#oh and i also tag insects/bugs as 'bugs' + food as 'food' - those are the only tags that dont have a cw in them
pythonessess · 11 months
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hi!! i'm
🌻 penelope/misty/ness
💐 20
🌺 she/fae plz!
🌨 (my goofy abt tag is #nesscore also)
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byf/dni: no proshippers, rpf enjoyers + the usual criteria (i.e. no terfs, zionists, etc.)
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side blogs + others:
🌿 @pinkcanvas (aes/art insp blog)
🌊 @mistycreature (inactive stim blog)
🦢 twt: same name, bluesky: pythoness
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transmurderbug · 8 months
🍂Weekly Tag Wednesday! 🍂
Look at me going at it after being AWOL for like a month. 👀 Thank you Nosho @creepkinginc, Becki @francesrose3, Jess @jrooc, Kaka @stocious and Willow @ian-galagher for the tags! 🥰
(stealing Willow's format, because it's pretty and neat)
Name: Sky
Location: In a cave, underneath a pretty rock somewhere. 🪨
And now for the randomness! tell me your most and least favorites of: (brave to assume I'll be able to choose just one...)
Most - I've always like sour Haribo of all kinds. Also any candy or chocolate bars. Least - The very soft, cotton like gummies (gumdrop?)
Most - Autumn where it's not cold yet, but everything's pretty. Also snowy winter. Least - That very ugly time when autumn is turning into winter and everything is sad.
Hot beverage?
Most - Cocoa or hot chocolate. Least - Green tea.
Cold beverage?
Most - Most sodas and coffee (I drink cold coffee even if it's freezing) Least - Tonic. Blah.
Most - Black, blue, green and orange. Least - Pink.
Most - I will devour any vegetable and I love them with all my heart as long as they are raw. (I'd also say tomatoes, because they are one of the best things ever, but they're technically a fruit. Also potatoes - raw - but they aren't vegetables either. They deserve the honorable mention though) Least - Most if they are cooked/baked/went through any kind of heat treatment. But mostly spinach.
Traditional foods from your country?
Most - Oh wow. We have so many and I love most. But maybe... lángos, chitterling-sausage, kürtőskalács, pig feet stew - okay I have to stop, but I have so many more. I need to put together a list... Least - We have a chitterling that's made with liver. I never liked those. Or stuffed cabbage.
Most - Okay, now hear me out. Any insect is instantly my best friend, so I can't just choose one... All the bugs, that's for sure and other than that... I find dragonflies to be quite pretty. Least - These are all context specific, but... I'm seconding Nosho with the midges. Also the small, bitey flies and most gadflies (painful as heck if they bite/sting) that will absolutely devour everything and everyone during the summer.
Cake flavours?
Most - Any fruit, chocolate, coffee and lemon. Least - Anything made with cottage cheese.
Non-gallagher or milkovich shameless characters?
Most - V, maybe Kev. I also liked Sue. Least - Sammi. Caleb. The usual ones. (Also stealing Willow's thought, because as entertaining as Paula was, damn her)
These questions proved how incapable I am of choosing just one "most". But oh well. Keeping it interesting.
Tagging a few awesome people, because I'm miraculously on time. Hop in or have this cookie: 🍪
@transmickey @spacerockwriting @dynamic-power @deathclassic @juliakayyy @look-i-love-u @energievie @palepinkgoat @heymrspatel @suzy-queued @gardenerian @darlingian @ifallonblackdays @swiftfootedachilles @krysmiss @meagaboooo and anybody else who wants to play
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p4rt2cle · 1 year
Realised I should make a pinned post actually instead of cramming everything in my description. Whoops!
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Hi! I’m P4, name and pronouns vary -this is where I reblog everything but my main is @p4rt1cle where I post NOTHING !! ^^ Oh yeah and since it’s July my artfight is here :]
I don’t really care who interacts with me so long as you aren’t hateful or weird to me and those around here
Also as a reminder this is a personal blog so know what you’re signing up for. If I want to blog a post 20 times, you’re choosing to be here <3 (doesn’t happen often but be warned)
Specific content you can expect from here is under the cut
General stuff
- Food (recipes, cooking)
- Art
- Arthropods (crabs, shrimp, insects, arachnids, any “bug”)
- Queer content
- Writing/drawing tips
- Jewish content occasionally (not Zionist. This is a pro-Palestine space!)
And just anything I find funny really.
I have no idea if I’ll actually keep this updated but off the top of my head
- Object shows (BFDI/BFB/TPOT, II, hfjONE, AB, ITFT, LOTS, the list goes on I’m sure)
- Roblox games (Regretevator, Phighting)
- Dungeon Meshi
- Animator vs. Animation
- Rain World
- Minecraft
And less common but sometimes
- Undertale/Deltarune
- Splatoon
- Don’t Starve
- Ultrakill
- Cult of the Lamb
- Starbound
You can also tag me as much as you want! The subject can be anything above or if you just feel like it, I don’t mind :]
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xazz · 4 years
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Moth Wings 1
Pairing: AltMal, Altair+Desmond Rating: Explicit Tags: vampires, romance, servant AU, music AU, Insect wings (but no bugs of any sort), fluff, angst, flangst Status: WIP
Extra warning for this chapter: there’s like a weird egg hatching scene. It isn’t graphic but if that freaks you out you’ve been warned.
Ayyye Vampire AU. Because who doesn’t like a vampire AU? This is “technically” the first part of chapter 1 but I’m cutting it up and posting it in shorter parts. If you want to read the full like... 10k long chapter 1 it’s available on my patreon (see blog page for details).
It had been a long year.
Altair was at his usual spot lately. He’d been spending more and more hours every day for the past few weeks. The chrysalis had been getting more and more opaque as the weeks had gone on and the master demanded someone be there to watch it. And it certainly wouldn’t be one of the coven. So it fell to Altair.
He was supposed to stay up all day and night with it now. Someone at least came and gave him food and drink. Half the time he just tried to not fall asleep, entertaining himself with his sketchbook, his one reprieve in this dark world he’d found himself in.
But finally.
The chrysalis was hatching.
It was the middle of the day and the masters were asleep. But it didn’t matter to the one in the chrysalis. The fragile skin surrounding it splintered and a clear fluid leaked out and dribbled on the stone floor. Altair only left to get a mop and water. He knew he’d have to clean it anyway so he might as well prepare. There were already blankets and towels at the ready in tall stacks surrounding the altar the chrysalis was on.
Altair just sat and waited. He’d been instructed not to touch the chrysalis. Either it emerged on its own and was strong enough to join the coven, or it died in birth. Altair thought that was a pretty mean way to welcome a child into the world. But what did he know? This wasn’t his world. This was the world of the night. A world of darkness. A sleepless world for Altair.
An hour ticked by. Another. Slowly the cracks formed fractures and then rips in the fragile membrane of the chrysalis. He saw something moving in there, backlit by the chandelier overhead.
Then finally, well past noon, the chrysalis split. Embiotic juices splashed across the altar and floor and a figure tumbled out, onto the altar.
It was the size of a small child and looking at it Altair could hardly believe it was a vampire. It looked so thin and fragile. It’s black eyes were huge, its teeth comically too big for its mouth, its skull shape wrong to fit all those teeth. Its wings were damp and delicate, stuck to its back like paper. 
Unlike a human newborn it didn’t cry when it came into the world. It was too large. This was a vampire infant but it was nothing like a human infant. It was already as big as a toddler. It just looked at Altair with its big black eyes, breathing through its mouth, his nose clogged with mucus.
He started when it squeaked. Almost like a cat. “Oh, right,” he muttered and grabbed some towels and gathered the infant up. He wiped it down and it made more soft little squeaking noises at him. So unlike human babies. It was more like the noise baby animals made when they were hungry.
He swallowed realizing he might be the meal the masters intended for the newborn.
But that made no sense. He was much too big. Also they wouldn’t just throw him away like that. Or he hoped not.
He unwrapped the child and swaddled it again in some blankets. “Yes yes, let’s get you some food,” and he left the hatching room. He hadn’t left this room in days. What a relief it was. And it was still light out.
He went to the kitchens and there were fowl livestock for the lower members of the coven here. And he knew in the cellar were the... human livestock. He refused to think about it. Instead he put the child on the floor and went to get a syringe. He’d drawn blood from the animal livestock enough for the lower members of the coven to know how to do it without really hurting the animal. He stabbed a duck and drew a measure of blood. The duck was very unhappy about that but couldn’t easily protest locked in its little cage.
Altair sat at the kitchen table with the babe in his lap and let it lap up blood from the syringe. The masters would probably be furious knowing their spawn’s first meal had been game but Altair wasn’t allowed in the cellar. Even if he was he wouldn’t draw blood from humans. He couldn’t. It wasn’t like they were awake to take care of it. Altair had a feeling that’d be his job now.
“Better?” he asked the little spawn after it had licked up all the blood out of the big syringe. It just yawned at him and closed its eyes. “Oh good,” he yawned and slumped in the chair. He was so tired. Now that the child was hatched maybe he could finally get some sleep again. He felt his eyelids grow heavy and despite himself he fell asleep.
He was woken by a commotion in the kitchen and loud voices. He sat up. The child was still in his lap, starting to fuss from the noise. Altair patted its back, rousing himself. He couldn’t have slept more than a few hours. Not nearly enough to make up for the sleepless weeks he’d had leading up to yesterday.
“Where’d he go?” he heard one of the adults call and Altair knew he was being spoken of.
“Well… time to meet the family,” he sighed to the child, who was still fussing. He got up, holding the child to his chest, and left the kitchen. He climbed the stairs up to the dining room where several members of the coven were, talking loudly, annoyedly.
As soon as he entered the room they all looked towards him, drawn by his smell as much as the noise, and the smell of the newborn he was sure. “Where have you been?” the Matron shrieked.
“Down in the kitchen, mistress,” he kept his eyes down so he couldn’t even see her. She flew over to him and his hands went limp as she snatched the child from his grasp. “They were hungry.”
“Hmph,” and she stormed back down into the kitchen with the child. Probably to go to the cellar.
“Go clean up the mess, Altair,” said one of the children.
“Yes, young master,” he said and shuffled away. As he did he felt them watching him. He hoped it wasn’t in hunger.
He went back to the hatching chamber to his mop and bucket. He put the now empty chrysalis in another basin. The master would want it. For what he didn’t know. Altair knew better than to ask. He then slopped the now cold soapy water across the altar and floor and set about mopping up. He ended up half falling asleep standing up, using the mop to keep him upright. Only when he almost took a header into the altar did he try and wake himself more and stay more alert to finish the chore.
Once he was done he made sure the rest of the hatching chamber was in order, he put away all the cleaning supplies and made sure the chamber was neat and tidy for if the Matron came by to inspect his work. Then he took the basin with the chrysalis and went to the master’s study.
The master was there already, smoking out of a long silver pipe, reading an old book. The master’s study was his collection of books and artifacts from the world over. He’d been alive centuries and knew all sorts of things. Sometimes when he was in a good mood he’d take the time he’d tell Altair some of the things he knew. “Master,” he said at the open door. “I brought the chrysalis as you asked.”
“Yes yes, bring it in, Altair,” he beckoned. Altair entered and set the basin down on the desk. “That is all, Altair.”
“Master,” Altair didn’t leave quite yet. “May I sleep now?”
The old vampire chuckled. “Yes. I supposed you’ve been a good little human. You may sleep the night. But tomorrow night.”
“Yes, master,” he bowed a little, still not lifting his eyes even enough to see what he looked like.
Altair retreated and went back to his little room and used one of the wall lamps to light a worn candle to provide light in the room. It was a broom closet they’d allowed him to have so he wasn’t sleeping on the floor. They might not have been human but his masters refused to be ‘animals’ they said. He also knew he should be grateful for a bed, a stool, candles, and a piss pot. They reminded him often that the humans down in the cellar slept on straw like proper livestock and they all just used a corner for their business.
There was an old jug of water in the room. He wet a cloth and wiped himself off as he was sticky from cleaning the hatching chamber and the child. Then he removed all his clothing and crawled into his little cot with the thin blanket. There was no pillow but it hardly mattered. He laid on his stomach and was asleep in only a few heart beats.
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Fic wrap-up
It’s been a shitty year for everyone, myself included. 2020′s really done a number on me, and my mental health is currently at the lowest it’s been in years. BUT I’m working on it, and I figure part of that is being proud of what I did do, the things I did make, despite it all. 
So this year, I somehow wrote (and posted) 10 fics, with a total of 21,507 words. The longest fic I wrote was 6K, the shortest just 827 words. I know in the grand scheme of things that isn’t much, but considering, you know, everything, I’m still happy with that. 
