#offers you vincent offers you vincent offers you vinc
deva-arts · 6 months
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☆ Nathaniel Wilson ☆
I Really Like Nathaniel because the guy embodies Hope and Positivity without forcing it down the gullets of everyone around him.
He looks like he'd be a pleasant individual to actually be around at 7 am. Even before his coffee. [ Sera should be too, she doesn't seem like an unbearable person to be around in La Matinée ( the Morning ) . But still, she is alot grumpier than her other half. ]
With that said. Insert Happy music here. Nujabes or Smth.
Submitted by @mettamorphoses!
Love the way you drew Nate here! such a clean style and serious face :> He's my favorite little quadfocal guy... friendly, polite, and a good conversationalist! You're absolutely right, he's one of the easiest people to get along with. It's almost like he knows exactly what to say to people.
Sera isn't grumpy so much as she is disinterested and dismissive. She heads to work without bothering to make small talk besides a basic "Hello." if she passes you by. Not the worst outcome, really, if silence doesn't bother you.
#submission#yeah. i'm in Tags too. wassup witchu#Aight but seriously i wonder how literally anyone would be like at 7 am.#Deva's tags start here =>#If he's home for the day he will always be a good conversationalist and offer breakfast or coffee on a morning#This is literally so cool#queued post#As for people at 7 am...#Sera is up by 4 AM unless Nate doesn't have work. By 7 she has already had breakfast and gotten ready to work on her projects.#If you catch her it is likely after she returns from a morning flight. She'll be civil but it can easily come off the wrong way. aw.#Nate takes a lot of long shifts that stretch into the night. Due to this he and Sera have very contrasting schedules.#If you see him in the morning it is usually only because of the weekend or whatever other days he takes off. He is a very tired guy#Vincent has a very erratic schedule and he is always out and about doing things that fancy him#He is also a HEAVY sleeper. Nothing can really wake him except for a very specific noise#Said sound makes him wake up in a horrendous mood. Most mornings are thankfully safe from this sort of temper.#It is hard to say what new bizarre thing he will get himself into next. Like doomcrying while hidden on the roof of a religious congregatio#Sonia is not up by 7 AM without a good reason to be. She is down at the kitchen in a bathrobe by 9 to eat some breakfast.#Which made her the unknowing first victim of Vincent's newly founded pyramid scheme#Amon is a late riser since he is still used to his old schedule from his time at the Ricciardi mafia. Sleeps late? wakes late!#If it's a weekday he will always be up at 6 AM regardless of the amount he slept to take Adra to school.#Eric tends to wake up early but often gets caught up in personal projects. He loves music and editing his tracks but it really eats his tim#So Eric will be going to sleep at 4 and see Sera making herself coffee whilst Nate is also coming home from work and crashing on the couch.#Not even Amon heads in that late. Maybe Vincent does though. If he's “Traversing the night.” Like he says he does.#Vince can't see very well at night anymore. And the sun is almost blinding now. But it's nothing to an immortal like him! ha! bow before hi
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
hello, can i do a halloween request, prompt 17 with vincent sinclair? ty :> ♡
happy (one week until) halloween !! 🎃 here we have the first prompt of the season !! i went with the cute prompt of 17. "heat of fireplace on a cold night" because i wasn't sure which you wanted, but honestly i kind of felt like vince deserved something soft 💗
The main fireplace in the Sinclair house was so rarely used that it had accumulated a thick, sticky layer of dust on the hood and over the tasteful faux-logs. As you made your way through the house during your sparodic cleaning sessions, you often avoided the fore, simply because it was just oo much work. But now, with the nights drawing in and that familiar October chill starting to creep through the old house, you decided there was no time like the present.
It took you all day, scrubbing at the wrought iron grate and polishing the brass fixtures until they shone.
The more work you put into it, the more you started to think this could be a nice surprise for Vincent. He'd been down in the workshop all day and wouldn't reappear till dinner, at the earliest. You hadn't had much quality time together lately, with a large group having come through a week or so ago that had given Vincent a lot of work to do.
He deserved a break, you thought.
By the time Vincent resurfaced, you'd already worked your magic.
Dinner was bubbling away on the stove, the fireplace was lit (with only a little bit of help from Bo, who you'd promptly thanked and then told to go and hang in his own basement for the night) and bellowing warmth into the draft living room, and you'd set up the VCR beneath the TV.
Vincent smiles, a soft, surprised and grateful laugh leaving his lips as he steps forward. If the fire wasn't warming you enough, Vincent could certainly do the job.
With bowls of hot food and a tangle of blankets shrouding the both of you, you let the movie play. An old gothic thing, something watched so often the tape was starting to wear out, but still it trundled on.
Not that you could ever forget, but in the glow of the fire, you were reminded just how truly, utterly handsome your Vincent was. The golden light that dripped down his strong jaw and blazed in his eye. How he still tilted his head to let his hair fall over his face, even after all this time. The way you could see his shoulders slacken as his mind cleared and he concentrated solely on the film on the TV screen.
Vincent was an godsend.
"I love you, you know that, don't you?" You voice is quiet, almost drowned out by the hum of the TV.
He turns to look at you, with that same soft, surprised look on his face. He nods.
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creepswrites · 28 days
TIRED OF RUNNING | Sinclairs x Reader
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YET ANOTHER REWRITE i have no idea why Tired of Running is so popular but i've always been proud of it :) the original can be read here but i will be rewriting all existing chapters to finish it!!
SUMMARY: "We got a visitor, Vince." Bo said, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, watching Vincent work. The latest sculpture was of a woman in a flapper dress, perfect for the House of Wax. He nodded, assuming it was just Lester. Though he didn't see a reason why Bo would bother him just for that. So, regrettably, he looked up from his work. "They got kids."
WARNING: mentioned child abuse
Sighing, you hit your head on the wheel with an exhausted groan. The Louisiana heat had been suffocating you ever since the AC sputtered to nothing a few hours ago. You'd left the windows open to prevent frying the inside of the car but it was still too hot. Even after living here for a few years, you never got used to the heat. It was fall for god's sake…
You lifted your head and tried to blink back the drowsiness aching behind your eyes. Driving for a week now had exhausted you and the heat wasn't doing you any favors. Everything felt warm and sleepy, making it difficult to focus on the road. A glance at your gas tank only made you groan. Nearly empty tank with no cell phone reception and two kids to take care of.
Speaking of kids, you glanced at the rearview mirror. Your twin boys - Peter and Michael - were passed out in their carseats and dead to the world. They were good kids, rarely fussy, and full of energy. They were why you'd been on the road for so long. You'd fled home with whatever belongings you could pack in your car and never looked back. Seeing their peaceful faces reminded you that it had been the right decision. Watching your ex husband strike Mikey for "misbehaving" had been your last straw. They were only two years old and he expected them to just simply know what behaviors were acceptable without teaching them anything.
He'd been the one who wanted kids yet showed no real interest in parenting. That had all been on you.
Which led you to where you were: off a dirt backroad in the middle of nowhere with the sun setting in an hour. If it had just been you, you would have sucked it up and walked to the nearest town in search of help. But with two toddlers, the feat seemed impossible. You didn't want them getting lost or hurt in the dark with no way of you helping them.
You got out of the car to survey your situation. The road you were on was mainly dirt and not well traveled. You hadn't even been certain they were roads if not for the signs just before you'd turned. Grass grew in wild, untamed patches and stretched out into a field to your left while the forest was close to your right. The trees offered minimal shade but were better than nothing. At least it was cooler under them instead of your hot car. But the prospect of sleeping in the dirt didn't sit well with you. Who knows what animals were even out there.
You pressed the heel of your hands to your eyes and tried not to cry. This was absolutely the worst possible thing that could have happened. If your husband was following you, which he most certainly was, then it was only a matter of time until he found you.
So you slid down the side of your car to sit against the wheel and curl in on yourself. It had been awhile since you cried since your husband would slap you for it, threatening to give you something to really cry about. You'd only withstood the abuse for so long because you didn't want Peter and Mikey to grow up in broken homes. But after you noticed they were being hit, you couldn't stay still. It had still been hard and you kept second guessing yourself all week if you were doing the right thing.
Hopefully you were.
A few hours passed before your luck changed. The sun had just begun to set, painting the skies in pinks and purples like a beautiful watercolor painting. It was finally cooler out now too, the breeze brushing your arms and face periodically. You'd just finished feeding the boys whatever food you had left in the duffle bags still and had decided to let them play in the little clearing nearby. You'd all been cooped up in your tiny car for days and you could tell they needed a break. They promised to stay close to you, running around nearby with sticks and their toys. Peter roared, running up to you with a tiny blue T-rex in hand. "'m gon' eat you!" He giggled.
You scooped him up and held him in your lap, watching his brother poking at the dirt with a stick. "Mikey, don't wander too far okay?" 
Mikey didn't answer and you sighed. He always had problems listening, always content to drift off in his own world without a second thought. You'd read a book about childhood trauma and worried about Mikey sometimes. You stood up and were about to approach him when you heard the sound of a car rumbling. You'd never understood the phrase "your life flashes before your eyes" but in that moment you did. "Mikey!" You shouted, white-hot horror shooting through you. "Peter, get in the car!" 
As soon as Peter squirmed out of your arms, you shot off like a rocket towards Mikey. His wide, terrified eyes were trained on the car headlights, which felt like a spotlight as you picked him up. The ground was illuminated with bright white light, making it impossible to hide from whoever this was. You practically threw Mikey into the car, slamming the door behind him and locking them inside.
The truck came to a stop and you faced it, squeezed your eyes tight, and prepared for the worst.
You heard the sound of the car door open and you turned to face the figure. When he finally stepped into the light, you nearly cried from relief. It wasn't your ex nor any of his friends. You felt your knees give out as a sob wracked your body, the adrenaline crash hitting you hard.
"Woah, woah!" The guy said, hurrying over and crouching in front of you. "Hey, it's alrigh', I ain't gon' hurt'cha." His voice was calm, the southern drawl making your eyes feel heavy. The headlights obscured a lot of your vision but you could make out his face. He was a little scruffy, covered in dirt, and looking at you with more concern than anyone had looked at you with in quite some time. "Shh, it's alrigh', you're okay…" You could tell he was scrambling, unsure how to help you but desperate to do so.
"S-sorry," you babbled through broken sobs. You didn't know what else to say and you couldn't stop the tears. "I- I thought you were- I'm sorry, my ex, he-"
He took you in his arms, hugging you to his chest. He was warm and smelt of dirt and rot but you didn't even care. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been hugged. Over the years, your ex had isolated you from your friends and most of your family so you knew it had likely been a good few years. So you wrapped your arms around his neck and sobbed.
But he didn't falter. "Shh, 's okay, you're okay. I gotcha." He rubbed slow circles in your back and smiled down at you, like an angel come to save you. "Y'ain't gotta 'pologize. I ain't mad."
You sniffed, wiping your eyes and leaning back slightly to look at him better. Definitely scruffy but charming in his own way. The look on his face was impossibly soft, so unfamiliar to you yet you craved that gentleness. "Sorry, I, um, I'm on the run. My ex, he, uh… Well, doesn't matter now. I got myself and my boys out 'n that's what matters."
