#of course my favorite character after phos
whattraintracks · 5 months
Hello! I'm passing by with an opportunity to ramble if you'd like! :D I know you like Raph - what about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)? Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most?
Yes, I would actually like to do that. Thank you much!! I've been wanting to post and write more now that classes are done, and this was a helpful kick-start. A little too helpful, some might say. Very long post ahead.
What about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)?
Honestly, liking Raph took me by complete surprise. Growing up on 12 and getting back into my TMNT fixation with Rise, Leo and Donnie were my favorite turtles by far. But then I decided to watch as much as I could in chronological order. 87 Raphael was not at all what I expected, and I immediately loved him. He's hilarious and exudes the kind of sarcasm I can only aspire to. And as I began watching and rewatching shows and movies, I realised a lot of them have this dry wit that appeals to my sense of humor.
Raphs also go through so much crap internally and externally, and I'm a sucker for angst. Plus, it's so important to me that no matter how much they struggle, no one gets and loves them so well as their family. Maybe a weird example, but I love Mr. Nice Guy (1987), in which Donatello's Personality Alterator gets turned on him accidentally, and the other three freak out and send him to therapy. Like it's a silly situation, but the fact that they clock something's really wrong in the way he's not acting like himself and get him help is heartwarming.
Had a good laugh earlier this week at the realisation that most Raphs are particularly sweet on kids, old blind folks, and animals. Followed a couple of days later by the thought, duh, these populations are particularly vulnerable to abuse and harm, so of course, a Raph is going to be protective of them.
Also, sai are so cool, what the heck. Can't believe I was obsessing over katana as a kid when sai are right there. With my limited understanding, they may not always be shown correctly in TMNT? But they're truly very neat weapons, and sai kata are cool to watch.
Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? 
Gotta love the classic
87 Donatello: Oh well, you know women. 87 Raphael: No, we don't!
Raphael Meets His Match (1987) is perfect. No notes.
90s Raph and Casey's first fight ("Cricket! Nobody understands cricket. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket"), then he goes home and curls up with Splinter to cry about getting his butt kicked by Some Dude. He's quite the daddy's boy in the 90s.
Raph's voice is unfairly gorgeous in Coming Out of Their Shells. I straight up clutched my heart the first time I heard it
Mikey: Tell 'em Raph! Raph: It isn't burgers or french fries that work for turtles of our size
I love this silly line entirely because of his voice and delivery. He's also fun to watch on stage. One of my favorite bits is this backward skip he does when he sings, "And moving backwards is a crying shame!"
The one where Venus gets her name
TNM Leo: Hey, Venus! Uh, what's with the statue head? TNM Raph: Hahaha! She won it in the park, slaying bad guys.
After the TNM gang saves a baby turtle from a poacher, Raph gets on the floor to be at eye level with her
Raph: You know what, you're kinda cute for such an ugly little thing. I'm you're Uncle Raph~ You wanna go for a ride in my hog? Ayo, Donnie! Can you make her a teeny tiny helmet?
And then Donnie teases him while everyone stares, so he gets offended (read: embarrassed), and Leo teases him harder, and he gets even more offended.
Just thinking about the beginning of Meet Casey Jones (2003) makes me tear up.
The almost as funny successor
12 Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen 12 Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen? 
As a fellow biggest sibling, Rise Raph in Pizza Puffs is such a mood. Also love the scene where he eats his phone in Mystic Library.
Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most? 
87 Raphael and Donatello's dynamic is very important to me. In my heart, they're twins. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where they pair off or take the same side of a team argument: Splinter Vanishes, The Big Blow Out, Back to the Egg, Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter, Combat Land, Cry H.A.V.O.C.!, etc. I also love this line from My Brother, the Bad Guy
Raphael: Okay, this is the point at which we get squashed like bugs, or! turn to Donatello for help. R+M+L: DONATELLO! 
Coming Out of Their Shells Sunset Duo are the besties everrrrr. Mikey raps a whole verse in Cowabunga about how Raph is his best friend and they wrote all of the music together and that is like the most epic thing ever and I love their energy and how they play off each other on stage and they love each so much I can't– 
TNM Raph and Venus!! The siblings ever, truly. So much sass. They are both overprotective of each other. They're literally the best.
03 Sunset Duo will never not be funny. Raph can be tricked into verbally affirming he loves Mikey when he thinks one or both of them are about to die. Raph is also incredibly distraught about Mikey possibly and then actually winning the Battle Nexus Tournament. Peak comedy and siblinghood.
07 Raph and Leo quite possibly make me feral. "Is he kiddin'? He's lecturing." I still can not believe he didn't know Raph was Nightwatcher. For so many reasons, but especially because some of his initial comments in that fight are pointed. I always wonder if, on some unconscious level, he did know. And then Raph goes through a battery of emotions with the katana breaking and pinning Leo and then running and all the screaming, gosh. Leo, too. They're so similar it hurts.
I also love 12 Sunset Duo, but I think I love the A-Team a little more. Honestly, their interactions remind me so much of my siblings and I. Pushing each other's buttons so hard, then taking over the world together. Actively trying to kill each other, but minutes later, they're professing their undying love. So much ganging up on their little siblings. Leo gets adorably excited with him sometimes ("Look, Raph, mouser-kebabs!"), and Raph is frequently going, how are we related??? ("Halt? Villain?? When did we start talking like that?!" and "Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes"). Favs.
Thanks for asking, and I hope everyone who made it here enjoyed the ride!
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cursedvibes · 1 year
Your post about your favourite protagonists reminded me that once Gege said they didn't like too nice characters they're annoying and it's one thing they don't like about shonen. They tried to avoid that with Yuuji and I think that's why Yuuji feels so real and genuine. I usually like protagonists but Yuuji is one of the few I'd call my favorite. I just love how much care is put into his character. I sometimes wish jjk was more character driven rather than plot driven so we'd get more of Yuuji. But ah well! If we get a proper conclusion to his arc I'll be beyond satisfied and that's my only wish for the ending.
Yes, I very much agree! I usually don't like main characters, that's why I made that post, to figure out to me about characters like Yuuji, Phos etc. All too often they are just too perfect. What they say goes. Even if they have the most idiotic plan imaginable it will somehow work out because they are the protagonist. Everyone loves them because they are just so special and can do no wrong.
Yuuji does feel very realistic considering his circumstances. Just a vaguely suicidal boy who has lost everything and tries to survive in this completely new world he has been thrown into. He doesn't try to be a leader, he has only half a year of experience after all. He isn't the strongest and often has to rely on others, but that is his strength and makes the other characters more important than just empty hype machines. He easily gets along with people, but he has a hard time becoming close friends with them out of fear of hurting them or becoming too vulnerable. There are plenty of people who like him, but he is not worshipped. He wants to help as many people as possible, but he doesn't try to play the hero. Not anymore at least because when he did it in the beginning and blindly trusted into Sukuna or luck carrying him through it, he died. I also really like it when his darker side shines through like in his confrontations with Mahito. He will kill you if he has to or hates you enough, he's not above that.
I appreciate Gege's focus on the plot for the most part, since it never makes the story linger too long on tedious parts (until recently), but sometimes I do wish we would linger a little bit longer with some characters and their experiences, especially with all the dramatic stuff that has been happening since Shibuya. The characters don't have much time to rest and reflect though, so that makes sense. I also like this method of giving quick glimpses of a characters struggle, motivation, thoughts etc and then expanding on it bit by bit as the story progresses, it always gives you something to think about and makes you curious to find out more. Like with the reveal of Yuuji's past for example or Tengen & Kenjaku's relationship. I think Yuuji has gotten some good focus throughout the story though, I don't feel like something is missing, even if I'm of course always happy about more. Gege is at their best when writing (about) him.
Only thing that really bothers me is how everything has been put on hold for the Sukuna vs Gojo fight and how the majority of the main characters are just sitting around doing nothing. That feels very unrealistic, especially for Yuuji. I also would've liked a bit more focus on their reunion with Gojo and preparation for the final arc.
Like you said, my only wish for the final arc is a proper conclusion of Yuuji's character and also Kenjaku. Everything else I can live with.
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luna-melon · 5 months
For the ask game lol
Ayyyy thanks for the ask. Been a while since I've filled out one of these memes <3
Answers below.
Peter OTP: Peter/Nebula, of course. If the 100k+ words of fanfiction I've written about them is anything to go by, they are my OTP of all time. <3 I want Peter to move on and find happiness with someone new after vol. 3 and the movie planted the seeds for these two ending up together in the future really well I think. BrOTP: This was the hardest to decide because I love Peter's friendships with all the other Guardians. Gonna go with Mantis here though because I love how she looks out for her bro and tries to steer him in the right direction. Wish we'd gotten to see more of them being siblings after the holiday special 'cause the confirmation that she was Peter's sister made me so happy! TuT OT3: Shipping Peter with Nebula and Gamora at the same time would be really weird so instead I'm gonna go with Nebula/Peter/Thor in like, a V shaped polycule where Peter is dating them both but Nebula and Thor aren't into each other. NOTP: Ro/quill. I don't think I need to explain myself with this one, but shipping the raccoon with the humanoid characters is weird and gross to me.
Nebula OTP: Same as above, I think her implied feelings for Peter in vol. 3 make all the sense in the world. I mean, why wouldn't Nebula fall for the same person as Gamora? That's just how her life is. I think these two being together would fit their arcs well. Nebula learns to accept that she doesn't have to always be competing with Gamora in order to be worthy of love, and Peter gets his shit together enough to see how Nebula stuck by and cared for him and how Gamora was right about how the person he fell for "sounds more like her." BrOTP: I love her friendship with Rocket so much! Two sad cyborgs goin' on adventures together for five years, I'd kill to see more of that. OT3: Same as above as well I guess, but I don't see Nebula being poly. NOTP: I'm fine with all the big Nebula ships really even if I don't consume their content.
Mantis OTP: I used to ship Mantis/Nebula back in the day and I think that's still my fave Mantis ship even if I no longer go there. I also like the idea of her having a crush on Gamora. BrOTP: Mantis and Drax are my favorite duo ever. Just a couple of strange goofballs pranking each other and causing chaos. OT3: Can't think of anything for this one. NOTP: I don't hate Mantis and Drax as a romantic pairing but them just being weird best friends means so much to me. We need more platonic M/F relationships like them.
Phos OTP: I like all the Phos ships but can't deny that Phos/Cinnabar is my favorite. I know you haven't read the manga yet but I reread this one part of it earlier in the week that makes me wanna throw Phos in the trash because we could have had it all!! xD BrOTP: I really enjoyed Phos and Cairngorm's dynamic. OT3: Phos/Cinnabar/Antarc. Idk how it'd work out but all I know is that I want all three of these rocks to be happy. NOTP: I'm not picky with HNK ships but I'm sure some people ship Phos with Aechmea so no thanks to that.
Toko OTP: Toko/Komaru! These two mean the world to me. Seeing Toko end up with an amazing girlfriend who supports and loves her after everything she's been through and the development she underwent in Ultra Despair Girls damn made me cry. BrOTP: I love the interactions between her and Makoto in her Free Time events. The Naegis are the only ones who can tame this girl. OT3: I like the Toko/Sayaka ship so I can imagine an AU where she survives and throuples up with Tokomaru. NOTP: Byakuya. These two are the worst for each other and no one can change my mind.
Aoi OTP: I very much enjoy her and Sakura together. BrOTP: Yuta Asahina deserved better and in my personal headcanon, he survives UDG and gets to see his sis again. OT3: I think Sakura had a boyfriend so sandwich Hina in between them. NOTP: Got no strong negative feelings for any Hina ships.
Sakura OTP: Same as above. Love me a big buff sporty girlfriend and her smol buff sporty girlfriend. BroTP: I really enjoyed her Free Times with Makoto, too. OT3: Same as above. NOTP: Also same as above. It's hard to go wrong with Sakura ships.
Papyrus OTP: I don't ship Papyrus with anyone but I remember liking Papyrus/Mettaton when I was younger. BrOTP: I fucking LOVE his friendship with Undyne. Anyone who doesn't call Papyrus and Undyne in every room in the game to see what weird shit they say is missing out. OT3: I got nothin'. NOTP: Font/cest. Don't understand why this is such a big thing.
Sans OTP: These days I like the idea of Sans being aroace but I remember having a very brief phase of shipping Sans/Asgore xD BrOTP: Him and Papyrus ofc, but I also like him seeing Frisk as a little sibling, too. OT3: Sans/Fries/Ketchup NOTP: Fr/ans. That is a child...
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splintered-emotions · 2 years
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I posted 10,596 times in 2022
That's 8,343 more posts than 2021!
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and the admin wouldn’t fucking switch them out of that class despite the toll it was taking on their mental health free time and other class
My Top Posts in 2022:
French Onion, Broccoli Cheddar, and Pho soup :)
French Onion - Who is your favorite author(s)?
there's honestly so many so i'm just gonna name a few:
@jackdaw-kraai with his wonderful Guides
@irndad and the tasm!peter fics
@yellow-feathered-faerie who i really must work on that Mandis fic with eventually
chancecraz on ao3 and their time travel star wars fics
and of course, you
Broccoli Cheddar - What was your inspiration for this wip
this is honestly an odd inspiration but i had an absolutely terrible math teacher last year who used to give the most difficult tests and during winter break, while i was cramming for the 3 tests we had in the three weeks after it, i convinced my mom to rewatch the hobbit with me, and a few days later, at like 1 in the morning, i just started typing up Transported and here we are
Pho - Describe your ideal writing set up
i think i'd have to say like music (probably The Amazing Devil because it makes my brain go brr) playing in the background, my laptop charged and not trying to burst into flames, discord open on the side to share snippets and just talk, and me actually having the time to sit down and write without any interruptions
13 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Hello! If Lotr/The Hobbit requests are open, I hope it's alright that I request one ;-;
Could you please do something about a Reader who was Merry and Pippin's best friend when they were really little kids but they left Middle Earth somehow. But now that they're adults, she gets back to the Shire and now she's a kickass blacksmith who is still really witty and comforting with them and it's a really sweet and wholesome reunion? You can either do Polyamory or Merry x Reader if that's not your thing. I think Merry would be the most likely to get a crush on a human blacksmith reader with big muscles because he strikes me as the kinda guy who'd like Tomboys
I also have this hilarious idea of, since the Reader is human, Pippin finds out that she became an adult at 18 and he's so jealous because she's officially an adult and he's not lmao. Thanks so so much, I hope you're doing well hun! Keep being awesome!!
okay i finally finished it! this may have taken a slightly different route than you were expecting but i hope you like it regardless!
As I looked upon them for the first time in what seemed like a decade, our time spent together in my childhood and their tweens came rushing back, almost flashing before my eyes. The summers spent stealing from Old Farmer Maggot and hanging out at various hobbit parties that I clearly wasn’t invited to were reminiscent of a much different time.
It had been prior to I had been apprenticed to the only blacksmith near Hobbiton and Merry was forced off to visit some relatives or another for months on end, leaving us with no time to see each other, let alone act upon the last things that we said to each other. Although it sometimes seemed like it had been just yesterday when our relationship began to split from the almost something that it had become, but given the new signs of maturity on his face and the burn scars on my hands, it was clear it had been far longer than either of us expected.
Pippin stood next to his cousin, looking between the two of us as we refused to say anything while we took in the differences in each other’s appearance. I had certainly changed far more than Merry, given the fact that blacksmithing required a lot of strength, far more than I had had last time I had seen either of them. The buff female blacksmith had very little similarities to the teenage girl that had never worked a day in her life.
