#oh pink sheep you raised my ass
bastardgoblinwolf · 4 months
you guys remember mlg memes. like. illuminati confirmed doritos mountain dew mlg sunglasses thug life.
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aquarium-ina-bag · 1 year
Where Danger Finds Me, it Follows with Tides - 7
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'Cause you live in my day dreams ch. 7
Word count: 2.7k
Relationships: Wednesday x Reader (She/they)
Warnings: Mention of blood, pain, bullets.
A/N: So sorry I took so long had a project anyyywaayyyy, if I do breaks again Im able to do drabbles so ask away. I have an Idea for a side au with Jenna, just confused about how I'm gonna use this character R and actor R (Gasp spoilers, wtv) enjoy, give suggestions yatta yatta.
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Small conversations spread among the bar, bottles hitting stained, polished wood and smooth granite countertops, and low music playing. It definitely wasn’t a big bar, but it was the home of drunken souls in the outskirts of Jericho. And tonight it housed hopeful, evil, and grieving souls. 
The door swung open, hitting the bell. A small three-man group raised their heads to see the newcomer as the bartender gave his regular warm smile to the eccentric man. 
"Evenin’ James, usual?" The bartender cleaned a glass, ready to serve. 
"Nah nah, I need somethin’ tougher; I’m ina surprising mood tahnigh’ hit me hard." James was practically jumping and shaking. 
The bartender started to pour him a fireball.
"Well, gee, it seems like you've got something heavy already." He slid the glass across the counter.
James quickly caught it and brought himself to the table of three men. He threw his head back and drank with speed. "Fellas, I got that damn thing that's been killin’ my livestock." He slammed his hands on the wooden table. 
The three of them laughed, and one spoke up. "The fucking big creature you saw, with the big claws and skin like a lagoon?" Dune made gestures to mock James' description. 
"Nah na! It’s real, but this one had wings! My god, the size of them nevah seen before, the tips nosebleed red, and it-it-it got deeper colah at the base." James tossed around his arms to depict this creature of the night "OH! And-and-and when I shot the bitch, the speed it took was incredible! Even though I shot it in the wing, damn it was moving maybay 300 miles?"
The group looked at the man in front of them like he was on shrooms, he sure acted like it. The bigger male chuckled, "So you’re saying some big ass peregrine falcon, has been taking your sheep, and when you shot it, it left at the speed of 300 miles per hour?" 
"No, no, Harlow, it gave me my sheep back! It done dropped the sheep back in the pen, ALIVE! The damn hooves were painted pink! Fuckin pink!" James explained.
The men were invested now. "You got two creatures in your fences now?" Harlow asked. 
"Yes! One is killing them, the other is saving them. Like an angel." James fawned over his findings.
Chuck took a sip of his beer before speaking. "Well, you said it was dark and bloody lookin’, don’t sound like no angel to me." 
"What would I call it then?" James questioned his ideas.
"I say call it a blood hawk, it’s easy to identify," Harlow said as he toyed with the ring of condensation on the wood.  "Also, go buy one of them cameras that videos motion." 
The bartender couldn’t hold his words anymore. "Say, you know what’s known for having creepy abnormalities, that Nevermore school miles away. That lagoon creature you were talking about James, I think it’s been seen there plenty of times." 
The bartender pushed a glass towards a shaggy brown-haired man, his hair long, as were the scars on his face as if he were mauled by a beast. The man’s clothes looked so mismatched and ripped; he had a beard starting to grow; and he looked homeless but still had money to buy a drink. This man couldn’t help but listen to the conversation; he made clear, surprised expressions at the words ‘Nevermore’ ‘Blood hawk’ ‘sheep’ and ‘alive’. All this man could do was hum in acknowledgment. 
"I’ll look into it once I get home." James smiled and continued to change the subject.
"Wednesday I know you usually don’t regret things, but I honestly feel so awful about hurting Y/n," Enid said with her chin on her school desk, her body droopy.
Sure, that is true Wednesday doesn’t feel regret, but everything she regrets on her mind is rooted in because of you, she regrets ever talking to you, accepting your dual, working on the project with you, letting you see something vulnerable in her—she regrets a lot when it comes to you. 
"They said it was fine." What Wednesday really regretted was letting you leave and trusting that you would take care of yourself. She hasn’t seen you all morning. The thought of you bleeding out that whole night banged on her cranium. 
Enid turned to face the goth, laying her cheek on the cold wood. "You don’t really believe that." Wednesday regrets not smothering her roommate, and Enid started to understand Wednesday’s ‘signs’. The raven stayed silent, keeping it that way the whole period. 
When it was over, she took her free period to confirm that Enid hadn’t murdered you. She checked the gym; you weren’t there. Wednesday looked where you feed birds; no luck. She entered your dorm to find clutters of paper and files scattered around your desk. As if a voice was pulling her into the room, Wednesday walked in and shut the door behind her, making a careful walk across the room to your desk. The floorboards creaking had an unusual pattern as if someone were in the room with her. The raven was on edge but still curious; determined to find out why you were gone. 
The goth inspected the papers on your desk. Pictures of the farm you two went to, papers containing information about the owner of said farm. What really stuck out were documents from the U.S. government. How in the world were you able to access something like this? The thought that you were taken by the FBI could make her chuckle. Wednesday shuffled the small stack, trying to get them back in order. When the order was found, Wednesday couldn’t stop reading.
In brief, the documents explain how an ‘anomaly’ that was captured in December of last year escaped a government vehicle, killing four of the six men in said vehicle. This creature never made it to the lab for testing, questioning, and possible execution. This creature could be conjured by American citizen Tyler Galpin. 
Tyler was out, and that was him; he was still lurking in the towns, waiting for his next victim.  
Wednesday looked around for anything that could reveal she was here, and when she turned to the glass screen door, a shine drew her in like everything else in this room. 
Unlocking it and stepping onto the concrete, she looked down to find a bullet that was almost perfectly clean. Why would you have a perfect bullet here? The casing was gone, so this was fired. 
This curious black cat bent down to pick up the fired bullet. Her head was shot backward, and scenes dashed and flashed across her vision.
Fingers that weren’t yours loading ammunition in a firearm; the bullet flying into feathered flesh, then deeper into warm blood and muscle; with her perspective being the bullet, Wednesday felt layers decompressing her. From what she could guess, it was feathers falling off, then skin, then muscles. The bullet dropped in a pool of blood; something or more of a surplus made a horrific shriek as if it was getting brutally attacked. She couldn’t tell what made it, and the warmth of blood left her after the vision ended.
Once the vision was over, Wednesday moved her head back. It felt as if someone was beating her skull; that never happens with visions, but that aside, what did she just see? Wednesday began to make a hypothesis, clearly, this was past, not future, and this bullet wasn’t yours, but she couldn’t be sure if you fired the weapon, it was shot in some bird, but why was the bullet removed like that, layer by layer? What was that screaming? 
The girl’s head was pounding, and before she left your room, she took the bullet, the papers. She wanted to find some type of DNA in the room, but her head said otherwise. 
Something was wrong; your brain was triggering some sort of defensive reaction, and you didn’t understand what was triggering it. You’re trained to keep your brain in full control, to know when you’re being psychologically attacked, and currently, the right and left sides of your brain are disagreeing with something. Before you can get the problem fixed, you need to know the problem. That could wait though.
"I really need to train back home again." You muttered to the wind, and it raced past as if responding.
You smiled as you continued to walk along the side of a gravel road. This scenery wasn’t better than the woods with Wednesday; did you even look at the view when you were with Wednesday? What were you focused on? 
This constant questioning of yourself was scaring you. Your family described you as a person, with no limits, but you had to be in control of your whole body, and recently you weren't. Maybe that’s why you're triggering a defensive response.
You stopped at a small home surrounded by flat, crop-growing land, knocking on the door before you looked yourself up and down. With a small smirk, you thought the outfit looked like a hitman in the winter decked out in dark, puffy clothes. Hey, it was close to the beginning of winter.
Once the door opened, a taller man, maybe 2 inches taller than you, greeted you with a grimace.
"Well, who the hell is you? Matrix-looking kid. All these damn new fashion trends." His accent was a deep Southern one.
You chuckled before speaking, "You, James Turner?" Your hands shuffled in that dark, puffy jacket, pulling out a picture of the man in front of you. 
"Who’s asking?" He got closer to you, and smelled like booze. 
You've shown him the photo now. "There’s a problem if someone did." You murdered someone, sir?" He could have the other night if your thesis was right. 
"I ain’t kill nobody, did I?" Bingo. James started to get a little scared, you could read it off his body language.
"Well, I heard a complaint about some gunfire, and when I asked around for you, I heard you shot something." Part of that was a lie, you didn't really ask, just lots of tabs closing at a bar. 
James looked like a child getting caught with their hand in a cookie jar; he was going to break. "Listen, somethin’ been stealing my animals. I was waiting to shoot it last night, then this big bird-like person dropped a sheep in the pen, and I shot at it."
Your face scrunched in confusion. "Why would you shoot something, dropping your sheep back off? And you said human-looking? You were going to just kill a person like that?" You took steps forward, and James kept backing up until both of you were in the house. 
"I jus wan-tah to catch em’ , Ay I don’t even think that was them! Something else was killing my animals, it was green and-and-and large, eyes like a bug." Tsk tsk James, the hole he dug just kept getting bigger.
You were so close in his space that he tripped into a seat. "So you shot something that you wanted to catch even though it helped you; it wasn’t even the creature that was killing! What were you going to do, James? When you caught it, that is." 
"I I I." He sure does stutter you noted, "I was gonna report it for stealing." 
You gripped the table, did it crunch? James questioned. "What’s the story, Turner? You said it gave back…" 
"You’re right It was, it was." He was sweating badly. 
"Good, so you understand that you committed attempted murder? Correct?" Your voice was deathly low. "It can be a pretty hefty sentence, James." 
He watched you move around his house, preparing a glass of water, before sitting across from him.
"I’m going to jail?" He looked on the verge of tears. 
You paused before speaking, a clicking sound filled your silence. "Yes, if you refuse to comply with me." You took a long sip of water, making Turner wait in anguish. "Heard you’re gonna set up cameras around this place, I want you to set up cameras around the woods, set up baits, get as much footage of this killing creature as you can, and hand all of the footage, pictures, and what you baited with to me. Sound simple?" 
"Course, anything yes, please, I jus don’t wanna go to jail." He nodded like a bobblehead.
"Perfect, and don’t think you can escape this; I've got all the information to make a court session last less than 10 minutes." You smiled and finished the glass. Quickly grabbing a pen and paper, you wrote one of your numbers and labeled it, 'Turn in footage work and info here' 
"Cya round James Turner." And just like that, after scaring this older male, you left, walking back to Nevermore. 
This headache wanted to make Wednesday have a lobotomy or struck like Zeus to get Athena out. She could barely piece together the papers in front of her. Enid watched her struggle to work, pointing it out like always.
"What’s up with you? I feel like this is easy." 
"My head has been in pain since I had that vision, usually that doesn’t happen," Wednesday explained as she moved the sheets and note cards around the board. 
Enid knew that if the pain was really bothering her, this headache was something from hell. "Hm, do you want to take something? Or maybe take a break?" 
"I did; it got worse." Wednesday's face barely scrunched as she spoke. "I don’t need a break either." 
Thumps on the door broke the conversation; they both looked at each other, then Enid went to open it. 
You stood there with a toothy grin and said, "Hey Sinclair, where’s Wednesday?" 
"I don’t know if she would be up for a date, Y/n, she’s got a raging headache." Enid knew Wednesday stole from you, so she had to make somewhat of an excuse. 
You paused for a second. "I, uhm, no, I’m not here for that, she has something I ne-" 
Enid shut the door in your face and said, "They know!" Whisper yelling to the goth. All she did was nod and signal to let you in.
Enid slowly opened the door to let you in; once you did, Wednesday’s now migraine blared. She gripped the side table near her. 
"Evening Addams, I’m guessing you know why I’m here." You walked closer to her, maybe 5 inches away from her now. 
"Why," she paused to take a breath, "why do you have them?" 
You raised a brow and said, "I could ask the same." You whispered, getting closer to her ear. "You can get in trouble if you have them; I know how to take care of them." Also, you have a vision?" 
Wednesday wanted to make sure this wasn’t some fake whispering again, so she clutched the bottom of your shirt. For you, it seemed like desperation. She released you and went to take the papers.  
"Yes." Wednesday handed the papers back. Just like that, the pain was gone, and she could think straight now. 
"Doesn’t hurt anymore, does it?" This no-distance whispering with you was going to kill Wednesday; it made her feel sick again. 
She slowly nodded, and with that, you backed up and said your goodbyes, then left.
So many holes—how did you know about the papers? Where have you been all day? How did the vision connect with the headaches? How did you fix it? What trouble did you mean? Why do you have those papers? What were you going to do with it? Her loud thinking was blocked.
"So no more evidence?" Enid asked. 
"The bullet—I still have it."
"Well, it is like almost 12. Let’s look at it tomorrow. Also, who comes to someone’s door at 11? Also,  what did she tell you? I couldn’t hear, over the sound of you two practically making out with each other's whispering. Wait a minute, you didn’t even whisper; you just nodded. What was that about? Whatever, that's a question for tomorrow. I’m too tired, night Addams." Enid threw herself onto her bed and crashed to sleep. 
Wednesday, on the other hand, couldn’t do the same; she needed to get answers.
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Under the Floorboards pt. III
(Technoblade x Reader): Pt. I, Pt. II, Pt. III, Pt. IIII
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     From that day on Tommy stayed with you and Technoblade in your collective house, Technoblade tried to establish some ground rules but Tommy being Tommy refused to listen to any of them. He was dead set on building a cobblestone tower as well as taking all of Technoblade’s golden apples instead of eating the golden carrots that were graciously given to him. Other than that, things seemed to be going okay for your little found family. Well, that was until Technoblade and Tommy got wind that a man named Dream was sniffing around the area. 
 Dream was an enigma to you, after hearing Tommy’s stories about the man you could only come up with two conclusions about him. One was that you had no idea what his motivations were in the first place and secondly you wanted to beat his ass for what he did to Tommy. As... unique as he could be at times no child deserved to be exiled and manipulated, it was disgusting. He was a sixteen-year-old boy who got caught up in too many wars and too much violence, you needed to protect him. So long as he was with you and Technoblade that’s what you planned on doing. That was what you silently vowed to yourself, even if Technoblade didn’t share the same sentiment. 
 Now, it seemed you were coming increasingly closer to voicing those feelings to the man himself. Tommy was shaking a little besides you he tried to look strong as Technoblade frantically told him to hide and splashed him with invisibility potions. He looked over at you next and grabbed your shoulders, he actually looked scared, which meant he wasn’t messing around. 
          “You need to hide too. God- there’s nowhere that he won’t check.” Technoblade mumbled, his brow creased, and he closed his eyes. “He CAN’T know about you! No one other than Tommy can, they’ll hurt you and-” Hesitantly you put your hands on his cheeks,  
         “Take a deep breath…” You said tenderly as he opened his eyes to lock with your own. “We’ll be okay, splash me with invis and I’ll stay by Edward, hopefully it’ll mask my particle effects.” He gave a worried nod; you pecked his lips tenderly to reassure him as he splashed you with the potion. Just in time too because a knock on the door sounded, for once Tommy was absolutely silent. You watched as a man who rivaled your boyfriend in size came through the door, your eyes widened at the white mask covering his face there was an almost haunting smile painted on it. You pressed your tongue against your teeth and watched him give a wave to your boyfriend. Even without seeing his face you could tell he was smirking coyly at him. Never one to be intimidated Technoblade gave him a casual greeting and their conversation about Tommy’s location began. You had to cover your mouth with your hands at one point to stop yourself from laughing as Techno began talking to ‘chat’ instead of talking to Dream. You watched as the masked man grew more and more angry at Technoblade’s antics, he began speaking about a favor and Techno reminded him that he believes in full reciprocity. At the end of the interaction, it took all of your strength not to punch Dream directly in his stupid masked face. Why the fuck did it sound like he wanted to murder a child? If Dream ever laid a finger on him again, he was personally going to feel your wrath. The potion wore off almost as soon as Dream disappeared over the hills, Techno immediately turned to Tommy anger written all over his face.
         “Where you eating my gapples that ENTIRE time?!” Tommy sputtered out an excuse about absorption and you watched Techno open the window and beckon Dream to come back. You gave Technoblade a look and he scoffed at you, 
          “I won’t let him hurt you again Tommy. I promise.” You swore looking down at him, and his face turned a little pink. Tommy cleared his throat and shook his head,
          “Thanks, Ms. Blade but I’m tough enough to fight him head on! Have no fear!” He pointed to himself with his thumb a proud smile adoring his face. You gave a little laugh and nodded in agreement, 
          “You definitely are. Thank you for reassuring me.” You hummed and his smile only seemed to widen, 
          “I’m more qualified to protect your girlfriend than you are it seems Technoblade.” 
 Technoblade looked unamused, his eyebrow twitching in distaste. “Tommy I literally hate you so much. You’re a nerd.” 
         “Play nice both of you.” You scolded them, “We have to work together and at least pretend to get along or it’s going to be a very long partnership.” They both nodded reluctantly, and Techno sighed tiredly, he ruffled your hair. The rest of the night was spent gathering some more food in hopes it would stop Tommy’s gapple eating tirade, it obviously wouldn’t but it didn’t hurt to try. After that all three of you turned in for the night, as both you and Technoblade were getting ready for bed he decided to speak up about the plan for the next day.
          “Tommy and I need to make a trek into L’manburg to find Phil and try to get my stuff back. I don’t want to leave you here alone considering what just happened today, but you also can’t come to L’manburg.” 
        “Bubs you know I’ll be fine here alone did we not just have this conversation?” You pinched his pointed ears, and he made a sound of protest. “I’ve got fighting skills, after all have you not been training me in the art of war?” You teased with a smirk, “I got this Blade.”
          “Okay, okay, okay.” He leaned forward and kissed you and you kissed him back without hesitation. You felt him squeeze your hand fondly before pulling away from you. “When we get back home, we’ll have a date night okay?” Technoblade whispered softly pressing his forehead to yours. 
          “Gonna be a bit hard with the raccoon boy snooping around.” You teased eyes sparkling in delight, 
         “I’ll send him on a quest for something or other. So, it’ll be just us, I swear.” The soft look on Technoblade’s face made your heart squeeze in your chest. He brushed your hair behind your ear, “I’ll make you dinner, and we can watch a movie.” 
          “Well don’t take too long then.” You sent a teasing wink his way and he smiled fondly back at you. You kissed him again pulling him down into the bed, you both bounced with a laugh. His pink hair hung down and framed his face gorgeously, his glasses slipped down his nose. You pushed them back up with your index finger and he went cross-eyed, “I’ll be looking forward to it.” 
 The next morning rolled around and after breakfast both boys reluctantly packed a bag with important things they needed for the day. Stepping outside with the two of them, Technoblade gave you a farewell kiss and you watched them disappear over the hills. They were most likely going to go cause problems for other people on purpose. Finally alone, you decided to check up on the nearby villages to see if they had any interesting trades that you and Techno could exploit. You slung a bag over your shoulder and placed a good portion of emeralds inside of it, you placed a few potions inside of the bag as well. As a precaution you also grabbed an axe and a sword, you had to be ready for anything after all. Shutting the door behind you, you started your trek through the snow-covered woods you heard the snow crunch under your boots and began to hum softly to yourself. You paused a moment and raised an eyebrow as you caught sight of a blue sheep wandering by, tilting your head to the side you approached it. 
        “Well, hey little guy.” You murmured reaching out and running your hand through the sheep’s soft wool. 
         “Oh, um excuse me!” A voice spoke from behind you, you jumped with a yelp as soon as you spun around you were met with a fully transparent man. He had a yellow sweater with a big gash in his torso, and a beanie resting atop his head. You tilted your head up and locked eyes with him, they were almost completely white.
 He was a ghost.
          “That’s Friend! She doesn’t really like others petting her but it’s okay because you didn’t know.” The ghost smiled; it was contagious as you felt yourself smiling back at him.
         “My bad, my names (Y/n). What’s yours?” 
         “Oh! I’m Ghostbur! It’s nice to meet you miss, I’ve never seen you around here before. Are you new to the SMP?” He tilted his head floating around you, almost as if to get a better look at you. You focused more on his name, Ghostbur, which means this was Wilbur Soot, ex-president of L’manburg, and ‘brother’ of Tommy and Technoblade. 
 You cleared your throat and rubbed the back of your neck. “No, I’ve lived in this area for a while, but I’m a wandering adventurer. I trade with the villages around here for interesting collectables stuff like that. I don’t do much of that now though.” You watched the ghost’s eyes widen a little,
          “That’s so cool!” He praised, “I bet you have a ton of cool stories.” 
          “Yeah, there’s been a few close calls, but I’ve made it back alive and well- oh shit no offense.” You winced a little and he laughed shaking his head, 
          “No worries it’s okay! I’m fine with being dead you know, no one really liked who I was alive, so this is better for everybody.” He puffed out his chest a little and a big smile spread across his face, that only caused you to frown. You reached out to try and touch him and your hand went right through the man, you both seemed to shiver at that, and he looked at you in shock. 
      “I’m sorry to hear that...that must be really hard.” Wilbur’s jaw dropped at your response, he floated around a bit awkwardly. If he wasn’t floating, he would’ve been shuffling on his feet in a nervous manner. 
       “N-No it’s…Wilbur was a horrible, horrible man.” He took a deep breath and began to throw some sort of blue substance on the ground in a rapid manner, you watched as he began to mutter and breath heavily. 
        “Woah, woah, woah I’m sorry don’t freak out!” 
         “I’m not, I'm okay see, see I’m fine and happy. Very happy with everything that’s going on so no worries okay! Here.” He tossed the blue substance at you and you collected it with a weary smile, “Have some blue it’ll make you feel better.” You thanked him quietly and you both stood there a bit uncomfortably that was until thunder rumbled overhead. “Oh no…I melt in the rain.” 
         “Here why don’t you come with me.” You smiled softly, “I know a place where you can wait out the storm.” 
          “Aw thank you.” Ghostbur clapped, “Friend can come too right?” 
          “Of course.” 
          “Good. Then lead the way.” He chirped as Ghostbur followed you back the way you came, now before you get too mad at yourself you should know that Technoblade had informed you that during his ‘execution’ Ghostbur had visited him at his home. If he didn’t share that information with you, you’d be never revealing Technoblade’s base. As the house appeared over the mountains the ghost looked over at you with a bright smile, “Oh! That’s my friend Technoblade’s house, do you live with him?”
         “I do.” You smiled fondly and watched his smile grow excitedly, “He’s helped me out quite a lot.”
         “That’s wonderful! Technoblade usually never helps people unless he likes them or if they can do something for him in return. You must be very special, are you two together?” He only had to glance at you for a moment before laughing excitedly, “You are! That’s wonderful!” Ghostbur chirped, clapping his hands as he phased through Technoblade’s door, officially safe out of the rain, turned snow. You had let Friend inside as well and Ghostbur continued talking “Tell me how you met, please, please, please.” Seeing how excited the ghost was you melted, he won your heart just like Tommy. However, you had to keep in mind his alive self-did blow up an entire nation and that couldn’t be just brushed away like he seemingly was trying to do, you can’t erase the past. You can only accept what happens, learn from it, apologize and grow. However, you didn’t see the harm in sharing how the both of you met so you began to retell the tale to Ghostbur, the entire time he had an almost bittersweet look on his face. 
         “I was married once...her name was Sally. She...left though. But I still had my son, Fundy and we did the best we could together.” Ghostbur said fondly his eyes softening,
         “I’m sorry...that must’ve been really hard for the both of you.” 
         “It’s alright! She was a salmon, so she was going to swim away eventually.” 
         “Like- like an actual salmon?”
The silence that stretched into the room was deafening, you cleared your throat deciding not to dwell on the fact that the ghost in front of you very likely fucked a fish. You hoped to god she was some sort of shapeshifter, in fact that’s what you were going to believe. You managed to break the silence by asking about Fundy, and the way he gushed about him was nothing less than fatherly. It was sweet and you listened intently to him, Fundy seemed like a good kid, a bit quirky but you were dating a blood god so who were you to judge? Eventually the snow outside stopped and the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds. Ghostbur glanced out the window and decided it was time for him to head out with Friend. It was about midday and you were almost sad to see him go. 
 Alone again.
You still had hours to kill before Technoblade and Tommy reappeared, so you figured it was about time to start doing some chores. 
