#oh i also believe she dyes her hair because she wants to look more like her dad
funnybunnyfuzie · 8 months
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> “ Even when I doubt you, I’m no good without you.. ”
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deadsetobsessions · 3 months
Tim drake triplet au owns my soul I’m not gonna lie
Have some more ✨
Moral and ethical crises aside, having three Robins increased the crime fighting rate exponentially. Crooks could not do even a mildly villainous scheme without being cheerfully beaten down (Lionel), robbed blind (Tim), and having their operations permanently crippled (Archy). At this point, the only reason the Rogues were still alive was because Batman insisted on handling them.
“There’s a weird ship coming into Gotham bay~!” Lionel sang, skipping into the room with an armful of papers. Alfred sedately followed behind him, with a plate full of snacks and milk. He had been passive aggressive in feeding them, muttering something about making up for lost time.
“Thanks, Alfred,” Tim mumbled, grabbing a snack. One hand was doing case work, the other (the hand that grabbed a snack) was doing homework. “Yeah, I clocked that. Some pretty interesting people on it.”
“Once again, Bruce’s old flings haunt our doorstep.” Archy crossed the room and plucked some of the papers off of Lionel.
“Ugh, don’t remind me. People are gonna come flocking to his gates with the fake baby traps again at the end of the social season.” Tim grimaced, remembering all the cheek pinches he endured last season as he headed off anyone that would approach Bruce in his Brucie persona.
“Talia al Ghul is a different kind of issue.”
“I’d take fist fighting her over Mrs. Laughfy’s pinching any day.”
“Gee, I kind of want to meet Talia. She seems kind of badass.” Lionel plopped down onto his seat, dumping the rest of the papers onto the table. “Dick hates her though. Oh, Archy, here’s all of the paperwork from that shady chemical plant.”
“Thanks.” Archy went back to the drawing board, drafting up a complicated corporate scheme that ended up with Drake industries acquiring said shady chemical plants. They were planning the reveal of the Drake triplets soon, but their method had much to be planned.
As a matter of fact…
“As expected,” Archy scribbled something on a piece of paper. “Our best bet is to pretend we were always there.”
“Gaslight, gatekeep, girl-boss!”
The triplets nodded and moved on, Archy forging their birth certificates.
Idle conversation started up again, rotating between their upcoming gaslight gatekeep girl boss masterplan, Talia’s arrival, and whether or not they should dye Jason’s hair bright purple.
“I wonder why she came? She got on the ship with a… kid.” Tim stilled, dawning horror and realization settling upon his face. “No way.”
“Oh. Oh, that’s juicy.” Lionel grinned like a bat fresh out of hell.
“We need more information.” Archy set aside his papers, an indication of intense focus from him.
The door clicked open and three heads swung in unison.
“Hey, guys, what are you…” Dick faltered as three sets of piercing blue eyes locked onto him. “Uh. Something wrong?”
Lionel dove at the door, shutting it closed and locking it.
Tim sprung up and clamped a hand onto Dick’s wrist. His smile became eerily polite. “Dick! We had a couple of questions for you!”
Dick glanced down at him, back at Lionel, and then forward at Archy’s widening grin. He shuddered.
“Am I about to die?” He wondered out loud, resigning himself to his fate as his baby-birds dragged him over to their war table.
“You didn’t know about me.”
“But we did!” Damian startled, unsheathing his sword in record time and swinging an arc of deadly blades towards the voice.
“Heya! I’m Robin!”
“I am also Robin.” Damian sidled back and looked up, weapon at the ready. Two identical Robins perched on the flickering street lamps, tilting their heads down at him.
“Hey, Damian. I’m Robin.” The one on the left waves.
“Boys,” his father sighed.
“Can it, B. I can’t believe you did the horizontal tango with Talia, of all people.”
Damian bristled. “You would not be worth the ground mother walks upon, you ingrate!”
The three robins looked at each other and simultaneously looked back at Damian. “Oh, we like you. Yes, you’re about to be our new favorite brother.”
Damian didn’t know whether to lunge at them or be flattered.
“C’mon, Wayne junior. We’ll show you around. Pick an alias, one you can use before we train you to be Robin.”
“I… I will fight you! Robin is mine by right! I am father’s blood son!”
One of the Robins perched on top of the lamp post grinned, half feral as he swung down. “We’d like to see you try, little bird.”
“Stop antagonizing him. Damian, you’ll become Robin eventually, but the only way is to get acknowledged by the former Robins. There’s so much more to becoming Robin than being good at combat like you are.”
“We’ll teach you! Robin lesson number one! Annoy B with competence!” The cheery Robin cheered.
They ignored Batman. Damian, after checking his father’s face and not finding anything other than exhaustion, followed their example hesitantly.
“Here, take this grapple.” The serious Robin handed him a grapple and a domino mask. “Second lesson, Robins fly through the sky. We can stalk, sure, but we fly better than anyone else.”
Damian glanced at Batman again, before taking the grapple. In unison, the Robins shot up and away.
“Let’s go, Damian. We shouldn’t leave them unsupervised.”
“They are not competent enough to patrol alone?”
Father grimaced. “They are. But if we leave them be, they’ll take over Gotham in a matter of weeks.”
Damian’s respect towards the Robins went up a couple of notches. He put on the domino and grappled after the Robins.
When they find Joker goons transporting goods, the third Robin (Timothy, he found out later) turned to him and smirked.
“Third lesson? The punishment has to fit the crime. Those are stolen goods. So we rob them blind.”
“Those goods are evidence, Robin,” Father rumbled. Damian tensed, but the Robins remained relaxed.
“Okay, so we don’t touch the evidence, but everything else is fair game. Wallets, keys, lightbulbs.”
“That is incredibly petty,” Damian snapped.
“Well, B said we can’t murder them and maiming someone for stealing is too much. So, petty we must be, to refrain from going off the deep end.”
Damian considered tossing them off the roof, but these infernal fools would probably laugh and return to the roofs like cockroaches.
Damian watched the carnage in awe. The Robins were incredibly efficient and effective, drawing terror from their victims even before even commencing a beat down.
“I will accept their guidance,” Damian muttered to himself.
Behind him Batman lowered his head into hands in a moment of weakness. He prayed to allah and his parents for patience… and sanity.
“Oh, fuck no!” Jason shot out rubber bullets without hesitation. “Fuck off, you demon!”
“But don’t you want to meet our youngest brother?”
Jason lowered his guns, glaring at Lionel’s chirpy face. “What? I’ve already met Tim.”
“Nope! Apparently, Bruce had a kid with, I shit you not, Talia al Ghul!”
Jason holstered his guns, interested in any mockery aimed at Bruce. “No way. You’re lying.”
“Nope! Meet Damian!”
Behind Lionel, Bruce’s mini-me stepped out. “Todd.”
Jason straightened and stepped closer, though noticeably giving Lionel a wide berth. He was never going to let the old man live this down. And from the looks of it, he had allies in the form of the three terrors.
Bruce looked down at the cake. He looked back up.
On one hand, his kids were getting along.
On the other hand… he was getting bullied by his kids.
Bruce heard a low chuckle.
Scratch that, he was being unjustly bullied by his kids and Alfred.
In front of the exhausted dad of six (and future dad of so many more), sat a cake with the words “congrats, it’s a boy!” and a picture of Talia.
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ksnfangz · 6 months
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New year, Same Crush, Same friends, Same Grades, and what’s this? A new handsome face!
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Y/n L/n was well known for her bright and bubbly personality, the cheerful girl always smiling and jumping around throughout the school day despite her low scores, and the mean comments made by her classmates about her loudness or existence within their school.
She is also known for her very obvious crush on the school's golden boy Yang Jungwon. The girl does little to nothing to hide the fact that she likes said boy. Even mustering up the courage to confess during their freshman year.
" Jungwonie ~ I like you." you smiled voice pitched a bit higher than usual, eyes shimmering under the bright sunlight. A simple " I am not interested." is all you received in response as the boy walked away leaving you to sweep by yourself.
However, the rejection didn't at all phase Y/n. You were a determined woman and you wouldn't let Jungwon's rejection stop you from crushing– it had become a part of your daily life at this point.
So here you are a year later and still as in love as you were a year prior. Only now you and Jungwon were part of the same friend group. Thanks to your best friend Sunghoon who had become good friends with Jungwon over the Summer. And the final cherry on top was that Jungwon sat at the desk to your right so you could stare at him freely without being called out by their teacher or straining your neck... again.
" Y/nnie~ Guess what! your best friend is going to be one of the top idols in Korea soon." Sunghoon brags sitting himself in the seat to your left. The male had been your best friend since kindergarten so now you were stuck dealing with his randomness forever.
" Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it." you reply eyes never leaving the boy sitting to your right. Smiling as you watch him write down notes from his textbook. No wonder he's at the top of the class, he never stops studying.
" Hey you may doubt me now but I know about 10 companies that would beg to have a face like mine under their label." Sunghoon is about to continue his rant when he feels a tap on his shoulder.
Kim Sunoo.
Kim Sunoo was pretty cute for a guy, very smart, sometimes mean and a bit scary but that just made Sunghoon even more interested. How could someone with the face of a baby be so tough and outspoken?
" Sunghoon hyung you're in my seat!" the boy claims foxlike eyes staring into Sunghoon's widening round ones.
" Oh yes! sorry." The park boy apologizes before moving to the desk behind Sunoo. " Thank you!" the boy said sending Sunghoon one of his usual bright smiles as he sat down in his newly acquired seat. There were no assigned seats but Sunoo knew he wanted to sit beside you this year to make sure he could help you if necessary and because you were a pleasure to be around.
" Yah Kim Sunoo your hair! it looks great, I am jealous." Y/n whines playful pout resting upon her lips as she admires the boy's dark red hair. " Wonyoung dyed hers blonde! I’ve heard that's Jungwon a type." Sunoo whispers. Y/n sighed she had been wanting to dye her hair for ages but her mother would kill her if she ever put color anywhere near her hair. People like Sunoo and Wonyoung were very lucky. Y/n watches as said girl talks to Jungwon with her doll-like smile and flowing blonde locks.
" Do you think I would look good blonde?" The girl asks looking back at Sunghoon. "Of course not!" earning an eye roll from y/n and a smack on the arm from Sunoo that leaves him softly rubbing at the area. “ow.”
" You'd look beautiful with any hair color y/n don't let this fool give you any advice. He once got bleach and dye mixed up and almost went bald!" Sunoo laughs.
" I'm starting to think all the bleach went to his brain." Sunoo adds grabbing his notebook from his book bag.
" Hey! My scores are pretty good in my opinion." Sunghoon argues. " Doing good on the exam is one thing but remembering the information is another Hoon." Sunoo replies.
