#of me begging my father for help bc of a spider
The enemy’s love (Miles Quaritch x reader)
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Part 1
Description: After your father found you and Quaritch in a compromising position, you were left to figure this mess out.
Warnings: p in v, oral (f receiving), fingering, talk about cum, breeding kink, talk of pregnancy, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, also there’s no spider in my stories bc he sucks
5392 words
It couldn’t have been more than ten minutes that you and Miles sat there in eachothers embrace, just enjoying the sensation of him still inside of you, so close that you couldn’t really form a productive thought, before you got interrupted by a voice that made the blood in your veins freeze. „I swear to God, I’ll give you thirty seconds to get dressed and get out of there, before I go in and kill that bastard“, your dads voice was eerily calm, you knew he was beyond angry.
That little snitch Tahset must’ve folded when he was discovered away from the cells. When the meaning of the words that your father spoke registered in your brain, you flinched, trying to scramble out of your mates arms. Miles was rigid underneath you, and when you tried to move he growled lowly, the thought of you leaving him for an uncertain amount of time made some instincts flare up. „Miles, you need to let me go“, you whispered urgently, really not wanting your father to see you on this compromising position.
„Fifteen seconds“, the Olo’eyktan barked from outside, you could hear his breathing got heavier. With all your might you pushed yourself up, Miles finally loosening his arms and you winced slightly when his dick slipped out of you, his cum starting to leak down your thighs slowly. Before it could make a total mess, you slipped on your tweng and top, everything at least a little secured. „Put them on!“, you were panicking and threw his pants at him, stumbling around slightly because your muscles were sore from the exertion of the last hour.
Miles begrudgingly stood up and pulled on his cargo pants, and just as he closed the button your father reared open the cell door, pinning you mate against the wall before he could react. „You fucking touched my daughter Quaritch?!“, your father was the same height as Miles, both of them baring their teeth and hissing in anger and you felt so incredibly small. „Dad stop it!“, you pleaded with him, but you knew he was too far gone.
„And guess what Sully, she loved it“, you wanted to slap him yourself now, saying something like that to your father with that stupid grin on his face. It seemed like all your father saw was red and before you could do anything, he had already landed two punches in your mates face. You gasped horrified, Miles was still laughing and pushed your father off, making him stagger, but to your surprise he didn’t punch him back.
He spit some blood onto the ground, your father punching him in the gut, and Miles pulled your dads feet out from underneath him. The Olo’eyktan landed with a thud, growling at the Colonel and hissing: „Come on you coward, fight back!“ And your lover had nothing better to do than provoke him again. „I wouldn’t want to hurt my father in law“, some blood dripped from his nose down onto his lips and you finally took your chance to jump in between the pair.
You could see the gears in your dads head turning, before his eyes widened. „You mated with him before Eywa (Y/N)?“, your fathers wrathful eyes were locked on you now, making you shrink slightly. Your mouth openend and closed without a sound leaving your throat and seemingly your lack of response was enough for him, he pushed you aside firmly and your mates jaw had to take another swing. „Stop it! Please, Dad I’m sorry okay? But this isn’t helping anything!“, you were practically begging him and he scoffed. He was about to lunge at your mate again, when he saw the tears welling up in your eyes and he grumbled and took a step back.
„Please, let’s just go for now and talk about it okay? Please ma sempul“, your clung onto his arm, trying to distract him and he slowly started to move. „Don’t think this is over Quaritch“, he bared his fangs at Miles again, but he just wiped his bloody face with his discarded shirt and sat back down where he sat before you came. Your father pointedly locked the door of the cell, your mate snickering inside, and that alone seemed to provoke your dad so much that he almost ripped it back open if it wasn’t for you hanging onto him.
Your father was quietly leading you away, and when you looked over your shoulder and caught Miles eyes for a last time, he tugged you along roughly. When you stepped into the forest you passed by a terrified looking Tahset, he couldn’t even meet your glare. „Stand guard, properly this time“, your father sneered at him without even glancing at him and then it was silent the whole rest of the way.
You knew better than to try and talk about it now, your father would probably never be able to be rational about this, much less right in that moment. The only thing swirling around in your mind was that your mate was probably still hurting and bleeding, but if you wanted to have any chance to resolve this you needed to stifle these caring instincts for now.
„Go to sleep“, your father pushed you into the direction of your families home, not moving there himself. „Sempu“, you were basically whimpering, you hated it when your dad was angry with you, „I’m sorry.“ Suddenly the tears were overflowing, the events of the last hours just too much for you and your father hard facade broke down at seeing his eldest daughter in tears. „Fuck“, he whispered and then he stepped closer again, taking you into his arms. (Daddy)
You immediately started sobbing, the comfort of your fathers arms making you feel protected and you just couldn’t bear this anymore. „I-I’m sorry it’s him, I’m sorry can’t fight it“, each of your heartwreching sobs pierced your fathers heart and he felt so guilty. Of course he hated the colonel, but he loved you so, so much more. „Don’t be sorry ma‘ite. You’re the most innocent one in all of this. I’m sorry I’m so angry, I swear I’m not angry with you“, your dad kissed your head, still holding you close while your sobs started to subside and you sniffled, a few stray tears still falling.
„I just am so frustrated because I cannot protect you from this“, he whispered and your hold on him tightened, „your mother, your grandmother, they grew up with this, the know they can’t do anything but accept Eywas will. And I know I have to accept it too, there’s not future otherwise. But everytime I think of this son of a bitch even looking at you, I wanna-”, you interrupted him there, pulling back slightly. „I know, I know this is going to be so hard, and I’m sorry it has to be this way Dad“, you looked so guilty Jake wanted to hug Quaritch and welcome him to the family for a second, just to see you happy.
„Its like your grandmother told me, It is Eywas will and this could be the thing that will bring us the deciding benefit in this war. Even if I don’t like him, I know that you being mated at least means he would never do anything to harm you“, he sighed, hating the fact that sooner or later he will have to accept this.
„I love you Dad“, you were yawning, the exhaustion hitting you like a brick. „I love you babygirl“, he kissed your head, guiding you into your families home.
The next day, Jake had calmed down a little. He hated Quaritch and he hated that his daughter was mated to him, but he knew he couldn’t change it. He could use the Colonels knowledge to win this war, and if you taught him the way of your people, he would be a powerful addition as a warrior too. But before he could fight alongside them, there was a long way to go, trust needed to be earned. But at least he would’ve one more person who knows how to operate guns.
It was already starting to get dark when he decided to go to Quaritchs cell. (Y/N) had been fidgety all day and he knew it was because she wasn’t with her mate. Silently sighing he started to make his way to the cells, he couldn’t let his babygirl suffer like that. He needed to talk to the Colonel alone, figure out the way this was going to go, so that his daughter could be happy.
The village was quiet, dinner had already taken place and it was a calm evening. When he arrived at the cell, Tashet was gone and in his place was another warrior, slightly older than his son. „Leave us“, Jake ordered the guard, already in a bad mood at what he was about to do, but he had to remind himself he did it for you.
„What can I do for you Sully?“, Quaritch knew right away it was him, he knew sooner or later the Olo’eyktan would come to him. Jake didn’t say anything at first, taking the key and opening the door to the cell, just standing in the entrance and looking down at the still bloodied Colonel. The blood had dried, but he didn’t look too good. „How are we going to do this Quaritch“, the clanleader sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in defeat.
„I could tell you everything I know about how you can win this war and you let me be with her“, he was always so cocky, Jake had to control himself not to punch that stupid grin off his face. „No, its not how ‚we‘ as in the clan can win this war, it’s how ‚we‘ as in you are part of this clan now can win this war. You are mated to my daughter, and she will show you the way of our people, you will be one of us and you will fight alongside us when the time comes Quaritch. Are you willing to betray your own race? Just like you told me I did?“, Jake spat everything out that had been brooding on his mind since last night, and the Colonel was stunned for a second.
„I would do anything for her, I don’t give a shit about anyone else“, was the only thing Miles answered, and it was the truth. He didn’t give a shit about the humans, or anyone on earth. He cared only about (Y/N). Jake seemed satisfied with that answer. „Get up“, he signaled the other male and Quartich got up with a grunt. The Olo’eyktan really did a number on him last night.
„I do this for her Quaritch, only her. And if you hurt her in any way or betray the clan, I will kill you“, Jake threatened the man, eventhough he was pretty sure that the Coloenl wouldn’t betray his daughter, he seemed to be effected by the bond even more than she was. „Understood“, Quaritch seemed to take this seriously for once and that calmed the uneasiness of letting him out of his cell a little.
„Follow me“, Jake started walking, leading Quaritch through the forest and back into the camp, stopping near a tent that was near his family’s home, but slightly more private behind a few bushes and right next to the wall. It was empty until now, a spare tent if someone needed it, and now he would give it to the Colonel. He tried to not think about how his oldest child would probably move there too, it was the common thing to do, a mated pair should live together, especially vitra muntxa. She couldn’t be away from Quaritch too much, even she tried.