         “Ghostbur what’re you doing here?” Fundy murmured softly, looking over at the ghost with an exhausted expression. His ears were pressed back against his head, talking to the man who was once considered his dad always made him exhausted. Wilbur, or Ghostbur now, really was pitiful.
         “Can’t I visit you every once in a while!” Ghostbur hummed a smile plastered on his face as Fundy frowned. 
         “Preferably not. Plus...I’m a little busy right now I’m meeting up with Quackity and the Butcher Squad to talk about Techno again.” 
         “OH! Technoblade! I just spent the loveliest morning with his girlfriend, she was absolutely wonderful! She asked all about you and just adored Friend-”
         “Rewind, Technoblade’s what?” Fundy’s jaw dropped to the floor and he felt a hand on his shoulder, the young fox man stiffened. He looked to the side and saw Quackity besides him, Ranboo was next to him but Tubbo stood a little ways away. 
        “Yeah Ghostbur. Do continue.” Quackity grinned, his missing tooth sticking out from his last encounter with Toothpick. Ghostbur wilted a little bit and his eyebrows creased on his forehead, he fucked up didn’t he? 
        “I-um nothing actually I misspoke.”
        “Did he misspeak Fundy, cause to me it sounds like we have new leverage against Technoblade.” Quackity laughed a crazed look in his eyes, “Once again Ghostbur I have to thank you for the great information.” 
        “You’re welcome…” He murmured weakly, as Quackity stepped besides the ghost. 
        “Get your weapons boys, it’s time to pay the Technoblade household another visit.”
Hey guys! Pt. III is officially up! Technoblade’s livestreams huh? :) 
Also friendship with Tommy ended Ranboo’s my new favorite child.
As always I love your feedback thanks for reading! 
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Butchered Plans-Technoblade
#113 from this prompt list. Check out my masterlist here! 
This is a Technoblade x GN reader!
This will not really follow what actually happened in the dreamsmp roleplay but I hope you enjoy it all the same! 
Y/N finds out about the Butcher Army and attempts to put a stop to their plan. 
L’Manberg was quiet today… Too quiet. I hadn’t seen Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Ranboo, Ghostbur or Philza around all day. Ever since Tommy’s exile I was sure that I spoke to each of them at least once a day for 15 minutes or longer. Tommy was ripped away from me, from L’Manberg and I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to the boy that had become my brother. I had no idea the debate that raged on between the boys and Dream and by the time I was clued in it was too late. He was gone. 
I sighed as I strolled down Prime Path, heading toward the new L’Manberg. I kept my eyes peeled, looking for a sign of any movement. Any life. Anyone. Suddenly, a tall tower I had never seen before was in the center of the square caught my eye. “What the-” I muttered, jogging toward it. As I got closer, I began to hear voices. I caught a glimpse of Carl tied to a post and I broke in a full sprint. 
Well I found the boys I had been looking for all day. Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, and Ranboo stood on the outer edges of the stage dressed in bloody aprons. Philza stood outside his front door, watching what was happening. Ghostbur stood off to the side of the stage with a blue sheep. There was one more person that was standing on the stage. Technoblade. 
Technoblade and I have had an interesting relationship ever since he joined the server. I had been really good friends with his brothers and when they were banished from L’Manberg, it broke my heart. I spent a lot of time giving them supplies and intel about the things that were happening under Schlatt’s control. Wherever I would visit them, Techno would always throw flirty remarks my way, leaving me flustered. One time I decided to throw one back at his, causing him to blush like crazy. The next time I went over, Techno asked me on a date. I accepted, of course and ever since then the two of us had been a couple.
I stood by him through a lot of important events. I helped raise Carl. I helped him farm wither skulls. I had been there with him when he spawned the withers and blew up L’Manberg. He and I spent many days looking for a place to build his “retirement” home and then many days then building said house. We spent a lot of time together and I really did love him.  
“What the hell is going on here?!” I demanded as I stomped on the stage. All eyes snapped to me as I stood there, fuming on the stage. “Y/N” Tubbo began nervously, “You shouldn’t be here. Quackity, I thought you took care of them!” he hissed to his partner in crime. Quackity rubbed the back of his neck, “Oops. I guess I forgot.” I crossed my arms across my chest and glowered at the four boys. “That doesn’t answer my question of what is going on here.” I hissed out. Tubbo cleared his throat and nervously looked to his feet. “An execution…” He whispered. I was silent as I soaked up Tubbo’s words. “We made a list. A list of people that threaten the peace of L’Manberg. Techno is on that list and then to make sure we have that peace, he must die.” Tubbo finished. 
I stared at him with an eyebrow raised. “Really? You think that this is going to solve your problems?” I questioned, “You know he has all of his cannon lives. If he dies, when he comes back you’re going to have to pay full price for what you did to him… You really think this is a smart play.” Tubbo gave me a half shrug while the other three stared at each other. “He had to pay for what he’s done,” Fundy spoke up. I let out a laugh and shook my head, “He did exactly what he told you he was going to do. You knew how much he hates governments and yet you literally formed one in front of him… If anything it’s your own fault.” I informed them with a shrug. 
I brushed past Tubbo and made my way to the cage that sat in the middle of the stage, the two right next to it. “Hey there.” I greeted my partner with a smile. Techno mirrored my smile as he gave me a small wave, “Fancy seeing you here. Whatcha doing?” I asked, swinging my bag off my shoulder, looking for my pickaxe. “Oh, you know… Being executed.” He claimed nonchalantly. I giggled at his casualness as I brought my pick out of my bag. I was about to swing my pick to break the iron lock that kept my boyfriend contained in a one by one block, but a hand landed on my shoulder stopping my motions. 
“Y/N! You can’t do this! We, the Butcher Army, have made a decision! He must die!” Tubbo whined. I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand off of my shoulder, “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it” I announced turning back to the cage that housed my boyfriend. I brought my pick up and swung at the iron lock, instantly breaking it causing the cell door to swing open. “NOOOOOO!” The four boys screeched. They rushed forward, trying with all their might to push the pink haired man back into the cage, but the two of us were too strong for him. 
The two of us easily pushed the four boys off of us and to the ground. They stayed down, a bit dazed allowing us to make our escape. I grabbed my boyfriend’s hand and ran toward where I saw Carl tied up. With ease, Techno hoisted himself up onto his cherished horse as I untied the prized horse from the post. I handed Techno the reigns before jumping on the animal myself. “Stop! Prisoner!” I heard the voices shout from behind us. “Let’s go Carl!” Techno shouted, giving the animal a swift kick sparking the horse into action. Carl whinnied and began galloping at full speed down the prime path. “NOOOOOOO!” the four voices screamed, fading out of earshot as we rode off toward Techno’s retirement home. 
I let out a breath of relief as Techno’s home appeared in my field of view. Carl came to a stop right outside the front door. Techno quickly hopped off of his pet and tied him to his post. Techno then reached up and helped me off of the animal. The two of us locked eyes as we stood there. I let out a giggle at what had just happened. My laughter caused Techno to laugh as well. “I cannot believe you did that” He admitted, wrapping his arms around my waist, leaning his forehead on my own. I let out a content sigh, wrapping my arms around his neck. “I’d do anything for you,” I admitted. His brown eyes stared into my own lovingly. “I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” He mumbled, leaning down and pressing a kiss onto my lips. I let out a giggle, immediately kissing back. “Well I know one way.” I mumbled against his lips. 
Techno pulled back slightly and raised his eyebrow. “And that is?” “Well considering I just betrayed the L’Manberg president, I don’t think I’ll be welcome in their land anytime soon… So you could let me crash here for a while.” Techno let out a chuckle and pecked my lips once more. “Of course,” He hummed, “You’re always welcome here.” I gave my boyfriend a soft smile at his response. “Thank you” “Anytime.”
We stood there for a few minutes before a shiver ran down my spine. “I’m cold” I claimed with a pout on my lips. Techno let out a laugh and rolled his eyes, “Of course you are. Come on, I’ll make you something hot to drink.” Techno let go of my waist and turned toward the front door. “You’re the best” I hummed, reaching forward and intertwining our fingers. Techno brought our hands up to his mouth and placed a soft kiss on the back of my hand. “I know… You’re pretty okay too.” He teased, opening the door. I let out a gasp in mock offense, “Excuse you?!” I exclaimed as the two of us made our way to the kitchen, “I literally just saved you from the Butcher Army and this is how you repay me?” Techno led me to a seat and sat me down before turning to the stove and began making my drink, “In that case. I guess you’re pretty cool too… Ya know… For butchering their plans….” 
 There was a silence in the kitchen before laughter came bubbling out of my mouth. “I can’t believe you just made that pun!” I laughed, holding my stomach. Techno threw a smile over his shoulder as he worked. “I figured you would like it.” The laughter slowly died down as I took deep breaths to calm myself. Techno set my favorite mug down in front of me before sitting down beside me. His arm wrapped around my shoulder and a kiss was placed upon my temple. I smiled as I brought my own mug to my lips and took a sip. I let out a content sigh as I rested my head on my boyfriend’s shoulder. “I could get used to this,” I admitted, turning slightly to look at my love. Techno gave me a gentle smile, leaning down, and pressing a kiss on the top of my head before pulling me closer to him. “So could I”
There you go! I hope you enjoyed!! If so, please be sure to leave a like! Maybe even a reply or a reblog telling me what you liked about it!! Until next time!
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ickymichi · 4 years
Can I have Saiki fluff
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kusou, let’s sleepover!
(saiki kusou x reader)
<3 note: thank you so much for the request my dear! sorry it took so long i’m in the middle of alot of things right now. but i hope this is ok!
<3 warnings: a small bit of swearing, just fluff.
<3 things to know: gender neutral reader. pink: is saiki’s thoughts, green is saiki talking to the reader through thoughts, black is saiki and reader talking normally. purple is readers thoughts. << it’s a lot i’m sorry!!
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you and saiki have been dating for three months on this saturday and the time has flown by! another thing that’s flown is how quick he got comfortable around you, having an arm around your shoulder while watching movies and even holding your pinkie when you go shopping. in school he always looked so reserved and kept to himself, that’s what drew you to him though. and when you found an envelope with a letter in your shoe locker telling you to meet them at the local park later on, you felt like turning them down cause you liked saiki!. but something, you don’t know what, but something was telling you that you need to go. and low and behold stood kusou saiki with his head down asking if you wanted to go to the local café this weekend. and obviously you said yes!
3 months later and were in the same café scoffing down some coffee jelly and (fav. food). you brought him here because you wanted to ask him something important. to have a sleepover for your anniversary! honestly, you were scared to ask him, what if he completely shoots you down? god that would be embarrassing. but all your friends and their partners have slept over together countless times. okay, no more delaying do it now while he’s in his element.
“ku? can i as-” “don’t call me that, it reminds me of my mom remember” “oh sorry sorry i forgot! anyway umm i was wondering if, for our you know, anni..versary if you’d like to uh sleepover?” when you look up to see his reaction is eyes are wide and he’s slightly coughing on his coffee jelly. ‘shit, i killed him’. you thought. “it’s okay if you don’t want to i understand we can do something else!” “no!” he slightly yelled. “i mean.. yeah i’d like to do that”. “y-you do? i mean, yeah that’s good! i was thinking saturday?” “yeah that’s sounds good, by the way, can we do it at your house? my parents are too annoying” his genuine cringe at the thought made you laugh. “of course we can, we can do different things throughout the night to! we could.. order a takeout, then watch a movie with lots of sweets, then maybe, just maybe do paint our nails or do some karaoke” the last one is just to see his reaction knowing how much he dislikes karaoke. “i’m not to fond of that last one, but the rest sound fun” ‘maybe this would be nice, i shouldn’t think that it won’t be’.
the week went quickly thankfully and you walked to meet saiki on midday saturday with a spring in your step. “kusou!” your slightly raised voice caught his attention causing him to turn his head in your direction and make his way to your approaching form. without thinking you pulled him into a hug in the middle of the street. “oh sorry i should’ve asked before i did that!” he pulled away first smoothing out your skirt that rode up telling you: “it’s fine don’t worry about it so much, let’s go” and taking your pinky and linking it with his. looking at the side of his face you took in his handsome features and how nice he looked in his outfit. it was a purple sweater with black flames and blue jeans you got him.he wasn’t to fond of it at first but seeing how excited you were to give it to him he eventually broadened his style.
you both wanted to meet in the town so you could buy the sweets, drinks and facemasks for tonight and then get the takeout on the way home. there wasn’t many people out, they’re probably all at home it’s dinner time anyway. looking down at saiki’s hand you noticed the ring on his pointer finger he always wears when he’s with you. “kusou? where did you get your ring it’s so nice!, i might try find a different colour one for myself” “it was, a gift, yes a gift”. conversations carried on as normal as they day bled into the evening and you both left the shopping district with two bags full of the essentials. the final stop of the day was the local chinese you both enjoyed eating from and you got your food given to you nice and quickly.
arriving at your door you opened it and placed the bags on the kitchen table to give your poor hands a rest. “could you get the bowls for the sweets for me and sort them out while i dish up kusou?” “of course”. dinner was really nice the both of you talking when your mouths weren’t full about things that happend and every few minutes you’d show him a funny tiktok you’d seen that he’d actually huff out a laugh at, but covered it up with a cough saying that “it’s silly”. ever the gentleman he helped you wash and dry the dishes before following your skipping figure to the living room to plop on the couch and randomly picked a movie out. ‘ah a horror’ ‘good grief of course a horror’.
the movie was actually quite scary giving the both of you a few scares the whole way through. you didn’t want to be forward and do the usual ‘curl into your partners side’ when it got scary, but your body moved on it’s own and you were clutching his lower arm and holding his bicep slightly over your eyes. ‘hmm cute’. as the end credits rolled you let out a breath and let your iron grip on his arm to stretch your own above your head. “that wasn’t that scary, it barely got me” “yeah, my dead arm says otherwise” “oh shush smart ass!” you turned to his smirking figure to land a slap on the said arm. “ouch! careful it’s sore” “awe poor ku-chan has a sore arm hm? want me to kiss it better for you baby?” “never ever let them words leave your mouth around me again”. his disgust had you throwing your head back and clapping your hands together in a laughing fit.
it just turned 10:03pm and the two of you were sitting crossed legged on your bed. you had saiki’s hand on a pillow on your lap trying to apply the green nail polish to his nails without messing up. finishing both hands you picked them up and held them in front of his face to show him the four green nails and one pink on the middle finger of each hand. yours were the same except you had the green on your middle and the rest pink. “well what d’ya think? nice aren’t they?” “mmh, thank you”.
a few hours past of playing a game of monopoly, in which kusou completely dominated, watching your guys favourite youtuber play scary games and then watch a few episodes of the show you both liked. the time was 1:54am when the pair of you let out a yawn at the same time ending in a small laugh. deciding it was time to sleep you let saiki get changed in the toilet down the hall while you stayed in your room till he came back to tell you it was okay to come brush your teeth. “kusou, do you want some water? i’m getting some for myself” “oh, yeah please (y/n)”. he was left alone to look at the four walls of your bedroom. he wasn’t really being nosy, he was just curious. wait, how could he just have now noticed? there’s no spare blanket or futon. we’re you going to share a bed? ‘i mean, i’m not opposed to the idea, i wonder if they realised as well’.
“here you go! sorry i took so long” “don’t worry you’re fine”. “oh yeah i was gonna ask, do you want to sleep on the floor or we can share my bed, it’s a double one so we won’t be squished” “i don’t mind sharing as long as your comfortable” ‘why is he so sweet and caring!’. “i’m turning the lights off is that ok?” “yeah it’s fine, don’t let the monster get you though” he said while digging his fingers into your side when you jumped back on the bed. “whaa! agh don’t scare me like that!, meanie”.
you couldn’t really sleep after you said your goodnights, you were tired but seeing him look so relaxed while lying on his side facing you made you feel wide awake. the urge to place a small kiss on his lips was killing you, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to. ‘what if he’s fake sleeping? god he’ll think i’m a freak.’ no you could tell by the way his breathing was soft and lips slightly parted that he was definitely out for the count. before you could react you were leaning forward to place a small, quick, but sweet kiss on his pink lips. ‘oh my god why did i just do that, why did i jus-‘ “kissing me in my sleep? you didn’t strike me as the type (y/n)”. “you’re awake?! why are you fake sleeping?” “why are you kissing me hm?” “c-cause i wanted to!” you said sticking your tongue out. “well i never said i was mad, i just wish i could’ve been awake” “you were awake jackass” “nope i was sleeping, counting sheep if you will” “oh you got jokes now huh?” “i always have jokes i’ll have you know” “just go back to dream land then funny guy” turning over to have your back facing him you closed your eyes until you felt the mattress behind you dip and a soft breath by your ear. “not even a ‘goodnight kusou’ how cruel”. tired of his silly antics your turn halfway to be met with his face above yours. pulling him down to lightly press another peck on his lips you whispered: “goodnight kusou”. before turning fully the other way and snuggled into his chest. you don’t know where the sudden confidence came from but it felt nice to have the stoic kusou saiki cuddled up in your bed with his arms around your middle and a light blush dusting his cheeks. “goodnight (y/n)” was the last thing you heard before the clouds of dreams took over you.
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-end <3
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Trust Fund Baby ♡ Kim Seokjin
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Pairing: Kim Seokjin x reader
Genre: Fluff + Softcore Smut with a side of Comedy
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: includes softcore porn, mc cries during sex bc too much feelings, fake engagement, Jin’s mum dislikes YN
Summary: Kim Seokjin is the biggest Trust Fund Baby, it is no secret but he’s almost thirty and on the line to inherit his dad’s CEO position, which makes his family set a deadline for his engagement or he loses it all.
The one where Seokjin is no good with buried feelings but Y/N isn’t any better (they kinda hate each other and they have to share a bed okay, thats the cliche here)
A/N: banner made by me, whoa I finally got this bad boy finished that took quite some time, well, I hope you enjoy, these past few days haven’t been nice to me but I’m slowly working on it. Much blessing to all of you reading this first attempt at a slightly longer shot.
Seokjin has always been one to enjoy the finest things in life, traveling around the world at any given time? check. shopping without checking the price tag? check. attending a top tier university? also check. 
The thing is, one can only live so long without having to actually work for every single swipe of a black card. He is about to turn 28, youngest child of the most successful tech innovator in Korea and a former second-place Miss Universe, and he has yet to bring a girl home that provides him with some kind of secured future to the family name.
“We are not getting any younger” his mother had said the first few times the topic was brought up during their usual family Sunday brunch, but the words fell on deaf ears.
When his dad started getting involved in the matter, Seokjin knew he was over and done with.
But as much as his dad was headstrong, Jin was one himself too, he entered each blind date knowing that he would make whoever was sitting across from him, absolutely despise him after less than an hour went by, which was quite a hard task in itself, seen as he was pretty good looking and with a heavy amount of money under his name. 
See, he would have probably agreed to marry to some of the girls that his dad sent his way, but every time he sat down for dinner with each of them, they were not even trying to fake being interested in him, just his lifestyle, whether it is if his dad was about to name him CEO any time soon or how much money they could blow off in the wedding.
He could do it for the rest of his living days, scaring off his father’s candidates, that is. It was somewhat fun, earning a weirded out look when he mentioned he liked bathing in goats milk religiously, or how he allegedly liked being put to sleep like a baby, he even once went as far as admitting a fake toe kink in the most perverted way possible when one of them just wouldn’t budge.
Then again, his fun could only last so long, as his father called him up to the office to give him a 30-day ultimatum or his trust fund would be taken away for good. Now that had the gears in his head working, how on earth would any sane enough person agree to marry in a month-long time.
“I’m not saying you’re not a keeper, hyung but I honestly don’t think I can take up such a responsibility,” Namjoon laughed as they sat in one of the campus’ lounge chairs while they waited for their class to start, the elder groaned in response.
“Could you imagine having to marry THE Kim Seokjn in less than a month, but also having to meet the standards of tech genius Mr Kim and universal beauty Mrs Kim” Jungkook laughed at his friend as he patted his shoulder in pity “I don’t think anyone is willing to put themselves through it hyung”
“Could you just- I don’t know, help me out a bit? I already know I’m fucked” 
“Okay, let’s say… who could pass the scrutinising judgemental eye of the Kims?” the blond one offered, just a bit of teasing in his tone “They would have to be a girl, your father seems adamant on that one” he paused as if in thought “ A nice family name would help too”
“She would have to be good looking too, my mum says Seokjin-hyung’s mum can never be seen without looking like she is about to own a runway” 
“Well that’s about it, I will be broke for the rest of my life, I won’t be able to pay my student loans, it was nice knowing you guys, I’ll just have to work at some greasy old diner to pay for a one-bedroom apartment somewhere out of the city and we’ll never hang out again because I’ll be a disgrace of society, this handsome face will just wrinkle and spot without the high maintenance and- ugh” he buried his face in between his hands, resting on the table in an overexaggerated manner after his rant, making the youngers try to stifle a laugh
“Whoa, what is the drama queen crying about now?” Taehyung, another friend of theirs approached the table after hearing the not so subtle commotion “Hyung, if your night cream went out of stock again, you know I can get my mum to ship some to you, we’ve talked about this”
If Seokjin’s dramatic outburst from before had made them laugh, Taehyungs’ confession made them burst in a fit of laughter that had both of them holding onto their sides “You’ve- you’ve had to restock Seokjin-hyung on- on night cream before?” 
“And now he’s going to kill me, stop laughing!” he took a seat next to them “What is this about anyway?”
“His dad said he has to marry or they will completely obliterate his spending rights” 
“Oh but, how hard can it be? You’re Kim Seokjin, just ask a girl to fake marry you” 
“He’s just worried that after having a taste of Worldwide Handsome, they won’t let go ” Seokjin let out an overdramatic groan at that, continuing to fake cry, sound muffled by his arms
“Then just ask someone that doesn’t give two shits about your money or reputation to fake marry you”
“I don’t think such a person exists, hyung”
“Yah, Y/N is a good option, her family is filthy rich too” 
“But isn’t Y/N… you know, a bastard child?” Taehyung was known amongst their scene as a social butterfly, not caring about the protocol they were subdued into when they were children, so it made sense that while for them it was almost a rule to never consider an illegitimate child a friend of theirs, Taehyung would just jump over that fact.
“Which is exactly my point, if you show up to your parents’ house, saying you’re ‘oh so in love with this black sheep’ I could bet my life, they’ll let you off the hook”
 So maybe Taehyung was right, you were his best shot so far. Contrary to what most people new to the scene of Korea’s high society believe about your social status as an illegitimate child of the car emporium’s CEO and national treasure, he knows you are more of an insider, having grown up with him but… pretty much on the side. It wasn’t like you were alien to his lifestyle, but as you both grew up and he was involved more in the family business, you had grown apart, going as far as rebelling against your father once you were grown up enough to understand what being a bastard child meant for you. 
He never stopped seeing you around though, once you started going MIA on business dinners and family trips, he thought enough to see you during classes.
However, you stopped being recognisable after he attended a semester abroad, coming back home to see pigtails and pink puffy dresses long gone, in their place, ripped jeans, which were completely unacceptable for a lady, according to his mum, and driving one of your dad’s self-proclaimed archnemesis designs. 
It was a spring semester in high school, he could recall the time as if it were a precious memory, while the rest tried to pretend it had never happened in the first place; at age 27 he doesn’t have to try so hard to recall the way you burst into one of your father’s celebratory cocktails, drunk off your ass, barely managing to get a hold of some mic and screaming into it how he, and everyone else attending the party, had a stick up their asses that didn’t let them see anything but price tags before you were dragged off stage by security. He had giggled at it but his mother had scolded him, asking him to pretend as if you had never existed in the first place.
So of course, the secure way out of an arranged marriage was simple: you. 
Now, this promised to be no easy task, he knew you hated his family almost as much as you hated your own father, but he also happened to know his way into negotiating an infallible plan that would get you to rebel against the system you were so adamant on taking down. 
“Wait wait wait, so you’re telling me, asking me, to marry you” so perhaps approaching you on your way to class wasn’t the smartest way to do it, seen as you halted your hasty walk to turn to look at him, books in hand and looking like you hadn’t slept in days.
“Yeah, fake marrying me though” 
“I would still sign a contract, Jin you do know we would be legally married, right?” he just raised his shoulders as if to dismiss your statement.
“Say, hypothetically I do it, I don’t think your parents would approve of me” you resumed your walk and he found it appropriate to play dumb with a smile on his face.