And I think y’all were happy with it too. Several of these fics got 1000+ hits! Considering for me usually anything over 200 hits is a success, that’s amazing.
I did learn this year that I am terrible at tagging, and at knowing what my stories are actually about. I think I probably write more hurt/comfort and found family trope than I realize. Also the usual domestic suspects like cooking/eating and sleeping together, I write those way more than I realize. If someone sees other recurring themes in these, let me know? I’d be really curious to hear what other people think these stories are really about.  
Thank you all so much for reading, and leaving kudos and comments! I still get an email almost every single day that someone left kudos, and it makes me a little bit happier every day. 
So just to share them once more, here they all are, sorted by fandom: 
Dan & Phil: 
mating calls  5 times Dan loved Phil’s subtle attempts at flirting through animal facts, and one time he didn’t. 1354 words, teen and up audiences  Tags: 5+1 fic, getting together, 2009 fic, fluff, mentions of family members, animal facts, gay animals, bad flirting through animal facts, making animal sounds, gratuitous abuse of artistic freedom when it comes to available technology, by which I mean I have no idea when phones got email just bear with me okay
House Hunters   Kath and Nigel go down to London to help Phil and Dan find a house to buy 827 words,  gen Tags: moving, POV Outsider, headaches & migraines, bugs & insects Just You, And Him  You first realize your feelings may have changed when you look at him pouring coffee, eyes bleary and curly hair flopping around chaotically as if he’s had a restless night again. Or, the one in which there is a lot of pining. 921 words, gen  Tags: POV Second Person, pining, yearning, food, getting together, oh my god they were roommates
and they were roombas  Dan knows that, as a manmade inanimate object, he should not be capable of talking or of feeling anything, let alone love. Not that it matters, because there’s no way Phil feels the same about him anyway. Dan is content to live his life cleaning floors and occasionally bumping into Phil, without ever doing anything about his feelings. That is, until one fateful day they get stuck under a table together…It’s a race for survival and love as time starts running out. Will they live happily ever after or will their love fade as quickly as their batteries? 2027 words, gen  Tags: crack, roombas, swearing, there’s a cat, I don’t....I don’t know what else to put here, the word war chat made me do it, I don’t know what this is either
Star Trek: Picard:
on this fresh morning in the broken world  Guinan has heard a lot of rumours about Picard’s latest adventures and the crew of La Sirena. She never quite believed them, knowing fully well how rumours tend to be exaggerated. Then Picard shows up to ask her to join the ship for a while, and Guinan realizes she’s never done learning after all. 3033 words, gen  Tags: guinan meets the sirena crew, canon divergent, holosquad, introspective, trauma, spoilers for picard, no I mean it there are spoilers here, do NOT read if you’re not up to speed on picard
HIStory 3: Trapped: 
Jack Tries To Become A Normal Member Of Society  After everything’s settled down and Jack has taken his time to relax and enjoy this newfound life with Zhao Zi, he decides it’s time to find a normal job. After all these years as a mercenary and working with the mafia and Interpol, how hard can it be, right? 3271 words, gen  Tags: shenanigans, comedy, some (threats of) violence, sex mentions, swearing, blood, menial labour, annoying customers, unrealistic scenarios, found family trope, quite possibly the single most self indulgent fic I’ve ever written
how two hands touch  Okay, maybe Tang Yi does sleep better when Shaofei is there. He’ll never actually admit that though.(a 5+1 fic) 2414 words, teen and up audiences  Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, food, banter about food, cooking, some angst and sadness but I promise everything will be ok, shaofei does go into the hospital again sorry about that, I figured he’s used to it, set from mid-canon to post-canon, not beta read My Engineer: 
Duen Holmes and the Case of the Missing Cupcake  While at the volunteer camp, Cupcake goes missing. Duen decides this is the perfect opportunity to try out some sleuthing.Or, the one in which Duen plays Sherlock Holmes, and finds out some very interesting things indeed. 6495 words, teen and up audiences  Tags: cupcake the lizard, camp trip, fluff, crack, so just like a regular episode really, canon compliant up to episode 12, spoilers up to episode 12
Unrooted  King has some thoughts on Ram's tattoos. 988 words, gen Tags: tattoos, introspective Unspoken  Ram has some thoughts on King and his plants. 1531 words, gen  Tags: introspection, plants
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spideycents · 5 years
Spider-Man Songfic Series: I Don’t Care - Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber
summary: Pre Infinity War, post Homecoming. Dinner with the Midtown Tech decathlon team after a day of competing.
word count: 1,554
pairing: PeterxMJ
WARNINGS: swearing
a/n: repost cause user error :P
        “How many?” The hostess at the restaurant asks.
         Mr. Harrington turns around and starts counting heads. Ned rolls his eyes and answers for him.
         “Eleven,” he smiles at her. “How are you doing tonight?”
         “I’m alright,” she says simply as she collects the menus and steps out from behind her podium. “This way.” She starts walking and the decathlon team shuffles after her.
         “So,” Ned continues. “What time do you get off tonight?”
         “Dude,” Peter groans under his breath and quickly ducks past them to slide into one of the booths she’s led them to.
         She doesn’t respond to Ned. She straight up pretends she didn’t hear him while she sets out the menus on the tables.
“Your waiter will be with you soon.” She smiles at the group, making a point of skipping over Ned while he tries to catch her eye, then heads back to her station.
         “Smooth move Ex-Lax,” Flash laughs as he steps past Ned.
         Ned slumps down into Peter’s booth on the opposite side of the table and picks up his menu.
         “You good?” Peter asks him.
         “Fine,” he responds. “Let’s just move on before Flash comes up with anymore insults.”
         They look over their menus while the rest of the group picks their seats. Rather than push a few tables together so they’re all sitting together, probably because it’s a busy night and there seem to be quite a few big groups here already, the hostess gave them a few booths that are back to back and right across the aisle from each other.
         Mr. Harrington and the other chaperone take their own table and the students cram into the remaining two. Peter and Ned end up sharing with four other people. Both pressed up against the wall, Ned sits next to Abraham with Cindy on the edge and Peter’s struggling for elbow room beside Charles, who’s decided to sit as comfortably as he possibly can while still giving Michelle enough space at the end. Peter’s forced to basically become one with the wall, because he’d rather be uncomfortable all night than make MJ sit on the corner of the seat.
         “There’s room over here,” Flash says when he cranes his neck over the back of his booth.
         They all glance each other, but no one moves.
         Their table decides to split bottomless chips and salsa and they fall into overlapping conversations. Reviewing the questions from today’s meet, judging the students and their uniforms from the other schools, and picking back up the main topic most of Midtown Tech, and basically the whole country has been talking about again after another press conference with the Wakandan king: what the hell is really in Wakanda??
         “It’s Area 52. No, strike that. Area 69.”
         “Shut up, Charles.”
“It’s where they’re hiding all the clones they’ve made since those sheep.”
“How do we know for sure that those were the first?”
         “It’s where they’re keeping patient zero of the zombie apocalypse.”
         “It would’ve gotten out by now. Especially if it’s airborne.”
         “You don’t know that.”
         “Neither do you.”
         “It’s the biggest nuclear testing site.”
         “How the fuck is it so green?!”
         “It’s an illusion.”
         “You’re all wrong. It’s where they’re keeping all the alien tech and survivors and shit from the New York battle and all the Avengers fuck ups since.”
         Peter is very noticeably not adding to this conversation.
         He’s taken the liberty of collecting all the remains of the straw wrappers from the table and is meticulously twisting them together.
         “What are you making?”
         He looks up, but the table is still immersed in their discussions.
         “Looks cool.”
         He turns to his right to find Michelle leaning back to see around Charles’ back.
         Peter smiles slightly. “Thanks.”
         “What is it?” she gestures at the paper scraps.
         He looks back down at them and shrugs. “Not sure yet.”
         “Looks kinda like a bug,” Cindy speaks up from across the table and Peter looks up to find that the whole table has turned their attention on him.
         “Not a bug,” Abraham corrects. “More than six legs, possibly eight? Maybe it’s an arachnid.”
         Peter’s eyes widen and quickly flick up to meet Ned’s who’s have also grown to the size of half dollars. He quickly crumples the papers in his hands and messes them into a ball.
         “You’re all wrong,” he laughs lightly. “It’s a dung beetle. See, here’s it’s ball.” He opens his palm, displaying the crumpled paper and smiles awkwardly.
         Everyone is looking at him like he’s insane.
         Dung beetle was definitely not a good cover up. There are literally hundreds of thousands of insects out there and he had to go with dung beetle.
         Nice one Peter. Real nice.
         “Well anyway…” Charles cuts in, returning to their previous debate. “It’s Area 420.”
         “And we’re done,” Ned says finally right as the waiter appears with their food.
         Peter flicks his eyes to the side without turning his head and notices MJ looking questioningly at the ball of straw wrappers and then over to Peter and he quickly picks up his Coke and swallows some massive gulps before she notices he was watching her, because that fast response was totally a casual, normal thing to do.
          Eventually, after they’ve all finished their food the two booths become one when the other teammates drag over chairs and sit at the end of the booth or get up on their knees on the cushions and crane their necks over the top of the seats. The conversations turn into random games and stupid things and someone, Flash, proposes the idea of shots.
         “Don’t even think about it,” Mr. Harrington says loudly, without turning to look at them.
         “Non-alcoholic,” Flash whines over his shoulder then turns back around in his chair. “Who’s all got Coke?”
         Peter and a few others grab their glasses.
         “Anyone got any leftover limes?”
         A few students start picking them from their plates and Flash grabs an unused saucer to collect them.
         “Okay,” he starts once he’s got everyone’s attention, which is surprisingly instant. “Here’s what you do…” He demonstrates by first: licking the back of his left hand, then shaking some salt onto it, then licking his hand again, taking a large swig of the nearest Coke, and biting one of the lime wedges. He swallows it all together and finishes with a loud “Ahhh!” like in every soft drink commercial ever.
         “Gross,” Cindy says flatly.
         “Yeah, I’m not doing that,” seconds Ned with an added grimace.
         “Fuck it, I’m game,” Charles pops up.
         “Do we have to lick our hands?” Betty asks.
         Peter glances at Ned questioningly and Ned rolls his eyes.
         “Pass me a lime,” he says.
         Peter watches as everyone around the table takes their own non-alcoholic shot. Most are indifferent about it, a couple really don’t like it, and Charles goes back for seconds.
         After Ned downs his like a champ, earning some noticeable praise from the table, it dawns on Peter that he’s the last one.
         Or not.
         “Cheers, loser,” MJ nods at him and holds up her Coke.
         “Oh uh,” he picks up his own glass and raises it to hers. “Yeah, cheers.”
         They smile slightly at each other and clink their drinks, then lick their hands and toss back their shots.
         With their eyes on each other, Peter almost chokes on his Coke but manages to bite into the lime before things go south.
         “I gotta be honest with you, Eugene,” MJ turns to him. “I think I would’ve preferred to wait to try the alcoholic shot first.”
         Most of the table chimes in with a chorus of agreeds and sames and me toos.
         Not long after, their parents start to arrive to take them home and the group starts to break off. When it’s down to only about five people left, they wander outside to wait.
         Some people are hugging each other goodnight and it kinda feels like everyone’s supposed to hug each other so no one feels left out.
         Peter and Ned dramatically fake sob into each other’s shoulders as they hug tight, then turn to their classmates to continue overdoing it with their goodbyes. That is, until Peter comes to his last hug, with MJ.
         Unsure of who’s supposed to make the first move, they both end up hesitating for a step before wrapping their arms around each other. But, of course, neither knows which direction to go with their arms so they each end up with one arm over and one under.
         “Bye MJ,” Peter says.
         “Bye Peter,” she responds quietly.
         And it’s almost as if in that moment, maybe their classmates aren’t around and maybe their hug lasts a second longer than the others and maybe their heads turn into each other’s necks rather crane over their shoulders and maybe their hands linger on each other’s arms as they maybe slowly separate and maybe they smile shyly at each other as they turn away and maybe Peter’s cheeks are still flushed when he climbs into his aunt’s car and maybe he spends the rest of the night analyzing the hug and whether it means anything significant.
         Or maybe it’s just a hug and maybe they say see you tomorrow and maybe that’s it.
         Or maybe they’re both still thinking about it when they fall asleep that night.
Hope the run-on sentences didn’t annoy anyone. My editor thought I should cut them up or rewrite them, but I really like how they make you read like a spiral. They feel innocent and rambly to me so I hope they worked alright.
Let me know your thoughts in the tags or drop a review or more song suggestions in my inbox.