I suppose if I had known how much muscle I would have to build up to truly become good at making even the simple things that hobbits nearby required, I would have thought twice before deciding on this. But now wasn’t the time to rethink the decisions that I had made for my life. Now, I needed to figure out how to begin a conversation with a figure from my not too distant past.
“So,” I said, not entirely thinking through the rest of my sentence just yet. “Have fun with the Tooks?” Oh fuck that was terrible. I was a fool and I would never speak again.
“Yes.” Thank the Valar, he was just as awkward as I was. “And how is your apprenticeship going?”
I could almost see the wince as he finished speaking. We had to break this ridiculous tension somehow. There had to be some way to talk beyond just standing here awkwardly as Pippin looked on. “I kinda finished that a couple summers ago. My master passed on the shop to me once I was done and left to apparently go adventuring. Imagine a 60 year old man going across Arda in search of adventure. Although I suppose with Bilbo, you don’t really have to.”
He seemed more at ease with this topic, immediately replying, “I’m not convinced he truly went. The Mad Baggins was apparently quite tame before he left the Shire.”
“I don’t believe that. That pipeweed smoking hobbit would have jumped at the chance to do it. Although his stories did speak of some hesitation.”
“A Took could never pass up the chance,” interjected Pippin. “I guarantee that any one of our cousins would enjoy it.”
“But Bilbo isn’t a Took. He’s a Baggins. Baggins never do things like that,” stated Merry.
“I thought he was half Took. So there would have been an equal chance of doing it.” I took a breath before saying, “Either way, I assume you didn’t come here to discuss whether or not BIlbo actually bested Smaug, chiefest and greatest of calamities. What did you need?”
The sudden change in topic seemed to lower the energy in the room, but I could see Lobelia Sackville Baggins coming closer so I needed it to look like I was running a “proper establishment” before she decided to enter. This decision wasn’t driven by a sense of urgency, but rather an urge to escape a lecture before she hands me her frying pan to be fixed again after banging on Bilbo’s door again for an hour.
Pippin started, “Oh! I believe that—”
“Frodo asked us to stop by to inquire after a frying pan that was sent to be mended a few days ago. Would you perhaps have it currently ready?” That was oddly stiff in its phrasing. Did he think I was trying to get him out of the shop? Or did he know that Lobelia, the bane of my existence, was approaching?
“I think it’s back here somewhere. Although I think I need another day to fully work on it.” Okay, this was my chance. I could ask. After years of not seeing him, we could finally have a chance at what we had both wanted. “I needed to take a couple days off for my birthday a week ago and the new responsibilities that have been dumped on me have been ridiculous. They don’t tell you that when you legally become an adult, but anyways, I could meet up with you sometime tomorrow to drop it off. If you wanted to do so of course.”
“Sure, but—”
“You’re an adult?” Pippin asked. “But I’m older than you and I’m still a tween.”
“You’d hate being an adult. You have to do taxes and stuff and you can’t just spend the entire day hanging out with friends.”
“Yes, but it’s about the principle of the matter. I am 5 years older than you and yet I’m not even of age.”
“That’s your loss for being born a hobbit. I however can do adult things and buy a pint without my cousin chaperoning me.”
“Regardless,” Merry interjected. “I believe that I shall be free at around noon tomorrow, so would you like to meet under the party tree?”
“Uh, yes of course. I’ll have it done by tomorrow. As long as Lobelia doesn’t have anything new to bring me.”
“Good then. Well I suppose we shall continue this fruitful discussion tomorrow.” At Pippin’s newly open mouth, he continued, “Alone.”
“Yes. Now shoo. She’s coming in and I don’t want to have to pretend like I’m just a blacksmith in front of you too.”
“We will be back!”
See the full post
21 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
i fucking watched the new doctor strange movie and i'm so close to just rambling about the bits of marvel that i hate and the reasons why
24 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Can I get “that dance, that they did today? it kinda reminded me of when we…” with a pairing of you choice 🥺?
Also makes sure to eat and drink water 🔫
okay so this ended up being a tasm!peter parker x gn!reader fic because i had an Idea so here. also it's kinda implied desi!reader, but it can really be read any way.
also you better do the same 🔫
the link to the dance which i mention is here
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Finals were over. My bed was calling my name as I walked back from the horrid chem exam that had caused far too many all-nighteres in an attempt to memorize all of the ions and their charges as well as the formulas that we had learnt only a couple weeks ago.
But now, I could sleep for as long as I wanted until I had to start packing everything. Which was not until tomorrow because the dorms were supposed to be cleared out by next Friday. That left at least 18 hours that I could use to conk out if I wanted to wake up by about 9am tomorrow.
Unfortunately, or perhaps very fortunately, my plan was thrown away as soon as I saw Peter sitting on the stairs in front of the building, playing on his phone. “Did your ethics final finish up early? I thought you were supposed to be out by 4 at the earliest.”
“Kenobi cancelled it. Something about his nephew getting sick.”
“Well that leaves plenty of time for our must watch movie marathon we had planned a couple weeks ago.”
“Wasn’t that supposed to be during packing? So then if it gets far too cheesy, we could distract ourselves with loading up some of the boxes?”
“Yes, but I found out one of the ones I used to watch with my friends recently came back onto Netflix. And because I couldn’t find it literally anywhere else without having to pay an extravagant amount of money for one movie, we’re going to enjoy the experience of this movie without the need for literally anything else. Other than snacks.”
“Of course we would have snacks. Why was that ever in question?”
“With your appetite, it never should be.”
“Hey, you know that’s because of the spider bite.”
“Like you didn’t come over to my house and eat half of my snacks alongside your own when we were in middle school.”
“Well, sixth period P.E. for all three years causes a person to get a bit hungry after school.”
“And that doesn’t explain the time that we went to Build-A-Bear and you told me you wanted to eat a bear.”
“That was something I told you in confidence and something that I didn’t expect you to almost yell in front of your dorm.”
“Everyone deserves to know that you looked at a Gollum plushie and went, ‘That looks like it would be a good snack.’” “Were you like this before your chem final?” he asked. “Because I could have sworn the person I fell asleep next to was not out to kill me.”
“I was a different person then,” I stated while leading him into the building. “I cannot be expected to treat someone who decided to sit out here in 90 degree heat for 3 hours while I took my final nicely.”
He gasped dramatically, playing it up despite the fact that some of my neighbors were coming out to see what havoc we were causing today. “I have helped you study for countless tests and quizzes and even stayed up with you until 4am last night and this is how I am thanked? I shudder to call myself your boyfriend with such poor treatment.”
The Bridgerton marathon shortly before finals kicked into full swing seemed to have done something to him. But honestly, as long as we didn’t get another complaint regarding our arguments prior to the time that we made it upstairs, it would be fine. “And what do you say to the hours that I spent reviewing vocabulary with you for a final you didn’t even take?”
“I thought I had the final until I went to Kenobi’s room and saw the note posted on his door. And when I went to text you, I saw that your final had already started and decided against trying to distract you.”
“Well you should have distracted me anyways. Why wouldn’t I have wanted a text from you? After all, it wasn’t like that final was particularly important, I would have passed the class either way. Plus, you’re far more important than some stupid chem final that is only vaguely relevant to my degree.”
“I’m sure Windu would agree with that assessment.”
“Windu has a stick up his ass. Which I can finally say in front of other people because I’m finally out of that fucking class.” It still hadn’t entirely hit me that the school year was finally over, but the fact that I could hang out with Peter without needing to study or work on a project was beginning to cement it.
“True. I’m not looking forward to when I have to take him next year for organic.” He took a second before continuing, “Are we ever going to unlock your door or are you planning on watching it out here?”
“Right, that. I barely even noticed that we were here.” Which was surprising, however, this could easily be blamed on the sleep deprivation and the Peter’s distracting presence.
See the full post
27 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
so why is my heart broke?
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tasm!peter parker x reader
warnings: angst, cursing (as always), and i think that's it
summary: you almost got hurt because of a fight between Spider-Man and the villain of the week. now Peter's trying to stop it from happening again
“I’m breaking up with you.”
“I can’t keep putting you in danger like this,” Peter said.
“That doesn’t mean you break up with me, you dumbass.” You took a look at his face before continuing. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“Of course, I’m serious. I can’t see you get hurt again and again because I’m Spider-Man.”
“I get hurt once because I was somewhere the fight got to, and somehow this is what it results in? No, Peter, I refuse.”
“You can’t refuse,” he states, albeit with some confusion. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Peter Motherfucker Parker, I refuse to let you break up with me.”
“I refuse to let you refuse to let me break up with you.”
“I wasn’t even involved in the fight before the villain of the week fucking crashed into the cafe I was picking up coffee from. How could this have resulted from you being Spider-Man? If anyone else was fighting them, the same thing would have happened.”
“Everyone who I have loved while being Spider-Man has been hurt by this, and I refuse to let you be a victim of the Parker curse.”
“I will stay right here beside you to show you that there is no such thing. There is simply the fact that I love you Peter Parker, and I will not leave your side.”
“And it is because of that that I can’t let you stay. I can’t see you get hurt.”
“Well this is hurting me. I’m in love with you and you just want me to leave? I can’t Peter. I can’t see you getting banged up on TV and know that I can’t do anything to help. I can’t leave you.”
“But you should.”
“When has that ever decided what I was going to do? What we were going to do? Fuck what I should do,” I exclaimed.
“I can’t lose you. No matter how much this would hurt both of us, it would never compare to the pain of losing you.”
“And the same applies to you. Do you think I would be okay knowing that you had, that you had died out there, fighting an alien or some shit? I can barely handle the idea of breaking up with you and yet you want me to live knowing that you are out there risking your life every day without anyone on your side? No one there to patch you up when you get hurt? No one who knows what you’re going through every time you show up with bruises and cuts?”
“And what would happen to me if you weren’t there because of me? Because I can’t live without knowing that you were safe. No matter how difficult it is to leave you, there’s no option here where you’re safe. There’s never been one as soon as you chose me.”
“And I’m going to keep choosing you. I am always going to choose you, Peter. Despite all the dangers and slightly insane ideas, I love you.”
That seemed to cause the last remaining bits of fight left in him to dissipate. “I love you too. Despite your stubbornness.”
“Hey, I think that it’s warranted right now. You were about to lose the best thing in your life because you got scared of something that wasn’t your fault. Someone had to do something about it,” You retorted.
“I’m glad someone did.”
108 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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concrete-3ater · 5 months
hello to the 2 people who care,
so sorry I haven't been posting for a while! I got really wrapped up in a few shows I had been watching and I somehow ended up with a new hyperfixation and a new favorite manga series!
I was looking to see if they had Fullmetal Alchemist on Netflix and they did in fact not have it, so I was looking at the shows it recommended and I saw Hunter X Hunter long story short, I became obsessed and binged watched the whole series over the course of about a week and a half. My depression and trust issues have since skyrocketed after finishing the Chimera Ant arc, but I did get a few new favorite characters out of it so it's a fair deal in my eyes!
I also started reading Land of the Lustrous, and my god does the author just hate my poor boy Phos!
anyways, have a good day/night if you read this far!
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vyragosa · 2 years
Would it be ok to ask more hsk questions? What do you think of professor?
selfishly human, selfish determination, selfishly refusing to die alone, selfishly projecting humanity's will for vengeance in the future
the last human on earth
doing what a human will do, joking, caring about needless things, opening the window as the earth comes to destruction
hardly seen such a legendary character at all and on top of it being a mad scientist and a woman and the origin point of the entire story
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cayofdreams · 4 years
A Succubus’ Dilemma
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Summary: Succubus!Reader is struggling with her identity as she gets closer to Kirishima. She wants to continue being the diligent, strong-willed hero that he praises her for being but the presence of Eijirou Kirishima is making that unbearably difficult. She just can't pretend to be quirkless anymore…
Words: 4.5k
Rating: 🌊 Explicit, Smut 
Warnings: cursing, virginity (but there’s no explicit mention of it), oral (receiving), aphrodisiac, heavy overstimulation, a bit of corruption, kinda dark ending? 
Notes: ~Welcome to another steamy piece from your favorite island resort~ 
This one is pretty straight-forward. I feel like I kicked up the smut on this one. Also, I based the ending off one of the endings of one of my favorite yaoi visual novels :-)              
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You were lying down on Kirishima’s bed, deeply engrossed in the romantic scene transpiring on your phone’s screen. You had decided to entertain yourself with an episode from your favorite show while your best friend was in the shower.
‘I love you, Jake. But…I just want to wait before we get intimate. I’m just not ready, right now’
‘Of course, Kathrine! I’ll wait however long it takes! You’re so much more to me than a warm body!’
‘You say that…but what if I choose to stay celibate forever?’
‘Then you can live with the confidence that I, Jake Petersmith, have wholeheartedly loved you for the wonderful human that you are!  
‘Oh, Jake! 
You were tearing up at the cheesy displays of affection since you were a sucker for all things romantic. You loved how characters seemed to have an undying love for one another. Often, you fantasized about sharing that kind of ethereal love with someone yourself. How it would be to run together through a field of sunflowers, or skip hand-in-hand on the sandy surfaces of the beach, or even make couple pranksters YouTube videos that were so obviously not faked.
But that kind of future won’t happen for you. It can’t. Not in the gross body you were in. Surely you were easy on the eyes, but what lurked inside was a demon that constantly bewitched your thoughts. Making you see people around you as simply meat sticks and sticky caverns to be engorged in.
Simply put, you were a succubus. Or at least had a succubus-like quirk. You never told anyone though, only being known to your parents. You tried so hard to reign in these feelings on a daily basis while pretending to be quirkless. But it was becoming increasingly difficult as you got older and as you hung around the likes of…Kirishima.
Oh Kirishima. He was such a beautiful human on the inside and out. Always praising and encouraging you. Being there for you when it seemed you were at your worst low points, and then being there to pick you up and trophy you around when you succeeded at doing even just the bare minimum. You wished you could return even half the happiness to him that he gave you throughout your days at U.A. You wanted to do all the romantic things you saw in movies and books with him. Kirishima was just such a sunshine in your life and you wanted him to continue warming you for the rest of it.
There was a time where 90% of your thoughts toward him were like this…and then as time went on, they became more savagely. Where all you wanted was for him to sink those sharp teeth in your flesh, ravaging your body with a cock that could probably barely even fit inside you, holding you within those arms- those beautifully muscular arms that glistened provocatively with sweat when he trained. You wanted him. Needed him. Please desire me, Eijirou.
You were about to slip your hands down your underwear when you heard the creak of the door open.
“L/N!! Did you miss me?! I’m back!” Kirishima bursted through the door with that wide grin you loved so much.
Of course, I freaking missed you, Eijirou. You were only gone for 11 minutes, 35 seconds, and 23 milliseconds. But I missed every moment.
You covered up your lust with a chuckle. “You weren’t even gone that long.”
“Aww don’t say that!! I missed you, you know.” He teased at you.
Don’t tempt me, baby
“Haha, whatever, Kiri…” You sat up as Kirishima slumped down on the floor next to his coffee table and pulled out his laptop. “So what are we watching, tonight?”
“Hmm…not sure! What do you wanna watch, L/N?” He turned his head to smile back at you. He was so cute. So gorgeous. And your erotic thoughts seemed to be running rampant right now. Especially at the fact that the two of you would be huddled up alone together for who knows however long a movie marathon is. You had to find a way to quickly rid yourself of these thoughts.
