#of course they're not gonna say that abt the main character
auradoniandreams · 1 year
something something fairies are often depicted as being extremely beautiful in folklore something something their beauty is probably enhanced by their magic something something jane has been described as faded or implied to be ugly her entire life but she's also never had the chance to use any of her fairy magic until d1 something something jane is actually really beautiful and the magic ban has real consequences for magical beings
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andie-cake · 1 year
ruth and richie were hilarious characters, and i am GLAD they didn't turn out to be smokescreens for different pre-established characters (...technically? not main characters anyway, but goddamn i was not expecting the paulkins cameo). poor richie, that whole scene with him being like "i'm not a loser anymore, i'm one of the guys! i love life! :)" when we know that he's about to murdered was such a hilarious gut punch, and ruth was just,,, god, diversity win, this sweaty disaster of a teenage girl who gets wedgied to death is canonically bisexual. what a legend.
will branner is INCREDIBLE, holy shit. he steals the show as max in every scene he's in. max may be my favorite villain in the hf stage trilogy, he's as hilarious as he is menacing. he's like. i dunno, jock beetlejuice? something like that. also new ship just dropped, will and jon's unnamed student characters during best of you.
speaking of best of you, god the MUSIC was so great. don't know if it quite beats out black friday for me yet, but it's damn good. literal monster wasn't my favorite like i was expecting, i'll have to give it another listen to pin that down. but still, what a score, not one skip happening once this cast album hits spotify.
pete and steph were once again Cute As Hell, it was really neat seeing their relationship play out over the course of a full show. their "i don't love you but maybe i actually do" song in beanies (forgot what it was called lol whoops) was a banger, and seeing them walk out in their cute lil homecoming outfits in the end put the dumbest smile on my face. also, that reprise of cool as i think i am in act 2 nearly made me cry, joey as pete was a phenomenal choice.
grace,,, holy shit, i love what they did with grace in this show. hearing her call god a son of a bitch before stealing the gun from one of the officers and turning back on them threw me into another goddamn dimension. dirty girl and bully the bully were hilarious songs (feel like i'm overusing that word, but how else can i describe it?), and holy shit, her having sex with max's ghost to vanquish him and then proceeding to go mad with power?? my jaw was dropped, that was incredible. i never could've predicted that in a million years and i've never been more delighted.
me like one month ago: yeah i don't think we're gonna see the lords in black in npmd since this is supposed to be a more standalone hf show than black friday :/. literally all five of the lords in black: we're about to end this dumbasses whole career. that was WILD. their song wasn't my favorite in the show (if only bc it was kinda hard to hear with the digital ticket audio), but i am ecstatic to have canon human designs for all five of them now.
god, i feel like there's more i wanna say, but there's just so much to talk about. all i can say is that after three years of delays, i'm so so happy that we're finally getting to see npmd. dunno how it stacks up against tgwdlm and black friday for me yet, but i'm just overjoyed. can't wait for the youtube version and the cast album, they're gonna be great.
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ssaalexblake · 11 months
How would you respond to claims that 13's run feels a bit dodgy by having a cop travel with them?
You know, the other day while generally browsing the internet I happened across somebody complaining about this war movie. They were angry it was glorifying soldiers. Were anti-military themselves in general. You know what I mean. The thing is, though, the literature course I did in school had an entire unit and exam on war literature and I've read the book upon which the movie was based on and it has stuck with me as an incredible critique of war, conscription and the military by portraying those things in fiction. I would never pick it up again, not because it was bad, but because it was rough to 17yo me, but I am happy I've read it and other pieces of literature like it. I am happy I was taught to analyse and contextualise media with a serious subject such as that.
Now, this isn't the exact same thing as this. The BBC would legit never allow their lead children's show to Explicitly portray any acab message, like, ever, lets be true to reality here. But also, I genuinely think there is a fair amount of that puritanical black and white thinking going on here on the riff of Yaz working for the police being an immediate strike against the show because people think that portraying something is automatically lauding it because uh, the content of the story does Not track with the idea they're saying cop work is good work.
I have seen (on this site and many others) people say over and over again the only good cops are either dead or have quit bc they realised it was a crock of shit. In which case, the question becomes;
Did y'all miss the part where Yaz quit?
Yaz is not a cop anymore. Yaz quit. Yaz is portrayed as thinking it's frustrating bc because the helping people thing she was supposed to be doing isn't happening and we're shown this from literally the get go, her very first scene, and from there is only seen as trying A) to get work where she's actually helping somebody and totally failing to get it and B) straight up trying to get out of going to work by actually forging paperwork. S/O to her for that bit of illegality btw. Love that for her. She does not end the series employed by the police. Yaz found an actual way to help people and chose to do That instead.
Yaz's career arc is 'disillusioned teen signs up to be cop, realises it's bullshit and there are actual ways to help people and quits to go do that instead' which is, if i'm not mistaken, what we want actual real life cops to realise about their life choices.
I get it's a tetchy subject bc acab, i agree, and I get and agree and wish that this stuff could be more explicitly portrayed as well bc i'm sick of media or execs being too cowardly to be bold about messaging, but the insinuation that this portrayed the cops as systematically helpful or useful by having Yaz start out as a cop? No. Would I have liked it to be more explicit? Well yes, duh, but I cannot emphasise how that was literally never gonna happen. I can however emphasise how ideas like Yaz, whose main goal is to help, quitting being a cop bc she wasn't helping anybody beamed into impressionable young minds do, in fact, take root though.
Like, having a plucky teen hero character go through an arc of helping people and them Ending a cop to carry on the good work is Vastly different to a plucky teen starting out a cop bc they think that's how they get to help people then quitting bc they realised that's not true. One of these things is pro cop, the other is not.
I also hasten to mention again that there is a genuine conversation here abt the dodgy-ness cops being used in mental health emergencies. I wrote this out about it [Here].
On a personal note on this score, I, much like Sonya have been forced to deal with cops throughout somebody else's mental health emergency when I never should have had to and it fucking sucked. What an unempathetic bunch of rats who clearly haven't even done a google search's worth of research on how to discuss these things, let alone give it the gravity it deserves. That my choices were either cops or somebody dying is a travesty. And maybe this story speaks to me more personally as somebody who has had this experience and wants to throw hands over it still over a decade later, but that lady did not help Yaz, Yaz helped herself after a measly pep talk and the woman obviously never bothered to keep tabs and see if Yaz was okay afterwards either. Ryan helped his mate. Graham spreads good mental health advice that benefits others. The hospital in Syria was dealing in mental heath care by professionals of the time. Cop lady convinced Yaz to go home, succeeded, and Yaz gave her the credit when it was Her who dug herself out of that pit and not anybody else.
Like, genuinely this whole thing sets me off angry. And I could critique the execution if I wanted to but the bottom line is i've not actually seen anything else even go slightly Near where this plot went and I genuinely think it was something that should be said. As I said, a decade later and I still want to throw hands.
So basically like, I get the discomfort, I do, I get not wanting to see it as well, but Yaz grew OUT of this. Not the other way around. Portrayal is not endorsement. I do not personally find this era difficult to parse but people seem either unwilling or unable to do so on literally every theme addressed in it, but I am just back to being that 17yo in an english lit class being taught how to examine things through the vehicle of anti-war stories, ones that people are actually nowadays mad at for glorifying war just because they portray it when this couldn't be farther from the truth, and I cannot help but relate the situations a bit.
I mean, I don't think it's a 10/10 and I would tweak, but I am aware you won't be finding anything as bold as blatant acab on dw in this geopolitical climate and since that's endemic literally everywhere i'm not gonna single out This show for it when at least its trying (watching classic who and the things they just openly say and portray is soooooo eye opening. TV of the 21st century has no spine in general.) But the portrayal of something does not imply that said thing is positive. If real cops ditching the badge on principle is a good thing that we want to continue, I fail to see how fake ones portraying that said same thing is bad.
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smoshidiot · 11 months
fuck it, since it's my own ask game, i'm gonna answer all of them
Ian or Anthony? - Ian. But I love Anthony dearly and they both make me so happy <3
When did you start watching Smosh? - 2012. Was SUPER obsessed for a few years. Kinda fell off when Anthony left, very excited to be back.
What's your favorite channel between main/pit/games? - Gotta be main channel because nostalgia counts for a lot for me
Who is your favorite castmember? - Besides Ian and Anthony, Shayne ♡ (ily Noah and Courtney tho mwah)
Do you have a favorite Smosh video? What is it? - Paranormal Easy Bake Oven!