“ yeah well, I don’t see you offering tutoring sunshine.”
“ as if I’d waste my time tutoring you.”
" Will you two quit flirting in front of me please it's disgusting." Y/n sighs turning her attention back to the cat-eyed boy in front of her. Completely missing the way both of her friend's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
" Yeah well, why don't you wipe the drool off of your lip and pay attention for once?"
" Yang Jungwon is far more entertaining than whatever Mr.Lee is teaching." Y/n responds her smile growing as she rests her chin in her hands. Of course, you should be paying attention to the lesson since your English grade was a bit low for your parents liking but you’d rather spend your time studying jungwons face than studying the English language.
" Y/n L/n."
The girl snaps out of her trance eyes widening. All eyes shifted towards her. "Please come write the sentence that Wonyoung Just read!" Mr.Les says gesturing towards the freshly wiped chalkboard. Slowly standing from her seat y/n timidly makes her way to the board.
I lost everything, I became a monster that can't die, but now I know what I have to do, Follow the blood token...
The girl freezes what was the last word again she thinks to herself trying to recite the poem in her head again,
how do you even spell that word is it an F or Ph....
English is stupid.
"Fate," says an unfamiliar voice. The chalk is removed from her hands as the unfamiliar male finishes the sentence. Y/n looks up at the boy silently thanking him with her eyes. The boy smiles before turning to face the class.
" he's handsome" "Is he the new transfer from Japan?" " how's he so tall?" I heard he's good at basketball... even better than Lee Heeseung " "No one is better than Lee Heeseung"
" Everyone let's quiet down and give our new student a chance to introduce himself. Y/n you may return to your seat." Mr.Lee says. the girl quickly made her way back to her desk dusting the chalk off of her hands.
" Hello everyone my name is Nishimura Riki, you can all call me Ni-ki, I'm from Japan, and I like sports." The male— Ni-ki informs, the class once again breaking out into small conversations as the male walks to the only empty seat which happens to be right behind y/n.
The boy softly tapping the girl's shoulder to get her attention. "Fate," the boy says once again, showing the word engraved cover of his journal. " Guess I got lucky." he smiles earning a small chuckle from the girl. Completely unaware of the pair of eyes that were lingering on the two.
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A/N ; short first chapter i’ll try to make the next ones longer! I just wanted to get the introduction out of the way. Please let me know if you see and spelling errors, or the name soojin anywhere this was originally an x OC! || next update may take a while i just go a surgery done and the medicine makes me very sleepy
masterlist . next
Taglist Status : open
©KSNFANGZ. please do not plagiarise, repost, copy or translate any of my works without permission!
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mandomaterial · 1 year
hey there! I was wondering if you can do a reader who has bright red hair? I'm talking about full blown reeeeeeeed hair.
Like, the reader visits the sully family along side norm and max, tonowari sees reader and is very intrigued by her hair? Bonus if she has freckles! Thank you! I love reading your work! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Ofc my dear snickerdoodle, im sorry this took me so longgggg… sorry if it feels rushed? And i think he’s a little occ… i guess it’s got mor of a “young Tonowari” vibe :3
Tonowari with a redhead
- it was a relatively regular visit for Max and Norm, that they scheduled a couple times a year, but for you? Oh, this was your very first time out of the forest and you were almost bursting with excitement! You had begged and begged them to let you come as well and finally, they let you, even if they were a little hesitant, you didn’t look quite like the standard human and they were quite nervous about the Na’vi’s reaction.
- The anomaly you had? Fire red hair! Your hair was something you’d always been proud of, you could say that you’d always seen the world differently and that the world always saw you differently. No one you knew had hair as vibrant as yours so you always deemed yourself a little more special amongst other kids or teens, some of them had different opinions about your hair, and more than a few times you got asked if you dyed it, some older people also shamed you for it sometimes, telling you that it was unnatural, the color of the devil and that you should dye it black or brown.
- those words and opinions definitely hurt sometimes but you never even considered changing your hair, it would go against everything your parents taught you and against everything you believed. So when you joined the avatar program, you were quite nervous about your team's reaction, but luckily Grace was there. She had red hair just like you and she made sure no one ever even dreamed of mocking her for it!
- but back to present events, you were sitting in the back of the heli, fiddling with your hair as you gazed at the astonishing scenery of the ocean, waves crashing and Ilu jumping over them. Just then you heard Norm yell “We’re almost there, get ready”
- And there it was, the island collection that formed Awa’atlu. Truly a sight to be seen. The landing went over quite smoothly and soon enough you were greeted by the Sully’s, getting bombarded by bear hugs from everyone, even little Tuk that wasn’t so little anymore.
- but even if the people had already seen humans, all eyes seemed to be glued to you. It made you a little uncomfortable but you couldn’t blame them, surely they hadn’t seen anyone with hair like yours. And natural to be interested in something new. but there was one pair of sticking blue eyes that didn’t seem to want to let go, even after all the commotion had settled.
- Kiri showed you to the guest tent that you’d be staying at and all the while she complimented your hair and asked all types of questions, it really made you happy that someone liked your hair this much! But because the two of you talked so much, Kiri totally forgot about what she was supposed to tell you about dinner!
- It was already dark and your stomach was already growling like the one of a starved animal, maybe they didn’t eat dinner? No way, maybe they all eat by themselves? Yea, that’s probably it. Thinking about it like that made you quite sad, no one was thinking of you.
- you decided that it was best to go for a little walk, maybe you’d be able to find some fruit or something. Opening the flap and finding our way to the beach was easy enough so now all you had to do was walk around.
- your bare feet carried you along the shore, sometimes dipping into the water, whilst keeping an eye out for something to eat. The village was already fleeting from sight as you reached the more rocky parts of the beach.
- but it seemed that you weren’t alone anymore, just a few meters in front of you, sat the strong and mighty leader of the Metkayina, Tonowari. He was leaning against a pretty large boulder, looking out to the wild sea. Not sure if you should approach him, you decided that you’d just sneak past him.
- unfortunately for you, the sand crunched under your small feet and of course Tonowari noticed you, but he understood that if you didn’t want to be noticed, then he wouldn’t react, so he just kept on looking forward.
- a relieved sigh left your lips when you successfully snuck past, and as you looked at your surroundings, there you saw it. A large tree, perched on a large boulder that bore wonderful looking, juicy, round, blue fruit.
- You couldn’t stop a little gasp from slipping and you knew that you had to try and get a few! So with a rumbling stomach, you hiked up your let between a little crevice in the rock, grabbed onto a few ragged edges, and pulled yourself up. Truth be told, it wasn’t that easy, you had to change positions a bunch of times and had to really manifest your muscles to even attempt to pull yourself up.
- but in the end, you stood atop the boulder, now facing another problem, why was this tree so tall?!? Slowly the frustration was getting to you but you paid it no matter. You wrapped your fingers around edges and cracks in the bark and tried to scale up the dark brown trunk. To say the least, this was raven harder than the boulder. You slipped and fell more times than you could count but you were determined to not let this stupid old tree get the batter of you! Another reason was that your poor stomach was still growling and grumbling, pushing you to try even harder. It felt like hours had passed and you’d still made barely any progress, only ever getting halfway up before gravity pulled you back down.
- All the while Tonowari kept watching you, he’d snuck closer after just a few minutes and decided to observe you. You were truly a strange being, the first one he’d ever seen with hair like yours, red as the flames that illuminated the shore by night. The day you arrived, you’d captured his interest instantly and he’d thought about how to talk to you ever since.
- as he continued to watch, he noticed that you got higher and higher and soon he’d started to worry about you falling, so he silently made his way up the rock and waited right next to the tree. Not a second later your fingers grazed the fruit, snatching one piece after the other and letting it fall to the ground to keep your hands free, but what you didn’t notice, was that the fruit never came in contact with the ground, instead, Tonowari kept catching them with ease, resting them in the crook of his arm.
- your hand reached up to pick one last piece, when suddenly your feet lost their grip on the little boom in the bark and your fingers slid off the branch you were holding onto, earning yourself more than a couple splinters. In the first few seconds you were falling, your mind started racing, panic flooding your system in fear of getting hurt. You slammed your eyes shut and curled together, hoping to lessen the impact, but it never came.
- instead, you felt something firm yet strong hold you in mid-air, a quick look of confusion washing over your face before you opened your eyes when you heard a little chuckle. You let one of your eyes crack open and what you saw absolutely baffled you, the utterly handsome clan leader of the Metkayina? Seriously? It took a second for you to realize that he was holding you with one arm, his biceps pressed against your back and his wrist under your butt, before your face turned pink, almost the same color as your hair. You wiggled and squirmed, trying to get out of his hold but his hold on you was tight. So with only one option left, you looked up at him “Please let me go?” it came out as more of a question.
- Tonowari shot you a sly grin but gently placed you on the ground nonetheless, keeping his eyes on you. “Thank goodness you didn’t fall, huh?” He tried making conversation as he held out a piece of fruit to you. Your hand, small in comparison to his, gently grasped the fruit, slowly piling one piece after the other until your arms were full, “How’d you catch me anyway?” “Well, when you snuck past me I got curious, you can’t blame me for following such a pretty girl as yourself, can you?” Your face got impossibly redder. He thought you were pretty?
- “Come along, you must be tired” he instructed calmly even though he was clearly smirking on the inside thinking about how he still had his charm going. Of course, you followed the tall blue man as he let you to the water, your feet putter pattering against the sand as you took twice as many steps as he did.
- the two of you sat down, you crossed your legs, and placed all of your loot on your lap. You lifted one up, holding it in front of your eyes, looking at the texture. It seemed rough and thick, how were you supposed to eat this? Just bite into it right? You opened your mouth, just about to sink your teeth into the flesh when a large blue hand suddenly snatched it out of yours.
- “Whoa there, you shouldn’t eat the outside shell, look” he pressed the fruit between his thumbs, and with one hefty crack he split it open, the inside was a gentle pink color and the texture reminded you of a mango. Amazement struck your face and you wanted to try opening one too, it looked so easy! Albeit the fruit was a lot larger in your hands than in his, you held a second one just like he did, pressing your thumbs to it and pushing with all your might, but nothing happened. You tried again but again, nothing. Tonowari couldn’t help but let a little chuckle slip, hearing this you felt a little dejected and embarrassed, turning to face the other way.
- Tonowari instantly stopped laughing and got a guilty look plastered on his face “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” he reached over and took the unopened fruit from you and replaced it with the two open halves. “Please try it, tastes great” You gave him a little nod and took a generous bite. Your eyes lit up, millions of sparkles shimmering across your irises, showing Tonowari just what he needed to know, you liked it. As you continued eating, his eyes haven’t once left you, he was so curious about you, you looked so different, like straight out of a fairytale where you were the gorgeous heroine.
