#oh we’re about to be emotionally devastated
reginaphalange2403 · 8 months
Thinking about the fact that Taylor’s apparently been keeping the new album a secret for 2 years when Midnights itself ain’t even 2 years old yet… 👁️👄👁️
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polarisbibliotheque · 12 days
Vergil and his s/o training together
Or Vergil and his s/o spar for foreplay fun!
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: With your sword recently broken, Vergil gave you a new devil arm to get used to. He is also your mentor when it comes to fighting - but being his lover doesn't mean he's going to go easy on you. Quite the contrary.
Restrictions: None, BUT I should tell you: lots of sexual tension in this one. What can I say, Vergil is a weird guy, sparring with his lover does things to him. Nothing explicit though, you know how I roll. Also, reader gets bruises from training/sparring. He's rough and doesn't hold back, I mentioned it before I think Vergil has this "only the strong survive" mentality, and I do think he gets ruthless as a sign of respect for his lover's abilities rather than anything else.
Author's Notes: I blame @yanderebishforlevi for this one after they dropped an ask I just answered :) I'm focusing on the Halloween specials, but that made me go through my unfinished, discarded, short stuff on limbo and rehash/put it together to post something new here.
Simple stuff, not really much of a story, just some training with sexy, bared arms, ruthless, emotionally constipated man. That's why I never thought about posting, it felt like it was missing something a plot so I was going to put it in Nemesis but, oh well. Hope you guys like it xD
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“We’re done for today.”
Vergil’s words sounded final, as he lowered the Yamato after a devastating blow that had you tumbling back and struggling to fall on your knees – scraping them in a way you would have some bruises to display for a couple of days at least.
“Given it’s my training session, love…” You growled while pulling yourself back on your feet, using your sword as a crutch for help. Vergil observed you with those cutting silvery eyes, almost as if questioning your resolve to pull yourself up. Again. “I say when we are done. And I am not done.”
“You are being terribly stubborn, that is.” Vergil had Yamato back in its sheath, arms crossed while curiously watching you take your coat off, having only your training clothes underneath.
“Well, at least we got that in common, Dark Slayer.” You carefully watched as Vergil mirrored you and took off his own long coat, leaving his arms bare for the first time that night. He only did that when he was about to get rough during training – and you had to huff a laugh. “I’m only standing down when I master this damned sword, and apparently I’m not even close to that.”
“You are closer than you were when we started.” He took a deep breath, already choosing a fighting stance since you were doing the same – walking slowly in a circle, observing him with a pair of predatorial eyes. Vergil was used to be under that scrutiny around demons, but when it came to your eyes, they were threatening… And bewitching.
“And I would be even closer, if you hadn’t been cheating this whole time.” You narrowed your eyes, allowing a smirk color the corner of your lips as Vergil froze in place – you could even bet he stopped breathing for a fraction of a second.
“Cheating…?” His voice was dangerously low, words alarmingly taking their time, savoring every syllable of that little word. You knew you had struck a nerve – but, in your defense, Vergil had been striking your nerves ever since you started training a few hours prior.
It had been a couple of weeks you had a new sword in your inventory: big, heavy, resembling a claymore. Dante and Vergil had killed one particularly powerful demon that ended up becoming the sword now in your hands: brimming with demonic power, ready to be wielded to bring doom to its enemies. You had your previous sword broken into shards while protecting Nero during one of your jobs – a story for another time – and Vergil thought the claymore of sorts would be a nice replacement.
A new weapon, though, meant a lot of new things: new grip, new balance, new weight, new powers… So much to master, but you had to learn soon in order to keep up with your devil hunter job. Halloween was approaching and, given how chaotic the last few years were, you had to at least master the basics soon enough.
Vergil, being the thoughtful partner and lover of knowledge that he was, offered to help you train and master your new sword – all his arcane teachings would surely come in handy when dealing with a devil arm.
You had a problem, though. Learning and mastering things on your own was almost a given, and you always expected to do it at your pace – meaning, you didn’t have much patience to not be at least good and easily fighting after a few hours of practice. With a mentor like Vergil, though, that process was taking double the time.
He was relentless. You being his lover just meant he would go twice as hard on you – in his dictionary, it probably meant how much he adored you; but in your dictionary, you were absolutely and infinitely vexed that, by now, you hadn’t been able to at least get to a tie with him.
And that was something you always proudly said you could do.
“Yes. Cheating.” You held your sword with only one hand, throwing it behind your body and having your eyes fixed on your lover. That way, when you or him decided to attack, you could use all your strength to lunge forward. “You got exponentially worse every time I lost and got back on my feet again; you haven’t made it easier nor remained with the same level of fighting from the beginning. You are making it more difficult for me. If you hadn’t, I would’ve already had my sword on your throat by now.”
“Tsk.” You smiled as Vergil finally had that nonchalant attitude, but his eyes burned like the coldest circles of Hell. With a swift move, he unsheathed the Yamato and attacked you – as you had already prepared before, you threw your sword forward, immediately able to parry. He quickly tried another attack, but you managed to grip your sword with both of your hands and hold him back. You found Vergil’s silvery eyes staring at you sharply between the blades of your swords. “Don’t expect demons to have mercy just because the sight of you eclipses even the moon herself.”
“If we weren’t sparring, I’d take that as a compliment.” You had a small laugh hidden amidst your words, clearly seeing the shadow of a smile Vergil tried to conceal before he pushed you back with only half of his might – still having you stumble back and use whatever energy you had left to keep your body balanced.
“Your human body won’t be able to take it for too long.” And even if Vergil was trying to convince you to stand down, he still circled you, keeping his own predatorial gaze on your form and tense shoulders to quickly get into a fighting stance. You weren’t one easy to convince when you had your mind set on something, that he had to admit. “We should call it a day and tend your wounds. Your body doesn’t have the same resilience a devil’s body has.”
“I would have a lot more if you hadn’t been ruthless with me, love.” You pointed at some slight marks on your body – nothing too jarring, but still making an appearance here and there. “These bruises are on you.”
With those words, it was your turn to lunge forward and attack first. Vergil easily defended with a swift move from Yamato, trying an attack right after. You managed to defend as well, holding him still for a few seconds.
“They will make you stronger.” Were the only words he managed to answer before you attacked again. Vergil seemed to fight effortlessly, while you had to muster all your strength to wield your new sword – Vergil was right to say your body wouldn’t last for too long: you were already tired, thanks to his training, but your pride wouldn’t allow you to back down. And he knew that.
Even if Vergil worried about your stamina, he couldn’t deny how much he admired – and had a pang of pride in his own heart – every time you displayed that much willpower.
With a calculated attack to disarm you, Vergil was certain your playing would come to an end and he would have the final word on that argument – he did not expect, though, a graceful move from your side, spinning such a heavy sword in one of your hands and making it face down, coming between you and him and completely breaking his stance, foiling Vergil’s attempt to end your resolve.
You quickly threw your sword a little on the air in front of you in order to let go from the grip and hold the blade itself – strong enough to be able to wield it, but careful not to hurt yourself in the process – which gave you the perfect opportunity to spin around him and smack the hilt of your sword on his back.
Vergil slowly turned his head around, still impressed by your swift move after being so tired, only to find you with a smug smile on your lips.
“It will make you stronger.” You pointed at him with the hilt of your sword, throwing it slightly in the air again so you could grab the hilt with one hand and then another.
Vergil kept his back at you, calmly walking to the other side of the room so you could take your initial stances again – but this time you saw him shaking his head and heard a low chuckle coming from him.
Vergil was a survivor, one that lived the law of the jungle for so long that sparring and teasing his partner was one of the best ways to entertain him. To say you were both having fun was an understatement.
“Apparently, I haven’t been ruthless enough with you.” He turned around, holding Yamato’s hilt with both of his hands. You had to hold back a smile – that was one of his stances that usually meant Vergil was starting to lose his patience and considering going all out.
And that usually happened when he recognized you were starting to get the upper hand – which meant he saw your playful sword smack as a sign you were starting to get the hang of things.
After all, you only did that sort of thing with your old sword. Comparing to the way you both used to spar, he was going considerably easier on you tonight.
“Let’s remedy that.” His voice was almost a growl as his feet moved like lightning on the floor.
You had to put all your concentration in that fight – your eyes never leaving the Yamato, quickly finding the blade in the air from its shimmer and parrying with your heavy claymore. Using your weight, you pushed Vergil back – which only worked because he saw it as an opportunity to power another heavy attack to try to get you off-balance. You stumbled a little, but quickly gained your balance once more, holding back another quick attack from your lover – something quite frustrating for him, as you observed in his furrowed brows.
Even if he wasn’t going easy on you, it was the first time Vergil was tapping into some of his demonic abilities – strength, speed and power, for starters – and you took that as a compliment. If he wasn’t going to cut you some slack, he could at least fight you the same way he always did – and Vergil never really held back when fighting you.
As he said before, it would only make you stronger. And that was why you could easily fight some of the most frightening demons of Hell without even breaking a sweat.
Vergil didn’t take long to attack you again. He had that look in his eyes he only used when he was hunting, leaving no room for mercy. You held your sword in a vertical position right in front of you, having the Yamato hit the flat blade of your claymore with enough power to have you and Vergil recoil a little from the impact.
Thankfully, your sword was sturdy enough to take a powerful blow from a legendary blade and its less than formidable wielder and not shatter. That was something you would remember later, for now Vergil attacked again and you defended, holding back a series of lightning quick attacks that required all your attention, strength and speed – as well as both of your hands holding your new sword in order to be able to avoid all of the attacks.
As expected, though, you hadn’t mastered your claymore yet. Your grip faltered in one of your hands, and Vergil’s predator eyes were quick enough to notice that and see a window of opportunity. Spinning the Yamato on his hand, Vergil gripped its hilt and used the butt-end to hit your hands and make you lose your grip on your sword.
As you tried to recover without losing too much of your stance, Vergil took the chance to spin around you – as you did before with him – and use the sheath of the Yamato to smack your back. A bit lower, and he would’ve smacked your ass – at least, he allowed you to keep a little of your pride, as you allowed him when you chose not to do that as well.
You immediately leaned the tip of your sword on the floor, side-eyeing your lover – only to find him with his head held high, that convinced expression he would always wear whenever he had the upper hand, along with a ghost of a smile you knew very well.
“Shall we continue…?” His words were crowned with his usual slight tinge of arrogance, as you turned around and adjusted your grip around the hilt of your sword. “Or will you finally yield and allow me to take care of those wounds?”
“As my lover, you should know, Vergil…” You sighed and snapped your neck from side to side, getting back into position to fight. He had to raise one of his eyebrows, ever so impressed with your resilience. “I do not yield.”
