#oh my future jib
bengiyo · 7 months
Ossan's Love Returns Ep 9 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, everyone sensed that something was up with Kurosawa, and so the squad rallied to host a home party to cheer him up. Kurosawa spent much of the episode working on saying goodbye, and even left instructions for Maki with some household tips before teaching him how to make his version of miso soup. He left goodbye videos that completely destroyed me, and his final scene in the park with Haruta brought me back to the In the Sky goodbye in ways I was not ready for. I don't want to mourn him, but I feel like I already am.
I can't drink those smoothies that just taste like grass.
He kicked the doctor!!!
All this drama over red food!?!
Oh lord his home sold. Where is he going to go??
I hope the entire cast comes to visit him a little bit at a time. This is great.
"Give me back my tears, geezer!" Yes, Maki! Fight him again!!!
I'm with Haruta. I think about my parents getting older. I've been making slow preparations for the future.
Good job, Chizu. I'm glad you're still here to keep Haruta from spinning out.
Oh, thank you for the shower scene. Tanaka Kei has a great body.
Natflax real estate???? I'm gonna lose it.
This recruiter looks familiar. I'm going to need to look them up later.
STYLER JIBS!!!!!!!!!
Oh no Haruta is having nightmares now.
Whoa, is that Tabasco hot sauce???
I really do love the way Kurosawa and Maki moments have evolved over time.
I love that the whole crew is here for a surprise party, and glad Kurosawa is back to tormenting Maki.
Haruta bursting into tears whenever he feels too much love is one of my favorite things about him. He always appreciates every earnest gesture from Maki.
This is beautiful. I would love to be surrounded by all the people I love telling me all the things I did that made them feel supported and appreciated.
Takegawa got a cat! That feels so correct.
This whole sequence is incredible. It's an ongoing group hug, a party, and a talent show.
Maika is always eavesdropping and she is correct. Not all queer relationships need names that fit neatly into other expectations.
It does feel like a family photo. I have quite a few with my wider digital families.
Wow, the cherry blossoms scene was beautiful. I really appreciate how explicit this season has been about the complex nature of family and that finding community and joy in it is possible in any number of configurations.
Maro is such a dude I love him. He would absolutely get into a fandom just to be closer to his mom and wife.
Kiku and Izumi made it! Can't believe that they've grown on me a little bit.
Teppei, Chizu, and Maika having dinner with their kids as Teppei sings another song is perfect for them.
Maki stay trying to slam the door on Kurosawa.
Another almost brawl!!
"WE ARE FAMILY!!" I got all my sisters with me!! Okay, I cried.
Final Verdict: 9, Highly Recommended. I think, even if you bounced off or didn't watch Ossan's Love (2018), you should absolutely check this show out. There's so much to be had in this show about adults navigating what they want for their lives as they try to take care of the people they love. Maki and Haruta figuring out what their romance is going to Iook like when it's not just an idea landed so well for me. I like that Maki is still able to be a little bit terse or reserved, but he's finally able to say clearly to Haruta how important he is to him and he's also better able to be around others. Izumi is right that Haruta is this beacon of love that others seem inevitably drawn to. Kurosawa is such a huge presence, and he reminds me of some of my favorite gay elders. I hope to be as powerful and loved as him when I get older. I'm so glad I went back and watched Ossan's Love properly. I can't believe I denied myself this incredible experience for years.
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thisisnotthenerd · 10 months
since shriek week doesn't really have formal combats/encounters, we're moving on to starstruck:
quick episode descriptions:
welcome to the spacin' life, buddy!: first episode and we're already doing battle. norman is an asshole. fighting jan de la vega. sidney and barry go for it. margaret is a busy businesswoman who nonetheless helps out. raymond zam wants to reschedule space battle. the intro flashbacks: use your tongue. fuck erotica ann. never go to the zoo. would you like to buy pleasure putty. young and hip people don't need to say they're young and hip.
all in the hot exit: running from the carbine kennel club dog show with aurora nebbins, princeps zortch and gnosis in tow. the pleasure putty factory is exploding. gunnie casts flash. two nat ones. my future is changing! are you hacking a dice? sidney throwing grenades. barry tanking so much damage. i'm hurt. margaret banking in pitched battle. that's the most advisable thing you could have been doing. nat 20 on the jib jobbers showing up. take care of my legs! riva yanking gunnie to the ship and glindaing jan de la vega. nat 20 death save that took so long. making it out with 30000 credits & a 5 star rating.
wallops at swallop's: skip's incredible back to back turns. freon blast. jumping into the rafter where everyone can see you. stealing back the kublacaine. popping off and not running and still winning. the sheriff is shitting in the bathroom. the first get nasty from margaret. skip shooting the sheriff for 21 points and then mounting his decapitated head on a cactus. killing the police force and then partying after.
baustin skiffy limits: running through the market. barry with the table. setting up for combination moves with the oil slick. ship style combat. fleeing amongst the skiffers. riva's persuasion with you hate the government. colonian turn. running from brigade tigers. hospitalizing crunch moon-jones. we're just going away.
flee from fantanimalland: my ass! sid & skip going down the elevator, margaret & barry with hogg cobb, riva vs barry nyne on the ship, and gunnie buying a maple cake. gunnie steals the maple cake, gets accosted by a vercadian & gets escorted out while carrying margaret. sid meets the junkmother & gets the krystals. saw a hole. had to check it out. riva gets barry nyne off the ship without zortch. arcadia prime monologues at barry while skip teaches gunnie to ram the ship into the building.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
the house always wins: barry kicks off with a 39 to grapple brutus. leap? oh no i fall out of the crow's nest. margaret walks up, says you suck and walks away. call to the guards. this is the sensible beardsley season. everybody going down and coming back up. except for gunnie. full on cleganebowl. we're going over the edge. it's only a 28. happy birthday murph. margaret inducing crises. barry & brutus bonding. the girl guides. i'm stacks. chasing down the nuns. and the house always wins! the casino paid for itself. bambi leroux.
jailbreak!: skip on handy annie, sneaking through the halls. barry & gunnie playing rock paper scissors. we're all really worried about you, man. why would that be mine? running with the other prisoners to get out. barry's fists are d6 weapons. stunning & killing. sid kisses the vercadian. i think mommy is nice. zortch & the girl guides betting on a horse. splitting the party for stealth. riva's big distraction. improved grade to space casting. sidney crits on the vercadian. it doubles damage. ship to ground is multiplier of times 10. 560 points. nat 20 stealth. plug shows up. with their guns trained on you.
the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 1): riva does customer service. zortch wearing a plaastic bag on their head. ponytail barry. u4f allies. danielle scrap. galatia 9. barry nyne is on the wurst. riva phase walking to uftp. plugging gnosis into the wurst. i'll roll as many d8s as you want me to. gunnie grows a shield generator. margaret's campaign office singlehandedly changing the course of the battle. zortch getting slugged & attacking skip.
the luckless, the abandoned and the forsaked (part 2): emily snarfed. command ships attacking each other. the guernicans are incompetent. the entire barry conversation. expertise in being a barry. a weird little cranny where maybe there could be turtles. exactly 14 damage. what is the nature of micro ftl jumps. gnosis rolls a 2. i might actually vomit. an off-camera bit. what's up, baby! it's space. loose duke's been on the ship the whole time. boarding party kicks ass. the kind is dead, long live the king. the random factor. sid releasing gnosis. filling rubian v with powdered egg substitute. lucienne was on the ship the whole time. barry crits & does 62 damage. while sid does 40. the ram does 16. capping it off with a wedding.
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eirinstiva · 5 months
Two for the price of one
Second part of "Jeeves in the Springtime" and what was the plan? Bingo Little should read some romantic novels to his uncle to prepare for a relationship between different classes.
Old Little had jibbed somewhat at first at the proposed change of literary diet, he not being much of a lad for fiction and having stuck hitherto exclusively to the heavier monthly reviews; but Bingo had got chapter one of “All for Love” past his guard before he knew what was happening, and after that there was nothing to it.
Mmm... this is good!!! Keep going, Bingo.
“And, by the way,” said Bingo, “he wants you to lunch with him tomorrow.” “Me? Why me? He doesn’t know I exist.” “Oh, yes, he does. I’ve told him about you.” “What have you told him?” “Oh, various things. Anyhow, he wants to meet you. And take my tip, laddie⁠—you go! I should think lunch tomorrow would be something special.”
This is suspicious... or as we say in Chilean:
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“Oh, that’s all right. I just rang up to explain. The fact is, old man, I know you won’t mind, but I told him that you were the author of those books I’ve been reading to him.” “What!” “Yes, I said that ‘Rosie M. Banks’ was your pen-name, and you didn’t want it generally known, because you were a modest, retiring sort of chap. He’ll listen to you now. Absolutely hang on your words. A brightish idea, what? I doubt if Jeeves in person could have thought up a better one than that. 
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Look at this man! Bingo looks so calm, so happy. Poor Bertie has to deal with something rummy, I guess. I think it's a good idea, but I don't know if it's a good idea to change Jeeves' plan without telling him, until know he's the one planning everything for Bertie and his friends.
“Not yet. But I propose to enter upon that holy state almost immediately. The lady who for years has cooked so well for me honoured me by accepting my hand this very morning.” A cold gleam of triumph came into his eye. “Now let ’em try to get her away from me!” he muttered, defiantly.
I told you!!! I'm so happy for Old Little and Miss Watson, but now Bingo lost his allowance and Jeeves lost his fiancée... so sad...
“To tell you the truth, sir, I was not wholly averse from a severance of my relations with Miss Watson. In fact, I greatly desired it. I respect Miss Watson exceedingly, but I have seen for a long time that we were not suited. Now, the other young person with whom I have an understanding⁠—”
Sospechosa la wea...
“For some weeks, sir. I was greatly attracted by her when I first met her at a subscription dance at Camberwell.” “My sainted aunt! Not⁠—” Jeeves inclined his head gravely. “Yes, sir. By an odd coincidence it is the same young person that young Mr. Little⁠—I have placed the cigarettes on the small table. Good night, sir.”
The woman with the weird fashion test? Considering that Jeeves left his previous work for the bad taste of his master, I don't see a bright future in this relationship.
Recap: Jeeves got two couples and one heartbroken Bingo with just one scheme. Amazing job, Jeeves!
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laranmina · 6 years
I send a message yesterday to the admin of the Jus in Bello convention fanpage asking about the changes in the jib panels. I was as nice as possible, which is no easy for me...
me: hello. I don't really know if you are the right person to ask this, so feel free to send me on my waya couple of friends and me were talking about going to the next jib if there was oneDaniela said so at closure so... Our question is if the changes in the panels this year are gonna be permanents. I mean, the main attractive of Jib are the Mishalecki and cockles panels but if one of thoose dissapear  like this year I am not that sure about saving for a year for something I'm not going to get in the end.We are spaniards, by the way. I understood the pre  jib rant from daniela about the shippers wars (kind of, cons live of that after all) but as an outsider don't really care about getting more of the same as in, let's say, SpnUKsorry for the long askthanks for your answer, or not.
Sue:  As Daniela herself has said, panels can change at a moment’s notice and at the choice of the actors so although the schedule may may say Jensen & Misha - who knows what could happen I think this panel however is not the only thing that differentiates JIB There is so much more, spontaneity that surprises do happen being one of them
me: Maybe. And maybe it's not the only attractive but the jaredxmisha and jensenxmisha is the main  one for me as we don' t get those anywhere else. If I am paying a month salary in an angel pass and not get those two panels I'd probably feel like the school bully took my lunch.No offense, because Rome is almost enough for me to go Jib, but I am hoping for some kind of schedule before fighting for a ticket at the openningI'd largely prefer a full hour of J2M in schedule that a crash panel surprise like this year
Sue: You will not get the schedule before booking day as it is never released until a couple of weeks before the con starts
Me: I've been listenning about the Mishalecki and Cockles panels the whole year. That is what I want to know. Is it going to be like always or we'll have just j2m?
Sue: This year has been the exception that Jared has been involved in the panel. There is no guarantee that it won’t happen again next but no guarantee it will.
Me: The Jared only panel was a J2, too, anyway
Sue: That was because Jared was ill and needed the support. I don’t want to sound rude but if you truly have an issue with how panels change then maybe JIB is not for you. This happens
Me:I know. I'm part of the staff for the annual tolkien convention this year in spain. Changes happen, we try not to but sometimes is inevitable. I'm just trying to figure if those changes are gonna permanent, as I said.Because is hard for me to think jared was having a bad day in saturday and in sunday he wanted to do one more panelI love jared, i can't stop smiling with him but it doesn't make sense. Anyway, always can reselling the ticket at the facebook page, I guess
Sue:  Unfortunately you are asking a question I cannot answer. I do not know what will happen at JIB10.  The section is up to you.Decision I meant to say
Me: Yep, I guess so. I will have to bet on it.Thanks, anyway. I'm sure to could use a week of sleepAgh. You could use, I mean. Dammit
Aaand that is. Almost confirm my idea de change was a J2 thing to show Misha support in the face of the bronlies...the no-dildo with the ballons in the lunch room makes me think i was not a last hour idea. Anyway, here you have it.
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cryptidcasanova · 2 years
Behind the Curtain (5)
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TASM!Dark!Andrew!Peter Parker
Peter Parker x F! Reader Series
Warnings: Dubious intent, Deception, Recreational Drugs, Adult themes. Future Smut, Sex Pollen, Violence, Yandere.
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Summary: Peter was slow to admit it, but after Gwen’s death he stopped pulling his punches. He sought out vengeance at every turn and no robber, mobster, or off-brand ne’erdowell was left in peace.
He embraced, no, incited the violence. The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was a vigilante.
This is Peter Parker’s villain origin story.
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
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Chapter 5 - 4k Words -
There was a shift in Peter.
He was spending less of his time fighting crime and more of it in his lab. He kept his old chemistry journals and flasks of experiments close by and was more than eager to make something beyond the merit of his web fluid.
He loved the science behind the curtain. He was passionate about it.
But first, he would have to break it down to the basics.
Peter knew that he could protect you as Spider-Man. He knew how to do that and was good at that. But he needed to keep you close and could use some help with that when Spider-Man couldn't always be around.
He needed something to keep you thinking about him - something to draw you to him. And in his studies, Peter found that certain spiders could attract other animals, mates, prey in a lucrative way.
Pheromones. Pheromones were a powerful tool. 
And he was betting that his pheromones were powerful too. The chemistry was there; he would just need to give it a little push. 
When the beaker he had been mixing shifted in color from a murky brown to an iridescent golden hue Peter knew it was the right call. His heart was hammering out of his chest. His eyes were dark, wild with excitement.
He could pull it off. He could have the life he deserved.
It was just chemistry, after all.
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"Why don't you stay?" May offered one evening, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.  
You had dropped off a plate of cookies at her place, leaving your apartment just as the snow had started falling, but by the time you made it to her house you were chilled to the bone. You should have called for a cab. But May was a sweetheart, and she was more than eager to welcome you in.  
"Come inside. You can warm up. We made some coffee to go with the cookies."  
You contemplated it full-heartedly. You didn't want to overstep your professional relationship, but then again, what harm could it really do? May had never been anything but courteous. With a slow smile, you agreed and watched as her face lit up.  
It wouldn't cause any harm to stay.  
One by one the ladies arrived, catching up on the gossip from the week and applauding your talented bakes before diving into the book club.  
You wondered how they focused at all.  
Between giggles and storytelling, the old ladies were bouncing from one subject to another.  
"Oh, you know how Ben is. He's trying to keep himself busy." May shook her head. He had been trying to insulate the basement all on his own.  
"Well, that must be nice, May," One woman hummed thoughtfully. "Earl can hardly get his ass off the couch." There was a round of rumbles, mainly in agreement.  
"Oh, to be married."  
Snickers filled the room.
"What about you, honey?" The lady to your left, Sandra, jibbed loudly. She was on her third cookie and was practically sinking into the couch. "Surely you must be seeing someone."  
You indulged them in their revelry, leaning in with a toothy grin.  
"Me? Finding a fella in this neighborhood?" You feigned a scoff. "It's never gonna happen." 
There was a round of soft laughter.  
"Oh come on, you're such a beautiful thing."  
"I'm surprised no one has snatched you up yet."  
You smirked at their antics. They were just like a group of school girls.
"Now there's always that cute nephew of yours, May." Sandra looked down the bridge of her own glasses with a deceptively sweet wink.  
You watched as May's smile turned bashful, shaking her head excitedly.  
"Oh no, no. Don't you go putting ideas in my head!" She paused, a far-off look in her eye. "He's gone and buried his nose in his work. I don't even know the last time he talked to a girl."  
There was another round of uproar. You looked across the room to where May's cheeks had gone pink. She was clearly embarrassed to talk about it.  
"Who knows," You chimed in softly, breaking the attention away from May, "Maybe one of these days a dashing debonair will snatch me away. But I'm not waiting on anybody." 
But that wasn't entirely true. 
You were waiting for something, right? You fought off the frown creeping into your cheeks. 
The thought of Spider-Man made your belly uneasy. You didn't want to be waiting for him. That night he left your apartment he left you feeling so small, so insignificant, and it was like ice in your veins. It broke you out of whatever spell he had you under.
Weeks had passed. He left you alone.
No, you reassured yourself, you didn't need to be waiting on him.  
"Besides," You added as an afterthought, breaking you from your train of thought. "Who will take care of you ladies then? I can't leave you high and dry."  
"Certainly not." One of the other ladies agreed.  
The night went on just the same, with innocent jokes and jovial company. You actually enjoyed yourself, letting loose and enjoying the festivities.  
You took a cab home, and by the time it dropped you off at the front of your apartment you were blissfully dazed.  
The cold didn’t bother you. The snow didn’t bother you. It was beautiful. But when you lost your footing in the snow and tripped, it was with a nervous laugh that you let yourself fall back into the snow pile.  
But the impact never came. 
With a surprisingly strong tug, you were pulled up to your feet in a flurry, a steady grip around your waist. You opened your eyes to find Peter standing there, looking down at you with big eyes. He was holding you, suspending you above the cold ground. 
“Oh!” You were surprised, looking up to him with wide eyes. He caught you off guard. “Hey, Peter.”  
Your glossy expression and lazy smile made his shoulders relax, and you noticed the way his eyes shifted from being on alert to curious.  
“Hey,” He offered, biting back a shy grin. 
Peter’s honeyed eyes scanned your face, and you watched as his expression shifted again. His realization came out as a breathless laugh. You could see the cold puff of air dissolve up into the streetlights. 
“Are you stoned?” He asked lightly, but you could see the humor in his eyes.
Not trusting yourself to not sound ridiculous you smiled, bringing your index finger and thumb close together.
Just a little. 
You didn’t expect Peter to throw his head back with a breathless grin, but you were blindsided by the crinkle in his eyes and the way his chest rumbled with laughter. 
It was a pretty sound. A very pretty sound. 
Snow was sticking to his hair and his eyelashes and his jacket, and you appreciated it through the yellow glow of the streetlight. It was pretty. Peter was pretty. 
Maybe the ladies were right. Maybe you needed some dashing debonair to save you from the snow.
“You alright?” He asked, shaking you from your stupor. 
You looked up to him again, blinking gently, before giving him a little boop on the nose with your index finger.
“Never better.”
