#oh hiroki my dear
loudkidsoulfreak · 12 days
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a ghost grieving its own death
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 4 months
.. glad he liked it. ah, need to buy new hairbands now - Superconduct, could you be a dear and note down that i need more hair ties now? -Bzzt, you're almost out of hair ties? Is the world ending?!- I don't have that many- c'mon, Super, it's not - I'm not that bad- -If you hadn't given so many away, there'd be enough for me to hide in, bzzt! You're a chronic people pleaser, Russ.- I am not - it's just - being helpful! And my classmates forget to return things I lend them a lot - it's fine, they just - forget. It's fine. Right - wanted to update Rotomblr-
Things are going... Pretty well, all things considered! Been spending a lot of time - studying, and training... Gotten to have a few practice matches with Ange! Those have been really fun, especially since we're both testing out newer strategies! Summer's been doing well in training too - getting pretty big and learning new moves what feels like every day, heh! Oh! I've uh - been thinking about - maybe taking some time to... go home? Work... work things out with grandpa and grandma, maybe...? Um. Nothing set in stone yet, but - might.. try and invite Hiroki and Ange, too, for um. emotional support. But I - I don't know when! So. I'll be around probably! When I'm not - busy, that is.
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vgckwb · 1 year
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 163: Beyond Burgerdome
Haru arrived home just in time to make her curfew. She took a deep breath and prepared herself. She shuffled to the mailbox, pretended to fish around and pulled out the calling card. She entered her house.
She saw her father was in the living room. He looked incredibly stressed, but as soon as he turned to see Haru, he plastered a fake smile on his face. “Ah, Haru my dear! How was school today?”
“Um, it was fine,” Haru said. “Um, I hate to worry you, but I found this in the letterbox.” She presented the calling card.
“Hm?” Okumura said, taking an interest. “Let me see that.” Haru walked over to her father. He stood up and took the card. “‘To Kunikazu Okumura, the merciless sinner of Greed. You amass wealth and prestige to fill a void inside yourself. But all you’re really doing is creating more emptiness elsewhere, causing endless suffering for your workers and anyone else you don’t deem worthy. You have been accused of creating an apocalypse of sorts by someone claiming to be its savior. However, this savior will end up creating new emptiness if they get their way. Which means that to bring everyone out of this apocalypse, we shall steal your desires and make you confess your sins. From, The Phantom Thieves of Heart.’”
Kunikazu was an expert at putting on a face for his daughter, but this pushed him over. He was steaming, and Haru could tell. “So!” he exclaimed. “These thieves are coming after me, huh! I’ll show them! I’LL SHOW THEM ALL! KUNIKAZU OKUMURA IS NOT TO BE MESSED WITH!”
It flashed to see shadow Okumura. “So, these thieves think they can prevent my utopia from coming to fruition? BAH! I will obliterate them and keep their heads as trophies! No one tells me what to do!”
It flashed back. Okumura got out his phone. “Hello, security?” he said “Prepare yourselves. We just got a major threat from The Phantom Thieves. Be on high alert! Good!” He hung up. He looked back at Haru. “I’m sorry sweetie, but…well…I need to deal with this.”
“It’s…alright father…” Haru replied.
“I know we only have so much time left, but…” Okumura sighed. “I’ll make it up to you once this is settled. For now, just…have some dinner and then go to your room. I’m going to be in a mood for the remainder of the night.”
“Yes father,” Haru said. She went to go eat dinner by herself. As she was eating, she took out her phone and sent a message to the group chat.
Haru: He received the calling card!
Futaba: Alright! One down!
Makoto: One to go.
Haru: I’ll be sure to show Hiroki at the first opportunity.
Ren: Good going Haru.
Sumire: We believe in you.
Haru: Thanks.
Yusuke: How did your father take it?
Haru: He was not happy to say the least.
Jose: I mean, I guess that makes sense.
Lena: But he didn’t do anything to you, right?
Haru: He just told me to have dinner by myself and head to my room.
Ryuji: Well, I guess that's the best we could have hoped for.
Haru: He did alert the security team, so I feel like we should be extra cautious.
Ann: Would the strike still cover our tracks?
Makoto: Perhaps, but we should be even more safe, just in case.
Ryuji: Yeah, since this is the big move.
Ryuji: We don’t want to mess this up!
Futaba: Smart thinking, Ryuji!
Ryuji: Thanks.
Ren: So, the plan is to meet up tomorrow after school and storm the palace.
Ren: Everyone got it?
Sumire: Yeah!
Ryuji: Hell yeah!
Ann: Totally!
Lena: You got it!
Yusuke: Of course!
Jose: You betcha!
Makoto: Ready as I’ll ever be.
Futaba: You got it!
Haru: I’m ready!
Ren: Great!
Ren: See you then.
Ren put her phone down. She looked at Morgana. “I don’t think I need to ask if you’re ready.”
Morgana chuckled. “I was born ready!”
Ren chuckled back. “Goodnight Morgana.” They both went to sleep.
The next day, Haru was walking through school, looking a little distressed. “Haru?” Hiroki said, noticing this and taking the bait. “Is everything alright?”
“Oh, uh, hello Hiroki…” she replied. “Um, well, the truth is, father went off the handle last night. He’s been in a fuss since he got this.” She showed him the calling card.
Hiroki read it carefully. His eyes widened with each passing word. Still, Hiroki was better at keeping his wits about him than Kunikazu. “I see. Well, this is good, right? The Phantom Thieves are finally dealing with him, right?”
“Right,” Haru said, nervously smiling.
It flashed to the other Hiroki. “So, the Phantom Thieves are coming after MY prey?! There’s SO much more they can be doing! No matter, I will save the world, even if it’s from them.”
It flashed back to reality. “Well, see you around, I guess,” Hiroki replied.
“Right…” Haru said. Hiroki walked off. Once Haru could no longer see his face, he began scowling. Haru pulled out her phone.
Haru: And now Hiroki’s seen it.
Futaba: Alright, two for two!
Ryuji: All that’s left is to do it.
Lena: But we still have to wait for school to be over.
Lena: Not to mention, Hiroki’s in our class, so things might be tense.
Ryuji: Right…
Makoto: I have to deal with him too.
Sumire: Should I check on Kisa as well?
Makoto: She’ll be fine.
Makoto: Everyone in the student council is there for each other.
Sumire: Well, I just hope for the best.
Ren: I think we all do.
Ren: But right now, we need to make sure that we change Okumura’s heart.
Haru: Of course.
Haru: I know we can do it!
Haru put her phone away and headed to class.
Meanwhile, at Okumura Foods HQ, Okumura was on the phone. “What is the meaning of this?!” Okumura barked. “We had a deal!”
“You flew too close to the sun, Icarus,” the SIU director said on the other line. “You’re more of a liability than an asset now. But don’t worry. You’ll lose this battle, but we’ll win the war.”
“So, you’re betraying me?!” Okumura asked.
“‘Betrayal’ is such a pedestrian way of describing it,” the director said. “We’re using you as bait to flush out those horrid thieves. Of course, if you manage to deal with them, then maybe you’ll prove useful once again!”
“Listen here!” Okumura said. “I’m NOBODY’S PAWN! If I beat them, I’m turning this all on YOU!”
“That’s a tall order,” the director said. “Your approval ratings are in the dumps.”
“They’ll SOAR once I reveal the truth!” Okumura said. “And you’ll RUE the day you crossed me!” He hung up.
The director hung up his phone as well, and sighed. “Well, I suppose this was the best possible way this could have happened.” He pressed a button. “Call Miss Niijima to my office.”
“Yes sir!” his secretary said.
A few minutes later, Sae walked in. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yes,” the director said. “I’ve just been informed that The Phantom Thieves sent a calling card to Okumura. I thought you'd like to know.”
“Yes sir!” Sae said. “I’ll head out immediately,” Sae said.
“As much as that would be appreciated,” the director said, “are you caught up on all your other cases?”
“Yes sir!” Sae replied.
“Good,” the director said. “I just want to be thorough.”
“Of course sir,” Sae said. She bowed, and then left in a hurry.
The director picked up his phone. “Hello?...I got a call from Okumura…He’s threatening this whole operation…Don’t worry, it won’t get back to you…But just in case, keep him on standby…We might need a more traditional service this time around…Of course…Thank you.” He hung up. “Truly, our genius is misunderstood.”
During school, Ryuji and Lena noticed that Hiroki was keeping his cool. Same with Makoto and the rest of the student council. However, when the bell rang, without hesitation, Hiroki got up, and rapidly rushed out the door. Ryuji and Lena took note of this. They nodded, and headed out as well.
Ryuji: We’re on our way, but Hiroki practically flew through the door.
Ryuji: Should we check on him?
Makoto: No.
Makoto: We’re already pushing it as is.
Ren: Our main concern right now is stealing Okumura’s treasure.
Ryuji: Got it!
Ryuji put his phone away, and he and Lena met up with the Shujin Thieves. They then headed out.
Once at Okumura Foods HQ, Yusuke, Jose, and Futaba met up with them. They looked over and saw the striking crowd in a frenzy. “You think Hiroki did that?” Lena asked.
“Almost certainly,” Makoto remarked.
“Well, like you said, right now, we just gotta grab the treasure,” Ryuji said. “Hopefully it goes smoother than before.”
“Why’d you have to say that?” Morgana bemoaned.
Makoto looked out and noticed Sae pushing her way through the crowd. “...Sis?”
“Your sister is here?” Haru wondered.
Makoto nodded. “Which means we gotta be extra careful when we leave.”
“Let’s slip in now, just to be safe on that front,” Ren said. The others nodded.
They soon found themselves in the familiar desert. “Alright! We’re in!” Jose called out.
Something caught Yusuke’s attention. “Look over there!” Everyone looked.
Hiroki was standing in front of an army of robotic workers who look like they’ve been put back together. “Greetings!” Hiroki shouted. “I know I told you all the 11th is when we storm the ship, but our plans have changed! Someone is trying to take our glory! Our retribution! So we have to take it first! Are you with me?!” The robots cheered.
“That’s ominous…” Futaba said.
“We still have that tube Eris made for us, right?” Haru asked.
“Let’s hope so,” Ren said. They quickly circled around to find that the tube was still there. One by one, they shot up the tube and into the weapon production room. “So, we have a head start,” Sumire said.
“Yeah, but don’t let your guard down,” Ann said. “These crusaders are crafty.”
“And Hiroki is really smart,” Makoto said. “I’m sure he’ll figure something out.”
“Which means we should utilize our head start,” Ren instructed. “Let’s roll!” The thieves nodded, and rushed over to where they found the treasure.
They soon spotted a golden orb. “Booyah! Treasure spotted!” Futaba exclaimed.
“What the?” Lena said.
A tiny burger-shaped drone came over, extended a claw, and then grabbed the orb. “Huh?!” The ship then darted off. “Follow that burger!” Haru screamed.
The thieves rushed to try and retrieve the treasure. “Gah! This bastard really doesn’t want to give up!” Ryuji said.
“Does that come as a surprise?” Yusuke asked.
“No, but that doesn’t make him any less of a bastard!” Ryuji answered.
They continued on, eventually reaching a boarding dock. The drone carried the orb onto it, and the Thieves followed. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Jose asked.
“Probably not, but we don’t have much of a choice,” Lena answered.
The thieves continued onto the ship. Once on the ship, they saw the drone hand the treasure to Okumura, who pocketed it. “Well well well, if it isn’t The Phantom Thieves.”
“Hand over the treasure!” Ryuji demanded.
“Why would I?” Okumura taunted.
“We aren’t asking!” Ann said.
“Do you cretins really think you can stop me?” Okumura said. “Once I deal with you and those fools that backstabbed me, I will be rocketing towards certain political victory!”
“Hold on, ‘backstabbed’?” Sumire wondered.
“You’re the emperor of a food empire!” Jose said. “Is that not enough?”
“Of course you’d be so small-minded,” Okumura said. “Why just follow the rules, when you can MAKE the rules! When you’re at the top, then NOTHING can stop you! I won’t have to give up ANYTHING again that I don’t want to.”
Haru stepped forward. “So, you want to give up your reputation? You want to give up your only child? You want to give up everything that makes you a respectable person just to gain power?!”
Okumura stared at Haru. “Hm hm hm. When you have enough power, you command respect! When you have enough power, people will say nice things regardless.”
“You just don’t want to get hurt!” Haru countered. “And yet you’re hurting everyone around you! This has to stop!”
“That's just how the world is,” Okumura said. “You’re either hurting, or getting hurt. And I for one would rather hurt others than get hurt again!” Haru grew a little pale. “Oh, and as for your comments on my daughter, she’s willing to serve her father. Isn’t that right dear?”
A Haru-looking person dressed in a pink space suit walked out, stunning the thieves. “That’s right father! I will do anything you ask me to! For that is my purpose as a daughter!”
Everyone was shocked, but most of all, Haru. “So…this is how you really see me?”
“This is who you really are,” Okumura countered. “Who you’re meant to be. As much as I admire you, you’re only a girl. If you were a boy, I could trust my company to you.”
“It is true,” cognitive Haru said. “My father says so.”
Haru started tearing up, but then unleashed her anger. “You really don’t care about anyone but yourself, do you?!” she screamed. “You think that just because mom died, you can act however you want! She had feelings! I have feelings! Everyone has feelings! You need to stop before I force you to stop!”
“Big words for a pretender!” Okumura said. “Let’s see if you can put your money where your mouth is!” He pulled up a remote and pressed a button. A glass cylinder started to enclose the rest of the Phantom Thieves. “Let’s see how you do without your corruptive friends!”
“Oh no you don’t!” Morgan said. As the cylinder was just about to close, he hopped out just in time to avoid capture. Okumura was stunned. “You just don’t get it.” He readied his slingshot. “You reduce people to basic components.” He fired at Okumura’s hand, causing him to drop the remote. Cognitive Haru reached for it but Morgana used his grappling hook to grab it and pressed the button, freeing the others. “But people are much more than that. I recently learned that in full. And now we’re here to teach you!”
The Phantom Thieves readied themselves for combat. “Hm. So, you ruffians think you can teach me a lesson? Very well, HAVE AT YOU!” He pressed a different button.  “ALL STAFF REPORT TO THE DIRECTOR’S OFFICE!” Some tubes showed up. The Thieves were preparing for an army of robo-workers, but what came out of the tubes was scrap metal. “What the?” Okumura said. He pressed the button again, but more scrap metal showed up again. He kept pressing it, but only scrap metal would show up.
Until some large scrap metal showed up with Hiroki in tow. He turned around to face Okumura. “Well well well,” Hiroki said. “Looks like your workers are occupied!” Okumura was pale. He aimed his shotgun.
“NO!” Cognitive Haru said. She jumped in front of Okumura. Hiroki fired, turning cognitive Haru into dust.
“Now nothing stands in my way!” Hiroki said. Haru then jumped in between them once more. “Haru. Don’t make me do this.”
“I don’t need anyone telling me what to do!” Haru protested. “I will make you do this if this is what you want to do!”
Okumura was still trying to process what was happening. Sumire took note of this, and then looked at Morgana. She got an idea. “Skull! Queen!” She grappled Okumura. “Some assistance!” Without thinking, the two of them followed through, and grappled Okumura. “PULL!” Sumire shouted. Okumura pulled over to the circle where they were standing moments ago. “Mona now!”
“Ah! Clever!” Morgana said. He pressed the button, encasing Okumura in the cylinder.
Hiroki turned back and fired. However, the bullet bounced off the glass. “I see…”
“Hiroki!” Haru demanded. She reunited with the thieves. “Stand down! We’ve got it from here!”
“Why aren’t you going after someone else?!” Hiroki shouted.
“Well…” Haru said.
“Why can’t you let me have this?! Why are you the only ones who get to be heroes?!”
“We aren’t heroes,” Ren said. “We’re thieves. We do as we please. And we don’t answer to tyrants, whether they be space-faring moguls, or apocalyptic saviors.”
Hiroi sighed deeply. “I guess it’s true what they say. ‘Never meet your heroes.’” He aimed his gun. “Very well. We’re doing this. HAVE AT YOU!”
They began fighting with Hiroki. Despite being outnumbered, Hiroki was holding his own. After a little bit, the ship’s structure started to break, letting in some of the winding sand. “What’s going on?!” Haru wondered.
“That just means Hiroki is taking over more,” Morgana said.
“Should we be worried,” Lena asked.
“No,” Ren replied. “So long as Okumura is alive, he can’t take over fully.”
Soon, some voices started kicking in. “I’m just looking at pictures of my future wife.”
“Is that your fiance?” Futaba asked.
“Sounds like it,” Haru answered
This confused Hiroki. “Future wife?”
“Hm hm hm hm,” his brother cackled. “The head of Okumura foods promised me his daughter’s hand in marriage in exchange for us helping out his upcoming political run. She’s coming to live with us soon.”
“How come this is the first time I’m hearing about this?” Hiroki asked.
“Well, you know,” his brother said. “Moving parts and all that.”
“Besides, you’re so busy with school work.”
“Well, dad’s a politician,” Hiroki countered. “He’s busy too.”
“Well, he’s busy with stuff that matters,” his brother responded. “Like helping me get a wife.”
Probably because you couldn't get one on your own merits.
