#oh my god. it was bad. i was starting to question her validity as a professor.
anders-hawke · 10 months
finally back to thinking about my essay class today. i don’t think i have ever gotten less helpful feedback.
0 notes
ripleyresonance · 9 months
Sweet Enough to Eat pt 2
Sugar Mommy Rhea! x OC
Part 1
Thank you guys so much for all of the love on the first chapter. Typically I am a one-shot Sm*t kind of girl but let's see where this story takes us. And don't worry I will still post some one-shots in between.
As the two sat across from each other at a quaint cafe Cali’s mind was racing. She looked down at her freshly manicured nails tracing the outline of her stiletto acrylics with her thumb as Rhea sat down. 
“I ordered you a mimosa...I know it's 2 pm but I say we celebrate our new…relationship.” Rhea smiled. 
Cali blinked a couple of times studying the woman's face to see any doubt and yet the woman was dead serious. 
“So I was thinking we could talk about the…finer details?” Rhea winked finally pulling Cali out of her shock.
Cali was a lot of things but when it came down to “business” she could put everything else aside. 
“My weekly fee is 3k but if you do monthly I can let it slide to 10k,” Cali said taking a sip from her glass. 
Rhea laughed causing Cali to lift an eyebrow. 
“Sweet girl, I don't know what these other “Mami’s” gave you but I don't have a “Limit”. You like it I get it no question asked,” Rhea said.
“So I can tell you I want a Gucci bag because my head hurts and boom you get it?” Cali questioned.  
“I think that is a pretty valid reason to buy a bag” Rhea shrugged. 
Cali’s mood shifted a bit…maybe she wanted to emphasize the sugar aspect of this relationship. 
“And you expect me to be… “available” all the time? Cali whispered admittedly afraid of the answer. 
“Available?” Rhea repeated.
“Like in the sugar capacity?” Cali said looking into Rhea's eyes as hers went wide.
“Oh god no that's not what I meant, I meant it in more of the way that you should be able to have everything you want without strings attached…well, I guess some strings because I want you to travel with me sometimes or be there when I come home but not make you think you have to have sex with me for it! It is not like I would mind I mean look at you, you are stunning but if we did that I would rather it be”- Rhea studdered as Cali burst out laughing. 
Rhea seemed very flirty and direct from all their interactions so far so seeing her loose composure made her comfortable again. 
“Alright then no sugar…for now. Any other terms you would like?” Cali smiled at her seemingly making Rhea blush. 
“Let's start the deal by making the contract last a year. Therefore if you don't like it or I don't like it we can go our separate ways. I just expect you to show up for me when I ask and I will give you the world. Can you do that for me, pretty girl?” Rhea smiled extending her hand. 
Cali returned the smile placing her hand in Rheas as she lightly kissed Cali’s hand sealing the deal. 
Cali rolled her eyes that time making the Australian laugh. 
“What the hell was that for you can’t already be exasperated with me,” Rhea said.
“Sorry, you just go from so smooth and flirty to the most fuck boy gestures.” Cali laughed causing Rhea to gasp dramatically.
“I will have you know that women usually love gestures like that,” Rhea said.
“So you have done that to other women…like I said, fuckboy.” Cali playfully waved her off as she stood up. 
“And yet, it seems like you like that,” Rhea said pulling her into her lap. “Cali” Rhea whispered in her ear. 
Cali felt her cheeks heating up as she playfully pushed her shoulder. 
‘Hey hey! No sugar for you, YOUR rule.” Cali said standing up and fixing her skirt. 
“Plus I saw this bracelet in a window we passed move it “Mami”. Cali grinned. 
The two spent the day together Cali buying an impressive amount of stuff. To be honest she was not the most high-maintenance sugar baby. But after not having funds for a few months she went a little crazy. She started feeling bad as Rhea made her fifth trip from her car to Cali’s apartment. 
“I'm so sorry it’s such a mess in here,” Cali said frantically, trying to clean up some magazines on the ground and a pizza box on her table. 
Cali had originally been given this apartment by one of her sugar mommy’s. It was beautiful. It had a loft that was covered with plants. As the sun went down you could see the golden light reflecting off of every potted plant making a mix of colors shine through the apartment. But something about the large space seemed…cold. 
Rhea watched as Cali frantically ran around. She made a note to herself of the look on her face of embarrassment as she tried to hide her mess. And Rhea found it adorable.
“Please sit anywhere you like I think I have a cabernet I flew in a while ago from France,” Cali said grabbing two wine glasses. 
“It’s a nice place,” Rhea remarked.
“I know right? I have had some wild nights here..some mornings too.” Cali laughed. 
“It just seems so…” Rhea trailed off
“Luxurious, sophisticated, stunning?” Cali smiled strolling over with the wine.
“Lonely” Rhea whispered making Cali pause. 
“It’s not that bad! I am told I throw the best parties everyone talks about them the next day.” Cali cleared her throat setting the glasses down. 
“But when they leave…” Rhea prodded. 
“What is this the pity party or something? I said I was lonely last night because I was drunk and look It led me to you.” Cali winked trying to change the subject. 
“And we are both the better for it.” Rhea conceded. 
Cali smiled at the response picking up her wine glass to toast. 
“To a new relationship,” Cali stated. 
‘To new beginnings.” Rhea said as they lightly clinked their glasses. 
Cali made sure to cover her emotions with particular care but Rhea noticed immediately something she couldn’t hide from. 
No matter how many parties she had, bodies rushed in and out of the apartment. Cali tried to hide it by liking nice things, but she wanted someone to see her for who she was. 
In that moment Rhea made it a priority. In this year she would see it. She would see Cali’s true self. 
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its-in-the-woods · 23 days
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Coyote Head - Part 11 - Screams in the woods
master list
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part9, Part 10,
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Includes many other characters from Fallout
Synopsis: Lucy reaches for him, “Don’t let go!”
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal/people death, dead animal mutilation, general horror, religious themes, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Older Man/Younger Woman,
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
**Strap in and get ready for a ride kiddos**
Harris and Margie are looking between Cooper and Lucy, the Bible between them. Lucy had brought it over to show them and ask questions about the names on the front page, but she was now being stonewalled. The whole thing felt ridiculous, Lucy was still doubting the validity of any of what was happening.
“I don’t know about these names,” Harris said, looking over the names, his glasses making his eyes look huge. The large man had been on edge since they arrived, his shoulder scrunched body tight.
Lucy blows some air out through her nose, “You said you were lookin’ for the bible, the night me and Cooper got attacked.”
Margie glares at Harris, “Harris, for Saint Peter’s sake, just tell the girl what you know. Or I will piece together what I can, and give her what I know.”
Harris sighs, Cooper looking at Lucy trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Lucy shrugs at him, fiddling with her cup, her fingers itching for a cigarette. It had been a bad idea to start that up while all this stress was happening.
“Margie, you know I was never close with my Dad. Anything he knew about the bible was passed to Tim. Not to me.” Harris was still trying to skirt the subject, fingers twisting around each other as he looked at everyone. 
“Oh, horseshit!” Margie hollered, the little woman’s face going red, as she glared at him. Lucy was taken aback by the sudden outburst. “Fine. Fine.”
Margie stood up grabbing a black jar and pouring a tall glass. “None of you get any, 'cause I sure ain’t in the mood.” 
Harris, Lucy, and Cooper both cringing back as if being scolded with a belt. Lucy’s heart pounding as she tries to keep herself composed, hoping against hope she gets some answers. 
“Now, the MacLean’s have always had secrets. Their crops always good, and cows are always plump. Back in the day before vaccines, they barely ever lost a child. Heck, I barely ever saw any of them get sick.” Margie took a sip of her black drink. “Now we all had theories, all wondered what they were doing. They never cut back more forest than they needed, and always leased at low rates. Yet they wanted for nothing.”
Margie takes a moment to look at everyone, at the table, before she continues. 
“Then Albert died, and Tim took over. What Harris won’t tell y’all is that the whole family had been practicing devil magic.” Margie states no venom behind her words. “Bring offerings to this forest spirit, god, whatever. Not for me to judge.” 
Cooper fiddles with the edge of his cup, his shoulders moving forward, as he makes himself smaller. Lucy felt her stomach twist, she had never been religious, but calling it devil magic seemed too harsh. Even with the Anton Lavey quote in her Grandpa’s handwriting. 
“Whatever Tim did, it worked. But your Grandma was raised in the church. I loved Shirley and she put up with a lot of stuff. When Tim wanted to bring Hank into the fold.” Margie looked over at Harris.  “She said no. Said all of it had to stop, wasn’t going to be a part of it passing down.”
Harris shifts, taking his glasses off and putting them on the table. “As soon as Tim stopped, things started to go south. It wasn’t instant. It was little things, minor flooding in a field that had never flooded before. Seeds not taking as well as they should. Losing more calves than normal.” 
Margie nods, letting out a sigh, she got up and brought some glasses over. Pouring small amounts for each, before sitting down, still glaring at her husband as he speaks about his family.
“We wrote it off as a bad year.” Harris sighs, fiddling with the cup but not taking a sip. “But it kept getting worse, and worse. Blanche kept telling Harris that he needed to start doing the offering again.” 
Lucy took a sip of the black drink, it was bitter, but also strangely sweet, most likely gooseberries. 
“Shirley kept saying no, and then Blanche died.” Harris swallows, “Found her lying right by her chickens.” He finally takes a drink, wincing at the sweetness. “All her chickens were gone, and the thing had taken her eyes.” 
Cooper looks pale as he stares down at his cup, Lucy finishing hers in a quick swig. She rubs her hand along his knee hoping to help ease him. The thought of her great grandma laid out dead by her prized chickens was horrid.
“So, Tim decided it was time to start up again.” Harris says, “Shirley was beside herself, thought her husband had lost it. “
“But it worked,” Lucy spoke, “Things got better, crops grew, cows birthed easily, no one got sick anymore.” 
Harris nods, finally sipping the drink, “I didn’t want to believe it either. How could bringing a loaf of bread, or bundle of herbs, make the ground seem so much richer.” 
“Why didn’t you tell Lucy?” Cooper interjects, fingers running over the rim of the glass in several circles. 
Harris leans back, taking another small sip of the liquid, Margie pouring everyone a little more of the makeshift brew. 
“Tim said it ended with him.” Harris finally spoke, “When he came to tell me he was dying.” The man looked out into his yard, eyes glassy as he spoke. “He was different, it was the first time I’d seen him look so content with life. Tim kept going on and on about how it was finally going to be over. That he would finally be free, the whole family won’t have to worry anymore.”
“We should have told you Lucy, should have been more forward about the whole situation. But Tim was adamant it was over,” Margie adds, Lucy feels a cold spread of anxiety spill from her ribs out into her stomach. 
“But then we found the coyote head, us being attacked in the trailer,” Lucy states, “But you still kept it from me.”
“I didn’t think you’d be ready for this, especially after what happened. We wanted to give it some time. So you could heal before we dropped the family past on you.” Harris replies, reaching to squeeze Lucy’s hand. She pulls away, a feeling of betrayal still sitting tight in her chest. 
“You’ve barely been here two months,” Margie states trying to calm the room. “We know now, and we can help make it right.”
