#oh this became rant time apparently
scarasimping · 2 years
kisses with the genshin men
- includes ayato, diluc, itto, tighnari, wanderer
- a/n: cough uhm. im a simp. anyways. tighnari is a little ooc and also kinda suggestive?? not really but a little. everything is just a lot of fluff tbh, enjoy ! if you want me to do this with other characters, please let me know!
- oh this man knows he's good. which is really odd, considering he's never kissed anyone before you, always too busy for relationships. apparently the ever-so-talented yashiro commissioner is a very quick learner and became a great kisser in such a short time.
- that and he's just really good at picking up on what makes your knees weak. his thumb brushes against your cheek, hand gripping your hip firmly as he kisses his way up your jaw, to the corner of your mouth, until finally he softly connects your lips together. he holds you like you're the most precious thing in teyvat, slowly walking you backwards until you're sitting on the desk in his office, arms wrapped around his neck and playing with his hair.
- the type to whisper praises in between kisses. small things like "you look stunning today," and "i love you more than anything."
- hold him close to you and tell him how much you missed him while he was working. he'll hum into the kiss approvingly, maybe muttering teasingly how he should be ashamed for keeping his lover waiting for so long. you're really one of the main things that motivates him to get through all the boring meetings and paperwork. coming back to you and getting to kiss you until he's left breathless.
- diluc rarely kisses you on the mouth. most of the time, his kisses are in quick and passing moments. a kiss to the forehead or crown of your head, the back of your knuckles, to your jaw. it's not like he wants them to be so quick, he's just very busy and always on the move
- plus, when he is finally able to place his lips on yours, he prefers to savor it - kiss you slowly, deeply, make sure he can pour all of his love into his kiss so you know how much he cares. he's never been one for words, so passionate kisses when he's holding you like you'll disappear if he lets go will have to do.
- probably one of the most, if not the most, playful kisser on this list. he just gets so giddy being so close to you, he can't help it.
- absolutely the type to smile into the kiss and playfully bite at your lips.
- also, there's not really any quick casual kisses with him. most of the time, you kiss him first, a quick peck before trying to walk away, but he grabs you by the wrist and kisses you again, deeper, tongue slipping into your mouth.
- one small kiss turns into a make out session with him. you're in public? so what, nothing's gonna stop the arataki itto from loving his amazing partner. (you learned very quickly to kiss him in more secluded areas)
- he'll finally pull away and see you panting, trying to catch your breath, and say some shit like, "what? has the great 'arataki itto' made you at a loss for words?' and then start ranting about how good he is at kissing, you'll have to kiss him again to shut him up.
- tighnari never really saw the appeal in kissing. from his standpoint, placing one's lips on another's didn't produce any noticeable chemical reactions that would make it satisfying, aside from the dopamine in your brain increasing, but you can get that from eating good food or engaging in a hobby so why did people like it so much?
- that is, until he met you. past-him would want to die in shame at how present-him could not keep his lips off of you. behind the closed doors of his quarters, tighnari finds himself on top of you, hands on either side of your head holding him up, one knee in between your legs. run your hands through his hair please, play with his ears a little and he's putty in your hands.
- instant k.o. when one of your hands is playing the base of his ears while the other is running through his tail. this usually composed and sarcastic man loses the ability to think when you do that.
- he's desperate in the way that his lips press against yours, giving into his almost carnal desire to devour your mouth with his. there's a little bit of teeth, him biting your lip to ask for permission to take it even further. when you open your mouth for him, his tongue quickly darts inside, running along your muscle as if he's trying to memorize the very shape of it.
- and honestly, he probably is. with how long he has to be away from you during his patrols in the avidya forest, it's no surprise how desperate he is for you when he gets back.
- okay he has his moments where he's the "mean, biting your lip, being aggressive and stuff" type of kisser but also, why would he be kissing you if he didn't care about you deeply.
- he only kisses you behind closed doors, not because he's ashamed, but because he thinks those moments should only be seen by the two of you.
- he kisses you like it'll be the last time he sees you for the rest of eternity. like you'll fade away as soon as your lips leave his. he holds one of your hands while his other one is wrapped around your waist bringing you as close as possible to him. even that's not close enough, judging by how he's basically trying to mold his lips with yours. you're one of the only ones who stayed, treated him like more than a puppet, cared for him despite seeing his flaws.
- maybe you feel some tears fall from his eyes onto you, but don't mention it or he will leave.
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
Hey! I just found your blog and followed yesterday. Came for the fact that you're the only other person in this webbed site actually say out loud that they liked Biden, stayed for the hope and determination and perspective. Anyway just wanted to introduce myself and I hope you're coping well!
Hello and welcome to you and the other sudden flood of followers that I got after yesterday's event. I'm glad to have you and hope you are all in on the project of Kicking Fascism In The Shriveled Testicles 2024, American Edition. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.
Biden was not my first choice (far from it) in the 2020 primary process, but when it became clear that he was going to win the nomination, I supported him early and often. Trust me, this was not a popular position, and it remains so, but so be it. By any reasonable metric, he is the most progressive president we have ever had, it is a crying shame that the media is so beholden to the Trump Teat of Drama that they gave him such a kid-gloved free pass and ratfucked Biden instead, and it makes me worry, a lot, for American democracy. I have always gotten a lot of "you support everything Biden has done so you're awful and going to hell!!!" messages, because this sure is a Webbed Site Where We Piss On the Poor, and like -- I don't. I had major disagreements with Biden, especially on foreign policy! But because I apparently did not performatively self-flagellate myself in every post about how awful he was but maybe I guess vote for him anyway, that got some people very mad! It's also true that there's literally nobody in the world anywhere, especially and including in Palestine, that would benefit from Trump becoming president again! Especially since Biden at the NATO summit recently and explicitly endorsed progress on the ceasefire framework he has been pushing for several months! So unfortunately, we live in a society where shitty choices are necessary, and that is part of being a grownup!
....anyway. Deep breaths. Rant for later. Glad you're here. I have been desperately trying to Not Politic for a bit, since doing so on social media in the year of our lord 2024 is a recipe for swift insanity, but the world keeps taking a large dump directly on those plans, and I guess someone's gotta do it. In more normal times (OH LORD WHEN), you can expect history (I am an academic by trade), random posts, various asks, and sometimes a great deal of fanfic for assorted blorbos, though the Horrors have done a number on that and I am also working on an original fantasy trilogy at the moment. (Still deciding whether I should bother trying to agent it or just publish it on Amazon/Lulu/etc.) I have turned off anon for the moment because otherwise my inbox would be a nightmare beyond comprehension, but I do generally enjoy talking about things and/or answering them as much as I can. I am old, queer, tired, fueled by coffee and spite, have been politically conscious since the first Bush Jr. term and have therefore seen all the Anti Voting nonsense before (quick thought: if it was going to deliver the perfect Leftist Messiah and/or stop a flawed candidate from becoming president, don't you think it would have done so by now?) So yes. Welcome again and I hope you will enjoy (if that is the right word for it) your stay.
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dullgecko · 30 days
I felt compelled to do language headcanons and got carried away… Sorry!
Gorgug speaks in a mix of Gnomish and Orcish when he gets really into an artificing project or when he’s genuinely pissed(not in a Rage, just actually mad), like to the point it’s unintelligible even with Adaine casting Understand Language.
Fig does something similar when she gets mad just a mix of Elvish and Infernal, though it’s easier for Adaine and Fabian to understand that one. Everyone knows not to bother her if she’s mumbling in both languages since it takes a lot to get her to that point, usually Ayda has to come in and calm her down.
Riz and Gorgug both have a thing where they forget the word for something in Common and try to come up with what they think it is, with wild descriptions and weird names for it. Meanwhile Fig and Kristen are laughing at each attempt, Adaine is begging them to just say it in their respective languages while she’s casting Understand Languages, and Fabian is genuinely playing along trying to guess what they’re saying(He is SO far off).
The Thistlesprings have that country-like accent because Gnomish has a similar sound to it, the only times they speak in Common is when Gorgug has friends over or when they’re around people who don’t understand Gnomish. So by default Gorgug has a slight country accent, though it isn’t noticeable unless he says certain words.(I’m giving a reason for the “Even cowgirls get the blues” if you couldn’t tell.)
(Not language related but eh) Riz, Fig, Gorgug, and Ragh all make animalistic noises. Often they purr or growl softly when all the bad kids are in a cuddle pile or when they’re just cozy, Ragh is the loudest.
Adaine got taught how to howl and growl correctly by Jawbone, specifically how to do it in an affectionate way. Tracker cried when she came back home and was immediately greeted by both Jawbone and Adaine howling their love for her. Kristen was very confused, then later started to learn it as well, for Tracker.
