#i dont mean im being persecuted
libertyvigil · 2 years
As always, you radicals ruin it for the rest of us who just want to live their lives.
By radicals I mean the ones who are willing to use violence and terror to attack "preemptively" because of their "rights". And you have no qualms about regular citizens getting killed.
Even if you don't end up targeting or hurting them in collateral damage, the chaos itself will cause untold suffering.
Yes, of children, who deserve it the least.
Step back. Think. Is there a better way to solve besides violence? Do you think of the people who will be hurt or are you only thinking about yourselves? Have you actually really been hurt by anything? Is it really worth huring innocents for?
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deicide-doll · 6 months
trigger warning. do not read if you dont want to read something triggering.
#my bf is a fucking rapist#i told him i didnt want to have sex again because it was getting late and i have work tomorrow#and he usually takes a long time to finish after round 1 so i didnt want to stay up an extra hour#and he started manipulating me and pleading and saying he loved me and i dont know why i capitulated but#the fact that i said ok after 10 no's?#and i was crying#i was crying while i sucked his dick and while he fucked me#and he told me to struggle more because he found it hot#he thinks rape is hot#and after he joked about being a good manipulator and being able to get me to disregard my boundaries#which is true#but like he knows im an abuse survivor and have trouble with boundaries#the fuckdd up thing is he was the one who taught me to have boundaries#he told me to tell my mom to eat a dick when shes egging on my eating disorder#he told me i didnt have to stick around when my mom was calling me slurs for breaking dishes or failing classes#and here he is being proud that he managed to get through an abuse victims boundaries#he also joked about waking up to the cops at his door#which like shows that deep down inside he knows what he did is wrong#and if i wasnt such a cool girl i could get him into trouble#not like cops here persecute rape anyways but#i pretended to like it after the fact because i still needed him to take me home and i didnt wanna start a fight#but holy shit#idk what to do...#i mean im going to leave him fuck the trip#im shaking i dont even know how ill be able to go to work tomorrow#when this whole thing was over me wanting to get a reasonable amount of sleep on a work night#misiabear rants
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blakyoo · 1 year
im so used to pretending im incapable of doing immoral things that its quite surprising when i find out i dont actually care abt that stuff
i will really just do stuff and i dont feel a single hint of regret or distress over it
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pastadoughie · 7 months
i made anothr long rant abt sexism oh noooooo
so many people fundimentally do not understand terf ideology, and end up falling deeper and deeper into it because they think they are "immune" to it.
the fundimental feature of radfem ideology is sexism. or more specifically misandry. sexism by its very nature effects both genders, having a negative veiw of women fundimentally recontextualizes how you see men, if you see women as broadly less compatent, less intelegent, and therefore having less angency (dispite literally none of that being true) then you naturally veiw men as the opposite. thats just a core part of how sexism works. mysogeny and misandry are always gonna appear together. while you can just use the word sexism for all instances then, as that is more accurate in that it doesnt carry the implication that only one gender experiences negative effects from sexism, i think that having words like mysogeny and misandry are still useful. assuming you use them to mean 'ok im talking about sexism witch does effect both men and women, but im talking about just one gender to help make my point clearer' not having to bury yourself in asterisks is nice.
this does however mean that people can exploit this not explicitly stated part of the definition to pretend that misandry just doesnt exist. and i have gotten into many a very very annoying argument from people who just refuse to listen to my actual points and instead want to argue semantic differences about the words i use even when i explicitly state what i mean and their definitions. many people just refuse to use the word misandry entirely and just describe it as "mysogeny rebounding" or something of the sort. this is not only stupid and unhelpful, but also kinda sexist! a fundimental part of sexism is that it effects everyone, pointing out that misandry effects women too isnt groundbreaking stuff! thats how sexism works! women dont just exist in a void ok it is literally impossible to hate women and then be completely neutral about men that can not exist. if you want to speak about sexism but specifically talk about womens issues and experiences with it then thats fine and helpful! but you need to have the same thing for men. just like with mysogeny, being misandrist is going to make you a mysogenist as well, you maybe just word your sexist statements a little differently if youre coming from that angle, but you arrive in the same spot.
and because this is the piss on the poor website i should clarify that, no i am not saying that men experience the exact same issues in the exact same way as women, you will find that no where in this post! that is not my arguement.
feminism is important but if your goal is not gender equality but just to have it be in the opposite direction then that is! still sexism! and still bad!
to make my stance on this clear before i start… women are people, men are people, one is not more or less responsible, intelegent, phisically capable, or worthy of respect then the other. people should be paid fairly according to their skill level, products should be priced according to their value and not according to what gender stereotype they are meant to appeal to, sports should be based on skill level, and not on appearance or legal documents, persecution for crimes should be based on what actually happened, and not on the genders of the perpetrators or victims, and people should not be expected to act or dress a certain way based on what they looked like as a baby.
gender based descrimination is fundimentally illogical and extremely frustrating and horrific to have to experience, having to deal with mysogeny myself i am not somehow ignorant of this. given the magnitude of the issue this leads to alot of people lashing out and becomeing more and more radical. when you have so much of your life spent having people telling you you need to conform to "what men want" and seeing male peers be treated better in certain areas for no reason, youre gonna get a little bitter. when you view everybody as saying men are great and can do no wrong (witch people often do) then saying "well i fucking hate men" feels liberating. you start to get more bitter about it. you have to deal with so much shit for something you have no control over and men dont share your exact experience. its a classic case of trauma olympics where you start to veiw other peoples struggles as less valid and less worthwhile because of the shit youve had to go through.