“Why wouldn’t they?” 
You stopped walking again and blinked a few times his way as if debating inside your head if he really was that dense“Jin… I’m a bastard child, you know how it goes around here”
“Hmmm I’m willing to look past that, yeah” you stared at him for a few seconds before smiling in a knowing way, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at him,  not being able to see past his words to his true intentions on the matter since you two hadn’t really hung out for years “So what do you say?”
“No thank you” you weren’t about to turn around once you started to walk away once again, but out of the corner of your eyes you could see him hanging his mouth open in that drama fashion he was known for.
Days passed and each one seemed to go by faster than the last, by the time two weeks were left, he could practically hear the ticking clock inside his head, reminding him that maybe he should have gone for an easier target, perhaps some girl from the country club that seemed to always try so hard to steal a glance from him. But then again, he wouldn’t get rid of her for all he’s worth.
Seokjin tries, again and again, everytime ending up with a no from you, he starts actually trying as his days run low, peer pressure, you’d call it as he set up a huge booth full of roses just outside your dorm building, a mic held in his hand as everyone around him took videos of THE Kim Seokjin making a fool of himself for a girl, your cheeks blazing red as you walked up to him, finally fed up with him as you angrily whispered to him “You’re asking me because you don’t think I am on your level, you honestly think less of me, why? because I didn’t grow up in a golden cradle like you and your friends? because I actually have to work for what I have? You’re an asshole Kim Seokjin, but I will prove you, I can absolutely charm both of your parents, I’ll do it” Seokjin’s grin taking over his features.
The first time you officially posed as Seokjin’s girlfriend, you wouldn’t have thought it would be one of the most nerve wrecking experiences in your life, having grown in a wealthy family, after your mother decided to leave you with your biological dad and his rightful heirs, you were no stranger to their roundabouts, their lifestyle and everything in between.
“Well you cleaned up nicely, Y/N” Seokjin said in a mocking tone, body resting against his black car just outside your dorm building as he watched you close the glass door, ready to drive both of you to his family’s vacation house all the way in Jeju Island
“Why aren’t you a gentleman and help me with my stuff?” you groaned as, once again, your suitcase betrays you and tries to slip away from your grasp.
“Nah, not really my thing” he adjusted his sunglasses perched on his nose as he mockingly added “...darling”
“Kim Seokjin, I am the one doing you a favour by going with you!” you shouted back at him, in a futile attempt to get him to help you as he was already buckling himself up  inside the driver’s seat.
In all wealthy family fashion, as soon as Seokjin phoned back home to let his parents know that he was ‘finally ready to bring his girlfriend over’ his mum had gone all out and invited most of the inner Kim family for a weekend get together in one of their houses in Jeju, with just a text the night before having to leave campus as a heads up for you to get ready, currently on your way to catch a plane. 
“Wait so let me just get this straight” you said, surprised at Seokjin’s story of how the conversation with his mum went down, turning in your seat to face him more clearly “just after month of your parents trying to set you up, you just went ahead and straight up lied to your mother by saying that you’re bringing your long time girlfriend that you just somehow never mentioned before?”
“Yeah, Y/N, didn’t you hear me out the first time?”
You let out something between a laugh and a scoff as you melted into your seat “We’re so screwed”
Two hours and a lot of bickering later, you are still pushing your own suitcase forward as you and Seokjin made your way to a rented car just outside the airport.
“Listen so- these family things are kinda..”
“Stuck up?”
“I was gonna say etiquette-driven, but yeah, stuck up probably fits best” he said as you buckled your seatbelt on, him beginning to drive away and towards his family address, somewhere from the side of your eye you could see his hand trembling lightly on the steering wheel. Could it be that Kim Seokjin was nervous? The Kim Seokjin? 
“Relax Jin, I know exactly how to handle it. We grew up together, remember?” you said smiling at him as he turned your way for a second; to calm him down, but honestly it was more a thing to try and calm yourself down, having ran away from such a lifestyle, stirring things up in your family, only to end up somehow at the center of it all was sure a wild ride to be on.
“Yeah, I sometimes kinda forget you used to be so much better at this stuff than your sisters” his eyes lingered on you a second too long as you stopped at a red light, a small smile taking over his lips and the car behind you being quick to make it known that Seokjin was taking up too long to start the car going again when the light changed.
The ride was pretty much silent and kinda awkward but soon over with as the car pulled up to a familiar villa, white houses with fancy front gardens and over the top luxury cars lining up together as Jin parked on the third house on the right, just beside the one that used to be your father’s, and probably still was.
A woman was waiting by the entrance door, which you soon recognised to be Seokjin’s mum, looking just a tad older than how you remembered her from all those years ago, a bright smile on her face as she rushed to the driver’s side to greet her son.
“Ah Seokjinnie! You never visit anymore, look at you! Are you eating well? You look so thin!” she said as she placed two sonorous kisses on her son, one  on each cheek.
“Yah, eomma, we talk on the phone a lot though” 
“Wait so who’s the lucky lady you’ve brought home?” you stood kind of awkwardly on the front of the car to greet her with a small bow and a faltering smile, your heart speeding up at the memories of what your life used to be, fingers gripping your bag tighter in an attempt to not run away as soon as her eyes landed on you and her smile fell “Y/N? Seokjinnie, is Y/N really the girl you brought home?”
“Surprise?” Jin said from behind her as she not so subtly let out a huff and entered the house as you tried not to notice how your heart sinked at the sight, surely, you had always known deep down that you were quite the talk of the town amongst the families, with you being a bastard child and all, which was exactly why Seokjin had asked you to pretend to be his girlfriend, so his parents would drop the topic, very much preferring to see his son single rather than married to an out of marriage offspring, which not only made you realise that what you had promised yourself to make Seokjin down his words would never be true, you could never in a million years make his parents love you, and you didn’t calculate just how much it would hurt yourself as you tried.
“You can take the room upstairs, I’ll call you when your sister’s back so we can have dinner together” his mother said as she made her way inside without another word
“So I don’t think your mother likes me” you blurted out as soon as you closed the door to the room “Which I guess, goes exactly as you planned, after this I don’t think they’ll be pestering you to marry”
“Y/N that’s the least of our problems”
“What are you talking about?”
His eyes opened up to emphasize along with his hands dramatically pointing towards the bed “There’s only one bed and I have a bad back so I’m not about to sleep on the floor”
“Well that’s the least you could do Kim, I’m not about to share a bed with you”
“Take the couch?” he said as he pointed to a small couch that faced the window 
“Kim Seokjin I’m doing this much for your sorry ass, so unless you want me to go down and tell your mother that all of this is a set up, you take the damn couch”
“Well I never knew you looked that hot while yelling at me, Y/N”
“You’re insufferable” 
“Y/N come on, I don’t fit in that couch” he whined at you as you walked towards the bathroom to freshen up
“Do as you please Seokjin, but you’re not sleeping with me” 
As if dealing with Seokjin’s mum wasn’t enough, his sister was about to burst your head either from all the questioning or out of spite from the looks she was giving you as you sat across from her on the dinner table
“So Y/N, your sisters never mentioned you dating our Seokjin”
“Oh yeah- it was more of a very private matter, we dated for awhile just to see how it went, right Jinnie?” you said the nickname in a honey dripping voice that fitted the fake scenario you had going on
“Ahh yeah, yeah, Y/N and I, we uh- we like keeping to ourselves”
“And I haven’t seen you at your dad’s company dinners after- well, the incident”
“Seung” their oldest brother said sternly, catching up with her intentions “We’re just glad to see you again, Y/N”
After dinner, Jin and you walked upstairs saying your goodbyes to the rest of his family to enter the bedroom, separately doing your night routines, you lied on one side of the bed as Seokjin prepped a few blankets and pillows in order to lie on the floor “I was just joking, you know? You could sleep on the other side of the bed” you said, feeling somewhat guilty at how he had taken your past statement as a rule
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable” he was quick to say, already tossing at being uncomfortable lying on the floor.
“Oh so now you’re being considerate?” you scoffed- sure, Seokjin was kind of a dick, most of the time, but he wasn't half as bad as most people his age and social status, but honestly speaking, if he was so preoccupied on making you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t have even proposed to make you go through this whole ordeal “After what I just had to go through with your sister?”
“Well you kind of accepted to come” he retorted in a soft voice, one you hadn’t listened to him use before, as if over the course of the short dinner time, something had changed in your relationship “A friend doing me a favour, you know?”
“Seokjin…” you trailed off, however as far as you two went back, after news broke that you were somewhat cut off from your father’s heirship, and everyone started treating you cold as ever, you would have thought Jin had gotten the clue “We stopped being friends a long time ago”
“What are you talking about” the night was filled with silence apart from your two whispering voices in the dark as both of you laid there
“Yeah after… that time, we hadn’t talked to each other until now” Describing your relationship with Seokjin was one of the most difficult things to do, while you were still part of the official lineage of your father’s, the Kims had actually even rooted for you to marry Seokjin, whomst you were head over heels at the time, both of you were, but Jin being the good son and heir to a tech emporium, had always disliked the way you stood up against your father and the whole elite thing your families had going on; needles to say, you both completely cut off any strings attached after you proclaimed your despise to the whole wealthy ordeal and you were vanished from your dad’s will. 
“I fail to see your point” and for a second you would have loved to believe his soothing voice in the dark, to still be in friendly terms at least, with him, after all this time.
“Nevermind just- goodnight” you said as you turned on your side to cuddle the pillow in between your arms, his soft voice reaching your ears once more and for the last time in the night.
“Goodnight Y/N”
“I’m just going straight to the point here, Y/N what exactly do you plan on achieving by marrying my son?” Jin’s mother said as soon as you came down the stairs, Seokjin having left the room a while back
“Nothing ma’am, we’re just really in love” something inside you twisting at the lie that could have been truth if things were just a tiny bit different than how they were evolving at the time, the words leaving your lips sounding as the mere truth to your ears nonetheless
“I don’t buy that lovebirds facade, Y/N drop the act now” she turned to look directly at you, trying to sound menacing, which, would have worked, had it not been for you handling her for quite some time now, so you just tried your sweetest smile at her “Whatever you and Seokjin had when you were teens, your father and Seokjin’s father called it off”
“I know” you tried to conceal just how much the reminder hurted, the memories flooding into your mind, of you and Jin being engaged even before meeting each other, the good times you both spent together as friends, a few months as something more, then the lonely nights when it was all over and it had seemed like a dream that just wouldn’t ever come true.
“Just so you know, I’m keeping a close eye on you two” were her last words before leaving the kitchen, off to some other place in the house.
“Yes ma’am”
“Hey, Y/N, we’re heading to the beach you coming?” Seokjin asked as he laid his elbow on the counter, you pull him towards you, taking his hand in your smaller one as you watched his mother closing in on you two from the distance before she set her eyes elsewhere
He leaned in to you, whispering “What was that for?”
“Your mother knows something���s up” you shortly answered
“Y/N, I didn’t know you were coming” Seokjin’s father looked just as he did the last time you saw him years ago, his face contorting into an incredule one as he saw you descend from one of the cars that took you to the beach “Are you and your father on a better place now?”
“Oh no sir, I’m accompanying Seokjin” if he hadn’t believed your presence at first, he surely wasn’t believing the words leaving your mouth; Seokjin’s father had always had a soft spot for you, my hardest working tobe daughter-in-law, he had once said, and even after you and Seokjin’s engagement was called off, mainly by your father even when Jin’s mum said otherwise, his dad had offered you a place in his company’s headboard after you graduated, which you politely denied, knowing that someday, Seokjin would be CEO and you would have to work under his name directly.
“Seokjin? my son?” you nodded “What has Seokjin ever done to deserve you as his fiancee?”
“The same thing I keep repeating myself” you mutter more to yourself than for him to hear
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing!”
The weekend with Jin’s family was as monotonous as you remembered them to be, with family dinner after a day at the beach, plus the constant scrutinising eye of his mother on you two, which made you both hold hands more than the normal amount a real couple should, only to have to spend the night at a lonely bed.
 “Jin, I’m cold” 
“Well you sure aren’t planning on also taking my blanket from me, you’ve taken my bed already” he joked from his made up bed on the floor, which in hindsight, was probably even colder for him than for you
“No can’t do”
“Come cuddle me then” the words had left your mouth before your brain could even complete to process them, the situation all too familiar from years before, like muscle memory, your brain had just dwelled into a common relationship between the two, too easy to slip away from.
“Ohhh you’re already falling for worldwide handsome” he joked, only you knowing the truth his words hid behind them and you felt your face heat up, somehow deciding against backing up.
“Shut up just-” torn between spilling your “new found” feeling for him that were remains from a past love or keeping it the bare minimum “I’m cold”
“Fine, I’ll be there” he paused, and you knew him all too well to know that he was wearing a stuid grin on his face, wondering if by any chance the innocent banter had a deeper meaning for him too as he added “Almost fiancee”
You could hear a shuffling  of blankets and him throwing his pillows on the bed before he literally jumped on it, whole body hovering over yours, his eyes glistening as they bore into yours as he kept his body weight on his extended hands, a familiar twist in your heart at the distance, his lips on yours in the blink of an eye for less than a second before he rolled off to the empty side of the bed
“What was that for?!” you panicked, not loud enough for anyone to hear but him
“I don’t know it felt right”
As you turned to confront him, the air suddenly didn’t feel as cold as before, a warmth enveloping you both that felt like home, like this place and time was exactly where you were supposed to be all along, your hands coming up to caress the side of his face as his larger ones tugged you closer to him effortlessly without breaking eye contact; both of your faces coming closer to each other, noses brushing against each other before your lips found his, an all too familiar setting for the both of you, everything feeling as if both of your lives had been a movie that had been unwillingly paused and someone had pressed play just as you were close like this, feeling as if all those years apart were nothing when together, his hot tongue lapping your lower lip as you granted him entrance, tongues dancing with one another as time seemed to slow down, a gasp escaping your lips as his cold hand found its way into your pajama pants “sorry, is this okay?” he whispered against your lips, to which you agreed, your own hands scurrying under his top to caress his torso, his lips finding your sweet spot under your ear all too easily, as if he had never forgotten about it, his pants straining by each passing second as you felt him grow harder against your thigh, hand going under the covers to palm him over the fabric, which made him exhale a moan in your ear, feeling yourself grow wetter at the display, all too familiar, yet not enough, you lunged yourself over him to straddle his hips, clothed core rubbing against his covered length in a futile attempt to ease the tension “ah- you’re sure about this, Y/N?” he found himself checking in with you before you both lost yourselves to pleasure “a hundred percent, Jin”.
Seokjin was quick to rid you both of your clothing, both of you grimacing at the cold and giggling about it for a second before you resumed your ways with one another, Jin’s tongue working its way down your body until he reached your folds, eating you out like a man starved, his hand finding yours to grip tight as he went down to business, lapping up your juices and working you to your first quieted orgasm of the night with a questionable experience, were you two to have never broken up in the first place; you quick to turn you both over so you were on top and ready to ride his apparently aching length as soon as he disctrated himself by kissing you post-bliss tasting yourself on his tongue, a smirk forming in his features as he reached on the bed side table to roll a condom on himself, your hands teasing him already as you muttered a “Your parents are in the next room” that was soon answered with a cocky “We shouldn’t let them hear then” before you lined him up with your entrance and slided down on him, hands gripping each other’s as you started working a pleasurable deep pace, moans tangling with the other’s, eyes fluttering shut and a lonely tear rolling down you cheek at all the emotions that you had pent up and were slowly releasing by each thrust as you buried your face on his neck, startling Jin  and making you look down on him to check on you as he noticed you crying “Y/N, are you okay?” he muttered sweetly before kissing your lips in the sweetest form, hips stilling as he was buried deep inside you, him tossing you underneath him, angling his hips better and taking over a more passionate pace, plump lips kissing away your falling tears, as if knowing that they were caused by something bigger than the both of you “God you’re so beautiful” he said as his pace became erratic “Come with me please, Y/N” whether his words or the newly found position as he pulled a leg over his shoulder, hitting all the right spots, worked you to your second orgasm, followed by him spilling in the condom, would remain a mystery as he was quick to dispose the used condom and clean both of you as you edged on sleep, his naked torso colliding with your bare back as he cuddled you.
“What are they doing here?” You muttered under your breath as Jin leaned into your frame, your right arm intertwined with his as you both rounded the corner to greet the guests that Jin’s mother had so carefully selected for the engagement party
“What? Who?” his eyes scanned the room rapidly 
“My father and- Seoyun and Junghee” his free hand rested on top of yours in an attempt to let you know he was there for you, having witnessed first hand all the history between you and your family and mentally cursing his mother for playing you so dirty
“Seokjin I can’t keep doing this” you turned to him, eyes panicked and wide on the verge of tears, his mind racing a hundred miles per second in search for the right words that would make you stay, he had already lost you before, and even though things didn’t quite turned out the way he had planned, he wasn’t about to let you slip away again “I can’t face them again, after all they’ve put me through, Seokjin, they took away my dreams just because I wouldn’t pace around like the rest of them,  this is your life, not mine I’m so sorry” you had ran out of his grip and out the door before his brain could even begin to process it, blinking a few too many times before he called out to you 
“Seokjinnie! What’s taking you so long?” his mother had gathered the guests in the garden for the grand entrance of the newly announced engagement, tired of being kept waiting, walking up to him
“I’m so sorry eomma, I’ll- I just- I have to go” in his mind he was already out the door looking for you, had it not been for his mother’s hand on his bicep keeping him on place and turning him to look at her
“Kim Seokjin, we get it. Your father and I will wait until you find a girl to marry, one that suits you well” Seokjin’s mother was sure a woman that could not be fooled, but this one time perhaps it was Jin that had been fooled by himself on letting himself get close to you and fall in love all over again, just the way it happened all those years ago, just the way it was supposed to be
“That’s what you don’t get mum, I’ve already found the one” 
“Y/N? Jinnie, Y/N is not part of our world, you know it” 
“Then I want to be part of hers. I don’t care if you take my trust fund, take everything, I’ll build myself up, just like she did all those years ago and all of us, we all turned our backs on her, I want to be there for her, like it should have been from the start” he would have loved to record the incredulity in his mother’s eyes as she let her arms fall to her sides defeated, the first time Kim Seokjin had fail to complied with his mother was about none other than in an engagement matter.
Truth be told, you couldn't go far, there was no possible way you could just run home all the way from Jeju Island, but somehow seeing your tear stained face as you slumped over an old set of swings that he now recalled, you two used to go to back in the day, had his heart filling up, butterflies roaming his tummy
“...Jin” you exhaled his name, his mind quickly recalling the night before, how your eyes spilled love all over, how the past days watching you go on your daily routine alongside him, had him imploding with the purest kind of love
“Y/N? Listen I-” he began, a thousand words tangled in his mind waiting to be released
“I don’t think I made it”
“Made what?”
“Your parents to like me” a smirk appeared in his features as his hand came up to caress the side of your face lovingly
“Well you certainly made me like you” he said, close enough to your lips that you could have sworn both of your breaths mixed into one
“I don’t think you ever stopped liking me” a mirroring grin traced your lips before you leaned in to kiss him, whatever the path you two were once destined to walk, it was all different now, whatever turns it may take the only sure thing was that you two would walk it down together after all those years apart. 
Plus, technically speaking, Jin’s trust fund should remain intact since he found a wife in less than a month’s time, and you could always ask his dad for that place in the company he was always talking about.
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devilbat · 4 years
Spoiled, Chapter 6
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Warning: smut, masturbating, Crude thoughts, cussing, I think angst, unwanted touching for like a split second. I guess that’s all I think. 
CEO!Tom Hiddleston x Reader
A/n: Sorry for the MIA with this story and others. I’m trying. Also I’m using my phone and they don’t have the break.
               "Brittany, please make sure I'm not interrupted for the rest of the day unless it's Mr. y/l/n." Tom barked as he barreled through the hallway to his office, not giving the petite blonde at the reception desk a chance to speak as he roughly shut the door to his office.
               Tom was frustrated about the deal that should have been done months ago. But someone from Accounting messed up. It was almost causing the client to back out of the agreement. Tom had worked hard to get them on board, and now it was teetering. Let along his night after you left kept him restless and tired. 
             Tom sighed heavily, pouring himself a drink from the Crystal Decanter, a gift when he made a partner from his mother. He flopped into the oversize chair, the set by the large window. Legs sprawled out, his arm rested over his thigh—the other rubbing his forehead.
The door to his office suddenly opened than closed. "Britney, I said I didn't want to be disturbed." Tom snarled, not once looking up.
"Well, last time I checked, I wasn't a bimbo." You claimed.
Tom's head snapped up. His glass almost dropped from his hand. "Miss. Y/l/n what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping off your hangover?" Tom raised an eyebrow. His eyes scanned over you. His jacket buttoned over your body. The coat hit mid-thigh on you. Your legs bare as you walk around his desk, your high heels echoed as they hit the floor.
"I wanted to give you your jacket back." You hummed. Your hand slid along Tom's desk as you neared.
"You could have just left it with my assistant or down on the main floor." Tom swallowed hard.
You giggled as you stood next to him, your hip resting against the perfectly polished red oak. "You look a little tense, Tom, maybe you need to loosen that tie?" To reached forward, your hand side along with the silk.
"Mis y/l/n" Tom cleared his throat grabbed ahold of your wandering hands. "If my jacket is the only thing, then that will be all. I wish to get back to work."
Tom watched as you grabbed the Crystal glass from Tom’s hand, taking a swing of it before setting it off to the side. You slide yourself between him and the desk. Slowly undoing the buttons, finally revealing sheer pink and lace babydoll underneath it all with barley there matching thong, leaving nothing to the imagination. But boy, did those images you had accidentally sent him did not do you justice. You were a sight. Your nipples had hardened with the cold room. Tom's cock started to grow uncomfortable in his treasures.
          "M-miss. y/l/n what are you doing?" Tom quickly snapped out of it. When your hand wrapped itself around his tie, pulling him toward you. Remind himself that you were his partner's daughter. Not someone he wanted to be messing around with.
         "Something I've wanted to do for far too long. And from the looks of things." Your free hand ran along the length of his needy cock. Twitching under your touch. "You have too."
         Tom roughly grabbed both your wrists, making you giggle. "I like you being rough with me." You leaned into Tom, kissing his lips. The perfect distraction as Tom was too shocked to react, which allowed you to straddle his thigh.
Slowly you rolled your hip, grinding yourself against his muscular thigh. "Mmm, Tom, I want you." You moaned into the kiss.
"Stop this nonsense, Miss. Y/l/n." He pulled you off his lip, grabbing onto you so you wouldn't fall. Your knee brushed against his painfully growing cock. Tom notice how wet you were from the cold, damp spot that was now left behind. He was mentally cussing himself out.
"I see the way you eye fuck me, Mr. Hiddleston. You and I Both know you want to bend me over this desk and pound into me." You winked. You were still standing before him.
You grabbed ahold of Tom's hand as he Stared you down. You pushed his hand between your thighs the panties did nothing to cove your dripping folds. Helping Tom's fingers grazed at your entrance and swollen clit. You twitched and gasped at his touch. You expected Tom to pull his hand away, but he never did.
"Fuck." Tom breathed out. "Your bloody fucking wet." Tom started to move his finger along your folds on his own., teasing you.
  "Oh, Tom." You moaned out.
         You let go of Tom's hand as it now started working you over. Your now free hand massaged Tom's hard twitch cock. "Oh, god, Tom.” You gasped and moaned. Tom’s fingers covered in your juices. “I want you, Tom! Make me your little sluty, Princess." Your voice strained as you were close to coming.
        Tom jumped out of his set when his phone rudely interrupted his intense dream. He groaned, rubbing his head both of them. God, he was hard. Looking over at the clock on the wall, most everyone was on lunch. Maybe he could give himself a little relief knowing it was going to be a long day.
        Tom undid the zipper to his slacks, pulling out his hard, heavy, and very much active cock. He was already seeping out pre-cum. Giving him enough lubrication to moved his hand over his length with ease. Thinking of that tight wet pussy of yours. You riding his thighs and his cock. The lewd thought of turning daddy little princess into a mewling quim made his cock pulses in pleasure.
          He was far to close to coming when the door opened to his office. The click of the door made him holt his action. "And what do I owe the intrusion Miss. y/l/n?" Tom cleared his throat as you shut the door behind you.
           Though as delightful of thought it was that you were here to fuck his brains out, this was not a dream. Your eyes met his you looked like a little lamb that had been thrown to the lions suddenly. Did you hear him jerking off? Seeing him in the act? He thought.