- he was so curious as to why you looked like that, and the closer he looked, the more he noticed, you also had little spots covering your nose and cheeks, quite like his own, but these didn’t seem to glow. Were they different? Or were you perhaps sick? Concern washed over his face at the thought of you being ill. So with a worried tone in his voice, he asked “Do you feel ill?”
- you shot him a confused glance wondering what he meant because as far as you knew, you weren’t sick at all. You shook your head and mumbled “No, do I look sick?” you asked worriedly. “No, not necessarily, but your spots aren’t glowing,” he said as he gently treated his finger over your nose and along your cheek. You weren’t expecting this at all, so of course you turned cherry red not a second later.
- you started to giggle at the misunderstanding, he thought that your freckles were the same as his bioluminescent spots! Tonowari flopped his head to the side, not quite getting what you were laughing at until you finally started explaining. You told him that you were born with these spots and that they were called freckles. You explained that throughout the year the number of freckles changes, in summer you get more because essentially they’re just little spots that are made from melanin, that gets visible if you come in contact with a lot of sunshine.
- he seemed quite interested and asked further questions about your freckles and your hair, he asked if you’d also been born with your almost magical-looking hair and you confirmed. The two of you talked for hours upon hours, and every second you spent with him, you felt your attraction to the man grow as well. Little did you know that Tonowari also seemed to gain more and more interest for you.
- but as everything good, it had to come to an end. You started yawning and you were barely able to keep your eyes from closing, so you thought that resting your head a little on the sand would be a good idea, just for a few minutes. All the while Tonowari was telling you a story about his childhood and teen years when he noticed that you stopped responding. He looked over to you, checking if everything was alright when he heard the tiniest of snores leave your plush lips. He couldn’t help but let a little giggle slip, without even thinking, one of his hands reached over and gently brushed a few loose strands of red hair out of your face and behind your ear. He thought that your red hair suited you all too well.
- he didn’t want to wake you again, as you had had enough of action for today, so he shuffled over and kneeled next to you, his eyes wandered over your sleeping form for a moment before he gently slipped his hands under your back and the bend of your knees, picking you up just a second later, it surprised him how small you were, he towered over you and he could easily carry you with one arm, that made his pride swell a little, being as strong as he is.
- The people of the village were long asleep, everything silent and almost pitch black, only the stars helped aluminate his path. He walked over to your hut and placed you inside, wishing you nice dreams.
- Bonus headcanons
- The next day he asks if he can braid your hair and ofc you say yes. He sits you in front of him and starts braiding. He defiantly isn’t used to braiding such thin hair but he makes do with what he’s got, he wants to impress you after all.
- it takes a bit but soon enough your hair is done up beautifully with shells and pearls braided into it. You are in total awe and ask him to teach you next time. Since then he starts collecting and making hair accessories that have a nice contrast to your unusual hair color, along with a few necklaces and bracelets of course.
- You often got stared at by the people, which wasn’t new to you, but whenever you were with Tonowari, they certainly minded their business more.
- and since your first encounter, Tonowari makes sure that you have lots of snacks and drinks starched in your hut if you ever miss communal meal times, or forget to get anything door yourself, but soon enough you start bringing your snacks to him and eating them together. Whenever the two of you eat together Tonowari feels like he’s on cloud 9, absolutely elated and almost vibrating with excitement!
- whenever you go for a swim it's very easy to spot you because of your hair and if Tonowari has time, he’ll always join in. He also shows you his skimwing and offers you a ride, which you gladly accept.
- turns out, heights and speed were super fun but diving under and feeling water crash into your face and up your nose isn’t so much to your liking, o you decide to stick with the ilu.
- all in all, you had a great time with the Metkayina, especially with their leader and you absolutely cry when you have to leave. Tonowari is also quite upset because he grew so fond of you in such a short time and now you’re just being ripped away from him. He makes you promise that you’ll visit again soon, and that promise turns into a monthly visit that gradually gets longer and longer.
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 18
oh no depending on what exactly the Angel’s motivations and allegiances are this conversation between her and Camilla could go very differently. and oooh i don’t know if its mentioned before but is Cam wearing her sunglasses in this scene, because i wonder if Cam tripping into the Angel is actually Palamedes doing his whole psychometry thing 
and it is Palamedes!! whaaat the fuck is he doing talking to Angel about necromancy, i really hope he has some kind of plan right now
and also something strange is up with Noodle, is he like trained to detect necromancers or something? i really hope Noodle doesn’t start hating Nona at some point, that would be horrifically sad 
and there’s some discussion of a mysterious implant that the Angel has in her body, one that Palamedes is very invested in knowing about … no clue whats going on there. some kind of BoE military information maybe??
i’m very glad that Palamedes is acknowledging that Nona is perfectly capable of making her own decisions here 
‘you became my enemy in the last five minutes’ and now this situation just went from bad to worse, of everything i thought that these guys had to worry about it wasn’t Nona’s school-teacher throwing hands with them
ohhh fuck Nona’s whole ‘popping’ bad headache is her getting shot in the head, isn’t it
and all that mentioned inter-organisational conflict within BoE is finally rearing its head. ngl i think i understand whats going on with the protocol and internal conflicts of BoE even less than i did the necromancy in GtN. and apparently no-one in BoE can communicate, given they had no idea that an integral part of their Lyctor project was being taught by another very important member of their organisation. also a very small detail, but confirmation that the Building is actually some kind of BoE safe house 
and thank god that Cam and Pal also aren’t actually dead, this chapter is giving me a fucking heart attack
oh damn i was not expecting someone with the name ‘Our Lady of the Passion’ to look cool
omfg i cannot believe that BoE thought that Nona’s truly terrible pretend radio call was real
also i totally forgot Hot Sauce basically disappeared after Nona got shot. either she’s dead or she’s got to have realised about Nona, and i don’t know which one is going to hurt more 
‘Nona vaguely made a note to practise scowling, and also dye her hair’ focusing on women they’re attracted to in the worse possible situations, Nona your inner Gideon is showing. also in the vein of every teenagers existential crisis, Nona wants to change up her hair 
Nona going to find Hot Sauce through the building, and them just holding eachother through the gunfire, is probably the tensest/most horror-like passage i think there’s been since GtN. 
and the worrying description of Hot Sauce drawing her gun seems to be coming very soon. there’s really a lot of emphasis on it in this passage, and i have a bad feeling Hot Sauce is going to shoot Nona 
‘Nona was sorry for the bean experiment’ rip the bean experiments, we hardly knew ye 
and there it is, Hot Sauce shooting Nona dead in the temple. poor Nona’s getting shot an awful lot today. even though Nona’s obviously going to be okay physically, on an emotional level i really don’t think their relationship can come back from this
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
Maybe some abi/nick/jacob(which I am now calling furblygstos) getting together post-game? 👉👈
🌦️ somehow I was captivated by the most unlikely pairing (abijake) in the trio. here it is! Also it kind of got out of control. it's a 1.3k monster of a ficlet and Nick’s barely here
There were messages in Jacob’s phone, from the one and only Abigail Blyg.
The idea was so, so daunting just in itself. What could Abi have to say to him? Kaitlyn and Nick were the only ones who had any words left for him, after he came clean, and it was still weird with Nick. Though, Kait had assured him that Nick was just ‘like that’ now, which he really didn't know what to say to, and he had no clue how to broach the subject with Nick himself, so he never did.
It took him a week to open them because it was just so easy to put it off.
ABIGAIL: i forgive you
i’m sorry that was out of nowhere. i know we weren't the closest at camp but
i don't know. sorry
do you want to meet?
That was… weirdly reassuring, but also weirdly threatening.
JACOB: Hey ‼️💯 Sorry for late reply haha football practice is crazy 🔥🏈😩
That was believable… right?
JACOB: Let's do it‼️‼️‼️ Are u still in NY area⁉️
That was how Jacob ended up trying boba for the first time. Abi had ordered a purple drink, matching the new purple dye in her hair (complimenting it was the first thing Jacob had said to her, even before ‘hello’, because it really did suit her) and advised Jacob to get the same, when she saw him floundering over his order.
He watched her get the straw in in one precise shot, and then proceeded to get his drink all over the table and rip the lid when he tried. She laughed, tried to stop herself when she realised Jacob could hear, and then laughed tentatively louder when she saw him laughing too.
Abi tapped her short, painted nails against her drink and finally came to why she wanted to meet, “I just— I feel so bad for you. I feel so guilty for so many things that happened and we all did things but you're the one who's getting all the heat.”
Crumpling up the wet napkins into a ball, Jacob quickly asked, “Wait— guilty for what? You didn't do anything wrong?”
Abi took a deep drink from her straw. “I looked Nick in the eyes and shot him. He lived, but I didn't know he was going to. All you did was try to get one more night at camp. Half of us wanted that. Your intentions were a lot purer than mine.”
Jacob’s internal response to that was a jumbled mess of emotions. He'd heard the story, in full detail, from Kaitlyn. Even to him that was a clear case of self-defence. He had come to terms with, kind of, his own share of guilt, because even if he didn't mean it like that, it was still a whole ordeal. “Okay, no. A: my intentions were not pure, they were ‘ignore Emma breaking up with me’. 2: literally self-defence, dude. Sorry, I shouldn't call girls ‘dude’. Anyways, it was definitely self-defence. Kaitlyn told me everything, about how the—” his eyes darted around— “thing was making Nick go psycho.”
Jacob realised that he was thinking about Nick a little too hard while saying that, and ended up copying the ‘A’ and ‘2’ thing Nick had said to him that night.
Abi lightly chewed on the plastic of her straw. Jacob watched it catch on her lower lip. “Thank you. I guess if Nick’s friend tells me it's okay, then that's the second best source.”
“Dude— sorry, uh, girl— Nick doesn't even remember. No harm, no foul. He holds literally nothing against you.”
Abi gave him a wide-eyed look. “He told you that?”
Shit, was he supposed to tell her that? “Um, yeah.”
“Huh,” Abi said, and Jacob took a sip of his drink in the ensuing pause. It was really sweet but pretty good. “You're over Emma then?” she asked, and Jacob choked, and what the fuck, he had forgotten there were those balls in the drink.
Abi yelped. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” she said, throwing more napkins at him, “I just— you mentioned the Emma thing so casually and I— sorry.”
Jacob cleaned himself up again, cringing a little at today’s clumsy streak, “Um, you're fine. Yeah. It's been nearly a year now. Plus, she really drilled it into me after.”
She snorted. “I heard.”
“Hey!” he exclaimed with no real anger.
Conversation came strangely easy after that. It was nice. He wondered why he hadn't talked to Abi more at camp.
