#oh I haven't introduced my OCs for you yet? sorry
one-half-guy · 8 months
A name pattern to your blood-related characters? Sounds great! Amazing actually! The many parallels and trivia... THE MUCH THOUGHT YOU PUT ON THEM!!!
Whaaaaaat? Do you wanna I do it myself? Like every time? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH great joke
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niko-jpeg · 9 months
@vessel-posts-stuff I know you haven't been on that account in years, but I still wanted to include you. Thank you for introducing me to Tumblr and allowing me to make such wonderful friends. I think of you quite often <3
@v1vz-arttt We're moots on your old account, and while you didn't refollow me (?), I still love you!!!!!! Thank you for everything my good friend :)
@adorablemew Mew!!! Oh my god hi we haven't talked in forever. How did I get someone so cool to be my moot? Your art is incredible, your creations are wonderful, and thank you so much for putting up with me back in my previous Undertale fixation. You inspired me greatly.
@psycho-chair BITES YOU. You have been an inspiration for me forever at this point and I thank you for being just!!! YOU!!!! We need to chat more fr fr. You helped me through a rough time, no matter if you were aware of it or not. Also good to see another Crepic shipper here on the front lines. Sorta unrelated but I'm so glad my secret little otp has gotten a little more traction. You keep being you buddy grrrhshjfskjdhfdkjjksjkh <33333
@glitchysquidd Another instance of HOLY hell how did I get such a cool art moot???? You're really cool. I go feral over your art, whether youre aware of it or not. I love your vibe, your aesthetic, your everthing. Its so cool. You're so cool. A.
@thosegoodbois We don't interact much these days, but I still think of our conversations often. I like how unabashedly you you are. Its refreshing and fun and I still enjoy scrolling through your posts and seeing you on my dash. Tee hee.
@skyedancer2006 Hi hi!!!! We met because of a Secret Santa, and I'm happy we're moots. I love seeing you guys on my dash, and I love seeing the positivity yall bring to it all. Keep it up, and if I referred to you incorrectly, I am so sorry ack.
@bean-with-a-knife grabs your shoulders and shakes you. You are so. the most ever. We've been besties forever, and I'm so happy to have you as a friend. You keep me going, and encourage me when I'm not so sure, and you put up with my bullshit, and I absolutely love you big ol platonic kiss for you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.
@naaru304 HI!!!!!! You're so cool. I know we don't really talk but I really really like seeing you on my dash and you reblog all of the best stuff. YOUR ART IS SO EDIBLE ACK. Its so round and clean and just. Stuffs in my mouth and shakes it around and giggles cutely. I love it.
@p3-mochishira HI!!!!! Vamp you are such a moot. I love your edits and I love your ocs and I love your whole vibe. You light up my day and I'm so happy that we're moots. Big ol hug sent your way!!!
@queen-ofsunflowers oh my god you are such a cool author. And we're moot what. WHAT. AAAA!!!!! I really look up to you, and MnM is such a treasure I hold close to my heart. I look forward to whatever is in the future, and I wish you nothing but the absolute best in this coming year.
@mmmn-thirsty-for-vinegar Yet another cool incredible mutual I don't know how I landed with. Your art? incredible. The posing and lighting is immaculate. I love all of your art so much, and you're a big old inspiration foundtain haha. <3
@yoshikass HI!!!!!!!! I love your reblogs. I love the variety. I love everything. Your blog's vibe is also so much fun. You keep being you <33
@dollar-store-emo-413 Your brain is fascinating. Congrats on your freedom from our hell, and I wish you luck on your future /lh!! (for context we went to the same school)
@snowdoesthings Man. It's been forever and a half huh. I'm happy we're still moots, and I'm happy that we still kind of brush shoulders sometimes. I'm sorry you had to deal with 2020 me haha. Love you <3
@dexxeal Im in the walls of the Miku chruch btw can you come let me out I'm stuck.
@mhafanlol2000 Happy new year and I wish I'd see you around on HKRP more often ahah! See you in the new year :)
@cordycepsbian You're so cool. Like wow. I love everything about what you post. Your humor is so on point and your art is so skrunkly I'm obsessed.
@vivasharme Its so nice to see you again!!! I missed you a lot while you were away. I hope you're feeling better, and I can't wait to get back to talking soon. I'm gonna blow up your dms hee hee >:) /j
@someguyiguess23 Your art!!!!! Its so awesome I'm eating it and framing it and just. Nom. I hold the art you did of Nago dear to my heart. Your art is so shape!!!!
@christiankirbo Poyo
@mantis-on-a-table I adore your art so much. I have so many cool art moots but I especially love what you've got going on. Its so high quality and tickles my brain in such a wonderful way!!! Happy New Year!!
@extreme-exe water (you're a really great friend, never forget that!)
@wintar0 Hi!!!! We dont talk much but you're a wonderful moot. Best of wishes for the new year, and I can't wait to see more of you and your creations!!!
@drallion No, not for Drallion, for his creator! You've been such a delight in HKRP, I'm so happy I get to know you. <3333
@rentavoider Hi hi hi have fun on your trip to Italy and see you next year!!!
@crownne-prince !!!! HI!!!!Thank you for being such an incredible and encouraging moot. You really cheer me up and I love seeing your posts on my dash. Akechi is in your walls fun fact.
@lemmykirby Your art is so cool. I love the style and I love how its executed and bottom line I just. runs away with your art tee hee
@jayjar100 YOU!!! YOU ARE SO COOL NEVER FORGET THAT!!!!!!! I loved drawing your baby forever ago, and I think about them constantly. In fact I have some extra doodles laying around that I probably should post haha.
@kotoneshiomiofficial You are so right. About everything. All of the time. You are correct and are the coolest trans fox girl I have ever met and I think you're awesome. Big ol heart for you <33333333
@finleyforevermore Hi Finnley. Thank you so much for everything. You are such a light, and a huge encouragement, and thank you for enjoying my HPII content (theres more cooking up trust me). You're a precious moot of mine, and I don't think I can ever describe how much I like your posts. And the fandoms we have in common? Incredible. UMTV, RTC, HPII, Sonic, etc. Like wow. I love it !!!!!! <3333
and finally @box-o. My darling partner in crime and girlfriend. I love you so much, and cannot wait to spend another year with you. Your art is so cartoony and fun, and thank you for passing the Sonic (no, not the metal) virus on to me. Heres to another year <3
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berystraw · 6 months
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Love Leaves Scars: The Memories That Haunts
[L.L.S Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [G.H Masterlist]
Warning: none
Pairing: Oc!Reader x Grayson Hawthorne
W.C: 2k
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When I mentioned wanting lunch, ice cream never crossed my mind. Yet here I am, seated in a local ice cream store, eating ice cream with Nash Hawthorne.
The cold spoon rests delicately between my fingers as I idly swirl the melting ice cream before me. I can't bring myself to take even a small bite. The chill in the room should make me shiver, but I am unaffected by the cold.
When we were younger, Nash had a habit of whisking me away for ice cream whenever I'm upset. I think he still does. It should bring me joy. Overwhelming happiness. Reuniting with people you haven't seen for years should elicit elation, especially when they've had a significant impact on your life. But I feel none of that. Maybe I do feel it but choose to ignore it.
"Are you okay? You haven't touched your ice cream," Nash's voice, accompanied by his accent, snaps me out of my trance. "Yeah, I just haven't had lunch yet. I don't want to spoil my appetite," I reason. "Oh, you could have told me," I shake my head, gazing down at the now liquefied ice cream. "It's okay. What's on your mind?" he asks. I hesitate to answer, opening my mouth but failing to produce any words. The cycle continues—open, close, open, close. No words emerge. It wasn't this difficult with Nash before. Before. This is now, the present.
"You seem uncomfortable, don't you?" Is it that obvious? Of course it is. "I'm sorry," I apologize as if my discomfort is my fault. Maybe it is. Nash shakes his head, offering reassurance. "No worries, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have surprised you like that. A little warning would have been considerate," Even if there had been a warning, it wouldn't have made a difference. I would have disregarded it. I would have ran away, as I always do.
"He visited you, didn't he?" Nash inquires, causing me to raise my head and meet his gaze. "The Hawthornes do love their surprise visits, huh?" I joke and he chuckles. I'm not sure if I should miss the sound of his laughter. Silence envelops us once more. No words exchanged, just the two of us sitting in silence.
Until Nash breaks the silence. "I'm not angry at you for leaving. None of us are," Nash assures me. Lies. "If you think that will persuade me to return, you're making a pathetic attempt," I retort. Nash shakes his head and reaches for my hand, resting on the table, but I swiftly withdraw it before his touch can make contact.
"Please, don't touch me, Nash."
His hand retreats to his side of the table, perhaps realizing that his touch wouldn't offer any solace. Not like it used to. "I didn't mean to bring it up," he says, and I scoff in response. "Then you shouldn't have broached the subject," I reply. The jingle of the shop's doorbell signals someone's arrival or departure. "Verity!" a high-pitched voice calls out, instantly recognizable.
"I received your text— Oh! H-hi! Verity, you could have mentioned you were on a date," Asnid whispers the last part as she sits down beside me. Nash snorts, clearly having overheard her. "He's not a date of mine," I clarify. "Verity is not my type, unfortunately," Nash adds.
