#of him being determined not to lose it again
doberbutts · 2 days
Also just because I've been getting some harassing anons and replies on my post ever since that one self-identified Zionist blog got BIG MAD at me for posting the Palestinian flag (ironic considering like 3 days later when I reblogged something Jewish I had people then BIG MAD at me for that too.......)
Skoll, I took on knowing I would probably have to euthanize him for his aggression. From the very beginning the deal was that I was his last stop since he was a known abuse court case dog who was taken from his most recent owners and languishing in a kennel environment but deemed otherwise unadoptable due to severe aggression. The agreement was that I would have him for however long it would take to determine if he was fixable and then either I'd fix it and keep him or I'd euthanize. He bit me three separate times when we were still learning each other, and then attacked me randomly for the crime of petting his head, an act of affection he normally would approach me to request. I euthanized him at the advice of literally everyone involved with his case, and a few days after I euthanized him I got a letter from the state telling me either I put him down or animal control would take him and do it themselves. Pennsylvania is very strict on what they consider a mauling or a maiming and the resulting bite from his attack was very severe. I have had multiple people, including vets, neurologists, and behaviorists, tell me that they think he had rage, a seizure disorder which causes uncontrollable aggression, when I describe what his random bouts of attempting to attack literally the first thing he locked eyes on looked like.
Tiki, I rescued because I wanted a tiny dog and a dog that would live longer than a doberman, because dobe lifespans are hideously short due to their health problems. Within about 5 minutes of driving away with her, I realized she was very, very sick. We stopped at the vet before we even got her home. Over the next several months and constant ER visits we discovered she had hydrocephalus and also an immune condition that was slowly eating her lungs. She crashed during a procedure that was supposed to be our last attempt at fixing the lung problem as by then we knew the hydrocephalus would kill her anyway and we were trying to extend her life as long as possible. I dropped her off for the procedure, they called me on my way home, and I turned around so I could be there to say goodbye.
Creed died from cancer 🤷‍♂️ mast cell cancer is THE most common cancer in dogs as a species and it's a genuine coin toss if removing the initial tumor fixes it or if it's too late by the time you notice, because it forms on scar tissue so it hides by looking like a regular scar. Creed had a bunch of nicks and scrapes from running around in the woods on our hikes. One of the earliest scars he ever got is what killed him in the end. Losing him is what turned my blog from what it used to be, all dogs all the time, to what it is now. Ironically, he lived roughly the average lifespan for a doberman at 7.5 years old.
Phoebe, I was not involved in the decision to euthanize her. She came to me once again very sick, and I did my best to fix the problem, but it seemed to be a lot bigger than me or her other owner had expected. Her other owner took her to multiple specialists more local to her, and finally we came to a tentative diagnosis of a liver shunt. Her condition degraded rapidly and she went blind and began having seizures, and her other owner made the choice to say goodbye. Surgery was not an option due to her already bad condition not being certain she would actually survive anesthesia. I knew that she was not doing well, but I was not informed that she had died until several months later, despite my asking for updates because I suspected she'd passed. I don't disagree with the choice, I just wish I'd known when it happened. What we thought was just a chronic hookworm infestation and possible pancreatitus from the long-term damage from the hookworms turned out to be much more serious, and deadly, when it stopped responding to treatment.
If you have any questions on my capability as a dog owner to actually keep dogs alive, I'd like to direct you to the fact that Creed and my other actually-purchased-from-a-breeder dogs have lived good long lives. I keep getting sick dogs in rescue despite being told they are healthy, and that is exactly why I refuse to rescue dogs anymore. I'm tired of breaking my heart while cleaning up a problem someone else created. This is the part of rescue that doesn't get shared- what happens when someone loses the rescue lottery again and again and again with sick and mentally unwell dogs that are doomed to die before they've had a chance to truly live? I'm tired of being that someone. I'm tired of loving dogs and hemorrhaging money in a desperate attempt to fix them and feeling the weight of their bodies in my arms when that wasn't enough and they die anyway.
At least I can say Creed had a good fulfilled life as my constant companion, even if he didn't live nearly long enough compared to what I wanted.
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priestvox · 2 days
Our Boyfriend Reincarnation Arc: Lucifer starts out trying to goad Alastor into becoming a serial killer again so that he can return to Hell where the rest of their friends and family are waiting for them. That's how it starts out, but over time Lucifer becomes increasingly distracted by helping out exhausted single parent Alastor and befriending Alastor's child. He was never much for the whole 'leading humans down the path to sin' thing in the first place, and with a kid to look out for, Alastor is less inclined to do anything that could result in him going to jail and leaving his child parentless. Lucifer feels himself falling a little more in love with Alastor when he sees him actively choosing to be better for the sake of his kid. At the same time, it's excruciating having Alastor regard him as a stranger and then a friendly acquaintance and not being allowed to tell him the truth. It's not that he really wants to push Alastor into committing murder or condemn him to Hell... He just wants to bring Alastor home.
In the end, Alastor ends up being chosen for Heaven but he actively chooses to stay with Lucifer, who was actually building a relationship with Alastor and his kid while knowing this would likely lead to him losing Alastor forever, while everything Michael did was for the sake of making Alastor his. Alastor also tells God to fuck off for thinking He had any right to meddle in Alastor's life or determine his relationships and, wow, if Lucifer weren't already in love that definitely would have done it. This gets Alastor's pass to Heaven instantly revoked, but he's not unhappy about it at all.
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little-diable · 6 hours
The Devil's Son – Cowboy!Tommy Shelby (smut)
I am surrounded by all things cowboy at the moment, so I wanted to pull Tommy into this – I feel like he would have been a good cowboy in the 1800s. The instrumental song „Baptized and Buried“ by Will Harrison set the mood. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The reader is chased by a few men through a canyon, she is close to dying, but then a handsome stranger rips her from death's grasp. A stranger she won't ever part ways with again.
Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected piv, mentions killing and being close to dying, quite some fluff, set in the 1800s
Pairing: Cowboy!Tommy Shelby x fem!reader (4.3k words)
picture from Pinterest, credits to the owner
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Her heart was pounding in her chest, it was whispering to her body, to find the last remaining strength to make it out of this chase alive. She could hear their shouts echoing through the canyon, followed by the sounds of their horses following her along the unsteady path. Her life was about to end, (y/n) could tell that she only had a few more seconds on her hands before a shot would pierce her skin, letting her drop on the cold ground. 
But even though Death was reaching for her with its cold fingers once again, she was determined to keep on running, to take risks she normally wouldn’t even dare think of. She had nothing to lose, if her life was already on the line, she could at least leave this life behind with one last adrenaline rush. 
The wind was blowing through her hair, letting the strands dance in the air while the fabric of her dress grew dirtier by the second. She had lost her shoes a while ago, forced to keep on running with bleeding feet that were about to throw her off her balance. 
(Y/n) risked to look back for a second, to catch the sight of the men who were chasing her, a foolish mistake that distracted her from the man and his horse who were about to reach her, coming at her from her left side. With a scream leaving her, (y/n) was picked up and thrown over the horse, with her body somewhat pressed against the man’s front as well as against the saddle. 
Even though her body begged her to throw herself off the horse, her mind told her to rest, to enjoy the few seconds where she didn’t have to run with her bleeding feet. Her thoughts were silenced the second a shot went off, letting the bullet meet one of the stones close to them. Only now it began to dawn on her that the man wasn’t with the others, he wasn’t part of the group that kept chasing her. 
For a moment, she lifted her head to look at him, to study his sharp features, the piercing blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean she had last seen when she had been a child, and the salt-and-pepper hair partly hidden beneath his dark hat. 
“Hold on.” His gruff voice rang in her ears as she tightened her grip on the saddle while trying to bite down her scream as he suddenly turned the horse left to make it up a hill. Shots kept echoing through the air, followed by screams (y/n) desperately tried to drown out. 
Only as they made it up the hill to get more distance between them and those who were chasing them did the man allow the horse to slow down. She felt his hands on her waist, and without another warning, she got shuffled around once again, to find herself sitting in front of him, with his front pressed against her back. 
“Thank you.” She couldn’t speak another word, not while the horse gained speed once again and the man tightened his grip on the reins. (Y/n) had to fight against the need to press herself closer to him, cosied along by the whispers of her exhaustion. 
“Don’t thank me yet, girl.” Before (y/n) could even form a single word to reply with, she heard the others once again, not giving their chase up just yet. 
“Hold on, I’ll carry you to the creek.” It felt as if hours had passed since they had finally managed to shake off the others. And yet they had barely shared any words until he had decided on a spot to spend the night at. 
“What’s your name?” She mumbled the question while he carried her, holding tightly onto (y/n) as the sound of the creek running along filled their silence. He kept quiet as he sat her down on the ground, only to reach for her feet to clean the dirt and blood off her skin. The man touched her carefully, a touch so soft and intimate, (y/n) wondered if she was only imagining things. 
(Y/n) couldn’t stop admiring him, the soft lines gracing his features, the concentration swimming in his piercing pupils. He was handsome, more handsome than all these men she had met back home and even on the journey down here. She had to stop her hands from reaching for him, wanting to touch the skin that looked unusually soft, even though he seemed to spend most of his time out on his horse, guided by the sun. 
“My name’s (y/n).” She tried once again to lure some information out of him, perhaps sharing her own name would encourage him enough to speak. For a second, his eyes met hers, he seemed to study her as if he was trying to figure out if she was lying to him, but he let his eyes flicker down to his hands moments later. Wordlessly, he let go of her now clean feet to rise back to his feet. 
“I’ll walk back up, take your time if you want to take a bath, it’s probably your last chance for a while.” Heat flushed through her at his words, hyperfocusing on the fact that he wouldn’t leave her behind in the middle of nowhere, but would take her with him, wherever he was planning on going. 
A sigh clawed through (y/n) as her fingers began to unbutton her dirty dress. It didn’t take her long to shuffle out of the slightly torn fabric, to let it drop to the ground while she sunk into the creek to wash herself clean. Her body was aching and the water was cold enough to soothe the pain clinging to her muscles, reminding her of the chase she had somehow survived, and the fear that had clung to her all throughout it. 
Whoever the stranger was, at that moment it felt like he was godsent, protecting her from Death’s grasp–allowing her to once again escape it. 
She let her hands rub her limbs clean before climbing back out of the creek. With the afternoon sun burning down on her, (y/n) found herself resting on the grass while drying. Her thoughts raced, thumping through her mind like whispers she couldn’t shake. Even though every part of her mind screamed at her to not trust the man, to keep her distance from a stranger who could easily sell her in the next city, her body was still hooked on the way he had pressed her to him while riding and how he had taken care of her wounds. 
With a sigh clawing through her, (y/n) rose back to her feet to pull her dress and undergarments back on, while trying to ignore the dirt sticking to it. Her feet were still hurting as she walked back to the stranger who had made camp for them with a small fire burning, and for a while, all (y/n) did was look at him, letting them both drown in their thoughts. 
“Can you tell me where you will take me?” The morning was still young, the cold breeze teased their limbs as they kept riding. Tommy had woken her a while ago, no words had been shared between them as they had saddled his horse to move once again. The night had been just as quiet, nothing had left his thin lips, not even a single word, but (y/n) had been grateful for his silence–it allowed her to figure out whatever she wanted to do now that she was free again. 
“We will reach town in about three days, there you can decide what you want to do. I have to keep riding north.” A hum managed to break out of (y/n). She had no plan, didn’t know where to go from whichever town he was taking her. 
“Why were these men after you?” The man’s low voice pushed heat through her body, making her skin tingle from the way his breath clashed against her neck. (Y/n) felt awfully comfortable in his presence, more safe than she had in years, protected and appreciated, almost. 
“I,” (y/n) cleared her throat. “I didn’t want to offer my body to them, but they ignored me and tried to take me with them anyway, so I killed two of them and lured them into the canyon. My horse didn’t make it, so I kept running.” 
She felt him tense behind her. Whatever was going through his head forced him to tighten his grip on the loose hanging reins, making her eyes focus on his slender fingers to wonder how it must feel to have him touching her. 
“I should have killed them.” His voice was low, dripping with an unfamiliar kind of anger that left her shuddering. Even though neither knew much about the other, there was something keeping them connected, something that ran deeper than just kindness one would offer a stranger. 
“It’s alright, I’m grateful you found me.” She couldn’t stop herself from finding his hand to squeeze it. The man didn’t react to her touch, at least not for a moment, but then he slowly let go of the reins to interlace his fingers with hers. (Y/n)’s heart skipped a few beats in her chest, it was whispering to her about things she didn’t understand and had never felt before, things that were now cosying her along. 
“My name is Tommy Shelby.” A grin found its way to her lips, and with a soft chuckle leaving her, (y/n) leaned back further to rest against his chest. 
“Have you been travelling for long?” She was resting against his saddle, close to the fire that kept warming them. Tommy was sitting next to her, with his arms crossed over his chest and his back also pressed against the saddle. 
(Y/n) couldn’t stop her eyes from drinking him in, every part of his handsome appearance. Not once had she felt this drawn to a man, unable to let her thoughts rest as she imagined the most sinful things. 
“I have, for years. I take on jobs every now and then, but it’s been mainly just me and the horse.” Her hands moved slowly, it seemed as if they had their own will, still hooked onto the memories of how it had felt to hold onto him. Their eyes met as her hand found his, letting their fingertips meet slowly to give him a chance to pull away. 
Something in his eyes shifted, something that whispered to him while he opened his arm to pull her against his side. (Y/n)’s head rested on his chest, she could hear his slightly accelerated heartbeat while his hand ran up and down her side. This was everything she had once been warned of by the nuns who had raised her–handsome strangers who could lure you closer with pretty promises only to chase their luck for a night before disappearing.
But with Tommy it was different, she knew he wouldn’t run, not from the woman he had rescued as if Death itself had called for him, knowing it wasn’t her time to go just yet. 
“It must get lonely.” Slowly, she lifted her head to look back up at him. The fire offered just enough light to illuminate his features, adding even more colour to his bright pupils. He looked godlike, but the darkness simmering inside of him was anything but godlike, he was a godless man, a sinner through and through. 
“You’re never alone out here if you listen carefully enough.” He stroked a few of her strands out of her face, letting them rest behind her ear to offer him a better view of her face. Their eyes held eye contact as he cupped her cheek to run his thumb along her skin, mapping out every inch she allowed him to study. 
The sound of something howling in the distance filled her ears, followed by the sounds of the soft breeze. Nature was everywhere, it followed them like a shadow they couldn’t shake, forever accompanied by the world's greatest wonders. 
“How is it you’re not married? A woman like you must have many suitors.” A soft chuckle left (y/n) as she shuffled even closer. She had her hands resting on his chest, almost pressing him against the saddle while getting lost in his eyes. For Tommy she would give up every plan, every promise she had once made, whatever he’d ask of her, she’d do it. 
“I ain’t one for sitting around at home to raise children while my husband is off to work, I guess no man wants a woman with such an unbending will.” She didn’t see it coming, didn’t expect Tommy to pull her in for a kiss before another breath could be inhaled into her lungs. But the second their lips met, something shot down her spine, something that forced her closer to him to deepen the kiss. 
“Well, I guess one man’s loss is another man’s gain.” Tommy murmured the words against her lips before he kissed her again. Her chuckles rumbled through the both of them, filling the night that wrapped them in their comforting veil. His hands tightened their grip on her frame, he held her close like only a husband would hold his wife. 
“We should get some sleep, we have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow.” He parted from her slowly, leaving her dazed and slightly confused. With only a hum breaking out of her, (y/n) found rest on his chest once again, and with one last squeeze of her waist, Tommy kept holding her while sleep called for them. 
“Wait, let me help you.” Minutes ago they had rode into the town, finding their way through busy streets until they had reached the house they were now halting in front of. Tommy helped her down from the horse before he reached for his saddle. No words were spoken as they walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. 
She wanted to ask questions, unsure who they were about to meet and what Tommy had in mind, but the second the door was pulled open, any question she had wanted to ask was silenced. (Y/n) could instantly tell that the woman was related to Tommy, let it be from the way she carried herself or how she was staring at him with something his eyes had carried these last days–remorse, guilt, longing for his home. 
“(Y/n), that’s Ada, my sister. Ada, that’s (y/n), a friend of mine.” (Y/n) tried to ignore the ache inside her chest at being called his friend, she also tried to ignore the confused gaze the beautiful woman shot her, before she stepped aside to let them both in. 
“It’s late, Thomas, you should have told me you were coming. People talk in this town, they’ll accuse me of giving the Devil’s Son shelter.” A slight smirk began to widen on Tommy’s lips at his sister’s words. (Y/n) tried not to listen to the conversation as her eyes began to wander, taking in their new surroundings. The furniture seemed expensive, just like the paintings gracing the dark walls, she didn’t fit in, felt overly out of place with her dirty dress, her uncombed hair and the dirt clinging to her cheeks. 
“Do they still call me that?” Tommy reached for (y/n)’s hand to pull her along. Ada muttered something under her breath, words (y/n) couldn’t pick up on as Tommy pulled her into a room, letting the door fall shut behind them. She didn’t get a chance to speak up as Tommy’s lips met hers, instantly silencing any thought she couldn’t shake. 
He pressed her against the door while he let his hands wander, letting them find the buttons of her dress. They didn’t break the kiss once, not as he reached the last button, not as he pushed the dress off her shoulder to let the dress drop to the ground. Goosebumps covered her skin as the cold air teased her limbs, kissing every inch Tommy wanted to explore with his hands and mouth.