Long after they finished drinking, Jacob felt a pang of hunger.
“Hey, do you want to get something to eat?”
Abi looked at him with an indiscernible expression for a reason Jacob didn't understand, and then just said, “Okay.”
Jacob got a chicken burger, and Abi got some vegan chicken fingers. Jacob laughed at how much ranch Abi used and she smiled at him picking the onion out of his burger. She told him about her art, when he asked, and then she asked him about his football practice. He had to hold himself back from admitting that it hadn't been that crazy, and he had just been making excuses.
In the end, Jacob was left holding a receipt with a drawing of him on it, dizzied by the realisation that his time spent with Abi had felt like the best date he'd ever had, when it wasn't even supposed to be one.
It was okay to ask his ex-girlfriend’s friend on a date, right? She had said they were only a summer fling, after all. Was it okay to ask his friend's ex-situationship on a date, too? It was coming up on a year since, and Nick avoided the topic like the plague, so it was probably fine. He hoped it was, because he was going to do it.
On their fifth date, a quiet night in watching a movie, Abi brought up Nick. It all came spilling out of Jacob all at once.
“I know exactly what you mean, Abs. Whenever I talk to him, hang out with him, whatever, it's just so weird. I’ve never had a guy friendship like this before— um, wait, other than Tyler in sixth grade— it just feels like we're staring at each other the whole time. I just don't get it.”
Abi looked fascinated. “I really don't think we're on the same lines here but— Go on?”
“About what?”
“Nick— Tyler?”
“You're a girl, but it's like when you and your bro have that close friendship that just feels weird, right? Like you get kinda nervous and sick when you hang out with him. Do girls ever get that too, like with other girls?”
Abi had that wide-eyed look again. “Some girls do. I have— but Jake, that's because I’m bisexual.”
Oh, shit. “Oh, shit. Sorry, uh,” Jacob stammered out, needing time to think about this. “What was your thing about him?”
A bad deflection, but Abi took it in stride, “Oh. Uh, I kinda still like him— not, um, that I'd ever do anything! I know we aren't like, together-together but I'm not— I’m not a cheater. Um, I kinda like him but my feelings are so weird. That night weirdly made me, um, like him more but also made me feel sick over him. I’ve worked through my feelings with therapy, we all did after that court mandate thing, but some things just stay stuck together. Anyways, Nick is weird and I’m weird, um, sorry for rambling.”
“Don't say sorry—”
“Sorry,” Abi cut in, and Jacob couldn't help but smile.
“Don't say sorry,” he repeated, and took Abi’s hand, “I get it. Turns out we both have weird Nick feelings.”
Jacob was proud of himself for his emotional maturity, as his therapist called it. He didn't even get jealous over the Nick thing!
“Don't tell Nick?” Abi murmured.
“Only if it goes both ways,” Jacob joked, serious in sentiment. Abi nodded and shifted closer to him on the couch.
They changed their mind in a few months.
Then, Nick was waiting for them, all perfect curls and doe-eyed, outside the same boba shop. Abi and Jake approached him as a unit, and hoped they wouldn't scare him off.
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canon-vi · 9 months
While Rozka doesn’t know how to draw guys, I don’t know how to create them, we’ll learn... probably—
Name: Drake
Age: 17-18
Height: 175
Birthday: 29.02 (February 29)
He dyes his hair black, his natural hair color is white
He takes sedatives, which is why he often walks around sleepy
He goes to church every Sunday, although he doesn’t believe in God, he still feels better after praying
On Lux's side, but not because he supports her, but because he's fucking afraid, and therefore does everything she asks
He remembers past timelines, but not all, but with a certain chance, he remembers a maximum of half
He is very easy to embarrass, seriously, one word can be enough for this
Wears headphones not so much to listen to music, but so as not to hear anyone
Braids his hair to calm down
Drake's attitude towards the others:
He scares me, I don’t know how it’s possible to stay next to him for more than 10 seconds and still remain healthy and mentally normal, one look from him terrifies me...
Mom is very strong, because she spent the most time with this monster, seeing her beaten in itself is already like torture, but if I intercede, then there will only be more wounds...
I would still prefer that he be my father, no matter how terrible he is in this role, at least he doesn’t beat his and not only children... He doesn’t beat them, right??
Is she really the most beautiful woman? It’s just that it seems to me that there are more beautiful girls, for example there, mom, Lux... A... AaaaaAaaAaAAAAAAAA—!
This miss is probably the best person in this world... It seems to me, or is it she has positive aura, and not Mr. Dream?—
I miss him, the castle is very lonely and scary without him, and I never thanked him for his kindness... Oh, he has a bakery??—
Angst (alive):
He's crazy, he's fucking crazy! I don’t want to talk about him, I don’t want to be associated with him in any way.
He seriously pretends that we are not relatives... Okay, I can understand him... However, if I don’t want to be kicked out of the church, then I’d better play along with him
He really is a fearless masochist, since he goes with Lux and he loves her... I don’t understand him, she beats him, why is he okay with everything..? On the other hand, it’s not for me to judge, I also do everything like a fucking dog, haha
I just hope that today she won’t hit me or my brother, haha... Women are scary... I saw her talking to thin air, HELP!—
Khe— I mean... She's just a great friend to hang out with! Haha...
I can’t look him in the eye, I’m really ashamed in front of him, I think I don’t even have the right to talk to him...
She... Beautiful?— Well, all women are beautiful, there is no such thing as someone not being beautiful, well, some are just more beautiful, and some are less, right??—
. . . Women are weird... Do all girls like older guys or is that just her? I don’t want to say that I’m somehow against it, it’s just that she’s still so small, children grow up so fast??
Bonus! ( what if )
Ahah, I feel dangerous just from his gaze, he will definitely break my neck one day, I don’t know why, but he will break my neck even with his gaze!
She looks exactly like that miss... I just want to say thanks to her, I don't know what happened or why everything suddenly stopped, but thank you!
I hope that one day she will kill me before I kill her, ahah, what a fucking useless older brother I am, just a rat who only thinks about himself! ... Sorry...
Thanks to her, I learned prayers much faster than I could have imagined, haha— She’s strong... She’s my salvation from Callisto’s company, at least in church, thank you!
Her self-confidence can be envied, she is... Fearless... And brainless— Khe khe! Sorry.! Please don't hit!
I envy her... Lux is very kind and sweet to her... I wish they would pat me on the head instead of hitting me...
I don’t really know her, she’s with Pallete, I’m with Lux... ( take me away! )
E. L. A. by @anotherrosesthatfell
E. L. A. Artemis by @abloomingsunflower / @itzcherrybonbon
E. L. A. Sunshine and Soleil by @il1ketulipz
This bro really needs help—
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hellfirecvnt · 1 year
Y'know, I Knew a Guy Like You.
Pt. 1: "Meeting"
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Eddie x Y/N (but Y/N talks like Theo Von)
Author's note: I have no idea where this will go. I don't plan on making it smutty, but I've never been opposed to it. I'm going to reference Theo Von's stand up and also just general odd goings ons I've witnessed, caused, or been a part of as a borderline-trailer-trash woman of the deep south. Not everything I mention is true, but most of it is. 💀
I kinda want this story to be interactive, so feel free to submit suggestions and shit for them to get into.
Trigger Warnings: Drug Use!!! Drinking, General Bafoonery, Crime!
(The thing about Tom Cruise and the crack is true. I was in 5th grade with her, but it wasn't Tom Cruise, it was the Jonas Brothers. 💀)
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It's been about a week since you up and left your small hometown in the furthest corner of the bible belt you could stand to live in. You weren't really made for big cities, so you decide to cut halfway across the country and plant some new roots in Indiana.
You're not some fuckin' high roller, you didn't come out here with a job, let alone the ability to live somewhere by yourself. You met your now-roommate over two years ago at a Heart concert. Her name is Robin. The two of you made plans to move in together last spring and after a few failed attempts, Robin finally found a small house off to itself with two large bedrooms. She's been giving you time to get settled in, but now she's starting to pester you about coming out with her friends.
"Come on, you have to meet Steve at least," she clings to your arm, ever-comfortable after the years of sending letters back and forth as often as possible.
"Steve the one with the hair like a uh, like a fuckin' mess?"
"Yeah, that one."
"I don't about, Rob. It sounds like I might bully him probably." You shrug as if you feel genuinely sympathetic at the fact that you'll be mean to this person you've never met.
"That's all I do. Come out with us tonight, pleaseeeee!" Robin releases a pleading wail and much to her satisfaction, it works.
"Oh my god, fine! Lower your voice, dude. You're gonna get up both killed."
"What?" Robin furrows her brow.
"The not deer."
"Okay, I'm not doing this with you again." She stands and makes her way over to her room. "I'm gonna shower and get ready, don't bail on me."
"Like you bailed on me when I sent that turtle in the mail?"
"Y/N, it did not arrive alive. It was dead and wet." Robin's eyebrows upturn as she recalls opening the rancid package.
"Yeah, I didn't uh, didn't think of that..." Your voice trails off as you remember the day you placed a turtle into a box and mailed it to Robin. It was never alive, you found it dead. It never occurred to you that she believed it was supposed to be alive. "They told us in grade school that the police had to open incriminating packages and to not try to send our parent's methamphetamines in the mail to Tom Cruise because a girl in my town did that and her dad went to jail."
She stares at you in silence for a second.
"You thought the cops were gonna intercept your turtle?" Robin sighs.
"Yeah, thought the pigs would have to deal with it." You still don't plan to explain the full story to her.
Robin disappears to get ready and you finally decide to rise from the couch and get dressed. A few moments of staring into the mirror and you finally start to feel like your face belongs there. A new place and such a big move seem to have you a bit more on edge than usual. You make your way back to the living room you share with your friend and she emerges from her room just seconds later.
"You look great!" She beams.
"I fixed the stains in this shirt with a tie dye." You point to the spots that now blend into the grey and black dyes swirling your shirt.
"You fixed the stains with more stains."
"You're a smart lady, Rob. I like it." Your words make Robin blush. Though her feelings for you are platonic, she had a pretty big crush on you when you first met. The distance and meeting Vickie simmered it down into a casual friendship.
The two of you get into your car and she gives you directions to Steve's parent's house. Robin tells you about the pool and the huge living room. She mentions some friends from California are coming to visit and how you'll really like them.
"You said it was just the whore."
"He is not- well... okay, look. Please don't say that when we get here."
"It's not a bad thing to be a whore. Everybody got something, he got that."
"I think I regret doing this," She jokes.
"Me too," you smirk as you swing the door open and step out of the car.
The two of you walk into the large, well-kept abode and Steve meets you both in the foyer.
"Y/N, Steve." Robin introduces the two of you before running off to find the others.
