#ofd fanfic
candied-cae · 2 years
Y'all - I'm trying out a new website for writing my fanfiction so I was moving around notes I haven't looked at in weeks? months? and I ran across this.
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I completely forgot I wrote this.
When was I possessed to have Doug and Mary thank Ed and Stede for helping them discover Doug's sub kink?
When did I decide I would causally slip this scene into an end of the series, family reunion, epilogue-esque chapter between the Ex-Bonnet’s and The Revenge crew?
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ashtronomyys · 2 months
Our Future Days
Chapter 1 - *Pt.3*
SoapGhost TheLastofUs Au OFD Masterpost (Includes Further Tag Warnings) Chpt1 Masterpost
~1.5k Words
// Original Character
"MacTavish, wake /uuuup/! Last warning before I dunk a bucket of water on you again..."
It takes a minute for the words to reach him through his comatose state, but when the words do finally process in the man's head, the threat of getting murky water from god knows where poured onto him quickly coaxes the Scotsman into moving. He jumps forward off the ground, almost bumping head first into the girl leaning over him.
"Alright, alright, I- /I'm up/," he yawns around his words, stretching his limbs out until an audible pop can be heard. “No need for the water theatrics again, ye little devil,” he mutters.
The teen next to him shakes her head, her eyes rolling as she tosses a wrapped up wad of parchment paper at him. "Here. You need to eat. Alex and my mom left you some scraps from this morning."
Johnny sits up on his knees and unwraps the package. Some sort of cooked game, likely rabbit, sits wrapped inside the paper. Johnny digs into the meat, gnawing at the cooked skin as he makes note of his surroundings.
They're sitting in the middle of a spacious foyer, a half-broken chandelier hanging over them, and their supplies lay strewn about the room. Old tables lined with gilded trimmings and loveseats adorned with lush fabrics are braced against the doors and windows, a film of dust collecting on them. A grand staircase wraps around the left side of the room, and late morning sunlight pours in through the glass doors out back past the kitchen.
"Shit, how late did you guys let me sleep in?" Johnny asks around a mouthful of rabbit.
The girl shrugs. "I dunno. Seemed like a few extra hours or so? Alex tried waking you up earlier, but you were not having it." She smirks at the man before continuing, "My mom offered to just go and scout with Alex instead, said you could use the rest."
Johnny groans fiercely at the news. "Goddammit Madison, you guys should've woken me up! Hell, kick me next time if you have to!" He waves his hand around as he talks, using it to swipe the irritation off of his creased brows. "That should have been my job. If they run into anything out there they can't handle, I'll-"
"Oh relax, Johnny!" she butts in. "For one, we did try kicking you, and it didn't work. And two, they can handle themselves out there just fine! They've done this sorta thing plenty of times before… Hell, they've dealt with just as much shit as you have."
"Ach! Language!" he reprimands, which earns him a very defiant tongue sticking out at him. Johnny responds by swatting at her leg, Madison, in kind, kicks away his hand with the point of her boot.
The two snicker at each other for a moment, their laughter bubbling over into a more solemn tone.
"Seriously though, they'll be fine. You trust them, right?"
"Och! Course I do… It’s just that this is the third time this week I’ve somehow managed to sleep through my patrol.”
“Well maybe if you didn’t work yourself to the bone like you’ve /been/ doing you wouldn’t be so tired.”
“‘M not ov’rworking m’self,” Johnny argues around a large bite of rabbit meat.
“You are!” Madison continues to reprimand him. “You don’t get enough sleep because you insist on keeping watch the whole night, you don’t eat enough because you keep rationing like we don’t have enough food or something-”
They don’t, really, this far into the journey, but that’s a little secret best kept between him and Alex.
“And what /really/ gets me is how you go out of your way to be the first one going through every doorway or around each corner. Seriously, it’s like you practically throw yourself at those things and it’s really starting to-”
“Oh Christ, Maddie, can you at least let me finish my breakfast before we start on this again?” Johnny begs. He knew the girl meant well and all, but after nearly three weeks, it was getting a little more than exhausting having the teenager scrutinize every other action he makes. 
“No. I don’t mind, and I’m sure the rabbit doesn’t care either way,” she flips the better half of her auburn hair over her shoulder and crosses her arms.