            "I wanted to return your coat." You stayed walking towards him. Tom scooted under his desk more, hiding his painful member.
          "Ah, yes, though, I didn't expect you to bring it. Just leave it on the chair Miss. y/l/n." Tom tilted his head in the directions he was referring to, watching you like a wolf in sheep's clothing. You looked like you had just finished working out. The tight yoga pants cling to you like they were painted on give the idea that you were either not wearing any panties or a thong. Didn't help his painful predicament or the fact you only had a sports bra on.
          "Is there anything else, Miss. y/l/n?" Tom hummed when you pause at the door after draping the jacket over the chair.
            "I just wanted to say thank you for the coat. It was rather cold out." You managed to get out.
           "Yes, indeed it was. Have a good day, Miss. y/l/n." Tom was trying to get you to leave. If not, he would make you bring that pretty ass of your over and have you bouncing off his lap if you stayed any longer. And you’d be needing his coat once more then.
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boomjohnny · 4 years
i like that dummy. Like crazy. You can’t even imagine, dude. [sequel]
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*this is pt 1, pls read that before this one if u haven’t!
**sorry this took 5 years also y’all are seniors in this dont worry they arent like freshman or sophomores and like thirsty like that lol
pairing - jock!jaehyun x fem!reader
word count - 2.3k
genre - soft sheep fluff, if u squint i guess it’s might be suggestive at one part(?)
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[ 10:32 A.M ]  To say that the first minute of the walk outside with Jaehyun was not awkward as hell would be a horrible, horrible lie. Your eyes seemed to dart everywhere but the jock next to you, who stayed surprisingly silent. You wonder if this was a joke; some sick bet that the basketball team set him up to. 
They were infamous for their ruthless pranks, with their victims ranging from babies fresh from middle school to the most ancient of teachers. You shudder at a junior year memory of seeing Mr. Dong’s boxers for the first time.
Yeah, they pantsed him not once, not twice, but three times before the poor guy ran out screaming.
You remember Jaehyun laughing and doing stupid handshakes with his friends when they found out he resigned the next day. Your feet pull to a halt.
Is he going to laugh at you like that too?
A pair of weathered checker Vans appear in front of your hi-tops. “What’s wrong? Are you actually sick?” 
The concern in his voice was even more concerning for you. This wasn’t what you expected. You inhale sharply, before looking him in the eye.
“I should be asking you that! Did you take some mind altering drug this morning? How can you-” You grab the crumpled confession from your pocket and fling it at his chest. It falls limply between the two of you.  “-throw this thing at me?”
“I mean, I’ve been throwing things at you all year,” He says coolly, picking the ball up. “You just happened to finally open one. Pity you didn’t catch my paper planes. Those had little hearts on it. Or my paper cranes, those had-”
“It isn’t funny, you know.”
Jaehyun puts his hands in his pockets. “What isn’t?”
“Playing with other people’s feelings,” You bite the inside of your cheek. “I know you and your little basketball team think it’s the fucking BALLS to make other people feel like shit and I don’t know what stupid bet this was, but-”
“So you’re sad about it?”
“You’re sad at the possibility that I might not like you?” He takes a step closer. “That this all might just be a bet?”
With one firm tug on your wrist, he pulls you closer. His breath feels warm on your forehead. Your heart pounds so hard in your chest you wouldn’t be surprised if it just pops out onto the floor.
“Well, you’re wrong.” His arm snakes around your waist so suddenly and so firmly that you wonder if you’ll go into cardiac arrest. “This isn’t a bet.”
You’re so close to him now you can see the little snow-like freckles on his nose from summer. The warmth around your waist feels electrifying.
“Jaehyun, what-”
“I said it in the letter, said it in class and I’ll say it again. I like you, Y/N. And I like you a lot. And I also get the feeling that-” He gives you a shit eating grin. “-you feel the same way.”
“…maybe.” You mumble, eyes fixated on a piece of lint on the ground.
“Maybe?” He grabs your chin so you’re facing him. “You gonna break my heart, Y/N?”
You see yourself in his eyes, and for a moment, you wonder if he can see himself in yours.
“Jaehyun…” Your start, but inaudible words come out of your lips again. Jaehyun puts a teasing hand up to his ear and lean over.
“I can’t hear you, Y/N. Speak loud-”
“-okay you know what, fuck it-” You inhale sharply. “-you’re too CLOSE, Jaehyun. I CAN’T THINK PROPERLY BECAUSE YOU’RE TOO CLOSE TO ME AND MY HEART IS BEATING TOO FAST.” 
Your face feels hot and you’re certain you look like a tomato again. You look away, the cringe from the words that came out of your mouth sinking in.
WHY DID I SAY THAT? ARE WE IN WATTPAD? WHAT WAS THAT, Y/N? You internally scream at yourself, wondering why he wasn’t saying anything.
There’s a pause where the warmth around your waist disappears. An unconscious pout appears on your lips from the absence of his touch, an action that he most definitely notices. 
“That was a good enough answer for me, ma'am.”
And suddenly, your back is against the lockers with Jung Jaehyun’s lips on yours.
He tastes like the pink lemonade from the cafeteria, a little too sweet, a little too artificial, but you don’t feel yourself pulling away anytime soon. His arm finds its way around your waist again and his fingers draw soft circles down the small of your back. Your hands go down from his hair to his neck when he brings your body even closer. It’s only when you nibble on his lower lip that he pulls away, his cheeks dusted a very warm pink. For a moment, it seems like he’s going to kiss you again, but instead he takes a step back and turns around.
As he fixes his hair, the tips of his ears peek out of his locks. They’re scarlet red like syrup on shaved ice. 
How cute.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Jaehyun blush before - or embarrassed, for that matter. To be frank, you wondered if that was even possible, since his smug face seemed to be the only thing he ever wore when he strode down the school hallways during lunch or when he sat at your dining table during neighbourhood parties.
“Where did you…” He says slowly, lips slightly red and swollen. “Where did you learn that?”
“Learn what?” You say innocently, slightly proud of yourself for making The Jung Jaehyun flustered for once. 
“You’re a good kisser Y/N,” He shakes his head, taking a step towards you again. “So who have you been kissing?”
A surge of confidence flows through you from the compliment. 
“Sorry Jaehyun but-” You smirk up at him. “-I don’t kiss and tell.”
He raises an eyebrow, inching in again and placing hand next to your head, trapping you. You look at his lips and back at him again, with a gaze that almost dared him to come to you again, almost challenged him to capture your lips in his again and not pull away so fast this time. 
“Y/N,” He growled under his breath. His eyes suddenly looked very hungry. “If we weren’t in school I swear-”
As if it knew that words that were not fit for a school were at the tip of Jaehyun’s tongue, the bell rang. Students poured out of classrooms, some groaning about their classes, some excitedly talking about the weekend, some looking like plain zombies who lost their taste for human brains. 
You saw Doyoung come out of a hallway with Mark and Yuta who, although you thought you were quick enough to push Jaehyun away without anyone seeing, were quite sharp. 
“Well…I guess I’ll go to Chem now.” You clear your throat, slinging your bag (fell off your back when you were making out) over your shoulder.
 As you start to walk away to catch up with Doyoung (who walked past the two of you secretly with a devilish smile), Jaehyun catches your wrist again, in an almost panicked way that a child might do when their parents leave them at a kindergarten for the first time. 
“Wait! Uh…will I see you again today?”
You look at his wrist, smiling. “If you want to.”
His grip relaxes, and he puts his hands in his pockets again. “Today, 6:30 at the quad?”
“So late?”
“Why? Think you’ll miss me too much?”
You roll your eyes, turning away again.
“Just joking, just joking,” He pulls you back. “I have practice. Oh! You could come watch if you want. Straight after school, at the courts. You know, I’m known to be pretty sexy when I play basketball. Sweaty, glistening, sometimes my shirt comes up-”
You put a hand in front of his face, covering his dumb wiggling eyebrows.
“Sure, sure I’ll come,” You wave a hand as you begin walking away. He doesn’t stop you again but instead his dimples go back on full display. “I’ll probably be watching Taeyong though, he’s really handsome-”
The second bell rings, the only people left in the hallway are the two of you, an amused Doyoung and Yuta and Mark who are eavesdropping at the back.
You run before he can catch you again, and stop hastily when you reach Doyoung at the end of the hallway. The look he’s giving you makes you want to punch him. 
“Did. I. Not. Tell. You. That. Boy. Likes. You.” He says, each time he claps after a word making you groan more. ‘What. Did. I. Say. You. Clown.”
“Yes, yes, you were right.” You sigh as the two of you enter the class and settle down in your lab seats. 
“So, what happened exactly?” 
“Well,” Your hand stops shuffling your backpack for your textbook. The image of Jaehyun pinning you to the lockers flashes in your mind, his hand on your waist… “Nothing much.” You say, rather unconvincingly.
“Boo, don’t lie,” Doyoung says, flicking on his horn-rimmed glasses when the teacher begins to give a rather boring presentation on acids. “It was a trick question, I saw y’all nasty asses kissing.”
“How did you-”
“When I told you that you were lewd, I didn’t mean to act on it! And to think! In this holy educational institute, where a fourteen year old freshman baby could’ve seen, y’all nasties were-”
Suddenly, the class is quiet, and the teacher, a very weathered man who was apparently a retired scientist called Mr. Yang casted you a very offended glance. You can see Doyoung trying his best not to laugh and you pinch him on the leg.
“Is there a problem, Y/N? Or rather-” His eyes narrow on Doyoung, who was now biting his cheek to prevent a smile. “-a problem with Doyoung? Do you want me to move you?”
“No, no. Ah Doyoung was just-” You peek quickly at the presentation behind him. “-telling me a fun fact about hydronium! It was so shocking, I couldn’t hold back… Yes, I could not. Sorry about that, sir.”
Though unconvinced, he let out a grunt and continued on, the class going back to normal. You let out a deep breath and tried to focus on the moving dots on the screen that were supposed to be particles. 
“You know, I was lying earlier. I only saw the two of you talking. But wow. Did you actually kiss him? Was he good? Did he do tongue?”
You bite your lip to stop another shout from erupting from your lips. Something told you this time Mr. Yang would kick you out for the rest of the year if you interrupted him again.
You resorted stepping on Doyoung’s foot very, very hard.
- and back to somewhere not so far away, in the past -
“Y/N!” Jaehyun shouts, a smile on his lips at the girl’s retreating figure. He shook his head, still in a slight daze from what just happened. However, he had no time to recover as two slaps on his back and a very loud “DUDE” sounded in his ear.
“MARK! You scared me, oh my god,” Jaehyun says, rubbing his ear as Yuta slings his arm around his shoulder.
“So,” Yuta says, exchanging mischievous grins with Mark. “how was the nurse’s office?”
“Huh?” Jaehyun says in confusion, before retracting almost immediately. “OH! Yeah, you know…Y/N put some ice to her forehead…”
A snort came from Yuta and Mark started giddy laughing like he inhaled some helium gas. 
“STOP LYING, DUDE. We saw you, alright? Acting all mushy by the lockers and looking into each other’s eyes like you were Romeo and Juliet or something.” 
“What the-weren’t you in class?”
Yuta rolled his eyes. “Do you really think we would actually do self-study? You have severely underestimated us, Jeffrey.”
The three of them began walking towards the courts for P.E. It was Jaehyun’s favourite subject but the only thing that he thought about the entire time was you. Your awkward but adorable confession, your flushed cheeks when he confessed to you, the feeling of your lips against his… 
For the first time in his four years of high school, his P.E classmates found him utterly useless during a game of sports.
“Is something wrong with Jeffrey today?” Someone said from the showers after the lesson as Jaehyun was changing his shirt. 
“I’m fine!” He shouted back, even though he wasn’t really. Very soon he would be going back to the courts but there would be one small difference. You would be there, watching him, and something about that got his heart pounding very hard, indeed. 
“Yeah, right.” Someone else chimed in, also from the showers. “Jaehyun’s got himself a girlfriend.” 
“Yeah they were smooching-” 
“Yuta, Mark, if you don’t want to run ten laps, you’ll shut up now,” Jaehyun says, quickly swiping on some cologne on his wrist. Taeyong, the basketball team’s forward raised an eyebrow at this. 
“Cologne? Jaehyun do you actually-”
Jaehyun was too engrossed in shoving his stuff into his Superdry as quick as possible to notice Taeyong had been talking to him. It was only when the bag was over his shoulder that Jaehyun turned to him, with a look that Taeyong could only describe as determination.
“Taeyong, bro, if a crazy girl wearing a denim skirt and red hi-tops stares at you later during practice, tell her to back off, and that she needs to stop looking at you, okay?”
Jaehyun pats the older boy’s shoulder and begins to walk away, a spring already forming in his step at the thought of seeing you.
Taeyong blinks. “What? Who’s that?”
“Some dummy who made me miss class. But you know what?”  
He turns back again, a twinkle in his eyes.
“I like that dummy. Like crazy. You can’t even imagine, dude.”
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
I Thought We Were Brothers Ch. 2: We’re Living Different Lives
Summary: Things get awkward for Chase, and Marvin does some more thinking.
A/N: Chapter title from the song “Brother” by Kodaline.
Chapters: 1, 2
Marvin didn’t know how things could get more awkward. He was standing in City Hall’s meeting room, watching Dark playing human, while looking so insulted and bored, or Chase trying to be the picture of professionalism.
It’d be funny, if it wasn’t so busy being uncomfortable.
“I don’t see why a regular security team isn’t enough,” Damien tried to excuse, a hand massaging his temple.
“It’s a miracle you were able to survive the other two times!” Someone on the council shouted. “It sends a bad message, we can barely keep up with Dark, we can’t have gangs trying to kill you.”
Marvin fought the laugh and he saw the shadow of a smile on Damien’s face.
That’s it, it’s back to being funny! Marvin decided.
Jackie cleared his throat, “We’ll get ta[1] as the bottom ‘a[2] this. Don’t worry.”
“Thank you,” another person on the council said. “Hopefully this won’t be a permanent engagement.”
Eventually the details were discussed and the three Septics followed Damien into his office.
“This is completely unnecessary,” Damien threw his office door open with his aura. “It’s absolutely ridiculous. I got “kidnapped” by Wilford once and they didn’t seem nearly as upset about it then.”
“Well it’s not our fault yeh[3] let yerself[4] get damseled e’ery[5] other week,” Chase snickered. “Maybe yeh[3] shouldn’t be so good at lookin’[6] like a sitting duck ta[1] the other gangs.”
“I am perfectly capable of protecting myself,” Damien huffed, sitting down at his desk. “You three can go back to whatever you do with your time when you’re not meddling in my affairs.”
Damien even punctuated his request by trying to shoo them away with his hand.
“Nah, yer[7] stuck with us,” Jackie smiled. “It’ll be just like ol’[8] times, ‘cept[9] now we know yer[7] a manipulative arsehole[10].”
The mayor groaned in frustration. “I can see today’s a wash.”
“So what do yeh[3] do when yer[7] actually here?” Jackie asked.
“Depends on the day,” Damien sounded so disinterested in everything. “Either I’m up to my eyeballs in state papers and propositions to read through, or I have meetings all day. Sometimes if it’s a rare slow day and I have nothing else to do I’ll bring some of my work from my actual office and work on that.”
“Wow, yeh really ain’t pretendin’ here are yeh?”[11] Chase snarked, walking over to the side of Dark’s desk and stuck his hands in his pockets.
“It’s not my fault this town is full of sheep,” Dark scoffed, leaning back in his chair.
When he leaned back, a hand came out of a swirling pink and yellow portal. Wil reached out and grabbed the back of Dark’s chair and yanked it through the portal. Only Chase was close and fast enough to follow after a very startled Dark, who flickered back to his usual self as he was yanked through and Chase dove in after him just before the portal snapped shut.
“Oh, fook[12],” Jackie realized, noticing that both Chase and Dark were gone.
The back of Dark’s chair tipped over, hitting the ground hard and it made it so he was looking up at Wilford and Anti.
“Darkling, there you are my dear,” Wilford gasped and used his aura to pick Dark up.
“Wil, put me down!” Dark demanded with an insulted huff, which Wilford just laughed at and kissed Dark’s cheek.
“What kept yeh[3]?” Anti snickered. “We got some demon hunters ta[1] kill.”
Dark rolled his eyes.
“I mean if yeh wanna take fiver an’ just—”[13] Anti started to joke much to Dark’s immediate irritation.
But Anti was cut off when he shot right in the face by Chase who barely hesitated, he put in different rounds and jolted the glitch demon with a perfect shot.
Dark started, he and Wil looking over at Chase, the tv host acting as if he didn’t recognize the masked hero. Which wouldn’t be the first time it had happened.
“Oh, you’re here,” Dark commented.
Wil’s mustache twitched in vague recognition, finally putting Dark back on his feet. “Do we know you?”
“Fooker,”[14] Chase spat under his breath, lowering his gun a bit.
“Fooker!”[14] Anti shouted in anger as he picked himself back up. His form glitching angrily. “Imma kill yeh fer that.”[15]
Chase held up his gun, raising an eyebrow at Anti.
“Dammit, I liked yeh[3] better when yeh[3] used ta[1] piss yer[7] pants in fear ‘a[2] me,” Anti grumbled in anger.
“One ‘a[2] the perks ‘a[2] gettin’[16] fused with a psychopath,” Chase told him, lowering his gun. “Sorry ta[1] break up the fun but if city hall catches us with Dark, they might put two an’[17] two together.
“Fook ‘em,”[18] Anti shrugged dismissively.
Dark sighed and punched the bridge of his nose, “I’m not getting anything done today.”
With that he turned back into Damien. “Oh look, I’ve been kidnapped or what have you. Let’s just get this over with.”
“Oh, am I kidnapping you?” Wilford gasped in delight, scooping Damien back up into his arms.
“Wil!” Damien warned, trying to pull away, his ringing shrill but Wil was just smiling as he walked away.
“Nope, I’m kidnapping you,” Wilford smiled and rubbed his cheek into the side of Damien’s face.
“Hey!” Chase shouted in anger as he stomped after him. “He told yeh[3] ta[1] put him the fook[12] down!
“Geez, who twisted yer fookin’ balls an’ told yeh ta cough?”[19] Anti chuckled a little bit. He was enjoying the — what seemed to Anti — out of nowhere anger even if Chase wasn’t giving him the reactions he wanted.
Chase tossed Anti a glare before racing faster after Dark and Wil. “I said, put him fookin’[20] down.”
“Oh wait your turn, you can kidnap him after me,” Wilford chuckled.
“Ex-fucking-cuse you?” Damien sputtered as Chase seemed to just go red in the face.
Anti was just watching as Jackie raced in with Marvin not far behind.
Chase kept yelling at Wilford with Dark basically rolling his eyes as Wil started trying to egg Chase on who was only becoming angrier.
Wilford did eventually set Damien down, but at that point Anti, Marvin, and Jackie were just watching the argument. The Septic heroes acting like they were watching two kids fighting over their favorite toy, while Anti just stared in absolute confusion.
“Did . . . Is . . .” Anti stalled, his head tilting a bit at different angles. “The fook[12] is goin’[21] on?”
“Take a wild fookin[20] guess,” Marvin told him.
“Three people in the runnin’[22] fer[23] the most violently oblivious award,” Jackie commented.
“That don’t answer my fookin’[20]
question,” Anti glared at them.
“I am more than a capable of defending myself,” Dark huffed, shoving Chase away from Wilford before starting to make his way out of the alleyway. Chase was hot on his heels. “I am a fully matured demon, I don’t need everyone treating me like some upstart spawnling.”
“This ain’t about treatin’ yeh like a kid,”[24] Chase snapped in return. “Yeh[3] wanted him ta[1] put yeh[3] down, he should’a[25] put yeh[3] down.”
“I was fine on my own,” Dark glared at the hero.
“Aren’t they cute?” Wil smiled, suddenly right next to Anti’s shoulder, and close enough to make Marvin jump.
Marvin and Jackie just stared at Wil in surprise but Anti only looked more confused.
“What Shitfaced McGee an’[17] yer[7] ugly ass boyfriend?” Anti scoffed. “Or are yeh talkin’[26] about someone else?”
“Wait, yeh[3] can read mind, can’t yeh[3]?” Marvin remembered.
“No, people are just very talkative when they don’t mean to be,” Wilford denied.
Sure they are, Marvin thought, raising an eyebrow.
“Glad you agree,” Wilford reached over and clapped a hand on Marvin on the shoulder.
“Don’t,” Marvin pulled his shoulder away. “I don’t fookin’[20] trust yeh[3].”
Wilford laughed at him, then turned back to look at Dark and Chase. “It’s rare to see someone getting Darkling this wound up. He needs to relax.”
“Yeh plannin’ on doin’ somethin’ about that?”[27] Marvin asked, glancing from the two villains, back to Chase and Dark just so he could keep an eye on all of them.
“Hmm,” Wilford purred, just staring at Dark and Chase, a roguish grin on his face. “Depends on if he’s dancing with someone else tonight.”
Anti opened his mouth to comment before a loud sound split the air.
Everyone flinched, Damien reached for the side of his chest where a bullet had dug in and would have killed him if he were alive and human.
“Get back!” Chase yelled, shouldering Damien into the wall, blocking his body with his own. The marksman pulled out one of his normal guns and fired it. The muzzle of the gun inches away from Damien’s face and the assailant went down, jolted by the dart.
Damien’s boastful barb that he’d been about to say before he’d been shot, caught in his throat as he stared at Chase with an expression that Marvin had never seen on him before. He’d never seen Dark in any form make that look.
Chase was the first to realize he had the mayor — as well as Egoton’s most powerful mob boss — shoved up against a wall. Immediately going red in the face, Chase stiffly pulled away and holstered his gun.
“S-Sorry,” Chase apologized, rubbing at the back of his neck. He spent the time looking around for more assailants as Jackie and Marvin ran over.
The tense atmosphere between Dark and Chase popped when the two Septics ran over to them.
“Think date night’s o’er[28] Mister Mayor,” Jackie commented. “Yeh[3] need a doctor?”
“I’m fine,” Dark grumbled. “I can extract the round myself.”
“Yeh[3] got shot?” Chase demanded, who hadn’t even realized that Damien had been shot in the heat of the moment.
“I’m going back to the office, gentlemen,” Dark told them and opened a portal and stepped through, this time both Chase and Jackie were fast enough to step through with him.
Leaving Marvin alone with Wilford and Anti, which the magician immediately called the cops and tried to keep Anti off the unconscious man until the cops got there. By the time he got to leave he received a text from Jackie that Dark was fine and that the person who seemed to be the most put out by the Entity being shot was Chase.
Which gave Marvin something to think about. To really think about things. Because if Wilford wasn’t going to stop Chase from flirting and getting close, and Dark wasn’t going to either then . . . Marvin didn’t know how to feel about that.
Even if Chase and Dark as a relationship didn’t go anywhere the possibility was there. That Chase could run off with a demon. The same type of creature that had terrorized them in their early adulthood and ripped not only Chase’s marriage apart but Henrik’s as well. Chase could already be a demon.
The whole city was so full of demons that Marvin doubted he himself was even fully human anymore. Because what type of person burns a town down with innocences inside?
Not a human, that’s what, Marvin thought. He needed time to unpack his thoughts, he needed to go home and—
Marvin’s phone blew up with three different city alerts. Crime, a burglary, and then there was another attack on city hall.
He sighed, he didn’t think he was going to get that time today.
By the time he’d dragged himself into the base, Damien had “gone home” so Jackie and Chase were free to go. But Marvin had done some thinking but not enough.
He made it to his library — one he still had yet to completely rebuild after it had been burned — before he made his mind up.
So Marvin called a meeting and announced that he was temporarily turning in his communicator and heading back to his mother’s to think. And mostly to put distance between himself and everything that had been happening.
It was a surprise to almost everyone. And Ghostbur offered to come with Marvin, who turned him down. Marvin wanted to put superheroics behind him, not take it with him.
After the impromptu meeting, Marvin went to his library to pack some essential books. Which mostly meant throwing them into a magical bag.
Jackie and Chase came to see him.
“Yeh sure yeh don’t need one ‘a us ta come with?”[29] Jackie offered.
“I think I need ta[1] clear my head a little,” Marvin told him. “Can’t do that here.”
“An’[17] do what?” Chase asked.
“Don’t know,” Marvin admitted. “Kerry’s far enough fer[23] me not ta[1] throw myself inta[30] trouble, right?”
