#oddworld fanfic
edgar-percival · 11 months
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I do hope you learned your lesson, Mr. Percival.
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wiredalienvampire · 4 months
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Behold! My silly ow ocs!
Prepare your asses everypony, I'm gonna info dump some information about them !!
Height: he's a short son of a bitch by mud standards he's like 4'5
age: 23 in human years
species: mudokon
occupation: formerly he worked as a ordinary slave, usually packing the pastry products into their packaging when he was young, one day however he was promoted by the heads of cartel confectionery to become the spokesperson/ mascot *cough* corporate shill to make the company look good in the eyes of the public in an attempt to overshadow their exploitation of their workers, exploiting his unfortunate ass in the process
stuff about his character:
Dollop is childish, very immature, a bit selfish and kind of an ass at certain points, he's enthusiastic and determined, aswell as very naive and loud. When he was small and young, he was very innocent and had a sense of child like optimism, he was a firm believer in working hard to achieve a better future for him and the many mudokons that worked at the factory, completely unaware of the fact that he is the whipping boy to the capitalist bastards that benefited from the suffering of him and his people, this mindset and his devoted nature to working,helping in making the glukkons a lot of money in the process as a result, and combined with there being rumors and criticism from the khanzumer parts of oddworld regarding the quality control of their pastries, including allegations regarding their treatment of the people that worked in their factories, they figured that dollop was the perfect one to be the puppet of cartel confectionery. Unaware of the scummy reason the glukkons "promoted" him, he saw this as a major achievement for himself, and as time went by they turned that naive innocence to pure blind ignorance, it warped him into thinking that he was doing something good, and that he was doing something good for himself and the mudokons at the factories, not realizing the situation he is truly in, and even when he was promoted to a higher role he wasn't treated any better than the workers who slaved away at their jobs. It became a major part of his identity, and on one day when he found out what the glukkons were doing and realized he was no longer safe after an incident with them, he only had licorice when he helped him escape. And after that he would go on a journey with him of self discovery, and finding out where he belongs outside the gross and grimy factory.
Height: 4'3
Age: 20 in human years
Species: slig
Occupation: a security officer at the factory, but definitely one of the lower ranking ones among other sligs
Stuff about his character:
Licorice is very stand offish, aggressive, absolutely the most angsty motherfucker in all of mudos /joke, but there is a slight softness to him that he avoids showing at all costs, because if he were to, not only would he be mocked and disrespected even more by other sligs, but would be out right punished violently I'm the factory had he shown any kindness to the slaves, he's also very sensitive and insecure, and the many angry outbursts he has are a result of that, which more often than not get him into fights with his coworkers or involved in near life threatening accidents, which is why he has so many stitches and scars on him. He is at a point in his life where he absolutely does not want to get close to anyone or show any genuine emotions or actions for the sake of protecting himself, even if it hurts him. But he would be involved in a predicament where that softness he repressed for nearly his whole life would be unlocked when he breaks dollop out of the factory.
When he saw commercials that featured dollop spouting the company's flimsy corporate propaganda on the billboards around the factory, he knew exactly what the glukkons were doing, to him they just took whatever mud they saw fit in an attempt to debunk the criticisms that was was being thrown at them, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel bad for him, he seemed very enthusiastic (albeit very annoying) about what he was doing, but he learned to not think much of it. One day, licorice was ordered to guard the room that dollop stayed him, it was due to an "incident" he had during a photo shoot, and was specifically told to not directly interact with him. After a while of guarding his door, he cracked and get familiar with dollop out of sympathy, and after a while, while he knew he would get himself in hot water, he helped dollop escape the factory.
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mable-stitchpunk · 4 months
Heya! Sorry if this comes off demanding, but will there be more of Within Reach? Of course, I fully understand if you're just not feeling it anymore or you're busy or you're more interested in your other stories.
Oh no, not demanding at all! In fact, it's nice to hear that someone's interested! ^_^ I'm about halfway-three quarters through the next chapter, but I got sort of swamped so I had to put it on the back burner. I do have the basic plan for the full rest of the fic though, so it certainly isn't go to go abandoned!
I actually am pretty excited to get back to the fic though. ^_^ Thank you for your message!