Fave classic Smosh character? - I mean .. c'mon. Gotta give love to Boxman
What is your favorite series on Smosh (main channel)? - tbhh. Food Battle.
What is your favorite series on Smosh Pit? - rn it's the reddit stories they're so fun
What is your favorite series on Smosh Games? - I don't have a better answer but remember the series "I have a raging bonus"? yeah ..
Fave Smosh song? - The Legend of Zelda rap my beloved
What's something you want to see come back? - I'd love a food battle 2023 if I'm totally honest. also just music in general
Do you own any Smosh merch? - i USED to own the legend of smosh green hoodie but had to throw it out after wearing it for half a decade. just ordered my reunion shirt tho
Do you ship anything/love any friendship pairs? - I used to be a hardcore cringe ianthony shipper. I still adore their friendship and god they mean a lot to me. also .... shaynoah
What is your favorite 'era' of Smosh? - i'm really excited for this upcoming era tbhh. but also 2012-2014ish slapped
What castmember do you think you are most like? - Arasha tbh she's such a damn mood sometimes
Have you met any friends through Smosh? - Hmm not particularly, but I definitely had friends in middle school that i forced to watch smosh and an irl friend that i still have today that used to watch them
What do you want to see now that Anthony's back? - As said above, I'd rly love music videos with the duo again. But also I'm excited to see Anthony get put onto all of the pit/games series
What is your fave Smosh meme/inside joke? - my donkey is river waffle big sausage fat (a classic, really)
Is there a video/series you really loved when you were younger? - lunchtime with smosh was one of my all-time faves
Do you have a crush on anyone at Smosh? - Shayne Topp hmu is all I'm gonna say
Did you ever watch Smosh the movie? - of course I did. I still own the DVD somewhere .. no i cannot remember a single thing that happened in it
Simply post a screenshot/moment/reaction that you love. - I'll post one at the bottom of the questions bc tumblr is dumb abt formatting
Tell me an unpopular Smosh opinion. - tbh i straight up can't watch eat it or yeet it, it's too gross for me
Tell me about a Smosh memory you hold dear. - when I met Smosh Games at a comic con in 2014(? i think it was). It was the OG crew + Wes it was amazing they were all so sweet and I remember Wes complimenting my costume and asking me what my fave thing from the series was. Joven signed my sketchbook
It's food battle time. You picking a pink frosted sprinkled donut, or some stick-shaped food? - Always go for that pink frosted sprinkled donut babey!!
oh and here's my fave random screenshot btw:
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livvyofthelake · 8 months
i was gonna put this in your replies but it got kind of long so I'll make it an Official Ask... you joked abt magisterium being practice for cassie writing twp so genuine question if aaron DOES die do you think it forebodes something in twp or says something about where the series is going. or are there just some similar vibes. and in general do you have any fear of ur friends dru ty kit livvy actually dying in the series... I don't know how brutal cassie is I don't remember anyone dying in tmi but of course I know of the Agonies secondhand. anyway. this is kind of a huge bummer sorry but I'm genuinely curious. also re: livvy I've never thought to ask but how real is her haunting. like is she a legit ghost. if that's the case how do u think her storyline should end... can they bring her back? didn't kit and ty do some really fucked up shit trying to bring her back. or was that for someone else. well I think they should try again for her like real friends... also does she or dru have an involvement in the sherlock stuff or is it just kit and ty's weird little thing. that was a lot of questions what can I say I have an inquisitive nature... alright bye love u
on the twp front, no i think aaron dying was just her practice for livvy ie died and some freak brought them back wrong... the magesterium trio isn't actually very comparable to the wicked powers trio or even the ty livvy kit trio, so i think we've already seen the worst of cassie's plans in regards to like. necromancy. definitely twp is going to majorly revolve around livvy as a ghost being like, put to rest i guess. there's no way she's coming back unfortch that girl is a martyr </3 i don't think she'd ever kill a main tsc character so ty kit and dru are safe from her doing the whole "subversion of expectations" thing they ere going for with magisterium. livvy of course has never truly bee a main main character so. she was not safe.... and she still isn't. it's hard to truly consider her "dead" where the series is because well she's still very much there. we can see her. she has narration she's around yk, but also. you know she's a ghost. yeah she is a legit ghost! they tried to bring her back but ty is a FAIL necromancer and they never even had her body so she only came back as a ghost that no one but them can see.... it's crazytown seriously... yeah they ripped a hole in the fabric between worlds but it's chill right now so i guess we're not worried. @ cassandra. girl when's that gonna be relevant again...
also no the girls do not have an involvement in the sherlock holmes thing because if they did it would be normal. but they're just not normal and never will be.... also imagine your twin brother is obsessed with sherlock holmes and he really really badly wants to have a little watson-esque sidekick but he never asks you. i'd be so pissed livvy girl you kept incredible grace under pressure with that one. he nicknamed his computer watson but didn't include her. dude. i mean i can't imagine she'd really want to be involved in his weird ass detective roleplay that badly but still. she was out there begging him to be her parabatai and he was like i can't i have to go to shadowhunter detective school. and then kit came along and he was like hey do you want to be my sidekick/partner in crime? i would have killed him are you kidding.
anyway. love you tee <3 love your inquisitive nature :)
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eurydicees · 1 year
I know he's not one of your favorite characters, but how did you feel about Kunigami and his new character development??? What do you think is going to happen to him?? Also I'm with you on Sae and Shidou making me, a proud bisexual, a little bit homophobic esp Shidou's "right in the womb" comment :xxxxx
ahhhh !!! i want to talk about this so bad thank you for asking!! spoilers for the manga up to chp 202 in this, so cont below the cut !!
ok ok ok so i posted the favorite character list and then, like, a day later i kinda fell in love with kunigami. in my defense, i had only read up to 78 when i made that post and then kunigami proceeded to do a series of things that made me insane: (1) lost the game w isagi, thus giving up chigiri, (2) got in a fight with shidou, who kind of drives me insane (derogatory), (3) chose the wild card door and then fucking disappeared???? and then (4) came back Changed™. i am so normal about the all of that. so so so normal.
but okay so basically, i am SO intrigued by kunigami's new development. the general "disappear and come back different" is SO interesting. i may just be missing some pieces, i kinda speed ran the manga instead of looking tooooo in depth, and now i'm kinda going back through and finding all the little details--so please lmk if i'm not seeing major bits or if i'm interpreting things wrong!!
but overall, the goal was to create the next noel noa, right? like, physique-wise? but like,,,, what did they actually do. i am sooo curious about whatever the fuck happened to him. i actually have so many questions and i. i don't even know where to start.
i was actually gonna make a post abt this--i decided not to because idk i didn't want to be annoying or whatever (which is stupid because this is the being annoying or whatever website, but i digress)--so i could talk about kunigami post-wild card and about chigiri and kunigami's friendship! the main point of the post was that i got SO invested in their friendship when they teamed up in the second selection in chp 44:
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and then i'm invested in their friendship all over again when they actually play together in chp 58:
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they're truly one of my favorite dynamics to come out of team z (bachira and isagi being my number one favorite, of course), and i'm so intrigued to see what's going to happen with them. i think it's also really interesting to look at the moments after the game (chp 68), right, okay because several things stick out to me there. so, first of all, isagi's words to reo:
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which sticks out to me because what the whole "wild card" deal feels like to me is very much a "choose your fate" situation...like, kunigami could have exited OR he could have gone through the second door, not knowing what's behind it, and not being able to undo it. but this moment is also him taking charge of his fate and his future--on one hand, he's on his way out and he's kind of grasping at straws to stay and change his future, but he's also still reaching out and doing it, yk? i also wonder how many other people took this path--and even how many other people were offered the option in the first place.
in his last game, neither of them where "the one that chooses." reo got picked to join the other team. kunigami was the one who was left behind. but he still got to choose the second door. and i think that taking charge and making deliberate choices are both huge parts of succeeding at blue lock.
the wild card is also interesting because kunigami trades having to win every game / be the loser who gets picked by the other players in exchange for getting to the next phase but, like, at what fucking cost? he seems to have been hand chosen by ego after a different training and selection, but again, at what fucking cost?
so anyways, the other thing that happened after that match is what chigiri says specifically to kunigami:
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this is interesting to me because this reminds me a LOT of what nagi and reo talk about in the germany v england match later on. in the beginning of the second selection, nagi talks about wanting to learn better soccer by being with isagi, then in the third selection, nagi says that his new whole goal is to beat isagi. if i recall correctly, him and reo start syncing up again in part bc of this goal to beat isagi.
