#oc: pericles
antares-dupont · 1 year
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artemiswolfheart · 2 months
A quick sketch but!!
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My son! His name his Sami and he's so dear to me
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Will you make an OC for HPHL?
As a matter of fact, I do have one in the works. I can still enjoy this installment to the Potterverse vicariously, and I've actually toyed with the idea of writing a "retaliation" fanfic to this game, where The Fifth Year (that's what everyone is calling the MC, right?) teams up with Ranrok and he's portrayed more sympathetically. Because the squandered potential here is still maddening to me. If this game had just humanized him more (Okay, poor choice of words, but you get the point) it could have justified it's existence and perhaps actually done something good rather than causing more harm.
What occurs to me is that The Fifth Year is a late bloomer, right? Their magic didn't manifest until this year. If they grew up in a wizarding family, that means that they would have been assumed to be a Squib. And we all know how Squibs are treated.
Pericles Nott was the joke of his family, the disgrace. He was kept out of the way and treated like he was nothing by his parents. He was mocked and belittled by his extended family. But then. Oh, but then. His magic began to show itself. All of a sudden, he had his parents' love. They were proud of him, they could not stop boasting about him. The others still mocked him somewhat as a "late bloomer" but overall, he was respected and treated as one of the family.
And he hated every second of it.
He knew, he knew it was all fake. That their love was conditional and thus, worthless. Because of this, he grew to hate his magic and yet he paradoxically craved it's power. He was keenly aware of the hierarchy and it's ridiculous hypocrisy, but he would never allow himself to be placed underfoot again. He dealt with a lot of self-loathing until he recieved genuine care and approval from the Hogwarts staff, especially Fig. This helped him heal. He is someone who could have had it all, so to speak, everything he'd ever wanted. But once it was available to him, he had learned how hollow it was.
He also found, to his great surprise, a kindred spirit in Ranrok. Both of them having been cast aside by the wizarding regime at different points in their lives. Pericles was sickened every time he saw witches and wizards mistreating the less privileged, like Goblins, because he knew from personal experience for having lived as a Squib, what that was like. But he was now in a unique position of having escaped that box, and having magic, which gave him both power and access in his society. He and Ranrok were going to make one hell of a team. (Especially since I also envision Peri and Sebastian immediately becoming best mates. This alliance will be unstoppable. I've also not forgotten all the ship tease.)
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00uroboros · 7 months
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hallo tumblr citizens.. ive been procrastinating (clearly
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raggedy-madi · 1 year
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Me & my little brother just finished up our nearly annual summer re-watch of Scooby Doo: mystery inc. :)
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witchheadstar · 3 months
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Pericles is the no-nonsense quartermaster of the Aisling, a pirate vessel commandeered by Muireann O'Malley. Pericles was a former soldier for the king's army before he took leave after discovering how corrupt the military force had become in his homeland. He eventually met Muireann and agreed to travel with her as a pirate. Now he helps manage the ship and provides some sensibility to Muireann's more impulsive and occasionally reckless plans
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cassandtheass · 1 year
Excerpt from Ch. 1 :)
He stared out over the expansive palace gardens, filled with elaborate fountains, statues and carefully pruned hedges. In the distance he could see the vineyards and the olive groves of the pars rustica, where the servants lived and tended to the villas' private farms and livestock. The palace was built on the high point of the city, where the land was plentiful, and the villa’s back was to the ocean cliffs. From nearly everywhere in the city you could see it, with its gleaming white walls and rich tuscan tiles, lush gardens that overflowed from the upper level atriums- and a backdrop of the glittering sea. Pericles wanted it so bad he ached.
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raebaekaedae · 2 years
Volume One, Episode Ten: “Wyndham”
Series: SCWR Rating: PG-13 (Minor Violence?, Subtle Themes, Death Mentioned) Summary: (3,228 words) “With the gang stuck up at Beacon, tensions are running a little high. Without an outlet, Robyn’s chaotic energy has her teammates at the ends of their ropes! There’s only one solution, but with more and more things ending up broken... it’ll be a miracle if he gets there in time.”
Read on Wattpad
Being stuck up at Beacon had its toll on everyone, but Robyn the most. Somehow, she'd managed to convince Professor Cray to accompany her to Forever Fall Forest just so that she could frolic in the fresh air for an hour or two. When they got back, Mr. Cray's pink hair was adorned with a flower crown featuring all the colors of the rainbow, cluing the rest of Robyn's team into his motivations.
She'd been spending most of her days bouncing from place-to-place trying to keep herself occupied. On the days that Haddy didn't have work, she'd drag him down to the library to play board games with Monroe and Ryder or to the training room to get in a workout after class. However, only five days into their punishment, she was literally bouncing off the walls using her semblance.
With teams from the other schools due to arrive any day now, Monroe authorized Ryder to take drastic measures. Robyn had already landed on Haddy's tail during one of her jaunts, broken the ceiling light, and knocked over an entire bookcase. The trio were huddled into Hadrian's bay window bed with Ryder's mattress as a forward shield and the husky's on top.
As another loud crash echoed through the dorm and something large bounced off their makeshift shelter, Monroe had to shout to be heard, "How much longer until our back-up gets here!?"
A strong gust of wind threatened to tear the mattresses out of Ryder's grip as he frantically replied, "'E land'd 'alf an 'our ago! 'E should b' 'ere!"
"We can't hold out much longer!" she exclaimed as a sharp breeze broke through their defenses and tore off her hat.
The crazed cackling of a madwoman rang out through the howling wind as they felt several pelting thuds into their fortress, "COME OUT AND FIGHT ME, COWARDS! NO ONE CAN TAKE ME DOWN! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"I'm gonna make a break for the door!" Haddy said with feigned confidence.
Ryder grabbed his shoulder as he had started to turn, calling, "No! 'S too dang'rous!"
The husky smiled, putting his hand over Ryder's as he said, "If I make it, I'll find some way to send help. And if I don't... tell my story."
Monroe held up a salute with a tear in her eye as she replied, "Godspeed, soldier."
As his black hair was whipped around in his face, he returned the salute. Haddy scooted to the edge of the mattress and waited until the next barrage came to a halt. He ducked and rolled out of the shelter. The room was a disaster. Books were strewn around the floor. Allegheny was sticking out of Ryder's bed foundation, three broken boards shooting out of it. All of Monroe's clothes were crumpled and thrown around, some still floating in the whipping winds. Peri's corner of the room was untouched by the chaos, of course.
