#of me so i shall consider that a W LMAO
mad-hunts · 1 month
If you could pick just one superpower, what would it be and why?
barton cleared his throat as he was approached by a stranger whom, for some reason, appeared to be completely unidentifiable; what with their sunglasses and seemingly blank features. and for a moment, he was extremely confused, but then he remembered something that he'd learned from the mun — or autumn, as she preferred to be called and was a person who seemingly had a weird connection with him (i just had to do the fourth wall break like this y'all... sorry LOL)— that he would be approached by someone he could trust and who was curious about him. so he then set down the coffee mug he was holding, before he began responding to them, ❝ uhh, well, i actually haven't really thought about it that much before. i guess because i am honestly perfectly fine with being human? but if i were to pick one, i would want it to be useful. and preferably not boring after a few seconds like super speed. ❞ barton tilted his head as he might've or might've not made an underhanded comment directed at the flash.
he always thought that something like that always had too many disadvantages to it as well, personally, so that was another reason why he disliked it. a hum of contemplation was what ended up breaking the temporary silence that had ensued as he thought of his answer. it appeared he had something like an epiphany then, though, judging by the fact that he rose a finger towards the figure and uttered a soft ' oh, wait ' like he was having a revelation, ❝ okay... yeah, after a little bit of deliberation, i think i know which one i'd want to have now. teleportation. i mean, imagine how helpful that would be to have if you were me. a couple of idiot cops giving you trouble by holding you at gunpoint and so you need a quick out? you could just poof away, wherever you want to go. you discover in the middle of a date with a person that was supposed to be the next person on your chopping block that they are also a serial killer and were planning on killing you as well at the end of the night? ignoring how ultra-specific that scenario is, as it totally hasn't happened to me or anything, you can just simply disappear and avoid having an awkward knife fight with them. ❞
yeah, with how detailed that situation was and how barton seemed to almost be too eager to brush it off as not being legit, it absolutely had happened to him. a laugh came from him then as he moved on from the subject, ❝ so, anyways, like i was saying... a power like that could be pretty instrumental in helping me escape sticky situations. and so i'd want teleportation. there's your answer, anonymous. i also think that having a pocket dimension could be fun, but i have to say that this is ultimately what i'd wanna go with. it is practical and fun after all. ❞
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sorencd · 11 months
hii idk if u are taking request (if you're not ignore this lmao) but could you write some todd anderson fluff? my sister moved away and im feeling kinda sad :( idk if you write for todd either lol anyways love ur account!!
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pairing: todd anderson x reader
summary: a silly little game of tickle fight with todd.
word count: 1.1k
a/n: ofc! <3 i was supposed to keep this short but i'm an absolute sucker for fluff so i went a little overboard hhfhhfhefdfr i hope u like it!
it was starting to get repetitive. the few episodes you watched earlier were somewhat more entertaining, or shall you say as entertaining as watching a lawyer defend their client gets. there were moments where it really got you and todd riled up, but after that it'll just be another line of the guy on screen describing to you what a public defender is.
'the court is adjourned!' the voice of the guy on screen shouted as he banged his gavel on the wooden sound block, signalling that the aired episode was over.
"i'm starting to get sick of this bart matthew guy's face. how long have we been watching?" you asked, leaning your head further into todd's body until it was on his lap.
"i think it we started at season 1, we've been at it for a while." todd said as he reached for the remote controller, "do you want me to switch the channel, love?"
"okay, maybe that show my mom watches is on. the eve garden something?" you sat up and pondered with a hand on your chin. 
"it's eve arden, i've seen bits of it a few times."
you hastily laid back down and yawned as you shook your head in understanding, moving on your side to watch todd fiddle with the remote controller in search for a good show. sunday afternoons were usually like this, rather than going out and doing activities that would require human interaction, todd would instead show up at your front door to spend time with you, saving you both the time and effort of socialising─ which you knew todd preferred. for the next few hours, you'd both be huddled in bed or on the couch in each other's arms, reading each other silly poems and stories you'd make up, or watch tv until the sun goes down. to some it might be boring, yes, but nothing's boring when it's with todd.
"hey todd?"
he hummed as he moved his focus away from the television and onto you, who was staring up at him with an all too familiar look on your face. you were about to crack a bad joke.
"what is it called-"
"please make it a good joke this time."
"it is! i guarantee you that you'll laugh your knickers off!"
he once again hummed as he raised his eyebrows with a skeptical look, he knew the joke would be so stupid that it wasn't the joke he's laughing at─ but the sheer stupidity of it is what makes him snicker. he let's it slide though, since he gets to see that bright smile of yours every time. 
"alright so, what is it called when the doctor has to tickle you to see if you're conscious?"
todd shook his head, he has no idea what it could be. it could be anything! "i don't know, what?"
"a test tickle." you let out an obnoxious laugh with a slap to the knee as you cackled at your own joke. he on the other hand can't help but wonder where do you get all these jokes from? 
"that was a bad joke." 
"no it's not! i made you laugh, you're laughing right now!"
"you can hardly consider this laughing!"
an idea came to your mind as soon as the words left your lover's mouth. his face contorted in worry when he saw you move back a little on your side of the couch, and you had this... mischievous expression on. you were up to something.
"hmm... it wouldn't be laughing if i did this then?" you suddenly jumped onto him and started tickling his sides, earning yourself a loud snort from todd.
"w-wait- this isn't- this isn't fair!" his face was turning red with how hard he was laughing. you weren't prepared though when abruptly he flipped you on your back, effectively halting you of your attack and giving you a taste of your own medicine.
the only thing that could be heard in your living room was the sound of you and todd cackling like maniacs. to the people outside your house, they could've easily mistaken it as two children playing. in the middle of your tickle-fighting, todd tried to escape from your unforgiving grasp and tried to make a run from it. you attempted grabbing onto his torso to prevent him from leaving your clutches, but instead of successfully being able to pull him back─ you instead got a hold of his pajamas that he was wearing that day and pulled down. accidentally revealing what was he was wearing that day. in your terms he technically he did laugh his underwear off, except it was his pants.
"h-hey you can't do that!" todd stuttered as his laughed grew even louder. he scrambled to pull his pants back up and almost fell over in the process. your stomach was starting to hurt, and your eyes were welling with tears as you caught a glimpse of his boxers, he had the superman ones that you gave him as joke on his birthday on.
after he got a good distance between the two of you, and after he successfully pulled his pajamas back up, he calmed down to catch his breath which was ragged from all the laughing. you, who was on the couch, were lying on your stomach, you hushed snickers muffled by the couch as you watched him. the memory of his boxers that were now covered by his pants still lingering in your mind. 
to control your own breathing, since you were also out of breath, you momentarily closed your eyes with a tired smile on. you forgot how draining tickle fights were. "i must say, what manly boxers you have, mr. anderson." 
unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend was slowly creeping his way behind the couch on his tippy toes. it looks like the war wasn't over. when you didn't hear from him, you lifted your head up to check if he was still where you last saw him before you closed your eyes.
suddenly, you felt something very heavy being pressed onto your entire body─ causing you to shriek in surprise. it was todd. he was laying on top of you with his arms wrapping your body, like he was giving you a bear hug. in that position, he could easily tickle both of your sides. making him the winner of today's tickle fight. and tickle you he did.
"t-todd- i-" you were being cut off by your own uncontrollable laughter, squirming and writhing in his embrace. "you win! you win!"
he instantly let go of you, his lips curled into a huge victorious grin as he sat there, towering over you triumphantly. his hair was all ruffled and he still looked like he just finished running a marathon. you smiled him, your entirety overflowing with happiness, and he shyly smiled back in return before cheering in a hushed manner and whisper shouting like he was an announcer on the sports channel.
"and the crowd goes wild! todd anderson takes home the trophy for today's match!" 
you giggled and swiftly wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him down and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“i will have my revenge, you!”
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© sorencd . 2023 ─ do not copy, repost, translate or claim any of my works as your own.
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chuuyadelune · 9 months
i’ve many conflicting thoughts on the BSD S5 finale but i shall be reserving (my full) judgement until the manga fleshes things out/clarifies it. because. lmao. Uhhhh
anyways, thought id make a list of things id like to see going forward to keep myself a lil more optimistic about the following chapters. as well as some Other Thoughts surrounding the anime:
- fyodor’s death (because it felt… unsatisfying! imo! there was still so much that could’ve been done w him)
- off of the back of that, whatever the hell SKK had going on (i thought the twist was funny but also. i was left very miffed. to put it lightly)
- more between the dynamic/link between fyodor and fukuchi (!!!!! this is a BIG one)
- SIGMA ?!?!? sigma. yeah. what the hell was up with leaving her there (and her getting all the info on fyodor if not for something big!)