You steadied your feet underneath you and got your footing right before pulling away from Peter, spinning in a half-circle to look back at the snow piling up. You didn’t notice the way he reluctantly let go. You were too distracted by the scenery. 
It really was a beautiful night. You weren’t ready to go inside just yet. With a careful step, you crouched down, sitting on the stairsteps of the building.
With a grin on your lips, you watched the snowflakes fall. You were enamored by all of it. The snow fell gently, muting the noise of the city. 
“You’re going to catch a cold.” Peter mused, but you shook it off with a shake of your shoulders.
“You’re going to catch a cold.” You taunted lightly, leaning back against the steps. Half of you had a mind to invite him to sit next to you, but you noticed the backpack he wore. “Are you coming or going?” 
“Um, I’m,” Peter started, pausing as you caught his eye. He stuttered, but only slightly before patting the strap of his bag. “Work. I’ve got to work.”
You nodded on an exhale, watching your own puff of air dissolve up into the air.
“Well,” You drew out, giving him another lazy smile. “Have a nice night, Peter.”
He stayed for a moment longer, watching you with contemplation, before nodding his own goodbye. He walked away from the old apartments; the sounds of his steps were muffled by the snow.
He really was pretty, you mused, shaking your head at how ridiculous you were.
You stayed there for a little longer until the cold was starting to bite at your skin. You had your fun, but it was time to call it a night.
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Playing in the snow was a mistake. 
The cold seeped through to the bone, and early the next morning you woke up with the chills. It blossomed into a fever, and a thunderous headache kept you in bed for most of the day. 
You should have listened to Peter. 
The snow clouds gave way to a sunny day, and the sun was starting to set by the time you felt enough energy to get out of bed and move around the house.
The next day you managed to make it down to the corner store for cold medicine. You didn’t know if it was the cold or any lingering effects of the edibles, but you couldn’t shake the groggy feeling. Perhaps it was the perfect mix of both.
You were so disoriented and just wanted to make it back up to your apartment uninterrupted, but it was just your luck that both Peter and Mr. Bruno were in the mailroom as you trudged back into the building. With an internal groan, you noticed how Peter waved in your direction. 
You let out a dry, sore laugh. You must have looked like a mess.
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed myself the other night.” You told him, your voice scratchy. 
You didn’t have the energy to face him, looking down at your shoes with mild embarrassment. But you noticed Peter shaking his head out of the corner of your eye and you slowly looked his way.
“You didn’t, really.” He assured but paused, looking back at the landlord. 
If he wanted to say something else he bit his tongue, but you could have sworn you saw a shift in his eyes. 
“I hope you feel better.”
You offered him a nod and a tight smile before making it back upstairs.
The cold was more resilient than you thought, and you weren’t getting better as fast as you thought you would. You had to put your sales orders on hold, and unfortunately reschedule the immediate ones.
You just didn’t feel like baking. Your eyes were glossy and unfocused from the medicine, and you were convinced it wasn’t helping. You were pitiful. Sometimes you curled up on your couch until the chills were unbearable, and the rest of the time was spent sitting under the shower, wishing the steam would help. 
The next night you were curled up into a ball when you heard a knock on the door. With sluggish limbs, you brought the blanket you had with you, wrapped tight around your shoulders as you unlocked the deadbolt.
The fluorescents in the hallway were brighter than any of the lights in your apartment, and for a moment you had to readjust. There, looking down at you, Peter Parker was standing in the hallway with a gentle grin, holding a big bowl in his hands. 
“Soup helps.” He offered, holding out his hands. “I mean, at least I think it does. It used to help me.”
It wasn’t a takeout container - it was a beige ceramic bowl with brown flowers on it. It was old. Your parents used to have the same ones.
“You made this?” You whispered, reaching your arms out. 
“Family recipe.” He hummed out, his voice cutting off as your fingers brushed against his own as you grabbed the bowl. You noticed, your eyes drifting across his face with a mild concert. 
There was a cut on his cheek and a tired look in his eye. He must have been busy. He must have been tired. 
You probably didn’t look any better.
“You didn’t have to do that.” 
You took note of the way he shrugged it off like it was no big deal, you stopped him. You sure did appreciate it. There was a pause, and when you realized he wasn’t going to say anything you stood up straight. 
“It’ll be perfect. Thanks.” 
You couldn’t see the warmth in his cheeks from the way he shifted his weight, but he did shyly pull a hand through his hair. Peter wasn’t a man of many words.
He didn’t stay in the hallway for long, wishing you a better night with a gentle grin before slinking back into his apartment. But you lingered there, eyes wavering to his door before back down at the soup.
He was thoughtful. He was neighborly. But…you faltered. Was that all it was? 
You shook it off, too drowsy to think about it for too long.
On the fourth night, you were finally able to shake the fever. 
You thought about Peter, wanting to thank him because you thought the soup really did help, but when you went over to his place he wasn’t home. You could thank him another night, you resigned.
On the fifth night, you watched the news for the first time in a while. 
A part of you stayed away because you didn’t want to see any more stories of Spider-Man, but you wanted to know what was going on in the city. But somewhere in the back of your mind, you wanted to know he was okay, that he was still out there somewhere. 
It didn’t make any sense. You thought you were trying to get over him.
Instead, the Daily Bugle was raving about how other heroes were trying to bring justice to the vigilante in red. You paused, tightening your grip on the remote. There were more superheroes out there?
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
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Peter knew better. 
He knew better than to take advantage of the situation you were in, to wait to roll out his plan until you felt better. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care. 
He knew how to help you. He knew how to protect you.
And if a test batch of soup was his gateway into your life, so be it.
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You had gotten a job offer that was big, too big to pass up. 
But deep down you knew it was a bad idea. It was a really bad idea, and not just because the mayor’s son asked if you could bake him a cake for his birthday.
He wanted you to drop it off at the Luxe, a seedy nightclub that his birthday party was going to be at. You should have said no, that it was too risky, but after your hiatus from being sick, the money he was willing to pay was too good to pass up.
The Luxe was not a place you wanted to be. You heard the rumors, of the gangs that frequented the club and the ladies that they kept, and the illicit activities that went on. 
For a fleeting moment, running into Spider-Man was the least of your worries. In fact, based on the news reports it sounded like he was laying low.
It was a late delivery on a Saturday night, and what you hoped was going to be a quick drop-off lingered on. The sleazy security guard made you uneasy, and the low lighting of the club only enhanced the feeling. 
You really didn’t want to be associated with anyone there. 
Once you were paid and dropped off the cake you made for the closest exit, a side exit of the building, before heading back home.
But you were still on edge. The transaction and the people and the stares made your stomach roll - it was too high profile, even for you. Maybe you should lay low for a little while.
"What's a little thing like you doing around here?" 
You froze to the spot, your head jerking up in the direction of the voice that pulled you from your thoughts. 
There were two men, both you recognized from the club. They were following you. 
“We haven’t seen you before.” One of the men garbled out. “What’s the rush? We could have some real fun.” 
“Yeah, where you goin’? Come here, doll,” The other man slurred, cooing at you with his index finger. 
The gesture made your body spike with adrenaline. Your head was spinning, thinking of which direction to run in. You weren’t trained for fight or flight situations. It was dark, and you were all alone.
Well, not entirely alone.
You couldn’t have known that Spider-Man was hiding in the shadows. But Peter couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe.
He watched as you froze up like a deer in the headlights, not fully aware of the men slinking in closer. On instinct alone, he acted, slinging a web to deflect one of the goons as he reached his arm out for you. 
“You don’t touch her. You don’t look at her. You stay the hell away from her.”
His words were fierce. His usual playfulness was gone. His words were a threat from the shadows.
You hardly had time to take note of it as Spider-Man swung down between you and the low life goons that were goading for your attention. He was creating a barrier. His shoulders were tense, and you noticed the way that he puffed up his chest. 
His body language was ferocious, dangerous even.
The men startled up at the attention they attracted, and while one of them backed off, the other man boiled with a fit of sudden anger.
“Why don’t you mind your own fuckin’ business for once, bug-boy?” The man asked, and before you knew it he was lunging at Spider-Man with a punch. But the hit never landed. It was deflected as Spider-Man kicked the legs out from under the goon. 
He made it look effortless.
Your shocked gasp pulled Spider-Man’s attention away from beating the goon to a pulp. And it was a good thing you did, because the other man doubled back, making it his intention to intervene between Spider-Man and his friend on the concrete. 
Spider-Man was going to have to make a tough decision - would he stay and fight? Or would he get you to safety? 
But the unbridled fear in your eyes made up his mind. He could stay and fight another day.
In a quick moment, you were pulled into Spider-Man’s embrace. He held you with one arm, the other swinging you both away from the safety of the ground and up into the air. 
The other man didn’t have time to strike, and you were long gone, holding onto Spider-Man for dear life.
“Hey, you still with me, MJ?” He asked as he frantically moved through the streets, tilting his head to check on you. 
But the nickname was lost to you as you held on tight, way too tight, as he swung past the buildings. You had to keep your eyes closed, your face buried in his shoulder. Spider-Man could feel the tension in your body.
“Hey, hey,” He calmly whispered, coming to a stop at last. “It’s okay, it’s over. They can’t get us up here.”
When you opened your, eyes he was right. 
You were on the rooftop of a building far away from the Luxe. Far from the riffraff below. 
"Oh my god," You finally let out the breath you had been holding, looking up at the mask with wide eyes. "You - oh my god.” 
Never in a million years could you imagine swinging through the city, running away from trouble with Spider-Man. You were overwhelmed. You were baffled.
“It’s okay,” he reassured quickly. “It’s going to be alright-”
“-That was amazing.” 
You cut him off, letting out a shaky breath.
"You scared the shit out of them, out of me.” You continued, putting a hand on your chest. “Did you see that guy's face? He fell flat like a pancake."
You were looking up with him with a baffled expression, trying to get your thoughts together. You were nervous but excited. Adrenaline was coursing through your veins.
It was only then that you realized that Spiderman was still holding you close, his arm still wrapped around your back. 
And he wasn’t letting go.
You were convinced that he could hear your heart hammering, but he looked as composed as ever. In fact, he was almost too calm. When he didn't move or say anything, you waved a hand in front of his face.
"Spider-Man?" You whispered, tugging on the material on his forearm. "Are you alright?"
But Peter didn't know if he was alright. 
Now that he knew you were safe, he was confronted with a darker fear. He was torn, still riding the wave of aggression.
He should have gone back and buried those club goons for even thinking of cornering you. And how quickly Peter came to that conclusion frightened him. 
He didn’t bat an eye at the violence of it. 
But then there was you. You were safe, and he had control of that. 
He snapped out of his rabbit hole as you tugged at his suit. It was grounding in a way, to know that you were close. 
You could feel the breath of his exhale through the mask, and he reluctantly nodded down at you.
"I'm alright." He reassured, and after a moment you could have sworn you heard him snicker. "That guy really did drop like a pancake, huh?"
You paused, noting his playful expression returning and letting his shoulders relax. You couldn’t help but smile up at him.
“I think the news is getting it wrong. I’m convinced you are more of a knight in shining armor than a hard-hitting vigilante.” You teased. Spider-Man’s hold was warm and strong, his hand slowly moving from your back to your hip.
“Well, maybe you just caught me on a good night.” He replied, and you could have sworn that he was grinning behind the mask. “Right place, right time, I suppose. Does that make you my damsel in distress?”
You bit the inside of your cheek thinking about it. The idea of it made you bite down a grin.
“You’re right. I suppose I am.” 
Spider-Man hummed out a gentle noise from the back of his throat. “My little MJ dealer in distress.”
For a moment it was quiet, the silence a welcome change of pace. When he gave your hip a light squeeze you looked back up to the mask.
“I’m not great at this,” Spider-Man admitted. His voice changed, lower now. He sounded far away, wrapped up in a tangled web of thoughts.
Spider-Man shifted, resting his other hand on your other hip. He leaned in, his mask inches away from your face. 
“Not great at what?” You dared to whisper. 
He tilted his head, reaching his hand up to cup your cheek.
Oh my god. Your turbulent feelings weren’t as one-sided as you thought. Your eyes drifted shut. You were leaning into the touch. You were -
“I should go.” He deflected. “I should back and teach those jerks a lesson. They have been trailing you since you left the club.”
Your initial adrenaline was swallowed up by a new, frightening, revelation. Spider-Man wasn’t there by coincidence. And as you opened your eyes you let out a shallow breath.
“How long have you been trailing me?"  
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A/N: Hi sweetheart! It seems like everyone is feeling a little burnt out right now, and I’m right there too. 
If you’re feeling like you’re running on empty I hope today is kind to you. You so got this. Ily.
Taglist: @jemimah-b99 @thinkingth0ts @irrelevant-86 @irongoateedaddy @ponyboys-sunsets @jasontoddthezombie @dabi-s-whore @bloodred-writer @xprettyqueenx @anakins-angel @voidsunflower14 @babycollectionman @caramelcandescence @liz-allyn @bitchwhytho @rae-gar-targaryen  @priscillag8 @whatislifebutlemons​
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calderskillday · 3 years
"see ya!" oh zac ily
lmao the way they have sid moving on top of aurora nebbins and riva's psychodrome floating in barry's arms
ohhhhhh movement in talespire is so slick oh boy
this set is seriously badass
"my future is cHANGing" *rolls a 6* *cannot retrieve the die* *nobody can retrieve the die*
lou's unhinged laugh remains my favourite thing EVER
"i'm a first level engineer, i'm not built for combat. yeah, i have two hp."
the way barry activates rage is so fucking funny
i cannot get over skip's new art
ah yes so shrewd
"oh shit!" in skip's voice is simply So Good
this battle is so layered oh GOD
emily's rolls are getting more ally-like with the way she throws the dice into the box 😭
GOD these grenades, i love sidney's abilities
i just remembered none of them have healing................ poor gunnie............
"not again" LMAO skiP
"it just looks like you guys are making out" i can get behind that
em's reactions to those rolls lmao
i love raymond zam????
the return of phone banking on dimension 20
"the scooter is VERY important to barry"
oh barry's GOOD good
"i'm a hero!"
"not right now, jan!!!"
dice deity ally beardsley 😭😭😭
"she's hot again" ally that's so predictably gay
who's making the gif of brennan kissing emily's die
"why did i forget to worry" emily i love you mwah
oh god next week's ep looks intense fuck
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Alright, I've slept a full 9 hours, I'm caffinated, let's get into some thoughts I have about yesterday.
There will be a lot of stuff, so be prepared!
The panel crashing:
First of all, I wanna say that I'm probably biased, because the last question Misha got hit home. I was in kind of a similar situation, difficult relationship with my father, blah blah blah.
I didn't like it AT ALL that Misha got interrupted, because I would've loved to hear his full answer, it was important to me as well. BUT: we all know how cons work, they have a schedule, the organizers send people out, it is what it is. Did I like the sentence "Oh my god, Misha stop talking"? No, no I totally didn't, because even though we don't know these men, their words mean something to us, the words to this answer for me especially. But to be honest, I can't hate on anyone for that, because they have a tight schedule and I get that even if there are some intense moments, they have to keep going, no matter what.
I wanna say first that I still haven't watched the panel, I've only listened to the audio, and what I'm going to say is based on the audio/the gift I saw only.
So, Misha hugs Jensen from behind, and Jensen is all stiff and looks kinda uncomfortable, but as soon as he turns to look at whoever hugs him, he even does a little double take, a smile starts to spread on his face and his body language changes COMPLETELY. He relaxes, leans back in his chair, opens up while he turns into Mishas direction. His whole attitude changes, just because Misha is there now. I couldn't quite place it at first, but from what I saw, I got JIB vibes. Anyone else?
"Angel plushie"... yeah, thank you Jensen, you were able to lift my mood with those two little words. It was adorable. Also, the fact that Misha is STILL swooning over how built Jensen is now gets me every time.
Conclusion: I loved their interaction, even though it nearly wasn't long enough, but seeing them together again shows that nothing has changed between them. They're still as they always had been, and it's so good to see that the end of spn hasn't driven them away from each other.
The last question at the gold panel:
Listen, I made a post about that already, but after watching it again, I have some more things to say.
I still think Jensen could've done a little more, but overall, it was JP who fucked it up (JP's words were the reason I started to cry, it just felt wrong). But after watching it again, I think at the end, Jensen tried to do damage control as best as possible. Of course, he can't just say "Dude, fuck off, it's like this", on stage while still keeping the "Brothers for life" attitude. And over all, his answer wasn't THAT bad. Do I wish to hear more positive stuff from Jensen? Yes, definitely, especially since Chaos Machine seems to be very LGBTQ+ friendly. Do I hate Jensen now? No, because I can imagine how hard it is to be on stage in front of hundreds of people. I have social anxiety, and if he feels just a little on stage of what I feel when I have to go outside, I can understand him. Will I keep an eye on him to see if he does better in the future? Yes, yes I will, but I don't stop supporting him.
We also have the end of the panel to discuss. I'm sorry, but Jensen ran out there SO FAST, JP's hand wasn't even able to reach him for the shoulder clap. The way he walks shows that clearly, something is wrong. And I got that feeling through the whole panel, even though I've only listened to the audio. It all felt kind of awkward.
Also, the fact that JP tried to push Jensen into saying something he didn't want to say/COULDN'T say, was a dick move, plain and simple. JP is in the industry long enough now, he should be able to understand that sometimes, you can't just randomly shout words into the void, you have to keep secrets in order to be trustworthy enough to get hired for future projects. But then again, we all witnessed prequelgate, so I'm not sure if he's able to understand that.
The Jack comment:
Last but not least: thee cockles photo op:
As much as I'd love to say it was a mistake (which it probably was from Jensens side), I also have to admit that whatever way you look at it, no matter if you take it as sexual or parental, it wasn't okay, and it clearly felt uncomfortable. However, it was added at the very end, and like I said, I haven't watched the panels yet, but for me, it felt like a dumb slip. I could be wrong, and I don't want to defend Jensen here, I still think he should apologize for that or at least explain what he meant by that. I could ramble about everything that was running through my head since that comment, but I'll just leave it at that for now.
EDIT: I've watched the video now, and to me, it's crystal clear that Jensen meant DEAN would get some extra glances, because of being with a young woman.
So, we've all seen it by now I think. The person telling Jensen to look like he's in love with Misha and him saying "easy". I looked at the photo way too many times, and god. Now, take that photo and put it next to a photo/gif of when Misha crashed his panel. It's the same fucking picture.
All tinhatting aside, even if they're just friends, you can clearly see that Jensen loves Misha and cares for him deeply. You can say the same for Misha. They're close, which shows in the stories they tell ("you told me months ago"), ("we hugged yesterday..."), the way they act around each other, how they light up, how soft their touches are. If you can't see that they mean a great deal to each other, then I'm sorry. It's just so clear that even other cast members picked up on it long ago, and what we see is only their stage persona. I don't even want to imagine how they are around each other in private.
Well, that was it for now, if you made it until this point, congratulations, have a cookie 🍪, and I'm sorry 😂
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auntieclimactic · 2 years
hi! i just wanted to thank you for putting together that ofmd tall ship resource. i went out and found my local tall ship, and i have now been volunteering there for, hm,,, four weeks? i am embarrassing myself constantly, but i've made a bunch of friends, i know what sheets and clews and bunts are, and i can furl a jib, tie a bowline, and even occasionally go to the right place when the mate calls to square the braces. and when i read your ofmd fic just now, i could understand all the jokes. :) i'm having the time of my life. thank you so much, really. hope you're having a wonderful day
Oh my GOD, anon! This warms my cold, dead heart. I am so happy you are loving this experience and excited for all the friendships (and stories) in your future. Also, furling a jib is no easy feat, and it took me ages to get a bowline right. At this rate, you'll be Captain before long. Congratulations, friend! You should be very proud of yourself.
