#And he could probably confide in Kyle if he wanted to
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Ok Evil Wolverine what do you have to say. 
No Evil Wolverine is full of shit. 
But I think you can see an interesting side of him here that I’m not sure has been on display before. Usually he narrates about how great his plan is or how angry he is that his plan isn’t working, but here he’s talking about something entirely different. He’s watching Lava Lamp make these choices and he seems THRILLED that making the decisions he is. 
I don’t know if he has Plans for Lava Lamp (he was originally meant to be killed by Fai after all), but lacking any future knowledge this scene is tacked onto the moment where Lava Lamp FINALLY starts to be a bit less tragically alone by having the Tsubasa Family share his decision and the consequences of it. Evil Wolverine, in turn, is celebrating the fact that Lava Lamp is making the same type of decision that HE might make. 
So we effectively see Evil Wolverine himself ALSO take comfort in the idea that other people are like him. That they’re making the same decisions and facing the same consequences that he’s so focussed on. 
Even though it’s a bit of an evil monologue moment we’re accidentally privy to Evil Wolverine ALSO being so alone and isolated in his ruins and his plans that he’s visibly excited over any perceived similarity he has with someone else. He’s thrilled into monologuing over the PERCEPTION that Lava Lamp can make the same hard choices he does, that he’s willing to cause suffering to get what he wants. 
And it’s clearly not actually the same. Lava Lamp is torn up inside to the point that the Tsubasa Family were finally moved into realising that he ISN’T as calm and collected and unaffected as he pretends to be. Lava Lamp was emotionally devastated by the choice he made here and was willing to let it destroy him before the others saw this and stopped him. 
It’s a far cry from Evil Wolverine who feels nothing as he destroys the lives of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people - endless worlds tossed into the tragedy pyre far beyond our ability to measure - for his own private goals. 
He’s also missing the Agency factor. Lava Lamp doesn’t REALLY have any choice here. He can’t ACTUALLY choose to stay here in this time loop and never ask any questions that deviate from the plot. The time loop was ending the second they arrived. In reality, they DIDN’T make this choice. It happened around them completely independent of anything they actually did on purpose. In reality, this was a choice that EVIL WOLVERINE made by forcing this reality on the people trapped in the time loop in the first place. NO-ONE ELSE did this. No-one else set this up or chose to be here or chose to end this. It’s all on him - the ENTIRE SERIES is on him. 
It’s all choices that he forced on other people from start to finish. So even though he’s really fond of the idea that "Lava Lamp made a hard choice here and this makes him just as selfish as Evil Wolverine", he is deluding himself. Not a single other person can really take the blame for these lives that he’s destroyed, no matter how much Evil Wolverine tries to convince himself that they might. 
The only real question I have is whether Evil Wolverine is telling himself this because he’s entirely delusional or if it’s out of emotional desperation, and he’s just that eager to have a connection with the people he watches all day every day. 
Evil Wolverine is developing his own little parasocial relationship here, delighting in the percieved brutality in people that doesn't really exist and using it to back up his own warped misinterpretation of reality.
It's all just a bit sad really.
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
POLY 141 x pregnant Reader
reaction if they are the biological father. if they are not the Dad
Postpartum Depression
Ever thought about what it would be like to be pregnant with this gigantic pile of handsome men? Because I've thought about it, and I can go into heavy detail—I will go into heavy detail!
Price: This man has a heavy breeding kink, and no one can convince me otherwise. He was so happy when he found out you were pregnant that he immediately got into heavy Dad mode. "What do you mean?" he asked after you told him he doesn't need to baby-proof the house when you're only in the second month. He attends baby preparation courses with you and overall turns into a super daddy.
Johnny: The second one with a heavy breeding kink is 100% sure he is the father. "It's the MacTavish genes," he says confidently. "We're going to have at least three bairns by the end of the five-year mark." He wouldn't admit it, but he called his mother crying while he told her the news. The MacTavish Family was special, so they all came with big stroller gifts and the urge to overwhelm you with their love. They don't care who the baby's biological father is; in their hearts, you're a MacTavish, exactly like your sweet little bairn.
Kyle: He is really excited. He already loves the baby and is also 100% sure it's his because you two have the most sex out of all of them. He always fights with Johnny about who the father probably is. Kyle is the one who thinks the most about you. He knows how you struggle with the pregnancy and how it isn't easy for you with all the overwhelming baby daddies around you, so he takes his time to care about you. He compliments you more than ever, and if you have a weird craving, he's already ordered it before you even said a word. He is constantly trying to find a baby-safe option of your favorite food. He doesn't drink coffee anymore so you don't mourn alone. Check-up? He is the first to be there, and when the baby was born and everyone looked at it, he went to you. Not because he loves the baby less—it's his world—but because he was so afraid the whole pregnancy of losing his soulmate, the only thing worth fighting for, the only thing that kept him alive.
Ghost: He never wanted kids—at least he thought he didn't—but it made sense with you. He knew you would be the best mother in the world. So why was he so afraid? He thought about how he could hurt the baby all the time with his pure strength or how he would scare the baby or hurt you. For a blissful second, he thought maybe it would be better if he left so you'd be safe from all the shadows of his past. But he was better than his family. He bought lots of parenting books, went to his psychologist regularly, and attended dad meetings, not daddy meetings—a terrible mistake he made. He even bought you a guard dog for the possibility that you and the baby are alone. To his surprise, but not to yours, he was the most gentle and understanding dad there ever was.
Dont ask me why my brain came up with this weird stuff again but Im already thinking about how they react when they found out who the biological father is lol
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lovifie · 8 months
Lift Me Off My Feet
Chapter 3: Poltergeist
Original Thought - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12
3.8k Words
Warning/Notes: Ghost x Reader, a little of ass eating from Ghost, fingering, a bit mean Ghost, hair pulling, angst.
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“Hey, Birdie.”
“Hey, Ghost.”
The two of you look at each other, each expecting the other to make a move. But since he doesn't seem bothered by the silence, you break it.
“Here for work or pleasure?” You ask opening the door as he chuckles.
“Well, that's not my choice.” He answers looking at you. “Half and half, I suppose.”
“Why is that?” You ask as you enter your flat, leaving the door open for him to enter. But when you notice he is not moving you turn to him. “Are you gonna come in or do I need to invite you like a vampire?”
You see the smile on his eyes (mainly because that's the only thing you can see of his face), and he impulses himself off the wall as he walks closer to your door. 
“And what would your neighbours think? A girl like you letting a man like me inside her house?” He asks cocking his head.
“Well, actually, I don't know if you have heard. But just last night my neighbour was taken by the police because turns out he was a terrorist or something like that, I'm not sure. So I think I am out of the competition for worst neighbour of the year, so, yeah, please c’mon in.” 
You hear him chuckle behind your back as you walk into your room, and a little later you hear the door close. Maybe calling it a room is a big stretch, your whole flat is a room. A small hall that goes from the door to where your bed is, a door on the hall to your bathroom and another one to your kitchen. 
Having breakfast in bed sounds great, but having lunch and dinner sounds a bit sad. But that's the flat you could get, and honestly, thanks to your neighbour's hobbies, at least you know the rent is not going to go higher.
“You know, jumping the wall on your balcony was ridiculously easy, you should probably get a lock for that window.” He comments looking at your window as he enters your line of vision.
“Then I would lose my deposit.” You answer sitting down on your bed to take off your shoes. You take off your jacket next and hang it in your closet. “Are you hungry?”
“Hmm, depends on what's the offer.” He says leaning against the wall again. He follows you with his gaze as you walk to your kitchen and open the fridge with a face. He chuckles when you close the door back and look at him. “Takeout?”
“Takeout it is.” You answer taking your phone out. “What do you fancy, Ghost?” 
“You know? Most people freak out when I get inside their house, don't ask me what I want for dinner.” He says crossing his arms.
“Should I freak out?” You ask looking at him with an eyebrow raised as you lend him your phone with the delivery app open. “Order whatever you want, I'm no picky. I'm gonna take a shower, if the food gets here there is money behind that frame.”
You point out the only frame on your whole house and walk into the bathroom. You try to walk with confidence, but once inside the room, you let a sight escape your lips.
When you said yesterday you were going to push Price and Kyle away, you didn't mean it as in pulling the rest of the team closer. 
This is bad, is mean and honestly, you must be on some weird week of your cycle where you are producing more pheromones than usual because you were chronically single for years and now can't seem to catch a break. 
You open the tap to wait for the water to warm up as you undress. Just as you take your shirt off your pants you notice you didn't pick your pyjamas, so you walk back out.
You see Ghost seated on your bed, back leaning against the headboard, feet dangling off the bedside and scrolling through your phone.
“You can take off your shoes, you know.” You comment as you pick up the plaid pants and massive sweatshirt you wear to sleep as well as your underwear.
“You are a sneaky one, you know.” He responds looking at you almost offended he didn't hear you exit the bathroom.
You chuckle at him and walk back inside the bathroom. The shower helps you calm your nerves, the man is in your bed, and he hasn't made any moves yet; probably because he is not into you, you need to humble yourself a bit. 
At some point you hear the doorbell and your stomach grumbles almost as a reaction. You quickly finish your shower, put on your clothes and walk back to the room. 
“Chinese?” You ask when you see the containers as he stays looking around. “Let me get the table out.”
You say winking at him when he looks at you confused and he gets even more confused when you kneel before him. You look up at him, laughing internally at what he must be thinking and then you get your nice arm under the bed and pull the foldable table under it. You take it out and with a shake, you unfold it, take your seat on the bed in front of the table and tap the bed next to you. “Have a seat.”
He sits next to you, his thigh pressed against yours and he takes the container out of the bags opening them. 
After a little, you decide to finally talk about the elephant and the room and ask: “So, did you just drop by in hopes I would invite you to dinner or do you actually have a mission today, Ghost?”
“Oh, yeah, about that. I actually had two missions today.” He says pulling his mask up so he can eat. You try not to stare at the little skin showing, but you quickly notice the stubble on his jaw. Blonde. “First one, finding out we're the girl from the captain's office was. That one was easy, thankfully cause the captain was freaking out. And the second one, figuring out why she left. That one is still ongoing.”
“And if the captain was freaking out why is it you the one that's on my house?” You ask looking at your plate, curious enough to ask but not brave enough to look.
“Cause he was scared the reason you ran away, was because of him or something he did. So he didn't want to make it worse.” He answers simply, you can feel his eyes on you. He bends down a bit to be able to see your face and ask. “Is that why you ran?” You shake your head. “Then why? It looks like you had fun.” 
You turn to him with furrowed eyebrows and notice that he is looking at your neck, you remember the lovebites and quickly try to cover them with your hand. 
“It was just…” you sigh. “I know when I am no longer wanted, and rather than make it awkward by making him drive me back or having to say bye I just… got out before he woke up.” 
“Hm, I still think you should talk to him. I’m pretty sure he wouldn't agree with you with the ‘not being wanted’ thing” He says doing quotation marks with a hand and taking his phone out to send a message with the other.
“He doesn't even know my name. Neither do you.” You almost mumble. I’m just another one on the list, you think. “I think he will be just fine.”
He winces as if he was in pain and says. “You a tough one, birdie.” He cleans off the rest of his plate and stands up. “You don't know my name either and you don't see me throwing a hissy fit.”
“I'm not throwing a hissy fit.” You say rolling your eyes.
“Did you… Did you just roll your eyes at me, birdie?” He says moving the table and standing between your legs. “Now that” He says pointing at your face. “That's a brat move.”
“I'm not a brat!” You try to defend yourself standing up, but as quickly as you get on your feet, Ghost manhandles you to be laying down on your stomach. He sits on top of your ass immobilising your hips and grabs your arm putting them behind your back leaving you unable to move. “Ghost, what the fuck?!”
“Language.” He says and you feel a hard slap land on your ass cheek making you yelp. “Are you going to behave or should I teach you a lesson, birdie?”
“What? What are you talking about? Get off me.” You mumble squirming under him.
“No, I don't think I will until you learn.” He chuckles as he begins to grind against your ass. He bends down to talk to up to your ears. “You should be grateful, that I found you and not Price. Do you know what he would have done if he found out you got back, walking, alone, in the middle of the night?” Three more hard smacks land on the same cheek when he sits up. “And that alone, without talking about the fact you were missing a shirt. And didn't even say goodbye. Not a phone number, not a name, nothing.” He lands two more on the same cheek and an even harder one on the other cheek. Leaving your arse burning and you wouldn't be surprised if it bruised, but still, the most surprising thing about the situation is that you can feel your underwear sticking to your cunt.
You truly are learning about yourself these days. 
He grabs two handfuls of the meat of your arse, pushing your cheeks together as he grinds with a grunt. Then he lets go, you hear the unmistakable sound of his belt being undone and it sends anxiety up your column. He must sense it because he says: “Calm down, birdie. I'm not giving you my cock until you beg for it, and only if you deserve it. And trust me, you don't.” 
He takes his belt off, aligns your forearms and ties them together behind your back. 
“Are you going to talk to Price? You can still leave unscattered.” He asks, putting his hands beside your head and leaning in to be closer to your face.
You look back at him from over your shoulder, face still push against your mattress, and try to look offended by how easily he got you tied, immobilised and horny. “I don't know.”
