#oh A my little emotionally constipated bean
chiriwritesstuff · 10 months
Meet Me at the Farmers Market! - 3. Sunflower
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Farmers Market! Joel Miller x Confident! Plus Sized F! Florist Reader
Series Masterlist
Series Summary: What does a Contractor do in his spare time? Sell his wood carvings at the Saturday Farmers Market, of course! A Grumpy x Sunshine Joel Miller series collective of one shots, Updates every Saturday!
Rating: M
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: Jealous! Joel Miller, Tommy is a meddling little shit, Joel is emotionally constipated, Joel checks out his new vendor neighbor like a fucking caveman!
Chapter Summary: Joel, meet Sunflower. This story takes place before parts 1 + 2.
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Banners by @saradika
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"I heard there's a new vendor this week."
Joel grunts, lugging the 10x10 pop-up tent from his truck as Tommy casually steps out of the passenger side, a cigarette dangling lazily from the corner of his mouth.
"Put that out, asshole, and come give me a hand," Joel says, dropping the tent onto the blazing Texas pavement. 
Tommy flicks the cigarette out into the wind, snagging the pop-up table from the truck bed as Joel lines up the tent with precision, not a hair's breadth off from the designated markers.
"You ain't a bit curious about your new neighbor? Sylvie spilled the beans. Says it's some out-of-town florist, a friend from her college days. Rumor has it she's a looker... and flying solo," he says, shooting Joel a pointed look, a sly smirk playing on his lips.
"Oh yeah? and how did you get Sylvia to tell you this?" 
"I have my ways."
"I'm sure you do."
"So, I was thinking..."  
"Oh come on, Joel! You didn't even know what I was going to say!"
Joel grabs the last crate from his truck, slamming the tailgate in frustration as he shoves it into his meddling brother's chest. "Why would I be interested in some random girl who," he huffs, "I ain't know nothing about? What if shes..."
"Silvie showed me a picture of her, she's exactly your type!" Tommy pulls out his phone, flicking through his messages. "I just so happened to ask her to send me one of her photos..."
"I'M. NOT. INTERESTED." Joel snarls, gritting his teeth.
A JDM minivan, adorned with painted sunflowers, pulls up behind the brothers, a voice calling out as they bicker.  
"Excuse me," a sweet and amused voice breaks through, observing the tense standoff between the two men. "Mind if I slip into my stall real quick?"
Joel pivots toward the voice, a glare etched on his face, irritated at being caught in this compromising and - rather fucking irritating - situation. "Just hold..." His words trail off as he lays eyes on the girl — no, a full-fledged woman, his new vendor neighbor.  Goddammit, he thinks, she's fucking gorgeous. Fucking Tommy...
It's Tommy who speaks first.
"Well, hello there!" he calls out, a look of satisfaction on his face as he faces you. "Don't mind us, let us get out of your way!" he pulls him aside, rolling his eyes at his brother's sudden silence. "I fuckin' told you," he whispers in his ear. Joel swears he feels his satisfied told-you-so smirk as he pivots toward your direction, the smug bastard. 
You pull into the stall next to his, your hair piled up into a messy bun, sunglasses perched on your nose. You're wearing an oversized flannel, the sleeves rolled up to your elbows, hints of flowers - Jasmine? - delicately tattooed on your forearms. "Thanks!" you call out, your voice - your voice... The voice of a fucking angel, he thinks, his Adam's apple bobbing as he nervously nods in your direction.
"Need a hand?" Tommy says as he approaches you, his hands in his back pockets. "Joel's just about done setting up, why don’t I give you a hand? I’m Tommy, by the way. That grumpy asshole right there is Joel.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I got..."
"Don't you worry your pretty little head off, Joel's a big boy, he can manage."
Joel rolls his eyes as he sees Tommy saunter over to you, opening your door as you step out of your van. He breathes heavily as he sees your legs pop out, the sight of your very short jeans cutoffs barely covering your... assets.  Those shorts should be fucking illegal, he thinks as he fiddles with the collar of his shirt, suddenly too tight and constricting, the Texas sun and the heat suddenly plunging him headfirst into the depths of hell.  
Joel glares at nothing as he watches the two of you from the corner of his eye, your head thrown back as you laugh - with your entire fucking body - at something stupid that his brother is telling you as you both look in his direction, Tommy's head shaking as you playfully slap him in response.  How in the fuck does he make it look so easy? he ponders as he sees his brother effortlessly make buddy-buddy with his new vendor neighbor.
"Dad," Sarah calls out as she stands next to him, mindlessly arranging his woodland carvings on his vending table. "What the hell is up with you today?" she chides as she takes in her father's tense form, his hands clenching atop the table. She looks in the direction that her father is looking at, seeing her uncle standing next to you in your stall as you arrange several floral arrangements on your table. "Who is that with Uncle Tommy? She's new. She's pretty, Uncle Tommy doesn't waste a darn minute, huh?"
"I don't know," Joel grumbles. "Some transplant from out west. Sylvie's friend."
"Sunflower? That's her?"
"Yeah, Sylvie's friend from Washington. They were college roommates, she's planning on opening a nursery in town sometime soon. Next to your office, I heard. I want to pick her brain, she's totally cool! She lived in Japan for a while, and learned ikebana!"
"Ike... what?"
Sarah rolls her eyes at her father's ignorance. "IkeBANA, the art of Japanese floral arrangement?" she motions to the flower arrangements on her table. "It's not like the stuff you get at the Whole Foods, it's totally fucking cool!"
"Language, girlie."
"Dad, I'm in college now, I'm a fully realized adult, and if I like to recall," she gives him a pointed look, "I didn't have the best influence about swearing growing up, especially with you and Uncle Tommy cussing each other out every five minutes!"
Tommy waves in your direction as he approaches Joel and Sarah, a wide smile on his face. "Shes somethin' else," he says to the both of them, placing an arm around Sarah as he nods in your direction. "Her family was stationed in Yokosuka back when she was in high school, that's how she learned how to do all of her arrangements and shit. She also does this thing where she fixes broken stuff with liquid gold... her pottery is fucking amazing! better than these fucking critters we be selling every weekend..."
"Kintsugi, Uncle Tommy. That's what it's called." 
"Whatever it is, don't ya think she would be perfect for your old man?"
Sarah scoffs, punching Tommy in the ribs. "Didn't you just spend the entire morning flirting with her?"
"Tommy flirts with anything with two legs"
Tommy flicks Joel off. "I have you know, I was talking up your Papi for the last hour, tellin' her all about his woodland critters and how he's a business owner, shit, I even offered his services for her new nursery...."
"Tommy..." Joel warns, shaking his head in frustration. "We ain't got time for some new project..."
"Her new space is the one next to ours! you know, Jimmy's old spot! It's hardly an inconvenience! I'm sure judging how your mouth flopped like a fish when you laid eyes on her you wouldn't mind her being around so much as you like to deny it!"
"Hi," a voice interrupts the three of them, their eyes darting towards you in shock.  
"Hey Sunflower!" Tommy clears his throat as he motions at you. "What's that tree you got in your hands? It's a baby!"
You look at the Bonsai tree in your hands, it's reclaimed pot laced with gold. "Oh, it's just a little gift for Joel, now that we're vendor neighbors," you reply, a shy smile on your face. You hand it over to Joel, his hands slightly gracing yours, as he looks at it in wonder. "It's in a reclaimed pot that I fixed with liquid gold... it's called Kitsungi. I hope we can be friends, and thank you for offering to help out with the nursery, Tommy told me you own a construction company..." you look up at him expectantly.
"Dad..." Sarah whispers, nudging him. "Say thank you!"
"Your tent is three inches off from your marker, by the way," he replies as he places the bonsai off to the side of his display table. "You might want to get that checked out, don't want to get a fine or anything like that."
"Oh," you reply. "Yeah, thanks for telling me..."
"What he means is, thank you, Sunflower. I'm Sarah, by the way. Joel's daughter," she cuts in, clearly embarrassed by her father's gruffness. "Don't worry, he's not always like this!"
"He's actually always like this," Tommy mutters.
"Well, It was nice meeting you all," you say as you look in Joel's direction. You nervously bite your lip as he looks at you intensely as he suddenly licks his lips in response. Tommy and Sarah both look at the interaction, giving each other a knowing look. "I hope to see you around," you say, turning as you walk back to your booth. "Thanks again!" Sarah yells at your retreating form.
"Joel... what in the..."
"Don't fucking say it, Tommy."
"You just looked at her like she was in fucking heat or something, what the hell is wrong with you?!"
"Don't!" he warns, looking in your direction as you bend over, grabbing a basket off of the ground. He adjusts his collar again, his face suddenly covered in sweat.
"Oh Dad," Sarah muses, looking in your direction.   
"You're SO FUCKED."
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throne-anguis · 11 months
Behold. A Persona au thing where it's just everyone being emotionally constipated. Please tag Bean in this. Anyways hope you like it and hope you get well soon
From: [Number not found]
Got on the wrong bus. Going to be late. Say hi to Hikari and Kura for me, I’ll be there in about 30 minutes.
(10:00 AM, 6/6/2xxx)
Just saw the news. You’re out right?
(10:26 AM, 6/6/2xxx)
Jin Mei?
(10:28 AM, 6/6/2xxx)
Jin Mei did I just see you run back into the burning building because I swear to gods I will kill you if you don’t come back alive.
(10:36 AM, 6/6/2xxx)
I’m serious get out. I don’t care what work you forgot just get out. Get out of there now.
(10:37 AM, 6/6/2xxx)
Temenos walks into the kitchen. “What happened to Hikari on June 6th?”
Immediately Kazan drops the cup and starts stringing together a series of colorful curses as it shatters on the ground.
“Ah, my apologies. I didn’t know you were holding something. I’ll go get the-”
“Why do you want to know what happened on June 6?”
Temenos blinks. This is new. This is very new. For the week and a half, their third roommate would usually say dry comments, banter with Temenos, or respond to questions with a consistent flat tone.
This is…
“It seems I struck a nerve,” he says.
Kazan slowly breathes in and out. “Look. You had no connection to the event so I’ll be nice and I’m going to be the first to tell you to back off.” The man went to the closet and retrieved a broom. “This has nothing to do with my current goals so I don’t know why you’re asking me this.”
The Private Eye grabs the broom from the other’s hands. “I’m asking because my friend had something to do with it and right now, with the police slowly catching on, we need as much evidence to prove that Hikari is innocent in the little fire that you orchestrated.”
Kazan scoffs. “First off the fire was not my idea. I objected to it being a fire but fucking-” He catches himself and closes his mouth.
Temenos tilts his head. “Go on. Who insisted the crime to be arson?”
Kazan glares at him. “But my bosses,” he corrects. “-Insisted on it being a fire because it would be easier.”
“Easier? How would a fire be easier? Accidents happen. Someone could have left their stove on. A tragedy but something that can be written off as an accident.”
“Is it connected to the fire of June 6?” He continues.
Kazan flinches.
Temenos tilts his head, awaiting an answer.
The clock ticks on and the glass shards remain on the floor, unmoving.
“Temenos,” Kazan says slowly. “Let go of the broom.”
“Not until you give me an answer.”
“I don’t want to talk about this and I would rather not have Crick wake up because of me shouting.”
Temenos did not let go, because he never knows when to let go. “Give me an answer.”
“Let it go Temenos.”
“Give me an answer then Kazan.”
Temenos was never good at letting things go, and that was rather good for him in finding answers.
The answer he got was a harsh shove onto the ground, several pieces of glass cutting into his arm, and a bruised side.
What then followed was several attempts for Kazan to grab his phone, one successful attempt, a realization that there was still a password, a cracked phone screen from being thrown at a wall, and a muffled minute long scream from the man.
Temenos doesn’t bring it up again.
“Ritsu…isn’t that the building Hikari and his mom were at?”
“What do you- Oh my god.”
“Brother, Hikari is okay right? He probably left early right?”
“I- Mikka stay there I need to- I need to- Just stay there I’ll be back soon!”
“But what if you get hurt!”
“It’s fine I just- I just need to make sure everyone is okay!”
Throné clears her throat. “So…you and Hikari are friends right?”
“Don’t associate me with that weakling. We are not friends.”
Throné narrows her eyes. “That ‘weakling’ is one of the strongest people I know.”
Ritsu laughs. “You weren’t the one who grew up with him.”
“But I was the one who lived with him when he had everyone turn away from him.” Throné sighs. “That’s not why I’m here though.” She pushes a newspaper clipping towards him. “You were friends with him so that means you know what happened on June 6th.”
The man coughs for several seconds before clearing his throat. “I- Sorry what?”
“June 6th. Hikari was involved somehow and the last time we asked Hikari he closed up. Temenos tried asking Kazan and what he got was a cracked phone and some glass shards in his arm.” She looked him in the eye. “You were childhood friends with him so you knew what happened on that day.”
“Well yeah of course I- Yeah of course I do,” Ritsu stammers out.
“Can you tell me then?”
“I- Well…I-”
Ritsu breathes in and opens his mouth, only to have a pitiful croak come out.
“Sorry let me just- That’s a hell of a question so I- So what happened was-”
The words cut off, as if something is keeping him from saying anymore.
“Are you under NDA?” asks Throné.
“No! No I’m not!” exclaims Ritsu. “I can tell you, let me just- It’s-” He opened his mouth and the words get caught. The man closes his eyes and takes a shaky breath in and out. “The fire was-” A hitch, a lack of air, and then a shake of a head.
“...Do you not want to talk about it?” Throné says gently.
Ritsu shrugs, he’s gripping his arms tightly.
“Can you write it down?”
Ritsu thinks for a moment, opens his mouth, before shaking his head.
“Okay. That’s okay.”
Throné hears several napkins being grabbed from the napkin holder.
