#oh there IS a bus that would make the walk shorter though hmm...
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Oh yeah did I mention I’m gonna try going to my first Pride event tomorrow? Yeah that’s gonna be fun hopefully.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Can I request Hanako (or Amane Yugi), Teru Minamoto, and Akane Aoi (the male) with a female s/o who is literally invisible to people. (This totally not based on events that actually happened to me-)
Like some people, even her close friends, won’t even notice she’s there and if she’s has to asks something she tends to repeat it or stutter. She also tends to get forgetting or lost on school trips, etc.
This has happened for as long as she could remember and she’s use to it by now but sometimes it still hurts when they forget her
Headcanons please!
hanako x f!reader, teru minamoto x f!reader, akane aoi x f!reader
a/n: sure thing!! I feel like Hanako would understand that as a ghost, so I think I’ll write for him in his ghosty form! I hope that’s alright :)) thank you so much for requesting, and I hope these turn out alright!!
I’m really sorry if these are shorter or poorer than normal, and if they’re formatted strangely- I’m doing my best to get requests done on my phone (´ε`”)
warnings: none?
word count: 1,414
Hanako <3
He understands, he understands more than anyone- so he thinks. I mean, he’s a ghost. He literally cannot be seen by anyone who isn’t an exorcist, near death, a fellow supernatural, or bound to him in some way.
Still… honestly, he gets pretty defensive over you-
They can’t hear him, but you can. (They can’t hear you, but he certainly can.) It’s honestly somewhat humorous, Hanako standing behind you, shouting that they’d better listen up!!
“IF YOU GUYS MAKE (Y/N) REPEAT HERSELF ONE MORE TIME?? Are they deaf, (Y/N)?? I think they’re deaf?????”
His reactions like that are half-joking-half-serious. He’s genuinely upset that they treat you like that- but he hopes that all his ranting and going on helps you to feel better somehow?
He can’t exactly follow you on trips, but! He makes Yashiro “Honorary (Y/N) Defense”! Meaning, since he can’t, she’ll defend you in his place!
You get interrupted or ignored? Hanako tells Yashiro to help you out, and (though she would any way) she’s raising her hand somewhat shyly- explaining that you were trying to talk.
Getting left behind on a field trip? Yashiro is sticking by your side! She turns around constantly, making sure that you keep up with her, and especially making sure that you get on the bus with the rest! As per Hanako’s request, and her own care for you, she’ll let you sit next to her.
Hanako is always very talkative, but he’s still very patient with you- he loves to have conversations with you, which is a big reason he doesn’t get why they treat you like that. You’re such a great person-! You’ve got such a cute voice-!!! Why don’t they listen-?!!!
To be honest, he finds your stutter kind of cute… he’s quite bold, so you being timid is something he doesn’t mind! Hanako doesn’t mind listening out for you- even if the other people aren’t in a relationship for you, isn’t it… basic human decency?? What happened to that???
“It’s really alright, Hanako. Things like this have happened since I was little- it hurts sometimes, but I’m mostly used to it.”
Hanako would then grab your shoulders gently, looking in your eyes with some determination!
“You shouldn’t have to be used to that!! I’m used to it because I’m dead, but you’re… alive. You can be heard and seen by everyone, yet they choose to not listen- it’s… ridiculous. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that, (Y/N)... really.”
Uncharacteristically soft moment, but it simply hits different for him due to personal experience. I’m sure as a human, the only time people saw him were when he was bullied, and now he’s- obviously- not seen by nearly anyone. It’s such a lonely feeling, and he genuinely hates that you can relate to it.
Teru Minamoto <3
It’s hard to not garner attention as Teru Minamoto’s girlfriend- so, people certainly acknowledge you once your relationship is made public/becomes obvious.
But! Before the entire school knew about the Prince having a girlfriend, Teru was… quite defensive over you- even before the two of you were a couple, he’d notice the way others seemed to step all over you. Ignoring you, interrupting you, forgetting about you.
Like Hanako, he doesn’t get it? You’ve got his attention, how do you not have anyone else’s? You’re so cute… and really do have a lovely voice, appearance, and overall are really pleasant to be around?? If anything you deserve more praise than he does-
He also doesn’t get it due to the fact that people acknowledge him a little too much-
Anyway, he tends to give that praise he thinks you deserve to you!
Meaning, he brags on you so much. Compliments you to your face, telling you how nice it is to converse with you- telling his family how lovely of a person you are. He even mentions it to classmates, which does start to earn others being more noticeable of your presence.
Not afraid to stick up for you in the least!! Who wouldn’t listen to Teru?? The moment someone interrupts, he’s politely making his way into the conversation- offering an “I’m sorry, I don’t think (Y/N) got her chance to speak.”
“Th-That’s okay, Teru. I appreciate it, but I’m used to things like that,” You told him after class, slightly embarrassed.
“Used to things like being ignored?”
“...you shouldn’t have to be. I’d never be upset with you, but it does upset me that people have been so willing to pretend you aren’t there? I think you’re lovely, and nearly impossible to ignore. It’s simply confusing, I suppose.”
BRO if he, for some reason, isn’t on the field trip and you get forgotten- it’s game over for the chaperones will get their heads chewed off. Except he’ll be calm and collected while doing so- however, on the inside, he can’t express how upset he is.
“Is it not your job to make sure all the students are accounted for? What if (Y/N) had gotten lost? Do you not realize she could have been kidnapped? Should some low-life had decided to try anything strange, the blame would have been on you, and therefore our entire school. What would that do for both your’s and the school’s reputation?”
If he’s on the trip? You won’t be getting forgotten <3 Even you were to get distracted for a moment, he’s grabbing your hand and making sure you stay caught up with the class. Sits with you on the bus, and makes absolutely sure that you’re safe and with him!!
Akane Aoi <3
He worships the very ground you walk on. We all know how he treated Aoi? Well, now that’s how he treats you- maybe a bit less exaggerated and dramatic, but all that love and more is there!
So, he’s admiring you, and sees that you keep opening your mouth in an attempt to speak- only to have someone interrupt you, not even acknowledging that you’re there??
“Hey, (Y/N), what’s up?”
“O-oh, I was just trying to ask them something…”
“Oi, you heard her. Shut up for a moment and let (Y/N) get her question in.”
Most are somewhat aware of how scary Akane can be, so they’ll certainly listen whenever he’s there. Heck, people occasionally keep an extra eye open if they know he’s around- making sure they don’t unintentionally look past you.
If you dislike his very direct method, he’ll try to be nicer to others about it. But, he can’t help but get defensive- like our other boys, he admires you so much, and enjoys talking with you so much, that- by this point- others are simply missing out?? Like, it’s basically their loss for treating you like that. And it’s his mission to shower you in love and admiration to a point where others do the same- platonically of course, and boys better rethink anything that isn’t strictly “wow (Y/N) is cool, it’s cool that she’s taken by Akane.”
Cos, as we all know, if someone even says “oh, (Y/N) probably makes a cute girlfriend” it’s game over. RIP unknowing student, he had no mercy bashing their skull in </3
“Akane, it’s really fine, you know? Things like this happen been happening since... forever. I’m just not easily noticed, I suppose. I’m used to it!”
“Hmm... well, get un-used to it. You’ve got the most beautiful presence and voice of anyone I know! And, I want the class- for everyone- to be able to acknowledge that. You shouldn’t have to repeat yourself constantly, nor be ignored like that. Not on my watch, at least.”
You won’t be getting forgotten. He’s ahead of Teru, ahahahaaaa!!! If he isn’t on the field trip, he’s telling someone who will be to keep an eye out for you “or else <3”. The person wouldn’t even bother to question it- just nod and keep an eye out for you constantly. They even offer to have you sit with them! How sweet! Glad to know they value their skulls!!
If he’s on the trip, like the others, he’s keeping an eye out for you constantly. He’ll hold your hand the entire time, stopping as you pleased, but keeping an eye out for the group. He wants you to see what you want, so you will- all while staying with the class, or at least close to the class. If he, for some reason, were to lose sight of the class, he takes comfort in the fact that you wouldn’t be lost alone.
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theycallmebun · 3 years
huh, interesting development
pairing: oikawa x sugawara (but i have managed to make yachi the mc//apologies)
wc: 814
warnings: one singular curse word, the rest is crack
Everyone was... confused. 
Why was the third-year setter so smiley? Always rushing to go home(or wherever)? Why did he look like he was floating on clouds every morning? Who was he always texting? Whose sweater is that?
It was new, and very, I mean VERY confusing. 
It was so suddenly, too. Right after the practice match with Seijoh. 
The rest of the Karasuno VBC were intrigued by Sugawara’s new behavior. So what more reasonable thing to do than follow him after school? Not the whole gang because, of course, they would all be recognized. So who do they send? Asahi? (Of course not, have you seen the man?) Tanaka? Noya?Hinata?(Too loud.) Daichi?(Mmm no, his aura is too...dark) Hmm, so that only leaves... aha
Yachi. Yes it was all agreed she was going to go spy on the boy. 
It was all going to go down on Monday. The gym was closed for maintenance and everyone was allowed to go home early. 
Monday rolls around and Yachi builds up all her courage for the mission(everyone wanted to call it that). 
She quietly follows Sugawara to the bus stop and gets on the bus with him. He has yet to notice her. (She’s trying really hard not to be suspicious, guys, come on). 
They wait a couple stops, until she spots him getting off at... Aoba Johsai? 
‘Interesting development we have here’ Yachi thinks to herself. 
But what baffles her more is when Sugawara walks up to 
Dun Dun Dun Oikawa Tooru!
Oh boy, he was going to have to do a bunch of explaining once Yachi and him return to school tomorrow. 
Not only that though, they go up and hug each other and Oikawa calls Sugawara ‘Koushi’???
Yachi is about to explode. 
‘Why did I agree to this?’ She sulks, thinking about all the shit that’s gonna go down tomorrow. 
She continues watching them, eyes wide as they intertwine their hands, swinging them down the street. 
Yachi follows quietly behind them and sees them enter a nice and small cafe. They sit down and Yachi tries her best to go unseen and sits in a secluded booth by the wall, but it’s just close enough so she can see and slightly hear the pair. 
They make conversation pretty quick, talking about “how’s your day been?” and “anything new?” Yachi wishes she brought one of her friends so she didn’t look so lonely. 
A good half hour passes before she sees Oikawa lean in and whisper something in Sugawara’s ear. Yachi hears him chuckle a little and then mumbles a quick “sure.”
Huh? Yachi thinks. What did Oikawa say to Sugawara? 
The next thing she knows, Oikawa turns to look at Yachi and waves her over to their table. 
She turns red, so red, in embarrassment. 
Did they really know I was here the whole time?! She panics. 
“Come on over, Yachi!” Sugawara says from his seat. 
Yachi makes her way to the table, head down, still super embarrassed she got caught. 
When she gets to the table she sits across from the setters. 
“So...” Sugawara starts off. 
Under their gaze, Yachi blurts out,” I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean any ill intentions when I came here to follow you, we were all just so suspicious of why you were acting so differently after the Seijoh match and we didn’t mean to pry and ask so we figured it would just be easier if someone came to follow you and figure it out by ourselves.”
“We?” Oikawa adds into the conversation. 
“Uhh, we, as in the whole Karasuno VBC, he he,” the girl chuckles nervously. 
The setters let out deflated sighs. 
“Was I really that obvious?” Sugawara asks. 
“A little, Suga-san” Yachi answers, rubbing the back of her neck. 
“Well that lasted a lot shorter than I expected,” Sugawara adds.
“We just wanted to keep it to ourselves for a little bit longer but I guess not.”
“I don’t have to tell anyone if you don’t want me to. Really, I can just tell the rest of the team that I didn’t find anything” Yachi offers. 
Oikawa and Sugawara’s eyes go wide with the offer. They would love to have this relationship a secret just a little longer, just so the two of them can have it for themselves first. 
“Yes! I mean, that would be great Yachi!” Oikawa puts his hands together to thank Yachi. 
“No no no, no need to thank me, I was the one sent to do the snooping anyway” She sweat drops. 
“Thank yo-” Oikawa is cut off when he sees the Karasuno VBC at the window, with Daichi glaring daggers at the setters. 
Do they really have no faith in me? Yachi thinks to herself. 
“You both have a lot of explaining to do,” Noya yells from behind the glass. 
Oh boy. 
a/n: let me know if you guys want a part 2 for this. i would def try to make pt 2 more oisuga centered. sorry this was my first ship write T-T and yachi was lowkey the mc I AM SO SORRY but i am trying rly hard and i promise my next ship work will be a little better. drop some notes in my messages or comments. love yall.  
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x-woozi · 4 years
Sugar, Spice, and Everything.. else?
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Part 17: Family Dinner
Summary: After a very public embarrassing moment, y/n manages to make a few new friends. Though in trying to make those friends there is a bit of a complication in winning over the group.
A/n: Ta-da! I really hope you like it and don’t mind the “feature”(?). Please let me know what you guys think! 😊
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Tag list: @smileyjisung3 @milkywayfelix @scoups-of-sugar @holaaaf @hey-i-really-miss-you @kodzu-ken @axolotleyeliner @sunoo-luvs
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Not having anything else going on you decided you would go over just to make sure Seungmin didn’t get seriously injured. Plus Felix said he was cooking, you didn’t know what, but you were sure it’d be good.
As soon as you reached the front door you could hear the yelling. It was about now when the wise words of Bang Chan came to mind, ‘what have I gotten myself into?’
You kid your hand to knock on the door. There was no answer and the screaming continued. After waiting a little long you tried the bell, still nothing.
Well they knew I was coming right? You thought to yourself reaching for the doorknob. Surprise surprise, it was unlocked.
You let yourself in and attempted to find the main source of the chaos. Peeking around the corner into the kitchen checking for Felix. He was in the middle of swatting Jisungs hand away when he tried to steal a bite. They both looked up when you approached the counter in front of you.
“How bad is it?” You asked, trying to prepare yourself.
“It tastes great!” Jisung smiled but then realized that you weren’t asking about the food. “Oh right, uh I wouldn’t go in there” he motioned to the living room.
“Yeah you’re not going to be happy” Felix added.
“Well now I have to go check” you sighed before making your way to see what was really happening.
They were definitely right, it wasn’t good. Changbin may be shorter than Seungmin but that didn’t stop him from tackling the younger boy and holding him in a headlock. Minho was standing just in front of you watching the two pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Come on Changbin I think he’s done now” Chan called out as he came down the hall. “Oh you really did come over, when did you get here?” He asked you as he sat on the couch. The two boys on the floor got up slowly dusting themselves off.
“Just now. I knocked and rang the bell,” you shot Changbin a glare as you helped Seungmin up. “No one answered so I just opened the door.”
“You just let yourself in?!” Minho asked “how?”
“I did this crazy thing where I used my hand to turn the doorknob and pushed it open” rolling your eyes “I did say I was coming to make sure no one got hurt too bad.”
“I was though” Seungmin coughed out giving Changbin the side eye.
Jeongin rushes into the room “You're here!” Pulling you into a hug.
“I sure am, you little cutie” you smiled poking his cheek.
“Yeah to babysit Changbin” Seungmin teased causing you to immediately nudge him telling him to stop.
“She's not here babysitting me, she's pretending to be your bodyguard.” Changbin countered before walking out of the room.
Me? A bodyguard? pft yeah, okay. You laughed to yourself.
“It’s ready!” Felix called “hurry before Jisung eats anymore!”
With how crazy they were with each other it was a little weird to see them sit together at one table and be somewhat calm. You might not ever get used to it.
Chan sat at one end of the table with Minho on the other. Jeongin, Felix and Jisung took their seats on one side with Seungmin and Hyunjin on the other. There was only one spot empty and you assumed that’s where Changbin would’ve been.
“Are you going to sit?” Jisung questioned.
“I was, but what about-“ 
“I got another chair” Changbin set it next to the one infront of you closer to Chan “I’ll sit here”
Now sitting between the two that, who since you’ve met them, have been fighting. You can see the evil smirk pulling at Seungmin's lips. The same one that appears right before he says something to Changbin to piss him off again. Before he has the chance to call for more harm to himself you poke his side and shake your head at him, to which he replies to with a disappointed sigh.
“Let’s just have a nice family dinner okay?” Felix said before fully settling to eat.
“So if this is a family dinner does that mean y/n is now a part of the family?” Jeongin asked. “Does that mean you’re replacing Minho as the mom??” His question silenced the table and caused you to choke on the water you were trying to drink.
“I’m not ready to have kids!” You raised your hands in surrender.
Minho looked stunned “why was I the mom?! I could be the dad!”
“No because Chan’s the dad” the youngests statement kind of made sense but it drew everyone’s eyes to Chan when he started choking on his food because of it.
“I didn’t know you were a father Chan” you laughed.
“Well you’re the new addition, and apparently now they’re yours too,” he retorted. “So welcome home honey.”
“This is not a good idea you guys, I am not responsible!” You tried to argue, throwing yourself under the bus, “hello I am a walking hazard!” 
Seungmin placed a hand on your shoulder “it’s too late now, you’ve been promoted.”
“Yeah now we all have to pay” Changbin tried to mumble under his breath but you heard and hit his shoulder.
“Don’t be rude.” You cross your arms with a slight pout on your face, “I thought you were supposed to be nice to me now.”
“Alright I’m sorry” he yielded 
“Wow see you’re doing great already,” Jisung commented across from you. “He never apologizes to us, even when Chan tries to tell him to.”
“Well that’s because he’s not as tough and scary as me” flexing your nonexistent muscles. There were a few muffled laughs but they all gave you questioning looks.
“Right.. okay no more fake parent talk, let’s just eat” Chan waved his hands dismissing the conversation just wanting to eat the food in front of him before it got cold.
As everyone started eating it got weirdly quiet, though it didn’t last long. Jisung being the adorable foodie he is very loudly yelled, “wow Felix this is great!”
Felix seemed completely done with him for the evening “You already knew that. You were just trying to eat all of it before it was even ready.”
You laughed as you enjoyed the meal, looking around the table. Most of them were just having their own side conversations. It was a nice family type dinner, the only thing seeming out of place was Changbin. Not in the way that he didn’t belong, just that he looked off today, more than normal. Sitting next to him and really looking at him now there was a small, slightly bruised cut just below his right eye.
“Hey what happened?” you asked as you reached up to touch it.
He winced when you made contact and grabbed your hand quickly, placing it on the table, “nothing, don’t worry about it.” 
His action forced your eyes to his hand, which was also a little bruised. You picked it up to look at it better, “this doesn’t look like nothing Binnie”
“I said don’t worry about it” he snapped ripping his hand from yours and got up from the table.
All eyes were now on you again when you looked up. No one said anything, they just went back to what they were doing. You leaned over to Chan, “what happened to him?”
He shrugged “He doesn’t really talk about his fights.”
“You don’t worry or want to know?” you questioned.
“I mean he's never seriously hurt. It's always small stuff, so I just kind of let him be. He’ll be fine, just eat.”
You haven’t known him as long so maybe he really was fine, but you couldn't just brush it off or ignore it. Now you were going to worry. One of these days it might not be something small like a couple scrapes and bruises. If there was a chance to maybe help keep him from fighting, well then you were going to try somehow. Obviously no one else was going to talk about it right now. You figured you’d wait to try later, and just enjoy the food for now.
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“Oh man I don’t think I can eat anymore,” Chan pushed his plate further from himself. “If I do I might explode.”
“Hmm I don’t know,” you start getting ready to take another bite. “I think I could go for some dessert.”
Jisung popped his head up with wide eyes making you giggle at just how much he really could look like a squirrel when he made that face. “What kind of dessert are we talking about?”
“I was thinking ice cream maybe?” you suggested.
Chan shook his head “You can count me out. I’m too full.”
“Alright I guess I’ll go, you need at least one real adult with you,” Minho spoke up pushing his plate from himself too.
“Umm I am an adult for one, and two what makes you the real adult?” you argued. 
Hyunjin asked before Minho could respond, “okay so just me, y/n, Jisung and Minho?”
Jeongin nodded his head, “I’m just going to stay and play some games.”
Felix yawned, “Yeah I’m too tired from slaving away in the kitchen all day.”
“Don’t worry Lix we’ll bring you something back if you want?” Jisung asked.
“Should we ask if Changbin wants to come with us?” You asked remembering the absent member.
“It's probably best to just ask if he wants something on the way back,” Minho suggested.
“Yeah and there’s a place right around the corner so it won’t take that long,” Hyunjin added.
“Alright then let’s go! I am ready for a frozen dessert” clearly you were excited but you weren’t the only one, seeing how quickly Jisung jumped up to grab a jacket and his shoes.
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It was a short walk to the ice cream shop and you were thankful for that much. The only issue was the line, it was like everyone in the neighborhood decided to come at the same time.
“Is the line always this long?” you asked, already starting to get impatient.
“Not really,” Hyunjin looked around the shop. “It might be because of the new guy up there.”
“Well that would explain all the customers being girls,” Minho commented trying to look up at the counter.