That was when he saw the madwoman herself. She was hovering in the air above her bed, arms laxly raised to her sides, conjuring the whirlwinds keeping her aloft. Her entire stuffed animal collection was twisting around her, giving off the illusion that they were holding her towards the sky. Her hair was even messier than normal as a wicked grin crossed her face.
"Hadrian Snow!" she cackled down at him, "You've made a fatal error by entering my domain!"
The husky stood tall, bringing a closed fist up in front of his chest stoically, "Your reign of terror is at an end, Wyndham! We've discovered your weakness!"
"Foolish mortal! I have no weakness!" she laughed maniacally, "Unlike you!"
With their witty banter at an end, Haddy took a sprinting bound towards the door as he activated his semblance. Robyn moved her arm in his direction, throwing a line of plush projectiles towards him. He nimbly dodged the moving barrage, sliding around and cartwheeling to safety. Just as his hand was about to reach the doorknob, he felt one of his legs being pulled out from under him.
Suddenly, he was dangling upside down in a tunnel of wind. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free! Robyn hovered in front of Monroe's and Ryder's makeshift shelter. With a flick of her wrist, the mattresses went flying off in a gust of wind, leaving the pair underneath grabbing onto each other as they watched on helplessly.
"Now, you'll see what happens to those who oppose me!" The redhead cackled, raising her other arm.
A large bundle of stuffed animals the size of a Boarbatusk hovered next to her in its own whirlwind. Haddy's eyes went wide as Robyn smirked and moved her arm towards him, sending the plush pile hurtling towards him!
"Nooooo!" Ryder yelled as he extended an arm towards him. Monroe held him back and a single, dramatic tear ran down her cheek.
The husky squeezed his eyes shut just before the dorm room door flew open. He looked down just in time to see a blur of crimson rush to block the attack and shield him with its body. The stuffed orb was deflected from behind the figure's back by the large face of a broadsword with a pale yellow blade and block at the tip that matched the guard. Haddy's keen nose immediately smelled cream and sugar.
Everyone stilled as the figure stood up straight, his back still towards Robyn and her captives. He was built like a solid wall and nearly as tall as Ryder. From under the crimson hood, Haddy watched as the man smirked. In one swift movement, he unlatched the cape-like cloak, letting it fall from his shoulders with a flourish. A pair of dark tan wings spread from his back as his light blue, curly hair danced in the wind with charm.
He grinned, as the team stared in awe, before he half-turned his head to look back at Robyn, saying, "Did someone call for a Huntsman?"
"FYNCH!" The redhead squealed.
The winged Huntsman smiled a toothy grin as he turned around with wide arms towards his little sister. His sword hit the ground and stood up on its block, teetering slightly before it settled. Robyn immediately released all the whirlwinds, unintentionally dropping Haddy to the floor in a crumpled mess on his head. With a happy laugh, she summoned up her biggest gust yet and flung herself at Fynch. When he caught her in his arms, he hardly even moved.
He smiled sweetly, "Hey, Chickadee."
As the pair of siblings laughed, Monroe grabbed her hat and breathed, "Thank the Brothers..."
"What are you doing here!? I thought you were only coming in for the tournament!" Robyn asked, punching his shoulder as she sat in his arms.
He chuckled and motioned back at Ryder with his head as he answered, "Ryde sent me a text saying that you were being a menace! So I had to come to the rescue!"
"Ow..." Hadrian groaned, still upside on his shoulders.
"Oh my gosh!" The redhead exclaimed, climbing down out of her brother's grasp and rushing to his aid, "I'm so sorry, Haddy!"
As she helped him into a kneeling position, he rubbed his sore neck and couldn't help but stare at the prominent wings on Fynch's back. He turned to her and whispered, "You never told me that your brother was a faunus!"
She laughed as she helped him up. Fynch followed suit with a chuckle of his own, and an explanation, "Me and Pops are the only two faunus in the Wyndham flock." The feathered faunus extended a hand down to his husky counterpart and added, "Fynch Jr. It's a pleasure."
He took his hand and shook it, introducing himself, "Oh, uh, I'm Haddy. Hadrian Snow."
Fynch smiled, "I know. Robs talks about you a lot when she writes and texts."
A light blush danced across Hadrian's cheeks as his tail started to gently wag. He really was making friends. Robyn laughed as she jumped up, wrapping an arm around his shoulders as she hung there and noogied into his hair. By this point, Ryder and Monroe had joined them. Ryde and Fynch clinked their closed fists together before the winged Huntsman wrapped Cadie in a gentle hug.
He smiled somberly as he held her at arm's length by her shoulders, "I'm sorry about everything that happened with Peri, and that I couldn't make it to his funeral. He was an exceptional young man." The trio's gaze fell back to the perfectly made bed for a moment.
However, Fynch nodded before turning back to the group and pulling them all in close, joking, "Now what's this I hear about my little sister getting into fights off campus!"
Robyn scoffed and pushed him off, grinning, "Oh c'mon, you sound just like Momma and Pops..."
Fynch bit his lip as his eyes narrowed and he cocked his head to the side apologetically. He squeezed out, "Ah, so, about that..."
Haddy watched as Robyn's face drained of its color and lost all emotion in an instant. Before he could even turn to look or ask who had called out, two more figures had entered the room and were lifting the redhead off the floor in a giant bear hug. Well, it was more accurate to say that one of the newcomers was lifting both of the others off the ground.
She was just as tall as Ryder with just as much muscle, but none of his definition. She looked to be maybe in her late forties or early fifties. Her baby blue hair matched Fynch's in color and fluff, but reached almost halfway down her back. She wore a gray-plaid bandanna over her head, pulling back her bangs, with a large pair of glasses pushed up on her nose. Her charcoal overalls were dusted with dirt and stains. Her eyes were a pale red.
The other man looked just as strong, but he was significantly more stout. His dark scarlet hair was graying and his beautiful mustache was touched with silver. The lines on his face revealed his age. He was wearing a loose-fitting, red plaid button-up with the sleeves rolled up past his burly elbows and a black shirt underneath. His dark blue jeans were also caked with debris and patched up with various types of fabric. A pair of dark wings were happily flapping from his back as he hugged onto Robyn.
