#oc William Thorne
decoloraa · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the doctor and breaker of heart ❤️ keep on slaying and making random dudes fall for you
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quintessencewrites · 2 years
ShuRiri x Wakandan!fem!reader
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“Nisale kakuhle zinkosi zenu (Goodbye, your majesties.)” You bow and exit, leaving the Queens in their despair. 
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Warnings: ANGST, explicit language, toxic!Riri, slightly toxic!Shuri...you might cry
Word Count: 2.5k+
Tags: @yvxmpire @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @remwritess @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12
A/N: Another idea by @k3nn3dyxo, loosely based on the song Vanish by GIVEON. There's so much damn angst in this one, it kind of broke my heart to write. As always though, enjoy <3 Translations are in the text, there are full on sentences in xhosa in this one. Also, just because I never said it before, every character I write for is a black woman. I love us <3 , okay that's all lol
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It had been weeks. That wasn’t an over-exaggeration. The x’s tallied across your calendar were proof. 
Weeks. Three weeks since you and your loves last had a meal together. 
Shuri and Riri lay in bed as you dressed, the smaller girl of the two still soundly sleeping, tucked under the other’s arm. Her highness smiled a beautiful smile at you, one filled with pride and all the adoration in the world. “Have a wonderful day, sthandwa (my love). Go do amazing things.” 
A beautiful grin of your own spread through your cheeks as you bent down to kiss the woman you loved. “Thank you. I will see you two for dinner?”
“Kunjalo, sana (Of course, baby). I can not wait to hear all about your day.”
And off you went, thrill racing through your veins as you left the palace in trek of the school you helped Nakia establish in your home country, one which mirrored her own brilliant institution in Haiti. 
Returning home many hours later, exhaustion adorning your features, you were welcomed by loneliness. The room shared between you and the adjacent queens was empty, as were the kitchen and living quarters. 
“Griot,” your voice echoed the large walls, calling out to the AI that had made its way out of Shuri’s lab and into your living space. 
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Where are my wives?” the question lingered from your lips. 
“Queen Shuri and Queen Riri are currently in the lab. Would you like me to page them for you?”
The heart encapsulated in your chest swelled, knowing that both girls have had a hard time returning to their work since Queen Mother’s death. You couldn’t bring yourself to pull them away from that. 
“No, Griot. Thank you anyways.”
That night, you climbed into bed alone, body no longer able to fight the sleep that draped upon it. 
When you awoke the next morning, your queens were snoring next to you. They’d crawled in at some point in the night and the sandman whisked them to dreamland; neither girl stirred when you left the bed to prepare for another day at the school. 
The abnormality of abandonment that marked the previous day for you and your family soon became routine. One night turned into two and two into 21. Twenty one days since you’d gathered around the table to enjoy a meal with your loves. 
Two weeks since they’d stopped making excuses. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. Work has been fucking crazy, man. I got caught up. Can I make it up to you?” Riri hadn’t even had the decency to leave the lab for the moment it would’ve taken her to stand you up in person. Shuri was in America, sovereign duties unable to go ignored any longer. 
Even without her partner in crime, Riri still found ways to make her lab work more important than her time with you. 
“You can’t take a moment? Let’s have lunch, my love.” You were begging, a pathetic sight had Ri been able to pull her eyes from her project long enough to peer at you through the hologram provided via the beads. 
“Nah, ma. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”
Shuri was no better. 
“My Queen, where are you? The children are waiting, anticipating the Black Panther’s arrival.”
“Shit, usana (baby), that was today? Can we reschedule?”
“Can we re - No, Shuri! No, we can’t reschedule. These iingqondo ezincinci (little minds) have been waiting hours, missing lessons, to see their beloved protector. You promised.”
“I’m kind of caught up right now, y/n. Riri and I are about to do a test flight; the Iron Heart suit has to be able to reach speeds greater than Mach 5. We think we’ve got it.”
“Shuri plea-“
“Later, sthandwa (my love). I’ll make it up to you.”
And with that, her beads disconnected, erasing her face full of distracted features and leaving you with an auditorium packed with disappointed young ones. 
14 days ago, they stopped making excuses and empty promises, simply starting to just not showing up, not explaining. 
One week, exactly, since they forgot your birthday. 
It had been a hard year, you were well aware of that, but this day was one that never went by unnoticed by your queens. They spoiled you regularly, but on this day in particular, there was nothing that you couldn’t dream up that they wouldn’t move mountains to get you. 
You begrudgingly spent most of that special day alone this year. ‘They’re planning a surprise.’ you tried to convince yourself. Something so big, they had to spend the day away from you so they wouldn’t spoil it. 
Nakia and all the students at your school had wished you a happy birthday. Okoye granted you a year full of bliss as you aged up. Hell, even Griot spoke up when you arrived home from work, “Happy Birthday, Queen Y/n.” 
The damn AI had blessed your day before your wives had.
7 days later and they still hadn’t. 
You’d been patient; more than really. So when you awoke on the eighth day since your birthday to an empty bed, your thin restraint snapped, kindness fleeing with it.
You were angry, and you had every right to be.
The walk down to the lab was more of a march than a stroll. Rage preceded you, and when the lab doors opened before you, it permeated the space, quickly sucking out the focused atmosphere. 
“Queen Y/n has arrived,” Griot announded, oblivious to the fury preparing to reign down on the other Wakandan rulers. 
“Where are my queens, Griot?” You stood on the entrance platform, eyes scanning the room and coming up short of either girl. 
“Queen Riri is in the lab. Queen Shuri is thirty minutes out from the border, returning as we speak.”
Returning? Shuri had left the country and you weren’t even made aware.
“I’m down here, baby,” Riri’s voice was muffled among the buzz in the room, and you honestly couldn’t take it. 
“Wonke umntu ngaphandle (Everybody out),” your voice boomed. Riri was still struggling to learn the language and Shuri wasn’t here to translate, so you took command of the unfamiliar space. 
All around, the sea of white lab coats stilled, unsure. “Ngoku! (Now!)”
Their hesitations evaporated, and the scientists filed out of every exit in the room, leaving you and a confused Riri. You spotted your girl then, welder’s mask atop her head, slowly placing her tool down as you approached her. 
“Y/n, baby, I don’t have time for lunch today. These modifications have a deadline and-”
“Esihogweni ngomhla wakho wokugqibela (To hell with your deadline).”
Riri took a slight step back at your tone, “You know you’re gonna have to translate baby. I’m not there yet.”
At her retreat, you stepped forward, refusing to let her escape. “To hell with your deadline. My patience had a deadline too, Riri.”
Her guard drops, no longer taking your distraction in her lab as a serious matter. “Y/n, what are you going on about?”
When she raises her hand to drop the mask back onto her face, you scoff. She couldn’t even give you a moment to speak, nor an ounce of respect to hear your words. 
You step in front of her, risking being burned by the tool in her hands and not caring at all. Riri jumps back and switches the device off. “You gonna get yourself hurt, y/n! You know better than that; what the fuck is going on with you?”
“Queen Shuri has arrived,” Griot announces as she steps into the lab, panther suit still on, missing the mask. Her brows raise at the sight of her empty lab as she saunters over to you two.
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” Shuri questions with a kiss to the side of your head. “Where is everyone?” she asks as she repeats the action on Riri. 
If looks could kill, you and Riri would both be six feet under, neither of you removing your glare from the other. “Ask her,” Riri retorts. “She came in spewing some shit I couldn’t understand and risking her life with tools she don’t know how to handle and shit.” Throwing the tool to the ground, Ri steps closer to you. She’s so close she could kiss you, but the fury emitting from her tells you she won’t. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Shuri grabs Riri’s upper arm, stopping the girl from approaching you any further. With furrowed brows, she speaks. “Sthandwa (my love), what’s going on?”
A deep chuckle filled with rage leaves your body. It’s an ugly sound coming from you, brimming with emotions you don’t usually possess. “This is the most attention I’ve gotten from either of you in weeks.”
“Attention?” Riri cries. “This is about you not getting attention?” She turns to Shuri, “Baby, we don’t have time for this!” Swiveling back to face you and shaking her arm free of the Black Panther’s hold, Riri steps forward to you, an angry finger in your face joining her dangerous words. “You’re not a child, y/n! We don’t have to come running every time you beckon and call.”
“Ri, calm down. Y/n, my love, nceda uqonde (understand, please). This work is important to us. You know that.” Shuri is speaking to you gently while Riri paces back and forth, hands clasped and running over her tight braids. 
“Bast, Shuri, we don’t have time for this,” Riri repeats. 
Shuri raises her hand to silence Riri but then lowers it onto the small of her back, pulling her in close. “Y/n, sthandwa (my love), singakwenza oku kamva? (can we do this later?)”
That’s it. That small movement opened your foolish eyes.
They were a team. Shuri and Riri. The Black Panther and Iron Heart.
And right now, they were teamed up against you. 
The action almost caused you doubt, your brain wracking to think of a way you may be in the wrong. 
You came up with nothing.
“Ungacinga lomtshato uphakathi kwenu nobabini qha (You would think this marriage was only between the two of you.”
Shuri’s head dips and when she looks back at you, sadness is in her gaze. “Ungathethi loo nto, sthandwa (Don’t say that, my love). You don’t mean that.”
Riri’s head is spinning between you two. “What did she say?”
Shuri is hesitant to answer. “Sh-she said that it seems as though our marriage is only between the two of us.”
While Shuri is making the effort to be gracious with your feelings, Riri just isn’t. She laughs, “Are you serious, yo? You go a few days without any affection and you start tripping?”
“Three weeks.”
“What?” Riri asks.
“Three weeks,” you parrot. “It has been three weeks.”
“Quit being dramatic, y/n-” But Ri’s words are silenced when you throw the calendar upon her work station. Across it are little notes marking the important women in you life’s promises that went broken on those important dates. Big, bold x’s mark out those days. 
“Three weeks ago,” you point at the date. “Was the day I started my duties at the school. You missed the grand opening; couldn’t even be bothered to have dinner with me that evening to celebrate. I went to bed alone that night. Have been ever since.”
Shuri’s eyes are wide and full of hurt, having forgotten the vow she made that you on that day. “We haven’t eaten together in three weeks? Haven’t gone to bed together in that long?”
You ignored her questions. Your voice had finally found you and you refused to let it go. “Two weeks ago, Riri, we were supposed to have lunch together. You’ve been blowing me off ever since. You, ubungangamsha bakho (your majesty), promised to bless the school with your presence. You failed to do so, and I spent six hours consoling some very upset children.”
Next came the date with a bold red circle engulfing it. ‘My Birthday!’ the note read. “One week ago,” your voice cracks. “This one is pretty self-explanatory.”
Tears are falling from Shuri’s face. “How could we-”
Riri is belligerent. “Nah, nah. We wouldn’t miss your birthday. We had it all planned out, today’s only-” Her words fail as she pulls out her phone to check, as if she didn’t believe the calendar you placed in front of her. “Shit.”
“Ikaka ngokwenene(Shit indeed). So tell me again, Shuri, how I didn’t mean the words I said before.”
She doesn’t speak, face full of an apology she can’t vocalize. 
Riri isn’t backing down, anger riling her up again. “Hold up, so you been sitting on this shit for three weeks and you wanna come in and hold it over our heads now?”
“Hold it over your heads? Riri, my love, vuma ukuba awulunganga (admit you’re wrong)! It was you, nina nobabini (both of you), who forgot you had another wife to care for, not I!”
“If you’re so forgotten, y/n, why don’t you just leave?”
Her words knock the wind out of you. “Utheni? (What did you say?)” 
Shuri’s words find her again. “Riri, stop-”
“Nah, baby. She’s the forgotten wife, right?” She’s speaking to Shuri, but her eyes are on you. “We haven’t shown her how much we care over these past few years. How much she meant to us. It wasn’t enough for her.”
Readdressing you, Riri asks venumously “It wasn’t enough, was it, y/n? Huh, baby? We weren’t enough for you. So why don’t you go? Disappear? Vanish?”
A panic is rising in Shuri and she pulls Riri’s tiny body back, but the anger and frustration flowing through the small girl’s being strengthen her. “Cwaka, Riri (Silence, Riri.) Let’s cool off usana (baby), you’re going to say something you’ll regret.”
Riri takes no heed to Shuri's words, tears pouring down both girl’s faces, as well as your own. “Go, y/n. Bounce, baby. Find that woman who gives you more than either of us could, and when you do, wish the bitch luck!”
“Riri!” Shuri hisses, but then her attention is on you. Her eyes follow you as your hand moves to pull off your kimoyo beads. She rushes to you, her hand atop yours. “No, no, sthandwa (my love). She didn’t mean it. Yeka, hlala nam (Stop, stay with me.)”
You take the bracelet off anyways and place it in Shuri’s hand. She looks down at it in horror and tries a different tactic, taking your cheek in her hand to wipe your tears. “Umfazi wam, ndiyaxolisa (My wife, I’m sorry). Ndiyacela, ndiyacela, sukuhamba. (Please, please, don’t go.),” whispers from her lips. 
When you reach to remove the wedding ring from your hand, Shuri drops to her knees, begging. Riri even stops her pacing to peer at you with wide eyes, the weight of her words finally hitting her. 
The ring clinks as it lands on the table, a loud sound in the quiet room. “Ndiyahamba (I’ll leave).”
You pull Shuri’s chin into your hands, bringing her teary eyes to meet yours. With a small, sad smile and a quick glance at Riri, whose taking wavering steps toward you, your mouth opens to speak to the two one last time before you retreat. “Nisale kakuhle zinkosi zenu (Goodbye, your majesties.)” You bow and exit, leaving the Queens in their despair. 
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ppawmpkin · 1 year
Sub & Brat Riri Williams Headcannons
Riri Williams x Black Fem Reader
Warning: Smut!!