His only answer was a smile before your powerful attack, holding you back with the Yamato still sheathed, using one of his feet behind his body as an anchor so he wouldn’t fall over. Even in his wildest dreams, Vergil could never had imagined he would find someone who would give such flawless answers. Yes, he wanted to care for you. But how could he deny the fire he saw in you when you said such things? It was the same fire that kept him alive for so many years; the same fire that made him get back on his feet even when defeat was certain, when all hope was lost, and only death and blood were expected. The same fire that made Vergil defy all odds and save himself, over and over again.
He didn’t know how he had found you neither how he could deserve you, but he did hope you remained for as long as he could have you.
With another attack, he took the opportunity to unsheathe his sword, using both the blade and the sheath to defend himself from a string of attacks as ruthless as those he had attacked you before. You didn’t see an opportunity, but you knew Vergil relied on a few tricks up his metaphorical sleeves, so you acted quickly to do the same he did before – and with the hilt of your claymore, you weakened his grip on the sheath, quickly spinning your sword and hitting it with all your might, making the blue sheath fly across the training ground. Vergil immediately held Yamato’s grip with both of his hands, trying not to let his surprise show on his face.
You could see it in his silvery eyes, though. You already knew how to expertly access them, to find Vergil’s emotions underneath the icy façade he used to wear. You had an advantage that made your heart swell and bolstered your resolve – and that Vergil was also able to read in your eyes. He fought back, putting a little more of his strength and power into a few riposte attacks, stopping your advances and making you fall a few steps back.
It wouldn’t be fair if he started using his demonic might when your body was almost giving out – but Vergil had to recognize you were lasting a lot longer than he expected. He thought, by now, your physical body wouldn’t be able to keep going, completely unrelated to your willpower. But there you were, proving him wrong – and making him fall even more in love with you, if that was even possible.
Your hands trembled a bit, though. You kept your eyes locked in his, reading his every move, his every emotion – and Vergil did the same, as if your fight didn’t rely on your swords anymore. As he got ready for another devastating attack, your sword found his in the air and, spinning your blades together, you brought them down with a flick of your wrist, having them rest together a few inches inside the ground.
You turned your back for a few seconds to catch your breath, pain starting to ebb through your arms. Vergil took some steps back in amazement, since that move was a first: you had never taken a break from a fight by disarming him as well as yourself, even if for a few seconds; you only asked with words and it usually took a few minutes. He observed you carefully – part of him reading if your body was going to give out and part of him reading if you would jump on him unexpectedly. Vergil didn’t know what to expect, but he could feel his blood tingling at his fingertips, ready to take action with whatever it is that you had for him.
After a few seconds, you immediately turned around, locking your hands around the grip of your sword once more and lifting it from the ground. Vergil couldn’t believe you still wanted to fight – and even win – but mirrored your speed and had Yamato back in his grip once more.
A few more attacks. He could see your hands trembling. A few more steps. He could hear your shaking breaths. A few more swift moves. He could see the relentless fire inside your eyes.
Vergil didn’t make it easier because of your crumbling endurance – if you broke, it would serve as a lesson on assessing your own energy and how far you could go. As you knew right from the start, Vergil wasn’t a forgiving mentor and would push you to your limit – he didn’t exactly expect you would do the same thing with yourself as he did to himself in order to improve his fighting to perfection.
A flick of his wrist. A powerful move from your hands. You found yourselves drenched in sweat, in the middle of your training space, the Yamato touching your neck, and your claymore touching the skin on Vergil’s throat.
You had your eyes locked into his silvery gaze, the gleaming blades of your swords ignored as the only thing that dictated that fight was your willpower – yours and Vergil’s. As you looked into each other’s reflections, you stated something you didn’t have to say out loud to be understood: neither of you would ever yield.
As that knowing reached Vergil’s heart, that was only one thing he could really do – something his logical mind and demonic pride could never fathom as the proper response to that situation, but his human heart burned to have him do it. His free hand cupped your face, pulling you into an immediate kiss.
When your lips found his, you used your free hand to anchor yourself in place by holding the back of his neck, pulling Vergil towards you. It was a kiss that burned with the very same fire he saw in your eyes, the one he mirrored in his soul and rarely let out as something other than willpower to keep on surviving. That fire was a will to live, a will to keep going, a will for life… A lust to experience, to burn bright and intensely, to take everything existence had to offer. A lust you could only safely explore with each other, not having to channel that only into surviving, but also into living life as it should be lived.
One of the things Vergil would always tell you, was to never let your guard down. You could be calm and collected, apparently unprepared, but always aware of your surroundings – and ready to kill at every waking moment.
Anything could be a distraction, anything could be a weakness. Being that close to you, in the middle of a fight, with that whirlwind of emotions stirring like a lightning storm that had to have its energy released somehow… Even if you had your sword still in one of your hands as he had Yamato in his, your blades were lowered - you had your grip almost letting go, ready to forget it on the floor.
You had your guard down.
“A demon would have killed you by now.” Vergil’s voice was but a rough whisper as he broke the kiss, his lips barely away from yours, hot breath still ghosting on your skin.
“A demon wouldn’t have kissed me.”
Both of your swords found the floor in unison, as your hands found each other with your lips locking in another breathless kiss.
Fortunately, you were both imperfectly human.
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fumifooms · 1 year
Marchil crumbs masterpost
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Because I can and I will. Someone already made a tiny one way back but I lost it idk if it was here or on reddit… And we’re so small that we have no tag… I can’t credit you sorry marchil warrior you are not forgotten. I’ll definitely updating this whenever I find a new crumb. We’ve already reached the 30 pics cap part 2 coming soon. They do interact a ton I suppose. As always it’s not because I put moments on here that I’m saying they’re inherently romantic blablabla.
Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7
My vision: Unstoppable force vs immovable object. Corrupt (money) bitter divorcee and corrupt (magic) hopeless romantic. Emotional constipation vs emotional intelligence. Streets savvy vs prestigious academic. Girl with the longest lifespan possible who has trauma over loss x guy with the shortest lifespan who has trauma over past romance. They would take their romantic interest to the fricking grave.  Halfling vs elf. Emotionally distant vs clingy and needy… Not that Chilchuck doesn’t seek her attention plenty ngl. By all means they are so incompatible and yet their dynamic is so delightful, opposites certainly do attract if Kui’s to be believed because these two constantly drift towards each other.
To me they're the embodiment of "If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known". Oh actually that'd apply to Laios and Dunmeshi as a whole as well-
She’s his worst nightmare. Opening up to someone?? The audacity to ask that of him. She raises his blood pressure to dangerous levels. He would risk his life for her.
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HIS WORST NIGHTMARE (what he needs). She's classified as a friend who won’t shut up btw Notice how on the dating sim chapter cover, the clicky hand is always on the choice he ended up choosing in canon except for two, Falin’s and Marcille’s. Meaning he may have hesitated on it, on telling her she was pretty? She’s front and center~
It’s notable that Marcille is the main victim of his teasing, he criticizes Laios and everyone plenty but teasing is done much more towards her than anyone else, and we can see that it is something he enjoys. Perhaps one of the things that put him in a good mood the most, besides alcohol and laughing at others in general lol. Here’s a post compiling a lot of that teasing: link
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He often confronts her about things and teases/insults her but it's always without any real animosity, sometimes having problems with her actions but never disliking her.
She craves his approval? More likely than you think.
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Chilchuck having a sparkly flustered Marcille on his mind and failing to pull her ponytail so she'd give him her attention the right way, then being devastated when she claps back lol. For as much as he teases her, she’s very much able to stand up for herself when it goes too far and to challenge him on some flaws he may have.
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Marcille’s canon shapeshifter of Chilchuck is the most convincing one/last one standing! In which he was nicer because Marcille still had some trouble not seeing him as young and thus innocent. Which besides the whole age thing, her having an accurate but nicer version of Chilchuck in her mind is pretty flattering lol
In the earlier chapters they stick by each other the most, often sharing knowing glances and judging the other together. They share this complicity and "wow finally someone sane in this party" energy that none of the others have in quite that way. Comrades in disgust.
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He cannot escape her gossip, she will not rest until she knows all and has met his family and romanticized his life and relationships. She’s the one who pushes Chilchuck to be more open about himself the most. Which, we do also see her being jealous when Chilchuck opens up more to others instead of her, like pic below. Moreover, we see that she’s able to read him like a book to the point that it freaks him out!! Oh the horror of being known… Relationship goals, freak him out bc you understand him so well Oh can I just point out as well that they're the only ones who saw each other's succubus. Like wow knowing each other's most alluring form? Dayum
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When doing her theory about what happened between him and his wife, the pictures where her roleplaying as his wife, like literally with her being a half-foot like in the changeling chapters and the mini chilchuck for a baby lmaooo. Which I just now realized that means Marcille’s question about if his wife has blonde hair is valid, we technically don’t know if he already liked blondes or if it’s an acquired taste. Give me a sec to recover from that-
But yeah Marcille is so people-obsessed that she catalogues every little detail about someone, like how Chilchuck complains when he has to wait after someone… She notices things and takes them in stride even if they’re flaws. (In first page, it's the bottom row middle panel)
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She wanted to sleep in his bed when Izutsumi was being clingy and she didn't want to sleep alone <3
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Here he goes to her to either help her stay upright or comfort her… Uncharacteristic of him but very sweet. What are you gonna do if she collapses on you big guy, collapse along in a show of solidarity?
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He's been shown to make sure Marcille stays safe a few times as well, like below. No I will not accept "she's the healer of the party" as a full explanation. He really does get an arc, from not wanting to be anywhere near the battlefield to sticking by his party members. Unlike Laios, Senshi and Izutsumi they both tend to hang in the back in battles, I love how they often strategize together as well.
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The reverse is also sometimes true. Especially with how non-shy Marcille is with physical contact, interestingly she's way less delicate about saving others than him lol.
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He’s the only one shown to flinch when she makes a noisein the bath which leads me to think he’s the one most flustered by the whole Marcille changing and bathing close by thing, it prob doesn’t help that he has great hearing but yeah, he seems to be hyperaware of her presence in those instances and overreacts.
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"Come with me and braid my hair every day!" Meanwhile Chilchuck is fighting for his life holding her at an arm’s length
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I can’t believe this is on his ADVENTURER’S BIBLE DESCRIPTION like that thing is one big paragraph about his whole character and you allotted that important limited space for this. Kui do you hear yourself
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Part 2 here
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could i have prompt “I think we’re past the point of being just friends.” for levi?