You tried your best to look past the line to see but couldn’t, “Well on a scale from 1-10?”
“I am not going to rate the guy!” Minho sounded so shocked at your question it made you laugh.
Jisung didn’t sound completely positive when he answered, “a 7 maybe?”
“Nah I’d give him like a 9” Hyunjin commented.
The two boys looked at each other and shrugged in agreement before turning back to you and answering together, “an 8.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’ll just wait and see for myself. I’m not sure I trust your judgment yet.” 
Surprisingly the line moved up fairly quickly and you were able to see more than just the top of his head. You’re eyes widened seeing his face, recognizing him almost immediately. “How could you give him a 7?!” you asked in a whispered yell.
“At least I gave you an answer” Jisung shrugged looking at Minho.
“But he's on the dance team for our school, that automatically bumps him up,” you sighed. “Looks like Hyunjin is the only one I can trust here.”
With that comment Hyunjin did a little dance and sang, “I’m the favorite, I'm the favorite.”
Quickly trying to shush him when the two girls in front you turned to glare at you. Any other time you would’ve simply made a comment so they’d mind their own. At this time you were more worried about getting ice cream from the very attractive guy at the register. 
“Look she's denying it, so you can’t be,” Minho teased.
“You’re embarrassing us all,” Jisung added. “Plus if anything I’m the favorite.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny any of this at the moment,” you said staring up at the menu. “because I don’t know what I’m getting and we’re next.” 
Minho looked at you confused “This whole time, and you didn’t think about it?”
“I’m going to go with the strawberry cheesecake one,” Jisung was confident in his choice.
“Oh that sounds pretty good,” you commented thinking to get the same thing just as it was your turn to order.
“Hi, what can I get started for you?” The boy flashed a smile making you blush slightly, you moved your eyes down to his name tag.
’Dino’? Like -saur?
“And for the pretty lady?” he asked looking back to you after letting the boys order first since they knew what they wanted for sure and weren’t distracted like you.
“Uh-” You froze. He definitely flirts with all the girls, you told yourself even though it still made your face redden a little more.
“Gross” Hyunjin mumbled with disgust on his face.
Minho put some money on the counter in front of you, “We’re going to go sit down.”
“But-” Jisung tried to protest but was pulled away too quickly.
“So do you know what you want?” he asked again.
You, thinking to yourself, except it wasn’t. You only realized that when you saw the way his eyebrows shot up. “Uh I mean the cheesecake. Strawberry. In a cone.” You sputtered out quickly just trying to move past it. You pushed the money forward, rushed out a thanks and ran to where the boys were sitting. Of course they picked a table where they would be able to witness the whole thing. You could tell they did too, just by the looks on their faces.
“All that, and you didn’t get my change?” Minho asked.
“You didn’t even wait for his response,” Hyunjin laughed.
You rubbed your forehead as you slouched down in the empty chair and sighed, “I know it was bad.”
“Bad?!” Jisung yelled, making you sink even further down to avoid the eyes of the other people in the shop.
“Shhh, you don’t have to yell,” you whispered.
“He asked what you wanted and you responded with ‘you’. Who does that?”
Hyunjin hit his leg, “He’s coming, he's coming.”
A tray was set on the table between you and Minho, “Here’s your ice creams. Oh you forgot your change and receipt.” He made sure to hand the money to Minho but slid the receipt to you with a quick wink before returning to the counter.
“And that worked?!” Jisung asked, again very loudly, looking at the number written on the little paper on the table.
Minho hit the younger boy's arm “this is why no one tells you anything.” To which he responded by crossing his arms and starting to sulk.
“Anyways,” Hyunjin interrupted before they could continue, “do you plan on texting him?”
“I’m not sure yet. Can we just get out of here before I can embarrass myself anymore.”
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During that short walk back Jisung continued to tease you about it, while Hyunjin teased him in your defense, “At least she got his number, even though the start was a little rocky” he joked.
“Ok, ok. Look,” you stopped to look at each of them. “When we get there, no one can know how bad that was. Got it, not a word.”
“Han? Keeping a secret?” Minho scoffed, “Good luck with that.”
You turned to him with the biggest puppy dog eyes, “Ji please try, I don’t want all of them to tease me about it too.”
“I will, I promise”
And he did. After you got back the only thing that came up was how you all forgot to bring the rest of the boys something back. No one really said anything about it except Jeongin, but you agreed to take him another time. 
Now you just had to go home and decide on if you were actually going to text this Dino guy.
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morimallow · 4 years
Hi, this is part two of Morisuke is a Nerd. Read the first part here and the last part here. Special thanks to my two friends with wild imaginations.
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You challenged Yaku in every and any way possible. From a simple mental and oral Math drills to balancing Chemical equations mentally but for Yaku, this doesn't even make his brain work to full extent. But don't worry, you won for like 9 times.. out of the 30 challenges.
On the day of the Science contest, you challenged him once more but this time, it's the last one. After the contest, you don't know if you'd stay as friends or turn back to being strangers so you thought, why not make this a memorable one?
“Morisuke Yaku,” you stated his full name even after spending time together all day and everyday for 3 whole months: you accompanying him to his volleyball practices, attending his tournaments, both getting lunch together. In short, you seemed like the perfect couple even though you guys really aren't. You just thought that you guys shouldn't waste time in reviewing thus excusing yourself to fit into his life and time but to him, seeing you do things for him and with him, he was slowly falling for you.
You were sitting beside each other in the train with the coach in front of you, he turned to you and hummed, “Hmm? Challenging me again?” he asked, smirk evident in his tone.
“Yes,” you replied, hands gripping your thighs slightly. Why were you nervous? This was your routine: challenging him in any way. Were you embarrassed? Humiliated? Because he won every time you challenge him?
“What is it this time?” Despite the statement on its own might be quite rude or said by someone who is really done with your shit, with his soothing voice, you noticed that he sounded genuinely interested.
He never found you annoying, not even once. He knows your worth, that you're doing your best especially when it comes to winning over him. He doesn't back down because he knows your pride and you know that too but one thing you don't know is that you already won over his whole being. He is now, a hundred and twenty percent sure that he's in love with you.
You faced him and made eye contact and said, “I know we're here as a team but the one who has more correct answers in the contest will make the other do what they want. Let's ask coach to record our scores.”
Now that was the most interesting challenge you ever said to him. He already had one thing on his upon hearing this: He must score more than you.
“And now for this year's first placer.. It's none other than Nekoma Highschool! Oh, man, the power brain couple: Morisuke Yaku and F/N L/N, please come here on stage and receive your award. If you watched the contest a while back, you would surely no doubt a bit that they'd bring home the bacon.”
You and Yaku were happy about the results and coach was the extreme one. But both of you are thinking the same question: Who scored more? Both were smiling until you saw your coach's notes: 36-57/100 questions.
“Ah, ah, would you look at that, L/N! I guess you'll do what I say, hmm?” the brown-haired disgustingly handsome and genius libero teased you as if you don't understand what will happen after the coach presented the data.
Crossing your arms in front of your chest, mustering your most ‘intimidating yet bored’ look, you said facing him, “Come at me.”
Yaku wasn't even fazed. In fact, he likes it when you're like that. Unbothered, laid-back, but deep inside, you were screaming at yourself for being so dumb. He found you cute and charming but you never knew this. Thus the sentence that came out of his mouth shock you to the core, “Go out with me.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and now you realized that while you were absentmindedly fitting yourself into his life, using the excuse: we need to review, you yourself found out just now as he blurted those words that you like him so.
But you still weren't sure. So, as a distraction, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him outside the stadium where the contest was held. Without releasing his wrist, you said, “There. We're here. Outside. Together. That simple.”
Yaku being the smooth boi who is genuinely in love with you, he shook his hand to get rid of your hold and hastily intertwined his with yours and clarified, “Be my girlfriend, F/N L/N.”
The ball was served, curving to Nekoma's side of the court, directly to their libero, AKA your boyfriend, who perfectly received that spike-serve and flew to the setter. Kenma set the ball to Kuroo with Lev as a decoy and score! Nekoma won this round.
The game ended and rushed from the bleachers to door where the team would exit. While doing the formalities after the game, Yaku wouldn't stop smiling. Knowing that you're waiting behind that door.
Kuroo noticed this and said, “You're obviously not excited to suck your girlfriend's face, aren't you, Yakkun? Really.”
“Shut up, you one-eyed rooster,” Yaku retorted and glared at their captain. You were now at the back of his mind, busy throwing insults to Kuroo while the whole team was walking towards the exit.
When the doors opened, you frantically searched for your boyfriend and because of his jersey, you found him almost immediately. With your eyes turning to hearts, the team stopped walking when they saw you but Yaku was still insulting Kuroo.
“Sure, that last spike was awesome but you're—”
“Mori-kun!” you exclaimed as you ran towards your boyfriend, giving him your victory hug.
morisukeyaku.exe has stopped working jk
Without saying anything, he grabbed the back of your thighs and effortlessly picked you up. Your legs hugged his waist and arms around his neck.
Yaku cupped your right cheek so you can see him clearly. “My lucky charm is here. Thank you for coming, marshmallow,” he cooed and placed a kiss on your nose, a passionate one on the lips: biting your lower lip as he pulled away. He smiled sweetly at you, finally put you down and placed one more saccharine kiss full of affection on your forehead.
Totally in your own bubble, Lev decided to pop it and loudly voiced out, “Yaku-san! I never thought someone was shorter than you!”
And then, my friends, Lev's soul left his body as Yaku kicked him out of the world.
“She's my girlfriend, you fucking dumbass!”
To calm down Yaku, you hugged him again, face buried in the crook of his neck and whispered, “You're so hot, sweaty, and bothered, baby.” For additional points, you nipped the skin where your mouth was placed.
“Y-You guys board the bus first. I-I'll catch up, I need to go to the bathroom.”
Yamamoto intervened when he noticed that Yaku's face was flushed right after you hugged him, “Ohoho, L/N-san, what did you say to our Yaku, huh?” And the whole team threw suspicions at you while Yaku excused himself and went to the bathroom not knowing that someone was following him.
“Is she still innocent?” a voice boomed inside the bathroom while Yaku was staring at the mirror then, at the man, after splashing water on his face. He realized he was the captain of the team Nekoma just played against.
Confusion etched on his face and his brows furrowed, “What do you mean and who are you pertaining to?”
“The slut you were all giddy-giddy with and sickly and shamefully kissed.”
He narrowed his eyes at the man standing before him. Even though he was shorter than him, he stood firmly. The fuck got that to do with my height when he just insulted my girlfriend. “Who the fuck are you calling a slut?”
The man laughed mockingly at the libero, “I thought the libero of Nekoma was a so-called genius. Didn't you go with that bitch on the Science contest?”
Yaku didn't reply at what the man said but instead blankly stared at him and thought, how did he know we attended the contest? That was months ago.
He scoffed annoyingly at Yaku, irritated that his words and insults didn't falter his trust towards his ex. “Do you just not care or are you really dumb?”
Yaku was drying his hands and said to the man without looking at him as if he just doesn't care about what he's saying which is true, “I only believe facts about her when it comes from her and not from someone who clearly didn't value and continue to degrade her even after they broke up. You're the dumb one. Uneducated swine.”
After that encounter, he boarded the bus and sat beside you. Yes, you were allowed to ride the bus because the whole team seriously loves you and your mere presence just makes up Mori's whole mood. Plus, you're good friends with their coach.
You know he's tired. No need to speak, my Mori. I know you all too well. You leaned closer and kissed the side of his head, put your head on his shoulder and used your hand to guide your boyfriend's head on to yours. You interlaced your fingers and said, “Sleep.”
You arrived at the scene where the Nekoma Volleyball Club was taking their group picture with the third years wearing their togas and wide grins.
Lev noticed your arrival and turned to Yaku, probably saying that you're already here.
Predicting that Yaku would do something very couple-y-like, the team got their phones and cameras ready, even Kenma!
And Mori really did. He ran up to you, carried you just below your butt, and held you up. Spinning the both of you while your noses touched and they got it all on camera.
You were both giggling and Mori stopped spinning. Foreheads and noses touched, heavy breathing and hearts pounding..
Then lips touched as well.
He pulled away slowly, afraid that this will be the last time he's able to kiss you. With eyes closed, he pressed his forehead against yours and said, “Meet me at the library later, hmm? We need to talk.”
You could only nod.
After he went along with the other third years towards the stadium, you let your feet carry you to where you and Mori first met: the school library.
You scanned the place, walking in between shelves and shelves, stopping once in a while to grab a Math book to orally answer the problems just like you and Mori always do.
Roughly an hour of reading and walking, you were at that shelf. The shelf where you were reaching for the goddamned Physics book. And right about that time, Mori was running up the stairs and corridors.
Your eyes caught a glimpse of a wooden stool near your feet. As you stepped on it, Mori was panting and leaned against the door frame.
He saw how you easily grabbed the book and he thought, “She'll be fine without me.” And he smiled sadly, the one that doesn't reach his eyes, at that thought. But I will never be fine without her or her support.
Taking a deep breath, he entered the room and made a decision that will surely change both of their lives. On the positive side. He hoped at least.
With your back facing him, tears threateningly spilled from his eyes and hugged you tight from behind.
“Morisuke..?” Her voiced confused but somehow relieved how tense Mori's body was. You felt the wetness on your neck and reaching your hand to place it on your boyfriend's hair, you fingers ran through it soothingly. “Morisuke, what is—”
“Please.. just let me hold you a little while longer.”
Having an idea on what's about to happen, you turned around and hugged your boyfriend back.
You pulled away from the hug, cupping his cheeks, you used your thumbs to wipe away his tears. You chuckled lightly, “C'mon, Morisuke, my love, my saccharine apricot, if we're gonna part ways then at least end it with a smile.” You planted a kiss on his forehead and continued, “It's hard for me to see the one who won almost all the challenges I've given him cry. The one I love the most cry. It makes me want to cage you in my heart and arms forever.”
Mori placed his own hands on top of yours, he whispered, “Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
You snorted at how cheesy that line was. “Did you just quote Juliet Capulet? Didn't know you were into classics, love,” you said and smiled at him once more.
“I'm selfish for telling you that I want you to wait for me for 7 long years. I.. I'll understand if you'll find someone else.. someone better than me to love you. Someone who won't leave—”
“Morisuke Yaku, I challenge you yet again to come back for me—to me. Back in my arms when time comes. And by then, we'll be the best version of ourselves.”
Placing his lips on your forehead, he said, “I'll be someone you can be proud of.”
As his lips lingered longer in your forehead, you thought to yourself, “I'm already proud of you. Always am and always will be.”
“See you around, love.”
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amintyworld · 3 years
fuck i didn't think this through i gotta get a new ao3 account for it before i can post it uh uh uh i am copy pasting the doc and praying
Ranboo Beloved was going to pass out.
It had been a VERY long evening at the gas station he worked at, and there were still another two hours left until he could go home. Groan. Taking the night shift truly was hell. He mumbled something about minimum wage groggily and grabbed a couple sodas to stuff in the fridge. As he stepped towards the back, he heard a sound from one of the aisles.
Ranboo jolted, then flipped around and ducked behind the aisle, dropping the sodas in his panic.
‘It's okay. I’m fine. I probably won’t die. Oh no what if I die. God, if I die, please look after Enderch-‘
He turned slowly into the area, making sure to grab a broom in case he needed self defense, only to see a boy, around his age, blond and covered head to toe in dirt, clutching an alarming amount of chips. “Grab a couple of these, would you.. What’s your name?”
“Oh! It’s.. um.. Ranboo!”
“Cool, now Ranboob, help me out with these crisps, would you?”
“That’s uh, not my name. Do you just want a cart?”
“I- uh- yeah. Alright. Lemme just grab these and take em to the register..”
“No, Ranboob, you’re a fool. A fool and a coward and morally wrong. See, why would I buy them when I could do this magical little thing called stealing?”
The kid (damn, Ranboo still needed to ask for his name) narrowed his eyes. “What, are you a pussy?”
“N- I’m not.. that, but I work here, so I can’t really let you steal.”
Realizing what this meant, the boy dropped the chips, but seemed to be sizing Ranboo up. He paused, then let out a sigh, reluctantly putting a few more back.
Ranboo took a look at the blonde. A real look, not just to be polite. He realized that his shirt was practically swallowing him whole, and his frame was alarmingly bony. Even his raggedy beanie looked too big on him. His blue eyes looked tired, like he hadn't slept in a week. Hmm. Ranboo relinquished the broom and stood up.
“What’s your name?” He asked, grabbing one of the chip packs back from the shelf.
“Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Detective Innit. But you can call me sir.
“What if I called you Tommy?”
“Hmm, tolerable.." the boy said with a half smile. He hopped off the ground where he was. "Alright, see you later, Boob Boy.”
“Boob- I. Okay. Alright-“
As he stuttered, the blonde (Tommy!) started to head out the front. As he passed the cash register, Ranboo hesitated.
Tommy turned around to face him.
“Do you.. do you want a slushie? On the house?”
Ranboo Beloved wasn't doing too bad.
It had been a few weeks since that night. He had gotten a raise for ‘preventing’ a shoplifting (little did his manager know), and he’d found a friend in Tommy. He supposed it was his first real one, since toddlers who were related to him didn’t really count. Sorry, Micheal. Speaking of said friend, he was due for a visit. It was about the time of night that he normally dropped by for a free slushie and a fun conversation.
The bell rang from the door across from him. Right on time.
“Tommy! Hey! The usual?”
Tommy entered with grandeur, but seemed to be holding the soor for someone.
"Not yet, big man. I’ve got someone I want you to meet! Tubbo, c’mon, would you? We don’t have all night here,” he yelled, seemingly giving up on holding the door and walking to the register. He grabbed a bar stool to sit on.
As he said it, Ranboo saw someone poke their head out from the door. It seemed to be a kid a bit shorter than Tommy, with choppy bangs that covered his eyes and ears. He slid around the entrance and perched on the stool right before Tommy could sit down.
“You son of a bitch!” Tubbo gave him a shit eating grin in response. “Ranboo, the complete ass right here is Tubbo, he wouldn’t know good manners if they hit him in the face,”
“Says the one who tried to rob my store the first time we met,” Ranboo quipped, quirking an eyebrow up at the blonde.
Tommy shot him a glare, but he was holding back a smile as he replied, “Listen, you bastard, it’s not my fault you have a very robbable store,”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“Exactly what I said, your store is simply weak and easily robbed by big strong men such as myself,”
“Right, which is why I caught you and you immediately gave up,”
“I… you know, you haven’t introduced yourself to Tubbo-“
Ranboo smirked, knowing that he had won. “Hi Tubbo, I’m Ranboo,” he greeted, holding out a hand for the kid to shake.
Tubbo tilted his head at the hand being held up, and promptly chomped down with surprisingly sharp teeth.
“HOLY SH- SHOOT, OW?! DUDE!” Ranboo exclaimed, jerking his now bleeding hand back behind the counter.
“Tubbo, c’mon man, I thought we went over this..” Tommy sighed, glancing at the unhinged boy in question with exasperation. He shrugged in response, seeming to be guilty, but made no move to apologize or help Ranboo grab bandages.
Tommy scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “Soooo, uh, how’s about those slushies, Big R?”
Ranboo sighed. Maybe he should’ve just let Tommy shoplift.
After wrapping his hand up, he grabbed two cups and filled one with Tommy’s usual: half cherry, half coke. When he got to the second, he spun around. “Hey Tubbo, what flavor do you want?’’
Tubbo looked caught off guard at being addressed. “..Surprise me.”
Ranboo grinned. He grabbed the cup, and filled it with his personal favorite: alternating layers of strawberry and lemon-lime. Then he bent over the counter and grabbed the secret ingredient in any good slushie, the tiny umbrella. He gingerly placed it, then popped straws in both of the drinks.
When he slid them to the boys, Tommy squinted at Tubbo’s. “How come Tubbo gets an umbrella? You never gave me one..”
"You never asked!" Ranboo teased, but he still grabbed another and plopped it in the icy mixture, much to the blonde's delight.
They chatted about whatever came to mind, with Tubbo occasionally adding a few words. (He seemed especially interested in hacking and explosions. Concerning, but Ranboo wasn't about to question it.)
After about an hour of goofing off, Tommy and Tubbo decided to say their goodbyes. Ranboo threw their now empty cups into the trash behind him, and they stood up, tidying the area and fixing the barstools. Tommy was the first to speak.
"See you later, Boob Boy! I'd thank you for the slushies, but it's you who should be grateful that you've gotten to spend the evening in my presence,"
Ranboo rolled his eyes, glad that he could tell when Tommy was just being dramatic. He really was grateful under all the fanfare. Probably.
"Yeah yeah, sure. Now get out of here before I have to report a slushie theft. It was nice meeting you, Tubbo."
Tubbo smiled at him, a real smile that didn't make Ranboo scared he was about to be bitten again, and headed out the door with Tommy following behind.