Fabian can’t speak Halfling, he only new the songs Cathilda sang to him as a kid and realized he should probably try and learn it. He went to one if the Halfling teachers during Junior year and begged him to teach him the language so he could surprise Cathilda with a proper greeting when she got back home. He still wasn’t very good at it when she arrived, he mixed up a word and ended up calling her a canoe, but she still cried at her beautiful boy’s effort.
Kristen sometimes just sits and stares when one of the others rant in a different language, then when they’re finished she goes, “I’m sure you’re very correct in whatever opinion you just had.” and moves on. It’s very therapeutic to rant to someone who can’t understand what you’re saying and still supports your opinions, apparently.
Oh its beautiful, i love it. Multi-lingual bad kids my beloved.
Gorgugs orcish isnt anywhere near as fluent as his gnomish or common, but its gotten a lot better since they became friends with Ragh and his mum. He tries to chat with her in orcish whenever they meet, and she helps him with his pronounciation. He mostly has trouble with the more gutteral sounds, but he's getting better at roaring with Ragh and his mums help. Riz helps him practice too whenever they're out of town, because he ALSO knows Orcish but he never elaborates on how he is fluent when asked (he used to play chess with some elderly orcs who lived down the hallway from him while his mum was at work, and he's a quick study).
He enjoys speaking it when he gets genuinely pissed because gnomish just sounds hilarious when spoken with anger. They dont have good swear words, the harshest one that exists in gnomish is the equivilent of 'fiddlesticks'.
Infernal is also an awesome language to be pissed off in, it allows for a lot of harsh consonants and yelling and maybe a little horrifying screaming. Elvish however is great when you really want to insult someone in a way that would cause psychic damage. Combining the two is /incredibly/ satisfying because you can call someone a "*screeches of the damned* piece of shit whos parentage is *horrifying chattering* and he deserves to rot forever in the foresaken bowels of the inferno where he'll be turned into a *hissing and clicking*". Riz looking over from where he's half-ignoring her and going 'oh damn, goblin also uses that last one" before adding another note to a document he and Fig regularly update called 'words shared by infernal and goblin'.
"You know, the THING. You put it on food. Tastes good, will kill you if you have too much." "Chilli powder?" "NO its a rock. it literally translates out to tasty rock in goblin." "What the fuck are you on about who eats rocks." SALT, the answer was salt.
All of Gorgugs extended family live out in farming country away from the city. His parents took him to visit a lot over summer breaks when he was little and still fit inside their houses (he loved watching the ponies as a kid, and the accent became well and truely stuck). Now he'd be too big to get through the front door, but at reunions they usually clear a space out in the barn where he can sleep.
Riz, Fig, Gorgug and Ragh making more animalistic noises is pretty well known amoung the group. Ragh and Gorgug definitely purr and growl, but when REALLY pissed off they can also roar and bellow in a way that other people can feel in their chests.
Riz and Fig have definitly started doing it more the longer they've known the others (Riz because he was trying VERY hard to not seem super monster-y but is now a lot more comfortable being himself and Fig because she's still becoming more infernal slowly). There are still some noises the others have only heard recently though, which both happened over about ten seconds. Riz had been hanging out with the others at the mall, and both himself and Fig had stepped away from the others to get refills on their drinks. None of the others really saw what started it but a stranger had grabbed and picked up Riz which made him make a screeching-yowling noise of pain and anger so loud that they heard it from across the food court. Figs own infernal snarl of rage was almost as loud as the sound of the assholes nose breaking when she promptly headbutt him at full strength to make him drop the goblin. Riz managed to get a good swipe in at the guys achilies before promptly disappearing while Fig ran.
Jawbone loves his kids, and Adaine loves him back. She feels a little silly howling everytime he comes home but its a good kind of silly. It feels a little LESS silly when half the house is doing it together.
She has to be careful with the growling though, and who she growls at. What might be a fun and playful cadence for Jawbone and Tracker made Riz's pupils contract to slits and his ears flatten backwards before he clocked it was her and put the pieces together (Oh its Adaine, she is not pissed off and threatening me. Wait why the fuck did she growl at me?).
Fabian spoke halfling before he spoke common, but forgot a LOT of it as he got older (but he never forgot the words to those songs). He spends months using fantasy duolinguo to bring his fluency back up and, after surprising Cathilda with how good he's gotten, starts getting proper lessons from her as well (she is by far more terrifying than the language bird, so he never misses practice time).
Kristen knows some elvish, but not well enough to parse the more rapid-fire ranting that she sits through so she just nods and makes general noises of agreement at points she thinks are appropriate.
Riz she has ZERO hope of understanding because they dont shift their vocal register to a level she can hear the entire time when they're really pissed off (there are a lot of subsonics that elves and orcs can only JUST pick up, but her human hearing has no hope), even after the whole party starts learning goblin in secret to surprise Riz later. She smiles, nods, and makes him a new coffee when his old one runs out.
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monimccoythings · 1 year
Classy Turtle
Okay, here’s part 2. Second parts were never good but I was dying to make this one. Just the mental image of it. Been watching the critics reviews of this glorious movie and every single one I’ve read are just terrible reviews of movies the audience absolutely adored (it’s the freaking Super Mario Movie, it doesn’t have to be the new Godfather) And those people who want to cancel Bowser, the villain of the Mario saga, for acting like a villain and singing a villain song that slaps? Are they okay? Don’t they get the basic concepts of villainy?
Previous Parts: 1
Next Parts: 3,4,5
tags: @loveforfandomsstuff​ @harpy-space​
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You kept coming back to the palace to visit whenever you had the time. You really enjoyed spending time with your new friends and learning more about the Mushroom Kingdom. It’s like everyday there was some new adventure!
You also met the famous fearless Toad who had accompanied Peach and Mario throughout their dangerous journey to the Kong Kingdom and were lucky enough to eat one of his even more famous meals. You weren’t sure you had tasted something so divine in your entire life, goddamn it, Toad, drop the secret recipe book.
But if there was also a not entirely malicious ulterior motive for your visits, it would probably be your endearing wittle piano playing turtle that on his free time commited war crimes. It’s not like you were obsessed (liar), you just found yourself completely enamoured by the concept of some tiny musical tot that spoke highly of himself in a high pitched voice.
You were no fool. You knew he was dangerous and that given the chance, he would commit all those atrocities again. But he was SO LITTLE AND CUTE NOW. You just have to be careful with your gushing. The least you wanted is to cause the literal Third World War over a turtle.
It became an habit of yours to bring some gifts for everyone of your friends whenever you came to visit, and that included him, be it a tiny chair from an old house, a Ken doll, that always ended with his head chewed off, some lettuce (or whatever this turtle ate)...
Presenting him your offerings always was a tricky task. Peach and the bros had kindly drawn a perimeter around his cage that was called the “no-no zone”. Anyone that dared to cross that line, would meet their untimely end at the hands of a flame with the burning power of some kid using an aerosol flamethrower. Maybe it was a bit dramatic but he nearly burnt part of your hair last time so better not risk it, as he was an amgery firey boi. Unfortunately for him, you had put your wicked mind to use and had developed a system that didn’t put your hair or any part of your body in danger of suffering third degree burns. You called it “The Salad Tongs Solution”.
You had decided to use them instead of sticking to the classic put them in while he sleeps. Next time you tried to put a blankie over him when he slept he got scared so badly he went inside his shell and started spinning against the walls of the cages like some deadly top toy. Never again. Poor baby needed his beauty sleep.
So today, you were bringing in a special gift. After some rumaging through your old toys, you found some old tuxedo from one onf your dolls, you didn’t remember which one. But hey, maybe he would like this one?
Welp, he didn’t. As much as Mario would have loved to see him in it, nope, this turtle had expensive tastes and apparently this old tuxedo wasn’t up to his standards. Awww, classy turtle. The high pitched voice just made his rant look like an angry smurf that swore like a sailor. It was so adorable, you were not even bothered he didn’t like it. “It’s okay sweet baby!” You cooed to him. 
Bowser was bewildered at your audacity, your nerve! How dare you not praise him like the feared warlord he is! This will not stand! He will get out, and when he gets out the world shall get a taste of his revenge! You will bow to him in reverence! You will- oh, there you go again, looking at him with that dopey smile and those adoring eyes. Disgusting. Embarrassing. He is NOT a cutie patootie, thank you very much. He is KING OF THE KOOPAS, the strongest and baddest there is! That’s why you should look at him adoringly! Not because he is burger shaped!
A couple of days later Luigi sent a message with a photo attached to the groupchat. Opening it was the best decision in your life: there he was, your little buddy dressed in the tuxedo with the most disgruntled face he could make and being held with the salad tongs. A warm feeling spread through your chest, and for the rest of the day a huge smile was plastered on your face. He was such a dapper little gentleman.