Leviathan is totally happy being just friends with you. He loves having someone to cry about the latest anime that emotionally devastated him. Having a player two that will nod along intently as he talks about the best strats for the game on the screen. Social events have never been easier when he's been able to huddle with you in a corner away from normies.
It's so great being friends with you. And he is totally content with that. He definitely does not stare at your hands thinking about how nice it would be to hold them. He doesn't have dreams about hearing you confess your love to him that have his heart racing even upon waking. He also absolutely under no circumstances finds himself wishing that all the times you'd jokingly flirted with him were real. Nope. Not at all.
Okay, maybe he wants to be a little more than friends. And maybe he thinks about what it would be like to kiss you. He might even have some photos in his drawer that he looks at when he feels like you've been away from him for too long. He stares at them and thinks if you were both more than friends it wouldn't be weird if he told you he missed you. If you were more than friends he'd also be able to ask for more of your time than he already has.
He should say something, voice the reason why he's staring at you longer than usual. Why he seems to fall into a greater slump than normal when you hang out with someone else instead of him. Except, there's just one problem. He can't see you liking him back. He'd be miserable if you rejected him. Even more so if after that you distanced yourself from him. So, he keeps it to himself. And sometimes, he's too overjoyed being around you that he forgets.
You've turned up at his door, in your hands, a limited addition figure that he would've had to traverse the comforts of his room to purchase instore. He'd mentioned it to you in passing, not once expecting you to do it for him. "Ta da!" You present the figure to him, and he's quick to usher you into his room. Already picking out where to display it.
"Thank you so much but you didn't have to go out of your way for me." He feels giddy, placing the figure among his collection.
"I just happened to remember on my walk home about it coming out today so I made a detour, just for you." So giddy that he completely misses the undertones of your last words.
"I'm so lucky to have you as a friend."
"I guess..." his heart drops at that. Did he miss something? Did he say the wrong thing? Was he not thankful enough? The panic is clear on his face. "It's just... I think we’re past the point of being just friends.” He pauses, squinting as his brain tries to compute the information.
"Like best friends?" You blink once. Twice. Only to shake your head. His brows furrow. If you don't mean best friends then what else is there? "Oh you mean... you with someone like me... HUH?" He shoots up in surprise.
"I've been dropping hints for a while now." His jaw is on the floor at this point.
"Wait you weren't joking all those times you flirted with me?"
"I outright told you once, imagine all the couple cosplays we could do if we were together."
"I um don't remember." He does remember, but at the time he spluttered out a response and quickly escaped the room you were in together. "But I accept!" He's cringing internally at the handling of your confession, but you don't seem to bothered by it.
Shooting him a bright smile that almost has his hands reaching up to clutch his chest from how cute he found it.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
If you are still doing requests for Vox Machina and the Castlevania Trio…
Let’s just say that after a tedious and stressful battle with some nobody thugs, one character gets separated from their group, and this character is weak from the wounds, and in their weakening vision they see the newest Big Bad Guy they’ve been encountering menacingly making their way towards them. However, with no energy left and exhaustion overtaking them, the character passes out.
Only to wake up, their wounds aching but patched up, in an unfamiliar hut. The BBG comes into their room and is like “you will need to rest more, those wounds you got are still healing. Also I confiscated your weapons for the time being, but I’ll return them once your better.”
And the character realises that the BBG had been taking care of them in their weakened state, and shows sign of wanting to harm them. And when the character asks why the BBG would heal them, the BBG just replies, “Only those weak in mind attack others who are in a vulnerable state. If I am to kill you, or you me, it will be under the rules of battle, where we’re both are at our strongest.”
Some time later, the BBG returns the character to the rest of their group just as promised and next time they meet each other, they are enemies under the rules of battle.
How would the characters of the groups individually be affected by the BBG’s actions?
Oh this would crush 💔 them now that I think about that
I feel like he would be crushed if it was any member of the party, but if it’s you or Vex he’ll be downright DEVASTATED
He’s a barbarian with feelings, so he’ll be emotionally crushed. Would be devastated if it was you, Pike or Scanlan against him
Poor dhamphir has been through enough, and couldn’t bring himself if it was against you, or Trevor and Sypha
He cares about his friends and family so much so he is crushed and devastated if it was anyone in the group, including you
Bit of a similar reaction like her brother, but would be crushed if it was also Percy
why would you do this to her?! 🥲 she cares for everybody so this hits her where it hurts the most. Also would be crushed if it was Percy
This Speaker will feel immense rage towards BBG but hopes she’s not too late to appeal to any of the group she cares for
May not be the best at showing his feelings, but oh his heart would especially be crushed if it was Pike, you, Vax or Grog
This cleric will not hold back her rage against BBG if it was against you or any other member of the group, especially Grog or Scanlan
His heart would not be in it if it was Sypha, you, or Alucard. and he would be emotionally crushed (but not show it as much)
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kitofawriter · 2 months
Spoilers for LMK season five Episode 5-6 below the cut!
Starting again! Leggo!
Mei’s jet survived the crash I see
Trucker Pigsy! Jot that under ‘things I didn’t know I needed until now’
“Big Ham” somebody was WAITING to use that trucker name for him.
I like the design of those rocks.
Red laser in a flame named episode. Is this where we get Red Son?
The way Pigsys ears flap in the wind!!!
Also I’m going to assume this follows what everyone else was doing in the last episode so the crash hasn’t happened yet.
For some reason I’m getting a ‘this is gonna be a pod racing episode’ vibe. I am probably wrong but now I want that episode (even if we’ve already had a race episode)
You got stopped by a very cute mouse!
I feel like so far Pigsy is the one that works best in this animation. Idk, theres been no really jarring movements for him that I’ve noticed.
Red Son!!!! Yes Mei! Show him the love he deserves!!
Red Son guesses correctly. They are indeed stopping the apocalyptic cracks
Mei’s face! OMG!!!
Red Son is like the opposite of Tang. He’d probably be surprised to find out something isn’t real.
Is this like a Samadi fire thing? Are we finally getting anything related to that?
He’s so proud to be the creator of the Samadi fire!!
Researching the origins of the true fire? So…the Samadi fire? The fire you made?
Little pet fire dragon???? Are we giving Mei a weapon of mass destruction as a pet? Because that could not go wrong! /s
*cough* a failed replica of the Samadi fire *cough*
I love whatever that is. It needs a goofy name.
:3 face Mei!!
Also she’s so ready to go and he’s just like ‘hold oh like .2 seconds PLEASE’
“This is why we don’t hang out” please, you don’t hang out cause you don’t wanna admit you like peasants.
Pigsy’s going through some stuff. Maybe Tang can help with those scrawny ankles.
If you can’t tell, I love the scrawny ankles joke. It’s so funny.
“I’m his father” “I’m not strong enough to keep him safe” Pigsy you were the ONLY person that could help him sleep. Don’t downplay the care you give him. Also this is gonna end in so much angst.
Tang really regretting that “we’re side characters at best” comment from season three right about now.
Is Red Sons plan style INVADER ZIM?!?!
Red Son you are so dramatic. I love you!
Was…was that shot a FMA reference?!
Pigsy you are a good dad! You’re there for MK when he needs you! Don’t be sad!!
“You know it’s kinda your fault right?” Tang that is not helping!
Tang saying Pigsy was the one who made MK a good person! I can’t!! I need to pause!
“You’re his dad!”
The little mice!! I’m screaming!
I was not prepared for this many Pigsy feels!!
Tang is the number 1 found family supporter!
“This is not the best time for a crisis of confidence!!”
Mei, you’re the best, don’t doubt yourself.
Red Son stepping between her and the fire!!!
Ooohh, cool green electric form!!
Mei mech!! Mei mech!!!! Badass Mei mech!!
Isn’t that one of the pets from club penguin?
“Everyone gets a mech except for me” petition to give Red Son a mech 2024
The demon bull family picture!!
Red Son being determined to help those he loves!!
“See noodle boy” of the spicynoodle shippers screamed right there.
“Hey I texted you for help! You never responded” •-•
Mei’s been sending nonstop puppy videos!
Phone stop autocorrecting Mei to key please. I’m not even sure why that’s the word you’re choosing?
Mei communicates with puppy videos, no words needed.
She left her phone.
Episode 6! Leggo!! This is gonna be my last one today because though I want to stop worrying about spoilers, I also want it to last at least a little bit longer.
We inch ever closer to the return of Mac and also to later episodes that I just KNOW will be emotionally devastating.
Tang panicking, things are as they should be.
Was that the shoe guy but voiced by a woman? Good for her.
Pigsy vs destiny the season.
MK learning for SWK and Sandy!!!
Best buds Monkey King and Sandy! That’s them! I’m sure you’ll get your episode Mei.
Im guessing Mei or Tang help this episode then Pigsy helps with the final stone, but I could be wrong.
The art of SWK of fire and Sandy being held by the snake is hilarious. 10/10 no notes.
The MK and Mei art is also adorable.
Its gonna be the Tang episode to harken back to the dumpling episode where Mei thought she was gonna go and didn’t.
Sandy, you’re very inconspicuous, don’t listen to the mean old Tangy.
They all look…awesome.
Jin and yin!!
Are those helmets? Cause they look really weird. I get what they’re going for but I don’t like it.
Also they shoulda grabbed Pigsy if they wanted a singer.
Why doesn’t Mo get a disguise?
For some reason some of Mei’s lines are difficult for me to catch. I need subtitles, that aren’t auto generated and thus awful.
Nezha!!! My boi!! (If you haven’t noticed, basically all the characters are my boi, except Mei she my girl!)
“He’s bombing! You’re bombing!”
Nezha should joint Chang’e’s roller derby team. (This is a headcanon but they need to make it canon)
SWK were you gonna fight Nezha or try to talk to him before Mei grabbed you? you didn’t look fighty.
“Ahhh!” Followed by the guards flying.
“You’re not getting away that easi…” cap in face
Who threw the whole stall person and all?!?!
*meme of the person holding the cat down that’s surrounded by broken potted plants* Wukong.
Nezha mech!! Also Nezhie you’re trying really hard to catch these guys for someone who believes in their innocence.
The flower jetpack looking this is a really cool design.
I should draw Nezha
“We have to get out of here!” “What? Why? I can handle Nezhie” SWK, I love you so much (second only to Sandy in this version)
MK trusting Nezha!!! And stepping in front of the blade!!! Nezha STOPPING!!!
“My father!” My guy, your father is a big meany. You’ve SEEN them stop world ending disasters before INCLUDING the one that started this!!
That is a really cool mech.
Fillet use!
Jerky jerk man appears.
Nezha fighting his dad!!!
Get them outta there Tangy!!