Johnny had to admit, it honestly did amaze him that in the midst of of their harrowing, borderline-suicidal trek across open territory, she still managed to find the time to bestow upon him the imperious discontentment typical of a moody teenager.
“Look, I appreciate the concern Maddie… ‘Ay don’t give me that scoff, I mean it!” Johnny promptly moves past the jeer. “Now you’re not gonna like it, but I swear by it when I say that everything so far has been /categorically/ manageable in my books. Trust me, if you think this has been bad, you should’ve seen the last patrol our squadron got trapped on before me and Alex ditched the regiment. Did you know your skin turns all dark and purple if you’ve got a case of gangrene? Saw a guy with trench foot in our troop get it pretty bad.”
“Is this supposed to be reassuring somehow?”
“... Right, point being is that Alex and I, we’ve managed through plenty worse situations before. And I know it’s not much,” he reaches over and motions for Madison’s hand, she reluctantly holds it out for him to unwrap her balled up fist, twisting their pinky fingers together,  “but what I can give you is a promise. I swear that if I feel that I’m pushing myself too far, I’ll let ye’s know, cross my heart and all. And in turn, you stop worrying that lil’ head of yours, that sounds like a fair deal to you?”
She seems to mull over his words, chewing on the inside of her cheek before eventually landing somewhere between dissatisfaction and despondence.
“I worry because I don’t want you getting hurt too, you know?”
Any lingering indignation Johnny felt at being lectured by the teenager melts away in an instant. He can’t hold any resentment towards the poor girl and her lectures, after all. He could see the lingering mournfulness in the way she fidgeted, the thought of her father surely flashing in her mind.
It’s been nearly a year now since the Kellers lost him. It still doesn’t make it any easier, he knows too well himself how the passage of time alone hardly makes the memories any less painful. Especially in a life like theirs, where no one’s afforded the luxury of a proper grievance, not when the next tragedy is waiting just around the corner.
Johnny gives her his best comforting smile. “Bah, you worry too much,” he says while bumping his fist against her shoulder. “Way too much for your age, I think you should trust that we’re all gonna turn out just fine. You know, I’ve got a good feeling on this one, a gut feeling that we’re gonna find something good at the end of all this, you’ve just gotta wait and see.”
“Mm, you sure that gut feeling isn’t the rabbit meat you just scarfed down?”
Johnny huffs a breath of laughter. “It’s not the fucking rabbit, Maddie.”
Madison’s expression morphs into a scornful, scrunched up expression. “Oh, so /you/ get to curse all you want to, but I can’t,” she scoffs.
“Well I’m not fifteen, Maddie,” he deadpans. “And I don’t have a mother as kind and considerate as yours. who’s only wanting the /best/ for you and who’s wishes you should respect-” 
“Oh /brother/, now you sound like Alex,” if her eyes roll any farther back into her head, Johnny swears they might end up staying that way.
Ahh, and there it is again. That characteristically feisty temperament most teens are built with a natural disposition to.
If it’s a choice between the annoyed groans of displeasure, or the mournful sadness unbefitting any child not raised in as unjust a world as theirs, he’ll take the petulance any day of the week.
"I mean it. You’re not gonna lose me, or Alex, Mrs. K, or anybody else. I promise, alright?"
"Yeah… I know." She squeezes back his pinky, a sly grin growing on her face again. "Alright, but I’m not kidding when I say you better watch after yourself, or the next time I have to wake you up with a pail of water, I’m adding mud and worms to it."
Johnny pulls his hand back, putting on a show with his wide-eyed, shocked expression and his hand held tightly to his chest in mock offense. "Oh, you wouldn't /daaare!/ No, you’d never, you like me too much."
"Not as much as the worms will," she barks back, and his face contorts in hurt. He’s about to say another jab, but Madison pushes him over before he gets the chance.
She bounds towards the kitchen, yelling over her shoulder. "Alright, well I’ve had enough of all that, I’ll leave you to finish up your food. Oh, and start packing up your shit up so we can be ready before my mom and Alex get h-/eeere!/"
She narrowly dodges the rolled up parchment paper being launched at her head.
The majority of Simon's body finally feels alive as he weaves his way through the hustle and bustle of the city streets…
*** To be continued in Pt.3***
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cryptidpandas · 1 year
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a meme packet for my Last of Us au Our Future Days which u can read on ao3 here!
new chapter should be out in a few days!