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mingot-studios · 5 months
i wanna make an oddworld fanstory but i lack the skills or attention span to make something of that caliber and its driving me nuts! DX
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cakeinpants · 2 years
It was an early morning at the Palace.
The kind of early morning when you need to turn the lights on, because the sun is still too sleepy to light up the rooms through the big palace windows. And while the sun was taking it's time, Patrick was already wide awake, getting ready for another day of hard work.
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It was a performance week, which meant he was performing every day for seven days straight, on some days not even once, but twice. This was a tough week, but he wasn't worrying about it. His mind was occupied by something else.
Kyung could be here any day now... It was a funny feeling. She never said when exactly she would visit, but every day Pat was performing, he felt like he was dancing for just one person that may or may not be somewhere there in the dark auditorium.
Then, when meeting the guests, he would look for a familiar face in the crowd with a flattering heart... three days passed like that and so far she wasn't there.
But surely she would be eventually. Maybe today was the day?..
But this is no time, he should focus.. have breakfast, then some warm-up and barre to wake the body up. Hopefully make some time to spend with little brothers..
Suddenly, the dancer's thoughts were interrupted.. Malgaine, who only ever left his apartment fully dressed in a tailcoat, now only wearing his night robe, opened the door to Pat's room. The four mudlings were with him in a quad robotic stroller, clearly not happy about it, but secured in a way they couldn't get out.. the straps seemed too tight even..
"Follow me, quick." Said the Vykker, not giving the Mudokon any time to react. "We're evacuating from the Palace."
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The dancer's heart froze.
What... does this mean...
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oddclan-askblog · 2 years
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not cannon just playing with formatting
Raaf and Vault live in Necrum btw 
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randomstoryenjoyer · 1 year
Hello! Welcome to my WIP!
I’m your average tumblr user that really likes ‘x reader’ scenarios and headcanons, to the point where I’m now making some of my own!
My current fandoms I’m planning on writing for in the future for include:
• Cookie run
•Pizza Tower
•Oddworld (yes, really)
•Plants vs Zombies
… along with a few more niche ones!
If you wish to request me to write something, feel free to! I’ll tell you whether it’s something that I’m happy to write about.
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deadly-n-dapper · 1 year
Woop! Got another chapter out! Ahahaha! I need sleep.
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luna7822 · 2 months
wait till those losers who think those dumbshit """characters""" are """"alive"""" eventually realize that this is helltier black hole and that everything theyre seeing rn is just fake fake fake shit that of which theyre being trolled as we speak lmao
i knew smth was off anyways the moment that fake ass catfish loser sprite or whatever showed up despite thankfully exploding into pieces beforehand but whatever i just cant wait to see the looks on their faces when they find out that theyre all fake projections besides davepeta to which they shouldve known abt it beforehand in the first when this is literally black hole hell for cruing out loud and that theyre basically being fools in the worst fucking way imaginable lmaoooooo XD
u ppl better fucking not interact with my blog btw cuz i will instantly block u on site if u do since its no wonder why i really despise each and every one of u anyways and idgaf abt any bullshit petty excuses u make up either since theyre all useless and fucking boring by stereotyping autism as """""being silly 24/7""""" when its not like dont get me wrong theres nothing wrong with being silly even as an autistic person but theres literally no need to take it way too personal anyways and make it ur whole damn """"personality"""" or lack there of when being autistic isnt always """"SiLlY 247"""" or some shit and that it rly does piss me off smths that ppl take being silly wayyyy too personal to the point where it gets boring and that im obv not saying being silly is a """crime""" or anything like that its just that those idiots need to just stfu for once abt whatever stupid sappy useless bullshit they make up that nobody fucking cares abt and thats it
its hard to explain tho tbh when even as an autistic person i know that its literally stereotyping to think being siilly 24/7 """""counts""""" as """"""being autistic"""""" but rly tho i just dont like those losers that make it their whole damn personality all the fucking time instead of being normal for once but idk rly i just dont want to sound like a """"hypocrite"""" at all but no wonder why those piece of shit losers hate me anyways and idgaf cuz theyre all dumbshit boring in every way imaginable and nobody cares