Lucy shakes her head, “We don’t even know what we need to make right.” She slides her chair backward. “We are going to go help John this afternoon. After that, we should all sit down and go over the journals and bible together, maybe?” 
Harris’ brows furrowed, “Lucy, I don’t think it’s wise to go in there. I know you want to help-”
“It’s my land, my property, my problem,” Lucy states as she stands up, “I am not sitting on the sidelines anymore.”
Lucy, Cooper, John, and Bert stand at the edge of the forest, Lucy had done up a crude map of the trails she could mostly remember. She had photocopied them so each person had one, radios, and compasses were passed around. Each ATV was checked over making sure fuel tanks were full. Guns carefully strapped into place, along with extra clips. Lucy hoped they wouldn't need them. On top of that they strapped on crates with rope, knives, tools, and first aid kits, along with anything else they might need. 
“So we each take a trail, stick to the path, mark it as we go so we can find our way out. The yellow fence line is parkland, we won’t go past that. Barbwire is either John’s land to the west or Cooper’s to the east. If you make it that far there should be gates that you can use to circle back up to the road. See anything-” Lucy stops her speech for a moment collecting herself. “I mean anything, weird, strange, cow, whatever, you radio. There is no point in any of us getting hurt. Sunsets around nine, but we should try to get out by no later than eight.”
The men nod, at her words, Lucy surprising herself by how calm and level-headed she felt. Not to mention the men listening to her, and not arguing with what she had to say. It felt odd being the one in charge, but this was also her land. It didn’t feel like hers, it didn’t feel like anyones, but if there was anyone who needed to be held accountable for it it was Lucy. She was tired and scared, but she was not going back down, not now.
“The radios we have should cover the whole area without an issue, if you run into issues and can’t get a hold of us come back here,” Cooper adds, making sure everyone nods. “All the families have been told if they don’t hear from us by nine to send emergency crews in.”
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Bert chirps, looking out towards the gaping mouth of the forest. 
Lucy inwardly cringing, she and Cooper had decided not to fill in the others about the supernatural possibilities. Having people scared would help no one. Lucy wasn’t even sure she fully believed any of it. Was something really haunting the woods? Was her grandfather really feeding it? Had it taken her Dad? 
“It’s just precaution,” John adds, peering towards their destination and waking Lucy from her musing. “Never know, better safe than sorry.” 
“Well, let’s get going.” Bert smiles, jumping onto the four-wheel, he starts it up and takes off towards the trees. 
Lucy feels her heart clench in her chest, a low ringing buzz just above the sound of the engine. She takes off after Bert, heading down southeast, Cooper goes directly east, Bert goes southwest, and John goes west. The trees had fully flushed out, leaves defusing the light, and the trails were clear despite having not been used much. She rode at a good clip, fast enough to keep moving but slow enough to take in what was around her. 
The radio sits on her handlebars crackled occasionally, Lucy wanted to stop every time it made a sound, but made herself continue. Every shadow, discoloration, and movement had her head turning. The further she went, the darker the place seemed to get. The hair on her arm starts to stand up, even under the heavy sweater. She couldn’t help but look over her shoulder, feeling like something was following her. Something was watching her, just on the other side of a tree or bush. 
Lucy stops as the radio crackles, her heart pounding in her chest, waiting to hear anything. When nothing came Lucy went to start up again, when a twig snapped to her right. Head turning almost painfully fast to look that way, nothing. Another snapped behind her, hair prickling at the back of her neck. Turning slower this time, Lucy nearly screams, as a black shadow slinks away behind a tree. 
Her hand is on the radio now, tensed up in a panic, her shoulder gathered up against her ears. With no other movement, she goes to turn the machine back on when it crackles.
“This is John, did someone else go directly west?” John’s voice crackles across the forest. Lucy grabs her compass from her pocket seeing that she is still pointing mostly southwest. 
“Lucy here, I am heading southwest,” Lucy replies, Bert comes over the radio saying that he is also mostly south. It was a tense moment before Cooper replies that he had turned so that he was going northeast. 
“Alright, umm, guess we’ll call that weird then. I am gonna start heading up the northwest side towards the gate.” John radios, before it goes silent again. She couldn’t help but hear the hesitation in his voice, whatever was out there had spotted them.
Lucy takes one last look around her, eyes narrowing in on the grey flesh of a stripped tree stump. She gets off her ATV and walks towards it, her heart thudding against her ears. The image of a fresh coyote head on top of stripped wood flashed in her mind. As she walks up to it she can see bones lying around. If you weren’t looking for it, it would have just blended into the forest. She stops a yard or so from it. The tingling feeling of anxiety rushes down her neck like cold water. 
Turning around in a full circle Lucy could just see further another stump. She would bet money that it was also surrounded by bones. Walking quickly back to her ATV she pulls out the map and marks it approximately. How many were out here?  Was this like the stumps that were in the bible? The illustration had shown sigils or ruins, but now they were worn from years of wear.
She turns her ATV on and continues southeast, eyes peeled for any other out-of-place signs. As she drove she would stop and note down other stumps, if she went and stood at one looking west she could see all of them in what was becoming a half-moon shape. Four total, Lucy’s gut feeling was there would be thirteen, one for each month. Placed on purpose, spaced evenly, all surrounded by bone. Every single one made her skin crawl and made her wonder if she was losing her mind. 
The radio crackled again, Lucy stopping immediately and listening. More crackling, muffled noises, then nothing. Her heart lurched, stomach twisting as she waited for any word. 
“I think-” Interference, “A cow,” It was Bert, “Least what’s left off it.”
“Where are you?” Lucy asked, already turning the machine around so that she could head in the right direction. She’d start to head west and hope that she could find Bert.
“If you head to the main trail-” Static, Lucy fires up the ATV keeping the radio turned up. “Southwest-” Lucy strained to hear, “-go directly south.” His voice seemed softer and softer and Lucy roared towards him. “next fork - west“
“Roger, roger,” We are heading your way, Cooper's voice rang over the radio. She felt her heart clench knowing that he was not far away, it was both comforting and concerning. 
“Shouldn’t be far,” John added, Lucy's heart thundering in her chest, fingers aching from holding onto the handlebars so tightly. She kept looking over her shoulder, searching for something in the woods she couldn’t see. The bumps and jumps of the machine propelled her forward. The trees opened into the middle clearing, Lucy skillfully following down southwest. Behind her she could make out the roar of another engine, looking back she could just make out Cooper’s white hat. 
It was a comfort knowing that he was close behind her, hitting the fork she went south. Her radio crackling but nothing, she continued along the path ducking past brushes as they slapped towards her. Mouth dry as she tries to urge the thing forward. A burst of static echoed louder than the previous almost stopping Lucy. 
Lucy grabbed the walkie doing her best to continue to drive one-handed. “BERT.”
“It’s here,”
“What what is it,” John calls out over the radio. “I am not far, Bert. Hold on.”
“Oh god,” 
“Oh god.”
Lucy clipped the walkie back on, riding as fast as the old ATV would go, she could hear Cooper not far behind her. As she hit the fork to head west a scream rang out, Lucy felt her ears ring. Her eyes blurring as the world spun, she blinks several times trying to make her eyes work. 
“Bert, Bert,” Cooper called over and over, Lucy hearing his voice behind her and in front of her as they roared towards their destination. 
Lucy spotting John flying up coming to join the west trail, his hat had been lost somewhere along the way. Lucy slows down to let him go ahead, Cooper now only a dozen yards behind her. Bushes and trees slap her face as they road toward Bert should have been.
As they came up over a hill Lucy had a split second of red lights warning her as she skidded to a stop just beside John. The man was off his ATV, gun in hand as he made his way over to the empty four-wheeler. Lucy parked hers, grabbing her gun and extra clip in her pocket. Cooper is skidding to a stop a moment behind them, the three of them gathering at the empty ATV.  There are skid marks behind the machine, a few scuffs in the ground, and his gun was gone. 
“Bert,” Lucy calls out, his name echoing through the tree, her voice bouncing around like she was in a funhouse. “Bert! Come on, answer us!”
“No sign of the Bert, or the cow,” John says, looking around the place, all of them naturally staying close to each other. Lucy faces one way, and Cooper faces the opposite of her. A perfect triangle as they move. “No sign of anything really.”
Cooper moves over, Lucy watching him as he walks past the ATV. Her eyes spotted what he was looking at, another stump, stripped of bark. Some of the symbols were more pronounced on this one, almost looking fresh.
“Is that another stump?” Lucy asks, moving towards where Cooper is now crouching down. He’d take out a knife to uncover some bones that lay covered in dirt around it. Lucy reaching out to trace over the ruins, the ringing in her ears stopping as she followed them all over the stump.
Cooper looks up, his hazel eyes barely visible under the shadow of his hat, “I saw some when I was driving around. All had bones around them like this.”
“W-w-what are those?” John’s face was pale, his hand fiddling with the stock of his gun. He had walked over to stand near the other two. 
“I am not sure. I don’t remember seeing this many before.” Lucy replies, trying to keep her voice level and calm. Her mind played over all the different illustrations of symbols, people standing around a stump. The face of the coyote flashed behind her eyes. 
“But these are old. Like really old.” John points out, jumping when a twig breaks, his breath is ragged as he looks around. 
Lucy and Cooper both stand looking towards the noise, Cooper swiftly pocketing the knife to replace it with the rifle. They all stand for a moment, the silence swallowing them. 
“Bert! Bert!” Lucy calls out again, hoping that it was him walking back towards them. “Where are you? Call out so we can come get you.”
John was now backing up towards his ATV, Lucy could see that he was shaking as he looked out towards the forest. It felt darker, much darker than it should have been for mid-afternoon. It was as if all the light was slowly being sucked out from around them. 
“Somethin’s wrong,” Cooper murmured, making Lucy jump as his hand clasps her shoulder. He was starting to push her towards the four-wheelers, she could feel her heart start to hammer in her chest. 
“We should call Harris,” Lucy says the dread had now seeped into her bones. Cooper was right, Bert wasn’t replying and there was no sign of him.
“No signal this deep in.” John replied phone in a shaky hand, “Probably thirty minutes from anywhere that would have a signal.”
Another twig snap had them all whirling, again facing nothing but trees and bushes. 
Ringing splitting Lucy’s head as her name came spilling from every direction. Double over she covers her ears, trying to get it to stop. Cooper is in the same position, forehead creased as he groans. John stares at both of them as he stands perfectly still, eyes wide, phone dropping to the ground as his mouth falls open.
John swings around, clearly hearing what they are. Lucy slowly tries to right herself, her eyes blurry as she tries to focus. Cooper leaning heavily against the stump, the forest is spinning past them. She falls and hits the ground, her body screaming at her to keep moving but it feels like someone has put a lead blanket across her body. 
“John,” Lucy croaks, trying to get his attention. He looks like he is miles away, a small pin prick in the distance. “Go, get Harris.”
John is stooping down behind herm helping Cooper up. “No, I am staying with you.” He is beside her now, his hands under her arms as he hoists her against the machine. 
Lucy - Cooper - John
They all stood now, heads as clear as possible the sound of their names coming from all directions. The echoing impossibly around them as if it was coming from hundreds of different voices, tones, and places. The place is so dark they might as well be in a cave, not able to see more than a few yards ahead of them. The wind picking up moves trees above, sending shivers across all of them, the only noise beside their panting breath. 