“Say, you wanna see a photo?” his brother asked. “I think she’s around your age. You might get along. But don’t try to steal her away.”
Hiroki sighed. Maybe I can help her once she gets here. “Fine.” …Haru?
“Isn’t she just lovely?” his brother asked.
His brother noticed that Hiroki was looking pale. “Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh,” Hiroki said. “I’m just a little tired. I mean, our principal was just murdered.”
“So, he only learned about this after your principal was murdered?” Yusuke said.
“Well, Hiroki is efficient…” Makoto admitted
“Right,” his brother said. “Well, if you’re feeling down, maybe just go to bed and let me have my fun.”
“Yeah…” Hiroki said. He started heading to his room. He started slowly, but then rushed up the stairs to close his door. He was breathing heavily. “Haru?...With that JERK?!...I can’t believe it!”
The voices stopped there. “Haru. I know I’ve told you about my brother. But you don’t know the worst of it.”
“I can take a guess,” Haru said. “You think you’re the only one who’s seen the worst in him? In anyone?!”
“Hm. You think you’re the only people who can stop villains?!” Hiroki countered. They continued fighting.
More voices showed up. “So, I’ll make this quick. I wish to talk about your daughter.”
“What about her?” Okumura said.
“Father?” Haru wondered.
“Well, I understand you’ve promised her hand in marriage,” Hiroki said.
“Are you planning to ask me if you could have her hand instead?”
“Well, I wouldn’t have said it so bluntly, but yes,” Hiroki said, slightly blushing.
“HUH?!” Haru shrieked.
“That’s…awkward…” Jose said.
“You said it,” Ann replied.
“Hm,” Okumura scoffed. “You have guts kid. I like that. But I have to pass.”
“How come?” Hiroki said.
“Because,” Okumura answered firmly, “no matter how much money you’d offer, you can’t promise me an endorsement. I am planning on running in the upcoming election, and the person who is marrying my daughter is the son of an influential politician who will give me their endorsement.”
“Well, what if I could promise you the same?”
“Oh?” Okumura said. “Aren’t you just full of surprises?”
“See, the person you’re engaging your daughter to is actually my older brother. So the deal doesn’t have to change much.”
Okumura laughed maniacally. “Wow. You are very bold. But I’m still going to have to pass.”
“You’re not their first born son, so you don’t matter,” Okumura explained.
Hiroki was confused. “What? So that’s it? Just because I’m my family’s second child, I don’t matter as much?”
“Yes,” Okumura answered.
“But that makes no sense,” Hiroki protested.
“You don’t get it,” Okumura said. “In this world, people are determined by how useful they are. That’s just how it is. And a first born son is more useful than a second born son.”
“What about Haru?” Hiroki asked in desperation. “How does she feel about all of this?”
Okumura smirked. “Why, she’s grateful. She’s serving her father, as all good girls should. Really, it’s an honor for her.” Hiroki’s heart sank. “If you don’t have anything else to say, I suggest you leave before I have you escorted.”
Hiroki sighed. “Very well.” 
“...Father…” Haru said.
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” Hiroki said. “We can be free from their grasp. We can be who we always wanted to be.”
“I could say the same to you, Hiroki!” Haru countered. “I know what they’re like! I always have! I’m just doing something about it now! Meanwhile, you’re becoming like them! And I can’t stand that!”
“Hm,” Hiroki said. “It seems we’re still at an impasse."
“We just gotta finish you off!” Ryuji said.
“Yeah!” Ann shouted. “So be prepared!”
“Prepared, you say?” Hirok said. He looked at the accumulated scrap metal. He used some kind of mental power to magically move the metal to surround himself. He was now wearing a full-body metal suit made out of Okumura company employee metal. “How’s THIS for prepared?!”
“Welp. You did it again,” Morgana said.
“It’s not Skull’s fault,” Ann said.
“I am talking to both of you,” Morgana said.
“Oh,” Ann replied.
“No matter,” Ren assured them. “We’ve fought these robots before. We can defeat them again!”
“YEAH!” Everyone cheered.
They faced down Hiroki in his new metal suit. He was tougher, and had some more attacks at his disposal, but eventually, the thieves powered through the armor, causing it to explode.
Hiroki flew up, and then flew back down, face planting onto the ground. “Hiroki!” Haru exclaimed. She rushed over to him and helped him up. “Are you alright?”
Hiroki was breathing heavily. “I…think I’m fine…Haru…Phantom Thieves…I’m sorry…” The thieves were shocked. “...I thought I could do this…I thought I could be the hero…but Haru regarding me as a villain…I couldn’t stand it. And until I fell face first, I thought I could force her to believe. But that’s what her father was doing. And for that, I apologize.”
Haru grew determined. “It’s not your fault Eris did this to you.”
“Well, whatever the case, I just need you to finish this,” Hiroki said. “Expose Okumura for who he is!”
“We will,” Ren said.
“Good,” Hiroki said. “And Haru…” Haru looked at him. “I’ll talk to you later. A real talk. Like we used to have.”
Haru smiled. “I’d like that.” Hiroki faded from her arms.
“Alright, now that that’s out of the way,” Morgana said, “let’s grab the treasure.” He pressed the button, freeing Okumura.
They encircled him. “Hand it over!” Ann said.
“We won’t say it again,” Ryuji added.
“Here!” Okumura said, giving them the orb. “Take it! I can’t stand the darkness!”
“Again with the darkness,” Ren said.
“Pardon me,” Sumre said. “You mentioned something about being backstabbed? What was that about?”
“Furthermore, what do you know about the mental shutdowns?” Yusuke asked.
“I…I may have ordered…some…” Okumura admitted.
“So he’s not the mastermind,” Futaba said.
“So who is?” Jose asked.
The palace started to crumble. “We don’t have time,” Morgana said. “We have to go!"
“Wait!” Haru said. “Just tell me this. Are you going to repent?”
“Of course!” Okumura said. “I’ll tell you everything. About my company, about the shutdowns, I’ll even break off the engagement. I just want to embrace the light.”
Haru nodded. “Very well.” She turned to her team. “I believe him.”
Ren nodded. “Then let’s go!” They all nodded, and then rushed out of the palace.
Once outside, they saw the crowd still worked up. They rushed around the corner, away from prying eyes. “Location: Deleted!” their phones said.
“Well, we’re one step closer to figuring things out,” Yusuke said.
“You said it,” Ryuji said. “But boy, I don’t want to do something like that again for a bit.”
“I know what you mean,” Haru said. “I’m exhausted.”
“In more ways than one, I can imagine,” Makoto said.
Lena looked at Ren. “Is that the treasure?”
Ren looked down, with everyone else looking as well. It was the toy spaceship Okumura saw in the window. “Seems like it.”
Ryuji looked it up on his phone. “WOAH! You won’t BELIEVE how much this costs!”
“It is fairly expensive,” Haru said.
“I’ll say!” Futaba said. “Collectors go NUTS for that kind of stuff.”
“So, what now?” Jose said.
“I think now’s the time to regroup,” Ren said. “Once Okumura spills the beans, we’ll have an idea on what to do next.”
“I sure hope you’re right,” Makoto said.
“In the meantime, we need to get ready,” Sumire said. “We’re brushing up against possibly the most dangerous person we’ll ever face yet. We should take some time to improve ourselves too.”
“Good thinking Sumi-chan!” Haru said.
Sumire got a little embarrassed. “Thanks…”
“I’ll keep an eye on my father,” Haru said. “And I’ll check in with Hiroki when I can.”
“I’ll check in on him too,” Makoto said. “After the crusaders reject Eris’ influence, they usually become sick.”
“Oh my!” Haru said.
“Don’t worry,” Ann said. “They always rebound.”
“Well, that’s good,” Haru said.
Ren gave the spaceship to Futaba. “You seem to know these circles the best. Take this and sell it.”
“Heh heh heh,” Futaba cackled. “You got it!”
“In the meantime, let’s get out of here,” Ren instructed. “We’re already kind of pushing it.” The thieves nodded, and then headed back home for the evening.
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mefiman · 3 years
Hamato Family’s First Visit to the Hidden City
Story request by @rottmntrulesall. Hope you enjoy the story, bud! ^^
"C'mon, everyone! Hurry up!" Michelangelo's impatience was obvious in his excitement. He and his siblings were finally going to show their dad's relatives for the first time to the Hidden City for two reasons; one: to view the many wonders of the other world and two: to have a formal, proper meeting with Draxum's parents. The latter part had instilled some unease into the Hamato siblings, especially Saki who was wary about stepping foot into a mysterious world and was about to see for himself the father and mother of the "monster" who altered his younger brother many years ago.
"Are you sure this place is safe?" Hamato Kenji asked. Raphael glanced at his uncle, understanding his uncle's concerns. "We've been there a lot, Uncle Kenji! We did encounter a few dangers there before but other than that, the people there don't usually attack humans unless provoked." Raph assured his uncle.
"There are a lot of places to visit like the many resorts and spas if you want to have a massage and ooh, Señor Hueso's Run of the Mill Pizza where they make one of the best pizzas! I know the manager of that place, we're amigos~" Leonardo took the chance to quip in.
"I can't wait to see Grandpa Mons again! Wait till you guys meet him yourselves, he's the nicest, sweetest grandpa you'll ever meet! He's still as strong as he's gentle!" Mikey said happily.
"I wonder if Grandma Chemia has some wicked new inventions to show me!" Donatello exclaimed.
"This would be my first time seeing my grandparents, Arachne..." Ariadne whispered to her best friend, Arachne.
"You've never seen them before?" Her friend asked.
"Once when I was a baby... I haven't seen them for years." The yokai femme told Arachne.
"Alright, kids, you've shown us all that you're excited to bring us to visit the Hidden City, Mikey, can you open the portal now?" Splinter asked.
"Sure, Dad!" Mikey got to work quickly.
Draxum felt a tinge of anxiety inside himself. He could not recall the last time he visited his creators ever since he moved out of home to pursue his alchemy researching, away from his parents' constant arguments, half of which is about their preferred methods of raising him. It was a surprise how those two still manage to live under the same roof despite their obvious clashing personalities. He guessed that they tolerated each other just for his sake. His parents had never produced any more offspring after him and one of Arachne’s parents...
"Hey, are you okay, Dad?" A female voice asked him. Draxum jolted from his pondering to find that his daughter, Poison Ivy asking him out of concern. He just gave a small smile as he ran his clawed hands over her helmet. "Am fine, just thinking about your grandparents." He assured her. He marveled how Ivy much had grown from the last time he scientifically created her with his and Lou Jitsu's DNAs; she being so tiny as a developed newborn infant growing in a liquid chamber to a young lady around the boys' ages. From what he knew later on, Splinter raised her along with the Turtles. Ivy had lived her life at first as a normal human teenager until her yokai genes started appearing. The initial discovery of her origins did shake her world but over time, she had learnt to accept and use them to assist her brothers in their adventures. She was intelligent like Draxum and his mother with his father's gentle, mature nature as well as Splinter/Lou's sassiness. She loved to study on botany and coincidently, her powers involved using vines and summoning plant like monsters at will. She recently revealed her sexuality preference as a lesbian and had a girlfriend who is a fellow classmate and witch trainee/apprentice in disguise. Both her creators and siblings were happy for her. As of now, she was cradling her younger sister, Venus de Milo was giggling and squealing as April, Ariadne and Arachne cooed and tickled her belly.
The group watched Mikey draw a symbol on the wall at an alley. Once the symbol was drawn, an open portal revealed. The Hamato siblings' mouths went ajar, not believing what they just saw. "if you think that's mind blowing, you haven't seen nothing yet!" Mikey grinned. His three other brothers and the three girls each took hold of one of their Hamato uncles and aunts's hands. The moment they all jumped into that portal, they found themselves staring at a massive part of a what seemed to be a huge city. The sky above was unlike Earth's skies; instead it was orange with some brown. The architecture of the buildings there were monster shaped with some tall, castle like structures far away from the city. There were a lot of people of all shapes, sizes, colors and appearances walking, running, passing by each other, buying their needs or doing their usual business trades. The Turtle family allowed their Hamato relatives to take in their first view around them. Saki's eyes were bulging out of his sockets, he could not believe for his life what he was seeing. Anthropomorphic, mostly consisting of animal, everyday objects, monstrous and supernatural like individuals roamed every part of the streets around him, he felt as if he was having a strange dream that defied logic! Nori on the other hand, looked right and left, taking in interesting sights that captured her attention. Underneath a calm façade, Kenji was freaking out internally at the new, foreign view. Hiroki was squealing in delight similar to a child had just discovered a world made of toys and sweets. Her twin, Hikari was a bit calmer than his sister, feeling a thrill of danger running through his veins. Last but not least, the youngest Hamato sibling, Mei's stance looked poker face yet she looked around to see if there were any Gothic like people that she can interact with. The Turtles and the girls grinned, seeing the reactions of the others.
"What do you think? Surreal, huh?" They ask.
"I can't believe what I'm seeing..."
"Someone please tell me that I'm dreaming..." Saki mumbled, still not believing.
"No, you're not," Draxum replied, going straight to the point with an indifferent expression. "May we please hurry to my parents' house, I bet they're waiting for our arrival..."
"Oh yeah!" Mikey clapped both his hands once. "Lead the way, Draxy!"
Draxum sighed as he took the lead of the group. Along the way, there were a few whispers around and behind Draxum coming from the city people but Splinter and Ivy took hold of both his hands and gave a comforting, assuring squeeze, making him feel better. Ariadne gave her uncle a comforting hand on to his shoulder. They were soon out of the main city square to a further distance into the woods. They had to climb up a hill for a while until they reached a big mansion residing there.
"We are here at last. My childhood home..." Draxum said, looking at the grassy, serene valley below, reminiscing the times where he as a little one ran galloping around the field, cartwheeling with glee among the flowers and his sire teaching him the basics on how to defend himself the predator way. Both father and son spend their days in the early years, sparring with each other...
"Draxum, my son!" The former alchemist warrior villain snapped out of his memories to find himself being engulfed into the arms of none other than his dear, loving old father, Monsrage who brought his only son into a crushing bear hug which knocked the wind out of his lungs. "How have you been, my little baby boy? It's rare that you visit us but it's so wonderful to see you bring your family along! How delightful!" the older yokai gushed, his bushy tail wagging with unlimited enthusiasm like an excited puppy. Monsrage was rather huge and muscular with perked up, pointy ears, silky straight black hair unchanged through time and a fairly long beard to match. Like Draxum before, he wore a battle mask. He had a significant dark upperlip. His body had different shades of blue just like his son, Draxum when he was armored. Monsrage's eyes were the same like Draxum's. His feet in particular, was a noticeable difference. Unlike his wife and son, his feet were shaped like a lion's paws, fitting for him coming from a predator species.
"Father, it's great to see you... but can you please let go now? I can't breathe..." Draxum choked out, being smothered by his sire's busty chest. Monsrage immediately loosened his grip, apologizing profusely while checking to see if he had accidently broken any of his son's bones. Draxum shook his head, smiling a little. His sire had never changed all these years, still a concerned worrywart. And he bet his mother had not either...
Chemia on the other hand, was greeting the rest of the visitors with feverish energy. She was a redhead with shades of pink for her skin colour and her ears, long and drooped. Her eyes had a little twinkle in them, a part of her eccentric personality and plump, red lips. Like her husband, she wore a mask. Donnie, April, Arachne and Ivy were given a whirlwind hug the moment they came in front of her. Monsrage went back to the mansion with his son to give the new visitors, the Hamatos, April, and Arachne a warm greeting as well as welcome his beloved grandchildren with his signature bear hug and proceed to pepper their faces with smooches which they were delighted to have especially Mikey, Ariadne, Ivy and Venus. Monsrage and Chemia ushered them all into their humble abode. The Hamatos were initially skeptical about meeting Draxum's family but they were soon warmed up to them. Later on, the mansion was filled with guffaws of laughter as Monsrage showed them all baby pictures of his son which embarrased the poor warrior scientist. Donnie, April and Ivy were treated to Grandma Chemia's latest creations. Monsrage himself had a blast, playing with Venus and sparring with the Turtles and the girls. Arachne was delighted to meet her grandparents as a young adolescent, telling them about her achievements, adventures and that her own parents are doing well. The Hamatos became comfortable talking with Draxum's parents over some snack delicacies. Overall, everyone had a wonderful time at the Hidden City.
I had fun writing this! Was tiring but oh so worth it.
The Hamato siblings (minus Lou/Splinter) and Venus de Milo belong to @rottmntrulesall while Ariadne and Arachne are the OCs of @mikeykawaii/@mikey-ho. Monsrage, Chemia and Poison Ivy along with the mention of the witch girlfriend belong to me, @mefiman. I hope you don’t mind me incorporating your girls into this story, @mikeykawaii but I’ve been dying to add them in, especially Ari meeting her grandparents! ^^ 
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 13)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Goldenrod
Next Chapter: The More You Know
Next SFW Chapter: Big White Lies
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, specify if you're okay with nsfw posts or not, and please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Chapter 13: Home Sweet Home
That weekend you went back home. It was so refreshing to see everyone. You yelped out with joy as you ran over to your cousin “Hiroki niichaaaan~” You jumped into his arms.
