, LOL – let me think on it some more and let me watch more of the show, and i'll get back to you on that. :)
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