this kind of emotional response is pretty understandable, but it is not a helpful or productive veiwpoint, sexism is frustrating. yes. but being sexist twards men doesnt help that!
this kind of response makes it really easy to tunnel vision on only the girl side of things. women face alot of sexual and domestic abuse, this is horrific and people have been desperately trying to help and spread awareness (though given the seriousness regardless of how much help there is its still horrible that it happens at all) men can often be violent or disregard womens consent even in non romantic/sexual circumstances, witch leads to a (sometimes warrented) level of distrust of people based on gender, though this is an issue with socialization differences between genders and not actually biological traits.
but theres a flip side to this. gender based socialization plays a big role in how alot of us behave and so, the same crime, for example sexual assault, can present differently depending on the socialization of the person. sexual abuse from a dude is broadly gonna be more violent, while with women its generally long term abuse, and alot more emotional, and when phisical less likely to be "severe" injuries.
agencies dedicated to helping in abusive situations, most of the time dont even consider emotional abuse. this means that its going to be biased to persecute men more, as abuse from women presents differently. systems designed to help with these things are pretty much only geared twards helping women, and to help in cases that align more with "male" patterns of abuse.
also, sexual abuse from women is far far more normalized, ive seen and experienced this myself, where, attention from older men to a young girl is seen as creepy and gross no matter how nonsexual the interaction is, but i have had older women grope me as a child, and nobody bats an eye, often seen as being a "cute" interaction and "just girls being girls!" ive noticed far far more pedophilic tendancies in older women then i ever have in men, as straight women from this demographic tend to expect young girls to be overly comfortable with them, thinking they have a "right" to little girls personal lives and bodies.
when it comes to the structure of organizations centered around abuse alot of people will argue with statistics that men are more likely to commit these crimes and therefore its completely sensible to prioritize an approach that works on that kind of abuse, and id argue this is unfair. this is like expecting accurate statistics on homosexuality from the 80s, there are a million reasons for people to lie on something like that. and moreover, if youve been sexually abused by a woman, not only are you unlikely to share that, but unlikely to properly report it, and extrordinarily unlikely to get any kind of action done for it, and extremely extremely extremely unlikely to have it actually be a punishment fitting for what happened.
moreover, women being seen as "weaker" in general then men means that within assault and abuse cases with a female perpetrator theres alot of shame there, youre seen as "not a real man" if you get sexually assaulted, its seen as a judgement against you, if you would even allow that to happen then you must have deserved it
+ alot of the time, in radfem ideology men are painted as little pervert sexual devients, witch makes talking about sexual abuse twards men really difficult because by the nature of your gender youre expected to "like it" or because of the fact that mysogeny exists at all its seen as "karma" for being a dude, regardless of the fact that one guy in an abusive relationship does not hold the responsibility of all womens rights issues on his shoulders (and argueing that anybody under any circumstance deserves sexual assault is horrific)
women are people, and people can be absolutely horrific. its unfortunately common to see women weaponizing mysogeny, the idea that they are fundimentally less capable and less responsible for their actions, to get disproportionitely less persecution.
these kinds of posts, and the idology they peddle its not just, silly tumblr nonsense, this has caused real, tangible, horrific damage to my (and many other peoples) lives,, and people just regurgitate it because is just so quirky to peddle blatent sexism.
and it doesnt even end there, veiwing people like this, thinking that people have some kind of biological flaws or superiority just naturally leads you to transphobia, this is why terfs are terfs, if youre a misandrist its just kinda the next logical step to hate trans people.
if you veiw men as awful evil penis havers who are, by their very nature, more violent and less trustworthy, then thats going to fundimentally recontextualize how you see trans women, you are not immune to being a terf because you post about girlcock or whatever, terfism including transphobia is a symtom of their sexism. and if you really want trans people to feel safe around you you cannot keep peddaling this shit! "men (or amab people) are biologically more violent" and "trans women are women (and all the gender stereotypes being a woman entails)" are fundimentally conflicting and odds are, youre gonna pick the one thats more violent and hateful, because the internet is about being angry, and there is nothing the internet likes being angry about more then trans women
also its worth nothing that quote en quote "trans inclusive" radfems exist, and they are going to exploit this idea that you are immune to right wing bullshit to push you further and further into the cesspit
you can go onto these blogs and you can find things you agree with, i think yea that the way we veiw gender is really shitty, i think mysogeny is bad and people need to be more aware of it, but then you start, agreeing with the more and more and more unhinged shit till ur straight up posting hatespeech
i cannot stress enough that this is. real shit, i want you to not be a transphobe! but theres only so much i can spoon feed you and you have to put on your big boy pants on at some point and start actually having your brain on when youre reblogging quirky tumblr posts about how hating men is such a cool opinion that does not impact anybody negatively at alllll
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daughterofninemoons · 27 days
i need some of yall to understand the political situation in america. THE. SYSTEM. IS. RIGGED. both candidates are bad, both are asshole rich people who dont care for the people, but since so many Americans are engrossed in the propaganda machine they wont vote for a third party.
Yes i know Kamala Harris is a shit human being but her campaign says “yeah you can exist” vs Trump whose campaign is all about being racist and doing genocide.