- more on fyodor and nikolai’s dynamic
- more on teruko (just. yeah. she has me very intrigued)
- generally i just think that fukuchi’s goals/motives deserved more time
my complaints aside, i honestly do think the manga will do things a little differently/more in-depth, since bones probably just wanted to end the season on a high? mostly because personally i have the impression that the anime team were probably working with some of asagiri’s vague ideas/outlines. because again not all of it feels strictly on them! but also… i feel that asagiri can definitely do better.
that said, i personally don’t exactly expect the best/most-complex-ever nuanced takes on the characters and story from the anime given its track history. so like, for me, this ending feels on-brand for the anime, weirdly enough? considering that they did… rush through the vampire arc and therefore remove some of the nuance of the story. so. again. i can’t complain too much. i shall reserve my nitpicking for the worst-case scenario that this is the same route the manga goes.
anyways… waiting til october to see what else happens 👍
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the-crow-binary · 11 months
So I bought the CoD mangas in french, just to see the differences the translation had with the english one, and if there was some pearls... well, there was <3 (and also big fails such as a succubus saying that Trevor is Dracula's son LMAO) I don't have the will to follow everything with pictures so it's only going to be english quotes VS the french version I'm sorry lol
Tl;Dr: Isaac and Hector have raw gay sex in the French translation
At the beginning of the first volume, in the english version, Isaac refers to Dracula as "chief our clan of the night". But the french version have him say "master of our dark family" instead, that's cute. <3
English Isaac: Humans shall regret their sins, and the glory of god shall fall to earth. French Isaac: They were promised forgiveness for their sin, but all they got is death. Men will end up disavowing their god
That's RAW. (the french translation had such savage lines I SWEAR)
Also I will refer to "English X" and "French X" to separate the english dialogues VS the french versions, because it's much more simple, and also kinda funny.
English Isaac: I beg of you, grant me the duty to hunt down Belmont. French Isaac: Lord ! Let me prove this Belmont that you are the greatest !
Isaac is as much, if not even more of a simp in french. Good for him. Good for him.
In english, when Dracula talks about Hector's disappearance, and think about the possibility that he might have betrayed him, he says "I hesitate to consider the possibility"
In french, he says "I hope I am mistaken" :) Do with this what you will. :)
English Isaac: F-forgive me, I was out of line... French Isaac: Forgive me, master... I dared doubting you.
As @beevean said: "French W. For the "master" and for Isaac admitting he doubted his Lord... And he was right <3"
At some point, as Isaac is on the hunt for Hector with some dudes, said dudes start talking among themselves in the english version.
"But at a critical time like this... to have us search for someone who might not even be alive ? The count must be mad." "That's true."
Isaac is listening to them, because they're like, right here. But they're not talking to him directly... FRENCH TRANSLATOR DECIDED THEY WERE GOING TO WISH FOR DEATH, THOUGH. By making the dudes directly ask Isaac: "Sir Isaac, don't you think Count Dracula lost his mind ?"
THOSE GUYS HAVE A DEATH WISH I SWEAR. YOU DON'T ASK ISAAC SUCH A QUESTION UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR HEAD ROLLING ON THE FLOOR THE VERY NEXT SECOND- On another note, they also refer to Isaac and Hector as "the two wings that leads [their] army". Symbolism <3
On the same page:
English dude: Oh well, it means that the count favored Lord Hector that much... French dude: Hector... He was the Count's protégé, so he-
Do you hear it ? The sound of Isaac's heart breaking under the weight of his inferiority complex ? :) Oh Hector wasn't just "favored", he was Dracula actual protégé. That's worse <3 I love this <3 (for those who didn't read the manga, Isaac gets mad and almost cut the guy's throat for this. Just in case you doubted his inferiority complex <3)
English dude: F- Forgive me... English Isaac: You greenhorns. You can't even sense his presence. French dude: I... I'm sorry... French Isaac: Shut up ! You're nothing but a worthless punk not even capable of feeling an aura !
English Isaac: We're going. Hector is not dead. English dude: ! That means.. English Isaac: That's right. He's close. Hector... So after all, he is... French Isaac: We're going ! Hector is not dead ! French dude: ! Do you think he... French Isaac: Yes, he is close. Hector... I tracked you down.
So, in the manga, this is the moment the realisation that Hector is alive and might have betrayed them starts to settle in... And all Isaac can think of is getting to Hector, more than the implication that he is a traitor. He's obsessed. <3
Alright... Hector has a whole speech about strenght. Here how goes the english version:
"Power is absolute. That's right. I used to always believe that. No matter how much I prayed, no matter how much I knelt, God would do nothing for me. In the end, it was about power. Pure power... and when it came to power, there was nothing greater than a demon's power.. Even if it was learned from a demon. Power itself was neither good nor evil... But. But after all, a demon's power is a demon's power. No matter how powerful it is, cursed powers bring nothing but unhappiness. And that is.. the demon's power."
Now, how the french version goes:
"In this world, strenght is power. I've been thinking about this for a while... men can pray with all their spirit, god will never do anything for them. In the end, pure strenght wins. However, there is nothing more powerful than the demon's power. And even if your learned it from the devil... you forgot strenght doesn't know neither good nor bad. So...That I am one of yours or not doesn't matter to me ! The demonic power doesn't make any distinction ! As great as they are... Demonic powers can only bring chaos. This is... The strenght of the devil !"
Do with this what you will. For context, he is in a house rn, with Rosaly, his future love interest, and a little boy, Ted, who asked for his help to kill a werewolf (who went into the house because he was tracking Hector). At the end of the speech, he kills him. Then comes this dialogue:
English Hector: Is this my power that you wanted ? A demon ? French Hector: Was that... the help I begged for ? The help of the Devil ?
Oh yes, Hector asking Ted if this horrible cursed power is what he truly wished for when he pleaded for his help and comparing himself to a demon is great. But Hector talking to himself ? Realising how horrible Dracula's "help" actually was, that he turned him into a monster ? That's the real deal. <3
But this even made Hector's aura known by Isaac and the guys hunting him down with him. In both english and french, the random guys sense it this time (they didn't the first time, only Isaac), as much as they sensed the werewolf dying. They don't want to believe Hector killed him, at first, but then Isaac smirks and says:
English Isaac: It was Hector. French Isaac: I know it's him !
:) And as if French wasn't fruity enough...
English Isaac: Even if you guys can't tell... I can. French Isaac: You, you don't feel anything ! But me, I feel it in the deepest part of my body !
He is literally SO GAY AND I LOVE HIM.
English dude after Isaac slashed one of hem: What are you doing, sir Isaac !? French version: Sir Isaac !!! Have you lost your mind ?!?
French translation doesn't take no shit.
English Isaac There is no need to report... French Isaac: Inform the count ? Pff ! Useless...
Ok so this is the part where we see small Isaac and Julia (because even without a name and a face, I'm still sure it's her), and DAMN
English bapy Julia: Falls English bapy Isaac: What are you doing ? Hurry and get up. English bapy Julia: But I'm so-- English bapy Isaac: We have to hurry. French bapy Julia: Falls French bapy Isaac: What the hell are you doing ?! Get up, come on ! French bapy Julia: Yes but I... French bapy Isaac: Shut up ! We gotta hurry !
Interesting fact: When a servant comes to teenager!Isaac to tell him that Dracula "summons him to his room", french use the word "chambre". Wich is a word commonly used to refer to the bedroom. :) So he's saying "Count Dracula summons you to his bedroom." :) Mhm. :) Not to mention Hector is already there... So if anyone ships Isaacula or Isaactor or Draactor, that one's for you. <3
Start of the second volume. The french translation is kinda weird. In english, we see (what I assume are) distressed demons' voices, saying Death has been killed and it was the Belmont's fault. They clearly don't like him. And then we see a succubus who says "well, of course, the one coming with Belmont is your son, after all, count.".
But in french... the voices are HAPPY to see Trevor ?? So it seems they're not devils' voices but regular people's ? AND THE SUCCUBUS SAYS "the presence of the Belmont is not surprising, since he is the son of Count Dracula" ???????? Looks the french can't get a W everytime. :(
English Hector: A great many of us will be coming... French Hector: You can be sure he will come !
We're back on Hector, who tells Ted that he has to go to make sure him and Rosaly stay safe. English version refers to the hords of monsters / servants of Dracula that will come (including him in it, because he sees himself as a demon <3). But french Hector doesn't care about them. He only cares about one person, who he knows is on the hunt for him. I guess it's up to the reader to decide if he's thinking of Isaac or Dracula. :)
Then in english, he also says he learned the dark arts in a castle.
"I immersed myself in evil. And I commanded evil. My powers attract the ways of darkness. They are cursed".
While in french, he goes:
"To the east from here, there is a castle where the devil lives. I learned from him. He taught me how to give life to demons."
I just think it's pretty gay nice that he gives credits to Dracula. He almost sounds like he cares about his old mentor... :)
Then comes the Isaactor raw gay sex reunion scene:
English Isaac: I've been wanting to see you, General Hector. French Isaac: I missed you so much, Hector !
FRENCH ISAAC IS LITERALLY SO NOT STRAIGHT I'M OERIGHMSELKGMRESKLGNMSEKLDRNGMN Pretty sure the french translation shipped Isaactor (but also Hecula but also Draactor), because Hector responds with
English Hector: So, they've caught up with me already... Isaac. French Hector: At last, you caught up to me, Isaac !
French Isaac and Hector are so happy to see each other &lt;;3 Kiss with tongue when?
English Isaac (after a little speech to convince Hector to come back): Otherwise... You'll fall victim to my spear right now, Hector. French Isaac: If you refuse... Then you'll be forced to taste the rust of my spear.
Holy FUCK, ISAAC. WAW. That's hot.
English Hector: Ha ha ! You... Did you acquire your powers just so you could become Dracula's pawn ? French Hector: Haha ! I see. So you acquired all this power to become Dracula's pawn, right ?
The change here is pretty subtle, but it makes Hector more agressive and I kinda like it <3 He's like a salty ex lmao
English Hector: I am human. I sought this power so that I could remain human ! Not for anyone's sake ! For me !! For myself !! Not to be the pawn in some ridiculous plot for revenge !! French Hector: I am human ! I wanted these powers to accept myself as a human ! I didn't do it for anyone else ! Only for me ! Got it ?! Unlike you, it wasn't for a stupid and selfish plot for revenge !!
