#oc : jo owen
oscarisaacss-wp · 2 months
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PLOTS IN PROGRESS — HURRICANE DRUNK, a Twisters Story. (Feat. Leah Berman)
“I do exist, don’t I? It often feels as if I am not here, that I’m a figment of my own imagination. There are days when I feel so lightly connected to the Earth that the threads that tether me to the planet are gossamer thin, spun sugar. A strong gust of wind could dislodge me completely, and I’d lift off and blow away, like one of those seeds in a dandelion clock.
excerpt / ANONYMOUS
i. pinterest ii. spotify
iii. wattpad (coming soon!)
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awhisperinthenight · 1 year
a moment before disaster in my wip memoirs of nhymisa
Jo reopened her eyes a few seconds later and her gaze fell on the red carpet. Except, there had never been a red carpet in their appartment. And it wasn't a red carpet. It was blood. Her breath hitched.
Jo rouvrit les yeux quelques secondes plus tard et son regard se posa sur le tapis rouge. Sauf qu’il n’y a jamais eu de tapis rouge dans leur appartement. Ce n’était pas un tapis rouge. C’était du sang. Son souffle s'arrêta.
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konnfusion · 1 year
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I bring to you: niche household memes that I spent way too long on! these spot the difference games really are getting difficult.
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the last bit of us (chapter three)
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Plot: Tyler Owens hasn’t been home in a year. He’s survived all the storm chasing and motel living with his new partners as they try to save lives. But with all the damage they’ve taken from driving high beams first into monster storms, it’s time to pay the piper and bring the truck in for repairs. And the only person who can fix them is the best mechanical engineer he’s ever met. Eleanor Harding, his estranged wife.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Estranged Wife OC (Harding Daughter)
Word Count: 2.4k
Playlist Song: your place by ashley cooke
Trigger Warning: mention of dying character, cancer
prologue / one / two / three
The drive takes more than an hour and the bile building in my throat burns the closer I get to the hospital. I’ve gotten used to the layout of the visitor’s parking lot, the row after row of cars lining the large lot. I curse, driving too quickly past another spot. 
My hands start to shake and my chest hurts a little from the constricting panic. I slam on the breaks when a car starts to back out, pulling away.  I swing into the spot, breathing out in relief. The walk to the front slider doors of the hospital takes what feels like forever and the receptionist at the front desk takes too long to sign me in. I can feel a new wave of tears rolling through me as I step off the elevator. Mom is there, pacing back and forth on the phone.  
“Mom?” I call out, doubling my speed until I’m running into her arms. 
She tucks her phone in shorts just in time to collect me in her embrace.
“Hi sweets,” she breathes into my hair. There’s a small amount of relief, being curled up in her arms. I bury my face deeper into her neck, a few stray tears sliding down my face. I sniffle loudly, trying to collect myself. 
“What happened?” I ask, looking up at her. 
“You know your father,” she purses her lips, rubbing my arms as she sighs. I’m not sure if she’s trying to comfort me or comfort herself. “Doing too much in the barn, overworking himself. He stumbled into the house and passed out. Doctors said he’s been missing his medication. If the cancer doesn’t kill him, I’ll do it myself,” she huffs. 
“Ma,” I scolded her, shaking my head. I turned to peer into the room, trying to catch my dad’s eye but the doctor stood in the way. He sways a little back and forth as he speaks, only allowing me to see the IV hooked up and the soft beep of the heart monitor. “Don’t say things like that. Dad is going to be fine.” 
When I turn back to her, my mom’s eerily calm. She’s breathing through her nose, her eyes a little cloudy as she watches the doorway. Her thumb taps her pointer finger, then her middle. It’s a distraction, something I’d inherited from her as a way of navigating hard moments. I tilt my head, watching her more closely. “He’s going to be fine, right?”
She’s slow in looking at me, her gaze far away when our eyes connect and my breath hitches in my throat. Jo Harding had stood strong in front of the scariest of storms. She’d stared down an F5, sent it running for the hills and yet, she’d never looked more fearful as she opened her mouth. “Honey,” she starts but footsteps interrupt her sentence. 
“He’s up and talking,” the doctor says, smiling a little at my mom. He shouldn’t be smiling. Why is he smiling? “I’ve sent in his new prescription to the pharmacy and once his IV is done, we’ll be able to get him back home,” he nods at me. “I’ll leave you both to it.”
I don’t wait to hear what mom has to say, rushing into the room to see him. The chemo still hasn’t taken all of his hair, though the line continues to recite backwards a little further each week that I visit. He’s wrapped in a white sheet, stark and crisp against his blue hospital gown. He looks so small in the large bed and yet, somehow so uncomfortable. The crows feet around his eyes have deepened with exhaustion but his warm, bright smile still remains.
