#theres also something so special about him obsessing over the one good thing in his life
sharpiedoodleee · 30 days
need more fics where Ghost is obsessive. where he’ll kill for Johnny, where he *does* and he does it well. where hes fucked up and unhealthy but does it so casually, so without a thought. too used to a fucked up life to know the difference anymore
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k1rameki · 8 months
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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darlingkirstein · 16 days
jean or mikasa 🫶
i'll do jean since he's one of my favs (love mikasa too ofc but it's probably fairly obvious from my username which one i gravitate to more LOL). can happily do mikasa too if someone wishes <3
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
i like how realistic he is!!! 🫶 like he's very relatable for me personally which sometimes is a good thing and other times is bad. i have always enjoyed that he's supposed to represent the everyman and doesn't have special abilities or anything but still excels anyways!! and it's such an obvious answer but his development 🩷
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
i love how he acts selfish and like he doesn't care about anything but actually really cares about great deal 😿😿 it's so endearing to me ugh
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i guess when he yelled at his mom LMAO but also he was 15 and i was an awful teenager so that would be hypocritical. idk jean is so dear to me im not really sure if theres anything i dislike???
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
my first instinct was resident evil simply because it would be kinda funny but in actuality he deserves a nice calm rom-com movie 🧸
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
gonna go with please, please, please, let me get what i want by the smiths simply because i imagine it for him just wanting to live a simple life amongst all this hardship 😿
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6. What's something you have in common with this character?
man where do we begin LMAO. there's a reason i had this man on my kin list back in the day 😭 the blunt honesty, being doubtful of situations, easily frustrated/overwhelmed, acting like im apathetic about everything but deeply caring too much 💔
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
making him a shipping bicycle
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I generally HATEEEE indulging in discourse but i hate how people sometimes reduce him to a teenage crush and ignoring everything else about his character and villainizing him like he's super evil 😭😭 he's a really great character with wonderful development and i wish that could be focused on a little more. BUT i also dislike some of his stans and the way they conduct themselves with people that don't like him. feel very much like That one girl from mean girls 🇨🇭🇨🇭 feel like the discourse kinda clouds a lovely character:((
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9. Could you be roommates with this character?
yes maybe he could cook me dinner and cure my picky eating. idk i feel like he's a good cook. we could watch movies together. i feel like he'd make a really good roommate.. keeps his spaces clean and is pretty respectful and such 🫡
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
i think so definitely!!! we'd probably annoy each other sometimes but we'd get along well. maybe we're too similar sometimes?? feel like we'd get into silly arguments over differing opinions on a show we were watching LMAO and we both end up pouting but forgive the other eventually... even tho it takes a while since we're both stubborn
11. Would you date this character?
in a heartbeat LMAO
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
bisexual (this one is pretty universal) 🏳️‍🌈. but i also imagine him to be a very good cook, as i said earlier... idk i find that so sweet like he isn't always the best with words so if you're upset he tries to make you feel better by cooking/baking 😿
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
obsessed with the idea of him responding to any text from sasha or whoever asking him to do something with the 🫡 emoji idk it's funny LMAO
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i wish i knew anything about fashion unfortunately i wear the same three sweatshirts every day of my life so im not qualified
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
anyone who knows me well is familiar with my not-so-guilty affinity for erejean UGHHHH i adore them they might be my favorite aot ship. definitely top three at least i love them sm. but ofc naturally i love jeanpiku a lot for post-canon i think they would be so great together 😿 they're so very fun to write too like aw so lovely
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
jean/annie irks me badly for irrational personal reasons. like seeing it annoys me horrendously and puts me in a bad mood im sorry to its 10 shippers but i cannot do it 😞
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
jeanhitch/dreystein. it's just Fine. like i dont hate it but i dont personally like it either. but shipping it doesn't annoy me or anything. i just prefer them as unlikely best friends who talk mad shit. i tend to like most jean ships he's very shippable. jeanmarco used to be my main ship LOL
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
obviously sasha and connie 😿 like my silly little trio they're so fun they deserved happiness. jean and connie as the fun uncles to niccosasha children idk i can yearn a little 💔
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i cant really think of any??? idk i think his dynamic with the others is pretty good all around
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
he already has his ideal best friends but ofc Sasha died LMAO. this is silly since he's older but idk I kinda like to imagine him and onyankopon being absolute pals especially post-canon after all the fighting. i just want onyankapon to have nothing but happiness and companionship 😿😿
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
making him submissive in bed 👍👍
but in all serious i like making him kinda snarky and super stubborn LOL. my silly boy im always putting him into mildly embarrassing circumstances bc it's funny to me
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
don't really read enough fics to qualify!
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
this probably doesn't match very well but just because i ALSO adore him im gonna say leon kennedy (specifically re4 version because re2 is a little too idealistic for jean). just hardened from the experiences and snarky/jokey but still willing to go the distance to help people. i find leon's attitude and subsequent personality change following the rc incident comparable to jean's shift following marco's death. also him in infinite darkness just bears a strong resemblance so the comparison is low hanging fruit there LMAO
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
can't fully remember but i remember finding him kinda embarrassing but in an endearing way LMAO like that's my favorite boyfailure truly. and now ofc i adore him he's fighting with erwin for the spot of my favorite aot character
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Ive referenced this tale a few times but I think because it’s easter Saturday and I’m a fed up little shit this year, it’s time I tell the story of THE easter saturday
So to establish a few things to anyone who wasn’t raised as a damn catholic, easter saturday mass is kinda infamous for just being the worst. First off, it often starts later, like at 8. Secondly, it lasts forever. Normal mass will have a reading from the bible, a responsorial psalm, and then a second reading. This mass has 7 readings and yes, there is a responsorial psalm between each of them. If you’re lucky, the priest will decide to only do like 3 readings and then just move on. And the last few things about easter saturday mass is that for the part with all the readings, all the lights are out and everyone has to hold a candle. Symbolizes some shit about everyone being lost without jesus or some shit idk. And there’s a part after communion where anyone who wants to be confirmed into the catholic church can do so
Most people don’t go to easter saturday mass because really why would you, but around the time I was a teenager my family always went on saturday instead of sunday just cuz we didn’t wanna get up early and also cuz easter sunday is like the biggest day of the year and it’s crowded as absolute fuck it’s awful. And I mean, we never really had to deal with too much bullshit cuz the priest cut down the readings and often didn’t even bother playing music cuz no one wanted to be there lol. It was a pretty good deal
Enter THE easter saturday. I believe I was 17 and I still had to go to church but I was very much not having it anymore lol. And we were gonna do the usual late mass but a little special curveball came along. My sisters ex boyfriend, let’s call him Gary, decided he wanted to become catholic. Why. And when you get confirmed you need a confirmation sponsor, aka someone who’s already been confirmed, to be there with you. And he asked my sister to do it. Which is pretty weird cuz they had this complicated on again off again relationship but like, I’m pretty damn sure they weren’t dating at the time??? Why the fuck would you ask your ex girlfriend to be your fucking CONFIRMATION SPONSOR of all things that’s so bizarre lol
What’s even more bizarre is the fact that my parents decided to show up to support him. Gary was the ideal guy, good country boy, good ball player, with a good head on his shoulders. They definitely loved him more than my sister did and like still to this day talk about him all the time even though both him and my sister have moved on 😟. So fine okay this is what we’re doing, we were gonna go to stupid easter saturday mass anyways, we may as well support Gary in this catholic journey shit because we’re obsessed with him I guess. Whatever. But to make things EVEN WEIRDER, my fucking GRANDMA decides to come too. To support my sisters ex boyfriend. Because she thinks he’s the greatest guy since sliced bread and because she’s a hardcore catholic who loses her shit over new members of the church. So fucking. It’s me, my parents, and my grandma driving an hour and a half to the city to see this guy get confirmed. At least we won’t have to go to church in the morning
So we get there to this honestly very beautiful church like it’s one of those really old big city churches with massive stained glass windows and like 8 sets of pews and columns and shit. We meet up with Gary’s family, theres like 7 of them and none are catholic btw so they had no idea what to expect from this experience. Oh how I wish I could’ve saved them. We all try to sit together in one pew for some reason and it’s like very crowded and we have no room, something that was very unnecessary cuz we were literally in an almost completely empty church. Before the mass even starts, I’m getting lightheaded and sweating bullets from how cramped everything is, and cuz I was wearing "fancy clothes" aka a pink sweater and black joggers covered in lint cuz I was having an identity crisis and this was my fashion taste lol. I obviously didn’t wanna be there was just a lot of hostility towards me from everyone cuz I’m. You know. A fairy 🙊 and a bitch lol. So I feel a meltdown coming and I’m literally crying so I go to sit in this tiny pew kinda in the shadows where no one can see me. My dad joins in too so we’re just in this private spot away from the families