“...Do you want to eat something? My treat. I have some extra money.”
Ritsu nods, bowing his head in an effort to hide the tears falling.
“Brother!? Hikari!? Ms Kura!? Has anyone seen Hikari? Has anyone seen Hikari and Ms Kura? Has anyone- Where’s my brother!? Has anyone seen my brother!? I- BROTHER!?”
“Miss, I need you to step away and let them get help.”
“That’s my brother! That’s my brother, what happened to him!? Why is he- Is he breathing!? Is he-”
“Miss, please-”
“I assure you Miss your brother and friend will be okay but you have to step away please-”
“What happened!? Why was there a fire what- Is he going to be okay?”
“We’re going to do everything we can but please go and step away. You can follow us but right now they’re both in critical condition. We will do everything we can to ensure both of them will survive.”
“What happened? It was just- It was just a visit for Ms Kura and- Where’s Ms Kura? Where is she? Why isn’t she here?”
“Miss we know as much as you do, right now we’re trying to get the wounded and control the fire so please-”
“She’s dead. Oh gods she’s dead isn’t she. She’s-”
“What happened on June 6th?”
Rai Mei blinks. “Well that’s- That's a bit forward, I have to admit.”
Agnea looks away sheepishly. “Sorry it’s just- We know that you, Hikari, Ritsu, and Kazan were all friends once and something happened on June 6th so we assumed that you would know something about it. We tried asking about it with the others but they just-”
“Closed up?” Rai mei finishes.
Agnea nods.
“Right- The Fire that was-” She takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry Agnea, I don’t want to talk about it, ever. I would rather have it drift away from my life, just like most of what I have.”
“Can you at least tell us why it’s a sore spot for all of you?”
“Agnea, please,” begs Rai Mei. “I don’t want to talk about it because I know if I do I won’t be able to do anything for the rest of the day. I don’t want that.”
“Did- Did someone die?” Agnea asks hesitantly.
“...Yes. That’s all I will say.”
She moves to get up before Agnea grabs her. “I- I’m sorry. I understand,” she says. “I understand what it’s like to lose someone close to you and- I’m sorry you had to go through that like I did.”
Rai Mei looks at her for a moment and nods. “Thank you for understanding.”
“...It’s my fault isn’t it?”
“Hikari you’re 13, and from what you told everyone you were attacked first and did what you thought would be the best option after watching your mom die in front of you.”
“But I hurt a lot of people in that action right? So it’s my fault.”
“Jin Mei and mother would still be here if I didn’t start it. Rai Mei said it herself.”
“Rai Mei is grieving she isn’t in the ri-”
“It’s okay. You can blame me too. Jin Mei was your friend.”
“...I uh- I need some air.”
“...Hey Hikari, if it helps, I don’t blame you. It was an accident.”
“Ritsu, I don't think any part of what I did was an accident.”
“Hey Hikari, you’ve been acting off all day and uh. So has Oboro and Ritsu.” Partitio rubs the back of his neck. “I know you don’t like talking about it but it’s June 6th and I don’t think stuffing everything inside of you is healthy.”
Hikari pales. “Is it- Is it that obvious?”
“No it’s just that- Look we’ve been peeking around at your past to try and help and June 6th kept coming up and-“
“Oboro lashed out, Ritsu went quiet, and Rai Mei avoided the topic when you tried to ask them.”
Partitio blinks. “Uh. Yeah. Yeah that’s exactly what happened.”
Hikari lets out a mirthless laugh. “That sounds right for all of them.”
“...We don’t have to talk about it, in fact we can never talk about it if you want,” assures Partitio. “But if you ever do want to talk about it then we’re here. I want you to know that.”
Hikari looks away.
“Hey Hikari, if you want we can go and-”
“Today is the anniversary of my mother and friend’s death.”
Partitio blinks. “I- Oh hells Hikari I’m so sorry, we didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”
“...My mother and friend died in the fire that I caused that day.”
Suddenly, everyone’s reactions make much more sense.
“They shouldn’t blame you,” Partitio says.
“They don’t. At least I don’t think Oboro and Ritsu does. I haven’t talked to Rai Mei in a casual conversation for so long that I uh- Still don’t know if she blames me.” Hikari pulls on his sleeves. “It’s not a big deal, it's just. Every year all of us would at least- Try to talk? I guess? We would try to smooth things over and it always ends with us kind of making progress. It was just something done to have some sense of closure but it was nice.”
Hikari looks away. “And now, this year, was literally the worst year of my life. I found out things about my friends that make me question whether they were my friends in the first place, my life has been uprooted, I don’t actually know if I want to continue college, and now I just-“
He takes a deep breath. “My mom liked flowers and I don’t have any-“ His breath hitches. “I don’t have any flowers.”
Partitio looks at Hikari and slowly reaches for Hikari’s hand. “Hey uh…I know it isn’t the same but- If you want we can find flowers. Or make some. I don’t know. But we can do that and- Maybe we can go somewhere your mom and friend would have liked to see if they were still here.”
Hikari sniffles and wipes his tears. “Yeah that- That would be nice. Thank you Partitio.”
AWH GSRKLJLK!! Sweet ending to the emotional wreckage the Travelers but the fire gang (tm) through. @beantothemax summoning you.
There is so much happening with all of them, Temenos would absolutely pry like that to Kazan. Both of them being calm in their own chaotic ways makes it even better to see Kazan lashing out at him. Ritsu going silent and unable to speak so much that it concerns Throné here is a sight. I like Agnea being the one to confront Rai Mei about it. She doesn't pry too much but Rai Mei still doesn't want to lose her calm.
They all know when to stop. The inquisitor being the exception, but that's in Temenos's nature and I don't think anyone would be against Kazan for lashing out. I like the idea of him being concerned for Crick waking up (even if its just an excuse to get Temenos off his tail). The lashing out is probably going to wake him up anyway but that seems like one of the only times since the betrayal that Kazan has acted violent towards them.
Love Partitio being the one to get Hikari to open up a little. Despite the loose tongue reputation Hikari genuinely trusts him and the idea of him going to find flowers with him as comfort is so sweet!!
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agentfreckles · 2 years
Hehe glad I have the honour of gracing your ask box for the first time in a while, but yeah I'm dying for the new book! Who wouldn't be? I only discovered Wayhaven after book 2 came out though (due to some incredible fan artists) so I feel like I should be more patient because I haven't had to wait as long as older fans for content. But also I've pretty much spent the last two days doing nothing but rereading any Wayhaven content I can find 😅
To be honest with you my first impression of A was that he was going to be a stoic, militant, serious kind of guy aka not really my cup of tea, but then I read through the other LI's routes and it's like oh shit he cares. So I haven't actually played through his route yet, but I just listened to Stay and maybe I should put myself through the terrible heartache of a slow burn romance with a stoic man who actually cares a whole lot...
The song makes it all sound so bittersweet, the longing for connection even though he isn't ready to fully admit it to himself yet. From what I've learned in the other routes the way he acts makes sense, but to be alone for so long before he got to be with unit bravo is heartbreaking
(also hope any of that makes sense, it's definitely too late in the AM for me to be overthinking this, and yet,,)
I can relate to you there! I first found out about Wayhaven about a week after Book 2 came out, in late May 2020. So it’s been an interesting journey that started off with the instant gratification of being able to jump from Book 1 to Book 2 and every day since has been a long waiting game. But Mishka’s asks and the Book 3 demo have definitely helped keep me sane while I wait. And I’d wait forever if it meant the book was top tier, which I know it will be.
I mean A really is a stoic, militant, serious kind of person lol. I get a lot of people’s hesitancy when it comes to their route because A is definitely a little rough around the edges, especially in the beginning. But why they’re that way has always been interesting to me, even more so now that we’ve gotten some pretty big hints about their backstory (particularly in the Book 3 demo if you’ve read it). There seems to be a lot of trauma and guilt there, which we have to remember A has been carrying with them for a near millennium. And it’s that guilt in particular that has them constantly putting duty and practicality above emotions, even at the cost of their own happiness as we see in their route. But you’re so so so right! A cares quite a lot actually. Especially when it comes to Unit Bravo. Some of my favorite scenes in the series, A’s route or otherwise, involve A letting their guard down and giving us (both the detective and the reader) a glimpse of that camaraderie and trust that exists between A and their team. You can really feel how much they all mean to A, even if they don’t always show it as freely as say F does.
And you hit the nail on the head. A’s route is all about keeping their distance and denying themselves the love every bit of their mind, body, and soul is screaming to have. It’s heartbreaking and frustrating and awful, but god does it make for one hell of a read.
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littleredwing89 · 3 years
Hellooooo, I don't know if you're still writing little oneshots or not but if so can we have an aggressive Jason smut because the reader was feeling insecure and he doesn't know how to do soft cuddles and small praises so instead he just rails her and calls her sexy and what not while making her feel like his best whore? Full dom because he's an awkward emotionally constipated bean who doesn't know how to handle people crying especially since he himself is insecure and counts on her to make him feel better when that happens 🖤❤️
Jason let out a growling groan and nipped at your bottom lip before turning you around and putting your hands on the sink. Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled your hips back and rammed inside you. 
"Ohh, fuck yes”.
You felt his hand fist in your hair and he pulled your head back, already slamming his cock into you from behind.
“You like that, baby girl?".
"Yes, oh God, yes. Harder”.
He complied, thrusting aggressively and twisting your hair around his fist even tighter. You really hoped the sink was strong enough to withstand this brutal punishment. After situating one foot on the bathtub to better leverage himself, Jason switched angles making you breathless.
“Tell me you love it”.
"I fucking love it. Love your cock inside me!”.
You snapped your hips back to meet his to illustrate your point.
"I know you do. That wet pussy just swallows up my cock, doesn't it?".
"Yes, yes!”.
The sound of skin on skin was obscene and built the tension in your body at a ridiculous pace.
"I'm gonna fuck this pussy so hard and you're gonna love it, aren't you?".
"Yes Jason, please-please make me cum".
"Oh, you gonna come already?".
You whimpered, so close to the edge, fingers digging into the porcelain of the sink.
“Yes, please. May I?".
Still fucking you, he reached a hand around and used it to pull you up right. His arm snaked around your body and his long fingers came up to wrap around your throat with the just the right amount of pressure. Your pussy was pulsing around Jason at the sensation and you tried to hold back until he gave you permission, but it was painfully hard to do so.
Mercifully, he twisted your head to meet his blue eyes and then smiled.
“Then come for me, baby girl”.
And you did, moaning out a raspy breath and shuddering against him, your pussy clenching around his cock, pulling him deeper with every wave of pleasure. When you finished, Jason leaned down and bit into the flesh of your shoulder before releasing inside you with a shout.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Can we get hcs for Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki (separately) falling in love with reader who takes no bs but is also kinda shy?
Reader Doesn’t Take Shit from Nobody
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mtha thots: getting back into the swing of things! hopefully this was okay :’)
warnings: none 
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Bakugo Katsuki: 
bakugo couldnt stand you
but he also couldn’t help falling for you
it’s a crazy concept for him considering how you two did NOT get along at first
you and him butt heads from the beginning
from day one of class, he was being a little shit and you just didn’t care for it
the moment he figured that out was when he was stomping down the hallways, pissed off about something 
he roughly knocked into your shoulder 
you didn’t know if it was on accident or not but you were willing to just let it go 
that was, until bakugo opened his big mouth
“watch where you’re going, extra!”
you: 🤨
he wasn’t expecting you, the quite person in class, to quiet literally buck at him and shout back
“watch where you’re stepping, punk!”
him: 😧
katsuki was too stunned to reply before you stalked off, steaming
from then on, it was like he had heart eyes in the angriest way possible 
there was something about you that got his attention 
you’d walk by and he’d go: 😡🤬❤️
sometimes, he found himself pushing his luck just so you’d talk to him—even if it meant threatening to kick him in the throat if he yelled at you one more time 
everyone thought it was a bit weird that bakugo was so admant on bothering you
you were kinda shy and didn’t talk much 
but they figured it was just how bakugo worked 
you thought the same 
so imagine your surprise on White Day (Valentine’s Day but for men) when you were cornered by the blonde hero
he aggressively shoved a box of homemade chocolates in your hand and shouted something about you still being annoying before stomping away 
like the emotionally constipated boy he was 
but despite everything, you still couldnt help but softly smile at the love note attached to it reading:
i still think you’re an extra, but i hope i can convince you to be my extra
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Midoriya Izuku:
it’s in this boy’s dna to befriend the most intimidating of people 
despite the fact that he once saw you almost lose your life after cursing a certain explosive hero from hell and back again, he was hooked
call it love at first sight or something, bc this boy was basically struck by cupid’s arrow 
izuku found himself intrigued by everything you were
even though you didn’t take shit from anyone...
you were very quiet and didn’t talk to many people 
it was hard for you to make friends bc of it 
but that’s okay bc you were content with yourself
often times, you kept to yourself and just focused on your studies
it made you hard to approach but izuku was determined!