“Daddy,” I murmur, sniffling again as I climb gently onto the side of his bed. 
“Hey sweetheart,” he reaches up to touch my cheek, patting it lightly and smoothing the flush with his thumb. 
“What the hell is the matter with you? Mom said you haven’t been taking your meds.” 
“Sweetheart, there’s something I need to share with you,” he says, eyes flickering behind me at mom, leaning up against the doorframe. 
I want to look back at her, give her the chance to tell me it’s not what I think. Anyone who knew parents would know that before me, mom was the emotional one; impulsive, reactive. But after I was born, Bill Harding went soft. His heartstrings were too malleable, easily manipulated. I was daddy’s little girl. I couldn’t look back at my mom for strength, I was too worried that he would slip from my fingertips when I turned back. 
“I don’t,” I start, shaking my head. “I don’t want to know.” 
“Eleanor,” he coos, as if I’m a newborn sobbing through the night. I feel like I am. “The cancer has spread too much.” I don’t hear the rest of what he says. There’s a high pitched ringing that echoes in my eardrum, mixing with “home”, “weeks” and “get comfortable”. After minutes of numbing silence, I nod and wipe my face while grabbing his hand. 
We sit for a while, the three of us chatting and trying to ignore the inevitable. My mind starts to race, making a checklist of to dos in my mind. Trying to figure out how to help my mom pay the hospital bills and manage the farmhouse. Maybe she can move in with me. We’ll need to make arrangements. I need to finish fixing up the RAM before he…well, before. 
As time passes, the nurse shows up to take out his IV and start his discharge paperwork. “You’ll need to pick up your prescription. It’ll help keep you comfortable for the time being,” she repeats as she places a bandaid over the spot of blood from the needle. “We’ve already sent it over.” 
“I’ll pick it up,” I blurt out, rising to my feet. 
“Honey, you should go get some rest,” my mom says, squeezing my hand. “You can’t tell me you got much sleep last night and it’s been a long day.” 
“I don’t mind,” I say, suddenly remembering that Tyler is here. “I could use the distraction.” My mom must notice the change in mood because she frowns, deep lines settling between her brows. 
“Alright, I’ll walk you out,” she nods to the hallway. I thank the nurse and say goodbye to my dad, kissing him on cheek with a promise to see him at home. I follow my mom into the hallway, bumping into her as she slows to a halt. 
“Ma, c’mon,” I say, stepping to her side and looking for what distracted her. Seriously. At the other end of the hallway is Tyler, standing with a sad expression. 
“What in the fuck,” mom says, jaw set tightly as she crosses her arms. She turns to look at me. “What’s he doing here?” 
I close my eyes, trying to slow my breathing. “I didn’t tell him where I was going.”
“Didn’t tell hi-,” she stops herself. “When did he come back? Why didn’t you tell me? Are you two back-,”
This is the last thing I need today. “Ma, he showed up this morning. I will get rid of him, alright? I’m gunna get rid of him.” I kiss her on the cheek. “I love you, I’ll see you at the house.” I turn away so that she doesn’t have a chance to protest or ask more questions, stalking over to Tyler.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I seeth, shoving him lightly backwards toward the elevators. “How did you even know where I was?” 
He lets me move him, eyes trying to catch my mom’s as we move. His bright eyes are wet with worry, laced with concern as he searches my face for answers to his own questions. “Is dad alright? What happened?” 
“Not your father,” I grunt, tugging him finally around the corner. The statement hurts, I can see it all over his face. I know how close he and my dad are but he doesn’t get to show up and just pick up as the son in law he hasn’t been. I’ve had to pick myself up in these moments with no shoulder to cry on. He doesn’t get to just come back and know. 
“Eleanor, I know you are angry but if he’s hurt, I want to help,” Tyler says.
“It’s not your place.” I push the button for the elevator, holding tightly to his wrist in fear that he’ll speed back down the hallway. Right into the belly of the beast that is Jo Harding. As much as I hated him for disappearing, I wasn’t that cruel. “You made it clear you didn’t want this family anymore.” 
The elevator dings. I step forward into the small space, trying to drag the man with me. Tyler doesn’t move easily behind me and when I turn to look at him, there’s a sour look on his face. “C’mon, I don’t want to miss the pharmacy hours,” I say. My fingers clutch his wrist tighter, pulling with all might until I can unglue his feet from the linoleum tile. 