"Hey! You're Robin's friend from-"
"Yeah, that one." You cut him off in the name of regional ambiguity.
"Well, everyone's this way." Steve starts through the foyer and into the living room that connects to the backyard via two large sliding glass doors. You look around for a moment, taking in the luxurious home. You're more used to a double wide on a dirt road at a dead end, but this was nice.
You become distracted by something hanging on the wall. Nancy and Robin are deep in conversation while Steve disappears into the kitchen. There are people outside, but you're not sure who they are, so you don't go exploring. You continue to stare intently at the frame on the wall.
"They're my grandad's war medals." Steve appears behind you suddenly, causing you to jump.
"I knew a guy back home that had some of these all over his wife beater. He'd pick up, like with his arms, any kid he could catch and threaten to chew on 'em."
"What?" Steve looks down at the beer in his hand he brought to offer you and wonders if you even need it.
"It was fine, he didn't have teeth anyway. Dunno what the fucker was on about, most days."
"What are you saying?" Steve squints his eyes as if it'll help him hear or understand you better.
"You promised you wouldn't do this!" Robin scolds you playfully from the couch. Nancy, who has yet to speak to you at all, stares with a certain hint of distaste.
"His name was Clayman. You think we'd call him Clay, but we all called him Man." You finish your story quickly and turn to face Robin. You notice a new person standing in the sliding doorway, though you aren't sure how long he's been there.
"Uh, Rob, are you smoking with us?" The curly-haired man gestures over his shoulder to the other strangers outside. Robin springs up from the couch, but quickly turns an apologetic look to Nancy.
"I'm sorry, Nance. Give me 20 minutes," she grins stupidly and turns to you. "Y/N, come on!" You don't hesitate to go where the drugs go, a gift and a curse. Or whatever.
"Whoa, man. Who's this?" A brightly dressed man with long, straight hair smiles and waves at you after asking.
"Guys, this is Y/N. We met at that concert in-"
"It was a good show- a really good one. A feature, if you will." You smile brightly, interrupting for continuity's sake. Hey, that's just the same joke as last time. You nod as you're listening to them introduce themselves. The brightly dressed man is Argyle, Johnathan is the quiet one, and the curly-haired guy is Eddie.
"We were just talking about if Bigfoot is real or not. What do you two think?" Argyle, less awkward than Johnathan and louder than Eddie, takes the floor.
"I'm not convinced." Robin states, flat out.
"Hell yeah, he's real. I knew a guy back home that used to disappear for weeks on end and when he came back he had an entire Hefty bag of hair. It was all the same hair. It all came from one guy."
"What if it came from a bunch of the same kind of animal?" Johnathan promptly pokes a hole in the theory.
"Man, you find an alpaca with that curl pattern, you call me."
"Well, what about when everyone was claiming they saw the ghost of that kid that god stomped to death by a deer?" Eddie asks, a little too casually.
"Hey dude, what the fuck?" You ask with a shocked smile, in disbelief at the blase manner he's mentioning this grisly death.
"He really did. They kept telling him to leave it alone," he explains.
"That definitely was not a deer." You straighten your posture as if something is about to happen.
"No!" Robin demands, but her yells fall on deaf ears.
"Then what was it?"
"A not deer."
"Don't get her started!" Robin.
"What's a 'not deer'?" Eddie squints.
"It's not a fuckin' deer, I'll tell you that right now."
"You are. You are telling us right now." Argyle nods as if he's taking in important information.
The group takes turns hitting and passing the large, skillfully rolled joint. You notice that the only person with a tolerance like yours is Eddie. Even Argyle and Johnathan tap out before it's over. Robin had gone back to chat with Nancy a while ago.
You and Eddie are so deep in conversation, you don't notice Argyle and Johnathan wander inside to take shots with Steve.
"I had a grandma once that did a whole spoonful of heroin and then backflipped in place. God rest her soul." You recall the events like it was yesterday. "Yeah, she died like, an hour later."
"Oh." Eddie is stunned silent by the last sentence.
"Happens to everybody, I guess." You say, causing Eddie to think you mean doing heroin and a back flip. "But it's fine because the trash fire that afternoon turned blue for five whole minutes and uncle David swore it was Granny. Y'know? And that's God."
"You don't really strike me as the religious type." Eddie's struggling with the urge to laugh and genuine concern for where you came from.
"Oh, buddy. I'm not. It's just ingrained in my mannerisms now. You don't hold that many rattle snakes and deny Christ. Except I do because I got bit several times. They swore I was the Devil, but I think I just shook them snakes too hard."
Eddie, though wildly confused by you and this "culture" you seem to be from, is infatuated. Every story, every anecdote. He likes to try to imagine where the story is going before you finish, because anything he imagines couldn't ever be off the wall enough to compare to what you actually say.
"Y/N, you ready to head out?" Robin appears in the sliding glass doorway and smiles. It's only now that you and Eddie realize you've been sitting here talking for a few hours. You say your goodbyes, careful to linger a little longer on Eddie as you walk out with Robin. The moment you're both in the car, she glances at you knowingly.
"Eddie looks like he enjoyed getting to know you." She smirks.
"Yeah, I like him. You're friends are really nice. He didn't even flinch when I told him about Granny."
"... You should.... You should stop telling people about your Granny."
"So, the whole metal head thing is doing it for ya, huh?" Robin beams as she returns the conversation to Eddie.
"Yeah, I like my men kinda ugly. Like I like a dude that looks like a balled up napkin. I want the skrunkliest motherfucker I can find."
"Wow, incredible. And Eddie reads that way to you?" Robin can't wait to relay your description back to Steve and Eddie.
"A real dime, I thought." You smile pleasantly. "When are we all getting together again?"
"As soon as you stop telling people about 'not deer.'"
"You have got to stop dimming my light, Robin. I swear to God."
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boydepartment · 2 years
Pizza Parlor- Lee Felix: Chapter 3.5
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Description: Y/n is a stressed-out college student who has no idea what she is doing with her life. She is always wrapped up in nostalgia and her friends seem to know exactly what they're doing. Feeling insecure one night she decides to go on an old website. Club Penguin. Little does she know; she would encounter a certain penguin who was also having a rough night.
Stray Kids are idols, TXT is not.
Partial smau, mainly written.
Warnings for chapter 3.5: Felix’s POV, cursing.
WC- 400??? back next
Song for Chapter 3.5: Troublemaker (feat. Flo Rida) – Olly Murs
After the call Felix walked back to the practice room, he felt giddy. He almost had a little bounce in his step. He was always happy to help a friend in need. Felix couldn’t help replaying when she called him, “baby.” Maybe it was just because he hadn’t had that kind of affection from anyone but his members for the past 4-5 years.
                “Someone is happy.” Seungmin commented. This led to everyone looking at him.
                “What no… I mean yes, I am just so excited to dye my hair tomorrow.” He laughed nervously. Han looked at him with a funny look.
                “At least YOU are excited for the grey hair dye, I wanted blue again but noOooo. I have to go from grey to blond again.” Han laid out on the floor; Chan then got everyone back on topic.
Around the end of practice, Felix’s phone started blowing up. He practically sprinted to it and unlocked his phone.
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                “You have to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Felix practically whisper-yelled at his phone. He genuinely thought he was in the clear here. What the hell was he supposed to do?? He can’t just TELL y/n he’s THE LEE FELIX. What if she sold him out? I mean yeah, she is so sweet and kind, but he only JUST called her. Maybe he should just delete his existence. That is such a good idea.
Felix went to go to the delete account button, but he stopped himself. He didn’t want this. Felix found himself trying to press it but physically couldn’t make himself. Okay wait, she doesn’t HAVE to know it’s him, people have weird doppelgangers all the time. Okay wait what if he like, made her stop liking them. Okay good plan, good plan.
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Felix gave himself a little pat on the back, he really secured this! Packing up his stuff he started heading to the vending machine to get a drink. He was so excited to get home now. He was about pick a drink when someone walked up behind him. "Hey have you been feeling okay mate?" Felix looked up and saw Chan. "Oh yeah! I am doing great! I am just excited to get home and relax yaknow?" Felix said and finally picked a drink. "Is there like a new game out or something?" Chan put his card in to get a drink too. "Nah." Felix smiled to himself, "I have been playing an old game recently though and the community got revived so I guess I have been excited about that. The one Han and I played together a little while ago." Chan let out a hum and picked up his drink, "alright man, have fun!" Felix ended up leaving the JYP building with an actual spring in his step.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taglist: @bloofairyfox @yellowroses-world @g4m3girl Taglist is always open :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors note: OKAY SO I DID POST TWICE TODAY!!!! I AM SORRY IF ITS ANNOYING EHEHHEHE before I post the next chapter I might write the rest of the "Falling in love with him" mini series I have. I will still keep on track though for chapter 4, I'll post that in like two days hehe. I still CANNOT believe I finished all my math for next week like thats insane. That really does mean more writing and watching movies for me :) I am trying to currently watch all the Harry Potter movies since I have already seen like every Marvel movie like 3 times. ANYWAYS this is getting really long! It is evening for me so rest up my dears or have a good day <3 hugs and kisses -jayjay
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moecartoons · 1 year
love how you draw hair do you have any headcanons when it comes to hair?
Jackie - I love so much about Jackie and her hair in canon. She cares a lot about it and doesn't let anyone mess with it. When she takes out her scrunchie, it's big and beautiful and by Inez's own words "cool." Not really to do with her hair but I love imagining/drawing her scrunchie as more bow/butterfly like than it is. I already like drawing her hairbun bigger than it is, but I really have to do to compensate for the bow, hahaha. Jackie definitely has the best hair of the main three and probably of anyone in the show. She takes great care and pride in it. It's like one of her many hobbies, her many passions. Her hair is a part of her identity. I hc she would never straighten her hair and the most, ig "extreme" thing she does with it is dye a stripe in it. I like to think as she gets older she gets more bold with hairstyles she tried. I'm still learning about hair with afro texture along with my own hair type so I love thinking about Jackie and her 'do.
Matt - Takes surprisingly good care of his hair. You don't get nice curls like his unless you at least try to upkeep. He really only takes care of his hair bc he feels bad when his mom has to help him, and he feels he looks weird if breaks the curls. He doesn't really care if his hair gets messed up, though. If it's windy or raining or he falls into some mud, well, then them's the breaks. He also really doesn't want anyone to know how much work he puts into his hair. At 11, he's still actively trying to avoid anything that makes him seem too "girly."
Inez - Her hair is naturally wavy, not curly, but wavy. She brushes it out and her mom will straighten her hair. They use protective sprays so it won't damage her hair. When it gets too humid it'll frizz, just like in the show. She straightens her hair just bc it makes it easier to maintain for her. Plus she likes the little outward flip her mom gives the ends of her hair.