Do not yell at Nezha, he’s a good boy and he’s actually helpful. I didn’t see you anywhere when Azure was doing all this damage. (I kinda only know Li Jing in connection to Nezha’s myth so he could be a pretty cool dude elsewhere, but here he’s a jerk)
“We’re all gonna die!” Hugs Tang. Of the Freenoodle shippers noticed that.
MK where did you bring them?
Also calling it now, Nüwa has the last stone and she’s in the pagoda.
“I call dibs!!” Please give Mei her adventure. She’s going to go rabid without it.
MK’s smile and wave face!!
Sandy waving back!
Somebody get SWK some Tylenol or something for his headache please.
The guardian designs are all super cool.
Love the tiger specifically.
“Uhhh, no we don’t.”
I am not ready for the rest of this season.
SWK keeps forgetting the fillet.
Can someone PLEASE get him some Tylenol?
MK knows what he’s doing.
Pigsy jumped after him first!!!
If anything happens to Pigsy I will scream. (If anything happens to any of them I will scream.)
Li Jinh doesn’t find is suspicious at all they that JUMPED?!
Magic costume change!
“These are…prison jumpsuits?!”
You’d think they’d have one that fits Sandy at least. Poor guys barely fits in that jacket.
Also Mo keeps getting left out of the costume changes. Justice for Mo!
“Aww my shirt.” Well. There it goes.
MK being the smarty kid again. Good boy.
I wanna watch another episode now but I also wanna wait and hold off to make it last. Decisions!!
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Dreams of Happiness
Summary: You’re doing well in your new life—many would say you’re ‘living the dream’. The only problem is, it’s not the life you dreamed of living.
Pairing: Dean x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Angst; Some fluff; Language; Mentions of smut; Canon divergence.
Betas: @princessmisery666 and @wayward-and-worn
Word Count: 2,747
Part One
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It’s been a long time since you’ve attended one of the monthly gatherings. The possibility of seeing Dean makes your chest clench with pain, punching the air from your lungs. Yet, you miss your found family, and avoiding them to avoid him, serves no purpose. Besides, you're in a better place emotionally now. At least that’s what you keep telling everyone, anyway.
Eyes scanning the room as you pull out of Jody’s hug, your heart stalls at her next words, unsure if it’s from gratified relief or abject longing.
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“They’re not coming,” Jody informs you, handing over the glass of whiskey in her hand. “Caught a case at the last minute.”
“Oh, sure,” you shrug, “I could have handled it if he was here.” The cock of her eyebrow lets you know that she can see right through the facade. Jody is the big sister you always wished you had. There’s no hiding from that all-knowing scrutiny. “Yeah, okay. Whatever.”
“You doing alright?” she prods.
“I’m great. Things are going good.” You are not great. Things are not good. The reality is so far from either of those that you’re unsure where you’d begin to explain. “How’s everyone?”
“We’re good. The girls are excited about seeing you.”
“Of course they are. I’m the cool aunt.”
“You’re the only aunt,” she deadpans.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m still cool.”
As if on cue, Alex and Claire burst into the room, shoving each other and shouting your name, vying for your attention. Taking a large gulp of whiskey, you hand the glass back to Jody just as two sets of arms squeeze you tight in their hold.
A couple of hours later, the bathroom mirror reflects a genuine smile, contentment from being around the ones you love. Exiting the bathroom, you’re stopped in your tracks outside Alex’s room, overhearing your name.
“She looks happy,” Claire states.
“I don’t know. There’s a sadness in her eyes that wasn’t there before.” Alex always seemed to understand you. Relate to you a little better. When you showed up on Jody’s doorstep, physically and mentally exhausted, emotionally devastated, she had been the one to help paste the pieces back together enough for you to function again in the world outside their home.
“Well, I think they’re both a couple of dumbasses. Everyone can see that they belong together. Did you see his reaction last time when Jody told him she wasn’t coming? And she is obviously disappointed that he isn’t here today.” 
Claire’s no slouch at observing people either, and you reluctantly smile at her forthright assessment. You’re curious about his reaction, and though you know you’re wrong for eavesdropping, you silently lean a little closer to the open doorway, hoping to hear more about him.
“Yeah, but they both seem to be moving on. The art business is working out great for her, and he’s still out there putting himself in harm’s way to save the world.”
Does he know about your new business venture? Maybe he believes that you are happier without him. Agitation begins to coil in your chest at Alex’s response, but Claire’s next words cut a broad stroke through your heart.
“She still loves him, though, don’t you think?”
Of course, I do! I can’t just throw a switch and stop.
“I think so. Her poker face is almost as good as his, so it’s hard to tell for sure. I wish she’d talk to us about it.” 
There’s no way I can talk about him. It’s too difficult to explain. It still hurts too much. 
“I bet he still loves her even though he’s being an idiot.”
“I know, but,” Alex’s disgruntled huff reaches your ears, “Sam said he’s back to picking up waitr-”
You need air—an escape. 
Stumbling down the stairs and sprinting toward the front door, you hastily call to the group in the living room that you’re going out for a while. Not waiting for a response, you rush to your car, tires squealing as you pull away from the curb, bound for the lake a few miles from Jody’s. Windows down, wind whipping at your hair, the sequenced pitch of rubber racing over asphalt begins to soothe your troubled mind. Backing up to the edge of the rocky beach, you breathe a shaky sigh of relief, solace seeping through you with the familiarity of your surroundings, your sanctuary.
A swath of emotions threatens to bleed through your pores, but you hold them back until you're lying in the bed of the truck. Staring up at the inky darkness, tears coat and gloss your eyes, turning the view into an image reminiscent of Van Gogh’s Starry Night.
As the months dragged on, you got better at keeping the guilt and desolation hidden, putting on a show for others. A bright smile painted on your face, posing an apathetic demeanor whenever he’s mentioned. Yet, there are still times when you least expect it, caught off guard like tonight, that the hard outline is feathered by grief.
You’d heard tidbits of information about him when running into old acquaintances—laughing, joking, playing pool, the occasional story about him leaving with a beautiful woman draped around him. What you knew, though, that most of them didn’t, was that beneath the cheeky swagger he showed to the world was a compassionate, kind heart steeped in a complex, volatile cocktail of emotions. The person the world saw was only a guise shielding the man you knew and loved.
So you had taken their words with a grain of salt. You’d smile and nod, steer them back to talking about whatever case they were working. They’d eventually ask you to help. If you could, you’d assist with the lore but decline further involvement, telling them, ‘I’m not a hunter.’ As time passed, it became easier to say, but the sting continued to echo.
Hearing about his extracurricular activities with Sam as the source cut deep. It had to be true, then. Didn’t it? Sam was ground zero. Dean had moved on… let you go. Did he even love you anymore?
Colors blend and evanesce, fingers brushing cold metal as you absentmindedly reach for the warmth and security of a hand no longer there. A lost comfort, an intangible ache that lingers on your skin. Fuck, you miss him. You’ve made some pretty questionable decisions over the years, but leaving him ranks the highest. If there were a way to take it all back, you would. Tell him that you were wrong to leave, that you meant all the promises contained in the last words you said to him. You figure he knows on some level. It doesn’t make your choice any easier to accept.
You left him to deal with the never-ending cycle of douchebag demons, dickhead angels, and whatever new monster of the week emerged. Left him alone with the burden of saving the world on top of all the emotional trauma he constantly tries to shove down and hide away.
Hands curling into fists, heated tears whitewash a salty trail to your hairline unabated. There’s no reason to repair the peeling varnish of the facade you painted with no one around to assess the damage. So you let the heartache fade and blur into memories.
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“A fireplace.” Rough-skinned fingers traced a path down your spine, palm coming to rest on your hip.
“It takes up half the wall,” a quick nip at his ear, “with a big fluffy rug and lots of pillows. Glass panels on either side to watch the snowfall.”
He laughed, “You’ve been watching too many of those sappy movies again. Not everything is a Hallmark moment.”
“When I’m with you, it feels like it.”
A random conversation that had become a ritual after bad hunts. Sometimes after good ones too, when you were both feeling overly optimistic about the future. The two of you, naked and cuddled close, on a blanket staring up at the stars, in Baby’s backseat, or safe in your bed at the bunker, whispering sweet, healing words and envisioning the home he would build for the two of you post-hunting life. It was a way to escape the horrors of the current day-to-day. Light in the darkness; hope where sometimes it seemingly never existed.
“A chef’s kitchen. Open concept, restaurant grade appliances, butcher’s block, and a marble countertop for rolling out pie dough.”
The sweet scrape of scruff against your flesh and heated breath, “An island I can bend you over and rail you from behind.”
“Wow, what a sweet talker.” You’d kissed him until there were no breaths left to share. Then he’d taken you on the backseat, tender and loving, like you had all the time in the world, replacing whispered words with cries of passion.
Rufus’ old safe house in Montana would be the perfect fixer-upper. By the time you remembered it, it was too late, and you never got the chance to mention it to him. Sam had kept the three of you on a string of hunts until one of them became the final straw for Dean. It had been a bit of a rough one. The witch had nearly succeeded in making you her next sacrifice, but you’d managed to outmaneuver and kill her just as the boys burst into the room. Dean had not been happy. 
Between fuming bouts of silence, you’d argued, for hours, the entire ten-hour drive back to the bunker. Sam was so fed up that Baby was barely parked before he was out, grabbing a set of keys to one of the old cars and driving off without a word to either of you. By the time the two of you reached the bedroom, the fight had come to a head, and the spiteful words cut deep.
“Let’s sleep on it, and we can talk tomorrow.”
“I want you to leave.”
“Fine. I’ll sleep in my old room tonight.”
“No. I want you to pack your things and get out of the bunker. I’m tired of having to rescue you. I’ve got enough on my plate without having to try and keep you from getting yourself killed all the time.”
Anger had instantly flared, “You’re being an asshole! How-,” but as you’d fired back, you caught the flash of torment in his gaze and realized what he was trying to do. Quickly switching tactics, you’d attempted to reason with him. The harsh words thrown back at you had felt like a salt round to the chest at close range.
“...You’re not a hunter. You’re a liability.” 
Dean’s anger was a sight to behold but had never before been directed at you with such force. He’d drawn himself up—arms crossed, stance widened, face an unyielding mask, eyes dark, glare chilling, breath nearly undetectable. For a moment, you wondered if you reached out and touched him, would his skin feel like marble, and an imagined draft of air had prickled your skin.
You’d known he wouldn’t back down once he’d voiced his ultimatum. Struggling under the burden of keeping those he loved alive and out of harm's way, Dean was doing what he did best by trying his damnedest to push you away, believing you would be safer. So you’d let go of the charged words you’d been ready to hurl back and stared him down, uttering the only words that truly mattered.
“I love you.”