As they left, Ranboo realized that he still had another hour of his shift, and he hadn't even started with the sweeping. Crap.
"Tubbo, seriously! You could have blown our whole cover!"
Tommy was practically running to keep up with the smaller boy. After an excessively boring bus ride and a mile long hike, they had finally entered the forest. Now, they could talk about things that actually mattered without being seen.
"C'mon bossman, it was funny. Plus, what's the Ranboo guy gonna do? If he's really like you said, then we'll be fine,"
"I know, but STILL! You can't just go around biting people. What if someone else had come in?"
"Alright, alright, I hear you. I'll be more careful next time. How much longer do you wanna keep up the act?"
Tommy let out a sigh. "Not much longer. I think this is it, I really do. Ranboo's a good person, he can help us,"
"If you're sure."
Tommy simply smiled, ever so slightly. He was sure. He hadn't been sure about a human in a very long time, not since.. him. Hopefully Ranboo would be better. No, he would definitely be better. Yeah. For sure.
He didn't have any longer to ponder, though, since they had arrived.
Tubbo glanced back at him. "You ready?"
With that, the two of them launched off the mossy ground and into the air, with shimmery wings sprouting from their backs. Finally. It was time to go home.
"I do have to admit, though, he makes a pretty good slushie. I liked the lemon lime."
it's not the best but like i tried and ill probably do more for it, im excited for when wilbur shows up
AWWWE I love it!!!!
Poor Ranboo has no idea what’s coming kekw-
Also the lil Failed affectionate nip I-
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pkg4mumtown · 4 years
Welcome to Hawkins PD (Ch. 1)
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AN: Finally got far enough along in writing to post the beginning. First Hopper fic so...yea...let me know what you think so far.
Warnings: smoking, cursing, y’know normal Hopper stuff, Female Reader
Summary: You’re a new officer being assigned to Hawkins without being warned of the attractive but grumpy Chief.
Title: The New Kid
Chapter 1 of ?
Chief Hopper slammed the door of his Blazer shut, squinting at brightness of the sun he had underestimated. He set his wide-brimmed hat firmly on his head and slid aviators on his face, all while never dropping the lit cigarette hanging from his lips. He strode over to a white-haired, stocky man who stood just inside the open gates of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. The older man gave Hopper a pointed look as he strode through the parking lot.
“C'mon, Hop, no squares on academy grounds,” the man sighed. He wore a tan uniform and wide brimmed drill instructor cover on his head, like the other instructors at the academy
Hopper grimaced around the cigarette, pulling it from his lips and flicking it off to the side, “I’ll pick it up when I leave, Cap.”
The white-haired man shook his head and laughed softly, leading Hopper inside the confines of the academy, “Haven’t been a Captain in years.”
“Bridge, you’ll always be ‘Captain’ to me,” Hopper slapped Bridge on the back. “What do they have you doin’ now?”
“Basic Training Commander,” Bridge winked and tipped his hat.
“Look at you,” Hopper chuckled and shoved Bridge’s shoulder.
They walked in silence for a minute before Hopper finally spoke up, “So, why’d you call me here? I’m betting it wasn’t just to catch up,” Hopper looked over at the shorter man, who sighed.
“Hop…” Bridge started, “…the director, deputy director, and myself have decided to attach another officer to your station.”
Hopper stopped walking all together, giving the man an incredulous glare, “Excuse me?”
“Look, after the lab and Byers fiasco, you’re lucky we're not adding ten times that. It was a shit show and the media were hounding us as to why Hawkins has only six officers, three of which never seem to leave the office,” Bridge stressed. “We had the Roane County Sheriff’s patrolling the town for you and your boys, just to keep the citizens at bay, while you were doing fuck knows what, Jim.”
“While I was fixing the problem,” Hopper growled. “You have no idea what was going on!”
“Why don’t you enlighten me?” Bridge challenged with raised eyebrows.
Hopper ignored him and kept walking with no direction, “And anyway, the lab is empty now.”
“The ratio is still six to thirty thousand people, man. Detroit's ratio is one to four hundred.”
“Detroit is also the ‘Murder Capital’, is it not?” Hopper huffed. “Why’d you call me here, then? You could have told me this over the phone, so I could at least throw something after I hung up on you!” he raised his voice slightly, itching to pull out another cigarette.
Bridge smirked and tilted his head up, indicating Jim to follow him. The sound of gunfire grew louder with every step, telling Hopper that they were heading to the range.
“Thought you might want to check out who we’re assigning to you,” Bridge said as they finally came to a stop.
Below them stood about twenty recruits in unmarked tan uniforms with black ties, which would change according to their departments after they graduated.
“That one,” Bridge pointed to the recruit on the far left, a moderately tall woman with her hair pulled back into a bun. With her strong shoulders and stern expression, she definitely looked like she could hold her own amongst the males in the class.
Hopper tilted his glasses down and scrunched his nose at the brightness, “The girl?”
“Jesus Christ, Hop,” Bridge sighed.
“It was a question!” Hopper retorted back, huffing at Bridge's insinuation.
Bridge rolled his eyes and nodded, “Yea, the female recruit.”
At that moment, one of the drill instructors shouted a nearly indistinct command. It was unintelligible to Hopper’s ears, yet all the recruits responded immediately by clutching their right hands to their chests. Hopper watched, intrigued, as they fired the last of their rounds single handedly. His gaze swept over all the recruits and their targets before focusing back on the female as she shoved the barrel of the revolver between her duty belt and her trousers. Hopper’s expression turned impressed as he peeked over his sunglasses while she flicked open a pouch, retrieved a speed loader, and reloaded before shooting again.
“When did you guys start grading one-armed reloads?” Hopper wondered.
“When we finally got speed loaders that weren’t shit,” Bridge chuckled and shrugged. “Better to make it mandatory so they don’t fumble later.”
Hopper stuck around for a while, to make his trip worthwhile. He watched from a shaded area with Bridge as they started a defensive tactics lesson, always keeping his eye on the girl. He eyed her and a male recruit curiously as they circled one another in a scrimmage. The male was aggressive and lunging in order for her to practice a specific maneuver, which she did fairly well after deflecting some of his hits. The ferocity in which she fought back made Hopper curse under his breath in admiration.
“So, what d'ya think, Hop?”
“Why her?”
Bridge groaned, “Hop…I thought you were better than this!”
“Better than what? I’m just asking why her specifically!” he raised his voice in irritation.
“Because she’s a woman?” Bridge retorted and raised an eyebrow at him.
“No, man, because she actually has skill. Like the Sheriff’s or Trooper material, not for some boring town like Hawkins. I’m just…” Hopper sighed, “I don’t know, it feels like a waste of resources plus she'd be bored off her ass.”
“We don’t decide their departments, Hop, she chose local police over Staties,” Bridge pursed his lips and chuckled to himself.
“Maybe she’ll kick your boys into gear. Lord knows, your station could use some energy.”
Hopper just rolled his eyes as the dig.
“Her station request, though, was anywhere but her hometown and we were already planning to add another officer to your station anyway,” Bridge revealed.
“Hmm,” Hopper grunted, “bad family relationship?
“Probably a question for her, not me.”
I shrugged on my heavy, oversized, black duffle bag and picked up my equally oversized briefcase before leaving my sleeping quarters for the last time. With my free hand, I pushed my aviators, a graduation gift from my best friend, up the bridge of my nose. Said friend had already departed the premises after the graduation since it was a bit of a drive back to our hometown.
The academy grounds were a sea of uniforms from local police to Sheriff’s deputies to Staties, with various shades of blue and tan. My uniform, however, was the only blue one with a “Hawkins Police Dept.” patch. I didn’t know whether to be disappointed or excited when I found out, since the town had a reputation of being quiet, save for the couple occurrences over the last two years.
I made my way back near the front of the Academy, pushing through the sea of people still lingering while they congratulated the new officers. I peered over people’s shoulders, looking for the exit and finally seeing the open gate. I spied the bus stop just beyond it and stepped into the parking lot, only to be stopped when I heard my name called.
I snapped my head to the left, seeing Commander Bridge leaning against a Blazer with another tall officer. He waved me over with his hand and said something to the officer. I glanced at the side of the Blazer, my eyes widening when I saw “Chief” in bold print followed by “Hawkins Police Dept.” Not an officer, then.
I stood straighter as I approached my new boss. His all tan uniform was almost form fitting his large frame, while a wide-brimmed hat adorned his head. As I approached, he took his sunglasses off and hung them on his shirt, revealing impossibly bright blue eyes. I let my eyes trail up his form, lingering on his lips pulling in as he took a drag from the cigarette in his mouth.
“Officer Y/L/N, this is your new boss,” Bridge motioned with a wave of his hand.
“Chief Hopper,” the man stuck his hand out. I couldn’t help but rake my eyes over the dark blonde beard adorning his cheeks and framing his lips.
I quickly dropped my briefcase to the ground and stuck my hand out as well, “Officer Y/L/N, sir.”
“Yea,” Hopper chuckled and pointed his thumb at Bridge, “he said that. You can tone it down. Relax, you graduated.”
“Sorry, sir,” I apologized for no reason and paused. “Why are you here?”
“Bridge told me you dormed. Figured you might need a ride into town,” Hopper shrugged.
“Oh, well, you didn’t have to do that. I can take the bus, sir,” I gulped. An hour drive with my new, very attractive, boss? No, thanks.
“Well, I’m already here,” Hopper grunted out a sigh and grabbed my briefcase off the floor.
“Sir, no, I can—” I tried to stop him.
“For the love of God, Y/L/N, take a load off,” Hopper responded, almost annoyed with my behavior. He circled around to the back of the Blazer, “Any family you still have to say ‘bye’ to?”
“No, they didn’t quite approve of my career choice,” I murmured.
Hopper simply grunted as he opened the back hatch of the Blazer and tossed the briefcase not-so-gently in the bed. I shrugged my bag off and did the same, nearly jumping when he slammed it shut.
I turned back to Commander Bridge, offering him a smile and shaking his hand, “Thank you for everything, sir.”
Bridge laughed lowly and shook his head, reciprocating the handshake before slapping my shoulder, “Good luck, kid.”
I nodded and jumped into the passenger side of the Blazer, seeing the two men exchange goodbyes like old pals in the passenger mirror. I shook my leg nervously as the Chief rounded the Blazer and jumped in with a heavy sigh.
An hour drive and I’d already managed to annoy the shit out of him before the trip even started. Great.
Chapter 2
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
Coffee with Cream
Chapter 1: Our Story Begins in a Diner
full masterlist
series masterlist
Pairings: Frank Castle x reader x Mad Sweeney 
Word count: 2,693
Warnings: sexism, mentions of alcohol, men being men.
Summary: Two men, one diner and little old you. Working at a diner had never been your dream job but, fate had a funny way of bringing two contrasted men into your life. 
a/n: hey guys! as you all know my obsession over frank castle and pablo schreiber had been exploding these past couple of months. and so, me and @nellblazer decided to write a good old threesome fic involving these two bulky men. hope you like it. enjoy! 
Morning shift:
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Another day, another chaos. The buzz of the diner was in full swing as you raced to another table filled with new patrons after the previous ones just got up and left, leaving a generous tip for you as you wiped the surface clean and picked up the dirty dishes.
It was a daily occurrence for you to deal with the bustle. Mornings are always the most hectic. You had to pace back and forth from one table to another, wrote down their orders and carefully carried their meals and beverages to the starved consumers.
Another ring above the door echoed in the clamorous room. You had grown so acclimatized to the sound, that you barely noticed it even chimed. It was basically the soundtrack of the early hours at the diner. So it didn’t interrupt your brief conversation with one of the patrons who had just ordered a black coffee with pancakes as you penned them down on your notepad.
It was around 10 AM, entering brunch hours when he walked in.
You turned around to give the order to the cook but was shortly hindered by a dark-haired man with perfectly neat stubble the lower part of his face. You weren’t paying attention to your surroundings due to the rush, so your body crashed with a taller dark figure that was walking in your direction.
“Oh, sorry, sir.” You were stunned. You couldn’t help but quickly notice the mysterious appeal of this man as his deep brown eyes looked into yours. For a second, it felt like the noise in the room suddenly faded into the background. You weren’t one in believing “love at first sight” but you definitely knew an attractive man when you saw one. And you were allured.
He quickly caught you by the shoulders and you loved the temporary moment that you had with him. His touch didn’t last long but you sure as hell wished it had.
“My mistake.” He shrugged it away like it was nothing. Then he walked away to the last booth in the corner and sat near the window. For a second there, you almost forgot what you were currently in the middle of, until you heard your name being called by one of the cooks.
“I’m coming.” You glanced at the lonesome man whom your fellow waitress co-worker was taking orders from once more before you quickly took another cooked order from the counter. You heard the indistinct murmur of the words ‘pancake’ and ‘a cup of espresso coffee’ being spoken by the man. Funny how despite his protruded emanation, he still made a common order.
But with him only a few feet away from where you were standing, things were just getting interesting.
An hour passed by and you were still pacing back and forth from pantry to one table to another. Until the commotion began to dwindle down, and you could just sit back behind the counter and wait for the remaining ones to get up and leave.
The blonde-haired man who had been indecorously eyeing you up and down after you first interacted with him to take his order earlier got up from table two and you were a tad relieved that he was finally about to leave. You just had to deal with him one more time and hopefully, you would never have to see his obnoxiously hideous face ever again.
Maybe you should consider spitting on a patron’s food next time, so they would have no interest in returning due to the bad service or unpleasant food ever again. Well, you’ll keep that in mind.
For now, you were trying to make yourself look as collected as possible despite attempting to hide your disgust on his predatory eyes. He neared toward where you were sitting, which was behind the cashier machine and you tried not to vomit right there.
“How much is it, hot stuff?” You couldn't mask your repugnance at his catcalling. But you neglected it, maintaining your professionalism.
“That’ll be $4.50, and don’t call me hot stuff.”
“Then give me your name, sweet cheeks.” He winked and crudely smirked at you as if he had just aced the last word. The truth was… It only made the idea of spilling a drink on his pants even more intriguing.
“Are you going to pay for your meal or not?” Then he scrambled through his pocket to unfold his wallet then he pulled out a few bucks and placed it on the counter in front of you. You took it without giving him a convivial look and a thank you, and immediately placed the money in the cashier machine.
“No smile for me? I give you some pretty generous tips there.”
“Go fuck yourself. Your tips’ pretty average anyway.” Then you turned your body against him but he abruptly stopped by harshly grabbing your wrist. You tried to release it out of his vicious grip, but this obnoxious man was much stronger than your liking.
“Let go of me!”
“You fucking rude bitch couldn’t even give me a smile, huh? I could get your ass fired out of here, you know that?”
“I said let go!”
What you didn’t notice was the inscrutable man who was sitting in the corner booth, had gotten up and approached the scene. He stood right next to the man that was harassing you, and he immediately put his hand on his shoulder. “Hey, pal, let the lady go, alright? She’s not interested.”
“Who the fuck are you? Mind your own fuckin’ business, pal.” Then he released your wrist and immediately pushed the enigmatic man by the shoulders and it elicited a fire out of him. He didn’t look the slightest bit frenzied but he looked rather enlivened by the son of a bitch’s ineptitude and he was primed for whatever was going to go down. He then pushed the schmuck back, catching him off guard.
“You’re gonna regret that.” He sneered through his wounded ego. The mysterious man only kept his cold-hard stare at him and stood unwaveringly. The obnoxious man then threw a punch at him but he effortlessly dodged it like he saw it coming, then he miserably tried to throw a punch at him once more, but was caught and stopped effortlessly with only a single clench of his hand, then the mysterious man incased his fist and twisted it to the point where the schmuck gave away his pain through his face.
“Who regrets it, now?” The mysterious man gritted as his nostrils flared. The obnoxious man was shorter than him but somehow, he seemed into shrank down before this man.
“Not so tough now huh? You gonna say something? Hmm?”
“No, please, please! I’ll fucking leave, just let me go!” He begged through his visible terror.
He let him go with a slight push and the obnoxious man instantly fled and ran for his life. He exited through the door and didn’t look back.
After the mysterious man made sure that the little coward was out of sight, he shifted his gaze to your direction and his energy immediately improved. It turned into a warmer, more civil look. In fact… He seemed a little nervous. He was so certain of himself when he tamed down that bastard, but now he looked like a shy man who was nervous to talk to a pretty lady.
“You uh… You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Thank you.” You threw him a tiddly smile to truly show your gratitude. But you were also a tad amused by the rapid transformation in him.
“No problem. So uh… Do you deal with those kinda assholes often?”
“On some unfortunate days, yeah. There are two types of assholes though. One who miserly tips and the other who’s like the one you just terrorized to death.”
“Yeah, it can get pretty unpredictable working here, huh?”
“You got that right.” You sighed as you placed your hand on the counter to lean on it.
“So, do I get to know the name of my knight in shining armour?”
He shook his head and chuckled and if your vision wasn’t playing tricks on you, you think he was even slightly blushing.
“The name’s Frank. Frank Castle.”
“Well, Frank, Frank Castle… My name’s y/n. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You shook hands whilst still maintaining unfaltering eye contact with the man. You chatted for a while before he paid for his meal and said his goodbye. You couldn’t remember seeing a smile on his dashing face before that. But you were glad that you did before he was out of sight.
“I’ll see you around.” Those four words loomed in your head throughout the entire day, making you smile like a starstruck idiot. You took the bus to ride back home and you put on your favourite happy song. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this giddy. You didn’t have a clue as to when you were going to see this man again but, you sure as hell were going to meet him in your daydream.
Evening shift:
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After being kicked out of every local bar, Sweeney's drinking options were becoming thin.
Sure he could just buy whiskey from the grocery store and drink it from the bottle but that was verging on being the drunk under the bridge territory and he'd had enough of that for one lifetime. He certainly didn't miss the thumping hangovers or the aches of sleeping on the cold ground. He definitely didn't miss the gobshite kids who kicked him whilst he was asleep for fun or who stole the last of his alcohol.
For having a lucky coin, he sure did run into a lot of problems and they'd all started when he'd left Illinios in disgrace. Brooklyn hadn't been much more welcoming but at least he could make fun of the “Irish” bars that seemed to dot about the place....maybe he shouldn't have made as much fun as he did because he was thirsty and it was a need only booze would fill.
He stumbled upon a diner, unassuming and hidden and with that faded flaking majesty of an era long gone by, an era Sweeney missed fondly because you could get a slice of pie and a hard drink for little cash and every now and then he'd catch a glimpse of some lady's stocking top as a gust of wind hit.
He pulled his denim jacket around him, wishing it was still socially acceptable to have cloaks before pushing the door open where an old fashioned bell above tinkled. He could tell this place was a relic but he already loved it for that.
He walked to the red stools next to the counter and relished the warmth of the place and the wafting smell of coffee that lingered and mixed with the scent of pastry.
Sweeney wasn't expecting you to pop up from behind the counter as suddenly as you did and he clutched his chest as he flinched.
“Fuckin' hell!” he exclaims.
“Sorry!” you look mortified to have made him jump. “People keep dropping things over here.”
He wished he could say he was a gentleman and looked at your face first but....he didn't. His eyes travelled up the waitress uniform, following the line of your body until he finally lingered on the sweet face that was shyly tucking a stray hair behind the ear.
“Not to worry, little lasslin'. Woke me up. Got any whiskey for a weary man?”
“I sure do but not the expensive stuff.”
“I'm not particular,” he tries for a charming smile, hoping it lands.
“One whiskey coming up,” you smile back, although he's sure it's your default customer smile.
Nice all the same.
It had been a long time since a bonnie girl had smiled at him.
You brought the whiskey over as he was playing with his coin and your eyes immediately darted to it. Sweeney could see the flare of interest there.
“That's unusual,” you nod at it. “Seems old. Family heirloom?”
“You could say that,” he chuckles, holding it out for you to take.
He watches you study it, feeling an almost sense of pride that for once someone was interested in something that was essentially him and not what he could do for them. When your fingers trace the lines of the sun, he's mesmerised by the care you're taking with it.
“It's really pretty,” you hand it back.
He leans forward and you lean in too, “Not as pretty as you, mind.”
You took it in the spirit it was meant and didn't give him a slap so that was encouraging at least. He twirls the coin between his fingers before presenting it again.
“They say this is the very treasure of the sun. It bestows luck to whoever holds it n' the sun's good grace.”
“I could do with some of that right now,” you laugh.
“Got some problems?”
“There was an incident this morning with a customer,” you sigh, smoothing down the apron but you didn't elaborate. “Happens.”
“Well I tell ya what. I like this place already and so long as I'm around, no fucker is gonna spoil yer day. How about that?”
“What's your name?” you ask.
“Nice to meet you Sweeney. Can I get anything else for you?”
“What's the best pie ya got?”
“Apple is always the favourite but between you and me, the Mississippi Mud Pie is better,” you whisper conspiratorially. “But don't tell my boss I said that.”
“Not a word,” he zips over his mouth before draining his glass. “One a' that then, lasslin' n' another whiskey.”
