#oh someone was mad at me for my homophobic comment
libertyvigil · 2 years
As always, you radicals ruin it for the rest of us who just want to live their lives.
By radicals I mean the ones who are willing to use violence and terror to attack "preemptively" because of their "rights". And you have no qualms about regular citizens getting killed.
Even if you don't end up targeting or hurting them in collateral damage, the chaos itself will cause untold suffering.
Yes, of children, who deserve it the least.
Step back. Think. Is there a better way to solve besides violence? Do you think of the people who will be hurt or are you only thinking about yourselves? Have you actually really been hurt by anything? Is it really worth huring innocents for?
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paiges-1vur · 1 month
Can I request Paige getting drugged (like at a bar) and Azzi notices and takes care of her. Only if you are comfortable writing that ofc. I just love the angst and Azzi taking care of Paige. If this prompt is too much maybe Paige getting into a fight defending someone and Azzi taking care of her black eye or something. Thank you so much!
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black and blue… as always enjoy loves <3 *please read disclaimer at the end*
she spits on the ground. thankfully no teeth come out when she does, but theres definitely blood. azzi had been inside starbucks getting her morning coffee, per usual, when paige got into trouble. apparently while azzi was inside, someone saw and recognized paige and started to verbally assault her. although she was used to getting snide comments, this was different. the man, who appeared to be in his mid thirties came up to paige and pushed her, when she wouldn’t react to his homophobic remarks. clearly he was just trying to get a rise out of her… and in the end he did. it costed paige a punch to the jaw, and another to the face but she inevitably won the fight after she punched him in the stomach and then tripped him on his ass.
she groaned, holding her jaw where the took the blow as the man crawled to his feet and ran away, ashamed. azzi came running out of the starbucks to see paige outside of the car, leaning her forehead against the door of the drivers seat. “paige! what the fuck, what happened!” paige didnt answer but instead continued to hold her probably broken jaw and walk back and forth, her head thrown back in pain.
“paige. explain what the fuck just happened! your making me worried! what happened to your jaw?” she asked and demanded in confusion, trying not to get upset with paiges lack of communication. paige leans over on her knees. she spits on the ground. thankfully no teeth come out when she does, but theres definitely blood. she finally looks the girl in the eyes. “oh my- paige! your face is getting swollen, did you get into a fight? who hurt you?” paige looked at the girl. taking a deep breath she responds nonchalantly, “a stupid fucking guy was being homophobic and fucking tried to fight me because i was ignoring him.” she curses. “paige.. i dont even know what to say… please, just get in the car. we are going straight home and im going to take a look at you..” the brunette says trying her best to keep her cool. azzi was a pretty easygoing person and it took a lot for her to get visibly upset. of course she was concerned for paige, but she also couldn’t be mad at her. truthfully it wasn’t her fault. she swallows guiding the blonde to the passengers seat of the car to take her back to her apartment.
paige sits on top of the kitchen counter, waiting for azzi to come look at her. the brunette grabs an ice pack from the freezer and steps between the blondes legs, holding it up to her eye. “just.. hold this here baby. and, im not mad im just worried. i wish i could have been there to do something…” she says feeling guilty that this happened. paige smiles at azzi. “baby, its okay i handled it.” she pauses looking azzi in the eyes. “im just glad it was me and not you.” she says planting a kiss on the younger girls forehead. azzi smiles at paige, grabbing a wet washcloth to help fix her up. “you have… blood all over your face baby.” she says giggling slightly at how cute paige was, even when bloody and bruised. she wiped the blood off from around her lips and mouth before realizing her nose was also bleeding. she took care of paiges nose bleed, which was thankfully mild. after shes finally done cleaning her up she sighs, looking up at the girl. “i love you so much baby. thank you for fighting for us. literally.” paige smirked down at her. “of course love, and i bet i look pretty badass all beat up like this huh? like ralph macchio in karate kid. black eyes can be sexy” she says. the younger girl looks up at the older, “yea, you do look pretty sexy, and your always badass paige.” she pats her leg, “now i think your fine, thank god your jaw is still functioning, but i think we should call geno…” paige lets out a chuckle. “uh oh.. time for the big guns.. i wonder what lecture im going to get now..” she says rolling her eyes as azzi calls geno to alert him about paiges injuries.
hi guys! first off i hope you enjoyed this little bit, but i wanted to talk about something serious for a moment.
of course my page is a safe place for everyone but i just wanted to address a little bit of what this req was speaking about! i have no problem with writing about mature and serious topics. if anything i feel like fics that do include more mature situations would be the best for me, and my real life experiences. i have personally had a friend get laced, and seeing her severity and watch her almost pass away, was a very scary and serious situation. this specific req didnt make me uncomfortable to write because of that situation, but of course im here to write for you guys, so please let me know what you want to see from me. if you guys are okay with me writing about these topics, then im totally okay with it! everything is for your guys enjoyment and pleasure. so please let me know how you all feel, before i write about more mature topics.
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your-queer-dad · 1 month
dad! I talked to the princapal and got the right name on some papers and also he said he’d talk to all the staff
later that day a different teacher came up to me and pulled me asided and asked me if she was the one who misgendered me she was really worried and said if she did she’s sorry and she asked if I was ok and stuff she’s alright sometimes I wish it was all the time
anyway back to the shitty teacher she’s just been avoiding me I think I haven’t heard her talk about me or to me the entire while
the principal said that none of this was on purpose but like bro she’s been screaming and misgendering and she’ll be super ableist and visibly homophobic not letting boys sit near eachother and saying how like boys can’t have stuffed animals and we’re to old for itshit whenever we’d bring toys to school but she lets the girls do it! and she’ll go on rants about how boys shouldn’t to this or be this etc and how girls can’t act like this blah blah blah and it’s like hell yeah she meant it the fuck
anyway she’s either lying to him or he’s covering for her either way this is annoying he kept trying to like idk smooth it over and it’s like dude I don’t need to be best friends with her just tell her to stop being a massive pile of shit
also I got my blood drawn and they kept deadnaming me and saying how oh well when you get your name legally changed then we can call you whatever you want. And it’s like sure but you could also call me my name right now motherfucker. My mom made a comment like only a couple more months because I’ll be turning eighteen soon and I called her out cause she does this thing where she pretends to be a good mom and a ally in public but actually she’s been keeping me from transitioning and she sent me terf books and called me a demon spawn and threatens me like all the time etc and then in the car after the appointment in the car I told her she’s making excuses for the nurses and they didn’t have to deadname me and then she got mad like really fucking mad and she went all quiet and started driving crazy like dangerous crazy she does that a lot and it’s a miracle she hasn’t gotten me in a car crash I’m at home now I know she’s not safe not just from the car thing just in general she’s violent and threatens a lot and she does this thing where when she gets mad she’ll grab the back of my neck real hard and drag me around like a damn rubber chicken I started walking behind her to avoid it so it hasn’t happened in a while but idk man everything really pisses me off this is all bullshit and I’m so sick of everyone just excusing it all you feel me also some girl at school keeps coming up behind me and squeezing my neck and it keeps fucking with me cause of what my mom does that girl keeps hitting on me to she won’t leave me alone and this always fucking happens dude she’s like threatening and making jokes about sexually assaulting me and I’m like bro??? The fuck?? My parents don’t care I’ll tell the principal if it gets worse but with the way he is he’ll probably be like oh she didn’t mean it she’s so young she was just joking try to be friends she’s just a little girl blah blah blah I hate how adults justify all this shit I just want someone to call it out or get mad on my behalf for once why won’t anybody ever defend me I’ve been dealing with this for eighteen years the same shit over and over from everyone I’m just a kid to and no one ever stepped in
Hey kiddo, I am so sorry you have all of that shit to deal with, that's awful. I'm really proud of you for telling the principal and that teacher came to check that they were being okay. How your mom treats you is awful and you don't deserve any of that. I am so sorry she has been doing that. You have so much awful things happening to you and it isn't fair, not at all.
- dad x
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resident-gay-bitch · 9 months
Ok I have so many prongsfoot thoughts but I just thought of a fairly canon compliant AU where they get together in Hogwarts:
Sirius is the first to acknowledge his feelings for James as non-platonic. He’d hide it for a while because he’s content with having whatever part of James he can get
James is blissfully unaware and continues to pursue girls. Lily rejects him in fifth year and later on, Sirius moves in with him after running away. All this extra time together causes him to slowly become aware of his not so platonic feelings for Sirius
I think the tipping point would be in their sixth or seventh year when Sirius has a fling with another guy and James just can’t help but meddle and say things like “oh I don’t like him padfoot he’s a git” “he’s not good enough for you” etc. So Sirius is obviously pissed off and asks him “why do you care” and James’ feelings just come tumbling out lmao
Okay THIS! Yesssss oh my gosh I can totally see this happening in cannon it just makes sense. Like, Sirius surpressing and taking what he can get and James just hopping along through life completely oblivious.
And of course once James figures it out he wouldn’t be able to keep it in. If we have his feelings for Lily to go by, James would be trying so hard not to throw his feelings for Sirius out into the world but he’d be so bad at keeping them to himself. He’d struggle. But because they’re best friends Sirius just doesn’t pickup on it because he’s blind to his own feelings.
And then the moment Sirius shows interest in someone new, especially a bloke, James’ jealousy would go haywire. It would be rude comments and snark remarks, he’d be looking on the marauders map for them and interrupting their closet make outs, he’d be pranking the bloke all the time like covering him in goo and putting dung bombs in his pockets and just making him as undesirable to Sirius as possible.