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A thing I've been working on these past few days. It wouldn’t let me concentrate  on real life ‘til it was done. I’m quickly sharing it here before my perfectionist self grabs me by the arm and makes me do endless changes.
Enjoy a Sailorlock cover inspired by @holmesianpose​‘s story Over Fathoms Deep (which is amazing and has been living rent free in my head for a month now).
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holmesianpose · 6 months
i hope you know ofd is literally my favorite fanfic ever written and a few weeks ago i went on a long ass walk around my college campus and explained the entire plot to my friend
ahhhhhhhhhhhh omg the JOY I EXPERIENCED FROM RECEIVING THIS MESSAGE-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cannot adequately convey it to you.
This is the stuff fic writers' dreams are made of, I tell you.
As I have done this myself with many fics I love, I know how high of a compliment it is!
What I wouldn't give to have been an invisible accompaniment on that walk! (I realize this sounds creepy but I just mean--I would have loved to hear your impassioned summary of the story to your friend)
Thank you for this message. It has brought me much deep delight. <3 Also, I can tell you as a thank you for this kind message--that my goal this week is to get a new chapter up! It's almost done, I just need to obsessively edit it.
Thanks for being awesome, dear reader!
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vivalagardenia · 2 years
I re-watched the Beautician and the Beast a few weeks ago and it's one of my comfort films, and I have Sandman brainrot so my brain connected the dots and made a Dreamling AU based ofd the film where Hob is an Art Teacher who was sent to teach the kids of Dream who's the heartless king of a small kingdom.
I actually have written somE details and stuff down so maybe I'll actually make a fanfic about this idea.
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aviannauts · 10 months
Hoiii!!! I finally delved into your blog and boi your art and AU are absolutely amazing!!
And you're in the OFD as well! such a small world. :3
I'm Raywave there and I've been working on my own "AU" / continuation of ONE in fanfic form, if you've seen it.
But yeah it's nice to see your art and animations!! :D
Keep up the amazing work, and don't forget to hydrate and rest!! :3
ahh thank you! thats so sweet!! and a fellow OFDer! wowzer!! :D
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glitterarygetsit · 2 years
Eee, thank you for the asks, Jaime!
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Hmmm, that's tricky! "Wild" isn't a word I'd normally reach for in describing any of my fics. I suppose A Spectacle of Floating Delights is the wildest ride for the characters, who arrived expecting a civilised party with finger food and ended up fucking on the floor in front of an audience. I feel like to eat a peach was the wildest for me to write, though--it's only short, but I wrote it in like a week, and I swear I was possessed by the spirit of Ed desperately wanting to eat Stede's ass, so it felt like I was being pulled along by the characters' enthusiasm.
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
I am an eternal fan of "no beta we die like [fandom reference]" (for ofd I use "we die like Badmintons") but actually I usually have a beta so it's not always applicable. My favourite tag I've used recently is "[slaps ed and stede] these moderately bad boys can fit so many issues in them" for lost to the light and the loving we need.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Ooooh, I am so stoked about my current project! I'm getting close to posting the first installment of what will hopefully end up being the longest thing I've ever written. It's a three-work slow-burn enemies-to-lovers Steddyhands arc--the first fic is a 5+1 hanahaki fic (subtitled five times Izzy hid his hanahaki from Ed and one time he couldn't), but then the concept spiralled out of control and now I have two more fics planned to come after it. The middle installment will be Izzy going to fetch Stede post-ep10, and then the third fic will be a reunion fic that also resolves the love triangle. Both of the last two works will be multi-chapter, which is something I haven't done before!
Fanfic writer emoji asks
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bohemienne-221b · 4 years
Chapters: 25/? Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Philip Anderson, Greg Lestrade, Mycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper Additional Tags: Romance, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical, Boats and Ships, Sailor!John, Aristocrat!Sherlock, AU, Johnlock Trope Challenge, Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Young!naive!Sherlock, Muscular!Sea-hardened!John, POV Sherlock Holmes, SailorLock, sailinglock, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Virgin Sherlock, Anderson has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, Sherlock is a sad gay baby, boxing lessons, Sherlock's Violin, sailor!lock, Sailing, First Kiss, Bottom Sherlock Holmes, Top John Watson, Sherlock is a trembling gay flower petal, John is a golden god of sex, First Time, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Frottage, Masturbation, Age of Sail, Regency, Threats of Violence, Threats of sexual violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, THIS STORY WILL HAVE THE HAPPIEST ENDING YOU CAN POSSIBILY STOMACH, but there will be angst and conflict along the way, and also lots and lots of sex Summary:
Quando il figlio più giovane dell'aristocratica famiglia Holmes viene spedito in mare in un tentativo di curare il suo caratteraccio e le sue cattive maniere, si aspetta completamente di trascorrere un lungo e noioso viaggio più infelice che mai. Quello che non mette in conto è che il suo cuore sia rubato dall'aitante giovane marinaio John Watson.