“Mmm, let me look up some! Hold on.” A blatant lie. You were going to google get-dry-quick schemes so you could enjoy the rest of the night safely with Kirishima. It was the least he deserved after training so hard today.
You analyzed your search results before clicking on a forum where someone seemed to be going through the same dilemma as you.
‘Hello, my name is [redacted] and I’m horny all the time ☹. I’ve lost so many boyfriends because of it and I truly want to find a husband, but it would be silly of me to expect them to drop everything to please me. How can I stop these feelings?’
Someone just like you! You weren’t alone in this cruel abyss. Perhaps she also had a succubus quirk!
Looking through the answers wasn’t much help for the most part. Most of the replies being trolls who asked where she was so they could “help” her. Even worse were the ones that chastised her for her feelings. Saying she was impure and needed to change her ways.
But your eyes were intrigued at the first comment that seemed to provide some kind of helpful information.
‘You might be a nymphomaniac. Have you tried talking with a professional?’
A nym- what? What was that? You opened another tab.
What is a nympomiac?
Too concerned with research to get the correct spelling, you saw articles for definitions of the auto-corrected word.
               Noun: a woman with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire
Gasping at the accuracy you divulged further.
How to not be a nymphomiakc?
A lot of the results for this returned with solutions that were too time-consuming. Prescribed medication, cognitive therapy, and even some evil medieval treatments that involved leeches.
But you needed something now. Why were all these long-winded answers so abundant?! Couldn’t they just give you something to do now? What the fuck would you have to do?? Shove an iceblock your pussy?? Should you go ask Todoroki for a favor??
You were in the middle of texting Todoroki when Kirishima pulled you out of your frenzy.
“You find anything, L/N?”
“Gyahh! What?!” You dropped your phone and looked at Kirishima like you were a deer caught in his headlights.
“Woah, you okay there?! Did I scare you? Maybe horror isn’t a good idea, then.” His worried face could send you to the grave. How could you let him worry about you like this?
“Ohh..no Kiri. I’m fine. We can just watch whatever you want.” You eased your breaths, desperately trying to sound normal.
“You sure?! Awesome! There’s this zombie flick I’ve been meaning to watch but I get kinda scared watching stuff like that alone.” He clicked around happily through some tabs on his browser. “I think if its with someone as courageous as you, I’ll be less scared.”
Was he trying to make you cry? Saying something so beautiful like that with a face like his. Shame on him, honestly.
“I’m gonna play it now, you ready?”
The movie so far was just as you hoped: grotesque, gory, horrifying, and most importantly, non-arousing. It helped that you stayed on the bed while Kirishima sat on the floor, so I guess that was cheating, but nonetheless necessary.  
“You doin’ okay up there, L/N?” Kirishima checked up on you. You had probably been suspiciously quiet due to concentrating on waving away any little lewd thoughts.
“Oh yeah, what about you, Kiri?”
“W-Well! I was kinda thinking! That maybe uhh…I could possibly join you up there?” He scratched his head in nervousness at his slighty flirty suggestion.
Oh no
“Up where?”
“On the bed. Y-you know…with you?”
At this point you didn’t really know whether to praise or curse the gods above you. If there was one thing you could be sure to thank them for, it was the dark room that hid the flustering of your facial expression.
“I-Its your bed after all…”
“I know! I guess its just- heheh..nevermind! I’m hopping up!” Kirishima rugged his massive body on the bed next to you. Even taking some of the blanket you had so you’d be forced to share with him, he just softly smiled as he did so.
This was way too much for the hellion within you to handle. You could smell his strong scent from beside you. His breathing more pronounced in your ear drums. And its like you could feel his heartbeat within you. Pulsating inside you…
Things would take a turn for the worse when it seemed like a sweet romantic scene was about to show up. The two main leads were alone in a bunker and one of them had just revealed they were bitten.
“Samuel, Nooo!”
“Lilia! Listen to me! I need you to hear what I have to say.”
“We don’t have time, Samuel! We- We need to get you medicine. We have to! We have-“
“Stop, Lilia! There’s nothing that can save me now! You and I both know what happens from here.”
“Lilia… I want you to be the one who does it.”
“I can’t…Samuel..I can’t”
“You have to, Lilia. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”
“Don’t do this, Sam…”
“I love you, Lilia.”
“Oh Samuel! I’ll never be with anyone else! Ever!”
The words lingered in your head as the movie continued on.
‘I’ll never be with anyone else’
Was such an option available to you? Even if you did take away the innocence of your love, Kirishima Eijirou, who’s to know how your body would react? The best result would be that your body would finally be satisfied and you’d no longer have these perverse thoughts.
On the other hand, maybe you’d just sink further and further down. Drowning in the suffocating waters of lust. And then what? Kirishima can’t just drop everything to cater to your needs. No. He was going to be hero. An amazing one at that.
But Kirishima wasn’t just a hero, he was your best friend. You felt awful every time he would praise your strong-willed persona. Saying how amazing you were despite being quirkless. He’d even say you were more manly than him at times. It was like you were betraying him. You were betraying that innocent smile he wore for you everyday…you couldn’t hold it anymore.
He looked back at you, surprised at your rare use of his name. Sensing something was wrong he paused the movie and turned his entire body to face yours.
“L/N, what’s wrong”
You were doing it again. Making him worry over you. But you couldn’t keep holding in this secret. You needed to tell him.
“I have to ask you something…”
“Please ask! I’m listening with all ears, L/N” He perked up at you. He looked just like a puppy, waiting for your every move like that.
“What do you think about…impulsive people?”
“Huh? Impulsive people?” He scratched his head at the question. “Well…I guess they’re entertaining to watch? Kind of like Bakugou. But I suppose being too impulsive is bad. You could get yourself or others in danger.”
Your head lowered at his statement, eyes closing shut. Of course he would say something like that. It’s only natural for humans to be mindful of their indulgences. They had to. It’s a part of social conformity after all.
Yet still, it hurt.
He noticed your displeasure in his answer.
“What’s wrong, L/N? Why did you ask that? You’re not impulsive at all!” He was trying to cheer you up, but it only dug the knife further into your chest. “You’re one of the most dignified, tough, and resilient people I know!”
Tears were starting to form in your eyes and before you could object him he continued.
“A-and that’s why…That’s why I love you, F/N. I want you to be my girlfriend.”
As much as you wanted to pull him close to you and pamper him with kisses, you needed to come clean. You shot up from the bed, your back faced towards him and your handing closing into a clenched fist.
“That can’t happen, Kirishima! It won’t work!”
Kirishima followed you by jumping up from the bed, grabbing you by the arms to get you to face him. “Why, F/N?! Why can’t it happen? Is there something wrong with me?! Please just tell me!”
“Nooo…nooo there’s nothing wrong with you, Kiri..” The waterworks flowed from your eyes and violent sobs escaped from you. You slumped down on your knees in sorrow. Kirishima joined you on the floor and tried to pull you into him, but you’d jerk your body away. “You know nothing about me, Kirishima…I’ve- I’ve lied to you.”
“What do you mean, F/N? What did you lie about? I’m sure its not that bad!”
“I’m not quirkless, Kiri…” A couple more sobs came out of you. “I-I’m a demon…a succubus. A filthy succubus! Just a filthy disgusting succubus!!”
Not being able to stand your self-hatred, he grabbed you by the jaw to force you to look at him. His blazingly crimson eyes met your beautifully wet e/c ones. “Stop that, F/N! You’re not disgusting! Or filthy! You could never be those things!”.
You gripped his wrist and pulled it harshly away from you. “What would you know?! You don’t know the things I deal with inside this wicked head of mine! I encompass the most obscene thoughts about people! About you! Every morning I think about how I’m going to seduce you and get you to desire me just as much as I do! Every training session I look at that beautifully sculpted body of yours and I mentally defile it! Thinking of you as nothing more than a walking, breathing dildo! I see you when you’re smiling with your friends and all I want to do is just steal you away make you mine forever! And every night, I cry at the lack of pleasure I’m getting. The lack of warmth that I only want YOU to give to me. The lack of feeling your hot, meaty cock inside me! It drives me insane, Eijirou! I hate having these thoughts! I hate them! I hate them! I ha-hmmph!”
Kirishima had suddenly kissed you, and you had returned it by ravaging your tongue around his. You didn’t care about the cuts you might receive from his teeth grazing against your delicate flesh. You could only be swallowed by the pleasures overtaking your mouth. You drowned in each other, but only briefly before you had placed your hands on his chest and pushed him away from you.
“What are you doing?! Didn’t you just hear what I said?” You struggled to catch your breath as you wiped away the remnants of his saliva from your face.
“Why didn’t you tell me this, F/N? Did you…did you not trust me? Did you not think of me as manly enough to handle this?” His hands gripped tightly at your shoulders, craving a reply from you.
“You know that’s not true, Kiri. You’re the best person to ever come into my life, and that’s why I had to withhold this secret from you. I didn’t want you to abandon me.”
“I could never aban-“
“But I also didn’t want you to get wrapped up in me. I want you to continue your goals of becoming a hero, Eijirou. Who knows what sanity you’ll be sacrificing by being with me. It’s not a chance I’m willing to take.”
“That isn’t your call to make.” Kirishima’s uncharacteristically cold reply created an atmosphere that overwhelmed you.
“What do you mean? Hiding my quirk was the best decision.”
“Did you really think about me?” Kirishima’s hands glided from your shoulders to your upper arms, still holding a tight grip. “Did you think about how I’d feel if I knew you were holding yourself back like that? What if you’re killing yourself and you don’t know it? I’m supposed to be a hero, F/N. Your hero.”
Before you could reply he had stood up and lifted you back on the bed. He layed you down and positioned himself between your legs, squeezing at your thighs. They were so soft, so delicate. All of you was soft and delicate. And nothing you had told him tonight would change the way he felt about you. There was nothing you could say or do to change his feelings for you. Nothing.
You tried to pry his hands away from the meat of your thighs, but you were admittedly weak from his confession and the thick, encompassing atmosphere that was Kirishima’s presence around you. “Kiri-“
“Eijirou. Call me Eijiirou.”
“…Eijirou. We can’t do this. It’s dangerous…”
“It’s dangerous if I do, its dangerous if you don’t. But I’m telling you right now, F/N, I’m not letting you continue to do this to yourself. Knowing that you’re hurting like this and not being able to do anything? Not doing anything to help the one I love? What kind of hero would I be?...What kind of man would I be?”
Kirishima then leaned down to capture your lips in another kiss. You tried to move your head away but he took one of his hands against your jaw to hold you in place. It felt so good. So fucking good. His lips, his tongue, his rough hands. You teared up just at the pleasure of it all.
He then took his other hand to lift up your shirt, revealing your bra that contained the softest bust that any man could ever lay his hand upon. And right now that man was him. And he’d make sure it’d always be him.
Letting go of your lips, he roughly caressed your breasts before completely pulling your shirt over your head. Faint thoughts of resistance would slip away as you lost yourself in the pleasure you’d been craving for so long.
Struggling to get your bra off, Kirishima impatiently ripped it himself, using a bit of his quirk in the process.
“Sshh, baby. I’m gonna take care of you so well.” He slipped off your shorts along with your underwear and threw them unmindfully on the floor. Gripping the flesh below your inner knee, he spread your legs wide enough to slightly sting.
Your pussy was overflowing with juices for him and he barely even touched you yet. He took a moment to relish in the view, taking in deep breaths to smell your intoxicating aroma. He was inexperienced at sex but he knew this erotic perfume you were exuding could only have been the work of your succubus traits.  He leaned down to give an experimental lick, his tongue curling to make sure he could gather as much of your juices as he could. He let your flavor sit in his mouth as if trying to enjoy the last sip of water on a mission in the desert.
His lewd behaviors made an unbearable heat rise to your face and you cowered behind your hands. Irritated, Kirishima jerked your hands away and looked at you as if you just insulted his entire lineage.
“Don’t you dare cover up that beautiful face of yours.” He leaned his head back down, this time capturing all the folds of your pussy in his mouth. “I want to see every expression you make. Hear every seductive sound that leaves that your throat.” The vibrations of his voice on your pussy drove you crazy. The rapid moving of his tongue against your clit was immediately sending you to a heavenly dimension.
“Ohh Eiji…Eiji I’m gonna cum…”
“Cum for me, baby. I want it.”
Your orgasm was so intense you could’ve passed out, but you couldn’t. Not with Eijirou still licking all over your clit like that.
“Oh my god, Eiji! Eijiii” Your hands gripped at his spiky hair, tugging tightly trying to get him to have mercy on your sensitive bud. “F-ffuckk! I can’t, Eiji, I can’t!”
Still not letting up, he continued to overstimulate you with his relentless tongue. “I’m sorry, F/N.” He slurped up your juices before working his tongue again. “You taste so fucking good. Like the freshest fruit from a garden.” He rotated between drinking up your fluids and licking vigorously at your clit. “I can’t stop, baby. I need more. Just cum again, okay?”
And cum, you would. A second orgasm was on the horizon and the overstimulation of it was making you shed tears. “Eiji…I’m gonna cum again. Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna cum againnn- Hnngh!!“. Intense waves of pleasure rode over you. However, Kirishima was still lapping up at your folds. “Eijirouuuu!!!”. Your moans became more high-pitched and erratic as you were overstimulated now for the second time.
“Just one more time, baby. I promise”. “I swear I just-“ Slurp. “Never tasted-“ Slurrp. “Anything so fucking good before.”
You were left with no choice but to cave into your third orgasm and Kirishima seemed to show no mercy for you. “Fucckkk.” You sniffled through your sobs as your next high came quicker than the previous ones. Finally Kirishima had lifted his head from between your lips. He had the most animalistic and erotic face you could have ever dreamed of seeing.
“Damn, that was so good. You did so well for me, baby.” Kirishima gleamed with the shine that was your juices. He leaned down to entwine his tongue with yours. You could taste yourself on him and it made you delirious. You had just cum three times, but you wanted more. You needed more.
Kirishima felt the same way as you as he backed up to give himself space to take his shorts off. Cock now springing free, you could see the beast of a rod he had and it made your mouth water. You whined at just the thought of the pleasure you were about to become entranced by. He lined himself up at your sopping entrance, but before he could slip in, you lightly pressed on his chest to get his attention.
“Are you sure, Eijirou? You can stop right now if want. I won’t be mad at you at all. You’ve already done so much for me, tonight.”
His cheeks faded into a deep pink as he moved your hands to be at his shoulders.
“I want you, F/N”. He stuck the tip of his cock in you, grunting at the tightness of your entrance. “I fucking want you.”
You let out a guttural moan as he slowly stretched your pussy to fit his cock. You finally felt it. The warmth you’d been craving deep inside. The stingingly sweet pain of his cock stretching out your drenched pussy. You could die right now. Right here in the arms of the man you loved. And your ghost would be perfectly okay with it. But your flesh craved even more. You needed him to reach the deepest parts of you. You needed him to destroy your greedy pussy.
“Fuck me, Eijirou. I want you to fuck me like the greedy slut that I am!” You looked directly into his dazed eyes, whining at him to give you what you wanted. “Please, I want you so bad. Mark this pussy with that cock of yours. Make me unable to think about anyone else like this. C’mon, give it to me! ”
Too aroused by your begging, he silently obliged. Sinking the entirety of his cock inside you, he twitched at your pulsating walls. It was like your pussy was a  breathing organ, sucking him in and tightening around him so he could never leave. And he wasn’t going to. He’d stay like this forever with you.