A/N: Heller, Heller, Heller!! I’m finally back writing again!! I’m so happy to be writing on here againn. This is something small and smutty for my wifey Riri. Hope whomever reads this enjoys it as much as I did while writing it cause chileee, im not gon say too much 😭
sub!riri! who calls your phone in the darkest hours of night, letting the phone sit right beside her on that plush bedding while soft, raspy moans escape her mouth as she ravages herself with the thought of you on her brain. making sure you never miss a moment, she cries your name as if it were your fingers, deep in her plush velvet walls, bringing her to the peak of her bliss.
sub!riri! who stares at you with such intention when you give her your permission to finally touch you. she basks in your beauty, all of it. from every look to every movement, she never fails to observe every single detail about you. it’s those pretty sounds in that pretty voice that ignite a fire in her, how you make her feel like the only woman in the world when her head is shoved between those plush thighs.
sub!riri! who loves when you punish her, looking at those tattoos littered across your stomach, including the one of her name right under the swell of your breast as she rides you to her fourth release, her knees weak, holding herself up just barely with the small amount of perseverance she had left.
sub!riri! who stops her movements for just a second before she feels your hands on her lower back, guiding her down on your pink strap once again. “did i tell you to stop, love?” you say, rubbing her swollen clit in small circles, staring right into those brown irises. “i cant, i cant.” she breathes, but continues to sloppily ride you, letting her body collapse on top of yours while you pamper small kisses on her neck.
brat!riri! who loves just a little bit of smarting off at the mouth when you tease her. “hm, you talk big game for someone who can’t even take silicone.” you say, tracing your finger down her abdomen. she didn’t know what was filthier, how you talked to her or the way she liked it, a sultry heat in between her thighs. “wanna test that theory, ma?” she said, tilting her head slightly, eyes looking you up and down, posing an obvious challenge, one that she knew you were more than willing to take.
brat!riri! who exposes herself in front of you while your attempt to focus on your work, knowing that you’ll take one look at her vulgar display and take her bait soon enough. “riri, imma need you off my desk baby.” you sigh, practically pleading the woman to remove herself so that you could continue with your work. she shook her head, spreading her legs right in front of your face, so much that you could see just how much she needed you. “please, i miss you so, so much.” she whispered, hands playing in your coils, guiding you even closer to where she wanted you.
brat!riri!! who got exactly what she bargained for when she finds herself shaking mercilessly, nails ingrained the material of your desk while your fingers pump in and out of her with ease. “right there, baby, fuck.” she moans, feeling that familiar sensation building in her stomach, her cunt tightening around your fingers.
brat!riri!! who whines when you remove your fingers right before her orgasm, a cute pout on her lips. “my poor baby.” you smile, voice laced with fake sympathy and a hint of condescension. you taste her sweetness on your fingers, humming softly as you savored her.
“now if you want to cum, you’ll work for it, won’t you?”
another authors note- i loved doing these so much, i might do some more for her and some more characters. i hope that whoever read this enjoyed them. 💕💕💕
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gay4harm · 1 year
pairing: Riri x black reader
warning: 16+, smut, cheating, reader has a boyfriend who treats her like shit, thigh riding, fingering, oral (reader receiving), cunnilingus and das it I think
song inspo: One night only by Sonder
A/N: I really don't know how to feel about this but it's just a filler until that Riri x troublemaker reader fic come out. Hope you guys like it!
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Before Tyler your current boyfriend you never realized that someone could be involved in intercourse and not have an orgasm.
Here you were doing missionary style with your boyfriend and you could barely feel anything, but at least he was enjoying himself.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum" and that's exactly what he did, in under five minutes he was able to come and you were still there feeling untouched. He got off of you and fell right asleep, guess aftercare wasn't his thing.
Tyler might have not the best in bed but he was still a pretty good boyfriend besides the fact that he cheated on you, but it didn't really count since you guys were on a break. He fucked at least three girls in that month of you two not being together and you got him tested right after you found out. Besides him not being good at sex and he did lie sometimes, he was still funny and he made you feel good most of the time, he was attractive, he had money and besides all the lying, manipulation and his angry issues he was really just a big old teddy bear on the inside. Although he made you feel used he was all you had, you two had been together since high school, he was basically your first everything.
You guys had only went on a break because you had realized you also liked girls just as much as guys, you had never been with a girl but there was just something about them that set you off, you told him that you wanted to experiment but he wasn't having any of it, you guys had went your separate ways for a month and in that month you met Riri Williams, your first impression was of how fine she was and she really made you realize that you definitely were into girls, you two took it slow at first but then Tyler came back and you couldn't resist so you went back with him.
But now you were slowly falling out of love with him so much so that you wanted to break up with him for real this time. Which is exactly what you were gonna do after a party that was going on tonight, so you got ready, you put on a short sleek black dress that stopped at the bottom of your ass and hugged your curves perfectly. You just wanted to get drunk and have fun and hopefully get laid but you weren't sure yet.
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Upon arrival you saw several people grinding on each other, you were hot and sweaty even though you had only been in there for a few minutes, the smell of weed lingered and you were sure mostly everyone was high or on the verge.
As you maneuvered through the crowd, you found yourself in the kitchen where you found enough liquor on the table and counter that it could be classified as a bar, half of it you had never even heard of. You grabbed a red solo cup and began to fill it up with the first bottle you saw. You downed it as quickly as you could and it burned as it went down your throat.
As you turn your met face to face with a familiar face, your best friend Nadia who had a cup filled with some mystery liquid. "Hey girl! I didn't think you were coming."
"Yea it was a bit of a last minute decision" You look down at the cup in her hand wondering what it was. "What's that?"
"Oh you want some? It's kind of strong." She hands you the cup and you take a big swallow, you cough due to the strongness taking you by surprise, the drink tasted like straight liquor. "I thought you said it was kind of strong! What is this?" Without answering you she just laughed in your face as she took the cup from you. "Here you wanna dance?" She leads you to the dance floor and you two begin to grind to the music.
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After several drinks and dancing with a bunch of randoms the party was starting to die down mostly everyone had already left or they were getting ready to go. One of your surprisingly mostly sober friends offered to take you and two other people home but due to the amount of liquids you had just downed, you needed to use the bathroom, every bathroom was occupied so you entered some random bedroom hoping there would be a restroom you could use.
You had expected the room to be empty but instead you were met with a familiar face, the one of Riri Williams rolling up a blunt. "Oh shit I'm sorry I didn't think there was anyone in here, I was looking for a bathroom." You begin to walk out but Riri's voice stopped you. "Wait if you need to go then there's one in here." She gestures to the door leading to one and you walk in closing the door behind you. You relieve yourself and clean up a bit.
Before you could leave the room she stops you again. "So how you been ma?" Your quite familiar with the pet name and you're also familiar with the pit it put in your stomach. "Oh yea I've been great, thanks for asking." There was a moment of silence before you spoke again, "um- how have you been?" She finished rolling her blunt and lighting it before speaking again, "Yeah I been good. How's your boyfriend? Tyler was it? I forgot" you look down before answering, "Yeah he's good I guess."
"Why you seem so hesitant about yo answer?"
"Oh no it's no reason, he's just a lot, you know?" You stubble a bit over to her clearly drunk, you had been slurring over your words a bit at first. "Nah I don't know, whatcu mean?" You look down at your hands playing with them, being around Riri made you nervous, which you hated. "He is just such a dick, I honestly don't even want to be in a relationship with him" Riri was a bit surprised by your honesty but she knew it was only a matter of time until you realized he was a shit boyfriend.
"He just doesn't know how to handle having a girlfriend, he's a liar and he's probably cheating on me right now. And you want to know the worst part about it, he is so bad at having sex. I don't think I've ever had a time were we had sex and he actually made me come." Riri was more than surprised now, she knew Tyler was a shit boyfriend but she didn't know he was a bad lover too, she had thought the sex is what brought you back to him. "So if he's a shit boyfriend why are you still with him?"
You laughed a bit at her question "Honestly I don't even know, he is literally so bad at sex that after we finish, I have to finish myself off, it's such bullshit, I haven't been fucked good in so long. It's honestly hurting me, he is such a little bitch with a small, tiny ol dick that can only last like three minutes, he can't even fuck me properly." You were slurring on your words, but everything you were saying was true, it's just that you never got the opportunity to say it.
"Damn I didn't know it was like that, must be pretty miserable for you huh?" Riri's question was pretty valid, you were miserable, you didn't like your boyfriend and you didn't know why you were still with him. "Yeah it definitely is miserable, I just need something better"
"Really, like what? Whatcu need" You didn't really need to think about your answer, so with no hesitation you said "I just need to be fuck, ya know."
Riri looks down and chuckles at your choice of words. "Yea I think I know what you mean, you just need someone who can handle you ma" That's exactly what you needed, you needed someone who actually knew how to pleasure you, someone like Riri, maybe. "Oh yea well who do you think could help me with my little problem?" Riri looked up at you with her low lidded red eyes and licked her lips, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth. "I think I have someone in mind." Before Riri can do anything you rush and lock your lips with hers, she immediately leans in the kiss clearly wanting this just as much as you.
The liquor flowing through your body gave you a new found confidence, you push Riri slightly so she was laying flat on the bed, you lift yourself up, straddling her. Riri repositions you so now your sitting on her leg, clit directly on her knee. She sits up so you can ride her leg better, she grabs your hips and guides you to grind on her leg. "You like that ma?" You could only shake your head in response but she needed to hear you say it "use your words y/n." Her sturness drove you to grind harder and faster on her leg. Your underwear definitely helped with the stimulation and you could feel that familiar pit in you stomach that you ever so rarely felt. "It f-feels so good ri."
your whimpers could be heard directly in Riri's ear only driving her to want to hear more out of you. She began to slightly bounce her leg up and down, drawing a low moan to escape your lips. "Fuck Ri, I'm gonna cum" Your breathy moans were the only thing to be heard in the room and before you knew it that same feeling of euphoria washed over you and you came all over Riri's thigh. Taking a few minutes to catch your breath, you realized what you just did and you immediately climb off Riri's leg sobering up a bit. "Oh my god, what the fuck did I just do" Riri looks at you confused as if she didn't know what you meant. "Whatcu mean? Whats wrong?" You look at her in disbelief, "Did that just not happen? did I not just ride your fucking leg?"
"Yeah but I mean I thought thats what you wanted"
"I-I mean I did but I have a boyfriend, I just cheated on him" You sigh in disappointment, you couldn't believe you had just done that "You acting like ol boy not cheating on you" She was right, Tyler was cheating on you but that didn't mean it was right for you to do the same. "Plus I'm not done, and I always finish what I start."
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Riri smirks at you, clearly plotting, "You tryna see?" You shake your head as a answer but Riri wasn't satisfied enough, she leans in closer only inches away. "You already know I don't be doing none of that shaking heads shit, I'ma need you to use your words ma"
"Sorry, I- uh yea, I wanna see" Pleased with your answer she lays you down, planting a small kiss on your forehead, she begins to place small kisses on your cheeks then your lips all the way down to your neck, you lift your head up a bit to give her more access, she begins to kiss and suck on your neck, you were almost positive she was leaving several marks on you. She pulls down your dress until your boobs spill out giving her access to your hardened nipples, she begins to suck and prob on one nipple while rolling your other one in between her cold fingers. She releases your nipple from your mouth, engulfing the other one in her mouth now.
Her hands began to travel up and down your body to your thighs gripping them hard, her hands slither up your dress, pulling it up until your whole dress is bunched up to your waist. Her nimble fingers begin to rub up and down your clothed clit, you whined due to the bare amount of pleasure she was giving you. "Riri p-please." You almost choke on your words desperate for her to touch you, "Please what ma?" She's still toying with your clit and it's making you wetter by the minute "Please fuck me"
She smirks down at you and begins to pull your panties down to your ankles. "Well since you asked so nicely" Her tone is a bit sarcastic, she starts to rub your clit in slow tight circles and you gasp softy due to the friction. She takes her fingers and teases your hole not fully going in yet, "Ri please stop playing and fuck me" Your whimpers fill the room again, she finally decides to stop playing with you and inserts two fingers in your pussy, slowly pumping in and out, she began to speed up a bit, lowering her head down to your clit. "You like that ma?"
"Yes Ri, please" She licks a fat stripe up your clit, she flattens her tongue engulfing your whole clit in her mouth and begins to suck causing a loud drawn out moan to come out from you, the sound of Riri sucking on your clit and her finger fucking you could be heard throughout the room. "Fuck Riri, oh my god" You moan out loud, you had never been touched like this, Tyler wasn't too fond on the idea of eating you out or really doing anything as long as it didn't give him pleasure.
Riri could feel you tightening around her fingers and by the way your moans were getting louder and more drawn out she could tell you were close. She lifts her head up a bit from your clit, "You bout to cum? Huh, make a mess for me"
"Yes Ri, god I'm so close''
"You gonna cum for me?" You could barely get a word out but you knew she would just egg you on and force a response from you, but before you could even attempt to get a word out your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, it was one of those toe curling, eye rolling, back arching orgasms, your vision was white and blurry, your mind was wiped of anything else besides the ecsedy you were feeling . You drew out a long "Fuuuuck."
It took you awhile to come down from your high but when you did you could see Riri sitting right beside you waiting for you to come down, you were the first to break the silence that had fallen. "Um that was- I actually don't even have any words for it" Riri chuckles besides you and you join in. You look at your phone to see it had been at least an hour and a half since you had walked in on Riri, your ride had probably already left and you didn't exactly know who's house this was and you had classes in the morning, all this hit you at once and you let out a groan catching Rir's attention "Yo you ok?"
"Yeah I'm sorry I just realized I might have to catch an Uber home which is one thing I didn't want to have to do." You get up and begin to fix your dress. "Well I mean I can take you if you want" You stop and look up at her. ''You'd do that?"
"Of course" Before heading out you take the time to clean up, your hair was frizzy and not as kept as before, half of your makeup was now off your face and you couldn't walk without stumbling a few times but you got into Riri's car and she drove you home. Tonight might have been one of the best nights of your life, but the morning would be a nightmare, you would have a massive hangover and the guilt of cheating on your boyfriend, but Riri was worth it.
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dividers by: firefly-graphics
this took me FOREVER but nonetheless it's here, I'm not very proud of it and its probably trash but its whatever
Anyways hope you guys like it
And there are many more fics to come!
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cashcart1er · 1 year
Riri Williams x Black Reader
Summary: It's Riri's last fight before her official retirement and she wanted to end by taking the heavyweight champion title from her rival named Nicki Conlan daughter of your cousin Creed's former rival Ricky Conlan. In the midst of this quest, it seems that she is having trouble finding her opponent's weak spot until now.
Warnings: Violence, Mature Language, and blood that's it (I also didn't proof read it's about to be 2:00 in the morning leave me alone)
Riri was getting her ass beat. She would get a few hits in every once in a while but it wasn't enough to win the rounds. The hits she was making weren't enough down Nicki who has been in this game for years. Riri knocked out plenty of people 16 to be exact but this was nothing like those fights. This was extreme and it was only gonna get harder.