Capitolo 25
“Sherlock lotta contro l’oscurità.”
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kingdarkstalker · 3 years
Can we give these JMA kids some therapy? Most of them are child soldiers or victims of war. Also why is this school still running after two dragonets died and at least several attempted murders took place? Maybe revisit Friendship Academy after these dragonets get some help and give them time to adjust to a world in which they previously spent their whole lives fighting and trying not to be killed.
Also why did they let a 19 y/o come be a student that's like Sunny inviting her mom to come to high school. Look I'm in support of Onyx getting her GED but she's a roommate with like the dragon equivalent of a young teen.
jade mountain should have been a therapy place (the fanfic Healed abt umber and sora and flame has a rly nice take on the old skywing arena being turned into a massive hospital/treatment/recovery center for child soldiers) like u said it was too soon after the war,they put child soldiers in rooms w each other that have killed members ofd each others flights, and acted like since the war was over everyone just had to move on without addressing any of the trauma, also putting an abuser (webs) ina position of power. also like u said rlly weird that onyx was allowed in the school but iirc she lied about her age?
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candied-cae · 2 years
Hey y'all- lemme get a little honest about white privilege and ignorance for a second. We're talking about me in this case. Bc I wanna send a thank you to people I've seen on Twitter discussing the use of the 'nickname' Calico Jack uses for Edward in fanfics.
I've been working on a reunion fight between Stede and Ed for weeks now and in my first draft of it I wrote something like: "Ol' *Nickname*, really is an evil monster down to his evil heart, right?" being said by Ed to Stede.
The intention was to use this nickname as the painful characterization it was in the show as a point for Ed to push how he was feeling. That he felt like all the blame was being unfairly thrown his way, like Stede was looking him as nothing more than the monster everyone else has seen, like Stede was seeing the same racist caricature that so many have assumed was all there was to him.
I thought this reasoning to use to nickname as the slur it was, was enough to justify using it. But when I started seeing the discussion of it, I started to get worried. Most of the posts about the use of the name were to not include it as a nickname, as it isn't really one. To instead replace it with "Beardie" or other things in a context of friendliness. But I wasn't really using it that way, so I wasn't sure how the input applied to the scene I was writing... But I chose to err on the side of caution.
I've gone ahead and re-written the line as: "’The ol’ Demon really is rotten, all the way through his evil fucking bones right into his evil fucking heart’, right?" to just use a different nickname, though the passage loses as bit of the point I was going for...
But - as a white fic writer - my priority is not to be "making points" at the expense of my POC readers.
Just food for thought in case other fic writers run into this sort of question themselves. Lines can be rewritten, even if they don't work in the same way as you as originally wanted the dialogue to go. But POC people in fandom deal with enough racism as is, I do not want to pile onto it in making this space further unsafe for them to participate in.
Remember, education is a never ending endeavor. There are more than a few times when lack of education will fail you. Listen and adjust, it something we all need to keep working at because adding to the suffering of POC's for one's own self interest will never be the right way to go about things.
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ashtronomyys · 2 months
Our Future Days
Chapter 1 - *Pt2*
SoapGhost TheLastofUsAu OFD Masterpost (Includes further Tag Warnings) Chpt1 Masterpost
~1.7k Words
Simon's body jolts forward in the bed. He thrashes around in his sheets, his body fighting back against an unknown force until his mind begins to clear up. His cries of terror begin to die down as his bloodshot eyes start to register his surroundings. They take in the cracked, floral wallpaper peeling off the walls of the room, the tattered, linen bedsheets obscuring the moonlight outside, and the chipped, hardwood flooring of the bedroom.
Simon grinds his palms against his temple, falling back into the mattress and trying to rub away the throbbing pulsing in his head. His body is coated in a layer of sweat, and short blond tufts cling to his forehead. His throat feels rubbed raw from the screaming he did in his sleep, and it takes him a considerable amount of time to calm the labored heaving his chest keeps up.