Then the mass finally starts. We go outside and get our candles lit in a big fire and sing a damn song and go to sit down in the pitch black church. We have the typical intro and. Then. This fucking like 25 year old altar boy gives a basic summary of the events of easter. We all know the hell out of them, we don’t need a reminder, but we get one anyway. This should’ve been like a reading that maybe lasted 2 minutes maximum. But no, no, Catholics don’t want you to have it easy and short. You came to easter saturday mass, and Buddy, you’re getting that goddamn easter saturday mass
This man. Sang, the entire summary. In that awkward chanty singing style that priests do sometimes. And it lasted, according to my watch, for 20 minutes. 20 minutes of this guy in this pitch black church with his face ominously illuminated by the candle he’s holding in his shaking hand just. Singing on the fly. The entire church is completely quiet the entire time and to make it worse he kinda just kept repeating the same point over and over he was like THIS IS THE NIIIIIGHT OHHHHH HOOOOOLYYYY NIGHT WHERE JEEEEESSUUUUUSSS DIIIEEED OHHHHHHH HE IS THE SON OF GOD, WHO IS ALSOOOOO CHRIST AND HIS NAME IS JESUUUUSSS CHRIST. I’m not even exaggerating here good god I wish I was. It was that bad. I was kinda just in that zoned out trance you enter whenever you’re at a church and you’re bored to death but at like the 10 minute mark I realized this man was STILL GOING and I just. I fucking lost it I couldn’t breathe I was very thankful the lights were out cuz I was absolutely dying. Even my dad, who’s so insanely catholic it’s creepy, started playing on his phone in the middle of it. And we had to sit there. And this was the BEGINNING, we still had god knows how long left of this thing
Finally, the altar boy stops singing and then probably went to go drown himself afterwards because how the fuck to you come back from that. The infamous readings start and ofc they do all 7 of them, why wouldn’t they. And the psalms in between were like 10 verses each and they of course sang every single one. And it was like some poor college kid who just looooves jesus so much singing and she. Couldnt sing for shit. And there was like piano and idk, a tambourine probably. I blacked out halfway through and just accepted that I was actually just gonna die in this church, I’d never ever escape. This is my life for the rest of time
And we couldn’t just leave is the thing. Not just cuz my family is so toxically devout, but cuz the one thing we were here for still had yet to happen. The fucking confirmation. How long did we have to wait before we got there? 2 and a half hours. And do you know how long it took? Less than 10 minutes. All for this stupid Gary, stupid fucking Gary who decided he just HAD to be catholic, we waited just for him. His poor family showed up for him, there were children man. Like, hyper, preschool aged children who had to sit through that. And then at 3 hours it finally ended and I just. Couldnt feel anything anymore. I looked at these people and I just wanted them all to feel the pain of a thousand deaths for making me sit through that shit. I literally suffered more than Jesus Christ
Gary, I hate you. You are nothing. You’re gonna love being catholic you stupid stupid shit stain
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solarwynd · 6 months
I agree with you completely but I'd just like to bring up one point. On the face of it Hybe + the members are all promoting a BTS return because they know that's their cash cow and yes the members probably have some emotional attachment to the group but internally I'm sure Hybe knows there's a chance BTS' return may not be as glorious as they hope which is why I believe they're hedging their bets by promoting Jungkook to hell so that he can be the new BTS once he's back if the old one doesn't work out.
ARMYs aren't that loyal - a bunch of them didn't turn up for chapter 2 at all, many of the ones who are remaining are chart obssessed or casual fans. I have doubts about how many of them will last for 18 months. The BTS of today just doesn't have that spark or special sauce they used to have. I think it's a 50-50 chance they'll be able to regain their audience over their next cb. They're also getting old - in 18 months are members like Jin and RM and Tae going to want to keep doing choreos like Run BTS when they looked like they were over it pre hiatus? Also ARMYs can gush about being accepting of the members wanting to date but a bunch of them subconsciously like the image of all of them being single and obsessed with each other. Are members like Jin and Yoongi who'll be pushing mid 30s once they're back really going to stay single and not start families themselves? ARMYs expect everything to return to its 2018 format once they're back but I doubt these adult men are going to want to do variety shows like run bts (not the song) regularly once they're back. Some members already look worse for wear without makeup and I don't think that's going to get better either and we know a lot of fans are just here for their looks. Another bunch of fans are just going to wander off and become stans of younger groups who'll still act like crack heads on camera. When Weverse said Jungkook was going to be the breakout star and the only solid reason they cited was his age - I think there's some truth in that being a major reason by he's the labels chosen one.
I think they'll keep the whole group thing going but I think theres going to be a fundamental shift happening once they're back. Solo projects are definitely here to stay and I'm really glad Jimin had such a good experience with Face because he's going to definitely carry that over to his future projects. If he had put out something like Layover or Golden before he left, I might be tempted to just give up on him and this whole kpop thing completely. Anyway all this rambling just to say that I think Hybe are going to project that chapter 2 was just a blip and things will be back to pure group work in 2025 but I'm almost sure that the reality is solo work is here to stay.
Mmm armys are loyal just when it comes to jk specifically. lol. The amount of account on twitter who were on “rest” prior to seven dropping and all of a sudden popped back up for that release? I mean I always knew that would be the case cause a lot of armys are just diet solos who refuse to admit it in public, but for it to be so blatant without anyone calling it out is funny.
I know that the kpop system really doesn’t allow for idols to age into their careers but artists who perform past the age of 30 exist. There’s so many artists in the western industry that are in bts’ age group or older that have flourishing careers, married and or have kids. Yoongi will be 32 and Jin will be 31 when they get out. That’s still very young. Some of y’all really have to dead that way of thinking that anybody past 29 isn’t vital enough to invest into. And imo, genuine armys have never been fickle in regards to bts getting older, that’s always been on akagaes or the people who never really had any serious attachment to the group and turned into kpop stans. Even now, jk akagaes are mad because he’s giving up “the best years of his life” to go back to the group. Which already shows me they see him as expendable. People with that mindset that idols are only worth stanning while they’re in their 20’s were never in it past superficial reasons to begin with and not the type of fans I’d want the person I stan to have anyway.
BTS getting older doesn’t mean they’re gonna be completely different people. Their personalities might change a little based on new experiences, they already have compared to when they were younger, but at the core, I don’t think they will change for the most part. And hybe’s narrative that they’re trying to hitch onto jk being the most viable since he’s the youngest will always be silly. There’s only a 5 year gap between jin and jk at the eldest and barely 2 between jk, th and jimin at the youngest. That’s nowhere near big enough a gap for anyone to buy into that.
Armys will never be content with the idea of bts being in relationships, but I do feel that with th and jk the reaction will always be more visceral than the other members because those two are the ones that armys have constructed the y/n fantasy around. I know armys hate jennie, but regardless of who the woman th ended with would’ve been, they’d still be uneasy. No matter how armys try to distance themselves from being different than the average kpop stan, they’re really not.
It’s perfectly normal to not like some of music someone you are a fan of puts out but the thought of potentially throwing in the towel on them after one album is kinda strange to me. Especially if it’s their debut. Like I can see if it was a jk or th situation where those two have made it clear that they’re not in tune with solo artistry or in jk’s case, not caring about it at all, but I don’t think that’ll ever be the case with jimin. His ear for music is too good and he’s too meticulous about his craft. If face hadn’t turned out as good as it had, at least I’d know that jimin has the drive and artistic capabilities to execute an album so I’d definitely allow him the room to grow musically.
Solo work will continue because even while in the group, rapline were able to put out mixtapes. Now will I solo work post chapter 2 will be in the same vein with focused promotion and comeback maps or if it’ll be more like mono or D2 I don’t know. But chapter 2 does feel like a blip because honestly what came out of it? Rapline have already shown their artistic prowess in the past so it’s not like they were giving anything new there. So ultimately it was really meant for vocal line to display what they could do, yet jimin was really the only one out of the 4 that put out anything significant of artistic value. (barring that jin only had the opportunity to put out a single.) It actually did the exact opposite for some of the members in regards to what chapter 2 was initially supposed to be about which was growth. Some either stuck to the same M.O or just flat out did nothing. And being told to expect their best and evolved selves when they get back together as a group, when only 3/7 have proven range as artists is so anticlimactic in a way.
Everything just seems so trivial because they were still on a timer even when they were supposed to be on break. I don’t have any genuine excitement for their reunion either like I did before all this. I mean I’ll certainly tune into their comeback, but jimin’s really the only one I’m seriously interested in anymore.
