#oh well hopefully this satisfies the itch you wanted to scratch!
whiskeyswifty · 1 year
I think what Taylor has is that she has the appeal of both a pop star and an indie artist
I’ve seen this notion make the rounds and I think I see the vision but I’m not sure I totally agree. Maybe I do agree but I just word it differently? idk if i'd call her indie, or the appeal being an "indie" appeal. indie is a combination of both the musical style that is provocative, messy, and challenging the structure of songwriting and sometimes even singing. and how the small scale operational side creates the musical style out of necessity, but that's just me being nitpicky i think. still, that feedback loop and ecosystem is kind of essential to something being indie or even indie-esque and the genre of music it produces. i think what she is instead is singer/songwriter, which a lot of people conflate with indie. sometimes they overlap, but most of the time they're just lumped together incorrectly, especially these days. the main difference is i think indie artists make music that is more experimental in sound and thereby prickly at times. they're not as concerned with resonance as they are with creating unique sounding music that challenges what sounds "nice" and "enjoyable", which sounds pretentious as fuck but it's true and also important to art in general imo. it tends to lean more towards the punk rock sensibility of an all encompassing sound that makes you feel instead of any particular lyrics, which are there to prop up the sound for the most part and can often be nonsensical or stream of consciousness. whereas a singer/songwriter leans more towards palatable, dare i say pretty music that draws you in because the main focus is their lyrics. they're telling you something. they seek emotional resonance with an audience as their main priority, leaning more towards a pop sensibility in that way. Taylor is definitely the latter in my eyes (and ears), and so indie feels like not a great fit for her ultimately.
but i do see what you mean so i'm more partial to saying she has a "small business" appeal. she's selling you pop that is pretty broad and familiar but you feel like because she offers you the illusion of having a direct line to a human person, taylor swift herself. that you're getting an intimate and specific brand of that broad and familiar thing in return. executed excellently of course, but still broad and vague. so that killer combo; she makes products that are broad enough that they appeal to everyone and draw large crowds, creating a line out the door, but also people are willing to wait for what is essentially a vague/broad thing because she makes you think that what she offers is hand crafted just for you and only she can give it to you. And i think her songs are yes about her life..... technically. but look at the lyrical content and you'll find they're very very vague for the most part (with a few exceptions). rarely does she name places, people, or even specific event details, and when she does they're very commonplace. wine, perfume, windows, movies, cars, bars, bedrooms, doorsteps, etc. but while the subjects and settings are vague, it's the emotions she is able to verbalize that are hyper-specific. how it feels to wants someone you shouldn't want, the guilt of feeling alone in a crowded room of people who love you, the self hatred of missing someone who betrayed you, the paranoia that leads to the longing to run away with someone where nobody can judge you, etc. because hyper specific details and situations are not relatable, but nearly all human emotions are. its a very masterful illusion of specificity where you line up a bunch of specific motifs or visuals to make the story feel small and intimate, but the things you choose are actually commonplace. and this is on purpose!! the emotions are pinpoint specific because that's what makes you feel seen and draws you in, as everyone feels the same things but we all think we're the only ones who feel them, and then the setting is ultimately vague enough so you can project yourself into and onto it. she could be talking about your street or your bedroom or your high school so you feel like you could be right there next to her. that's secret to the success of broad pop!
With how small her operation is, given that it's all in house and mainly her family and a few key players compared to the village it takes to manage other popstars, she technically and comparably is indie in that way! the thing is most of the time, a genuinely small/indie artist operates like this out of the inability to pay anyone to help, but she does it by choice. she has a MOUNTAIN of cash she sits on because she may operate with a small team but also outputs broad pop that, due to her small team, then has MASSIVE margins that go right into her pocket. thats the only real genuine indie thing about her, but either way, that's not what you're tapping into when you feel that small artist appeal. it feels like she's a small business because she makes it feel like she's on the other side of the counter, offering her songs to you out of the palm of her hand. that illusion of intimacy and human connection that she's able to facilitate despite being the most untouchable person in the world. indie music isn't about direct human connection like that, not on the whole. again, that's conflating indie with singer/songwriter which is about that human connection. and she is both yes! a pop star that injects singer/songwriter human outreach and connection into that pop. a gourmet creme patissiere whipped up by an extraordinarily deft and patient hand, piped into a simple and common glazed donut. and i'll take two dozen please. that's the unique magic of her.
in the end i think we agree conceptually, i'm just very prickly when it comes to the word indie because i don't feel like that's quite right.
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tainted-wine · 4 years
The Spring Bird Survival Guide
Hawks x Reader (NSFW)
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(So many of you have asked for a part two of my rutting Hawks fic. I gave in! I have no idea how this holds up compared to the first, but I hope you enjoy!)
Read Part 1 if you haven’t! This takes place directly after those events!
Words: 10k (WHOOPS)
Warnings: None, except for an absurd amount of scene transitions that hopefully don’t get too confusing.
The chorus of songbirds can be heard right outside of Hawks’s window, their small shapes dashing past and making the peeking sunlight flicker across the bedroom. It sounds like it’s gonna be a beautiful day. He’d be elated, if he wasn’t feeling so ill already.
The fever and itch were coming back, like a hot rash that he couldn’t scratch because it was inside of him. He was really hoping to never feel such a hellish sensation ever again.
He slowly peeled the thick sheets off, making sure not to disturb his bedmate as he sat up. There’s no way the quirk’s effects were returning, is there? Last night, the feeling had only gotten weaker with every passing hour. Now it has returned, not in full force, but once again difficult to ignore. He peered over his shoulder to check on his guest.
You were still sound asleep, worn body supported by pillows all over as if you were in danger of falling apart. While Hawks was healing that night, your aches had only gotten worse. He at least managed to convince you that you were in no condition to drive back home and the safer choice was to stay at his place. You were still wearing the clothes he gave you, while he himself donned only a cozy pair of pants. Such a shame that you didn’t take kindly to his request to sleep nude together. Seriously, what was even the issue? He’s already seen every inch of your body, and in every angle possible.
Every hot, sweaty, mouthwatering angle possible.
The internal fire suddenly rushed to his groin, making him slap a hand over his mouth to muffle a groan. He shouldn’t be around you in this state; might as well get up early and prepare for work.
The moment he was on his feet and stretching, a buzz was heard on the nightstand. Your phone vibrated against the smooth wood as it lit up and revealed the caller’s name.
Ah, the good ol’ deputy.
What that nagging old man wanted was between him and you. It wasn’t Hawks’s right to force himself between whatever matters the two of you had to discuss.
Those facts aren’t going to stop his nosy ass, however.
The phone was snatched from the stand without a second thought, the hero walking out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible before answering. “Mornin’, sir,” Hawks greeted. You were the only ‘superior’ he could toy with; any unruly behavior around the actual important people came with a high risk of punishment. Taking his frustrations out on you has been a blast, but after the bind you freed him from yesterday…
“Hawks? May I ask what you’re doing with your handler’s phone?” The deputy questioned.
‘I completely wrecked her last night. The poor lady didn’t survive.’ He considered the joke for a second, but decided that the stuffy bastard wouldn’t appreciate it. “She’s still snoozing. Yesterday was pretty rough on her. I think she deserves a little slack.”
“That’s not for you to decide,” he said sternly, like he was offended that Hawks dared to make a suggestion. Hell, he probably was. “Well, since you’re here, I suppose I can ask you directly. How are you feeling? Has the quirk worn off?”
His wings flapped and fanned himself. “Oh, so much better, sir! You guys have the best solutions to everything, don’t you? Never doubted you for a second.” Truthfully, if his moral compass was more stable, he’d say that offering an unsuspecting woman to him like some maiden sacrifice was just a little twisted. He can’t help but wonder if he would have refused if he was thinking straight at the time.
“Very good. So you are not feeling any lingering effects? Do your usual rutting symptoms feel stronger at all?”
“Eh…” Hawks hesitated. Should he bother trying to hide it? If there’s anything he’s learned from his mentally taxing undercover work, it’s that half-truths are often the best answer. “Feels like it’s still floating around in me, but nothing to worry about. It won’t be getting in the way of my work.”
“That’s great to hear. We don’t want you hurting your image with any more of your brutish displays in public. Please keep those special traits to yourself.”
That made his lip twitch. It really shouldn’t bother him. The Commission has always expressed their distaste for his more animalistic habits, but fuck, would it kill them to at least show some pity when it’s his very own instincts that are causing his suffering? “You got it, sir.” His calm response didn’t betray his irritation.
“And if you do start having issues, then I recommend that you turn to your handler again. In fact, I was calling to inform her that we have found a more competent individual to replace her.”
Oh. That’s…ouch.
“Really? I kinda like her,” Hawks admitted. It’s pretty awkward to be discussing your possible termination on your phone during a call that was meant for you.
The deputy gave a dry laugh. “Of course you do. She has absolute zero control over you. I was hoping you were mature and disciplined enough to not take advantage of her inexperience, but I suppose I was expecting too much of you.”
Yeah, he kinda was, honestly. No argument there. “So sorry, sir. I won’t let it happen again.” Maybe.
“You better make sure of it. As I was saying, we’ll keep her around in case you are in need of more relief. Once your hormones have stabilized, I will give her the news and you will be rid of her.”
Hawks actually snorted from just how fucked up that plan was.
The cruel man ignored the sound and went on. “Can I trust you to stay quiet about this? I’d rather not have to deal with any constant badgering for however long this goes on.”
‘Totally! There’s no need for her to know that she’s only being kept around to be my fucktoy and then get fired immediately afterwards.’ Man, what an organization that he works for. Too bad they have him whipped and incapable of defying them. “Your secret’s safe with me, sir.”
“Good. Well, this call didn’t go as planned, but it was satisfying enough. I’m expecting you to remain in top condition during your duties. Do not disappoint us.” He hung up without waiting for Hawks’s response.
The winged man didn’t even notice the perspiration quickly coating his body until the phone nearly slipped out of his slick hands. As he returned to his room and placed your device back where it was, he couldn’t help but watch your sleeping form.
You were always cute, he’s not gonna lie about that. Finding new ways to embarrass you on the job became a new type of thrill for him. Your blushful glares never got old.
But he never thought that he’d see you like this, or the state that you were in yesterday. His mind was barely there as he was shrouded in that prankster of a villain’s quirk, but he could still feel you all over his extra sensitive feathers. He was practically drowning in you at the time.
The smell of your arousal. The taste of the glaze on your pussy. The sweet songs of pleasure. The look of overwhelming bliss on your face.
Your soft skin, and your hot wet opening that he wanted to invade over and over again…
He doesn’t know when you woke up, or when the hell he crawled into the bed with his face so close to yours that he could feel your breath. “Uh…”
“Are you alright? You’re looking feverish again. And…” You looked down in concern, and Hawks followed your gaze to see the full erection that totally snuck up on him.
“Whoa! Sorry about that! Little guy doesn’t know when to quit.” Hawks scooted away, trying and failing to hide the tent in his pants.
You attempted to sit up, only to wince and settle back down. “Dammit, I can’t believe how much I’m hurting from yesterday. This is embarrassing.” You groaned and snuggled up to the many pillows.
He couldn’t resist planting a kiss on your forehead, ignoring how the brief contact made his hardness twitch. “Sorry, angel. Really wish I wasn’t such an animal back there. Just stay still; I’ll get you some fresh water for your painkillers.”
You look like you wanted to say something, but decided on closing your eyes and trying to relax instead. “Thanks.”
He was already rushing out of the room, heading into the kitchen to fill the empty glass while considering dowsing himself in the cold tap water.
Why, why the fuck was it coming back? Just looking at you was making his vision foggy again. It can’t be his rut; it never made him this excited before. He didn’t have the courage to return to the bed, alternatively placing the cup onto a hardened feather and floating it back to you. He stayed where he was, leaning against the sink and wiping at his face. The heat remained at a manageable level as long as he kept his distance from you, but he wanted to stay close. He had to stay close and protect the woman he was now mated to.
Wait, what?
“Keigo?” He heard you call out and was pulled from his confusing thoughts. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Hawks gave a laugh that didn’t sound all that convincing to his own ears. “Bad news, babe. I think I’m still a horny bird,” he confessed.
There was a pause. Maybe you had taken a sip. “I don’t know if they told you, but when the deputy explained your…situation, he said that the symptoms of your rut will probably be amplified until it’s over.”
Ah, the old man did mention that over the phone. He only had about a week of his yearly phase left, but if this all means intensified aggression and arousal, not to mention the attachment to the lady he just banged for several hours…
This was going to be a very difficult week.
“Babe?” He said just loud enough for you to hear.
“…I really fucked up by not taking my meds, didn’t I?”
He didn’t exactly hear your sigh, but it was still felt through his wings. “I’m afraid you did.”
Yeah, this was all his fault. This bullshit would only be half as painful if he was still taking his stupid hormone medication like he has been for years. Not only do these unrestrained imbalances feel foreign to his body, but Libido’s quirk practically put them on steroids.
The medicine’s side effects don’t sound all that bad anymore.
Hawks had already eaten a slice of leftover pizza by the time you finally mustered up the strength to get up. The feel of your entire lower body cramping made you whimper and stumble.
He was already scrambling back in to catch you and hold you up, his high body temperature startling you. “Thank you,” you said wearily.
He froze for a second before jumping back, the sudden loss of support almost making you fall anyway. He wordlessly strutted over to his wardrobe, withdrawing a fresh pair of underwear. 
You looked away when the pants were pulled down and his hardness sprang free. He’s not just going to ignore that, is he?
“Keigo, do you need to…do this…again?” You asked, tuning out the throb of your muscles.
He chuckled as he began to dress himself . “You are not up for more sex, baby. Don’t even act like it when you can barely stand.”
You huffed. “You’re getting really hot again and you shouldn’t go out feeling like th—”
“Nope.” His boner is covered again, somewhat. He stares at the obvious protrusion before shrugging and retrieving his hero outfit.
Even with your aches, you had the grit to push on. “As long as you go slow, I can probably handle it.”
“Mmmm, can’t promise that,” he murmured while momentarily detaching his wings in order to squeeze into his tight black shirt. “The second I’m inside you, I might lose control and shatter your pelvis.”
That’s horrifying, but… “I trust you.”
“I don’t trust me.”
“And don’t get too attached to that name, dove. Can’t have it slipping out in public.”
“I wouldn’t do that. I’m not stupid.”
“Could’ve fooled me, since you’ve offered me your tender pussy twice already. Do you want me to pound you into mush?”
“Language, Hawks!” You strictly reminded him, undeterred by your wobbly legs as you tried to remind him who was in charge.
Hawks shot you a look, his face crinkled into furrowed eyebrows and a crooked grin, a look that screamed ‘Seriously?’
“Listen, ma’am, wood happens. I’ve dealt with it plenty of times like any other guy, so I’m telling you that I don’t need to bang to get rid of this.” He pulled up his tan loose pants, the bulge not as obvious, but still visible. “But if you really insist on ordering me to fuck you silly, be my guest.”
You weren’t exactly going to do that, it’s just that Hawks was acting so unfazed by his strong arousal, but his body was very clearly telling a different story. His breathing was heavier than necessary, and every time after he made eye contact with you, it’s like he had to spend a minute to compose himself. However, if he’s confident that he can endure…
“Fine,” you sighed, watching him suit up with more interest than you cared to admit. You hobbled on out and into the kitchen.
“Need help, granny?” You heard him offer. “I can fly you to your place if your legs still aren’t working.”
“I’m fine,” you grumbled in annoyance at both him and your uncooperative limbs. The fridge was yanked open and you frowned at its contents. The pizza and chicken wings were the only real food he had, the rest being sugary snacks or microwave meals. Looks like ‘keeping a healthy diet’ will have to be added to your Hawks Maintenance list.
The flaps of wings were heard behind you as Hawks headed for the door, fully geared up and ready for hero work. “Welp, you’re a big girl that can handle yourself. Drive safely, babe. Can’t wait to hear what you have to nag me about at the office.”
“Hmph,” you gave a smirk of your own when you turned away from the humming microwave. “Probably about the next mistake you make for all of the internet to see.”
He waved dismissively and opened the door, the morning sun illuminating him with an enchanting glow. “Come on, have some faith in me. I’ll be careful.”
Crimson wings spread as he steps outside, but the door closes before you can watch him take off.
Written by Yuki Burushito
Now, I know that I’ve been posting enough Hawks-related articles to last a year, but can you blame me with all the weird behavior he’s been exhibiting this month? You probably think that I have a boner for the guy, but let me tell you this: one of us has a boner, and it isn’t me.