No I cant leave the country all of my goddam stuff is here and the other English speaking countries are worse
No I cant not vote because I want to make sure Im not actively hatecrimed when I leave my house
Yes I know Kamala supports the genocide in Palestine and thats a horrible opinion, but every fucking candidate does
Yes I believe that the system needs to be washed in the blood of revolution but too fucking many of you are dividing yourselves and THE ONLY WAY WE WIN IS TOGETHER SO STOP FUCKING WHINING AND START FIGHTING BECAUSE THE ONLY LANGUAGE THEY KNOW IS VIOLENCE
No I dont support the genocide in Palestine for obvious reasons, and those who do and ignored it will have their shit rocked in due time
Yes I know im white and thereby have significantly benefited from the system and that there other people more deserving of where I am, I know so many bright and dazzling minds deserving of cultivation and a place that matches them be stamped and crushed beneath the heel of the system but my whiteness doesnt mean im against them
Yes I help where I can but my funds and mental capacity are limited by school
No I dont fucking want to live here
im begging you all instead of crying on tumblr about how both candidates are shit human beings, at least vote for the shit human being whose campaign is accepting everyone.
I hold the core belief that the world is a good place and each and every person can be reformed to see the error of their ways. I was once one of the trans hating misogynists but then I reformed myself.
I want to be able to love the man I love without either of us facing persecution
I want to be free
- a soul of love
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
hello favorite outsiders acc ever, i saw you say you hc ponyboy with bpd on your mental health post for everyone. can you expand on your thoughts a little more? would love to hear them :3
heyyyy super cool anon whats uppp :33
i hope this gives u a general idea as to what i mean, and for anyone who realizes when say something wrong, pls do correct me about it i hope i portrayed everything correctly🙏🏽🙏🏽
•allow me to preface by saying im not hc’ing 14 year old pony w bpd, its him when he gets older where it presents itself, if i remember correct, bpd shows its symptoms when ppl r like around 18 and into their 20’s??? around that time period is where it peaks, so this is more of an older ponyboy thing
•now as for how he got it, we can throw in obvious factors such as his parents dying, his friends dying, but one i think is swept under the rug a bit is that he pretty much has to be pretty worried about getting jumped or harmed somehow, its not like he lives in a safe area
•however even if u dont wanna believe that bit about getting jumped, bpd is typically associated w long term trauma’s but single event traumas can also lead u into having bpd, especially in ponys case where the deaths in his life happened pretty close to each other, so either way u flip it i think its pretty believable
•i think the first symptom he’d really feel the effect of first is that numbness, in the book its canon that pony constantly lies to himself and this is just one if the things he lies to himself about as he grows up, he tells himself that its just a passing thing or he just straight up fakes his emotions to not pay attention to that
•pony has a HUGE fear of abandonment, i dont think i gotta explain myself here its pretty obvious, however this does lead to him having paranoia about the ppl he loves dying, even disassociating for a while over it and he needs constant reassurance
•his disassociating leads to him missing a lot of time and not working on things he rlly should b
•when it comes to his self image pony just, doesnt know WHAT he wants, he doesnt have a clear sense of who he is, his values change, his friends change, he doesnt know whats going on w himself at all and he lays in bed a lot of the time just thinking about it
•going back to this feeling of emptiness, it causes pony to act impulsively just to cope, he smokes a lot, he drives recklessly, and he binge eats, and all this just complicates how he feels about himself which circles back to him not knowing what he wants from himself
•and then finally, pony constantly contradicts himself, for example, pony says he wants to build these close relationships, however he keeps pushing ppl that want to help him away, mostly bc hes scared that they’ll leave him, but then be has these moments where hes begging for them to be with him again but he pushes them away once again and its a weird cycle for him, and as soon as he realizes what hes doing he shuts himself off bc he feels like a bad person
•when it comes to his mood, i think he knows that he keeps on switching up how he feels, and bc of that after he goes through his mood swings and he realizes what he's done, he feels this sense of shame and then tried to just not talk at all just to “save himself”
•bc this is pony when hes older i could see this affecting his grades quite a but and that gets darry to get on him about it, and his relationship w darry is where that unstable relationship bit comes into play
•HOWEVERRRRR bc of how he responds to darry, that leads soda into stepping in to try and help but pony just feels like hes being laughed at????persecuted???? idk the word for it, but it makes pony feel worse so he can go from loving soda, to then wanting to not be around him within a few minutes, so his relationship w soda is where it becomes more obvious when it comes to unstable relationships
• now bc bpd and bp both have similar symptoms/effects on a person, and i hc angela as having bp, i could see curly recognizing the similarities between the two and he tries helping pony when he can, but at the end of the day, curly is one person and he doesnt know what to do, bc he doesnt have the resources available to help, he can barely help himself
•maybe curly got darry and soda to realize something was up w pony or somethin
gonna stop myself here bc i refuse to go on a yap sesh lmao
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determinate-negation · 11 months
im not jewish myself so i could be very wrong, but the current situation in palestine and gaza and israel seems like itll be bad for jewish people and antisemitism the world over. it seems like a lot of antisemites could use the world's response to israel as an excuse for antisemitism/"proof" that jews control the world or something. furthermore, israel calling anti-israel/anti-zionism stuff antisemetic i think could confuse well meaning but ignorant people on what is or isnt antisemetic. also, it seems that some people (mainly tumblr bloggers cause thats the only social media site i use (unless youtube is social media)) are using it as an excuse to be antisemitic while pretending to be propalestine.
wanted to hear your thoughts on it cause afaik your jewish and im like 90 percent sure youve talked about something like this before, if you dont mind.