Sirius would get so mad so fast and approach James, yelling about it, “Why are you doing this?! I thought I could trust you!? If you’re just gonna be a homophobic git than you can get fucked!!”
And that’s where it would all come out, “A homophobic git?! A homophobic fucking git?! I’ll have you know I’m quite the fucking opposite you piece of shit!”
“What the fuck are you talking about, James?!”
“I’m queer too, you git!”
“Well than what’s your issue with him?! Why aren’t you happy I’m finally with a bloke?!”
“Cause the bloke is not fucking me!”
“Oooohhh.” Sirius would laugh quite manically at that, “You seriously, out of all the blokes in Hogwarts, want to fuck the one guy I’ve managed to grab for myself? You’re a fucking cunt, James.”
“Come on! I know he and I aren’t anything serious but you can’t just snatch him away from me!”
“What? No!” James would huff and grab onto Sirius’ shoulders, “I want to snatch you away from him, you big idiot!”
“What?” Sirius would mumble, and then James would roll his eyes and pull Sirius into a big fat kiss. And then once all the dots connect in his head he’d melt and mumble, “Oh.” Into the kiss before grabbing onto James and-
Okay, you get it. Basically, I agree! Hope you enjoyed the very mini fic I had no intention of writing though. Seriously it just came out of me.
And thank you for your ask, I enjoyed reading it and spinning it to life in my head very much. Don’t hesitate to share more of your thoughts about them!!! I love them so much!!
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
"But its fine to be LGBTQ+ in Australia in 2024 Australia is such an accepting country"
Get away from me.
Here is an itemised list of shit that i see around me/has happened to me. Just in my little sphere of observation I'm not talking about online or anything just circling around fucking me. Organised from shit that bothers me the least to shit that fucks me off to an unbelievable extent:
All the shallow "LGBTQ+ safe space !!!!!!!" Stickers i see at places like target (I am not talking about actual queer spaces like Dangerfield oh my god i will never ever get over the time that the person at Dangerfield asked if i would like to see their "masculine selection" like holy shit ???? Yes i would love to see the "masculine selection" thank you for not making me a man in this store- anyways) it just makes me a little mad that they just have to put a little sticker in the window and suddenly they're a "safe space" like come off it mate no one's buying your shit
Those people who say they're like supportive and then go and bag out a highly minoritsed section of the community (example taken from my current home) "I support trans people i believe trans people should be able to live and be whoever they truly are" "if my child ever told me that they wanted to use "they/them" pronouns i would assign them a gender myself" "I think all these little "microlabels" like pansexual and aromantic are fake theyre just kids looking for attention" "well apparently you can identify as a tree these days lol I'll just tell them i identify as a dog and cock my leg on them"
Other generally passive homophobic comments such as "oh you're pansexual? Does that mean you're attracted to pans?"
Walking into class and getting slurred or called an "it" or being spoken about like I'm a creature rather than a person: "Sir, can you take that thing outside" "Its not a part of this classroom" "Someone should really put a muzzle on that thing" "oh, sorry, "IT". Got my grammar mixed up."
Possibly the more upsetting part of that is the teacher, who is aware of me being trans and has been since he took our class, has not done a thing about this despite stating that he was going to do what he could to support me.
The casual biphobia/complete erasjre of my bi identity that happens like literally daily? Like hello i like both ?
The younger queer kids being targets of creeps and harassment because theyre just "attention seeking queers" and no one would believe them if they said anything
Being clocked by customers at work and having to deal with harassment surrounding my entire identity despite the fact that I'm not even out and having to pretend to have a laugh about it with my coworkers while im literally shaking and like on the verge of an anxiety attack
People fetishizing drag queens/critisizing them for not doing drag in a "traditionally correct" way. Like ?? She's not bopping he bussy for anyone but herself fuck off
My own friends not believing me/taking me seriously when i try to talk about the harassment/abuse that I face at school/at work because "its 2024 and these places are safe places and they literally said they weren't trying to be offensive"
Being outed in the workplace because i was trying to help my gf get a job (which i didnt realise was a whole thing at the time) and then being punished for not telling people about our relationship to begin with (neither of us are very out and I didn't want to put either of us in an uncomfortable position so I didn't mention it because its not their business?) my gf is no longer getting a job and i am significantly less likely to get the promotion they were talking about giving me
The sheer amount of homophobic/transphobic parents that i know of in the area (mine and my gfs included) and the fact that "allies" don't seem to understand why we won't tell these people about ourselves (especially those of us with notably abusive parents (myself and my gf included))
"Well she can't like you very much if she's not willing to tell her parents" "i just don't think she really cares about you if she's keeping you a secret" shes literally let me give her kisses at the bus stop guys she just wont tell her mom fuck off
The fact that if her parents find out they could report me to the police for grooming because even if the age gap is literally eleven months she's still a minor and the courts are more likely to convict me because im queer. This would literally end my life.
the fact that im being encouraged to leave the fucking love of my life because its "too dangerous" and if my life is ruined by her parents its her fault some how so i need to protect myself ???? What the fuck ????
And finally "You cant save everyone you know" like ???? I know that doesnt mean that the people I CARE ABOUT should have to suffer to keep ME safe. Thats fucked up.
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lyerra · 7 months
just me ranting about webtoon's comment section because I want to exteriorize some stuff
The whole Roseberry situation is so so weird to me. Tbh when I started room of swords I didn't care much about the ships, I was there for the plot, but when strawbarrow was revealed to have been canon all along I was so happy for them
However a lot of people were displeased because they thought Gyrus would end up with Tori.
I think one of the comment sections that struck me the most was right as the episode ended with Tori kissing "Gyrus" (who was actually Kodya in Gyrus' body pretending to be him) and someone commented "imagine possessing your boyfriend's body only for some girl to kiss him" which was a pretty funny comment
some people responded however that if anything Kodya was Gyrus' ex because he had been in a relationship with BB!Gyrus but New Gyrus didn't know him the same way. Which WOULD have been a good argument to make if Gyrus hadn't been making puppy eyes at Kodya since S1...
tbh it's fine not to see it, I didn't see it either at first, but to say that Gyrus was CLEARLY attracted to Tori???????? when he never showed any sign of liking her as more than a friend?
I've read RoS many, many times both before and after it ended (been reading it from 2019 oh god it's been so long???) and all through S1 there are these small, small hints that Gyrus has a small crush on Kodya EVEN THOUGH he doesn't remember him. They were always meant to be together.
Tori does develop some feelings towards him, granted (we do learn that it's because he looks like her beloved but that's later, people couldn't have known back then), but that doesn't make Gyrus entitled to return them.
People shipping Roseberry shouldn't make the authors entitled to change THE ENTIRE PLOT simply because some people aren't happy with their story choices.
At that point there's been many hints that New Gyrus and Kodya are still attracted to one another and I'm just sad and confused that those people were in so much denial.
On the brighter side, the next episode really starts with Tori telling "Gyrus" that she knows he loves Kodya because she's seen him LITERALLY PINING SINCE DAY ONE. AND THAT SHES A LESBIAN.
case closed, right? Kodya and Gyrus are canon and still very much in love, and Tori herself is in love with another, yet unnamed woman.
well lo and behold: s2 finale's comment section!
we finally see Kodya and Gyrus sharing their first kiss onscreen, so someone in the comment section said something like "THEY FINALLY KISSED AAAAA OUR SHIP IS SAILING" which was also my reaction and a legit reaction to it??
and since there was A LOT of dislikes (over 1,6k I believe) the op edited to say something about homophobes and the backlash was even greater
and in the answers there was actually quite a lot of people being salty because their own ship didn't sail and
I mean idk
maybe I can't understand because my ship sailed and not theirs but what the hell
first of all homophobes exist. the authors commented that they had lost about 20% of their audience when they revealed that Gyrus and Kodya were canon, and they received a lot of hate online for it.
second of all as I said it's not about ships it's about the plot. strawbarrow was always endgame and the whole story, including the romance between Kodya and Gyrus and the important role it played on the story, been planned since over a year before RoS was published. this is not your story, if you're not happy about it go read or write some fix it fanfics (it's not so bad once you get used to it). but in terms of writing strawbarrow was so well executed, I feel like being mad just because of a ship is really disrespecting the authors' intentions.
third of all, it had been made painfully clear since A LONG TIME AGO that they wouldn't end up together. clinging onto that hope was really unnecessary. they shouldn't be mad anymore, it had been over for a while now and they should have made their peace. people complaining by the time of s2 finale were really just delusional.
fourth of all, the dislikes may not all be from homophobes but if they aren't then they're from jerks. it's not because you're unhappy that things didn't go your way that you have to hate on other people because they got what they wanted and not you. that's just being mean smh,, let people enjoy the things they like in peace
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ol1verdrawsyt · 2 years
What r things you like about the dsaf community, and things you don’t like about it? Just curious to hear some thoughts! :D
Oh boy, I have a lot to say abt this one. I'm just gonna preface this by saying, I have a very special place in my heart for dsaf. Idk where I would be today if I hasn't have found that trilogy. With that being said, I'll start with the good.
Tw: opinions 😱😱
For starters, its a very welcoming community. Because a good majority of the community is queer, it makes it a safe space. In my experience, it was the first time I felt open and comfortable being myself inside of a Fandom.