Everyone’s favorite hawk was hiding a woodpecker in his pants today. The best part is that it apparently lasted hours, given that it was mentioned in several incidents throughout the day, but the clearest example was when he subdued a mugger at noon, which was filmed by a bystander and is already making the rounds across the web.
Yet another extreme apprehension from Hawks—though it doesn’t top the beating he gave to that frisky peacock—I sure didn’t expect the fast-working hero to swoop down on a fleeing thief and slam him into the ground. I’m certain that a few feathers would have done the job just fine. When the pinned mugger felt Hawks Jr. poking at his back, he lifted his busted face off the ground and screamed, “Is this shit turning you on?!”
While everyone is currently having a field day with that meme-able clip, the answer is most likely no. Hawks was hard before the mugging occurred. Since I’ll probably be writing about him again by...I don’t know, tomorrow, I’ll cut to the chase. You have probably heard the theories that Hawks is experiencing some sort of rut. 
Well, it’s time for me to come out and say that I fully support those theories. “But Mr. Burushito!” I hear you say. ��If this is something as regular as a rut, how come he’s never acted this wild before?” My answer to that is: I have no idea. He’s still a rather young man; maybe whatever sexual cycles his body possesses have only started appearing recently.
Honestly, you can never be sure with mutant types. Their bodies never make any damn sense.
“I take offense to that last sentence.”
You didn’t react to Hawks’s comment as you both read the article on your phones. After seeing multiple images of ‘Hard Hawks’, as he’s been nicknamed, taken by several random civilians and shared on their social media accounts, you knew it was only a matter of time before these petty news sites decided to take a bite out of the fresh meat.
Maybe this was your fault for trusting the hormonal bird that was currently seated in front of you while you stood across his desk. The only reason you aren’t scolding him right now is because he already looks so damn miserable. He had removed his protective headphones and visor right after finishing his patrols. A desk fan was turned to its highest setting, blowing directly into the hero’s sweaty face as he tried his hardest to focus on the small screen in his hands. He hasn’t looked at you since you’ve entered the office, but distressed or not, there was a certain matter you had to discuss.
“The deputy apparently called me this morning,” you started, ready to see how he reacts.
You notice him tense for just a second as he continues to scroll through whatever it is he’s looking at.
“It says that I had taken the call, but I sure don’t remember that. What I do remember is that you were awake before me.” Your hands were on your hips, waiting for Hawks to answer to your unspoken accusation. “Well?”
He still stared down at his phone, but it didn’t seem like he was actually looking at anything, his mind elsewhere. “Yeah yeah, I talked to him,” he admitted groggily.
You’re more angered by the fact that the deputy never bothered to call you back, leaving you in the dark from whatever he and Hawks had discussed. “So, what did you two talk about? You know, during my call that was meant for me?”
Hawks finally laid his glassy eyes on you. The energy surrounding him was drastically different from this morning and it made you just a tad anxious. Your body truly didn’t feel up to it when you offered him more sex this morning, but you knew it would be better than him reverting to another delirious state. “In a nutshell, he wants us to keep fucking until I’m better.”
Your eyes widened in shock. “What? He didn’t think it was important to tell me about this?”
He leaned far back into his chair and smiled, beads of sweat trickling down his neck. “Guess not. But hey, you’re doing your job anyway, already serving yourself to me the minute you see a hard-on.”
You glared, considering storming out of the room and calling that asshole immediately. “I don’t appreciate him expecting me to be your personal whore.”
“I know, I know. He’s a real douche, isn’t he? How about we both blow off some steam?” He was already scooting out of his chair and making his way around the desk. “I’m just making one mistake after another. Shoulda just said yes to you this morning. Never pays to be a nice guy, does it?” His voice was sounding rougher with each word, like his throat was changing into a sandpaper tube as he stopped right in front of you.
You trembled, making the mistake of looking down and spotting the erection that was very much still present.
For the sake of your still-burning body, you might need some time to mentally prepare for this. “Alright…but before we leave, just let me—”
“Leave?” Two hands clasped onto your shoulders hard, holding you in place. The raptorial eyes held yours captive, stirring up a heat within you despite your unease. “We’re doing this right here, right now.”
“Wha-I-but-” Your stutters were ignored as he turned you to the desk and bent you over, your back muscles screaming in protest. All of his weight was pressing into you, his deprived cock pushing against your ass.
“And everyone’s already left for tonight, so it’s just you and me.” He’s eagerly yanking your pants down then does the same for his own. 
His fingers wasted no time in groping your sex, the swipes against your folds triggering a steady flow of slick arousal. There should be no one else in the building at this time, but your paranoia still makes you clap a hand over your mouth as you gasp from his sinful touches.
“Mmm, already getting wet for me?” He cooed behind you, his breath feeling like heat emanating from an open flame. “My brave little hen, willing to take as many poundings as she can.”
That’s a pet name you haven’t heard before. Teeth scrape across the space between your neck and shoulder while the head of his cock lubricates itself along your fleshy petals. When he pierces you with a strong jab of his hips, the light nips on your skin become a full-on bite, muffling his own cry. For you, however, the sharp sensation of being filled so suddenly combined with the pain of his teeth pinching into the crook of your neck had you wailing through your hand.
He was already setting a quick pace, giving your bitten area a few apologetic licks before leaning back to properly grip your hips and plow you. Your entire body was rocked forward with each impact, the harsh stroking of your inner walls bringing forth a raw pleasure that you admittedly missed.
But that wasn’t enough to ignore the resurging aches all over you. Your sensitive ass cheeks have become very familiar with slapping against his abdomen, every pleasurable collision also shooting pain up your lower back, and his probing dick was showing no mercy to your delicate insides.
“Haw—ah, Hawks! You need…you need to slow down!” You quavered.
The only response was a series of savage pants and growls as his violent movements continued, informing you that all of his sense and reasoning has disappeared once again. You remember the warning he gave you this morning, and fear that his quip about breaking your pelvis may have been more than just a joke.
You try to twist yourself just enough to see his face and speak to him more directly, but a hand on your back shoves you hard onto the desk, leaving your breasts and belly to scrape against the wooden surface. At least you weren’t fully stripped for this.
How the hell did this happen so fast? He was speaking just a minute ago! Do the after-effects of Libido’s quirk ruin Hawks’s mind that quickly the second his dick touches a pussy?
A moan was being ripped from your throat with every thrust as he upped the speed and force. He was showing no signs of stopping, and your thighs were beginning to cramp. The mixture of colorful pleasure and throbbing pains was making every inch of you shake. His fierce sounds were becoming distant—even with your legs on the verge of giving out and your back muscles crying, you welcomed the fog of bliss that was ready to carry you away.
Your poor legs finally crumpled like frail sticks, only for the frustrated animal behind you to lift your hips up until your entire body was on the desk, arms now dangling over the edge. There was only enough time to reposition your numbed limbs into a low doggy position before Hawks was climbing onto the desk himself, crouching over you and wasting no time in continuing his pummeling.
“Haw…ah…nngh…” Your feeble attempt to speak was quickly squandered. The new angle allowed him to easily strike your more sensitive spots, making your moans even louder. The desk jolted with each powerful jerk of his hips, the feral hero’s wings extending and flapping in sync with his thrusts, papers flying off the desk from the gusts of wind. Through all of the soreness and delightful trembles, you wondered what the current scene looked like to a spectator—the sight of this delirious bird beast, sounding a loud lustful tune of primal urges and carnal desires as he hysterically claimed you.
Your eyes roll back as the hot ripples in your core grow into pulsating waves, Hawks’s unwavering strokes prolonging the intoxicating climax as you quiver under him. You thought you heard a sound from the staggering desk—a snap—but your mind was too far gone at the moment to care.
Hawks tried desperately to keep pumping through your tightening walls, but your delicious grasp on him was draining his stamina. You were gripping the edge of his workspace for dear life, the orgasmic throbs still wracking your body as he rabbit fucked you, ready to fill your womb with the load that has been prepared since morning…
It all happened in slow motion...the sound of wood and metal breaking, the weightless feeling of falling...you had registered it all just a second too late. Your abused body dropped with the collapsing desk, Hawks’s weight crashing down on top of you while papers slowly floated toward the floor. Both of you laid there in agony, the chair somehow falling over and onto Hawks for added insult. A few groaned words revealed that the winged man was fully aware again.
“Augh, fuck…my balls.”
“Here’s all of the completed paperwork, Hawks sir!”
Hawks beamed at the intern entering his office with a stack of papers. “Ah, thanks, Springer! You’re a real lifesaver, ya know that?”
The aspiring ‘Bouncing Hero’ hopped excitedly on his peculiar coiled legs as he handed over the documents. “Thank you, sir! I’m always here whenever I am needed.” He bowed respectfully. “Although, I just…forgive me for feeling the need to remind you, but please do not forget that I took this internship to do hero work, not to sort and fill papers.”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget,” Hawks assured him, taking the cursed heap of papers. You were usually the one that he shoves all of his office-related tasks on, but whenever you were preoccupied, he would pass the burden onto a trainee that was too starry-eyed to acknowledge that they were being used. Yes, he feels a little bad, but his hatred of reading endless forms was too strong for him to care much. “I gotta test your patience and comprehension first, then I’ll be taking you out into the field with me. You’re doing great!” He bullshitted with a smile.
Springer perked up at the words. “Of course! I’ll keep doing my best!” His eyes kept drifting to the large empty space in the room. “Sir, what happened to your desk?”
Hawks looked over at the open spot, feigning surprise as if noticing it for the first time. “Oh, right. I banged my handler on it ’til it broke.”
The teen searched the man’s eyes for several long seconds, looking for something, before bursting into boisterous laughter. Hawks joined in with his own chuckles.
“You’re very funny, sir! But I don’t think she would appreciate such a joke. Whatever happened, I hope you get a replacement soon!” He bowed again before walking—well, more like skipping out of the room.
Hawks’s smile didn’t fade when he was alone again, wondering where to place the heavy stack in his hands.
Sometimes the truth makes for the best lie.
Pleasing Hawks when he was a drooling horndog was a challenging test of endurance, but at least it was simple and straightforward. All you gotta do is let him mount you and brace yourself.
But that option was currently out of the question. Your entire body was just too damn stiff and sore, every single movement feeling like the impaired motions of an unoiled tinman. Nevertheless, you still needed to get rid of Hawks’s brand new boner.
So here you were, back at his bed and kneeling on the floor, shyly licking at the swollen rod in your hands. You weren’t the most experienced at this, paying close attention to his noises and responses that came with every action from your fingers and tongue. Hawks was watching your performance with an agitated glare, which was just a tad troubling and added extra pressure.
You licked the prominent vein on the underside of his dick, tracing it up to his bulging head before taking him into the hot cavern of your mouth. He groaned through painfully clenched teeth; he seemed to be enjoying it, yet it looked like his frustration was only growing.
Not yet deterred, you began to suck at him, head bobbing up and down while your hand jerked the extra inches that you couldn’t take in. Your other hand gently held and caressed his enlarged sack, heavy and full of cum that refused to be freed into your mouth. His cock was twitching wildly in your throat, so he has to be close, right? Ignoring the burning in your back and….everything else, honestly, you placed all of your focus on engulfing as much of him as you could, tongue swirling all around him until he inevitably gives in.
But a hand grabs your head and yanks you off of him with a wet surprised gasp.
“Stop…stop…it’s just getting worse.” He choked in a broken voice, staring down at the impossibly hard and red erection.
You wiped off the saliva that had run down your chin. “Why won’t you cum?”
His thighs trembled from all of the unreleased tension; you rubbed them to hopefully calm him just a bit. “Fuck, I…it’s like I can’t do it unless I’m…dammit!” The sudden beat of his angry wings spooked you.
You drew a deep breath. You really weren’t up for this, but leaving him in this state would be too cruel. Not to mention it was putting him in a very sour mood. Hoisting yourself onto the bed (with a few pained whimpers), you faced away from him and lowered your upper body to rest your arms, your ass raised and ready for him.
“You know, Keigo,” you started casually, as if you weren’t laid out in such a compromising position. “When I took this job, I imagined the countless situations I could possibly end up in. I was afraid I’d get caught in the middle of some villainous scheme, like a hostage situation. My silly fangirl side imagined going on dates with my favorite hero. The list of scenarios went on and on.”
The man behind you didn’t say anything, so you kept going. “And yet, ‘presenting myself to Hawks so that he can hump me senseless’ was not on that never-ending list.
He gave an awkward laugh, still sounding as if his throat was constricted. “You don’t have to, babe. I can…I dunno…”
“Just fuck me already.”
Hawks said no more and took hold of your rear. “I’ll try to take it slow. I’ll try.”
He tried and failed. Once he penetrated you, he completely lost himself again. By the time he was satisfied, every fiber of your being was dimmed and immobilized. He helped you get tucked into bed that night.
“Please, sir. I’m quite concerned for my health. This would be easier if he was away from the excitement of his work.”
After mulling it over, you had decided to be the one to reach out to the deputy, since he didn’t seem interested in calling you again anytime soon. Your original plan was to brave through the fury of Hawks’s dick until this damn rut ended, just like the deputy intended without your say in the matter.
But when you had to visit the doctor for your pains today, and you walked out with a fucking crutch under your arm, you realized this was all a bit much.
At the moment, you were trying to negotiate for letting Hawks take at least a day or two away from work. The deputy didn’t seem convinced. “Hawks once managed to keep working for an entire day with a broken wing and no visits to the hospital, and you mean to tell me that he should rest just because he has the hormonal urges of a teenager?” His snobbish ass questioned.
“This is—!” You inhaled sharply through your nose, catching yourself and lowering your voice. “This is much stronger than that, sir. Without getting into detail, I have withstood some back-breaking nights.” You consider telling him about your recent hospital visit, but the remaining shreds of your pride wouldn’t allow you to share that. Even you didn’t want to believe that Hawks has literally fucked you until you couldn’t walk.
You heard him snort in your ear. Ugh. “Doesn’t sound like anything a steady dose of painkillers can’t fix,” he dismissed.
You gave up making him understand your suffering and tried something else. “Sir, Hawks has faithfully served the Commission since he was a child. He has become one of the most accomplished heroes this generation has ever seen. His skills and dedication have done nothing but help the Commission become a more positive icon all over Japan. Don’t you think such a loyal and hard-working hero deserves at least one day off?”
Well, shit. “…Alright, um, thank you for taking the time to hear me. I’ll get back to my duties.”
“Yes, that would be great,” he said listlessly before hanging up.
What an asshole.
“What happened?”
Hawks’s words carry a dangerous tone when he sees you enter his office with the help of your walking aid. It makes you pause.
Going by the sharp yet troubled look in his eyes, you could tell that the tone wasn’t directed at you. ‘Did someone hurt you?’  That’s what he was really asking. His concern always warmed you. “Nothing, I just…” You hate reminding yourself that this even happened. “The pains were getting really bad.”
It takes a minute for those words to sink in, then his eyes widen in some sort of amazement. “Oh.” A flurry of feathers fly off of his wings and form a small floating cushion in front of you. “There, have a seat. Don’t want you hurting anymore than you already do.”
You eye the levitating seat before approaching and lowering yourself onto it. It was like a soft yet firm pillow, and you didn’t miss how the feathers seemed to all shiver, red barbs shaking rapidly as you adjusted your rump.
“Thank you,” you said while resting the crutch onto your lap. Once you were comfortable, you looked at the hero and the brand new furniture between the both of you. “I like your new desk.”
“Thanks. This one is pure steel, much more durable.” He winked.
You return it with a roll of your eyes. “Wonderful. Anyhow, I want to discuss a local hero event coming in two weeks. Your presence would do well to—” you noticed that he was snickering, lips pursed in a strained effort not to fully laugh. “Did I say something funny?”
He shook his head while short amused breaths still escaped him. “I’m sorry, I know you’re hurting and all, but…” He was cackling now, hunching over the desk as he struggled to explain. “I can’t believe I put you in crutches!”
Your face burned with both embarrassment and anger at how hilarious he found the situation. “Hawks…”
He coughed and noisily cleared his throat. “Sorry, I promise to keep it in my pants from now on.” A mischievous grin was plastered on his face. “I mean, I don’t wanna put you in a wheelchair next!”
With a wheeze and happily flailing wings, Hawks keeled over onto the desk with his face buried in his arms, the laughs muffled but still going strong. You just watch with a frown, listening to his mumbled joke about how ‘once you go hawk, you won’t be able to walk’.
