#oc: fred hastings
charmingsoa · 7 months
✶ Where the Wild Things Are: One ✶ ■ 1960s Sons of Anarchy story ■
⌃ Jax Teller/ OC x Thomas Teller/OC ⌃
Warning: Please read with caution. This story will include: drug use, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. miscarriages, sexual content, alcohol use, homicide, cursing, etc. ★ If You would like to be tagged in future updates, simply leave your username in the comments.
Taglist: @oskea93, @keyweegirlie
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I stared at the clock – the hands slowly moving as my packed suitcase sat below my bed.
The thought of leaving the ruling and hard hand of my father had been a pipedream of mine for a while. There were days when I convinced myself that today was the day. I was just gonna walk right out of the house – bidding my parents a big fuck you as I ventured into the new world. I always managed to talk myself out of it after an hour – too afraid of what my father would do to stop me. Before tonight, I never even had a bag packed or a plan for that matter.
“I had to hear from Fred Hastings that he saw you and Wilson Grady fornicating in the back alley of his hardware store. Do you know how embarrassed your mother and I are to have people know that our daughter – our only daughter – is nothing but a cheap whore?”
I winced as he roughly grabbed onto my arms, shaking my upper body in rage as my mother just sat back and watched. The belt that he had used so often was wrapped around his hand, the buckle dangling as he shook.
“You are nothing but a piece of trash – a cheap whore that will open her legs to any man on the streets.” I sniffed back tears, my red hair sticking to my face as it became wet. He roughly pushed me to the ground, standing over me with a look of disgust etched on his aging face.
I attempted to get up, only to be stopped by his heavy foot on my abdomen. “Don’t even think about getting up, whore.” I glanced over at my mother hoping that she would make him throw in the towel. Her dead eyes met mine, looking away quickly as father’s heavy hand made contact with my thigh.
The leather material of the belt hurt like hell, but he had moved past using that. His favorite – at least for me – was the buckle. I can’t begin to tell you how many scars I have on my upper thighs and bottom from the contact of the metal meeting my thin skin.
Blow after blow – derogatory words spewing from his mouth like venom with each strike. My older brother, Brian was finally the one to step in – telling our father that I’ve had enough. Brian didn’t bother helping me up or making sure I was okay, too afraid of father himself.
Out of breath, father’s eyes connected with mine. “You think this time was bad-“His face mere inches from mine. “If I even hear that you’ve looked at another boy – I will make sure you won’t see the light of day ever again.”
I must’ve laid there for 30 minutes before slowly walking back to my bedroom. The sun had set by this time – meaning that it was almost bedtime for Roy and Brenda. Father made it a rule that it was lights out at sunset – the mind and body needed at least 7-8 hours of rest. Plus, his famous words were that nothing good happens after sunset.
Without giving it a second thought, I just started to pack.
I kept the lights off, giving off the appearance that I was sleeping in bed. I just grabbed whatever I had, stuffing it into the large suitcase. I knew that I would have to leave most of my possessions – items that I had collected since childhood. My father would more than likely just throw everything in the fire since he’s already said it was all a waste of money…
The big hand hovered over the 12 as I quietly gathered the case. I held my shoes in my hands as I took one last look at my childhood room. The pink walls dulling with age – the room holding good and bad memories. Tears welled in my eyes as I walked away, tiptoeing past my parents’ bedroom door. The house was silent – the only noise coming from the clocks on the walls. For once, the steps that led downstairs didn’t creak – the energy of the house agreeing with my decision to leave for good.
Once I reached the outside air – the realization of my actions crashed down on me like a ton of bricks. There was no way I could spend another minute/hour in that house – under the rule of a father who only cared about himself. If I didn’t leave now, I would’ve found a way of leaving this world all together. I wasn’t gonna give him that satisfaction though – Roy Landry deserved to know that I was somewhere in the world living a life that he frowned upon. I wanted word to get back to him that I was running wild – enjoying life – and screwing anyone and everyone that I damn well pleased. He can take the shame and embarrassment that he said I caused the family and shove it up his uptight ass!
That would be the last time I would see my parents alive. Word came that my father died a few years after I left – a heart attack, I think. To this day, my brothers blame me for the decline of our father’s health – saying that the stress of me leaving put a strain on his heart. My mother couldn’t bear to live without my father – passing away five years later in her sleep. I remember trying to call her one day after finding out I was pregnant – a part of me thinking that she had the right to know. Before I could even ask how she was doing, she interrupted and told me to never call her again.
“Thanks for the ride.”
I exited the car, the rain relentless as it soaked through my clothes. I managed to hitch a ride from an older couple – probably feeling sorry for me as I stood on the side of the road. I had been thumbing for a ride for two days now – making it further than I thought I would. I was far enough from home that I didn’t worry about my father or brothers coming to look for me.
I looked across the road – a diner casting a glow through the weather. I hadn’t bathed in three days – the rain and humidity making my skin feel sticky and gross. I had a couple bucks from a man that picked me up yesterday – money in exchange for a quick blow job. He was your typical sleaze ball but he got me out of Arkansas so I couldn’t complain. When I left home, I didn’t have any money saved up. Roy and Brenda weren’t the type of parents to give cash for chores. I hadn’t eaten since dinner that evening, my stomach cramping from the hunger pains.
 I darted across the road, stepping into the muggy building. The older men at the counter watched as I made my way to the restroom – the sink my only option for getting cleaned up. I quickly washed what I could – getting the important bits and pits – pulling off my dirty clothes and replacing them with shorts and a halter top. I pulled my red hair into a ponytail – combing out the knots that had formed from the rain. Once satisfied with my work, I stepped back into the restaurant, taking a seat in an empty booth. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries – basically scarfing it down in record time. I left what was left of my change for the elderly waitress before stepping back out into the summer rain.
I managed to flag down a semi-trailer driver who was headed to Utah with a shipment of goods. He called himself Groovy Bill – a widower from Florida. He had also fought in the war, stationed in France for two years before he was medically discharged. He walked with a limp – the injury coming from a stray bullet that shattered his femur. Groovy Bill didn’t expect anything for the ride – simply enjoying the company. During our three days together, he told me about his wife, Jane and how he met her at the American Legion before he was deployed. They got married once he returned home and started their family. Jane was developed pneumonia after routine surgery and passed away shortly after. I could tell that Bill truly loved and cared about his wife – her picture kept close to his heart.
I was kind of sad when his rig pulled into the office’s parking lot. I waited until he was completely unloaded, wanting to thank him one last time for his generosity and kindness. He didn’t have to pick me up – Hell, he didn’t have to be the kind man that I knew he could only be. In the three days that were together, I felt more of a connection to this man than I did my own father. Bill had a heart of gold and only wanted what was best for his children and people in general.
“Well –“ A sad smile spreading across his bearded face. “ I guess this is the end of the line, chickadee.”
Tears clouded my vision as my arms wrapped tightly around his midsection. The smell of bruit filled my senses as he returned the gesture.
“You take care of yourself, you hear?” I nodded my head against his plaid shirt.
We stood there silently, still embracing, before he pulled away. His tired eyes looked into mine as a fathers would. “Just because the lights are bright, and everything seems perfect- “He paused. “Doesn’t mean that there’s a rainbow at the end.” Referring to my quest to reach California. “You’re a beautiful girl and people will take advantage of that, but it’s up to you to push past the bullshit and become the woman you were born to be.”
With a kiss on top of my greasy head, Groovy Bill climbed back into his truck, driving back into the foggy, morning mist…
I would like to say the rest of my trip to reach California was a breeze, but it was more of a hurricane. Instead of an easy ride like the one I had with Bill, I was forced to give sexual favors in exchange for rides. The men that had picked me up seemed nice at first but the question of what they got in return was brought up halfway through. A blow job here – sex in the backseat there. I felt like a used rag by the time the last guy crossed the California border. He dropped me off outside a gas station once he got what he wanted, dust spinning as he tore back onto the road. It was early morning – probably close to three in the morning – and there wasn’t a soul in sight. This wasn’t our agreement – he was supposed to take me to San Francisco – telling me that’s where he was headed.
I stood under the flickering streetlamp – my heart pounding as different sounds could be heard in the distance. Mostly animals but your fear heightens when it’s pitch-black outside. I didn’t know whether to just wait it out and see if I could hitch another ride when the station opens or start walking now. It was likely impossible that someone would be on the roads this late – especially in an area such as this.
“Fuck.” I blew out a sigh, picking up my suitcase.
My sandals had broken several states back – my feet raw from working the pavement and rocky surface. I couldn’t see a foot in front of me, but I didn’t feel comfortable waiting until daylight. As I walked, the thought of if this was worth it kept popping into my mind. The people on the evening news made this look easy – full of peace and love. Granted, there was a group hitchhiking together, but even then, it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. Besides Groovy Bill and the older couple who picked me up at the start of all of this, I witnessed the hold that a man could have on a woman in need. They were willing to help if they got a kickback in the end. Sex was the only thing I could offer, and I wasn’t proud of that. They got off and I got dropped off.
I lasted another 30 minutes before collapsing in a field adjacent to the highway. I couldn’t go on any further – my legs quivering underneath me. A content sigh slipped past my lips as the cool grass cushioned my aching body. Sleep had been a distant friend since my journey started – my body staying awake to stay vigilant. I was desperate for rest – even if that meant sleeping on the side of the road. My mind finally took over – my eyes fluttering shut as my body relaxed.
This wouldn’t be the last time I pass out on the side of the road.
The sky was still dark when the rumbling of engines startled me awake. I moved to a sitting position as the group of headlights drew closer – my heart beating wildly in my chest at the unknown. A part of me hoped that the dusky scene would keep me hidden – but the other hoped that they would sweep me away from the misery I had created.
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cetaitlaverite · 4 months
Why All This Music?
Masters of the Air - Rosie Rosenthal x OC
masterlist is linked here <3
21. The Very Least of It
Freddie managed to go three days without having to speak to Rosie. For three days she woke up early and took food from the mess hall to her office to avoid having to see him at breakfast. For three days Millie and Jem collected lunch for her and brought theirs along so the three of them could eat together in her office. For three days she waited until the very end of dinner to sneak in and eat in impressive haste.
On the fourth day, Rosie cornered her when he knew she would be defenceless. He was waiting for her in her office in the morning.
“Fred -” he started, rising from the leather couch as she pushed the door open.
“Get out.”
“Just listen to me for a seco-”
“I don’t have any interest in hearing anything you have to say. Get out.”
“Freddie, please,” Rosie pleaded. And he really did look pitiful. The bags under his eyes were darker than they’d been even after Münster, though Freddie supposed the worst of his sleeplessness had probably been at the flak house when she’d been away for training. Even still, it was clear that if he was sleeping at all it was precious little. His skin was pallid and sallow, his lips chapped and pale. His hair was messy even though there was evidence that he’d jelled it this morning. His eyes were wide but dull, all the light gone out of them.
“Why don’t you find some other girl to bother?” Freddie suggested, stepping into her office and shutting the door behind Meatball as he followed her in. She crossed the room to her desk and sat down, placing the bag containing her breakfast in the topmost drawer, then started pulling out files and placing them in a neat line across her desk.
Meatball jumped up onto the leather couch Rosie had been waiting on, lying down and resting his head atop his paws. Even he didn’t want Rosie’s attention anymore.
“Fred, please let me explain.”
“You explained already,” Freddie reminded him mindlessly, opening one file and flicking through the contents. She frowned slightly, clearly not finding what she was looking for, before searching the next file and mumbling, “There you are,” drawing out a piece of paper covered in typewritten German.
“I didn’t explain very well,” Rosie reasoned. He took a few steps towards her desk, hoping to draw her eyes to him, but it didn’t work. She just kept on going through her files.
“I don’t see how an improved explanation will make any difference,” Freddie answered him, pulling out another piece of paper from another file.
“You’re really just gonna shut me out like that?” His voice sounded despondent. Crestfallen. Heartbroken. It was what finally drew her eyes to his.
She considered him for a moment, standing at her desk looking more dishevelled than she’d ever seen him. He must have gotten here incredibly early to have beat her to the mark. Breakfast wasn’t for three hours yet.
“Yes, Rosie,” she said finally, turning her eyes back to her files, “I’m really just going to shut you out like that.”
“That ain’t the Fred I know,” Rosie said quietly.
Freddie scoffed. “Well, the Rosie I know wouldn’t have fucked me six times without ever telling me he was planning to break my heart, but here we are. I suppose we rushed into things a bit too soon.”
“I didn’t fuck you -”
“You didn’t make love to me,” Freddie cut him off. “You didn’t love me. You can’t have. If you’d loved me you wouldn’t have done it.”
“I do love you,” Rosie protested. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone. More than I ever thought I could love someone.”
“Well,” Freddie said dryly, looking up from her papers with an idle, pleasant expression, “you express love far differently to how I do. I, personally, would never consider betraying those I love. But you Americans do have vastly different habits to us Brits, so what do I know?”
“Freddie,” Rosie said, as calmly and clearly as he was able, “I love you.”
“No,” Freddie replied airily, gathering the sheets of paper she’d extracted from various files and laying them out side by side, “you don’t.”
“I do. I love you.”
“Rosie,” Freddie sighed, “leave me alone.”
“I love you,” he repeated.
“I’m trying to work.”
“I love you.”
“Go find someone else to lie to,” Freddie snapped, losing patience. “I’m not interested.”
“Freddie, I love you.”
Slamming the papers down on her desk, Freddie stood up. “Stop it.”
“I love you.”
“Stop it.”
“I love you. So much.”
“Rosie. Leave me alone.”
“I love you, Fred.”
“Croz!” Freddie called. But Croz probably wasn’t in yet. Why would he be? It was five in the morning.
“Fred, I love you.”
“Rosie, I swear to god I’ll start screaming if you don’t get out.”
Rosie simply continued to stand there, looking at her with a storm in his eyes, his hands trembling at his sides and his breath coming fast. “Wilfrieda Jane Leroy, I love you with my whole heart. With everything I have in me. I love every fibre of your being with every fibre of mine. I love you and I need you and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I know I made a mistake and I know it was a big one and I’m not asking you to forgive me right away just please let me back into your life. Please.”
“You don’t deserve to be let back into my life,” Freddie told him steadily.
“I know I don’t,” he assured her. “But - god, Fred, I need you.”
“You need me less than you need to fly, Rosie,” Freddie said evenly. “And that is the root of the problem.”
“I’m not re-upping because I need to fly,” Rosie disagreed carefully. “I’m re-upping to end the cycle of replacement after replacement with too little training to survive the job being sent out here in my place. I can do the job and survive, you know I can, and I can do the job better than anyone else. I got a better chance of leading those boys home safely than anyone else and I can’t leave knowing that.”
“That’s very brave of you, Rosie,” Freddie said flatly, sitting back down at her desk. “Thank you for that diplomatic explanation which I explicitly told you I didn’t want.”
“Fred, you know better even than I do what those bastards are doing to people in occupied Europe. What they’re doing to my people. You expect me to walk out on them?”
Freddie sighed. “One second you’re re-upping to save the replacements, the next you’re re-upping to save Jewish people. Which one is it?”
Freddie lifted her eyes to him laboriously slowly. “Okay. Fair enough. But I fail to see how you need me to do either of those things.”
Rosie took a deep breath and leaned both of his hands on the edge of her desk, helping to get him closer to her eye level. “I need you,” he answered her, “because you keep me alive when I’m up there. I think of you every time. Your dad told me not to tell you but he gave me a picture of you when we were visiting at Christmas, and I tuck it into the control panel right before I fly. The thought of coming back to you is what gets me back at all, it’s what has always gotten me back. I was thinking of you all through Münster, when I was the only pilot to get back, all through Berlin, when we lost fifteen forts. I need to come home to you, Fred. Please.”
Freddie considered these words, resting her cheek in her hand. She wanted to believe him but the way he’d hurt her was vicious. He knew about Daniel and knew better than anyone what it had taken for her to get so far with him. And yet he went ahead and got himself re-enlisted in active duty without saying a word. That told her he’d always expected her to forgive him. All of this, the grovelling and the declarations of love, was damage control. None of this was anything extra than what he’d expected to have to do after re-upping.
“That’s all very touching, Rosie,” Freddie said finally. There was no sincerity behind her smile. “Now will you shut the door behind you on your way out? Otherwise Meatball will run around greeting everyone when they get in.” With that said, she turned back to her work with a practised concentration, refusing to lift her eyes again until she heard the door click shut behind him.
Only then did she let her eyes well with tears. Only then did she let her head fall into her hands. Only then did she let her shoulders shake with quiet sobs as she cursed Rosie for doing this to her, to both of them, when they could have been writing love letters across the ocean and believing that was the worst thing that would ever happen to them.
The rest of Rosie’s Riveters left two days later.
Freddie stood back with Millie and Jem by the gate, watching as Rosie shook each of their hands and gave them hugs and said his goodbyes. Once he was finished, the Riveters dispersed and headed over to those waiting for them. Pappy made a beeline for Freddie.
“Fred,” he greeted, drawing her into a hug.
“Hi, Pappy,” she replied, smiling sadly.
He squeezed her once and then pulled back, holding her at arm’s length. “Don’t be too hard on him, alright? He’s… he’s not been himself without you.”
Freddie sighed. “I’ll miss you, Pappy.”
“I’ll miss you too, Fred. Look out for him, alright? I can’t leave in good conscience without knowing someone who loves him is keeping him out of trouble.”
“He doesn’t need me looking out for him,” Freddie replied with a shrug. “He knows what he’s doing. Or so he says.”
Pappy sighed and let it go. He resigned himself to the fact he wasn’t going to change her mind about any of it.
Freddie gave each of the Riveters hugs and each of them tried to encourage her back into Rosie’s arms. She politely evaded and redirected each attempt and once they were all seated inside the jeeps which would take them away from RAF Thorpe Abbotts for good she felt nothing short of exhausted. The concentration it took to keep her cool in the face of so many attempts to get her to turn back on her own heartbreak was excruciating. But they all meant well, she knew. They all just loved Rosie and wanted him to be happy. 
But he should have been leaving with them and Freddie couldn’t forgive him for it.
Everyone stood back and waved goodbye as the jeeps’ engines roared to life and started down the path.
“I’ll be seeing ya!” Pappy shouted to Rosie, the two of them sharing a grin.
And that broke Freddie’s heart just a little bit more. Rosie was losing his best friend. It was his own fault and his own decision, but how much harder would everything be without Pappy in his co-pilot’s seat or at his side every second of the day? Freddie could never do any of this without Millie.
Rosie must have felt her eyes on him, for he turned once the jeeps were out of sight and caught her eye.
Freddie looked away immediately, but he caught her anyway. And just as she feared, he started to make his way over.
Before he could get close, Freddie turned and fled. Meatball stayed behind with Millie and Jem so she walked all the way back into the base with her shoulders back, her jaw set, and her eyes resolute. When she sat back down in her office, she let all of her composure come crumbling down and rested her forehead on the table, feeling sick to her stomach.
That could have been Rosie leaving today. That should have been Rosie leaving today. And they would have been separated at least until the end of the war, maybe longer - and with no end in sight, who knew how long that would be?
Instead, he was still here. Still close enough to touch if she decided she wanted to. And she did want to, but she couldn’t. What he’d done had taken none of her feelings into consideration, much less the way he’d gone about it. She couldn’t forgive him that. He spoke so often about only ever wanting her to be happy but he stole that from her in deciding to re-up. It was torture to force herself to live without him but it would be torture to live with him, too. If she forced herself to hate him and he went down it would hurt less, she told herself. But if she only let herself keep loving him more it would hurt just like Daniel had.
Rosie had put her in an impossible situation and she could feel nothing but anger, resentment, and distrust towards him for it. No amount of grovelling was going to fix that.
The officers’ club was quiet when Freddie got there that night. She had deliberately arrived late, hoping to miss the crowds. She was only going at all for the piano. All day she’d had a horrendous, insatiable itching in her fingertips which she knew could only be settled by playing, and she knew if she arrived late enough the gramophone would be turned down and no one would much care - the only people left would be stragglers set on getting drunk out of their minds.
Atley greeted Freddie from behind the bar as she came in and she said hello back. It really was almost empty by now. There were a few men sitting at the bar and two sitting together at a table. Besides that, at two in the morning it was deserted.