“How about a bath? We should take advantage of Ada’s hot water.” The words drew an excited gasp from (y/n). Only now did her eyes find the bathtub, something she hadn’t seen in weeks, perhaps even months. Tommy disappeared from her side to reach for the bucket placed close to the tub, and with one last kiss pressed to her lips he left the room, in search of hot water. 
(Y/n)’s tired legs carried her closer to the window, and with her arm covering her naked chest, she let her eyes take in the dark street lying to her feet. She couldn’t help but wonder what would happen now. Could she ask Tommy to take her with him wherever he was going? Would he even want her around?
“C’mon, sweetheart, let’s get you into the bath.” Tommy poured the first two buckets of hot water into the tub. He disappeared from her sight moments later, all while (y/n) shuffled out of her undergarments to sink into the hot water. A sigh left her at the sensation–it felt like a hug, a cosy blanket tossed over her cold body to soothe her pain and those aching muscles. She watched Tommy appear and disappear a few times before she found him shuffling out of his clothes too, finding his way to the tub to pull her against his chest. 
“Thank you, Tommy.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder, while his hands wandered down her sides and back up, teasing her trembling body. The back of her head found rest on his chest, she was putty in his hands, allowing the man to guide her through whatever he was about to push through her. 
“Will you let me touch you, sweetheart?” All she could do was nod, wordlessly begging him to give into the longings both had felt ever since their kiss. One of his hands disappeared beneath the water, it stroked along her thighs before finding its way to her aching core, while the other moved up to her chest. He pinched her right nipple as his fingers began to circle her pulsing bundle, drawing a surprised moan from her lips.
It had been months since she had last been touched, and even though she was all too familiar with these sensations, her body reacted as if she had never been touched before. It felt as if her body was on fire, tossed to the flames by the Devil’s Son himself, the man who managed to push her towards the edge within seconds. 
“You make the prettiest sounds.” Tommy rasped his words against her neck as he kissed her skin, adding yet another tingling sensation to the ones she was already held hostage by. Her walls fluttered around nothing, desperate to be filled by the cock that hardened against her back. (Y/n) pressed herself further against Tommy to draw a moan from his parted lips, letting the sounds vibrate through both their bodies. 
“Tommy,” she choked on his name as he pushed a finger into her tightness. Her walls clenched around his digit, a wordless plea to finally fuck her, to cross the last few inches of distance between them. (Y/n) had to arch her back as Tommy added another finger to move them even faster, making her tremble and gasp for him only. 
“Let me fuck you, sweetheart, let me make you mine for this night.” He pulled his fingers from her aching heat to turn her around in his grasp. Their lips met for a desperate kiss, exchanging emotions they couldn’t put into words. With her hands clinging to the edge of the tub, (y/n) raised her hips, letting him push his cock towards her entrance for her to sink down on his length.
Both moaned in unison at the feeling of him sinking further and further into her tightness. Her walls pulsed around him, a desperate try to adjust to his size, to get used to being this stretched before he helped her move. With his hands placed on her behind, Tommy stabilised her trembling frame, he helped her fuck herself on his cock as sinful sounds left them both.
She was too focused on the sensation to pick up on the adoration filling his pupils, was too far gone to realise that he was marvelling at her like no man ever had before. Tommy wasn’t used to feeling this pull, a pull so strong, he feared it’d rip his heart straight out of his chest. He wasn’t one to stick around, wasn’t one to give into emotions guiding him away from his plan, but fuck, she had a special grasp on his soul. 
“Don’t ever stop touching me, Tommy, please. Take me with you, wherever you’re going.” She was too far gone to pick up on the uneasiness tugging on his features. Tommy wasn’t planning on taking her with him, he was planning on leaving the second she fell asleep, for his sake and for hers. His life wasn’t one he could share with a woman like (y/n), a goodhearted woman he would only taint with his dark touch. 
Tommy didn’t reply, all he did was hold onto her neck and waist as he pushed them around to press her against the tub to fuck her towards her high. Neither of them seemed to worry about the splashing water, about the mess they were making, all they were focused on were their highs, set on pulling them into darkness for a moment or two.
(Y/n) was the first to give in, with his name splattering from her lips, with her eyes squeezed shut, and with her fingernails clawed into his shoulders. Tommy kept snapping his hips against hers, chasing his own release until he came with a deep groan. Their hearts were racing, their lungs were aching, but their bodies didn’t part, not when they let go of soft chuckles, not when they looked at one another like only married lovers would. 
He was damned, had been from the day of his birth, but she was the light he had always dreamt of–and now he was burning, and nothing could tame the fire.
She woke with a groan. (Y/n)’s hand tried to reach for him, searching for Tommy's warmth she had cherished as he had pressed her to him last night. A smile widened on her lips at the thought of last night, the way he had fucked her in the bath and then on the bed, much slower that time around. 
Her eyes fluttered open, expecting Tommy to rest next to her, but the bed was empty. It took (y/n) a second to sit up, to let her eyes wander through the room. But Tommy was nowhere to be found, his clothes, boots, and saddle were gone. 
Panic flushed through her as (y/n) stumbled out of the bed to hastily pull on the new dress Ada had laid out for her. Tears welled up in her eyes, slowly but surely she began to realise what was going on, a pain so unfamiliar began to fill her, she struggled to keep on breathing. With hasty steps she stumbled down the stairs, urged on by the silent hope that he was waiting downstairs for her. 
The sun was about to rise, drenching the house in a dark orange that cozied her along as her eyes found Ada’s cold ones. For a second, the two held eye contact, until Ada folded her newspaper to reach for a cup filled with what (y/n) assumed to be coffee. 
“He’s gone, left a while ago.” The words drew a sob from (y/n). Her limbs were trembling, aching to hold onto Tommy again just like she had done the past days. How could he leave her like that? How could he leave her behind without a single goodbye? 
It set in like a train clashing against her, set on ripping her off her feet–she would never see him again. The man who had taken her heart right with him. 
(Y/n) fought against the need to drop to her knees, she couldn’t embarrass herself in front of Ada. Her glassy eyes wandered from the sighing woman to the window. It took her eyes a moment to focus on the familiar silhouette, the man sitting on his horse outside of Ada’s house. A choked sob clawed out of (y/n) as she stumbled out of the house, and with her tears dripping from her eyes, her gaze focused on an all too familiar face. 
“I thought you were gone?” Her question filled the cold morning. His eyes were hidden in the shadow of his hat, keeping the pained expression he couldn’t shake from her curious eyes. 
“Well, I left town, but I didn’t get far. It seems like I left my heart with you, and I can’t travel without it.” The choked laugh leaving (y/n) had an addictive effect on Tommy. He kept looking down on her from his horse as if he was waiting for her to make a decision, silently offering her the chance to stay here. 
“You’re an asshole for trying to leave me behind without saying goodbye. But I can’t be without you.” She stepped towards him, reached for his vest and pulled him down for a kiss. 
“I’ll make it up to you, sweetheart.” 
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milliesfishes · 18 hours
you think billy cheated (he didn't)
fem reader x billy the kid request by my muse <3 @kayleigh--23
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There was no doubt whatsoever about Billy's loyalty.
He was never the type of man to take what he had for granted, especially the people in his life. No, instead of letting go, Billy clung to his loved ones. He kept them close.
He'd confessed to you one lazy night under the stars when you were snuggled up to him under the jacket of his he'd laid over the two of you. He'd confessed that he never knew when he was going to lose someone next, and so while he had someone he held on tight.
You'd never had a problem feeling loved by him. He showed you through his time, his body, his words.
"Don't have much in the world darlin'," he whispered to you one morning as you watched the sunrise together. His jacket was back around your shoulders, swarthing your frame and keeping you warm. His hands framed your face. "But everythin' I have is yours."
He'd leave you little notes at your spot by the oak tree when he didn't have enough time to spend an evening with you. Sweet words scrawled in his careful handwriting. You kept them in a box under your bed along with other little missives you'd collected from him. A handkerchief he'd worn around his neck, the silver necklace with a heart on the chain he'd given you, dried flowers he'd picked that you'd pressed in your books.
You collected every bit of him you could, keeping a stilled, built version of Billy to yourself to hold while he was gone until he would reappear and warm it up again.
Never before had you had something that was wholly, utterly yours. He worked hard for you, toiling away under the sun for hours and coming to you sunkissed and utterly happy. You'd trace a finger along the freckles he gained during the day and kiss their path too. La-la-love.
Billy was employed currently by a man you'd met not but once, at a party that was said to be one of many he threw during the year. Ever the dutiful partner, Billy had brought you over, making sure you knew how pretty you looked and keeping a safe arm around you. It'd been loud, drunken, and not exactly your scene. But you loved spending time with him.
So the next party, you donned something pretty and arrived on his arm, determined to make the most of the night.
It all started out normal. You stayed under Billy's arm, smiling and laughing with his friends as he spoke with them. He would check in with you every now and then, kissing your temple.
The trouble began when Major Murphy came over to Billy, whispering something you couldn't hear to him. Billy frowned, shaking his head, but Murphy just gave him a look as he walked away.
You turned to Billy. "What's wrong?"
His jaw was clenched. "Nothin' baby, I just..." he looked over at something in the distance. "Just gotta do somethin'. C'mon."
He guided you to an area where a small crowd had gathered, leaving you at the front of it. It was a sort of open area, and you could see a setup with bottles on a fence and hanging from the rafters. Billy was at a table not too far from you, picking up a gun.
Immediately you realized what was happening. Your eyes widened.
To his credit, Billy put on a good show. He hit every target with ease, and you held your breath, able to feel his frustration from where you were.
The other partygoers cheered, and you cringed. This wasn't going to end well.
When he was finished, the shed was on fire and he was stalking away, pushing through the crowd. You tried to get to him, but it was futile, the barrage of people blocking your way to him.
You knew this was exactly what Billy didn't want- being treated as an act, a mere entertainment. Of course everyone wanted a piece of 'Billy the Kid'. But you knew better.
The Billy you knew didn't want to be an outlaw, but he'd adapted to the tough situations life had thrown him in. Your Billy was trying to escape the persona wanted posters pushed on him. Your Billy was rough around the edges but softened in the center, tracing hearts on your face after kissing you so sweet your head spun.
But that was the thing about that Billy being yours. Only you saw him.
You made your way through the crush of people, trying to spot him through everyone. Finally, you were ejected from the masses, and you looked around the room.
Relief brightened you as you saw him leaning against the wall, speaking to Mr. Riley's wife. You smiled, making your way over to him, knowing the woman was telling him how well he did, unknowingly adding to his guilt. It wasn't her fault, he was-
Kissing her.
And he wasn't pushing her away. After what felt like forever, he put his hands on her waist and they stopped. You turned away, tears stinging your eyes, heart rattling your ribs. The image was burnt into your eyes, and as you rushed away you couldn't shake it off.
Everything was a blur. You pushed past anyone in your way until the cool of the night air hit your face, reviving your senses. Your hands found the wall of the house, and you took great, heaving breaths as you tried to make sense of it.
Mr. Riley's wife was very beautiful. You bit your lip and tried not to cry as you thought about it. She was always dressed up so pretty in silks and satins that you wouldn't dare wear even though you could afford them. Ranch work was too messy for that.
You wondered if Billy was even looking for you. Likely not. He was preoccupied.
It was unclear how long you were out there before you heard your name being called. It was him. Of course it was him. He'd finally remembered you.
You stayed pressed against the wall, hoping he wouldn't see you but he did. "Baby," he greeted, smiling at you. "Where'd ya go off to? Been lookin'-"
Noticing your sad eyes, he cut himself off, frowning and tilting his head. "Whatsa matter darlin'?"
Breathing in once, you just looked up at him, and something went stiff in his eyes. He watched you for a moment, and you lifted your chin, looking up at him. "I saw you."
Instantly he recognized what you were talking about and he exhaled once through his nose, nodding and pursing his lips. "I see."
Your eyes filled with tears again, and this time you let one fall, looking up at him with such betrayal in your eyes that his lips parted. "Mrs. Riley..."
"Can I explain?" he asked gently, looking into your eyes. You didn't want to hear any kind of explanation, but he looked so sincere and you loved him so much that you nodded.
Billy hesitantly lifted his hand, silently asking permission before he touched your face. He held your chin with his fingers, making sure you were looking right at him when he said it. He took off his hat too so you could see his face.
"She was tellin' me she liked the show," he started, making sure you were still looking at him. "Still with me?" Billy waited until you nodded before continuing. "And mind ya, she's been drinkin'. Started tellin' me stuff 'bout her husband. Seems they ain't gettin' on. 'nd she kissed me. I didn't react as quickly as I'd 've liked."
You could see the sincerity in his eyes but you still wanted to cry. "You had your hands on her waist."
"Pushin' her away gently," he said, and you knew he was telling the truth. "She was drunk, didn't wanna upset her and cause a big scene."
What he was saying made sense, and you nodded, but the emotions were still festering in you. You sniffled, looking down and he nodded, seeming to understand. "Alright...alright, c'mere angel." Billy pulled you into his arms and let you sniffle into his shirt. "Yeah I know. Musta been hard for ya to see sweetheart, 'm sorry." He ran his fingers comfortingly through your hair. "I know if I saw ya kissin' another man I'd 'bout lose my mind...I'm so sorry baby."
You wrapped your arms around him, and he did the same, his hat still in his hand as he rubbed your back. "Could ya ever forgive me, sweet?"
Pulling back a little and looking up at him, you could see the pure want to be back in your good graces in his eyes. It melted you- he adored you so and you loved him back, more than anything, too much to let something silly that wasn't even his fault ruin it.
You nodded, and his arms twined around your waist, his hat in hand hitting your backside as he lifted you up and hugged you close.
As he held you tight he mumbled, "Maybe no more parties," into your hair and you nodded. Billy kissed the top of your head, then the side, burying his nose in your neck. "Politeness be damned, I want you more than I want to show off. Want you a whole hell of a lot more."
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yayakoishii · 3 days
*cracks knuckles* ok so Sanji x reader where it’s basically the time in between Sanji leaving for wci where both the reader and Sanji are fucking shattered and they’re both miserable trying but failing to do what they need to do while also processing that the other isn’t around, like not a separation anxiety kinda way but like they genuinely make eachother a better person and they’re in love kinda way. and basically it’s the straw hats being a supportive family to the reader and Sanji’s family going “what the fuck is this guys deal” since they didn’t know abt reader. You can add a happy ending if you want but I’m talkin real angst.
beyond logic | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Genre/Tags: Angst, Open Ending?
A/n: thank you for the request!! I tried my best to write this but I don't think I'm good at writing heavy angst much ;-; I'm more of a fluff writer so I struggled and I don't feel 100% satisfied with this but it's the best I could do...
I added in a little bit of more detail to this, I hope you don't mind! I tried to keep in everything you mentioned but if I missed anything or misunderstood, I truly apologise! Hope you enjoy this and that it is to your liking ♡
also available on ao3!
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Everything Pekoms was saying had to be a lie. (It wasn't, you knew that.)
Sanji could never be related to Germa 66. That made no sense to you. After all, Germa were heartless, cold-blooded killers. Your Sanji was the kindest man in the world who hid his sweet nature beneath an uncaring and harsh attitude. Your Sanji was the man who smiled so bright, it gave you hope and not despair, like Germa's name did.
Of course, Sanji wasn't actually yours. You had never actually had the courage– or rather, the need to make your feelings verbally known. You knew. Sanji knew. What you two had was no secret to you, even though you hadn't put on any labels. You could see the intensity in his eyes, could feel your own heart thudding in his proximity. Your heart was no longer yours and the man who had it was long gone.
You collapsed onto your knees, tears streaming down your face as your mind went haywire. Sanji was trapped in between Big Mom and Germa 66. How were you supposed to get him back?! That idiot had simply left a note saying ‘I will be back. I'm going to meet a woman.’ and expected it to work?!
Bitterness unlike ever before spread inside your heart. You were not weak by any means, but neither were you strong enough to take on Big Mom or Germa. In this moment, you hated yourself for being so weak that you couldn't protect and bring back the man you loved. From a practical point of view, one could even suggest that dropping Sanji and going off to Wano would be the most logically sound move for the Strawhat pirates.
Fortunately for you, the captain of the Strawhat pirates was not a practical or logical person.
"Why are you crying, (y/n)?" Luffy stood in front of your crouched form, head tilted just slightly. You tried to suck up the tears running down your cheeks but it only felt like more would come out. "We're getting him back."
Luffy's face didn't hold any doubt or fear. It never did. You on the other hand were full of both. Never in your wildest dreams did you think it possible to take on one of the four emperors of the sea and the kingdom that erased your island by providing their services in the war your country was in. You were realistic and you knew that it was impossible, yet… When you looked at Luffy's determined face, even something so impossible seemed attainable.
Luffy could do anything he set his mind to. You couldn't imagine defeating Big Mom, but you also couldn't imagine Luffy losing. And amidst all of that, you couldn't imagine getting Sanji back. He was gone. There was a highly likely chance you would never see him again.
Outwardly, you continued to just stare blankly at Luffy and he knew his words weren't getting to you. You were usually a calm and rational person, always there as the voice of reason for the ship. Right now though, everyone could tell that you were in a state of shock and despair. Nami swooped in and pulled you into a hug, like the ones you usually gave everyone else when they needed it. The touch stopped your thoughts and instead you focused on the feel of her skin on your own.
"You're not alone," she whispered. You clutched onto her, tears slipping from your eyes. "I know it's scary. I know it seems impossible. But I also know that it's worth it for you."
It was. All your reasoning had flown out of the window when you heard that Sanji was gone. The thing about being in love was that it made you stupid. It made you give up what is logical in favour of doing what is impractical but desired. You wanted to see Sanji again. You wanted to hold him in your arms and tell him how you felt out loud. Even though he knew without you saying it, you wanted to say it to him. You wanted him to hear those words and come back with you.