He’s quiet in the elevator and past the receptionist desk. I peel the stupid name tag from my top when we get outside in the fresh air, heading in the direction of my truck. I don’t expect the footsteps to follow me and leave them be until I’m a car or two away. I turn on him, hands on my hips. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m coming with you.” 
“No you are not.”
“Yes I am,” he responds with such a stubborn matter of fact tone that I want to slap him. He walks past me, swiping the keys from my grasp and heading for the truck. “You know I can get you to the pharmacy in under thirty minutes.” I think back to the times that we would need to make a trip over the years, the times that I would let him drive so we’d make it to the drive thru before closing for a milkshake and a burger. Racing against the clock with the windows down and the radio cranked down. I could still see the crinkles around his eyes from his smile under the overhead lighting to look for his wallet. 
“What about your car?” I follow him to the truck. 
“I got dropped off,” Tyler says, tugging the driver’s side open. He slides across the bench to unlock the passenger side and my stomach turns at the mundane simplicity of the action. I don’t have a choice but to comply though. I check my watch and realize the time, jumping into the passenger side.
It’s silent as Tyler wraps an arm around my headrest, backing out of the parking lot and heading down the road toward the family owned pharmacy near my parents’ house. It’s gotten dark outside and my headlights are too bright against the pavement. It hurts my head. Today hurts my head. I rub a palm over my face, trying to scrub the exhaustion and emotion away.
“You wanna talk about it?” Tyler’s voice is soft in the darkness of the cab. 
My only response is another hefty sigh. 
“C’mon El,” he tries again.
I stare out into the darkness, trying to see the grains of wheat along the fields instead of conversing. “I don’t want to talk to you.” 
“Well, how about if you just talk at me? You’ve always enjoyed that,” he says, his tone too playful for my liking.
“Do you feel like that helps? Cracking a joke, making a jab at me?” I snap, turning to look at him. He glances over at me for a few moments, lips pursed. 
“I’m sorry alright? I don’t really know how to behave and I’m trying to ease the tension.”
“Do you feel like the tension is at ease?” I ask, looking forward with my jaw clenched. 
There’s a few more moments of silence before he says “Not at all.” His accent is thick, the twang of Arkansas slipping through. I look over at him and he licks his lips, grasp on the steering wheel flexing a little as he rolls to a stop on the empty road. I don’t know why, don't really know what it is that makes me react but I suddenly let out a giggle. It’s accompanied by a snort,  a short, loud snort that catches his attention. His foot slips on the break as he turns to look at me. The motion causes us to jerk, our necks snapped forward in an instant. And the motion just makes me laugh more, tears streaming down my cheeks. 
“Are you alright?” He’s staring at me wide eyed, like a deer caught in headlights afraid to make a move.
“This is just so absurd, this whole day, just an absurd nightmare.” I get out through wheezes of teary laughter. I take a few gulps of air to calm myself and wipe away the stray tears. I turn to look at him, my chest feeling a little tight. “It’s leukemia, stage four. The doctors have recommended he come home so that he’s comfortable.” 
Under the overhead street lamp lighting that washes on the hood of the truck, I see Tyler’s face fall. His hand pushes the shifting gear into the park position, the sound rings in my ears. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He looks forward at the road then back at me. I can see the gears turning in his head, the cogs trying to continue their processing. I’m expecting a lot of questions about what type, how long he’s been sick, how long they give him, what medication they’ve prescribed. I even anticipated  I should’ve been here.
“So what’s our next step?” 
I blink a few times. I must've misheard him. “Huh?”
“What’s the plan? What do we do next? I can make some calls to St. Francis and see if we can get an appointment-,” he continues on, rattling off some ideas of second opinions and alternative medicine to heal my dad. 
My fingertips start to go numb and I have to squeeze them tightly to try to gain feeling back. “Tyler, Tyler,” I say a little loudly, getting his attention. “There’s nothing to be done. It’s too far gone. He’s already done rounds of chemo.”
His gaze is a mix of harsh confusion and disbelief, piercing as he looks me over. “Rounds? How long has he been sick?” 
“He was diagnosed last Spring,” I say, looking down at my watch. “Can we get moving? The pharmacy closes in twenty minutes, I don’t want him going without.” I can tell he wants to argue, set us into another round of banter and harsh remarks. I’m grateful that he decides against it, instead pushing the truck back into drive and speeding a little faster into town toward the pharmacy.
Thank you for reading! Want to be added to the tagged list or share feedback? Click here :)
@buckybarnes-1917 @kim-taehyung-12301995 @accordingtoawallflower-blog @axolotllover225 @tgmreader @smoothdogsgirl @paramedicnerd004 @charmyeol69-blog @tktstomydwnfall @milesdot
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
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Requests are opened!