Not giving you time to get used to his size, Kirishima started thrusting brutally against your hips. You let out the sweetest moans as you littered his back with scratches. His thrusts becoming smoother and smoother as your pussy got used to him. His cock ferociously grazed against your g-spot as the tip teasingly nibbed at your cervix. The perfect mix of pleasure and pain, you felt your now fourth orgasm approaching. You let go of his shoulders to lay your head back deep in the cushions of his pillows.
“Eijirou, you’re gonna make me cum again! You’re gonna make me cum all over your cock-!”
“Oh fuck- me too, F/N”. The rhythm of his thrusts became more faltered as your walls inhumanely squeezed the life out of him. He looked at your cock-drunk face, pleased with his performance. “Where do you want it, baby?”
You raised your head to reestablish eye contact with him. “I want it inside! Cum inside me! I need your cum so bad, need to feel it in my-Hmmnghh!!” Your orgasm overtook your speaking as you groaned hysterically.
Kirishima not far behind you, quickened his pace to chase his own high. “Shit, F/N! I’m gonna cum inside you! Fucking take all of it, baby! Don’t let any seep out, okay?”
You moaned at the hotness of his seed spurting inside. It was so deep inside you and you wondered if it was either easier or more difficult to get pregnant as a succubus. Either way you wanted more and your walls clenched once again against Kirishima’s cock.
He grunted before leaning down to bury his face in your neck, once again starting to thrust inside you. He was overstimulated but your pussy was driving him crazy. Perhaps your juices were an aphrodisiac, making anyone a slave to the area between your thighs. He kissed along your jaw and brought his hand up against your throat. He didn’t squeeze tight, just enough to get your attention.
He rose his head up to get a good look at your face. You looked liked a corrupted angel beneath him. He couldn’t believe you withholded him from these pleasures for so long. Were you just gonna go fuck other guys? You were going to let other men taste what has been his all along? He needed to hear you say you belonged to him. He’d give up anything to hear your sweet voice tell him everything from your insides and out belonged to him.
“Tell me who you belong to, baby?”
You replied with no hesitation, willing to say and do anything to milk more of his cum inside you.
“You, Eijirou! I belong to you! My flesh, my womb, my guts! Everything belongs to you Eijirou!” You felt another orgasm filling up in your stomach. “Please don’t ever leave me, Eiji. I want you with me forever. “
Of course, this was something he had no qualms about doing. He was ready. He’d give up school, his goals, his life to please you at every waking moment. He’d keep you pumped full of his cum so you’d never think about anyone else. You wouldn’t even remember what it was like to live like you weren’t a succubus. You’d be happy like this. With him.
Because he was your hero.
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dustward · 2 years
There’s so many characters. Love and appreciate them all regardless of their impact on the main story. It took me a little while to notice the rotating importance going on. But before talking about any of the remaining cast, I should probably focus on the important story developments that went down.
Really wish the events of volume 7 could’ve been stretched to twice the length. The long hair did not last long enough . . . The adjustment period happened so fast, I was not quite ready to accept it yet, but I 100% believe Phos was. It’s weird to wish a plot would move any slower, but it’s a testament to how much I love this world and its characters. While I enjoyed volumes 5 and 6, this was the change that really got me cruising through the chapters. It felt like progress was finally being made in regards to the bigger picture and when those answers finally came..
The wait was well worth it. Understanding who the Lunarians were, the reminder on the Admirabilis, the nature of various aspects and the relationships between the three races (and Kongou), and while not entirely upfront, a glimpse into what everyone truly wanted at the end of it all. Can’t exactly recall a story in which the end goal was The End, and for it to be viewed as a positive. As much as I’d personally hate the idea of the end, I cannot fault the Lunarians for seeking it after countless millennia had gone by. I just wish the wariness I held for Aechmea was one shared by Phos, though I suppose they held onto it as long as they could, given the constant setbacks. An aside here, but the editor’s note further clarifying Cairngorm’s action actually making a kind of sense given a similar makeup to Phos’ agate is something that I’m very grateful for.
Kongou’s gesture of prayer, I noticed it twice now in hindsight upon reviewing earlier chapters, and it makes me wonder what else there is to catch knowing what I know now. More background info highlighting Bort’s love of Jellyfish very early on (with a bunch in their hair), or Euclase being the brains and making sure everything works right both coming to be plot relevant was also wonderful to see in ways that still managed to feel surprising. It’s a shame Jade fell to the wayside in comparison, but at least they had one golden moment as a last line of defense during The War.
There wasn’t enough Pad. There really wasn’t. That’s the point, I know, but every time they showed up caused amazing shockwaves to anyone that witnessed them, and that kind of presence left an understandable impression on Phos. I can similarly understand why Yellow was so eager to talk with them that first time. Really feel for Yellow, and I fear their fate is forever sealed as one whose lived too long. The lunarians in general.. it’s hard to form an opinion of most the named ones, but Cicada has the best heart of anyone in this series. May their days be filled with constant happiness, enough to feel it for those that no longer can.
While I don’t have any strong attachment to Euclase beyond the general admiration I have for each character, the fact they’re one of the few concerned for Phos’ well being after everything’s said and done has to be acknowledged. If only they had been a more assertive leader in attempts to negotiate with Phos before their last breakdown, figuratively and mentally.
The Amethyst twins felt like they were destined for a path similar to Zircon till the trip to the moon changed things, and I was very pleased to see this development, the last second switchup with 84, and their diverging path. Hope to see the pair reunited in at least one or two smaller moments next. Would really like to see the newer 84 via anime someday as well, as a more minor and selfish want. Alexandrite had probably my favorite progression throughout the course of the story, though I wish they had a couple more speaking roles. From blips of an appearance at first to the Red-Alex-reveal to more involved discussions with Phos after their arm swap. To their decisions to go to the moon, volunteer twiceover to assist Phos, changing priorities from Lunarian obsession to learning to live with their condition and enjoy a happier life of coexistence. Only question left to answer is what their partner may think of their path at this point. Oh, and what a badass.
There was quite a bit of that as the story pressed on: Characters having expected and unexpected moments where they prove their fighting prowess. While Bort’s was a given, it was still a surprise to see their strat change-ups after suffering a proper defeat. Alex’s promised moment was another instance of being worth the wait. Pad did not need to prove themselves but damn they sure did didn’t they. The real standouts however were the ones you might not have expected, Dia and Rutile. Sucks to see Rutile and to a lesser extent Bort reach such a jaded state in their last moments of battle. In Bort’s case, because of the damage they’d done by preventing Phos from talking with Kongou while also pushing Dia into a corner of sorts psychologically, and in neither instance ever grasping the impact their words/actions had.
In Rutile’s case, after everything they worked toward, it felt all for naught, as though they lay defeated after witnessing the Lunarian’s constant successful efforts with their beloved Padparadscha. Hope Rutile has some good moments ahead yet, because up until the catatonic state, they had the air of a grounded, supportive, albeit exhausted gem. And while their revenge-stricken self was cool and commanded attention, it felt underutilized. Dia was always precious, but now they’re a certified favorite. I had a hope things might turn out this way, but I had no way of knowing they’d be the closest aligned with Phos’ latter mental state in the end. Truly a pair or adorable gems destined for the “f it we ball” team-up. Similarly felt this potential after Dia took down the fully grown Shiro earlier on, not as a warrior, but as someone holding in a LOT of pent up emotions begging to find an outlet. When I saw they’d become an idol I just could not contain my laughter because *of course* that was where they’d wind up. May they continue to flourish on the moon as they may have always been destined to. Hopefully they can also patch things up with Bort. Seems as though the tables will have been turned there though if they do.
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hi! could you do sopa de letras and pho for the soup ask game? have a great day! <3
Of course I can, Briar!!!! <3333
Pho: Describe your ideal writing set up.
So, honestly I do my best writing when I'm not intending to. Like, I write whenever the inspiration strikes me, if I'm in a place where I can. I've written MULTIPLE scenes at 3am before when I can't sleep. But most of my writing happens on the floor of my bedroom, lmao. I don't write as often as I like to, because I can't really force myself to write. But when I do write, I almost always have music playing in my headphones, or at the very least it's otherwise quiet. And I have my doc open and basically nothing else. It's in it's own window if I'm in google docs in effort to minimize distractions. Because oh my god am I easily distracted.
Okay, so Sope De Letras (aka, alphabet soup) is going under the cut, because it's LONG. This is one I already wrote an answer two last night, so I have it prepared, but it's a LOT.
(TW for abuse mention and murder mention under the cut)
Sopa De Letra: Tell us about a character's family.
So, I’m going to answer this about Kristopher’s family, because they’re the biggest bunch of pricks known to man.  Since he was 6th (last) in line for the throne, everyone, above all his family, treated him as useless.  He was extra, unwanted, unnessaccary.  His dad is absolutely an evil asshole, and can burn in hell.  He tried to have Kris killed when he was TEN.  And the rest of his family isn’t much better.  His brothers’ favorite activity is pushing Kris around, and they pride themselves on being better at him than everything.  So much so that despite the fact that he is a MUCH better swordsman than any of them, and can kick their asses in his sleep (And frequently literally does.), any time there is a tournament or competition of any sort, it’s either rigged for Kris to lose, or he is excluded altogether.
His family does have one saving grace, however, and that is his older sister.  She was the only one who was ever kind to Kris, and they were pretty close.  That is until she was married off to a distant noble, sent away to a life she never wanted, without a say in the matter.  Kris resents his parents even more because of this.
To add to the family drama, Kristopher’s uncle, Victor (his father’s brother), was exiled to the Southern Isles years ago after attempting a coup to overthrow Pierre (Kristopher’s father).  Don’t make the mistake of assuming that that makes him a better person.  He attempted the coup because he did not agree with his brother’s plan to uphold the peace treaty with Anvia.  He currently heads a group of rebels who have been continually causing chaos by raiding Anvian farms and villages along the Southern Pass.  It is rumored that this is the same group with whom Fallon’s father, Wymond was plotting.
Thanks again for the ask, Briar!! <333
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Why do you like cinnabar so much? I personally can't really stand them but I'm still happy they're finally content with life! Cinnabar is my Cinnababy, no matter how cruel they are to my other and more baby, phos.
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this is very hard for me to explain in a logical way.
most people will think it’s a given, but ive read and heard enough polarized opinions to avoid taking my chances so, before we start, here’s a disclaimer: im perfectly aware that cinnabar’s character has flaws, that their canon relationship with phos isnt healthy, that they made mistakes and will probably keep on making mistakes (and ive written a number of posts about it). 
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now that we’ve got this over with, i’ll tell you that i dont really know why i like cinnabar so much. sometimes a character just vibes with you (look at me, using cool kids vocabulary) and bam, theyre a fave.
as a start, since chapter 2 and episode 1, i liked the way they were introduced in the story: the character’s design, their theme (shinsha’s theme is one of the best songs in the ost, come on), their personality. the way they kept phos and everyone else away but still cared about them was so bittersweet. it made me want to hug them but it also got me thinking about gem society: why is cinnabar so isolated? why no one cares? how did it get to this?
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they’re so similar to phos, too, and the more i grew to like phos the more i grew to like cinnabar and their interactions. they had this unique chemistry that other gems in the show didnt have, it was more nuanced and complex than the other relationships we could see in the series and that too got me thinking about gem society. 
they were both outcasts after all, it was very clear that they were trying to battle loneliness and find a sense of purpose in different ways and that was interesting (and sad ofc, but hey this is hnk).
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but cinnabar is an independent character from phos and i love how ichikawa kept highlighting that as she showed their relationship deteriorate with time. in the end, cinnabar makes their own choices and by doing so they show character growth.
it took me a while to appreciate cinnabar as much as i do now and their newfound independence played a big part. they became their own character and in doing so they became much more interesting. theyre moving, growing, changing, making mistakes, thinking about things in a world where no one ever thinks about anything and those who do are either outcasts or betrayers or both.
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i also suppose i see myself in cinnabar more than in any other character, and it’s very rare for me to find a character and go ‘oh woah, theyre just like me’ so that was a plus. sometimes i just want to shake some sense into their head cause im like ‘ive been through this, i know why youre doing this and it’s not healthy, you dumb rock. just speak out’
i like cinnabar’s personality: they’re smart, they’re brilliant, theyre anxious and shy, they’re avoidant, selfless, rude, self loathing, secretive but at the same time so easy to read, they give great advice and look complicated but they really just wanted one thing, to be loved, and this speaks so much about the problems gem society has.
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cinnabar’s character is also testament to the fact that you have to create your future with your own hands, you cannot project your hopes on someone else, wait for a saviour, cry about your failures and misfortunes and hope everything goes well. you have to act.
now, phos is a much better example of this, of course, but i appreciate cinnabar’s attempt at this, even if i dont condone their methods: communication is essential and cinnabar cannot communicate sincerely for the life of them. 
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i also like to speculate about cinnabar’s past, all the small moments we didnt see on screen and that led them to take on night patrolling: were they friends with antarc? with other gems? with gems that were abducted? i like to empathize with shinsha, get in their shoes and try to understand why they acted a certain way, why they said a certain thing, because 90% of cinnabar’s decisions happen offscreen, 90% of their processing happens in their head and writing character metas is one of my favorite things to do, as you all probably have noticed.
complex thought process, lots of things left unsaid, flaws, mistakes, an attempt to change, cool personality… idk, i just like them. please shinsha stans come to my aid cause im sure i forgot something but its so hard to make this post into something coherent
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princesskeda · 5 years
do you have any headcanons/fun facts about myrah? how was her developing process? i didn't love her at first (trying to take over the realm lol) but she's really grown on me :)
Developing Myrah was so fun. One of the hardest things was naming her. I wanted to call her Myrah but I was thinking I had too many "M" names. So then she was going to be Freya but it never really fit so I ended up going back to Myrah.
I wanted Hershel to fall in love and so that was the main reason Myrah was created. One of the hard parts at this point in the universe is creating characters that are unique. I knew I wanted her personality to be super aloof and sure of herself, because I dont have a whole lot of characters like that. Plus, I love making relationships with people who are are similar in some ways but also completely opposite in others (Cole and Keyda, Tolan and Syn, etc.) So I took what I knew about Hershel (quiet, insecure, afraid he doesnt deserve love, and generally selfless) and flipped it to create someone with opposite traits (still quiet, but very self-assured, thinks love doesnt deserve her, and a tendency to be selfish.) It was fun to have her in a similar dynamic as Hershel (new leader verses new master healer) because they are both struggling to find their own way on the paths chosen for them. But while Hershel resents the path more or less chosen for him, Myrah forged ahead with her own. Of course, they both had much to learn from each other, which made their dynamic fun to write.
My favorite thing about Myrah is how self assured she is. After writing many characters who go from having lots of insecurity to gaining confidence in themselves (Keyda, Amber, and Hershel being key characters like that) it has been fun to write a character who was sure of herself from the get go and had to be humbled just a smidge haha.
So when I first tried to draw Myrah it was really hard cuz all Nicki gave me was semi tall woman who’s gonna be the new western leader and she has weird eyes and also she’s in her 30s. I think at one point she described her with like an edgy pixie cut or something (she’ll try to describe characters to me in an effort to get me to draw them) and I was like NOPE and ended up giving her super long hair and making her real pretty. Mostly I just wanted her to reflect her self confidence and general put-togetherness. And I just love experimenting with braids haha. And then I was like, OH NO SHES GORGEOUS HERSHEL DONT STAND A CHANCE! I personally love to draw her with her hair down best and I also have given her quite a few outfits... she’s not my new fav character or anything... (I remember figuring out that his oath was gonna be a problem before he ever talks to Phos and was like OOOOOO FORBIDDEN LOVE IM SO ON BOARD!! And I’ve been hopeless hershyrah trash ever since)
Fun facts about Myrah:
*She loves to read and is dedicated to enlarging her library
*Shes secretly a little self conscious about her eyes because others made fun of them when she was young(she has since learned to use them to her advantage and they are now her most intimidating feature)
*She keeps a personal record of her own life but doesnt allow anyone to read them, not even Bula.