Freddie sat down at the piano and rolled her shoulders and her wrists, releasing the tension. She hadn’t brought any sheet music with her so she just let herself play. She hadn’t played since all of this business with Rosie had started and she found, as soon as her fingers touched the keys, that she had an awful lot to say.
Her music was dark and angry. There was no real beauty in it, only chaos. It was all in the minor key, all played with harsh strength, all played rapid and spiteful and vengeful, almost. 
Until it just became sad. Slower, rougher, lonelier. It might have sounded pretty if played with a lighter hand. But the music went where she did and Freddie didn’t feel pretty or gentle or kind. So she played the music how she felt it and let out a long, low breath when she was finished.
“Is that how I make you feel?” asked a quiet voice from behind her.
Freddie let out a bitter laugh. “That’s the very least of it.”
“I made your music angry,” Rosie mumbled.
“You made my music ugly,” Freddie corrected, turning to look at him over her shoulder.
He was dishevelled. More so, even, than this morning. His hair was a mess, all ounces of gel long gone, and his clothes were rumpled. His cheeks were ruddy and there were liquid stains on his uniform. He was drunk, Freddie knew - she had been able to hear it before she’d turned around - but she hadn’t realised he was this drunk.
Rosie was shaking his head as she turned to face him properly, sitting sideways on the bench with one knee propped up on it. “Your music isn’t ugly,” he told her, still shaking his head. “Your music could never be ugly.”
“No one would describe what I just played as beautiful,” Freddie countered.
Rosie frowned. “I would. You’re always beautiful to me.”
Freddie sighed sadly. “We’re talking about the song, Rosie. Not me.”
He nodded, his eyes faraway. “That too.”
Freddie watched him as he sat in his chair, staring into thin air, swaying just slightly. He was such a happy drunk usually, giddy and affectionate and precious. Now he was defeated.
It must have been a hard day for him, Freddie realised. She wasn’t talking to him and neither were any of the girls, both her old wireless ops colleagues and her new ones. His best friend and his crew were all gone. Now he was a leader instead of just one of the airmen and set apart from them because of it. 
He must have been so lonely. Freddie wanted to feel glad of it, because she was lonely without him too. But she didn’t. His handsome face wasn’t meant to look this way. He wasn’t supposed to be drinking by himself into the early hours of the morning just because he had no one waiting up for him.
“Shall we get you to bed?” Freddie asked quietly, against her better judgement. But this did not mean forgiveness, she reasoned with herself. She just couldn’t leave him here.
Rosie shook his head. “Hut’s lonely,” he said. “No one’s in there.”
His new crew wouldn’t be arriving for a couple of days. He was the only occupant of his hut right now. If he hadn’t done what he’d done, Freddie may have rejoiced in it. 
“I’ll take you,” Freddie assured him softly.
“And then you’ll leave,” he added for her.
Freddie sighed. “Rosie…”
“Stay here with me, Fred,” he mumbled, shutting his eyes. “We can just sit here. We don’t… we don’t gotta talk. Just you and me and we’ll sit here all night and then I won’t have t’ go to bed.”
Freddie watched him for a few moments as he sat there with his head tipping forwards, clearly desperate for rest. Her heart ached. She wanted to cradle him to her chest. “When was the last time you slept, Rosie?”
He shrugged and mumbled something unintelligible, so she asked again.
“Couple days… four days… ‘m not sure,” he finally answered. He forced his head up and tried to look at her, one dark curl falling into his face, and he didn’t look well.
“Rosie,” Freddie said, “you don’t look like yourself.”
He laughed lowly, bitterly, and shrugged. “In case you didn’t notice, Fred, I’ve lost all the joy in my life.”
“Pappy and the others will write you,” Freddie reassured him gently. “And I’m sure you’ll like your new crew.”
“I’m not talking about them.”
Freddie had to look away. She pressed a hand against the oppressive thumping of her heart. He made it so hard - impossible, really - to hate him. But she would still try.
“Let’s get you to bed, Rosie,” she said with a new firmness, standing up and approaching him. When she came to stand before his chair, however, he wrapped both of his arms around her waist and pressed his forehead into her stomach.
“Fred,” he breathed into the fabric of her uniform blouse. “I love you.”
She wanted to get him to smile so she said, “Not this again,” but he only shook his head against her.
“‘S all I can think about. How much I love you. Every time I see you I love you more. When I saw you lookin’ at me earlier I thought… I thought I might die ‘cause I just… I just love you so bad.”
Freddie couldn’t help the smile which haunted her lips any more than he could help his slurring. “You love me so bad?” she asked him, running her fingers through the hair at the back of his head.
“So bad,” he confirmed. “So, so bad. It hurts me so bad.”
“Rosie,” Freddie breathed.
“I messed up so bad,” he went on mumbling. “I didn’t tell you ‘bout it ‘cause I wasn’t gonna do it but then Bennett he… he called me into his office and then I just said it ‘cause I had to. I couldn’t imagine not saying it. I wasn’t keeping it from you, Fred, I swear.”
“Okay, darling,” Freddie whispered, coaxing his head from her stomach. “Let’s get you to bed, okay?”
“Fred,” Rosie slurred as she gathered him to his feet, “you gotta believe me, baby. I didn’t - I didn’t mean to hurt you. I love you so, so bad, sweetheart, I would never wanna hurt you.”
“Okay, sweetness, it’s alright,” Freddie assured him softly as she guided him to the door.
“No,” he disagreed. “It ain’t alright, ‘cause I hurt you real bad.”
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“You won’t talk to me tomorrow.”
Freddie sighed. “I will.”
Rosie went on mumbling as Freddie led him by his elbows back to his hut. And it was cold and lonely and dark in there, all of the bunks just empty frames and mattresses now except for Rosie’s in the corner. The walls had been stripped bare of photographs and posters, the footlockers emptied and left open. Freddie hated to leave him there by himself so she didn’t.
She sat with him until he fell asleep, her fingers in his hair lulling him into a deep slumber almost immediately. When she was sure he was out for the count, she left silently for her own hut, packed up everything she would need, and returned to his. She set herself up on the bed next to his, with a pillow and a spare blanket from her footlocker. She’d be cold but that was okay. She made quick work of taking off her makeup and brushing her teeth and hair in the bathroom, then crawled into her makeshift bed in the darkness.
Rosie’s breaths were as loud as they were deep and steady. Freddie found comfort in them. He had clearly needed rest. At least he was getting it now. And she was sure she would have to endure a difficult conversation in the morning - maybe several in the days to come - but at least for right now they were safe and comfortable and together. That was more than either of them had been able to say the previous day.
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Canon Characters that I play
I do play other characters beside my main Oc and I will name who I’m good at,Who I’m working on,What is hard for me to do, And Who I can’t do yet as I still have to study their character more. I will also name my headcanons for these some of these characters as it greatly impacts how I play them! While in this post I won’t share headcanons that involved my Oc’s that will be in another post when I talk a bit more on my headcanons that revolves them.
Who I’m really good at: Sebastian, Alois, RCiel, OCiel (Sirius), Elizabeth, and Doll
Who I’m okay at: Grell, William, Mey-rin, Finny, snake, Vincent, Rachel, Claude, Hannah, Madame red, Beast, Joker, Dagger, and Undertaker
Who I’m decent on: Paula, Edward, Soma, Agni, Bardroy, Peter, Wendy, The demon triplets, Alexis, Frances, Lau, Luka, Angela/Ash, Ran-Mao, Azzuro, Chlaus, Tanaka, Arthur Randle, and Fred Abberline
Who is hard for me to do: Ronald, Jumbo, Charles Grey, Charles Phipps, Sullivan, Wolfram, Diedrich, Nina, Patrick, Karl, Irene, Grimsby, Arthur Conan Doyle, McMillan, and almost every character in Westin College
Who I can’t do yet: Othello, Sascha, Ludger, Pitt, Joanna, Bardroy Jr, Anne, Grete, Hilde, and any character that I haven’t been introduced to yer in the story.
My head canon for OCiel: Head canon for his is that his real name is Sirius as it is another name for the morning star and it gives of a bright light to guide you through the dark. Morning star is also another name relating to Lucifer. So while Ciel means heaven Sirius is another world for Lucifer, it also plays off like Abel and Caleb in way so to speak.
My head canons for Sebastian: Sebastian had grown to despite and grow bored of the humans who would just summon him for greed, power, wealth, or lust. So when Our Ciel forms a contract with him. A child who just wants to right the wrong that the world has given him. Of course he excepts. Sebastian has had many lovers of different race, gender, and sexuality as he sees that everyone should be treated equally unlike having to conform under the ruling of the gods. As that for humans it mainly there personality and experiences they could give to amuse a demon like him.
My head canons for RCiel: RCiel has low empathy and treats his brother only as an idea. I believe in a panel when him his brother and Vincent go on an outing to make some dealings with the members of the lower classes to make sure that everything is running smoothly. We see that the twins were talking with each other. Well Vincent made the deal. That OCiel one day wants to open his own toy shop in London with him, mainly focusing and making toys with children who couldn’t play outside that much. The reason why serious wants to do this is because he wants to be a great man like his father and someone worthy of respect like RCiel. RCiel doesn’t like this at all saying that he could become a doctor and live or live close to the manor. But OCiel still stuck on his decision, says that he wouldn’t be alone as he would always have Elizabeth to keep him company, and that he could always visit. RCiel still not liking this house a bit before the both of them have to go home with Vincent. I believe this was when everything clicked for RCiel and that he hast to do anything and he means anything to make sure that OCiel doesn’t leave him no matter the cost. And that brings on what I think might’ve happened at the Phantomhive Manor. During the time of the twins 10th birthday Vincent was doing some investigation of a cult, the same cult that we would come to know as the cult that used Ciel as a sacrifice, and where Sirius first made his contract with Sebastian. Ciel knowing this information, and that the cult might come to attack the manor devised a plan. But going back, I do believe he somehow managed to kill Rachel and Vincent. I also think that he was the one who injured Tanaka as well due to the fact on how he treats him in later chapters. The original plan was just to have his father and mother die, giving him access to the title of guard, dog, and of Lord Phantomhive and making sure to keep the control of his younger brother. But of course something went wrong and that was the cult sneaking in causing the events of the twins being shipped to the cult. We say that Ciel is ultimately sorry for what he did not for caring his parents, but forgetting him and his brother into the situation. of course, back to the recent chapters, I do believe when a human does turn into a bizarre doll there worst traits will always pop out. For example, we see undertakers first time experimenting with them. All they wanted was a desire for that a new soul. Devouring anyone in their path until they get it. For more developed bizarre dolls we see that the hunger is still there but they’re also greedy wanting what they couldn’t have or ultimately extremely violent and may be a bit perverse. RCiel as a bizarre doll is undertakers magnum opus his perfect creation so far. But with him being a Animated corpse, something not human he’s able to express his more vile side morph really not caring on keeping the ruse any longer.
My head canons for Undertaker: I think that he was romantically involved with Claudia Phantomhive somehow or even was her husband when she was alive.
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acethedria · 2 years
A running list of LGBT characters in Drawfee
Remember to click on this post if it gets reblogged in order to see the up-to-date list!
Drawfee Show
Pro Artists Redraw Their Old OCs
Making Drawings out of Random Fanfic Tags
Crab #1
Crab #2
Crab #3
Crab #4
Crab #5
Crab #6
Crab #7
Drawing the Nastiest MTG Monsters (But Making Them Hot)
Reveillark/Doctor Stregg
Drawing The Literal Lyrics To Christmas Carols
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
Drawing with a Randomized Theme and Setting
Unnamed nonbinary character
Randomly Generated Couple Drawing Challenge
Sara Pena
Hunter Richardson
Character Complication Drawing Challenge
Ribbit Ranger
Artists Turn Looney Tunes Into Pokémon
Tweety Bird
Insects Bunny
Drawing The Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman
The Tumbly Sexler Man
Re-Drawing ANOTHER Scene From Memory
Tennessee K. Rex
Drawing Anagrams of Our Most Popular Videos
Lady Obsessor
The Unkisser
Outfit Generator Drawing Challenge
Hot Mess CEO
Finish The Photo Drawing Challenge
The Vegetable Giant
Stock Photo Preset #4
Redesigning Classic Movie Monsters
Drawing Random Characters as COUPLES
Jim Carrey Dr Robotnik
Handsome Squidward
Fred Flintstone
Homer Simpson
Drawing Sailor Scouts For New Planets
Sailor Poltergeist
Three Artists Draw Using the SAME Color Palette
We're Just Taking It Easy Today
Avis Smythe
Song Shuffle Drawing CHALLENGE
One of the boys
Lovesick girl
Pacific Rim Pilot #1
Pacific Rim Pilot #2
30 Second Group Photo Drawing Challenge
Winnie the Pooh (speculated)
Moomin (speculated)
Mashing Up Characters With The Same Voice Actor
Geoff Grindr
Drawing Hallmark Christmas Movies Based On Their Titles
At least three of the Babadooks
Drawing Cute Versions of Creepypasta
Smile Dog
Drawing Randomly Generated Inspirational Posters
The Joker
FOUR Artists Design New Characters from ONE Description
Making Art out of Random Numbers
Artists Turn More Random Poses Into Characters
Honkin Honda
The Ace
Clip Studio Paint Drawing Challenge
Magical Girl #1
Magical Girl #2
Artists Redesign The Looney Tunes
Buggy Bun
Elmer Fudd
Drawing Episode Suggestions That Didn't Make the Cut
Donkey Kongu
4 Artists Design Characters from the Same Description
Turning Animals Into Original Characters Challenge
Drawing Opposite Cartoon Characters
Sludge the Hedgehog
Nails the Fox
Lucy from Nuts
Artists Redesign Popular Fast Food Mascots
Ronald McDonald
30 Second Drawing Challenge (With Barry Kramer)
Bruce Wayne
Captain Picard
Artists Turn Random Poses Into Characters
Emoji Mash-Up Challenge
Zipper Cowboy
Unnamed waiter
Professional Artists Redraw Their Childhood Art
Drawing More Cocktail Characters
Snobra Bite
Drawing Backgrounds For Video Calls
Your cool nonbinary friend
Designing New Postage Stamps
The Tramp
Drawing Classic Cartoons As Anime
Drawing A Room Full of Vampires
Damian's brother
Drawing Our Home States As People
The Devil
Artists Draw She-Ra Characters (Based on Description)
Sea Hawk
Artists Draw the Raddest Women
Joey Deschanel
Chandler Bing
Artists Draw Using A Random Story Generator
Promiscuous Anthropologist
Rat Catcher with unexpected depths
Patriotic Novelist
Aloof Traveler
Unathletic Hermit
Little George
6 unnamed bargoers
Artists Make Characters From Random Shapes
The Vengeful Genius
Artists Try To Draw The Most Handsome Man
Grandma Highforge
Gyorik Rogdul
Dachs Hund
Optimus Amicus
Liticus Guysus
Drawfee Extra and other streams
Jon Died At The End Of This Stream
S-Tier Stream
Varden Dawngrasp
Don't Watch This One
Augie Doggie
Piccolo Kermit Day
Jorts For Everyone
Poirot (speculated)
Hastings (speculated)
Patreon Bonus Stream 04/22/2022
Little Georgia Boy Time!
Nathan's Stream of Shame
Keyhole Ken Finds Love
Keyhole Ken
Asshole Andy
Only Good Drawings (The Garfield Stream)
Drawfee Twitch When?
How The Grinch Stole Twitchmas
The Grinch
The Once-Ler
Lost 2018 Stream
Goth Moth
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imafivestarkpopstan · 2 years
Fred Weasley x OC, Harry Potter x Sister!OC
Crash! The wall was blasted."
"NO!" NingShan yelled, pushing Fred, Harry, Ron and Hermione out of the way.
"NingShan!" Harry yelled. His sister was possibly dead, the world had ended, so why hadn't the battle stopped? He could not think. 
"Harry!" Ron cried, tears streaking his grimy face." The death eaters, they're coming!"
But Fred refused to let go of his girlfriends body. Harry, too, was reluctant to leave her side, until he was absolutely sure she would be alright. But he had to. For NingShan, for his family. Even now, his parents could be lying dead, so could his siblings.
It was over. The battle was over, and everyone was grieving and rejoicing.
Harry walked over to his family. Aria's head as on Regulus's shoulder, and Julian and Louis were talking in hushed whispers.
"Where's dad?" Harry croaked.
"He's o-over there" Regulus said, pointing to a figure hunched over a hospital bed. Harry thanked his father and ran over.
"Dad, how is she?" James looked up. Harry had never seen him so broken. He'd only come this close when the triplets had broken their arms and had blacked out from the pain.
"S-she's fine." James replied hoarsely. He wrapped Harry in a side hug and they watched the youngest Potter lie peacefully on the bed.
NingShan's eyes fluttered open. Suddenly, pain stabbed her ribs and she groaned painfully.
"Owww!" James and Harry jerked awake from their stupor.
"NingShan are you ok??" James' voice cracked
'M'fine Daddy." She slurred. James sucked in a breath. She hadn't called him daddy since she was eleven. He grimaced.
"Salem Lee Weasley! Erik Arthur Weasley! Slow down!" NingDhan yelled. The two excited eleven year olds ignored their mothers warning. In their haste to get to their godbrother, they tripped over their Uncle Harry's feet and went flying. Harry and Fred caught them in the last second and  they flushed.
"Teddy!" Erik squealed, hugging his godbrother's middle. Teddy laughed, ruffling Erik's hair.
"Hey Erik. Hey Salem. Excited?" He asked.
"Yes! And Jamsie promised to show us and Al the room of requirement!" Salem blabbered.
"Sal! That was confidential!" James  pouted.
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harpyloon · 4 years
“how’d we get so deep from just talking about bubble tea?" / f.w
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!OC
Warnings: Angst, mentions of food... also fluffy and cute!
Summary: Fred Weasley and OC Female character fight about bubble tea and it gets kinda angsty but not too much
A/N: Was supposed to be a Fred x Reader thing but i'm not too confident with my 2nd person writing skills yet. Viktoria is my Fred Weasley simp friend 🤪 but she can also be you! 
Also wanted to incorporate a bit of how Hermione mentioned the twins slightly affecting Ron's confidence in canon HP. Testing out the waters so let me know what you think! Hope there wasn't too much angst on here.
WC: 2.4k+
This is for you @weasleyclaw​
Read on AO3
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"What in Merlin's pants is this supposed to be?"
Viktoria giggled enthusiastically against a wide-rimmed straw stuck between her teeth, watching Fred Weasley's perplexed face as he struggled to ingest the contents in his mouth.
"Swallow," she commanded.
Fred quirked an eyebrow, pausing his chewing. "Well, that's what I sai—
He grunted as she took a swipe to his shin.
"Swallow," Viktoria said again, attempting a glare this time, but mirth was swimming around in her eyes.
Frowning and chewing with performative haste, Fred swallowed loudly and obediently (to Viktoria's delight) and stuck out his tongue like a good schoolboy, displaying an empty mouth.
She smiled cheekily, "Well? How is it?"
Instead of answering, Fred brought his wand out and pointed it to his tongue.
Viktoria snatched Fred’s wand immediately, sneaking frantic glances around and shoving it inside her coat.
“Are you mental?!” she whisper-yelled to her boyfriend who had a frown on his face.
“But I'm parched,” grumbled Fred as Viktoria pushed him towards a fairly deserted alley adjacent to the main street.
Covent Garden was bustling with Muggles. Seeing as Easter was fast approaching, boutiques were filled to the brim with shoppers queuing for last-minute holiday hauls, and everyone was out and about, basking in the spring breeze.
A good-looking pair of lovebirds sipping on matching bubble tea beverages, walking down James Street hand-in-hand was nothing close to unusual on a cheerful sunny day such as today. What would've been unusual was if one of the pair suddenly shot out cold, freshwater into his mouth from a wooden stick. That would've stirred some heads.
"You're parched?" Viktoria's eyes were wide and exasperated. "How many times do you have to pull something like that in the middle of a bloody Muggle street—"
"It was you who made me swallow it!" said Fred defensively.
She scoffed, "Oh please. You're being dramatic."
"Dramatic? These things taste like Dungbombs!" he waved his still-full cup of bubble tea, shoving it up his girlfriend's face as if it's committed some horrendous crime. Black little pearls were swimming around between Viktoria's eyes.
She shoves him off, offended.