„This is going to be your tent, I will sent someone over with clothes and food, just stay here for now“, Jake told him and didn’t feel the need to mention that the someone he would be sending over would be his daughter. She was already restless all day, she would need to be close to her mate when Jake came back for sure. He left the Colonel there and made his way back to his family, hoping he had made the right decision.
You had tried all day to suppress the need to be with your mate, you hadn’t been sleeping very well, and the distance between him and you had only effected you more throughout your day. Your mother was looking at you with concern at dinner, but you couldn’t really muster up a convincing smile. You missed him, and he wasn’t even far away, you just didn’t want to go behind your fathers back again.
You were sitting behind your families tent on a rock, weaving a basket absentmindedly, when your father approached you with an uncertain look on his face. „Hey ma‘ite“, he smiled a little, kissing your temple and sitting next to you. You put the basket down and turned towards your father, you could sense he wanted to say something.
„Hey Dad“, you smiled encouragingly - at least you tried. Your father closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying what he came to say. „I talked to Quaritch“, he started and the name alone made your heartrate faster, „and I decided that if he agreed to help us win this war and you teach him the way of our people, I would let him out of his cell.“
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. „What?“, you breathed, the prospect of being allowed to see him making you all giddy. „I don’t fully trust him, but I believe he wouldn’t do anything to harm you, so I decided to assign him the tent near ours, next to the wall, you know?“, your father gestured in the direction where you knew the formerly empty tent was.
„But…why? Why did you change your mind?“, you were basically whispering, scared that if you talked to loud this would turn out to be a dream or something. Your father smiled gently down at you. „I saw how much you were suffering today, I want you to be happy, and I think that maybe there is a chance to make this work - there has to be“, in that moment you were so incredibly grateful for your father, and you couldn’t help yourself, you threw yourself into his arms.
„Thank you sempu“, you were so glad, because honestly you couldn’t have kept away from your mate any longer, and you very much preferred the tent to the cell. „Now go, get some food and clothes for him on the way“, your father ushered you away, „oh, and maybe some healing supplies, I really did a number on him.“ You couldn’t even be annoyed by your fathers smirk at the thought of hurting Miles, you were just so elated.
You had gathered everything in record time, it was already dark outside and you could make your way to the slightly secluded tent in peace. It seemed like the whole clan knew already, because you had gotten a lot of curious and apprehensive stares today. You stopped infront of the entrance, taking a deep breath and calming your heart, you were so excited to see him again.
When you stepped in it was dark, except for the small lantern in the corner illuminating the room a little and your eyes immediately zoned in on your mate. He was laying on the large bed made out of plant fibers in the corner, sprawled out and breathing calmly. The sight alone took some pressure of your chest. You set down the tweng and the food on the small table nearby and slowly walked closer with the healing supplies you brought. Your dad was right, there was a lot of dried blood on him and he had a black eye, his lip slightly split open too.
You sat next to him on the bed gently, but it still moved a bit and he startled awake with a grunt. He sat up swiftly and his eyes locked on you right away. The way his eyes widened and he smiled gently when he realized who you were made your stomach flutter. „Hey“, you quietly said, a little shy now that your last encounter played in your head. „Come here princess“, he grinned that stupid hot grin and grabbed your waist, lifting you onto his lap as if you weighed nothing.
You blushed, your hands holding onto his strong shoulders. „I missed you“, he smirked, his thumbs drawing circles on your hips and you were beaming at him. „I missed you too“, you softly smiled and leaned in, placing your lips on his gently. He reciprocated passionately, but as he was about to slide his tongue into your mouth, he winced and you pulled away worriedly. You had to giggle a little when he chased your lips, but then you saw the cut on his lips and remembered the healing supplies.
He grumbled unhappily when you pulled back a little to reach for the pouch with the rag, water bottle and pastes but settled down again when you got comfortable in his lap. „I need to clean your cuts and wipe the blood away“, you explained and his big arms circled your waist, caging you in and making you hum contently. „Alright“, he leaned back against the one solid wall the tent had, where it was built against the stone wall.
His eyes watched your every move and you carefully wiped all the dried blood off, his muscles moving underneath his blue skin where you were touching him. You started at his chest, the blood from his nose had dripped down there, and made your way upwards towards his face. You were careful around the slightly bruised eye and the sore nose but he didn’t even wince, he was completely enthralled by you.
He didn’t even feel any pain, he could only concentrate on the girl on his lap caring for him. The domestic atmosphere making him feel like everything could actually work out and be alright. „Does it hurt?“, her soft voice reached his ears, the colonel scoffing a little offended. „No princess, I served in the army for decades I don’t care about superficial pain like this anymore“, he smirked at the way you blushed.
When you remembered that eventhough this body was in its mid twenties, but his spirit was way way older than you, you got flustered. Not because you were uncomfortable, but because being with an ‚older’ man kind of made you a little wet. You wiped of the rest of the blood and took out the paste, but you could see him inhale and his pupils blow. „What about the things I said got you wet already?“, he grinned his canine grin and you felt the heat rise in your cheeks, distracting yourself by gently applying the paste to his bruise and his scratches. Now that the blood was off, it didn’t even look that bad.
When you had put the paste away again, your perspective suddenly changed and you were on your back, your mate caging you in from above. „Now, now, it’s not very nice to ignore my question“, he scolded you in a playful manner, but the position was already making you needy. „I don’t…it’s embarrassing“, you whimpered, and he barked out a laugh, grinning when he saw you rub your legs together.
„Come one, tell me and I’ll eat that sweet little pussy and breed you real good“, he whispered in your ear and they twitched in response, a pathetic noise leaving your throat and your tail wrapping around his biceps in comfort. „Y-you said…in the army…decades“, you were talking so quietly and were mumbling so bad that he didn’t catch all words, but he realized what it was. „You like the thought of an older man fucking you love?“, he chuckled at your embarrassed form underneath him and quickly tucked off your top to tease your nipples.
You gasped when he suddenly sucked at your nipple, the other being pinched by his hand and your were arching into him. „Good thing I’ve got the stamina of a young men again though, so I can pump you full of my cum all night“, he groaned at the thought of your pussy dripping with his cum and you all fucked out. „Miles, need you“, you were whining and rubbing your thighs together for some much needed friction.
„Mhm don’t worry princess, I will take care of my mate“, he hummed against your chest and you moaned at hearing him refer to you as his mate. He swiftly took your queue, connecting his to yours and making tsaheylu again. Both of you shuddered at the now familiar feeling, you had missed him so much. He ripped off your tweng and groaned at the intense smell. „Fuck you smell so good, can’t wait to bury my face in your pussy“, his lewd language made you even wetter and then he acted on his words and he licked a long stripe between your folds.
His large fivefingered hands gripped your thighs tightly and pulled them over his shoulders, his tongue teasingly flicking over your clit. „Please yawne I need more“, you whispered, desperately trying to move your core closer to his mouth, but his grip wasn’t budging. He chuckled and finally relented, sucking your clit into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue repeatedly. You moaned at the sudden attack and when two of his fingers slipped into you to the knuckles and you were a goner.
Your back arched off the bed and your hands buried in his short hair, the grip you had on him making him groan against you. He loved pleasuring you so much, the thought of him being the reason you were falling apart made him so horny he started to grind against the bed, his dick painfully hard and ready to fill you up. But first he wanted you to cum on his tongue, the need to satisfy his mate was in the forefront of his mind.
When he started to curl his fingers inside of you with every thrust, hitting that one spongey spot inside of you, you couldn’t hold it back anymore. „M-miles I’m gonna cum“, you whined and then he gave your clit a particularly hard flick, making you fall over the edge and cum with a silent scream. You clenched around his thick blue fingers, drenching them in your cum.
But when you came down from your high, twitching form the overstimulation, he didn’t stop - just like last time. You writhed underneath him, trying to get away from his long tongue, but his grip was like steel. „Is too much“, you whined and he pulled away momentarily with a chuckle. „Mhm princess, I know you can take it, want you to come once more before I breed you. Need you all ready so my seed will take, don’t you want that?“, his breath hit your swollen cunt, his words making you clench around nothing.
„Yes, yes I want that“, your primal instincts were going wild with the thought of him knocking you up. „Then take it“, he grinned, his canines on display, before diving back into your pussy. He flattened his tongue, the big muscle stimulating your clit again, and the rough texture almost driving you to insanity. You couldn’t believe how fast he was riling you up again.
Suddenly he dragged his tongue lower, pushing it into your entrance as far as it would go and wiggling it against the spot inside you that made you see stars. You were so sensitive that you almost came from just his tongue inside of you, and when his rough fingers started circling your clit, the coil in your belly snapped so fast and so intense you had to hold a hand over your mouth to not shout the village down.