The stranger's eyes widened slightly. Bright and pretty and you felt safe under his gaze, for some reason. "Your boys?"
You nodded and started to stand. He didn't hesitate to offer his arm, letting you steady yourself on him when you felt your head swim. "Yeah, they're in the car. Probably scared 'em shitless with my screaming." Your legs felt unsteady when you walked and you didn't miss the way the guy hovered, like he was braced to catch you if you fell. It was sweet.
You swung your car door open and the boys peered up at you, scrambling to try and hide their animal crackers. "Boys," you sighed, "What did I say about desserts?"
"To ask." Peter said plainly, too distracted by the stranger. "You're dirty, mister."
"Peter-!" You gasped, ready to apologize on his behalf.
But the man just laughed, clapping his hands together in his amusement. "Yeah, yeah, y'ain't wrong lil guy. Been workin' all day, hauling dead stuff 'round."
Peter looked morbidly intrigued, scooting closer to whisper like the two of them were sharing a secret. "Like… dead people?"
"Nah, nah, nothin' like that." The guy knelt down to talk with him easier, lowering his voice as well. "Animals who, uh, get hit by cars. Ain't got anyone to take care'a them, ain't like pets. So I come 'round 'n clean 'em up off the road."
Nodding slowly, Peter reached behind him and held out one of his dinosaur toys. "Have ya seen one'a these?"
The man seemed bewildered but offered him a sincere smile. "Nah, but, uh, if I do, I'll let'cha know, 'kay?"
Peter seemed satisfied with that answer and went back to his crackers. "I never got your name." You said as the man stood back up.
"Name's Lester." He gave you a gap-toothed grin, tilting his cap in a greeting. "Was headin' back home 'n saw yer car. Figured I'd come check on ya."
You smiled, hugging yourself shyly. "I, uh, ran outta gas. And with the boys, I can't exactly walk for help. No cell service either."
Lester frowned, scratching at his face as he seemed to think it over. He surveyed the three of you before looking out towards the setting sun. "Well, I ain't usually do this," he drawled slowly, "But there's a town nearby. 's called Ambrose. Could drive ya there so y'all could sleep for the night. An' in the mornin', we can swing by the gas station 'n get some gas for yer car."
"Really?" You stared at him with your mouth agape. "You- You'd help? Wh-what's the catch?" You couldn't accept he'd do this for nothing. If being with your ex taught you anything it's that no one was good for no good reason.
He smiled again, sliding his hands into his pockets. "Ain't no catch, honest. Jus' breaks my heart to see ya so freaked out."
You rubbed your arms nervously. "Sorry. I, um, thought you were my ex…"
Lester's face screwed up. "Well, whoever he is, hope he goes to hell if he'd scare ya that badly, sweetpea." 
Sweetpea was new. You felt your face warm up and you looked away shyly. He seemed trustworthy and he was cute, in a scruffy boyish way. You liked him. "I- I really appreciate it, Lester."
"'Course. Got two brothers'a my own so I get it." He watched you open your trunk and shuffle the bags around. "They ain't as well behaved as yer boys though."
Shouldering two of the bags, you snorted. "Yeah, you see 'em when its bathtime, then talk to me 'bout behaving."
The two of you were able to move most of your belongings along with the boy's car seats without issue. The truck smelt of rot and you scrunched your nose up when you spotted the dead deer in the back. "Sorry," Lester said, noticing your gaze. "Was workin' when I caught'cha. I promise everythin' in the car is clean though."
"It's okay." The smile you gave him was genuine even if he seemed surprised by it. "You're helping me. I ain't gonna shame you for your work. 'sides, someone's gotta do it, y'know?"
Lester, incredibly, gave you a surprised little smile as he watched you round up the boys. "Yeah. Yeah. You get it."
"The car smells weird." Peter said bluntly as you fastened him into his seat. Mikey had gone quietly, only squirming a little to voice his discomfort at being buckled in. He never liked confined spaces.
"Be nice, Peter." You shot him a look. "Lester's being kind to us, be kind to him, yeah?"
Peter glanced over at the man and smiled, all gap toothed and sweet. "Thank you for helpin' Mr Lester."
"'Course, lil man." Lester said, climbing into the front seat and rooting around in the glovebox. "Always happy to help." 
You climbed into the passenger seat beside Lester and felt the truck rumble to life. The truck was clearly old but you could tell Lester loved it dearly and took good care of it. Even if the engine shook the whole frame. The homemade charms littered with bones and feathers rattled like raindrops and he let out a little cheer. From out of the glovebox, he pulled out an old air freshener that smelt of disgustingly fake pine and strung it over the rearview mirror. "Best I got for the smell, sorry." He said with a sideways smile.
Your heart clenched. He was so kind to you for no reason and you almost teared up from the sweet gesture alone. "Thank you."
The truck rattled and the skull sitting on the dashboard unnerved you but you brushed it off. He worked with dead animals, something about it all just made sense. The boys didn't seem to care too much, happily nodding off only ten minutes into your drive.
"So how old're they?" Lester asked in a hushed voice, trying to not wake them.
"Just turned two a few months back. Twins, if you can believe it." You chuckled, sparing the boys a glance. They weren't identical in the slightest which you were slightly grateful for. You didn't want to be one of those parents who dressed their twins to look even more the same. "But, um, I guess they got to be too much for my ex. Managed to get out 'bout a week ago and we've been on the road since."
You felt Lester glance at you, giving you a once over. Unlike with most men, you didn't find yourself repulsed by his gaze. "He put his hands on ya?"
Shrugging, you turned your attention to the window to watch the trees. The sky was slowly getting darker, making them look like just black voids. At that moment, you became hyper aware of the ring still on your finger. The compulsion to throw it out the window was strong. "Yeah. A few times." You confessed quietly, closing your eyes to keep yourself from crying again. "More the boys than me, which kills me."
You didn't miss the way Lester's hands clutched the wheel tighter. "Well, there's a special place in hell for people like that. 's fuckin' repulsive." He grumbled that last part, like he didn't want the boys to hear it.
It made you laugh though. "You're right… It's just refreshing to hear." You tried to swallow around a lump in your throat. "All his friends were the only friends I had. Was allowed to have. And none of them were interested in helping me, much less believe me."
Lester scoffed. "Scumbags, the lotta'em. What happened ain't your fault, sweetpea don't let any of 'em get in your pretty lil' head that you did anythin' wrong." He paused, chewing on his lip before sighing. "My dad, he wasn't always the kindest to my brother. An' don't go telling this to nobody, ya hear? But I always hated folks who can jus' hurt their loved ones and keep goin' 'bout their damn business. Like it ain't botherin' em."
You knew he was right. It still brought tears to your eyes to have someone believe you. Someone who had no idea what your situation was and he was still defending you. Like your ex had no reason good enough for Lester to even ask about.
You definitely liked Lester.
"Town's just up this way," he said softly. The sight of streetlights was almost relieving to you after a long day of being on the road, hopping from gas station to gas station and only stopping at motels long enough to sleep. "Might get a lil' bit bumpy." 
Bumpy was an understatement. You almost thought you'd crashed as you felt the wheels bounce against rocks, shaking the car so violently you felt sick. Your arm shot out to try and catch your balance against the window and you only let out a breath when the truck came to a complete stop.
You and Lester shared a wide-eyed look. "Forgot to lay the planks down." 
Nothing about it was funny. But after the evening you had, you couldn't help but laugh. A genuine laugh. Something you hadn't done in a long time.
When Mikey began to cry from being woken up so violently, Lester got to him before you could. "Shh, s'alright lil' man, go back to sleep, shhh." He reached behind his seat to brush at his knee. "Sorry, almost there bud, jus' a bit further."
Eventually, Mikey settled back down, sniffling until he fell back asleep. When Lester sat back in his seat, he noticed your staring. "You have kids of your own or something? You're a natural at that."
He looked embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck with a shy chuckle. "Nah, but, uh, used to babysit 'round here. Was always good with kids, I s'pose."
With the car on paved roads now, the drive up to the town was smooth. As expected of a tiny town, nobody was outside. The lights in the little shops were out and the houses were all dark. Except one house atop a hill, lit up like a lighthouse in a sea of darkness. Lester drove towards it and pulled to a stop just outside. It was a modest house, paint peeling off in places along the outside and cobwebs in high places of the awning over the door. "What's this place?" You asked as you quickly followed Lester out of the car. You were incredibly appreciative of Lester’s good deed but his car did smell like rotten meat. 
Hopefully he wouldn’t be too offended.
"Family home. Inn's prolly closed for the night but I betcha my brothers'll let ya stay for the night." Lester said as he opened the backseat and began to undo the straps of Mikey's car seat.
You were struck silent. "I- Lester I can't impose on your-"
There wasn't any time to protest as the front door swung open. A large man stood there, dressed in a mechanics jumpsuit and wearing a hat over thin curly hair. "Les? The hell's this?"
Lester smiled all innocently, like this was a perfectly normal thing for him to do. "Heya Bo. Brought guests."
Bo stared you both down before running a hand over his face in exasperation. "When I toldja to come by for dinner, I ain't meaning to bring your pretty lil' girlfriend with ya."
You blushed and stammered but Lester spoke up, lifting a sleeping Mikey into his arms like he was a precious artifact. Bo took notice and his eyes widened at the sight. "I, uh," he stammered inelegantly. "What's with the, uh…"
"His name's Mikey." You mumbled, suddenly feeling unwelcome. It wasn't uncommon for people to look at you strangely for the twins, like they were some curse. Or maybe it was just your exes friends who felt like that.
Bo nodded slowly. "Mikey. Right." He looked at Lester and stepped aside, letting him pass into the house with your baby. "Well then. You folks like lasagna?" 
You blinked. "Excuse me?"
"Whenever Les comes to visit for the eve, Vince always makes lasagna. Easy for him to take home 'n whatnot." Bo gave you a warm smile as he approached you slowly, like he was afraid you'd bolt. "If my lil' brother thinks you're good people… Well, I'm obliged to trust him. He ain't ever been wrong."
You watched Bo grab the bags you brought, only hesitating when he saw Peter, also fast asleep. "Sorry, um, I can-" You stuttered, reaching for the bags in Bo's hands.
He held onto them though, tilting his head towards Peter. "Don't even think 'bout it. You just bring your lil' one in. The gentlemanly thing to do is carry the bags." Bo gave you a flirtatious wink and went back inside.
You were left standing in the chilly, night air. The only light came from the inside of the house, which bathed the front porch and gravel walkway in warm, yellow light. You were cold and confused and absolutely exhausted. A part of you screamed against all instinct to accept their help, to trust these strangers. It had been so long since you'd trusted anyone, after all. You were desperate.
So you did.
Peter was already blinking awake from his short nap when you pushed the screen door open more and took in the house. It was a comfortable state of disarray. Throw pillows were propped against the couch at odd angles, family photographs decorated the walls in mismatched frames, and the room smelt of meat, cheese, and marinara sauce.
Lester and Bo's heads snapped to look at you. They'd clearly been whispering but they both smiled at you when you entered. Mikey was sitting on the couch, still a little bleary eyed, curled up against one of the velvety throw pillows that looked rustic and homemade. You sat Peter down beside him, brushing hair from their sleepy faces, and tried to ignore the brothers whispering. "Sorry," you mumbled as you approached them.