*Heavy Metal helped hone her sword play and she could hold her own against most people...possibly even Tolan. Her real skill is actually in knife throwing, however, and I headcannon that she keeps a dagger handy under her pillow just in case
*Myrah has the INTJ personality type
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wingsporkhalo · 5 years
He’s Mine: A BakuDeku Fic Spork- Chapter 2
Here I am with chapter 2 of this mess!! For those of you who are new, I read a terrible My Hero Academia fanfiction and made funny commentary on it with some good buddies. Chapter 1 is here! https://wingsporkhalo.tumblr.com/post/190957730961/hes-mine-a-bakudeku-fic-spork-chapter-1
Support me on Patreon! I am poor!! https://www.patreon.com/WingSongHalo And check out my YouTube channel, where you can see video sporks!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgTMFf7W6SyWoZdpqY9ZdPw/
Last time, the story started in the middle of an inexplicable fight, Izuku gave Shoto his phone number and had multiple houses, and Katsuki told Izuku he doesn’t want Izuku to call anyone by their first name but him! Because being controlling is romantic, right?? (Sarcasm.)
In today’s chapter, Katsuki attempts to confess his “love,” Izuku is forced to dress as a girl, Shoto kidnaps Izuku, I rant about people uke-fying my favorite characters, and Kirishima offers some terrible advice!
Special thanks to my dear friends @the-wizard-l​, @kittykatz009​, @satsuneade​, and Phos for co-commentating!
Without further ado, let’s move ahead to Chapter 2!
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My friend Phos: It’s reviewing the same stuff!!! What?? Me: but Phos!! This time it's in a different Point of View, though you'd never know that from the lack of detail!!
Um what am I doing here .
[sigh] I ask myself that every day, sonny
Why dose? Uh, because it keeps you from taking too much medication?
Why dose my chest feel weird when I see deku with half'n'half.
Uhhh... maybe you know he's lactose intolerant and you're concerned for him as a friend? ....naaahhh
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Phos: “Damed nerd” Me: I mean, from what i know of Bakugou's character, he always instantly regrets talking to Izuku Why would he be stuttering in his own head??! Also, what the fuck is damhed? Is it like being a shithead, but less profane?? Disided. Uhhhh... I guess that's when... something has two sides? I guess??
After I payed for the thing I wanted,
God this detail!! I'm so moved!!
Why was Izuku just running around? Was he late? I thought you were 10 minutes early?
I catched up to him
Sure. With your umbrella? Were you using it to travel like fucking Mary Poppins??
“Ahh” he said falling on the wet ground
I love how unemotional that is.
"DEKU HEAR" --the sound of me being completely out of character? Oh yes. I hear it
Wh--? What bottom of his uniform was he grabbing? I??? I hope you mean like the edge of the blazer?? My friend Jaz: Bottom of his shoes Phos: Bottom of the uniform might mean bottom of the pant leg— Oh Me: I mean, valid interpretations all of them, but it really sounds like he's grabbing ass if you just say "the bottom of his uniform" because that's... where the bottom is... moving on.
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I don't get it. Has Bakugou supposedly found Izuku's stare cute this whole time, or is this a recent thing? It's so outside the realm of possibility that it's not computing
We walked to school together.
Oh my, how exciting! I wondered what was going to happen next!! And you told it so efficiently, with as few words as possible! Bravo!!
So like, WERE you getting closer or did it just FEEL like you were?
I feel like if their faces ever touched, reality would just collapse in on itself because the laws of nature would be violated
(either that or it would have to be a "one of them literally fell from a great distance onto the other one" situation)
(Which I guess isn't too far fetched since they get thrown around a lot)
Again the damh nerd is here.
Did I say something wrong?
Ohhhhkay I'm just. So confused. WHY is Bakugou suddenly aware of his "feelings," WHY is he suddenly so much nicer, and WHY is he just deciding all of a sudden to confess his love?? That's the kind of thing you WRESTLE with, if you accidentally fall in love with the dude you've hated for like 11 of your 15 years of life!! My friend Wiz, evidently affected by the reality-warping powers of this fic: jhwbebhjfewjhbwfjh
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Uh why did he have to come at a time like this.
B... because the bell is going to ring?...
Wow, I wish I could communicate entire sentences with just my face. Seems like a useful talent. Maybe that guy in class 1-B with the speech bubble for a head would be best at that
"Kacchan here" Why yes, he is here. Not sure why the sudden caveman-speak, though
Then half'n'half went of with my deku
[sits there staring at nothing for 5 seconds] [shakes self] Sorry I was just reeling at the sheer ridiculousness of everything about that sentence
I felt kind of bad leaving kacchan behind.
Then it just transitions to the next scene because fuck internal monologue I guess Jaz: When did he become Your Deku? Me: THEIR TEACHER NEVER SHOWED UP??? BITCH WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO AIZAWA??? Also, wouldn't it naturally fall to Iida to take over and decide their next course of action, as class rep? Why are the girls all hijacking the class??? Jaz: They hogtied Iida, of course Me: They're putting their names on a stick... oh god... tHEY'RE ORGANIZING A DEATH TOURNAMENT "Deku come with me" "I'd love to but that's not the pairing of this fic" Jaz: Dhdududidifhf
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I love how Izuku has no agency in this fic; he just goes with whoever and does whatever, helpless against the whims of those around him. And by love, I mean hate. I fucking hate that.
Uh *sigh*
Wow that's a mood. Jaz: Wtf is even going on Me: lskjdlkksjdf Not that Izuku wouldn't dress up as a girl if someone told him to, but I think he'd usually at least like a reason for it "Izuku the All Might Cheer Squad is missing a member; could you sub in?" "[throws everything off his desk and stands up at once] I've been waiting for this moment" My friend Satsu, just arriving: Finally caught up and I'm CACKLING Me: Somebody get Ochaco to Recovery Girl!! She's taken a blow to the face and there is BLEEDING aH THANK U SATSU <3 Satsu: HI MOM, ((note: my server calls me Mom. LOL)) lol this is so bad 😂 😂 Wiz: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING HERE JHBDJBH Me: Honestly, I think Izuku would be dreadfully embarrassed if everyone stared at him no matter WHAT he was wearing Satsu: Yeah but like, why uraraka suddenly dressed him like that??? What is the thinking process that that would be okay in the school omg Me: “Why would you do this to me uraraka-san“ Wiz: I’m crying Me: "Look, it was in my contract that I had to appear in 50 badfics a week. I'm sorry, Deku" "[hangs his head] No that's fair"
Satsu, didn't you know?? This is just what happens when the teacher doesn't show up Satsu: Aw damn, if I knew ;-;
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Wiz: I am. So confused wjhbfe Satsu: They all ran of Me: he stoped, but I can't.
Then I ran of
It was a run of girlishness and embarrassment, I'm guessing. Did they all say the slashes, or? Jaz: Did Todoroki just kidnap Deku? Wiz: These things happen Satsu: Oh dear, the last sentence My eyes Me:
Izuku ran of
--Shame and frilliness--
Mabey we went to far
"Sorry, I can't go with you this weekend. Mah bae and I are going to far." "To where?" "Far. It's this restaurant across town" Wiz: jhwbewehbj Me: What the--why was Izuku running for his life? WHAT DID HE DO Shoto: [pushes Izuku] Izuku: thank you! Shoto: uh... s-sure... should I be concerned that you just thanked me for shoving you Izuku: Probably! Wiz: MOOD Satsu: Kdbdkdbfkjf Me: What the--why's Shoto rubbing Izuku's head? Is it a good luck ritual or has Izuku turned into a puppy? Wait, no, he still has hands. I'M CONFUSED Phos: I still don’t understand the dress and wig.Well, girls uniform. Satsu: You’re not alone with that lol Me: Look, sometimes ya see an adorable messy-haired befreckled shonen protagonist and ur just overwhelmed with the desire to see him in drag....... I guess? Phos: I mean Yeah that sounds exactly like what this fic is doing Me: It sounds to me like they wanted to write moments where Shoto and Katsuki would get to interact with Izuku while he's a delicate, soft little maiden [rolls eyes] Wiz: :’)) Me: STOP UKE-FYING MY IZUKU, YOU FETISHIST Satsu: They always do that to my dear main characters :( Me: Me pulling these badfic authors up by their collar: listen here you yaoi sluts... my son Izuku is more manly than 90 other shonen protagonists put together... Jaz: Omggggg WING Phos: "yaoi sluts" I will never have a chance to use that and man I’m upset about that Satsu: Heck yeah! Me: LSJKFLKSDJ PHOS Satsu: MOOD Phos: I’m not in a lot of fandoms where yaoi is the norm in badfic! Me: Really? It kind of seems like it's the norm in every fandom nowadays. Look I love a lot of slash pairings, but yaoi I have a problem with. Yaoi is fetishization, yaoi is semes and ukes and one of them has to be "the girl" essentially and it's gross Phos: Agreed! Me: ANYWHO [steps off my soapbox] Wiz, a bit behind on the messages: YAOI SLUTS JHBFJHF
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No body saw him, but several pairs of eyes did. Three of them were Shoji's. Wiz: Wing I love you Me:
Something told me he went out side
Was the something lazy writing? I LOVE U TOO WIZ <3 <3 <3 Satsu: It's cracking me uo that it says "Bakago P. O. V" Me: Does... does this person honestly think that's how you spell "damn"? I... wh? The kinds of mistakes this person is making are not really things I see from people who speak English as a second language--tenses are more or less usually correct, etc--so I'm just. How. How do you get it wrong that many times
"Ahh" I heard someone screaming
Really? Cuz when you write it like that it looks more like what you'd say while sinking into a hot bath after a long day. Satsu: Wait, didn't Todoroki kidnap him? Where did he go? Phos: He’s been consumed by the love triangle void Satsu: He just vanished lol Me: Yeah he was like "finally, my Love Interest™️ is in drag, so I must make the most of this and Romance him" and fucked the hell off dragging poor Izuku with him Satsu: LMAO PHOS Me: SLAKFJDLKJ PHOS Phos: bows Thank you Me:
It was Deku being chased by boys
The Izuku Midoriya tag on pixiv, basically
I picked up deku and put him over my shoulder.
This is the second BakuDeku fic I've seen where Bakugou throws Izuku over his shoulder like a goddamn bag of potatoes and it's portrayed as Romantic. Wiz: w h y Satsu: I'm still wondering, is this supposed to be BakuDeku or TodoDeku? Or both????? Phos: Both, I think Me: I think it’s both, yeah Satsu: Aw, dang. My poor baby. :( Phos: I’d bet real money this doesn’t end properly, like it’s not finished Me: yeah the story is technically called "he's Mine! (tododeku kacdeku) (boku no hero academia)" Satsu: Kfbdkfjf jf Wiz: Oh joy Me: which, like, first off, who the FUCK calls it Kacdeku? I'm pretty sure I heard my cat say that while throwing up once Wiz: gfthghuji Phos: Adobe (That was a corrected keysmash) Satsu: I was about to say about kacdeku veing a very weird ship name lol Ah fuck, I always end up changing one letter or eating a whole word Me: "ADOBE" IS THE BEST KEYSMASH LSKJDKFSL mkay SO I don't think Bakugou would literally kill those boys, but he would definitely threaten it Also, how is Izuku supposed to get changed? Did he bring his other clothes with him??
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Phos: BOLD ITALIC AUTHORS NOTE Wiz: jhbjhbjhk Me: I... guess he had his uniform? ALSO YES, ONE OF MY FAVORITES, DEFS A SQUARE ON MY BADFIC BINGO Phos:
Or ... fuck him
Wow I hate this Me: I do not remember Bakugou ever looking like a lost cat, nor do I think a lost cat is a very good descriptor because cats just kinda hide or come up to people and yell when they're lost. ...Actually that second one does describe Bakugou; never mind. Katsukitty "ALL THEM BOYS" SHEEEEE-OOOT! IZUKU DONE GOT HIMSELF A HUMDINGER OF A SOUTHERN ACCENT, NOW, AHYUH-HYUH!!! I walked on a head? Wow, that takes talent. Most people use their feet but I guess if you wanna be Extra
I all ways want to force him
I mean, there are a lot of ways; do you really have to want all of them?
to force him agents a wall
Whoa, what? Where did these agents come from?? Are they investigating Todoroki's sudden disappearance?? Satsu: In which universe Bakugo is nicer with Deku more than with Kirishima Me:
and kiss him passionately
jfc. I just... hhhh. No.
Or... fuck him
Yeah that's about right. Katsuki: [thinks of Deku] well, fuck him :\ Satsu: LMAO LFBFKFHFKFB Phos: Scbsbsfddb Me: Also, Satsu, you summoned my favorite rocky cinnamon roll
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Satsu: Also I don't remember what part of season 3 are you refering to dear author lol JUST, PLEASE STOP WITH THE DAMH ALREADY Phos: What even is that page.... Me: So I guess I should be surprised that Kirishima is just suddenly here, but considering he seems to follow Bakugou everywhere, I'm not.
"I've seen you with midoria and I thought I could help"
What's midoria? Is it a medical condition? "Man, I came down with a nasty case of midoria. I was in the bathroom like seven times last night" If that's the case, Kirishima could help by just giving him some Pepto. Satsu: Kdbejqhevjdvfjd Wiz: pfffft Me:
"Well for one change your..."
Mind? Clothes? Tires once every four years or 10,000 miles? Satsu: Your brain cells!??? Me:
"well be less angry and more happy with him"
"Are you telling me to change who I am!!"
"Well... yeah, kinda. I mean, I love ya, bro, but your attitude kinda sucks." "........Okay, fair"
"Unless you want him to be with todoroki!?"
Uhhh, does what Izuku wants factor into this at ALL, or...? Also, sure, if someone doesn't like you, just change who you are! Works every time, at least until you forget which version of yourself you were using with each person!! Wiz: yaaaaaaaaayyyy Me:
Damh him
Uhhh... okay. [points to self] Wing, me.
"Fine I'll change but only when I'm around deku!"
Sure! Sounds like the basis of a healthy relationship! (: The last decade of abuse doesn't matter!! Wiz: :')))))
AND THAT IS ALL FOR CHAPTER 2! Next time, Shoto makes terrible jokes and lies to Izuku’s mother, Izuku and Shoto go on a date, and our helpless damsel protagonist gets attacked by a villain!! Next post will be up very soon! Thanks for reading <33333
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daawons · 5 years
new york city is a dangerous place to be, daniel yeoh. i heard that your resistance friends are going to be meeting in a bar at the corner of broadway and 42nd in twenty four hours. i guess it’s important for you to be there. ( welcome sam ! henry golding are now taken ! )
( henry golding, cis male, he/him ) · you know, the gossip in new york city is insidious and gossip about a half-blood like daniel yeoh seems to constantly be afloat. what i know for a fact, though, is that they’re a thirty-three year old senator from colorado who graduated as a wampus from ilvermorny. apparently that inclines them to be a bit competitive and confident when he rolls out of bed in the morning. as a member of the high council, i feel bad that they’ve resorted to taking up the moniker DAWON. ( torn between two lives, two versions of who you are and who you could be. not believing in luck, but rather one’s own sheer force of will. the fire that burns in his heart, one’s soul, one’s entire essence. there is no off switch on a tiger. ) sam, 21, est, she/her, no triggers 
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hiiii everyone !! my name is sam and i’m SOO PUMPED for this rp!! this is my perfect boy DANIEL and he’s my baby. if you would like to plot or chat or anything hmu on discord !!