He could feel you clench hard around his fingers, your cum flooding his tongue and making him dizzy. He was almost mad that you wouldn’t let him hear the pretty sounds you made, but on the other hand he wouldn’t want Sully to run in here if he heard his precious daughter screaming. His tongue fucked you through your orgasm, and only when you were basically sobbing and wincing from the sensitivity did he pull back.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, kneeling between your spread thighs and appreciating the sight of his fucked out girl panting underneath him. He quickly shed his pants, he didn’t put anything else back on after last night. His tail wrapped around your thigh firmly, holding them open while he stroked his cock a little, a few drops of his precum falling and landing on your abused pussy. The sight of them mixing with your own slick made him growl, you were so ready for him.
You were so overstimulated, that when he mounted you and his cock slid between your folds, you whimpered and tried to scoot back, closing your thighs. But his tail held you in place, his hands pushing your thighs even more open with an unhappy cluck of his tongue. „No, no pretty girl, you will take this cock and you will love it won’t you?“, he scowled a little, and you whined. „You’re my good girl aren’t you?“, he rubbed his tip over your clit repeatedly, his precum making a mess. „Yes, yes I’m your good girl“, you gasped and he finally pushed his head into you.
How on earth were you still so tight, eventhough he had fucked you yesterday? He was losing his mind, his grip on reality slipping for a second and he buried himself as deep as you would take him. You whimpered at the sudden intrusion, and he snapped back into the moment, giving you a second before he started to move.
His bulging biceps were caging you in, your hands gripping them to ground yourself and you relaxed into his embrace when his lips softly found yours. „I love you“, he mumbled between kisses, the confession making you smile against his mouth. „I love you“, you mumbled, the human term of affection feeling familiar on your tongue.
You were pushed out of your gentle bubble when he delivered a particularly hard thrust and caught that one spot in the process, making you throw your head back in pleasure. „Don’t stop“, you panted, and he continued abusing your cunt with his harsh pace. „Never“, he smirked, hitching up your leg, the coil in your stomach tightening already.
You were a mess beneath him, whimpering and moaning on his cock, and it wasn’t even all the way inside, a few centimeters still outside. „Mhm sweetheart, I know you can take your mates cock all the way“, your eyes opened and looked at him shocked. „I-I don’t know, you’re so big“, you stuttered, you already felt like you were stuffed beyond your limit, not sure that you could take him all the way right now.
His hand wandered down between your legs, where he was still thrusting inside of you, and rubbed your clit. You thought he agreed that you wouldn’t be able to take it all, so you were concentrating on your fast approaching orgasm. But you were wrong. „Oh princess, that wasn’t a question“, he grinned, sweat dripping down his temple, and before you could comprehend what was happening, his fingers and cock had pushed you over the edge. The moment your orgasm hit, you could feel his tail tightening around your thigh, and he forced all of his dick inside of you with a hard, unforgiving thrust.
It hurt a little, but you were so deeply lost in your pleasure that the pain only amplified it and after he thrusted all the way inside a few times, it seemed to dull down and wasn’t noticeable anymore. Eywa, this was your third orgasm already and he didn’t seem to slow down, his heavy balls now slapping against your ass while he buried himself in your swollen and clenching cunt over and over again.
Tears were leaking out of your eyes and you were whimpering, your pussy was so used and sensitive, you couldn’t take it anymore. „M-miles please“, you were digging your nails into his biceps, the slight pain making him growl in pleasure, his thrust getting even harder, battering your cervix, „it’s too much.“
„Oh my love, I’m not done with you yet“, he moaned when you clenched around him, „know you can take it, you were made just for me.“ His words made you leak more slick around his cock and he grinned when he felt it. „How about I’ll make you cum one more time before I’ll pump you full? Sounds good?“, he groaned at your precious face looking up at him, while his cock still fucked you stupid.
„I-I can’t“, you could barely think straight anymore, and when he changed his angle slightly and his leaking head caught your spongey spot with every thrust, you couldn’t believe you were starting to feel your high build a fourth time. „You will though, trust me“, he growled, his voice sending shivers down your arched back.
He started nipping at your neck, his pace picking up and the lewd sounds that were reaching your ears with every thrust made you moan. You were so not going to walk tomorrow, but you didn’t care it felt too good. „Come on, cum for me one last time princess“, he moaned in your ear, both of them twitching at the sensation.
You were so overwhelmed, your body already so exhausted from your previous orgasms that you didn’t know if you could even cum another time, but the colonel proved you wrong, his hand finding its way to your clit once more, pinching it softly and rolling it between his fingers. You winced, the pleasure boderline painful, but it made you reach your high nonetheless.
You gripped him like a vice, your soft velvety walls pulling him in and your vision went white for a second with the force of your orgasm. „Fuck, you’re so tight sweetheart, gonna fill you up so good, I’ll make sure I’ll put a baby in you“, he thrusted into you one last time, his heavy balls resting against your ass, thightening and with a guttural growl he spilled into you, his head nestled thightly against your cervix, his seed flowing directly into your womb.
Your orgasm flared up a little again, the sheer amount of cum making a pathetic moan leave your mouth, your body completely caged in by the tall blue man on top of you. He breathed hard against your neck, his tail squeezing your thigh and his lips brushing your skin. „Such a good mate, taking all of my cum“, he purred satisfied.
The feeling of his mate pressed against him, all claimed and pleasured and happy made his heart beat faster, your connection making his feelings even more intense. The thought of you really getting pregnant, made him grin against your neck. He turned you both around, so you could lay on top of him comfortably, his cock not slipping out once. You nuzzled into his neck, humming happily and clenching slightly because of the movement.
He kissed your forehead softly, his arms holding you close and making sure you were safe. „Fuck sweetheart, I hope I got you pregnant“, he rumbled against your hair, his hands squeezing your waist. „Mhm me too“, you mumbled, already half asleep. „I’ll keep you on my cock all night, make sure nothing spills“, he grinned at that, this was heaven he was sure. He had to suppress a chuckle at the thought of making Sully a grandpa.
Sooo I finally wrote the second part, don’t know if there’ll be a third, depends on what y’all would want, so let me know! Hope you liked this one <3
Taglist: @fandom-garbage @taleiak @ohshititsfenharel @zeryodos @alexandra-001 @deepdarktower @clockmax @shadowmoonlight0604 @l0stinth3nightsky @eywas-heir @brooklynscherry-z @liyahsocorro
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manygreetingsfriend · 2 years
i don’t think there’s anything that makes me feel like a shit stain on my parents’ doormat than the way my father just. couldn’t give less of a shit about my lifelong, intensely phobic fear of spiders. there’s no one i hate asking for help from more. i will be nearly catatonic in fear trying to communicate where it is and he will just. lackadaisically make his way over when convenient and just. stare at me. and just ask over and over again where is it. where is it. and then say he can’t help me if i won’t show him. and leave lmfao
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plounce · 5 years
tma fic recs? i went into ao3 and it was a mess
yeah it’s been slow-going for me too because of the amount of freak shit people post/have posted, as well as the fact that a lot of the high-kudos’d jm fics are from before s4 really ramped up their relationship development. and i’ve found i can get pretty picky about martin’s characterization. here’s a couple i’ve read and liked
(now with a read more because it’s gotten long) (updated 2/15/20)
the umbrella (4.6k) - mag160 fixit, probably my favorite fixit so far. includes canon-level non-graphic blinding. but it has a happy ending. it’s tma, i don’t need things to be light and fluffy all the time, i’m good with canon level darkness yk? as long as there’s a happy ending and the gays’ love for each other is pure.
feel the done days and you’re pulling through (1.8k) - jon deprogramming from being an avatar. living a very domestic and idyllic life. it’s adorable
all resistance wearing thin (4.7k) - ok this is the ONLY web!martin concept ive ever liked. bc it doesn’t make martin a crazy villain hes still himself and hes just NICE he LOVES people (aka jon). and we all like to indulge in a bit of mutually obsessive love. happy ending :)
some invitation of light (4k) - i love the joke that “martin is proof that playing hard to get works,” and this fic is in line with that. i’m picky about jealousy in fics but this one was enjoyable
ways to save the world (19.3k) - oooooogh urghhhhh jon gets trapped in the lonely and martin communicates to him through passages of poetry… im a total sucker for epistolary fics and this one was so GOOD
above all shadows (4.3k) - canon divergent from s4, written before the finale. very fairytale esque. theres some paragraphs in this that made me go HAM
catch and release (2.3k) - pre canon divergence au where theyre both avatars being spooky and doing a back and forth. martin is full lonely and jon got RAISED BY SPIDERS. somewhat edgy but in a fun way. we love creepy shit
agate, amber, amethyst (994) - short sweet and soppy. magpie jon is so utterly charming to me.