The thing about being in love was… you were ready to risk death for a chance to see him again.
You were really being stupid. But it seemed to make sense to your heart.
"(Y/n)," Chopper placed his paw on your knee. You looked down at him with downturned eyes. "You love him. He loves you. So come with us. We'll get him back together. There's no way he actually wants this more than what he had here."
"Sanji may act like a fool," Robin placed her own hand on your head and you found yourself suddenly surrounded by everyone. Even Zoro was standing closer than usual, offering you silent support. "But he cares. And I'm sure, if you ask him, he will come back."
You watched them all, looking at you with kind smiles. Neither you nor Sanji had ever spoken your love out loud. It was a decision that only made sense when you were on a pirate crew as small as the Strawhats. To avoid any awkwardness and to not have to keep a relationship secret, it was the logical course of action.
But… you couldn't hide your feelings even if you didn't speak about them. Your love had made itself known to everyone in your crew and they were still here. They were the only family you had in the world now and so…
You decided to trust them on this one.
"Okay," you nodded and stood up, wiping away your tears. Your crew patted on your shoulders and back and every bump instilled more confidence in you. Your goal was not to defeat Big Mom or Germa 66.
Your goal was to bring back Sanji.
"Let's do this."
Sanji already missed you.
To be fair, he had been missing you from the moment you separated on Dressrosa but now, sitting with his ‘family’ and having dinner… Right now, he missed you more than ever. Every bite of the food only reminded him of your smiling face, your kind words and the sound of your laughter.
They said that if you love something, you should let it go. Sanji didn't like that phrase much. He believed that if you loved something, you should hold onto it for as long as you could. As long as you let him, he would be there for you. And he would love you even if you did not love him anymore. It had been the only natural answer when he realised his feelings for you.
He didn't mean to let you go. He didn't want to leave the crew. But if he had to be practical like you always were… then he was a small sacrifice to ensure that his beloved crew remained safe. 13 years had passed between the last time he saw Germa but the smallest of fears still lived inside him. Sanji knew what they were capable of.
And there was also the possibility that you would not love him any longer. Sanji had thought that fate was a cruel thing, to make him fall in love with you of all people. You were from an island that was caught in a war. The war had been going on your entire childhood and it finally ended when the other side bought Germa's help.
The destruction left a handful of survivors, including you. It was truly a cruel twist for you to have fallen for him of all people, unknowing that Sanji carried the same detestable blood. He couldn't bring himself to tell you the truth about himself. Now, there was no way you didn't know. You must have heard from the others when you made it to Zou.
If you hated him, he wouldn't blame you. Sanji understood.
That didn't mean he liked it. He didn't want to lose you. He wanted to keep you by his side for the rest of his life. The only one he wanted to marry was you. Maybe this was how it was meant to end all along. Maybe because he hadn't told you about his family, now they had come back to haunt him.
"What are you thinking about?" Reiju's question made Sanji look up from his plate. From the corner of his eyes, he could see his brothers staring at him too. Sanji couldn't bring himself to actually care now that he was finally in front of them.
"What to say if I ever meet the person I really want to see again," Sanji replied calmly. There were no words he could apologise with. Nothing to begin making up for all the heartbreak he must have caused you and the rest of the crew. He had gone along with Germa and Big Mom's demands to ensure your safety.
So why did he want you to break in and take him away already?
"Oh?" Niji grinned at him from across the table, a smirk of amusement playing on his lips. "What, did you have a lover on that dirty pirate crew?"
Sanji didn't answer. You were not his, but even so… he didn't want someone like Niji to even utter your name. He didn't deserve to even know about you. You were Sanji's person. You were the one he had accidentally given away his heart to. You were the one who always forgave him. You were the one who made him want to be stronger, better, kinder. You made Sanji feel complete.
"I asked you something, Sanji," Niji narrowed his eyes. Sanji internally flinched, already knowing what's going to happen afterwards. But he couldn't speak. You were his secret. You were the one thing he could never, ever share with his family.
"No," he lied through his teeth and finished the meal. Sanji stood up and walked away, ignoring the dull ache in his heart. He had walked away from the crew by his own feet. He was the one who made this decision. He was doing it so you would be safe. But even though that was all true, so was the fact that…
He really, really missed you.
all likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
★ Taglist:
@phantasmagoricalzenith | @secretlife028 | @100520s | @toertchen | @suga-tofu | @theluckyplaces | @luvfzw | @katiemrty | @writingmysanity | @akaashi-todorki | @yuninha2004
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rosie-writings · 1 day
Hold Back the Dark
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Request: anon—Rhys x Azriel x Cassian with sub!Rhys who is insecure
Summary: After a long period of high stress situations, Rhysand is left alone with Azriel and Cassian while the girls are off on a mission with the Valkyries. Azriel and Cassian are determined to prove to him that he will never be alone again and is still perfectly executing their long term plan like the skilled leader he is.
Warnings: Rhysand x Azriel x Cassian smut, poly Acotar Characters, Threesome, Overstimulation, Subspace, Oral sex, Anal sex, Double penetration, slight Voyeurism, ending with Feysand, Nessian, and Gwynriel
Words: 5.7k
Title is from ‘Are You Really Okay?‘ by Sleep Token
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Note: Cassian is 6’8” Azriel is 6’2” and Rhysand is 5’9” 150 pounds at Best. Fight me on this, but you will lose because you’re wrong.
“God, I can’t fucking do this anymore.”
He stumbled into the townhouse with bleary vision, but Azriel was hot on his heels.
”Stop,” he spoke gently. “Rhys, hold on.” By the time Azriel grabbed Rhys’ arm and pulled him from escaping them, Cassian was at their side with wide eyes and a closed mouth.
”I’m so fucking tired. I’ve never been so tired and overwhelmed,” he choked out a sob as the thick tears finally fell. “Who am I? Why are we even doing this anymore? We aren’t at risk. We-We—What kind of High Lord am I if not all of my court is safe?” He spoke with his hands and laid them out with exasperation. Azriel watched the way the front of his hair flopped forward from his tugging on it. 
“Rhys,” he said softer. Calm down, he thought to him and pushed comfort to him. Rhys’ breath shook as waves of comfort and warmth spread through his body. Listen to us, calm down and take a breath for a second. “You know why we have to wait. You know why you pushed this false image of yourself, okay? We’re so close to being able to tear it down. Yeah it might take work and many years of rebuilding trust, but it will work out. This was our plan all along. It’s taken so long, I know but it will be alright.”
“Fey-Feyre was—”
”Yes,” Azriel spoke and dipped down to catch his gaze again. “She’s out working with the Valkyries and will be back in just a couple days now.”
”I can’t—“ Both Cassian and Azriel sucked in a harsh breath when they felt the emotions Rhysand pushed into the room to communicate how he felt; they were heavy and he didn’t know how to help Rhys and make him better. It wasn’t often that their best friend was torn in two like this. Now that he had Feyre, it had been quite a while since they handled him alone.
“You can,” Cassian finally spoke. “You’ll be okay, you are okay; we all are.”
”You aren’t alone and you never will be again.” 
Rhysand finally snapped his eyes up to Azriel when he nailed the problem right on the head. 
“You’re home now and you’re doing your job flawlessly. You’re a fantastic leader and part of our family.” Rhys blinked quickly as words failed him. Then he sucked in a harsh breath when Cassian’s hand softly landed on his back. “Look at me,” Azriel rose his face and Rhys quickly obliged; the seriousness in his tone stole all the attention in the silent room. “Listen.”
Then Azriel took Rhys’ face in his hands.
”I promise, you’ll never be alone again.” 
And Rhys sucked in a breath when Azriel kissed him tightly. 
As much as he wanted to say he couldn’t remember the last time they kissed, he obviously wouldn’t ever forget, but even still it was a long time ago. Close to a hundred years ago probably. 
When Rhys hummed into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, Azriel moaned and pulled him closer by the back of his neck.
”Bu-But Feyre—“
”Ask her then, Rhys,” Azriel sighed. Rhys tipped his head back with a sigh as Azriel’s mouth trailed down his neck. “Tell her.” After a few seconds, Rhys opened his mouth again.
”She-She said make sure-make sure they…”
”What was that?” Azriel asked. Then—
Make sure they take very good care of you. 
Azriel’s heart skipped a beat when Feyre’s voice repeated in his head. Rhys looked up at him darkly as Azriel looked up to Cassian. Cassian nodded.
So Azriel kissed him again, only this time a fire was in his tongue. 
Rhys couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t swallow, think, or walk. His legs were spineless as Azriel handled him fluidly.
”Come on,” Cassian broke the silence.
Rhys closed his eyes as the darkness came over him and when he opened his eyes, the three landed in Rhys’ large bedroom in the mansion. They were alone, fully secluded from anyone else; the girls were on their mission, Elaine and Amren still back at the townhouse, and the city kilometers away.
Azriel kissed him again. He hardly pulled away while they winnowed anyway, but Rhys wasn’t distracted anymore. He licked into his mouth and Rhys didn’t fight it when he tasted him and pulled on his tongue with his lips.
But he did gasp when his back hit the bed. 
“Az,” Rhys gasped as his face flushed pink. Azriel couldn’t help it when his lips curled into a small smile at the sight of his shadows ever so slowly snaking up Rhys’ arms and holding him down firmly. 
“Maybe you should get behind him, Cas,” Azriel said darkly. Cassian’s own smile lit up. “Hold him and make him feel good.” Excitement in the form of butterflies welled in his chest as Rhys sat up just enough for Cassian to slide in behind him. Of course Azriel’s shadows pinned him down again, only this time he sat up and leaned against Cassian’s chest.
A moan punched out of him at the feeling of Cassian’s length hardening at the mild contact. His heart raced even more, and Azriel’s head tipped to the side as he heard it. Cassian’s hands blanketed his sides, and he couldn’t help his breathing as it erratically caved under his subtle touches. He forgot how much bigger both of his best friends were than him; he typically did especially when they goofed off in between submission to his orders.
”Your heart’s wild right now,” he muttered. “I didn’t think it would take a couple of touches to get you so wound up.” And he smiled; his own heart pattered as he felt how much Rhys had to work to muster words. 
“Wanted you-Wanted you for so long and-and I thought I never would again and I thought that the last time I would be pinned down and touched like this would be—“ Azriel commanded a shadow to wrap around Rhys’ mouth. His eyes nearly rolled back from the contact.
”Don’t mention that again. Can’t stand to hear it.” Azriel. He smiled again. “What was that?” Azriel please. “You’re begging me even when you can’t speak.” Don’t. “Don’t what? Speak the truth? It’s a little embarrassing at times, isn’t it?” 
Oh fuck. Azriel’s own breath shook as he got on his hands and knees and crawled over Rhys.
”Are you going to let us make you feel good without begging and fighting?” Rhys nodded furiously. He moaned behind the shadow as Azriel’s hand lightly tapped his neck. His fingers fell to his chest awfully slowly and left goosebumps across Rhys’ skin in their wake. “You promise you will relax and trust us and trust the plan after we’re through with you?” Rhys nodded furiously again, but it was followed by a gasp when Azriel’s hand fell lower onto his stomach. Cassian’s hands still warmed his sides and Rhys tried to jostle his body into them to feel more and more. 
As Azriel’s hand teased down the front of his body, his clothes disappeared. His chest rose and fell quicker and quicker the further down his front Azriel’s fingers played, and when they tapped the belt of his pants, he couldn’t breathe entirely. But Azriel dipped his fingers in ever so slightly. The fabric didn’t vanish.
”Are you sure?” He questioned. Rhys rolled his eyes. “Don’t give me the attitude. You sure you can be good for us?” He nodded. “Rhys—“
I will be so good for you and take everything you want to give me, please make me feel good and safe and relaxed—
“Okay, okay,” Azriel sighed. He kissed his stomach once for reassurance and slipped his fingers from Rhys’ pants. Rhys almost complained until Azriel confidently palmed him over the tight pants. His head rolled back and a satisfied hum filled the room. One of Cassian’s hands moved from its place on his side and trailed up to his neck where he lightly held him. Azriel hummed in contentment as he listened to the small praises Cassian muttered to Rhys but didn’t stop. 
His mouth—teeth, lips and tongue; all of it—worshiped Rhys’ body as he lowered himself further and further down the bed and his body. A louder moan filled the room as Rhys thrusted his hips up into Azriel’s hand, and he smiled against his skin.
Then his mouth moved down and took the place of his hand.
Az please, let me speak. He obliged and commanded the shadow away. 
“Please,” Rhys broke. “I’m on fire, I need you. Needed it for so long.” Azriel’s stomach flipped at the sound of his best friend’s voice falling apart for him. 
”I know,” he sighed, and didn’t waste another second of teasing. When Azriel pushed himself up and palmed him again, he commanded Rhys’ pants away just like he did with his shirt. His throat clenched tightly as Rhys’ body leapt at the sudden contact; Azriel took him in his hands and stroked him once, twice. “Fuck, you’re so turned on already. You’re dripping in my hand, Rhys.” Of course that yanked a moan out of him.
”Thought we said no teasing—“ he was cut off by Cassian’s hand tightening around his throat.
”Thought you said you were going to be good for us.” Rhys sobbed as he tossed his head back. Azriel tightly stroked him over his tip and pressed his thumb against the underside just to watch him squirm. 
“Az, fuck. It’s too much—“
”Then be good for us.” Rhys nodded quickly. 
“I am, I will be.” 
So Azriel properly stroked him until his eyes rolled back. Rhys fucked his hips in the air until he and Azriel maintained rhythm.
“Oh fuck—“ Azriel looked up at the sound of Cassian’s moan and watched how Rhys pushed himself back and stimulated Cassian as much as he could. 
“You still just want to make us feel good too, hm?”
”Az,” Rhys breathed. “You—fuck—You feel so good. I’m-I’m—“
”You what?” He breathed softly. He crawled back over and stopped nose to nose with Rhys. “You what?” ‘He repeated impatiently.
”I’m so close.”
”Already? But I just started touching you.”
”But it’s you touching me.” Azriel didn’t know what to say. His face softened when Rhys looked at his lips and there was nothing else he could do. He kissed him sweetly. And licked into his mouth all over again. Azriel moaned as Rhys struggled to kiss back; he drank down his moans can gave Rhys some room in the shadows that held him down so he could sit up more and kiss.
”Az,” Rhys moaned in his mouth. Azriel hummed and stroked him faster and faster. Rhys’ eyebrows twisted with pleasure and his bottom lip hung open. Azriel bit down on it and made his shadows fall down Rhys’ body teasing every stimulating spot for him. 
“Come Rhys, come for us,” Cassian said as his hands didn’t stop touching and pulling Rhys’ body. Both of them attacked him with touches that left Rhys dizzied and out of touch with reality.
Rhys painted his chest and Azriel’s hand as his moan filled the hot room. Azriel moaned as well and pulled away from him so he could watch him lose himself in the pleasure. 
“Az,” he sighed. But Azriel didn’t stop. He continued harder. “Azriel,” Rhysand warned and his eyes opened. “So much,” he whined.
”Yeah, it feels like a lot doesn’t it?” Azriel teased. Rhys tossed his head back and that was when Cassian pulled him back against his chest by the throat.
“Fuck! Please—“
”I’m literally giving you what you want, why are you begging?”
”It’s so much, let me breathe.” Rhys gasped as Azriel sat up and grabbed his thighs and pushed them back more. 
“You can breathe, but I’m not going to stop touching you.”
”Az, please—oh my god,” he moaned. Azriel stroked him slower, but he used Rhys’ come as a lube and teased him. ”Holy shit,” Rhys gasped when Azriel lowered down in between his legs. “Don’t—I need a second—“
”No,” Azriel hummed with a smirk pulled at his lips. He pushed one of his legs back, and when he dipped down and pressed his tongue against him, Rhys’ body jolted. Cassian held him still with one hand as the other traveled down his body and ever so softly stroked him again. 
A part of Rhys wanted to run from the overstimulation, but another melted into it, and he tried to ride the pleasure even as his body trembled. As he caught his breath, his hips moved with Azriel’s tongue and Cassian’s hand, and soon his breaths and moans filled the room again.
”Good job, you’re doing so well for us,” Cassian praised. His gentle voice sent chills across Rhys’ skin. He couldn’t help but toss his head back against him. When he did, Cassian kissed down Rhys’ neck as his free hand snaked over his chest. 
“Azriel,” Rhys finally whined. “You feel so good.”
And he laughed against him. His breath made Rhys’ stomach leap and excitement boiled in his blood.
“See? I told you to be patient.” Rhys laughed once at that but his eyes rolled back all over again when a couple of Azriel’s fingers joined his tongue and teased him to prepare him to be filled. 
“Oh fuck—“ he gasped, and his body lurched forward when Azriel pushed a finger inside of him. 
“Oh my god, you’re taking me so easily Rhys.”
”What, are you letting Feyre fuck you too or something?” Cassian spat. Rhys nodded quickly. He gasped for breath as Azriel slid another finger in. “Yeah I knew there was no way you wouldn’t let her. You always need to be filled, don’t you?”
”Azriel,” Rhysand broke under Cassian’s filthy words. “Fuck me, I need you. Need you inside—oh shit!” Azriel used another finger and curled them repeatedly into the spot he craved. His vision blurred as the pleasure tore him apart. “Azriel oh my god, fuck yes,” he whined and finally his body relaxed into the stimuation completely. He was almost dead weight on Cassian as they touched him and yanked him closer and closer to another climax.
