#oc: milagros
duckdachi · 1 year
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My witch Ocs who have been nameless for something near a decade lol so I finally decided to go name hunting for them \ ( 'o')/
meet Milagros and Oren hehe
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minqueee · 1 year
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working on my girl milagros!! shes a mananaggal who's been around since the spanish colonial era
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 month
Monster Falls! Spellbook
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reference form mellon_soup
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scryarchives · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬
it's been almost a month since the whole "Victoria Kord Blue Beetle Fiasco", and Jaime has loads to sort out, especially since the new neighbour might not be what she says she is...
masterlist | next !
– pairings: jaime reyes x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, blue beetle movie spoilers
– author's note: after watching the blue beetle movie, I've been so down bad for jaime reyes i had to make a one-shot series for him. disclaimer: i'm not of Hispanic descent and i have don't know casual terms spoken, so do correct me if im wrong!
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The sun's heat beat down on the hot sand, heat waves radiating off the ground from the high temperature. A winding tarmac road lay between the plains, and a little vehicle sped down it, emptiness surrounding them.
“Mama, how much longer until we get to… Palmera City?” The woman drawled, picking up a pamphlet in her right hand, and pulling her wireless headphones down with the other.
“We're pretty much there, Drea,” A woman replied, hands on the steering while and eyes trained on the road. “We’re almost there.”
“Why can’t I just fly there myself? You and Amma can take the car. I’m twenty Ma, not five,” Drea huffed, neatening out her ruffled ebony waves. “You taught me how to fly when I was ten, anyways.”
“Kanna, you don’t even know where Palmera City is,” Another woman turned her head in the passenger’s seat to face her daughter in the back. “And you don’t know where the house is.”
“I do know where it is, El Paso Street, Palmera City.”
“Which house then? And you only knew Palmera City from the pamphlet,” The woman driving chuckled. “Besides, don’t you like spending time with your mamas?”
Drea said nothing in return, grumbling and pulling her headphones back over her ears, blasting her music at almost full volume.
“She grew up too fast,” The other passenger sighed, her hand on her forehead. “When did she become twenty? Remind me, please.”
“She turned twenty almost two days ago, aṉpu,” The driver grinned. “Did you forget that she almost set the house on fire when we told her about the move?”
“Please, don’t remind me, Zara,” Anika sighed at her wife’s entertainment. “I’m still drained from all of the mess I had to clean up after.”
“Nika, we’re moving, new people, new sights to see, and new opportunities for a good life for you and me. For our family,” Zara, the driver, smiled softly. One of her hands slipped off the driver’s wheel, encasing itself around Anika’s smaller hand.
“Besides, Drea needs a job, something that can keep her steady until she finds out what she wants to do,” She shrugged. “And Palmera City might have everything she needs.”
“‘Might have’ are the keywords.” Anika’s worried eyes met Zara’s calm ones. “If it doesn’t? Then what? She’ll just, what, fly alone to a new place?”
“Probably. But that’s okay, I was her age when I came here, and I needed something new. Something different. And then I met you, and I felt love for the first time,” She winked, her wife flushing.
“Oh stop it you, focus on driving!”
“Alright, alright. But you get my point, right?”
“Yeah… I do."
“Until that happens, if that ever happens, we’ll be just fine.”
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“Hermano,” Milagro huffed, her hands forearm deep in water as she held a plate in her hands, holding it up to her brother, who was staring out the window in curiosity.
“Jaime,” She called out once more, her brother still unresponsive, the girl’s patience snapping. “Earth to Jaime Reyes!”
Jaime jumped slightly, taking the plate, gaze focused back on the window while muttering apologies to his younger sister.
“Sorry, sorry,” He wrapped the plate with the cloth in his hands hurriedly.
“What’s got you so distracted?” Milagro frowned, peering over his shoulder to see a moving truck parked outside their house. More accurately, in front of the empty house across the road from them.
“Oh, new neighbours,” She nodded, taking another soapy plate to rinse off from her mother. 
“I wonder what they’ll be like,” Bianca Reyes hummed, handing Milagro another plate.
“It’s about time someone moved in that house,” Milagro chirped. “That house has been empty for as long as I can remember."
"That's not true," Jaime glanced at his sister. "Mrs. Diaz lived there for a while before her son moved out."
"Oh yeah… But that was still ages ago. So my statement still counts."
Jaime playfully rolled his eyes, a smile faint on his face. Glancing over, Milagro questioned her brother teasingly.
"Why are you staring there so much, anyways? Did you see Jenny?" She wiggled her eyebrows.