reciprocity (1.9k) - short and sweet caretaking stuff. both these bitches need to sleep.
always a reason (1.7k) - we love jon taking care of martin!! as he deserves!
pl: nuclei; but you only need one, anyway. (1.1k) - s3 phone calls with jon asking martin for research help. timezones. jon trying to stretch those “i care about you” muscles
1. can’t be helped (5.3k) 2. rituals (8.4k) - two fics in a series. very monster boyfriend. the first is martin losing his emotions to the lonely. the second is martin getting them back, but jon has been subsumed by The Archivist, which is figuring out what martin means to it. there was a moment in the second that made me go a little whoa hey! it was the archivist compelling martin. but it wasn’t anywhere near enough to make me stop reading. they were good, heartrending reads.
misshapes, mistakes, monsters (7.9k) - jon takes martin as his plus one to an oxford reunion. an enjoyable read, along with an almost cartoonishly villainous posh man. pining! “it’s nice to feel like i’m something worth protecting” arrrghhhh
small things, simple acts (6.6k) - post-159 fic. bookmarked this one! because they LOVE each other and TRY SO HARD for each other!!!! jon buys martin a stuffed cow because he saw martin looking at it and theyre TRYING for it. “There are a lot of things that Jon can’t give him, like safety or a normal life. But he can absolutely get him a stuffed toy just because he looks like he wants it.”
i’m almost me again, you’re almost you (12.9k) - you know when you try to feel feelings and it’s like touching a hot stove? that’s what martin does this whole fic as he’s recovering from the lonely and jon is being so achingly sweet and good with him, but martin can’t 1. deal with it just yet 2. believe that jon loves him back. post-159 fic. god. READING it felt like touching a hot stove, or stepping into warm bathwater with cold feet. jesus christ. excellent
fate, or something (107.8k) - this is that 100k blind date s1 canon divergence au, and i tried it out and i LOVED IT. martin has a spine! it’s just so sweet. they’re friends! martin works with melanie for ghost hunt uk! a great read. it’s that sloooowwww burn shit.
forever is composed of nows (5.9k) - jon meets martin (a single dad) and martin’s daughter (agnes! who had good writing for a child in a fanfiction) in the library and things grow from there. this fic is SO CUTE. it’s wonderful. i literally had to take breaks while reading it to make wild animal noises because i couldn’t deal with it. god. it’s so good. UGH (thanks to @infernallegaycy for the rec!)
and i won’t pray for an unfilled grave (5.9k) - daisy after coming out of the buried. daisira and daisy&melanie bonding. WOMENNNNN I LOVE WOMEN
hello my old heart (15.8k) - jess @thedistortion, the person who got me into tma and a dear pal, wrote this, and their brain is utterly huge and good. i love this so much. a deeply excellent post-159 fic that i would also say is pre-160. so many parts of this make me gasp and clutch my chest! but it also has an excellent realism to it. spiders that enrage me. please read.
yesterday is here (26.6k+, WIP) - post-canon jon and martin travel back in time and hang out with the pre-canon crew and attempt to make everything better. guaranteed happy ending. it’s so sweet watching jon be so kind and gentle and Better At People with his coworkers and make things right - and the s1 jon and martin fumble at seeing their extremely married and Knowing counterparts.
a measure outside the lines (22.9k) - i looove post-159 fics that show that martin hasn’t been completely severed from the lonely and still really struggles with it. this one is EXCELLENT at it. there’s some moments in this one that just made me totally ache because oh… oh martin. it’s so wonderful and has such excellent emotional catharsis
interlude (7.8k) - s3 au where georgie meets martin over facetime with jon! makes me wistful for the friendship they could have had without all the coping mechanisms in the way. the fond teasing is very cute. the pining! the banter! the slips of the tongue! very, very enjoyable.
skin deep (3.1k) - another s3 au where georgie meets martin on better terms - she calls him for help after jon’s meeting with jude (as jon’s locked himself in his room). the way jon leans on martin and lets him in and just… the way he behaves around him. very sweet.
bury my heart on the coals (3.6k+, WIP) - au where martin was one of gertrude’s assistants who is now a ghost haunting the archives. i’m enjoying how he’s so judgmental of jon and all the little signs of Haunting that jon and the assistants are experiencing.
nor any more youth or age than there is now (6.5k) - outsider pov of jon being a primary school teacher in scotland post 159!! so, so sweet. i LOVE outsider pov stories and this one is so good. jon using his powers to protect his students and displaying all that character growth he’s had… the glimpses of his domestic life with martin… it’s adorable. please check it out.
take sides in divided cells (3.4k) - in an idyllic domestic post-canon, martin’s father tries to reconnect with him. from jon’s pov, so it’s a lot of him worrying about martin and then being protective. oof! oof! emotional hurt/comfort.
pieces of you stuck on me (1.9k) - spy au. a little snapshot - i enjoy all the implied backstory going on. the thrill! the longing! the suspense! and i’m generally a sucker for spy aus, i’ll be real.
be kind, i beg you (14.9k) - post 159. oh this one is so achey… i love it. jon obsessing over “loved is past tense” and trying so hard to be Good to martin, while martin deals with mood swings from his recent emotional traumas. they try really hard and are very domestic, talk about gardening, and clean up the safehouse. LOVED THIS.
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dreamy--dolly · 5 years
percihad headcanons because i can and we need more content
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all of these are going under a cut bc there’s a lot.
they meet when they’re really little - galahad and elaine live close to percival’s castle and he goes off to play in the woods when one day he trips and scrapes his knee. percival hears him and runs over to help him and to get galahad to stop crying he makes a bunch of silly faces to cheer him up.
in modern aus they are BOTH beatles fans - i feel like galahad’s favorite is paul and percy’s favorite is ringo.
percival starts growing out his hair again as he gets older bc while he’s not a girl he’s still not entirely comfortable w/ masculinity, so galahad likes braiding and styling his hair when it gets long enough.
they’re both around the same height but percival’s a liiiiittle bit taller.
cloak snuggles. LOTS of cloak snuggles. percival just wraps galahad up in his cloak and they cuddle
galahad is a bottom
if they ever grow up and live together they probably go to stay in a castle by the ocean
one time percival found a cat and BEGGED galahad to let them keep it so they did. galahad and the cat didn’t like each other at first, but they grew on each other. the cat’s name is dandelion, or lion for short.
they can usually be found sleeping where galahad’s lying on percival’s stomach asleep and percy’s playing with his hair
galahad prefers using a bow and arrow and one time percival suggested “what if i put an apple on my head and you missed and shot me in the eye would that be messed up or what :D” and galahad just. o_o
arthur is probably their biggest shipper - he’s a very close father figure to galahad and is so glad to see the boy who’s p much a second son to him so happy
they’re that couple that acts disgustingly cute even before they’re a couple
thanks to gringolet informing me that virginity is like. in catholicism usually w/ SPECIFICALLY the opposite sex galahad and percival find out about this loophole aaand i cant get too into it and kinda dont wanna
but i’m pretty sure when they finally do get around to that it’s very soft and sweet and very romantic and they’re just super soft with each other and have some intense TENDERNESS together the morning after
galahad stress bakes and percival constantly steals strawberries from him
they are BOTH big big cuddlebugs and big on small public displays of affection.
percival uses a sword in battle, galahad uses a bow and arrow. percival kinda takes it upon himself to protect galahad but then there’ll be times when galahad’s the one to get him out of fights and percy gets really embarrassed about it
bors is the ultimate wingman, and percy goes to gawaine for relationship advice
percival has to take the spiders outside because galahad gets scared
whenever percival looks remotely sad galahad plays with his hair to cheer him up
if galahad is sad percival makes stupid faces at him or covers his face w/ kisses
in modern aus they like to spend time at the amusement park walking on the boardwalk and looking at the stars
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lanzhanss · 5 years
I saw one of the anons' question about Madame Yu survived instead of WWX, so.if WWX isdead and Yunmengis in shambles, the stress and pain of loss is too high, and with a vow of vengeance, Madame Yu, JC, and LZ went to Yiling to hide, while doing so they practiced one Cultivation that was hated by all, Demonic Cultivation. with it they will obliterate the Wen Sect as the Demonic Trinity of Yiling, The Matriarch (YZY), The Son (JC) and The Fallen Righteous Spirit (LZ).