This Masterlist does have 18+ fics in it so please heed the warnings.
All fics are separated but I do:
9-1-1 Lone Star
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Criminal Minds
One Chicago (Chicago Med, PD, and Fire)
The Rookie
Top Gun
Top Gun Maverick
I will do:
x Reader
A/N: All fics not underlined means that they are planned and a wip this just helps me to keep track of what fics I need to do.
A/N 2: All fics are fem!reader unless stated otherwise or requested otherwise.
My Daughter, My Heart (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, OC!Elizabeth Taylor x Daughter!Reader)
Here Comes The Storm (Tyler Owens x Harding!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Reader x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Bill Harding x Daughter!Reader, Jo Harding x Daughter!Reader)
(Discontinued) I'm Already There (Bradshaw!Sister)
Whisper in the Wind (Natasha Trace x OC!Benjamin Bradshaw, Natasha Trace x Daughter!Reader, OC!Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Wife!Leah Winters)
Storm Warning (Javi Rivera x OC!Wife!Olivia Owens, Javi Rivera x Daughter!Reader, OC! Olivia Owens x Daughter!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Sister!Olivia Owens, Tyler Owens x Niece!Reader)
A Forever Home (Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder)
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter (Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Tim Bradford)
Blizzard (IceMav x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Iceman)
Firecracker (Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader)
Little Birdie (Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Littlest Halstead (Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader)
Little Nash (Bobby Nash x Daughter!Reader)
Lil' Severide (Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader)
Mini TK (TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes)
Our Little Girl (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw)
The Firehouse Miracle (Eddie Diaz x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley)
x Daughter!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Rookie
x Sister!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
Top Gun
One Chicago
The Rookie
9-1-1 Lone Star
Fight to Survive (9-1-1 x Criminal Minds) (Evan Buckley x Nash!FBI!Reader)
Burning Jealousy (One Chicago x The Rookie) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Love in the Danger Zone (One Chicago x Top Gun Maverick) (Bradley Bradshaw x Halstead!Pilot!Reader and Kelly Severide x Halstead!Pilot!Reader)
Operation: Mischief (9-1-1 x 9-1-1 Lonestar) (Owen Strand x Wife!Reader)
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codename-adler · 3 months
All aboard the Trojan Horse 🥍
in an exercise for motivation, i’m making the decision to share my OC team of the USC Trojans! this started years ago, wayyyy pre-TSC announcement, as a background for a Jerejean fic called 'Steady Now' but well. as OCs do, it got out of hand realllll quick. now everyone's got a complex backstory AND storyline!
in bold are my OCs, ready for you to be introduced to ; in regular are Nora Sakavic's characters, but i painted them with my watercolors so you should absolutely ask me about them too!! if there is [redacted], that character's not ready to be born yet! or sometimes it's just an issue of final name... if the name is underlined or has numbers beside it, it means i've provided some lore already, but you should def ask more about them, always!!
i would like to thank @joanofexys with my whole heart for being an inspiration and the loveliest enabler <3 Jo (may i call you Jo?), you are a breath of fresh air to this fandom and a light to my dashboard, i love everything that you do and the passion with which you accomplish it all xx.
without further ado, the USC Trojans Exy Team (Adler's Version) :
01 - Nikita Bailey
02 - Laila Dermott
03 - Mari Kobayashi
04 - Gabrielle "Gabby" Oakes
05 - Catalina Alvarez
06 - Mateo Solano
07 - George Albie Riley
08 - Namrita Khatri
09 - Angelica "Angie" Pullman
10 - Viggo Larsen
11 - Jeremy Knox
12 - Sadie "Dee-Dee" [redacted]
13 - [redacted]
14 - [redacted]
15 - [redacted]
16 - Dakota Emerson
17 - Destinee Isaac
18 - [redacted]
19 - Joel [redacted]
20 - Jack Driver
21 - Levi Romanov
22 - Daveed Ferguson
23 - [redacted]
24 - Ariel "Baby" Driver
25 - [redacted]
26 - [redacted]
27 - Charlotte Gericault
28 - Yanko Florescu
29 - Jean Moreau
XX - Adèle Moreau
XX - James Rhemann
XX - Anderson Atwell (Assistant Coach)
XX - Chelsea Faraj (Team Nurse)
XX - Owen O'Brien (Team Nurse)
XX - [redacted] (Team Therapist)
XX - [redacted] (Team Therapist)
XX - [redacted] (Athletic Trainer)
XX - Wade Vesper (FBI Agent)
*** - Eva Josten
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sonofthedunes · 1 year
ok. ok. i’ve teased it long enough: it’s time to meet my star wars oc. if you’re interested, venture below the cut…
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and here she is: andrie mykarrah of tatooine. her faceclaim is saoirse ronan, specifically in her role as jo in little women-when i began to consider what andrie looked like, this face appeared to me immediately and just fit. (saoirse is perhaps my favorite young actress working today, and in fact auditioned for rey in tfa!) i’m not going to lay out her whole life story for you here, but i’ll tease out some facts for you-and if it piques your interest, she’ll be a character in my next one-shot! for it may shock you to know that she’s luke’s love interest in my little fancanon. :p