What an asshole.
Hawks was definitely getting better. You could tell with each passing day, taking mental notes on how he was having an easier time holding your gaze, or how he was able to stay close to you without growing in his pants. Thank god, because your body was still recovering. Another round of wild sex will only cripple you further.
That’s why the incident currently being reviewed on television was filling you with dread. You sat in the main room of Hawks’s house, the house that you practically lived in for nearly a week, watching coverage of the recent attack at the Fukuoka City Mall. The footage of various species of birds flying into the shopping center and swarming the unsuspecting civilians was almost comical, the colorful animals squawking loudly as they snatched every shiny valuable in sight.
A man with the head of a macaw, apparently going by the villain name of Parakill, stood at the center of the chaos, chirping excitedly as his fowl goons showered him in jewels and baubles. His robbery was cut short when small red blurs whizzed into the scene, pinning the criminal onto the floor and chasing around the army of birds until they surrendered their stolen goods. You weren’t prepared for the deafening chorus of tweets and shrieks when the winged hero stepped into the camera’s line of sight.
The restrained villain was cawing and screeching angrily, most likely commanding his birds. You couldn’t see Hawks’s face clearly due to the distance and quality, but you could still make out the intimidating glare as his wings slowly spread out into their full span, each individual feather looking slightly sharpened. Any bird that made a move was quickly poked with a red quill, each and every one of them eventually staying in place while uttering quiet submissive peeps. Parakill’s look of rage slowly morphed into one of fear. Once the danger was surely dealt with, Hawks called for any lingering citizens to leave the area while he retrieved the villain.
You were still in awe as the news switched to another story. Some sort of dominance was asserted there. You weren’t sure how, but it definitely happened. The worrying part was that tapping into his primal instincts like that has probably riled him up. Christ, he’s probably rushing over right now to fuck you into the mattress again.
Only about thirty minutes had passed when you hear the twist of the doorknob and the front door opening. You stand in anxious anticipation. How disheveled and hungry is he going to look? Is he going to jump you on sight?
But the Hawks that walks in is…composed, his face free of tension and layers of sweat as he spots you and offers a friendly smile. “Sup.”
You’re too stunned to give anything more than a “Hey” as he walks past you and heads for his room.
It’s a miracle. No sexual excitement after such a tense encounter with not only a villain, but another male bird mutant? Was he truly getting that much better? There wasn’t enough certainty to approach him while he was changing, so you stayed on the couch and stared at the large screen until he chose to come out on his own.
You were still channel surfing by the time he was strutting over in his loose and comfy clothes, plopping down onto the couch with a wing outstretched and tucking itself behind your back. You gulped—not sure what he had planned for you.
“Relax. You’re acting like I’m gonna eat you,” he teased, watching you flip through the TV’s guide.
“You’re not? I can’t be too sure after what happened today.” You turned to him, watching his keen golden eyes shift and meet yours. The gaze wasn’t glassy. It wasn’t predatory. “You really feel alright?”
“Haven’t felt this good in the past two weeks. It’s nice to be a civil human again.”
You relaxed a bit and shuffled in your seat, fully aware of how his wing was wrapped around your shoulder like an affectionate arm. “About the attack at the mall…” You began. “What exactly was happening there?”
“What, you mean what I did to the birds? Parakill was trying to sic them on me.” He straightened up with a grinning face that radiated pride. “So I rearranged the pecking order. His birds don’t answer to him anymore.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. “You didn’t. You can do that?”
“Sure can! It’s not that hard. I mean, don’t think that I have a bunch of attack birds at my command now.  Animal control took them in to be relocated, not to mention some of them were illegal exotics.”
“Ah, that’s…impressive.”
“Heh, remember this, babe,” he leaned in until his lips were grazing your ear, his lowered voice and hot breath making you shudder. “I’m always the top bird.”
You shake off his flirting and try to keep your composure. “Right, of course. I’m just really glad that you’re getting better.”
His wing pulled you in for a tight hug that made you squeak. “All thanks to my sweet hen of a handler. Couldn’t have gotten through this without you.” He heard your pained grunts and instantly released you. “Whoops, sorry.”
You rolled your stiff shoulders and sighed. “It’s fine. You’re not the only one who’s getting better. Just do me a favor and try to forget that I was ever this sore from sex.”
Hawks laughed softly as he took your hands in his. The gesture surprised you after experiencing days of rough and impatient touches. “Hey,” he was almost whispering, forcing you to lean in closer to hear him. “It’s been a wild week. My mind’s been all over the place and I’ve put you through a lot. And…” He looked away with his brows pinched in a pained expression, troubled over something you didn’t know about. Before you could ask, his face drew closer, until your foreheads were pressed together. “Mind if I do one more thing with you?”
You were completely lost. You didn’t understand the sudden tenderness, his somber mood, or why he was talking with some sort of finality to his words.
“Let me take you to bed.”
The fuck?
“Keigo,” you leaned away from him, paying no mind to how you already missed his warm closeness. “I said I was getting better, but I’m not that much better.”
He shook his head, bringing your hands closer to his chest. “No, not like that. Just…I wanna do this properly with you for once. Some nice, regular sex. Hell, doesn’t even have to be full-on sex, I just want to…feel you.”
Your eyebrows raised. “Feel me?” You repeated.
He nodded eagerly with a big-ass smile. The normally cheeky young man was acting so genuine right now.
It was hard to say no to that.
Hawks said no more, pulling you up on your feet and taking you to the room you both have shared for several nights. He was quick in removing your clothes, peeling each article off smoothly before doing the same to his own. The mood felt so different from your other intimate meetups that you couldn’t help but feel modest all over again.
Calloused hands were gently pushing you down onto your back, and you watch as the handsome man above opens up his wings, his eyes closed as if entering a trance.
“Whenever we fucked, I never felt like I was really there,” he recalled out loud, looking more relaxed than you’ve ever seen. “I could feel you, see you, hear you, but it’s like my body was moving on its own. I was in the backseat of my own head.”
With a deep inhale and exhale, he stared down at you with a look of desire, but not the savage kind. You’re not quite sure what it was…maybe the look of a lover.
Fingers traced your face, trailing down your cheek, brushing your lips, and skimming over your well-marked neck. “Now I finally get to feel you however I want.”
Your breath caught in your throat when his lips made contact with the flesh right over your pulse, planting a few light kisses before mouthing at your neck, the random swipe of a tongue making you gasp.
His open wings twitched in response at the small sound. He was trying to savor every single one of your reactions. That’s intense.
He was in no rush, mouth moving down slowly and stopping to observe the bruise near your shoulder. “Damn, I bit you hard. That’s…when we were in the office, right?” he asked.
You hummed and nodded. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t as painful as a fully grown man falling on top of me after ramming me through a desk.”
Hawks chuckled at the memory while rolling your breast around in his hands. “Man, that really crushed my nuts. I swear my voice was a pitch higher for the rest of the night.” He laughed into your tits, licking at the squishy mounds as he took in each of your shivers and moans.
“Maybe, but that was probably just from you crying about how you could no longer give me chicks.” Yeah, that was a weird time.
“Shh, that didn’t happen,” he denied.
“Yes, it did. I had to hold you as you sobbed.”
“You were worse than I’ve ever been on my perio—ah!” A bite on your nipple silenced you.
Hawks shot you a playful glare, daring you to say more. When your mouth stayed shut, he gave a satisfied purr and sucked at the same perky bud, soothing the sting before moving on to the other.
You felt relaxed; this was all so much calmer than what you have gotten used to. While you won’t deny that his feral side was as pleasurable as it was tiring, at least you can finally take the time to breathe and soak up what he’s doing. Judging from his vibrating feathers, he probably felt the same.
He licked down your stomach while his hands ran down your sides until they reached the purple finger-shaped blemishes on your hips. He winced at the sight. “Ouch.”
“Yeah, ouch.”
He nurtured the marks with his mouth, careful not to apply too much pressure and cause any pain.
“You don’t have to be so delicate,” you hesitantly tell him. “The day you were under the quirk’s influence, you uh, you were doing the same to the bruises on my back…felt kind of good.”
His lips curved into a devilish smile. “Oh, so you like a little pain? My innocent little hen?”
“Shut up,” you said with a blush. “It’s your fault that I’ve felt everything but innocent lately.”
“True, true. I didn’t mean to open you up to the wonderful world of rough play.” His mouth closes around a bruise and sucks hard, shooting a sharp pleasurable burn that traveled straight down to your core. “Ooooh, I felt that.”
You can only whimper as he laps at the sensitive area, but part of you wants him to bring that scary jolt of pain again.
“I wanna know,” he says between licks. “Just how much did you enjoy me letting loose on you? How many times did we do it the first day?”
A few more kisses are laid on your hips before he continues his descent. Your breath quickens in nervous excitement when he nestles his head between your legs, face dangerously close to your hot sex.
“Come on, hen. At least give me a guess.” He turns to your thighs and showers them with timid pecks.
The sheets beneath you crinkle under your death grip. “Don’t know…lost count after the seventh time,” you admit through gritted teeth.
“Aww, what a shame,” his mouth wanders further inside your thigh. “Do you know how many times you came?”
“I don’t know. A lot.”
He bit into you and enjoyed the resulting yelp. “Mmmm, definitely a lot. Enough to knock you out. So sad that neither of us remember just how thoroughly I wrecked you.”
His naughty lips are just an inch away from your nether ones, your breath quickening in anticipation. Hawks looks up at you, most likely enjoying the view of your heaving chest. But he does well in reminding you how much of a bastard he is by switching to your other thigh, subjecting you to another round of kisses.
“Keigooo,” you whine pathetically, feeling your aches as your muscles tense from the teasing.
“Hold on, I’ve got more questions. What was your favorite position?”
“Come on, you’ve got plenty to choose from,” he licks the sweat that was beginning to coat your skin.
Both your embarrassment and his tongue were making it very difficult to answer. You stammer over your words while his mouth moves inward, but once again, he stops at your mound.
“You really can’t think of one?” He gives you a ridiculously sad face—large puppy eyes and a puckered bottom lip—it would have looked more innocent if he wasn’t so close to your most private area.
You realize that he wasn’t going to take any further action until you gave him an answer. “I…when I’m on my hands and knees…” You swallow despite the dryness of your throat. “…and you’re on top of me…”
“Ah,” he sighs, and you feel his thumbs part your outer lips like a damp pair of curtains. He stares down at the pussy that he has battered more times than either of you can count, and yet it drips for him even now. The feel of a single finger running down your wetness makes your entire body jerk. “You like it when I mount you like a dog?”
“Yes,” you choke.
He blows on your quivering cunt. “What do you like about it so much?”
“I…you…I don’t…”
“Do you just love feeling like an animal too? Love it when a crazed horny guy humps you into the floor?” He finally indulges you with a long lick from your hole to your clit, and the hot muscle already has you moaning. “Is that it?”
“Ah…maybe…” You answer, and he rewards you with another lick. Listening to his questions was becoming a challenge.
“Hmm, would you love it if I fucked you until my bed gives out? You’re a pretty expensive girl to mess around with,” he jokes. He then dives in, sloppily making out with your folds that have been begging for more gentle attention for days.
Your head thrashes against the pillow. His licks and sucks were both pleasurable and soothing against your beaten pussy. You were finally freed from his powerful stare when he closed his eyes and fully concentrated on eating you out. He alternated between sucking loudly on your velvety folds and lapping at your opening, sometimes dipping his tongue inside so that he can feel your walls attempt to grab him.
The building pressure in your belly has become an old friend at this point, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t excited whenever it arrived and begged it to explode and bring you back to that lovely state of euphoria. Hawks’s mouth was moving more fervently as he drank in more of your juices, as if your nectar was intoxicating him. His deep moans rattled your insides while he smacked his wet lips against every inch of your womanhood, giving your swollen clit a smooch before sucking hard.
“Mm…oh god…Keigo, please…”
He growled with your bud still in his mouth, blinding you with the electrifying pleasure that was only enhanced by the sudden intrusion of two fingers in your throbbing cavern. The slow inner massage guided you to the top where stars burst in your vision, each orgasmic throb bringing forth a shameless moan. The stimulated wings fluttered from the overwhelming pleasure surrounding them, Hawks giving light licks and kisses until you were back down to earth.
“Fuck, that was good,” he said breathlessly, as if he was the one that just got sent to heaven. “You felt amazing, so nice and clear.” His wings finally folded behind his back as he straightened himself and wiped his glistening face.
You were ready to drift away into a happy slumber until you saw Hawks move to get off the bed and spotted the very familiar hardness that was bobbing with his movements. “Wait! You’re…” Your eyes dart from his face to his erection.
“Don’t worry about that; fapping works again!” he told you cheerfully before changing to a devious smirk. “What, did you wanna watch or something?”
“No,” you snapped a bit more loudly than intended. “I…want you inside of me.”
He froze.
“You sure?”
He crawled back between your legs—clearly trying not to look too eager—and was already aiming his cock at your opening. Your nod of approval was all he needed to push inside and damn, that was one hell of a face and moan he made.
You reflexively braced yourself for an immediate pounding, but the throbbing length just stayed there, twitching in response to every pulse from your surrounding walls. Hawks appeared absolutely fascinated by the sight of him sheathed inside of you before looking up to your face, eyes filled with a warm lust, not the unfocused kind that you have gotten used to.
He pulled out slowly and pushed back in at the same speed. “Ooooh, fuck, baby. So hot…so tight…” He murmured with a broken groan. The lazy thrusts allowed you to feel every inch of him stretch you, his veins rubbing against you for added texture and stimulation. Your hypersensitive pussy appreciated the easy pace, and even better, it was also working for the hero above you.
His hips gradually sped up overtime, but never into something rough and aggressive. It was more like a grind, his abs rippling with every deep push. His flushed face has gotten dangerously close to yours, allowing you to watch the pulsating pupils of his avian eyes.
The only time he ‘kissed’ you was on the first day, though a more appropriate description would be that he simply smashed his mouth against yours. Now, as you stared at his parted lips while hot breaths blew onto your face, you had a strong desire to finally give him a proper one.
Good thing Hawks was a damn mind reader, because he brought his lips down to yours right after you finished the thought. They were soft, softer than you expected from a guy that flew at high speeds all day. Then again, he was also a sex symbol that needed to take care of himself.
His mouth was clearly more skilled than yours, so you let him take the lead, lips molding perfectly against yours with playful licks. The added intimacy sped up his hips and raised his volume, his entire mouth engulfing yours as he moaned into you. Your tongue found his and engaged in a frantic dance. He’s tensing up; you give him some encouragement by wrapping your arms and legs around his sweaty form, giving the base of his wings a few rubs. Your mouths part to catch your breaths, a strand of saliva linking your tongues together
“Cum inside me, Keigo.”
“Oh fuck.” Your words have him pumping erratically into you, but you’ve dealt with worse. He buries his head into the crook of your neck, whimpering at your legs that keep him locked in place and urging him to release his creamy essence as deep inside you as possible.
His trembles are powerful, but even better were the cracked whines vibrating against your neck as he emptied himself into your womb. You never get tired of watching his wings lifelessly drop whenever he wears himself out. You cradle his spent body—it’s all so similar to the first time he took you, except this time he moves just a little to the side to relieve you of some of his weight. He doesn’t move you for another round, he just relaxes into your cuddles.
“Thanks,” he says softly, already close to dozing off.
You’re not sure what exactly he’s thanking you for, but it makes you smile anyway. “You’re welcome.”
A wing stretches over you as a blanket, the warm soft feathers doing well to pull you into dreamland as well. Hawks’s heavy breaths tell you that he was already out.
You close your eyes. It looks like you both managed to survive the worst rut of Hawks’s life. This sure as hell wasn’t what you signed up for, but looking back, it wasn’t that bad. Except for the crutch. The crutch never happened.
As sleep claimed you, you wondered what the future had in store for you and the winged hero.
“I just got fired.”
Hawks flinched at the news, scratching at his back awkwardly. “Aww man, that’s…oof, what a shocker.”
For some reason, his surprise didn’t sound very real. But you were way too upset at the moment to question it further. “Well, I guess it’s more like a demotion. They’re still allowing me into a position I have more experience in. It’s probably back to desk work for me,” You sighed, pacing back and forth across the office in a desperate attempt to expel some of your anger. “But I can’t believe this. I can’t believe that he basically kept me around to be your fucking fleshlight, and then threw me away after you were satisfied!”