ive been making and reblogging a few posts about this that generally sum up what i think because yeah
this is just actually so awful. we do not need to ontologically define our safety and identity and very existence in relation to a genocidal ethno nationalist state that is being propped up by the forces of american imperialism. it is so morally wrong and were choosing to side with an oppressor that doesnt actually have any commitment to us and supports israel for political economic and strategic reasons, rather than siding with oppressed people. also israel and pro israel organizations puts a lot of effort into redefining criticism of israel as antisemitism, and you can see reflected in everything the ADL puts out (more info here) and also the IRHA working definition of antisemitism that has been critiqued for this. i havent seen any antisemitism on tumblr in particular, but i think thats just bc of who i follow. in general the the radical right always is quick to capitalize off of how tightly controlled news on israel is and the left needs to have the real analysis. i also have seen instances of increased antisemitic attacks, in tunisia, france, and germany, and its really terrible but im glad at least to see a lot of organizations and popular pro palestine people denounce it and tell people that jews arent equivalent with zionists and this isnt a religious conflict, SOMETHING THAT ISRAEL IS ESSENTIALLY ARGUING THE OPPOSITE OF by the way. the us government and us media's relationship with israel is literally dangerous to us. but also, israeli politicians have connections to european neo nazis and shit. they benefit from jews in the diaspora feeling unsafe and being persecuted because it means people are more likely to settle in israel
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mr-damian-s-power · 15 days
Long ask ahead cause the things you said in your latest post are genuinely crazy 💀
First of all, you keep pointing out how witch/boiling isles society is so violent and so bad to their children as if humans arent the same?? Would you srs tell me that human society isnt awful to kids and that they arent also mistreated, not just individually but societally? Anything that happens in the demon realm, the human one also does in some way and neither is worse than the other. Belos himself straight up comes from a violent human group that used to hang women based on supersticions and nowadays, things arent that much better. I wont give any examples of irl events but it shouldnt be hard for you to think of some. The BI has its awful ppl and bad societal tendencies, humans do too so any argument that smh they are worse than us is just extremely laughable.
Second of all, we were literally shown that Belos was part of the reason why current BI society has issues. Society was more peaceful in Elsewhere and Elswhen and another very easy example is the scene in "Thems the breaks" where Terra, violent witch hired by Belos and put in the highest position, goes against child safety laws that Bump, another witch, brings up. Almost as if Belos, the bigot, purposefully used the worst of witch society to oppress the rest and encourage violence as the standard that gives you high positions (and ofc there would be bad ppl in witch society, every society does, human included) Almost as if some of it is the influence of the violent HUMAN bigot and not the isles being like that inherently or since the begining.
And lastly, even if the isles had a complicated history of war and conflicts which they most likely did cause every society, human or not has had such things, an outsider going there and dishing out "justice" isnt right in any way esp when hes one of the reasons for militarizing and worsening things by being a dictator and spending 400 years colonizing them. Belos, who decided to do this shit cause he was marinating in religious fanaticism and falsely said that witches are going after humans simply cause his brother made a choice to leave with one. Belos straight up kills humans who dont agree with his fanaticism and you gonna tell me he has a head on his shoulders that can decide if a whole nation should be erased just like that when hes the one who went there and colonized them eventho they werent bothering humans at all. The demon realm has existed for thousands of years without giving a single FUCK about the humans. Belos is a liar who was on a selfish quest to prove that hes right and you are here saying you wouldnt have felt bad if a "culture of killers" was eradicated.
By that logic, all of humanity should also die cause we arent better to our children, so many of us are violent and awful, every country on this planet commits at least one human rights violation at all times and persecutes at least one group through its laws and societal attitudes (and im being generous, its far more than one everywhere) Idk by what standard do you think witches are smh worse when its a human who went there and recruited the worst ppl in their society to do his bidding cause thats how awful dictatorships and cults work.
That doesnt mean everyone should die, do you realize how you sound when you say "genocide is bad BUT-"? That sentence should never include BUT esp when you are being extremely hypocritical in how you view witch society, acting like its worse than human one and falsely branding it as society of killers when so many of its current issues was Belos' violence coming into play.
And the irony is that, while the BI has its issues like every society esp one that was made worse by its leader who holds absolute divine power over these ppl, they are still more progressive than humans in many ways. No patriarchy, no homophobia, no transphobia. Humans come with every issue that witch society has ON TOP of the things I just listed.
I appreciate you being more civil this time around, but I'd like if you didn't put words in my mouth. I never for a second acted like Humans were in any way better than Witches. I am well aware that Humanity can show its evil side and turn people into monsters. I wasn't at all downplaying what real people have done.
Yeah, I was reminded that a lot of Witch society's issues were brought around by Belos, but the fact they paint the Isles in the Savage Ages as some sort of perfect utopia feels disingenuous to me. Reminds me too much of those Avatar films where the blue Aliens are a near-perfect society who live on a planet where all their needs have been met and are spiritually connected to the planet, where we are then supposed to hate the Humans who have had to persevere in a vicious environment. But we're not here to talk about that!
My original talking point was about how the Isles become 'neutered' with time. At first, it's this hostile land of monsters, where the very environment is out to kill you. It rains acid! Furniture is alive and will eat people. It would make sense that Witch society would turn out hardy and a bit apathetic, but they ignore that. Later in the series, like you said, child protection laws get brought up. Why would this world have that? Bump didn't step in to stop Boscha's bullying due to it 'not being fatal'.