born in 19 ABY, about 3 weeks after the twins. of her mother’s eight pregnancies, she was the only surviving full-term child
Andrie’s mother was never especially maternal and abandoned the family when Andrie was eight; they saw each other only occasionally afterward. Andrie’s father loved her but was never around much; he died when Andrie was 13. she was raised on the mykarrah farm with her great-grandmother, grandmother and two uncles
by her own admission is rather hotheaded and temperamental, fighting when cornered and gathering every scrap of agency she can in her sheltered world. this can serve her well in combat later, but admittedly she must work hard to control it
is force-sensitive, but this was suppressed for much of her early life. had at least one relative who was murdered for displaying force powers, and her grandmother feared what might happen to the family if her abilities became known
encountered Luke a few times when they were children, but only properly met him when they were 18 and he came to her farm with his aunt and uncle…because the older women were trying to marry Andrie off in order to continue the family line
of course the marriage didn’t happen (Owen vehemently objected to his nephew being treated like breeding stock), but Luke and Andrie discovered they were kindred spirits who yearned for life beyond the desert and over the course of the next year became friends (of which they both have precious few). neither of them know it, but this is the force guiding the future builders of the new jedi order together…the whole slowly falling in love thing is just a bonus
when the news of the lars’ murder reaches her, Andrie assumes Luke’s been killed too and in her grief vows to travel the galaxy for both of them, no longer willing to allow others to control her life. she runs away from home and makes her way to mos eisley, where in her search for a ship she comes upon a certain corellian freighter on which to stow away…
and thus begins a journey on which Andrie helps rescue a princess, joins the rebel alliance, reaches at least the rank of lieutenant (possibly higher?), becomes a head of the reconnaissance team, sees planets and battles beyond her wildest dreams, recognizes her worth as a woman and soldier, feels accepted for perhaps the first time in her life, fights for an end to tyranny…and eventually opens herself to the power of the force, becoming both padawan and bride to luke. their love, which bloomed in a desert and was solidified by a whirlwind rescue mission, changes the jedi order forever and shakes the stars. not bad for two farm kids.
that’s enough to start on i think :p i’m always open to questions about Andrie, so feel free to drop them in the inbox! and thank you all for indulging me
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slayersindie · 7 months
hi! i'm buffy, a brand new indie roleplayer that focuses on writing as canon characters from my favourite fandoms! while my blog is no where near finished yet, i thought i would make a starter/plot call for when i'm ready! while i only write as canon characters, i will happily write against ocs and i'm crossover friendly (within reason). i've never done indie before and so please bare with me as i get to grips with it and learn the ropes.
i'm still setting up my muse directory, but i thought i would compile a list of the muses i write as under the read more.
if you're interested, please like this post and i'll come say hi in your dms!
addams family
gomez addams
morticia addams
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins
buffy summers
cordelia chase
faith lehane
tara maclay
willow rosenberg
chris halliwell
cole turner
daryl morris
leo wyatt
paige matthews
phoebe halliwell
piper halliwell
prue halliwell
wyatt halliwell
gen v
andre anderson
cate dunlap
emma meyer
jordan li
marie moreau
god of war (2018/ragnarok)
grey’s anatomy (only up to season 11)
addison montgomery
alex karev
amelia shepherd
april kepner
arizona robbins
callie torres
cristina yang
derek shepherd
izzie stevens
jackson avery
jo wilson
lexie grey
maggie pierce
mark sloan
meredith grey
miranda bailey
owen hunt
stephanie edwards
teddy altman
marvel (mcu)
bruce banner
bucky barnes
carol denvers
clint barton
eddie brock
jane foster
kate bishop
may parker
natasha romanoff
pepper potts
peter quill
sam wilson
steve rogers
tony stark
wanda maximoff
yelena belova
pirates of the caribbean
elizabeth swann
jack sparrow
will turner
snowpiercer (netflix)
andre layton
melanie cavill
stranger things
jim hopper
joyce byers
edward cullen
emmett cullen
jacob black
rosalie hale
van helsing (netflix)
axel miller
jack van helsing
vanessa helsing
violet van helsing
the boys
annie january
billy butcher
hughie campbell
kevin moskowitz
kimiko miyashiro
margaret shaw
mother's milk
the mask of zorro/the legend of zorro
alejandro de la vega
elena de la vega
the mummy
ardeth bay
evelyn o'connell
rick o'connell
the witcher (netflix)
geralt of rivera
triss merigold
yennefer of vengerberg
michael corvin
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calronhunt · 18 days
oc question what are the theme songs of the main bbd cast?
ooooooo hell yeah I love talking about Songs for Characters!! Literally my favorite little passtime.