”See?” Azriel laughed as he rose up to his knees. He pinned Rhys down to Cassian gently by his throat. Cassian still touched everywhere he could reach and stroked him slower than Azriel’s fingers; not enough to make him finish, just enough to keep him on edge. “I told you to let us make you feel good. You acted like you didn’t think we could, or you didn’t want it.”
”’Course I want it,” Rhys mumbled. “Needed it for so long.” Azriel kissed him again and this time Rhys mustered enough fire to kiss him back as heavily. His heart stammered in his chest when he felt the pleasure radiate down Azriel’s body; his scent thickened with every lick of his tongue. “Let me touch you, please,” Rhys mumbled against his lips in between kisses.
The shadows slowly retreated.
Immediately Rhys’ hands came up and saturated in Azriel’s warmth. Finally he moaned into Rhys’ mouth like he meant it, and of course Rhys knew all the places that would sustain those moans louder and louder. When he tugged on Azriel’s hair, it made his fingers fuck him faster. He knew it would and as much as he needed it, he still wasn’t fully prepared for it.
”Oh my god,” he quietly gasped as he pulled from the kiss. Azriel’s forehead still leaned against his. His arms held onto his neck. “You’ll make me come again.” He didn’t say anything; he smiled and continued fingering him, but his movements slightly slowed. 
“You think you can take Cassian now?” Rhys nodded quickly at Azriel’s words as Cassian inadvertently rolled his hips up against Rhys’ body. 
“Yeah,” he repeated verbally. “Cassian please.” It took no time before Azriel rose to his knees and Cassian’s hands slid down Rhys’ inner thighs. 
“Oh my god, Rhys,” Cassian moaned his name when Rhys raised his hips and allowed Cassian to handle him. “So hot. Love you; wanted you so bad.” Chills raced across Rhys’ skin again and he swallowed tightly. Then he looked up at Azriel as his hand jutted across his throat. 
“Ride him until you come again.” Rhys’ eyes widened and his lips parted in surprise.
”No,” Azriel cut him off. Another flush painted Rhys’ face as Azriel’s lips ghosted across his. “Fucking ride him until you come and then you can have us both.” Rhys nodded with a warm face and his eyes rolled back again when Cassian thrusted against him. Rhys didn’t realize how turned on Cassian was until he felt the wet heat of him slide across his entrance.
And Cassian slowly pulled him down around him.
”Cass!” Rhys gasped, and he gouged his fingertips into Caassian’s thighs. Cassian couldn’t reply with anything except a moan. Rhys tried his best to ride him, and for a while it was enough. Cassian tossed his head back against the headboard again, and his hands imprinted marks on Rhys’ hips. 
“Fuck, oh my god,” Rhys moaned, and more strings of expletives and moans were forced from him with every thrust. 
“Yeah?” Azriel hummed. He didn’t let go of Rhys’ throat. “He’s so big, feels so good, doesn’t it?” Rhys nodded silently as another wave of pink flush painted down his body. “Now ride him. Faster. I can literally see Cassian fucking you. I told you to ride him.” And he nodded in submission.
”Oh fuck, Rhys—“ Rhys threw his hand behind him to hold himself up, and when his palm landed on Cassian’s chest, Cassian couldn’t help but hold onto his wrist for dear life. 
Rhys gasped at the sudden force of it all. He fucked himself down on Cassian as Cassian simply took it. Azriel watched intently as he found satisfaction in Rhys’ obedience. 
“So pretty, Rhys,” Azriel hummed. “Being so good for us.” Rhys’ mouth dropped open as Azriel’s hand brushed through his hair and tugged on it. He looked up and with his neck bared, Azriel kissed him and left purple bruises that stung Rhys to painful bliss and back.
And Azriel stood up. 
Rhys opened his eyes and looked up at him through his eyelashes. Azriel took a breath to say something, but Rhys’ hands already met his body. Azriel gasped when his shirt disappeared and Rhys’ hands landed on his bare skin. Technically, he didn’t tell Rhys that he couldn’t use his powers, and because he was incredibly obedient already, he couldn’t get himself to demand Rhys to not use them. Especially when he looked up at him like that and when his hands set his body on fire like that.
”Love when you’re so desperate like this,” Azriel said breathlessly. Rhys didn’t reply as Azriel brushed a hand through his hair and pulled it back from his face. “I was going to tell you to let me fuck your throat, but it looks like you want it even more than I do.”
”Give it to me,” was all Rhys could say, and Rhys didn’t even muster the strength to use his powers. He unzipped Azriel’s pants and didn't even pull them down enough.
A gasp was ripped out of Azriel when Rhys stroked him once and took down his entire length. Azriel fucked his hips forward and Rhys gagged around him, but didn’t push him off. He held onto his hair as Rhys worked him with his throat, his tongue. Even his own vision blurred from the pleasure, and he couldn’t give him orders or expect anything more from him. 
If Azriel demanded anything more from Rhys, he would be coming down his throat faster than he wanted. He didn’t intend to fill this part of him.
”God you’re fucking insane,” Azriel gasped through gritted teeth. His own hand pushed his hair back as sweat pricked his hairline. He didn’t let up on his grip on Rhys’ hair, but he didn’t force him down. “You—oh my god, Rhys—you’ll make me come.” Rhys sucked in the wet mess when he came off him.
”Yeah that’s kind of the whole point.” Azriel’s eyebrows shot up at his defiant tone.
”So you want me to fill you twice then?” Rhys smirked as he went back down on Azriel. “God, of course you do. You’re a fucking slut for our come. You always want every hole filled, don’t you?”
Rhys drove his nails into his side in retaliation, and he looked up at him darkly. 
“Don’t give me that look. I know you want it. Give me attitude again and I’ll tie you up then you really won’t have a say in anything.”
You would like that wouldn’t you?
“It sounds like you would like it more.” He grabbed Rhys by the roots of his hair, and bright dark violet eyes stared up at him.
”Rhysand, stop it now.” Azriel grabbed him by the hair and fucked into his throat. Even as Rhys choked and tears drenched his face, he didn’t stop for anything.
Oh my god, harder.
”You’re such a whore,” Azriel laughed in response to Rhys’ voice in his head. “If you’re going to yap in my head like that, at least tell me what you want and thank me after.”
I’m so close. After I come will you both fuck me?
”Yes,” Azriel spat. “I’m going to fuck your throat now—“ Rhys moaned around him and the vibrations forced a moan from Azriel. “I’m not coming though, it’s just to make you come faster.”
Azriel please come I want to taste you— Azriel didn’t hear anything else from Rhys except for the mind numbing static in his head. His own heart skipped. He knew if anything was in Rhys’ mouth he could nearly pass out in submission. Neither Cassian nor Azriel mentioned Rhysand’s oral fixation, but they knew all too well how to utilize it to get what they wanted.
It wasn’t their fault that Rhys was willing to get on his knees for them at any given point.
Cass, oh god Cass don’t stop.
Azriel listened as Rhysand talked to both of them at the same time.
“Oh my god,” Azriel whispered as his composure quickly crumbled. “If you want it—fuck—if you want it that bad, you better swallow every drop of my come.” Rhys nodded quickly and took him deeper. A moan punched out of Azriel when he fucked the back of his throat. “Rhys, oh fuck Rhys I’m going to come.” Rhys closed his eyes as tears fell from them. He pushed his tongue up and stroked under him harder, and immediately his throat burned with Azriel’s come.
“Come for me Rhys, come all over me now,” Cassian demanded somewhere in the distance. Never would he think that the best mouth and tongue he ever had was his best friend’s, but every time Rhys took him down his throat he was sidelined by the truth. Azriel’s legs nearly gave out as Rhys sucked him through his orgasm and swallowed down—more like drowned on—all of his come.
Rhys’ eyes shut tightly as Azriel yanked his hair, and his hips shuddered down on Cassian. Azriel’s own breath was taken when Rhys’ legs tightly closed and he painted his chest yet again.
He mumbled his name again when he felt the immense rush of pleasure that decimated Rhys’ last remaining sense of self. He knew that they might not get another word out of him.
He just didn’t realize it would happen so fast.
Azriel pulled out of Rhys’ mouth and his pent up moans poured from him. 
“Good job, oh my god you did so well for us,” Azriel praised when he fell to his knees and pushed Rhys gently against Cassian’s chest. Cassian wrapped his arms around him and Rhys laid himself down limply. Cassian laughed at him as Azriel smiled down. 
“You really think you can take me too?” Azriel sweetly asked. Rhys caught his breath as he nodded. “Hey,” Azriel said even softer, and he steadied Rhys’ rolling head by holding his head. Slowly, distant violet eyes met his again. “You really okay to keep going?” Rhys nodded even though he looked like he could pass out at any moment.
Want you. Send me there.
”Holy shit,” Cassian coughed when Rhys requested that from both of them. Azriel’s smile fell and chills raced down his arms. It had been so many years since they fucked, but it had been even more since he and Cassian sent Rhys into that headspace. It had been an accident the first time, and the two of them freaked out, but when Rhys came up, he told them he needed it to happen again. They did it one more time after that before Rhys was taken from them.
”Okay, Rhys,” he sighed. “We got you.” Azriel swallowed down the lump in his throat as he stroked himself. Then he lined himself up alongside Cassian. He teased first to make sure he was ready for it, and when he nearly slipped from how slick they were, he pushed inside Rhys.
His body convulsed with pleasure, and Azriel monitored the way he felt to keep him from pain. He was almost just as gone as Rhys was; one more surprise from Rhys and he swore he would be the one losing himself in his headspace. Cassian moaned as well when Azriel pushed fully inside, and he held onto Rhys tighter. 
“Oh my god, so close already,” Cassian moaned. Azriel couldn't help but moan from his tone of voice.
“Fuck, don’t know how you’ve lasted so damn long with him. I’m going to come again and you haven’t even come yet.” Cassian broke a laugh but it quickly faded when Azriel snapped his hips forward.
Unintelligible moans poured out of Rhys as he allowed them to use him as they pleased. Azriel rose to his knees and used one hand to keep Rhys steady while the other stroked him.
”Oh fuck—“ he thought he heard fall out of Rhys’ mouth and he looked up at his face and watched as more and more fresh tears stained his face. They fell to his collarbones and onto Cassian’s as well. Cassian wasn’t merciful on Rhys either as his hands continuously stimulated him, held him down tightly, and his mouth left kissed across his flushed skin.
Cassian fucked up into Rhys in time with Azriel’s thrusts and their moans mixed with Rhys’ when they found the perfect rhythm. His eyes rolled back as he fucked them harder, and Cassian’s own eyes snapped shut. Azriel also monitored the way Cassian felt, and he didn’t realize how far gone he was too. 
“You gonna come soon, Rhys?” Azriel asked even though he knew the answer already. That tight flame of pleasure already ignited deep inside him, and Azriel kenw Rhys was a few moments away. Rhys tried to nod, tried to say anything, but he couldn’t control his voice and he couldn’t even send his thoughts their way. 
A part of Azriel didn’t like that he couldn’t hear Rhys’ voice in his head, but the other part was possessive and ached for this power of being the reason Rhys couldn’t think to begin with. 
Love you so much, you're okay. Need you to come, need you to come now Rhys, please, Azriel thought and he hoped Rhys could still use his powers and hear him. From the sound of his moan, he knew he did.
”Wants us to fill him first,” Cassian said, and at those words, Rhys’ eyes lazily opened. He nodded.
”Oh,” Azriel gasped with realization. “Of course, how did I forget? When you feel us come you’ll come for us, right?’ Rhys nodded quickly and Cassian pulled him down by the throat again. Rhys cried out when Cassian fucked up into him harder.
”Please,” he whined. “Fill me.”
”Yeah—oh fuck—we got you—“ was the last thing Azriel could choke out before Cassian’s orgasm derailed his thoughts. Waves of pleasure came over Azriel as he felt Cassian fill Rhys, and he couldn’t contend with it.
His own pleasure found him again, and he caved to the powerful waves. His come mixed with Cassian’s inside of Rhys, and it took a lot of work he had to focus on to not slip out of him. Azriel didn’t stop, not as his moans punched out of his throat until it was dry. How could he when Rhysand cried for him to touch him harder and harder, and—
Rhys cried out a louder moan and struggled against their bodies when Azriel stroked him through his orgasm. Azriel was knocked down from the intensity of it, and he held himself up by his hand next to Cassian’s shoulder on the pillow. He watched Rhys and couldn’t even blink as expressions between pain and pleasure pulled at his beautiful face. That was when he realized he had stopped breathing from the tightness. Cassian also groaned from how tightly Rhys squeezed them, and his fingers held onto Rhys’ hips until they broke skin and bled.
”Oh my god, yes. Yeah you did so well for us, Rhys,” Azriel couldn’t help but praise, and Rhys could his breath as he lay on Cassian with his head still in the clouds. 
But Azriel didn’t stop.
Even as Rhys’ chest began to rise and fall harder with overstimulation, he didn’t stop. In fact, it was all the reason for him to stroke him harder, tighter.
”Az—“ Rhys choked out. He didn’t know what came over him. Maybe it was the addiction of watching Rhys lose himself, but he needed more. He needed to yank more out of him until Rhys was nothing in their arms. “Azriel!”
He didn’t say anything as overstimulation decimated Rhys’ remaining power of fighting back. Cassian held him down and shadows strapped Rhys down wherever Cass couldn’t reach.
“Holy shit,” Azriel laughed when another wave of pleasure took Rhys by the throat, only this time hardly anything came from him. Azriel knew that was it; Rhys had nothing left to give him, but a part of him didn’t want to care. 
“Please,” Rhys begged, and from the tone of voice, Azriel’s hand slowed. He knew it was coming. 
Yellow, Rhys thought and Azriel let go of him with a finishing kiss.
Later, when the three were cleaned and tangled in the same bed together, Rhys slowly came to. That distant and dazed look didn’t leave his eyes—Azriel assumed it wouldn’t for a few days. 
And it didn’t.
The three didn’t have any pressing needs either, and having been on a much needed rest from work, they rotted in bed together for a few days. It took a day for Rhys to utter a word and another two for him to even attempt to use his powers. Azriel didn’t intend to push him so far, but he already calculated how long it could be until he did it again.
Sometime in the afternoon almost three days after they first entered Rhys’ house, when the sun set over the distant blue horizon, Rhys’ ears perked and heart raced. Azriel too sent his shadows to attention that was when he sensed Feyre. She and the Valkyries were back. 
“Fucking finally,” Cassian sighed as he stood from the bed. Azriel harshly backhanded him.
”You’re acting like you didn’t enjoy spending time with us like this,” he snapped back. Rhys didn’t mind either of them. Not when the scent of his mate ruined almost all the work the boys did to bring him back down to earth.
”You’re right, I did enjoy it. Not my fault my mate is calling me away. Look at Rhys,” Azriel did and he already sat up mindlessly waiting for Feyre. “And by the looks of it, it sounds like someone else is trying to get your attention, Azriel.”
Azriel’s heart raced when Gwyn entered the house with the other two. 
Maybe Cassian and Rhys were right.
In a blink of an eye, Feyre stood in front of them. Her dark eyes didn’t escape from Rhys’ distant gaze.
”Do you know how hard it is to focus on a task when you both are distracting me?” She asked. She was met with silence. “Yeah, you two.” Cassian smirked as she pointed at him and Azriel. Azriel’s heart skipped. Rhys didn’t close off their bond through their session. “Unless you want to do it all over again and join us, I recommend leaving.” 
”Yes ma’am,” Cassian laughed as he winnowed away. Feyre looked at Azriel. He smiled evilly. 
“You’re welcome,” he simply said.
”Don’t go too far,” Feyre cut him off from winnowing. “There’s someone downstairs looking for you.”
”Why is she looking for me?” The darkness in Feyre’s eyes didn’t leave when she looked up at Azriel in the eyes.
”I’m not the only one who listened in on you guys.”
Azriel’s throat tied closed with nerves and a never ending arousal.
”So hurry,” Feyre demanded. “It actually wasn’t a question, I need Rhys to myself.”
Azriel nodded once and winnowed away.
”Az,” she gasped when he stood in the kitchen. 
He couldn’t take his eyes off Gwyn. She set her cup of water down and peered confidently right back up at him. She still wore her leathers and combative gear, and from the tang of her scent and sweat in her hair, he knew they must have just gotten back. She didn’t make it home yet.
”You didn’t go home.” She couldn’t hold back her smile.
”You want me to?”
”Not without me.” Then it fell as she looked back up at him. 
“And what do you think you would do as I clean myself up from our trip?” Azriel swallowed tightly.
”I mean you heard what we did with Rhys.” The heat that radiated off her almost knocked him off his feet with dizzying desperation. 
“I did,” she laughed. “You should be glad our mission wasn’t dangerous in any way.” Azriel’s eyebrows popped up, and he couldn’t hold the smile down. 
“Are you calling me distracting?” 
“I mean when you’re fucking someone for days and talking to them all like that I’d say so.” Taken back by her bluntness, Azriel licked his lips.
”Talking to them like what?”
”How you’re talking to me now.” He smiled.
”If you wanted me you could just say that.”
”You’re the one insisting you come home with me.” Azriel scoffed. He stepped into her personal space and her smile fell.
”You’re the one who came here to find me before you even went to your home.” 
“Fine,” she breathed and her hands slowly met his clothes. His heart leapt at the contact as her palms snaked up to his collarbones and neck. “You win.”
”I win?” He laughed as his hands found her waist. She hummed at the contact. He was jostled with nighttime memories they shared in her bed. Maybe they were far and few between, but mattered more than any he already had. “I didn’t realize we were competing.”
