#of moon and leaf
thebanneredmareinn · 2 years
so. was no one going to tell me about solo journaling rpgs or was i just supposed to find that out by accident??
if anyone else hasn't heard of them, i've been doing (playing?) one over the past couple of days and it's so fucking cute i am having the time of my life. the one i found is called Of Moon and Leaf and the whole thing is just you writing the journal of a lone forest-dwelling person just exploring a magical forest and mixing your potions and spells and dream magic this is the cutest thing ever. all you need is a notebook, pen/pencil, and a regular 6 sided die. go steal one from a board game if you don't have a dice set.
and i saw another one that's from the pov of an ancient vampire (idk the whole backstory, but my vampire loving ass is getting geared up for that one next) if anyone has any more of these that you've enjoyed, i would love to check em out
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wine-dark-soup · 8 months
just to say that i bought sentinel on itch.io (thanks to a post recommending it yesterday) and that there are free copies of the game available (6 as of the writing of this post) if you want. also promoting of moon and leaf (free) again because this game got me back into writing after all
solo journaling games are so good <3
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draftingtides · 8 months
Something is trapping nature spirits. Caellix, our long-suffering witch protagonist, must save them and stop the culprit.
I'm posting the log for my Of Moon and Leaf campaign on ao3! Of Moon and Leaf is a solo journaling rpg by mothteeth on itch.io, and it's free! It's what got me into solo ttrpgs in the first place. The campaign isn't finished, but I'll be posting what cleaned-up sessions I do have on a weekly basis.
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kikiswayside · 9 months
Of Moon and Leaf DAY 1 (narrative gameplay)
I begin my day by the low fire, with a hot cup of tinsane and my journal. I jot down my dream fragments and memories. Perhaps they will help me understand what has happened in the world that has us living like this. Many of the other forest folk don't remember their pasts or history either. As though we all just woke up one morning with our skills and knowledge how to use them but little else. Anyway, my dream this day was of a fire that swept through the woods, clearing much of what was and leaving only the burned charred bodies of the trees. I was caught in the fire and I ran and I ran and I ran until I found a lake. I knew the only way to save myself was to leap in. But the fear is strong. The fear of falling is greater than my fear of fire, it seem. Soon the fire is too close and I have no choice and so I leap. Into the cool water and I keep sinking and sinking and sinking. I wake up struggling with my breath. {Author note: every day I roll for three words that form my dream fragments and then I flesh them out. I left out "beginning" as I feel this is going to be where we uncover the story. } After my dream journaling I do a bit of meditation to ask the spirits what the day will look like. Today they only sent me the words Stinging, trickery, and ancient. We shall see where these words appear. I gather my belongings and leave. Along the way I make a discovery. Along a hillside that has fallen down upon itself is a half hanging half burried flag. Still attached to the pole, the whole thing having slid down the flag is faded and the colors not colors anymore. I do not know the country, or the peoples this would have belonged to. As I walk a forest spirit reveals itself, I startled him out from his watching me. He reared up and away in a sparkling haze of spirit dust and dandelion motes. I caught barely a glimpse Not a moment later another spirit was spotted by me. Up in a needle tree and waiting for me. I think they have been watching me. Just before I decided I was tired of being watched I found a new plant. This one is bulbous with lots of rounded leaves that are fleshy. The leaves are purple and ooze a sticky orange sap. The plant sits low to the ground and consists of five to seven of these leaves surrounding a larger bulb in the center. I go home and test the plant. It tells me it's properties are hide and heal. But as yet I can make little more than a tinsane that restores me a small bit. I shall remember it when I need a healing tea. Tomorrow we explore more. (Readers: If you would like to share your drawing of my terrible description of that plant I would love that. Remember you can play along, by downloading the PDF of Of Moon and Leaf. )
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halloween-sweets · 6 months
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notamobboss · 1 year
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 7 months
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Fairycore dividers. Please give credit if you use! Reblogs are appreciated! 18+MNDI!
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nebula-remnants · 4 months
I think people should start drawing their favorite character as this dog 😍 /hj
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I’ll go first (I’m so sorry in advance)
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man what am I doing I should be writing
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outofcontextbokumono · 4 months
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people trying to invite me (autistic) literally anywhere
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rolitae · 6 months
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Some Pokémon items
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muirneach · 7 days
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'Sulphur' and 'Selenium' by Mary Soon Lee
Sulphur #16 sits atop Selenium #34 in the periodic table. Selenium is rarely found in nature without Sulphur nearby.
for the periodic haiku series by @simmyfrobby
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macaroonkitti · 1 month
adult kantrio would be super cute!!!!
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There they are!!
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wine-dark-soup · 2 years
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Jour 1 partie 1. 1h40 d'écriture
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weepingtalecowboy · 25 days
Fanfic prompt: Wind is actually a baby god because the use of a god's life force during phantom hourglass has consequences
Like using something this powerful would definitely change someone fundamentally
You couldn’t stay a mortal after something like that
And it would make his beyond broken skill set make sense
He can command someone with the command melody
He can control day and night (song of passing)
He can change the direction of the wind
Can control seagulls and has extreme strength that a kid shouldn’t possess (he can easily hold a struggling pig over his head and throw that poor thing)
And has fire , ice and even light magic (fire and ice got gifted by the fairy queen and the light magic was found in a chest but the fact that he uses his own magic for all of the arrows is just crazy to consider)
Can create hurricanes to bring him to other places and probably destroy the world with them if he wanted too because those are literally just hurricanes)
And after phantom hourglass he Was in constant contact with a god's life force
Had three spirits follow him and killed a deity like demon bellum
And Cielia consideres him her brother (and she is conveniently related to a god ) and she promised to forever protect his dreams form nightmares
He can see ghosts
Stop time
And the spirits are three but the elements of wisdom, power and courage
And time is the fourth and belongs to Cielia
She promised to protect him forever and that means that he would have to live forever
She would happily give him one of her elements to keep her promise
And that would make the spirits be balanced with a fourth one
Wind main while hasn’t noticed it but the chain sure has and is very much going crazy in the background
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kikiswayside · 9 months
Of Moon and Leaf gameplay Session 0
Every good TTRPG needs a session 0. I am opting to play this as though my character has a memory loss. And am uncovering the past and the history of the world around me. To begin Of Moon and Leaf we need to establish who we are. We are a wanderer of the forest. Our goal is to explore the forest around us and learn more about the plant life and the power the plants have. We will meet forest spirits and guardians. What is my home in the forest like? Imagine a hobbit hole but all above ground. Rounded corners and edges. My home is one large open room with my wash room/toilet room behind a small partition on the back wall. My bed is built into the wall and is surrounded by shelves. On these shelves I keep books and potions and supplies. My kitchen is on the wall opposite the bed (as opposite as round things get) and is a wood burning oven with a clay built cook top. More shelves of course. And a large sink. The sink is required for washing all these plants I find. There are windows of course. And two large comfy chairs. A large wood table is work space and gathering space. But it is a simple home. Full of warmth and comfort. I have been left gifts from the ancestors. My favorite of these, the most useful certainly, are my spider linen gloves. These are silvery and soft. Spun from spider webbing. they are almost indestructible they are very useful while harvesting the more dangerous plants of the forest. I have a bound egg. Slightly larger than a chicken egg, and bound very tightly with black silk thread it is probably an ancient spell. It does not smell and is much older than I. And finally I have a wooden key. I have yet to find the door or chest that this key goes to. But I keep looking.
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heartless-curr · 5 months
made a bunch of memes for fun. more rocket siblings propaganda + a few kanto ones + honorary siblings leaf and silver
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