"What? No, no. We're just friends," He huffed.
"Sure you are."
"No, look. Khaji-Da scanned their moving stuff—"
"Woah! Boundaries, hermano!"
"Exactly! But she did it somehow and she warned me about them."
"What? Is she saying that they're villains? Like Jenny's crazy aunt?" The girl beside Jaime placed a hand on her hip. "C'mon, they're new neighbours, how bad can they be?"
"Pretty bad," Khaji-Da chimed in Jaime's head, her host glaring.
The rest of the day proceeded to be uneventful. After dishwashing and tidying up after lunch, Jaime hadn't done much other than trying to find work or helping his mother around the house.
Occasionally, Nana would come around for a drink while taking a break from her sewing, and Milagro soon joined Jaime in his room, the two job-hunting together. Uncle Rudy was… well, somewhere working on "an upgrade for the truck Jenny had gifted", according to him.
If he could, Jaime would have described the atmosphere as "chill and somewhat productive".
His mind drifted from the list of temporary jobs he could apply for on the site he sat on to the whole "Blue Beetle Fiasco" over a month ago. To the friend he hoped would be something more, until she, in the nicest way possible, tried to turn him down.
"Jaime, you're thinking about Jennifer again."
Instantly, he shook his head, trying to refocus his attention.
"Nope, nope. I'm completely focused. See? I can qualify for a…" He narrowed his eyes, reading the word his pointer was aimed at. "Chiropractor? What, no—"
"You need to move on, Jaime. The positive is that Jennifer is still your friend. You have more responsibilities."
"Yeah, and I'm doing it with Mili," Jaime then looked around him, wondering why his sister's questioning and prying hadn't begun.
"Milagro had left to get a drink, while you were busy 'looking for jobs'," Khaji-Da chimed in, rubbing in her point before her host could ask.
"Thank you, Khaji," Jaime huffed sarcastically. "How long has she been gone for?"
"Ten minutes."
"That long?"
"You were deep in thought."
"Got it," He grumbled, pushing himself off of his bed to find his job-hunting partner. "Mili!"
He called out his sister's name, hoping to find her peering around a corner in response, but was returned with nothing, not even a single quip.
"Mili?" Jaime frowned at the lack of noise in his home.
"Nana? Uncle Rudy?"
Seeing that no one was responding, Jaime narrowed his eyes, his mind darting to the worst-case scenario.
"Khaji, can you scan or locate where my family is?"
"Your mother—"
"Jaime! There you are!" Bianca cut Jaime off, her son relieved to see that she was alright.
"—is right here."
"Thank you for the… status, Khaji," He whispered before smiling, letting out a sigh. "Mama, where's everyone?"
"They're outside, greeting the new neighbours!" She furrowed her brows, a smile still gracing her lips. "I thought Mili told you? Oh, I'll talk to her about it later, come come! Let's meet the neighbours, yes?"
She grabbed Jaime's upper arm, rushing out to meet up with the rest of the family.
"Jaime, meet Mrs Tlatilpa, and her daughter, Alejandra!" Bianca smiled.
Jaime smiled over at who he assumed was Alejandra, as she did look quite a bit younger than the woman beside her.
Taking in her appearance, he noticed that she almost looked Hispanic, like him, though her skin was slightly darker. Her hair remained wavy and was a dark shade of brown, pretty much black if he hadn't noticed it against the sunlight. If he looked close enough, he noticed that she had a few strands of braids tied together here and there.
She tilted her head as her wireless headphones covered in vibrant stickers were plastered all over, covering the brand's logo, and it seemed like stars — he noticed a few hand-sewn ones on her baggy jeans — seemed to be her favourite pattern.
Triangle earrings glinted in the light as her dark brown eyes watched him in curiosity. If he looked close enough, he could almost see sparks of red—
"You're staring, Jaime."
He flinched from Khaji-Da's comment, holding his hand out to shake hands, the woman across from him doing the same.
"Reyes, my name's Jaime Reyes," He nodded, putting on his best smile.
"Alejandra Tlatilpa. But you can call me Drea," She nodded respectfully before switching her glance to his shoes. "Cool shoes."
"Ah, uhm thanks. Not my favourite pair, but they serve their purpose," He chuckled, almost sadly as he remembered the fate of his now-incinerated favoured shoes.
"She's dangerous," Khaji-Da pointed out, Jaime's brows furrowing.
"What? No way," Jaime muttered, Drea, blinking in confusion.
"I'm sorry?" She questioned for clarification.
"No, sorry, I uhm… just a habit of mine, I talk. To myself," He quickly responded, his smile turning awkward.