Hawks shrugged with an apologetic look. “It really sucks, babe. You can’t forget: the real studs are the Commission. No one fucks more people than them. A lot of us are a one-time use to those guys. I’m just lucky enough to have a longer expiration date than most. Or unlucky. I dunno.”
You didn’t either, honestly. Hawks deserved better. “They’re such assholes, yet here I am ready to keep working for them. I so badly want to say ‘fuck you’ and leave, but…” You trailed off.
Hawks finished your sentence with a smirk. “They pay too well?”
Your head lowers in shame. “Yeah.”
A wing pats you on the back as he laughs. “I’m not judging, angel. That’s probably what keeps most of the guys around.” He steps closer to you, gently taking your chin to tilt your head back up. “I’m gonna miss you though. Whoever they send to watch my ass next isn’t going to be half as fun as you.”
The comment warms you. You take his hand and pull it further up to your face, letting him cup your cheek. “Thanks, but I was pretty bad at the job. They would have kicked me down sooner or later.”
He came in closer. “True, you sucked. But you’re the first handler I got to know so well. Inside and outside.” His chuckle is hot against you before he locks his lips to yours. The kiss becomes more heated than expected—he’s tugging at your lip and thrusting his tongue in and out of your mouth in a way that makes your thighs press together. You tear yourself away from his face, breathless.
His tongue slowly runs over his upper lip. Goddamn. “Sorry, little hen. I was just hoping you’d like a nice goodbye gift. I can give you more, if you want.”
You’re so pissed off at yourself for throbbing in response to his offer.
He pulls you back in and takes hold of the waistband of your pants. “How about it? Wanna get to know my new desk a little better?”
The sounds resonating from the office that morning scarred Springer.
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fific7 · 3 years
Dangerous and Divine - Epilogue
Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: Billy Russo is an itch you don’t want to scratch. But he’s all over you like a rash.
A/N: The final part!! This does not follow canon, it’s mainly fluff & lemon zest 🍋 Hopefully you’ve guessed by now that is my “Billy Russo Deserves Real Love AU” as I totally refuse to accept what happened in S2! The GIF is from Exposed, unreleased pilot show in case you’re wondering 😌... Billy vibes.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content including oral and unprotected* sex between consenting adults. Some drinking & swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
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(My GIF)
Six Months Later
You opened up your eyes slowly, becoming aware of a finger trailing gently down your arm; it felt like a butterfly fluttering on your skin. Two dark chocolate eyes were gazing down into yours, sparkling with mischief.
“Good morning, Mrs Russo,” a very self-satisfied Billy Russo whispered, smiling at you.
You yawned, stretching out out your limbs and enjoying the feeling of a light breeze on your body coming through the patio doors.
“Morning, Billy,” you replied, reaching up and kissing his lips, scratching a finger along his bristly jaw. “And how is my wife this morning?” he asked, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “I’m good... actually, very good,” you smiled up at him. “Just as well we’ve got our own villa, angel. You were so noisy last night, screaming my name,” he teased.
Getting up, you stretched again, aware of Billy’s eyes on you as you picked up your little silky robe, slowly putting it on and enjoying the disappointed look on his face. “That’s just to big up your male ego, poppet,” you teased back. He flung himself onto his back on the bed, faux-sulking, “How can you say that, sweetheart?! ....after I kept you up half the night making love to you?”
“Only half the night? Would’ve thought the love god that is Billy Russo would be claiming it was all night!!” A pout instantly appeared on his handsome face and that was just too much, so you leant down over him, stroking his face and kissing him passionately. He grabbed you, pulling you down onto him and your robe came off a lot faster than it went on, unceremoniously dumped on the floor. “Ride me,” he whispered in your ear.
You had to bring him back down to earth though, as you quite urgently needed to visit the bathroom and so you’d extricated yourself from his arms and stood up, picking up your robe. The pout had got even poutier and his eyes looked huge as he gazed up at you from where he lay on the crisp white Egyptian cotton sheets. “Oh, okayyy,” he drawled, grinning, both hands going up behind his head as he lazed back on the pillows, “....so now we’re married, you’re gonna start slappin’ sex bans on me, huh?” You slipped your robe back on and put your hands on your hips, “Billy Russo! Don’t be such a drama king! You’d think you were on your honeymoon or something!” He just kept on grinning at you.
“Well! You either wait two minutes so I don’t have an accident on those lovely clean sheets, or maybe I’d better just call my divorce lawyer right now!” you mock-threatened. His face fell, “Angel! I’m only jokin’ y’know!” You burst out laughing, “Me too, you silly big sap! But not about going to the bathroom!” Flouncing out of the bedroom, hearing his answering laugh as you went.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Once you were in the bathroom, you let your mind drift back over the last few days. You and Billy had been married just two days ago, a small wedding just as you both wanted with close family and friends only (Billy’s Marine buddies being his family). You’d had the most perfect day, but after all the planning and rushing around in the run-up to the big day, you felt as if it had all gone by in a flash. Whoosh - and it was all over. One minute Karen and your little cousin had been fussing round you, helping with your hair, your makeup, your dress, and in no time at all - it seemed - Billy was taking your hand and leading you out of the reception party, accompanied by a chorus of wolf whistles and catcalls.
You two had stayed that night in the beautiful hotel in upstate New York where the wedding had been held. Billy had picked you up ‘bridal style’ while you were in the hotel elevator and then carried you along the corridor to your suite, kicking the door shut behind him and laying you gently down on the bed. Then he had slowly and sensually slid your wedding dress and underskirts up over your thighs, smile as bright as the sun as he ran his hands over your stockings and garter belt, pushed aside your lacy underwear and had taken you right there and then, whispering to you all the while that now you were truly his.
The next day, you and Billy had flown from JFK to Ibiza in the Balearic Islands, Spain. He’d been surprised when you’d said where you wanted to go for your honeymoon. He thought you’d want to go to the Caribbean or the Maldives or suchlike. But you’d spent some very happy times there when you were on your travels a while back, and you knew he’d love the laid-back vibe of the island.
So he’d booked a luxurious villa for a whole month, in the pine-clad hills above a large cove with a beach called Cala Llonga, east of Ibiza Town. The aromatic scent in the air was truly intoxicating and you closed your eyes, inhaling it from the small breeze making its way through the bathroom window, open just a tiny bit.
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You sighed happily; both workplaces had been asked to contact you only in a dire emergency and with Frank and Jake left in charge while you and Billy were on honeymoon, after initially being anxious about being away for so long you now felt surprisingly relaxed about it.
Washing your hands and making your way back to the bedroom, you smiled as you saw your new husband sprawled out on the bed, naked and looking at you with a devilish smirk on his handsome face.
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Billy happily stretched out on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and hearing the water running in the bathroom in the background. The more he thought about it, the more he could hardly believe it - he’d actually managed to persuade her to marry him. He really thought he’d blown it when he’d proposed the first time. When she’d changed her mind and said ‘Yes’, he’d been so happy he thought he’d explode like a human hand grenade.
Still somewhat surprised about his complete turnaround from playboy to lovesick sap, he’d decided long before the wedding to just lie back and accept what the Fates had in store for him. Maybe they’d decided to give him some good karma for a change, after his solitary and loveless childhood and the difficulties he’d had after he left the Marines.
He thought back to just before the wedding ceremony, when Frank had been helping him tie his silver silky cravat after he’d put on his fancy morning suit and dress shirt. His big friend had suddenly clasped his shoulder, saying gruffly, “Bill.... you’ve finally got a chance to be ‘Happy Ever After’, y’know bud. Don’t fuck it up, whatever you do.”
Grabbing the big paw on his shoulder, he’d said sincerely, “I won’t, Frankie... believe me, I won’t.”
He’d also thought about a text he’d received the night before the wedding, and which he’d decided not to mention to his girl. Because it was from Madani. She’d heard the news about Billy getting married from Sam, who he’d met by chance in a local bar a few days before the wedding.
Typical vitriolic Madani, he thought. Saying how he was making a big mistake and he’d regret it in the end. Meaning, of course, because he hadn’t chosen her. Hadn’t even wished the two of you well, couldn’t bring herself to make even that small concession.
Bitch. He’d angrily deleted the text along with the whole string of her past messages, and had then deleted her contact details out of his phone. A feeling of great satisfaction had washed over him as he’d hit the ‘Delete Contact’ button on Dinah Madani. Gone and very definitely forgotten.
Now he looked over to see his angel walking back towards him, looking totally edible in her silky robe.
Grinning, he patted the sheet next to him, “C’mere, sweetheart....”
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Billy grabbed your wrist, pulling you down next to him and pouncing on top of you. The robe came off again and he was kissing you hungrily, appetite undiminished even after your mutual athletics the night before. He ran his hands all over you, pulling your body closer against his, telling you how much he loved you, wanted you, needed you. Then he rolled over onto his back, grinning over at you, “C’mon, angel... I need you to ride me.”
Grinning back at him, “Might do,” you replied. He shook his head, “No, really.... angel... you need to do it and do it now.” You also lay down on your back, “What’s the consequences if I don’t?” you teased. He looked horrified, “You sayin’ No to me?” You shrugged, smirking. “Angel! Please.... what... uhhh... do I gotta beg?” You nodded, “I think you do.” So Billy sighed, getting up and then kneeling beside the bed, hands clasped together and held up in supplication to you, “Please, goddess, m’beggin’ you.... pleeeease! Please!”
From your lofty perch on the bed, you looked down at the male masterpiece currently on his knees in front of you. The early morning sun highlighted his sculpted muscles to perfection, including the delicious-looking erection he was sporting, and you couldn’t keep up the pretence any longer. You reached down and grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging on it several times as his now-grinning face looked up at you.
“Ahhh... so I got the green light, goddess?” You nodded imperiously, and he leapt up and onto the bed at the speed of light. You pushed his shoulders down into the pillows and climbed on top of him, seeing his eyes widen in anticipation. Leaning over, you slid your fingers to the back of his neck and began gently stroking, then took his ‘tache between your lips and sucked gently, before running your tongue over it and then sucking again. Hearing small whimpers coming from him, you moved on to the tufty bit of beard under his bottom lip, giving it the same treatment. Then you ran your tongue very slowly over his bottom lip and suddenly you heard an agonised ‘Fuck!” from Billy, and wetness spread over your stomach and thighs.
Sitting up, you looked down in surprise at the sheen you could see glinting on your skin. A very sheepish-looking Billy was gazing up at you, “Uhhh....m’sorry, angel,” he whispered, “....y’got me too excited.” He covered his eyes with one big hand, then you saw two dark chocolate eyes peeking out between his fingers at you. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, somewhat fearfully. You leant down and kissed his nose, “No! Course not, Billy.”
He slid his hand away from his face, “Really? Been goin’ on at you to ride me then don’t even get inside you before.....!” and he gestured at the pearly liquid on your skin. His face was tinged pink by now, “M’so embarrassed!” he wailed. “Honestly, Billy.... I’m not mad at you,” you said, tweaking his nose between finger and thumb before getting up and heading through to the bathroom. Grabbing a handful of baby wipes you went back to the bedroom, sitting on the bed and quickly cleaning yourself up before teasing Billy by running a baby wipe slowly and sensually along his velvety length. You heard some low soft moans from him, and knew it wouldn’t be very long before he was fully aroused again.
So you kept on stroking him. Laying the baby wipe aside, you continued using just your hand on him. “Sweetheart, what you tryin’ to do to me?” he asked in a breathy voice. “Oh, poppet.... I think you know exactly what I’m doing,” you smirked down at him, loving the way he looked at that moment, vulnerable and at your mercy, big wide eyes gazing up at you, lips parted slightly. You slid your hand in between his legs, taking hold of his balls, gently massaging and squeezing them while still working his cock with your other hand. He squirmed below you, breath catching in his throat, one hand going to the hand you were stroking him with and pulling it to the head of his cock. Taking the hint, you concentrated on it, squeezing and rubbing at it while Billy writhed under you, letting out a string of swears.
Then you decided to add a little something to the mix and leant down to lick him, letting your tongue drag over his tip back and forth with quite some force. Billy had cried out really quite loudly as you started doing that and you smiled, thinking he’d made a good point about having a private villa. You could both be really noisy when you wanted to be. Feeling him stiffening in your hand, you increased the speed and firmness of your stroking and also took him more fully into your mouth.
“Please.... sweetheart!” groaned Billy, “....gotta get inside you... please!!!” You could hear him beginning to pant so without further delay you guided him inside you, before sinking down onto his length. He gave a long low moan, while you gasped with pleasure as soon as he was fully sheathed inside you. Billy was giving out soft whimpering moans and began desperately thrusting up into you, hands running up the sides of your body onto your breasts and he began slowly massaging. In turn you started moving on him, hands on his chest, relishing the feeling of both his firm muscled body and how he filled you completely. “You...” Billy whispered, big dark eyes gazing up at you, “...you’re perfect for me, angel. Fit me like a glove.” His hand moved down to where your bodies were joined and began rubbing your clit with his thumb.
“Could say the same about you, Marine,” you breathed against his ear, leaning down and giving him a dirty open-mouthed kiss before moving your mouth onto his neck beard, and running your tongue over it. You felt Billy tense up and knew he was about to climax, and you felt your own orgasm building. Both of you were wound up tighter than springs! You wrapped your arms round your new husband’s shoulders and let the waves of pleasure roll over you.
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A lot later on, you and Billy strolled down to Cala Llonga and joined the small queue of people waiting on the little stone jetty for the water taxi to Ibiza Town. The boat was fairly small and you all crammed onto the wooden benches which filled most of it. Billy wrapped his arm round you, glaring at the Dutch guy sitting on the other side of you who’d been smiling and trying to make small talk with you. “We’re on honeymoon,” he growled at him, butting in just as the guy asked where you were staying. “Oh that’s great, congratulations!” he said, and you’d smiled at him, “Thank you.” Billy however was still glowering at the poor guy, so you elbowed him and he said reluctantly, “Yeah, thanks.”
You tried to distract Billy by pointing out several landmarks as the boat bobbed and puttered its way round the coast, and then the main town on the island came into sight as you rounded the last headland.
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Billy gazed at the sight of the Dalt Vila (Old Town) in front of him and said in an awestruck voice, “Oh hey, that’s so pretty.” You smirked at him, “Told you you’d love it.” He looked back to you, “What’re our plans for this afternoon then?” Pleased that he was handing over the reins to you, smiling fondly at him you said, “Well, first of all I’m gonna make sure my hungry husband gets fed and watered. There are some lovely little outdoor restaurants along the marina.” You heard his stomach rumbling quietly as you mentioned food and he gave you a huge grin, “Now that’s what I call a plan.”
Stepping off the ferry, you guided him to one of the restaurants you’d eaten at before, and chose one of the tables at the front overlooking the yacht moorings. There were quite a few superyachts - some the size of small ocean liners - moored up so the oligarchs were in town, you thought to yourself.
The two of you enjoyed a leisurely lunch, before heading into the maze of narrow streets of the Old Town. Strolling right up to the old church at the very top of the hill, Billy oohing and ahhing at the whitewashed old houses and the view once you reached the church. He leant on the wall enclosing the courtyard in front of the church, looking out over the town, the two marinas and the surrounding hills and you heard a big happy sigh. He turned his head towards you, “This is perfect. You’re perfect. I love this place. And I love you.” He leant in for a kiss, and things started to get a bit raunchy before you heard a throat being cleared loudly behind you. The two of you broke apart, turning to find two elderly Spanish ladies glaring at you with outraged expressions on their faces.
You smiled at them, “Ah... lo siento, señoras, estamos en nuestra luna de miel.” Instantly, large smiles appeared on their faces and they moved away in a flurry of waving hands and staccato Spanish which you couldn’t quite catch. “What d’you say to them, sweetheart?” asked Billy. “That we’re on our honeymoon,” you grinned, “...didn’t understand all of the replies but rest assured, we’re forgiven!” He leaned in, “Well, reckon we should pick up where we left off then,” mouth back on yours. You surreptitiously ran a hand over the zip of his jeans and felt an interesting bulge there, hearing his low gasp, “Okay, but we better leave most of it till we get back to the villa... otherwise we’ll get arrested!” He sighed, nuzzling your neck, “Couldn’t we just go down one of these little streets an’.....” Laughing, you walked away holding out your hand to him, “No we can’t! C‘mon, tiger,” and with a pout firmly in place he followed, taking your hand in his.
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Heading back down through Dalt Vila into the main part of town, you came to Paseo Vara de Rey, a wide, short tree-lined boulevard near the marina. In the evenings, the locals would come here for their before-dinner strolls, stopping for a chat with friends or a quick aperitif. It was just starting to get a bit busier as locals and tourists alike came along to enjoy the late afternoon sun.