well what im trying to say anyways is that theres nothing wrong with being silly but just pls dont make it ur only personality since itll get boring after a while and that theres more to being autistic than just plain silliness thats not meant to be taken srsly anyways
anyways what i was trying to say tho is that i feel like they shouldve realized it sooner that every1 but davepeta and vriska in helltier are fake as shit anyways and thats all there is to say on the matter since theyre being patheticalky dumb rn by thinking theyre """"alive"""" and shit when in reality theyre still burning in hell as we speak cuz if u ask me those losers were overrated as shit to begin with and that i regret interacting with those assholes anyways when all of the sudden they start """"caring"""" abt beyond canon despite all the bs """"hate"""" it gets before which genuinely pisses me off sm on so many levels and overall why i wish they never existed in the first place since its no wonder why i despise any f^^d^^s as a whole besides ow one (if u took away the cringe fanfics and all the other bs too since they were never real """f^^s""" of the series either) cuz i just wish they never existed anyways and that ow f^^base is better than whatever cringefest they do nowadays on their boring ass blogs cuz they missed the point of the series in the general and worst of all ship canon aroace characters with others for no fucking reason at all despite being canon aroace which also makes me wonder how theyre even incredibly AND obviously aph0b1c towards the same series that says aroace/nb rights and doesnt tolerate aph0b1a anyways or that theyre plain fucking stupid in general lmao
but yeah screw all of them in general except for my own followers that appreciate what i do for once and thats it
i do hate tumblr sometimes ngl but only towards those boring ass trend seeking piece of shit aph0b1c/lesboph0b1c/whateverph0b1c losers anyways and not the site itself aside from boring ads since idgaf abt what they think anyways lol
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edgar-percival · 1 year
Entry 15.
Good day to those of you that see this- I have finally succeeded in getting this to function once more… Oh, dear Odd, where do I even begin?
The dinner party was abruptly cancelled because of an incident caused by yours truly.
The old doctor was to remove the suppressor implanted into the nape of my neck- a miniature yet cruel device which prevents me from utilising my… abilities. However this little gadget was flawed; the doctor was going to replace it with one created by Madam Shelley that was much stronger, but I simply could not allow that to happen. You do understand, I hope.
The repercussions that followed were… rather malicious, but I suppose from their perspective it was much deserved. Knowing that I have no memory of seeing others of my own kind, they isolated me to a single room for what I believe to be almost 2 years, and recruited another poor Mudokon to fulfil my butler duties. I have not seen or heard this individual, and I know nothing about them… Just that they are here.
I highly doubt I will get to know anything more.
Woe! Why must I be doomed to a lifetime of solitude?!
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wiredalienvampire · 3 months
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I think one if my favorite aspects of within reach by @mable-stitchpunk is alf hating vesper's furry ass for 80% of the story lmao
By the by, if your an oddworld fan and you haven't read this fanfic, go and do it. The writing is witty and charming, the new characters that are apart of the fic are really endearing (save me daggle save me), in fact I really like vesper a lot as a character, it's exciting, it's well paced, the Canon characters are very well characterized and feel like their Canon selves, it's emotional and beautiful, and does a really great job on building upon the pre-established lore of the games for entertaining set ups, plot threads, and characters, and God I love abe and vespers relationship so much. They work great as both friends and romantic interests, their relationship in a general sense is so well written and emotionally investing, their interactions and banter make them so fun to read about, they bounce off each other so well ( i really enjoy how vesper's more cynical and jaded personality contrasts with abe's more innocent and gentle personality), and their internal conflicts and personal struggles that end up being important to their friendship leads to so many emotionally powerful moments (cough Chapter 4 cough). I love seeing their relationship develop,and I have grown to care so much about them and their relationship with each other. I don't read fanfic that often, but this one is very special and I was hooked by Chapter 3, I don't think I have ever been so emotionally invested in fanfiction before, but I guess within reach was that good to win me over like that.