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dykeyote · 2 years
AUTISM N OCD JEDDIE HCS 👀 <- normal about him
okay starting with autism . there is NO WAY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD that fucker doesnt have a special interest on video games theres just no way . i think hes had a spinterest on the medium broadly for SEVERAL years but it yas like . Subhyperfocuses on specific games and series which shifts a lot . for example it was skyrim in college and hes had an on again off again special interest on sonic for most of his life . also he has a special interest in math because i do too and i get to hashtag project
hes VERY much undiagnosed i think . i think he RELATES to a lot of the things sydney experiences and the autistic traits he has but because he doesnt relate to Everything both because autism demonstrates differently in everyone plus sydney has more immediate support needs as well as other disorders and disabilities he kinda is like . ok so im not autistic bc im not exactly like sydney . i think he has some internalized ableism to work thru
i think he stims by pacing his office a lot (: he also flutters his hands when hes nervous or excited and i think he finds clicking his tongue in time with the clocks in his office to be a relaxing stim for when hes upset. he also claps his hands when hes happy and rocks back and forth a lot ESPECIALLY when hes in an infodump
i think she scripts a good deal like she has Specific Phrases that she relies on for hard social interactions . a canon one being the phrase Untenable Circumstances . he doesnt script Whole Interactions but i think for stressful things or abrupt changes she has specific little scripts like for the opposite day ep scripting is a backup plan for him in times of distress
i think that understanding that shes autistic and undoing a lot of her internalized ableism actually helps her and sydney become a lot closer and have tehir relationship be a lot better (: they r autistic4autistic and it deepens their love for each other because of the way they understand each other on a deeper level <3 love wins
using discussing COMORBIDITY as a good segue between ocd and autism here . i think he is DEEPLY DEEPLY reliant on a routine she cant handle large changes theyre really upsetting for him they tend to lash out with frustration which they then feel badly about bc its not like hes actually Angry hes just panicking . this is another thing about the opposite day ep that was SOO autsim coded
okay so now ocd stuff IN PARTICULAR . i think a common loop he gets stuck in is just . staring at his clocks until it hits a SPECIFIC certain time like 11:11 or 12:24 or 10:01 or something like that and if he blinks when it hit that time he has to start over again with a NEW time on the dot . he gets stuck like that a lot ESPECIALLY when hes anxious a good bit of the time he spends locked in his office is just him staring at his clocks . tangentially i do think that her ocd gets SIGNIFICANTLY worse when she does her avoidant thing i think its a self feeding cycle where the mor she avoids the worse her symptoms are and vice versa . seek therapy miss martin <3 
ALSO . THIS IS A THING THATS CONSISTENT IN HIS ARC ITS A MAJOR PART OF WHY HES MY BIGGEST OCD HC . HE HAS THE OCD GUILT . like he gets that feeling where you get so obsessed with ur own guilt that you engage in compulsions to ease it or obsessively resolve it somehow in ways that are totally unhelpful or Alternatively obsessively avoid it hes got that going on to EXTREME DEGREES and i think it would influence the way she acts in the show
i think sydney knows a lot of jedidiahs rituals and tries to make them a little easier on him . small things that he doesnt usually bring up to her but if shes staring at the clock he wont interrupt her until she finishes UNLESS shes been staring at the clocks for hours in which case hell try and distract her a little bit (:
i think she used to have a LOT of religious obsessions when he was younger but theyve gone away a bit now that hes less entrenched in christianity . like he strikes me as the type who used to have a lot of religious morality obsessions as a kid but as he grew up those morality obsessions sorta Changed Shape and became more along the lines of just plain guilt obsession like i mentioned about earlier
once more projecting my ocd obsessions . jeddy has a BIG fear of immobility she jerks her hands and her arms around sometimes just to check that he still can move about freely its a very big fear of hers . she has a har dtime falling asleep sometimes because she keeps doing liil checks that her bodys still moving . sydney snuggling with her is a good distraction and grounding though (: 
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mean-hare · 4 months
i want to tell a story about my teen expirience with pedo gal. theres no advices or conclusions, i just tell what happened to me once. its not really ed related, and also its not really that bad and serious expirience but i tend to take many things too lighthearted and you really may be triggered by this, so tw, cw, idk how to tag, read at your own risk.
so i was 14 or 15 year old kid, fat, ugly, weird, bullied, and very lonely. i listened to black metal a lot (i still listen to it but not that much). i was in internet black metal groups and sometimes posted good shit in one of them. admin of it dm me and we talked a lot. her nickname was crow. she was a 26y.o. girl who didnt look like a metal fan at all. she was very normal looking girl, pretty, with good make up and short pink skirt. we started to meet occasionally and my mom liked her. later crow said that she specially looked for kids who doesnt have too controlling parents, even slightly neglected ones.
we talked online a lot and she kind of wanted relationships. i didnt really wanted ones but i thought it would be fun. we had a chat: me, her and one guy, he was maybe 16-17 y.o. me and him felt that like some funny unserious shit like lol ok. crow told about her other relationships with boys even younger than me, at least one boy was like 13 y.o. there were at least 2 of them, both blackers-hipsters in glasses. also she kind of tried to make out with elder women, idk about detail. ah and there was at least 1 grown up guy she got money from.
she convinced that boys to send her dickpics i guess. and she showed me that pics. she thought its funny, i thought "ew jeez okaay". i didnt send her my nudes even tho she wanted. actually we never did anything illegal, the biggest thing was shy childish kiss on the lips. maybe she wanted more but she never pushed. her smutty texts and pics made me kind of uncomfortable but i was really lonely and bored so i decided to just observe what will be next.
we walked sometimes together idk if can call it a date. she treated me like a child and i liked it. she ride with me on a children train ride, she bought me my favorite pastries and sodas and talked about how fat she is and how she dieting and tries to lose weight (she was much thinner than me of course). she gave me a cool bracelet with spikes, i still wear it. she had no morals and made fun out of everything. once in her fake account with profile pic of the youngest boy she "date" she posted an image of a dog head(decapitated) and made fun out of people who were disgusted. she had a lot of face accounts and often tried to trick me with it and make fun of me later(she succed only once). she made fun of my obsession over hungary, love for black metal and hairy legs. she could make out and tell smut out of blue, and sometimes it was the funniest shit possible. and she could make you more guilty, uneasy and disgusted bu yourself in the subtliest ways possible. she loved to rot and ruin kids' minds and it shows. she studied psychology before and she could be psychologist but idk if she practiced. i never met a good psychologist in my life anyway lol.
the last time we met was winter 2015. she saw that i cant be good for something she want and i was getting older anyway so she focused on that 13y.o. boy. she told me how he loves her, sends her cds and merch and how his parents hate her and send her death threats. shortly after we stop communicate and her last profile pic was a photo where she and that boy are kissing.
then one day i woke up from a call from strange number. male voice asked me if i know [female name and last name]. it was a cop. he said that she (crow) was found dead. killed. with head and one hand cutten off. he asked me f i know something and what are names of her accounts if she has ones. i dont think i told him much. i even thought that it may be another trick of crow. but that cop also called that 17y.o. dude from chat. we was like holy shit wtf okaaaay lol. i still dont know how to feel about it. and my parents still know nothing. that good girl just dissapeared one day from my life. "what a pity, my mom said, she was so sweed. she probably found a boyfriend and devoted to him, it often happens to girls". yeah. probably. at least i have a wild story to tell. and a cool black metal spiked bracelet. lmao
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cat-vase · 1 year
you SHOUDL post bryce essay .............. i am a liam expert first and foremorst and i study the others too but i lookto other character experts for very veyr good analysis often....... i like analysis posts and i LOVE your bryce thoughts ive seen and i am VERY interested in the essay!!!!!!!! also because theres gotta be more of it out there.......... all of the one characters get soooo simplified and its SADDENING . i have been trying to combat this but . i still specialize in liam ..... and also amelia (bc both of their fanon portrayals are. are.) and the idea of there being MORE stuff out there actually TRYING to understand the cast (instead of What It Does Now) is AWESOME
🥺🥺🥺 You think of me as a character expert??? That means so much coming from you!!!! Because you ARE the Liam expert!!!! And Amelia but whenever I read the posts you make about her it makes me sad
Which is the point because she is a sad character but it makes me TOO sad I like to think about her happy. That's just a me thing though. Nothing against you!!!!
I went through a phase a while back where I OBSESSED over Bryce and I have a good handful of stuff from it! One of those things being Submersion but there's others too! He is so cool and I love him but dear lord if something can go wrong in his life it WILL go wrong. Hoping I got his character right actually now that you're reading it, I only ever showed a couple people, haha.
The PCBD essay is below this ask btw I posted it!!! It's 3am where I am so I don't know if you're awake but it's there!!!
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itsgaga · 3 years
A-Z NSFW(Nikki Sixx)
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this is my third time writing this so please excuse how bad it may or may not sound
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
At first Nikki wasn’t good with aftercare, he was used to being really selfish during and after sex so when it came to you he didn’t really know what to do afterwards. After you guys had done it a couple times you had explained to him why aftercare was important which ultimately changed how he treated you after sex. He slowly became more caring and affectionate wanting to cuddle with you, get you whatever you want/need, and he will clean you off.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Nikki fucking loves your legs and your neck, your legs though, like dude is obsessed with them. There's something about them that makes Nikki feel a certain type of way, as for your neck...it’s a jealous possessive thing. He loves to mark you up, especially when he is jealous, so your neck is the easiest place to go to. 
