#oh my crazy woman why did you pick such a fucking failure when you could have had me... ill never understand...
sar3nka · 10 months
Apparently her gf isn't showing up at uni at all so she's gonna fail 3rd year in a row... lol
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opheliasbrokenmind · 4 years
strangers with insecurities - mark renton
well first of all i’m suuperrr excited for this bc it’s literally my first completed writing for mark renton and i kinda liked it?? this one is obviously for @rentskenobi since she deserves the best!! i hope you like itt 😌💞
let me know what you think and as always, you can send me any requests for mark renton 
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mark looked at his reflection on the mirror and left the apartment, walking to his ‘job’. this estate thing had become something he got used to and well, he was doing good if anyone asked. 
he liked the urgency to persuade people and use words to sell/rent them the house. once he sat up, the phone rang.
‘good morning, how can i help you?’ his voice sounded like a stranger but he knew how to play the nice worker
‘hi, uhm, i’m looking for a flat in london’ the other person spoke calmly and mark thought she was young, unlike his usual clients
‘do you have anything on your mind? a particular street, maybe?’
‘somewhere clean and quiet could be nice, i’m not sure if there’s a place like that in london though’ she joked and mark smiled to himself, little did she know
‘oh i can try that. when are you available? and do you know where’s our office?’
‘i’m free all day if that suits you, too. i don’t know exactly, can we meet somewhere?’ mark noticed she had a remarkable accent but he wasn’t sure where’s she from exactly
‘i can show you some places now, how about we meet around the cafe on brook street, you know there?’
‘yes, i can be there in.. twenty minutes’ after she hung up, mark immediately grabbed some keys from his associates and left the building
once he was there, his eyes searched for her. ‘waiting for someone?’ the sweet voice came behind him and he turned around gladly, observing the owner of it
she was young, like he predicted, probably in her early twenties, dressed casually, looked natural. she didn’t look like the girls he used to hang around, not that he hung around with many
‘how did you know it was me?’ mark asked curiously as she smiled, ‘because you’re the only one who’s wearing a suit? seems like it’s only us here, and the fucking tourists, obviously’
‘you don’t sound like a local as well’ she nodded with his comment, ‘right. i might say i’m here for a little... break. i won’t be here for too long, just a few months’
‘let’s get started, then. first i have this flat at...’ 
after stopping by at three places, he led the way to a calm quarter which wasn’t far from where he lived. ‘this one costs more but you see, it’s wide, the neighbourhood is quiet, i can assure that because i live near and there are nice places around if you want to go out’
she opened the bedroom door, ‘looks fine to me’ she checked the bathroom and went back to the kitchen, ‘would you live here?’
her question caught him off guard, ‘what do you mean?’
‘not as the seller but as a person, do you think this flat is somewhere you can rest and study?’ she asked easily, looking at him with curiosity
‘well, why not i guess, it seems nice. a little bit big for me but you said just for a few months so yeah, i would’
‘okay then, it’s this one’ she paid the rent for a month and they left the flat together, ‘i need to pick my things from the hotel first’ she explained once they were out
‘i think it’s not your first time here, in london’
‘yes, some of my friends live here but they’re all gone, spending the summer in europe or something like that’
‘and you didn’t want to go back home?’
‘that’s for sure. dad’s somewhere in spain and if i go home, it’ll be just me and that crazy woman. i don’t miss ireland at all. looks like you don’t miss scotland, too’
mark found himself smiling, she spoke like she knew him and the thing was, she was right. ‘i fucking hate there, otherwise i wouldn’t be here wondering at these streets, would i?’
she sighed softly, ‘looks like we have something in common, huh?’
‘i bet there are more’
so that’s basically how you met mark renton. it was unexpected, strange, yet comforting. it felt right and real.
seeing him at the cafe was something you were hoping for and when that happened a few days later, you could tell he was glad, too
‘i see you’re exploring’ he said when you approached him and you smiled, ‘you can say that. oh and i still don’t know your name’
‘mark, mark renton’ he said and for a second, you thought his name reminded him of something he didn’t want to remember, or it was just your imagination
‘i’m y/n’ you said simply, sitting in front of him as he gestured you the chair
‘how’s everything going, any problems with the flat?’
‘it’s fine, quiet like you said. and you, any problems?’ you smiled and he shrugged, ‘can’t say there is, just keeping up with the usual shit’
‘i see, you keep impressing your clients with your charm then’ he took a sip from his coffee and smiled, ‘what can i say...’ you laughed and he found himself doing the same, ‘you know, you’re the only one i’m having coffee with’
‘now i’m flattered’ 
then, seeing him at the coffee became something usual. he had a few days off which you started to spend together, drinking coffee. 
‘so you’re in london, all alone?’ you asked one day, hoping it wouldn’t piss him.
‘yes, that’s why i left edinburgh. it keeps me on the line’ you leaned in a bit, watching him smoking a cigarette. ‘and you?’ he asked back, staring at you with those beautiful eyes of him 
‘i wanted to run away. belfast made me feel like i was a prisoner, surrounded with people i couldn’t bear. then i convinced my dad i wanted to study in france’
‘france? sounds like you ran too far’ 
‘thank god i did’
‘and what are you studying?’ mark asked curiously, already have ideas on his mind. ‘what would you say?’
‘literature, maybe?’ you smiled, ‘cinema’ for a moment, it felt like it was just you two in the world, two strangers in london, alone together
your coffee meetings turned into movie ones at the cinema and one day, you invited him to your flat, ‘we can watch a movie or just have a drink and talk, you know’ 
of course, he accepted the offer. ‘it’s warm so you can take off your jacket, if you want’ you said sheepishly, hoping he wouldn’t notice that you noticed he never takes it off
‘yeah, sure’ he said while you went to bring some movies, ‘you choose, i’ve seen most of these’ you suggested and then you were watching a godard movie, sitting on the comfortable couch 
after a while you were sitting closer, arms almost touching and you spotted them, the needle marks
you didn’t know what to do so you just kept staring and when you looked up at him, his eyes were full with fear like he was a boy caught stealing something
‘mark...’ you managed to say, then you realised you didn’t know what to say. you moved and intertwined your fingers, giving him a squeeze to reassure him it was alright, that he didn’t need to be scared 
‘’m sorry’ he whispered, looking away to avoid your gaze. ‘for what?’ you asked, afraid of the answer. ‘for not being the guy you thought i was’
you looked at your hands, his pale fingers were cold and you wanted to tell him how you felt about him. instead of that you let go of his hand, placed your hand on his shoulder and when he turned to you, you leaned in to kiss him
a mix of coffee and cigarettes, just like you imagined, with something fresh. your other hand found the back of his head, touching his hair carefully
even though he was hesitant at first, he kissed you back. he desperately wanted to do that for weeks and now there you were, embracing him passionately when he felt like a failure 
‘it’s not my place to judge you. i like the mark i see, imperfect but we all are. we’re all struggling’
‘i am clean’ he told you, looking deep into your eyes so you’d know he was telling the truth. ‘that’s why i came here, to stay away from heroin. i... want to stay clean’
‘i know you mean it. god, mark..’
‘kiss me again?’ so that’s what you did, gifting soft kisses to each other until the movie ended
for a while, it went on like this. talking, kissing and laughing together, almost every day. he’d come from work, to your flat and you’d cook together, dance to the songs he loved, watch movies and sharing the most private moments as no one listened to you. you were free and you lived without care, as if you were invisible to the real world
but one morning he stood on your doorway, his face paler than usual and you felt it in your bones that something was wrong
‘it’s... begbie. in my fucking flat. jesus! sitting there like he owns the place’ you took a step back, giving him space to come in. ‘can’t he stay somewhere else?’
‘he’s hiding from the police. fuck, i should’ve known’ you frowned with his words, ‘how could you?’ with that mark felt guilty, never telling you about diane because he was still embarrassed
‘i hate it’ he said, more to himself than you. ‘you know you can always stay here, right?’
‘you don’t have to say this’ 
‘no, i don’t. i’m not saying it because i feel sorry for you, mark. i’m saying it because i’d really like it if you were staying with me. don’t you know how i feel?’
‘but you never said it’ he said quietly but you heard him anyway. ‘that i love you? i thought it was obvious...’ his eyes shined with happiness as he walked to you, ‘you mean it?’
‘don’t be silly. of course, i mean it. i love you’
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seasonofthewicth · 4 years
A Groovy Kind of Love - Chapter 9
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AN: a slightly longer one today guys, got myself all emotional with the rowaelin here and i hope it gets you too
masterlist - ao3
“He was friendly when he first came in,” Chaol’s normally subdued tone was full of energy as he spun his tale, eyes wide with excitement as he looked towards Aelin. “But then so quickly he goes completely crazy, shouting and ranting so loud in my face that Maeve has to come in and see what the problem is.”
Yrene laughed fondly at her husband as she rested a hand on his shoulder where she sat across the wooden staff room table from Aelin, “You could hear it all the way down the corridor.”
Aelin laughed as she took in Chaol’s wide eyed expression and Dorian’s restrained laughter, Yrene’s gentle grin and Nehemia’s cool smirk.
Her first parent-teacher conference at the new school was this evening, and to her absolute delight, her friends were busy spinning their horror stories. Admittedly, she was nervous for the event, and even though it wasn’t her first time it was always an unnerving experience at a new school. It was her opportunity to introduce herself to the parents as Miss Galathynius and show them who she was, what she had, and to prove to them that she was the best choice for their children.
Realistically, she knew she had no reason to be nervous, her class were a great group of children, they all tried hard and engaged enthusiastically with her lessons, but meeting their parents for the first time was important. Making her first impression as an educator was important, and she knew that people sometimes unfairly judged her. At her previous school she knew some of the parents had made some unfair and incorrect assumptions about her but she had tried not to let it bother her. Had tried to brush off their barely hidden insults about her styles of teaching and even her choices of clothing. She couldn’t change peoples’ opinions but she could try to change their lasting impressions of herself.
Dorian had assured her that the majority of the parents at the school were great, most were pretty chilled out as long as their child wasn’t falling too far behind, which Aelin knew hers weren’t. That said, it was Dorian who had prompted the story time session in the break room, wordlessly picking up on her nervousness and launching into every horror story he could remember from his years teaching.
Since their ill-fated affair he had cemented his place in her life as one of her closest friends, rivalling only Lysandra in level of familiarity and they had spent an increasing amount of time together. From coffee runs to lounging around the loft watching movies she enjoyed every moment they spent together and she was comfortable that there was no remaining awkwardness from their brief tangle.
She hadn’t told anyone the outcome of their date yet, she hadn’t had much time to catch up with Lysandra since, and it wasn’t something she was particularly keen to tell her roommates. As much as she loved them there were times that their typical guy nature made her hesitant to share, and her failure to sleep with her date was not something she felt like sharing with them.
She was especially reluctant to share that piece of information with Rowan, he had told her to forget about their moment in the kitchen, and she had tried. It just hadn’t worked out quite as she had planned. But she was resolved, she would get over him, and if having him think she was dating Dorian told him she was, she wasn’t complaining.
“It took five minutes for us to even figure out what he was yelling about.” Chaol continued, flashing her an exasperated look.
“Which was?” Aelin asked, already grinning in anticipation of whatever ridiculous answer Chaol could give.
In her experience Chaol was a by-the-book teacher. She liked him, he was pretty smart, straightforward and an involved and ambitious teacher, she couldn’t imagine him doing anything deserving of being shouted at by a parent.
“Chaol had, completely unreasonably,” Dorian drawled sarcastically, tossing his unstarted apple between his palms, “decided to offer his students a quiz for the last class of the week instead of one more hour of curriculum teaching.”
Yrene sketched a mocking gasp and Nehemia held a hand to her chest as she rolled her eyes at the story.
“Could you imagine such a thing?” She laughed, eyes dancing with mirth as she grinned over to Aelin.
Aelin shook her head in mock horror at Chaol, unable to fully hide her smile as she laughed along.
“How could you?” She asked, half laughing at the absurdity of the parent’s rage and half at Chaol’s over the top attempt at a dejected expression. “You aren’t actually making me feel any better about later, by the way.”
Yrene reached over to squeeze her shoulder, “You don’t need us to do that, they will all love you I’m sure.”
Aelin needed more of Yrene’s optimism in her life and admittedly the woman’s kind smile was infectious. She was also right, why wouldn’t they love her?
The documentary on the television hadn’t fully captured Rowan’s attention, it was something about an animal in the rainforest and he had missed the part where it’s name was given, but it would do for a lazy afternoon while the rest of his roommates were at work. The afternoons were one of his favourite times of the day, he had the loft to himself to read or watch or listen to whatever he wanted in the usually shared spaces rather than his ordinarily messy and somewhat cramped bedroom.
Being the only one of his roommates to not work in the daytimes had its ups and downs, the freedom and space was a definite pro, but sometimes it could be lonely sitting around the loft on his own, and the days Lorcan was off with him after working a shift were often ones he enjoyed the most. His friend had a sarcastic and wicked sense of humour that worked well with Rowan’s relatively blunt demeanor. He’d never tell him that though.
Of everyone in the loft he had known Lorcan for the shortest amount of time. Technically, but he didn’t count the years of Aelin being in his periphery as knowing her. They had met through Fenrys, and Rowan wasn’t convinced that even Fenrys knew how he had come to be friends with the surly male, their personalities weren’t ones Rowan would have expected to be friends, but years later Lorcan had managed to cement himself as one of Rowan’s closest friends.
He checked the time on his phone as the sound of the loft front door caught his attention, none of his roommates should be at the loft at this time.
Seconds later Aedion came into view, already shucking off his tie before launching himself onto the couch next to Rowan with a deep sigh. Rowan slowly turned his head towards his best friend, waiting for him to reopen his eyes before raising his eyebrows.
“Don’t take this the wrong way,” He began. “But why are you here?”
Aedion laughed before rolling forwards to sit upright on the sofa.
“Turned in the final piece for one of our biggest accounts this morning so we all got the afternoon off.”
“Nice,” Rowan nodded, Aedion probably worked the hardest of all of them in the loft. He worked for a marketing firm that had a bunch of high profile clients and he spent many nights in the office working overtime. Rowan shared those unpopular hours, but was grateful he didn’t have the early mornings too. “What are you doing for the rest of the day then?”
Aedion shrugged. “Thought I could spend some quality time with you my friend. Maybe find out what you wanted to talk to me about the other day.”
Aedion’s smirk was predatory, and Rowan felt like a deer in the headlights. He opened his mouth then closed it again.
He had been more than lucky to have gotten away with it for so long, he was surprised Aedion had managed the few days of Rowan saying nothing before giving in and straight up asking.
Since Aelin’s date with Dorian the man’s presence had become a regular feature of the loft, each visit reducing Rowan’s desire to admit any of his feelings about Aelin to anyone, let alone Aelin herself. He had tried to avoid being in the room when they were snuggling on the couch or had quickly changed the topic when he had come up in conversation.
Message received. He was at least glad that Aelin seemed happy, and it was his own fault that it wasn’t with him. He had told her to forget it ever happened and she had. Why Aedion wanted to make him talk about it now was anyone’s guess, he just wanted to deal with it alone. Preferably by not thinking about it, or at least trying not to.
“Oh nothing,” He brushed it off. “It doesn’t matter now.”
Aedion raised a golden eyebrow, unimpressed with Rowan’s clear denial and he winced internally. He should have known better than to assume Aedion would have been satisfied with that.
“Are you sure?” Aedion’s question was all too innocent. “You sure it wasn’t about anyone in particular?”
Rowan gritted his teeth, knowing he was just going to have to let this play out.
Aedion took a moment, pretending to ponder his next words and letting Rowan stew in his anticipation. “Not even my darling cousin?”
Rowan felt his cheeks begin to burn as he chewed on the inside of his lip. Aedion was a smug son of a bitch, smiling at Rowan like a cat who got the cream.
Rowan took a deep breath in. “Don’t fucking tell anyone, okay.”
Aedion’s expression dropped into something slightly more serious.
“Pinky swear,” Aedion grinned at him and Rowan flashed him a glare.
“I’m definitely not saying anything if you’re not being serious.”
Aedion cleared his throat, making a show of sobering his expression. “I’m serious, okay, now go.”
“So you clearly know something went down between me and Aelin,” That was as good a place to start as any he supposed. “How did you even find out about that?”
“Lysandra.” Aedion’s voice was almost dopey as he said the woman’s name. Gross, even though he was happy for his friend it was gross.
“Nice to know you and your girlfriend have nothing better to do than gossip about me.” Rowan frowned.
“Believe me, we have better things to do,” Aedion’s grin took over his whole face. “It’s just when we’re done we move on to pitying you…”
“I said be serious.” Rowan said bluntly, embarrassed enough as it was.
“Sorry, sorry.” Aedion held his hands up. “Continue.”
“There isn’t much more to be said.” He paused, realising the almost uncomfortable truth in his own words. “She’s moved past it anyway, like I told her too, so that’s it. We’re good, no danger of that.”
The look Aedion gave him was pure pity and Rowan looked away fast.
“Ro,” His friend’s voice was soft as he said his name, but he struggled for anything more, clearly reading Rowan better than he ever wanted to be read.
Rowan shrugged. “It’s fine, we’re all good.”
Aedion opened his mouth to speak but Rowan interrupted before he could get a word out.
“You need to tell her about you and Lysandra.” He could only see the secret ending in disaster, and now he was involved. He owed it to Aedion to keep the secret, but the guilt of keeping it from Aelin was eating away at him.
Aedion sighed, “I know. We will, soon. It’s just, when? You know?”
“You need to do it soon.” Rowan told him, feeling somewhat like a parent scolding a child. “You’re only going to upset her, and keeping it all a secret longer is just going to make it worse.”
Aedion looked down to the couch they sat on, avoiding Rowan’s eyes.
“I know.” He sighed.
“I don’t want her to get hurt.” It was as much as Rowan was willing to admit out loud.
“I don’t either.” Aedion’s tone was defensive and Rowan sighed.
“Now,” He began, pushing off the couch and standing above his friend. “I have a shift at the bar, you coming?”
Aedion half-smiled up at him. “Alright, but I’m not paying for any of my drinks.”
Rowan scoffed, “When do you ever?”
Aedion rose to his feet, shrugging, “Just making sure.”
Rowan rolled his eyes, feeling as Aedion always made him feel, relaxed and amused with the usual hint of mild irritation.
The evening had passed relatively quickly, all of the parents she had met so far had been lovely and were well engaged in their children’s lives and education which Aelin always appreciated. She only had one parent left to meet, the father of her student Evangeline, a bubbly young girl who Aelin adored. The young girl was inquisitive and tried hard with anything Aelin threw at them, a perfect student in Aelin’s eyes.
A knock on her classroom door sounded and she jumped to her feet, calling out for them to come in as she rose. The man who came through her doorway was striking, his golden hair shone and his green eyes were bright. He was dressed in a sharp grey suit, his white shirt unbuttoned at the collar and his tie was missing.
He held a hand out for her to shake and she caught a brief glance of a tattoo on his wrist, one that looked almost like a snake, peeking past his expensive looking watch.
“Archer Finn,” His voice was low and smooth, as he flashed her a polished smile.
“Aelin Galathynius,” She shook his hand firmly and smiled widely. “Please, take a seat.”
The man slid smoothly into the seat opposite her, and she forced her mind to focus on the task at hand, and reminded herself that this was one of her student’s fathers. No sign of a ring, her unhelpful mind added.
“Thank you, Miss Galathynius,” He folded his hands in his lap. “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to speak with you about Evangeline’s progress.”
Aelin grinned. “As have I, Evangeline is a fantastic student, the passion she displays in the classroom is phenomenal. Her artwork-- she displays a level of true talent.”
“Yes,” His tone was clipped. “That is what I have been hoping to talk to you about.”
Aelin felt her smile freeze.
“Evangeline will not be participating in any art activities from this point onwards, I don’t believe they are of any value. To put it bluntly, they’re a complete waste of time.”
Aelin was frozen, paused in a state of shock at the man’s words.
“I unfortunately have to disagree--”
He held a hand up to stop her and she recoiled.
“Please, Miss Galathynius,” He huffed out a condescending laugh and Aelin felt her blood begin to boil. “As her father I believe I know what is best for Evangeline.”
“And what is that?” She asked dryly.
Archer Finn seemed to take a moment, raking his eyes from her head to her toe before meeting her gaze again. She could tell the look hadn’t been one of appreciation and she bristled.
“What Evangeline needs is a teacher who takes her education seriously, someone who understands that painting her pretty pictures is a waste of time.” The sarcasm in his voice had her clenching her jaw, but she tried to rein in her temper, remembering that she was still new to the school.
“Mr Finn, I--”
He held a hand to her face again and stood, buttoning his suit jacket as he did, and Aelin slowly rose out of her chair.
“Mr Finn, I have a masters degree in children’s education, I know the value of creativity in learning.” Aelin could hardly keep her voice steady as she spoke, barely concealing the anger the man in front of her had managed to unleash inside her in such a short space of time.
The man seemed to sneer at her words, looking down his nose at her as he frowned.
“You may well have, and I’m sure it was worth every penny to you.” He smirked at her, crushing her with only a handful of words. “Either way, Evangeline will be seeing a private tutor during your creative hours.”
The scorn in his voice burned her, hitting her in a deep part of her soul that wasn’t often exposed. She knew she was right, knew that she knew what Evangeline needed, knew that her methods of teaching had merit and worth. This sad excuse for a father was blind and arrogant if he thought he knew better than Aelin, but she was trapped. What more could she say to change his mind?
In her silence he had crossed the room to pause by the door before turning back to look at her where she stood dumbfounded behind her desk, clenching her fists at her sides and trying to compose herself.
“I’m glad we had this chat, Miss Galathynius.” With that he was gone, taking his smug and condescending atmosphere with him.
Her breath rushed out of her in a gust, burning her throat as she held back the tears that threatened to fall. She couldn’t believe him, Mr Finn. The audacity he had to walk into her classroom and speak to her like that.
She dropped back into her seat, resting both of her hands against the cool wood of her desk and focussing on all the knots and whorls in the wood, breathing deeply in and out as she centred her thoughts. She almost couldn’t believe how her evening had ended up and she let out a brief snort at the idea that maybe her story could now beat Chaol’s from this morning.
A knock at her door snapped her to attention, if Mr Finn had come back for another go at her she wouldn’t be able to bite her tongue this time. Her fears were sedated when a familiar head of dark curls poked around the door frame.
Dorian’s smile was bright and easy as he walked towards her, perching on the front of one of her student's desks.
“So?” He asked as he crossed his ankles in front of himself, the portrait of a male completely at ease.
Aelin only shook her head, unable to sum up her final visit in a few words.
“Have you ever taught Evangeline Finn?” She managed, hating how destroyed she sounded even to her own ears.
Dorian barely managed to cover his wince.
“Ah,” He sighed. “You met Archer Finn. How bad was it?”
She looked at the floor, holding back the flood that wanted to break through, she refused to cry in school over a parent, no matter how much he had riled her up.
“Bad,” She managed but her voice betrayed her, letting a crack rip through the word.
Dorian was around the desk and at her side within a second, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“What did he say?” Dorian asked, his tone gentle as if not to startle her.
Aelin sniffed. “Oh you know, the usual, dismissing my teaching and belittling my degree.”
She let out a self-deprecating laugh as she looked to Dorian whose brow creased at her words.
“Don’t listen to him. You know he’s not right.” She knew his words were earnest, but they couldn’t keep the doubt at bay and she shrugged out of his hold.
“I don’t know,” She looked away.
“Come on,” Dorian tried. “Let’s get a drink or something, take your mind off it.”
“Thanks, Dorian. But I think I just want to go home and be alone.”
Dorian’s mouth twisted as he considered it, probably weighing up whether or not to try again. Eventually he relented.
“Text me if you need anything, okay? I’m here for you.”
She lightly squeezed his hand before rising to pack up her things. His offer hadn’t tempted her, she did want to be alone, but maybe a drink wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
The bar was relatively busy, a few customers every so often had him drifting in and out of conversation with Aedion. Lorcan had joined Aedion at the bar not long after they arrived, grumbling about something or other that Rowan soon avoided, turning back to another customer after dropping off Lorcan’s pint.