They both seemed surprised. "Why're you sorry?" Bo asked with a frown. "Y'ain't got nothin' to be sorry 'bout."
You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, hung head low like a child being scolded. Fawn, your brain screamed. Fawn and they won't hurt you. "'m intruding with two kids, I- I know I'm not supposed to have come here, I just- Lester said the inn was closed, I didn't know where else to go, my car broke down-"
Lester cut your spiraling off by taking your hand and squeezing gently, grounding you. "Hey, hey, sweetpea," he kept his voice low and soothing, "We're happy to have ya. All three'a ya. Honest."
Bo nodded along, frowning at how quickly you retreated inwards. Lester had mentioned to him very briefly while you were outside about how your ex laid hands on you and the boys. It was what got him fully on board with offering you help. So seeing you like this broke his heart just that little bit more.
"I'm gonna go talk to Vince, let him know we got guests." Bo said as he swung open the basement door. "Les, make sure our guests are comfortable, yeah?"
Lester nodded, humming his agreement as he pulled you to his chest for a hug. You went willingly, your hands curled up in the fabric of his shirt as he hooked his arms around your shoulders. "Yeah, I got 'em." He said, shooting his brother a smile as he hugged you.
Bo nodded and descended to the basement.
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Vincent hated to be disturbed while working. His brothers especially knew how entranced he'd get in a project, focused on perfecting every piece. Their mother had made him an incredible artist, which often meant he'd neglect everything, even himself, for the sake of his work. Oftentimes, Lester or Bo had to come downstairs to make sure he didn't collapse from exhaustion or dehydration. Especially when summer hit and the basement's heat was suffocating.
So Vincent didn't even lift his head when Bo came to a stop in the entryway, too focused on mending a crack in the cheek of his sculpture. "We got a visitor, Vince." Bo said, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, watching Vincent work. The latest sculpture was of a woman in a flapper dress, perfect for the House of Wax. 
He nodded, assuming it was just Lester. Though he didn't see a reason why Bo would bother him just for that. So, regrettably, he looked up from his work.
"They got kids."
And that made Vincent straighten up. "Kids?" He signed slowly, like he wasn't sure he heard him right.
"Yeah." Bo said through a sigh. "Two lil' guys. Too old for breastfeedin' but too young for preschool. Hard to say though, been awhile since any of us were that old." He chucked humorlessly.
Vincent looked towards the wax figure slowly. "We promised Lester we wouldn't hurt children."
Bo nodded, looking annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. They're a pretty lil' thing too. Would be perfect for the museum, but, of course, Lester found 'em first."
"They can't see me," Vincent suddenly became frantic. "The children will be afraid."
The other man winced, hissing through his teeth. "Sorry bro, already promised your cookin' tonight." But Bo didn't seem that remorseful, even when his twin leveled him with an unimpressed look. "When's dinner, by the way?"
"What time is it?" Vincent signed, finally aware of the passage of time. It was easy to get lost in his work, though he promised himself he'd only come down for a few minutes to double check something. But it was easy for him to get lost.
"'s only quarter past 9. Why?"
Vincent finally moved, hurrying past. Bo was only able to make out "oven" before his brother was out of sight.
Thankfully, nothing was burnt. Vincent hadn't even spared you a glance yet, too focused on not burning the house down. Once the food was set atop the stove to cool down, he turned around to face you.
You were sat on the couch with Lester and the boys, who were trying their best to stay awake. "You must be Vincent," you said with a sniff. You knew your eyes were red from crying. Lester had sat with you, holding you while you wept. It was hard, feeling cared for. Especially by strangers.
Pain was familiar. This kindness overwhelmed you.
Vincent became shy when you addressed him, hiding behind long hair and doing his best to keep out of your sight. But Bo, never one to let his twin have peace, grabbed his arm to keep him from hiding. "Yep, managed to finally pull 'im outta that basement for dinner. Whaddya say, Vinny? You up for a proper meal with our guests?"
If looks could kill, Bo would have erupted into flames, reduced to ashes on the carpet. "Do I have a choice?" Vincent signed, managing to look annoyed even behind his mask.
"Nah." Bo smiled, all teeth and no kindness. "You set the table, I'll get enough chairs ready."
Lester turned to you, brushing stray tears away. His heart hurt when you'd started bawling after Bo left, babbling to him that you felt horrible for intruding and forcing his family to help you just because of the kids. He swore if he ever got his hands on your ex, they'd wish Vince or Bo had gotten to them first. "You okay?" He asked you gently, giving you what he hoped was a sincere smile.
You nodded, sniffing once. "Yeah, um, sorry for-"
"If you 'pologize to me for cryin', I'mma beat the ever lovin' shit outta your ex, sweetpea." Lester said, relishing in your chuckle. "We're happy to help ya, really."
Sniffing again, you nodded and wiped your eyes. "I really appreciate it. More than I think you know."
The look he gave you was impossibly soft. Like you were something precious. Lester's hand cupped your face as he pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, making your mouth fall open in surprise. "You deserve it, sweetpea. Y'really do." 
Bo coughed, making Lester roll his eyes. The two shared pointed looks before Bo turned to you. "Your lil' ones need high chairs or, uh, somethin'?"
You glanced down at the boys and sighed. "I think they're down for the count."
"You can use my room upstairs." Lester said. "I ain't sleep there much anymore so it oughta be clean." Before you could even think to protest, he tapped your nose. "And don't you get all apologetic on me. I wouldn't offer it if it weren't alright."
Honestly, you were a bit relieved to get to sleep in a real bed. So you thanked them quietly, gathered the boys up in your arms, and carried them upstairs. "Second door on the right," Bo called up after you.
As soon as your footsteps couldn't be heard on the creaky wooden stairs anymore, Lester was the first to speak. "I hope you two ain't forgotten your promise."
"Lester, I toldja to find someone for the museum-" Bo hissed, anger sharp on his face.
But the younger Sinclair didn't back down. "If Mama knew you two'd killed two lil' boys, whaddya think she'd do? She'd say somethin' 'bout how if someone took y'all from her, she'd raise hell."
"Don't bring Mama into this." Bo glared daggers at Lester.
Vincent knocked on the countertop to get their attention. "He's right. We made a promise."
"We can't fuckin' keep 'em here!" Bo said, careful to keep his voice down.
"Don't gotta." Lester said, crossing his arms over his chest defiantly. "They ran outta gas. Let 'em stay the night, drop 'em back off at their car, they'll go on. Ain't no trouble."
Bo groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. "Why do you even care so bad?"
Lester flushed, blotchy pink spots on his cheeks, and shrugged. "They're nice. 'n I feel bad. Their ex laid hands on those lil' babies an' I'd do anything to get five minutes alone with that sonuvabitch."
Vincent's eyes widened. "You didn't mention that!" He signed harshly at Bo.
"Didn't exactly have a moment to tell ya." He sighed with obvious frustration. "Fine, alright, we keep 'em for one night. They're gone in the mornin', ya hear?"
The three of them were quiet for awhile, listening to your footsteps overhead as you set the boys up in Lester's old room. "Swear on Mama," Lester said, keeping his voice low, "That I ain't gonna be seein' any lil' boy statues."
"Lester-!" Bo hissed.
"Swear!" Lester shot back. The two were up in each other's faces at this point.
Vincent, ever the peacemaker, knocked on the counter again. "We swear on Mama."
"Don't fuckin' speak for me, freak!" Bo huffed. But Vincent fixed him with a glare and he sighed in defeat. "Fine. Swear on Mama. Ain't nothin' gonna happen to those three."
The youngest seemed satisfied. At that moment, you came back down the stairs, frowning slightly when you noticed them. "Everything okay?" You asked as though sensing the tension in the room.
"Yep!" Lester said with a wide grin. "Hungry?"
"Starving." You smiled back. 
Dinner was awkward at first, especially since you struggled to understand Vincent. But Bo and Lester happily translated and conversation began to flow easier, which you were grateful for.
"So, how long has it just been the three of you?" You asked as you took a bite out of the lasagna. Warm and cheesy and exactly what you needed after a week of gas station food.
Bo hummed as he swallowed. "'Bout ten years now. Went by in a blip, feels like."
"Oh," you frowned, "What happened? If, um, I can ask."
Vincent nodded, still nervously picking at his food. You'd noticed he only ate when you weren't looking so he could lift the mask, which saddened you. He seemed like a nice guy and you wondered what happened in the past to make him hide his face. But you did your best to look away periodically to give him a chance to eat and hopefully let him know it was fine. He probably got enough grief for it as is, you didn't need to add on.
Judging by the slowly disappearing food on his plate, you figured that was the right thing to do.
"Mama got sick. Real sick." Bo sighed sadly. "She was a really great artist, losing her hit the town hard."
"I'm sorry." You said gently. But Lester was the only one of the brothers who seemed sad. Something about that confused you. Why wouldn't they miss their parents?
You took a bite of the food. That wasn't your business.
Vincent began talking about his art then. Bo seemed to roll his eyes and ignored his signing, uninterested in translating. But Lester picked it up in his place, helping his brother talk about his art. He enjoyed painting in his free time but he primarily sculpted with wax.
Your eyes widened in surprise. "You sculpt?"
"Vinny's the main artist in the House of Wax down the street." Bo nodded, answering for him. "Maybe t'morrow we'll take you 'n the boys to see it."
Vincent fidgeted with the ends of his hair, clearly embarrassed. You shot him a warm smile. "I'm sure Vincent's art is great. I look forward to it."
Once dinner was over, Bo and Lester disappeared into the living room with a couple of beers so you and Vince had the chance to wash dishes. The peaceful white noise of the running water and the simple swirling of washing dishes was nice after a long day. Vincent helped, taking whatever dish you passed him and drying it, setting it aside on the nearby dishrack.
He seemed to appreciate the silence. You almost wished you knew sign language so you could talk to him beyond yes or no questions. But you tried to ignore the shock you felt when your fingers brushed sometimes.
If he noticed, he didn't bring it up.
The soft sound of crying alarmed you. You spun around and saw Mikey standing in the doorway of the kitchen, sniffing and sobbing silently. He cried for you and ran towards you, wailing for comfort. You'd barely dried your hands before you were reaching down, scooping him up into your arms. "Shhh, it's okay," you soothed him gently, Mikey had always been the more sensitive one. Waking up in a new, unfamiliar place must have startled him, you thought to yourself as you swayed with him gently.
He nodded, whimpering. "Scared."
"I can imagine." You kissed his cheek gently, rocking him like you'd done when he was an infant, needing to be settled before bed. "It's okay baby, you're alright," you repeated the mantra over and over as you heard Vincent turn off the water behind you.
Hearing his heavy footsteps behind you, you turned to face him and shifted Peter so he could see him. The tall man blinked slowly at Peter, tilting his head curiously at your son. "Mikey,, this is Vincent. He and his brothers are letting us spend the night so you and Peter can sleep in a bed." 
Mikey seemed to consider this before reaching up to try and touch Vincent's face. "Hi," he whispered.