He hugged you tight. “How have you been doin lil sis?”
“Very good! I missed you all so much, especially you Hiroki nii." You pouted up at him.
You caught up with your family, had meals with them, and trained with Hiroki. They were most curious about your soulmate, as you have expected.
“What’s he like? Aren’t people from the big 3 clans so stuck up all the time? Even Satoru is full of himself at times, ey?”, Hiroki asked you with a mouthful of food.
“He isn’t too bad to be honest. He’s a gentleman and sweet with me. Decent man. Just, seems a bit like the private type? I mean… Doesn’t talk much about his family even though we are soulmates. Oh I’ve already talked to him about you guys.” You added.
Hiroki tilted his head, “Ehhh… mysterious huh.”
“Give him time. The Kamo Clan aren’t the most open minded people. They’ll feel you out before allowing you in.” Your dad said.
“Even though I’m his soulmate?!” You exclaimed.
Silence. “We don’t know what they’re thinking so we can’t say for sure.”
“Heh, you’ve gotten better lil sis,” Hiroki dropped low and thrusted out his spear. You jumped and immediately shifted your stance to land a kick on him. He easily parried and slipped out of your range.
Your family specializes in dealing with reverse cursed techniques aside from the occasional esper. Hiroki was only a semi-grade 1, because he trained his ass off for years.
Now that he’s built, he uses cursed tools to help him fight. A strong 185cm man can definitely handle close combat well. And in terms of healing abilities, he was number 1 in the clan.
It was only the women in your family that were able to inherit psychokinesis for some reason. But usually it only applies to a specific thing. Like how your mom can control plants. And your other aunt does with small metallic items like coins and darts.
Mother approached you after your sparring session. "Does he make you happy my dear?" Your mother asked you. Hiroki drank quietly from his water bottle.
You thought about it. The past few months were not easy but really colorful with Noritoshi. Minus the nagging feeling of him covering up his family affairs from you.
But… "He does. I feel so safe with him ma. Like I do with all of you. He is family to me now. I think I really like him and I trust him with my life." You whispered out.
"Then next time, bring him here. We will gladly welcome him with open arms." Hiroki smiled at you and leaned into your side.
You went to visit your dead older sister’s grave just before you went back to Kyoto Jujutsu High School.
It was just you and Hiroki. You both cleaned the grave, trimmed the weeds, changed the flowers, burned fresh incense, and said your prayers for Sora. It was such a clear day with barely any clouds. The sky was so blue.
Just like her namesake.
Hiroki left you to give you some privacy, saying that he’ll pick you up in 2 hours.
You took a deep breath. “Sora neechan. It’s been a while. Sorry I couldn’t come to see you as often, because I’m currently a student at Jujutsu High.”
“I met this guy. He … So he is my soulmate. The first time I met him, I thought he was pretty. As I got to know him more, I felt as if there was a reason as to why the heavens chose him for me you know? He is really cool, but so warm and sweet with me. I think I’m a little bit in love with him.” You admitted.
“I’m really scared to lose him. After I lost you, I just… it was hard… I try my best to be cheerful and helpful really. But it gets tiring at times. I’m glad I was able to make a lot of friends who understand the life of a Jujutsu sorcerer at least. I tried to open up to Noritoshi a bit more. But it’s hard because he seems so closed off at times.”
You had mixed feelings, because you promised Noritoshi you would trust him more. That means working on anything that bothers you regarding your relationship with him. But can he accept it if you tell him that you want to know more about his family? He already clearly stated he needs more time.
“Am I being too greedy and hasty Sora? I want to support his clan affairs, even if it's just a tiny bit as his soulmate. He seems so troubled with it all the time. Like he wants to carry the burden all alone. I want to help, but he doesn’t really let me. I don’t know. I wish you were still here with me.”
“Last time I asked him about his parents, he snapped at me. Of course he apologized. … Maybe it’s all just in my head. But I do want to meet his family. Eventually. Though at this rate I have no idea when. Everytime I ask about them he just shuts up.”
“Falling in love is way too hard….”
The wind blew as if to agree with you. The leaves rusted in a circular dance just around the grave. You smiled.
You bid farewell to your family after the weekend. Hiroki hugged you tight and whispered, “I hope it gets better for you and Kamo kun soon enough.”
You looked up at him, “Yeah, thanks bro.”
You texted Noritoshi and let him know that you were on your way back. He said he was free for the evening and that you could come over to his room.
You knocked on his door with anticipation. You opened the door, “I'm back, Toshi!” He pulled you into a tight hug and closed the door behind you. “I missed you. Come in. How was your family? Sorry I couldn’t go with you again.”
“It’s fine! They’re all okay and excited to meet you next time.” You looked up at him. He looked a bit regretful, “Next time I’ll make sure to properly clear my schedule with my father so I can go meet them okay?”
“Ah, okay.” You both walked over to his table and knelt down on the floor.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while,” you started. Noritoshi looked on intently. “I’ve already told you about my family right? Mom and dad and my other male cousins. Ah, what I didn’t tell you before was… I used to have an older sister. I - uhm. Well she died after being attacked by a curse. I … I hope to bring you to her grave one day.”
Noritoshi’s heart dropped. He pulled you in close. “I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m sure she is proud of you. Of course I’ll go with you to see her next time.” He was now highly regretting choosing to do some useless tasks for some of his clan’s elders instead of spending the weekend with you.
You gripped his clothes tighter. “Thank you, that really really means a lot to me.” You started tearing up, but you blinked your tears away.
"Oh! My family and I have gifts for you. I'm not so sure if you'll like it. It's a Coral and gold bracelet. Everyone in my family has one. It's almost like tradition for us, and we believe it to have a layer of protection. I also brought Jade here for you." You presented the bracelet alongside the Dragon carved Jade Pendant hanging on a thick white gold chain.
Noritoshi's eyes widened. The jewelry was stunning and looked expensive. He may have been favoured as the heir to the Kamo clan, but even he didn't own so much expensive jewelry.
He sputtered out “I appreciate it but I can’t take something so expensive and precious-”
“Noritoshiiii,” you whined out loud, making him stop talking. “You don’t want to accept such a precious gift that I picked out for you?” you whined with the largest puppy eyes.
“No, I- I am grateful. Thank you, I’ll accept it.” Noritoshi conceded.
Got him. You grinned madly as he shook his head. “You’re a dangerous one,” he muttered under his breath. “What was that?” you asked him absentmindedly as you worked on unclasping the bracelet to put it around his wrist. “Nothing, nothing at all dearest.”
You narrowed your eyes at him before grabbing his wrist and putting it on for him. It was a perfect fit. You thanked yourself for loving to hold his hand so much that you knew his general hand measurements.
His hands down to his wrists were so pretty. You didn't realize that you were playing with and smiling down at his fingers until he opened up his hand and linked his fingers with yours.
Slowly, carefully. Falling in love with you was the easiest thing Noritoshi had experienced. Now that he had embraced his emotions and tried to open up to you, it was a bit better now.
'Is this what love is? I don't know since it's my first time experiencing it.' Noritoshi wondered to himself.
It was in the smallest of things with you. He loved the way you would call out his name with loving eyes. The way you would always greet him first before the other senpai. The way you give him coffee and kisses on late and cold nights of studying.
The way your hair smells. Your perfume. The way your eyelids flutter shut when he kisses you. The tightening of his chest and shortness of his breath made apparent whenever he was with you.
The way you don't ask for too much from him. Just that he shows his love to you either by his actions or words. The comfort he simply feels when he is beside you.
He really just needed some time, and seeing you around more often really made up for it.
He ticked the inside of your palm which made you shiver and yelp. He laughed out loud at this and pulled you into his lap, hugging you tightly.
Staying quiet, you buried your head in his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, and it was faster than you expected. But soon it went back down to a steady rate.
"Your heartbeat is so steady, but mine is always wild around you. Noritoshi I feel kinda embarrassed to be honest." You admitted, fingers curling into his kimono.
He smiled and his heartbeat quickened to match yours. You looked up at him in confusion. "Did you just…" He just leaned down to rub his nose against yours. "I am a blood manipulator. I can manipulate my pulse rate darling." You huffed out a laugh, feeling warm and fuzzy.
"I love you." You said suddenly. He stared in shock at your words. You realized that you said it without intending to. But you didn’t take it back.
"Kamo Noritoshi I'm madly in love with you." It wasn't a sudden realisation of being in love. You slowly fell for him again and again each day.
Noritoshi’s brain short circuited.
Suddenly he was kissing you. Tongue slipping into your mouth and playing with yours and rubbing along the roof of your mouth.
You tried to fight his tongue for dominance, but you ended up surrendering, your back bent back with your face turned up towards him.
You clasped your hands around his neck as he pressed deep kisses against the top of your chest. Your face was flushed as you fell limp against him, gasping out heavy breaths. "I'm not going anywhere angel." Noritoshi whispered against your neck, hands tightening possessively against your waist.
‘Please wait a little longer for me. Until I can confirm that these feelings for you are indeed true love.’ His thoughts went unsaid.
The one thing Noritoshi promised to himself is that he would never lie about his feelings for you. To him, the worst he could do was to confess his love without actually being in love with you.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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lyokotyper95 · 2 years
Sissy and Aelita: Mother's Day Part 1
The Lyoko kids are all hanging out by a bench on campus. They pass the time by chatting amongst one another.
Jeremy: I can’t wait to tell my mom about my exam! She’s gonna love knowing about the high score I got!
Ulrich: Is that really a surprise? You usually always do good
Jeremy: Yeah, but this time I got a full 100! I usually only get low to mid 90’s so this is special
Yumi: Jeremy, Mother’s Day is about giving to mom’s not showing off
William: I think showing off your accomplishments is sort of like a gift in a way
Odd: Yeah William gets it. Being a braggard is what it’s all about
Jeremy: I’m not like you Odd. Besides, I was so busy with school that it completely slipped my mind. So, I figure along with wishing her a happy Mother’s Day, she’d also feel happy knowing I did well
Yumi: I promised my mom I’d have calligraphy done for her. I asked Hiroki if he could help me out after school but he has a “surprise” that’s more important
William: I promised my mom to spend the weekend with her. Since everything that happened with my last school things have kind of tense. But I want to make up for it
Yumi: That’s really responsible of you William
William: Thanks. You doing anything with your mom Ulrich?
Ulrich: Not really. Besides calling her, but I’ll just get a “thank you Ulrich dear. Make sure to focus on school”. I wish she’d be more caring
Odd: I’d take your mom over mine. She’s all “Oh Odd I am so proud of you. I love you sooo muuuch!” Sometimes I can’t even tell her Happy Mother’s Day since she just talks about how much she loves me. It’s so overbearing!
Aelita: At least you all have mothers to talk to
Everyone stopped talking. Jeremy scooted over to Aelita and wrapped his arm around her
Jeremy: I’m sorry Aelita. We were all going on about our moms that we didn’t think about you
Yumi: It must be hard for you especially considering what happened to her
Ulrich: Yeah, being that we have parents it’s not the same for you
Odd: I’m sorry princess, me being a braggard and all
William: Um, I think I am the only one who doesn’t know anything
Aelita: Oh right. Well you see-
Sissi: Hello guys!
Sissi walked over gleefully to the group
Yumi: Sissi now isn’t the time
Sissi: What? I thought I was part of your friend group. Unless you’re taking it back
Jeremy: This is important Sissi. Aelita isn’t feeling very well and-
Sissi: Wait a minute, Aelita is an orphan isn’t she?
Ulrich: Sissi!
Sissi: What? It’s true. I mean, I know your Odd’s cousin and all, but you never mentioned your parents. I mean, are they not alive?
Aelita: You know what Sissi, you can just shut up!
Aelita got up off the bench and ran off towards the dorms
Odd: Great Sissi, you really did it
Sissi: I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I was just trying to connect with you guys!
Ulrich: Instead of connecting you made things worse
The bell for the next class began to ring
Jeremy: Oh no! We have class now!
Yumi: And this time we can’t skip since we have exams! But what’ll we do about Aelita?
Sissi: Um, maybe I can talk to her? I mean I know I was the one that made things awkward but maybe I could help?
Ulrich: No way. You messed up big time. I’m sure Aelita is crying and doesn’t want anything to do with you!
William: Actually, that might not be a bad idea. I mean, Sissi is the one who hurt Aelita. Maybe she should be the one to try and make it right?
Sissi: I really want to! I know I made things bad for her.
Yumi: But don’t you have exams?
Sissi: I do, but I didn’t really study all that much. And Aelita is more important. I mean, I can’t focus if one of my friends is hurt because of me
Odd: Guys we’d better go. If we’re late its game over for us
Sissi: Ok! I’ll go talk to Aelita!
Sissi runs off towards the dorms
Jeremy: Aelita…
William: Trust me on this one Jeremy, it’ll work out
Jeremy: I hope you’re right. I hate when Aelita is hurting, and I can’t help her
Odd: We’ll be hurting if don’t get to class on time!
Ulrich: You can talk to Aelita after Jeremy. Come on!
Jeremy: Alright…
The gang make their way towards their classes
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uniarycode · 4 years
Takari Week, Day 4 - Grown Up
Hikari feels a bit nervous when confronting her future Mother in law, written as part of @takariweek
 This wasn’t supposed to be so hard.
They’d known each other for sixteen years.  Or maybe thirteen, while Hikari knew who she was sixteen years ago, she couldn’t remember if she’d as much as introduced herself at the time.
Either way, it was a long time to know a person, and their fates had been intertwined ever since.
“There’s coffee in the kitchen, if you’d like something to drink.”
Short, formal, concise.  It wasn’t cold per se, but somehow distant, as if a piece of her was always on guard.
“We’ll pass mom.” Takeru cut in.
He had assured her that this was not meant as disrespect.  Takeru’s mother was a busy person, needing to make a living in the media while also raising her son.  She prioritized formality and sensibility out of necessity.
Hikari’s entire family was relatively intimate, showing their bonds with many hugs, laughs and emotional displays.  Takeru fit right in, but Hikari felt such gestures inappropriate around Natsuko.
If that weren’t bad enough, Ms. Takashi was a reporter, and it was impossible for Hikari to spend prolonged amounts of time with her without feeling like she was being investigated, studied somehow.
Takeru told her it was all in her head.
Maybe it was.
She and Takeru had been living together ever since they started college.  Obviously they should have had time by now to get used to each other’s families.  Takeru had been a little wary of Tachi after they first started dating, but otherwise he’d fit into the Yagami’s seamlessly.
But perhaps that was another difference.  When her mother had learned that Takeru was going home to a TV dinner or reheated leftovers roughly three times a week, she had generously offered for the blond to stay and have dinner with them instead. This predated Hikari’s official relationship with the blond.  He was practically one of the family already.
On the other hand, because Natsuko was so busy, Hikari rarely saw her before she’d started dating Takeru.  Which meant they’d been potential family first, as opposed to Takeru, who was practically family first.
Perhaps that had always tinted the lens with which they viewed each other.
A nudge from her boyfriend snapped her out of her rambling thoughts.
With one hand Hiakri brushed a strand of hair out of her face.  She had asked to do this, requested to be the one to tell the woman, perhaps in the vain hope it might bring them closer together.  Takeru had no problem telling her family, in the charming and grandiose style he’d become accustomed too.
“So to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” Nastuko asked. “Anything important I should know about?”
Hikari took a deep breath, folding her hands together, it was a perfect opportunity.  “It’s uh....WE’RE ENGAGED.” She blurted.
Natusko leant in a and game her a quick hug, shoulders only.  “Congratulations” she said simply, before moving to Takeru and repeating.  “Have you picked a date yet?” the older woman asked as she pulled apart from her son.
“August third.” Takeru responded. “The day we met.”
“You don’t seem all that surprised.” Hiakri observed.
“You’ve been dating for years; it was either this or a baby.” Natusko said simply “And that diamond isn’t exactly invisible my dear.”
Comments like that one were precisely whey Hikari felt so uneasy around her future mother in law.  It was hard to dismiss her nerves as paranoia when Natsuko was studying her as closely as to identify an engagement ring.
Natsuko interrogated them further, did they have a venue, were their any showers, was ther anything she could do to help?  Once her round of questioning was done, she asked Hiakri to help her in the kitchen.
Takeru did the lion’s share of the cooking, his job was more flexible. He’d learned how to out of necessity in high school anyway, despite her own mother’s generous invitations.  With how practical Natusko was, it was odd that she was asking the worst chef of the group to help her in the kitchen.
It was clearly an excuse to get her alone.
As expected, Natsuko didn’t actually request Hikari’s help with anything.  The second the two of them were out of Takeru’s earshot she spoke.  “You really are special, you know that?  And not in some ‘prophesy’ or ‘chosen one’ sense.  I mean like right here.”
“Thanks?” Hikari said. Unsure where this was going.
“Part of me feels like I should apologize.  I don’t think Hiroki and I realized just how long it would sit with them.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh come now.  Sora and Yamato have been dating for almost twice as long, and he hasn’t popped the question yet.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why.  Maybe things would have been better if we’d never divorced.”
“Don’t say that.” Hikari said quickly.  “It’s no use worrying about the past.  Would they really have been happier raised in such an unhappy household.”