CW: parental divorce, attempted murder
basic info
NAME: daniel yeoh NICKNAME: dan / danny / you can call him anything, as long as you don’t call him late to dinner MONIKER: dawon AGE: 33 ETHNICITY: mixed malaysian and chinese NATIONALITY: american BIRTHPLACE: denver, colorado HOMETOWN: superior, colorado SEXUALITY: bicurious STAR SIGN: aquarius CHINESE ZODIAC: tiger PATRONUS: also tiger lol i’m uncreative and it feels right OCCUPATION: united states senator 
personality traits
( + ) confident
( + ) charismatic
( + ) persistent
( +/- ) competitive
( - ) obsessive
( - ) neurotic
( - ) touchy
daniel’s parents are the well known, bestselling author irfan azmi and an auror named rose yeoh 
he was born almost destined for greatness, with a private school education for his first few years, until he got a letter from ilvermorny 
he grew up between a combination of a classic muslim malaysian upbringing from his father’s side, and a magical upbringing from his mother 
rather young, however, his parents divorced after not being able to work out, as they said, “the differences between their lives”, and daniel went to go live with his mother in the suburbs outside the city
despite that, he had a rather uneventful childhood
he went to ilvermorny, and did very well in all of his subjects
after graduating from ilvermorny, he tried to give the muggle side of education a try, and went to the university of denver, graduated with high marks, and then went to the university of denver school of law
despite his place in the non-magical world, though, he always felt that he was meant for the magical world
it wasn’t until after he graduated law school, things got a little.... weird
simply said, he fell in love. he met a girl through his work as an intern of a senator, a job he was gearing his life towards. long story short, the girl was harassed.
he would do anything for this girl. so he confronted the harasser. one thing lead to another and the harasser attacked him, and in a blaze of fury and self defense, daniel almost killed him.
it was a complicated situation, and after a lot of hush money, the person he almost killed decided not to press charges, and daniel, as well as the senator he worked for, who was his closest confidant, worked to have the victim relocated in a remote part of the world.
idk i might wwrite a drabble about it because there’s a lot more to it but that’s the basic gist lol
when things with the girl didnt work out, he basically secluded himself from the world and focused on his work. that seemed to work out well for him, though, because his political career started booming
he ran for governor and won
blah blah blah political life that i’ll fill in later
now he’s a senator very cool
of course now that he’s back in public and things are going well, though, the president is killed and he is forced into hiding
he was lucky enough to be very sick that day and survive, and feels endless sorrow for those that can’t say the same thing
he puts on a strong front, though, and does everything he can to make life better for those around him in hiding
character inspo
wallace (what if?)
ernie (sesame street)
calvin (calvin and hobbes)
fox mulder (the x-files)
other facts i want to include
despite his parents’ divorce, daniel is a hopeless romantic. in fact, his parents not working out may have influenced that a bit
he’s a bit cynical about love, but all the hopeless romantics who havent met the one kinda are, right?
he’s a very feeling person, but tries to hide his feelings to maintain the idea that he is unbreakable
he’s always in fear that his dark past actions will always haunt him, and will come back up to bite him in the ass
he’s a big believer in fate, despite everything
as with everything else, i’ll add more as it comes to me
favorite food: pho or chicken wings
favorite movie: the princess bride
favorite show: the office
hobbies: poetry, reading (fiction and nonfiction), cooking, exercise and sport (tennis in particular)
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rutilation · 6 years
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Well Cairn, going off established precedent, you have to start by slowly accruing some highly symbolic gemstone prosthetics.  Just pretend that this is part seven of jojo and start competing with Phos to see who can obtain the most religiously significant body parts.  Whoever has the most by the time the seventh meteor hits wins!
So about this chapter…
The part of this chapter that really merits discussion is one I kind of have trouble parsing—so much so I ended up rewriting this essay a couple times. Neither Cairngorm nor Aechmea are very forthright characters, which means you have to chase after subtext in order to guess at what’s really being communicated, and this chapter seems to really lean into that approach to dialogue.  Which is to say, I’m kind of unsure of my interpretation of this chapter.  But if I just throw in the towel now out of fear of misinterpreting my favorite problematic rock, then Ichikawa wins, and I can’t let her and her vaguely menacing self-portrait get the better of me.
At the start of the second half of the chapter, Cairn seems quite content, but the longer the (rather one-sided) conversation goes on, the more distressed they become.  While it’s not made explicit what’s upsetting them, my take is that Aechmea’s attitude in this scene makes it harder for Cairngorm to manage their cognitive dissonance toward him.  I’ve mentioned several times before that a number of things Cairngorm says and does indicate that they realize that Aechmea is shady and perhaps not operating in their best interest, but they don’t want to admit that to themselves.  As long as Aechmea remains ambiguous, they can pretend that everything’s fine.  I think that Cairn’s steadily increasing dismay over the course of the chapter is because pretty much everything Aechmea says here threatens to clarify those ambiguities, and said ambiguities resolve themselves in a way that Cairn isn’t terribly pleased with.  Let’s take it from the top.
First, let’s address the initial stretch of the conversation.  Aechmea implies that he doesn’t actually see any value in the gender roles he’s been encouraging Cairn to adopt, seeing them instead as simplistic tools to keep the other Lunarians occupied—mere bread and circuses.  But while Cairn may not understand the implications of said gender roles, the fact that they made Cairn feel special and loved was enough to make them invested in the whole concept.  So, for Aechmea to imply that it was all an act designed to provide fleeting, cheap entertainment for the other Lunarians probably feels like a slap in the face to Cairn.
In the same breath, he gently tells Cairn that he plans on isolating them in a compound on the most remote of the six moons, and that that’s his idea of granting Cairn freedom. This makes it completely clear that what Cairn said to him in chapter 71 went in one ear and out the other: Cairn wants to finally have agency and can’t abide doing nothing while everyone else is struggling, and Aechmea responds by making a drastic decision about their life without their input, one which will cut them off from the conflict they want to help resolve.  As one might expect, Cairn doesn’t seem happy to hear this.
This next section of the conversation in which Aechmea tells them he’s loved them before they came to the moon also follows the pattern of being full of understated subtext that I apparently require two weeks to untangle and draw a conclusion from.  It’s seems clear from their distraught expression, trembling, and the fact that they incredulously bring it up again a few minutes later that what Aechmea is saying upsets them.  If I had to wager a guess, it’s because the implications are concerning regardless of whether or not Aechmea’s words are true.  His claim is ludicrous and Cairn doesn’t want to believe that he’d try to feed them a bald-faced lie, but if he’s not lying then the implications are equally unsettling.  I think Cairngorm is most comfortable believing that their meeting with Aechmea was a happy accident, because the alternative is that he was romancing them all while hiding ulterior motives.  (Not that it really needs to be reiterated at this point, but these pages make my skin crawl, especially when you look back on Phos’s first day on the moon—with Aechmea trying to butter them up by them by telling them how special they are.)
Anyway, let’s assume for the sake of argument that Aechmea’s statement wasn’t complete bullshit, and that he had some sort of interest in Cairngorm before meeting them. The fact that he kept their old arm indicates that there’s something to what he said, as does the fact that he feels the need to distract Cairn with creepy makeouts when they try and press him for answers on this topic a few pages later.  There are a couple of ways I could see it going, so I’m going to go on a tangent for a minute, and try to speculate on what might have piqued Aechmea’s interest in Cairn.  I don’t feel that predicting future plot-events is really my forte, but sometimes I can’t resist trying to decipher a good puzzle.
Everyone connected to Phos is of interest to him, including Cairngorm.  Several pivotal moments in Phos’s development have happened in front of the Lunarians, (I’m specifically thinking of the drama with Ventricosus and Phos’s gold arms.)  It’s quite possible that Aechmea took an interest in the fact that one of the seemingly static gems was rapidly changing, and I think this line in chapter 54 alludes to this.  As a result, he predicted that Phos’s path would cross his sooner or later, and didn’t dust their captured partners.  I’ve said before that it is really suspicious that he happened to have a “fake” piece of Antarc on his person when Phos got to the moon.  Even if it was artificial, there was no reason for him to have it made in the first place or for him to be carting it around unless he already had Phos on the brain. The fact that he apparently kept Cairngorm’s original arm makes me think that that piece of Antarc may not have been artificial at all, and that maybe he didn’t dust Antarc, Ghost, or Phos’s head in order to have some leverage over Phos later.
Another possibility is that he took interest in Ghost and Cairn’s unique condition on account of those mysterious gem experiments that he was running before Phos got to the moon.  Since he was apparently trying (and failing) to create new gems by combing pieces of shattered gems with synthetic material, the fact that there was a gem who was a complete person despite being essentially a thin sheet of quartz may have been of interest to them.  The main reason I think this might hold some weight is because the Lunarians were rather particular about nabbing Ghost instead of Caringorm in chapter 37.  By the end of the fight, Cairn was completely wrecked, and the Lunarians could have easily taken them both before the other gems made it to the vessel.  But instead, they pushed Cairn off as soon as they had collected Ghost.  To compound this, they don’t usually try to sheer off the gems’ bodies in layers; they just try and shatter them.  Which makes me think that they were specifically trying to get Ghost in this scene and leave Cairn behind, and that Aechmea later decided to keep their arm on a whim along with the pieces of Ghost.  If this ends up being the case, then that begs the question of how the Lunarians could possibly know that Cairn and Ghost are two separate people; it’s not really something they could observe at a distance, especially since Cairn apparently rarely had control of their body.  If this ends up being the route this subplot takes, you guys on team Obsidian-is-a-Lunarian-spy may be able to add this to your pile of evidence.
Following this is the triumphant return of the Highly Symbolic Arm, the importance of which I’ve been harping on for a while now.  It’s also at this point in the conversation that Cairn is most visibly distressed.  I’m of two minds regarding what this sequence is communicating. They are clearly quite opposed to reattaching their original arm at the expense of their replacement, but it’s not clear which replacement they’re holding onto.  It’s possible that this is the same replacement arm they’ve had since their introduction, but it’s also possible that they got rid of that arm the night they came to the moon—it is after all a physical representation of their involvement in Phos/Ghost/Lapis three-ring circus.  This page in chapter 69 would seem to imply the latter.  That being said, Ichikawa has already established that Cairn’s replacement arm acts finicky whenever it has to be reattached—so it’s also possible that they still have the same arm they did before; the sequence of events is hazy enough that it could be read either way.
Needless to say, the sentiment behind Cairn being almost violently opposed to getting rid of their replacement arm changes significantly depending on whether or not that’s the arm Phos gave up their head to save, or an arm Aechmea gave them when they arrived on the moon.  At the moment, I really can’t say one way or another.  But I’m pretty sure this isn’t the last we’ve heard of Cairn’s left arm, so for now I’m content to wait and see.
All that being said, I think the emotion behind the action is clear: desperation.  Whether that arm is one that Cairn associates with Phos or Aechmea, they are clearly desperate to cling to the connection it represents.  Keeping in mind that just about everything Aechmea says in the chapter up to this point drives a wedge between himself and Cairn, I think that in this moment Cairn is forced to grapple with the idea of being truly alone, and out of all the characters, they’re the most ill-equipped to deal with that. I think I touched on this in my essay focused on them, but to reiterate: in spite of their desire for autonomy, Cairn cannot seem to envision themselves outside of another’s shadow.  Whether they’re acting like Antarc for Phos or like an anime-waifu for Aechmea, they’re never really acting like themselves—whoever that might be.  This is a bit of a tangent, but the way they’ve conceived of themselves in relation to Ghost is also kind of off-putting.  They referred to Ghost as their “other self” in chapter 67, and if you’ve gotten the official translation of volume 6, you can see that they also refer to Ghost in similar terms in chapter 38.  This has a rather concerning implication about their self-image or lack thereof. 
The point is, they find a sense of stability and self-worth in tailoring themselves to the desires of others, and they see reattaching their original arm and discarding the replacement and everything it represents as tantamount to abandoning the (terrible) coping mechanism that’s keeping them somewhat functional.
Which makes this a very ironic moment for them to decide that they want to disappear along with Aechmea.  I don’t know a whole lot about Buddhism, but I do know that one is supposed to let go of all attachments in order to attain nirvana.  But in this scene, Cairn is conceiving of nirvana as a means to an end in order remain forever attached to Aechmea (and in the short term: relevant enough to his interests to avoid being banished to the farthest moon.)
The way I see it, if and when Cairn becomes enlightened enough to have any hope of disappearing, they’ll probably have grown past the desire to follow Aechmea off a cliff like a lemming in the first place.  So I don’t see them getting what they want any time soon. What I am concerned about is the pattern of self-destructive behavior that lies behind this.  While reading this chapter, it struck me that whenever Cairn is presented with a stressful or upsetting situation with no obvious solution, their first instinct is to—as Aechmea so succinctly put it—relinquish themselves.  When a poor decision on their part ended with Phos losing their head, they wanted to give up their own head.  When Phos didn’t wake up, they wanted to throw themselves into the ice floes. When Phos ends up devastated in chapter 67, they want to renounce their own personhood and pretend to be Antarc.  This chapter also follows the same pattern: when faced with the upsetting possibility that Aechmea wants to set them aside like a toy he’s grown tired of, Cairn panics and responds with the most self-destructive possible solution to their problem.  I think that until this underlying malaise is actually dealt with, they’re just going to keep circling back to the same “solution” over and over.  It doesn’t matter so much that Cairn is currently about as enlightened as a cornflake; when the chips are down, they probably won’t let that stop them from essentially trying to kill themselves once again.
Well that was harrowing to write, but with all the melodrama out of the way, let’s delve into the real meat of this chapter. 
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We know that gems don’t have teeth or tongues, but I’ve also wondered for the longest time…do gems have nostrils?  This shot from the anime makes it seem as if Phos does not have nostrils, but it’s hard to tell when everything is so stylized.
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Thankfully, best boy Barbata has given us the answer.  Here we can see that light is pouring out of the orifices on their heads, but conspicuously, there is no light coming from their noses; ergo, gems don’t have nostrils.  No nostrils allowed in fanart from now on you guys, it’s now officially as much of a faux pas as drawing them with pores or teeth.
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juwelenstaat · 5 years
inter-chapter meta
an inter-chapter ramble on foils, Phosphophyllite, the seventh treasure, the self, and Ichikawa’s story-telling (and a prediction as to where she’s taking Houseki no Kuni) : all below the cut.
(This is so incredibly a ramble, my apologies in advance.)
I think the narrative of houseki no kuni has finally hit the point where the Buddhist interpretations and influences on the text have surpassed the rich content of the first thirty chapters. Ichikawa has built her story, which, in all honesty, I’m much more comfortable calling a canon, in an incredibly poignant manner. Her idea of story-telling and her manipulation of Western-dominant literary themes, most notably the foil, is simply extraordinary in houseki no kuni. There is a lot of religious symbolism and, more importantly, worldview in houseki no kuni that a lot of the fandom has picked up on. Images of the lotus flower, lotus pod, the seven treasures, the six/seven stars, the role of suffering and of Samsara and change are all prevalent in fandom meta theories by now. However, for Ichikawa’s storytelling, houseki no kuni is dependent most of all on the theory of the self.