He makes the sound of a buzzer, like in the contest when they answer wrong. “Not what I want to hear, birdie.”
His index finger hooks the waistband of your pyjama pants as well as your panties, right above your ass and he pulls them down slowly. You hear him whistle as he pulls them down, feeling the cold hair of the room against your skin and against your glistering cunt. “I think I'm going to start by the desert tonight.”
He lands a loud smack on your naked arse, and when you try to complain, the sound gets strangled into a moan when you feel his tongue against your puckering hole. Getting your ass eaten by the mysterious masked man was not on your plans for tonight, but you are not complaining. 
You moan against the mattress, biting the sheets to try and conceal the sounds leaving your mouth. Your consolation, is the fact that you can feel Ghost moan against your skin, the vibrations travelling up to your nape giving you goosebumps. 
He gets his hands under your hips pulling them up, leaving you completely exposed. Ass up, face down, arms tied and knees together by your pants. He pulls back for a second to admire his job, you look already ruined and it's been less than a couple of minutes. 
You await, expectant, his next move, every single thought that was on your mind about how you should push him away and stand your ground, is silenced by the feral voices of your mind scratching the walls with the need for his mouth to be back on you.
“Look at you, birdie. Such a good girl all of a sudden. You are not a brat, you just need that attitude fuck out of you, right, doll?” He asks massaging your waist with both hands. 
“Fuck you.” You mumble, and Ghost lands a slap right to your cunt making you scream and arch your back to find distance from him.
“Language, birdie!” He says chuckling, amused with the situation. “C’mon, play nice, love. Are you going to talk to Price?”
His finger starts to travel up and down your slit, collecting the juices flooding from your cunt. He teases your entrance without getting inside.
“No.” You declared, tired of being played with.
“No?” He ask genuinely surprised. “Oh, I think you will.” He lands another hard slap on your pussy, right on your clit, and position his fingers so that when you arch your back again, you fuck yourself right into his finger. A loud moan escaped your lips at the sudden intrusion.
He raises his hand up to your nape, grabs your hair in a handful and pulls lifting your head off the bed. “I wanna hear you sing, birdie.” His fingers begin to move inside and out of your cunt making you groan softly, raising in volume as his tongue finds her way back to your ass.
You can feel his drool drip down your ass to where his finger is fucking your pussy, only adding to the mess. He uses the knuckle of his middle fingers to brush against your clit making you mewl and causing him to chuckle again. He can feel you clenching around his finger, and he pulls back to ask again. “Are you going to talk to Price?”
“No, fuck, no I won't.” You scream back. And immediately you wish you didn't. Ghost draws his finger back, and remains holding your head but otherwise untouched.
“Wrong answer again, doll. C’mon, tell me what I want to hear and I'll give you what want to get. Are you going to talk to Price?” He asks. “No!” You answer, and the hardest slap to date lands on your ass making you cry out in pain. “Last chance, birdie. Are you going to talk to Price?” He asks again.
You bite your lip, an inner battle going inside your mind. The stubbornness in you taking the lead, not even being reasonable, just stubborn. Another hit snaps you out of it. “Shit! Fine! Whatever, I'll talk to him.” 
“Good girl, birdie.” He grumbles against your ear as his fingers start to piston in and out of your cunt, the sting of the stretch by the second finger completely buried under the waves of pleasure. He keeps whispering pure filth onto your ears, unable to hear him over the ring of your ears caused by the stimulus on your weak point.
You feel drool drip down your chin into the sheets, but you can only focus on the tight knot inside your body. It's unfair how easy it seems to be for these men to make you come undone with barely touching you, it makes you think about those mediocre ex-lovers who would put the blame on you for taking so long to cum. Fuck them, these men, Kyle, Price and Ghost had you coming in minutes without even taking off their clothes.
Ghost brushed his knuckles against your clit again, and you can only moan his name before you are gushing over his hand. He helps you ride out your orgasm and slowly draws back his fingers. 
He stands up chuckling softly, you hear him walk into the bathroom, you hear the faucet open and close and then hear him walk back.
You feel the cold wet towel between your legs and it makes you jump off the surprise. “Sorry, you spend all the warm water, doll.” He says still snickering. He drops the towel on the table, pulls your underwear and pants up, takes his belt back and lies next to you caressing your hair. “Solid, birdie?”
You shake your head. “Pretty sure I'm liquid now, Ghost” You say absent-mindedly and rub your eyes as you yawn. He may have fingered the attitude out of you, but he also fuck the energy out.
“I think it's time for me to leave, thank you for the dinner, birdie. And for the desert.” He says, smiling at you. He lands a peck on your temple and stands up. “Lock your door when I leave. And talk to Price.”
When he turns his back at you, you roll your eyes standing up as well to close the door. He turns on his heels and looks down on you. “And don't roll your eyes at me, birdie. Don't give me an attitude. Lock the door.” He says and lights a cigarette as he makes his way out of the building. 
While you're are cleaning everything, tidying your room, getting ready to get into your bed when you get a message from a contact that is just a skull emoji. 
💀: Lock the door, birdie.
That's what you get for trusting him with you phone to order food.
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“So she didn't say why?” Price asks Simon as he sits in the booth at the pub.
The both of them met there, a pub close to your house, Price too anxious to wait to get back to base to find out about Ghost’s discoveries.
“Negative.” Ghost answers setting the pints down. “She did make a great point, Captain.”
“Which is?” Price ask expecting
“We don't even know her name. Well, we do because of the background check we did to find her, but any of us have asked her.” Ghost responds. “And I thought you were the less hotheaded of the team, Captain.”
Ghost shakes his head as he laughs.
“Maybe try to talk to her when you are not saving her life? Maybe she will feel less overwhelmed then.” Ghost says taking his phone out to check his messages when he notices the vibrations. “Talking about the little bird.”
🐦: I told you I locked the dor
🐦: door*
💀: Awesome
🐦: ?
🐦: Go away, Ghost
💀: What are you talking about, birdie?
🐦: Stop messing with my door, I'm trying to sleep, you weirdo.
💀: It's not me.
💀: Are you sure it's your door and not your neighbours?
🐦: what neighbour?
💀: You and the terrorist are the only tenants on the building?
🐦: You are giving me the deposit money if you break it.
💀: I'm not at the door.
💀: Birdie?
💀: Don't ghost me now.
💀: Not on purpose.
💀: Birdie?
Ghost knit his brows at the lack of messages and look up to Price who seems lost in thought. “Maybe we need to save her again, Price. Your heart to heart talk will have to wait.”
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7 minutes.
That's all it takes for Ghost and Price to reach your building. Guns in hands as soon as they saw your apartment door busted open.
Price felt his heart sink at the possibility of your being hurt, because of him and his inability to treat you the way he should. Waking up alone didn't hurt as much, he hadn't slept that good in who knows how long, and it was all thanks to the warmth of your body pressed against his.
So now, that only now has he found this comfort, the thought of it being ripped away from him before he could mend his error, was truly heartbreaking.
The nice thing about your house being this small, is that there is not a corner that remains unchecked. And still, you are nowhere to be seen.
But your flat is a mess. The dishes are broken all over the hall and kitchen floor, the fridge is leaning against the wall obviously having been pushed, your clothes are thrown all over the place, your mattress is cut out it's inside thrown around, your clothes mixing with the rest of the mess on the floor, and your wall…
“You will pay for your actions, whore.”
Can be read on the wall, big letters occupying the whole wall.
Your TV is missing, only the metal skeleton that holds it to the wall it's on is place. And your window is busted, that's when he sees it, a chair. On your balcony, as if it was used by somebody to jump.
Price walks up to the balcony so fast, Ghost grabs his shirt unsure of the Captain's plan. “She probably jumped to the apartment next door, Captain. Let's check it.” The younger says to try and calm the Captain. He nods and they both make their way to the apartment next door.
It is just as destroyed as yours, but still, no sign of you. They make their way back to your apartment and Price sits down burying his face on his hands.
Ghost takes out his phone again and he calls you, anxious waiting for you to pick up. But you don't, instead, a silly music begins to sound from under your bed. Tranquillity floods their senses, only for it to be destroyed when the only thing they find is your phone under your bed.
“Fuckin’ hell, birdie. Where are you?” Ghost asks out loud.
Both men whip their to the sound, and come face to face with your closet. Now, one of the things you like about your flat, is the closet. Built into the wall. With a ridiculously small space on top of it.
Both men look astonished, as a hand starts to crawl his way out of the false ceiling of the closet. You pop your head next, and when you confirm is the two men and not whoever entered your house just a couple of minutes ago, you start to bawl your eyes out.
When you heard the people force their way into your house, you automatically got yourself into the space on the false ceiling in your closet. You stayed there, contorted into yourself and used every ounce on yourself to not make a noise. 
You heard how they rampaged your little home, how they screamed, how they destroyed everything.
It was merely a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours. And when you heard them come back for a second time, you were certain they would hear the beat of your heart. Until you hear what sounded like the sweetest desert on the universe, Ghost's voice, asking where you were.
The sheer fear that just saved your life, now turned you into a sobbing mess of tears and drool as you melt onto Ghost's arms once he holds you.
You feel Price's hand rubbing your back as he kisses your shoulder shushing you.
“It's all right, darling. We are here now. You are safe. No one is going to get to you now.”
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Hii! 💗
Hoped you liked the new chapter, reader collecting these men like they are pokemon hehe wish that was me
Taglist: @pagesfalling @thevoidwriting @darkangel4121 @tf141glory @skyler-loves-rick-grimes @ghostlythots @readerofallthingss @onewattson6529 @mynameismothra @xinyiline
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obsessivelullabies · 7 months
tf141 fighting over you.
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imagine you’re a combat medic, highly skilled and capable. you joined the army to help people. you wanted to make a difference, so you spent all your time trying to sharpen your skills.
after a few years of hard work, you were offered to join a new task force. task force 141, created by captain john price.
you knew this was the right career move for you. you knew you’d help people.
the first man you met was the captain himself, john price. he was gruff and serious, yet you could tell he was a good man. he wouldn’t say it, but john held you in high regards already. he admired your loyalty and dedication.
the second man you met was kyle ‘gaz’ garrick. your first mission was with him and price. gaz was immediately drawn to you and your nature, striking up conversation with you, asking about yourself and what you liked. you two became fast friends.
gaz was close to your age, so you felt comfortable around him. he was also very trustworthy, which made you relieved.
gaz fell for you first after a few weeks, he adored your personality and how gorgeous he found you, even if you were wearing your dirtied uniform. he wrote it off as a dumb little crush.
not long after, you met two men. first, johnny ‘soap’ mactavish. he was funny, flashy and confident. he’d immediately come off as flirtatious towards you, probably using some stupid pickup line.
second was simon ‘ghost’ riley. he had little to no interest in you at first. he knew you were a good worker, which he appreciated, but nothing more.
over the span of months, you and the men in your task force grew closer. you accomplished quite a lot. they’d all saved your ass multiple times.
price would start to fall for you seeing you take care of injured soldiers so kindly, even if you didn’t know them at all. he also loved your loyalty. you always tried to save someone, even if it was a dumb decision.
for soap, the flirty jokes were a joke until they weren’t. he thought you were so gorgeous and funny. you never got annoyed with him or wanted him to leave. you enjoyed his presence. the flirtation becomes more personal, more serious.
ghost definitely fell for you last. after a particularly rough mission, as you stitched up his arm and tried to comfort him, ghost felt something he hadn’t felt in years. being around you made him feel alive again.
at some point, the men all picked up on each other’s adoration for you. price would always try to help you and guide you, his way of showing his affection.
gaz would always be so thoughtful of your needs, like buying you a drink if you said you were thirsty. small gestures.
soap would openly flirt with you and touch you innocently, vying for any affection or flirting back.
ghost didn’t have a lot of experience with romancing someone. he honestly just stayed close to you and watched your back.
all the men became more and more forward. they needed you to choose someone, they couldn’t let this issue divide them.
if only you got the hint.
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does anyone want like a part two.. with like graves.. or laswell.. or alejandro.. ik they’re not tf141 but they do work with them.
masterlist! | unedited. | comments and reblogs appreciated! | make a request.
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bigwishes · 1 year
Caption Drop
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Corey made his wish, he wanted to be huge, a massive muscular beast, he wanted men to be shocked when they say him naked. He thought he had coved all his bases when making his demands to the Djinn "I want to be huge, only muscle growth, i wanna have awesome abs, I want men Im about to sleep with be shocked when I take off my pants in front of them, I dont wanna lose any intelligence, I dont wanna be hairy, I just wanna be a hyper masculine muscle cow" The Djinn smiled granting his wish. Corey got the body of his dreams, unfortunately for him he did think about how he casually threw in being a muscle cow and moments after his muscled stopped inflating he felt a pain in his groin, watching his pants bulge outwards the zipper suddenly split open. Corey stared in shock, his balls had become the size of a beachball, his dick was gone now instead four dicks hung off the corner of his sack making it look like a giant udder.
"well you did say you wanted to be a big muscle cow" the Djinn laughed in response
"MOOOOOOOOO!!! MOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Corey yelled, the noise of a frustrated bull replacing his voice, but the Djinn was unable to understand him and so the desperate attempts to reverse the beastly part of his wish were simply ignored.