"Excuse me? Dungbombs? Have you actually eaten Dungbombs?"
"Well, no, but these sure look like 'em."
Viktoria gasped.
"You did not," she glared threateningly at Fred.
"Also," his face frowned in disgust, "who—in their right mind—would put ice in tea? Barbaric is what this is!"
Viktoria's mood was getting fouler by the second. She had been excited. So incredibly excited to have Fred finally try one of her favorite drinks in the world. Her mother was a muggle, and her father a Curse Breaker—where the job came with travelling; when they had lived briefly in Thailand when she was thirteen, they couldn't get her to stop drinking bubble tea every single day.
"I can't believe you said that," she said.
"What? The truth?"
"The entire world doesn't drink tea the same way the British do, Fred!"
"Well too bad for them then! No one makes tea like Mum does."
"This is different. This is about trying something new!"
"Well, I don't want new!"
With a loud groan, she snatched the cup being dangled in front of her face and stomped away angrily.
"HEY— Where are you going?" Fred called to her retreating back.
The good-looking pair of lovebirds were no longer a subject of longing stares as passersby dodged the now bitter-looking woman storming down the Muggle street, sipping from two cups of bubble tea simultaneously, her boyfriend running to keep up with her.
"Viktoria," Fred called out as reasonably projected as possible. They were making a scene and he knew it. He didn't mind the attention when he was being funny or when people stared at him and Viktoria hand-in-hand. He loved showing her off. Not like this though. Not when she was walking away from him.
"Viktoria," he was jogging next to her now, "slow down."
"Sod off and go drown in your Mum's tea, Fred Weasley," she growled without so much as a glance in his direction. "I hate you so much right now."
"Will you stop walking for one second?"
She brisked even faster.
"Okay, okay, I'm sor—," he dodged running into a stroller and an angry mother who chastised him. After apologizing profusely at the woman who was immediately charmed by the Weasley smile, he glanced up and saw that Viktoria was nowhere to be found.
Running down James Street, he paused through every alley, searching, passing by the boutiques they've previously visited earlier in the day. Skidding to a halt in front of the bubble tea shop, he entered and scanned the small space.
"Back for another already?"
The woman who had served them earlier was smiling at Fred behind the counter, "Original Bubble for your lady?"
"Uh," he was still panting, "er—no thank you, madame. I was wondering if—"
The woman laughed.
"Just one for her today then? That's a first. On her best days she can do three!" she seemed to laugh at a memory.
The woman shook her head in amusement, "Your little lady would swell her digestion herself if she could, only if it meant she could drink pints of these devils!" she gestured to the gallons of ready-made tea behind her. "It's a sight. She practically inhales it. I'm lactose-intolerant you see. Watching her, I live vicariously!"
The woman laughed again and pointed to a window in the corner of her shop, "Sits over on that cushion every Sunday when she's back from school."
Fred's breathing was calming down, but his heart was thumping faster.
"She nicked yours 'in't she?" she asked. "That why you're back for another?"
Eyes glued to the small corner booth by the window, Fred answered with a question, "She likes bubble tea then?"
"Likes?" the woman almost scoffed, "Darling, I could say she's a shop benefactor with the number of cuppas that girl downs! She told me once that our tea is the closest thing to those authentic ones you find in— where was that? Taiwan? Anyway—"
"Thailand," breathed Fred, and dread was closing in on him. Remorse slowly working its way to his erratic heart. "She—she lived there for a while. Told me all about the..."
The tea.
"I'll take you I swear," she told him as they walked up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, "it's almost as good as the ones in Bangkok. NOT AS AMAZING, but good enough!"
Viktoria had moved to Hogwarts when they were in their fifth year, straight from Thailand; carrying stories of her Curse Breaker father, speaking fluent Gobbledegook in Charms that made her a Flitwick favorite, and going on and on about how the school kitchens didn't have black squishy pearls swimming in cold tea...
Sighing, Fred turned to the woman who was still beaming at him.
"One Original Bubble please."
 ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
 Viktoria watched churchgoers walk past her from the bench where she sat near St. Paul's Chapel, nibbling on her straw mindlessly.
The two cups of bubble tea were long empty. Her stomach was rumbling quietly from the aggressive intake of lactose, and her foul mood dulled into a solemn ache.
She remembered when she was still back in Hogwarts a few days ago, packing for the Easter holidays. Recalling her long list of "must-dos" with Fred that she had planned out. This was their second holiday as a couple, after getting together right before Fred and George decided to drop out mid-year of their sixth. They wrote together all summer long, and she had spent the following Christmas at the Burrow.
With You-Know-Who back in the picture, nowhere was safe to spend anything these days. But a Muggle area gave a supposedly wider berth from danger. This was why the two had planned to meet her family this time, introduce Fred to her mum and dad, and bring him around Muggle London.
"She's lovely," he whispered in her ear as her mother stood up to refill all their bowls with her homemade Sheperd's Pie.
Viktoria smiled, "She is when she's full."
"Just like you then," said Fred with a smirk.
Her foot met his toe and he coughed out a sharp grunt.
"Say that again?"
"You are as lovely as your mother, my sweet," he mumbled back and gave a strained smile to her Curse Breaker father when he peered at them curiously.
"Lovely my big fat foot," Viktoria grumbled under her breath, poking the bottom of her empty cup with the straw aggressively. "Stupid, insensitive, red-headed git. Can't even pretend. Can't even try to pretend to like it. I'm supportive, aren't I? I even offer to be a guinea pig for the Wheezes. Remember when I grew a stubble because of that potion?" she was talking to her cup now, remembering being the human experiment for Magical Moustache Miracle Stubble Grow.
"AND (poke) TO THINK (poke) I WAS SO (even more aggressive poke) EXCITED!"
A straw-shaped hole peered up at her from the bottom of the cup.
"UGH, I don't even know why I'm mad!"
Someone cleared their throat gently behind her.
Huffing haughtily and knowing exactly who it was, Viktoria ignored the sound and continued to glare at the throng of Muggles walking past. She would not give in. She won't.
A long shadow loomed over her and sat on the bench, giving them a respectable amount of space in between.
The small square they were in was rumbling with activity. But there was nothing but silence in their own little bubble.
She won't look. No. Spiting her, he is. Making fun. Always making fun—
Chancing upon him at the corner of her eye, Viktoria saw Fred sipping on a cup of Original Bubble, frowning as he maneuvered his straw to catch the pearls that were swimming away.
"You don't have to do that."
Fred looked up, straw in mouth, "Well, how am I supposed to catch them then? Sneaky little gorgons—"
"No," sighed Viktoria, "I mean you don't have to drink that. I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to."
"You're not forcing me at a—"
"Cut it out, Fred."
Children were running around nearby, feeding Pigeons with small pieces of bread from their lunch helpings. A little girl slipped. There were no tears though. She continued to roll around the pavement, shrieking with delight, to her mother's chagrin.
She heard him sigh beside her.
"I'm a git."
"You kept going on about this all year last. Never stopped. It—it slipped my mind."
"I'm a git and I deserve to be trolled."
"I'm a filthy pile of dung and I subject myself to eating toadstools for the rest of my life."
"You are not eating toadstool," Viktoria glared at Fred who held his breath as she finally spoke. "I will not snog a toadstool eating wizard."
Fred's eyes turned misty, "You still wanna snog me?"
"When you're not being an absolute arse, I do."
Closing the gap between them the tiniest bit, Fred said, "I'm sorry, Viktoria."
It took a few breaths before she gave a defeated sigh, "This is stupid," she muttered. "This is stupid, I don't even know why I'm mad—"
"I do," interrupted Fred. "I know and I deserve it. I was a git. I wasn't paying attention and I was completely insensitive. You always," he was struggling, "you always feel things around you, even people. You read rooms clearly, you keep me in check. My mouth— I— I can't control it sometimes I— I say hurtful things to people I love without meaning them."
Viktoria was looking at him now, observing Fred's shameful downcasted eyes.
He blinked a couple of times before continuing, "Hermione confronted me once about it, about how the small things I say affected Ron loads. And I— I didn't want to believe her at first. Shrugged her off-quite rudely to be honest. But when I saw him play for Keeper I..."
There was a snitch-sized lump down Viktoria's throat and it was preventing any form of speech. She knew this. They had both sat down and talked about each other's flaws and hubris awhile back, after getting into a massive fight before Christmas at the Burrow. She was familiar with Fred's difficulty with words, his teasing getting too far at times. But he was good. She knew this as well. His affection coursed differently. And this was precisely why she loved him.
Words failing her, she grabbed his bubble teacup and took a long sip. His eyes held hers and she took his hand.
"Go on," she encouraged.
He took a deep breath, "Well, you know what happened. He was all over the place, Ron. Couldn't save a single Quaffle, quite unlike our matches in our backyard. George and I knew he was good. Merlin, even Ginny knew. But he wavered on the pitch. He didn't have the guts. And I had a lot to do with that."
Fred brought Viktoria's hand to his lips, "I'm doing better. You said so yourself," she gave him a teary smile, "but I— I slip and I'm sorry. I'll have more tact. I know it's the little words I overlook, and I'll work on that now. I swear I'll be more careful and— I just don't want to drive you away. You most of all."
Silently and without preamble, Viktoria stood. Fred blinked up at her, and from where she gazed, she saw the mist and remorse swimming all over his enchanting brown eyes.
"Oh, Fred Weasley," she smiled shyly down at him, brushing strands of red away from his forehead. "How'd we get so deep from just fighting about bubble tea?"
He gave a hearty guffaw, the signature Fred laughter that made her heart leap. "Because I'm a drama queen is why."
Pulling her to his lap, she settled on his chest, her head propped against his cheek.
"You're a good man, my Freddie," said Viktoria. His arms tighten around her. "You're the sweetest, most handsome, and you snog me so well."
Fred's laugh was contagious, his chest vibrating against her back. She grinned.
"And you were right. You are doing so well. I forgive you. And I'm sorry too."
She turned her head and rested it below his chin, her nose propped against his jaw, inhaling while her eyes fluttered shut. The sweet, gun-powdered scent of Fred Weasley. All bruised and perfect for her and her only.
"You know," started Fred, breaking their small silence as he stole a sip from the cup, "these aren't half bad."
Viktoria rolled her eyes, "Oh stop."
"I'm serious! I should've given them more teeth. I reckon it's all in the chew."
"Mhmm. We could make something out of this for Wheezes."
"Edible Dungbombs?"
Viktoria groaned.
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
silver tongue // part two
SUMMARY: charlie weasley was never the type to fall in love. his main focus has always been dragons. by the time he realizes he’s in love, it may be too late.
PAIRINGS: charlie weasley x fem!OC
WARNINGS: smut, and mentions of gore/injury.
well, here’s the final part to charlie’s story! i may write an epilogue of sorts in the future. and i may use luminita in a different story, i like her character! anyways, hope you all enjoy.
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charlie and luminita fell into step with the order and the weasley family. charlie spent time catching up with his family and conversing with arthur on the foreign wizards they had gathered. luminita spent a fair amount of time with kingsley, who had taken a great interest in the girl. he said she was a great asset and a natural fighter, and she was assigned as a watch guard for the burrow while they were there.
luminita was surprisingly comfortable at the burrow. it made her realize where charlie got his decorating skills from; his shack in romania was filled with warm tones of mismatched fabrics and designs. it had always drove her crazy, she preferred a set tone and color palette. but now she knew charlie was just trying to have a piece of the burrow with him while he was with the dragons.
the day of the wedding, she was stationed to stand guard outside of the tent the ceremony was being held in. another wizard and witch, remus and tonks respectively, stood guard with her.
luminita had gotten to know the two fairly well, remus was a werewolf and he had soothed a lot of the concerns she had over her injuries. the only thing she had experienced was a likening towards rare meat, and restlessness during the full moon. tonks was a delightful metamorphmagus, and a strong willed fighter like her. tonks had suggested she would make a brilliant auror, but luminita assured her that her heart belonged to the dragons and romania.
tonks was the person who had given her a dress for the wedding, a silver cap sleeved gown that clung to her chest and torso, before flowing weightlessly to her feet. her wild thick hair was twisted up in a bun, showcasing the thin dragon scale necklace around her neck. she rarely had a chance to dress up, and she enjoyed it in spite of herself.
“it’s a beautiful day for a wedding,” tonks commented brightly, twirling her wand in her hands. “not too warm, not too windy.”
“thank you for the weather update.” remus smirked playfully at the purple haired witch, nudging her shoulder.
tonks glared at remus, with no real malice. luminita laughed, their banter heartwarming and yet painful at the same time.
“so how long have you and charlie been an item?” tonks asked luminita, winking at the girl whose eyes had widened at the assumption.
“oh, no, we aren’t together,” she let out a humorless laugh. “we’re both too focused on our work. he’s always said the dragons are enough for him, he can’t entertain a relationship while there are so many undiscovered dragons.”
tonks shared a look with remus, their expressions gentle. “sometimes you just need to convince a man otherwise. even if they’re stubborn.”
luminita smiled politely, her insides churning. it was a nice sentiment, but it wasn’t like that with charlie. she knew long before her feelings for him grew that he wasn’t interested in any relationship with anyone. she was just foolish enough to let herself be captivated by charming grin and muscular biceps, his infectious laugh and extraordinary personality. she had never met someone quite like him.
spending time around his family for the past few days, she was able to see where it had all stemmed from.
before long, the ceremony had conceded and music began blasting from the speakers within. laughter and the clinking of silverware echoed outside, and luminita couldn’t help but peek inside to take a look.
“oh, you can go on inside,” tonks waved towards the tent, her eyes flicking over to remus. “we can take it from here.”
luminia hesitated, but at their reassurances, she slipped inside the tent.
she had never seen so many redheads in one place. charlie had been the first and only redhead she had met, and she found it a bit jarring to suddenly be surrounded by them. she sought him out now, a smile appearing on her face when she finally caught sight of him walking towards her.
“lumi,” he greeted, giving her a hug. he pulled away, his hands still on her arms, his eyes raking over her body. “you look wonderful.”
she laughed, a blush coating her cheeks. “well thanks. you don’t look half bad yourself, i almost don’t recognize you without the layer of ash on your face.”
charlie laughed loudly, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “thanks, i think!”
they walked over to the drinks, each taking a glass of fire whiskey. a few of charlie’s relatives came over to talk with him
about his work with the dragons, and a few of them asked if luminita was his girlfriend. charlie would quickly shake his head, his cheeks would flush, and he would deny it. luminita would joke and say she had much higher standards, even if the words burned her mouth on their way out.
“would you fancy a dance?” charlie asked suddenly, as they had finished off their drinks.
luminita nodded, her lips turning up as she let herself be led away to throng of people twirling to the music.
she began swaying to the music, charlie’s large hands splayed out on her hips. she had her hands on his shoulders, and they moved fluidly together to the music.
“your family is really nice,” she told him, looking into his brown eyes. “fred and george have a nice amount of spunk in them. and ginny is a force to be reckoned with. she kind of reminds me of me when i was her age.”
charlie nodded in agreement. “the twins have really made something for themselves. i’m so proud of them. ginny, too.”
“oh, charles, you’ve gone soft of us,” fred appeared next to them, twirling a gorgeous blond as he passed.
“really, i think we may swoon.” george finished, a similar girl in his arms as they danced together.
“just wait until after this wedding, i’ll have the both of you in a headlock before you can say mum.” charlie threatened, giving the two of them a look.
“we’ll be waiting!” the twins had identical grins, and they led the dance floor, disappearing with the veelas.
charlie grinned, shaking his head, and he twirled luminita in a circle. she felt wild, carefree. the feeling of charlie’s warm hands on her hips and the feeling of his thick muscles under her hands made her feel invincible. they never got the opportunity to be intimate like this, and all they were doing was dancing.
maybe it was the rush of euphoria she received from being so close with him, his hands on her hips, his eyes watching her every move. or maybe it was the feel that weddings had, like love was an attainable thing for all to grasp. whatever it was, when the music switched to a slow song, she had to finally put her feelings for the burly boy out in the open so there were no more second guesses.
“charlie,” luminita bit her lip, their movements slowing. “i know how you feel about relationships. i know we’re in a war. i know we can die at any moment... and that’s why i need to just say this and be done.”
“i care for you, charlie weasley. a lot. a damn lot, and who knows? maybe i love you. and perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but i think you like me too.”
she could feel him tense under her hands as her words spilled out in an honest confession. they paused in their dancing, and she waited with bated breath to hear his reply.
as charlie opened his mouth, everyone’s attention was suddenly turned to the opening of the tent, where a silver lynx landed a few feet away from charlie and luminita. she quickly reached under her dress for her wand that was strapped to her calf, holding it tightly in anticipation.
the patronus’ mouth opened wide, and it spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of kingsley shacklebolt.
“the ministry has fallen. scrimgeour is dead. they are coming.”
everything was silent for a moment, most of the guests were still turned towards the remaining vapors of the patronus. then somebody screamed.
guests started running in all directions, many were disapperating. luminita swore, realizing the enchantments around the burrow had broken.
the death eaters came rather quickly. they were masked and cloaked, firing spells into the crowd of people.
luminita began dueling, her mouth set in a determined line. she was vaguely aware of charlie fighting at her side, firing off a few ‘protego’ as they fought together.
then luminita saw ginny, who appeared as though she was too busy searching for someone rather than looking out for her back. she was going to get herself killed.
“charlie,” she spat out of the corner of her mouth, firing a leg locking curse at one of the cloned figures. “where is your families safe house?”
“my aunt muriels,” charlie responded under his breath, stunning a death eater. “go there!”
“no chance in hell!”
she sprinted across the dance floor, kicking her heels off in the process. she dodged spellwork, twisting around to fire back as she ran.
“protego!” she shouted, blocking a curse that very nearly hit ginny. “ginerva! get a hold of yourself!”
“harry left,” ginny told her, her eyes wild. “i didn’t get to say goodbye.”
“you’ll see him again,” she panted, gathering the girl behind her. “where’s your wand.”
“i don’t know, i don’t know, i think it’s in the burrow.”
luminita cursed, scanning the crowd as spells continued blasting around them. molly weasley looked panic stricken, as she fired off spells at the death eaters, her eyes darting around in a worried haste. aunt muriel was next to her, looking as though she were going to hyperventilate.
she was looking for ginny.
“molly!” she yelled, grabbing ginnys arm as the quickly maneuvered through the crowd.
molly looked up at her, relief sagging in her features as she saw ginny beside her. luminita pushed ginny into her mother’s arms, and they clung to each other.
“go to the safe house, we’ll take care of things from here.”
molly nodded, and turned on her heel. with a crack, they disappeared.
luminita turned back to the crowd, and joined forces with remus and tonks, the three of them were soon joined by charlie. charlie and luminita fought back to back, alongside the other two.
it appeared the death eaters were only there for harry potter. once they realized he was no longer there, due to one of them shouting it in disappointment, they left in a cloud of black smoke.
the beautifully decorated tent was destroyed, the flowers trampled and decorations ripped, platters of food and drink strewn around the floor. a few areas had been set on fire and put out, the smoldering remains letting off plumes of black smoke.
“is anyone hurt?” arthur called out tersely, a deep looking ash on his forearm.
there were a few murmurings through the crowd, but no one appeared to be gravely injured.
“right, then, let’s clean up and then we can recoup.”
it didn’t take very long to get the place cleaned up, most of it just needed to be banished away as it was damaged beyond repair. bill expressed regret over the flowers being destroyed; fleur had wanted to save a few in a photo album of their day. but they were all wrecked, stomped into the ground.
the order members who had attended the wedding all apparated to muriels cottage, crammed into the small living room as they waited for kingsley to appear. he came at half past nine, looking worn and torn.
“was harry able to leave?” he asked, standing in front of the order members.
arthur nodded. “he, ron, and hermione left. no one was able to get them.”
“that’s good.”
they began discussing further plans for the order, and repairing the wards that had been broken at the burrow. they would all head back tomorrow morning to redo he magical charms, and resume their normal schedules.
as the order members aside from the weasleys and luminita began to file out, kingsley called to her and charlie.
“you two are heading back to romania tomorrow, right?”
charlie nodded tensely. “that’s the plan.”
kingsley nodded slowly, looking over at luminita. she forced herself to remain strong under his intimidating gaze.
“luminita, if you’re willing, i would like for you to stay behind. you’re an excellent fighter, and we could really use your help.”
she faltered, unsure of what to say. she hadn’t been expecting him to say that.