Instead, all the blame is placed on Belos. Belos is the source of almost all evil in the Isles. Him getting revealed to be a Human then just feels, to me at least, like taking the blame off of the Witches. It feels just a touch preachy to me. Witch society was this perfect utopia with no racism, or sexism, or homophobia or anything negative until that mean Human showed up.
See, why couldn't the show have focused on this? How a society was brainwashed into thinking these things are fine? They weren't perfect in the past, but Belos brought out the worst in all of them and made them think they needed to be this to survive or to appease the Titan or whatever. You know, cult stuff!
And I know, I shouldn't have used such harsh language or labelled them as a 'culture of killers' due to the examples we're given. No culture or people is 'evil', and genocide should never be a solution.
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nerves-nebula · 3 months
i think my mother might be abusive.
She's really controlling over the smallest things, and will get mad if I don't do things exactly the way she wants. She has really high standards of me, and it feels like to reach those standards,I'll have to lose anything that makes me happy.
But she can also be really nice.whej I was a little kid, she would make me really elaborate birthday cakes. She truely loves me.
But I feel like the love is stifling, like I can never tell her anything for fear of judgement. If I do anything she doesn't like, I'm persecuted,and she always wants me to do horrible things like manipulate people, be fake, and cheat and lie and be a bad person just to get good grades or something.
Am I wrong?
ok bud look your first mistake is asking a random internet stranger to validate you cuz like. what if i said NO? you're setting yourself up to be hurt if it turns out im a dickhead. and your second mistake is thinking you can be wrong about how you feel.
now i might have a stricter definition of love than most people but i'd ask if your definition of love includes someone completely trampling over your desires (i've found a lot of peoples do, when it comes to parents)
nah but fr thats just what i did when i was with my parents and it made me realize oh hey they dont ACTUALLY love me. they like the idea of their child and of being parents but those fuckers don't know shit about me. and if that counts as love then so does like. a creepy stalker who's obsessed with me. i mean they both "care" about me right? and if boundaries/what I want doesn't matter to them, then how do i differentiate the two kinds of "love"? i literally don't tell my parents where I live because I don't want them to do shit like move in near me or visit me cuz if they did i wouldn't be able to stop them.
yknow my mom made us a lot of deserts. a lot more than most ppls mothers i think. it was probably the nicest part of my childhood. and she cooked these huge elaborate dinners based on whatever we wanted for our birthdays. if i wanted bacon wrapped filet mignon (one of her favorites, so i'd sometimes ask for it cuz i knew she liked it and i loved my mom and wanted her to be happy) or taco pizza or hot cross buns I'd get it. and she'd spend all day cooking and we'd set the table with the fancy plates and it was. nice. she did a lot of things a Good Mom was supposed to do.
she was and is still a horrible bitch to live with.
THE POINT IM TRYNA MAKE IS THAT YOU'RE ASKING ALL THE WRONG QUESTIONSSS MAN. abusive parents are often not abusive 100% of the time cuz they're people who do Other Things, they're not like machines for abuse. There's no reason someone can't abuse and manipulate you and also make you a cool cake. I can't tell you if your mom is abusive idk ur situation, but you can tell me if you feel abused or steamrolled or manipulated. which it sounds like you do, so. there's that.
normally the next step would be to try to talk to your mom about this but
If I do anything she doesn't like, I'm persecuted
that doesn't seem feasible rn sooo. idk. my way of dealing with it was to make as few waves as possible until i moved out for college.
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beevean · 1 year
Honestly that callout is the inevitable end of what we already mentioned abt nfcv criticisms:
-Loud annoying fucks make obvious racism fueled criticism of n!Annette
-Fandom considers this to be the sum of nfcv critics
-You n other fellas make criticism of n!Annette based on how her character was adapted, her story arc, interactions, etc
-"You're so racist n misogynistic!!!" Dogpiling
And you did acknowledge the unfair backlash against her in good faith and if ppl had disagreements it could be like "nah i dont agree bc x and i think you're being insensitive abt y bc z". Hell, if i got told i said something insensitive i'd rectify and apologize but nope. You're a bigot now congratulations :/
And (and im gonna get a bit political here sorry for that) forever gonna hate how nocturne made me have to speak abt all the nuances of the french revolution bc it is true that France was and is an imperialistic country w racism issues, but said history and issues can't be reduced into "white men bad, rich bad, 21th century 'murica politics" (specially considering how this is an Usamerican show, aka imperialistic country w racism issues that casually has France's politics on a leash lol)
It's all so annoying I just want a good adaptation of the funny beat up Dracula games
Pd: one of the things i like abt nocturne is her redesign lol. It doesn't has anything to do w the og but it's very good looking👍
Yeah, I knew I would be brushed off as one of those genuinely racist people whose criticism of Annette begins and ends with "MUH POLITICS, MUH WOKE" without knowing shit about history or even being a fan of the games. It's still annoying :V I always, always pointed out that those people exist and they have poisoned the conversation too much. But no, scream to me about how black women deserve to be in fandoms I guess. Yeah, I know. Good thing I didn't target you, isn't it.