A brief lull allowed him to drift back to his friends, wiping down a few spills along the bar as he went.
“It’s the fucking worst, all right.” The dark-haired giant complained, words muffled by the strong hand he ran down his face.
Rowan turned to Aedion for explanation who merely shrugged before lifting his empty glass to Rowan. He grabbed it and turned to refill it as Lorcan spoke again.
“I didn’t sign up for any of this, stupid regulations and reforms.”
Lorcan was clearly in a talking mood tonight. Rowan met Aedion’s eyes, a silent challenge, begging the blond man to speak first but Aedion just leaned back in his seat, taking a large gulp of his beer. Rowan flicked him the middle finger before turning to Lorcan.
“What is?”
Lorcan turned the force of his glare to Rowan who shifted against the unexpected heat.
“My stupid boss.”
“What about them?” Aedion finally joined in.
Lorcan sighed, a frustrated sound as if explaining it would be hard work. Rowan grinned a sharp flash of teeth at Aedion who rolled his eyes at their friend’s dramatics.
“I don’t want to talk about it. I want to drink.” Lorcan finished his drink in a final swig, placing the glass before Rowan ceremoniously.
Rowan scooped it up, sketching a mocking salute at his friend. “That, we can do.”
As he turned he spotted Fenrys making his way over from the door and he grabbed another glass to fill as the golden-haired man took his seat. He dumped the drinks in front of his friends with little finesse as Fenrys spoke.
“Why is Aelin sitting in the corner on her own?”
“Aelin’s here?” Aedion asked as the four of them turned to look where Fenrys had pointed.
Sure enough, Aelin was tucked away in a booth in the corner of the room. He hadn’t noticed her come in and Rowan could see the glum expression on her face even from a distance.
“Is she okay?” He managed.
“She doesn’t look okay.”
The three of them swivelled to look at Lorcan, matching looks of disbelief across each of their faces.
“Has she said anything to any of you?” Fenrys asked. “Anything to Lysandra?” With a look to Aedion who shook his head.
“Should we go over?” Aedion asked, an unsure twist to his mouth.
“If she wanted to sit with us she’d be here.” Lorcan said bluntly.
“Shut up, asshole.” Rowan narrowed his eyes. “I’ll take her a drink.”
The glass of wine was cool in his hand as he made his way across the bar, skirting round tables of customers as he went.
“Hey,” His voice was soft as he reached Aelin’s booth, lingering by the edge of the table as she looked up at him.
His heart jolted at the expression she wore. Her beautiful blue eyes were wide and red-rimmed, her plush pink lips twisted into a pout. She swallowed before speaking and the hurt in her voice tore his heart again.
“Oh. Didn’t think you’d notice me here.” Her voice was quiet as he dropped into the seat opposite her and pushed the glass towards her.
“It’s kind of my job to notice who needs a drink,” He said equally quietly, leaning forwards and pressing his arms against the table between them. He had hoped his words would bring a smile but Aelin pursed her lips, debating, before reaching towards the glass and taking a sip.
At least there was that.
“You don’t-- I mean, you don’t have to answer... If you don’t want to, but,” He didn’t usually stumble over his words so much. “Are you okay?”
Aelin’s refusal to meet his eyes pretty much answered his question, but he still waited for her to speak.
She blew out a breath, the air teasing the fair strands of hair around her face as she looked towards the ceiling then back down to him.
“Not really.” She said as she looked away from him again.
He spared a glance over to the bar where his friends sat, watching him and Aelin, each with expressions of concern. Even Lorcan for all his grumbling before Rowan came over.
“What happened?” He asked as gently as he could.
Aelin took a sip of her wine, glancing around the bar and spotting their friends who quickly jumped back into their own conversation before resting her gaze back on him.
She shrugged, putting her glass back on the table before speaking.
“One of my student’s parents basically told me I’m a shit teacher today.”
“Aelin no,” The words left him in a rush, utterly raw in his desperation to reassure her. “Aelin, you have to know you’re not a shit teacher.”
She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her pout still standing strong.
“What did they say?”
“Just that my degree is worthless and that I don’t know what’s best for the kids.”
Asshole. Fucking asshole.
If he ever saw the asshole who had said those cruel words to Aelin he’d-- He didn’t know what he’d do but it would hurt.
“Aelin, don’t listen to them. That’s not true.”
“It’s not?” Her question, in combination with her soft sniffle shattered him.
He reached out to lightly grasp one of her hands in his, gently toying with her delicate fingers.
“Of course not Aelin. You’re an incredible teacher.”
She drew her hand back to take another sip of her wine.
“How would you know?” She asked. “You’ve never seen me teach.”
“I don’t need to Aelin. I know you, and you’re everything a good teacher should be. Kind, caring, patient, passionate-”
“Okay,” She interrupted.
“I’m serious Aelin, promise me you won’t believe a word that asshole said.”
She scoffed, looking away from him yet again.
“Okay, I promise.” Her tone was resigned, but at least she had agreed. He didn’t know how much help he had managed to be, but he hoped at least a small part of her had listened.
“What are you doing sitting alone anyway? You can always come to us with things like this.” He knew without a doubt that the others would agree.
She brushed a strand of hair away from her face, and Rowan’s fingers itched to follow the motion but he held his hands together, now under the table. She shrugged as a faint blush crossed her cheeks and Rowan fought the warmth blooming inside him at the sight.
“Come and drink with us.” He said, nodding his head towards where the others were sitting at the bar. “Salvaterre’s miserable too so you won’t be alone.”
At that, Aelin’s lips twitched as the hint of a smile ghosted across her face, it was the closest he had seen all night and he’d take it.
“Why?” Her voice was quiet.
“Other than the usual?” He joked and she finally cracked a real smile, small but still there, and the relief that flooded through him was like lightning. “I think it’s something about his work or his boss, I don’t really know.”
He slid himself out of the booth and held a hand out to her, his final request, if she really didn’t want to join them he could accept that, but he knew he’d still keep an eye on her for the rest of the night.
Thankfully she stood, grabbing her things and leading the way over to their friends, and he sent a silent prayer of thanks to the gods. Over her head he saw Aedion flash him a thankful smile. She flopped onto a stool next to Fenrys as Rowan slid back behind the bar.
“So,” She turned to Lorcan, barely missing a beat. “What are you crying about now?”
Lorcan didn’t hesitate before lunging into his story, his own subtle way of making sure Aelin was alright and not dwelling on her issues.
“My new boss is an asshole. Turns up in Rifthold fresh out of headquarters in somewhere called Perranth, and thinks everyone should just bow down or something. Now, first of all, I’ve never even heard of Perranth,” He paused to take a bitter swig of his beer.
“Me neither,” Fenrys chimed in.
“It’s in Terrasen,” Aelin said after a sip of her own wine. The heaviness from before didn’t weigh on her face anymore and Rowan turned to serve another customer, hiding his smile. “I think I went once when I was a kid.”
Lorcan frowned at her but Rowan could tell it lacked it’s usual heat.
“Whatever,” Lorcan continued. “The point is, I’ve worked here for years, I know Rifthold and how things are done. Captain Lochan has been here all of five minutes and apparently knows all the improvements we need to make.”
The curl of Lorcan’s lips as he hissed his boss’ name prompted a small laugh, the guy must be a total hardass to have Lorcan so riled.
“What’s wrong with the improvements?” Aelin asked and Lorcan sighed.
“Nothing is wrong with the improvements,” He muttered and Aelin finally laughed, the tinkling sound washing over Rowan and settling into his bones.
“So what’s the problem?” Aedion asked after a moment, the question that they were all thinking and Lorcan shot him a glare, this time not lacking any heat.
“The problem is the Captain. So controlling and everything has to be done in exactly their way, constantly on me about my reports as well.” He rolled his eyes, clearly over talking about his boss and Rowan couldn't help from poking the bear one last time.
“Why don’t you invite the Captain here? I don’t know any problem a free beer couldn’t solve.”
“Absolutely not.” Lorcan said, shaking his head.
“Well I, for one, want to meet the famous Captain Lochan.” Fenrys grinned. “Especially if it would annoy you so much.”
“Don’t.” Lorcan said, a hair’s width below a growl.
“Why not?” Aedion joined in and Rowan watched the smile settling on Aelin’s lips at their friends’ antics.
He shook himself, laughing along as Lorcan slugged Aedion in the shoulder.
“Maybe find something to take your mind off it?” Fenrys suggested and Rowan knew where he was going would be fun. “Get a pet or something?”
“Just watch me, boyo.” Lorcan bared his teeth around the grin threatening to take over his own face. His pretend displeasure only just winning the battle.
The smile on Aelin’s face struck him again in its beauty, and he forced his attention away from her and back to the idiots now suggesting outlandish animals Lorcan could bring home as a pet.
He bit his lip as Aelin suggested a lion in response to Aedion’s tiger and thanked the gods again that she was smiling.
hmu if any tags don’t work
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Two. Part 2
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Well this has become a nightmare I just wanted to go, but now it’s a standstill and Imani is not letting Robyn go. Rubbing my chin looking at Robyn, you know my kids do speak too much and they just need to shut the fuck up sometimes like now “Imani, come on let’s go and watch Paw Paw” Mel said, I feel irritated “we will be back, there ain’t no problem here” I said “but Rylee said what she said, I mean why? How long were you away from these kids Robyn?” Rylee snitching ass “Grandma, I want to go there. I want to go with them” this is bullshit “Rylee what did I say? Like honestly, you’re just being spiteful because you can’t get your way, Mel she doesn’t go anywhere. She doesn’t deserve anything, she couldn’t just be quiet and let us go” let her cry “no, this is not their fault here. This is certainly not her fault, what is happening here. I asked you Robyn, how long were you away from these kids” looking at Robyn, there is nothing I am saying will shut her mother up “when I told you I was in London; I never went home but I asked Chris, we spoke on it and he was fine with it, it doesn’t matter what you think or anyone really” Monica mean mugged Robyn “leaving your kids, your three kids at that! For that long was not good. You were busy prancing around, being treated like a Princess while they missed you? Now you’re trying to make it up to them now. They needed you, you said you would go back and check on them at least and now you’re running off to France for fun?” Robyn got this, this is Robyn not me because if I speak then it will be a problem “no, not for fun but to spend time with my daughter. I can’t get a word in edge because your just stood there judging me and I don’t need it, if you want to speak to me then you do it in private” she is right in saying that, not in front of the kids “I am judging you, you’re right. Then let’s speak” I groaned out “can we just go? You can slate your daughter later” Monica eyeballed me “I do not slate her, I am just hard on her because I want the best” nodding my head, is that what they call it.
I can’t believe we are going through this, like we need to fucking waste time by doing this “please do not speak, I am begging you Chris. Just let her say her peace and be done with it, please do not tell her about what Tianna said. She will think I am neglecting her” furrowing my eyebrows “why would I snitch on my wife? I got you, don’t worry about that” Monica made her way into the room, I feel like a school kid, this is straight dumb, but it is what it is. Placing my hands behind my back staring at Monica “what exactly is happening? All I am seeing is distressed girls there, you’re taking Tianna but not Rylee? You know how much she is crying” she is causing issues like always, I am not shocked “that is because Rylee wants what Tianna is getting, she is sick of being under Rylee, they aren’t twins, I think it’s something we need to realise. She is her own person, and she needs space and freedom, Tianna asked to spend time with us, and I want to give her that. Rylee does get our attention a lot, I have been failing and if you want to call me a failure as a mother then say it, but I am trying” Robyn’ voice broke “I am not calling you a failure of a mother, I just didn’t agree with having many at the same time. I knew there would be struggle somewhere, you’re a good mother but you need to make time. Something you can never get back, trust me. I appreciated every moment with you, watching you grow up but then you hit teenage and you was gone. I want you to be there, I see you working and working, too much work. I don’t think you’re that, I just want you to have time with your girls, they are precious. I see how much they love you Robyn, I get it’s hard but if you said that to me instead of just acting all suspicious about it then I will understand, I am always here for you. My daughter doesn’t cry” stepping back as Monica came to Robyn to hug her, I think Robyn has had enough, she’s tired too and I hate that for her “you always trying to make it seem I am a bad mother, I try my best” Monica is a hard woman, my mother on the other hand is a softie.
Sitting down on the couch as Monica consoled Robyn, there is a lot Monica doesn’t know because of her anal parenting and honestly she is strict on Robyn but let her come to America, she picks and chooses when. I am so fucking annoyed that my wife is crying because she wants to be mean to her, there was no need for this at all. She didn’t deserve to be treated that way, I am actually so angry right now “it’s a lot mom, I am trying my best I want you to just step back and stop assuming” Robyn said wiping her tears “I don’t need you to be talking to me like I am stupid in front of my kids either. I get you have your way and that you think things should be a certain way, but this is my life mom. I beg you, please back off. I need to deal with shit already ok?” I am glad she said it to her mother instead of me, I am about to blow “I just want the best for you and my grandkids, you’re right. I am sorry” Monica stepped back “thank you, but I just want to take care of my kids. I need to make it up to them, what happened was either I suffered and come backwards and forwards or I remain here, but it ended up shit, look at me. I am fucking stressed” Robyn sniffled “I don’t want that, when I saw you I knew you was looking off Robyn, I saw it. You could have sent one of the kids with me, I wouldn’t have minded, I love the kids” Robyn shook her head “they have school, things are different now, but can you just support me in this, can you just support me in taking Tianna to France to spend time with her instead of putting me down in front of my kids, can I?” Monica is quiet, I am glad she is quiet. She is putting them in her place which she should, it’s only right because her mom be doing the most about shit.
I think Monica understands now, she is quiet, but Rylee is still crying which is making Imani cry too “make it up with her Chris, make it right. We can’t just go like this, it’s not nice. Just let her go with Mel out, please” Robyn said, nodding my head. Licking my top lip as I made my way to Rylee, I am pretty pissed off with Rylee so to be honest I don’t want to say she can do something when she is being a brat, but we are leaving, anything could happen, and I don’t want that “hey” crouching down to Rylee “why are you crying? Come on, talk to me. You know what I said to you, I like you to talk to me rather then cry like this. I need you to speak to me Rylee” her sad little face, she reminds me of Robyn so much “because I want to be with you all, I don’t want to be here” she sniffled “I understand, I really do Rylee, but we can’t always cater to you, this is Tianna’ time and you will have your time. You and auntie will have a good time here, I know Mel has some fun things set up for you both, you know what I want from you though?” I pointed, her sad little face staring at me “I want you to be a big girl, I want you to be there for your sister and just listen to Auntie ok? When auntie says you can’t do this or do that you listen. No need to cry, we have so many other adventures we can go too ok? Come on” opening my arms, I know it’s not enough, it’s not what she wanted but she needs to accept it. Wrapping my arms around Rylee, she has to learn.
I am glad to be on the jet, it’s not even a long route. We will be there so quick, I thought we would take the ferry there, that would be fun, but Robyn booked this. Tianna is sat across from us on the jet, she is so quiet. I mean she is because she is watching her thing on the tablet quietly “how you feeling anyways?” placing my arm around Robyn “just thinking, I am always thinking Chris. How to incorporate home life and work, like having my meetings all they say to me constantly, you sell. Your face, your body. You sell. I try put forward that if someone else takes over and I don’t be there, like the event, even promo videos. They said no, it’s you. People want Rihanna, they tested it out on my product, we had Bella Hadid promote it, it didn’t work. It’s just having to do it myself and wanting to be there for my kids. I know my mom is judging me, she is not happy about this. And having to go through my own thing, it’s hard. I can’t even express what I went through because they would say, again? Can’t you stop” Robyn is feeling down, I know she is “it wasn’t meant to be Robyn, it’s fine. Don’t worry about that so much” she sighed out “I just can’t but think I keep losing boys, I just can’t even deal. It’s funny how I get judged for having kids close, like so what? How is she doing it, the fuck. Leave me alone” pressing a kiss to the top of her head “fuck them Robyn, we good over here. We will be ok, you know that” I hate to see her sad like this “maybe that is the forth baby Captain was talking about, I just don’t understand why I lose babies Chris, and I can’t say anything to anyone because they are like oh you’re having more babies, look at what they was like with Imani because I was not doing well with Tianna, I was too busy for her. I can deal with my kids, I know I can I just need to be not judged like what” I sighed out “Robyn, I think we should get a nanny” I just said it but Robyn laughed “oh, my mother will laugh and say hire her. She will want to do it instead and drive me crazy until I agree, you know how shit it’s been that we’ve had kids so soon. Like they came out of their vagina, I just want to deal with me and mine. Protected sex now” Robyn laughed moving away from me “don’t mind me, just expressing myself how I do. Also you’re the only one to understand, I just kept this to us, I never told Mel either” Robyn wiped her tears, licking my looking at Robyn’ body “and you still so sexy” she laughed “this is what got us in trouble in the first place, you can’t keep your hands of me Chris so no” she mushed my face, I can’t help it “my babies know how to swim, you know how it is” I love her so much.
Holding Tianna as I walked behind Robyn and into the four seasons, I picked this hotel while on the jet here and it looks amazing. I can’t wait to go to the room “you walk too slow, Frank was complaining” placing Tianna down as she laughed “I’m being lazy” I assumed she was “come on now, shall I go to the desk or you?” I said to Robyn “she is coming, I have been here before. The receptionist gets everything set up; you just go. Like here” the receptionist came over to us “Bonjour Christopher and Robyn, welcome to France. Please follow me” she gestured; Tianna ran ahead as she does “you now want to run!?” Frank spat which made me laugh, my daughter is awkward “you are top floor, and Madam Tianna Happy Birthday. Welcome to France my lady” Tianna stared at the receptionist in shock “my birthday?” she said confused, the receptionist pressed the elevator “every day is your birthday beautiful; your birthday always lasts a week so yes it’s still your birthday. How old are you?” she asked her “seven!” it’s nice to see Tianna take her own role “oh you are growing; well the four season would like to welcome you here. You are in charge of the key card, come. Let me show you” we walked onto the elevator “here, place it” stood in the corner “and we go up?” Tianna asked “all the way to the top yes” Tianna placed the card in “sir and madam, any issues please we are here” nodding my head “thank you” that was nice of them “so we go up now, all the way to the top” Rich and Frank got on “we have your presents here too, Frank and Rich” Tianna laughed “Rich said I walk too slow” Rich shook his head “blaming me, that was you” he pointed at Frank, I sighed out feeling drained as hell.
Tianna is so happy, they have made the room filled with balloons, fit for a birthday “it’s late you know so if we just have a little something downstairs and then take it from there” I said to Robyn “I don’t mind at all, I am just glad to be away from everything” wrapping my arms around Robyn “I love you” pressing a kiss to the side of her head “there is more then seven balloons here” Tianna made her way over to us “how much is there then?” since she knows everything “seven but then we got to include my name there, they are balloons too” Robyn chuckled “and how many is that then?” she is confused thinking hard now “ten?” I snorted laughing “oh boy, I am about to remove you from that school” Tianna mean mugged me “thirteen altogether, all for you” she is happy, I like that “shall we get dressed and go to get some food?” Robyn moved her hair back from her face “I can do your hair all pretty” Tianna did a sigh of relief “it’s been so long mom, dad just keeps brushing my hair back” I snorted laughing “he tried but come, let’s get ready for dinner” a nigga be trying but these girls don’t appreciate shit, women for you.
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drabblily · 4 years
Bad Confessions
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Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, of course. Fluff. 
Word Count: 2.1k
Synopsis: Y/N seems to have fallen in love with a certain hotheaded blonde, might as well confess and get rejected to move on with it, right?
A/N: First Post! Hope you enjoy <3
Falling in love was scary.
There was nothing gentle about it, hence the “falling” part of it. You were either all in or not in at all. You could be pushed, you could take that jump, or you could accidentally take one certain step and fall to your impeding doom.
And it was so, so fucking terrifying to you. When you fall in love there is supposed to be someone waiting for you at the bottom to catch you, that was the fortunate option. The unfortunate side was that when you fall in love, that person could move at the last second to let you splat to the ground.
You guess, that’s what made you so scared of it. That someone would move to let you die. To be manipulated. To be used like that. It scared the hell out of you.
That was probably why you never noticed the signs when you were in it. The constant checking of a text message to see if he texted you, the sweaty hands and speedy heart whenever he walked by, the overthinking about him, trying to grab his attention by looking pretty.
It was torturous and you thought nothing of it, perhaps you were going crazy, though. Because you definitely should not be feeling like this.
So, you visited the school nurse, Recovery Girl, in hopes that she would cure your unknown disease.
“Hello? Recovery Girl?” You knocked on the open door to alert her that you were there before stepping in.
The old woman turned towards you with a smile on her face, “Hello, Y/N, are you hurt?”
You gulped, fiddling with your fingers, what if she weren’t able to help you? What if it was a fatal deadly disease and you couldn’t be cured no matter what??
“Well…actually, not really. I just think I might be feeling sick and wanted to ask you for your advice on how to help me out with it?”
She patted the hospital bed she had, implying for you to take a seat, so you did.
Recovery Girl silently grabbed her thermometer, going across your forehead to see if you had a temperature. You didn’t, normal temperature. She grabbed a stick and told you to open your mouth and say, “Ahhh…” With her gloves, she felt around your throat to see if there was anything that could hint at you being ill.
Unwrapping her gloves and throwing them out, she finally spoke with that constant smile of hers, “Well I did the minimum and it doesn’t look like you are sick. You don’t have a fever or any signs of a sore throat. Are you sure you feel sick? What are your symptoms exactly?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, there was no way you couldn’t be sick. Oh my god, what if you were right. What if you were uncurable!! Leg slightly bouncing in anxiousness, you told her, “W-well, actually, I think my mind is all fuzzy. I’ve been getting urges to check my phone when we are out of class…I sometimes get really feverish around people and it feels like my stomach is twisting when around somebody…do you think a villain could’ve used their quirk on me to make me feel like this?”
Your elder slightly chuckled, as if she knew a little secret, smiling even wider with a slight tint of pink to her cheeks, “Oh dearie,” She patted your bouncing leg to calm you down, “you sound like you’re in love.”
Your eyes widened, blood rushing throughout your entire face, “What! With who?”
“With whoever you want to be around, or whoever you think about most.” She clasped her hands together, nodding her head to convince you further. You couldn’t believe it though. You? In love? Doubtful, you were a future pro-hero! You had no time for love!
The bell rung, hinting you should be at your first period class soon, “Well, dearie, you better get to class now. You know how your teacher acts when you are late.”
You numbly nodded, jumping off the hospital bed and walking out of the nurse’s room. On your way to class, you felt heavier, your mind racing with ideas of who exactly you could be “in love” with. No one came to mind. It was torturous.
Finally, you made it to class, opening the door—luckily Aizawa-Sensei wasn’t here yet—and walking to your seat. Eyes scanning the chatter filled room, you made eye contact with mean crimson eyeballs, your heart picking up pace and your tummy feeling nauseated again.
“Got somethin’ to say, damn extra!?” His rough voice asked you loudly, looking to pick a fight.
Your bottom lip quivered in realization, breaking eye contact and sitting down in your chair. You put your head on the table between your arms, “No no no no no no…him?? Really? That cannot be true, he’s an asshole for crying out loud, what is wrong with you??”
You felt a loud slam on your table, “Hey! I’m fucking talking to you, dumbass!”
Your head jolted up at the suddenness, your big eyes staring up at your crush and classmate, Bakugo in confusion and sudden fear. Your cheeks flushed and you licked your lips, feeling thirsty out of nowhere now, “I…”
You noticed a deep red dust his ears as he opened his mouth, “Nevermind.”
Heart skipping a beat at his unexpected calmness, your eyes trailed his body as he stomped away to his chair with a slouch in his posture.
You felt a tap on your right shoulder, your close friend, Mina leaning over to whisper to you, “Bakugo’s never that nice to anyone, he’s totally got the hots for you!!” She squealed in excitement.
You choked on your air, sputtering out words, “N-No! I doubt that’s it, he probably just didn’t want to deal with Aizawa-sensei, he could’ve walked in at any second after all…”
The pink alien playfully punched your shoulder whilst giggling, “Hah! Yeah right, he doesn’t care if he gets in trouble, he totally has a crush on you, I can tell!”