As for himself, he’ll tell you his dick. Mostly because that thing can do wonders. It pleases you, it pleases himself, what is there not to love about it? 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Nikkis cum is everywhere. It’s that simple. He wants it everywhere. The fucking sight of it afterwards is like a piece of art to him, idk why he’s like that, he’s a filthy dude, ok? I mean like yeah cumming in you or somewhere on your is fine but no this man just loves being dirty and getting it everywhere. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn’t really have much, he’s a open book, he’ll tell you everything he likes and wants to do but maybe that he loves to fuck in public because he wants to get caught. You guys haven’t got caught yet but Nikki really wants you to, like if you ever notice Nikki will extra loud in public it’s for that reason.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Hello? He’s Nikki fucking Sixx. What do you think?
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He loves to watch your face and your reactions while he’s fucking you. It could also tie in with that jealous side of him knowing that no other guy would see you like that, knowing that what he is doing is putting you in your most vulnerable state it all just turns him on even more.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Nikki is a fiend. Nikki is not a saint. At least during sex, meaning Nikki is serious as can be. He’s all about devouring you and wants to do it better than how he did last time so he has no time to be goofy. But, there are those rare moments where that all disappears and he becomes softer and more gentle, like he will hold your hand and smile, that could happen for special things like birthdays or just when he wants to be more romantic. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He didn’t groom that shit at all for the first couple times yall fucked, but he started to around the same time aftercare became a thing. As for color it pretty much matches the rest of his hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Like I said he has his moments, it’s not like he doesn’t like to be romantic with you he just feels like it would be even more special if that side of him came out at more special times.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don’t think so. I think Nikki is always horny and he’s kind of learned to just deal with it but if he can’t and you aren’t there to help him out he would call you and get off with phone sex.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Spanking, choking, and roleplay. Theres a lot more like wax play, bondage, etc etc. But I think spanking, choking, and roleplay comes mostly everytime you guys fuck, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh he loves when you call him daddy. He likes when you sound like a needy whiny mess. Oh and Nikki is a dom no doubt, you can take control sometimes but he is a whole other level of dominant. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Tour bus, dressing room, hotel rooms, closets, bedrooms, cars, really anywhere. I think he likes bedrooms because thats where the kinky stuff can happen but he likes a challenge and will try that stuff in public. He has tried to fuck you over every piece of furniture, couch, counter, desk, etc. Like I said earlier he loves to fuck in public so... expect that anywhere you go. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
What doesn’t though? Nikki’s jealousy will get you bent over a piece of furniture in .5 seconds. Nikki after a concert is him running off stage and pulling you in the closest room possible. Whisper in his ear or talk in a lower tone then your natural talking voice and you two are in bed. Like it doesn’t take much from you to turn him on. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Threesomes or Voyeurism. Like I said Nikki is jealous/possessive. No sharing. I think the idea of it would turn him on until it actually happens and he would end up getting up really jealous.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
The dude is a fucking god. He loves receiving but giving? You won’t be able to walk. So he likes both receiving and giving. receiving because he loves to see you on your knees for him and the way you look at him while your giving head, while giving he loves to hear the way you sound, the way you taste, and the way your body reacts to him and his tongue.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough. “The faster you go the more orgaisms you can get in a night, the slower you go the less you get in the same amount of time” idk. NIKKI LOVES ROUGHNESS, like seriously he is not a easy simple cum and go guy. He’s a i’m gonna fuck you so hard that you’re gonna cum 10 times by morning type of guy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If he’s horny and you’re there then you’re having a quickie, he prefers to have time to fuck but honestly you both get horny at the mist random times so it just has to be done. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Hahaha, yes. Anything you wanna try Nikki is down. I’m serious anything, anything at all he will say yes, he’s always looking to try new things with you especially things he hasn’t done with anyone else before.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Night to morning. Morning to night. Idk maybe. I think he will keep going until either you or him say you can’t handle it anymore. But as for rounds I would say 4 to 6 maybe a half an hour to a hour long.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I think he has some, not as much as one may think but I feel like he may have a couple vibrators, bondage, some plugs, dildos, blindfolds, handcuffs. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
BIGGEST FUCKING TEASE. He loves teasing the shit out of you. Will have you so close to having a orgaism and then pull away with a big stupid fucking grin on his face.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He won’t make a sound until he leans down to your ear and will start grunting and moaning, it drives you wild and he knows it which is why he does it everytime you guys fuck. He has and always will do that unless you’re in public then there’s no stopping whats coming out his mouth.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves dirty talk, but mostly from you. It’s the only time you have ever actually seen Nikki visibly weak. He especially loves when you do it and look at him innocently, it really pushes him to a limit that no other woman has before.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Now from the pictures that I totally haven’t seen ;) he isn’t small but he isn’t huge. I think he’s a grower not a shower which is fine, he knows what he is doing and knows how to use it right.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could take you anywhere, anytime, anyday. He’s ready whenever he’s just waiting for you to be ready too.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a little longer to fall asleep then it does to you so while you’re asleep and just lays there cuddling you wondering how you went from whatever he was just fucking into a soft innocent looking angel.
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A Bad Feeling Pt 1
Levi x Reader
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Part 1
Paring: Levi Ackerman x Cadet reader
Warnings: 18+ attempted rape/assault, cursing, mention of injury, violence
Summary: Reader feels uncomfortable around a overly friendly captain. Are they just over reacting? Or is there something else going on. What will Levi do when he finds out?
A.n. ok so I literally wrote this in one go, it's probably trash but I wanted to post it anyway. Please lemme know what you think in the comments! Thank you!
"Y/n! captain Oro is asking for you" you did your best to hide the discomfort Armins words made you feel.
You smiled what you hoped was a convincing one and nodded. With a deep breath you made your way to Captains Oro's office.
Ever since you had been introduced to him those few weeks ago, he had taken a special liking to you. At first you had been excited, having such a highly skilled and well known captain take notice of you was one of the best feelings. Especially since your squad leader, Levi wasn't exactly heavy on praise.
Everyone loved Captain Oro, he was known for his strength and stamina on the battle field. He was both charismatic, and charming. Your fellow cadets practically swooned over him. You couldn't help but also get caught up in his perfection. At first that is..
Over time you noticed things about your meetings that put you on edge. An unnecessary shoulder touch here, a too low pat on the back there. Something was off. And although you had done your best to distance yourself from him, it was hard when your squads often had to work together.
But it was hard to say anything against him because even your cold blooded captain seemed to enjoy his presence.
Once you brought it up to your friend Sasha, about how you felt he was being too friendly. But she waved her hand and basically said you were worrying for nothing, he was just a friendly guy. And you were being dramatic.
Maybe you were overreacting? If captain levi approved of him, surely that meant he was a decent person right? Maybe he was just being really really friendly.
You decided to give him a chance and knocked on his door when you finally arrived.
"Come in" a muffled voice came from the other side.
With a click you entered the candlelit room. It was nearing sundown after all.
"Ah cadet y/n! Perfect, I was wondering if I might ask your opinion on something?" He smiled angelically and gestured towards a parchment on his desk.
"Of course sir" you nodded and approached him, reminding yourself of what sasha said. Just relax.
From the way the parchment was positioned you had no choice but to come to his side of the desk.
"Do you see this area here?" He gestured to what you now saw was a map. "What do you think of leading a squad through here instead of what we originally planned?"
The next 30 minutes you spent completely and professionally discussing strategies. Being the member of your squad that was best at this, made him asking for you completely justified. You felt bad for ever doubting his intentions.
"Thank you y/n, I think I have a better idea of what course we should pursue on our next expedition" he smiled sincerely.
"I'm glad I could be of service" you nodded and allowed a relaxed smile to pass your features. Feeling stupid you had judged him so harshly.
" If you wouldnt mind just one more thing?" You nodded as he pulled out a stack of papers.
"If you could look over this report of the last mission before I send it out? See if theres anything else to add?"
"Sure, I'd be happy to Captain" you grabbed the stack.
"And please if you can, return them to me tonight, I'll need them for the meeting bright and early"
"Yes sir, I'll finish it asap, good evening" and with that you exused yourself.
Tonight? It was already sundown. Well whatever, hes so busy he probably doesn't know what time of day it is.
You found a quiet spot amonsgt the crowds in the common room and got to work.
"Oi brat, it's passed curfew, go to your room now, we have important work tommorow" the unmistakable voice of your captain rang through the now empty hall.
You looked up in surprise and meet his usual scowl, not even realizing how late it had gotten.
"Hai, s-sorry captain, I'll go now" you gathered the report and quickly left, not wanting to receive another scolding for taking too long.