"Right," She pointed a finger, nodding once more. "Got it. Don't worry about it, we all have our habits."
"Look at the two of you getting along!" Mrs Tlatilpa grinned. "Kanna, why don't you go get Mama? I'm sure she'd love to meet new people."
"Yeah, sure," Drea chirped, smiling one last time at Jaime. "See you around."
"So, your wife?" Bianca questioned, her eyes curious.
"Ah yes, it's a long story," Anika laughed nervously.
"No, no worries! In fact, would your family like to join us for tea?"
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gif by @rob-pattinson
taglist: @mooncleaver < comment/dm me if you'd like to be on the taglist! >
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renaissance35 · 8 months
Damian: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Suren: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Maya: I think it's the big words you use.
Jon: I got distracted about halfway through.
Toussaint: I think it's because your short.
Milagro: Can't understand what I can't see.
Collin: Maybe it's your "I'm superior to all" voice. It's pretty low.
Billy: Here no evil, see no evil.
Jai West: That's right.
Alex: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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shookethdev · 6 months
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Got permission to do some adopts with @cero-sleep dragon species “Milagros Enmascarados”!
This lil guy is a mix between a potion pal and milagros, using both a mask and a potion to create them!
Payment for “Dragon’s Breath” Potion is on my Ko-fi for $20 HERE
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angelbroad · 5 months
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Symbiosis And Its Downs
Nadine woke up to poking on her cheek, slowly stirring awake to the sight of Stephanie.
"What the fuck, dude?", the girl above whispered.
Nadine groaned as she moved to sit up, her hair wild and the suit still on, minus the helmet.
"Christ...what time is it?"
Nine in the morning
"Nine in the-"
"I know, it's okay. Loxz-Ha told me."
"Right...that thing on your back.", Stephanie responded, taking note of how the mandibles swayed from side to side, even if it was in a subtle way. "Nad, look, it's not like I don't trust you when it comes to this whole...thing. But again, we don't even know what it is you're wearing, or if it's wearing you."
Nadine decided she would not tell Stephanie about last night's escapades, she didn't want her friend to worry.
"Like...for god's sake how long have you been in that armor?"
"Oh...uh, I did take a break but...almost a day?"
Stephanie swore in arabic before turning back to her.
"Okay, look. Anth and Pearl have other things to do this mornin', so it leaves the two of us, and we're gonna find a way to figure out what this thing is. Whether it wants to or not."
No response. It seemed that Stephanie was right about the scarab not wanting to give an answer, because the armor retreated back in the scarab.
"The one time I want you to talk with me..."
Stephanie shook her head, "Alright alright. Since it won't talk,", she cracked her knuckles, "I'm gonna make it talk."
The scarab quickly manifested on Nadine's back and all of its legs begun to drag her away, Stephanie chasing after them.
Threatening intentions from Stephanie Diya
"Stop this, right now!"
Loxz-Ha did as asked, allowing Nadine to stand on her own two feet again. She held a hand up to signal for Stephanie to stop running, which she did. Nadine looked at her back.
"Loxz-Ha. We clearly need to have a talk."
Very well. But not here
Nadine sighed and looked back at Stephanie. She walked over to her.
"They agreed to talk about some stuff, but they'd rather do it somewhere else."
Stephanie crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "First Anth, now me. I think your scarab fuckin' hates us."
Nadine sighed, and took her shoulders in her hands as the armor gradually materialised.
"Look, I'll try and ask all the important questions. If I'm not back by six, I flew to the moon."
But Nadine was already flying away, finally landing on a tall building where she paced around.
"Okay, so, basics first."
Which would be?
"Okay, first, the body control thing."
I have access to your entire nervous system
"Because you're inside me."
"Right-so, about that."
What of it?
"We need to establish this thing known to us as 'boundaries' in this relationship. Do you know what boundaries are?"
Boundaries: Boundaries show where one thing ends and another begins. Boundaries in a relationship are kind of like this; they help each person figure out where one person ends and the other begins. In short, boundaries help you define what you are comfortable with and how you would like to be treated by others.
"...Yea, that. Alright, boundaries. You can't just take control over my body whenever you feel like it."
But you were in-
"I know, I know. I was in danger, and thanks for looking out for me. But still, I'd rather not wake up in places I don't remember going and with people I don't know. It can be terrifying."
And what do you propose?
"You will only take control of my body either when it is absolutely necessary, or when I give you explicit permission to do so. Okay?"
Hm...very well. This seems reasonable
"Good. Now, you never told me why you were here. Is there even a reason?"