“They would have at least been together.” Natsuko dismissed. “But that’s neither here nor there.  The important thing is you managed to get my son to commit in less than half the time Sora did.  That shows how special you are.”
Hikari felt her cheeks turn red. “It was nothing.”
“It’s everything.”  Natusko insisted. “I know this is a big step for the two of you.  You always got quiet or changed the topic whenever marriage was brought up before.  It scares you, both of you.”
That stunned her into silence; her friends, her mother all of them had identified Takeru’s hesitancy, in connection with his parent’s divorce.  But this was the first time someone had noticed her fear.
“I’m just…” she wasn’t sure what to say. “I don’t want to mess it up.”
“No one does.  But Hiroki and I, we were together only a few months before we got married.  No more than a fling stretchered too far, then stretched further with a pair of babies.  But you and Takeru, you’ve already known each other far longer than when he and I split up. You’ll be able to make it, I’m sure. I’ve been sure of that for sixteen years.”
Hikari protested. “You couldn’t have known.”
“I didn’t say I knew.  I said I was sure.  He could have been gay, or you could have been.  It can be hard to tell at that age.  But when he first got home, you were the person he talked about most.  More than Yamato even.”
Natsuko took a short pause, sizing her up. “And I’ve watched him grow since, watched you as well.  You two are not Hiroaki and myself, you are already far closer than we ever were.  You don’t need to be so afraid, you two are going to live together happily.”
It was like a magic spell had been cast, and a weight was lifted.  
Perhaps having someone like Natsuko as a mother in law, so observant and analytical, would be a good thing after all.
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
i saw your post and was curious, what other japanese dramas do you enjoy? any personal faves you would recommend? ^^
heya ^^ oh my, dear anon. you opened the box of the pandora. because even though i’ll just give you the list on top of my head this is going to be long orz
my favourite drama can be sorted in the following categories:
- ridiculous school drama (with occasional dash of romance) which i watched   mostly in middleschool & highschool ®- slice of life drama with amazing houses, roommate shenanigans (S)- detective & crime drama with the occasional supernatural twist ©
(I will put a “holds up!” next to some older series which i’ve rewatched that are still great despite their age!)
. Gokusen, 2002 ®: the classic high-school delinquents meet a strong teacher and start to show their vulnerable side story. trope galore but it never gets old to see Yukie Nakama as Yankumi, grand-daughter of a Yakuza family beating the shit out of people. → holds up!
. Manhattan Love Story, 2003 (S): a gentleman of a barista starts to meddle in his customers lives so that they’ll finally get the time to appreciate his coffee. → holds up!
. Hana Yori Dango, 2005 (R): the classic. some parts are icky regarding the bullying but the most down-to-earth rendition of all the versions. → holds somewhat up!
. Kurosagi, 2006 (C): a swindler who swindles swindlers. besides the notorious Yamashita Tomohisa one of my favourite actors in his now 80s Yamazaki Tsutomu delivers a shakespearean performance. don’t remember much, only that Yamazaki Tsutomu is glorious. 
. My Boss! My Hero!, 2006 (R:) a 27 year old yakuza heir has to go back and finish high school. some weird age-gap thing going on but it is freaking hilarious (the infamous pudding run scene). me and my friends are still singing the ending song during karaoke.
. Nodame Cantabile, 2006 ®: hilarious rom-com set in a music college
. Hotaru no Hikari, 2007 (S): the love story is not that important (even though I love the main female character) because the real star of the series is the house!
. Bloody Monday, 2008 ©: gruesome crime series with college kids helping in an investigation. Michiko Kichise as one of the policewomen is brilliant. i have a crush on her. Hiroki Narimiya is very hot in this, my bi heart is happy.
. Love Shuffle, 2009 (S/R) - 4 people living on the same floor of an apartment complex decide to swap partners “for science”. stellar cast with my crush Karina, Shota Matsuda and more. rare occurrence of a well written gay main character, Shosuke Tanihara is great in this. tw: one plotline starts very dark, featuring themes of depression & suicidal thoughts → holds up!
. BOSS, 2009 ©: not only does this drama have Michiko Kichise (s.o.) but it is headlined by Yuki Amami. my favourite female character in jdrama land. she is strong, intelligent, weird af, slightly older than the average jdrama heroine, has platonic friendships with very hot guys and is herself very hot. one gay side-character who is sadly written underwhelmingly. → holds up!
. MR.BRAIN, 2009 ©: neurologists gets added to a major crime devision. the science in this doesn’t hold up but the cases are pretty rad (especially the piano one, episode 4 I think?) → holds up!
. Otomen, 2009 ®: guy who enjoys female coded hobbies such as knitting and playing with dolls tries to keep up a manly facade in school. some nonsense but I still live for Asuka Masamune’s “female” side. sadly a gay sub-plotline that doesn’t get handled well.
. Tumbling, 2010 ®: bad boy & high-school delinquent Wataru Azuma (Yusuke Yamamoto) joins the male rhythmic gymnastic team of his school to impress his crush on the women’s team and to appease his teachers. discusses toxic masculinity in a great way and has a really good gay subplot (with Daito Shunsuke) (if i recall everything correctly). the cast actually learned rhythmic gymnastics for this and this level of care & passion shows. → holds up!
. Atami no Sousakan, 2010 ©: maybe my favourite japanese drama ever. with the brilliant Odagiri Joe & Chiaki Kuriyama who play two detectives that get send to the small town of Minami-Atami to support the local police in a mysterious case of a vanishing school bus when some of the missing school girls return to town. turns out that the case is weird but the town and its people are even weirder. (i have hardly laughed so hard when watching a tv series) → fucking holds up!
. Asuko March, 2011 ®: due to bad grades Nao Yoshino has to enter a technical highschool and finds herself surrounded by only boys. the romantic plot is average but some great plotlines about emancipation and femininity. and Emi Takei in a working overall handling tools =
. Arakawa Under The Bridge, 2011 (idek what genre this is): this drama is just weird af and for that sole reason worth a watch. the soundtrack is also great.
. Ouran Highschool Host Club, 2011 ®: this drama is pure camp, allures to  some incesty/gay plotlines that are really not great when you think about it but its one of the best manga adaptations I know and just pure hilarity. also: Yusuke Yamamote is made for slapstick.
. Watashi ga Renai dekinai Riyuu, 2011 (S): again featuring my love Karina as a tomboy. fucking great portrayal of different kinds of women and their friendship plus a great house with roommate shenanigans and cooking. → holds up!
. Lucky Seven, 2012 ©: pretty standard detective drama but it features Eita and Nanako Matsushima as the female boss of the agency (who is another of my crushes)
. Switch Girl, 2012 (R): this drama is stupidly funny and while having a pretty traditional love story it features some nice thoughts on judging people by their appearance and beauty standards.
. Kagi no Kakatta Heya, 2012 ©: locked room mystery crime series.
. Soumato Kabushiki Gaisha, 2012 ©: a company that stores the film everyone sees before they die. the customers are able to watch their whole life on film, most of them discovering some very dark secrets about their lives. tw: suicide, abuse, generally quite heavy topics
. Toshi Densetsu no Onna, 2012 ©: a female detective connects her cases to mysterious urban legends to solve them. Masami Nagasawa’s outfits are the second star of the show.
. Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou, 2013 (C/S): mystery solving with the help of literature and placed in an old antique book store. what’s not to like.
. Yakou Kanransha, 2013 ©: two families living opposite of each other in an upscale neighborhood. one day a man is found murdered and everything is connected by a midnights ferries wheel.
. Summer Nude, 2013 (R/S):  Karina (again! i love her) as a famous cook who has to rebuild her life in a coastal town after some hiccups in her personal life. food and a town at the beach with Karina playing another tomboy role. i love it.
. Mahoro Eki Mae Bangaichi, 2013 (C/S): Eita plays a problem solver for hire in a weird neighborhood featuring the eclectic Ryuhei Matsuda. 
. River’s Edge Ookawabata Tanteisha, 2014 ©: aesthetic™ with my love Odagiri Joe.
. Gomen ne Seishun, 2014 (R/S): some catholic girls school vs boy school rivalry focused on the teachers with a mysterious case in the past. Hikari Mitsushima as the girl school’s teacher has amazing clothes.
. Koinaka, 2015 (R/S): two highschool sweethearts meeting again by chance. really quiet and sweet love story.
. Miss Sherlock, 2018 ©: a female sherlock. a female watson. solving crime. i wanted it to be more gay but the series is pretty solid. Yuko Takeuchi’s wardrobe is goals. also: Yuko Takeuchi is goals.
. What did you eat yesterday, 2019 (S): gay slice-of life series. still airing but so far I’m super happy. a couple in its 40s and their everyday life. food porn. also hilarious. (I might gif some more)
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truelovevoltage · 5 years
MLFK: Too late
“Anonymous said: a mlfk when they are still in high school and have a crush on mc but leave her for their carer and after years come back for mc but finding out that mc died in an accident a year after they left her and the others didn't know about it. Please”
“Anonymous said: Hi could you do a headcanon where the My Last First Kiss guys move away after middle school then come 10 years later back and hear that mc committed suicide because of bullies while they where away (Taka,Ayato,Makoto,Ichya)thnx❤”
A/N: I’ve combined the two but I’m going to stick with the Main Character getting into an accident instead of committing suicide because some might be uncomfortable with that idea. Also, I only wrote about 3 characters because that’s my maximum but if it’s a high demand for Takamune’s part or even Riku, then I’ll add it in the future.
If you’re uncomfortable with this kind of headcanon please, do not read the contents below. 
You, Ayato, Makoto, Riku, Takamune and Ichiya have been friends for as long as you can remember. Every single one of them had a special place in your heart especially him. You loved being around your childhood friends some would even tease you that they’re your bodyguards because of how protective and caring they are towards you. 
Whenever someone made fun of you, your protect squad was always there. They were always there to cheer you up no matter what the situation is. Especially when your first love, Hiroki Eniwa broke your heart the first time. You were really happy to have them around to cheer you up, and you couldn’t ask for more. You wished that your moments with them will stay like this forever. 
That wasn’t the case because he had to leave to pursue their dreams. You were beyond happy for him moving on with the next chapter of his life, and as much you wanted him to say, you knew you couldn’t do that to him. There’s no point of being selfish. 
“Stop crying will you?” He wiped your tears away.  “I’ll be back you know. it's not like I’m going anywhere.” He smiled at you. The two of you said your goodbyes not knowing that this will be your last one. 
After graduating from high school you were excited to start your new chapter as well as a university student. You knew that he’s doing his best to pursue his dream and career and you knew that you can’t trail behind him. You were always pushing yourself but you knew when to stop and take a break.
It was finally a semester break and you were beyond ecstatic to go back home and eat your Mom’s cooking once again. You were glad that your birthday fell during your semester break because then, you can spend time with your friends and family. 
You enjoyed your break and caught up with some of your friends in high school. The following day was finally your birthday and you made some plans with your friends. Your parents didn’t mind it at all but they wanted you to be home for dinner to celebrate your day with them as well. “Sweetie, you can invite your friends at home too, the more the merrier right?” Your Mom smiled at you. 
“Sure Mom! I’ll ask them later, See you in the evening!” You waved at them and headed out the door. 
You knew how much you missed your friends dearly and it really takes you back to your high school days. You couldn’t help but reminisce, you had some good and bad memories. You enjoyed your day by watching movies, eating desserts with your friends and going to the arcade as if you were back in high school. You invited your friends over for dinner and they happily agreed. They took this as an opportunity to spend more time with you because they knew that once the semester break is over, you’ll be very busy. 
As you and your friends were crossing the street, a car decided to speed up as they were turning. They were unable to see the car ahead and collided with each other. Your friends were safe but sadly you were unlucky. Due to the impact, one of the cars hit you. Everything went by at a rapid speed. No one saw it coming because the collision happened behind you and not in front of you. If it was in front of you, it would’ve been avoided but that wasn’t the case. 
Your friends screamed your name with tears running down their face. They called the ambulance and explained to the operator what happened. They were asked a lot of questions and they tried to keep you conscious but you just couldn’t. Your body felt heavy, your head was hurting and your eyes felt droopy. 
In the end, no matter how fast they rushed you to the hospital, they couldn’t save you fast enough. Your friends contacted your parents right away and had to break the sad news. It was unfortunate because it was your birthday, but now it’s only a reminder of the day you left your family and friends.
Ayato Hidaka P.O.V
Ten years have passed since the last time I saw Y/N. I wonder how she was doing? I bet she’s still a cry baby till this day. I couldn’t wait to surprise her and tell her that her favourite childhood friend is back and that I was able to pursue my dreams. 
Not only was it a beautiful day but it’s also Y/N’s birthday. I went to the cake shop and chose her favourite cake. Thinking about choosing the cake for Y/N made me smile, man I miss her a lot. Who knew she’d occupy my mind even after ten years? One thing I’m not ready to face and that is, about her love life. That’s one thing I would not be able to accept. Whoever he may be, he’s unlucky because Y/N has me as one of her best friends. 
I arrived at Y/N’s place. When I rang the doorbell I saw Y/N’s Mom, she engulfed me into an embrace. “Ayato! Oh my, you’ve grown a lot since the last time I saw you. You used to be just Ayato to us but now you’re a very well known actor! I’m so proud of you Ayato.” She smiled at me. 
“Thank you Auntie!” I smiled at her back. I felt embarrassed as she complimented me. “By the way is Y/N home? I brought her favourite cake to celebrate her birthday.” I asked. Y/N’s mom suddenly got tensed. I could tell she was ready to cry in front of me, but why? 
She invited me into their home and made me sit. “Ayato, you didn’t hear the news?” I shooked my head from side to side. “Y/N... She... She left us years ago, on the first year of University to be exact.” I was taken by surprise. What did she mean? “Oh you mean she ran away from home? Man Auntie you had it rough huh? Y/N always had a carefree mind.” I sighed. 
“That’s not what I meant... On her first year of university, she went back home for her semester break. We were lucky enough to have her back so we can celebrate her birthday... But on her birthday she was involved in an accident. They weren’t able to save her on time Ayato. My dear daughter is gone, she’s no longer with us.” 
It took time for me to process what Y/N’s mom just said to me. What? Y/N? She’s... She’s really gone? I didn’t even know that I was already crying at that time and her mom hugged me. “I know how much you love my daughter Ayato but she’s gone now.” 
After our emotional moment, I asked Y/N’s Mom if she could tell me where Y/N was buried. I wanted to visit her. Each step I took felt heavy and I hated it. It was still hard to process that she’s really gone. 
Once I found her grave, I lost all my energy and cried. “Y/N, happy birthday... You’re unfair. Why did you leave us like that? Why did you leave me? I wasn’t even able to confess to you. If only I didn’t go away to pursue my career then maybe... maybe you’d still be alive. I would’ve been there to protect you.” I couldn’t hold everything in anymore. I had to let everything out. Suddenly there was a gust strong gust of wind as if Y/N was telling me not to blame myself. “I know you’re watching over us right now and I know for sure you’re probably upset cause I said that maybe it would’ve been better if I didn’t go after my dream.” Another gust of wind came. “I’ll take that as a yes?” I chuckled. “Seriously though Y/N I just want to thank you for being part of my life. No one can ever replace you in my heart, you’ll always have a special place here. Please keep watching over us Y/N, I’ll work hard. I’ll make you proud.” 
If there’s anything Y/N taught me, that’ll be taking risks and not regretting anything. Although I did risk seeing her the last time when I pursued my career, my only regret is not keeping in contact with her after that. 
Ichiya Misono P.O.V
Being back in the place I grew up it brought back a lot of memories. I wasn’t really close with the other guys but they always included me in everything, or at least try to. I really had fun teasing Y/N back then but who knew that I’d miss my childhood friend. She’s the only female that doesn’t get into my nerves. 
I walked into Conte and saw the whole gang in the there. We acknowledge each other presence. Other than that, there’s one person missing in the group and that’s Y/N. I sat down beside Makoto, “Looks like everyone’s here.” Makoto smiled. “All except one, Y/N.” Riku had a sad smile on his face. I could feel the gloomy atmosphere here. 
What’s going on? “Yeah well, where is she anyway?” I asked. Ayato, Riku, Makoto, and Takamune looked at each other. 
“Ichiya... Y/N’s gone. She got into an accident on her first year of university.” Ayato explained. 
“Is this some kind of joke Hidaka? If it is, it’s not funny.” I kept a straight face. Yet the look on everyone’s face says otherwise. Y/N... She’s really gone? 
“It took us by surprise too when her Mom broke the news to us. We couldn’t believe Y/N would be taken away from us just like that. We wanted to tell you but we couldn’t get a hold of you. We didn’t have your contact number after.” Makoto added. 
I couldn’t do anything other than nod. The guys looked at me, I know they’re just worried but it annoyed me. I excused myself and went to my apartment. The moment I stepped in the apartment I walked towards my room and looked for photo albums. When I saw her smiling face in the photos I broke down. “I know you hate me, but did you hate me that much? Leaving me without even saying goodbye? When I left I said I’ll be back and I told you to stop crying, but look at us now. I’m the one crying and yet you’re the one who’s not coming back.” I sobbed. “Y/N, I’m sorry if I was such an asshole to you. I didn’t know how to act in front of you. We were kids after all and you were the girl I had a crush on. I made fun of you but that’s just how kids show that they like the girl they like right? I hope you forgive me Y/N for my actions back then.” If only I knew that this was going to happen, I would’ve left my contact number to her mom or any of the gang. At least then I would’ve known earlier rather than finding out about it years later. I would’ve been able to attend her funeral. I would’ve been able to say goodbye. Now all I can do is look up to the sky and say our farewells. 