“no,” charlie answered, shaking his head. “no, she comes home with me.”
“charlie, think of what’s best for the order,” kingsley said firmly, turning his gaze on the man. “if she refuses, then that’s fine. but if she’s willing to help the order, that’s her decision to make.”
“im not leaving her here unprotected,” charlie’s voice was bordering on hysterical now. “miles away from where i could help her. where i go, she goes.”
the two men stared at each other, silence echoing loudly around them. luminita felt her heart thud at the way charlie was talking about her, and she very nearly said no. but he said she would be a great asset, and if she would be more helpful here... she couldn’t say no, especially not after the death eaters she encountered tonight. fighting like that... it gave a thrill that reminded her of trying to bond with a dragon. and if she could help innocent people and fight against voldemort hands on, well, she wouldn’t say no.
charlie looked at her, and his shoulders sagged as he recognized her expression.
“please, lumi,” his voice was low and pleading. “don’t stay. come home with me.”
she swallowed hard, and looked over to kingsley. she gave the man a firm nod, straightening her shoulders. “i’ll stay.”
charlie cursed, and stormed out of the room. the front door slammed behind him, and luminita shut her eyes briefly.
“tomorrow we’ll meet at the burrow and discuss your role,” kingsley held out his hand, and they shook firmly. “i have an assignment in mind for you already.”
kingsley left then, biding a goodnight to the rest of the weasleys. luminita took a steadying breath, and slipped outside. the grass was cool against her bare feet, and the wind was balmy against her skin.
charlie stood leaning against a tree a few yards away from the house, staring out at the vast forest that expanded beyond muriels cottage. his sleeves were rolled up, and the ends of his dragon tattoo poked out from his right bicep. her heart ached as she walked towards him.
“hey,” she said softly, crossing her arms as she stopped next to him. “can we talk?”
“how could you just decide that?” he turned to her, his words hard and fast as they came from his mouth. “how could you just decide to leave me and stay here?”
“charlie, you know i won’t back down from a fight. you know i’m not the type of person to run and hide. if there’s a chance i can be more helpful here then in romania, i have to do it.”
“even if that means leaving the dragons? leaving me? i thought you lov-“ and he cut himself short, the words snipped shut as soon as he thought them.
she shut her eyes, taking another steadying breath against the thud of her heart. “don’t do that.”
“do what? at the wedding, you said- you said you loved me. how can you just drop that on me and then just leave me?”
“are you kidding me? it doesn’t even matter charlie! you don’t feel the same way about me! the dragons will always come first!”
“fuck the dragons!” charlie roared, and he took hold of her shoulders. “i love you, damnit, and i can’t lose you!”
he crashed his lips against hers, and she lost her hands in his wavy hair. she opened her mouth, tongue and teeth clashing against each other. his deliciously muscular body pressed against hers, fulfilling many a fantasy she had ever since she saw him with his shirt off three years ago. his hands cupped her cheeks, pressing her harder against him.
every single one of her nerve endings were on fire as his hands ghosted down to her hips, gripping them tightly before he tapped her thighs, signaling for her to jump. she did, wrapping her legs around his waist as he turned around, pressing her against the tree.
as his lips trailed down her neck, nipping ravenously at her skin, she could feel his hardness pressing against her core. hardness that she caused. it sparked a fire deep in her chest, and she moaned loudly as he ground her hips into hers.
he looked up at her, his eyes dark. “do you want this?”
she nodded, her eyes fluttering at the feel of his body pressed against hers. “i’ve wanted this for years, charlie.”
at her admission, he pulled up her dress, and pushed aside her panties, slipping a finger into her wetness. her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she gripped at his hair as he plunged his fingers deep in her pussy. his thumb rubbed circles on her sensitive clit, while his two fingers thrusted in and out in a fast pace.
“charlie,” his name fell from her lips among a string of moans, his hair still gripped in her fists.
“say my name,” charlie growled, biting down harshly on her neck. “say my goddamn name.”
she could feel the knot in her stomach building, and just as it was about to unravel, his fingers left her heat. her unfocused eyes attempted to look at him in annoyance, wondering why he stopped, when his full length suddenly slammed into her with a force that brought tears to her eyes.
“you like it rough, don’t you slut,” he murmured, groaning as he rolled his hips against hers. “taking me so well.”
she threw her head back in both pain and pleasure as his cock pounded into her, hitting deep inside her as he continued sucking on
her neck. the pain subsided, and she nearly saw stars as he brought a hand down to rub circles on her clit.
the knot in her stomach returned, and with it came a primal need to mark charlie as hers. she lifted her head, bending towards his neck and searching for his soft spot. as he moaned when her tongue licked over a spot near the base of his throat, she bit down harshly, drawing blood that she quickly licked up, moving to suck on the other side of his neck.
“did you just bite me?” charlie gasped out, his hips flush against hers.
she tilted her head back, meetings his eyes as he continued slamming into her. “yeah, i did.”
“do it again.” he groaned darkly, moving his head back to expose the other side of his neck.
she did as he asked, sinking her teeth once more into the taught skin of his neck. she supposed the need to bite him and mark him as hers came from the werewolf scars, but she hadn’t expected charlie to be so open to it.
the knot in her stomach tightened, and she moaned as the pressure built. charlie’s thrusts became sloppy, and she knew he was close too.
“gonna cum,” he grunted, slamming his hips into hers. “fill you up like the slut you are.”
his words drove them both over the edge, and with one final thrust he came inside her, and she released on his dick. his hips stilled, still flush against hers, and he buried his head against her neck. she rested her head on top of his, her arms resting limply around his neck.
“so,” she said after a moment, a pleased smirk on her lips. “i’m a slut?”
charlie looked up immediately, his face flushing maroon. “oh, erm, i didn’t mean-“
“don’t take it back!” she exclaimed, a laugh falling from her lips. “it’s hot. dirty. didn’t expect that from you.”
charlie gave an exasperated sigh, shaking his head. he pulled out of her, setting her down gingerly. her legs felt like jello, and she held onto his shoulders to steady herself.
“was it too much for you?” he teased her, his eyes dark.
she swatted at his arm, forcing herself to stand on her own. “in your dreams, weasley.”
“oh trust me, this will be the center of my dreams for years to come.”
she rolled her eyes, pulling her panties back up. “if only you would have done this sooner.”
charlie nodded slowly. “if only... are you really going to stay?”
“i have to, charlie. if it’s in the best interest of the order, then-“
“forget the order,” he stated firmly, placing a hand on her hip. “what is best for you?”
she paused. “charlie. i wouldn’t be able to live with myself if i left when i could have helped people. not after what i saw today.”
“i suppose i knew that,” he sighed ruefully. “that’s just who you are. it’s why i love you.”
“so you do love me?”
he gave her a look. “i don’t just tell people i love them if i don’t mean it. of course i do.”
she nodded. “i love you too.”
she held out her hand, and he grasped it tightly. his large one engulfed her small
one in warmth, and they walked hand in hand back to the cottage. they didn’t specify a label on each other, but she didn’t feel they needed to. they loved each other. that was all they needed.
the next day, luminita received her first assignment from kingsley. charlie prepared to leave for romania. they spent their last night together in his childhood bedroom, familiarizing each other’s bodies in the tangle of his sheets.
but he had to leave, and she had to stay.
kingsley kept her busy, and she found she didn’t have much time to dwell on how much she missed charlie. it stayed with her, like a thorn in her side, but most nights she was so exhausted she fell into a dreamless sleep, only to wake up the next morning early to get a start on her duties.
she stayed with the weasleys in the burrow, and grew quite close with molly and the twins. she practiced dueling with the boys on her rare days off, which they greatly enjoyed.
but of course, all good things must come to an end, and when ginny returned home for easter break, ron was found traveling with harry potter and hermione granger. the trio got away, but the weasleys shot to the top of the death eaters most wanted list. they were forced into hiding, and luminita took on a heavier work load as the death eaters became more determined to destroy the supporters of harry potter.
eventually, she was stationed in hogsmeade, which meant that when the final battle began, she was one of the first to join.
“it’s unfortunate you’re seeing hogwarts in shambles as your first impression,” george called to her, as he hexed a death eater. “it’s bloody amazing in its full glory.”
“has to be, though,” fred chimed in, dodging a bat bogey hex. “it’s where we got our start! the infamous weasley twins!”
“load of braggarts, you lot!” chided luminita, sending a stunner straight to the chest of a burly death eater.
the three worked together, battling the emerging death eaters. at some point in the chaos, george split away from the two, and they were joined by percy, the weasley who had blacklisted his family.
“i was a fool, fred,” percy shouted hoarsely, shooting spells at the four hooded and masked death eaters that had them back into a corner. “an utter fool!”
“and a right prat!” added fred, ducking as a green spell whizzed by his ear.
luminita became separated from the two as the death eater split them apart, two took on her while the other two kept at the weasleys. she was forced to only cast shielding spells, as she was unable to do much else with the both of them constantly firing at her. but then, by sheer luck, she found an opening.
“ventura!” she shouted, jabbing her wand directly at the two.
a hurricane swirled out of her wand, gathering the two death eaters into its depths. they flung around the room, hitting the ceiling with a sickening crack before falling to the floor, their thick blood spilling out onto the floor.
she shouted the counter curse, and the hurricane disappeared.
“nice one, lumi!” fred shouted in approval.
jets of light flew in every direction, and luminita rushed forward to help the two weasleys; out of the corner of her vision, she saw harry, ron, and hermione emerge from the hallway.
one of the death eaters hoods slipped, revealing his high forehead and streaked hair.
“hello, minister!” bellowed percy, sending a neat jinx to thicknesse who dropped his wand and clawed at his rom in discomfort. “did i mention i’m resigning?”
“you’re joking, perce!” shouted fred with glee, as the death eater he was battling collapsed under the weight of four separate stunning spells. “you actually are joking, perce.. i haven’t heard you joke since you were-“
luminita felt the electric pull of the air, and her instincts kicked in. she reached out, grabbing hold of fred, just as the air around them exploded.
they flung through the air, and luminita held fred close to her chest with her wand gripped tightly in her hand, protecting his head with her arms. the yells and screams of their companions echoed around them, and the cold air that hit let her know the wall of the castle had been blasted away.
they landed with a crash, her head cracking against the floor of the castle, her leg bending the wrong way with a throbbing pain. fred slammed painfully against her chest, but she didn’t release her hold on him.
then the world resolved itself into pain and semi darkness; they were half buried in the wreckage of the corridor.
she looked down at fred, who had a dazed expression in his face. there was a gash across his forehead, dripping thick blood in his eyes.
“lumi, you have to let go of me so we can get up,” fred groaned, and she released his hold on him. “think you may have just saved my life.”
“that was the hope.” the words came out funny, and her head exploded in black stars. she wasn’t sure that the words had came out at all. there was something thick and sticky coating the back of her head, and when she reached her hand back to gingerly touch it, moaning at the pain, her hand came back slick with blood.
“percy! ron! help me get her out of here!”
she was vaguely aware of someone jostling her body out of the rubble as the pain coalesced into a blinding blackness of stars, and she faded away.
the next time she opened her eyes, she was staring at the twinkling ceiling of the great hall. she felt as though her head was filled with foam, and her leg had a stabbing pain reverberating through her shin.
her eyes fluttered over to the worried face of charlie weasley, and her heart swelled. “charlie.”
he carefully gathered her in his strong arms, holding her against his chest. “i told you to be safe.”
she wrapped her arms around him, not fully believing he was there.
“luminita. never thought i’d see the day you weren’t tossing me a witty comment.”
she lifted her head off charlie’s chest to see billius standing near them, and a grin cracked across her face.
“oh, shut it,” she scoffed. “go suck on a dragon scale.”
“that’s my girl,” billius grinned, before pausing thoughtfully. “guess i probably shouldn’t say that. you’re charlie’s girl now.”
a warmth filled her chest as his words processed, and her head became less foamy. “yeah. i am.”
“you hit your head really hard and broke your leg,” charlie informed her, keeping her in his arms. “maria had to regrow the back of your skull, and a few of your leg bones. you’re still healing.”
“maria’s here?”
“all of our romanian allies are here. we got here just after the battle ended.”
she could hear the frustration in his voice. she knew it must have killed him to get here late and then find that she was injured. “you’re here now. that’s what matters.”
they caught up while her skull regrew, and the other weasleys came by as well. fred thanked her again for saving him, and molly nearly cried as she thanked her for saving her son. she waved them off, not caring for the attention.
before long, the battle resumed, and charlie had to leave her to help in the fight. she tried her best to get up against his orders, but her vision went blurry and her leg sent shooting pains through her body. so, she was forced to sit there while harry potter was declared dead. the war raged on.
then, harry potter was alive again. the war began turning for the better, and it seemed that they would win. the residents of hogsmeade joined in, and before long, harry had killed voldemort.
the war was over.
charlie came back to her immediately, taking her in his arms and holding her tightly. she wrapped her arms around his torso as his hands tangled in her hair, and he peppered her face with kisses.
“i love you, luminita,” he declared, cupping her cheeks in his hands. “marry me.”
“marry you?” she gaped at him, staring up at his heavily freckled face.
a grin broke out across his face. “are you deaf? i said marry me, damnit!”
her heart swelled with love, and she nodded fast, her head spinning from the movement. “charlie weasley, of course i’ll marry you.”
he kissed her passionately, lifting her in his arms. everything was right in her world.
the sun rose steadily over hogwarts as they celebrated, and mourned over the ones they had lost. luminita was saddened to hear that tonks and remus had died, she would never forget their kindness. she wished she was able to tel tonks that charlie had proposed, the delightful woman would been ecstatic to hear the news.
they celebrated, they mourned. clean up on the castle would begin tomorrow, but for now, everyone was invited to stay in the dorms or go home.
charlie and luminita decided to go back to the burrow with their family. they would head back to romania after the shock of the battle wore off, but for now, charlie needed to be with his family. luminita knew that.
as she lay in charlie’s arms that night in his childhood bedroom, she smiled genuinely. she supposed she had bonded with a dragon after all.
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juniweasley · 4 years
Each and Every Kiss
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!OC (Rosie)
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Narrator thinks about her relationship with Fred Weasley as she walks down the aisle.
Warnings: None other than fluff, mention of Battle of Hogwarts
A/N: This was written for an assignment for a creative fiction writing class where we had to play on time, using flashbacks in reverse order and playing with tense changes with the flashbacks. (I changed the names for the assignment buuuut...)
To help with readability, I also put the ‘flashbacks’ in italics.
This is my first fic and really, first original post on this account, so I hope you all like it!!
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          I’m bouncing on the balls of my bare feet – having the ceremony outside on Fred's family’s lawn was a good choice. Feeling the cool grass between my toes is proving to be a good grounding technique, and my breathing slows down. My palms are clammy, and my hands are wound tightly around the bouquet of freshly picked daisies, so tight I can almost bet my knuckles are a shade of ghostly white. But I’m smiling, smiling so hard I can hardly feel my cheeks that are surely redder than my soon-to-be husband’s hair on his head.
          Husband. Wow. Today. I’m attempting to slow my thoughts, staring up at the few clouds that litter an otherwise clear, blue sky. I jump when I hear someone clearing their throat, and I realize the music has started, and my soon-to-be father-in-law Arthur is standing at the corner of the house, his arm out for me to take. I take a deep breath and put my arm in his, my smile unwavering. I’m practically vibrating with joy as he leads me around the house on the makeshift path covered in daisy petals. As we round the corner, I spot the arch that marks the beginning of the aisle. I can feel everyone staring at me, but I only focus on one set of eyes – the mahogany brown eyes at the other end of the aisle, the ones I feel like a magnet drawing me to him, making me want to walk so much faster than this slow wedding song allows.
          I had stared into those same eyes last night while I told him we should just elope that second, that I couldn’t wait any longer. He quieted those feeble attempts at coercion with a soft kiss – one would think that kiss was just the same as any of the other kisses we had shared, but it wasn’t. It was gentle, yet urgent - loving and careful and demanding at the same time. It was a plea to stay, stay with him, though I had already promised a thousand times. He was trying to make sure I was here, really here, and I let him know that I was. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said before he nimbly climbed out the window. How cliché.
          His eyes shine with tears as he watches me pace closer to him. His eyes are filled with love and wonder and awe – I know mine are, too.
          I remember that exact same look present in his eyes after the battle. When the school fell and everyone lost so much, we hadn’t lost each other. When we realized it was over, he turned to me, his hand in mine as it had unconsciously been for the last hour or so, and he looked at me with love and wonder and awe. Awe that we were still alive, that we were safe, that we hadn’t lost each other. We stood for a moment, bathing in that awe, before he kissed me so desperately that I wondered if he had thought he had lost me after all. That kiss was a kiss of relief, full of sadness and haste, and I poured all those emotions right back into his lips. It was a necessary kiss, one that tasted of blood and tears and unspoken “I love you”’s.
          I’m halfway there and I still can’t feel my cheeks from smiling so much, but I know there are tears falling down my face. A few tears escape his eyes as well, resting on his high cheekbones for a second before completing their journey to his jaw and falling onto the grass below him. He brings a hand up too late to wipe them away, but he swipes at the wetness anyways. I can’t hear the music now, nor can I hear the sniffles of family members in the crowd. The world falls away and I only see him, in the emerald dress robes I’ve always said were my favorite.
          He wore the same color dress robes to the dance in our sixth year. He went with a seventh-year girl and I went with a group of friends who ended up leaving me alone at our table to dance with their partners. I sat alone all night – well, almost all night, until he approached me. I saw him walking toward me and decided to avoid that conversation at all costs by getting up and going out to the garden. His date tried to follow him, but he shoved her off and followed me. It didn’t take him long to find me on the bench in front of the fountain, and he sat next to me without saying a word. After an uncomfortable amount of time, I turned to see him staring at me, with what looked like pain and regret in his beautiful mahogany eyes. I was confused. After the confusion came anger, and I stood up, scoffing.
            “Don’t look so sheepish, Fred. I’m sure your date misses you; you should go join her.”
          He stood up as well, reaching a hand out but not quite touching mine. “Rosie…”
          I scoffed again at his use of my nickname. “Don’t.” I turned to leave, but I was stopped by his hand on my wrist.
          “Rosie, please. Wait,” he pleaded. When I turned back, his hand left my wrist. He started to say something, but closed his mouth again, seeming to contemplate what exactly he needed to say. “I… What’s going on? Why aren’t you speaking to me? I don’t understand.”
          I was done. Did I have to spell it out for him? I scoffed for a third time, not being able to help it. 
          “Do I really have to say it? Really?”
          After a moment of hesitation, I looked down at my shoes and asked quietly, “Why didn’t you ask me?” I hesitated. “To the dance, I mean.”
          He stuttered a bit, probably in disbelief. “I-I didn’t… I didn’t know you…”
          Frustrated and feeling done with the painful interaction, craving to just get it over with, I interrupted him. “Damn it, Fred, I love you!” I shouted as I looked up to meet his eyes again. His mouth was agape, as if he were about to say something but it got caught in his throat.
          Without warning, he was stepping towards me, his hands were on my cheeks, and he bent down and kissed me – this one was insistent, reassuring, and nervous. It was a kiss built of all the previous almost-kisses and pent up feelings all coming out at once. He pulled away to utter a breathless “I love you, too, Rosie,” before kissing me again in earnest.
          I reach the altar and Arthur leaves to go to his seat. I still haven’t taken my eyes off of him. I take my place in front of him and we say our vows that we spent all week writing. I tell him of my love and how it has blossomed and bloomed over the years and will never stop, and I promise to never leave. He tells me of when he first knew he loved me.
          It was on a summer break before our fifth year. I was visiting for the last month of the summer, staying in his sister’s room. I’d become close friends with the entire family, but it was Fred with whom I was closest. Fred, his sister, two of his brothers, and I were working in the garden for their mother. It was getting close to sunset and I was watering daisies. When their mother called for dinner, Fred and I were the last ones to leave the garden. He waited for me without saying anything. When I turned to leave, I saw him looking at me.
          “What?” I laughed.
          He shook his head. “Nothing. Your hair just… looks really pretty. In the sun. Right now.” He cleared his throat nervously. “Should we head back in?”