And as other people have pointed out in the nothes, NFCV is genuinely all sorts of -ist and -phobic, there was a huge post that blew up about the blatant antisemitic implications of a "vampire cabal" owning all the slaves, so if you really want to play white savior, the show you're defending has plenty of material already :^)
And yes. I know this is going to sound like those MUH WOKE people, but I swear I don't mean it in the same way: Castlevania is not the franchise that should deal with real life politics. Not the games, nor the show. It's about humans vs. vampires. It has always been about human vs. vampires, or any sort of monster. Yes, N!Isaac had a past of slavery, but 1) it was highly historically inaccurate, since NFCV takes place before the Transatlantic Slave Trade and slaves in that area tended to be European, 2) it was still lowkey racist, as if black people can only be slaves, as if Isaac doesn't have already an in-built backstory of being persecuted for his powers, and 3) it was, at the end of the day, an insignificant factor of NFCV's lore. It justified one antagonist's misanthropy. It wasn't the literal core of the show. Nothing about the original show, let alone the damn games, would lead me to think "mmh, I sure would love to see important, complex historical events played out in this setting!".
(N!Annette is very cute, I concur lol. A much better design than N!Isaac. I appreciate that she's dressed in yellow like the original Annette :>)
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system-of-a-feather · 7 months
It's really funny cause an on running meme ib our system is that no one can really hate me for long in the system and that I have god tier charisma rolls cause even the meanest persecutors tend to at least like me once they spend time around me (which they have to if they want to persecute me)
And often we are like "it obviously doesnt apply irl tho" and it doesn't to tue same extent but yestersay a server at Chillis "could have SWORN she forgot something and owed me and my fiance free ice cream" and today my old coworker just spent $120 on chinese food for just me, my fiance, and her
And so my fiance is just side eyeing me cause "you and your sugar mommies"
These days I dont even MEAN to appeal to people, I am just being me and people just go "oh boy i must treat them" and Im like "owo i mean if you insist"
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moodr1ng · 28 days
also. just like as a petty side thing.
first, there have always been goths w light hair who dont dye it black. some people seem to think this is like super rare and that goths dont accept it or whatever, no idea where that came from. i knew blond goths as a tween and there are sooo many examples of photographs of blond goths. very light blond hair is something ive seen in goth esp romantic goth SO much since like, the 2000s, and thats only bc i myself only got into goth in the late 2000s. so idk where this persecution complex of blonds supposedly being pressured to dye their hair black came from and i think its probably not based on that much. and the same is true of redheads, if not even moreso.
second, like.. come on. natural blonds and redheads are considered so desirable culturally. blond hair in particular is so extremely glorified. and that desirability and glorification is rooted in white supremacy. lets not pretend like we dont all see it and we dont all know how much light hair and eyes are adored, how theyre part of the white supremacist cultural beauty standard.
so for those reasons i find it rly grating for these white blond goths to whine about how the goth community wants to force them to dye their hair black to be 'real goths' or whatever cause its like.. that isnt real, like thats not happening on any scale that matters, that is your white victim complex. you have created a fantasy of a community within which, finally, you can be the innocent victim persecuted for something that in real life is if anything a privilege.
and i think white goths in particular do this all the time. there is like. a particular way in which white goths act as if (and sometimes even say outright, but usually its just implied) being goth is essentially being part of an oppressed minority (and in turn they use this to justify a lot of white goth bullshit, including the frequent cultural appropriation - by construing goth as essentially the same as an oppressed people and culture, you get to act like the shit you stole from actual minority cultures belongs equally to you. note if you look up 'goth cultural appropriation' the majority of results will not be about goths appropriating things like traditional tattoos, face painting, headdresses, symbols.... but instead be about how the normies are 'appropriating' goth culture. white goths literally have appropriated the very concept of cultural appropriation, turning it from a term that serves to discuss racism and colonialism to a meaningless idea that basically means 'being a poseur'). i feel like it kinda comes from the same place lol
(tbc no this isnt a Big Deal or whatever im just having thoughts. but yeah basically its always annoying when people feel the need to complain about how persecuted they are for things that society literally holds as the standard to aspire to lol.)
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marcyyss · 2 years
Hihi! Can you write a Finney Blake fanfic with a male reader who has magical/wound-healing kisses? I know it doesn't make sense but I dreamed about it so much lol❣❣. The male reader saved him from his bullies and later Finney discovers that the reader was new in town and already enrolled in his school. So Finney wanted to get noticed again for the reader and he also gets hurt and is persecuted too much- and the reader and he know each other since they are both on the baseball field and the reader is popular! So the following days Finney finds himself having an intense crush on the reader and needs the reader's attention 24/7 and his kisses that heal any wound and pain🥺🥺💗
The people around that the reader helped/healed don't know about his quirk. But Finney found out when the two grew closer.
Also, you can add Finney and the male reader being cute to each other, perhaps with the piglet filling Finney's face and fingers with a simple, pure kiss<3
Finney embarrassed but loving every second with the reader, they were almost like a "secret", they were together and, Finney purposely hurt himself for the reader to take care of him (the poor reader was afraid of how constantly Finney got hurt and Finney could feel selfish and mean many times for doing it on purpose!)🤭🤭🤭🤭
Summary: Reader is a popular guy with lots and lots of drooling over him, and Finney constantly watched him from afar admiring every trait and expression of the reader. cute❣😤💗
' Pure kiss '
Finney Blake x M!Reader
Summary: Reader is a popular guy with lots and lots of drooling over him, and Finney constantly watched him from afar admiring every trait and expression of the reader.
Author's note: i love this + sorry for bad english (i stopped playing identity v bc of this request.)
Decided to make thisba serie
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Finney was waiting for someone to help him, he almost could feel the pain, he was tired of waiting for a magical someone to help him out of this.