Thank you for sliding into my asks to share this with me. It made my Monday morning.
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1981
The X-Men, those back-to-the-future mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men!
(Uncanny X-Men 141 - 152) - by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, Brent Anderson, Dave Cockrum, Jim Sherman, Bob McLeod and Josef Rubinstein
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While I also committed various fashion atrocities at the age of 14 (tye-die and fauxhawks, oh my), even Liberace would find Kitty’s outfits too much. (Uncanny X-Men 149; Uncanny X-Men Annual ‘81)
We dial back from the v. epic scope of the last few arcs. Instead, 1981 is just a lot of fun! We get:
Storm and Emma doing a Freaky Friday!
the X-Men vs. Magneto (again!)
A surprisingly effective Alien rip-off
An dystopian future! (OoOoOoOo)
Last year was the year of the Dark Phoenix, this is the year of Kitty Pryde. That’s not to say Jean’s death is swept under the rug: all throughout, we see her friends mourning her loss or remembering her fondly. (Scott even gets to have a demonic adventure about it.) But in general, Claremont puts Kitty in the forefront, fleshing out his YA-addition to the team. And what would a YA heroine be without a grim dystopia? Roll out the iconic Days of Future Past!
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To be fair, 2013 was a dark time for all of us: What Does the Fox Say somehow got to the top of the charts and I was still watching Glee. (Uncanny X-Men 141)
How cool would it have been to see a name like Jonothon Starsmore or Eva Bell on those tombstones?
Anyway, that’s Kate. Kate’s had it rough. Mutants are at the bottom of the foodchain, most X-Men are dead and only a small cadre of resistance fighters remain, Sentinels dominate, and while she is married to Piotr, her children have been murdered. Bleak. Luckily, the rebellion has concocted the plan to shunt Kate’s spirit back in time to prevent this awful future from happening. (You’ve seen Days of Future Past, the last passably good X-Men film, you know what’s up.)
Let’s do the time warp again! 1981!Kitty’s mind gets taken over by 2013!Kitty, who promptly tries to convince the X-Men that a new Brotherhood of v. Evil Mutants will try to kill Senator Kelly, a presidential candidate who tries to put the mutant menace on the agenda. (Mutants tend to blow stuff up when he’s around.) Since the X-Men recently took a literal trip to Dante’s Infero and also befriended a cosmic world-ending entity, they basically shrug and go: “Yeah, this checks out.”
Off to Washington they go (zoommm) and there, they happen upon the Baddest Bitches in Herstory:
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“How dare you hate mutants, senator Kelly! We’ll fix that by killing you!” (Uncanny X-Men 141)
This All-New, All-Different Brotherhood consists out of:
Destiny, a blind woman who can see the future. Definitely the eeriest member of this group. Badass lesbian, though that won´t be canon for years.
Avalanche. Greek who makes things shake. Is a long-standing member of the X-Men Rogue’s gallery, but rarely features in the spotlight. I think he got more characterization in four years of X-Men Evolution than he ever did in the comics.
Mystique. Shapeshifter. Ruthless and unhinged, the Cersei Lannister of the X-Men universe. Absolute legend, secretly the wife of Destiny, currently not as unhinged as she’ll be later. Immediately implied to be related to Nightcrawler: it’s the yellow-eyes-blue-skin-combo.
Pyro. Can manipulate fire, not create it. Absolute pillock, in all the best ways of the word. Originally intended as gay, but they decided to make him Australian instead. (?!)
Blob. Big, strong, immovable. We’ve seen him before.
One of the details in this fight I enjoy is that Storm is still struggling with her leadership, although she has a better grip on things than Cyclops:
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Wolverine then proceeds to use those iconic but deadly claws about twice per issue for the next, oh, forty years. (Uncanny X-Men 142)
While the X-Men fight the Brotherhood in the present, we cut back and forth to the future. There, the X-Men consist out of some familiar faces - Storm, Colossus, Wolverine - and some surprises: Magneto (in a wheelchair), Franklin Richards (son of) and an unfamiliar ginger girl called Rachel. (She’ll be important later.) We even learn (one of) Magneto’s names: this is the first time he’s canonically called Magnus.
One of the strengths of Days of Future Past lies in its brevity, the way it tantalizingly taunts us with a brutal but familiar future without giving away too much. It’s single-handedly responsible for all those dark future timelines the X-lines are so fond of which will eventually culminate in time-displaced grandsons from alternative dimensions and the impossibility of a succinct answer to the question: “Who’s Cable?” Too much of a good thing and all that.
Still, what Days of Future Past does so successfully is:
Put the idea of the mutant menace back at the forefront, hammering home the metaphor of mutants being a minority. Mutants being put in camps and being forbidden to breed should - regretfully - make us think of all too many real life equivalents. (Specifically, all of the imagery harkens back to the Holocaust.)
It starkly shows what happens should the X-Men lose, reminding everyone of the stakes. The X-Men are here for a reason: bridging the gap between mutants and humankind. If they fuck up, we end up with mutant concentration camps.
It helps that the X-Men in the future almost all die horribly: Franklin is incinerated, Storm is impaled… It's brutal stuff. The only one to survive is Rachel, who wonders if their plan actually changed the future or if they created an alternative timeline. (It did the latter, sorry ‘bout it, Rachel.)
In the present, Kate chases after Destiny, who trains a gun on senator Kelly. I always wondered how this works: if Destiny saw the future, she knew that killing Kelly would trigger a terrifying future. What in the current Marvel timeline made her decide that the Days of Future Past was better? Did she see her own death? Did she see the Onslaught-crossover coming? The Chuck Austen run? What was it?
In any case, time-anomalous Kate stops Destiny from killing Kelly and the future is safe! For now. Kate disappears, Kitty returns to her body and some of the Brotherhood are apprehended. All is well, for now.
After being a key figure in DoFP, Kitty is also the main character in the Christmas special, which is basically a straight up horror and a pastiche of the Alien-movie.
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Seriously, John Byrne still isn’t sure why he wasn’t sued by Ridley Scott for this. (Uncanny X-Men 143)
If you love Kitty Pryde? Read this issue. If you’re not convinced you like 80’s Kitty? Read this issue. It’s not continuity relevant and it’s basically Kitty playing the part of a Final Girl in a horror where she’s being chased by a demon, but it’s so good. It showcases all her strengths and her foibles. Kitty’s intelligent, cute (sometimes preciously so) and brave, but she’s also young, self-conscious and hot-headed. And it's not as if the other X-Men automatically adore her: Storm berates her all the time, she’s afraid of Kurt because of the way he looks (though she grows out of that) and she fights with Professor Xavier a lot. Moreover, she has a clever power-set for a young superhero who faces menaces on a daily basis: a thirteen year old who can go intangible is far less likely to have reality ensue on her and be dramatically offed because she's better at protecting herself.
I’m sure there are people who thought Sprite was hogging the spotlight, but I, for one, say she brings more to the table than, say, Angel. She’s not the Dawn Summers of this franchise.
Scott also gets a side quest. Poor guy can’t catch a break: first the love of his life dies, so he quits the X-Men, then he realizes he can’t do much else than be a superhero. He becomes a sailor on the ship of spunky captain Lee Forrester, is drawn into the sadistic plans of a demon unironically named D’Spayre and then shipwrecks in Bermuda with Lee.
The X-Men, meanwhile, are tormented by a team-up of Doom (who’s currently Latverialess and working on a comeback) and Arcade, that annoying crony. Locke, Arcade’s dom, has kidnapped the loved ones of the X-Men (Moira MacTaggart, Jean Grey’s parents, Illyana Rasputin and Amanda Sefton) in order to blackmail them into getting Doom to free Arcade. Apparently, Arcade accidentally insulted Doom and DOOM DOES NOT FORGIVE THAT FOLLY.
While the B-Squad (Polaris, Havok, Banshee and Iceman) goes to save Arcade’s hostages, the X-Men sneak into Doom’s castle. Well, except for Storm, who doesn’t give a single fuck and simply flies up to Doom, demanding an audience. Doom likes the cut of her jib and invites her to have dinner. (This is pre-Tinder, so this is a legit way of scoring a date.)
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If Storm has a flaw (I said if!), it’s got to be her atrocious taste in men. (Uncanny X-Men 145)
The X-Men find Arcade’s cell empty, while Arcade casually saunters up to Storm and says hi. Storm realizes too late that this is a trap: while the X-Men are all trapped in Saw-like traps, Storm is encased in ‘living chrome’.
If you remember she’s claustrophobic, you know why this is a bad move.
While the X-Men free themselves from their traps - Polaris hilariously has to deal with a murderous merry-go-round - Storm is slowly driven mad in her prison, triggering a worldwide tempest. (She causes Lee and Scott to shipwreck.) Under the threat of Wolverine’s claws, Doom releases Storm - or rather, unleashes her.
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“Instead of a Dark Lord, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love me and despair!” (Uncanny X-Men 147)
The memory of Jean brings Ororo back to herself and she starts undoing the superstorm she created. (If only climate change were reversed that easily.) Their confrontation ends by Storm easily forgiving Doom, because she apparently trespassed on his grounds without adequate cause.
All of Arcade’s hostages return to their homesteads, except for Illyana Rasputin, Piotr’s sister: she’s staying at the mansion for a while. Angel, who’s sort of been a part of the team since the Phoenix thing, has had it with Wolverine and his ‘tude, and decides to quit the X-Men : he doesn’t want to be a part of an outfit that has a killer like Wolverine on it. (Or maybe he’s just mad Claremont didn’t give him any storylines: his presence has been mostly pointless.) It’s too bad he left before Kitty started experimenting with her outfits: I bet he would have loved her ugly-ass costumes.
Equally inconsequential is the introduction of a brand new character, who then proceeds to disappear from the narrative for the rest of the year:
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Black Tom has tried to kill you at least twice, but him sending you a long-lost daughter doesn’t give you pause? Ugh, Sean, you deserve Moira. (Uncanny X-Men 148)
Another new character is the lonely, decidedly mutant looking Caliban, who can sense “people like him” and is on the lookout for companions. Like many lonely people who try and grasp at friendship, he decides to overshoot his shot and ruin the night of Storm, Kitty and Jessica Drew at a Dazzler concert. Because he tries to kidnap Kitty, the girls react a trifle aggressively. When they realize their mistake - the eerily pale Caliban is a simpleton rather than a menace - he’s already fled. No mention is made of the Morlocks yet!
There’s also another dull annual where the X-Men team up with the Fantastic Four to save Arkon’s dimension from the Badoon and yaaaaawn. Far more interesting is the landmark issue #150. Slowly, through the adventures of Scott and Lee Forrester, Claremont has been setting things up for the return of a favorite villain. While the X-Men investigate Magneto’s old base in Antarctica on a hunch of Professor X and tangle with Garruk, Scott and Lee survive Storm’s tempest, only to wake up next to a strange island that seems to have been raised from the ocean.
It’s apparently some ancient citadel from a long forgotten civilization with a fondness for squid statues. (I don’t know man, I’ve never been to the Bermuda Triangle, maybe this is just super-accurate.)The tentacles make Lee Forrester feel very amorous, but before Scott can tell her he is way too repressed to just have sex with an attractive someone he’s known intimately for a month or two, Magneto saves his ass by revealing he, in fact, raised this island from the seafloor.
Oh, Magneto. So extra.
My ambitious little mutant demagogue then proceeds to take the entire world hostage, showing how much he’s grown from the pompous, raving madman from the sixties. (Sure, Magneto is still a bit of a madman, but increasingly, he starts being on the right side of history.)
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“I’m trying to make Magneto more sympathetic.”
“Just put him on a page with some bigger villains who are less noble, like the Vanisher, Count Nefaria, or…”
“Reagan, Thatcher and Brezhnov?”
“Er.” (Uncanny X-Men 150)
It’s obvious Magneto is being pivoted as a more noble villain, codified into the well-intentioned extremist we know and love today. Not only do we get the first hints at his past, fleshing out his motivations, he’s also not wrong. Humans are historically not great at taking care of the planet or each other.
When the Russians call his bluff and launch nukes at Magneto’s new island, he quickly disarms them. His retribution is swift and ferocious: the entire citadel is a machine that massively amplifies his powers. He sinks the submarine that launched the missiles, condemning the entire crew to death, and he casually erects a vulcano in a Russian city in Siberia.
Damn. Not messing around this time.
Despite his good intentions, Magneto is still definitely in the wrong: not only because of his methods, but as Scott points out: if Magneto unifies the world under his kind of benevolent dictatorship, all of that will simply fall apart as soon as Magnus dies.
In a way, Magneto is just as big a dreamer as Charles is: Charles believes in peace and integration, whereas Magneto believes his iron fist will be enough to make a perfect world happen. Both of them ignore the reality that acceptance is difficult and messy, because you’re trying to change essential human nature: the fear of the other. Magneto believes in big, sweeping gestures that will fix the world in move, while changing the world is also boring, hard work. One step forward, two steps back. Magneto just wants to leapfrog to his ultimate goal.
The X-Men fly over the citadel, returning from Antarctica, and their plane crashes into the ocean. (Magneto does not brook planes over his territory, humans!) The Professor is also nearby, looking for Scott with Moira, Peter Corbeau and Carol Danvers. The X-Men sneak onto the island, but to their horror, their powers are nullified by some machine of Magneto. They reunite with Scott, who formulates a plan to thwart the would-be ruler of the world.
While the rest of the X-Men go to trash the machine, Storm, Kitty and Lee infiltrate the control chamber where Storm finds a sleeping, shirtless Magneto. Once again showing her terrible taste in men, she is not weak in the knees at the sight of a sleeping Magnus: instead, she contemplates killing him.
Storm knows how dangerous he is, but she also knows that he’s a great man who’s fighting for ideals, no matter how misguided. She hesitates too long: Magneto stirs, suspects an attack and tosses her out of the window, to her death.
Magneto quickly undoes the sabotage the other X-Men have wrought to his machine. A fight erupts. Storm, meanwhile, has managed to grab hold of a ledge. She crawls back up and smashes an important-looking computer, restoring everyone’s powers.
The battle turns grim, but Scott sends Kitty away to wreck Magneto’s machinery. She sneaks off, following Scott’s orders and destroying both Magneto's power-up device and all of his plans by phasing though the computer circuitry. Magneto senses this and furiously gives chase. Overcome by rage, he attacks Kitty and disrupts her phasing power with a magnetic bolt, seemingly killing her?
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Everything about this story beat is great: mama bear!Ororo, mournful Magnus and even the fact that Kitty’s godawful outfit serves a narrative function: highlighting to us (and Magneto) just how young she is. The fact that Kitty’s Jewish is just icing on the cake. (Uncanny X-Men 150)
And thus, the softening of Magneto commences. 1981 might be a year with wildly varying narratives, but it has given us at least three enduring legacies to the X-Mythos: a new kind of Magneto, a fondness for dystopian futures and the character of Kitty Pryde, who's really come into her own this year.
Ugliest Costume: Kitty! Purposefully, but still. Best costume, by the way, goes to Destiny, with her creepy, creepy golden mask. Just imagine this lady casually strolling across a battlefield, eerily calm and collected, dodging everything you throw at her. Awesome design.
Best new character: I usually pick one character - what good is having a shared award when declaring the best of anything? - but this year, it’s going to one of my favorite couples: Mystique and Destiny. Can’t wait to see more of them.
Most audacious retcon: Blob somehow retroactively becomes a member of the original Brotherhood, which is not what happened. Ever weirder is Xavier pondering that he never met Magneto before his attack in X-Men #1, while their cordially adversarial relationship rooted in a youthful friendship would soon become a cornerstone of the X-Men.
What to read: Uncanny X-Men 141 - 143 and 150 - 152
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imagine-turtles · 4 years
What are your thoughts on serious moments between the bayverse guys and their s/o’s? Everyone talks about the romantic aspects but I wanna know what goes down in an argument, how each one of them handles those typical spousal fights but of course How in the end they make up and come around to one another.
OH this is a good one.  Love the cut of your jib, chief, hope you enjoy!
A common source of conflict with Leonardo is his overbearing attitude, stemming from a lifetime of leadership.  He’s always been responsible for making sure his brothers are working towards their full potential and steering them towards their best selves--or what he thinks is their best selves, anyways.  This will absolutely bleed into his relationships.
An S/O familiar with Leonardo’s modus operandi knows he acts the way he does out of love; he only wants to make their life better, which they could definitely have if they just did things his way!  He can get frustrated when he doesn’t understand why they’re not on the same page, and he can sound downright insulting when he’s too worked up to think about how to phrase his argument delicately, but he’s always ready with an apology when he sticks his foot in his mouth.
Leonardo knows he can get caught up in the heat of a debate and come across as harsh, so his apologies are usually neatly written out and delivered with a peace offering.  He’s still trying to adjust to a new, lateral type of relationship, but most arguments can be resolved with a boatload of patience and the gentle reminder that he doesn’t need to completely understand his partner’s feelings to acknowledge their validity.
Rest under the cut:
Raphael’s main conflict is his bad habit of making wildly inaccurate assumptions based on nothing but his own insecurity.  Hanging out with friends?  They must be tired of him.  Needs to reschedule a date?  They’re going to break up with him.  Raphael can get so wrapped up in his own head that he’ll start putting words in his partner’s mouth, and end up starting an argument over nothing.  
Like Leonardo, Raphael needs a significant other willing to be patient with him during a conflict.  Ideally, this would be someone who can keep a calm tone without sounding condescending, who understands when he’s thought himself into a panic and freaked himself out over nothing.  He might even try to verbally--never physically--push his partner away in the hopes that they drop him before he gets too attached.
(He’s already far too attached.)
Making up would likely occur after an argument, far enough out that Raphael has had time to calm down and remind himself to trust his S/O.  Their life doesn’t revolve around him, and if he’s scared of losing them, maybe he should just do something about it instead of sabotaging himself.  He’s typically pretty considerate of his partner’s needs, but he cranks it into overdrive post-argument.  Raphael apologizes with little gifts and acts of service while still giving them space: notes, treats, stuff around their home mysteriously fixed or replaced entirely, the works.
Arguing with Donatello is typically a short-lived experience, because he’d really rather just agree to disagree and call it a day.  Anything that causes a legitimate conflict would have to be something he’s unwilling to compromise on, or a complete misunderstanding.  His poor sense of time might lead to friction--sure, he’s been working on the truck for a few days, but it feels like he just talked to his S/O yesterday!  It’s not that he doesn’t miss them when they’re gone, it’s just that he compartmentalizes to the point of returning to the exact mental state he was in before he fell into a week-long hyperfixation.
Unlike some of his brothers, there’s typically no time between an argument and an apology unless his partner needs time alone to cool down.  Donatello’s main strategy is to immediately identify/brainstorm/solve problems, but this isn’t to say he won’t back off and let his S/O sort themselves out before initiating a conversation.