...I lost someone close to me. I have been trying to track them down for a long time
"O-Oh...I'm sorry."
Do not be. That is an issue for me to fix, now that I have a suitable host again
"I promise to help you, but only if you can follow the last rule I have for this relationship for now."
Which is?
"No killing. No lethal weapons."
Fine! Fine! I wil entertain your pacifistic beliefs
"Thank you. And in turn, I'll help you find your friend."
I know you will
Stephanie held onto her bass as they waited for Nadine to come to their practice, the others sitting on the stage as they waited too. She abruptly stood up.
"She went to the moon.", she said.
"Who?", Pearl asked, just as the window of the abandoned gymnasium shattered and Nadine landed on the ground, more gracefully this time, but still a bit rough.
"I didn't go to the moon!", she announced as the armor retreated.
"Ah, you're back!", Pearl said, "How's the girlfriend?"
Anthony smacked her head for that.
"Dude! What the hell??", the girl asked, to which Anthony rolled his eyes.
Nadine was used to this behaviour from the two. Always bickering over the littlest things. She walked to the stage, shrugging the comment off.
"Yep, I'm back. And Loxz-Ha says they're fine."
"Did it say any ways to remove it?", Anthony asked.
"No, I didn't ask."
"Oh for fuck's sake, what did you ask?"
Nadine thought that behaviour was a bit odd for Anthony. She would expect this type of outburst from Stephanie, but Anthony? Maybe she did do something wrong this time. She could hear a chuckle in her head.
My~ Someone is jealous
"Loxz-Ha, that's just not true."
Anthony groaned, dragging a hand over his face, "What now?"
"They said you were jealous or something."
Anthony froze, looking away. Nadine blinked in confusion before Pearl continued the conversation.
"What did you ask it, dude?"
"Hm? Oh, right, I asked why it was here."
"And it told you?"
Nadine nodded, "They're here in hopes of finding one of their friends. Apparently they got lost a couple of years back."
"You think that blue guy from the video might be that friend?"
"Very likely. He crossed all the boxes, but I'll have to find him somehow."
Both her and Pearl placed a hand on their respective chins to figure something out. Pearl's eyes then lit up as she raised an arm in the air and pointed upwards.
"You could become a superhero!"
All three blinked at her, letting out near simultaneous 'what's.
"Think about it.", Pearl explained, "That guy was clearly a superhero. So, if you become one too, you are bound to get noticed. Like a school girl waiting for her crush to notice her."
"My what-"
"What I'm trying to say is, you can both use this cool armor thing for good and use it to find the blue guy."
"Huh...this...could work, actually.", Nadine admitted.
"Okay okay, time out.", Stephanie finally said, making a time out motion with her hands, "You sure you're ready to fight with that thing? It dragged you out of my garage this morning."
"It did what-?"
"Anthony.", Nadine said slowly as she took hold of his arms, "Calm down. You too, Steph. Trust me, we sorted those things out. And, well, the scarab is designed to protect me so, I'll be fine...probably."
"Probably isn't good enough.", Anthony responded as he held her back, "You could get seriously hurt. You don't know what this thing can do."
Loxz-Ha was offended. How dare this meat think them incapable of defending their host properly? Not only that, but his touch filled Loxz-Ha with some form of jealousy. It was possessiveness. This was their host. Thankfully, Nadine Estrada took his hands off.
"Come on, Anth. You got to give me some trust."
"Nad, this isn't like trusting you won't go off-beat in the drumset. You're putting your life on the line and for what? So you can get the attention of some blue guy?"
Nadine shook her head, "Anth, this isn't about just the blue guy.", she said, hands on her chest, "This is about what I can do with these powers that have been given to me. I always talk about wanting to help people in more ways than just giving spare change or taking out my neighbours' trash. Now, I can finally do something that helps the city. Can't you see that this is my chance? I'm ready-more than ready for this."
"You can trust this face, can't you?"
Anthony hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting about before finally turning his head away.
Nadine gave him a small smile. She was glad he cared for her so much.
"Soooo.", Pearl started, "What's your superhero name gonna be?"
"Oh, hmm.", now that would be a little tricky. Should she use Loxz-Ha's name as her superhero name? No, it didn't really sound like one and she would just be stealing her partner's name. Maybe an insect? A color, like the Green Lantern?
"I think...I am..."
"-in latest news, this new superhero dubbed by the criminals as the 'Green Scarab', has made their debute in Gotham City just tonight. Exclusive footage reveals this new arrival's shocking abilities as they cut vehicles in half, and made use of sonic weapons. Police reports indicate that the new armored vigilante was in quite the rush."