Raphael: Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia - Of Montreal
literally THE Raphael song. and It's not even a contest it's not even close
Lionel: Faith - The Weeknd
also literally THE Lionel song. It's also not even a contest. I would like to make respective videos for both of these guys with these songs, but ough. time and energy you know.
Sigthy: Eye for an Eye - Rina Sawayama
There are def other songs that I think fit him more but whenever I listen to this song I think "woagh. Sigthy" so here it goes
Ericka: No One, Everyone, Your Mama - Onionbaby
I'm in the process of making a video with this song so it's just sticking in my head as Ericka at the moment.
Cassiel: Furniture - Owen Pallet
My special guy
Speed round for guys who still have songs but aren't as important:
Jett: Christmas Kids - Roar
The Sun God: Burn Your Village - kiki rockwell
Jo: Vienna (In Memorium) - The Army The Navy
London: Devil On My Back - Chrissy
Michael: Children's Work - Dessa
Ariel: Dirty Summer - Mother Falcon
Theo: No Children - The Mountain Goats
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eternalsams · 1 month
Should I make a Tyler Owens x Harding!OC? Like Bill and Jo's daughter from the original movie?
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gwendefender4life · 10 months
"no man should be that flexible."
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guidelines !?
no smut! obvious enough, but the characters in the shows are minors! and as a minor myself, it is incredibly uncomfortable for me to write smut. the most i will write for is making out, and even then it will be very brief and undescriptive.
be respectful! simple and common sense, but some people don't have that. especially when it comes to the characters i like/hate. if you don't like my content or my opinions, LEAVE!
be patient! i have my own life outside of the screen and i have other priorities. if you have an issue with how much time i'm taking to finish a request, ask elsewhere!
don't request for the characters i hate! they will be included in my dni list as "____ stans". if you request for them, i will delete your ask!
don't request for characters that i do not include in my "character list" section! like i said before, if you request for them i will delete your ask!
no dark content! this means yandere, pedophilia, incest, step-incest, etc. even if you support this content, dni!
i write for basically anything else! you can request self-insert x character, oc x character, character x character, platonic relationships, familial relationships, etc. as long as they follow the guidelines/dni list!
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character list !?
gen 1 - alejandro, bridgette, dj, duncan, eva, geoff, gwen, harold, izzy, justin, katie, leshawna, lindsay, noah, owen, sadie, trent, tyler
gen 2 - anne maria, dakota, dawn, jo, lightning, mike, zoey
gen 3 - ella, jasmine, rodney, scarlett, shawn
gen 4 - axel, caleb, damien, julia, millie, mk, nichelle, priya, scary girl/lauren
rr - emma, jacques, josee, kitty
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"your parents must love this show, gets you out of the house!"
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dni list !?
blaineley, chris, cody, courtney, heather, sierra, gwourtney, courtney x scott, & chase x emma (td 2023) stans
anne maria, axel, b, brick, cameron, crimson, dakota, damien, dawn, dj, duncan, ella, emma (rr), ennui, eva, gwen, izzy, jacques, jasmine, jen, jo, josee, julia, justin, katie, kitty, leshawna, lightning, lindsay, macarthur, mike, noah, owen, rodney, sadie, sam, sanders, scarlett, tom, trent, zee, zoey, gwuncan, leharold, gwent, & nemma antis
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"you know what? I'M GETTING A SANDWICH!"
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awhisperinthenight · 1 year
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okay, im posting it!! drawing of my oc : jo owen
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losergendered · 1 year
I saw you're a total drama fan,, do you have any headcanons? I like seeing other folks headcanons ^__^ /nf
oh you KNOW I DO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im probably gonna make a followup post like. actually making the icons but. yes here they are (its just the gen 1 cast cause. theyre the best. and also i havent seen roti or pahkitew or the reboot)
Ezekiel is a genderqueer transmasc bisexual and uses he/they!
Sadie is a biaesthetic lesbian, Katie is a transfem omni lesbian, and they're dating!