”How about you just shut up and take me home. Rhys gave you a lot of decent practice, don’t you think?”
His heart stopped and he gritted his teeth to power through the brunt of her words. 
He couldn’t help but kiss her as he winnowed her away from the High Lord’s estate.
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jsinfulhate · 1 day
𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆
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The sun was beginning its slow descent, casting a golden glow over Tannyhill’s back porch. Rafe Cameron stood by the railing, his stance casual yet commanding. He and Topper were in the midst of a serious conversation, their voices low but intense, discussing the latest developments in their somewhat dubious business ventures.
"Sales are decent, but we need to push harder," Rafe said, his voice carrying that familiar edge of impatience. "If we don’t, we’re gonna get left in the dust."
Topper nodded, though he seemed less fervent about the issue. “Yeah, I hear you. But—”
Rafe’s head snapped to the side at the sound of the front door opening and the light click of heels on the hardwood floor. His expression shifted, a quick flicker of concern crossing his usually hard features. He held up a hand, cutting Topper off mid-sentence.
“Hold up,” he muttered. His voice lowered, almost a growl. “Watch what you say around her. Don’t need her pretty little head worrying about our shit.”
Topper gave a knowing nod, his mouth tightening into a thin line. He understood Rafe's protective streak when it came to her—how he wanted to shield her from the darker aspects of his world.
She appeared in the doorway, pausing for a moment as if gathering her courage before stepping out onto the porch. There was always a touch of hesitancy in her movements, her eyes darting between Rafe and Topper. Yet, there was also a glimmer of curiosity, a quiet determination to be part of his life despite her natural anxiety.
Rafe’s gaze softened just a fraction as he watched her approach. “Hey, babe,” he called out, his voice losing some of its earlier harshness.
She walked over to him, her steps measured, the click of her heels the only sound breaking the heavy silence. Reaching Rafe, she perched herself tentatively on his knee, holding out her hand with freshly painted nails. Her voice was almost a whisper, laden with nerves. “I got them done today,” she said, her eyes searching his for reassurance.
Rafe took her hand, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the rough edges of his personality. He examined her nails, the faintest hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “Lookin’ good,” he said, his thumb tracing over her fingertips. “Just like you.”
She blushed at his words, her lips curving into a small, shy smile. Rafe could feel her start to relax slightly in his lap, the tension slowly draining from her shoulders.
Topper, ever the loyal friend, sensed the change in atmosphere and cleared his throat. “I’ll leave you two alone,” he said, giving Rafe a quick nod and a polite smile to her before heading back into the house.
As soon as Topper was gone, Rafe’s focus shifted entirely to her. His blue eyes, often cold and calculating, now held a warmth reserved just for her. “How was it?” he asked, his voice low but soft.
“It was... okay,” she replied, her voice still soft but more steady. “I was nervous, but I think they turned out well.”
Rafe’s hand moved to her back, offering a steadying touch. “You did good, babe. It’s alright to be nervous.” His words were firm, almost like a command to her to believe in herself.
She nodded, feeling a surge of comfort from his rough yet caring presence. Being with Rafe was a strange mix of feeling protected and on edge, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
“Want to hang out here for a bit?” Rafe asked, his tone softening as he shifted her slightly in his lap, making her more comfortable.
She nodded again, more eagerly this time. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Rafe adjusted his hold, pulling her closer against his chest. They settled into a companionable silence, the murmur of the breeze and the distant rustling of leaves the only sounds around them.
As the light grew dimmer, casting long shadows across the porch, she rested her head against Rafe’s shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest. Despite his rough exterior and the shadows that clung to him, in moments like these, he was her anchor.
Rafe pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his arms tightening around her. “You know, you’re my pretty girl,” he whispered, his voice carrying a mix of protectiveness and possessiveness. “And I’m always gonna take care of you. Don’t forget that.”
She nodded, her eyes closing in contentment. For now, in the cocoon of his embrace, the outside world and its dangers seemed far away. She felt safe, cherished, even in the presence of someone as intense and unpredictable as Rafe Cameron.
And as the night deepened, wrapping them in its quiet calm, Rafe held her close, his mind already plotting the next steps for his empire, yet never once letting go of the woman who had become his grounding force.
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sharpiedoodleee · 1 month
need more fics where Ghost is obsessive. where he’ll kill for Johnny, where he *does* and he does it well. where hes fucked up and unhealthy but does it so casually, so without a thought. too used to a fucked up life to know the difference anymore
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part of the many many bits of heartbreak over the jack arc is just sam and dean replicating their childhood dynamics from different places. jack is now sam. sam is now dean, jack's ally but at the end of the day, that means nothing when john's word is the final rule. and john is now dean, determined to keep his family under control, bc to lose control is to invite further death and despair into your home.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
Thinks oh so hard abt the spiraling upwards clan founders, especially the birchclan founders. Silly lil kitties who's pasts are drenched in blood with the primary regret of not drawing it sooner
#rat rambles#oc posting#warriors posting#spiraling upwards#long story short they had a shitty awful terrible leader who sucked absolutely ass and they tore him to shreds#I mean that literally they pinned him onto the mountain side and slashed and mauled the shit out of him so hard that his lives evaporated#and several of the cats involved in that scene are sill alive and major parts of the story and I love them#oh also the cat that pinned him through a stab through the throat was his own daughter btw everyone hated his ass so much#and for good reason get his ass#alas in the main story I dont rly get to go too deep into how he harmed everyone involved mostly just three main ones#aka bristlestar because shes murtlepaw's ghost mom dawncrackle because hes also haunting murtle and gullspot because shes bristle's kit#so basically all the flashbacks we get involve those three in some form or another#honeystar was also there and involved but Im not currently planning on having her rly talk abt that#most of her more modern angst is the fact that she was forced into leadership against her will#and shes been alive long enough that shes been leading birchclan far longer than she ever lived in her old clan#but she did go through a lot of shit before birchclan was founded and it definitely shaped her a lot#she used to be a very determined and high spirited lil kitty cat who tried to be optimistic#but her family began to slowly be picked off one by one by both the old leader and the one whod later get evicerated#some of the older cats around her hoped it make her back down from her revelutionary ideas but she noticed that and it backfired on them#instead of being worn down to submission she became absolutely Furious and began to lash out more and become more demanding#it got to the point that she really only had two friends in the entire clan and one of them was her aunt whod later also die after coming#out abt having witnessed the leader killing his own kits#that was the final fucking straw for her and she was fully on board when bristle and dawn started looking for cats to join their rebellion#she did get rly frustrated with them as they waited patiently for the right moment but her remaining bestie kept her from going apeshit#so once the big fight finally broke out she was more than eager to join the hoard of cats chasing the bastard upwards#now unlike some of the other cats involved this legitimately actually made her feel a lot better for a while#for the first time in ages she finally felt like she could be optimistic abt smth again and was excited abt the idea of leaving this place#she had lost so much in this damn place since she was an apprentice and just wanted to finally be able to rest easy#but once they got to their new territory and set up camp things went south real fast as a flood fucked everything up#and after losing the only cat she had left in her life and losing her tail and being made deputy on top of that she deteriorated quickly
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the--highlanders · 2 years
thinking about the implications of jamie having had a massive fight with his brother the last time he saw him, and then never seeing him again until he died, vs. jamie having a massive fight with two in evil of the daleks, and then believing he'd been effectively killed by the dalek conversion. hm.
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YEAHYEAHYEAH see I had no actual thesis and knew I must've been missing things... this is why I love writing in... you may feel like you're just restating but you always cover for my blind spots and reinforce points I'm not too confident in...
I did kind of gloss over the instances where Arakawa really had any agency though huh, but if you think about it, his love for Ichiban is what caused most of the post-timeskip events of the plot in the first place. And he had to make some of the biggest gambles of his life in sending Ichi to prison and shooting him and just hoping Ichiban would pull through okay...
Ough... that's exactly it, it's so tragic specifically because he does overcome his upbringing and even his profession, has so much heart and kindness despite or perhaps even because of it, but it just hurts him in the end :( I've always seen a sort of Kiryu-and-Mine comparison with Arakawa and Jo there with how their struggles early in life took them down completely different paths. Two came to be compassionate, altruistic people with "heroic" qualities while two came to incredibly self-reliant and jaded while treasuring the few bonds they did form deeply...
i guess it does help getting anyone to look over your thoughts, so im glad i can provide some substance when i can (❁´◡`❁)
in regards to the kiryu/mine comparison, mine and kiryu have always been interesting characters to compare for me, esp when the comparison is made so much (though that more specifically is something else to talk bout another time ig). its a fair parallel to make nonetheless :]
#snap chats#when it comes to the love relationship between ichi and arakawa its kinda funny#i cant really expand on why- i thought i had a point but i nullified Said Point when i tried to expand on it#its just an interesting subject itself i guess#onto mine and kiryu though i rambled bout it months ago but im always free to talk bout it again since it picks at my brain a lot#its an unfortunate comparison honestly. sure kiryu and mine were both orphans but they had incredibly different upbringings#after mine's father passes that's it: he's on his own henceforth. meanwhile kiryu still has the orphanage and kazama#in that he has a solid support group and thus can grow up in a loving home whereas mine obviously was neglected that#in regards to jo and arakawa i can see where that comparison comes fro#while they both had abusive parents arakawa was still able to feel that love from his father whereas jo-#as far as we know- never experienced that kind of care from anyone and didn't until joining the arakawa family in his 20's#and presuming arakawa's patriarch did treat him with some form of tenderness until The Betrayal#then yeah the comparison between mine and kiryu is pretty potent and noticeable#that despite his unfortunate start arakawa still had someone to love him meanwhile jo was mostly on his own#as is kiryu losing his parents but still having kazama and co and mine being by himself after losing his father etc etc#its all these sorts of small seemingly-inconsequential things that can really determine the outcome of someone#and thats shit always fascinates my pseudo psychologist ass
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sunarc · 7 months
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Boys who can’t control their moans so instead of holding back they just sink their teeth into your neck to let off some steam. He’s losing his mind. His cock is buried deep inside of you while his head is shoved into the crook of your neck. His moans are loud paired with the squeaking of the bed. His hands hold your legs apart spreading you open so he can fuck himself deeper inside of you.
“Fuck you drive me crazy baby” he groans.
His hips slam into yours creating a pattern of rough thrust that leaves you drooling, moaning his name. He’s been going for so long he’s fucking the two of you into overstimulation. Your whimpers sound like music to his ears, telling him you can’t take it, begging him to slow down. You’ve come so many times already and he’s determined to make you cum again.
“I- I can’t” you whimper. Your voice is a broken whine barely heard over the sounds of his cock diving into your cunt but he hears you. The smirk that grows on his face when he hears your cries is menacing.
“You can take it , I know you can. Listen to how this pussy is begging for me, she’s basically calling my fucking name” his voice his like silk whispering the words in your ear.
His tongue glides against your neck up to your ear. Your moans come out as broken sobs singing his name. His cock grows harder hearing how you call out to him.
“That’s it, say my name, tell me who fucks you this good” his voice sounds like a low growl.
Your trembling, mind gone with only pleasure and lust clouding your thoughts. Your nails drag down his back leaving marks he’ll smile proudly at later. You can barely form a sentence. Your words come out as a mix of slurred versions of his name and whimpers about how close you are.
“I knew you could do it” he purrs
His thrusts are slow, long and hard. Your hands shakily grab onto his shoulder desperately clinging onto him .
“Please please please” you whine.
“Please what? You want my cum?” He knows what you want, he just wants to hear you say it.
You fumble over your words continuously being caught in a moan. Your legs wrap around him pushing him deeper inside. You're overwhelmed by the pleasure . You squeeze your eyes shut feeling tears glide down your cheeks.
“Aww is my poor baby, Can’t take my cock?” He chuckles, licking the tears that stream down your face.
His thrust picks up speed. His hips slam into yours at a ruthless pace.
“Come on baby, give me one more and I promise I’ll lick that sweet pussy until your nice and clean”
He can’t contain the moans that spill past his lips. He bites your shoulder while he plunges his cock into you at a constant pace. His teeth dig into your skin earning him a soft cry. Your mouth hangs open, stuck between pain and pleasure. Your orgasm drowns you. Your body trembles as your nails cling onto him. Your legs tighten around him holding him in place. Your heart beats against your chest like a drum as you breathe heavily coming down from your high. He licks at the bite mark while pressing loving kisses to your skin. His lips meet yours with a delicate touch compared to his previous rough actions. Your lips dance against each other in sync to the beat of your hearts.
“You were so good for me” he whispers in between kisses. “Let me clean you up baby”
He kisses a trail down your trembling body to your core. His eyes gaze at the way your core glistens like stars in the night.
“So messy for me” he moans at the sight.
He dives in, licking a long strip between your slit.
“Don’t worry I’ll clean you up my messy baby”
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~Grimmjow, Toji, Nanami, Geto, Choso, Tsukishima, Kuroo, Matsukawa, Atsumu, Oikawa, Suna, Connie, Armin, Eren
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gorejo · 10 months
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synopsis: you’ve avoided him for the last eight years, only for him to pop back into your life, leaving you with no room to run away as he asks you to kiss him. catch is, he now has a golden ring on his promise finger.
content: 9.2k words (idk how this happened, and it's unedited bc it's too long to go through) afab!reader, she/her pronouns, cursing, explicit smut, light angst, mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus, creampie, and anxiety triggers (picking at nails), pet names (baby, sweetheart, love, angel, good girl). minors do not interact.
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The room is packed with people when you walk in. It was hard to recall some faces from the mirage of dimmed lights making you feel mildly dizzy and it didn’t help how the buzzing in your head from the smell of champagne and the loud chatter from the already drunk almost thirty-year-olds that can’t seem to contain their liquor-like novices, made you want to go home increasingly more.
“It’s only 9:41, and they’re drinking like they’ve never tasted alcohol before,” you heard Shoko mumble as she searched through her purse to reach for her perfume, “you want some?” Your best friend offered with a smile as she looked at you through the bathroom mirror. 
“I’m okay,” you smiled back, “can’t have all the boys following me around with that,” you teased.
Shaking her head in disapproval, “If you see me go home with any of these drunks, I give you full permission to hit me, no, in fact, I’ll pull up to your apartment every morning with coffee and take you to work for a week if I do,” Shoko shuddered while furrowing her brows only to quickly soften the moment she saw you lightly picking at your thumb – an anxious habit you’ve picked up throughout the years, only but the keenest of eyes being able to notice your anxiety.
“You okay love?” Her voice was sweet as she leaned against the restroom sink.
“Mhm, of course,” you faked a smile, “I guess I’m just a little nervous seeing everyone, you know,” lightly chuckling as you bit your lips. Little was underlying, when the knot in your stomach was building up, making you force down the urge to entirely vomit in the moment. 
“People are thrilled to see you again,” placing her hand on your shoulder, “it’s literally been years for you,” she huffed, pouting as she reminisced over the years she attended alone.  
“well ‘m sure one will be sure thrilled —” her voice suddenly drained from a crowd of people entering the restroom, slightly pushing you towards her, “nevermind come on, let’s go get something to drink,” Shoko muttered as she led you out, gently massaging your tense neck as she encouraged, bringing her lips to your ears, “if anyone bites, I’ll chop their dick off,” Shoko threatened with a flashing smile as she led you to a nearby table.  
It’s only 9:41 — no, 9:42.
College reunions, who looks forward to that? 
There was no particular reason for you to be anxious, it’s been years since. You’ve prepared yourself for this, meditating every single day since you got the notification in your email on a Tuesday evening — an invite to rsvp for a room at the Aman Hotel. 
Maybe it wouldn’t have been so nerve-wracking if you’ve been consistently going out to these every year since they’ve held one. But every year there seems to be a conflict in the schedule that forbade you to go.
One year it was your boss last-minute asking your team to work overtime, when a rookie employee lost all the data when he supposedly fell asleep, accidentally losing months of all your blood, sweat, and tears to make it for the deadline on your next advertising project. 
Poor kid was fired the next day.
The following year, you were determined to go, going as far as walking to the restaurant, when the sudden nausea of socializing plagued your mind. The joyous welcomings and celebrations annoyingly muffled in your ear as you groaned past a familiar voice that seemed to call out your name from a distance. Your feet walking on their own volition through your sleep deprivation. Only to wake up in your bed with countless text messages from your best friend asking what the hell happened. 
No wonder it was so fucking loud that night. 
Another was simple, not your fault this time. Shoko couldn’t make it because of her rounds at the hospital. 
Never in hell were you going to show up alone. 
And the last one, well your taxi got a sudden flat tire. That in itself was a confirmation for you not to go, nor did you have any dying wish to go. Quickly texting your best friend, huffing out a sigh of relief as you pressed send.
&lt;< sorry… can’t make it tonight. I promise, next year!! 
Today, well things seemed to have aligned. No overtime, no flat tires, no sleep deprivation, no nothing.
Maybe it was an excuse? 
Maybe you were subconsciously avoiding it? 
But ironic is it, that life seems to protect you when most fragile, only to push you out into the void when least expected making you feel even more vulnerable, feeling so exposed in such a cruel world. 
Or maybe the universe was waiting for this moment, that despite your consensus or approval, it was determined that you were ready to confront it — well it, being the owner of a pair of brilliant light blue eyes that sparkled like an aqua jewel, shining brighter than when you’ve last seen them clouded in tears as you let go of his trembling hand for the last time, crushing his pure heart as you left him with, “i’m sorry.”
Was that already eight years ago? 
But whether it was the consequence of your selfish choice or a blessing of choosing to be selfless, luck was on your side today…
… well, you hoped at least somewhat on your side.
“My … look who it is,” you heard a voice from behind you.