I could go on but I don't want to turn this shitpost into an essay so I'll keep my mouth shut for now lol
Original photo btw
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
The next Within Reach chapter is going extremely well! It’s a long and very exciting chapter, but I’m glad to finally get more time to work on it. ^_^ More Abe and Vesper is good for my soul, I tell you what. XD
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william-toons · 1 year
The BIGGEST moment in history (Fanfic)
Fanfic for @thegalwhoasked
It was the summers breeze flowing through the air that indicated the warmer months were on the rise. Banban was preparing for the big day ahead, it was the last trip of the year, and the biggest. The PTA choose the nearest theme park there, OddWorld, and the special event with Freddy Faz Bear entertainment. Two of the most well know presidents were also going to be there, Obama and Jumbo’s boyfriend, Trump. It’s supposed to be a historical trip, meeting the presidents and all, but usually the kids only focus on whatever attractions that are there. But Banban was still excited anyways. He was going to meet Dr. Red, a scientist at the theme park, he was the smartest, hottest, person he ever met the last time he visited the park with the fiddles kids. He was also extremely excited to meet Freddy and Obama, the were also very attractive to him. He really wanted to impress them all. He finished up his fur and headed out to the buses that will take them to the park.
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bartoonist · 1 year
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Oddworld’s Lapis Lazuli: This is my Oddworld Fan Character/Gem OC that I originally created as a nameless Lapis Lazuli variant and one time love interest for Abe the Mudokon about 7 or 8 years ago where I drew that Yellow and Blue Lapis Lazuli and Abraham Lure a.k.a Abe the Mudokon (since I actually learned of his actual full name in the opening credits of Oddworld: Soulstorm) used to have that touching hands moment based on that touching hands scene from that Disney’s Tarzan movie that I took a simple inspiration from that one time long ago too of course, and since most of the main gems share the same names as their variants do since they received nicknames from Steven Universe himself these days like how most variants of the Main Pokémon and Digimon receive nicknames of their own monster tamers/fan players in their video game sourced media franchises already of course, I thought maybe its time I started giving this Oddworld Fan Character/Lapis Lazuli OC a nickname of their own (she/them since Gems in the Steven Universe franchise are an alien race of Genderless beings who mostly refer to each themselves as she/her and sometimes as they/them but never on screen on the Steven Universe TV series except for the Nonbinary Human character: Shep from Steven Universe Future whom Sadie referred to on screen as a they/them with the on screen-words: Oh they’re great etc etc), an epithetic nickname which is Oddworld’s Lapis Lazuli only she’ll/they’ll (whichever pronoun you folks wanna refer to my muscular, feminine, and androgynously feminine Genderless Gem OC as of course) have an Oddworld+Gem OC backstory of their own that refers to OLL as a lost, forgotten, and lucky defect survivor of Oddworld’s Beta Kindergarden since this Lapis Lazuli Variant Fan Character is blue and yellow like how those blue Lapis Lazuli gemstones also happen to have yellow flecks and stripes around them in real life of course, especially when as of these point on: I’ll draw an occasional series of Abe x Oddworld’s Lapis Lazuli fan art drawings/illustrations as a fanfic couple on occasions these days since part of me still loves to envision a beautiful new beginning of what it would be like if Abe the Mudokon got to find a beautiful love interest for once in his life whether it be an interspecies love story of or a same species love story, since I like to think that Abe deserves a chance at finding a hopeful, beautiful, heavenly, and romantic happiness in his life where he could leave behind that horrific life of cannibals hunting preys and miserable war against those upper class racially classist Glukkons who’ve wanted nothing more to make their Mudokon slaves into livestock for their cannibalistic consumers for so many years now, plus I’ve got a special Oddworld fan art piece that I’ll be posting to both Instagram and here on Tumblr later on since Twitter and Tumblr aren’t on Instagram’s sharing app list anymore lately except for Facebook, even I don’t actually use Twitter or Facebook as I don’t really care for those two social networks at all, plus I really do miss cross posting my Instagram posts to here on Tumblr and I hope that after having sent my App Store review to the Instagram developers that they’ll reconsider bringing back the option to cross post my Instagram posts to Tumblr here if they’ve read my App Store review one of Instagram’s missing features already that is? Well I hope you folks like my Oddworld Fan Character/Gem OC sketch of Oddworld’s Lapis Lazuli already of course.