albeit, it took a long time before he actually spoke to you 
he was still a nervous bean
for a few weeks, he just watched you 
he’d watch you from the corner of his eye during class, blushing every time one of his friends would call him out on it 
his eyes were glued to you every time you used your powers
even when you did mundane stuff, he’d notice your tiny quirks 
and every day he’d find himself falling deeper and deeper for you 
it wasn’t until todoroki caught him doodling you in your hero costume that the dekusquad realized his feelings 
“you’ve got it bad,” ochako would tease
that turned into an hour long session of midoriya ranting about how to approach you and confess his feelings
“i heard talking to people works”
todoroki’s a little shit when he wants to be
but he’s also right 
mustering up as much courage as he could, izuku walked up to your desk before class
you were about to ask if he needed to go to the medical bay bc of how red his face was but he interrupted you with a flurry of words
“HELLO!i my name is izuku midoriya and i think you’re really cool and--w-wait i meant to say you’re prett--WAIT! okay. sorry. i’m--i mean i think it would be pretty cool if we like--oh geez this sounds so weird. i promise i’m not u-usally like this, i just thought i--”
the shock on your face melted into a gentle smile
“hi, midoriya. i’m [l/n] [f/n]”
and it was like your voice calmed the storm in his head
izuku’s cheeks were still flushed but he was able to return the smile as he felt his heart grow bigger
you really were beautiful 
“hi L/N. i’m midoriya izuku”
“you said that already”
bless his heart 😭
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Todoroki Shouto: 
tbh, shouto hadn’t really noticed you in the beginning
granted, he was sorting through a lot of personal stuff 
but you were so quiet and shy that he sort of...looked over you 
(he did that to everyone so don’t take it to heart)
although, it was the opposite for you 
you noticed him from the first day of class
how could you not? everyone did 
he was the really strong really pretty boy that got in through a reccomendation AND he was the son of endeavor 
maybe he was kind of intimidating and a bit cold, but that didn’t stop you from admiring him
....and also developing a small crush on him that you’d take to the grave
bc, let’s be real, the chances of him returning your feelings were zero to none and you forced yourself to be okay with that
but things changed when you overheard shouto’s and midoriya’s conversation before the sport’s festival 
it absolutely broke your heart 
you kept it to yourself bc it wasn’t your business to go butting into his life
but when you were walking down the hall to find a bathroom and accidentally walked in on shouto and endeavor’s talk, you couldn’t help yourself 
endeavor immediately stopped and noticed the hard look on your face. when you didn’t bow in respect, he spoke up
“it’d do you well to show some respect to your elders, little girl/boy”
you stopped, looked him up and down, before walking off 
endeavor scoffed and went back to talking to his son 
but todoroki was shook
his heart literally went doki doki 😳❤️ LMAOO
the next day he asked for your name 
th following weeks he found himself sitting with you during lunch or studying for exams 
you got closer and closer to one another
you were a timid presence, but your sense of justice was strong
you didn’t take bs from anyone, including those that were above you and todoroki couldnt help but be intrigued
shouto didn’t realize it until it was too late, but one day, he woke up and felt this incredibly strong urge to be by you 
it wouldn’t go away for the longest time and only got worse every time he saw you 
it wasn’t until momo broke it down for him that he realized he fell for you
and he fell hard 
and although shouto was new to this, he wouldn’t miss the opportnity to see it through 
bc you were special to him and he’d be damned if he let you go 
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superworldunkown · 3 years
It’s a date! (x3) Part 1 - The Agreement
AN: I’ve wanted to draft this one out for awhile but I don’t have the time to crank it all out in one go so breaking it up into 4 parts! Can’t wait for you all to read.
Summary: You’ve done it again. Thrown yourself in harms way and now you’ve left Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou to take care of you. When you half assed admitted you wanted all of them to take you out on a date for your heroic deed, you were surprised that when you had awoken, they agreed and set the plans in motion. 
(Sorry Kiri with the beautiful bouquet - you aren’t in this story but that is because you’d literally blow all these emotionally constipated beans out of the water. The world isn’t ready for your level of manliness and quite frankly we don’t deserve it!) 
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“Y/N! Y/N Please, please keep your eyes on me okay!” Midorya’s voice was frantic, on the verge of several different emotions that all seemed to be vying for attention. 
“Yellin’ ain’t going to fill the hole in her fucking chest ya damn nerd!!” Bakugou’s brash voice cut through the panic and the surrounding chaos around them, “Icy Hot where’s the damn first aid...and don’t you dare die on me, ya hear. I still haveta kick your ass for that stupid stunt you pulled back there.” 
Todoroki, ever so calm and lacking emotions, though inside he was screaming, "Both of you need to calm down. Y/N try to stay awake for a little longer. Medics are on the way.” 
Despite your lungs collapsing and your blood escaping at an alarming rate, you found the situation quite hilarious. “Please,” you managed to gurgle out, “Don’t tell me you boys...are fighting over me again.” 
“This isn’t the time for jokes,” Todoroki hushed while placing torn piece of his uniform against your chest, “You need to heal.” 
The green haired student was on the verge of tears, “Please don’t die-” 
“Shut it Deku!” Bakugou snapped.
You rolled your eyes, gasping slightly, “I’ll live, on one condition,” Your eyes became a bit glazy, “You all gotta take me on date when I wake up, okay?” 
“Deal.” Izuku was the first to speak up, his hand clutching around yours. 
“Sure,” Todoroki agreed while putting pressure on your wound, “Just stay with us, help is almost here.” 
Bakugou was last to confirm. He muttered a quick fine before his calloused hands drew themselves to your neck, checking your pulse to ensure you had enough fight in you before he darted off to blast the bastards that got them all in this mess in the first place.  
You had kept your promise, holding on until the medic team arrived and you promptly passed out once you were airlifted to the hospital. 
The week after the attack was hell. You had an enormous amount of healing to do. Your body had to practically learn to breathe on its own again. But, each day you slowly gained more of your strength, and eventually the levels of oxygen you needed lowered to a point where you could see the light, and your discharge at the end of the tunnel. You still needed a small oxygen tube in your nostrils - after all, you could barely make it around the hospital floor without collapsing. 
But, it felt good to almost, almost be up to speed again. After a day of rehab your body stretched in the armchair in your hospital room, your eyes studying a text book as you attempted to regain a weeks worth of school before you were allowed back to class. However, the familiar arguing of your three favorite heroes-to-be distracted you once again. 
The door slammed open and Bakugou, Midoriya and Todoroki stumbled into the room as if they were racing to see who would get in first. Your mind flashed back to the Sports Festival from your first year at UA. Things were so much simpler back then. And the relationship between the three of you was much less complicated. You were rivals and nothing more. Now you found yourself in an an emotional web. You were close with all of them in your own way, but the emotions between them varied. 
You held such a deep emotional bond with Midoriya. His heroic energy drew you in and his soul was pure in ways yours could never be. He help you be a better person and you were forever grateful and in his debt for that. 
Todoroki you cared for on a personal level. You knew his struggles of acceptance, defiance and trauma first hand. The two of you would often get lost in conversation that only spanned 20 words or would spend hours walking along the campus grounds saying nothing or talking absentmindedly. Plus, his deadpan sense of humor was an absolute joy to be around. 
Then, there was Bakugou. Oh, Bakugou. All of them had their own flaws but of course you had to be enamored with the one with a raging ego muddled with imposter syndrome mixed with perfectionism. He was terrible, but wonderful. A loner, and Loyal. Like you he had a very backwards way of showing his kindness and care towards others, but you’ve grown to love the way he challenges you, motivates you, and stands by you (even if its far away from the corner of his eye). You couldn’t help it. He was your person. But, both of you were too shy and stubborn to admit it. 
“Y/N...are you alright?” Your green haired little bean asked, putting your mind back to the present moment. The three of them were standing next to you. One with a look of innocence, the second a look of emotionless concern, and the third...anger and spite. 
Ah, those were the faces of your boys. 
“I’m fine,” You reassured them, “Tired, but fine. What are you all doing here?” 
“We’re here about our promise.” Todoroki spoke first. Bakugou grunted while crossing his arms and Midoriya clasped his hands together, “And we talked it over on how it will work out.” 
Your confused face further irritated the blonde, “See, I told ya she’d forget. Way to put it back in her brain IcyHot.” 
“...is this about the date?” It finally clicked, “Guys, I wasn’t serious. I mean, not all the way.” 
“Well we promised.” Midoriya reiterated. “So this week we’re taking turns! I’ll be taking you out this Monday. Then Todoroki will on Wednesday, and then its Kacchan’s turn on Friday!” 
“You’re serious? I’m still in the hospital, I can’t even breathe on my own!”  You protested.
“Well we figured that into the equation so we’re doing it all here in the hospital. You don’t even have to worry about leaving. So, what do you say Y/N?” 
All three of them eyed you while awaiting your answer, some with hopeful orbs, others with a ‘just out with it!’ expression. You let out a sigh with a smile while nodding your head, “Okay, I agree. This should be very...very interesting.”
Oh, and it was.
AN: First part complete! I’ll be breaking this up into 3 parts with each new part as a date. First up, Midoriya! Click below!
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samikozume-todoroki · 4 years
Those bugs hc were amazing ( i was laughing so hard), what about some headcanons where the reader is now too small to reach something and the boys have to help her 👉👈
(Thank you so much! Glad it made you laugh🥺 as a smol bean; I am an inventor or spidermonkey no in between. And by boys I assume Shouto and Katsuki at the least, but I’m also doing Izuku and Kirishima!)
Characters: Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Eijirou Kirishima
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Shouto Todoroki:
Mans walked into the pantry, fully intent on destroying the endeavor cereal that UA just stocked up
See you climbing on the shelves, hands losing their grip
Yoinks you so fast you don’t even realize he entered
(All I hear is the “STOOPID IM NOT GONNA LET YOU GET THE CHANCE” audio as I type this💀)
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Actual photo of shouto yoinking you
Mans holds you by the collar of your shirt, staring at you with his beautiful eyes which are full of concern and worry
“C-c-can you hel-help m-me?” Pouty and flustered the words are spit out
He puts you on the ground and goes behind you
!!! What r yO-
oh, okay
Mans picks you up by the armpits and you grab that yummy yummy Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the nasty bitch e*deavor cereal
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He is so focused on how to destroy the cereal that when you lean up to give him a peck on the jaw, he stumbles
His heart just went DokiDoki!Precure
Scurrying out of the room like a rat (same😌💅✨) you don’t know that his left side flared up- destroying half the pantry
“Well at least the cereal got destroyed”
“Half the pantry is burnt to a crisp and youRE comcerned about the Mac n cheese??”
“Ya??? Isn’t everyone??”
*everybody nods*
Katsuki Bakugou:
Katsuki firmly believes in “fuck everyone, it’s every man for himself”
But there’s a secret clause hidden in page 101, paragraph 2, sentence 3, section FU-ck; 666
(I have no idea how shit like that works, so let’s roll with it🥰)
It states “it’s every man for himself unless the short stack can’t reach jack shit, then I could lend a hand if I want”
He enters the cleaning closet and sees you banging the broom on the bleach on the top shelf
“Thread the needle what the fuck broom fuck the handle sis it ain’t hard please-“ this close to tears and suddenly
Katsuki enters, grumbling about who knows what
“What? Did you see a speck of lint in the hallway that reminded you of Izuku?”
“No” (yes actually, damn nerds lint)
Now that a hot and more importantly tall boi was here
You banged on the bleach hoping it would annoy Katsuki enough to get it for you
✨backfired bitch✨
“You could just ask for help short stack”
😳😠🥺”pls help me”
He went to reach for the bleach, doing that “cage them in by getting super close” thing and
“I-I-I tha-thank y-you” 😳
“You’re welcome”
Said with such a cocky smirk, all embarassment is gone.
Pulling him down a bit by the collar of his shirt, and then
Kissing his cheek, you linger for a few seconds, releasing him skipping out the door
Mans blew up a shelf on accident
“Why is the shelf broken?”
“Ah, normal Tuesday then”
Izuku Midoriya:
Izuku was going into the kitchen for a snack
When he stumbled upon a snacc😍
A snacc that was on their knees on the counter (no feet on the counter, nasty bitch 🤢) and tipping backwards
Full cowled over and caught you, bridal style
“Y/n be more careful! What if I didn’t catch you?! You could have cracked your head open, broken your neck, or-
“But that didn’t happen because you were here!”☺️
“gotten an concussion fall asleep and slip into a coma, got a stroke that we didn’t notice and di-“
Blushy boy becomes a tomato
Not only from your words
But your beautiful eyes that shine so warmly and a smile that always cheers him up and lips that he’s imagined kissing a couple of times-
And your voice which is so gentle and happy and holds no doubt. The way you said he was there like he would always be there and you’ll always count on him and trust him
He’s just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He sets you gently on the counter
“Can you get something for me?”
Man full cowls and within a second all the items on the top shelves are taken down and out on the counter
“I-I just needed salt??”
“Oh”😳 full cowls everything back but the salt.
You offer him some food and ask him to eat with you and this blushy simp boy is in
God y’all ain’t even dating and make everyone feel so so so single
“Oh my god, somebody please make them kiss already”
“Izuku and y/n are in the kitchen?”
“The sexual tension and mutual pining is infuriating and disgusting”
“Even bakugou agrees”💀
Eijirou Kirishima:
You regret throwing stuff on the top shelf of your closet
Why did you, oh right because “you’ll never need it, and you don’t use it”
Well you need it now
Normally you would be an
😌💅✨independant woman✨💅😌
And get a chair and do it yourself
But the only chair is the rolling chair,
and idk man it’s slightly cloudy and Mars is in retrograde so you don’t really think it’s a good day to snap your neck
So you go to the common area to steal a boy 🤩
Seeing Eijirou first, his freshly showered appearance (the hair!!!) blessed your eyes
“Ei~ Ji~ Rou~”
“Slightly scared, but yes y/n?”
“I need a tall, muscly man to help me”
He never got up so fast in his life, eyes sparkling
Eijirou’s man ego and pride was stroked and he was t h r i v i n g
His grin was so big and eyes so happy and please please please praise him and stroke his ego more I beg
Going to your room
Eiji was in heaven, first time in your room and he loved it already everything screamed you and he loved you so he loved it
(Hi I love simp Eiji and ack, I’m actually crying I simp for him so so so hard i🥺😭)
After grabbing your stuff,
You flashed him the prettiest smile
Your eyes reflected back his and it was the most beautiful piece of artwork he had ever seen
And softly, “thank you”
(Give him kithes rn 😠 I swear)
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you invited him to stay and chat
All throughout it you were like
“Sir??? You do not get to be so handsome and pretty and funny and nice and a super good person”
Omg you actually teared up a little bit when Eiji was smiling and laughing boisterously
It was so cute and you were so in love and🥺🥺🥺
You guys were first on the floor, then the bed and desk chair, then across from each other on the bed, then next to each other on the bed and
wow now you both are sleeping and cuddling.