Sweeney can't help but watch you as you work, setting the glass down in front of him before serving him up a slice and he notes you look around to check as if you're doing something you shouldn't before putting both cream and ice cream on the side. You pass it along to him with a finger over your lips.
“You're only supposed to get one technically,” you wink.
“Yer very good to me, sweetheart,” Sweeney smiles broadly. “This is already my favourite diner I've ever been too n' don't worry, I'll keep my promise. Nobody will insult ya, hurt ya or upset ya whilst I'm here.”
“I'd best serve some other customers. Don't want them to think I'm playing favourites,” you give him a tiny wave before scooting off to refill coffee.
You were right, the pie was fantastic and he almost cried to discover the ice cream appeared to be the homemade variety. It had been so long so he'd had any type of cream that wasn't artificial. He was so sick of being summoned to his worshipper's homes and given dime store whip that tasted like the back end of a plastic conveyor belt.
He put down his money, giving a large tip and sliding it near to where you were making cocoa for someone. He ended up doing a coin trick out of habit which you watched with raptured interest before taking the cash.
“Thanks,” you smile brightly at him. “I'm heading off after this, split shift wears a girl out but if you ever come back, you have to teach me how to do that.”
“I'll teach ya anything ya want for good conversation and more pie,” he laughs.
“Deal. See you around Sweeney,” you head into the back room to change before a surly looking older man comes out to replace you.
This man wasn't nearly as interesting as you were and Sweeney's attention went back to drinking. Funnily enough, he'd forgotten all about that burning thirst to get obliterated when talking to you. There was something so easygoing, so comfortable about you that it felt like he'd lifted his head above the fog of his alcoholism for the first time in years.
Oh he'd definitely be back alright. He wouldn't fuck things up this time. He really liked it here.
And as he watched you in your normal clothes stride out into the darkening night, he thought maybe ending up here was lucky after all.
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nachohypno · 4 years
Pine’s College Jocks 2 Ch. 11 - The Re-Opening
It was the great day already. And by that, I mean Saturday, because Mark has to work as the high school coach during normal week days so I thought about having every coach in place during the first day, then work around that for the next days.
My head wasn’t hurting. I was looking great (Mildly great, at least), and truth be told, I was excited!
…Not for the part that Mike would force me to work out with him again due to the sports club being open again. More like for the part that I managed to successfully reprogram four coaches (Even added a personality to one of them and rebuilt the personality of another one!)
“What’s in the box, bro?” Speaking of which, Mike was helping me with the last little details before I could finally open the club. Nothing serious, just checking all the machines had been taken care of and… to deliver this little package.
“It’s a surprise, no peeking!” I told him, as I noticed him trying to open one of the tops of the box. He lifted his hands, leaving the box on his lap before looking at me.
“I’m still sort of surprised you managed to do this. How did you go with the financial problems the club had? Just mind controlled your way through it or what?” Another nice thing about Mikey, he’s always excited to hear about my plans.
Let it be enslaving the local football team or that time I made an asshole stop laughing loudly at the cinema. As you do.
“It was pretty easy. Sort of. The owner just gave up and decided to fire almost all of his employees, except like two or three. It was going to be impossible to make that work with just two trainers and a janitor, so he was going to fully close the establishment and sell the whole place”
Mike looked confused, so I resumed my explanation. “I made the owner fire those two trainers, because they apparently got better deals at another place. And the boss was a dick before so they weren’t hesitating to leave, so I didn’t bother in turning them into slaves. Don’t worry, I did worry about them getting those new jobs” I reassured him.
I knew how hard it is to find a job nowadays, couldn’t leave those trainers jobless because of my doings!
“So, I made the owner keep contact with those two until their positions were secured in their new jobs” I finished, before catching my breath. “And yeah, the owner is under too”
“Amazing, bro. Guess I have to thank you now? The on-campus gym is alright but… yeah, this is one’s always been better” He said, with a big smile “People don’t de-rack their plates after they’re done with their exercises, you know how time consuming it is to de-rack and place the plates back in their place, before being able to place the weight plates you need? It sucks, bro!”
I really wondered if that was really why he didn’t like working out at the college gym. Mikey always seems to worry about dumb stuff, or maybe it was pretty annoying for him who loved to work out almost daily.
“Alright, you know what? I’ll make sure to add ‘de-rack your weights after your done’ if I ever have to do a rule list. How do you feel about that?” I told the big guy.
He gave me one of his trademarked Mike’s smiles, then leaned in to smooch my cheek.
“You’re the best, bro” My boyfriend said, before pulling me closer to lay my head on his… arm. Because his shoulder was too high for me to lay on.
“Hmm… Yeah, don’t mention it” I mumbled. I was sort of tempted to do… something to him. Like our mind link to control him for a bit. We haven’t had sex for a few days so… Yeah, my horniness was catching up to me.
Mikey was still going to parties from time to time, so I’m pretty sure that, even if he was horny all the time, he had banged a chick or two already.
“This one’s our stop, c’mon” I told him getting up. He nodded, grabbed the box from his legs and stood up. We walked out of the bus quickly, and he gave me a gentle bump with his elbow as we walked towards the sports club.
I was pretty much lost in my thoughts, thinking about possible stuff I could arrange now that I was the manager.
Funny enough, I study to be a psychologist and in the meantime, I work as the coach’s assistant (Although I do the coach’s job) and now I’m the manager of a sports establishment. I’m heavily considering changing my career to something around sports.
Not to play, of course. But the management of a team and now a sports establishment does ring a bell inside of me.
“Excited, babe? I won’t lie, I really am” He said, looking around at the buildings. Barrinfield city was a pretty chilled place. Not as chilled as our hometown but still chilled enough so the walking around streets filled with people don’t trigger my social anxiety.
“Pretty much, yeah. This is a bit bigger than a football team, and way more public so… The idea does scare me a bit, honestly” I replied.
“I’m really sure you’ll do great, bro. And hey, I get to be with you for the whole day. Been a while since I stepped into the club!” I liked that about him. When he wasn’t trying to prank around, he liked to be optimistic about everything.
With me, at least. Because even though he’s golden boy Mikey, his jock side gets the best of him from time to time, wanting to prove he’s the best, while still having an amazing time.
Let it be that he knows I… “own” his mind, or just because I’m his best friend/boyfriend (We’ve known each other since we were children, so our friendship is more like brotherhood, as he would call it), but I’ve always received a special treatment from the cheesy big guy.
“C’mon, it’s time to start with the show” I told him, as we stopped in front of the club’s front door. He nodded, and held on to the box with excitement.
We entered the club, and the four coaches were already in there waiting for us.
I wanted to laugh at the scene. Coach Peter and Mark were hanging out together at one point of the lobby while the other two coaches just played with their phones. It made some sense, besides the first two coaches, they didn’t really know each other.
They’re workmates now, though. So they better start getting some bonding time while at the rec room. I can help with that, but later.
Mike left the box on top of the reception counter and wrapped an arm around me. He leaned in to place a quick kiss on my lips before whispering a “Go get ‘em, Piney”
I blushed, and went over to the box. The coaches just noticed us standing there and gave me a warm smile, like they couldn’t wait to hear what I had to say.
“Alright…” I started, thinking about what did I need to do exactly. We had just a little time before the club would be officially open to the public, at 5 pm. “Everyone, drop your shirts”
A pretty uncomfortable mix of “Yes, master!” and “Yes, boss!” came from the five guys in the room. I also noticed Mike decided to be funny and get shirtless too, but I could live with that.
“And now, come closer” I said, before walking around the counter and opening the box. A lot of different sized fitted tees were inside. Light blue, with the sports club’s logo on the middle, and blank name tags at the bottom of the box for them to wear. “Take one and put it on, the first work shift after reopening starts in a while”
“Yes—” They started, but I interrupted them before they could finish.
“Oh, and here I’m your boss, not your master. It’s the same thing but with a different title, got it?” I corrected.
“Yes, boss!” They said, before grabbing one tee from the box and starting to get dressed on their respective sizes. I focused on getting M and L shirts for now. The first two coaches (Mark and Peter) were built like bodybuilders, but Geoff and Chris were a bit smaller. Probably due to Geoff injury that made it harder to work out and Chris focusing mostly in swimming.
“Still sort of surprised that you’re still in touch with my old coach, bro” Mike leaned towards my ear to whisper, before letting a nervous chuckle.
“Think of it as karma or something, but yeah. It’s like being back at high school every time I see him” I shrugged, trying to not give it much importance.
“Yeah, it’s weird looking at him without feeling like he’s going to call me ‘shitty quarterback’ every time I do a wrong move…” He seemed to get lost in his thoughts after he said that, and then made a weird plead. “Can I get a little vengeance? Pretty please?”
“Mike… You know I don’t like using my powers for that—”
“It’s okay! I would never ask you to do something awful but… maybe… y’know… Just this once? Because he’s coach Mark?” The jock got his hands together, as the four hunks around us ignored our chatter in favor of putting on their new uniform shirts.
I sighed. “Nothing serious, right?”
“Just a little prank, nothing else. I promise!” He said, holding out his middle and index finger together like some kind of big buffed scout kid.
After that, I extended my hand towards Mark, motioning Mike to proceed. Meanwhile, I sent him a “Pay attention to what your old student wants to say, and take it like they are my words” through the mind link, and played dumb.
I trusted Mike, I really do. He was too good to do something bad to someone else in retaliation. The only time I know he ‘gave in’ to his impulse and decided to beat someone up, was when his friend Neil was being bullied a lot by a few assholes.
“Neat, bro!” Mike said, before walking up to his old coach, who was staring at him with a dumb smile. I sort of forgot how big Mark was in comparison to Mike. But everyone is big for me if I’m ten centimeters shorter than them.
“Hey coach,” he started, the prankster grin on his face gave away that he couldn’t wait to get on with it. If he went too far, I can take out his privilege and undo the changes on Mark. A mind is not something to toy around, I like to think. “I want you to always look up to my bro over there, doing your best at every moment”
Huh, that wasn’t so bad. “But, you also have a little fear that your superior will call you out on your shit, which will make you even eager to try and improve. Got that, right?”
…Alright. I would have preferred to not be involved but it was actually a nice little revenge.
Normal Mark would have grabbed Mike by the hair and punched the shit out of him. I could feel it in his mind for a few moments, but then those defiant thoughts disappeared in favor of a “Yes, boss!”
My best friend patted his back and went back to my side. “How was I? Tried to do something simple that wouldn’t affect his performance by much. I don’t know if I went too far, but feel free to undo it if I did” He said, rubbing the back of his head.
“It’s okay, let me just check on them before the time of opening. I dunno how many people is going to come so better be ready…” I don’t think it’ll be much. How many peps can be interested in working out in a just-reopened place?
Mike nodded and walked towards the counter. “Do your thing. I’ll wait here for ya, bro”
I didn’t want to sound dismissive or anything, but getting to finish this was sort of getting me impatient.
My best friend walked into the gym and disappeared from my view as I looked at the four coaches in front of me, who just stood there all this time after putting on their new uniform tees.
I grabbed four name tags from the box and wrote their names on it. “You know the rules, right? All the previous weeks have been leading up to this…”
“Yes, boss! We’re coaches here as a part time job, boss!” Geoff said. I liked this guy, he was pretty energetic even if he seemed more nervous and cautious than the other three.
I placed the name tag pin through Geoff’s tee, carefully to avoid hurting him. “Good answer there” And even then, Geoffrey was the one I liked the most for how he treated his players back at the college. He’s the one I’d put in charge if I had to do it.
I wrote down Chris’ name in his tag and pinned it on his shirt too at the top right of the club’s logo. I took a moment to admire how does he look, but figured he wouldn’t wear his tag (Nor his tee) for long due to having to work at the pool.
“Hmm… It’ll have to do before the eye candy starts, I guess” I mumbled, as he looked at me with a proud grin. I had some doubts about his rebuilt personality for the last few weeks but he seemed to be pretty functional so far, not presenting any issues or anything like that.
And now… the pair. I wrote the names “Peter” and “Mark” each on one nametag, then turned towards them.
They were… nice now. Towards me, at least. I did a lot of changes on Peter’s mind ever since I took control of him, and he was now a decent human being. Mark… during my high school year, I was too focused in sex to care. But I’m sure that making him treat his students with respect was a good change for him, even after the… the incident, yeah.
A lot of ‘revenge’ ideas crossed my mind even to this day, like forcing him to marry another man in despite of his previous actions like having his players bully a gay guy. It crossed my mind from time to time, but I’d preferred to be even better than him and not give in.
Having him as a slave sounded like a much more pleasuring way of payback, not in a dark or mean way. Just my way.
I pinned the nametag on Mark’s shirt, near his left pec. You could tell that these two are also the ones I find the hottest of the four coaches, solely because of their built bodies. And they’re also best friends, which makes my imagination fly when it comes in ways I could “use them”.
I turned to Peter. The one I used the most lately, and that was because he’s the closest one I have (I ‘stole’ his position as the head coach of the football team, but let him conserve all the pros of being the head coach. I just wanted to help the team, and he would still get paid for it).
Brody was a really sweet guy that I’d love to explore more, besides his good sex skills that I’m convinced they come with every jock. But this is a public space, if someone recognized the age-regressed coach as Peter, it could cause some kind of identity conflict or something.
I decided to play it safe, and let the big, older coach hunk take control during his new part time job. Pinning his nametag on his tee, I gave him a little smack on his butt and he chuckled. “What was that for, boss?”
I shrugged “Just good luck? I don’t know. Felt like it was a good thing to do” Not really like I have to give him explanations. “Okay, coaches!”
They went back to a line in front of me. “The club is about to re-open, I want you to play your parts the best you can and… follow the old rules the club had. I’ll give them an overhaul sometime, but for now, memorize them and put them to practice”
I pointed to a poster on the lobby that showed a hunk doing some bicep curls, with the list of rules next to him.
The four coaches threw out a “Yes, boss!” before walking over to the poster and staring at it intently.
“And at 5 pm, the job will start, better be ready!” I told them, before looking at my phone. ‘16:58, geez. Better be ready myself’ I said, as I walked upstairs and into my new office.
I entered the manager’s office, a little smile creeping through my face. “I guess Karens will call for me now, right?” I told myself, as I closed the door behind me.
I will be honest, I felt like a kid at a candy store. There was the long couch where I tranced Peter and changed him into Brody, the desk at the end of the room where I ‘made a deal’ with the owner of this place to save it.
And it was all mine now. Temporarily, at least. Until I found a replacement for being the manager, because I already have a lot of responsibilities. Or, I could just manage this place from my apartment.
…Yeah, I should start being more carefully with all the activities I decide to lead. Not because I can’t handle them, but because it will end up being more than I can take during my usual routine.
I jumped on the chair of the owner. Comfy, like a gaming chair. This was a great plan, with everything seemingly working correctly. I turned on the computer in front of me, to check out what can I do here.
It was an old computer, so it took a good few minutes to load. After that, and me wondering if it got frozen during the SO logo, the thing finally started.
There was a camera control, for security apparently. Oh, a music loader! Hmm… I don’t think these guys will appreciate videogame soundtracks for working out. I may have to ask Mike about it.
After like half an hour just exploring the old computer, I started spinning on my chair.
Everything was working correctly so far. I could see coach Mark spotting for a skinny guy at the bench press. Chris waiting at the pool area for newcomers to be ready at the locker room (The only camera in that area was pointing to a safe spot, where no one’s nudity would be recorded).
Geoffrey was at the reception for now. I doubted his services would be needed the first day so that would be a good placeholder position for him. For the first few days, at least.
Meanwhile, coach Peter was nearby coach Mark, but helping out a pair of girls while explaining how to properly do high bar squats. And I won’t lie, I spent a few minutes admiring his ass as he did so. This camera system must be one of my favorite perks of the job.
Another half an hour, and a knock on my new office’s door (It feels so great to say that) and a blushed face appeared creeping in. “Anyone at home?” Mikey said.
I stopped spinning and just faced him, slowly. Like those villains of cheap tv movies with a cat on their lap. “I was waiting for you” I said, faking a deep voice.
He chuckled “Why’re you missin’ all the fun? We could do a quick work out like a few months ago!” The jock threw a few punches in the air, like he was going against a punching bag. I noticed he had already a few soaked spots under his arm pits, yuck.
But, I was thankful for the design choice I went for the uniform shirt that I’m still not sure why he’s wearing. I’m also thankful for not going against it though, so I could now admire his toned muscles against the fitted shirt. That was my intention when I asked for them to be fitted, to have all the coaches show off their impressive physique.
I do find myself inspired when I watch other guys’ great physiques on social media, making me want to work out more but… yeah, my lazy ass wins over that motivation every time.
“I prefer just… staying around here?” Don’t get me wrong, I was indeed proud of what I had achieved and would love to go down there but watching all the people excited because the thing just reopened triggers my anxiety. I hate crowded places, and this office seemed to be the perfect place for me to stay and be safe from human contact.
Mike learned to stop fighting with it after some months of living together. He would only ask me to go to parties, and I would follow him if I felt social at the moment. “Mind if I join you, then?” He said, closing the door behind him and walking over to my desk. “Would be a shame if such a handsome guy spends his time alone”
“I mean, you just finished a workout, right?” I asked, trying to focus on the compliment he just gave me but the thought of his body pretty pumped got my attention.
He nodded, quite proudly. “Hell yeah, bro! Kinda missed using the equipment they’ve got here”
And then, I flipped the switch. Not the mindless Mikey one, but the dumb even-more-jockish Mike. You could say that he’s mindless too, yeah.
The jock’s expression turned into a relaxed gaze with a dumb grin. He leaned back and looked at me. “Yo, bruh. Huhuhuh”
I got up from the chair and walked around the desk towards him. “Hey there, big guy” I whispered, grabbing his hand as I guided him along towards the couch on the middle of the room.
“Big guy… I like the sound of that, bruh” He replied as I let go of his hand, heading towards the door and locking it from the inside. That’s some nice touch into having privacy. I wonder if the old owner used the couch here to… I may ask later.
I walked back towards where Mike was standing, and sat on the couch. “So… how was your workout, big guy?”
He beamed up, apparently pretty excited to talk about it. “It was awesome, bruh… Did upper body today, so I’m still pretty pumped, huhuhuh”
“Really?” I said, reaching out to feel his abs through the fitted fabric of the shirt. “Wouldn’t mind seeing them a bit closer. What do you think, big guy?”
“Hell yeah, bruh!” Mike shouted with a lot of energy, lust being noticeable in his eyes but he was probably holding back for while he waited for my orders.
He took off his shirt. And I’m not going to lie, the sweat glistening on his skin made him way hotter than he already was. I’m still pretty surprised I’ve got to date not only my childhood best friend but also the hunk he turned out to be after puberty.
Mike turned around and flexed his arms, his back on full display. I reached out and placed my hand on it, loving the feeling of all the muscles being flexed under my touch. “Ya like it, bruh?” Mikey asked, his voice in a deeper tone than usually. He really was trying to get into the dumb jock part.
“Hmm… I definitely do…” I answered, focused on feeling up Mikey’s built back.
He turned around, then leaned in for a good make out session. This guy’s ability for foreplay is one of my favorite ones. He grabbed me and pulled me closer so I would be against his topless and sweaty body. The musk wasn’t my favorite thing in the world but, eh, I could do with it.
Mike was the one leading the whole thing by this point, breaking the kiss and pushing me away so I’d fall on the sofa. “Clothes off, bruh” He ordered, as he started taking off his sweatpants.
I nodded, and tried to take off my clothes as soon as I could to match his speed. My body wasn’t even half as athletic as his, but I was still alright. Now that I have to spend more time here, maybe I could grow a bit more of muscle? It would be funny if even I ended up turning into a jock after all this time around them.
The quarterback in front of me waited for me to be done with my clothes as he stroked his cock slowly, tongue out and upwards like he was really focused on it.
“So, who’s topping, bruh?” He asked, without stopping his stroking. It was a nice detail for him to ask, even in this dumbed down state. Maybe it was because now he was more… dependent on my input, due to the dumb jock mode?
“Hmm… don’t know yet, but you can get a head-start just in case and…” ‘Get on your knees and suck me off’ I finished via the mind link. He didn’t hesitate, eyes now glazed over. After getting on his knees in front of me, I stopped stroking my cock as he placed his arms beside me and leaned in to give me a blowjob.
Mike’s head bobbed up and down, taking inch by inch with ease as I leaned back on the couch, arms behind my head. “Now, this is a nice reward…” I moaned.
“It sure is, bruh!” Mike got to say, before going back to sucking my cock. He paid special attention to the head with his tongue, and I almost wanted to grab his head and push it down to deep throat, but that could be later.
For now, I would just taste the win after another successful plan is done, or two plans? Helping Leo with Alan’s mind wasn’t originally in my plans but I’m hoping they can be friends again sometime in the future.