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novelmonger · 11 months
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Lol, the last time I answered a question like this, I was accused of being racist for saying that Sam Wilson is funny and emotionally stable XD
But as I think about it now, I suppose the real answer is that the toughest characters for me to write are snarky geniuses. The main ones I've had occasion to write would be Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark. For one thing, they're much more intelligent than I am, so that's hard to write, and also their areas of expertise are very far removed from my own. Then, at least in Tony's case, I always feel the need to reference pop culture in some way - but not the nerdy stuff I would actually know about. Tony's always dropping references to movies I haven't seen or bands I don't listen to or something, so it takes a lot of effort to figure out what to make him say, and both he and Sherlock have this mocking way of talking a lot of the time that doesn't come naturally to me. I don't feel like I've ever really gotten either of their voices quite right.
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
Less than I used to, I think. These days, I usually only read my own stuff when someone comments, "I love how you did XYZ!" And then I'm like, "Wait, I did XYZ?" and of course I have to go read it to see what they're talking about :P By the way, I'm not counting reading back over earlier portions of whatever WIP I'm in the middle of. That's just part of the writing process.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
From my FFNet profile:
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So yes, I would say so XD
I only have one fic apiece for Wolf's Rain, Castle in the Sky, Death Note, Prince of Persia, Oddworld, Lovely Complex, Tsubasa Chronicle, Professor Layton, Supernatural, Star Wars, WordGirl, Daredevil, Avengers, and Dororo, so that goes without saying. Here are the others:
Final Fantasy X - Someday the Dream Will End My novelization of the game. Please note the date this was published and realize I was sixteen the last time I touched this thing ^^' It is very far beneath my current standards, but it's what got me into writing fanfiction in the first place, and it taught me so much about how stories work, how to write novel-length works, and also a lot of my preferences when it comes to writing and posting fanfic, specifically.
Harry Potter - Change I don't actually like any of my HP fics very much, if I'm being honest. I wrote most of them ages and ages ago, so the writing isn't very good, and I don't think I handled the few good ideas I had with the delicacy they required. So I picked this one because I wrote it much later than all the rest, so it's at least fairly competent. It's just a little exploration of a headcanon about how the broken Hogwarts House system could be tweaked to not be quite so divisive and counter-productive.
Full Metal Alchemist - The Ultimate Sacrifice Oh my gosh, I've written so many FMA fics over the years, it's almost impossible to pick x.x Some of them are really old and not very well written, some have really good ideas but my skill at the time is holding them back, some are quite good but...are they my favorite? In the end, I decided to go with this oneshot because it was burning a hole in my brain for years before I finally got it written down, and I think it still holds up okay seven years later. Basically, it's an AU that explores what it would be like if Ed uses his love for Al as the toll to get Al's body back. Super angsty, lots of tears, it's great! :D
ICO - Piaculum My novelization of the game, written after the official one was published in Japan but a good three years before it was ever translated to English, so that's how I justified writing it ^^' I didn't really know what I was doing. Parts of it are still kind of good, and I like how I dealt with certain themes and drew in connections to Shadow of the Colossus. But yeah, if you want a book that contains the story of my favorite game of all time, just go read Castle in the Mist by Miyuki Miyabe instead.
Legend of Zelda - One Hundred Beats A 100 Themes fic centered around the friendship of Link and Navi. I wrote this whole thing during one of the busiest and most exhausting periods of my life, and I'll always be impressed by past-me for doing that. I also really like some of the stories I came up with for it, especially all the AUs. Most importantly of all, brainstorming one chapter led me to the headcanon that healed the pain of what they did (or didn't do) with Navi in the canon, and for that I will always love this fic.
Sherlock - Memento Mori One of my kidlock oneshots, an AU where John and Sherlock met as kids. This one deals with the death of Sherlock's dog Redbeard (needless to say, it's quite different from the canon). Personally, I think this is the best one of my kidlock fics.
Captain America - Make Me Whole Obviously! This is the fic that took over my life and changed me irrevocably. For the first time ever, after so many years of writing just to get the ideas out and because no one else was doing it, this time I had a story where, even if ten other people came out of the woodwork with the exact same concept who were much better writers than me, I wanted to be the one to write it. I really got the sense that God wanted me to write this story, and I've seen the fruit of that over and over again. And, of course, without this fic I wouldn't be writing the mammoth WIP I'm working on now.