See ya in the next one! :P
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sufferthesea · 7 years
Ooh if you've got time could you do Kiba, Shino, and Iruka for when they first realize they love their s/o? I love reading your HCs❤ thanks for all you do!
Ahh!! Thank you so much!! You’re so sweet! Thank YOU for being so faithful and requesting stuff 💗 It’s been a lot of fun!! Hope you don’t mind me tagging @pyroinquisitor because she’s a Shino Hoe. A Shinhoe? idk she just really loves Shino. (Sorry this took so long!) 
Am I just a huge dork?? I was doing yard work earlier this week and I was thinking about how Iruka would confess his love to somebody…then I went inside and saw I had this message. 
Under the cut because I don’t know how the heckle deckle to keep things SHORT. These headcanons turned into mini scenarios, smh. 
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Kiba seems like the type to jump headfirst into a relationship. He doesn’t want to tiptoe around the whole, “I think I like you? Do you like me? What are we?” kind of thing. If he likes you, he’ll probably say it pretty quickly after he realizes it. But liking someone and loving someone are two different things, and Kiba learns that later on.  
Kiba’s dad is out of the picture, and he says his mom is the one who scared him off (honestly? I can see it; that woman can be terrifying) but Kiba understands deep bonds, loving relationships, and loyalty because of his clan’s practice of raising and using ninken. They aren’t just dogs to them, they’re family. So he probably thinks that when he feels the same way about his s/o as he feels about Akamaru, then that’s when he knows he’s in love. Buuuut he’s surprised when it’s different. 
Kiba and his s/o are out and about doing their own thing - probably taking Akamaru for a walk, snacking on food, taking in the sights of the village. They come across a group of young teens hanging out by the river and they’re making a commotion. Kiba thinks they’re being obnoxious, but his s/o notices something is wrong. They head over to the teens and see that there’s a small animal clinging to the bank down below - probably something like a squirrel or another small mammal - and it’s obviously struggling to stay out of the fast current. The teens are trying to figure out what to do (can they do anything?) when Kiba’s s/o leaps over the guardrail to get to the bank and scoops up the animal, cradling it in their clothes to keep it warm. They make it back up to the road and, without even stopping to tell Kiba, head to the nearest vet clinic to get it checked out. 
Kiba follows them with Akamaru and he catches up just in time to find his s/o handing over the tiny creature to the vet who takes it into a room to look it over. His s/o also says they’ll pay any medical bills to take care of the poor thing, and wants to wait at the clinic until they know the animal is okay. Kiba is floored. He waits in the clinic with them, but he’s wondering the entire time why they did that. Finally, it bugs him enough that he turns to them and asks, “Why did you save that creature? I mean, you risked yourself falling into that river just to save it - and it’ll probably just go back out there and get stuck again, or get eaten by something bigger. It was nice but - I just don’t understand.” Because even though Kiba understands the value of life, he’s always just been a “dog person” and hasn’t really considered other animals. 
His s/o calmly turns to him and says, “No life is too small or insignificant to save, Kiba. Even if that animal goes back out tomorrow and falls back in the river, or gets eaten by something bigger, or anything else like that - I was able to help it today, right now. I was able to save its life. It may not make a difference to you or to the vet or to those kids out there who found it; but it made a difference to that animal. That’s all that matters.” 
Kiba is taken aback by his s/o’s statement, and he suddenly realizes that he doesn’t just like them - he loves them. Not because of their looks or because they get along with Akamaru and his family. But because of their spirit and their gentleness, and because they can see the value and important in even the smallest of animals - animals that Kiba wouldn’t even give a second look to. Suddenly Kiba realizes that he wants his s/o to be the person he creates a family with - whether it’s made up entirely of dogs, squirrels, insects, or even cats. That’s when Kiba realizes he’s in love. 
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Shino isn’t too concerned with finding an s/o or falling in love. He isn’t opposed to it happening, but that’s not his main goal in life. He also isn’t going to just fall for the first person who doesn’t freak out that his entire body is filled with insects. So whoever Shino ends up dating is pretty special. I can imagine them either being the person the other shinobi think is kind of strange and is a bit of an outcast, or somebody that everyone else goes, “THEY’RE DATING SHINO?!” 
Shino would be the type to realize he was in love with his s/o but not tell them outright. He believes that you should tell people you love that you love them, but he doesn’t think it needs to be said immediately or all the time. He may be taken a bit by surprise when he realizes he loves his s/o, and he probably puts off telling them right away so he can be absolutely sure. Most of everything he does is slow and methodical - thought out and precise. He doesn’t make a grand show of things and doesn’t waste energy doing unnecessary things. He’s not lazy like Shikamaru, he’s just more careful of how he expends his energy (social and physical) and is rather picky about who or what he uses that energy on. Because of this, he would wait until probably a few months until after he realized he loved his s/o to finally tell them. 
To be really honest, Shino’s first and foremost love is his insects. He takes care of them, talks to them, studies and collects them, and mourns when any one of them get killed. This may seem strange to many others, but to the Aburame Clan, insects are just as much family members as the ninken are to the Inuzuka Clan. 
How he figures out he loves his s/o is probably some time after they started dating. (He’s known them for a while now, and he’s decided they’re worth the time and energy to be in a relationship.) Their dates consist mostly of collecting, studying, and categorizing insects inside Konoha Forest. It’s often very quiet without much conversation; they just enjoy each other’s company as they capture bugs and take notes on them. 
The first words to come out of his s/o’s mouth all day is probably frantic noises as they try to identify the insect they’ve just caught in one of the catalogs they have on hand. When they can’t find it in any of the books and can’t immediately recognize it, they take it (in a plastic container) over to Shino and excitedly exclaim, “I think I’ve just found a new insect! It’s not in any of my books!” At first Shino is a little bit skeptic (a new insect? That easy? In this forest? Sure, okay) so he sits down with the bug to study it, but he can’t identify it from looks alone. He decides to scour through the catalogs and encyclopedias as well, but even he can’t identify it. He’s starting to get a little excited about it, but doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
“We’ll take it into the village and see if someone else can identify it. Maybe my dad’s seen it,” Shino says, trying to sound calm and collected. They take the insect back to the village but no one else is able to tell him what it is, and it’s decided that it must be a previously unknown insect. Shino hands the container back to his s/o and tells them, “You should name it, you found it.” His s/o’s immediate response is, “I’m going to name it after you!” Confused, Shino says, “Typically, in situations like this, the discoverer names it after themselves. You should really do that. You’re the one who found it.” His s/o shakes their head and says, “Nope! I wouldn’t have found it if it weren’t for you taking me out there. It’s only because of you! So it has to be named after you.” 
That’s when Shino realizes he’s in love with his s/o. Not because they put up with his hobbies; not because they named their discovery after him; but because of their passion and genuine love of insects and their love of being with Shino. They aren’t just pretending to like bugs to get close to him, and they aren’t trying to purposefully be excluded by the other shinobis by being “weird”. They truly care about these tiny little creatures that most people crush underfoot with no remorse, and they are authentic in their interactions with him. Being true to yourself and being true to other people is really important to Shino, and this situation revealed his s/o’s true self, as far as he’s concerned. (But, again, he doesn’t tell them right away.)
If he’s still not 100% sure, he is totally convinced he’s in love when his s/o accidentally kills an insect (probably a larger or more rare one, but even a tiny common bug) and is so distraught about it, they mourn for it, hold a tiny little funeral for it, and refuse to see Shino for like a week afterward because of the guilt. Seeing them so upset about something he’s also passionate about cements the idea in his mind that he loves his s/o. (The next time he sees them, he would comfort them and tell them it was alright. That’s probably when he’d tell them he loved them.) 
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IRUKA IS SO SWEET OH MY GOSH. He also isn’t the type to get into a relationship “just because”. (Although he would absolutely love to be married and start a family of his own!!)He is very busy and his work is his life; he is so dedicated to teaching and to helping his students, so having the distraction of an s/o would only be worth it, in his opinion, if it was someone he could see a future with. He’s also very loving and has such a soft, gentle heart that he is very cautious of who he gives it to so it won’t be broken. Plus he’s also fairly shy when it comes to his crush, so by the time he’s confident and comfortable enough to ask them out on a date - let alone ask them if they want to be in a relationship - it’s probably been a few months and he has a good idea of how he feels about them (even if he doesn’t know them super personally yet).
Iruka’s entire life purpose is probably divided into 2 important things - taking care of his students to make sure they grow up to be the best shinobi the village has to offer, and taking care of Naruto. This may seem like it’s the same, but it’s not - Iruka is basically a father to Naruto, so his relationship with him is far different from his relationships with the other students. This means that it’s so, so, SO important for Iruka’s s/o to not only care about the students, but to care about Naruto as much as he does. 
By now, Iruka knows that he cares very deeply about his s/o and he may even think he’s in love, but one event is when he first truly realizes he’s in love with his s/o. There are lots of little things his s/o does that he appreciates: coming in to help him teach, staying late to help him grade papers, assisting with the outdoor history lessons, even substituting, and offering an ear to the students who need more assistance. But all of those things doesn’t quite equal “love” to him. (And it’s not that he expects his s/o to do this stuff, but he does kind of expect them to be willing to at least listen to him talk about his classes, so having them actually help out is super cool and a major plus for him.) 
So one day, Iruka has his s/o in to help teach a class and they’re practicing jutsus and all the students are expected to perform them perfectly (since they’ve been learning them for weeks). All the students but one line up and Iruka is kind of annoyed. (If you can’t tell, Iruka really hates it when kids disrespect authority figures and he can have a pretty short temper when it comes to kids acting up.) He asks the student to come to the front and the boy refuses, or even outright ignores him. Iruka is piiiissssed. 
“Fine,” he says. “You get to go first! Stand up and perform the jutsu where you’re at if you won’t come to the front.” Iruka thinks this is pretty smart on his part, because - ha! You thought you’d get away with that? Nice try. You still have to do the jutsu! But this kid isn’t having it. Either the boy continues to refuse or pulls a Naruto and does some outrageous jutsu that has the entire class laughing and Iruka even angrier than before. He’s absolutely ready to tear into this kid for their lack of respect but his s/o stops him. 
“You take care of the rest of the class,” they say, “I’ll talk to the boy.” They gently and kindly lead the boy out of the classroom into the hallway, where they talk to him. They don’t return until every one of the other students has finished the jutsu and sat back down. Iruka’s s/o walks the boy back into the class and waits with him by Iruka’s desk. “Do you have something to say?” his s/o asks kindly and the boy nods and sheepishly gives a deep bow to Iruka. “Sorry,” the boy says, “for disrespecting you. If you would let me, I would like to try the jutsu now.” Iruka is genuinely surprised, but he allows the boy to perform the jutsu (and he does it pretty well) and then sends him off to his seat. 
After class, Iruka waits until everyone’s gone when he confronts his s/o. “Why did you talk to him?” His s/o says, “You have to remember where these kids are coming from, Iruka. You of all people should know that sometimes the troublemakers have the hardest time. Besides, he reminded me of you … and Naruto. Of course I know talking won’t fix everything but I wanted to talk to him first and see if it, you know, helped.” Iruka is fairly embarrassed but he knows his s/o is right - he can be too quick to anger when dealing with unruly students. He asks them, “What did you say to him?” They kind of shrug and say, “I tried to think of something you’d say to Naruto. I mean, outside of the classroom. I think it helped some … although, I may have caused a slight inconvenience for our date tonight!” Iruka asks what they mean and they cheerily respond, “That boy is going to be joining us at Ichiraku tonight! So we’d better get there early enough to save 4 seats - I also invited Naruto this morning on my way here.”
In that moment, Iruka’s heart feels like it’s going to burst. He’s always known he’s cared about his s/o but right now oh my gosh, is this what love is like? Is this actually love itself?! He’s rarely met such a gentle soul, especially in a shinobi. But it’s more than that. His s/o has pointed out one of Iruka’s flaws and reminded him that, Hey, you were in the same place as this kid and you shouldn’t treat them the way you were treated. You know what you needed then, and you can give it to this kid now. Just the fact that his s/o was willing to talk to this student and understand them, and recognizes the struggles that he himself and Naruto went through (as well as acknowledges the importance of having someone to talk to and be there for you) is so amazing to him. He is definitely sure now that he loves his s/o and is so thankful he has them.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Modern Keep Bees Away
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17 .. 2547 Rings off the hook, said Mr. Mills, a former probation officer who now . Mr. Sklaroff, who keeps bees as a hobby, said he is rarely stung more. Mostif not allof the hundreds of different species of native beeslike . I heard the discourse on painting porch ceilings light blue to keep wasps away. Explore Marilyn Bebensees board keep bees away on Pinterest. . Painting a porch ceiling blue can keep away bees, wasps, spiders, gnats by fooling them. Paint your porch ceiling blue to prevent bees and wasps from nesting! It looks like the . Keeps away bees/wasps, plus it is so beautiful and. More information. Yesterday I removed this hive from the ceiling of a Palmwoods home. . On other jobs this isnt possible and she will keep moving away from the action right to. 15 .. 2562 Thickness: Bees tend to be pretty plump in the middle, while wasps and you may hire to possibly have to cut through walls, floors, and ceilings to gain access. . How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering?