Oh crap you still had to deliever the report. Changing routes you snuck quietly down the familiar hallways. Not particularly feeling like running into Levi again. Something about him always made you act just a little dumber and it was definitely not because of your non existent crush on him...definitely not.. he was just intimidating is all.
*knock knock*
You waited patiently but there was no answer. Crap did he already go to bed? But he knew I was coming? Ugh what should I do? He needs these reports..
With a sigh you change direction again and head for his personal chambers. There was no way you were getting in trouble for not delivering these reports on time.
You smiled when you saw dim light flood from beneath the door.
Lightly you knocked, "Captain Oro, its y/n, sorry it's so late but I have the rep-" you were cut off abruptly when the door swung open and there stood Oro.
Except he looked nothing like the Oro you were used too seeing. His hair was loose from it's normal slicked back do, and the edges were dripping slightly. His shirt was loosely thrown on revealing a decent amount of skin. He must've just bathed.. you could see why the girls were so obsessed with him. He was, platonically speaking, a very gorgeous man.
You were taken aback but reminded yourself that you did knock after hours so of course he wasnt going to be all soldiered up.
"U-um s-sorry Captain, I have the reports" you averted your eyes and shoved the reports in his direction.
"Ah y/n, thank you, would you please put them on my table? My hands are still slightly wet." He laughed holding them up innocently.
"S-sure" god why were you stuttering so much, you fight goddamn titans for a living?! But somehow you were more nervous now than when a 10meter was clawing at you.
You entered the room and tried to avoid looking around too much.
You always wondered what the inside of the higher ups rooms look-
You whipped around, alarm bells suddenly back in full force.
"Captain what are you-"
"You're such a good girl, you know that y/n?" Oros whole demeanor changed and you cursed yourself for not trusting your earlier instincts.
"U-um" you really did not know what to say or do as he took a couple steps closer.
"Always so obedient for me, I think you deserve a reward don't you?"
"That's not...that's not necessary captain, I really should be going" you tried to lunge for the door but he was quicker and much much stronger.
"I don't believe I dismissed you cadet..." he purred pinning your arms to the door in the blink of an eye.
You were by no means weak, but your struggles were useless against him.
"Let me go" it took all your strength not to stutter in fear.
"How adorable, you know I love it when you follow my orders so well, but I think..." you shivered in disgust as you felt his lips near your neck and press down.
"I'd like to see you fight me as well" you whimpered as he sucked and bit down on the soft flesh.
"S-stop it, p-please" he smirked and looked into your fearful eyes with his lustful ones. "Stop? But that's not what you really want is it? You see I know exactly how girls like you are" he chuckled darkly and moved one of his hands to grip both your arms, while the other slid lower. You gasped when he cupped your breast. "S-stop! I'll, ill scream If you don't!" You felt a tear slide down your shaking form.
"Scream?" He snickered like you had told the funniest joke.
"Go ahead and scream doll, itll be very interesting to see what happens"
"W-what?" You were utterly confused.
"Think about it, if someone walks in on us, what would they think? Seeing a cadet after hours in her superiors chambers?"
"B-but I! I was bringing the reports i wasn't-!"
"Do you honestly think theyll care what you have to say? Who do you think theyll believe y/n? You a nobody cadet who's been fighting titans for 3 seconds? Or me, a selfless hero whos saved countless of scouts lives? All I have to tell them is that you came into my room and tried to seduce me. When I tried to restrain you, you screamed. Who do you think theyll listen too? Why else would you be here so late at night?"
"Y-You're..you're insane, you're not a hero, y-you're a coward who-" he grasped your jaw harshly causing you to wince.
"I'd watch that mouth of yours y/n" he squeezed harder. I am your superior after all, and we wouldnt want any nasty rumors going around that would have you suspended from the survey corps now would we?" He bent down and to your horror pressed his lips against yours.
Fuck fuck what do I do?!? Hes blackmailing me now. I cant fight him, hes too strong, think think think.
But your mind was blank when his cold lips pressed against your lips again. "Open your mouth" he ordered in a voice laced with animilistac lust.
You abruptly turned your head away desperate to get away.
"Heh, always such a tease" he traced a finger up and down your cheek, flipping over your lips. "I'll enjoy this-"
"CAPTAIN ORO, COMMANDER ERWIN REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE IN HIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY" a voice shouts from the other side of the locked door.
With an annoyed sigh, Oro pulls away slightly, "Did he say why?" He lazily looks over in the direction of the door.
"guess it can't be helped... Alright tell him I'll be there shortly" he yelled out.
"Hai" the footsteps recended and you stood deathly still.
He pulled away from you and you immediately pulled your wrists to you, they were an angry red, and it scared you how much strength he had so effortlessly displayed.
"Sorry doll, it looks like we'll have to continue this another night" he stepped away and began dressing normally as if he hadn't just been assaulting you 5 second ago. You quickly make for the door but his voice falters your step, "Oh and y/n?"
You dont look at him, but fear held you in place until he finished, "If you mention our little moment to anyone, you know what will happen" you nodded quickly, anything to appease him and get out.
When the door shut behind you, you felt the flood of tears break through.
D-did, d-did that really happen?!?
You held a hand to quiet your sobs and quickly dashed through the hallways.
You're heart thumped and you felt the need to vomit. You hadn't felt this way since the first time youd encounted a titan. All you wanted to do was get to the safety of your room, just through the hall.
It felt like a bucket of cold water had been thrown on you when a cold voice shouted out and halted your movements. Please not now, oh god any time but now.
"Oi cadet y/n are you deaf as well as dumb? I asked you a question.
"Why are you out past curfew?" he sounded definitely annoyed and you gathered all your strength to hold the sobs out of your voice.
Without turning around you answered, "I-I had to deliver some r-reports..I'll head to my room now.." you stepped forward hoping he would let you go but you were not so lucky.
"Oi brat, did you hit your head? I didn't dismiss you yet. Not to mention you haven't even addressed me properly, maybe some time cleaning up horse shit will remind you how to respect your superiors" fuck he was definitely angry now.
Still you didn't turn around, you couldn't..."S-sorry Captain Levi, I'll do better in the future.." you barely could even focus on the words coming out of your mouth, your heart was beating a mile a minute. Please just leave me alone!
"Hahh" Levi uttered in disbelief and severe annoyance, even the most novice of cadets turn around when being spoken to by a superior. "Are you trying to piss me off brat?!?"
"No sir..." still you didnt turn around, but gulped in fear when you heard sharp footsteps near you.
"Cadet y/n, you have three seconds to turn around and salute me properly before I throw you into the cells for insubordination" he ordered in his dangerously calm voice, that you never thought would be directed at you.
Having no other choice you slowly turn around, hoping to god the darkness of the room would be enough to hide your current state.
You kept your head down, letting your hair fall over your face, but gave a proper salute. Hiding the Wince that came when the tender flesh of your wrist had to bend.
Your eyes were trained on the floor. And you tried to remember how to breathe normally again.
"At least you remember how to-" abruptly his harsh scolding stopped.
Why did he stop?! Fuck did he notice something. No no calm down, he probably just is coming up with another punishment...right?
Levi was far from being done with dicisplining you but he caught sight of your bruised wrist and furrowed his brows immediately. He knew for a fact the last time you spoke in the hall those had not been there. He was quick to take in the rest of your demeanor and knew immediately that the reason you were acting disrespectful was because something was wrong.
"Cadet y/n.." he said suspiciously slow and not full of anger anymore.
"Y-yes?" Please dont ask me, please dont ask me, please dont-
"Look at me"
Part 2 here
Okay so that's part 1! Please comment and lemme know what you think🥰also I'm super sensitive so please no hateful comments. Thanks for reading!
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I’ve making headcanons about all of my hyper fixations for a while now and just dumping them on my friends so I’m gonna also dump them here.
If you’re into All For the Game , My Hero Academia, ATLA, The Raven Cycle stay fuckn tuned my doods bc I have a loooot of stuff rattling around my empty skull.