Vincent flinched slightly but didn't step back. Instead, he offered his hand for the young boy to grab at. Mikey giggled as he grabbed at Vincent's fingers and hand, seemingly satisfied. "Did you wake your brother?" You asked after a moment and winced when your son nodded. "Where did he wander off to?"
"Over here," You turned your head to see Peter half asleep slumped against Bo, barely even keeping his eyes open. Neither of the men seemed bothered though. Bo even raised his beer bottle jokingly, "Seems he's ready to get drinkin' already." He teased and you snorted.
"God I wish they'd just stay small forever. I can't even imagine them starting school yet, much less drinking." You paled at the mere thought. It seemed like only yesterday they were just born and now you felt nauseous whenever you think about them starting kindergarten. Being away from your kids for extended periods of time felt terrifying.
You were pulled from your thoughts by Vincent signing something to you. Shit. Luckily, Lester translated from his seat on the couch, "He's askin' if ya want help bringin' em upstairs?"
Blinking a few times, you nodded at Vincent with a smile. "Yeah, I'd appreciate it! Here," you adjusted Mikey before passing the toddler into Vincent's arms carefully, "just support him here," you guided his arms to the right spaces and ignored the way your heart melted seeing him asleep in someone's arms. Reminded you of easier times before you and your partner split. "Lemme grab Peter and we can head upstairs." Vincent nodded to you and waited patiently by the stairs as you stole Peter back from Bo.
You felt the pair's eyes on you as you wished them goodnight from over your shoulder and headed upstairs with Vincent trailing behind. He carried Mikey like he was fragile, breakable, and you found it incredibly endearing. You set Peter down onto the bed, nestled back in the little blanket fort to prevent them from rolling off the bed, kissing him softly goodnight. Vincent mirrored your actions with Mikey and just stroked his cheek with his thumb in lieu of a kiss. "Thanks for your help. All three of you," you whispered to him. Vincent looked at you, shadows hiding his eyes from you. "It means the world to me that you're all willing to help. I know the boys appreciate it too." You smiled at him as you stood quietly. "I should get to bed," you trailed off and Vincent nodded but didn't leave the room.
Instead, he reached his hand out towards you before tilting his head, asking permission. You gave him a curious nod and felt his hand touch your cheek, stroking under your eye like he'd done to Mikey. "Night Vincent," you whispered and ignored how your face warmed up.
He shut the door as he stepped out of the room,padding down to rejoin his brothers in the living room. None of them said a word to each other but they all had the same thought: they wanted you to stay.
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The next morning, Bo collected your car and brought it to the gas station to fill back up. You'd chatted about your plans to keep going west when he'd mentioned missing you. "Place jus' feels more lively with you 'round, s'all." He'd shrugged, feigning nonchalance. 
You'd gestured to the empty streets before climbing into the passenger's seat. "You sure that ain't just because this town is quiet as is?"
Bo just gave you a smile. 
When you tried to start your car, it seemed to spur, dead. "What the-?"
"Everythin' alright?" He asked, leaning against the window frame.
"It sounds like the battery's dead?" You frowned, trying again to start the car.
Bo jerked his head, urging you to follow him. "Lemme take a look." You followed him around to the hood of your car and he flipped it open. He hummed as he looked around, face screwing up in surprise. "Your fan belt tore."
"My what?" You blinked owlishly at him. He gave you a look of bewilderment and you just sighed. "You definitely know more about cars than me."
He snorted at you and slammed the hood closed. "I don't think I got any in the shop but I could order one for ya and have it in a few days."
That wouldn't do. "I- I need to get back on the road soon." Panic began to rise in your chest and tighten your throat. "If we're found here, then I'd have to…" You didn't want to think about it, you said to yourself as you squeezed your eyes shut. Obviously you had a plan if you got caught but you really, really, didn't want it to come to that.
Bo nudged you gently and gave you a warm smile. "Hey, we'll look out for ya. Ain't no one gonna hurt'cha here in Ambrose. Not get many tourists anywhere, doubt they'd think to look for ya here."
You sighed. You didn't exactly have much of a choice. If your car wouldn't start, you'd just have to wait.
The two of you were walking back to the house and you felt Bo kept glancing at you. Right before you were going to ask about it, he spoke up. "I know ya wanna go see the House of Wax. Which is all fine 'n good, but ya gotta know somethin' 'fore you go there."
"Sure..?" You said plainly.
Bo sighed loudly, rubbing his hand over his mouth. "So, when Mama got sick, Vince had been away at a real good art college." You nodded along to show you were listening. Bo looked guilty. "When she got worse, I needed help takin' care'a her. Lester and I were away workin' and she needed someone at home. So, uh, near her end…" He sighed again. "I called him back home. It's, uh, still a sore spot. Wasn't able to go back, since he got in on scholarships. An' we didn't have the funds anyway, her bills were too much."
The silence was deafening. "I'm sorry." You said, at a loss for words. "I- I won't bring it up then."
"I 'preciate it. He an' I don't talk 'bout it anymore. If he goes with ya, just don't ask."
You nodded, giving Bo a small smile. "I'm sure he doesn't blame you for it."
The man smiled back at you but you could see it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah. Maybe."
Taking a small sidestep, you bumped your shoulders together. "I know so."
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Later that night, things changed.
You'd gone to bed after showering and bathing the boys, the three of you all fast asleep in the bedroom. Vincent and Bo had gone to their own rooms while Lester slept on the couch. None of you heard the two cars that pulled into the town, driving slowly down the streets looking for any sign of life. After no luck at the first few houses, a small group of people approached the Sinclair's house, heavy footfalls making the little porch staircase creak under the stress.
They knocked on the front door and a dog could be heard barking in the backyard.
Lester had stumbled awake in surprise, his brain taking a minute to catch up. No one should be at the door because nobody else was alive in Ambrose. He still went to the door, opening it with a tired yawn. "Yeah?"
A man smiled at him, an acidic look that made bile burn the back of Lester's throat. "I'm looking for someone. Do you happen to know if there's been someone visiting your town?"
Freezing, Lester immediately recognized the man. Even though they'd never met face to face, he knew everything about this man. All child abusers look the same, Lester thought as he recalled his father. They all look like scum.
"Well, I ain't too sure. I work the night shift, I jus' got home. But my brother Bo might'a seen 'em. He works down at the autoshop." He said through a yawn. 
"I'd hope so. Considering their car is in his shop." The man smiled, trying to force his way into the door, calling your name.
Lester shoved him back, slamming the door and locking it with a loud thud. He ignored your ex's screaming as he ran up the stairs. 
Bo was opening his door before Lester could even knock. "The hell're you-?!"
"Guests." Lester panted, frozen in place as he kept an ear out in case your door opened. "Their ex is here."
His brother's eyes widened and he stormed to Vincent's door, knocking once before opening. He tore the blankets off Vincent and shook him viciously. "Get up, get the knives, we got intruders."
Vincent snapped awake, blinking through sleep-mussed hair. "Mm?" He said around his exhausted yawn.
"Intruders! Vince! Now!" Bo snapped. "I'll get my shotgun. You helpin' out, Les?"
Lester huffed, thinking it over. "Y'know I ain't a killer, right?"
Bo didn't have time for this. "You helpin' or NOT, Les?"
The younger brother sighed. "Does dad still keep a spare gun in his office?"
"Did he ever stop?" Bo said with a smirk, pulling his boots on his feet.
Vincent stumbled to his feet, putting his own boots on to sneak back down into the basement. If he went down and through the House of Wax, they could pin the group down. Bo'd meet them head on while Lester slipped around the side of the house to catch the strays. They vowed to make quick work of all of them but save your ex for last.
The Sinclair brothers were going to protect you. No matter what.
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charliedawn · 7 months
Hey I was wondering how do you think the slashers would react if they're s/o was wearing a piece of their clothing or mask (for the masked ones)? Honestly I think if Michael found his s/o wearing (or even touching...) His mask that's a killable offense right there lmao.
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason was asleep when you took his mask. When he woke up and didn't find it—he started panicking.
He made a mess out of his bedroom in a desperate attempt to find it and locked his door so that nobody could come in.
You frowned as you found the door locked and knocked on the door.
"Jason ? Are you alright ?"
He wasn't.
He hesitated to open the door, but you then slid his mask back to him through the door.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you."
He understood what had happened and opened the door a little to look at you. You seemed genuinely sorry and he finally opened the door for you to come in.
Jason wears the mask for a reason. He is insecure to the extreme. It's the only way for him to hide himself and if it had been anyone else than you ?
...That person would have been dead and buried.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms actually woke up when you were looking at yourself in the mirror with his mask on.
He seemed stunned for a moment before he silently got out of bed to stand next to you.
Once you saw him in the mirror, you turned around. You were ready to apologize, but then saw the way he was looking at you.
He wasn't angry. Far from it. He just stared at you and smiled before slowly removing the mask from your face.
He then put it back on his and took a deep breath—as if smelling it. He then hummed appreciatively and wrapped his arms around you.
"...Brahms' mask smells good now." He whispered and held you closer.
Well—that backfired.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Panic. Immediate and irreversible panic.
Unlike Brahms or Jason, Vince is deeply ashamed of his face. It isn't about being insecure or having a couple of scars. He is TERRIFIED of his own reflection.
Vincent used to be attached to Bo. Being twins at birth, it made him feel as if there was someone out there who understood him.
But, the mask is a mark of shame—the constant reminder that that connection is severed. And he feels ugly because of it. Because he was disfigured from the operation—while Bo wasn't.
They are different now, when there were supposed to be one and the same.
Plus, he’s only got one mask. It took time to make as he had to get Bo to agree to mould a mask with his face.
So, he would get mad. He would also be pretty physical about getting it back.
He COULD hurt you.
Do not steal his mask, unless you are absolutely sure and asked permission beforehand.
Michael Myers:
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...You have a death wish. There is no other possible explanation.
Michael values his mask more than anything in this world.
He hides his face for a reason. It became a part of him over time and he HATES when people see his true face.
So, do not steal his mask.
But, I don’t think you’d be able to anyway.
Michael almost never takes it off and if anyone tried to take his mask away ? Wrists would get crushed. Just saying.
Freddy Krueger:
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"If you take the hat, sweetheart…Be ready to face the consequences."
Freddy LOVES his hats (Yes. Plural. He’s got a full drawer of them in his room)
He counts them all before going to bed and when he saw that one of them was missing, he was ready to track the person down and draw blood.
But, when he understood you were the little thief, he smirked and simply closed the door behind him. He then sat down and grinned mischievously at you.
"Looks good on ya. But since you stole it…How about you offer me a show as compensation, hmm ?" *pats his lap and smirks*
Sleazy lil’ goblin to the end.
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If by some MIRACLE, you managed to get Pennywise’s gloves…He’d be furious. Pennywise hates touching people and his gloves are like a second skin to him.
Pennywise *appears behind you and screeches*: "GIVE THEM BACK THIS INSTANT, YOU STUPID HUMAN !"
Pennywise is usually pretty chill. So, for him to get really mad ? Yeah…No stealing the clown’s gloves. Never.
Bo Sinclair:
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Bo's cap is his own way of hiding his insecurity. He has a scar at the back of his ear from the operation to separate him from Vince.