Slider - Thick hair with volume but no real curls. He doesn't take care of it so it tends to get greasy, which actually gives it an appealing shine and shape. He's a lucky son of a gun because he'll get up and do nothing to it yet people swoon over it. The most he does is a frequent trim just so it doesn't go past his shoulder, which is why he has a bit of an awkward straight cut at the ends.
Creech - Yes, that's her natural color. I imagine her hair doesn't have real strands but is one mass on her head bc of the markings on it. It's like a doll with rubber hair but maybe much softer. She doesn't have to take care of it at all except for the occasional polish! It takes a lot of work to change her hairstyle which is why it's such a simple bob when she's little.
Shari - I'll be honest, I can't make heads or tails of her hair. They're probably supposed to be dreads or braids but it's so stylized it's almost impossible to see. Her bangs look flat, so it makes all the other strands feel flat to me. If she were borg [or, at least if I saw her as borg] I'd say they're computer ribbons. They're more than likely dreads or braids, though, which I think I've read are styles that can be worn a long time with low maintenance. Sounds perfect for the busy magic student!
Wicked - Big beautiful red hair and you better believe she takes good care of that shi. It has big waves, not curls, partly because they're being weighed down by the sheer amount of it. Her hair is surprisingly low maintenance, but there are days where even magic can't save it. I actually don't have a lot to say about her hair but... I'm love it... I'm love she. 🥺Oh, also the way I draw her bangs is inspired by Ariel, hahaha!
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry it took a while, I had a lot to say... If I didn't address someone you wanted to hear about feel free to send another ask with them aaa
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
Heyy, here for that matchup exchange!
A resident evil matchup would be pretty cool, and I’m fine with any gender.
So, first things first, I’m a trans dude that uses he/they pronouns. Sometimes I’ll wear more feminine clothes, but a lot of the time I’m just wearing whatever’s clean. My wardrobe consists mostly of silly t-shirts, the occasional dress shirt, band merch, and just plain black t-shirts. Oh, I own a lot of black clothes. It’s pretty much the only color I wear. I also almost always have a hoodie/sweatpants on too because I’m insecure about my arms and legs.
I have this habit where if something bad happens, I’ll just go quiet for a couple hours. I also get overwhelmed by life so my eyes get all wide and I look like I’m about to cry lol.
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That’s what I look like 😭
Anyways, I also have pretty bad depression/anxiety, but I’m fine as long as I take my medication.
Other than all that sad stuff, I’ve been told Im a pretty funny person. I enjoy seeing people smile and laugh because of my jokes. Sometimes im not trying to be funny, it’s just how I am. Like, when something starts to fall (or I think it’s gonna fall) I start to talk to it and maybe kinda yell at it. I also talk to myself a lot when I think im alone. Mostly things like reminding myself to do something or not to do something, but sometimes I’ll have full on conversations about how crazy I sound lol.
I really really like horror related stuff, so that’s something that doesn’t really bother me irl. Like, you could show me a picture of a pretty gruesome wound and I’d just be like “neato” or whatever. I also write—duh— and really like to read in my spare time.
As a lover im pretty affectionate (touch starvation for the win lol) and will bake or cook you anything you could ever want. You mention these cookies that seem really good? I’ve made them for you. You mention that your hungry? Five course meal has just been plated, sit and eat. Im also fiercely protective of people I care about. I won’t hesitate to hit a bitch if they’re being mean to my friends. On the topic of hitting people, it takes a lot to get me angry, and I’m apparently pretty scary when I’m mad. But, instead of arguing or making my anger known, I’ll just go to a room where it’s quiet and I can be alone to play music and calm myself down. I don’t like how I am when I’m angry because I get scared I’ll hurt someone.
Music is also a huge part of my life. I mostly listen to metal (it’s in brand for me if you’ve seen me irl lmao) but I have my guiltily pleasure songs. I also have a somewhat decent (?) singing voice. Idk man. I also dye and cut my hair compulsively because I think it looks cool. I may or may not do it in the middle of the night. I’ll never tell.
Uhh, I think that’s all? Thanks again and I’m sorry this is so long 😭
Bro you are relatable fr. Also thanks for doing this with me :D I love longer descriptions because they give me more to work off of!
== Resident Evil ==>
I match you up with…
Ashley Graham
Okay, I will admit, this is partially because of her skin in the RE4 remake. I won’t lie to you, bro. She’s definitely a scene/punk kid. 
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But! That aside, I think the two of you could be an absolute power couple. 
Ashley is most attracted to your loyalty and maturity. She admires that you stand up for what you believe in, including your friends and people you care for. She’s also relieved to know that you aren’t afraid to get physical, since the idea of hitting someone scares her. 
On that note, you’re kind of like her knight-in-shining-armor. You’ll handle anything and everything she can’t stand (ex blood, guts, gore, physical stuff), and she’ll cheer you on from the sidelines. 
And she’ll shower you with kisses and hugs later. She calls your her prince/knight. 
She’s a very affectionate person, and she never hesitates to hug you or call you a cute name. In fact, she finds it delightful that she can be that cheesy around you. She loves that she can be herself around you. 
The two of you are also menaces when it comes to cracking jokes and puns. She’s there to pick up on your gags, and she throws them right back at you. The two of you even spend time together just baking and giggling about nothing important. 
She loves watching you cook and bake. She’ll just sit on the counter and observe you, and sneak in a kiss or two while you’re busy. Especially when you’re busy. You’ve burnt a bit of food because of this. 
Ashley is also a huge fan of music. She’s into pop and indie music, but also rock and, once you introduce her to it, metal. She likes how loud and powerful it feels. 
Ashley will absolutely help you dye and cut your hair - she does it all the time, too! She gets how sometimes emotions can be overwhelming, so you need to just do something expressive. She’ll add matching streaks in the both of your hair, and it's very cute. 
She also loves that the two of you can experiment with fashion together. She’s glad to have a partner who isn’t opposed to wearing some feminine clothing, or who isn’t afraid to express themselves through clothes like she does. 
Overall, you and Ashley are simply made for eachother. You compliment the best in one another everyday, and are a strong couple in my eyes. 
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year
ask game for Morgan and Aminah! #s 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, & 17
Morgan Wells:
7. Does your OC like their natural hair color or do they dye it? What styles do they prefer?
She likes her natural hair color! She prefers wearing it down and not keeping it too long, but she also likes wearing it in a ponytail.
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change?
She likes to think she’s pragmatic, and she tries to be, but she’s very sentimental really. She mostly tries to be pragmatic because that’s what Eowells wants from her, but also…she knows pragmatism is important as a hero. But she does often lean to the sentimental end of the scale anyway, she can't help it 😂
11. What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters? Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?
The power of friendship! Or, perhaps, the power of Team Flash’s friendship specifically 😂
13. How important are romantic relationships to your OC? Do they prefer casual sex, short flings, or long term relationships? Do they want to get married or are they content with what they have? Or do they have no interest in romance whatsoever?
Well, Morgan’s aroace, but even before she figures that out, she’s always preferred long-term relationships. Her relationship with James bloomed out of a friendship, after all! (And no matter what happens, they'll always have that strong friendship to lean back on).
She’s never had an opinion on the idea of marriage…until Caitlin gets her to realize that “oh, actually, maybe I don’t want to get married. And…maybe I don’t love James like that either.”
That said, she still has a lot of love to give…just not romantic love!
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
Tina’s house and STAR Labs hold the most fond memories for her…and she associates her childhood with them too. Also Mercury Labs to some degree, but…that’s never been home as much as Tina herself and Team Flash.
(And ofc Eowells’s house will never really be a home to her. Even just looking at it, it looks like a museum exhibition more than a house that people live in!)
17. Does your OC have an enemy? What happened between them? Is it mutual or one-sided? Is it petty or serious? Is one party seeking revenge? Does one person want the other dead or are they content to hate them from afar?
Hmm…not enemies exactly, but she’s not overly fond of Hartley Rathaway in s1. Mostly because she finds him snooty and arrogant…and he also reminds her a little bit of Eowells sometimes, but she tries very hard not to read into that. They do become allies eventually though!
She does face off against metas that she dislikes, but…nothing as personal as an enemy (at least…not yet. Amunet might earn that designation, since Sentry would not take kindly to human traffickers)
She and Jesse also have some animosity during s2. Jesse’s reasons for that are clear, but we haven’t gotten to Morgan’s reasons yet!
Aminah Hasan:
7. Does your OC like their natural hair color or do they dye it? What styles do they prefer?
She likes her natural hair color and usually wears her hair down or braided.
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change?
Sentimental! Born and raised that way. Her room has a few framed pictures: one with her whole family, one with her and Jesse, and one with her and her little brother, Adeel.
11. What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters? Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?
She’s a Muslim, so she’s monotheistic. She also believes in the power of love and friendship…and the power of a level head, as she tries to teach Jesse 😂
13. How important are romantic relationships to your OC? Do they prefer casual sex, short flings, or long term relationships? Do they want to get married or are they content with what they have? Or do they have no interest in romance whatsoever?
She hasn’t thought much about it, since she doesn’t have any current romantic interests, but definitely long-term relationships!
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
Her home, there’s no place like it. She adores her family more than anything 💞
17. Does your OC have an enemy? What happened between them? Is it mutual or one-sided? Is it petty or serious? Is one party seeking revenge? Does one person want the other dead or are they content to hate them from afar?
Aminah’s pretty diplomatic and is pretty good about staying out of trouble (she tries to keep Jesse out of it too, though Jesse’s recklessness sometimes gets the better of her anyway), so no, no enemies.
oc ask game!
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dearestones · 2 years
Death Note Matchup: Amane Misa #2
Warnings: Fluff. 
@repostingmyfavs Request: Hi! If you not to busy I have a request, could you match me up with a death note charecter. Their gender doesn’t matter to me, I have a crush on literally all the characters in the franchise so.
I am 5’3. I dye my hair all the time! Currently, I am sporting hot pink as a hair color. I have a green eyes. I’m very pale. I can’t even go in the sun without coming out with a huge sunburn. I wear these black glasses. I tend to always be blushing.
I am gender fluid and bisexual. I tend to have trouble picking out what to wear because sometimes I wanna dress feminine, sometimes masculine and sometimes even neither or both. So my style can really fluctuate.
Yellow is my favorite color. I love to read, write, play video games and even cosplay. I’ve been told my smile can light up the days of others, so I try to smile a lot.
I tend to hide my feelings so I’m not a burden. I am very bubbly and energetic but also quite anxious and sensitive. I am easily taken advantage of for my kindness.
I tend to look on the good side of things. I love to give hugs, and not to brag but I give the best hugs.