“That-what- what the fuck,” John states, eyes wide as he looks around. Lucy barely kept herself standing, her legs wobbly as the voice kept screaming their names
“Lucy!” Bert’s voice carries, this time sounding less like static ringing and more human. 
Lucy moves towards it, her feet moving without thought, Cooper immediately grabbing her arm. “Lucy, we can’t. We don’t know what that is.” 
“It’s Bert,” Lucy protests, trying to move away from him, Cooper’s grip only tightening further. He was right, she knew that, she knew it didn't sound right. Yet she wanted to go to them, she needed to go to them. 
“Lucy, think about this. We need to stop and think.” Cooper demands, somehow breaking through the fog. “We gotta stick together. Can either leave and get help, or we all go look for Bert.”
A screech breaks through the air, right in front of them as John’s body falls forward, something grabbing his ankle and starting to drag him backward. Lucy is stunned for a moment before she jumps forward, gun abandoned as she chases after John. His face rubs against the dirt hands desperately trying to grab onto anything and everything he can. A shot rings out in the air, Lucy instinctively duckling down. Her knees hit the ground and she rolls for a second before she is back up. John continues to scream as he grabs for purchase onto a tree.
Lucy reaches for him, “Don’t let go!” Her hands find his, his eyes wide as he screams.
Part Twelve
*I I know I know cliff hangers, but what's a horror read without a cliff hanger?
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kamiko1234 · 3 months
I am currently at the end of chapter 3 of The Titan's Curse and oh man, do I have some thoughts. So first things first. I do not like Artemis. Like, at all. She's currently inhabiting spot 2 on my "I hope Luke wins because of you guys" RIGHT after Ares himself. I REALLY don't like the whole "anti-boy" thing she and her Hunters have going on. Like, okay- I get it to some degree. Chasity and maidenhood is like- her whole thing. But honestly, at this point, it feels almost fanatic. I'm a girl myself, and it makes me genuinely uncomfortable how they act and what they say. It also weirds me out how.... pushy they are to Bianca ? Especially how they seem to disregard Nico in all of this. It was stated that Bianca and Nico are their only remaining relatives. Percy brings up a very valid point in the fact that Nico cannot become a Hunter. Bianca would leave her only brother behind, her brother whose only family she is. And in response Artemis and Zoe just- blow that whole concern off ???????? Saying that they would become Bianca's new family. It could have worked better had this decision only attempted Bianca- BUT IT DOESN'T. What about Nico ? Who would become Nico's new family !? Well APPARENTLY Artemis and her Hunters COULDN'T CARE LESS because he was born with the wrong gender. Sorry kiddo though luck ig 🤷‍♀️ And then that nasty comment when they talk about Nico going to camp with "that's all boys are good for" The fuck Artemis????? I know DAMN WELL ur ass didn't just insult the ONE relatively safe place for demigods where those kids are trained up to do the shit YOU AND YOUR FAMILY are too lazy to do !? Like I have my problems with Camp, not gonna lie. I still think it's still unsafe (even if it's better compared to- well, everywhere else) and their teaching methods are a bit questionable (how has no one thought of organizing some damn therapy for these kids !?) BUT ALSO !?!?!?!? Bianca who JUST said she was still thinking about joining the hunters only to then immediately make up her mind and join ? Naw I'm calling foul play. At this point I'm not putting ANYTHING past ANY god. I would fully trust Artemis to manipulate Bianca's mind or something. I swear to god with every chapter I read I become more and more of a Luke apologist. He went off the deep end for a good freaking reason and he has every right to personally decapitate every god to ever walk the earth. But also, ANNABETH BABY ARE YOU OKAY !? ARE YOU GOOD GIRL ??? WHERE'D YOU GO !? God I am PRAYING it ain't Tartarus or anything- atleast Artemis said she'd search for her so I suppose Mrs. "Human rights for men ? Who needs that !" isn't TOTALLY useless beyond ending my nerves. Poor Nico by the way, he seems like such a nice kid ! A total nerd and drok which honestly ? Stan. As someone who's a nerd myself (although I'm more in the Anime and history department (weird combo ik)) I can stan him. But also MY POOR BABY. That child basically lost his sister to something I'm not yet convinced isn't some weird cult RIGHT AFTER being attacked by a literal MONSTER.
That must hurt. As for Thalia.... yeah not sure about her. She seems to have some bad blood with the hunters of Artemis and that Zoë girl which makes her immediately more likable to me. But also I was sort of thrown into a loop with how suddenly the book started into the story, I would have liked a bit of a slower start with more build-up to get to know her better.
She seems to have a pretty confrontational personality , which is the main thing that makes me a bit unsure about her. But other than that she sems pretty cool so far ! Hope to see more. One thing however made me worry a bit.... that mist thing. Where Thalia was able to manipulate the mist, and upon Percy's questioning asking if "Chiron didn't show you that yet". How it's treated to be nothing special....... listen if I wasn't a bit iffy about the whole system of the Camp I am now. Why didn't Chiron show Percy that ? It doesn't look to be some special ability reserved for children of Zeus. Infact, why didn't Chiron show that EVERY demigod !? I am hoping to god that an explanation for that's gonna come up later to explain this. Otherwise I'll just have to assume that Chiron is refusing to teach those kids a valuable and also kinda important skill just because.
(Also on an off note, y'all remember that one "Who's Jason Theory" I had a while back where I concluded he's either from Roman North Korea or a Rome fanboy ? Yeah I got it confirmed from a friend a while back that he's from Roman North Korea. Holy fuck, so apperantly The Democratic Demigod's Republic of Rome exists canonically. And apparently they are the East Germany to Camp Halfblood's West Germany. Yikes. Don't know much more tho than it existing and apperantly being well, Roman North Korea. So please no spoilers there ^^)
(Please mark any spoilers in your replies/reblogs so I can avoid them, thank you )
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crushedsweets · 5 months
ninakate or any wlw nina ship w/ good luck babe by chappell roan,,,,
oh god. ok youre so right that this works with any wlw nina ship, but im gonna go through the lyrics and describe some toxic ass ninakate scenario that comes to mind LMFAOOOO SORRY I LIKE TOXIC YURI
ok so in an AU of my AU where ninakate happens, it all starts after nina is stabbed by jeff. they make her heal in the proxy cabin cuz theyre worried jeff will break into ninas apartment and finish the job(he has no interest in doing that tho). tim/brian/toby/jack are busy with zalgoid issues, SO kate sorta...keeps watch on nina while she heals. cuz of that, nina starts latching onto kate. between kate cleaning the stab wound, bringing her water, wrapping her up in gauze, nina crying into kates arms unprompted, asking kate to sleep in the same bed with her cuz she cant sleep, nina asking kate quiet questions for hours while the radio hums and rain pours outside... they share an awkward, "meaningless" kiss. nina blamed it on emotions running high. kate didnt know what to blame
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(this section is HEAVILY inspired by still a friend by the back seat lovers, the entire song is very my-au ninakate)
SOOOOO i wanna go from THAT SONG into good luck babe by chappell roan...
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"you can say that we are nothing" after the kiss, nina would probably be like 'we should go to sleep' and the next morning laugh about it and tease kate and be like "thats so funny, i never kissed a girl like that before. was that your first kiss? oh my god kate are you serious?! we should probably keep that between us, huh? its okay, it wont happen again!" and kates just nodding along while her brain is going 100mph. but kates perceptive as hell and she'd easily see all the little changes that happen afterwards. nina's gaze falling, her hands lingering, little comments she makes. and it'd make kate feel kinda stupid. "guess im the fool, with her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof" toby ends up 'inheriting' an old rusty red pickup truck from tim. i doubt it would have a sun roof, but i could see toby and nat up front, while nina and kate are in the back (like, the BACK bed of the truck). nina would be giggling, tilting her head back and her hair is flying like crazy and her arms are out and kate cannoooot get that damn kiss out of her head, especially when nina looks like that.
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im thinking maybe it happens again. the group was hanging out, but nat and toby went off somewhere else, leaving nina and kate together. and kate offers to walk nina home, but ninas like 'what if i spend the night instead?' and kates immediately like Oh jesus christ okay. and they talk . and chat. and banter. and nina would bring up that stupid kiss and say something about 'i wouldnt mind doing that again. i mean, as friends.' and kates head is spinning.
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and despite all of this, nina is still in a bad headspace. before, during, and after her relationship with jeff, she has HORRIBLY low self esteem and a need for attention/validation, and she will seek it out anywhere. she'd blame it on a million and one things "oh its just for fun, oh i was just drunk, oh its not that serious, he was cute, i got his number!". especially when trying to heal her bruised ego after the whole jeff thing (alongside a few huge arguments with toby calling her out on her BS). and kate listens, and even though she's really blunt and straightforward, she doesnt feel mean. not like toby or nat or jack. so even when kates like "that doesnt make sense" "that seems stupid though" "why would you do that" ninas just laughing and being like "it just felt right in the moment! im having fun, kate!". she thinks kate just doesnt get it, on account of never being in a relationship, but kate knows whats going on. she knows why nina is the way that she is, but all she has to say is . GOODLUCK LMFAO. shes not here to control or convince or plead with anybody, and def not nina. and i think that would kinda irk nina a little. she'd kiss kate, then a couple nights later talk about a guy she met at a bar, and kate just side eyes her and is like 'have fun' and nina wishes there was more
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ok whether their kisses turn into anything else, i think theyd both continually agree to keep it a secret from everyone else. it would just be a huge mess that neither of them want to address, especially kate dealing with toby. but i think once kate starts getting a little affection and whatnot that she's never received (she's been in the chaser mode for over half her life, mind you), it would feel incredibly suffocating but also incredibly freeing. like she feels like something new has opened up to her, something that she got locked out of years ago. and nina has the key, unfortunately
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ok this is where the song and story falls apart a little cuz ninas not getting married to anyone. i guess this could be a hypothetical where she goes back to jeff for a moment in time, but.. ehh.... dunno how i feel about that. and i dont think the 'i told you so' fits kate cuz she just kinda lets nina do whatever. asks questions and is like ??? and maybe has a bit of an attitude when saying 'good luck with that', but she never tells her what to do
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i know "the feeling" is more about being into girls and how you cant hide from it, but i dont think the whole lesbianism thing would be their issue. in a ninakate interpretation of the song, i think 'the feeling' is either ninas issues with romance and self worth, kates ache to be with someone despite thinking she has no right to it, ninas guilt for leading kate on, and of course their literal romantic feelings...
anyway. anyway. um. cries. i just i really. i really im just. im fond of lesbians alright.
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maxphilippa · 4 months
You've mentioned Nickel is suicidal due to the whole his luck killing him thing (paraphrasing here), but wouldn't Clover also be suicidal by the same logic in EP 8
Oh my god,,,
Okay. So.