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Kyle always wanted to be a competitive bodybuilder but he could never stick to the diet to cut down enough to go on stage, nor did he have the confidence. He had all the muscle, if only he could shift the bodyfat and think he was worthy of being on stage. Kyle made a simple wish "I wish I looked good enough for the stage, I wish I had the confidence to stand in front of all those guys"
Suddenly the clothes Kyle was wearing was replaced with a slutty harness, something snapped in his brain and all his nervous anxiety was replaced with cocky douchbag thoughts. Kyle was ready for the stage alright, not as a bodybuilder, but instead as a slutty horny man whore.
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Less than 5 minutes ago John was a much smaller twunk. He pumped into a guy at the gym, his sweat smeared across him. John called the guy a disgusting sweaty roid pig. The guy was ready to drop it but John continued to tell him how he'd never wanna be that big, he cracked a joke saying the man probably stunk like a locker room 24/7 because of how hard it would be to move his body. Suddenly two guys grabbed John's arms and the man he made fun of forced his jaw open and shoved what tasted like a small lemon lolly. John's body began to grow uncontrollably. Soon he was a giant freak. John stared at his new body, the body of a giant sweaty gorilla, his stench was worse than anything he had ever smelt before and the 3 bodybuilders who were pinning him down moments ago were now laughing at him and his awful stench in the corner of the locker room.
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therainscene · 5 months
Stranger Things 4 is themed around A Nightmare on Elm Street -- Vecna is a child-killer-turned-demon who murders teenagers from within their own minds; his heavily scarred skin and clawed hand resemble that of Freddy Krueger; and the actor who played Freddy himself plays his father.
I think Stranger Things 5 is gearing up to do something similar with The Terminator. Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) is the upcoming guest star this season; Vecna's exposed skull and vine-covered neck resembles the T-800--
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--and Will's speech at the end of S4 bears striking similarities to Kyle Reece's famous "it can't be reasoned with" speech.
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If Vecna is the T-800... then the Mind Flayer is the perfect candidate for Skynet.
[And Hawkins National Laboratory is Cyberdyne Systems -- a military-funded lab that meddled with phenomena beyond its ability to control and paved the way for a sinister hive mind to enter the world.]
I'm pretty sure that the Mind Flayer lies at the heart of whatever timey-wimey stuff is going on. It's suspiciously linked to timeline inconsistencies -- Will is already able to sense it in his neck before his possession in S2, and young Henry in TFS is haunted by the spider monster he wasn't supposed to create for another 20 years.
I've already written a theory on how a causal loop could tie Will and Henry to the Mind Flayer -- whatever's going on is probably more complicated than this, since my theory doesn't explain why the Upside Down is frozen -- but it's worth a read, I think, as it's the same type of time paradox as the one in Terminator and could easily be at the core of ST's time shenanigans.
Will is Kyle Reece or Sarah Connor -- so does that mean he's going to be a gun-toting badass?
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This scene is Will coming full circle from that moment in the shed at the start of S1: backed into a corner and forced to resort to violence because he sees no other way out. He doesn't want to kill the monster; he has to.
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But the difference is that he's not cornered anymore.
This time around, Will knows his enemy, and he has supportive friends and family at his side. He's just so beaten down -- by Vecna, by Hawkins, by perceived rejections from Mike -- that he's lost all confidence in his ability to stand up for himself on his own terms.
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I know it seems at first glance that Will advocates the use of violence in desperate times, but consider the context of the episode in which the above scene appears:
Joyce is reminiscing about her missing son while dealing with Lonnie telling her what to do and feel about it. Shortly after, she realizes how manipulative he's being and permanently kicks him out of her life (and the show lol) -- no violence necessary.
Will's advice hadn't been about the value of violence, but about the value of refusing to play by abusers' rules -- a key lesson in Stranger Things, as we've been watching El learn it the hard way over the course of four seasons.
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Will cannot self-actualize by "finally" pulling the trigger on an approach that symbolizes his homophobic father's macho expectations. S5 is going to be about him regaining his self-confidence and allowing his authentic, gentle nature to guide him to the real solution.
So, to return to the "he's not gonna stop" speech: the theme at play here is inevitability, and it's one of the central themes of The Terminator -- not simply because the titular assassin is unstoppable, but because of the love story that drives the plot:
If Skynet hadn't sent the T-800 back in time to kill Sarah Connor before she could give birth to the leader of the human resistance, then Kyle would have had no reason to go back in time and end up unknowingly fathering John. No matter how hard Skynet tried to snuff John Connor out of existence, the rebellious love that created him was just as inevitable as the T-800.
This, I think, is the message at the heart of both Terminator and Stranger Things, and is the reason why The Terminator would be the perfect choice for S5's theme movie:
Sometimes the horrors wrought by humanity are inescapable...
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...but so too is the hopeful human drive to love each other and overcome them.
Read Brenner's role in creating Vecna as a metaphor for homophobic Reagan-era fear-mongering and it all clicks into place, I think.
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tradgedyinwaves · 12 days
Touch - Ch. 7
Most of this chapter is the reader's first time with one of the boys. It’s skippable if it makes you uncomfortable and there will be a warning where it starts.
tw: smut, choking, hint of auralism/voyeurism
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The old dilapidated flat buried in the poorest part of Manchester was filled with whirring, flipping papers and voices. Voices that spoke low and quick, pointing out places on a map with dirty, grubby fingers. Plans being laid that threatened life and limb. And every string on their board leads to one picture of a young woman. 
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Stepping out of the bathroom, you took a deep breath and did your best to walk confidently back into the room. Four heads raised the moment you entered making you want to shrink back into the shadows. Each face that looked back at you held apprehension and hope, but more than that, you could see the adoration they all had for you, even Simon. 
You walked over to Simon, who’s dark eyes widened the closer you got, and cupped his cheek, running your thumb over one of his many scars. “I don’t know how to do this,” you started, speaking to everyone in the room though your eyes remained locked on Simon’s. “But I trust you and I trust this can work out. What’s one more person, right?” You smiled down at Simon softly, feeling the room depressurize at your words. 
The other three men sighed collectively though they still watched as you bent over Simon’s form, your lips ghosting over his ear. “Looks like you’ve got some catching up to do, Si,” you whispered against the shell of his ear, making a chill run down his spine. “I could catch up right now if you’d like me to,” Simon offered, hand snaking its way up the outside of your plush thigh, sliding around to grip your ass in his massive paw. “I still remember how you taste, luv,” he whispered back, digging his digits into your flesh. 
You didn’t think that words could have such an impact on you, but the telltale rush of adrenaline and arousal proved you wrong. “Christ, Si, manhandling her already?” Price chuckled, watching as both you and Simon looked over your shoulder. Simon’s eyes narrowed while yours widened and a blush colored the apples of your cheeks. 
You straightened, cupping Simon’s chin with your hand as your eyes met his once more. “Wanna go to lunch with me?” You asked, the corners of your mouth curling up in a soft smile. “I’m supposed to be the one asking,” Simon countered even though his lips curled into a grin. “Too bad I got to it first,” you flirted back, stepping away so Simon could stand. You’d forgotten how massive he was, bigger than Price even and that night flashed through your mind. 
Knees a little weak, you took his hand when he offered it while he smirked at the boys over your head. “Alright, you big lug, let’s go,” you urged, heading towards the door as you dragged him behind you. He pulled a plain black gaiter out of his pocket and tugged it on before heading out the door. 
Simon led you to a taco truck and you think you saw him smile with the way his eyes crinkle when you laughed at his corny taco joke, asking which way you tilted your head when you ate tacos. He assured you that what happened that night hadn’t been his intention. He’d only wanted to comfort you. You told him it had been a comfort, despite the way he left. 
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When the two of you arrived back at the flat, bellies full and hearts soaring, there was a faint sound coming from one of the bedrooms. You raised your brow and looked up at Simon, wondering if he knew what the sound was. “That’ll be Cap and Johnny, probably Kyle too, based on the sounds I’m hearing. Always makes Price a little randy seeing someone get felt up around him,” Simon explained like he was reading off his grocery list. 
Your cheeks turned pink and you blinked up at him. “That’s just from you groping me?” You questioned, the sounds creating a reaction between your thighs and you pressed them together to relieve some of the tension. Simon eyed you for a moment, watching the way your chest rose and fell with your quickening breaths, noticing the clench of your thighs. Simon stepped behind you, hands resting on your hips as his lips came close to your ear. “Does that turn you on, luv? Knowing just my hand on your arse has Cap so riled up he had to take poor Johnny to relieve himself?” he whispered against your ear, his hot breath ghosting the shell and sending a shiver down your spine.
Your thighs clenched again and you couldn’t help the tiny whimper that escaped your throat. “Aw, pet, do you want to see? Or would you rather I satisfy your pretty cunt myself?” he entreated, his hands sliding around as one came up to settle against the base of your throat while the other wrapped around your middle to pull you flush against him. 
You shuddered in his grip, head coming back to rest against his chest as your eyes flicked up to his. He was pleasantly surprised to find your pupils blown and your breathing catching in your throat. His fingers slid up to wrap around your throat and squeeze ever so slightly. Kit never touched you like this, always shied away from your kinkier requests saying you didn’t need all that if you really loved him.
But Simon could see the desire in your eyes as he stared down at you. Keeping his grip on your throat, he released your middle and brought that hand up to rip down the gaiter so he could crash his lips to yours. You gasped against his lips, turning towards him as he tightened his grip around your throat. The slight feeling of blood loss to your head made the pleasure of his kiss higher, fingers itching to touch his skin. 
Simon backed you up to the wall, the faint sounds of the other three spurning you two on as you gripped his hoodie in your hands. When he finally pulled back and allowed you to breathe, his free hand slid down your body, watching your eyes for any sign to stop. But you didn’t stop him, or couldn’t, you weren’t really sure. His thick digits found the gusset of your leggings, sliding between your thighs with expert hands. “Barely touched you and you’re soaked, luv,” he practically growled before slamming his lips back to yours again.
You let out a whimper against his lips, hips rocking forward in search of his fingers when he removed them. Suddenly, your throat was released and he was taking your hand, dragging you to his room where he threw you on the bed, your size not even a question when he lifted weights heavier than you. His hulking form hovered over you, a menacing vision if you didn’t know he wanted to ravage you. 
“S-Simon,” you breathed out his name like a prayer and he swore he heard angels singing. He watched you carefully as he began removing your clothes, swearing under his breath with every inch he uncovered. By the time he had you undressed down to your panties, he was panting and his erection pressed against the zipper of his trousers painfully. 
You fought the urge to cover yourself, watching him with wide eyes. “So bloody gorgeous, luv. Fucking hell, so pretty laying there all for me,” he murmured, quickly working off his own shirt before laying over you and kissing you deeply. Tongues and teeth clashed as your hands came up to hold his shoulders, fingers pressing into his flesh. 
Pulling away, he stared down at you before he was bringing his lips to your neck, your shoulders, your collarbones. When your hands left him to cover your soft stomach, he growled and yanked them away, gathering your wrists in one hand while he muttered about not hiding from him. 
Simon swallowed, feeling an overwhelming honor at being able to see you like this. Bare except your panties, lips swollen and your chest heaving with your breaths. He determined he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. He brought his mouth to one of your pebbled nipples, using his tongue to lick over the nub before wrapping his lips around it. His tongue flicked while he sucked, the sensation making you moan out his name as your hand found the back of his head
His mouth continued its hot trail down your body until he got to your hips, the fabric of your panties cutting into your plush flesh. His eyes flicked up to meet yours, looking for any sign that you were uncomfortable while his fingers hooked into the waistband and tugged them down over your legs. He tossed them off with the rest of your clothes, eyes settling on the glistening slick that covered your puffy core.
Simon gripped himself over his pants and adjusted himself, licking his lips before his eyes flicked up to yours. You were hot, skin heated and flushed under his gaze. When he lowered himself between your thighs, you hiccupped and scooted away. His eyes narrowed and he wrapped his massive arms around your hips and tugged you to him, keeping eye contact as he pressed a light kiss to your clit. 
The sight made you keen, gasping when he drug his wide tongue along the length of your slit. His touches were tentative, ready to stop if you said the word, but your fingers sliding into his hair and the rock of your hips told him you had no intention of stopping him. He lapped at your folds, groaning at your taste before he slid two fingers into your tight heat. “So fucking tight, pet, been too long, yeah?” he muttered against your pussy, not sure if he was talking to your or your cunt. 
It felt like hours that he devoured you, bringing you to orgasm twice before ever raising his head. When he finally lifted from your quim, his chin and lips were shiny with your wetness and he licked his lips. A soft blush formed on your cheeks as you looked at him through hooded eyes. He grinned, the smile almost mean as he shucked off his pants and your eyes widened slightly. So that was why he’d insisted on using three fingers to bring you over the edge the last time. 
Giving himself a few slow, long strokes, he looked where you were and chuckled. “Gonna take it nice and slow, hm?” He nodded his head like he was expecting your answer and you met his eyes with a small nod and your bottom pout caught between your teeth. Shuffling onto the bed, he pressed his hips against yours, laying the length of his cock against your belly and grinning to himself. Gripping himself, he ran the tip through your folds, spreading your slick before notching himself at your entrance. 