          He threw his arm around my shoulders and I put mine around his waist, and we loped inside. I could’ve sworn I felt his lips on the top of my head for just a split second. I didn’t say anything, though. Just smiled and kept walking.
          I smile as I hear him recount his side of the story like he has so many times since then. We say our “I do’s,” and before his lips reach mine, I say, “I love you.” 
          “I love you more, darling,” he replies, and he kisses me with the sweetest kiss he has ever placed upon my lips, with both gentle affection and fervor. Each kiss we have ever shared has been unique from the rest, and always better than the last. This kiss is no different.
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camelliacats · 3 years
until the ride ends & even after that (parts 171-180/200)
Drabbles spanning the lives and love of Victoire Weasley and Neville Longbottom.
Chapters 171-180: [FFN] [AO3] | ←   → | start from the beginning
Pairings/Characters: Victoire Weasley/Neville Longbottom, Molly Weasley, Ginny Weasley–Potter, Bill Weasley/Fleur Delacour–Weasley, Justin Finch–Fletchley, Dennis Creevey, Blaise Zabini, & an OC
Rating: K+
Words: ~1,390 collectively
Additional info: romance, cross gen, family, angst, fluff, Maydayverse, Next Gen era, 3rd person POV
Summary: No matter what, they would be together. They were always going to be together. *200 short, non-linear drabbles for Victoire and Neville, on love, life, and looking behind them before they look down the road.* [Potter–Weasley family fluff, Longbottom family fluff, and Neville- and Victoire-appreciation.]
                 Molly didn't care that she and Arthur didn't see eye to eye this time. It was different. It was her family. Perhaps, after the war and…Fred's death…she hadn't been in full charge of her faculties.
               But Molly was not going to accept Victoire with Neville.
               Remus and Tonks had been one thing. Firstly, they were so right for each other. Secondly, they did not have two decades between them. Thirdly, they were not Molly's children or grandchildren!
               So she couldn't and wouldn't accept them.
               Molly adored Teddy, and he wasn't family.
               So it would be terrible not to love her beautiful, adorable, mischievous, talented, sometimes-a-little-bit-too-much-like-their-mother great-granddaughters, right?
                 The house was empty. The couple was busy; both parties were at work. But a book that had been left precariously on the edge of the coffee table in the living room by the girlfriend in her haste finally fell and opened as it hit the ground.
               Out flew a newspaper clipping from The Daily Prophet. At the top, only the bottom half of the word "Announcements" could be seen. Printed below was this:
               Neville Longbottom, son of Frank and Alice Longbottom of Halifax, West Yorkshire, and Victoire Weasley, eldest daughter of William and Fleur Weasley of Tinworth, Cornwall, are pleased to announce their engagement. They are to be married in a private ceremony at the bride's home on June 10.
               (Yet hanging on the wall was the calendar for the year—2027—and, while that Thursday said "WEDDING," the following Wednesday and Thursday had been hastily circled and read, both of them, "Due date??")
                 "Oh. My. Merlin. Really?"
               He didn't like that glint in Ginny's eye. It reminded him too much of Fred and George when they used to be ready to execute one of their infamous pranks. "Ah, you know what?" Neville chuckled nervously. "Never mind. Forget I asked."
               "But you did ask, Neville," Ginny said with a smirk. It was eerier since it was via Floo.
               "It's no big deal—"
               "Hold that thought!" she interrupted. The call ended abruptly.
               Neville thought Ginny had finally let it go…but that was not the case. The next thing he knew, Ginny, as well as Hermione and Luna, stepped out of his fireplace and began chattering about how important it was for Neville to pick the right outfit for his first date, how it was about time already, how it had been far too long since Neville had dared to love again after his divorce….
                 She was thankful to Maria for letting her crash at her place. It wasn't as though Victoire really had any other place to go right now.
               Thinking about that, with her knees pulled up to her chest as she fought back a fresh wave of tears, Victoire gritted her teeth. She couldn't believe she'd broken up with Neville. Rather, that he'd broken up with her. Or, really, what had happened? Her mind was so fuzzy right now, she couldn't even keep events straight.
               The point was, they'd split. A week had passed already, and Victoire kept ruminating on it. She'd never felt like this before. She'd only ever liked Teddy and loved Neville, so she didn't have the experience to handle a broken heart.
               Another week, and another, flew by, and still she didn't feel any better.
               After one more, she realized how petty they'd been, and they rekindled their romance. As Maria put it, "Who the hell breaks up for saying 'I love you' too much?!"
                 When he'd passed, he'd gone with his eyes closed. So it only made sense for him to open his eyes once he reached the other side…whatever that was.
               It was sort of strange, because there were clouds that weren't clouds all around him. They were everywhere, too. But, there was one thing that stood out—strawberry–blond hair.
               "Neville," Victoire said softly.
               Tears came to his eyes. Neville rushed forward and picked her up off the ground in an enthusiastic embrace. He cried and laughed at the same time as he swung her around. "Oh, Victoire!"
               She laughed and held on to him tightly, and that was all he needed. Her, his love.
               With him, forevermore.
                 He loved it, spring. She knew this well, because it was the time when everything bloomed. She was just thankful that she'd never really had much by the way of allergies.
               Victoire threw open all the windows to let in the fresh air. Sunlight poured in, as well.
               When Neville got up, he was delightfully stunned. "Godric, what a beautiful day," he commented, sticking his head out their bedroom window.
               She smiled. "I agree."
               He drew her to him and wrapped an arm around her waist. He nuzzled her and took in a deep breath—of her, of spring.
               "You're awfully cuddly this morning," she noted.
               Neville sighed happily but said nothing. He figured he'd point it out to her later, that it wasn't just spring.
               It was their first spring.
                 Bill broke the quiet of breakfast at Shell Cottage. "I'm a little stunned, to be honest."
               Fleur shrugged. "I 'ave given up being stunned. I am just glad she told us."
               "Yeah, but… Neville. Longbottom." He winced, but it wasn't thanks to the bitter marmalade on his toast. "I've known that kid since forever."
               "Bill, 'e eez not a child anymore."
               "My point exactly! When did he become an adult?" A pause hung in the air, as if to add, "When did he become Victoire's ideal?"
               Fleur sipped her tea. Then: "I theenk you are asking ze wrong question."
               "When did Victoire grow up?"
               They had no answer, but it was new to them, accepting that their little girl really wasn't so little anymore.
                 "Things are different now, huh?" Justin said as he passed each bloke a firewhiskey. They stood outside behind the Three Broomsticks, though they weren't cold—they'd all cast Heating Charms. They weren't teachers for nothing.
               "In what way?" Dennis asked before taking a swig.
               "Us. Getting to this point," Justin continued, to which Blaise shrugged. "We're successful. Taken. We get along," he added, and Blaise and Neville chuckled, because they'd never made much of the old snake–lion rivalry.
               "Things are bound to change in the future," Blaise remarked. "Think about what we could be doing. When we're retired, or something…"
               "Like how someone's redheaded babies will be having redheaded babies of their own?" Justin suggested impishly, and he, Blaise, and Dennis grinned as Neville choked on his drink. Ah, yes, things really were different now….
                 "Do you know what today is?" she asked when they were still in bed.
               He rubbed the sand from his eyes and said gravely, "I could never forget."
               Just like that, the tone was set for the day. They got up, dressed nicely, and made sure they had no other plans for the day. On their way out the door, Neville stopped and asked Victoire not to leave without him.
               "I forgot something."
               Victoire shrugged it off. He'd forgotten the flowers countless times, even before they dated.
               When he reappeared, he held a bouquet of Victoire roses—the same ones he'd created for her two years ago. His smile was soft and gentle as he passed them to her. "I think… I'm allowed to celebrate a birthday, for once, instead of another war remembrance. Happy birthday, Vic."
               She was speechless, and it made her tear up—he could not have done better even if he'd offered up all the gems in the world.
                 Neville sent her a note the following morning, asking if it counted. She left home for the day to see him.
               "You're not seriously asking me this, right?" Victoire asked him as they strolled through his neighborhood. She had the missive crumpled into a wad in her hand.
               His eyes went wide. "I…um…"
               She narrowed her eyes at him.
               Neville sighed. "I suppose I panicked."
               "Neville, of course our first kiss counted. Why shouldn't it?"
               "Well, there was Teddy before me—"
               "And, when that happened, I was fourteen and hadn't yet thought of you in this way and Teddy was such a boy and I was sick at the time and my hair was a mess and—"
               He kissed her again for good measure, to wipe out any last traces of Teddy, and of Hannah, on them….
Remarks for—
Ch­172: So, yeah. A Wizarding wedding announcement, *lol*. And yes, Vicnev marries exactly six days before Fréd's born. :') And lookie! Hometowns…
Ch175: They would, of course, reunite in the afterlife.
Ch180: Set a day after #98—Minute. Oh, Neville…
Thanks for reading, and feel free to leave an anon/unsigned review via the FFN link or comment via the AO3 link at the top of the post, especially if you enjoyed this!
2017 note (regarding ch172): *lol* I like writing these little announcements and Prophet articles, actually. It would kind of be fun to write more of them. :O
And if you want to support until the ride ends, please swing by its FFN and AO3 versions and consider liking and reblogging these posts on my HariPo fic tumblr!
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18. Em
Author’s Note/Table of Contents
MCs/OCs featured:
Nora Magnus [ @dat-silvers-girl ]
Sarahi Silvers [ @dat-silvers-girl ]
"Bill's brilliant."
It was all I could think to say to Diego as we walked through the corridors, the rest of the group having left before us. Diego just chuckled at my remark, though, and nodded.
"Indeed, Bill does have a lot of skill," Diego agreed. "A shame we didn't get to duel before the end of last year. He's certainly shaped up to be quite the dueller."
"Well, with a few more spells he knew compared to the rest of us, I'd say we stand no chance against him," I joked with a laugh. "Though I'd like to ask--how in the world did my sister get to duel the troll and the dragon and the Acromantula and the Ice Knight and the werewolves and all those dark wizards over the last few years, and end up undefeated against them all?"
"I'm sure she had a lot of help," Diego responded thoughtfully. "Much like the rest of us now, what with him tutoring us. She didn't do it alone."
"Did you help her with any of those things last year?" I asked him then.
Diego nodded. "Well, I helped her train to fight both the troll and the dragon. The actual duel, she called Merula to help with the troll--"
"She WHAT?!"
"Not sure why. I suppose she wanted to see whether she was able to take the offer of redemption. But Merula was my duelling student," Diego said. "I suppose you could say both of my pupils went to fight the dumbest beast in history."
"And somehow survived to tell the tale."
Just as the two of us reached the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room, however, we were greeted by the sixth year Hufflepuff prefect--Sarahi, I think her name was--and three first-year Gryffindor girls. Well, not just any first-year Gryffindor girls. Angelina, Alicia, and Nora were all standing at the doorway, practically pleading for entry into the common room.
"I'm sorry, girls, but you're not in Hufflepuff so I can't let you in. And the fact that Fred and George released Dungbombs in the Gryffindor common room isn't a good excuse," Sarahi was saying.
That was when Alicia spotted me, and she quickly rushed over to me, knocking the air out of me without warning as she threw her arms around me.
"Em!" she cried. "Please, please, please tell your prefect to let us in! We can't study anywhere else, the library's closed and our common room stinks and it's too dark to go outside and--"
"Alicia, slow down," I told her gently. "Of course you can camp out in the Hufflepuff common room for a bit. You can borrow our showers and do your homework by the fireplace. It's really a cozy place to be."
"But it looks like your prefect's putting the foot down. Not that she'd blame us. No one wants to smell the stink of the Dungbomb," Alicia said dejectedly. "She's even turning down Nora's requests, and they're really close friends from what I can see."
"How in the world did your common room get the Dungbomb treatment?" Diego asked Alicia warily, an eyebrow raised in intrigue.
"Fred and George. Probably the next wart on Filch's backside," Alicia responded. "They just released a huge crate of them and ran off! Honestly, I have no idea why they would do that. My hunch? Probably to annoy Filch for the fun of it."
"Nora, I'm really sorry, but I have to put the foot down," Sarahi told her friend firmly. "You could try the Artefact room, it's worked as a good study place for a few students I've encountered--"
"BUT IT STINKS!" Nora argued. "What now, you want us to wander around the school smelling like mouldy cheese and stinky socks? Filch would throw a fit if he caught even the slightest whiff of that!"
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, eventually approaching Sarahi. "Pardon me for intruding on this business, but they do seem to be in dire need of some basic facilities, Sarahi. Besides, they're my friends, too. I'll be extremely careful with our security measures. This would be the only time."
Sarahi looked skeptically at me, then Diego, then the three stinky Gryffindor girls who now looked at her with cute puppy eyes. Then she sighed and nodded.
"Alright, Em. I'll let you bring these three into our common room, under one condition." She turned to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "You must supervise them at all times, and if they happen to do anything rash, you're taking full responsibility. This is the only time I'll bend the rules. Understood?"
"Yes." I nodded at her and then beckoned to the three girls. "Come on. You better get yourselves a nice warm shower before anything else."
A few moments later, we entered the Hufflepuff common room. The Gryffindor girls immediately made a beeline toward the showers, practically tripping over their robes in their haste, and even as they ran off I could smell the faint trace of Stinksap and animal feces and every combination of disgusting scents waft through the air.
It was a wonder I haven't fainted from the stink, yet. Even as I pulled out my essay on the Levitation charm, my mind swam as I recalled all the times I had to help my father with the Mimbulus Mimbletonia back home. Every accidental probe of the pores caused the foul liquid to spurt every which way, splashing in my hair and coating my glasses and face to the point where I could not sense anything except for that disgusting sap. No way was I looking forward to learning about this plant in Herbology.
Then again, I had to smell dragon dung every day back home. I shouldn't have reason to complain.
"Ah, the Levitation Charm," Diego spoke up so suddenly I jumped in my seat. "I remember learning that like it was yesterday."
"I'm still having some trouble over it," I admitted, pulling out my wand and a Galleon from my pocket. "The timing of the incantation and the movements still trip me up."
"At least you won't end up like one of those struggling Gryffindor kids in Charms," Diego joked, withdrawing his own wand from his pocket as well. "He always ends up practising this charm every class. From what I've heard, of course."
"Six years and he still hasn't understood it? That's horrible!"
"You'll be fine, little Em. Play with the big kids for a bit, and you'll see you can learn a lot," Diego encouraged. "Besides, you were able to keep up with Bill's lessons. I saw you writing notes and showing them to your sister. If you can manage those, the Levitation Charm will become cake."
He then waved his wand--swish and flick, just as Flitwick instructed. "Wingardium Leviosa!"
The Galleon soon lifted a few inches off the ground, small white sparks enveloping it as it bobbed like a bubble through air. Entrancing. Mesmerizing. I didn't realize I was so transfixed on the coin until it dropped back on the carpet.
"I'm sure a few pointers would work. Come on, let's get started."
Soon, the essay on the Levitation Charm had reached its conclusion, the Galleon had now achieved liftoff thanks to Diego's tutelage, and the Gryffindor girls have just re-entered the common room wearing their nightgowns and stuffing their dirty laundry deep into their bags.
"Never. Again." Angelina's scowl became more pronounced the deeper she punched her fist into the sack. "If I see another Dungbomb released in our common room, I will give Fred and George a good beating."
"Hey, I thought that was Clara's job," Alicia reminded her.
"Well, he did tell us to lighten up sometimes. Fred, I mean," I recalled, allowing the coin to drop into my palm. "Said the curse might not spread after all. It's only affected one student."
"Doesn't mean we're not all in danger. The curse has only started, it would only be a matter of time before it spread," Angelina pointed out. "And who knows what would happen to all of us?"
"Let's just try to get to the laundry before anything else happens," Nora finally suggested. "I don't want to get Petrified or lost or reprimanded by another Prefect."
The three girls eventually left, and I turned to Diego again, dropping the Galleon in his hand.
"What's this for?" he asked. "You don't have to pay me."
"It's not payment. It's a gift," I told him sincerely, a small smile on my face. "Years ago, I gave Clara a Knut, and it gave her luck. I thought you might use some, too."
"And this isn't because I helped you with Wingardium Leviosa, is it?"
I shook my head. "You've stuck by me for a lot. I owe it to you as a thanks."
For a moment, Diego looked mildly surprised. Then he smiled back and put it in his pocket, and then took my hand.
"Come on. I'll show you one of my favourite places in the castle," he simply said.
And I trusted him to lead the way out of the common room.
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This is a full list of all the requested and specially themed moodboards I have made. If I missed anything, or if any links are wrong or missing, please let me know! 💖🙏💖
((I’ve been having some technical issues getting certain links to work on desktop, so if there are any problems, please let me know!))
Compatibility and Relationship Moodboards
Leo x Scorpio
Taurus x Taurus
Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon, Virgo Rising x Cancer Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Pisces Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Sagittarius Venus, Pisces Mars x Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Aquarius Mercury, Pisces Venus, Scorpio Mars
Female Aries x Male Cancer
Butch Female Aries x Femme Female Scorpio
Female Taurus x Male Aries
Female Gemini x Male Sagittarius
Female Gemini x Male Cancer
Female Gemini x Male Leo
Female Cancer x Male Gemini
Female Cancer x Male Sagittarius
Female Cancer x Male Capricorn
Female Cancer x Male Virgo
Female Cancer x Male Pisces
Female Leo x Male Aquarius
Female Virgo x Male Leo
Female Virgo x Male Sagittarius
Female Virgo x Male Scorpio
Female Virgo x Male Aries
Female Libra x Male Aquarius
Female Libra x Male Virgo
Female Libra x Female Aquarius
Female Scorpio x Male Taurus
Female Scorpio x Male Leo
Female Sagittarius x Male Capricorn
Female Sagittarius x Male Leo
Female Capricorn x Male Cancer
Female Aquarius x Male Leo
Female Aquarius x Male Scorpio
Female Aquarius x Male Gemini
Female Aquarius x Male Capricorn
Female Aquarius x Male Virgo
Female Aquarius x Female Aquarius
Female Aquarius x Female Sagittarius
Female Pisces x Male Gemini
Female Pisces x Male Aries
Female Pisces x Male Leo
Male Aries x Male Gemini
Male Virgo x Male Pisces
Male Aquarius x Male Sagittarius
Male Capricorn x Male Gemini
Male Cancer x Male Cancer
Male Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Leo Rising x Male Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising
Female Taurus-Gemini Cusp x Male Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp who are too shy to admit that they like each other
Female Hufflepuff x Female Slytherin
Personality Moodboards
Catholic, Lesbian, Ravenclaw, Fire-Ox, Aries, Gemini Moon, Leo Rising, Capricorn Sun, Vitiligo Female
Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Capricorn Rising, Supine, Neutral Good, Oak the Stabilizer, Hufflepuff, ISFJ(-T)
Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Aries Rising + ENTP
Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Rising, With Dominant Aries
Slytherin Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, Taurus Rising
Gryffindor Aries Sun, Cancer Moon, Gemini Rising
Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising
Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Libra Rising
Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Taurus Rising
Gemini Sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio Rising
Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aries Rising
Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Gemini Rising In Pink
Cancer Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising
Cancer Sun, Aries Moon, Capricorn Rising
Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo Rising
Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini Rising
Virgo Sun, Leo Moon, Pisces Rising
Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, Virgo Rising
Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon, Aquarius Rising
Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising
Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Cancer Rising
Fierce Leo Fashionista
Bisexual Slytherin Male
Book Nerd Slytherclaw on the Ace Spectrum
INFJ Libra
INFJ Sagittarius
INFP Gemini
INTP, Cancer, Slytherin
Slytherin Aesthetic
Friendship Moodboards
Scorpio x Cancer Best Friends
Cancer x Leo x Scorpio Best Friends
Female Libra x Female Sagittarius Best Friends
Female Libra x Female Aquarius Best Friends
Female Virgo x Female Aries Best Friends
Female Virgo x Male Libra Best Friends
Female Aries x Male Sagittarius Best Friends
Gemini, Sagittarius and Capricorn Female Best Friends
Adopted Female Bisexual Leo Ravenclaw x Female Aro/Ace Libra Sun, Cancer Moon Slytherin x Male Gay Libra Sun, Libra Moon Hufflepuff Best Friends
Name Moodboards
Username Moodboards
OC Moodboards
Katie Eastburn
Wallace Scott
Pride and LGBTQ+ Moodboards
Bisexual Pride!
Bisexual Boy
Pansexual Pride!