English Isaac: Damn... You. You dare speak in contempt of your Lord ? French Isaac: That's it ? Are you finished yet ? As you wish ! Let's end it now !
I'm kinda sad we lost the mention of Dracula (because it showed Isaac putting Him over everyone else, himself included), but I'll excuse it because French Isaac was probably so shocked by French Hector's pure rawness <3 (in french, he then says "die!", but in a crude way. it shows how upset he is lol)
And then comes a very interesting part... :)
English Hector: Impossible... does this mean that Belmont has already...? French Hector: No ! Could it be Belmont ?
French so shipped Hecula. Look at how english Hector is shocked to feel the death of Dracula, not because he seemingly cared, but because Dracula is such a powerful being that he thought could not be easily defeated, and it happened so fast, and is the Belmont really that strong ? Did he really get to the Castle so quickly ?
But French Hector literally screams "No !", like he actually cared. Just like a victim of abuse who gets away from their abuser, but still loves them nonetheless. And friendly reminder that the French translation called Hector Dracula's "protégé". <3 I think the french translation shipped Hecula. <3
Anyway, Isaac goes mad, not much interesting fact to note except for some translation fuckery (Hector going "the count fled" instead of "they're out of control" (referring to Isaac's devils) ??? And Isaac "Dracula must lose" instead of "It can't be true, there's no way..." ??? this is an official translation btw, guys), but:
English Isaac: It's your fault, Hector. French Isaac: You are the one responsible for all of this, Hector.
Just a slight difference, but it makes French Isaac look even more salty lol
English Isaac: If... You... hadn't betrayed us... If... You hadn't run away... Then I wouldn't have had to leave count Dracula's side ! If I... If you and I had been there !! Then scum like Belmont would never have...!! Ngh... N- No... That's not it... If I... If I were at his side, at least... why...? why, sir ?! Why ?!! Why can we not even die together ?!! French Isaac: Hector... If you hadn't betrayed us... If you hadn't tried to flee like a coward ! Then I wouldn't have needed to get away from count Dracula ! You and... You and I... And also that Belmont. Us... Kh... Kh... No ! No no ! If I... If I had been by his side.. Dracula and I... why ? Why ? Why ? Why can't I disappear too, by his side ?
I'll let y'all decide wich one is more heartbreaking. <3 (I kinda struggle to properly translate the last french sentence tbh)
English Isaac: Damn you ! You, I will never forgive !! French Isaac: Never ! Never will I ever be able to forgive you !"
Aouch. <3 I don't know why is french making everyone even angrier, but I'm not complaining lmao
Then Isaac says, right before falling off a cliff:
English Isaac: Why...? Why ?! Why ?! Damn you !! French Isaac: Why... Tell me ! Why ! You...
How poetic. English Isaac curses Hector before his fall... Meanwhile French Isaac is only looking for answers. He is so not okay. <3
A bit later on, we see Isaac again, hurt in the forest:
English Isaac: Hector, damn you...! In that moment... Just barely... You missed ! You cut me... But you were being merciful with me !! Generous commander Hector... [The shame of having survived alone... How shall I make you pay for it ?] Hector... You always... You alone always kept yourself looking human ! You possessed more powerful sorcery than I !! And you were able to get closer to count Dracula over me !! You.. French Isaac: Ha... Hector ! During the battle... You only scratched me with the tip of your blade ! You mocked me... Look at how pathetic you made me ! You, the great Hector... [Being the only survivor makes me so pitiful... How do you intend to repay me ?] Hector... Since the beginning, you... you were the only one to act like a human... even though you wielded the satanic powers better than me, and you always were closer to count Dracula than me... You...
Did I say Isaac was not okay ? Every translation included. <3
Anyway, we leave the broken boy to join the healing boy and his future wife. <3
English Hector: You're so very optimistic always... Wait, no, I'm sorry. Why don't you ask me anything ? Didn't that boy tell you anything ? What I did, what I was running away from, how I killed that werewolf ? Who I am, and where I came from... English Rosaly: Your name is Hector. You have pretty silver hair, and you were injured. And you've never done laundry in your life. And you saved Ted and I. That's enough for me. French Hector: Rosaly, you always see the bright side of things, don't you ? I mean... Didn't the young boy tell you anything about me ? Or are you avoiding talking about it ? What I used to do. Who I was running away from and how I killed that werewolf. Who I am and where I came from... French Rosaly: What I know about you ? Your name is Hector, and you are hurt. You never hanged clothes, and you saved Ted and I's lives. All of this is enough for me.
Them. <3 There's a little, painful difference beetween "you are hurt" and "you were injured". Hector sure is hurt, haha ! :D
And now it's Isaac spying on Hector time !
English Isaac: Haha! Don't you seem so very happy... But... Have you not forgotten all about me ? But I've been thinking about you so much everyday since then. French Isaac: Haha ! Oh how happy he looks ! It looks like... It looks like Hector already erased me from his memory... And to say that I think about him all day !
French Isaac is so in love and broken <3
English Isaac: I see. That's right.. You must think I've died ! But I'm alive, all right-- A bit tired, but alive ! I have to teach you. Definitely in a way that'll make you happy. But not yet. First, I have to get a taste of what happiness is for people. That way, it'll be more... fun. Enjoy your temporary moment of peace... Hector. I shall send a gift to a coward such as yourself. You can look forward to it. French Isaac: I see... you are convinced I'm already dead. I might be a bit tired, but I am very much alive ! I will send you signals, and I'm sure you will appreciate it. But not now. First, you have to get a taste of what this famous "happiness" is for people. This way, the follow up will only be more... delightful. Enjoy your little peaceful life ! Hector ! I'm making you a gift that you are never going to forget... you are not going to be disappointed by the journey.
I have no idea what "signals" french Isaac is referring to, but hey, the rest is pretty cool <3 I like that in the french version, he says that HECTOR have to get a taste of what "happiness" is for people. <3 So he can break him harder. :)
There, it's over ! Of course I skipped most of the manga because the differences are not always worth mentioning, when the translations are not just, exactly the same in both languages, but I think I shared the most interesting. <3 I don't know if y'all understand how raw the french is without reading it directly yourself oerighermlgrelmsngmesklng I AM STILL NOT OVER HOW MEAN BABY ISAAC IS.
I hope y'all enjoyed ! I sure did. <3 Y'all feel free to ask questions or clarifications on the french version ! :3
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
a/n: thanks for this fun tag game @zhongrin!!! I love freeze teams. My second freeze is Ayaka, Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Benny/Kuki/FlexChara... Can ya'll tell I'm uploading this now to cleanse the vileness and violence of the first three fics I wrote this year with some crack and wholesome (diona brings the crack fics) brainrots lmao. SORRY THIS IS SO LATE AHHAHA
Tagging: @leftdestiny-posts, @yostresswritinggirl & @tofuxiaociao, cuz, idk either lmao. anyone who thinks this is fun and decided to make one of these tag me too I wanna read it lololol, and uh, if anyone I tagged already made one can yall send me the link too cuz mixed-kester's was a fun read--
ayato's freeze: Kamisato Ayato, Chongyun, Kaedehara Kazuha, and Diona (+ Ansytea)
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“When, I wonder, did you come under the illusion that you were winning?”
Kamisato Ayato ←→ Chongyun
“You remind me of my sister— not due to an aspect as unsubstantial as wielding cryo visions— it is because of your earnest drive to achieve results while remaining true to one’s self. As a noble, that is a trait I most admire”
“I… Thank you, Lord Kamisato!”
Whenever Kamisato Ayato is forced tasked to go along on Ansy’s expeditions, he looks forward to seeing Chongyun. He thinks of him as good person. Oftentimes, Ayato finds himself observing Chongyun’s practices. In times when there is not much to do but idle, the lord helps the exorcist memorize his lines.
“Save, save, save— think about it like this: who are you trying to save? Picture their image in your head and I assure you, you will never forget the last part of that mantra again.”
“Mind be purged, world be saved… If you were me, who would you be thinking of, Lord Kamisato?”
“*chuckles* Well, that much is obvious, is it not?”
“Hmm… You’re thinking about your family and clan, right?”
“Oh no, I was thinking about Ansy.”
They both trust each other, even when most of their interactions are done in silence. Chongyun has undeniable respect for Ayato since they are both heirs to their clan, and in turn, Ayato sees another sibling and friend whenever he fights alongside him.
“As you said, you’ve placed your trust in me, Lord Kamisato! I must not disappoint you.”
“Very well then, I shall go along with this proposal. Let’s see to it that this expedition will go smoothly.”
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“What on earth are you two doing…? Ayato, why is Chongyun sleeping on the table?” Ansy sighed, looking at the wiped-out exorcist. They pressed the back of their palm against his sweaty forehead, paling as they noticed how warm he was. “W-Wait… Did he forget his popsicles? Oh, shucks—”
Kamisato Ayato shrugged but didn’t dare break his gaze at the pot he was stirring before Ansy even entered the teapot.
“I’m not sure, I just had him taste the milk tea I made. I’m rather disappointed that he never got to tell me how it tasted. Perhaps he was too jaded after that expedition you sent him on.”
Ansy grabbed the “milk tea” Ayato prepared.
… Oh no.
“Yes, Mx. Ansy?”
“What is this?”