Thank you so much! Take your time and don’t forget to eat and rest!
After going through the information given, I believe that you pair well with Amane Misa!
Oh my gosh, you’re taller than Misa! You’re still petite and cute, but Misa likes looking up at you and squishing your cheeks to grab your attention. Furthermore, she loves your style! Pink hair? It looks so good on you and she must say, your lovely blushing cheeks matches your hair quite well.
Don’t worry about your sunburns. Once Misa finds out that you have sensitive skin, she will immediately go to the nearest dermatologist, pharmacy, or wherever just so she can get you some heavy duty sunblock. In the interest of preserving your skin and keeping you healthy, she also suggests a skincare routine. Don’t worry, she’ll take into account your interests and the time that you have available to complete your routine. At the end of the day, though, you will see results and your skin will start glowing with your inherent beauty!
She may not show it sometimes, Misa can be mischievous. If you’re not paying attention, she’ll snatch up your glasses and start wearing them for fun. She thinks your glasses are cute and fits your personality.
Genderfluid? Ohhhh! Misa doesn’t understand at first, but after you explain it to her, she will be jumping up and down for joy. While her entire life is dedicated to upholding traditional beauty standards, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like experimenting and embracing new ideas. When she realizes that you like to be more masculine or more feminine at times, she immediately gets to work dragging you to different stores and malls just so you can get your full range of outfits. Misa didn’t grow up with money so she knows how to get the best deals!
On those days where you can’t choose between different ranges of styles, Misa will be there to help you out. You might feel like she’s a fashion critic, but she means well. Regardless of how you want to present yourself, you will end up looking your best and fashionable. 
Misa doesn’t get the appeal of video games, but she enjoys watching you play. Sometimes, she’ll sit in your lap with her head tucked against your chest or she’ll lay her head on your lap. Be sure to pet her hair or pat her cheeks every once in a while because she adores physical affection.
What Misa really loves about your hobbies is your cosplays! Can the both of you do a couples cosplay? Or maybe a cosplay of both of your favorite characters? She’ll help you pack for conventions and do your makeup if you aren’t able. (Please let her do your makeup. She’s artistically inclined and being in an intimate position like touching your face and combing your hair is cathartic and comforting for her). 
Smile for Misa. She loves it. Don’t be surprised if you find out that her camera roll has dozens of pictures of you smiling. She claims that it brightens up her day. (If you check her social media accounts, you can see that she doesn’t post about you often and when you ask her, she’ll selfishly declare that it’s because she wants to keep your smile for herself). 
Please don’t hide your true feelings from her. If there’s one thing she’s learned from past relationships and from romance novels, it’s that partners should be earnest and true to each other. Repressing emotions isn’t always a bad thing, but if you don’t have the proper, healthy outlets, you might end up doing damage to yourself and others. You don’t have to tell her right away, only when you’re ready. Please trust her, she’ll make sure to support you the entire way. 
You give the hugs and she’ll give the kisses! And yes, Misa can and will confirm; you do, indeed, give the best hugs. 
In conclusion, the both of you are quite cute together! Just be sure to tell Misa if you’re feeling overwhelmed; she tends to get carried away if you don’t intervene. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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coffin-flop · 2 months
i'm still waiting for a new ao3 accnt and also i'm not even done the first chapter, but here's a 1,400 word preview of my Jennifer's Body fic, which takes place pretty much after the credits of the movie
Description: Needy has changed a lot ever since she killed her possessed best friend. But sometimes change can be good! For instance, most occult scholars don't know this, but if you're bitten by a demon, and you live, you just might absorb some of the demon's abilities... And it might also leave you possessed yourself.
Thank god that’s over, we look so scrumptious now! Needy shook away that incredibly random thought and wiped the steam from her bathroom mirror revealing her new look. Short, dark hair. Glasses gone. And while scrumptious was a weird word choice, she did look surprisingly good. And it wasn’t just the haircut; her eyes no longer red-rimmed, her skin smooth, lips plump. And to her horror, she felt good too. It was like her whole body was on vibrate. 
Get off it, Saint Needy. She heard, followed by an all too familiar, mocking laugh. The voice in her head continued, More like, get off on it. You know we’re looking scrumptious because of those morsels we had. I told you the singer would be the saltiest.
Closing her eyes, Needy focused on her breath. In through her nose, out through her mouth. She opened her eyes and looked anywhere but the mirror as she said out loud to herself, “Okay. I can see the sink. The weird brown dye on my hands. The ugly tile in this bathroom. The um toilet next to me.”
Oh come on, are you serious right now? Are you really using that hokey bullshit from the sanitarium? What, you think this is, a ‘trauma response’? A hallucination? You weren’t in a war, Needy, you just got bit by your possessed best friend.
“Shit. Fuck. Okay, the sink, my hands, the tile, and the toilet. That’s four. I can also see-”
Oh I like the mouth on this new Needy. But why don’t you include your dirty fucking cuticles? It is kind of hot how short those nails are, though. So butch. Time in the clink’ll do that to ya, huh? Still, we need a mani, bad.
“I can see my old blonde hair on the floor. Okay, I can feel my wet hair against my neck, it’s weird to feel the bottom of my hair on my neck. Um, I can feel the sink. And this scratchy, cheap t-shirt, and the cold tile beneath my feet.”
You didn’t mention back pain, seriously? Fuck, Needy, do you ever stretch? We should do some yoga instead of this bullshit. Oh, or maybe it’s ‘cause you use the wrong bra for your tits. We should go measure them.
“Perv!” Needy put a hand to her mouth to cover her lips. She couldn’t believe she answered the voice inside her head like it was really Jennifer.
I really am, you dipshit! And you don’t have to talk out loud, I can hear your thoughts! I’m in you, Needy. I am you.
“No. No. No you’re not. This is not real. Okay three things I can hear-”
Needy, stop denying it. Come on. I hated being in the back of your head, in your subconscious. I mean, I had so much control there. More than I expected. The hair color’s, familiar, yeah? My body was too pretty to cut my hair short, though. You? You’re perfect. Oh, we look so cute and hot and butch!
“Stop flirting with me inside my own head! It’s weird! And don’t call me butch. I’m not a lesbian, I had a boyfriend before you murdered him, you absolute bitch.”
Ouch! Harsh name calling. I’m sorry about Chip, okay? That was a bit dramatic. 
“Dramatic!” Needy gasped. 
Okay, calm it, Needy. I said I’m sorry. And I am! It was wrong, okay? I shouldn’t have killed him! I just wanted to get to you! And I didn’t even want to get to you, like kill you. I mean, if I knew this was a possibility? I would have angled for this a lot earlier.
“Jen! I wouldn’t have! I don’t like this! I want you out of my life and out of my body!”
Trust me, I know how much it sucks to have a demon possess you! And I’m not just saying that to be a supportive bestie, I literally know. Remember? But there’s good parts to it too.
Needy didn’t make the conscious decision, but she was looking at the mirror now, noticing how fucking gorgeous she looked. Scrumptious. 
No, I didn’t make you do that. That was your actual subconscious, because you know I’m right.
Needy briefly worried that she’d be paranoid that every one of her actions, and maybe her thoughts, would be controlled or swayed by her ex-best friend without her knowledge.
I’m not in here because I want to control you, Needy! That’s why I came forward, out of your subconscious! Because I don’t want to control you! Like it or not, I’m part of you now. And I want to be part of your life. I don’t want to be some scary entity that only pops out when I’m starving. I want this to be a partnership.
“No. No way, absolutely not. I’ll kill myself before I start killing boys.”
We can go for girls if that’s what you-
“Not what I meant!”
Well you already killed boys. And wasn’t it amazing? Remember the struggling in the tub? Oh my god. His fear tasted so good. I’ve never had it quite like that before. So pathetic! You, my dear Needy, are not pathetic, though! You have so much self control! I wanted to devour them whole! You took only samples of each of them. Little snacks.
“I’m not killing anybody else, and that’s final! I don’t want to be a killer! I’m not like you.”
Okay, fine, maybe you haven’t developed your taste for fear yet. But why are you pretending? Remember, I can hear your thoughts. I know you enjoyed yourself.
“Not all thoughts and feelings are things to live by, Jennifer! Sometimes, you have to consider what’s right! You lived your life like the world revolved around you, and I let you! But I won’t let you live my life that way!”
Is it self centered to get revenge for your best friend? To ensure devil worshipers who try to sacrifice teenage virgins don’t go on to do it again to boost their ticket sales?
“You’re manipulating me!”
I’m having a conversation with you, my best friend. God, Needy, I hate that you see me as this cunty villain. I mean, it is kind of hot. But also kind of hurtful. Remember the good times? Before all this demon shit?
“When I was trying to figure out this ‘demon shit’ on my own, and when I was in jail awaiting the trial and then the hospital, I had a lot of time to think. I don’t think the good times were all that good to me. You’ve always put me down, manipulated me.”
I think you’re looking back with demon-tinted glasses. And honestly, Needy, if I did do that stuff, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry! I fucked up a lot recently. With Chip, with… with you. I’m sorry. I probably fucked up before too, without even realizing it. No, I definitely did.
“Oh, Jen.” Needy felt her heart melt for half a second and then harden, even tougher than before. “I am not killing people. If that makes you hungry? I don’t care. If that starves you and you die? I still don’t care. You’re already dead, Jennifer.”
Okay. I understand. I think we should just enjoy the time we have together. 
“You're giving up way too easy.” Needy huffed. “If you can hear all of my thoughts, can I hear yours?”
What do you think Lesnicki?
“Fuck, Jen. What the fuck is going on?”
Honestly, we should just see if this motel gets hot water and take a nice long shower before jerking off to some skinemax and passing out. We can figure everything out tomorrow.
“That's so you,” Needy scoffed. “No way I'm letting you see me naked, perv!”
We're both girls. Needy looked down at herself, eyes slowly examining down her own body. It's nothing I haven't seen before.
“Ew!” Needy said, snapping her head up, looking straight ahead at the mirror. “I hate when you make my body do things without me thinking about them! Stop! Stop looking at me!”
Okay, fine. Let's keep our eyes closed in the shower?
“I'm showering in my bra and panties. They need to be washed anyway.”
Sick! I knew you were nasty, but come on, you know that doesn’t count as a real wash. 
“I'll let them dry out over the shower rod or something. It's not like we have a lot of options. We have limited funds. Nowhere we can go. Fuck, we're fucked.”
We'll figure it out. We just need sleep first. 
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demigodlunar · 7 months
Scars - Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - What’s Done on the Island, Stays on the Island
Calypso shivered when she got out of the airport in the Upper East Side of New York City. She pulled her coat closer to her body, zipping the zipper up to her chin. 