You opened your mouth to respond when your teacher walked in with a ‘dead inside’ expression plastered onto his face, the entire class going silent so they wouldn’t get in trouble.
Ever since you found out your crush on your hotheaded classmate two weeks ago, you’ve done your best to avoid him as well as possible. No eye contact, no walking near each other, no talking—which meant also doing your best to not piss him off so you wouldn’t have an excuse to talk to one another. You did whatever you could in hopes of your stupid crush on him to fade away.
But nothing was working. So, you could only come to one reasonable conclusion.
Confess to him. You knew rejection was coming and you just wanted to get it over with so you could wallow in self pity instead.
Maybe that’s why you were here, standing in front of Bakugo Katsuki’s door, a rather large lump caught in your throat as you raised your hand to knock on the door. Swallowing it down, your fist quivered, hesitating to actually knock.
You couldn’t do this. It was way too nerve wracking and you were too much of a coward to actually do it. Placing your hand back down to your side in defeat, you pressed your head on the wall next to his door with a sigh.
“Why can’t I just tell him…” You murmured to yourself, looking down at your hands, imagining his rough ones holding yours. Which was stupid, considering it would never happen, you told yourself, pushing the silly daydreams away.
“What the fuck did you just say, damn extra?”
The sudden voice made you yelp, jumping away only to trip on your own foot and fall straight onto your ass. You groaned at the impact your palms and butt just got, both in extreme pain. You brought your hands up to your line of sight, inspecting how they were red and felt like it burned.
The man above you clicked his tongue in frustration before offering you his hand, “Dumbass. How did you hurt yourself from that?”
“I...” You started, grabbing his hand hesitantly; staring at your hands connected made blood rush to your face, “You scared me. I didn’t see you there.”
The blond snorted, “Idiot. How are you going to become a hero if you just jump from hearing my voice.” He mocked, narrowing his eyes at you before tugging you up and off the ground.
You flushed, reluctantly pulling your hand away from his to cover your face in embarrassment, “Shut up…”
“What the fuck are you doing in this hall anyways?”
“I just, um, you see…”
“Spit it out already, idiot.”
You peeked through your fingers, making eye contact with him, and taking a deep breath, “I just…wanted to tell you something.”
Bakugo crossed his arms—which you couldn’t help but admire how his muscles tensed and moved—raising one annoyed eyebrow at you to signify to continue.
Okay. You had to do this now or never. If you didn’t do it now, youd be a failure, a disgrace. Maybe rejection was what you needed! Maybe if he rejected you, your feelings for the hothead would dissipate and you could focus on more important things, like being a hero. Not fantasizing what kissing your classmate would feel like in the middle of a test.
‘Okay, just spit it out. You can do this’ You told yourself, putting your hands together and gulping.
“Alright, just listen,” You glanced towards him, seriously, hoping he wouldn’t interrupt you until you got your words out so you wouldn’t feel like a fool midway, “I, well to put it simply, I think…I think I like you, a lot. And its terrifying because ive never felt this way about anyone before. But I know you don’t feel the same way, so…please—”
Before you knew what was happening, Bakugo pushed forward, uncrossing his arms to grab ahold of you.
This was different. A lot different than how you expected.
Soft lips captured yours, passionately. You froze up, your mind going haywire trying to figure out what the fuck is happening right now. You noticed two things, does this mean he liked you back? It had to be right? That thought made you dizzy, there was no way this man liked you back. Bakugo fucking Katsuki, no way.
The man in question pulled away, taking note of your flustered expression, smirking at it waiting for you to speak again.
You reached up to touch your lips, still unbelieving that just happened. The second thing you notice was that his lips, oh god. They were heaven. You expected them to be chapped, rough, but it was far from it. Of course! This man would be perfect like this, after all he did seem like one to take care of himself.
Suddenly snapping up to your senses, your eyes widened, “W-what was that!? I said not to interrupt me!”
Katsuki snickered, “Seriously? I just fucking kissed you and you’re thinking about how I interrupted your stupid confession?”
“N-no! The kiss was nice!” His smirk widened. “No! It wasn’t nice, that’s not what I meant! Well, it was nice, I mean I liked it of course! B-but—”
“You’re stupidly cute when you ramble, you know?”
Your breath hitched before reaching over to smack his arm for teasing you, his strong hand catching your wrist and tugging you into his arms, his free hand coming to grip your waist.
“Stop teasing me!” You whined, struggling against his grip to leave your embarrassment.
“Hell no. Its fun to see your expressions when I do.” Bakugo grinned, his grip tightening for a second, “Your confession was ass though.”
You placed your head on his chest, squeezing your eyes shut. You knew it was bad, but he didn’t have to point it out for crying out loud!
You felt the pressure on your wrist disappear only for it to show up on your chin, “Hey, look at me.” His vermillion eyes surprisingly gentle, his tongue coming out to lick his lips.
You were the one to lean in this time, tilting your chin up to kiss him, after all, you didn’t exactly reciprocate it when he did. However, Bakugo immediately responded, his mouth moving against yours with a passion.
After what seemed like an eternity to you—which in reality was about thirty or so seconds—you pulled away, speechless and breathless.
His forehead leaned against yours, his eyes snapping open to make eye contact with you, “I like you too dummy, don’t forget it.”
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ohh-baekhyun · 5 years
Nothing Like Us | 04 - [M]
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✨Summary: Baekhyun has the chance to spend three weeks under the same roof as you, and he makes it his sole mission to win your heart.
✨Warning: fluffss, smut, blowjob but i suck, no pun intended.
✨Gif credits: @/exo-stentialism
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The next few days flew by in a blur of laughter, banter and sex. Lots and lots of sex. You and Baekhyun fall into an easy routine, like two love birds so wrapped up in each other, each day he can’t wait to get off work to be with you again. It is a pleasant feeling, knowing he has someone to go home to at the end of the day. The smile that you greeted him with made him feel so cherished, he wouldn’t trade that for anything else.
For someone who has been in a relationship and was hurt before, Baekhyun knows he shouldn’t be giving himself away this easily. But one thing about the heart is that, it doesn’t give a flying fuck what the brain thinks. Especially when the woman he is falling in love with makes it so damn easy.
He hadn’t said the three words to you yet, neither has you. But he knows he feels it, so fiercely that he had to mentally tape his mouth to keep the words from spilling. Somehow, he thinks it is better to wait, not because he is playing hard to get, but because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you, or worse, pressure you into saying it back out of obligation. If you are falling in love with him too, he wants you to realize that on your own. For now, he’ll take things day by day and pray that you’ll come to that realization soon.
The car pulls to a stop in the driveway of his residence and he kills the engine before glancing back. The entire backseat is filled with shopping bags, and inside are the things he bought just for you. There are clothes, shoes, bags, lingerie and...Christ, he sounds like a psychopath even to himself. He doesn’t even like shopping, but he was at the mall for a lunch meeting this afternoon, and he had this sudden urge to shop, not for himself but for you. If it wasn’t for the fact that he only has two hands, he’s certain he would empty out every shop available. There’s no telling how you will react when you see how crazy he is, he can only find out when he walks through that door.
Carrying the paper bags in both hands, Baekhyun heads to the front door. The housekeeper is exiting the house, and she stops in her tracks when she sees him. Her gaze lands on his fully occupied hands, then she glances up at him with narrowed, judging eyes. Ms Lee has been working here since Baekhyun was a toddler. She has witnessed all of his antiques, but this, she has never seen before.
“I know,” Baekhyun sighs. “It’s crazy.”
She scoffs. “Crazy is to put it mildly, sir...”
“You’re fired.” Baekhyun grunts as he moves past her.
The housekeeper simply smiles and walks away. Baekhyun has fired him once a month or so since he was a little boy. She knows not to take his words seriously.
As Baekhyun steps foot into the foyer, he is welcomed with a warm smell of pastries that flows from the kitchen. He makes his way there, where he finds you standing behind a marble top, brows furrowing in concentration as you carefully draw out a piece of muffin from the baking tray to set it down on an empty plate. He watches as your lips stretch into a pleased smile. Knowing you’ve succeeded this time, his chest swells with pride.
Baekhyun knows you’ve been attempting to bake muffins for him, to which you’ve failed twice. The batter was too watery on the first try, and you’d burned the muffins on the second try. He recalls the defeated look on your face as you struggled not to cry at your failure. He’d tried his best to comfort you as he wondered, why do you have to beat yourself up for such a small failure? Then he remembers how you’ve spent all your life trying to impress your parents just to earn their approval and affection, yet, you’re still abandoned in the end. There, he finally understands. You were probably afraid that he’d leave too.
Sometimes it hurts him to see you like this, but he doesn’t know how to make you believe otherwise. Because, how do you convince someone who has been abandoned by the people who are supposed to love them, not to fear it happening again? In that moment, he realized all he can do is love you, with a deepest hope that it would be enough to heal your wounds.
Baekhyun sets the shopping bags down on the floor and walks over to you. You are too immersed in your task in hand, you didn’t notice his arrival until he slides his arms around you from behind and plants a quick kiss on your temple. You gasp and whip your head around.
“Hi,” He greets, smiling down at you.
Your feature softens in an instant and you smile sweetly back at him. “Hi,” you tiptoe to press a kiss on his cheek before pulling back to stare at him. “You are right,” your smile grows. “I can do many things if I try hard enough.”
He glances down at the baking tray, then you. “I take it the muffins turn out well this time?”
You hum. “I think so.”
He clutches your body tightly against him and gives you a loving kiss on your cheek. “I knew you could do it, baby.”
You pick up a piece, swivel around and hold it up to his mouth. “Try it.”
Baekhyun takes a bite and groans a little too dramatically at the sweet flavor that melts in his tongue.
“That’s the sound you make when we have sex.” You remark. “Is it that good?”
“So fucking good.” He dips his head to take another giant bite and ended up getting chocolate all over his mouth.
You laugh at the overly enthusiastic way he chews the food. “Babe, you got something on your,” you gesture with your free hand for him to bend his head. As soon as he does, you lick his lips, bursting into giggles as he tries to kiss you and smear the chocolate on your lips.
He continues to kiss you, licking and nibbling on your lips as his hands slide under your dress to cup your ass. He gives them a hard squeeze, and his cock throbs at the sound of your moan.
“Let’s go up.” He withdraws his lips from yours. “I need to fuck you.”
You stare down at the bulge in his pants, your lips twitching. “How come you’re horny all the time?”
“Everything you do turns me on.” He says.
Your lips stretch into a coyish smile and he watches as the color suffuses your cheek. Damn if that doesn’t make him harder. He groans. Now, all he can think of is the feel of your tight pussy wrapping around his cock as he fucks you mindless.
“Come on,” He holds you by the wrist and leads you out of the kitchen.
Both of you are moving past the dining table when he stumbles over something and stops. Dropping your gaze, you find a boatload of shopping bags lying on the floor.
You scan through the logo printed on the paperbags, then you turn to him, eyes narrowing. “Do you have a fetish for women’s clothing that I don’t know about?”
“Very funny,” he poses a faux smile. “Those are all for you.”
Your lips fall agape. “Fo-for me?!” You squeak, eyes volleying between the bags and him. “But why? It’s not even my birthday or christmas, or valentine? Why are you buying me presents all of a sudden?”
“I’m your boyfriend.” he reminds. “I don’t need a reason to pamper you.”
“Baekhyun, I..” you stare at the shopping bags again, shaking your head in disbelief. “This is all too much…I can’t–“
He pinches your chin, tilting it up so you are eye to eye with him. “When you agree to be my girlfriend, what’s mine becomes yours too. You need to accept that, because eventually, I’ll want to give you more.”
You sigh and jut your lips. “I don’t have a say in this, do I?”
“When it comes to pampering you, no,” he states firmly. “you don’t.”
“Wow,” you roll your eyes. “How did I get so lucky?” you mutters, voice dripping with sarcasm.
He stares at your lips, so wildly aroused he can’t help but to smash his mouth against yours, kissing you hard. Drawing back, he says, “You can thank me with your pretty mouth wrapped around my cock.”
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“Are you done?” Baekhyun calls out from the bedroom.
You are in his walk-in closet, trying out the fourth dress of the night after he made you come three times in the shower.
“Be patient,” You shout back as you tie the string of the lace-up dress.
This dress could pass as a lingerie for how skimpy it looks. You know you’ll never wear this in public. Baekhyun will never let you, too. Although you love the soft pink color and the shimmery material of the fabric, it is so ridiculously revealing that you might as well be naked. Plus, it is hugging your body so tightly you can barely breathe.
You pivot in front of the mirror to take a look at the reflection of your back. There’s barely anything covering your back other than the tied up laces. You wonder what your boyfriend reaction will be.
When you step out of the closet, Baekhyun is seated by the side of the bed. He has changed into his homewear; a white tee and black shorts; simple, yet looking so handsome nonetheless. He is rummaging through a box that you have no idea what the content is. You lean your hips on the door frame, taking your time to admire him before walking over.
Hearing your footsteps, he lifts his gaze. “What’s taking you so–oh fuck,” his lips parted in shock the second he sees you in the dress. His reaction made you snigger. He looks dumbstruck as he sweeps his gaze over your body.
You stand by the bed. “Do you like it?” you ask.
Baekhyun pulls at your wrist to sit you down on his lap. You shift your bum and drape your legs over his thighs to make yourself comfortable. His eyes scan the dress again, “I love it,” he admits as he hooks his forefinger on one of the straps. His eyes shift up to you again. “but you’re not wearing this outside this room.”
You know you’ll eventually comply to him, yet, you still raise your brows in a challenge. “Have you always been this bossy?”
“You like me bossy, or you wouldn’t be here, in my bed.”
You let out a scornful huff. “Now you sound like a cocky bast–ahh!” He pinches your nipple through the dress and hold on. You whimper, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Baekhyun, please...my boob!” you beg. He finally releases it with a snigger. “You’re so mean!” You pout, rubbing your breast.
He pecks you on the lips. “Keep being a brat, I might spank you someday.”
“Are you…” You eye him suspiciously. “into that kinky bdsm shit too?”
The corner of his lip curls. “Speaking of kinky,” He swivels around to grab the box he was holding earlier. Your eyes follow his movement. He settles the box on your lap. Finally getting a clearer look at the content, you realize they’re a bunch of sex toys.
You look back at him, half surprised, half wondering, “Where did you get these?”
“I inherited them,” he sounds and looks serious. “from my great grandparents.”
Speechless, your jaw drop and you blink at him. You nearly fall for it until you detect a twitch on his lips, and the mirth in his eyes. You smack him across his chest. “You’re crazy.”
He flicks your forehead to retaliate. “I’m surprised you just figured that out.”
You groan, snatching the box away from his grasp. You dig your hand into the box to rifle through the content. “Why did you buy me sex toys?”
“Have you played with these before?” he asks. You shake your head. He sets the box aside and looks at you with this lazy look in his eyes. A look that means very good things to you. You gulp, anticipating.
“Take off your dress,” He says. “I’ll show you how these things work.”
You slide off his lap, and turn around to give him your back. “Can you help me out?” you ask. You heart races when you feel his warm breath on your back as he unties the laces. The front part of the dress drops to your waist and you pull the skirt down carefully. It is so tight you fear it tearing. A sudden slap on your buttcheek causes you to yelp, and you turn around in an instant. You feel the heat rising on your cheek as he stares at you. “What was that for?” You ask.
“You’re slow as a turtle,” He says. “Come here.”
You are tempted to retort, but that’ll probably earn you another spanking. So you do as he says.
When you’re seated on his lap again, he picks out a cylinder looking object that you assume is a dildo. You examine the toy, then you look at him, gulping nervously. “Are you going to put that inside me?”
His eyes hold concern when he senses your nervousness. He leans in to kiss you sweetly on the lips. “It is not going to hurt, baby.” he assures. “But I need to get you wet first.”
“I’m already…uhm, you know,” you chew on your lower lip, blushing.
He slides his fingers over your slit to test your wetness. Finding you soaked, his eyes flashed with heat and amusement. “You’re wet.”
You shrug, giving him a small smile. “Everything you do turns me on too.”
Baekhyun clicks on the tip of the vibrator to turn it on. The light, buzzing noise occupies the silence. “Spread your legs, baby.” 
You parted your thigh, but as soon as the tip of the vibrator touches your clit, the sensation made you clamp your legs together. He snaps his eyes up, raising his brows in a silent order for you to open. You brace yourself as you slowly part your legs again. And your moaning starts as soon as he plunges the vibrating toy inside your pussy.
He keeps his dark eyes on you as he fucks you leisurely. “You like this, don’t you?” He asks, pumping the vibrator in and out of you. You manage a strangled hum. “Do you want me to go faster?”
“Please…” you beg, breathing heavily.
“Like this?” He starts to move his hand at a rapid speed.
“Y-yes...ah-ahh!” The volume of your moaning gets louder. And that sound seems to encourage Baekhyun to go faster and harder. Your cunt is so wet that the sloppy sound of your juice is filling the entire room. He doesn’t stop even when you are cumming all over the toy.
Three orgasms later, you’re spent and Baekhyun finally stops when he knows you’ve reached your limit. You had your arms around him as you lean your head on his chest, too weak to move. He strokes your hair tenderly and presses a kiss on your head. A smile makes its way to your lips. You close your eyes with a sigh, savouring the affection he is offering you. You love it when he takes care of you like this.
After cuddling you for a while, Baekhyun says, “I’m hard as a rock, baby, it hurts.”
You can hear the pain in his voice. You giggle softly, feeling his hard-on beneath your thigh. “Can I help?”
“Get on your knees, then.” He whispers in your ear.
You unclasp your hands around his shoulder and slides off his lap. Your legs feel wobbly and you can hardly keep yourself up, but the need to pleasure him is stronger. You lower yourself by the bed and kneel in between his spread legs. Glancing up, you wait for his next instruction.
“Take it out,” he says.
Excitement shivers through your body as you pull at the waistband of his shorts. He lifts his hips, ripping his shorts down in one movement. His erection juts up, long, thick and throbbing with veins. You lick your lips, mentally salivating at the sight of his precum.
He weaves his fingers through your hair and grabs the back of your head. “Take me in your mouth, baby.”
Your hand gravitates toward his cock, and your fingers curl around the base. You part your lips and bring the tip into your mouth, tongue swirling around the round flesh to lick off his arousal.
A grunt tears out of him as his palm clamps around your hair. “Stop teasing and suck it.” He orders gruffly.
Baekhyun is a control freak through and through, especially in bed. And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
You bring his cock deeper into your mouth and clamp your lips around it. He moans when you start bobbing your head, pushing his hard length in and out of your mouth. Closing your eyes, you revel in the sound he makes.
“Ahh fuuck, just like that...” He groans throatily. “Take it deeper, baby. You’re sucking me so good.”
You thrill at his praise and draw his cock as far as you can into your mouth. The tip touches your throat and you choke at the pressure. Water forms in your eyes but it doesn’t stop you. His pleasure is your pleasure too, you thought. So you tighten the suction of your mouth and bob your head faster. His panting grows heavier and you feel his cock swelling in your mouth. His orgasm is nearing. But he grips your hair in a fist and hold you back. You glance up through your lashes to look at him.
“That’s enough,” he tugs your hair back, letting his cock slips out of your mouth. “Get in bed.”
You’re confused but you follow his order nonetheless. With shaky legs, you rise to your feet and climb into bed. You lay on your back, all naked with your long hair spreading over the mattress.
Baekhyun sets one knee on the side of the bed and stares down at you. “I’m going to cum all over you, baby…” He wraps his fingers around his throbbing cock. “and you’re going to watch me.”
Your heart lurches at his promise. You watch as he starts pumping his hard length with vigor. Beads of sweat form around his forehead. He looks so supremely hot with his jaw clenched, and his teeth biting down on his lip. You feel breathless just by watching him.
It isn’t long until you hear a long, guttural moan rips out of his throat. He jerks, shooting his load onto you. But he isn’t done yet. After muttering a few expletives, he bends forward to position his cock near your breast. His pumps is slowing down steadily. The tip of his cock brushes over your nipple as he spurts the remaining of his cum around your breast. His warm seed trickles down your pink bud, causing goosebumps to rise all over your skin. Your breath hitches.
Baekhyun straighten his back. He seems so mesmerized as he gazes down at you. “I’ve always imagined you like this…” he takes his time to scan every inch of your body. “you look so beautiful with my cum all over you.” He bends down and braces his hands on each side of your shoulder. Then, he leans in to kiss you, long and sweet. “Stay here,” he says as he draws away.
He is leaving you and the bed now.
“Where are you going?” you question, propping yourself up on your elbows.
He stops and bring his head around. “To get my phone,”
“Why do you need your phone?”
“To take pictures of you, pretty.”
Hearing that, you sit up and grab a pillow to cover your front. “I...I don’t think I’m comfortable with that,” You say weakly. His expression changes and your heart drops at the sight of that. Is he dissapointed? God. Through your worry and guilt, you can’t seem to tell what he’s thinking. “I’m sorry.”
His expression is still unreadable as he walks over to join you in bed. He extends his arms and slid them underneath your thigh, hoisting your body up with ease. He settles you on his lap and you’re still hugging the pillow to your body. You eye him apologetically. He frowns. “What are you sorry for?”
“I don’t know...I just feel bad for saying no to you…”
“Don’t be,” he assures. “I’d be an ass for forcing you into doing things you’re not comfortable with.”
You blow away a sigh. “But I ruined the moment...”
“Ruined?” He huffs incredulously. “I get to be with the prettiest woman I've ever seen. I’m lucky. There’s nothing more I could ask for.”
Relief eases the heaviness in your chest. For a while, you can only stare quietly at him, in awe. “You always know all the right things to say.” you smile gratefully. “Thank you.”
Baekhyun lifts a hand to brush his knuckle over your cheek. He seems to be considering something in his head as he reads your expression. Hesitantly, he asks, “Will you tell me what happened?”
Knowing where he’s getting at, you nod. You trust this man with all your heart you don’t even think twice but to tell the truth.
“The guy I dated in middle school. He had a video of me…” your words fade away but Baekhyun gets the idea, so you carry on, “We were together for a while until he started to get abusive. I wanted to end things, but he threatened to spread the video if I break up with him so…”
“Middle school?” he frowns deeply. “Aren’t you underage then?”
Regret fills your eyes with tears and you nod. “I know it’s wrong, but I had been so desperate for love and he is the only person who seemed to notice me,” 
“Fuck,” he presses his lips into a tight line. “How long?” his words came out rough and snappish. “How long were you dating that jerk?” 
“For two years until my dad sent me to Japan,” you chuckle dryly and joke, “Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise afterall.” 
He isn’t laughing, instead his face darkens, and you can feel the rage radiating off of him.
To see someone as easy-going as Baekhyun being this angry should be scary, but it feels liberating instead. Because you know his anger isn’t directed at you. This man cares enough to feel angry for you.
“Baekhyun,” you call out to him. He seems to be lost in his own thoughts. So you lean up to kiss him softly on his lips. That’s when he finally looks at you, blinking. You smile up at him, “What are you thinking about so seriously?”
He grunts. “I’m thinking about the million ways I’m going to hunt this fucker down and murder him for messing with you.”
You smooth your palm over his chest, feeling so much for him your heart nearly burst. His body seems to relax under your touch. “It’s all in the past, honey,” you assure him. “I’m okay now.”
“Did you tell anyone about this?” He asks.
You shake your head. “I can’t, it’s...embarassing.”
His brows pinched together in a frown. “Yet you told me about it...why?”
“Because I trust you,” you answer honestly. 
And deep inside, you know you didn’t just trust him. You are falling in love with him too.
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Ninety Six
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
April 2nd, 1999
Emile shifted in his seat, looking apprehensively at the therapist across the room. Just because he wanted to be a therapist when he grew up didn’t mean he knew how he was going to be one, or what they were like. “Promise me this won’t stop me from getting whatever job I want in the future?” Emile asked hesitantly.
The therapist laughed. “I promise,” he said. “Even if you want to be a doctor, there’s no psychological evaluation you have to pass in order to get the job. You’re safe to speak freely here. What’s been going on, Emile?”