‘Hopefully, I can pay the older mind controller a visit before he returns to Europe’ I thought, as I felt Mike getting off my cock and placing little kisses on my torso, all the way up towards my mouth. ‘Hopefully…’
“I love ya, bruh…” The jock on top of me said, as he positioned himself on top of my cock while giving me little kisses.
“Oof…” I groaned as he lowered himself on my cock, taking it all on his ass. He was lacking the lube, and I was about to stop it from happening because it would hurt for him. Then, I thought that he maybe couldn’t wait for it or something? “…I love you too, big guy”
He started going up and down on my cock, with a nice grin on his face.
…Curiously, I think this is going to be a good use for my new office. Works pretty good as a private place, right?
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angelily95 · 4 years
On The Day We Fall In Love : Queen Of The Night (Pt.1)
Bang Yongguk x Reader
Romance, slight angst, boyfriend!au
Mention of mental illness in the upcoming parts
Basically a long series of short stories that inspired by different songs.
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Tapping your red painted nails on the table, you occasionally tap your phone to see if there's any text from him and to check the time. You would only wait for him for another five minutes, you had been waiting at the cafe for almost thirty-minutes.
Sipping on the mixed berries smoothie, your mind started to drift away from the cafe. You were wondering about the man you had been waiting for. No, he was not your boyfriend and you wouldn't really call him a friend. He's just a guy from marketing class who happened to be paired with you for an assignment because you were absent when the professor asked the students to form a pair. Same goes for him. That was the reason you were meeting him that day.
Your body jumped slightly when a screeching sound greeted your ears. Someone just pulled the chair in front of you and took a seat in a rush, placing a backpack on top of the table. You heard he gasped for air as he offered you an apologetic smile. His hair was tousled, his wavy bang stuck to his sweaty forehead.
"I am so sorry." He verbally apologized to you this time, pulling out his laptop from the black bag.
"Yongguk!" You let out a comforting laugh. "Calm down. Why are you acting like you're being chased by a ghost?"
He mirrored your smile and you prefered it better than his previous awkward smile. He had pretty lips, you personally loved the curls at the corner. "I thought you were mad at me." There was a hint of relief in his voice.
You crossed your arms and said, "I am mad at you."
"I am sorry…"
"This is my first and last warning, okay?" You playfully squint your eyes at him, trying to intimidate him but you could imagine how ridiculous you looked. He nodded, offering that beautiful smile that made your heart skip a beat again.
"Wanna have a cold drink? Your face is red. It must be hot outside." Your eyes scanned his face and the way his hair still stuck to his forehead bothered you. You rummaged through your tote bag and held out a red handkerchief to him, pointing at his temple.
He stared at your face for a moment, digesting your action and you swore you caught his eyes darted to your red lips before he looked at the handkerchief and received it.
He pushed his hair back, making it even messier and dabbed the handkerchief on his forehead. A gasp left your lips when you saw his slender fingers. They were bruised.
"Yongguk, what happened?" You asked, very concerned. Did he get into a fight?
"Huh?" Then, he realized the cause of your concern and hid his hands under the table. "Nothing. I'll go and order my drink." He left the table and headed for the counter. It was obvious he was avoiding your question. You had no rights to push him to tell you but it fell wrong to let him with his bruised hand like that. You called for a staff that was passing by and asked for a first-aid box. Yongguk came back with a cup of iced americano, brow lifted when he saw the box.
"You didn't have to."
"I wanted to help." You insisted. "Give me your hand." You started treating his wound, too focused that you didn't realize Yongguk was gazing at you like he would to the stars on the night sky.
It was the longest time you'd ever held hands with a man that wasn't your boyfriend.
A 3 days 2 nights class trip.
You were catching up with your group of girlfriends, waiting for the bus driver to open the door of the vehicle. They were talking about the clothes they brought. You had been trying hard not to but your eyes wandered around the crowd, hoping to see him. It was a dumb thing to do, though. He had replied to your text a few days ago saying he was not a fan of socializing with a lot of people so he would pass this one. Still, you wished he came.
You watched as two men were laughing about something on their phone and when they moved from their spot, it revealed a man who was sitting on top of his luggage, carrying a backpack. Your face immediately lit up, walking toward him who was scrolling his phone. He didn't notice your presence until you poked his arm. He lifted his eyes from the screen and met yours. You caught the flickers in his eyes when he saw your wide smile.
"Hi." He greeted you.
"You're here." You stated dreamily, confirming it to yourself. You were so disappointed a few minutes ago but it was all forgotten.
"I'm here."
"You're here." You repeated like a broken lovesick doll. His melodious chuckle rang in your ear, making your chest swell with something you could not put a name on it. Something crossed your mind, "Wanna sit together?"
"Err…" He hesitated to answer and you couldn't help but be crestfallen.
"It's okay. I was asking just in case you didn't have a seat partne—"
"What about your friends?" was his question.
"Hmm…" You took a few seconds to make a sentence in your mind. "We're a group of five so one will be left out."
"Let's sit together." He reached out to lightly nudge your arm, for no obvious reason.
You smiled, "Let's sit together."
That night, you slipped away from your group of friends again to talk to Yongguk. They didn't question why you sat with Yongguk in the bus, knowing you were acquainted with him. Apart from talking to you, Yongguk didn't talk much with anyone else. He joined it when a group of men gathered but he only observed and listened. That's why you felt obligated to talk to him, after all you were the one who convinced him to come.
You were walking toward him when a stranger approached you, selling you a bouquet of flowers. You didn't need those pretty flowers yet you found yourself taking out money from your tote bag and purchased the bouquet. Yongguk would like it, right?
The whole group of the trip were allowed to sightsee on the street, to admire the architecture of the unique buildings there. Yongguk was alone, sitting on a wooden bench near a tall dim lamp pole, slurping a cup of instant noodles he got from the nearest convenience store.
A pair of eyes lit up when he saw you but his mouth was full so he hummed and tipped his head to acknowledge your presence. You took a place next to him and held out the flowers to him.
"For you." You shyly looked at his bewildered face, almost wanting to hide your face in your hands but you kept your cool.
"For me?" His muffled voice inquired as he  was covering his full mouth with a hand. His cheeks flushed when he received them from you, eyes marvelled at the pretty colours.
"Oh, sorry." He felt bad for eating alone so he offered the cup to you. You were still full from the meal you had before but something about sharing food with Yongguk excited you so you accepted his offer. Your fingers brushed against his when you took the chopsticks from him, smiling to yourself. You lowered your head to slurp on the hot noodles, forgot to put your long black hair to the back first so a strand of hair entered your mouth along with the noodles but only Yongguk noticed it. So with one hand holding the flowers bouquet, another hand gathered your silky hair and held it back while you kept slurping. His action was so intimate to you, you felt your face getting warm. Or was it the noodles?
You returned the cup back to him and helped him hold the flowers so he could finish his noodles.
Indirect kiss. Silly, girly part of your mind whispered to your heart when he put the chopsticks you just used to his lips. He drank the soup before proudly showing the empty cup to you and tossed it into the trash bin nearby.
"Let's have a walk." He took the bouquet from your hand, only after he quickly caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. And you… your head was high in the cloud, dreamily followed him while staring at his side profile as he was sniffing the flowers. He was such a view, the yellowish dim light that illuminated the street made him look ten times intriguing that he usually were. You wished you could save this view in your mind and look at it on the nights you spend thinking about him. You took out your phone, contemplating whether to ask for his permission first or not.
"Why did you get me this?" He walked closer to you, arms brushing so that you could hear his voice clearly. There were a lot of times you told him you couldn't understand what he said because he mumbled his words, especially when there were others around.
"They are pretty..."
"Hmm?" One of his brow lifted, not understanding how that could be the reason. However, his lips bloomed into a smile.
"...and remind me of your smile." At this point, you were sure you were making your feelings too obvious. Seeing how flustered you were and the way you started to look anywhere but his face, he didn't want to tease you.
"Thank you." He gratefully said. "Can you take a photo of me? This is my first time receiving flowers. I want to keep the photo as a memory."
"Sure." Of course you could take more than a photo, you already intended to do so before he asked. You took multiple shots of him asking him to move around until you got the best shot.
"Done." You announced, looking at the photos to review them. Yongguk quickly held your arm and pulled you to the side as there were a group of people who wanted to pass by the alley. You looked up in surprise at him before shifting your gaze back to your phone, knowing he had kept you safe. 
You leaned your arm on the wall as Yongguk came closer and leaned down to look at the shots you took as you were shorter than him.
"Wow, they came out well."
Your eyes widened at how close he sounded, sending shivers down your spine. You were too afraid to move, as his deep voice rang exactly next to your ear, like his lips were somewhere near your earlobe. You leaned closer to the wall to create more space but there was no use as he was too close. You were not afraid of him taking advantage of you, you were afraid the proximity confirmed your feelings for him.
His slender forefinger was swiping on the screen on your phone while he kept talking about the photos as you were staring at his jaw, eventually at his lips. Yongguk frowned when he noticed your silence so he turned to face you and he was stunned.
There was something burning in your eyes and your lips were parted as your chest was heaving softly. His brown orbs followed the movement of yours, seeking for something. When you breathed through your mouth, the warm breath hit his face, giving him goosebumps.
Both of you stiffened as Yongguk rested his palm on the wall you were leaning on. Your eyes fluttered close when his lips landed on your smooth cheek, nose poking your flesh there. Your cold hands were awkwardly holding your phone on the same spot, floating in the air. You could hear the pounding of your heart and you bet he could hear it too.
His lips lingered on your skin longer than you expected but it was better that way. What if he regretted it after he pulled away?
A gasp left your lip when his cold fingers touched your chin and turned your head to face him fully. Now your back was leaning on the wall, you between his arms. You were getting shy with the way he was scanning your face. 
However, you found yourself looking up voluntarily and tip-toeing to meet his lips.
Your movement stopped when your lips were barely an inch from his, he just put his hand on your shoulders, squeezing them. He whispered your name, softly and lovingly. Repetitively, like a prayer. But to your ears, it was a sweet spell. Hypnotizing, making your fall deeper and deeper and you hoped he was there to catch you.
Yongguk didn't want to rush the kiss even though your lips that were always painted in red haunted him whenever he was alone. If he kissed you, he was afraid he couldn't let you go. If he kissed you, he was afraid he would surrender his heart to your hands. He was not sure if you're up for it and he didn't trust you enough for that.
Another kiss to the cheek would be enough, he decided. He placed his cold hand on your warm neck and you almost let out a sigh at the stark contrast. When his lips landed on your cheek again, your heart flipped yet there was a sudden ache. Maybe because you were hoping for something more.
You inhaled his scent, intoxicating mix of something gingery, minty and smoky. It registered in your head that he was probably a smoker, his lips were a bit purplish rather than pink in colour.
He abruptly pulled away when there were loud footsteps and yelling. You friends were coming your way, they had been looking for you.
"Yah, did you just take advantage of her?" One of your friends hit him with a bottle, staring accusingly. Yongguk looked at you, the fire in his eyes dimmed as he was waiting for you to say something. For you to deny the accusation.
"Guys, it's not like that. Let's go." You wrapped your arms around your friends' and dragged them away from there so they would not bully Yongguk anymore.
You friends were busy nagging at you, scolding you for not being careful.
"Yah, stop being too close with him. I told you he's a lot older than us all." 
"How is that a problem?" You let out an incredulous laugh. His age did not matter at all.
"That means there's something wrong with him. Why would someone take a long gap year to finish his studies?"
"He always has bruises. What if he's a gangster?" Another friend added.
"And he is so quiet and creepy. Like he's on drugs or something."
"Yah, that's not nice!" You hit her on her arm. Yongguk was indeed suspicious but you had never imagined to that extent.
"I'm just telling you he's a bad guy!"
"Let's stop talking about him and enjoy our time here." You suggested, tired of their babbles. They silently agreed and were looking for a famous building while referring to the map in one of your friends' smartphone. You took the chance to turn around, looking for him. There he was, walking alone around ten steps away. Your eyes met his, he was a bit surprised when you turned around because he had been watching you.
You mouthed something to him, making sure your friends did not see you. You smiled when his brows knitted together in confusion. He didn't catch it the first time so you moved your lips again.
There was a tingling burst on your chest when he caught what you're trying to say, flashing you his adorable gummy smile that lit up his whole face.
"Thank you for the kiss." You cutely poked your cheek with your finger, where his lips were. Then, heat rushed to your face at your own boldness.
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I've bandaged your bruises
You've held back my hair
Who'd have known when this started
That we'd end up here?
But you reach out and touch me
Say my name like a prayer
All my friends say you're dangerous
But I don't fucking care
- Queen Of The Night, Hey Violet.
Part 2
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tw-anchor · 4 years
04. Saving Derek
Stiles Stilinski x Original Character (Reader)
Episode: 1x04; Magic Bullet
Word Count: 5410
Warning(s): Mature language, blood, injured Derek
Author’s Note: In this chapter, we really start to see how much Olivia cares under her cold exterior. I hope you guys enjoy it! Reblog and like!
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Masterlist in profile description!
Olivia rubbed her left arm, trying to soothe the tingling that had been there since she had woken up that morning. She sighed and focused on her history teacher, Mrs. Larson, giving her a polite smile as she handed Olivia back her graded test.
Oliva bit the inside of her cheek to fight her smile as she looked at her perfect score.
Now that Mrs. Larson had passed her desk, she pulled out her cellphone, anxiously checking to see if Derek had messaged her back. He had told her that he was going hunting for the alpha the night before and he had yet to message her with any details.
She didn't even know if he was okay.
A few rows back and one aisle over, Stiles turned away from the back of Olivia's head and looked at Scott's, his curiosity overwhelming him.
The night that the bus driver died, Scott confronted Derek about everything. After beating Scott up, Derek revealed that he, in fact, wasn't the werewolf that bit Scott and that there was another werewolf entirely. An alpha werewolf that wanted Scott in its pack.
Stiles had tried to give Scott space since the revelation but he was growing impatient. He wanted to know everything.
He tapped on Scott's shoulder, getting his attention.
"If Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" he asked his best friend quietly.
Scott hesitated for a second before shrugging lightly. "I don't know."
"Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles prodded further.
"I don't know."
Stiles sighed heavily. "Does Allison's dad know about the alpha?"
"I don't know!" Scott exclaimed loudly, frustrated, as he turned to look at Stiles.
Everyone in the classroom turned to look at them, hearing Scott's outburst, including Olivia. Stiles sheepishly raised his eyebrows and shrunk away from his best friend, trying to get the attention off himself.
Thankfully, Mrs. Larson came around to their aisle. She handed Stiles his test and then gave one to Scott. Stiles smiled triumphantly when he saw the 'A' circled in red ink.
Wondering what Scott's grade was, he leaned forward. He saw the 'D-' with a little note beside it and grimaced.
"Dude, you need to study more," he commented jokingly.
Scott pressed his lips together and slammed his test face-down on his desk.
"That was a joke," Stiles said flatly. Seeing how disappointed Scott looked, he added, "Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?"
"No," Scott sighed, feeling a little bit better. "I'm studying at Allison's after school today."
Stiles raised his eyebrows, feeling pride well within his chest. "That's my boy!"
"We're just studying."
"No, you're not."
Scott glanced back at Stiles. "No, I'm not?"
"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you," Stiles stated seriously. Everyone knew that studying with a girl wasn't just studying. There had to be some touching or something involved. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled."
"Okay!" Scott said quickly, wishing Stiles would shut up in their very crowded classroom. "Just stop with the questions, man."
"Done," Stiles agreed easily. "No more questions. No more talk about the alpha or Derek. Especially Derek...who still scares me."
"Scott's coming over?" Lydia asked, raising her eyebrows at Allison. "Tonight?"
"We're just studying together," Allison excused as she, Lydia, and Olivia walked through the hallway, heading toward the library for their free period.
Lydia scoffed. "Just studying never ends with just studying," she smirked, sharing an amused look with Olivia. "It's like getting into a hot tub. Somebody eventually cops a feel."
"Well, so what are you saying?" Allison asked, causing Olivia and Lydia to pause on the stairwell.
"She's saying to make sure he covers up," Olivia told Allison, giving the taller brunette a small smile.
Lydia nodded in agreement but Allison looked at them blankly, obviously not getting it.
"Hello, Snow White!" Lydia exclaimed, rolled her eyes. "Do it with him with a condom."
Allison laughed in disbelief as they started up the stairs again. "Are you kidding? After one date?"
"Don't be a total prude," Lydia shrugged. "Give him a little taste."
"Only if you want to, though," Olivia added, not wanting Allison to do anything she didn't want to do.
Allison smiled gratefully at Olivia but then turned to Lydia, much more unsure. "Well...I mean, how much is a little taste?"
"Oh, God, you really like him, don't you?"
Allison nodded, crossing her arms over her chest self-consciously. "He's just different. When I first moved here, I had a plan: no boyfriends until college. I just move too much. But then I met him and he was different," she shrugged. "I don't know. I can't explain it."
"I can," Olivia said simply. "It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine."
Lydia rolled her eyes fondly at Olivia while Allison laughed. "What?"
"I'll tell you what to do," Lydia spoke up, offering her expertise. "When is he coming over?"
"Right after school."
"Hmm," Lydia hummed thoughtfully. "Let's see..."
Allison and Lydia continued to the library but Olivia stopped at the girls' bathroom, checking the status of her make-up and pulling up her long sleeves, checking the skin of her left arm to see why it was tingling. Seeing no blemish, wound, or rash, she left the bathroom to meet up with the girls.
She stopped as she passed Jackson in the hallway, seeing the look of pain on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"What's wrong, Jackson?" she asked him.
"Your cousin's here," he said shortly, voice tense.
"Wait, Derek's here?" Olivia shook her head, wondering why Derek had come all the way to the school when he could have just messaged or called her.
"Yeah and he needs to cut his fucking nails," Jackson cursed, pulling his hand from his neck. In his palm was a square of bloody gauze.
Olivia bit the inside of her cheek, worried. Derek had excellent control; he wouldn't just go around digging his claws into people for no reason. "Sorry, Jax," she apologized. "Make sure you put some antibiotic cream on them. I'm going to find Derek."
Jackson waved her off.
Olivia turned and, almost as if in a daze, started walking through the hallways. She went back down the stairs and into the English hallway. In the corner, under the bell, she saw Derek leaning against the cinder block wall.
As she rushed toward him, she saw that he was paler than she had ever seen him with dark circles under his eyes. Upon further examination, she could see blood dripping down his left hand and onto the linoleum floors.
"Derek, what are you doing here? What happened? Are you okay?" Olivia rambled, looking up at him. His eyes were bloodshot, making his pale-green irises stand out.
"I was shot," Derek breathed.
"S-Shot?" Olivia stuttered, her own breath picking up. She grabbed his left hand and pushed up the sleeve of his leather jacket. She sucked in a deep breath when she saw a nasty bullet wound, bloody with short black veins surrounding it. "You're not healing."
"I think it's wolfsbane," Derek informed her shakily. "I need help."
"Okay, how can I help?"
"I need Scott's help," Derek corrected himself. "Ollie, it was Kate who shot me."
Olivia tried not to panic at the name. Derek had told her all about Kate Argent, even when he told no one else.
Kate Argent was in her early twenties when she approached Derek, who was still a teenager. She manipulated him, had sex with him, got him to trust her, and then burnt down the Hale house, killing almost everyone in it. She was the one who killed her mom and injured her dad.
Olivia didn't hate a lot of people but she hated Kate Argent.
"Okay," she said calmly, trying to calm the jumble of thoughts in her head. "Where Scott is, Stiles is. We find Stiles, we find Scott."
Olivia grabbed Derek, helping him lean against her, his arm around her shoulders—which didn't look or feel great to Derek since she was so much shorter than him.
The final bell rang as the two of them slowly navigated the school, heading to the parking lot. All around them, students rushed through the hall, heading to their cars or the bus they rode to go home.
They finally reached the parking lot and Olivia's eyes widened when she saw Stiles about to drive away in his blue Jeep. She sped up, practically dragging Derek behind her, and stepped in front of Stiles' car.
It was only when Stiles slammed on his brakes that Derek collapsed onto the ground.
Olivia immediately knelt next to him as the cars behind Stiles started honking, wondering what the hold-up was. She patted Derek's pale cheeks, rousing him back to consciousness.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Scott demanded as he ran up to them. Stiles came up behind him, having climbed out of his Jeep at Scott's insistence.
Olivia glared at him. "He was shot."
Stiles observed the older werewolf who was breathing heavily and trying not to puke all over the ground. "He's not looking so good, dude."
"Wow, what astute observations there, Sherlock," Olivia snapped at him, her panic causing her to be angry at the wrong people.
Stiles glared back at her.
"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked Derek, bewildered. When he was shot with the arrow by Mr. Argent, he healed within minutes.
"I can't," Derek said weakly. "It was a different kind of bullet."
Stiles perked up excitedly. "A silver bullet?"
Olivia glared at him while Derek spat, "No, you idiot!"
"Wait, wait," Scott spoke up thoughtfully. "That's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours."