Makoto Morimachi P.O.V
I couldn’t believe it. My first love is really gone? My family tried to tell me what happened while I was away and the news about Y/N broke my heart into billions of pieces. She can’t be gone can she? “She’s... Dead?” I felt something stuck in my throat as I tried to voice out the last word. 
Riku could only look at me with a sad smile. “I know it’s hard to take everything in but that’s the truth. Everyone’s still recovering from losing her.” 
I couldn’t help but cry. I wanted to be able to talk to her and confess to her. I know I took a while but I wanted her to know how I feel, but now she’s gone. 
Riku gave me more details about the accident. I knew that some people are just careless but no matter how many rules we set up, there’s still that small percentage that people break the rules. If it wasn’t for that person who sped up as they were turning. How could they be so stupid? Do they even regret doing such a thing? They killed someone due to their reckless driving. 
“Did the person go to jail?” I asked.
“Yeah, he suffered minor injuries and so after they treated his wounds, they took him to the station and kept him there. He personally apologized when Y/N’s Mom went to the station after hearing about the incident. Of course, Auntie didn’t accept his apology because Y/N’s gone.” 
I balled my fist. I’m glad that the person who killed Y/N is behind bars but what he did to Y/N and her family is unforgivable. 
I was frustrated because not only is today her birthday, but it’s also her death anniversary. It’s a sad day for sure but I know that this must be a painful day for Y/N’s parents as well. 
Right after lunch, I decided to visit Y/N in the cemetery. “Hi Y/N, it’s Mako. I’m sorry I couldn’t go to your funeral Y/N. I just found about your death today which also happens to be your birthday as well. Happy birthday Y/N, I wish I was able to celebrate it with you but I can’t anymore.” The thought of Y/N being gone has still hasn’t sunk in. “If only I was able to muster my courage and confess to you back then, I wouldn’t have this feeling of regret now. I just wanted to let you know that you’re my first love Y/N. Ever since the day, we went to the sunflower fields I knew you were someone very special to me.” 
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A lot of fangirling with Hakumyu LIVE
So. Hakumyu LIVE. I'm not going to compare regular "hens" with it because that would be really unfair. Hakumyu LIVE is like the ultimate piece of fanservice anyone could dream of. Did you like Okita-hen? There's something for you. Did you like Saito-hen? There's something for you too. Did you adore Hijikata-hen? Then you are going to love this. Do you think the Oni clan is the best thing ever? After this you are going to look for the closest demon village so you can move there. And I could go on for a long time. THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG.I had to watch it twice to be able to process things enough to talk about them XD
In terms of actors and ACTRESSES, because for the first time we get more than one, they brought back EVERYONE exceptforAmagiri. And it was great. It's a very nostalgic feeling to see them all together after watching the first three musicals. They handled the fact that there are three Chizurus really well, the soup skit was really funny! I would have enjoyed seeing some interaction between the three of them because you see them together during the curtain call and they are so cute, but I suppose it didn’t make sense in the story :(
Songs. The soundtrack. Oh, my god. Perfect. Perfection can't begin to describe it.
It’s set like a New Year TV special I think? so it includes a lot of skits, like the comic duo with Heisuke and Nagakura or the Kakizome. Speaking of which, was that whole bit scripted? I have so many questions. And I’ve seen like four parts of it on Youtube, do the other two appear in the extras??
That Sannan peek during KINNIKU LOVE??? Our favorite Rasetsu is FIT. Sannan wants to sing too and we know it, but he doesn't take his kimono off because he doesn't want to embarrass the rest of the Shinsengumi.Carrying on with the Sannan/Ryosuke Mikata fangirling, get yourself a man who looks at you like Sannan looks at ochimizu. I adore Mikata’s half smile, it’s the perfect expression for Sannan! And how did he manage to do the whole Aware na Mouja number with the karuta box in his sleeve? I would have dropped it in five seconds, I’m sure of it XD And I think someone in the audience shouted “Mikatti!” at the end of the song??
Btw, as a fandom, we should try to replicate that Karuta game.
Okay, we need a paragraph just for Kaoru. I despise him in both the anime and the games, but man, do I love Suzuki Hiroki's Kaoru. Don't ask me why, but I love him. The faces he makes, he’s awesome. And this happy demon family is so adorable, thank you so much for giving as a peek of how things could have been.
I feel like Yamazaki is more relevant in this production and I love it!! He even gets to sing his solo <3 Our ninja deserves more love!!
The Oni band 😭 It killed me, I didn't know if I should sing, cry, clap or what, I was a mess!! That song makes me happy and cheers me up every time I listen to it. Also, WERE THEY REALLY PLAYING?? I need to know that. I’m asking too much of the extra video I think XD
THE 👏🏻 AUDIENCE 👏🏻 PARTICIPATION 👏🏻 AT 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 END 👏🏻 That made me the happiest human in the world. I was living it. And do you know who else was living it?? Shogo Suzuki! Oh, my god, that moment can bring a smile to anyone, he was SO VERY HAPPY, he was brimming with joy, I get excited just by thinking about it.I think he was loving every second of the whole musical, you can see his smile SO MANY TIMES, I can’t help but feel really happy for him because he was able to be a part of that.
This post is a big rambling but it shows how amazing this production is XD It makes me sing, dance, and smile like there’s no tomorrow. And it lets us see our dear characters being happy, interacting, and having fun <333
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hoshigomi · 6 years
Elbe//Estrellas- Hoshigumi, 2019
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Elbe/Estrellas is a show combo that I was lucky to see [redacted] number of times between the first day in Takarazuka, and the last day in Tokyo (including the Tokyo shinjin kouen performance!), and for a lot of reasons, most of them emotional, I wasn’t able to write up a review of it until after it closed. As much as it breaks my heart to say, the show is now behind us, so without further ado, here are my thoughts and opinions- aged like fine wine over the span of three months.
(Warning: it’s quite long, grab a drink and some popcorn.)
Honestly, and this goes for both Elbe AND Estrellas- there has never been a show that I was more nervous to see. The director talks and cast voices and eventually, rehearsal footage kind of scared me. It looked fun and fine, and like okay, but this show was my favorite actress’s last show, and the stakes were pretty high for me. I went in expecting nothing, and Dear Reader, I cried through the entire thing. I have never felt luckier.*
*I do want to address that opinion on this show is mixed, which, fair, that’s the beauty of theatre, and I wouldn’t want to change that! But I do think that an unfortunate amount of negative feeling is from people who went in expecting Benigumi to fail at something serious, a Takarazuka classic, and refused to be open to the experience, which, your loss. In any case, I’m so glad I went in with an open heart and hopefulness for this show, because my original assumption did a COMPLETE 180.
First of all, I loved Elbe. I have never seen any show this many times, or over such a wide span of time, and I was honestly taken aback every day by how the show progressed and evolved and changed. I was ESPECIALLY thrilled by Kurenai Yuzuru (Beni) as Karl and Kisaki Airi (Airi) as Margit, who by Tokyo, had REALLY hit their stride as these characters, and as a combi in this show. It’s so difficult to keep shows that run this long from getting stale, but from the line delivery to the acting choices, two shows were SELDOM the same. This came at a cost in some ways- if you’re trying out something different every day, you’re bound to have some hits and some misses- and they did have both- but the fact that this cast was able to be as PRESENT in this show as they were that they could live as In-The-Moment as they did was INSPIRING to me, as an actor. I was never bored while I was watching this show, even though there’s a really long stretch of serious scenes ¾ths of the way through. Serious kudos to all of Hoshigumi, especially Beni and Airi.
The plot was pretty simple to follow, though of course my Japanese isn’t NEARLY good enough to get everything about it (and it doesn’t help that Beni and Airi, who do the bulk of the talking, both fluctuated between vocal choices that HELPED my comprehension, and just straight up yelling- which, I’ll give to Beni, because it WAS in character…and Airi too, to an extent, but I could have done with it all being toned down a LITTLE.)
The show opens with a mini revue/parade on the grand staircase. As someone who LOVES revues and parades and big loud party group numbers, this absolutely kicked ass. It also gave some actresses in the troupe who don’t get to do a TON in Elbe the chance to actually be seen for a second, which was nice. Some people didn’t like it because it did nothing for the plot and was kind of out of place. That’s legit, so I’ll just say Your Mileage May Vary on this one- for me, it was one of my ABSOLUTE favorite parts of the show. 
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The bare bones actual plot of Elbe is this (NOT SPOILER FREE, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, though the show is closed now so.): Karl (Beni) is a rough and tumble sailor. Margit (Airi) is a high class girl running away from an engagement she isn’t interested in to Florian (Rei Makoto/Coto), who’s just a really good guy who has loved her since they were young I guess and is also rich. Karl and Margit meet one night in a bar at the Beer Matsuri, and fall in love. Florian and Margit’s family are searching for her (rightfully so) because she like…just ran away. There’s a REALLY COOL search song/scene where everyone goes into the audience, the different groups bump into and interact with each other and the audience as they search for Karl and Margit. (Unfortunately, you can only catch this from the first floor) In the end, they find Margit with Karl at a restaurant, Florian asks Margit to come home, Margit says no, Margit’s dad DEMANDS Margit come home, Margit threatens that she’ll kill herself if they don’t let her be with Karl, a policeman threatens to shoot Karl, Florian steps in to end this madness (like the good guy he is, see), and they end up bringing Karl home with them. Obviously, Karl clashes with high society, and introducing him to Margit’s social circle doesn’t go well. Mess ensues, (side plots: Margit’s sister is in love with Florian, some other sailors are running around trying to find Karl, and one of them marries Karl’s sister. These sideplots aren’t super relevant, but are some of the best scenes in the show IMO.), Karl ends up taking a monetary bribe from Margit’s dad and abandoning her. After the beer matsuri ends and Karl takes off on his ship, Florian and Margit bust into the pub searching for Karl. Spoiler- it’s too late to get Karl back, but the desperate search is one of the most beautiful scenes in the show, so I’ll hash it out in a bit.
The sets/costumes, etc. Wow!! Yes! Okay! I loved them! In particular, the harbor set, which was a dark blue wash on the backdrop with the shadows and silhouettes and outlines of the buildings along the water, the golden lights shining from the windows, a lighthouse, pure, pure simplicity- it was just *chefs kiss* Literally my favorite backdrop I have ever seen. I studied it with opera glasses and it looked just as good close up! The Rich People House set was also stunningly detailed and grand. 
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The pub was more of a big beer hall, than anything- a bit sparse- but that suited the impromptu beer matsuri dance party pretty well. From a purely practical standpoint, it had to be bare. They fit like all of the troupe in those scenes- they needed room to dance. I personally really appreciated the way they used elements from the beer matsuri to segue into other scenes, there were carousels and background actresses in the lederhosen and dirndl costumes moving around throughout so you couldn’t forget that the beer matsuri was still going on- the story takes place over a SHORT amount of time- and I really appreciated the life the usage of those actresses and set pieces, etc, brought to the stage. It was never disruptive to me and fit in with the rest of the action really well. Sometimes the usage was downright clever.  The costumes were REALLY pretty and well-suited to the show* , particularly all of Airi’s dresses and the sailor costumes- overalls and rolled up sleeves and half buttoned shirts galore! (yum. More of THOSE, please. The sailors and the bar girls who I guess were prostitutes had a number that I personally found pretty steamy which segued into a rough and tumble Men Of The Sea group number, which was flawless and also sexy.) Anyway, they offered a good contrast to the upper class costumes, which were also BEAUTIFUL. I appreciated the costuming and sets/lighting elements in this show a lot.  *Except Nanami Hiroki (Kai) as the sailor Tobias who WAS in a cowboy hat for no good reason for most of the show, but who’s complaining?
The main players- honkouen and shijinkouen casts! Kurenai Yuzuru as Karl. I was incredibly impressed by Beni in this role. She grew with it and lived in it, she was present in a way that I really rarely see on ANY stage and that I know is SO hard to pull off. I loved the way Beni played Karl rough and violent, because the moments where she truly let that all drop and was vulnerable and quiet and still were heartachingly poignant and beautiful. Her monologue after leaving Margit brought tears to my (and her) eyes. Her moments with Margit on the dock prior made me softly go “oh.” more times than I can count. Is Karl likeable? Not really. Is he an interesting character with a lot of dimensions that Beni played with to mostly great success? Absolutely. Kiwami Shin played Karl in the shinjinkouen (SK) cast. This isn’t her first lead, so I was a little surprised by how nervous she seemed- but I guess when you have a lead role in a tough show and only get one night to show what you’ve got, you end up pretty nervous regardless. She worked really hard on this, and had a lot of delightful and present moments. Musically she had her missteps, but her Karl was DEEPLY charming and genuine in a lot of ways. I’m interested to see where she goes from here. <3
Kisaki Airi as Margit. Airi Airi Airi! Margit is HARD but I really saw Airi in her headspace, working through her feelings for Karl, especially when Karl was monologuing to the ends of the earth and all she could do was react. She held her ground against Karl pretty well, I felt. She’s the classic caught-between-two-men ingenue role, and for what it’s worth, I thought Airi really worked with what she was given. She and Beni have hit their stride as a couple together, and that made Karl and Margit’s ( though few) playful moments really, really sweet. Also, boy, she’s beautiful. Mizuno Yuri played Margit in the SK and BOY did she work for it. Acting wise, she actually really had some great stuff going on, and some moments that were fresher and more clear when she did them than when Airi did! It’s cool to have a new perspective on a character like that. I hope she continues to work on herself vocally, because she is incredibly charming to watch onstage. Get it, Yuri.
Rei Makoto as Florian. A good guy. A really good guy. Not to cop out of this, but there’s not a lot to SAY about Coto or Florian. Florian is a good guy to a fault- he’s the one who searches most desperately and calls for Karl in the most heartbreaking way on the docks at the end of the show (seriously, she BROKE my heart every day), even though Karl is, by all accounts, his rival in love. Florian is just GOOD. I get why Margit’s sister is in love with him. And again, not to cop out, but…Coto is flawless. I don’t have anything to say about her. Her acting was beautiful and nuanced, it’s really come a long way and is about to join singing and dancing in the list of Things Coto Is Flawless At. Amahana Ema played Florian in the SK, and was also really good. I want to see her take more risks. She’s solidly unobjectionable- she isn’t doing anything at all wrong, she’s very GOOD, but I want to see her make some big choices! I know we’ll get to soon, though, the girl is currently traaaacked. She could become a force to be RECKONED with!
Nanami Hiroki as Tobias. Tobias is a role that was written specifically for Kai and put into the show for her. Because of this, his story (or…lack thereof?) didn’t really FIT into the plot in a significant way. He’s the only sailor with a good head on his shoulders, and plays straight man to the rest of the background goofball sailors (Seo Yuriya, Shidou Ryuu, Amahana Ema, Mao Yuuki, Amato Kanon). Because of this, Tobias and the sailor crew have the bulk of the comic relief transition scenes. Tobias falls in love with Karl’s sister and gets a sweet bridge solo about his new journey and a really lovely sendoff party in the pub- (which is more than obviously a thinly masked sendoff scene for Kai, the actress playing Tobias, who retired with this show.) Despite this, I loved the scene and the role. I’m biased, but the final scene was a nice button and wrap up to the beer matsuri plot and a good transition into the final scenes of the show. Tobias was perfect for Kai- the big brother part to everyone- handsome and deliberate and good. I loved Tobias, cowboy hat, heart print bandana, and all. Congratulations, and danke schön, Kai!! Amato Kanon as SK Tobias shook me to my core. I knew who she was before this, but only as someone who Kind Of Looks Like someone else I love. Holy shit, y’all, her first moment on the grand staircase (”Bravo, Bravo!”) made my heart burst. Of the three otokoyaku leads in the SK, 102nd Amato Kanon had the most control of herself, made the biggest choices, and ventured off the beaten path the most- to GREAT success. She’s mine forever. I love this kid. 