Gay Pride!
Gay Positivity!
Introverted MLM + Space
Enchanted Forest MLM Relationship
Trans Pride!
Lesbian Pride!
Lesbian Pride! (With The Blue And Purple Flag)
Black and White WLW
WLW Nature Witch
Non-Binary + Yellow
NonBinary + Soft Things
Closeted Bisexual + Pastel Colours
Trans Girls Are Girls!
Lesbian Fairy
Queer and Demigender
Lithromantic and Pansexual
Song and Music Moodboards
Baby by Clean Bandit
Blank Space by Taylor Swift
Sleep Alone by Waterparks
Oxygen by Catfish and the Bottlemen
Colors by Halsey
Animal by Neon Trees
Los Ageless by St. Vincent
Alrighty Aphrodite by Peach Pit
Medusa in Chains by The Fratellis
Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance
Green by Cavetown
Hazel by Cavetown
DEVIL by Shinedown
Shy by HUNNY
Tiny Dancer by Elton John
Fred Astaire by San Cisco
Coffin Break by Sopor Aeternus & the Ensemble Shadows
Character Moodboards
Alice from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Melissa Hastings from Pretty Little Liars
Lexa from The 100
Gengar from Pokemon
Magnus Bane from Shadowhunters
William T. Spears from Black Butler
Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Steve Rogers from Marvel 
Ship Moodboards
Undertaker x William from Black Butler
Taehyung x Jungkook from BTS
Hermione x Ron from Harry Potter
Ginny x Luna from Harry Potter
Shiro x Keith from Voltron
Stimboards (GIF Warning!)
Shiny Mega Gengar from Pokémon
Other Themed Moodboards
Hopeless Romantic
Purple, Blue and Pink
Sky, Moon and Stars
Stag Beetles
Valentines Day!
Midnight In Tokyo
“What Colour Are Your Socks?“
Vintage Indie
Lust in Red
Primary Colours
Pastel Architecture
Warrior Girl
Sex, Drugs & Violence
Neon Drug Trip
Treasure Every Moment
Pastels + Kitties
Fun Pastel Colours
Inspiration and Motivation
A Splash Of Colour!
Soft Pink
Soft Black and White
Lavender + Orange Boy
Do you dream in colour?
A New Kind Of Magic
Pastel 1970’s
Beautiful Lies in Pink, Black and Orange
Soft Yellow Things
Horror, Plushies, Sweets, Rabbits, Anime and Pastel Goth
Art Is All Around Us
Pop Art
Orange Taurus
Classical Music
Роковая Женщина // Russian Femme Fatale
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FP Jones x OC Fanfic: A Serpent Never Sheds Their Skin: Chapter 2
(A/N: Here’s chapter 2 :) I fully intend to bring FP in during the next chapter, but I wanted to get her to Riverdale in this one. Once again, comments and reblogs are very, very appreciated)
(Tags (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @mrfangsfogarty @southside-serpent-mia @drarrypsycho)
Chapter 1 here
“Welcome to Riverdale: The Town with Pep!”
The Riverdale town sign was the first thing Ali saw of her old town. To her, it seemed like an old friend extending a greeting, and she was happy to see it. She’d been riding for three days, stopping only to eat every few hours and to crash for a couple hours a night. She could have made more of a trip out of it, but she was too anxious to get back home to Riverdale. She’d ridden for half a day and had stopped to eat when her phone had rung, and unidentified number with a Riverdale area code flashing across the screen. She’d nearly broken it in her haste to answer, and when she did she heard the voice of a person she’d never expected to call her: Fred Andrews. He’d said that somebody had scrawled her number on a piece of paper and slid it under his front door with a note that said to fill her in. Her “something fishy radar” had started to go off once her mind had slowed down enough to think about the fact that someone from home had found out where she lived no matter how careful she had been to keep herself out of the system. The call from Fred had just cemented the fact that something was definitely off.
However, it had also cemented her desire to get there and help the Serpents. He’d filled her in completely about the events of their small town after she’d left, up to the recent murder of Jason Blossom, the son of the rich Blossom family she remembered from her teenage years, and the Black Hood murders, to the Lodge and Ghoulie takeover of the Southside and the decimation of the Southside Serpents that had been so bad they were living in a camp on the side of the river. It was like she’d left and the town had turned into a damn soap opera.
Snapping out of her thoughts, she started scanning the streets, looking at the changes. Some things were the same, like Pop Tate’s Chocklit Shop, and some things were so different they threw her for a loop. She’d stopped by the White Wyrm and had felt a burning anger as she saw the graffiti sprayed all around the walls. The old Twilight Drive-In, the place where her and FP had had countless dates, was completely torn down. She rode down the residential streets until she found the address Fred had sent her. She stopped in front of the two-story house, and unclipped her helmet, rolling her neck back and forth, feeling it pop as she tried to work out the tension. She dismounted and made her way up the sidewalk, barely noticing the flicker of the curtain in the window of the house next to the one she approached. She knocked on the door and stepped back, waiting.
The door swung open a few moments later, a teenage boy around sixteen or so with bright red hair staring in confusion at Ali, his eyes dropping to the leather jacket she wore with a look of recognition she didn’t expect from a boy who was so thoroughly a Northsider it was practically written on his forehead.
“Can I help you?”
Ali smiled at his sharp tone as she smoothly replied “I’m a friend of Fred’s, is he home?” The boy turned and shouted for Fred at the top of his lungs, but didn’t move from the doorway, apparently determined to keep her from coming in. She spotted Fred walking up behind the kid, who she was assuming was his son, Archie.
“Ali, hey. It’s so good to have you back home.” Fred moved past his son and wrapped Ali in a tight hug, which she gladly accepted.
“Hey, Fred. I’m glad to be back, believe me. It’s been way too long.” He released her and ushered her inside, instructing Archie to shut the door behind them. The boy trailed behind them as they made their way to the kitchen, and she could feel his eyes on the Serpent sewn onto the back of her jacket.
“Who are you? I’ve never seen you with the Serpents before, but you have a jacket.” Archie’s tone was sharp and accusing and Ali turned to face him, raising an eyebrow as she spoke quietly.
“I grew up here, down in the Southside and I was a Serpent for 4 years before I got dragged out by my family.” Her tone was razor sharp around the edges, matching his, and Archie drew away from her slightly.
“She was one of the most loyal Serpents I’ve ever met, Arch, and I’ve met a few. She didn’t really have much of a choice when her father left Riverdale. She’s back now, though. Speaking of which” and with this he turned and addressed Ali directly “you don’t know who gave you the letter? Or me your phone number?”
She shook her head, biting her lip. “No, and it’s concerning because I’ve prided myself on staying hidden from anyone other than who I wanted to find me.”
“And you don’t know why they had me contact you and not another Serpent?”
“No. No offense, but you weren’t on the friendliest of terms with the Serpents when I left, what happened?”
He exchanged a quick look with his son, and Archie answered for him. “My best friend, Jughead, joined the Serpents a while back. Once the Ghoulies started taking over, kicking all the Serpents out, we let some of them stay here until they could get moved by the river. One of their newer members, Cheryl, is letting them live in her mansion until they can all figure something else out.”
Ali leaned against the counter, listening as Archie spoke.
“ Do you know where they are now?”
Archie pulled out his phone and typed something out quickly. Within seconds, his phone chimed with a received message. “Jug says they’re all down by the river for a meeting. If you want, I can take you down there.”
Ali nodded, looking over at Fred to see if he had any complaints about Archie going with her. He nodded back before addressing his son. “Do you have a way to get back? She probably won’t want to leave after she gets there.”
“Yeah, I can call Ronnie. She probably wants to go out anyways.” Archie looked at Ali with a ‘let’s go’ expression on his face, so she turned to thank Fred before heading towards the door.
“Drive safe.” She nodded back at Fred, promising she’d get Archie to the river in one piece. Once outside, she was mounting the bike when she saw the curtains of the house next to Fred’s move away from the upstairs window, and a woman stared down at her. A face she recognized despite the years that had passed. Alice Smith, her old friend from the Serpents.
“Alice moved north of the tracks, huh?” Archie followed her gaze up to the window as he got on the bike behind her.
“Oh yeah, Mrs. Cooper moved up here after she got married. To the guy who ended up being a serial killer.”
“You’re kidding. Alice married the Black Hood?”
“ Yep. Although in her defense, she didn’t know. He was good at hiding it. No one ever noticed until it was too late.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, a clear signal he wanted to get going. Ali obliged, starting the bike up and roaring down the road, heading towards Sweetwater River. He’d told her where to go, so she went down the same streets she’d wreaked havoc on as a teenager, every second bringing her closer to her family. She found the place relatively easily, she’d been there a few times before. She stopped about 60 feet outside of where he’d said the camp would be, wanting to walk up rather than ride in and call a lot of attention to herself. Archie climbed off the bike, unclipping the helmet she’d made him put on, waiting while Ali pulled off the Serpent jacket and draping it over her arm. Now she wore just a simple black tank top that showed off the Serpent tattoo on her left arm. She was hesitant to wear the jacket into the group, in case she wouldn’t be welcomed back. She moved forward, a knot of tension settling between her shoulders as Archie walked behind her.
They walked through a break in the trees, the Serpent camp directly in front of them. Curious eyes turned their way, recognition dawning on the faces of the older Serpents. None of them moved towards her, seemingly frozen. Archie moved past Ali, saying something about going to get Jughead. She nodded slightly, staring into the faces of the Serpents, waiting to see if they would accept her back or cast her out as a traitor.
Chapter 3 here
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swden-writingcorner · 4 years
Kurzbeschreibung: Sprotte und Frieda gehen auf ihr erstes richtiges Date. Und nichts läuft so, wie sie es geplant hatten.
Charaktere: Sprotte, Frieda, Melanie, Wilma, Trude, Matilda, Steve, Fred, Torte, Nick (OC), Willi, Natascha (OC)
Pairing: Sprotte/Frieda, Wilma/Matilda, Melanie/Nick, Trude/Steve
Einordnung: spielt ein paar Tage nach "Strength"
Word Count: 6006
A/N: Da bin ich wieder. Und diesmal mit einem wirklich sehr langen Kapitel für euch. Eigentlich sollte das Kapitel ein Bonus sein, aber während ich es geschrieben habe, wurde es immer länger und länger. Es ist das bisher längste Kapitel aus der ganzen Sammlung und ich bin ehrlich gesagt erstaunt darüber, wie lang es letzlich geworden ist. Das ist mir noch nie passiert. Aber es hat super viel Spaß gemacht es zu schreiben und ich hoffe, dass ihr mir die ungewohnte Länge verzeiht. ^^ Irgendwie mag ich dieses Kapitel und "Romance" bisher am meisten, weil dieses hier so viel Spaß gemacht hat zu schreiben und das andere ein interessantes Gedankenexperiment in die Beziehungen der Mädchen gewesen ist. Falls es jemanden interessieren sollte. ;) ze-german: Danke für das Kompliment. Viele dieser Ängste sind sehr von mir selbst übernommen worden, weswegen es wahrscheinlich so ehrlich rüberkommt. Sich für eine Zukunft zu entscheiden ist schwer und ich war ehrlich nicht sicher, ob ich das Kapitel überhaupt hochladen sollte. Aber zwischendurch ernste Kapitel einzuwerfen scheint irgendwie mein Ding zu sein. Süß und fluffig und dann plötzlich wieder ernst. Was eine Mischung. ^^ Ansonsten sind hier nur noch ein paar Randnotizen zum Kapitel, die zwar umschrieben sind, aber nicht wirklich dargestellt werden. Die Blumen sind Gerbera, weil ich ihre leuchtenden Farben so schön finde. Die beiden erwähnten Filme sind einmal Iron Man 2 und Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht, die beide wohl Anfang 2010 im Kino gelaufen sind. Ansonsten wünsche ich euch allen noch einen wunderschönen Abend und bleibt gesund!
Sprotte war zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben pünktlich gewesen. Und sie wünschte sich inständig, dass sie es nicht wäre. Zum hundertsten Mal blickte sie auf ihre Uhr, ehe sie seufzend ihren Hemdkragen zurecht zog. Die Schuhe fühlten sich fremd und unangenehm an ihren Füßen an, die Strumpfhose war zu dick und knisterte bei jedem ihrer Schritte unangenehm. Ihr Rock war eine Nummer zu groß für sie und rutschte ihr immer wieder etwas herunter, sodass sie diesen ständig hochziehen musste und sich sehnlichst einen Gürtel herbei wünschte. Über ihrem guten Hemd hatte sie ihre warme Jacke gezogen, die ihr etwas zu klein war und ihr nicht mal bis zu ihren Handgelenken reichte. Sie hatte ihr Haar umständlich geflochten und dabei jede Menge Haarnadeln und Haarspray benutzt, damit nicht alles einfach wieder auseinanderfiel. Drei Haargummis waren zwischen ihren zitternden Fingern gerissen und einzelne Strähnen begannen sich bereits zu lösen und sich frei im Wind zu bewegen. Sie hatte sich auch zum ersten Mal allein geschminkt und dabei versucht Melanies Kommentaren und Tipps zu folgen, die sie manchmal bei Treffen der Wilden Hühner fallen gelassen hatte. Leider war ihr der Lidstrich nur sehr verwackelt gelungen, die Wimperntusche hatte schwarze Flecken auf ihren Lidern hinterlassen, die sie danach mit Unmengen von Lidschatten versucht hatte zu überdecken. Den roten Lippenstift hatte sie sich von ihrer Mutter geliehen und bereute es jetzt, da er viel zu grell war und sie aussah, als hätte sie von jemanden Blut getrunken. Außerdem konnte sie nicht nervös auf ihrer Lippe kauen und musste sich immer wieder stoppen, ehe sie sich ausversehen über die Augen wischte, um nicht alles wieder zu verschmieren. Sprotte konnte beim besten Willen nicht verstehen, was Melanie so toll am Schminken und Frisieren fand. Für sie hatte es sich wie eine endlose Folter angefühlt. Wieder blickte sie auf ihre Uhr und schloss ihre schwitzigen Finger noch etwas fester um die Stängel ihres bunten Blumenstraußes, den sie extra zuvor gekauft hatte. Unter heftigen Gestammel und roten Kopf hatte sie auf die ausgewählten Blumen gezeigt, während die Frau hinterm Tresen ihr wissend zugeblinzelt und gelächelt hatte. Sprotte nahm sich fest vor, nie wieder einen Fuß in diesen Laden zu setzen. Solange sie lebte! Es war bereits 15:15 Uhr. Wo blieb Frieda nur? Kurz zog Sprotte ihr Handy aus der Jackentasche, aber sie hatte weder einen verpassten Anruf noch eine SMS bekommen, seit sie vor einer Minute zum letzten Mal drauf gesehen hatte. Es war nicht Friedas Art zu spät zu kommen, ohne vorher Bescheid zu sagen. Zweifel begannen an Sprotte zu nagen, während sie nervös von einem Bein auf andere trat. Hatte sie es sich etwa anders überlegt? Wollte sie jetzt doch nicht mehr mit Sprotte auf ein Date gehen? War das ihre Art, um mit Sprotte Schluss zu machen? Angespannt lehnte sich Sprotte gegen ihr Fahrrad, das dabei gefährlich zu schwanken begann und versuchte sich wieder zu beruhigen. So etwas würde Frieda ihr nicht antun. Frieda war ihre beste Freundin und wenn sie Sprotte nicht mehr treffen wollte, dann hätte sie es ihr auch gesagt! Ganz sicher! Wieder blickte Sprotte fahrig auf ihre Uhr und fühlte sich plötzlich von den Menschen um sie herum beobachtet und verurteilt. Armes, kleines Mädchen! Wird von ihrem Date versetzt und steht sich verloren die Beine in den Bauch. Bis sie irgendwann endlich kapiert, dass niemand kommen wird. Und sie geht dann ganz alleine wieder nach Hause und weint sich dort die Augen aus. Wirklich traurig. Wut kochte in Sprotte hoch und sie ließ ihren Kopf hochschnellen, um jeden dummen Gaffer, der sie heimlich bemitleidete, anzuschreien, als sie Frieda auf ihrem Rad auf sie zu rasen sah. Und Sprotte atmete erleichtert auf. Mit quietschenden Reifen hielt diese vor Sprotte an und sprang vom Fahrrad, während bereits Worte wie eine Sturzflut aus ihrem Mund sprudelten. »Es tut mir so leid! Ich war Zuhause und hab mich fertiggemacht, als Titus reinkam und sagte, dass ich Luki vom Kindergarten abholen soll, weil er selbst keine Zeit dafür hat. Kannst du das glauben? Dabei war er heute dran gewesen. Und dann musste ich schnell zum Kindergarten fahren und Luki wollte nicht mitkommen, sondern lieber weiter mit seinen Freunden spielen. Es hat ewig gedauert ihn anzuziehen, während er immer wieder zurück zu seinen Freunden gelaufen ist, um weiter zu malen. Dann hat mich auch noch eine Erzieherin zur Seite genommen, weil Luki ein anderes Kind von der Schaukel geschubst hat. Und das nicht zum ersten Mal! Mama muss da wirklich mal mit ihm drüber reden.« Während Frieda ununterbrochen redete, schloss sie ihr Fahrrad an und nahm ihren Helm ab, ohne in ihrem Redefluss auch nur eine Sekunde innezuhalten. Es war fast so, als würde sie nicht mal dafür Luft holen müssen. »Und als ich dann nach Hause gekommen bin, hat Mama schon auf mich gewartet. Ich hab ihr erzählt, dass Titus sich schon wieder davor gedrückt hat Luki abzuholen und da sagt sie nur, dass er sich mit seiner Freundin treffen wollte und ihr das heute Morgen erzählt hat. Und mir hat niemand was von der Planänderung gesagt! Schließlich hatte ich heute auch was vor! Mit meiner Freundin! Das war so ungerecht! Aber ich bin danach so schnell wie möglich losgefahren und es tut mir so schrecklich leid, dass ich so spät dran bin! Ich wollte dir schreiben, aber ...« Plötzlich stutzte Frieda mitten im Satz und schien Sprotte und ihr Outfit zum ersten Mal richtig vor sich wahrzunehmen. »Was hast du denn da an?« Peinlich berührt zupfte Sprotte an ihrem guten Hemd und der Jacke herum, ehe sie blitzschnell die Hand mit den Blumen nach vorne schnellen ließ und sie Frieda dabei beinahe ins Gesicht feuerte. »Hier für dich!