so chigiri incentivizing kunigami by saying that WE have to win against ISAGI is reaaaallyyyy interesting. also, chigiri calling kunigami "hero" makes my little heart beat, but that's a side note.
this moment also makes me insane because it ALSO feels like a parallel to the bachira & isagi "i won't wait for you...if you want me, come and steal me" moment. i'm not quite sure what to make of any of that, but this is all spinning around in my head on a microwave dish.
then the other thing spinning in my head is the moment prior to the germany v england match, with chirigi, reo, and kunigami talking to each other (chp 173):
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so coupla things here ig? first, "the same old you i knew" versus the switch from "hero" to "cynic hero." that's notable to me. not sure why. but it is. i think also this idea of fighting the same old you is really interesting because a huge theme i'm seeing in this manga on the first read through is the idea of change and evolution. there's no such thing as "the same old you" because they have all leveled up so much, they've all changed and grown and developed and evolved into something new--chigiri himself included.
so...maybe kunigami has a point that they DO all need to let go of who he used to be. the problem is that the person he used to be is so hard to let go of, especially when no one has seen this change happen or knows why it happened.
that being said, the idea of chigiri "waking him up" is kind of driving me up the walls. i feel like someone has to knock some light into kunigami again, but i have no idea how that's going to happen. i think it's hard because, in a lot of metrics, he's ranked really high and being really successful; whatever the wild card path was, it did something "right."
that being said, i then don't see much change in environment coming along, or any change in how his training is happening. if anything is going to change, it's going to be via some mid-game internal discourse sparked by isagi; and i think it would be most satisfying if chigiri was really important there too. but again, i don't think that it's coming soon, maybe not even in this general arc?
tbh, ultimately, i think, long term, kunigami won't make it to the best 23 as he is. that's not to say it's impossible for him to make it to the u20 team, but i think the way that he's going right now isn't going to be good enough to make it. he is genuinely performing really well, but i also can't see anyone building a team around him as a center point in the same way that the manga is constantly talking about building teams around isagi's most notable rivals and top competition (ex. kaiser, rin, and even nagi).
kunigami is great as his own little point of gravity, but no one is orbiting around him. which is actually really, really sad to me, because i think he truly could have been one of the best there if the circumstances had been even just slightly different. blue lock is truly so so tragic because there is so much skill in that prison and so much of it is being wasted and for what.
and kunigami honestly, from the very beginning, was always going to be hurt more than helped by blue lock. he was set up as a character who runs by fair play, someone who will win and will fight but will also still play by the rules. at the end of the day, yes, he gets results: he scored a goal in the first selection. but he also split his meal with isagi. he still rewarded the assist. that's not the goal of blue lock.
isagi kinda acknowledges something similar when he wins against him in the second selection, too. kunigami is strong and a great player, but he's not going to "devour" the others on the field in the same way so many others are going to do and going to try to do.
something about either the circumstances (blue lock) or kunigami himself was going to have to change in order for him to come out of this on top, and blue lock's rules aren't going to be changing any time soon.
idk. his story just feels so sad to me already and we don't even know how it ends yet.
on a brighter note.....yeah. started reading blue lock >> finished the u20 arc >> am now homophobic. thanks shidou. this was your fault. "a shot is the seed and the net is the egg" i'm literally gonna scream out loud. you've lost an ally in me
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diamondsandlemons · 1 year
Hi sorry for being the least normal person on the planet about this but I saw you rbing some The Locked Tomb stuff and it's only been like a week or two since I got extremely into the series and it's nice to see someone I follow also show interest in it around the same-ish time as me! Can I ask abt your take on the books so far n fav character/s?
well I've only read the first book (I'm definitely interested in continuing with the series but I probably won't get to it for a while, esp. since I wanna get back into playing Ace Attorney games, as playing a visual novel kinda takes up the same time slot in my day as reading a novel, yk?) so there's def stuff I don't know abt yet.
but anyway yeah! I did really enjoy it. I appreciate the comedy in it, which I wasn't really expecting since like the cover art is so grim and it opens with some really dense politics stuff and a bunch of long names (that I just know should be pronounced with a british accent but I can't really make my head voice do that) and like the actual plot is very serious with deaths and stuff but nonetheless This Book Has Jokes
and its best when they're the dumbest, simplest jokes you could think of and Gideon says them out loud because thats the kind character she is. love her
Palamedes is great too because he entertains Gideon's antics while also being the one most focused on solving the mystery castle puzzles. (this girl who's been here for like a month and has never spoken a word to anyone is talking to me now? and she's rude? thats fine I'll just roll with it). he's also like the most normal dude in the whole cast. you feel comfortable when he's around
(btw what the hell was up with the thing he discovered about the rooms in Canaan House being from different time periods? like the different rooms are literally different ages? I don't think that was ever explained or brought up again???)
Also, for "lesbian fiction" being basically the one thing everyone says about this series, I was kinda surprised at the lack of a romantic plot in this one? I mean maybe there will be more of that in the other books idk, but like. ok so from the beginning it's very clear that Gideon and Harrow are gonna be the main pair here. and I was a little skeptical they were gonna be able to sell me on that because of where their relationship started, but nahhh I had nothing to worry about. they were meant for each other and enemies to lovers works great it turns out. but like. their relationship definitely improves a lot over the course of the story, but most of the time they don't talk to each other about anything but their jobs. its all bones and skeletons and locked doors with them.
don't get me wrong it has strong gay vibes all the way through (and Gideon is constantly commenting on how hot other women are, which is great) but at no point are Harrow and Gideon actually like. dating. closest they got was when I think it was implied they fucked once, after the pool scene. which like, good for them, I'm glad they got the opportunity to do that before, ah, y'know.
speaking of which I have NO clue what'll happen next based on how it ended. and the brief glimpse of the emperor at the very end was not at all what I expected, so that's curious as well...
OH yeah and speaking of the empire. uh at least the copy of the book that I have has a bunch of bonus material at the end, like in-universe essays and reports (and a pronunciation guide where I frustratingly learned I'd been reading half the characters' names wrong). and ONLY in that bonus material was it ever acknowledged that other inhabited planets exist outside of the empire. like for the whole book it kinda seems like there are nine planets that comprise the empire, and that's it. no humans anywhere else in the universe. no life outside the empire.
sure, the Cohort supposedly fights "enemies of the empire" but that's all that's ever said about that. could be like evil skeletons or some other kind of space monster for all we know. but no there ARE other civilizations, which I guess might be at war with the necromancers? it's cool to know that, that this story's universe is bigger than we've seen, and if I had to guess I'd say bigger than we probably ever will see, since there's still so many ghost/death mysteries and House history stuff our beloved necros have yet to solve.