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satoluv · 10 months
KIKUFUKU OF LOVE— gojo satoru x gn! reader.
synopsis in which you, take 5 days to decide what to get for gojo satoru’s birthday. happy birthday my love 💕💕 come back to me n our children at home pls ☹️🤭🤭.
# a little mention of breakdown, fluff! hehe wc 1.2k+
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"I'll be back in a week, don't miss me too much baby! mmm" He said with a mouthful of kikufuku, licking his sugar-coated fingers and everything. How annoyingly cute.
You rolled your eyes teasingly. "I think it's you who will be missing me."
Your boyfriend, Gojo Satoru is out on misson for a week, and will only be back on his birthday. — What perfect timing.
You've been wanting to surprise him with a gift for his special day. After all, birthday comes by only once a year.
But what could you possibly gift a man who's rich—Surely he has the money, he could afford anything he wants, so what could you get the man who can afford anything and everything?
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To say you don't miss your boyfriend is an understatement, of course you miss him. He called you when he arrived his hotel earlier, you didn't want to bother him when he's working so you decided to just wait for his next call.
Last year on his birthday, you surprised him with a birthday party along with a Vacheron Constantin, 18K 5N Rose Gold watch that costed you your two kidneys. However upon seeing his reaction made it all worth it.
Of course he loved it, you bought it,— his darling bought it.
To him, it meant more than just a gift. Some people believe one should keep it because of the money— ‘it’s expensive! that's why you have to treasure it forever’ — but growing up in a prestigious clan, no one would’ve wanted to celebrate birthday’s with the six eyes and limitless user. So imagine his reaction when you surprised him with a birthday party.
"I bought this for you."
"It reminded me of you." — It touched him that you were thinking of him.
You thought of him.
He cried in your arms that day, thanking you profusely.
So from that day on, you've decided to give him a present every year for his birthday. Not because you like seeing him vulnerable but because you want to show him that he, who came from a prestigious clan, is someone deserving of love.
Your love.
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“SHOKOOOO i can’t think of any gifts for him” You cried in your best friend’s arm, ranting about how incredibly difficult it was to buy a present for your boyfriend.
Shoko, who had enough of your complains and whines, still listens— that’s one of the qualities you love about her.
“I’m sure he’ll love anything you give him YN. It’s Gojo Satoru you’re talking about. If you’re still clueless, you can try asking Nanami for help, you know?” She patted your back, heading out of the room you both were in.
To your despair, Nanami was nowhere to be found. Apparently he was out training Yuji and will only be back in 3 days. Surely you can’t wait that long! Which has resulted you into asking Megumi.
“That idiot loves kikufuku. I’m sure he’ll love it if you give him that but I know he’ll love anything that you give him.”
You sighed, that is indeed true. Sometimes you wonder how one can eat kikufuku continuously non-stop without getting tired of it. Not that you mind, you love how chubby his cheeks get when he stuffs the kikufuku desserts in his mouth. —how annoyingly cute. You miss him. Just by the thought of the sight tempted you to get that dessert.
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6 December. How could you forget? You had a meet-up with your friends from middle school but you have yet to get Satoru’s gift.
Surely it won’t take long. Your head reassured your worries.
Oh, how were you wrong. You were supposed to have a fun little chit-chat session at the cafe you used to visit during your teenage days.
6pm became 8pm, 8pm became 10pm.
You’re walking along the streets, mentally cursing yourself. The time on the watch Satoru bought for you said 11pm. And you’re having a mini breakdown because you weren’t keeping track of time. You’ve never been good at managing your time. — Well not after you dated Gojo Satoru.
He’d always remind you to take breaks in between your work because you simply can’t give yourself a break. To other people, you’ve been told a workaholic, but to Gojo Satoru, you’re just someone who works harder than others. And for that, you too, deserve a break.
Oh how you miss him.
As you walk down the shops along the pathway leading to your shared apartment, you stole a quick glance on the kikufuku bakery shop that your boyfriends loves.
‘Limited Edition Flavour — GET IT NOW! Today’s the Last Day’
Your eyes lit up. That was the flavour he’s been dying to try but it was always sold out. You ran in without a second thought and bought it as a gift for your boyfriend.
“That idiot loves kikufuku. I’m sure he’ll love it if you give him that but I know he’ll love anything that you give him.” —Surely he’ll love it, right, Megumi?
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6TH DECEMBER 11.56pm
You’re sitting on the balcony of your shared home, waiting for his arrival. He might not even come home exactly on his birthday so why wait? — Even though he always said there was no need to wait up for him, you end up doing the opposite. You love waiting up for him even if it means falling asleep on the couch while waiting.
The cold breeze gave you goosebumps on your skin, and you began biting your nails. —A habit of yours, in which Satoru kisses your fingertips in an attempt for you to stop. What if he doesn’t like the gifts you got him? Hell, it was just kikufuku from your local bakery shop. You started pacing around the house, completely unaware of the sound of the keys.
Were you dreaming? Or was it the voice of your lovely boyfriend?
You moved from your previous position and jumped straight into Satoru’s arms which he got taken aback but recovered quickly when you felt his arms wrapped around your back.
Oh how you missed him.
“Someone misses me that much h-?”
You placed a finger on his mouth, cupped both his cheeks while leaning your foreheads together, and softly, you said “Happiest of birthday My Satoru. My gift is waiting for you in the kitchen. It’s not much but I-”
He cut you off by kissing your salty-tasted lips. Where were the lips that tasted like strawberries— the strawberry flavoured chapstick he loved so much?
Had you been crying?
He broke the kiss, and walked you both to the kitchen, never letting you go as if you were as fragile as a newborn baby. He sat you on the counter beside the bakery box decorated with ribbons that matched his beautiful cerulean eyes and smiled, immediately knowing what was inside. — His s/o got him the limited edition kikufuku flavour he had been dying to try!
One of his hands rested on your waist while the other squished your cheeks. You squealed.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I enjoy my birthday best with you and your presence is the best gift. That makes everyday my birthday sweetheart, Thank you and I love you.” He kissed your forehead.
It was as if he read your mind. He knew how to clear the doubts in your head.
You covered your face with your palms to cover both your face and hide your sniffles. — You’ve always said you hate how cheesy he gets but— Oh how you love it. And he knows you love it.
He pried your hands away from your face and pinned them above your head. That action made you look up at him. His beautiful snow white hair and cerulean eyes. You pray that one day, your children will inherit those features of his that you love so much.
“Don’t be shy now baby I’m gna’ unwrap my present now”
The next thing you know, his lips found yours again.
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a lil bonus! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
likes and reblogs appreciated! 💕💕 & pls be kind to me.
@ satoluv do not plagiarize, translate, or rewrite my writings without my permission !
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the-great-ladyg · 7 months
So, I watched the James Somerton second apology video so you don't have to, this are my highlights, feel free to add more if I missed something important:
He monetized the video to donate to HBG's team and Wikipedia, apparently, he said also he has reached some of the people who he plagiarized but still, if he did he would have explicitly said "I'm donating to them"
Did he really said "well, I'm a white cis gay man, I don't have the same experiences as others in the community" as an excuse on plagiarizing others' works? And the "I thought I might be able to won over some people" sounds like some white savior shit
He still throws Nick under the bus, it really shows that James doesn't regret any other times he did that and it sounds like he hired Nick as a shield for criticism and not to have a more diverse work team
He apologizes to Jessie Gender and many others, but doesn't explicitly addresses why he might have offended them on first place (except for the police incident), yeah, he says he was reactionary, but he has been on many occassions. I'm not expecting a full detailed explanation, but at least he could have said "for the Nebula drama" or something like that
James says that at one point, due to covid economic consequences, he and Nick became poor and that led him to plagiarize more since they had to upload more videos, and look, I suck at organizing my time, I tend to do everything with little time before the date, and I wrote most of my thesis on the last minute with one or two days of investigating and I still didn't plagiarize, I could cite all of my sources the correct way, if my early 20s procrastinating ass could wrote a 70 page thesis on my own without plagiarizing, he could write a script with a second person without stealing but he prefered to do it anyway
Also the alegedly head injury, I'm not going to say that's a lie, but knowing how this guy uses any card on his favor, this might be something he pulled from his ass to justify himself
I don't know why but some of this Telos drama explanatiom sounds again like he didn't even know how to do all of this, and I get what is to start a project having little to no idea on how to start or continue, but he tried to do so much with so little without asking for any help when he clearly needed some help other than Nick, and also sounds like another excuse to justify plagiarizing
"Misinformation made its way into our past videos", no, my friend, it doesn't make its way when you investigate or check a site other than the first one you see, James loves to say he likes to investigate but still says things like this. "It wasn't malicious", (seriously, the audacity of this bitch), oh yeah, there's nothing malicious coming from the mysogynist biphobic and transphobic dude who misgenders trans people and erases a woman's bisexuality, specially when this lady told you she wasn't a straight woman as you said and this was a known fact for a few years
The ADHD thing feels like some ableist shit, like "don't blame me, I have ADHD uwu", James has offended many groups and communities through his youtube career and in his apology video he still finds the way to insult another group that suffers from many harmful stereotypes
As I said on a post addressing his first apology video, James can't create a space for everyone if he's transphobic, mysogynist, acephobe and racist, and he pretends he's convinced he was creating an "inclusive space"
Just as many people have said before, he didn't address anything of the things he's been accused of except plagiarism, he only says "I'm sorry to everyone who I have offended", no dude, you don't address mysogyny, racism or transphobia this way, James is a piece of shit and a coward.