Clover's case is a bit more different because she's literally a goddess. Just a few moments episodes ago before her elimination she wasn't even AWARE of the fact that she had that luck and saw it as a funny little thing once she realized this. However, when Nickel let her know that her luck CAN affect people (because even if it wasn't her intention, her luck always made sure that she got what she wanted/was always safe, even if it led to hurting others badly), and this led her to feel like she could hurt others and feel powerless in her own self. Do I think Clover was suicidal because of her luck? Well. Yeah. She did wish to get rid of her luck the same way Nickel did, and that ultimately got her dead. Same as Nickel. She was extremely paranoid because it COULD get other people hurt just for the sake of her safety, and it led her to doubt if people ACTUALLY cared about her (ex. Goo saving her and Clover questionating if he actually did it because he wanted to, or if it was because of the luck). But she quickly realized that it wasn't the case, and that she's in control of it, because it is who she was after all. And having full control of it led her to actually be able to help people and to not hurt anyone else, and once she was out of the game she immediately went to create a paradise just because she could (and possibly to help the Taylers as well). She was rightfully concerned about the safety of others, and she seems to be pretty okay with herself now because she knows that she can do good things. It was paranoia and her not being able to trust herself to not hurt others.
Nickel on the other hand is more so a very different case on the way he took it. He's someone who values genuine relationships and is a pretty hard working person. He's pretty used to things not going the way he wants, and he has severe trust issues after everything that happened both in s1 and s2. He was an asshole towards Clover regarding her luck, yes, but he did have good intentions while doing so and genuinely felt bad for her as well. But his concerns were valid. The luck that Clover had pretty much gave her everything she wanted without even trying, and Nickel is scared of what he can't understand (this is very obvious on s2 as he can't understand why Balloon wants to be on good terms with him, and Nickel does think that Balloon DOES want to change, but he does not want to have to do anything with it). So, when Nickel gets the luck, he's pretty unaware. But once he realized that everything was going like he wanted it to go, he started panicking. Nickel is someone who struggles deeply with his mental health (being stuck on Idiotic Island for months, being on s2, everything that happened on the alliance, etc), and has troubles with making genuine connections, so him having the luck made him think that all of his connections (yes, even with Balloon, even if Balloon was his best friend BEFORE getting the luck. also this might also apply with Bot since after Nickel lost his luck, they haven't been talking). So of course this sends him into a very very bad mental space and. Well. Silver and Candle took advantage of it.
Ultimately I do think that Clover's wish was more literal in a sense, though. Yeah she did also commit, but I don't know if it was because she wanted to, she genuinely just wanted to get rid of the luck so she wouldn't hurt others. And Nickel wasn't aware of when he did this as well. But the luck IS pretty literal on it's own way. It gave them what they wanted the most: get rid of it.
And Nickel is okay without having it. Clover finally understands and can control her luck. So yeah. They pretty much went through shit.
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Holiday party with Andy
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Mostly fluff tiny bit of angst some anxiety Andy Barber slightly older than his girlfriend and fluffyness but 18+ just incase
Comments & reblogs welcome no reposting or publishing
Special thanks to @cevansbrat0007
"Hey sweetheart you don’t have to be nervous look-"
"It’s not that I just I want to make a good impression on them"
"I don’t give a shit what they think from a 2 hr party with an introduction that lasts 3 minutes. I’m not going to break up with you just because someone goes 'I don’t like her.' Because  I love her and that’s all that matters beautiful" he kisses my head. 
He said he loved me he never said that before I wonder if he realizes he just said that 
“Hun you hear me.”
 "If you don’t want to go you don’t have to go.”
“You kidding let all those women and men around you with alcohol in their systems and their work guard down. Hell no. I gotta steak my claim.”
"You steamed your claim"
"Um not to them. Now either I go or I give you a giant hicky"
"Either, or can't be both?" 
"What? It’s a valid question."
I roll my eyes.  
"Ok pants or dress"I swear I can see his eyes darker. "That’s not why I asked  I meant and that’s not happening."
"You need to stop watching "The Good Fight." 
"Pants I know you feel more comfortable than the dress even though I like it better." 
I get a kiss on my hair. 
"Yea but it's cold"
"He smiles you can wear your velvet one."
He hasn't seen me in the velvet one it barely covers my butt, but then again slightly tispy jealousy Andy is fun to play with, "Hey we're taking a Lyfy tonight, right."
Yea why?
 "Just wondering"
Why plan on getting drunk on eggnog? 
I roll my eyes 
"One time it was one time and didn't it didn't taste like alcohol how was I supposed to know-"
"Mhm This is not a trial Missy." He grabs my hips bringing me close to him. 
"Don't missy me," I pout "I don't like being made fun of."
"I'm sorry babe you know I love you," he says wrapping his arms around my neck giving my temple a soft kiss. That's the second time he said he loved me in an hour. 
"Ok red velvet dress it is. Only cause you asked so nicely. " But if I get sick-" I point at his. 
He throws his hands up in surrender 
"I will take days off and nurse you back to health."
"Good boy" 
"You trained me well."
We get to the restaurant and I am suddenly regretting my choice of outfits and why does everyone here look so old i mean I know late 40s and 50s but they look like… God I can hear the jokes now about me looking young i feel bad about the jokes they might make to Andy about him and me being a good digger there's only a few years That's not fair its not his fault I look young he shouldn't have to-"
"Hey what's got you so worried Princess? Your coat."
"Oh yeah," I shrugg it off. "Are you sure I can uber home I mean they everyone is and I'm and you don't deserve."
"Hey relax no one is going to make a joke  and if anyone teases you you come get me and ill fire them." 
"K." I can't help but smile "But then who wouldn't want to make up an excuse to try to get you to dump me and date them?"
"Well it wouldn't work." He kisses me.
I give him a smile and then another piece of anxiety hits my brain. 
"I dont know any people he works with what if I seam so stupid and they just think I'm clingy and  I-
"Hey no one is going to think you're stupid. And I like having my arms around you as long as you do"
"Wha- did I say that outloud?"
"No you have different faces for different anxieties."
I groan as he wraps his arms around me. 
"I only noticed cause I pay attention sweetie  and- did that- was that dress always that short?"
"Yes I was wondering why you wanted me to wear it."
"You are not picking up anything this whole night."
"Andy if something falls-"
"I'll pick it up"
"Andrew you started this" 
He pulls me in front of him in a tight hug and then leans in and whispers "and I'm going to finish it." I can hear the smirk. All I want to do is crawl onto bed and sleep. 
"Well if it isn't the love birds."
I relax seeing Duffy.
"Hey nice to see a familiar face."
"I was hoping you two were going to make it. That's a short dress. I don't want to be arresting anyone tonight."
"It was Andy's idea."
"I didn't know the dress was that short." He says with an honest tone his voice raising up at the end defending himself. "But as long as no one touches her there won't be a problem." He says very matter of factly.
"I get a bit of a shiver  and move my shoulders forward at that mention
"Sorry sweetheart i didn't mean to-"
"No its my fault Andy I'm sorry. I "
"It's fine, I'm just glad I have Andy here and you if he gets out of line. " I wink. " plus I don't know anyone besides you two. You should come over soon for dinner."
"I'd love to."
"Do you like steak? Andy bought some for some cookout this fall that we never did and we need to use them or their worthless. I meanz God. didn't mean it like that. Sorry."
"No its fine and I absolutely do love steak."
"Next week?"
"What day?"
"Friday? 7?"
Still in his embrace I look up at Andy who nodded.
"Friday sounds great."
We part ways and we go to get a drink. 
"Oo eggnog."
"No." He laughs
"Why what's in there?"
"Vodka probably."
"I like vodka."
"I know but your migraine meds-"
I took them early afternoon so I don't take them tonight so its not an issue. And its just a cup. 1 cup Andy.  I know you mean well sweetie but trust me I got this." 
"Ok I trust you."
He gets me a cup and he holds my hand or my waist as we talk to people and by we I mean him because I am really really nervous and know no one. I end up playing with his hand a lot.
"Be right back sweetheart I have to go to the bathroom" I not as he says it into my ear and then kisses my temple. 
I intended to go straight to the bar to sit but I get intercepted but 
"Hi I'm Niel"
Andy's fried turned arch nemesis. He's ikier looking in person.   I introduce myself with the kindest I hate you smile I can muster. 
"I haven't seen you around  the office.Are you new?" 
This is his best lines ugh. 
"Uh no I'm here with my boyfriend."
"And he left you alone thats not very boyfriendly."
Neither is hitting on someone like this And I'm getting major creep vibes. 
"Well he-" 
Someone knocks into Neil and the drink accidentally spills on me a bit 
"I am soo sorry" a genuinely-genuine reaction forms on his face and  like a kick almost he changes attitudes to appologize 
"It's fine I'm fine " I back away before he can get napkins and I back into Andy. I know thst body anywhere.  I sigh and close my eyes for a moment of relief knowing he's there. I'm ok and he'd kick ass if I needed.  
"Babe what happened? You ok?" He looks up 
"Niel" he girts out 
"This is your boyfriend-"
"Yes I'm her boyfriend. What happened here? Neil."
"It was an accident." 
"It really was Andy."
"Niel." He growls out.
"Okay. Now that introductions are done. Andy, sweetie" and nope can't break their eye contact so I step in front of him. Bringing his eyes back to me "Why don't you come with me to the bathroom and help me get this out ok." 
"Yes lets." He takes my hand and then I see him give one last menacing look at Neil. 
I go into the women's bath. 
"Hello, anyone here my boy friends helping me with a stain."
No responses so I lock the door."  With a sigh as I lean back on it.
"Hey hey what happened what did Neil say ?"  his voice is soft but his eye furrow and its slits but I can still see his hands being forced out of fists by his own mind. At least he's trying. 
"He was just being a creep and someone bumped into him and thats why it spilt but-"
"How creep did he get?"
"The normal I'm used to. nothing I can't handle but I just, I missed you. The minute I bumped into you I knew everything would be ok "
"You knew that was me?"
"Honey I know your chest anywhere."
"What a coincidence I know yours anywhere too." I smile and laugh as my head drops down but when I look back up 
He is still looking at me with sad eyes he knows I'm not telling him everything but he's not pushing. 
"Honey any level of creep is not something you should be used to." His finger brushes my cheek softly.
"He was just hitting on me claiming you weren't being very boyfriendly enough." 
I think I said too much. 
"I'm fine." 
He sighs and wraps his arm around me.
"Are you sure. We can leave."
"And miss out on all that good food?" 
"Anytime you want to go I'll nick Neil out."
"Oka-wait what?"  I laughed. He kissed me and brought me in for a hug. I snacked my hands around his waist. 
"I love you sweetheart" 4th time today makes me smile "I love you too Andy."
He didn't even blink…."You calm enough?"
"Me. Yes?  You. What about that stain?"
"Oh it'll wash out."
I somehow get in a conversation with some wives and he makes sure I'm ok before he goes off to a different conversation himself.  We are ever so in tune and overprotective of each other, probably him more than me knowing I'm nervous we give each other little nods to signal the other is ok.  
When my group breaks up I find Andy immediately even though his group moved a bit.  its like this weird spidy-sense  we have for eachother. I wrap my arms around his waist and he puts his hand over mine. Its the little things that mean the most with us. The little touches the little glasses the little sift kisses.
"Sorry doll this is a private conversation don't think you'd under-."
"Excuse you but my girlfriend is welcome."