ok thats probably everything I have to say about Gideon the Ninth for now. thanks for giving me an opportunity to put it all into words, lol
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Do you have an info or art about the other characters involved with Kalamari??? Esp Glass since you mentioned them directly!!! OwO
Okay SO I do have a few things!! Most of these are old and a lil messy/outdated, so I'm really hoping to whip out a bunch of new stuff soon, but!! I'm gonna put everything under a ReadMore link again bc boy I have things to say and none of it is organized or really coherent so good luck (and also I am still shy)
I've got my two protagonists, Iso (I-20) and Aerani--
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[These are Old outfit designs, I redesigned them sorta recently but haven't finished a drawing of them, sobs] I first drew Aerani in like, 2016 I think? and Iso followed not long after! Iso is a bunny chimera, so he's got big silly ears, wahoo. Chimeras have identification codes to keep track of like, when they were created, and Iso's is I-20: Chimera Generation I, Specimen Number 20. Aerani gave him the nickname Iso <3
Here was Iso in like. 2017? 2018? idk but it was ages ago. He's changed quite a bit, mostly bc I would Constantly misplace sketchbooks and Constantly forget exactly what things looked like lksad;f
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This era of my art was so cute,, I wanna draw hair more like that again tbh
Here's a semi-recent doodle wip of their new outfits, hoorayyy. Don't mind how unfinished it is and my silly notes all over the place. I'm gonna just redraw this at some point bc my art has improved since then aklsdjf;lskdk
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Comfy boys!! Iso's clothing is always kinda ill-fitting bc he Hates skintight stuff, and he is gonna lose those cute slouchy boots SO fast bc I'm gonna drop him in the desert. Woe, sand be upon ye
Iso used to live in a mansion w a rich guy that was Kind Of A Dick, until that guy's daughter-- Iso's childhood best friend-- snapped and killed her dad w a fireplace poker. I haven't drawn her yet and honestly How Dare I. I wanna draw her making flower crowns w Iso
I was Nervous about jumping straight into making smth about them, because I feel like I need wayyyy more practice to be able to tell the story I really wanna tell, so I ended up scooping up my dorky purple merchant Kalamari like 'you know what sure, you can be the protagonist of my practice project and it will be Silly As Hell'. I call my main Eventual Goal 'Quote Unquote Quest', so Kalamari's adventure I'm calling 'Quote Unquote Quest Negative One', since it becomes before the main thing! Aerani will be in that practice project as a side character, bc he's Glass's little brother, but Iso won't be
Also, please witness Aerani's pet, a squishy jello-like blob he calls a frog. It is absolutely not a frog. It sits on his head a lot and makes squeaky lil noises
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Here's another chimera! She's much older than Iso, from gen F! The only one left from gen F actually. She calls herself Fa, and she doesn't like to talk, she just hangs out by a pond all day to watch the fish
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This is OLD so I'm def gonna redraw it soon, but here's one of my antagonists! They by the name Scratch, and they're sort of. the opposite of Kalamari. I have So Much I wanna draw abt them omg,,
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While I do like their color palette, I'm gonnadesign one to match. everyone else. The colors I wanna use for this project (that might eventually change ofc) are brown, orange, golden yellow, magenta, a slightly more purple magenta, violet, indigo, and blueee, with Very Dark Blue and Very Light versions of the other colors for lines and junk. Basically Kalamari Colors ft. some extras to spice things up, since my silly littol practice project revolves around her and how he sees the world:
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Everything is very saturated of course bc I'm. cannot and will not use desaturated colors. It's kind of like my chunky lineart-- I can try So Hard to make it thin, but that just doesn't look right to me and as I work woopsie everything is thick and I'm dying
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Glass and Kalamari!!!!!!! I hadn't drawn Glass yet and I'm crying bc she's turning out so cute. sobs. I was working on this before I realized oh shit yeah the oc tournament is posting Kalamari tomorrow, and I had to stop to go finish up my other art + my oc sideblog bc I wanted that to all be ready to go
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laplacesdevil · 1 year
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@autismrobot5 yes. Yes tou can. I am SO sorry it took this long
We'll go over Miss B first because MMMMWAAAHHH!!!!! I LVOE HER!!!! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH SHE IS JUST SO!! OOOOOOO!!!!! All of this will be under cut because it's gonna be Lengthy. Most information can be found on their toyhou.se profiles as well! (They're in the Main Projects folder!)
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Miss B is a reporter! Specifically, she broadcasts to an outer audience (technically, us), making most, if not, all drawings with her canon. She also hosts podcasts, but she prefers to be seen the most! She has fourth-wall breaking powers where she speaks to the audience! I'd like to keep her backstory a secret for now, as I'm working on it on-and-off, but I will say she's drastically different from who she was back then and WILL stuff down all negative feelings bc of it. They hate talking about their past. I. Still haven't figured out their reporter voice, but their normal speaking voice is bugs bunny. They are both bunny-adjacent.
Miss B has her own universe btw! It's a floating-in-the-void studio mixed with a penthouse. Multi-floors. Middle floor is her whole studio. There's a compartment in the studio where all folders of possible candidates to interview. Btw the folders kinda hold like an wikipedia-level amount of knowledge on those characters.
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Oh yeah forgot to mention, but Miss B also has a little sidekick of sorts! His name is Frankie :3 (he/ted/hun) n he's a friend's oc! At the moment, while said friend also doesn't know Miss B backstory, Frankie is Miss B's cameraman! Also he is 2. (He's actually like. 7-10 I'm gonna be honest I don't remember.) Miss B and teds parents are on pretty good terms with each other. Miss B also cares a lot for Frankie and always makes sure ted stays behind when it's on dangerous interviews + when hun is sick. Miss B doesn't actually need a cameraman, as it knows it's always (or usually) being watched, but it appreciates the company! Think of them having a slight Sonic-n-Tails friendship
I need you to know that she was originally my fem Springtrap human design before FNAF 3 came out OK? I'm putting her old pic here. Her name was Boldenzie, if u even care...... also her red suit is inspired by old Spamton. Sorry for the gunshot. As for Miss B herself, she came to be because i thought boldenzie was pretty. and i wanted her back. she was actually gonna be a feddyverse oc (Rivals with gracie) but it wasnt workin. also she was gonna be a bit like junko from . the. the. the. the rompers. i thought it would be fun for her to be multiverse, i think bc of santana
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now..... santi..... My dearly beloved.
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so. Fun fact. He's been meant for MANY projects before, but I couldn't make him stick, or I couldn't figure anything for the universe he was in. His "most recent" (abt a year ago, tbh) universe, he was named Marikit Guinto, nicknamed "Calamansi"/"Kalamansi". He had a partner named Rey Basa (they/it), nicknamed "Juniper"/"Juni". Tammi's siblings were in the universe too, but like I couldn't figure out what the universe could be like, so I trashed it. Tammi's siblings are ok btw. Would love to draw them digitally some time. Santana's original design + personality were based off of vry2k gordon because he's so fucking pretty
So, how did Santana FINALLY get to stick? So you see, I had a dream where it was like fnaf roblox building mode. And then there was a pretty cute health inspector because Of Course There Was. I don't remember much abt what happened, but when I woke up, I IMMEDIATELY went to drawing him. Thats when I noticed "Hey this looks like cala". Not sure how I got to him being multiverse, tbh, but then i incorporated his past selves
anyways. to ACTUAL santana stuff.
santana is an angel. He has a true form, but he never feels quite comfortable exposing it, unless in dire situations. He was aware of his past universes, and used to answer to a being called The Almighty One, who he sees as the one who created all the universes he's been in. His backstory goes into it a bit, but basically, after so many requests of a new universe, The Almighty One offers Santana a deal of providing him a universe: record all of the universes that had been created. Santana was desperate and accepted it, and The Almighty One sends him off.
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so like that was a lie btw. well. not PARTICULARLY a lie, but it's an imposible task. The Almighty One isn't even the one who creates the universes, and there's different ones created every second.
Anyways I think I've said this before, but part of Santana knows his task is impossible. But he doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to admit that all this work is for nothing. Because if it's for nothing, then what does he have left?
He tries to make himself believe it's for something. To keep going. That the promise will be kept
By the dubs. he was also lied to that he couldn't interact with others. He can! The last time he did, The Almighty One FUCKED with him. Look, I've drawn Santana a few times and he seems elegant and shit, right? I promise you he is NOT that man is emotionally constipated but he's forcing himself to stay stoic and unattached because if he lets one vulnerability he's scared he will not be able to handle it.
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So, unlike Miss B, he has to record everything himself in a journal he conjures up! btw i need you to know miss b sometimes has santana conjure up accessories for their outfits smtimes.
oh this is important. santana and miss b relationship. they certainly do got sm stuff btwn them. problem is that they both have partner problems (i.e., for santana "i watched my boyfriend fucking die in front of me"). Miss B acts real sweet on Santana (she calls him Santi!) and finds him really fun and interesting! Like, wow! Another multiverse traveler! A pretty and smart one too! So fashionable!!! And there's no info on him too? Wowza... Santana, on the other hand, does enjoy Miss B's company after going so long without interaction (will not admit it) and believes she (and Frankie) are the only ones he can interact with safely. But also he pushes the both of them away because he's kinda scared otherwise. He does care for them though.