"A heavy uppercut from Conlan put Williams on her knees!" The Announcer Shouted. Her ear was ringing from such a force and her lungs were heavy as if they were going to crash. "ONE, TWO, THREE" The referee counted snapping her out the dizziness as she got up. "FOUR!" "Im good." "FIVE" "I SAID I"M GOOD DAMN" Riri shook those punches off as she the referee put her back in.
As soon as the bell rung, Conlan came swinging connecting at least seven hits before the bell rung. The last one was so strong that Riri's eye was bleeding. "Choose the wrong fighter brote(bud)" She glanced at you as you shook a bit from being scared. 'I'm good baby' she mouthed as you swallowed the worries in your throat.
"Cuzzo your eye is bleeding. You keep making loose moves like that and we'll be scooping you up piece by piece. Riri rolled her eyes brushing off her injury. "I'm good bro. Ain't nobody scared of a lil contact here and there" Creed sighed at her stubbornness. "Dodge her left hook and wait for her to throw the right one. She's gonna overthrow and when she does I need you to go in there and smash her." Riri nodded at her coach's instructions.
"Round 1 was a wake up call for the young fighter Riri Williams. But, after a discussion with Creed, She comes in for more." The announcer speaks once again. BOOM "Hard uppercut from Conlan followed by a left hook" Dodge, HOOK. Riri throws a clean left hook to Nicki's face cutting her cheek a bit. BOOM BOOM BOOM! "Riri and Conlan go toe-to-toe both landing clean hits as they push on to each other." "Go RI YOU GOT IT!" You cheer on. "Double hook Riri!"Creed shouts. Riri managed to hit her twice before the bell rang. The fighters push on to each other talking a huge amount of trash. "You bleed just like me nigga!" Riri spat. "That ain't shit lil girl" The coaches pull the fighter bringing them back to their corners. "That's what I like to see cuzzo" Creed gives Riri some water to wash out her blood in a bucket. "Look you're a threat to her. She's gonna be after everything you have and I need you to be ready okay?" Riri nodded sniffling a bit.
Round 3 had started and Creed wasn't kidding. Nicki came running throwing hits that would definitely cause bruises later. Every single time Riri would dodge or block one shot Nicki would connect 3 three more. "KEEP YO HANDS UP BAE" You yell trying to help but it didn't affect her at all. Jab, left hook, right hook the punches just kep coming until the round ended. "Things aren't looking so good for Williams after that round" The announcer voice rang through the speaker for the thousandth time today.
Round 11
Both of the fighters were tired and Nicki was ahead in points which means Riri wasn't winning but not far away from it either. At this point, both of the fighters had bad injuries. Conlan had bruises all over her body and cuts while Riri had some cuts and a swollen eye not to mention the one that was cut. Riri connected 3 hooks onto Nicki's body making her stumble. Even though Riri was making these great shots, Nicki wasn't going to let it go just like that and that was really bad for Riri.
Riri was getting hit with all types of combos and she was barely even dodging them. Her body was slowly giving out and that wasn't benefiting her at all. Just when she thought she was making progress, BOOM... "Williams drops to the floor! A clean knockout from Conlan. Tears fall down from your eyes as you feel the wave of emotions overcome you. This couldn't be the end it just couldn't.
2023 CHICAGO 9:45 PM
"Jeez a swift combo from Conlan right out of the gate! Is Conlan looking good or is Williams just looking bad? The announcer entertained the audience as Riri and her rival Nicki Conlan fought. Jab, hook, uppercut. The same three moves, yet every time it was thrown at her she still couldn't dodge it. Riri was getting frustrated and you could see that even from the sidelines.
"If Williams keeps this up her whole career will end with another loss from the same person" 'Jesus Christ do these people ever shut the fuck up' you thought. Once again, Riri was hit with the same three piece that Conlan was delivering. "mm okay same ol' Williams. Ain't nun change" Conlan smirked at the stress she pursued onto Riri. Riri took a jab first only to get blocked. They both started recieving contact until Riri was put in a corner.
Riri managed to land a jab into Nicki's jaw making some room between the two of them but that didn't even seem to faze Nicki at all. Jab, hook, uppercut once again only even harder. Jab, hook, uppercut once more knocking Riri into the ropes. You jumped out of your seat sweating as you bit your nails nervously. The fighters were swinging back and forth though Conlan was causing more damage than Riri did this whole fight. Jab, hook, dodge? Riri escaped the dangerous combo after being hit multiple times. She noticed this very much. So much in fact that she found a weak spot.
The round was over obviously going to Conlan since she made the most contact in between that amount of time. "The next round is gonna hurt Williams. Get ready" Riri rolled her eyes walking over to her corner and sitting down with her Coach Adonis Creed. "Ri if you don't get yo head in the game. She beating you worse last time!" She looked over to you and winked as a smirk crept onto her face.
"Oh so you smiling? Am I missing something?" Your Coach asked getting worried. "Yeah bro. Checkmate" You could tell what she said even from where you were. She found it. She found the spot. The same spot that Creed found in his boxing era. You body relaxed just a little still remembering that there is a chance something could go wrong.
"Oh checkmate? You wanna be me so bad it's crazy. Go checkmate yo ass a damn knockout. And please don't get whooped" You chuckled at his antics. "I ain't never been scared of no contact" He put her mouthpiece in her mouth and wiped her down to get ready for the next round. "She looked back over to you giving a thumbs up to you. You smiled lightly returning the thumbs up.
The next round began as the crowd roared. "Since Williams hasn't been winning rounds the only thing that can save her is a knockout" The announcer starts back up with their commentary making you even more nervous. Dodge, jab, jab Riri connected with Conlan's lower body making her wince a bit. "C'mon nigga" Riri taunted.
"C'mon Nicki, finish the job!" Her father yelled from the sidelines. Jab, hook, uppercut again. She had got Riri again but it was becoming more tolerable. After going back and forth so much it finally clicked. The world was going in slow motion for Riri calming her. It was either she strikes now or never. Dodge, Jab, hook. Conlan stumbles a bit from the combo. "Nah don't run" BOOM BOOM BOOM... "Conlan plummets on the floor what a combo." Nicki squirmed on the ground trying to get up but to no avail.
"THREE, FOUR, FIVE!" Once it got to 5 you were up on your seat biting your knuckle a bit harder each time the number went up.
You yell in joy running in the ring to hug your girl. "Oh my gosh I knew you could do it!" You kissed her passionately pulling away just to get pulled back in. "Mm- okay Ri your sweaty as hell" "Whatever" You both laugh as the interviewers throw questions at both of you.
"So Riri, how does it feel to be the new Heavyweight Champ?"
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sec-heriablangel · 3 months
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h3artbreakaaaaaa · 2 years
Christmas Spirit // Riri Williams
Riri x Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff
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Gif is not mine credit to the owner!
( sorry for spelling errors, typos, or grammar errors I DO NOT proof read.)
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Riri walked in with the last container in the storage room full of ornaments.
“ is that the last one “ you ask as Riri put it down on the ground and nodded.
She looked and saw that you already put on you matching pjs.
“ you couldn’t wait for me ma “ Riri say tilting her head slightly looking at your pjs.
“ my bad you was taking to long”
“ oh really “ Riri said as she walked over to you and you both started giggling knowing y’all could never take each other seriously.
Riri then went down the hall of your apartment to go into your shared bedroom to change.
You then heard the door open as Riri walked out and saw you in the living room opening the box.
“You really into the Christmas Spirt this year huh.” Riri said looking at how excited you were about decorating the tree.
“ Bae, you know it’s my favorite holiday. “ you say and Riri chuckles at your response.
“ Girl if you don’t come help me” you say as Riri got up and started to help you out the ornaments on the tree.
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It was now late, you and riri had just finished decorating the tree and y’all sat on the couch with some mugs in your hands with hot chocolate.
It was hella cold in Boston so y’all had the fire place on with lights off as the bright lights on the tree, the fire place, and the Christmas movie playing on the tv were your only sources of light.
As the movie was getting closer to ending you both started to get tired Riri sat up and put your mugs on the code table and opened her arms signaling for you to come into her arms.
You then had you head rested on her chest as she had her hand up your shirt massaging your back.
Riri then picked up her phone and looked at the time 12:00 am it read and it now saying December 25.
“Merry Christmas ma” Riri said in a soft sleepy tone as she kissed your forehead.
“Merry Christmas” you said as your were half falling asleep.
Next thing you know it you were in the arms of the love of your life asleep on Christmas morning.
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A/n: HEYYYYYYYY so this was something quick I decided to write since I had the idea in mind☺️🫶🏾
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saintgoths · 1 year
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ
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WORDS - 3,998.
RATING - 18+. [insecure & possessive Joel, Ellie and ivy fluff]
SUMMARY - joel learns about what isabella has done and re-thinks about their relationship and ellie and ivy had a deep talk about what had happened to her.
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As the church doors were loudly closed behind the two couples, Maria and Tommy had carefully dragged the older Miller away from the location, Isabella had scurried behind the three of them, embarrassed and guilt-ridden by the circumstance. When Maria had finally let go of Joel, Tommy had followed through, her expression confused and sensibly annoyed at the commotion.
“What is wrong with you?” Maria directly seethed, she had briskly pointed an accusatory finger at the bearded man who had glared down at his shoes, Isabella had hugged herself whilst she had nibbled her bottom lips as she had silently wished that Joel would not inform Tommy and Maria what Adam had implied to him.
“He had no right speaking to Isabella like that,” Joel argued, he had lifted his face to look at the short-haired blond woman, his foamed eyes had hastily scanned over Isabella before they had returned to the leader of the town.
“So, the best solution was to beat him up?” Maria questioned, her tone smouldered and irritated, and as much as Joel had thought Maria to be a scary person, in his mind, the older Miller man had his duty to protect his lover and he couldn’t do that with alarm and fright.
Adamant, Joel had pressed his lips together, with the look in his eyes, his younger brother, Tommy, understood that Joel was going to be stubborn about the situation. “If it gets him to shut up, then yes.”
Tensely, Maria released a struggled sigh. “Right,” she dryly muttered, softly, she had backed away from the trio. “I’ll be with the Lorde family,” she informed them. “Tommy,” Maria called her tone forwardly implied that her husband should take lead with the situation.
Aware the scenario was in his hands now, Tommy softly grunted while he had pulled his hands against his hips. “You were usually the one who spoke about being calm and not allowing people to rile you up,” the blonde brother lightly joked and barely humoured, Joel mildly smirked at his younger brother.
“Everyone has their breaking points,” Joel responded and aware of his point, Tommy raised the both of his eyebrows, his hands dropped at his sides and he neared himself in direction of Joel.
“This is going to be the town’s gossip for a long time,” Tommy clarified and apprised, Joel dropped his shoulders in response, he had sat himself against the cold ground, knowledgeable of the iciness but the adrenaline had him care less of the temperature.
Silently, Isabella had pushed her bottom lip behind her teeth, she had wished to have a private conversation with her partner but she’d rather speak to the Miller man when his heated feelings had cooled down, the woman was aware that Joel would do nothing to hurt her physically or emotionally, but the Rosalind woman had comprehended that there was a certain conversation that had to be discussed.
“I know,” Joel muttered and with the look on his face, Tommy understood that Joel had no regrets for what he had done, or hadn’t cared of what people would say or think.
“You might have to apologise to the Lourde family,” Tommy trailed on and automatically, Joel had rolled his eyes in disagreement; knowing that forcing his brother to apologise to the Lourde family would be difficult, Tommy had pressed his lips into a thin line.
As Joel was too stubborn, the man was also too prideful. “I’ll leave the two of you to talk it out,” Tommy mentioned and thankful, Isabella had quietly thanked Tommy before she had watched him walk away from them. Isabella had eventually pulled her arms away from the tight lock around her figure, and twisted her gaze to her lover, she had peeled her mouth open to speak but the man had cut her off with just the raise of his hand.
“What did Adam mean by that?” Joel thoroughly questioned, his voice low and accusatory enough for Isabella to pull her hands behind her back, slowly, Joel had raised himself to stand to his feet, his eyes dark and accusive, he himself, had understood what Adam had implied in the church, yet, the man had just wanted to hear it from her.
Isabella gently shuddered, she had finally felt the cold whispering wind touch her skin and once more, the woman had hugged herself, eyes wide in curiosity but shock that commodities had to be revealed this way. “What do you mean?”
Sarcastically entertained, Joel pushed himself to scoff at her. “You know exactly what I mean.”
“My past sexual life has nothing to do with you,” Isabella quickly worded out and unmoved, Joel’s orbs remained on her. Strained, Isabella had taken a step closer towards the Miller man who stood straight against the wall behind him, he had much words working his mind, much outcomes and many conclusions and he liked neither of them.
“Did you fuck Adam?” Joel whispered and reticent, Isabella had gawked at the taller being, flustered that Joel had to find out she had been with Adam Lourde out of all men, disconcerted, Joel had held in his breath, her silence being enough of an answer. While struggling, Joel had laughed not at her but at the circumstance. “Did you fuck Tora too?”
“During the time I left Jackson,” Isabella truthfully replied and unaware on how to feel, Joel briskly raked his fingers through his full beard. “It was during a time we weren’t together,” she candidly argued and firm, Joel pressed his hands against the top of his hips, his eyes rooted and stable as staunch and ghastly thoughts roamed his mind.
“We weren’t together but I’m sure we had feelings for each other---you knew I had feelings for you,” Joel quickly countered and miffed, Isabella’s face twisted in soreness.
“So that means I owed you loyalty?” Isabella forwardly questioned, bothered by his self-righteousness; and aware of his greed and self-indulgence, Joel rubbed the back of his neck, taciturn and aware that Isabella’s argument was valid. “Especially when you were avoiding me majority of the time in the beginning.”
“Right, I’m sorry,” Joel genuinely apologised and forgiving, Isabella reached for his hand that he had opened.
Her face less agitated, a smile appeared on her mask on autopilot. “It’s okay,” the woman whispered and thankful, Joel had gently pulled the stunning being into a soft embrace, glad that in the end Isabella would be someone he’d have in his arms whenever he had wanted, but moreover, Isabella had liked the fact that Joel was a man who was willing to put a man’s life on the line just for the sake of her integrity. It made her feel safe, and aware that she could count on someone domestically once more.