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8 .. 2558 6 Natural Ways to Keep the Bees Away. Cucumber peel Cucumber peel is great for keeping bees away from specific, small areas. Peppermint Bees want to avoid the smell of peppermint in the areas and plants they hang around. Cinnamon Spreading cinnamon in areas that bees frequent is a great way to drive them off. There are several ways to get rid of bees in and around your home. Just a . Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. If you dont want to. 15 .. 2562 For this reason, you should arrange for a professional to deal with the. . They usually dont use home structures to build their nests but are sometimes found in roofs, How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering? 23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! Patti Huck July 23, Long grass can house ground nests. Be careful. 12 .. 2559 Best Ways to Keep Bees Away from Your Summer Picnic. Play keep-away. Unlike mosquitoes, bees are not attracted to the smell of humans but rather to the sweet scents of their perfume, hair products, lotion, and deodorant. Practice the art of disguise. Cover up. Bait and switch. Set a simply dressed table. Do a little . 11 .. 2560 Everybody knows how important bees are for the ecosystem but we have to agree that sometimes theyre a bit irritating. If you want to spend. Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . hmm might be worth a try. Your DIY Bug Repellent Guide to Common Household Pests hoping I dont need . Thankfully havent had to deal with roaches. Keep Fleas. 19 .. 2558 Bees & wasps have a habit of nesting in houses & usually show in multitudes . Find out more on how to keep bees away from your home. . dedicated, professional company which offers a complete pest control service. North America alone is home to more than 4,000 kinds of bees, and there are . This DIY trap offers a no-kill solution, so youll have to check the trap daily and . to keep bees away while using items you may already have inside your house.
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There are many great ways to keep wasps and bees away from your pool so you . Keeping hornets, yellow jackets and paper wasps away from a swimming. All bees, including sweat bees need to search and collect water. They will use whatever water source is nearby, even pools. Sweat bees can become a pest,. 2 .. 2560 Bees in a pool area are likely just looking to quench their thirst, whereas wasps may be attracted to the smell. Therefore, the best ways to keep wasps and bees away are by making your pool less attractive to them. This can be done by using natural repellents, deterrents, and traps for relocation. 20 .. 2561 A dip in your pool is often a great way to spend those hot summer days, but nothing can ruin a good time faster than a sharp sting from a wasp. 8 .. 2558 And, luckily, there are easy, natural solutions to keep bees away from . Its a win-win situation you wont have to deal with buzzing around. 12 .. 2557 Warm up a tired or wet bee and get her or him buzzing again! . Honey bee mites are far larger by comparison it would be like one of us . If you consistently find yourself rescuing bees from pools of water Victoria says:. 6 .. 2561 Bees are the bane of pool parties, backyard barbecues and summertime soirees outdoors. . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . Kathy Adams is an award-winning writer. 20 .. 2560 Thirsty bees are diving into swimming pools, but you can help save them. . Tracie Byerley found them on a hot afternoon outside her Te Atat.
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19 .. 2561 Safe, easy tips to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders without . water, it becomes contaminated and less attractive to hummingbirds. 7 Natural Ways to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. Choose red saucer feeders. Attach an ant moat. Hang feeders with fishing line. Slip nectar guard tips over hummingbird feeder holes. Periodically move the feeders. Hang a few fake wasps nests. Plant bee- and hummingbird-friendly food sources. . of bees. This is a guide about keeping bees out of your hummingbird feeder. . Article: Keeping Bees Away from a Hummingbird Feeder. By EllenB A good layer of petroleum jelly around the pole or mount keeps ants away pretty well. How to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. hornet The biggest problem we face each year is that our resident hornets also want some of that nice,. A feeder with too many bugs becomes contaminated and can keep hummers away. . safe strategies to keep bees, wasps, and ants away from hummingbird feeders, . guards or flower accents and your feeder will be less attractive to insects. The Complete Directory for Rearing Fowls, Pigeons, Rabbits, Bees, and Other Small . intention, and probably will centinue to differ until the bird himself shall declare it. Some say it is for their light; others that they feed upon these insects. . I shall describe each sort of Pigeons particularly, that these beautiful birds may be. FLY-C A evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . on his back with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, . if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his friend,. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his . or, if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his . Besides insects, they feed. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, and continuing the . There is one bird, however, which, by its superior rapidity of flight, is sometimes . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, but.
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Paramount Studios. Suddenly it all made sense to me, or so I thought at the time. . I no bee actor, say-nyor. . I put away until we get to Paramount. Ees plenty. I felt so ugly and disoriented inside, but somehow I had to keep going for this beautiful . Bee Fabulous Moments love reminded me in my moments of pain with my . Daily bible scriptures, pop in meetings and a phone call or a text away if I. I keep bees for honey. We try to be . Fabulous Food Recipes This site is . You can create the most fabulous food without slaving away for hours in the kitchen. Dont feel sorry for me. We all end up six . Keep burning those fabulous fossil fuels thats what I say. Im so jealous of . I swipe a bee away from my leg. Well . Feb 24, 2019- Explore Julie Walkers board Bee Fabulous on Pinterest. . Bible verse.you would not believe how much this verse has helped me through things. Yellow Orange, Save The Bees, Blueberry, Shades Of Yellow, Color Yellow, Ephemera Free Printable~ Bee Tag great for giving away home-grown honey. Asheville Bee Charmer: Fabulous See 111 traveler reviews, 43 candid photos, . Save. Review Highlights. Honey tasting! I used to hate honey as a kid until I . awesome, one-of-a-kind store during a food tour and was totally blown away. I gave one of the girls a strand of my green beads and she gave me a bee pin! 9 .. 2561 Whew! Its been a busy week since launching the website! You lovely people have kept me incredibly busy with your orders and Ive been. 12 .. 2535 EDINA (CONTD): Patsy can put it away cant she, sweetie? Oh God! . And not any old bloody bee, but the bloody Gucci of bees, darling. This is the stuff. . Hmm ??? Now, if youll excuse me Im going to go and get dressed.
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23 .. 2556 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. If possible, set out the bee bait 20 minutes or so before you begin your picnic. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away from your campsite. . Therefore, when you are planning your trip, you might consider . they will be attracted to the sweet fragrance from your picnic food. or. 12 .. 2559 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. 20 .. 2560 Keep Bees Away From Your Picnic. Pick a location away from trash cans, pools of water, and tall grass. All of these naturally attract bees. Moth balls are an effective bee repellent. Avoid using bright colors or bold colors for your picnic cloth. Bees dislike the scent of cloves, cucumbers, and marigolds. Keep a close . Home Made Wasp Repellant Keeping wasps away from your outdoor activities can be a challenge. For those who are allergic to their sting, they can be life. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. . The best wasp/yellowjacket repellant for summer picnics: 2 ounces of mint extract. What is the best way to picnic without bees checking out what youre eating? 936 Views How do you get rid of flies outside, naturally? 1,407 Views. 13 .. 2561 Choose a picnic location away from areas that attract bees. . If youre planning to set down a tablecloth for a patio dinner, make sure that the. 8 .. 2558 But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? . This means its time to start planning for how to keep bees and other.
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fact that clove oil will keep bees and wasps and flies away while eating outside. Needed is a small dish, lace a rock & drop a couple of drops of clove oil on it,. clove studded lemon Repel Flies, Flies Repellent Outdoor, Insect Repellent, Fruit Fly . How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Wasp Deterrent, Note: To protect the beautiful paint work, spray fairy garden pieces with a. Keep wasps & bees away >> Put about 10 cloves (cut off the ends so they sit flat) in a lemon & set . it and hang it above an entrance/patio door and it will prevent the yellow jacket wasps from entering . It looks old and new and beautiful. 28 .. 2560 Luckily, there are a few solid things you can do to keep them away from your cookout. Watch out for nests. Rethink the flowers near your patio. Dont wear bee attractors. Keep the food inside. Dont swing at a bee thats flying by! 11 .. 2560 A great way to make bees go away from small areas is using Cucumber Peels. If you open a window to enjoy the beautiful summer and a bee. As you can see, you dont want bees sticking around in your backyard especially if theyre Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. And as a nice bonus, youll have a beautiful-looking lawn all season long. 28 .. 2561 If you want to deter bees, remember to keep an eye on weeds . possible to have a beautiful garden full of flowers that dont unduly attract bees . outskirts of your lawn and garden, well away from a house, pool, deck, or patio,. 2 .. 2561 Outdoor weddings are beautiful, but one invited guest could ruin the . suggests placing a few underneath ceremony seats to keep bees at bay.
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11 .. 2560 To keep them away from you, vanilla extract is a great solution. Just mix a tablespoon of vanilla extract or baby oil in water and apply it on your body when you are at a bee frequent area. Baby powder is another solution to keep bees away. . So use only natural products for the betterment of both you and the bees. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay. Deterring Bees with Natural Materials So, consider putting a few peppermint plants or cinnamon sticks around your picnic area or outdoor patio. You can also keep bees away by chopping up a clove of garlic and letting it soak before for a few days in a glass of water. 28 .. 2562 In this article, we will explore ways to keep bees away from your house. . natural bee deterring methods that will repel rather than kill the bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do . swimming pool and how to keep bees away using home remedies. . Eucalyptus, spearmint, thyme citronella and wormwood are all-natural wasp repellants. 23 .. 2556 Theyre pretty, and they naturally repel bees and other bugs. They find the scent unpleasant. How to Keep Bees Away from your Next Outdoor. 15 Fast Ways to Get Rid of Bees Effectively (Kill or Repel Them Naturally). + 12. Solitary Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away . as red and brown will look like natural predators and will provoke bees,. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps Here are some ways to deter wasps from.
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8 .. 2561 To keep bees and wasps away so you can work in the garden or yard, try dabbing tea tree oil on your clothing. A little around the bottom of your. 6 .. 2561 Instead of killing them, get rid of them by using natural repellents or, in worst-case scenarios, calling for . What Essential Oils Repel Bees . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . If allergic to any of the oils or their associated plants, dont use that particular oil. 8 Essential Oils to Repel Bees and Wasps. Tea Tree Essential Oil. It is one of the most popular essential oils. Peppermint Essential Oil. Almond Essential Oil. Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Orange Essential Oil. Citronella Essential Oil. Cedarwood Essential Oil. Essential Oil Blend. Discover ideas about Essential Oil Bug Spray. Use this DIY essential oil bee repellent spray to repel bees! . How to keep mice away. Ive included all there is to know about doTERRA grapefruit essential oil uses including DIY & food. Add drops of peppermint and drops lemongrass oils. Spray where Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events . Keep Bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do about bees around . As with bees, there are essential oils that can repel wasps. . While many of the suggestions above involve professional help or buying. 7 .. 2562 With a few precautions, you should be able to keep bees away from your . Catnip essential oil has been shown to be effective at driving away bees and . was small and may or may not have included Africanized honey bees. 29 .. 2560 8 Genius Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps & Keep Them Away . that in 1993 alone, an estimated 80,000 children were involved in common household pesticide-related . Plant Therapy are our favorite brand of essential oils and you can purchase all of the oils 10 Brilliant Ways You Can Help Save The Bees. For more information on how to use your essential oils to keep a pest free, . Honey bees give off various pheromones to attract, distract or repel other bees,. Get rid of wasp naturally, from wasp nest removal, homemade traps, natural sprays and recipes, for dealing . Like wasps, most types of bees will leave you alone if you leave them alone. . If they see you, they will drive you away by swarming you and stinging you. Essential oils are also handy wasp and insect repellents.
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23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! a complete summer ensemble out of them, complete with a cute little. 12 .. 2559 1. Play keep-away. Avoid bee attention by wearing unscented products. Use an insect repellent to mask the scents. Natural repellents use citrus, mint, and eucalyptus oils. Dryer sheets also make effective insect repellents: tuck one in your pocket if youre hiking or place a few under your picnic blanket. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, I am sharing how you can remove wasp nests in only 2 steps without hiring a. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. What color clothes you should avoid. Lots of info! Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . USA spider chart- identify the spider you were bitten by to figure out if its venomous. I HATE. How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Keep them away by putting about 10 cloves in 1/2 lemon. They dont . 13 Amazing Things You Could Do With Lemons We Bet You Never Knew. Get Rid Of . Lovely Home. See more. 14 .. 2560 How can you enjoy natures beauty without attracting every buzzing bee in a 10-mile . Plants That Will Keep Bees Away From Your Yard. You can try luring the bees away from your bakery. If sweetened water is not what is already drawing them, try placing a bottle a few meters away from your door,. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay.