The clench of his jaw—rolling muscle beneath stubbled flesh—the singular movement betrayed his vulnerability. You’d thought your words might be enough, but it only made him double down on his determination. He fired one last shot, then walked away. 
You’d heard him pause in the hallway, hoped his resolve would break, and whispered, “Please don’t leave.” As his strides had grown more distant, you’d stared at the space he left behind. 
Standing in the dimly lit room, you'd waited until your legs ached, finally collapsing into a sobbing heap on the bed to wait a bit longer. Exhausted from the hunt, the argument, and with utter despair draining every conscious thought, you’d eventually fallen into a fitful sleep. Waking with a gasp, you frantically searched the room, but there was no sign that he had returned. 
No missed calls or texts lit up your phone when you checked it. It felt like your heart was pumping sludge through your veins, then anger flared, flushing everything loose. How could he leave like that? Say those things to you and then walk out without a backward glance? It didn’t matter that you knew why he did it. The outrage over his callous words ignited a fire in your heart that seared its way through your emotional cortex. 
Debating whether it was best to wait and confront him when he finally returned or give each other some time, you finally shoved a few items of clothing in a bag, figuring you’d be back in a day or two once the dust settled. 
The first step across the bedroom’s threshold felt like stepping off a cliff, a point of no return. As you’d dragged yourself through the bunker, hope had kept you moving forward. Hope that he would be in the garage, sitting in the Impala. You wouldn’t have cared if the fight continued. You’d just wanted to see him there.
When you’d found Baby’s spot empty, muscle memory had been the only thing that kept you upright. Residual shock kept the emotions at bay until you hit the Nebraska state line. You’d found a liquor store and then a motel. Cried, drank, rehashed, dissected every detail that you should have done differently, drank some more, cried again, then drank until your tears were laced with alcohol. 
You knew Dean was afraid of losing someone else he loved, and he did love you. It had been there behind the cold stare and harsh words. He wouldn’t have believed you had forgiven him before he even walked out of the room, but you had. 
Your bout of anger did not negate that forgiveness, knowing that the extreme harshness of his words was proportionate to the feelings he held for you. You hadn’t chased after him for the same reason you had stopped arguing. As much as it hurt, anger and betrayal bleeding through every pore, you’d known there was no point. In that moment, Dean had decided on a course of action and would remain firm. He believed what he was doing would somehow protect you from a hunter’s end, deflect the chaos and darkness of this life, save you… from him.
On the fifth day of radio silence, having eaten nothing but a couple of packages of stale vending machine fare, you’d finally taken a shower, dragged ass to the nearest food source, drank an entire pot of coffee, and downed a huge helping of the greasiest food you could order. After puking up everything you had consumed, you’d ordered a coffee and two bottles of water to go.
You’d believed that regret, guilt… love would somehow, for once, win out over his innate stubbornness, and he would eventually call to apologize. You had been wrong. 
You’d lost count of how many times you’d stopped yourself from calling or texting. You’d rationalized that he needed more time, that if you tried to contact him too soon, you would only make things worse. Deciding it was best to give him space to work through the wealth of emotions you knew he’d be wrestling with, no matter how painful it was for you. So you hauled yourself north, away from the only true home you’d known in years… away from the tormented despair… away from him.
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Now you have to face the consequences of your decision. He’s moving on, adjusting to a life without you, and, according to rumors confirmed by a reputable source, finding solace in the arms of another. In an attempt to save your sanity or a matter of self-preservation, you hadn’t let yourself think about him with someone else. 
It hurts like hell, but the blame lies with you as much, if not more so, than him. You told him you loved him but then abandoned him like so many others. You were just as much at fault for letting the months drag on with no contact, no attempt at reconciliation. Caught up in a new life that you only ever wanted to share with him, you realize you had waited too long. 
Too afraid, too ashamed to contact him.
Part Three
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Writers Iron Chef #8: Falling Asleep
[PROMPT] Accidentally falling asleep together
[TIME LIMIT] Optional 10 minutes prep time, 30 minutes writing time, optional, 10 minutes editing time
Pairing: Francisco "Catfish" Morales x GN!Reader
Rating: T, some suggestive themes, angsty fluff.
Summary: Words left unspoken come to a head...when there's only one bed.
Notes: Written for Writers' Iron Chef Prompt 8.
Oh no, not me trying to retcon a lived experience by making Frankie more emotionally mature than the dumb men I've crushed over before...
Enjoy a little sweetness, a little insecurity, and a whole lotta soft in this one!
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The blood pounding in your ears must be audible to Frankie. It certainly is to you, all whooshing double thumps to the march of time. It’s barely been two minutes. You can do it. You can be okay with this.
The ski trip was something you’d been looking forward to for months. The boys hadn’t invited you in the past, which miffed you. When Santi realized you did ski, had been since you were old enough to walk, he was ecstatic. 
“Oh shit, we thought you weren’t into it! Yeah, totally, come this time! We rent a cabin and get shitfaced at the end of the day and eat way too much junk. It’s a great time.” You hastily agree. It would be an excellent time, snow under your skis, the cold bite of wind…and Frankie, who you had the most devastating crush on.
You thought he might have an inkling about your crush. You weren’t exactly subtle, but you weren’t throwing yourself at him either. However, he hadn’t made a move, and you hoped maybe this weekend in close quarters would tip the hand in your favor. A few drinks together, cuddled up on the couch. Maybe a wandering hand, a knowing look. That’s all it could take.
What you hadn’t anticipated was how much of a shit Santi would be.
“We’re short one bed. I couldn’t change the reservation,” he says, but with considerably less concern that you thought appropriate. If anything he’s practically beaming at you. You swear you’ll never tell him a secret again, no matter how much alcohol and longing loosens your tongue.
“Frankie, you’re the gentleman, why don’t you share?” Santi suggests. Frankie snorts out a laugh.
“I’ll share with you, pendejo,” he shoots back. Santi shakes his head.
“No way, I made the arrangements, I get a bed to myself.” He crosses his arms and winks surreptitiously at you. You fume under your polite smile. 
“Benny,” Frankie says but he makes up some excuse about flatulence. Will shoots Frankie a look that stops him from even trying.
“I’ll sleep on the couch,” you offer, met with a chorus of negatives. Frankie offers the same, but his bad back wins that argument.
So now you’re here. In bed. With Frankie.
It was easier than you thought, sharing the queen bed. He’d asked you what side you wanted (the one closest to the window). You’d asked him if it was okay if you didn’t wear your pajama shorts under the covers (he grunted noncommittally, which you took as an affirmative). After arranging pillows and blankets for your dual comfort, Frankie turned out the light.
That was…three minutes ago now.
Fuck. You were never going to sleep. Not with solid, dependable, gentlemanly Frankie next to you, breathing slow and deep. Was he already asleep? You wished for that bliss.
This is exactly what you wanted, hoped for, but now that you’re here you’re terrified. Could you reach over and touch him? Would he be receptive? Or would he think you were looking for a grope under the sheets and nothing more? You couldn’t handle that. You’d need to tell him, ask him. Frankie was always kind to you. Hopefully he’d be that again. 
The darkness makes you bolder than in your daily life. Sitting up, you look at Frankie, his striking profile barely perceptible in the darkness.
“Frankie?” you whisper. 
That was quick. Not asleep apparently.
“I just…I need to ask you something. Or tell you something. I dunno,” you stammer out. Frankie is silent for a moment, then he rumbles out a tentative, “Okay.” You take a breath, willing your jaw and lips to move, to take the plunge.
“I don’t think it’s a secret that I like you. At least, I haven’t been trying to keep it a secret. I thought maybe you were interested too, but we haven’t really…addressed it. So, I guess, I’d like to know if you feel the same way.” Without thought, you twist the bed sheets into your fists. “If you don't, it's okay. I like being friends with you. I don’t want to stop being friends. But I’d like to know if you just want that, or if you want something more. So I know to stop thinking it might happen. It’s…it’s easier. For me. Just to know. I promise it’s okay, either way.”
The air lies thick with your words as you wait for Frankie to say something, anything. Finally you hear the scratch of his fingers in his beard, the slow inhale and exhale of him filling his lungs.
“I’m not sure what to say,” he finally whispers, and it both drops your stomach to the floor and lightens you in a peculiar way.
“That’s okay, Frankie. I understand,” you say. Your voice is remarkably strong. “Friends?” you add, holding your breath. You couldn’t stand it if this conversation drove him away from you.
“Yeah, definitely friends,” Frankie replies, but almost like an afterthought. You nod, a small lump in your throat forming then passing. You asked. Tomorrow the relief, the knowing, will feel less bitter.
“Goodnight Frankie,” you say, turning your back to him and curling up on your side. A peace that comes with revelation washes over you, and you start to drift off. 
Just as you’re on the edge of dreams, Frankie’s voice wakes you.
“Wha?” you slur out, Frankie’s deep voice saying your name again. “Y’okay?”
“Fuck, no I’m…shit. I’m sorry,” he says, and a hand blankets your shoulder, turning you on your back. In the dim light Frankie is hovering on one elbow above you, a frown barely visible on his full lips. 
“I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean that, at all. I fucking…shit, I…where’s your face?” he asks, his words jumbling over you. His fingers glance off your temple, dangerously close to your sleep-heavy eyes, before he cups your cheek.
You’re wide awake now, melting into his touch as his thumb caresses your skin.
“I do like you. I should have said it the moment you did, but I got too fucking nervous, just like every time I want to tell you, and blurted out that stupid thing and…fuck, let me kiss you, please,” he begs, and your fingers find his unruly bed head and draw him down to your lips.
The softness of your mouths together, sliding over your skin and exploring each other, lulls you both to sleep.
In the morning the boys will cheer when you walk out with a barely-contained smile and Frankie’s hand on your lower back.
LJ's Writers Iron Chef Masterlist
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Ok Evil Wolverine what do you have to say. 
No Evil Wolverine is full of shit. 
But I think you can see an interesting side of him here that I’m not sure has been on display before. Usually he narrates about how great his plan is or how angry he is that his plan isn’t working, but here he’s talking about something entirely different. He’s watching Lava Lamp make these choices and he seems THRILLED that making the decisions he is. 
I don’t know if he has Plans for Lava Lamp (he was originally meant to be killed by Fai after all), but lacking any future knowledge this scene is tacked onto the moment where Lava Lamp FINALLY starts to be a bit less tragically alone by having the Tsubasa Family share his decision and the consequences of it. Evil Wolverine, in turn, is celebrating the fact that Lava Lamp is making the same type of decision that HE might make. 
So we effectively see Evil Wolverine himself ALSO take comfort in the idea that other people are like him. That they’re making the same decisions and facing the same consequences that he’s so focussed on. 