Santana and Miss B want to get close to each other, but at the same time, the two of them keep their secrets guarded HARD. they complement each other really well.
anyways here's their playlists
miss b: youtube spotify
santana: youtube spotify (missing a song </3)
btw i should note this bc i havent gotten to drawing it yet, but santana sometimes gives himself tits because he likes havin em. he's got some kind of gender going on and i want it
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ambreiiigns · 27 days
ok partner talk about tiger and bunny
ok here's the scene. this is sometime in the weird future. place is called sternbild city there's people w Superpowers called next and some of them work as heroes. but it's so funny and capitalist bc everything they do is aired on a tv show and they get points for all of their. heroic acts and by the end of the season whoever gets more point is king of heroes. and since they're on tv their hero costumes are Covered in logos for real And fake companies that sponsor them. hello
i didn't think i'd like it as much as i do w this ^ premise but it's actually not that important :) we are making friends and solving a murder, Actually. yippie. my brother pointed out to me something which is obvious that i care the most abt relationships and dynamics between characters and i love a package deal. so obviously something called tiger & bunny? the title alone implying Dynamic Duo Centric? of course i like it. irrelevant comment sorry. i really like it. like i'm gonna spoil Everything but pls consider watching it lmao it's really good :)
our main characters are the titular tiger and bunny as you can imagine,, real names kotetsu t. kaburagi and fuckin barnaby brooks jr. heroes usually keep their identity secret so kotetsu's Hero Name is wild tiger 🤢 he's so cringe but barnaby decided to not use a fake name. so kotetsu Immediately nicknames him bunny bc his hero suit has two long pink things by the sides of his head that look like bunny ears allegedly and because he's quick and jumpy and Cute like a bunny. bunny hates it. they have the same superpower called hundred power or smth in which for 5 minutes every hour their strength and whatnot becomes umm. Stronger. super strong. that's abt it tho everything else abt them Clashes there's a like 10ish years age gap bunny calls him Exclusively "old man" for the first like half of the season. and i feel normal abt it. in fact kotetsu even has a daughter and a dead wife he's so old. (he's 35 at the beginning of the show smh) while bunny's the newest hero hired so they get partnered by their boss. yk the veteran who's not doing Great w ratings bc he doesn't care abt the show and the points and the rookie who's cool and clever and everyone already likes him bc he's hot. alas they mandatory Don't Get Along. at first. for a bit. very normal people it's very refreshing to me after having my brain rotten by dazai and chuuya who are insane abt each other i must say they are just Normal Coworkers Who Slowly Become Friends
there's a whole Team that works w tv of heroes i like them soooo much most of them get a dedicated episode hdjdjgnand they're so Guys. Friends. my favorite is of course the one who never got his own episode aka a guy who's besties w kotetsu his name is fucking Antonio hello. antò. my other favorite for funny reasons is a 19yo schoolgirl karina who gets the biggest fucking crush on kotetsu it's SO FUNNYYYY he's nice to her bc she's a kid and he's a dad and he's always sweet w kids of course but she's like oh. i am now in love w you. and he does Not realize if anything for a second he thinks she has a crush on bunny so he keeps being nice to her and bunny at one point kinda gushes abt him to her and Convinces her it is a crush. i cannot get over this part. her last scene in s1 is her looking at a magazine called 100 ways to make a single father fall for you. ANYWAY then we have two other kids ivan & pao-lin that kotetsu uses dad powers upon to cheer them up when necessary and the top rated hero guy who just looks so usamerican Keith Goodman and has a dog named john and last but not least the diversity win queer black girlguy nathan who kicks so much ass. he has a bit of a crush on bunny and only calls him Handsome and there's a scene i love when he's teaming up w karina and pao-lin and he goes GIRLS NIGHT!!! and karina goes one of us doesn't quite fit but sure! and pao-lin goes I'M SORRY I'M A TOMBOY and karina goes I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU and nathan goes YOU MEANT ME ?!?!?!?! CRIES SCREAMS THROWS UP
anyway the plot. the plot??? oh when the plot started chickening... oh i was so hooked. so bunny shows up and gets partnered w kotetsu. bunny becomes a hero bc his mom and dad got Murdered and he wants to Avenge them. that's kinda the overarching Thing we're dealing with. but let me try going over it episode per episode.
first few episodes are mostly Meeting Bunny. Being Forced To Work With Bunny As His Sidekick Or Else I'm Fired. We Keep Getting Into Trouble Bc We Don't Get Along And We're Not Working Well. ep 2 we get to see how kotetsu decided to become a hero (was saved as a kid by the old greatest hero and encouraged to use his powers for good) and also we see his daughter kaede and like. i guess it's sort of the episode where you see just how much of a good guy my MAN kotetsu is. the villain of the week is a bullied kid who's using his powers to fuck everything up and kotetsu Fathers him into behaving. bunny starts to be Huh abt him here bc he just thought kotetsu was some cringe old loser but apparently maybe there's more to him woagh!! ep 3 is when they kinda work well together for the first time. it's not GREAT yet but it's something. they find a bomb in a building and bunny can't manage to turn it off in time and kotetsu convinces him to fuckin Launch It In The Sky w their combined powers so at least when it blows up it doesn't destroy anything and it works! another W for kotetsu. ep 4 is abt karina trying to quit her hero job bc she actually wants to be a singer and kotetsu finds out and just encourages her to do what's best for her. she is now down bad for him and goes back to working as a hero. i'm making this sound silly but imagine that it is actually really nice & sweet
episode 5 is WHERE WE REALLY GET THIS BREAD I THINK it's bunny's bday and he's being grumpy and kotetsu wants to cheer him up by throwing him a nice surprise party. he is so fucking sweet i hate him. he sets up this Act w the other heroes where they pretend to be criminals and ambush bunny & kotetsu and then just kinda yell Sike! ig but ofc it goes Wrong bunny refuses to meet up w kotetsu gndndkakjfnw he is So Funny and then there's Real Criminals, Actually and kotetsu & bunny defeat them w the power of friendship. bunny's like mad at him bc he keeps sticking his nose in other people's business but as he walks off w the criminals a guy asks him why's he smiling to which he obv says HE IS NOT SMILING BUT HE IS SMILING KOTETSU MADE HIM SMILE ANOTHER WIN FOR MR DILF
ep 6 the plot finally chickens. we learn abt bunny's parents and his only lead being an ouroboros tattoo he saw on the killer's hand. at the same time their coworker nathan is being suspected of murder ?!?!?! bc someone w fire powers similar to his has been fucking around. turns out it's the same guy who planted the bomb a few eps ago and he Also has the ouroboros tattoo but before bunny can ask him abt it a New Character fuckin Kills The Guy. it's a next w fire powers calls himself Lunatic and he's just. killing criminals. spoiler but this man is like a judge or smth and that's why he knows criminals. also spoiler but he's the son of the Iconic Hero who inspired kotetsu when he was little and he Killed Said Iconic Hero for being an abusive husband & father once his powers started fading. i like this guy i get the feeling we'll see more of him in the movies and or s2 i'm ready. lunatic has his lil Arc where people start doubting heroes so they start doing lil charity work and whatnot to get The People back on board. kotetsu bunny & ivan go to some hero school (this is ivan's episode and kotetsu Fathers him) next episode instead is for pao-lin and GOD I LOVE THIS EPISODE SO MUCH kotetsu is Urgently called to work only to find out he's being given babysitter duty for the day YOU KNOW BECAUSE HE HAS A DAUGHTER 🤤 sorry what. so he has to babysit the mayor's baby who's a next and he imprints on pao-lin so kotetsu gets the baby And Her and takes them to bunny's house ?? and instead of babysitting him and bunny chat abt ouroboros and get drunk and pass out. they are bonding. in the meanwhile pao-lin & the baby get kidnapped Lmao kotetsu & bunny get them back and in the process bunny has a Flashback and finally remembers what his parents' murderer looks like
ep 10 the plot REALLY chickens again. the guy who killed bunny's parents (jake) gets out of jail and him + the ouroboros Criminal Organization Situation take the whole city hostage and threaten to Destroy it. the gang does some snoopin to find the hideout and bunny & kotetsu fight bc kotetsu. as established. cannot mind his own business and his efforts to help usually result in Messing Up and bunny whines abt trust. everything kinda peaks into jake challenging every hero to a 1v1 fight and if any one of them wins he'll leave the city alone. if he wins welllll everyone's dying ofc. it's not looking up bc jake has two (2) powers one of which (mind reading) is secret so it's fuckin. impossible to beat him when he can hear your thoughts right. kotetsu eats absolute shit and bunny's up after him but he figures out the mind reading thing bc he is So Smart And Cool, Actually and tries to give bunny some assist by Lying. tells him jake's got Super Hearing. bc ofc if bunny knows abt the mind reading jake can just plan around it. bunny's pissy like ough that is so stupid but kotetsu's like well i know but i trusted you to trust me and it worked 😌 and bunny's like OH??? TRUST???? WE TRUST EACH OTHER and he CALLS HIM BY NAME FOR THE FIRST TIME up until now he'd either only called him tiger (hero name) or old man (10 years age gap) AND NOW HE CALLS HIM KOTETSU AND MY MANS IS SOOOO HAPPY also jake dies. this is how the first half of s1 ends :)