"And I just so happen to well  practiced  and versed in constitution law  and since it is a free country with the right to congregate you  can't discrimination against me being a woman as I was invited to the party."
It takes everyone in me not to roll my eyes at Andy who I know is beaming that  A) I remembered my constitutional law class from forever ago and b) the talented way I spin my words i said I was well practiced and verses. Not that it was my job.
A few minutes later I feel a hand slide down my hip I look at Andy and then I follow gaze and to the side of us Neil is in a conversation but obviously staring at my ass. 
"Doesn't he know I'm with you. "
"You ok with my hand there?"
"I didn't move it did i?"
"I love you. I really do. Love you. I don't know if you heard me the last 5 times."
"Actually this was the 5th time."
"So you did hear me," he teases."
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @coltrainbat @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja
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myeuphoricmindset · 1 year
Haunted by you — Eddie Munson
Chapter two
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chapter one & tags/warnings — here
Summary | Eddie Munson's ghost is haunting the house recently occupied by Daisy Morgan. Having been deceased for years, Eddie becomes visible only to her. As she adjusts to sharing her living space with an otherworldly presence, their relationship develops into a compelling yet forbidden romance between the living and the dead. But, how could that ever truly work?
➴ ➴ ➴
Perhaps her childhood visit to the bright white hospital with the grippy socks wasn't a mistake. This is the very reason they sent her away- because she saw people who weren't really there. But that was years ago; she was just a kid with a wild imagination and a talent for making up stories, or maybe that's what they made her believe. There hasn't been an encounter since, until now.
Daisy's gaze remained fixed on the man perched casually on her kitchen counter. The last remaining tear on Daisy's face falls as she stares blankly at him.
He said her name.
He's dead
He said her name.
He said her name.
And he's dead.
Trying to process all of this at once has given her a pounding headache. Daisy found herself teetering between laughter and continued tears. However, one thing she was certain of was her name lingered in the air between them. Her breath caught in her throat, and terror coursed through her at the way her name rolled off this stranger's lips.
"How do you know my name? Are you some sort of stalker?" Daisy's voice quivered with unease, but she found it simpler to ask this than to confront the perplexing notion that he is dead. All of this felt absurd, even ludicrous.
"No," he chuckled, then shook his head, his brown eyes reflecting concern as he observed her growing fear. "God, no."
He began to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender, but then a realization seemed to dawn on him, and he pointed at her, his brows furrowing.
"How could I be a stalker when you're in my house?"
"Stop avoiding my question. How do you know who I am?"
"Well, the officer said it. Ms. Daisy Morgan." He looks at her, his eyes trailing over her face.
The terror still courses through her veins, but as she looks at him longer he doesn't seem like a threat. His eyes radiate warmth, and even his tone, though tinged with sarcasm, carries a playful vibe. Besides, if he had bad intentions, wouldn't he have acted on them by now?
But then, there's that nagging worry: He could be one of those psychopaths that starts friendly, making you believe he's harmless and then he ends up cutting your limbs into tiny pieces and burying them in the backyard like a dog with a bone.
The stranger casually taps his chin, as though something suddenly came to mind, capturing Daisy's focus.
"Oh, and I know your name from Grace. That's your mom right?" He adds, though he appears to be well aware of the answer.
Daisy's stomach plummets.
He knows her name. He knows Grace. He knows how to get into this house. Questions bubble up ready to pop.
"You know —knew Grace?"
He shrugs, "We were roommates for a time. Although, she couldn't stand me. Even tried calling the priest to remove me." He shakes his head as he chuckles.
Daisy stares at him in disbelief, "Bullshit."
"I'm not bullshitting you," He gracefully slides off the counter, appearing unfazed. "The guy walked around throwing fucking holy water into the air. I mean, I hadn't been that entertained in years, so I quite enjoyed the performance."
He casually brushed his black jeans, as though the counter wasn't already spotless. Daisy couldn't help but wonder if he was a product of her imagination. But he moved and acted too real. She could feel his laugh within her chest and hear her name on his lips, making her whole body react. It's beginning to freak her out.
In an attempt to validate reality, she decides to employ a familiar tactic she had used in the past. Her strategy is simple: assign him a name. If she were to ask about his name and it differed from the one she had crafted in her thoughts, then she would find herself, well, let's just say she would be fucked. The silver lining is that it would confirm her sanity. However, the downside is that she would be faced with the disconcerting truth that she was, indeed, talking with a ghost. Either way, it was an unsettling situation.
Now, who does he look like?
Daisy studies the man before her, who persists on recounting his encounter with a priest. He is handsome, the pretty kind. The kind that might make others feel self-conscious. Because, who looks like that, anyway? His skin is flawlessly smooth, his curls look soft and fall just right, and his eyes are captivatingly deep brown. Brown isn't a special color, but the way it looks in his eyes makes you believe that it is. He carries himself with an effortless blend of confidence and ease, even as his words are often laced with sarcasm and playfulness.
Choosing a name is tough, but just to keep things simple, she goes with the first name that comes to mind: Joseph.
Daisy cuts in, her curiosity piqued, "What's your name?"
He looks down at her, "Oh, damn. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Eddie,"
Eddie. Not Joseph. Damn it.
He extends his hand for a handshake, but his gesture doesn't quite sit well with Daisy. Is he trying to be funny? Does he find this situation humorous?
Daisy isn't finding it amusing at all.
Clutching onto a fragile strand of hope that things might not be as they seem, Daisy cautiously raises her hand to meet his. His head tilts ever so slightly, assessing her, and their brown eyes locked as they await her next move.
He looks real, which shakes Daisy's convictions to their core. His chest rises and falls, his eyes blink, and his lips curve into a genuine smile. All too real.
"I'm not going to hurt you. If that is what you are worried about," he reassures her.
She didn't know what to expect, but the cold sensation against her palm just before her hand moved through his was not it.
"Well, shit. I was really hoping things would be different." He groans and leans back against the kitchen counter, rubbing the back of his neck.
"People usually don't see me. So, why can you?"
Daisy shrugs, feeling completely lost. How could she know? Right now, nothing makes sense. Frustrated, she gets to her feet, still feeling dazed.
"Listen," she says with a sigh, glancing around as if hoping her thoughts will magically clear up. "Maybe you should go haunt someone or something else. I can't handle... whatever this is. I need to go to bed and wake up with a clear head."
"No can do," he replies casually, making his way into the living room.
"W-what do you mean, 'can't do'?"
Daisy follows him, observing as he drums his fingers on the couch while walking toward the record player.
"She never played this, you know," he mentions, lifting an Etta James record and giving it a once-over. "Our music tastes, well," he hesitates briefly, exhaling softly, "weren't exactly similar, but it would've been nice to hear something. The house felt as lifeless as she was." He glances at Daisy, his expression slightly pained. "Sorry," He places the record sleeve back on the table.
Daisy shrugs it off. But, she does takes note that he can pick up things, which is odd because he can't even touch her. But it's not worth dwelling on. None of this matters. She just needs to usher this ghost boy out and get some sleep.
"Alright, Come on," she says, walking past him and holding the front door open.
Eddie's brow arches, and she can see him suppressing a smile, which irritates her. "It was a pleasur—well, not really. But you've had your spooky visit, so you can head back to hell or wherever you came from."
He chuckles, "Hell? Do I look like I belong there?"
She points at his shirt, giving him a sharp look.
Eddie's gaze drops to his shirt, bearing the words "Hellfire Club," and he erupts into laughter. His laughter reverberates through the otherwise silent home, perhaps the only laugh to echo within these walls since they were built.
Daisy, however, remains unamused, her eyes locked onto him.
Eddie glances at his wrist, checking his watch, and takes in a sharp breath. "You're right," he concedes, "I should head back to the club I manage in Hell. Got a lot of work waiting for me." He briefly meets her gaze before making his way toward the front door. "The devil really depends on me. Can't let him down."
"Good luck with that," Daisy replies, avoiding eye contact as she widens the door for his departure.
"Thank you, I'll need it."
Eddie steps outside, a smile lingering on his face, and Daisy wastes no time in closing the door. She releases a heavy sigh and leans her back against the door, feeling a sense of relief washing over her. But before she can fully let go of the weight on her shoulders, Eddie's voice shatters her moment.
"Fuck, I got my days mixed up. Hellfire doesn't meet until Tuesdays."
Daisy lets out a piercing scream as she notices Eddie's head protruding through the door, his body seemingly absent or on the other side. Whatever she's witnessing, it's absolutely terrifying.
"What the fuck!" She stumbles back, clutching the banister for support.
Eddie laughs as he casually walks through the door. No, not around it, but right through it. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"Screw you," Daisy hisses.
"That's fair."
"Go away! Seriously," Daisy stands taller, her chest rising and falling rapidly. She takes a step forward, locking eyes with him. "I don't want you here," she says, her words deliberate and harsh.
Eddie's gaze softens, and his jaw tenses as he steps back. "If I could go, I would've left years ago. But I'm stuck here. So, you'll either have to deal with it or leave."
Leave? If only.
The reality is that she can't leave, and she doesn't want to stay. But she has to. There is nowhere for her to go. To make matters worse, she's utterly exhausted. If she were to lie down, even on the floor, she might fall asleep. Her eyelids feel as heavy as her heart.
"I have nowhere to go," Daisy admits softly.
They lock eyes, silence stretching between them. Something in his gaze begins to dissolve her anger. He's giving her those lost puppy eyes, and it's infuriatingly unfair. Why should she care if he's sad or hurt? She's only just met the guy. But she's not cruel; she still has a heart, even if it's shattered into a million pieces.
Eddie frowns. "Well, me neither. So, I guess we are stuck with each other."
Daisy's gaze drops, and she scolds herself for feeling a twinge of sympathy and for being harsh with him.
"So, what, you really are..."
"Dead? Yeah," Eddie replies casually.
It's sinking in, but not quite. Honestly, how does one even begin to grasp what's happening here? So, Daisy doesn't try to make sense of it. She accepts it, as if it's no big deal that she's standing here conversing with a ghost. It's the simplest way to cope and prevent a full-blown mental breakdown.
"Cool," Daisy says, sounding as stupid as she feels.
"Cool?" Eddie looks amused. "Well, okay then. Uh, should I show you to your room?"
"Wait, are you like... the dead butler?"
Eddie stifles a laugh as he rubs his face. "Don't you think I'd be wearing a suit or whatever butlers wear?"
"Yeah, you're right. Butlers definitely don't wear... that."
"That? What do you mean? What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Eddie responds in a defensive yet playful tone.
Daisy sidesteps his question and grabs her bag. "So, this way?" She points upstairs and starts making her way up.
"Wait, no. What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Eddie calls after her.
Daisy reaches the top of the stairs, where the hallway splits into two directions. She pauses, uncertain of which way to go. Eddie catches up, still muttering about her previous comment, but she interrupts him. "Which one isn't haunted by the ghost of my mother?"
"Oh, no. Grace isn't here. At least, I haven't seen her."
"Yeah, I'm sure she would have made her presence known by now." she says, rolling her eyes.
"Ah, I see. Mommy issues?"
Daisy shoots him a glare, and Eddie's lips tighten before he clears his throat. "Her room was downstairs, in case you were worried."
"I'm not worried, just curious," she replies, raising her chin.