A soft gasp filled the room as you felt just the head stretching you already, a sting following as he started to push inch after inch into you. When he was halfway inside, he leaned over and whispered praises into your ear. “So good, taking me so well, aren’t ya, luv? So fuckin’ tight around me, such a good girl”
His praises only fueled you, whimpering at the feeling of his thickness stretching you. If they were all hung like this, you were in trouble and it excited you further. Your walls clenched around him and he gasped, the feeling making him press the last few inches into you in one quick thrust. “Simon!” You cried, back arching as he split you open on his cock.
Minutes later, he had you screaming his name as the headboard hit the wall with the strength of his thrusts, having bent you over so he could grip the fat of your ass in his giant paws, watching the way your flesh gave into his tight grasp. By the time he was close to filling you, he’d brought you over the edge two more times, ensuring you knew that your pleasure was his number one priority. But when you started begging for him to fill you, he was a goner. 
Hunched over your back, his hips slammed against your ass while he grunted in your ear, knowing the other three would be standing on the other side of the door. One hand planted firmly on your hip, gripping tight enough to leave bruises while the other slid up your body to wrap around your throat, gripping it tightly. The others had their ears to the door and their cocks in their fists as they listened to Simon rearrange your insides. 
 “Cum for us, pet. Come on my cock and scream for them. I know they want to hear your pretty sounds,” he urged while his hips began to stutter. That was all it took for you to start wailing and cumming around his cock, clenching him in a grip he couldn’t ignore anymore. His hips stilled against you as he came with a roar, filling you with everything he had as he released your throat mid-orgasm. The rush of blood made you feel light headed, arms finally giving out under you as his hands found your hips again with a bruising grip and holding you against him until he was sure that he was done. 
Panting, he pulled from you, sitting back on his haunches to watch his seed drip from your used hole before scooping it up and shoving it back inside. With a grin, he gave your ass a light smack and climbed off the bed to grab a cloth, cleaning you delicately before wrapping you in his arms and pulling the blanket over you. 
“Rest, luv. I’ll be right here when you wake,” Simon whispered, kissing the top of your head. You nodded, nuzzling against his chest and quickly falling asleep, exhausted emotionally and physically from the day you’d had. 
There was a soft knock on the door and Simon called out softly for them to open it, his gaze never leaving your sleeping form. Price filed in and sat at the end of the bed, hand coming to lay over your feet under the blanket. “Think it was a good idea to break her in so quickly?” Price asked quietly, eyes settled on you. Simon’s eyes narrowed slightly at Price’s words, his regard moving to look at the other man.
“I wouldn’t have had to if you all hadn’t been so loud. Should have seen her, Cap. It was almost instant. Heard you guys and then she was putty in my hands. Don’t worry, I gave her every opportunity to stop me,” he reassured his captain and partner, eyes sliding back to you. “We have to protect her, John. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her again,” Simon confessed, eyes wide as he tried to convey the strength of his feelings. “We will, boy. She’ll be the safest woman in the world.” 
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The smut got a little away from me. If I don't include it with the other boys in the actual story, I'll be doing one shots once the story is done.
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting this story! I greatly appreciate it.
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hahaifolded · 27 days
Close Friends - Kyle "Gaz" Garrick x POC!Fem Reader
Summary: Gaz has a huge crush on you but is too scared to talk to you. You, accidentally, give him a way in. Tags/Warnings: MDNI. Fluff, Suggestive Themes, Military Inaccuracies, Technically Internet Stalking, Lots of talk of Social Media, Dancing, Reader knows Spanish and listens to Karol G (trust me, it'll make sense) Word Count: 4036
"And that's everything I found. Any questions?" you asked as you reached the end of your slideshow. Immediately, Captain Price raised his hand, eyes looking down at his notepad. Kyle knew that he should be pay attention to the conversation but he couldn't help but stare at your lips. He wondered what those lips shared when not at work, when you were not being a active member of the SAS intelligence team.
He still remembered the first time you presented an intelligence brief to the Taskforce. You were confident and certain of your findings. When Price began to question your information, you snapped back and held your ground. And thank god, you did, because if Price had his way, that mission would have been devastating for the team.
Since then, Kyle took a liking to you. And it seems that many on base did too as many people naturally gravitated towards you. On many occasions, he saw people enter your office with a scowl and leave with a smile instead. He's even considered going into your office a few times to see what he would leave with.
However, despite constantly being at death's doorstep, Kyle found himself unable to talk to you. Every time you looked at him with those kind eyes, his mouth would run dry and all words would escape him.
How he wanted just one chance to get to know the real you. The you that after 5pm goes off to do whatever they want. The you that probably has interests and passions outside of work. The you that lets loose and shares her infinite love with the world. The you that would look perfect wrapped about his arm, making Gaz the luckiest man alive. The you that would look sinful under him. The you that would moan his name over... and over... and over.
"Kyle... Kyle..."
"GAZ!" Soap's voice interrupted him from his thoughts.
"Yeah. I mean, yes," he said, trying to mask the fact that he was lost in his thoughts.
"Our little spy here was trying to ask you a question," he said with a small smirk on his face. Soap knew exactly what Gaz was thinking. The lovestruck sergeant sheepishly looked at you, ashamed that he missed your question just because he was too busy thinking of you in such a delicious position.
"Yes (Y/N)?" he asked. You repeated your question but once again Gaz didn't hear it, too focused on your lips again. Fuck was he screwed.
-- -- --
Boisterous laugher filled the sergeant's shared room.
"I can't believe you. The poor lass had to repeat her question 3 times until you finally heard her. I know you like her, but get it together," said Soap through broken laughter.
"Shut up," whined out Gaz. He laid on his bed, face covered by his pillow. He felt horrible. You probably thought he was a weirdo or worse, incompetent.
"And the worst part here is that you've never spoke to the lass."
"That's not true!"
"Mission briefings don't count." Gaz let out a huff as he knew the Scot had won.
"But, as the best sergeant on this team, I have decided to help you out," proclaimed the mohawk-wielding soldier. Gaz felt his bed dip as Soap sat on the edge of it.
"Woah, get off! Your thick arse is gonna break it," fought Gaz.
Soap told his teammate to calm down as he threw the lovesick man's pillow to the floor. Before Gaz could retaliate, the Scotsman shoved his phone into his face. With a quick glance, Kyle recognized it to be an Instagram profile.
"And how is this going to help?" he asked with annoyance in his voice. Soap was really testing his patience today.
Soap rolled his eyes. "Well, if you looked closer, maybe you'll see how." Gaz looked at it again and shot up in bed, snatching the other sergeant's phone. He couldn't believe it. On Soap's phone was your personal Instagram account that so happened to be following Soap and some other account he didn't recognize, but Soap followed.
"How?" Your username wasn't a version of your name so obviously Soap had to do some digging.
"Asked her after you ran away from today's brief." Gaz quickly scrolled your profile. It felt wrong to see you outside of work. He's never seen you so carefree. Your profile was littered with pictures of you with friends, food, and your interests.
However, before Kyle could really get a good look at your profile, Soap took his phone back. Kyle called him out in frustration. "Ah, ah, ah... if you want to stalk, follow her on your account." Gaz felt his stomach sink. Soap sensed his hesitation. "And before you say anything, Ghost and I already follow her so it won't look weird if you do too."
Kyle pulled out his phone and slowly typed your username in the search bar. You immediately popped up. He felt his throat dry up. He looked up to see Soap's wide grin right in his face, egging him on. With a rush of adrenaline, Gaz clicked follow and immediately locked his lock screen.
If Soap wasn't in the room, he would have squealed like a school kid. However, his excitement immediately turned into anxiety as he started to doubt his action. Should he have followed you? Sure, Soap and Ghost follow you, but you talk more to Soap and honestly who wouldn't let the scary lieutenant follow them back?
Before Kyle couldn't really spiral, his phone lit up with an Instagram notification. You just followed him back. He stuffed his face into his bed, in the hopes that it would muffle his squealing.
-- -- --
Since you accepted Kyle's follow request, the lovestruck fool found himself obsessed. On a regular basis, he would check your account, waiting for whatever tidbit of your life you were going to share with him.
However, very early on, he realized you uploaded more on your stories than on your actual dashboard. It was really refreshing to see you go on with your day and post the most mundane things. It was fairly normal, very reserved just like you at work. Until one day, you posted something much more personal.
Gaz had just finished eating breakfast. As he took his last bite, he decided to scroll Instagram for a bit to pass the time before today's briefing. Which was perfect timing as it looked like you just posted on your story. He opened it and was greeted to an unfamiliar sight. Instead of a picture of your smiling face, it was a photo of you in the bathroom with tears running down your face.
Kyle's chest tightened. What happened? Who did this to you? He recognized those bathrooms. They looked like the ones that were here on base. He gazed down and saw your caption: boss just yelled at me and said im useless. does this mean I should look for a new job? Kyle was ready to start a war in your name over this.
However, before Gaz could declare war, he took a moment to think. You never post such vulnerable things on your Instagram. Maybe a dumb selfie here and there, but never anything too personal. He looked at your story one more time and noticed the green icon in the corner. It finally clicked. You must have added him to your Close Friends by accident.
As Gaz left the mess hall, he contemplated on what to do. You two were not 'close friends' by any means so maybe he should tell you. He could even save you the embarrassment and avoid mentioning how he saw your post this morning. Set on telling you, he made his way to the intelligence team's offices.
However, before Kyle reached your office, he found himself face to face with your direct superior. He saw red as he recalled your teary face.
"Hey!" he called out with some gruff in his voice.
"Gaz, what do I owe the pleasure?" your superior asked with bright smile. How could he smile like that after making you cry?
"It's Sergeant Garrick to you," Gaz barked out. Kyle wasn't one to bring up rank, but for you, he would make an exception. "I have a question for you." He was now standing in front of your boss, completely towering over him.
"Yes, Sergeant Garrick. My apologies. Um, what can I do for you... sir?" rushed out your boss, all flustered.
"What can you tell me about (Y/L/N)?"
"Well... she's been on the team for about a year now. Has a decent work ethic. Seems to get along with many members on the team... ummm. Is there anything you specifically want to know? We can step into my office and I can pull up her fi--"
The sergeant interrupted him. "No need." He moved further in your boss's space, pushing him back a bit. "Just wanted to make sure you knew who the 141 will be advocating for promotion on the intelligence team."
"Excuse me, sir?" your boss squeaked out.
"(Y/L/N) has been nothing but vital to the Taskforce's recent successes. Without her and her work, we would have failed to complete our objectives or worse, lost men." Now the next part was not a complete lie, as Price had offhandedly mentioned it the other day. "That's why we're recommending her for the supervisor position that just opened up on your team."
Your boss feebly spoke up. "No offense at all, sir, to you or the 141, but it's in my professional opinion that I believe that position should be filled by someone with a little more experience."
"You mean a muppet like you?" Gaz spat back. He got in your superior's face. "Let me make this clear, (Y/L/N) has proved to be much more useful to this base than you ever have during your entire tenure here. I'd advise you to step aside and make sure that (Y/L/N) gets that position, understood?"
Your boss immediately surrendered. He nodded his head furiously and asked the sergeant if that was all. As soon as Gaz let him go, your boss scurried off. He was in such a hurry, he nearly crashed into Soap.
"Knew you'd be here!" announced Soap as he saw Gaz near your office. "Let's go! Meeting is about to start."
With the meeting and subsequent training, Gaz forgot about the close friends debacle. As he returned to his room and opened his phone, he suddenly remembered why he went by your office today.
"Fuck!" Gaz yelled out. He opened instagram, opting to just send you a quick message about it. Again like this morning, your story was the first on his feed. Letting his curiosity get the best of him, he opened it and saw a picture of your office. The caption read: my boss apologized and I might get a promotion now. don't know what happened but thank you universe.
Gaz couldn't help but smile. You thanked him. Well, technically, you didn't thank him necessarily, but his actions made your day. Kyle realized that maybe his promotion as your 'close friend' might prove to be useful to him. So like any good soldier, he was going to use his resources to the max to accomplish his goal. And his goal now was to get to know you.
-- -- --
Sunday Night
Sunday night comes around and Gaz is tired. He's ready for a good night's sleep. However, that little itch to see you started to flare up the minute he laid on his bed. Assuring himself that a little peak wouldn't hurt, Kyle grabbed his phone.
Almost like you knew he'd be on, you had just posted a story. It was a picture of your laptop with a picture of some new show that Gaz had seen some clips of. Next to your laptop was a bowl of popcorn and your water bottle that you would always carry. The caption read: new season dropped! I have no choice but to binge watch it all tonight. Will probably regret this in the morning :D.
That's cute, thought Gaz. You looked so cozy as you got ready to watch your show. And just like that, Kyle had an epiphany. He grabbed his laptop and got to work
Monday Morning
Gaz walked into the conference room with a little less spring in his step. However, as soon as his eyes hit you, he immediately straightened his posture and shot you a warm greeting.
"Hi Gaz," you shot back with a genuine grin. You quickly focused your attention back to your laptop as you prepared for today's intelligence briefing.