He doesn’t like people looking at it, so he wears that cap all the time.
One day, you decided to remove it while he was sleeping, and he grabbed your wrist before you could run away with it.
He then smirked and tutted playfully.
"Careful, darls. You take my cap, I take your life."
You knew he was only kidding, but there was also a little bit of a warning in his eyes.
He likes his cap. It’s the only thing he got left from his dad and his tolerance is zero. So, do not try to steal his cap, or ask first. He would allow you to wear it eventually, but still…Bo is not someone to be messed with.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 5 months
Vincent Charbonneau // Random Dating HCs
{Dead Plate and characters belong to Studio Investigrave}
Note// I'll rather put this as GN! S/O, despite that he's canonly gay. Just so i can at least dream😒😔/ih. Also, the headcanons might include Vince being unhinged and obsessive, so you're now warned. Vincent may or may not cook... suspicious things for you.
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•Having a bond with him where you both start dating happens after having this slowburn process(and after you managed to make him not kill you to turn you into food or something, lol)
•Once you become lovers, it's an automatic option that he would decide to cook for you. Giving you lunch and dinner during and after your shifts.
•He always offers to let you stay over for the night, and then insists for you to not leave too soon by bribing you with more food on the table---(if it's not enough, he'll make sure he'll give you money, service, and so much love---) At that point it almost looks like he wants you to move in(which he doesn't mind about that option either-- he'll be concerningly more than happy)
•For such a stoic face, he is pretty touch starved and attention seeking once he starts to experience intimacy with a lover for the first time in a long while-- but he'll only show it behind closed doors, since he has pride and a reputation to secure lol;;😒😔
•He hasn't played the cello for a long while, but he'll try and play a piece for a bit on a day-off if you ever ask.
•To the public eye, he looks like he hates you or at least looks like this friend of yours who seem to be grumpy all the time. But to you, you know his sharp words usually mean for good if they're addressed to you. He once firmly told you that he'll never be angry at you, but would probably scold you like a mama duck/lh
•If he learns that you get scared of horror content, he sometimes would make you watch horror movies with him at theaters just so he can feel you holding onto his arm tightly whenever you flinch -
•He loves the feeling of you depending on him, as if your life depends on you to do that---(ehhhh yeah, he'll still be unhinged as a bf ngl)
•He stalks you because you're always the main attraction to him. He'll never stop following you once he finds you interesting. Ever since before you even started dating even---
•If you bite him as a love language, it'll leave him shocked-- like, why did you do that??? Is he delicious??? Should he cook himself??? *gets bonked *
•Once you explain it to him clearly that it's a form of affection like hugging and kissing, he would start doing the same to you. Soft bites on the arm, on the cheek, on your shoulder, on your neck, on your ear.... it almost tempts him to bite harder--- but he would manage to restrain himself if you did warn him to not make you bleed.
•I feel like you should never act too friendly around your friends- especially if it's other men... unless you want to see remains of them on your dinner plate.
•He probably wouldn't be so jealous, more like if there's ever a second person outside of your family who you love the most, then he'll cook a dish out of them as an ingredient for you... to eat...
•I think he'll ever get pissed at someone if they do cross the line as they hit on you -
•Though, other half of myself think that the love between you and him is like that meme of "You're the most jealous man I've ever known" and then "You know other men?" Kind of thing./ih
•As much as he gets so excited and maybe turned on by the sight of you bleeding, too--- he surprisingly doesn't like to see you in a bitter expression...
•Besides cooking, he would give extravagant gifts with the ✨️best of the best✨️ quality possible. I imagine that he'll be the type to adorn your neck with many kinds of Jewel necklaces - even if you're not materialistic.
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silassinclair · 3 months
Leon single dad x kindergarten teacher PLEASEEE🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This is so adorable!! This is great too because Father’s day is coming up. Single dads deserve the world <3 Also Leon will be around 29 yrs old in this and reader will be 27. Oh also the title of this oneshot is the name of a song I really like lol. Hot for Teacher by Van Halen ;)
Masterlist Here!!
Hot for Teacher
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The agency Leon worked with (D.S.O.) was busy today. So him having to pull out of work because he got a call from the school did not improve his already sour mood. Apparently his son Vincent (Vinny or Vince for short) got into a fight today. And Leon would rather not have to deal with entitled parents and a careless principal. Leon knows he isn’t the best Dad. Hell, when he received Vinny he was way too young to be a Father. It started when he came home from Spain and there was a baby and a DNA test on his doorstep.
He parks his motorcycle crooked and carelessly in a spot and walks up to the school while mumbling curses under his breath. Leon walks in but is stopped by a woman calling to him.
“Excuse me?”
Leon turns and sees you standing there and stops his stride. You’re a sweet, pretty young woman. The white sundress you wear has various colors of paint stains on it. And your earrings are fishbowls. Your outfit screams kindergarten teacher, or art teacher.
Not wanting to look bad in front of a pretty woman Leon rakes a hand through his hair and smiles.
“Yeah? What is it? I’m kind of in a hurry.”
You look the man up and down. Was he a parent? You’ve never seen him in any parent teacher conferences. Nor have you seen him volunteer at any events. Honestly, he doesn't look like the type to show up to either.
“What’s your business here? All guests need to sign in at the office.” You say politely. Hopefully this guy wasn’t bad news. The leather jacket and denim jeans pretty much scream bad boy. But you don't want to assume someone's character based on appearance. Hell, you could be the nicest person in the world and dress like someone out of the Mad Max universe.
“I got a call today.” The man tells you. “My son Vinny, er, Vincent Kennedy got in a fight today.”
Now that you look at him you can see his resemblance with your star student.
“Oh! You must be Leon then. I’m Ms. L/n, Vincent’s teacher.” You offer your hand to his and he shakes it. His hands are rough and calloused, grip firm and strong. He probably does some intense work to have rough hands while being so young.
Leon's eyebrows raise and his gaze scans over you; the woman who is around his son the majority of the day.
"Perfect timing then. Could you take me to him?"
You nod. "Sure. Let's sign you in real quick and then go to the principal's office. The other kid's parents are here too."
While walking to the main office together the taller man eyes you beside him. He says nonchalantly, "So what happened exactly? You're the teacher so you must have saw it all happen."
You nod. "It was during recess. A student said something about how Vincent didn't have a Mother and proceeded to make fun of him, calling him a teacher's pet because Vincent is my star student. So Vincent punched the other student in the face and it just escalated it from there."
As he listens to you explain what happened Leon nods in understanding. His son shouldn't have hit first but he honestly wasn't mad at him. Vincent's five years old so of course he can't control his emotions well yet. And saying insulting things will lead to getting a busted jaw depending on who you insult. That was how Leon was raised from where he was from. You spit shit then you get hit. Simple as that.
But what caught his attention was you mentioning that his son was your star student.
"Vinny's your star student?" He asks curiously.
With a smile you nod. "Yeah, your son is amazing. He's smart and he makes friends with everybody. Well, except for the student he got into a tussle with today of course."
The two of you laugh lightly. Leon smiles softly as you ramble on about his son's accomplishments. He's glad someone gives his son the appreciation he deserves while he isn't around. Leon felt like he wasn't enough for his son. Being a single Father and working a full time job was hard and he couldn't give his boy the time he deserved. So knowing that a pretty, kind, and motherly woman like you watches and educates his son five days a week takes some weight off his chest.
You sign Leon in and take him to the principal's office. There sitting is Tyler's Mother and Father, Vincent, and an empty chair besides Vincent. Leon sits beside his son and worriedly looks him over. He notices a cut on the five year old's lip and luckily nothing else. Tyler looks worse with a bruised cheek, cut on his forehead, and scrapes on his knees.
"You've finally arrived Mr. Kennedy. Do you know why you were called here today?" The principal says.
The Mother of Tyler looks like she's about to explode. "He knows why he's here! It's because his wild child hit our son!"
Her voice makes you and Leon physically cringe.
"Ms. Mason please calm down. We're here to discuss this like adults. Not school children." The principal says firmly. "Now I want to finish this meeting quickly because I have other things to do so I will make it quick. Because Vincent struck first he will receive four days suspention. But because Tyler instigated he will receive three days of suspention."
"What?!" The Masons say at the same time. But Leon gives a satisfied nod and grunt of approval.
"Seems fair to me. Now let's go Vinny, we're leaving." Leon picks his son up in his arms and walks out of the office, leaving the two argumentative parents and their brat son behind. You also leave the office because you would rather not have the parents suddenly direct their wrath at you.
Leon and Vincent are already outside now. But Vincent seems fussy about something.
"What is it bud?" Leon says when he feels his son trying to wiggle out of his arms.
"I forgot to say bye to Ms. L/n!" Vincent says with a whine. Leon sighs with a smile and puts his son down. He watches him make a beeline for you who's still by the front entrance.
"Oomph-!" You grunt when the little boy suddenly hugs you. "Are you feeling better Vince?" You ask. After all the little boy was crying angrily a little while ago when Tyler said he didn't have a Mom.
"I feel better!" Vincent says with a grin. "It's okay because I have Daddy and I have you."
You tilt your head in question. "Huh? What do you mean Vince?"
The little boy beams up at you. His little arms are still around your hips. "I don't need a Mommy if I have you Ms. L/n! You're better than some other Moms I've seen." The boy says, clearly referencing how Tyler's Mom went psycho in the principal's office minutes prior.
You chuckle lightly. God he was so cute. Patting his head you reply. "Thank you Vince that means a lot to me."
You didn't notice how Leon had already made his way closer. He must have heard everything his son said because he was smiling softly.
"Let go of the pretty lady Vinny, you'll squeeze her to death if you keep that up."
With a small groan Vincent lets go of you.
"Oh I don't mind Mr. Kennedy. Your son isn't quite strong enough yet to cut off my airway."
Vincent pouts as you and Leon chuckle. "I'm gonna get big and strong very quick! You'll see Ms. L/n!"
Leon ruffles his son's hair. "Sure you will squirt. And you don't have to call me Mr. Kennedy. Just Leon is fine."
You smile warmly. "Well then in that case just Y/n is fine for me. Only my students call me Ms. L/n."
The man smirks and looks you up and down. Clearly some thoughts are brewing in his head.
"Well well it looks like we're already on a first name basis. How about I treat you to dinner sometime?" Leon says with a flirtatious smirk.
You giggle in return. "I'd love to."
Leon and you exchange phone numbers while little Vinny is pouting. Leon sees this and pouts in return. "Aww what's wrong buddy?"
"I wanna go on play dates with Ms. L/n too! It isn't fair that you get to. You only met her today."
You smile and pat the boy's head. "If your Dad allows it then you can come with us."
That seems to brighten his mood instantly. "Really?! Daddy please let me come too!"
Leon stares at you with a deadpan while you giggle.
"Yes you can come with Daddy on his date. Just don't make me look lame." Leon says with a small scowl.
"I'll wear my Lightning McQueen jacket! It's the coolest jacket I have!"
"The ladies will dig that bud."
"Even Ms. L/n?"
"Nope. Only I'm allowed to impress your pretty teacher."
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wombywoo · 2 months
big fan of your boys!