You and Billy joined the strolling groups of people, looking in the shop windows and at people sitting in the open-air café sections, gradually making your way towards the marina end of the Paseo. Steering him towards a large hotel situated on the corner of Vara de Rey and into the cool white interior of its bar, you suggested he might want to buy you a cocktail. Leaning on the bar, he grinned at you, “Okay, I will... but then can we go back to the villa?”
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“But why do you want to go back to the villa, Billy? I thought you were having a nice time here in town?” “I am!” he protested, “...and you know perfectly well why I wanna go back!” said with an accompanying eyebrow wiggle, “...we’re on our honeymoon!”
One of the barmen overheard him, “Ah, señor y señora! Let us make you very special cocktails in celebration of your wedding!!” Bill looked round, embarrassed, “Oh no.. s’okay, honestly - we’re fine, thanks.” Shaking his head vigorously, the barman grabbed a couple of cocktail shakers and tossed one of them to his co-worker, “But we must! It will take just a few moments.”
Then there was a flurry of pouring, shaking, ice, fruit and citrus slices being added before a couple of glasses were placed on the bar in front of you with a flourish. You and Billy eyed each other before taking a sip from your drinks. It was pleasant enough - you could taste rum and fruit - but not particularly what you’d’ve chosen for yourself. However, in the same spirit as the drinks were offered, you both made appreciative noises and thanked them profusely, before escaping to a table by the window overlooking Vara de Rey. Sitting down, Billy chuckled, “I guess I better learn to keep my big trap shut!” You agreed, “You’re forgetting that most of the locals speak really good English, so don’t be giving away any more of our secrets!” “What... like the fact you love my dick and think it’s really pretty?” he sniggered, while you slapped his arm, looking round quickly to make sure no-one had heard him.
Seeing no-one within earshot, you leant forward and said, “No... more like you telling me you’re in love with my ‘perfect pussy’ and how you’d be inside me 24/7 if you could be!” He snorted out some of his drink, and the two of you just sat and laughed at each other for a few moments in sheer happiness. “I love you,” he said, serious all of a sudden. “I mean, like really love you.” You smiled at him over the rim of your glass, “Well that’s good, Russo, cos I love you. Like, really love you.” Again, you sat looking at each other with goofy grins on your faces. You caught sight of both barmen looking over at you and smirking so you finished the last of your cocktail, purposefully making a noisy sucking sound through your straw as you did. “Hey, Billy... will we have one more drink and then head back?”
His eyes lit up, “Yeah!!! What d’ya want to drink this time round, angel?” “I’ll just have a mojito, please.” A few minutes later, a luscious mojito-filled glass was placed in front of you, while Billy had decided on a Sidecar, which he polished off in a few quick gulps and then sat looking expectantly at you. Shaking your head and laughing at him, you said, “I won’t be downing my lovely mojito as if it was a beer, Billy. I will be sipping it in a ladylike manner.” His face fell, “Oh.” “You’ll just have to be patient, loverboy.” He perked up a bit, “But if I’m a good patient boy, I’ll get a nice reward when we get back to the villa, yeah?” You patted his silky-haired head, “Yes, you will,” and couldn’t resist tugging on a few locks of it while you were at it. His grin grew devilish, “You wanna tug on something else, angel?” You slid your hand onto his thigh under the table, giving him a very innocent smile, “No, I am not going to lower the tone of this fancy hotel bar by misbehaving, Mr Russo.” His hand covered yours on his thigh and pulled it up onto his zip, “Well, I haveta say I’m very disappointed, Mrs Russo,” before bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing it, putting on his best puppydog eyes and pout.
You had to admit, a frisson of excitement had run through you as he’d done that - Billy had made sure you realised he had an impressive erection. So in fact you picked up your mojito and drained the glass like a sailor who’d just hit a bar after six months at sea. “Okay, Billy,” you smirked, “....you win. Let’s go, tiger.” Billy sprang up from the table and pulled you by the hand towards the door, waving over at the barmen as he went, while you gave them a smile as you passed them.
Then you had to contend with an impatient Billy, pacing up and down at the marina while you were waiting on the water taxi back to Cala Llonga. Eventually it appeared, and Billy hustled you on board, making you sit at the back and beginning to kiss you as he boxed you into the corner seat. More passengers joined soon though and you pushed him back slightly, “Billy.... behave, please. We don’t want to upset any more people with PDA’s.” He grinned, “Okay, okay, I’ll keep my hands and my mouth to myself ... for now.” As the boat began to manoeuvre backwards and away from the quayside, you pointed at the town, “So, what did you think of Ibiza Town then?” Billy nodded, “Yeah, I loved it. It’s beautiful. But y’know, as long as you’re with me.... wherever we are, that’s what I really love.” You poked him in the side, “You big sap!” you laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, “...but you’re my big sap, as they say.”
Those gorgeous dark eyes of his sparkled back at you, and his hand stroked your cheek, “Yeah I am, sweetheart... and that’s the most important thing. It’s all anyone needs to know about us. I’m yours, and you’re mine. And we’re in love. And together. Forever.” You put your lips next to his ear, “Yes, Billy... forever,” you whispered as the little boat carried the two of you away into the gathering dusk.
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Additional A/N: Hope you enjoyed this little journey with Billy and his sweetheart. All I ever wanted for Billy Russo was for him to be happy. Maybe we’ll meet these two again, who knows? Thanks so much for reading.
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@blackbirddaredevil23 @galaxyjane @omgrachwrites @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @ourloveisforthelovely @swthxrry
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156 notes · View notes
sleepysnk · 4 years
Team Player: Chapter Seven
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.8k
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The past four days had been slow for Eren and (Y/N). All the two have been doing is communicating ideas to help improve his teamwork, of course it was a lot of Eren disagreeing or saying it wouldn't work. (Y/N) assured him that it would help, and it would also give him some time for his ankle to heal. 
It wasn't the easiest convincing Eren of all people, sometimes he didn't want to listen, but (Y/N) would tell him in the end it'd be worth it and he shouldn't be complaining, because it gets him nowhere. 
Here they were, sitting in class talking about everything. 
"How else could I change it? There aren't many ideas!" Eren complained, shrugging his shoulders. 
(Y/N) sighed, rubbing her temples. "Look Eren, we'll figure it out soon. Just help me with this," she replied, scooching her chair closer to him. "Look this up for me please," she added, looking at the website she had jotted down. 
Eren sighed in annoyance and opened his laptop to the slideshow. Most of it was already done by (Y/N), because of their deal. It was itching at Eren at how much he wanted to change about it, all of it looked so fancy, and he just wanted to restart. 
"(Y/N), Eren, how is the project going?" Professor Ackerman asked, approaching their table. 
She rubbed the back of her neck. "Uh.. it's going well!" she replied, smiling nervously at her professor. 
His face remained stoic as he shrugged. "I hope it goes well, this is worth your grade. Keep up the good work," he replied, walking towards another table. 
(Y/N) sighed with relief as she turned towards Eren, who had a giant smirk on his face. 
"What?!" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. 
He chuckled a bit. "Oh nothin', you seemed so scared of Professor Ackerman over there. You looked like you were gonna fall over," he said, smirking again. 
(Y/N) felt heat grow onto her cheeks. "I wasn't scared! He's just a hard teacher to pass, that's all. God, shut up!" she said, rolling her eyes at him. 
Eren laughed again, smirking in the process. "Whatever you say princess," he replied in a teasing voice. 
She looked at him again with an annoyed expression. "Will you shut up with that nickname? It's so gross! Ugh," she said, turning her face away.
"Is that why your face is all heated up? I can tell, but nah I like that name for you. It's funny," he said, chuckling. 
(Y/N) gave him the middle finger, covering her face. "Can we just focus?" she asked, rolling her eyes. 
Eren leaned back in his chair. "Yeah fine… but we need to figure out ways to improve my 'teamwork' or whatever," he said, looking towards her. "We don't have much time until the championship game," he added.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows and turned towards him. "When is that game?" she asked, nodding her head. 
"I don't know, my coach never exactly knows those dates until we win the game," he replied, sitting up. "I'm certain it's soon so we have to get something done," he added. 
She nodded, looking at her phone. "How about tomorrow I come by your dorm, we can do this idea. It may work," she said, looking up at him. 
"At my dorm huh? (Y/N) I never took you as that type," Eren said, smirking. 
She smacked his head, causing him to almost fall out of his chair. "Can you not? I'm trying to explain, and I'm not talking about that stuff. Just wait until we hangout," she said, rolling her eyes. 
He rubbed the side of his head. "Okay fine! I was just messing with you," he said. 
She sighed. "God you're a pain in the ass," she said, looking back towards her laptop.
Eren crossed his arms. "Whatever you say (Y/N)," he replied, looking around the classroom. 
"Class is over! Be sure to finish your projects," Professor Ackerman yelled. 
Eren and (Y/N) stood up, exiting class together. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" she said, nodding her head. 
He smiled. "Yeah! Do you need my dorm number?" he asked, putting his hands in his pockets. 
She looked on her phone. "Yeah I actually do," she replied. 
Eren took his phone out, going to send her a message. "There ya go!" he said, looking down at her. "It isn't too far from yours," he added. 
(Y/N) looked down at his message. "Yeah, it's pretty close actually. I'll probably come by around 6 or 7, because that's when my classes end." she explained, putting her phone into her pocket. 
He nodded. "Sounds like a plan!" he said, going in the opposite direction. "See you tomorrow," he added, turning to walk away. 
(Y/N) smiled, shaking her head as he walked away. Who knew he could be such an idiot, but cute at the same time? She hated thinking Eren was attractive, but she couldn't exactly say he wasn't charming. His brunette hair tied up in a bun, his hands, his height, those piercing green eyes, the cologne he wore, and those broad shoulders. 
God, why was she thinking of him that way? It's Eren Jaeger. The asshole who ruined her reputation. 
(Y/N) pushed the thoughts out of her head, and made her way back to her dorm. She silently prayed that tomorrow would be a good day, and hopefully Eren doesn't act like an ass towards her. 
The next day seemed to fly by for the two, Eren didn't have practice so he had a bunch of free time to get ready for (Y/N) to come by his dorm. For some reason, he felt extra? He re-did his bed which was out of the ordinary, he took a shower, he even put on extra cologne. 
It was out of the ordinary for sure, Eren never usually got this ready for someone. He usually would just leave things the way they are, but it felt different. 
Weird how he got extra for (Y/N) out of all people, the two never got along before, and it surprised Armin when he mentioned it. Armin stated that he should be thankful for her help, and he should feel blessed that a person like her even agreed. Considering what happened three years ago. 
Eren was laying on his bed, the time on his phone reading 6:38 P.M. Eren remembered that her classes went a bit later, since she was a smart student. She was similar to Armin, having classes at weird hours of the day while others just did the usual morning to afternoon classes. 
His phone suddenly vibrated. He grabbed it, opening the message. 
(Y/N): hey um, are we meeting up? I just wanted to ask.
Eren: yeah we are, you can come by rn.
(Y/N): okay great! i'm on my way.
Eren sighed sitting up to fix his hair, he tied it into a messy bun, and sprayed some cologne on as he waited for her to arrive. His mind wandered to what ideas she had to fix his teamwork skills, was it the project? He didn't have any idea what she meant. 
A sudden knock came from the door. Eren stood up, making his way over and opening it to see (Y/N) standing there with her backpack. 
"Hey.. come in," he said, moving so could enter his dorm.
(Y/N) entered and looked around his dorm. "Nice dorm," she said, smiling a bit. "I'm going to finish the project first then we'll get onto my idea," she added, putting her backpack down. 
Eren shut the door and went to his side of the bed. "Alright.. sounds cool," he replied, crossing his legs on his bed. "Are you sure you don't need help?" he asked. 
She looked up from her laptop. "Yeah I'm fine.. just give me a few minutes," she replied, opening her folder and grabbing her paper. 
Eren looked at the slideshow as she edited it and added information. He watched the way her eyes squinted or the way she chewed her lip, Eren couldn't help but stare. She looked kind of.. cute.
"Eren! I need you to look at this really quick," she said, breaking him out of his thoughts. 
He shook his head, going to look at the slide she was at. He read through the information she put, he looked back up to see her eyes on his. 
"Does it look fine?" she asked, nodding her head. 
Eren leaned back against the wall. "Yeah! That looks fine, but are you sure you don't need any help?" he asked, raising a brow.
(Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest. "Do I need to remind you of the deal? Trust me Eren I got this, just sit back and let me finish this." she replied, looking back down at her laptop.
He sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Okay fine.." he mumbled, looking around the room.
Within a few minutes she finished the rest of the presentation, she felt satisfied with the project. Hopefully Eren wouldn't pull what he did freshmen year and fuck it over, that's why she decided to submit it as early as she could so no new changes could be made without the professor noticing. 
"Alright.. done!" she said, closing her laptop. 
Eren sat up and clicked his phone off. "So what now? What did you want to do?" he asked, nodding at her. 
She looked over at him. "So I know this sounds odd.. but it's a good way to help with your teamwork. Do you mind if we clean your dorm?" she asked, grabbing her backpack.
His brows furrowed. "Clean my room? How is that going to help me?" he asked. 
She sighed. "It involves teamwork if it's the two of us and there are a few ways it helps. It helps communicate, share ideas, and it can be useful," she replied. "Trust me, it was either this or we go find people to play football with." she added, taking out some trash bags. 
Eren looked at the stuff on his bed. "If you say so.." he mumbled and stood up. 
The two began to clean his side of the dorm, (Y/N) was a bit surprised seeing how his side wasn't actually that dirty, but it still needed a lot of work. Eren was tossing out some garbage that was under his bed, while (Y/N) sorted through his dresser and table. 
"You got ibuprofen as your pain killers?" she asked, holding the bottle. 
Eren looked over and nodded. "Yeah that's what the nurse gave me," he replied. 
She chuckled a bit. "No wonder you aren't healed, these are baby painkillers. You need some Tylenol," she said, putting the bottle back onto the dresser. 
Eren tossed the bag of garbage onto the floor, he tossed a few things off his nightstand and put them onto his bed. 
"Should I do my bed?" he asked, looking over at (Y/N).
She looked over at it. "Furniture first! Your bed should be last," she replied, turning back to his dresser. "Eren, can you give me the cleaner?" she asked.
Eren grabbed the cleaner and walked up behind her. She turned around and her breath hitched, she forgot how tall Eren had gotten. His breath slightly fanned over her face. 
"Here," he replied, going back to his nightstand. 
Her heart raced a bit. She turned back to his dresser and sprayed the lemon scented cleaner onto it, she wiped it up and tossed it into the garbage bag. 
(Y/N) began to place back some of the items on his dresser, she looked at the different football trophies he had or the photos of his family. She vaguely remembered the mention of a sister, Mikasa was it? She placed the frame back onto the dresser and turned towards Eren. 
He was on his phone watching something. 
She walked over and grabbed it. "Come on! Let's keep going," she said and put his phone on his dresser. 
He sighed in annoyance. "Why is this so hard?" he asked with a whine. 
She crossed her arms over her chest. "It isn't that hard Eren. You're just lazy right now," she replied. "Come on, let's do your bed." she added and walked towards the end of his bed. 
He stood up and threw the sheets off his bed. 
"Someone's aggressive," (Y/N) said, picking up his comforter. 
Eren rolled his eyes playfully. "I just wanna get this over with," he replied, walking to the other side of his bed. 
"Here.. tuck this in on your side," she said and flipped the sheet towards him. 
Eren grabbed the ends of the sheet, lifting the mattress a bit as he tucked the sheet under it. (Y/N) did the same. 
Within a few minutes his bed was made and his side of the dorm was clean. Eren was surprised at how clean it was, it hadn't been this clean since he first moved in three years ago. He felt a bit tired from all the cleaning. 
"Toss me my phone," (Y/N) said and walked towards Eren. 
He handed the cellphone to her, she opened her timer app and nodded. 
"What?" Eren asked and raised a brow. 
She smiled a bit. "I timed this whole thing.. we got it done in less than an hour," she replied, showing her phone to him. 
He raised his brows in surprise. "Damn.. it takes me usually about an hour or more," he said. 
(Y/N) giggled a bit. "See? That's what I was trying to teach you. Working with someone else can get things done quicker, and we did organize a lot of your stuff which shared ideas," she replied. 
Eren fully understood what she was trying to do now, it didn't seem so bad afterall. 