Kyle took the seat closest to you with the goal of putting his plan in motion. Pretending to not notice his fellow sergeant or lieutenant, Gaz began to yawn obnoxiously loud. He had to do it a couple of times as you failed to notice each time. As he started to get embarrassed by the exaggerated yawning, Ghost spoke up.
"What's with you?" asked the lieutenant with an unamused tone. This would have to do. The yawning sergeant apologized and blamed it on the fact that he stayed up watching the newest season of a show, your show to be exact.
And just how he planned it, your attention was piqued as you stopped what you were doing and joined the conversation.
"Wait, you watch it too?" you asked with a glimmer in your eyes.
"Of course!" replied Gaz as if he had been watching this show for years, instead of just last night. You were about to say something else, but to Kyle's luck, Captain Price walked in, signaling it was time to start the meeting. However, before things officially started, you assured him that you two would talk later.
One point for Kyle.
Tuesday Morning
With an hour before lunch, you ranted a bit on your story, complaining about how you forgot to bring lunch and you were now craving for Indian food. Once again, seeing an opportunity, Kyle made a quick phone call.
Now with a bag in each hand, Kyle made his way to your office. Using his feet, he gently knocked on the door. Hearing you yell a come in, Gaz walked in with his winning smile.
"Hey, I am so sorry to bother you," Gaz sheepishly said.
You rolled your eyes. "Oh please, as if my favorite sergeant on base could ever bother me." Kyle nearly kissed you.
After stabilizing himself, your favorite sergeant spoke up again. "You wouldn't happen to know anyone who likes Indian food here? I ordered some for lunch and they accidentally gave me more than I ordered. No one on the team likes it and I would hate to see it go to waste."
He didn't think it was possible but your eyes lit up even more. "You're just in luck. I love Indian food. Take a seat!" And with that, Kyle was able to have you for an hour all to himself. The conversation ranged from work to food to wild stories of things you've both witnessed out in the field. Gaz doesn't think he's heard you laugh so much before. How he wanted to hear it everyday.
Feeling like the lunch went great, Kyle deemed it perfect to ask you on a dinner date. However, before he had a chance to open his mouth, a curious Scotsman opened your door.
"Hey (Y/N), have you seen-- oh, there you are. I've been looking for you," announced Soap without a care in the world. The other sergeant's eyes scanned your desk and caught sight of the takeaway containers.
"Did you get Indian without me? You know how much I love Indian," he whined. Gaz was going to kill him.
-- -- --
Wednesday Night
It was nearly 2am and Kyle found himself unable to fall asleep. His mind was filled with thoughts about you and this little plan of his. He wasn't sure what the end goal was. Would he stop after he asked you out or keep it going until you notice? And if you notice, would you figure out what he's been doing and confront him or in a weird, twisted way maybe be flattered? With all of these questions, Gaz found himself unable to sleep.
Seeing that his mind wasn't going to let him rest anytime soon, he grabbed his phone and decided to scroll that cursed app once more. After mindlessly scrolling for a bit, he noticed your story light up.
Oh shit, she's awake, he thought, surprised to see you active. Not wanting to look like a creep, Gaz decided to lock his phone. Or at least tried, as instead of locking his phone, he dropped it above his face. He quickly grabbed it to save his face but accidentally opened your story. Seeing it was now open, he decided to take a peak. And thank God he did.
It was a picture of you in front of your bedroom mirror. The lights in your room was off so you were mostly a silhouette. Your back was to the mirror and completely bare. Your face was slightly turned to the side, neither facing forward or backward. You were sat on your knees, your pajama shorts leaving absolutely nothing for the imagination. You had one arm on wrapping the front of your chest and another holding your phone. The picture had Kyle's head spinning, but the final nail in the coffin was your caption: fuck I really need you right now.
Kyle almost screenshotted your picture... almost. He couldn't believe it. There you were, gorgeous and clearly in need. Has he imagined you in similar positions? Of course, but actually seeing it was so much better. It must been even better, nearly divine, if he saw it in person. Gaz read your caption once more and it hit him like a bucket of ice cold water.
I need you. Shutting off his phone, he wondered who was the "you" you were referring to? Did you have a lover? Did someone else have the honor of calling you theirs?
Oh no! This had to be an accident. You probably meant to send this to someone and accidentally posted it on your Close Friends. Now Gaz was conflicted.
On one hand, you're probably going to be embarrassed if anyone else saw this. He should be a good friend and tell you so you can delete it. But, if he told you, you'd find find out about Kyle being on your close friends and maybe remove him. Realizing that your happiness was much more important here, Gaz decided to tell you.
He opened Instagram once more to text you. But before he could, he saw that you had deleted your story. Maybe someone already told you? Maybe that "you" you were referring to did? Or maybe, you noticed yourself which means you probably noticed Gaz see your story? Fuck.
Kyle avoided you, both out of guilt and shame.
Friday Night
Gaz had a long day. After finishing today's grueling workout circuit and taking a much needed hot shower, Kyle decided to treat himself with something pretty... your Instagram. It seemed like you had posted your entire afternoon since you got off of work. First a picture of your coffee that you grabbed from some place in town, and then an entire get-ready-with-me spree. Pictures of you getting ready to shower, moisturizing, and getting dressed, because it seemed like you were going clubbing tonight.
And to Kyle's delight, you posted various clips of you, showing off your outfit. It made Gaz' entire body burn seeing you in such a pretty outfit. It was nothing like what you wore to work.
However, the next picture had Kyle seething. You took a pic of the club's entrance, its name in the frame, with the caption: Hope he snatches me up tonight! Gaz was jealous. If anyone should be claiming you tonight, it should be him. Actually, it can be him. He ran to his closet and got changed.
-- -- --
It's been awhile since Gaz had been to a club. He forgot how crowed it can get. Inside, bodies were pressed against one another and the smoke made it hard to see. The music was blaring, stimulating everyone to dance on one another. The entire place reeked of smoke, sweat, and sex. Despite being one of the tallest humans in the place, Kyle had a hard time seeing you.
Feeling like it was a lost cause, Kyle heard a distinct cheering to his side. After quickly glancing, his breath got caught in his throat. You were to his side, surrounded by a small group of people, dancing to the beat of the music. Your hips moving side to side, up and down, your hands gliding across your body sensually. Gaz was in awe.
Suddenly, your eyes met him. You shot him a sly wink and beckoned him over with a nod. You slowly made your way deeper in the crowd, ushering him to follow you. Like any good soldier, Kyle followed.
As Kyle came up behind you, QLONA by Karol G started playing. He gently taps your shoulder to grab your attention. You turn around and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing his body closer to yours. You started to sway to the music, coaxing him to do the same. He immediately followed your lead and pulled you in closer so your bodies were practically touching. Gaz had to be dreaming.
You pulled him slightly down so your mouth was just at his ear. Singing along with the song, you purred in his ear, "qué hijueputas ganas tengo de besarte. te vi en una foto y te imaginé sin ropa. te mentiría si no estoy loca por verte." Kyle wasn't 100% sure what you or the song was saying, but all he knew was that he really liked you close to his ear.
You flipped around and with one arm still wrapped around his neck, you grinded against him, still following the beat of the music. Not expecting it, Kyle stilled. But quickly realizing this was his chance, he grabbed your waist and danced with you.
At this point, Kyle didn't care if you had someone. He was here now and no one was going to take you from him. You were his.
As the song came towards its end, you turned back around and pulled him down to whisper in his ear once more, "te mentiría si no estoy loca por verte." You finished the line with a giggle. With the song over and the next one immediately starting, Kyle kept you in his embrace, his head resting against yours.
You both faced each other and said hi at the same time. You both laughed as you were both a little shy despite just dancing against one another.
"Fancy seeing you here," Kyle started. He decided to play it cool.
You laid your head on his chest and laughed. "I'm glad you got my message." What. Kyle was confused. You looked up at him with slight mischief in your eyes. Kyle's eyes must have given him away as you laughed again. "Did your really think I wouldn't notice? It's literally my job to notice things"
"So you knew this whole time?"
"No. Not at first. But after the surprise Indian food, I realized my mistake." Kyle froze, feeling guilty for not telling you sooner. You sensed his hesitation and slightly tightened your hold on him. "But don't worry, I'm actually glad it happened. I've been wanting to get to know you for awhile." Kyle relaxed again.
However, he had a sudden thought. "And what about the--"
"The racy picture? I may have wanted to a little more than your attention. So maybe I removed everyone else and tried to tempt you. You're not the only one who knows how to use their resources."
Kyle groaned. You were a clever one. "Fuck, I could eat you up."
"What's stopping you?" You batted your eyes to the sergeant.
Not wanting to waste anymore time, Kyle pulled you in close and asked, "Your place or mine?"
Thanks for reading! - Fold's Page Guide + Masterlist
Author's Notes: I had a little freakout yesterday on this fic cause I was scared it was too long. Personally, I'm happy with it now, but y'all can let me know!
Also if y'all don't listen to Karol G, START! QLONA here is a banger and most of her music too! I considered adding the English translation above but that's gross. So here it is below. Don't kill me if it's slightly off - I decided to translate it. Hopefully y'all get why I included this song!
First time: I really want to fucking kiss you. I saw your picture and I imagined you without clothes. I would be lying if I wasn't craving to see you
Second time: I would be lying if I wasn't excited to see you
Spanish speakers, how the fuck do you translate "loca por verte" cause "crazy to see you" just seems wrong to me?
Also is Kyle out of character? I think he's more jovial here but is that wrong? Do let me know!
Hope y'all enjoyed!
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teamblck · 3 months
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SFW alphabet: Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
heart banner by cafekitsune
hope you enjoy this!! again with any of my writing i appreciate feedback! love ya
 A= Affection (How Affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
omg extremely affectionate! always giving quick kisses on the cheek or softy squeezing your hand in public. he isn’t like crazy with pda but at home he’s constantly touching.
B= Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
literally the best boyfriend and best friend. he would also know how to do them separately as well if that makes sense? like he would know when it’s best to be your best friend and when to be your boyfriend. he would remember every little thing about you and just make you feel so seen and loved.
C= Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
of course he loves to cuddle. id say he’d like any type of cuddling as long as he can wrap his arms around you and hold you as humanly close.
D= Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
if he found the right person, yes. of course he would be super nervous about it because of his job and being away from home but if he truly loved someone yes he would want to settle down.
cooking? everyone in gaz nation all agrees he can make 5 star meals so if you don’t like to cook, that’s okay! if you do? even better it’s an activity you two can do together as a couple.
and cleaning of course he would help out with, i think he would keep things pretty tidy but if things did need cleaning he would have no problems doing them.
E= Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
i don’t think he would be the type to do it over text or phone call. would probably tell them face to face.
F= Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
with gaz when i’m creating scenarios in my head with him in mind, i always think you would start as friends with feeling but too scared to confess until it just happens. so with commitment in this particular scenario, he would already be fully committed before you were even together. but even if that’s not the case, i don’t see him as a guy that’s scared of commitment.
as for marriage? i would say after dating maybe 3 years he would pop the question
G= Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
sooooo gentle. i truly do not see him being rough with his partner (unless ya know it’s sex and there was a talk before hand) and emotionally? even if it’s a fight and you’re both upset with each other, i don’t think he would ever snap and insult you or anything like that. he would just try to remain calm and talk it out and if it got into a bad enough argument, he would just talk a talk to clear his head and emotions before returning.
also i fully believe this man goes to therapy
H= Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
any excuse to have his partner in his arms he’ll take it. loves the hugs he receives when he comes home after a mission where it’s just the both of your clinging to each other, happy to see each other. or the lazy from behind hugs while he’s sleepy and trying to convince you to turn in early for the night. i don’t think he’s like constantly hugging but he does enjoy it
I= I love you (How fast do they say the L=word?)
again in my made up maladaptive daydreams, with the whole friends before lovers it would probably happen in the confession but if we aren’t going by that, i would say anywhere like 5-8 months into the relationship.
J= Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I don’t think he gets jealous often. He is confident in your relationship and knows he doesn’t have to worry and vice versa.
K= Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they  like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
omg I could go on for hours. kyle’s kisses always leave you wanting more.
for him i feel like his favorite place to kiss his partner is on the temple. he likes to just hold them in his arms and press small kisses into their temple.
as for him, he likes to be kissed on the cheek. right on his scar
L= Little ones (How are they around children?)
at first, he is a little shy around small children, but the longer that he is around them he will start playing with them. he is always very sweet and attentive and patient with the children. He doesn’t get really upset if they make messes or they throw tantrums but with tantrums he really doesn’t know how to handle them,so most of the time he will just notify their parent. but with his own children, he would try to calm them down in that type of situation.
i think he would be very good with children, and with his own very hands on.
M= Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
he likes to sleep in when he’s home, on occasion he will get up early if he knows he has to be at a certain place at a certain time but he likes sleeping until he naturally wakes up.
N= Night (How are nights spent with them?)
he does really like going on dates and he loves planning dates for his significant other so most nights if they are up to it, he would like to take them out on the town but if they do not prefer dates/nights spent out and doing things he is completely okay with just laying at home and having a date night at home. he likes getting a bunch of comfy blankets and putting on a movie and cuddling.
O= Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
again in my silly little maladaptive daydreams, it would be a friends to lovers type of situation where you would know already most of this information, but if we’re not going off of that, and it’s just the situation of him meeting someone and taking interest I feel like before he made any real commitment of starting a relationship that with him he would want to tell them especially about his job before asking them to be official.
but with personal interests, likes dislikes things of that nature I think he would tell you as your relationship progressed it would not be all at once, but it would come up in conversation.
P=Patience (How easily angered are they?)
with his significant other i don’t think he would get angry very often, he has a lot of patience. But if a situation/argument got heated enough, he would not take any drastic measures. He would just simply try to talk out the situation without yelling or raising voices, but again if it got too elevated, he would go outside and smoke or take a walk to cool off before coming back.
Q= Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) 
he would remember everything! even if you mentioned briefly that you liked something he would keep it stored away in his mind, so if he’s out and he sees that or something pertaining to that interest, he would get it for you.
R= Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
probably when you both confessed to liking each other. he has such anxiety of guessing if you actually liked him back. so when it call came out he was so relieved and happy his feelings were reciprocated .
S= Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) 
this would go for any of the tf141 men but extremely!! when you’re out with him he is constantly watching you and the area just to make sure nothing suspicious is going on. if he loses you in a crowd for a second it sends him into like a panicked overdrive that doesnt stop until he finds you and can make sure you’re okay. he also teaches you self defense.
T= Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) 
he puts in so much effort!! he understands that it is not easy to be in a relationship with someone that can be gone months at a time, and the constant worry that something has happened to him. so when he is home he always like to plan date nights and just wants to make you feel special. he always remembers the the type of things you like so you’d never get a gift that’s just super random and you have no interest or need in.
U= Ugly (what would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
Smoking, it started when he was a teenager just as kinda like an act of rebellion but whenever he finds himself stressed out (which is probably a lot) he will go outside and smoke
V= Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
He is a pretty boy ™ and is very aware of that. I hc that when he is home he has a whole skin care routine that he likes to do before he goes to bed, and when he takes his partner out on a date he likes to dress up and look good for them.
W= Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would be independent without you obviously BUT constantly thinking about you and searching for you in every room. So to a certain extent he would feel kinda incomplete but also ya know he has his own independence and would want you to have that as well.
X= Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) 
He hates coffee. He’s tried the super sugary drinks to just plain black coffee, he hates them all. He never voices this opinion though, so whenever someone offers him some coffee and he doesn’t want to be perceived as rude so he takes it and is like 🙂 the whole time.
Y= Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general someone that has questionable morals like in this scene with Graves. Also ya know I don’t think he would like someone how is just rude to people for no reason or have bad hygiene. I mean also obviously someone that is racist, sexist, bigoted, etc.
Z= Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Not a morning person, when he’s home he usually will sleep in just because ya know when he’s at work he doesn’t get the chance to do anything like that. Also like i mentioned in my first hc post for him he would have the most comfiest bed, like the softest comforters and a lot of pillows but would kick most of it off the bed since he runs hot, but wouldn’t dare stop cuddling you.
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mrsparrasblog · 5 months
Layover in Glasgow
Summary: You're living your dream working as a flight attendant after a very bad breakup. On your layovers, you meet all sorts of men from a special Taskforce, each trying to charm their way into your heart. Who will succeed in finding his way into your heart?
Rating: E
Pairing: Soap x plus size readers
TW: Oral sex, p in v sex dirty talk , a tiny bit stalking
Next part: Layover in Liverpool
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why does he remind me of Johnny
Layover in Glasgow
Being a flight attendant has always been your dream. You have already seen many places; unfortunately, not anything outside of Europe since Ryanair couldn't give you the luxury of layovers in LA, Shanghai, or Bali. It was still more than enough. This time, you could scratch Scotland off your bucket list.
And it was just like you imagined: cold, rainy, and beautiful. Instead of admiring nature, you found yourself in one of Glasgow's most famous pubs with your crew, drinking pints.
After a while, your best friend left, sneaking off with the captain to the bathroom—typical.
You wanted to pay your tab before a pretty handsome guy walked towards you and said, "Let me invite you to a drink before ya leave, bonnie."
God, he was the most handsome man you’d seen in a while. He was a bit short for your liking, but his ripped muscles and icy blue eyes definitely made up for it. "Sorry, I need to go; start early tomorrow,“ you sighed, not being able to flirt a bit more with this man.
"Where urr ye aff tae this late, anyway?“ He asked curiously; he was already ready to offer you a ride, but you looked like one of those girls who would call the police if he asked.
"Hotel,“ you replied shortly. If you were a bit less drunk, you’d probably tell him a lie, like to your boyfriend, so he would toss off, but he was cute, and your best friend left you for the captain anyway.
"Yer not from here, then, are you? You got a bit of the tourist in ya," he muttered.
"I'm not a tourist,“ you replied, bratty. Well, kinda you were, but kinda not, though.
"What brings you here, then?" Soap asked curiously as he shifted his weight on his legs, glancing down at the bar. He already liked you, beautiful and snarky. God,  he was down for you. "Business? Family? A lover?" He asked, his voice teasing a bit as he looked back at you. He really hoped and begged God that you hadn’t a lover over here.
"I'm a flight attendant.“
"A flight attendant..." Soap repeated slowly at first, taking a second to process that before a grin split across his face, imagining you in your uniform and how he would rip it apart. "Oh, so you're one of those ones who get to travel the world. Yer a lucky lass.“
„Mhm very lucky, my first layover in Glasgow“
Soap grinned at this, his blue eyes brightening with amusement as his gaze wandered back to you. "Yer first time in Scotland, eh? You have no clue how lucky you are.“ He leaned forward, almost into your personal bubble. "The accent, the history, the food—the women are a bit crazy, though," he admitted with a sheepish chuckle. Oh, how he could brag around having a girl like you by his squad; you had the exact body type Price would kill for, the exact attitude Kyle loved from a lass, and the height and confidence the Lt preferred. 
„And the men aren’t crazy here?“ You raised a brow; he seemed seemingly crazy with his mohawk and the way he was able to walk into your personal space. Thoughts about how you could pull on his hair while riding him lived rent-free in your head.
Soap burst out in a deep, rumbling laugh as you asked. "Oh, they're even crazier," he grinned, a cheeky glint in his icy blue eyes. "I don't reckon you'd like 'em all that much, to be honest. Most of 'em are either drunk, dumb, mean, or a combination of all three," Soap chuckled, his head tipping to the side.
"And you are drunk, dumb, or mean?“ Fuck, his eyes already got you memoized. Would it be really wrong to take him to the hotel just for a little fun? Maybe you could ride that beautiful face.
"Well I  cannae say ah'ament a' o' th' 'boon at time, but, ah reckon a'm' the most braw." Soap asserted, a self-satisfied smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. 
„You think of yourself as the most handsome?“ 
Soap smirked. "That's fur a'm." He maintained absolute confidence. "I could be the most arrogant person alive, and it'd still be true," he laughed. "I bet I'm the most handsome bloke you've ever seen.“
„So what's your name, arrogant handsome guy?“ 
"The handsome, arrogant guy in question would happen to be John 'Soap' MacTavish," he answered with a grin. You didn't even question that his nickname was a fucking cleaning product.
„Nice to meet you, John.“
"Aye, same here, but whit dae I  get the pleasure of cawin ye?"
You didn't want to answer this; you weren’t open to a relationship too much, and you were already hurt by your last ex-boyfriend idiot pathetic way too tall military guy.“Let me be honest, I'm not really into anything serious with my job, but if you want to come with me in my hotel room, I wouldn't mind.“
Soap blinked at your bluntness, the corner of his lips twitching as a grin spread across his face. "I wasn't looking for something serious, but I'm sure your hotel room wouldn't be too bad.“ Sleeping around was never a problem for Johnny; he was the one to get the most lays around his squad, mainly because Garrick didn't participate, Ghost scared lassies, and Price was too afraid to hurt the woman he liked. Soft little things with wide hips and round faces weren’t for his callused hands. He kind of wanted more from you than a lay; you were just so damn perfect, but he was sure you were just like every girl he slept with, telling him it was a one-night thing, but after six screaming orgasms, they all wanted to become Mrs. MacTavish.
You walked with him towards your hotel, his hand always around the end of your back, slowly gliding to your ample bottom, squeezing it through the tight skirt you wore.
Before you arrived at the hotel, you gave one last warning: „I don’t do relationships, only sex.“
Soap grinned at your bluntness. "Good, 'Cause that makes two of us; I'm not the kind to fall for someone. I'm too busy for all the emotions and nonsense crap," Soap said bluntly. "Just good fun. Nothing else.“ He practically copied his LT words, but you don’t need to know this. 
Soap followed you into the hotel room with a satisfied grin, closing the door silently behind him as he pressed you back onto the bed, one hand resting on your upper thigh as he leaned in for another kiss. His large hands quickly began running along your sides, tracing up along your back as his lips gently tugged at your bottom lip. “Ne'er bin wi' someone as tall or muscular as me?“
You laughed at that, unfortunately hurting his ego "You're the shortest guy I ever had sex with,“ and you didn't even lie, especially not after your 6’10 bastard of an ex-boyfriend. 
Soap laughed aloud at this, his accent practically rumbling as his grin grew. "There's no way you're tellin' me there's been a load of men taller than me. I'm six feet tall!" Soap complains, "Am I really the shortest?" His face grew kind of insecure, but if you only knew your moments, they would make him want you more.
„Yes, but don’t worry, your accent makes it up.“
„Mhm, like my accent?“ He smiled, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. 
„Good thing my accent is not the only thick thing about me,“ he replied with a smirk, removing his shirt and showing off his perfectly thick Lucious abs. You traced along the happy trail, eager to remove his pants, and he was right; he was incredibly thick. He wasn’t by any chance the biggest you had with his 7 solid inches but by far the thickest. His dick didn't spring up; it hung heavy and low with his angry leaking tip. You licked your lips, eager to finally have something other than your finger inside of your pleading hole.
„Like what you see, hen?“ He smirked, an arrogant Corky bastard, but somehow you liked it. 
He pulled you onto your back, pulling off your tight skirt and that long-sleeve top you wore. When he saw your body, all the dimples and curves and the beautiful stretch marks around your hips, he was gone. „Fuckin hell, bonnie could have told me what you hide under those clothes,“ his hand nervously fiddled over the lacy fabric of your bra, smirking when he saw your nipples hardening under his touch. „So eager for me?“ 
Without a thought, he wrapped his mouth around your clothed nipples, sucking them in and gently biting on them. You wanted to remove your bra, but he stopped you. „Shh, hen, that's a sight for next time.“ 
„There will be no next time, John.“
„Thalere wull always bee a next time hen,“ he said, and before you could argue with him, his lips were already around your clothed mound, licking over the blue lacy fabric. „Didn't need tae dress sae cute fur me hen,“ he lured against it, pressing his thick palms deeper into your clit making you moan and whimper like a feral cat. 
You couldn’t remember if you had shaved or not the last few days. "Johnny, I'm not entirely shaven down there." You warned him, afraid of his reaction. For most guys, it was an immediate no. Yes, for fucking, but no for licking, but he just looked at you with a devious smirk: „A'm mair hairy than a bear myself sae a dinnae mynd a bawherr locks aroond mah meal.“ With that, he removed your thong, completely placing the soft fabric of your thong next to his jeans so he could steal them on deployment, wanking himself on something better than the porn he had saved on his mobile phone. 
„Mhm, such a bonnie cunny you have,“ he purred and started to lick thick stripes from your hole to your clit, you weren’t the patient type, so you pulled on his mohawk directly to your clit, where you pressed him inside of you. „Not very patient, hen“ 
He finally stopped all the teasing and used his mouth for God, licking at your clit slowly sucking her in while working your pleading mound open, his thick digits always pressed against your gummy wall.
„Fuck Johnny“
„Mhm, so wet for me, hen.“ 
He licked at your cunt like it was the last meal he ever had. He slurped and moaned, God, he was a messy eater, his fingers pressed against the plush fat of your hips, holding you down so you didn't run away from the orgasm he tried to give you. As he inserted a third finger, pressing against the sweet spot, most men didn't find - it was over for you. 
You clenched around him, milking his thick finger for all of its worth, and experienced one of the most intense orgasms in your life. He pated some taps on your clit making you shake from the overwhelming feeling inside your tummy.
„God yere looking so bonnie when you cum,“ his eyes sparkled in admiration. He knew he had to have you for more than just a one-night thing.
„Do you have a condone, Johnny? I don’t have anything in your size.“ 
He could have just cum from that praise; he knew he was thick, but this was so fucking good to hear from you. "Aye,“ he said, wrapping the condom down on his shaft. His dick was a bit sad about not having the chance to fuck the most beautiful cunt he ever saw raw, but better than nothing. 
He slides his thick member across your mound over and over again, wetting him with your arousal. But you weren’t in for missionary, so you pulled him to his back and sat down on his lap. You wanted to glide on him, but the unconscious fear of being too heavy hit you. 
„Dinnae worry ah dae hip thrust hen“
With that, you straddled him, your legs working overtime to stretch around his big hips, and you glided yourself down on his delicious curved cock. He was surprised you could take him without any problems. God,  could that girl be any more perfect? 