Eva is an acespec demiplatonic unlabeled sapphic! She's also Sephardic!(one of my fave random hcs is that all of team escope is jewish but from different disporas :D)
Noah is a Mizrahi gnc gay guy! (ik that sometimes people consider mizrahi to be a subterm of sephardic but im making the distinction lol)
Izzy is an Ashkenazi genderfucked abrosexual aroace demihuman xenogirl who uses any pronouns!
Justin is a flamboric cupiospec arospec gay guy!
Beth is a nonbinary weirdgirlpunk bi lesbian who uses they/she!
Owen is. well i'll be so real with you i dont really care about him (IM SORRY OWEN FANS. I JUST DIDNT LIKE HIS JOKES VERY MUCH. his friendship w noah was cute tho) but like. literally i interpret him as canonically bisexual. like he was literally so in love with justin like that wasnt even subtext that just. was a fact
Geoff i also lowkey dont care about (SORRY) but i also find him bisexual. hes so in love with bridgette and hes so in love with brody. two hands <3
Bridgette doesn't label her sexuality, but has had feelings for multiple genders before!
DJ is questioning his sexuality, but thinks that he's somewhere on the aroace spectrum! He also considers himself a cisgender demiboy!
Leshawna is a bipan girl, and her girlboyfriend, Harold, is a bigender transfem genderqueer genderfluid bisexual boygirl!
Lindsay is a bi straight lesbian, and her partner, Tyler, is a cusper straight lesbian transfem boy who switches between identifying as a cishet man and a trans butch lesbian and uses he/she pronouns! (also this is because i like both headcanons for her lmao)
Trent is an ace bisexual with an aesthetic lean towards girls and a romantic lean towards boys! He leans more towards the cis man side of the gender spectrum, but likes to get a little funky with it u know. like he listens to arctic monkeys. u know.
Gwen is a bi lesbian/shadowlesbian trans girl who defaults to she/her, but doesn't mind neopronouns! Also gwourtney is real to me
Cody is a bisexual trans guy!
Sierra is an intersex trisfem paradoxibinary arospec bordersexual first-quarter/third-quarter neaptide mspec lesbian who prefers she/her, but also likes they/them and neos!
Duncan is a bisexual guy with a preference for girls! also i am still a duncney believer. who else still part of duncney nation in 2023.
Blaineley is an aphrodite bi lesbian and shes dating ME SHES DATING ME SHES MY WIFE ILY MS STACEY ANDREWS OHALLORAN. i actually made a whole oc to ship her with lmao. i guess i can include that um shes dating jules who's a lesbian and is my oc <3
Heather is a bisexual girl with a preference for girls and she's dating Alejandro, who is also bisexual! their romance was cute argue with the wall
Courtney is a bisexual girl and she's also a cit <3
Chris and Chef are both gay men and are married! gay wrongs
uhh random other hcs i have for non gen 1 chcs are bi trans girl kitty, bi straight emma, uh that little swagless kid from rr who competed with his dad uh hes a trans boy, jo is a butch bisexual girlboy & is dating brick, a gnc bisexual man, scott is bisexual and dating courtney, sam is a nonbinary bigender transfem straight lesbian who uses all pronouns & is dating dakota who is a bi trans girl, um that one dude who had the name reveal is ofc trans, svetlana is a transgender bi lesbian, vito is hypersexual and bi, uh my hcs for mal are. long so keep an eye out for a mogai-headcanons post in a few months, shawn (?? is that his name) is a transhet guy and is dating jasmine (??? i do not know these chcs at ALL) who is bisexual.
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2000sfm · 7 months
any suggestions for roles or reboots that would fit 30+ muses well? either existing or new ones!
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we  would  love  more  older  muses  around  here.  some  ideas  for  older  muses  in  existing  reboots  are  listed  under  the  cut  since  it's  quite  a  long  list.  however  some  other  reboots  that  could  definitely  fit  30+  muses  are  :  13  going  on  30,  legally  blonde,  american  psycho,  mamma  mia,  how  i  met  your  mother,  the  office  &  desperate  housewives  !!