Turning around, though the shame of suddenly cutting him off enticed your heart as you faced him, you couldn’t help but smile at his familiar face walking over with two drinks in his hand.
Holding the same gentle eye smile, with a lock of his black hair falling down on his left side, donned in a white dress shirt with his sleeves cuffed at the elbows, no tie but buttons loosely opened with a pair of dark slacks and shined dress shoes. Geto Suguru walked over.
“Aren’t you still handsome,” you complimented with a sweet smile.
“Don’t feed into his ego like that,” Shoko chimed as she nudged your arm, “his head is already big enough.”
“Who me?” Exaggerating his response, only to soon level down to the same amiable smile, calm cadence you’ve remembered him to have as he offered you a drink, “I have to take all the compliment I can get, don’t know when you’ll go awol and go missing for another eight years.”
“Funny…” you muttered, rolling your eyes while taking the drink by the stem, “and thank you, Suguru.”
“Where’s mine?” Shoko jabbed while shooting a glare at his nonchalance.
“Not here,” Geto flashed a smile, innocently shrugging. 
“Whatever, I’ll get my own,” shaking her head in disapproval, grumbling while making her way to get a drink, but still making a point to stop in front of the man to warn, “Don’t say anything weird Suguru, I barely got her to come today.”
“Relax, ‘m just trying to catch up with an old friend,” Geto countered, making a point to whisper while smiling at you.
“I won't hurt her, that I promise,” Geto affirmed. 
Your best friend walked off only to turn around for a brief moment as she worriedly looked back at you “Text me for anything okay?” 
“I’ll be fine! Don’t worry,” you reassured.
“And don’t forget what I said, I’ll even cut his,” deadpanning while looking at your male counterpart, “I got no problem doing it, I’m medically certified anyways, there’s nothing that a sharp scalpel can’t fix, ” Shoko stated with an innocent smile while walking off. 
“So,” releasing a sigh as he pushed the strains of his hair back, “how’ve you been?” Geto smiled.
“I’ve been… okay,” you confessed while placing your lips against your glass before taking a sip, “could be better.”
“Thought you were living your life,” Geto teased, his voice laced with sarcasm, “Shoko wouldn’t tell us much about you.”
“I… I told her not to,” you confessed while leaning against your table, the pain of your heels starting to ache up your back. 
“How come? Weren’t we your friends too?” 
“I just didn’t think it was best to keep myself in the circle when I —” biting the inside of your mouth to stuff the suffocating knot forming underneath your lungs.
“ — When you broke up with him?” Geto finished your hesitation.
Nodding yes, you softly whispered, “I thought it was for the best for him.”
“For the best huh?” Geto chuckled, “well I guess you didn’t know him too well then.”
“What do you mean?” Your brows furrowed as your mouth started to feel dry, “I did it because we weren’t compatible, I would’ve been a stumbling block for him,” you stammered as your voice started to shake, “I- I would’ve halted his growth, and he would’ve hated me in the end if I selfishly held onto him when he was worth so much more than being with me,” you confessed with lips quivering as a tear fell, only to quickly brush it away before Suguru could notice.
But nothing passes with him, he reads right through you. His voice softened, “Was this your insecurity you’ve decided for him or — ” turning his body to face you while his body leaned on his arm against the standing table, “Was this something he actually would’ve struggled with?”
“I can’t change the past Suguru.” You shamefully avoided his gaze, “I still stand by my decision.”
“I don’t doubt that,” shrugging as he exhaled, “I mean, you did avoid him for almost a decade.”
“H-he seems happy,” you let your thoughts slip.
“You think so?” 
“Shoko would tell me about everyone, you, him” you unnoticingly spewed out your thoughts. “Of course not in full detail, but that you’ve established your own studio, and that you’ve finally released those photos.”
“Mhm, that’s correct, would’ve loved to have invited you to the exhibition, it was quite… a moment,” he chuckled while playing with his fingers. 
“That Megumi’s in high school and that he’s gotten in trouble for beating up the school bullies,” lowly laughing as you remembered how cute yet scarily mature he was for his age.
“Nanami hates corporate life, but still listens to what he has to say even if it’s outrageous.” Taking a sip of your drink, the sparkle of the beverage mildly burning your throat, “... and that he’s traveling the world living his life.”
Mumbling under your breath, “he’s even recently gone to Paris and had a night picnic with —”
“You stalked him?” Geto teased as he huffed out a laugh when he caught your shocked expression
“No — I mean, Shoko would tell me,” you stammered.
“Sure, whatever you say, sweetheart," Geto teased, "but just to let you know, he just got back. And from what I know, they haven’t met since he arrived. His plane should’ve landed,” while dramatically looking at his watch, “I don’t know like an hour ago? He’s probably on his way over here,” Geto handsomely winked as he suddenly placed a gentle hold of your waist and brought you near his side.
“You know… he’ll look for you, now knowing that you’re here” Geto whispered into your ear.
“How does he know… I told Shoko to not tell —”
Blinking innocently at you with a smile, while playing with his phone, “can’t avoid the poor guy forever.”
“I’m not avoiding him,” you sighed knowing what Geto had done, “just didn’t have a chance to run into him.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” releasing you with a smile, “ if you’re really sure about where you stand, then don’t run away from him.”
Geto's eyes flash to the entrance doors for a split second and land back on you.
“But would you look at that,” humming as he pointed to his empty glass yet his eyes caught sight of a familiar figure. It was the first in a while that you felt your heart sinking, all the blood in your body rushing out, making you suddenly feel lifeless and queasy.
“Gonna get another glass, you want one?” Suguru suggested.
“I’m okay, but thank you Suguru,” you quickly stated as your heart started to beat faster by the second.
“Sure, just don’t be a stranger again,” Suguru teased as he started to walk off, but your hand immediately reached out to catch his arm to quickly reinforce, “I- I mean it… thank you.”
Knowing your implication, smiling as he received your thanks, “No need, as fucking cringe it is,” chuckling as he shook his head, looking over your shoulder and back at you, “he’s my best friend, of course, I’ll be there for him.”
Letting go of his arm, your hands anxiously balled into a fist as you quickly turned around to avoid him, doing anything to hide from his sight. You felt your breaths becoming increasingly more difficult to inhale, and stagnant as your palms started to sweat. 
“I’m not avoiding him… I’m not avoiding him” you quietly mumbled to yourself, your words contradicting your actions as you walked further away onto the balcony, texting Shoko, 
<< I’ll be outside getting some fresh air (: let me know when you want to leave.  
Closing your phone, as you let the night breeze wash against your face, leaving light chills around your body, you nervously sighed, “It’s been eight years you say…”
Your story was nothing short of the typical — difference in class and status, trying to make things work just for the convenience of love. It wasn’t hard at first to situate yourself into his life, nor was it any difficult for him to become accustomed to yours. 
They say time will change things, circumstances will get better. Be patient with your season, and you’ll be rewarded for your hardwork.
But somethings never change no matter how hard you try to alter the dice. He’s rich and you’re just average.
Money works for him, while you had to take on multiple jobs just to make your next rent at the start of your career. 
He was bound for greatness at a young age, trained by the best professionals and tutored by an exquisite league of mentors. While you had to settle for things, simply dreaming of the what can be. Thus, you worked even harder. You pushed yourself to keep up, to become of the level of who he’s supposed to be, and what he could accomplish. 
When he dozed off in class, you stayed up. You studied, pulled all-nighters, chugged caffeine, and oftentimes had to push back dates with him for simple study sessions — he didn’t complain, said he liked to just sleep with his head rested on your lap while he cuddled into your stomach while you studied. 
“Don’t mind me, I’ll be your personal radiator,” he would chime with a boyish grin on his face, taking off his sunglasses as he stretched his long legs before latching behind you like a koala, “wake me up when you’re done, I’ll drive you home,” Gojo peacefully murmured without forgetting to place a kiss to your shoulder, while you stressed over your next exam. 
With him, even the coldest days always felt warm.
And on the next day, he’ll always take you to class with some soup and hot tea, murmuring about your poor dietary choices and how you often neglect your health to study. But at least he’ll be gentle, and wish you the best on your exam with a light kiss — an innocent kiss that lasts a bit too long, his hand always gracing your body as he reluctantly releases you, brushing off the saliva that linked your lips together — his good luck charm he’ll argue, a little tease of what he’ll reward you with later when you got home for being his good girl. 
Gojo will always try to convince, “Life isn’t always about studying, baby,” stating with a pout, after your fifth time canceling a date he’s planned to instead go on a simple walk outside your flat, “you gotta live life to the fullest! And why stress when you’ve snatched me?”
“Well, I can’t live life to the fullest if I don’t study now, Satoru. And who’s gonna pay for all that ice cream you eat? All the sweets you stock up on?”
“What do you mean?” Deadpanning as he stopped in his tracks, “you have me, what more else do you need? I'm a double threat — I’m rich and handsome.”
“Satoru — I… never mind,” rolling your eyes, as you were hit with his puppy eyes. 
“Just promise,” his tall frame blocking you, “that you’ll always stick with me.”
“I’m not a piece of gum to just stick onto you, Satoru,” pushing him away, only for him to reach out to delicately hold your hand, “You know, if you’re a gum, you’ll be the sweetest one.”
“Yea, why so?”
“Because every time I eat you, you taste so sweet,” he teased with a flirty wink, “if you get what I — ow!” 
Rubbing his forearm that barely hurt, Gojo loved to exaggerate when he was with you. 
For Gojo, things came easily for him, as if the universe highlighted his life as a thousand-year blessing, nothing was out of his reach — that is, nothing but you. 
Shocking to many, he pursued you first. When asked about how you guys met, or what’s the story behind you two, or even if no soul asked… he’ll blabber on with an outrageous story, saying he fell in love the moment he laid his eyes on you, that you were the apple of his eye — an over the top fanfiction of you and him of how he just knew you were the person for him when you stumbled into the library, arms full of books and coffee in the other, and you magically just happened to just bump into him. And if it wasn’t for that encounter, then he would’ve never gotten your number. 
And without your number, he wouldn’t have been able to woo you with his charm, he’ll always add with a wink.
“You can say it’s fate,” he’ll proclaim, “I never went to the library, you know,” as he munched on his icecream with Megumi and Tsumiki savoring theirs, both unbothered by the story he’s told them countless times, “and the one day I chose to follow Suguru because he was simping over someone, I get coffee spilled all over my clothes and meet her? Damn, the heavens just wanted us together.”
All you remember of that day was that your precious coffee went to waste, with your books embarrassingly spread out on the floor, and you were stuck having to dry clean his ridiculously expensive clothes. 
But with him, you experienced all your firsts.
Your first handholding — Satoru confidently took your hand, immediately interlocking his fingers with yours, his palms engulfing yours entirely, “don’t be scared baby, I’m not scared,” flexing his muscles as he proudly smiled,  “I’ll protect you!” as he leads you through the haunted mansion, jolting through every jump scare, absolutely refusing to scream. 
You remember his palms felt particularly clammy that day. 
Your first kiss — on a spring picnic as he laid on your lap, his eyes sparkling a little more than usual as he looked up at you, innocently asking, “can I kiss you?” 
Your first argument. Ignoring him for a whole week, only for your resolve to quickly break when Suguru urgently called you to his house stating that Satoru was deathly ill — dark circles under his eyes, cheeks frail from not eating, wrapped up in his blanket as he dramatically announced his dying wishes while sneaking obvious glances at you. 
Geto’s diagnosis: pure insanity. 
To your first cuddle buddy, to innocent make-out sessions, to wonton looks and lustful touches for more. leading to your first sexual experience, both unknowing and inexperienced as he groaned into your ear in the back of his car one rainy night as you struggled to take his girth.
He was your first taste of goodness — like a forbidden fruit, you increasingly wanted him more. In soul, mind, and body, you etched yourself into him, making the tear even more painful to rip apart. 
Sure, loving him was easy — but loving you, the version who was so lacking compared to him and insecure was hard.
You tried to ignore it, you did your best to brush off the insecurity that came with each day of choosing him. But having the message that you were worth less than he was being constantly blasted to your face — the blatant discrepancies between social classes and the nature of how you both grew up, to the constant side glances you’ll get wondering how someone so normal like you, got with such a high net worth — gradually, it all made you dissociate from him. 
So you worked even harder. You stayed up longer than anyone else just to get that better grade. You worked that extra shift just to prove that you were capable. You doused yourself in knowledge, yet tried to stay humble to be seemingly perfect… but in that, you unknowingly pushed him further away, losing parts of yourself while at it. 
And your final straw? It was a text message you accidentally read on his phone while he silently napped, cutely dozing off as you massaged his scalp.
From: Mom.
>> Remember the girl I talked to you about? Nitori-chan’s family requested that we set up a date for you two. The faster the better, no need for our families to meet, it’s all settled. 
To: Minako.
<< Let’s meet. When are you free, Minako? 
From: Minako.
>> Whenever! I can meet now!
>> Is this about our potential engagement?
To Minako.
<< Yea, let's meet tonight to talk about it.
You remembered, that night you couldn't reach him.
The final trigger that blew it over. The rambling of your thoughts paralyzes you from thinking rationally.
You didn’t need to search up who she was. Nitori Minako, the youngest daughter of Japan’s leading technology company that rivaled to that of America’s fruit. A girl that was a year younger than you — smart, adamantly cute, cunning and rich — always following him around a bit too closely for your liking, preaching about how “Gojo-san promised he’ll marry me when we were young! Isn’t that so cute?”
how long was this going on for? 
Has he always been going on secret dates like this? Was he always just willing to let it slide when you rejected his dates because he had other options?
Was he leading you on this whole time before he’ll leave you for what he rightfully deserved? 
Was all of this a lie? All of what he said?
The pinnacle of your sanity breaking as your thoughts became corrosive and brittle the more you dove deeper into the pitfalls of your insecurities — of course what people said was right, there was no way someone like him can settle for any less.
... Ultimately, everything led to you quietly blurting out as he rambled about his day. 
Playing with your hand, smiling like a loser as he intertwined your smaller fingers with his, “Geez, there was this jeweler that I wanted to take you to, but dammit, the store closed early today. Maybe we can go — ”
“Let’s break up,” you suddenly announced, looking straight ahead.
The room suddenly felt quiet, so quiet that the thumping of your heart felt like loud sirens blaring next to your eardrum, and your body felt numb. 
After a few seconds, Satoru stammered, “w-what?”
Sighing as you closed your eyes, “I said, let’s break up, we aren’t — ” you reiterated.
“I heard you the first time,” Gojo hissed, still playing with your fingers but his grip now harsher, “just wanted to make sure you weren’t bullshitting right now.”
“I’m not joking, Satoru,” your voice stripped of any emotion, “we aren’t good for eachother.”
“Says who?” the man challenged. 
“It’s something that’s been on my mind,” you responded back while trying to pull back your hand, “l-let go, Satoru, it hurts…”
“Is it because of the text?” Gojo refused to let go, even more so gripping even harder, “Fuck... I'm sorry I should've explained earlier," his voice pleading for you to listen.
"I swear nothing happened, and nothing will ever happen, b-baby look at me,” your boyfriend’s — now, ex-boyfriend's — voice elevating and shaking. 
“Gojo,” softly pausing after his name, “let’s end it when things aren’t so bad… I can’t have you hating me more when we have no other choice but to break up,” finally pushing his grip off, “it’s inevitable, we’ve been walking towards a destined finish line from the beginning, let’s just call it quits a little earlier.”
“no... you can't do this, you can't do this to me,” he vulnerably uttered, his body noticeably trembling as a tear dropped onto the back of your hand as he reached over to touch you, hoping it'll mend whatever hatred you had towards him, “you.. we promised,” his voice shaking.
“I’m sorry Gojo,” you dodged his grasp, “guess promises are only good if you can keep them, and I can’t.”
Days of him begging at the forefront of your door, crying as he asked for an explanation, his missed texts and calls that would go straight to voicemail, to Suguru stepping in to ask what the hell was going on… all leading you to cut off every aspect of Gojo Satoru out of your life, except Shoko.
After two years of dating, at the ripe age of 20, you experienced your first heartbreak with Gojo Satoru, marking the end of the final chapter of your love story with him. 
To you, he’ll be the greatest warmth you’ll ever experience. 
To him, you’ll be the heartless bitch that left him cold.
“Hmm,” looking at your empty notifications, “guess she’s a little busy right now…” you hummed. Despite your outwardly calm demeanor and the stillness of the serene summer night, juxtaposed was your mind with wandering thoughts that wrecked havoc in your head. 
Shoko would update you occasionally about him, not going too far into details. You knew he was successful in his craft, excelling in it as he ranked 11th in Forbes 30 under 30 list, losing the tenth spot barely to a Zenin. It would be a lie if you weren’t curious about him, your mind wandering and weak during the quietest of nights, making a burner account to stalk his socials, only to immediately regret the moment you see photos and stories that presumably show that he’s in a relationship — with a gorgeous one in fact.
You’ve briefly heard of his dating history, hearing it from Shoko directly, as it mindlessly slipped through her tongue as she complained that he’s broken up with another girl. 
Throughout the years, you’ve concluded maybe this was your punishment for leaving him. Damnation to feel stuck in the same perpetual regret of hurting his heart, of choosing to look at your fears instead of maybe trusting in him. 
But, at least he looked happy. and you clung onto that reserve.
Maybe it was for the best that things happened this way  —
Your ears perked up as you heard the tapping of shoes coming towards you, your stomach suddenly dropping to the floor. 
“Were you planning on avoiding me the whole night?” 
You were sure, there was no denying that was his voice. 