“Was Adam before or after Tora?”
In disbelief, Isabella had briskly pulled away from his grasp and mildly slapped his chest. She had forced an embarrassed laugh in response to his possessive attitude, yet, with the serious look he had on his face as he had waited for her answer, Isabella pressed her lips into a thin line, her brown eyes shaking with discomfort. “Joel,” she warned, “I don’t like this insecure attitude you’re having right now.”
“Have you looked in the mirror?” Joel peered, as much as he had liked the fact that he had the most beautiful woman in love with him, there were moments the Miller man had fell into a pit of anxiety and self-doubt. “Any man would feel uncertain when they’re with a woman like you.”
“I wouldn’t cheat on you---”
“I know you wouldn’t,” Joel called out and immediately his eyes dropped the stiff and adamant expression which had then been quickly laced and dressed with his true emotions, fear. Mayhap Joel had been projecting on her, mayhap all these feelings were due to the previous events with his ex-wife.
Aware that Joel’s feeling had stemmed from a copious deeper place than she had known, the woman had dropped her arms to her sides before she had released an exhausted sigh. “Adam was after Tora.”
Confused, Joel had pulled back his face as he hastily calculated the dates in his mind and tired, Isabella had quickly swiped the tip of her tongue against the dry cracks of her lower lips, the snow and coldness had gotten to her harder than before, the woman was sure that her nose and cheeks must’ve been the colour of red apples by now. Thus, she had wished that the conversation the two of them had currently shared would be over by the minute.
“Then that wouldn’t make any sense,” Joel stiffly replied, “because we went on a date the moment you came back to Jackson.”
Culpable, Isabella had sucked in the air through the tight gaps of her teeth, averse to respond to Joel’s final idea. Now struck with a new wave of curiosity, Joel had pushed himself towards her, the dark green shades of his eyes currently contrite and sombre than before. The look on his face had showed Isabella that there had been a conclusion he had already come up with, but an end he didn’t want to be correct on.
Even though the man had been silent, Isabella had understood of the muted question he had desired to hear the answer to. The woman could already feel the stemming disappointment crawl outside of her body, though, not disappointment for Joel’s suspicions but disappointment of her own lust, how her own desires had always controlled her. Isabella was a woman who did not care if another lady had a high libido, as she was one herself who had a rather large size, yet the reason why the Rosalind woman had been so disappointed in herself was due to the timing of her lewd adventures.
“I had sex with Adam the same night we were about to…” the lady awkwardly trailed off and instantly, the mask on Joel’s face tightened with acrimony and grief.
His eyebrows had knitted upwards as he slowly allowed the agonising truth in his mind, in despair, the taller being had unhappily whipped his head away from her as his eyes tightly closed, he had silently repeated to himself that Isabella was not his during that period of time, yet, it still hurt.
“Well, I’m sorry I was not able to give you the full pleasure Adam had given you that night,” he bitterly worded out and afflicted, Isabella had moved closer to him, to touch him and reassure the man of his emotions, but quickly, Joel had avoided the feeling of her hands.
As Isabella tried to calm the situation down, the woman furrowed her eyebrows, as she had pitied herself, understood that the night would not end the way she would have liked and Joel would still want to have his space, but, the Rosalind woman had still tried. “Joel, please let me explain---” but it was far too late, Joel had pointed his index finger towards her, his full eyebrows knitted down in envy and spite.
“You don’t need to explain yourself, I already understand what type of woman you are---”
“What type of woman I am? Joel, you’re implying me as some whore, Joel, I’m all yours that was all in the past—a time we were not together---”
“But we were still seeing each other! It’s the principle, Isabella!” Joel rudely seethed, his anguished anger enough to shut the woman up, ravaged, Isabella had gently tightened her fists, in disapproval of herself, “how would you feel, if a night we were supposed to be together I go to another woman because I couldn’t get the sex I wanted?” In disbelief, Joel had then choked out a sigh, aware of his argument had been valid and true to the dark-haired woman who stared back at him, thus, too miffed of what he had learned, Joel had finally stepped away from her and left to his home.
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Isabella had barely showed when she was pregnant with Robin, it had been three months into her pregnancy and Lana and Hana praised on how she could’ve been mistaken as not pregnant if she had not revealed the skin of her baby bump.
Though, the size of her baby-bump had not been what she had focused on, Kai had excitedly stormed into the room she had currently been reading in, with a letter in his hand, his pearly white teeth had glowed in front of her as he frantically waved the object in her face as if he were a mad man, in response, Isabella had twisted her face just as she had bookmarked the page she had been interrupted on.
“What’s going on?” Isabella curiously questioned and with his eyes enthusiastic, Kai had held the letter in both of his hands before he peeled it open.
“The Ophanim has sent me a letter,” Kai happily responded and unenthusiastic, Isabella had pulled her head backwards as she faked a happy hum from the back of her throat. Just as she had listened to Kai open up the letter, she had pondered how their one-year-old daughter, Ivy was doing, Isabella had known that Kai had recently put her to bed, yet, if she was being honest with herself, watching Ivy sleep would be more fun than listening to what the Ophanim had to say.
“Kai of Rosalind, the Ophanim has seen and heard of the growth of your family and wishes there’ll be a time where his grace will see you face to face, as he perceives you to be someone who is more suitable to converse with him,” Kai happily read out and due to how high the man was due to the news, Isabella had drawn herself back from aggressively rolling her eyes.
The woman had always perceived the organisation to be a fraud, in her case, it was clear as day, yet unfortunately for Kai, there would be an ugly wake-up call that had patiently waited for him. “I don’t trust them,” Isabella truthfully muttered and distraught, Kai had bounced his shoulders as kickback, he had placed the letter to the closest table and sauntered towards his wife, his dark eyes wide with strong belief and faith, unmoved, Isabella had gently rubbed the small swollen stomach as she had watched her husband shamelessly love the Oraphim Society.
“Isabella, the society has brought us nothing but kindness and warmth,” Kai reminded and tasked to have the woman on his side in strict religious beliefs, Kai had softly held Isabella’s hands, Isabella who had stiffly looked and watched the man crouch down to her level. “There’s no reason to be hostile,” he had wanted to speak more of Isabella’s hostility and link it to her past trauma, but he quickly understood he’d be a dead man walking if he had attempted to do that.
“Don’t you think it’s weird, barely anyone has seen the Ophanim?” Isabella curiously questioned, her inquire laced with knowledge and snarky humour. Kai had comprehended she had appeared that way because the conclusion she had come up with was that the Oraphim Society had been a cult with the Ophanim as the leader.
Frustrated, Kai pursed his lips, his eyes slightly shook with annoyance, silent, Isabella had slowly rocked on the chair she had sat on, her eyes levelled with her husband, unfazed by his state. “You’re being ungrateful,” Kai eventually spoke and instantly, the expression that had gloated on his wife’s face promptly dropped, immediately regretful over his choice of words, Kai attempted to speak to Isabella once again, “Bella---” yet, not in the attitude to listen to his apology, Isabella had briskly pulled herself off her seat and gently rubbed her belly.
“I’ll be checking with Lana and Hana,” Isabella whispered, her response laced with dolour that had anguished Kai enough to reach out for her, still, avoidant, Isabella snatched her body from Kai’s attempt of grip and thus she stalked to the opening of the door, before she exited the room, she twisted to look at Kai, her face had lacked distress but the Rosalind patriarch could see it in her eyes. “You should check on Ivy,” she forwardly commented fore she left the room.
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Scarlett had given Ivy her space by spending her time with Robin and Venus, leaving Ivy alone to collect her thoughts in her room, the oldest Rosalind girl would’ve done the same thing in her own cabin, but the dark-haired girl had wanted to be around family sooner or later.
She had sat on the front edge of her bed, hands clasped together as she had intensely examined the lines and textures of her skin to rid the obscene thoughts that had impended to haunt her mind. Her dark thoughts quickly ridden when the sharp knocks against the other side of her wooden door had been beaten and quickly, Ivy had allowed the figure who stood outside her room to come in. “Come in!” Ivy kindly called out and slowly, the door had been pushed open and carefully, Ellie had stepped into her room, the freckled face girl incomprehensible but Ivy could tell there were dark thoughts behind them.
“The others said you would be in here,” Ellie dryly commented and woefully, Ivy had stretched a smile across her face and gently made space for her girlfriend to sit next to her.
“Well, hi,” Ivy kindly greeted as she returned her eyes against the back of her hands while Ellie smoothly closed the door behind her.
Awkwardly, Ellie walked towards Ivy before she carefully sat beside her. Stiffly, Ellie placed her hand against Ivy’s arms, her dark eyes now covered with worry and protection, sadly, Ellie had examined the Rosalind girl ere she questioned her. “Are you okay, how are you feeling?”
“I’m fine,” Ivy muttered out but Ellie knew she had been lying and as much as she had been angry towards the entire situation, the red-haired girl comprehended that Ivy needed her.
“You know you can speak to me,” Ellie worded out and appreciative, Ivy silently thanked her, she had felt the warmth of Ellie’s palm leave her shoulders and in response, the dark-haired girl had tucked her bottom lip behind her teeth, by the corner of her eyes, she had watched Ellie place her hands against her knees as she had gathered her next sentences to inquire her lover.
“Ask me.”
Confused, Ivy eventually looked up to face the freckled-woman who stared intensely at her. “Ask me to kill him,” Ellie seriously pronounced and startled, Ivy furrowed her eyebrows as she had pushed a laughter that had formed in the back of her throat.
“Why not?” Ellie asked exasperated as she had leaped onto her feet, arms up in the air like a mad man. “He cannot continue living after what he had done to you, Ivy, I won’t allow it!”
Hesitant, Ivy hushed Ellie to silence herself but the Rosalind girl understood it’ll take more for Ellie to become reticent. “I don’t want issues---”
“Then why not tell your mother?” Ellie included and quickly against the idea, Ivy hastily shook her head which had pushed the Williams girl to grit her teeth and grunt, heated. “Why do you want to be so peaceful about this?!” Ellie cried out, her eyes wide with choleric and fire; and impotent, Ivy had harshly taken in her breath.
“If I tell my mother about this---she’ll want to kill Rowan herself---”
“Isn’t that what we want!” Ellie yelled out, irate and heated, Ellie puffed out her breath, maddened that Rowan was a free man.
With her eyes closed, while Ivy formed her sentence in her mind, her fingers had gripped the sheets of her bed, the high emotions had spiked tears in her eyes and promptly, Ellie had felt guilt strike her heart. “And when she kills him, she’d want to pack everything and leave, she would want to leave everything behind and start a new life and I do not want to do that Ellie, not again.”
With her hands on her hips, Ellie walked towards Ivy, her emotions more balanced than before, “then when everything goes down, we can persuade your mother to let you and everyone else stay here,” she argued, “Ivy, Jackson is your home, her home, and she has Joel, I’m sure she will not be so quick to give it up because of what she has here.”
Slightly comforted with her speech, Ivy let out a small laughter. “You don’t know what my mum is willing to give up when it comes to wanting to leave something, somewhere or someone.”
Defeated, Ellie plopped herself beside Ivy, her eyes blue with sadness. Dimly angry that she wasn’t able to do anything to avenge Ivy for what Rowan had done to her. “Okay,” Ellie gently whispered, and upset, Ivy pressed her hands against her face as she had gently sobbed against it.
“I’m so sorry,” Ivy woefully apologised and empathetic, Ellie kindly pulled Ivy into a hug.
“You don’t need to apologise for anything,” Ellie responded, but remorseful, Ivy shook her head.
“If I just allowed you to explain in the moment and not running off to Rowan, none of this would be happening,” Ivy explained, as she pulled her hands away from her face, Ellie observed her now puffy features, her eyes red with gloom and dejection.
Understanding, Ellie had gently stroked the thick strands of Ivy’s hair, her lips in a thin line and fluffed eyebrows furrowed. “I am angry you did not give me a chance to explain everything,” she truthfully commented, “but it is not your fault Rowan took advantage of you.”
As she had attempted to hold back the rest of her tears, Ellie had thoughtfully brought herself to wipe and get rid of the wetness that had already soaked Ivy’s skin. Silent, Ellie pulled herself to kiss Ivy’s head, her mode protective and woe.
They had begun to speak of others things, to purge the sullen feelings Ivy had carried. “Dina gave me one of the badges I collect,” Ivy quietly brought up and currently, the two had pressed the length of their bodies contra the soft cot of Ivy’s bed.
“Yeah, I told Dina about your collection,” Ellie answered in a hushed tone, Ivy had then thankfully pressed her lips against the arched tip of Ellie’s spotted nose.
“Thank you,” Ivy whispered and pleased. Ellie carefully stroked her fingers through Ivy’s hair.
Her expression had held a look that pondered, and with her dark eyes, Ivy had sent Ellie a quiet lead to communicate about what she had thought about. Reticent, Ellie had traced Ivy’s jaw with the pad of her curved lined thumb, just as she gathered the series of questions she was about to inquire. “Do you know why Joel did that?” Ellie curiously questioned and equally as suspicious of the Miller man’s behaviour, Ivy shook her head.
“From what I heard, Adam said something to my mother that pissed Joel off,” Ivy explained, and as much as Joel’s actions surprised Ivy, the Rosalind girl was pleased that Joel was there for her mother. “Even though he seems like a mad man, I’m glad that someone is there for my mum.”
“At least everyone knows he loves her,” Ellie mildly joked and satisfied, Ivy slid her arms around Ellie’s figure, her limb curved around her body. She had stared at the Williams girl, the mention of love had strike in interest in her, she had wondered if there would ever be a time where her and Ellie would genuinely mean it to each other when it came out of her mouths, still, the brown-haired girl had been too tired to acutely think of the connection she had shared with Ellie, right now, Ivy had been comfortable where they were.
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
My Lord! A Snappin' Turla!
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x Reader
Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: New OC foks!! :) Thorne
It’s an ordinary Tuesday morning at the 141 base when Laswell walks into the room with a rather annoyed looking woman in tow. The guys look up from their breakfast and tea, to Laswell, to the woman, then back to their breakfast, and it’s only Price who breaks the silence.
“This her?” he asks and Laswell nods, shoving her forward.
“This is indeed. Introduce yourself.”
“I’d rather not,” the woman mutters, crossing her arms over her chest.