"Oh! I'm sorry if I interrupted an important conversation. I just got worried about you, Vers. I thought you were kidnapped," Asnid says. "Knowing Verity, you should be concerned that the kidnapper is the one being held hostage," Nash jokes. Asnid giggles and nods in agreement. "That's true," she concurs.
I observe their interaction, feeling a surge of jealousy rising within me. I suppress it, concealing my emotions. "I believe we haven't been formally introduced. I'm Nash," Nash extends his hand, introducing himself. I watch as Asnid extends her hand and shakes his. "Asnid, Verity's roommate and best friend," best friend. The term evokes unwelcome memories.
"Promise me I'll be your best friend forever?"
"I promise!" A broken promise.
"Nash's grandfather passed away, and I need to go with him for the will's reading," I cut to the chase and inform her. "I'm sorry for your loss, Nash. When are you leaving?" Asnid asks.
Today? I look at Nash, confused. "Tomorrow would be preferable," I interject, leaving no room for negotiation. This isn't up for negotiation. If he wants me to return home, he must adjust to my conditions. My rules.
"Enough time for both of you to pack your belongings," Nash smiles at Asnid. I feel her hand squeeze mine. Hawthornes always have that effect on women. I know because I was once susceptible to their charming smiles. Not Nash's, though.
"She's not coming with us," I refuse to bring Asnid along. I refuse to witness my best friend interacting with the people who inflicted wounds so deep that three years have not been enough to heal them.
"Ignore her. I'm coming with you guys," I attempt to change her mind, but Asnid glares at me. She rarely gets angry, but when she does, it's quite intimidating. I can only remain silent and watch them negotiate.
I must look like a child whose mother told them to be quiet while she talks to adults. "I'll book the tickets, then," Asnid says. "I'll cover the expenses. It's the least I can do for the trouble," Nash offers.
A few more details are exchanged, but I struggle to recall them. I find myself captivated by a homeless man playing chess with a brunette on the street. I watch as she defeats him in just five moves. He slumps his shoulders in defeat, and his lips move, likely accusing her of cheating or something of the sort.
"Verity, let's go," I turn my head to Asnid. She and Nash are already standing by the door. I grab my backpack and follow them out of the shop. The ride back home is uneventful. Nash falls silent in the backseat, while Asnid drives alongside me.
The only sound is the music playing on the radio. Suddenly, I find myself back at our apartment, in my room. My suitcase is laid out on my bed, with all my belongings scattered around it.
It's a mess. I can't bring myself to pack anything inside the suitcase. I continue to stare at it. Questions run nonstop in my head. Is this the right decision? Returning there? The place I fought so hard to escape, only to come back?
I place clothes inside the suitcase—undergarments, shirts, pants, socks—only to remove them again. Put them in, take them out. Repeat. A heavy sensation in my chest makes it difficult to breathe. My fingers tremble as I hold onto the sweater Asnid gave me for Christmas last year. I shouldn't be affected by returning there. I shouldn't feel like this. It's been three years. Shouldn't three years be enough?
"I already booked the flights," Asnid opens the door but stops her sentence once she sees the state of my room. "Why are you crying?" She asks, wrapping her arms around me. I didn't even notice that I was crying until she pointed it out. I bury my head into her shirt and let myself sob and cry.
"Let it all out, Vers," Her voice is gentle and soft. Her touch is as gentle as her voice. She runs her fingers through my hair, untangling the knots. Minutes later, I finally calm myself down, but Asnid never stops her calming and gentle touches. My breathing starts to regulate back to normal, and I can think properly now. "Are you okay now?" She asks me, and I nod, feeling myself brush against her now wet shirt. "Do you want me to help you pack?" I nod again.
She waits for me to release myself from the hug before helping me pack. While packing, I can sense that she wants to ask me why I was crying but hesitates to do so. "I just remembered something, Asnid. I'm fine," I assure her as I pack my toiletries in the pouch of my suitcase.
I know she doesn't believe it, but she still chooses not to ask anymore. Even after three years of knowing each other, I have never opened up about what happened before we met. I could never bring myself to talk about it. I wasn't protecting her; I was protecting myself. As soon as the clock hits five, we are done. "I'll go make dinner," Asnid kisses my cheek before leaving my room. With my suitcase packed and the plane tickets already taken care of, I have nothing else to do now. I put on my headphones and play music.
The whole night is a complete blur, even the morning at the airport. The only thing I can remember is Asnid and I meeting up with Nash at the airport. Now, all three of us are sitting in business class, courtesy of Nash. Thank you, Nash.
"I bet the people we're going to meet will be big shots. I hope they aren't those mean rich people," Asnid says. Who's telling her that they are? Oh wait, I should be the one to answer that.
"Don't get your hopes up, Asnid," I tell her. "They might be those rich mean people," Asnid sighs in disappointment. After that, Asnid falls asleep. I never really liked airplanes. They aren't exactly comfortable enough to make me sleep or enjoy the flight. So, as much as possible, I never wanted to fly to places in or out of the country.
A few more uncomfortable hours later, we finally arrive in Texas. Nash helps with carrying our suitcases and loading them into the car. "I'm nervous," Asnid announces, her leg shaking. "Calm down," I say, placing my hand on her knee to stop her from shaking.
The car ride is short and quiet. For the first time on the whole trip, I fell asleep in the car. I guess that's why I thought it was quiet and short. "Verity, you need to wake up, we're here," Nash says, shaking me to wake up. I give him a sleepy nod before rubbing my eyes.
I can feel the luggage being unloaded from the trunk. When my body is awake enough, I decide to get out of the car and help with the luggage.
I take my suitcase and one of Asnid's carry-ons and follow Nash inside. The Hawthorne House. Where most of my happiest and worst memories were created. I feel a swirling feeling in my stomach. I hate it. This place makes me remember all the memories I want to forget. Every corner of this place is haunted by memories. From the gates to the rooms. The stairs, the gardens, the portrait, and the ceilings. All haunted by a memory, not even 3 years, could make me forget.
"Home already, Nash?" I hear someone ask. The voice is familiar. I raise my head and see a tall man in front of us. 6'0? 6'2? "Hi, Xan," His face is no longer filled with confusion but with happiness and surprise. "Verity!" He runs towards me and wraps his arms around my small figure. He has to crouch down a bit to reach my small height. "You're taller now," I tell him once he has placed me down on the floor. "And you've shrunk!" He is still cheerful.
"Hey!" I protest and smack him on the arm. "No hugs for me?" I look to the side and see Jameson. I open my arms, and he happily walks over to me and spins me around. "Jamie!"
"What's going on?"
Jameson places me down on the floor. I feel my smile falter when I see who the owner of the voice is. Grayson Hawthorne.
He looks the same. Tall, blonde, with piercing, cold eyes that could make you do whatever he wants you to do. The same eyes I once fell in love with. Maybe still in love with.
"Hi, Gray," I send him a small smile but receive nothing back. Nothing but hatred and anger swirling in his grey eyes. "What are you doing here?"
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catchthattherian · 2 months
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my lego monkie kid hyperfixation has caused me to make a lmk / jttw oc
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so since you said i could, so let me introduce you to my silly new son ! ! this is bēishāng é , he's a monkey-moth demon created to lead lost spirits to the underworld and locate those in the book of the dead who have not yet arrived in the afterlife. he is based off of a death's head hawk-moth, which are commonly associated with death, and he has further ties to this as moths and butterflies are related to spirits in chinese folklore, as it is believed that recently deceased relatives and friends could return to grieving people in the form of moths and butterflies :D
he hatched from a chrysalis spun by an cursed moth, after those in the underworld realized that many human spirits were not passing on to the afterlife, still clinging to unfinished business. é's job was to ensure that these souls made their way onwards to their destination. he also functions as an exorcist for persistent spirits and an advisor for their families, providing comfort and caring messages to those grieving people. oh and i haven't decided how yet, but in some way he loses his wings, and ends up wearing the cape he has currently, in order to both cover up the tattered remains and scars of his wings, and also as an attempt to satisfy the 'phantom wings' he starts feeling due to their absence :D [ i'm projecting my issues onto him- ] he's my baby and i love him very much and i need him to be real so i can squeeze him and i hope he explodes /aff [ also i may or may not be developing some kind of kin-like connection to him ? ? i'm not too sure if my latest tail shifts are from my macaque fictionkin or whether they are from this fellow but- ]
I’m sorry but u have to write him up for being to pawsome😔😔😔 /j,silly
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aectpen · 1 year
synopsis: 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐥
pairing: Zhang Hao of ZB1 and fem!oc
status: ongoing
chapter 8: haemin
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haemin. rina's right hand woman. she'd tell her everything that happens to her. whether it's tragic or as minor as a stranger giving her a dirty look on the train. why didn't she just tell her that she was seeing him, even if it was an innocent friendship at first? that's something she'd immediately tell her.
but something in the back of her mind urged her not to. she knows how much of a big fan she is. she would lie awake at night imagining the outcomes of of her finding out. the best case scenario is her interrogating you about it. the worst case scenario is her freaking out and telling people that she has a connection to her favorite boy group.
despite rina being her best friend, rina isn't her only friend. out of the two, haemin has always been the more social, more caring one. it was always haemin looking after rina and pushing her to do things. it has always been that way.
with rina finally getting close to hao; she didn't want to say it out loud but she wanted to finally have something, someone for herself. haemin had her own friends and relationships that didn't involve her, so why couldn't she just have this one thing for herself?
why can't i just keep this one secret?