OHHH THE DEMONIC TRINITY OF YILING SOUNDS SO GOOD!!!! I want to add jiang yanli here too bc I love badass shijie but I guess I’ll just go with the trinity you said.
but then again, their cultivation was completely fine and their golden cores were also not melted so I don’t see why they would cultivate the dark path???? ok but to go with this au, maybe jc and lwj were really traumatized due to seeing wwx like that and hearing those rumors, especially jiang cheng. So
They go to Yiling after they take jiang yanli with them. They don’t stay in Mieshan Yu Sect for shelter because what if the wens comes after them there and also destroy mieshan? So they quietly leave for Yiling. Jiang Cheng then vows to avenge his brother, he vows to raze the Wen sect the same way yunmeng was and bring back his father and he vows to cut Wen Chao and hang him up for the world to see.
But he is powerless, the path he cultivates is not enough, he needs more power, he needs much more. He then remembers what his brother said back in the cloud recesses, how dark energy can be controlled, even people with weak spiritual energy can get an immense amount of power by cultivating that path. It is a crooked path, he knows, he knows the risk is very high but he will do anything to avenge his brother, his sect and bring back his father. He tells his mother that he made up his mind about cultivating demonic energy. Madame Yu stops him in every way possible but Jiang Cheng made up his mind and doesn’t listen to a single thing she says to him on this topic. So she decides to cultivate the path with him. She can’t allow her only son to walk on that path alone. She starts practicing with him. She too wants to bring justice to her lost sect.
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji blames wei wuxian’s death on jiang cheng and his mother as he investigates their whereabouts and goes to yiling. He meets them and is shocked to see Jiang Cheng and his mother. They are nothing like what they used to be. They don’t wear purple robes anymore. They are dressed all in black, even the aura around them is black. Something isn’t right. But he asks them that how could they leave Wei Ying alone, asks them that if they really wanted to run why didn’t they take Wei Ying with them? Lan Wangji tells them that he will avenge Wei Ying. He will hunt down the Wens.
Jiang Cheng feels guilty. He tells Lan Wangji about demonic cultivation and says that he is going to avenge wei wuxian too. He tells lan wangji how much power they can get from demonic cultivation. He then takes out a flute from his sleeves, red ribbon tied at the end of it, and shows him the power of demonic cultivation. Shows him that he is no longer the jiang cheng of old days and tells him that if they want to bring the Wen Sect down, they need to get much stronger and this is the only way they can do so.
The bright smile, the cheerful face flashes across Lan Wangji’s eyes following with the body full of blood hanged up, eyes painfully closed when he decides to cultivate with jiang cheng. That was the fall of the most righteous man.
After that, the people from Wen sect started disappearing. One after the other, they slowly disappeared. And after some time of disappearing, their corpses were hanged on the streets, killed in different ways. But each corpse had one thing in common, hole in a chest and golden core removed and scars of disciple whip. Everyone from Wen sect was shocked. Even the remaining three great sects were horrified. But Gusu Lan sect had another, much bigger problem than this. Their second young master Lan was missing. The Lan sect searched everywhere but couldn’t find him. There was not a single place they didn’t search.
Days passed by and the number of wen sect’s corpses kept going up. There were rumors that many times a woman and two youths in black were sighted at the place where those wen disciples were seen last time. No one knows if those rumors were true or not.
Three months later, a discussion conference was held by the Wen sect. All the sect leaders were present except for the arrogant Wen sect’s. Wen sect’s leader’s son was present instead of him. Everything was going as it should be but then they heard the loud sound of flute along with guqin and howls of fierce corpses. Suddenly hundreds of corpses attacked them. But shocking thing was that they only attacked the Wens. All of the people present there were shocked. Many people were present there but not even one helped the Wens.
That day people understood the true meaning of ‘horror’ as those fierce corpses tore the flesh of Wens. And that day they saw Madame Yu, her son Jiang Cheng and the esteemed cultivator Hanguang Jun. They were nothing like before. They were dressed in black. The zidian which was ruthlessly lashed on the wen cultivators was also black instead of bright purple. It had an evil aura around it. She was no longer the Violet Spider but a Black Venom.
Jiang Cheng played flute which controlled those fierce corpses. And the most shocking one was the Hanguang Jun. He too, was dressed in black, holding a guqin which emitted dark energy from it and controlled those corpses along with Jiang Cheng. They killed hundreds of wen sect’s people in just a short time. Jiang Cheng walked up to Wen Chao who was hidden behind Core Melting Hand, Wen Zhuliu. Jiang Cheng asked,
“Can you really protect his dog life from me?”
Wen Zhuliu replied, “Better die trying”
As Wen Zhuliu attacked Jiang Cheng, Lan Wangji came between them and stabbed him in the chest, taking out his golden core. Lan Wangji then spoke up, “This is how Wei Ying felt that day when you melted his core”
Wen Chao started screaming and crying, ordering the sects to help him otherwise his father won’t let them off. But everyone was shocked speechless. No one could believe what they were seeing. And no one cared about him, everyone loathed him. Jiang Cheng started laughing and spoke up, “ Do you really think that they will save someone like you? Have you forgotten what you did? Don’t you remember how you treated them?”
Wen Chao was terrified as he asked, “ Were you three the ones who kidnapped and killed the Wen Sect’s people?”
Jiang Cheng, “ Of course, who else do you think hates you more than us?”
After that no one spoke, only Wen Chao’s screams were heard. His screams and his begging to be spared and forgiven. Jiang Cheng took out a disciple whip and lashed him with it. He kept on lashing him until the ground was wet with his blood. He then slowly made a hole in his chest, very slowly so that it would hurt more and then ruthlessly took out his golden core. Many cultivators came forward to stop him but were stopped by Lan Wangji and Madame Yu. Wen Chao kept on pleading but he was hanged. Jiang Cheng spoke up, “ Do you remember who else was hanged like this? Do you remember whose golden core was melted and was beaten by disciple whip like this? I’ll kill you in far more worse way than you killed my brother”
He was ruthlessly beaten to death in front of hundreds of cultivators. That day Jiang Cheng announced the start of SunShot Campaign.
That day the Yiling Matriarch, her Son and the Fallen Righteous Spirit came in front of the world and later razed Wen Sect from existence.
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runningthe-maze · 7 years
You Know Him?
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You knew Peter before Tony brought you along to recruit the one and only Spider-Man, much to Tony’s confusion. You finally get the chance to prove your skills to Tony, but it doesn’t go as planned.
Warnings: Awkward scenes bc I suck at writing battles/angst, angst, character death
A/N: I’m super sorry I haven’t posted anything lately, my laptop broke and I had hoped I would get it fixed before now but I have not :/ I’m posting from a family members laptop, so let’s all hope he doesn’t discover my blog lmao
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"Hey, y/n. Why don't you come with me to recruit the kid? He's about your age." Tony requested. He was just about to exit the tower
"Okay." You stood up, following behind him closely.
Years ago, Tong had brought you in under his wing. You lived with him, exploring and improving your abilities. He had raised you for ten years, after your parents gave you once they found out about your 'gifts'. He was more of a father to you than your biological one ever was.
On the drive over, he explained to you that he was going to recruit Spider-Man, a young boy named Peter.
Peter had no idea what he was about to become a part of.
His Aunt had answered the door, shocked that Tony Stark was asking for her nephew. She invited you and Tony in, saying Peter was not home yet, but would be shortly.
Tony made up an excuse that Peter had applied to become an intern. You didn't pay much attention to their conversation, strangely interested in your surroundings. There was something vaguely familiar about the small home he lived in.
You excused yourself to the bathroom for a few minutes, unprepared for who you'd see when you came out.
Standing directly behind their couch, stood your friend Peter Parker. You two met three months ago when you left Tony's tower for a night, and kept up with each other through calls and messages daily.
Everything seemed to connect in your mind as you realized that he was Spider-Man. The apartment was so familiar because you had seen it before while on FaceTime, and that was his aunt May!
"Peter?!" You exclaimed, making eye contact with the boy. When he looked over it was his turn to he surprised. "Y/n?! What are you doing here?" He cracked a grin, walking over to greet you with an embrace.
"You know him?" Tony asked, receiving no response.
"I came with Tony, I didn't know you were-"
"Applying to become an intern." Tony cut you off.
"Um, yeah, an intern. Did you apply too?" Peter asked you.
"No, I live with him!"
His jaw dropped to the floor.  
"Are you serious?! How come you never told me!"
"It never came up I guess." You shrugged.
"Wait. Are you related?!"
"Sorry to cut this reunion short, but how do you two know each other?" Tony asked, clearly confused.
You laughed awkwardly, you'd hoped this would never come up. "I actually left the tower a couple months ago, and might have explored a little."
He narrowed his eyes at you, as you sheepishly tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
"Why didn't this ever come up, y/n?"
Before you could respond, he lifted his hand. "This isn't the time to discuss this. I apologize, May."
"No worries, I'm surprised she hasn't mentioned Peter. He talks about y/n all the time. I didn’t know this was who he spoke to! Seriously, he's always-
"I wouldn't say all the time." Peter nervously laughed, reaching his hand up to rub the back of his neck.