Kiri is wrapped around you and if he woke up in the middle of the night and snuggled your small form closer it’s not anyone’s business but his
“I hate them”
“Kirishima and y/n?”
“Who else?”
“Good lord you would think they are newlyweds”
“Always rubbing it in our faces that they are soulmates”
A/n: Shouto is emotionally constipated 😠 he doesn’t know he’s crushing😠 all he knows is that he feels things😠 that are nice and warm and make his fire activate😠 this is the second version, the first got deleted because of my own stupidity. I think After fiddling with this version for around an hour, I like it more than V1. 🥺 if anyone wants anymore boys from BNHA, or some HQ boy versions send a request! I’d be happy to do it!
I am in the process of planning out a Kid Krow songfic collection for BNHA and Haikyuu (separately) and I want to hear suggestions for which character for which song! Drop an ask or find the post I talk about it (under Sami speaks) and comment!
General Taglist (open! Ask or comment on this post to be on it): @mssyprsn
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‘The Bloom In The Frost’ Part 1 Thranduil x Reader
Hello, my lovely beans! Welcome to my first fanfic. Please like and repost if you enjoy it!
Warnings: language (only one or two words, but I like to make my viewers aware)
Summary: You are thrown into the elven world at a young age and are raised in the world of your dreams. Knowing everything that is to come seems to be more of an annoyance than a curse, and you wonder if this emotionally-constipated, pain-in-the-rear royal will ever get off his high horse and listen to what you have to say.
   You were an inferno with an ice casing. You were Spring and all of its storms. You were the impossible doing the probable. You were a servant for the elven king. 
   You had been thrust into middle earth as a teenager. A lowly elven woman took pity on the strangely dressed girl with the (s/c) skin and short (h/c) hair. And, so, you became a maid for the elven king. Your former world held a forever dreaming child, bursting with imaginings to hide away from your painful reality. You were referred to as a Renaissance woman when you were fifteen in that world, well-rounded in your multitudes of passions in arts and sciences in the modern world. But, you could never imagine your future and nothing seemed right. The hereafter had a wall before it that you could not see through. 
   You finished growing up in seven years, aging thrice as fast as other children you had met. At twenty-five you seemed to be an infant to them. For everything you had, you fought for. You fought for grace to blend in, you fought for elegance in your movements. It was not natural like it was to the rest. You even fought for life. Your health would cripple you, but you would grit your teeth and push through. You fought the want to spill the future. You found sanctuary in the libraries, late at night when no sane person would be awake. 
   Thank the Lord you had never been and shall never be sane. 
   Perhaps that was what led to today. They had recently taken on a new helper, and they were currently cleaning the King’s chambers. How the new elleth had managed to climb the ladder of responsibilities so fast, you would never know, but it was clear she did not belong there. She neglected corners or moving things safely away from her reach. This meant there was twice the work for you, and you bit your lip to keep from chastising the elleth, who had only taunted you like a child when you had tried to advise her. 
   When you heard a yelp and crash behind you, you inwardly reeled. It was bad enough having to reign in your frustration, and you were quite close to bubbling over with the lack of care and mass of racism you faced. You turned to see a vase smashed on the ground, and Liliane with her mouth ajar. 
   “Are you hurt?” Was the first thing out of your mouth, maternal instincts overriding your anger to instead insure the health of your witless colleague, though it admittedly had a bite to it. 
   The brunette shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. 
   “Look at me,” You quickly commanded, rushing over to her to carefully guide her away from the mess. “Breathe, darling. You should not have been here in the first place and that was not your fault. You are new and not properly trained. I know I am younger than you and am human, but I have more experience, so listen to me next time, or anyone else for that matter.”
   She nodded, breathless. 
   “I-I can’t lose my job, I cannot, my mother will be so angry-oh!” Her hands clapped to her cheeks.
   Long ago, you had discovered that elves were much more emotional than they let on. 
   ‘This little crap better not be-’
   “If you are expecting me to take the blame for this, you are sorely mistaken,” You set the words in stone, not allowing them to be ceded by the stars.
   “It is not entirely your fault, I will talk to the Master. It was his own-”
   “What has happened here,” a low voice growled.
   ‘Death, I welcome thee.’
Part 2: X
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loftec · 4 years
YEESSS!!! Rachel Weisz 😍😍😍 I lovvvveeee, also, ❤️✨women✨❤️ in general are incredible!! :D
YES INDEED! Also, here’s a thought I had recently
Me: I don’t have crushes because crushes require that you have a desire to be with the person in some way, right? And I don’t?
Also me, a 34 year old emotionally constipated dumbass: I love Sarah Connor. If I were a character in T2 I would be the trusted friend she goes to for shelter at the low point of the movie. She trusts me because she knows I love her and would do anything for her, and because I’d never want anything from her that she can’t give. I believe her when she tells me the things she knows, but I don’t understand what it’s like to be her, I’m not driven by the same fears as she is. But she comes to me when she needs help and I do what she asks, because I know what it means for her to ask. I have a cat. Her son thinks of me as family and my home is the one place from his displaced childhood he thinks of as a home of his own. I die protecting them because I’m a secondary character and thus disposable, but important enough to cause the main characters pain and elicit sympathy from the audience. I am the gay best friend. I am the spinster aunt. I am the safe haven in the desert with a basement bunker filled with canned beans and illegal firearms.
Yikes! I think I need to learn that words can encompass all experiences, no matter how fucking fringe they may be, lol.
An incomplete list of characters I knew I had a crush on as a teenager (if I’d allowed myself a wider definition of the word ’crush’):
Sarah Connor
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Zoë Washburne
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Porthos the Pirate
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An incomplete list of characters I didn’t know I had a massive crush on until I recently rewatched the movies and had An Epiphany:
Morgan Adams (”Cutthroat Island is a really good movie actually!” Well. I would probably still argue this, but also allow that I was maybe a bit influenced by a very wet Geena Davis climbing out of near certain death and onto her ship to wreak havoc amongst the patriarchy.)
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Sue Charlton (”Mick is the cool main character and the reason I love this movie!” Uh. Incorrect. It was Sue. Sue quietly humoring all the Men around her, Sue being a reporter and good at her job, taking care of herself but accepting help when she needs it. That gorram 80s bathing suit. Sue chucking her shoes so she can sprint through NYC to stop the person she loves from leaving.)
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People whose film catalogue I would watch in their entirety as a clueless 15 year old and now i’m like OH:
Rachel Weisz AND Brendan Fraser
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Jet Li
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Richard E Grant
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Richard Ayoade
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Sandra Bullock
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People I follow on instagram as a clueless 34 year old and now i’m like OH:
Rahul Kohli
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Pedro Pascal (preferably traveling with Rahul Kohli in a version of The Mandalorian season 3 that I’m trying to manifest into reality) (Where Rahul plays a Han Solo type of charming scumbag and Din Djarin hunts him, until they end up in a situation where they have to work together and start to respect each other and GASP like each other, and when Din is injured Rahul’s character takes him to the safest place he knows, the home of his best space friend – ME – who helps patch Din up and watches them interact as Din recovers. In a nice little scene where Rahul and I are doing something domestic like peeling space potatoes, I tell him he’s an idiot and never could see what was right in front of him, but I’m obviously not talking about me and him because it’s not like that at all. I am the gay best friend in space. I officiate the space wedding. I become Grogu’s spinster space aunt. I have a cat, in space.)
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(This section of the list was perhaps mostly just a ruse to tell you about my Din/OMC headcanon)
And finally. A list of real people that I don’t actually know who I would happily pine after and give shelter when they find themselves on a quest to save the world:
Jenny Nicholson
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That’s it, she’s the list.
There you go. I’m asked a question and a year later I come back with a very complicated answer. Seems right.
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ghosthunthq · 4 years
Two Genies, One Bottle - A GH Genie Au
By @thisurlplease
It was Monday. Again. Not that Mai hated Mondays per se, but they got exhausting sometimes. And she had started the day off on such a high, too, feeling rejuvenated from her lazy weekend. But then her class assignments piled up, she didn’t have enough cash for a decent lunch, and she had a lovely stack of bills waiting for her in her mailbox. It was tough trying to scrape by as an orphan, but she was managing somehow.
Mai’s stomach growled in complaint, reminding her just how little she had for lunch. “Don’t give me that tone, young lady,” she chastised, “I’m doing the best I can.”
She sighed and lay back on the grass. “Sooner or later, something’s gotta give.” If only she could catch a break, find a job that paid well and left time for school, or something. Stumble upon a hidden treasure…
Mai’s musings were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes. She quickly sat up, trying not to psych herself out. Perfectly normal, non-scary animals lived in bushes on the edge of a wooded area. She just had to handle this calmly.
“Okay, creepy monster, you better not jump out at me. I’ve got a…” Mai paused to rummage in her bag, pulling out the sharpest thing she could find. “Aha! A pencil. I’ve got a pencil.”
“Mrow.” A black and white cat with mismatched eyes popped its head out of the bushes.
“Oh, you’re a cat. I can deal with that.” Mai had secretly been hoping to take in a stray. “Here, Mister Kitty-kitty.”
But the kitty did not come. In fact, he bolted towards the woods.
“Wait, come back!” Something in Mai told her she needed to follow this cat. So she did.
The cat was fast, but she managed to catch up to it in a clearing. It was like it was waiting for her. She gulped in a lungful of air, smiling triumphantly. “Hey, handsome boy. You wanna be my kitty-cat?”
The cat stared at her silently.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” She scooped the cat up into her arms. 
And suddenly she was falling. “Oh ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—” Mai screamed, but before she could finish the expletive, she landed in a pile of leaves with a muffled fwomp.
“Oof, again?” Mai had fallen in a hole or two before. “Dang it, who keeps just leaving these holes in the middle of the ground?”
Mai sat up with some effort, rustling around noisily in the leaves. As she did so, her hand made contact with something cold and solid. It felt similar to a glass bottle, but with ridges all around. Pulling it from the leaves, she examined it. It was a ridged bottle like she had thought, with a long neck and bulbous base, but there was an eerie glow to it. She dusted it off, trying to get a look inside.
“Hm, what is thi— Oh!”
Smoke swirled from the mouth of the bottle, rising into a large cloud. Slowly, it took shape until a bizarre creature stood— floated before her. It was as if the creature was suspended in water, his hair gently swaying back and forth. His skin was a pale blue with brilliant blue tattoos adorning his face and chest.
“I wish for more genies!” Mai blurted.
“WAIT, YOU CAN’T JUST—” The genie cut off, his eyes widening. There was a loud poof and the genie erupted into a giant cloud of steam. 
“Oh geez, I can’t see a thing! Mr. Genie guy?” Mai coughed. “Oh gross, I think I just inhaled genie.”
“It’s not genie,” said an irritated voice beside her. “It’s the result of an exothermic reaction from magical discharge.”
“A what now?” Mai asked, trying to wave some of the steam away.
“We’re so hot, we made it all steamy up in here,” came the exact same voice, albeit in a more jubilant tone, from her other side.
“Wait a second…” Mai squinted. She could just make out two shapes in the clearing steam. “Are there two of you now?”
“Yeah! And it’s awesome.” There was a gasp. “I can see my hands… O.M.G! I’m a real boy!”
The steam had cleared now, and instead of a genie, there appeared to be two tall, pale, and extremely skinny teenage boys.
“No,” said the other one, who was clearly unimpressed, “you’re still a genie.”
“Riiiiight, a real boy named Gene.”
The cat, which Mai had completely forgotten about, mrow’d again.
“Oh, hey Lin!” said Gene, the happier of the two, “Glad to see you’re still hanging around. You’re really taking this guardian business seriously.”
“He’s your cat?” Mai asked.
“He’s not a cat,” answered the other guy— genie. “He was cursed. Just like we were.”
“Yeah,” Gene cut in, “some witch didn’t like us junking up his mojo, so he turned Lin into a cat and us into a single genie. And man, is it good to have my own body again.”
Mai frowned. “Why a genie?”
Gene waved his hand around. “Servitude, blah, blah, blah.”
“Because,” the other interrupted, “Gene liked to flaunt his name around. The witch thought it’d be ironic.”
“And because,” Gene added sassily, “this guy can’t stand being stuck with me.”
The other looked away moodily.
“Well, okay,” Mai said, “you’re both still genies, then? Does that mean I still get wishes?”
“Yup!” Gene nodded. “Five, to be exact. But listen, you can’t wish for anymore genies.”
“How come?”
“Well, honestly, we just don’t have that kind of power now that we’re split in two. And it was just luck we were two entities in the first place.”
“Dumb luck,” the bad-tempered genie muttered.
Mai stood arms akimbo, scowling at him. “You’re just mad you’re a weak genie.”
“I’m plenty powerful. Besides, I don’t need magic to get by when I have intellect like mine.”
“Wow, you’re pretty narcissistic, aren’t you? I bet it doesn’t hurt none that you’re handsome, too,” Mai said sarcastically.
“You think I’m handsome, huh? Well, thanks. It comes in handy.”
“Wow, okay. I’ll just call you Naru the Narcissist from now on.”
“Ha!” Gene suddenly belted out. “The name fits you perfectly, Naru.”
Mai swore, honest to god, she saw Naru blush.
“Whatever,” he muttered, “get to wishing.”