“Maybe, but call us if yeh[3] need us an’[17] yeh[3] know we’d come runnin’[22],” Jackie promised.
“I will,” Marvin smiled. “Oh, an’[17] Chase?”
“Hm, yeah?” Chase was leaning against the door, just watching them with his hands buried deep into his pockets.
Marvin smiled, “Best ‘a[2] luck with Dark, grow some balls why don’tcha[31] an’[17] he might be inta[30] yeh[3].”
“Ha ha,” Chase shot back, tone a bit sour but with a good-humored tone to it. “Yeh[3] need a ride ta[1] Althone?”
“Nah, I’ll take the bus, wanna[32] make this trip last,” Marvin said. “Sides, gotta lose the mask before I hit Althone, tryin’ ta clear my head, not take the job with me.”[33]
“Still comin’ with yeh ta the station,”[34] Chase dismissed. “Town’s gotten a bit dangerous an’[17] I wanna make sure yeh[3] get there safely.”
Marvin rolled his eyes, but he let Jackie and Chase accompany him down to the closest train station. All three of them in their civilian outfit and about fifteen minutes from his second train from Althone to Kerry, he was startled by Ghostbur. The ghostly demon not wanting to be alone and using the excuse that he could quickly get back to Tommy if he needed to. After an argument, Marvin decided to let Ghostbur tag alone. He was only planning on going to Kerry. It would be easy to send Ghostbur back if he got into trouble.
At least Kerry was quieter and safer than the city full of demons and supervillains.
As the train finally left the conjoined city, the Host watched Marvin leave, unseen, as dominos were set in place, and others taken away, to make the picture that the seer wanted.
The seer cut the controlling strings he’d had over the various small gangs he’d had targeting Dark. With Chase on the trajectory the Host wanted, and Marvin conveniently leaving town his use for them was over. they’d return to their petty squabbles and city hall would rest.
A king castled, a bishop on the warpath. A chess match to be won.
The Actor was back in Egoton and the Host had to be prepared for him.
Post A/N: . . . The Actor starts to smile as the stage starts to be set.
Accessibility Translations:
1. to
2. of
3. you
4. yourself
5. every
6. looking
7. your
8. old
9. except
10. asshole
11. Wow, you really aren’t pretending here are you?
12. fuck
13. I mean if you want to take break and just—
14. Fucker
15. I’m going to kill you for that.
16. getting
17. and
18. Fuck them
19. Geez, who twisted your fucking balls and told you to cough?
20. fucking
21. going
22. running
23. for
24. This isn’t about treating you like a kid
25. should have
26. talking
27. You planning on doing something about that?
28. over
29. You sure you don’t need one of us to come with?
30. into
31. don’t you
32. want to
33. Besides, I have to lose the mask before I hit Althone, trying to clear my head, not take the job with me.
34. Still coming with you to the station
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stellar-alley · 4 years
Of Scales and Sea Glass
•Chapter 2•
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
(Summary: Eddie goes shopping for food with Bev and Bill, then washes the mer’s tangled hair.)
Also shout out to @ambitiousskychild on tumblr for being my beta!
The next morning Eddie woke up to the sound of the doorbell echoing through the quiet house. His eyes fluttered open as they drifted over to his alarm clock. 11:00am, holly shit i never fucking sleep in this much, Eddie wondered why for only a split second, before the memories of the day prior resufaced. “The merman…” Eddie spoke aloud, his eyes wide with realization. 
Hastily, he threw his legs over the side of his bed and stumbled out of his room and into the bathroom. He slammed himself against the door and opened it up wide. 
The merman had been slouched over in the tub, head underwater. He jerked his head out of the water after the sudden bang against the door. Breathing heavily, mind still hazed by sleep, he watched as the small human, Eddie, shuffled inside. He rolled his eyes at the sight, relieved that it wasn’t a threat. 
“It’s just me don’t worry” Eddie’s voice was groggy and tired as he waved off the merman’s worries. “I-uh, just wanted to make sure you were okay-” The doorbell rang again, Eddie stiffened, “Sorry I’ve gotta get this but please- stay here,” Eddie begged before leaving the room. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Eddie rambled as he unlocked the front door. He swung it open to reveal not just one of the Losers, but two. “Ohmygod- Hey guys!” Eddie’s mood brightened. 
Bill and Beverly both stood on Eddie’s front porch. “Hey Eddie, what’s up?” Bev smiled. Eddie moved aside, allowing his friends to come inside. The three settled into their normal seats in Eddie’s family room. Eddie and Bill on the bigger couch will Bev laid horizontally on the armchair. 
“H-Hows the clean up go-going?” Bill asked as he stretched his hands, sore from the previous day of manual labour. 
“It fucking sucks! It’s so gross. What about you guys?” Eddie stopped himself before he started ranting about all the weird shit he’s found in his pool.
“My aunt and I got most of the stuff cleaned up but now there’s a leak in the roof, so we’ve gotta wait for the maintenance guy to come and patch it up, ” she explained. 
Eddie nodded, then asked, “Bill? How’s Georgie?”
“T-Tired, he hu-hates thunder. The tree in the f-front yard lost a ma-masive branch. My parents told me to go get gru-groceries today,” Bill pulled out a list from his pocket, “Wanna join?” He inquired. 
“Yeah, Big Bill and I were gonna go into town and get some supplies, we were wondering if you wanted in?” Beverly raised her eyebrows at him.
“That’d be great actually,” The mental image of the guest  in his bathtub caused him to realize how much he needed to restock his pantry, “Yeah, I need to stock up,” Eddie concluded. 
The shorter boy glanced down at the pajamas that he wore then back up at his friends, “Let me go get changed then we can head out. Oh, don’t use the upstairs bathroom the toilet… broke,” Eddie lied, but the others didn’t notice. He had a bathroom on the main floor that worked perfectly fine and had no mythical creature hiding in it that they could use.
Eddie checked on the merman one more time and informed him of the recent developments before he got ready and left. Eddie called shotgun as they walked down his driveway, towards Bill’s red Toyota Corolla, Bev rolled her eyes as she hopped into the back. And they were off to the store. 
The trio decided on going to Walmart first as it had most of the things they needed. Eddie walked along the aisle with Bill who pushed the cart, and Bev who rode on the front with her phone in hand, she was scrolling through her list, calling out items she needed for Eddie to put into the cart.
They were about to roll past the fish freezers, when Eddie stopped and signaled for the others so to follow him. “Eddie f-fish? Really?” Bill questions as he turns the kart, Bev hopped off to stand beside Eddie as they observed the fish in the ice below them. 
“Yeah, so?” Eddie’s tone is more defensive than he would prefer, but he needs to feed his trashmouth and fish seemed like the most logical food to buy for something that lived in the ocean. Eddie worried about giving him human food, so he decided to start with the fish then maybe test the waters with something like bread, once the mer regained his hunger. 
“Nothing, it’s just every time I ever offered you sushi during lunch you always talked about your hatred for fish,” Bev recalls a memory from when they were in highschool. 
He gestured for the guy behind the counter to wrap up two of the full salmons, “Well, people change,” Eddie shrugs. He smiled as he was handed the wrapped fish. 
“So what was everyone else up to today?” Eddie changed the subject onto the other Losers. 
“Mike’s on f-farm duty. They had to help f-find one of the sheep that got loose during the st-storm. S-Stan had to work,” Bill explained while he looked over the continents inside of one of the many freezers. 
“And Ben’s mom needed help cleaning. OH! And remember his neighbour with that old ass maple tree?” Eddie nodded as Bev continued, “It fell during the storm, broke an upstairs window. Ben’s mom is pissed,” Bev says with a faint smirk playing over her lips. 
Bill pulled up onto their street and Bev was talking about some of the new clothes she was making with one of her old dresses when Eddie remembered he wanted to buy a shirt for the merman. 
“Shit,” he mumbled under his breath. 
“Hm? What? Tired of hearing me talk about fashion?” Bev asked curiously. 
Eddie shook his head. “Oh no, I love hearing about the difference between cotton and polyester. I just remembered I wanted to look at some new shirts while we were out. You don’t have any old big shirts do you?” Eddie asked. He would just lend one of his shirts to the fish, but he was at least 2 sizes larger than Eddie. 
“Maybe?” Bev cocked an eyebrow, “why?”
Eddie blurted the first thing that came to mind. “Growth spurt”
Bill scoffed, which earned him a back hand slap on his arm. 
“I can grow!”.
Bill smirked as he took the key out of the ignition. “Eddie you’re n-nineteen, I think you’re a-a little too old for growth spurts.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered,” Bev put a reassuring hand on Eddie’s shoulder. 
“Thank you, Beverly,”  Eddie made sure to eye Bill as he thanked Bev. 
Derry’s resident Badass: Left the shirt in the mailbox for you! Enjoy
Eddie read the text from Bev. He finished putting away all of the perishable items before checking his mailbox. Inside he found a light pink T-shirt. It looked pretty normal until he held it up and saw there were two seashell decals on the chest, trying to mimic Ariel’s iconic shell bra. Oh Beverly…. Eddie smirked at the shirt, recalling the times she’d worn this shirt to sleepovers, it always rode halfway down her thighs. He chuckled at the mental image of the trashmouth wearing this shirt. 
Eddie ended up deboning one of the salmon's he bought, which proved itself to be much harder then they make it seem on Master Chief. After he proceeded to chop it into bite-sized pieces. He contemplated cooking the fish but opted not to as he can't imagine any way a merman would have cooked fish underwater. Once he was back in the bathroom, he took his usual seat on the closed toilet. 
The merman’s head was leaning against the back of the tub, silently napping. Eddie admired his raw beauty and sharp features. He looked very at ease, his lips slightly parted and moving ever so slightly as his chest rose and fell with every breath. A small smile crept onto Eddie's face before it turned into a devilish grin. He held the container of food with one hand while the other slid into the water, with one swift notion he sent a small splash of water up and onto the merman’s face. 
 He woke with a startle, his glasses fell from his face with the sudden motion. The calm expression on his face turned to confusion as he scanned the room and realized everything was blurry. His breath now quick as his gaze landed on Eddie who was cracking up. He scowled while he slid his glasses back on.
“Oh come on trashmouth! God you're no fun,” Eddie nagged. 
The Mer crossed his arms over his chest (ignoring the subtle pain it created) and  stuck his tongue in protest. 
Eddie only rolled his eyes before getting to what he'd brought. “So I wasn’t sure what you ate so I bought you fish. Is that okay?” He looked to the merman for help. He stared at Eddie blankly before his brow furrowed and he held out his arms and made a grasping motion with his hands. Like a baby asking for its bottle. 
“What? You wanna do it yourself?” Eddie asked, a little shocked by his sudden desire for independence. Although he would be sad he'd never feel those soft lips against his hand anymore… He shrugged it off. “OKay…” Eddie hesitated only for a moment before handing it over to the merman. 
He mirrored Eddie in the way he held it. Once he was sure he had a steady grasp over the container, he moved a hand to take a piece of fish out and popped it into his mouth. The merman chewed then proceeded to swallow it. He popped another piece into his mouth, chewed then gave Eddie a grateful smile with a mouth full of fish.
Eddie nearly gagged. “EW! Don’t do that trashmouth,” he grimaced, but his voice was filled with amusement as the fish closed his mouth, but kept the smile. 
Later that day the cleaners came for the pool. Eddie greeted them in the driveway and led them into his backyard. He explained what he needed done as he stood a couple feet away from the edge of the pool. The main cleaner talked about prices as Eddie scanned the pool. 
There was still so much shit at the bottom, he was excited to see it gone. But something shiny caught his eye on the ground. He blinked and focused on the little blue scales that sat about a foot away from the pool. Eddie tried to keep calm as he realized there were the merman’s scales.
Shit, I can’t let these guys see those, even if they are just scales. I cannot let anyone find out about him. 
Eddie continued the conversation he was having with the head cleaner as he took a step towards the pool, placing his foot right beside the scales, blocking them from the cleaner’s view. 
“We should be done in a couple hours or so,” he explained. 
Eddie nodded in understanding, then he kneeled down beside the edge. “Okay good.” He placed his hand over the scales but kept his gaze on the pool. “The sooner it’s cleaned means the sooner I get to keep practicing. I’m planning on joining my school’s swim team,” Eddie lied. He picked up the scales and slid them into his pocket as he stood up. 
“Oh! Well good luck with that,” The cleaner smiled. Once everything was discussed, Eddie left them to do their job. He patted the scales in his pocket as he walked back towards the house, a faint smile played across his lips. 
The next day Eddie explained to the merman how his pool was now clean and full of water while he examined all of his injuries which seemed to be healing nicely. 
“If I find an easier way to transport you then maybe one day you can go swimming there.” The merman only shrugged in response. That worried Eddie as he would’ve thought the fish would’ve been dying to get back into the water, as that’s where he lived. 
“A-Are you okay?” Eddie immediately moved his hand to feel the creature's forehead, checking for a fever. It was a little hotter than normal but that could have also been because it was scorching hot outside. Eddie slid his hand from his forehead to ruffle the fish’s black mess of curls, something he grew quite fond of doing. But it didn’t go too far as his fingers got tangled in knots.
“God, how tangled is your hair?” Eddie questioned. The merman responded by raking his hands through his hair, only to be met by the same tangles. He simply shrugged. 
Since he’d been in Eddie’s bathtub for the past couple of days, his hair had been able to completely dry, which left it in long thick curls that dangeled into his face. Eddie didn’t mind, he thought it was kinda cute… But now that he knew how knotted they were, he had to do something about it. 
He sighed and stood up, “Well, I don’t know what you guys are doing down in Atlantis, but you’ve gotta start conditioning your hair.”
The merman’s face scrunched up, unsure of what Eddie was suggesting. He folded his arms over the side of the tub and rested his head on top of them as he watched Eddie go through one of the cabinets in the corner. 
When Eddie returned he brought back a bottle of shampoo, conditioner and a brush. He sat on the ground and placed everything beside him. “Dunk your head underwater,” Eddie instructed. 
The merman didn’t. 
“Come on,” Eddie removed his watch and sunk his hands into the water. 
The merman sunk down a bit but stopped right before wetting his hair, as if he was mocking Eddie. 
“Oh fuck you,” Eddie gasped drmatically. He moved his hands to splash the merman. Just as the water was about to wet his face, he raised a hand and it stopped midair, and formed a perfect bubble of water before him. 
Eddie froze. Did it do that? He must’ve taken on a shocked expression as the bubble immediately fell back into the water and the merman’s face turned apologetic, as if he was sorry for frightening the human. 
Something tightened inside Eddie’s chest. The way the merman stopped, just for him, made him feel warm… 
“No, no… It’s okay! I just didn’t know you could do that,” Eddie admitted, his face turning a little red as he rubbed the back of his neck. “C-Can you show me again?” Eddie requested shyly. Sure it’s weird and kinda freaky but that doesn't mean I’m not interested. HE HAS FRICKEN SUPER POWERS!
The merman’s expression softened as a smile tugged at the edges of his lips. This time he pulled a larger bubble of water from the bathtub and held it in the air. With his hand sticking out of the water, he moved his bubble towards him and held it over his head. With the flick of his wrist, the bubble fell over his head, soaking his hair, just like the human had requested. 
Eddie’s eyes filled with wonder, and a little bit of pleasure as the fish boy finally wet his fucking hair. “Cool…”
After the initial shock of the whole superpowers thing settled, Eddie began washing the merman’s hair. First off he squirted a generous amount of shampoo directly onto the mer’s head, then proceeded to massage it into his curls and spread it to cover all of his hair. As he massaged his scalp, the mer released a little moan, obviously enjoying the scalp massage. (Eddie heart raced at the sound of that)
Then Eddie rinsed the suds from his inky black hair and proceeded to add the conditioner. Instead of massaging it in, he grabbed his thick-toothed comb and combed it through. The task took a while as his hair was fairly knotted. 
All of the effort paid off though as once his hair was fully cleaned, Eddie took out the blow dryer. Sure, it spooked the mer at first but once Eddie showed him that it was harmless and only shot out warm air, the merman complied. Though he’s only known Eddie for a couple days now, he’s grown to trust the human, especially considering everything he’s done for him so far. The warm air felt nice on his cold skin, plus he enjoyed how soft hair had become once it was over. He ran his wet fingers through his freshly cleaned locks but was given a light slap from the human, as he claimed, “You’re gonna get your hair wet and gross again.”
The final product left Eddie speechless. The merman’s hair was full of soft curls, they ended just above his neck. The pieces that’d once loosely fell in his face now curled to the side and nicely framed his eyes. 
The merman’s cheeks took on a new shade of pink as he noticed the human’s stare. 
Eddie smiled at his hard work, but he also smiled because of the way the mer glanced away shyly, as if he was a little embarrassed at the sudden gaze on him. Eddie would’ve thought he was cute, maybe even beautiful, but just as the warmth began to spread in his chest, he pushed the feelings. We’re from two different worlds. The reminder brought him back to reality. 
“You look nice,” the compliment brought the merman’s gaze back onto Eddie. He gave the human a small nod, as if to say ‘thank you’. 
During the span of a week, Eddie had developed a bit of a schedule on how his days would play out. First he’d go say goodmorning to trashmouth and make sure he’s still alive. Then he’d go make them breakfast, he’s been testing out some new recipes for himself, while the mer still ate fish. Actually Eddie’s noticed now that he’s constantly getting food ready for the merman, he’s started putting more thought into his own meals. Which is a step up from frozen meals and cereal that he was used to. Then they’d eat together in the bathroom. Eddie had taken up sitting on the floor so he could be closer to his trashmouth while they ate. Sometimes the fish boy would shoot him curious glances, staring down at Eddie’s food from where he sat in the tub. So Eddie would put a forkful of whatever he had made out in front of the fish and feed him. Eddie was happy to know he could start branching out in his meal planning. Now that he knew human food wouldn’t upset the fish’s stomach. Most days Eddie tried to give the mer a big breakfast so if Eddie needed to leave for any reason, his guest wouldn’t die of hunger.
As much as Eddie wished he could spend his days beside the tub, uncovering every secret the merman held, he knew if he started acting weird, someone was bound to notice. So he kept in contact with his friends, going over to their houses, inviting them over once the backyard was clean. Sadly he’s had to miss two sleepovers as he doesn't trust the fish to be home alone for that long. 
Eddie even moved Goldy’s fish bowl into the bathroom to keep his trashmouth company. Though she’s on the counter, away from the merman’s claws, he seems to enjoy the company. So now when Eddie returns home from a day at Mike’s farm or something, he doesn't seem as lonely. 
Over the past week, Eddie grew oddly fond of the merman. Sure, he couldn’t talk, but Eddie did enough of it for the both of them. Most of the time he just complained about random things, other times he’d explain human things like technology and phones, and sometimes he’d bring his comics into the bathroom and read to him (carefully as he did not want to get them wet). 
Also, most, if not all of the mer’s injuries had healed pretty well.  The only explanation Eddie could come up with to explain the miraculous chain of events was that mermaids had a better healing factor compared to humans. Which was on one hand, good! He seemed happier now that he wasn't in pain. But on the other hand, Eddie knew once he was fully healed, there wouldn’t be a reason to take care of him anymore, which would mean he’d have to… Eddie shook his head, dismissing the thought and returned back to the present, where he was removing the bandages on the mer’s chest. 
The one he had yet to take off was the one that sat on the mer’s cheek. He was slightly worried that out of all the injuries, that would be the one not to heal correctly. Leaving a messy, jagged scar on a face that would have otherwise been considered perfect. With as much care as he could muster, he cupped one side of the mer’s face with his hand (he ignored the butterflies that had formed in his stomach) to keep his head steady while the other slowly peeled the bandage off. 
He held the bandage in his hand and admired the skin that was now healed. Instead of a nasty scar that Eddie had imagined, all that was left was a simple line that was half the size of the original cut. Eddie thought it made him look even cuter, in a badass type of way. 
Eddie realized a moment too soon that he’d been staring longingly at the merman who’s cheek he still cupped with his hand. He was about to move away when the mer quickly reached his hand up towards the back of Eddie’s neck and pulled him down. Before Eddie could even process what was happening, their lips smashed together. For a second he couldn’t believe what was happening. Their lips moved together as if they had kissed dozens of times before. The mer’s tongue moved into Eddie’s mouth, snapping Eddie back into reality. He hastily pushed away, falling back onto the tile floor. 
The merman let out a gasp, as if he was gasping for air. His breaths became quick as he held onto the side of the bathtub. “OH THANK GOD! I Don’t know how much longer I could’ve kept that shit up…” He was breathless, but still, he spoke.
Word Count: 7604
Guys when I tell you I loved writing this chapter, I mean it. Literally, that ending scene? I’ve had it planned since the day I came up with the idea for the AU, and I’m ecstatic that I finally get to show it to the world. So I hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did. 
Don’t forget to comment, like and reblog to show your support!
And until next time, 
So Long and Goodnight.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Things I Love About Carrie 2002
because this movie is so damn good!! it’s on American Netflix, so i highly suggest go watching it if you can, you won’t regret it
Carrie hair twirling
Sue’s sass
Not a part of the movie, but every time I watch a clip from YouTube and Sue is in it, people call her Rihanna 
Tommy throwing a book at the kid that was messing with Carrie
My girl Carrie isn’t even trying at baseball
Tina hits Carrie with her glove
During the period scene Carrie raises her hand and they’re covered in blood, and then she goes in for another scoop just to make sure
The shot of blood running into the other stalls was a neat way to grab the attention of the other girls without screaming
I also love how this Carrie panics in silence instead of running around screaming her head off. To me, it shows a greater layer of fear of the other girls, but also shows that she’s completely paralyzed with terror over what’s happening to her.
Carrie actually has a panic attack
Instead of getting things thrown at her, Carrie is cornered in a shower stall while the other girls bang on the walls and chant “period”, and I’m not sure which is worse
The shot of Carrie shaking in the shower is so sad
And then her curled up on the floor with her hands over her ears!!!! Poor girl!!!
Desjardin instantly going down and wrapping Carrie up in a towel, not caring if she’s naked
Desjardin tucking Carrie’s head under her chin and stroking her hair
I LOVE  how wet and resentful Carrie looks after getting dressed! Angela Bettis plays this character so well!!!!!
“The point is, up until a half hour ago, Carrie White thought her first period was Homeroom.”
Desjardin has to go over to the door and guide Carrie into the principal’s office
Carrie’s sweater being way too big for her
The way she smiles and nods at herself in the mirror after washing her face
The locker being filled with tampons 
“What are those, Carrie?”
Carrie just enduring all the torment, poor girl
Tina growls at Carrie when she walks by
Little Carrie has blue eyes instead of brown eyes like teenager Carrie?????
She has a lamb stuffed animal with a pink bow in its ear!!!!!
Estelle doesn’t even care that a child is ogling her breasts. She’s honestly really nice to Carrie.
Little Carrie’s crying!! Poor baby!!!!
Carrie doesn’t wear her cross necklace at school hell yeah
Carrie always looks like she’s about to cry in every shot I swear
I don’t think it ever shows how Margaret found out about Carrie getting her period. Because in the 1976 movie she got a phone call and in the 2013 movie she picked up Carrie from school and was probably told about it by the principal, so did 2002 Margaret just assume?? Did she sense it????
Carrie’s face when Margaret starts to talk about Eve
I love how defiant 2002 Carrie is- talking back to her mom and refusing her orders
“Shouldn’t religion be more like Dogs Playing Poker?”
Hell yeah Carrie reading magazines instead of praying!!!!!!
Carrie shyly walking up to the teacher and asking, “Can you show me how to do a search?” has my whole heart she’s literally so innocent 
“You think she’s ugly, don’t you?” *Tina snickers* “Well, you’re ugly.”
“Open your mouth one more time, and I’ll plug you up.”
“This is so far from over, it’s not even in the same area code as over!”
This movie literally has so many good lines
Madeline’s (the cop with the detective) expressions during all the interviews are so funny omg
Carrie’s seizure during her class really helps show 1) how weak her mental state is and 2) how nobody really cares about her because she’s shaking so badly and her eyes are rolled up into her skull, but nobody is doing anything to help her
Morton not caving when he speaks to Chris’s dad!!! Finally, another good teacher!!!!
In Carrie’s room, I can see stuffed animals that look like the sheep from the flashback, two bears, a baby doll, and something fuzzy I can’t discern but!! Carrie had toys still!!!
Carrie is so sweaty when she’s trying to move the brush. In fact she always looks really sweaty, which is something I like because in the book she was said to be really sweaty and gross.
“What’re you reading?” “Nothing. Just something about s--sewing.” 