She rolls her eyes once more and pivots on her heel, heading for the room at the end of the hallway. Before she opens the door, she looks back at him. "Should I be concerned that you're going to watch me sleep?"
"Jesus Christ," Eddie mutters, making his way back down the stairs. "Go to bed, Daisy." With the next step, he vanishes.
Daisy stands in the doorway, gazing at the stairs, doing her best to process her bizarre reality. Deciding not to dwell on it, she closes the door and flops onto the king-sized bed.
════ ⋆Eddie⋆ ════
Eddie gracefully glides into the dim, empty room below, with only the moonlight filtering through the windows. Yet, he doesn't require light, for he resides within the shadows.
There it is, or rather, there she is, sitting gracefully in the alcove, framed on a wall adorned with colors he's memorized over the years.
Daisy's brown hair appears duller, her eyes seemingly lacking depth now that he's met her face to face. It's now evident that Grace painted this from a photograph, not from her memory. She failed to capture Daisy's true beauty.
God, she was beautiful.
The house seems quiet to the average ear, but Eddie hears everything—the gentle brush of the wind against the windows, the slow drip of the upstairs bathroom sink, and the constant, distant tapping, a reminder that he's trapped in the in-between worlds.
He's grown accustomed to these sounds. What he wasn't accustomed to was the soft crying from the room just above him. An ache forms in his chest at the sound of Daisy's cries, a physical sensation he hasn't felt in years.
Maybe it's because he hasn't spoken with someone in an unhealthy amount of time, or perhaps it's because he feels compelled to care for this girl, having admired her on the wall for so long. He worries he might be the cause of her tears. But, from the moment she entered the house, it was evident she was upset about something, which eased his pain slightly, suggesting he might not be the cause. Yet, it awakens an old, familiar emotion—anger.
Who could have hurt her?
None of this should concern him. He doesn't truly know her. Loneliness and sadness within his mind have led him to create ideas and versions of a girl he's never met.
Shame and disgust wash over him, especially when he contemplates how she can see him and whether she might find a way to set him free from this house. The thought terrifies him, yet it also provides him with hope.
But how could he even begin to entertain such thoughts while she cries herself to sleep? He turns away from the moonlit painting, closes his eyes, and vanishes into the shadows.
┗━━━ chapter three coming soon ━━━┛
Taglist: @tlclick73, @eddiemunson4life420 @boxofsmittens @sweet-villain @all-time-otaku @enam3l @steveoswhore
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This Melodious Rain (it's all you)
I would like to thank @the-life-support-system for being a wonderful beta!!
(Translation of Telugu is at the end of the chapter!)
Chapter 2
The woman looked outraged - and she had every right to be.
"What are you doing?!" she screamed.
"Shit," Meera muttered under her breath. What was that? Why had she taken that picture of her?
The other woman precisely asked those questions. Meera didn't move from her spot. But Usha - apparently that's what her brain called her - did. 
Meera, for some reason, was rooted to her spot. Fortunately, her body processed her brain's instructions and she began to move.
Usha ran upstairs while Meera ran downstairs. A thousand thoughts were racing through the latter's brain.
What the fuck would she even say? "Oh, sorry, I just thought you looked fucking amazing in the morning light and I kind of got lost in your beauty and took an impulse picture of you!"?
No goddamn way, obviously. How would this woman not think that she was a creep then? What if she thought she would like - masturbate to it or something? Then there would be no chance of even talking to her, let alone getting close.
Why was she even thinking of that in the first place?
Devudaaaaa. ‘Get a hold of yourself, Meera.’ (1)
"Oh my god!" both the women said, when they bumped into each other on the stairs.
The goddess, who was looking increasingly prettier by the second, lunged.
It was only Meera's impressive basketball reflexes that saved her from falling down the stairs and being pinned to the ground forever. Not that she would mind it in other circumstances. 
Meera told her brain to shut the fuck up.
The lights were being switched on. Meera groaned internally. She didn't even know what to say if their families became involved in this.
"What were you doing? Delete that picture!" the goddess literally screamed. She was not getting any quieter.
"Okay! Look, if you shut your mouth, we can resolve this peacefully," she said, trying her best to stay quiet.
"No! Why should I?!"
Valid point. Meera couldn't say anything to that.
She made another lunge for the phone and Meera dodged it again. The prettiest of lips were in her field of vision now.
"Listen. Please stay quiet," she pleaded.
Obviously, the other woman did not. Meera had to resort to extreme measures.
She clamped her hand on the goddess's mouth and immediately started speaking.
"Okay, I know this sounds and looks incredibly creepy but the only reason I took your picture was because I thought you looked beautiful in the morning light. Like in an aesthetic way," she said.
She could hear VTV Ganesh in Beast holding her head and saying, "You are very God-gifted child." and then spit in her face.
The other woman's eyes widened.
They were big and kapi decoction coloured and those eyelashes just enhanced everything. Meera was getting a little flustered and a little lost in them.
Then Usha tapped her hand.
"What?" Meera whispered.
Usha gestured for her to take off her hand.
"You won't scream?"
For a moment, she looked like she was ready to start screaming, but then she rolled her eyes and nodded.
Meera raised an eyebrow. The goddess rolled her eyes. Meera took her hand off.
Usha gulped and then started speaking.
"Show it to me," she said.
"Um," Meera said. Usha raised her own eyebrow and of course, Meera had to show it then.
The picture looked good. The goddess nodded.
"Okay. It looks alright. Do this shit again, and you might get to spend a day in the police station," she said.
Well, that was simple. But Meera winced anyway.
"Yeah. That was a bad idea."
Usha smirked. Meera lost a little bit of herself in that. She was getting used to this pretty fast.
The moment was interrupted by several people shouting various versions of "What happened?" and "Who screamed?" and "Oh my god is everyone okay?!?!"
At least they came after she had explained herself.
They somehow reassured everyone that it was a dog howling and not a human screaming at the top of her lungs.
After everyone went away, Veena, Meera's sister, was the only one left.
She looked at her like she knew something was up.
Meera shrugged, trying to remain nonchalant.
Veena just smirked and went back inside.
What on earth was that supposed to mean?
The shoot was scheduled to begin on November 14th, two weeks from today, so Meera was literally and technically jobless.
She was doing housework and other chores that her dad would do if she hadn't been there. Now her role was reduced to an errand-girl, not the pride of the household, who studied in Osmania.
A real waste of her degree, that was a given, but it helped that the girl from downstairs seemed to look up and smile every time she left for work in the evening and saw Meera.
It was a Monday, and she was up on the terrace hanging their clothes up for drying. Veena, her sister, was also there with her.
"Oi," she started.
"Mm," Meera hummed.
"Are you... like, you know, trying to get the girl from downstairs?" Veena asked, smirking a bit.
Veena was her younger sister. She was her parents' child. It went without saying that she would turn out to be like them - nosy, chatty and annoying. They were hereditary qualities in their family. Meera never tired of wanting to punch her sister in the face.
"Shut up," she said.
"I'm saying this for your own good," Veena began, "but her father's a staunch Christian. You should know that things will go down very badly if the parents and her brother get to know about you even liking her."
Meera reeled. She actually couldn't believe her ears. "She is queer?" she asked, excitement written in bold letters on her face.
Veena looked at her like she was an utter waste of space. "You live in the remotest part of the Andamans or what? You didn't see her in June?" she asked.
Meera really didn't know what to say. June had been very shitty for her. The anxiety of coming out had been eating her up inside and that had gone down how you would expect it to. She had been concerned about her own shit; there hadn't been any time or headspace to be bothered about others.
Coming out was hard. Being queer was not all rainbows like white people suggested on the Internet.
Her previous excitement ebbed away. Meera turned away from her sister, thinking about things like the past and the future and the present.
That evening, the breeze blew quietly. It was 4 o'clock. The entire family was sitting on the wicker set up in the veranda. They were all sipping their coffees and talking.
"Sukravaram Suma kuthuri pellundi ," said Mahalakshmi Thota, Meera's mother. "Mark that in the calendar." (2)
"Memu kuda raavala?" Veena asked. (3)
"Arey! Meeru rakapothe elaga? Raavali. Oddhu-giddhu, em ledu! Final, anthe," Mrs. Mahalakshmi said, ending any arguments whatsoever. Mr. Vishnu Thota, her husband, kept quiet, as he did not consider talking in matters like this his forte. (4)
Meera hadn't been listening to any of this, though. Usha had come out with her own beverage. She looked beautiful as she came outside with a plastic chair, her brother behind her. They sat down and started their own conversation. Usha looked to be smiling. The sun's rays fell on her person, lighting her up in an ethereal glow. The breeze caressed the strands of her hair that had escaped her loose bun and the steam from her beverage fogged up her glasses.
She looked cute in her long shorts and oversized shirt.
And it just so happened that she glanced upwards. A smile graced Meera's face as she gave her a small wave. She smiled back and went back to talking to her brother.
Meera gulped and looked away, her face suddenly feeling warm.
Translation :
 "Suma's daughter's wedding is on Friday."
 "Is it necessary for us to come?"
 "Of course it is! How would it be if you didn't come? You have to. No nothing. This is final, that's all."
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starfire-s · 2 months
i need some advice/opinions about something that happened to me yesterday (i don’t trust my own judgement these days so yeah) anyways my mums friend and her daughter came over to our house yesterday and kept asking me weird questions about my husband and in laws (things like asking me if i still wanted to talk to my husband etc etc) and they could see i didn’t want to talk about them and was visibly uncomfortable but they kept going and they always do this and i’m getting really fed up because it’s like i’m not giving you any answers so just drop it
and it’s not just this but every time my mums friend and her daughter see me they start acting really weird like they’ll start up talking themselves and will start telling me about how many boys are talking to her daughter and want to marry her… and they never do this stuff when they meet just my mum and i’m not there
also yesterday my mum was just talking casually about how my brother is open to marrying a divorcee or widower and this aunty had such an adverse reaction to what my mum said and was like “why would you do that he can marry someone who’s single” like was full on saying things like “oh no may god not do that to your son” and my mum was like wtf??? and then my mum was like my own daughter is going through this what’s wrong with marrying a divorcee/widower and this aunty was like not getting the point and kept talking nonsense about how divorcees and widower’s can’t get married to someone who’s practically single and has never been married before like it was so bad how she reacted that after they left i cried but also this aunty’s husband low key apologised for her behaviour and told me to stay strong so like even he could tell what she was saying in front of me was wrong i think
anyways my question is that is it valid to cut these people out of my life or am i overreacting because i’m already quite emotional and have been for the last couple of months
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kraefishh · 10 months
caleb wittogast, 5, 6, 7, 18, 22, 25
Caleb Widogast you make me fucking deranged.
as I did before I will answer one and then I'm putting the rest of the answers under the cut because this will perhaps be an even longer post. SOOOOOO!!!!
#5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
There is... admittedly a lot of songs that I associate with Caleb. But the 3 that I will mention are Would That I by Hozier because it makes me think about this literal masterpiece of a music video.
Then Curses by The Crane Wives. Which..... hough. The. The whole song is him, realistically. But I am not going to post the entire lyrics in this post for it. HOWEVER THE LAST CHORUS IN PARTICULAR....