It's also a very talented community. Like holy hell, have you seen those amazing Henry fanarts with him in the void? They're fucking epic!
Finally, the DSaF community is pretty sweet to new artists. I remember when I was in the piggy Fandom, they were brutal man. I got bullied constantly for my art and was pretty close to quitting for a while. In DSaF though, I just simply received constructive criticism and people helping me rather than shaming me.
Now onto the not so great
First, the ships that shouldn't really be normalized. Steven x Peter is probably a big one. Peter had a wife, Steven was a horrible boss and sent Peter to the factory knowing what would happen to him, and that he had a family (we know from Peter and Jimbo that you can refuse to do that. In the slightly evil ending, Peter refuses to send Jimbo to the factory) and also they canonically hate eachother. Also the horrible power imbalance? Like, idc what your excuse is, shipping boss x employee is just wrong.
And yet, this is like the 2nd most popular ship in the Fandom. I'm not done with it either cuz the people who ship Steven and Peter lead into my next point.
Being toxic towards straight ships. I'm gonna preface this before anybody gets mad by saying, I am a trans and queer man, I can have an opinion on this.
So Peterline is not a very popular ship despite it being cannon. Caroline is Peter's wife, and you see her at the end of the perfect ending. I've been bullied before (mainly on tiktok) for shipping this. I've had someone just go off on me because I'm "taking away gay rep and that Peter is canonically a gay man." Like, tf?? Also, side note: he isn't. Dogman confirmed the characters sexualities and Peter is "probably straight." Not to mention he had a wife that he chose and married himself, not a manufactured one like with Steven. But back to my point. Peterline is overshadowed by all of the Steven x Peter shippers because it's EVERYWHERE. I don't even know why it's a ship in all honesty. But heaven forbid you don't ship it and ship Peter and his WIFE.
You thought that was the worst of it? Wrong. We go away from the side that's mainly queer/allies and go to the homophobic side. Yep. There are homophobic/transphobic DSaF fans despite a good majority of the main cast being queer. Luckily, they don't really show their faces anywhere near the queer fans, so we're all set. I have seen them comment on davesport posts before though complaining. Speaking of davesport:
Davesport has completely taken over the Fandom. I love davesport as much as the next person, but if you truly love something, you have to admit the flaws. First, the weird kinda fetishism of it? I won't name names **cough cough daystars cough cough**, but there are artists who draw this ship and intentionally make the characters look like teenage boys and not old zombie men. Plus, people kinda romanticizing / glorifying the fact that Dave stalked and had an unhealthy obsession with Jack. That isn't cute and romantic that "he loves him so much that he broke into Jack's house on multiple occasions and watched him sleep 🥺🥺🩷🩷☺️☺️☺️" (genuine comment I saw btw, minus the emojis cuz I wanna make sure people know it's satire what I'm saying). Plus, people are bullied for shipping anything other than Davesport. I can understand if it's a proship (I'll get into those fuckewads later), but someone shipping anything other than davesport will get you witchhunted in this community. I know I said I don't like boss x employee, but I don't hate someone if they ship something like Harry x Jack or something. There are people genuinely scared of showing that they ship that because of the hard-core davesport fans. Final note on this point, it's the only DSaF content being made. I want more Blackjack and og managers art pls I beg of you I want more art of the og managers. But instead, it's just davesport again. It gets to a point where I'm kinda tired of it.
Next point: people babying characters. Now, I won't name names **cough cough daystars again cough cough** but there are very popular artists who get away with this. The biggest ones I can think of are Peter, Roger, and Jack. Here's why I think this happens:
Jack: Because he's shown to have a soft side. It's mainly seen in DSaF 3 on the flipside with him gently talking to the other souls and telling them that it's gonna be ok and he'll help them find justice and peace. Also, he is somewhat civil to Dave at the start of a few routes so probably from the fucking davesport shippers again.
Roger: Because he's hinted at to have an anxiety disorder. Hey there! Person with a diagnosed anxiety disorder here. DON'T FUCKING BABY US! Like, just because you have an AD doesn't mean you need 24/7 protection and babying because "what if you get scared 🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔". People with ADs can do amazing things despite it. And Roger is no exception. In the evil ending, he goes off at Jack about everything he's done and doesn't break a sweat. He's probably the strongest out of the 3 phone guys because he's the first person (other than Peter) to stand up to Jack when he's doing something wrong.
Peter: Same as Jack, he's shown to have a soft side. Mainly when talking about how he remembers his wife and family, and invites Jack to live with him and Caroline despite (to his knowledge) he's only known Jack about a week. But like with Roger, he puts his foot down when needed. In the evil routes, Peter takes Jack back to his office and just let's him have it. He goes off about the fucked up shit Jack has done and even throws in some amazing lines like
"That's Mr.Cawthon to you, employee. We certainly aren't friends."
"Employee, let me tell you something. I am a VERY good boss."
"It takes the truth to fool me, or close to it. And you've played me for a goddamned fool."
But of course, with this community, that entire badass scene with Peter and Jack is overshadowed by him being "uwu smol bottom gay boy"
I mentioned them earlier, so here it goes: the proshippers. They're everywhere. Some of the biggest dsaf artists **cough cough fucking daystars again cough cough** are proshippers. It's mainly a problem on tiktok. I've seen people ship: Peter x Dave, Dave x Henry, Steven x Henry, Jack x Peter, Henry x Dee, Henry x Jack, Dee x Jack, Jack x Dee x Peter x Dave. It's honestly disgusting, and I really don't wanna talk abt it anymore.
Next, people drawing Henry skinny. This one pisses me off a lot. People draw Henry as a skinny little bottom boy and not the fat old man he is. There's a lot of people guilty of this. **cough you probably know who I'm abt to say cough cough**. Some people try at least. For example, I tried sticking with my roblox-like bodies and giving Henry a very big torso. Later on, I finally learned how to draw plus sized bodies, and so now that I can, I immediately implemented it. Some people just don't even try.
Finally, people mad at dogman for moving on from the series. I shit you not. I came across people complaining about this just last night. Here's the thing: DSaF has a lot of problematic stuff in it. Nobody can deny that. Dogman has apologized for it on many occasions and doesn't want that to represent his work now. He moved on to Dialtown, where he can now get paid for his hard work and pay his team. But because he isn't talking abt DSaF anymore, people refuse to even look at Dialtown. It's just kinda...childish in my opinion? It'd be a different story if you just simply didn't enjoy Dialtown. Like that's fine and understandable, the game isn't for everyone. But really? Just because the creator moved on from his problematic past and made something original, you want nothing to do with him. That's just stupid.
Alr ty for coming to my Ted talk. If someone wants it I'll do one of these with Dialtown (there isn't much bad, it'll just be me ranting abt how much I love Dialtown)
Btw don't harass anyone I mentioned here if I did mention them. It doesn't solve anything, and you just look like and asshole.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Someone You've Never Seen Before
A Kyle Spencer Fan Fiction
frat!kyle AU, fem!main character, sexual themes, mature language, use of drugs and alcohol, frat boy antics
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I admit that there was an unfair, silent bias within me against frat guys. But, who could blame me? Their reputations preceded them. They always wore frat-branded clothes. They traveled in packs. They spoke and acted like idiots. They tended to be racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or some combination of all three. 
My first interaction with a frat guy during my freshman year at Tulane affirmed everything I had seen about them in the media. It was the first party Lily ever dragged me to. I wore my New England uniform; a sweater, docs, and loose-fitting jeans. 
Not even an hour into my time at Sig Chi, I heard a loud voice shout: "Yo! Who invited the lesbo?" right next to me. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw a Kappa Alpha brother staring right at me, laughing at my expense.
"Seriously?" I challenged him.
"Come on, Hannah," Lily spoke lowly into my ear, grabbing my hand to pull me away from the guy.
"Aw, the lesbian got mad at me!" the guy shouted. His comment was met with a cacophony of male laughter. Likely his Kappa Alpha brothers encouraging his bad behavior. 
From then on, I was wary of these males. I stayed clear of them, even at parties. I felt no remorse for stealing their alcohol, getting drunk, and leaving without getting to know a single one. I made sure to dress differently at parties after that, though. I couldn't risk another encounter of that nature.
My avoidance of these frat guys was directly challenged by the seating arrangement in my Calculus class, though. I had no idea that when Kyle Spencer sat next to me on the first day, that my fate would be sealed for the rest of the semester. There was something about Kyle that made me cringe. I knew nothing about him except for his frat status, and his tendency to act stupid.
He was willing to do anything to impress his frat brothers. He had been a human coat rack once at a party. At another, he got so belligerently drunk that he ended up asleep in the fountain outside the library --  2 miles from the party. This was all hearsay. I hadn't been there to witness those stunts, but there was photo evidence. I feared what he would do sitting just inches from me. What if a frat dare caused him to make some sort of mess in class, or ask me out as a joke? I felt funny just being near him. 
His egregious tendency to be late to class didn't help my case, either. By the time he arrived, there would be no other seat available than the one directly next to me. I had no choice but to have an obnoxious frat guy exist within my personal bubble. 
As it turns out, though, Kyle was impressively good at calculus. Like, inhuman. Despite barely paying attention during lectures, he finished the first weekly quiz with ease. I, on the other hand, was nearly the last person to hand in my paper. When we got the results the following Monday, I failed, while Kyle got a 90%. 