“Hold on. Mai could really help us out.”
“How so?” she asked.
“Break our curses, pretty please?” Gene smiled, placing his hands together. “Please?”
“That would leave me with…” Mai counted on her fingers. “Two wishes? You, Naru, and Lin would need the other three?”
“I’m amazed, she can count.”
“Grrr. Maybe I just won’t break your curse then, Naru.”
“Mai, please, he’s just emotionally constipated. He’d be eternally grateful.”
“Okay,” Mai sighed. “I guess I’d feel bad leaving him down here to rot.”
“Good!” Gene smiled brilliantly. “Now what do you want?”
“What do I want?” Mai murmured to herself. This was a huge decision. “Well, for one, I wish we weren’t stuck in this stupid, dumb hole.”
“Boom, done!” Gene snapped and clapped his hand to his fist, then they were suddenly no longer in a stupid, dumb hole. They were back in the woods by Mai’s home.
“Gene!” Mai whined as she shielded her eyes from the unexpected brightness, “I didn’t mean that to be a real wish!”
“Tch, dummy,” Naru huffed.
“Hey mister, you are not nice!” Mai snapped, shaking her finger at him. “At least I got us out of that hole before you were both normal humans.”
“There was an exit,” Naru said blandly. “Or did you think we were all just dropped in through that hole you fell through?”
“Fine, whatever. Next wish is for you, then, Mr. Narcissist.” She quietly cleared her throat. “Since he’s been patiently waiting without snarky commentary, I first wish to break the curse on Lin-san.”
Naru snapped his fingers and very suddenly, Lin was no longer a cat. Instead, he was a man… a very tall, bean-pole of a man, with a long fringe over his right eye.
“Holy smokes, you’re tall.”
“Yes, I think he knows that. What’s your next wish?”
“Oh, uh, I wish to break your curse and make you human again.”
Naru snapped his fingers and… did not look any different.
“Did it work?”
“Yes,” he said plainly.
“Okay, then. Gene, final wish before I make you human again.” She took a deep breath. She knew this was the way to go. Yes, riches would greatly improve her life, but they couldn’t last forever, right? What was the saying? Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day, but teach him to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime. Right, then. “I wish I had a cool job that pays well and allows time for school work.”
“Boom. You’re a paranormal investigator, Naru’s your boss, Lin and I are your coworkers.”
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birdyverdie · 6 years
Positive vibes only bitches
seeing a lot of character hate in my dash and?? ew disgusting. so how about a post about why i love all the Marvel characters ey?
Tony: Pure bean nerd, so tired and so curious about the world around? remember that starry eyed look he had in im2 with the new element?? damn. Also do you not see him caring for inanimate objects like Dummy and U? like wow me too. he is so sentimental and cares so much but is emotionally constipated and can’t show it :/ Also just wants the world to be safe and sure, he makes mistakes but Tony Stark never makes the same mistake twice.
Steve: lawless righteous man. Loyal?? to like a fault but that doesnt remove how freaking powerful he is. he tries to do whats best for the team and it shows and he is really careful about everything. also that little weasle tried to illegally enlist his 90+ lbs asthma self to the army? wow. Steve Rogers is literally teaching us to follow ur dreams and one day you will achieve it. also? art goals.
Natasha: black widow queen baby! .like she’s so wary bcuz of red room and it probably still haunts her and she really wants to be a better person. Red ledger? she’s trying to grab a sponge and a hell of a lot of bleach to clean it out. Knows she made mistakes and is actively trying to fix it and is so strong by doing so <3 plus she will steal ur clothes if she likes you and will beat anyone up and it really shows
 Bruce: what a shy lil scientist boy. surprisingly witty and funny? like wow have you seen AoU and Ragnarok? a powerful man regardless of his green. insecurity that reeks across the room but can become so confident so quickly. 7 phds??? damn can you help me with my physics homework pleasE? also is teaching us?? that all things will get better soon and you can do it. Go past all your fears and insecurity because theres a strength inside of you that can be released so easily <3
Clint: what a hecking trickster, probably the super milder version of Loki because he has those™ vibes. honestly just tired and wants to go hope to his family and his dog named lucky. he’s?? so underrated?? and is funny and i really like this character and i hope we get to see more of him/ronin in Endgame <3
Thor: So sweet, like terrifying when he wants to be but such a bright and innocent soul. Definitely the light of the party. Im not gonna lie im really happy they took out his Shakespearean schtick and made him much more relatable and smart. like? “All words are made up” finally!! we can see him for who he really is!! 1500+ year old wise god with powerful skills but empathy. character arc!! used to be a screaming baby with goals of genocide but finally learned the true ways!! and damn if Marvel isn’t all about change. He sees a mess? and he goes and fixes it to the best of his ability
Bucky: haha 1942 science nerd. Legit went to a science expo because he likes it!! he’s also so loyal and confused and is really just tired of war and is filled with regret. He wants to be better and not be a tool. because no more! no more! he got brainwashed first so now he’s going to take control of his life and become the best person he can be!!
Sam: wow?? look at how strong this guy is. his partner died and instead of wallowing and turning to rage he just? decided to help people with PTSD? like thats some major strength right there. he literally is the type of “something bad happens to you? dont let it get you down and help others out” like wow so hecking powerful. quippy sarcastic but well-natured and i strive to be like him!! really underrated!!
T’Challa: Wakan’t do this forever but he tries. he?? took the mantle of King right after his father’s death because he knows he can’t fail everyone else. They need a ruler. And he provides that . freaking best older brother you can ask for, like?? he knows jack shit about Shuri’s references but tries to go with the flow.
Stephen: snark™ king 2.0. do no harm but take no shit. thats literally his character and i love it. really wants to try to find the most peaceful resolution to everything even though he is a major badass and can kill so many enemies so easily. character growth!! like damn he really taught us that it’s not about us. its about the others and it really shows. like wow wheres the love for this guys?
Vision: oh man everyone loves Jarvis and he?? is part of Vision and you can see the Jarvis reeking out. He’s so witty and powerful and damn. Absolute walking computer, you can ask him to play whatever song and he’ll somehow be able to do it. strikes me as a pinocchio kinda guy. i mean a sentient robot in a human world? must be kinda hard to fit in. 
Wanda: powerful goddess like damn have you even seen her?? she’s so angry with the world and with loss but is quick to change her views. she changes and thats all that matters. because people don’t stay the same way. She teaches us that it’s possible to change even though it goes against all of your beliefs. Everything that you stand for. she aims to fix her mistakes and learns from them.
Peter: PUREST BEAN. like so stressed with school, but so responsible. Well....unless you disregard all his missing backpacks. he honestly has one goal and that is to help the people. he’s literally the representation of everything we want for a leader. So capable and he knows it and just tries to reach his potential the fastest and quickest he can. plus vine refrences?? says “more expresso less depresso” despite probably disliking coffee. like damn no wonder why everyone just wants to adopt this kid. 
Rhodey: Will take none of your bullshit, he sees you with negative thoughts or whatever? will tell you that ur so hecking wrong and you better think better of yourself. so positive but so realistic. tries to do what is best and doesn’t let any silly thing like a disability bring him down. He out there ready to kick some ass and he will do it with style, man. nothing can bring him down.
Scott: World’s greatest grandma. have you seen how nice and parental he is with his daughter? like get me a dad like Scott please i beg. His whole characters surrounds around trying to be the best dad he can be to Cassie. He’s also  funny and witty and a goof but a planner. sees something that can help? will absolutely take it regardless if he knows what the hell is going on or not. he knows that people are smarter than him and won’t take offense because heck yeah you go support!! moral support!!
No hate please!! i will block anyone with any hate comments!! i dont wanna hear it!!! i love all the characters so take your hate somewhere else!!!
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roggling · 6 years
Prompt can you do kallura nd wiht a dash of plance of Keith asking allura out instead before they leave to fight ( basically like s8ep1)
A/N: I got so invested into this one shot I got all the way up to 5,000+ words. uwu. This work is just a ball of fluff tbh (except for some angst that immediately turns to fluff) I just…I love this piece. It’s probably my favorite fic I have ever written.
It’s been a couple months since they’ve recovered from Honerva’s robeast and they’ve spent every waking moment improving and preparing the ATLAS for launch. It’s hard to believe they were leaving tomorrow again.
“Tomorrow, the defenders of the Universe, Team Voltron, and Earth’s very own ATLAS will be launching tomorrow to search for the creator of the robeast that attacked our beloved Team Voltron and tried to take all our quintessence. There will be a celebration in their honor before they leave and a select few are invited to watch them depart along with their families they’re leaving behind. The Garrison has invited…”
The voice of the reporter faded into the distance as he sat with Lance, Hunk, and Pidge for lunch. He could hear Lance talking animatedly with Hunk and Pidge, but he wasn’t really paying attention. He felt a void. Allura didn’t get to eat with them yesterday nor today. She was so busy dealing with the Altean and prepping the ATLAS for launch, she hasn’t been able to spend much time with the team since they discovered the Altean.
“I think they’re hinting at something between Keith and Allura, too.”
That sure woke him up.
At his incredulous tone, Pidge and Hunk smirked knowingly and Lance rose a suspicious eyebrow before responding, “We were talking about the Voltron show that just came out. Weren’t you listening?”
“Sorry,” Keith sighed, “I was just…thinking.”
Hunk bit into the mashed potatoes in his plate and asked with his mouth full, “Does it have to do with Allura?”
At his confession, Hunk and Pidge high-fived and pointed at him excitedly, though he was still in haze, and they yelled in unison, “I knew it!”
Keith jumped at the sudden exclamation and looked like a deer caught in headlights, “What?”
“You like Allura, don’t you?”
Keith was slightly creeped out by how interested Hunk looked in an obvious question. He scoffed, “Of course I like Princess Allura. I like all of you.”
Pidge facepalmed, “Not that kind of like, Keith. We know you like us. We’re asking if you like like Allura.”
Keith narrowed his eyes in complete exasperation, “There’s more than one type of like?”
“Oh for goodness sake,” Lance mumbled, “Do you have a crush on Allura, Keith?”
Keith stabbed his green beans and shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Lance gave him an unamused face, “What do you mean, you don’t know? You either like her or you don’t.”
Keith shrugged, “Then I guess… I like her? Like doesn’t seem to describe it”
“You guess? Then what would describe it?” Hunk asked, munching on his steak and listening to their obliviously lovestruck leader try to form his affections into words.
“Well, I mean, I care for her, there’s no doubt about that. But I don’t get the butterflies in my stomach or a ridiculous blush on my face. I just want to see her happy and hear her laugh everyday and make sure she’s okay. I don’t want her to get hurt any more and I want to see her grow stronger and wiser everyday. She’s amazing and, yeah, she’s beautiful, she’s so much more than that. She’s helped me become comfortable in my own skin and- why are you all looking at me like that?”
Hunk had a knowing look on his face, “That’s the most you have ever spoken in a conversation.”
Pidge smirked, “And I thought I was the rambler.”
“You still are.”
Lance was quiet while Hunk and Pidge teased Keith for his newly revealed crush. He wasn’t expecting Keith to say so much, really. It was much deeper than a simple crush. He paused. It’s deeper than my crush. Looking back at Keith he couldn’t help but notice that Keith was much more fidgety than usual. Lance fought off a smile. If Allura was the only one who managed to get the ever-stoic Keith flustered, heck, she’s the only one who should be with him.
Lance chuckled, catching the attention of the bickering three and smirked at Keith knowingly, “You’ve got it bad, man.”
Keith blinked, “I do?”
The team nodded and smiled proudly at their leader who’s finally showing some sort of emotion other than ‘indifference’ or ‘annoyance’.
“But I don’t blush.”
Pidge sighed in exasperation, “You’re not an anime schoolgirl in love with her senpai, Keith.”
“Now that I think about it, our senpai would be Shiro,” Hunk added.
“Actually,” Pidge fixed her glasses and had slipped into her gremlin grin, “Keith’s also our senpai. He is a year older than us.”
Lance leaned into Keith and whispered, “Notice me senpai!”
Hunk and Pidge lost their sh!t laughing and Keith just decided he shouldn’t ask.
“Okay so I have a “crush” on Allura, what’s the big deal?”
Lance sat back down in his seat and got serious, “This is a big deal! You need to take her out on a date, man.”
“A date? The day before launch date?”
“Well,” Pidge started, waving around a piece of steak on her fork, “It’s our last day on Earth, who knows when we’ll be back?”
Keith pondered for a while and considered, “Well, I guess you’re right.”
“Of course we’re right,” Pidge chewed on her meat.
“But how do I ask her?”
“Oh come on, Keith,” Lance scooped up a spoonful of his mashed potatoes, “It’s not hard, just ask her out.”
“Okay, loverboy Lance,” Keith teased and turned his body to look at him directly, “With all the girls you’ve dated, you must’ve had a lot of first dates. What do you think I should do?”
“Oh,” Hunk cut in, “Lance’s first date was at Chuck E. Cheese when he was 12.”
Lance’s eyes widened and he yelled at Hunk with a look of betrayal evident on his face, “Hunk!”
“And a little eight-year-old stole all his tickets from his pocket when he tried to flirt with the cashier into giving him a few extra tokens.”
Keith shook his head fondly at his right hand man’s flustered and betrayed banter back and forth with Hunk. He turned to Pidge, who had a small blush on her face and a lingering smile playing on her lips as she swerved her fork left and right in her mashed potatoes. He rose a brow in question, “What about you, Pidge?”
“Huh?” She jumped up and paused swooshing her fork, almost dropping it.
“Do you have any first date experience you’d like to share?”
“I don’t think my input would help at all. If you haven’t noticed,” Pidge sassed, “I’m a tomboy and Allura is very girly. We’re both on the opposite ends of femininity.”