second half starts after a 10 months timeskip. tiger & bunny are now super popular as a team and they're super besties and hang out together all the time and i love them. karina is Jealous. she's assigned to work w kotetsu and bunny for like a fucking concert sjfjakjf she has to teach them how to sing and dance 😭😭😭 why would you force her to thirdwheel like this it's so evil. she Really likes kotetsu and ofc he is Father so he does Not realize. he asks her if she's free tonight and she's like YES OF COURSE but he only wants to train more so he's better at the dance than bunny and she's MAD that he's thinking abt WORK AND BUNNY SHE THOT THIS WAS A DATE and he's like WHY ARE YOU MAD AT ME IS YOUR BOYFRIEND JEALOUS THAT YOU'RE HANGING OUT W AN OLD GUY??? and she's like I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! and he's like DON'T WORRY YOU'RE SO COOL AND PRETTY YOU'LL FIND ONE FOR SURE!!!! and she's like I NEED HIM DESPERATELY this is also the episode where bunny tells her OHHH MY PARTNER KOTETSU HE IS SO SELFLESS AND KIND AND WONDERFUL and she's like DAMN I WONT HIM!!! fucking GREAT STUFF. secondhand embarrassment THRU THE ROOF. also kotetsu's powers are acting funny as in they're stronger than usual but instead of lasting 5 minutes the time's getting shorter. uh oh
next episode keith's mopey bc bunny's now the number one hero and he gets a crush on a girl who's an android (he never realizes) (he destroys her and doesn't realize it was her) while kotetsu finds out his powers are fading and will eventually Vanish Completely. 👍 ep 17 he takes a break from work to go back to his hometown to visit his family his mom and brother and kaede his daughter who lives w them. his relationship w kaede's a bit Strained she thinks he's lame (she doesn't know what his job is) and she's mad at him for never being home w her. she also has a Huge crush on bunny and his posters hanging on the walls. really embarrassing. she gets stuck in a storm and kotetsu saves her and she softens + finds out she's ALSO a next and her powers are insane so all things considered. since his own powers are fading. kotetsu decides to retire from being a hero and go back home to raise his daughter. ARGH
next ep bunny finds out it wasn't jake who killed his parents after all. he Spirals and decides maybe he can't keep being a hero which leaves kotetsu Floored bc they can't both fuckin quit at the same time and he wants to help bunny before he leaves so he postpones it and kaede is Saaaad at him and i'm thinking why are you still keeping the secret. just tell her you're the guy who works w barnaby brooks jr and she'll forgive your every crime??? stoopid ass. anyway. bunny hears kotetsu talk to his family on the phone and finds out he wants to quit too. they get in a fight (bunny has a Thing w trust ig) (really funny if you know what's coming) so he runs to this fuckin Guy called maverick to Confide. maverick is 1. the guy who runs the tv show heroes work for and 2. a friend of bunny's parents' who kinda took care of him after they died. bunny tells him he knows jake's not the Murderer and maverick gets Suspicious. then bunny's old nanny samantha calls him bc she found a pic from the day bunny's parents died (the way bunny remembers it he spent that day w maverick but this pic proves he actually spent it w Her which leaves maverick without an alibi) so every piece falls into place and we realize IT WAS MAVERICK ALL ALOOOONG he was WORKING W CRIMINALS TO STAGE ARRESTS FOR HIS TV SHOW WHAT!!! but he's a next w the power to fuck around w your memories so he Wipes bunny's memories as soon as he realizes. uh oh
kotetsu's close to figuring everything out. somehow. the thing abt him is that he's an idiot but when he gets clever Oh is he clever. so after a failed attempt at wiping kotetsu's memories maverick changes plan he Kills samantha then wipes kotetsu from the Team's memories and Frames Him For Murder. really funny. kaede sees this on the news and Runs Away From Home to get to sternbild city and help her dad (grandma has finally told her that kotetsu's the hero wild tiger gasp!!) also her powers involve copying Anyone's Powers as long as she touches them. this will save the day bc she bumps into maverick and is therefore able to give everyone their memories of kotetsu back yippie EXCEPT BUNNY BC HE WAS SOMEWHERE ELSE so kotetsu has to deal w him on his own
so he fuckin takes bunny on this nostalgic walk around places where they first met to try and get him to remember him ARGH and bunny just wants to fuckin Kill him and kotetsu CRIES as he tells him he found him so annoying but the more he got to know him the more he realized they were MEANT to be together and he calls him LITTLE BUNNY and that's what fuckin jogs bunny's memory finally fuck OFFFF "OH THAT'S MY BUNNY" FUCK OFF KOTETSU anyway. GOD. they are BACK together everyone is KIDNAPPED maverick has teamed up w THE GUY WHO BUILT THE ANDROID GIRL THAT KEITH HAD A CRUSH ON??? their plan is to. replace the heroes w androids for SOME reason. everyone has bombs on their necks and kaede is going thru it too and if tiger & bunny don't beat this android everyone's dead. the stakes are umm significantly high ig. kaede frees herself and the othet heroes just as bunny & kotetsu finally get the chance to kill the android. as in kotetsu holds it still while bunny Shoots it w its own gun. kotetsu swears he'll dodge the hit before it's too late but he Doesn't and he gets hit and he fuckin. dies. like he doesn't die i knew in my heart he'd make it but for a minute he dies and i CRIED I DID
bunny holds him in his arms kotetsu tells him he doesn't think he's gonna make it but it's ok bc this past year of chasing bad guys w him? he loved every minute of it. in fact when bunny finally started calling him kotetsu he was so happy he went on an all night bender alone to celebrate. bunny tells him he can't die bc he's been learning how to cook him his favorite food and he has to try it GOD FUCK OFFF and he holds him close and kotetsu goes Wow you're so close. do you know you have really long eyelashes. AND HE DIES???? THAT'S YOUR LAST WORDS????? MY FUCKING GOD!!!! AND KAEDE WALKS IN AND SEES THEM LIKE THAT BUNNY CRYING OVER HER DEAD FATHER AND SHE CRIES AND THE HEROES GET THERE AND EVERYONE CRIES AND I WAS CRYING IT WAS BAAAAD
I ALSO WANNA MENTION after the end credits song there's a little In The Next Episode moment where either kotetsu or bunny introduce themselves (HI I'M TIGER/BUNNY THE MEMBER OF TIGER AND BUNNY WHO [insert fun fact abt themselves]) BUT IN THIS EPISODE IT'S JUST. SAD MUSIC AND BUNNY'S SAD VOICE SAYING SOMETHING LIKE in the next episode.... SADLY WHERE USUALLY HE ENDS IT WITH SEE YA!!! IT FUCKING GOT TO ME. REALLY BAD
so anyway. ofc the day is actually saved bc behind the scenes the girlie who runs the show and the guy who builds hero suits also get their memories back and work to Stop maverick's plans and actually broadcast the whole Situation on tv so maverick can't make it out. he tries to kill kaede and KOTETSU FUCKING GETS BACK UP IT'S KINDA SCARY BUT HE SAVES HIS LIL GIRL and maverick fuckin WIPES HIS OWN MEMORIES SO EVEN IF THEY CATCH HIM THEY CAN'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF HIM IT'S KINDA SICK!!!!! but hey remember lunatic. he Kills maverick anyway. bunny's upset bc it means every chance of learning abt ouroboros is Gone but IDC I'M SORRY I'M JUST HAPPY HE'S DEAD BOOOO so now that everything's chill both bunny and kotetsu announce they're retiring. how sweet. kotetsu's reasons we already know but bunny says he's been manipulated by maverick his whole life even becoming a hero was part of his plan so now he just wants to live for himself :-) it's all bullshit bc a year later kotetsu comes Back to work even tho his power only lasts one (1) fuckin minute bc kaede told him he was boring at home. and since his partner's back Well. bunny goes back to work too. their last scene together mirrors their first scene together - kotetsu Falling from somewhere like the idiot he is and bunny catching him bridal style at the last minute. they chat some shit and they're like well OLD MAN let's get to work. i'm with ya LITTLE BUNNY and that's IT???? THANK GOD THERE'S MORE BC THAT CANNOT BE THE LAST THING I HEAR THEM SAY IT'S DISGUSTING
so. yea i really like it i think it's great. it's so chill and normal despite the Hero bullshit. it feels idk,,, so genuine and down to earth and fun... the vibes reminded me so much of sk8. the chemistry between every character is so nice. it's almost perfect. i like the artstyle well enough (i wasn't too sure at first) i love a colored lineart :^) and i was sorta ready to be down bad for kotetsu lmao but he is SO SWEET ACTUALLY I LIKE HIM SO MUCH MORE THAN I THOUGHT??? BLORBO 100% I LOVE HIM i'm SO excited to watch more i like it so much. it might be one of my favorite animes i've watched? or is it just fresh. idk but i really. really do love it please. give it a shot even tho i just spoiled the whole thing xx it's really good
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effectedfoxx · 10 months
I gotta say i actually did not like the barbie movie, cause if youre gonna make feminism your main (and REALLY OBVIOUS) point, maybe you should actually DO feminism ????