I decided it would be in my best interest to cheat on the next quiz by looking at his paper. We had a small quiz every Friday, testing our knowledge of what we had covered that week. The professor chose to do this in lieu of homework assignments. My notes were exhaustive and diligent, but still, I walked in on that Friday with an empty head, somehow having forgotten things I had learned just a day prior. 
Just as I suspected, the quiz got handed out, and I was hopelessly clueless. I didn't cheat often, so I wasn't used to looking inconspicuous. I feigned a stretch and looked over at Kyle's paper, for probably a touch too long. His head snapped in my direction. He let out a laugh and covered his quiz with his hand.
Oh, so we're the perfect little suck-up, are we, Spencer? I thought.
I struggled through the rest of the quiz. Kyle stood to hand his in. He was the first in the whole class. I shot a glare in his direction as he walked back to his seat to grab his bag. We were told we were dismissed as soon as we finished, so he smiled and left. I cursed him out in my thoughts and turned my attention back to my own quiz, which I was surely about to fail. 
I ended up leaving about half of the damn thing blank before time was called.  I slumped back in my seat with a huff and began to pack up my things. Almost the entire class had already filed out so I rushed to get out to get some lunch. I sighed, vowing to get as drunk as possible as soon as I could. I stepped out of the room into the bright daylight of the afternoon. The sun's light on the pavement was nearly blinding. I shaded my eyes with my hand as I walked in the direction of my apartment.
"You gotta be slicker than that," a voice called out behind me, followed by a chuckle. I turned and saw Kyle sitting on the half-wall outside the building with Archie. Both of them stared at me, smiling condescendingly. I spun on my heel and walked away, waiting until I was a good enough distance away to cry. I didn't want them to know they had gotten a rise out of me. 
Fuck you, Kyle Spencer, I thought, tears streaming down my face as I turned down my street.
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
i was trying to explain to a fan about how Stolitz is a rushed ship and they responded with...
"it's not rushed if they aren't together yet "
...it's like...they straight up ignored my word of "it DOESN'T matter whether they're together or not yet, it's still rushed" (and it's the type of fan that keep leaving replies on every comment that has different opinion than them)
Yeah, something about the helluva boss fans ya need to know is that they won’t listen to you. Most of them see a negative opinion, and IMMEDIATELY jump to conclusions without reading the rest, or taking anything else said into consideration. Like when I made that Angel Dust post, explaining how I thought he was layered but handled poorly, someone immediately basically said “OH SO YOU’RE MAD BECAUSE HE’S GAYY?” When I never said that lmao. Also…to be fair, I personally wouldn’t call Stolitz “rushed”. I think “Forced” is the more correct term, since they keep pinning on these two being together, even though not only is there no chemistry, but the two are toxic and shouldn’t be together. But yeah, Helluva Boss fans are just laughably sad, I hate how they block out and choose to ignore a critics points, just because they said something negative. Reminds me of the “infamous” Season 2 review that came out on YouTube where someone critiqued Stolitz, only for everyone to immediately call them “homophobic”.
Anyway, if they keep commenting under EVERY one of your posts immediately disagreeing, at this point I suggest you block them.
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maceofpentacles · 2 years
Heyo, so Mace, my best friend got attacked in the r/pagan subreddit by some people that said that lilith worship isnt closed, and these people went and blacklisted him into the daemonolatry subreddit and belittled him. He also ended up leaving as he was very hurt and he tried to end his life, meanwhile they let people like CrazyTechWizard96, a lunatic who thinks he's being raped by baphomet talk, and he legit was allowed to stay there for MONTHS on end with newer practitioners believing him and looking up to him. He also just poated recently about Baphomet being "Forced to Obey" him and he keeps spewing the same story of Lucifer, Baphomet, Stolas, and Claucneck. I'm sick of people in our community letting someone in who doesn't belong and is spewing lies, and then let someone who tries to defend a minority group get harmed in the process.
Here's theinks and breakdown:
Still figuring things out myself, they've pretty much reached out to me.
A lot of them so far, and it makes me more or less even more want to contact them, about who and what I even am.
I've talked to Baphomet yesterday and kind of managed to hear them almost clear, going in and out though, still not on the right frequenz, but working on it.
But I can say for sure, some of the Tests they've thrown at Me are Bizzar, others I might take, like with Baphomet and Lucier as first as a test of Strength, like, if I'd Obey them without a fight, or Fight for being Equal with them.
I prefer to e Equal, and don't like using Titels, I see all of them more or less as Friends and Family.
Also, Winter Solstice is Tonight, so, everyone who reads this, have a nice Day & Night. :)
Wow what a read indeed!
I've had some test Me in some very strange ways myself.
But Me being a stubborn and chaotic being, if someone forces Me to do something, I just get mad and do the opposite.
Got some Story including Agelaript, Baphomet and even Lucifer.
And tbh, after those things, they tend to stare even more at Me, like... What I even am.
I can say the same thing, because, I can't believe that was even possible.
I've met Lilith the first time on the 28th October this year and even asked her, about the thing with Lucifer, She broke out laughing, seems like She liked it.
I'm a tiny bit nervous to contact Lucifer and ask him why and how that 'making Me mad as Hell' even started, since I can't recall any memories of that case in particular.
The other thing with Baphomet, they saw that trying to make me Obey and force Me into Submission, only backfires in them getting humiliated.
No worries, Me and Baphy get a long great, love them, for being quite a good and helping Deity. :)
Before You ask, the details about that with Agilalerpt aren't nfsw, but the other things with Baphomet and Lucifer, I would post this here, this went just way to wild, haha.
Oh and just as a footnote, never sign anything before You've read the contract.
Can say this about Marketing & the General, and of course the Astral or general Demonic or what ever You can say.
Read, see and than if You are sure, sign, You only have 1 Life & 1 Soul, Kiddo.
this is the exact reason i stay away from reddit like my life depends on it. i’m sure not everyone over there is a fucking freak, but the people like this really shine a terrible light on the whole community.
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ha-youwish · 2 years
can i ask about what the p4 twitter thing is? i dont have twitter and so i dont know what kind of shit they have stirred up again
tbh im not the most well informed source of info on p4, especially because i dont like the game
but basically i’m not sure if it just started with a comment penny parker of snapcube fame made on twitter about not liking the kanji section or if it started with this thread but
basically, someone went off on a long thread criticizing all the ways that p4 likes to say “be true to yourself! but like not in That way”
and boy oh boy were persona fans on twitter Mad about that. like we can skip over the people who are just blatantly homophobic but a lot of people are like “obviously you didn’t play the game blah blah” and stuff. but like, i think the main criticism thats coming from a lot of it is that when even though every character is given a reason for where their arcs go in the game, that doesn’t mean that the message the Writers are telling with those reasons is necessarily that good, even if it is a happy ending.
now i dont have too much to say on the actual details for my opinion, especially because i stopped playing the game once it was clear that it’s just not for me. if you want more info, i recommend just searching “persona 4” on twitter or reading through the thread bc i was honestly agreeing with some points of criticism. and everything against it is using in-canon explanations which don’t exactly disprove any of the points if u feel me.
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kawaiianimemilk · 2 years
Tied Hearts (A GL Story)
Main Characters: Issa and Bray
Warning: Yandere Issa, Abuse, Cursing, Blood, Obsession, guns, knives, For the homophobic this is not for YOU (P.S THEY ARE IN THE 11th GRADE)
Issa POV:
I've always had a weird life, family, and friends. Well until I met Bray because she made my life all better again...
End Of POV:
Issa was a well-known criminal because everyone knew how crazy she was since she killed some kid because they looked at her last year and ended up in the newspapers. She would run through the school halls and everyone would be terrified, but she really didn't care; all she wanted was someone to love...to have...to protect forever.
One day, while everyone was in 1 period and Issa was skipping, The principal announced that their school will have a new student. Issa didn't care so she looked straight ahead with no emotion while leaning her back on a locker. When the new student walked past her down the hall Issa face was turning pink and her heart was pumping like crazy."What is this feeling?" she thought to herself.
Bray POV:
I was walking down the hall and saw this girl with a somewhat messy wolf cut. I just took a glimpse and I already had butterflies. So, I just continued walking down the hall so I could just find my class. As I reached the end of the hall I finally found the class. "OH CMON WHY IS IT ALL THE WAY AT THE END" I yelled. I walked into my homeroom and it was silent, everyone was just looking at me. I introduced myself and asked where I sit. The teacher told me to go sit in the back and sit beside these 2 boys. I felt disgusted as they smirked and raised their eyebrows at me. "Besides this is over in like 7 minutes right?" I whispered to myself.
End Of POV:
1 Period was over and it was time for lunch to start. As everyone was roaming around looking for a seat. Issa sat under a nearby tree and began to read. Bray walked in and looked at Issa in silence. Some girl dragged her over and said "Hey! I'm Bella! come sit with me, new girl!" "Alright?" Bray said. Bella said, "You see that girl over there, she is bad news." "She doesn't look too bad?" Bray said back.
Issa POV:
I looked over my book as I saw Bray talking to Bella, the captain of the cheer squad. I felt so mad that I could rip that bitch's head right off her neck. Even though I could I won't do it in front of Bray because If I did she would hate me forever. And I don't want that.
The school was over and Bella was walking alone to her house. Issa thought "well it's time then bitch." Issa ran up to her and slit her throat with a pocket knife. Then, she disappeared without a trace.....
This was my first ever story! HOPED YOU LIKED IT!!! Comment for PT 2!