Until he heard someone calling him, when he looked up, he thought he saw an angel.
a handsome boy was helping him walk away from those boys, he looked back at the bullies and they were running away, Finney looked at the boy who saved him
The boy took him to somewhere quiet, it was just you two, all alone, Finney couldn't help but feel nervous
— " Sorry for taking you here, do you feel okay? "
They boy spoke, Finney couldn't look him in the eyes
— " Yeah, i mean, they usually arent this bad i just, maybe it was my fault "
Finney felt like he was going to cry again he didnt want to cry in front of someone he didnt know
— " Im sorry, who are you? "
Finney asked
— " Im y/n, im new here but i couldn't leave you with them "
Finney smiled
— " My name is Finney "
— " Nice to meet you Finney "
Y/n smiled and Finney felt butterflies in his stomach
— " Can you let me heal you? "
Finney realized that he was with a lot of bruises and nose bleeding
— " Sure, if you want to, but im fine, i dont feel almost anything "
Y/n didnt listen to him and he leaned to him, Finney got more nervous as he leaned closer, Finney closed him eyes and he felt y/n's lips on his cheeks where he had some bruises, then his nose and arms, where he had some cuts
Finney suddenly didnt feel any pain, he open his eyes and looked at his arms, the cuts were gone, he touched his nose and the bleeding was gone, he looked at y/n
— " What did you do? "
Y/n looked away
— " i dont know how to explain it without sound crazy "
Finney took y/n by his arms
— " you just KISSED me and my bruises are gone, do you have magic powers?! "
Y/n sighed
— " Yes... "
Finney blushed and let y/n go, he realized that he was kissed by a handsome boy and he couldn't believe it
— " Thank you "
— " Its nothing, you can let me know if they bully you again, i'll help you "
Y/n left, and Finney couldn't stop think about that "i'll help you" does that mean that he would kiss him again?
The next week, while Finney was with Gwen walking to school, he saw that boy again, Finney felt nervous, he couldn't stop think about him all week, does that boy go to his school now? He couldn't help but blush
— " Are you okay Finney? "
Gwen asked
— " Um, yeah, im fine "
— " Alrigth.. "
Gwen acted like she didnt notice but she thought that Finney was acting strange since last week, it was that boy fault?
- At school, recess.
Y/N was surrounded by people, he was pretty popular even if it was his first day, maybe because he was so handsome, that what Finney thought.
But Finney didnt like it at all, he wanted y/n's attention to himself but that was really selfish "sharing is caring" he thought, so he went to talk to Robin about some space facts, and maybe some movies.
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Person.. I love you but i ran out of ideas so im making this a serie 🤭💖
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dykrophone · 2 months
Hey .. I'm new on tumblr but I'm also desi like you (I'm from Delhi) and I'm just confused. I love being a Hindu, I wholeheartedly believe in my religion and you could consider me moderately religious. But recently, after seeing BJP and Hindu supremacists and their actions I feel guilty to be Hindu. I'm scared that people will look at me like I'm the bad person. I believe in secularism I really respect other religions too but sometimes I feel so bad that I'm happily following my religion but others cannot. And I feel like I sound like a bigot and a hypocrite everytime I practice my religion at the expense of others. :(((. Just a rant lol
ok so firstly no one is going to think you're a bad person just for being hindu lol. any indian who thinks that is going around hating 80% of the people around them by default so tell me if that sounds like a plausible way to live in a society to you (not to mention that 80% of people are literally hindu themselves)
religion is a really personal thing that means different things to different people. and what we think of as hinduism today is an amalgamation of so many different belief systems. and the most popular interpretation of it which is how most people perceive it is a deeply flawed at least partially man-made system. unfortunately organized religion pretty much always comes with a lot of horrible baggage + bigotry, meaning it's always gonna be a breeding ground for really shitty people. that makes it hard to separate from said shittiness for a lot of people (like me personally for example; i believe that if the gods exist i dont like them very much for all the hell they allow on earth in their name), which is valid. but it is obviously possible to follow any religion you want and be a good person as long as you critically engage with it and are compassionate to people outside your religion and their experiences with being persecuted for not following said religion. there are lots of cool things about hinduism. embrace those, discard the bad stuff, and keep your eyes open and stand up for the people who are systematically hurt by the popular wacko fascist interpretation of it that's destroying our country. it counts for a lot. people are always more willing to listen to people like them, unfortunately. feeling bad about being part of a majoritarian/oppressor demographic ultimately helps nobody. do something about it. read about caste and the fight for its annihilation. talk about these things with other more radicalised hindus and get them to see the harmful stuff theyre complicit in. it could go a long way.
personally im so used to interacting with bhakts IRL im just really glad to meet religious hindu people who don't blindly condone bigotry lol
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taahko · 1 year
Hypocausts were too small for humans to crawl through — they were heated from the outside — and slaves were absolutely allowed (if not required!) to bathe. They had it hard enough without you making stuff up
im going to to say this one time and then im ignoring that post for good: you are supremely missing the point (in the post where i had an entire section about The Point). i really should have known that bringing up the roman empire was a mistake so that's on me but i will reiterate: the point of the post was not actually whether or not the romans were entombing their slaves. the point of that post was my professor's callous assumption that inhumane treatment is 1. a necessary and almost mundane aspect of technological innovation and 2. it's less important to talk about people than it is to talk about art divorced from context.
other things about that post that people are misunderstanding: i did not say chatgpt is good, i said it is presented AS a public good when it is in fact not. i also really did mean to say stop fucking ordering from amazon. there are lots of ways to circumvent amazon and giving up and deciding its too difficult or improbable to find those alternatives is childish. also, my professor was a dickhead and she was not being persecuted by a classroom of teenagers who were concerned that she just stated an incredibly disturbing idea as fact and then refused to give it any more thought.
my Point was not about the actual realities of the roman empire. i was (gasp) utilizing a technique called "anecdote" to lead into a complicated idea called "social critique". please let me know if this was too hard to follow by the way.
also, seeing as every slave the roman empire ever had is dead now, i dont really know how i could be materially making their lives worse by posting on tumblr. appreciate the heads up though!