"Okay, back to business. May I have a word with Peter?" Tony asked. May nodded. "Of course."
With Peter at the tower more often, you two got to spend more time together. Your friendship grew quickly. You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss him when he left. He was the only person your age you got to hang out with. Things got boring when you were 15 years old and surrounded by a bunch of people more than twice your age.
He was a lot of fun to be around, and his other friends seemed awesome, too. He promised he'd introduce you to them someday. The boy was so surprised that you were living with Tony Stark and he hadn't known. You were just as surprised that he was Spider-Man!
Tony prepared both of you for the battle with Steve and everyone on his side. When Tony gathered everyone and set off for the airport, both you and Peter were ecstatic. You'd fought before, but Tony never let you tackle anything big. Your powers had been difficult to control, so you were required to practice daily. He taught you techniques on how to control them. You took this opportunity to prove yourself and your capabilities to Tony.
After speaking with Steve for a few moments, Tony ran out of patience. "Underoos!" He called. Soon enough, your favorite bug-man (or Arachnid, as Peter corrected) came swinging in. He stole Steve's shield, landing on top of a vehicle. He awkwardly spoke about his suit to Tony, then introduced himself to Captain America. You rolled your eyes with a smirk at how dorky he was.
When the battle finally began, everyone seemed to pair up on their own. You took on Ant man.
"Look, I don't want to hurt a kid." He told you. "You won't." You growled, producing a small light from your hand. You instantly threw it at him, creating a well sized ball of flames. He shrunk himself instantly, jumping onto your hand.
He flipped you over, attempting to drag your arm around your back.
You flicked him off, shooting neon purple flames his way and running towards another competitor. You found yourself shifting invisible to sneak up on Bucky and Sam, who were teaming up on Peter. They were sprinting down a hall when you reappeared in front of them.
They both ceased their movements, turning another way to escape. "Hi y/n!" Peter called. You smiled and waved before surrounding the two men in a ring of electricity. 
"I'm sorry about all this guys," you apologized, "Can we still be friends?"
"Sure, kid. We don't blame this on you." Sam told you, looking at Bucky who nodded.
Bucky charged through the ring, swatting all the small spots on his body that lit on fire. Sam did the same.
Peter had webbed them to the floor but could not continue, because Sam had sent his little drone to Pete. He was dragged outside. You ran after him, shooting beams at the drone and breathing a sigh of relief as he safely swung himself to the ground.
"Thanks, y/n. This is pretty awesome!"
"Hell yeah, Pete."
The battle continued, practically destroying the airport. Metal scraps went flying in all directions, just narrowly missing people. You did your best to keep them off of you while searching for a leverage point.
Before you could process what happened, you saw the shattering of half a terminal above you. You cried out, unable to move out of the way before large blocks of cement and metal crashed down on your body. Your metal suit protected you from being crushed completely, but sure as hell didn't help the load of pain you found yourself in. Something sharp was digging into your leg, likely having severed a main artery. 
"Jen," you whispered the name of the AI inside your suit, "Help"
Your suit seemed to have shut down, most likely broken from the impact. You were completely alone, you couldn't call anyone and you could barely move.
You began to push yourself up, desperately attempting not to get stuck. You had shifted the concrete enough to push yourself up by your forearms. The concrete surrounding you rumbled slightly, and a small chunk from the top fell to the ground. A small hole had formed, just barely enough for you to squeeze through.
You dragged yourself towards it, struggling to maneuver yourself through the compact shards. You got to the hole, sticking your right arm out first. One wrong slip up with your knee caused you to flinch and groan in pain, resulting in  the entire structure to rumble once again, and create an avalanche effect. Your arm on the outside was crushed by a block bigger than your head, and everything inside was hailing closer to the floor. You had been sealed shut, and held down by immovable forces. A small puddle of liquid told you the injury moments before ddefinitely punctured your artery. More blood poured out than you would have liked, making you dizzy. The pain subsided quickly, it had been replaced with an unusual numb feeling. 
Your world faded into darkness along with the sound of chaos hailing down from the sky.
Your fate was inevitable, you had accepted that. You just wished Peter or Tony would not be the ones to find your body.
Scott had enlarged himself, raining havoc on your teammates. They struggled to overpower him, unsure of how to.
"Anybody on our side hiding any fantastic abilities they could use right now? I'm open to suggestions." Tony called out to everyone, receiving no response.
"Y/n, what about you? You got something hiding in there?"
"Y/n?" He said.
"Where is y/n?"
Before he could say anything else, Captain America had challenged him.
Peter stopped to look around him, scanning the group for your face. You were nowhere to be found. A small flicker of neon light caught his attention, underneath a large pile of metal and concrete.
"Oh no." He whispered to himself, abandoning his current battle to search for you.
Peter found your hand sticking out from underneath, motionless. "Y/n? Can you hear me?" He called, pulling the pieces off of you as quickly as his body allowed him. "Y/n!" He uncovered your face, quickly removing your mask to check for a heartbeat. Your suit appeared to be damaged severely and shut down.
Your skin was cold and pale, with a slight blue tint, telling him you'd been gone for a while. You looked stripped of all life, like an empty glass.
His breath hitched in his throat, as he pulled off his own mask to see you clearly. Your face was twisted in discomfort, a look of agony refused to leave. Peter held you close and silently begged whoever was listening to bring you back. The pit in the bottom of his stomach ached. He knew you weren't coming back, but didn't want to accept the fact.
He found himself pulling you into his lap, holding onto you tightly. The moment Peter noticed the pool of blood surrounding you, his heart shattered into a million pieces. The whole world disappeared around him as the two of you sat on the cold ground. Nothing else mattered in the world at that moment, all he cared about was what could have been running through your mind in your final moments of life. Did you feel alone? Scared? Were you in pain? Had you tried to call for help but were unsuccessful due to your suit deactivating? The thoughts sent chills down his spine. He cursed himself for not noticing your disappearance before, maybe then he could have prevented your death.
Peter hadn't noticed multiple sets of footsteps approaching from behind him.
No one spoke, only watching with horrified eyes. Tony removed his mask, running to you and Pete with trembling hands. When his gaze fell upon your face, he felt his entire heart plummet into his stomach. He saw the same thing Peter did only minutes before. Absolutely nothing.
He dropped to his knees beside you, reaching out cup your cold cheek. You were the only casualty from the battle. Tony swallowed hard and looked up to Peter, who refused to meet his gaze.
Tony cared for you like he would his own child. Hell, you were his child, biologically or not. He raised you, and tried his hardest to give you a good life without your powers holding you back. He'd experienced many deaths in his lifetime, none of them comparing to the pain he was in as he watched your emotionless face.
He mustered up as much energy as he could to give a small announcement to the group surrounding you.
"She's gone."
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whale-shark-queen · 7 years
You mentioned fucked up weird AUs in your one post? I'm interested. Tell me about your favourite one(s)!!
AAAaaaah thank you so much!!
Uhhhhhhh heck most of them involve N turning into some horrible Thing because he’s the Estranged Outsider with a Connection to the Bad Guys Even If It’s Not Willingly (yknow like how Eren from snk is a titan shifter or Rin from blue exorcist is part demon) and all of them involve vuvuzelashipping (Nxall the Nuvema lot) I don’t really have a single favourite but I’ll summarize the ones I like most (also note that some of them are good dad Ghetsis/Dadsis aus because u gotta balance out the angst somehow plus dadsis aus are Cool)
Under the cut because I literally can’t summarise for shit and I’m sure no one wants to scroll past 3 pages worth of this (mobile users I apologise since the app is SHIT and refuses to even acknowledge these) 
Also here’s a bit of an index so u can skip to ones that sound interesting instead of going through them all but first u should ask nationalharmonica about her aus bc I love all of hers and they’re awesome and need more love and she also helped with alot of these aus too!! ESPECIALLY the Dragonflower au which I won’t include here because I think she has it on her blog somewhere already.  If ur wondering why I haven’t posted any of these it’s because a) i have neither the skill, time or patience to draw up proper references for all of the characters involved and b) I’m always worried theyll seem too Out There for some people but here we go au masterpost i guess, if anyone reading would like more info feel free to ask!!!