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batsandbugs · 3 years
The Flower Crown Chronicles
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AN: Thank you everyone for all your likes and reblogs! Here's another chapter, which as always you can read over on ao3 here! I hope you enjoy it, you might just spot a familiar face!
CW: homophobic comments, racist comments, and bad language
Chapter 3: Lemonade Stand
Damian pulls up to Richard’s house – a whitewashed brick two-story building situated atop a hill – and parks along the side of the street, as the… occupied driveway provides him no room.
He turns off his car and takes a fortifying breath before exiting. The midday sun shines full above with enough heat to fry an egg on the pavement. Damian approaches his brother’s, normally nice and peaceful, suburban house with trepidation.
What in the world are his siblings thinking?
Cassandra and Kory place clothing on a rack, talking underneath a boombox playing pop music.
Stephanie chats with two elderly women in matching outfits and conning them into buying a pair of lamps.
Todd, removed only slightly from the chaos, skateboards with a couple of kids on the sidewalk, engaging in more complex tricks that would find its inevitable end with someone breaking an appendage.
Drake sits inert in a too-small lawn chair, a wide brim straw hat shading his eyes as he reads off his phone.
And Richard stands in the midst of the chaos dressed in Bermuda shorts and a fanny pack looking inordinately pleased with himself. All over the, normally clear, driveway sits a collection of odds and ends with price tags slapped onto the sides. A crowd of random people browse through said odds and ends.
Little Mar’i remains the only member of his cobbled-together family making any sense. A collection of mismatched pitchers crowd a small folding table and a stack of cookies sits on a plate next to them. Combined with a large patio umbrella, a pair of sparkly purple sunglasses, her ever-present flower crown, and a printed paper sign that reads:
COOKIE - $1.50
She waves at him but remains seated at her table where a line of people waits to purchase refreshments from her makeshift booth.
Richard jogs over to him before Damian can act upon the impulse to retreat to his car and escape.
“Damian! So glad you could come!” his older brother greets.
“Richard, what madness is this?”
“It’s a garage sale?”
“We are billionaires.”
Richard sighs. “Bruce is a billionaire.” Damian raises an eyebrow; his financial portfolio is plenty lucrative. Drake coughs loudly from his plastic lawn chair, but his attention remains on his phone. Richard rolls his eyes. “Okay, maybe a few of us are billionaires but that’s not the point. A garage sale is more than just a chance to make money, it’s about getting rid of things you don’t need anymore and interacting with your neighbors! It’s a community bonding experience.”
“One; if you wished to rid yourself of unwanted items, donate them. Two; if you wish to bond with the community throw a gala, or - if you must be plebian - a block party.”
“Your classism is showing,” comments Drake; ironic considering the irritating interloper’s own parentage.
Damian scoffs. “Oh look, gaze upon the field in which I grow my fucks and see it is barren.”
Stephanie walks over, pocketing a ten-dollar bill. “Damian’s meme-ing? Who taught you how to meme baby bird?” She slings an arm awkwardly around his shoulder. He stands as tall as Todd and his father these days.
“Tt. I am twenty-one, fatgirl, I believe that age is sufficient enough to know how memes work without another’s instruction.” He side-steps away from his pseudo-sister letting her arm fall.
She elbows him in the side, and he prides himself on not jumping to defend himself from the innocent roughhousing the attack is meant to be. “Well, I’m almost twenty-seven so that means you need to respect your elders.”
“Ah yes, you are aging and fat, truly a marvelous combination. Tell me, when did you last go on a date?” He ducks out of the way of a much sharper jab.
“Guys, guys stop fighting,” pleads Richard. “We aren’t together a lot outside of our… extracurriculars, and I want this to be fun!”
Stephanie smiles innocently like she had not just tried to assault him. “Sure thing big bird; just wholehearted good clean family fun with no weapons, murder or arson.”
“You eliminated half of all our family’s immediate interests,” Damian drawls. “And ninety percent of Todd’s.”
Richard throws his arms into the air and stomps away in a huff, but Damian spots a smile on his older brother’s face. Stephanie sticks out her tongue, but says nothing else, retreating to the shade of the garage with Kory and Cassandra.
“UNCLE DAMI!” A small weight hits his legs and Damian barely braces himself from falling over at the force of his niece’s overexcited greeting. He reaches down to pat her head; raven locks twisted into complicated braids accompanied by a bright purple flower crown. One of Marinette’s creations.
“Hello little one, how are you today?”
She beams at him with a gap-toothed smile. “Great!” she exclaims. “Grandpa Alfie helped me bake cookies to sell and Mom helped me make the lemonade. I’ve made thirty-five dollars already.”
Damian smiles at her. “A good start, you likely already recouped your initial investment. The heat of the day will only increase from here.”
He points to her stand; several people wandering over to look at the sign. “You should go back, you have customers.”
“Thanks! But I need more lemonade. MOOOOOM!”
Kory turns away from her conversation with Cass. “Yes, my little bumgorf?”
Mar’i rushes over to her mother with the empty pitchers. “Can you go inside and make three more pitchers of lemonade?” Kory pats her on the head, takes the jugs in hand, and walks towards the house.
Mar’i runs back over to him and hugs his legs tightly. “Thanks, uncle Dami.” She rushes to her station and starts talking the ears off of her soon-to-be customers.
Damian sighs in fond exasperation; Mar’i was her mother and father’s child through and through. Personable and suborn, with a pragmatic mindset.
He wanders over to one of the tables ladened with objects and peruses through the odds and ends Kory and Richard decided to sell. Collections of old books, racks of clothes, several odd dish and plate sets, and an entire blanket full of Mar’i’s old toys. Despite the utter plebian nature of such an event, they had done a marvelous job at appealing to a large range of tastes for the common suburbanite.
He freezes at the call of his name, the familiar syllables twisting under a soft accent, and a feeling of dread - and not excitement, he reprimands his inner voice - pools in his stomach. He turns around.
Marinette stands a foot away, clad in a white sundress and wide-brimmed hat. Her raven locks are drawn into two low pigtails. She carries a small wicker basket filled with a collection of odds and ends.
“M-Marinette,” he replies, hoping no one else heard his unfortunate stutter. “What brings you here? Your apartment is located in the city; quite a journey to get here.” ‘Quite a journey,’ thought Damian sarcastically. That is the best he could come up with?
“I spent the night over at Delun and Patrick’s.” She points out a couple browsing the electronics a few tables over. One is a large mountain of a man – thick beard, burly chest, dressed head to toe in black – who would not be out of place in a boxing ring or bike rally. The other, far smaller in comparison, wearing bright cherry red shorts and a button-up shirt with puppies on the fabric.
Marinette lifts the basket. “They like to weekend garage sale hunt during the summer. I decided to come with. And you? Garage sales don’t seem quite your speed,” she comments with a teasing smile.
He points at the house. “My brother lives here.” His brother’s house… which all his siblings are at… around here… right now…
A contingent of assassins or aliens or zombies would be great right this second.
“Ahh…” she says brightly. “It’ll be nice to finally meet them, after all you’ve said. Well… Texted.” They kept a cordial correspondence since the park two weeks ago. And by cordial, Damian meant he never texted a single person more than Marinette – although Jon came close. Although this was the first time he had seen her in person since their outing at the park. Thankfully Marinette refrained from mentioning the impulsive offer to take her out to dine, which Damian immediately regretted, the offer far too overly familiar for their short and casual acquaintance.
He shakes away his mental musing. “Hold your judgment until you converse with them, many find them intolerable once they open their mouths.”
She giggles – an action which Damian normally despises for those older than small children in the single digits – but which the French woman somehow makes bearable.
“Oh, come on, they can’t be that bad.”
“No, they are worse.”
“Hey, who ya talkin’ to over here little D’?” asks Todd approaching from the sidewalk with windswept hair and a skateboard in hand. His older brother turns to Marinette. “Sorry if he said somethin’ rude miss. We tried socializin’ him, but it never took.”
Damian rolls his eyes at the juvenile insult. “Hello Todd, did you tire of enticing small children with reckless actions? Or did your injection have a point?”
Todd rolls his eyes. “The kiddos were plenty safe. They had more protection than me even.” True. All of the kids wore helmets and knee pads. Compared to a barren Todd, who forewent his leather jacket, and was clad only in jeans and a t-shirt. “And I always have a point to make. This one is makin’ sure you aren’t buggin’ a potential customer.”
“I’m perfectly fine. Thanks,” states Marinette with a half-amused, half sarcastic look stretching across her face. “It’s not like I’m standing here and can speak for myself or anything.”
“Ouch, customer’s got claws.”
“Todd do go make a nuisance of yourself elsewhere.” Todd ranked last in Damian’s siblings he wished to introduce Marinette to. He risked a quick glance over at Drake, who so far had not moved from his seat, but had stopped reading off his phone and now not-so-subtly eavesdropped on the conversation.
Okay. Maybe Todd ranked second-to-last.
His older brother raises an eyebrow. “Okay, okay, sheesh I was just tryin’ to be polite and all.”
“It’s fine Damian and I were just catching up,” says Marinette.
Damian inwardly groans. No. That would just make the annoying gnat more interested, not less.
Jason’s eyes perk up, like demented little meerkats popping from the ground. “Oh, you and Damian know each other?” He glances at Damian, years of silent fieldwork conveying a couple of concepts.
Know as in civilian interaction?
Know as in superhero civilian identity?