Emile took a breath, tried to sort through the mental breakdowns he had witnessed and experienced, the crushing pressure, and the blinding fear. “It’s kind of a lot...”
“Well, let’s start with what comes to mind first,” the therapist encouraged. “There’s no wrong answers here.”
  February 16th, 2004
Emile braced himself as he heard Remy come down the stairs. He had gotten Remy to agree to see a therapist after his latest nightmare, but he was expecting some sort of fight this morning over it, now that Remy was more clear-headed. Emile wasn’t looking forward to it.
Remy came down the steps, peered into the kitchen. “I have a condition about therapy,” he said.
...Well. That wasn’t quite what Emile was expecting, but still wasn’t a great sign. “What?” he asked.
“You find a therapist too,” Remy said. “I need one, and I’m finally man enough to admit it. But you need one too, mio amore, I can see the stress in you constantly building and you need a healthy release for it that isn’t venting to me.”
Emile felt his grip on his coffee cup tighten, and he was almost willing to call off Remy getting therapy despite the near-constant nightmares making both of them unable to sleep through the night. Almost. “Why do you think that I need therapy?” he asked.
Remy sniffed a little laugh. “Have you seen yourself lately, mio amore?”
Emile was, admittedly, a little hurt at that. He thought he had been doing good. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.
Remy sobered. “It means I’m not the only one jumping at shadows or drowning myself in distractions in order to cope with the day-to-day, Emile. You do that too, in a different way. I may need therapy for my parents, but you need therapy for your grandfather, and probably some other things that I don’t have the words to explain. You put the weight of the world on your shoulders, Emile. Let others help you with that.”
“But I...” Emile paused. He couldn’t find the words to explain the emotions he was feeling. “I thought I was doing good, this time.”
“You’re surviving, sure,” Remy said. “But wouldn’t you prefer to thrive?”
“I mean, sure. But—”
“—No but’s,” Remy said. “If you want to do better, you need to see a therapist too.”
Emile felt his heart sink. “Okay, I guess,” he said, nodding.
Remy tilted his head to the side. “What’s bugging you, Emile?”
“It’s just...I really thought I was doing good,” Emile said. “I didn’t think I was...I was failing.”
Remy tutted. “Mio amore... you didn’t fail. This isn’t a personal failing. It’s asking for help when something gets too much, right?”
“Right, but this isn’t too much!” Emile insisted.
Remy walked over to the coffee pot and poured his own cup. He took a nice, long drink from it, before staring down Emile. “I would argue that any amount of stress that prevents you from thriving is too much,” he said evenly.
Emile blinked. Remy had a point. He knew that. What was keeping him from seeking out therapy? Was it personal pride? A stigma against it?
“You don’t have to be perfect, remember, Emile?” Remy said. “You don’t need to be perfect. And you have my permission to fail. If you see yourself going to therapy as a failure, so be it. I gave you that permission months ago.”
“You know, if I didn’t know it would kill you, I would insist that you go to school and become a therapist,” Emile joked. “Because you’re getting scary good at this logic.”
Remy smirked, just a bit. “Thank you, Emile. That means a lot. To know I can get through that head of yours is...reassuring.”
“Yeah, I can be an idiot when it comes to my own mental health,” Emile laughed.
Remy didn’t. “That’s not very nice of you to say.”
Emile shrugged. “Am I wrong?”
“Yes,” Remy said. “You’re being wrong and mean. Stop it.”
Emile shook his head, holding his hands out. “It’s just a joke, Rem.”
“It’s a self-deprecating joke that you use for self-defense, and I won’t have it!” Remy said. “Stop it. Be nice to yourself.”
Emile was sulking a little bit in response. “What if I don’t wanna be nice to myself?” he muttered.
“Then your mental state is clearly one which needs a therapist,” Remy replied simply. “Which, speaking of. We should find one.”
Emile felt his skin crawl. Why was he more uppity about finding a therapist than Remy? “It doesn’t have to be right away,” Emile sighed. “It can wait.”
“Do you really want me dealing with more nightmares?” Remy asked.
“Well, no...”
“Then it can’t wait,” Remy said. “What you’re trying to say is, ‘But I’m not the crazy one.’”
“You’re not crazy!” Emile snapped. “Don’t say that you are!”
“I’m looking for a therapist, Emile. Doesn’t that qualify as crazy?” Remy goaded.
Emile was shaking, finishing the last of his coffee and nearly smashing the mug into the counter. “I know what you’re trying to do, Remy, and I don’t appreciate it.”
“Emi. Look at me,” Remy instructed.
Out of shock at the rarely-used nickname, Emile did so.
Remy had a mix of anger and pain and sorrow in his eyes, all burning with a fire of determination. “I know you’ve spoken to therapists to get a sense of the job before. But I’ve spoken to them too, and actually asked after some people at the shop, seeing what the shrinks and their partners say the best form of support I can give you is. And you know what they said? ‘You help as much as you can, but if you can’t handle everything, direct him to another therapist.’ Therapists see other therapists, Emile. Even, no, especially ones who are as empathic as you. You care so much about everyone, it wouldn’t shock me if you had to talk to someone to make sure that you didn’t burn yourself out with worry. Finding a therapist a little early is better; that preventative measure is already in place!”
“But I shouldn’t have to!” Emile protested. His eyes were growing hot with tears, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. “I should be able to handle it! I’ve been able to handle it until now! I should be fine!”
Remy placed his hands on Emile’s shoulders. “Okay, I think we’re on different pages here, Emile. What should you be fine about?”
Emile hiccupped, looked away. “My grandfather,” he choked out, voice thick with tears. “He shouldn’t bother me as much as he does. Especially considering I’m talking to him over Spring Break.”
Remy blinked. “Hold up. You agreed to see him and didn’t tell me?”
“It didn’t seem like it would be a problem, and then you had all that stuff with your parents and I sorta...forgot for a while,” Emile said, flushing. “But that’s not the point!”
“Sure it is. It explains why you were so stressed for the past couple days. I know you took a call from your mom. She was probably relaying a message for you, right?” Remy asked.
Emile nodded, blushing. “I didn’t realize he got under my skin so much. I really am—” at Remy’s warning glance, he paused. “—Not monitoring my mental health well enough to recognize that.”
“I’ll allow that—for now,” Remy said. “Mio amore, come on. Even you acknowledged this is bothering you. It won’t stop you from becoming a therapist, if anything, it’ll give you resources for when the going gets tough. Just...help me find one for you, and you can help find one for me. Okay?”
Emile sighed. “All right.”
The two of them went to the office computer and searched for therapists in the area, each of them writing down a couple numbers to call when they got the time. Emile drove Remy to the shop, and then drove himself to school. He was fidgety. He couldn’t deny that the talk with his grandfather was coming up faster than he would have liked. He knew it was promising that his grandfather wanted to talk to him at all, but he couldn’t help but think of all the times he had butted heads with Remy’s mother. He kept replacing her with his grandfather and thinking how that would have felt.
His grandfather sneering and saying, “My grandson doesn’t associate with queers,” to Remy.
His grandfather lecturing him about how marriage was supposed to be, and not being with a woman went against God’s plan for him.
His grandfather showing up at their house, guilt-tripping him into trying to call off his marriage with Remy. Fuck. Emile wouldn’t do it, but if that didn’t hurt like all hell!
He was starting to understand why Remy was so traumatized through the years, and why he thought Emile needed therapy. Emile was shaking and breathing funny and...and he wasn’t calming down. Those thoughts just kept repeating over and over and before he knew it, his thoughts were drowning out the real world again. He mechanically walked to class, tears fogging up his glasses. When he sat down, one of his classmates gently shook him. He blinked, only being able to see Clara clearly for a second before the tears came back. “Christ, Emile, did Remy do this to you?” she hissed. “Do I need to give him a what-for?”
“N-n-n-no,” Emile stammered out. “Gr-Gr-Gr-Gra-andp-p-p—”
He couldn’t finish the title before Clara shushed him. “It’s okay, Emile. What about your grandfather?”
“He and I...talk...March...” Emile managed.
“What?! Why?!”
Emile shrugged, his breathing picking up.
“Oh, okay. Is that why you’re panicking?” Clara asked.
Emile nodded, beet red in embarrassment but thankful that Clara understood.
“It’ll be okay,” she said. “I won’t try and predict what he’ll want to talk about, but he won’t be trying to hurt you, no matter what he says. He loves you too much for that.”
Which meant, at the very least, he wouldn’t get physical. And that was nice. But it still left too many variables.
Clara glanced around, and said, “Class is about to start. Do you need to ditch today? Or can we talk after class?”
“Af-after,” he stammered.
Clara nodded.
Class went on, and Emile took the best notes he could in his current state. He knew others were giving him weird looks at him not taking the chance to pounce on all the questions, but Clara sitting right next to him, and asking plenty of questions herself buffered the effect a little bit.
After class, Clara and Emile hung back in the hallway, Emile no longer on the brink of a panic attack, but completely worn out and only semi-verbal. “Let’s make this easy,” Clara said. “Yes and no questions, okay?”
Emile nodded.
“Would your Grandfather knowingly hit you?”
Emile shook his head.
“Would he start yelling at you and calling you names for marrying Remy?”
That wasn’t his grandfather’s style. Emile shook his head.
“Would he try and force your hand to get you to call off the marriage?” Clara asked.
Emile hesitated. He didn’t know. And that was where his anxiety was stemming from. He might have to say “no” to his grandfather, for the first time in a very long time. His breathing was starting to pick up again, and the only word he could choke out, over and over again, was, “Panic! Panic panic panic panic—”
Clara put a finger to her lips and Emile pressed a fist against his mouth. “Well, I see where the anxiety stems from, as, clearly, do you,” she said. “Tell me this, Emile: has your grandfather ever tried to take something away from another person if he knew it made them happy?”
Emile shook his head. He genuinely couldn’t think of a time where that applied.
“Then he won’t take Remy away from you. Because Remy makes you happy. And yeah, I don’t know him. I know you think I can’t make that guarantee. But think about it. Would he really try something like that?”
Emile was pretty sure he knew the answer. His grandfather wouldn’t try that. He might make it clear that he never wanted to speak to Emile again, but he wouldn’t force Emile to call off the marriage. Sure, that option hurt, but at least it was realistic. “Thanks, Clara,” he breathed.
Clara nodded and smiled. “Of course, Emile.”
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Bloodshed AU
Chapter 4
Warnings: Nudity, Gore, Language, Violence Summary: Steve Rogers works in a research and tech company in New York. He’s been digging into myths and footage on a creature known as the werewolf. Vicious as they are, he hunts them. With a lot of failures, his team thinks he’s crazy. He may prove them wrong.
Do NOT ride motorbikes in the snow. It’s plain careless. These are professionals people. PROFESSIONALS (even though it’s you)
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Characters (Bloodshed Seven)
Author’s Note: There’s One twilight reference scene in this story. Let’s see if you can find it
Hint: It’s a Jacob move in Twilight Saga: New Moon
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Steve followed what Y/N had told her, said the trail was a few miles up. He listened and took that snowy road. She sat in his car beside him. Her eyes scanning through the woods as he continued down the road.
“This house seems stranded,” He said, she looks over and grins. “Not many people go down this road. It goes to the Volk park further down.” Steve nods. He remembered his father taking this road. He remembered where they stood. The sound of the howls of the werewolf.
The truck tilts a bit when he hits a pothole and Y/N leans forward, “Turn here.” He looks over and turns onto the other road. When he was young this road was never here. 
He never thought there’d be a house here. He thought this place could possibly be a small cabin. 
The truck was a small space. The windows weren’t rolled down and Y/N would often shift in her seat.
Her hand going over her mouth as she holds her breath in.
Don’t. She repeats in her head. Her wolf growled to the strong smell of his cologne. Ugh. Y/N lets out a grunt and Steve looks over, “You okay?” He asked. 
She nods, “Yeah, why?” He shrugs, “You look tense,” He said. She laughs, “Oh...um, I sometimes have a fear of the snow. You know... accidents,” She lied. She hoped he was that easy to trick.
Steve nods, “I understand. I’ll go slow.”
“No, it’s okay. We’re almost there anyway.” Y/N’s nose twitched at the slightest, she rubbed her nose and covered her mouth again, staring at the window. Her senses kept picking up a red flag. The cologne stung her senses.
Steve reached an open snow field and stared in awe at the huge house in the middle of the forest. It looked beautiful. He pulled up to the front to see other cars and motorcycles in the open garage. A man shirtless was working on one of them and they turned their head.
Y/N jumps out, “Come on in.” Steve jumps out next and walks around to follow Y/N up to the house. 
Steve saw the man turn and stand up, wiping his greasy hands with a towel. “Y/N?” He called, Steve saw his tan skin and his hair combed barely with small curls coming out every direction.
Y/N sighs, “Hey, Buck. This is Steve, ran into him.” Steve leans forward toward the man and holds his hand out, “Steve.” Bucky finishes wiping his hand and shakes it.
Bucky nods, “James.” Y/N looks over, “We call him Buck. He sometimes hunts for bucks that come across this field here,” Y/N said. Steve nods. “My father used to do that, sometimes we’d go for the hares,” Steve replied.
Bucky nods, his determined serious look never faltered. Y/N grins at Steve, “Follow me, I think Ada won’t mind you.” The two head inside as Bucky glared at the back of Steve’s skull like a hungry wolf.
Y/N gestured Steve in and he looked around. The place was warm, cozy. A nice place in the middle of nowhere. “Y/N, is that you? I can smell you from here!” Tatum shouts, Y/N chuckles softly as she glanced at Steve.
Steve saw a man walk in, again this one was shirtless as well. “Woah... Hey, who are you?” He asked, Steve grins softly and holds his hand out, “Steve.”
The man reached out to the taller one, “Tatum.”
“Damn it, Tatum!” Y/N hears Randall shout, Y/N covers her face mentally at these boys. The man comes in but stops, Y/N looks at Randall who stared at Steve. “Hi,” Steve said.
Randall looks at Y/N and ignores them, running up the stairs so Y/N sighed. “Sorry, that’s Randall. We call him Ran sometimes. With an ‘a’ not an ‘o’.”
Steve nods. Y/N heard someone come down and the familiar fern smell came over to her senses. Ada had come down the stairs, “Y/N, you’re back,” Ada sounded too adoring, like she was some rich woman in a coat of animal fur. Like Cruella De Vil. Ada heads over and rubs down Y/N’s back as she looks up to Steve.
“You must be the guest Randall spoken about.”
Steve nods, “Hi, Steve,” He says. Y/N blinks at him. Y/N looked over to Ada. “I’m Ada. I’m sure, Roman-Oh, there he is,” Ada says, Y/N felt her heart drop to Roman’s appearance.
Roman didn’t like guests who weren’t—well.Them.
Ada, for sure, agreed with Roman because if they were to have people over then they’re feral dogs in cages. Last time—Roman didn’t end well with the last guest that happened to be Tatum’s girlfriend who was drunk and no one really cared or know about her so no one really bothered to look for her.
Y/N kind of regretted bringing him here but he’d leave before morning. Roman walked over and Steve swallowed. Y/N shoots a look. Don’t show fear. Roman was slightly taller but they were almost eye leveled. 
Steve held his hand out, “I’m Steve.” Roman looks down at his hand then back up. “What brings you and your rusty truck to our home?” He asked. Steve drops his hand to that.
“Roman,” Ada says, Steve slowly inhaled and shoved his hands in his pockets. Okay, wanna be like that?
“I wanted to check the park out, my father used to take me here,” He lied. Roman quirks a brow and nods once but seemed to find some signs of suspicion. Roman never leaves his eyes on the man, “Randall, why don’t you show the gentleman around. And Y/N, I need help upstairs about that new furniture.” Y/N nods knowing what was bound to happen as Steve looks at her.
She reassures him with a nod and followed Ada and Roman up the stairs as Steve silently stood with Tatum and Randall who stared at him intently. 
Steve awkwardly grins. Then awkwardly asking, “Liking the weather so far?”
Y/N followed Roman into the lounge area upstairs as he whips around. “What the fuck are you doing? You know the rules we have!” He said, Ada closes the door to keep the arguing silent.
“He was out in the snow, he looked like he was lost!” Y/N says. Roman runs a hand through his hair, “He has to go, now!”
“He’ll leave in the morning,” Ada says, Y/N looks over, “Yes, I can take him into town and find him a motel to stay.”
“You just gave away our only safe house,” Roman says, his arm outreached towards the side. “I know! Can you just let this happen for one time? I promise he’ll stay away from us!” Y/N says back. Roman shakes his head and sighs. 
He tried not to do it. Not tear this whole place down. “You get rid of him in 24 hours. If I see him here, I’ll rip him to shreds.” Roman then storms out of the room and leaves Y/N in the room with Ada.
She covered her face, “You know he’ll have to go soon.”
Y/N nods, lowering her face, “I know. I just... I regretted it once I sat in his car. The smell... the red flags...”
“I know. We can’t tell him about that, okay? Not even us,” Ada said.
“What if it gets worse?” Y/N asked, she crosses her arms and Ada comes over, gently rubbing her shoulders. “He’ll have to find out soon. Either the wrong or the right time.” 
Y/N nods in her hand and Ada drops her hands, “He can sleep in the guest bedroom. Downstairs,” She adds the last word. Y/N knew these hounds can’t stop smelling the strong cologne. It was sensitive to their senses and it distracts most of them from anything. The flesh he had on his bones were added to the scent as well.
Especially blood. 
It was starting to get dark so Y/N walked out of the room after Ada did, minutes after.
Y/N met Steve in the living room. He jumps up and turns to her. Y/N grins at him, “You tired?” She asked. Steve looks around, “I’ve traveled from New York so yeah.”
Y/N didn’t want to admit that she knew he did. The smell of the New York’s outdoors. His shirt smelled—like a canine. Another dog. Not a werewolf. Just a regular domestic dog. 
Y/N shook the ideas off and sighed, “I can take you to the guest room. In the morning, I can get you a motel in town.” Steve nods as he followed you. “Cool. Thank you,” He said. Steve looked over to the wall and noticed the huge hole in the wall.
As if someone punched it.
Y/N opened the door and gestured him first. He walked passed her and— holy shit. She regretted it. Her eyes closed and the inner wolf started to become feral. Her teeth grit against each other and her jaw tightens. Stop.
“This is nice,” Steve said, breaking her thoughts. The trail of his aroma filled the room as he wandered around. Y/N nods, “Cozy, too. I hope you sleep well.”
“You, to-” He cuts himself off and Y/N blinked at him as he lowered his head. He cleared his throat, “You, too,” He said. Y/N smiles at him and closes his door. Shutting his aroma in that room.
She’ll have to wash those sheets a million times after he’s gone.
After an hour, she left the bathroom from her shower and saw Bucky in her room. “Hey, Buck,” She said.
He walks over to the woman drying her hair with the towel. “Who’s that guy? Why’d you bring him here?”
Y/N walks by him, “You sound like Roman, I already had this talk, I don’t need it again-”
“I’m just saying. You don’t know who he is.”
“No, but just get out.”
“You’ll get rid of him?” Bucky asked, Y/N turns around irritated, “Yes! Just go, please.” Her hands placed gently on his pectorals and he looks down at them. He looks up with adoring eyes now. His eyes shifting between hers and he sighed. “Okay.”
His hand reaches up and gently rubs her arm before taking a step back. “Tomorrow, please.”
“Okay,” Y/N said.
Bucky grins, “We’ll be heading over to the Freeze joint in town. Just something for us.” Y/N sighs with a grin. “Okay, close the door.” Bucky reached for the door and closed it.
Y/N walked over to her bed and crawled in. Laying on her stomach, she relaxed herself. The aroma coming from Steve was gone but she was desperate for more of it. Her stomach on the urge to growl with hunger but she shook it off. She closed her eyes till someone barges in and closes the door. 
“You know you aren’t getting rid of me easily,” Bucky says.
Y/N groans as Bucky slips into the bed and drapes his arm over her. “Bucky, get out!” She groans when he rolls on top of her. He laughs, “Doggy pile.” She laughed. Y/N tries to shove him off.
“Okay, you can sleep in my bed, just get off me!” She felt him roll off and he relaxed on her bed. Bucky usually did this sometimes. It wasn’t new for her. Just two friends sleeping in a bed. 
Under the heavy blue moon.
Steve relaxed in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. He heard his phone buzz in his pocket and pulled it out to see Natasha’s name pop up. He pushed the button and pulled it up to his ear, “Hey.”
“Hey, Steve. How’s it going in Oregon?” She asked. Steve looks out the window to the fallen snow. “It’s snowing but I haven’t reached Sarah, yet.”
“Have you called her? Is she okay?” Natasha asked. Steve nods, “I know she’s doing fine. Right now, I ran into a woman and her family. She was gonna take me down to get a motel.”
“I’m glad you got there safely, Tony was wondering when you’ll be back in time for that Australia mission.”
Steve sighs, “I’m sure I’ll be back in time for it. Just keep me updated, if anything comes up, let me know.”
“All right, I should get to bed. You should, too,” She said. Steve smiles even though she couldn’t see it. “Okay. Take care of Dodger for me till I get back. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Nat chuckles, “I won’t shave the dog, I promise. Bye, Steve.”
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The next day, Y/N woke up. Bucky sensed her awakening and he stretched when she sat up. Y/N stands up and heads into the closet. Bucky groans, “Where you going?” He asked.
Y/N throws on clothes, “I need to drop off Steve somewhere in town. Get him a hotel with that one guy, what’s his name? Erik?”
“Selvig? You know that guy’s a freak?”
“How so?” She asked, Bucky sits up in her bed. “Well, he knows the reporter, Jane Foster. You know, them two have been exploring the-” Bucky waves his hands like a crazy person, setting in that spooky mood, “-Werewolves are real thing. They even made that stupid website of footage.”
Y/N chuckles, “They’ve also been looking in those weird Norse Mythology things. They even gotten crazy on this one guy ... Jane Foster was first an astrophysicist before she got fired and became a reporter. Journalist for a while,” Y/N points out.
“Erik,” Y/N sputters, “He can be a complete crazy guy but he still contains himself. I’m sure the man in our house won’t mind him.” Y/N leaves the room so Bucky jumps off the bed and follows her down towards the kitchen.
Y/N immediately spots Steve at the island. “Oh, morning,” Y/N says, Steve turns, “Morning.” Y/N walks over to the coffee maker and turns. “Buck, do you want coffee?”
“I’ll take one,” He said, glaring at Steve as he walks by. Y/N continued to make the coffee, “Steve?” She offered. He perks his head up, “Uh, sure.” Bucky comes over to Y/N and he stood a bit too close. 
Steve glances up at them and his gaze never left them. Bucky seemed to be.
Y/N felt it and she turned to Buck, “Can you look in the fridge for the creamer?” She asked. Bucky drapes his hand on her back and nods. Bucky then heads over to the fridge and searches for the creamer.
Steve eventually removed his eyes away from them. “So, where is this motel? How far?” He asked. He needed as much information, distance from one place to another. It was kind of important. Steve still hasn’t found anything in the Volk forest and he needed to be there in time.
“Well, the county that’s about 3 hours away from here is where Y/N was gonna take you,” Bucky jumps in, not allowing Y/N to speak, “The town’s small but you’ll be fine there. We’re sorry but we can’t have you here.”
Y/N drops her hands on the counter and glares at Bucky. He looked at her without removing the look of determination. Steve lowers his head, his hair falling over his face, “Oh, no, I get it. I knew I wasn’t gonna stay for long. I didn’t want to intrude your guys’ home.”
Y/N shook her head, “You didn’t Steve, in all honesty, I didn’t know how my family would react,” Y/N and Bucky throw looks at each other. She turns and slides Steve a coffee. “Thanks,” He mutters.
Y/N gives one to Bucky as she takes hers. “We can leave after breakfast.” Steve nods and takes a sip. “Sounds great.”
Y/N had taken her motorcycle and placed it in the back of Steve’s truck for her to return home. She wanted to guide Steve in his truck but she knew it was a mistake. She’d have to deal with the smell of him again.
Y/N hadn’t felt like this in forever. The smell was somewhat similar years back when she last had a human body. Y/N knew Bucky had ripped those hunters but he wanted to finish them off. She would’ve if she had the chance. It had been years since they haven’t had a full human feast.