The feed cut to a police officer being interviewed, "It dropped the stolen goods and the guns of those bastards right behind the police barricade, then they just up and flew away! It was weird as shit!"
"Did the vigilante show any ill intent towards you?"
"Nah man. They just dropped in, did our job for us-along with wrecking a couple of cars-and left."
The feed then cut back to the reporter.
"There is still no confirmation from heroes in the Justice League as to whether or not this is a legitimate new member, or just a mere avenger taking it out on the streets. Until we get more updates on this thrilling situation, we move on to Donald for the weather."
Jaime did not even get to put food in his mouth, his spoon hovering over the plate as he stared at the tv with his mouth wide open.
"Bro, the milk is dripping all over your pants.", Milagro, who had just come in, commented.
"Oh, mierda.", Jaime muttered as he placed the bowl on the table in front of him, "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?", he whisper-shouted.
Milagro shrugged before she walked into the kitchen behind him, "I was hungry. Don't tell on me!"
"No lo haré. Calmarse.", he said as he turned back to the tv, even if his mind was not on the news. He let the tv and Milagro's faint noises around him be backround noises as he reached to Khaji-Da.
"You know them?", he whispered to the scarab.The armor looked way too similar to his for it to be a coincidence.
I believe I do., Khaji-Da confirmed, But I can only assume who this scarab is. Unless I manage to get their serial number
"Like how yours is Khaji-Da?"
Yes. Unless we figure this factor out, we can not know what their intentions are
"They said Gotham, right? So that's where we need to go."
"You talking to Khaji again?", Milagro asked as she was ready to leave, cacahuates japones in hand. Jaime nodded. "Tell them buenas noches from me, m'kay?", she said before skipping away.
Alright, they were going to Gotham.
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Salem is a strange woman who wouldn't has no shame in showing it, when it thunders she's the type to cross her fingers over a storm occurring. She's curious by nature and is always wandering around town to seek out anything she finds interesting. Aside from that, she just is a skater, she's always lugging around a skateboard if not skates around town.
(be aware my main blog and this story will contain mature content! My toyhouse will not contain that content tho!)
Artblog (Salem's tag)
Series tag on my main (Oasis Based Oddities)
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(only have so many recent images of her so heres this one!)
Salem is a strange woman who wouldn't has no shame in showing it (as anyone should do as well). She loves learning new things and has lived in TL, Oasis all her life, she adores it there. Though as of late she's been noticing troubling patterns between her fun working at M.A.D.E. Sure she has inheritance from her aunt but she wants to be practical with other plans aside from working at M.A.D.E, she loves that little thrift store & Library but she worries about it. So with that in mind she'll often take side jobs that others don't often do that she enjoys. Such as waitressing aboard Big Bo's Buoyant Buffet (a buffet on a mostly stable docked boat), the BBBBBBB she likes to exaggerate and call it, as well as helping out at Lia's Sanctuary (Animal Shelter). She's a sweet woman who while is only 23 she's got aspirations for TL, Oasis that'll really bring a change if she gets the help for it. She may have her quiet moments but when she speaks up she's delightfully kind and blunt with her words, never a dull time with her truly. Both her friends Kyo, Bart and the newest resident of Oasis can vouch for that fact.  
playlist (ytube)
And as for a tiny ramble: I've not posted too too much about Salem but she's one of my favorite ocs so far. She's more interesting than I'm leading out and I hope as I continue writing out Oasis Based Oddities, as well as paneling out comics, that you enjoy her and others as well! 
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camping-with-monsters · 7 months
Would You Sell Your Soul To Save Yourself…?
I really like making little animatics… a couple characters I really haven’t touched in a while. I mentioned I was changing some stuff in regards to this story so this applies to that, except this is kinda a dramatized version of what actually happened for this scene/topic in canon for the sake of the song choice. Would have been a lot smoother and less intense.
I should get around to posting my animatics to YouTube maybe.
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duckdachi · 1 year
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OC art I drew couple years ago
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minqueee · 2 years
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hrghhh trying to make live 2d models is soooo ajksdhkajshdksa
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 5 months
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Mabel and Luca having a moment
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cero-sleep · 6 months
Potion of Bubbling Laughter - Available
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Potion of Flight - Available
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Potion of Water Breathing - Available
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New collab adopts! @shookethdev and I worked on these together! They made the details and coloring and I did the lineart! Selling them in chicken smoothie and kofi for $20!