7 a-c & 25 (fantasy au) pls thank you!! 💚
thank you <333
7. what do they look like when happy?
Like this:
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hehehe, Vincent's got a very big smile, and when he's extremely happy, he'll scrunch up his whole face. Quinn is more subtle, as he doesn't like showing his teeth, but if he's caught off guard, he might flash a grin, squint his eyes, and blush (rare)
a. when sad?
Vincent gets big wet puppy eyes 🥺 Especially when watching a sad film; his whole face droops and he might sniffle and offer soft little hums. Quinn is also more subtle with his sadness; he tends to just look blank and distracted while experiencing defcon 1 levels of existential despair :'D
b. when angry?
Vincent gets a feral edge, exacerbated if he's in a rage state. He can appear like a wild animal when he's pushed to that extreme, blazing eyes and bared fangs. Quinn kinda looks angry all the time, lol, but if he's actively feeling it, his face will look even sharper; angled brows, rigid jaw.
c. when confused?
Vince has an adorable confused face; that kind of 'huh?!" disbelief expression with a slightly parted mouth and lopsided eyebrows. Quinn will probably just scrunch his eyes or flare a nostril 😤
25. fantasy/modern au (swap or an au of choice)
I feel like I've answered something similar before, but in a fantasy setting, Vincent would have regal attire; red cape, fitted velvet tunic, laced boots. I can also see him donning a half-mask for added pageantry 🤌 Quinn's look would be more peasant-like; brown leather, a sturdy vest, some harnesses for weapons~
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hugs-and-stabbies · 8 months
you caused me to fall in love with dead plate and rody, but especially vincent. any vince doodles goin? :pleading:
that's honestly such an honor 😭♥♥ im glad i'm able to bring some love and eyes to a cool small indie project ^^ and hmmm in terms of wips this lil sneak peek is all i have to offer rn 😂
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
WIP Wednesday: Synchronize Snippet: Vintaka
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This is a scene that will appear in one of the upcoming chapters of Synchronize. Not sure yet if it’ll be in chapter 8 or if it’ll appear later, but it’ll feature this beautiful art I commissioned from @luci-on-the-moon (the full uncropped, color version will be posted with the fic/chapter).
Approximately 25 years ago, Vincent brought the twins and Tanaka on a trip to Japan…
Vincent drained his cup and set it aside, turning to face Tanaka. “Hiro,” he whispered. Just hearing this abbreviation of his name from Vincent’s lips was enough to raise goosebumps on Tanaka’s arms. Vincent cradled his face, smiling warmly. “I never imagined I would ever feel this way about anyone.”
“Hai,” Tanaka agreed before he could stop himself.
Vincent kissed him. Slow, not quite chaste but still restrained, and Tanaka could have sworn the heat from the water was traveling up through his body and winding around his heart.
His eyes fluttered as they pulled apart. “How long were you married?”
“Four years, nearly,” Vincent remarked as he refilled his sake cup.
That’s when it dawned on him. “But—but we first—I had only been working for you a year—”
Vincent smiled. It was glorious as always, though a veil of sadness seemed to have been pulled over it. “Ah, well. To be honest, I was entranced by you from the moment I saw you. And with how easily Sebastian took to you, I was prepared to offer you almost anything if you’d stay by my side.”
Vincent’s smile was sweet and genuine. His fingertips teased Tanaka’s short hair. “You should grow it out.”
Tanaka laughed, playing with the dark ponytail draped over Vincent’s shoulder. “The twins need at least one good example.”
Acting as if he were deeply offended, Vincent said, “Are you suggesting I’m a poor influence because I have long hair?”
Tanaka smirked playfully. “No, I’m saying Vincent Phantomhive Michaelis is.”
Melodramatically clutching his chest, Vince replied, “But I thought you loved me!”
All hint of teasing gone, Tanaka couldn’t help the honest way he replied, “I do.”
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Hi I don’t know if you do poly Sinclair but if you do can I get a poly Sinclairs x female reader where they help take her out of a really loud place and help her with her anxiety attack?
I just had to step out of a room because I was beginning to have a bad anxiety attack and I just really need some comfort from my boys right now. But if you don’t wanna do it then that’s is fine! I don’t wanna pressure you or anything.
Hello here! I’m quite ashamed it took me so long to post this request!! I’m so sorry for the delay and I really hope you will enjoy this; as usual I tried my best <3
I also hope you’re feeling a lot better now <3
Warnings : mention of killing, panic attack, loud and a little bit violent crowd, a few strong words.
You had never seen Lester so excited like that before, and your heart was absolutely melting at the sound of his happy voice babbling out about this new band he discovered and how they will have a concert nearby tonight. You were giggling at the sight and when he asked you if you wanted to come with him, you just couldn’t say no to him.
The twins raised an eyebrow. Having their baby brother going out alone at a concert was one thing, but having the two of you doing God knows what was another one. And they knew how Lester and you could come up with bad ideas when you were left alone together. Plus, the twins didn’t like when you were away from Ambrose and away from them. They wanted you home, especially Vincent, since he couldn’t follow you out of Ambrose that easily. He was feeling too self conscious for that.
“You should come with us!” you told them, now as excited as Lester. They both shared a look, and it always fascinated you the way they seemed to talk telepathically when they were doing that. It always put Lester a little bit uneasy though, probably because it was making him feel like he wasn’t part of something. You softly took his hand under the table and stroked his knuckles as he gently smiled at you. You really were the best thing that ever happened to the siblings and that was why they had been forced to share you. 
Vincent finally shook his head and leaned against his seat, looking down at the table. He didn’t feel like going out of Ambrose, and knowing he would be surrounded by people… and loud ones… It really didn’t seem appealing at all. 
“Oh come on, it could be fun” you cooed at him and he shook his head again, so you turned toward Bo’s face. He clearly wasn’t too happy about it either but his protectiveness was too strong to let you go out with only Lester as your bodyguard. The only thought of you being around drunk young men was driving him crazy so he simply sighed before nodding.
“If it’s so important, I guess I’ll come. Vince can wait for us here. Anyways, it’s better with one of us stayin’, just in case” Bo offered and Lester got excited again. He knew you were magical, because his brother would have never come with him if it was only about him. But with you, everyone was trying their best.
“Jonesy will stay with you” Lester told Vincent to bring him some comfort and the masked twin smiled with his eye at his baby brother. He knew Lester was a sweetie. 
And before you all knew it, you were getting ready to leave for the concert for which Lester got three tickets. Bo and you decided to not ask how Lester got those tickets so fast when they were all sold out. Lester was so proud to be able to do that, and was in his very adorable excited puppy self. Even the twins didn’t have the heart to tease him or annoy him. They weren’t even sure Lester would realise anything anyways. He was almost jumping in happiness. You grabbed his hand, half afraid he was going to jump so high he would disappear in the sky, half because you were falling in love once again with him. You hugged Vincent goodbye and he held you a little bit closer than usual because he really didn’t like this plan. He was always overprotective with you, not that you minded. Bo followed Lester and you to his car, but not before he exchanged another look with his twin. Bo silently told Vincent that everything was going to be alright; big brother was going to watch over the idiot boy and the cheeky girl. It gave Vincent some comfort and he hid into his basement to forget how silent the town was getting now everyone was gone.
Lester was singing some of his favourite songs of the band in the car and you were singing the chorus. Bo was driving without a word. He was half amused by your bright behaviours but he would have much preferred to be in his armchair, watching a movie with his favourite people around (and you on his lap). 
When you arrived at the concert, you calmed down a little because there was something in the atmosphere and general ambiance that you didn’t like very much. You instinctively took Bo’s hand as you kept chatting with Lester. Bo moved closer to you, taking the hint you were now not feeling as at ease as before. He was glad he wouldn’t have to ask you to not leave his side. He wasn’t sure he would be able to find Lester or you in this crowd, and it was quite oppressing him as well. He was also relieved Vincent didn’t come as he wasn’t sure how his twin would have been able to stay calm in there. Lester navigated the three of you through the crowd and tried to find you some good places. Bo and you followed him without a word, focusing on not losing Lester. You quickly hated how many men were in the room and how they seemed to look at you. Maybe you were just paranoid or maybe they were really watching you like a potential prey. They were already all half drunk and going crazy with the anticipation of the beginning of the concert. You tried to pretend you didn’t notice anything and to calm down, but you were starting to feel your chest closing in on itself. You didn’t want to ruin the moment for Lester so you forced yourself to remain calm and to breathe in and out silently. Bo wrapped an arm around your shoulder, his protective side noting you needed some comfort. Lester quieted down a little bit and grabbed your hand to play with your fingers as well.
You thought it would all be better once the concert would be starting, and you were right, for the first half an hour at least. The music was good and you were forgetting about the crowd surrounding you, until a group started to go crazy. They were throwing beer bottles everywhere, loudly screaming and getting closer to the few girls in the audience. You tried very very hard to keep calm, but you could feel your boys tensing up because of those people. Bo grumbled under his breath and Lester sighed, quite annoyed. He really could only approve of his siblings murdering hobbies when people were so stupid, selfish and destructive. 
It wasn’t long before you started to have a panic attack. One of the bottles almost reached you and you started to not be able to breathe. You felt like the room you were in was getting smaller no matter how enormous it truly was. Your heart was beating really fast and adrenaline was pumping in your veins as you has the impression that the crowd and the loud noises were closing on you. You leaned against Bo when you started to be too dizzy to fully trust your legs. The boys didn’t even need to think about what was going on: they knew they needed to get you out of this place as fast as possible. Lester was good at finding the way through the cheering, loud and sometimes ominous crowd. When you finally reached outside and the fresh air, you almost collapsed on the ground. Lester and Bo helped you by sitting down against the wall of the building and they knelt in front of you to check on you. You barely noticed their looks of pure concern as you placed your head in between your knees, heavily breathing. Lester stroked your hair, in an attempt to appease you as Bo was gently breathing with you so you could match his calming pace. They stayed like that until you started to feel better. You moved your head and watched them for an instant before leaning against the wall, closing your eyes.
“Ok, love?” Bo asked and you softly shook your head
“Need some air” you whispered in a shaky and hoarse voice.
They both stood up and stepped back so they weren’t crowding you anymore. They watched over you and around them to make sure you were safe. Bo took his phone and sent a message to his twin, as he had promised Vincent to keep him updated.
After a little while, you felt better enough to stand up as well. Lester and Bo were quick to help you on your feet. 
“Hug” you mumbled and Bo wrapped his arms around in a very comforting way. It was warm and safe. He kissed the side of your head and held you even closer.
“Ya’re safe, love, it’s alright now.” he whispered to you and you nodded. You stayed like that for a little while again. You moved from Bo to hug Lester as well and he tightly cuddled you.
“I’m sorry, Les” you murmured to him and he shook his head
“Don’t be, darl. Wanna come back home?” he asked and you felt quite guilty so you shook your head.
“I feel better, we can go back to the concert if you want. You were excited about it” you told him, even if you were really not feeling like going back to it.
“Nonsense, we don’t go back in there” Bo replied as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “Vince’d kill me if he knew I let ya go back in there. Ain’t safe enough.” he continued and he turned toward Lester for him to agree.