“Come on, Pidge,” Lance encouraged her, “You must know some advice for our emotionally constipated leader.”
Keith sent Lance a glare but the latter just winked.
“Oh, well, uh… no one’s ever asked me out on a date…” she trailed off.
“Really?” Lance was the first one to ask and Pidge almost jumped in her seat at the attention. Keith rose a brow at the two and he soon caught Hunk’s gaze, knowing immediately that the Samoan teen knew exactly what he was thinking about.
Phase 2 of Date Night has officially started.
“Then why don’t you three go out too while I take Allura out on a date?”
The two lovebirds blinked up at Keith and then looked at Hunk. He rose his arms and with a faux apologetic look he helped Keith out, “Sorry, guys, I can’t join you too. I already asked Shay if she wanted to go to my favorite restaurant with me and I can show her the jewels in a nearby abandoned mine.”
Keith rose an amused brow, “So it’s a triple date night?”
Pidge flushed immediately, which amused Keith because people did blush like that in front of their crush, and she stammered, “A d-date?”
Lance beamed at Pidge and leaned on his elbow, “Why not pigeon?”
“Don’t call me that,” she warned, an adorable “angry” (read: amused) face.
After a second of consideration she relented, “Fine. You better not screw it up, Lance.”
Lance smiled, “I would never.”
“That still doesn’t help the fact that I don’t know where to take Allura.”
“Come on, Keith, just think,” Hunk advised, “What’s something that Allura would love to see?”
Keith stopped and took a moment to consider his options. Allura is actually really homesick right now and is striving to find her people. She needs a break, though. She would really love to see anything that resembles something from Altea after seeing the Castle of Lions be destroyed and after losing her planet.
Keith paused.
He smiled.
He knew exactly where to take her.
He convinced himself that he will ask her after the meeting and before she can head for the med bay again. He had to. He wanted her to relax and also…he had to apologize for many things. He followed her out, but she was engaged in conversation with Romelle. Behind him, he could feel Lance, Hunk, and Pidge’s deep stares at his back and he took a deep breath.
Once they were out the door, he jogged behind the two girls and called out, “Allura!”
The yell came out a bit louder than he intended and he definitely got her attention. Allura turned around and smiled, “Hello, Keith. What is it?”
Keith stopped in front of them and he smiled softly, “Oh, nothing, really. I was just…uh…”
Allura smiled as she waited for him to finish and dang it there go the butterflies, Pidge you quiznaking liar.
“I-Would…Would you like to go out…tonight? Mom will be out with Acxa tonight making last minute preparations with the Blades so I’ll be alone. I was wondering if you’d like to eat dinner with…me?”
He was sure he had to be blushing right now. He’s never felt so nervous before. Behind her, he could see Romelle smiling knowingly at him, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge all joining her with the same look on her face and he was sure he was going to melt into a puddle of embarrassed blushes. Especially when he sees her dazzling smile and sympathetic face.
“I would love to, Keith, but I can’t,” he could see Hunk, Lance, and Pidge droop their heads behind them and he’s sure he would be doing the same if he wasn’t in her direct line of sight.
“Allura,” Romelle put a hand on her shoulder, “I know you’re worried about Luca, but we’re worried about you. It’ll be good for you to relax one night and clear your head.”
“Yeah,” Keith added, “You deserve some rest, princess.”
He blinked.
“Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be with me. You can still relax without me. But I’d like to…relax…with you?”
He really wanted to die right there.
Allura turned to look at him and she smiled warmly and, almost immediately, his worries went away and he smiled softly back and he practically beamed when he heard her answer, “Dinner would be nice. I’d love to.”
Keith beamed, “Great! I-uh-I’ll see you tonight. In the truck garage. At six.”
“Okaayyyy,” Lance stepped in, grabbing Keith from his shoulders and pulling him away from the Princess, “Let’s go away slowly before you scare her off with your awkwardness.”
After Allura made one final check up with the Altean, both she and Romelle headed for the garden to find the Green Paladin. When the doors slid open, they found her working on some plants with her mother on the other side of the room. Allura walked in, followed closely by Romelle, and smiled, “Hello, Pidge. Do you have a moment?”
Pidge turned around, Allura noticing she’s unusually giddy this morning since lunch, and smiled, “Sure, Allura. What’s up?”
“Well, uh,” Allura trailed off, looking at corner of the room and way too flustered to continue.
Romelle, however, had no problem speaking out her thoughts and she grabbed Allura’s shoudlers in excitement and blurted out, “We need to go shopping! She has a date with flippity hair!”
Pidge’s smile faltered, “Shopping?”
The dreaded word sent shivers up her spine.
“Yes!” Romelle exclaimed, “Where do you buy proper courting vestments?”
Behind the trio, an amused laugh interrupted their conversation and the three turned to Colleen, who was eyeing her daughter with the same mischief Allura has seen on Pidge’s own face multiple times before.
“Katie? Fashion? That’s a good one.”
Allura smiled at the older woman’s joke and turned to Pidge once the girl started speaking, ignoring Romelle’s whispered, “I thought her name was Pidge.”
“I heard the mall has reopened. I’ve been wanting to check it out,” she eyed her mother, “but I’m grounded.”
“Grounded?” Romelle asked, “I wasn’t aware humans could float.”
“No, no. It just means I’m not allowed to leave my mom’s supervision. It’s a form of punishment.”
“What are you grounded for?” Allura asked, concern clearly etched on her face for her grounded friend.
“She’s grounded because apparently my daughter thinks that running away from home and gallivanting off into space without her mother’s permission is an acceptable activity for a 15-year-old.”
Allura blinked in surprise, but she really didn’t even have time to react before Katie-Pidge exploded, “Well, apparently finding my brother and saving my father from an intergalactic tyrant doesn’t get me a pass!”
Romelle hid behind Allura at the face-off of the Holt women, and Allura couldn’t blame her, she would have too after she saw Mrs. Holt’s face when she said, “Not on your life, young lady.”
Allura smiled nervously and intertwined her fingers together in a pleading way, “Please, Colleen. I could really use her help.”
Immediately, the air calmed down and Colleen smiled, “Well, now that you mention it. I was thinking about going to the mall today. I guess I’ll join you girls.”
“Moooom, please,” Pidge begged.
“Besides,” Colleen ignored her sulking daughter, “I won’t pass up a chance to help my daughter choose her outfit for her first date.”
“A date?” Allura asked, turning her body to look at Pidge and raising her eyebrow.
“With who?” Romelle asked, placing both hands on her shoulders and set her head right beside Pidge’s.
The girl in question fixed her glasses and looked away, “Well, uh, with Lance…”
“Pointy chin?!” Romelle exclaimed brightly.
Colleen smiled, seeing that her daughter was uncharacteristically flustered and decided to tease her further as an extension of her punishment, “Yes. Lance came by and asked Sam and I if we would let her off her punishment for tonight. Of course, we wouldn’t have said no to such a well-mannered boy. Also, Pidge seemed quite smitten when she introduced us the first time.”
The older woman chuckled and decided that she’s provoked her daughter enough and decided to tend to her plants instead.
Allura smiled at the woman in thanks and plucked a growling Pidge off the ground and slid her way out of the room, “Thank you, Colleen. We’re going to go get the other girls while you watch over your plants.”
Keith stood in front of Coran’s door and he could already feel the intense overexcitement wafting out the door. But he had to do this if he wanted tonight to go right. He sighed and knocked on the door, surprised for it to immediately open once Coran asked, “Yes?”
Once the doors opened completely, Coran flipped his shirt and he grinned once he saw Keith at the threshold, “Ah, Keith! Come in, young lad! To what do I owe this visit?”
“Hey, Coran. I wanted to ask you about Allura.”
“Sure. What is it? No one knows her better than I do. Except for maybe the mice, but they have a telepathic connection to her, which seems like cheating to me.”
“Uh… yeah. Well, I have a date with her tonight and-”
“What?! A date?! But you’re not even royalty nor Altean. Much less Altean royalty!”
Keith backed up from Coran’s invasion of personal space and placed his hands on the older man’s shoulders to lightly pull him away, “I don’t think she cares about things like that Coran.”
“Did you even ask her primary guardian?”
Keith rose a brow, “Is that you?”
Coran grinned, “Yep!”
Soon Keith found himself being pushed out of his room, “Now count to zingor and knock.”
“But I don’t know the Altean numeri-”
Before he finished his sentence, Coran’s doors slid shut and Keith was left staring at the door and hearing buzzing and thumping on the other side of the door. He sighed and knocked, the buzzing and thumping immediately stopping and the doors slid open.
It looked as if Coran completely changed the room’s layout. Is that a fireplace? Keith blinked in surprise and then he saw Coran in a big chair facing a small bench and he was “smoking” a pipe, bubbles coming out of the end.
“Ah, Keith. Please come in, have a seat.”
Keith could already feel himself regretting this as he sat down in front of the exuberant man.
“Exactly what makes you think you’re qualified for such a prestigious position? For example, who are your references?”
“What are you talking about, Coran?”
“You see, I’ll need at least two notarized certificates of commendation speaking of your greatness from reliable sources before I’ll even consider giving you my approval,” Keith sighed.
“But since I know you to be an honorable young man, I’ll make an exception for you.”
Keith sighed in relief.
“But… you must do something about that outfit. Altean courting vestments are essential. Seeing as we’re not on Altea, we’ll just have to make do.”
Coran pulled out the most ridiculous get up Keith has ever seen and he inhaled deeply, “No way.”
Coran was left alone in the room.
Keith made his way inside the garage, grateful to see that Allura still hasn’t arrived yet and rushed to one of the garage doors and pressed a button to open it up. Behind it was a replica of his old bike there sitting in the dust. He flicked out a rag dangling from one of his belt loops and got to work.
He heard the doors of the garage slide open when he wiped away the last streak of dust on the bike. He stood up and leaned up against the bike. He realized he doesn’t exactly look cool with a rag in his hands and he threw it away from him in a second and crossed his arms. Allura emerged from behind a few trucks, looking around for him and he stayed quiet to just watch her and appreciate how she looked.
But she didn’t give him much time to check her out because she turned in his direction and smiled when she saw him. He smiled in return and took a few steps to meet her in the middle. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, not really knowing what to do with them and prayed to the ancients that he would somehow know what he was supposed to be doing.
“You look beautiful.”
He assumed he said the right thing because Allura’s cheeks got a soft blush on them. She smiled back warmly and pushed her hair behind her ear, “Thank you. You look very handsome.”
In reality, Keith was lucky enough that Lance had forced him to go out shopping a few days ago when he admitted that his old clothes don’t fit him any more. If not, he probably would have been wearing his Garrison uniform tonight.
He smiled, “Thanks.”
Once the two reached the hoverbike, he patted the seat and asked, “You ready?”
Allura looked at its side and rose a brow, “What is that? Some sort of pod?”
Keith chuckled and handed her a helmet, “Not really. It’s a hoverbike. It’s not really suited for transportation in space, but it’s really fun to ride on the surface.”
Allura slid the helmet on and watched Keith get on, “Have you ever ridden one?”
“Yeah, I used to ride these all the time with Shiro when I was a kid.”
Allura nodded and she clasped her hands together, waiting for some sort of instruction to handle the contraption. Keith turned around after prepping the hover bike and he held out a hand, “Get on behind me.”
Allura’s eyes widened, “What?”
Keith took her hand and led her to the open space behind him. Allura held on tight as she swung her leg over the bike, inwardly chuckling at how scandalized her mother would be if she saw how Allura was dressed and how close she was to Keith. Once Allura was situated, Keith brought her hand to his abdomen and squeezed her hand, prompting her to squeeze his shirt. With his other hand, he brought her other hand to do the same.
“You’re gonna want to hold on tight,” Keith suggested, a sense of pride swelling in his chest when he sees the faint blush on Allura’s cheeks grow with each passing second. He flicked his wrist, powering up the hoverboard and Allura gasped as the contraption glowed and lifted off the ground. She chuckled incredulously as they were floating off the ground and Keith smirked as he flicked his wrist again, prompting the hoverbike’s engine to rev and they both took off out of the Garrison’s garage doors.
Allura laughed in absolute joy at the wind pushing her hair back and squeezed Keith’s abdomen tighter as she leaned her head on top of his back to watch the desert whiz past them. A few minutes into the ride, she yelled, “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see soon enough. We’re almost there.”
She held on tight when she felt Keith go faster and she whooped as they descended down a hill. At the far corner of her peripheral, she could see a small, run-down building sitting in solitude before they took a sharp turn and headed for some rock formations.
They entered the rocky terrain and she marveled up at the rocks above her, awing at it’s strange beauty. Keith slowed down eventually and he stopped in front of a cave opening. Once the engine purred to a stop, he swung his leg over the seat and held a hand for Allura to get off the hoverbike. She took it gratefully and did the same, stumbling a bit since she was still a bit dizzy from the ride.
Keith quickly gave her his second arm for her to balance herself and asked softly, “You okay?”
She nodded, “Yes, thank you.”
He smiled and let go of her hands and Allura could have sworn he was blushing. She followed after him, carefully stepping over stray rocks and the rough terrain on the ground. Once Keith was deep enough inside, he turned around and smiled as Alura just looked around at the cave’s carvings.
She rose an eyebrow and studied them carefully, “Are these drawings?”
Keith held an amused look as she walked around the cave’s opening blinking at the drawings carved into the walls and suddenly it clicked, “Is this where you all found the Blue Lion?”
Keith nodded fondly and Allura’s beaming smile was brighter than any he’s seen before. This is amazing, she whispered and she lifted a hand to brush it over the carvings and, before she knew it, they all light up in a dazzling, glowing blue. She jumped away from it in surprise and awed at the beautiful display.