Monroe and Ryder exchanged a look before the redhead managed to squeeze one arm out of the hug and start to pat around for release as she said, "Momma! Please! You're gonna strangle me!"
Hesitantly, the older woman let go, allowing Robyn to jump down and take a deep breath. She looked at the pair as she took a half step back and said, "Wh-What are you guys doing here?"
"Oh!" the woman replied with a chirp as she took a few steps forward, placing her hands on Robyn's cheeks and squeezing, "When we heard that Junior was coming to see you, we just had to come along as well!"
The messy-haired girl pushed her mother off as she shot a dirty look back at her brother. Fynch rubbed the back of his neck as he stated, "I didn't know that they'd snuck into the truck until I was already in Vale..."
Before she could object, Robyn's father was already up at her side, smoothing out her dress as he said, "Robyn, dear, what happened to your skirt? And your room?"
As she was pulling back from her dad's caring hands, her mother was taking a look around. Appalled, she added, "I can't believe that you can live in a room like this!"
Robyn sighed, rubbing her forehead before replying, "Mom, please. We were just playing a game and it got a little out of hand."
"Babybird, you're twenty years old," her father stated, putting his hands on his hips as his feathers ruffled, "don't you think you're a little old to be playing games. You're supposed to be studying here."
"Not old enough to get away from 'Babybird' apparently..." she muttered under her breath.
While this was all going on, Fynch had moved in front of the rest of SCWR and was trying to shield them from view with his wings gently outstretched. However, that didn't stop his mother, who was practically beaming when her eyes ran across Monroe and Ryder. She pushed through her son's feeble, and unnoticed, attempts to spare the pair.
"Cascade! Ryder! How have you two been?" she asked, pulling them in for a hug.
The armadillo let out a grunt of recognition as the pirate sputtered, "Hello, Mrs. Wyndham, it's good to see you again."
She dropped the pair as she examined them. Monroe barely had any time to catch her breath before she was being assaulted, "Cadie, dear, have you been getting enough rest, you look absolutely haggard..."
Poor Ryder was next as she pinched his cheek and sweetly added, "You're looking as handsome as ever, honey. How are you and our little Babybird getting along?"
With the implication behind the statement burning in the air, Ryder's face exploded with blush as he opened his mouth to respond. However, Robyn shouted from over her father's fretting, "Mom! I've told you ten thousand times! He's just a friend! Leave the poor guy alone!"
"Of course, dear," Mrs. Wyndham smiled.
The redhead grumbled as her parents started to settle down. It didn't last as long as she would have liked, because her father's keen eye was drawn away from her friends and back to his son... whom Haddy was still somewhat hiding behind. The older bird smiled widely as he moved past Fynch and looked the husky up and down.
"And who might you be, son?" Mr. Wyndham asked.
Hadrian looked to Robyn, who just sighed deeply. He swallowed hard before answering, "I'm, um, Hadrian Snow, sir. Robyn's new teammate. From Solitas. Sir."
There was a long, tense silence as Mr. Wyndham's chipper smile disappeared and he started to glare Haddy down. He had extended his hand for the older faunus to shake, but was left with nothing. He felt as if he was being interviewed for his placement at Atlas Academy all over again.
"Who wants to eat?" Robyn exclaimed suddenly, clapping her hands together with a forced smile.
Her mother squealed, "Oh, that's a wonderful idea, sweetie! Our treat. We can go down to Vale and--"
Monroe started to correct her, "-- Actually ma'am, we're not allowed to--"
"--go down to Vale right now," Robyn cut in, slapping a hand over the blonde's mouth to stop her from talking, "Y'know, because of the festival. We're supposed to stay up here and greet the teams that are arriving!"
Her parents exchanged a glance as a single bead of sweat rolled down the messy-haired girl's face. Eventually, her mother smiled, "That makes sense! We'll go down and pick up some food and bring it back here for you."
With that, Rob grabbed her parents and started pushing them towards the door, explaining, "Okay, you go do that. We're gonna clean up this mess before you get back so we can eat in here. 'Kay? Love you, bye!"
She slammed the door shut just as the pair made it through the entrance. Robyn grabbed the sides of her face as she fell onto her butt and let out a long, loud groan. Haddy didn't move as he looked over to Monroe and Ryder. The blonde was shaking her head while the scaled faunus rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
After a moment, Fynch sighed and stepped forward, "Y'know, Chickadee, if you keep lying to them, the hurt is gonna be a whole lot worse when they finally find out..."
Robyn scoffed as she crossed her own arms and pouted, "If I wanted a lecture, I woulda just gone with them."
As the winged Huntsman kneeled down in front of his sister, Haddy leaned over and whispered to Monroe, "So... what's up with Rob and her parents?"
She pinched the bridge of her nose as the siblings half-argued in the background. She explained, "Robyn wasn't raised like the rest of us. She has a big family with a happy set of married parents and a relatively uneventful childhood. By all rights, she wasn't supposed to be a Huntress. She was supposed to be a humble farmer out in the middle of nowhere..."
"When Fynch decid'd ta become a Huntsm'n," Ryder continued, leaning against the foot of his bed, "She want'd ta follow 'n 'is footsteps."
"Her parents had other ideas though..." the blonde added, "They didn't want their 'dainty little girl' to get hurt doing the job. Since she's enrolled, they've come up here to try to talk her out of attending more times than I can count. We almost lost her when we lost... They've always been very..."
"Overbearing," Robyn chipped in from the door.
She sighed, pulling herself up as she dusted her skirt off. With a deep breath, the redhead told her story, "We grew up on a little homestead a few hours outside of Vale. All of us had chores from the day we could walk, but with nowhere to go other than the farm... we didn't mind. We have this old, abandoned windmill just inside our property line...
"One day when we were really young, me and my younger brothers-- Osprey and Heryn-- were messing around inside when a storm came in. It was terrifying. When it was fully overhead, lightning struck the mill and collapsed the roof in on us. We weren't seriously hurt, but ever since then... Momma and Pops have been severely over-protective."
Fynch put a hand on her shoulder as she finished. She looked... sad. An emotion that Haddy had never seen on her before. It was clear that Robyn thought very highly of what her parents thought of her, and that it was weighing on her that they didn't support her entirely. He felt for her... more than he ever had before. He knew the pain all too well.