“There are a lot of things I’d rather not do and babysitting you is one of those,” Laswell retorts. “Introduce yourself.”
The woman rolls her eyes, lets out an exaggerated sigh and greets, “Name’s Snapper.”
At this, Soap looks up from his eggs. “Snapper?”
“That’s what I said, William Wallace.”
He ignores the swipe. “Why do they call you ‘Snapper’? Bonnie lass like you should be called something nicer.”
Snapper blinks, eyes hardening as she answers, “I once got attacked by a drunk guy who though it would be a good idea to stick his hand in my face. Three guesses as to what I bit off and how many.”
“And there goes my desire to ask you out,” Soap jokes and she turns to Laswell with a glare.
“I’m gonna hurt this boy’s feelings.”
“Play nice, niece,” she sighs and this time, Gaz looks up.
“Niece? You have a niece?”
“My wife’s.”
“Ah,” he nods and looks to Snapper. “Kyle Garrick. But everyone calls me Gaz.”
“I cannot physically believe you’re sticking me in a base full of men.”
Laswell rolls her eyes. “As much as I hate to actually admit this, you’re one of the best information specialists I’ve ever seen. The 141 can benefit from your help.”
“Men. I’m stuck on a base full of male soldiers. Who shit and fart and laugh loudly with no regards to their surroundings. Why would this be enjoyable for me?”
“Consider it punishment for hacking into the Pentagon and changing the official records to say that Clinton did in fact have sexual relations with that woman.”
Snapper glares at the floor. “You just can’t appreciate good humor.”
“I appreciate my wife not being beside herself in tears that her only niece is in federal prison.”
“Had to get your attention and entrance to the CIA somehow,” she griped.
Finally, Ghost meets her gaze. “You hacked into the Pentagon so you could prove you were good enough to join the CIA?”
She glares at him. “Yeah, kinda how you joined the army so you could find a family that actually cared about you.” She looks at them. “Anybody else want their feelings hurt or just the obviously PTSD-ridden, antisocial, masked freak?”
“You’re out of line, Snapper,” Laswell hisses and she turns her glare onto her aunt.
“I didn’t ask to be here. You could’ve put me anywhere else. You control where I go but you sure as shit don’t control what the fuck I say or do.”
The two glower at one another before Laswell shuts her eyes, breathes deeply for a few moments, then opens her eyes and looks at Price. “Her file is on your desk, her bags are outside the door. She’s a handful but she’s good. If you need me, call.” She turns to Snapper. “You piss me the hell off, I want to kill you, I love you, I’ll call you when I land. Goodbye.”
“You can’t just leave me here!” she shouts in return but doesn’t follow, instead she cocks a hand on her hip and looks at the four men at the table. “So…what’s on the agenda first?”
Price lets out a breath. “Manners, for starters.”
“Kiss my left ass-cheek,” she retorts. “I’m not letting a forty-five-year-old man tell me how to be ladylike.”
Soap and Gaz both snort into their drinks and Price falls stricken with a look of disbelief. “I’m thirty-eight?”
“Uh huh, and I’m the fucking Queen of England.” She gestures to them. “Have fun in your circle-jerk club. I’m gonna go wander.”
“No you’re not, lass,” Soap says, jumping up to grab her arm and she pauses, looks down at his hand, then back up.
“You wanna play this game with me?” Snapper asks coldly. “Because I’ll win.”
He points a finger in her face. “You keep your hands to yourself and your teeth off people.”
“I find I don’t like men telling what to do particularly pleasant. Let go or you’ll be two fingers less than you were five seconds ago.” He glares but lets her go and follows when she turns around. “I don’t need a babysitter. Fuck off.”
“This base has sensitive information you’re not privy to.”
“Yeah, like how you take the lieutenant up your ass every night?”
Soap stalls. “H-how?”
“I’m very good at what I do,” is all she tells him, then pauses and turns back to the table. “I want that one to lead me around.” Her finger is pointing straight at Gaz, who looks like he’s about to shit a brick.
He looks at Price in terror. “I do not want to be her friend.”
“Fuck you,” she barks, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m a great friend.”
Price glances between the two glaring at each other. “Gaz, give her a tour of the base.”
“That’s an order,” he adds and Gaz grunts, getting up from the table to follow her.
“C’mon,” he says, and she clears her throat with exaggeration, getting in front of him.
“Oh no, I’m not being led around like a dog.”
“I’m not treating you like a fucking dog,” he gripes, opening the door. “Just go.”
“Make me, princess,” she retorts and the two start arguing as the door shuts behind them.
No one breaks the silence for a few moments, then Price groans, lays his head on the table and swears. “Fuckin’ Laswell. When she said she had a specialist in mind, I thought it was gonna be someone enjoyable.”
Soap tipped his head side to side. “I dunno, Price, she seems like an…acquired taste.”
“More like sour,” he bites back, sitting up to run a hand down his face. “God help Gaz.”
“He’ll be fine,” Soap says. “What’s the worst that could happen? They hate-fuck?”
“Exactly. I’m too young to be a grandfather,” he says, looking at Ghost. “They’re not allowed to sleep in the same room. Ever.”
“Who fucking died and put me in charge of them?” Ghost snaps.
“Because I trust you.”
“You don’t trust me?” Soap asks, hurt.
“You’ll encourage them, Simon won’t.”
“But don’t you want Gaz to be happy?”
“I want Gaz to not be arrested for killing a CIA agent.”
“Think she might bite his head off before that happens,” Ghost says.
“She’ll bite somethin’,” Soap snorts.
Price grunts, rising from his seat, tea cup in his hand. “I’m going to my office. Come get me if they get into a fistfight.”
“Still questioning why I’m in charge of them,” Ghost gripes.
“Because I fuckin’ said so. That’s why.”
“Permission to not be nice to her.”
“Granted. Lethal verbal decimation allowed.”
“Copy.” Ghost rises, pointing at Soap. “You. Come on.”
“You?” he sputters. “I have a name, ya fuckin’ reprobate.”
As the two argue while they leave, Price leans against the table and frowns at his feet. “I need a partner…or a fucking hobby…or both.”
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marcishaun · 7 months
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🌹OC Questionnaire🌹
Thanks for the tag, @changingplumbob! 💗
Morgan - my newest OC
Name - Morgan Williams
Nickname - Vlad Straud calls her Morganna because he's a snob & prefers it. She hates it.
Gender - Female
Star Sign - Cancer
Height - 5'7"
Orientation - Straight
Nationality/Ethnicity - African American
Favorite Fruit - Maybe apples & oranges. Simple & sweet.
Favorite Season - Spring. She loves to garden!
Favorite Flower - Roses. Beautiful but has thorns.
Favorite Scent - Cinnamon
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate - Tea. Green or sweet!
Average Hours of Sleep - 8 hours
Dogs or Cats - Cats
Dream Trip - Anywhere far, far away from where she currently is.
Number of Blankets - One. Otherwise she'll get too hot.
Random Fact - The only reason her car broke down in Forgotten Hollow, is because she went on an impulsive road trip in her old car after her parents died.
Tagging: @exhabigou @hazelminesims @anamoon63 @simslegacy5083 @westonsims00 @oofiesims & @eljeebee
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decoloraa · 1 year
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Completely forgot to share this and I think y’all deserve to know what happens to Will after he gets his heart broken by Val. After some tough months of eating ice cream while watching the latest Amestrian romance movie 1723 times (and crying bc fuck suppressing your feelings), he finally gets to simp for someone who eventually returns his feelings.
Laurel, the lucky man who was in severe need of a therapist and loving boyfriend, belongs to @bardengarde ! He got blackmailed by Val into going to therapy sessions in Will’s office and then BOOM bonding over sharing trauma.
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axailslink · 2 years
Cocky Bitch
Stud!Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: you were talking like you were big and bold and now Riri wants you to be bold in front of her. She calls you and you tell her your true thoughts.
You're a giggling mess as you look at your phone and send the message you've been pondering on for about a good five minutes. You’d paced the room for a while in hopes that you'd send it eventually but it took a while Riri ain't one to play around with you especially if you are trying to rile her up. You take a deep breath and send it with a wide smile on your face as you do so.
you keep doing all this talking when you could really be putting your mouth to better use.
You never received a message back and your anxiety is off the walls. This ain't the first time you've texted her something like this so why is she not answering? Before you can let yourself get too in your thoughts and feelings there's a knock on your dorm room door you're quick to answer it as you were already standing. Behind the door a smiling Riri is revealed and you immediately try to close it back but she's already let herself in. "So what was with all that I should put my mouth to better use talk? Cause I'm here I brushed my teeth, I filed my nails down and I got my book bag. So what was up with all that shit you were saying?" You laugh and shrug “I was just playing it ain’t even that serious” Riri nods and watches as you try to put some distance between you and her but she doesn’t let you get far because she grabs you by your waist keeping you within kissing distance. “Tell the truth you knew you weren't playing. We both know you weren't playing, matter of fact I’m pretty sure you get off to the sound of my voice so if you about it I’m about it.”
Oh this cocky bitch.
She’s so hot yet she’s so cocky and arrogant but why the fuck does she wear it so well? You’re a little annoyed now simply because she’s right you could get off to the thought and sound of her. It's disgusting but if this theory were tested it would be true. “Get off to the sound of your voice?” she nods as she licks her lips and lets her eyes run down your form, her gaze perverted as if she can see right through your clothing. Your stomach does backflips but you’re trying to prove that she’s a cocky bitch right now so now is not the time to fold instead you mumble “and what makes you think that?” She smiles before she speaks because she knows she’s about to read you down to the last page. “I mean maybe it’s the way when we’re on the phone approximately around twelve I start to get sleepy so I nod off and you go “baby talk to me” and I’m just humming as a reply but when I do speak I don’t have much energy… However I am wide awake when I hear you start to whimper my name or when you suddenly mute yourself and I can no longer hear that raggedy ass fan in the background. So yeah I know you could get off on just my voice, maybe even just the thought of me.” You want to disagree but why lie about something she already knows the truth about? You stand there as still as a statue until she sits her bag down beside your feet and it thuds against the ground bringing you back to reality.
“Since you know so much how about you go sit down. You know I think about you when I touch myself but you don’t know what I’m imagining so I confess…” You gently push Riri towards your bed while you lock your door “I imagine you underneath me being as pretty as you are right now except you’re crying from the overstimulation this whole cocky facade you put on it’s gone. I want to get rid of it. I want to see you in shambles underneath me. Would you like to be in shambles underneath me?” Riri just sits on the edge of your bed not expecting such words to come out of your mouth not once have you ever said anything of the sort to her about this little fantasy of yours. It makes her look at you differently. She's never had anyone talk to her the way you just had and she’s interested she wants to know more about these little fantasies of yours. Maybe even experience them. “I asked a question. Riri I would love an answer in return” Riri nods but she’s finding it hard to answer because how would she? What should she say? What should she do?
A/n: as y'all know my FICS do not be edited well so if you see something confusing let me know via messaging I'll fix it.
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quintessencewrites · 2 years
Vanish pt. 2
ShuRiri x Wakandan! fem! reader
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“Aneka, you will lead this mission.
General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
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Warnings: ANGST! Explicit language, some violence, toxic!Shuri, mentions of blood, mentions of death.
Word Count: 4.3k+
Tags: @yvxmpire @zestgodtj @k3nn3dyxo @mlmilani @letitias-fav @doms-fav @sweetalittleselfish-honey @g4yforu @widowmakker @becauseimswagman1 @zayswriting @inmyheadimobsessed @laurensmabel1 @malltake12 @msudaku @faeriah-thv @fetchyourlife @mbakuetshurisprincess @sinsikoxo @honey-teaaaaaaaa @rxcently @pinkcorns @takeyaki @yamsthoughts @thethickerside @0hshoot1tsl4ni @shurisbathwater @shurismainbxtch @luvrzhearts @sadfreakx @shuri-my-love @justariellove @heartsforjojo @blackgirlfariy @tuesdaylovesu @chocoflagcutii @taiiunknown @zhanylai @ziayamikaelson @verachii @taiiunknown @beautybyfire @soearthquakequeen @remwritess @pinkwright @jenlouvre @letitiasleftfoot @christinabae
A/N: This is too good, yall! I wasn't originally gonna do a part 2, but then I got to writing and by the time I finished part one, the ideas for a sequel got to flowing. Translations are in the text. As always, ENJOY <3
Vanish Pt. 1 here
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A moment of silence passed. 
Riri stood frozen in place, shocked at her own words, knowing she didn’t mean them.
Shuri sobbed on her knees, silently pleading for Bast to not take another person out of her life. 
Hell, even Griot was quiet, not announcing your departure as he was programmed to do.
“What are you waiting for?” Shuri stood and approached Riri so quickly, the smaller girl flinched. “Why are you standing here? Go after her!”
“Shuri, I-”
“Go get her!” The Queen growled, voice cracking as she begged. 
Riri’s mouth opened and closed, her brain working double time for anything to say. “She-I didn’t-”
Her responses weren’t quick enough to extinguish Shuri’s anger. The Black Panther lifted Riri’s entire workstation in one hand and threw the table and all its contents. 
Iron Heart ducked, praying the impact of the desk wouldn’t take her head off. It didn't; it hadn’t even hit her, instead crashing to the wall mere inches away from her body. 
“Shuri, what the fu-”
But Shuri was already on her way out of the lab, ignoring Riri and shouting orders, “Griot!”
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Do I have any visuals on y/n’s location?”
“No, My Queen. Queen Y/n has abandoned her kimoyo bracelet here in the lab.”
“What about her earrings?”
“Left behind in your bedroom, Queen Shuri.”
“FUCK,” the explicit echoed in the lab, causing Riri to retreat into herself. 
“Griot, summon Nakia, Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka. I need all hands for this mission. Tell them to meet me in the throne room.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Wait,” Riri called out, grimacing at how small her voice suddenly sounded. “What can I do?”
The doors to the lab’s entrance parted, letting Shuri leave without so much as opening her mouth to address Riri. The only sound then was that of dainty metal coming in contact with the steel floors.
Riri approached the door slowly to investigate what Shuri had left behind. 
It was her wedding band.
“What is this about, My Queen?” Okoye asked, being the first to enter the throne room. Ayo and Aneka followed closely behind, their spears drawn at an unknown attacker. 
Nakia was absent. 