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rina glanced over at haemin.
they both heard that phone buzzing. there was no denying it.
rina watched as haemin walked to the shelf behind her. she can't stop her, that would be even worse.
"oh. my god." you would think she saw a ghost. "zhang hao. rina that is zhang hao. strawberry, z is zhang hao."
rina did not want to look back and see the scene unfold before her. but she had to. she looked at haemin's shocked face and couldn't imagine the one on hao's face.
"hi." his signature greeting alongside an awkward chuckle and smile in an awkward situation.
"haemin, zhang hao. zhang hao, haemin."
"when were you gonna tell me about this?" she seemed more calm than rina had prepared for. it seemed too good to be true, but rina was internally thanking the universe for this reaction.
"i was actually planning on it. very soon." truth was, she was planning on keeping it from her for far longer than this.
"well. are you guys dating or something now?" haemin crossed her arms.
"yes." - "no."
the two looked at each other confused.
"no." - "yes."
"i'm guessing you guys haven't thought this through yet."
"it's very new. we'll definitely have to discuss this." rina scratched the back of her neck "are you sure you're okay with all of this?"
"of course! why would this be a bad thing. i'm happy for you!" haemin engulfed her in a tight hug.
rina gave hao an i don't know look facing him in the hug. he only shrugged back at her.
"i'll leave you two to it." she smiled and left them alone.
"i have no clue what that was about." out of all the scenarios rina drafted, that one never came up.
"strawberry. wow, you really serious about that." hao found the entire thing amusing. everyday he was finding out something new about rina.
"i warned you we did talk about you quite a lot when you were a faceless stranger."
"at least i never have to worry about you liking me for my looks or status."
"okay, heartthrob." she rolled her eyes.
finally, she started to lock up the store. she would definitely have to tell her boss about the extra time she spent in the store after hours. someone could've easily robbed the place, but she didn't get paid enough to be worrying about that.
they were now standing outside of the closed store, his phone buzzing in his pocket again.
"yeah, i got caught up. relax. no, the store is closed. okay, whatever." he hung up "sorry, my members are so obsessed with me."
"it's kinda late, i'd be worried too. you can go home now. today drained me."
"i should introduce you to them. a proper introduction."
"i think i embarrassed myself enough." rina recalled the humiliating interaction with them from the bowling alley.
"them of all people are not immune to embarrassing themselves, trust me." he reassured her.
"we'll have to find out who is more embarrassing between us. i think i'm in the lead right now."
they shared a goodbye hug. it was tight, warm, and lasted so long that you'd think they were never going to see each other again.
as they slowly parted ways, they only had one thing in mind;
i should've kissed her
i should've kissed him
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Can you share any more info on your oc x tomizawa? I think they look very cute together and id like to know how they met, what their dynamic is like etc. If that's possible for you!
HELLL YEAHHH! I'm glad yer liking them! (I haven't finished writing their story, but take it or leave it, lol)
A lot of their relationship happens post-canon but that won't stop me >:D
[edit: oh god, that's a lot of info. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- ]
Uhhh ok so... idk how far people are into Infinite Wealth... Ig it's not really a spoiler, I mean, it's something that happens late in the plot, but it won't entirely ruin the gaming experience if I say this, but uhhhhh-
They first meet in Yokohama when Ichiban returns with the Hawaii group. Everyone recognises each other naturally, so they just try and head across with business, but uh-
Tomizawa: Woah, hold on! This a friend of yours, Ichiban? Who is this guy?
Ichiban: Oh, he's a close friend of Nanba-san's. His name's Asahi Ito.
Asahi: You must be Tomi-chan and Chi-chan. It's nice to meet'cha... I heard about ya through Nan-chan, in case you were wonderin'.
Tomizawa: ...
Chitose: What's up, Tomi? I thought you didn't like those kinds of nicknames? Cat got your tongue?
Tomizawa: Shut up...
Chitose: Hehe. ♡
(sorry I write a lot of script and it's easier to just place it here lol)
Their dynamic is kinda for me to explain.
So, on the surface: Asahi is quite flirtatious and tends to be more suave. Tomi doesn't actually end up fully falling for Asahi's charismatic mask but ends up falling for the kind doofus that Asahi actually is. (imagine Asahi is the scout from TF2 basically)
(He does get flustered at him being charismatic tho, he's just not deeply infatuated by that)
When they actually end up dating, the two try and repair one another. Both being backstabbers (that was not planned when I wrote Asahi, but lmao here we are), they both don't want to be seen as liars anymore. So, a little mutual therapy sorta thing :D.
Can you tell that Hurt/comfort and angst are my fav tropes? lmao
In alot of the side stuff I have written for the two, Chitose, Ichiban, and Adachi are Tomizawa's wingmen. Asahi just sorta doesn't pick up on the signs and asks Kiryu for advice whenever he's onto smt (Kiryu also just thinks it might be Tomizawa being kinda weird)
Lemme throw out sm snippets random facts about them cuz I answered the two questions so-
Asahi introduced Tomizawa to powerade and he's loved them since
They often go on film dates just to get Movie theatre snacks
The two often compete with each other at video games
Asahi surprised Tomi with a SEGA Genesis/Mega drive for his birthday once
Tomi has probably once accidentally knocked Asahi with the big ass book he reads to sleep
They both will randomly doodle on pieces of paper and happily present their doodles to each other
I love these two, and I can't wait to expand on their lore :)
Btwwwww, apologies if the script was a bit ooc. I haven't done my usual character analysis for any of the cast yet :(
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aydaptic · 11 months
When it comes to your fics, do you have any favourite chapters, moments or lines from them? Also once you’re finished with your web-comic, do you have any ideas for future reed900 fics?
Oh, wow. It's heartwarming that ppl are interested to know. What the phck? ;-;
I do have some favorite chapters/moments/lines, yes. These contain spoilers for those who haven't read my stories, and want to, so here's your warning...
(A&E) Ch. 5: Emotional Shock. Writing Carl and Leo felt very natural to me somehow as their voices came really easily.
(A&E) Ch. 15: New Year's Eve. I got to introduce my headcanon for Gav being a Magic Mike fan and great dancer. Him getting tipsy and essentially 'being his flirty self' instead of holding back bc Niner isn't deviant yet just made me so happy. I also tore my own heart out with the ending. It hurt.
(A&E) Ch. 17: Stay. My 1st Reed900 s*x scene. Despite me being ace, and s*x-repulsed, these intimate scenes are my favorite thing to write. I also love the little peck Gav gives Niner's oblivious jawline before they part ways.
(Ch. 1) Niner's introduction.
(Ch. 5) Gav accidentally dropping his Bluetooth earpiece.
(Ch. 7) Niner patching Gav up.
(Ch. 8)
Tina: "All right, you two just have to fuck already. Blow off some steam." Gavin: "Last thing I need is getting my dick stuck in one of those things." Nines: "Oh, please. As if I'd ever let you top."
(Ch. 8) Niner getting hacked by CyberLife and Gav saving him.
(Ch. 10) Niner holding out a detached android arm to Gav trying to light a cigarette and asking if he needs a hand.
(Ch. 10) Niner interrogating Gav during sparring.
(Ch. 12) Gav patching Niner up and hugging him to reduce his stress levels knowing that's what Hank -- and Sumo -- did.
(Ch. 13) Niner draping his jacket over Gav's shoulders to keep him warm and letting him touch his palm's chassis.
(Ch. 16) Gav shielding Niner with his body in a burning building.
(Ch. 19) Niner deviating for the final time, grabbing Gav by the throat, pushing him into a wall, and kissing him.
(Ch. 1) Gav nearly breaking his arm punching a guy.
(Ch. 1)
OC - Iris: "I wonder what he's doing here." Nines: *nudging the unconscious person she's referring to with his foot* "Honestly, not much."
(Ch. 3) Niner throwing a crumpled napkin piece at Gav and the latter in his dramatic glory accusing the former of trying to kill him.
(Ch. 6) Gav getting territorial as Niner has taken a honeypot approach on the case, successfully egging him on to get him in bed, and making it very clear that he's 'his' in the process.
(Ch. 8) Gav platonically bonding with his ex OC - Craig again.
(Ch. 10) Niner wrecking Gav with kisses alone by being more dominant.
(Ch. 2) Fowler: *to Gav's outburst after hearing Niner is assigned to him* "I've still got a headache from Hank's outburst back when Connor was new to the precinct and I don't need you giving me a migraine!"
(Ch. 2) Gavin: "What the fuck is this? They sent you back to the Ken-doll fabric and give you an upgrade?"
(Ch. 4) Gavin: "I doubt it's your encrypted p*rn collection, so speak up."
(Ch. 4) "Was he [Niner] human, Gavin would've already had him pinned to the mattress."