“You’ve told me that Chongyun has an affinity for cold-tasting foods,” Ayato said, completely unaware of his crimes. “So, I prepared him a milk tea that tastes similar to minty meat rolls. I knew you like spicy food so I procured extras for you as well—”
A resounding facepalm echoed inside Ansy’s teapot, which made Lord Kamisato more hesitant to face them.
“My Lord.”
“… Yes?”
“Never cook for him again.”
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Kamisato Ayato ←→ Kaedehara Kazuha
They canonically know each other and Ayato cares a ton about his subordinate clan members. There’s not much to be added here
They’d likely go on expeditions together with Kazuha in charge of directing where to go.
There’s a silent trust between these two, and considering how much everyone depends on Kazuha when it comes to exploration, he's Ayato’s number 1 advisor.
“Do you think my sister will enjoy this souvenir?”
“Depends, does the himegimi like calligraphy brushes?”
“It is one of her greatest hobbies.”
“Then I don’t see why this you shouldn’t purchase it.”
If it weren’t for Kazuha, Ayato wouldn’t be triple-crowned, honestly.
He’s Ansy’s longest MVP, and the Yashiro Commissioner acknowledges that.
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“How are we fairing, Kazuha?”
“There’s a pleasant breeze…” Kazuha hummed, his chin tilted upward as he immersed himself in the soothing air around him. “And—”
“And glorious sunshine?”
“… Yes,” Kazuha opened his eyes, abruptly taken aback by Ayato’s comment. “How did you know what I was about to say next?”
“I’ve heard my sister say something similar, once or twice,” The Yashiro commissioner replied nonchalantly. “Is it from a poem? I’m afraid I may not be as well-versed as my sister.”
That’s most likely a lie, but Kazuha didn’t question it.
“No, it is not.”
“Hmm, well then, I suppose you and Ayaka have something in common.”
“I wouldn’t dare compare myself to someone as great as the Shirasagi Himegimi.”
“I’m aware, that’s why I’m doing it for you. You have an interesting way of speaking, Kazuha. I hope your artistic talents continue to flourish, no matter how far from home you may be.”
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Chongyun ←→ Kaedehara Kazuha
Probably the only person Ansy trusts with helping Chongyun calm his Yang energy down.
Unlike Diona who seems incredibly excited and Ayato who sounds melancholic when it snows, Kazuha's rather calm whenever it occurs.
Chongyun loves going to Dragonspine with Kazuha. All Kazuha needs to do is sleep ("undisturbed") while he meditates. His presence is enough.
Chongyun and Kazuha most definitely meditate together. They would talk about rocks and recommend which places feel nice to sit on.
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"Is this the place?"
"Yes!" Chongyun gestured to the rock happily. 
Wordlessly, both of them had trekked Guyun Stone Forest. Kazuha did not question where the exorcist was leading him, but the scent of the wind was familiar enough to inform him that this was near Beidou's ship, and that it was also...
"The place an arrow nearly hit me."
"This was also the place where an arrow nearly hit me," Kazuha nodded solemnly, not seeing Chongyun's shocked expression behind him. "They thought simply because I was busy making a haiku, they'd have a shot at taking me down."
"O-Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't-"
"This is a wonderful spot, Chongyun," Kazuha smiled softly. "Let's both rest here."
"-know this was a bad location... Wait, what?"
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Kamisato Ayato ←→ Diona
“I’m no stickler for doing things in a… certain way. Just be aware that whatever method you use, the important thing is that it delivers… acceptable results.”
“Oh, shush! These hilichurls will go down in just a few “pew pews!” Just wait, ya hound!”
“Being called a dog… Haha, how endearing.”
Unlike Chongyun, Diona and Ayato are unlikely to get along without a snark of condescension from either party. Ayato, unlike Diona, has never stated upfront that he finds her unpleasant to work with, but they make a fantastic team. Diona has saved him countless times, and it’s natural for him to feel indebted to her in some ways.
This is to say: Ayato plays the test subject by drinking her supposedly-garbage concoctions before feeling disappointed that it tastes “normal.”
“Wanna join me, Lord Kamisato? We have an event at Cat’s Tail this week.”
“It is for the best that I sit this one out. I’m a lot more fond of dogs than cats so I will only feel isolated should I—”
“It’s a TCG event~” 
”I see. I was under the impression that this would be about felines and drinks. Please, do list down my name in this event.”
“Nyehe, saw this one coming.”
This is dogs vs cats. Although Ayato wouldn’t stoop low as to “fight” a child, it’s guaranteed that their TCG battles will make the room drop a few degrees.
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“Aaaand +2 heal!”
“Marvelous. I have not thought of doing that play before…”
“Hehe, never underestimate a Kätzlein girl ever again!”
That pose, that phrase, that pride— yes, this certainly reminds Kamisato Ayato of someone.
She thinks just like Arataki Itto.
“Checkmate. That was a splendid match, Ms. Diona.”
“WHAT?! H-How… How did I—” Diona bit her lip. “Wait, hold on! I was just going easy on you, sit back down!!!”
He smirked behind his hand.
Ah, what an interesting kid… Perhaps it’ll be for the best if she didn’t know the full extent of his political prowess, just like Itto—
“Hey, hey! Why are ya’ll having fun without us?!”
Speak of the devil.
Ayato pulled out his chair. The two did not look impressed but for different reasons; Itto mentally branded him a traitor for not playing games with him whereas Ansy thought it was uncouth for their lord to just randomly leave the inn without prior notice. Ayato gave both Itto and Ansy a friendly wave before gazing at the astonished cat once more.
“Beat him and Ansy, and we shall have a rematch, Ms. Diona.”
“Hmph, wipe off that smirk from your face! Just you wait, ya hound!!!”
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Word of advise? We do not talk about █a█ele██!Ayato here.
: )
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Chongyun ←→ Diona
The children.
Think of the children. Think of the children, My Lord. Why are you bringing them to dangerous places— listen, just because you have a thing for child labor in the Shuumatsuban doesn’t mean you can do the same to my childr—
Chongyun and Diona are incredibly fast workers. Together, they inspire Ayato to act as a better role model (Diona's skill increases speed + Chongyun makes normal attacks faster).
Outside of exploration? They don’t know how to talk to each other.
Diona likely wants to befriend Chongyun, but unfortunately, the boy takes her rants to heart. He genuinely thinks Diona hates him. 
She just doesn’t know how to show her appreciation for a kind brotherly figure.
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“Kids, are you two alright?”
“Mx. Ansy!” Chongyun beamed. “You’ve returned— Diona and I took it upon ourselves to help you clean off the hilichurl camp near our tent.”
“Aww, that’s cute, you two!”
“No, it wasn’t cute!” Diona hissed. “He kept charging at enemies when he couldn’t even get his burst ready.”
“I-I just wanted to save you from the samachurl…”
“Hmph! Whatever! You should be happy I got this favonious warbow.”
“Well, Chongyun has a good weapon too, you know?”
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Kaedehara Kazuha ←→ Diona
… Based on Ansy’s experiences, Diona would often forget to shield Kazuha. Or, at least, the shield countdown runs out when it switches out to him cause Kazuha is honestly the only person that dies in this team—
It’s rare! Of course! But Kazuha has been somewhat unlucky each time.
Diona has no intention of hurting him since he’s one of the rare pirates who never get drunk (granted, that’s because Captain Beidou won’t let him)
The cat always feels sorry whenever Kazuha has to stand in her circle to get himself patched up.
It’s cute. Promise.
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“Ooooh…” Diona whimpered, not knowing how to vocalize her apologies.
Kazuha chuckled, ruffling her hair with his bandaged hand, “it’s alright. Let’s head off with the others, Diona.”
“I’m fine, see?” Kazuha raises his arm, relaxing his joints. “I can use my sword just fine, smooth sailing.”
“But if I did heal you perfectly, then why do you always have your hand bandaged?”
Kazuha frowned.
His gaze lowered.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Then why—”
“And it’s not my fault either.”
Kazuha said. Diona’s no longer sure what he was talking about.
“He wanted to challenge the Shogun for the sake of change. These scars are not mere wounds but a symbol of what heroics he had done for our homeland.”
“I… I don’t get it.”
He ruffled her hair again.
“In short, vision marks are scars you should never apologize for. You’ll understand when you’re older.”
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Ansy ←→ Kamisato Ayato + Diona
Will (mentally) perish if stuck with just Ayato and Diona alone. Once the two stop their banter, THEY’RE the ones getting bullied.
“Ansy, have you ever thought about, I dunno, combing your hair?”
“W-What? But I did comb it though…”
“Hmm, perhaps I should add skin and hair products as one of my employee benefits.”
“My lord?!”
Unfortunately, as one of Kamisato Ayato’s retainers, Ansy couldn’t make a sassy retort towards any of their teasings. Even if they have the “pass”, they’re not evil enough to challenge a commissioner and a child in a “debate.” Maybe next time… When they finally add Dainsleif to their party.
“Just you two wait… Once my husband comes home, I’ll disband this team!”
“W-Wait, c’mon Ansy, we were just kidding!!!”
“Do not put words into my mouth, I am quite serious about those employee benefits.”
“Shut up, Ayato!”
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Ansy ←→ Kaedehara Kazuha
Kazuha and Ansy have been friends the longest since he’s their first 5-star who came home at around 60 pulls. He’s the most used character they have in domains based on Hoyo’s old web events. They both write and draw together to pass the time.