Donatello’s apologies are by-the-book.  Acknowledgment of the issue, clarification of intent, meaningful “I’m sorry,” and how he proposes avoiding the problem in the future, in that order.  It’s not that he’s trying to be emotionally distant or say what he thinks they want to hear to get it over with, he just wants his S/O to know that he’s taking this seriously.
Michelangelo wants serious arguments to be over before they even begin.  Sure, he’ll fake a divorce over a particularly vicious round of Cards Against Humanity, but that’s pretend beef.  He’s much more likely to just roll over in an actual conflict than risk losing his significant other, even at the expense of his own comfort; not that it comes up particularly often.  He’s never trying to purposely hurt them, and he has absolute faith that they’re not trying to hurt him either--he wouldn’t be dating them if they were!
Sometimes he can be a little too hasty in trying to solve a problem, and he can come across as overbearing if his S/O needs a little time alone to process what’s bothering them.  Michelangelo is fairly good at knowing if something is wrong, but sometimes it’s difficult for him to know exactly what that is without flat-out asking.  He’s been living in an enclosed space with the same few people, same few problems, so it’ll take a little time for him to adjust to a new person with new problems.
Most situations can be resolved by calmly talking it out, because yeah they do love having him over, but leaving his shit all over their room really, really stresses them out.  Michelangelo’s apologies are typically short, sweet, and followed by an earnest effort to avoid a repeat and get back to their usual shenanigans.
I’m now realizing that I’m not the best person to ask about this, lol, wifey and I have never really had a serious argument.  Gave it my best shot though!
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serpentinesarang · 4 years
Bend, Not Break
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pairing: i.m (im changkyun) x gender-neutral reader
genre: non-idol!AU, boss/subordinate!AU, third-person POV, similar to the kdrama “Romance is a Bonus Book” (small book publisher setting), part of a series
word count: 1683 | next
content warnings: one mention of blood, one mention of alcohol
summary: you work as a copy editor at a publishing house, and you’re a genuine hard worker who never breaks rules—that is, until a new boss takes over your department. you find yourself magnetized and lusting over him, and vice versa, so perhaps your morals can bend just a little?
requested by: @livingwithmx​
a/n: From here on out, I’ll be incorporating more Korean language and cultural things into my writing, but fear not: I will list a handy key each time with translations and pronunciations! To make it more universally easier to understand my included Korean, I’ll write the Romanized words in the story and add the Hangul in the key.
korean key:
⦿ biseonim (비서님) = secretary; pronounced “pee-suh-neem;” (titles follow one’s surname) ⦿ annyeonghaseyo (안녕하세요) = most common and formal hello; pronounced “on-yawng-ha-seh-yo” ⦿ pyeongjibjangnim (편집장님) = editor; reader’s work title; pronounced “pyung-jeeb-jahng-neem” ⦿ soju (소주) = clear Korean grain alcohol, similar to vodka; pronounced as it looks ⦿ jungyeok (중역) = executive director; pronounced “jung-yuk” ⦿ pyeonjibguk (편집국) = editorial department; pronounced “pyun-jib-gook”
“Good morning, YL/N-pyeongjibjangnim!” Seoyoon calls out from behind the wide reception desk, her adorable chipmunk cheeks dimpling as she watches Y/N step off the elevator and onto the eighth floor, where their employer is located in the building.
“Annyeonghaseyo, Park-biseonim!” Y/N replies, throwing their hand up to wave briefly. They stop at the desk and peer down at Seoyoon. “How was your weekend?”
“Really good, actually,” she chirps with raised brows and blue-contacted eyes aglitter. She moves her hands off her keyboard to prop herself up on her forearms. “He finally kissed me!” she whispers excitedly.
Y/N’s mouth drops open in happy surprise. “It’s about time!” they say, matching Seoyoon’s excitement.
Seoyoon leans back in her swivel chair. “Right?! I still feel so good.”
Y/N smiles, bringing the black coffee tumbler in their hand to their lips.
“I even slipped some soju in my tea,” Seoyoon murmurs, raising her eyebrows again and jerking her head toward the dainty cup in front of her computer.
Y/N swallows their coffee hard and shoots Seoyoon a disappointed look with pursed lips. “Park-biseonim… You know alcohol isn’t allowed on premises,” they remind her softly, friend to friend.
Seoyoon exhales. “I know; I know… Just this one time?”
Y/N pauses, examining the secretary’s face. How could they alert their superior when the sweet girl was just so happy about her boyfriend finally kissing her?
“All riiight,” Y/N replies, turning toward the main doors leading into the office. “Only because of that kiss.”
They smile again before disappearing through the windowed double doors and making their way to their corner office on the far end of the floor. Y/N greets their coworkers, waving at those already submerged in their work and bowing to their superiors. Odd, they think, the entire executive board is here today. Something must be happening.
Y/N gets themselves situated at their modern Plexiglas desk, powering on their huge monitor and turning on lamps here and there. As soon as the computer hums to life, a loud two-toned chime goes off, signaling a high-importance email.
Smoothing out their slacks as they sit on their swivel chair, Y/N opens the email, which was sent to the entire editorial department. Something is happening, indeed.
In it, the department’s director had written:
Good morning, team:
Please meet in the conference room at 8 today to join me in welcoming a new employee to our department. I have important news to share, as well.
~Choi Jaeho-jungyeok
Y/N glances at the time on the computer: 7:57 AM. Yeet! they mentally screamed, shooting out of their chair and bee-lining for the conference room, situated between the editorial and creative departments.
Bursting through the large room’s white double doors, Y/N is greeted by a small symphony of good morning!s and annyeonghaseyo!s, and they bow their head to everyone while walking around to the last open chair at the corner of the rectangular table. Some coworkers have pads of paper in front of them; many have cups of steaming liquid; and others simply have their cell phones lying out. There’s one unfamiliar person sitting directly across Y/N in the other corner seat, though, looking like a stone with their elbows on the chair’s arms, hands clasped, and with nothing in front of them.
As soon as Y/N sits down and scoots in, they glance up to find this man already gazing at them.
Oh my God, they think.
The man across from them is young, around their age or older, and he looks like an Olympian god. Plentiful, chocolate-brown hair frames his intense, dark eyes, and his full lips are slightly pressed together in the tiniest of smirks. He’s wearing a crisp, white button-up with a skinny, dark purple tie. The lanyard holding a small placard hanging over it reads, Im Changkyun and beneath it, Jungyeok, Pyeonjibguk.
We have two directors now? Y/N thinks to themselves. Is that Choi-jungyeok’s big news?
Im Changkyun is still watching Y/N, and normally in a situation like this, they’d break eye contact. But something about this guy has started sucking them in, and the enigmatic glow of his eyes is not helping.
Jaeho causes both of them to snap out of it, though. “Okay, everybody, let’s get started.”
Jaeho is a fortysomething man, gray hair peeking through at his temples and his youthful face looking strangely alight today. He’s not normally this smiley, either. Standing at the head of the table, he clutches a large mug of fragrant coffee.
“You all got my email, evidently, so thank you all for being here and on-time. I mentioned that I have news, and I don’t intend to beat around the bush, so with that being said, I will be resigning as jungyeok, effective next Monday.”
A gaggle of gasps, what?!s, and nooo!s sounds from around the table.
“Order, order!” Jaeho dramatically raises his free hand like a judge, grinning at his joke. “I have been offered a wonderful opportunity on the other side of the city, and I spent a long time thinking it over, so this wasn’t an easy decision.”
He pauses to gulp some of his coffee, pocketing his other hand. “Many of you have already noticed the new face among us, and he’s here today to get acquainted with his new team, as he will be replacing me.”
Several of the surrounding executives collectively respond with an excited, “OH-ohhhhh.” No one seems really upset by this news, and even Im Changkyun has broken into a sheepish smile.
Y/N observes Mr. Im in the moment, noticing his sharp cheekbones and thick brows. His lips look the most tantalizing, totally full on the bottom with a perfectly curved Cupid’s bow above. They recognize a pair of silver hoops on his lobes, specifically from Cartier’s Love collection—ironically, the same design as Y/N’s gold ring on their thumb. Without realizing it, they emit a small hm in their amusement.
When Mr. Im glances at Y/N, they stiffen and immediately angle themselves toward Jaeho again.
“I have been training this employee both off-site and after-hours for the past week now because I, admittedly, wasn’t sure how you all would take the news. So I wanted to train him away from prying eyes,” Jaeho explains, occasionally looking down at the table. “For the next week, though, he’ll be in-house, sharing my office with me—’cause it’s really his now—and familiarizing himself with everyone as well as how you all work together. This is the last leg of onboarding for him and the last leg of Phenomenon Publishing for me. I’m very excited for both my and his future.”
Jaeho drinks more of his coffee and steps around his chair, pushing it in and resting his free hand on top. “I’d like everyone to get back to doing their magic now, and your new jungyeok will spend the day going around meeting everyone. Thanks, guys.”
And with that, Jaeho exits the conference room.
Everyone sits around for a moment, processing their director’s words, but more so trying to figure out if they should say something to Mr. Im, who’s still in the room.
Mr. Im speaks up, sitting upright in his chair. “Annyeonghaseyo, everyone. I want to make my introduction to you all a little more personal, so instead of doing it here and hiding with Choi-jungyeok the rest of the day, I’m going to spend a little time with each of you today. I don’t just want to know your name and role; I want to learn a little about you guys too because we’ll be working closely from now on. I hope to fill the jungyeok’s shoes, quite honestly,” he finishes with a deep chuckle.
Im Changkyun’s voice is like hot blood sliding down Y/N’s skin: unsettlingly appealing, deep, magnetic, and velvety. They gulp hard, fidgeting with their gold ring under the table as Mr. Im speaks.
Y/N’s coworkers rise from their seats, formally bowing to their new boss and making hush-hush conversation amongst themselves as they filter out of the brightly lit room. Y/N is the last to follow the crowd out, and as they send one last furtive glance toward Mr. Im while approaching the double doors, he turns to meet their curious eyes and raises an eyebrow.
Stunned at their unusually brazen behavior, Y/N nods politely before ducking out and speed-walking back to their office. They close the door a little too hard but only because they’re desperate to sit down and catch their breath.
What is happening to me, they think, drinking their own iced coffee.
Y/N spends the rest of their day immersed in their editing tasks, working diligently to keep their mind from dwelling on God himself and how heart-stopping-attractive he is, how entrancing his voice is. They respond to emails as normal, reference the same books as normal, listen to the same low-fi playlist as normal, field interns’ questions as they take turns knocking on Y/N’s door as normal, and they even spend their lunch hour in the cozy break room.
Im Changkyun is nowhere to be seen, and by the time 4 PM rolls around, the last hour of the workday, Y/N had calmed down. In fact, they’d had a spurt of productivity after lunch and were able to finish editing two of the larger manuscripts that’d been stressing them the past few weeks.
Y/N even debated taking off the last hour to quietly read at their desk instead of emailing the finished documents for Choi-jungyeok to skim over, as he gives final approval before the company convenes with the respective authors again. But that’s never been Y/N’s style, breaking rules. They were there to work—“do their magic,” as Jaeho had put it, and that’s how they’d spend the remainder of the day.
The all-glass door to their office swings open, and God himself walks in, plopping down in the small loveseat on the right side of Y/N’s desk.
“I saved you specifically for last,” he says, leaning back in the chair and freezing his eyes on Y/N’s.
They pause for a second before cannonballing into the unknown. “I figured.”
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fratboyvivimatthews · 5 years
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when we were young - jack hughes 
a/n: lol this is 17,204 words long. but it’s literally my favorite thing ever. 
also just so you know, there is going to be a part two:)
“are you sure it’s okay if i come j?” you asked while looking at the boy in the mirror. “because it’s fine if i can’t go jack, i can stay and watch Friends or something.” jack shot you a look while he proceeded to button his shirt up. 
“why do you think you can’t go y/n/n? you know my family loves you,” jack spoke while wrapping his arms around your waist. he placed a quick kiss to your neck before meeting your eyes in the mirror. “speaking of, my mom and dad went to run and grab quinn, they said they’re going to meet us there.” 
you nodded your head before looking down at your phone to see that you needed to leave in the next five minutes. “jack it’s not that i think i can’t go, it’s just that i know you haven’t seen your family in forever. i don’t want to intrude on that.” 
jack whipped around from slipping on his jacket to look back at you. “y/n, my mom and dad have been staying with us since wednesday, and quinn? quinn’s your best friend, of course you’re coming.” you sighed before walking past him to slip a jacket on over your dress. “you do realize that the ring on your finger makes you part of the family right?” jack teased, his right hand slipping into your left one. “you’ve been part of the hughes family for like, ever y/n/n, you don’t ever have to think you can’t come to stuff like this okay?” 
“okay,” you whispered, leaning up to press a kiss against the scar on his chin. “it’s just, i don’t know j. like obviously i know i’m part of the family, and know i have the right to come to all of this stuff, but sometimes it feels like i’m overstepping. do you get what i’m saying?” jack nodded his head, holding the door for you to walk out of the apartment. “i guess what i should be asking is, do you feel like that with my family?” 
jack licked his lips while he thought about it. after a couple of minutes he was shaking his head, “i can’t say that i do love. i guess it’s just because i know? i can’t really explain it.” you huffed leaning against him while you stood in the elevator. “isn’t that a good thing thought y/n/n? or do you not want me to be part of the family?” he jibbed making you roll your eyes. 
“of course i want you to be part of the family jack,” you stated, “it’s just i wish you felt like how i did so you could relate to me. that’s all. oh and about being part of the family? yeah, i’m pretty sure my dad loves you more than me. he is flying out just so he can see you play quinn tomorrow.” a proud smile graced jack’s face as the two of you walked out into the parking garage. he started to swing your hands back and forth while you thought of what to say. “anyways, j when do you think we should tell people?” 
the both of you looked down to your interlaced hands, gaze landing right on the diamond ring. “you’re just dying to post those pictures aren’t you?” jack asked with a cheeky smile. your cheeks flushed red, because he wasn’t exactly wrong. “i knew it,” he teased while opening the car door for you to get in, before walking to the drivers side. “i thought you were happy with only having our family, and close friends know,” jack said, glancing at you before over his shoulder to back out of his spot. 
“i am j,” you explained, reaching across to squeeze his thigh. “it’s just, everyone’s going to find out at some point, right?” jack nodded his head as he turned right out of the garage. “i can’t keep switching back and forth between a promise ring and engagement ring forever babe.” you saw an uncertain look cross his face, causing you to jump in, “but of course i’m willing to wait until your ready to tell people love. i would never dream of rushing it.” 
jack smiled over at you, “i know you wouldn’t y/n/n. but for right now i’m happy with the people that know, and plus we’re the only ones that really need to know right?”
the rest of the short car ride was filled by jack’s less than average singing abilities. “babe, i think you should stick to hockey,” you giggled, trying to suppress your laughs. as jack pulled into a spot he looked over at you with a glare, which soon turned into a smile. “yeah you can’t even disagree with me,” you smiled leaning over the middle consul waiting for him to kiss you. 
“you’re right y/n/n, i can’t,” jack answered pressing his lips against yours, allowing you to smile against them. “you should know that you aren’t a good singer either love, sorry to break it to you.” you shrugged your shoulders, not offended at anything he just said. you turned to open to open the door, jack yelling causing you to stop, “let me do it!” 
a giggle fell past your lips as you watched him race around the front of the car just so he could open the door for you. “love,” he offered you his hand which you took stepping out of the car. “have i told you that you look absolutely drop dead gorgeous?” jack asked, an arm snaking around your waist as the two of you walked into the restaurant. 
you shook your head with a smile, “you have not.” 
jack’s mouth dropped open as he stared at you, “well what am i doing with my life?” your eyes rolled at him, lightly bumping his hip. “well your breath taking love,” he whispered in your ear as someone held the door for both of you. he lead you to the hostess, explaining that you were meeting people already there. you were soon standing in front of ellen, jim and quinn. while jack hugs his brother you wrap your arms around the woman who’s been staying with you for the past three days, but it’s not like you minded, it was ellen hughes after all. 
you walked right past jim, and into quinn’s open arms for you. “q!” you cheered before throwing yourself at him. 
“wow she’s never that happy to see me,” jack whined arms crossing over his chest. his bottom lip jutted out, making it almost impossible to not want to kiss him. 
“yeah well maybe it’s because she lives with you,” quinn teased, letting go of you so you can hug their father. “y/n/n finally realized who the better brother is.” your eyes rolled as you hugged jim, who you just happened to spend your entire afternoon with while jack was at practice. 
“yeah that’s why she’s engaged to me,” jack huffed, arms still crossed over his chest, upset your attention wasn’t focused on him. jim pulled away from you, pushing you in the direction of the two brothers. always the mediator you were. sighing you walked back over to him, arms wrapping around his torso as you pressed your lips against his quickly, a smile taking over his face right away. “in your face quinn.” 
the oldest hughes brother rolled his eyes as he took his seat once more. “jack, you’re acting like you’re five,” you mumbled as he pulled your chair out for you. you sat down, allowing him to push it in, and place a quick kiss to your temple. “thank you j.” he smiled over at you, completely dropping the beginning of what you had to say, and jumping right into a conversation with quinn. 
you look over to jim and ellen jumping into a conversation of your own, “so is everyone in town for the game tomorrow?” 
they share a look before. “i’m pretty sure they’re all in town,” jim spoke, glancing over to his wife for confirmation. “the only person i think we have left to get in is your dad,” he answered, you nodding your head because that seemed about right. your father had made the decision last minute that he wanted to be at the game, but nonetheless he was going to be there to watch his future son-in-law who just happened to be one of his favorite people. “but otherwise i think everyone’s in town, most of them got in today.”
you nodded your head, ready to ask another question, but jack squeezing your thigh caused you to look over at him instead of his parents. “yes jack?” you asked smiling over at him having no idea what he could want. 
“i love you,” he grinned, making sure to slip his hand into yours. 
“hmm, i love you too j,” you answered squeezing his hand. when you looked up to start talking with everyone other than jack you saw quinn on his phone, most likely complaining about you and jack to luke who was back in michigan. ellen and jim were looking over something over the menu, leaving our only option being jack. “jack, you do realize you can’t just talk to me all night, right?” you whispered, making sure nobody else could hear you talking. “there’s a reason we came and it was so you could spend time with quinn and your parents.” 
jack sighed, frowning as he did so. “i know y/n/n, but they’re not even talking to us right now,” he whined, you shaking your head right away. 
you looked away from your fiance, eyes landing on quinn. “how’s luke?” you asked leaning forward, causing the now twenty year old to fumble his phone. “that is who you’re talking to right?” you then asked, head tilting to the side. 
“he’s bored, wished he could be here to make fun of you guys with me,” he smiled, your face scrunching up at his words. “don’t make that face, i’m your best friend i have the right to make fun of you,” quinn added making your eyes roll. 
just you were about to shoot a comeback at the oldest brother, jack was nudging you, your attention turning to face his mom. “i still can’t believe that i had baby pictures of the two of you standing in diapers and santa hats, and now we’re here,” ellen mused. she must have started on a blast from the past meaning jack wanted to make sure you heard it. “where did the time go?” she asked, mostly looking at her husband, eyes then glancing across to the two of you. 
your e/c eyes locked with jack’s blue ones, smiles gracing both of your faces. the both of you knew that this would happen, getting engaged at a young age. both of your families knew it too, since you guys were five to be exact. “mom do you remember when they used to have fake weddings in the basement?” quinn asked, yours and jack’s cheeks turning red as you thought back to all of those times. you would throw on whatever clothes you could find in the basement of the hughes house and called it a wedding dress. jack doing the same but saying it was suit. 
ellen smiled with a nod, watching from across the table as jack brought the back of your hand up to his lips. “i do, any time they weren’t outside skating, or playing knee hockey with you they were getting ‘married’. it was cute, i have a picture of the two of them kissing as six years old on the fridge at home.” 
jack’s eyes went wide, his cheeks growing darker, “you still have that hanging up?” 
jim hummed, “she hasn’t moved that picture since she got it printed j.” the boy sitting next to you groaned, it finally hitting him that all of your guys friends had seen that picture. 