Winter in New York was extremely chilly, much colder than Calypso was used to, having lived in the Bahamas for all her life up till that point.
She shivered once again, but not from the cold. The mention of her old home in California brought back unwanted memories to Calypso. She never wanted to go back there ever again. The last thing Calypso needed was to make a bad impression on the people at her new high school by having random meltdowns in the middle of math class. 
Dragging along her small suitcase with her few belongings, Calypso made her way through the throng of people at the airport's entrance. Making her way to the help center a couple of streets down.
Her feet crunched in the snow as hauled herself and her baggage down the busy streets of the city. It was so much more… crowded here. Everywhere Calypso turned, there seemed to be hundreds of people around. The honking cabs and blinding lights of screens set up all around didn’t help to ease her sensitive ears.
Calypso stopped in front of the airport help center’s door and took in a deep breath, accidentally inhaling some flakes of snow. It was a pristine, little building, with a poster of “Hamilton” the musical plastered on the window.
Calypso smiled, she had always loved Broadway musicals, especially ones like Hamilton. They were crafted with such care, had good meanings, and were fun to just get down and dance to. She could still remember her excited 8th-grade self, jumping up and down, ready for high school. Their middle school didn’t have a Performing Arts Theatre, so she was ready to try out for the first musical that was announced in high school. 
That never happened. Not after that “episode”.
Before she got pulled into the memories of her early past, she heard a voice next to her, and almost jumped out of her skin with surprise. 
“Excuse me?” said the voice.
Calypso turned to look at the owner of the voice. It was a woman, maybe in her thirties. She was very beautiful, with light brown, blemish-free skin, chocolate brown eyes, and silky black hair done in a braid. The woman, Calypso noticed, also looked rather eccentric. She had on purple glasses, a tye-dye shirt, and brown knee-length shorts (which Calypso found crazy because of how cold it was, but that could just be her). 
When the woman realized that she caught Calypso’s attention, she smiled warmly.
“I was just asking if you wanted to come inside, honey,” she said, “You seemed pretty cold out here. Poor thing, you’re shivering!”
Calypso looked at her body and recognized that yes, she was, in fact, shivering, and the woman ushered her inside. She instantly felt a rush of heat when she entered, and her nose hit the nice aroma of hot cocoa. Her stomach grumbled.
“Oh, are you hungry? You must be, after that long flight!”
Calypso looked up, alarmed. How did this woman know she came on a flight?
The lady seemed to see Calypso’s shocked expression and amended herself, “I’m sorry for that, I just noticed your tan, which barely anyone who lives in NYC gets, so you must be from somewhere hot. Also, you have a suitcase honey, which means you either took the train, boat, or plane. But you look jet-lagged as well, so you must’ve taken the plane.”
Calypso’s jaw dropped. She was good.
The black-haired woman smiled sheepishly and then smacked her forehead.
“Oh dear me, I can’t believe my manners! My name is Iris, I run this center.” she said, spreading her arms out, “May I know your name, young lady?”
Now, Calypso had heard stories about people in New York and what they do to young children out on the streets. But this woman, Iris, was just so warm and likable that she couldn’t help it.
“Calypso Atlas,” she responded, flinching slightly at her last name.
From behind the counter, Iris procured one hot cocoa and a cookie and handed them to Calypso. Thanking her, she sipped on the hot drink, feeling warmth course through her body.
They talked for a bit, and Calypso told Iris that she was waiting for her new foster parents, who were supposed to take care of her.
She was told by the agency to wait here until her new family came to collect her. Calypso was supposed to wait until the… Borgerdors? No, Bancondorms? 
No, no, that wasn’t it. It was the… Beckendorf’s! Yes, the Beckendorf’s.
Calypso was supposed to wait until the Beckendorf’s came to take her to live with them. Oh, how she hoped they weren’t like her old foster family, always leaving her alone to go to some adults-only party or a bar or something like that.
That’s why she ran from them. That, and she couldn’t bear to stay there with the memories on every street, everywhere she turned. The agency sent her to this couple in New York, saying they were “more than worthy of the job”.
Well, Calypso would be the judge of that.
“So, where can I sit while waiting for them?” she asked.
Iris pointed to a corner with a bunch of soft, plushy looking sofas and pillows. There was a boy sleeping on a sofa there already.
“Clovis,” Iris said in a threatening tone, “No sleeping, you have a job to do.”
Clovis turned his head around and muttered something that sounded vaguely like ‘five more minutes’.
Calypso sunk down into one of the sofas and took out her phone, scrolling through her camera roll. She went from recent to oldest. Most of the pictures contained only her, maybe a few of her old friends. But then she stopped on a picture of her and another girl.
She was a year older than Calypso, with black hair in a braid and princess-like features. And in the picture, she had her tongue sticking out and one eye closed. 
Zoë. Her sister.
Before she could stop herself, Calypso started scrolling deeper and deeper into her past, and slowly she found she wasn’t in the real world anymore.
Calypso and Zoë had just come back from the mall. They didn’t buy anything but just dawdled around the stores. Pointing out things that were too expensive for something so unimpressive.
The eerie silence of the house made their laughter dissipate, and they stared around the kitchen in confusion. It was dark and seemed empty, but their father should have been home by now.
“Zoë, where is-” was all the Calypso managed to get out before she heard a peculiar noise.
It was a sound that she only heard a couple of times, in action movies: The safety of a gun releasing.
Calypso turned around slowly and saw their father pointing a gun right at her. It took all of her willpower to not scream. This was her father, he would not shoot them. He must have been testing them.
Atlas wasn’t a very paternal person, but he was not a murderer. 
Zoë looked back and forth between us and communicated something to me with a look. Go to your room while I distract him.
My mind was foggy, and I couldn’t understand what was going on. 
“Father,” Zoë said, and he swung the gun over to face her. 
Atlas had his eyes trained fiercely on Zoë, and so I inched towards the stairs, as she continued stalling him.
“What are you doing father? Put the gun down, we are your daughters.”
Calypso was almost at the stairs, but the word “we” triggered Atlas to wonder where his other daughter was. The gun was back on her, and she froze.
Atlas growled, “Don’t move, Calypso. You have no choice.”
Then he smiled creepily, “You better hope for a good afterlife… maybe you’ll meet your mother there.” 
Calypso closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, but opened it when she saw Zoë trying to wrestle the gun out of Atlas’s hands. It was over in a flash, and Atlas had the gun loaded and held against Zoë’s temple. She looked at Calypso and gave the silent message: Go.
She swallowed, and backed up, wishing desperately to do something for Zoë, but she knew it was too late. Even when she was barreling up the stairs, she knew it.
Calypso choked back a sob.
She stumbled at the top of the stairs, wondering just how many shots a person could take before they die.
Calypso shut her door and locked it, rushing to grab her phone. She dialed 911 in and called the number, hoping desperately for them to pick up faster.
“Hello, this the Bahama’s Poli-”
“My father murdered my sister, please come quick!” she whisper-yelled into the receiver, and gave them her address with rapid fire succession.
A bang at the door made her drop her phone, and she backed into the window. A thought suddenly occurred to her, and she slammed the window open, and hauled herself into the tree outside. 
Calypso jumped down from the tree and ran into her neighbors yard, pushing her back against the wall, farthest from her house and banged on the window, praying they would open it. 
They did, but Calypso would never forgive herself for not saving her sister.
Calypso jolted herself from the memory when she heard the bell at the front door of the store opening. There were fresh tears on her face, so she hastily wiped them and tried to look presentable, so when her new foster parents came, she would embarrass herself for her first impression. 
She looked at the couple who just came into the store. There was a woman, and she was beautiful. So beautiful, she put Aphrodite Mclean to shame. She had curly, black hair, full lips, and beautiful doe eyes. The man next to her was the exact same, except switched genders. He had dark skin, close cropped black hair, and dark brown eyes. 
Calypso watched as the couple made their way to the front desk where Iris stood, all the while whispering to each other and laughing at something the other said. They were a cute couple.
She heard Iris’s loud voice welcome them, and they started talking. 
“Hello, my name is Silena Beckendorf, and this is Charlie.” the pretty woman said, and the man nodded in agreement. 
“We are here for Calypso Atlas, we are her new foster parents.”
It took a couple of seconds for Calypso to realize that they were talking about her, and she shot up from her seat. 
Her new foster mother, Silena, saw her coming and gave Calypso a smile.
That smile almost made Calypso believe that she could be loved again.
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werspinna · 1 year
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?” (👋)
Bruises and Bruising ! The disadvantage of having a inhumanly enhanced selfhealing was that injuries tended to close around foreign matter inside the injury, which meant that cleaning the injuries was not only a race against time and the resulting blood poisoning, but also ended up beeing a very uncomfortable process or Wolf needed more than often cut the injury open again to clean it properly. Accordingly she was sitting with one leg propped up and the other swinging freely in the spidersocietys sickbay on one of the gurneys, plucking pieces of her own hauberk out of her flesh where the rings had been pushed so hard against her own body that the steelrings had cut like a dozen little blades past Gembeson, past chemise and past her own skin into her own flesh. The rests of her hauberk and ripped Gambeson lay beside her on the gurney, the blood had long dried on the steelrings and polstered linen and in the uncomfortable bright light of the sickbay it looked like black dye. Wolf looked up to Miguel chirping like a happy bird and winking without a single ounce of shame up to him with four of her eight eyes.
"Oh, I would totally recommand you to take a look at Scorpion in his cell before the go-home-machine sends him -well- home. He might has a black eye, but his face is all pretty and oh so nice under that mask.", Using pincers Wolf pulled another piece of the hauberk out of the bloody flesh of her shoulder as casually as one would pull a annoying hair growing on a place it really should not grow:" Just as pretty as min-" The rest of the sentences drowned in Wof pulling in the air sharply through her teeth when with the piece of hauberk a part of her skin that had already weaved over it was ripped off too:
"You know, on closer expection, I think he looks a lot of nice rthan I do at the moment, I know its hard to believe considering my splending looks and awestrucking beauty, but I think for one, I have to give the price of the most beautiful face to Scorpion. Or you for that matter your oh totally not bruised up handsomness. Until I am healed up though. Then I want that price back, please for I am the rightful owner. You in the mood to pass me the syringe with the oh so very nice painkillers because I am really feeling a lot more than I want to, and its definitive not the joy of seeing your handsome face. Like I am always happy to see your handsome face, Miguel, makes my heart sing like a little bird, really- but I think in this moment what I am feeling is definitive more pain. Over the injury, not over seeing your face, that is." Already busy to pull the next metalrings out of her flesh with the pincers in one hand, Wolf reached out with the other, waiting for spiderman to pass her the syringe.
[ @iobartach ]
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