(Ch. 4) Nines: "Deviants are like infants. Give an infant a gun and it wouldn’t know what to do with it."
(Ch. 13) Nines: "When you're done being dramatic, please get back inside the car."
(Ch. 15) Gavin: "If you're expecting a fucking waltz, I'm sorry to disappoint you... but every guy who's good in bed knows how to use his hips."
(Ch. 15) "He was terrified to want him, and yet, there he was... wanting him anyway."
(Ch. 17)
Nines: "I fail to see how sleeping with you would benefit your current state." Gavin: "I'd pass out quicker." Nines: "A hit to the back of the head would be immediate."
(Ch. 19) Nines: "You keep pulling me back."
(Ch. 19) Gavin: "Stay."
Context: The line itself isn't much to write home about, but it's the way he says it in my mind. Best example I can give is the 0.04-0.05 second mark of this beautiful Reed900 edit: Reed900 | RK900 X Gavin Reed { Colors }. It's literally just the "Stay out of my way" line from the game, but the music makes it sound soft AF, and nearly completely quiets the "out of my way" part. So it just sounds like a whispered "stay." It's also a very profound thing of Gav to finally ask as he's earlier told Niner to get out of his life.
(Ch. 6) Nines: "User 'Gavin Reed' not found."
(Ch. 7) Gavin: "We're meeting with Dick Perkins and the Powerpuff Girls down the road."
(Ch. 10) Nines: *after Gav asks what last name he wants to use* "I'm holding out for 'Reed'."
As for future fics, also yes, I do have some plans! Said plans are both for the 'Alive' ficverse -- A&E and Liberosis are part of it -- as well as standalone Slow Burn works.
(The 'Alive' Ficverse) WebComic adaption of Liberosis.
(The 'Alive' Ficverse) Gav's bachelor party.
(The 'Alive' Ficverse) A parallel story where every 2nd chapter skips between two instances in Gav's life. One of them, he's at a stakeout with Niner whilst pining for him, and the other is Gav reminiscing about his past with his recent ex. Reminding himself of 'what went wrong' and why he shouldn't 'try again' to have a romantic relationship. I want to share the complicated Gav/Craig story as it has so many layers to it, but most ppl simply wouldn't be interested as it's not Reed900... thus I was sneaky and put in a parallel Reed900 story that ties into it, lol. Ppl are ofc easily allowed to skip the Gav/Craig parts in their entirety.
(The 'Alive' Ficverse) WebComic adaption of that parallel story.
(Slow Burn) Gav and Niner are at a stakeout where the former poses as a stripper while the latter poses as a bartender.
(AU - Slow Burn) Niner is a s*x android, accidentally gets involved with a case bc of a client, and works as an informant for Gav.
Somewhat unrelated, but I also plan to animate my own Reed900 GMVs :)
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Part 1: here
AU concept Part 2
After mission city or even Egypt (not sure it matters without the whole thing being put together) Sam discovers something absolutely insane. More insane than alien robots.
He's a werewolf. Not the Harry Potter 'get bitten by a werewolf, you become one'. No he's the shape-shifting kind (similar to the twilight ones but we throw in and mix a little Wolfwalker and warrior cats).
His family(I'm still not entirely sure if Sam is adopted and Sally is his aunt or if she is his bio mom; I'll make it work, just bear with me) is camping when it happens, he turns into a wolf and panics, running off (Sorry it's very cliche, I'll think of something better but for whatever reason he ends up in the woods). Anyways he is attacked by a bear or cougar or a pack of actual animal wolves (already in his wolf form; he doesn't become a werewolf because he is attacked, but was one genetically. His father was human but his mom, Sally Watson is a werewolf too).
The thing with the type of werewolf Sam is- is that similar to Twilight quilietes, boys don't usually get their wolves until they're 16 or older but purebloods (Both parents are werewolves; halfbloods would be one werewolf parent and the other parent being human) can get theirs much earlier even if both their parents are half-human. Girls won't always get their wolf forms even when being pure-bloooded.
(Can you tell this is a very weird wild fan-fiction yet? It's based on a lot of other people's AUs of many different fandoms, if it looks similar to yours, I apologize)
Sam is very injured as a result of the animal attack. His back right leg is super chewed up from the fight and covered in scars. He has a scar over and is half-blind in his left eye, and also has a torn floppy left ear and is missing some of his left teeth. (I totally fell in love with Birdsong Warriors Swiftpaw AU. It inspired my fic lol and Swiftpaw's design is basically Sam's wolf)
He wakes up in the woods and freaks out because he can't clearly remember what happened also he's a very injured wolf but his back right leg and back are bandaged and so is his left eye.
A brown, black, and white wolf with one green eye and one light brown/tawny yellow eye (werewolf oc of mine (he's 25 and his character is based off one of my favorite youtubers) asks him to calm down.
The wolf tells him his name is Thorn (I can't think of a freaking suffix for him!) and refers to Sam as Swiftpaw (it's very warrior cat inspired) because these wolves don't know his real name yet and Sam doesn't think it's a good idea to tell them his real name and he just met them.
Sam asks why he called him Swift and Thorn explains the clan/pack thing and that he gave Sam his wolf name himself after watching him fight the animals with how quickly he moved. Thorn also explains how he is the deputy/second in charge(whatever you want to call it) and how he and his patrol rescued Sam.
Sam asks if he's gonna make it or if he'll ever be able to turn back again and Thorn is surprised to discover "Oh... This kid never phased before last night!". Thorn explains yes, he's a shape-shifter and will be able to transform back into a human and back into his wolf whenever he wants but that Sam can't leave-
Sam takes this entirely the wrong way, thinking he's being held hostage and Thorn hastily tries to calm him, explaining he shouldn't try to transform until he is healed, implying that Sam probably isn't able to walk yet what with his injuries on his back and right leg- Oh and also he has a bobtail now because it got so chewed up by the bear/wolf/dogs whatever they had to amputate it and asks if Sam can bend his leg to prove his point. Sam tries to do so and fails, screams, has a coughing fit, a bit of trouble catching his breath, and a new black and grey she-wolf with blue eyes runs over, yelling his wolf-name (Swift) and asks him if he's okay (plot twist, the newly introduced werewolf is Mikaela; haven't thought of a wolf name for her yet, hold on guys).
"(Mikaela)?! You're one of them?" Sam asks, recognizing her by her voice.
Mikaela takes a bit of offense to this and explains, Yes, she is 'one of them.' and Sam is also 'one of them' so Sam asks her why she didn't tell him she was a werewolf and if she knew about him. She explains it isn't something to be broadcasted and no, she didn't know he had wolf-shifter blood.
After the talking is done and an awkward silence, Mikaela asks 'how are your teeth?'
And Sam is like, 'My teeth?' and Mikaela glares at Thorn who chuckles awkwardly, realizing he had forgotten to tell Sam he lost a couple canines and some molars.
Mikaela uses her claws to remove the bandages from Sam's back and right leg, and then from his head.
'Can you see? Your left eye and ear were injured in the battle.' Mikaela asks, bandages swept under her paw.
'Uh... a little but not really...' Sam answers.
'Well... I'm sorry we couldn't save your tail...' Mikaela says, 'You wouldn't have been able to move or bend it with how badly chewed/sliced up it was... how about your leg?'
'He already tried.' Thorn tells Mikaela, "That's why he screamed,"
Mikaela frowns, 'can you stand, Swift?'
'I can try,' Sam says but utterly fails to push himself onto his paws.
'Hmm... You should get some rest...' Mikaela says, 'I'll be back to check on you later.'
--That's it for now, folks. Congrats if you made it this far--
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kirstenonic05 · 2 years
Ok so basically about that comment about the human flower. So that girl is in the visual novel game Your Turn To Die (you've probably heard me talk abt it before, definitely seen me post and reblog abt it I am going insane over it,) and she's called Kanna, and in one of the routes of the game she dies.
So because they're in a death game (self explanatory imo), all participants have these collars on them and they uh. They can do a lot of things! They act as a sort of way to keep anyone from stepping out of line, and in some cases can be used to kill people. One guy called Mishima got his head straight up burned off his body because it heated up to a ridiculous degree (what a unique way of beheading someone!) and they can also explode! Neat! Anyways when Kanna dies in the route she dies in, her collar plants these specific seeds in her that rapidly grow in her body and turn her into a human flower. It is extremely painful. Like. The game is done with drawn sprites and pixel art but god it was pretty horrifying to watch unfold. And if you thought that was bad she uh. She is also a lil twelve year old!
Anyways with that out of the way I'm curious abt that OC you mentioned :3
Oh damn! That's really morbid! D: That's something that would totally keep me up at night! Things like that, like parasites or anything to do with the insides of a person, I really can't deal with!
Sorry for the late reply, I had to gather all of my info on this OC XD His name is Bluebell and I made him with @dremyink06 as a part of an original story called The Bluebells Sound Death, or TBSD for short! (I sometimes call it the Bluebell Saga, since the sequel is called Sunflowers Spring Forth Day)
I'll put brief summary of it under the read more!
The Bluebells Sound Death is set in around the 80s probably, Ink and I haven't fully decided on the date.