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the  vampire  diaries:  alaric  saltzman,  jenna  sommers,  john  gilbert,  meredith  fell,  sybil,  liz  forbes,  lillian  salvatore,  josette  laughlin,  isobel  flemming,  carol  lockwood,  abby  bennett,  pearl,  mikael  mikaelson,  zach  salvatore  &  esther  mikaelson.
the  oc:  alex  kelly,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  julie  cooper,  jimmy  cooper
one  tree  hill:  dan  scott,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  karen  roe,  quinn  james.
sons  of  anarchy:  jax  teller,  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  gemma  teller-morrow,  clay  morrow,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  tig  trager,  chibs  telford,  happy,  wendy  case,  half-sack  epps.
gilmore  girls:  sookie  st.  james,  christopher  hayden,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  max  medina,  michel  gerard,  mrs.  kim.
pretty  little  liars:  ezra  fitz,  melissa  hastings,  wren  kingston,  ashley  marin,  meredith  sorenson,  veronica  hastings,  ella  montgomery,  byron  montgomery,  ian  thomas,  tom  marin.
sex  and  the  city:  samantha  jones,  charlotte  york,  miranda  hobbes,  mr.  bing,  aiden  shaw.
supernatural:  dean  winchester,  sam  winchester,  jo  harvelle,  bobby  singer,  john  winchester,  mary  winchester,  ruby,  lilith,  castiel,  ellen  harvelle,  jessica  moore.
friends:  phoebe  buffay,  ross  geller  (ross  gang),  janice  hosenstein,  gunther,  mike  hannigan,  carol  willick,  emily  waltham,  susan  bunch,  kathy,  jill  green,  amy  green.
criminal  minds:  spencer  reid,  derek  morgan,  penelope  garcia,  emily  prentiss,  hotch  hotchner,  jason  gideon,  david  rossi,  elle  greenaway.
grey's  anatomy:  lexie  grey,  mark  sloan,  derek  shepherd,  amelia  shepherd,  izzie  stevens,  george  o'malley,  cristina  yang,  alex  karev,  miranda  bailey,  callie  torres,  arizona  robbins,  april  kepner,  jackson  avery,  owen  hunt,  addison  montgomery.
true  blood:  bill  compton,  eric  northman,  lafayette  reynolds,  sam  merlotte,  tara  thorton,  pam,  alcide  heveraux.
jennifers  body:  nikolai  wolff
resident  evil:  chris  redfield,  albert  walker,  jill  valentine,  ada  wong,  barry  burton,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham.
scream:  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley.
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kyofsonder · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Tag 1
I was tagged by @crypticcodexcreations to use this incorrect quotes generator to create some non-canon quotes for my OCs and tag others to keep the game going. Thank you for the tag, this game is really fun and gets me thinking about my OCs in ways I normally wouldn’t!
I’ll Tag: @saltysupercomputer, @houndsofcorduff, @aloeverawrites, @btranwrites, @junypr-camus, and as always anyone else who wants to join in can use this link and say I tagged them!
I’ll share two quotes per novel WIP, and put them under a cut for readability on the dash as usual.
Novel WIP: To Be Honest
In which River isn’t exactly clear on how labels work, but Micah knows which ones don’t apply to his partner.
Asher: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
River: *raises hand*
Micah: *puts their hand down*
In which River tries to stand up for Micah on a very special day, and neither their husband nor their (huge werewolf guy) friend think it’s the best idea.
River: You don't think I can fight because of my gender!
Micah: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Asher can fight in that dress either.
Asher: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Novel WIP: Apricots
In which Noah has limits and he’s sticking to them.
Ian: Noah, you risked your life to save me!
Noah: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
In which Noah voices how he really feels.
Noah: Jess, I know you love Ian. I mean, we all do, he’s a very nice person and I respect him immensely.
Noah: But I think he might be a fucking idiot.
Novel WIP: A Place to Return
In which Owen is loyal to about three people and the mentor who (essentially) raised him really wishes he'd stop trying to prove it.
Owen: Why do you think I don’t like you? I do. I would kill for you.
Owen: Ask me to kill for you.
Jo: ...First of all, calm down-
In which Owen is clumsy and unskilled once he's living the peaceful, domestic life and Leo would like to keep dealing with that clumsiness for the rest of his life.
Owen, sweating: Leo, there’s something I need to ask you-
Leo: Finally! You’re proposing!
Owen: How’d you know?
Leo: Owen, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Leo: I even picked it up once.
Thank you again for the tag, I generated a lot of quotes I liked and it was fun to pick the best ones to share. I like this game more every time I play it!
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
Worst m/f ships?
Pretty much any ship that interferes with the ones I love...so the ones at the top of the list for me are Maya/Jack (S19), Spencer/Caleb (PLL), Brittany/Sam (Glee)...all horrid.
Other ones that are not it:
Greysverse: Owen/anyone Jo/Alex Jo/Link Andy/Sullivan Ross/Sullivan Vic/Theo
Others: Buck/Taylor (911) Nancy/Mateo (911 Lone Star) Ryan/Taylor (The OC) Brooke/Lucas (One Tree Hill)
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