The sign of the County Oregon town called Clare View Point. The place where Bucky and Y/N would grab coffees at the small diner that was a five-star. Everyone was nice in the small town. Almost half the town is hunters who travel up to the Volk forest for deer, bears and moose.
Hunting season was over now and they’re lucky to roam the area again for deer. Y/N had to get Steve out their way first. She pointed at every place. The barber shop, the diner, the laundromat, crazy people to not talk to when he walks the streets.
She told him to stop in front of the motel. It was not much of a big place but they had good service. She walked in with Steve and headed inside. “Mr. Selvig!” She calls out, a thud was heard in the back.
“Oh, Christ!” The man stumbles out from the back and heads over to the desk, “Oh, hey, Y/N. You’re back. What can I do for you?” He asked.
Y/N leans on the desk, “I have a friend here, who came back to his home and he needs a place to stay for a while or how long he’ll be here,” Y/N glances at Steve. Steve wasn’t so sure how long he would be here. As long as he gets it done less than a week. 
His team won’t worry about him.
Erik didn’t respond—well, he blinked. Y/N smiles, ��Okay,” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out her wallet. Steve holds his hand out, “Woah, hey. You don’t have to-” He began but she holds her hand up, “No, Steve. Erik, I’m asking you a favor.” 
She holds up the 100 dollar bill up, “He just needs a room. I promise he’s not like the others.” Erik hums and quickly snatches the bill, looking at it closely. “Okay,” He nods, walking over to grab a key. Y/N looks at Steve and smirks. 
Erik comes back with a key, “Here you go, son. Room 37B. Enjoy your stay.” Y/N smiles and slips her wallet back in her pocket and walks out to help Steve with his bags.
Y/N pulled the back off his truck ledge down and reached for her bike. “Careful. I think it’s a lot heavier than it looks-” Steve began as Y/N reached for the bike and grabs it, “-Let me help you-” He stops himself when Y/N pulls the bike and lowers it to the ground with no problem.
Steve watched in awe. Y/N grunts and rolls the bike to the curb of the side walk. She swipes her hands together, “Okay, let’s get you into your room.” He watched her as she reaches for his bags and pulls them towards her.
He helped her and walked over to his room. Opening his room, they stepped in and placed the bags on the bed. The room was nice. Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out the box of cigarettes.
He slipped one into his lips and lit it. Y/N looks over as he holds the box out, “Want one?” He mutters. Y/N shakes her head. The smell of it was intoxicating and it made her senses burn.
She’d only see it get worse. He puffs out the smoke and slipped the box and lighter back into his pockets. “Thank you for helping me. I didn’t think I’d get a place for free,” He said.
Y/N nods, she looked around the room. The small scent of sex gave her a cringed look on her face as she entered the bathroom. He couldn’t even smell it. It must’ve been the lavender scent they set up somewhere.
Y/N could smell it.
“No problem,” She finally said, turning around and walked out. Steve follows her out back to his truck and her motorcycle. “Will I be seeing you again?” He asked.
Y/N hops on the bike and sighs, “Maybe. Small town, might run into me once or twice a month. Maybe three if you’re lucky.”
Steve squints up at her as he pulls the cigarette out of his mouth. She shakes her head, “Trust me you’ll stay out of the forest? It’s dangerous these times, bears and the snow is pretty much dead for you. Especially the ice.”
He nods. “Sure thing,” He lied. He needed to go into that forest pretty soon. Y/N kicks the stand up, “If you want, there’s this cliff they have on the coastline. Buck and I go there to hang out on the shore. Maybe go for a swim. We’re sure the snow will melt soon. They said light snow came by so we’re welcome to swim at the shore.”
Steve nods, “I’ll think about it.” He thought about that guy, Bucky. He must be Y/N’s boyfriend. Overprotective. He didn’t want to ask about him. “Ride safe,” He said. Y/N grins and nods, “I’ll see you later.” He watched her ride off down the street leaving him at the motel alone.
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“So, you didn’t really get rid of him.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Come on, Bucky-”
He reaches for the fries, “Well, he knows where we are. I mean, if that guy finds any suspicions of us, everyone will know.” Y/N shakes her head at him. Bucky was getting defensive. Thinking that this Steve guy was some weird guy.
“He’s just a normal guy, Buck. He was lost.”
“Yeah, of course, what was he doing in the forest?” He asked, Y/N shrugs at him, “He was by the creek, looking at blood.”
“So he’s a detective then. He’s the police. Undercover,” Bucky said, Y/N rolls her eyes once again and laughs. “He doesn’t look like one.” Y/N reached for her shake as they sat outside the Freezer joint. 
The best burgers in the town. Y/N had a burger with bacon in it. She craved the bacon this time. Bucky pulls out a cigarette causing Y/N to drop her shoulders. “Come on, Buck, you know I don’t like those.”
He lights it, “Aw, stop. You used to like them.”
“Used to. I quit. They cause lung cancer,” She says, Bucky chuckles, “Can’t get it. You know us.”
“We’re still human,” She mutters. Bucky reaches for the cigarette and pulled it away, “Come on, Y/N. I only have these once a week, not every fucking minute.” Y/N reaches for the fries and dips it in the ketchup. Bucky puffs out the smoke and looks over to her.
“Why are you so upset?” He asked.
Y/N dips her fry in the small ketchup cup, “I just... fucked up,” She throws the fry in her mouth. Bucky looks at the fries in front of her before reaching over, “What’d you fuck up on?” He asked.
“You know what I did.”
“No, seriously-”
“I fucking ruined our lives by inviting someone to our only safe house that kept us away. We live too close by those hunters bodies and now he’s gonna suspect that we did it.” Bucky pulls the cigarette out of his mouth and puts it out on the cement table.
“He won’t suspect anything. We were a miles away from it. Remember the police came over? They didn’t suspect anything. We’re fine,” Bucky said. Y/N pulls her drink to her lips and takes a sip as Bucky grins up at her.
“Just relax. If Roman’s pissy about it, then let him be. He shouldn’t pussy out now when we don’t have shit to be blamed on.” Y/N placed her cup back down and looked over to their bikes parked on the side.
“I invited him to the cliff side tomorrow,” Y/N says.
Bucky drops his shoulders this time, “Our spot? Why?” He asked. Y/N shakes her head, “I don’t know. I didn’t want to just say hi then kick his ass out without another word.” 
Bucky nods, agreeing— finally. “Okay, I understand. But this can’t be a normal thing. He needs to be a usual guy that we know. Not friends. Nothing. It’s the only way to just keep him away from coming over.”
Y/N nods. She reaches for the fries again— her brows furrow. “Doesn’t Steve Rogers sound familiar to you?” She asked.
Bucky reached for the fries, too and ate one. “No. Why?” He asked. Y/N shakes her head and licked her lips. “It’s just... never mind.” Bucky shrugs, letting her respond like that. If he did, she’d just shut him out again.
The wolf snarled at the man in front of him. It’s teeth, sharp and pale-white as blood drooled down it’s muzzle. The man crawls back and tries to throw sticks and rocks at the beast. “Get back!” He shouts.
The hound’s growls roared like thunder. Its eyes were blue but deadly, staring into the eyes of a devil hidden behind ocean eyes.
The wolf’s fur snow white and the shine of it reflected off the moon as it stalked closer to him.
The man groans, “Get back, beast!” The man meets the tree behind him as he gasps at the clunk of the wolf’s jaws biting at him.
“This ain’t your territory!”
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Some ending there but it would’ve been worse
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heartofholland · 4 years
bitter - p.p.
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summary: you worked your whole life for this, and peter parker took it away without a single second thought.
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a bit of swearing but for comedic effect i swear
authors note: this is my first (and most likely last) time writing. if its not good blame my C in english <3. this idea randomly came to me in the middle of the night and i though i’d give it a shot. shoutout @hollanderheart​ for not only motivating me to write and post this but also being my own personal hype woman at all times. enjoy!!
You had never had a solid reason to hate Peter Parker. He was smart, quiet, and always kind to you and everyone around him. You thought he was a nice boy, and never had a problem with him. Until now.
Until Peter fucking Parker stole your internship.
The news was initially broken to you through hallway gossip. Not believing the story, you went straight to the only person who you knew wouldn’t feed you bullshit, MJ.
“Did Peter get the Stark internship?” You practically screamed. MJ turned, stunned from your sudden close proximity and your wide, questioning eyes. Closing her locker after grabbing the books she needed for her next class, she answered, “Yeah, he’s had it for like a week, why?”
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Your back hit the lockers and you rubbed your face in frustration.
“Well, I didn’t know you were so invested in Peter’s business all the sudden,” she quipped, not realizing you weren’t in the mood based on the death glare you returned.
“You realize I’ve been working on getting that internship for like, my whole life right?” You scoffed and let your head fall back and hit the locker.
“It must’ve slipped my mind, my bad.” she replied coolly.
You groaned, “I can’t believe Peter Parker just destroyed my future.”
“I’m gonna sit this breakdown out, I have to study for my Calc test.”  She gave you a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before making her way to the library.
There you stayed, leaning on the lockers frozen with solitude, or was it anger? You couldn’t quite tell.
The rest of the morning passes with a breeze, just going through the motions of your daily routine without even thinking. Everything just felt numb. The final bell rang, allowing you to get away from the possibility of making any contact with Peter. The hatred you held for that boy was unimaginable.
The internship at hand was a once in a lifetime experience. The September Foundation Internship. One high school junior, hand picked by Tony Stark himself, was hired to work alongside the mastermind for an entire year. Rumors claim that if you’re cool enough, he lets you try on the suit. Others claim that if you stay late enough, you can see the Avengers in their daily lives. But no one has ever been able to verify them. Now meeting the Avengers would be cool and all but that's not why you wanted this internship. By featuring this on your applications, it was basically one way ticket to acceptance.
To any school. Anywhere.
Though your resume may be long winded, having the internship on there puts you ahead of any other student there. And if you were trying to get into MIT, it definitely wouldn’t hurt to be friends with an alumni. A very prevalent alumni who donates large sums of money each year.
What irked you the most was that you didn’t even get a letter of rejection. You had to find out through gossip. Like really? How long does it take to write an email?
Hey sorry you sucked so much that you didn’t get the internship. Better luck next time!
XOXO Iron Man :)
Sure, Peter Parker was a hard worker with a big brain but there was no way he was more qualified for that job. You had hundreds of hours of community service, a spotless report card, professional relationships with many prominent authoritative figures, and you participated in extracurriculars that Peter hadn’t even heard of. So how did he get in over you? Sure he has marching band, academic decathlon and robotics but in no way could that ever put you a step above him. It’s not like he’s some sort of superhero saving lives.
The fact that you couldn’t come up with a single thing that could make him stand out over you annoyed you to no end. The internal conflict occupied your brain for almost a week until you decided to confront Peter.
You spotted him in the cafeteria, laughing with Ned acting like he did absolutely nothing wrong.
Oh boy did he have it coming.
“So how’d you do it?” you accused, slamming your lunch tray down and sitting down across from him. Ned scootched away suddenly uncomfortable with your closeness and accusatory voice. Since becoming official with Betty, he knew how women’s emotions worked (to an extent) and he knew that tone did not mean sunshine and rainbows.
“W-What are you talking about?” he squeaked, confusion written all over his face. His eyes bouncing all over your features as if it would help predict what you were going to say to him.
“The September Foundation Internship,” you started with a calmer tone, “How’d you beat out all 5000 candidates, including yours truly?” You smiled innocently, but Peter knew that look meant anything but.
He looked around for a second, coming up with absolutely any excuse to satisfy your jealousy, “I did- I didn’t ask Mr. Stark so- so I really don’t know.” He turned to Ned widening his eyes as if sending a telepathic call for help. Ned frantically shook his head, not wanting any part of his problem. He deals with enough angry teenage girls as it is, he wouldn’t voluntarily put up with any more than he needed.
Peter panicked, spouting out the first thing that came to mind, “Well in my application I-I mentioned that I like to build LEGOS, so I guess Mr. Stark assumed I’m good with my hands?” uncertainty prevalent in his voice. He visibly winced at that poor excuse of reasoning.
You were surprised, “Oh, ok. Thanks Peter,” getting up to move towards your typical spot in the cafeteria.
“Real smooth, bet you really fooled her there,” Ned teased his friend, noticing the concern on his face, “What was I supposed to do? Just casually mention I’m Spider-man? She wouldn’t believe me!” Peter weighed.
A toy that was meant for children beat you out. Embarrassed was an understatement. You played with Barbies and Polly Pockets! You even played with the sexist “girly” version of LEGOs! Granted you probably haven’t picked up a toy in maybe 10 years but still! That just isn’t fair.
“Mr. S-Stark could I have some advice?” Peter was quite literally shitting his pants with nervousness.
Tony looked up from his blasters he was tinkering with, “I mean you can ask but I can’t guarantee I can be your Dalai Lama” he taunted.
“Um okay well,” Peter gulped, “This really pretty girl at my school is mad at me and I don’t know what to do”
Tony was stunned, “Girls talk to you? And you hold a conversation? Congrats kid you’re growing up!”
Peter was embarrassed, “Well, not exactly. You know that internship you host every year?” His hands were shaking from nervousness, so he dropped his web shooters and clasped them in his lap so Tony wouldn’t notice. But of course he did, setting down his blasters and turning his chair to put his complete focus on Peter.
Well that totally makes this conversation easier!
“Of course. But I’m not giving it to you. I spend enough time with you already as it is.”  
That helped ease his stress, “Well to cover for Spider-Man I just tell everyone I do the Stark internship, forgetting that there is a real internship. So this girl applied for the September Foundation Internship and is mad because she thinks I took it from her. But that's crazy because she's like the nicest person and worked so hard for this internship and there is no one I know that is more deserving of the spot and-,” Tony cuts him off, knowing the boy could ramble for days.
“What’s her name?” He questions, “Y/N Y/L/N, But I’m not asking you to like give it to her because that’s not fair, just give her a tour of the tower or something for her to finally realize I’m not that important around here,” Peter justifies.
“I’ll see what I can do.” With that, he walked out of the lab.
You’ve accepted the fact that you didn’t get the position and have continued to build your resume, filling in the space you left for the internship.
“Mr. Harrington? Flash isn’t here today so do you want me to do the lab alone?” You asked, grateful your annoying lab partner isn’t there attempting every pick up line in existence on you. Each one followed up with a denial and you completed the lab on your own.
“No,” Mr. Harrington said. “Ned’s partner isn’t here either so you can pair up with him.”  
Begrudgingly, you stood up to join Ned at his lab table. Curious you ask, “Who is your partner?”, Ned hesitates in his answer, “Oh, Peter is busy with the Stark internship.”
Nevermind. Any progress of acceptance you thought you’d made was gone.
“Oh, okay.” You ended the conversation knowing you couldn’t handle dwelling on your failures any longer.
You would’ve been able to juggle the internship and school. Peter can’t even stay a whole day of school without leaving. This was just another reason why you were more qualified than him.
Peter was just arriving at Avengers tower to talk to Mr. Stark about how he altered his web shooters to increase the output of webs. He took the elevator up, assuming he would just be in the lab like he always is. And he was there, just not alone. He catches their attention when walking in, embarrassed to be seen so caught off guard.
“Ah Peter! So good to see you! I want you to meet our newest intern, Y/N Y/L/N!” Tony smirks at the boy whose eyes are blown wide staring at the girl in front of her.
“H-Hi Y/N. C-congrats on the internship.”
“Thank you Peter.”
“Well I have to go check on Cap, he gets angry when he doesn’t have his green smoothie. You guys get comfortable with each other! But not too comfortable, I don’t need to see any angsty teenager lovers in my presence.” Tony winked at Peter before he left the lab.
“Well that's awkward,” the girl begins, “I think I just stole your job.”
“Wh-what?” his eyebrows knitted together.
“Well you’re always gone for the Stark Internship so I just assumed it was the September Foundation Internship?” Now they’re both confused, clearly Mr. Stark wasn’t clear on Peter’s affiliation with him.
“N-no I just do a different intern job for Mr. Stark. I-I just clean up the lab.”
He has really gotta pick up his excuse game.
“So you’re a janitor?” She frowns.
“N-no I just make sure it’s tidy for Mr. Stark, organize the supplies and order more when he needs,” Peter stuttered.”
Ok now he's improving with his justification skills.
“Oh ok? Well I have to go, I have a charity thing.” You made a solid attempt at cutting the tension between you both..
“I didn’t ask you to do that.”
Tony spins his chair, spotting Peter at the entrance. “Well I reviewed her application and you were right, she does deserve it. Plus, I know how you struggle with the ladies, so in a way I was throwing you a bone, whilst still getting a prodigy by my side.”
His jaw set, “I’ll have you know I am perfectly good with the ladies and don’t need your help,” Peter stormed out of the lab like a toddler.
“That’s not what you said in the lab the other day!” He calls after him, knowing full well he was out of earshot.
Peter has never felt so relieved than when the quinjet touched down on the top of the building. The mission was a complete disaster. If he had to explain the definition of “abort mission” he’d probably start with that.
After stepping off the quinjet, Peter made a beeline for the kitchen. His throat scratched every time he swallowed, probably from yelling into the coms trying to navigate through the pure chaos.
Passing by Wanda, he could tell by her facial expression he wasn’t in good shape. He could feel the dried blood stuck to his skin and the smell of sweat was unavoidable from even 10 feet away.
After his five minute walk, which would be better described as a limp, he made it to just get a glass of water. Finally, the rush of moisture runs through his whole body. Whilst peacefully chugging his entire cup of water he hears the sound of glass shattering, followed by the words,
“What. The. Fuck.”
He knows the voice from anywhere. Hell, he hears it on the morning announcements with Betty every goddamn morning. Frozen, he doesn’t know what his next move is. Does he run and act like it never happened? Does he just accept it and brush it off like no big deal? His rough draft of an explanation is slowly being put together in his head when you move in front of him.
“You’re not an intern. You’re fucking Spider-man.”
“O-oh hey Y/N, didn’t see you there”
Real smooth Parker. Why don’t you talk about your LEGO skills again. Just try and see if you can make this conversation any more awkward than it needs to be.
“Cut the bullshit. Why didn’t you tell me?”
She always knows how to get straight to the point. Something he always admired about her.
“I-I-I didn’t think it was important?” The apprehension isn’t helping his persuasion skills in the slightest.
“Oh being an Avenger is just a common occurrence nowadays?” You push, determined to get a real answer and not a half assed excuse.
“I mean if you live around here yeah everyone is some kind of super hu-”
“Peter.” You cut him off, annoyance obvious in your tone.
He sighed, “Yes. I am Spider-man. The only people who know are Ned, Aunt May, and the rest of the Avengers. And now you.” Distress was obvious on his face
You began to feel guilty once you saw the panic on his face, “I won’t tell anyone,” you squeak, the first drop of sympathy Peter has ever received from you.
“Thank you, I’m sorry for not telling you. You’re part of the team and deserve a real confession, not finding out by accident.”
The guilt train is on a two way track tonight!
“No, it was your secret. You deserve your privacy.” A small smile tugged at the edges of your lips.
“Thank you for being so understanding. Now that the secret is out maybe we could work together on my suit sometime?”
Peter is nervous. Why is he nervous? Did he just accidentally ask her on a date. Oh god what if she isn’t interested?
“I’d love to Peter! It's a date!” Your smile beaming gave Peter a surge of confidence, and he reached around your waist to pull you into a hug. You were both ecstatic to have finally started to see each other as friends, and even a little more than that.
Your trances were broken when you finally spoke up, “Maybe you should take a shower first,” as you finally realized the stench in your close proximity.
A flush creeping up his face when he realized. “Let me go shower then we can continue this,” he beams.
“See you then Spider-man!”
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Free writing - Mom And The Mushrooms
Author’s note: Again -- if you’re here for the Henry content you can skip this one. I can’t find any inspiration for Henry stories at the moment, so I thought I’d share one of my ‘free writing’ stories instead. I’m super nervous about sharing this with you, but..ever tried ever failed, right?😅
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Mom And The Mushrooms
Warnings: Dystopian, character death, food poisoning, grief
Word count: 3.607 (13 min. reading time) 
Phase 1: Denial
They had to be kidding right?
With a shaking jumble the train came to yet another screeching halt. And we weren’t even there yet.
Would they throw me out here? In this suburban, white picketed wilderness? I could see the grass growing thigh high. Trees poking out through the roofs of houses that had once been the wet dream of every newly-wed nuclear family.
If only they had known what would come of the world. 
Leaning into the large glass window, I let my eyes wander. There wasn’t even a platform in sight, the rails tracking for miles ahead before I could make out the silhouette of my hometown in the distance. It was no more but a bluer shade of blue in the crisp sky. Like a fever dream that I so eagerly wanted to wake up from right now. I didn’t want to be here. In this train. Going home. Or whatever was left of home.
I watched as two blue uniformed men passed outside my window. Train crew. Their stubby fingers letting factory rolled cigarettes dance as smoke puffed from their lips, their moustaches curling up with something that might just be a smile. I hadn’t seen people smile for years. So, sure. It was a little weird.
Would they throw me out here? With a speeding heart I watched them, but they walked on. Onward to the nose of the train, their pace glacial as they sauntered on side by side. Why were they so happy? Idiots.
Sighing, I rested back into the coffee stained bench, the old raggedy fabric reminding me of the long years this train had been in service. It was a miracle that it still managed to move out here once a week. In between the mighty storms, floods, hurricanes and what not. It was a miracle that people still dared to go out in this wilderness. Myself included. Though, I obviously didn’t have much of a choice.
Simmering quietly, my attention was drawn to an old broadcaster that crackled to life. The sound resembled something that might have once sounded human. But right now it sounded more like metallic gibberish. Hard to discern and probably also hardly important.
“Kggg--zz running int-----resume in a tsssskk --”
It was the last stop before we finally arrived in my hometown. Home. Pff. They had to be kidding right?
Phase 2: Anger
Home was a town without a name. The sign was long stolen and had never been replaced. RB04 - Midhaven. That’s what it was called. For it was located exactly in the middle of two supercities; 8LU3 - Blue City and R3D - Red City.
It was the only town that still had a few inhabitants for miles to come. And it had a shop too, my feet dragging inside as I tugged my suitcase along. The copper bell by the door tolled loudly and I couldn’t help myself but think: I fucking hate this.
‘Angel?’ A halfling sized man walked out from behind the counter, his head appearing from behind a rack with candied bars past their expiration date. He looked a century older, and perhaps an inch or so smaller. But he was still Bub. He still had that stupid smile on his face. That spiky white hair. A near toothless smile. Why did these people ever smile? What was there to smile about?
‘Bub.’ - I sounded tired.
The man’s furry brows lifted, and for a moment I wondered if he could see me at all.
‘You look terrible.’ - Fair enough, he did.
I shrugged. ‘Much like this town.’
For a moment we just stared at each other as a strange energy crackled in the late afternoon air, the rest of the small shop completely abandoned. Then again; so was most of this town. The bell behind my head ringed again, this time by a gust of autumn wind that washed inside, breaking the silence. Bub cleared his gravelly throat.
‘You’re here for ye mum’s stuff?’
‘I am.’
His brows furrowed even more, before finally he turned his attention to the counter, small feet shuffling back until I could see no more of him but the few white hairs that poked out over the wooden counter. I could see him move to and fro, but I was too tired, upset..and perhaps a touch angry, to be willing to care.
‘Tis been long since last I saw you.’ He spoke from behind the counter. ‘You a grand cuisine cook now?’
I felt my gut drop and face sour. I wish I could say I had. I had promised I would. But I had failed. I was a fucking, miserable failure. I hated myself. I was angry at myself. And had I just been better, smarter, faster...and less of an expensive mushroom stealing mess..I wouldn’t be here. They wouldn’t have cast me out. I could have made my mother proud.
I could still hear her voice: “Don’t forget about us - because we won’t forget about you. And know I’ll always be here for you.”