His mom didn't want him to attend Beacon Academy, but for an entirely different reason. She had never supported him becoming a Huntsman, mostly because his dad had run off on the job when he and Leo were babies. That clearly wasn't the case with the Wyndhams given Fynch's status within the monster hunting world. She must feel horrible; always hiding behind a cheerful smile and perky attitude... even if she felt like she didn't belong.
The husky took a couple small steps forward before he sincerely said, "Hey, Rob? You know that you're one of the best Huntresses I've ever met, right?"
She was quiet for a minute before she smiled, "Thanks, Haddy. I'm not worried about them forcing me to leave or disowning me or anything like that... but it's still nice to hear."
Before Hadrian could do anything more than return her smile with one of his own, Fynch had already scooped him up in a large hug. Monroe, Ryder, and Robyn all laughed as the husky scrambled around for some semblance of control and Fynch buried his fist into Haddy's hair.
"I knew I liked you, Snowball!" The finch faunus cackled as Hadrian fought for control.
After a few moments, Fynch released him and his messy hair. His headband was resting over his blinded eye as his black locks went in every which way. His hair looked like Robyn's. The laughing, chuckling, and giggling faded out as Ryder walked over and pulled his hammer from his broken bed boards.
While Haddy smoothed out his hair, the scaled faunus smirked, "We ought'a clean th's up 'fore they get back, 'r we'll n'v'r 'ear tha end'a 't from Momma Wyndham."
There was a collective groan from everyone, but all together they worked to straighten up the dorm.
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zipora666 · 10 months
The Missing Character (Welcome home oc)
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Name: Reid
Age: late 50s
Gender: Male
Voice claim: professor pericles
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about reid: Reid was a deleted character from the welcome home. It's unknown reason on why though. There was a episode that deleted called 'Dr Frank and Mr hyde' where reid use a potion and turn frank into Edward hyde but was removed and so does reid.
What happened to reid?
WOW so cool very unique and amazing idea design here have some doodle I made
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I love this little dude look like going to lose it haha-
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quixotickeeper · 10 months
The Progeny of the House of Mischief (ocs, picrew).
Picrews used: pepperjackets: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1322863 chicken.nuggts: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1427462 hunbloom: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/626197
Going forward, the first and middle names, as well as the ordinal numerals, of the characters will be listed. Their shared surname is 'Mischief'.
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KILGORE FITZGERALD II [he/him] "His House in Ruination" / "The Laurel Wreath" The eldest sibling of his generation, as well as the oldest brother. Of respectable military standing, even if granted due to his family's status. Is probably a nice guy under the mask. Probably in his 40s, for what that's worth. Prickish. Not much is known of his personal life or inner machinations.
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"His Mind Transcends Us" / "The Left Hand" Probably the finest mind the Family has produced. Lord knows he hides it well. Of a hedonistic and flighty disposition. A most reliable fellow in times of crisis. Known for his dalliance with his fellows among noble poets. In his late 30s, most likely. A 31th century rake.
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"His Strength Rivalled by Nature" / "The Inexorable Man" A kind-hearted fellow of prodigious strength and cosmic determination. Quiet and withdrawn, yet charitable. Product of curious experimentation during pregnancy. Around the same age as Aurelius, but a bit younger. Could carry the weight of the world, if sufficiently motivated. Considers himself a cinephile.
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"Her Estate Tainted and Unearned" / "The Heiress of Mischief" The oldest daughter and the heiress apparent of the Family. Often away in distant continents¹ attending to personal business, as it is called. Socially maladjusted, though good at acting like she isn't. Coddled beyond belief for her value to the bloodline. Doesn't have an opinion on much of anything. Likes her siblings well enough, especially her younger ones. Mid 30s, most likely. Prefers to be left alone.
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"His Knowledge Transient and Absurd" / "The Scholar" Twisted by his pursuit of knowledge that is not desirable to be known. Discovered the answer of the so-called 'MCV² spiral question', a metaphysical anomaly studied for centuries by modern academia. No one would understand if he ever thought to publish his findings. Prone to lapses into lucidity, in which he will be polite if a bit absent-minded. Has a love for ufology and conspiracies. Early 30s.
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"His Heart Rejects Us" / "The Brother-Keeper" The goodest of good fellows. Not terribly smart. Partial to Old-World³ mysticism. Forsook the Family for his brother's sake, and he didn't even need to be asked. Unintentionally funny. Has a brain-to-brain connection with Andronicus, though this manifests in sapping away Andronicus' IQ to temporarily add to his own. Unwaveringly optimistic. Probably late 20s to early 30s, though not as 30ish as Felix. Brief stint as a lawyer. Professional mobster impersonator.
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ADDYSON ISADORA III [any, but prefers she/her or they/them]
"Their Mind Fractal Yet Unified" / "The Mind of Madness" The heiress presumptive of the Family, though this will never amount to anything. The kindest one of all, even if it manifests in odd puppet-based ways. Loves good fashion and magic tricks. Styles herself as a magician supreme. Has produced a series of puppets based upon her family members. Is not respected by the older members of her family, though looked on as a source of entertainment by her juniors. Late 20s.
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"His Brother's Keeper" / "The Heir of the World" A gentleman of supreme anxiety and intellect. A quiet and unnoticed scion, even at his birth. Fled into exile with Titus not long ago. Supported by his siblings in his gestalt of identity. Touched by cosmic chance. Professional lawyer impersonator. Brief stint as a mobster. Tries to help as much as he can, regardless of circumstance. Has plans of godhood. Mid 20s but feels much older. The youngest brother of the Family.
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"Her Creed Dappled with Sorrow" / "The Prime Philosophist" The Family's resident philosopher, even if she isn't very good at coming up with her own ideas. Or having an actually coherent philosophy at all. A source of vexation to the members of her Family who remember she exists. Bought one of those scam degrees online and thinks it makes her a true 'philosophist'. The only sister born out of the Iridescence⁴. Dalliances with local non-nobles are overlooked due to her insignificance to the Family's grand enmachinations. Probably had the best relationship with Andronicus not counting Titus. I'd say about early 20s, maybe very late teens.