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Woodbridge Summer Concert: NY Bee Gees August 20, 2018. . Album, House and Cars Duration: 11:06 . Barry Gibb Net Worth, Lifestyle, Family, Biography, Young, Children, Bee Gees, Album, House and . September 2, 1975. The Bee Gees discuss pop music trends, living in England, and the tax system. Jive Talkin is the UKs premier Bee Gees tribute theatre show. Featuring performers from Londons . Bee Gees Gold Tribute Bio John Acosta as Barry Gibb has performed in Bee Gees Tributes all over . Uploaded with Freemake Video Converter //lionslagospt.club/free_video_converter/ BEEGEES NOW! Put on your dancing shoes & get ready to experience Saturday Night Fever every day of . Join Bee Gees on Facebook //lionslagospt.club/beegees & Twitter //lionslagospt.club/beegeesofficial . Barry Gibb Live Full Concert 2018. . The Nations Favourite Bee Gees Song Top 20, 2011 Part 2 . Barry Gibb on his first solo tour, enjoy 10 of the best BEE GEES Songs: 1. . Barry please do another .
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19 .. 2561 Triple BEEs Wrap . Nature Bee Wraps are a planet friendly alternative to plastic wrap! Because a hive can only have one queen bee? I said. Exactly, Gary . was still trying to wrap my mind around the process of making honey. Where does the. . this is to be understood likewise in a child of God, while the pcore soule is wrap; . Viz, the Divine vertue or power of God, till it commeth to bee a Divine body,. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protetion of our . Therefore when all _things things else are gone, let us wrap our selves in. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protection of our bodies . Therefore when all thing. things else arc gone, let us wrap our selves in. . a mirror of the human condition.11 Verily under the wrap of this transformation is taxed the life of mortall men, when as we suffer our minds so to bee drowned. her long legs, innocently bold; the woman wraps her shawl modestly about her, her . Then she lay down, frightened, beautiful as a doll; he hovered like a bee.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/modern-keep-bees-away
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sanctferum · 7 years
Time for chapter 2
Well then. Now that Player 1 has gotten a game over, it’s time for player 2 to take the spotlight.
A memorial to Kaede?
...With 15 blank spots for the other Ultimates...
Wait, shouldn’t Rantaro be in one of those spots?
Wait who the hell is talking...
That group? Is there a group behind Monokuma?
“They should have lived...They had to. For this world...”
Is it true, then? Has the world ended, and the Ultimates were the only hope of restoring it...?
Chapter 2: A Thin Line Divides Heaven And Hell
And we begin the actual chapter with Gonta searching for bugs, and not finding any. No bugs...which is weird. There’s all the right conditions for bugs. Why are there no bugs?
What Gonta does find is a strange thing written on a piece of pavement...”horse a”
Someone’s ringing the doorbell to Shuichi’s room, but he isn’t answering. Also, as I thought, the hidden Monokumas are displayed in his room.
First let’s check out the shelf...we missed Monokumas 1 and 5 last chapter.
Ah, we slept in and Kaito didn’t want to eat breakfast without everyone.
Huh? There’s something Shuichi doesn’t need anymore...his hat, perhaps?
Checking his profile, he has no friendship fragments...
Inside the dining hall, people are discussing the weird writing Gonta found.
Yup, no hat. And he’s got the protagonist ahoge.
Tsumugi says that if she takes off her glasses, her true form will be revealed and anyone who sees it will pay a terrible price. Is this another reference to something?
As a maid, Kirumi is experienced in making delicious food.
Keebo can’t eat. Robot and all. Too bad.
Shuichi also can’t bring himself to eat...everything seems so normal, but it’s just a way to distract themselves from Rantaro and Kaede’s deaths...but then Kaito tries stealing his food and Shuichi grabs it back and eats it.
Talk turns back to the graffiti. “horse a”. I’ve heard of the game horse, but there’s no letter A involved.
Huh? Gonta saw a tiny bug and it lead him to the graffiti. But then he didn’t see the bug anymore, no matter how much he searched.
Kokichi starts being a little shit again...and then things turn serious when he suggests that gullible people will be killed first.
Yeah, the killing game is still in effect...
Monokuma played us like a damn fiddle! Well, Kaede, at least.
I get the sense Kokichi is thinking about becoming the next blackened...
speak of the devil! Monokuma arrives, talking about how bullying is bad and that it’s the fault of the bully’s parents for bringing them up wrong. And he bears a gift for surviving the class trial...lemme guess, the Second Memory?
The Monokubs arrive as well. Monophanie, Monotaro, Monosuke...they seem to be frightened shitless of Monodam, each one worrying they could be next.
Himiko can sense that they’re being bullied, because she was bullied in the past.
If the Monokubs are bullying each other, then by Monokuma’s logic, he is a shitty parent. Get rekt.
The gifts for surviving the trial are...a tag of some sort, an ocarina, a crank handle, and a ball?
Ah, a Dragon Gem, an ocarina, an Ancient Passport, and a Hexagonal Crank from some zombie game. ????
They can be used without knowing how to use them...?
The Monokubs accidentally reveal that their weak point is the nape of their necks.
Oh shit. I forgot about the weird indentations and stuff all over the Academy. Now we can open the castle door, right?
Let’s check out the dragon statue first.
Kirumi will fulfill any request given to her...and that includes Kaede’s. Kaede’s wish lives on.
We gotta put the gem in the dragon’s eye, I think.
Doing that breaks the statue, and the wall it was leaning against, revealing a new area.
Kirumi thinks that no one’s been past the wall in a long time.
There’s an Ultimate research lab. It’s Kirumi’s, looks like.
Shuichi bought up that Jack the Ripper was from the Victorian era. Oddly enough, the phrase “Jack the Ripper” was in yellow, which indicates importance.
I mean, the last two games had a serial killer involved in chapter 2, and one of those games had the serial killer be named after Jack the Ripper. Could be a red herring though.
Kiyo has a tale related to the Victorian era to tell us! A gentleman pledged in service to the queen and a lowly maid fell in love. I’m not sure if this is at all important.
There’s a closet door, concealing laundry machines, vacuums, and pressure washers.
Back in the hall! At the end of the hall is another room, a set of stairs leading up, and a treasure chest.
Inside the chest is a weird flashlight. Could it be the Flashback Light from the prologue?
Angie runs off with it to inspect it, and we turn our attention to the room, which looks like it could be Gonta’s research lab.
Bug specimens everywhere! Are there any live bugs, though?
There are bug eggs and larvae, but there were being refrigerated to preserve them. Gonta thinks he can revive them and hatch the eggs. Shuichi is reminded of the story of Noah’s ark. Humanity was destroyed by a great flood, and humanity and animals began anew. Hmmm. HMMMM.
The insect samples were created by someone using love and care. I wonder...could Gonta have made them, and due to amnesia plot stuff doesn’t remember doing so?
Not much else we can do in here. Up the stairs!
Ryoma’s research lab, looks like.
There’s a weird machine serving tennis balls back and forth...Miu wants to midfy it. Into a sex machine, most likely.
Ryoma doesn’t care for the lab, or tennis. That was in his past. That man is dead.
He thinks if he gets out of here he’ll just go straight to jail anyways.
Despite his harsh words about tennis and his past self, he appears to be looking at the court with longing...
There’s a shower room in the back of the tennis court. We can’t go in right now.
There’s another research lab on this floor. I can’t tell whose...
Ah, it’s Maki’s. But she won’t let us go inside. Kokichi shows up to investigate as well, and Maki threatens Shuichi, should he try to go inside. Hmm. What could be in there...?
Next area-unlocking item! Let’s try the othello-themed door. There doesn’t appear to be anything nearby to help unlock it, though...Tsumugi and Himiko are also here, being suspicious of it.
Wait, there’s grooves on the wall, three of them. And two of them have passports inside. Well, OK. Putting the Ancient Passport into the middle groove collapses the wall. Behind it is exactly one room. An Ultimate Research lab. It’s door is covered in strange sigils. Good thing Himiko is right there, cause I suspect this lab is hers.
Himiko is none too happy about a lab with magic trick items and no authentically magic items.
A sword-stabbing box? If those are real swords, they could be used by a potential blackened...
Himiko’s familiar is a tiger cub. That’s a bit harder to take out of a hat than a dove...
A body-sawing box. Hmmm. The things in here could definitely be of use to someone determined to become the blackened...
A guillotine...see above.
A saw...Tsumugi is fearful of the same thing I am...
A water tank. For a Houdini-type trick, I imagine.
Tsumugi wonders why some of the labs were hidden and others were open from the start...the conversation gets derailed by the awkwardness of bringing up Kaede, but the question still stands. Semi-related, I wonder what Rantaro’s lab will reveal about his talent?
Shuichi can’t help but wonder what is up with this Academy...
A cauldron. A pot collecting mana, according to Himiko.
Now for the castle gate and the plant-covered door, both of which are outside.
There’s less plants outside, and the Exisals are still renovating the area.
The ninja cat statue in the courtyard didn’t have anything that we could use a crank or ocarina on, so...castle door next?
Let’s crank this up...
I’m still not sure what the writing on the door means...
“Courtyard - Nightspot” what
Why is it night in this area when it’s day outside?
There’s a “hotel Kumasutra” and a casino...
The casino has a rockin’ remix of the Danganronpa main theme playing inside.
OH. According to Monodam, this casino can be used to get prizes...which must be why the Monomono Machine only had about half the gifts in the game.
Oh my god the music is called “DANGANVEGAS”
You can buy presents and skills with the casino coins.
Kaito is downstairs winning big. But he pushes his luck and loses it all while Monokuma mocks him.
I gotta go, so we’ll check out the hotel and whatever the ocarina does next time!
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hajiiwa · 7 years
tagged by @readbooksandweep, thank you~ this one looks fun
1. what poems/songs/scripts do you know by heart?
hmm. i have roughly 8 stanzas of The Raven memorized as well as a handful of Shakespeare, sooooo many songs tbh, and almost all the lines to certain shows... parks and rec, community, bob’s burgers, etc
2. name one song that feels like it’s about you.
oh, this one is tough. i feel like depending on my mood i’ll choose something more optimistic, introspective, yadda yadda so i suppose i’ll pick one more time with feeling by regina spektor. i’m sure with more time i could pick one more fitting but this one seems pretty damn good
3. what’s your favourite insect?
idk i love so many bugs!!!! probably bees (honeybees, worker bees, bumblebees, not hornets or yellowjackets or anything. those guys are just assholes.) but i also love dragonflies, fireflies, butterflies, caterpillars, beetles, ahhh so many
5. which household chore do you hate the most?
i fucking hate taking out the garbage. and cleaning the bathrooms and the stove... ghjkdshgjsk
6. is there a ‘gross’ food that you actually like? what is it?
mmm well i love tomatoes, even though tons of people hate them. i also like reeeally sour stuff, which can be... off-putting? i also enjoy seafood (some fish, but mainly crab and shrimp and stuff, also calamariii) so idk
7. how well can you see the stars from your back porch?
we don’t have a back porch but... not well lol. the only outward facing door is slightly underground and there’s a parking lot right in front of it so unfortunately they’re pretty faded :,)
8. name an interest or hobby you’ve acquired from fandom, and tell something about it.
lots of things!! i’ve started writing way more over the past 5-ish years and i think it’s really fun to create your own universes. i desperately want to cosplay but i haven’t quite gotten that far yet, and i doodle a tiiiny bit of fandom stuff haha. i’ve made tons of friends because of fandoms though so i’m super grateful~
9. if you could choose to be an animal, what would it be?
something that could fly, probably. i don’t really have a specific preference, maybe a falcon or something? a creature that could just go nyoom. maybe a bat bc they cute
10. name the first movie that comes to mind when i say ‘space.’
arrival!! bc,, aliens. i just rewatched it recently too and i was reminded of how good it is. technically my first thought was ‘the expanse’ but that’s a show
11. what did/do you want to be when you grow up?
i don’t quite remember. lots of things. ofc i wanted to be a writer at one point, but also an interior designer, lawyer, astronaut (though i am um Not smart enough for that). many things!
I’ll go ahead and tag @marythecloud94 | @frenchibi | @a-g-u-s-tea-d | @neilabrcm | @drewlypso | @josai | @mattsunflower | @outer-space-army | @therepublicofletters 
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219, for the prompt list! :) alsooo, I was wondering if I could be added to the tagged list?? or tagged for when you post new ones? They are honestly amazing and I love your writing!