“Yeah, people are shit. We should go back home. We can have our own little concert tomorrow night, at home, that way even Vince’ll be able to enjoy it” he offered and you weakly smiled at him
“You’re the best, Les” you told him and kissed his lips. He blushed and shrugged, before guiding you back to the car. You kissed Bo’s hand before sitting in the vehicle.
“Thanks for looking after me” you said
“That’s our job” Bo replied and you knew he meant it. 
Vincent was waiting for you outside the house, and he was quick to open your car door to bring you in his arms. He nuzzled your cheek as his hands roamed your body, scanning you for any injuries or discomfort. You knew he was a drama queen, but you let him do it.
“I’m fine, I’m fine, I promise” you tried to smile at him. “You guys are just worriers” you teased and the three boys all hummed; they couldn’t deny that.
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 months
Mating Dance
Fic is based on this TikTok video.
Summary: Bright Eyes can't sleep and thus, makes it Vincent and Lovely problem.
It's a beautiful evening and at long last, Vincent and his Lovely are settling in for bed in their brand new house.
Dinner was most excellent - perfectly cooked wagyu steaks prepared by Vincent that's paired with a glass of blood from a content 40-year-old. Lovely's favourite type. Their lover boy does so love spoiling them and they sure do love counting their blessing...
And reward said lover boy. But that's a story for another beautiful evening.
After the couple is all snug in bed tonight and Lovely is warm in Vincent's embrace, the Vampires suddenly hear a voice outside the master bedroom.
"I need to practice my dance for the ladies... I need to do my warm ups."
The couple freezes for a split second before -
Lovely slowly tilt their chin up to look at their boyfriend. "Wait. Is that - "
Before Vincent could even open his mouth, that familiar voice became louder.
"1... 2... & 1... 2... hooooooooooold."
Then, absolute silence. Despite being a pair of undead, Vincent and Lovely held their breaths.
And then -
"Ladiiiiiiies! Hello! I see you looking for... a MALE!"
"I'm gonna tie that brat up and throw them in our store room." Vincent curses and immediately launches himself out of the bed. He then stomps to the window, leaving Lovely cackling.
The window shoves open. Vincent thrust his head outside to see Bright Eyes below, in their backyard, wearing pajamas which essentially comprise of Frederick's D.A.M.N hoodie, worn-out underwear AND NOTHING ELSE. NOT EVEN A PAIR OF SHOES. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM!?
"Bright! We are trying to sleep here!" Vincent howls just like Asher when he stubs his toe in wolf form with bits of cake all over his face. That's also a story for another beautiful evening. One with lots of alcohol needed.
"It is I!" Bright Eyes proclaimed with spread arms and uh, spread legs. Lovely gives them 7 out of 10 for their pose. Yeah, they couldn't deny their curiosity any longer and squeeze beside Vincent at the window to see the show.
"Oh, wow." Lovely giggles and clap their hands in applause.
"Don't entertain them, Lovely." Vincent whines; a headache is already pounding in his head. "That's how they keep coming back."
Merciless to his plight, Bright Eyes continues with their mating dance.
"Interesting... interesting words there."
"And most likelyyyyyy... FERTILE!"
"Just what the ladies want."
"I have my own place and I keep it... TIIIDYYYYY!"
"You can't evict Sam from his own house, Bright!" Vincent hollers, forgetting that all 3 of them are Vampires with superhuman hearing. It's a good thing that they don't have any neighbours, or someone would've already called the cops. "Frederick would cry if he finds Sam tied up in Darlin' truck again!"
"I can't sleep!" Bright Eyes just screams in reply. "And that wasn't me this time!"
"Oh my god. I can't - I seriously can't deal with this, Lovely. I just want to go to bed." Vincent laments, trying and failing to massage the headache away. Do Sam and Frederick even know that Bright's here? Is it worth the effort to call them? Would they even pick up their phones?
Lovely just nudges their elbow lightly to his side. Their lips tug into a sweet smile. "C'mon, Vince. Are you seriously not gonna accept Bright's mating dance? Adequate. Fertile. A place of their own? I'm charmed!"
Poor Vincent looks like he's constipating. So Lovely takes over.
"Bright, honey, your insomnia acting up again?"
"I do not care who is gangstalking me. I will NOT take my meds!"
Lovely snorts while Vincent groans into his hands. "I take that as a yes. Do you want to sleep with us tonight?"
Bright Eyes pause to think the offer seriously. "Yeah, it's better than watching those dancing fruit videos and listen to Tinnitus National Anthem. I got that dog in me that Sam is trying to euthanize. It's getting old!"
"I don't even know what that means!" Vincent snaps. Still, he turns around to prepare some extra pillows, toiletries, and, most importantly, slippers.
Now it's Lovely's turn to coax Bright Eyes inside like a civilised being rather than through the window like a cat.
"What hate crimes that stairs committed?" Bright Eyes ask as they scowl at the smooth wall outside of the house. "Where the drain pipe? OSHA is gonna have an aneurysm."
"That's because the stairs are inside of the house, Bright." Lovely teases. "C'mon, through the front door we go."
Bright Eyes just grumbled but did as told.
The moment they entered the house, they screamed as Vincent carried them into his arms and ran to the bathroom so he could wash them. Like hell would he let their biblically accurate feet into his new floor and bed. Once clean and in Lovely's spare pajamas (Vincent is seriously contemplating burning Bright's underwear), it's Lovely's turn to carry a surly Bright into their bed.
"You need anything? Plushie? Softer pillows? Screaming Victorian landlords ambience with sounds of revolution for sleeping, relaxing and studying background?" Lovely cheerfully asks, busy tucking Bright in between them and Vincent. Impromptu sleepovers are so much fun!
"I need - "
"Here, have this McDonald Happy Meal toy that I got when I was 12." Vincent interrupts and attacks Bright with a cheap plastic toy called Shadow the Hedgehog. They squawked unattractively when it landed on their face.
The trio settled down, and the evening quieted down once more. Lovely and Vincent made sure to only fall asleep once Bright drifted off to the realm of dreams and Fortnite dancers. Warm and safe between those who only want them to be happy, whether Bright realises or not.
"Rest easy, Bright Eyes..."
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ladesisesansdessein · 10 months
Dead plate timeline of events
Please comment if I forgot something, I'll add it.
I also added some personal notes that may be useful for "transformative work" purposes.
Spoilers for the entire game, obviously
Before the game starts
Manon break up with Rody
Manon meet Vince and go out with him. Happened before Rody asked for the job
Which of these two events happened first is unclear
Rody learned of the restaurant with the magazine and go beg for the job
Day 1
the food critic comes during tutorial (maybe?)
Conversation with Vince about if there's nothing to do you're forgetting something
Day 2
The unbrella event
Conversation about Vince busy supervising the cooks + asks to be called chef instead of Vince
Most likely Manon gets kiled that night
Day 3
The trashbag event
Conversation about how am I doing/leftover/smoking + asks to be called Vincent (instead of Vince)
First nightmare (scratching)
Day 4
Firing the cook event
Conversation about getting a raise/single/like job + don't even bother correcting being called Vince
The rat
Second nightmare (wrapped)
Day 5
Conversation about readind/break/favorite food + say hi Rody
One less cook for the rest of the game
Rody stays late, steal money (optional), find the photo and letters, find the food critic article that Vince was reading earlier, noise coming from the freezer
Third nightmare (oven)
Day 6
Vince stays in the office
the cocktail event, events needed to trigger the call
Can talk to Vince about Manon who dumped Rody about a week ago
Rody snoop around... maybe he wanted to find more evidence of the relation between Manon and Vince?
Vince grabs the knife while Rody is in the bedroom
No nightmare if you don't go to/unlock the cocktail event, fork nightmare if you do
Day 7
Vince stays in the office
Eventually goes out to cook the "hanger steak"
If Rody don't go in the freezer, quit the job to the surprise of Vince who offers to re-hire him anytime + phone call (ending 1)
If Rody goes to the freezer, Vince decides to kill him (ending 2-4)
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Merry Christmas :
Warning : Explicit. Suggestive. Minors keep out.
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The Sinclair family had decided to throw their own little private party for Christmas, but Bo wasn’t in a good mood.
He hated Christmas.
It made him think back to all the years where Vince used to have all the good gifts and he was left with the damn coal in the sock or a beating when he was being bad. He knew he could always buy himself a gift now, but it wouldn’t be the same. Vince and Lester had offered him gifts, but they seemed rather…unappealing for some reason. Maybe it was all his years of no-gift tradition that had rendered him completely indifferent to the holiday. And while Lester and Vince had fun decorating the tree and cook dinner…He was bored. He sighed before his eyes landed on the mistletoe hanging at the door. Another old tradition he never really understood…
Why the fuck did people kiss underneath a plant ? Why have an excuse to make out ? If they wanted to kiss, they could just kiss and be done with it…But then, his eyes landed on the door leading downstairs to the basement. Then, his head started turning as a smirk slowly crept onto his face at the idea he just had. Maybe he could still have a good Christmas after all…?
He stood up and grabbed the mistletoe before looking back at Vince and Lester who were too busy with their own preparations to notice.
"M’gonna bring our ‘guest’ a plate." He said and the other Sinclair brothers nodded absentmindedly. If they knew what he intended to do ? They didn’t comment on it. Vince wordlessly gave him a plate of food and Bo grinned before shoving the mistletoe into his pocket.
"Thanks, Vinny. See ya later."
Bo opened the door and started getting down the stairs. Once he was out of view, Lester and Vinny looked at each other knowingly. Lester seemed ready to say something, but Vinny simply shook his head. He knew what Lester was about to say.
And no.
Better not to say anything and let Bo get his frustrations out his own way…
In the basement:
You heard his footsteps and recognised them immediately. You had learned to recognise their footsteps. Lester was rather light of his feet due to his constant runnin’ in the woods. Vinny was rather stealthy too, but not light. A few floorboards would sometimes creak under his weight when he brought you food or wanted to dress you up. Whereas Bo ? Bo wasn’t subtle. It wasn’t that he couldn’t be, it’s just that he didn’t see the need to. His footsteps were loud and heavy. And as sure and commanding as he was as a person. You whimpered and tried to back away into the darkest corner of the room you were trapped in. Lester and Vincent were alright. They weren’t really too demanding and they usually only wanted a conversation or a hug sometimes. But, Bo ? Bo was unpredictable and forceful and loved making you cry…
He stopped in the middle of the room and his eyes roamed around—seeking you out like you were a prey ready to be eaten alive.
Sometimes, you suspected that ever his brother were scared of him—but you never really had see anything to prove it. They just never talked about him during your alone time, and who could blame them ? He was more of a monster than you or them would ever admit…
"Come on, darls’. Get out. Get out. Wherever you are…" He taunted with a singsong voice—calling you with a damn smirk on his face—and you closed your eyes. You hoped that if you stayed curled up and silent, maybe he’d give up. But, you should have known better. A hand suddenly shot up towards you and Bo dragged you out by the scruff of your neck like a misbehaving kitten. "Ah ! Here you are, sweetheart ! Thought ya could jus’ hide away from me, huh ?"
You didn’t fight back. You knew better by now.