Fucking hell. It’s gonna be another one of those days for him then, isn’t it?
There’s no sense in trying to fall back asleep now. Simon knows from experience that he'll be unable to close his eyes long enough to get any more rest. Not on a rough night like this. Not with the images of his friends and family falling victim to the surrounding horrors playing on a loop.
It's the cruelest form of torment, his head making him relive every bit of trauma, his mind making him think he's still stuck on that damn bridge, fighting day by day just to scrape by in the QZ, or worse still, those years living out in the open country. The worst of it is when visions of Tommy jump to the forefront, memories of hanging on by a thread until everything went up in flames causing him to feel a nauseating pang of guilt.
It’s like his mind fucking relishes on the mental abuse it puts him through, almost like it makes a game of it. He could see it now, set up like one of those old-time game shows, big flashing letters spelling out, "How much further can we push Simon Riley before he breaks today?”, his next form of torment coming from a big spinning wheel with all of his worst memories, crowd cheering with each bout of pain it can unearth. 
Huh, it’s actually almost a little more humorous imagining it playing out that way…
Rather than going back to sleep, Simon spends the remainder of the night staring at the ceiling. His eyes rake over every bump and groove in the paint until he can see the soft rays of morning light seep through the curtains. Eventually, the faint sound of a rooster crowing far-off in the distance signals the start of another day.
It’s about time for Simon to finally sit up and shamble into the bathroom, letting the water heat up to a near scalding temperature before hopping in. A long shower helps wash away some of the tenseness in his body, but does nothing to help lighten his mood. He dons on his usual dark sweatshirt and jeans before he steps out into the street ahead, taking in a deep breath of the crisp morning air as he begins his trek into town.
The walk to the inner city takes him along the winding suburbs and houses with long-neglected lawns. Nature reclaims most of the area, with the tall summer grass overtaking pavements and roads. Vibrant flora blooms in large patches throughout the landscape, and rotted, derelict cars lay abandoned in driveways.
He leisurely strolls past the dozens of cul-de-sacs that rise and fall along the hills they are nestled onto. Slim, craftsman bungalows ranging from neutral whites and tans, to vibrant blues and yellows, the buildings themselves used to house hundreds of families in the area.
In the eerie quiet on mornings like this, Simon can almost picture the way things used to be; cars pulling out of the driveways and running their owners to work, children piling into the school buses in the morning, a dog or two barking at all the commotion. He can almost imagine what it must’ve been like, white picket fences, neatly trimmed gardens and all, the quaint, bunched together houses still teeming with some semblance of life.
Twenty years later, and it'd be a miracle if even a third of those same people are still among the living.
A strong breeze of brisk, cool air finds its way up Simon’s shirt, sending a chill up his spine. He sighs, shoving his hands into his jacket pocket in irritation, the thought of turning around and crawling back under the covers definitely crossing his mind.
He really ought to, he knows, especially after the rough night he’s had. Price, too, has been on his ass lately about going out when he’s not at his best, giving Simon his hundredth lecture about getting himself or somebody else killed on the job.
But fuck it, he’s managed just fine through plenty worse conditions before. And he’d much rather have something to occupy his day that doesn’t include rotting away in his little hovel.
Yeah, a bit of fresh air ought to do him a whole world of good better than that.
Besides, it’s not like his aim has gone to complete shit. He’s still the same man he was yesterday, only difference is he may have to put in the extra effort to not bite anyone's head off today. So not much change at all really.
Simon rounds another corner and comes up to the outer wall. The wall, a domineering presence that stands in stark contrast to the broken-down houses, consists of bolted sheets of metal, piled-up cars, shipping containers, and all kinds of scrap all rusted together. It runs along the remaining exterior walls of some of the structures nearby, and forms a barrier that rises nearly ten feet in the air.
Simon takes a detour into one of the houses on the right, passing through an open hole that exposes the kitchen to the elements outside. He brushes some of the bramble aside and pulls a steel ladder out from the growing ivy. Simon props it up against the wall, the ladder reaching just below the edge of a semi-truck nestled into the structure, and drops it onto the other side once he’s over, but not before taking a moment to watch the sun rise higher into the sky.