Carrie starts to tear up when Tommy asks her to prom!!!!!
Her little “thank you”-- my heart!!!
Everything about the scene where Carrie tells her mom about the prom is perfect. The setting, the emotion, the acting- it’s all so good!!! Carrie is teary-eyed and about to cry, and then Margaret throws tea in her face and basically causes her to snap. And the way she sobs while saying, “Please sit down and talk with me” is heartbreaking!!!!!
The shot of Carrie gripping onto her chair, visibly shaking after she flips the table is chilling!!!!!!
Chris manipulating Carrie into thinking she’s her friend and Sue isn’t
Carrie looks at Chris’s boobs when she says they get sore when she’s bloated lmao
“She practically talked me into getting Botox last summer. Can you believe that?” “Maybe she thought you needed it” Ahhh I love Carrie’s lack of social skills
Carrie having absolutely no idea how lipstick works
Also I asked my mom, and I found out that you are NOT supposed to just try the lipstick on, so once again we have Carrie not knowing how anything works
Sue trying to help Carrie with makeup
The shock on Carrie’s face when Sue tries to put the lipstick on her
“I think this one’s real pretty :)” “It’s Godless.” “>:(”
Carrie’s “this one’s prettier :)” is so cute
“They’re called breasts, Mama. All the girls have them. They’re very fashionable these days.”
The way Carrie’s hands shake them she tries to put on her makeup
The shot of Tommy outside and you can hear all the furniture crashing from inside
“So, did your ceiling just, like, collapse or something?” *glass shattering* “Yes. Yes, my ceiling just collapsed. Just now.”  “Woah. Can I see it?” “...No.”
Carrie’s look of shock when she sees the limo 
“You look really beautiful.” “So do you”
“If they decide to run away together, I’ll dance with you.” Oh, Carrie, you sweet girl. I love how she opens up a little to say that!
“Oh my god! Where did you get that dress?” “I made it.” “Shut up!” “You shut up!!” (seriously her lack of social skills is so cute)
I really like the lack of chemistry between Carrie and Tommy because I always found it weird how there was supposed to be romantic tension between a girl and a guy who is dating someone- it feels sorta weird and wrong.
Desjardin mentions James Bond and you can tell Carrie has no idea who the hell that is
“Preaching to the choir! No offense.”
Carrie’s little giggles as Desjardin talks to her
Desjardin legit threatens to expel Tommy if he doesn’t give Carrie a good time and I LOVE IT
“Stick to the slow songs. She’ll look stupid dancing to anything fast.”
“Tommy, we’re on here.” “Yeah, I saw that.” “Can we decline?” she has no right being this goddamn adorable
I like how it takes a moment for people to start clapping after Tommy and Carrie’s names are called
Desjardin’s slow, suspicious clapping
Carrie’s eyes are shiny 
And she doesn’t get up when Tommy does, so he has to pull her up and even then she’s really stiff
I love how a drop of blood falls on Carrie’s hand and she looks up and she knows what’s about to happen to her, which makes the blood dump even more sad because she realizes it
She starts to shake really badly and gasp, and I enjoy that little touch right before she goes on her rampage
Kenny calling Carrie a pig makes it hurt even more
Helen, her boyfriend, Desjardin, and Morton running up to go help Carrie was so sweet- I wish there was an alternate ending where they managed to get through to her and help take care of her instead of her killing everyone
I love how Carrie kinda goes into a state of shock during the massacre
Carrie desperately asking what happened when she’s in the bath, proving that she was in some sort of trance
Also I love how weak and squeaky her voice in
Carrie spits water directly into Sue’s face lol
Also I swear Sue picks Carrie up at the end of the scene where she saves her
Sue hiding Carrie is honestly so sweet
Also the shot of Carrie huddled up in the corner when Sue goes into the hiding spot
Carrie’s PTSD over what happened immediately being hinted at with her double nightmare at the end
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cherryblossom666 · 4 years
Dabi/Tallula one shot
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Here is a one shot for a good friend of mine and her MHA/BNHA OC~ 18+ people there is Smut in this one shot!! You have been worned!! MHA/BNHA Dabi Kinks: Brat taming, biting, spanking, kissing, degrading, cuckholding
A chuckle came from Tallulah as she sat at the bar, looking through her phone. Her puffy fox tail moving behind her as she found a really good story of a show she loved. Dabi sat on the couch watching the girl he liked very much. His blue eyes looking at her red and white tail. Licking his lips thinking of pulling that tail, making her moan his name. There werent any missions for a while, letting the LOV rest and enjoy their days off. Dabi pushed himself off the couch and walked over to Tallulah, looking over her shoulder. Reading a bit of the story she started reading. It was a small fan fic, and very spicy as well. Her cheeks were pink as she kept letting the words get to her. Suddenly a yelp came from her lips as she felt a hand on her tail. “What you reading there, Foxy?” Dabi asked her as he got closer to her. His chest pressing a bit on her back, and his hand running up and down her tail. His movements made her tail puff up as it felt good. “I….Im reading a fan fic about the m-main character and another character, and it-its a bit spicy” SHe told him as his hand ran up to her ass now. Groping it, making a moan slip from her lips. Only to cover her lips, blushing hard as she looked back at him. A grin was on his face and his blue eyes showed want and need. “Oh that was a beautiful sound you just made~” His face got closer to her neck, she could feel his breath on her skin. “I want to hear more” His teeth suddenly bit down on her skin, making her groan out. Blushing hard as a chuckle came from Dabi. “Such a little whore, loving a bite from someone she hardly knows” He chuckled in her ear as Tallulah put her hands over her face to cover her blushing cheeks. Suddenly she felt warms hands picking her up, making her cry out. Dabi threw her over his shoulder. Blinking her green eyes. “Hey! Let me go Dabi!” She ordered him as she started hitting his back, making him chuckle. “Gonna be a brat now?” He asked her before slapping her ass. A yelp left her lips from the slap, that just made Dabi do it again. Loving to hear her voice like that. Feeling his cock bulge in his pants just from her cries.
Kicking his door open and threw her onto the bed. Tallulah cried out as she hit the soft bed. Blinking as the door closed. Scrambling to get up from the bed, but she was soon pinned under Dabi. “No, Dont do that my dear, The fun is just starting~” He told her, as he used one hand to hold both her wrists together above her head, making her struggle. “L-Let me go Dabi! This isnt funny!” She ordered him, making him chuckle. His other hands running down her chest then to her stomach. Pushing her shirt up, letting his fingers dance across her skin. Biting her lower lip as it felt so good. Having someone else tease her skin. “S-Stop!” His hand then groped her small breast making her gasp out. “Dont be a brat, my foxy girl. I just want to have fun~” He told her before slamming his lips onto her lips. A soft moan left her throat, making him chuckle. Releasing her hands as he stood over her move. Kissing her deeply and bit her lip hard, a drop of blood coming out. Making her cry out, letting him slip his tongue into her mouth. His kiss was so hot and needy. It made her insides burn with want. His hand groping her chest, his fingers twisting her small nipples. It made her groans louder in her throat. Pulling back from her, he licked the blood off her lips. “Even your blood is sweet~” He purred out making her cheeks turn pink. His hands grabbed the end of her clothes, lifting it off her chest. Dabi got a good look at her as Tallulah laid under him like a little sheep that was gonna get eaten. “Hm, you know. You were a brat earlyer, I think you need to be punished~” Dabi chuckled out as her green eyes went wide. Trying to get to off the bed. He quickly grabbed her till she laid on her stomach. “Little brat!” He hisses in her ear before spanking her. A moan left her lips as his hand hit her backside. “Oh, you like that you little slut!” Dabi chuckled out as he reached up to her hips, then tore her pants down. Seeing no underwear under her pants, this made Dabi grin down at her. “Oh you are a little slut! Arent you!” He slapped her ass cheeks making Tallulah cry out in pleasure again. His hand grabbing her skin, groping her asscheek. “You love this dont you? Having me spank you and such. Such a naughty naughty girl~” His hand got a bit warm and slapped her other cheek. Her pussy was starting to get wet just from the spanking. “Such” Slap “A” Slap “Dirty” Slap “Whore” Slap on her ass again. She was now crying in pleasure and pain. Feeling good as she raised her hips a bit. He noticed this as his hand now was placed on her pussy. “You really are such a dirty thing” His hand teased the outside of her. “Getting off on your punishment~” He slipped a finger into her, the sound of a moan left her lips. Feeling his one finger wiggle around inside her wet walls was something else. He smirked as he made his finger a bit warm and started to finger fuck her. Her body shivered as she moved her hips to his movements. A slap on her ass came again. “Tell me foxy what are you?” He slipped another finger in, reaching her G-spot. Making her see stars. “I...Im a slut!” Tallulah cried out. Her juices getting all over his fingers. Feeling herself to be so close. But then it stopped. Pulling his fingers out as he moved her to the bed. “Whos slut?” He asked as he put his fingers to her lips. A small whimper came from her before licking his fingers clean. “Dabis. Im Dabi’s slut” Moaning out as he drew his fingers back. Smirking as he removed his shirt, letting her see is 6 pack and mussels. Gripping his pants, undoing the zipper before dropping them off him. Tallulah slowly sat up as she watched him fully get naked. Throwing his boxer to the side, letting her get a good look at him. A gulp left her throat as he was huge. Maybe around 8 inches and long too. Biting her lip as she glanced up at him. “Be a good slut for your master and get me wet” He ordered her as he took a step forward. Nodding her head as she crawled over to him.
Her hands grasped his cock, rubbing them slowly to get the feel of him. A rough groan left his throat as it has been a while since he had done this. ‘That a bitch, Better suck it good or I wont fuck you” He told her as she came closer, licking him. A shiver ran down his back, his breathing getting heavy right before she put his cock in her mouth. His hand grasped her golden locks, forcing her closer to him. Tallulah gagged a bit before taking him all in her mouth. His cock sliding over her tongue as she bobbed her head back and forth. Dabi threw his head back, his hips moving to her movements.
“Thats right you little bitch, ah my bitch~. Suck that cock” He ordered her to. His cock got harder in her mouth as her tongue twisted around him. Twitching as this girl was talented. Pulling her head off his cock, letting her breath a bit. “Hm, look at that face. Covered in my pre-cum and more. I cant wait to make a mess of your other mouth, my slut” He chuckled tossing her back onto the bed. Tallulah yelped as she landed on her side. Rolling onto her back as Dabi crawled on top of her. “Beg” He ordered making her green eyes widen at the command. “Beg for this cock” Her eyes went from his bright blue ones down to his cock then back at him. “Please Dabi, fuck me with your cock, I want to feel it deep inside me. Plowing me deeply as it goes. I-I want to feel in wreck me” Dabi grinned as he grasped his cock, and rubbed it against her slick pussy lips. A soft moan left her lips just as the head entered her. She was glad he was going easy. “You know, Your such a good little slut. But a bratty slut~” Dabi licked his lips and rammed himself deep inside her in one go. Tallulah gasped and arched her back as he filled her up.
His cock even bulged in her stomach a bit. His hands running over his soft skin, going up to her breast. Twisting her nipples a bit. Earning a moan from it. “Yes thats it. Get off on my cock baby!” He ordered before pumping himself in. Rocking the bed as he went. His cock hit all the good places inside her. Mostly her G-spot. “Fuck!” She cried as she was still close to her first orgasm. One hand moved down to her hips. Grasping her good as she slammed into her harder and harder. “Oh little sluts gonna cum? Better beg” He ordered her as his other hand left her chest, and went down to her pussy.  Finding her clit, and rubbed circles on it. “AH! Please let me cum Dabi! Ill be a good girl!” She begged him, earning a growl of pleasure from him. Leaning down, he kissed her lips and down her jawline. “Cum then bitch” His words sent a shiver down her back and into her stomach as she came. Feeling her walls cling to his cock felt so good. Maybe he would keep her as his little bitch, but treat her as one in bed. “Say you’ll be mine” Dabi whispered in her ear. Nibbling her earlobe as she rode her orgasm on his cock. Loving the feeling it gave him. “W-What?” She asked him shocked that he would ask such a thing. But she wouldn't mind it. “Be mine, Ill treat you good foxy~ Treat you like the slut you are in bed, but treat you as a goddess outside in front of everyone”  His kissed down her ear to her neck. If she said yes, he would mark her with his bite. But if she said no, he would pull out right now. Tell her to get out and piss off. 
Tallulah groaned at the thought of this. He was fucking her so good, and he was rough but she loved it. Her hand grabbed his hair as his eyes looked up at her. “Yes…..Yes Dabi Ill be yours” She cried out with a smile. Grinning against her skin as his teeth bit down hard against her. Making her cry out. Breaking the skin a bit so his mark was left on her. Licking the blood up. “Good girl! And Good girls need to ne rewarded” He started moving faster inside her again. His movements werent like before. He fucked her hard but with passion as well. Panting against her neck as he was close. His finger toying still with her clit. The feeling in her stomach building up again. “Gonna cum, baby! Where you want it?” He grunted as he almost couldnt hold it much longer. “Inside!! I want to feel it inside Dabi!” Her words threw him overboard. 
Moving his face to look at her, and slammed his lips onto hers. Kissing her deep as he rutted into her. They kissed together before Dabi groaned against her lips and bucked forward hard. Staying so close to her as he came. Filling her pussy with his cum. Just feeling the heat of his cum, she came as well. Her hands grasping his hair as they both rode their orgasms out. Dabi pulled back from her lips before flipping them over onto the bed. Tallulah laid on his chest, his cock still in her pussy. “Such…….Such a good whore~” he kissed her forehead as he also petted her head. Closing her eyes as she cuddled into his warm chest. “My good little Foxy. I love you~” He whispered before Tallulah fell asleep from the pleasure. The next day. Tallulah sat on Dabis lap, reading her fan fics. Her cut little ass teasing dabi. Since yesterday happened, Tallulah never left his side. “Foxy, you keep doing that, your gonna be punished~” Dabi told her as his head was thrown back over the couches back. Pulling her tail a bit, making a groaning sound. “Maybe I want it~” She teased back, earning a grin from her lover.
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browneyedbeauty03 · 5 years
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Lions and Sheep
The sun was slowly beginning to emerge through leftover clouds from the night before. The sphere of light hung like a dollop of molasses in the sky, branching out into wistful tendrils of pink. All that was underneath was bathed in a rosy golden hue, and Shay gazed out over the balcony at the unfamiliar city underneath, for a brief moment, seriously contemplating the idea of jumping. She grabbed the ledge, squeezing her darkly smudged eyes shut. She hadn't removed her makeup the night before - her hands had been . . . indisposed. The bruises that circled her wrists peeked from underneath the luxurious material of the feathery hotel robe, giving her butterflies in spite of her foul mood.
She was oblivious to the fact that the object of her affection,Roman Roy, had quietly joined her in her moment of private misery. 
His eyes quickly found the evidence of how he had used the tie he now wore around his neck as a way to restrain her, wondering if he had went too far, for she'd been inspecting the marks upon his silent arrival. He'd had fun testing his boundaries, enjoyed playing with someone who allowed him to explore what really turned him on. It felt like a gold medal rested upon his chest, and he realized this was how it felt to be the boss of something, or rather, someone.
So, why did it feel as if she wanted to take flight like a bird straight off of that balcony and out of his life? Was the cage he kept her in not grand enough to suit her? Not filled with enough trinkets to keep her attention? And, when he felt something slipping away, he had the tendency to hold on far too tight.
 Clearing his throat, Roman stepped forward, abruptly wrapping his arms around her waist as if to keep her held firmly in place.
You're not going anywhere.
His lips found her neck, murmuring her name against her own skin. A strangled groan tumbled from his marbled lips when his fingers found her chilled flesh between the part in her robe. Roman's palm flattened against her belly, traveling upward to meet the ripe curvature of her nearly exposed breast.
Though she could feel the evidence of his arousal grinding against her ass, she simply could not help the overwhelming melancholy that plagued her heart.
Shay was a secret, a shame to the great Roman Roy and his family. Tears pooled in her dark eyes as she let out a light whimper meant especially for him to hear.
"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Roman questioned, the affection in his voice contrasting heavily with his word choice. How could she possibly be upset over anything after the night of raw fucking they had shared?
She spun around, fury in her eyes. Roman took a step backwards eyebrows raising with a mix of amusement and apprehension. It was almost like waiting for a bomb to go off - he rather enjoyed the explosion, the fire. But, the casualties after the fun could be a fucking pain in the ass.
She stammered for a moment as she struggled to find her words. Her cheeks flushed, the color of pretty little peaches, and Roman found himself smirking at her obviously flustered state. However, his sunken sooty eyes did not remain fixated on her face for long. Hungrily his gaze romed downward to trail over her nearly naked body. He practically drooled with a peek at her creamy little slit that he feasted upon the night before. He had licked and sucked until she screamed for Mercy. Post orgasm torture - Roman's favorite.
Shay indignantly scoffed, stamping her foot like a petulant child and pulling her robe closed. 
Thus, Roman was brought back to reality, anticipating the tantrum he would surely be on the receiving end of. He glanced down at his watch in fleeting annoyance as if to say "can we get this over with already?"
"I'm not going to ask you again - what the fuck is your problem?"
She knew that he knew his choice of words only infuriated her further, and she couldn't help but wonder if he enjoyed making her angry.
If she'd asked, he would have simply told her the answer was yes.
She took a step forward, eyes turning to slits as the tears threatened to spill over. Roman had wanted her to keep him company while on a business venture with his family. She had happily agreed, not knowing that she would have to fly in by herself, separate from The Little Prince and his family of royalty. She had the sneaking suspicion she would be hidden away in the hotel room for the duration of her stay, leaving her feeling very fucked in more than one way.
"Are you embarrassed of me?" she demanded, staring him dead in the eyes. "A little poor girl that you met half drunk in a bar—you'll fuck me into the headboard but you wouldn't be caught dead with me in front of your family." Her words hung like a cloud of poison in the air, and Roman longed to taste the venom on her tongue.
"Though you be but from sheep, you roar like a lion."
Roman had expected his words to have a flattering impact, but her tiny, balled fists met the center of his chest in defiance as she attempted to push past him back into the hotel room.
"You are married," he said, his voice hushed. "and before I introduce you to the pack of wolves, we kind of need to get you out of that," he spat, his voice mocking as if he were explaining something to an ornery child.
"You know what you are, Roman?" she seethed, fury mounting inside her. He damn well knew she didn't want to be married, and would rather slit her own wrists then return back to the abusive man she was shackled to.  
"You're a filthy little slime puppy."
"Oh yeah?" His eyes darkened with lust. He was fucked up, his dick hard as a rock each time she insulted him like that.
"Yeah," she growled the tip of her nose brushing against his own. "You think you can keep this a secret until you figure out what to do about my husband?"
He gulped, hands meeting the top of her robe in order to expose the balls of her dainty shoulders. However she pushed him backward, pearly teeth bared in frustration as he stumbled into the wall. 
"What are you going to do when the paparazzi snaps a picture of you balls deep inside me and plasters it on the evening news?"
"Fuck," Roman groaned, precum beading on the tip of his dick. Unable to control himself, and very horny at the idea of being caught in such a scandalous way, he pulled at the tie of her robe, shoving the garment off of her body in spite of her meek squeals of protest.
He captured her lips in an aggressive kiss, and finally they parted, her wet tongue rubbing against his own as she purred like a kitty cat into his mouth. Rather abruptly, Roman broke away. His jaw clenched before he spoke.
"You think I'm ashamed of you?"
Hesitantly, she nodded.
Romans lips turned upward into a mischievous grin as he guided her backward until her bare ass collided with the balcony railing. He stalked her like a predator stalks its prey, downturned eyes sizzling with cruel yet sweet intentions. His hands bruised into her hips and used them as handles in order to spin her around so she was once again looking down upon a city that was slowly starting to come to life.
She heard the slapping of his leather belt as he hastily unfastened it, the unzipping of his trousers causing her to moan in anticipation.
"I'll fuck you right here - in front of the whole goddamn city, and guess what?"
Her breath hitched in her throat, nipples hardening as she took the bait. "What?"
"I fucking hope we get caught." 
And with that, Roman pushed the full length of his throbbing cock inside of her milky cunt, her pornographic moans and his strangled grunts of satisfaction intermingling as one.
"I wanna cream your little cunt full," Roman breathed, rutting deeper inside of her, juicing her out until she had stained the crotch of his fancy black trousers.
Her eyes flashed open, tits bouncing as she fleetingly observed a sleek black limo pull up beside the hotel entrance underneath them.
"Are you supposed to meet with your father?"she asked in a whine, and Roman's fingers mercilessly fiddled her clit back and forth, causing her to arch her ass upward as she neared her orgasm.
"Yeah," he panted, the vein of his cock pulsating against the tight walls of her young, fertile pussy.
She felt her clit harden between his fingers, her bare toes curling atop his designer shoes.
"What if he could see you now?"
When the statement fell from her lips, a series of curse words spewed from between Roman's clenched teeth as his balls tightened in filthy pleasure at the  mere thought. He toyed her clit faster, harder, his thrusts becoming sloppy as she painted his shaft in cum. Then, without warning or permission, he marked the inside of her cunt with thick ropes of hot cum, pushing himself so deep that he was sure her ripe ovaries were coated in a bountiful layer of his semen.
What better way to introduce his lover than to impregnate her with his royal Roy seed? He thought as three timed knocks cascaded from the other side of their hotel room door.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Was This Vacation A Mistake?~Crazy Rich Asians( Astrid x black! fem! reader) ~Part 1
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Pairing: Astrid x reader
Summary: You and your best friend Rachel have been teaching at NYU for a few years now and the both of you need a load off from it. Rachel suggests that you tag along with her and Nick to Singapore to which you reluctantly do. Although you consider yourself an outsider, you’re welcome by Rachel and Nick’s close friends. However, some of Nick’s family don’t seem too fond of Rachel and you being so chummy with Nick. All but Nick’s cousin, Astrid who comes to your rescue. 
Writer’s Note: I’ve been wanted to write a black reader insert forever, since I’m a black woman and don’t really see much of it on here. I wanted to do a fic with one of Gemma Chan’s characters’ and obviously Astrid had to be the first. Crazy Rich Asians was such a great, breathtaking film that I had to write about it. Note, there will be some racism in this fic, because racism still exists, even though a lot of people believe that it’s gone. I thought about how this traditional family such as the Youngs would view an American outsider if she was a woman of color and it will not be pleasant at first. 
Warnings: None. I’ll try to make it good I promise, I just wanted to try something different. Please, give me feedback! Hope ya’ll enjoy it!
Word Count: 1,527
“Singapore?” I ask while blowing off my rather hot blueberry muffin. 
Rachel nods with a dazed grin, teeth and all.
“It’s not too early is it?” she asks, “I’m still trying to determine what type of family they are.”
“I’m sure they’ll love you Rach, families can be a bit dysfunctional at time,” I say, retracting my statement immediately. “On second thought, dysfunctional doesn’t even cover it.”  
“Maybe,” Rachel says, grinning abruptly. “Maybe my best friend could come with us?”
I nearly choke on the piece of muffin I began chewing.
“Come again?” I ask. 
Rachel’s hands reached across the table taking my own while putting on her best pout. 
“Please Y/N? I don’t want to go it alone,” she groaned. 
“Uh, last time I checked you and Nick were in a relationship. I don’t do open relationships,” I say. 
Rachel chuckles, “No, Y/N look when was the last time you used your passport? Wasn’t it that summer in Nice to interview that author for your class?” 
“I thought I told you not to bring that up anymore? That was an asshole and didn’t respect the craft, he only cared about money,” I grumbled. 
Rachel nods understandably. 
“You need a break from this stuffy campus, what have you been doing since classes ended last week?” She asks. 
“Grading papers,” I groan, “got down to the last two today–I’m having second thoughts about teaching next semester.”
Rachel gasps dramatically. 
 “Then who will join me for tea every weekend?” she asks, “who’ll listen to me vent about our current economy and listen to her bestie vent about creating the new cannon of literature.”
Rachel nudges my arm, forcing a smile back on my face. 
“Don’t act like you don’t agree with me, I know these kids are sick of reading the same old white dudes as I did.” I say. “I’m close to changing it.”
“You know I’m a hundred percent on board,” Rachel says, “but you need a break, have some real Asian cuisine.”
“Rachel Chu, did you just bash your mother’s cooking skills?” I tease. 
Rachel slaps my wrist playfully. 
“You and I haven’t had her meals since the semester started and you know it!” She scolds. “All I’m saying is that I know the food will be great, and I’d rather you see for yourself instead of through Instagram.”