Or know as in ‘my mother is on the way with assassins and she’s the welcoming party?’
Damian returns the look.
‘The first one, obviously.’
Unfortunately, that does not decrease Todd’s curiosity. “Well, nice to see Demon spawn making friends. I’m just gonna go this way, you two kids have-”
“You rude little brat!” came a screeching voice from the end of the driveway.
Heads swivel to find a frumpy-looking woman in too-tight yoga pants, and a ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ t-shirt standing with her hips cocked and arms crossed on the sidewalk. Large black sunglasses do little to disguise the utter disgust on her face as she gazes down at Mar’i’s makeshift lemonade stand. Her large white SUV runs parked in front of the driveway. Mar’i – utterly unruffled – stares back with a Pennyworth patented eyebrow raise as the woman grows more irritated.
Damian tenses, ready to jump to his niece’s defense. Whoever this woman thinks she is, she vastly overestimated her ability to manage anything his family can throw at her. Drake already has his phone’s camera flipped on and ready to record the interaction.
Richard, in full-on protective mode, jogs over to the stand. “What seems to be the problem over here?” he asks, placing himself between the irate woman and Mar’i.
The woman’s personality shifts in an instant. A sickly-sweet smile replaces her sneer. “Oh, I just wanted to let this girl know it’s illegal to sell food and drinks without a permit, and she was rude to me. The manners children these days have,” she giggles, high and nasally.
Damian exchanges a glance with Todd.
This dumbass has no clue.
“Well, I’m sure my daughter was perfectly respectable,” responds Richard, flat and unimpressed with the woman’s flirtatious simpering.
Two red blotches bloom on the woman’s cheeks as she stutters, “Oh, uh, well I don’t- I didn’t-” She bounces her head back and forth between Ricard and Mar’i like she’s trying to make sense of a complicated puzzle. Damian rolls his eyes, it’s not like they look so dissimilar; with the exception of Mar’i inheriting her mother’s skin.
“And this is my house and my garage sale, and I said it was fine for my kid to sell lemonade. Like any other normal kid during the summer.” Richard’s voice is just on the side of polite reprimand, rather than pure condescension.
“He’s trying to reason with her,” whispers a voice in his ear. Damian barely restrains jumping at Marinette’s comment. “That won’t work. She’s Delun and Patrick’s neighbor and happens to be the absolute worst.”
The woman continues to bluster. “Well- well, it’s still illegal.”
“According to what?” Richard asks incredulously. “Are you seriously raising a fuss about a six-year-old selling lemonade and cookies?”
Mar’i shook her head. “She said I had to take it down or she would call the police dad.”
Marinette scoffs. “She would too, she called the police because Delun hung rainbow banners during June.”
“This woman picked the wrong family to mess with,” Todd grumbles, stepping forward to join Richard. Damian shoots out a hand to stop him.
“Your interference will not alleviate the situation. Allow Richard to handle her,” he chides. Todd sneers but stays put.
Richard laughs “The police? HA! Yeah right!”
The woman’s face reddens even further. “Ugh! Do you even know who I am?”
Richard raises an unimpressed brow. “No.”
She huffs, puffing up her chest and tilting her nose into the air with haughty arrogance she could not at all carry off. “I’m Jessica Merope-Laverne the Hidden Fall’s HOA assistant secretary.”
“Okay… And?”
She stomps her foot on the ground like a petulant child. “And if you don’t make her take this down right now, I’ll not only call the police but also write a report about you breaking your HOA contract.”
“Come on Jessie lighten up,” says one of the men Marinette came with, the big one. “It’s just a lemonade stand, and you’re the one causin’ a fuss.”
She whips the sunglasses off her face and directs her red-hot glare at the two men. “Well, if it isn’t the Hamada-Cordons,” she sneers, making her already over-makeup face even more unpleasant. “Why are you out and about interacting with normal people? Shouldn’t you be reveling in your perversions elsewhere?”
“Sorry, hun,” drawls the shorter man in a heavy southern accent. “We only do our ritual sacrifices to the gods the second weekend of every month. We had just enough time to squeeze in some garage-saleing today. Where were you at the last bonfire, got lost on your broom on the way over?”
“They hate her,” Marinette whispers with a barely contained laughter.
“I think the sentiment is returned,” he responds.
“Go burn on a stake,” Merope-Laverne snipes.
“Why don’t you shove one up your-” the larger man slaps a hand over the smaller one’s mouth and smiles blandly.
“Ugh,” she sniffs pulling out her phone. “I will not be bullied by children and leftist sheeple into standing down. This is in clear violation of neighborhood policy, and I’m sure the county has rules against it too. I am not in the wrong here, I’m just trying to maintain clear order and rules.” She grabs her phone from her handbag.
“I think I have a plan,” whispers Marinette.
“Wait,” Damian calls, but she flutters away leaving the lingering scent of lemongrass and citrus in her wake.
“What?” questions Todd. “You’re gonna let her go?”
Damian shoots him a piercing glare. “Shut up,” he mutters.
Marinette saunters to the driveway’s end, pushing past Richard and Mar’i, and stands in front of them like a tiny, but mighty, shield.
Marinette’s smile is thin and mocking as she says, “Jessica, poule mouillée, lovely to see you again.”
“Did she just call her a wet chicken?” breathes Todd. Drake looks ready to die over on his lawn chair from holding in laughter.
“Marnie,” sneers Merope-Laverne, clicking off her phone.
“Marinette,” she corrects without blinking an eye.
“Whatever. Get lost the adults are having a real conversation here.”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “No, you’re having… oh how do you Americans call it? Ah! Yes. A “hissy fit”. So, why don’t you do all of us and yourself a favor and just leave, before you embarrass yourself even more.”
Merope-Laverne turns an even brighter shade of red, and spits, “Why would I listen to the French hussy of those two queer-ass fags. I’m just trying to be a good American citizen and do my part to keep the neighborhood…” she looks over Mar’i with a disgusted glance that sends Damian’s blood boiling. “Civilized.”
Damian’s entire family stands at the ready to attack this woman with no questions asked. Her comments crossing the fucking line. Damian palms a small knife in hand ready to pounce. Further up the driveway, the smaller man Marinette arrived with struggles to break out of the larger one’s hold. Although the larger man’s face similarly looks apocalyptic.
But Marinette only smiles blandly, and shifts, ever so slightly, on her feet. It raises her shoulders and projects out an air of confidence and… power. The woman subconsciously backs up.
“Do watch your language, there are children about,” Marinette chides, her voice colder than ice. “But if you’re concerned about crimes sooo much, maybe you should worry more about the bigger one happening right now.” She gestures to Merope-Laverne’s car which is gaining speed down the hill into the empty cul-de-sac below. “Your car is about to run a stop sign.”
The woman turns with a gasp and immediately starts chasing after her car with a hiccupping gait. She runs beside it, unable to open any of the doors as it makes its way down the hill and out of sight.
“How… unlucky,” Marinette comments lightly with a serene smile. The entire driveway falls into shocked silence.
Damian stares.
Blinks once.
Then twice.
Todd slaps a hand on his shoulder, and it is only through years of training Damian does not jump. “Demon brat you might wanna close your mouth, you’ll catch flies.”
He slams his mouth shut with an audible click, shooting a hateful glare at Todd. “Do be silent,” he grits.
His older brother shrugs, a shit-eating grin adorning his annoying face. “Sure, little D’. But just so ya know, that chick seems way out of your league.” Damian ignores the ridiculous implications and stomps over to the growing crowd around Marinette and Mar’i closely followed by Todd
“Miss Marinette!” Mar’i calls out in a high excited scream. His niece rushes the woman, who bends down and swings the little girl up into her arms. Marinette easily holds the girl up with one arm and uses her other hand to bop the girl’s nose.
“Mademoiselle Mar’i! Oh, what wretched things that woman said, are you alright?”
Mar’i giggles and nods her head. “Yep! You sure showed her didn’t you!”
Marinette laughs, “All in a day’s work ma petite fleur!”
Richard rushes over. “Mar’i you can’t just hug random people!”
Mar’i frowns, and a panicky dread fills Damian’s chest. “But Dad Miss Marinette isn’t random. She’s Uncle Dami’s friend.”
Richard’s eyes climb high on his face. “Oh!” Damian scowls at his questioning glance, and the irritating man just smiles like a cat with a canary and turns back to Marinette with an extended hand. Marinette shakes it firmly.
“Well, nice to meet you I’m Dick, Damian’s older brother. And you already know my lovely daughter Mar’i.”
“Dad she’s the one who made my crowns!” She points to the one on her head.
“And what wonderful crowns they are princess,” Mar’i jumps over to her father’s arms, and he catches her without hesitation. He glances back at Marinette with a sheepish grin. “No seriously, they’re wonderful crowns, Mar’i never stops wearing them. They’re sturdy.”
Marinette blushes, ducking her head. “Thank you. I make them myself.”
“Excuse me, comin’ through y’all.” A whirlwind mess of limbs and color elbows his way into the crowd. “Oh hun,” calls the smaller man Marinette arrived with. He throws two lanky arms around Marinette’s shoulder and smacks a kiss against her temple. “That was positively g-lorious!” He exclaims with a sing-songy tune. “You sure showed that bitc-” he spares a quick glance and Mar’i who just giggles. “-bitter old hag who’s boss. No one messes with the Hamada-Cordons!”
“Delun, you know I’m not related to you.”