Bacterial Contamination inspired au aka bacterial pestileNce
BotW au
Ib au
PMMM au (the longest one)
Plasma/Aether swapover, N wins+UB monochromeshipping au
Simple fNaf dadsis au
sister locatioN dicksis au (yes I have two for that because I only found out about the secret springtrap cutscene at the end of SL that changes everything the other day)
Nombie (dadsis) au
isolatioN au- Au based on the song Bacterial Contamination.  N goes to the snobbiest most pretentious school you can imagine only because his ex mafia boss dad wants the best for him.  N hides the fact he’s being relentlessly bullied until a teacher phones Ghetsis up asking why N is in such a state whenever he comes into school (BC bruises and cuts and looking roughed up in general).  N goes to therapy and gets meds but surprise they’re an experimental drug and he’s a bug boy now
- BotW au where Touya is Link, Cheren as Revali, Bianca is Mipha and Touko is Zelda.  Ghetsis (who is kinda like Demise if he hung around to make sure his curse worked) is the king of a neighboring region who’s a bit of a warmongering asshole but his son N is friends with princess Touko and her…ahem, associates, which is the only reason Touko’s dad stays civil with him at all.  He uses this to his advantage and infects N with the Malice and reveals his plan to take over Unova, knowing fine well that N would run away to Touko for help.  The truth is he’d set up N to be a ticking time bomb and eventually he becomes the Calamity.  After the whole ~100 year coma and releasing the divine beasts~ thing Touya only remembers who N is after killing him but dw there’s a blood moon just as Touko is sealing the Malice away and N’s freed spirit is brought back to become a friendly giant fluffy spider boy just because I said so
- Ib au with N as Mary (obv Ghetsis is Guertena) except instead of going crazy and trying to kill everyone and being burned up and dying himself the toutous make him sit in the frame while they drag it out of the portal to the real world: problem solved.  I have all this stuff about the others being able to step into his frame but he can’t leave unless someone else draws him so he can possess the drawing but I won’t go into it here BC this post is gonna be long enough already
-Okay I have two madoka aus because possibilities for N are Ndless but I’ve only really developed the dicksis version whereas I only have a witch design for a possible dadsis version so here’s the dicksis one.  The first: Ghetsis is kinda like Walpurgisnacht and N was originally a familiar that represented Ghetsis’ interest being only in things that directly oppose him who was becoming powerful enough to become a witch of his own.  Not wanting him to have even a fraction of power himself Ghetsis transformed him into a human shape, gave him sentience and intelligence and as close to a pure heart as possible so he would be easier to manipulate and led him to believe that magical girls/boys hunt down innocent witches for fun and have witches trapped in their soul gems and tasks N with stealing people’s soul gems to ‘free the witch inside’.  The problem is that the alteration gave N the mindset of ‘innocents who aren’t involved must be protected at all costs’ rather than Ghetsis’ mindset of ‘don’t give a fuck about anyone unless they’re a problem’.  N is also sent to integrate into human society so that he can find magical peepos easier so he ends up coincidentally going to school with the Nuvema kiddos.  He ends up becoming friends with them until he finds out Cheren and Bianca are magicas (I’m just gonna call them that for simplicity) but even though the toutous arent magicas they still support them which is all very upsetting and conflicting for N but he tries his best to protect the witches and steal more soul gems until the others eventually call him out on it and prove to him that the shit Ghetsis told him is bull.  When he goes to confront him about it it’s too late, Ghetsis has absorbed enough witches to become a Walpurgisnacht-like entity, and finally allows N to become a witch.  I’ll link the drawings I’ve done of him but basically his labyrinth would be like a puppet theater and even tho hes the witch he’d have this fuckin giant messed up ghetsis-lookin puppet master familiar who pulls at his strings and coordinates his attacks.  There’d be an audience of masked figures that look like all the magicas he’s caused the deaths of, tiny animals with scissors to represent his wish for freedom and also his fear of his ‘father’ since they never actually get to cut the strings holding him up, and figures that look a heck of a lot like the nuvema kiddos watching in a balcony.  This is all tied into a theory I came up with that almost all the witches are able to be saved since yknow how Homura had that figure of Madoka locked away and Madoka was able to bring her back, and how Sayaka had the violin guy and Charlotte had that doll that probably represents her dead mother? My guess is that if the people those figures represent are brought to the witch and reach out to them the magical girl inside would be able to be freed.  But yeah since N was never really a human the Nuvema kiddos can only really save a fraction of his conscious and he ends up like Bebe.  They all beat the shit out of Ghetsis and everyone lives happily ever after with their pocket witch bf
- the au where 1) plasma and aether are sort of swapped around and 2) N beats the toutous in the final battle.  This is actually based on nationalharmonica’s courtesaN au which is awesome BTW (but it doesn’t involve actual courtesans or N being a courtesan at all but its Sarah’s au so if you’re interested you should totally ask her about it).  Ghetsis keeps Touko and Touya prisoner and just to rub it in their faces blackmails Cheren and Bianca into joining and doing sciency experiment shit which ends up with Touko and Touya becoming UB fusions/hybrids themselves; Touya with Kartana and Touko with Celesteela.  Ofc in the later stages they are able to destroy their place of confinement and escape with Cheren and Bianca to find N who becomes understandably fucked off and upset that his friends have been put through all this shit but begs them not  to kill Ghetsis so he can ask what’s going on.  When he does Ghetsis stabs him with a syringe full of UB fusion shit because he knows fine well hes gonna die he just wanted a final ‘fuck you’ before he is killed by both fire and paper cuts.  Surprise! It’s a Guzzlord.  N becomes a big squishy boy. I’ve done drawings of N in human Guzzlord fusion/hybrid form but I’ve been afraid of posting it but uh if anyones interested i will
- Simplified fNaf dadsis au - basically N and the Nuvema kiddos are the ones that were killed and stuffed in the animatronics, Ghetsis owns the place but risks going bankrupt pouring money into helping find the culprit and also his son and his friends when they’ve been stuck in the one restaurant he kept open to stay afloat.  Nate is the new nightguard and they decide to fuck with him to get rid of some of the boredom of being alone together in the one building for like…30 years or so.  In the end they fess up and make Nate pizza as an apology and they’re chill again
- sister locatioN dicksis au - I already summarised a thing i wrote of it in response to an anon but I’ll include here too.  Once again Ghetsis owns all the shit with the animatronics.  Anthea and Concordia get killed by one of them when they were young so years later Ghetsis sends N down to ‘free’ them (surprise he only wanted to get rid of N) but since their spirits have been fused into one hideous amalgamation of animatronics they’ve gone a bit loopy and want to leave.  The whole scooping room thing ensues and they accidentally turn their brother into a zombie
- Nombie au bc Z is a sideways N heheh I ahven’t thought up much of the background for it but it involves Plasma being a pharmaceutical company that is sort of accidentally being the cause of it.  N gets separated from his dad who ends up being the leader of a large group of people in a little town sort of thing they were able to reclaim but is Sad bc he thinks his son is dead which ends up being half true bc surprise N is half immune and ends up being a conscious zombie boy who wears a curtain as a cloak so he doesnt immediately frighten people bc he got his eye shot out by hillbilies, his face scratched up, his throat bitten out and his heart impaled on a pole (hes a freak without a human heart geddit) zombie apocalypse stuff happens
- isolatioN au - basically spawned from the thought of ’what if N was kept even more hidden away/locked up/never even left at all’.  Plasma is instead secretly in the Pokemon poaching/hunting/selling business but are disguised as…well you already know about Plasma.  The nuvema kiddos had varying levels of rough childhood and were desperate for money so they all joined up; the toutous as night guards and the dualrival s as researchers.  Hidden deep in the facility is a certain tree haired manchild who has been kept in a cage for pretty much his entire life.  Ghetsis does a mother gothel and makes out its to keep him safe and brings him Pokemon to ask about where they live and what other kinds of Pokemon live there so that Ghetsis can release them safely back into the wild go hunt for more Pokemon in the area if there’s anything good there
There’s a few more that I have but I won’t include them because im worried it’d be a waste of time if no one takes interest in any of these but uh thanks for asking and reading if you did!!!
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1, 4, 8, 14, 21, 24, 28, 42, 45, 50 - All, or whoever speaks to you for each one
jesus fucking christ.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Belle: Belle Marie Beauton – belle bc it means “beauty” and also, tech, her mom’s name was charisse which means “grace” and she was like into a #theme. marie bc it sounded nice, is also probably maurice’s mom.
Simba: Onyango Simba Lyons – onyango bc it means “born in the morning” and simba because it means “lion/warrior”. 
Toulouse: Toulouse Henri Bonfamille – why did ber get hector’s name as his middle name and not lou? /waves hand lou was named after the artiste of course! tres bien. 
Bambi: Bambino Daryl Basurto – bambino is basically like “my little one”, it’s an affectionate italian term tho it’s also used in other parts of europe. daryl means “deer” sooo his full name lowkey translates to “little deer of the forest”
Perdita: Perdita Mariel Faye – all of perdy and her sibs are named after shakespeare characters bc her mom is #obsessed. edmund, perdita, rosaline, and ophelia. perdy was named after her mother’s first role on broadway. mariel is jewish – it is a variant of mary, which means “wished-for child/bitter” soo
Sweet: Joshua Strongbear Sweet – named joshua because his parents liked it. his middle name used to be quietcub, but after he came back from his spirit quest it became strongbear after the animal that guided him. (also look i looked up if spirit quests were still a thing in the tribe sweet comes from and they ARE so don’t @ me pls)
Maui: Maru Akalana – he doesn’t have a middle name. maru means “correct” apparently, but in the original myths of maui maru is one of the names of maui’s brothers. (or it is his name when he is human before he gets abandoned i foRGet it’s been a hot minute)
Hercules: Hercules Odysseus Persaud – herc doesn’t know where his first name came from, only that his birth mother gave it to him. he was named after two greek heroes, ofc cuz his mom is a big nerd.