« Überrascht blinzelnd nahm Frieda die Blumen entgegen und schnupperte kurz an ihnen, ehe sie breit lächelte und Sprotte über diese hinweg anblickte. »Sie sind wunderschön. Danke. Warum hast du nicht gesagt, dass ich mich herausputzen soll. Ich komm mir richtig schäbig in meinen Sachen neben dir vor. Ist das dein gutes Ausgehhemd für besondere Anlässe, was deine Mutter dir vor einem Jahr gekauft hatte?« Schnell trat Frieda näher und strich mit ihren Händen über den zerknitterten Stoff an den Schultern, während Sprotte rot anlief und ihren Kopf peinlich berührt zur Seite drehte. Aber Frieda kicherte nur leise und stellte sich auf die Zehenspitzen, um ihr einen Kuss auf die Wange zu geben, ehe sie wieder einen Schritt zurücktrat und sich etwas fahrig durch die offenen Haare fuhr. Frieda trug eine einfache dunkle Jeans, einen bunten Pullover und ihre dunkle Jacke darüber und Sprotte hatte sie nie hübscher als in diesem Moment gesehen. Schweigend standen beide Mädchen sich gegenüber und blickte nervös in verschiedene Richtungen, ehe Sprotte sich verhalten räusperte und etwas unsicher lächelte. Sie wollte nicht zeigen, wie angespannt sie war wegen ihres Dates. »Wollen wir?«, fragte sie und hielt Frieda ihre offene Hand hin, die diese fröhlich lächelnd nahm. Sprotte war eigentlich nicht der Typ für sichtbare Berührungen oder Zuneigungen in der Öffentlichkeit, wo andere sie sehen und verurteilen konnten. Um so erstaunlicher fand Frieda ihre plötzliche Initiative gegenüber ihrer Freundin. Aber ihr gefiel es. Schmunzelnd verschränkte sie ihre Finger miteinander und beide gingen schweigend weiter. Frieda glücklich lächelnd, während Sprotte verzweifelt nach einem Thema suchte, um die Stille zwischen ihnen zu überbrücken. Aber ehe sie etwas sagen konnte, hörten sie eine bekannte Stimme hinter sich und beide Mädchen drehten sich beinahe gleichzeitig zu dieser um, während ihre Hände sich schlagartig voneinander lösten. »Frieda! Was machst du denn hier? Ich dachte, du hast noch ein wichtiges Projekt, was du-? Sprotte?! Was hast du denn da an?!«, fragte Melanie mit hochgezogener Augenbraue, als sie kurz vor ihren Freundinnen stehen blieb und Sprotte genauer ansehen konnte. Nick kam im gemächlichen Schritt hinter ihr her und schlang einen Arm um die Taille seiner Freundin, ehe er die beiden Mädchen freundlich anlächelte. Sprotte lief beinahe sofort bis unter die Haarspitzen feuerrot an bei Melanies Worten und senkte schamvoll den Kopf. Warum mussten sie gerade heute Melanie in der Stadt treffen? Frieda lächelte Melanie etwas gezwungen an und rieb ihre freie Hand nerv��s an ihrer Hose, während sie die Blumen in der anderen Hand hinter ihrem Rücken versteckte. Die Freude an Melanies plötzlichem Auftauchen blieb auch bei ihr aus, aber sie versuchte tapfer, dies zu überspielen. »Na, ihr beiden. Ich wusste gar nicht, dass ihr euch heute in der Stadt verabredet habt? Solltest du heute nicht eine Schicht im Kosmetikladen gleich nach der Schule arbeiten?« »Ach, die habe ich mit einer Kollegin vor ein paar Tagen getauscht. Und da wollten Nick und ich die freie Zeit nutzen und was Schönes in der Stadt unternehmen. Was macht ihr denn hier? Und warum ist Sprotte angezogen, als hätte dein kleiner Bruder die Sachen für sie rausgesucht?« Melanies kritischer Blick glitt erneut über Sprotte, die noch eine Spur dunkler anlief, ehe sie an ihren Haaren hängen blieb. »Und was hast du bloß mit deinen Haaren gemacht?! Haarspray soll die Haare festigen und nicht an deinen Kopf kleistern.« Vorsichtig griff sie in Sprottes Haar und drückte gegen diese, aber sie bewegten sich kein Stück und knisterten unter ihrer Berührung unangenehm. »Du weißt schon, dass du aus deinen Haaren keinen Helm basteln sollst, oder? Das wird ewig dauern, bis du das ganze Haarspray wieder rausbekommen hast. Und außerdem ist der Zopf völlig schief und du hast da immer wieder Strähnen verloren. Guck! Deswegen sieht es hier und hier so uneben aus.« Fachmännisch beäugte Melanie Sprottes Frisur und drehte den Kopf ihrer Freundin von einer Seite zur anderen, ehe sie sie kopfschüttelnd wieder losließ. »Also wirklich. Nächstes Mal frag doch einfach, ob ich dir helfen soll bei deiner Frisur. Und deinem Outfit. Das du dich so überhaupt auf die Straße traust.« Während Melanie ihre Kritik mit fachmännischer Stimme loswurde, machte sich Sprotte immer kleiner und verzog unbehaglich das Gesicht. Sie hatte sich so viel Mühe bei ihrer Kleidung und ihrem Haar gegeben. Hatte extra ihre guten Sachen, die eigentlich nur für besondere Anlässe gedacht waren, angezogen und mehrmals ihre Frisur geflochten und wieder gelöst, ehe sie es einigermaßen gut hinbekommen hatte. Warum musste Melanie auch all diese Sachen jetzt und dann noch vor Frieda sagen? Es war beschämend und Sprotte wollte sich am liebsten umdrehen und einfach nach Hause gehen, aber das konnte sie nicht machen. Sie würde ihr Date mit Frieda noch retten. Egal, was Melanie über sie und ihr Outfit noch zu sagen hatte. »Ich merk es mir. Aber wir müssen jetzt auch weiter. Wir wollen zu diesem neuen Café beim Stadtpark und da etwas zusammen essen.« Frieda nickte schnell mit dem Kopf und beide Mädchen wandten sich vorsichtig um, damit sie Melanie doch noch entkommen konnten. Aber diese trat einfach zwischen ihnen und hakte sich bei ihnen unter, als würde sie deren verzweifelte Gesichter gar nicht bemerken. »Super! Nick und ich wollen in den Park gehen und uns dort die Kreidekunst ansehen. Seine Schwester hat dort auch ein Bild gemalt und uns eingeladen. Wollt ihr nicht auch mitkommen? Wird sicher lustig.« Fröhlich summend zog Melanie ihre Freundinnen neben sich her, während diese verzweifelte Blicke hinter ihrem Rücken austauschten und abwehrend vor sich hin stammelten. So hatten sie sich ganz sicher nicht ihr erstes gemeinsames Date vorgestellt. Aber das konnten sie Melanie ja so nicht sagen. Schließlich sollte ihre Beziehung noch geheim bleiben. Fürs Erste. Und so wanden sich beide Mädchen um eine klare Antwort, während sie verzweifelt nach einem Ausweg suchten, den ihnen schließlich Nick breit lächelnd eröffnete. »Ach Schatz. Ich glaube, Sprotte und Frieda sind gar nicht an Kreidekunst interessiert. Und schließlich wollte ich dich danach noch zum Essen mit meiner Schwester ausführen. Sie hat sich darauf schon so sehr gefreut.« Kurz traf ihn der verwirrte Blick seiner Freundin, ehe sie sich zögernd von ihren Freundinnen löste und wieder nach seiner Hand griff. »Ja, schon.«, sagte sie langsam und versuchte den wissenden Blick ihres Freundes zu interpretieren, der ihr scheinbar ohne Worte etwas mitzuteilen versuchte. Aber einen Sinn ergab es für sie nicht wirklich, da er auch immer wieder zu Sprotte und Frieda schielte, die betreten nebeneinanderstanden und angestrengt in verschiedene Richtungen blickten. »Ok. Dann gehen wir mal. Wir sehen uns dann ja morgen in der Schule.«, verabschiedete sich Melanie langsam und folgte mit gekräuselter Stirn ihrem Freund, der zum Abschied nur schnell winkte und den beiden Mädchen kurz zuzwinkerte. Peinlich berührt blickten Sprotte und Frieda den beiden hinterher, ehe sie erleichtert aufseufzten und ihre Hände wieder miteinander verschränkten. »Das wir auch gerade Melanie hier treffen mussten. Wie hoch war dafür bitte die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie uns sieht und auch noch in dieselbe Richtung will wie wir?«, stöhnte Sprotte und fuhr sich kurz durch die Haare, wobei sich eine Haarnadel aus diesen löste und geräuschvoll klimpernd auf dem Boden fiel. Schnell griff sie danach und stieß mit ihrem Kopf gegen Frieda, die sich ebenfalls nach dieser gebückt hatte. Lachend hielten sich beide Mädchen die Stirn, während Sprotte die Nadel in ihre Jackentasche steckte und Frieda zum Eingang des Cafés zog. »Sehr gering. Und das sie uns auch noch mit zu ihrer Verabredung nehmen wollte.« Frieda seufzte schwer und ließ sich auf einen Stuhl am Fenster fallen, von wo aus sie den Park und die vorbeigehenden Menschen beobachten konnten. Sprotte ließ sich auf den Stuhl ihr gegenüber fallen und ergriff über die Tischplatte hinweg wieder ihre Hand, während sie kurz kicherte. »Wenigstens schien Nick -.« Aber ehe Sprotte ihren Satz beenden konnte, hörten sie erneut eine wohlbekannte Stimme hinter sich. Blitzschnell lösten sich ihre Hände voneinander und verschwanden unter dem Tisch, während sich ihre Köpfe gleichzeitig in die Richtung der Stimme drehten. »Frieda! Sprotte! Was macht ihr den hier? Und was hast du denn da an, Sprotte?« Mit einem breiten Grinsen kam Wilma auf sie zu. Mit einer voll beladenen Einkaufstüte in der einen und Matilda an der anderen Hand, die ihnen lächelnd zuwinkte. Sprotte und Frieda stöhnten innerlich auf, ehe sie ihre Freundin freundlich anlächelten. »Wir wollten hier etwas zusammen essen. Und was macht ihr hier? Ich dachte, du hast heute Nachhilfe gleich nach der Schule?«, fragte Sprotte und wich schnell Matildas forschenden Blick aus, der zwischen ihr und Frieda hin und her flog. »Ja, hätte ich eigentlich auch gehabt. Aber mein Nachhilfelehrer ist krank und deswegen fiel sie heute mal aus. Zum Glück!« Wilma verdrehte kurz die Augen, ehe sie die Einkaufstüte etwas höher hielt und demonstrativ vor und zurück schwenkte. »Deswegen hab ich Tilda in die Stadt begleitet. Wir haben einige Malsachen und Hefte für sie gekauft und jetzt wollten wir uns hinsetzen und was Essen, ehe wir im Park spazieren gehen.« Schwungvoll zog Wilma sich einen Stuhl vom Nebentisch heran und ließ sich seufzend auf diesen nieder, während Matilda zögernd dasselbe tat. »Wusstet ihr, dass im Park Kreidebilder gezeichnet werden und man sich diese heute ansehen kann? Die sollen richtig gut aussehen und ein paar bekannte Künstler sollen da auch mitmachen.«, redete Wilma fröhlich drauflos und bemerkte gar nicht die verzweifelten Blicke ihrer Freundinen über den Tisch hinweg, während sie nach der Karte vor sich griff. »Wisst ihr schon, was ihr nehmen wollt? Ich dachte an einen Bananensplit, aber vielleicht ist es noch zu kalt für Eis. Vielleicht einen schönen Kuchen und Milchshake? Was meinst du, Tilda? Wir könnten uns den teilen.« Fragend blickte Wilma auf und bemerkte überrascht, wie der verwirrte Blick aus Matildas Augen verschwand und sich Erkenntnis in ihnen ausbreitete. Fast augenblicklich sprang Matilda auf und lachte nervös, während sie Sprotte und Frieda zulächelte, die sie erschrocken anblickte. Sie würde doch nicht-. »Ach Wilma. Ich hab gar nicht so großen Hunger. Komm, wir gehen in den Park. Danach können wir immer noch was essen. Es gibt da einen kleinen Stand, der immer frische Crêpes verkauft. Die wollten wir doch schon ewig mal probieren.« Ruckartig nahm Matilda die Hand ihrer Freundin und versuchte sie verzweifelt auf die Füße zu ziehen. Aber diese lehnte sich nur noch weiter zurück und legte verwirrt die Stirn in Falten. Sie wusste nicht, warum sich ihre Freundin plötzlich so komisch benahm und vor Sprotte und Frieda zu fliehen schien. Schließlich hatten beide Mädchen sie schon öfter zusammen gesehen und bisher hatte es sie auch nie gestört. »Den können wir auch später noch probieren. Komm, setzt dich wieder Tilda. Sprotte und Frieda haben sicher nichts dagegen, wenn wir uns zu ihnen setzten. Schließlich sind sie ja nicht auf einem Date oder so. Und ich brauche unbedingt einen Kaffee oder ich schlafe nachher im Stehen noch ein.« Wilma lachte leicht und sah ihre Freundin strahlend an, ohne zu bemerken, wie sich Sprotte und Frieda bei ihren Worten merklich versteiften. Seufzend ließ sich Matilda wieder in ihren Stuhl sinken und blickte Sprotte und Frieda entschuldigend an. Sie wollten deren Date nicht stören, aber wie sollte sie Wilma zum Gehen bewegen, ohne die beiden Mädchen vor ihrer Freundin zu outen? Dies war sicherlich nicht der richtige Ort noch der richtige Zeitpunkt dafür. Und so bestellten alle vier Mädchen etwas und hörten Wilma zu, die entspannt von ihrem Theaterkurs und dem neusten Streit mit ihrer Mutter erzählte, ohne scheinbar die greifbare Spannung zu spüren, die zwischen den Mädchen herrschte. Sprotte und Frieda blickten sich immer wieder über den Tisch hinweg an und lächelten sich ironisch zu, während sie zu Wilmas Worten nickten und dabei kein einziges davon mitbekamen. Denn ihre Hände hatten sich unter dem Tisch erneut gefunden und sie stupsten sich immer wieder spielerisch gegenseitig mit ihren Füßen an. Matilda aß blitzschnell ihren Kuchen und trank ihren Kaffee aus, während sie Wilma verzweifelt beim Reden und langsamen Essen ihres eigenen Stückes zusah. Wenn das so weiter ging, dann würden sie Sprotte und Frieda niemals Zeit zu zweit geben können. Kurzerhand schnappte sie sich ihre eigene Gabel und klaute große Stücke aus Wilmas Kuchenstück, was diese mit einem entsetzten Geräusch aufnahm und sich schnell die restlichen Stücke in den Mund stopfte. Dabei warf sie ihrer Freundin immer wieder verratene Blicke zu, die diese einfach glücklich kauend ignorierte. Siegessicher lächelte sie Matilda schließlich über ihren leeren Teller an, die vorsichtig ihre eigene Kaffeetasse auf ihren Teller stellte und sich breit grinsend erhob. Überrascht sah Wilma ihr dabei zu, wie sie in ihr Portemonnaie griff und den passenden Betrag für ihr eigenes und Wilmas Essen auf den Tisch legte. »Tilda! Ich wollte doch zahlen -«, wand Wilma ein, ehe sie grob von ihrer Freundin auf die Beine gezogen wurde und die schwere Einkaufstasche in die Hand gedrückt bekam. »Schon gut! Diesmal geht es auf mich. Dafür kannst du mir nachher eine Cola oder ein Crêpe im Park ausgeben.« Lächelnd griff sie nach der freien Hand ihrer verdatterten Freundin, ehe sie Sprotte und Frieda zum Abschied zuwinkte. »Wir müssen dann auch. Schließlich wollen wir uns die Kreidebilder im Park noch in Ruhe ansehen, ehe es dunkel wird. Wir sehen uns morgen!« Und damit zog Matilda ihre Freundin zum Ausgang und mit einem fröhlichen Klingeln verschwanden sie aus der Tür ins Freie. Erleichtert seufzten Sprotte und Frieda auf und grinsten sich verschwörerisch zu, ehe Sprotte sich einen Löffel ihres Eisbechers in den Mund schob. »Ich dachte schon, Wilma will gar nicht mehr gehen.«, seufzte sie kurz und stupste Frieda sanft mit dem Fuß an, worauf diese ihr ihren eigenen Löffel mit Eiscreme hinhielt, damit sie diesen probieren konnte. »Ja, das hab ich auch befürchtet. Zum Glück war Matilda dabei.« Grinsend zog sie Sprotte den Löffel aus dem Mund und klopfte diesen nachdenklich gegen ihren Eisbecher, während Sprotte ihren eigenen Löffel mit Eis befüllte. »Du weißt schon, dass sie wahrscheinlich erraten hat, warum wir beide hier alleine sind, oder?« Sprotte nickte nur schulterzuckend und hielt Frieda nun ebenfalls ihren befüllten Löffel hin, den diese leise kichernd in den Mund steckte. »Ja. Aber früher oder später müssen wir es den anderen sowieso sagen. Nur noch nicht heute.« Seufzend fasste sich Sprotte an den Kopf und spürte, wie sich eine weitere Haarnadel löste. Schnell ließ sie auch diese in ihre Jackentasche verschwinden und lächelte Frieda erleichtert an. »Wenigstens können wir jetzt den Rest unseres Dates genießen. Melli und Wilma werden wir sicher nicht noch mal treffen, solange Nick und Matilda dabei sind. Und ich weiß zufällig, dass Trude und Steve heute zum Minigolfplatz gefahren sind, um dort eine Runde zu spielen. Dass heißt, keine weiteren Unterbrechungen mehr.« Glücklich aßen beide Mädchen ihre Eisbecher auf und Sprotte zahlte sogar ihren gemeinsamen Teil der Rechnung und gab der lächelnden Bedienung ein gutes Trinkgeld in die Hand. Diese zwinkerte ihr wissend grinsend zu und drückte ihr vier knisternde Bonbons in die Hand, ehe sie schwungvoll den Tisch abräumte. Hand in Hand gingen Sprotte und Frieda aus dem Café und schlenderten gemächlich durch den Park, wobei sie darauf achteten nicht zu nah bei den Kreidebildern oder den Ständen mit Essen vorbeizugehen. Sie wollten schließlich nicht erneut von ihren neugierigen Freundinnen überrascht werden. Es war immer noch recht kühl für Ende Januar und der Wind zerzauste spielerisch Friedas Haare, während die beiden Mädchen sich lächelnd unterhielten. Die Anspannung vom Anfang ihres Dates war endlich von ihnen gewichen und zum Großteil hatten sie das sogar ihren Störenfrieden zu verdanken. Erleichtert atmete Sprotte bei diesem Gedanken auf und ließ ihre verschränkten Hände leicht vor und zurückschwingen, während sie weiter gingen. Es würde vielleicht doch ein perfektes erstes Date werden. Sie war sich dessen letztendlich vollkommen sicher, als sie Frieda ein paar Strähnen ihres dunklen Haares hinters Ohr strich und sie sanft auf die kühlen Lippen küsste, während die kahlen Bäume um sie herum rauschten und ihr Herz einen wilden Stepptanz in ihrer Brust vollführte. Friedas Finger glitten sanft von Sprottes Wange hinauf in ihr Haar und wieder hörten sie das hohe Klimpern, als eine weitere Haarnadel auf den Boden fiel. Beide lächelten in den Kuss hinein, ehe Sprotte Frieda noch einmal fester an sich zog und die Welt um sie herum zu verschwimmen schien. Erst Minuten später hob Sprotte die heruntergefallene Haarnadel auf und lächelte Frieda schüchtern zu, die sich fahrig die Haare aus dem roten Gesicht wischte und kicherte. Gemeinsam gingen beide Mädchen weiter und verließen den Park, um in Richtung des kleinen Kinos zu gehen. Die Eingangshalle dort war warm und es roch angenehm nach Popcorn und Süßigkeiten, als sie eintraten. Überall standen Leute herum, unterhielten sich, lasen in Zeitschriften oder standen in Schlangen vor dem Ticketschalter oder dem Tresen, um sich Snacks und Getränke zu kaufen. Gemächlich stellten sich Sprotte und Frieda in die Schlange um ihre Tickets zu kaufen und beobachteten kichernd die umstehenden Leute. Immer wieder beugten sie sich zueinander, um sich flüsternd etwas zu sagen oder sich einen kurzen süßen Kuss auf die Lippen zu drücken. Gerade wollte Sprotte Frieda den Mann zeigen, der mit Anzug und Krawatte am Snackschalter stand und intensiv über die Wahl seines Essens nachdachte, während die Leute hinter ihm bereits ungeduldig stöhnten und die Köpfe schüttelte, als sie erneut eine bekannte Stimme unterbrach. Und diesmal stöhnten beide Mädchen gleichzeitig laut auf, ehe sie ihre Hände widerwillig voneinander lösten. Sie drehte sich langsam um und blickten Fred entgegen, der breit grinsend auf sie zulief. »Sprotte! Frieda. Was macht ihr denn hier? Wollt ihr etwa auch den neuen Superheldenfilm sehen von dem alle in der Schule sprechen?