He rolls his eyes. “Oh hush, hun, you are family in our hearts and that counts just as much.”
The larger man – Patrick, Damian decides – walks over with a smile and pats Marinette on the shoulder. “Good going, little lady,” he says gruffly.
“Yeah, that was serious Matilda-level shenaniganry right there,” comments Jason with a smirk. “I approve.”
“What’s a Matilda?” asks Mar’i.
Todd and Marinette gasp in synchrony.
“What’s a Matilda? Golden boy why haven’t you shown her Matilda?”
Marinette presses a hand to her chest. “Quelle honte! Quelle parodie! Oh, ma petite fleur, you’ve been deprived!”
“Okay, okay, sheesh!” Richard pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’ll be next on the list I promise.”
“Three pitchers of the lemonade, as requested!” calls Kory’s strong voice, breaking through the gathered crowd of people. She emerges balancing the three full pitchers on a platter. “What in the star fields is going on here?”
Mar’i wiggles out of her father’s arms and runs over to her mother. “Mom! A woman tried to get me to shut down my lemonade stand, and she said she would call the police, and dad tried to make her leave, and then Miss Marinette – she’s the one that made my flower crowns – she made her car roll down the hill like a Matilda! But I don’t know what a Matilda is?”
“Oh my, it seems I have missed a most glorious battle.” She raises an inquisitive eye at her husband, who shrugs with a look that reads, ‘We’ll talk about it later.’
“Kory, darlin’,” says Delun. “It was Jessie.”
Kory frowns. “Oh, that irritating zarbnarf! I am so sorry I was not here to defend you my little bumgorf.”
Mar’i shrugs, as in the way small children are often wont to do, the incident was mostly forgotten now due to the many people talking to and fawning over her. “It’s fine mom.”
“Wait,” says Todd, flicking his eye back and forth between Kory and Hamada-Cordons. “You all know each other?”
“We ran into Kory and Mar’i at the pool last summer and got to talking about weapons. We told her about our ax-throwing range in our backyard,” explains Patrick. “And invited her over to test it out.”
Kory beams. “And what magnificent fun it was!” Then snarls her nose. “Until Jessica interceded upon our enjoyment and threatened to report us!”
Delun scoffs. “Not that she could’a done a darn thing. We registered the range and put in writin’ long before she moved in.”
“Okay folks, the show’s over, no need to crowd up here!” calls Stephanie. “If you want refreshments, I’m sure Mar’i can take care of you.” Her loud voice and Todd’s menacing stance, disperse the crowd, thinning out everyone who was not an extended Wayne family member, or Marinette and her friends.
Marinette slides back over to Damian’s side. “I like your family. They seem…”
“Overbearing? Insufferable? Meddlesome?”
Marinette shakes her head. “Genuine.”
“Tt. Nothing but genuinely annoying perhaps.”
She smiles, “Ah, but doesn’t that mean they love you enough to relax around you? A perfect façade seems nice upon the surface, but once one digs deeper there is nothing there but hot air. Genuine people are imperfect people, and that’s what makes them worth knowing and loving.”
The words strike him in the chest. A long-forgotten echo rises unbidden in his mind.
‘Can you not love me for who I am? Not what you want me to be?”
‘No. That’s not my nature. I’m too much of a perfectionist.’
“I- I- suppose there is an ounce truth to that.” Damian buries his mother’s sharp words ignoring the burn of abandonment and longing in his chest. He should not entertain such thoughts.
At least, not in the light of day.
“Miss Marinette! Uncle Dami! Here!” Mar’i, queen of convenient distraction, appears carrying a plate of cookies balancing atop two glasses of lemonade. Damian rescues the precariously placed cookies while Marinette snags the drinks.
“Merci beaucoup, ma petite fleur,” coos Marinette.
“Da rien!” beams Mar’i before running back to her stand. Marinette blinks, a delighted smile blooming across her face at his niece’s response.
“She wished to converse in your own language. I helped teach her a few basic sayings,” he says. Mar’i did not gain her mother’s particular… ability to gain linguistic talents, nor if she had would it be appropriate for a six-year-old to go kissing people on the lips. He was not fluent in French, but his knowledge reached conversationally and certainly enough for the niceties Mar’i wished to convey.
“Comme c'est attentionné de vous deux,” Marinette says with a sweet smile.
Damian’s cheeks feel warmer than before. It must be the heat.
“It- It was of no hardship,” he mumbles, taking a sip of lemonade to avoid opening his traitorous mouth again. What was it about this woman that made him lose all sense of caution?
Before he can think too deeply on the topic, Stephanie and Cassandra approach.
Oh no.
“Thanks for defending our little Mar’i,” says Stephanie, her hand darting out and grabbing one of the cookies from his plate, he was too slow to stop her. “Was that telekinesis?” she asks, stuffing the cookie into her mouth.
“Stephanie,” he hisses. “You can not simply ask-”
His pseudo-sister waves him away. “I’m just being friendly demon-brat, she used her powers in public and I’m curious.”
“That’s our little witch!” calls Delun, still nearby in a conversation with Richard and Kory.
“Not a witch!” Marinette calls back cheerily.
“You can make wards hun!”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “So can anyone else with an open energy connection and thirty minutes on the internet.” She turns to Stephanie with a shy smile. “It’s magic, in a way.”
Stephanie scrunches her face. “So, what? Like a meta?”
Marinette shrugs her shoulders. “Hmmm… maybe. I never looked too much into it. Meta abilities are… looked down upon in France.” Her tone makes it quite clear what she thinks of that. Damian’s knowledge of what the Europeans do with their meta-humans beyond cursory interactions with the Justice League is limited.
He shall have to correct that gap.
“There’s a Meta-Human Alliance chapter here in Gotham,” offers Cassandra, her voice low and melodious. Must be one of her good days to speak out loud.
The French woman smiles tightly. “Thank you, although I think I’ll pass. It’s just a bit of magic-infused luck.” Damian represses a scoff, although from Marinette’s side glance it seems he was not successful.
“You can see what your brother thinks of that. You can be boring too and call it statistical probability manipulation.”
Stephanie tilts her head. “And how does that translate to making a car roll down a hill?” Stephanie may be the one asking the question, but every single one of his siblings is paying attention, even if they are moderately decent at looking like they’re minding their own business.
Marinette, seemingly oblivious to the oncoming interrogation, perks at the question, her eyes lighting up. “You see it’s not impossible Jessica’s car would roll down the hill after her semi-loose gear stick slipped from park to drive; merely improbable. I manipulate the energies around such events to give them a higher possibility of happening.”
Damian raises a brow at the explanation. He certainly never forgot Marinette’s little demonstration at the festival, but he thought it mostly related to trick shots and coin flips. This sounds… larger.
“How can you make sure you manipulate the right energies?” asks Cassandra.
Marinette’s smile is wry. “Lots and lots of practice. Along with the luck comes a heightened sense of pattern recognition. I know what will cause certain chains of events to happen, as well as how people tend to react.”
“Though good heavens know we had to teach ya how to direct it,” interjects Delun, walking over. “Poor girl came to that first crochet meetin’ and Patty said she was leakin’ magic all over the place.”
Marinette flushes pink across the tops of her cheeks and rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes, I know. I was useless. I never really had formal instruction before I met Patrick and Delun, they helped me in honing energy direction and the pattern recognition.”
“That must make you a very good chess player,” muses Cassandra, always eager to suck others into her never-ending quest for a chess partner that will not run at the sight of her.
“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never played,” admits Marinette, taking a sip of her lemonade.
“Pity,” says Cassandra, with a smile similar to a canary-catching cat. “I can teach you some time if you want?”
“Back to the powers,” interjects Stephanie, cutting off Cassandra’s attempt to ensnare her newest victim. “By that explanation, you could manipulate people too?”
Delun gasps, clutching his chest. “Little miss sunshine? Goodness personified? Yeah right, you have a higher likely hood crusin’ through Spaghetti Junction during rush hour on a Friday.”
Marinette sighs, exhausted and annoyed. “That’s sweet Delun, but technically, yes. I could manipulate a person.”
Damian’s stomach drops at the admission.
What if-?
Had she-?
Are these feelings-?
Marinette continues, “But the amount of energy, time, and sheer force of will, to manipulate another person is hardly worth the effort – besides I manipulate statistical probabilities. Inert objects don’t tend to move or fluctuate, so the amount of energy used to guide them in a different path is minimal and quite stable. A person though?” Marinette scoffs. “Do you know how many actions, thoughts, and emotions a single person has in a day? Never mind their interactions with others. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions. An object? A couple hundred at the high end. The headache it causes to directly manipulate a person’s actions; blinding.”
“Besides, only the lowest of magic users would go against will like that,” says Patrick, coming up beside his husband. “Little Miss isn’t a black witch, and neither are we.”
Marinette shrugs, but Damian notices a tense shift of her movement as if the woman is holding onto her emotions with razor-thin control. “Anything is possible if you feed enough power into it, and the situation is dire. I’ve never done it myself, but I probably could if there was no other way.” She smiles wryly. “Not that I would be involved in a situation which would require that kind of force.”
“Not that I’m saying you would, but sweetheart,” Delun coos, “This is Gotham.”
“I’m trying to be optimistic,” Marinette sighs. “Stop ruining it.”
“This is the city where optimism goes to die a swift and painful death via vis a crime rate higher than America’s obesity epidemic,” says Stephanie, with a blinding smile. “Perfect for family vacations and relaxing getaways.”