Prompt #219: “I didn’t ask for any of this! But do you know why I put up with it all? Because I love you!”
I changed the wording a bit because it was a little too overdramatic for the scenario. Also, sorry for taking so long to write this! I tried to make it up to you by making it longer :)
Let it be known that Castiel Novak is a pain in Dean Winchester’s ass.
But he’s also the kindest, smartest, greatest person Dean knows — and the hottest to boot — and Dean is a good boyfriend so he doesn’t even hesitate when Cas asks him along on a nature excursion. 
Which is why he’s awake at the ass crack of dawn on a fucking Saturday freezing his balls off with Cas’s weird tree-hugger club.
Cas shivers next to him and bounces back and forth. “Aren’t you excited?” he asks, a suspicious amount of cheer in his voice for someone who once threatened to break all the windows in Dean’s car for waking him before 10 a.m.
Dean works up the fakest smile in his repertoire. “Can’t wait, babe.”
Cas sidles up closer to Dean’s side, burrowing his cold nose into Dean’s neck. Dean tenses until he feels Cas’s nose slip higher until his lips brush his ear. “I can’t wait to be up there with you,” Cas breathes and it may be 5 a.m. but Cas’s deep voice still gets Dean’s blood pumping. “Hiking, star gazing, sitting by the fire.”
Getting eaten alive by bugs, shitting in the woods, waking up with crippling back pains from sleeping on the fucking ground, Dean thinks sourly.
But Cas is still snuggling him and his voice is so warm and happy so Dean just hums and dips to press a kiss just at the edge of Cas’s beanie. “Sounds wonderful.”
The bus arrives ten minutes later and Dean nearly cries with relief. He steals a seat in the very back for him and Cas and there’s a vent right above them blowing warm air on their numb faces. Dean tips his face us and sighs.
He can feel Cas laugh at him and he scoots closer on the seat. “Don’t worry; it’ll be a lot warmer by the time we get to the park.”
It’s a nine-hour drive to the Rocky Mountain National Park. They only stop four times for food and/or bathroom breaks and Dean spends every second in between stops either making out with Cas or clinging to the small 21st Century luxuries he’s about to be robbed of for three days.
They get to their drop off and Dean wants to sob as he watches the bus drive away. But Cas takes his hand with an energetic squeeze and Dean returns the pressure with a wistful smile. 
He can do this. He can rough it for three days if it means seeing Cas this happy.
But his resolve is already crumbling three hours up the damn mountain. He was complaining about freezing before but now he feels like he’s walking toward the gates of hell. Sweat is soaking through his clothes and burning his eyes. He can taste the salt every time he licks his dry lips because he’s fucking thirsty but refuses to drink too much because he hates pissing outside. Just because having a penis makes it easier doesn’t mean he likes whipping it out for all the squirrels and butterflies to see, okay? He can’t help but toss the women of the club some sympathetic glances. 
But Cas looks so in his element. He takes turns walking at the front of the group with their guide and lagging behind with Dean, which Dean feels a little bad about until Cas starts rambling about plants, ones that can be eaten and those you should avoid. He talks about insects and Dean tries not to cringe every time Cas finds one and holds it up for Dean to see.
Dean points out a beehive at one point and Cas squeals, pulling out his camera to take photos from a respectable distance and talks Dean’s ear off for another half hour about bee colonies. Dean smiles and takes Cas’s hand.
They stop about two hours before sunset to create a camp. Dean volunteers to set up the tents because that’s at least one thing he knows he’s good at and Cas goes off with a few others to gather firewood. 
They end up seated next to each other around the fire eating some weird packaged gunk. 
Dean only has to suffer through three bites before Cas slips him a bag of trail mix and Dean stares at him in awe. 
“You’re a literal angel,” he declares.
Cas rolls his eyes and holds his hand out and Dean pours some of the trail mix into his palm. “You holding up okay?” Cas asks as he picks out the raisins. 
Dean takes them and tosses a handful into his mouth. “Of course,” he says between crunches. “Doing great.”
“Tomorrow night is supposed to be clearer so I think we should go stargazing then.”
Dean wants to grimace. Stargazing. Aka freezing your ass off away from the warm fire; just the two of them laying on the cold, dirty ground, vulnerable on the mountain at night with the fucking bears and probably like wolverines or some shit.
But the fire catches Cas’s eyes as he starts rambling off all the constellations they’ll be able to see more clearly than in the city and he makes a joke about Dean’s freckles and all Dean can do is smile back.
“I can’t wait, Cas.”
Cas’s smile softens before he rests his head on Dean’s shoulder. 
And it’s nice.
Dean has the cool mountain air at his back, a hot fire at his front, and Cas’s warmth at his side and he takes a deep breath through his nose and lays his head over Cas’s. 
I can do this, he thinks again. 
Tomorrow will be better because at least he knows what to expect.
You poor naive bastard, he thinks in the morning.
Everything hurts. Like everything.
His back, his legs, his feet, his neck, his shoulders, his throat, his fucking bladder because he hasn’t peed in like twelve hours.
He lies perfectly still on his back in the tent. He’s pretty sure he has some Advil in his backpack. It probably won’t help a ton but it’s something. The problem is he can’t fucking get to it because it hurts to just breathe and Cas is already gone; Dean can hear him outside the tent with the rest of the troupe.
He knows he should call for help. He knows. But he fucking can’t. Like what the fuck is he supposed to say? Cas, I can’t move my entire body and my bladder is straight about to explode?
No thanks. He’d rather die with dignity.
What if I die and piss myself? 
He’s trying to muster the energy to make a move when the tent door unzips and Cas crawls in, smile bright and sunny and Dean kinda wants to kick him for it.
“Morning, sunshine,” Cas greets as he continues his journey up Dean’s body until he’s straddling the paralyzed man. “Sleep well?”
Dean can only grunt a response. Cas apparently doesn’t find it odd because his eyes kinda go cloudy and he’s leaning down, lips parted.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He kisses Dean’s throat, lets his soft lips skirt across Dean’s skin. Dean clenches against the pleasure, trying to get the strength to say something. Then Cas’s hand is wandering down his chest and stomach and it incites a hiss from Dean. He can feel Cas’s lips smile against his neck before Cas starts nibbling and it makes Dean’s body go lax for a hot second as Cas’s hand drifts lower before- NOPE.
Dean lurches up, throwing Cas off him and every muscle in his body screams. He keeps moving though, using the momentum to tumble toward the door.
“Dean?” Cas asks, sounding offended. “What the-?”
“Sorry,” Dean almost yells. “But I- I gotta go. Gotta go. Oh my jesus fucking christ.” It’s like the pressure is increasing the more he moves and he trips out of the tent door and away from the camp without his shoes.
Cas tries to talk to him when he returns but Dean can’t. He just can’t. So he starts taking the tents down instead and the awkward moment is forgotten in their rush to get continue their hike.
It’s hell. Absolute fucking hell.
Dean’s thighs are burning like he’s straddling the fucking sun and he feels even nastier than yesterday with all the sweat and the fucking bugs that keep flying into his face.
And of course no one else in the damn group seems to be affected. Oh no, they’re just having a grand ole time talking about the fucking trees and their favorite hiking trails back home.
Like these fuckers do this shit for fun. Regularly. What the fuck?
“Do you think we’ll see any of the wildlife?” some chick named Hannah asks.
“Oh yeah, don’t the bighorn sheep give birth in the spring?” Alfie wonders. “That would be amazing to see!”
“The elk would be cool.”
“Or bears,” someone pipes in.
Dean’s head snaps up. “Bears?” He looks to Cas. “Bears?”
Cas smiles like Dean’s just being cute and takes his hand. “Don’t worry, Dean. I’ll fend off any bears that come toward you.”
Bears turns out to be the least of Dean’s worries that day because in the next few meters Dean manages to rip his pants on a bush.
Then Cas finds a giant ass spider in his hair and Dean takes off so suddenly he runs into a tree.
He falls in a stream while refilling their water bottles and has to hike is soggy boots that squelch with every tired step.
By 2:00 Dean is praying to get mauled by a bear.
Instead he steps in a pile of shit and that’s fucking it.
His roar echoes through range and everyone in their group turns to him.
“Oh my fucking- this stupid fucking son of a-”
“Dean, it’s all right,” Cas tries to tell him.
“No it’s not!” Dean screams. “This is so fucking typical! I can’t fucking believe it this is such fucking bullshit what the fuck was I thinking letting you bring me here?”
Cas’s shoulders tense. “Excuse me?”
“Maybe we should give them some space,” Alfie suggests and the rest of the group sneaks away.
“Why are you so angry?” Cas demands. “It’s a simple accident, Dean, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Because there’s shit on my shoe, Cas!” Dean points at it for emphasis. “And my feet are soaking wet and they hurt and I’m tired and I haven’t pissed since this morning and I’m fucking hungry because I can’t eat that disgusting goo you guys try to call food and I fucking hate this! Goddammit!”
“You said you liked camping!”
“I said I used to go camping. When I was a kid. Like I was forced to go with my fucking dad. I hate this shit, Cas! I fucking hate it! Everything is gross and dirty and you have shit outside! It’s the worst!”
“Then why did you even come?” Cas yells.
“Because it makes you happy! The only reason I put up with any of this shit is because I love you!”
Dean’s voice carries again and they can feel the leaves tremble. Just like that, Cas’s angry face is replaced with something surprised and... touched? He looks soft and happy and it nearly gives Dean whiplash. 
He can’t figure out why they’re not fighting anymore when Cas gives him this look from under his lashes.
Dean blinks. “What?”
Cas takes a couple steps toward him, smile getting broader. “You said love.”
“I-” Dean gasps as his own words circle his brain. Shit. “Cas, I-”
But Cas’s hand is there suddenly, covering his mouth. “Please stop talking,” Cas whispers and Dean can only nod as his heart beats wildly in his throat. Cas’s hand drops to encircle Dean’s wrist and he squeezes. “I love you too.”
Dean swoops in to kiss Cas, arms snapping around his waist to pull him close and Cas is just as excited for it. His hands slide through Dean’s hair, holding his head in place as Cas deepens the kiss and steals Dean’s breath.
And it’s fucking amazing. 
Absolutely perfect.
Until Dean sways a little and they hear the disgusting squelch of his boot.
Dean pulls away, beat red. “Oh my god.”
Cas only laughs. “We should really clean your shoes.”
Dean drops his head to Cas’s shoulder. “I don’t think I can do this anymore, Cas.”
“Yes you can,” Cas promises as he strokes Dean’s hair. “Because when we get home, I’m going to make it up to you. We’re going to take a long shower and I’m going to order enough take out to feed us for a month, we’re going to sleep and then I’m going to-” He leans in to whisper in Dean’s ear and it somehow make Dean redder.
He nods furiously as Cas steps away with a sly smile, beckoning Dean to follow. “O-okay. Y-yeah, that sounds fair.”
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euargh · 7 years
Stolen from @thebigdeepcheatsy A- age: I am uncomfortable revealing that, sorry. B- biggest fears: [I fear those things as well, Deep C!] The day my parents actually do the things they constantly threaten me with (they are unpredictable which is awful because I have a bad nervous disorder and become terrified easily.) Losing my cats. Getting mugged or worse while at a bus stop or bus station. If the people I am friends with currently are only friends with me due to politeness or pity and if I have to be the one to remove myself to not be a burden to them any longer. The list is long. Basically... everything horrible. C- current time: 9:16 PM cst D- drink you last had: Water. E- everyday starts with: either being yelled at or head/organ pain. F- favorite song: I have so many favorite songs, but my current one is Gospel of Dismay sh-shut up. It grew on me and I liked the animation. I thought it was cute. Bendy kind of reminds me a LOT of my self. I do not know why. Just everything about him. I laughed hard at the real life person showing up in the video. THAT WAS SO FUNNY. I now headcanon that guy to be a modern day Sammy Lawrence. I said "LMAO THIS IS TOTALLY HOT TOPIC" and lo and behold, discovered Bendy merch is actually going to be available next month there. -cries-  (Also Bendy reminds me of my headcanon of Lyman in my sitcom.)