Ansy treats light-haired characters like family, even more so if they have reddish eyes (The chaotic team Lupical: C6 Razor, Itto, Kazuha, Cyno [and their responsible sister C3 Ningguang]). Kazuha is the only one in this team that they outright call their bestie/son/brother depending on their mood. Being comrades since 1.6, they would likely die for each other (platonic).
“Kazuha, you know that I would never replace you, right?”
“It’s okay, Ansy. You can substitute Yunjin in my place for the spiral abyss. I know you worked hard to complete her constellations. I would never be mad at you.”
“*sobs* I can’t… I’ll put you on Ayaka’s team instead…”
“*sigh* I knew you would never let me rest.”
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Ansy ←→ Chongyun
DISASTROUS UNCLE/WINE AUNT MODE ACTIVATED. Ansy thinks of Chongyun as some sort of nephew or cousin to their beloved son Razor. Whenever Chongyun is hurt, they are quick to switch out Diona (so she can take damage lol) for the sake of shields and heals. They adore his wholesomeness and get overprotective when Chongyun is subjected to Xingqiu’s teasing and pranks. Shenhe and Ansy would work together to scare Xingqiu off whenever he goes too far, but Ansy never pulled for Shenhe so their interactions are limited…
They have a smile on their face every time Chongyun glides. He seems happy, so that also makes Ansy happy.
“Dear, what’s wrong?”
“Xingqiu spiked my drink with chilis in Wanmin restaurant again…”
“*cracks knuckles* Hoho, I see. What a fun practical joke indeed! Let me return the favor with even more pranks then!”
“W-Wait, Mx. Ansy, don’t—”
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
I was reading through a lot of your riddler works (astronomical, I adore them, especially zero year riddler 😩😊), and I came up to your "tiktok" dress one and?? I love it??
Could you perhaps do one of that with the mad hatters please?
A/N: OOOOOO YES I COULD! Indeed I could and I shall! I'm honestly pretty proud that one of my original ideas for the green beans is one of my top posts lmao. I'm glad you enjoy my writing and thanks so much for requesting the Jervi! Still wanna get more practice with them! I love him so 💙
Same drill as before. And I'm sticking to the same dress because it works well, why fix it? Here's the TikTok and here's where you can find the actual dress for research purposes. Anyways, here goes:
Trigger Warning: HIGHLY suggestive...I mean..look at the dress...c’mon...
Mad Hatters Reacting to Reader Wearing a Tik Tok Dress:
Arkhamverse Mad Hatter:
- He's absolutely transfixed. 
- How, how did you manage to be even more alluring than you already are?
- It takes a minute to assure him you’re not some kind of mirage.
- You're worried at first because you're not used to Jervis being speechless for so long.
- You feel reassured once a wide grin starts to grow on his face. 
- Jervis is quick to wrap himself around you.
- To feel what little is actually coveted.
- He giggles at what a tease you are. 
- No one is allowed to see you in this.
- No one is allowed to take this gorgeous view of this gorgeous person away from him.
- There would be hell to pay. 
BTAS Mad Hatter: 
- Aaannnddd he's comatose…here poke him a few times..
- Oh, okay no he's still breathing.
- Gosh…his face is super red.
- He's trying to form words but he sounds like a broken record. 
- "T-t-the time has come the W-Walrus said, to talk of m-many things.." 
- Oh..ahh well that's close…thats better than what he was saying before. 
- Once the poor gentleman comes to, he's still flustered but manages to croak out praises and compliments. 
- You will not be sharing this view with anyone but him.
- By chance does the dress come in blue or white?
TNBA Mad Hatter: 
- Comatose 2.0
- He's a stammering sweating mess. 
- Where his BTAS counterpart goes quiet and slowly starts fumbling for words.
- Ratter is constantly flapping his mouth, stuttering but at least it makes sense? 
- "Umm..uhh…dear…where…how, you-you look…e-e-exquisite." 
- Face is firetruck red instantly. Steam coming out of his ears. 
- Once he gets used to the view however. He's all here for it. 
- Won’t leave your side
- Constantly keeping his hands on you all the time whilst you wear the dress.
Gotham Mad Hatter: 
- I don't know why. But I can see this Jervis being the one to surprise you with this dress.
- You'd look at him suspiciously be he'd just look back at you with a wide cheeky grin. 
- Needless to say, he's enamored with the results.
- He tries to stay calm and collected on the outside. 
- Walking around you, taking you in, up and down…
- But the man is sweating bullets and getting warmer and warmer by the minute. 
- Don't be surprised if he literally pounces on you without realizing. 
- It's a gift for you and him. Anyone else that happens to find you in this is subject to take a long walk off a short pier. (there’s pretty popular pier in Gotham I hear)
Harley Quinn The Animated Series Mad Hatter:
- Immediately turned on. 
- Like instant boner. No shame whatsoever
- I consider this Jervis the most shameless (Society 6 is close)
- I have no doubt he'll pull the whole Tex Avery wolf bit if you know what I mean. 
- Wolf whistle, feet stomping, howling, heart jumping out of chest – the works. 
-- I'm on the fence with how he'd feel about you wearing it in public. 
- A part of me thinks he'd be proud to rub it in but also that like other Jervi he's selfish and he wants to keep this view of you to himself.
- Watch out for that long pinky nail, it can cut right through whatever sheer material is keeping you from being totally exposed. 
Joker's Asylum Mad Hatter:  
- Aaaannddd coming in at comatose #3 
- He knows it's you, but like…how did you get prettier?
- That's something he thought was literally impossible. 
- You'll have to slowly approach him and shake him back to reality that it is still you.
- You're just in a dress…this dress.
- When he first reaches out to touch you, he's worried you may vanish. 
- You're still there, and you look absolutely ethereal. 
- He's almost more pleased that it's not a vision than the fact that you're here scantily dressed for him.
- Once that hits him however, be prepared for him to cling to you and not let go. 
Society Six (2009) Mad Hatter: 
- Hate to break it to you, but unless you're wearing a hat…you'll basically go unnoticed. 
- Good thing, the best thing about dating someone with a slight obsession with hats is that there's plenty to choose from
- That may even work with an outfit as…provocative as this?
- Once you find one, Jervis will be all over it. 
- Be prepared to catch him into your arms.
- He wants to be as close to you as physically possible.
- Running his fingers and hands along the hills and valleys of skin exposed. 
- Him kicking his feet and giggling, like the giddy little mad man he is. 
- Much like other Hatters, if someone was to catch you in this, they're dead on the spot.
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evablueblanket · 4 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog ! (you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to!)
*points* ANOTHER ONE
luckily for you I loveeee to talk about myself :> (not really but also kinda lmao)
1. I have many stuffed animals stuff. I used to sleep with one every single night but the wear and tear of using her as basically a pillow forced her into retirement :( [‘She’ as in a stuffed Build-A-Bear bunny named flower, her fabric has flowers on it (i’m so original I know)]
2. I am ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS take song recs. I can’t and won’t promise i’ll listen to it like immediately (I have some decency to not lie compulsively) (rip into the lantern waste album that @/silvercaptain24 recommended awhile ago I never finished listening :’) ) but i’m a strong believer in how music is a super strong indicator of how you are as a person vibes-wise so I think that sharing music is like sharing your soul but in a way that society deems cool and not weird
I’m trying to think of something that’s like not quasi-deep lmao. These are supposed to be general-public fun not things I consider fun!
Okay okay I think i’ve got something
3. English/Grammar is something I deeply despise on a spiritual level. Perhaps i’m good at it, and perhaps i’ve gotten a few 100% on a few essays cuts to extreme celebration bc i’ve never gotten 100% on an english essay before this year but I LITERALLY hate english/grammar/reading comprehension/like most thinks in this vein. Should I consider creative writing apart of this medium? Maybe. But also creative writing doesn’t make me THINK ABOUT WHY JOHN ATE A RED DELICIOUS APPLE AND NOT A GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLE he’s an idiot that’s why. I took german for two years, and the thing I struggled with most was how it all grammatically fit together. I did great on vocab, I have awesome memory retention for that kind of stuff. But grammar/english/whatever the fuck you wanna call this STUPID SUBJECT is the one academic subject that continues to elude and frustrate me to no end. Like, I’m in Calc 1 rn and while it’s hard it’s not *hard* hard? Math is something that clicks, science is something that clicks, art is something that clicks (on an intellectual level, not really a performance level if you get what I mean) BUT ENGLISH JUST SUCKS. Guh
ahem anyways I shall take my leave now
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shakespeare asks 4 20 28 29 kisses!!!