You slowly rolled your hips on his, trying to find a movement where he hit the exact right spot. His hand grabbed your plump ass, guiding you up and down, needing to get some more friction out of you. He was already a needy whimpering mess, and you didn’t even begin fully.
„Please, bonnie move faster,“ he whimpered, and who were you to deny his cute whimpers?
He guided your hips up and down at a mean pace, searching for his orgasm; his dark black curls rubbed against your clit with every movement pulling you closer and closer to your awaiting release. 
Feeling you close to orgasm, Johnny moved a hand between your legs, rubbing your clit firmly as he continued to pound into you. His fingers circled your swollen bud, teasing it until you cried out incoherently. „Johnny"
Johnny groaned, feeling himself getting closer as well. He picked up the pace even more, slamming into you harder as he leaned forward to capture one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and biting gently through the fabric.
„Johnny, please, I'm close.“
Hearing your enthusiastic moans, Johnny let out a groan of relief as he felt his climax building. With one last hard thrust, he erupted inside of you, his cock pulsing as he shot his hot cum deep inside your wet cunt.
He panted heavily as you continued to ride him needy to reach your own orgasm. The familiar knot in your stomach started to build inside of you, and with a final slap of Johnny's finger, you came screaming his name as you began to squeeze his thick cock. 
You collapsed into each other, and he wrapped his thick arms around your body. "That was intense, bonnie“ his mouth kissing around your neck.
„Yes, it was great. Would you mind leaving now? I have my flight in for hours.“
„No cuddling?“ He said he was disappointed, and as you saw his puppy eyes, you almost couldn’t resist changing your mind, but you didn’t. 
„No, sorry,“ you said sternly. 
He pulled his pants and shirt on, leaving a paper with his number on the bedside table: "Call me, hen.“.
"Stop looking at your phone. She won't call you,“ the lieutenant said to Johnny. He annoyed them the whole last week, showing your picture all around and telling everyone how good he fucked you. Ghost couldn’t deny that he found you incredibly arousing, exactly like Price and Gaz.
„She will!“ 
„Maybe she needs someone older.“ Price chuckled.
On his bedside table lay a small paper Roaster July 2023 Y/N. 
Layover Glasgow 
Layover Milan 
Layover Liverpool 
Layover Paris
Layover Manchester
Layover London Stansted 
Whoever and wherever you are, doll, you can't escape us. Maybe you can leave Johnny, but you can't outrun me. In the end, you will choose one of us. I hope, for your sake, it's me. See you on your next layover.
Did I just made Reader a flight attendant since I always dreamt off being a flight attendant in London but Brexit said no ? Yes
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pricegouge · 2 months
Well, exactly one person interacted but that's all I need. Behold:
141 and piss play 🤭
I already talked about Ghost and Soap here but let's expand on that.
We all know Soap is desperate for you in any way he can get you, but his heart would probably just completely stop if you asked him to pee on you. You may as well have asked him to tattoo his bite mark on your ass as far as he's concerned. He's not one for setting up scenes, exactly, but when you get home from work one night to find about eleven empty jugs of water and a empty fucking kiddie pool in the living room, it finally dawns on you that you might've fucked up.
Simon's kink is incidental until it isn't - when he starts to associate it with you cumming hard enough to make you see god. He's always on the hunt for it now, pressing on your belly until he can feel himself moving within you, until he's shuddering right along with you when you get overwhelmed, releasing hot and wet across his belly and thighs.
You were hesitant to tell Gaz about your interest in the kink until he confidently proclaimed one night that he was a try anything twice kinda guy. You'd both been drinking, and you're at that floaty stage where just saying to hell with it and asking him how he'd feel about fucking you til you pissed yourself, or perhaps pissing on you. You'd been expecting some negotiation, some hesitancy. You got none. Kyle was too drunk to fuck you properly, but all the alcohol in his system made him need to pee like a racehorse every three minutes and he was eager to please so he pulled your to the shower right then and there, putting you on your knees and making you close your mouth and eyes. No need to rush into it, he figured, not when he'd already told you he'd be willing to try it at least once more. It's hotter than you'd expected - hotter even than the water from the shower head. It stinks, obviously, but the thrill of it, the degradation, has you begging him to try it again. "No problem, luv," he says, stroking his cock almost absently, whiskey dick preventing him from even properly fucking you after debasing you like this. "Nearly finished a bottle of tequila all on my own tonight. Just give me a minute and I can mark those pretty tits."
It's easy enough to know John's a controlling man, another thing entirely to accept this side of him. He's clever about it though; has clearly dealt with pushback from previous partners. You don't even realize what he's doing when he starts mainlining you water each night ("You look dehydrated, love. Tough day at work?), the tricky bastard. And you find it odd when he starts asking if you need to stop and use the restroom whenever the two of you are out and about but it never occurs to you what he's really doing, because how could it? What normal person tries to control their partner's bladder? But that's exactly what he's doing. Took you long enough to figure it out, but by the time he's telling you to wait until the next commercial break, you've run out of convenient excuses for him. "Have to pee now, John," you gripe, but he just smirks, caught - not at all ashamed. He tries explaining it away as a desire to watch you squirm, but you know him better than that. If John Price wanted to make you squirm he would simply do it. No need for the delayed satisfaction of plying you full of liquids first. Still, you don't realize exactly what he's after until he nearly beats you over the head with it - stops your squirming with a firm palm pressed against the apex of your thighs at the next commercial break, exactly when he'd said. He's mean about it, pressing into your full bladder just as much as he coos at you about it all being okay, that he'll reward you real prettily if you just do as he says.
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diejager · 9 months
Can you do a chubby reader? Asking for me 👉👈
Unconditional Cw: body shame, fluff, protective Gaz, self-hate, tell me if I missed any.
You often wondered to yourself why Kyle was still with you, someone unlikable, someone unfitting of the universal standards, someone so clumsy and so self-conscious —someone so fat. You weren’t like him, an adonis walking in the human world, his beautiful brown eyes, so warm and adoring, his smooth skin in the prettiest shade of chocolate that had you salivating and his smile, oh did it make you swoon, eager to drop on your knees for a man like him to give you a second of his attention.
Yet you wouldn’t have to beg for him, to drop to te ground with pleas when he already did it, whispering lovely things to you while he kept his eyes on you, never fleeting towards anyone else as if you were his whole world —you were. He loved you; he adored you, willing to do anything for a smidgen of your time, a small, tender smile of your pretty lips, the softness of your thighs and your warm body, always keeping him safe in the cool, winter times. He made sure to voice his devotion, speaking loudly and proudly how he loved you, unbothered by the venomous and envious stares of picture-perfect women with a model-like complexion. You held a piece of his heart as much as he had yours.
You told yourself that you were just lucky to find yourself someone so accepting, and he would tell you that this was fate, that he was bound to find you and fall head over heels for you despite your imperfections and queerness. He placed you on a pedestal that he was unwilling to let you move from, the shining star in his life, the gem in his eyes. He was chivalrous, a gentleman in today’s standards, treating you so well and confessing his love whenever he could. He took you out and fought to pay for you, reasoning that he was better paid than you and that he had to since he was the one who invited you (despite your exasperated complaints about wanting to repay him without depending on him soo much).
Perhaps that’s why your appreciation bloomed so brightly in your heart in moments like these, his beautiful face screwed in an offended frown, brows pinched and lips curled down. He showed his annoyance through small ticks: gritting his teeth, playing with his hands or jerking his foot beneath the table, but they were so small, inconsequential that most people ignored it for his pretty face.
“Hey, is this seat taken?” The woman - stranger - who’d approached your table looked like a model, a slim hourglass bodice, swaying breasts and round hips. She walked with confidence, her face curled with an air of sensuality and pride, so sure of herself when she had a perfect body.
Despite Kyle’s unamused expression, his eyes dulling, she fluttered her lashes, beating her long, doe extensions, expecting him to tell her what she wanted to hear. She’d probably been given everything she’s ever wanted, using her seductive appearance to garner attention and material with lower men, lonely and tired men, but Kyle Garrick was none of them, he was soft, he was gentle and he was sympathetic, much more human than people would give him credit for, for being a SAS soldier.
“Yes, sorry,” his tone was mellow, hiding well his distaste for her blatant ignorance of you, pushing you aside to make herself the center of his attention. She liked basking in attention. “I’m on a date.”
Her expression tore between shock and offensiveness, hardly containing her scoff when she glanced at you, chubby cheeks, round eyes and softer curves than her sharpness. Her narrowed eyes and little sneer made you flush in embarrassment, the shame boiling in your guts with a destructive self-consciousness about your weight and appearance. You avoided her gaze, preferring to stare at your fumbling hands, fingers knotting together in a mix of anxiety and hate. Kyle caught that.
“Are you-”
“I bloody am,” it was blunt, coldly snapping at her. It shocked the both of you, your demure boyfriend changed for something vicious and guarding. His usually comfortable and easily-approachable character became tall and imposing, someone you wouldn’t want to anger as he completely ignored her in favour of reaching out for you, taking your hands in his soft and warm ones. “Excuse us, but we have places to go.”
Rounding the table, he walked you out, arm wrapped around your pudgy stomach, the rolls plush under his hold, kneading your hip in soothing comfort. He leaned over to place a soft kiss on your forehead, smiling at your avoiding eyes, flushed and oh, so in love with the man you dated.
“Don’t worry, darling. You’re the only one in my eyes.”
He brushed away that pretty girl for you. It made your heart throb hotly, something warm weighing on your chest. It didn’t hurt, rather, it soothed your ache and fears, washing away the dark clouds of doubt and hate that hung over you.
Perhaps you truly were fated to be together.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi
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141+Alejandro, Rodolfo, Konig Being With Their Partner Reader Who Is Plus Size
TW: Fluff, SFW, Implied Sex, Bodily Insecurities Mentioned, Mentions Of Being Self Conscious, A LOT Of Love, Mentions Of Self Confidence
Reblogs And Comments Are Highly Appreciated!!!! :)
Simon "Ghost" Riley:
In my opinion, I don't think size matters to him. He's old enough to look past those things
He's more focused on your personality. The way you are a person
He really loves your thighs. They bring him so much joy.
He definitely loves it more when they are wrapped around his head
For real though, he loves you regardless of your size, shape, weight etc. He doesn't really think much of it anyways
If someone gives you looks or starts talking bad, it won't end well for the next person
Loves cuddling with you. He keeps warm when cuddling and to him, it helps him sleep better
Whenever he gets called for duty, he wishes he could bring with him for company (also to cuddle because he loves it)
Really loves squeezing your body. My god, if any part of your skin is exposed, he will grab and squeez
Simon loves kissing your stretch marks. He tells you that they are beautiful
He loves for when you are on top of him. It grounds him but also reminds him that you are here, this is real.