“and you can already bet that’s going to be at the wedding,” you added, having known ellen and your mother’s plan for that picture. they’ve only been talking about it since jack proposed to you in vancouver. 
“how do you know that?” quinn asked, you didn’t know but quinn had been thinking of a wedding present for you and jack since before jack had bought the ring. that picture had a major part of that present. 
you shrugged your shoulders, “our moms aren’t exactly quiet q.” everyone at the table was soon laughing together, something that wasn’t unfamiliar when you spent time with the hughes, which was practically your whole life. “but in all honesty, i think we need to recreate that photo, don’t you j?” 
right away he was nodding his head, he loved that picture of the two of you. “i think that’s a great idea,” jack answered smiling as he did so. “that way you can show of an actual diamond ring this time, and not a blue raspberry ring pop.” 
“oh so that’s why y/n’s lips are blue in the picture,” jim exclaimed finally putting the pieces together even though you could clearly see the ring pop in the picture considering your small six-year-old hand was resting on jack’s cheek. 
all four of you turned to look at jim with questioning looks, “what did you think it was from?” 
jim shrugged his shoulders with a laugh of his own, “i just figured it was lipstick.” all of you broke out into laughter again, but before any of you could keep the conversation going a waiter was there to take your orders. as soon as the waiter walked away with your food order, since all of you were drinking water besides ellen and jim, everyone turned and looked at you and jack again. 
“since we’re on the topic of the ring, let me see it again!” ellen squealed, already reaching across the table to pick up your hand. 
jack’s eyes were rolling as quinn spoke, “mom you were literally there when j picked it out. you were the one with y/n’s ring size.” you looked over at jack with a ‘really’ look, and he shook his head right away. 
“no she didn’t!” he interjected, watching as his brother leaned back in his chair arms crossed over his chest. “i know y/n’s ring size, i have since i was sixteen when i gave her the promise ring,” he explained, and you could feel your heart start racing. it still amazed you that even after knowing each other for all eighteen years of your life that you had manged to snag jack hughes. and it absolutely bewildered you that you’ve gotten to call him yours for the past five years, and now for the rest of time. 
“god that’s a beautiful ring,” ellen mused ignoring the bickering going on between her sons. as you looked at large diamond ring that now rest on your left finger you could feel jack staring at you, your smile growing impossibly wider. “jack you did a wonderful job picking this out,” she added before letting you take your hand, which you rested in your lap. 
“happy to know luke and i were invited to the family ring shopping event,” jim frowned, eyes meeting jack’s. the middle child squeezed your hand tightly before making eye contact with his mom. “jack i’m only kidding,” he then said after noticing how nervous he had suddenly gotten. “there’s no way luke would ever want to go ring shopping, even if it was for y/n/n. plus the three of us had a fun time watching the leafs wild game while you guys were gone.” 
your eyes were the size of the bread plates in front of you as you heard what jim said. “you had the ring since january babe?” sheepishly jack’s head nodded up and down, his hand that was holding your pulling away due to how clammy he was getting. it ran through his hair as everyone at the table stared at him. 
“i, uh,” he cut himself off eyes looking down to the table instead of anyone. “originally i thought of doing it just on a random spur of the moment thing,” he admitted with a small smile, thinking back to only nine months ago. everyone sat up straight, leaning in closer to jack since nobody had known any of this, well other than alex. “but then i realized i wanted to do it at something meaningful to us, so i thought worlds, but we lost. then i thought men’s worlds, but you didn’t go because of school and prom.” your smile dropped at the mention of prom, and how jack had to miss out on spending one of the last nights with your friends, but luke was gracious enough to step in for his older brother. “so my next thought was the draft because my whole family would be there, along with you of course, and your parents because they love me.”
you rolled your eyes shoving his shoulder at how cocky he was. “so yeah i had  the ring since january. i asked your dad if i could marry you when we were seven, it was right after our squirt hockey game. you had scored the game winning goal, and still managed to trip and fall. you knocked your two front teeth out and you didn’t even cry,” jack explained his eyes never leaving yours. you were sure that there was tears filling your eyes but you didn’t care, “your dad was helping me untie my skates and asked him. he laughed at me and said we were too young for that.” 
“so that’ why you had a melt down in the locker room,” quinn said remembering how jack had a temperature tantrum on the floor. “i always thought it was because you had to get off the ice.” 
jack looked at his parents, both of them already knowing the story, and shook his head. “nope, d/n rejected me and i threw a fit.” you couldn’t help the little laugh that past your lips, but when jack grabbed your hand you knew he wasn’t done yet. “i asked him again when we were sixteen. at first i asked him if i could give you the promise ring, which he agreed to right away, so i asked if i could marry you-” 
“let me guess,” you said cutting him off, trying to wipe away your happy tears, “he told you we were too young.” 
jack’s head nodded, “that and that i had a hockey career i needed to be focusing on. right when i was about to start crying, again, he leaned forward and whispered to me that i should ask again in a year or two.” there was no stopping the tears that slipped out of your eyes at this point, your heart was a fluttering mess, and if it was even possible you were falling even more in love with jack at every word he said. “so i did.” jack’s hand let go of yours so both of this thumbs could wipe away your tears. “last christmas, when we were in vancouver i pulled him aside after dinner, and it’s like he already knew what i was going to ask. but of course i still asked him and he said yes, along with that him saying yes was my christmas present from your parents.” 
you could hear the laughter fill your ears, but all you could focus on was the blue eyes looking right at you. “jack,” you mumbled not having any words to say to him. no words could express to you how much that meant to you, and the fact he’s been dead set on marrying you since you were seven. so you let your actions speak, you wrapped your arms around him as best as you could while still sitting next to each other. “i love you,” you cried, your smile never wavering as you pulled back to meet his eyes, “you know that right? like i’m in love you, and i can’t even put it into words jack hughes. i can’t even begin to express how i feel towards you.” 
“i love you too y/n, and i know what you mean,” he replied, making sure to give you a tight squeeze. “oh i forgot to tell you the best part,” he whispered into your ear pressing a kiss against your cheek as you pulled away from him once more. “i’ve been telling my parents i was going to marry you since we were seven too.” 
you looked across the table to the three hughes family members and all of them nodded, “it’s true. and when he told us he planned on asking you to marry him, it was right after their game on the twenty-sixth, the day after he asked your dad. right then and there quinn and i said we were taking him ring shopping when we got home.” you looked over at your best friend who had red cheeks, clearly not wanting his mother to out him like that. not when he had the reputation of sitting and picking on yours and jack’s relationship. 
“god he used to go on and on about you when you guys were seven,” jim recalled smiling as he did so, “i mean he still does, but after you scored that goal? he was so impressed with you, and god, ellen do you remember how he’d go on a bout how cute y/n was with her front two teeth missing?” 
right as ellen was going to speak, quinn beat her to it, “i do!” all of you turned looked at quinn. “god he wouldn’t shut up about you y/n/n. it was annoying really,” quinn said with an eye roll. “he still doesn’t shut up about you, but i guess it’s a little less annoying considering you’re my best friend.” 
you hummed, “gee thanks q. means a lot.” he smiled over at you, and you just rolled your eyes at him. you were saved by the waiter bringing out your food, everyone soon diving right into their food and the conversations being pushed aside until the plates were being taken away. “j, you ready to go?” you whisper into his ear knowing he’d want to go in the next couple of minutes so he could go to sleep. 
he looked over at you nodding, before putting his money into the bill. “cuddles?” jack asked, a tired smile taking over his face. 
“cuddles,” you answered, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. “you don’t need any change do you, because j i need to get you into bed. you look exhausted love.” jack hummed, his head dropping to your shoulder. “change jack, do you need any change?” he shook his head against your shoulder, “okay then let’s go. hand me the keys love.” 
“fine,” jack huffed digging the keys from his pocket, and handing them to you. “is there any chance you could carry me?” he mumbled into the skin of your neck, wanting nothing more than to be cuddled up in your arms, under the nice and warm comforter. 
you forced a laugh before standing from your chair since you and jack were the last ones seated. “ha ha, very funny j, now go say goodbye to quinn.” you shoved the first overall pick in his brothers direction while you hugged both ellen and jim. “i’m gonna take him back, obviously revealing all of these stories wore him out. i’ll see you guys after you drop quinn off.” both of them nodded as you switched places with jack. “bye q,” you smiled making sure to give him a good hug seeing as you wouldn’t be cheering for him the next day. “have a good rest of your night, and don’t get into too much trouble, you still have a game to play after all.” 
he scoffed, “yup me getting into trouble. you’re forgetting which brother you’re talking too, plus if i remember correctly it’s you ending up in trouble.” you rolled your eyes at the twenty-year-old making sure to give him a good shove. “but i’ll see you tomorrow bestie, love you y/n/n.” 
“love you too q, see you at the game.” with that you walked over to jack, an arm wrapping around his waist, his running right around yours. “ready to go home j?” he mumbled something incoherent back to you as you walked to the front of the restaurant. you brushed his hair back, pressing your lips against his forehead, “i love you jack.” 
“mm love you too y/n/n.” 
you hummed before rolling over in your bed, your arm landing on an empty warm space. “jack, you were supposed to wake me up when you got up,” you huffed sitting up in bed to see that his game day suit was now hanging on the closest door. “you didn’t make breakfast did you?” you then asked waiting for him to walk out of your bathroom. 
“first off, i just woke up love. i planned on walking you up before i went into the kitchen. and secondly, no i have not made breakfast. i don’t really plan on it either, don’t wanna eat anything big before the game,” he informed before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “but on the other hand, good morning beautiful.” his lips pressed against yours, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. 
“good morning to you too handsome, i see you already have your suit picked out,” you pointed out while slipping out of bed to pull on one of his sweatshirts since it was cold outside of the covers. 
“i know it’s one of your favorites,” he winked causing your cheeks to heat up. “but on a serious note i have a question for you love.” you hummed while unplugging your phone, deciding to look through abby’s texts about seeing cole while you ate breakfast. “are you going to wear the engagement ring to the game today?” 
you glanced down to the ring that was still on your finger, “yeah i planned on it. just because i’m going to be up in the family box instead of sitting in the seats. nobody’s going to see it besides your family, and my dad.” jack nodded with a wide smile, his lips placing themselves against your cheek, “i take it that’s the answer you wanted to hear bubs?” 
he hummed before slipping out of your shared bedroom and into the kitchen. rolling your eyes you followed after, finding ellen and jim already sitting at the island eating toast and having coffee. “morning guys,” jack said pressing a kiss to his mother’s cheek walking to the fridge to find something to help hold him over. 
jim looked up from the paper, smiling at the both of you, “good morning love birds, sleep well?” in an instant you were no longer standing in yours and jack’s kitchen, but you were back in the hughes’ on a saturday morning. you smiled at the thought of how that had always been jim’s nickname for the both of you, and how you’ve been hearing it for your whole life. you didn’t see it ending anytime soon either. 
“yeah, but y/n/n wouldn’t stop rolling on top of me,” jack informed sending you a playful smile. your mouth dropped open, and you crossed your arms over your chest seeing as he’s never complained about that before in the past sixteen years of you guys sleeping in the same bed. “but i have no complaints, at least i got to actually use the blankets.” 
with that you walked over to the coffee pot, making sure to bump into jack as you did both of his parents laughing at you two. “i do not hog the comforter if that’s what you’re implying bubs,” you huffed leaning back against the counter, “you do.” 
jack whipped around from his searching in the fridge to look at you with his hands on his hips. “i do not hog all of the blankets,” he scoffed, eyes narrowing at you. “i don’t hog the blankets nearly as much as alex does,” he added, making you think back to all of the movie nights you had with the wisconsin player over the past two years. 
“yeah you’re right,” you sighed wishing you didn’t have to agree with him. “then he’d complain that he was left out on the cuddle sessions.” 
“when it was really all of his fault the cuddle session started.” the both of you started laughing at the memories leaving jim and ellen confused since they never bothered going to check on you guys in the basement. once the two of you died down you poured yourself a cup of coffee, jack handing you the creamer you used. you thanked him while grabbing your cup and walking over to the only stool left open at the island seeing as you and jack couldn’t figure out how to put together the fourth one. 
taking a sip of your coffee you turned and looked at jim and ellen, “so do you guys have plans before heading over to the rink?” 
“not that we know of,” jim answered, setting the newspaper down, “do you have plans y/n?” 
you shook your head as jack walked around and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. you leaned back into his chest relaxing as you did so. “uh, i think all i have to do is pick my dad up from the ai-” 
“i already have that covered,” jack cut you off, making sure to press a kiss against your cheek. “i’m swinging by to pick him up on my way to the rink. something about ray wanting to have a sit down with him,” jack confessed, causing you to turn around in your seat. 
“ray wants to have a sit down with my dad?” you asked, eyebrows raising as you did so. this was the first time you’ve heard anything about it, especially since your father loved his job working for the development program. 
you looked over at jim figuring he would know something that you didn’t. “he hasn’t told me anything about it,” he stated eyes looking back down to his paper. “it’s probably just something little, your dad would never leave the ntdp, he loves that job too much.” 
ellen nodded her head, “he’s right. plus you know he wants to help make luke better like he did with quinn and jack.” 
“what’s she’s trying to say y/n, is don’t worry about it love,” jack reassured you. you hummed leaning back into his chest. he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “help me get ready?” you nodded your head quickly jumping off the stool, hand slipping into his to pull him back into your bedroom. you plopped down on the bed, pulling your phone out making sure to answers abby’s texts since she had stopped since she’d woken up. 
you looked up from the text saying you loved and missed her, to jack who was clearing his throat. “do you really need help j?” a bashful smile pulled on the corners of his lips, his blue eyes looking at his bare feet instead of your e/c ones. “okay fine,” you cave, “i’ll button your shirt for you.”
“and tie my tie?” 
you nodded, “obviously.” jack turned away from you, walking to his hanging up suit to put it on. he quickly changed out of his sweats, slipping on the dress pants and his button up. “well come ‘ere j,” you smiled reaching out for him to to button up his shirt. your fingers worked his button closed quickly, trying to not blush at the look he was giving you. “do you know how hard it is to concentrate when you’re looking at me like that j?” 
he hummed, “sorry i can’t help it love. it’s just i have the most beautiful fiance. she’s just drop dead gorgeous, as soon as she walks into a room you have to look at her kind of beauty.” your cheeks burning even hotter at his words. “don’t even get me started on her personality, i don’t think i’d ever shut up.” placing your hands on his chest you gave him a good shove, in an effort to get him to shut up about you. 
“jack,” you whispered, looking up at him for the first time, “hand me your tie.” 
his eyes rolled at your sudden topic change, but he expected it. you hated when people talked so highly about you. “wanna know something i just realized y/n/n?” he asked, finger sneaking under your chin so you’d be looking up at him instead of focusing on his tie which you could tie in your sleep from how much you’ve done it. 
“what did you realize bub?” 
his smile dropped a little before he spoke, “next summer, when we’re getting ready for the wedding, you can’t tie my tie.” your smile dropped as soon as he said it, your hands flattening his tie down. 
“i’ll figure something out love,” you answered, “i promise. i’ll just come tie it before i put my dress on.” 
“it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding,” he frowned, suddenly believing in superstitions. you ran a hand through your hair trying to think about what you could do so you could still tie what would be the most important tie of his life. 
“we could always blind fold you,” you suggested earning a cheeky smile from jack. he nodded his head right away, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you into him. “you like that idea bub?” 
“like it?” he mocked. “no, i love it y/n/n. almost as much as i love you.” your eyes rolled as you buried your face into his chest, not wanting him to see the blush on your cheeks. “love, i can feel how hot your cheeks,” jack said exposing you. you pulled away and wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers going play his now short hair on the back of his neck. jack pulled his arm away from you to check his watch with a sigh, “i have to go.” 
your bottom lip jutted out as you started to pout, “can you just stay for a couple more minutes? please love?”jack shook his head as he leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. you sighed before kissing him once more, “i love you superstar, and i know you’re gonna kill it today.”
it was jack’s turn to blush while he leaned forward to press a long kiss against your forehead. “i love you too my beautiful fiance,” his hand grabbing yours from around his neck so he could run his thumb over your ring. “and i hope you’re right my love, it would be nice to beat quinn again.” your eyes rolled at the boy you called your fiance, pulling away from him to grab his suit jacket. he smiled down at you as he slipped his jacket on, “thank you love, i’ll look for you during warm-ups like always. i love you y/n.” 
he pressed a sloppy kiss half against the corner of your mouth and half against you cheek. “i love you too jack!” you called seeing as he was already rushing out of apartment door clearly late to pick up your father. sighing, a wide smile grew on your face as you flopped back on to your bed. smiling up at your ceiling for no apparent reason. well, there was a reason, and that reason was jack hughes. 
there was a knock on your door causing you to sit up and see ellen walking in. “i think we’re going to meet up with some of the family, you up for it y/n/n?” she asked not even glancing at you, eyes looking around the room you and jack had put together all by yourselves. saying nobody needed to help you with it, well, other than putting the bedframe together. 
“that sounds good to me,” you answered standing from your bed and walking over to your closest. “i just have to get ready and we can go.” ellen hummed, not paying attention to what you were saying her focus drawn to one of the pictures on your vanity. 
“where’d you get this picture?” she asked, your whole body turning to look at the horizontal picture frame. you smiled as you thought about it, it was a birthday present from jack when you guys were ten. “oh wait, i remember now,” ellen gasped, probably remembering that she was the one who had it printed for her middle son. “you guys can’t be more than four.” 
you nodded to agree, eyes scanning over the picture like you did every single day while getting ready for classes. you and jack were standing right across from each other, pinkies interlocked, and your little lips pressed against each others pinkies. “i still remember what we pinky promised,” you whispered, your second mother turning to face you with a look meaning she wanted to explain. “it was something silly,” you started to say while pulling one of jack’s new jersey devils sweatshirts from the hanger. 