Attina: Attina Morgan Triton – attina is a derivative of athena and morgan means “sea chief” or “sea defender” and since she would be in line for the “crown” so to speak, it made sense.
Akela: Akela of the Seeonee Wolf Pack – seeonee is the name taken from the area where the pack sort of officially “formed” and akela means LONELY LMFAO i just looked it up that’s hilarious.
Peach: Peach Blossom Clearwater – literally constructed her name. she just liked the idea of peach blossom–and she made her fake mom have a flower name too. and clearwater she straight up stole from harry potter.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Belle: well, belle never really knew her mother and her relationship with her father is estranged.
Simba: big ole momma’s boy. he loves his mom, though their relationship is a little tense these days. loved his dad a lot, his Biggest Hero, but his dad also put a lot of pressure on him and basically brainwashed him oops.
Toulouse: loves his mummy, tho he has a deep seated resentment towards her that is just now coming to light, but general he is like #mustprotect. had an extremely contentious relationship with his father as a child, the best thing for their relationship was not living together lol. lou can tolerate his father for short periods of time and even gets along w him 90% of the time, but he has a deep seated resentment towards him too lmao
Bambi: ughhhhhhhh he loved his mommmmm his mom was his best friend they did everything together. they were never apart. esp bc he was homeschooled a good bit and he was sick. she doted on him and i cry. he is still getting to know his dad but he loves him.
Perdita: really contentious relationship w mom. she was verbally abusive and neglectful, held perdy to a hire standard than her sisters. when perdy rebels abigail just like cuts her off, punishes her in the worst ways. made comments about her weight/clothing/etc. total daddy’s girl tho, she loves her daddy.
Sweet: momma’s boy. he tends to shut her out a lot tho bc he knows things in his life would hurt her and he wants to protect her from that. didn’t really know his father but he treasures the memories he did have.
Maui: dad was verbally/physically abusive. real Macho Man–which obviously made him kind of a dick. but maui’s mom is the sweetest ugh i love kai.
Hercules: loved both his parents BUNCHES AND BUNCHES but then he found out that they lied to him for 22 years and he is still reeling from the betrayal.
Attina: athena was her best friend. she told her mom everything and wanted to be just like her when she grew up! was obviously devastated when athena died. loves her daddy, but does think he needs to chill out some.
Akela: hates them.
Peach: never knew them and never will (spoiler alert: they’re dead.)
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Belle: Philippe! fun fact: had another horse named Royale when she was a child, but her father sold him for cash before he left. now she has: vincent the cat, philippe, and shuck! she isn’t a huge animal fan, but she likes them well enough. doesn’t go out of her way.
Simba: his mum had a persian named guinevere growing up. she was a bitch. simba and her did not get along. esp cuz simba was a handsy child lol. he begged and begged for a dog for his entire childhood, but never had one. has two beautiful goldens now–bowie and simone– and they are his literal children. loves all animals–except cats, snakes, and spiders, those are the devil’s creatures.
Toulouse: never had a pet growing up. marie has dauphine now and he’s kinda helping coparent simone. tbh should get a dog. lou ADORES animals.
Bambi: lol
Sweet: never had pets, doesn’t have time, likes them well enough
Perdita: didn’t have any pets growing up. doesn’t really like animals they’re dirty. viola has made her change her mind somewhat.
Maui: no, no, yes.
Hercules: his mom has a cat named baset after the goddess. herc loves animals, horses esp 
Akela: lol
Attina: likes animals in the abstract sense? loves sea creatures. never had a pet as a kid. has a long list of stipulations for pet as an adult.
Peach: has never had a pet. will buy a cat probably. the cat will run away bc she’s irresponsible. she will be devastated. she loves animals, except ugly ones.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Belle: all the food she ate in bournemouth was?? so good??
Simba: ugaliiiii, it always makes him think of kenya
Toulouse: frozen grapes are his fave, he is a picky eater lowkey
Bambi: food is the bane of his existence cuz he’s allergic to EVERYTHING
Sweet: not particularly
Perdita: misses the russian tea room in NYC it was her fave brunch spot
Maui: misses the fresh fruit in hawai’i
Hercules: one of his fave thigns to do at the places he lives is eat at the local restaurants. 
Akela: eh not really
Attina: also not particularly
Peach: eh
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Belle: yes but it is VERY hard to trigger it. and she like??? throws things or hits u if she is really mad. she’s not gonna like punch you in the face but she’ll shove or pinch. if she yells it’s all like teary and voice cracking and pathetic. 
Simba: yes–and it’s easily triggered haha. when he’s angry he gets loud. can throw something down if he is holding it (like a dish in the sink or something) but he isn’t really physical w his anger–he’s v conscious of that fact that he is like a big bloke and that could be rly scary and his anger is scary enough. but if u really piss him off his anger can be p cold.
Toulouse: cold and scathing. lou is a master of converting his anger into like the smallest space possible, which is why he’s so good at just delivering cold, cutting lines designed to just destroy you. his father had like Big Loud anger and lou refuses to be like that. 
Bambi: doesn’t really have a temper, like–at all
Perdita: screaming/yelling/throwing/hitting–throws a tantrum when she is really pissed off.
Sweet: he has a temper but it is rarely seen. he will get Loud and Angry though. but it never lasts long. he gets more annoyed than angry.
Maui: literally like?? never gets angry–too chill.
Hercules: cries. lmao. if he is angry he just cries and like “why would u do that” sniff sniff puppy eyes
Akela: cold and level-headed anger
Peach: rarely gets angry–and if she does she’ll smile to your face and then fuck you up behind your back.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
(i love sleeping questions why?)
Belle: rn it’s shit, she barely catches a few hours. when she was sleeping reguarly she gets a good 6-7 hours. doesn’t have trouble falling asleep unless she’s trying to solve a problem. has a lumpy old mattress tbh. also she does snore a lil bit but like cute snores and only when she’s sleeping really deeply. also she normally wears like ratty tees and silky or sofie pajama shorts – in the winter like sweaters and fleece pants bc she gets cold, tho not as much of a problem now lol
Simba: sleeps in the nude. can fall asleep in .5 seconds. wakes up intermittently from nightmares–usually exacerbated by stress. wakes up at sunrise naturally almost every morning. gets like 4-5 hours usually and cat naps. idk his mattress is prolly middle ground wow do u think simber argued about their mattress bc i bet ber is a wimpy soft-mattress boi
Toulouse: has a really hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep. a ridiculously light sleeper. wakes up several times in the night. has night terrors. sleeps in, but not that long most mornings. sometimes goes days without sleep if he’s having a manic episode. soft plush mattress w lots of pillows and blankets. wears silky fancy pajamas to bed bc he’s fancy (it’s my hc that he has like adorable pjs that he wears on the lowkey with like fish patterns or something ridiculous little duckies.)
Bambi: can sleep anywhere, would sleep 20+ hours a day if allowed. growing teenage boy. snores (allergies man), will sleep on any mattress. is used to an uncomf one bc his mom couldn’t rly afford a good one.
Perdita: before the babies perdy didn’t have trouble sleeping. would totally sleep in on the weekends and such. her mom would yell at her if she slept too long. now she takes naps throughout the day to survive. hard mattress, tbh. wears fancy pjs
Sweet: sleeps in boxers/t-shirt most of the time. sleeps wherever, whenever, what is a good night’s sleep? he doesn’t know.
Maui: will sleep anywhere. in any position. in any level of undress. sleeps in briefs usually. 
Akela: sleeps in the nude tbh he like barely wears clothes anyway. can sleep a decent amount of time but never for more than like 7 hours.
Peach: a princess. she actually has a lot of trouble getting to sleep but sleeps hard once she is. wears cute pjs. likes a soft mattress. lots of pillows, only one sheet thou.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Belle: being inadequate/being overbearing/annoying/stupid/worthless – she doesn’t get genuinely frightened that much tbh but she’s like a gasp-clutch-at-the-chest overdramatic kind of scared lol she fights through it tho
Simba: not being Good enough, in the sense of like…a good person. he also lowkey doesn’t like the dark. and he gets angry when he’s scared he confronts fear face on.
Toulouse: being pointless/irrelevant–also does not like the dark lowkey prolly sleeps w a night light lmao – he internalizes his fear, but will freeze up when confronted w something scary.
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