Not all of these are 100% mine some of them are already pretty popular and I’m expanding on them or I heard something similar and edited it to my own tastes
I’ll separate them by series,,,
Theres like one canon that’s mildly nsfw
TW: drug abuse
pro hero kirishima’s Red Riot™️ merch is insanely size inclusive bc he wants fatgum to be able to wear the hoodie that kiri’s pr team sent him but that’s not all,,
If he wasn’t super gay and in love with Bakugou he’d be very Into BBWs so again his merch is super size inclusive bc he wants everyone to be able to wear it
The company that makes the merch also takes requests for special made merch for people who’s quirks interfere with a “normal” size or dimension
ALSO ,,,,this man(kiri) is built like a fuckn MACK TRUCK OKAY he is 6’7” and cannot fit through doorways without ducking and turning a little to the side ,,, he is broad And still wears no shirt™️ ,,, this being said ,, bakugou is still around 5’8” and pretty slim don’t get me wrong he’s extremely strong and toned but he’s not huge,, it makes flying easier if he stays a little lighter ,,,,,,, the point is,, sometimes kiri will pick up bakugou with one arm and bakugou can’t even pretend to hate it anymore
Also,,,, fatgum has to use special pens and keyboards because of how big his hands are,,, he’s literally 8’2” I won’t take criticism on this
Fatgum actually loves wearing red riot and sun eater merch
Allmight and Inko start dating and one day when they’re out someone comments on how much all might “looks like a skeleton” and she absolutley lets loose on them for being so vapid and shallow and how “he’s risked his life to save people like you more times than you have ever even thought about being helpful in your life and it would serve you well to treat someone who’d die for you without even knowing you with more respect”
All might had to gently pull her away bc the guy was crying and she wasn’t anywhere near finished with him
Midnight is Asexual and aggressively pretends to be horny on main™️ because for one, it works with her quirk and two, nothing sells better than sex especially when you’re a woman.
Bakugou and kirishima use sign language to talk shit at Public events
Dabi is addicted to painkillers because he’s been on them his entire life,, he wakes up with the shakes and sometimes toga has to help him take his meds in the morning because he’s already in withdrawal
Tensei was the first one to realize that iida was autistic and immediately did copious amounts of research on ASD and how to be a good brother to him
sokka grows his hair as long as Zuko’s (except the sides obvi) and sometimes he’ll wear his hair in the fire nation top knot and zuko loses it every time
Azula gets help and now sometimes when she wakes up with the sun after a night of fitful sleep she goes to the courtyard to have tea with iroh. They never talk, but then again they never need to.
Sometimes after a hard day sokka falls asleep in the bathtub and wakes up to zuko warming the water back up and washing his hair for him
Suki lounges in zukos throne while zuko gets worked up about stuff and paces all around the room
Mai is on the ace spectrum
When sokka and zuko visit the southern water tribe zuko will firebend for the all of the kids in the village,,, they love him so much and sometimes sokka gets a little teary eyed watching him
Sokka braids zukos hair water tribe style and it’s the hottest thing maybe ever
Zuko takes sokka on shopping sprees pretty frequently and sokka fuckn loves it
One time someone has the nerve to call sokka “the fire lords sugar baby” and sokka just flips his ponytail over his shoulder Ariana style and says “and what about it?”
The Raven cycle
Ronan has 100% killed Robert Parrish in his dreams and when he wakes up to see Adam next to him he almost immediately wants to go back to sleep and do it again for all the pain he’s caused Adam
Gansey is oblivious to the fact that he is indeed shredded,, when he gets really worked up he moves his arms a l o t like rolls up his sleeves, crosses and uncrosses his arms and The gang’s favorite is when he puts his hands on his head and subconsciously flexes,,,, literally entire gangsey will group swoon at him and he genuinely thinks they are marvelling at his passion for whatever he’s worked up about
Ronan watched broke back mountain once when he was like 16 and now all he can think about is being a gay cowboy ,,,
Adam will read people’s tarot wrong if theyre douchebags
Don’t you think it’s funny that the ganseys don’t have any straight children?
Blue has a T-shirt from each member of the gangsey (except Noah,, rip Noah) and shes created a terrible Franken-T-shirt by ripping them up and sewing them all back together in an extremely ugly patch work thing
Adam talks in Latin in his sleep and it really freaks his roommate out,, like a lot,, not to mention the fact that Adam already creeps him out to begin with bc he’s got that other vibe that comes from being tied to cabeswater and lindenmere ,, 6 out of 7 days his roommate is convinced that he’s a witch or a fairy or something
Ronan teaches opal how to bake and opal burns everything on purpose
Neil has definitely killed multiple people to survive
Neil’s mom definitely made him kill someone at least twice to make sure he could kill to survive on his own if they got separated
he probably definitely still has nightmares about each one
Matt and Dan both had a crush on Neil for like 30 seconds and absolutely talked to each other about him
Ppl always talk about how hot it is to crush a watermelon with your thighs,,,, Andrew could do it with his arms
Aarons ass is so flat and Andrew has an absolute dumptruck
Kevin started out as one of those annoying “obsessed with WWII” history guys and now he’s actually very into queer history and will rant about the lavender scare for an hour if you let him
The foxes lounge room(?) has a dart board with riko’s face on it to this day,, they literally have a drawer full of copies the same image of riko and every time one gets worn out they put a new one up. It’s more of an inside joke now but wymack still hates that little puke even though he’s dead so it stays up
Post-canon Neil gets drunk and teaches the team how to steal a car by hot wiring Matt’s truck
Matt does drag for halloween one year and Dan liked it a little too much *cough cough* she pegged him while he was still in drag
Someone once asked Renee if she was “saving herself for marriage like a good Christian girl should” and Allison knocked them out cold and stepped over the body
Neil calls Aaron ugly to his face literally any chance he gets (I feel like this one might be canon but I actually don’t know What’s real anymore)
Andrew Unironically wears a pink apron that says “kiss the cook” that Nicky got him for Christmas when he bakes
Okay I think that’s it ? For now?? Let me know if y’all want more,,,,, I’ll separate them next time I just really had to dump these and I didn’t want to make multiple posts.
I made this at 5:30 in the morning sorry if it’s riddled with typos and errors.
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heartachebf · 3 years
16, 17 (Tweek), and 25 -Batz 🖤💜
fandom asks
16. favorite behind-the-scenes insight ive actually got 2 answers for this !! first off, i love the fact that kenny is based off a Real Life kid trey knew growing up, who was Also named kenny n wore an orange coat that nobody could hear him over And was the poorest kid in town. and i rly love that kyle is blatantly based off matt stone ^_^ i have a big gay crush on matt so obvi that makes kyle one of my favs
17. 3 things you love about [insert character]
1. the fact that he can play piano And sing And act ^_^ i love that artsy little dweeb so much 2. the fact that his tics slowly got better over the years... sobbing n wailing.... AND the fact that he barely tics when hes around craig.... love wins 3. i love that he can kick ass should he choose to ^_^ he could maim someone so easily and i think he deserves to bonus number 4 bc i love him so much. i love that he can bake ^_^ i like to think that he stress bakes and will try out new recipes n then he'll take what he baked to school to let his friends try ^_^ hes god tier actually
25. favorite episode of [insert season] u didnt specify which season, so ill give my favs of each season (below the cut bc this post is getting long) (id also probs do this even if u Did specify which season bc. peace and love)
s1: i cant pick between episode 7, black friday (bc i Love the feel of all the early halloween episodes) or episode 10, damien (bc damien supremacy ^_^ im forever obsessed w the fact that he, the son of satan, has a super high pitched voice)
s2: EPISODE 17, GNOMES !!!!! i think that was tweeks first introduction and as such, its my fav ^_^ i rly love his voice in that ep <3
s3: episode 5, tweek vs craig, bc duh ^_^ the beginning of an era <3 plus its proof that tweek is tough n doesnt need protecting
s4: either episode 6, cherokee hair tampons (bc i love how fiercely stan tries to help kyle + its revealed that kyle has diabetes ^_^ i will forever cry over the fact that stan didnt hesitate to offer his kidney to save kyles life) or episode 8, something you can do with your finger (bc i love their silly little boy band + i love wendy joining their boy band + kyle wanting to be the tough one of the band + randy backstory/him being a lil insane but in a funny way)
s5: episode 3, super best friends ^_^ the origin of stan n kyle being super best friends ^_^ i also kinda love episode 10, how to eat with your butt, bc kenny is very endearing in it And we finally get to see what kyles hair looks like <3
s6: either episode 9, free hat, or episode 11, child abduction is not funny bc theres so much excellent tweek content ^_^ i also like ep11 bc of how dumb the parents are in that one, thats always amusing
s7: either episode 8, south park is gay (the fact that everyone was acting a lil fruity ^_^ gay rights ^_^ and also kyle rejecting dressing fruity and getting made fun of for that. so funny considering the fact that he Is gay, i prommy, kyle told me himself) or episode 14, raisins (bc butters was very sweet that episode + goth stan was introduced ^_^)
s8: omg this ones so hard to pick. i love episode 4, you got f'd in the a, bc stan having to get in a dance battle??? comedy gold. i love episode 6, the jeffersons, bc we stan n kyle being dads to blanket, gay ptide. and then i also love episode 11, quest for ratings, bc i love the guys having their own news team And i love that craig had a show dedicated to just showing cute animals. dork craig rights
s9: episode 10, follow that egg ... more silly little stan n kyle content ... stan gets rly fruity here and im obsessed w it. that whole episode gives me silly little au ideas ^_^
s10: episode 14, stanleys cup. froths at the mouth. that one anon of mine, hockey fic anon? theyre writing a silly little fic based off an au of That episode ^_^ that ep is so quality
s11: goes insane. episode 8, le petit tourette bc i loved seeing cartman in anguish + dork craig content. episodes 10, 11, and 12 aka the imaginationland trilogy bc. god. just so good. i cant even explain it. episode 13, guitar queer-o bc it gives me Another great au idea + stan n kyle are fruity in it. and finally, episode 14, the list, bc there was lots of good wendy content And kyle got a little unhinged ^_^ as he deserves <3
s12: this is another one where its so hard to pick... episode 1, tonsil trouble, bc kyle got to go in attack mode again. episode 3, major boobage, bc we got silly little kenny content ^_^ episode 9, breast cancer show ever, bc thats when wendy beat the shit out of cartman <3 episodes 10 and 11, pandemic and pandemic 2, bc. craig content ^_^ and also ive already talked on my blog abt how its the best 2 parter ever. and episode 13, elementary school musical, bc stans gang was particularly goofy n their musical number was so fun ^_^
s13: episode 8, dead celebrities, bc kyle and ike content!!! i love them so much!!! and also episode 11, whale whores, bc stan Attacked And Killed all for the love of animals, n i love him for it
s14: episodes 11, 12, and 13, tha superhero episodes ^_^ i loved getting to see everyones superhero costumes in action And we got to learn more abt kennys immortality, which was so exciting !!