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"His Pride Laid to Waste" / "The Speaker to Crocodiles" A mild-mannered and fun-loving child. Considers the conservation of 'special' animals to be of the utmost importance. Volunteer of the month 16 months running at the local animal sanctuary in Zürich. To be quiet honest, barely anyone in the Family remembers she even exists. Sometimes mistaken for a burgularish urchin when returning home. I'd say mid teens — 15, say.
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"Their Goal Obfuscated by Spite" / "The Young Doctor" A young academic type. Lives in the lower levels of the House, close to the foundations. Lives where many haven't walked in years. Dreams of achieving the perfect biological gestalt being. I'd say early to mid teens.
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"Her Defiance Enrages Us" / "The Witch" The youngest child of the Family. Touched by something sinister, buried deep in the ruins of the Old-World. A complete unknown to the Family. Still has regular appointments with the house doctor. 13 years old.
¹Mainly in Asia, but occasionally in the Americas ²A reference to The Library of Babel by Borges, page 2 I believe ³Anything predating the year 2401 AD ⁴Referring to the hair colour represented here as blue, denoting afab children as possible heiresses
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
Heyyy! Just to let you know ive been rlly invested in your ikesen series with your ocs. Just havent rlly finished any of them and ive quite stop reading at some point, since most of them weren't my favourite suitors.
But id love to hear more if you have any ideas or planning on writing more ikesen series like that but with other suitors? And can share about how you get inspiration about your storyline and your oc katsuko?
Thank you and keep it up!
Hi Anon!
Thank you for the love and for liking Katsuko (I'm a little sad for Shingen and Mitsunari... but Cybird has been rather light on giving us new content for them that will help us fall in love with them).
Ok... for your questions (later... oh boy, this got really long... sorry).
I am absolutely writing more in the series - it can take me a year to write each longfic. My goal was mid-late March for the next story, but ... I'm about 70% done with the first draft, so we'll see if I can manage that.
Before there was a series, it was just me playing the game, and suddenly realizing that I was thinking about it when I wasn't playing it, and the things that I was thinking about (daydreaming actually) were scenes that were not in the game, and not with MC. The people I was imagining in the scenes eventually became Katsuko (although she didn't have a name at that time) and Akihira. Eventually though, I felt like I needed to write them down, at which point I started thinking more in terms of "what is this, exactly?" And I wanted to write Katsuko with more than one character, and then I wondered if I could create an OC who, like the game MC, would fit as a love interest with every game character (spoiler alert - I #failed at that one), and also figure out a way that multiple versions of Katsuko could exist (which is how the multiverse part of it started).
At that point, there were ten routes already released in the game. The idea is that the final longfic in the series will be Sasuke & Katsuko traveling through all the existing timelines, trying to make ensure that they didn't collapse on each other. It's somewhat like the concept of Loki - that some timelines will start interfering with others. There was supposed to be a longfic with every available (at that time) suitor, plus I set it up to potentially also include Yoshimoto (if his route story made sense with the multiverse). The Shakespeare angle came up because it occurred to me that if Katsuko and Toshie were both isekai'd into Sengoku, and then separated, then it was sort of like the plot of "Twelfth Night." And then I decided to make things difficult on myself by having the individual longfics each be inspired by one of Shakespeare's plays.
This is what I originally thought I was going to write (in some order...):
Shingen, a route inspired by Twelfth Night. Shingen needed to go first because his canon issue allowed me to do a lot of world building and setting up rules for the multiverse.
Mitsunari, inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Hideyoshi, inspired by Julius Caeser.
Ieyasu, inspired by Much Ado About Nothing
Nobunaga, inspired by Hamlet.
Masamune, inspired by... [kind of drew a blank on this one, but I was considering Pericles]
Mitsuhide, inspired by The Taming of the Shrew
Yukimura, inspired by As You Like it
Kenshin, inspired by The Winter's Tale
Sasuke, inspired by The Tempest. He needs to be last to tie up the multiverse.
But what I thought I was going to write, intellectually, ran up against the wall of creativity (meaning, ok, I sort of had an idea, but those ideas didn't always work out for various reasons).
So this is what actually happened - plans? Ha! What plans?
Shingen - done
Mitsunari - done
Hideyoshi - as I started to envision it, I realized that some of the plot was repeating things that happened in Shingen's route, so I put that idea on the back burner until I can better figure out what will happen here.
Ieyasu - Actually had a couple of scenes in mind, and once I put Hideyoshi aside, I thought I would write him next, but I couldn't figure out an overall storyline, so I've temporarily skipped him.
Nobunaga - every time I start trying to envision it, I run into a wall of angst and tragic ending (he kills her ... because she's there to assassinate him). Temporarily skipped until I can figure out another approach that doesn't end in MCD.
Masamune - So... I basically have "screen tested" Masamune with Katsuko, and ... they have no chemistry. Total 'good friends' vibes, no conflict. I tried to work around that with a high conflict plot... but then...
Mitsuhide - Was supposed to be later, because I wanted to focus on some of the more neglected characters. He jumped in and demanded that I write his story. Enemies to lovers - in the previously written fics Katsuko and Mitsuhide have said that if they had to work closely with each other, they would be tempted to murder the other... so... let's see if that happens. Fic in process, hopefully out in Spring 2023.
Yukimura - I think this one may be after Mitsuhide. Probably. It's the one I can see the clearest in my head. Likely to be a buddy comedy with lots of adventure, if it develops the way it's started.
Kenshin - I have a solid idea for this one, but it's tangled up with what I had in mind for Sasuke's as well, almost to the point where I think I have to write it in two parts, with part 1 coming first, then ending on a cliffhanger, picking up in Sasuke's story ... or something.... this is one where the problem is less his story, and more how do I solve a plot twist where another multiverse Sasuke & Katsuko are needed to step in and help.
Sasuke - see above, but it's supposed to be the final story.
Other warlords: If a storyline occurs to me for them, I may add them. Some of them may actually fit better with a different OC, e.g., the character of Shohime/Sho may work better with some of them (Keiji, Masamune, Motonari - or even Hideyoshi), so there may be some spin-off short stories or novellas going that way instead of full fics with Katsuko.
All of that means that there will be more stories, but not the ten total as I originally wanted.