4. Is all justified in the name of true love?
unfortunately of the opinion that true love is actually the deepest form of self identification, or a proxy for something bigger that is unattainable. illustrations: for the former predestination (2014), wuthering heights (1847), dead ringers (2023); for the latter othello (1603), succession (2018-23), etc. which basically means true love is a reason as selfish as any other to do something drastic; cringe bidart voice you can convince ppl anything is moral
20. Favorite Shakespeare quote? Favorite play?
i'll restrict myself to two: Come, gentle night, come, loving, black-browed night,/Give me my Romeo. And when I shall die,/Take him and cut him out in little stars,/And he will make the face of heaven so fine/That all the world will be in love with night...
and second, serve god, love me and mend.
which are both so cliche but they've stuck with me so. honorable mention to othello's
(...)Set you down this. And say besides, that in Aleppo once, Where a malignant and a turbanned Turk Beat a Venetian and traduced the state, I took by th’ throat the circumcisèd dog, And smote him, thus.
which is not the play's best or most interesting in the least but my personal favorite just for all the implications
and ofc my favorite play is OTHELLO. soo many quotes i could pick from it as my faves tbh i really did not do my love for it justice in answering this. also to be fair i have only read four of his plays so far so this is subject to change
28. “By the pricking of my thumbs, / Something wicked this way comes.” Do you think you are a good person? What does it even mean to be “good”, to be “wicked”? Could you be good? Could you be wicked?
honestly i have a very simplistic view of goodness lol its the bend in the road where action eclipses intention, everyone has capacities for both, etc. but also i do think the talk about morality can be bereft of the factor of agency and its complicated relationship with social roles, instead often subsuming that nuance under the umbrella of identity. not least bc of the law and the role it plays in influencing the perceived social code of morality or w/e, where so many of the choices people make are guided by a publicized fear panopticon-style that leaves my ideas of what constitutes a good and a horrible person both at the fringes, and how this conflation of exclusionary motivations is like a perpetual motion machine in a way; at least, so goes the thought train on my cynical days. highly personalized answer that does not cohere. i haven't even scratched the surface of all i need to read on this to crystallize the opinions. anyway i absolutely have to quote miss weil here about how fictional evil is interesting, marvelous, romantic, but real evil is banal, straightforward, even universal in a way. while real goodness is singular in a way fictional goodness often isn't. you know.
29. Do you believe in magic or witchcraft, even just a little?
the same way most people do, i think - in everyday wonders you can't comprehend. empathy doesn't come often or easy to me so many things people consider basic ARE v much magical and unfathomable to me as someone with a limited emotional imagination at least outside the scope of fiction. which makes me sound like that parent who tweeted that being required to comfort her kid was unfair emotional labor lmao but obviously not how i mean it - i'm just frequently astounded by ppl's capacity for patience and kindness. addendum cooking is witchcraft to me. i haven't learned it yet properly but i will continue to hold this opinion even when i do bc its the art whose practice baffles me the most. so i guess the short answer is no bc i am easily enchanted by the mundane lol
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tyonfs · 1 year
but omg yeah i see what u mean w operation true love HAHA the sister is so annoying so it gives me SO MUCH satisfaction to see her not getting her way rn!! omg if u do decide to start it again lmk!!! 🤭 AND JIMIN AND YE EUN ARE GETTING THEIR OWN WEBTOON??? OMG E2L ARC I LOVE THEM SM CRIESNFKGNRN
i'm literally keeping up w so many webtoons rn (i gave up on anime bc of webtoons im sorry alice 😭😔) but my two absolute favs r seasons of blossom and honey lemon!!! (both of them update on the same day too so that's lucky for me LOL) but i recently found this new webtoon called muse on fame and i am Very Invested already!!! i also keep up w hello baby, go away romeo, operation: true love, maybe meant to be, the guy upstairs, get schooled!, perfect marriage revenge, there must be happy endings, dark moon: the blood altar, and marry my husband!! plus a lot of daily pass ones like designated bully, reality quest etc. OH and i don't even like horror but i found this rlly good dystopian one called everything is fine! it's currently on hiatus but i m super excited for the next season! i might also start purple hyacinth bc it's on hiatus rn and i can catch up quickly! beyond virtual is also rlly cool but it's also on hiatus rn unfortunately :(
which are ur fav webtoons??
also omg i saw u saw the dreamies live!!! THATS SO AWESOME I SHALL HAVE TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY THRU U :') which of their songs did u enjoy seeing live the most? and how were they irl? like . do they look the same as in videos? (idk if this makes sense but like are they taller than they seem or like. basically how are their personalities irl? 😭)
I'm so sorry for the long ask lmao i tend to get too excited whenever someone asks me ab webtoons 💀🥲 i hope ur day has been great and you got to eat lots of good food and stayed hydrated!! – anime :)
HAHAH i’ve been on the webtoon grind for the past 6 years it’s hard to escape 🫨
the art style is still rlly nice so i would consider reading true love operation tbh LMAOAO but love triangles also stress me out 😔 (odd girl out you have ruined me) also i’m not sure if i translated the raws wrong but i think they’re just getting extra chapters :’)) lowkey…….. i like them more than the main couple 🫣
LMAOAODJJ ANIME ANON U EVOLVED INTO WEBTOON ANON 😩 omg seasons of blossom is my absolute fav i remember when the first three chapters were out and i thought it was the cutest webtoon ever and now it’s the most emotionally damaging work of art i’ve ever read 😭💗 i fast passed to the end and wow. incredibly beautiful. and honey lemon is so cute too!!! i hate the boyfriend 😡😡😡 cant wait for her to break up with him!!! omg muse on fame is sooo good i love the art style so much 🤭 hello baby is from the author of age matters right ?? i subscribed but i’m yet to check it out :0 i will have to once i catch up with unordinary LOL
omg i read those too except the daily pass ones 😩 dear x and suhee0 are the only ones i’ve been trying to keep up with </3 everything is fine is one of my favoritesss i’m so sad it’s been on hiatus tho 😔 omg the hybe webtoons im ngl i think the only one that caught my attention was the lesserafim one :’)
hmm i’d say my favorites at the moment are seasons of blossom, villain with a crush, cursed princess club, phone addict, our secret alliance, odd girl out, exchange student, the fox club, act like you love me, my dud to stud boyfriend, and after school lessons for unripe apples 💗💗 my all time favorites would have to be romance 101, swimming lessons for a mermaid, and seasons of blossom 🌷🌷
oh my god i have post concert memory loss from tds2 i swear but they were so unreal 😭💖 like i couldn’t believe they were right in front of my eyes they were incredibleee i think my fav stage to watch was trigger the fever 🥹🥹 ngl i think they’re shorter irl . but my guy friends are also 6’3 and i’m pretty short so i have a skewed perception anyways LMAOAO but they’re so passionate when they perform and RENJUN was so energetic i was so soft watching him 🥰 but they are all so much more gorgeous irl like YES they are beautiful on camera but it’s such a different experience in the flesh
don’t apologize !!! also i hope you’re staying healthy as well and make sure you have a good day 🥰💖
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sixthwater · 2 years
hello again! i just requested the analysis of what people do i attract/are the most compatible w me w the intials “ack” & my 🕯 emoji - thank you!!
Hello! Thank you for joining 💖~!
Let's break down what I'll be looking at to reach my conclusions:
Sun, Moon, Rising (and it's aspects)
First house, Fourth house, Fifth house, Sixth house, Seventh House, Eighth house, Tenth house, Eleventh house
Any Stelliums
Also please note that when I drop my final conclusion of signs or elements, I mean people who carry that dominant energy or have that 'signature sign', not necessarily someone's sun sign.
Now let's get into it!
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Sun | Moon | Rising
I seem to attract the same energy I fear LMAO. A quick glance is giving me air energy but we shall see by the end!
So there’s a bit to unpack here. Your Sun-Moon combo is working interestingly with your ASC / Rising. Your ASC gives others the impression of someone who is very tense and stressed out all the time, but that’s not what’s happening internally (I’m going to touch on that deeper during the house section, since it involves your DSC). So people have this perception of someone who is a little uncomfortable all the time and can’t relax, but if you reveal this about yourself at least that’s not necessarily true.
Both your Sun and Moon are in houses that tend to withhold information from others. So yes the childish and fresh energy of your sun sign is there, but it will only express events that happened on that Thursday afternoon when everyone went bowling so it’s not really a secret anyway. With your moon, it’s just more sensitive than it usually is. I find these moon signs tend to also be really friendly, jovial, and creative. Within this house, it’s like it’s constantly plugged in to feel everyone’s feelings on a deeper level and it’s a bit overwhelming. While your sun mainly has easy aspects, your moon is making a harsh aspect to a planet within your sixth that says to me ‘I really can’t stand fake stuff’. Once again, more in depth during the house section, but it’s despising having to wear a mask to be accepted.
Both your sun and moon are in an element that are usually looked to for a feeling of ‘refreshment’ and inspiration, but they’re both being a bit muted and having to figure out how to drive their car but with a stick shift. Then your ASC is stuck reading the manual to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be so no one is starting the car with the confidence that they actually have. So someone to actually ask you about your day or your life, instigating conversations would be good, because you don’t do this on purpose.
Houses (1st, 5th, 7th, 11th)
So! As I said, people perceive you as being super anxious and uptight and worried most of the time. Or reserved and pretty quiet—typical stereotypes for your sign. The whole thing is that like any other rising and descendant your first and seventh house are working together very tightly. These risings are usually very chill and spacing out because they’re thinking about something else or deep in thought and they get reminded of something important, and because it’s important, they start exhibiting those qualities. The quiet, reserved, ~academia~ feeling is your seventh spilling over into your first a bit—definitely in your case considering it’s ruler is also in your seventh. There is a piece of you that is mainly concerned with the simplicities of life and what’s important, but you also have one foot in your daydreams at all times. All people need to do is ask and you’ll probably need to be nudged a bit to unload on them but you’re definitely a lot more talkative than they expect. With your mercury here, it’s really good to have a person who can keep up with you in conversations or understand what you’re trying to say—and considering your mercury’s sign? That’s going to be a load off your shoulder’s. The best result is that you can learn how to organize your thoughts / learn how to express yourself a little better or you’ll tend to admire people based on their mindsets. All that to say that: yes you will do well with someone who actively engages in conversation with you and gets you to open up LMAO
With your fifth and eleventh, it feels a bit reserved in a way. It’s also a feeling of being a bit traditional, but not stuffy. It’s kind of like a checklist of the people you want around you and if they can’t even get back three then what’s the point, and I think people probably pick up on that lmao. Plus with the opposing sign needing to have a safe spot and a close connection with those involved in their life, tending to want to leave a piece of themselves within any community or group they join—you really don’t want to invest in people that are not worth it. Especially with your moon residing in such a sensitive place as I mentioned before as well.