Shuri’s eyes were still puddled with tears and the anger radiating from her produced a heat the other girls could feel as soon as they approached. 
Aneka looked down at Shuri’s hand, eyes searching for the wedding ring that never left it. Of course, it wasn’t there. 
“Y/n is gone. We need to bring her back.”
“Gone?” Okoye mimicked. “Gone where? Who has taken her? What are we up against?”
“Sh-she left. She left us. Left behind her beads, even the earrings and her-”
“Her wedding band…” Aneka finished. “But, where is yours?”
Shuri looked down at her bare finger, unable to speak. 
“My Queen,” Okoye started gently. “With all due respect, you are asking me to convene my army and explain to them our threat… Are your relationship issues?”
The Queen rose from her throne, so slowly, it gave Okoye ample time to retract her words; her steps shaking the mostly empty room.
“I am asking you to convene your army, General,” the words came out hot, burning Okoye to the core, even causing the couple standing behind her to wince. 
“To ensure the safety and safe return of your Queen.”
“Shuri, she took her band off,” Okoye was a brave soul, not backing down. 
“She is still your Queen! Regardless of the ring she wears. Mine is off, does that not make me your Queen, Okoye?”
“It’s not the same, Princess, and you know-”
“Queen.” Shuri’s thin body is shaking with the rage that fills it. She looks away from Okoye, even past Ayo to her friend Aneka. 
“Aneka, you will lead this mission. General,” the word comes off her tongue like a tease, knowing she’s driving a spear through Okoye’s heart. “Fall back.”
The General’s eyes are wide but she nods at the command. Aneka steps forward, poised tall, and in stance. “Yes, My Queen.”
She offers a small smile to the royal, a sad, knowing one, but Shuri doesn’t return it. “Find y/n. I don’t care what it takes; resources, money, you have it all. Ensure she is safe. Br-” her voice finally breaks and the tears descend her cheeks. “Bring her home to me.”
“My Queen,” Ayo offers slowly. “What-what if she does not wish to return?” 
Shuri’s chest retracts, all the air leaving her body. She hadn’t considered that; you not wanting to come home, not to Riri, nor even to her. 
“I said bring her home.”
The command came out in a whisper, the Queen no longer being able to talk at a volume above that. 
The Wakandan warriors brought their arms across their chest and back down, saluting their Queen before leaving the room. Only Aneka lingered. 
When it was just the two of them, she rushed to Shuri, pulling her into a hug she clearly needed. “What happened?”
Shuri’s sobs swept her feet from under her and she fell to the floor, still arm-in-arm with her friend. 
“She left us, Aneka. Sh-she left me.”
Shame rushed through the royal’s veins. “We-” she paused a beat, deciding herself unable to speak on Riri’s behalf. “I,” she corrected. “I haven’t been very supportive lately. I broke many promises. I let my work in the lab and with Riri take precedence and she felt forgotten… I even forgot her birthday…”
Aneka gasped “My Queen…”
Shuri nodded. “I’d been distracted. I let that get in the way, and now she’s gone.”
Aneka took Shuri’s left, ringless hand in her own. “That explains why she left her ring behind, but my Shuri, where is yours?”
A sinful scoff left Shuri’s lips “Probably still in the lab with Ri-Miss Williams, where I left it.”
“Miss Williams? Shuri, my dear friend, what is going on?”
Shuri is silent.
Aneka sighs “So when we bring y/n home, My Queen, will she be returning to you and Miss Williams?”
“No,” Shuri stands, tapping her necklace twice and allowing the Black Panther mask to swallow her face. “Just me.”
It’s been weeks.
Three weeks since the search for you began.
Shuri stormed into the lab, mask retracting as she entered.
“Queen Shuri has arrived.”
Riri’s head shot up from her new workstation; she hadn’t seen Shuri in days. She rarely came home anymore, spending days and nights looking for you and coming up short each time.
“Griot!” the agitated queen bellowed.
“Yes, My Queen?”
“Have we any updates via satellite? Has y/n been seen anywhere?”
“Unfortunately not, My Queen.”
Shuri’s shoulders slumped, weighing heavy with another defeat. “What about Nakia?”
“I’m afraid not, My Queen.”
“Bast!” Shuri allowed herself a second to rest her head in her hands before starting to mask up again.
“Wait!” Riri called out, approaching the Queen. “Wait, Shuri, let me help. Please, I want to find her too; I wanna know she's safe just as bad as you do.”
The Black Panther’s posture stiffened, though she didn’t speak. Riri tried again “Y-You don’t have Nakia. You need an extra pair of hands. I can help.”
Shuri laughed, an evil-sounding chuckle coming from her. “I do not need your help.” She approached Riri. “I would not even be searching for her, had you been able to hold your stupid tongue, hm?”
Riri cringed at the words Shuri spoke but didn’t shy away. “I want to help. She’s just as much my wife as she is yours, and I miss her.”
Shuri shook her head, but never let her eyes leave Riri’s face. “She is not. She will not be. When she comes home, she will be coming home to me. Damned to you.”
That rocked Riri to her core. “Shuri, come on, you don’t mean that.”
“I mean it. I mean it in the same way you meant it when you called her the forgotten wife.”
The smaller girl grimaced when her words were thrown back at her. She had been thinking over those words for weeks; losing sleep over how she spoke to you. 
Before she could utter another word, Shuri left, leaving Riri where she stood, but not before the Queen noticed something that tugged at her stoned heart, only slightly.
Riri was still wearing her wedding ring.
Two weeks since Nakia returned.
“Queen Shuri, you are being summoned to the throne room.”
Shuri lifted her head, not realizing she’d dozed off in the Talon Fighter while on patrol. “Summoned? By who?” The girl asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
“Nakia of The River Tribe,” Griot responded. 
“Nakia? She is in the throne room? At the palace?”
“Yes, My Queen.”
“Griot, return me at once.”
“Yes, My Queen.”
Moments later, Shuri crashed through the doors to the sacred room. Nakia stood on the furthest side of the room, glancing sadly out the windows. The sight of her fueled the Queen’s anger. “Where the hell have you been?!”
The former spy didn’t even attempt a fake smile. “Hello to you too, sister,” she stated smoothly, turning to face the vexed royal.
“Where is she, Nakia?”
“She is safe. That is all you need to know; it is all that she requested I share with you.”
Shuri approached her brother’s lover with claws drawn. “Nakia, Bast help you, where is she?”
“Oy? Am I to tell you? Y/n came to me, crying, your majesty. She told me her wives wanted her no longer. Rejection from one partner hurts, can you imagine that from two partners?”
The Queen couldn’t speak; The warrior continued.
“I watched, as the two of you fell out of love with her. Prioritized each other over her. You didn’t even attend the school’s opening. We’d worked on that for years, Shuri. And her birthday?” she scoffed. “You were supposed to be better than that.”
Nakia closed the gap between her and Shuri, grabbing her claw-clad hands. “You must have forgotten. You’ve forgotten who you spent your childhood with. Who grew up alongside you,” she tapped Shuri’s temple as if to bring the memories to the forefront. “You seem to have trouble recalling who was there for you when Baba died. When T’Challa died. All before Miss Riri even came into the picture.”
Shuri’s head fell, shame a feeling she was all too familiar with these days. “I had forgotten. I am trying to fix it,” she whispered, recollections of the two of you flooding her. “But I can not fix it if I do not know where she is.”
Her eyes climbed to the smaller girl’s hopeful, begging, but when Nakia closed her lips tight and shook her head, Shuri’s anger reignited. 
“Demethi wena (Damn you), Nakia!”
“Yehlisa umoya, sisi (Calm down, sister). Uzofika ekhaya xa sele elugile (She will come home when she is ready)-”
“Hayi, hayi (No, no)! Ndiyamdinga (I need her). Ndiyamdinga ekhaya ngoku (I need her home now)!”
“Uya kuba nethamsanqa ukuba angafika ekhaya (You will be lucky if she comes home at all)!”
Shuri spun, Nakia’s words recoiling against her. “Intoni (What)?”
When Nakia looks away, rather than speaking, Shuri marches toward her. “INTONI (WHAT)?!” she repeats.
She takes Nakia’s face in her hands, roughly. A line of scarlet flashes from Nakia’s cheek, where Shuri’s claw is digging, but neither girl moves. “Wena (You)-” the Queen croaks. “Wena undincedile ukumkanikazi wam ukuba andisindise (You have helped my queen escape me for good)?”
“Hayi, sisi (No, sister). Ndamncedisa wahmba ade alunge (I helped her leave until she is ready).”
Shuri extends her arm, throwing Nakia forcefully into the window. The thud of her sister’s body does nothing to calm her. Nakia is barely on her feet when Shuri speaks. “Hamba (Leave). Kwaye ungabuyi ade abuye umkam (And do not return until my wife does).”
The River Tribe Warrior is shocked. “Shuri, uthini (What are you saying)?”
The Queen’s lips curl around her next words. “ Elubhacweni (Exile).”
Nakia crumbles. “Sisi, ndiyacela (Sister, please). Likhaya lam eli (This is my home).” 
“Was this your home when you missed my brother’s last days? His funeral? Was it your home when you hid my nephew from me for six years, the same way you hide my wife now?” Shuri questioned, switching tongues.
“Shuri, oko akufani (That is not the same)! It was my home when I saved you and your lover’s asses from Namor! When I risked my life, though I had a son to live for. It was my home when I laid there,” Nakia pointed to the now repaired spot on the throne room floor, the events of Queen Ramonda’s death no longer staining the place. “Resuscitating your wife! Trying to save umama (mama)!”
“Lishiye ibhotwe lam, Nakia (Leave my palace, Nakia).”
One week since Riri started her own search for you.
Shuri wasn’t speaking to her, ordering Okoye, Ayo, and Aneka to do the same. Riri’s communication was cut off, even Griot subjecting her to silence.
One night, she decided enough was enough. She hadn’t been able to sleep since you left and she was growing tired of being left in the dark. 
If anyone needed to find you, it was Riri. She needed to be the one to locate you and retract her vile words. There wouldn’t be an apology great enough, but she sure would try. 
So Iron Heart suited up and quietly left the palace. She didn’t bother removing her kimoyo beads, knowing Shuri was no longer keeping track of her. The realization stung, but it was well-deserved. She let her frustrations get to her and that Chicago attitude and pride presented themselves.
The words spilled from her big mouth before she had time to realize what she was saying. Riri was just as hurt as you were; feeling as though the love she and Shuri showed you were going unappreciated. Their time dedicated to the lab, their sleepless nights, and their repeat failures were just to keep you safe. 
“C’mon baby, where’d you go?” Riri spoke lowly to no one, navigating the suit towards Haiti. It’d be a dumb place for you to hide; Shuri would have surely checked there already. 
And of course, you weren’t there.
The following day, Riri searched the States. You had no reason to be in America, but that’s exactly why you’d seek refuge there. Again, her search came up short. 
Today, Riri was ready to give up. She’d spent many days, many hours looking for you all alone. If Shuri and her team hadn’t found you yet, surely Riri wouldn’t all by her lonesome. 
She sauntered through the village, sadness dragging in each of her steps. “Uxolo (Excuse us)!” children’s voices called as they ran across her path. Riri stopped short, avoiding running the tikes down. “Oh, um, sorry!” the girl spoke, understanding their simple word, yet still not knowing how to respond in their language. 
One child, a young girl whose hair was adorned in barrettes, turned to give Riri a wave. When she skipped back to her group of friends, she spoke “Yiza, khawuleza (Come, hurry)! Utitshala Y/n ndiza kubuya namhlanje (Teacher Y/n is to return today).”
Riri understood not a single word from the girl’s sentence as they disappeared into your school. None except your name. So she followed. 
“Uh, excuse me,” she called once she entered the building, searching desperately for an adult. “Uxolo (Excuse me)?”
“Hello, Your Majesty,” a tall gentleman spoke up, approaching the short royal.
Riri cringed, her royal title sounding foreign to her these days. “Mholweni (Hello), um, hi.”
“What can we do for you? We are very blessed to be acquainted with your presence, though we were not expecting you.”
“Yeah, um, I-” Riri stuttered, unable to form a sentence, the words scrambling around her mind too fast for her lips to keep up.
“My wife,” she finally choked out. “My wife, Y/n. Is she here?”
The older man’s eyes were saddened. “No, Your Majesty. She is not set to come back today.”
“Please,” Riri was close to tears as she begged. “Um, ndiyacela (please). I heard the children mention her name. I just-” The tears flowed. “I just want to know she’s safe.”
The man must’ve felt some pity for the lonely queen, crying in his hallway, pleading. A genuine chuckle released from his chest. “Your Xhosa is not very good.” His words shocked Riri and for the first time in weeks, she laughed a real, hearty laugh. “No, it’s not,” she sniffled.
“But you are trying.”
Her head bobs as she nods a confirmation to his words.
He sighs, grabbing Riri’s hands and pulling her out of reach of passing ears. “Your majesty, tonight the school is having an event. A banquet; to raise money for the Haiti institution. The Queen has promised her return for the event. She will be here then.”
More tears flow from the small girl’s pretty brown eyes. Her queen would be back, tonight. 
Did Shuri know?
With a gentle squeeze, the fellow started to leave. “Wait,” Riri called. “Enkosi, mhlekazi (Thank you, sir). What is your name?”
“Emmanuel, Your Majesty.”
“Thank you, Emmanuel.”
Riri raced back to the palace on foot, too excited to wait for the Talon Fighter, though it would have been quicker. She sprinted into the throne room, hopeful that Shuri would be there. 
She was, with Aneka. “Kufuneka sijonge iHaiti kwakhona (We need to check Haiti again).  Ndiyazi Nakia umfihle apho (I know Nakia is hiding her there).”
“I found her!” Riri interrupts.
Aneka turns to the girl first, then back to her queen, who refuses to look up. “Aneka, sishiye (Leave us). Enkosi, mhlobo (Thank you, friend).”
With a nod and a salute, Aneka leaves the throne room, leaving the two queens who haven’t spoken in days. 
“Shuri, baby, I found her.”
“Where is she?” the panther asks, still not making eye contact.
“She’ll be here tonight,” Riri takes slow, careful steps to Shuri, unable to gauge her emotions and not wanting to set her off. “The school’s having a fundraiser. She’ll be here.”
Shuri glances at her wife “How do you know this?”
“I went to the school.”