“so, i’m a mother, i still want to know y/n.” 
you both began to laugh before you set the sweatshirt down on the vanity, switching it out for the picture. your fingers brushed against the glass where your interlocked pinkies rested. “it started off as to always share ice cream,” you giggles remembering back to how upset you got when jack got an ice cream cone without you. “but then jack thought we should promise to always be best friends forever.” your fingers ran along little jack’s face, “and that we had to kiss it to make sure it worked.” 
ellen was quick to wrap you in a hug, pressing a loving kiss on the side of your head. “clearly that kiss must have worked, because look where we are now.” you hummed as a response, setting the picture down in its rightful place turning back to get ready. “okay, i’ll leave you to get ready then. we’ll just be in the living room.” 
quickly you pulled out a pair of your black jeans, rips only in the knees, not in the mood to get teased by jack’s grandparents today. you slipped out of jack’s boxers, and into your jeans. you switched out of the usa hockey sweatshirt you had gotten used to sleeping in, and exchanged it for the adidas devils one resting on your vanity. the final touch was the white new jersey devils jersey jack had snagged you from the locker room, making sure you absolutely promised to give it back before his next roadie. but both of you knew that it would be jack who would forget to bring it back to the rink, and not you giving it back to him. 
grabbing your phone and small over the shoulder purse you rushed out into the living room, making a beeline straight to the shoe rack. sitting down on the ground you quickly pulled on your all black sperry boots to finish off your outfit. “okay my ready to go, you guys ready?” you asked turning to face your going to be in-laws. 
they both nodded, jim reaching into the bowl on the table to grab the keys for your car, “you might want these.” your face flushed before you thanked him and lead them both out of your apartment and to the elevator. the drive over to the rink was one full of small talk. as soon as you parked in the spots reserved for family you were out of the car and leading ellen and jim down to the little bar on the corner where members of the hughes family had decided to meet before the game. 
“i hope you’re ready to show that ring off,” ellen whispered into your ear as the waiter lead you back to where the family was. “and talk about the wedding, my aunt was already asking about the save the dates,” she added causing your eyes to go wide. of course you guys had a date, but you have yet to send the save the date cards. 
you let out a nervous laugh as everyone at the table turned to face you, jim, and ellen. “yeah, we might want to send those.” both ellen and jim turned at looked at you with shocked faces. 
“you haven’t sent them yet!” she panicked, hands running through her hair. “i thought you were going to send them when jack was at training camp y/n.” you slowly looked to the ground, never seeing ellen this upset. “y/n/n, sweetheart, it’s okay, it’s just you need to send them out,” she sighed, “like now.” 
nodding your head you dropped down into an empty chair, hoping this conversation would go away. only it didn’t, and you should’ve expected that to happen because all of them have been waiting for jack and yours wedding since ellen posted it on facebook that you were finally dating. “hi y/n,” ellen’s sister smiled, eyes already looking down at your hand. “how are you honey?” 
smiling you nodded, “i’ve been good. classes are stressful, but having jack to come home to, or going to his games always helps take the stress away.” everyone in the area surrounding you started to coo at your words. “but how have you been?” 
“good, just running around after the kids,” she answered, making sure to smile as she looked over her shoulder to see her little girl sitting with her dad. “she keeps asking if you and jack can come babysit her you know.” you gave the women a sad smile, looking over to the little girl who was obsessed with both you and jack. 
“we’d love to,” you answered, “that means you guys just have to come visit us a lot more.” she nodded her head to agree with you. “do you want to see the ring?” you then asked as the conversation died out, the blond nodding her head right away. smiling you lifted up your left head so she could see, everyone flocking to you once your hand was risen. 
your cheeks were soon red as everyone commented about how lovely the ring was since it was the first time many of them had seen it person, and not over the pictures that were sent to them in a text message. you didn’t know it, but ellen had to remind herself every day that she couldn’t post the pictures on facebook since you guys had decided not to post about your engagement. at least for the time being, wanting the focus to be on jack and his hockey career. not how he was eighteen years old and already engaged. “it must be so heavy,” one of jim’s friends wives stated others nodding their heads to agree, “is it heavy?” 
you bit your lip as you wiggled your finger around, “uh, i mean i guess it kind of is. but when you’ve been wearing a promise ring for two years you get used to it. so it’s nothing to me.” everyone was awing again, turning to each other to make comments on how cute the two of you were. 
you looked around the room, trying to put names to faces when your eyes landed on ellen’s mother. one of your favorite people out of the entire weinberg part of the family. a mischievous smile crossed her face as the words formed on her tongue. “so when can i expect my first great-grandchild?” 
immediately your face was turning red, mouth hanging open as you tried to think of how to respond. only ellen beat you to it. “mom!” she exclaimed, hand flying to her chest as if she was going to have a heart attack. “they’re too young for that.” 
the older woman sent her daughter a look, “yes ellen, but i would like to have at least one great-grandchild before i die, and since quinn isn’t giving me one anytime soon they’re my next best option.” at this point your cheeks were on fire. everyone in this room thought of you and jack as perfect little angels, who were still virgins. of course that wasn’t the case, but they didn’t need to know that, and you guys intended to keep it that way. 
ellen looked over to her husband with wide eyes, jim’s shocked face matching the emotions ellen was having. “mom, jack and y/n need to to send the save the dates still. they’re not even remotely to that close yet.” your heart rate slowly started to go back to normal as everyone turned the conversation to why you and jack haven’t sent the save the dates yet. 
you leaned back in your chair, pulling your phone out to send a text to the groupchat you had with abby, cole, and jack to tell them what happened. right away cole and abby responded with laughing crying emojis, going on to say something about how you guys were the least innocent out of all your friends. you’d have to wait awhile for jack’s response, settling on telling him in person. 
“y/n,” the call of your name caused you to jump and your phone fall on the table. jim’s laughter soon filled your ears as he slid into the empty seat next to you, “sorry i didn’t mean to scare you, kid.” you shrugged before saying it was fine as he went on, “but we’re all getting ready to go.” 
your eyes went wide as you looked down on your phone seeing that the gates to the rock open in five minutes, “was i really on my phone for that long?” 
jim shook his head, “you were frozen in place after that baby conversation for a couple minutes y/n/n.” your head tilted to the side as you thought about it, realizing that he was right. “don’t work yourself up about it kid, you guys are a little young to have a baby right now, or even in a couple years. you’ve got it, and ellen’s mom isn’t going anywhere soon so don’t let that pressure you guys into anything you aren’t ready for.” you nodded your head, giving him a forced smile. “but as for spacing out, don’t worry about it. they just went on about how nobody’s seen a save the date yet.” 
you threw your head back, letting out a breath, mentally adding it the list of things you needed to do. the list of people you were inviting was already finalized, along with having their addresses. now all you needed to do was send the save the dates, along with announce it publicly that you were engaged since that was partly the reason you didn’t have them done. “let me guess, ellen said she was going to volunteer to help us make them?” you asked already knowing that was what happened. 
he nodded his head with a soft smile, “she just wants to make sure you guys stay on top of all the planning, and help a little so you guys aren’t so stressed out about it during classes and season.” standing up from your chair you nodded your head, understanding exactly why ellen  said she’d help the two of you. you were still teenagers after all who had lots to do. 
“i love that woman,” you breathed just in time for ellen to hear you say it. 
“so do i y/n,” jim smiled, standing to press a kiss against his wife’s cheek. your heart swooned at the sight in front of you, picturing you and jack in that situation years down the road. 
ellen returned the favor, kissing both yours and jim’s cheeks. “good because this woman loves the both of you, now come on we’re going to be late to see my boys.” 
your eyes were glued to the ice, never leaving the play that was going on. your eyes then drifted to the bench watching as jack jumped the boards for his first shift of the game. his first shift against quinn. right away a heavy feeling filled your chest as you heard the whistle blow after mack made a save. “how nervous are you?” ellen asked causing you to turn around in your seat to look at the woman who was sitting right behind you. 
“very.” everyone in the family suite was quick to agree with you. “i just, i don’t know what to expect for how they play,” you admitted looking back down to the ice as play had resumed again. 
ellen hummed, “lord only knows with my boys.”
your eyes went wide as you nodded your head. “god what if they get in a fight?” you thought out loud, the idea not being too far fetched. when all of you guys were little those two would always be wrestling, especially if quinn had “hurt” you. jack would always take it upon himself to avenge you against his older brother, or he’d run up the stairs yelling that quinn had hurt you. the poor kid would always end up in tears thinking that you were seriously injured, when in reality it was only something minor like a little bruise.
“that honestly wouldn’t surprise me,” ellen said, trailing off as soon as she said it. “i just jinxed it, didn’t i?”
you would’ve answered, but you were soon getting too lost into the game to hear what was going on behind you. or anywhere near you to be exact. something that always happened when you watched jack play. his still of his game has always mesmerized you, ever since you were little pudgy ice mites scoring goals together. you knew he was a different kind of player from the moment you played with him, up until the last time you laced up your skates and took on the role of supporter. and now here you were, watching him do what he does best, just like he had all of his life.
now if only he could figure out how to play defense.
your thoughts were cut off by the feeling of little fingers tapping against your knee. there stood stella with a big toothy grin. “y/n,” she dragged your name out as she swayed from side to side, “can i sit with you?”
right away your head was nodding up and down, “of course stell, you know you always can.” with that she climbed up into your lap handing you your phone so she didn’t sit on it. “y/n?” the little girl asked, right as jack won a face off back to danny greene. you hummed watching carefully as your fiance skated with his player around the net. “why aren’t you wearing a shirt like mine?”
you stayed starting at number eighty-six, watching as the play developed through the neutral zone and he jumped the boards into the bench.  once he stepped off the ice you looked down to the big brown eyed girl. “stell, i’m wearing jack’s jersey, that’s why i’m not wearing the shirt.” her arms crossed over her chest as she huffed out in anger, unimpressed with your answer. “your uncle jim isn’t wearing one either,” you pointed out, turning around to point at the man with glasses. “see?”
stella tried her hardest to roll her eyes. “that’s not fair to quinn,” she sassed. this time your eyes rolled. her mouth dropped open as she looked at you, “now you’re being mean!”
“i am not!” you interjected, face dropping as you did so. you glanced down to the ice just in time to see the ref put his arm up, calling a penalty against vancouver. someone in a white jersey finally touched the puck, the play dying as the whistle blew. her brown eyes looked up at you attitude, “okay fine, so maybe i’m being mean to quinn, but i have a secret to tell you.”
her eyes lit up, “a secret!”
you nodded, looking away from her to see jack step on to the ice. “i’m not cheering for quinn today.” stella’s mouth dropped open, but you ignored her. your sole focus being put on jack, watching as he was left all alone at the point. your eyes went wide as you saw it playing out in your head, before it happened on the ice. it was that hockey sense you had, something your father had passed down to you, along with spending all of your time in a hockey filled household like the hughes. “jack’s about to score,” you whisper, scared that if you said it loud enough he’d miss the net.
from behind you, you could hear ellen asking what you had just said. her answer being the uproar of the fans in the rock. in an instant you were standing on your feet. one arm wrapped around stella’s waist to lift her up as you stood, the other trying to find your phone in your jean pockets. the smile that pulled on the corners of your lips was so wide that it hurt, but you didn’t see it leaving your face anytime soon.
as he skated away from his celly, you turned to face ellen letting stella stand on the seat next to you. the blond leaned down, throwing her arms around you in the process. as the tears of joy filled your eyes you hugged her back even tighter over the row of seats separating the two of you. “i’m so proud of him,” you whispered, holding on tighter to her never wanting to let go, of ellen or this feeling of pride you had for jack.
“you called it y/n,” she answered, finally letting go of you to pull back a little. “he’s going to be so happy after the game.” you nodded to agree, sitting back down in your seat.
“i’m just happy that quinn wasn’t on the pk,” you answered while pulling stella into your lap. “otherwise, I think we’d be in for an interesting night.” ellen hummed to agree with you, turning to speak with everyone who made their way over to congratulate her and jim. in the meantime you opened instagram and looked at stella, “wanna go on my story?”
her head nodded up and down quickly, reaching out to grab your phone which you wouldn’t let her have. double tapping the screen you flipped it so the video started while zoomed in on jack whose face was currently all of the big screen. double tapping the screen again you had it facing you and stella, cheering as you did so. your free hand grabbing at the jersey to show off that it was his. ending the video you captioned it with the star eyed and tagging jack. “look good stell?” you asked making sure you had her okay before posting it.
“yup! post it, post it!” she chanted, eyes staring down at your fingers watching as you did just as she told you to do. her eyes were no longer glued to the phone screen, but the big diamond that rested on your finger, just like everyone else who was it was. “pretty!” she squealed pointing down at it while she did.
a blush covered your cheeks as you looked away from her and back to jack was who sitting on the bench, talking to taylor and kyle. “thank you stell, jack gave it to m-”
“can jack give me a ring?” she asked cutting you off as she did so. “i want one just like yours.” laughter filled your ears, seeing as everyone of the hughes family and friends had heard it since she had practically yelled it.
ellen leaned forward, one hand resting on your shoulder, the other on stella’s. “honey, jack gave that to y/n when he proposed to her.” the six year old stared up at the both of you confused.
“jack asked me to marry him,” you explained, bringing your hand up to show the ring. “and when he did, he used this ring. it’s my engagement ring.” she nodded her head, her blond curls bouncing as she did so, but you knew she had no idea what you were saying.
you and ellen shared a look before the woman sat back in her seat to contiune you a conversation with jim. “can i try it on?” stella then asked, your smile fading a little as she asked that. it was an unspoken rule between you and jack that nobody else got to wear it, or try it on. call it crazy, or stupid, but you didn’t want anyone else to get to try on something that was meant just for you and jack.
so frowning you looked down at the little girl, “i’m sorry stell.” her face dropped right as you started talking. “stella i’m so sorry, it’s just that j wouldn’t like it if i let someone else try it on. it’s just for me and him.”
“pretty please?” she mumbled, figuring the answer to her question would be a no. and when you shook your head her bottom lip started to tremble.
“stella, it’s okay,” you cooed, trying your hardest to make it so she didn’t cry. “one day you’re going to get a pretty ring like this from a boy who loves you.” only your words didn’t help at all, and you could see the tears start form in her eyes. biting your lip you nodded, trying to think of a way out of this. “okay, okay. it’s okay stell because jack’s going to get you a ring!” you called causing a smile to form back on her face. “yeah he’s going to get you one just like mine.”
her tears were soon gone, and just like that she was too. running around the box to tell anyone and everyone that jack was going to get her a ring just like yours. “i hope you realize that means she’s actually going to expect a ring from him now.” at the sound of his voice you turned to look at your father.
“dad!” you stood up, throwing your arms around him smiling as you did so. “how was your flight?” he nodded, saying a couple things about how it was good as he sat down in the empty seat next to you. “and as for stella wanting a ring? don’t worry about it, i’ll have jack get her a ring pop or something.” your father nodded his head, amused at your idea, “it’s candy so why wouldn’t a six year old like it?”
“you sure liked them when you guys were younger,” he added, his eyes looking away from you watching as both teams exited the ice. “if i remember correctly, the blue ones were always your favorites.” your head nodded as your cheeks flushed. “there’s no way i could forget that when i see that picture every day.”
you smiled up at your dad, “well if you can’t forget that, then why don’t i get ring pops from you anymore dad?” a confused look crossed his face as the both of you stared at each other, waiting for someone to speak. “i may be eighteen but i still like ring pops.”
he hummed, eyes glancing around the arena glanding on the box that held the man who he just met with. “i’ll buy you all the ring pops you want, but right now y/n/n there’s something i need to talk to you about,” he confessed, but you already knew what it was about. seeing as jack let it slip this morning. still you nodded your head turning to give him your full attention. “this morning, and before the game i was meeting with ray shero.” you sat there for a second already having heard the news, only he didn’t know you knew so you dropped your mouth open. “jack told you, didn’t he?”
“uh, what? no! of course not,” you lied trying to help jack and not throw him under the bus. your dad looked over at you with a tight lipped smile making you cave. “okay so he told me when he left this morning, just because he had to pick you up from the airport. he didn’t tell me anything else, i promise!”
he sighed before looking back out to the ice. “ray called me about a month after the draft,” he explained, but you weren’t over the fact he didn’t tell you and nhl general manager called him. not when it happened on the daily. they all wanted him to come and work for them, make their teams the next big thing. only your father had made it known from the beginning that he wasn’t leaving the ntdp once he got there. that he wouldn’t leave michigan while you were growing up. it also helped that he got to be there for quinn and jack’s development too, those two were the sons he never had. along with luke, and there was no way he was leaving that kid behind.
“asked if you’d come and for the devs because they had jack?” you then asked already knowing that’s exactly what he asked. you knew because vancouver called your father a week before quinn signed, saying he was on the verge of signing his contract and they wanted him to come out and sign on as an assistant coach because of quinn. so he was there to help their team, but mostly quinn.
he hummed, “basically.” you nodded your head, crossing your right leg over your left waiting for him to go on. “so i let it ring like normal. only he wouldn’t stop calling, so i finally answered once training camp started. like it or not it’s almost impossible to ignore gm’s forever,” he laughed causing you too as well. “he asked if i wanted a new job, and i told him that i like where i am right now. especially since i have luke to look forward too. somehow he talked me into agreeing to come out and meet with him.”
“so you picked today to come?” you asked trying to think like he would. he nodded his head, “is that why mom didn’t want to come? because she knew that you’d only be here for a day?”
your father let out a laugh, one that you didn’t understand but let him go along with it. “that and she doesn’t want to say goodbye to you guys again so soon,” he admitted, your eyes rolling as he did. leave it to your mother to get sentimental when she knew she’d be seeing you and jack in less than a month for thanksgiving. “don’t do that, you know she just misses the both of you. her and ellen have a glass of wine every night together. most of the times they end up crying about how all four of you are almost all moved out.”
“and you and jimmy aren’t?”
he shot you a look, one that you knew all too well. the stern “are you kidding me” look. “honey, we love you guys, but it’s so nice to not hear you and jack arguing over who’s going to win the game, or who beat who in mario kart.” you let out a huff of air not impressed with your father. “but yes, we’ll join them most nights. just minus the wine. then luke will end up walking into the kitchen, or over into our house and goes on rants about how we still have him.”
“yeah you have luke,” you scoffed, “but nothing can beat me and jack we-”
“jack and i,” your father corrected just to push your buttons. “but you’re right, nothing can beat you and jack.” a sense of pride filled you after he said that, “but anyways. the meeting. ray basically just asked me to come out a coach jack, well i mean be assistant on the devs but you know what i mean kid.”
you nodded your head slowly, not sure what your father had said this time. surely it must be tiring shooting down gm after gm that you don’t want to come for in their organization. “so what did you say?”
a smile crossed your fathers face, “i told them no, like i always do. luke’s right, we have him left, and i’m not about to walk out on that kid when he’s been waiting for this since he first watched quinn get to work with me.” you nodded your head to agree, it was a known fact that luke was obsessed with your father, had been since he figured out who he was, and gotten his rookie card. “but-”
“but?” you asked never hearing your father say this before.
“yes, but i told him if he asked me again in two years my answer wouldn’t be the same.” your dad didn’t even finish getting his words out all of the way before you were standing up and cheering. you’ve been waiting for the moment for you dad to return to the nhl since he retired from it in the first place when he said coaching and teaching the game were his true passions. he may not have been the next wayne gretzky but god could your dad throw down with the best of him. there’s a reason there’s a picture of him with the calder trophy in your living room, but his real calling was being the next herb brooks. you truly believed that.