Well that was a lie. She was proclaimed dead and I was here, alone. Or well, sort of. Bub was still around. And for some odd reason I believed he was one of those immortal beings, ready to even outlive me, the last girl to ever be born in Midhaven. He was like one of those wizard-like creatures that offered you omens and odd jokes. In fact the only thing he missed was a bushy full beard. He sure got the humour right. I think. I mean, society wasn’t about fun. I had learned that the hard way in the last ten years as I worked my way up in the kitchen of The White Hall.
Fuck. I hated myself, for making such a mess of my life. And what in the hell was Bub doing back there?
I peeked over the counter but couldn’t see more than Bub’s spiky white hair. ‘So..how are you Bub?’
He didn’t respond and I decided to just breathe and let my anger fizzle and eyes wander. This shop had been here since I was young. It was all artificial foods. Tasteless crap. Quick, easy, cheap. No animals hurt. No nature hurt. No nature even needed.
I hated that, too; for true beauty, taste and pleasure, a little hurt is needed. That’s what the kitchen taught me. You’ve gotta sear, steam, salt, dry and beat your ingredients if you want to make them taste like anything. Pain. Pleasure. Perfection.
Perhaps that was the silver lining of my return. It sure hurt good.
Bub returned from behind the counter with a key on a keychain, the red colour of the cord faded.
‘No need to bother with the pleasantries.’ Bub finally answered, a little defeated. ‘Miryam died. The boys left for the city. Business is terrible. Do you want anything else?’
I looked down at the small man and felt something that might just be a pang of sympathy. I hadn’t felt sympathy in a long time and it made me uncomfortable to say the least. In my time as a sous-chef, sympathy was the last skill I’d ever need to use. I just had to perform, perform, perform!
I quietly took the keychain and looked back into the dusty old shop, wondering.
‘Did the farm close down?’ My eye fell on the corner where some fresh produce had  once been displayed; the empty crates looked too dusty for my question to even need answering.
‘A long time ago. Yes. There’s no business to be done in onions and leeks no more.’
‘Gotta blame the people.’
Another silence fell and for another moment we just looked at each other. A small smile formed on Bub’s wrinkly little mouth and I sighed. Could you really blame the people when they simply couldn’t even afford good food if they wanted to? I retaliated.
‘You’re right. And eh, give me some of the red stuff.’
Bub nodded and picked one off the long row of identically red labeled cans, his small body wobbling as the contents shifted his center of gravity.
‘This should keep you stuffed for a good week. Anything else?’
‘Nope. That’s all.’ I took the can from him. ‘How much is it?’
His smile grew. ‘One home cooked meal.’
I wasn’t sure if I was going mad by that point, but I swear that man had just asked me to cook for him. And it wasn’t likely to be warming up this red goopy goo. I looked down at the can and then the man, confusion crawling over my tired face.
‘What now?’
‘Your mother taught you to forage, right? I haven’t had a proper good meal in…’ He raised a brow as if thinking. ‘..ages.’
I blinked at him as he walked back to his hiding spot behind the counter, the deal apparently made.
‘I have some pig’s grease stacked away. Not much. But enough. See you tomorrow?’
I knew I should say no. In fact I had almost sworn to never cook again as they had thrown me on this train today. But something deep inside of me sang to Bub’s words. Begged me to consider. Perhaps it were the rich autumn smells in the air. Luscious and fungal. Perhaps it was my grumbling stomach combined with the hopeful glint I saw in Bub’s eyes. In any way. Before I knew it, the word was out.
‘O-okay.’ I breathed.
‘Great. See you tomorrow, Angel.’
Phase 3: Bargaining
They had never found my mom’s body. And laying here in my mom’s bed, I could swear she had been here only hours earlier. I could still smell her. That nauseating combination of heady flowery scents. Even now it made me a little sick in the stomach. Honeysuckle, herby, rosy..skunk.
I had despised this smell with a passion, but for the moment it gave me comfort. And perhaps even hope. Perhaps my mom wasn’t really dead. Perhaps she had just met a new man and moved to a new apartment further down town. Perhaps, she had just forgotten to send me an update. I mean. I never sent her updates about my life. So who could blame her? Oh mom. You crazy, crazy woman.
I rolled over in bed and inhaled deeply. Memorizing the dizzying smells combined with the wisp of morning air as it moved in through the cracked open window. It smelled devine. Like wet dirt and sunshine. So very different from the pristine clean smells of the city, which were all chemical and dispassionate.
In nature smells had a goal. To entice. To warn. To taste. To .. love. And my mom had been just that. Always completely and utterly in love. With nature, beasts.. and men. Let’s not forget about men.
Rolling out of bed I trudged into the small apartment, flowery cushions layered with dust and vines moving in through the cracks in the walls. I took a few testy bites of the red goo, but decided that I might as well move out and see if Bub had been right. Whether I could forage at all.
The morning was still surprisingly cool, my fingers wrapping urgently around my city-girl coat to keep warm. My practical shoes beat a steady rhythm on the pavements and for long quiet moments I remembered my youth here. There had been more people then. There had still been a school, some bars, jobs, families. But right now they all seemed to have left. Just like my mom had. Away from this overgrown misery. Million dollar misery.
My mom had once told me that these car wrecks by the road had once been driven by the richest of the richest. They’d sit in the back and have drivers drive them to important business meetings in the tops of the highest skyscrapers. They’d wear sleek tuxedo’s and go to fancy balls. They’d go dancing with pretty women. On live music, played on real instruments. And they’d have food. The best that money could buy.
Right now those cars were no more but rusty wreckages. Bugatti. Astin Martin. Ferrari. The city had swallowed them back up, large trees now growing around them, breaking up the cracked tarmac like spindly green fingers.
In the distance I could see some movement. A herd of deer. And though I knew there would be animals, I could still feel my heart race at the sight of their fluffy white butts, nervous cheeks halting their chewing as they noticed my presence. I held my breath and waited, but they fled all the same. Softly their hooves clacked as they jumped through the city jungle. One by one. A great buck following them last, large antlers reaching out like roots from his head.
‘Everything is connected dear. The people, the plants, the trees, the earth and the sky. We’re all connected, living the circle of life. Over and over and over. And that’s not scary. That’s beautiful.’
I could hear my mom as we’d saunter through the wilder parts of the city. Picking herbs to make that watery drink. What was it called again? Ah yes. Tea. My sweetness, I had missed tea. And, I missed mom.
Taking a steadying breath I calmed my escalating thoughts, instead focusing on my journey for today. Today, I was going to cook Bub a meal. And this time I would not have to steal the ingredients. No, I’d find them myself. Thank you very much.
‘This is divine!’ Bub exclaimed with a full mouth.
I smiled woefully and looked down at the mushroom stew I had managed to make with the meagre bounty I had gathered. I could have done better probably. But it was good enough for Bub. He was humming and buzzing with every bite.
‘Say Bub..’ I swallowed and looked up at the small man who barely managed to reach out above the table’s edge.
‘Yes Angel?’
‘I never heard how she died.’
Bub stopped chewing and licked his lips. He sighed and slowly shook his head. ‘A broken heart I’m sure. If ever I saw one so passionate about her man, she was it.’
‘And then he left her.’
‘He did.’
‘And you..saw she was dead?’
Bub realised what I was aiming at and huffed softly. ‘Dear. I am so sorry. It must be painful to be back here. All the memories. With your mom especially. I mean. It is difficult with there being no body and all. But she is gone. She is. She was never one to leave without a trace. A sign. A note. A goodbye...’
I didn’t listen as he rambled on. Because as I looked down at my meal I somewhere deep down knew that he was absolutely right.
Scene 4: Depression
I probably shouldn’t have pushed my grief away for so long. Back home my body decided it was time for a cleanse. And it sure wasn’t pretty. I sat on the toilet for hours. And for hours I wondered if I perhaps should have put that red goo some place cooler. Did I get food poisoning?
Slow hours passed and I felt dehydrated and exhausted by the time I could lay back down on my mom’s bed again, my dreams after fitful until morning came again.
The next day there was little I could do. I had hoped that I’d see some familiar faces around other than Bub. But the streets were deserted and for hours I’d just wander, reminiscing the old days. I was glad I felt somewhat better. Physically that is. Mentally I was but a shadow of my old, confident self. I had never felt grief before, so I figured I had to just occupy my body until my mind would be too tired to think.
I had nothing left to live for. I had lost my permit to live in the City. My job. My savings. My mom. My ..home. And all I could think of was that it was all my fault. I had left my mom all those years ago. I had made that decision without her. I just went, angry and spiteful of her dreamy daze that got us nowhere.
For long years I didn’t speak or update my mom. But she did update me. The beauty of personal codes was that you couldn’t simply disappear. Updates would always find you when you were in the land of the living.
Should I send my mom an update? See if she’d respond?
I looked down at my feet, their soles no longer touching tarmac but sand, the sediment carried into the streets after centuries of howling winds. And before me there were trees. Not the spindly kind like in my mom’s neighbourhood. But ancient trees, their leaves all fallen down in deep shades of red, purple and yellow, the sun tickling through their bald branches.
And then I could feel rain. Timid at first. Teasing my hair and face as I looked up into the grey sky. I felt the small bullets of truth rain down on me. Torturing me with their cold little kisses. And my eyes started to burn. I knew my mom was dead. I just knew it. I had known it deep in my gut when I had gotten the obituary statement of the legal council. I had known it when Bub had sent word for me - he never did. I had known it when I had waved it away, stating to my colleagues that this was just my mom trying to make me come home.
I hadn’t come home to her then. I hadn’t looked for her. I had stayed. And now I was too late. All I had was the rain as I crumbled and cried beneath the weight. Of defeat. 
I failed you mom.
Phase 5:  Acceptance
After my poor night, I figured that the red goo was probably the cause of my digestional problems. And so, after I picked myself up and dried my tears, I scavenged for more food. And I was more successful this time too. The forest I had found offered a great source of roots and herbs. Herbs with which i made my first tea in years. And though the tea tasted alright, it wasn’t as great as when my mom made it. I missed my mom.
Slow days passed like that. Scavenging, foraging, cooking and sleeping. I wondered if this was what my life would be now. Had my mom really died of a broken heart? And if yes; could I? I’d wander and wonder. My feet hitting the streets with a little more confidence each day. And perhaps it was just madness kicking in, but I could swear I heard voices. First far away, making me drift around and search for human life. Then closer by; I realised they came from the earth.
‘Everything is connected.’
My mom had been right. She had once explained that many plants had huge root systems and that there were theories they could sense each other. Even sense each other’s pain. So perhaps, just maybe, they were sensing my pain, too.
The idea was absolutely absurd. I knew it was. But it did bring me some much needed comfort. I had even tried to find Bub and ask him about those roots, but he hadn’t been in his shop. Shop closed, come back later, the little sign on his door had stated. And so I did what any good scientist would do. I started to investigate.
The sky was so.. blue. Spreading my hands out over the soft warm moss, I looked through the small glade up at the tall tree branches and away into the eternal skies. I wasn’t quite sure when I had lain down. And if someone had come up and told me I had been laying here for years, then perhaps I would have simply agreed. I could feel those roots beneath me, clawing at me, fusing with me. Dragging me down until my body was but mush.
I could hear them too. Much louder now, especially here in this little sunny glade, a small mound risen like a small bed just for me. I had lain down some minutes, hours, days or years ago, and what a fine bed it was. Mossy, musky and sweet, I let it soothe me as my body started to beg and plead. First quietly, but by now it had become aggravating and paralyzing. I couldn’t as much as lift my fingers by this point now the aches started to grow in strength. It felt as if I was truly falling apart as I rooted into my new existence here at the bottom of these trees.
If you want to make your food taste like anything a little hurt is needed. You gotta sear, steam, salt, dry and beat. Pain. Pleasure. Perfection.
One week ago I lost it all. My house, income, job, future. It lost it all. But now, looking up at the blue sky, voices singing to me, those worries seemed so unimportant. Everything was alright. I was here. Back to my roots. Broken and bruised and hurting all over, I smiled. For the first time in years I smiled. Because as I lay here I realised it no longer mattered. I would never leave again.
‘I’m home mom.’ I muttered, my speech slurred as my body started to seize and shake.
I had made a mistake. That much was clear now. Because as I lay here, writhing and dying, I knew: it hadn’t been the city that would take me down, but the mushrooms. The mushrooms!
The end.
Author’s note: I might share some more free writing stories in the future if any of you are interested. But please..! I know you’re here to thirst over Henry (and so am I), so do not feel obligated to like, comment and reblog - though it is of course always most appreciated! Sending you my love dear readers and I hope you’re having a good weekend ❤️
Sources of inspiration: For my short stories I’m diving head first in a lot of interesting articles I’ve archived over the years. For this particular story I’ve delved into the world of the five stages of grieving, as well as the magical world of mushrooms. Did you know that the mushroom you see is but a tiny part of a much larger, growing being? You can somewhat compare mushrooms to apples, as mushrooms are but the fruit that are formed by the much larger mycelium that is found beneath the earth; always prepping to produce more ‘fruit’ when the atmosphere and moisture level is just right. The more you know...
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prettyinpunk85 · 5 years
Amor Prohibido (part 4)
Amor Prohibido (4/?)
Pairing: Angel Reyes X Reader
Word Count: I don’t know. Who gives a shit.
Warnings: Language. Violence. Talk of sex.
Tags: @dearsamcrobae, @celestemaquilladora​
Not my gif.
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Sitting on top of a picnic table outside of Teller-Morrow, she takes a long drag of her smoke starring ahead. Thinking about him.
Opie sits next to her and puts an arm around her shoulders, “Hey sister girl, what’s up? You look pensive.” She half laughs shrugging, “Just thinking about how shitty and unfair life can be.” He lights his cigarette taking a drag and nods exhaling, “Very true. Life’s a bitch. Care to elaborate?” She looks down thinking and half smiles shaking her head, “Nah... No thanks. I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone about what’s been going on with me. Everyone is against it. So I have to keep it all to myself. It’s been fucking hard and lonely, Op.” He turns his head and looks at her, “Dude, you’re like my sister. I’ve known you since we were kids. We grew up together. Why couldn’t you talk to me, baby girl?” She takes a drag of her cigarette, “Because your loyalty is with the club.” He nods, “I know, I get it. But it’s also not healthy for you to keep things in. And it’s not very fair for you to go through whatever it is that’s going on alone.” She shrugs, “Life is a bitch, remember? Nothing much we can do about it.” He puts the smoke out, “Talk to me.”
She stares down at the ground, “I’m sure you know about me and the Mayan... Angel..” He nods, “I do..” She brushes her hair back, “Opie, I like him. I really fucking do. I think about him non-stop and I can’t help it. He makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel. I can admit it now.” She wipes her eyes and looks at Opie sad, “And he played me. I’m such an idiot. I fell for it. And now I feel so fucking heartbroken. It hurts. A lot.” He watches her face, “Y/N, what do you mean that he played you?” She sniffs, “So one night we had like this drunken one night stand or whatever. I woke up, freaked out and left the next morning while he was sleeping. Then a couple of nights ago he gave me a ride home. We hung out, we had what I thought was a great time. We had a couple of beers and then had sex again. I wake up the next day and he’s gone. Just like that. Just like what I did. He ghosted me. He won’t even talk to me at all. Won’t text me back or call me back. He got what he wanted. He wanted to be the one in control. The one that left.”
Opie swallows hard looking down feeling guilty, “That’s harsh. That’s some hardcore bullshit, sister.” She gets up wiping her eyes and half smiles feeling stupid, “It’s whatever. I’ll get over it. Can you please do me a favor?” He nods, “Anything, hun.” She wipes her face, “I don’t feel well, I’m going to go home. Can you please tell Gemma and Jax?” He stands up and hugs her, “I will, no worries. You don’t deserve any of this. None of it is your fault. It’ll get better though, I promise. Give it some time, time heals. The heart can’t help what it wants.” She nods and gives him a sad smile with teary eyes, “Bye, Op.” she turns around walking to her car and leaves.
Opie walks into the shop looking at Jax, “Come here, J. We gotta talk.” Jax wipes his greasy hands on a rag and walks away with Opie. They walk towards the side of the building where there is no one else there. Jax looks at Op worried, “What is it, man? Everything okay?” Opie sighs, “I feel fucking horrible. I just talked to Y/N and I couldn’t tell her the truth, Jax. She’ll hate us.” Jax shakes his head, “It’s fine. It’ll pass, give her time and she’ll move on and forget about him.” Opie looks at Jax confused, “And what makes you think that, man? You act like she’s done this a lot. Never has something like this happened to her. Never has she ever given any of us trouble. Quite the opposite actually. She’s always been there for us.” Jax scoffs, “Op, since when are you so gung-ho about this?! You like this dude?!” Opie looks at him serious, “You really actually think that’s how it is with me? Open your eyes, man. Do I like that dude? Not really. Could she do way better? Yeah. You haven’t seen her though. She’s so broken up about this. I’ve never seen her like this before. It’s real, man. It’s true. And I feel like such an asshole failure for not being there for her. She’s pretty much alone in this and it doesn’t seem like you or many others care.”
Jax shrugs starring ahead, “Im doing this to protect her. Look, it doesn’t matter anyway. It’s been done. We had the meeting with Alvarez and Bishop already. They agreed that they would make him stay away. It’s done.” Opie looks at him clenching his jaw, “Then fucking undo it, Jax.” Opie walks away leaving, feeling guilty and pissed off.
A week later.
Gemma looks around confused and keeps knocking on the front door of Y/N’s house. Nothing. She searches in her purse and finally finds a spare key. She unlocks the front door and slowly walks in. She goes to the kitchen setting a bag full of groceries down on the table, along with her purse. Gemma looks around wondering if she should maybe grab her gun out of her purse because she’s feeling uneasy. “Y/N?” She hears a mumbling coming from Y/N’s room. She opens the door and she’s laying in bed. Gemma sits on her bed looking at her. “I haven’t heard from you in days. You’ve been avoiding all of our calls. We’ve tried to give you some space. You haven’t been to work. This ain’t like you.” She shrugs looking at Gemma and laughs a bit. Gemma raises and eyebrow, “Oh my God. You’re hammered. Get up and undress. Now.” Gemma gets up and goes and starts the shower. She scoffs, “Gemma. I’m not getting up. I’m a grown person. If I want to be hammered and wallow in my own sadness at home, I can.” Gemma rolls her eyes, “Get in the shower.” Y/N gets up mad mumbling incoherently. She walks over to the bathroom sliding her panties off and takes her tshirt off over her head getting into the shower.
Gemma leans back on the wall crossing her arms, “Sweetie, what’s going on?” Y/N stands under the water letting it run down her body and starts crying. Gemma sighs, “C’mon, girl. I’m here.” She keeps crying, “I’m just heartbroken and it’s so ridiculous.” Gemma half laughs, “No. It’s just life. You’re stronger than this though. I raised you to be strong.” Y/N brushes her wet hair back, “Jax doesn’t let me have a love life. He needs to get over it. He can do whatever he wants, but I can’t. I mean, Gemma look. You just made a grown ass woman get in the shower.” Gemma starts to clean around the bathroom and bedroom. “I’m gonna go make you some coffee, sweetie.”
Y/N gets out of the shower putting on some clean jogger pants and a v-neck tshirt. She goes over to the table and sits down with her forehead on her palm starring down at the mug of coffee. She listens to Gemma starting the washer after stripping Y/N’s sheets and comforter off of her bed. Gemma comes back and sits down across from Y/N watching her, “You need to stand up to Jax more. Show him where the line is and that he can’t cross it. You’re letting him. You know he’s stubborn.” She takes a drink of the coffee and sets the mug down looking at Gemma, “No one is ever going to want to be with me because of all this crazy shit. No one is going to want to be a part of it. Angel got beat up because of Jax. He opened his eyes, saw all this crazy and ran away. Ghosted me. And I don’t blame him. If I saw all of this from the other side, I’d run too.” Gemma exhales thinking, “Honey, it’s all crazy. This guy, his life is probably crazy too. It’s the biker life. It’s the MC life. You should know that. He should know that. Crazy comes with all of this. You have to decide if this is really what you want. And if this guy never talks to you again, his loss. You’re amazing.”
She gets up, kisses Y/N’s head and puts the groceries that she brought over away. “Thanks, Gemma. You’re just saying that though because you’re biased. Because you know me and raised me.” Gemma laughs, “Sweetie, no. I’m serious. You deserve the best. If this guy or any other guy can’t see it, fuck them. And like I said, you need to show, not just talk. You need to show Jackson where the lines are and when not to cross. He’s my son, I love him. He’s great, but I know how he can get.”
Y/N finishes her coffee and nods, “You’re right, Gemma. Thank you.” Gemma smiles at her gently holding Y/N’s chin, “Anytime, baby girl. You’re going to be okay.” She nods, “I feel better now, thank you. For everything, always.” She gets up and hugs Gemma tight and they say goodbye. She stands by the living room window watching Gemma leave and she sighs rubbing her aching head.
Coco talks to EZ as they both stare at Angel who’s sitting up at the bar, “He’s barely said a word lately.” EZ nods taking a drink of his beer, “Marcus has an understanding with Jax Teller.” Coco looks over at EZ confused, “About that chick?” EZ looks at Coco and slowly nods, “Yeah, Bish told Angel to stay away from her. Or really... Ordered him. What could he do? Angel is in the club, you can’t fight shit like that.” Coco takes a drink of beer and nods, “It’s a part of the life. It’s for the best anyway... Probably..” EZ shrugs, “Why though? What if they do really like each other and make each other happy? I mean, it’s Angel. What woman is going to willingly tolerate him for long? It’s slim pickings for his ass.” EZ jokes half smiling at the thought and looks over at his brother.
Angel stares down at his drink thinking about that almost perfect morning. They had spent the night at her house laughing and having some drinks. Talking about life, she was so easy to talk to. Even having the best sex he’s ever had, but more than that. Connecting. He woke up that morning smiling, watching her sleep when his phone vibrated. It was a text from Bishop.
“Meeting. Now.”
He gently got up, got dressed quietly and left. He wasn’t trying to ditch her. He wasn’t trying to sneak out like she had that first morning that they were together. All he wanted was to stay with her. The club called though. Little did he know that he was leaving her there for good. The meeting was for him. The meeting was him being told that there was a deal with SAMCRO where he stayed away from Y/N and never talked to her again.
He quickly wipes his eyes and finishes his drink. He just left her there. She probably thought that he had used her and abandoned her. To get back at her. It’s exactly what it looked liked and he couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t explain things to her or beg her for forgiveness. He couldn’t talk to her or see her at all, ever again. If she for some reason came around, he was not even to look at her.
A guy walks by drunk and laughing with his friends, accidentally pushing Angel into the bar. The guy laughs and looks at Angel, “I’m so sorry about that, man.” Angel gets up looking at him pissed, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?!”
Coco points, “Hey boy-scout, you best go get your carnal.” EZ gets up knowing what’s about to happen, “C’mon, Coco. This is about to get fucked up. Angel ain’t right.” The guy looks at Angel confused, “Look, dude. I said that I was sorry. I don’t want any problems.” Angel shakes his head and yells, “You wanna come for me?! C’mon! I’m right here!” Angel punches him hard and the guy falls down to the ground. Angel then gets on top of the guy punching him over and over. EZ and Coco pull him off and EZ looks at Angel serious, “Enough! We gotta go. Now.”
A month later.
Opie smiles at Y/N sitting on the couch next to her, “C’mon. Let’s go to my friend’s BBQ. It’ll do you good. You’ll get out of the house, get some fresh air, eat some grub and have a beer or two. Maybe even talk to other humans?” She smiles and chuckles a bit getting up, “Okay, then. I’ll go get dressed. I’m only doing this because you’re asking me to.” He nods smiling satisfied, “Great! Lyla will meet us there.” She smiles nodding, “Perfect” She goes to her room not really wanting to go to this bbq, but she doesn’t want to say no to Opie. She takes a quick shower and gets dressed. She goes back out to the living room grabbing her purse, “I’m ready. Thanks for waiting.” He gets up, “Let’s hit the road, Jack!”
Lyla smiles at Y/N while making the kids plates, “I’m really glad you got out of the house and came.” Y/N smiles nodding, “I’m also glad that I came. I haven’t been out of my house in a while. The sun feels great.” Y/N finishes the little bit of food that she put on her plate, “Hey, Lyla I’m going to go inside and find a bathroom.”