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After these characters, stage time drops off significantly. Of note, Tenju Mitsuki played a good Inspector Kaufmann- though she deserves to play more than a one note, barely-there police role. She was INTIMIDATING though, even while flanked by the much taller and just bigger Toudou Jun and Haruto Yuuho as her underlings. Yuunagi Ryou (who was between all of us, the reason I saw the shinko) and her FASCINATING VOICE were really solidly on it. She’s certainly more suited to comedic stuff (her background sailor How-Much-Can-I-Get-Away-With antics in the HK were out of CONTROL and something I looked forward to every viewing. Double fisting pretzels and holding two pints of beer in one hand! Flirting with girls! Flirting with boys! Flexing! Stumbling half offstage!), but it was nice to see her flex her potential with a gun and a lot of harshly barked commands. Mizuno Yuri was CHARMING as Betty- another unfortunately one-note character, but watching her country bumpkin self charm stoic Tobias was sweet, even if they didn’t get to interact much. With all the love in my heart, I want to point out that she is also the noodliest actress I have ever seen. I wish there was like an equivalent of the specifically comedic brobante but for musumeyaku- she could grow into that NICELY.  Ruri Hanaka was SK Betty and honestly y’all she’s ready to be top musumeyaku- I only wish she got to sing and dance in this role. She has more game in her tiny body than most upperclassman otokoyaku do. The Rurihana support society meets Wednesdays- contact me for details. Arisa Hitomi played Suzanne- the younger sister in love with Florian (can’t blame her.) Her voice is beautiful and she works with this part as much as anyone possibly could. Kuracchi is SOLID in her skillset- I really hope we get to continue seeing it. Sakuraba Mai sounded very good as SK Suzanne but did fall into the trap of copying Kuracchi, not that I can hold that against ANY SK actress.   Amato Kanon as Johnny, the kid who just wants to ride in a boat, is literally one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Her physicality made me grin and brought tears to my eyes trying to hold back laughter. She’s at 110% every moment of the show, all balled-up fists and shouting and hunched shoulders. She’s channeling skittish TINY dog that’s all bark and no bite and I loved it. Seo Yuriya as the BRASH and rude Martin, Mao Yuuki as the DUMB AND FUNNY AND LOVEABLE AND BIG Oliver, Shidou Ryuu and Amahana Ema as the literally indistinguishable Rico and Enrico rounded out the group of sailors beautifully, and worked together to be pretty seamless comic relief. Senka’s Ema Naoki and Itsuki Chihiro both get to flex their acting chops as foils of sorts to Karl and Margit- as Veronica the barmaid sorta and Margit’s father, respectively,  and really brought and maintained some great emotional intensity to the stage. Mari Yuzumi was tragically underutilized as Margit’s mother, but worked the moments she had. Miki Chigusa had some great comedic beats as the owner of the hotel that Karl and Margit stayed at.  If you like Hiroka Yuu or Ooki Makoto, you’re in luck, they both get ten second vocal solos, and that’s more than I’d expect for them but less than they deserve. This show as a whole was a bit rough as far as good roles go- there weren’t a lot, so you might be left wanting if you’re rooting for someone in a not-main role. That said, one of the best parts about Elbe actually was hands down the life the minor role actresses were bringing to the ensemble scenes. I have never seen people have more fun or be more playful with food props. They were flirting, they were dancing, they were feasting and drinking and teasing and chasing and doing some truly bizarre miming (a microphone chicken leg for Honoka Kozakura? A steering wheel pretzel for Yuunagi Ryou?) there was one prop that only went around in SOME performances that was, and I am not exaggerating, a turkey leg as big as a large backpack that the actresses who were lucky enough to hold it dug into with abandon. The ensemble truly brought this story to life in a charming, beautiful way.
I loved Elbe. It was a beautiful choice for this troupe and a lovely send off for the graduating actresses, who got their last moments to shine onstage. The story was sweet (cliched, sure, but y’all, every story is, please.), and played so well by the cast. The music will be stuck in my head for years to come, and I’m always going to treasure the way I got to see it evolve over these three months.
Excuse my language- but Estrellas kicked ass. Usually I like revues with plots and throughlines (think The Entertainer or to an even greater and literal extent, Baddy), or with long spaces for comedic interlude and general mucking around (think Taiwan tour Killer Rouge)- and while Estrellas is NEITHER- it’s more of a jukebox revue than anything- it has solidly landed in my Top Favorite Revues Ever list. Initially, I was nervous. Again, this is a taidan revue, and is directed by Nakamura Satoru, who did Viva Festa- also a taidan revue, and not one that did Misaki Rion ANY sort of justice- (and personally, not a revue I love.) I went in expecting nothing and ended up with everything.
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Estrellas opens with the title song, Estrellas- and it’s visually STUNNING. The costumes are blue and gold and starry, classy and cohesive in a way that I thank Jesus and also God for. Everyone looked incredible. We’re introduced to Beni, Airi, Coto, Kai, and Seocchi with little solos, and the rest of the ensemble shines brilliantly alongside them. We also get our first of two aisle sienne bits- including some actresses in the aisles on the second floor! (Elbe also had two scenes with actresses in the aisles, and I loved every bit of those.)
From there, we get Rei Makoto singing Sekai No Owari’s Starlight Parade while the set behind the curtain changes to set up for the taidansha medley. Coto is superhuman. She sings and dances and charms with a smooth ease that I can not begin to wrap my mind around. This song could be boring- it’s a solo on the bridge in front of a curtain, but Coto had the audience wrapped around her finger.  
Next up, the taidan medley- a mashup of Ken Hirai’s Pop Star, MISIA’S 僕はペガサス, and Flumpool’s 星に願いを, sung mostly by and featuring Nanami Hiroki, with other taidansha Katori Reira and Seki Yurito beautifully bringing the MISIA number to life. (Amakake Sakura is unfortunately too young to have been featured much :( ) it was a GOOD taidan number- featuring a lot of underclassmen in sweet swing dresses and suits, while Kai got to take center stage and sing some pretty pointed lyrics about making people happy and being a star, having to leave something but wishing you could stay, loving people who support you, etcetera, etcetera. 10/10 points for selection of songs, here. Kai milked every second she had for everything it was worth, turned the (effortless) charm all the way on, and did some of her languid half-dancing that you can’t even be mad at because she’s so busy throwing everyone smiles and love. It was beautiful to see. 
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The upperclassmen (and like half the ken-7s) come in immediately with Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young (yes, this song.) Which features Beni smoking a cigarette, some lasers, costumes that are exclusively black fishnet, leather, or denim, out of control arena rock music, and some of the coolest high energy 80′s rock concert dance ensemble work ever (shoutout to Hiroka Yuu and Sazanami Reira who have KILLER dance solos at the start- I literally did not know they could dance like that and I really wish we could see the  upperclassmen shine like this more often.) Everyone looks hot and this number rocks.
Up next, Coto leading a 9 member boyband in Back- and this is the boyband number to end all boyband numbers. Apparently Coto doesn’t NEED to breathe while singing, even though this choregraphy is off the charts. Energetic and jumpy and intense and sharp and sexy and the woman does not lose a BEAT or a BREATH or miss a single step. To that note, NOBODY misses a step. It is, and I can not stress this enough, intense as hell. Could Coto’s reign be the beginning of top stars leading boyband numbers? I can only hope so. Next is the start of the chuuzume section- Hot Stuff featuring all the otokoyaku doing all your favorite (hot) things including, The Mouth Wipe Thing, the Fingers Through The Hair Thing, the Rubbing Your Thighs Thing, followed by Turn The Beat Around (the musumeyaku equivalent of Hot Stuff- led FLAWLESSLY by Airi), FOLLOWED BY Coto leading Sunny and strutting her stuff on the bridge while several otokoyaku/musumeyaku pairs do some Seductive Sexy Slinky duet dancing together. This goes into Beni and Airi dancing to Libertango - and this is a number that REALLY got me. It was VERY good. I don’t usually associate Beni and Airi with incredible pairwork, dancing wise, but they were both IN this. Beni’s injury she seemed to have been nursing before seems gone now, and Airi and her both are ACTING this number as they dance it (in the most gorgeous gold sequin outfits, may I add.) It was sexy and a little angry and they moved together like they have been paired forever. It’s really nice to see how far they’ve come with each other. Also, Airi can DANCE. The chuuzume could not be more Hoshigumi. It’s set to Orange Range’s チャンピオン, and it felt to me like such a celebration of what this troupe is. It made my face hurt from grinning It’s Beni rapid fire rapping and calling out and Hoshigumi responding and just PLAYING with each other, miming what Beni was calling out and teasing each other.  It was fast and funny and it just suited them all so well. The grins on everyones faces and the way this number celebrated the playfulness and friendship between these people was really really sweet to see. 
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The rockette was good- not too long, and introduced by Beni with a smile and a wink. The revue starts wrapping up after the rockette. Next is a classically structured revue number I think- you know the kind of number where everyone is in matching flowy costumes, it’s all in sync and it’s dancy and it features the whole ensemble and the lyrics are about love or family? This was that(星サギの白). More than any number, this one made me cry every time. Something about Beni and Airi finding each other and falling in love in the middle of the stage and the rest of their troupe, Kai centerstage right next to them, nudging them on with a grin reminiscent of her Kiroku in Another World  just gets me. It’s a peaceful world in this song until a group of (scorpions?) dressed in all black with a firey motif (led by Seocchi) comes on and tears everyone apart by the power of intense dance and lighting effects. The Good vs. Evil dance battle is ended by a thunderstorm brought on by Coto,  who comes up and does an (obviously stunning) solo dance and then brings everyone else back on to end the number with a 60-some strong cast filling the whole stage in sync. This song is overflowing with love. I can’t describe this number, but it’s so beyond powerful. Talk to me, I’d love to show it to you sometime.
Seocchi pops back up for a well-done original bridge solo after this, segueing into a SEXY musumeyaku dance led by Airi in a bob and a slinky silky skirt with a slit up to heaven, backed by Otoha Minori, Arisa Hitomi, Mizuno Yuri, Otosaki Itsuki, Yumeki Anru, Murasaki Rira, and Katori Reira.
It’s followed by the first REAL kuroenbi Hoshigumi has done in AGES, a sort of latin-tinged number featuring Beni, Kai, and Coto, and backed by all the otokoyaku you’ve grown to know and love (shoutout to Tenju Mitsuki for being more on it than we deserve, and Kisaragi Ren for never giving less than 4000%). This number is danced WELL, and it feels really unique to me as far as choreography goes. It was slick and it was sexy and it was intense and it was sharp- (but I’m not a Takarazuka expert. All I know is that I felt really satisfied by the whole thing.) It looks GOOD. Last up is the duet dance, (Yumeki Anru and Kozakura Honoka singing MISIA’s 逢いたくていま while Beni and Airi dance onstage). Beni and Airi just have something special. This duet dance was really nice to see- sweet and light and pure and so THEM- sometimes duet dances really fit the combi performing them and sometimes they don’t, and I’m so happy to see that this was the former. There’s no lift, there’s plenty of smiles and genuine fondness, there’s hand holding and running onto the bridge together, there’s beautiful fog and plenty of eye contact. The number ends with Beni offering Airi a hand and Airi pulling her into a hug in response, and more than once, Beni let out the softest gasp with her smile. I love Beni and Airi. I love seeing them together in their element. This duet dance is full of love, and it’s right up there with the Chigimiyu duet dance in Greatest Hits as my Favorite Duedan Ever.)
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At this point, we’re at the parade. Taidansha Katori Reira is the etoile, and she reminds us with her voice what Hankyu has been sleeping on her whole time in the revue company. Things proceed as you’d expect. Kai gets her sanbante feathers (finally.) It’s all blue and white and gold and lovely. Hoshigumi is my favorite troupe in the world, and even without Kai, they’re going to remain just that (’we know, we know, you just wrote a 500 page review of one show,’ you may say, and to that, I’d say ‘yeah, and you read it, so.’)
Raku was wild. In addition to the emotions running rampant, Beni lost her voice almost entirely on the last note of Elbe and was running code red triage through all of Estrellas. The troupe more than pulled together though, supporting her and not missing a beat. (I feel bad for the taidansha though, and bad for Beni who clearly was feeling brokenhearted with the way things were going- but managed to joke about the situation, even as the combination of the situation and the fact that it’s taidan raku had her in tears.) Regardless of this though, I was inspired by how well everyone worked and the love and energy and professionalism they carried on with. The speeches were beautiful and the love was palpable and the taidansha speeches were touching. There wasn’t a dry eye in the theatre, and the sniffles could have drowned out the speeches. I felt so lucky I got to be there. <3
Overall, I give Elbe//Estrellas a 100/10 (surprise.)
I feel lucky just to have existed at the same time as this show, as this troupe, as my favorite actress. Getting to see it was a privilege, a source of so much love and happiness, and an inspiration to me. If anyone has any questions about any of it, or wants to talk about it, please don’t hesitate to reach out. If you’ve read this far (wow), thank you for reading and giving my thoughts a shot! If I could spread a fraction of the love this show has given me, I’d consider it a win in my book.
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zukalations · 6 years
Backstage Journal - Sayaka Rin (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Backstage Journal is a short Kageki feature where very young cast members write anecdotes about what’s going on behind the scenes of the productions. They’re not very deep, being full of emojis and more like blog entries than articles, but they are a good way to get to know the newest actresses in each troupe.
This one is by Star Troupe member Sayaka Rin (of the 101st Class), and was published in the June 2017 issue.
Backstage Journal - Sayaka Rin (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Dear Kageki readers, are you enjoying the light breezes and greenery of the early summer? Hello, I am Sayaka Rin, also known as Christina, from Star Troupe. Right now, it’s Kurenai-san and Kisaki-san’s Top debut performance! It makes me so happy to be able to be able to bless them as the priest in the wedding scene 💖 And now, it’s time to head backstage for some fun! LET’S GO!!!
⭐️ Western-style stage assistants ⭐️ This show is set in England and France, but did you know that there were stage assistants in the production? Stage assistants are like the kuroko* that often work on kabuki productions. Traditionally, they will wear black hakama, but this time they were in western clothes! The 5 of them, Kuresaki-chan, Soua-kun, Mizuno-chan, Sumika-chan, and Houma-kun, do a total transformation into stage assistants during the show. They wear black tracksuits...well, that much is pretty ordinary, but then they gather up the cords of the hoods so much all you can see is their faces, and it’s so funny that even now I feel like laughing 😂 During Kurenai-san’s prayer song, the Mojimoji-kun squad** sneak out and lay out the costumes the members of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel need to dress up as laundresses. They’re always so cute and work so hard to make the show succeed: thank you so much 💖
⭐️ Even if you’re lonely ⭐️ Nanami Hiroki-san, who plays the leader of the French Revolutionaries, Robepierre, is at war with loneliness during this production. As the Reign of Terror continues, Robespierre gradually loses the loyalty of the people, and backstage, she ends up spending a lot of time by herself, so I was worried that she might be lonely. But one day Nanami-san was totally beaming: “I’m not alone at all!” Chauvelin [Rei], Mercier [Seki] and Coupeau [Sazanami] had left a message on her water bottle that said ‘Happy Birthday, Your Excellency] 💖 May 6th was Robespierre’s birthday, so the three of them must have held an emergency meeting to make her a present 💖 She’s definitely not lonely with such loyal companions~
⭐️ The Prince’s stomach is…!? ⭐️ In this show, the Prince of Wales is played by Senka member Ema Naoki-san, who also played the role in the first production. The main traits of the heir to the throne of England are his charming attitude and his huge stomach! There’s a pillow inside his costume to add enough volume. But when it came time for the Tokyo run of the show, the first thing the Prince said was “Oh no! My stomach has cellulite!” Huh!? Cellulite!? We were all full of question marks. Apparently after the end of the Takarazuka run, when the pillow was laundered it ended up really battered. “But once I have the costume on you can’t tell at all, so it’s all fine! 👍” The prince has a big heart, too~
I’m going to keep working hard and giving my full power every day to keep making every show the best one possible with my beloved Star Troupe 🔥
* The ‘ninja’ looking kabuki stage assistants dressed in black kimono and hakama.
** This is a reference to a segment on a variety show hosted by comedy duo The Tunnels where they dress in black fullbody stockings and try to make kanji characters.    
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k-p-p-d · 6 years
Chapter 2. The Introduction
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Word Count: +/- 2400
Summary: Respect all, until they are no longer worthy.
The man smirked, his eyes downcast as he released a muted chuckle startling Takuya from his reverie.  “Here I was thinking I was keeping up pretenses quite well.”  He looked up at Takuya, his full yet small mouth pulled up into a twist of a grin, round eyes shining with mischievous mirth.  “If you would please, call me Miyavi.”
Takuya smiled back softly at Miyavi, “I’m supposed to pick up on the smallest nuances of others.  To the untrained eye, you seem just as comfortable as any other patron.”  Takuya leaned on his hip, his long legs curling to the side of his body hidden from view under the flowing silk of his obsidian kimono.  “Others may not, but I see you, Miyavi-sama.  I see the tension running through your body, the slight despisal for your new title in the quirk of your lips and a sad longing in your eyes.”
Miyavi huffed out a soft laugh, he set his cup down on the table, watching the steam rise from the splashing of tea as Yuta refilled his cup.  “Be careful of your thorns, Takuya,” Miyavi addressed him without even sparing him a glance.  He smiled at Yuta, leaning closer to the young maiko than need be, one calloused finger running down the side of his face.  “I would hate—,” his hand wrapped around Yuta’s neck, not applying enough pressure to harm but the knowledge of his ability burning in his eyes as he finally looked to a tense Takuya, “—for others to pay the consequences for your words. He released a flustered Yuta as he picked up the cooling tea, “This truly is a delicious blend.”  
Takuya pulled Yuta into his side, an affectionate hand coming up to the boy’s hand now around his own throat and his eyes searching, ensuring the younger to be safe and unharmed.  Yuta gave him a soft smile and short nod, answering words unspoken between the two.  Takuya rose up onto his knees looking at the intrigued Miyavi, who wondered if he would strike out at him for threatening his junior or at the very least exile him from his Garden.