Just saying, just cause you have one character talking about the hardships of being a woman, it doesn't mean you did feminism. When barbie-land, the place where feminism already has happened apparently, makes it so that you have to look a certain way to be liked and not shit-talked (think weird barbie, the way cellulite is never re-framed as something normal, and ALWAYS is bad according to the movie), you cant really be rude at all to any other barbies (Kens are fine of course, im not rlly bothered abt that, more the way we see all the barbies talk and act towards each other when one of them don't fit into the norm), etc.
Obviously you also have the fact that for a feminism movie, you don't end up with any equality in the end (which is at the VERY least half the point of feminism), but i don't really care cause i get that men should feel how it is to feel "lesser than" for once, and that that is the point.
My main issue is really just that they wanted to do a feminist movie, but did so whilst playing into the issues feminism's against. Gloria is there almost shouting about beauty standards, and how they negatively affect us, yet we're always shown that we should follow the beauty standards no matter what anyway. They're talking about being super feminist, whilst being too chicken to actually do any of the things they say they're doing. Literally nothing gets resolved by the end, cause the feminist issues that the movie sets up are too "scary" to deal with.
I also believe this is why it feels like the movie just kind of moves thru five different plot points at once with no connection, cause the thing that was going to tie it all together (hardships of being a woman, feminism) is just so extremely poorly executed.
(Just like the barbie movie I don't have a good way to tie this ramble of thoughts together, so we'll just end it here)
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icharchivist · 2 years
i got super emo today and was rereading a transcript of the winter chapters and actually properly absorbed the whole mentions of hisoka saying sorry to august, and there being the "im watching you, december" - apr. and ive got my thinking goggles ON. more points added to the chikage hisoka assassin cult each day. is hisoka december???? is chikage wearing his jacket??? is chikage april??? after all he SPECIFICALLY appeared in the my masters mesmerized by mystery event.... which is the winter troupe one where hisokas the lead..... like clearly hes not just itarus buddy showin up to support. anyways i realize that you're unable to answer any of what i say up here, its mostly just there to demonstrate ive got my thinking cap on SO. ill have to add something that u actually can reply to. i've been fiddling with this concept lately of tenma and yuki ending up at the same university bc i think like. these two are children with other passions than simply theatre and at some point they are gonna yknow. go off and do other things. i think itll be at a point where its good for them to do so and everything, so like, its not like theyll have left mankai completely but yknow. mb a more infrequent presence? and tenma will end up there around the same time as yuki bc he is a world famous movie star who maybe doesnt go to uni at the normal time. but he also does want to be normal i think. i 1) think itd be hilarious because you have this dynamic of yuki being like. why is this hack here. i am starting my cool fashion life at college... why is he here. its kinda weird that someone who knows me so well is here. and tenma is also like wow its also really weird that my roommate is here. yknow. and then everyone else is like "wow you two are besties aren't you" which they hate. but ALSO i think its abt like, you think you have to "grow up" and leave your found family but actually they are always going to find you back in some weird way. and everything in a3 is abt blooming with each other so like making your way Back There... its not a bad thing. something like that. ok that was my point 2) and however many # of points i had there as well lol... ALSO ALSO lately i have been thinking abt how the color of yukis eyes is the same as tenmas hair (i love juzas eyes as they are but if they were orange then he tenma and yuki would make a perfect secondary color trio....). anyways i think yuki would absolutely rebel against this. are u kidding me tenmas hair is the color of an anemic tangerine. me i have brilliant sunset eyes. we are nothing alike muku how dare you (and then muku apologizes so much that yuki relents but he is still internally furious and randomly threatens to dye tenma's hair later that week, to much confusion) but eventually its like... so they are the same color. so we are the same color in one way or another. so very many years down the line that is not gonna be an insult but a comfort. or something like that, im rambling, haha.
of course i can say nothing, i'm keeping my mouth shut. You have hhh, 5 events left to finally start act 2 main story so. so we'll see when we get there. You're closer to it than ever but. yeah.
And oooh i love the concept! Technically as the year pass you do see more characters go to uni and stuff (like on the JPN server the timeline is that 3 years has passed since the begining of the story, so…..) I could see the two of them go to the art university a lot of the gang is going to tbh, like, Yuki for fashion and Tenma for further acting…
"1) think itd be hilarious because you have this dynamic of yuki being like. why is this hack here. i am starting my cool fashion life at college… why is he here." this is so funny bc with Tenma being older, Yuki being like "why are you here" would just have Tenma going "??? I WAS GOING HERE FIRST????" but yes everyone can see they're besties. and i do love the idea of them "making their way back there" sobs
on 2) THIS IS SO FUNNY. Yuki rebelling about the colors is killing me. Poor Muku just pointing it out and Yuki having to conceed.. it's so much.
This is really funny, thank you for sharing :3c
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parismystere · 2 years
It doesn't matter that Adrien is a sentimonster. They're not gonna kill him off or anything like this doesn't mean that he's worth less because he's. one. of. the. main. characters. And also the audience's favourite!! So nah, all this meta abt how if he's a sentimonster then he's non-human is dumb. He's one of the main characters and him being a sentimonster doesn't make him less human or important at all! He's literally The most important character of the show (in a very unbalanced way w marinette btw who has only half a personality, sadly). And no, the fact that the other sentimonsters were treated like nothing doesn't mean Adrien will. Yes this is an inconsistency but also Astruc is a shitty af writer. He's ADRIEN they're not just gonna disappear him lmao. Imo I think people are projecting their own personal issues w their own parents on ML, something I understand but it's also good to take a look back and see the context. Sentimonster Adrien thing is nothing but a shitty metaphor for abuse in a way children can understand bc that's the audience. Sure, the show could be smarter and more serious but it is what it is.
anon, i know you mean well but i'm gonna be a bitch for a second and say that i obviously don't think the meta i reblogged is dumb, and if you think it is, you should go debate that with the writers of these metas instead of commenting on their posts like that in my askbox.
that being said: the issue isn't exactly adrien's future as a sentimonster main character, the issue is what are the implications of this writing choice, how does it fit into the whole narrative (hello, plot holes), and what message are the writers communicating.
you are very right that adrien being a sentimonster is, at the end of the day, irrelevant. implications for his worth aside, of course he isn't going to get killed. in fact, we might even get an arc in which adrien uses the wish to become a Real Boy. which begs the question: why even make him a sentimonster in the first case? for shock value (i guess for the little kids watching)? for the #drama? when it's possibly the least original and interesting thing to do with the agrestes?
what does adrien being a sentimonster add to his character? well, nothing but more angst and more trauma porn that goes unaddressed. i think s4 proved pretty quickly that adrien and the agrestes are nothing but a Mystery Factor to add an illusion of depth to the show, but at its core, the show isn't interested in helping adrien gain autonomy. the show isn't interested in adrien getting better. the show isn't interested in helping him find a way out of his inferiority complex. the show doesn't see him as a full-fledged character with a ton on his plate - he is a prop, he is the genderswapped love interest, he doesn't matter at the level we want him to matter.
that i was projecting really hard became clear to me when kuro neko aired. [thomas astruc to me: you have a very personal understanding of things] [funny because i described gabriel as abusive in my tweet to him] call me dumb, whatever. but the fact that this entire fandom got fooled for years is hilarious. apparently this show was so vague and wishy-washy that we were being sold one message and understanding something completely different.
i am going to end with something i found in my drafts (i think it's pre-kuro neko) but didn't want to post at the time:
overall, we can conclude that what is happening to adrien in s4 is to break him down until his anger explodes and he becomes more assertive, but a good question is if this the right way to portray an abuse victim gaining independence, as it's completely unrealistic (imo) for children at home, and it's a bizarre path to see, given astruc's insistence that the show works with psychiatrists and child psychologists. instead of adrien meeting people who build his self-worth with kindness and understanding, or instead of adrien being put in situations that ask of him to take a risk that pays off and that builds his confidence, adrien is consistently presented as unappealing to the people important to him when he's chat noir, he's repeatedly shut down for not being a little doll the few times he tries to open up as his civilian self, he never got the chance to build a relationship with the man who chose him to wield one of the two most important miraculouses, and he obviously can't be in situations that demand growth of him if he's struggling to get screentime against temp heroes and third-rate characters.
adrien becoming angry to the point when he snaps on his household members (or ladybug) in the end won't make his situation better in any way; even though he's angry at how he's treated, he's still willing to do what others want of him instead of standing up for his needs; and even if he stands up for himself, gabriel suddenly going "oh, you're right, adrien, you can do whatever you want now" would be laughable, ooc and an insult to the previous episodes that portrayed adrien's situation as abusive. adrien's problems can only be solved when gabriel is out of the picture.