Houses (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th)
Honesty is also very important here with your fourth! With the energy going on here, it’s already sensitive. With the sign over your fourth, there would’ve been an encouragement of learning beyond what’s just in books (so street smarts, family values, interacting with different walks of life, etc). It’s heavy but it’s trying to not weigh itself down because it doesn’t want to see life that way, especially with one of the planets here opposing Jupiter in your tenth. There’s a tendency to make up for what was never given / displayed at a young age. It’s like the story of someone who was uncool in high school and then they come back at the high school reunion and they created like the hottest app that everyone there uses or something. In your case it’s a feeling of putting forth a happy-go-lucky persona and being a jack of all trades so you can connect with many people. (There’s that communication again)
As I said way back when, the sixth is giving your moon a little stress because it’s part of the energies you deal with daily, but it’s also the piece of you that people who kinda know you? Are gonna describe you as. There’s a bit of annoyance with your immediate surroundings / work environments on your end because there’s a lot of ‘standards’ that you don’t necessarily like to do because it takes away a bit of who you are (like customer service would be something that is...not necessarily Fun besides the obvious reasons). On the flip-side, people have their own built up perception of you which can get to be a little frustrating because it’s never brought up during conversation, it’s just assumed and that’s the end of the story.
So with your sun sitting in the eighth, it’s causing more friction because it’s not as loud as it usually is. Natives with this placement are used to digging into their own ego and figuring themselves out, so they don’t really worry too much about how other people perceive them, but the frustration sources from people assuming the most out of nearly nothing but appearance or small quirks. Your venus here in it’s position is also causing a lot more internal discovery and less outward expression unless forced out.
Got Stelliums?
There are no stelliums but closing thoughts! There is a lot of pent up authentic expression, until it bursts in a way that’s either harmful or at the wrong time—but besides that it’s like you’re figuring out a balance and until them you’re ‘hibernating’ (unless you’re forced out momentarily). I try not to touch on sensitive placements publicly or unless the person is prepared so I’m not going to do that now LMAO but concerning your fourth house: I’d look into it a bit more. After ruining my google search trying to find my own article, there are some very rare articles online that will combine their view of the placement with books to help overcome those challenges. You can also figure out the theme pretty quickly and figure out what type of book with particularly cater to your case (cause I mean, not every book is going to have our exact situation in mind to be fair but—). There’s a lot of strength in here but it’s being stifled by an idea of who you should be and how it should be manifesting for people, and that’s what needs to be sorted out in order for that strength to shine, cause it’s not necessarily lost.
Placements you attract/are attracted to: Scorpio, Earth signs, Leo Placements you’re compatible with: Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer + Pisces
Placing emphasis on the importance of communication so regardless, synastry needs to have strong mercury aspects idc what else it's got going on (or it can support your moon)
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pissboyscotland · 2 years
Me: I will Not become a lucas fan just bc im following other lucas fans... *also me: has both my wallpapers as lucas in the car bc the audi was pretty, and so was his s8 helmet, it worked well w the car* oh he's unhinged?? 👁👁 I shall consider... (lmao, same small font anon from before)
👁👁 ... obsessed with this for u (he is unhinged and so so strange but he's also hot and nice 😭)
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berseker · 3 months
HELLO AGAIN o/ B, I, R aaaaaand W !!!
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
So, back in 98, when we had no electricity and dinosaurs roamed the earth, there was this children's show called Space Cases and I was obsessed with it. Then I found little stories on the internet and thought they were novelizations of episodes lmao I had no Concept of fanfic. That's how I learned english, btw, printing each one and translating it word by word with a dictionary.
NOW, re: writing, the first complete story I wrote was a retelling of a Chico Bento story with my own OCs when I was seven. I guess it counts as fic? But the first one I wrote, like, intentionally, was probably an incomplete fic of Backstreet Boys.
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
See, the thing is, I don't really write much fic?? I mostly write original. Hetalia and Latin Hetalia were total outliers, and basically my only major fandoms. Other than that, I have written for the daredevil, the maze runner and narnia. And like four or five drabbles for random stuff, like naruto, this movie no one watched but me and avenida brasil (!).
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
At this point, a lot of writers have influenced me! I learn a lot by reading and stealing studying my fav's powers. Nowadays I think it's KJ Charles, she writes gay historical romance and she's amazing.
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
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beastblade69 · 3 months
art school are literally like "okay but we're gonna make you do 5 assignments due next week" and expect us to draw masterpieces. like bro I'm exhausted, I'm tired, depressed and dissociated. I feel like shit and my drawings are getting worse with every week because I have too much shit to do + I have to rest like a normal human being, not talking about working at my own projects. like Ion see how I should show progress in my art if I'm under a constant pressing not only from myself because gODDAMN I HAVE TO BE PERFECT AT LEAST AT SOMETHING ONCE IN MY LIFE, but also from college aka waking up at 7:30 am and spending time in one room w a person who's rejected me and trying to keep myself motivated. srs man art schools shall consider a mental health factors. I really get that mindset which has unfortunately passed to us from ussr ("there are no mental illnesses, you just choose to be lazy and complain instead of working for your countries sake") but like nuh that doesn't work that way. I really don't wanna draw no more, I just want them to let me be, let me chill or else I'm not gonna make it because my mental energy is drained and everyone has decided to leave me out of the blue. so yeah lmao bitches just don't make art a fucking full time job or smth like it can be draining af and this system sucks esp for mentally ill ppl because like we're already struggling for life WHY WOULD YOU DO TAHT TO US??
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sungbeam · 11 months
Ok time for a more calmer vibe LMAO
For the first fic I genuinely think that any member would be suitable for the ML? And so I decided to let you (my fav author and parasocial bestie) to bequeath which member this fic shall belong to 🤭 (uhhhh spoilers/insight: dream realm(?) but not in a soulmate way, angst, possibly abrupt/open ending but also happy in a way, v fluffy moments at the same time tho, manic pixie dream boy???)
And finally after adoring the movie I decided to go read [redacted] and LORD WHY DID IT HURT 39475629 TIMES AS MUCH AS THE MOVIE LIKE
Movie: light work, no reaction
Book: oUUuU, okay, its got a lil kick 😨
But I got an au perfectly inspired by this in a modern retelling typa way ig SPOILER ALERT THERE IS A LOVE CORNER, CHANHEE AND SANGYEON OR YOUNGHOON(???) we WILL be getting a lil Kevin up in here tho TRUST
And tbh it could go in 2 different directions rn but I’ll have to see which one will get a conclusive ending but the vision is definitely there dw
And DAMNNNNNN I didn’t know there were so many WIPs/nm/p like I know I got a lil snippet of 3 in the past but with each drop of a new WIP I get even more excited 😭 just seeing your creative process is motivating to me lolol and the banners AHHHHHHHH IT REALLY DID GIVE “graphic design is my passion 🤭” YUHHH YUHHHH
but wait also looking at the list again I wanna see more into the ‘bones (orig.)’ and ‘bones (remixed)’ 😳
OH AND BEFORE I FORGET TO MENTIONNNNNNN that Spiderman!Sunwoo and Spiderman!Eric did have me REEEEEEELINGGGGG esp since I finally got the chance to watch across the spiderverse PHEWWWW Spiderman!Eric is just so cheeky, so himbo, so smoochable like damn I do think he is capable of wanting to attempt the Toby Maguire upside-down kiss but then getting too nervous/excited/antsy that he lets go of his web and crashes on the ground AJNDJBVINWI
AND SUNWOO AS STARLORD WOULD ALSO WORK CAUSE HE REALLY HAS THAT SELF-DEPRECATING HUMOR THING GOING ON and then his cheesyness too omg I think Sunwoo is perfectly corny to be starlord 😫🤞
AND ALSO MY ATEEZ BIAS ISSSSSSSSSSSSSS -drumroll please- 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Wooyoung! 🥳🥳🥳
He’s just so sweet and caring and hot and beautiful and hardworking and loving and he’s so, he’s so, he’s so- ☹️☹️☹️☹️
Yeah, I love Woo with my whole being 😔🙏
Kk that’s it for nowwwwww talk to you soon!
- Toodles!, 🌷anon 
HELLO WAIT what is [REDACTED] 🤨 i need to know for research purposes and cuz im a nosy mfker and cuz i also scoured thru our prev interactions and don't think we talked abt it previously 🤨
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ITS LIKE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST BUT EVERYBODY'S A BEAST ???? well, the main cast is all considered some kind of "monster," but ofc, the real monsters r the humans who have belittled them and villainized them. but reader basically has like,,, medusa powers??? and chanhee has like a demon trapped inside him and younghoon is like fae but THE SCARY fae you feel??? but any who, i've gotten some back story done and it's not meant to become like a 30k one shot or anything; i was trying to aim for it to be kind of like the length of simple gifts, but we'll see where i go w it !!