Oh ashes, ashes, dust to dust Tell me I am good enough Oh, lay my curses out to rest Make a mercy out of me.
IS SO......
and the last song that I will mention is Bright by Lilli Furfaro as that is. Literally a fansong for him LMAO. But this is the one that I learned to play on guitar and mhmfmhdfhfhhfh it still gut punches me every time I sing it. I nearly cried the first time I heard it, though that is not a non-universal experience from what I'm aware by a LOT of the other people in the comments on that video hhHSDHGD--
uh regardless hit the cut if you wanna hear me scream about the tragic dirty wizard man more.
These three songs (each word with a different link) by Chase Noseworthy that mgmdmfhmdhmfhmdfhmdfghmfg. nagdfnhgmdfhh. I'm good. bUT MAN. THIS MAN EMBODIES CALEB'S VOICE??? ITS SO GOOD??? Honorable mention to these two (same thing) as well. He has a lot of Caleb fansongs and honestly!!! hes so valid!!!
Okay anyway.
#6. What's something you have in common with this character?
This is actually a tough question because while I relate heavily to Caleb it's.... very hard to put the why into words.
He's very determined. He is the embodiment of burnt out gifted kid (no pun intended). He shows his affection through little gifts and quality time spent. He's willing to rip the entire world in half for the sake of those he loves. He really likes cats.
I think without getting into the nitty gritty details that is a Lot of my appeal for him.
#7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
#18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
While this would be an excuse for me to talk about widomauk I am instead forcing empire kids thoughts upon ye.
Caleb and Beau from the start were compelling. And their dynamic never stopped. They're the two humans of the group. They both came from less than ideal home-lives and then had horrible experiences with a person of authority in their lives. Neither of them cared that the other was a shitty person because the other understood. The other understood why they were a shitty person.
Early campaign empire kids is especially fascinating to me from Beau's perspective. Her trying to have a heart to heart with him only to have him walk away from her because he really does not like talking about himself in front of so many people. And her only response is to??? Just passive aggressively yell "WOOOOW. FUCKING COOL, CALEB!!!" At him!!! It is so fuckin funny but also shows that they are still learning to trust each other. Only to then be followed a couple episodes by Caleb apologizing and hugging her and for her to just??? Confusedly hug him back?? That awkward hug was EVERYTHING.
Beau: *schwacks her goggles over her eyes and then turns to Caleb* How do i look!? :3c
Caleb, without missing a beat: You look like a nerd.
I SIMPLY CARE THEM!! They are so stupid together but they are simply siblings!!! They care so much about each other. Caleb is literally willing to give up the safety of shelter for himself and the better half of the group in order for Beau to go on a date with Yasha. Beau sneaks Caleb into the biggest goddamn library which also happens to be the place where everyone hates her just in order for him to get some information. Caleb holding onto Beau for security while concentrating on a spell.
I could go on-- I won't.
#22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
When they make him speak German!!! Especially when they make him speak German correctly!!!! It is actually very rare that I see good dialogue written for Caleb where he will slip into Zemnian (which is. just the German language but renamed for the campaign). Especially writing him where he speaks Zemnian when he's tired!! Acknowledging that he doesn't think in Common!!!!!
ALSO WHEN THEY DESCRIBE HIS SPELLS!!! There's. admittedly there's one fic in particular that I am thinking of while typing this out but I will refrain from linking it.
But describing his spellwork and his little quirks that he does and... god. He's so so complex to work with but when you get it right??? Hough.
#25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I think I immediately liked him hHSDHGhGHDHG.
No but seriously I think seeing enough of Caleb from clips is what made me start watching it. I knew I was going to love him from the start. And that hasn't changed. He is, i think by now, one of my top 5 characters in media?? Like I do not realistically have a defined list but I can guarantee he has a spot somewhere on top 5.
Yeah okay I knew this was going to be much worse when I was thinking about my answers for this but hhhhHOUHGHHFGHH. WHOOPSIES!!!!
Thank you rar for indulging me to ramble about him. He makes me feel so normal (<- I say with a dazed and far off stare on my face).
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leynaeithnea · 2 months
Oh yeah good call doing this song by song becase our essays are getting so long it's illegal at this point haha
Before we get into it, one of the chorus is "kill for love"? DAMN , that's totally not gonna ruin me at all, nu-uh I'll be super fine for sure
Okay let's go
This song is literally my fave of the saga, stuck in my head on repeat because of the melody and the beautiful vocals but also the story?? She is actually a siren trying to trick him but he pulls out a uno reverse card and tricks her even harder ??? Once again LYING CUNNING CHARACTERS FOR THE WIN AJSKSNBSB
Also I'm so jealousy of you bc I did not have it in me to wake up in the middle of the night for the stream but I wanted to see it so baaad, I would have been even more confused than you at 5am don't worry your wild theories are valid
Their little banter is impeccable "answer some questions for me please ?🥺" " Of course babe 🤭🙃" let's say I was on the run from Poseidon that big meanie 😔" " Oh nOo pookie poor you 🥺" They are so unserious !!! And then the vocals in her reply keep me up at night " sailing where he's scared to roam" is done so majestically akdmndns
Can't fight you on this , Ody saying he's shy and terrified is so fuckin funny and random hahahah
Oh good gods don't let me think about it because I know ,I KNOW HE'S PRETENDING A LITTLE BIT THIS IS REALLY HIS PENELOPE AND IT HURTS SO BAD the way he says he'd die for her and he misses her so much , "more than you know "because the siren actually doesn't know , she has no idea how much he misses his wife asakkksnns free my boy he deserves some smooches from his wifeee
( I love how you keep slipping Neil in the conversation and I do not fault you for it bc liars= Neil-Josten-hiding-his-whole-ass-murderer-father-with-ties-to-the-japanese-mafia-like-it's-nothing )
ALRIGHT I have a bit energy again
I agree with everything u said moving to the next song now!
22. Different Beast
the arrow followed by this ear piercing screaming (good think they all had beeswax in their ears fr)
ODY IS SO MAD "lets cut the charade you are no wife of mine" I almost feel like he hates the Siren even more for DARING to pretend to be Penelope, and making him yearn for her even more
the music in that one is also soooo sinister and creepy
and how his voice changes with "i know underwater theres packs of you hiding, yeah i know exactly what you are, a siren" its so vicious and cunning iTS soo good
Then the siren hiss seigsegj
AND THEN THE DRUMs when he starts singing "my real wife knows im not scared of the water, and my real wife knows i dont have a daughter" like the drums rise when he speaks and between the lines and when the strings or whatever they are come up again, the drum gets quieter again for a moment only to rise up again when he speaks...its so cool, i love this drum beat, which continues while he tells his whole big-brain plan (love how we see Odys hubris in this one, he gets so smug about his plans with the sirens that he spends a whole song explaining it to us, on one hand its exposition and him just recalling what happened for story purposes but also it fits the character for his pride - which in the myth is also his fatal flaw - takes over)
also "we are a different beast now" chorus: basically is just "we are the monsters rawr rawr rawr"
"we've been away from home for ABOUT 12 YeARS OR SO" JORGE; JORGE WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID HERE
I've also been wondering, i kind of feel like the ryhtm of the music doesnt fully-align with the lyrics bc theyre shifting between singing and sing-talking, and ive been wondering if thats maybe like a suble sign that acutally Ody and the crew dont hear a thing rn? kinda? idk, i dont have enoguh knowledge about music theory to actually explain the sort of dissonance i feel is happening, it could also just be done like this to showcase how theyre the different beasts now
Sirens singing "spare us" is eery and pretty
Odys embracing the lesson people have been trying to teach him throughout act 1 finially "why, so you can kill the next group of sailirs in this part of the sea, nah you wouldve spared me"
"cut of their tails we're ending this now, throw their bodies back int he water let them drown" HE IS THE MONSTER RAWR RAWR RAWR
AND THen the CHOIR LYRIcs shift to "HE is a different beast now, he is the one to feast now" (i lowkey imagine him just snacking on some Siren tail in that line ngl, the only way the lyrics "the ones to feast now" makes sense is if they literally feasted on these tails, it would also explain why Ody specifically wanted to cut of their tails)
also Ody plss "Kill them all"...ow, but fair i suppose, but you couldve just slit their throats
ADN THEN The last lyrics being "Odysseus" omg gsiejgisejg love it
Also i dont know when this shifted from "my favorite lines in the musical" to "my reaction and analysis to every song" but by now im just vibing with it
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dozenssporks · 1 year
wolfwood, on the phone: you found broom-head where?!
meryl: Like I said, the luggage compartment of a bus heading to North Dakota
vash, shoving his face next to meryl’s so he can shout into the phone: I was gonna see the world’s largest buffalo!
meryl: get off me, dimwit!
*meryl pushes vash away he trips backwards and hits a shelf, several books falling and hitting his head as he slides to the floor*
vash: am I hitting the books or are the books hitting me??
meryl, turning around and ignoring him: he’s jet-lagged out of his mind but he’s hopped up on caffeine or something and won’t take a nap
wolfwood: well, if you’re making him sleep in the motel tub again . . .
millie, who had been passing by with a cup of tea and paused to listen: oh no! we don’t do that anymore, his snores echo in there! Hi, mr. priest!
wolfwood: hey, big girl. What’s he been drinking to get himself so hyper? You know his weird system only gets sleepy when you give him coffee
meryl: there were a lot of cans in that luggage compartment and I did not and do not want to know what they were. Do you have any idea how to get him to sleep that isn’t hitting him on the back of the head with a laptop?
wolfwood: y’see spiky doesn’t like to nap when he’s jet lagged, it--
meryl: stop using your freakishly sharp hearing to listen to our conversation!
millie: mr. vash, be careful! if you jump around like that you’ll spill your tea!
wolfwood: yeah like he said, gives him the heebie-jeebies.
meryl, pinching the bridge of her nose and letting out a long frustrated sigh: what, pray tell, are the ‘heebie-jeebies’?
wolfwood: he has like these weird dreams about spiders an’ stuff crawling on ‘im and he can’t move. Or lizards. I can’t remember.
vash: they take turns! sometimes it’s rats! once it was butterflies drinking my blood!
millie: aw, no wonder you don’t wanna sleep
vash: thank you millie you are the only valid person
meryl: i have very kindly been restraining myself from wringing your neck so shut up!
wolfwood: er. there is a thing that might work.
meryl: please tell me. I’m beginning to remember you get the reward money even if you bring him in dead.
wolfwood: okay, but if you laugh at what I’m about to say you’re a bad person
meryl: I will take that risk. hit me.
wolfwood, sighing: hold his hand while he falls asleep
wolfwood: you’re a bad person.
meryl: I didn’t say anything!
wolfwood: I can hear you thinking! Look, hold his hand and after he’s asleep stay in the room. if he starts making noises in his sleep just kinda quietly say his name until he stops.
vash: I refuse to hold hands! I’m saving myself for marriage! that was non-consensual hand-holding!
meryl: okay, two questions. One, how do you know this? Two, does it really work?
wolfwood: it works on the kids back home, I was on the verge of beating his spiky head in, I gave it a shot. Not a hundred percent success rate but fairly high.
meryl: Urgh. I guess it’s easier than getting rid of a body.
wolfwood: that’s the spirit. welp, since this isn’t my problem I’ll sign off. have fun and God bless!
meryl: drop dead!