Takuya spoke softly, his voice shaking with emotion as he tried to maintain control over traitorous vocal chords.  “Terada Takuya beseeches Kyoto Kanrei, Ishihara Takamasa, for his forgiveness due to my excessive and offensive speech,” he lowered his upper body as he continued, “I beg of you.”  Yuta kowtowed next to his senior, the boy’s body so low it looked as if he and the floor were one.  
Takuya flinched as a calloused hand wrapped around his forearm lifting him up.  Miyavi looked down into his eyes and saw remorse but an underlying fear.  Fear for himself but also fear for those around him, which let Miyavi know the stories about him had been whispered even inside these walls.  Miyavi settled back down onto his cushion, smoothing his robes. “Do you know why I did what I did?”
Takuya shook his head no as he lifted Yuta up, directing him to sit off to the side, further away from Miyavi.
“I did it to prove a point and get your attention.  You’re not the only one who can read people.  No matter what scathing comments you may make, you care deeply for the boy, and that is something others can and will use against you.”  Takuya sat back as the words sunk in, his mind replaying the times he’s come to the defense and offered protection over Yuta and the others.  “With no force or even the raising of my voice, I brought you to heel. As the Otousan and proprietor, do you not see the danger in that?”
Okaasan always told him he was too nice, too soft, too pliable but he had never seen that as a bad thing.  Takuya sighed, his earlier bravado leaving with the air from his lungs.  His body looked smaller, he appeared aged but at the same time younger.  “I never wanted to be like Okaasan, caring but coldly cruel.  She loved us, but never let us know that until she was old and feeble but hated by us all.”  
Before the broken sob had fully passed trembling lips, Yuta had wrapped Takuya in his long arms. “We could never hate you, Takyua-san, nor will you ever be like her.”
“You are loved and revered, if all under your charge are like your Yuta.  I might even be a bit jealous,” Miyavi expressed sincerely.  “Ruling with fear will not get you half as far as ruling with devotion and respect, but our battles are different in that sense.”
Takuya patted Yuta’s folded hands on his chest. “Thank you,” his voice not as sure as before though the tremble had subsided.  He laughed softly as he sat up to his full height once more.  “I fear I have to apologize to you once more this evening, Miyavi-sama.  Your words brought insecurities I forgot I had back to the light.”
Miyavi nodded in understanding, he knew all too well the pain of insecurities and fears of not being good enough.  The worry that you will never be enough; never skilled enough, strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, obedient enough.
“I think,” Takuya stood gracefully, “we need a change of scenery.”  He looked to the two men still seated, Yuta being the first to stand, making his way to the closed door.  “Miyavi-sama, if you will, allow me to show all that we have to offer.  Let me entice you with beauty.”
Miyavi gave a curt nod before standing, short blade in hand, as they waited for Yuta to open the door.  Miyavi stepped closer to Takuya, this close he realized the man although statuesque was barely an inch taller than himself.  His round eyes slowly trailed down Takuya’s lithe body, scanning the way his pale pink pout parted with a gasp, the bob of his adam’s apple as he swallowed hard, the uptake in his breathing causing his chest to rise and the way his hands gripped the fan he carried. He murmured softly, “Entice me, Takuya-san,” his flicked his gaze back up to dark eyes blown wide, “if you can.  Oh, the fun we would have.”  Miyavi backed away tucking his sword into his obi, hand resting on the handle as he smirked.  “If only you were available to play.”
Takuya trembled—he quaked—he couldn’t remember the last time he met a man that exuded such an energy.  Smiling, he turned with a flourish leading the two men down the hall before calling over his shoulder.  “Let’s play in the Starlight, shall we?”
Miyavi had to admit he was impressed.  The humble building through which he entered was nothing compared to the thriving compound within. The robust voices of jovial men and women could be heard from the main pavilion set toward the back of the gardens.  “This...” Takuya began as they faced the structure.  He placed his hand on the crook of Miyavi’s arm, gentle fingertips caressing hard muscle hidden beneath delicate silk.  “This is our main pavilion, a place where anyone is free--well, not free--where anyone is welcome to commune and bask in the arts.  Would you like to go in?”
“That, I don’t believe would be good for business.  Maybe one day you can show me around,” Miyavi laid his free hand on Takuya’s bringing his attention back to him.  “Privately.”  
Takuya felt that quaking feeling once again, the power exuded by one man should not be that great.  “Miyavi-sama, you are trouble.”  The clap of Takuya’s fan opening was not enough to break the intense eye contact between the two, he brought it up to cover the heating climbing his cheeks.  “Let’s move on.”  The crunch of the rocks lining the pathway of the garden covered the ambient noises of hushed conversations in the various chashitsu placed along the path.    
“I was slightly regretting this endeavor.”  Miyavi said to Takuya as they walked.  “I didn’t think I would be welcome here, title or no, as I am what I am.”
“And what is that?”
“I can’t tell you all my secrets, now can I?  Tell me, how many tea rooms are there?”
“We have, at last count, twenty private chashitsu scattered along the path, each spaced far enough apart so nothing shall be overheard that should not be.”  As they passed a room, the door slid open to reveal a short man leaning heavily on a geisha.  Takuya tsked at the man.  “Akari, you know better.  Next time send for someone to help you,” Takuya stepped forward helping the geisha keep the man stable.  “Yuta,” he called “help escort Hiroki-san to his man at the gate.”
Hiroki looked up at Takuya, a drunken fools smile on his red face, just as he opened his mouth he looked behind Takuya to see Miyavi.  “I didn’t know you let half-breeds in here,” he slurred venomously before spitting at the ground before him.
Everyone’s eyes widen at the insult, everyone except Miyavi and Hiroki.  “Hiroki-san, I take it you have been drinking.  Tell me,” Miyavi’s hand went to his short blade, “if I cut you open will there be enough sake and plum wine for a feast?”
Akari gasped at the threat, dropping the man's arm as she stepped away.  
“Silly witch—” he struck out at her, “he can’t kill me.  Not witho-”
Hikori’s words froze on his tongue as Miyavi’s blade nicked his cheek, the red of his blood staining the steel.  “I won’t kill you, not yet, not here.  But I will repay you for every aggrievance against anyone employed at this ochaya.”  Miyavi stepped closer to the sobering man.  “Your eyes look clearer, fear sobers quickly I find.  Hear me, Hikori, if you ever lay hands on someone not in combat, I will return the slight with this blade.”
Hiroki shook Yuta off freeing his arm in order to bring them together in front of him, with a scowl he bowed his head.  “Forgive me Kyoto Kanrei, Ishihara Takamasa.  I have had too much to drink and bring dishonor upon my clan.”
“I don’t think I’m the one you need to apologize to.”
Hiroki looked appalled, the thought of apologizing to someone below him.  A geisha at that.  “Akira-chan, forgive a drunken man of foolish mistakes.”  Akira’s eyes widened as she looked at to Takuya for what she should do.  
“You should accept Hiroki-san’s gracious apology, Akira,” Takuya said with a smile hoping to defuse the situation before it escalated any further.  Akira nodded and began lowering herself delicately before a hand stopped her.
“No need to bow dear one,” Miyavi stated as he lift the woman back to her full height.  Hiroki scoffed but was quickly silenced as the blade flashed through the lamp light once more.  “Is there Hiroki?”  The man’s jowls undulated as he shook his head.  “See, Akira-san, all is well.  Now,” he wiped his blade on the man’s robe before sheathing it once more, “toddle off Hiroki.”
Hiroki pushed past Yuta, making his way down the path.  “Yuta, inform the guards of this so they can be sure he causes no trouble.”  Yuta bowed to Takuya and Miyavi before following after the rotund man.  “And you,” Takuya stepped closer to Akira, “are you alright?”
“I am fine, Otousan; it takes more than soft fingers to harm me.”  Miyavi looked on as the young girl smiled demurely.  Her voice was warm, smooth and soothing like warm rain in springtime, if he closed his eyes he can smell the bittersweet aroma of the sakura tree he played under as a child.  Takuya nodded before sending her on her way.  Turning back to Miyavi he gave the man an appraising glance.
“Takuya-san, what is it?”
“It’s you, addressing Akira and myself with more respect than Hiroki-san.  We are lowborn, we mean no—” Takuya was cut off by Miyavi raising his hand before the man started walking along the path.
“Lowborn or not, respect is earned not passed on by birth.  I respect all until they show me that I should not.”
“You truly are a marvel, Miyavi-sama.  I don’t believe I’ve ever met any like you.”
Miyavi couldn’t help the small smile, it wasn’t often he could just be himself around others.  Too often his temper would get the best of him, anger being the emotion that he’d grown most accustomed to.  He was just about to ask about the security measures when he heard music.  
Not just any music: Singers singing a somber tune in a language he thought he would never hear again.  
Six distinct voices.   
Each of varying tone but all of vast skill, working together to create a marvelous melody that entranced any that heard it.  Their tune deep and dark like the rumbling of the earth’s core, the only warning before the ground breaks open to swallow the shining light of the world on a hot summer's day leaving rain and shadows in their wake.
Miyavi stopped walking, his face awestruck as he listened.  Takuya smiled softly to himself as he let the man listen.  
“Takuya-san,” he spoke softly as if worried they would stop or he would wake from this dreamlike state.  “Do you know what language they sing in?”
“Of course, they sing in the language of my danna.  They come from the same land, but I do believe most call it Korean.**”
Miyavi nodded, “This is also the language of my mother.  She used to sing to me when I was younger.”  Miyavi closed his eyes as he listened more intently, neither man moving until the song was complete.  
The sound of a door sliding open took Miyavi from his reverie and when he opened his eyes he knew then for sure, he was dreaming.  Or he had finally died and this was his own Nirvana.
“Miyavi-sama, allow me to introduce some of our brightest shining stars of the Starlight ochaya: Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Jaehwan, Wonsik, Hongbin and Sanghyuk.  Boys, please greet Kyoto Kanrei, Takamasa Ishihara.”
The regal group of men bowed effortlessly, each one full of grace.  The one, Hakyeon, moved with a fluidity of one who spent more time dancing than walking.  While Taekwoon’s body held the hidden power of a fighter, Jaehwan seemed coy and playful, with the bashful way he peeked through soft sable lashes.  Wonsik...Wonsik held anger in his heart and it showed in the rigidity of his bow.  Hongbin’s eyes were guarded and skeptical but he himself possessed an imposing beauty in face and body.  The last one, Sanghyuk was the widest and tallest of them all but as imposing as his size was, he was young, timid in his movements.
They spoke in unison and their speaking voices were just as if not more harmonious than the song he had just witnessed.  “Konbanwa Kyoto Kanrei, Takamasa Ishihara.”  Miyavi nodded to the men as they rose.  Takuya smirked as he looked on.
“I think, you’ve just been enticed.”
~Admin Winter
**This part was tricky as I haven’t decided where in time I want to put this AU so I didn’t know if this would be during the era of The Three Kingdoms or not yet.  And hangul wasn’t created until 1544, I believe don’t quote me, so that threw more into the mix.  For the sake of this story though, the language is known as Korean.
Chapter 3
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Red Strings of Fate (Ch 5)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous Chapter: Cherry Blossom Storm
Next Chapter: Speed of Sound
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj, @rizzo-nero, @whoreuc, @fkngkumiko, @isl3t
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, please mention it in the comments below ty <3
Chapter 5: Special Grade
After you bid goodbye to the two girls, you went off back to your dorm room to get dinner, when you bumped into the girl who lived next to your room.
“Oh hi!” She greeted you with a big smile. “I’m Miwa Kasumi, you can call me Miwa. 1st year here! Please take care of me.”
“Hello! I’m Tsuchimikado Y/n, you can call me either Tsuchi or y/n I really don’t mind either way. Also my first year here, please take care of me!” you grinned.
“Ahhh, I’m so nervous to start class here. Are you ready for it?”
“To be honest I’m also nervous, but pretty excited! Ah, I have to go eat dinner now and call my family, but tomorrow I’m free to chat more. You can come over to my room if you’d like.” You offered.
She agreed and bid you goodnight.
You were able to get to know Miwa before classes began, and it was really fun getting to know her. She talked about her brothers and her origins, but admitted that she couldn’t give out too many details on her technique.
“I’m sorry y/n but I was told to keep it a secret. Even among other jujutsu shi. And I’m just doing all I can to support my brothers.” She sadly spoke.
To which you didn’t mind too much, as you were the same. The Tsuchimikado does its best to keep their strongest techniques and passed down family legends under wraps, to prevent themselves from being targeted by curse users.
“It’s no worry at all, you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to share. And I won’t pry. I come from a minor Jujutsu clan and understand the need to keep cursed technique details a secret.” You smiled and offered her more biscuits.
If you don’t stand out, you would have less affairs to worry about. Unlike the great 3 Jujutsu clans. And because of this, you sort of grew up in a regular loving home, with the exception of normalcy brought by the need to kill curses.
Classes soon started after and honestly they were not too bad. You all got your student ID cards on the very first day.
You were surprised to see that you were awarded a Special Grade title on the very first day… not what you expected. The rest were, as expected, Grade 4 jujutsu sorcerers.
Everyone starts on the same level and can have their ranks increased as they go. They can get recommended to Grade 2 and/or Grade 1 based on their performance.
Geniuses were said to start as a Grade 2 sorcerer in their first year. Grade 3 was average for a jujutsu high student. And a special grade is an anomaly.
You were pretty sure that you and your family kept your condition under wraps and yet… You looked up to Utahime and asked if you could have a chat outside. She eyed you knowingly and the others stared at you as you left the room.
“Uhhh… There seems to be a mistake with this. I don’t think I am fit to be a Special Grade yet Utahime sensei.” you explained to her truthfully.
“Tsuchimikado chan. You are from a minor Jujutsu clan, that's true. And while it is very rare for an esper to be born in your clan, there was a higher up who was in touch with your father. They received enough information about your technique, albeit not all of it of course, and cursed energy levels, deeming you to be a special grade.”
You just stared at her in shock at all this info. Sure you’ve been sparring with your cousins, and yeah nobody could come close to you when you had mastered your basic barriers and cursed technique. But you didn’t expect to get this far.
Then Utahime sighed, “Okay I’ll be honest. There was one other person who actually pushed for this and was surprisingly agreed to by the elders.”
You felt yourself tense up, “Who?”
“Gojo Satoru said you were capable of dealing a massive destruction over a large scaled area. And of course, the jujutsu higher ups are aware as to what happened to you when you were 6 years old.”
“Satoru nii!” You paled, blood draining out of your face, but before you could open your mouth Utahime consoled you. “It’s okay. It’s kept top secret… well as much as a secret can be amongst the Jujutsu school leaders and higher ups. Don’t worry, we understand your situation.”
You just nodded, still as white as a sheet. ‘They know, oh gosh of course they know!’ you thought with horror.
“Okay, now nobody should give you any trouble. Just relax, you’re not forced to give out any info to the other students if you don’t want to. It’s okay,” She pushed you back into the classroom where the other students were chatting.
“Haiiii, let’s start class now.” Utahime called out to which you all responded with a “Yes sensei.”
Everything started to calm down and settle at school for you after that day.
Most of your time was spent in the classroom with regular subjects. But then you’d have the added physical training and cursed energy management with Utahime sensei, which you always looked forward to the most.
“Okay, time to form pairs now. Mai and Y/n. Miwa and Mechamaru, try to disarm and pin down your opponent if you can. Y/n go easy on the others.” Utahime sensei spoke, to which of course you agreed to.
Amongst the first years, both you and Mechamaru seemed to be the most capable, proficient even with long range techniques.
Mai and Miwa were weak in close combat quarters when they were disarmed. And it was too easy for you to disarm them with minimal cursed energy, as you spent a lot of time sparring with your older male cousins.
“Hup!” You closed in on Mai and kicked the gun from her grasp before flipping her body and pinning her to the ground. Mixed martial arts definitely comes in handy.
“Ouch, she said to go easy on me Y/n. You’re still pretty rough.” Mai spat out. “Get strong now or you won’t last on the battlefield. You have to focus on surviving.” You darkly said. Mai was shocked at that since you were always so bright and cheerful.
But everyone else noticed that whenever you were training, (whether it be by yourself in your free time or sparring with the others during class) you seemed like an entirely different person. Cold, calculating, detached, strong and fierce.
But of course, you always did your best to help them improve. “Mai, you’re moving your body wrong. Stabilise your footing, then aim. If I come close to you from the side, try to hit me based on your peripheral vision quicker.”
Truth be told, she improved. “Thank you y/n. You seem familiar with martial arts. Do you do any?” She asked you during break time.
Mechamaru and Miwa listened in, facing you curiously. The entire school is now aware of your Special Grade status, but everyone was still shy to outright ask you about the full details of how it was granted.
“I do. I’ve grown up sparring with my older male cousins all the time. Mixed martial arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Krav Maga. Not sure if you guys know of Tsuchimikado Hiroki? Graduated from Kyoto Jujutsu high a few years back.”
“I’ve heard of his name in passing, but I don’t know of him. Your clan is kept pretty well under wraps after all.” Mai said. You smiled and nodded.
You were set to spar with Mechamaru after the break. This is where it got interesting. You activated your technique for the first time since training started as he shot laser beams at you.