Last time you had tried to escape, Bo had tackled you to the ground before you could make as much as a few steps away from the house. He had then stripped away all of your privileges—including food—and you hadn’t eaten in two days.
He brought the plate of food to your nose—taunting you with the nice smell of warm and tasty food. Your eyes prickled with tears at the memory of Christmas dinners and gifts under the tree…You missed those days. And knowing that it would be your second Christmas away from home made you sick.
"Come on…Gimme a smile, pretty thing. And you’ll have the food Vinny cooked, eh ?" He brought the plate even further up your face, so much that you could almost taste it. And Bo’s eyes lit up like damn Christmas decorations as he saw you open you mouth and start eating out of the plate like a dog. You were so hungry, and the damn bastard hadn’t even bothered bringing you a plastic spoon…You were reduced to a state of complete submission and humiliation due to your own needs…Even their dog was surely better treated than that.
But, you were far from over with the stomach tornado of fucked up and gross…because then, Bo grinned as he brought up to view the mistletoe and your stomach twisted in disbelief and disgust at what you knew he was about to ask.
"How about a lil’ Christmas gift for me, pretty ?" His eyes showed only cruel taunting and you knew he was having the time of his life just messing with your head. "A lil’ kiss fer me, and I’ll let you celebrate Christmas with me and ma brothers upstairs…You’ll get to see the pretty snow and decorations and if you’re good enough ? I might even allow you back in your bedroom…"
You closed your eyes. A fucked up deal from a fucked up man.
But, you were ready to risk it all if it meant getting out of that dark, moldy and cockroach-infested basement. You had given up on the notions of dignity or self-respect long ago. Your head just knew one word now: survival.
"…No tongue." You finally conceded and Bo’s shit-eating grin grew bigger. He leaned in and slowly pressed his lips to yours. He closed his eyes and slowly moved his lips slowly and sensually against your dry and surely bruised ones. It almost took you by surprise how gentle he was being. Was it some type of reward for not fighting him on this ?
But, the kiss quickly took a new turn when Bo decided he wanted more…Suddenly, the fingers of the hand he was using to hold your jaw into place dug into your flesh as he forced your mouth open to thrust his tongue mercilessly into your welcoming warmth—wet and tentalizing. Your eyes widened and you started struggling. But, it was useless. All sounds of protest on your behalf were ignored or muffled as you tried to push him off. Your eyes were tearful and you couldn’t breathe properly due to his other hand wrapped around your throat and his thumb digging up the soft fleshy part underneath your jaw. You didn’t know what he was doing until you realised with horror that he was experimenting just how far his tongue could reach down your throat—his thumb pushed to the extreme underneath your chin. The incessant back and forth of his tongue making your dizzy and teary as you still tried to fight back.
After a few minutes, Bo finally released you and backed off, a cruel smirk playing on his lips as he looked at your red and abused lips with pride. He even swept his thumb over your sensitive lips. You would have whined if your throat hadn’t lost all ability to form sounds.
"Ssh…I know, baby. I know. M’sorry. But, I wouldn’t have gone so far if you weren’t so damn unfair." He must have seen the confusion in your eyes as he quickly explained. "You always play with Lester and Vinny more than me. You all seem to warm up to each other, and yet ya always gimme the fuckin’ cold shoulder. I shouldn’t be jealous, but come on, sweetheart ! Would it really be so damn difficult to be a lil’ sweeter with me too ?"
A single tear rolled down your cheek. What a joke…He wasn’t sorry—not one bit. He was just jealous. Pathetic…
"…Monster." The word was out before you could stop yourself and you knew here and then that you had just committed a terrible mistake by speaking up. His eyes lost all warmth and he was back to his cold facade as he sighed and shrugged.
"Fine. Have it your way." He stood up and you thought he was going to leave, but he instead closed the door. He then returned to you and stood before you with a nasty grin and his hands on his hips—expecting.
"Am still waitin’ on that kiss, baby…"
You didn’t understand. You had just given him a kiss…what was he…? Suddenly, a touch of colour caught your eye as your eyes laid on his waist and all colour was drained from your face…There was another mistletoe—well hidden in his pants. His smirk grew as realisation hit you. Your eyes widened and the shock and fear in your eyes made him chuckle as he started petting your head.
"…Merry Christmas, darlin’."
You looked up at him and your gritted your teeth as his grin was back and his eyes were dark and menacing.
Bo Sinclair. The man who made you hate Christmas.
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creepswrites · 2 months
Hi! Hope ur requests are open, if not feel free to ignore.
either way, hope this finds you well. Could i request Sinclair brothers hc (separately) with an S/O whose touch-starved and wants their attention often?
Tyy <3
if the sinclair brothers have no fans it is because i am dead..... i missed writing them so so much, i hope you like this! :D
He thinks you're just needy at first, spending so much time with him, hanging off his every word...
It does WONDERS for his ego
So when you start dating, he enjoys the neediness all the more now that it's all HIS
Initially, he finds it a little annoying because he enjoys having his personal space
But you grow on him - he invites you to the auto shop more often and lets you pick the music, he'll hold your waist when talking to town visitors, and he makes a point of holding your hand more often when out walking
He tries to teach you about cars too so you can help out around the shop but you're too busy just flourishing in his attention
(Its okay, he'll teach you some other time)
He likes kissing your cheek or the back of your hand like some Casanova, like a husband from one of those old black and white tv shows where the husband leaves for work
When Bo comes home, you'll cuddle on the couch and watch movies - he doesn't care if his brothers see
Read em and weep, Vince, he's got the most gorgeous person as his significant other!
At first, he's so shy he doesn't want to come near you
Being touched is not a familiar feeling for him, especially since he finds you so, so pretty
When the two of you start dating (no one was more surprised than Vincent) you double down on wanting to spend time with him and just touch him
Be slow with him, start with brushing fingers and holding hands and build up to more - he'll be so receptive to that
Once he's used to being touched, he can't get enough of it from you
He's not too big on kissing since the mask makes it a bit tricky but the times you do really kiss are always the softest, most gentle things
Vince loves when you offer to braid his hair or show interest in his work, especially if you want to help him make the wax figures
He prefers to stay in his workshop so you're not really seen with him around the visitors - not unless they're on his worktable - but he'll always hold your hand under the table at family dinners
Slow dancing becomes a habit for you two. He'll play soft classical music from his stereo and the two of you will dance together during downtime between visitors
If you want, he'll paint on your back. You can lay on the bed and let him paint murals on you, take photos with a polaroid camera for you to see... You're the most beautiful canvas he's ever had
Lester's just surprised you want to touch him
After all, he smells like roadkill half the time and he doesn't exactly consider himself easy on the eyes
So when you want to be around him so much, accompany him on the road, he's shocked
When you ask him out, he becomes a little more confident in himself
He holds hands with you across the center console and slides his hand in your back pocket when he talks with visitors
Lester is sweet though and is also very touch starved, so you two have that in common
The good thing about having a flexible work schedule means you two can spend quite a lot of time together
You two go walking Jonesy together and just talk about your days together, brushing fingers and shoulders like you're both still blushy schoolkids with crushes
He loves to brush the back of your hand with his thumb, your fingers interlocked, and he thinks about marrying you right then and there
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Cal you know how obsessed I am so ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
81 sentences:
Athena lays the envelope on the kitchen table and makes herself another cup of tea. She considers going right for the wine, but wants to be clear headed. With a steaming mug in front of her, she sits down, takes a deep breath, and slides the contents of the envelope out onto the dark wooden surface of the table. 
It’s not one stack of paper but several. All held together with multi-colored paper clips. Pinks and purples and yellows. The smell of fresh ink says they were all printed recently. Within the past hour, she’d guess. Definitely Karen or Maddie. 
Athena scans them all as a collection before going through the stacks as individuals. Every single one of them are printed off email threads. That must be the organization between paper clips. Different chains. Athena focuses on the first one. 
As soon as she reads the subject line, her heart nearly drops through her chest to the floor. 
Date: June 18th, 2024
Subject: On your recent publication featuring Robert Nash
Dear Ms. Kelly,
My name is Captain Vincent Gerrard. I have been a fire captain with the LAFD for thirty-three years. A significant portion of that tenure has been with a station I know you are very familiar with - 118. I have read your book which details a lot of the exploits of the firefighters at this station, which I have since regained captaincy of, replacing a man I am sure you know well. Robert Nash. 
I am reaching out to offer you an opportunity. A follow up piece to your book, if you will. Nash has quite a story behind him. One that makes him unfit to be a captain of this fine institution, let alone walking free on the streets. As someone with a strong nose for the truth, I am sure you will want to know what I know. All I am asking is for a chance to tell this story, so I might protect the LAFD from further disgrace. 
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Vince Gerrard
Athena’s jaw is set very tightly as she reads. She feels like someone has injected her veins with fire. Who was this man to think to sell Bobby’s story? Because of course Athena knows what he’s referring to. How dare he?
Fuming, Athena keeps reading.
Date: June 29th, 2024
Subject: Re: On your recent publication featuring Robert Nash
Dear Ms. Kelly,
I am just checking in to see if you had a chance to read my previous correspondence? 
Vince Gerrard
Date: July 3rd, 2024
Subject: Re: On your recent publication featuring Robert Nash
Dear Ms. Kelly,
I am sure you are preparing for the holiday celebrating our great nation. In the meantime, any chance you read my email?
Vince Gerrard
Date: July 5th, 2024
Subject: Re: On your recent publication featuring Robert Nash
Captain Gerrard,
My name is Celine and I work for Taylor. At this time, we have no desire to pursue any stories about Bobby Nash and would appreciate it if you excluded us from future communications. 
Warm regards,
There are several more emails in the thread, all from Gerrard to Celine, with Taylor Kelly cc’d, complaining. First, about Celine’s tact. Which was apparently “bitchy.” Then, about Taylor Kelly’s writing more generally. Women journalists don’t have the drive for proper investigative work, anyway. I’ll find someone better. 
And it looks like he tried. 
Athena puts aside the Taylor Kelly chain and moves to the next clipped together email stack. These are all reach outs to several different reporters. He’s covered everyone from the biggest papers to the smallest blogs. All promising the “story of the year” about a criminal fire captain. Most do not reply. 
One does. 
His name is Rex Pinkman. He works for a small, small publication called the Los Angeles Investigator. 
And that’s the third stack of emails.
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abstractguilt · 5 months
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thankfully, being back in the abysmal, boring, underwhelming state of OREGON wasn't enough to put a damper on vincent's mood as he traipsed around town like he owned it, the thrill of the unknown lying before him enough to have him high without the assistant of any uppers ( okay, maybe some assistance but, primarily the thrill ). having already found himself well acquainted with one of the local bars, one he hasn't scene since he was using his last name to get him through the door when he was eighteen, vincent was shaking hands and accepting drinks from many who recognized him — either from st. mary's or from his lucrative career. people were greeting him by name when he couldn't even remember their faces, though he felt no shame about that; in fact, it was amusing as fuck. vince felt like a celebrity, which was the exact fuel his inferno of an ego needed. feeling the weight of someone's eyes on him, vincent turned, offering the face a widespread grin as their gazes met; ❛ hey there.... you !! youuuuu, you you you... uh, do i know you ?? ❜
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