"That makes a lot of sense," he said, chuckling a bit. "But uh.. thank you for helping me with my room," he added and smiled at her. 
She couldn't help but admire his nice smile, his teeth were pearly white. "O-Oh! Yeah totally, it was no problem." she said, looking away as her cheeks heated up. 
They sat there for a while, staring at each other. 
"Uh.. I should get going. It's getting pretty late," (Y/N) said, breaking the silence between them. 
Eren blinked a bit. "Oh yeah totally.. um, do you want me to walk you back? It can be dangerous you know," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Yeah sure.. that'd be nice," she said and grabbed her backpack off the floor. 
The two stood up, Eren put his slides on and followed (Y/N) out the door. He exited the doors of his residence halls with her, she shivered a bit as the cooler air hit her skin. 
"Cold huh?" he asked, laughing a bit as he watched her attempt to warm herself. 
She smiled a bit. "Yeah.. I kind of miss summer," she replied and looked down at the ground. 
Eren nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I miss it too but I love fall, it's football season." he said and smiled at the thought of the sport. 
They got to the residence hall that she stayed in, Eren opened the door for her and watched as she made her way inside. Eren followed her down the hall to her dorm, he remembered her number like the back of his hand. 
She stopped as she got to the door. "Well I hoped helping you did something," she said, smiling a bit. 
Eren chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah it did in a way," he replied, staring down at her. 
They stared at each other again. Something inside Eren was tempting him to do something to her, not something bad, he was tempted to..
"Thanks for walking me back. It means a lot," she said, breaking Eren out of his thoughts.
He shook his head. "Uh yeah! No problem, I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, nodding his head. 
She smiled. "Yeah totally, be careful. Don't fall," she said, giggling a bit. 
He rolled his eyes playfully. "I haven't fallen yet, but thanks for the concern princess" he said, chuckling at her nickname. 
(Y/N) slapped his arm and opened her dorm door. "Shut up," she said and laughed. 
"Alright whatever, see ya" Eren said, waving at her.
"Goodnight," (Y/N) replied, shutting the door to her dorm.
Eren sighed as he left her residence hall, he was tempted. He was so tempted to just lean down and…
(Y/N) lied down on her bed, she couldn't get Eren out of her mind. Yeah it was normal to think of him usually, but this was different. She thought of him on a daily basis, she was kind of disappointed to see him leave her dorm. She wanted him to stay for some reason. 
Something in her wanted Eren around.
tagging: @ererokii @eremiie @callmepromise @katsuhera @moomii-hime @luvrboykento @flam3bird @thicmitten @simpforerensattacktitan @daughter-of-the-stars11 @mariardgzn @basket-flower-chick @just-a-little-sad @chayauwu @sofi-yeager @ryan249057 @bell0214 @lunamoonawatcher
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sammyblep · 3 years
About 1k words of Sam and Magda bonding, discussion of Max Miller, and regrets. Warnings for canon deaths/violence/self-harm and depictions/discussions thereof.
Alternate universe - Magda lives.
     She is twenty when she asks:
“Why did you tell me to not kill my mother?”
It has been a year since Sam rescued Magda from the house, since her mother killed her father, since her brother went to live with their aunt in California. Magda ran to the center of the country when a man came after her with a gun and hasn’t left Kansas since. She still has never slept well, and on bad days her fingers itch for something to hurt herself with, craving the momentary distraction pain always brought her. 
She has not hurt herself, though. Sometimes she scratches her arms in her sleep, and sometimes she cannot keep food down, but she has not hurt herself deliberately. 
Sam sighs, that short but deep sound of his, and sits down on the couch next to her. Magda can hear him, knows he’s looking at the question, its layers, its meanings. Why did you save me? Why did you think she deserved to live? What were you scared of?
Magda did not sleep last night, because her mother still haunts her. She wants an answer. She knows Sam will provide it.
“One of the first times my powers showed up, they showed me this kid named Max. Well--they showed me the people he was killing.” His eyes don’t go distant, like Dean’s do when he tells stories, but Magda can still sense the depth of the memories he’s going through. “I was 22, and I still didn’t know what was happening, just that people were dying and I couldn’t stop it.
“Max was… he was kind of like you. His dad, uh, his dad blamed him for the death of his mother, and he beat him all the time. His uncle did the same, and his stepmom - she never did anything. Eventually Max just snapped, and he killed his father and his uncle, and he was gonna kill his stepmom, too…”
For a second, Magda feels something from Sam. Just a flicker, like she’s felt before - like she felt when she saved her brother, like she has felt when Sam’s in life-threatening danger. It’s accompanied by a memory of a hall closet, a display cabinet, a dreadful thrilling rush of power. Her own abilities have never felt like that, but then again, she was taught to hate them. Herself.
“What happened?” she prompts.
“He didn’t.” Sam smiles for a moment, then looks down. “I, uh, I stopped him. I convinced him it wouldn’t help, and he didn’t kill his mother.” Magda knows what’s coming before he says it. “Instead he killed himself, with his own powers, because he was too scared and angry to live.”
She stays silent. Sam will make his point. She trusts him to, and she wants to know how the story ends.
After a long moment - twenty seconds, Magda’s internal clock tells her, she’d gotten good at counting time down in the basement - Sam lets out another sigh and continues. “I beat myself up about it for months after. Wondered why I couldn’t save him, what I could have done differently. And eventually I realized… the guilt would have gotten him, if the fear and anger didn’t. He wasn’t just scared of his father and uncle, he was scared of himself, too. And you--he tried to kill his stepmom with a kitchen knife, just like you and your mother. And all I could think right then was that I didn’t want you to have any more guilt.”
Olivia Sanchez. 
Ricky Copeland.
In some ways, her father. 
But she feels no guilt for her mother. The remorse she felt once for the car accident was whipped and flayed out of her skin long ago. 
“Oh,” she says, to fill the silence and acknowledge Sam. “Even though she was so horrible?”
“Even so.” Sam sits up slightly, still hunched over but looking up. “If she’d attacked you again--or me, or Dean, or Elijah--well, I still wouldn’t have wanted you to kill her. I would have done that myself, or Dean could have. But not you.”
“But it would be self-defense.”
“Funny thing about the mind: sometimes it doesn’t care about that distinction. Trust me.”
Emma. She doesn’t know the significance of the name, only that Sam, on purpose, rarely thinks about her. Satisfied, she leans back against the couch, reveling in the pressure on her back that doesn’t ache or aggravate whipped-on wounds that no longer exist. Sam, next to her, picks up the TV remote. 
“I was thinking of watching some Attenborough,” he offers. She murmurs her agreement.
Behind her, Sam’s arm shifts to rest across the back of the couch. She leans over to him, resting her head on his shoulder; just like the ambulance, the day she was freed. 
She wakes up to a different documentary, Dean smiling at the two of them from the doorway. His phone is out, clearly just used to take a picture of them, and she thinks he sent it to Mary, most likely. At some point, Sam dragged a blanket over them both, still holding Magda. His head is tilted back against the top of the couch, He’s gently snoring. He looks peaceful.
Forgive yourself, she thinks at him - not hard enough to damage his brain, but hopefully enough for him to hear. Sam, you’re forgiven.
He saved her from true sin, from a lifetime of guilt and terror. She hopes someday he’ll know that peace too--that he’ll forgive himself the way Max couldn’t, the way he helped Magda to, the way she knows Elijah is learning to, out on their aunt’s ranch.
And then she settles back in to watch the documentary and learn about the world she was kept from for so long.
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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parkers-gal · 4 years
eggnog and mistletoe P.P
wc: 1.5k (fluff)
summary: peter helps you learn to love the holidays
best friends to lovers!au / peter parker x reader
Growing up, the holidays had never peaked your interests. What, with living in an area where heat was a constant and snow was a rare, you had no reasons to find any of the winter holidays interesting or in the least bit, exciting. 
This was your first year in New York, and your first holiday outside of your hometown. It was one of the last weeks of November, Peter inviting you and his friends over to his apartment for a movie night. 
The heater was on, blankets passed around as everyone chose spots, you and Peter choosing one end of the couch, Ned sitting on the floor and MJ on the arm chair. Betty was sitting on the other end of the couch, Flash sitting beside Ned as they fought for the popcorn. 
A scene in the movie came on, but Flash had to use the restroom, asking you to pause the movie. You did just that, and Betty took the opportunity to talk. 
"I just love winter and Christmas," she gushed. "It's so much fun and it makes me so nostalgic." 
"Ha, for you," MJ replied. "I will admit, the ice skating is fun as fuck."
Peter laughed, nodding. 
"What about the food, though," Ned tapped his temple with his pointer finger.
"What food?" Flash came out of the bathroom, straightening his shirt out. 
"We're talking about the holidays," Peter told him. 
"Oh sick," he sat down next to Ned again, pulling his blanket over his legs. "You guys ever just play in the snow until your nose turns red? And then your mom has to drag you in before you get a cold?"
"Oh my gosh, yes!" Betty laughed, tapping his shoulder. "Or when you drink eggnog and open presents-"
"I think decorating is way more fun than eggnog," MJ commented. 
"What about you?" Peter asked you quietly, poking your side. 
"What about me?" you laughed nervously at him. 
"What do you like about the holidays, I mean," he said. 
"Well uhm," you scratched the back of your neck. "I don't really like the holidays." 
"You don't like the holidays?" Ned repeated, louder. "How do you not like the holidays?" 
"Seriously though, what're you going to do on Christmas?" Betty asked. 
"Probably stay home and watch movies," you said nonchalantly, not seeing the big deal with your response. 
"Jesus Christ," Ned laughed. "You're really missing out, kid." 
"Yeah, what are you, the Grinch?" Flash joked, laughing with Betty. 
"Can't you go home to your family?" MJ suggested. 
"We don't really- you know... they aren't big on holiday celebrations." 
"No wonder she's a Grinch," Flash teased.
"Okay, okay," Peter shut it down. "Let's just finish the movie before it gets too late." 
For the next three weeks, Peter and his friend group had prepared for the holidays, going ice skating and taking trips to the mall for Christmas shopping, as well as going in to see the big Christmas tree. All the while, you had denied each of their offers, not wanting to be called a Grinch for not having fun during their hang outs. Peter, however, found himself having less fun now that you had stopped hanging out with them. 
Christmas was in a week, the gang going their separate ways as the holidays approached. They were traveling to their families in time for Christmas. Peter was due to leave for Aunt May's in a day, and you had settled on your original plan: watching movies in your apartment. 
Peter had a different idea. 
You were over at his apartment for what would be the last time until he returned from his Aunts, which was to be after New Year's day. 
"So Y/N, I was thinking," he started. You looked away from your computer, looking to the boy sitting on the other end of the bed. 
"Yeah, what about?" 
"I was thinking you could come home with me for the holidays."
You froze, eyes darting up towards his face, shock probably covering your expression. 
"Well, I-I  just," he stuttered, itching the back of his neck. "You know, you said you didn't really have fun during the holidays and I was just hoping you'd let me take you- y'know, maybe introduce you to it for the first time."
"You don't have to go! I just didn't want my best friend to be alone on Christmas day and then not see me until the next year-"
"I think that's, uhm, a really nice idea."
"Yeah, you think so?" he asked timidly, crawling closer to you. 
You nodded, and he broke out into a smile. "Awesome. We're going tomorrow."
"Well I leave for May's tomorrow, and I want you to come with me."
You nodded, "well I have to go pack." 
Peter nodded, kissing your forehead. "I'll pick you up at 9 A.M.?"
You smiled, nodding. You kissed his cheek on the way out, and once your back was turned, Peter did a little celebratory fist pump.
"Peter I don't know how to skate on ice," you said nervously between gasps. He was standing next to you on the ice while you held onto the barricades. May was on the sidelines, phone in her hand as she took pictures of the moment. 
"C'mon, Y/N. Just watch me and then I can help you, okay?"
You nodded, quickly changing positions to look at him better. After five minutes, you had the groove down, taking Peter's hand. He pulled you into the rink more, watching your movements and giving you tips. You nearly fell four times, but after fifteen minutes, you had gotten the hang of it, and had actually found yourself having a great time. Peter could not keep his eyes off of you. 
"Where to next?" Peter asked, sitting on a bench beside you and May as he took his skates off. 
"There's hot chocolate on the way out," May said. "We can get some for the trip to the Rockefeller."
Peter ooh'ed, physically excited about the idea. 
"What's the Rockefeller?" you asked, putting your converse back on. 
May smiled at you, and Peter took your hand, helping you step down, as the three of you stood up to go to the exit. "It's where the big Christmas tree is," he told you. 
"Yeah," Peter blushed. "It's super pretty at night. Colder, but pretty."
"Yeah?" Peter asked hopefully. 
"Yeah," you confirmed before thanking May for getting you a hot chocolate. Peter watched as you took your first sip, and he smiled when you let out a satisfied hum. "That's really good."
"I told you," he nudged your hip with his own, smiling. His beanie covered most of his curls, but he was still your silly best friend. 
After viewing the tree for a good twenty minutes and taking at least forty pictures, May said it was time to head back home. It was getting colder by the minute, and you and Peter found it was probably a good idea. 
Arriving back, Peter told you to go shower first, something about how it would warm you up. When you walked back into his room with a normal shirt and some shorts on, he stood up.
"Here," he handed you some clothes. 
"What's this?"
"Oh, uhm- Christmas pants and a sweater. My- my sweater," he blushed, and you slowly took it from him, inspecting them before putting them on. Peter grinned before heading towards the bathroom, "I'm going to shower. Make yourself comfortable." 
While Peter was in the shower, you were sitting on the couch, looking through the assortment of Christmas movies May had stocked up. She was making her ritual Christmas Eve dinner, and she came out to sit next to you while it was baking in the oven. 
"So Peter tells me you weren't really a fan of the holidays," she says. 
"Yeah," you smiled nervously. "I just never found it interesting or anything." 
"Well, I hope you at least find this year's Christmas interesting," she smiled, and you did too. 
"I really do. Peter makes everything better- I mean, he makes things more fun." 
May grinned, a twinkle in her eye. Before she could reply, Peter was coming out of the bathroom, his outfit just like yours, only he had fuzzy socks on. 
"What're we talking about?" he sat next to you. 
"Just that you have to kiss her now." 
Peter choked on air, glancing back and forth between you and May. "Wh-at? W-why?"
May smirked, pointing towards the ceiling and going back to the kitchen. There, hanging down, was mistletoe, and Peter blushed, his ears reddening all over again. 
"What- what's that mean?" you asked, brows furrowed. 
"Well, it's tradition that if two people stand under the mistletoe together, they have to- uhm.. they have to kiss."
"Oh," you said, relaxing a little as you understood. 
"We- we don't have to, I'm sure May was just mes-" but he didn't get to finish his sentence, as your lips had managed to quiet him. It didn't last very long -- they never do-- but it lasted long enough for Peter to kiss you back. 
"I really like you," he confessed after the two of you had split apart. 
"I really like you," you said back, and he smiled, linking one of your hands with his, just as May had brought out dinner. 
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Sorry to bother you,but can I get some headcannons for yandere Rohan and maybe some NSFW? I really like your blog and thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!
I’m really super late with this hah… Sorry for being gone for so long lovelies but hopefully I can make a dent in this ask box of mine so I can reopen request! 
Yandere Rohan Kishibe Headcanons + NSFW
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Rohan has never really felt love for someone before, sure he’s admired someone from afar but most of the people that wanted to get close to him always wanted something from him.
If he was honest it was infuriating, maddening even. It went completely against his philosophy that the best manga is based on reality. If he himself couldn’t experience love and the butterflies or fireworks that come with it then how would any of his characters?!
So he started to search for inspiration, the drive to make his manga the very best so that it would be read by everyone was what started this adventure to begin with but after a while of meeting people and having no luck was disappointing, to say the least.
That was until he had found you, you were very interesting to watch from a distance and he even got some inspiration for his main character’s love interest just from observing you.
He watched how you would do little things, how you carried yourself, that way you used certain mannerisms, how when you got excited about something you seemed like you were practically radiating joy, and how you walked like the world was your runway. Almost like you knew he was watching…did you know he was watching you??
After a few weeks of this, he decided he needed more, just watching you was no longer satisfying to him, he NEEDED to know everything about you. weather or not he had to do it by turning you into a book or not was the problem.
It would be much easier but for some reason, he felt he wanted you to be more than just inspiration, had he caught feelings for someone he’d never spoken 2 words to? Had the great Rohan Kishibe fallen in love with a stranger??