She walks inside the house and uses the bathroom. She washes her hands thinking, wishing that she was at home in bed. Alone from the world. The little that she ate churning a bit in her stomach. She dries her hands and looks at herself in the mirror and sighs. She walks out of the bathroom walking down the hall looking at all the pictures that are hanging on the walls. She stops and stares at a picture, thinking to herself. This family looks happy. The man and the woman in the picture look like they are in love... They have kids... The kids look happy. She half smiles not feeling at all like she could have a life like that.
Opie watches her from the other end of the hallway, “Hey girl... You okay?” She looks over at him a little startled, “Hey, I’m okay Opes.” She goes to walk passed him and he steps in the way, “We can leave if you want. Um, I could take you home. You don’t look too thrilled about being here.” She looks up at him confused, “Uh... I’m fine... I didn’t say anything. At least I got out of the house. That’s a big step for me.” He smiles nervously and nods, “This is a nice house, right?” She furrows her eyebrows, “Opie, what’s going on?” He shakes his head trying to block her path, “Nah. I’m just making sure you’re cool. Like you said, this is a pretty big step.” She pushes her way passed him feeling really confused, “Dude, you’re being kinda weird.” She looks out of the living room window seeing Angel out in the front lawn of the house talking to some guys, including EZ.
She looks at Opie confused, “What the fuck is he doing here?!” Opie sighs rubbing his head, “Look, I’m sorry. I saw him get here while you were in the bathroom. I didn’t want you to see him. This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have made you come.” She exhales thinking and before Opie can grab her she heads out of the front door and to the front yard. “No wait, come back! Don’t go out there!” Opie follows her.
EZ looks up and his smile fades, “Oh shit.” Angel looks at him confused and then looks over to see what EZ is looking at, “Fuck.” EZ and the other guys back away as Y/N rushes over to Angel. “So you thought that shit was funny?! Just using me and then ghosting me?! Like you do all this other girls!” Angel looks down and over to the side. “Ha! Okay. Big tough man can’t even face me. So what then, you can’t even look at me. You fuck em, leave em and then you can’t deal with them! No consequences for Angel Reyes.” She stands there starring up at him breathing heavy. Angel shrugs still looking away. Still not looking at her. “Thank you, Angel. Sorry that I was an idiot that thought that you liked me.” She gets choked up and starts to cry. “I fell for it. Hook, line and sinker. Jokes on me, asshole.” Opie gently grabs her arm, “Come on, hun. I’ll take you home.” He walks to his truck with Y/N trying to console her. Angel turns around to start to head towards her and EZ steps in front of him, blocking his way. EZ looks at Angel with a serious look and shakes his head. Angel quickly wipes his eyes furious and gets on his bike leaving.
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miss-writes-a-lot · 5 years
Fair Game Babies: The One Where Raven Turns Into a Bird And Shouts At Another Kid
(Decided to write a fair game baby fic with my little guys. This one is where Briar meets Raven in the woods.)
Fandom: RWBY
Ship: Fair game/ Qrow x Clover
Summary: the young Branwen twin Briar encounters a strange woman in the woods of Patch who mocks her family. A screaming match ensues.
WARNINGS: Violence (most against a child.), some threatening of a child, mild cursing, and overall, it sucks.
Briar was prone to getting lost. A lot.
Whether it was in a supermarket, or a school field trip three cities over, if she wasn't holding onto someone's hand, she most likely bound to get lost.
Patch was really the only exception. It was a small island and she pretty much knew everyone there, so the chances she would get lost somewhere unreachable would be slim when she was out exploring.
On this particular visit to her cousin's house, she went out exploring in woods behind their house-something she had done a million times both with her brother and on her own.
She was using a random stick that she had found to poke around at the various mushrooms she discovered growing on the sides of trees.
"Come on, do something! Explode, turn me into a zombie, anything!" She mumbled, whacking this one particular blue mushroom with a weird spotted pattern.
"Is this really it?"
Briar whipped around at the sudden voice of a woman. She searched the trees, but no one was there.
"I really can't believe that this is it..."
Up above, a corvid landed on a branch on the same tree that Briar was stood under. Briar was still lost. "A....bird?"
"I'm not surprised that my brother would raise such a weakling."
She jumped back in surprised. The bird was talking!
"W-who are you?!"
"Look at you. You're just like your father. A scared, weak, blind little kid that will eat from whatever hand will feed it." The bird snarled.
"How do...how do know my dad? Why are you saying such mean things about him...?" She asked, her cluelessness shining through.
The bird scoffed, "Are you that stupid?! Has that idiot really made you so soft?! Open your eyes, kid! Your father is a failure! He's a traitor!"
Briar balled her fists, feeling her blood boil. "S-stop it..."
"He married a fool. He married a soldier who blindly followed orders and look where it got them. He had two kids that can't tell their own heads from FUCKING holes in the ground!"
She shook her head, covering her ears. "N-no! You're a liar! You don't know my dads! They're the best! And you have no right to talk about them like that! You don't even know my dads! Or my brother!"
"Believe me kid, I know a lot more about Qrow than you ever will!"
Briar picked up the stick and threw it at the bird, knocking her out of the tree. "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A NO GOOD GRIMM!"
"AND YOU'RE WEAK!" The bird shouted, know a full grown woman with long black hair and burning red eyes. She looked exactly like Yang. Now she was really scared. She was horrified. She could feel her hands tremble as she caught a glimpse of the large sword she was brandishing.
"Look at you...You're scared!"
"Yeah, because I'm ten and you're some crazy old bird lady thing! I don't even know you or how you know my dad!"
The stranger gritted her teeth. "Isn't it obvious? He's my brother."
Oh. Shit.
This was her. This was the aunt that her dad and papa never talked about. The one that first left uncle Tiyang. This was her, leader of Branwen tribe. Raven Branwen.
"You...You're her? My dad's sister?"
Raven nodded. "That's right."
"Why are you here? To kill me? Torture me? Or are you just here to keep telling me how terrible my dad is? Because if that's the case, just get out of here! I don't want to hear it!"
"Briar, your father is sheltering you. When you grow up, they are just going to keep lying to you!"
"They're not lying! You're lying!"
"ENOUGH WITH YOUR CHILDISH CRAP! Your fathers are nothing but traitorsa and liars! They know nothing of strength!"
Briar scoffed. "This coming from the woman who left her husband and daughter for a bunch of dumbasses! You're not strong! You're the coward you're saying I am!"
Raven stepped forward, opening her mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Clover's voice.
"Briar! Time to come inside!"
Briar glanced back at Raven, scowling at her. "My dad is a hero. He doesn't run away. Even when times get tough, he fights. He's amazing. You're nothing but a wannabe."
Briar turned to walk away but she barely took a few steps away before she felt Raven's hand pull her by the hair while the other clamped her mouth shut. Briar kicked and screamed, flailing around as Raven dragged her back.
'Papa can't hear me. She's gonna hurt me of I don't do anything! But I haven't unlocked my semblance yet...what do I do?!'
Raven grabbed her shirt and pulled her up to her face. "Keep your mouth shut and maybe I won't hurt you too bad." She snarled.
Briar growled, when a plan came into her head. She kicked off one of her shoes and flung it into a nearby bush to draw Clover's attention to their direction. She then wiggled her arm out of Raven's grasp and elbowed her hard in the face. She dropped Briar and stumbled back in pain. For a moment, Briar was proud that she made a grown woman bleed.
But there was no time for that. She took off running, never looking back to see if Raven was chasing her. She only stopped when she collided with Clover's chest.
"Briar? What-?"
"Papa! Papa! She-she had me! She was trying to hurt me-!" Briar cried.
"What?! Who had you?" He questioned, panicked.
"Ra-her! Ra-I-" she tried to get the words out but it seemed that she was both in shock and exhausted from running.
"Easy honey, easy. Breathe. I'm gonna take you inside, okay?"
She nodded as Clover picked her up and carried her back inside. Reed immediately ran up with a smile on his face, which soon disappeared after seeing how distressed his twin was.
Qrow came up to them, taking Briar from Clover's arms. "What happened to her?"
"I don't know. Someone in the woods attacked her or something. I'm going back to check."
"Be careful."
Clover went out with Kingfisher in hand as Qrow moved Briar to the couch.
"C'mere, sweetheart. Let's calm down."
"Daddy...y-you're a good guy..." Briar murmured.
"Y-you're a good guy...you're the best dad ever. I like the way you fight, the way you read us bedtime stories and tell us about your missions. You're the best. I love you-"
"Bri, sweetie. Calm down...."
Briar hugged her father tightly, never wanting to let him go.
Raven was a liar. She was a big fat liar. And worse, she was a stalker.
She had been watching them. All of them.
Why was she watching them?
What did she want with them?
What did she want with her?
[A/N: apologies to everyone who was either triggered by this fic or found the way I portrayed Raven offensive or terrible. I'm not totally happy with it either and I might rewrite this but I want your feedback on what I can do much better or different. Have a nice day/afternoon/night.]
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spooner-the-trinity · 4 years
How Infinity Train pulled from Infinity War’s Playbook for Doctor Who’s final curtain
Funding for Shaffrilas is provided by: Skillshare, the sponsor of today’s video. Stay tuned for a train ride to discountkosh at the end of the video.
O hai, Tetsuya Nomura. That’s a nice hole you’re digging with your Kingdom Hearts, what do you wanna do with it? Keep digging? Why thou? O for a production company? That’s great, whacha gonna do with it? Name and develop the town the Toy Story flicks take place in? Yeah, alright. Add the goofy jock from Glee as a best friend for Andy that the Triceratops assumes is just a Dinosaur Toy down the street? What a funny joke idea! Nix the final playtime they’ve hoped to cap off the film with and save it for a later project? A tad disappointing, but alright. Make Sora a vessel for Xehanort? Whoa, that sounds hella har- A sexy Genie of the Rose who grants a wish for every petal on that collar-mounted rose of hers? Unique concept, but I smell some Hans Christian Anderson shi- The genie’s life force is bound to the Rose so she croaks when the last petal falls ala Beauty and the Beast? And there it is, Color me unsurpri- The Genie finds Andy and drags him into a sex scene to the tune of Aladdin’s Friend Like Me? I don’t think the parents would be okay with their kids watchi- Toonami’s airing this show? Wait, isn’t it on a competing networ- Lewis from Meet the Robinsons is Deleted by DOR-15 Ala the Nanobots from Jimmy Neutron? Mister Enter would be insulted on how you did his favorite Disney flick dirty like thi- Andy is shot into a wormhole and is mutated into a photosensitive Beast? Guys, It’s starting to look like a bad ide- The Genie is an aged-up Bonnie and she’s pregnant with Shantae!? Get me off this crazy tr-
Infinity Train Productions is one of the boldest associates Disney has in its corner right now, from wrestling away ownership of three Gainax originals to collaborating with competing animation company Dreamworks, the IT guys are pretty renowned for their kooky crossovers and kookier cinematic universe. And they’ve made sure to make their acquired goods count towards that universe instead of burn it to the ground LUCASFILM. Starting off by stating this is a universe where Second Impact prevented the assassination of JFK by means of tanging up 13% of the world’s population and weaved a few stitches of train tracks across the globe, naturally the space race escalates exponentially and they begin to develop new technologies and elect Walt Disney himself to be the President of the United States with Nixon as his running mate. That alone resulted in a Sequel Show to Brigadoon where a 24-year-old Marin Asagi boards the Challenger and ends up cast into the future with Melan, a retelling of the first arc of Gurren Lagann that featured Yui Ikari as a supporting character that saves Kamina from death, a twenty-six episode miniseries featuring Andy from the Toy Story gaining a magical genie bound to an enchanted rose, and that’s just the first half of its initial decade. I could go on about its repertoire of shows both original and acquired: Twelve Forever, Evangelion, both Arcadia trilogies with the elder of the two being started by the aformentioned show with that genie of the rose titled, erm… Genie of the Rose, but the one I’m aiming my sights on is the latest acquisition, one that they made in secret. Doctor Who and how they pulled from the playbook of Infinity War to bring the story to its last stop. 
Now, quick recap on how Infinity War makes a powerfully heartfelt mass market appeal joyride out of a thoroughly depressing story about failure. Where most Marvel Villains are merely obstacles for the characters to overcome, Thanos acts and reacts as a real person. Where most conflict have certain factors that tip the scales in the favor of who’s tipping them, the conflict is one where either side could come out victorious, where the Comedy of the Last Farcebender ended with the good guys laughing off their failure, Infinity War ended with a content smile from Thanos and our heroes dead silent save for a minor peep of: “Oh, god.” Where the bad decisions in Farcebender are made from genuine stupidity, Infinity War’s stem from worrying whether or not certain sacrifices are worth it. With that crash course out of the way, let’s dig in.
First thing’s first, is the villain a compelling character? Well, although Sacha Dhawan has the same unhinged energy expected out of any incarnation of longtime enemy, the Master, complete with moments of geniuine affection to his former best beff, he’s ultimately not the main baddie of this piece, that honor goes to Alrick. Believed to be dead after a dirtbike accident, it turns out that he had been picked up by the train and has spent a good three decades or so fucking with the systems to construct an empire starting with the crazy world of Elmore all the way to the Lanes Between and yes, he has shown himself to be a caring father figure to Grace and Simon throughout the second half of Cracked Reflections which leads into the episode, he’s concerned for his future as he’s clearly not as lively as he was when he first climbed aboard and even expresses hope for Jesse returning to the train after taking the exit and getting seperated from MT. And oh, look! He returns after the big moment, that’s nice. 
So yeah, compelling villain, that’s one tick. Is there equal opportunity for either side to win? Well, MT and early on Jesse before his aformentioned exit have the additional assistance of the Watterson family, Banana Joe, and seemingly Penny for a scene only to reveal her in a new shell complete with mind-control and reflective surface to sick the Po-Po on MT. But despite being the protagonist of his show of origin, she’s not the opposing side to Alrick this time around, it’s the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey biatch herself and man, does it set up a curious comparison. Alrick is focusing his will into projecting his consciousness into the Doctor’s heart, an alien with countless eons worth of memories under her belt compared to Alrick’s measly sixtysomeodd laps around the sun. Not only that, but the Doctor is able to expel regeneration energy to fry the shit out of him if he feels the need to get a little messy. But with her locked up in the Time Lord Matrix which the Master has already skimmed through, there’s nowhere for the Doctor to run or even hide from Alrick. Throw in the Master’s ability to have his mind occupy two hearts at the same time whilst he’s chatting it up with the Lone Cyberman and the Doctor’s pretty pinned but still has a chance to outfox Alrick at the end of it all.
Bad decisions, the Doctor doesn’t trade lives so she keeps asking about the Timeless Child, what it’s supposed to be and why it drove the Master into absolutely butchering Galifrey after all the hard work each incarnation of the Doctor had. It turns out that this Timeless Child was a Pheonix Denizen created by Alrick to create a perfect world but One-One cast it out in hard-light beam form, striking Takeru and Ryou from This Ugly Yet Beautiful World from 2018. From the clipped wings came Hikari and Akari respectively whilst the main body crashed out of a wormhole into the sights of Tecteun who adopted the kid in time for a spaceship of highly-evolved snake people to crash land due to Kate and Leopold rules of time travel causing their machinery to get mucked up by Time Police in an episode of Rick and Morty of all shows, causing the child to fall to its doom and promptly regenerate, making her the first to do so in Galifreyan history. One of the survivors offers the gift of Time Travel in exchange for the power of Regeneration and Tecteun, scientist and explorer, jumps at the chance by means of tearing out the child’s soul for every three days that elapse. Obviously, she’s a fucking monster and she eventually does crack the code and test it on herself and the results allow the gift of time travel to bestowed upon the newly minted Timelords by Omega. Wow, all of this from a formally great show, (Doofenshmertz: what are the odds.) The Doctor is obviously unsurprised that Omega dangled the keys to time travel over the heads of the Shobagan race, but what horrifies her is that the very thing she and every other Time Lord we’ve seen had taken for granted was pilfered from a denizen that she learns after the life of abuse was created by some dude who hijacked some Train Car manufacturing equipment to build a perfect world. And it’s here where we see the main lynchpin of Alrick’s character: Perfection.
Those of you who’ve seen the whole series of Cracked Reflections will know that Alrick is an obsessive perfectionist first and foremost hence the plan to transform every Denizen of Elmore into full-blooded humans with leftover energy from this same Timeless Child. But not many of us recognize that this is only part of Alrick’s shtick. A simple man with complicated motives, a futurist in the trade of nostalgia, a conservative obsessed with progress, a gentle mentor with an impatient temper. These are just a handful of the ways to describe Walt Disney that were used by Ben Bouqulet, Mic Graves, and Owen Dennis to depict Alrick over the course of the last two seasons of Gumball leading into Cracked Reflections and Garrick Hagon truly gives his all portraying all the various shades of this man especially here when he is sharing his story of how he created a literal god only for One-One to cast it aside upon regaining control of the train from the very woman he spent the past 33 years building a perfect world for, a woman he cherishes like his older sister cherished his girlhood friend, a woman that even now still believes him to be ‘One-One: Gone forever?�� That is some next level tragic shit right there. 
Of course, the Doctor is still concerned for this child and it’s here where a familiar face crashes the party to let the cat out of the bag, Morbius from the Fourth Doctor Adventure Brain of Morbius outing himself as the infamous Timeless Child as well as harboring his disembodied heart in the Doctor after his ill-fated Mindbending Battle. This swerve may have served to provide added tension towards his motives, is he really wanting to go back to his home and views traveling with the Doctor as his only way there, or is he biding his time, waiting for his chance to overwhelm the Doctor when she’s not looking. As we see more of Morby’s checkered past in excruciating detail, slavery to the Division with everything down to his personality programmed and dictated into a mind-melded Morby by an enigmatic cult dubbed ‘The Master Writers’ An organization build solely and specifically for Infinity Train Productions to use in their portfolio of works. And when they were done with their enslaved progenetor, the Division in which they served lined him up for an execution from the Fugitive Doctor, during the 2nd Doctor’s orientation. Then they promptly merc poor Ruthie to regenerate her into the 3rd Doctor, closing the gap between Troughton and Pertwee. So yeah, The Division, they’re run by total assholes and Numero Dos only agrees to work there if his first assistant is longtime companion Jamie McCrimmon. But look at his face, does this look like the face of concent and tolerance to you? ‘Joe (Help, I’m a Fish!): Of course not!’ Props to Sam the Man with a Plan Troughton for filling his father’s shoes in this emotionally tense scene. And this ain’t the chilling twist that shocked the fandom. 
Alrick: “Whoever harbors the heart of the child is the child in of itself.“
Doctor: “Wot?”
Alrick: “It means that I will have my prize whether you like it or not!” (Punches through the Doctor’s Chest, crushes the Smash Ball within, causing the Doctor to turn into a pheonix before dissipating into Alrick’s body with the Smash Ball. Alrick’s Number skyrockets as his body regresses to his prime, the man laughing maniacally as the Timeless Child’s ultimate power rushes into him)
So yeah, Morby’s been reconstituting his powers over the centuries the Doctor had lived hence the golden energy during the later regenerations. How we find this out is by the titular character of the BBC’s last remaining reason towards that sweet TV Licence Money getting outright merced by Alrick in front of a guy that deep down still admires his childhood friend. This closes out An Untimely Caviat, the final episode in Doctor Who’s revived series, and leads us right into the finale of Cracked Reflection where he goes full on Disney Villain. Mercing the Master to make him a conduit to gijinkafy the entirety of Elmore, Co-Opting his Cybermaster drones as a mechanical army, ludiccrous speed incubating a pocket-dimension frog to house the Train Cars his empire had conquered via that same energy he channeled through the aformentioned Master, yeah, this does not sound like the man Amelia planned to marry if not had already married outright. Well, that’s the point. He’s drunk with power, it’s more likely that this is his ambition talking. No doubt he’s relishing in his own arrogance much to Marnie’s horror. Oh, yeah, Old Marnie’s doing her astral projection thing to react to her younger brother’s madness and watches on as MT gets roughed up by Super Alrick in front of an audience of his adopted children.
Of course, MT does find some santuary in the Number Car and re-unites with Jesse, resulting in the now sempailess Agent Sieve phasing through the glass screen whilst the train is figuring out how to solve Jesse’s seemingly unsolvable problem of getting a denizen off the train. But that just gives the Fleck some time to witness the madness of this rumored Apex fella as he ankleholds MT and gijinkafies Gumball and Darwin to demonstrate his final offer, her response is to break out a Denizen Ex Machina by prompting Alan Dracula to slice the monkeyfigher in half, causing him to regenerate into a pair of innocent, mindless little babies that will never bother anyone ever again… The Crown grieve for their master, Sieve calls off the manhunt for the rouge slither, the companions go their seperate ways with Graham staying on Earth to deliver the bad news the two youngest raising the two babies up to the Doctor’s standard… or at least one of them due to Yaz getting arrested by a Judoon Platoon before she could legally adopt Zarc. The expression of the companions are grim, and rightfully so, the one guy-or-gal that has kept the 21st century from falling into tyranny is no longer around to do the job they enjoyed doing whenever there was a sitch to see through. But after the wide shot of Yaz getting locked up in Shada we cut to MT, off the train and safe with Jesse in Arizona. Jesse’s brother Nate comes up to find his older brother with the very Chrome Girl he met on a magical train, Nate asks for the girl’s name and her answer?
Jesse: Dracula 2?
MT: (looks to the Lake, concerned that the Flecks would come after her but eases up when its clear that there are no Flecks coming.) I’m Lake.
We get a nice little callback to close out the series as the song Kibō plays in the credits, indicating that Hope is still out there in the cosmos, Doctor or No Doctor. And that is a powerful message to send to the audience and I have a pretty good feeling that whether or not the Doctor ends up getting revived in Kingdom Hearts III alongside all the absent heroes that Infinity Train productions had raked in over the years doesn’t quite matter, the studio does not need Doctor Who and its universe does not need the Doctor. And I have a pretty good feeling that the Doc may end up giving up their ticket back into the land of the living, leaving the universe to all the other champions of the cosmos that Toonami has flaunted over the decades. The Doctor has overcome many frightening, haunting, tyrannical, violent and downright Orwellian things in life and man, oh, man have we got a whole plate of them to overcome even now. Would I go back to this expansive world for further analysis, sure, if the views get gud. But the impact of the Doctor’s Death is a pretty big deal that actually caught a bunch of us by surprise despite the minor hints scattered throughout. (One-One: All aboard for emotional maturation on the finest freighter in all of Trenzalore) The Destiny of the Doctor News heard around the world, and the outpour of memories and grief rivalling even Mr. Peanut but unlike the legendary legume, our favorite timelord will probably be gone for a lot longer than just a couple of weeks and the time it takes will show how deep the rabbit hole goes. It will also show who’s willing to step up and find ways to make a difference in the lives of others, and they’re going to need to learn a thing or two to do so. (Cletus from the Simpsons Movie with the Skillshare Logo slapped onto his face in post: My time to shine.)
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oryu404 · 5 years
Hopeless Valentine
[Link to AO3] Rogue swore on the name of every God he could think of that this was going to be the last time he’d ever take Yukino’s advice. She meant well, he’d never doubted that, but there were some things he was sure to be better off if he’d figure them out on his own. His love life was at the top of that list.
He supposed he should’ve seen it coming. All of their friends were either married, engaged, or expecting a baby. In short, they were all in serious relationships even though none of them had reached their thirties yet. He and Yukino had been the only ones left and they were fine with that. They even spent most Valentine's days together watching those sappy romance movies, armed with alcohol and snacks, laughing when the plot Rogue had predicted 5 minutes into the movie came true.
Silly, cliché, and totally unrealistic. Romance in real life was nothing like that.
He knew it was all going to change when he hung out with her one day. He could read it off her expression even before she had spoken the words. She had met someone. A young woman, tall, dark and gorgeous, who could perform magic in the kitchen, among other places. It was serious, and he’d been more than happy for her, of course he had, but now he had become that one friend.
The one with the dating history more tragic than the sinking of the Titanic. The only one who always showed up without a plus one, forever alone Rogue, and as he’d already feared his best friend was having none of it.