The main character is Sun Fowler, who is from a wealthy family and lives in a mansion surrounded by a lush garden he looks after. He finds that his prized bluebells keep getting eaten, so he asks his mother, Rossette, what animals would eat bluebells. He soon finds out bluebells are poisonous and goes out to figure out what had been eating his bluebells.
He soon comes across a guy lying down in his bluebell field, hiding from him. They introduce themselves and he finds out Scilan Dumort, some random guy who lives next door, has been eating his bluebells as his late mother told him that it would heal him. By the fact that he wasn't dead yet, Sunflower believes him. and invites him over for a proper dinner.
They find out they go to the same school and become very good friends, along with a girl at school named Poppy. Both Poppy and Sun nickname Scilan, Bluebell, thanks to his love for eating bluebells.
Eventually, Sun learns that Bluebell has had a curse since birth thanks to his parents' knowledge of witchcraft. They died to the curse while Scilan has a few years to live. The bluebells act as a remedy and keep him from dying but he didn't even realise he had a curse. His mother had simply advised him to eat bluebells every day.
Not only was he just a weird person in general, but Bluebell was constantly bullied for being gay. Late in the story, he confessed to Sunflower, but Sunflower mistook the confession as a joke and got arrogant about it. Heartbroken, Bluebell took the lonely path home. But, he began coughing out flowers on the way and he soon falls. Sunflower ran after him to actually say that he loved him but found Bluebell dying in the bluebell garden. Sun mourned his death. As they say goodbye Bluebell tells Sun to feed him a bluebell but Sun refuses, thinking there would be a way to fix this. In the end, Bluebell eats it and passes soon after.
Luckily, Bluebell comes back later as a ghost thanks to their strong love. But, he is completely covered in bluebells thanks to where he died and from eating bluebells. But don't worry, they live happily together :D
The blue haired guy is him as a ghost in Miitopia with his friend from another original series! (And me in the top left and Ink's OC Morty in the top right XD)
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This all started out as a Caejose Hanahaki RP that spiralled way out of control! I actually have the original version of the Hanahaki AU written out, but it was when Ink and I were new to the fandom so I'd like to rewrite it someday.
I also wrote a song for this series! Maybe I'll post it sometime? Who knows XD
But yeah! That's a quick summary of TBSD!
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lastwave · 2 years
do all the asks for dnd renfield i double dare you
1: How did you come up with your OCs name?
tha dracula special interest
2: Does your OC have a theme?
OH I JUST TALKED ABT THIS!! we decided that this piano of sigmas theme is very him
3: What is their Class?
SOULKNIFE ROGUE. he was going to be a college of whispers bard but then his charisma needed to be shit. also soulknife is cooler and directly tied to the dracula curse (haven't figured out the exact details)
4: What is their Race?
human. lol
5: Are they from a Module or a Homebrew?
the Heckna! module :)
6: What TTRPG are they from? (D&D, VTM, or something else?)
7: Have you gotten to actively play them/introduce them to the story yet?
ive rped as him so ya!
8: What do they look like? (Do you have art of them? Are you open to fan art?)
ohh ok ok. so u know my dracula renfield design? that but he has multiple outfits and he dyes one half of his hair brown because he has trouble coming to terms with the fact hes old LOL
9: What is their personality like?
answered this bad boy
10: What’s their relationship with their parents like?
oughhhh god. ok. he has very mixed feelings on his birth parents. they did what was best to keep him safe as a kid but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt (see iliveinprocrastination's ask abt number 11 for context). he has had a lot of parental and mentorial figures in his life tho and i think he loves all of them. and misses them very deeply
11: Where did they grow up? Do they miss it? Would they ever go back if they could?
answered this one<3
12: Did they have any backstory adventures before joining the party? If not, what were they doing before they were introduced?
ehhhhhh? they werent really adventures but he did have an eventful life pre campaign due to being a traveling act (escape artist & contortionist)
13: What is their alignment? What would THEY say their alignment is? Does it matter to them?
answered this bad boy too
14: Are there any secrets to their backstory you know, but they don’t know yet? (Secret parentage perhaps?)
not that i know of. unless the dm has plans i dont know abt
15: Do they have a favorite food?
onion soup 👍
16: Least favorite food?
17: What means the most to them? (Not a person)
18: Who means the most to them?
hrm. thats a good question. i dont know<3 out of living people probably elaine? first long-ish friendship in a WHILE.
19: Do they hate anything? (Not a person)
gooey textures ?
20: Do they hate anyone?
dracula LOL. he Will hate heckna later but he hasnt gotten there yet
21: Are they currently in a romance? (NPC or PC)
this man is ace/aro (probably more greyromantic but yanno. under the umbrella) so no
22: Do they have any romance in their backstory? If it ended, how did it end?
midlife crisis where he tried to convince himself he enjoyed dating and hookups
23: Do they have a favorite school of magic?
he does not know that humans can do magic yet
24: Least favorite school of magic?
see above
25: Have they ever lost someone important to them?
yea. sorry for putting u in the blender old man its for the themes and motifs and plot
26: If you had the choice, would you rather they have a happy ending, a bittersweet ending, or a tragic ending?
27: Are they a liar? Do they lie to the party, or only to others? Do they usually think they have a good reason?
liar is a strong word. he will if he feels its in his vested interest in survival to. hes not a good liar, but hes very good at avoiding truths.
28: What’s the worst thing they’ve ever done? How do they feel about it?
he used to be like. really mean when he was younger in the whole. scaring people department. he probably did a pretty mean spirited joke on someone that didn't end well. i think he feels bad about it.
29: What’s the best thing they’ve ever done? How do they feel about it?
oughhhhh u know? whatever good hes done for other people i dont think he recognizes it because for the longest time he was never able to see the results. im gonna have to think abt this one
30: Who is their favorite NPC? Or PC if they’re an NPC?
bailey counts as an npc right
31: Least favorite NPC? Or PC if they’re an NPC?
unknown at the moment but it will prooobably be heckna
32: If they suddenly lost their class and had to pick a new one, what would they choose? What would YOU choose for them?
he would choose ranger probably. id choose abberrant mind sorcerer because it fucks
33: If they played the TTRPG they’re from, what would they play as?
34: What is their biggest flaw?
answered this and the next one
35: What do they think their biggest flaw is?
see above
36: What is the best thing about them?
he cares a lot for the people around him. he doesn't make it known verbally but u can tell by his actions
37: What do they think the best thing about them is?
he thinks hes soooo funny
38: What would happen if they suddenly appeared on Earth?
he would simply go back to sleep because it would be a dream 2 him
39: If they suddenly appeared on Earth, what time period would you place them in? What location? Why?
victorian era london. puts him back in his habitat
skipping 40 because idk ❤️
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elyhaikyuu · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei x OC
Chapter 03: LA VIE EN ROSE
(Masterlist) [prev] [next]
3rd Person's POV:
Kiyoko was strolling around the 1st years floor when she heard someone calling her.
"Oh Hinata, I'm just looking for someone who haven't join any clubs yet." She said to the energetic boy.
"OHHH, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO APPLY BEING A MANAGER?" Hinata asked his senpai, tilting his head.
"Yes, you know we are graduating soon, and I think that it's better to have a manager now so I can teach her." Kiyoko explained.
"Thank you Hinata! I'll be going now, see you." Kiyoko thanked him and continued finding a person.
'Uwahh! She's so pretty!' Yachi thought while looking at the third year talking to her.
"So, why don't we try a trial membership?" The third year said to her, oblivious that she's not listening.
"Huh!? YES SURE!" She agreed not knowing what this is all about.
"Really!? Thank you so much!" Kiyoko said holding her hand in the process.
"Uhm, I have a friend who also haven't join any clubs yet. I can ask her too if you want." She said, remembering Akemi.
"Oh, of course! I'll just come later and you both can introduce yourself to the club. Thanks and see you later!" She said bidding her farewell.
"Bye." She said smiling awkwardly.
-Another Timeskip-
Akemi was on her way to have lunch at the rooftop. Yachi was not with her because it's her turn to help the teacher with paperworks, so she decided to have lunch there since she knew there's no one there right now.
She reached her destination and sat in the shade, away from the sunlight. She take out her bento which is fulled with rice with a marinated meat that is her left-over dinner last night, a salad on the side and fruits.
She started eating while looking at the sky.
'It's a nice day, huh?' She thought, smiling a little bit.
She continued eating until she's full. She tucked in her bento in a handkerchief and let it down beside her.
Akemi brought her ukulele today since Yachi found out that she knows how to play. She requested to play her some songs that's why she brought it today. But since Yachi was not here, might as well play a song to kill some time right? Since it's still not yet time and she's alone here.
She decided to play La Vie En Rose, french version.
(Listen to this while reading.)
(I know that this might not be a ukulele version, but if you want, click this video.)
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
She starts singing, getting lost in her own world. Not paying attention to her surroundings.
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça me fait quelque chose
She doesn't notice someone opening the door. The person stopped when he heard her singing. The languange was unfamiliar but it's not the reason why the person was captivated. It's because of her voice.
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
He slowly walked towards the voice, afraid the person might stop singing when she heard him listening. He taked a peek and was shocked to see it's the transferee girl. She doesn't left his mind ever since he saw her.