“dad you’re joking right?!” you exclaimed knowing he wasn’t. “because if you’re being serious right now, how are you and mom going to work this out? you guys love michigan! you love the ntdp!” you were out of breathe as your tried to think of all the things that he was going to say next, the main on in your head being that he was going to say it was a joke.
he stood up slowly, pulling you into a hug, “kid, this is no joke. i’m being serious. i’m ready to come back to the nhl game after i get luke to his full potential seeing i haven’t even gotten jack to his yet. there’s still so much both of them can do, and i want to be the one to do it.” you wrapped around your dad tighter than you had before, so proud of him for this decision. “and as for michigan and your mother, we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. but for now we have a hockey game to enjoy.”
and enjoy it you did. the rest of the game was spent laughing and talking with jack’s family, along with ellen and jim’s friends. all of them wanting to see the ring on your finger, or the necklace around your neck. as the time ticked down on the clock you couldn’t be bothered to take your eyes off the ice. not when vancouver was fighting to scored a goal and jack was about to try and take on quinn. try being the main word.
you watched, and tried your hardest not to laugh as he attempted to angle quinn to the left. that resulted in jack on his ass and quinn taking the puck down the ice. your eyes turned to look at ellen who was now sitting next to you to see she had a smile on her face. you looked back up to the clock seeing that it wasn’t long until you’d get to see the both of them, if media didn’t take too long. “are you excited to see j after the game?” she asked looking at you seeing as both of her sons were now on their separate benches.
“yeah, but i know i’ll have to wait my turn to talk to j because he scored, and i’m okay with that,” you explained while checking your phone to see if abby had answered you about what her and cole were doing before his game.
when you looked back over at ellen she was staring at you with a confused expression. “why do you think you’re going to have to wait to see jack, y/n?” she asked. “you’re his fiancé, his best friend, he’s going to want to see you first y/n/n.”
you sighed before falling back into your chair, “no ellen, you guys should get to see him first. he scored his first goal and you’re his parents! i’m just me, and i can wait until he sees all of his family. i’ll just hug quinn first and talk to him.”
a pointed look was sent in your direction as ellen just stared at you. “sweetheart, you do realize if you go to quinn first jack would break down and cry, right?” you suck a sharp breath in, thinking about what she was telling you before starting to nod. “you’re going to jack first, end of story. you’re his family too y/n. more so than probably a third of these people in this box, and whether you choose to believe it or not it’s true. jack isn’t jack without you y/n, you’re his family. you’re his number one fan, and his biggest support. the one he looks for in the crowds, ever since you guys were thirteen and you quit playing.”
nodding your head you were quick to agree with her, not needing to hear anymore since you were about to cry from her words. “okay, okay, i’ll go to jack first, and before everyone else,” you caved reaching up to brush away the tears that were starting to form in your eyes.
“mhm, that’s what i thought,” she hummed with a sweet smile. “he’s going to be so happy to see you y/n, i can already see it now. he’s definitely not leaving your side once you hug him.”
you couldn’t help the loving smile that grew at her true words. both of you knew jack’s arms wouldn’t leave your waist once he was finally able to hold you in them. “it’s a good thing that prepared for that,” you laughed, eyes staring down at the ice, an idea coming to you as you watched the last two minutes of play started again by a whistle. “hey ellen, we’re still going to eat with all of the family after the game right? like we have a couple hours before we go?”
“uh yeah, there’s like three almost four hours before our reservations. why, what’s up?” she asked seeing that the gears were turning in your head, an idea clearly taking your thoughts by storm.
“how long do you think it’s going to take to make a cake?”
“y/n/n!” the sound of him calling your name had you running to him in and instant, careful not to hit anyone of his family members as your rushed to him like your life depended on it. and in reality at this point in time, it did. you ran right into his open arms, causing him to stumble backwards a little bit taking you with him. “hi love, i missed you,” he whispered into your ear as his arms that were wrapped around your waist brought you in even closer to him.
“i missed you too bubs,” you smiled, snaking your arms around his neck as you did so. “and god am i so, so, so proud of you superstar,” you mused before leaning into him. your lips were on his in an instant, not caring what the people around you thought, but none of them had a problem with it, not when it was you two. when you pulled away you couldn’t stop staring at his rosy cheeks from playing, “jacky, i am so proud of you,” you said once again as he rocked the both of you back and forth. “but i’m not the only one here to see you tonight, you gotta go talk to everyone else that’s here for you and quinn.”
he let out an annoyed breath, wanting nothing more than to just home and go back to sleep with you. “okay fine, i will, but you gotta come with me y/n/n. i need you love,” he mumbled into the skin of our neck, finishing it off with a kiss. “please love, for me?”
he batted his big blue eyes at you, and you knew there was no way you could say no to that look. however, you also knew there was no way you were saying no to him in general, not when you wanted to spend the rest of the night glued to his side. “anything for you my love,” you answered pressing a kiss to his cheek, your hand slipping down and into his. “now come on, you gotta go talk with everyone,” you informed while leading him in the direction of his family that was waiting for him, allowing you time to be alone together.
jack was soon being mobbed by everyone that was there to watch him and quinn. every time that someone went to hug him, he’d always only hug them back with one arm, refusing to let go of your hand. even when you tried to force to let go, he wouldn’t. “y/n/n, i’m tired,” jack whined into your ear as you waited for him to follow you to the next person waiting to congratulate him.
“what do you want me to do about it bubs?” you asked, pulling him closer to you, your arms wrapping around his torso. chin resting on his chest to look up at him, “because you gotta talk with everyone love.” a pout formed on his face, as your one hand went up to run through his newly cut hair.
he groaned as he threw his head back, “i just wanna go take a nap with you y/n/n.” you rolled your eyes before smiling a little at him. “please love, can we just go back to the apartment and take a nap before this dinner thing. like once we quinn obviously.”
“no jacky, we can’t,” you whispered into his ear, “now come on quinn’s over there talking to your parents.” before he could even protest your statement you guys were being pulled into a hug by quinn. “nice game q, really showed jack who’s the better hughes at the end there,” you teased looking at jack from over quinn’s shoulder.
your fiancé's eyes rolled at your words, only he didn’t care. “who’s the one that got the game winning goal?”
you looked at quinn, the both of you rolling your eyes. “your fiancé sucks, just so you know.”
pulling away from quinn you looked right at jack with a smile, “oh i know.” his mouth fell open at your words, but had nothing to say back to you. “but you gotta love ‘im.” his arms wrapped around your waist as he stood behind you, a kiss being placed on your cheek. you leaned back into his arms tilting your head up to press a kiss against his scar.
a fake gage left quinn’s mouth causing the both of you to look at him, “you guys are gross. get a flipping room.”
“oh shut up quinn,” the both of you said at the same time, having had practice with this since the two of you started dating. your mouth was about to open to speak again when jack beat you to it, “you know what, actually we will. i have better things i can be doing right now. and one of them is napping with y/n/n.”
jack was starting to lead you away from the room of crowded people until ellen caught his wrist. “oh no you don’t, you two. we have to get a group photo! now come on, everyone’s ready for it,” ellen informed leading you guys to the group of people. “oh and jack, please try to look happy. i know you’re tired honey, but you need to at least smile a little.” as his mother started dragging him back over to his brother, he gave you a sad look. bottom lip jutted out, eyes never leaving yours as he was planted in the middle of the group of people. “oh and y/n, sweetheart, before you even ask of course you’re getting in the picture. right next to jack please.”
you were frozen in your place until a couple of people were helping push you over to where jack was standing. when you looked over at him he cracked a laugh, “you’re funny if you think that you could get out of this love. you need to remember you’ve been taking these family pictures with me since we were in diapers.”
“yeah i know, i just didn’t really think of it,” you admitted, your mind still thinking you should be on the outside looking in. “but i’m here now and that’s all that matters, right j?” he hummed for an answer as the two of you broke into conversations with his family around you. it was now jack’s turn to brace the storm of wedding questions that you had faced just before the game. only the one that jack kept getting asked was how he proposed,  where he did it, and when he did it.
you only cut into the conversation when it seemed that you were needed, or had something to contradict what jack had said. your attention was placed elsewhere, watching as stella stood in front of her family looking for you and jack. a smile broke out on her face when her eyes landed on you, and within seconds a pair of little arms were wrapped around your legs. bending over you picked her up so she was now sitting on your hip, “hi stel, long time no see, huh?”
she shook her head as a giggles past her lips. “i just saw you silly,” she giggled, her arms now wrapping around your neck. at the sound of her voice jack was turning away from who he was talking to in order to look at the little girl. “jacky!” she squealed pushing away from your neck to look at your boy.
“hi stella!” jack answered reaching out for a hug, which she declined, sinking back into your chest. “okay i see how it is,” he huffed, arms crossing over his chest as he pouted once more. she looked up at you with a giggle, her little hand pointing over to her cousin that was frowning. out of the corner of your eyes you saw jack smile at the sound of her laugh, causing you to smile even more.
“stel don’t you wanna hug your cousin? jacky’s missed you so so so much,” you whispered into her ear, her face crunching up as you said so. she leaned back to look at your face, so you could see her shake her head no.
“no!” she huffed, “ i wanna stay with you y/n/n.” looking back at jack you shrugged your shoulders, saying you tried without having to say it. jack’s arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his side in time for a devils staff person to get the camera from ellen. as stella started going on about how jack was supposed to get her a ring, you looked up at him with a loving smile. he pressed a kiss to your temple, before he smiled down at you too. “hey i want a kiss too,” stella whined, the both of you looking down at her in an instant.
it was like it was planned, because as soon as the two of you looked down at stella the camera flash went off and that was the hughes family picture. “you can have a kiss later stel, when i give you your ring. is that okay?” jack asked not phased over the fact you guys weren’t looking at the camera for the picture. the little girl in your arms nodded her head right away, a smile growing as she did so. stella started patting your shoulder, which you knew as the sign to put her down, so you did. jack and you watched as she ran over to her mom, mouth moving fast as she went on about what jack he promised her for the family dinner later that night. jack looked back down at you, “can we go now?”
you nodded your head, “yeah j, we can. but i want to see that picture first.” jack let out a groan as you pulled him over to his mother. “come on j don’t be like that, i’d have to find your parents anyways because i need to give them the keys to my car so they can get back to the apartment.” he muttered a fine under his breath as the two of you now stood in front of his mother, who was looking down at the picture. “i can i see it?”
ellen looked up from the camera to the both of you. “of course honey!” she smiled handing you the camera as she did. “i’m so happy that it turned out, almost everyone’s looking at the camera,” she added causing your cheeks to flush as she spoke. your e/c eyes scanned over the picture, looking at how jim and your father stood over near quinn. the oldest brother stood in the middle of them, arms around his two father figures. you scanned over the smiling faces to look over at you and jack, and yes, you two were the only ones not looking at the camera. instead the two of you were looking down at stella with smiles on your faces. and if people didn’t know any better they would probably say she was your guys kid. sure she didn’t have jack’s brown hair, but in that picture it looked they looked the same. “so what did she say to make you look down at her?”
you handed the camera to jack so he could look, “she wants a kiss from me.” he looked back up from the camera, handing it back to his mother. “that’s a cute picture mom, but now we’re going to go take a nap.”  grabbing the keys to your car from your pocket you handed them to ellen, just in time as jack started pulling you away from his mother. jack and you waved to friends and family as you walked through the rock to get down to the prudential center. it wasn’t long until you were sitting in the front seat of jack’s car, him giving you a goofy sleep filled grin. “god i can’t wait for this nap y/n/n,” he mumbled, looking over his shoulder to back out of his spot. “i’m so tired love.”
“i know you are bubs,” you answered reaching over and grabbing his right hand. “and we can sleep for a couple hours okay? i know i’m not going to mind it at all.” he smiled over at you as he stopped at the light. “i love you superstar.”
he pulled your hand up in order to kiss your knuckles, “i love you too y/n/n.”
rubbing your eyes for the millionth time since you had woken up from your nap with jack you looked down at your screen full of notifications. clearly something happened, because your phone was literally blowing up. biting your lip you looked through the car window seeing that ellen was still nowhere to be seen. you opened up the groupchat with abby and cole your mind racing as you looked at what they had to say.
coley: i’m impressed, congrats guys
y/n: we did what?
abby!: check jack’s instagram
coley: jack you posted without telling y/n?”
abby!: it’s such a cute picture by the way
still confused, and them not helping you at all you opened up your instagram. first off you saw the notification saying @jackhughes_ had tagged you in a post. you opened up your feed and there it was, the new photo jack posted. you were laying on top of him, head on his chest, leg thrown over his torso. you could see “hughes” t-shirt you were wearing, and the matching one jack had on. but that wasn’t what you were focused on. no you eyes were glued to your left hand which just so happened to be resting on jack’s chest, your huge engagement ring on display. “oh fuck,” you huffed scrolling down a little to see if anyone had noticed it wasn’t your promise ring.
first your eyes read of his caption, “The best way to celebrate scoring your first NHL goal. Thanks for being there me today Y/n/n, I love you:)”. you then looked at the chirps that had came from alex, and quinn:
_alexturcotte god you guys are so cute it’s sickening. how’d i live with this for two years? but congrats guys, i love you both
_quinnhughes when i said get a room, i didn’t actually mean it. but i guess i’m happy for the two of you
then you saw the ones of all your friends congratulating the two of you. and of course there was abby and cole. those two were hyping you up like there was no tomorrow, each of them leaving like seven comments alone. but if you scrolled far enough you could see the fan girls. the ones who were pointing out it in fact wasn’t a promise ring on your finger, that jack should be marrying them instead of you, and finally your personal favorites, the ones saying you guys were two young. rolling your eyes you locked your phone, deciding you’d leave your comment later, only after you talked to jack about what he did.
right as you put your phone down ellen walked back out to your car, the cake boxes in her hands. leaning over the middle consul you opened the door for your second mother. “thank you y/n,” she smiled leaning in to hand you the cake boxes. setting them in your lap you looked at the white boxes, already knowing what both of them were for.
“what did you put of them?” you asked looking over at ellen as she pulled out on to the main road.
“on the one we’re all going to eat i got the canucks and devils logo,” she informed while stopping at the red light. “and on the one you’re going to smash in jack’s face i got, ‘happy first goal jack!’ that good?”
“it’s perfect,” you replied while nodding your head. “i mean it’s going to get smeared all over his face anyways.” the both of you started laughing as the light turned green and you were on your way to the restaurant again. “i just have to make sure i don’t get it on his shirt, because that would not be fun to wash.”
ellen nodded her head, “tell me about it. your mom and i would spend hours trying to clean your guys clothes when you were little and did that for your birthdays. and when you turned sixteen?” you sucked in a breath of air remembering how jack tried not to get it on your dress, but it ended up on it anyways. “god we spent so much time on trying to clean that dress. jack felt so bad the next day when he saw us trying to clean it that he’s never gotten cake on your clothes since.”
your face flushed as you looked down to the cake. “yeah we can’t say the same about me though,” you confessed, your cheeks reddening as you did so. ellen looked over at you with a laugh, “i’ve always managed to get cake on his clothes, and i’m terrified that i’m going tonight.”
the blond looked over at you with a smile, “it’ll be okay y/n/n, don’t think about it so much. and if you get some on his shirt i’ll help you wash it before we leave.” right away you were thanking the woman to the left of you, there was no way you would be able to get frosting and cake out of his clothes. you had a hard enough time washing them general, jack was the one who washed clothes most of the time. but if he was on a roadie you need to know how, so he taught you, and god that lesson did not go over well. even if it was for something as simple as washing clothes. “well look at that we’re here, and there’s the men of the hour,” ellen informed as you pulled into the parking lot.
your eyes went wide as you looked down to the cake resting on your lap. “ellen we can’t bring both of these in if jack’s right there,” you exclaimed. “it’s supposed to be a surprise that i’m doing this, and if he sees it, he’ll know,” you rushed to get out as you turned around in your seat to see that the two of them were still standing by the entrance.
“don’t worry honey, i’ll go in the back with the cake to put it in the refrigerator until we need it,” she explained, “that way neither of them will see it.” she killed the ignition of your car before standing to get out. “here hand them to me and i’ll go run them into the kitchen, and meet you guys at our table.”
nodding your head you handed off the cake to ellen, getting out of your car once she had a good hold on them. standing up straight you fixed the skirt of the sundress you wore seeing as you were spending dinner with all of jack’s family. you and ellen shared a look before you started towards the front door, and ellen went to the side one that was closer to the back of the restaurant. “there you are love,” jack called as you slid into place next to him, his arm wrapping around your waist and his lips pressing against your cheek. “but where did my mom go?” he asked looking around you to find that she wasn’t to be seen.
“she ran to put the cake in the refrigerator,” you answered while smiling over at quinn as he held the door open for the two of you. “but jack we need to talk about what you posted today.”
a confused look painted his face as you walked into the building with quinn on your heels. “what about it babe? if you’re wondering how i got it, it was because my mom took them when we were sleeping and sent them to the two of us.”
you shook your head, already knowing that’s how he got the picture because you got them too. “i know that j, but i want you to go look at the picture again. and i mean really look at it.” sighing he pulled out his phone, not even bothered by the notifications on his screen. right away he looked at the picture, his blue eyes drawn right to what you hoped he’d notice.
“oh shit.”
“yeah, i know,” you answered arms crossing over your chest. “jack what are we going to do about it?” you asked, biting your lip in a nervous state.
his tongue darted out to wet his lips before he spoke. “well it was going to happen at some point right?” he asked stopping the two of you before you rounded the corner to the table. “this way we don’t have to worry about people finding out anymore love, and you don’t have to keep switching rings for when you go out in public with the girls, or to my games, or to classes.” you nodded your head as a smile slowly creeped up on your face, jack’s thumb running over your cheek. his other hand going to spin your ring around your finger. “and best of all we can finally post the proposal pictures, and the video.”
your cheeks flushed as you remembered how it went down. the two of you just standing on the pier after exploring the city by yourselves. then all of the sudden the entire hughes family was by you guys again, along with all of your friends, and when you parents walked over to you guys you looked away from jack, and when you looked back you had to look down. he was down on one knee smiling up at you with tears in his eyes, just like they were in yours. after a couple minutes speech he finally asked you the question you knew would be following it all, “will you marry me?” of course you said yes, you almost said yes when you first saw him down on one knee.
“i think you mean to say i can finally post the pictures,” ellen said as she walked past the two of you with a wide smile. “you know i’ve been wanting to post those since you took them, and i can finally do it. that’s what i’m going to do right now.” you and jack shared a look before starting to laugh as ellen took her seat next to jim, puling out her phone and going straight to facebook, instagram, and twitter.
when you finally looked away you looked back up at jack we had a soft smile on his face. “so you’re not mad that people know we’re engaged now?”
you shook your head, hands cupping his cheeks so your thumbs could run over his cheekbones. “of course not jack, you know i could never be mad at you for something like that.” he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in causing you to smile. “i mean i wasn’t ready to tell people, but i don’t think there was ever going to be a right time seeing as we are as young as we are. plus now we can send the save the dates.” jack’s whole body shook at the mention of the cards you needed to send.
“i love you y/n going to be hughes,” he smiled before tilting his head to press a kiss into the inside of your palm. “i wouldn’t be here today without you, and i hope you know that love.”
you leaned up and pressed a quick kiss against his lips, smiling as you did so. “i love you too jack hughes. and i do know that jack, and i’m going to be here for the rest of it all too.” he smiled down at you before pulling you over to the table, everyone clapping as you walked in.
“congratulations on making it public!”
“does this mean i’m going to get my save the date soon?”
there were many more comments, and you couldn’t help but look up at jack who was already looking down at you. the two of you started laughing before taking your seats. “expect save the dates some time this week,” jack informed squeezing your right hand as he did. “i have the week off until thursday so we’re going to get them done.”