And this idiot has put on public display some of his videos, specially the ones that show his racism (yeah, the Killing Stalking and Painter of the Night videos), I'm not clicking on them but I'm pretty sure he didn't cut his racist mysogynist rants, because they might not be plagiarized (if James is to be trusted) but they show the worst parts of him when he's trying to be original, and putting this shit videos on public shows he regrets nothing on being a piece of shit.
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hawkinsbnbg · 8 months
Love Me Some More
written for 'edge' | word count: 509 | rated: E | ao3 | @steddiemicrofic
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Steve didn't know when Eddie had become such a fixture in his life.
Eddie was subtle enough to bypass the scrutiny from other people but he saw it still; the lingering touch, the longing look when Eddie thought he didn't notice, and the hopefulness on Eddie’s face when Steve finally asked him to stay the night.
Yet, Steve was afraid that he had been over his head and decided to keep silent about it. Because he was content with what he had at the moment, and greed wasn't his thing.
(Or so he told himself.)
Steve never shared it with anyone besides Robin, but he had always been on edge his entire life. Thanks to his exemplary parents, ironically, Steve was never at ease with himself even if he tried. It was stressful, for the lack of better words.
Therefore, it was understandable that Steve was ten times anxious around Eddie, whom he didn’t know what to do with.
Their friends barely knew about it but they had started out as one-night-stands. Stumble into bed together then leave at dawn and never meet again, the whole gist.
Considering Steve was good at sticking to the only rule that reminded him to not make the mistake of getting too close to his one-night-stands, he was equally surprised and terrified that he had let Eddie worm into his life so effortlessly.
Thank god Steve hadn’t fallen for him. (Yet.)
Oh, who was he kidding? After months of making love with Eddie, he was at his limit.
And so did Eddie, apparently.
It wasn’t intentional, Steve swore on Robin’s right elbow. He just wanted to rant, and since Eddie was always ready to listen to him, he didn't think twice before complaining about his overbearing parents sending him on endless blind dates.
When Steve eventually stopped and had dinner with Eddie, he should've known better than to let Eddie stew for half an hour. But it was a lesson he would have to revisit another day.
As usual, their last destination was the bed and Steve ended up being fucked senseless. He didn't know where all that frustration and aggression came from, because Eddie was oddly intense tonight. Although Steve’s brain could barely function at the moment, he was still on edge.
He didn't have a chance to ask, however, before Eddie dropped a bomb on him.
“I love you,” said Eddie. Or rather, he kept chanting over and over again as he moved inside Steve. As though he wished to burn those three words into Steve’s body forever, and carve a home for himself so Steve would never dare to leave him for anyone else.
Steve’s eyes filled with tears as he clenched around Eddie just as fiercely in silence desperation. Then, he looked up to meet those loving chocolate eyes and smiled shakily, knowing he had nothing to worry about.
"Then let's date. And we’ll do it properly this time.”
There was a pause and then they started laughing together. When Eddie kissed him silly, Steve’s world became whole again.
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itsblasttothepast · 1 month
I've seen in one of your post saying that Checo and Nico Hulkenburg kinda fall off?? I've known that they race in Gp2 at the same time and look quite closed. But they don't look close (from what I see) anymore. Genuinely asking, what happened between those two??
Side note: Love your blogs btw. It's so informative and positive 💕💕.
Oh yes, if we are talking history, I think Checo and Nico are similar to Brocedes. Nico and Checo were competing together in GP2, sharing a few podiums and being cute together:
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Look at them! They were just babies. Loving how Nico always had his arm around Checo.
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They became sort of friends, Checo has always said he admires Nico and he is his biggest competition. He has told his Dad, his brother, and in interviews. With his Dad, he said that if Nico ever made it to a big team, that would be the hardest fight. And to his brother, who asked him who was the strongest driver he had competed, Checo said 'Hulkenberg without a doubt'.
Nico entered F1 a year before Checo, so they kind of drifted apart... until they become teammates in Force India. But as close as they were, also they were extremely competitive. Otmar (head of the team) said that they were always trying to outdo each other, Hulkenberg managed the first year they were teammates, and Checo did it the second year, right when Nico decided to leave the team.
Those two years we witnessed them being competitive even in the team dynamics. There was an origami challenge and Checo was super pissed because Nico actually knew how to do that, it was wild. I think that created a little strain between them, but it wasn't as noticeable because we were in the middle of the divorcing of Brocedes, and that took the cake.
By the final year of Nico in the team, they were a little off, and not as close as before, standing in different places in the drivers' parade. Never stopped talking or made passive-agressive digs at each other like Brocedes (or crashed into each other), but the distance was there.
They seemed to reconnect when Nico moved to another team... but then 2020 came.
Apparently Max and Marko wanted Hulkenberg for the seat in RBR, and Horner wanted Checo. In the end, Checo got it, and Hulkenberg was out of a seat; these are just rumours, but apparently that didn't sit well with Nico and strained their relationship again. I read interviews with Nico saying that he was in talks with RBR, but Checo won in Sakhir and that sealed the deal.
Also, and that's beside the point but it adds to people perceiving some sort of feud between Checo and Nico, Nico was a little agressive with Checo, kicking him (playfully, never in a bad way), pouring things on him (those were more questionable) and making unfortunate comments about Checo. Nico is just like that, like when he approached KMag and said a sarcastic comment, and my shipper side saw this as pulling imaginary pigtails, but that's just my delusions.
Now Nico and Checo seem to be keeping a respectful distance, but not as close as they were before; they chat and act friendly, but not as teasing and sarcastic as they once interacted (they both were little shits and kept making weird jokes).
That's why I want Checo to go to Audi, so they reconnect once more and revive Hulkenrez!
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Look at them! Power couple!!! 💖💖💖
Sorry for the long rant @lunarprophetuwu , as you can see, Hulkenrez is one of my weak spots. I hope I could actually clarify things and not make it more confusing.
And thank you for your lovely comments!! Happy of meeting amazing people like you who enjoy fandom without being mean! Hugs for you! 🤗🤗
I leave you with the power couple, even in different teams:
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Checo likes' them tall your honor.
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skreebs · 1 year
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Happy “Tetchou got 2-3 seconds of screen time” day!!
Anyway Jouno has ADHD and heres a longass rant on why I think that
(Obviously this is a headcanon but hear me out!!!!!)
Almost every time we see Jouno he is always doing something with his hands wether this be gesturing, holding something, or fidgeting with an object (example: when he was peeling a pear in Kunikida’s cell thing) and in the same scene we also see Jouno apparently unable to sit still in his seat in the manga due to him repeatedly crossing and uncrossing his legs in his chair
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Another reason I think this is because of possible time blindness. When we first see Jouno show up to the Hunting Dogs group thing where they smash into the ground, Fukuchi comments on Jouno arriving before him. This is because he had to go arrest Dazai so obviously he’s “here” in Yokohama early, but also this kind of makes me think he was just standing there waiting for a while. I’m likely reading too deep into it, but Fukuchi probably wouldn’t say that Jouno had gotten here before him when he knew that’d clearly be the case. In my mind it reads as Jouno arrived at the meeting spot early. How Fukuchi would know this? No clue! But also he’s Fukuchi so he probably knows everything.
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(I hate tumblr formatting)
Another reason I have would be RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)
This one is definitely reaching a little bit but bare with me.
I think Jouno experiences RSD, not in the way of “oh I hate myself I messed up on something” but instead in the way of “shut the fuck up you dont know what youre talking about dont criticize me.” Which is honestly how I experience it sometimes as well LMAO but he does seem very focused on the fact of personally being the best Hunting Dog and appears to take quite a bit of offense whenever Tetchou reprimands him for his behaviour.
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Last reason I can squeeze out before my brain turns into goo is overstimulation. Jouno is known very heavily for his heightened senses and people with ADHD are very prone to overstimulation. It would make a lot of sense for something like this to happen to Jouno. Obviously he wouldn’t be able to openly show this at work or have a breakdown at work (if he did he would likely go to a secluded area to calm down) but its very likely that he’s experienced many overstimulated breakdowns or shut downs during his life once his senses became so insane.