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scryarchives · 1 year
𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 - 𝐣𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
khaji-da mentioned something about the new girl 'drea' being dangerous, but what did she mean by 'dangerous'? and how dangerous could she be if she's best friends with his very own sister?
masterlist | previous , next !
– pairings: jaime reyes x oc
– warning: fluff, canon divergent, blue beetle movie spoilers
– author's note: more of a filler chapter haha. disclaimer: i don't speak Spanish, so please do correct me if i am wrong! read more under the cut! :)
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A couple of weeks had passed since the Tlatilpas had come over to the Reyes household. Unfortunately, Anika (or as she asked Jaime to call her “Aunt Anika”) was the only one over as her wife Zara had been too exhausted from the drive to Palmera City.
As nice as their family was from what he gathered, Jaime couldn’t help but let what Khaji-Da told him that day weigh his mind down. He sat on his bed, laptop open on the plush bed sheet as he gnawed the end of his pencil, brows furrowed in thought and confusion.
What did she mean by ‘she’s dangerous’? Did Khaji mean Drea specifically? Or her entire family?
“This ‘Drea’ you worry about, she’s the dangerous one.”
Jaime rolled his eyes. Of course, the blue bug alien bonded to him and responded to him when everything was peaceful and quiet in his home.
“Okay, you’ve said that already, but a little specifics would be nice,” He shrugged sarcastically at the little robotic voice in his head. “I mean, dangerous how? Does she have connections to harmful people? She’s got machinery that can endanger us? What–”
“I scanned her DNA while you were shaking hands,” Khaji-Da cut Jaime off, the male glaring incredulously at the voice.
“First off, we need to set some boundaries, Khaji. You can’t keep scanning all these people without my acknowledgement. It’s creepy and overall weird. Second, how would that make her dangerous? She’s human too.”
“What? You’re saying I’m wrong about scanning people being inappropriate–”
“She’s not one hundred per cent human,” Khaji-Da answered once more, this time, her answer left Jaime on edge. 
“She’s approximately fifty per cent alien.”
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“Milagro! What’s up? How’s my favourite Reyes doin’?” Drea chuckled, her dark waves bouncing behind her in her high ponytail. The bracelets on her wrists ‘clinked’ together as she and the youngest Reyes high-fived, grins wide on their faces.
“¡Soy bien! You?”
The two shared a handshake, and despite their fast friendship, they got along well, like two peas in a pod.
“Meh, could be better,” She chuckled, rubbing her upper arm. “My Amma had a whole list of chores for me to do, so my arms are completely wiped out.”
“Ah man, I get you,” Milagro scoffed, nudging shoulders with her best friend. “Hey, you wanna come in? I’m sure we got something we could watch together.”
“Yeah, of course! Oh, by the way,” Milagro perked up, seeing Drea halt. “I almost forgot, Amma made some snacks a few days ago, so she asked me to bring some to you.”
It was then that Milagro realised that Drea was carrying a backpack and the Latina walked over to help hold the item up as Drea pulled out a little transparent container with a red twist-on lid.
“It’s more of a traditional snack from her home town? Country? One of those,” The older woman shrugged. “It’s called murukku, not sure if you’ve heard of it, but it’s one of my favourites. Vadai’s a close second.”
Milagro hummed at the spiral-looking snack, smiling kindly at her friend.
“Aw, look at you all soft for me! I’m gonna hide this in my room forever so that no one else in my family will ever take a bite,” She grinned before it fell. “Actually, better not. My mom is gonna kill me if she finds food in my room.”
“Oh, I know how that feels,” Drea chuckles, the two walking into the Reyes’ humble abode.
“Mom! Drea’s here!” Milagro called out, the woman smiling sweetly the moment Bianca entered her view.
“Hi, Mrs Reyes! Thanks for having me over,” She pulls her bag over one shoulder in slight nervousness, Bianca smiling widely at the girl.
“Oh, it’s no problem, Drea! It’s always wonderful to have a friend of Mili’s over!”
“Her mom made us snacks. No one touches it before I do, please,” Milagro huffed, placing the transparent container on the table as her mom eyed the snack curiously.
“Alright, mija, but there’s no controlling the rest of the family,” Bianca laughed, Milagro rolling her eyes with both love and annoyance as she led her friend towards her little room.
“Did you know I found a stray the other day? Surprisingly, both my moms let me keep him,” Drea whispered to Milagro, hoping to distract her.
“Oh seriously? What’d you name him?” Milagro looked over at Drea in slight surprise. 
“Sparky von Cocoa the First, but Sparky’s just for short.”