Yes, it was a bit deeper from when you last heard it. The decibel of his voice is now infused with power and confidence, yet still with the underlying tone of softness from what you remembered. 
“Ah, sorry… how rude of me,” you mumbled, the pounding of your heart beating through your ribcage. You quickly placed an arm over your chest, a hand over your heart, doing anything to muffle the harsh pulsing, terrified that he was going to hear, “it’s been a while Gojo,” you offered him a light smile, “I’m sorry, but if you’ll excuse me Ieiri is waiting for me,” you tried excusing yourself only to be met with his stance unchanging, unmoving. 
You felt his eyes pierce into your skull, “Gojo?… ah that’s right,” his voice guarded as he looked over in another direction, his face pointing specifically elsewhere, the moonlight highlighting his perfect features.
“I think she’s pretty busy, don’t you think?” he shrugged.
Dammit she was your ride home. Guess coffee is on her for the next week. 
“Oh sorry,” you muttered under your breath.
Grinning as he licked his lips, “You’re awfully saying sorry a lot over nothing,” Gojo chuckled, “guess old habits die hard,” his last words spewed with a hint of bitterness as he clenched his jaws. 
Only to relax seconds later, placing his drink on the railing, softly grunting as he pulled off his jacket, and placed it over your shoulders, “It’s cold, don’t want you getting sick now,” the smell of his cologne filled up your lungs, hypnotizing your senses — a bit strong but nonetheless intoxicating.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty for feeling a sense of security from the weight of his heated jacket, and in response, you started to immediately pick at your thumbs. 
“It’s okay!” You tried to object, trying to take it off only to be met with a stern yet gentleness of his voice, his large hand stopping you, now calloused and thick yet the warmth of his palm brushing against your smaller one felt nostalgic and sinful, as your eyes immediately noticed a gold sparkle on his ring finger, “it’s fine. my body runs hot, remember?” 
“T-thank you,” you muttered, the harsh beatings of your heart quickly making your cheeks feel hot. 
A ring? you wondered.  
“So, what made you come today?” Gojo huffed as he looked off into the distance.
“Had no excuse not to come.”
“I see,” his voice deep, taking the last swig of his drink, deeply inhaling to release a long breath, “It’s good to see you though.”
“Yea, me too,” you quietly responded, the awkwardness of the conversation eating at your bones, the tightness of your stomach knotting increasingly more.
Laughing as he turned around, his long legs crossed, showing a bit of his socks peeking out of his slacks as his dress shoes reflected the moon's shine. Surely, they were expensive, probably equaled to a month of your rent on his feet. With his arms crossing his chest, leaning against the railing, the quiet winds brushing against his soft hair, lightly masking his cerulean eyes as he faced you, “Liar, you were always good at that.”
Taking you off guard, your eyes immediately connecting with his, your breath stopping as if a sudden load was pushed onto your chest, you felt a wave of sadness rush over you as you ventured into his empty eyes. 
Since when did he have that ring? 
Did he find someone at Paris? Shoko told me — no, there’s no way he found someone so soon.
Or maybe he’s trying to settle down —
“Are you happy?” His question brought you back into reality.
“What?” you whispered.
“I don’t think I’ve asked a hard question,” he responded, his voice now harsh and impatient, “I asked if you were happy.”
Your finger pricks at your thumb, “I guess so…”
Rolling his tongue against his teeth, his finger playing with his ring.   
Taking no regard for catering to your comfort, he jeered, “Why’d you do it?”
“What are you talking —” you stammered.
“You know damn well what I’m referring to,” Gojo spat. 
“Excuse me,” You muttered, your eyes refusing to disconnect despite your whole body fighting against it.
“I- I got to go, Ieiri is waiting —”
“No, you already used that excuse,” pulling you in by your wrist, immediately caging you in between his arms, with you now leaning against the railing, your eyes level to his broad chest — has he always been this big?
“Answer me, at least you can have the courtesy of honestly telling me why you left me like that eight years ago.”
“I don't remember,” you stated with eyes threatening to spill.
“Liar,” his body leaning down, the hurt in eyes even more apparent than before, “you’re a fucking liar,” Gojo spewed with no resolve to withhold a solid tear from falling, his face now dangerously close — lips even more threatening to touch.
All you wanted to do was say sorry, to cup his face and kiss his tears, to say it was a mistake that you’ve never intended to let him go — you selfishly tortured him by continuously keeping him in your heart without giving him a chance to prove you wrong. 
“I’m so sorry,” was all you could respond.
“Did you not trust me?” Hurt was apparent in his voice, “Was I that untrustworthy for you to just leave like that and just disappear for eight years?”
“No, no… it’s not like that,” you tried comforting, unknowingly placing your hands on his chest, “it was never like that.”
"then tell me why," he forced out through gritted teeth while furrowing his brows.
"I just thought it was for the best," you quietly whispered.
"you thought it would be for the best?" Gojo scoffed, "And how the hell did you come to a conclusion to just leave like that?"
" 'm sorry, Gojo... I - I truly am," you pleaded while clenching his shirt.
"You must've really enjoyed watching me beg huh," Gojo challenged, "absolutely thrived knowing this was all for my own good, right?" Gojo spat out his anger.
"It wasn't like that, i'm so sorry, I was hurting —"
“Stop fucking apologizing! you don't get to do that," His voice shattered the serene night. Chest heaving as he clenched onto the stone railing, "I didn’t go through shit these past eight years just to hear your selfish sorry's,” he stated with gritted teeth, as he threateningly moved even closer, “d-did you even love me?” 
“Yes, of course!” You immediately cupped his face, finally letting go of the years you craved his touch, your heart shattering as you felt him melt into your wicked hands.
“Then kiss me,” he suddenly whispered, the slight scent of alcohol mixed in with cologne altering your judgment.
“Y-your drunk, Gojo,” you pleaded, immediately letting go of his face as you tried to push him off.
His voice elevated, "Why not?" Gojo growled, "Like you said, it's not like you left because you didn't love me. Or are you lying about that too?"
“don’t make this hard, we — I can’t do this with you anymore,” guilt running through your veins as the image of his ring blared loudly in your head.
You couldn’t do this to another girl, he wasn’t yours anymore… 
“stop the bullshit,” Gojo growled before his lips slammed into yours, his large hands cupping your face, leaving you no room to run away. his tongue forced its way into your mouth, teeth painfully clashing yet you didn’t mind. because against your resolve, your arms immediately wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to taste the sweetness of his saliva and feel the warmth of his tongue.
The groan of his voice vibrated against your lips, as his clothed hip bucked into your pelvis, his lips trailing down from yours to your neck, tongue sloppily trailing down with it as his hands wandered down to hold your hips.
“Tell me you missed me,” he moaned out as you gripped the ends of his hair,  his tongue teasing down your sweet spots, pecking kisses as he inhaled your scent.
“Say you loved me, I don't care anymore if it’s a lie,” your ex now pleaded, his hot breath heating your cheeks.
“… I love you,” you confessed.
Lowly laughing like a maniac, staring deep into your wanting eyes, the man whispered back, “aren't you fucking heartless.”
You don’t recall how you made it into the hotel room. In a moment your lips crashed with his on the balcony, and only a second later you found yourself with his large hand securely wrapped around yours, silently waiting for the elevator to bing on the twentieth floor as your ex-boyfriend led you into his hotel room.
Now, currently, you’re pressed against the wall, shoes thrown aside groaning with your hands tangled in his soft hair, as he hurriedly stripped you out of your dress, lips hungrily moving against each other as he growled into the kiss.
Though its been years, his touch never faltered from remembering your body — immediately tracing over your sweet spots that he’s located in your early twenties, now with more experience and strength he dove deeper in.
“Fuck, missed these beauties,” he groaned as he cupped your breasts, his thumb playing with your hardened nipples as he quickly released the back strap of your bra, promptly latching his lips onto your swollen ones again right before you released a moan.
Your body had a mind of its own. Fallen into sin, your hands unbuttoned his shirt, quickly revealing his toned, muscular build as your hands ran against his pecs. You felt his stomach flex as you started to unbuckle his belt and zip down his pants, his lips hungrily chasing after yours as he caressed your body, hands slipping down further into your inner thigh, his index starting to play with your swollen clit — his fingers have always been so pretty, especially with his ring
“G-gojo stop!” Your eyes immediately shoot open.
“What,” annoyed, the man hissed, looking into your eyes with his pupils dilated, hair absolutely disheveled, until moments later his lips are impatiently back onto yours again. 
“We.. we can’t,” you cried out as you melted in his touch, “y-your ring,” you gasped out, suffocating as he stripped you of oxygen.
“Ring?” he stopped for a brief moment, chuckling as he brought up his finger, “you worried about this?” he teased.
Intoxicated in his touch, you were willing to throw away your pride and dignity just for one night — one night can’t hurt, right? So you take the ounce of courage you had left, placing a tender kiss on his lips as a sign of surrender as you gently cupped his face, “take off your ring,” you whispered as you guilty looked away.
Chasing after your kiss, pushing you further into the room as you yelped at his force, your arms entangled around his neck and fingers around his hair as you tried to stabilize yourself, “I promise you it’s nothing, sweetheart,” he coaxed with his sharp canines flashing through his wickedly handsome smile. 
And running his lips against your chest, leaving small denture marks on your skin that forced moans out of you, with his pants now pooled at his ankles before shimming them off, his cock fully erect, unapologetically twitching in his briefs.
“For you, I guess,” Gojo hummed as he watched the thin line of spit that connected you both dissipate away, existing as a sign of proof of the situationship he currently had with you. 
Taking his ring off, he set it down near the bedside table, "there it's gone."
At least for this night, he was yours. 
You’ll repent for your sins, and receive any punishment the gods had to give you tomorrow, but today, you chose him.
And right now, you also chose to kneel in between his thighs, hooking your finger under his waistband to pull his briefs off. Satoru immediately lifted his hips to help you while releasing a sultry groan as he felt the cold air elope his sensitive tip. 
Was he always this thick? You remembered his cock being pretty, but also what the fuck were those two veins running down his shaft? And was he always this… groomed? 
“Are you just gonna stare at it… or do I need to use your mouth to get some action?” Satoru impatiently asked with his cock twitching, his finger brushing against your heated cheeks as he palmed his member.
“It’s just been awhile,” you murmured, licking your lips before you opened your mouth to have him enter.
“Fuck, " Satoru shuddered as the base of your tongue brushed against his frenulum.
"i must be dreaming,” Gojo murmured under his breath, your head rising up as you released his cock with pop! With your hot tongue swirling against his head, there was no chance for Satoru to stay strong. and you enjoyed every second of seeing him slowly unravel in your power.
“j-just like that,” he ordered while placing his hand on top of your head, guiding your momentum. 
His precum tasted salty but pleasant. Hell, he wasn’t even close to the other men you’ve been with, incomparable starting with the size of their dicks to his.
Hallowing your cheeks and expanding your throat to take in his shaft, with your hands gently playing with his balls, you felt his cock hit the back of your throat the moment you saw his head fling backwards, gasping as he pushed down his spit down his dry throat.
“You like that?” Gojo hissed as he bucked his hips into your warm crevice, “you missed my cock, angel?”
You honestly agreed, tears staining your vision with his length stuffed into your orifice, only to get a spiteful laugh in return, “well, guess that makes two of us,” he huffed while crowning over your body, pushing himself deeper into you, his stomach hitching as he groaned out your name.  
“Fuck this shit,” he moaned, as he urgently pulled himself out of your mouth, sacrificing his impeding release for abstinence. 
“You’re driving me crazy,” he gasped when your thumbs swirled around his pulsing head, “you always do,” he purred as he nibbled on your lower lip, promptly pulling you onto his lap, one hand straddling your waist while the other mounded your ass.
And looking up at you, with his blue eyes now darkened in full blown lust, his hot breath sending chills down your spine, “tell me what you want? I’ll give you anything.”
“Y-you,” you shamefully confessed, gasping as his cock grazed against your sensitive folds, your fingers gripping his shoulders as you started to grind against his length, “I want you inside me again, Satoru” you whispered into his ear, lightly moaning out his name.
“Shit,” Satoru croaked, pulling himself down as he gently released you to lay on the bed, “I dont have a condom,” he confessed as he gently kissed your cheeks, “ you gonna be okay without it?” he asked.
“Mhm, j-just hurry… please,” you murmured. 
“Good girl, now come here,” he coaxed as he placed a soft pillow under your head. 
Taking a brief moment to observe your face, reading any sign of forced emotion that you might try to hide, only to ease himself into the kiss when he feels you impatiently desiring his touch, “relax, baby,” he cooed as his kisses traveled southward.
Placing each delicate kiss on your body as his soft hair trailed behind, lightly tickling you as your thighs gently caged his waists into you, “you know they wanted me to thank you,” Gojo breathed out as he split your thighs open, settling himself in between your legs.
“W-who?” you whimpered as his calloused hands massaged your muscles, his soft lips easing out the tension boiling in your core while your hands immediately went straight to grip his hair.
Lips drawing closer, closer and closer until his breath knocked against the frame of your dripping cunt.
“God you’re so fucking wet,” blowing air onto your sensitive nerves, looking up to watch your body shiver at his power as he slid his finger down your folds, pushing in one finger, two, and eventually three into your tight hole as he watched you stretch, your viscous juice soon dripping down his forearm.
“They wanted me to thank you for how good I eat pussy now,” Gojo smirked before he took a swipe of his tongue against your womanhood, spreading out your cunt as he purposefully flicked his tongue against your clit, lightly sucking on the bud thereafter.
How many times as it been, you wondered? More than once or twice, maybe four… five — you moaned out when you felt your legs hitching up to his shoulders, his cock hitting just at the right spots he remembered from years ago. 
“Angel,” Gojo huffed as sweat dripped down his temple, grunting as he felt your tight walls fluttering against his length at the call of his sweet pet name, “you have that much leisure to be thinking about something else when I’m fucking you?” 
Kissing your ankles, his pelvis showing you no mercy as his wet skin slapped against your ass, the sound and sultry smell of hot sex filtrating your room, “still so fucking tight,” Satoru grunted as he pushed his body onto you, your legs hooking against his shoulders, his strong arms holding you from under.
“G-gojo!” you rasped out, barely audible and inable to breathe from his heavy weight and humidity of the room, “it’s too deep! Slow down!”
Growling into your ear, his teeth nibbling against your earlobe, his hot breath stinging your face as he scoffed at your choice to call him so mundanely.
“you gonna be so impersonable,” his thrust going deeper, harder into you, “when I’m so deepily inside you?”
“Ngh,” gasping, “it’s too much,” you sobbed with his face planted into your neck, and his ass clenching with every push he drove into your gushy walls that still wrapped so perfectly around his — just like how he’s last felt you around him, just like how he’s molded your insides just for himself.
“You let anyone else fuck you?” He suddenly hissed, panting as he tried to catch his breath, the sweat on his back making it difficult for you to hold onto him, “you let anyone else see this side of you?”
“It’s too much —” you pleaded, avoiding his question.
“Answer me,” he lowly ordered.
Unable to withstand his power, absolutely willing to fold for him and his desires, you fastidiously nodded, “only a couple,” you shyly confessed.
"how many," he growled, disappointed in your answer, "how many fucked this."
"o-one or two, ngh I-I don't remember," you panted.
“One or two, you say,” he cooed as he pulsed his cock swiftly into you in rhythmic motions, satisfied seeing his length disappear inside you. his pace driving you to the brink of insanity as your lower belly started to fire up again as he knowingly pressed his palm down on your stomach.
“Then I gotta fuck you twice more to force out all memory you have of those stupid fucks,” grunting as he cupped your face to look at him, lips swollen with his skin marked by your nails, hips unapologetically thrusting into you as he watched you unravel in his lead, “because this pussy’s always been mine.”
He’s definitely made you cum seven times. you remembered the count just before he groaned out your name, his thrusts sloppy and strained, gasping as he pulled you tighter into his embrace, face caved into your neck as he finally released his thick loads into your abused walls, sobbing out cursed moans as you held him, expending out every last ounce of energy you had for him in mere four words,
“I’ve always loved you,” you whispered before completely passing out. 
You failed to notice a tear fall from his eyes drop to your face. He hoped that it’ll stain you, wished it would reach all the way through to your heart to burn you. But he couldn't, so instead he carefully wiped it away as he gently kissed your face — inch by inch of your canvas before he chose to face you again.
“you’re so heartless,” Gojo chuckled as he pulled you in for a tight hug, straight into his chest as he laid beside you, refusing to pull out and have his cum spill onto the sheets — a feat he’s never dared to do with anyone else, he’s always fucked protected.
“what am I going to do with you," he breathed out.
"even with all this time, I’m still so weak for you,” he quietly confessed, reaching over to the side, reaching for his ring to put on the empty finger, before he too fell into the abyss of another dimension with you in his arms. 
Lowly groaning as you opened your eyes, your body felt oddly heavy and aching, but yet warm and safe despite feeling on the absolutely verge of possibly snapping in half and breaking with any force.
Blinking a couple times before you started to register the room, you felt a slight huff next to your ear and the tightening around your waist as your back leaned against something hard.
Gojo Satoru, in all of his glory, was sleeping so soundly next you.
Carefully turning around to face him, you observed his features as you ran your fingers against his skin.
His lashes were still so long and soft, you giggled when Gojo twitched his nose at your touch.
His cheeks were still so smooth, without a spec of a blemish, but you can see the little bags under his eyes and the small creases on his skin. he’s probably tired from traveling.
Your finger travels down to his chiseled jaw, and defined collar bones, examining the light scratch marks on his pale skin, and the bruising of his nipple — wait… his lips are chapped and swollen, and his cock… oh god, his cock was brushing against your stomach — hard and pulsing. 