“Fine,” I groan in defeat. “I’ll go, but if it turns out like Get Out, I’m out of there.”
Rachel rolls her eyes. 
“I won’t let that happen, minority alliance, right?”
She giggles holding her pinkie out. I’m the one rolling my eyes now, but I link my pinkie with her own. This is a chance to get a load off and travel to another place, meet new people. Rachel might be right, for once in a while. 
“In speaking of moms’, I need to let her know that I’m spending the summer in Singapore,” I say with a smirk. 
“Tell her you’re going to a wedding,” Nick says as he walks up to the table.
He greets Rachel with a kiss prior to coming over to my side. 
“Y/N, how’s my favorite English professor?” he chuckles. 
I can’t help but laugh at his attempt to suck up. 
“I’m the only one you know, but come here anyway,” I say.
Nick grins and hugs me tightly before pulling away. 
“We still down for drinks tonight?” he asks Rachel with a grin. 
I rise, noticing when the fluff starts as always. It’s cute, too teeth rottenly cute. 
“All right, ok I’ll go,” I say, “oh, yeah Nick, how much is a round trip to Singapore anyway?”
Nick doesn’t answer, only chuckles as if I told a joke. 
“What?” I ask.
“Y/N, I’m well off to cover it, trust me.” 
I always knew Nick Young was right for Rachel, but I didn’t expect him to be rich. Insanely rich, there’s a distinction. People I knew back home saved up for regular air bnbs, working class people. I could never imagine something like this.
Nick’s got his own flight attendants who wear these slender, red traditional Chinese dresses, loads of champagne and two beds.
Of course Rachel is now sprawled out on my bed watching Notting Hill. 
“Why this movie, this isn’t even his best movie,” I say. 
Rachel giggles and rolls back up into a sitting position. 
“You’re just mad I didn’t put on a Tom Hiddleston film,” Rachel sneers. 
“Hey, it’s not my fault his accent is much better than Hugh Grants,” I say.
Rachel gasps, “you didn’t!”
“I totally did, and here I thought you’d much prefer your boyfriend’s accent,” I say. 
“Don’t tell him that,” Rachel jokes, “he won’t let me live it down.”
“Live what down?” Nick asks, holding two glasses of champagne. 
Rachel accepts one, and I decline Nick’s offer. 
“I’ll pass,” I say, “I’m not really a champagne drinker.”
“That’s ok Y/N,” Nick says, “I think I heard you say my accent is better than Hugh Grants.” 
I can’t help but giggle, Rachel rolls her eyes as Nick rumbles with chuckles. 
“Yeah, your accent is definitely up there, why didn’t you tell me your family had points with this airline?” I say, “could have saved me the crummy airbnbs I’ve gotten over the years.” 
Nick grins again before taking a swig of his champagne. 
“My family’s just well off.”
Well off my ass. 
Nick’s grandmother’s house isn’t a house, it’s a mansion. With butlers, luscious plants;people with sparkling dresses, dapper suits ; and a giant stuffed tiger. Rachel was worried about everyone staring at her, but all eyes stay on me. 
Nick already whisked Rachel away to meet his mother, leaving me alone with the silver trays and the wondering stares. 
“Hey! You’re Nick’s personal servant, aren’t you!” One guy hollers.  
I throw him a look, but say nothing. They might believe any stereotype, wouldn’t want to give them anymore reason to. 
“You all right?” someone asks. 
I raise a brow and turn towards the voice. 
My face burns at the sight of the olive skinned woman; her jet black hair, ruby colored lip stick and a shiny silver dress. Her accent caught me off guard though. British, like Nick’s, but a bit different. 
“Hi, ah–”
She smiles and holds her hand out to me. 
“Astrid, Astrid Leong,” she says. 
I grin, shake her hand firmly and almost forget my own name. 
“Y-Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N,” I say. 
“That’s a pretty name,” she notes. 
I can’t help but blush. This has got to be a dream. 
“Thanks, I-I love your earrings,” I say, trying to keep myself from staring too deeply into her eyes. 
Astrid steps a bit closer, putting a hand on my arm. 
“You sure? you seem a little flustered,” Astrid says. 
I nod sharply.
“Y-Yeah, just all of the lights I got to get used to,” I say, playing it off. 
Astrid gives me a careful once over before grinning again. 
“All right,” she says, “if you need anything let me know, I can play hero for Nick and Rachel’s friend.” 
“How’d you know I came with Nick and Rachel?” I ask. 
Astrid giggles while rubbing my arm tenderly. 
“I’ve been to this house for years Y/N,” Astrid says, “I know the usual guests and no one looks at it in wonder like you do.” 
All I can do is nod and be captivated by Astrid’s voice. 
“Y-Yeah, great point, Astrid–”
Astrid and I both turn toward a man in a purple suit and glasses. 
“Cassian’s calling for you, he wants a story before bed,” he says. 
Astrid sighs.
“Mother duty calls I suppose, thank you Ollie,” she says before turning to me. “It was a pleasure Y/N, I’ll see you later, yeah?”
I nod and try not to fall as she squeezed my hand and walk away. 
“Wow,” I whisper.
Ollie nods. 
“Indeed,” he agrees, “I hardly see women fawn over Astrid like that.”
I turn to him. 
“I’m sorry, have we met?” I ask.
“Oliver T’sien,” he says, “I’m the eyes and ears around here.”
I keep an eye on him. 
“How do you know Astrid?”
“Well, Astrid and I are Nick’s cousins. My family’s not as well off as the Youngs or Leongs’ but we’re still stable,” he explains, “plus I’m just the rainbow sheep of the family, I’ve gotten used to all of the talk, haven’t you?”
I nod, catching onto his words. 
“Family drama can be a pain, but instead of the rainbow sheep, I’m more of a pink, purple and blue one,” I say. 
Ollie grins. 
“All the more scandalous, can I tell you something about Astrid?” he asks. “It’s nothing bad, I swear.”
I nod, he offers an arm and I take it as we walk. 
“Sure,” I say. 
Ollie leans close to my ear and whispers, “Astrid’s a divorcee, she’s been divorced for the past year now.” 
My heart skips a beat, thank God I wasn’t ogling over a married woman.  
“I don’t know if Astrid favors the pink, blue and purple like you, but I’d give it a try,” Ollie says. 
I’m not sure how I feel about that. 
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bleucolor · 5 years
Last time I tried to post a giyushino fanfic and since i navigate myself through Tumblr like a boomer, I accidentally deleted my story. I felt like a whole ass clown but I'm feeling hopeful and I'm back with another prompt using the moon. This takes place in a modern AU where both Giyuu and Shinobu are teenagers. A random drabble for Giyushino which was inspired by being quarantined at home. Hope y'all enjoy and please do send some love 🥺👉👈
Moonlight and Sunrise
Giyuu and Shinobu were friends, however this fact was quite shocking to others due to their Light and Day personas. Tomioka Giyuu was a loner, he had like maybe 2 solid friends being Sabito and Makomo and the others were at max labeled as acquaintances. Shinobu wasn't the most popular one at their highschool but she was well known. She would always be seen alongside her two best friends, Sanemi the oversized delinquent who'd actually bite your head clear off and Uzui the player; who'd get girls left and right. With attention at both sides of the bay it'd be obvious that Shinobu would be well known around their school, being head of the pharmaceutical research club and still being an avid member of the fishing club and the flower arranging club gave Kochou quite the recognition around Kimestu Academy.
Giyuu happened to be in a different class than Sabito and Makomo to his demise thus forcing him to be the lonesome sheep he is. His classmates didn't bother much about him either and nor did he. To him, Kyojurou was too loud, Sanemi was too reckless and Iguro was too emo. He once even referred to Mitsuri as a horse girl to Sabito, but he later concluded that Kanroji was just a rare hybrid of a Taki girl or a hot cheeto girl and Himejima was that one person who believed in horoscopes too seriously, sometimes he'd do tarot readings for his other classmates which Giyuu honestly found quite cool. Whereas Shinobu was someone Giyuu would've honestly never associated in the first place and truthfully speaking their duo wouldn't even exist if Shinobu hadn't approached him first. Shinobu was more of a bully to Giyuu primarily but later Giyuu had opened up to her about how he thought of her as a close friend and that softened Shinobu's heart and strengthed their bond. Although Kyojurou was the smartest kid in the class; even securing his title as class president; Ubuyashiki sensei always made sure to pair up Shinobu and Giyuu together during class projects thus leading to frequent study sessions together. Towards the end of the year, Shinobu became the third person in the entirety of Kimetsu Academy to be close to Giyuu, the 1st and 2nd being Sabito and Makomo and 4th being a special freshman called Tanjiro.
Even though his classmates were rather annoying, Giyuu never did hate any of them. In fact it was hard for Giyuu to genuinely hate anybody in the first place but then there was this one person and that person was Shinobu's oh so charming boyfriend, Douma. Giyuu saw through his pretty boy personality when she first introduced him. He ranted about it to Sabito the very night, complaining about how he's all fake and it's all just a matter of time before that facade comes of. Sabito didn't miss a beat and told Giyuu to suggest a suitable partner for Shinobu instead, to which Giyuu had no answer to. And as per said prophecy it didn't take long for Shinobu to see Douma's true intentions and she decided a queen like her deserved better than this.
It was finally summer break and Giyuu and Shinobu had finally completed 12 painstaken years of schooling along with the others of course. Shinobu decided to host a little get together and hang out with the people she cared about one last time before they drifted apart into adulthood.
Giyuu reached the mall at about 8 pm and walked straight to the food court since Shinobu informed him that's where they would be. To his horror, Shinobu had invited a great deal of people, including those who didn't like him, example being his whole class. As always his presence was ignored by his classmates but thankfully amidst the groups of people, Giyuu noticed a particular red head named Sabito, aka his best friend. Sabito and Makomo were both invited too. Giyuu and Shinobu's friendship caused Shinobu to become good friends with Sabito as well, both of them developed a special bond while they both took turns into bullying poor Tomioka. Shinobu was sitting next to Kimetsu Academy's mascot boy, Inosuke, who looked way too soft for his harsh demeanor. Shinobu had a soft spot for this freshman. She had told Tomioka of how he filled the gap of her need of a younger brother. Unlike Tomioka, Shinobu had a lot of sisters; Kanae who was the eldest, Aoi was a year younger than Shinobu and then came Kanao who was 2 years younger than Shinobu, and lastly were the triplets, Naho, Sumi and Kiyo who were just middle schoolers. Inosuke was a bratty kid who'd frequently get into trouble for having a foul mouth but he was close to Tanjiro and weirdly Kochou's little sister, Kanao's best friend. The butterfly sisters loved having brutes as best friends for some reason, it didn't make sense but somehow worked out for them.
"Inosuke, promise you'll leave that nasty reputation behind."
"I ain't making any promises till you promise you'll send me 3 boxes of foreign chocolate every month." he crossed his arm and looked the other side.
Shinobu softly smiled at him, she was definitely going to miss this kid alot. "Alright Inosuke, I'll make sure to send you the latest ps4 games as well."
Inosuke's eyes lit up as he shook hands with Shinobu to confirm the deal. A subtle smile tugged at the corner of Giyuu's lips.
Giyuu went over to the table Sabito and Makomo were seated at and took a seat opposite to Sabito. It didn't take long for Shinobu to note his presence and she went over to their table and took a seat next to Giyuu. "Aww Tomioka-san, look this is a good farewell party for you, all your friends are here right Infront of you." she snorted.
Giyuu sent her a painful expression. Must she do this even on the day when he supposedly bids her farewell? "Tanjiro's not here though."
"So Kochou, did you get your acceptance letter?" Sabito tried desperately to break the awkward silence.
"oh yes I did, luckily I got into the university I wanted to. I'll be shifting to Canada a few months from now."
"That's so cool. Congrats!" Sabito sent her a beaming smile.
Giyuu was quiet, he was silently studying Shinobu, maybe this was the last time he was going to see her. She was wearing a Yellow ruffle top that was paired up with skinny ripped jeans and her 5 pound white filas, her hair was tied into a half ponytail; she looked cute. Alot of people would've assumed Giyuu's sense of fashion was probably as bland as his personality but surprisingly the guy had drip. He wore a plain black shirt paired up with dark denim jeans and chains to accessorise. Giyuu was an eboy. His sense of fashion honestly made him look quite intimidating but it added a spice to his laid back bland persona, maybe that's why Shinobu had taken an interest to him in the first place.
And almost too soon the party had came to an end as the clock struck 11 PM. Shinobu was probably tired of getting squeezed everytime she got hugged goodbye. One by one, everyone started to leave and before they knew it, a very ominous pair was left behind, and that pair being Giyuu and Shinobu.
"Sabito-kun is a very nice lad. You have great friends Tomioka-san." Shinobu complimented.
"He's nice because he walked Makomo home at 11pm?"
"Well yes, that's rather a very gentlemanly behavior. Don't you think so?"
"You know I've been doing that to you in every single one of our study dates right?" Giyuu raised an eyebrow, right now he seemed like a puppy wagging his tail to receive pats from its master.
Shinobu's cheeks flushed a pale shade of pink when Giyuu had referred to their study session as study dates mistakenly. It was just a slip of a tongue that's all. "My Tomioka-san, are you waiting for me to compliment you?"
"It's nice to hear you say something good about me once in a while Kochou." he pouted like a child.
"If that's what you want...then alright. Walk me home one last time Tomioka san."
"No." he blurted almost too bluntly causing Shinobu to frown almost too evidently. "I'll take you home on my bike instead, this time."
Shinobu was quite taken aback to his sudden kind gesture. Her stomach swelled up with a weird feeling. A mix of happiness with sadness that this was the first and last time she'd get to ride behind his bike.
Giyuu had disappeared for a split second into the parking lot leaving a timid Shinobu pondering. He did mention he really liked bikes. Weirdly as a highschooler, Shinobu always wanted to cruise behind a boy's motorcycle at least once during her high school years and well this was her chance. In 3 minutes Giyuu showed up in a Ducati xdiavel Infront of Shinobu. He patted on the seat next to him gesturing her to come take a seat behind him and so she did after admiring Giyuu and his totally hot ride. Not gonna lie his attire went really well with his bike, she almost felt like she was starring in some music video as they cruised into the dark streets.
Shinobu shrieked almost losing her grip as Giyuu hit a speed bump.
"Kochou." he called out to her, getting her attention.
"Hold onto me, or you'll fall." his words left Shinobu all flustered and hot but she was quick to oblige, she didn't want any broken bones right before her flight. She also silently thanked the gods that it was too dark for Giyuu to make out her flushed red cheeks.
"Tomioka-san? When did you get this sweet thing?"
"It was a gift from my dad."
"But what if you have to move away for uni? What will happen to it then?"
"I'll take it with me, I haven't gotten a number plate for it yet so I'll just ship it using a ferry or something."
Shinobu wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. She wondered if she was the first girl to sit on his bike. She also wondered about the other girls who would eventually later sit on his bike.
"Kochou, are you in a hurry to go home?" Giyuu suddenly asked.
"Not really, mom and dad are staying at my grandparents' place in the country side and Nee-san just wants me to spend my last few days as free spirited teenager."
"Spend this night with me." he suddenly blurted.
"What?" she choked on her words. Giyuu had become way to daring these days, saying whatever he wanted and bruising poor Shinobu's heart with his choice of words.
"Come on, I wanna show you something." he reassured her in a soothing tone.
"Alright Tomioka-san, as long as you don't get us into trouble I'm good."
He soon parked into a quiet neighborhood. Jesus, this placed seemed abandoned for God's sake, what did he have to show her here? the grudge or babadook?
"Tomioka-san are you sure about this place." Shinobu sent him a nervous look as she tugged at the hem of his shirt.
Giyuu looked into her eyes as he held his hand out to her,"Trust me Kochou." and so she did. They now walked into this dark neighborhood, her tiny hand still enclasped with his large ones. Giyuu knew Shinobu wasn't a big fan of places like these. Places that screamed paranormal activity but the fact the she obliged quite quickly did make him realize how much she trusted him and deep down it made Tomioka Giyuu happy.
"isn't this place restricted or anything? Are we allowed to come here?" Shinobu asked almost too loudly.
Giyuu quickly covered her mouth with his large hands and pulled her into a dark alleyway. Shinobu was quite confused at his sudden antics. She sent him a raised eyebrow as he pinned her against a stone wall, his hand still covering her mouth and almost immediately a Patrol guard walked right past them on the streets. He quickly let go of her and pressed his index finger against his lips gesturing her to stay quiet. "it's alright as long as you don't get caught." he whispered to which she rolled her eyes. He held her hand once again and walked to the biggest house in the area, the house was 4 stories high and Giyuu seemed to have a weird tactic of slipping by the backdoor without getting noticed every time.
"So Tomioka-san, you wanted to show me an abandoned house. Very funny."
"They're not abandoned, they're on sale." He replied walking towards the kitchen.
Shinobu followed him precautiously, "And you're treating it like you own it."
"Only for a while." he replied as he took out 2 bottles of flavored milk. He handed Shinobu the strawberry flavored one knowing that was her favorite and kept the melon flavored one for himself.
"Tomioka-san what's the meaning of this?" she asked one last time, quite getting tired of his shit, really.
Giyuu didn't reply but held her hand as walked upstairs, practically forcing her to follow behind him. They soon reached the attic.
Shinobu was a little taken aback seeing all the clutter of furnite up there. Giyuu pulled up the glass window revealing a beautiful full moon night, how come Shinobu didn't notice that before? And then Tomioka started doing something stupid, which was climbing out of the attic window. Shinobu quickly grabbed his arm as a result of an involuntary reflex, "Are you stupid, do you want to die?"
Giyu was now standing on the roof of a 4 story house with a nerve wrecked Shinobu holding his arm. "Trust me Kochou." he spoke holding out his hand to her.
She shifted her gaze from his moonlit eyes to his hand. Did she trust him with her life? Yes, yes she did. She placed her hand on his and he carefully helped her outside. "Tomioka-san I don't see any point in all of thi-" Shinobu was cut off with the picturesque view of the moon and its bright stars right Infront of her.
Giyuu took a seat next to her, observing the view alongside her. He slowly sipped his melon drink while Shinobu quietly enjoyed her strawberry drink. His gaze shifted from the scenic beauty Infront of him to the other scenic beauty next to him (im a little gay for Shinobu sorry) and there she was Kochou Shinobu, the stars reflected in her eyes as she absent-mindedly stared into the sky being lost in her own void and Giyuu just watched her, she looked even cuter now.
It didn't take long for Shinobu to catch him staring which almost made him choke his drink.
"Are you okay?" she asked him.
"Yeah." he replied after his coughing fits died down. He decided to lay down and enjoy the beauty the night had to offer and Shinobu copied him, laying down next to him. Giyuu had quickly slid his arm towards Shinobu, allowing her to rest her huge head on his arm.
"Tomioka-san." she called out to him making his gaze lock with hers.
"Thank you. I needed this."
He sent her a soft smile as he tucked behind a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You're welcome."
"You know Tomioka-san, since you've been craving compliments I guess I'll finally give you one." Giyuu softly observed her, wondering what she'd say. "If i were to describe you to a person Tomioka-san. This scenery would suffice."
"Hm?" he raised an eyebrow, "How so?"
"It kinda matches with your personality you know, It's as quiet and mysterious as the night but nevertheless if you observe closely it has all this beauty to offer." she smiled at him, and this time it hurt him. It made him feel weird. It didn't take long for Giyuu's cheeks to be flushed red under the silver moonlight. Giyuu couldn't reply to this, heck he couldn't even force any words through his mouth. Shinobu smiled and gazed back at the stars once again. She was hit a wave of familiarity, this was her and Giyuu's relationship, it was a bit complicated but it was a bit too beautiful to lose. She started to feel her stomach coil in sadness realising this was the last possible memory she'd spend with Giyuu or maybe they could meet up during the holiday seasons and have remakes of adventurous nights like these.
"Tomioka-san, did you get your acceptance letter?"
"Yeah I did."
"Where are you going?" she wasn't facing him, she didn't want him to see her sad expression.
"Same place you are." Giyuu tried his best not to smile while he said that.
Shinobu quickly turned to him in surprise, "That's a horrible joke, Tomioka-san."
"I'm not." he said, pulling out his phone from his pocket and scrolling through his email to show her his proof. And to Shinobu's surprise there it was, and it was legit. Shinobu was quiet, this was what she wanted but in was a bit too much for her to take in all at once.
"Thank God, now I don't have to worry about you not having friends and getting left alone." she snapped back almost too quickly,
"Shut up."
The air was light and heavy at the same time, Shinobu was a bit too happy to be falling asleep but it didn't take her long to doze off in Giyuu's arms, or on Giyuu's arms. Ouch.
He mentally cursed himself for suddenly exhibiting simp behavior, but today was Shinobu's day and he just had to oblige even though he had to sacrifice his arm.
It didn't take long for Giyuu to doze off alongside Shinobu. Falling asleep under a star-filled sky did have a romantic touch to it.
Giyuu was the first to wake up as the sun slowly started to rise amongst the clouds, creating a magnificent hue of purple and orange. Thankfully Shinobu had shifted from laying on his arm to laying on his chest instead which was definitely more comfortable, but surely Shinobu wouldn't be able to sleep long against his chest with his heart pounding like that.
Giyuu took a moment to appreciate a sleepy Shinobu alongside the beautiful sunrise. Her sun-kissed face was just art in its own form. If Giyuu was anywhere as skilled as Sabito in art, he'd use this masterpiece lying beside him as a prompt and then that's when it hit him. Shinobu basked in the golden rays of sunlight, Shinobu was the golden sunrise in early mornings and if Giyuu were to describe her to someone he'd say something along the lines of; "Shinobu you're the morning sunrise. You're annoying but your presence brings warmth." he whispered softly patting her head. And as most cliché scenes this was no different, much to Giyuu's ill fate, Shinobu was seemingly awake the whole time, and she heard every bit of that.
"That's quite harsh Tomioka-san, but I'll take it." she replied causing a frantic Giyuu's heart rate to sky rocket.
With the sun out, Giyuu and Shinobu realised they better be getting home now since they both had guardians to explain their whereabouts to. It didn't take long for them to pack up and reach Shinobu's house. They shared a small hug on Shinobu's front porch along with Shinobu thanking him for giving her an unforgettable journey. This was a nice end to her highschool life. With a wide grin plastered over her face Shinobu walked into her house to 5 very amused and interested sisters.