With a bite of her lip and a swift nod, Shuri dismisses Riri. “Thank you for the information. You may leave.”
“Leave? Shuri, what the hell do you mean leave?”
A deep, impatient sigh is brought forth by the Queen. “I know you know what leave means.”
“Nah, to hell with that, Shuri! I’m not leaving. I’m the one who gave you the intel. Imma be there with you. I’m a part of this mission now. I should have been from the start.”
Shuri steps closer to Riri, seemingly to intimidate her, though the girl doesn’t appear scared. “A mission that would have never come to pass had you not said what you did.”
Riri’s heart thumps hard in her chest. “And I’m trying to make up for it, Shuri. How am I supposed to apologize if you keep shutting me out?”
The question is rhetorical; Ri keeps talking. “You not entirely innocent in this either. You broke promises too. Ignored her just as much as I did. You,” she stabs a finger into Shuri’s armorless chest. “Forgot her birthday too, princess. Your shit stink too, Shuri. So forget that shit; y/n is my wife. That’s my girl and I been missing her heavy. So I’m coming tonight.”
A smirk sneaks its way across Shuri’s face. “There you go with that mouth again.”
“Yeah, here I go with my mouth again, a mouth I don’t know how to close and a mouth that don’t know how to hold its tongue. That’s why y’all was supposed to do it for me.”
Shuri shakes her head, frizzy curls swaying across her face. A bright smile, her first in weeks stretches her lips. “Alright, let’s bring our girl home.”
The night comes quickly and as present as you’re trying to appear at your function, anxiety is running through you. Being home brings forth a mix of emotions; excitement for the banquet, and familiarity at the faces you’ve missed. And worry that somehow word of the event that you swore your staff to secrecy over hadn’t remained confidential during your absence. 
Nakia was at your side, acting as both a friend and a bodyguard. “You did not have to come,” you spoke to her. “I didn’t need protection. The queens; they will not hurt me. Shuri will be more upset at your presence than mine.”
The small scar on her cheek marked evidence of Shuri’s anger in the passing weeks. You’d apologized repeatedly to your dear friend, but she didn’t blame you. “Your wife has a temper. She always has. I’ll be fine, she just needs some time to calm down.”
Her eyes move towards the entrance of the school as the doors part and Aneka, along with Ayo and Okoye precede your wives. “Speaking of the queens…”
Hayi, akukho ndlela imbi (No, no fucking way). When you turn, the breath escapes you. Shuri and Riri. The Black Panther and Iron Heart. Their eyes locked intensely on you.
You look around at your staff, wondering which one had loose lips. “Nakia,” Shuri greeted when they approached. Nakia stays silent and Shuri continues. “I owe you an apology, for our disagreement those weeks ago. I am sorry, sisi.” To you, she switches tongues as she asks “Ikumkani wam (My queen), singathetha (can we talk)?” with an outstretched hand.
No, your heart screams, but your movements betray you. Placing your palm in hers, you allow Her Majesty to guide you outside, where the Royal Talon Fighter awaits, with Riri in tow.
None of you speak until the ship’s doors were encapsulated, providing all the privacy in the world. When they did, it was you to break the silence. A loud slap echoed in everyone’s ears, your hand coming in contact with Riri’s cheek. Breathing hard, you voiced “I’ve been waiting to do that for weeks. Sorry, Riri, I didn’t find a bitch to give your wishes of luck to.”
Shuri stood, slightly amused until her cheek was the next to be assaulted. “And you. You’re lucky I’m not skilled with any weapons for the way you returned my Nakia to me. Her face bloody, her ribs broken. What the hell is wrong with you?”
Though her face stung, Riri’s ears perked up. “Your Nakia?”
Shuri stared at you, her brain wondering the same. 
“Put your petty jealousy to rest. It has been three weeks, do the two of you really think so little of me to find another lover in that short time, especially one who is so close to you, Shuri? We’ve known Nakia since we were kids.”
Shuri nods, clearing her head, and starts to open her mouth, but Riri beats her to it. She comes at you fast, throwing her arms around you so tightly, it steals your breaths. “I’m sorry, ma. I’m so fucking sorry.” The tears are already spilling down her cheeks. “I don’t know how I could have said those things to you.”
You unwrap her hold on you. “You said them because you meant them.”
Riri’s head shakes furiously. “I didn’t, y/n, my love. I swear I didn’t.”
Her eyes are swimming with sincerity and it breaks the cement that had formed around your heart. You grab her face. “You swear?”
She leans into your touch. “I will spend the rest of my life showing you I didn’t mean it, ma.”
You nod slowly. “You know I owe you more than just a slap, right? For speaking to me like I’m some bitch on the streets and not your wife of four years?”
A tiny smile crosses Riri’s features. “Let me suit up and you can take all the shots you want at me.”
“Uh, uh. You don’t get the suit.”
Your words bring a laugh from the small girl, one that passes onto you. 
Shuri stands back, hands in her pocket, just watching. She’s silently wiping her own tears, but when you finally look upon her, she takes it as an in. 
“Yiza apha, usana (Come here, baby).” 
You obey, releasing Riri from your hold as you glide over to your queen. She pulls you in by your waist, holding your body tightly against hers. “Uyakhumbula xa ndivuma iimvakalelo zam ngawe (Do you remember when I confessed my feelings for you)?”
Your head bobs. “We were children; only about 12 years old.”
“Ewe, kukanikazi wam (Yes, my queen). And what did you tell me?”
A giggle escapes you as you recall. “Nditshate, ukuba uyandithanda (Marry me if you love me).”
Shuri shares your laughter. “Ewe, nkosazana (Yes, princess). Bendikuxelele ukuba ndizakwenza kamsinya kangangoko ndinako (I told you I would as soon as I could).” 
“Kwaye wenze (And you did).”
“Nda (I did).”
The tears in Shuri’s eyes threaten to spill over. “I made that promise to you at 12 years old, and I kept it. However, for some reason, at our grown age, I made promises to you weeks ago that I did not keep.”
Your head drops just as the tears do, unable to look your wife in her face. Shuri’s having none of that though, gently grabbing your chin and pulling your gazes back into unison.
“Uxolo, sthandwa (I’m sorry, my love). Ndingu (I am). I’ve been slacking, but I won’t continue to. Please, come home. Ukukukhanya kwan (You are my light), and my world has been so dark these past few days. I can not bare it anymore.” 
Her words crack any further hardening of your heart. “Ewe, sthandwa (Yes, my love). I’ll come home.”
Shuri buries her head in your neck, kissing and crying, “Enkosi,” repeating from her lips. Riri stands back, weeping harder at the display before her. You reach your hand out to her, “Yiza, ntombazana sisidenge.”
Riri stands still, eyebrows raised, brown, hopeful eyes piercing your own loving ones. “Translate?”
“Come here, silly girl.”
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Narnia OCs Masterlist
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Name: Aine Meraxes
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Liz Pevensie
Quote: I'm going to be the deadliest piece on the board.
Pinterest: X
FC: Millie Alcock
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Name: Amaranta Ira
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Prince Caspian & Edmund Pevensie
Quote: She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Amita Suman
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Name: Avaluna Lohan Kirke
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Lucy Pevensie
Quote: I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Elle Fanning
Tumblr media
Name: Fitzroy Mahogany
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Peter Pevensie
Quote: I do not believe this darkness will endure.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Douglas Booth
Tumblr media
Name: Edurne
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Long Cold Lonely Winter
LI: Peter Pevensie
Quote: She waits, seething, blooming.
Pinterest: X
FC: Freya Allan
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Name: Kalila
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Clairvoyant Dreams
LI: Susan Pevensie & Prince Caspian
Quote: Now she sits on her throne in her palace of bones, praying to her greed. She's got my past frozen behind a glass, but I've got me.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Phia Saban
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Name: Killian Evada
Pronouns: he/him
Story: King And Lionheart
LI: Edmund Pevensie
Quote: Even if I can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Thomas Brodie Sangster
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Name: Leocadius Thorne
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
Quote: Fill your mind with knowledge. It's the only kind of power no one can take away from you.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Isaac Hempstead Wright
Tumblr media
Name: Liz Pevensie
Pronouns: she/her & they/them
Story: Untitled
LI: Aine Meraxes
Quote: We were children thrust into war and once it ends, what will we become?
Pinterest: X
FC: Maisie Williams
Tumblr media
Name: Magpie Kirke
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Peter Pevensie & Prince Caspian
Quote: Oh I'm no longer a kid. And everything has changed.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Florence Pugh
Tumblr media
Name: Marianne Luell
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Quote: And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Sarah Bolger
Tumblr media
Name: Merletta Of Narnia
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Lucy Pevensie
Quote: But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun, something in the orange tells me we're not done.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Ceara Coveney
Tumblr media
Name: Neera Merwyna
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Prince Caspian
Quote: Do it because they said you couldn't.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Halle Bailey
Tumblr media
Name: Nevan Dair
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Edmund Pevensie
Quote: I'll make it though the winter if it kills me.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Kit Young
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Name: Shivani
Pronouns: they/them
Story: Untitled
LI: Susan Pevensie
Quote: My soul comes from better worlds and I have an incurable homesickness of the stars.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Jessie Mei Li
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Name: Verena Mars
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Susan Pevensie
Quote: The laws of the universe say that the person I love is lost to me. I say watch me save her.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Hailee Steinfeld
11 notes · View notes
gay4harm · 1 year
Pairing- Riri x spider women reader
warning- violence, reader has a criminal record, smut, 16+, fighting, gory I guess, oral, cunilingus, there might be some other stuff but I don't remember
A/N: Sooo I did put a suit for reader in the story but you guys can imagine whatever, this is lightly proof read and there's more plot that smut. Some stuff might sound a bit corny and dumb or whatever but that's kinda the point
Anywaysss, hoped you guys like it
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Y/n L/n, college student, part time intern, convicted felon and spider woman or Aracnid, which was the name you had chosen, take your pick, You were called many things in your lifetime and you accepted all titles.
One thing about you though is not many people liked you but that's just the way you liked it.
You didn't have many friends but that was fine, the only people you really talked to were your best friends, Mj and Ned, they were both nerds but that's what you liked about them, when they found out about your secret identity Mj wanted to be your "man in the chair" whatever that meant but obviously you needed the help and they just so happened to be good company.
Around campus you were known as a pretty girl, a pretty girl with anger issues and a bit of an attitude problem that is, but a pretty girl nonetheless, with that you had plenty of people on both and all genders try and come at you, you turned them all down. You never had crushes like that except for a certain someone, Riri Williams, she had a nice face, great body and amazing intelligence, she wasn't like everyone else, she had confidence, there were many times were you had tried and test her, she if she could handle you and she just so happened to pass every test, every single time.
She was all you could think about, she was one of the very few weaknesses you had but you had never actually done anything with her, you were way to busy.
You fought crime at night and did school and went to work in the day, being a superhero or whatever was cool until it wasn't, your suit was cute but uncomfortable at times and the so called villians that you fought were too easy, you needed a real challenge but it seems like the only worthy villains were probably all dead or in some prison halfway across the world.
It was rare that you could just chill and live your life so when you got the invite to some party you couldn't say no, you got all dressed up in one of your favorite dresses, did your makeup and hoped you could just get drunk and have a good time.
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After a couple minutes of walking around you had found some of your friends and you began to drink and unwind and a hour in you had gotten a little tipsy, as you went to get another drink you could feel the presence of someone behind you reaching out to grab your shoulder but you spun around before they could touch you, thanks to your spidey sense, you turn around and you're face to face with one of your favorite people, Riri Williams with a big grin on her face.
"Yo I didn't think you were coming" She leans forward to engulf you in a big hug, despite Riri's size she was surprisingly strong. "Honestly I didn't think I was coming either but I decided, why not?" She smirks at you, glad she could see you which she rarely did and that was only during classes and occasionally out on campus, all she wanted was for you to give her a chance.
"Well I'm really glad you did, it's nice to see you, you look real good." She scans up and down your body making a small detour to ogle your breast and she bit her bottom lip, you tried not to notice but you couldn't help but too with the way she was looking with absolutely no shame.
There was a minor moment in time before she decided to gather up the courage to ask the question that had been on her mind.
"Look so I was wondering if you weren't to busy if you wanted to catch a movie or something?" Riri's face was filled with anticipation, hoping you'd say yes, but her question caught you off guard a bit.
"Well I don't know Ri, you already know I'm a pretty busy girl. I almost couldn't come to this party" You look at Riri's face expecting to see it laced with disappointment but there was none to be found, even if she was disappointed she had a good way of hiding it. "Alright well that's cool, just let me know when your free"
As she walked away you swear you could see her break her facade and you saw her disappointment and hurt. You felt bad so before she walked away you grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"Wait Riri I didn't mean to-" Before you could get another word out, your arm was grabbed and yanked, you were pulled back and pushed against the kitchen counter, you look up to see a fairly pissed off girl that you swore was in your robotics class. "Yo what is your problem!?"
"What's my problem? My problem is that your fucking my boyfriend!" You couldn't believe what you were hearing, not only did you not know who this girl was or who her boyfriend was, you were definitely gay and had no interest in men. "Look you must have the wrong person, I don't even know your boyfriend"
The girl points at her boyfriend who was standing across from you two with a dumb look on his face. "So you're telling me you have never seen him in your life? Because last I checked I saw pictures of you and him all cuddled up" You looked around the room dumbfounded, this girl had every right to be mad, at her shitty boyfriend that is, not you though, you didn't have any part in this. "Look I think your just confused, I would literally never fuck your boyfriend"
"Oh really? Well you could have fooled me, you seem like the type to just fuck around." You couldn't believe what she was implying, she was basically calling you a hoe. "Ok well even though its none of your business, one I'm gay and even if I wasn't I wouldn't touch your boyfriend with a twelve foot pole let alone fuck him, maybe you need to talk to your boyfriend instead of bitching to me about it. You need to hop up of my dick and get the fuck out of my face." You tried to seem as calm as possible as you cussed this girl out. She had no right to get in your face and accuse you of sleeping with her man, if anything she needed to be in his face complaining to him.
Before you can even try and walk away she pulls her arm back with her hand balled up in a fist preparing to punch you, just as she was about to connect your face with her fist you duck and give her a right hook of your own making her fall face first on the ground. Your hand surprisingly started to ache which was a surprise, it was probably the alcohol.