Even though it’s a bit of an evil monologue moment we’re accidentally privy to Evil Wolverine ALSO being so alone and isolated in his ruins and his plans that he’s visibly excited over any perceived similarity he has with someone else. He’s thrilled into monologuing over the PERCEPTION that Lava Lamp can make the same hard choices he does, that he’s willing to cause suffering to get what he wants. 
And it’s clearly not actually the same. Lava Lamp is torn up inside to the point that the Tsubasa Family were finally moved into realising that he ISN’T as calm and collected and unaffected as he pretends to be. Lava Lamp was emotionally devastated by the choice he made here and was willing to let it destroy him before the others saw this and stopped him. 
It’s a far cry from Evil Wolverine who feels nothing as he destroys the lives of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people - endless worlds tossed into the tragedy pyre far beyond our ability to measure - for his own private goals. 
He’s also missing the Agency factor. Lava Lamp doesn’t REALLY have any choice here. He can’t ACTUALLY choose to stay here in this time loop and never ask any questions that deviate from the plot. The time loop was ending the second they arrived. In reality, they DIDN’T make this choice. It happened around them completely independent of anything they actually did on purpose. In reality, this was a choice that EVIL WOLVERINE made by forcing this reality on the people trapped in the time loop in the first place. NO-ONE ELSE did this. No-one else set this up or chose to be here or chose to end this. It’s all on him - the ENTIRE SERIES is on him. 
It’s all choices that he forced on other people from start to finish. So even though he’s really fond of the idea that "Lava Lamp made a hard choice here and this makes him just as selfish as Evil Wolverine", he is deluding himself. Not a single other person can really take the blame for these lives that he’s destroyed, no matter how much Evil Wolverine tries to convince himself that they might. 
The only real question I have is whether Evil Wolverine is telling himself this because he’s entirely delusional or if it’s out of emotional desperation, and he’s just that eager to have a connection with the people he watches all day every day. 
Evil Wolverine is developing his own little parasocial relationship here, delighting in the percieved brutality in people that doesn't really exist and using it to back up his own warped misinterpretation of reality.
It's all just a bit sad really.
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mixingpumpkins · 1 year
(Good Omens season 2 long post, you have been warned lol)
Okay I know episode 2 will be a bit underappreciated in the immediate aftermath of season 2 given all the Things That Happen Later
But I REALLY need to give a shout-out to this episode. My god.
It feels like we’re getting more of S1Ep3 at first — “Oh, cute, more funny biblical-era meetings to build their relationship history,” but then. THEN.
It’s not just the funny takes on the story of Job. It’s not just adding more depth to Aziraphale’s and Crowley’s (and Gabriel’s) characters. The shift in tone during that last scene in the episode is so goddamn good.
I wasn’t expecting it and it works so well — and that was the moment I knew this season was actually going to manage being a really good Good Omens continuation without clinging too much to the same things that made the first season so charming.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I love S1Ep3 so much and was totally down for more of those kinds of historical shenanigans. But the fact this ep went from funny to heartbreaking in the last scene was just... god.
It was that little bit of difference this season needed early on to show how it was going to stand out from season 1. I fucking love it. It would have been so easy to stick with these mostly funny historical flashbacks, and instead they let that last scene linger on the sadness and loneliness Aziraphale and Crowley have to wrestle with for thousands of years. And it miraculously doesn’t feel out of place in a story that, at this point, still has the same lighthearted spirit of season 1 and isn’t (yet) in the emotionally devastating place of the season 2 finale. That is so, so hard to pull off convincingly and they fucking did it.
And the implications for Crowley’s character in that last scene alone? Holy shit.
We joke about him being a “disaster puppy” and bad at emotions and “oh my god just fucking TALK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS already,” while Aziraphale generally comes off as the kinder, more compassionate, more empathetic one, but this scene gives us the chance to see that flipped that on its head. Crowley is clearly the more emotionally intelligent of the two, even if he usually pretends he isn’t. And that scene in episode 6 later drives this home.
Yeah, he ribs Aziraphale here. He laughs and pokes fun a little bit that Azi is worked up about something that, in the scheme of things, is a negligible wrong, if it’s even a wrong at all. (And let’s face it — Aziraphale’s anxiety about doing the right thing is often played for laughs from viewers, too.)
But the moment it’s clear that Aziraphale is fully, actually in-tears devastated about the fact that he’s lied and truly believes he has fallen, Crowley stops laughing immediately. His body language and what we can see of his face change like that. Even as the character whose WHOLE DEAL is saying “fuck it” to rules and shoulds and not caring if he riles Aziraphale a little — or a lot — he knows there is A Line here, and he will not cross it. (And right there, it’s immediately clear that this is one of the moments we’re not supposed to see Aziraphale’s distress as funny, either.)
Because as ridiculous as Crowley finds a lot of what Aziraphale believes and worries about, Crowley doesn’t want to hurt him. He doesn’t back down from his points, but he’s so, so gentle about it. It’s “I don’t agree with you, but I can see that this whole circumstance is actually very painful and terrifying to you and I am here to be sincerely supportive because I know what that feels like and I don’t want you to have to try to work through that alone.”
And that’s exactly what Aziraphale needs here. Crowley could have easily been more dismissive — he’s the one who actually fell, so he probably had it much, much worse. But he’s also had time to work through his feelings, as well as being the one who always put less stock in what the higher-ups thought of him anyway. I just love how for so many scenes in season 1, Aziraphale always seemed more like the older, more paternal, old-fashioned one while Crowley mostly brought the younger, edgier, street-smart vibe. And here, that dynamic does a fucking backflip. Crowley gets the chance to be the older, wiser one guiding a younger, less emotionally mature angel through a crisis. And then you can’t unsee it in the rest of the series (previous and subsequent episodes alike).
And the “I’m a demon. I lied” callback... *chef’s kiss* Every flashback scene with these two helps us better understand their relationship, but this final scene of the episode was a pivotal one. It really changes how you can see all their chronological interactions past that point, while not undoing everything the season 1 flashback scenes did.
This episode, man.
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heartlandians · 1 year
Amber Marshall on Her ‘Heartland’ Family, Overcoming Loss & Amy Finding Love Again
Viewers of the beloved drama Heartland have grown up with Amber Marshall. The actress, 35, has portrayed Amy Fleming for more than 15 years, over 250 episodes and counting with season 17 now in production. The series, based on the bestselling books, follows the Bartlett-Fleming family and is set in the picturesque backdrop along the rolling foothills of the Rockies in the fictional town of Hudson, Alberta.
Amy enjoys the ranch life surrounded by horses she has cared for and open space. Though the rural setting has been anything but easy living. Much like Amy, Marshall and the rest of the cast have dealt with their own share of loss. One of the show’s stars, Robert Cormier, who played her love interest in Finn Cotter, died last September after a fall.
Despite being the longest-running television drama in Canadian TV history, the show continues to build on its existing audience beyond the Great White North. Among the Top 5 Most Streamed Shows in the U.S., the series recently premiered season 16 stateside exclusively on UP Faith & Family. Marshall took a break from filming season 17 to reflect on Heartland’s longevity and generational connection, as well as tease what’s to come.
What’s the vibe on set for season 17?
Amber Marshall: We really have become quite the family because we have been together for so many years. I think back to that whole idea when you are in high school and your peers become your family. That has happened on set over the years. The funny connection between it is we are actually playing a family on TV. We genuinely care about each other. I just absolutely love the longevity of the show because it makes the character have so much more realism and history with other characters.
How do you look at Amy’s evolution?
It’s a rare opportunity that an actor gets to play a character for this long. To be able to grow as a person simultaneously with my character’s growth has been cool. It’s interesting to see how the writers look at what is going on in my own life and then will mirror a lot of the stories because I’m going through a lot of the same things at the same time as my character is. I remember when our showrunner at the time Heather Conkie was at my own personal wedding taking notes. I said, “Oh, we’re bound to see this on the screen in a year or so.” Sure enough, very similar stories took place. That’s also the best way I can prepare for my role because I am going through these things in my own life. When it comes on screen I can say, “Wow, I’ve been there and experienced this. I know exactly how I handled it emotionally and can bring that into my character.
Amy’s daughter Lyndy (played by Ruby and Emmanuella Spencer) is really starting to come into her own this season. You’re definitely seeing a lot of the traits and horse-whisperer abilities in her as Mom.
There are two twin girls who play the role of Lyndy, and they were cast on the show when they were six months old. They have literally grown up on the show, and now they are going to be seven this summer. I really do feel they are my family. I’ve spent so much time with these girls. I’ve watched every stage they’ve had and watched them learn and develop. That to me has been really rewarding. Not just as an actor, but as a mother figure to these kids. I think again that brings so much realism into the show. They bring such realism to the show.
The show was dealt a devastating blow with Robert’s passing. Your character was so intertwined with his character Finn as seen in season 16. Fans wanted to see these two end up together long-term. You talk about being family on set. How has it been moving forward?
To add to all of that, fans were so excited to see Amy start to fall in love again. To live those moments onscreen and have such a connection with Robert and his character Finn. We spent multiple days having all kinds of different story arc talks. We thought, “Okay, this is going to take us through the rest of the season and beyond.” He and I would talk about it all the time. He was such a great guy and so open and very honest to work with. The conversations were easy. It is so fun to be around him.
When we found out the news, it was devastating. It was one of those moments that served as a reminder that you never know when you’re going to lose someone around you. We all took a step back and used it as a moment to look at our lives and who we love and care about and make sure they know that. You never know. There is no certainty in life. That was kind of an eye-opener for everyone on set. In a way, I do believe it did bring us all closer together because you can’t take anything for granted.
Season 16 is currently airing here in the U.S. via Up Faith & Family. What do you like most about Amy’s journey?
I believe that season 16 allowed Amy the opportunity to move forward with her life. After the death of her husband Ty [Borden] (Graham Wardle), there were a few seasons we wanted to spend honoring his legacy and their relationship and connection. Fans who have been long-time viewers of the show know how strong that connection was and how important the relationship was for the Heartland series. I think it’s respectful to the characters and the fans to show the grieving process and go through the stories of now a single mom who had to put her daughter before everyone else. But in a way those times were really taxing because for myself playing a grieving widow was hard on me. Every day you’re coming in upset and trying to get into very dark places. Season 16 was finally where it became, no, Amy is allowed to move forward. She is allowed to be happy. She was given that time for her to grieve and for fans to grieve with her. Now it’s about her moving forward and opening up her heart again
There are theories that Sam [Langstone] (Shawn Roberts) is the new love interest. What can you tease about the future for him and Amy?