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scifriskyxy · 5 months
The reason we dont have a culture anymore is because the lgbtq,feminist, black lives matter movement, the me too movement the destruction of the family unit, the destruction of friendships,gate keepers
The fact that people get angry at the american flag,the people that get angry at it, destroyed the american culture. Those are the people ,the people who protest on japans culture, those are the people that have destroyed our society, they are a mix of americans and immigrants, the people we call tourist where the ones that destroyed us, the rich snobs ,those who act rich,the children that are spoiled rotten desytoyed us ,the parents that said "i wont do what my dad did" the people that want to stop the generational trauma altogether,in some ways thats great but however trauma teaches us, it humbles us it warns us on whats dangerous
The MOCKING of christianity is the disrespect,the lack of chivalrous men,the stock piling of wealth ,the lack of proper justice, the men and women that trap their spouse into paying for a child that for men likely isnt theirs and so much more
A culmination of all these things
The only actual culture left are the hillbillies, the florida man , the motorcycle gangs,rednecks
These people, as far as i can tell, are one of the few people left with the american spirit , with a culture that survives being named and will survive persecution. Why? Because a lot of these people are veteran alot of these people fought for our countries they know what america means
How did this start? You wonder,well
For me as far as i can tell it started when americans began to call themselves african american it started with slurs it moved to women more and more leaving the home life ,it began with trends that didnt unify us it began with trends that divided us
I do not know how my home land my borinquen is today...i had to leave it due to reasons outside of my control, but when i was there ,there was unity, there was love there was respect ,it wasnt always the best
I could join in the fun myself due to being isolated in an apartment looking down at the happenings i still watch from phisical isolation. Now that i am on the ground, i am in america. All i see is a desolate desert
Dull colors, vast open roads, ghosts whispers of a past that was slowly bit by bit torn to shreds all thats left ,is drugs,sex endless rants, whimps that cry victim, people that blindly trust blindly blame blame blame,conspiracy theories and people divided glaring at eachother,endless secrets and a rabbit hole of depravity that doesnt end...it feels like the pits of hell and its gates are opening
People see it but do nothing because it 'not their problem
Im scared... I do not know what i can do. We've tried everything, and things aren't changing fast enough if things dont change FOR the better ,the monsters ,the predators amongst us the inhuman people amongst us the most deprived twisted beings that are being protected that we arent allowed to harm will harm us we cant protect ourselves,the children are being raised and born to be worse than the last generation
What can we do?
We can't do anything because we suffer from a cycle. Many places have managed to slow the cycle down,we are being fought over by two sides, and we do not know ,i do not know the reason but we are seen as a comodity for whatever reason ,is it our souls? Is it our attention? We never had a choice. We were never given one WE, who never had a voice
What would you choose ,Satan or god
It's a red herring... or so it feels like it to me,
It's either god or suffer,come to me, my child, or be destroyed ,blindly trust me child or suffer,we never had a choice jesus made that choice for us,one man one person made the choice for an unfathomable amount of lives ,hes the king hes all...and what are we?...he says we are kings and queens but are we? I stare at the angels. Did they have a choice? I look at the Bible, and i stare up at the stars , i yearn to be free, we are so close to it...and we are being struck down by something we can't comprehend something all powerful, something we cannot fight against no matter how hard we try,something we cannot escape from even in death
So many people silenced blindly trusting and distrusting
I wish deeply to ask jesus a question
Why does he blindly believe a father that was never there for him, a father that technically assaulted his mother that tained something so sacrilegious as a marriage? I understand why he didn't choose to side with Satan, but why, God, when he had a choice, a choice never said, choose neither... and choose everyone
I know my questions will land me in hell, all I hope i figure out my own way out somehow sometimes you must ask for help I know but sometimes that help comes with a price
All I want... all I crave is freedom ,no hellish jail, no collar and chain,no strings, no judgment
Why... do I crave this so badly that my body has goosebumps
I crave to create. I crave to explore the abyss of the cosmos I crave to learn,I CRAVE THE TRUTH
The more I look up, the more that dream is fading the more I see what God has done... the more I see dead or dying stars devastated planets ...has it always been this way? Or is this God's doing
If there's a father... where is the mother... who is the mother? There must be a mother out there, right?
I may be scared... but I must keep moving. I can not stop. I MUST break through no matter how much pain and how much suffering I must stay determined. I do not want to fight. All I want is freedom. Hurting someone is the last thing I want to do, so I place a shield upon myself. What color will it be? I do not know. I do not care. All colors are beautiful, hope, and love where given to me I will not allow God to take it away a gift is a gift after all and I accept your gift you shouldn't be expecting anything in return perhaps one day I'll be able to give back
Just Believe
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