"What?" Olivia asked quickly, wondering how Scott knew this. "Who said forty-eight hours?"
"The one who shot Derek," Scott said quickly.
Derek let out a quiet groan as a jolt of pain shot through his body, his eyes glowing icy-blue.
"What are you doing?" Scott hissed at him, looking to see if anyone was watching close enough to see that something was wrong with Derek. "Stop that!"
"Derek, your eyes," Olivia said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Derek's eyes returned to their natural pale-green. "I'm trying to tell you, I can't!" he hissed at Scott, his eyes once again switching to blue.
"We need your help, Scott," Olivia said firmly, grabbing Derek's arm to try to help him to his feet.
Scott looked around once more and grabbed his other arm. "Derek, get up!" he looked at Stiles, who was watching the scene curiously. "Help us put him in your car."
Stiles shuffled forward, taking the arm that Olivia was holding onto and helping Scott pull Derek to his feet. Olivia hurried over to Stiles' jeep and opened the passenger door, allowing Scott to help her cousin into the seat.
She climbed into the Jeep through the driver's side, settling in the back seat.
"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used," Derek ordered Scott as Stiles got into the driver's seat.
Scott scoffed. "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"
"She's an Argent, Scott," Olivia leaned forward so Scott could see her. She knew that Scott could figure out what to do. "She's with them."
He was going to Allison's house, after all.
Scott looked back at Derek, narrowing his eyes. "Why should I help you?"
Derek glared at him. "Because you need me."
Scott looked down the line of cars and then back at Derek. "Fine, I'll try," he gave in, looking at Stiles. "Get him out of here."
Stiles gritted his teeth and put the Jeep in drive. "I hate you so much for this," he muttered to Scott before pulling out of the parking lot.
Stiles angrily pursed his lips, sneaking glances in the rear-view mirror as Olivia helped Derek out of his leather jacket.
They had already been on the road for a half-hour and so far there was nothing from Scott. He knew that he told Scott not to squander his opportunity to hook up with Allison but he hoped that his best friend had enough sense to know that things had changed. The sooner that Scott found out what kind of bullet Derek was shot with, the better.
His phone buzzed from his cup holder; he checked the message from Scott.
Scott: Need more time.
Stiles huffed and slammed the phone back into the cupholder.
"Any news?" Olivia asked, leaning between the driver and passenger seats.
"He needs more time," Stiles answered grumpily. He glanced at Derek and added, "Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there."
"Almost where?" Derek asked quietly.
"Your house?"
Derek abruptly turned his head toward Stiles. "What?"
"No, you can't take him there," Olivia objected, shaking her head firmly.
Stiles scoffed. "I can't take him to his own house?"
"Not when I can't protect myself," Derek said, as though it should be obvious to Stiles.
Olivia nodded in agreement.
Motherfucker, he thought, I'm going to kill him before the bullet does.
Stiles shook his head and sharply turned his steering wheel, turning off onto the side of the road. He put the Jeep in park and faced Olivia and Derek.
"All right," he raised his voice. "What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet, hmm? Are you dying?"
Olivia inhaled sharply, not liking the fact that Derek could very well die, while Derek simply shook his head. "Not yet," he said. "I have a last resort."
"What do you mean, what last resort?" Stiles shouted, fed up with the werewolf. He saw Derek raise his sleeve and abruptly gagged when he saw the bullet wound that was causing them so much trouble. "Oh, my God. What is that?"
"Stiles," Olivia sighed, sending him a flat look.
Stiles ignored her. "Oh, is that contagious?" he whined, shaking his head. "You know what, you should probably just get out."
"Start the car," Derek ordered, voice firm. "Now."
Stiles stiffened, his jaw clenched, and any other time, Olivia might have thought that he looked very attractive when he was angry.
"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay?" he glared at Derek. "In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your werewolf ass out into the middle of the fucking road and leave you for dead."
Derek ignored Olivia's objection on his behalf and narrowed his eyes at the spastic teen. "Start the car or I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth."
Stiles pursed his lips and stubbornly faced forward, not touching the ignition. Yeah, he was afraid of Derek, but he wasn't about to be bossed around in his own damn Jeep. He wasn't too sure he believed Derek, anyway. Was he really willing to kill Stiles in front of Olivia?
"Stiles," Olivia leaned forward, placing a warm hand on Stiles' shoulder. He looked back at her, eyes widening at the desperate look in her cobalt-blue eyes. "Can you please help? Please? He's my family."
Stiles closed his eyes, not being able to resist her pleading look. He sighed and started the Jeep again, pulling back onto the road.
Olivia squeezed his shoulders, grateful. "Thank you."
"What am I supposed to do with him?" Stiles asked Scott through the phone, glancing over at Derek and Olivia. Olivia was pressing some tissues she found in her purse to Derek's wound but it wasn't doing much in way of helping.
"Take him somewhere, anywhere," Scott responded, making Stiles roll his eyes.
He sighed. "And, by the way, he's starting to smell."
"Like what?"
"Like death," Stiles looked over at Derek, just to see the older werewolf glaring at him.
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Scott spoke, "Okay, take him to the animal clinic."
"What about your boss?" Stiles asked.
"He's gone by now," Scott said, causing Stiles to look at the clock. They had been driving around for close to four hours now. "There's a spare key in the box behind the dumpster."
"What's he saying?" Olivia asked, catching Stiles' attention.
He shook his head. "You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take him."
Olivia raised her eyebrows while Derek reached for the phone, holding it up to his face.
"Did you find it?"
"How am I supposed to find one bullet? They have a million," Olivia could hear Scott now since the phone was closer to her. "This house is like the fucking Walmart of guns."
"Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, all right?" Derek reminded him.
"I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing."
Olivia narrowed her eyes at the phone, mentally cursing Scott out in her head. Why was his boy so stubborn?
"Then think about this," Derek retorted. "The alpha calls you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time, you either kill with him or you get killed. So, if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet."
Derek hung up the call and passed the phone back to Stiles.
"All right," Stiles said, starting up the Jeep and pulling out onto the road once again. "To the animal clinic."
The drive to the animal clinic took another fifteen minutes and Derek was looking even worse by the time they pulled up to the modest building. Stiles held onto Derek while Olivia searched for the spare key behind the dumpster and when she unlocked the door, the three of them stumbled in.
Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, Stiles let go of Derek, letting him fall into a pile of dog food bags.
He quickly read the text and looked up at Olivia and Derek. "Does Nordic Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?"
Olivia cursed under her breath, recognizing the name. From her vast internet research of wolfsbane and each species effects on werewolves, she knew that Nordic Blue Monkshood was rare and hard to cure.
"It's a rare form of wolfsbane," Derek told Stiles. "He has to bring me the bullet."
Stiles raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"'Cause I'm gonna die without it."
"Okay, we need that bullet!" Stiles uttered under his breath, messaging Scott back and requesting the presence of the bullet.
Olivia couldn't believe this was happening. She had been trying not to think about the fact that Derek might be dying all day, but it was now at the forefront of her mind. And she was freaking out.
She couldn't lose Derek. He was the last connection to her father's side of the family she had, other than her semi-comatose father who looked like he'd never heal. She loved Derek; he was her cousin, older brother, and good friend all wrapped into one person.
Olivia couldn't imagine her life without him.
Olivia looked up sharply at that stupid nickname that Stiles kept calling her. He was looking at her, his eyes clearly showing his concern for her.
She wished that he'd show concern for Derek because otherwise, it was just her who cared whether he lived or died.
But she knew that Stiles didn't trust or like Derek, so she didn't count on him being worried about her cousin.
"Yeah?" she asked, aware that she had been lost in her head.
"Let's bring him to the exam room," Stiles suggested, nodding toward Derek.
Olivia wordlessly agreed, rushing forward to help Derek off the pile of dog food. As they led Derek into the exam room, he squirmed around, trying to get his shirt off of him to allow easier access to the wound.
Once in the exam room, Stiles shrugged Derek off of him and turned on the light.
In the fluorescence, Derek's wound looked much, much worse. The little black veins that were around it earlier had grown, heading down his forearm and up to his bicep. The wound itself was still bloody but was steadily turning black as Derek's body tried to heal itself.
Stiles silently gagged and stood at the stainless-steel table across from Derek. "You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of."
Derek looked at his wound carefully. "If the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me," he said with unsteady breaths. "Ollie, find me a tourniquet."
Olivia nodded and went to the counter, opening random drawers and rummaging through them. 
"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles snarked.
Derek rolled his eyes as Olivia continued to look for a long strip of strong rubber band. "If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time—last resort."
He shuffled over to Olivia's side and grabbed the bone saw from a drawer she had already gone through.
"Which is?" Stiles asked.
Derek turned around and slammed the saw on the table. "You're gonna cut off my arm."
Oh, Olivia thought, that's what he needs the tourniquet for.
"Are you crazy?" she exclaimed, finally spotting a bright-blue tourniquet. She grabbed it and whipped around, glaring at her cousin for his insane idea.
Cutting off his arm? Really?!
Stiles stared at Derek with an open mouth, shocked into silence. Curiously, he picked up the bone saw and revved the blade.
He groaned, his shock wearing off. "Oh, my God. What if you bleed to death?"
Derek shrugged as Olivia wrapped the tourniquet around his arm, right above where the black veins stopped. "It'll heal if it works."
Stiles honestly felt like he was going to faint. "Ugh," he shuddered. "Look, I don't know if I can do this."
"Why not?"
Olivia finished tying the tourniquet around Derek's arm and backed away, glaring down at the bone saw. It wasn't the greatest idea, she knew, but if it would save Derek's life, who cared? She knew that Derek would rather have one arm than be dead and she felt the same way.
"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles exclaimed, becoming panicked.
Derek gave him an unimpressed look. "You faint at the sight of blood?"
"No!" Stiles shouted. "but I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!"
Derek shook his head, exhausted. "All right, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm or I'm gonna cut off your head."
"Derek," Olivia sighed, tired of the two men bickering. God, they bickered more than she and Stiles did.
"Okay, you know what?" Stiles started angrily. "I'm so not buying your threats any—"
Derek cut Stiles off, leaning over the table and grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull Stiles closer to him. His teeth were bared threateningly, causing Stiles to gulp nervously.
"Holy shit..."
"Enough, Derek," Olivia shook her head and picked up the saw. "I'll do it."
Gagging, Derek slumped onto the table, letting go of his death grip on Stiles. Olivia looked on worried as he leaned over the edge.
"What are you doing?" Stiles asked nervously, stepping away from the pale werewolf.
No sooner were the words out of his mouth that Derek spewed black liquid onto the floor, making it splatter everywhere.
"Holy God," Stiles gagged, backing up further and bumping into Olivia. "What the fuck is that?"
Olivia pulled Stiles out of the way and stepped around the black blood, helping Derek into a standing position. "It's his body trying to heal itself."
"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it," Stiles pointed out the obvious.
Olivia rolled her eyes and picked up the saw. "We have to do it now."
"I'll do it," Olivia interrupted Stiles' protests. "Just—just hold him down."
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God," Stiles muttered, going up to Derek and holding the top half of his body down.
"Okay," Olivia breathed, trying to calm down. She inhaled and exhaled a few times to control her panicked breathing. "Okay, it's going to be okay."
Stiles couldn't help but be mad at himself that he was making Olivia cut off her cousin's arm. If he really had the guts, he'd do it for her.
Olivia shook her head. "All right," she placed the blade on Derek's arm, right under the tourniquet. "here we go."
Stiles readied himself, knowing that Derek was probably going to squirm while Olivia cut off his arm.
"Stiles?" Scott's voice echoed through the animal clinic right as Olivia went to press the trigger.
Stiles and Olivia simultaneously sighed in relief.
Scott entered the exam room, his eyes going straight to the saw Olivia was holding to Derek's arm. His eyes were wide in shock as he yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"
Olivia pulled the saw away from Derek and dropped it on the table as Stiles laughed breathlessly.
"Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares," Stiles sighed happily.
"Did you get it?" Derek asked Scott, weakly pushing Stiles off of him.
Scott nodded and pulled the bullet out of his pocket, handing it to Derek. Derek held the bullet to his eye level, observing it carefully.
"What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles asked wearily.
Derek's eyes started glazing over. "I'm gonna—I'm gonna—"
He dropped to the ground in a dead faint.
"Derek!" Olivia shouted, running over to his unconscious form. She shook him roughly, trying to wake him up. "Derek! No, no, no!"
Stiles and Scott rushed into action. Stiles knelt on the other side of Derek and tried to help Olivia while Scott went to the grate in the floor where the bullet fell.
"Derek, come on, wake up!" Stiles patted the older werewolf's face.
"Derek, please!" Olivia pleaded shakily, tears dripping from her eyes.
Stiles looked over at Scott, hoping he'd know what to do. "Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?"
"I don't know!" Scott called back, trying desperately to reach the bullet. "I can't reach it!"
Olivia continued shaking her cousin, praying to whatever god was in the sky that he would just wake up. They were so close, they were so close...
"He's not waking up!" Stiles yelled unhelpfully. "I think he's dying. I think he's dead!"
"Shut up!" Olivia glared at him while Scott exclaimed, "Just hold on!"
Stiles patted Derek's face again and looked up when Scott declared that he got the bullet out of the grate.
"Please don't kill me for this," Stiles mumbled to Derek as he pushed Olivia's hands away and reared back, forming a fist. He decked Derek in the face and shouted at the pain in his hand that flared up immediately.
Derek woke up with a start and Olivia reached for him, helping him to his feet with assistance from Stiles and Scott.
"Give me—" Derek reached for the bullet.
Scott gave Derek the bullet and the older werewolf bit off the top with his teeth, tapping the bullet on the table. Purple dust fell out of the golden casing and Derek pulled out a lighter from his pants pocket and lit it up.
Sparks erupted from the wolfsbane, shocking Stiles and Scott, but Derek and Olivia paid it no attention. Derek scooped up the ashes and hesitated before smushing the wolfsbane into the bullet wound on his arm.
Derek fell to the floor once again, screaming from the pain jolting through his body. His back arched and Olivia winced in horror as he groaned loudly. But then the black veins on Derek's left arm started disappearing until the wound itself healed up, leaving behind smooth, unblemished skin.
"That. Was. Awesome!" Stiles shouted, pumping his fist in amazement. "Yes!"
Olivia rolled her eyes at the spastic boy and bent down, helping Derek off the floor.
Scott watched him carefully. "Are you okay?"
"Well, except for the agonizing pain," Derek snapped, ripping the tourniquet off his arm.
"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health," Stiles commented causing Derek to glare at him.
Olivia nudged her cousin and gave him a they-just-saved-your-life-be-nice look. Derek softened his gaze and looked away, finding his discarded shirt and tugging it back on.
"Okay, we saved your life," Scott declared, narrowing his eyes at Derek. "which means you're gonna leave us alone, you got that?"
Olivia started to protest. "Scott, you don't know—"
"And if you don't," Scott continued as though Olivia didn't speak. "I'm gonna go back to Allison's dad and I'm gonna tell him everything."
Olivia reared back as though she had been slapped in the face. She couldn't believe that Scott was so willing to trust the Argents. They were literally hunters who would kill him if they knew he was a werewolf. It didn't matter to people like Kate if you were young and innocent and had never hurt a soul in your life. If you were different, she'd hunt you down.
"You're gonna trust them?" Derek voiced his similar disbelief. "You think they can help you?"
"Well, why not?" Scott retorted. "They're a lot fucking nicer than you are!"
Derek scoffed and glanced at Olivia before turning back to Scott. "I can show you exactly how nice they are."
"What do you mean?"
Derek gave Olivia a questioning look but she shook her head at him. She didn't want to see her dad with Scott there. Her father and his condition were a private part of her life and she probably wouldn't be able to handle it if Scott reacted badly and said something stupid.
"Go on," she waved at him. "I'll call for an Uber or something."
Derek nodded and then he and Scott left the animal clinic, leaving her and Stiles alone.
Olivia sighed heavily, the adrenaline from the whole situation wearing off and leaving her tired.
"Uh, I can take you home if you want," Stiles spoke up, gaining her attention.
Olivia looked up at him, watching as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. His eyes met hers for a few seconds, the whiskey brown strangely calming her down, and then they flickered away.
"Um, sure," Olivia cleared her throat. "Thanks."
"No problem," Stiles said, watching as she looked around the exam room and grabbed a mop from the corner. "Um...what was Derek going to show Scott? Do you know?"
"Yeah," Olivia nodded and wet the broom so she could clean up Derek's vomit. "He's showing him my dad."
"Your dad?"
"He was in the fire," Olivia explained quietly.
Stiles could tell that she really didn't want to talk about her dad and he didn't want to push her. If Derek wanted to show Scott her father to see how bad the Argents were, that meant that they were somehow connected to the fire.
"The Argents set the Hale house on fire?"
Olivia sighed and set the mop down, resting her forehead against the top of the handle. Stiles was surprised to see tears wetting her eyes. "Yes. Well, Kate Argent did," she corrected herself. "We don't know if anyone else was involved."
Stiles didn't understand how Olivia wasn't a mess right now. The woman who murdered most of her family and heavily injured her father was back in town and she almost murdered one of the last members of the family she had left. If it was Stiles in this situation, he'd be inconsolable.
It made Stiles fall for the girl in front of him even more. She was so strong.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, feeling ashamed. If he had known, he wouldn't have made such a big deal about helping Derek today.
"It's okay, there's no need to apologize," Olivia waved him off, having collected herself. "Usually the Argents follow their code or whatever. But Kate's ruthless—she didn't care that there were kids in that house or that there were humans."
"It doesn't matter how nice the Argents seem to be," Olivia said firmly, her eyes hardening as she thought about what Scott said. "Kate killed my mom. There's not a nice bone in her body."
(Gif is not mine)
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j--meat-hook--j · 4 years
Taiyuu round 3: Villains aftermath
Zeke was sitting on the sidelines cheering on the rest of 1A when the birds went silent. 
Thinking back on it, Zeke thought there were an unreasonable amount of birds at Taiyuu.
The PE facility went up in flames.
1A’s classroom collapsed into a pile of rubble.
The Dorms were reduced to ash.
The Makeshift buildings that Laccadaisy had made, burst into dust. At the exact places Zeke felt the buzz of an unknown electronic device. 
The rest of the day was a blur. Aurora and Buckskin escorted Zeke and the other students to safety, telling them that everything would be alright. But Zeke knew better, he knew he could have stopped this. Every explosion, every pile of rubble, every gust of ash started from a Buzz, a buzz of electricity Zeke could have stopped. 
Zeke couldn’t remember how long he walked for, the only sounds being footsteps and distant explosions. The destruction of Taiyuu sparked the greatest fear Zeke had, the fear of nothing.
Rather the fear of not existing to be precise.
Oceans, Mountains, even planets, they all come and go in the mere blink of an eye. Even if we as a species manage to survive the combined threats of global warming, internal cooling, a dwindling magnetic field, asteroids, solar flares, rogue black holes. Nothing changes the fact that our sun is on a constant countdown to death. Even if we did manage to flee to distant stars they’re all equally marching towards their own annihilation. Time and events work to destroy all we have ever comprehended, the decay of all matter as we know it, the decay of all life as we know it. 
One really has to wonder what is the point of anything? Why continue? Why progress? Life even at its most advanced is still doomed to nonexistence! Why? Why go on?
And Spiders, Zeke had just finished checking the dorms for them. 
Replaying the last week in his head over and over, looking for somewhere to change. Somewhere and somehow he could have stopped the destruction of Taiyuu. Zeke especially focused on the past day when he came across something. 
Illusions can’t conduct electricity. 
“Hey Zako?” Zeke asked his much shorter friend. “What’s up Zeke?” Sako responded. “Do you really create illuzionz?”.
“Course I do.” Sako was stone faced.
“But, illuzionz don’t conduct electrizity.” Zeke was starting to doubt his feathery friend “I was wondering how long it would take.” Sako finally cracked a smile. 
“You vere lying to me thiz entire time!”
“No, no, no, no, ok yes but, please, do you know anyone elses Quirks?”
“Of courze I do! I know Amekoz, Zpellmansz yourz and Yuu’z. I’m not an idiot.”
“Ok, what’s Amekos?” “Well now I’m embarrazzed to zay.”
“C’mooonnnn. I won’t judge too badly.” “Fine, Amekoz Quirk is Human Form. Sche can take on zhe form of a Human.” “Hmm, yes, of course, of course, but here’s the question, what is she actually?” “A Kangaroo.”
“Ahem.” Sako coughed into his fist. “Yeah, you’ve figured it out. Ameko is a Kangaroo with the Human Form Quirk.” Sako confirmed.
“I knew it.”
The two went on discussing their fellow students. Just some basic stuff, Yuu is a bat, Shou is related to Spellman, Ameko and Buckskin are related, Ozen is part building, Hirakus covered in mouths. 
“So what do you think about the new girl? Take a guess at that.” Sako put forward.