He did everything he could, but even with his sword options, and strongest bursts of cursed energy, nothing hit you while you stood in the same spot.
You had activated your cursed technique, and made the space around you warp, making the attacks bounce off. Mechamaru had pretty solid power, but it wasn’t enough to rock you.
You held out one hand, “Enhanced gravity: Output level 5%” and Mechamaru’s body crumpled against the ground. You increased the air pressure above his body until he shouted, “Give!”.
You released your technique and thanked him for the fight. Mai and Miwa had stopped sparring to watch the both of you.
“Wow.” Miwa said with sparkling eyes. “No wonder… she’s special grade.” she whispered.
To be honest, at the end of the day labels and rankings meant NOTHING to you. You wanted all your allies to get as strong as they can be, so that they won’t suffer during missions.
Which is why you openly offered advice and help when they needed it. You’ve had enough of loss.
When you had your free time you made your way to the library as was planned. You had a list of topics to burn through. Past lives, shared visions, alternate worlds, future visions… and the topic of soulmates. You had to get to the bottom of whatever happened between Noritoshi senpai and you.
The Tsuchimikado clan did have its history and legends as well. You had information on the other big 3 clans and their techniques. Along with that information came the basic legends of old. Soulmates, possibilities of inherited memories, parallel worlds, and some of the most evil of curses to exist. (Such as Ryomen Sukuna).
But you were sad to see that there was a lack of books on soulmates. Only some left on alternate and Parallel Worlds. 'Is the library lacking??? Didn't expect that.' You thought sadly.
You asked the librarian about it but, "I'm sorry my dear, we only have what's there on the shelves. There's a possibility the books have been borrowed. I can check the database for you."
"Yes please, thank you so much."
"Ah yes….. Kamo kun has taken some books on soulmates, parallel worlds, foresight and Abe no Seimei. Are those any of what you're looking for?" She asked.
You felt yourself pause. Okay so you were both thinking along the same lines. Not surprising.
"Yes, I can just wait for him to return it or ask him about it then. Thank you so much that was a great help!" You bid her your goodbyes and left the library.
Not to worry, you were going to see him real soon.
Author's notes: These first few chapters focus heavily on world building to set the pace for the story. You'll see a lot more of Nori in the following chapters <3
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Finally sitting down to watch Zi-O ep 4...
Let’s game?
Well, no, actually no, we won’t, but I was trying to be thematic.
And in no particular order:
Okay, that explains it. When I saw the preview images it looked like they were talking to Emu, and then Geiz and Sougo both henshined and took a knee for some reason. It’s actually the other way round.
Geez, Emu. Since when were you this uncommunicative and unhelpful? That’s Taiga’s job!
Like seriously, you know these two are Kamen Riders. Just explain yourself to them instead of making weird vague statements.
Geiz at it again w/ the grump. Have I mentioned--you know where that’s going.
Tsukuyomi w/ the intercede again. I’m liking this trio.
Okay, I wanna know who Goggles is. The guy whose hand Geiz was holding in that future-flashback? A friend? Brother? This being Toei it’s unlikely to be a boyfriend, but it’s still possible. He looks like he mighta been a nice fellow, I’m sorry he died.
I guess this is a lot to take in, and Sougo is generally pretty slow on the uptake, it appears, so... But looks like he’s getting it now.
Tsukuyomi, I really hope you’re aware just how much of a problem child you just decided to adopt.
I actually agree w/ someone else I saw, I think. I kinda wish they would give her a better reason than ‘I don’t know’ for this. Like, I’m liking the idea that she doesn’t want her childhood friend to technically become a murderer by killing someone who is, at that point, still innocent, but this ‘I don’t know’ thing is kinda... meh to me. It doesn’t feel touching or sweet, and is even kinda out of character... But that’s just me. She’s super great, but she otherwise seems so decisive and confident that it’s a little odd.
OH MY GOD IT’S THAT CHURCH! I mean--it’s that wizard Bugster!
Fun fact, that Church is not just a Toei set. I have seen it in about FIVE other shows I think (don’t ask me to name them all, I can’t--but Kaname Jun was in one I think)
AH! Brave is here! But it’s back in 2016, episode... 2? Or maybe 3, but it would be when Hiiro literally just got there, so he’s still an ass. I mean, I still love him. But he was an ass.
Geiz, mister straight forward, just fucking informs them he’s from the future, I love him.
Maybe this has something to do w/ Hiiro’s sense that he should help them before... Aside from grumpy secondary solidarity, ofc.
‘From your perspective,’ Geiz, you are literally from 2068. I’m pretty sure, excepting folks from 2069 onward, that that’s the future from everyone’s perspective.
Note: I don’t love him because he’s a dick, but what I love is grumpy, pretty much jerky characters who come out of that bc they start caring about someone or something (again, in Hiiro’s case). Did that make sense?
Also, I’m actually giggling bc of how much of a pompous ass my grumpy surgeon son was. The fact that this is literally like, right after he first showed up, means that he’s at peak dickishness and it’s really funny to look back.
Kids pulling on Geiz. God, honey, what were you expecting when you put that thing on? Well, at least they’re aware of how goofy it is.
Also, dear god, someone get this boy some fashion advice. I’ve SEEN that preview image sweetie. You canNOT dress yourself.
Oh my god, it’s the hospital helipad. Now I’m nostalgic.
Okay. Emu can teleport to game worlds now? Al... Alright then. You know what, whatever.
And Emu’s getting thrown around again. Some things never change. What’s still funny about this is still that Ijima Hiroki is (still) not a short man. He’s 5′ 10″. This, to me, makes how much Emu get’s thrown around utterly hilarious.
See, Emu. This is what happens when you don’t pull a Taiga, and discuss things w/ people. You’re the one who forced Hiiro to learn that, why are you doing it?
Aw, Sougo appreciates that Tsukuyomi is trying to save the future w/out killing him. Good kids.
Where’s that B99 ‘cool motive still murder’ picture? I mean, I know it’s a kid. But dude... You don’t have the right to other people’s lives (or body parts) just bc your son is dying.
Hm... I know people are thinking it’s named after Hiiro, but... What if it’s named after his dad? I mean, Kagami Haima was the director of the hospital, he had to start somewhere. To me that feels more logical? Bc it’s only been two years since Ex-Aid, that’s awfully fast to name a medical procedure... But it’s just a thought.
You know what, I bet Hiiro feels bad for brushing Geiz off in the past, so now he’s like ‘I must do everything I can to help these kids out bc when I met them before I was a jerk.’ Part of his ‘stop being an anti-social grump’ attempt. And he’s worried about Emu.
Does the Time Majin have an AI? How did it know to fly up to the roof right then? Is it telepathically connected to Sougo now?
So Uhr is helping Ora/Hora out? Maybe there is hope for a villain-family dynamic after all...
Also apparently that’s Takeru’s mech? Takeru has a mech? I really need to finish Ghost... But it’s either just for the sake of cameo, or it’s related to how Geiz got the Ghost Ride Watch. Now I’m wondering if he maybe stole the Drive and Ghost Watches from the Time Jackers? But if that’s the case, why did they have them? They usually use the Another Rider Watches...? Are Takeru and Shinnosuke okay? Oh my god, did Takeru die again? Actually, I guess Shinnoksuke also died a lot in that one movie so... Oh dear.
Is Sougo transforming in tiny spaces gonna be a thing now?
Come to think... Since the opening, we haven’t seen Woz. What’s prophet boy up to?
This tiny gremlin child who I adore and want to pinch the cheeks of just giggling to himself in his busted mech like a five year old.
Sorry, Geiz, you can’t beat the bounce.
Sougo just fucking slams this thing w/ the Time Majin.
And so, the path toward very reluctant and at first very awkward friendship begins. Let’s a-go kids!
But also god that boy is skinny. Honey, do you even HAVE hips? Are you okay?
Geiz is having feelings but is very confused right now. Punching things is generally a good venting method.
And the boys are still very bad at not being good at teamwork. Like, they’re already synchronising in pretty much every fight they’ve been in--not just in henshins but in attacks and so on.
Emu that looks NOTHING LIKE YOU, WHY would you call it a doppelgänger.
Since this is after Hiiro first showed up, it means that the two of them still don’t like each other (bc it took them a while to get there), so I’m not surprised that he wouldn’t call Hiiro immediately if something came up. Plus this may not show up bc CR relied on reports by witnesses and were in an abandoned warehouse. But then why is Emu...? Oh, I don’t know.
Was his henshin really always that deep?
Oh! There he is! Woz! I was wondering where you were! So, uh... Where were you?
Geiz: ‘Oh no, not again!’
Wow, he did the hoppity hop thing!
(I think they’re meant to be buttons?)
Aaaaand, right on cue, there Woz goes again.
Emu just like ‘okay then, let’s roll w/ this then, I guess!’
Wait, but the Brave and Snipe (and Genm, and then there’s Para-DX, and Poppy, and Cronus... Though I guess those last ones may not end up existing since they’re post-this?) Watches don’t seem to be in-show, so... Does that mean that Hiiro and Taiga keep their powers? Bc there was a Crozz-Z Ride Watch, so I now understand Ryuuga losing his, but there were so many Riders in Ex-Aid... Though maybe there’s a whole butterfly thing that simply by removing the primary everything is effected. Bc if you had to account for each individual Rider... Imagine how complex and difficult shows like Ryuki and Gaim would be to explain/sort through.
Hiroki has such a nice smile. Actually, pretty much everyone is Ex-Aid had a nice smile when they smiled.
Oh, god, yes. I really hope that the Rider trying to teach Sougo how to do the finisher in some way (miming for Emu, explaining for Sento) is a thing every time... Though I guess since they couldn’t get Gentaro we won’t get to see him do it... But maybe Takumi will? (I’ve never actually watched Faiz, so I have no idea what the finisher looks like)
Oh, hey. When Sougo hits him it says it in... Kanji, I think? But in Japanese characters of some kind instead of English.
Geiz standing of to the side trying to act cool while these two dorks help this man up.
... He’s wearing socks and... You know what, this is Japan. They’re probably his shoes for inside, and because he was running out to the ambulance with his dying son, he didn’t bother to change.
I love how Emu is like ‘who could we possibly... OH! That asshole!’ (again bc this is the very early season, back hen we didn’t like each other)
HE SAID IT! I guess they cut away so Seto didn’t actually have to eat the cake. Apparent he doesn’t actually like sweets? Maybe bc he’s such a sweetie. ^^
I really love it when the ones playing the ‘serious grumps’ are really adorably dorky and super nice. Like apparently, Seto was the funny and fun one, which I find so cute and hilarious.
Sougo here, getting into the groove of things during his second rodeo.
Emu’s like ‘are you two together?’ and Geiz is like ‘someone shoot me.’
Awwww. Of course Hiiro saved him. Though they haven’t shown us anything yet... So, maybe, even in the altered timeline, he and Emu still ends dup becoming close somehow? Can I pretend that’s the case? Seriously, Hiiro needs that kid. Otherwise he’s just gonna continue forgetting how to be human.
Why do you need another plate? But I think it’s cute how Junichiro is making so much food. I wonder if it’ll be like Mario in Zyuohger, where when he find out (if he doesn’t already know) he decides to just make life at the shop as homey as possible.
Geiz, maybe you should start using his name? Just to, you know, keep Uncle from getting suspicious?
ALSO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING WHY... I just can’t anymore. I love my dorky fashion disaster assassin son.
Here we are w/ the intense staring again. Wouldn’t be KR w/out it.
Geiz and Tsukuyomi be like ‘wow no pressure.’ Seriously, Geiz looks like he’s having a small panic attack back there.
He looks very pretty, though.
Aw, they’re keeping their Ride Watches together!
Well, there’s clearly a friendship theme, so I’m hoping there’s a level of deepening the bonds that just started forming in this episode. Unfortunately, I know nothing about Faiz other than apparently Kaixa is a horrible person (given that the preview images imply he’s strangling some poor girl, I am inclined to agree), so I can’t make any guesses there.
All I ask for Christmas is ONE episode where Geiz doesn’t wear that damn collar thing. I know it’s only been four eps but just ONE.
And, in final news, looks like they’re switching the Watches around.
Okay! Well, that's that for now. Now, my head hurts and I still want pizza, so... Not much else to say. Imaginary pizza for anyone who read all of this, you really didn’t need to do that.
I’m gonna pretend Hiiro and Emu are still friends somehow. Having a good time here, looks like we’re looking at another solid trio and I love it. Also, w/ OOO and Ghost apparently coming up... Good times.
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niuniente · 6 years
Tagged by @stuck-as-me - Thank you dear!
1. Coke or Pepsi?: I don’t drink sodas
2. Disney or Dreamworks?: Hmmmm, very tight nowadays but PERHAPS Disney?
3. Coffee or tea?: I don’t drink either one of these, but I was a teaholic for 14 years so tea :D
4. Books or movies?: For stories; movies. For anything else, books.
5. Windows or Mac?: Windows
6. DC or Marvel?: I’m more familiar with Marvel
7. Xbox or Playstation?: Playstation, any day.
8. Dragon age or Mass effect?: Mass Effect!
9. Night owl or Early riser?: Night owl due natural sleeping pattern.
10. Cards or Chess?: It’d be fun to know how to play chess, but I have to choose cards.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
12. Vans or Converse?: Neither. 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar?: WHAT?
14. Fluff or Angst?: Both are good! Angst is more my own style in writing but I draw fluffy things. 
15. Beach or Forest?: There are no beaches here, but I’d love one. 
16. Dogs or Cats?: CATS.
17. Clear skies or Rain?: RAIN
18. Cooking or eating out?: Eating out is such rare luxury that if I could, I’d eat out more often. 
19. Spicy food or Mild food?: Mild, spicy upsets my stomach.
20. Halloween or Christmas?: CHRISTMAS! We have no Halloween here.
21. Would you rather be forever a little too cold or a little too hot?:  COLD. You can always protect yourself from cold.
22.If you could have any super power what would it be?:  Telekinesis.
23. Animation or live action?: Animation.
24. Paragon or Renegade?: Paragon.
25. Baths or showers?: Bath is such a rare luxury that a bath it is. 
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man?: I don’t know Captain America enough to choose.
27. Fantasy or Sci-fi?: Sci-fi, I think. 
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they?:
i want to people to know that don’t take life so seriously. laugh a lot. we tend to take spirituality really seriously. we have kinda forgotten to laugh. you need to laugh, laughter is really the best, it is the best resolver for every problem, every relationship issues, every illness. it is really the best. laugh, don’t take life seriously, don’t take yourself seriously, have fun - and if it all fails, eat chocolate, it always works. - Anita Moorjani
if you ever feel bad about yourself just remember that if you were a fictional character people would probably love you for all your flaws and quirks and mannerisms that you probably hate so just remember that okay ilu. -Stridersknowbest
talked to my mother on the phone, one hour. her close friend died by cancer and one week later, her husband also past away. she told me “hiroki, you should do whatever you want to do while you can. it is you to live your life. no one knows when to pass away so try to use your body as much as you could for many experiences and have lots of fun. always think of your happiness first so that you can make people happy.” - Hiroki
And one bonus: Do no harm, take no shit.
29. Netflix or Youtube: Youtube
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?: I don’t know PJ to be able to choose.
31. When you’ve felt accomplished: 
32. Star Wars or Star Trek?: Neither.
33. Paperback or Hardback?: Both.
34. Horror or rom-com?: HORROR.
35. Tv shows or movies?: Movies.
36. Spotify or Pandora?: Neither
37. Zootopia or Inside Out?: Haven’t seen either of them.
38. Favourite book?:  Imma be an anarchist and choose 3! Anita Moorjani’s “Dying to be me” William Andrews’s “Medieval Punishments” Jeffrey Burton Russell’s “Prince of Darkness - Radical Evil and The Power of Good in History” (basically just a history book of the Devil)
39. Favourite flowers?: White clover and white lilies. 
40. What field of study are you in or aspire to be in?: I’ve already done my studies, but I’d like to continue someday with art. 
41. Song lyric you really love?: 
They said : Oh yeah, it's a tough world You're restless and you're young I said : Oh girl, it's a good twirl And your time will come, your time will come They said : you came from the wrong side He's a page from the end of the book I said : You came from the right side Took me just one look Then you understood
With a little love You will survive With a little love You will get by Do what you want Go your own way 'Cause its your life - Modern Talking; With A Little Love
42. What’s your MBTI type?: INTJ
43. Favourite Movie?: Howl’s Moving Castle. It speaks to my soul and even today I haven’t figured out why. 
44. Favourite tv shows?: Paranormal Witness
45. Top three authors?: Anita Moorjani, Jeffrey Burton Russell and Abraham-Hicks (Eshter Hicks)
46. Favourite season?: Winter
47. Favourite High School Musical?: I never watched them
48. Silver or gold?: HMMMM it depends where it us used, but most likely silver.
49. Favourite Director(s)?: None.
50. Favourite superhero(s)?: Nightcrawler
51. Deep fried Twinkies or Oreo?: We don’t have these here.
52. Which fictional setting could you see yourself fitting into and why?:  Mass Effect. I’d like to travel from a galaxy to another and explore the universe <3 Also, somehow, I think I’d fit in Final Fantasy XII world, too. Kinda same thing but in a smaller scale :3
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