I could go on about this for hours but now I have to tag all of this and pass the hell out. Unsurprisingly my own time blindness has gotten the better of me (I started this at 2 am and it is currently 5 am)
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Personality through quote
Thanks to @elsie-writes here and here and @leahnardo-da-veggie here!
Rules: have your OCs respond to a given prompt then give the people you tagged a prompt
Got long, below the cut :)
[A quote about feelings]
Lexi: "I have a lot of feelings...they all are pretty intense. Every emotion is like that for me. When I'm happy, I'm ecstatic, exhilarated. When I'm sad, it's like I'm depressed. I get just a little stressed and my anxiety flares up, and I start crying. It's a lot, honestly."
Maddie: "Feelings are fine and cool, I guess. I like my feelings toward Lexi and Kelsey. Don't really like my feelings toward someone like Brycen. Not sure how I feel for others, though. They like me, which is cool. I dunno. Feelings are super weird."
Ash: "I think I'm starting to understand feelings of others better now that I've discovered my telepathy. It's interesting, seeing how I experience other's emotions. It gets a little metaphorical. Fascinating stuff."
Gwen: "I mean, Lexi was once upset and I was sent to comfort her because I was apparently the most empathetic there. I'd say I'm in touch with my emotions. I get a little too emotional at times. I hold back a lot more than people think, though."
Robbie: "Dude, feelings are kinda dope. Like our brain just feels sad and our chest physically hurts. Doctors can't explain it. [Pause] Okay, both of my parents are doctors and they kinda can, but it's cool regardless."
Akash: "Huh. Well, it's important to feel feelings, and it took me a while to face them. I'm good now, though. I think it's important to face them."
Jedi: [silent for too long] "Well, *rubs back of neck* "I like to...think of myself as someone in touch with his own emotions...."...*nods*
Carmen: "No."
[A quote about their thoughts on NFTs and/or cryptocurrency]
None of these guys would like it but this is a fun prompt!
Lexi: "Isn't crypto a scam? I don't like the idea of that. Just stick to regular money."
Maddie: "NFTs don't make any sense. Just right-click the image. Downloaded."
Ash: "Honestly, I feel like owning an image sounds fun in a silly way, but I'm not that reckless with my money. Would rather spend it on tangible things."
Gwen: "I'm uncomfortable with the idea of people charging you to own an image, fake money or not. I mean, why not make actual art?"
Robbie: "Oh my God did you see the NFT ape movie? Dude, it's so bad. I can't believe there are people this stupid."
Akash: "Not only is it unethical, it literally makes no sense. The money isn't real? Why would you do that? Like, have you looked at the value of crypto?"
Jedi: [intently listening to someone explain crypto and NFTs] "Well, now that is just ridiculous. How in the world do they expect to regulate that?" [A few more minutes of baffled rambling]
Carmen: [also had to have someone explain it to her, but she interrupted more] "Are you kidding me?! Is stupidity a common genetic trait among Ceters?!" [More ranting]
[A quote about remembering the ones they lost]
Well uh I'm not gonna go into any major spoilers so I'm gonna expand the meaning to more than just death.
Um, gradually gets sadder because my first few have not experienced their main trauma yet >:)
Lexi: "Oh, I had so many friends in elementary school! I mean, I still have a lot of friends, but I miss those who went off to different intermediate schools. It's okay, though! I found them on social media, and a couple had phones by fifth grade. I should totally hook up with them again! Thanks for asking!!"
Maddie: "I guess Brycen. He was my friend before he became a jerk. I would like to be friends with him again. Like, then him before he was a jerk."
Ash: "I miss the friendship I had with Shelby. I don't know why, it was literally only for a week or two. But there was...something about her friendship that sucked me in. I still have Lexi, so I think I'll be okay. Then there's my ex-stepdad, Frank. He was sometimes fun. Toward the end he became rude. Before that, though. I miss when I felt like he was a dad, I guess."
Gwen: "My grandfather died when I was very young. He was amazing, though, and I am just glad I remember him. He read stories to me and played with me. And then there's my cat, who we lost a few months ago. She was really sick. I still miss her."
Robbie: "God, I miss Lalika, Akash's mom. She was basically a second mom to me. I talked so fast around her as a kid. She was just starting to learn English when we met, so I don't know if she got everything, but she would always smile and laugh when I did, paying attention to my emotions so she could respond appropriately. But I also loved to read aloud my favorite books to her, so I helped in that regard I guess. She went to all my plays. She made sure to get something for my birthday, and Sam's, separate from Akash's gift. She was amazing."
Akash: "My mom. Every day, I miss her. It's...hard to move past it, I guess. She would listen to you. I still remember her songs that she'd sing, and I still listen to them. She loved taking pictures and filming everything, which I am so grateful for now. She fought for me, when the school district dug their heels in about something. Made sure I had everything I needed to succeed. She was the best."
Jedi: "My mother fought for me my entire life. She pushed to get me an accelerated academic program, fought to drag me and my sister to a better place where I could thrive. Fought my father when he...let us say, went too far. She was fiercely protective. I owe her my life. I just wish I could have repaid her."
Carmen: *scoffs* "I knew Atsila my whole life. Why wouldn't I miss her?" [Yeah sorry that's all you're getting out of her]
Tagging @dyrewrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @elsie-writes @mk-writes-stuff @aalinaaaaaa @sam-glade @thebejeweledwatercat @winterandwords @mysticstarlightduck @somethingclevermahogony + anyone else ;)
Prompt: A quote about a weird habit they/someone else has.
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TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
Character analysis: Genya from S&B
⚠️TW!!: sexual abuse, rape⚠️
It's women's day and let's celebrate it by analyzing Genya Safin who was an iconic female character that specifically shone in "Shadow and Bone".
In this post we'll see how in that book Genya was a woman with different characteristics perfectly in balance that made her incredibly engaging to the reader.
(scenes from the Tailor will also be incorporated of course)
- She was very intelligent and cunning
There are a hundred ways to kill a King but Genya chose the most poetic one. Knowing that the King was lusting after her and visited her often, she decided to use that to her advantage. She turned her beauty into a weapon and used her skills both as a Fabricator and a Corporalki to bring her abuser down in a quiet, slow but still painful way.
The fact that the poison would be painful for her too didn't matter as long as her plan would be successfully executed.
She used her brains and knowledge to take revenge and that impressed everyone that was inside that room when she first revealed it in R&R.
- She was politically aware and very perceptive
When the Darkling decided that Genya would be a very important piece of his scheme, the latter became part of his most trusted soldiers. Ivan seemed to be his top 1 but Genya was also pretty close to him in comparison to the rest of the Grisha and that gave her an even deeper insight of what was happening (and what would happen) to Ravka politically.
“The Apparat visited her last night to rant about Saints and saviors. From what I could piece together, he was either trying to scare her senseless or bore her to death.”
“I may need to have a word with the priest.”
“I told her he’s harmless.”
“Hardly that,” says the Darkling, “but he has the King’s ear. For now that’s all that matters.”
- The Tailor.
Genya might had tried to ease Alina's worries but her own mind was already trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle. And of course the Darkling gives his own honest opinion and view of the Apparat to her and how important his role is.
The Darkling seemed to be at ease when he talked ill of the royals and Genya was present:
“Welcome to court,” he said.
“I’m not sure I like it.”
“No one does,” he admitted. “But we all make a good show of it.”
“The King seemed pleased,” I offered.
“The King is a child.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
Apparently Aleksander and Genya weren't strangers in talking shit about their superiors to each other which makes me wish we had scenes of them judging the royal family.
Furthermore, her role as the Queen's confidant made her also aware of all the gossip that had to do with the royal family.
I was much happier sitting in my room with Genya, drinking tea and gossiping by the fire. I loved to hear all the court gossip, and even better were the tales of the opulent parties at the Grand Palace.’
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
“Probably drunk,” said Genya, stirring her tea. “He devotes all his time to hunting, horses, and imbibing. Drives the Queen mad.”
“Well, Ravka is at war. He should probably be more concerned with matters of state.”
“Oh she doesn’t care about that. She just wants him to find a bride instead of gallivanting around the world spending mounds of gold buying up ponies.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
“You can’t call a royal prince ‘puppy,’” I laughed.
“That’s what everyone calls him.” She lowered her voice. “And there are rumors that he isn’t strictly royal.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
“The Darkling should have done something,” I said. “He should have protected you.”
“He has, Alina. More than you know. Besides, he’s as much a slave to the whims of the King as the rest of us. At least for now.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 14
Not only she knew the importance of rank or the royal family's family problems but she also knew what the Darkling planned (apart from his plot to use the Fold). She was also into any kind of court gossip so she definitely was aware of what was happening around her (unlike what the duology tried to tell us).