“I need pictures of him. ASAP.”
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“Hey Mils, you hungry?” Drea glanced over at Milagro, seeing her friend lying beside her, stomach flat on the bed as her eyes were still glued to the computer, invested in the series the Latina was introduced to named “Never Have I Ever”.
“Uh… I could get a drink, do you want one?” Milagro raised her eyebrows, glancing up at Drea, who shook her head.
“Nah it’s fine, I can get it. You’re too invested to miss anything,” Drea teased, pushing herself up from her cross-legged position. “And I’ve already watched all the episodes up to date, so I’m good.”
“Wow, you do not have a life.”
“I know I don’t,” Drea chuckled, opening her best friend’s room door, and walking out into the corridor.
As soon as she turned around, she noticed that she was face to face with the other Reyes descendent, Jaime’s eyes widened in surprise to see the neighbour’s daughter standing in his home.
“Jaime, hi,” She flashed him a quick smile, and Jaime cleared his throat.
“Hey, uhm, Drea!” He held an awkward smile of his own, eyes guarded. “What’re you doing here? Is Milagro alright?”
“Yeah, she’s fine. Was gonna get us drinks.”
Then silence hung over their heads, neither adult looking at the other before Drea crossed her arms, lifting her left arm to point her thumb in the direction of the kitchen.
“So uh, does Milagro have a specific drink she likes here? Or should I drop by the convenience store to get it?” She asked with genuine curiosity that Jaime almost believed that she was completely human.
Unlike what Khaji warned him about.
“We got uh… something in the fridge that she’ll like.” 
Jaime once again smiled, albeit he smiled flatly, heading out of the corridor, and into the dining area. Trailing him to get the drinks, Drea filled herself a cup of water, eyeing Jaime curiously as the male rushed around the area, as though he was looking for someone.
“How’s life?”
Jaime snapped up, humming before zoning back to her presence. He looked a little lost before he finally registered her question all while fidgeting slightly.
“It’s… life. Nothing much really. Job hunting, trying to keep things afloat,” He answered before heading towards the front door.
“Oh seriously? You’re looking for work too? That’s great,” Drea chimed, brushing off Jaime’s behaviour as nervousness. “Do you think it’d be fine if Milagro and I join you for the search?”
“I mean,” Jaime’s eyes darted to the door as he turned around to answer. “Mili and I were already working that out together but uh, yeah, you’re welcome to join.”
“Great, that’s… yeah, thanks,” Drea smiled gratefully back while Jaime nodded hurriedly.
A silence fell between them once more, Jaime tapping his wrist in urgency, yet he stayed in case there was more conversation she tried to start. Just to confirm, he spoke up, Drea keeping her glass away in the sink as she picked up another full glass of water for her friend in the room.
“Is there anything else you need to ask or…?”
“Ah, nope, I’m done,” Drea shook her head, her eyes widening in realisation of his situation. “Oh, shit, sorry for the hold up.”
Before she could say anything else, Jaime told her his response while walking out, the door slamming shut as she heard his voice ring out for the last time.
“You’re good, no worries!”
As soon as the front door was shut and he had walked out of view of anyone, Jaime sighed as his suit, unfortunately, burning his current clothes off, annoyance filling him. 
He had to speak to Khaji about that, there was no way he could keep buying new clothes for each week.
“I thought you would never leave.”
Speak of the Devil.
“Look, she was nice,” Jaime muttered, the helmet forming over his head. “And she’s Milagro’s friend, I can’t be not nice for no reason.”
“She is an alien. There is a reason to not be nice to her,” Khaji-Da responded with a know-it-all tone, Jaime rolling his eyes.
“That’s rich coming from you. Just tell Mama that I’ll be late for dinner.”
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gif by @rob-pattinson
taglist: @mooncleaver
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the-weirdos-mind · 6 months
Maraposas & Milagros
In the Land of Miracles there’s a special ceremony taken place to honor the woman who founded their homeland and her family by lighting butterfly shaped candles and setting them free into the night sky. The time leading up to the event is a big community party in the town’s center.