From here, beyond another mile or so of the district, he can see the fields of farmland spreading throughout the encampment. Fields of grains and produce sit atop what used to be parks, golf courses, and a few torn down shopping centers. Decaying buildings were stripped down for more material, and the grounds burned and uprooted to make the land fertile enough for crops to grow.
Further beyond that, the townhouses and bungalows start to become broken up by wider main streets; retail stores, supermarkets, corner stores, and condominiums dotting the landscape.
Simon spies the first other signs of life along these streets as lights start to flicker on in shops and residents make their way out towards the fields. He watches various groups start their rotations on the farm, some with the company of their little ones, who follow in their parents’ footsteps around the farm. One of them dons on a pair of oversized rain boots and a sun hat that threatens to fall off his head every two seconds. He’s taught how to hand out feed to the chickens under his mom's guidance, his beaten up overalls acquiring another layer of dirt to them.
Simon lets out a slow huff of air as he overlooks the growing community of survivors he's somehow found himself a part of.
A lot of people would say what they’ve been doing here is nothing short of a miracle, somehow creating some sort of semblance of the peace and normality of the old world.
To Simon, it’s been his own form of repentance, his own way of giving back to the world to make up for all the shit he’s done wrong. Maybe through that, doing his part to help even out the playing field for the people still left, he can in some way make amends with the universe.
He hopes, at least.
Either way, it does feel good to contribute towards something positive for a change. And it’s the least he could do to give back to the place that’s given him a little bit of solace. 
Simon pulls the hood over his head and makes the descent onto the other side, just in time to see the cattle and sheep released from enclosures. A lamb hobbles its way over to the end of the fence, bellowing at the tall British bloke passing by the wooden barrier. Simon snorts at the petite little being shadowing him, the lamb bounding on uncoordinated legs behind him, trying to follow him all the way to his next destination if it can.
He turns in time to see a boy, the same one feeding the chickens earlier, corral the mischievous young sheep back to the rest of its herd. Simon’s steps falter for a moment, watching the child stomp around the field and raise his arms above his head, yelling and blowing raspberries at the animals. The hat hangs loosely off of his head, revealing a messy mop of mousy brown hair, about the same shade of muted color his mother and brother were graced with. And his boots, tattered bits of plastic at this point, the frog decal along the top trim still visible underneath all the mud.
Simon chuckles to himself. Seems no matter how much he tries to do better, the universe still has its way of reminding him that there is no making amends with this life for men like him.
He tugs the hoodie tighter over his scalp, eyes trailing back to the several stretches of roads he still has to walk past. Along the way, he passes by the remnants of a city limit sign, the faded and missing text adding a somber feeling to the once cheerful, welcoming message the sign used to convey.
“N-w Entering th- Bright Side -f the Bay!
Oakland, Calif-rn--
Pop-lation:" The rest is a scratched out mess of chipped wood, save for a 7 and a 3.
"MacTavish, wake uuup! Last warning before I dunk a bucket of water on you again..."
***To be continued in Pt.3***
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cryptidpandas · 1 year
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A playlist for reading Over Fathoms Deep
As I can’t apparently stop myself from doing stuff inspired by @holmesianpose​‘s story Over Fathoms Deep (read it on AO3), here I am again.
This time I moved onto creating a whole playlist to accompany the reading of this fantastically amazing story. Beside the fact that I adore sea shanties and traditional tunes (and that OFD just calls for these‒I mean, boats and sailors and 19th century, come on), music really plays a very important part in OFD and it just got me super inspired. Take it as my musical love letter to this story.
So if you like traditional music or are curious to listen to some of it, enjoy this playlist I’ve concocted for your ears’ delight. It’s full of Scottish, Irish, Breton instrumental tunes and Gaelic/English songs.
Spoiler Free Version: >> PLAY ON SPOTIFY <<
Commented Version: >> READ ON AO3 << (you might get spoilers from the story because I tied every track to a specific scene in each chapter and comment on it. So if you haven’t read OFD yet, be warned!)