- She was traumatised by the King's abuse
A victim of both the King and the Queen, poor Genya became terrified of the former.
‘There were no good days anymore, no sweets or outings, just long hours of tedium, waiting for the Queen’s call, dreading the King’s soft tread outside my door.’
- The Tailor
And it made her protective over Alina who was about to meet that disgusting piece of filth:
“Besides,” she said, “you don’t want to attract too much attention from the King.” Her voice was light, but I saw a shadow pass over her features.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 6
“Alina, the Darkling doesn’t notice most of us. We’re moments he’ll forget in his long life. And I’m not sure that’s such a bad thing. Just … be careful.”
I stared at her, baffled. “Of what?”
“Of powerful men.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 14
I've seen people say that Genya was trying to warn Alina about the Darkling here but that's not the point I think. Genya had experienced first hand how men with power exploit their influence for their own sick pleasures. That traumatised her and made her cautious. It's not like she had seen the Darkling do something and started suspected him but more like "I'm kinda afraid of all men that have power because my own experience with them was not kind".
Even Alina understood that Genya was indirectly referring to the King.
- She had a cruel and petty streak inside her as well
The Queen's betrayal and the constant abuse from the King's hands made her a woman with a deep bitterness and hate towards them.
‘I wanted to smash the mirror she feared so much and cut her face to ribbons with it, stuff her mouth with glass and make her swallow every jagged edge of my hurt and shame.’
- The Tailor
And of course let's not forget how beautifully she destroyed her abuser's life. It was a carefully planned revenge. Just like he took her innocence, she decided to take his years and strength.
“If I’d wanted him dead, he’d be dead.”
- Ruin and Rising, Chapter 7
“Once it builds up in the victim’s system, a threshold is reached, the organs begin to fail, and the degeneration is irreversible. It’s not a killer. It’s a thief. It steals years. And he will never get them back.”
- Ruin and Rising, Chapter 7
But she was also petty towards the people she didn't like and enjoyed to get under their skin (Aleksander 🤝 Genya in this aspect).
“Where are you rushing off to?” she says with a sniff. “Does the Queen have a party to attend?”
“As a matter of fact, yes,” I say coolly. “But I have a few moments if you want me to see to your eyes. They’re looking awfully red.”
“Hay fever,” she mutters. “There’s something new in the air here that irritates me.”
“Yes,” I say as I glide past her. “I hear you practically choked on it.”
- The Tailor
“Excuse us!” announced Genya. “But we have need of this chamber. Darkling’s orders!”
Zoya’s beautiful blue eyes slitted dangerously. “If you think—” she began and then she caught sight of me. Her jaw dropped, and the blood drained from her face.
“Out!” commanded Genya.
“But mostly I wanted to see the look on that bitch’s face when she saw you in the Darkling’s color.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 14
Just iconic. 💅
- But she was still kind and soft
When Alina felt offended and was self-aware about her looks and Genya's comments, the latter tried to soothe her.
Genya walked over to me. “You’re not ugly, you know.”
“Thanks,” I said drily, still staring out at the wooded grounds.
“You just look a little …”
“Tired? Sickly? Skinny?”
“Well,” Genya said reasonably, “you said yourself, you’ve been traveling hard for days and—”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 6
When Alina kept worrying about Mal, Genya felt sorry for her and even guilty.
‘Alina gives a single sharp nod as her hands clench the edge of the infirmary sheet. I’m sorry to see her hurting...’
‘Lips pressed together— she hopes anyway. It’s almost painful to watch.’
The paper is starting to fray beneath my fingers. “She’s suffering.”
But her kindness extended to other people as well. Even those that were below her status.
I eyed her suspiciously. “What did you eat?”
Genya looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was within earshot and whispered, “One of the cooks has a daughter with terrible spots. I took care of them for her, and now she sends me the same pastries they prepare for the Grand Palace every morning. They’re divine.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 8
- She had a sense of humor
And it's worth noting that she had a habit of using her humor to turn an unpleasant situation or conversation into a funny one.
“I have no idea,” I said honestly. “Everything she said was perfectly nice, but the whole time she was looking at me as if I were something her dog spit up.”
Genya laughed.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
“It’s funny,” I said after a while. “I always thought that being beautiful would make life so much easier.”
“Oh it does,” Genya said, and laughed.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
“Maybe I should lie down on a table in the workroom and wait to see if he welds something to me.”
“I think that’s the way most great love stories begin.”
She laughed.
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 13
She entered and set down the tray, hovering near the table. “I shouldn’t be here,” she said.
“Probably not,” I admitted. “I’m not sure that I’m supposed to have visitors.”
“No, I mean I shouldn’t be here. It’s incredibly dirty.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 20
There are so many scenes where Genya displays her sense of humor and they're always an absolute treat to read.
- She yearned for acceptance and true friendship
Living in the Grand Palace separated her from own people and when the King started abusing her that distance grew even more.
‘If I could wish for anything in this world, it wouldn’t be jewels or a coach or a palace in the lake district. I’d wish to be a true Grisha again.’
- The Tailor
Genya blew out a frustrated breath. “You don’t understand. It’s a great honor to be asked to dine with you, but the other Grisha might not approve.”
Genya sighed and sat down on one of the carved chairs. “Because I’m the Queen’s pet. Because they don’t consider what I do valuable. A lot of reasons.”
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
She seemed really hurt by this reality especially with how her own kind thought so little of her.
It was one of the reasons Genya decided to join the Darkling (although the main one was to take revenge of course). And, in the end, the Darkling delivered what he promised:
‘That was when I realized what Genya was wearing. I’d been so surprised to see her, so caught up in my own thoughts, that I hadn’t really taken it in. Genya was wearing red. Corporalki red. Her cuffs were embroidered with blue, a combination I had never seen before.’
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 20
Her desire for friendship was also evident in how Genya felt close to Alina, wanted forgiveness from her, felt bad for being shady to her and was always kind towards her by giving her advice and by trying to make her feel good about her physical appearance.
- She was chatty and teasing towards the people she liked
When she was around people she liked and felt comfortable with, she let herself have fun around them.
‘Genya maintained a steady stream of chatter during dinner, mostly about Grisha gossip.’
- Shadow and Bone, Chapter 7
I grin. “Does that worry you, Ivan?”
“No,” he snaps.
“Careful,” I say. “Keep frowning like that, and even I won’t be able to fix your wrinkles.”
- The Tailor
(Genya + Ivan = friendship goals👌)
In "Shadow and Bone" Genya was a complex woman with layers. An incredibly strong person, traumatized from the constant sexual abuse she suffered, she harboured a deep hatred for the King and Queen and was eager to take revenge in the most fitting way possible. She had no remorse, no regrets, just pride even when she faced them. But she was also kind and thoughtful, funny and cheerful, supportive and a teaser. Her knowledge in the area of the Corporalki and the Materialki as well as her knowledge for the intrigues that happened inside the court made her one of the most valuable and dangerous soldiers that the Darkling had.
The way she was "butchered" by the author in Nikolai's duology was painful and a pity. And it's no wonder how people remember S&B!Genya fondly and ignore her latest version that apparently is only Leigh's mouthpiece at that point with no agenda, no complexity, just painted white all over that has forgotten how court works by blaming only the Darkling for her abuse.
Where was the complexity? Where was the Genya that seemed willing to do anything to overthrow the monarchy and didn't give a fuck about them?
Her duology counterpart had me like:
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Anyway, S&B!Genya you will always be famous, Queen. 🥹
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(credit to @adamarart)
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Sorry for not being very active on here
Just wanted to give an update because a lot has been going on with me and I haven’t even had the time or energy to think about writing or being on this blog because of everything lol.
So, I recently got into a car wreck on the 14th on my way to work. Some guy was trying to make a left turn into the neighborhood I live in on the highway and his engine stalled and (even though he saw me coming and knew that his 20+ year old car had engine problems) he pulled out in front of me to cross but because his engine stalled he didn’t make it and I crashed into him. I’m okay btw!!! Luckily and thankfully I only made it out with a bruised leg, but my car is in bad shape and is most likely totaled because the engine went out after the crash and I couldn’t move my car out of the road nor could I even get out of my car from the driver’s side, I had to escape from the passenger side.
So…yeah, there’s that and I’ve been dealing with a lot of mental health issues because my work has been overworking me and pushing me to my limit and I’m honestly getting really tired of giving my all and breaking my back for this store and getting nothing out of it, like not even a raise (when I asked for one they said it was “being processed by corporate” and apparently this raise has been in the works for me since December so…I don’t think I’ll be getting a raise any time soon tbh and even if I did get a raise it probably wouldn’t be enough to keep me there). Like, just last Wednesday I had a stressed induced illness because I was so burnt out from work and worried about stuff that it made me physically ill so (for the first time ever in 1 year of working at that store) I called out sick (and then that same week I got into the wreck so that was great).