'Why is everything captivating to her.' The person thought getting frustrated with his feelings.
C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie
Maybe it's not the right decision to come here. But then if he did not come, he'll probably not hear her sing. So maybe it's a good thing, right? Or maybe not because his feelings are somersaulting.
Et dès que je l'aperçois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
She finished singing and smiled a bit.
"I know there's someone there." She said looking at his direction.
"You're not very good at hiding, you know? Tsukishima Kei-san." She told him, standing up and walking towards him.
'Huh!? How did she know?! And wait, did she called me by my name?!?!?!' Tsukishima was panicking on the inside but on the outside, he doesn't looked bother at all.
"Ehh~ and how did you know my name?" Tsukishima teases her, smirking.
"I asked my friend who are you since you're staring at me the other day." She straightforwardly said, not getting affected by his teasing and looking straight at his eyes.
Tsukishima got stunned at her words. His ears reddened due to embarrassment. Akemi saw this and laugh a bit.
'Even her laugh is captivating, the hell.' Tsukishima thought.
"Don't worry about that Tsukishima-kun, it doesn't bother me. I'm Kudō Akemi by the way, nice to meet you." She said reassuring the guy, looking at her watch.
"Oh! It's almost time. We gotta hurry if we want to make it in time." She told him. Getting her things hurriedly.
She was about to get past him when he held her wrist.
"Tsukishima Kei." He said looking away from her.
She got surprised by what he said and smiled when she recovered from the shocked.
"Hmm. Let's go back now Tsukishima-kun."
They walked side by side. Smiling in their minds.
-It's another timeskip-
Yachi was fidgeting in her sit while Kakashi-sensei discusses. She doesn't know how to tell Akemi that she told Kiyoko-san that she doesn't have a club yet and that they are having a trial membership today.
Akemi notices her and asked her what's wrong.
"Hitoka-chan are you okay? Do you want me to tell Kakashi-sensei that you're not feeling well?" She asked, worried that something might have happened with her friend.
"Uh! It's not like that Akemi-chan! I'll just tell you later." She answered, not looking at her friend.
"O-okay." She asked still hesitant with her answer.
After their class, Yachi pulled Akemi in a corner. Akemi was confused with how her friend was acting. Yachi is still hesitant to say something, so Akemi decided to ask.
"So, can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked, examining her friend's expression.
"Uhh, please don't get mad at me Akemi-chan. I kinda did something without your permission." Yachi said lowering her head.
"And what is it?" Akemi asks, now curious with what she'd done.
"I-ah there was a senpai who talked to me about joining their club since I still don't have one. And I kinda told her that you also don't have one, and now we're having a trial membership today and I just told you! I'm so sorry Akemi-chan! I'm such a bad friend, I'll understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore!" She said teary-eyed. She's really ashamed of what she's done.
Akemi now understands what this is all about.
"Hitoka-chan it's okay. I understand why'd you do that. And I am thankful that you thought about me not joining a club. It's really fine. Yes, I know I don't really want to join one but it's still a trial membership right? So, it can't kill me if I come right? So it's really fine Hitoka-chan. And I still want to be friends with you." She said to her, explaining that it's really fine.
Yachi stared at her in bewilderment.
"AKEMI-CHAN!!!!" She exclaimed and cried, hugging her tightly.
"Now now, stop crying now Hitoka-chan." She comforts.
Yachi calmed down after a few minutes.
"Can you tell me which club is it now?" She asked her.
"It's the volleyball club. Kiyoko-san, the senpai who talked to me said that she'll come here after class and fetch us." Yachi told her.
"Oh, so it's right now. Guess we just have to wait then." She said looking around in hopes to find someone looking around.
'It's Tsukishima-kun and the others' club, eh? Well, guess it's just the way it is.' She thought leaning her back to the wall.
Hey guys! This is where chapter 03 ended. Hope you have fun reading and give me some feedbacks to improve my writings! Thank you guys so much, lovelots❣
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
It's A Jameson Thing (Part 1)
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x Jameson!OC
Warning: None
Peter falls for the charismatic, argumentative girl that just switched classes. Unbeknownst to him, she's the niece of J. Jonah Jameson, the man that viciously hates Spiderman.
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"Alright so the proton and electron collide and then make..."
Mr. Harrington turned away from the smartboard and looked out into the sea of students in front of him. No one moved a muscle. "Anybody? A proton and an electron combine and maaaaake???" The students stayed silent, staring back at him with boredom dulling their eyes. He dropped his hands. "Come on, communication is needed, people! I know someone knows the answer!" He looked around, almost as desperate as the students for something.. anything new to happen. "Parker?," he pointed with chaotic hope in his eyes. "You know the answer right?!"
Peter felt his best friend, Ned, nudge his arm and immediately he jolted awake. "Huh? Um- HERE!," he blurted out, raising his hand.
Ned slapped his forehead. Chuckles were heard. Somewhere a student coughed.
Mr. Harrington rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Ugh, you know what? Free period, guys. No one's head's in the game today anyway."
"Whoop! Whoop!," Brad yelled though it was covered with a wide yawn.
And just like that the class began to wake up. Everyone moved their chairs, switched seats, until the entire class turned into a social frenzy."
So, did you watch the new Star Wars yet?," Ned asked, getting Peter to fully wake up.
The teenage superhero smoothed out his hair. "Nah, not yet. I haven't had much time."
At that, Ned completely freaked. "What?! Dude, you have to! You gotta hurry up and watch it so we can talk about it together!" He wildly began to rummage in his backpack.
"What're you doing?," Peter asked.
"Getting my planner because we're going to watch this together," Ned playfully snapped. "Now, when are you free?" He held his pen in his hand, expectantly.
Peter chuckled. "I-I don't know, man. Anything could happen at any time. I have to be ready." He cracked looked at Ned's disappointed face. Maybe he should relax a little. "...okay, anyday around 5. That's usually an inactive time for criminals. What happens in it, anyway?"
Ned's jaw dropped. "You seriously think I'm gonna tell you?! No spoilers, Pete," he said, pointing his finger in his friend's face.
Then he leaned in close. "But there is one thing I need to tell you for when you watch it."
Peter leaned in closer. "Yeah?"
"You know how Rey was kept having flashbacks about her family being taken?"
"Mhm." Peter nodded, eyes wide.
"Just, remember that part, okay?," Ned said. "It's real important, man. In fact, to get the full experience, you need to rewatch EVERYTHING." Ned smirked, "preferably in order."
Peter laughed. "I watched it out of order one time, Ned! How long are you gonna hold that against me?"
Their attentions were pulled to the front of the class when Mr. Harrington said, "Alright class, listen up!"
The class slowly became silent.
Mr. Harrington clapped his hands together. "Okay, so it appears we have a new student joining us today!" He stepped aside to reveal a young girl.
"Oooh, wow she's hot," Ned whispered from beside Peter.
"Shhh, Ned!," Peter whisper-shouted back.
"I'm actually not new," she spoke with a wave towards the class. "Just got my schedule tweaked a bit is all."
"Oh, well then you guys have already seen her around."
Flash threw his head up, looking the girl up and down. "Yeah, I've definitely seen you around."
She quickly shot him a glare. "Don't try it," she warned coldly, earning a few ooohs from the class.
Next, she was allowed to pick her seat.
Peter watched her as she walked further down the rows of desks. There was only one word that came to mind. Wow. Just from the way she held herself, he could see that she was special. And she knew it.
She had the type of confidence that he hadn't gotten until after becoming Spiderman.
It was as if even if she knew the apocalypse was imminent, she wouldn't move from her spot.
And Peter never realized it until seeing her now. A simple truth.
Confidence was attractive.
And on top of that she was attractive.
Peter blinked repeatedly, snapping out of his trance, after realizing that Ned was frantically waving a hand in his face.
"Peter? Hey. Yo! You okay?!"
"Huh? Ah- what?"
"In front of you!"
The girl was right in front of him.
"I said can I sit here?," she said, pointing at the chair beside him. No one sat there. It was perfect. Of course she could sit there.
Peter looked back at her, suddenly frozen. "Y-you wa-nt to-o, y-ye."
She furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm gonna take that as a yes..."
Ned nodded repeatedly with a wide smile, pulling the chair back for her to sit in. "That was TOTALLY a yes!"
She plopped into her seat with a snicker. She didn't take out any supplies because the class was nearly done. "So, who're you guys?"
Peter stared at her, his mouth still open. "M-my nam-me's Pee-!"
"Pee?"She stared back. "Like, as in... urinating?"
Ned rolled his eyes with an amused chuckle before trying to save his friend from embarrassing himself. "His name's-"
"Ter!" Peter's face was beet red.
The girl beside him giggled. "Oh, Peter. Of course." She playfully rolled her eyes. "Well Peter, I look forward to seeing you later. That is, if you can say more than a few words to me at a time." She smirked with a hum.
At that, the bell rang. The class proceeded to leave.
The girl grabbed her bag and stood up when she felt a hand grab hers. "Wait!," Peter blurted out. "When will we see you again?!"