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jooheoniesdimples · 5 years
Leap of Faith (Alex Hogh Andersen)
Characters: Alex x Oc, bestfriends!lovers
Warning: Fluff, Smut
Words: 6,301
  You we currently lying on the couch with your feet up in your best friend Alex’s lap. Having the usual movie night in the living room of your shared apartment, the night started very promising, and it was…until you started watching some chick flick movie. The more you were watching the more you identified with main female character and it pissed you off.    You can’t help but run your fingers through your hair in frustration, a sigh leaving your mouth. Alex kept glancing at you wondering what was going on, but you chose to ignore it as you stuffed another pop corn in your mouth. As another annoying scene in the movie came up on the screen you dropped your bawl of popcorn on floor beside the couch and sat up  abruptly on your butt, removing your legs from Alex’s lap causing you to kick him lightly, shocking him a bit in the process. You apologised quickly as you crossed your legs in front of you.      ’‘Seriously, why can’t the parents and all relatives leave their kids alone to live their live as their wish? Why the fuck do they always have to stick their noses where they don’t belong’’ You exclaimed frustrated, waving your hands all around in air, rolling your eyes. Alex turned to you with furrowed eyebrows not understanding where all of this is coming from all of a sudden.    ’'What’s going on?“ He asked you concerned.    ’'This!”  You pointed at the movie. “What’s so wrong about being 26 and single?” You exclaimed, identifying perfectly with the female character. “My family is the same! They just won’t leave me alone,for god’s sake! Ever since I broke up with Ryan two years ago, I’ve been the black sheep of the family. 'Why are you still single?’,'When are you going to introduce someone to us’, 'Your younger sister is gonna get married before you, if you keep going like this!” You mimicked their voices annoyed beyond hell, causing Alex to chuckles at you. Oh how cute you were at the moment, he thought. He couldn’t stop starring at you as you continued to rant about your family.    ’'Like seriously, at the wedding of my cousin literally everyone at least once told I should be thinking about it too. It gets even better when I walk around shopping with my mom and we see some of her colleagues and they start sharing how they kids just got married. 'Isn’t it your turn honey?’ they would nudge me on the elbow winking at my mom. Thank god that at least she gets me and stands up for me saying that when the time comes it will happen, no need to force it.“ You sigh ’'It’s so annoying. Like, I’m still 26 for god’s sake, now is the time for me to do whatever I want, whether be it single or not. What is it with everyone up in my business about me being single. What does it fucking change for them whether I am or not?!” You sigh again, leaning back on the back of the couch next to Alex this time. He kept looking at you amused the whole time, thinking how adorable you looked frustrated over such small matters.   “Well, you shouldn’t pay attention to them. If you feel good single, then be single and when the right guy comes, then you won’t be. Why are you getting frustrated over this all of a sudden? It never bothered you before.” He turned to you with a sympathetic but assuring smile on his face.    ’'As you know I usually don’t, but I’m going home in two days for a week. A whole week where I’ll have to listen to them going on and on about it. I wish there was something I could do to shut them up’’ You sighed again turning to him, meeting his deep blue eyes trying to figure out something for you to help. You didn’t realise until now how close to him you were at the moment, but suddenly his musky and woody cologne hit your nostrils, causing the hair on you body to stand up. “I can’t really think of anything at the moment, but we have two days. I’ll help you figure something out, hmm?” He smiled. That damn smile was your doom. You had been weak on the knees for his smile for a while now, and to be completely honest, he was the reason you were single. Every guy you met you would secretly compare to him, but no one could even step on his little finger. His gorgeous eyes, his full lips, his broad shoulders and strong arms that melt you every time he hugged you. They way he treated you, how your humours matched perfectl. The way he made you feel when he would pull you gently on the inner side of the sidewalk when you were walking to keep you safe, they way he would always give his green Haribo jelly beans and Skittles to you, because he knew they were your favourite. They way you would catch his eyes on you at the other side of the room at a party as he was talking to someone, only to give you a sweet smile and turn his eyes away almost a little shy. Some times these looks made you feel like maybe he felt something more for you as well, but you never dared to dream that far. That never stopped you from getting small butterflies in your stomach every time he did all of those little things that made him so him and made you fall for him. You caught yourself blanking him out. You only nodded to his question in response, hoping he didn’t think too much of you starring at him. You tried to casually turn back to the movie that was running at the back ground and saw him doing the same with the corners of your eyes, exhaling quietly in relief to yourself. Just as you focused back on the movie, you guessed that while talking with Alex you had missed a steamy bed scene, because now the main female character was inspecting the hickeys on her neck in the mirror, when it hit you! Hickeys!    ’'That’s it!“ You exclaimed shocking Alex again, who looked at you like you were mad.    ’'What’s it?” He turned to you with curious eyes.    ’'Hickeys! If I have a hickey or two when I go home, I can all so casually flip my hair for them to see,“ you flipped your hair playfully ’'and when the questions start raining, I’ll just brush them off saying they’re from my boyfriend whom for now I’m keeping to myself and won’t introduce yet. That’ll shut them up!” You exclaimed slightly jumping on the couch in joy.    ’'Y/N, If you have no boyfriend to give you hickeys, you won’t have hickeys when you go home.“  He mockingly chuckled at you trying to get his point through to you, which made you still in you place for a second a sheepishly look at him.   ’'Yeah, about that.. I was thinking about how you could give me a few hickeys instead” You looked at him straight in the eyes, trying not to back down yourself. You sounded so confident in your head, but after saying it out loud you were kinda scared of his reaction. But nevertheless, you would keep your ground, it was the only solution you had.   “What?” He stiffened in place on the couch, looking at you like you were mad again. Million things were going through his head right now, trying to comprehend if what you were asking of him was true or if he was dreaming.   “C'mon! Who else could I ask? Besides, it’s no big deal, it’s just a hickey.” You moved closer to him taking his hands in yours, trying to persuade him. You were dying to feel his lips on your skin, and what better opportunity than this?  ’'Wouldn’t it be awkward?“ He cleared his throat looking away from you, his cheeks getting slightly pink. You were really asking him this question, he thought. It’s not like he didn’t want to, in fact he was dying to do so. And more. Oh, so much more. He was freaking in love with you. But he couldn’t bare it to get a taste of you, of your skin on his lips only to have to pull away and never feel you again. His heart wouldn’t take it.   ’'So, it’s not awkward to kiss me during a truth or dare, but when I really need you to do this for me suddenly it’s awkward?” You raised an eyebrow at him. The truth was, during that exact game was the first time you noticed him like you do now. The first time he made butterflies appear in your stomach. As soon as he was dared to kiss you, he didn’t even hesitate to do so as you were right next to him, taking you off guard. As soon as his lips touched yours something sparked in you and saw him in a different light. All the things he did suddenly could make your knees weak, head spin and before you knew it, you had fallen for him. Little did you know it was the same for him. That exact kiss changed everything regarding you. He turned to kiss you confident, with no worries. You were his best friend, a small innocent peck wouldn’t matter, you were still going to be his best friend. And it’s true. You still were his best friend to this day. But the way he saw you was different. Every little thing you did drove him crazy after that night. The way you would hum to yourself while putting on your make up in the morning, which he would see as the door to your room was always open by that time. The way you would always run your hand on his back as he laid on your lap during a movie or when he needed you to calm him down, the way you would take care of him when he was sick, how you always left the TV on his favourite channel when you turned it off so it would be the first thing to see when he turned it on. How you always joined him, in his car or yours, with the music loud and both of you would  sing out loud not caring about other people watching, but how sometimes you would just keep quiet and that’s how he knew something was really up. How you always tried to cheer him up, but you were just as capable of sassing his ass when he deserved it. And so many other things about you suddenly made such difference after that kiss a year and a half ago, that before he knew it he was head over hills for you. Earlier he wanted to suggest to at least play your fake boyfriend in front of your family, but as soon as he though about it he laughed at himself. Who was he kidding? Why would you agree to such ridiculous thing? But now the way you were holding his hands, asking him to give you hickeys sounded just as crazy. The closer you got to him trying to convince him, the more his nostrils filled with the scent of your skin that would chase him in his dream and get him wondering how soft your skin would feel on his. The closer you got, the more tempted he felt to give in and finally find out. And before he could stop himself, he barely whispered in response to you.    ’'Ok’’ He looked at your surprised eyes as if you couldn’t believe your ears. You were taken aback at first, not really expecting him to agree. Without giving him a chance to change his mind, the second you realised he had indeed agreed, you moved to straddle his lap to keep him in place. He looked at you surprised, a slight gasp leaving his lips. You thought you must have been too forward, so you just cleared your throat and spoke.      ’'I just..think this would give you the easiest access to my neck’’ You cursed yourself for your voice trembled a little, but you couldn’t help it, because exactly when you spoke he moved his arms to encircle your waist to keep you safe from falling.     “Are you sure?” He must’t have caught on it, because now he was leaning slightly towards you looking straight in your eyes, looking for a confirmation, while massaging your waist with his thumbs. It felt so damn incredible. You felt his hands through your tank top and your skin felt burning hot, you almost forgot to answer. You moved you hair away from you neck to make space for him to nestle in.   “Yes.” You answered tilting your head to the left, inviting him in. You were wondering if he was really as calm as he appeared to be, but the way his eyes darkened just before they fell from yours to your neck, the way his nostrils widened slightly and how his jaw tightened for a split second hinted that he might be just as nervous as you were. You closed your eyes waiting for him to dive in. He hadn’t even touched you yet, but just his breath on your neck was sending you into overdrive and you wondered if you could really actually handle this. He seemed to take his time and you opened your eyes to see what was taking him so long, when you met his eyes.            He was taking you in, how beautiful and hot you looked in his arms waiting to feel his lips on your neck and barely held a grunt, because he didn’t want to show you just how turned on he felt and scare you away.    They way he was looking at you got you tripping for a second, you felt so wanted and desired, it send shivers down your spine. Before you could dare dream further his eyes changed to a final questioning look, giving you a last chance to back out even tho his tightening grip on your waist told you otherwise. The anticipation was killing you. You gave yourself one last second to enjoy his gorgeous eyes before you nodded at him to feel free to go further. The second he dived for you neck and you finally felt his lips on your skin you lost it. Your breath hitched in your throat as you inhaled deeply, biting you lip to silence your moan. You felt him leaving open kisses on your neck, switching to soft feathery kisses, slowly going for your collarbone, then switching to the other side of your neck repeating his every little action, only going for it harder and gripping you tighter. You placed your hands on his shoulders for support as you arched your back, not being able to handle the sensation he was giving you. You felt his breath on your neck getting heavier and heavier as he was still leaving chaste kisses wherever he found fit, taking his time. Your breath getting heavier as well, you couldn’t help but squirm in his arms as he left soft smooches on your neck, your mouth shaping a silent moan. He was definitely taking his time, but you could never complain. Feeling him so close to you, he was so warm, his breath and lips on your skin, his tight grip in your waist, his thumbs massaging you sent you into overdrive as you felt your lower region starting to painfully throb. You had no idea how long you could this before saying a big 'fuck it’ to any doubts and thoughts, and moaning out loud giving into your senses.  The way Alex felt at the moment was indescribable. He couldn’t believe that you were there, in his arms, your body squirming at the way he was working your neck. Your scent, your soft skin, the way the tips of your hair fell over his hands at your back that arched in his chest, and your soft, almost silent, moans were driving him insane. He never in a million years thought that this would happen to him, that he would be holding you like this. He wished he could keep you like this forever, tangled in him, feeling your warmth.  As he kept exploring your neck, he found your sensitive spot, causing you to grip the back of his head and pull him closer to you as slightly roll you hips.You heard him grunt right after you gripped the undercut of his hair that was tied in a man bun and felt him still in one place and for a second you panicked that maybe you did something wrong. But then the way he kept you close, squeezing you in his arms, how he kept his breath heavy on your neck just breathing in and out at the back of your ear, his nose buried in your now messy hair, and most importantly when you felt something poking on your heat, you knew what was going on.    ’'Did this turn you on?“ With a heavy and shaky, curious and excited about this breath yourself, you pulled away to look at him slightly, but he wouldn’t budge, a bit too embarrassed to look at you. What would you think of him? You asked him for a hickey as a trusted friend and here he was with a raging boner poking your heat.   ’'Alex..” You tried again running one of your hand down his back while the other one massages the back of his head. “C'mon, talk me” You insisted with a gentle voice, trying to coax him, not scare him. You pulled away a bit further so you can cup his cheeks and make him look at you.   “How can I not be, when you’re so gorgeous and in my arms, with your hands in my hair while i’m kissing you neck?” He finally looked at you and you could see excitement, yet a little bit of fear and embarrassment in his eyes. His words made your heart skip a beat for a second. Sure, it’s not like he was confessing his love for you, but you never knew he thought about you this way. And they way he said it, the look in his eyes, god, you could melt.   “You think I’m gorgeous?” You smiled gently at him, assuring him you weren’t mad or anything. He sighed shaking his head a bit not believing you’re asking him this question. He leaned back on the couch taking you with him, his tight grip on your waist keeping your body against him, your chest pressed against his, one of your hands on the back of the couch, the other one on his shoulder, your heat on his.   “Have you seen you? I might be your best friend, but I’m still a man” his Adam’s apple bobbed and he pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, not daring to look in yours eyes. His gestures, his gentle voice, the way he avoided your eyes. Something was up with him and it made you imagine things. Things you wouldn’t dare to imagine. Things you weren’t brave enough to imagine. But you took a leap of faith anyway.  ’'Alex..what are you saying?“ You cupped his cheek encouraging him to speak, praying you weren’t making the biggest mistake in your life.    They way you were looking at him was so gentle he could melt. Your soft hand on his cheek keeping him in place, not allowing him to look away. Your eyes were encouraging him, it’s like you knew what he wanted to say, but did you feel the same way he did? Would you accept him if he told you, or would you look at him with petty eyes and try to sugar coat your rejection not wanting to hurt him. Because that was you, as sassy as you could be with his mischief ass, you also always took his feeling into deep consideration when serious matters were involved as you didn’t want to hurt him. And this was a serious matter. But what if, just if, by slight chance you felt the same and he screws up his chance by being a coward and hurts you in the process? He could’t live with himself. What if- what if this, what if that. He could be asking thousands 'what if’s and still be back at square one with your bright expectant eyes staring at him. With a final sigh he mumbled a quick 'fuck it’ before speaking.   ’'I’m saying I think you’re gorgeous and I’m in love with you” Founding an unknown strength in his voice he said it, looking straight into your eyes, into your soul. Your breath hitched again, your heart about jump out of your chest as you couldn’t believe your ears. He loved you too. He fucking loved you back. You couldn’t find your voice to speak as you kept looking into his eyes starting to blank out. He loved you back. Alex brought you back to him, when you heard him whisper.  ’'Say something, please’’ his arms tightening around your waist again.You blinked once, twice, your eyes refocusing on his again. You realised you haven’t said anything back yet and he was freaking out, panic evident in his eyes. You cleared your throat and licked your lips nervously, making him look at them involuntarily.   “I..I think you’re gorgeous too” You said diving for his lips as you’ve been dying to kiss him again ever since that fateful kiss you shared a year and half back. He had definitely not expected this as you felt him stiffen for a second and it took him another to realise what was happening. You were kissing him. Actually kissing him. Cupping you cheek, he returned your kiss immediately after he caught on and couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of you lips on his. You were both so lost in the kiss you almost forgot how to breath. You broke the kiss first, leaving him to chase after you as you did. You couldn’t help but smile at how adorable he looked, as he panted underneath you.  ’'Does that mean you..“ He left his sentence hanging, looking up at you waiting for you to finish it. ’'Yeah” You nodded without hesitation.“I’m in love with you too” You leaned in kissing his lips, cheeks, nose, forehead, down his cheeks again and back to his lips. His heart was about to beat out of his chest when he heard you saying it back. He swore he was the luckiest man on the planet. As you kept kissing, you couldn’t help but roll you hips on his. He lips left yours to release a loud gasp as your heat rubbed on his manhood getting him hard again. He dived for your neck again, pulling on the straps of your tank top down so he could kiss your shoulder as well, your back arching against his chest. When he was done covering every inch of your skin he traced kisses up to ear to ask you.   “May I?” He breathed, tugging at the hem of your tank top and you couldn’t have nodded faster mumbling a breathy 'Mhm’. He pulled it over shoulders and leaned back again as he gave himself a few seconds to admire you as you were up on his hips just in your bra and dark blue loose cotton shorts. “Jesus” He mumbled as he setup against you again kissing the outlines of your breast, his hands under your rib cage. Your right hand moved from his shoulder to take his left one and placed it on your right breast.   “Touch me.” You whimpered, your hips going wild over his, your heat throbbing over his clothed manhood clenching around nothing. He moved his other hand behind yaour back running his fingers up and down your spine teasing you, about to unfasten your bra, but then he doesn’t, while his lips couldn’t get enough of yours.     “God, I love you so much” He mumbled against your lips, sounding so sincere and sexy. You trembled again, moaning, taking control over his lips. Placing your hands behind your back at the bra you pushed his away to do the deed yourself making him chuckle in your kiss at your impatience. You couldn’t care less tho, you just wanted to feel him everywhere on your body, to feel his hot skin on yours. As he was kissing you he turned around and leaned you down on the couch with him now on top of you, your legs circling his waist. You pulled him even closer to you with your legs and felt his throbbing member against your heat, sending electric shocks up your body. Alex moaned grinding his hips into you repeatedly as his lips moved to your chest. Your hips bucked against his on their own when you felt him mounding one of your breasts with his hand while sucking the other, smooching all over it and biting its nipple. “Alex *sigh* god..it feels so..fuck!” You exclaimed when he bit your other nipple twice as hard. “I wanna touch you too” You moaned while reaching down to tug at the bottom of his t-shirt. He sat up grabbing his t-shirt from the back of his neck and pulling it up, the sight of it making you bite your lip. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. He was so godly sexy it wasn’t even fair.   “Like what you see?” He smirked down at you and you swear you could feel the Niagara falls between your legs.  ’’ I absolutely do’’ You sat up again and pushed him lightly to lie down on his back as you straddled him him. Your hips rolling on him, you attacked his neck wanting to return the favour, leaving open kisses wherever your lips took you, your hands roaming down his chest, lightly scratching him.  ’'Fuck Y/N’’ He felt your lips tracing down his chest, your tongue playing with his nipples, which turned out to be his weak spot judging by the strangled moan he released. You repeated your actions a few more times as his stomach contracted against your palms. You continued kissing further down as he watched you with half closed lids, his breath and moans coming out heavy. You bit the string of his sweats with your teeth and looked up straight into his eyes and pulled it up to untie them while never breaking eye contact. “Jesus Christ, fuck.. you’ll be the death of me I swear” He cursed as his hands went through his hair in frustration. It made you feel so proud of yourself, he was loosing his shit and you haven’t even touched him yet. You tugged on his sweats and boxers at the same time as you were loosing all you patience. Your heat was already painfully  clenching hard around nothing, aroused by the moans he was releasing. His member stood up and proud and your mouth watered at the sight, precum leaking from it. You blew a light breath over it and it twitched in response, Alex releasing the hardest grunt you’ve heard so far. You looked up at him and he was up on his elbows watching you intently as you took his member slowly in your mouth. The sight of you was enough to finish him, but he wanted to last longer, he wanted to enjoy you as much as he could. You slowly bobbed your head up down, taking your time to torture him. He was barely breathing, his stomach muscles contracting as you reached one of your hands up to scratch him lightly. You took him out again to lightly blow on him, then licked the underside from bottom to the top taking him with your right arm pumping him a few times. The moans he was releasing were so fucking sexy, you felt the need to rub your thighs together for some friction, otherwise you were going to go nuts. You took him in your mouth again, this time going all the way down  your throat and keeping him there for a few seconds, your gag reflex kicking, making Alex curse in pleasure as you lightly scratched his godly thighs with your fingernails simultaneously before gripping them and you felt him pulsating even harder in your mouth before you took him out, flattened your tongue on his tip before taking him in again. You felt Alex grabbing the back of your head for a second before he moved to your chin to signal you to stop.  ’'I don’t wanna cum yet’’ He breathed heavily pulling you on top him again to kiss you hardly cupping your ass and mounding it as hard as he could. He sneaked his hand in your shorts and started rubbing you through your panties. The sensation was good, especially after neglecting your heat for so long.  ’'Alex’’ You breathed against his lips as he kept rubbing you at all the right places before he pushed aside you panties to rub you painfully slow. He almost came feeling how wet you were.  ’'You’re so wet for me’’ He moaned, finding  your lips again. “Mhm, all for you” Nodding you moaned in your kiss. He pulled away to sit you both up and this time he picked you up as he stood up.  ’'What are you doing?“ You yelped and held onto him tightly, you hands around his neck, legs circling his waist. He smiled at you nudging his nose with yours lightly.  ’'Did you really think I would let our first time together to be on the couch?” He mused, shaking his head as he walked to his bedroom and the next thing you know he was laying you down on the bed while he stood up to pull you by ankles to the edge of the bed a bit stronger than he has been so far. “Wo!” You exclaimed surprised giving him an excited look as he smiled at you mischievously. You lifted you hands above your head as you enjoyed his light kisses on your ankles going gently up your tights. He took your shorts and underwear off and dived in, leaving butterfly kisses on each of the inner sides of your thighs, close to your heat, almost there but not quite. As much as you wanted to feel his lips on your heat, you knew you could’t take it anymore. If you didn’t feel him inside of you in the next seconds you were gonna go insane. “Alex” you moaned his name, as his started rubbing you heat again, teasing you, a wild smile spread on his face. “Yes, love” He looked up at you, expecting you to plead him to kiss you down there already. “Fuck me!” Your hips buckled in his face, your wet cavern dripping as you spread your legs wider and wider. He couldn’t look away from you, you looked like a goddess before him. “But I wanna enjoy you first” He pouted, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to refuse you. “Please. You can enjoy me later, but now I’m hurting already. Please, please” You buckled your hips again not being able to contain yourself anymore, one of your hands reaching out to him, the other one to your heat to play with your clit.  ’'Fuck this is so hot’’ Again, he couldn’t look away from you, feeling his member throb is anticipation himself and harder than it has ever been before. “Aleeex” You moaned again,to get his attention. “ You’re so impatient, love. I got you” He climbed on top of you, pulling you upwards on the bed and reached for his nightstand for a condom. As soon as he got one, he opened it and couldn’t put it faster on himself, meanwhile you going insane. As soon as he was ready, he nestled between you legs and looked at you once again, putting a piece of hair behind your ear. “Ready?” He asked, teasing you with his tip at you entrance. “Alex, I swear if you don’t get-ahh!” You moaned arching you back so up your chest was in his and he didn’t miss the opportunity to bite one of your mounds. “Fuck” you moaned again, one of your hands grabbing him at the back of his neck, the other one at his biceps, as he exhaled hard on your chest feeling your heat gripping his now still member tightly as you were still adjusting to his size. “You can move” You barely breathed and buckled your hips against him, raving your fingers through his hair which drove him wild. He started moving in and out slowly, enjoying how good you felt around him.  ’'God, you feel so fucking good around me, I’m not sure I’ll last long’’ He breathed in disbelief to himself. He can’t remember the last time he felt so good, that he almost came immediately. He has been dreaming about this for what it feels like ages, and he couldn’t believe you’re right there. On his bed. Under him. Where he had imagined you to be so many nights only to wake up in the morning without you there and having to take care of himself alone.  ’'Mhm, you feel ..so…amazing’’ You moaned enjoying how good he filled you up. “God, you have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this, Alex” You whispered in his ear. “Yo fill me up so good” you moaned.  ’'Fuck’’  He moaned when he heard you saying that. So he wasn’t alone imagining this.  ’'You have no idea how many times I touched myself dreaming about this’’ You continued, causing him to speed up in inhuman pace. You seriously were going to be the death of him. You had no idea where you were, all of this was too much for you, his body on top you, him going in out hitting that specific spot in you causing your toes to curl, your moans coming out breathless due to the intense pleasure.  ’'Babe, tell me you’re close. Please say you’re close’’ He pleaded desperately for you to cum.  ’'I..am. I’m..so..close just don’t..stop’’ You moaned between pants and your toes curled again when he repeatedly kept hitting that sweet spot inside you, while one of his hands found your clit to stimulate further. “God, Alex..I’-i–can’t! This is too much I-” You moaned loudly while he never slowed his pace. Was he trying to kill you? “Cum babe, let it go. C'mon” He urged you lovingly, his eyes never leaving yours. You closed your eyes in extazy as you he fucked you into oblivion and beyond, riding out your orgasm. He buried his face in you neck, kissing you as he took your left hand in his and placed it beside your head entwining his fingers with yours. You contracted your wall around him on purpose and felt him loosing his mind as the grip on your hand got tighter and so did the grip on your hip as he placed it higher on his waist to get more access and digging his fingers in it.  ’'Do that again!“ He chocked pleading. You did it again and again as he kept mumbling sweet nothings in your neck as he chased his high. ’'I’m cumming. Ah! Fuck, you feel soo good!” He dug his hand on your hip harder as he sped up. You used your free hand to scratch his back as he was cumming to heighten his senses as you kept complimenting him in his ear, making his orgasm last even longer. “I love you” he moaned in your ear as he kept cumming, before he buried his face in your shoulder biting it to get himself through. As the two of you calmed down, you felt him laying down on top of you, his weight feeling so good on your body. He was breathing down your neck, as you ran both your hand through his back and up in his hair, hugging him to your chest. After a few minutes however, it was getting hard for you to breathe as he was a lot heavier than you. “Babe, I can’t breathe” You muttered in his ear. He only mumbled slightly in agreement as he turned you both on your sides facing each other, not moving out of you, slouching down a bit to kiss you breasts before nestling his face there content in your warm hug. You felt him pulling the covers of his bed over you, before he tightened his grip on your waist. You stayed like that for a while and just as you were about to fall asleep, you felt him pulling out and getting up to throw the condom away before getting back in the bed with you, pulling you into his arms. “I love you” his smiled looking down at you. “I can’t believe you’re mine” He squeezed you tightly. “I can’t believe we were so damn oblivious for so long” You chuckled. “And I love you too” You kiss the side of his chest. “Well, at least now you won’t have to go home single anymore” He poked your side. “Oh, I am. Imma burn them on a stick a little more before I show them what a wonderful boyfriend I have and it was worth all the waiting” You sassed agitated again and he chuckled at your cuteness, pulling you even closer to him if it was possible. “Agreed”
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