I’m currently working on finding a new job because what I’m dealing with now is getting ridiculous and I honestly really want to be on here and talk to you guys and make posts like I used to, but I feel like I can’t anymore because of life and that sucks. Legit, my boss is making me work 35 hours this week (AFTER MY CAR WRECK 😑) even though she knows what I’m dealing with right now and knows how overworked I am. She had the nerve to say “I don’t want to overwork you” as she adjusted my schedule for the 3rd time because someone who is CONSTANTLY calling out in the store (and they refuse to fire her for some reason AND there’s another employee that’s going to be out all month) can’t come to work for the rest of this week so I have to cover for her. Oh yeah…and you know what else??? I have to train a new employee on top of all of that. I’m not a manager. I’m not even full time. I don’t get vacation time or sick days or paid holidays (even though we literally only get 2 holidays off and that’s Christmas Day and Thanksgiving Day, so not that it even matters anyways) or any kind of benefits. And I don’t get paid extra for training new hires. It’s ridiculous. My boss even asked if I felt comfortable training a new employee after what I’ve gone through with the wreck and how stressed I am (which I respect) and I told her no because I really am dealing with a lot and don’t need the stress of training someone on top of that, yet here I am so…I’m just tired of being a doormat for this company and letting them treat me like a workhorse. It was fine at first because I needed the money (and I still do), but the lack of sympathy after the wreck and being so overworked and stressed that I became physically ill is concerning and I think it’s a sign that I need to move on and find something else.
So yeah, sorry for the rant there but I just wanted to share what I’m dealing with and what I’m going through. Like, I still have stuff at home I have to deal with too and financial issues (and getting in a car wreck certainly doesn’t help that at all), so yeah. I have an interview tomorrow for a job that would really be beneficial to me and would be a perfect fit for me and I’m really hoping and praying I get the job because it’s would just help me so much and it’s such a good job!
Anyways, I know I share updates a lot, but I realized I haven’t really been active on here and I just wanted to share why and kinda release some tension because I’m really going through it lol.
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This has GOTTA be another Macaque disguise in order to mess with Wukong's image cause I refuse to believe that THIS is Wukong.
Now don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with adaptions made of our beloved monkey gremlin, a lot of them are super cool and well made! But there is a difference between an adaption and then just full on disgracing the source material BECAUSE HOW CAN ONE FUCK UP THIS BADLY ON SUCH A WELL KNOWN AND BELOVED CHARACTER? OKAY SIT DOWN FOR CLASS TIME AND LET ME STATE MY CASE.
First of all the looks, why is only one eye red and gold? I'm sorry but if I remember correctly Wukong wasn't half way in the furnace. My second gripe is with the monkey species they chose for him. Listen, Wukong is supposed to be the representation and embodiment of a monkey, he isn't supposed to be a specific species of monkey in the first place as he is not only his own species of monkey but he is supposed to represent all the monkey species. So making him into a specific species of monkey doesn't work all that well in the first place, but out of all the species they could've picked why the species that looks like a reverse oompa loompa?
Okay okay, get this, not only did they heavily nerf him, but they also made it so all his power comes from THE GOLDEN CIRCLET. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT THEY MADE THE TRAUMA RING AROUND HIS HEAD INTO A CROWN THAT GIVES HIM POWERS AND THAT HE WANTS TO GET THE CROWN BACK.
The crown is most known for being the equivalent of a shock collar for him, how do you mess that one up THAT BAD?
And we haven't even touched on his backstory yet oh no no no no. Sit down as you are gonna LOVE this one folks
Apparently Wukong was great friends with the gods in heaven until he was framed for something he didn't do and was imprisoned, not in the mountains by the Buddha, but was imprisoned in the red jade mines for it. Not only that but he basically poisoned Po and his trainees as he could only get out if he replaced himself in the mines with another and keep them there until like sunset. First of all Wukong would never do that in the first place sure he was impulsive and reckless but he wasn't bad for the sake of being bad, he was just a bit of a trouble maker that needed proper guidance. NOT ONLY THAT BUT PO'S TRAINEES WHO ARE LITERALLY KIDS BEAT HIM. LIKE- HELLO? LITERAL KIDS BEAT SUN WUKONG? THE MOST OP CHARACTER IN KNOWN HISTORY?
Apparently the ldb was the one behind things and Wukong needed to stop her which we saw that be done much better in Lego Monkie Kid (amazing show I HIGHLY recommend watching that instead of this). And Wukong redeemed himself and became besties with the gods again.
Kung Fu Panda is beloved by China for it's good representation and understanding of it's culture, so how the franchise could let one of the most well known characters in Chinese mythology and stories get slanderized THIS BADLY by one of their spin off series is beyond me.
I know this has just been me ranting about how a recurring character in a series was characterized in a spin off series kid show people hardly know about but like- for some reason I was just absolutely flabbergasted by this characterization of Wukong as a whole in a franchise that's known for doing plenty of good research on chinese culture, mythology, belief and stories. My only hope is that this was Macaque disguised as a fake Wukong the whole time just pulling a funny prank.
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scandalouslamb · 4 months
hello! i have Thoughts About Felix [the felix ravinstill propoganda has grabbed me by the throat] and figured i'd ask the resident felix ravinstill expert about them ^^
going off your headcanon with felix & hilarius being friends, do you think they worked together during the mentorship program? i imagine that both of them might have been "lamenting" about the tributes they had been assigned but still wanting to help them (since they didn't have a chance at winning) to make things easier before the games, but with both of them being very image-conscious, not offering as much support as they might have otherwise been able to had they leveraged their names
felix & arachne being friends and arachne visiting the zoo during the day makes me wonder if felix might have passed food on via her to give to dill so he wouldn't be so publicly seen (but then again, knowing that giving that kind of info to arachne means it would get tossed into the gossip mill might make felix not want to do that...)
also, because i am a sucker for time travel: in a situation where felix goes back in time from his probably-coriolanus-snow-caused-death to before the 10th hunger games, what influences do you think felix could realistically leverage to try and circumvent arachne and dill's fates?
Hearing that my Ravinstill propaganda is working fills me with the both the greatest joy and abject horror. (On one hand, it is working! Yay, join me in having Felix thoughts! On the other, what have I done?)
Anyway, imagine that this will probably end up pretty long, so be warned (no seriously, the last part lowkey became a fic outline):
Felix & Hilarius
Yeah, I think their collaboration is mostly venting to one another. Honestly, I think the echo chamber of hopelessness probably doesn't motivate either out of their defeatist inaction. From the book, it sounds like Hilarius is even more defeatist than Felix. He also talks more insultingly about Wovey than Felix does about Dill, so I do imagine that Hilarius is the one doing more of the ranting.
Hilarius probably asks Felix how he gets Dill to be slightly more receptive to mentoring than Wovey (especially with Reaper probably hanging around). I think Felix's slightly more empathetic personality helps him succeed where Hilarius fails.
Felix & Arachne
Oh, this is actually a pretty good headcanon! It would make a certain amount of sense and add a good bit of angst to Arachne's death for Felix! I do think that there's a chance that he wouldn't trust her to do it in the sense that Arachne's general snark and sass makes especially her abrasive to strangers, so he probably is skeptical on letting her give food to his visibly sick tribute. She'd probably chuck a paperbag with a sandwich at Dill, so she doesn't have to get close and then taunt Brandy. Yeah, maybe Arachne's not the best choice now that I've thought it through completely (although there is a chance!). Felix probably thinks about asking Arachne when she mentions that she's going.
I think if Felix doesn't hand the sandwich himself, then he probably gets like someone his family's hired to do it. Maybe his driver.
Felix & Time Travel
It depends on how far before the 10th Hunger Games he's returning to. If it's not very long before or the day of the Reaping, I'm unsure how focused he is on the Hunger Games. He will probably accompany Arachne to the Zoo though and make sure she doesn't die. At the very least, a probably ~35 year old Felix is not as image conscious (at least about smaller things) than he was as a teen.
If he hasn't been back for that long (under a year), then he's still processing his death, and I don't know how apparent it is to him that it was Snow's doing, but he may suspect it. Either way, he's not too fond of Snow at the time of his death (battling the Ravinstills for political power but also for Old President Ravinstill's attention). He's definitely focusing on sabotaging Coriolanus' chances on gaining any influence, and Dill becomes more of a background concern as he juggles his at-the-moment one-sided rivalry and making sure Arachne doesn't do anything else that gets her killed.
Felix probably beats Coriolanus to the punch with going to greet the Tributes by suggesting that all the mentors do so and making it a class field trip. He also does begin loudly insisting to his Great-Uncle that with Academy students accompanying the Tributes shouldn't security be increased which leads to the Bombing being averted. (He probably flat out mentions the possibility of a bombing which probably puts the president on high alert, because of my hc that a lot of the Ravinstills died in a bombing).