Marinette grins, sharp and predatory. In her white dress and pigtails, the sight should not seem terrifying, but it is. “That’s why I carry brass knuckles and pepper spray on me at all times. It’s much easier to kick a person’s ass the old-fashioned way than play around with luck.”
Stephanie barks out a laugh, brown eyes glinting in the afternoon sun. “I like the way you think, girlie. You fight?”
“Whenever I get the chance, but I’ve lacked a good sparring partner lately.” She smiles at Patrick. “You’re great for boxing practice, but I’m missing the chance for kickflips, and grapple holds.” Patrick shrugs, but he does not appear offended.
Meanwhile, Damian tries suppressing the panic in his stomach at his sisters’ hungry grins directed at the smaller woman. “I have offered before,” he reminds her. “If you would like-”
Stephanie slides up to Marinette and places an arm around her. “Ignore him. Do you want a real fight? Well, Cass and I are always looking to add someone new into the rotation!”
“Well- I- uh do not think-” Damian sputters, losing control of the situation.
“Come on Damian, you said it yourself I would get along with them!”
Cassandra’s eyes brighten as she joins Stephanie and their newly captured prey. “Oh, did he?” she asks. “Damian is a great judge of character. We’ll get along swimmingly,” she grins as she and Stephanie lead Marinette away and interrogates her about her fighting routine.
Marinette flashes him a brief mouthed ‘sorry’ before becoming fully engulfed in the tumultuous current of his sisters’ attention.
“Sorry kiddo, that was a fight you were bound to lose,” comments Delun with a conciliatory pat on the shoulder. “Come on Patty, I wanted a chance to look in the garage. Looks like Nettie will be busy for a while.” The men walk away leaving Damian alone.
He grips the plastic cup full of watered-down lemonade and takes a small sip. Still refreshing. He listens to the laughter coming from the three women with building dread. The stares from the rest of his family land on him with undisguised noisiness.
In most situations, Damian would solve this problem like he does all his others.
Vicious purging at the source for all non-necessary complications.
Marinette is a complication.
He risks another glance. Marinette’s face is bright and animated as she talks rapidly to Stephanie and Cassandra, her hands flapping in exaggerated movements to accompany her explanation. The sight, as simple and mundane as it is, tightens his chest in an unknown feeling. He does not like unknowns.
But she is seemingly one he can not bring himself to walk away from.
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yautjalover · 2 years
Strap in for this rant. ☺️
As a writer, there are always going to be those who have shitty takes and opinions on my work. It’s just how it is. It’s natural.
However, there is one thing that really bothers me. I’ve had people claim that I’m “filling the diversity quota” and “ticking off the boxes”. The fact that some people have taken the time out of their day to leave that comment is just abhorrent. It’s part of that close minded racist and homophobic shit that I wish would just die out already.
When I write my fanfiction and originals, I set out to just write. I make a cast of realistic people who could be your neighbor, your sister, your loved one, or even your enemy. There is no “box” or “quota”. Please fuck off with that shit. There are more than just straight, white, cisgender people out there!
My latest character was inspired by Lex from Alien versus Predator (2004) and I had pictured this every day woman who would come to find her place in a new world. She could be that person you know in your real life who’s just trying to make it day to day. Being inspired by Lex, of course I would make her Black, because it just made sense. She’s directly influenced by her! ☺️ Unlike other writers would’ve done, I just created a real woman that didn’t focus on checking whatever boxes they say exist…whatever the fuck that means! She’s a person first and foremost. Ashaki isn’t a quota. She’s a person!
For those who don’t know me personally, I am a very inclusive person and will not put up with that racist shit. Those types of people need to fuck right off! I was out every day protesting that summer that George Floyd died. I was out there with my sign and a broken wrist (that really fucking hurt) in the heat actively fighting racism with my presence. I am a white transman, but I will fight tooth and nail for my BIPOC fellow humans. I combat it every time family or fellow whites say/do that shit. It’s exhausting but it’s necessary in such a cruel world.
And yes, I will have LGBT+ characters. We exist and are real, so there they will be in my stories. They’ll especially be in my Predator stories, because it’s impossible for an entire species to not have LGBT+ folks. It’s just dumb and ignorant and homophobic.
As I knew would happen, I got people mad that the current Yautja main character, Dhare, turned out to be Bisexual.
Oh the horror! He likes both males and females! What a travesty! Ahhh!
Fuck off!
“If he likes men then I don’t wanna read the next book. This disgusted me.” - Direct quote from someone.
Good fucking riddance! I don’t want homophobes to read my shit anyways! I really hope that any fellow Bisexuals have found representation in that! It also made sense for his character, so fuck right off with that “diversity quota” bullshit.
Actually, racists and homophobes can personally fight me in a Burger King parking lot. I’ll lose followers over this, inevitably, but I see it as I’m culling the field. I’ll just gain them back when I finally finish some drafts.
So, in essence…
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shirokaneki · 7 years
#oh wow did i just make myself angry#someone on my dash renlogged a truscum post#and i wanted to see what this was all about so i went on their blog#and they were fucking saying that u can't be trans if u don't have dysphoria bc then it's a choice and u wouldn't say being gay is a choice#this made me mad but it wasn't my place to comment so i got on with it#then i started to get a bit confused when they said there was only two genders i was making memeable faces#and then that pansexuals are transphobic bc ur not seeing trans folk as real men or women??#oh man then they reblogged a post about bisexuality and this is what made me rage#it was an ask about a lesbian being uncomfortable with their bisexual friend who's a girl calling herself gay??#and they fucking said bi girls shouldn't call themselves gay because theyre giving men the idea that lesbians are open to men ??#and that bisexual people are appropriating queer language and being homophobic by calling themselves gay??#and it was up to the bisexual people to consider the feelings of their gay friends more than how they define their sexuality themselves ??#buddy when ur saying bisexual people aren't allowed to use so called queer language#all you're fucking saying is that your a big nasty ass biphobe as you don't associate us as within the queer community anyway#They said that the bi girl was stepping over a clear line by calling herself gay and the lesbian had authority cuz shes gay and the bi isn't#Wow that's so biphobic im so mad#Why do i do this to myself ahshs
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disaster-j · 2 years
Hi, J!
So, I'm fairly new to the BL fandom and consequently as you're navigating these spaces one tends to stumble upon fandom drama, present and past.
Now, as you're someone I respect and whose fics I enjoy, I'd like your opinion on Kr*st after reading this thread. I think you've shaded him before but I'm in a neutral space when it comes to him because the person making this thread is also a fic author I thoroughly enjoy as well for WinTeam/UWMA fics.
Forming an opinion on the subject matter when you're being pulled in two directions leaves me in a neutral space where I actively don't interact with Kr*st's stuff but I don't feel personally offended either considering it was long ago whilst I wasn't a part of BL fandom.
It's just so interesting to me that a bi/queer person is supportive of him whilst I also encounter other bi/queer people who can't even stand looking at him. It seems to be pretty divided when it comes to him from my standpoint.
If it isn't too much of a bother, and I apologize if its asking for too much, what's your opinion on the thread this person made?
Hi! It's not a bother at all! See the thing about Krist is that, at the end of the day, he's a celebrity with a PR team. He's got people coaching him on how to handle press and what to say or not say in interviews and such, so deciding what you believe is his sincerity and what's them just covering the right bases will be up to personal interpretation.
I'm not too surprised that there are still queer people who support him. They see him as someone who has made mistakes and said stuff he shouldn't have said and as someone who has since grown. That's their prerogative. Me, personally, I don't see him like that. When I came into the fandom in 2020 it was right around the time that Krist was truly falling from grace, at least on twitter, as such I saw a lot of often contradictory opinions on him. So I watched his clips, the homophobic stuff he said, his affinity to make rape jokes, casual queerphobic comments, the way he used to act around his fellow gmm stars, and came to the conclusion that i did not care for him at all.
If someone says or does something shitty and then takes responsibility for it and actively tries to do better then I will always acknowledge their efforts to be better. But for Krist who has a habit of saying homophobic things, saying sorry, saying the "right" supportive things when everyone else is and then going on to make some bitchass comment yet again, I can't take him seriously anymore. You can't be going "two men kissing is disgusting" then on official interviews talk about how we need to be respectful towards the lgbtq+ community only to then turn around yet again and say stuff like "oh this is an lgbt costume/our theme is lgbt" because someone put you in a purple shirt. The only thing that I've seen him do consistently is make comments that make people mad or uncomfortable. From homophobia to rape jokes to creepy comments towards costars, he's done it all and for that i cannot atand him.
Another thing that makes me feel wary of him is that, as the thread suggests, he was quite close to a lot of gmm people that I follow and adore. OffGun, Tay, Jennie, etc. But in recent years there's been a noticeable distance between him and people at gmm. People he used to hang out with outside of work all the time will barely be interacting with him during work events, if that's not suspicious idk what is.
And then on top of all that, he's just? Untalented??? Like his acting is subpar at best. He's not good at emotionally heavy or expressive scenes, he lacks the kind of charisma needed for all these main roles gmm keeps putting him in, he often can't keep up with his costars. Like! There's nothing there for me to like about him at all and so shading him for all the genuinely shady shit he constantly pulls and the favouritism he's unjustly receiving from gmm execs feels more than justified to me.
Of course this all my own opinion based on all that I've seen from him and I urge you to look at all possible angles on your own time before making your final judgement.
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