G- ghosts, are they real?: I can not tell if they are just images stuck in time being replayed over (since time is this weird type of... thing), or if they are indeed ghosts of dead people, and if so, why would they want to stick around? what exactly is going on? what is the logic? are they being punished? how are they still not aware they are dead? Like... if all these years passed and strange technology pops up, should that not cause some kind of concern to the ghost or something? Are they even aware? If I were a ghost, I would be flying around in space giving the middle finger to Earth. Or pranking jerks. Then again I have no idea how the afterlife works... if there is one. I want to sell my soul to be a prankster demon, you afterlife sons a bitches. I want to harass teh trumpbutt and jerks around da globe and make da sad kids laugh. Jack da troll demon on da loose, bada bing bada kaboomm. summon @ own risk u guise. stfu H- hometown: Brownsville, an ugly UGLY ghetto city. I- in love with: OH GAWD, I have no idea if I am even capable of that? I can not understand my feelings. Much of the time I just avoid the person entirely, especially if it starts tearing me up inside. IT IS SO CONFUSING and I am not good with communication, and I feel like they deserve WAY better than my ugly and extremely nervous self. J- jealous of: [I GET JEALOUS OF THOSE SAME THINGS AS WELL, DEEP C.!]  When jerkheads have perfectly nice lives and live in nice places. The favoritism and affection my parents have for my sis'. People with good health and/or a nice life and/or no real problems that whine over absolutely stupid things (like getting friendzoned, omg stfu). A lot of things to be honest. K- killed someone: ???? WHOOOOA NOW. EASY THAR, MAI BOI. L- last time you cried: Just now after having to walk to the stupid convenient store for my parent's beer run. It is hot/humid outside, and hot inside. My hair became matted and looked like crap. I cut most of it off. I will have to chemically straighten it again with Africa's Best hair relaxer soon. The cashier kept making grossed out faces at me. The costumer behind me was a creepy old guy standing way too close, basically breathing down the back of my neck. Anxiety hell. There was one funny part though, while walking there was a huge roach that was... apparently chasing after me? I ran because I wanted no trouble. Nope no no nope. NOT GETTING MUGGED BY A BUG. YEAH I AM A COWARD WITH INSECTS SOMETIMES, STFU. BUT HOLY SHIT IT WAS HUGE. Making note to make a silly comic out of that. M- middle name: I hate my middle and last name. N- number of siblings: Unfortunately I have one and I have no idea how we are even related other than she is as abusive, horrible, and batshit as my parents are. O- one wish: To live somewhere nice that actually snows and be far away from my abusive family, and to maybe have real life supportive friends to pal around with that would not try to hurt me. Wanting friends is a lifelong thing I am unable to obtain, and I am unable to afford to move to such a nice place. I suppose it is just not meant to be.  P- person you called or texted last: My sibling. Q- questions you are always asked: How are you still alive? (Do not worry, I actually find that question amusing.) There are more, but I can not remember them right now. R- reasons to smile: My online friends and anyone that wants to talk to me, my funny cats, whenever people like/reblog/fave my drawings so other people might discover me, the one or two fans I actually have, my pain killers to help with my chronic pain, the fact the creators of Bendy said Bendy can have a tail (GOOD. YES. YESSSS!!!! nice), I am sure there are a lot of reasons to smile but I am currently trying to make myself calm down after having to step out. S- song you last sang: I was attempting to make Perfect Polly sing Devil's Swing for a crappy youtube video, but I am unsure if anyone would even want to watch that disaster. Maybe I should ask people if there is a song they want to request for perfect polly to sing, or create a tumblr for people to send Perfect Polly questions and such to answer on youtube. T- time you last woke up: 6:30PM due to the heat knocking me out much of the day. x_x U- underwear color: Black. V- vacation destination: I have never been anywhere honestly. Except to San Antonio, but even there it was just to clean my sis's apartment, and then I spent much of the time just taking the public bus to kill time... which was awful. W- worst habit: Everything I do???? X- any x-rays: On my skull, teeth, chest, ankle. Y- your favorite food: Anything that does not hurt me. Z- zodiac: Aquarius. I am a stereotypical aquarius too. Whooooa. Getting out of hand now. I TAG: @gorburger @boogiefeverforever @cheapkrabs @akkikumori @harryhenry1 @ask-boris-the-puppup
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funface2 · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Hilarious Exodia Memes That Will Make You Cry | CBR – CBR – Comic Book Resources
Yu-Gi-Oh! is everyone’s favorite card game and anime series from their childhood. Unlike the Pokemon card game, many people actually knew how to play Yu-Gi-Oh! and didn’t just collect the cards. While the card game was fun, the anime was iconic and very entertaining for its time. Who can forget our spiky-haired protagonist trusting in the heart of the cards and dramatically pulling out the winning card at the last moment? Or even the unforgettable characters of Maximilian Pegasus, Seto Kaiba, and Yugi himself.
RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Most Powerful Cards Ranked
Originally armed with the ancient Exodia, Yugi takes on many challenges throughout the series. Yu-Gi-Oh!‘s legendary cast and plot inspired a myriad of memes throughout the years. Thankfully, Yu-Gi-Oh! memes are making a comeback, so here are 10 hilarious Exodia memes that will make you cry!
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10 Exodia Defends Area 51
With September 20th’s legendary Area 51 raid closely approaching, the raiders are in for a surprise. While the military was a bit scared about Naruto runners in attack mode swiftly dodging their bullets, they shouldn’t have any fear when they release their first line of defense at the front of the raid, a swarm spiky-haired kids with duel disks and Egyptian jewelry.
If these kids are lucky enough to draw all 5 pieces of Exodia, the raiders’ life points will go down faster than Seto Kaiba can yell “impossible!”
9 Exodia’s Military Weapons
Speaking of the military, there is a lot of talk these days about citizens being able to purchase military-grade weapons. In this meme, this person was able to purchase these high-grade assault weapons without even having an ID! This is absolutely unacceptable in today’s political environment.
We can’t have kids getting sent to the shadow realm during their lunch breaks anymore! Enough is enough, protect your children and make sure to phone your local senators to tell them how outraged you are that these dangerous weapons are publicly available!
8 That Is Some Strong Coffee
Latte art is the cornerstone of small coffee shops everywhere. Usually, customers receive their coffee’s with a nice flower or other cute imagery such as cats in their coffee. Most people get the energy to get through the day through their coffees, but what if you need the strength the propel yourself into attack mode for the rest of the day?
Look no further, for drinking this Exodia latte will give you the strength of one of the most powerful monsters in the game to send any issues you have during the day straight to the shadow realm!
7 Salt Bae Steals Exodia
If you had the most powerful card in the game what would you do with it? Most people would probably carefully protect it from harm, out of fear that some jealous opponent would try to steal it. But not the beloved protagonist Yugi. This genius thought it would be a great idea to lend his only copy of the most powerful cards in the game to some stranger on a boat who looks and talks like a bug. Who could forget the look of horror on Yugi’s face when the insect known as Weevil threw his most precious possession off the boat? Here we have Weevil (Salt Bae) sprinkling Yugi’s precious Exodia cards into the sea.
RELATED: 10 Coolest Yu-Gi-Oh! Monsters
6 When Your Whole Outfit Is On Point
A lot of people tend to feel bad about their self-image, but sometimes you just have those days when you feel fresh. You perfectly matched your shoes, pants, and shirt together, you just got a new haircut, and you feel good. Every part of your outfit comes together well and nothing can stop you today.
That is probably how Exodia feels when you finally draw the 5th part of him and summon him. Before he obliterates your opponent, he takes one look at the mirror and smiles, because he knows his outfit is perfection.
5 Shaggy The God’s Heart Of The Cards
The overpowered Shaggy memes ran the internet for a few months about a year ago. They were fresh tales of Shaggy’s godlike status and his ability to instill fear and anxiety into any entity he chooses. These stories were frequently told by his coworkers during interviews who had to spend a terrifying amount of time with him. These legends combined with his regular and harmless appearance made for a hilarious meme that lasted many months.
In addition to his supernatural powers, he also is a first-rate duelist who truly understands the heart of the cards. Here a coworker explains that you can’t beat Shaggy in a duel, his inhuman powers allow him to always draw Exodia, even without the pieces in his deck!
4 No Limitations
Have you ever played poker and felt like your opponent was cheating? You started out with more money and now you are down to your last few chips. Even though you are just playing Texas Hold’em with your usual group of friends, one of them keeps pulling out different cards and screaming “obliterate!” at the top of their lungs.
They keep insisting they won, even though you have a royal flush. To make matters worse, whenever you tell them “you can’t use Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in poker, your friend throws down some cards with pictures of limbs and just keeps screaming “the forbidden one has no limitations!”
RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 5 Greatest Duels In The Series (& The 5 Worst)
3 Shy Exodia
Apparently even the mighty forbidden one can get shy on a date. Often, when people go on their first dates things can get a bit awkward. Sometimes you and your date don’t get along and things just feel weird, but other times things could go really well and even lead into the bedroom.
But this presents its own problems as well. Your date might be into you but you are a bit shy about what she might find down there. Well, you are not alone in this endeavor, Exodia himself has some small problems of his own.
2 Speaking To The Manager
Anyone who works in retail or the food industry knows that no matter if you are a sales associate, cook, or manager, some customers can always be a pain. This meme shows that beautiful moment of triumph when a particularly angry customer is giving you problems and asks to speak to the manager.
You slowly turn around and pretend to walk into the back and find someone higher up the chain than you, but then you turn around, unleash your inner Atem and calmly say with a smirk of satisfaction on your face “I AM the manager.” There are very few sensations one can experience at work that can amount to this one.
1 Rick The Forbidden Pickle
Ah, Pickle Rick, the internet sensation that flooded websites and meme groups alike. After Rick initially turned himself into a pickle in season 3 of the cult classic show Rick and Morty, fans everywhere repeated the phrase frantically and put it on T-shirts, hats, poster, and honestly EVERYTHING.
While Rick was trapped in his pickle form, he had to get limbs to help him move around, luckily Rick was able to trust in the heart of the cards and draw the limbs of the forbidden one before it was too late.
NEXT: Yu-Gi-Oh!: 10 Best Duelists In The Series
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from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/yu-gi-oh-10-hilarious-exodia-memes-that-will-make-you-cry-cbr-cbr-comic-book-resources/
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Modern Keep Bees Away
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17 .. 2547 Rings off the hook, said Mr. Mills, a former probation officer who now . Mr. Sklaroff, who keeps bees as a hobby, said he is rarely stung more. Mostif not allof the hundreds of different species of native beeslike . I heard the discourse on painting porch ceilings light blue to keep wasps away. Explore Marilyn Bebensees board keep bees away on Pinterest. . Painting a porch ceiling blue can keep away bees, wasps, spiders, gnats by fooling them. Paint your porch ceiling blue to prevent bees and wasps from nesting! It looks like the . Keeps away bees/wasps, plus it is so beautiful and. More information. Yesterday I removed this hive from the ceiling of a Palmwoods home. . On other jobs this isnt possible and she will keep moving away from the action right to. 15 .. 2562 Thickness: Bees tend to be pretty plump in the middle, while wasps and you may hire to possibly have to cut through walls, floors, and ceilings to gain access. . How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering?
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8 .. 2558 6 Natural Ways to Keep the Bees Away. Cucumber peel Cucumber peel is great for keeping bees away from specific, small areas. Peppermint Bees want to avoid the smell of peppermint in the areas and plants they hang around. Cinnamon Spreading cinnamon in areas that bees frequent is a great way to drive them off. There are several ways to get rid of bees in and around your home. Just a . Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. If you dont want to. 15 .. 2562 For this reason, you should arrange for a professional to deal with the. . They usually dont use home structures to build their nests but are sometimes found in roofs, How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering? 23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! Patti Huck July 23, Long grass can house ground nests. Be careful. 12 .. 2559 Best Ways to Keep Bees Away from Your Summer Picnic. Play keep-away. Unlike mosquitoes, bees are not attracted to the smell of humans but rather to the sweet scents of their perfume, hair products, lotion, and deodorant. Practice the art of disguise. Cover up. Bait and switch. Set a simply dressed table. Do a little . 11 .. 2560 Everybody knows how important bees are for the ecosystem but we have to agree that sometimes theyre a bit irritating. If you want to spend. Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . hmm might be worth a try. Your DIY Bug Repellent Guide to Common Household Pests hoping I dont need . Thankfully havent had to deal with roaches. Keep Fleas. 19 .. 2558 Bees & wasps have a habit of nesting in houses & usually show in multitudes . Find out more on how to keep bees away from your home. . dedicated, professional company which offers a complete pest control service. North America alone is home to more than 4,000 kinds of bees, and there are . This DIY trap offers a no-kill solution, so youll have to check the trap daily and . to keep bees away while using items you may already have inside your house.