I imagine that Felix is still mostly playing Coriolanus whack-a-mole on all of the other man's efforts, but as time goes on, I imagine that since we've averted a lot of the things that would have derailed the Mentors and Tributes from spending more time together (Arachne's death and Bombing), the Capitol is now leaning really heavy into Mentor and Tribute spotlights with more than just the interviews being aired to the public (maybe they have little clips where the tributes can show off a lesser talent or maybe they force the tributes to react to Capitol things and foods.)
I'm kind of pessimistic on Felix being able to stop the Hunger Games with this little prep time especially since it spends so much time being a lesser concern. As they get closer to the Games, however, and the mentors and tributes have been bonding a bit, reality starts setting in. He has had regrets about the Games in the past before he died, and he did start questioning their purpose privately. It's just a decade or two of suppressing those thoughts makes him slow on the uptake, but he does get hit with the "oh no, they're all just kids." With this sudden realization, I think he starts spiraling and starts trying to rack up as much sympathy to get Dill out of the Games. I don't think this quite works as he's probably starting to get a bit desperate.
He probably has a bit of a breakdown, and I think President Ravinstill rigs the Games so that Dill wins in an attempt to make him feel better, and it's pretty obvious to everyone watching that there was foul play.
This is the death knell for the Games as they are, because everyone's a little pissed at the Ravinstill Nepotism win.
They try and have a Game the next year which isn't as popular (sorry, Mags. You still have to go through the death game), and Pres. Ravinstill demands that Gaul make her Games into something viable or else (even though its definitely his fault that they're failing, but he's not going to think about that). They become a weird and gaudy popularity contest where the winner gets to come to Capitol but these new Victors get treated like weird human trophy pets.
Felix isn't having a great time in the aftermath. To balance out this kind of bleak end, I'll say that Gaul is also not having a great time, because her favorite part of the Games (the violence) is gone.
I actually had some thoughts about Felix coming back earlier, but this is already so long. I can't get into it at this point!
Thanks for the ask!
I'm trying to get out of the habit of apologizing for response length, but I am truly sorry about how long this is. I can't imagine that you could be prepared for it, so thanks again if you made it this far!
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turqrambles · 7 months
That Time Ghost Roaster Felt So Betrayed By His Friends That He Went on Several Passionate Rants before Trying to Kill Everyone
So there's a page in the Secret Agent Secrets arc that's been memed on and highlighted a lot in the Skylanders community for being super meta since Ghost Roaster, Boomer, and Voodood are all characters that never got reposes before the Eon's Elite set and Ghost Roaster is namedropping gimmicks that came after Spyro's Adventure.
I like this joke. I'm not going to talk about it.
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What I AM going to talk about is you learn later that these three are only pretending to be evil as a part of their secret infiltration mission given to them by Buzz, but during the mission, Ghost Roaster is drinking from the resentment well a little too deeply and later betrays everyone.
Notice who's doing the talking here. There's only one person saying all of these things. Ghost Roaster is the one radically going off-script and saying things that are bitter and personal while the other two just silently stand off to the side like "uh, should we say anything or...?"
There are three characters that have apparently gone rogue but only ONE of them is saying deeply personal things while the other two are going "Hee hee okie dokie boss!".
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"These dumb kids always start off full of hope before it gets unceremoniously crushed by the unforgiving nature of hero work!"
"Haha! Yeah! Uh, I'll take them back to prison so we can get back to doing evil stuff! ghostroasterwhatareyoudoing-"
There is a point where they capture Voodood and he repeats the same point that Ghost Roaster brought up, but you can tell his heart is not in the performance. The poor dude's just trying to keep up appearances before the right moment comes to strike.
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And it does. They pull off their secret mission plan perfectly and reveal that gotcha, they were all just fooling the bad guy!
Right, Ghost Roaster?
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Uh...RIGHT Ghost Roaster...?
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In retrospect, maybe they DID see that coming.
(Don't worry, after a magical girl-esque talking down to with the Power of Friendship, Ghost Roaster gets better. He goads one of the Skylanders to try and kill him before he does so, but he gets better)
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Turns out having one of the characters be known as "that guy that ate an entire village in a horrible monstrous fugue state and then became a Skylander out of pity" is bound to cause some problems down the road, who knew.
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sweetcloverheart · 1 year
Clover Rants Miraculously: Party Of One
After learning that Adrien and Alix were going to be friends in the precanon bibles, I’ve come to a startling realization
Adrien has no friends.
Like, any. The show kind of never gave him a chance to really expand his circle past Marinette - or rather, once he made the connections necessary for his “arc”, the show seems to have reduced it to Marinette (and Plagg) as of Season 5 and it keeps shrinking.
“That’s not true! The entire class loves him.”
Yeah, but they really aren’t friends with him - or at least as of recent. Most of his interactions with them (especially in this latest season) have been more about facilitating Adrienette schemes than them hanging out together; Kitty Section helped make him an entire romance ballad to woo Marinette with and invite him to play when the group want him and her to spend time together, but I can only count the episodes where he’s played with them for the fun of it as few. The entire class threw a party when it seemed like they were finally getting together, but couldn’t be bothered to check on their classmates to see if they where alright when they skipped class for several days (especially when one of them apparently did this back when she was being horribly bullied). Almost all their class events or interactions always end with everyone getting convinced to leave/ditch/“go elsewhere” so he and Marinette can bond. Outside of maybe “Partycrasher”, I can’t really think of anytime Adrien’s been allowed to hang out with the Miraclass without Marinette not being involved or them suddenly being regulated to his personal cupids trying to shove the two together. It’s actually kind of sad the group seems to see no purpose in inviting him to things outside of helping him hook up with a classmate now.
“Well, what about Nino? He’s his best friend and bro!”
Correct, but the show has been shoving him away a lot, especially when he’s with Alya. Much as adore DJWiFi, every single one of their outings/dates always seems to involve tricking Adrien into coming to places with Marinette/where Marinette is and then abandoning them for “alone time” - And if Nino is hanging with Adrien, Alya will immediately drag him off under the guise of a random excuse so Marinette can take her shot. Otherwise, most of their dedicated brotime is in the far background just so something can be happening while Marinette talks plot or whatever’s happening in the foreground. They don’t talk, or hang out for fun like they used to in the previous seasons. Their last one-on-one interaction was Nino indirectly accusing Adrien (as his superhero ID) of stealing his girlfriend. Adrien’s first friend after Marinette, reduced to a footnote and then swept out of the way.
“Okay, fair, but what about Chloe?”
Oh, you mean his childhood friend who’s been reduced to a gold-digging sycophant who only cared about his wealth, good looks, and the status he can bring her despite displaying none of these traits towards him in the introductory season? The one we’re constantly told in-canon and is claimed to by TA to only see Adrien as an accessory and future additional creditcard? The one that, despite being introduced to us as his childhood friend, is rarely shown to hang out with him, and when she does, not only is it because she barged/forced herself into an event he happened to be at (and mostly because Marinette’s trying to hook up with him), but he shows clear discomfort in her presence when she does? That Chloe? What about her indeed.
“Then Zoe! They have to be friends since Chloe doesn’t matter now!”
...Have the two of them interacted outside of her debut and hero episode? Because I don’t think they have. Heck, I’d be shocked he even knew/remembered her name.
Was his friend, then they dated and she became his embittered ex, then they became sort of friends but I can’t remember the last time we got to see them hang out like normal again. Plus frankly, she’s more Marinette friend than his now. All of her interactions/interests regarding him are now mostly about how Adrienette is the one true perfect pair and how she needs to bow out for her good friend Mari (and then about how awful she is for falling in love with her exe-boyfriend again when he’s dating her friend before hooking up with his identical cousin for being exactly like she wanted him). She has more scenes with Marinette than him actually.
“Luka! He’s friends with Luka!”
Have only interacted twice (I think), with both times being about Marinette. I’m honestly shocked they haven’t spoken more.
Only interacts with him a super small handful of times, with those being either Felix being an ass to him, mocking him for being trapped under Gabriel’s thumb, doing a twin switch to either ruin his friendships or pursue his own agenda, and the whole “genocide all humanity so we can have a perfect world of just you and me” before proceeding to interact exclusively with Marinette (and Kagami).
(And just so we’re clear - this isn’t me salting on Marinette/claiming she’s taking all Adrien’s importance and friends (She’s hardly at fault for the show suddenly making Adrienette so hyperfocused on in S5). I’m just noting how the show seems to have developed a habit of having Adrien make the bare minimum of character interactions with the cast before shoving him into the back somewhere and then only bringing him out for Adrienette scenes)
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