This is Chapter 1 of the playlist and it only covers Chapter 1 to 10 of OFD. I am still reading the story myself, so the playlist will be updated gradually. Anyway, feel free to send me your thoughts, which songs you liked and which ones you would imagine for the story :D I also invite you to check the author’s own mix: HERE
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holmesianpose · 5 years
Chapters: 49/? Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Philip Anderson, Greg Lestrade, Mycroft Holmes, Molly Hooper Additional Tags: Romance, Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical, Boats and Ships, Sailor!John, Aristocrat!Sherlock, AU, Johnlock Trope Challenge, Sexual Content, Explicit Sexual Content, sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Young!naive!Sherlock, Muscular!Sea-hardened!John, POV Sherlock Holmes, SailorLock, sailinglock, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Build, Slow Burn, Virgin Sherlock, Anderson has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, Sherlock is a sad gay baby, boxing lessons, Sherlock's Violin, sailor!lock, Sailing, First Kiss, Bottom Sherlock Holmes, Top John Watson, Sherlock is a trembling gay flower petal, John is a golden god of sex, First Time, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Frottage, Masturbation, Age of Sail, Regency, Threats of Violence, Threats of sexual violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, THIS STORY WILL HAVE THE HAPPIEST ENDING YOU CAN POSSIBLY STOMACH, but there will be angst and conflict along the way, and also lots and lots of sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex Summary:
When the youngest son of the aristocratic Holmes family is shipped off to sea in an attempt to cure him of his poor temper and bad manners, he fully expects to spend a long tedious voyage as miserable as ever. What he does not count on is having his heart stolen by the strapping young crewman, John Watson.
Get the smelling salts ready! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA NEED EM THIS CHAPTER!
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17mounteens · 7 years
can I still ask for your opinions about jeonghan and jo to the shu to the a? If not ignore this request, and thank you guys for the amazing fanfics! :3
of course!! we’ve done joshua here, but jeonghan’s the only member we haven’t answered yet and we’re so happy you requested him ;u; thank you  ❤️
What we like about them in general:Memesol » I like everything about him hh like what is there not to like :( he’s funny and caring and like Scooter said, very relatable omgScooter » development from a quiet duckling to a cheesy scammer nO BUT personality! he’s so funny and caring and ah (+ I relate to the love for sleep)
Our number 1 favorite thing about them:Memesol » brigHT SMILE and laughScooter » I’ve always loved his voice, like there’s something I really like about it? I could listen to him reading out loud the most boring text and I’d just listen happily, but even when he sings etc his voice is 😭👌🏼
What we first thought/noticed about them:Memesol » beAuty like wow I was surprised how someone could look so goodScooter » how gorgeous he was anD HIS LAUGH like when I saw this compilation I was GONE
Do we bias them:Memesol » no :( bUT like many others…he does try me at timesScooter » YES 💘
Our favorite outfit they’ve worn:Memesol » this omg he wears a lot of black,,,I appreciate hfdkg so also every other outfit he’s worn that’s blackScooter » okay so the thing is that his style is very much to my taste, so one, two, three. and while this isn’t that much thanks to him I’m unable to forget this one.
Our favorite hair style/colour on them:Memesol » thE mansae era blond and long!! bUT THE ONE HE HAS NOW IS A+ TOOScooter » the pre-debut/adore u era brown hair bUT ALSO THE CURRENT HAIR IT LOOKS SO GOOD ON HIM. 
Our  favorite ‘moment’ from them:Memesol » wHEN he tried Joshua’s dance moves during OFD S1 oh my that was wildScooter » EVERY SCAMMER MOMENT + OFD S1 when he was hosting the variety segment and parodied himself stuttering while saying “Say the name” HE’S SO CUTE
What we think people should appreciate about them more:Memesol » his talent in general!! he has developed a lot as a singer and a performer and ah he’s so much more than just a handsome guy you know :(Scooter » EVERYTHING like I’m happy we’ve gotten over the phase where “Jeonghan is more than his hair” was very relevant bc of the amount of ppl saying they’d unstan if he cut it bUT EVEN NOW THERE’S SO MUCH ABOUT HIM TO BE APPRECIATED (also how he’s getting out of his comfort zone and improving and working hard and aksfnjasd I’m getting soft)
Our favorite piece we’ve written about them:Memesol » bUbble bath and car sex hhh Scooter » without a doubt “love is blind(ing)” o m g + poly threesome with jeongcheol :3
A headcanon: Memesol »  He would “help” you with cooking, but really he would just pretend to be really productive. And when you’d ask him if he’s actually good at cooking, he would laugh and tell you no.Scooter » He worries about a lot of things to the point where you occasionally have to just take him into your arms and tell him why he doesn’t need to be worried.
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