“Ok, this one I know for schure. You zee sche looks just like zomeone back home in Germany. That girlz Quirk is either a Mizty or a Clone Quirk. Sche looks just like someone wis a clone Quirk back home but she’s all floaty and...” Zeke lost his train of thought.
“Misty?” Sako answered questionably
“You’re right, she reminds me of a foggy day..” 
The new familiar-looking girl tensed up and seemed to lose a bit of her cheer. She sped up her pace to distance themselves from Zeke. 
Without the lighthearted banter between the two silence, like a cancer, grew. Tired of the sound of explosions and frustrated at his own inability to act, Zeke had an idea. Heroes aren’t just about fighting villains, heroes are about keeping people safe and happy. A True Hero makes everything ok even after a disaster. 
Turning to no one in particular, Zeke decided to use his loud mouth for something useful. 
“Hakuna. Matata.”
He got some odd looks.
“Hakuna Matata, vhat a wunderbar vhrase.”
“Hakuna Matata, ain’t no pazzing craze! It means no worriez for the rezt of your dayz.”
Yuu started to mutter along. It wasn’t much, but it was someone. 
“It’s our problem-free, philosophy. Hakuna Matata.” Koatsu, the Green Guy Zeke had previously tased, joined in and he was singing louder. Was this a challenge?
Zeke pointed far in front of him, to Wolfsboon.
“Vhy, vhen he vas a young varthog!”
A slight humming from Ameko, better than nothing. Doing his best Wolfsboon impression Zeke pulled out all the stops.
“Vhen I was a young Varthoooooog.” 
Some irritated looks from people, and a great harmony on Koatsus part. 
“He found hiz aroma lacked a Schertain appeal. He could clear the Zavannah after every meal.”
“Shut up!”
Zeke felt a stinging pain in his cheek, recoiling from the hit. Zeke saw that is was a girl from 1A, best known for her attitude Kuta, Kata, Katou, Takamakalaksaka? Something like that. 
“Stop, he isn’t hurting anyone!” Ameko interjected.
At least Ame’s talking. 
“Vould you prefer the zilence then, cuz I don’t think anyone elze here doez.”
“Keep that mouth shut unless you want another one.” Takamakalalaparatou was stanced up and ready for a fight. 
“Kutou!” Ameko was angry. Was that possible? “You’re just making everything harder, hasn’t everyone been through enough?”
Ozen, the local giant, got between Zeke and Takamalakealatou and placed a hand on her shoulder.
‘Try getting through that building you jerk!’
“I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned.” A new guy continued. It was Hiraku! The Mouth Man. Takakalakamaktou attempted to lunge towards Hiraku but was stopped by Ozen’s building like body. 
“Oh for fucks sake.” A 1B girl said. Zeke had seen her around before, she reminded him of the circus. 
“And it hurt that my friends never stood.” Koatsu joined again, emboldened by Takamakahoouzous restraint.
“DOWNWIIIND!” All three sang together.
“And oh, the schame.” Zeke followed through. “He was ashamed.” Hiraku continued.
“Thought of changing my name.” Koatsu followed.
“Oh, what’s in a name.” Hiraku perked in again.
“And I got downhearted!” It was  Zekes turn. Some frowns were disappearing.
“How did you feel?” Hiraku, playing the supporting voice.
“Every time that I-” Koatsu, adding some depth.
“Pumbaa! Not in front of zhe kids!” Zeke and Hiraku sang together.
“Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase.” The three joined together
Now Zoe was starting to hum along. 
“Hakuna Matata! Ain’t no passing craze.” They continued, bolstering each other along. 
“It means no worries for the rest of your days. It’s our problem-free philosophy. Hakuna Matata” The Fire, Electricity and Wind kids finished.
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“Oh thank fuck.” Popi said relieved. None of the singers was satisfied. 
The Band of Merry Men all looked to each other, took a deep breath. “I can show you the Woooorld!”
“God Dammit!” Even Popi’s mind was off the destruction of Taiyuu. 
After who knows how long of walking and songs, the group finally reached the bus. Every student feeling the exhaustion, some feeling it way more than the others. Sako, Senshii-none and Tamashi seemingly the worst off. Spellman was in literal shambles, she just barely had the basic limbs. She assured everyone she would be ok. 
One sleepy bus ride later and the Taiyuu Team arrived at their destination, UA high. Zeke, like his other students, was whelmed by the whole thing. 
There was a general sense of alarm when Senshii-none passed out. After the routine checks on everyone, mainly Senshii-none, Taiyuu was shown “Gym Gamma” an indestructible gym meant to contain even “The Hell Class”. Had demons gone to UA?
Finally, the thing Zeke had been waiting for all year. He could finally embrace his truest self, he could finally wear that cool-ass mask he designed. And also the rest of the hero costume but whatever. The metallic mesh was cool but The Mask took the cake. 
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“Get in your pairs, stay on your mats and don’t kill anyone.” Eraserhead announced to both classes. Zeke was paired up with Ningyo Mya, he’d never met her before so it’s going to be an interesting… oh, oh no. Ningyo Mya looked like a doll from a horror movie, she looks terrifying. 
“G-Good to meet you I’m Needlepoint, what’s your name?” She seemed nervous but it was better than the dead scared everyone was back in the tunnel.
“I’m Zeke, nice to meetcha.”
“No, I, I meant your hero name.” “Oh, uh, I dunno yet.”
Seems like a nice enough girl. 
Zeke started doing a little jump on the spot. 
Zeke spread his arms wide.
Zeke opened his electrosense, let everything flow in. All the lights, the wiring, the electrical sockets, the batteries in Hero Costumes, the fire alarm, the smoke detectors, the alarms and bells. 
Zeke used it all, pulling as much as he could out. Rage at the villains, anger at his family, grief at the loss of Taiyuu. Anger at himself, sick of his own inaction, frustration at his laziness, hate at his cowardice. He pulled it all out.
Every light inside the gym had exploded, all the electricity inside crashing outwards like a wave of bright anger. All unfairly directed at Mya. When all of a sudden, everything stopped. He couldn’t feel the buzzes of electricity anymore. The electricity had nothing to guide it and so it harmlessly fizzled out. 
“Purple Girl, you lose.” Eraserhead pointed at Mya.
“And you! Next time I see your ass pull something like that again, you’re out.” Eraserhead then pointed at Zeke
‘This Eraserhead guy was scary.’ 
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Sure Feels Right chapter 3
This shit is mild fluff and I can’t wait to get to the real fluffy stuff later on that I already have planned and written out for the fic. Anyway, enjoy!
Taglist: @hllywdwhre
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“Rook please I need fries or I’ll die.” Lux whined into his back. He was starting to think maybe he shouldn’t have kindly offered a piggyback ride to the hotel due to her constant shifting and whining into his shoulder.
“Look we’re walking into the hotel now.” Rook said exasperation evident in his voice. Lux drunk was cute, but goddamn could she win a whining competition when she got drunk hungry. Colson just snickered as he led the way inside. Asshole.
“Oh my god yes. Colson, Colson, please fries. Please” Lux all but moaned.
“I’m getting you fries now babe. They’ll be brought to the room I promise” He smiled and ruffled her hair a bit. She smiled a big dopey smile and tucked her face into the crook of Rook’s neck laughing.
“You guys I’m so drunk ugh” She said through her laughter and the boys joined her climbing into the elevator.
After she ate a small amount of the fries and offered up the rest to the boys, which they gladly ate up despite eating double of what she had consumed already, she made her way to the bathroom to change from her club clothes. Rook lent her some joggers since he was the shorter of the two and they wouldn’t be twice the size of her legs compared to Colson’s. They were still a little long on her, but that just added to their comfort level. Colson gave her an old tour shirt of his from when he toured with Limp Bizkit and it smelled just like him. She couldn’t help the blush that overcame her features as she looked at herself in the mirror. Stupid celebrity crush rearing it’s ugly head again. Stepping out of the bathroom she was hit with the undeniable smell of weed and looked to see Colson at the small corner “dining” room table rolling a joint.
“Ooh it’s like you read my mind!” Lux still was slurring a little bit and the last bit came out sort of jumbled.
“Still speaking in cursive I see.” Rook sniggered and she lightly slapped his shoulder before flopping on the bed.
“Ugh why do I always end up being the first drunk or the most drunk?” Lux pulled a pillow over her face.
“Well Colson is a giant so he needs more alcohol” Rook shrugged. And you’re ripped Lux added in her head and was glad the pillow was there to block how red her ears were after she thought that.
“Sit up so we can all sit on the bed drunk ass” Colson said tapping her foot. She scooted to the headboard and the boys sat on either side of her.
“Here I’ll let you have first dibs.” Colson said handing her the joint.
“Wow what a gentleman.” Rook mocked and Colson reached around Lux to smack Rook in the head. Rook tried to smack Colson back, but Lux quickly stopped him and handed him the joint.
“Hey!” Colson exclaimed “What the fuck?”
“You hit him so he gets next.” And there was no room to argue with her on that.
Colson turned on the t.v. and was pleasantly surprised to see Spongebob reruns on one of the channels after checking the guide. Him and Lux shared a love for Spongebob that they had bonded over on her first day working for them. She sighed contently and snuggled more into his side some. He told himself it was just so she could see the t.v. better and not because she was wanting to be closer to him. He couldn’t get his hopes up like that. She looked so cute in his shirt though was the thought that kept repeating in his head when he would steal glances at her. Rook yawned after a few episodes and went to get in the next bed, but Lux gripped his wrist.
“Stay.” She said tiredly, and stay he did.
When Lux woke up she noticed two things: 1. her face was pressed into someone’s back and 2. someone was holding her. Adjusting slightly she realized that  she was holding Colson around the waist and that was his back she had been pressing her face against. He had a death grip on her arm so there was no use in her trying to free herself. Rook was holding her loosely around the waist and she could feel his soft breaths on her neck. This isn’t weird, she tried to tell herself, you’ve cuddled with both boys before on the bus or sleeping during a layover. Always separately though, never together. Her breath stopped when she felt Colson stirring awake next to her.
Colson must have done something right recently, he was in heaven, Lux had taken to holding him at some point in the night and he was pretty sure that was the best he had slept all year. No scratch that. All his life maybe. He without thinking brought her hand up to his lips and softly kissed her fingers. A sharp breath from behind him caused his heart to stop and the blood drained from his face. Fuck she was awake.
“Good morning.” She said quietly squeezing his hand in her own. She seemed to be ignoring his momentary lack of judgement and he was ever grateful.
“Good morning” He replied with sleep still in his voice. He turned to face her and caught glimpse of Rook’s still sleeping face. He had forgotten that he was there. Okay, maybe this was a little weird.
Kells: Hey will you stop by the dispensary? 🙏🏻
Lux: Didn’t I just go there for you earlier? 🙄
Kells: That was earlier. This is now 😈
Lux: You’re insane. 🤪
Kells: Do you get paid to shit talk? 🤣
Lux: That’s actually exactly what  Ashleigh pays me to do 😜
Kells: You’re so sassy I stg. Please? 🥺
Lux: ….Fine. What do you want? 🤦🏽‍♀️
Colson chuckled at the text exchange between the two. Lux had only been Ash’s assistant for a few months, but she was already fitting in with the group. He specifically started to really like her when he caught her dancing to one of his songs when she thought no one was home.
“So is she gonna go?” Rook asked flopping on the couch next to him.
“Yeah I convinced her” He gave Rook a shit eating grin. He would never admit it, but he was spoiled.
“Dude hell yeah. She’s the coolest assistant that Ash has ever had.” Rook commented while channel surfing.
“I think she was a fan before getting the job” Colson mused “I’m ninety-nine percent sure she listens to our music regularly.”
“Hmm...we could totally steal her phone and check her music apps.” Rook had a mischevious look in his eye and Colson never turned down chaos.
“Okay. How do we do it?”
      Lux pulled up to the huge house and started to unload her car, but between alcohol, food, and literal pounds of weed they had her go get for their party tonight she was exhausted and couldn’t carry much. She hoped they were home so they could help her carry things inside. She opened the door and called out, but was met with silence. Fuck. She set her purse and the few things she had grabbed on the counter and walked back out to her car rolling her eyes. These guys better be appreciative of all this shit she was doing for them.
The boys heard the front door shut and peeled around the corner quickly and checked her purse to see if her phone was in there. Whisper shouting when he located it, Colson motioned with his head to run upstairs and both boys were after it. They took the stairs two at a time and safely made it into Colson’s room and were catching their breath when they heard the door open and shut again. Colson could hear his heart beat in his ears and could have sworn she would be able to hear it through the floorboards. The door opened and shut again and he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Dude how does she not have a password?” Rook whispered harshly. “I mean that makes this easier, but damn who doesn’t have a password on their phone at this point.”
Colson chuckled looking at the now unlocked phone and saw her background was a picture of him on stage. Why did that make him feel warm? Rook had to stop the laughter bubbling in his chest as he saw the picture.
“Yup she’s a fan” He whispered to Colson.
He noticed in her notification bar at the top she hadn’t opened his last message and his name was saved as Kells in her phone. That made him frown. She still wasn’t calling him Colson and he didn’t understand that. Were they not friends?
“I still want to check out what she listens to” Colson said opening her folder labled “Music”. She had Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora. He looked through her Apple Music and saw it was mostly older music like The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, and The Eagles. He had to smile at that, she had organized her music apps. Pandora had some heavier stuff like Metallica, Motley Crue, and Ozzy Osborne. Spotify seemed to be her designated modern music app with multiple playlists of artists like Halsey, Migos, and of course him. He liked her playlist names on Spotify, but when he saw the playlist name for his music was “My Future (EX)Husband” he knew it was a done deal and she was officially part of the group. Satisfied he waited till he heard her walk out again and then ran down the stairs to return her phone to her purse and took off up the stairs again. Him and Rook waited for a few minutes of hearing her put things away for them to come down the stairs.
“You guys were here the whole time?!” Lux says tossing her hands in the air. “Didn’t you hear me? I needed help!”
“Sorry we were playing Call of Duty. We didn’t hear you.” Rook lied easily slipping into step with her to help put things away.
“You two are ridiculous do you know that?” Lux said while shaking her head.
“Whatever” Colson laughed and ruffled her hair giving her a teasing smirk.
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naomijameston · 4 years
     She always closed the curtains at night. It made her feel safer, she’d told a friend once. He chuckled to himself. She didn’t need to be safer- he was out here to make sure she was as safe as could be. No one was going to touch her.
    She had the same routine- wake up around 6, spend an hour getting ready for work, then she was gone for many hours. He never saw her get on the bus or in a car or take a bike. He never saw where she went, but she was always gone by 7:34am. 
      She probably had a boyfriend pick her up. His fists clenched. Yeah, that tall guy with the long hair. What a loser. So greasy looking and gangly. What’d she see in him.
    Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen that guy around much lately. She probably dumped him. Good. He was a creep anyway; she deserved someone who cared about her safety. Someone like him. That guy probably couldn’t knock over a trash can, let alone him. 
      He should send her some flowers. Something to let her know he was thinking of her. She hadn’t liked the previous ones, though. He’d heard her on her phone telling some guy named Harry that she had a stalker. But he hadn’t seen anyone around beyond the boyfriend.
    Oh shit. Maybe he was the stalker! That’s why she didn’t like the flowers! It all made sense. Shit, he’d timed that wrong. Yeah, the boytoy had started hanging out around then; he probably freaked Hermione out.
    Hermione. Such a lovely name. He’d love to moan it as she rode him. Maybe she'd moan his name, too. She’d be good in the sack. With that body, there was no way she wasn’t experienced. But not too much. There wasn’t a tarnish on her so she couldn’t have been with too many guys. Maybe she was a lesbian. Hell, that’s hot. But she’d still enjoy being with him. She just didn’t know what she was missing yet. He’d come on too strong before. Been too obvious. Wanting to help her with her groceries. Walking her dog- stupidly large beast, too. She'd named it Fang. No woman should have a dangerous animal like that around. He'd tried getting rid of it for her, but the stupid thing wouldn’t eat anything he tossed over her fence. He’d just have to make sure it went missing. She’d be sad, of course, but he could go looking for it. He wouldn’t find it but she’d be so grateful he’d tried and-
    “Stupefy!” Before he could fully register the voice, his body stiffened and paralyzed, and he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Fuck! What the fuck was this? What the hell-
    Two men stood over him, both with dark hair. He knew one- the greasy boytoy. Shit, he looked angry. Maybe he could take on a trashcan. Why couldn’t he move?
    “Hi,” said the other man. He also had dark hair but it was shorter and he was much less greasy. “I’m Harry, Hermione’s friend.”
    He growled. That little brat had no right using her name, calling himself her friend. He was Hermione’s only friend. She didn’t need anyone else-
    “For Merlin’s sake, shut up,” the greasy guy said. He waved a stick and the paralyzed body rose. What the fuck what the fuck what thefuckwhatthefu-
    “Don’t worry, we aren’t going to kill you,” Harry said with a smile. He knew that kind of smile. That’s the ‘I’m totally lying’ smile. He gave that smile whenever he said it was ok that Hermione turned him down. That bitch. She was sleeping with both of them, wasn’t she? He’d kill her when he got his hands on her-
    “Yes, that’s why we’re here,” greaseball said. “To remove a pest problem.”
    What? I’m her bodyguard. Her friend. The man she loves. The-
    “None of that is remotely true.” 
     Shit, can this guy read minds? 
     Oh shit. Oh shitohshitohshit.
     “Unfortunately, Harry is correct and your life is not at stake tonight. We simply want to… talk. But please, do give me a reason to get violent. I beg you.” The greasy guy grinned and he felt his stomach drop to his balls. That guy would absolutely kill him.
     “So hey, I know you’ve been thinking about going on a trip,” Harry said.
     I have?
     “You have,” Greaseball growled.
     “So we think you should go on that trip. Tonight.” Harry smiled again but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Don’t worry, we’re happy to help you pack. You can take everything you want. Just point us to your house.”
     Fuck you! I’m not telling you where I li-
     “He’s behind Hermione’s. Their gardens share a gate.” What? How do you know- “You never saw me watching you.” He gave a harsh laugh.
     “Right. Lead the way, Snape.” Hey, you can’t just- Ohshitohshitohshit. I’m flyingohshithowthefuck- Why you waving that stick, asshole? Gonna shove it up my-
     “Do shut up. Obliviate!”
     “Excuse me, sir? Are you all right?” He opened his eyes slowly, then closed them tight against the bright sun. Fuck.
     “Sir? I’ve called you an ambulance, ok? They’ll be here in just a minute. Just lie still. We think you fell off a ladder or something.” What? How did I-? Fuck, my head. God, those sirens are loud.
     “Hello, sir. Lie still, ok? Can you answer some questions? What’s your name?” Fuck you, idiot. I know my name. I’m- I’m… 
     “Hmm. Ok, what year is it? Do you know where you are? ...Ok, we’re going to take you to the hospital and have you checked out. You took a tough one upside the head, huh? Don’t you worry; you’ll be right as rain soon. Sir? Sir?”
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Here and Gone Again - Chapter 1: The Pizza Man
Chapter Summary: Amelia and her friends hang out during their final hour of school before they all head to Amelia’s house to celebrate her 18th birthday.
Warnings: Light swearing
Word Count: 3,107
Chapter 1/?
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“Danger! Danger! This call is from your mother!” Blared the ringtone that I had set for none other than my mom. I looked to the teacher with the phone in my hand, brow raised, silently asking them if I could step outside and answer the call.
“Be quick,” Mr. Wilson, my American Government teacher, replied as he continued his rant on how inaccurate Disney’s version of Pocahontas was.
Nodding my head in thanks, I stood and headed towards the door, answering my phone as I did so. The hallway was silent besides the light chatter coming from the open doors and room-less classrooms around the school. When looking outside the many windows that faced the afternoon sun, one could still see that hints of summer still clung to the trees that had mostly turned various shades of red and orange. Hell, even the sky looked like it could have been a clear summer day. It was late September, so it was a nice sight to see.
“Hey, mom!” I smiled, a sense of reverence hinted in my voice since there were some classroom doors open.
“Hi, honey,” She said, her voice coming out a little garbled from the semi-shitty cell reception. “Are your friends still coming over for the party?”
I smiled widely, excitement bubbling up inside me, remembering that party that was going to take place at my house.
“Most of ‘em,” I said. “Brielynn has to study for college midterms.”
There was a pause for a short time, and during that time, I could hear the sound of my mom’s car running in the background along with the mumbled singing of my older sister Melissa who was sitting in the car with my mom, home from college for the weekend, lucky to get away from the stress of midterms. Assuming the rest would be able to come, she asked another question.
“Okay. Even though I won’t be home for a while, should I get pizza for the friends who don’t like sushi?”
“You don’t have to get the pizza, mom,” I replied. “I can order some when I’m in fourth period so then my friends and I have something to snack on. I’ll have some delivered to the house a little bit before dinner starts if I need to.