“what he means is, i’ll make them, and i’ll send them out to everyone. he won’t do anything,” you said causing his mouth to fall open. you turned in your seat to look at him, and right away his mouth shut.
he shrugged his shoulders nodding, “yeah you’re right, y/n/n’s going to be doing them all.” everyone at the table broke out into laughter and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. it wasn’t long until orders were being taken, and people were getting their food. you fell into a conversation with one of jack’s aunts who sat next to you about wedding details. it wasn’t long until the conversation was changing and you were soon talking with one of the cousins, her going on to tell you about how jealous she was that you got to hang out with spencer every day for two years.
you were saved by the bell on that conversation as ellen pulled you away to help get the cake. “okay the plan is for me to bring the big on out first,” she explained as you stood in front of the steel fridge. “i want you to wait by the door to the table with the one just for jack.” you nodded your head understanding the plan so far, “and then as i start cutting the cake i want you to walk out when i say, ‘jack this piece is for you.’”
“i can do that,” you answered as your grabbed the small circle cake that was now out of its box and read for you to smash in his face. “oh god what if this is a bad idea?” you asked as the two of you started walking back to the table, stopping right where you were supposed to wait.
ellen tilted her head to the side as she gave you a pointed look, “why would it be a bad idea y/n? you guys have been doing this since you were one.”
“yeah on birthdays,” you sighed, eyes looking down at the cake. “what if it ruins our tradition? or what if jack gets mad at me?”
she let out a laugh as she slowly started to walk back into the room. “it won’t, and he could never.” before you could say anything else she was setting the cake down on the table to start cutting. slowly everyone at the table started to get their pieces. then you heard jack start to whine, “where’s my piece?”
you smiled as you caught ellen’s gaze and she slightly nodded to you, “jack this piece is for you.” confused he looked at his mother since there was no plate in her hand. then when he turned to his left you were standing there holding the cake in your hands.
“congratulations on your first goal j, i love you!” you giggles before shoving the cake into his face, not even giving him a second to read what it said. everyone at the table was soon laughing at the two of you, all of them knowing your tradition of smashing cake into each other’s faces for birthdays.
“mmm, that tastes really good, you wanna try some y/n/n?” jack asked while he wiped the frosting from his eyes so he could see. you shook your head no as you watched ellen grab your phone to take the annual picture that followed after the cake smashing. the one who smashed the cake would kiss the others cheek, and that’s just what you did.
your eyes closed as you pressed your lips against jack’s cheek, left hand resting against his chest. when you pulled away from his cheek you have frosting and cake all over your mouth and cheeks. “you’re right bubs, it does taste pretty good,” you mocked as your grabbed your phone from ellen. without even looking at the picture you opened up instagram and selected it.
looking at it for the first time you smiled before looking over at jack. “i look pretty dang cute if you ask me,” jack mused, only his eyes weren’t on him, but on you. “and you look absolutely beautiful like normal y/n.” your cheeks flushed as you went to type out your caption.
y/nl/n congratulations on your first goal j! i hope it was as sweet as the cake:) #andyesweareengaged
as soon as you hit post there was already likes flooding it, along with comments. there were already multiple from abby and cole alone, quinn and luke both hoping in on the action as well. “happy first goal am i right jack?” you asked looking over to his white frosting covered face.
“yeah happy first goal y/n/n, you’re not the one covered in frosting right now,” he whined while starting to try and get it off of his face.
you started to laugh before leaning close to his ear, “don’t worry i’ll make it up to you later.” when you pulled back from his ear you could see his face was flushing even under all of the frosting that covered it. his tongue came out to lick his lips, cleaning up some of the frosting as he did. “and i think you’re going to like it j, something that you’ve never seen before,” you added on as you leaned back in your chair to start eating your own cake. “saved just for when you scored your first goal.”
jack’s head fell backwards as he pulled on his dress pants. “can we leave now please? i think it’s time to go,” he muttered into his hands as he tried harder to get the frosting off.
you were bout to speak until quinn shot you both a look from across the table, “please, just go get a room.” it was your turn for your face to flush as he looked over at the both of you. thank god nobody was paying any attention, to focused on the cake in front of them. “nobody’s even going to notice if you leave. just say goodbye,” quinn pointed out with a shoulder shrug.
“wanna leave?” jack asked almost out of his seat while he waited to see your answer.
“we can’t just leave j-”
“-thanks for coming everybody! it means a lot to both me and quinn. i love all of you guys, but right now y/n/n and i are going to head home to start working on the save the date cards so we can get them mailed,” jack called making everyone at the table look at him. “oh and we’re going to clean my face, but again thank you so much, it means the world that you were all here to see me score. see you guys soon. love you!”
with that jack was grabbing your hand and started racing to the car since nobody objected to the idea of you going to start the save the dates. “we’re not even going to look at the save the dates are we?” you asked once you were finally in the car.
he looked over at you before shaking his head, his lips in a thin line. “god no. first we’re getting all of this frosting off my face, and then i believe i was promised something for scoring.”
“yeah, but not until we clean you up.”
he rolled his eyes, “we wouldn’t be in this problem if it wasn’t for you.”
you smiled before pressing a kiss to lips lips which still tasted like the frosting, “oh you love me.”
he nodded his head, “yeah y/n/n, i do. i love you.”
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For the Ship Questions with Atsushi :) General: 5 ; Love: 1, 3, 9
UwU another ask 🥺 much thank you anon! 💕 ;;w;; I am in tears at the questions with my man’s 🥺
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Lol the smol and tol kind UwU, Dany is a solid 5’0, a whole 3 inches taller than me ;;w;;, and remains as such for the rest of her days~ while Atsushi is currently 5’7, this boi definitely shoots up to 6’ maybe 6’1 in the later years ahead! All that love and support and good energy of his found family unit in the Agency truly gave him a stretch! He is eating good and getting so much exercise ;;w;;
Both are 18 (in future Au! they are in their early to mid-20’s), but have a 7 month age difference with Dany being the youngest! :3
Edit: Going with the more accurate depiction of our ages when Bsd manga came out in 2012, Dany is two years younger than Atsu! So like right now, Dany is 24 and Atsu is 26! 😊
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Atsushi! Definitely the more affection-through-words type. He definitely says it to Danielle, possibly on a date out with a really nice view of Yokohama in the distance with the stars and moon in the sky, holding her from behind and just admiring the setting before saying it!
While definitely surprised, Danielle is visibly happy and content, wagging her tail and leaning up to kiss her precious tiger’s face 💕 she is more affectionate-in-action. She doesn’t outwardly say “I love you” for a long while, not cause she doesn’t return his affection, she clearly does! But it’s a lot for her truly word out for a time, showing him her love by small gifts, making dinner, fretting over him when he gets hurt, etc.
Nonetheless, Atsushi understands and is utterly a melting mess when she finally told him, “Te amo, mi Tigre..”
My man’s just cries and twirls her in his arms, I definitely picture them alone, their usual quality time together and dancing in their comfort clothing or pajamas to a humming melody before Dany says it.
3. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They cuddle a lot UwU especially constant nuzzling and rubbing their noses together~ though more in privacy.
Dany is not a PDA person, she gets heavy anxiety at any attention from people, even if she knows them or they mean with good and joyful intent. Dazai is the one she gets more bristly about and often huffs or growls at him. Nonetheless, Atsushi respects this and understands! He does take the blunt teasing and jibs from Dazai tho 😅
Even so, they do hold hands more often than not. Once their relationship is more solidified and comfortable, outside of work hours, she is fine sitting on his lap or having him embrace her from behind, or vice versa. They look so cute I swear, anyone who doesn’t know them, likely look and dot on how adorable they are u//w//u
9. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Oh this one!! Yes!! 🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰
Atsu to Dany: Sweetheart, Darling, Mi Estrella (boi really went on and learned how speak certain spanish phrases to get this nickname; yes Dany did cry and thought, “I want to marry him 🥺”)
Dany to Atsu: Atsu-kun, Tiger, Mi Tigre, Love, My Jinko and Moonlight (affectionately in PM! Au). She loves to call him endearing things in all honestly, poetic in her way of speaking, if that makes sense!
Many thank you’s for the ask! 🥰🤗🥺♥️
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
so hear me out: a girl from like a smaller, less popular town in California, going with her family to visit some family in LA or Hollywood and she meets Bill but doesn’t like him at first because hes kinda an ass hat and letting the fame get to his head and they go on a crazy little adventure trying to get away from the paps and they fall in love
She wasn’t sure if she liked Bill. Everyone else seemed to adore him and didn’t mind his long, stumbling stories about his fresh and illustrious acting career. Although, she admitted in silence that it was intriguing to listen in on some of the wilder tales.
Bill was no airhead. He could tell when somebody didn’t care for the cut of his jib. He remained aloof and ignored her periodic scoffs until he got her good and alone. And not just off in a quiet corner. Rightly and truly alone.
“I know you think I’m an asshole, but I’m not.”
“I never said that,” she defended.
Bill stepped closer, maintaining a respectable distance while preparing the testimony of his real character. A worldly man born into the right family at the right time and nothing more. No opulence. None of what people assumed he had been born into.
“Honestly, three-quarters of my time, I spend reading and eating in hotel rooms.”
“Poor you,” she snickered.
The pleats in his trousers caught her eye, and then the style of his evening jacket led her gaze to the button-down he wore underneath. When his smile pointed at her, she understood why the others had fawned over him. 
Bill took her away. It was no walk around the block, either. They hopped into an Uber and cruised the city for a while until he faced her, offering his hand. “So, where do you wanna go? Any clubs you’ve been dying to get into? I got the connections.”
The twist of her lips betrayed her, and soon she was giddy. “Really? Anywhere?”
Bill squeezed her fingers lightly, wiggling his eyebrows. In the distance, he noticed a white flash. The spot took his attention away from her. The car driving alongside their ride had the windows rolled down while the passenger in the back seat snapped blinding photos with a camera the size of which she had never seen. She thought they could snap a picture of the tallest skyscraper in the city with a zoom lens that big.
“Shit. We got paps. Shit, I was hoping this wouldn’t happen,” Bill cursed, then touched his lips in apology to the lady. “I mean, shoot! Crap.”
“Just say ‘fuck’!” She laughed.
The driver checked the mirror as Bill shuffled along the seat to get closer. “Hey... I need you to lose that car beside us. They’re taking pictures of my future wife and me, and we’re not really down for that type of night.”
“I understand,” the driver replied, nodding and pressing down on the gas.
~*~ 1 YEAR LATER ~*~
“Bill! Bill, where are you?”
“In here!” His voice called joyfully from the living room.
She made her way to the common area of their apartment, stopping to cock her head when she saw her boyfriend standing in the middle of the room with his hands clasped behind his back.
“I told you, we’re gonna be late,” she tittered, reaching out for his arm only to snatch at the air as he pulled back. “What? Don’t give me that crap about your Gucci again. If it means so much to you, I’ll pay to have it dry-cleaned.”
“Oh, shut it. That’s not what this is about,” he sang.
She squared her shoulders and spread her feet apart in a challenging stance. He loved it when she centred herself like she meant to pounce. It made the next exchange all the sweeter.
“What’s behind your back?”
“A present.”
Bill had a habit of surprising her with small, luxurious gifts. The promise sparked a flame underneath her stomach, turning her guts into a roiling pot of excitement.
“What is it?”
“It’s nothing fancy. Well... The frame is vintage and might be worth more than I’m willing to tell you, but it’s what’s in the frame that counts.”
His right arm came whirling out from behind his back, clutching an ornate square frame. She took the frame and studied the photo. It was a picture of them in the backseat of a black Camry— their first night together.
“How the hell did you get this?”
Bill let out a weeks-old sigh, rolling his doe eyes to the ceiling and back to the space she occupied before him. “You don’t want to know.”
“Yes, I actually do because this is so impressive. Even for you... This is... Wait. How did you?— Oh. Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no!” 
The boyish smile she had fallen in love with a year ago took her breath away again, but not as efficiently as his move to bend his knee.
“Oh, yes. Oh, very much, yes! I told you in that car I knew you’d be my future wife. Now, it’s the future, well, the present, but... You get it. So... I know you hate the lifestyle and despise our nice apartment and hate coming away with me to exotic destinations, but I’d like for you to keep doing that as Mrs. Skarsgard if you wouldn’t mind. Oh, shit—I mean, shoot! One sec.”
The velvet ring box in his pocket was unreachable while his long leg was bent at a ninety-degree angle. Bill stood up to fish it from his pocket and tried not to laugh at his girlfriend, bouncing like a kid with a sugar rush.
“And no, I didn’t get you anything too crazy. Not yet.” Bill opened the box to a swift intake of air that nearly choked her.
“Bill!” She squealed. “BILL!”
“What?” He snatched the box back in jest. “You hate it?”
“I love it, you big goof. Now put that thing on my finger and kiss me!”
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
hi! i've been observing the spn fandom from the distance since mid-season 14 (even though i continue to watch) and i'm a little lost... what's this entire "anti misha" thing that's come up suddenly? why is he getting so much hate all of a sudden! sorry to bother you, i love your blog!!!
Hi! sorry, I took long to answer this but things are still a bit buzzing after coming back from JiB and I need to stop daydreaming and get back to life ASAP.
Anyway ….first things first, I’m in this fandom since like season 6/7 was airing, but all this ….contact with other fans wasn’t as big as it is now, as internet and fandom sites kept growing I started to get more and more exposed to the real nasty part of it.
I mean I was young and probably impressionable but all this hate going around was, and still is, so childish even for 15/16 year old me ( and listen …if that’s your age now and you feel like you are grown up….YA AIN’T, TRUST ME) so yeah I was really disappointed so I just kept watching my show and didn’t interact with the fandom because…hello, those are not “people” I wanna get in touch with.
And it’s not even a shipping thing? like…I have my vision and others have theirs, we are all different people, what gives you the right to tell me yours it’s the right one?  like this is some sort of religion ? just enjoy what you enjoy and let me enjoy what I enjoy, it’s not that difficult? People need some guidance to be decent human beings?
Then tumblr happened …and oh boi, when I started I didn’t know what to follow what not to follow and what are filters and shit and fuck that was so horrible. So at first, I kept my blog mostly neutral and about lots of things. Until I started to talk to good people, nice people, who shared (and not ) my own vision, but everyone was respectful of that, so I started to make my blog an SPN main and I did not regret it. 
Now, thanks to my selection I’m not exposed to actor and character’s hate, if I see some, which happens rarely, I immediately block because I’m old and have no patience for idiots anymore. 
The hate thing is not something that came out suddenly, it’s been around for years, and Misha has the worst of it because he came in the show at season 4 and since it was not “just the brothers” anymore, people decided to throw a bitch fit about it. I mean….it’s stupid?… I don’t really care why people hate on Misha, something he said, or something he does, they are never happy and they will always try to find flaws in him. Like Jensen and Jared are perfect right? like any of them never said something that came out wrong, right?. 
Well all of them are humans, and for how perfect they could seem to us, they have their flaws. Does that justify the hate they get? fucking no.  The big difference is that in their humanity they try to do the best they can, the whole cast is like that, and so are their family, ( something the haters seems to turn a blind eye on )
I don’t understand how people keep wasting time ( they clearly have because I mean, don’t you have like a life to live too?) hating on the cast of the show they claim to love..??? like??????? 
Sorry I went on a rant here, idk if I actually answered your question, but I have lots of pent up rage about all this hate going around. I just want to enjoy my show, and support what these amazing people, who work to make the show happens, sacrificing a lot of their lives, will do in the future.
thank you for coming to my TED talk.
if you need more clarification, send another ask, no problem, it’s never a bother. 
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Wizards Apprentice 2
Hello and welcome back to the second addition of the wizards apprentice. In my attempt to continuously improve upon my creative writing skills I am trying to write a little bit each day and since I had so much fun writing this yesterday I’d continue the story.
Part 2
Edward: *breathing heavily. “ Thats it’s! All I gotta do is fake my own death, skip town, aaaand live forever in a cave in the mountains until I die. Because no one. And I mean no one can find out that I accidentally killed the beloved Jhet! They’ll never forgive me! Aw gosh no what will Brenna think of me? Wait will...... will she still go to the autumn ball with m-“
Jhet:” My God’s boy pipe down before you kill me again with all that jib jabbery! Sheesh”.
Edwards: “ but...but I don’t understand. I just killed you. Oh master I’m so sorry. I’m the worst apprentice ever”.
Jhet: “ aw no that’s not entirely true”.
Edward: “ you mean it? I’m really not the worst apprentice ever”?!
Jhet: “ What?! Oh gods no, no you are without a doubt the worst apprentice any master could ask for. No my boy, I was correcting you. You see that didn’t really kill me, just my body. Moments before the flame of Helios completely melted me I managed to pull off a sealing spell and bound my soul to my library.”
Edward: “whew what a relief. For a second there I thought I actually made a mess of things u-“
Jhet: “ Ohhh nooo. You merely destroyed my mortal flesh. Believe me boy I am beside myself with rage like you’ve never seen! ( deep sighs ) thank the heavens I am still able to continue my mission....although things will get a bit more difficult now”.
Jhet scratch his ghostly chin as his corporeal spirit form wisps and moves throughout the library. His soul bouncing from book to book he tests out his new form yet he seems vacant as if in deep thought.
Jhet: “here” he explains as a ghostly arm shoots out from the boom shelf and tosses a particularly heavy book at Edwards head knocking him to the floor.
Edward: “oof! ....hey you did that on pur-“. Edward stops and looks up to see the ghostly spirit of Jhet standing before him arms crossed and his head his low with sadness.
Jhet: “ after all this time Edward....do you know why I chose you? Surely you’ve formed some hypothesis by now”.
Edward: *rising to this feet “ because you see great potential in me unlike anyone you’ve ever met?!”
Jhet: “no....no my boy if only it were that simple. No, no fate has something far more sinister in store for you.....open that book.”
After several minutes of unlocking various clasps and buckles, Edward was turning through the pages of a beautiful violet and black smoulder-skin bound book. Each page felt heavy as if the very ink on the page held weight. Instructed by Jhet, Edward flipped through page upon page of ancient text, sacred spells, arcane wisdom, Druidic monsters, and delicious recipes for lemon cake until finally reaching the right page.
Jhet: “ I am so sorry Edward. Fate would have it that you would have to bear the burden of my greatest mistake and hubris.....the great genie of sovace, Malcoz.”
Looking down at the page Edward saw one of the most frightening images he’d ever seen. While the page remained still the images on the page seemed as if they were alive. There stood a silhouette of a large figure veiled by dark black clouds and blue lightning. A pair of ruby red eyes peered back at Edward through the chaos of storm and wind. They felt enticing and even kind almost like a long lost friend. Yet something deep behind them felt a cold heartless evil energy unlike anything Edward had ever experienced. With great effort Edward tore his eyes from the book realizing he was in a cold sweat and out of breathe.
Edward: “ what....what was that”. * Edward panted as he struggled to catch his breath. He closed the book tightly between his hands and looked down at the oddity.
Jhet:” that merely a suggestion of his power or rather the sheer malice he holds. Sit Edward. Please have some tea. It will help. It is time I tell you the truth of my work here. The truth behind my great power and your future. The seeing stone tells no lie and for you Edward I have seen you become an even greater sage than myself. You become a true hero....you become......Edward?”
Jhet looks toward Edward who lays fainted on the floor.
Jhet: *shaking his head and pinching his brow. “ oh bother, this is going to be an ordeal”.
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