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kordeliiius · 3 years
Hello there, im Supra (using the B.O.T account because im a dumbass don't mind me). I see you are a fellow City Of Metronome fan, have any headcanons or something?
OMG HI thanks for reaching out to me, yes I have tons of stuff on my mind that I'd be happy to get out >:D
I've seen people discuss possibility that the city exists somewhere within the LN universe because of how similar they feel. I realize that the metrognome cameos were most likely intended as harmless Easter eggs, but then again I believe everything in LN is intentional. One person I know went as far to say Six is actually from Metronome, since she's often said to be "different" or "doesn't belong."
CoM could also follow a certain thematic trend revolving around senses set up by the LN games; Pale City represents sight, the Maw represents taste, and Metronome of course represents sound
The souls that are used to power scouts are uncannily similar to shadow children, in the sense that they're fuzzy black incorporeal creatures that wear white masks, so I'm using that to support my idea that shadows are people's souls
I have a tendency to assign real-world parallels to the locations and cultures within Tarsier's games, so if I were pinpoint Metronome on a real world map it'd be somewhere on the coast bordering Russia and Manchuria. And I'm making this inference based on not just the faces of the people who live there, but also the apparent intersections of culture and language you can see throughout the city. Going off of that, Ten is Manchu and New is Kazakh
I have absolutely ZERO DOUBT that Ten and New were basically beta Mono and Six; one kid with some supernatural ability meets another kid who prefers to fight bare-handed and they form a rebel tag team
I read in a recent article that one of the main factors that prevented the project from going forward was the devs' struggle to make the sound mechanics fun and easy to use, so I hatched the idea to just abandon that mechanic and use something that's already prevalent, like photography. It's kind of a twisted idea because the corp is already using this technology to control their slaves, but I like the idea of the rebels using a loophole to their advantage to take the corp down. Plus now that photo modes are a thing in games that'd be a dope addition, assuming you don't let Ten get caught with cold hard evidence of his whereabouts ;^^ (if you try to take a photo of New she either runs and hides or tries to rip it out of your hands)
I haven't seen any mention of this one unnamed character other than on my own blog, so I'm gonna take a sec to go off abt them again. (for reference I'm talking abt the guy in the top right image, lmk if this link doesnt work) As far as I know this is the only image of this character to exist somewhat publicly but it gave me all I needed to make up a whole backstory lmaooooo First of all I'm pinpointing them as Runaway's parallel because it’d be super awesome if three core characters got resurrected as playable characters in LN. But when it comes to their actual narrative, im getting the image of a spy antagonist who's in league with the corporation and they've been sent to track down the main duo. Make that more tragic by adding the implication that they were friends with New once and are now staying with the enemy for revenge purposes
Ok now this one is real wildboy stuff, because it's not exactly based on any official material, but rather on something that appears to be fanmade. For awhile I couldn't tell who the ghost girl on this mockup cover was supposed to be, because she sorta looks like New, but I remember seeing a face like neither on them on the archived official site; it's a weird case of the Mandela effect but regardless of intention I am running with a number of ideas about this character, because who knows how big the original planned cast was The idea I have rn is that in life, this girl was childhood friends with New and the spy kid, but their huge falling-out was triggered by some sort of accident that not only killed this girl but cost the spy half their limbs. They then of course directed their anger at New, who came out almost totally unscathed. This ghost is only visible to whoever she shows herself to, and sometimes appears in front of Ten to assist him in certain tasks
Lastly it’s worth mentioning that while I can't ever see the protags being romantically involved (and i'm doing everything in my power to avoid certain tropes that were prevalent back then), I can't not see them as partners in crime either??? I say heteroplatonicism deserves more time to shine
so yea that should be everything I've written down both on and off the platform, if u read it all thanks a ton 👌
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mothfishing · 3 years
16, 20, 43, 121, and for fun: 77 :) (i want book recs help m)
I ALSO WANT BOOK RECS ALL THE TIME this is why im always googling book rec lists. unfortunately most of the ones i find sound like shit
16. a book you'd recommend to your younger self
it's ABSOLUTELY 99 nights in logar i liked that book a lot...also it was like ouch constantly. i remember when i saw the blurb say it was like similar to 1001 nights, i was like, oh that's probably just bc it's set in afghanistan (have seen a lot of that). but actually the like...way the story is told where it's multiple anecdotes told nonlinearly and connected in a nested way (like for example one is the main character overhearing his father tell a story to his uncles, and then at one point in the father's story he dives to the ground in the mud, and then the father says in the mud he thought about - and then it transitions to yet another story). stuff like that
tho my memories of 1001 nights are VERY fuzzy bc i read it years ago, that was the thing that stuck out to me most clearly about it since it also had some story transitions that were that sort of thing
20. a book that got you out of a reading slump
i would NORMALLY say murderbot bc that broke my slump earlier this year but u read that already so im gonna try to think of smth else...im reading black water sister by zen cho right now and i really like it so far! but of course im not done with it yet
it's basically about a girl who is having a lot of stress in her life because her parents are having issues and also she just finished college and doesn't know what she wants to do with herself yet. and she starts hearing a voice and it turns out her grandma was a spirit medium and the main character inherited the ability, and her grandma's ghost has some unfinished business she's recruiting the main character to help her with
43. a book that you have read more than three times
THIS ONE IS HARD...most of the time i only read books once bc i wanna read a new book. i read murderbot twice due to loving it very very much however
hmmmMMmmmMm i DO end up reading short stories over and over sometimes though so im gonna rec tongtong's summer and goodnight melancholy by xia jia! i read these in the short story anthologies broken stars and invisible planets, both translated by ken liu. but while i liked reading those overall bc i rlly loved some of the stories, overall they were both meh for me bc i also rlly disliked some of them...
121. a book that makes you nostalgic
HMMMM the golem and the jinni! there was just something abt reading it that felt very "kid in a library reading a book" to me. not sure why. even though i read it as an ebook i still felt like i was reading one of those library books with the plastic covers in the chairs at the library i lived near when i was little
it's abt like a golem and a jinni (spoilers sry) in 1920s-ish new york! they're both the only people around who theyre like, able to be open abt their true natures with? and it's just stuff abt their lives, i thought it was good
77. a book so useless that you could use it as a coaster
i love this one bc i love to complain. the second two books of remembrance of future past...i remember the first book was so good and i thought it was going good places. then the 2nd two books were literally SO fucking bad and awful. unfortunately i have a disease called "if i start something i need to finish it" so i ended up reading the entire thing anyway even though the second two books are also so fucking long. basically don't read it
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battlestar-royco · 4 years
i really hate how a lot the sex in sjm's books is based on coercion/entrapment (like t/a/mlin assaulting fey/re, rh/ys forcing her to lap dance for him, the mating bond, etc) and i hate that she gets to brand herself as a feminist despite all of it because her audience sees it and thinks that's how healthy relationships form. for example, yesterday i saw a fic abt c/ass and nes/ta being quarantined together. she was clearly uncomfortable but they're trapped so Of Course they're gonna fuck
Despite the endless lip service to Fayre’s choice, SJ/M is very compelled by “romantic” dynamics fueled by fate or other external pressures. Tellingly, her main romance device is the mating system. She hasn’t unpacked mating and the actual degree of choice within it. One person rejected the mating bond, which left the other mate wrecked. Teenagers are mated with and abused by centenarians. Fae beat each other up due to the mating bond. Women offer food to men in order to finalize the bond etc.
It purposely exaggerates gender roles and especially gives the fey mails benefit of the doubt. The fae allegedly have a final say against fate in finalizing the mating bond, but the mating bond also forces them to mirror gender roles, so what is the truth? Outside of the AC0TAR/T0G world, the magical compulsion to eternally marry/have sex with/have children with a random person based on biological compatibility would be viewed as an oppressive systemic force in every respect, but SJ/M treats it as a mark of true and eternal love. And of course this “fated”/“pressured” dominant man/submissive woman romance shtick filters into all the other relationships in some way or another, even if the characters aren’t mates, ie the examples you’ve given, anon.
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