I think it’s always important when you have a female character who has been through love and loss to have characters that are always kind of there. When there is always that potential of asking, “Is there going to be something that happens?” You never know. That’s what keeps stories interesting when you don’t know the exact path the character is going to take. Sometimes there are certain things, even our own lives that we are just neighbors or friends or whatever we might see them as. Then a life situation might turn the corner where might actually view them differently. One of my friends. She is a widow and lost her husband. She always joked about her neighbor. Four years later she ended up married her neighbor. You never know what is going to happen.
How much longer do you see yourself playing Amy?
I love this character. Not even the character, but this lifestyle. Heartland has one of the nicest environments that I have been in when it comes to a film set. We primarily film outdoors in beautiful locations. Every day I show up to work it’s breathtaking. Yes, there are bad days when it’s snowing and minus 30 and we have to forget about that. Today it’s a hot, beautiful summer day, and we get to hang out with a great group of people and a bunch of horses all day. We’re at the ranch today. I don’t know if I could ever find a better job than this. It fits my life so perfectly. I live in Alberta. I love Alberta. I don’t want to be anywhere else. I will ride this horse as long as it’s here.
What do you attribute the show’s success and longevity to?
I think fans are really looking for a nice, wholesome, family show that they can sit down together and watch and not be worried about the content. Not have to explain things to their kids. That’s one of the biggest things I hear as far as feedback that people. That Heartland has actually brought their family closer together. The more I hear about it and hear kids will watch the show and call their grandparents to talk about it. That is their common thread. It’s something we can all enjoy and sit and talk about. In such a fast-paced world, where so many people are separated by devices and technology. Everybody is very disconnected, but they can still get together to sit and watch our show together.
Heartland, Season 16 is now streaming exclusively on UP Faith & Family
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veeagainsttheday · 11 months
After some discussion in a gc I ranked the OFMD soundtrack choices for each season.
Season 1:
Gnossienne No. 5: I have a Pavlovian response to this song now. I hear it and a little movie reel in my mind starts up with The Kiss (Season 1 edition). 
The Chain: This was my most played song of 2022 on Spotify for a reason. The choreography: immaculate. That shot where the small boats are approaching the Revenge and it skips to the beat? Should have won an Emmy on its own. And Stede and Ed looking at each other as the music and the world fades away leaving only their love? Yeah, that’s the good shit. 
Avalanche: This music overlaying Ed’s transformation into the Kraken, the shots of Stede’s books falling into the water? “I have begun to long for you/I who have no greed/I have begun to ask for you/I who have no need/You say you've gone away from me/But I can feel you when you breathe” It takes a scene that could have been campy or funny and with the power of Leonard Cohen elevates it to the most emotionally devastating shit you’ve ever seen.
Our Prayer: It’s so brief but it’s SO good. The blissful music overlaying Stede’s smile at being known. 
Miles from Nowhere: Beautiful song, beautiful sentiment, Stede is finally, truly free of his old life and is on his way to discover what his new one will be: “I have my freedom/I can make my own rules/Oh yes, the ones that I choose”
High on a Rocky Ledge: I loved this choice as an opening and hearing it over the shot of all the flags always makes me so emotional. 
Perfect Day: I can’t believe I’ve put my dear Lou Reed so low on this list but that’s what the impeccable choices above do for me. Obviously the crucial lyrics here are, “You made me forget myself/I thought I was someone else/Someone good” and juxtaposed over Ed rowing alone and Stede returning to discomfort in a married state it’s just so much. 
The Empty Boat: I actually LOVE this choice, the lyrics are so good for Ed’s expression and feelings in this scene, but it just doesn’t feature as strongly as the others. 
Bonus shoutout to Il triello: Olivia, give him the old fuck eye!
Trailer interlude:
Because the Night: This choice made me absolutely deranged. Hearing this was when I was like oh they are going to fuck and I am somehow going to be seeing it in a few weeks on my screen. The night before the premiere I was so full of emotions that I took a drive and played this over and over again while screaming along to try to get some of them out. 
The Beautiful Ones: My brain became an endless loop of Baby baby baby for a week with Stede’s words and the cake toppers overlaid. 
Season 2:
This Woman’s Work: This is THE song of the season to me. We all wanted a reunion, we wrote something like 10,000 versions of it, I personally wrote something like 10 versions of it, and then the actual reunion was SO gorgeous and SO perfect and soundtracked by this and “all the things I should have said that I never said, all the things we should have done that we never did” and that piano and the build and and and I will never recover. 
Pygmy Love Song AND Seabird: I put these two as one because they’re the crux of Ed’s journey in this season and they work so well together thematically. First, the Impossible Birds - imagine hearing that there’s a piece of media about Blackbeard, infamous pirate, where one of his lines of dialogue is, “We’re never going back to land. We’re gonna sail, rob, raise hell, forever and ever without end” and instead of these words being delivered as a tough war cry they’re instead spoken in utter grief in a voice made nasal from tears. Taika’s delivery is so good it makes me want to eat through a brick wall (and all shout outs forever to Joel Fry for playing off him in this scene and several others). Playing in the background, its music lilting and warbling just as much as Ed’s voice? “My heart, my heart is full of love, I have nothing else.” So then a bunch of stuff happens (see the aforementioned reunion above) and we’re in episode 4 and Ed sees Buttons turn into an actual Impossible Bird, choosing to transform himself for love, and as Ed says “Fuck yeah brother, fly,” his face shining with revelation, we get, “There’s a road I know I must go/even though I tell myself that road is closed/like a lonely seabird/you’ve been away from land too long” MAGGIE PHILLIPS YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Run From Me: I was already a big Timber Timbre fan so when I read that one of their songs was in the show, I got very excited, and this did not disappoint. Its use to bookend this episode was incredible - the jilted wedding theme and the slow beginning of the song at the beginning as Ed is clearly in such a low place contrasted with the faster end of the song at the end of the episode as Ed enters this manic state during the storm - double Maggie Phillips your mind!!!
Strawberry Letter 23: The opening chords of this starting right after Ed introduces himself as the devil - just perfection. Ed’s sending 88 letters in his own way. 
Road to Moscow: This one feels like a real “I just heard it last night and if anything happened to it I would kill everyone and myself” situation. Fascinating use here because the song is about a Russian soldier witnessing the ultimately-failed German invasion of Russia in WWII - a notoriously bloody campaign with massive losses on both sides, which is of course what happens to our crew and the soldiers they encounter as well. This line gave me chills in the context of the crew fighting through the trees: “Ah, softly we move through the shadows, slip away through the trees/Crossing their lines in the mists in the fields on our hands and on our knees/And all that I ever was able to see/The fire in the air glowing red, silhouetting the smoke on the breeze”.
I Love My Baby: Perfect double use. Also further wedding foreshadowing: “Just say you love me
And we'll go to the preacherman/Just say you love me/And before him we'll stand/We'll live our lives together/As we go hand in hand.”
Baby: Can’t believe this is so low but the other ones were all so good!! 
The Times They Are A-Changing: Great use, loved that they used the Nina Simone version, it’s just not as significant to me as the others. 
Callback Gnossienne No. 5: this playing while Stede’s looking through the cabin in episode 3 made me want to lay down in the road. 
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judasisgayriot · 7 months
it’s your fav anon heroes asker! absolutely agree with you on whatever the hell they did to nathan in s3. i have a theory that someone on the writing staff was just using him as a platform for their daddy issues. anyways, i heard your top tim kringe moments, let’s talk about the top tim king moments! :D
(if all that positivity is too much for your shriveled heart though, feel free to rant about spider!mohinder for a paragraph or two)
Ok ok ok Tim King moments let’s go…
This is like. Actually my favourite show why is this so much harder than ranting about what I hate about it lmaooo I have too much of a hater’s heart…
Well, we all know why I’m really here. Petrelli Family Drama. What can I say I just love a completely fucked up messy family full of secrets and toxic codependent relationships, especially if they’re like, fuckin rich Catholic superpowered mobsters?? The flavour. The layers. As an avowed Nathan Petrelli apologist, everything about that incredibly repressed man and his 92 layers of self loathing and moral confusion is catnip to me, lol. The best bits of s3 are the Arthur backstory and how he literally tried to murder Nathan in cold blood for attempting to stand up to him. And then mother of the year (read: terrible person and terrible mother but crazily enmeshed with Nathan anyway) Angela tried and nearly succeeded in murdering HIM in return!! She’s so metal!! Lmao these bitches are crazy! Tim King across the board!!
And ofc how that feeds into Nathan and Peter’s relationship, how they cling to each other in this insane way bc of growing up in all *gestures* THAT. the implications of that treehouse deleted scene mr Kring when I get you. We’re connected. You give me Nathan you give him back to me body and soul. Sicko meme me: YES!! YESS!!! this was made in a lab to consume my brain from age 12 until. Now. (I’m 30 in a week lmao. Oh my god.)
Goes without saying that s1 is also genuinely a great season of television like it’s well constructed and written and built up and ends in an insane emotionally devastating way. not many notes tbh. Six months ago is great flashback episodes my beloved flashforward episodes my beloathed.
But uhh surprisingly back to my mostly beloathed s3, let me shout out ‘into asylum’ as one of the best episodes in the entire show?? We rarely get Claire+Nathan relationship stuff but I fucking love everything they do with them in that episode. Also shout out to Claire for being a great character and a fucking badass girl I love you babygirl
(Tangential shout out to my actual real babygirl Peter my glowy self righteous emo little empath with the floppy hair my angel my everything mwah)
Oh and grief beard Nathan living in Peter’s apartment wearing his clothes crying over pictures of Peter in s2 ultimate Tim King moment.
Sorry this was so Petrelli tunnel vision but I’m afflicted by it 😔😔😔 sad.
Oh and yeah, spider lizard Mohinder is FUCKING STUPI-
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
sidebar- listening to a podcast about this season of survivor w two former players (it was rob cesternino and cassidy clarke, if u watch survivor) and there’s a player on this season, venus, who’s been the outcast for a while, but last few weeks all her opps have walked out one by one and rob goes “i think she’s got kind of an arya stark arc going on” and before he could finish cassidy whispers into her mic “she’s no one” it was hilarious aksjd (he meant as in venus is going through her kill list and might get to the end alive) ANYWAYS-
some changes i’ve noticed
i feel like part of why the series stumbles is bc it doesn’t discuss lyanna as much as it should. having that added “we’ll talk about your mother when i return” scene right before robert & ned’s talk about jon snow’s mother And the targaryens was really good tho, narratively linking the two concepts.