Phosphophyllite, of course, is the most obvious illustration of how the perception of the self and how clinging to said perception of the self is the root cause for suffering. Their desire to change through their body parts and through their acquisition of knowledge surpasses any of the other gems, and their ability to accomplish these desires only to be left even more estranged than before perfectly demonstrates Buddhist ideology.
However, Phosphophyllite is not the only showcase of this notion of the self. Ichikawa has made the conscious decision in houseki no kuni to take the task of establishing nearly every character as a foil of multiple other characters. To be honest, it’s astonishing ; very, very few authors dare to attempt this, let alone accomplish this. Ichikawa has a deep-rooted knowledge in how to make an audience ache through large landscapes, minimalist dialogue, and empty panels. This is present in nearly all of her works ; what comes to mind immediately are panels from Insect Song and her short story on lightning (which I’m forgetting the name of). But in houseki no kuni, Ichikawa goes further to integrate every single character into multiple sides of the same die.
The web that is the linking of foils in houseki no kuni allows the reader to understand distinctly the consciousness of being trapped. Lapis Lazuli is a foil of Euclase, of Ghost Quartz and Cairngorm, of Phosphophyllite, and of Alexandrite. Euclase is a foil to Padparadscha, Phosphophyllite, Yellow Diamond, and Lapis Lazuli. Diamond foils Zircon, Bort, Phosphophyllite, Yellow Diamond, and Cinnabar. All of these characters are intensely interconnected in the quality that they all are parallel – but with a key difference.
A good illustration of ‘what makes characters foils in houseki no kuni is found in my absolute favorite pair of Yellow Diamond and Phosphophyllite. The eldest and the youngest gems ; one of the hardest and one of the weakest. And yet, what do they share? They both share a deeply rooted depression over their effect on society, though this stems from opposite angles. Their main source of strength, initially, stems from their speed, and this is also the root of their anxiety for some time. In fact, many of Phosphophyllite’s earlier panels on strength seem to be debunked by Yellow Diamond themself when lamenting the uselessness of their speed in defending others (note how Phosphophyllite wishes to use this new-found speed to defend others and then fails). When Phosphophyllite gains their gold-platinum alloy arms, their speed is reduced to the point where it does not help them at all in saving Antarcticite, and, thus, Yellow Diamond and Phosphophyllite are losing partners for the same exact reasons. It’s further reinforced several times throughout the manga by involving Yellow Diamond and Phosphophyllite as a pair (Yellow finding Phos in the forest, Yellow being the main figure running after Phos when Phos is taken by the Lunarians, Phos speaking to Yellow by the flowers, Yellow putting all of their trust in Phos and, then, losing all of that trust).
It is this writing exactly that allows the reader to fully understand that the sense of self in houseki no kuni is not limited to the bodies of individual characters. Yellow Diamond’s reclusive depression in these late chapters is only showing the audience Phosphophyllite’s own spiritual death. Amethyst, Diamond, Benitoite, and Alexandrite’s success within moon society only serves to enhance how long it’s been since Phosphophyllite was ever considered part of a community. When we see Bort’s long hair gone, we are forcefully reminded that this is no longer Diamond’s partner, that this is no longer Phosphophyllite’s old ‘rival,’ but a direct consequence of every action that’s been taken within the plot.
In Buddhism in the general, the sense of the self is the existence which forces suffering. And while most ‘direct’ Buddhist beliefs rarely have weight when translated into literature, Ichikawa has taken great strides to underline the boundaries of what the self is within her own literature.
Which leads us to the seventh treasure.
Phosphophyllite is, obviously, no longer their pure body but an aggregate of several different minerals and gemstones into a single form. Their sense of self has been questioned repeatedly through the loss of memory and their acquisition of new personalities. I think the next chapter will most certainly show us that Red Diamond is the seventh treasure (although I’m so fucking ready to put on my clown shoes if my fifteen-chapters-old theory fails me). It makes almost perfect sense to have the first gem reunite with one of the last gems : the true elder with the true youth ; foiled by their intense kindness that, for Red Diamond, lasted until death and, for Phosphophyllite, was manipulated into desperation.
Phosphophyllite only has two options anymore. Their first option is to lose everything that once made them Phosphophyllite : to lose the self, and then not suffer anymore. The second option, and one that I think Ichikawa will embrace, is that Phosphophyllite will gain Red Diamond and become that kind gem that they once were. Ichikawa has had no issue returning Phosphophyllite to old locations or old mindsets as a form of plot foil. Her fondness for recurring panels only emphasize how far Phosphophyllite has really gone. If Phosphophyllite lying in the grass tells us how far Phosphophyllite has gone between the grass of chapter 1 and the grass after the moon-earth gem battle, imagine how much the narrative will tell us by having Phosphophyllite once again be cheerful.
As for how this whole thing ends, I’m really expecting Ichikawa to have all of the gems, Lunarians, and Admirabilis taken out by Adamant’s prayer. All of her other works involve the ‘lively’ characters dying and leaving a single, authoritative figure alone to ruminate on all that has transpired. In her short story on lightning, lightning is left alone at the end to ruminate over the death of the boy he had tried to save. In her short story on the young plant girl, the two men are left to ruminate on what they have done to the girl. In Insect Song, the elder brother is left to ruminate on the deaths of all of his siblings. In her short story on the interplanet colony, the robot is left to ruminate on her manipulation of another girl. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if houseki no kuni takes Ichikawa’s favored end and leaves the audience with Adamant alone and ruminating on everything that the gems had gone through on behalf of the other species.
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staytheb · 5 years
Previous Chapter: White Day Word Count: 5,078 Summary: The group celebrates Jackson’s birthday.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
and here’s the 8th chapter. it’s Jacksn’s birthday, and yes that was the hashtag they used for his birthday! anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Melanie was at the Cheongdam supermarket buying ingredients to make two types of cakes and while picking out those items she indulged in other things. "Hmm, I do have Serena's card and she did say I could buy whatever I wanted." A Cheshire cat smile appeared on her face as she also picked out some chips, some other snacks, and drinks she's been craving as of late that Serena didn't have at the house. Once she got everything she made her way to the check out. What Melanie didn't pay attention to was that the line she went to where the cashier was a familiar face she's been trying to avoid since meeting him a few weeks ago. When Melanie realized that fact it was already too late to move to another lane as she was next after the family of four got through.
"Chaewon-ah, hello. It's good to see you here. I didn't think I would ever see you again." Kyungtae greeted her with a bright smile and Melanie cringed on the inside at his use of familiarity when they weren't that close at all. Actually, you saw me just this morning before my class started, she thought in her head, but plastered on a smile regardless. "Kyungtae-goon. Hi." "I thought I told you to call me oppa even though I know you're older than me." The older male frown upon the formal greeting he received from the female as he rang up her order. "Ah, yeah," She lamely let out, "Anyways, I didn't know you work here." "I started last week." He flashed her another smile. "Now I have another reason to come to work knowing you shop here."
Melanie groaned inwardly at the male's words, but cast Kyungtae a meek smile. "I see." Kyungtae finished ringing up Melanie's order and started to bag it as well. "So, Chaewon, my shift ends in like three hours. Do you want to do something later when I get off?" Melanie slightly panicked and almost froze on the spot, but thought up something quickly. "Oh, sorry, I can't. I have plans with my sister tonight and I'm busy throughout the rest of the week." "Oh, okay." He frowned, but shot the younger woman a hopeful look. "Maybe another time then." "Um yeah, maybe. Well, goodbye." She told him as she gathered up her things and took off without another glance in Kyungtae's direction. "I'm never shopping here again." Melanie muttered to herself as a slight shiver ran down her spine.
Melanie arrived to an empty apartment. "Where the fuck she go?" She asked to no one in particular as she placed everything in the kitchen and went looking to see if her sister had fallen back asleep. Serena was no where in sight and Melanie let out a sigh as she pulled out her phone to call her. "Hello?" Serena answered on the second ring. "Where are you?" Melanie asked her as she began putting away the groceries. "I went to go see Chloe for a bit. I'll be back soon." "Why didn't you wait for your car?" "Because Chloe was already in Gangnam and we just met up in Sinsa." "Still could have waited or have Chloe come to your place." Melanie mumbled. "It's fine. Chloe says hi." "Okay, tell her hi back. Anyways, I spent like a lot." "I don't doubt it." "But, dude, guess what?" "What?"
"Remember that Kyungtae dude from the group date," Melanie began to tell her story as she turned on Serena's super smart TV while settling herself onto the couch after having put everything away. "I saw him at Zion Market." "No way." "It was so awkward, dude. Like hella awkward. I really hope he's not a stalker." "Just be careful." "No shit, Sherlock." "Just saying. I have that glitterified pepper spray that James bought for me in my room somewhere." "Are you talking about that pink glittery bottle he got you two Christmases ago?" "Yeah. It still works." "I'll think about it." "But yeah, anyways, are Jasmine and Jeannie coming over later tonight?" "Yeah. Jeannie had to talk to the counselor about a few of her classes. Something about the teacher. As for Jasmine, she's finishing up a group project."
"Okay. Do you want anything when I come back?" "Papaho?" "Really? You want pho?" "Hell yeah. I know the twins would want some, too" "I guess." "Aight, thanks." "Will do. Gotta go. Chloe's dragging me to another store.." "Later." Melanie hung up as she used one of the many remotes Serena used for her smart TV. "Alright, what should I watch?" Melanie contemplated on what to watch as she scrolled through the many applications on the screen. Just as she clicked on the DramaFever icon, the Skype app popped up soon afterwards with the caller's name displaying on the screen. "When did Serena get that to do that?" She looked at it confused on how to even pick up the call as it was Mark's username again. "Which remote is it?" The call went to missed and Melanie frown.
The female hit the DramaFever icon when the Skype icon popped up again. "I wonder what he wants." Melanie said as she used all the remotes to answer the call and found the right one just in time. Yugyeom's face appeared instead of Mark's. "Oh, hi Chaewon noona." "Hello Yugyeom. Why are you calling on Mark's name?" "Because Mark hyung's the only one that has Jyongi unnie's Skype contact information." "Oh I see." "Um, where is Jyongri noona?" "She's busy. Where's Mark?" "Hyung went with Jinyoung hyung, Youngjae hyung, and BamBam hyung to do something. It's just me, Jaebeom hyung and Jackson hyung here." "I see. Um, do you need something?" Melanie asked while opening a bag of honey chips. "Not really." "Okay. If that's all you wanted then-"
"Wait, wait!" Another voice interrupted as Jackson appeared. "You can't just hang up and not wish me a happy birthday, noona." "Happy birthday, Jackson." Melanie wished him with a smile as she placed a chip into her mouth. "Okay, goodbye." She waved, but Jackson stopped her again. "Don't be so mean." Jackson pouted. "I thought you were an ahgase?" Melanie laughed at the younger male's reaction. "I am, Jackson. Actually we were going to bake you a cake." "You were, but?" "But we weren't going to see one another to celebrate it either." "What? Who says?" "Aren't you guys busy?" "No, well yeah. We're busy." Jackson confessed as Melanie shook her head with a smile. "Exactly my point, Jackson."
"What did you think of the song, the music video, and the album?" Yugyeom interjected as Melanie grinned. "It's amazing, Yugyeom! The music video is pretty good too, but what's with the ending though?" "It's a secret. You'll just have to wait for the other part." Jackson grinned as Melanie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Jackson. I still have the songs to listen to." The female smiled as she then flashed the duo her mobile device. "I bought DEPARTURE on iTunes." She then went through her phone to play the FLIGHT LOG: DEPARTURE mini-album. "And Jyongri unnie pre-ordered the albums, too. So I can't wait to see who I get!" "Who's your bias, Chaewon noona?" Yugyeom asked as Jackson was curious, too. "Yeah. Who's your bias?" Melanie grinned at the duo playfully. "Secret."
When Melanie clicked on the album to listen to Fly started to play and Jackson then started rapping his part live. "What are you two doing?" Melanie heard another voice asked the other two. "Just listening to our songs, JB hyung, with Chaewon noona." Jackson answered as he took the phone from Yugyeom to show Jaebeom that Melanie was on the other side. "Hey, JB." Melanie greeted him as Jaebeom smiled back. "Hi, noona. Did you buy our latest album?" "Of course!" She flashed her phone to show him the album's cover on her phone. "Which one is your favorite song?" Jaebeom asked curiously as the other two were still jamming, but to the song Can't this time as it played next. "REWIND!" Melanie answered instantly as she switched over to the said song. "It's my absolute favorite track so far!"
Before any of the three could say something they spotted a toy poodle in a pink dress enter in their line of sight followed by Serena. "Noona! Hi!" The idols greeted Serena as she waved at them with a small smile. "Hi. What are you guys calling for?" She asked as she set her things onto the coffee table and took the leash off of the toy poodle who instantly ran over to Melanie. "What chu want, Ugly?" Melanie asked the toy poodle in English who happily jumped into her lap. "Och, Biscuits! Calm down." Melanie said as she place the dog beside her while Serena faced the TV and spoke in Korean. "So what did you guys call for?" "How do you know that Chaewon noona didn't call us?" Jackson countered.
"Because Chaewon doesn't know how to work the Skype app on my TV and I never call Mark. Mark always calls me." Serena answered. "So what do you guys want?" "Do you know what today is?" Yugyeom asked as Serena nodded her head. "Yeah. It's a Monday and hashtag King Jackson Day. Shēng rì kuài lè, Jackson." "Aww xiè xiè nǐ!" Jackson thanked her with a happy expression. "Anyways, guys," Serena let out as she picked up her remote control. "Gotta say goodbye." "It's okay, noona." Jaebeomm smiled at her. "We need to get back to practice." "Aww. Do we have to?" The duo whined as Jaebeom just eyed them. "Yes. Now say goodbye." "Fine. Bye." Jackson complied as Yugyeom waved cutely. "Goodbye." "Bye and good luck with practice!" The sisters bid the idols goodbye as Jaebeom waved. "Thanks and goodbye." He ended the call as Serena looked over at Melanie. "Eat your pho before Biscuits does."
"Hey guys, so should we write Jackson's name in Korean, English, or Chinese?" Jeannie asked the other three as she finished spreading the frosting onto the second medium sized vanilla cake. "Do all three." Serena grinned as Jeannie rolled her eyes. "I don't even know Jackson's Chinese name even less the characters for it." "Just write it in English, Jean. It'll be easier for you." Jasmine told her sister as Jeannie nodded her head. "Okay." "Here you go." Melanie handed Jeannie the icing to write with as she grinned. "I can't wait to eat this when you're done, Jeannie." "I know right." "Whatever, Melanie. You've been licking the icing and frosting since we started." "And you're point is?" "None since you'll do it anyways." "Mmhmm." "Serena." Jasmine called for Serena's attention. "Hmm?"
"Biscuits keeps staying by the door." Jasmine told the older woman while walking back into the kitchen. "She's been like that for a few minutes now." "Yeah, she probably wants a walk or needs to pee." "But it's kinda late for a walk, isn't it? Don't you have a pad where she can go when it's night time?" "I do, but she likes to stretc her little legs, too. Besides, I'll be watching her for a while until Chloe's done moving." "Where is Chloe moving again?" Jeannie asked while writing 'happy'. "She's moving to Banpo, in Seorae Village." "Why there?" "She's moving in with like four other people she's in cosmetology school with and one of them was looking for roommates. Also, she has to ask them about Biscuits." "Hopefully it works out." Melanie said while looking at her sister. "Because you can't take care of the dog with your schedule." "I know, but Chloe has something else planned if Biscuits can't live with her."