Ok... so for your question about character inspiration. Going all the way back to when I had the idea for the Tempest stories - there were things about Katsuko that I mostly knew - that she would have a self-deprecating inner dialogue, and that she would be more athletic and have had less of a stable upbringing than Mai, and, having been in the Sengoku longer (7 years), she would be less peace-loving, and more used to the war and death of the era.
Some of that was due to things I already wondered about Mai... how could Mai disappear into another era without her ending up as a "missing persons" cold case... we never see her go back to her family/friends and explain what happened. So to make that an easier issue with Katsuko, I decided that she would be kind of a loner, and that her only family is her brother (and he gets yanked into Sengoku era Japan with her).
When I started to write the prologue, she was actually really different. Instead of a rebellious athlete type, she was actually a party-girl/failed gymnast. I got about 5000 or so words into that version, and realized I didn't like her, she was too whiney, and I didn't want to spend a bunch of longfic writing about her. I trashed everything I had written, and started over.
Mostly, I knew what I wanted her to be able to do... and then worked backwards to figure out what basic skills she would have (athleticism, adventurousness) that would provide canvas for Aki to train her in the skills she would need to survive and thrive. I sent her back 7 years prior to the arrival of Mai/Honno-ji, in order to give her time to adjust, to pick up the skills she could use in the longfics. And then in the prologue, I put her through a near death experience, which left her with a bit more ruthlessness than before, and the claustrophobia.
But for some of the other aspects of her personal history, most of those I discovered when I was writing the first draft of "Twelve Lies..." The fact that she was a vegetarian (as much as possible), her mother's story, the flashbacks to her life in modern Japan, the fact that she once had a cat (named Tony Stark)... those organically appeared in that story - at which point, I went back to the prologue and made some edits, since I had a clearer vision of her.
The discoveries about Akihira didn't come to me until I was partway through the second draft of that story (which again... necessitated more rewrites - originally Aki was supposed to be native to Sengoku Japan... I didn't figure out that he was also a time traveler until later). So basically it took me two drafts to learn that the central relationship, the one that goes through all the fics, is the relationship of Katsuko and Aki, and that the overall theme of the all of the fics together is a father/daughter story.
So sometimes, when I discover something like that, it's an "oh of course, that's how it needs to be." And sometimes, like with Aki, it was an "of course, he has to be this," followed by my brain going, "ok, but how the hell are you going to make that work." I'm still trying to figure out some of the multiverse rules with Aki.
Inspiration is a combination of necessity, and discovery. My brain knew that in order for Katsuko to be good at what she does, she needed to have certain skills or be put into a position to learn them (hence the long prologue that covered 7 years). That was necessity. But other things I could only discover by just sitting down and writing and seeing what came out. I have to turn off my brain, and stop editing in that first draft.
There are quite a few times when I'll write a scene and about halfway through hit a dead end. I just circle that section (oh, I hand write my first draft, btw, as it makes it easier to allow play time and stop editing... I KNOW I'm going to fix it later, because it's going to have to get typed up) and write "cut??" and start again at the spot where it originally turned down a blind alley. This happened a lot more in Mitsunari's story than it did in Shingen's -- I probably have about 10,000 words of material that existed in the first draft that lead toward blind alleys, and scenes that went nowhere, that I had to back out of (a couple of them were perfectly good scenes by themselves... but they didn't work in the context of the story).
Sometimes if I get really stuck at where I am, I'll put it away for the night, and suddenly when I'm doing something else, I'll realize what needs to happen next. Sometimes it won't be until a later draft that I realize something is missing or necessary. There's a chapter in "Twelve Lies" that wasn't even in my third draft (Chapter 32, though I expect you might not have read that far). But as when I got to around Chapter 28 in the posting, it occurred to me that things that were to happen in Chapter 36 didn't feel as motivated as they could or should have... so I wrote an extra chapter (which in turn, made it necessary to rewrite parts of chapters 33-35).
And sometimes, it's the nature of episodic posting that gives me ideas... I had a couple of lovely, very active and responsive readers on Ao3 who were commenting and reacting to every chapter. Occasionally things they said gave ideas to edit and tweak chapters that were written but not yet uploaded. For example, in the first draft Yoshimoto didn't have nearly the amount of 'screen time' that he did in the final posted chapters. But every time in the early chapters that he appeared, the readers responded very positively to him... so I added him in a few scenes where it made sense that he would be around. He was kind like "The Fonz" ... a supporting character who became a featured character because of audience popularity.
As for the other OCs... I started with knowing I'd need Aki and Toshie... and then very early on, I added Iekane as the main villain. Cybird has the habit of redeeming their villains, and I didn't want to write the series thinking all along that someone like Motonari was the big bad, only to have Cybird "Joss" me. (That said, Motonari is one of the main antagonists of Mitsuhide's longfic... but I've been careful to make clear that he's redeemable).
Other OCs appeared as minor characters whenever I needed them... Susumu (who is a restaurant owner in one longfic, and a vassal in the other, for example), Hiko, Shohime, and Sute - most of them were supposed to only be in one scene, but they all stuck around. Shohime and Sute might get their own stories at some point (in fact I have a one-shot with Sute that is about 2/3rds done and I could see Shohime in a novella inspired by Jane Austen's "Emma"). And of course, the various versions of Hiko in each longfic play into the overall series mystery that all the Katsukos are working together to solve.
In terms of storyline inspiration... some of that is trying to figure out what parallels to whichever Shakespeare play I can then use to help organize the plot. The rest is picturing Katsuko and whichever LI is in the route and trying to imagine various scenes that happen in the story. It's in a sense sort of like looking up at the sky and trying to trace the path of a constellation... they start out as a cluster of stars, random, varied... but then if you imagine the lines from star to star, the constellation emerges. When in my head, I can see the map of that longfic... maybe not every point from the beginning to the end, but enough of them, then I know I can start writing the fic. After that, it's just figuring out how to get from the point I'm at to the next big point... and as I write, discovering what comes directly next. Eventually, all those "this comes next" scenes get me to one of these bigger scenes.
I don't know... this clearly turned into a much longer essay that I imagine you expect. But I hope somewhere in here I've managed to coherently answer your questions.