She turned around in a circle gasping when she saw the beautiful color light up the whole cave. She saw dazzling blue embers dancing around them both and she twirled, causing a small flurry of to spin around her. She laughed and opened her palm, beaming when a couple landed in her palm and glowed brightly before she blew them away to join their buddies again.
She turned and looked at Keith, surprised to find his gaze resting only on her. She blushed slightly and opted to watch the small embers again and whispered, “This is beautiful.”
Keith turned away too, convinced that his cheeks must also be flushed, and smiled fondly, “I thought you would say that.”
He offered her his hand again and Allura looked at it before looking back up at Keith. She took his hand slowly and allowed him to pull her along a small pathway. Eventually they came upon a flat opening and, there on the ground, she saw a small blanket and a basket sitting in the middle. Keith led her down the jagged steps and Allura giggled, “Are we having a picnic?”
He looked up at her with such insecurity, Allura just wanted to hug him. He broke eye contact and looked at the side, “Is that alright?”
Allura smiled encouragingly, “Of course! I haven’t had a picnic in deca-phoebs.”
His smile returned and Allura let him help her sit down on the floor, she folded her feet under her and smiled as Keith prepared the dinner. She looked around, noticing that there was a rush of water right beside them and found the sound calming. The area was lit up by multiple carvings, each one depicting a different story.
She was only entranced away from the carvings when a delicious smell wafted in the air. She turned her head and gasped in delight when she saw a plate before her and a strange food sitting and waiting to be devoured.
But it smelled delicious.
“Keith,” she trailed away.
“I’m not much of a cook. Nothing close to Hunk,” he started, looking away shyly, “But I did have to cook for myself a few years once I moved out of my foster parent’s home. This is something I would cook all the time.”
She took a fork in hand and stabbed one of the small bits of the dinner, being smacked in the face with the appetizing smell, and took it all in one bite. She sighed in content at the burst of flavor and almost moaned as she chewed.
“This is absolutely divine, Keith,” she stabbed another small bit, “What is it?”
“It’s macaroni with beef and tomatoes. It’s really simple, not that big of a deal.”
“This is better than anything I’ve ever eaten at home. It’s truly delicious.”
Keith chuckled and looked away, “Thanks, Princess.”
At the foreign nickname, Allura paused and dropped her hand beside the plate. She sighed, “You don’t have to call me that, Keith.”
He blinked and finished chewing before asking, “What do you mean?”
“I’m no longer a princess, Keith. My planet’s gone and my people don’t even know I exist.”
Keith furrowed his eyebrows, “And?”
“Princess, no matter what. You are who you are. Nothing changes that. My whole life… I was light years away from anything related to my mom. That doesn’t change I’m part Galra, does it?”
Allura looked up at Keith and was immediately struck by his soft features looking back at her. He shifted his hand a bit to brush against hers and whispered, “No matter what the circumstances are, you are the Princess of Altea. That will never change. So I’ll always call you the title you deserve.”
Allura returned his soft smile and she enveloped him in a tight hug. Keith froze for a second, not expecting the sudden affection, but he eventually returned the embrace and hugged her tight. Allura whispered a soft and broken, “Thank you.”
Keith sighed and pulled away, meeting Allura’s happy smile with sadness in his eyes and he whispered, “I’m so sorry.”
Allura rose an inquisitive brow and prompted him to continue, “I said horrible things to you when we were stuck in space.”
“Keith it’s alright, you weren’t yourself at the time.”
“The thing is,” Keith whispered breathlessly and turned away in shame, “I was actually thinking along those lines. Not about your father. That comment came up on the fly. But what I said about you and Lotor? Yeah, I was thinking about that for a while.”
Allura gasped and whispered softly and slightly hurt, “Keith…”
“I never blamed you, though. I actually always blamed myself,” he admitted and looked up at her apologetically, “Maybe if I was there with the team, I wouldn’t have let Lotor hurt you guys so close,” he turned away again guiltily, “I was mad at myself for leaving you all. I was mad for leaving you, Allura.”
His voice hitched when he felt Allura grab his hand and he looked up, finding her own guilty face staring back at him, “Well, to tell you the truth, my comment also came the heart. I was always wondering why you would leave us and I thought to myself that it was my fault that you left. That I didn’t act to stop you from leaving us in the most crucial moment of the war.”
She squeezed his hand and Keith found himself unable to look away from her blue eyes and she whispered brokenly, “We needed you with us, Keith. Why did you leave?”
Keith licked his lips, “I guess it’s because I didn’t feel like the leader you all deserved. I was becoming so attached to you all, I got scared.”
Allura grabbed his cheek and whispered, “Scared of what?”
Keith looked up at her and his eyes shined a low indigo under the blue highlights and whispered back, “I was scared of losing you.”
A deep sense of dread was in the pit of her stomach when Keith continued, “Everyone I’ve ever loved was taken away from me in one way or another and I didn’t want that to happen to you guys. You all became my family. I didn’t know what to do.”
Allura smiled and nodded softly, “I felt the same way. You all became my family when I lost Altea. You all became my only. Here though,” she exhaled, “I feel like everyone has a home to return to. All except for me.”
Keith was the one who initiated the hug this time, softly wrapping his arms around her and whispering a faint, “I love you.”
She pulled away slowly and she stared at him incredulously and whispered a faint, “What?”
Keith lifted a hand to cradle her head and his fingers scratched her scalp. He looked down at her lips and back up to her eyes, “I love you.”
He joined their foreheads together, “I love you so much…I never felt like I belonged anywhere. Not really. It’s like a part of me was telling my that my place wasn’t on Earth. But meeting you? Working with you? I truly felt at home. I wanna be your home, Allura. Just like you are mine.”
Allura smiled softly, having never been more moved by anyone’s words in her life and she saw Keith leaning in slowly. She closed her eyes and closed the gap in between them, finally joining their lips together. She lifted up her hand to lose itself in Keith’s scalp and her other laid flat on his chest. His other hand laid on her waist and the two stood there comfortably, sliding their lips against the other softly and lovingly, drinking up everything the other had to offer.
They only let go when they heard a soft beep from Keith’s phone. They pulled apart reluctantly, smiling and chuckling once they saw the other’s red lips and Keith took out his phone to check what it was in case it was an emergency. Allura laid her head on his shoulder as he checked what it was and she giggled softly when she saw what it was.
On Keith’s phone screen was a selfie that Lance and Pidge took. Pidge was smiling up at the camera, her eyes closed as Lance plopped a kiss on her cheek, slightly lifting her glasses off her face. There was a small caption at the bottom saying a short, “Thanks, Keith,” with blue and green hearts. Keith chuckled along and asked softly, “Do you want to send them one?”
Allura nodded and Keith lifted his hand at an angle. Once Allura was smiling up at the camera, he plopped a kiss on her forehead. Even after the picture was taken, he planted one final kiss on her lips, prompting her to giggle, before he sent the picture. Theirs was sent with a short caption too, “My pleasure.”
Later, once Keith finally cleaned up from their date, he led her out of the cave and towards his lion, which she assumed he summoned while they were on their date, and helped her climb up onto Black’s head. He sat down with his legs extended and helped her take her seat in between his legs. She leaned back against his firm chest and they both watched the sun set. After a few more kisses exchanged, Allura was sure that this was her new favorite past time. Being cuddled up in the arms of the man she loves is the best feeling: safety and warmth and love.
She pauses.
She smiles and nuzzles into him more.
She realizes that she feels at home.
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krakenator · 5 years
CHAPTER 19 aka “Time Out”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
Dude, Hero’s schism got fucked WIDE open my god. Then again, running directly into a storm of Nothing can’t have done anything good for it
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Clever girl solves the equation. Immediately sets out to test it despite fears because it is GOOD SCIENCE
But chickens out when source of experiment shows signs of vague consciousness. Fair enough
BUT- turning his dial to TV mode is supposed to knock him the fuck out ENTIRELY. RGB is supposed to JUST be a TV and nothing more. Negative once again out there breaking all the set rules, like the menace he is. Even if its just sleep-talking
Aww- the amour took a real beating, but it did a MARVELOUS job protecting her- the bottom half of her face is pretty much 100% fine! Thank god for turtlenecks
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More speechbubbles directly from the mystery man himself! So, Negative’s text is white and his bubbles are rectangular static
And once again… the flower dies once it has fulfilled its purpose
the actual petals are sticking around this time... this is gonna be one heckuva beautiful but incredibly weird ruin people come across. that the Idea and snail will come across
WHY IS the Idea following them, anyway???
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Hero you precious bean I would kill and die for you
But YIKES her voice. Don’t do Nothing, kids
Lovin’ these parallels. Both times RGB’s finished being Negative Hero’s had to drag him places, sings, and wears his hat. Last time it was sad, this time its funny
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Look at how tall the fence is. LOOK AT IT. I don’t CARE how much we’ve established that RGB is a secret muscle boy, how the FUCK did he throw her 50 feet in the air
I mean its possible the Nothing shifted around the sand bordering the fence so much that sea level dropped a bunch but STILL. HECKUVA YEET
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About this door though… was it always here? Did it just... appear for them? It’s also the only one here. Back when first entering, the door RGB used was amongst a bunch of them. Time’s hangout also has a bunch of these doors. 
having said that... hold on. hold the fuck on
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its the same goddamn place. we’ve come full circle, baby! and, even MORE evidence-
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same doors! 
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Oh, OH! New suit!
RGB thinks he’s a distinguished pan but we all know the truth
Have I mentioned before loving how Hero’s thoughts are shown as a kids drawing? If so I’ll say it again, because I love it
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Something tells me RGB’s gonna reach for the nightmare Hero just threw about willynilly and find it missing at a super unfortunate moment. it’s basically got it’s own panel, this si gonna come back to bite us
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Are you ever LATE to anything if you’re literally Time? Asking for a certain white rabbit
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Interesting that fire in this story has so far only been a destructive force- the sun’s scorching nature and its association with light, the burning iron to RGB’s face that killed him, how Nothing is reminiscent of a forest fire; and yet here, to burn Hero’s tongue is to restore her voice
I love how he’s basically three people/perspectives jammed into one body all interacting with each other. It’s bonkers
How he interacts with himself across pages
His speech is black box, echoing white text (so, kinda the inverse of RGB) and I love how clock hands act as tails, joining boxes from one to the other to easier follow the flow of his speech
His domain is apparently outside of the Make Believe? like, in this weird inbetween-
Time is helping them, giving Hero back some color and draining RGB of some festering emotion. Time heals all wounds
Time’s candle’s are also growing throughout the entire interaction- they begin as uneven stubs on page 364... and finish as full antlers
BUT BACK ON TIME’S HANGOUT BEING INBETWEEN WORLDS- Hate’s hangout is also like this. we enter/exit the Make Believe through these golden doors, Dial ALSO exits the comic by walking through a door. a far more hidden one, but same principle. Makes you wonder if Time also has a method of cutting you out of the story like Hate did to Jules and Melody
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Is Time literally telling me that the reason RGB bleeds out of his face is because he is emotionally constipated on a chronic level? That’s amazing. That’s incredibly on brand for RGB
So, honestly, paying for Madras’ wares with pints of color is probably kinda good for him. Let out your feelings a little
But back on that joke way back where music lesbians were ragging on RGB about what he tastes like; considering it’s literally an almost incomprehensible mashup of his bottled up emotions, “sharp”, “sour”, and “cheesy” are probably real, literal, and canon
The canonical answer is “awful”
Color restoration, go!
Time’s heating up the colors using one of his candle flames- distilling it? And what’s getting sprinkled in there?
i think the crunched up stuff is the star he pulls down on page 367?
CONFIRMED on next page: the medicine was ‘starlight, feelings, and regret’
So if they had’t run into Time and RGB had woken up, do you think he would have solved Hero’s coloring dilemma the same way? “Here, Hero, come now, drink up. It’s only my blood”
Huh- so acknowledging the contradiction of the fire to heal Hero. And flame is used once again to heat up the sand sprinkled into the drink so it wasn’t frozen
So RGB is never fully dead. Interesting.
eeeey, Hero’s schism has also knitted back together a bit- we’re back to what is, at this point tbh, the usual baseline of schism
Y O we’re gonna see Madras again!! yes!!!! now the question is- is Time just saying “yeah you’ll run into her again soon” or “i personally will expedite things so you run into her soon. its juts a lil time travel”
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Hate took/will take Time’s eye? Bruh. At least my exes never poked out my eyes. Are we getting set up for an eye for an eye pun here mod? Are we? Did Time poke out one of Hers first or are we gonna get to see Time come in later to exact equivalent revenge?
alternatively, ‘she’ is Madras. after all, we can’t tell if Time is speaking with with capitalization here, since ‘she’ only appears at the beginning of sentences. either way, it’s looking like we’l be going back (or forward?) to the House of Paint!
this is also a super neat example of using page composition to tell us which Time is speaking, and using the growth state of antlers as another visual cue.