HOWEVER i think like rhaegar & robert, d&d saw lyanna more as a puzzle than a person, but the whole point of lyanna is that she was a living breathing girl to ned and her death completely wrecks him in an irreparable way. so when they cut out his entire milk of the poppy dream sequence later on, it cuts out that she wasn’t just the answer to a riddle of “who was jon snow’s mother” but instead an integral part of the narrative whose absence defines the people ned and jon become. but i’m getting ahead of myself bc they haven’t actually changed anything here yet and the scene where ned and robert stop to talk is really good and more or less what happens in the book aksjdj.
i don't understand why they don't have catelyn thank summer for saving her and bran from the assassin. just another mind boggling decision and weird, unnecessary departure from cat's character
another unnecessary change is taking away ned’s fashionista tendencies smFh they don’t get nedcat at all
the way jaime is like oh ned is gonna be my bestie we’re gonna trade war stories we’re gonna flirt i’ll tell him about his brother’s gruesome death and he’ll be so grateful he’ll become MY best friend instead of robert’s and meanwhile ned is like, openly snarling the whole speech. the way ned’s mouth drops open at the GALL of jaime to say killing aerys felt like justice and jaime looks DEVASTATED and PERPLEXED that this man hates him so much when they’ve talked twice aksjdjd
okay first of all I DO IN FACT GET THE CHANGE of having bran say he had to have fallen whole robb insists he never falls, and we all know this scene lives forever in my mind but i also think it’s a) another weird departure from bran’s canon, very stubborn character and b) a PALE imitation of the talk in the dark between robb & bran where they say they’ll go on an adventure
that said, there’s something that Really fucks me up about the North having this culture wherein the sick and disabled are sent out in the winter to fight and die because they’re not like, worth feeding, but at the same time As A Disabled Person i guess finding it almost enticing to be given to the chance to like Die For A Reason ya know. you always have that out. And then here’s poor sweet Bran who it just never occurred to him that he would have to take that out and now it’s all he wants. anyways i’m crying ig
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it’s the stubborn streak in him. he doesn’t want platitudes, he doesn’t want to be strong. his whole life has changed for the worse and he just needs to sit in it. it’s not fair and it all sucks and he’s just a kid!!!
the robert and barristan scene is another good one and it’s bc it plays into robert’s character, really elevates the elephant in the room of rhaenys & aegon, and the way barristan is just. disgusted. standing there consumed with loathing for everything he’s become, refusing to engage with being a driving force for why everything is this way. dragging jaime in to humiliate him in front of barristan, to humiliate barristan in front of jaime. the way barristan almost reaches out to jaime emotionally in a way he refuses to reach out to robert, but robert only gets angry and picks at them more.
“he said the same thing he’d been saying for hours. ‘burn them all.’” OH NOW ITS NOT SO FUN ANYMORE IS IT WISE GUY
gonna be honest i think the weapon talk between jorah and rakharo is one of the sexiest scenes in the show, listening to two dudes who are hit in REALLY different ways talk about their favorite ways of murdering people is really fun and hot to me also elyes gabel and amrita acharia were wasted on this show, they would have killed in later seasons smh
i don’t understand why they made the drogo storyline like a REAL TYPICAL sort of rape romance story. what was the point if they were just gonna be ~in love~ at the end anyway. such a weird choice.
do i love the change from “fear cuts deeper than swords” to “what do we say to the god of death”? like it’s fine. they should have kept both if they liked that line so much. the actor who plays syrio is so good tho he’s got such great chemistry with maisie, you really understand why syrio impacts her so much
general thoughts
“it’ll get easier” jorah is a useless binch just like aemon the dragonknight. what’s the point of your sword if you don’t kill your girl’s evil husband. go fall on it shithead.
i do love that jorah is like “ned is a little bitch for trying to behead me for slavery even tho it’s been illegal in westeros for like hundreds of years. but also maybe having a king that allows behavior like that is kinda crazy actually bc viserys is not right in the head. i’m not gonna reflect on that at all tho” iain glenn the actor that you are.
love the lannister breakfast scene. the way tyrion clearly knows but is pointedly talking around it. jaime thinks tyrion is the height of comedy and wants them to have a nice breakfast but cersei leaves haughtily halfway through even tho tommen & myrcella are having a good time. the Loaded Look jaime gives tyrion during the “life is full of possibilities” line, where he like,,,, Almost realizes Tyrion is saying something to him here emotionally about being disabled before he puts it aside to be self involved about the incest.
kit’s acting is always several degrees of magnitude better when he’s with other starklings. idk if he’s trying harder or if maisie sophie and isaac are so good they infect him with acting abilities.
there’s something fun about the cycles continuing bc joffrey gets drunk & belligerent like his father has a thousand times, but he doesn’t have half the skill or charm as his father and just gets his ass completely handed to him by a practical toddler with zero training. and he’s so embarrassed it helps snowball this situation into a war.
the kid who plays micah is real awkward. i'm not bullying i'm just saying.
“we all pray for prince joffrey’s full recovery” “pity you didn’t spare a prayer for the butcher’s boy” GET HIS ASS
have i mentioned how much i hate aiden’s acting. oh my god i’m not gonna get through this rewatch aksjsj
“war was easier than daughters” ned every emotion you’ve ever felt is harder to deal with than the war that’s why you’re so fucked in the head be so fucking fr with me rn lmao
septa mordane is a terrible guardian i think this can’t be understated
“she must take his side even when he is wrong” “but how could you let her marry someone like that?” GET HIS ASS
bran literally shivering with fear as nan talks my baby!!!!!!!!
“ah the starks. quick tempers. slow minds.” CAN WE SKIP THE EVIL VILLAIN MONOLOGUES TO THE CAMERA PLEASE
“i think we can outfox a ten year old” jaime you couldn’t even kill that ten year old correctly let’s walk before we run
nedcat giggling over ned throttling petyr and then making out in front of petyr’s establishment is amazing i’m literally so depressed right now i hope petyr cried into his pillow that night
the way both ned AND benjen just give the most ass goodbyes to jon for no good reason. are they TRYING to give him a complex oh my god
i think i’m on episode 4. once i get past season one i think it’ll be easier when the writing gets worse actually.
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shittyrpmusing · 2 years
Mentions of NSFW and dark topics. Change as needed!
“That... Was... DOPE, YO!”
“Well, I liked the part where the two boys kissed!”
“There is a difference between affection and smut.”
“Little orphan a-hole.”
“Not every story has a lesson.”
“Stay in school, don’t smoke!”
“Teen sex kills!”
“I think it’s messed up we live in a world that celebrates violence and demonizes the very act of love.”
“Porno is magical!”
“I’m never mad at you! I’m just frequently disappointed.”
“Just ‘cause I’m all gangster don’t automatically make me homophobe!”
“It’s not cool to be homophobe in rap game no more ever since Macklemore dropped ‘Same Love’.”
“That shit was emotionally devastating, yo.”
“So thanks for killing my mother and indirectly killing me!”
“When I feel the rage, I rap about money in autotune.”
“Autotune will never die!”
“Would you like to know the future that could have been?”
“Love does conquer all!”
“Look at me, I am physically weeping!”
“And that is why not everyone should have library card!”
“You have no redeemable qualities- even your best friend completely hates you!”
“There are no accidents.”
“Since we’re all sharing, I would like to talk about my religion.”
“I’m a lover, not a fighter!”
“To hold you close, that’s enough for me.”
“Life is hard enough without making up reasons to be dicks to each other.”
“Love is the closest you can be to another person, because it’s the closest you can come to being another person.”
“I’m the same person I always was.”
“We’ll listen to you now, Space Jesus.”
“I’m so happy right now, I can never come down!”
“Cruel existence was only a sham.”
“Won’t tell me at last who I am?”
“Time eats all his children in the end.”
“When silence falls, does no one care?”
“Does anyone care?”
“I’ve never been drunk before. Or kissed a man, so... Thanks.”
“You are tragic. You make me weep just looking at you!”
“It’s a fire sale in my brain and everything must go!”
“Just learn to take a compliment!”
“I thought my life had meaning. Turns out, it didn’t! Oh well! Jokes on me!”
“Can’t you just listen for once without making it all about yourself?!”
“OUCH! You just punched me in the frickin’ boob!”
“I lost my virginity to a carnie in a porta-potty.”
“My parents were good people, and all I could do was think horrible things about them.”
“There’s no shame in loving my small town.”
“It took a horrible accident for me to realize how goddamn wonderful everything is.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being the nicest girl in town.”
“In five minutes, all bets are off.”
“You knew all along I could never do it.”
“To say that if one dies young, they die needlessly? That is to discount the years we had.”
“No one will win here, and no one can lose.”
“The world will keep on spinning with no ending or beginning.” 
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vampirologist · 7 months
genuinely want some feedback. I’ve been diagnosed with ocd and depression and not to pathologize but like I feel there could be something else but I don’t necessarily have the means rn to seek out a psychiatrist or therapist. I just want to know if like someone relates or I’m just really a bad person. I have always had problems with friendships. but since high school and middle school specifically I feel I just continuously sabotage relationships. I’m the type of person where I generally need the other person to initiate the friendship and even when we’re friends and they do stuff with me I feel they secretly dislike me and I get jealous of their other friends (including ppl in our friend group) because I feel I’m at the bottom. but it’s like I can also be afraid of being weird or annoying and there’s the issue of me thinking people don’t like me so I don’t always like push friendships to strengthen them if that makes sense. I get really nervous like I’ve had people reach out to me especially online and I’ve ignored them because I was nervous or I’ve ghosted friends offline because I was nervous like if someone did that to me I’d feel like shit. and I do feel so bad about it because they didn’t deserve that especially as I know I’d be upset if it was the other way around. it’s so hypocritical. like I agonize and lament over failed or potential friendships when I’m not wholly putting the effort in because I’m too scared that I’m annoying or boring. and then sometimes I just get so agitated and can self sabotage friendships by getting into arguments and then it’s like oh my fears are valid (have had people after a big blowout confirm my fears like I’m bitter or it’s like walking on eggshells around me). I hyper analyze people and the way they treat me and others. however I’ve been told by people that my thoughts are unfounded (I was convinced my crush really disliked me but ppl he was closer to told me he hadn’t said anything like that about me and that in fact he’s awkward. so like me which rationally I get being awkward and how that can come off as you not liking someone but the emotional part of my brain thinks still that he hates me. and again rationally he’s not obligated to like me but emotionally it’s devastating). I also am just so agitated by my family specifically like being around certain people puts me in such a foul mood and I’m uncomfortable but they want a relationship with me and are mostly kind towards me yet I have these negative thoughts and it makes me feel awful. I’m a really moody person and I want to be a good person and I try not to be selfish or unkind but inevitably I’ll start getting upset and getting bitter
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