He tried to assure her that it was fine, joking that he’d just become the male equivalent of the crazy cat lady, but she shushed him and started a speech about how everyone deserved to find true love and that his was out there somewhere. He’d just have to find him, and the look on her face told him she’d made it her mission to make sure that he did.
He had reluctantly taken every single piece of advice from her so far, from letting her give him a makeover, to accompanying her and Minerva to the local gay bar and even getting a tinder profile. And every outcome had been a failure that exceeded the previous one.
After hours of shopping and trying out clothes that he didn’t feel comfortable in, he was finally able to convince her that his so-called “true love” would also accept him in a pair of nerdy glasses and a Star Wars hoodie. The obnoxious, loud pop music, the mixed scents of sweat, alcohol, and an overkill of body spray, and the lack of movement space caused by complete strangers brushing and grinding up against him were an instant reminder why he’d never been a fan of clubbing. And even Yukino had to admit that Tinder was a bad idea when he showed her the messages -and not to mention the pictures- he had received unsolicited.
Still, she had been able to talk him into what she’d sworn would be fun, and if it wasn’t there’d be no strings attached. The only reason he’d agreed on going speed-dating on Valentine’s Day was because she’d promised to get off his case after this. Besides, it wasn’t like he had something better to do anyway. He’d only have to spend about 10 minutes with each candidate, and he could just voice his opinion about them on the scorecard he was given. How bad could it be?
Bad was an understatement.
Out of all the guys that had taken place in the seat across him there hadn’t been a single one that made him lament the moment when the bell rang, signaling the encounter had ended. There’d been a man who must have been more than twice his age, one who was only interested in his cell phone, one who was so full of himself it surprised Rogue he still had room for the breadsticks, one who was actually in a relationship, just looking for “a playmate to spice things up a little,” and one who spent the full ten minutes undressing him with his eyes and wasn’t too subtle about his intentions during their conversation either.
Rogue was more than relieved when he was saved by the bell from that last one. He put on a forced and obviously faked smile when the guy got up and slipped him a piece of paper, winking as he mouthed the words “call me,” and moved on to the next table.
‘Don’t hold your breath.’
With a frown, Rogue turned to his scorecard, reviewing all the ranks he had assigned to his dates until now.
How interested would you be in a second date?
1: I can’t wait!
2: Willing to give it a chance
3: Maybe
4: Not my type
He added a fifth 4 to his list, scratching it into the paper as big and bold as he could without puncturing through it. He wanted to make sure there was no mistaking what his answer to this one was.
It dawned on him that there was only one more possible match left, and that made him both relieved and disappointed. Not that he’d had high expectations for tonight, he just thought it would be nice to have a click with someone again. His last relationship had ended years ago, and although he’d tried it a few times in college, one night stands weren’t really his cup of tea. Was he really that picky? Unlucky, perhaps? Or maybe this whole dating and romance thing just wasn’t meant for him?
“Hey, good evening!”
Rogue snapped out of his thoughts when his last date sat down, the number 8 was written on his tag. He looked…promising? At least he seemed to be well within an age range Rogue would say was acceptable. At first glance, he came off as friendly, and he wasn’t that hard on the eyes either. So far, so good.
“Hey, uhm…nice to meet you, I guess?”
I guess? Very smooth.
“Same! I gotta tell you, I’m not that good at small talk, but-“ the guy held up his finger to excuse himself and sneezed into a napkin, “sorry…”
“Bless you. And no problem.”
“So I’m not that good at small talk and I’m just going to be very unoriginal and ask you how you’d describe the perfect date?”
Very unoriginal indeed, Rogue had to agree, but it lent itself for a much more comfortable conversation than the ones he’d had prior to this. This was already going better than he had dared to hope for at this point.
“You’re going to get an unoriginal answer as well,” he admitted sheepishly, “I don’t really mind where I am or what I’m doing as long as I’m with someone I enjoy spending time with, but if I had to pick something I’d say dinner and a movie. Very basic, I know.”
“That’s fine, basic doesn’t automatically have to mean boring, right?” Mr. 8 waved to one of the waiters who was nearby, asking for two more glasses of wine after he’d noticed Rogue’s empty glass. He sneezed again.
“Right. Well since we’re already on a streak of being unoriginal, What do you like to do in your free time? ”
“Nothing special, just hanging out with friends, watch some movies, play some games. It looks like we’re both really good at being unoriginal,” he laughed, followed by yet another sneeze. He blinked a couple of times and then started rubbing at his eyes.
“Okay, so weird question, but do you happen to have a cat?”
“Yeah, I do,” Rogue nodded. “Would that be a problem?”
“Unfortunately, I’m afraid so. I’m extremely allergic to anything that has fur,” Mr. 8 got up, sneezing once more as he searched through his pockets. “I think I’d better take my allergy pills, be right back!”
He left for the men’s room, leaving Rogue to sigh deeply as he watched his departure.
“Sure,” he mumbled, filling in the final 4 on his scorecard right before the bell rang for the final time.
So that was it. He’d wasted a large part of his Saturday afternoon in a restaurant he’d normally never set foot in. At least the wine was good and drinks had already been included in the signup costs. And since he was now presented with two glasses of it, and doubted that Mr. 8 would be returning he’d resigned himself that he’d be wasting even more of his time here. He had gotten all dressed up anyway.
“Hi, mind if I joined you?”
Rogue was surprised, and more than confused when the seat at the other side of his table was suddenly taken. A spotless white button-up and a badge that had the restaurant’s logo and the name Sting on it told him it was one of the waiters who had been serving them. Dumbstruck, Rogue scanned his scorecard, hoping that it would give him any hint to what was going on, but all the blank spaces had been filled in by him already.
“…Now?” he questioned. He left the card for what it was and focused his attention back to his newly acquired company. “But…isn’t the event over already? And aren’t you supposed to be working?”
“The event is over and so is my shift, but there’s still half a Valentine’s Day left so I thought, since all of your dates have been kind of disastrous, I should make up for it. Something along the lines of…dinner and a movie?”
Rogue was speechless. “ Make up for it,” for him to state that with such conviction, as if he was going to be the redeeming factor of the train wreck that had been Rogue’s first- and decisively last- attempt at speed dating slash Valentine’s Day. Not that he’d even have to bring much to the table to improve the whole situation, as his -for lack of a better term- competition had set the bar pretty damn low, but the out-of-the-blue proposal was more than intriguing. There was a strangely irresistible charm to his cockiness, and good looks weren’t Rogue’s top requirement or anything, but fuck he was seriously cute.
“So… what do you say?”
Oh, right. He might want to answer.
“Uhm… sure?”
“Cool!” Sting chugged the whole glass of wine in front of him in one go, then started to untie the apron around his waist as he got up. “But not here though, my coworkers can be such a pain in the ass. Give me like five minutes to change and get my stuff, I’ll be right back!” he beamed, and just like that he was gone again.
Rogue stared off into space for what must have been a full minute, trying to process what had just happened. He pinched himself, and yes, he definitely felt that, so he hadn’t just made that all up and he was about to go on a real date for the first time in God knows how long. On Valentine’s Day. With someone he had just met minutes ago, without even a proper introduction.
On the one hand, he didn’t have much to lose, and it couldn’t get much worse from here. On the other, he found himself hoping he wouldn’t fuck this up, with no reason to explain this feeling that made any sense.
His wine met the same fate as Sting’s had, tossed back like a tequila shot at a frat party.
As he turned in his number tag and scorecard to the speed-dating event runners, panic and excitement were playing a game of tug-o-war with him, with no clear winner emerging from the battle until Sting came running through the staff door, dressed in plain dark jeans and a Star Wars hoodie.
“I hope you don’t mind that I’m horribly underdressed compared to you? If I’d known I would be going on a date after work I would’ve made a bigger effort.”
Rogue didn’t mind at all. He was thrilled to learn they seemed to have at least one common interest, and with a bright smile he replied what was supposed to be “You look fine, I wish I wasn’t wearing these clothes,” but because of his sudden excitement he tripped over the words and it came out as “It’s fine if you’re not wearing clothes.”
He felt his face heat up like a frying pan. How he’d managed a fuckup of this magnitude after just five fucking minutes was beyond him, but this would go down as one of those moments he’d still feel embarrassed about when it replayed in his head and kept him up at night.
It would be great if the earth could just open up and swallow him whole.
“Wait- NO, I didn’t mean-”
He tried to do some damage control but gave up when Sting burst into laughter, and against all Rogue’s expectations, he wasn’t the least bit deterred.
“Come on, let’s get out of here before the only place we can still get a table will be McDonald’s,” he grinned, linking their arms so he could lead a still rebounding Rogue towards the exit.
As he followed Sting out of the restaurant Rogue couldn’t help but be enthralled by this unforeseen development, and he wondered how Yukino was going to react to it.
Actually, no, that was a lie. He knew exactly how she was going to react to it. She was going to grill him, tease him, and pry as many details out of him as she could, and he had no idea if it was intuition or just wishful thinking, but he hoped he’d have a lot to tell her once he had fumbled himself through tonight.
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Classic literature vine compilation - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde pt. 07
Hyde: Before I was moving, I was going to give each one you a gift, but I want you to have them anyway. *Hands out presents* 
Utterson: Why, Hyde, how sweet! 
Lanyon: Oh, boy, you shouldn't have! :D 
Jekyll: *unpacks his present* Oh, Edward, this is so lovely and so familiar! *holds up a grey bowler* This is mine! I thought the hatter lost it! 
Hyde: I told you he lost it! I took it, I needed something to go with my blue jacket!
Lanyon: *opens his own present* This is MY blue jacket! 
Hyde: I know! It goes great with- 
Utterson: *flatly* -My gold watch. 
Hyde: Well, enjoy and be healthy! *runs off* 
Lanyon: I wonder, if he's seen my cane with the ivory handle. 
Utterson: You know, I haven't been able to find my silver locket. 
Jekyll: *stands up* Come on, I think it's time to search his flat again. 
Fruit Seller: You're crazy! This nectarine is beautiful, I never saw a more perfect piece of fruit! 
Alma: No? Then try kissing my behind!
Jekyll: His love of life is so wonderful! 
Hyde: No, it's not, you're just fucking suicidal. 
Alma: What an ordeal this ride was, I can't imagine anything more terrifying! 
Sameer: *holds a silver plate to her face* Booga, booga, booga. -_- 
Alma: … 
Lady Summers: *sighs*
Lanyon: I can't sleep and it can't be the coffee, because all I drink here is decaf! … Right? 
Sameer: *innocently* Of course! Ü 
Sameer: Why don't I bring a nice soda in to pick you up? 
Lanyon: … *suspiciously* Alright, but make sure it's caffeine-free! 
Sameer: Of course! Ü *takes out the normal Soda, as soon as Lanyon is gone*
Poole, to the ceiling: *exasperated* Oh God, is there a bigger buffoon in this world?! 
Hyde: *Bursts in* I came here as fast as I could! 
Poole: …
Young!Jekyll: So, tell me, Hastie: what did you do to kill the day, before I came along? 
Young!Lanyon: Well, truth be told, my life was a little empty. *smirks* But now I have a hobby! 
Jekyll: *stands up* I loathe you. 
Lanyon: *stands up* I despise you. 
Jekyll: Prude. 
Lanyon: Philanderer. 
Jekyll: Ginger. 
Lanyon: Himbo. 
Jekyll & Lanyon: *angry kissing*
Jekyll, to Utterson: You have the right to remain sexy!  
Utterson: … 
Jekyll: Anything you say can and WILL make me bust a nut! 
Utterson: O.o
Hyde: Hey there, demons! It's me, ya boy!
Jekyll: Hey there, little guy, I'm your dad! 
Hyde: I gotta be ugly. -_- 
Jekyll: What? 
Hyde: Bring me a mirror. 
Jekyll: *points him to the one in the corner* 
Hyde: Now take it away, goddamn. -_-
Lady Summers: Good morning, cruel world. 
Jekyll: Don't you mean 'Goodbye'? 
Lady Summers: No, I meant 'Good morning'. This world may be cruel, but I'm still kicking. 
Jekyll: … Oh. *admiration intensifies*
Lady Summers: You get one on your knee from “tripping” and now this?!
Alma: Luise, for the last time, this is not a hickey! *points at her bruised elbow*
Hyde: *is fighting with some random guy*
Alma: *jumps to his aid* I’ve got this, bro!
Alma, to the guy: This is why your sister is gonna die of consumption! D:<
Guy: *starts to cry*
Hyde: O_O
Utterson: There is nothing that can make me really angry. 
Someone: Your mother is a slut. 
Utterson: *pulls out a gun* WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY????
Hyde: Owo, owo, owo, owo, owo- 
Jekyll: *holds a gun to his head* 
Hyde: What are you doing?! 
Jekyll: I'm taking myself hostage. Now stop that or I'll shoot myself.
Some rando: *insults Lady Summers* 
Lady Summers: *superior chill of superiority* 
Rando: *insults her loved ones* 
Lady Summers: Perish.
Hyde, in a blanket: I no longer wish to adult. From now on I shall remain a cozy burrito. If you need me, I will be in my fluff top here.
Utterson: *singing* Making my way back home, been a long day, time to see my-
Hyde: *comes running down the stairs* 
Utterson: *singing* -fluffy dog, lalalala! 
Hyde: *trips and rolls down the rest of the stairs*
Jekyll: For so many years, I thought that something was wrong with me, that I was the black sheep, and I needed to change my personality. 
Jekyll: And after a long time of consideration, I realised, who I was. 
Jekyll: I'm a piece of shit. Ü
Utterson, singing along to the radio: WHAT ABOUT US? 
Jekyll: *bursts in to sing along* 
Utterson: *singing* WHAT ABOUT TRUST? 
Utterson: *singing* AND WHAT ABOUT MEEEE? 
Lanyon: *snickering and filming in the background
Hyde on 1st November: *throws the Halloween decoration out and starts to decorate for Christmas*
Lady Summers, to Lanyon: Read the opposite of these words out loud. *points at a whiteboard* 
Lanyon: What do you mean, the oppsite? 
Lady Summers: Never … 
Lanyon: Going. 
Lady Summers: Yes. 
Lanyon: To. 
Lady Summers: Yes. 
Lanyon: Give … you … up. 
Lady Summers: *singing* NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UUUP- 
Lanyon: *laughs*
*different types of people shopping* 
Edwina: *the cart rider* 
Lady Summers: *the one who gets hella crisps* 
Lanyon: *the mum said "put it back" - throw* 
Jekyll: *the one who puts it in a random spot*
Jekyll: Do you ever wake up and just think: Wow. What a beautiful day to be alive. 
Jekyll: Just kidding. Fuck my life.
Lady Summers: These are three life facts you need to know. 
Lady Summers: Number one: If you want to have a conversation with your friend, you need to talk. Talking is when words come out of your mouth. 
Lady Summers: Number two: If you don't smell good and you want to smell good, you need to shower. Showering is the only way to clean your body. 
Lady Summers: Number three: If you want to brush your teeth, but only have a little bit of tooth paste left, run over the tube with your car and then throw it into the rubbish. Then go to the store and buy a brand new tube of tooth paste. Now it'll be so much easier to brush your teeth.
Lanyon: *singing* I used to be so fucking ugly, now look at me- 
Lanyon: *singing* -I'm still really fucking ugly, it's clear to see- 
Everyone else: LANYON, NO!!!!
Young Lanyon: …
Jekyll's mother: A little birdie told me, that you don't respect the sanctity of marriage. Is that true, you spawn of Satan?! You spawn of POSSESSION?! I BANISH THEE TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL! BEGONE, SATAN!!! *throws a book at Jekyll* 
Young Jekyll: *runs away*
Jekyll: It all started, when my parents' increasingly high expectations met my crippling internalised fear of failure. Then they met my nature. Then the declining economy and impending recession met my college education. And they'd meet my student debt. Then my student debt met my mental health problem. And they made insomnia. Then this morning my insomnia met four cups of coffee. Ü
Jekyll: Hi. My name is Henry and I'm about to shit my inexpressibles. ^^
Utterson, if he was bi: If you're a woman, you might want to keep scrolling, unless you want to get a lady boner. In three … two … one … 
Utterson: *proceeds to wash dishes, cook dinner and clean the house* 
Edwina: … I'm suddenly sad that you're married.
Young Lady Summers, to her father: I'm going out for lunch today. ^^ 
Margrave Alexander v.H.(her father): Are you going somewhere? 
Lady Summers: A-a rendezvous … o///o 
M.A.: This is an emergency! Alright … take this. *holds up his swordcane* 
Lady Summers: Papa?! e_o 
M.A.: Oh, sorry. Would this work better? ^^ *holds up his hunting rifle* 
Lady Summers: No! That's not necessary! 
M.A.: No, no. I'll be going, too! Ü 
Lady Summers: YOU DON'T HAVE TO COME!!! Q_Q
*Types of kids in class* 
Alma: *kid always sleeping* 
Lady Summers: *the kid in a wheelchair* 
Hyde: *the creeper* 
Lanyon: *the heartbroken guy* 
Utterson: *the girl in love* 
Jekyll: *the depressed kid*
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mst3kproject · 5 years
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The Incredible Petrified World
When choosing episodes that never were, it is always tempting to just pick crap movies I enjoy watching, like Lady Frankenstein or The Giant Claw, and ignore the unwatchable bilge – but this blog is about films that were or should have been on MST3K, and they riffed their way through quite a bit of unwatchable bilge over the years, from The Robot vs the Aztec Mummy to dreary dubbed Hamlet. I would therefore be sadly remiss if I neglected truly wretched movies entirely, and so we come to The Incredible Petrified World.  It’s a Jerry Warren movie that serves very well to emphasize that Teenage Zombies might be his best work, and it stars John Carradine from The Unearthly and Phyllis Coates from Invasion USA.  It’s also one of the most difficult movies I’ve ever had to sit through, right up there with Invasion of the Neptune Men, so brace yourselves because this is gonna hurt.
A Dr. Wyman (evidently this is before the Blood Beast ate his brain) has invented a special deep-diving bell, and it’s time for its first test in the Caribbean. The expedition consists of three scientists and a reporter – the former are two identical-faced men and a brunette, and the latter is a blonde.  Don’t expect me to remember their names.  Halfway down, the cable snaps and they plummet to the seafloor… but when they come to, they realize there’s light in the windows.  They’ve somehow entered a series of underwater caverns, which are inexplicably full of air and light!  After wandering around eating up time I could have spent watching a better movie, they encounter a man in a fake beard who says he’s been down there for fourteen years. For some reason this guy decides to kill them all, but at the last minute a volcano erupts, squashing him so everybody else can be rescued.
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Interspersed with all this are scenes of Wyman’s brother and his collaborators, helping in the search for the missing scientists and building their own diving bell for a follow-up mission.  These parts seemed weirdly disconnected from the rest of the movie, and I wondered if they were shot and added later because somebody thought the movie was going to be too short.  But then at the end, all these characters appear together on the rescue boat.  I guess the writing just sucked.
Oh, man, fuck this movie.  It really is the dumbest, dullest thing imaginable.  The whole thing is just a bunch of scenes that wander across the screen but never amount to much, so in that spirit I’m going to make a bunch of observations and not worry about whether they add up to a review.  Here goes.
The actual beginning of the movie is some footage of an octopus fighting a shark, while a narrator tells us that the sea is the wildest and most hostile place on earth… although his words aren’t nearly so poetic.  In fact, the narrator sounds like he’s reading the script aloud for the first time, while wondering if he remembered to lock his car.  He drones on and on about the things that lurk in the depths while we see dull footage of fish swimming around for nearly four minutes.  I already want to turn this off and go do something fun, like sweep the floor. Even worse, none of this has a crumb to do with the rest of the movie, which is set not at the seafloor, but in a cave, where there are no sharks or octopodes.
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The diving bell looks about as solid as a beach ball and is significantly bigger on the inside than the outside.  Everything in it is controlled by two switches on the wall and an oscilloscope. The dialogue is at pains to note that the second bell, the one built by Wyman’s brother, is identical to the first. This means they can use the same set.
All these undersea caverns have nice level floors for the characters to walk on, which is good because the women wore heels for their descent into the murky abyss.  At one point they encounter an Australian perentie lizard, which is only seen in a cutaway because it’s stock footage from the other side of the world.  I don’t know how long they’re supposed to have spent wandering around in the caves but since the search was eventually called off it must have been a couple of weeks at least.  Despite this, nobody’s clothes get dirty.  The women’s hair and makeup always look perfect, and the men never need to shave.  Come to think of it, how does Beard Guy know he’s been down there for fourteen years? He’s in a fucking cave.  There’s no day or night to pass the time, and he doesn’t wear a watch.
Beard Guy apparently tells the characters that he and Mysterious Skeleton were sailors on a ship that sank, and that’s how they ended up in here. The two men suspect that he isn’t telling the truth.  It turns out Beard Guy is the one who killed Mysterious Skeleton, although it never tells us why – maybe he’s just crazy, or maybe he got really hungry one day. If there’s a dark truth to how he ended up in this place, however, the audience never learns what it is.
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Much of what we see is just filling time.  One of the guys says they can make fishing spears out of some of the equipment they had in the diving bell, and then we have to watch them do it. There’s a bit where a guy back on land is driving somewhere, and we hear a news broadcast on the search, which is fine, but then we also have to listen to the weather report as well. Characters wander through rocks, and then wander back through the same rocks shot from a slightly different angle.
There is an attempt at subplots.  The blonde woman is the bitchy one and the brunette is the nice one.  The former has just broken up with her boyfriend and threw his engagement ring into the ocean.  One of the men confesses his love to the latter.  Both of these ideas come out of nowhere, are given three or four lines, and vanish into the mist, never to be heard from again.  Beard Guy, whose ‘beard’ looks more like a stuffed animal glued to his face, tries to rape the blonde while the men are gone.  Since the movie was made in the fifties he doesn’t get very far before he is buried by falling rocks.  If this had happened so the men could heroically save her, it would have annoyed me, but the utter pointlessness of the scene we did get is worse.
The erupting volcano is exactly like the erupting volcano in The Land that Time Forgot, in that the volcano only exists to end the movie at an arbitrary point.  At least it’s not here to steal the happy ending this time.  Footage of the actual eruption is upside-down for some reason, maybe because we’re under the ground.  What sense does that make?  Did the writer think the earth is hollow and volcanoes on its inner surface point down instead?
The dialogue is unsalvageable.  There’s an entire conversation between John Carradine and some other guy about why the cable broke on the first diving bell, and not only is everything they say nonsense, they can’t even make it sound like anything but.  Characters on Star Trek talk complete bullshit all the time, but at least they mostly sound like they believe in it.  John Carradine and his co-star have absolutely no idea what they’re saying, and don’t care enough to try.  Something about making the diving bell too strong.
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It pretty much goes without saying that The Incredible Petrified World doesn’t have anything to say.  The entire story, insofar as it goes, is completely without point or plot.  It barely even has a premise.  Various characters take turns moaning and wailing about how they’re gonna be down here for the rest of their lives, but then they recover and get on with things after all.  The men discuss survival strategies and the women complain.  Nothing develops.  The blonde supposedly has an arc, in that at the end she says “my life will be changed from here on out”, but this is the most told and least shown character development of any movie ever.
It’s a complete mystery to me why anyone bothered making this movie.  Most movies have something going on: they want to tell a story, to examine an idea, to showcase an actor, to sell soundtrack albums, to leech money from nostalgic fans of an old cartoon… sometimes these ambitions are cynical but they’re still there.  Even really, really, legendarily bad movies have goals. Foodfight wants you to buy name-brand instead of generic.  Manos: the Hands of Fate wants to prove it’s not as difficult or expensive to make a movie as Hollywood would have you believe.  The Hottie and the Nottie wants to convince you that Paris Hilton can act.  All these movies are miserable fucking failures but you can tell what they were going for.
The Incredible Petrified World isn’t even going for anything.  It just takes some bad actors, stands them in front of the camera for a few minutes, and then lets them go home.  There is literally nothing beneath the surface, and the surface is so insubstantial it barely counts. It’s movie dark matter, adding to the mass of the universe but otherwise completely fucking inert.
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