s15: episodes 7 and 8, youre getting old and ass burgers. starts sniffling and crying and collapses on the floor while sobbing. thats all i have to say about that, peace and love
s16: episode 5, butterballs (bc stan is so! hes just so !!! yknow. the anti bullying song in it is So good, And i live for butters standing up for himself ^_^ also the song at the end is god tier), episode 6, i never shouldve gone ziplining (its so fuckn funny, and i live for the live action bit at the end), and episode 11, going native (bc of that sweet, sweet butters n kenny content ^_^ i also live for butters Attacking in it)
s17: episode 4, goth kids 3: dawn of the posers. probably my fav goth kids centric episode ^_^ its so good n funny
s18: episode 3, the cissy. starts sniffling and crying again, but this time in transgender mode. i also love episode 6, freemium isnt free bc we get another Glimpse into stans issues w addiction ^_^ peace and love on planet earth
s19: episode 6, tweek x craig. love wins, gay ptide, etc etc
s20: um. i actually kinda hated this season. but ig if i Had to choose one, itd be episode 10, the end of serialization as we know it, bc it finally ended that season ^_^ no offense to any s20 stans out there, i just thought it was so boring
s21: episode 2, put it down. tweek n craig content, gay ptide ^_^ this is also the one where we learned that tweek can sing, play piano, And bake, and we also got to see craig learn how to support tweek better, which was very sweet ^_^
s22: episode 10, bike parade. i didnt super love this season either, so its kinda a case of picking the one i wasnt bored with. plus in a way it kinda felt like one of the original episodes, it was like a lil blast from the past !
s23: episode 2, band in china ^_^ we got stans band, crimson dawn !! it was great learning more abt how stan felt abt having to move to a farm, plus butters ripping it on a guitar was so funny. and then randy did stuff too idk
s24: this season has just been the 2 specials so far, but i liked the vaccination special, episode 2 the best ^_^ bc 1, the brovorce arc started, n im rly excited to see what happens with that. and also the way it ended left me hopeful that maybe the shows gonna go back to the way it used to be a little bit <3 i also liked how we saw stan gettin really mentally ill with freaking out over the pandemic, but that mightve been in the first episode instead...
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familyofpaladins · 3 years
For the hyperfixation
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
Actually a couple of my mutuals including you @eastofthemoon, @berryblu-arts, and I think @bloo-the-dragon had reblogged a couple things about the show, with comments of how good it is. ( I had also watched lego Ninjago series before though I think I haven't seen the last like 3 or 4 seasons lol, and thought well i like that so maybe I'd like this, and put it on my mental list of shows I'm totally gonna watch one day.) So when I was needing something new to watch I thought, oh hey, I'll check that out, saw it had like 20 episodes was liek yeah sure, this isnt daunting so I'll watch! And now I'm obsessed.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
Aaaaaa theres a lot I like, but. Just. The entire Revenge of the Spiderqueen special.
Literally I just love that entire episode. Every scene is GOLD.
The customer complaint about food while the city is being attacked and set on fire in the background. Monkey king inviting MK to watch the fireworks with him. "Am I eating hair?!" "Its better not to think about it". Monkey king and DBK's sass at spider queen "Spider PRINCESS" "- The Would Be Queen of spiders" . Red Son's landing on the air ship. "Will you LET ME steal your ship, so I can save my father. And you know. The world. Please." The entirdy of going to the celestial realm. The getting there. Mei and Red Son. Tang going with Pigsy to find the pills cause it sounds like pigsy has no clue what to look for. Pigsy then immediately finding the pills on his own. All of them jumping back onto the ship. Huntsman trying to jump on the ship too but being caught by the big one "I COULD HAVE MADE IT!!!!" "Awww sure you could have buddy" and then the look on huntsman's face when mk jumps over their heads onto the ship. "Nice hero speech!!" "THAT WAS A VILLAIN SPEECH!!!" Later: mk gives a nice speech but followed by a kinda evil laugh. Red Son: Now THAT was a Hero Speech!!! DBK breaking out to find his son :') DBK and Red son staying and fighting with the others (they could have left! Dbk got his son and dbk is no longer captured so they could have left! They didnt NEED to stay and fight spider queen!! They could have left it to the heroes but they didnt!!!!) Red son using his flames to free mei when she couldnt get out of the webs. Spider queen: I Am the QUEEN!!! Monkey king: *walking down the side of the building and grabbing the staff* "yeah? Well, I'm the KING." Monkey king and MK holding the staff and spinning each other in the air, and monkey king going "HERE COMES MONKIE- Kid" with that proud smile on his face??? AAAAAA I love it. Monkey king turning into an eagle to catch MK when he starts falling after the attack. DBK RUNNING AND JUMPING TO CATCH THEM BOTH!!!!!!!!! Again, HE DIDNT HAVE TO DO THAT!!! HE REALLY DIDNT, BUT YET HE DID!!!! Monkey king sitting on Mk's head. and then the fact that dbk and red son stuck around even after the fight was over. "We should never tell mother about this." "Agreed". This and more. Also the angry face monkey king makes anytime spiderqueen or lady bone demon threaten MK in any fashion (Protective Dad Instinct)
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
Hmmmm this is hard, because all of the characters are great. Like even Lady Bone Demon is a fantastic creepy villain, so I cant say that I dislike her as a character. Though I would like to fight the white bone spirit ofe making MK think he's not worthy of being the monkie kid. She's also very good at manipulating others into doing her bidding thinking it's their own idea, and I dont like people like that. (But it works great for her as a villain)
Otherwise.... maybe the fake mayor? Because hes just unnerving , and you know soemthign is weird with him, but not entirely sure what exactly. (Also... if hes the "fake" mayor, wheres the real one? Is there another mayor? Does this one just LOOK like the mayor and impersonate him, or was this guy actually "elected" into office, but definitely isnt someone who should be a mayor?? Who and What exactly is he???)
Ask me about my hyperfixation?
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grumpygilly · 3 years
What do you see in Ness and Porky’s relationship? Like your thoughts on their feelings for one another especially during Earthbound and beyond that?
I kinda get the feeling that Porky wasn’t a good friend to Ness (Possesive, was kinda hurtful at times) and he sorta becomes obsessed with Ness and Ness coming to get him after Earthbound (which I feel doesn’t happen)
I think I saw somewhere on Tumblr where an artist has this idea where Porky kinda becomes so obsessed and so far gone, that when he sees or hears about Lucas, he believes that Lucas is Ness reincarnated or something like that
long before the events of eb itself they were best friends.  met as neighbours and neither of them were particularly outgoing or social so they stuck by each other.  they did everything together because all they really had was each other at a young age. especially in porkys case as he didnt exactly have the love of his family. 
porky always had an affinity for ness being the first person to be kind to him, but it did develop into a childish crush growing up.
their relationship started to become strained as ness gradually grew more confident socially and started branching out. he still considered porky his best friend, but porkys attitude towards ness was becoming more and more unbearable.  he tried to make it work because he did not want to let go of someone he’d been friends with so long as they had a lot of good times together even if porky was being so irrational now.
just because he had other friends didnt mean porky was no longer his best friend, but porky sure wasnt making their friendship any easier.
porky was jealous. he didnt want ness to spend time with other people. nobody could have as much fun together as they did so why bother. they were just taking him away from porky. were they really best friends if he wasnt spending every spare minute with porky?  the fear that ness wouldnt want to be his friend any more because he had other people - better friends - became a predominant worry.