"Anyways," Serena directed the conversation elsewhere. "Have you guys seen some of the buses and subway stations walls with Jackson on it for his birthday celebration by the fanclub?" "Yeah!" The trio let out with widened eyes. "I wonder how much that cost." Jeannie commented as she finished writing 'birthday' before moving on to write 'Jackson'. "Yeah, I was actually surprised when I came over here." Melanie said with a  laugh. "Them fans are amazing to do such things." "Yeah, but the Korean fans are always like this with birthdays and other things. I know since I follow all of SM Artists. Chinese fans also like to go all out as well." Jasmine stated with a laugh. "And that's a lot of groups and members. I'm just waiting for SM to debut there new boy group." "Ugh, too many rookie groups still coming out and they keep getting younger."
"You're just getting older." Melanie teased as Serena rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Anyways, I need to take Biscuits out before she gets impatient." Serena stated as she heard the small dog beginning to whine. "Don't get lost." "Haha, you're not funny." The trio chuckled as Jeannie finished with the icing. "Alright. Done." "Let's eat it." Jasmine commented with a laugh. "First, let's put a candle on it and light it up. So that we can take a picture and post it online." Melanie suggested as she got the candles ready. "You guys can do that without me. I'll be back in half an hour or whenever Biscuits done playing outside." "Just call." Jeannie called out as Serena gave her the O.K. sign before putting on a oversize hoodie, then putting her things in the pocket, after that she slipped on her shoes while attaching Biscuits' leash to her collar afterwards, and then out the apartment within a minute or so.
Once Serena came out of her apartment and headed towards the elevator with Biscuits yapping around happily as its doors opened to reveal a group of people exiting it. "Jyongri noona!" A familiar voice called out to her and Serena looked up to see BamBam jogging towards her while looking down at the toy poodle and both parties momentarily stopped walking. "Who's that?" "Hi BamBam and her name's Biscuits. She's my friend's dog." "She looks like Coco." Youngjae cooed as he crouched down to pet the dog. "Hi." "She's a toy poodle. Kinda similar I guess." The rest of GOT7 joined them. "Where are you going?" Mark asked. "To walk her." "It's kind of late isn't it?" Jaebeom inquired as Serena shrugged. "It is, but I'm used to it."
"Why not ask the others?" Jinyoung suggested. "Because I like my alone time." Serena admitted as she felt Biscuits pulling on the leash urgently. "I need to get going. Biscuits really has to go now." She then remember something. "Since you guys are done with practice or if you have free time to do so, the girls just got done decorating Jackson's birthday cakes." "Aww you guys made me a cake." Jackson let out happily. "We didn't know you guys were coming by and we were going to eat it without you anyways." "Wow, rude." "Hey, it's not like we see each other often." "Actually, we see each other twice a week." Mark corrected her as Serena rolled her eyes. "No. You guys have been busy. Don't make a mess in my apartment if you guys stop by."
"When do we ever make a mess, noona?" Yugyeom asked her with a slight scoff as BamBam agreed. "Yeah, we don't make that big of a mess." Serena shrugged with an indifferent look. "You're guys. I would know, especially when it involves food. Don't make a mess." "We'll make sure to not do that, noona." Jaebeom assured the older female as she shot him a grateful smile. "Good and thanks. Alright, later." Serena bid the group of seven a small wave as she moved passed them and towards the elevators with Biscuits in tow. Serena waved at them again as the doors closed a few seconds later. The elevators door instantly opened a second later as Serena looked at the doors opening with furrowed eyebrows. "Hi." Mark shot her a boyish grin and stepped inside. "You don't mind if I tag along, right, Serena?"
Melanie opened the door to see six familiar faces. "Hi. What are you doing here?" She asked as Jackson replied. "Obviously, to celebrate my birthday, Chaewon noona." Melanie looked over to the wall on her left and saw the time. "It's like past midnight. You're birthday's over." "So? Jyongri noona mentioned that you guys have a cake for me." "Oh, yeah." BamBam coughed. "Are you going to let us in, Chaewon noona?" "Oh, right. Sure. Come in." Melanie opened the door wider to let them in. "Hey, GOT7 is here minus one." She then looked at Jaebeom who was the last to enter. "Where's Mark?" "Hyung went to accompany Jyongri noona just now." "Oh, right. I forgot she went to take Biscuits out for a walk." Melanie shrugged as she closed the door. "Oh well. They're both missing out on the amazing cakes."
"Yeah they are." BamBam agreed as he ate another forkful. "This is the best cake I've ever had." "It's just a pre-made cake that we just mixed, baked, and then decorated, BamBam." Melanie told him with a shake of her head as the twins agreed. "Yeah, BamBam, even you guys can make it." Jasmine told them as she finished cutting the cake into individual pieces while Jeannie handed them to the others. "Yeah, because I don't even bake and this turned out really super well." "It's still good." Jaebeom agreed as he took another large forkful of the cake. "Like really good, Chaewon noona." "Whatever. You're just hungry that's why." Melanie told him as Jaebeom chuckled. "That, too." He shot her his signature eye-smile as Melanie shook her head as Jeannie handed her a plate.
"Hey, let's play Mafia." Youngjae suggested once the group of nine were settled around the living room eating their own plate of cake slices. "Um, yeah no. You guys can play Mafia. Leave me out of it." Melanie told them as she grabbed one of the remotes to switch back to DramaFever from Youtube. "Yeah, I'm not good with Korean games." Jeannie stated. "I'm down to play." Jasmine agreed to playing the game. "But I don't want to be the moderator." "I'll be the moderator." Jinyoung decided. "I just need paper and a pen." "What if I wanted to be the moderator?" Jackson asked as everyone looked at him. "What?" "You won't be able to keep the story straight, hyung." Yugyeom said as the others agreed. "What? I can totally keep the story straight."
"I'm the moderator." Jinyoung firmly stated as Jeannie returned with a pen and notebook. "Thank you, Jaehwa noona." "You're welcome, Jinyoung." "Alright," Jinyoung began to list game's players as he wrote them out. "The Mafia, The Detective, The Doctor, and the three Civilians." When he was done Jinyoung folded the pieces and then shuffled them. He handed the papers over to Melanie who was closes to him. "What's this for?" Melanie asked him with a raised eyebrow not taking the slips. "So that no one cheats." "Who's going to cheat, hyung?" Yugyeom asked and Jinyoung eyed him. "I know my members quite well." "It's just a game." Jaebeom stated. "Besides, Minjae noona is going to playing with us, too." "Oh don't mind me." Jasmine dismissed his intention. "Let's just play."
Mark and Serena quietly walked side by side along the streets of Cheongdam as Serena let Biscuits lead her towards the park. She didn't expect the idol to actually join her for another night of walking beneath the night sky. The female felt awkward as she was hanging out with her sister's bias, but felt even more awkward that he was an English speaker as well so she couldn't get away with saying anything in English afraid that he'll overhear. Neither of two initiated conversation due to their reserve and quiet nature, but Serena felt like she just had to say something. "You know you're missing out on cake, right?" "Yeah." Mark softly replied as the two continued their silent atmosphere.
"So, Biscuits, huh?" Mark started another topic a moment later. "She's my friend's dog that I'm pet-sitting." Serena explained as Mark nodded his head. "How old is she?" "Two or three years old. I forgot." "She's around the same age as Coco." "Oh, right, she is. How is Coco?" "She's good, but still needs some training." "Ha, those are tough times." "Yeah." "I'm sure you and Youngjae will get her trained properly." "Thanks." Silence fell between them again and Serena knew how totally awkward this was and maybe it was because they were just alone and weren't in a classroom or doing homework. "Um, shouldn't you guys be catching up on sleep?  Since your schedule is filled up due to your comeback with the whole Flight Log Departure album, yeah?"
Mark let out a small chuckle. "We are, but a break is nice." He then cast her a look. "What do you think of it?" "Fly is a really good song. I like it a lot." Serena then looked at him and saw he was also looking at her and diverted her eyes forward again. "The music video is good, too. My favorite part is when Jinyoung is still free-falling and then he flips over to see the other members ascend as he still free falls and a tear escapes." Mark let out another chuckle as Serena eyed him. "What's so funny, Mark?" "Nothing, Serena." He told her as his laughter ceased, but a silly smile still graced his lips. "Do you have a favorite song from the album?" "I haven't  listened to all of the songs yet. Fly's the only one I've listened to." "Have you watched our live performances?" "No I still haven't." "Wow." "Hey, I'm busy, too. I got a life outside of the K-Pop world."
The idol laughed as the female rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mork." Mark stopped laughing to eyed the female. "What did you just call me?" "Mark." Serena answered hoping that the tone of her voice wouldn't give her away. "No, I'm pretty sure you just said 'Mork', Serena." "I did not." "Yeah, you did." "Mark, are you really going to argue with me about it?" "Maybe." "You're so childish." "No I'm not." "Yeah you are." "No." "Yes." And the awkward and silent atmosphere between the two from earlier started to dissipate away as the duo continued their friendly banter with one another until they reached the park. Serena released the toy poodle from her leash so the dog could run around happily. "You're not gonna follow or chase after her like that?" Mark asked with a puzzled expression. "Nah. She'll come back when she's ready or when I call for her."
"Coco's not like that yet." "It's because you baby her." "No we don't." "True, because I don't know." Serena laughed as Mark shook his head with a laugh. "Biscuits and Coco should meet one another soon. I think they'll get along well." "Can if they're free." "I'll ask Youngjae about it." "Alright, cool." "Cool." Just then Serena's phone vibrated and dinged to signaled that she had received a message notification. She pulled her mobile device from out of her jacket's pocket to read what her sister had just sent her. She let out a sigh before replying back. "What's wrong?" Mark asked upon hearing the sigh leaving the female's lips as Serena turned to face the male. "The kids want ice cream." "Ice cream sounds good. Let's go get some." He smiled at her with his pearly whites gleaming.
Serena eyed him, but cast him a tired smile. "How about you buy the ice cream and I continued to hang out at the park with Biscuits." "And leave you out here all by yourself?" "I have Biscuits." Mark looked over to where the small dog was rolling around in the grass. "Yeah, no. Let's go get the ice cream together." "I don't want to." "Serena." "Mark." "Serena." "Mork." "Aha. I knew you called me Mork." "Yeah, yeah. Stop crying." Serena told the male as she turned to scan for the toy poodle while pressing her lips together to make a kissing-like smacking of lips sound. Biscuits instantly responded and ran back towards Serena happily. "Let's go, Biscuits." Serena attached the leash back onto Biscuits' collar and then looked at Mark. "Next time, I'm making sure that none of you interrupt or cut my night walk short again." Mark just laughed in response as the trio headed back towards the apartments.
"Let's play another game." Jasmine said after playing Mafia for the fourth time and being killed again as a civilian. "I don't know why I agreed to playing a fourth around earlier." "Oh, c'mon Minjae noona. It's not that bad." BamBam told her with a smile as Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You killed me twice." "It's my job as the Mafia to kill." "Mmhmm." Jinyoung coughed. "You're not supposed to talk." "I'm already out. It doesn't matter." Jasmine told the younger male as Jinyoung looked at the older woman firmly. "Yes it does when I'm the moderator and about to tell the story, noona." "Whatever." Jasmine stood up to stretch. "I'll be with the other two." She meant Melanie and Jeannie who were in the kitchen to avoid the Mafia game.
"Did you die again?" Jeannie asked as Jasmine nodded her head and grabbed a bottle of iced tea from the fridge. "Yes. I'm never playing Mafia with GOT7 ever again." Melanie laughed. "Why? What happened?" "I'm too drained to talk about it. GOT7 has way too much energy for me to deal with although it was only for a short while" Jasmine joined the duo in watching the rest of the first episode of Vampire Detective. "The guy that plays Goohyung is so funny. I like his character with the guy that plays San." "You don't know Lee Joon?" Melanie asked looking at her friend with disbelief. "He used to be a part of MBLAQ." "Vaguely, Melanie." "I'm glad he's back doing something." "I think Serena would like this." "She would. It's vampire related and she likes Joon, too."
A second later there were a few loud crashing sounds and the three females became alert. "What was that?" Jeannie asked as they looked at each other uneasy. "I don't know, but I hope they didn't break anything." Melanie stated as Jasmine agreed. "Yeah or Serena's going to kill somebody." The trio then headed back to the living room to see the six males trying to put Serena's coffee table back together. "What happened?" Melanie asked upon reaching them first. The six males tensed upon hearing the female's voice and tried to block the damage with their bodies from the trio's view. "Um, it's nothing much." BamBam told them with a smile. "We didn't break anything. Ow." Jackson elbowed the younger member. "Yeah, don't worry. We didn't do anything." Jackson added as the trio looked at them suspiciously.
"You guys sound even more guilty." Jeannie commented as Jasmine agreed. "Yeah. It doesn't help that your body language says otherwise, too." The boys rubbed the back of their neck nervously as Jaebeom apologize. "Sorry. I'm not sure what led up to it exactly, but we didn't mean to break Jyongri noona's table." The idols then parted to show the trio the damage. The coffee table was broken in several pieces. "How did you guys even break it to so many pieces?" The males looked at one another which didn't answer Melanie's question. "Wow." "I hope unnie doesn't get to mad at you guys." Jeannie told them as Jasmine went to inspect the damage. "Scratch that, Jaehwa. I hope unnie doesn't beat them with one of the broken pieces."
"When I said don't make a mess guys, this is what I meant." Serena spoke from behind them as she, Mark, and Biscuits entered the apartment with a bag of individual ice cream in hand. "We're so sorry, noona." Youngjae cried as he fell to his knees to do a begging motion. "Yugyeom and Jackson just wanted to test out some stupid thing I don't remember what it was about that they wanted to test out." "It wasn't my fault. Jackson hyung pushed me because of King Jackson Day." Yugyeom defended as Serena held up a hand. "It doesn't matter. Here." Serena said as she walked up to her sister to hand her the bag. "I'll be in my room. Have them clean up." She faced the group. "Goodnight." Serena retired to her room with Biscuits in tow.
"Wow." Mark let out in surprised as he walked up to them while examining the damage and eating an ice bar. "I'm so glad I wasn't part of that." "Well, aren't you lucky then." Jeannie commented as Melanie then looked at him with a smile. "Although true, but you're going to help out your fellow members in cleaning up the mess." "Why?" "Because you're going to help them throw that down the chute." The idols groaned as Jasmine looked at them with a slightly stern look. "Hey, you guys were the ones that did the damage." "I wasn't even here for that." Mark grumbled as he handed Jasmine the other bag of individual ice cream as he still helped his members clean up while Jeannie returned from the kitchen with a broom, a dustpan, and a few garbage bags.
"I'm surprised unnie was so calm about it." Jeannie said as she began to sweep up the little pieces. "She'll rant later. Let's just help them and get this done and over with." Melanie said as she and Jasmine opened up the two large black trash bags. With that being said, the group of ten cleaned up the mess altogether. The older idols lugged the broken table out to the chute while the younger idols helped the female trio rearrange the living room so that it didn't look so opened, but it was hard when another furniture that was there was now gone. Some time later, they were all satisfied with the partial layout. They all called it a night as the girls gave the boys all of the ice cream and bid them a good night and wished them luck on their schedules for later that day and the rest of the week. The boys did the same and apologized once more. Serena didn't come back out that night due to exhaustion.
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