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okok i have so much to say abt the next part of ur ask 😭😭 1.) BEQUEATH 💀💀💀💀 2.) hello stop that rn flattery will get u everything u desire 🤧😌 3.) MANIC PIXIE DREAM BOY AHAH OMG IM SO HYPED 4.) eric, juyeon sounds abt right 😻😻
OKAY BUT LIKE books > their movie adaptations tbh lsnfkenfk there is so much that books can show that movies can't, and also vice versa !! but WTF DYM BY LOVE CORNER (´Д⊂ヽ GIRLIE BESTIE HONEY WHAT IS A LOVE CORNER 😭😭😭 w chanhee sangyeon younghoon AND beloved kevin too???? my /guy/ do u want me to cry 😃 wait don't answer that—💀 omg i feel like i almost never have an idea of what an ending looks like UNTIL I GET THERE LMFAOOOO like i really don't care abt endings cuz i can't get to the ending if there is not story substance, u feel 😭😭😭 but im sure the ✨right ending✨ will appear in ur horizons as u go forth !!
KANDKDNDKN i had to keep quite a few wips off the list 😭💀 it's embarrassing akdnkdnf BUT im so glad that seeing my process motivates u TT that's very cool to hear and i also like talking abt the writing process a lot so thank u for feeding into my self esteem /hj AHHH SHUSH UR GONNA MAKE ME BLUSH I LOVE MAKING BANNERS SO THANK U 😚 im too tech grandma to use canva or photoshop so i feel like a lot of mine r a little simpler and more minimal which isn't bad ofc but yeah, thanks so much :'))) BRO i wish i could go into graphic design skfnkdndk
OHOH the bones orig and remix ver LMAOOO
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both versions r meant to be like murder mysteries yk?? and they're both set in time settings where it's not quite the future, but im also not a historian so they're also not completely historically accurate T-T they just take place in the past LMFAO but the original ver is more like dark academia centered where the murder takes place at this elitist academy/boarding school in the middle of nowhere, and reader is like a "charity case" whose uncle took her under his wing after her parents were murdered or something, and changmin is like studying to become a physician and they both get looped into the investigation. i have a some written of that ver but it's not very interesting 💀
AND recently like two days ago 💀 i went back to one of the ideas i had for the banner before i started writing the dark academia one (wow that's such a long sentence). anyways, said idea was to take place in like ,, not a school 🤡 but idk if you've read the stalking jack the ripper series but it's based on that !! AND a little bit of six of crows too 🤡 it's not fantastical or anything, but changmin is like a doctor in the lower end and someone's been out here murdering people and shit. changmin is also kind of inspired by daredevil and kaz brekker, but i'll have to get into that some other time 💀
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that was one of my favorite parts lol i think this ver of bones has captured a bit more of my interest than the other ver? tho, i would love to see where the other ver went, just cuz i already put so much thought into the storyline and characters and headcanons and back stories, etc.
AHHHHHH YES I AGREE ABT SPIDEY!ERIC I LOVE SPIDEY ERIC he's just ,, yk Just Some Guy™ LMAO so he's a perf spiderboy !!! he's kind of modeled after tom holland's spiderman and sunwoo after miles morales ofc, but eric would TOTALLY try the upside down kiss and fail miserably 😭😭😭 but i think he's def the type to keep trying UNTIL he gets it down 🤤😋 and just crafting the different earths btwn sunwoo and eric was just so much fun cuz i was trying to figure out what i wanted each universe to have and ksnfkdndkkd ANYWAYS . STAR LORD SUNWOO HAS ME REELING CUZ LIKE AKDNKDMD i NEEDED this man to be w the raccoon it just didn't feel right if he wasn't. like he was either gonna be nova or starlord, and i feel like the only other boy besides sunwoo who can do star lord justice is hyunjae, but he's already IRON MAN lol
OMG UR A WOOYOUNG STAN??? that actually feels so right 😭😭😭 wooyo be snatching up hearts ALL OVER THE PLACE lately 😭🤧 like damn, get it bro 🥂 but i totally agree, he's such a sweetheart and so funny and so talented and just sknfkendn mwah wanna give him a big smooch !
WHEW what a long recap/catch up reply 🤣 but anyways, hope ur doing well as always 😚 love u lots, my honey bunches of pollinated petals 💖
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captainadwen · 1 year
random ff7 remake thoughts from 13ish hours in (under cut for remake spoilers for all the ppl like me who are only playing it like a year after its release....)
- overall i am having lots of fun. exploring Expanded Midgar (tm) is so much fun because it is beautiful and I can tell the love that went into every detail. there are potion vending machines and music posters and “clear icicle mineral water” stuffs and also they made the defeat music into a tango and it gave me trauma when i heard it play in an old ppl home (in game)
- that said, im... kinda reluctantly agreeing with someone else who said the best moments are those from the OG game? some of the expanded bits drag a bit long (also i keep getting lost because im adamant about not using minimap if possible), and it feels like a lot of key iconic moments keep getting interrupted by the shades
- like, to the point that when the shades show up it is My Least Favorite because they just interrupt key introductions and whatnot
- i think the game devs tried hard to balance between returning players and total new players but also it just... idk why couldn’t they have left key aerith scenes alone :c
- speaking of, boy this game ships cloti. like, these first 13 hours are really less “cloud joins a terrorist group” and more “which female interaction will make cloud more embarassed or uncomfy”
(its the jesse ones i am sorry but they made me almost as uncomfortable as they made cloud like nopeeee)
- also, im really pissed off that all three female “love interests” do the lean in from side smiley thing that is more aerith’s thing from like... something, not sure what. crisis core maybe? its notable because its ONLY those three that do it and it annoys me like please... you put this much effort into shipping you can at least have different gestures for when they need to lean down and get clouds attention when hes dissociating
- that said, this... is making me ship cloti? i always preferred them as friends but they have like. actual chemistry now. they interact! have jokes! like yes some of it is the limitations of OG but also its just SO much easier for me to swallow clothi in this game than in OG (no one @ me for shipping wars just because i prefer clerith didn’t stop me from going after barret’s date lmao)
- okay no srsly why cant we give the flower to marlene it makes no sense to change that aside from the fact that gold saucer date isnt in this game therefore no date points accrued but STILL it was such a cute interaction
- clouds consciousness from the og timeline is still aware inside cloud?????????? i only know some spoilers about What The Specters Are About but like that surprised me. along w other minor changes that only sorta make sense but mostly feel like done to get the specters in the story....
- when will i go down to the seventh haven basement :’d
- why was reno’s boss fight so fucking brutal
- no twirly sword battle win animation :d
- i still stand that they made sephiroth uglier
- also sephiroth’s weird obsession with cloud is even more hilarious when so constantly re-emphasized like ‘random nobody managed to kill me through the power of sheer rage and physics when i was going insane bc my alien gene donor kinda took over my brain so now i shall obsess over him and only him while i destroy the planet (or maybe not, that was so last timeline ago)’
- for that note, tifa in the remake is also hilarious if you consider the story from her perspective is ‘that loner boy friendly aquaintance/friend of mine showed up looking like he’d been run over by a train claiming to be a SOLDIER and he has the skills and eyes to prove it so i recruit him immediately to join the eco-terrorist bombing missions i dont really support so he can gain Some Monz and then the next day he gets bombed out by a big robot on live tv on a mission he and i weren’t supposed to be on except these crazy phantoms assaulted my team-mates and the next time i’ll see him* is when my fake human trafficking victim scheme hat i employ like the next day after that makes him crossdress to save me’
(maybe i havent gotten that far yet)
- anyway i love carbuncle free gift summon
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s-brant · 2 years
i… am.. broken. what was THAT oh my god my heart. i wanted to cry like 6 different times while reading what the hell. where do i even start omfg
THAT MAN IS IN LOVE 😭😭😭 my god.. giving her the money after she told her she needed money to pay rent.. why am i crying 😭😭 he’s so sweet i’m not okay. i’m so glad her and alanis were able to talk things through and get their sense of closure. and then my poor baby thinking she left him for good after leaving to talk to alanis like 😭 this chapter killed me. this did it for me i’m so serious. they were making LOVE they weren’t making some porno. “say my name” BOYYYY i’ll say ur name as many times are u want. the gun play was so hot i’m gonna VOMIT
AND THE ENVELOPEKDJDJ he said silly girl 😭 fuck i’ve been waiting for that moment. since the very beginning he cared for her deep down without even realizing it. also when he took his glove off to hold hands w her under the table on her lap to ground her from ripping zayn’s head off. like come ONNNN you killed me. i’m dead. idk who’s typing this rn cuz i’m dead. done. gone. i will need 3-5 business days to recover cuz u actually broke me i cannot do this.
THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO BAd i am so 😭 my babies deserve the world. SPEAKING OF BABIES????? no ik for a fact he’s a softie and is gonna love the shit out of that unborn child and treat her like glass even if he ends up not seeming to not want it.
idk wtf i wrote here but u must know. this chapter might be my fav im sorry i say that every time u post a new chapter but i’m so serious. she’s dead. i am she
you’re such a good writer this is so insane. you’re insane you psycho talented woman
oh harry is absolutely in love with her, like no doubt. he’s such a sweetie underneath it all and it’s so nice to be able to show that in him now. i know 🥺 he really thought she was done w him. him giving her the envelope was something i’ve been waiting soooo long to reveal, it felt so great to write it finally!
and 😵‍💫 speaking of babies, i don’t necessarily know if harry is even ready to be a father to a child considering he can’t even emotionally handle telling the woman he loves that he loves her, but we shall have to see about that lmao.
thank you for everything 🥰🥺
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