No matter, if getting close to you is what he needed to itch his scratch than so be it. So one day he came to a cafe that you frequented with a sketchbook and pen in hand and approached you. 
He introduced himself very bluntly and took a seat across you “Hello there, my name is Rohan Kishibe, I’m a manga artist and was wonder if you would let me draw you..” you couldn’t tell it but his heart was pounding in this chest like a jackhammer.
To his delight you accepted and he got to work, he sat there with you and started a conversation while he put all of your features on paper. Rohan was so happy that you replied to him with so much excitement in your voice he felt himself falling more and more the longer he sat with you.
He took his sweet time drawing you, honestly, it could have taken him just a few minutes to get it done and over with but he wanted this to take as long as possible, he wanted to sit with you for the rest of the day if you’d let him.
But it was over faster than he wanted and soon you had to part ways but not before you made a request. “You see y/n, you have such a beautiful face and I would very much like to sketch you again sometime. Perhaps we could make arrangements and we could continue our conversation as well.”
After that, you two exchanged phone numbers and soon you two meet with each other every Saturday at noon for lunch and then you would go back to his house so you could be his model, and oh hoe he treasured this alone time with you.
He loved that he could touch you and you wouldn’t flinch away from him, how warm your skin was, how beautiful you were in any lighting, how you had such beautiful eyes that could pierce right through his heart.
Soon your relationship took a turn for the best, he had finally managed to ask you out on a real date and you excitedly said yes, oh how happy he was that he could finally call you his and only his.
NSFW Headcanons
Soon your weekly meeting with Rohan had gotten more streamy, but you weren’t complaining and neither was he. He often kisses you as passionately as he can just so he could draw the adorable expressions on your face.
Or he’ll touch you just were you like making you squirm under him and once you get in a pose he enjoys he quickly jot it down and continue to tease you.
Rohan often requests to sketch or paint you nude, this is what he really treasures, especially on a long night away from you when he’s been overworking himself and he needs a bit of relief
He quickly grabs his secret sketchbook that had all the beautiful drawings of you and will daydream that it’s you working his member, that it’s your hand on him and not his, he even imagines your voice telling him what you want him to do to you.
When he does have you in his arms he very passionate but possessive at the same time, often giving you hickeys in very obvious places as well as somewhere no one would ever see them like along your inner thigh and your hips and chest.
Rohan is a bit kinky and would love to tie you down to the bed and ravage you, he loves when you moan and scream his name as he thrusts into you. He’ll ofter ask you who’s fucking you and who’s making you feel this pleasure before following with “MINE MINE MINE!”
He’s also really into shibari, he finds is so beautiful the intricate knots and patterns that can be made with the rope and human body. He’s tied you up in some pretty interesting patterns and then sketched them cause he couldn’t resist but keep something to remember it.
He’s never too rough with you unless you’ve done something to displease him, Rohan will never admit it but he loves bending you over his knee and spanking you. He loves seeing the expression on your face when he swats your ass and how red his hand leaves it.
He’s also pretty good at aftercare as well, he’ll leave the room for a few minutes and come back with tea and snacks, he’ll pull you close to him while you eat and brush the hair behind your ear whispering about how good you did and how perfect you are.
“Did you enjoy yourself, Darling? Good…I know I did”
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Scarred Spirits - Zuko x fem! reader (pt.5)
SUMMARY: y/n wakes up in an unfamiliar place and tries to find her way back to her mission (i suck at summaries LOL)
WARNINGS: swearing, fighting? kinda?
OTHER PARTS:  pt1   /   pt2 /   pt3 /   pt4 /   pt6
A/N: anddddd we’re back!!! hehe thank you to everyone who has been so so patient with me i am so greatful && hopefully youre just as excited as i am for this series heheh
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Bricks. You felt as though you were just hit with a tonne of bricks. The idea of even opening your eyes to the harsh sunlight, which you could feel through your eyelids felt like the worst idea in the world. Your dry throat didn’t help at all either. Maybe if I just lay wherever the fuck I am, I’ll magically gain the energy to move again. Or better yet, maybe the ground will swallow me whole, and I can forget about this mission altogether.
Abruptly interrupting your painful stillness on the ground, there was a small kick into your left side. The sudden shock immediately sent your brain swirling into all the ways you could eliminate whoever disturbed your peace.
“Hey… I think she’s dead.”
Ah, the wonderful sound of an annoying, teenage boy. They’ll be easy to take out.
A second female voice emerged. “She's not dead Sokka! She's literally breathing!" Sokka? As in Hakodas son? Oh Spirits, you never fail to amaze me with how you choose to dictate my life. Hmmm, then that means the girl is Katara. Yay.
"Yeah?! Then why the hell hasn't she even moved a single inch since we found her!"
"Well, maybe she's protesting against your annoying poking!" Spirits they're annoying and loud.
A third voice attempted to intervene, "Guys…. Stop, she's fine. Trust me." Hmm, that's considerably younger. 10 years old perhaps? Or a bit older? 12 maybe? Male?
"Oh yeah? How can you be so sure Aang."
"Well Katara is right, she is breathing for one. But…. There's something else about her, I can feel it."
"What? Like an avatar thingy?"
Wait the Avatar? Wasn't he on that dragon from when I was-
"Hmmm right, well what are we going to do with her?" At that statement, the annoying boy who seemed to be so confident that you were dead, kicked you again. Sick of his irritable presence, with as much strength you could muster, you took your right hand quickly snatching his ankle, and yanking it towards you, causing him to lose balance and ultimately backwards. Letting out a high-pitched yelp as he thudded onto the hard ground, you quickly rose to your knees. Taking the hand gripped around his ankle to tug him closer to you, you moved between his legs until you were able to straddle his waist, placing all of your weight on top of him. Finally, you grabbed both his arms, holding them above his head, completely hindering him from moving.
"If you kick me one more time, or even trying anything like that again, I WILL chop your legs off. Got it?"
Staring at you with pure horror in his eyes, he visibly gulped, nodding. "Yes! Yes! Hear it loud and clear. Totally got it! Just call me Sokka, the guy with perfect understanding."
Moving your right hand from his wrists, you firmly gripped his jaw, forcing him to keep eye contact with you. Taking in his scared features, you smirked even though he couldn't see it. "You sure about that, water boy?"
"YES! YES!", frantically nodding, you could tell that if you kept pressing on, he'd probably burst into tears soon. Bringing his voice down to a pathetic whimper, he let out, "please don't hurt me."
Finally lifting yourself off him, you let out a dry laugh, satisfied with his compliance. "Uh-huh. Right."
Turning your head to the people that belonged to the other two voices, you took in their stunned and weakly defensive stances. Chest heaving at your sudden physical movements, you nodded, acknowledging them. "Hey, Avatar. Katara. So, where am I?"
After a few moments of silence, the Avatar spoke up first. “You’re just outside of Omashu.”
Katara elbowed Aang, instantly alarmed at his calm nature towards you. “Aang! You can’t just say that. We don’t know who this person is or how she even knows my name! She could be with the Fire Nation for all we know!”
“Katara it’s alright! Calm down.”
“Calm down?! She just attacked Sokka! I mean, rightfully so- but it’s a little suspicious. We don’t know who she is or her intentions.”
Sighing, you looked around, taking in your surroundings. It seemed that rocky mountains surrounded you with a small group of tents in the distance. Interesting… why are they all Earth Kingdom people, when Omashu is so close by?
Shifting your attention back towards the three, you decided against telling them who you were. “It doesn’t matter how I know any of your names. What matters is that I need to get back to my original mission.”
Sokka scoffed, moving to stand beside his sister. “Your mission? Let me guess; you’re here to kill Aang too.”
Raising an eyebrow, his eyes immediately widened in fear. “Trust me, water boy, if I wanted him dead, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. I’m here on… other confidential business.” Met with silence from all three of them you moved on, “so let me guess, you found Omashu invaded by the Fire Nation, and you three were the ones that helped that tiny camp of people over there escape from their rule. Interesting choice considering there are bigger things you should be worrying about. Yet, why are all of you still here? Surely the Avatar and his friends don’t need to train them in how to look after themselves.”
“We’re going back into Omashu. To make a trade for King Bumi and to give the governor his son back.” Why does he keep willingly give me information? Now that’s interesting. I can barely feel any fire within him either, it’s almost as if it's not there at all…
“Okay. I’ll accompany you all into Omashu, and once we arrive within the city, we’ll go our separate ways.”
Bursting out into a fit of laughter, you shook your head at the water tribe siblings. “Naw, it’s sweet how you think you all have a choice in this. Don’t worry, nothing will happen to any of you, I’m just hitching a ride and you’ll never have to see me again. Regardless, Aang said yes, and considering he’s the Avatar and all, I think his choice overrules yours.”
Katara didn’t seem to like your suggestion that her and Sokka’s opinion didn’t matter. “No, it doesn’t work like that! We’re a family, and we make these decisions together! You can’t just wake up after who knows how long you were laying there for, and expect us to trust you immediately! For one, you attacked Sokka a little too easily without any bending, and you literally said that you were on a mission! If I’m honest, you sound like trouble, especially since we don’t even know your name! Or what you even look like!”
“Just as I said before, it doesn’t matter. It’s sweet you all care enough about each other’s safety, but I’m not here to cause any of you ‘trouble’. Get me inside Omashu, and we’ll never have to speak or interact ever again. If it means so much to you, I’ll let water boy tie me up, and watch me the entire journey there as reparations for my small attack against him. How does that sound?”
Aang more than satisfied with your offer let out a quick, “Yes!”.
Grumbling under her breath Katara shook her head, clearly understanding that this was as good as it was going it get. “Fine. But he ties you up now. If I see you even move an inch out of line, don’t think I’ll go easy on you. I am a waterbender after all.”
As if you being a waterbender would have stopped me. Holding your arms out and casting your attention towards the ground, you were ready for Sokka to bind your wrists together with some cloth, he tore off his clothing. Unknown to you, he seemed to notice that despite how tough you were, you were weak. All of the sudden movements and the argument with his sister clearly drained you physically.
“Hey… I don’t really like you since you threatened to kill me, but are you sure you’re ready to be travelling so soon? You’re breathing really heavily. You need some water and food.” Gently wrapping your wrists together, he tried and failed to make eye contact with you.
At the mention of water, you throat physically constricted in pain. “Nah, I’ll be alright. Just need to get to Omashu.”
“Doubt it. Let’s get you on Appa and I’ll nag Katara for something.”
Silently following him to the Sky Bison, you were grateful that your mask covered the wide smile that broke out onto your face. It’s beautiful.
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Finally, parting ways with them, you let out a breath of relief. That was the most silent journey I have ever been on and I travel by myself… Spirits, I hope I never have to run into them again. I think I’m going to lose my mind if I ever do. What was Hakoda thinking?! I’d be an awful big sister to them, they already hate me! It didn’t help how much they kept bickering either. Argh, what a mess. Aang kept looking at me funny the entire time too! What was up with that? Do his Avatar powers allow him to see into my soul or something? Spirits, he’d probably wants to unleash his Avatar state on me for all of the lives I’ve taken. Yikes.
Before setting off to find Azula, you needed to take precautions to blend into the small kingdom. Stealing some clothes, you found you chose to duplicate you last disguise with the only main difference being that it was in green cloth instead of pink.
After securing your final blade underneath your robes, you knew there was no more time to waste and you needed to find Azula quick. You weren’t sure how much she has progressed in her mission to find Iroh and Zuko and the guilt of not helping them when they ran off the Fire Nation ship was already nagging you like an itch you couldn’t scratch.
This city is too big to wander around aimlessly.
Closing your eyes and letting out a deep breath, you chose to look for her the quickest way you knew how. By sensing her fire.
Come on y/n; you can do it. Unsure of how far your abilities would work, you grew worried that she may be too far away for you to even feel her.
After a few minutes, you started to feel irritated. Of course, you could sense fire, you felt so much of it. The city was crawling with Fire Nation after all, but it wasn’t hers. You emitted a few more deep breaths, trying to clear your head.
Suddenly a deep, familiar voice entered your mind. Inner peace. You need to find your inner peace y/n. That’s why you keep losing control; you need to find it.
Is this that dragon again? As if you didn’t have a random voice inside your head, you were met with silence.
Look you can’t just randomly enter my mind you know, and who in Spirits name transports me to some random mountainside?! I don’t know who you are, but I’ve been doing fine all of these years on my own. So kindly, get out of my head.
Letting out a small scream into your hands as the voice never came back, you closed your eyes again.
Stupid voice.
Stupid inner peace.
Breathing in and out, you wracked your brain for something that made you feel at peace. Come on, you can do it. Then after a few moments, it hit you. Not your inner peace, no. You’d have to find that another day. What did hit you was Azula’s fire, you felt it.
Immediately following the tugging feeling, you ran as fast as you could until you came to a tall piece of scaffolding. Even though you were so far below, you could still hear the fight that was occurring many levels up. Can’t she keep herself out of a battle for at least a day?! I bet it’s not even Zuko up there. Scowling, knowing that you can’t ignore her completely, you climbed up until you reached the fight but still remaining hidden.
By the time you reached the platform, you felt that Azula had already moved from this part of the fight. That didn’t mean that there weren’t pressing matters right in front of you, though.
“How are you going to fight without your bending?” A Fire Nation girl before you brought out her blades ready to attack Katara. Holding back a verbal groan, you knew you were going to have to help her.  
Quickly jumping in, you deflect Mai’s knife with your arm while simultaneously catching a boomerang that you spotted in the corner of your eye. As the flying bison approached your quickly dodged its tail as it sent the two fire nation girls flying back. Seeing a distraction between all parties, you threw the boomerang back to Sokka while running for the scaffolding, making your way into the shadows. So much for never having to see them again.
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When you ran away from the scene, you knew your disguise was too recognisable considering the two girls saw you when you intervened. This left you to painstakingly have to find a new set of clothes, just to make babysitting Azula and her friends so much easier. Despite finally being back on track with your mission, it didn’t make it any less tedious as you followed from a distance in the shadows. “So, we’re tracking down your brother and uncle, huh?”
“It’ll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won’t it Mai?” Huh? Is that coal brains girlfriend or something?
Azula spoke up at that comment, “It’s not just Zuko and Iroh anymore. We have a third target now.” You have got to be fucking joking. I guess I better start finding my inner peace after all, you know, so I don’t blow her FUCKING BRAINS OUT!
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a/n: hehe thank you so much for reading!!! what did you think?? hehe i know its been a while so im kinda rusty so pls let me know your thoughts or any feedback!! hehe i know this wasnt that juicy and kinda short but ive got a lot planned so dw hehe we’ll get there ;)
taglist: @slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​​​ @kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​ @ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​ @nnon-it-up​ @lozzybowe​ @scarletemeterio​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @simpinforsukka​ @chewymoustachio​ @tiffy119​ @spearbatty​ @sokkassuki​
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oasis-hunter · 4 years
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This one took me a bit! I’m not the most well versed in regards to Azul or Riddle, but I tried my best to properly represent how I think they would handle the situation (the same can be said for Rook, but I’m a bit more familiar with him).
These ended up being a bit more like scenarios with bullet points, but hopefully they will suffice!
Edit 7/28: Had to repost cuz tumblr didn’t want it in the tags..
-- Mod Spitz
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▷  Yandere Azul, Rook, and Riddle w/ a Darling that avoids them out of fear
▷ Content Warning: Obsessive behavior, Stalking, Intentions of Abuse(?)
▷▷ Azul Ashengrotto
Azul was not initially interested in Darling. In fact they were rather uninteresting to him. No magic, no exceptional skills, no athletic prowess. Certainly not the type of person who would cross his mind more than once. Yet somehow they managed to slowly draw him in.
Maybe it was the way they looked at him with such disdain upon their first encounter. They saw him as nothing more than a spineless con man, getting by in life through cheap tricks.
It certainly made the taste of victory that much sweeter as he watched the realization of their hopelessness spread further across their face with each failed attempt at besting him.
And it made him all the more ravenous in his desire to see more. He wanted to toy with them. Have them rely on him for a feeling of confidence and security only to have it torn down once more. Break their spirits over and over.
However, his toy gave him little thought following his overblotting. Why would they want to return to the Mostro Lounge, especially to see him?
He needed to draw them in once more, but his busy schedule allowed little time for chase. Fortunately for him, Jade and Floyd were eager to assist.
It was rather obvious to Darling they were being watched. It was hard not to notice the two large eels in their peripheral, especially after they had so many unpleasant encounters with the two mere weeks prior.