paranoia over losing ness mixed poorly with his already possessive and obsessive attitude. + his prideful attitude where he’d act like it didnt bother him. + the influence from his dad that ness was bound to be an awful person bc of the loan his dad borrowed from aloysius (which i fully hc they paid back as its implied in game anyway lmao)
during the events of eb, porkys obsession gets worse tenfold bc of giygas’s influence (which isnt even that strong. porky is still an independent and takes actions that benefit him not giygas). it starts off as, “im going to be an inconvenience to your adventure to spite you for “ignoring” me and being destined for greatness” — because as much as he chickened out and said he didnt want to be a part of that, it was half a lie bc of hes jealous ness is going to do something great in his already perfect life— and ultimately ends up with a genuine attempt on ness’s life. 
its unfair in his eyes. ness has everything he could ever want in life and more. and he gets nothing.  he’d never admit it aloud but there was a lot of envy towards ness in their rship. 
running away was an act of cowardliness. he didnt want to face ness himself, rather make him chase him down so he didnt come across as tonights biggest loser. obviously that never happened because he didnt have the MEANS to. 
ness kept an eye open for him but how was he suppose to chase after a friend that not only gave him nothing but problems in the last few years of their time together, but was also travelling through time and spaces itself.
porky never truly left his mind and he did worry about his old friend but there wasnt much he could really do about it. he couldnt save him and he had his own life to live.
porky himself returned once or twice to their timeline before his mass banning lmao, but he never once directly interacted with ness. he couldnt bring himself to. not even to mock him because it didnt seem like he really mattered all that much to ness considering it felt like he made no attempt to find him. interacting with ness would only make him feel worse and inferior.
his pride wouldnt let him return home no matter how much he missed his hometown and those he knew (excluding his parents and home life itself).
to finish this bit off  here’s a song that i think summarises porkys feelings towards ness
latter half: never heard of that but i dont see it personally. not impossible tho. i just wouldnt interpret that way is all.
porky is fucked because of the strain time travel has had on him physically and mentally and for generally being around for a such long time. hes become cruel and desensitised to everything.  things were getting stale and boring, he’s seen it all, he’s done it all.  nowhere islands is this perfect clean slate for him to work with. a fresh start. completely untainted land thats as malleable as a piece of clay in his hand.
all he sees in lucas is a rather interesting addition to his toy box.  hes something special for sure but only because he stands a chance of beating him.  no matter how it all played out he would have gotten bored of him in the long run. he wasnt ness to porky. he had the right “save the world” spirit but he didnt know him on a personal level like he knew ness so theres a massive disconnect between them. 
overall, he was obsessed w ness and couldnt let go of the past but he accepted ness wasnt going to chase after him like hed hoped long ago and he is long dead and unobtainable now.
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toshkakoshka · 4 years
jesse/gustavo: because i swear to god i will riot on the -10 fics available
i swear to god there has only been ONE (1) FIC thats meant way too much to me in this entire tag; op fucking got it from here and they didn’t even have to do any goddamn kissing. 
yes, of course, gustavo is a favorite villain and jesse is just. my sweet baby. so i was like ayo why not and then i started laughing to myself, suddenly the camera zooms to my face and BOOM. 
la idea. 
unfortunately, if anybody knew me well enough, if i get a good idea i fuck around way too hard on it, regret it, and then immediately obsess over it.
why this exactly? i’m a sucker for unexplained concepts. i’m also very bad at picking a common preference, and as much as i don’t like walt/jesse to be romanticized it’s like... hard to push away the fact that their relationship explains the reason why jesse can’t exactly leave.
jesse’s a sweetheart. he’ll take the responsibility to care about anyone and he’s just so malleable and vulnerable, and it’s horrible to witness the fact the show really hammers that shit in. walt is just incredibly unworthy of the concern he actually shows him and we all know it. he doesn’t belong to this world, he deserves to have a good life with people he loves, but these worlds obviously just.... don’t fit. 
at least, if you turn the perspective into something to where this has to be his life now.
i dunno. you wanna pick all the men in jesse’s life? it’s not the... well. it wasn’t the considered option but it’s certainly better than walt; and so we pick: Gustavo Fring. 
first impression? awful. but fortunately for jesse, gustavo’s actually seen the potential in this kid. i mean, you gotta be very special if you’re the junkie who gets picked to do work over someone who actually has knowledge over this shit, right? that’s the fascination. the intrigue. but he thinks, for the fact he’s witnessed how innocent this kid actually is, that it’s easy to manipulate. 
not so fast: jesse knows how to read through situations now. he knows how gustavo’s words and ways are, he knows he’s dangerous, what does this dinner mean? a personal warning. gustavo is not happy, but he’s begrudgingly impressed that jesse knows how to read it the way it is. 
it’s not about the challenge, that gustavo’s intrigued by. it’s the fact that he was right about having to find that there’s more to jesse than just his first impression. 
also, do yall like... notice that gustavo has a very specific way of smiling when he’s being the boss of los pollos hermanos. the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. a real smile always includes your eyes crinkling, but the more you look into this man’s eyes it’s genuinely just. plastic. gustavo has never smiled outside of that incident. gustavo has never expressed any emotion outside of pure rage and terror, meanwhile back in the older days, he actually used to take better action.
guess who actually let him have the smirk of pride?
back in the mexico epsiode, where the kid proved himself to actually be a leader in leading this shithole of a lab? yeah, sure, big dick = being good impression for power, probably also cements the fact that he’s incredibly useful for the future of the empire (lmao what empire am i right haashdahfhdf *sobs*), but my ass has Witnessed both better call saul and breaking bad to fucking confirm that this is probably the only genuine time gustavo has smirked. IT REACHED THIS DUDE’S EYE, LIKE, IDK WITH YOU BUT THAT’S A FEAT IN ITSELF EVEN IF IT’S JSUT A SLIGHT TWITCH. IM PROBABLY GOING INSANE BUT IT LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE
you know what makes me salty is that it seems like not a lot of fics invest in this fact, but gus seems to just have the absolute worst time handling emotions. yeah, sure, all of these guys are dudes who repressed their trauma, but we all have FIRST HAND WITNESS as to how that fucking came to be. his emotions disappeared from losing the one person who he’s had such an intimate connection with, it’s probably even the last time he’s cried or screamed considering we see none of that shit. gustavo twitches, shakes, but the rest of his rage comes from killing people and even that it’s just pure silence. he’s so viscerally broken that it’s actually heartbreaking to know how easily he can just shut it out until he’s alone. 
and i bring this up ‘cause this is the factor of potential in the relationship that i’m obsessed with. i’ve been absolutely taken by the headcanon that max used to be like jesse, he had a talent in picking things up but had the unfortunate habit of using in the middle of it all. 
it’s a punch to the gut. seeing someone young, inexperienced but already so exhausted. gus doesn’t know if it’s pleasant or if it’s absolutely splitting, but for every twitch in gus’s expression and the way he’s slowly approaching jesse beckons him into having to forcefully realize that the walls that he’s put up are slowly, ever so slightly, reaching. 
for the first time, gustavo wants to feel it for himself. 
it’s about what could have been, really. he feels affection for him, and he’s... he’s not afraid, or angry about it, it’s more of something confusing and nostalgic and it’s awful, but he wants to hold jesse’s face in his hands and care for him the way he knows how. 
or, if he still ever really remembers to. 
he tries not to let it get to him. 
for jesse, on the other hand, we know what’s going on with him: it’s horrible. it’s unfortunate. someone come give this kid a hug (*AHEM*) 
he’s the before process of everybody involved in this goddamn show. 
what could this guy possibly ever really see in a monster like gus?
well, for one thing, in spite of everything, he could never stomach another death unless it really had to be done. even then, he’s only human. and because he knows that gus has told him that he sees something in him, that’s given him that leverage to know what kind of person gus must be. 
like, he’s curious. but he also wants to hear that he can make somebody proud, and that somebody could adore him for that. (and they do, don’t worry baby)
so what’s jesse’s end on the bargain? 
what he wants in a man is a figure who actually deserves the care he gives. he craves affection and love and is unintentionally working through those barriers, wanting to know things from gus that the guy has never really bothered to specify. 
he... hates to think about it. but theres something that he really, really wants from gus’s positive attention. it’s earned, and deserving, and it’s rare but gus wants to be a person sometimes, too. jesse makes him feel like a person every time he fucking drags him through the dirt, but the fact that he’s never changed the way he’s spoken means that it’s the equal footing they have to be on. 
so sometimes he accidentally catches the looks: the unrestrained relaxed demeanor gus adapts, lingering grasps on his shoulders. to him, gus is a man who’s probably never touched anybody without the intent of strangling to death, but he’s about to be wronged. semi-wronged. gustavo has never given affection in a long time, but now he’s giving this random kid a soft spot because it’s a relationship that he for once has never been yelled at for being all wrong or doing everything badly. 
maybe that’s why jesse wants to know about it. being special will always mean so much to him, because clearly it’s been difficult to get that. intimacy is just a differrent thing when it comes to the both of them. it always starts with attachment. 
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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