With a simple okay, we continued on with saying our goodbyes, for the time being, I hung up and walked back into the classroom, putting my phone away as I sat down. By then, Mr. Wilson was showing students a clip from Pocahontas and was pointing out all of the errors and telling them how the scenarios we witnessed most likely went down. Many students laughed or snorted at Wilson’s varying array of reactions. A few moments later, the clip was finished, which marked the end of his rant. Sighing, Mr. Wilson turned to me, an exasperated look upon his already weary face.
“How did your call go?” He asked, a hand on his hip, his other resting on his computer.
“It was okay,” I shrugged. “My mom is going to pick up some sushi for my 18th birthday party tonight.”
Mr. Wilson gasped and wore a face of feigned a hurt expression. His hand went to his chest as if I just told him that I was going to drop his class altogether. I chuckled and looked at my open computer momentarily, knowing full well that I needed the credit or else I wouldn’t graduate high school.
“Why would she not bring it here?” He cried.
At that, the class laughed. I laughed too, for a time, before I retorted a simple response.
“Well, to be fair, Mr. Wilson,” I sighed dramatically, “I did give you some donuts this morning in thanks for the Starbucks gift card you got me.”
“Touché,” He laughed before checking the time on his computer, seeing there was only one minute left of that class. “Alright, you guys can go. See you guys later.”
After that, the day flew by, each class seeming to be shorter and shorter with each one that passed. After some announcements given to the school by Paul, the music teacher, I was finally able to make it to the fourth and final period of the day. I sat down in my seat and looked around the sweeping room that everyone knows to be the Uncommons. From the three other classrooms and to the front and to the side of me, I could faintly hear different students from different rooms either talking about random things or doing their homework that was assigned that week. One by one, my friends trickled in each one sitting at the round table that we had claimed for ourselves at the beginning of the year. We were all in our most casual attire, seeing as the school lets us take a break from wearing our black, navy, or khaki pants and varying array of school approved shirts.
When we were all freshman, there were seven of us, and we called ourselves the Seven Deadly Sins for shits and giggles at one point, but within the first two years of high school, two had already left the group, either because they didn’t want to hang out with the group or everyone had so much disdain for them that they were, in ways, exiled from the group. Sure, either Tanya or I would talk to that one friend that was exiled at times, but Tanya was the only one who would ever talk to her; more often than not, I would ignore her entire existence, which can be seen as rude when one knows that I was friends with her since the sixth grade, but what’s the point in a friendship when one of them is so toxic one can hardly breathe. In the end, the friends around me were the ones I knew were going to last me a lifetime.
“So, what do you have planned for the party, Amelia?” Artemis queried, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Well, I was thinking we could go on a movie marathon, eat some sushi and pizza, and pull out my Ouija board that my sisters’ friend gave me today…?” I asked more than I said as I fiddled with the felt ears on my Spock socks that I had gotten a few years before. “I mean, we don’t have to do it in that exact order.”
“Now that’s what I call a party,” A voice came from behind me, the smell of pizza wafting into my nose.
I jolted upright and gasped, my foot falling to the cement flooring. In truth, I had forgotten that I had ordered pizza right before announcements. Pulling out my wallet my school bag, I grabbed 20 bucks and handed it to the pizza man, in turn, he handed me my pizza. As he was handing my pizza, the breadsticks sliding off of the top of the pizza boxes and with the shock of the sliding breadsticks, the pizza man almost dropped the pizza. Reflexes kicking, I grabbed the breadsticks, all the while steadying the hand of the pizza man. For a time, the world was at a standstill.
“Damn, Cas, where’d’ya learn that trick?” The man asked, clearly referencing Supernatural, a show that’s been running since 2005.
“I dunno,” I said aloud, almost incomprehensibly, before giggling lightly. “The pizza man?”
My friends snickered behind me, especially Artemis, who understood that reference more than any of my other friends did. I thanked the man for the pizza before I sat the pizza, soda, and breadsticks on the table.
“I just got the basic stuff with stuffed crust. Hope you guys don’t mind,” I said as I got a slice of both pepperoni and Hawaiian.
As soon as I said that, everyone started to grab some of their own food. Each person took a different amount of slices of their pizza and breadsticks that was provided. We were soon stuffing ourselves with pizza, disregarding the endless pile of essays and projects that we had to complete. Leaning to the center of the table, I grabbed the soda and upon opening, the soda bubbled and fizzed inside. Realizing neither I nor my friends didn’t have a cup to drink from, I stood.
“Do you guys want to get you some cups?” I asked, turning slightly towards the direction of the school kitchen.
Each one of them nodded in agreement as they took a bite of their pizza before I headed off to the kitchen for some cups, glad that the school provided clean cups for the students. The next hour and a half soon passed by like a blur, the pizza was mostly eaten, and the soda bottle had been finished off by then. The next thing we knew, it was 3:15 and students were being released by their Study Hall teacher, the halls becoming filled with a sea of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Some of the teachers and the principal saw the students, partially glad that they were now able to go home and relax and probably crack open a beer with a friend or a spouse. In all that chaos, I began to pack my stuff up along with my friends, letting my thoughts overwhelm my senses, drowning out those around me.
As I was packing up my stuff, I felt the sun hit my face, which had blinded me temporarily. I breathed in, thinking about all the years I had spent at this school that I had almost considered a second home. Hell, I’ve been going to the same school since my sixth year. Not to mention that I’ve even spent the night here for an annual event that most of the school population would go to, even if they needed an IV that consisted of the strongest coffee ever in their arm the next morning because of how tired they were. To think that I’ll be graduating in a few months…
“Kinslayer, you okay?” Layla asked, using the nickname I earned in freshman year.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. Just thinking about graduation,” I sighed softly.
She nodded as she finished packing up the stuff that she brought with her that day. Most of the students had gone by then, either on the bus or in their cars, however, some students remained, due to the fact that their parents hadn’t come to pick them up yet. Teachers talked amongst themselves about the plans they had for the weekend or grumbled about the pile of papers they had to grade. Swinging my bag on my shoulders, I turned to look at the desk of my Literature teacher, Mr. Barnes. He sat there with his hand over his mouth, eyes scanning something before him. As if sensing I was looking, he looked towards me and smiled, beckoning me towards him. When I arrived within earshot that didn’t cause him to yell, he spoke.
“How does it feel to be 18?” He asked, his smile still on his face. I shrugged.
“I still feel the same as if I was still 17,” My reply came easy, seeing as I had always felt the same whenever my birthday came around, besides the fact that the burden of voting and actual adult things now rested upon my shoulders. “Nothing feels too different.”
As if on cue, I felt a familiar presence behind me. Turning, my thoughts had been confirmed. I saw Blakely, who is Mr. Barnes’ wife and my old eighth-grade science teacher, and smiled. I took a step back and turned, leaning in for a hug, a traditional greeting between Blakely and me. The hug was brief, seeing as Blakely pulled away, pulling something wrapped in wrapping from out of her bag. Grinning, I took the gift from her with a small smile that didn’t leave my face for a good while. I looked up from the gift, brushing my hair from off of my shoulder.
“Thank you, but you didn’t have to get me something,” I said. Blakely shrugged and smiled in response.
Taking it as a partial sign to open the present, I gently opened the wrapping. The package was oblong and about a foot and a half in length. When the wrapping was completely off, I saw an innately carved box made of oak with hinges on one side and an easy-to-open lock on the other. Upon opening the wooden box, I saw a wand made of polished wood. The design of didn’t look as if it belonged to any character from Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts, having already memorized most of the wands that each character had in their possession. My jaw dropped, having realized that the wand before me looked exactly like the one I had on Pottermore. The wand was twelve, almost thirteen inches, aspen wood, and when I held it in my hand and bent it slightly, it was surprisingly flexible. The wand in my hand was amazingly balanced and easy to hold. I waved it around, mentally reciting Alohamora and Expelliarmus. It was perfect.
“If I’m going, to be honest,” I said as I held the wand closer to my face to get a closer look at the glittering woodwork, “I feel like I could kill a man with this thing.”
Both Mr. Barnes and Blakely laughed at my comment, knowing full well that I often used dark humor, or just humor in general, to express how I felt. By then, my friends had gathered around to examine the wand I had received moments earlier, each one of them amazed at the delicate work that was put into the wand itself. Smiling one more time, I turned to the two teachers before me and said goodbye, thanking them for the gift, and headed towards the door.
When leaving the building, the air felt crisp and smelled faintly of warm maple and smoky bonfires from late nights past, making it therapeutic in more ways than one. On top of that, the weatherman had forecasted that there would be a thunderstorm that would start around midnight. Looking into the mostly empty student parking lot, my car was nowhere to be found. Confused, I pulled the keys from my bag to press the unlock button to open my car, only to realize that the keys in my hand were drastically different compared to the keys that I had this morning. My brow furrowed, perplexity written all over my face. Practically hearing the grins on the faces of my friends, I turned to them for answers.
“Look to your left,” Tanya grinned. I was about to ask why, but she just shook her head. “Just do it; you won’t regret it.”
Slowly looking to my left, I saw the thing that had wanted ever since I was thirteen: a sleek, black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. In shock, I froze in my spot. I could hardly breathe as I let the tears fall from my eyes.
“Is this some sort of joke?” I asked as I turned to meet the eyes of my friends, tears still flowing freely from my eyes.
Each one of them shook their head, telling me that the car I was seeing was, in fact, something to I could call my own. My voice cracked with emotion as I struggled to emit a laugh that miserably failed, despite my attempt. I stepped towards the car, resting the tips of my fingers on the passenger side of the engine, slowly running them along the sleek paint, eyes closed. Slowly walking around to the front of the car, my palm making full contact with the hood of the engine, my eyes fluttered open, finally laying eyes on the sight that I had only dreamed of having. My eyes flickered over to my friends a couple of yards away, the biggest grin on my face.
“Get in losers,” I said through a laugh as I ran towards the driver’s door. “We’re going kinslaying!”
As if on cue, my friends climbed into the car, laughing as they did so and upon them entering the car, the keys were already in the ignition. My wrist flicked forward, making the engine roar to life. The next thing I knew, I was pulling out of the parking lot, heading onto I-95. During the car ride home, needless to say, was home to endless bouts of laughter, music, and future inside jokes that we would forever share and treasure in our hearts, no matter the circumstances.
The smiles on both my face and my friends’ faces grew instantaneously as I turned onto the dirt that lead to my house. I stepped on the gas pedal, making trails of dust into the air behind me. Over bumps, railroad tracks, branches, and small rocks and cracks in the road, I was finally able to pull into the gravel driveway of my house, the sight of my smiling Great Pyrenees Hope and ducks greeting me. Putting the car in park, I hopped out of the car and ran up to Hope, scratching her behind the ears.
“Hello, goofus, my floopy puppy!” The words came out muffled seeing as I had now buried my face in Hope’s snow white fur as I was now hugging my dog tightly, even though I had seen her that morning before I had headed off to school. “Hmm, I love you, goofball, even though you can be a dumbass.”
I could hear Layla snort with laughter behind me while the others chuckled their own response to my odd greeting to my dog. And with that, we headed inside and the partying began.
Authors Note: Hey, beans! I hope you guys liked the first chapter, it took me quite a while to right. Sorry if it seemed like I was writing a Supernatural or a Harry Potter fanfiction at first (I promise that’ll change in about a chapter or two). I’m also sorry if it seemed weird at any point. This chapter was mainly for an introduction to the characters and plot I have in mind. Besides that, I just wanted to tell you guys that I was planning on writing the rest of the book in the third person, seeing as I would be able to write a bit more for you, not to mention that I’ll be able to get in more detail that should help the story flow more smoothly. I’ll also try and write more about what the other girls are thinking instead of it being all in Amelia’s head. Comment down below and tell me who you’d like the next chapter to be focused on.
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[Translation] VAZZROCK bi-color Series Vol. 10 Drama Track 1 - Part 2
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Part 2!! Ayumu and Gaku find themselves in the middle of a crisis www But, you could totally get a strong sense of what their characters are really like in this drama track~ 
Thank you to @ryuukia for the files~! Please don’t ask her as per her request, thank you!
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
  AYUMU: (gasps) Please tell me I’m hallucinating…
GAKU: I want to but, I’m seeing the same thing as you are.
AYUMU: You’re joking, right…?
AYUMU: The flight’s been cancelled?
GAKU: Looks like it’s been decided for us, huh?
GAKU: Everyone who saw the signboard are heading to the reception desk right now.
GAKU: What should we do? Even I would think that we won’t be able to do something if we can’t reach the location itself.
AYUMU: Has the manager contacted you yet?
GAKU: No, not yet. What about you?
AYUMU: There’s none, either. I’m sure he’s still busy with the others’ events that he hasn’t noticed the flight’s schedule change yet.
AYUMU: For now, I’ll try to contact him.
GAKU: Want to go back to the dorms for now?
AYUMU: No! I’ll go to the location even if I have to crawl there.
AYUMU: Gaku, I thought you agreed with me.
GAKU: I’d do it if we could. The event is tomorrow afternoon, right?
AYUMU: If the flight’s cancelled then… the train!
AYUMU: But, we won’t make it…
GAKU: No. No, no. It’s still too early to give up, Ayumu.
GAKU: There’s really nothing that’s impossible in this world. I’m sure there’s another way. It’s just not something seen so easily.
AYUMU: … You’re right. Alright! I’ll tell the manager that we’ll think of a way to somehow get to the location.
AYUMU: Gaku, can you look for an alternative on how to get there in the meantime?
GAKU: Roger.
  GAKU: The bullet train lines are all suspended, huh…
(phone ringing)
AYUMU: What are you doing, Manager?
(Manager-san picks up)
AYUMU: Ah, thank god he picked up…!
AYUMU: Is it alright to talk to you right now?
AYUMU: I see.
AYUMU: Actually, the flight to get to the event site’s been cancelled.
AYUMU: No! You don’t have to tell them to cancel the event. Gaku and I will still go.
AYUMU: Gaku’s searching for alternatives right now…
GAKU: Ayumu, it seems like if we take the late night express bus, we might make it. I’ll try to see if I can get us tickets.
GAKU: (on the phone) Ah, hello?
AYUMU: Did you hear that, Manager? I’m sure that there will already be fans waiting by the venue.
AYUMU: Yeah. Yes… I know that there might be people who won’t come…!
AYUMU: But, I don’t want to disappoint them! Even if the preparations might have problems, we at least want to be there,
AYUMU: I want to wait together with the people who have been looking forward to it!
AYUMU: That’s… Isn’t that the best we could do right now?
AYUMU: Ah…! Sorry for causing you trouble.
AYUMU: …! Thank you! Yeah… Yes, I know.
AYUMU: We won’t force it if it becomes too dangerous. I’ll tell Gaku that, too.
AYUMU: Yeah, please contact the event hall.
AYUMU: Alright, we’ll contact you when we arrive safely.
AYUMU: Yeah. Take care, too.
GAKU: Ayumu, you really treasure the fans, huh?
AYUMU: Wha--?! What’s with that all of a sudden?
GAKU: Nah, I just happened to hear your conversation.
GAKU: Really. I’m so glad that you’re my first event partner.
AYUMU: I should be the one saying that.
AYUMU: I’m so glad that you’re the one to share my troubles.
AYUMU: Ah, what about you? Did you manage to get us tickets?
GAKU: It went okay. I managed to get two tickets to the express bus that heads directly to the event site.
GAKU: We’ll be arriving by 10 A.M tomorrow so we don’t have much time to take it easy.
AYUMU: It’s wonderful enough that we’ll make it before it begins.
AYUMU: From where will it depart?
GAKU: There’s one that leaves from the airport, thankfully.
GAKU: Departure will be 20 minutes from now.
AYUMU: Then we better hurry.
GAKU: Even though it’s still 20 minutes away?
AYUMU: We shouldn’t underestimate the airport’s wideness.
GAKU: You have a point. (chuckles)
(they start walking)
  AYUMU: I’m so glad we made it. (sighs)
GAKU: Are you okay?
AYUMU: No problem.
(bus starts moving)
  GAKU: It was the better choice to hurry like you thought.
GAKU: People were moving here and there since flights got cancelled so it took longer to navigate.
GAKU: We almost didn’t make it, huh~
AYUMU: Yeah. Ah… Would you prefer to sit by the window?
GAKU: Hm? Ah, I’m fine with either so choose what you want.
AYUMU: Thank you.
(Ayumu sits down and opens the curtain)
AYUMU: It looks like the rain hasn’t reached here yet.
GAKU: Maybe it’ll start when we get there?
AYUMU: Have you ever ridden an express bus, Gaku?
GAKU: Yeah, back when I was a student.
GAKU: It’s a cheaper way of getting to the local mountains for a student.
AYUMU: I see.
GAKU: What about you?
AYUMU: I think I remember having ridden it once long ago.
AYUMU: I’ve ridden on a lot of location buses (for filming) before but…
AYUMU: I think at times like these, it’d be better if I knew how to drive.
GAKU: You don’t have a license?
AYUMU: No, I have one. Though, I wish I could actually use it.
AYUMU: I got it when I was in university.
AYUMU: But, our agency generally doesn’t allow their talents to drive on their own, right?
GAKU: Ah, that’s right. I don’t have much chances to drive so I forgot.
AYUMU: Even if we got permission, I don’t think I have confidence in getting us there faster compared to a pro driver.
AYUMU: I think I can count how many times I’ve actually gone on the highway.
GAKU: In Tokyo, it’s actually kinda inconvenient to go home by car, huh?
AYUMU: Exactly.
AYUMU: Plus, whenever I see a car trying to park in a super narrow space, I remember my training and it doesn’t sit well with me…
GAKU: Oh, for parallel parking?
AYUMU: Yeah. I was so bad at that that I only have bad memories of it.
GAKU: Heh~ How unexpected~
AYUMU: It is?
GAKU: You have the image of someone who’d be able to do a complicated driving manoeuvre so easily.
AYUMU: It’s not like I can’t do it. It’s just… when it’s a little crooked, I can’t help but re-do it.
GAKU: Hm? Then, by memories, you mean…?
AYUMU: I couldn’t be satisfied with my own parallel parking so I asked to take another test but…
AYUMU: They passed me the first time and I couldn’t take the test again.
GAKU: (chuckles) You passed and yet you’re still unsatisfied.
AYUMU: I just knew I could’ve done better.
GAKU: (laughs) It’s great that you have such a desire to improve.
AYUMU: What about you? Do you have a license?
GAKU: Yeah, I got a training license when I turned 18.
AYUMU: Training license…? Ah, the one that you can get within a month?
GAKU: If I remember… I think I got it in about two weeks.
AYUMU: That’s a lot shorter than I thought.
GAKU: Thanks to that, I could get it during my vacation.
GAKU: I wanted to breeze through it and just get it, I guess..
AYUMU: Are you unexpectedly the kind who takes short, intensive courses…?
GAKU: Is it unusual?
AYUMU: Somehow… You give off the image who’d like to do things slowly.
AYUMU: I guess, you give off the kind of vibes of someone who’s very patient.
GAKU: Hmm… I wonder… I don’t think that I’m very patient myself but…
GAKU: I see. So that’s what I seem like to other people, huh?
AYUMU: What did it feel like attending the training course?
GAKU: I don’t think it’s that much differ—No, it is.
GAKU: The way we trained for skills on the road was weird.
AYUMU: How is it weird? You’re just supposed to drive on the road with the instructor, right?
GAKU: The road was a huge field. No matter where we went, it was all just fields.
GAKU: It’s the kind of road that makes you feel thankful when you see a traffic light.
GAKU: I was like, “Ah~ It’s a stoplight!”
AYUMU: How far did you go just to get a license…?
GAKU: Even the instructor apologized and said that, while it’s good there weren’t any people to crash into, I had to be careful not to fall asleep.
AYUMU: Ah… You mean, that kind of thing where they say if you see the same scenery for a long time, you feel sleepy?
GAKU: No. It’s the instructor’s lecture about not feeling sleepy that made me feel super sleepy.
GAKU: Like, with how his voice sounded and its tempo? Man, that should be a talent on its own.
AYUMU: No… That’s not good, right?
GAKU: Now that I remember it, his voice might’ve been the real test.
AYUMU: What kind of test is that? Still, you passed, right?
GAKU: Only barely though, I think.
AYUMU: Are you… bad at driving?
GAKU: I think I’m at the normal level. But, during the last phase of the test, a monkey—
AYUMU: Monkey…?!
GAKU: I bet they came down from the mountains. I avoided the monkey’s family on the road and almost didn’t reach our destination.
AYUMU: Th-that’s… H-how did you solve that problem…?
GAKU: I got permission from the instructor to go take a detour. He guided me through the mountain roads.
GAKU: I’m so glad it wasn’t a talking monkey or something.
AYUMU: As expected. It wouldn’t compare to Ruka who you handle every day, huh?
GAKU: Hey, even Ruu would get mad if you compared him to a mon— maybe not.
GAKU: He’d think it’s interesting. In actuality, I think Ruu’s easier to handle.
AYUMU: (chuckles) Well, in the end, I’m pretty sure those licenses weren’t for naught.
GAKU: No doubt about that.
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