Time is... a hare...... has antlers....... that’s a fucking jackalope
ADDITIONALLY the antlers are candles, which......... JACK O’ LANTERN? REALLY MOD?? I LOVE THIS
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She loses WHAT
More exposition on why Hero entering the Make Believe kills her “waking” identity
(dreamy sigh) mod, I know I’ve yelled at you a lot throughout this entire reading but please now it is out of deep, reverent love for the story and worldbuilding because mod, modmad, uncle mod, sarah jolley- you are hitting exactly on all my favorite story setting tropes. Hero’s out of her mind. God. Fuck. I love it. this might be my favorite page
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i f uckign- love this panel? reinforcing that Hero’s home is so close, and yet so far- it’s under their feet, but unattainable. she can’t go back, and ‘home’ is looking far more like her thoughts and scribbling than it is a tangile reality. she’s just. in the clouds n-
her head is in the clouds >:(
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Time, snidely: They know who They are
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I love the full antlers. how far we’ve come in just like... jesus christ, did all this manage to happen in just 9 PAGES? this has been........ a lot lmao
Dgsafjkghf Time LITERALLY ROCKS HER TO SLEEP that’s amazing
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Time wtf the fuck do you mean that’s the same word twi-
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...I gotcha
RGB is going to wake up so confused. Where did this weird glass boat thing come from? Why are all the tricks up his sleeve littered all over the floor what the hell. HERO WHY ARE YOU COLORS FADED. WHAT DID YOU DO. Damn, at least I’m in my swankiest suit of all
The moon starts to wane as Time spins it! Neat detail
well that only took forever! we’re caught up to the comic at this point in time- I mean, chapter 20 is like 5 pages underway but I kinda like the format of just doing it all in ONE BIG GO, so I guess we can expect the next one’a these to be when Cut To concludes. that’ll be a while, but hey, good to marinate on stuff for a while
there’s already so much going on in chapter 20 oh god thINGS ARE HAPPENIIIIIING
Next time on TPoH we’re checking in on all those other cool cats of the comic
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LV
2801. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. But what was the question? >> --- 2802. Suggest three new diary circles that you would find interesting: >> --- 2803. Buttons or Knobs? >> Aren’t those usually found on different kinds of objects? I don’t understand why I would be choosing one over the other. 2804. What is a juggalo? >> www.google.com 2805. Are you a fan of Crass? >> Is that a band? I don’t know who that is.
2806. If you were going to write a short note to yourself and then put it away and read it in ten years, what would it say? >> I wouldn’t do that, mostly because I have no idea what the fuck I’d write. 2807. When someone does something that is wrong do you believe that they know in their hearts that they are wrong but they push it down into their subconcious and rationalize away their guilt? >> Er, not usually. I usually just assume that they don’t know any better, or they’ve staked so much of their existence on this one wrong thing that they’re stuck defending it. Which I guess is kind of like what this question is suggesting? I don’t know, it’s strangely worded to me. When have you done this (if you say never then you are doing it right now)? >> I don’t do this, and no, that doesn’t mean that I’m doing it right now. Hate to disappoint. 2808. How can a person have sex with someone they don't love? Have YOU ever? >> ... Because love isn’t required for sexual activity, obviously. And yes, most of the people I’ve had sex with were people I didn’t love. They were just people that wanted to have sex with me. 2809. What are the paradoxes in your head (that is when you believe two conflicting things to be true)? >> I can’t think of one right now, but there are plenty. I love a paradox. 2810. What does each set of two words suggest to you? pale gravity:  little mornings: spiritual machines: eccentric being: pray attention: yellow lectures: >> None of those phrases suggest anything to me, but “spiritual machines” is pretty. 2811. What movie would be AWESOME in 3D? >> Most action movies, I guess. 2812. Why is it important to write and think clearly? >> ??? 2813. A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another guy schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the girl. The boyfriend tells this guy to back off. The guy just keeps bothering the girl. Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive guy? A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another GIRL(lesbian) schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the first girl. The boyfriend tells this girl to back off. The girl just keeps bothering the first girl. Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive girl? If you answered yes to one situation and no to the other one why the double standard? >> They’re the same situation to me and I would prefer not to solve a problem like this with violence -- in fact, I can think of several nonviolent ways to solve this problem. Whether someone else is justified for being violent is something they can work out in their own heads, I don’t care. It’s just not my thing. 2814. What do you think of the name Prue? >> I don’t care for it. 2815. What would you spend your last dollar on? >> --- 2816. Have you ever won an ebay auction? If yes for what? >> No. 2817. Would you like it if Blockuster had a drivethrough?? >> I imagine that would have been convenient sometimes. 2819. When was the last time you taught someone somthing and what was it? >> I don’t remember. 2820. Why do adults and teens not understand each other? >> When that does happen, I assume it’s because adults forget what it’s like to be a teenager and expect teenagers to just act like adults for some reason, and teenagers are not emotionally mature enough to see things from the adults’ point of view. 2821. Are you afraid? >> Not at this moment? 2822. Do you trust large drug corporations? Do you trust the Food and Drug administration? >> I don’t trust any administration or corporation in this country, just on principle.  2823. If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound? Do you define sound as sound waves or as the reaction between the soundwaves and your ears? >> I don’t know if it makes a sound or not. I just assume it does because that seems like the most logical conclusion to me. And yeah, I’m using the “sound waves” interpretation rather than the “interaction between the waves and my ears/brain” interpretation. 2824. Who is full of shit? >> Constipated people. 2825. Four of the five senses are routed through a special area to the brain. One sense goes right to the brain and so is a powerful sense involved with memory and emotion. Which sense do you feel this is? >> Smell. 2826. Are you on a ship of fools or a carousel? >> Neither of these metaphors seems apt. 2827. What is your bathing suit like? >> I don’t have one. 2828. Whose line is it, anyway? >> --- 2829. Are you more likely to answer a signed in note or a nsi note? >> I don’t understand the question. 2830. To be or not to be. That is the question. What is the answer? >> That isn’t the question at all, because it doesn’t have a question mark on the end. >:) 2831. Does beauty exist as a defineable standard or is beauty in the eyes of the beholder? Why do you think it is that so many people have the same idea of who and what is beautiful? Where do your standards for judgeing beauty come from? >> Both. Culturally agreed-upon beauty standards definitely exist, as do personal standards of beauty. People have the same idea because of culturally defined beauty standards that they’ve learned and do not experience cognitive dissonance about. 2832. Would a war with Iraq help or harm american economy? >> I’m reasonably sure it didn’t do this country any favours, economically. 2833. What is the first thing you would do if you saw a nuclear explosion in the distance? >> I have no idea. How could I even imagine something like that? I mean, all I can imagine is that I’d probably burst into tears. 2834. Would you like to be cryogenically frozen? >> No. 2835. Think of the person you love the most. Would you be willing to murder a stranger in order to save that person's life? Why or why not? >> I’m not willing to murder a stranger for anyone. That’s just not something I can imagine doing. Harming, maybe -- if they’re physically attacking the person and I pick up a brick and bean them with it, then... like, yeah, that I can imagine. If they happen to die because I hit them just right, then, well, fuck me. 2836. Imagine no possetions. I wonder if you can? >> I do not like this song. 2837. How messed up is: your hair? your room? your car? your life? >> I don’t have a car, and none of the other things are that messed up. My hair isn’t messed up at all, in fact, because it’s not even long enough for that to be possible. 2838. What are you running out of? >> *shrug* 2839. What do you live for? >> I don’t have a specific thing that I live for. 2840. How did you decide it was worth living for? >> --- 2841. Do you consider some people to be too: traditional? Oh, yawn. conformist? avant-garde? smart? stuck up? modern? beautiful? ugly? obsessed? emotional? petty? sneaky? fat? thin?
2842. By what criteria do you judge others? >> I don’t know, I don’t really think about it. I’m mostly focused on examining any judgements I do make, to determine whether I should reframe them or not. 2843. Do you look at people's words and actions or the underlying reasons for those words and actions? >> Depends on how much effort I want to expend. 2844. Which would you rather collect: simpsons action figures? kiss gear? anything with a smiley? horror movies? This one. 2845. Do you fight for your rights? >> Not usually. But someone does, and I’m glad. 2846. Would you rather be a construction worker or a crossing guard? >> I’d rather not be either of these. 2847. What is enough to satisfy you in life? >> I have no idea how to answer this. 2848. Do you think you have more, less, or average life experiance for your age? >> I don’t know how to even compare this. 2849. Why go to college? Have you considered joining a cult instead? >> Uh....... 2850. What's the last lie you told? >> I don’t remember.
0 notes
superworldunkown · 4 years
Marry Me? Terms and Conditions Apply.
AN: I 100% fantasize that Bakugou would propose with one of his pull rings from his Hero Costume Gauntlets. I also imagine the moment he realized he loved someone he’d just go for it. Like doesn’t matter if he’s still in school or not. He be like “Here. Now we’re married. See you at LunchRush.” Because he is our determined, emotionally constipated little bean. (and he deserves so much love) So, i wrote about it. Enjoy. 
Summary: Bakugou want’s to propose. But you’ve got some Terms and Conditions. Bakugou x Black Reader.
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‘I think I get it now.’
Bakugou was smart, there was no question about it. And if anyone did question it...well they keep it to themselves, as they should! He had grown in his years at UA. More so emotionally than physically. Sure, he now had the admiration and calls from agencies that he craved, but now that his subconscious wasn’t silenced by his ego, it didn’t have the same sweet taste he imagined it would in his earlier U.A. Years.
He didn’t crave the same level of fame, and being rich meant something entirely different. Being the Number One Hero, feared and revered ... it didn’t have the same allure. If only he had figured that out before you ended up in a hospital bed. 
He’d have to fall for one of the most selfless, cocky, kind, witty, empathetic students in all of U.A. As if he didn’t get enough of that from working with Deku. 
You always had to be the last one. Last one to get a word in, last one to throw a punch, and last one of out of danger. You had this weird obsession with finding value in yourself by saving others. And the one time - the one fucking time he actually was focused on winning by saving, he couldn’t save you. 
Now, you were lying there, tubes running in and and out of you. Your brown skin lacked the warm glow. Your eyes, the ones he would get lost in, and then pissed about getting lost in, were dull and tired looking. And was that a speck of dust in between the thick curls of your hair? Hell no. Does anyone in the hospital know how to take care of you like he does? Fuck, if he wasn’t so close to graduating he’d blow a hole in the doctors desk. 
Needless to say, you looked broken. The doctor said you’d have months of rehab ahead of you. And, he’d overheard the administration would have severe consequences for the violations. After all, you weren’t in the hero course, you shouldn’t have even been there! But, you couldn’t help sticking your nose, and your big ass heart into dangerous situations.
“Hey BoomKat.” You whispered, a lazy smile dripping across your face. You lifted your finger slightly to pat down the empty spot on your bed you had saved just for him 
Bakugou complied, walking over to you while muttering, “Thought I told you to stop calling me that.” 
“Eh, what are you going to do about it? I don’t have too many bones left to break.” You let out a small, but pained laugh. 
“I’m waiting until you get better, and then I’m breaking your legs again.” 
“Oooh,” You wiggled your eyes in excitement, “Sounds like a date, babe.” 
There it was. The way his heart skipped a beat when you called him that. It was the same sensation he had when you called him out for the first time three years ago. Or that time when you trained together and got a little too close. The time you cooked together in the dorms or studied late together. That time when he felt bold enough to kiss you during the second year School Festival. And that time when you ran back into the building to save those civilians, and seeing it collapse moments later. Those where the thoughts, the moments that fought against those ideals of fame and fortune.
“I think, I get it now.” He spoke the words out loud. “I don't think i was ever meant to be the number 1 hero.”
“Katsu-don’t say that.”
His words danced at the edge of his lips, wrapped in nervousness as they departed despite their boldness, “I know now. I’m meant to be your number 1 hero.”
Before you could even formulate a rebuttal, Bakugou wiggled the pull pin into your hand. Looking down she asked, “Isn’t this your pull pin for your grenade bracers? Wait, Katsuki! Are-are you proposing to me?”
“Yeah, so what if I am?” Fuck. He did not expect to say that.
Despite the blur in your eyes, you smoothed over the silver circle, “Only you would propose with a hand grenade.” A small laugh filled the room as you attempted to fit the pull ring of the pin to you finger, slightly taken aback that it was almost a near perfect fit. “Only you Katsuki. Only you.”
The kiss was everything that the two of you needed. For Bakugou it was the reminder he needed that despite the sheer terror that was loving someone, the vulnerability and unknowing of it all was worth it for moment’s like these. For you, it had a confirmation that there was a reason to be in the here and now. It was right in front of you.
But, the story would not end here. There were some issues to sort out first.
“You realize that i’m not saying yes, right?”
The way Bakugou’s mouth hung open was tempting as it was humorous. “You’re saying no?”
“Not no.” you corrected, “Just not yet. Look, I’m hospital bound with a tube in every orpheus of my body. I have no idea what’s going to happen to me when the report’s are filed. And you. You are the new Big Three of UA, you’re top of your class, you have agencys hounding you left and right for a contract. We’re 18! We can’t just go off and get married!”
“Why the Hell not?”
“How about this. I accept your proposal, on 4 conditions.”
Bakugou growled, “Conditions!”
You ignored his question/outburst and continued, “First. I want you talk with someone. Like really talk to them. Once a week until you graduate.”
He knew exactly what she meant and therefore silenced his argument.
“Second, I want you to work on that anger of yours. I’m not going to be having my husband scaring people outside of office hours got it? Third, I want you to work things out with Deku.”
“Hey! I-“
“You two are on a path together whether you like it or not. Work it out. Talk it out. You tried to fight it out and that was some progress. Imagine if you two really worked on properly taking care of eachother.”
“I want the damn ring back.”
The tip of your tongue flipped against your lips as you twirled the pin around your finger, “Can’t take it back now when i tentatively accepted. Okay, number 4 this is serious. Don’t you ever lose that fire. Despite my requests of 1 through 3, don’t ever loose what i love about you most. Your desire to win. I want you to be the best, the strongest, finish the top in your class, be the number 1 recruit. Make everyone scared and proud of you, got it?”
Ah, that signature smirk, “Finally something i can agree on. Now, I have conditions.”
“Oh?” you titled your head, “And what are they?”
“Stop surviving, and start living your life. I want you to be with me in everything, and really be with me. No more half-assing. You do everything with 100% from now on. Got that!”
"BoomKat, you got yourself a deal.” 
“And stop calling me that!” 
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