*meryl hangs up and whips around. vash in the act of trying to climb a shelf freezes in place*
meryl: millie
vash: no. don’t.
meryl: grab him
millie: yes, ma’am!
vash, kicking and flailing in millie’s grip: noooo! you’re so mean! you’re still the only valid person but you’re so mean!
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mye-chi · 11 months
6 and 29 for the ask game!
oh i didn't expect to recieve any questions but i'm flattered regardless! ૮( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)ა
06. what are your favorite and least favorite skins?
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in no particular order these are my top seven favorite looks!
i think nekoette and dmitri are cute next gen designs without being a complete copy of their parents! i especially adore the white cat ears, light blue hair, and pink clothes that nekoette has, it's very pleasing to the eye.
likewise zoey got such a massive glow-up in s2 oh my goodness. i much prefer this color palette compared to the darker, saturated colors she used to have and the bright pink lips she had (only brendan and ginger laurance pulled off having lips imo). the clothes she wears are very cute too, really fits communicates that she's an elf.
rebirth aphmau my girl, my gal, my beloved!! i just think the markings are just such a great way of elevating her base design and immediately setting her apart from the other characters. equally i also really like the cocomau irene design, trading out the pale blues for a bright purple speaks to me.
i think lo's skin is a bit too pink and his new skin has his eyes way too blue, but as a general skin? prettier than the entire male cast. garroth who? laurance what? don't know them sorry.
i know the blue jacket laurance's skin is just an outfit template but oh my god does he pull it off well. my absolute favorite out of all of his clothes and you can pull that from my cold, dead hands.
AND I DON'T KNOW WHO THE PHEONIX DROP DAYS GIRL IS BUT OH MY GOD??? PRETTIEST DESIGN BY FAR??? when i stumbled across a photo of her my jaw dropped i was so shocked. girl, are you single i'm asking for a friend.
i also really like the kitty cat maid cafe butler uniforms for uhm. no reason. no reason at all!
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...i'm not doing a top seven least favorite looks. these two are such a horrific crimes against fashion that the other mid looks weep in comparison.
they just straight up yoinked brian's skin and gave him four belts in return. what is that horrid chain mail texturing. an entire team of people allowed this look to happen. shame on all of you.
and don't even get me started on laurance. look at this guy. look at what he's wearing. laurance sweetheart honey babe. there's no way cadenza let you leave the house looking like that there's no way.
29. any general unpopular opinions?
oh boy this is long.
too many people are weird about jessica having a self-insert. there's a huge difference between not liking how jess's personal feelings have been a detriment to the series and vehemently saying you hate her for daring to include herself and her interests on her own channel.
"she's such a narcissist for including herself in everything" "why does she project herself so much on aphmau?" "i can't believe she stole her name after a final fantasy character—" personally i think it's based to get a shitton of money from role-playing your overpowered mary sue. cringe culture is dead and no this does not make me a jess supporter for not whining endlessly about the smallest shit. not all criticism is valid and i'm allowed to disagree with it.
also i find it tiresome when people endlessly complain about canon, prop up their rewrite, and said rewrite is just a bunch of bullet points on a google doc. which isn't to say that you aren't allowed to critique jess, i'd be a massive hypocrite if so, but atleast she actually made something. way easier to critique a piece of fiction when it actually exists (and on the same note, most rewrites aren't my cup of tea compared to just rewatching rebirth! which isn't to say that they're bad but i haven't found one that's of the same quality or pursues the same avenues that rebirth does. which, again, not a bad thing and absolutely understandable.)
and also i think it's fucking laughable whenever people rightfully complain about the problematic shit in canon but then keep/add problematic stuff to their rewrites. if i see another "🥺 omg laurance touching his s/o face" post i'm setting myself on fire.
...also i don't like younger dante hcs after someone tried arguing that he's canonically a child to defend putting him in a grooming subplot (no the fuck he isn't). i think the idea is nice and has a lot of potential but i'm probably never going to pursue the idea myself or interact with it from now on.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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If the Fortune Arcana is literally a fortune teller, I am going to slash some tires. Especially since, like, the point of the fucking Wheel is that you are not in a position to see where it will turn.
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Some journalist I've seen for like five minutes makes a deal with Reverie. She'll give a name of the criminal running the scams in Shibuya but she wants access to someone at Shujin who suffered under Kamoshida's abuse.
Which is a shitty deal, so calling it: Devil arcana.
Morgana suggests Mishima for the deal, so, uh
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I hate Mishima but this feels terrible. 8C Come on, he's gonna think it's a date and instead someone is gonna ask him about the volleyball coach beating him. This sucks, Persona 5 Royal!!!! I hate this!
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And Ryuji gets accosted by... drag performers??? Or are they just queer people? I am literally looking through my screencaps of this scene and I frankly don't get what it's trying to imply here???? I feel like it's a joke at my people's expense but I'm missing context, so. SHRUG.
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Kaneshiro's palace seems to be the entirety of Shibuya's central street. Which made me think they just didn't want to make new assets but I'm proven wrong in a bit.
Seeing people as walking ATMs doesn't make sense to me, like, you withdraw from your own account with ATMs, not from the magical ATM fairy. I don't get this metaphor. Whatev!
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I feel like this was an incredibly valid question. Unfortunately, Morgana cannot turn into non-car things. Which really begs a lot of questions about why he can become specifically a van.
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Ryuji when was the last time you were useful, homes, you are the one who got us into this fucking mess with Makoto because you kept screaming about being a Phantom Thief, you absolute dunderfuck. Don't insult Morgana.
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Dinnertime at the Nijima Household.
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This is a totally inappropriate reaction but I started laughing in disbelief because like. This turn is SO hard and SO sudden and came out of nowhere???? Sae, bruh, what the fuck, are you having a bad day?
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OH MY GOD SHE IS LMAO THAT'S HER EXCUSE. And then she says she's going to stop coming home for dinner from now on???? Holy shit?
lmao as the main caretaker of a very frustrating person who drives me batshit, I am judging Sae so fucking hard right now. Remember the halcyon days when we first met Sae? God, I barely remember. Now she's interrogating our card collection and making Dojima look like Parent of the Year.
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The Thieves meet up to talk about how to reach the Palace and Makoto just invites herself along again, and Ann happens to call her "useless" and oh my god is this like her trauma trigger?
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Makoto completely loses her shit and is like "okay fine I will go find you Kaneshiro" and storms off
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Gets shoved into the back of an unmarked car by two thugs
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Everyone very reasonably flips their shit too and chases after her, including Ryuji throwing himself into the path of a speeding car to make it stop
which: is the most Chariot shit any Chariot has ever Charioted, but also if he got hit doing this, I would have deleted the game in a rage-blackout, i'm so furious with Makoto
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and oh she leads them to Kaneshiro! and he immediately snaps a photo of them all for blackmail purposes. he wants 3 million yen in 3 weeks.
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Everyone gets a shot of sympathy for Makoto because she's like super sorry that she flipped her shit and ran off and confronted some mafia dudes and got in their car and wound up needing a rescue and then got everyone on the hook for 3 million yen, which is about what I make in a fucking year (roughly)
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whatever, they bring her into the Metaverse, she pops her Persona, it's a motorcycle, which is way more fucking cool than she deserves
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you know what, same here. same here.
I think I feel comfortable saying, yeah, this is worse than Ryoji. If anyone is hoping I turn on Makoto later, do not hold your breath, because this is a staggeringly bad prolonged introduction to this character. I am to a point I want to sit down with the writers and just ask them to explain to me what impression they intended to leave on the player, taking a character who has thus far only been a stalker and harasser of the protagonists turned outright blackmailer turned into oh now someone else is blackmailing us bc of her? and then handing her off like "here's a new teammate"
the actual
thank you and good night. I'm going to bed.
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eriexplosion · 1 year
49 & 50!
49. What is the worst possible outcome you think is plausible for Season 3?
Oh boy the 'good' thing about having an anxiety disorder is that I can come up with a dozen of these in about 30 seconds. I think that the most basic answer is that anything that validates the "EVERYONE WILL SACRIFICE THEMSELF FOR OMEGA" reddit view which isn't Plausible to me in the strictest sense so much as I'm aware that anything is possible when it comes to writing taking a nosedive. And it would make them absolutely unbearable if they're right. But honestly any combo of:
Tech dies for real - this isn't just because I want him back either, I just think that it operates against the themes of the show to ask 'can clones be more than soldiers' and then immediately kill off the guy that got the most focus in that. Like you can't ask a narrative question like that and then go "nope actually self sacrifice is what they're good for".
(Less Bad but still frustrating - Tech comes back fully abled and like nothing happened from his massive drop out of the sky, I see the potential for a good story about new disability and I would be disappointed to see it passed up)
Self sacrifice from the batch or any of the clones in general, enough of clones sacrificing themselves we have seen it. So many times. The most interesting thing clones can do right now is live in a world that was not built for them, and to survive when they were never supposed to.
Echo leaves with Rex for good at the end, this family has been split up ENOUGH oh my God. Whatever they do I want them to do it together because I think starting AND ending the show with a fractured team would just be frustrating.
Trying to cram the whole clone rebellion into one season - TBB has way too narrow a focus to properly show the clone rebellion that's been growing, that's something that should focus on all the clones not just this one group.
50. How do you hope the series will end (as basic or as detailed as you want)
Okay so my dream season 3 path: Tech is revealed to be alive but majorly hurt fairly early in the season, Crosshair and Omega are out of Tantiss by the end of episode two or three. Spend the first 6 episodes on these 2-3 groups (because Tech could either be on his own or with Crosshair & Omega depending on where he's been taken post fall) trying to reunite and zip them up in a mid-season two parter, we end episode eight with everyone together again for the first time in ages.
But Hemlock and Tantiss are still a problem and there are still a ton of clones inside Tantiss. If Emerie helped Crosshair and Omega escape maybe she's still in there too? Could be a good way for Omega to double down on We Don't Leave People Behind. Either way, the batch finally takes some initiative and they join with Rex to liberate the clones in Mt Tantiss.
Ideally, the batch all survive (I think it's a weird vibe if they finally take action against the Empire and lose one of them, like, I do not want the show to narratively Punish them for actually doing something lol) and we end the series on a high note of success either with an ending where they do retire to Pabu along with the liberated clones or they have the batch fully join the clone rebellion because there are more clones to rescue and they can't leave any of them behind. They're still fighting not because they're soldiers but because they're a family, and every clone is part of it. (Lead into maybe a more general clone show that focuses on the clone rebellion as a whole as they try to fight the Empire in different ways? They did say this was the end of THIS chapter so I'm hoping there's more clone content on the way.)
I do prefer the second option, there's a bit of bittersweetness to it - they're still fighting, Omega won't be a kid forever and she's giving up more of that limited childhood in order to fight for her brothers, there's always the possibility of something tragic happening to them in the future - but it's an ending that still reflects the theme of being more than soldiers. They're not fighting because they're soldiers, they're fighting for their family and for the life they now know they can have afterwards.
...I just have a lot of thoughts this isn't even half of them but I've rambled long enough. Anyway I want a happy ending so bad.
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