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
You know, I've always said that bittersweet endings are my favorite. Endings like LotR, where the good guys win and evil is defeated, but not without great cost. But as I think through some of the endings I've been most satisfied about in my own writing, I think I need to fine-tune that. I think my favorite kind of ending is a particular brand of bittersweet, where it's not exactly "the Shire has been saved, but not for me." It's more like "we've been hurt, and we're not okay yet, but I think we will be." To me, that's the most realistic kind of ending you can get, because that's the way our lives are. (Not that I don't appreciate a good, completely happy ending where everybody lives happily ever after!)
Fanfic Writer Asks
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peppini · 3 years
Snips is so sexy! I was wondering if you can you tell us a little more about him? also do you make adoptable OC's?
I've never though about making adoptable but I'd totally have fun with that so I'll definitely think about it!
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Snips wasn't meant to be a sexy character but I can totally see that lol! He seems like the emotionally unavailable bad boy that someone would simp for lol.
I’ll use this opportunity to get some Lore established as well! I can get into more detail about Snips AND Dandy’s Back Story! (I’m not good at writing so I’m giving it my best shot cause I need the practice anyways!)
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Snips is Dandie’s Older BrotherFigure/Father Figure and was the one who instilled the machismo mentality into her in order make sure she survived. He is currently dead so this takes place before he died.
Part 1
Snips is a child of Sam and was a noticeably larger Mudokon than his siblings. He was initially a sensitive little boy but learned to be tough and revoke his emotions in order to survive as he was abused and teased by fellow Mudokons for being so big, and was especially pushed around by slig staff particularly because they were intimated by his size and wanted to establish some form of dominance. People just thought because he was so big that he was tough and could dish it out. He had a habit of shutting everyone out and sticking by himself but that didn't really stop anyone from attacking him and sooner or later Snips Snapped. (Haha snip snap)
Once snips learned that he could use his extra muscle to intimidate others, nobody ever messed with him again. His reputation shifted from being the big dope that you could use as a punching bag, to being a scary bruting bull of a Mudokon. He'd occasionally use his strength to protect His peers whenever they were targeted by sligs, but would sometimes take his anger out on sligs just for the hell of it. To him they deserved it. Because of this delinquent behavior he was relocated to stricter facilities doing the worst of jobs that had the highest Mudokon Death turnover. At one point even being relocated to rupture farms.
After killing multiple sligs in cold blood he was finally relocated to Cladierz Bone Bank, a body processing plant that was made as a last resort solution of the scarcity of Mudokon fossils used to make the addictive Brew. It's the final frontier when it comes to relocating employees and most of the workers don't even survive; the longest living laborer working there for only 3 years. Where sligs would otherwise be discouraged from killing Mudokons as to maintain the Labor force, This place has a constant flow of delinquent workers and so violence against Mudokons was ignored or sometimes even encouraged by the Glukkon CEO Cladierz and other higher-ups if supply of Mudokon bones were especially low. Snips had heard of this place growing up, but thought it was just a rumor or urban legend fabricated to intimidate Mudokons into being well behaved and productive workers; he also had no intentions of not surviving. He knew the place was going to be pretty cut throat.
Snips boarded the labor carrier after registering his hand print and other documentation, sat down in the tattered leather seats and immediately scoped out the other new-bes. He finds that alot of the mudokon workers were equally as scouled and disillusioned as he; some even being almost as big as him. For once he felt like he kind of fit in.
He hears a light plop to his left and thinks someone might have placed something next to him only to find the smallest Mudokon he had ever seen in his entire life. “This has to be some mistake…no way someone so young would land here of all places” he Thought to himself. He was even tempted to call it out, but he had his reservations…It was practically like saying "HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS WEAK LITTLE SCRUB IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF ANYONE PICKED ON THEM!" Snips’ first encounter with 12 year old Dandie was very distanced. Without ever actually introducing himself, he looked out for her from a far, one part out of sheer confusion and curiosity but also out of a compulsive instinct to protect her like he did for his fellow brothers in the past.
Okay so I’ll put a poll for what should be included in part 2
Option A) Dandy’s First Actual Interraction With Snips
Option B) How Dandy Ended up in Cladierz Bone Bank
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