« Schnell drückte Fred Sprotte und Frieda zur Begrüßung, wobei die Erstere sich bei der Berührung unbehaglich versteifte und ihre Hand leicht gegen Friedas drückte, die sie aufmunternd von der Seite anlächelte. »Hi Fred. Wir wissen noch nicht, welchen Film wir sehen wollen. Wir hängen so zwischen dem Actionfilm oder dem Animationsfilm über die Drachen. Schwere Entscheidung.«, antwortete Frieda und stieß leicht mit ihrer Schulter gegen Sprottes, während sie Fred freundlich anlächelte. Fred nickte nachdenklich und blickte sich kurz in der gut besuchten Lobby um, ehe er sich hinter Sprotte und Frieda stellte und stirnrunzelnd auf sein Handy sah. »Ja, zwischen den beiden Filmen haben wir auch gehangen. Aber die anderen Jungs wollten gerne den Superheldenfilm sehen und Trude war damit klar überstimmt. Hat sie euch das eigentlich erzählt?« Mit einem unguten Gefühl in der Magengegend sahen sich Sprotte und Frieda kurz an, ehe sie wieder zu Fred blickten. Sie mussten sich einfach irren. So viel Pech konnten sie einfach nicht an einem einzigen Tag haben. Aber da sprach Fred schon unbekümmert weiter und bestätigte ihre schlimmsten Vermutungen. »Nach unserem gelungenen Auftritt bei dem Fest letzte Woche wollte ich die anderen für ihre gute Arbeit belohnen. Und deswegen gucken wir uns heute alle gemeinsam einen Film an. Mit dem Geld, was wir beim Auftritt verdient haben. Die anderen müssten auch gleich hier sein.« Wieder blickte Fred auf sein Handy und bemerkte so nicht die verzweifelten Blicke, die Sprotte und Frieda in sekundenschnelle zwischen sich austauschten. »Trude und Steve kommen vom Minigolf gleich hierher. Könnt ihr glauben, dass sie uns da nicht dabei haben wollten?! Dabei ist es nicht mal ihr erstes Date oder so.« Fred stieß ungläubig die Luft durch die Nase aus und Frieda hätte ihn am liebsten geschüttelt und gefragt, warum er ihnen das antat. Warum waren all ihre Freundinnen und Fred nur so verdammt blind? Aber sie konnte sich gerade noch rechtzeitig zurückhalten und verbissen lächeln, als Fred sie wieder anblickte. »Sie hatten wohl Angst, dass wir sie haushoch schlagen würden. Willi und seine Freundin stehen schon draußen und rauchen noch eine. Torte müsste auch gleich hier sein von seiner Nachhilfe. Na der wird Augen machen, wenn er euch hier sieht.« Dabei zwinkerte er Frieda schelmisch zu und sie biss fest die Zähne aufeinander, um nicht laut zu schreien. Torte konnte sie in diesem Moment am wenigsten gebrauchen. Er würde ihr und Sprotte keine ruhige Minute mehr lassen, während er sie ständig böse anfunkelte oder versuchte sich zwischen sie und Sprotte zu drängen. Warum musste seine Freundin auch gerade jetzt mit einer Erkältung Zuhause liegen und konnte ihn nicht begleiten? »Hey. Ihr könnt ja mitkommen und dann gucken wir den Film alle zusammen. Wird bestimmt lustig.« Geschlagen ließ Sprotte den Kopf bei diesen Worten hängen, während Frieda nur müde nickte. Beide wussten genau, dass sie keine gute Ausrede rechtzeitig finden würden, um das Unaufhaltsame doch noch zu verhindern, und so fügten sie sich widerwillig in ihr Schicksal. Es war sowieso schon zu spät dafür. Zerknirscht kauften die Mädchen die Karten, während Fred ihnen Anweisungen zum Sitzplatz gab, ehe er Karten mit Sitzplätzen gleich neben ihren eigenen kaufte. Da tauchten auch schon Willi und seine Freundin Natascha, sowie Trude und Steve neben ihnen auf und sie kauften sich alle gemeinsam Süßigkeiten für den Film. Nachdenklich blickte Trude dabei zu ihren beiden Freundinnen, die etwas abseits von ihr und den Pygmäen standen und sich leise unterhielten. Sie wirkten nicht sehr erfreut, als Trude sie begrüßt hatte. Auch ihr war Sprottes merkwürdiges Outfit und die Blumen aufgefallen, die vorsichtig aus Sprottes Handtasche herausgeguckt hatten. Aber ehe sie das Rätsel lösen konnte, stieß auch Torte zu ihnen, der seine Aufmerksamkeit sofort auf Frieda richtete und dabei Sprottes bösen Blick völlig ignorierte, der wie Feuer auf seiner Haut brennen musste. Kurz versuchte er, Frieda in ein Gespräch zu verwickeln und sich nah neben sie zu stellen. Aber diese gab nur einsilbige Antworten, während sich Sprotte immer weiter zwischen ihr und Torte schob, bis Frieda schließlich gänzlich hinter ihr verschwunden war und erleichtert seufzte. Trude griff sich nachdenklich an ihren Ohrring, als Steve ihre Hand nahm und sie hinter sich mit in den Kinosaal zog. Lächelnd drückte Trude Steves Hand und vergaß für einen Moment, worüber sie eben noch so angestrengt nachgedacht hatte. Sie hatten Plätze ziemlich weit hinten und Trude drängte sich schnell neben Sprotte und Frieda, damit sie den Platz direkt neben ihnen besetzten konnte. Dabei versuchte sie den enttäuschten Blick von Torte und die zusammengekniffenen Lippen von Fred einfach zu ignorieren. Sie wusste, dass Fred versuchte, sich nach seiner Trennung von Sprotte letztes Jahr wieder mit ihr anzufreunden, damit es so wie früher wurde. Aber Trude wusste auch, dass sich Sprotte immer noch sehr unwohl in Freds Nähe fühlte. Ob wegen immer noch bestehender Gefühle oder einem anderen Grund wusste Trude dabei nicht, aber es war auch egal. Sprotte war ihre Freundin und das hieß auch, dass sie sie beschützen musste, wenn sie es brauchte. Und wenn es nur vor aufdringlichen Ex-Freunden sein sollte. So ließ sich Trude schwer seufzend in den Sitz fallen, Steve dicht neben ihr, ehe sie sich ihren Freundinnen zuwandte und von ihrem Sieg im Minigolf erzählte. Sprotte und Frieda hörten ihr freundlich lächelnd zu, aber Trude spürte deutlich, dass eine merkwürdige Spannung plötzlich zwischen ihnen herrschte. Als hätten sie ein Geheimnis, dass sie unbedingt vor Trude geheim halten wollten. Erst als das Licht gedimmt wurde, wandte sich Trude der Leinwand zu und griff in die Popcorntüte, die auf Steves Schoss saß. Aus dem Augenwinkel konnte sie eine undeutliche Bewegung sehen, aber ehe sie es sich genauer ansehen konnte, ging auch schon der Film los und fesselte ihre gesamte Aufmerksamkeit. Erst bei einer heftig wütenden Kampfszene blickte sie kurz zur Seite und musste sich fest auf die Lippe beißen, um nicht laut aufzuschreien vor Überraschung. Frieda lehnte mit ihrem Kopf an Sprottes Schulter, während ihre verschränkten Hände locker zwischen ihnen lagen. In Sprottes Schoss lagen die gekauften Süßigkeiten und der Becher voll Cola stand stolz in der Ablage zwischen ihren Stühlen. Sprotte hatte ihr Gesicht in dem Moment gerade zu Frieda gedreht und ihre Lippen gegen deren Stirn gedrückt, ehe diese aufblickte und sie sich kurz küssten. Trude sah erstaunt, wie sich Sprottes Lippen lautlos bewegten und Frieda lachte, während etwas um Hintergrund ohrenbetäubend explodierte. Schnell wandte Trude ihren Kopf wieder zur Leinwand, aber sie konnte der Handlung nicht länger folgen. Tausende von Gedanken schwirrten in ihrem Kopf umher, während sie versuchte eine Erklärung für das Gesehene zu finden. Seit wann waren Sprotte und Frieda denn .... zusammen? Waren sie etwa feste Freundinnen oder war das nur so etwas Lockeres, was sie beide nicht wirklich ernst meinten? So wie es Melanie lange Zeit nach der Trennung von Willi gemacht hatte? Hatten sie es deswegen den anderen nicht gesagt? War es etwa ein Geheimnis, dass niemand wissen durfte? Und musste Trude es jetzt für immer für sich behalten? Entsetzt ballte Trude ihre Hand zur Faust und bemerkte gar nicht, wie Steve neben ihr schmerzhaft aufstöhnte und versuchte ihre Finger wieder zu lösen, ehe sie seine eigenen brach. Sollte sie Frieda und Sprotte darauf ansprechen? Ihnen ausweichen? Oh Gott. Wie hatte Sprotte es nur jemals mit Wilmas Geheimnis so lange ausgehalten, ohne es den anderen zu erzählen?! Sie wusste erst seit wenigen Minuten von dem Geheimnis und wünschte sich, dass sie es jemanden sagen oder einfach vergessen könnte. Wie sollte sie den beiden nur jemals wieder in die Augen sehen, ohne sich zu verraten? Ohne es einfach auszuplaudern? »Trude?« Es war einfach schrecklich! Was sollte sie nur tun? »Trude. Du zerquetschst meine Finger!« Vielleicht konnte sie für die nächsten Tage und Wochen Ausreden erfinden, um die beiden nicht sehen zu müssen. Sollte sie eine Krankheit vorspielen bis es die anderen Wilden Hühner auch wussten? Aber wie lange sollte das dauern? Aber vielleicht würden sie ja auch ihr Geheimnis sehr bald mit den anderen teilen. In den nächsten Stunden oder so. Hoffentlich. »Trude! Bitte! Ich kann meine Finger schon gar nicht mehr spüren!«, stöhnte Steve gequält neben ihr und Trude ließ überrascht seine Hand los. Schnell zog dieser sie an seine Brust und warf ihr einen schmerzvollen Blick zu, der ihr beinahe das Herz brach. »Oh Stevie. Es tut mir soo leid. Das wollte ich nicht! Der Film war nur gerade so spannend.«, flüsterte Trude entschuldigend und streichelte Steve beruhigend über den Nacken, während er seine gequetschten Finger langsam beugte und streckte und dabei leise stöhnte. Den restlichen Film über versuchte Trude ihren Freund zu beruhigen und nicht beleidigt zu sein, als er nicht erneut ihre Hand ergreifen wollte. Erst als das Licht wieder aufleuchtete, erinnerte sich Trude an ihre Freundinnen und schielte unsicher zu ihnen herüber. Beide lachten leise über irgendetwas, während Sprotte Frieda auf die Füße zog und ihre Nasen kurz aneinander rieben. Dabei verschwand Sprottes freie Hand in ihrer Jackentasche, ehe sie nach ihrer Handtasche und den Resten ihres Kinoessen griff, um den anderen hinaus zu folgen. Nachdenklich folgte Trude den Pygmäen in die Eingangshalle und stellte sich schweigend neben diese, während diese begeistert über den Film und die Kampfszenen sprachen. Sie sah, wie sich Sprotte und Frieda neben sie stellten und kurz dem Gespräch lauschten, ehe sie sich verabschiedeten und Trude kurz zulächelten. »Bis morgen!«, riefen sie und hoben fast gleichzeitig die Hände, ehe sie durch die schweren Türen hinaus in die einbrechende Dunkelheit verschwanden. Und Trude und ihre wirren Gedanken zurückließen, die sie die Nacht über nicht mehr schlafen ließen. Aber trotz der besorgten Fragen von Steve erzählte Trude ihm nichts davon, was sie gesehen hatte. Schließlich waren Sprotte und Frieda ihre Freundinnen. Und auch wenn es ihr sehr schwerfiel, würde sie deren Geheimnis wahren. So lange sie musste. Entspannt gingen Frieda und Sprotte zurück zu ihren Rädern und genossen die kühle Dunkelheit, die sie umgab. Ganz nah beieinander liefen sie und Sprotte hatte ihren Arm locker um Frieda geschlungen, damit sie sie vor der Kälte schützen konnte. Dieses Mal schafften sie es ohne Unterbrechungen zu ihren Fahrrädern und stiegen nach einem kurzen Kuss auf diese auf, um gemeinsam nach Hause zu fahren. Ganz wie es Sprotte in einem Magazin gelesen hatte, begleitete sie Frieda noch bis vor ihre Haustür, wo diese sich im Licht einer Straßenlaterne zu ihr umdrehte. Sanft zog Sprotte sie nah an sich und küsste Frieda zärtlich auf die Lippen. Ihre Arme sanft um sie geschlungen, während Frieda ihre Hände zärtlich in ihrem Nacken verschränkte. Eng umschlungen standen beide Mädchen im Eingang des Hauses und man konnte kaum erkennen, wo die eine begann und die andere wieder aufhörte. Da durchbrach plötzlich eine laute Stimme die angenehme Stille und riss die Mädchen wieder in die Wirklichkeit zurück. »Frieda! Ich weiß, dass du schon da bist! Ich seh doch dein Fahrrad da unten! Komm endlich rein! Ich will mich noch mit Jonas treffen und du sollst auf Luki aufpassen! Und grüß deine Gackerfreundin noch schön von mir! Ihr könnt auch später noch gemeinsam Eier legen und sie ausbrüten!«, brüllte Titus aus dem Fenster über ihnen und seufzend lösten sich Sprotte und Frieda voneinander. Warum sollte ihr Abend auch nicht enden, wie er schon angefangen hatte. Immer und überall wurden sie unterbrochen. Entschuldigend lächelnd rieb Frieda ihre Nase gegen Sprottes, ehe sie diese noch einmal kurz auf die Lippen küsste, um danach durch die Tür ins Innere des Hauses zu verschwinden. Dabei hatte sie die gelöste Haarnadel in Sprottes Hand gedrückt und sie dabei verschmitzt angelächelt. Sprotte lächelte zurück und wartete, bis sie hörte, wie Frieda ihre Schuhe auszog und Titus grob zur Seite schubste, der ungeduldig an der Haustür auf sie gewartet und nach dem Grund für ihr spätes Wiederkommen gefragt hatte. Friedas Antwort darauf konnte Sprotte schon nicht mehr hören, da die Tür hinter ihnen zufiel und die Stille sich wie ein Tuch über sie ausbreitete. Verträumt lächelnd steckte Sprotte die Haarnadel zu den restlichen in ihrer Jackentasche und ging zurück zu ihrem Fahrrad, wo sie die vergessenen Blumen in ihrer Handtasche bemerkte. Orange, gelb, purpur und rot leuchtete ihr entgegen, während sie hinauf zu Friedas Fenster blickte, wo das Licht in diesem Moment angemacht wurde. Sie könnte noch mal klingeln und Frieda die Blumen übergeben. Und vielleicht sogar noch einen Kuss von ihr bekommen. Aber dann müsste sie auch Titus sehen und Sprotte wollte wirklich nicht den gelungenen Abschied damit verderben. Und so schwang sich Sprotte schwungvoll auf ihr Fahrrad und blickte noch einmal lächelnd zum dunklen Umriss ihrer Freundin im Fenster hinauf, ehe sie gemächlich nach Hause fuhr. Die Blumen fanden in einer Vase einen Ehrenplatz auf Sprottes Schreibtisch und Sprotte konnte nach dem ausführlichen Duschen auch endlich wieder ihre Haare schütteln und frei über ihre Schultern fallen lassen. Auch wenn sie noch den Abend und den nächsten Tag über Haarnadeln aus diesen herauszog, die sich hartnäckig in dem Wirrwarr versteckten. Auch wenn es nicht perfekt gewesen war, so war es doch ein gelungenes erstes Date gewesen. Und nächstes Mal würde Sprotte auf jeden Fall störende Freundinnen mit in ihre Planung einberechnen.
0 notes
beautifclminds · 7 years
below the cut, you will find a list of my current muses. the bold names are primary characters. if there is an * next to it, it indicates an oc / a canon child with an older fc / or a canon character with a different fc. i’ll be making individual starters on a sidebblog for them over the next few days and then making a masterpost here. i also have a note next to each fandom name as to how far into the series i currently am up to.
the 100 (season 2)
abigail griffin
bellamy blake
clarke griffin
finn collins
jasper jordan
monty green
octavia blake
raven reyes
wells jaha
american horror story: coven
cordelia foxx
kyle spencer
madison montgomery
misty day
zoe benson
american horror story: hotel
billie dean howard
detective john lowe
james patrick march
sally mckenna
american horror story: murder house
ben harmon
tate langdon
violet harmon
vivien harmon
the big bang theory (season 8)
amy farrah-fowler
*april hofstadter
bernadette rostenkowski-wolowitz
*halle wolowitz
*hayden wolowitz
howard wolowitz
leonard hofstadter
penny hofstadter
rajesh koothrappali
sheldon cooper
*stephen cooper
criminal minds (season 12)
aaron hotchner
*alexandra hotchner
*amelia hotchner
*annabelle lamontagne
*aria hotchner-reid
beth clemmons
*brooklyn reid-morgan
*carter hotchner
david rossi
derek morgan
*desiree morgan
emily prentiss
*erin morgan
*gabriella hotchner-morgan
*hadley reid
*haley brooks
*hank spencer morgan
*henry lamontagne
*jack hotchner
*jasmine hotchner-morgan
*michael lamontagne
*nathan hotchner
penelope garcia
*rylee rossi
*sarah morgan
savannah hayes-morgan
will lamontagne
divergent (book & movie canon)
caleb prior
peter hayes
tobias eaton
tris prior 
er (season 8)
carol hathaway
doug ross
*emma greene
john carter
*kate ross
mark greene
*rachel greene
*tess ross
the flash (season 2)
barry allen
iris west
the fosters (season 2)
brandon foster
callie adams-foster
jesus adams-foster
lena adams-foster
mariana adams-foster
stef adams-foster
friends (entire series)
*ben geller
*emma geller-green
*erica bing
*jack bing
*josephine tribbiani
*penelope tribbiani
fuller house (entire series)
alexander katsopolis
dj tanner fuller
jackson fuller
*jerry gladstone
*joan gladstone
*lewis gladstone
max fuller
michelle tanner
nicholas katsopolis
*phyllis gladstone
ramona gibbler
stephanie tanner
girl meets world (entire series)
cory matthews
farkle minkus
*hannah hunter
katy hart hunter
lucas friar
maya hart hunter
riley matthews
shawn hunter
topanga matthews
glee (entire series)
*alayna schuester
*anthony duval
blaine anderson
*christopher schuester
cooper anderson
*daniel schuester
*danielle sterling-duval
dave karofsky
*destinie anderson
emma pillsbury schuester
*evan schuester
*frannie fabray
*hannah clarington
hunter clarington
*isabelle schuester
jeff sterling
*jessica sterling
kurt hummel
marley rose
nick duval
rachel berry
sam evans
*samantha schuester
santana lopez
*savannah smythe
sebastian smythe
will schuester
harry potter (book & movie canon)
*albus severus potter
*astoria greengrass
*dominique weasley
*elianna malfoy
*fred weasley II 
ginny weasley 
harry potter
hermione granger
*hugo weasley
*james sirius potter
*lily luna potter
*louis weasley
*lucy weasley
*molly weasley II
nymphadora tonks
*rebecca potter
remus lupin
ron weasley
*rose weasley
*roxanne weasley
*sabrina snape
*scorpio malfoy
severus snape
sirius black
*teddy lupin
*trinity lupin
*victoire weasley
how to get away with murder (season 2)
asher millstone
connor walsh
laurel castillo
michaela pratt
oliver hampton
rebecca sutter
wes gibbins
the hunger games (book & movie canon)
annie cresta
finnick odair
gale hawthorne
haymitch abernathy
*lucilla abernathy
peeta mellark
primrose everdeen
*rowan odair
*rye mellark
*willow mellark
ncis (season 5)
abby sciuto
anthony dinozzo
*brianna gibbs
caitlin todd
emily fornell
leroy jethro gibbs
*tali david-dinozzo
timothy mcgee
tobias fornell
ziva david
pretty little liars (entire series)
alison dilaurentis
aria montgomery
caleb rivers
emily fields
ezra fitz
hanna marin
mona vanderwaal
spencer hastings
toby cavanaugh
fitz grant
jake ballard
*kennedy grant
mellie grant
olivia pope
the secret life of the american teenager (entire series)
adrian lee
amy juergens
ashley juergens
ben boykewich
grace bowman
lauren treacy
madison cooperstein
ricky underwood
shameless (season 7)
debbie gallagher
fiona gallagher
ian gallagher
lip gallagher
switched at birth (entire series)
bay kennish
daphne vasquez
emmett bledsoe
toby kennish
travis barnes
twilight (movie & book canon)
alice cullen
angela weber
edward cullen
emmett cullen
eric yorkie
esme cullen
bella swan cullen
jacob black
jasper hale
jessica stanley
mike newton
renesmee cullen
rosalie hale
tyler crowley
the walking dead (up to date / tv show only)
beth greene
*bianca grimes
carl grimes
daryl dixon
*judith grimes
lori grimes
*mackenzie jo anderson
rick grimes
shane walsh
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