Immediately gasping, you felt the blood in your body drain at the revelation that you’ve fucked your ex — no, you fucked your ex of eight years, that you were still crazily hung up over that most likely had a girlfriend waiting for him to respond back to.  
Before you could think, your adrenaline pressed forward to act before your mind, immediately unlocking his hands from your naked waists, standing up too quickly only to stumble from your trembling legs. You felt something drip down your thighs — white viscous slowly running down your legs, your face heating up at the memory of last night. 
“I- I need to leave,” you whispered, quickly gathering your discarded clothes and undergarments as you rushed to the restroom, forcing down your whimpers as your sensitive cunt brushed against your thighs with every step you took.
“I can’t be here, t-this was a mistake,” you stammered while putting on your dress, quickly stuffing your used panties into your purse.
You looked like a mess, but it didn’t matter because you needed to get the hell out of there before he woke up, but somehow your feet didn’t move in the direction you wanted them to — out the door — but instead towards him unknowingly sleeping.
And quietly sitting against the edge of the bed, carefully pushing away the edges of his bangs that covered his handsome face, you decided to take a minute to absorb the last images of what you’ll have of him. And there you decided to let a tear or two drop from your eyes as you said your last goodbyes, gently kissing his lips before you made your way out the door, whispering, once again,
“I’m sorry…”
It’s been close to an hour since your walk of shame out the door. Since then you quickly checked out of your room and made your way out of the hotel. 
You immediately called for a taxi to get home, groaning as you were hit with the realities of your mistakes last night.
Treading up the stairs your legs quivered with every move. It's been a while since you've been fucked that hard, nor even had a partner that lasted so long.
You needed to text Shoko, you prayed that she didn’t blow through your notifications when you suddenly went missing last night. Sighing, you absentmindedly tried to find your phone in your bag as you punched in your door keys.
You started to think, maybe the whole fucking universe was now against you, for your sins, because your phone wasn’t in your purse.
You tried to retrace your steps to where you’d last used it as you made yourself over to your bed, stripping off your clothes as you walked over to the shower.
And to your last memory, you texted Ieiri out in the balcony… and then,
“Shit,” you hissed, remembering how your bag was tossed to the side when you were being feverishly stripped of your clothes, “it’s probably under his bed or something.”
“I hope no one calls… or tries to contact me until he leaves his room,” you groaned as the hot water massaged your tense shoulders while your fingers ran down your body.
Washing every crevice as you also tried to erase away the memory you had with him, you forced yourself to retract your tears. This was your punishment you repeated, this was the outcome of your selfishness. You lathered yourself in soap, trying to scrub away the pent-up guilt until you noticed something flash under the light.
You never wore your jewelry into the shower, you’ve always had a habit to take them off to not tarnish. 
But there was a golden ring, a ring that fits a little loosely on your promise finger.
Unable to understand why, all that circled through your mind was to go back.
Quickly washing off, throwing on any pair of clothes before running to your door, you could feel your anxious heart beating loudly in your chest as your ears started to feel plugged from the tension. And just when you’re about to open your door, you hear a buzz that silenced every chaos around you.
Looking through the peep hole, you felt faint, your heart entirely about to burst — is this reality or am i still dreaming?
“It’s me,” you heard his calm voice.
Your hands trembled as you slowly opened up the door, your eyes taking a moment to quickly scan his body — donning the same clothes as yesterday with the top buttons of his white shirt undone and ends stuffed into his slacks, his hair lightly messy and eyes a little sunken.
“How’d you get here?” you gasped with your ringed hand clenched, hidden behind your back, while the other pricked at your thumb.
“You left your phone in my room, and I found it because Ieiri was blowing up your phone," Satoru calmly stated as he handed over your phone, "so I asked where you lived to drop it off.”
“She didn’t say anything?” you warily asked
“Well, she did ask about us."
“And… did she threaten you or anything?”
“No, why would she? But,” stretching out his arms as he released groan, “I told her we fucked,” he boyishly smiled. 
Afraid to confront your messy rendezvous with him, you nervously bit your lips, and you avoided his gaze. Noticing your tendencies, you felt his hand cup your face to meet his while his thumb gently soothed your aching lip, "hey," he whispered, "don't do that."
And stepping closer to you, the mild fragrance of his shampoo dancing in your nostrils, “Did you see it?” he asked.
“Mhm,” you acknowledged, “I saw it just now while showering,” you looked into his eyes to seek an answer, tears starting to cloud your vision.
“You know, I’m not the same anymore,” he confessed, “I have power, I’m strong, and I’m able to do things now,” pressing a kiss onto your forehead, “but the only thing that stayed the same about me," chuckling as he shook his head — as if he couldn't even believe it himself.
"is that I didn’t change my number since we’ve broken up,” he stated before taking a step into your apartment, the click of his shoes hitting the tile floor echoing throughout the hallway, “I just hoped maybe one day you’ll call.”
"why?" you honestly questioned, unable to understand why he would choose to do that.
"I don't know," Satoru shrugged while pulling away, "guess I really tried to subconsciously manifest the we were fated to be bullshit that I preached."
“But that girl,” you quietly muttered while you unknowingly pouted when you saw his arms cross against his chest, the tightness of his sleeves about to burst from his muscles bulging.
“Girl… what girl?” Your comment took him aback.
“The one you were in Paris with,” your face feeling hot, embarrassed that you outed yourself for stalking him.
“You stalking me?” He chuckled while leaning against the wall, "it's not what you think," Gojo sighed as he pushed back his hair, "that girl, it was Suguru.”
Raising an eyebrow as he examined your expression, sighing as he saw the unbelief in your eyes, “Here look,” he commented while pulling out his phone to show you pictures, “we went for his art exhibition or some shit because his girl couldn’t make it with him.”
“B-but you came late to the reunion.”
“Yea, because I wasn't going to pull up looking mid when I needed to make you regret ever dumping me,” he joked while pinching your cheeks, "I didn't have plans on attending until that jerk sent me a photo of you," he shamelessly confessed.
“You’re stupid,” you grasped his hand to check his finger — ringless.
“But it was worth it, no? Got you to indirectly confess,” emphasizing his last few words, “that maybe you still love me."
"Whatever," you mumbled, "I said I loved you."
"fine by me," Satoru accepted, " but the fact is that you still think I’m hot, no? Or maybe you just missed my cock? ”
“You’re crazy,” you stated while wiping your tears.
“Yea, I know,” his gaze softens as he sees you playing with his fingers, your small ones wrapped around his.
“and this ring is too big for me,” you cried as you melted in his touch, his right thumb gently rubbing against your cheeks.
“That too, I know,” he smiled stepping closer into your house, and slowly closing the door behind him, “we’ll get another one together soon, only if you'll let me.”
"I'd like that," you whispered.
“I just couldn’t get it for us when you heartlessly broke up with me eight years ago," Satoru confessed while brushing the tip of his nose against yours.
“I’m so sorry Satoru,” you snuggled your face into his strong chest, his arms tightly wrapped around you, cooing as he steadied your breaths, “Shhh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay.”
“I’ve hurt you, I’m the one that caused all this,” you heaved as he pressed light kisses all over your face.
“Through everything,” kissing your swollen eyes, taking his time to savor your touch as his lips traveled their way back to its home, briefly kissing your ringed finger as he looked into your eyes. 
And sealing his final destination, he whispered before locking his lips with yours once more,
“I’ll always find you even if you run away because you’ll always be mine.”
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author's comment: sheesh, I didn't expect this to get this long... but here it is! I wanted to write the typical exes-to-lovers trope, but I was stuck on the quote with Satoru teasing how his past partners wanted to thank the reader for teaching him how to eat pussy... and here we are over 9k words later.... oh wells
again, i hope you enjoyed it!!
p.s. i might just have one exes to lovers in the drafts for geto, as well.... hahahahaha but you didn't hear that from me, nope (,:
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
F***ing FINALLY!!! I've been looking for stuff with a Reader saving Dogday since he's been introduced and I've only got like, three so far-
And I want this Reader to be resourceful, using anything to patch Dogday up(including scraps of Miss Delight's dress)
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I hear your calls <3
"You're wasting precious time, angel. Poppy needs you. I'm only gonna slow you down. Just leave me here, and tell her I'm-"
"You'll get to tell her that yourself, Dogday. Because I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna help you whether you like it or not."
With a huff, you used the grabpack to wheel in a cart filled with an assortment of items you picked up around the Playcare area: doll parts, plush felt, metal bars, and even Dogday's other missing leg, which you have miraculously found in the playhouse.
You did your best to stitch them back onto his body, although the real challenge was fixing them up first--considering how badly they got mangled by the smaller Smiling Critters. Through sheer luck, you were still able to recognize them as his legs.
And conveniently, you've retained some of your craftsmanship skills from your days working with Playtime Co.
You were given some praise for being able to speedily patch up broken and torn-up toys, but you've never touched upon any of the "Bigger Bodies" despite seeing similar injuries on them. They simply never gave you that clearance, and dealing with blood and organs (and possible death) was something way above your paygrade.
But with Dogday, you were able to apply similar techniques you used in doll repair. You made patches out of Miss Delight's polka-dot dress to cover up any tears, and you created small mechanisms to put inside his legs that would (hopefully) enable him to walk again.
It was like you were performing a surgical operation..
Except, well..that's exactly what was going on.
Despite your unwavering determination--and the fact that you succeeded in reattaching one leg to him so far--he insisted that you were only putting yourself at risk trying to help him.
Hell, you nearly got torn apart by those little Smiling Critters who chased you both down, being scared off by the flares you shot at them. He didn't think you'd have enough..but by the grace of god, you did. And you escaped and found a safe place where Kissy Missy and Poppy were also hiding out.
Not only did you finally get a breather, but also a chance to help one of the few toys left here who somehow didn't lose their humanity.
Even so, Dogday still feared for your safety.
"You know..this will only enrage Catnap, right?" He rasped, choking out a wet cough. "He'll know that I'm missing. And he'll know you have something to do with it.."
"Wait.." Pausing in your work, you glanced up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Why would he care about where you are? Or better yet..why would he keep you alive at all?"
"...because I was his favorite."
"Before the Prototype became his sole focus, we did everything together." He explained somberly. "We helped the others fall asleep, stayed out of trouble. Catnap and I..we were like day and night. Two peas in a pod. He brands me a heretic now, but...somehow, I don't believe he likes doing so. Maybe..he hasn't forgotten our friendship, after all."
'Well, stringing someone up by belts and ripping off half their body doesn't sound like something a good friend would do..' You thought to yourself, although you understood where he was coming from.
Yet it didn't change the fact you still wanted to kill that stupid purple cat. Especially after he gave you that hellish nightmare of Huggy crawling out of a television.
"I know you wanna believe there's still good in him, but..he's long gone." You shook your head. "Those critters..they tried crawling inside your body, and he was just gonna allow it all because you didn't wanna follow the Prototype's will."
Silence was your only reply, but you decided to shift your focus back on repairing the other leg. Dogday allowed you to work, no longer protesting as he instead looked at the stitches on his arms, feeling grateful yet unworthy at the same time.
Him and the others...they were all monsters. He never killed a single human in his existence (or at least none that he could recall), but he felt like he was just as terrible as those who did.
Eventually, you finished, and his ears perked up at your sigh of relief as you set down your tools and pushed the cart away. "There we go. Try to stand up, but take it slow. Okay?"
He nodded, feeling quite nervous as he looked at his legs, before he slowly pushed himself off the ground. For a few moments, he was able to stand, but he wobbled a little and had to hold onto the nearest wall so he didn't lose balance.
'When was the last time I had my legs? It's been so long...'
Then he felt your grabpack's hands gently steady him, and soon enough he could stand on his own without their support.
You smiled and retracted them. "How do you feel?"
"Much better...thank you, angel." Dogday looked down at you, the corners of his wide smile turning further upwards. "You truly are something divine. You've come to heal us, mend all of our broken pieces, even when we do not deserve such kindness. How could I ever repay you?"
Right as you were about to respond, you heard sounds of plush feet moving and turned around, seeing Kissy and Poppy entering the room.
You didn't really he'd nearly be as tall as Huggy's spouse.
"You fixed him! What can't you do?" The redhaired doll gasped in awe, hopping onto Kissy's hand before she was carefully transferred over to Dogday's paws, stepping into them.
He held her gently, smiling. "Poppy."
"It's so good to see you, my friend." She smiled, although it was quick to disappear. "I thought all of you were gone."
"It's just me now, and...I'm....I-I'm...." He began to sniffle, his voice breaking as the weight of everything that's happened came crashing down. "I'm so sorry...I tried so hard, but...I-I failed! I couldn't protect them!"
Thin streams of tears seeped from the corners of his eyes, darkening the fur along his cheeks. "Kickin'...B-Bobby..they all died because of me! I was supposed to be their leader, but all I did was lead them to their demise! I-I should have joined them in-"
"There, there..it's going to be alright." Poppy softly hushed him, patting his arm in comfort. "You did your best to protect them given the circumstances. I promise we'll have our chance to avenge them. But you must live, for their sake..and for [y/n]'s sake, too. They went through a lot to fix you up."
"I know but..I-I'm so scared. I don't wanna face him alone-"
"You won't be alone, because I'm gonna take care of him."
With another sniffle, Dogday looked down at you, feeling you gently petting his ear as another comforting gesture. Your eyes held nothing but sympathy and heartache for this poor creature. "I'm sorry, but we have to put him down. It's the only way we can move forward."
"Are you sure?" He mumbled. "He's gotten more powerful, and hungry-"
"So were Huggy and Mommy, but I saw how [y/n] dealt with them..and they're more than capable." Poppy remarked. "But now that Catnap's onto them, they'll need all the protection they can get."
"Then..I'll do my best to help." He finally declared, smiling at you.
You blinked, surprised that he was willing to stand up against the one who tortured him. But you simply nodded and smiled back, watching as he returned Poppy to Kissy, before he turned back to you and crouched down.
He enveloped you in a warm hug, the vanilla scent still seeping from his suit and helping you feel more at ease.
"Thank you, Dogday." You chuckled, hugging him back.
"No..thank you, my guardian angel. I will follow you to the ends of the earth."
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teamatsumu · 7 months
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CRUSH (ushijima wakatoshi x reader)
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summary: wakatoshi has a crush.
word count: 720
warnings: fem!reader, its all just fluff
tags: @keiva1000
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Ushijima knows he has fans. He might be simple-minded and a little oblivious, but he’s not stupid.
He knows girls stare at him from the balcony during practice. And he can hear their giggling when he passes them in the halls. Tendou often calls him Shiratorizawa’s Golden Boy, which Ushijima wholeheartedly disagrees with, but never voices out loud. Tendou often says strange things. He doesn’t mind.
Ushijima doesn’t understand his popularity. Sure, he is a good player. The best ace in the prefecture. But most of these girls have no understanding of volleyball. So why are they spending hours upon hours in the stands, watching him play?
“They’re not watching the match, Wakatoshi-kun. They are watching you.”
Hm. Strange. His play is very consistent. Watching him do the same thing over and over has to get boring, especially when they aren’t watching for the sake of the game.
But then he sees you for the first time.
You are in his third year English class. In his three years of high school, Ushijima is sure he has never seen you before. Because if he had, there was no way he would forget you.
He is curious. And a little enamored by you.
You are, by all means, a regular girl. You sit on the same chair every day, bring your own bento instead of eating from the cafeteria. It is always wrapped in a pretty multicolored patterned cloth, done up in a knot on top. You have a small stuffed cat chain on the zipper of your backpack. And you wear your hair differently every day. Some days it is tied up, some days it is let down. And some days it is half-up and half-down. You have one pink bunny hairclip that you wear maybe once every two or three days that Ushijima thinks is very cute. Your uniform is always immaculate.
There are so many tiny details about you that Ushijima has learned, and he finally understands why girls would stay hanging over the gym balcony to watch him for hours, because he could watch you for hours too.
You are very smart, he could tell. You always answer correctly when the teacher would call on you, and he has glimpsed at your notes. Simple, but neat and easy to understand, just the way he likes it. There are no crazy colors and highlighters, and your handwriting is neat and beautiful, just like the rest of you.
You are also quiet. You have a select group of friends that you talk to, and while you are nice to anyone who interacts with you, you don't go out of your way to stand out. Again, Ushijima loves that. It seems he loved everything about you. All the minor details that make you a little bit more unique to everyone else.
When you show up at his game, he nearly loses his focus.
It in’t an important game by any means, just a practice match with another local university team. So why are you here? Have your friends dragged you along? Or are you here by your own volition? Ushijima feels how sweaty his palms are when he clenches his fists, and it surprises him.
Is he….. nervous?
Why? Because you are watching? How ridiculous. Ushijima has never once doubted his own strength, or his ability to win. How could your presence alter that? The thought annoys him, and he is determined to prove that you being here would not be a hindrance to his play.
Turns out, he needn't have worried. It seems your presence had sharpened his senses more than ever. Shiratorizawa won in straight sets, and of the 50 points they scored, 39 had been from Ushijima’s hand.
“You were on fire today, Wakatoshi-kun.” Tendou comments as the final whistle rings. Ushijima unintentionally glances at you in the stands, cheering for the team. Cheering for him.
His heart is beating a mile a minute, and he doesn’t think it is because of the game he had just played. He hears Tendou let out a dreamy sigh.
“Ah, the miracles of having a crush.”
He feels his lips tick up in a tiny smile as he throws a towel over his shoulders. Tendou is wrong. Ushijima doesn’t think he has a crush.
He thinks he is in love.
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