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antares-dupont · 1 year
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i love drawing pericles hes just a silly goofy littlle guy who just happens to be intermittently posessed by a demon ^^
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oc-mother · 2 years
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Part two of Page 2 of All of my OCs
From left to Right, again
Lord Forbidden 
Salvatore - I am planning to redo him soon, but this is the best i could find/do at the time
Scarefarmer’s brother - He does not have a name as of now
Scarefarmer - is uncolored due to some issues. His real name is Emmet. 
Lil Mistress - Scarefarmer’s niece, and his brother’s daughter. Is 9 years old, but will kill someone for their money... has done so many times. 
Fritz Gabriel
Human Spectrier
Jack LNU - LNU stands for Last Name Unknown, not his actual real name. He is a drunkard. 
Funtime Purple Guy - i made him a very long time ago. Back when Sister Location was the newest game. 
“TV William’s Brother” - not actually TV William’s brother. Originally, TV William was when i tried to do a Steampunk FNAF AU, but the more i worked the kinks out of TV Will’s origin, the less he fit into a Steampunk world, and more into the normal FNAF timeline. He originally did have a brother, this guy, who was, and still as of now is, vampiric. He is burnt on half of his face. Again, he is not related to TV Will anymore, he just doesn’t have a name/title except for TV William’s Brother. 
Giovanni Lysistraad form 1 - My vampire OC! Or well, descendent OF vampires. 
Giovanni Lysistraad form 2 - Vampire form Lysistraad. The reason they aren’t colored is because they never have ever been colored yet. Not because i was lazy. 
Human Pericles
Jekyll from a story i am working on
Hyde from a story i am working on
Human Professor Marmalade from The Bad Guys
Acid Rising
Jax - Blood warning for him... and yes, that is a pig’s nose he is using as a mask. Jax is a cop gone bad, well, he wasnt always bad, (though was slightly crazy), he was just driven insane after... somethings happened with a certain Hog criminal, and now he is a criminal himself who decided to keep the cop outfit. - (Jax was a character i made from a fusion generator, which gave me Judy Hopps from Zootopia and The Joker from Batman)
Kriggs - my SugarGlider counterpart to Clayface! He does have pupils, they are just small and he is excited... :D Very VERY proud of this one. 
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dapper-nahrwhale · 4 years
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My fantasy high oc, punk goth halfling rogue, Portia Pumpernickle Pericles! They have been kicked out of every single club at Augefort, then the student council banned them from activities, they will get their revenge. They enjoy causing problems on Purpose, being Petty, and their enormous 2ft tall platforms that give them a negative on dex and stealth and everything.
(Theres a few different designs because I simply cannot decide on one. And halflings deserve to be a littol creatureish as a treat)
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secret-ssociety · 3 years
Pairing(s): Camilo Madrigal x oc (romantically), Mirabel Madrigal x oc (platonically)
Warnings: mentions of violence, forced displacement, sickness and conflict
Summary: Antonia García has grown up her entire life hearing tales about the miracle town hidden in the mountains that's guarded by a family with a magical blessing. When she's forced to leave her home in the middle of the night, chasing what might be just a fantasy, but finding herself with a sick family and no place to go, she doesn't care for supernatural beings and magical powers: all she needs is somewhere safe.
A/N: Antonia, Camilo and Mirabel are all fifteen here, but this is two years before the movie's storyline.
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[ 2 ]
The Sun was starting to set down and the thought of the night falling again almost brought her to tears. The amount of time they had been walking with their clothes on their back and wearing the only shoes they had was unknown to Antonia, she had lost track of the passing days since her parents laid still on a wooden cart, carried by a donkey who was almost as sick as them.
Her arms were wrapped around her baby brother so tightly she thought maybe they were frozen in place and her feet had barely enough strength to lift off the ground, but somehow she kept walking.
It wasn't that she was scared of the dark, the last nights she had started seeing fireflies as she crossed the mountains and they were good company, but the men that had come to take their home had done it in the middle of the night and she couldn't help but feel vulnerable.
Their riffles had ripped through the silence with the sharpness of thunder, voices as destructive as earthquakes yelling orders in a violence that was foreign to her home and among the screaming and the crying, the firelight made the splatter of blood in front of the church seem scarier.
Antonia saw through the fogginess in her eyes the lights of the town and she prayed dearly not to be imagining it. Voices approached them and they scared her at first, but these were not like the men with the riffles, they were soft and welcoming.
Having called it a day, the Madrigals were preparing for dinner. Julieta and Pepa worked in front of the stove calmly with their husbands, while Mirabel and Camilo chased after the soft steps of baby Antonio, Luisa lifted wherever chair, table or even closet the toddler happened to stand on, prompting his laughter and Isabela gave him a flower every time he ran near her. Alma, the matriarch of the family, watched all the mayhem with a smile from her seat, so absorbed in it she missed the first knocks on the door, but the second time they came around, they were more urgent and impossible to ignore.
With a confused frown she walked up to the door, followed by her family, and felt how her heart dropped to her feet as soon as she opened it. In front of them, a girl trembled with a little boy clenched to her chest and behind her, a cart with who they assumed were her very sick parents and some nearly empty bags.
Alma's soul shivered at the sight of the growing tears in the girl's eyes, the image was all too familiar to her and she knew what had happened even before the priest started explaining. "What's your name?" She asked softly.
The girl had to swallow, rather difficultly, several times before answering with a fine thread for a voice, "I'm Antonia, this is my brother Mateo, and my parents, Carlos and Anastasia," she said, "and Pericles," she motioned to the donkey.
It only took one nod from Alma for the whole family to go into action: Luisa softly took both adults in her arms and carried them inside the house, Agustin and Felix took both the cart and the donkey to the stables, and Antonia was gently lead inside the house as well.
Julieta felt the need to cry and Pepa tried hardly to control her clouds, but seeing her made them want to break down, because beneath all the dirt, the cold, the tiredness and very obvious sickness, there was a girl who was about the same age as Camilo and Mirabel.
Pepa extended her arms to the child on Antonia's and at first she looked at her clueless, and then she squeezed him somehow harder, prompting a cough on him, "it's okay," the woman said with her musical voice, "you're safe now."
Haltingly, she let go of Mateo for Pepa to grab. He was devastatingly sick and apparently also the same age as her youngest, Antonio, her heart clenched and she had to use all her strength of will not to rain on him.