The girl raised her eyebrows, eyeing his hand desperately grabbing hers. "Umm," she laughed out. "Maybe if my new class schedule aligns with yours then I'll see you..." She looked around. "Uhh, can you kind of-"
Peter looked down at their hands as he realized what he had done. "OH- uh... SORRY!"
She shook her head, laughing a bit. "No problem," she said before walking away.
"And I'm Ned!," Ned yelled after her.
Suddenly realizing everything he had done in the past 10 mintues, Peter dropped his head in his hands. "Oh mannn..."
Ned, who had been trying to keep a straight face the entire time, bursts into laughter. "Oh my God, duuude! You got it bad." He clapped his hands together. "I gotta tell MJ at lunch! Hahahaaa!"
"Wait wait wait. You don't even know her name?" MJ snickered, shaking her head at the two boys across from her.
"S-she didn't really have the chance to-"
MJ cut him off. "But you said she introduced herself to the class." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait-" she pointed her finger accusingly-" you two were talking weren't you?"
Peter waved his hand dismissively. "What? Hold on... Ned, we missed her name when you were screaming to me that she was hot!"
Ned paused, chicken wing halfway in his mouth. "I did? Huh, I guess I did."
MJ slapped her hand to her forehead. "I swear, you two idiots." She turned to the chubbier friend. "First, you can't shut up enough to hear the girl even say her name." Then to the thinner. "And then you can't say two words to her without getting tongue-tied or blushing like an idiot- why do I even bother. All this lovey-dovey crap does is aggravate me..'
Ned smirked, looking up. "Because you wuvvv usss," he said, making kissing noises.
"Oh go die in a hole-"
"*Attention teachers and students. Attention teachers and students. Will Jillian Jameson please come to the office? I repeat. Jillian Jameson, please come to the office.*"
The intercom turned off and Ned raised an eyebrow. "Jillian Jameson? Whose that?"
MJ shook her head nonchalantly. "The only Jameson I know is the one that hates you," she said, referring to the show host that made it his life's goal to give Spiderman a bad rep.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't remind me."
He walked to the trash cans on the side of the cafeteria to throw away his lunch tray.
When he got there, he couldn't help but notice commotion from outside of one of the cafeteria windows. What he saw made his jaw and his plate drop to the floor.
It was the girl from earlier, the one who's confident flair had Peter head over heels.
The one who's hand he desperately grabbed, subconsciously to keep her closer.
The one that even though Peter had only just met her, he knew she'd probably be the end of him.
The one who was at that exact moment, running into a big cheerful hug with none other than J. Jonah Jameson. The man that viciously hated Spiderman's guts.
"Uncle John! How are you?"
Peter fervently ran back to the table. He buried his head in his hands for what felt like the twentieth time that day.
"Pete, what's wrong? What happened?," Ned asked.
"Yeah dude. You look like you saw a life-ending event in all of 20 seconds," MJ morbidly chuckled.
But he had.
"Guys," Peter, lifting his head, began to speak. "She's a Jameson."
MJ spoke up. "Well, c'mon there are tons of people with the same last na-"
"No MJ." Peter's eyes were wide open. "She's a Jameson Jameson..."
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mistyechoes · 4 years
so i inserted a character into danganronpa 1 and 2 and i really like her so i wanted to share her on my main. get ready for me to get all professional and shit
also don't mind my shitty art. i cant keep her face consistent and my art style is atrocious but idk how else to show her to u all so
Sumire Hoshi, the Ultimate Actress (1st game design)
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She is part of a sort of self-indulgent au (she started off as a reflection of me, as most of my characters do). She's a lesbian, and acts incredibly bubbly so that they dont see her sadness (we'll get into that later). She befriends Byakuya in this (cuz i actually like him while basically no one else does).
Byakuya isn't the only one she befriends though. She becomes friends with Leon, Mondo, Chihiro, Taka, and Sakura. She copies all of their sprites after they die (minus Byakuya, obviously).
Her backstory is: Her past girlfriend was basically a tsundere. Super mean, but they both liked each other. They ended up getting together. But a while into them dating, her girlfriend killed herself. Sumire had no idea why. She had acted just like her normal tsundere self all this time, so why...? She usually was able to sense when people were acting, too... But she remembered that she had told her girlfriend tips on how to act convincingly. So now, she immediately tries to befriend mean people in the same way she befriended her past girlfriend. So that explains why she was so quick to try and help Byakuya.
I was also thinking about how she wouldn't have an alibi for the chapter 5 murder and could also be executed. The game would continue on, but they would eventually fail (for a reason I don't know yet) and get another bad ending.
That's all I can think of for her 1st game appearance for now!
Unfortunately I have literally no clue how to draw her, so I used this as a little guide to how she would look. I basically searched "lesbian fashion" or something and modified one of the pics a little. (she probably wouldn't have the hat actually, but im too lazy to remove it so)
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In this game, she shows up after everyone introduces themselves, and perpetually knows all their names (besides imposter, obviously. she had a good laugh at their appearance). She's always missing during free time events, and nearly always seems to carry a backpack. In game, you would never learn what's in her backpack, besides the journal because it was shown in the photo of the party.
Also, a super important thing! She doesn't have a cottage (she was put in too late to program that) and Monokuma gives her handcuffs for the entirety of nighttime, to limit her ability to talk with the future foundation.
Oh and also, she's super pissed at them for making the password 11037.
In all the class trials, she figures out who the culprit is pretty fast, because she has experience with these tricks. She never says anything though, as everyone is similar to the her classmates. In chapter 3, she figures out the culprit super quickly because she can sense Mikan's act. She does actually battle with Hajime, and while she's proven wrong, she's proven right later in the trial (idk what about).
In this AU, Nekomaru dies from the attack and never becomes a robot... which gives you a good idea of what happens next. Though I think I need to work out a few things, cuz they don't line up with the murder. In chapter 4, she notices that her handcuffs are taken off and heads over to the tower. She meets with Gundham, and after briefly petting his hamsters, they fight, and he wins. He does the same thing to Sumire as he did to Nekomaru, and ties her up. She wakes up 30 minutes later, and it goes the same way the original murder went.
She of course is still alive in real life, so after this all happens, she stays with the remnents for a bit. (I didn't watch the anime, so I have no clue what happens).
...and that's basically it. Sorry, I'm so bad at exciting endings.
Extra Stuff! I like to imagine Byakuya and her being great friends and fucking with each other at the future foundation. Like Sumire would constantly kick his door open, so he would too.
Byakuya could also just wordlessly walk into her office and Sumire would know to go out and get rid of Toko/Syo.
I like to think about them playing ace attorney together, idk why lol
Also, she stands with one hand behind her back. She says it's because people will see it as her normally standing if she hid anything behind her back.
I might add more to this idk lol
Sorry if this is too long/boring, she's my favorite OC so far (I haven't made many) so I wanted to share her!
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thechillicount · 5 years
Bungou Stray Dogs Questionnaire
Rules: Complete all the questions you want, expand and explain your answers as much as you want, and have fun!
If you can, tag some people you want to join in on the fun!
So I tag anyone that sees this and wants to do it to have fun! Everyone is welcomed!
Thank youuuu @usagiomega
What ability would you have in the BSD universe?
(That one's hard~!)
Melodic Speed: The more I listen to music the faster and agile I get. Pretty simple, I like simple. It could get to the point that others are unable to see me because I'm that fast. (I combined two things I do most often, listening to music and being slow. Totally not inspired by Hamatora.)
If you could claim someone's ability in BSD, whose ability would you want?
(Don't say Chuuya's, don't say Chuuya's)
I'm really tempted by Edgar's ability. To trap people in books until they solve the mystery inside? I'd say dope! That would also make me write more as I have a few people I'd like to trap, just for fun~
What group/organization would you join?
Port Mafia for sure as I'm a villain at heart but still want to have a reliable and strong family around me. Also because I can wear a lot of black. But Mori can stay locked in his room.
Which BSD character do you identify with the most?
Honestly Ranpo. I do the exact same things that he does, laze around and eat baked goods. But that's only on the outside.
On the inside I identify with Chuuya a lot. Him hating betrayals is something that hits too close to home. Him wanting to protect Port Mafia that took him in after his previous group pushed him away. Him being loyal as heck not even knowing if he'll be able to stay forever or not. Like I said, hits too close to home.
Who are your top five favourite BSD characters?
(Surprise surprise)
Dazai: The very first time he appeared I took him for an asshole, which he kinda is. But then I quickly grew to like him as I was getting interested in his character on a deeper level. I like his two faced personality, he acts derpy and cute only to turn into a mischievous sadist that he truly is. The Dark Era also made me gain respect and much more love for him.
Chuuya: He introduced me to BSD when I first saw him in this MEP (bless and R.I.P MDS). So in 2016! I even remember watching BSD during Christmas Eve dinner under the table! Not gonna lie, his looks hooked me in. When I finally got him after so many episodes I was interested even more. He has some history with my boy Dazai? Show me, tell me! Until recently I've been thirsty for some more Chuuya and got it in the new season, I'm still gonna read the actual light novel though. But nonetheless, I'm satisfied. I actually hope BONES doesn't make him an another main character because I like him as he is. I like redhead hotheads like Chuuya or Taiga Kagami. Also, I was already a huge fan of GRANRODEO in 2016 so hearing Kishow was a blessing. All thanks to Kuroko no Basket. ♡
Oda: His precious heart made me love him! He just wanted to write, to take care of the kids. Each time I remember my heart cries a river. And each time something new comes to the BSD universe with him in it I love it but also can't take it.