He can't blame any of the task force for looking at you. You are gorgeous
Simon will always tell you how beautiful you are and don't ever be insecure about your body
John "Soap" Mactavish:
Absolutely FERAL for you
Like Ghost, size isn't a big deal to him. He wants to actually get to know you. Your personality is everything
LOVES gripping and running his fingers over your thighs or stomach. He trails his fingers along your stretch marks or rolls
He feels sad whenever you start talking about your insecurities and your body. He'll tell you that he thinks you are beautiful regardless
Soap reminds you that you are his girl and only his. Fuck what everyone else says
He loves laying his head on your thighs and kissing them. He also really loves your curvy waist
If someone says anything or
Loves tracing your curves with his hands as he's kissing you or 🤭
Really likes seeing you in skirts. He loves seeing your thighs like that. It looks really sexy to him
Regardless not the intent, sexual or not, he loves having you on top of him or sitting on his lap
He'll wrap his arms around your waist or grab your ass the whole time
He doesn't care that you are bigger than him. He wants to know you are here with him. You aren't going anywhere
Calls you his "Bonnie or beloved"
John "Captain" Price:
He loves you regardless of what you look like. Size, shape or weight doesn't mean anything to him
I said before and I'll say it again, he's also old enough to look past those things. He wants to get to know you as a person
Like Ghost, he's confused why you are self conscious and insecure about yourself
Will literally kiss every inch of your body (sexually or not), to prove to you that you are worth loving, there's more to love
He will always remind you that it's ok to be bigger than your partner. It's normal and ok
LOVES your thighs,hips and ass
He loves the way your hips look. The way it's perfectly curvy and gives you an hourglass look (he finds it extremely sexy)
Your ass is probably the best to him too. He will slap it or grip it hard when you are on top of him or just being next to him (sexually or not)
Also loves tracing your curves with his fingers as he kisses you or your body
Sometimes, he thinks it illegal to look at you because you are so beautiful
He also likes seeing you when you wear skirts or tight dresses. He loves how it shows off your body and curves
Cuddling with you makes him feel warm and loved. He doesn't ever want to stop cuddling
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick:
First off, He's so down bad for you
Even though he is younger, he doesn't really think that you being plus size makes you any different from everyone else
He's focused on your personality and knows that there's more to love about you
Cuddling with you is the best. He loves holding you against him
Kyle LOVES your waist and how perfectly curvy your hips are. It's his favorite place to set his hands
Will literally kiss every inch of your body and stretch marks while telling how beautiful you are
Kyle loves it when your confidence stands out whenever you're going out. He thinks it's really sexy
He'll rub your thighs if you are on top of him
Your stretch marks are sexy to him (he thinks they make you look badass)
He'll never pressure you into losing weight. It's your choice and your body
Ass man (no explanation needed 🤭)
He's proud to show you off at his girl and the love of his life
He talks about you to the task force (they sometimes get annoyed but understand that he's happy)
Alejandro "Colonel" Vargas:
First off, He's literally the best man and lover
Alejandro has been around plus size woman/ curvy women most of his life
In fact, he loves it A LOT
Literally will kiss your body and tell you im Spanish how much he loves your body
Especially when you're on top of him or you have your legs wrapped around his chest or head
Regardless of what you look like, he loves you very much and finds the beauty in all of you
Loves when you wear loose t-shirts (he gets the perfect view of your body)
He's very proud and isn't afraid to show you off as his. The team sometimes gets annoyed with it but understands he's happy
Praises you and your body as he kisses you passionately
Loves rubbing your thighs when you're on top of him
If someone starts giving you looks or talking bad, he won't hesitate to start a fight with them (he's protective over you)
Likes looking down at your waist. He loves how curvy it is and how he can wrap his hands over it
If you're feeling confident, he thinks that's really sexy on you
Rodolfo "Second-In-Command" Parra:
First off, PROTECT HIM 🥹
He tends to look past those kinds of things. He doesn't mind what you look like regardless of weight, shape and size
He will give you heart eyes and a smile every time he looks at you because you are beautiful to him
Like if you're insecure about certain parts of your body, he will kiss over them that are anywhere on your body
As he does this, he's praising you in Spanish by telling you how beautiful you are, how sexy you are to him
He especially loves it when your confidence comes out (it's sexy and a big turn on for him)
If anyone ever says anything, he does not hesitate to say something and call them out on it
Will talk about you for hours In front of his colleagues (he's not ashamed of it and is very proud to call you his goddess)
His colleagues get annoyed sometimes with it but don't ever complain because they know he's in love
Rudy would never force you into losing weight. It's your body and your choice. He loves you for who you are
Cuddling with you is the best and wishes he could just lay in bed all day with you and stroking your waist
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :)
He loves cradling your waist when you are standing with him and he's behind you
He'll love you regardless of what you look like
Most importantly, he'll always let you know how beautiful you are and that you don't have to change a thing about yourself
Your thighs are his treasure. He loves laying on them or putting his hands on them
Adores when you wear long socks or a skirt
Literally will not keep his hands off you. He wants you to feel loved
Cuddling with you is everything for him. It keeps him sane, and gives him comfort
He loves when you sit on his lap. He'll run his hands over your thighs or waist
He won't shut up about you to his colleagues. His colleagues sometimes get annoyed with it but understands that he's happy with you
He wants your legs wrapped around his head ( if yk yk 😉)
If anyone ever says anything, he won't hesitate to do something about it
Will praise you German on how sexy you are and how much he loves your curves
He stares at your waist. He thinks it's really hot
Taglist: @andreas-river @deadbranch @dressycobra7 @ghostslillady
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spiderrmax · 3 months
SHIT IM SO sorry LMFAO 🌼 20 kyle broflovski pleasee💀💀💀🙏
🌼 20: clumsy attempts at flirting
word count: 640 author's note: LMAO you are so good nonny!! just wanted to get what you wanted :) i also wrote a small drabble based on your original ask (rivals to lovers) & tried to incorporate the trope here but it was not working also kyle is the only one clumsily flirting. he's the best representation of hopeless romantic but no game there is.
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Kyle hates the feeling of having a crush. Knows from his adolescence that his romantic endeavors seemed doomed from the start. He is also aware of Cartman’s never ending enjoyment in ruining his life, and knows that these things are more likely to crash and burn.
Even so, you are always on his mind. With how you wait for him to tie his shoes, ask about his family, seem to care about his religion. Your interactions have a softness he isn’t familiar with, everyone around him seemingly made out of harsh edges. He doesn’t want to lose you, can already feel the way you are starting to erode his jagged walls.
Kyle only went to Kenny with his dilemma, aware of his promising history with romance, even if Kenny is driven more by lust. He was his best shot.
(“Just be yourself, but more confident. Like, lean up against a wall. You’re tall, they’ll like that. You don’t give yourself enough credit.”)
Kenny’s advice is all that rings in Kyle’s mind as he finds you in the hall. The last bell just rang, and you will be at your locker. Luckily, it seems to just be you who needs to be grabbing books, which gives Kyle ample space to follow Kenny’s gospel.
Leaning against the locker is horrendously awkward, one of the hinges digging into his shoulder. He feels stupid, but doesn’t have a chance to straighten out because you are shutting your locker door and closing the one thing separating the two of you.
You jump, startled by his presence, but that fear alleviates when you notice who it is. “Oh! Hi Kyle. Do you need something?” 
(“You could try a pick up line. But I don’t think you’re smooth enough. Maybe ask them for coffee. A study date is horrendously boring but could work for you.”)
“Are you free this afternoon?” It takes him a moment to reply, trying to stop the words from getting stuck in his throat. He doesn’t understand how you can look so beautiful even after getting up at 6 in the morning and being inside of this school for 8 hours. It makes it hard to think, when you look like that.
You pause to think, holding your few books close to you. “Yeah! I was just going to do some assignments due later this week. Why? Do you need something?”
Kyle wonders if you can see the blush on his face; he can feel it. “Uh. No. I mean, yeah. I just…” His voice trails off, and he fumbles a bit around as he stands straight up, feeling more like himself without the attempt to replicate Kenny’s cool persona. 
“Do you want to get coffee with me?” He finally asks, and he can’t breathe until you respond.
“Aw, Kyle, I’d love too,” You start, and he tries to get ready for the familiar taste of rejection, “But I don't have my wallet with me.”
His shoulders sag, and he can’t believe he was that tensed up. He lets out a deep breath, not rejected. Of course you’d feel bad for not having money, and would want to pay even though he asked you.
“I don’t mind paying,” Kyle smiles, and he should thank Kenny later for the coffee date suggestion. 
You grin even brighter and nod, “If you’re sure. I’ll just pay for the next date.” After that you begin walking to the parking lot, laughing as you hear him stutter a response and jog to catch up with you. Ever the gentleman, he offers to take your books. You let him, knowing how much the small gesture probably means to him. 
If his hands weren’t full, you’d probably be holding his hand, warm and presumably sweaty from anxious he was. It wouldn’t matter, and there will always be a next time.
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bouncyballcitadel · 1 month
"Chance Encounter" - A Short Snippet
For raffle winner @riseandshine-pudgey. Vic and Dr. Sloan end up in the same restaurant.
You are not a social person.
You hate parties, you hate crowds. If it were up to you, you'd stay at home - try out new pasta recipes, drink a glass of wine. Small talk is your anathema. Running into coworkers outside of the hospital - the bane of your existence.
Precisely why you eat at Christine's on Mondays. Christine's is already a hole-in-the-wall, which is to your advantage. And, let's be honest - no one goes out to eat on a Monday. This ends up being a perfect combination for you, your very own date night: a tiny pocket of time that's wholly your own.
Just you, a glass of red, and a plate of truffle gnocchi.
...Except today.
Because today, just before you're about to spear your first gnocchi, the bell above the door jingles. And in she walks - none other than Dr. Ivy Sloan.
You're pretty sure Dr. Sloan doesn't think about you. And you don't think about her either. Ever since the...spat you got into your first year, the two of you have stayed in separate orbits. You weren't going to change for her, and she had given up on changing you. You were never going to be the warm and fuzzy type, the type to pull up a chair, to hold someone's hand. You weren't a heartless bastard - you just...didn't believe in adornments.
Competence. Skill. Drive.
Those are the skills you've cultivated during your training. And...fine, you've smoothed out some of your rougher edges too, if only to appease the powers that be.
As you watch Dr. Sloan take a seat at the other end of the room, you fight the urge to shift in your seat. You know she'll see you eventually - you're not exactly short - but you want to delay the moment as much as possible. Once she sees you, once the two of you mutually acknowledge each other's existence, any sense of privacy on your end will be lost. You know, inevitably, that you'll feel perceived. That your chances of enjoying your truffle gnocchi and your glass of red wine at ease will infinitely diminish.
If only it were anyone else. If it were Jay, for example - he'd probably sit with you, but you could tolerate that. Or, if it were Dr. Saxon - the two of you could just ignore each other. But, because it's her - because of what she means to Peter, you can't just put her aside.
It's no secret that Peter and Dr. Sloan are close friends. And, you're sure there's a side to Dr. Sloan that you're not privy to. But if Peter trusts her, confides in her, shows his true self to her - and she can't stand you, then what does that say about your and Peter's relationship?
People tend to surround themselves with similar people. It's no shock to you that throughout your life, you've called more than one Kyle your friend. But you and Dr. Sloan are complete opposites. And, you like to think that you're more than just another resident to Peter.
But, who's to say? Maybe the rumors are overstated, of you being Peter's "favorite." Maybe the way he treats you, spends time with you, believes in you - it's all in the name of mentorship. Maybe the glimpses you think are the real Peter aren't glimpses at all.
You drink from your glass - a larger mouthful than you bargained for - and immediately almost aspirate. You manage to swallow the wine, the smallest of mercies, but you know already when you look back that Dr. Sloan's gaze will have turned on you.
Your eyes meet and before you can strategize what the best next move would be, she inclines her head in the smallest of nods.
Amanda brings her a glass of wine - so she's a fan of reds, too.
You nod back. And she turns her gaze back to her menu.
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violet-harmon2011 · 5 months
the evans ideal date
a/n: i know some of these are not totally canon - just let me live out my fantasies in peace lol
p.s. i love you all, thank you for reading!! pls lmk if any of these seem incorrect, i haven't revisted some seasons in a while. also please send me requests or just any evan peters related thoughts lol 🤗😚
all photos are from pinterest <3
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evan peters
i have a feeling he would love going to the movies
or building a pillow fort and watching one in your living room
he has mentioned in an interview that he would watch anything just to eat buttered popcorn and candy and drink soda lol
if it were up to him, he’d prob pick a rom com but he’s also up for a good horror film every once in a while
if you went to the theater, he would definitely wanna sit in the back and make out
if you're at home, he would wanna cuddle and would let you lay your head on his chest until you eventually fall asleep together
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tate langdon
i feel like he would wanna take a walk around the neighborhood after dark, you know, escape the house for a bit
he'd def wanna hold your hand
shares an earbud with you
listening to your shared playlist on your ipod
would give you his sweater if you got cold
would walk on the side closest to the road to protect you
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kit walker
most days the he's too tired after work & you just wanna stay in
would wanna bake with you!!!
and would it turn into a steamy makeout sesh on the countertop? ...and potentially something more? 100%
but seriously, he just loves spending time with you after a long day at work
cooking with you, holding you, kissing you, cuddling you
when he's able to save up to take you somewhere special, he'll ask you out to the movies or a nice restaurant or even the county fair
overall just a lovesick puppy who is head over heels for you
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kyle spencer
would want you with him at any parties he has to attend
but would much rather prefer spending time alone with you
would wanna take the bus out of town to escape for a little while
loooves picnic dates with you
would get the maid's help to make a bunch of food to bring
could relax under a tree with you for hours
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jimmy darling
would take you to a diner in town
would wear gloves and try to pretend he was normal for you
but you would take none of that, holding his hands with nothing but a proud smile on your face
he would definitely feel 100x more confident after that
your reward would be waiting for you in his trailer that night ;)
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james patrick march
would settle for having a nice dinner with you in his room and taking you to bed afterward
but would also be open to doing wtv you want
would ask you if you wanna get a drink at the hotel bar or have dinner at a nice restaurant if you’re tired of the hotel
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kai anderson
going out with kai is a rare occasion
most of the time, you’re lucky if he lets you sit in his lap while he’s doing cult work late at night
but every once in a while (especially on nights he wants to try for his messiah baby) he’ll ask you out
god forbid you make a big deal about it or even tell anyone other than winter
“get changed, i’m taking you out in five”
is really the kai equivalent of “do you wanna go out tonight, my gorgeous princess?”
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peter maximoff
shows up to your house, hiding behind a bouquet he picked for you
would wanna go to an arcade
beats you at every game
then he feels bad so he wins you a teddy from the claw machine that is absolutely impossible to win at
would take you out to eat after
nothin fancy probably just a diner or somewhere cozy
he cannot afford it but you don’t need to know that
would split a milkshake with you <3
afterwards, he has the zoomies so he gives you superfast piggyback rides
made you matching goggles in your fav color for protection :)
would wanna run around target at 1am pushing each other in shopping carts until you’re both kicked out lol
makes you playlists and loves sharing his music with you
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warren lipka
would wanna drive around, get drunk, do it over again
no but seriously, he'd just be content driving nowhere, windows down, screaming some song that makes him feel "alive"
would take you to the gas station or some cheap diner
would love taking random road trips together & finding adventure
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alex (adult world)
would love to take you to a museum if you're down
if you're a writer, he would come to poetry readings & book signings with you
loves going to the art store/bookstore
would also be down to just rent a film from adult world & chill at home if yk what i mean 😉
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