As if all of her strength was being poured into carrying her brother, Antonia's body failed on her and it was Camilo that caught her before she fell on the floor nearly fainted.
His heart was beating fast. Of course, he had heard the story of his grandmother a thousand times, but he had never been so close to someone who had been through the same as her. The subtle realization that his abuela's displacement was more than a story made him tremble.
"The food will be ready soon. Mirabel," Julieta announced in an unusual severity, making her daughter rush to the front, "mija, help Antonia take a bath and lend her some clothes."
Mirabel nodded and, with the help of her cousin, they led the girl upstairs to her room. Antonia was so weak, they were practically carrying her weight, which in all honesty wasn't much. "I'll be right here if you need anything," Camilo told Mirabel when they got to the door of her room, receiving a nod in response.
Swiftly, Mirabel ran her a bath and helped her get in it. Antonia shivered when she found herself submerged in the fresh water, but still sighed with relief as the dirt fell from her skin. The Madrigal girl grabbed a plate and started pouring water in the head of her companion to help her wash her hair.
It was silent, Antonia swallowed so often and with such difficultly, Mirabel preferred not to try to have a conversation with her, she imagined talking strained her far too much, but there were so many questions going through her head. She wanted to ask where they came from, when had they fell sick, why was she bruised all over and had her knees scrapped.
She wondered if that's how her abuela looked like when the blessing found her.
"My family," Antonia's voice took her by surprise. She was rubbing her eyes once again and shivering a little, so Mirabel helped her on her feet and covered her with a towel.
"My ma Julieta will heal them and you, you will all be okay." Mirabel assured, looking for some clothes that would fit her. "Do you... know where you are? Who we are?"
"I hope I'm in the village of Encanto, with the family that was blessed with magical gifts, the Madrigals... are you them? Are the stories true?" Antonia asked cautiously.
"Yes, to all of the above," she answered with a small laugh helping her fit the skirt around her skinny waist. Mirabel didn't want to ask how long had she been holding the hunger, "that's actually by mother's gift: her food heals people."
"And it can heal anything? Because my parents and Mateo are very ill."
"She can heal anything. When you're better, I will show the other's gifts." Antonia nodded.
Mirabel opened the door of her room and, just like promised, Camilo was right there waiting. He rushed to grab Antonia's arm and put it over his shoulders, she was still far too weak to even stand on her own. Now that she was bathed and had clean clothes, she looked even more sick, her skin was pale, her lips were chapped, she had some very dark circles below her eyes, those that looked in only one direction, like blind people do.
"Is there something wrong with your eyes?" Camilo asked, earning a frown from his cousin, that had been abstaining of asking the same thing to not be imprudent.
"I-I don't know," Antonia admitted quivering, "there's something covering them, like some sort of fog."
When they got to the end of the stairs, Camilo softly grabbed her face to look into her eyes. She was so cold, the contrast with his warm fingers brought a blush up to her cheeks, making the boy smirk lightly. "Well, I don't see anything over them, but tía Julieta may be a better judge of that."
Carefully, they sat her down in Camilo's usual seat while Julieta poured some sancocho in a bowl and heard her youngest tell her about Antonia's eyes. She softly grabbed the girl's face right after she set down the bowl in front of her, "maybe she needs glasses like me?"
"No," her mother sighed, "it's a humidity thing, probably catched an infection out there. Get me my medicines, will you, mija?" Mirabel ran upstairs with the help of casita, almost colliding with Alma in the stairs, while Julieta kept inspecting Antonia's eyes with a frown. "How much can you see?"
"Enough sounds accurate," said Alma making her way up to her seat at the head of the table, "were you looking for Encanto, Antonia?"
"Yes." Antonia felt like she needed to add something, but they already knew that they had lost their home and walked a great distance from there. There wasn't much to add.
"Well, if you're going to stay, you will need a house," Camilo's shoulders perked up at his abuela's cheerful tone, "we can start tomorrow morning and you can stay her at casita in the meantime, while you all get better."
"Oh, no, no, no," she quickly moved her head in what she assumed was the matriarch's general direction, "we don't want to cause any trouble, all we needed was to get somewhere safe and now we're here... you don't need to build us a house, we—"
"Antonia," Alma interrupted grabbing her hand, "you delivered your family and yourself here, to us, sick and half blind, you don't need to do more. Let us take over."
She heard Mirabel arrive with a box full of bottles made of glass, the smell of the soup took over her nostrils and she felt such warm radiate from the grandmother's hands, she found herself nodding.
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tacdlunaria91 · 2 years
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Thanks to the amazing @velinxi, I ended up coming up with a whole new story idea where I reimagined the big 3's boys from the Percy Jackson series in an Ancient Greece like fantasy settings. Because that's what I need, A WHOLE NEW STORY IDEA THAT WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! Thankfully my head actually quieted down after drawing this concept of them and I really liked how they came out. I definitely wanted to go with recognizable, but different. Iason is a former prince on the run after his half brothers accused him of murdering their father for the throne. Pericles is a fisherman who lives happily with his mother and father, until his father's ship was sunk in a storm, now forced to find a new means to keep his small family afloat. Nicolaus was orphaned for a year after his mother died of a plague illness. Surviving and struggling to get by on his own, until his older sister shows up with her Huntresses of Artemis. All 3 are met by their god fathers, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, telling them that it was time to move on to a place meant as a safe haven for demigods, but also a means to train them for greatness. They must find their way there on their own, and they must leave everything they knew behind. However the Sisters of Fate have predicted their meetings, their friendships, but also their struggles, and hardships. What are they supposed to do? It's not like they can refuse gods, especially ones as dangerous as the Kings of Gods. Sooooo yeah, that's what I pretty much have so far. Crazy right haha! Anyway, I hope you like my fantasy take on these characters. Maybe one day I might have time to write their trilogy. #AmDrawing #ConceptArt #CharacterConcept #Procreate #AnimeArt #AnimeStyleArtist #OC #OriginalCharacters #PJO #ProjectGodling #AnimeArtist #ArtistOfInstagram #ArtistOfIg #Artgram #ProcreateArt #ProcreateArtist #WIP #Doodles #Sketch #Godling #Demigods #GreekMythology #MyArt #YAFantasy #DigitalArt #DigitalArtist #DigitalDrawing https://www.instagram.com/p/ChuksuKLivt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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