Tecchou: First of all, I really like the concept of Hunting Dogs. Second of all, this boy is precious. Justice fighter who respects people that want to protect others. The whole scene with the cafe owner moved my freaking heart, I kid you not. Unlike other members of the Hunting Dogs he doesn't want to bring down ADA just because they're supposed criminals but because it's his job to keep the country and it's people safe. And so he's doing it, no matter what he must do. I'm pretty sure that if he would find out the truth he'll try to stop his teammates and explain who's the real villain here. I hope it happens! His habits are also hilarious.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Michizou: I don't know if I can count him as a "favorite" yet but I really liked what Asagiri-sensei and Harukawa-sensei did with him. The reveal is one of my favorite manga scenes ever! I'm looking forward to seeing more of him as I was dying to since I started watching BSD. I won't forgive him for hurting Gin though, that's one huge minus.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Are there any authors that you'd want to bring into the BSD universe that hasn't arrived yet? Or do you have OCs?
Oh boy, here we go!
I do have one author that I think would fit very well. He's a polish poet from a romanticism era (my fave) that wrote poems, epics, ballads. His name is Adam Mickiewicz ladies and gents. Why do I think he would fit? Well, he was born in Poland that didn't actually exist and people were fighting for its freedom. So fight was already in his blood which he later on proved by becoming a commander in a battle. He was in a lot of conspiracy groups. And because of that I feel like fitting in BSD is just a matter of what kind of organization is he going to be in. He even had contact and made friends with Russian Decemberists, made enemies with Pushkin (who already is in BSD). If Adam would be in BSD I believe he'd have contact with the Rats before they fled to Japan. And because of his conspiracy origins I say he spied on the Rats from within. As for his ability I believe it would be some fighting type one as real life Adam took part in battles. I wanted to give him an ability that has something to do with his play "Dziady" but I haven't really decided yet.
Favourite Scene(s)?
Dazai floating in river; Dazai nullifying Atsushi's ability; Chuuya's reveal; Atsushi and Akutagawa fighting Fitzgerald; Atsushi hugging Kyouka; Any scene with Oda; Any scene with 15 year old Chuuya and Osamu except for the hand holding one; Fyodor killing Karma, (I'm so sorry)
Chuuya shooting bullets using gravity; Tachihara's reveal; Yosano's backstory; Mori and Fukuzawa's fight; Fukuzawa and Fukuchi scene; Any Tecchou scene; Hunting Dogs being chaotic; Chuuya getting tired and punching everyone; Dazai getting shot; Edgar getting scared by his ringtone; Dazai and Fyodor in a chess duel; Any Sigma scene.
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(Translation by Dazaiscans of course.)
Favourite Quotes from the Authors/Characters?
(Thank Gods there's bsd-bibliophile~ Great help!)
Mine has been a life of much shame.
- Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
To love someone is to put your life on the line. I don't take it lightly.
- Dazai Osamu, "Female" from Self Portraits
Bad people are to be found everywhere, but even among the worst there may be something good.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The House of the Dead
It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The Idiot
A fool with a heart and no sense is just as unhappy as a fool with sense and no heart.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Фёдор Достоевский), The Idiot
(I'm currently reading Dostoyevsky in my literature class sooo)
Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Because when you are imagining, you might as well imagine something worth while.
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
People laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven't you?
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
(One of my favorite books ever)
That threw me for a loop...is that my ringtone?
- Edgar Allan Poe getting scared by his ringtone, Chapter 55
(I had to)
Certainly, people are sinfully stupid. But what's so wrong about that?
- Dazai Osamu, Chapter 46
(Can I wait till Friday for that? I'll try)
Who would you want to bring to life to be your best friend? Waifu/Husbando?
There are a lot but I'm gonna go classic and say Chuuya. I'd love to make fun of him for being shorter than me and watch him go berserk. Like I said, I'm a villain at heart. I love him tons though! Dazai is also a pick as he's already very similar to my best friend. I have weird friends.
How has Bungou Stray Dogs changed you as a person? Did you learn anything from it?
I learned that I strive to write as good as Asagiri-sensei because his writing is amazing in my opinion. BSD also introduced me to a ton of Japanese authors as it's the case with most of its watchers. And even though I don't have a lot of time to read their books now (school and grade chasing as I only have 3 weeks to improve them), I'm going to read EVERYTHING I CAN during summer vacations. Good luck to me~
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aaronhotchstuff · 2 years
hiii bestie!! how r things??? here for some oc bingo interaction!!
1. What is a song Margo and Klaus like to dance to?
2. What is a song you associate with all versions of Karlee and Peter?
3. Who is Audrey's favorite parent?
4. Is there a fandom you haven't created an oc for yet that you want to? Or just haven't introduced?
5. Tell me something you've been dying to say about one of your ocs/stories!
HIII BABE it’s been well thank you!! i hope the same for you <3
1. What is a song Margo and Klaus like to dance to?
oh damn. i have no idea. they first got together eons ago, like the ancient times. i don’t know if they even had music back then lmao. and they’re like enemies during tvd/to so definitely no dancing there lol
2. What is a song you associate with all versions of Karlee and Peter?
you and me by lifehouse. 3000%.
3. Who is Audrey's favorite parent?
oof that’s actually really hard, but i’d say clint! she’s super close with harvey and audrey thinks she’s awesome, meanwhile her and clint are just way too complicated. but i think that’s exactly why he has to be her favorite!! there’s so much — let’s call it — bad memories and just beef between them, which makes the good ones they make quite special and something she holds close to her heart (as does clint!)
4. Is there a fandom you haven't created an oc for yet that you want to? Or just haven't introduced?
AH i’ve been constantly thinking about developing my harry potter oc, but there’s so much lore to think about it overall that i really want to take my time with, which sadly i don’t have as of yet :((
5. Tell me something you've been dying to say about one of your ocs/stories!
HWGAKAJ ummm okay i’ll say something about my btvs oc, gabby!! so by s3, buffy has already started to notice gabby in a romantic way, but she’s just lost angel + she’s really confused with the whole thing since last time she checked, she was straight, so although she knows she’s feeling something for gabby and even accidentally hints at it from time to time, she’s mostly just avoiding the entire thing, which gets harder for her to do when faith and gabby starts dating. cause like, when faith arrived, gabby didn’t pay that much attention to her.
like when they were all at the bronze and faith asks buffy about her experiences but xander and willow kept interrupting her when she’s about to share (which really annoyed me ahgekshskeh) and so gabby was like, “oh yeah, what happened again?” and they ended up distracted with reminiscing stuff and basically had their own conversation. “what’s so funny?” “oh, nothing.” and they both snickered with their inside jokes before leaving them to get drinks. anyways, i just really love the way gabby treats buffy, like obviously she’s in love with her but that’s not always why she’s good to her; she understands her more than anyone although she didn’t go through the exact same things buffy did, and she’s just a really good friend to her. i guess, you could say, that she’s being what she needed when she was in buffy’s place but nobody ever cared to be, y’know? sorry this got long agekshsjs
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mystic-scripture · 3 years
1. What are some of the things Drea's dad taught her?
2. Who are some of Liza's musical inspirations?
3. How does Savannah react to Shane's slow descent into madness?
4. Is there a fandom you haven't created an oc for yet that you want to? Or just haven't introduced?
5. Tell me something you've been dying to say about one of your ocs/stories!
Bingoooooo~!!! Hello hello!!! Okay let's get into it. 1. A lot of what Drea's dad taught her was like survivalist stuff. Lots of self defense and basics toward being a guard member like him, as well as a lot of earth skills, and things to look out for. Basically whatever holes there were in Ark education, he filled. She idolized him, if felt a little weary of disappointing him. 2. Liza's Inspiration are a lot of like Disney stars because I didn't want to confuse with the Nickelodeon side of things. Her biggest three are probably Hilary Duff, Demi (which idk if that fits timeline-wise, maybe her early early stuff), and then non-disney would be Ciara for the whole singing and semi-rap style that Brigit actually has in her music (which is what I'm using for Liza's songs)
3. She was kinda weary about it the whole time, since she saw a side of him at home that others might not have? Like there are things she tells Rick later on that shed some light on it. She def is scared that it might be a mental illness thing and she is susceptible to it. Like she avoids the crap out of people on the road after because she's terrified they think the same and will leave her. Eventually, Carl and Daryl put her straight, but she is really worried she might end up the same and that she should be left behind. 4. Oh there are so many... that could fill a bingo sheet all in itself. I have talked about a couple here that I never officially made introductions for outside of Drea though! I also have my Plot Bunny's page here. 5. I have SO MANY ideas and thoughts and things about Steph I'm dying to share, she's my og, my most developed and has the most content both on and off the internet, and just ugh. I could rave about her for DAYS. Sorry the last two feel kinda like cop-outs, but I wasn't sure what to say... Hope this was helpful and tank you for asking about my babies!
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