The girls nose was leaking with blood as everyone crowded to make sure she was ok. Before you could walk up to her to see if she was ok Riri grabbed your arm pulling you to the door, as you two walk out she guide you to her, car opening the door for you, you get in and she hops in after you. She starts the car without saying anything and begins to drive.
You two drive in silence until she breaks it. "So, you hungry?" You look at her for a second before nodding your head, she drives to a small 50s themed diner and upon walking in you could hear 50s classics coming from a jukebox in the background, the maroon and white booths and stools as well as the checkerboard floor made it seem like you stepped into a movie.
Before you and Riri sat down she pulled you to the restroom after asking for ice and cloth from one of the waitresses, she sat you in one of the stalls as she helped you ice your hand, it stung a bit but it wasn't anything you weren't used to.
"Does it hurt? It looks kind of bad" She was referring to the bruise that was starting to form but you didn't even notice. "Nah I'm good, it's not the first time I've had to punch someone in the face."
You both chuckle at your joke and you had actually felt better but there was also the fact that Riri was being so nice to you even though you had constantly been kind of a bitch to her, always acting like you didn't like her even though all you could think about was her. You needed to apologize.
"Riri.... I um I'm sorry for being such an ass to you, you don't deserve it. And the thing is it's not like I don't like you or like I don't want to go out with you, its just I-I'm a busy person but I still feel really bad because you've just been trying to go out with me for so long and I keep saying no. So like I said before I am so sorry Riri and I would understand if your starting not to like me anymore, but you should know that I still do and-" Riri cut off your incoherent rambling with a quick kiss on your lips to shut you up, she knew that you liked her and that you were busy but that didn't matter to her, she still liked you and she would keep asking you out until you said yes.
"So I guess that means you accept my apology?" Riri throws her head back with a deep hearty laugh as she gripped your hands in hers. "Of course I do, I could never be mad at yo pretty self" You put your head down as you blush at her complement.
"Well, I feel like I need to show you how sorry I am"
"Oh really? You tryna prove how sorry you are?"
"Yeah." You lean forward placing your lips on Riri's as you place your hand on her cheek with the other one behind her neck pulling her in closer. The kiss started out sweet and small but it turned both passionate and hungry as if you both had been waiting for this. You lift both yourself and Riri up and push her against the wall deepening the kiss more as you travel your hands up and down her clothed body.
Your hands go to the band of her sweatpants and you go to pull them down. You crouch down to her heat and you rub over her clothed clit and you put just enough friction that caused her to whine at how much you weren't doing, she begins to move her hips to give herself something more than what you were doing but you moved your hand just to tease her some more.
"Y/n stop fuckin around."
"Sorry I just wanna feel you first."
You move to pull down her underwear as her wetness dripped down, you lift her leg up onto your shoulder to get more access. You blow on her clit a little causing Riri to jerk back slightly, you lick a fat stripe up her folds before encapsulating your mouth around her clit and beginning to suck, making a pattern out of sucking hard and softly, using the bead as a pacifier.
From above you the only thing coming out of Riri's mouth were whimpers and moans.
You were thankful no one else was in the bathroom.
"I really am sorry Ri, I hope you know that" Your words came out muffled as the vibration from your words went through Riri's entire body.
"Shiiit yes Y/n I-I know, it's ok, f-fuck, your d-doing such a good fucking job" Riri could barely form a sentence but you wanted to pull more out of her, you flatten your tongue and open your mouth so you can fit all of Riri's pussy in your mouth. She clenched around nothing as she rode your face to chase her high.
"Oh f-fuuck Y/n, shiiit, your mouth feels so good, I'm gonna cum" All of her words came out drawn out as all her muscles tightened and she came all over your mouth and down your chin, you moan at the taste as you lick up all her juices not wanting anything to go to waste.
"You did such a good job Ri" you plant a kiss on her forehead then her nose and lastly a sloppy kiss on her lips allowing her to taste her juices, she moans in your mouth from the taste.
You take the cloth that had been previously used to ice your hand, wetting it and using it to clean up any leftover cum and any sweat that had fell from Riri as she tried to catch her breath. You help her get back dressed and you clean her up some more before speaking up.
"So you still hungry? Cause I know I am" She grins at you before hitting your shoulder playfully. "What I wasn't enough?"
"Of course but I'ma need a little bit more to satisfy my hunger"
"Well you know you can have all of me" She smirks at you before planting a small kiss on your lips.
You walk out the bathroom hoping no one heard the lude activities going on and you both help yourselves to a burger and fries with Riri paying of course.
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The next day was pretty uneventful, you went to your classes as usually and everything went smooth.
Well that was until you were called to the dean's office. Upon walking in you see the dean; as you expected, the same bitch you had clocked in the face last night; you soon had learned her name was Sydney, and her trashy boyfriend, Todd.
"Hello Ms.L/n, glad that you could join us." You look between all three of them when it hit you that Sydney must have informed the dean of what happened the other night and now you were in deep shit.
"Look I don't know what she told you but whatever it was isn't true, it was an act of self defense."
You tried to explain yourself but he just gave you a confused look; no more like amused. "Ms.L/n, your not in trouble." You were confused, if you weren't in trouble then why were you here? "If I'm not then why am I here?"
"Why don't you take a seat" The Dean motions for you to sit at the empty seat by "Sydney the terrible" and she gives you a stank face as you sit.
"Now I understand that you two had a bit of an altercation last night at a frat party, if I'm correct." Before you could reply Sydney spoke up first. "Yes that is what happened Dean Sanders, and if its alright I would love to give my side of the story first." The Dean nods his head telling her to continue. "Well I have reason to believe that Ms.L/n decided to sleep with my man. Now I can admit, I did have more than a few drinks last night which caused me to, as some would say overreact a bit but I have proof that they had sex."
"Listen Ms. Sainclair, I understand that you might be a bit frustrated about your situation but we are just here to settle this argument between you two, I'm not here to solve your relationship problems."
"But I have pictures!" Sydney reaches in her purse to retrieve her phone and she scrolls down to a picture of her boyfriend and some girl cuddled up; the only thing is, it definitely wasn't you. "That's not even me, that's some other bitch."
She looks down at her phone and realizes her mistake putting her head down in shame.
Not even a second later of this realization, the door opens revealing Riri with her black sweatpants and shirt to match, her gold chain dangling on her neck in the light with her long goddess going down her back.
In other words she looked so fine.
"Ms.Williams glad that you could join us."
Riri looked just as confused as you did when you had first walked in until she saw you and shot a small smile your way, you returned the favor.
"Um I'm not in trouble or anything I hope"
"No of course not Ms.Williams, your here because of the altercation that occurred last night. If I'm correct you were right there when it happened"
"Oh you mean at that party, yea I was there."
"Ok well as a witness I just need you to tell me what happened in your own words."
"Um well, me and Y/n were talking when ole girl saying she was sleeping with her boyfriend and then next I know Y/n punched her."
Riri's reenactment of what happened was pretty accurate but it made you seem like the bad guy a bit, maybe she just didn't all the way see what happened.
"Well dean I only punched her because she tried to hit me, like I said before it was an act of self defense, I-" The dean cut you off before you could finish your testimony, you already knew what he was going to say, even if you tried to explain yourself it wasn't going to work.
"Ms.L/n I would understand that if you weren't on probation. You should know that this little incident goes against your parol, your lucky I didn't call your probation officer." You shake your head in annoyance, you had already know about all this, you knew you shouldn't have punch her but a part of you believe she deserved it.
"I looked at your criminal record and I was surprised at how many police reports there are against you. I mean there's aggravated assault, arson, assault and battery, multiple charges of DUI's, theft, vandalism, fraud, accomplice to murder-"
"I already told you and everyone else that was an accident, it wasn't supposed to happen."
"That doesn't matter and everything I listed isn't even all of it. The way I see it, you need to stay in school or your not going anywhere in life, so I suggest you stay out of trouble" You look behind you to Riri and all you can see in her face was surprise.
No more like worry
Was it just disappointment?
Or was it all three?
either way you felt angry at yourself for letting this happen, Riri was never supposed to find out about all that. She was supposed to stay ignorent and happy with you.
The you that you wanted.
Not the felon.
Not Aracnid.
Just you
"I think the best thing for right now is for you two to apologize to each other and then just stay away from each other so another incident doesn't happen. Is that understood?" He looks between both of you, apologizing was the only answer. "I'm sorry that I thought you were sleeping with my boyfriend and for trying to punch you. Even though you seem like the type to fuck around"
You look at her amused and irritated, letting a low chuckle fall from your lips. You decided to play her game, maybe even beat her at it.
"I'm sorry for punching you in the face; even though you deserved it for being a massive cunt-"
"Hey! We are not doing the name calling" The dean yelled, clearly frustrated by everything going on.
"I think I deserve another apology, don't you Dean Sanders?"
"Oh what, you can't handle what you dish out princess?" She gets a bit flustered, trying to ignore the pet name but quickly returns to her previous bitchy mood. "If anyone's being a cunt it's you." You grin at how much you were clearly bothering her but you didn't care, it amused you.
"Ok you know what I think we're done for the day. All of you return to your classes and stay out of trouble." The dean puts his head down as he points to the door signal for us to go.
You and Riri are the last to leave but you speed walking trying to avoid the conversation you hoped would never have to happen, but she caught up to you.
"So a convicted felon huh? Honestly I'm not all that surprised although some of those charges-"
"Riri, you were never supposed to find out about that and you know it, I didn't want it to change how you felt about me. Please don't let that stuff change it."
Once she saw your hurt expression her face changes into a softer more understanding one.
"I'm not mad if that's what you thinkin, just surprised, a little concerned but not mad. And nothing could ever change how I feel about you." She pulls you in close allowing you to smell her mix of sandalwood and vanilla, mixing together to create the perfect scent causing you to lean in to her more just to be intoxicated by it more than you already were.
She snakes her hands around your waist as you sling your arms around her neck. You two are only a few inches away until she places a sweet kiss on your lips, you melt under her touch not wanting to pull back until she does, you whine due to the lost of contact.
"I'ma see you later ma" You were a bit disappointed that she had to leave but she had classes and so did you. "Yeah I'll see you" Riri could see you were a bit upset so she walks back up to you giving you a gentle squeeze on your arm. "Hey we still on tonight right?" Last night you gave in and accepted Riri's invitation on a date, you had cleared your schedule and hoped no asshole would try and destroy the world.
"Yeah we still on"
She pulls you close again and once again kisses you, only this time it was sloppy and hot.
You couldn't wait for tonight.
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One night
One night without anything bad happening was all you wanted.
But instead of going out with Riri, the person you had been crushing on for the longest, you had got a call about another dick who had been creating goulish monsters and then letting them out on the town, you hadn't caught the asshole who was doing it yet but you managed to capture and kill the creatures they were letting loose. You hoped tonight would be the night you captured the creator so you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
The worst part about this was that you would have to cancel on Riri, which you didn't want to do but it had to happen.
So when you got the text from Riri that she couldn't make it to the movie you guys were going to see, you were relieved.
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You get to the place where you got the call and upon arrival you find yourself by a abandoned warehouse, the area was rough. There was broken glass everywhere, overgrown plants and trees and it was completely deserted, you wondered if this was the place this maniac was doing his experiments.
You walked around for a few minutes before you heard
It sounded like a branch had been broken
like it had been stepped on
but by who?
or what?
You decide that you might be able to find this thing if you were on higher ground.
so you swung up and began to look on the roof, around the building, you even took a second to venture in the warehouse but it was empty.
You went back on the roof and that's when you saw it
In the dim light from the moon you saw what at first looked like a hunched over man
His arms moved as if he was picking something up only to bring it up to his face. The smell of something musky and rotten filled your nose as you stepped closer
You look down to see what looked like droplets
Red droplets, that looked a lot like blood
And as you got closer the droplets turned into small pools of it
As you looked of its shoulder you stepped back in horror as you saw the lifeless body of a young women, one who looked familiar
You wanted to scream and run but you couldn't you were frozen in place and when you tried to scream nothing came out.
It turned, now face to face with you
Its face was covered in blood and if you didn't have your mask on it would be able to see the terror in your face.
It leaped forward almost tackling you to the ground but you moved just in time, your brain switched back to normal and you instantly began to throw punches and kicks left and right, it dodged and threw a few strikes as well but not without getting hit by you more than a few times.
You were starting to get a bit sloppy, a lot of you punches weren't connecting and the ones that did weren't doing enough damage as the ones before, he was starting to overpower you and before you knew it you lost balance and fell to the ground, as you tried to get up and fight you heard what sounded like something flying
it wasn't a plane or anything
not a bird of any sort
and you didn't find out until you looked up and saw what looked a lot like an Ironman suit.
But that was impossible, Tony Stark was dead and no one else had his suits
Or maybe they did
The mystery person swoops in and knocks it over so now it wasn't hovering over you
You got up confused by who this mystery person was, and so did they
"Yo who are you!?" You shouted over to the person hoping they heard you, but when they didn't respond you just continued what you came here to do, you ran over to it but the mystery person got to it before you could, in fact she had bumped you out of the way due to her clunky suit being in the way.
Mystery person on the other hand, who just so happened to be the same genius you were supposed to go on a date with tonight, had recognized your voice but shrugged it off.
It couldn't have been you
could it?
There was no time for confusion and unanswered questions, there was still a monster you had to fight and it was close to getting away
You and Riri were trying to fight it but to no use, neither of you were used to fighting with people like that so the fight became sloppy and confusing, when Riri wasn't in the way of what you were doing then you were in the way of her.
And god forbid you two actually tried to work together, you had thought she was some jackass and she thought the same thing.
Riri tried to shoot it with one of her blasters but the creature ran every time she tried to shoot it.
It got frustrated and amited a foul smell that clogged all your senses, you couldn't hear or see and your nose was ambushed by a pungent, smoky oder. You removed your mask as you dropped on the ground to regain yourself but the only thing you could do was cough and rub your eyes.
You look over to see the mystery person who you saw to be non other than Riri but you couldn't react due to your state and it looked like she was in the same one as she tried her best to exit out of her suit.
You could only utter out one word as you continued to choke out
"Riri?" She looked over and had the same confused expression.
Your vision became blurry and the last thing you saw what the creature fleeing the scene before you saw black.
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A/N: Finally done!
I was just so unmotivated to finish this but I got it done and I hope you guys liked it.💕
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sec-heriablangel · 1 month
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