Cards: Regalo Ruana
This limited time card selection is inspired by traditional Colombian clothing. Each card gets a ruana with either a dress or shirt and pants. Everyone in the card holds their butterfly candle
SSR: Oscar, Maya, Renata, Estella, Isabelle, Freya, and Lilia
SR: Minako, Ophelia, Riddle, Jade, Drew, Juno, Marian, and Darling
R: Marrin, Jack, Phillipa, Lily, and Ayumu
Tags: @adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @anxious-twisted-vampire @abyssthing198 @achy-boo
It all starts when Oscar gets a call from one of his sisters reminding him of the festival that’s happening tomorrow. He promised his sisters that he would bring a few friends since they worry about him at NRC. After hanging up he goes to Ramshackle to invite the Prefects. Estella finds him at the door and lets him in. He sees the Prefects sitting down in the lounge and asks them, and Grim, if they would like to visit his home. He goes into further details about the festival, Oruguita Liberta, in which everyone in his town honors the founding woman and her family by lighting candles that turn into butterflies and flutter around in the air. He then asks if they’re willing to go, to which they say yes. He thanks them and goes on to invite Marrin, Riddle, Jade, Jack, and Lilia.
The next day they arrived at the Mirror Chamber and are taken to the Land of Miracles. The town square, Famila Center, is decorated with many butterfly themed decorations and vendors selling their goods. They meet Maya and Reneta, with their friends. After greetings were exchanged the triplets take them to their house so they can put their bags down and get changed into their attire. Grim even gets a bow that’s decorated with butterflies. After they get changed they meet their mom, Alana Maldición. She welcomes her children home and their friends. She tells them they’re free to explore the square for the day but reminds them to be back before sundown. Before they depart, she serves some snacks for her guests as hospitality is very important in the home.
Lily asks why they need to meet back and Reneta explains that they’ll be getting their candles for later. They depart from the house and head back to the square. The triplets take them to a group of statues with a fountain surrounding them. They tell them it’s the Gifted Family, the family who first settled in the area. One by one the triplets go through the family:
The Founder (Alma Madrigal)
The Healing Cook (Julieta Madrigal)
The Concerning Father (Agustin Madrigal)
The Botanical Keeper (Isabela Madrigal)
The Pressure Reliever (Luisa Madrigal)
The Magicless Savior (Maribel Madrigal)
The Tamer of the Weather (Pepa Madrigal)
The Energetic Father (Félix Madrigal)
The Hearer of Secrets (Dolores Madrigal)
The Master of Shifting (Camilo Madrigal)
The Father of Beastaming (Antino Madrigal)
The Seer of the Future (Bruno Madrigal)
As they talk about the family, Oscar mentions that there isn’t much about the Seer of the Future as at one point, people didn’t talk about him for some reason. When asked why, they said that they didn’t know why. After the history lesson, they head to a vendor and try the variety of arepas, a staple food in their home. It’s said that recipe was crafted by the Healing Cook but only her cooking had the power to heal whoever ate it. After she died, the dish was passed down to honor her. Oscar gets a few of them for himself as they’re his favorite food. They also get coffee to drink.
Minako notices the kids drinking the coffee and asks if it’s normal. Maya confirms that it is, but it’s best not to give them too much. After eating they go exploring around the other stands. Grim comes across a puzzle where by connecting the pieces it’ll reveal a secret picture. He gives it a go and the picture is of the Botanical Keeper and Magicless Savior hugging. As they continue roaming around, they find souvenirs for their friends back at school. Riddle is intrigued by the many toys that were based on animals that were with the Father of Beastaming. Lilia is fond of a cloak that can temporarily change your looks to whoever pops into mind. Jack likes the weights with donkeys on them. Jade is fond of the many mushrooms in their terrariums, some said to have been crafted by the Botanical Keeper. Estella likes the butterfly handkerchief she found, and a plush donkey. They also try more local food like coco rice and patacones.
Then they come across a little stage where a variety of creatures very performing shows. Anyone can enter if they wish and Oscar decides to enter and use the rats to put on a telenovela. While he plots out the story the rest of the group goes and captures rats (Twistune here) Once the rats were gathered he rehearses the plot and the show is on. The group were confused by the plot but everyone else loves it. Once sundown hits they all head to the triplets home and get their candles. She also hands them a match saying that turns the candle’s shape into a butterfly.
Alana leads the group to the edge of a river, one that’s incredibly beautiful. They all wade into the shallows and watch the sun fall. Once the moonlight is shining every strikes their match and lights their candles. After a few moments of waiting, and complaining from Grim, they all watch in awe as the candle glows from the inside and transforms into a butterfly. The butterflies take off flying in a circle around everyone in town. As they stand there and watch for a moment they start to hear music. Alana says that part of the tradition is to dance underneath the lights and that’s what they all do. (Twistune here)
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shookethdev · 6 months
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Milagro I made based on the Faberge Easter egg I made for the Easter MYO event! Their name is Eggbezzlement or Bez for short!
Milagros Enmascarados are a closed species by @cero-sleep
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