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There are many great ways to keep wasps and bees away from your pool so you . Keeping hornets, yellow jackets and paper wasps away from a swimming. All bees, including sweat bees need to search and collect water. They will use whatever water source is nearby, even pools. Sweat bees can become a pest,. 2 .. 2560 Bees in a pool area are likely just looking to quench their thirst, whereas wasps may be attracted to the smell. Therefore, the best ways to keep wasps and bees away are by making your pool less attractive to them. This can be done by using natural repellents, deterrents, and traps for relocation. 20 .. 2561 A dip in your pool is often a great way to spend those hot summer days, but nothing can ruin a good time faster than a sharp sting from a wasp. 8 .. 2558 And, luckily, there are easy, natural solutions to keep bees away from . Its a win-win situation you wont have to deal with buzzing around. 12 .. 2557 Warm up a tired or wet bee and get her or him buzzing again! . Honey bee mites are far larger by comparison it would be like one of us . If you consistently find yourself rescuing bees from pools of water Victoria says:. 6 .. 2561 Bees are the bane of pool parties, backyard barbecues and summertime soirees outdoors. . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . Kathy Adams is an award-winning writer. 20 .. 2560 Thirsty bees are diving into swimming pools, but you can help save them. . Tracie Byerley found them on a hot afternoon outside her Te Atat.
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19 .. 2561 Safe, easy tips to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders without . water, it becomes contaminated and less attractive to hummingbirds. 7 Natural Ways to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. Choose red saucer feeders. Attach an ant moat. Hang feeders with fishing line. Slip nectar guard tips over hummingbird feeder holes. Periodically move the feeders. Hang a few fake wasps nests. Plant bee- and hummingbird-friendly food sources. . of bees. This is a guide about keeping bees out of your hummingbird feeder. . Article: Keeping Bees Away from a Hummingbird Feeder. By EllenB A good layer of petroleum jelly around the pole or mount keeps ants away pretty well. How to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. hornet The biggest problem we face each year is that our resident hornets also want some of that nice,. A feeder with too many bugs becomes contaminated and can keep hummers away. . safe strategies to keep bees, wasps, and ants away from hummingbird feeders, . guards or flower accents and your feeder will be less attractive to insects. The Complete Directory for Rearing Fowls, Pigeons, Rabbits, Bees, and Other Small . intention, and probably will centinue to differ until the bird himself shall declare it. Some say it is for their light; others that they feed upon these insects. . I shall describe each sort of Pigeons particularly, that these beautiful birds may be. FLY-C A evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . on his back with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, . if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his friend,. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his . or, if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his . Besides insects, they feed. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, and continuing the . There is one bird, however, which, by its superior rapidity of flight, is sometimes . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, but.
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Paramount Studios. Suddenly it all made sense to me, or so I thought at the time. . I no bee actor, say-nyor. . I put away until we get to Paramount. Ees plenty. I felt so ugly and disoriented inside, but somehow I had to keep going for this beautiful . Bee Fabulous Moments love reminded me in my moments of pain with my . Daily bible scriptures, pop in meetings and a phone call or a text away if I. I keep bees for honey. We try to be . Fabulous Food Recipes This site is . You can create the most fabulous food without slaving away for hours in the kitchen. Dont feel sorry for me. We all end up six . Keep burning those fabulous fossil fuels thats what I say. Im so jealous of . I swipe a bee away from my leg. Well . Feb 24, 2019- Explore Julie Walkers board Bee Fabulous on Pinterest. . Bible verse.you would not believe how much this verse has helped me through things. Yellow Orange, Save The Bees, Blueberry, Shades Of Yellow, Color Yellow, Ephemera Free Printable~ Bee Tag great for giving away home-grown honey. Asheville Bee Charmer: Fabulous See 111 traveler reviews, 43 candid photos, . Save. Review Highlights. Honey tasting! I used to hate honey as a kid until I . awesome, one-of-a-kind store during a food tour and was totally blown away. I gave one of the girls a strand of my green beads and she gave me a bee pin! 9 .. 2561 Whew! Its been a busy week since launching the website! You lovely people have kept me incredibly busy with your orders and Ive been. 12 .. 2535 EDINA (CONTD): Patsy can put it away cant she, sweetie? Oh God! . And not any old bloody bee, but the bloody Gucci of bees, darling. This is the stuff. . Hmm ??? Now, if youll excuse me Im going to go and get dressed.
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23 .. 2556 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. If possible, set out the bee bait 20 minutes or so before you begin your picnic. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away from your campsite. . Therefore, when you are planning your trip, you might consider . they will be attracted to the sweet fragrance from your picnic food. or. 12 .. 2559 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. 20 .. 2560 Keep Bees Away From Your Picnic. Pick a location away from trash cans, pools of water, and tall grass. All of these naturally attract bees. Moth balls are an effective bee repellent. Avoid using bright colors or bold colors for your picnic cloth. Bees dislike the scent of cloves, cucumbers, and marigolds. Keep a close . Home Made Wasp Repellant Keeping wasps away from your outdoor activities can be a challenge. For those who are allergic to their sting, they can be life. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. . The best wasp/yellowjacket repellant for summer picnics: 2 ounces of mint extract. What is the best way to picnic without bees checking out what youre eating? 936 Views How do you get rid of flies outside, naturally? 1,407 Views. 13 .. 2561 Choose a picnic location away from areas that attract bees. . If youre planning to set down a tablecloth for a patio dinner, make sure that the. 8 .. 2558 But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? . This means its time to start planning for how to keep bees and other.
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fact that clove oil will keep bees and wasps and flies away while eating outside. Needed is a small dish, lace a rock & drop a couple of drops of clove oil on it,. clove studded lemon Repel Flies, Flies Repellent Outdoor, Insect Repellent, Fruit Fly . How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Wasp Deterrent, Note: To protect the beautiful paint work, spray fairy garden pieces with a. Keep wasps & bees away >> Put about 10 cloves (cut off the ends so they sit flat) in a lemon & set . it and hang it above an entrance/patio door and it will prevent the yellow jacket wasps from entering . It looks old and new and beautiful. 28 .. 2560 Luckily, there are a few solid things you can do to keep them away from your cookout. Watch out for nests. Rethink the flowers near your patio. Dont wear bee attractors. Keep the food inside. Dont swing at a bee thats flying by! 11 .. 2560 A great way to make bees go away from small areas is using Cucumber Peels. If you open a window to enjoy the beautiful summer and a bee. As you can see, you dont want bees sticking around in your backyard especially if theyre Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. And as a nice bonus, youll have a beautiful-looking lawn all season long. 28 .. 2561 If you want to deter bees, remember to keep an eye on weeds . possible to have a beautiful garden full of flowers that dont unduly attract bees . outskirts of your lawn and garden, well away from a house, pool, deck, or patio,. 2 .. 2561 Outdoor weddings are beautiful, but one invited guest could ruin the . suggests placing a few underneath ceremony seats to keep bees at bay.
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11 .. 2560 To keep them away from you, vanilla extract is a great solution. Just mix a tablespoon of vanilla extract or baby oil in water and apply it on your body when you are at a bee frequent area. Baby powder is another solution to keep bees away. . So use only natural products for the betterment of both you and the bees. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay. Deterring Bees with Natural Materials So, consider putting a few peppermint plants or cinnamon sticks around your picnic area or outdoor patio. You can also keep bees away by chopping up a clove of garlic and letting it soak before for a few days in a glass of water. 28 .. 2562 In this article, we will explore ways to keep bees away from your house. . natural bee deterring methods that will repel rather than kill the bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do . swimming pool and how to keep bees away using home remedies. . Eucalyptus, spearmint, thyme citronella and wormwood are all-natural wasp repellants. 23 .. 2556 Theyre pretty, and they naturally repel bees and other bugs. They find the scent unpleasant. How to Keep Bees Away from your Next Outdoor. 15 Fast Ways to Get Rid of Bees Effectively (Kill or Repel Them Naturally). + 12. Solitary Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away . as red and brown will look like natural predators and will provoke bees,. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps Here are some ways to deter wasps from.
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8 .. 2561 To keep bees and wasps away so you can work in the garden or yard, try dabbing tea tree oil on your clothing. A little around the bottom of your. 6 .. 2561 Instead of killing them, get rid of them by using natural repellents or, in worst-case scenarios, calling for . What Essential Oils Repel Bees . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . If allergic to any of the oils or their associated plants, dont use that particular oil. 8 Essential Oils to Repel Bees and Wasps. Tea Tree Essential Oil. It is one of the most popular essential oils. Peppermint Essential Oil. Almond Essential Oil. Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Orange Essential Oil. Citronella Essential Oil. Cedarwood Essential Oil. Essential Oil Blend. Discover ideas about Essential Oil Bug Spray. Use this DIY essential oil bee repellent spray to repel bees! . How to keep mice away. Ive included all there is to know about doTERRA grapefruit essential oil uses including DIY & food. Add drops of peppermint and drops lemongrass oils. Spray where Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events . Keep Bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do about bees around . As with bees, there are essential oils that can repel wasps. . While many of the suggestions above involve professional help or buying. 7 .. 2562 With a few precautions, you should be able to keep bees away from your . Catnip essential oil has been shown to be effective at driving away bees and . was small and may or may not have included Africanized honey bees. 29 .. 2560 8 Genius Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps & Keep Them Away . that in 1993 alone, an estimated 80,000 children were involved in common household pesticide-related . Plant Therapy are our favorite brand of essential oils and you can purchase all of the oils 10 Brilliant Ways You Can Help Save The Bees. For more information on how to use your essential oils to keep a pest free, . Honey bees give off various pheromones to attract, distract or repel other bees,. Get rid of wasp naturally, from wasp nest removal, homemade traps, natural sprays and recipes, for dealing . Like wasps, most types of bees will leave you alone if you leave them alone. . If they see you, they will drive you away by swarming you and stinging you. Essential oils are also handy wasp and insect repellents.
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23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! a complete summer ensemble out of them, complete with a cute little. 12 .. 2559 1. Play keep-away. Avoid bee attention by wearing unscented products. Use an insect repellent to mask the scents. Natural repellents use citrus, mint, and eucalyptus oils. Dryer sheets also make effective insect repellents: tuck one in your pocket if youre hiking or place a few under your picnic blanket. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, I am sharing how you can remove wasp nests in only 2 steps without hiring a. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. What color clothes you should avoid. Lots of info! Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . USA spider chart- identify the spider you were bitten by to figure out if its venomous. I HATE. How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Keep them away by putting about 10 cloves in 1/2 lemon. They dont . 13 Amazing Things You Could Do With Lemons We Bet You Never Knew. Get Rid Of . Lovely Home. See more. 14 .. 2560 How can you enjoy natures beauty without attracting every buzzing bee in a 10-mile . Plants That Will Keep Bees Away From Your Yard. You can try luring the bees away from your bakery. If sweetened water is not what is already drawing them, try placing a bottle a few meters away from your door,. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay.
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Woodbridge Summer Concert: NY Bee Gees August 20, 2018. . Album, House and Cars Duration: 11:06 . Barry Gibb Net Worth, Lifestyle, Family, Biography, Young, Children, Bee Gees, Album, House and . September 2, 1975. The Bee Gees discuss pop music trends, living in England, and the tax system. Jive Talkin is the UKs premier Bee Gees tribute theatre show. Featuring performers from Londons . Bee Gees Gold Tribute Bio John Acosta as Barry Gibb has performed in Bee Gees Tributes all over . Uploaded with Freemake Video Converter //lionslagospt.club/free_video_converter/ BEEGEES NOW! Put on your dancing shoes & get ready to experience Saturday Night Fever every day of . Join Bee Gees on Facebook //lionslagospt.club/beegees & Twitter //lionslagospt.club/beegeesofficial . Barry Gibb Live Full Concert 2018. . The Nations Favourite Bee Gees Song Top 20, 2011 Part 2 . Barry Gibb on his first solo tour, enjoy 10 of the best BEE GEES Songs: 1. . Barry please do another .
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19 .. 2561 Triple BEEs Wrap . Nature Bee Wraps are a planet friendly alternative to plastic wrap! Because a hive can only have one queen bee? I said. Exactly, Gary . was still trying to wrap my mind around the process of making honey. Where does the. . this is to be understood likewise in a child of God, while the pcore soule is wrap; . Viz, the Divine vertue or power of God, till it commeth to bee a Divine body,. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protetion of our . Therefore when all _things things else are gone, let us wrap our selves in. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protection of our bodies . Therefore when all thing. things else arc gone, let us wrap our selves in. . a mirror of the human condition.11 Verily under the wrap of this transformation is taxed the life of mortall men, when as we suffer our minds so to bee drowned. her long legs, innocently bold; the woman wraps her shawl modestly about her, her . Then she lay down, frightened, beautiful as a doll; he hovered like a bee.
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Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/EcnSXa5Urus/modern-keep-bees-away
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