It seemed with every minor inconvenience one of them slid to their side, inquiring in an eerily casual way only to lead to suggesting Azul’s assistance in the matter. Darling rejected them at every turn, but their persistence was unyielding.
Sometimes they would take further measures that forced Darling’s hand. Late into the night they would have to cautiously enter the lounge in order to retrieve Grim, who had been bribed into staying with the promise of complimentary snacks. Like clockwork, Azul would corner them.
Darling would fidget nervously, desperately trying to pull Grim out as quickly as possible. Azul attempted light conversation, his sultry voice sending a chill through their spine as he feigned surprise at their arrival.
Their responses would be short -- if they even responded at all. This was irritating, but it was nothing too concerning. A measure of respect for his power was needed to instill a reliance after all. Why would they come seeking aid if they didn’t think he could give them something significant in return?
As they hastily retreated, he let out a sigh, slightly disappointed but satisfied. While they had left him once more, the initial barrier of getting them to return again was overcome. Now the true pursuit could begin.
▷▷   Rook Hunt
Rook had never had the pleasure of being formally introduced to Darling, and for any other typical human, he would not have felt any reason to pursue them. However, after discovering the unique conditions of their arrival, how could he stay away?
A mysterious individual brought to the school with no recollection of themself or their origin. Perhaps they weren’t even from this world. How mystifying! How intriguing!
Rook longed to analyze them, but from afar there was nothing to be seen. They blended in with the crowds so easily, the cat-like monster perched on their shoulder being the only part that made them stand out.
If Rook were more naive -- more careless -- he would have dismissed them, but his hunter’s blood boiled hot in his veins. He knew there was something more. Something deeper.
Had Darling been his prey, he would simply capture them and inspect them thoroughly by hand, inside and out. Truly the temptation burned in the back of his mind as he took every free opportunity to shadow them from afar.
Yes, he had become rather obsessed. More so than with any other creature he had pursued, but how could he not? Never before had someone like this existed, and that in itself was the truest embodiment of beauty.
It was not Darling who first realized they were being followed. It was Jack subtly warning them of the continued pursuit that had made them fully aware of the piercing eyes that had tracked them from every angle.
They had heard of Rook in fleeting conversations, and each victim of his interest had the same horror story to tell. From what they could gather, his observations were harmless, but the chill of anxiety they felt under his eyes told them a different tale.
They threw a glance over their shoulder, feeling his ever present gaze immediately falling upon them as they left the classroom. Their eyes locked for the first time, and a wide smile stretched across his face, Rook disappearing into the mass of students filing into the hallway. With the warmth sapped from their body, Darling realized at that moment they were most definitely not safe. But what fun was the chase if there was no fear mixed in?
▷▷   Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle was no stranger to being dodged. Aside from a handful of friends, his presence was often met with fear. Students fled at the possibility of losing their head for any misstep. While he had improved, he still needed to maintain some semblance of order lest his dorm fall into chaos.
Darling was no exception. As he entered the dorm’s common area, he saw them, sitting with Ace and Deuce, chatting away merrily. With one glance he could note every flaw in their posture, their tone, their grammar...Everything was in need of adjustment, and it festered inside of him like a desperate itch he couldn’t scratch.
It was Ace’s face slightly faltering that caused them to look his way. Seeing their eyes widen with worry and their smile wither away was always painful. They had such a lovely smile. Riddle couldn’t help but frown bitterly, which surely didn’t help him appear any more welcoming.
He resented how unpleasant he had become to them. His first impression wasn’t ideal, and it seemed even in his improved state there was tension.
Riddle simply wanted to help them. Oh, how he longed to help them. Fix them and turn them into the perfect being. One that followed every rule with flawless execution and could serve as the partner to his queenship. He had imagined it everyday, and with each averted glance and snuffed bout of laughter, he felt his heart chip away.
By instinct the words fell from his mouth. “Sit properly!” “The study period is for studying, NOT socializing!” “Properly enunciate! How do you expect me to hear you if you’re mumbling!” He felt so cruel, but the desire to correct was overwhelming. Increasingly so with them.
He could not overcome the irritation that gnawed at him incessantly as he witnessed what he believed could be the perfect companion conduct themself so poorly, and with each criticism, he could feel them further slipping from his grasp.
Riddle had to realize that if he truly wished to have his Darling, he would need to find a gentler means of easing them into his world. Only when they trusted him -- felt safe around him -- could he begin to mold them into his ideal. It just took a pinch more patience.
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kayr0ss · 4 years
A Tactical Approach
[Diakko Week 2020, Day 2: Hand Holding / Cuddles, Fluff] AO3
Happy to participate in Diakko week 2020! @dianakko-week
Akko had never considered herself a strategic person but sometimes life led a girl into situations that felt like war.
And this was a battle she was determined to win.
She assessed the setting—it was important to know your surroundings and use them to your advantage after all. What could she possibly do to make the most out of this situation? What was the ideal picture of a victory in her mind?
Victory was sweet. Like plums.
It would also be warm and absolute, full of conviction and with no space for hesitation.
And hopefully victory wasn’t sweaty. Oh by Jennifer—please—she hoped victory wasn’t sweaty!
Why were her hands sweaty now of all times? She sighed, wiping her palms along the fabric of her skirt in an attempt to alleviate the problem. Satisfied, she returned to assessing the terrain of her battle. She was in Diana’s dormitory, sitting on Hannah’s stolen study chair so that she and Diana shared a desk, huddling themselves shoulder-to-shoulder. It was eight fifty-seven in the evening and she had been waging this war for all of seventeen minutes by now.
Yes, she was counting since eight forty.
The opposing party of this skirmish just so happened to be the object of her affections. What were her motivations? What would her next move be? Akko squinted at her foe, watching as she flipped another page of the Ancient Runes textbook she was examining. She brushed back blonde and green tresses behind her ear, the candlelight of the lamp on her desk flickered playfully across her features and oh my god she has it bad, doesn’t she?
Akko exhaled, releasing a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Diana looked up, blue eyes softer than usual, and tilted her head in inquiry.
“Is everything alright, Akko?”
Ah. She really had it bad.
“Yeah.” Akko said in a quiet voice. It was so unlike her that Diana’s brow quirked upward. The movement was subtle, but they were near enough to each other for Akko to notice.
“Book.” The blonde chided, pointing downwards to the (very much ignored) Divination textbook lying in front of Akko. “You’re getting distracted again.”
Akko simply huffed. “Like it’s my fault!”
That won a small chuckle out of Diana, who turned a little pink if Akko wasn’t seeing things. This meant the implication didn’t go over her head—and that was all and well. Akko didn’t want it to go over her head. She knew that Diana knew that she… felt things.
Many, difficult to describe things that she frankly didn’t have the vocabulary for, so she’d much rather express it in actions. Diana leaned in a little, bumping their shoulders playfully. Akko giggled, looking back towards the pages of her book with no intention of reading. She felt her face heat up but she still smiled, appreciative of what was such a small yet meaningful gesture of affection from the normally aloof Diana.
She bumped her shoulder back. They were both smiling into their books now.
These little interactions had brought her back to the essence of her battle—of the mission she was on, and the victory she aimed to secure.
Now wasn’t the time to get distracted! The setting was perfect: quiet, candle-lit, with the rest of the room glowing softly in yellow and without Hannah and Barbara in sight. The curtains were pulled open and, despite it being a little cloudy, the view was just as wonderful as a clear night sky.
Akko examined her artillery options. She already used the 'shoulder bump'. Was  it a good time to…
To maybe… lean her head on her shoulder?
She huffed while shaking her head and pretended it was because of the book. That wouldn’t work. She’d have a hard time reading and would probably fall asleep. She didn’t want to put Diana in a situation where she’d have to support her weight too much.
Displaying affection was such a difficult war to wage.
Her most distal appendages might work though—she had a whole two hands with fingers and thumbs! Right. She should use those. Maybe. But they were sweaty! Gods, did this have to be so hard!
But she was Akko Kagari and so far just doing it had worked wonderfully for her! And so she threw caution to the wind, and… placed her hand on the desk.
It was a strategic move. If Diana picked up on her cue, she should place her hand within pinky-reaching distance, right? Right? Akko swallowed, trying her best to look disinterested in where Diana’s hand would fall next.
The blonde had finished the words on her page, and motioned to flip to the next. Akko watched in her peripheral vision, almost in slow motion, as Diana’s hand fell back lower, lower and finally—yes!
She put it on the desk. Beside Akko’s hand.
Akko picked up an extra quill and flipped open her notebook, keeping her left hand obviously still and available, hoping that Diana hadn’t started learning Japanese because she decided to write her notes in her native language to ‘aid with recall.’
Never mind the fact that she was nervously scribbling ‘please hold my hand, please hold my hand, please hold my han—” over and over again.
Ah, but Diana seemed engrossed, and Akko took it up on herself to take initiative. Again.
It was time to deploy stealth tactics.
Slowly, and with no small amount of nervousness, she inched her pinky finger a whole centimeter to the left. That was progress! Diana hadn’t noticed. Perfect. Emboldened by her success, she went and moved in closer.
Shit. Diana pulled her hand to scratch an itch along her chin and—that was illegal, it was so cute! To Akko’s relief, her hand returned to its original position except this time it was… closer?
Was Diana picking up on her stealth tactics?
Suddenly losing her nerve, Akko ceased her slow advance. But then why would she? Reciprocation was a good thing, right?
She took a chance, looking towards her notebook to scribble a little more nonsense, and then brushed their pinky fingers together.
Surely such a small action should not have such a profound effect on her—felt from the tips of her ears, down to the pit of her stomach. There was fluttering, fluttering everywhere and this slow exchange felt like it was going to drive her insane!
Wasn’t Diana supposed to be the overthink-y one?!
Then she noticed that Diana had gone remarkably pink. Her eyes were still on the book, but there were details that Akko finally picked up once she let herself stare for just a minute.
Diana’s eyes weren’t moving. They were intense and boring a hole into what must have been the same passage on that very same page[3]  for the past two minutes. Her eyes fluttered prettily, and Akko swooned a little.
She hooked their pinky fingers together—Diana had obliged willingly.
It was fascinating to watch the way she tried to steel her expression, but the way the column of her throat moved as she gulped was something Akko didn’t miss.
Oh, this was going to be the death of her. She pulled her own red eyes back towards her textbook.
Was Diana nervous too? Looked like it, at least a bit. The thought of it made the fluttering grow stronger than it ever did before, and Akko figured she was probably a raging shade of red by now.
But she loved every minute of it.
Diana—god damn it—pulled on the cuff of Akko’s sleeve to bring her hand closer, and pried her palm open, facing upwards.
And then she began to gently brush her fingertips along the inside of her palm, still feigning interest for her textbook, and Akko wanted to set herself on fire.
Akko never wanted this to end. Her heartbeat was going into overdrive, and she was pretty sure her palms were starting to sweat again but it was too late to care about that now, wasn’t it? Diana’s breathing seemed shallower, and that was a sentiment she could relate with. Somehow, it was comforting to see that she wasn’t the only one so nervous about this whole ordeal.
Praying to each and every one of her Asian ancestors, Akko steeled her nerves.
She’s going to do it.
She’s going to move in for the winning blow.
She splayed out her hands, gently, doing her best to caress every inch of skin Diana had in contact with her, before catching the spaces in between Diana’s fingers to fit her own hand snugly into a hold.
Diana was done pretending to care about the book. She had gasped, softly, and looked downwards towards their hands. She was blushing wonderfully, eyes wide, and the small smile that grew on her lips was an image Akko wanted to remember forever.
“Shall we take a break?” Diana finally broke their silence. She looked up towards Akko and—by the nine the look she was receiving was so tender it felt almost unreal.
“That’d be nice.” Akko giggled, dropping any pretense of disinterest as well.
Diana looked a little shy and hesitant, and Akko was about to ask why but then Diana leaned forward, snuggling close as she settled her forehead on Akko’s shoulder. She was trying to hide a grin. How sly!
“I can see the smile on your face, you know.” Akko’s giggles didn’t end, and she rarely spoke so softly.
“Can you blame me?” Diana’s speech was muffled against her shoulder, smile evident in the sound of her voice.
“Gotta admit, I can’t.” Akko’s grin was just as wide.
“I could get used to this.” Diana admitted, running her thumb against the back of Akko’s.
Now that they’d finally gotten to holding hands, they might have some trouble learning how to let go. Diana definitely showed no intention of doing so anytime soon.
Akko’s chest bloomed with warmth, affection, and something more.
Victory was sweet.
It was also a little sweaty and involved a lot of nerves and—
(Akko watched as Diana pulled herself upright again, bringing Akko’s hand closer towards her)
—it felt like a kiss to the back of her hand.
A/N: Thank you to Tototops, who did a wonderful job beta reading and correcting all the little errors I made in this chapter! I appreciate you so much, you did so good!
Also yes hand holding is a BIG DEAL guys
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simpirals · 4 years
Down The Tunnels
(Read on AO3) So this is another collab with my very cool friend @stellarwhaleshark​ in which we wrote about Not!Sasha chasing Jon down the tunnels, ending it completely differently from canon. (Jon doesnt die dw) If you liked it,please let us know in the comments! ❤️ Reblogs are encouraged !  ❤️ Characters: Not!Sasha/ Not Them, Jonathan Sims (mentions of Timothy Stoker,Sasha James and Martin Blackwood) Warnings: body horror, stabbing, axe violence, generally spooky atmosphere Jon scrambled down the dark halls. Dark, unkempt hair with streaks of grey frame his face, which scans every nook and cranny in the impossible labyrinth before him. His breathing is ragged, and as he clutches his axe in sweaty hands, a laugh echoes out in the stale air. He is utterly terrified. And he had all the reasons in the world to be so. Something that wasn't his friend wore a face he used to deem as familiar, and that very same thing was out to hunt him down.
"Jooooonnn..." An uncanny voice echoes through the tunnels, reaching out to the man fleeing for his life. "Jooonnn… Why don't you stop running so we have a nice, friendly chat? With your Sasha?" Noises that weren't footsteps reverberated through the tunnels.
"Isn't it what friends do, Jon? Sit down and talk things out together? I promise you this won't take long."
The creature's voice lowered in a dangerous growl.
Jon's heart leapt in his throat as he desperately tried to find an escape from the thing chasing him. He didn't dare respond, fearing that if he focused on anything else except running, he would be caught. Despite the nagging in the back of his mind that told him that losing it was impossible, Jon forced himself to believe that somehow, some way, he could shake the impostor from his trail. But as far as he could see, the path only continued straight. Something scratched along the walls behind him, sending his feet into a more frantic pace. "Shit, shit!"
Having no other option but to continue forward, the Archivist wills himself to move as fast as he can to avoid falling victim to Sas- no, not Sasha. Whatever was chasing him was definitely not who it claimed to be, and that voice that taunted him was certainly not his coworker's... despite how familiar it sounded.
Jon had no time to turn around and watch his pursuer. But he didn't need to do that to guess that it had picked up its pace. It was coming, and it was coming fast.
"Jooooonnnnnnn !"
Its limbs scratch at the concrete walls as it advances rapidly.
"You'll just tire yourself out eventually, silly! What do you think will happen when you collapse on the ground, exhausted and vulnerable?"
Jon's paranoia makes him feel like something was breathing down his neck. But it was just the coldness of the air.
"I'll catch you. And then we'll be able to properly chat. Like friends! Friends do that all the time, don't they? Why are you doing this, Jon? Am I not a good friend to you? Isn't Sasha someone you can trust? You truly wound me, Jon!"
It almost sounded like it was trying to feign… sadness.
But Jon knew better than to listen to it.
He itched to scream back at it. To tell it that he knew it wasn't her, that it could never be Sasha. But instead, Jon grit his teeth and pushed onward. Then, to his left, he saw a dark patch in the wall. As he got closer, he noticed that it was an opening - another corridor. If he was fast enough, Jon could catch it off guard and use the weaving halls to his advantage. Jon let himself slow down a bit, and he could hear what wasn't Sasha gaining on him. Timing his movement just right, Jon skids over into the opening, turning his attention behind him to see the thing dash past with a growl of irritation.
Huffing a small laugh of victory, Jon turned around to gather his bearings of the new hall, but rather than seeing branching pathways, he instead saw concrete walls encasing him.
"Oh, no... no, no no--"
The monster slammed its claws down on the cold ground with satisfaction, cutting off the path to Jon's only escape.
"Found you, Jon."
There was a sickeningly triumphant grin to its voice as it slowly neared Jon, as if it had all the time in the world, its prey standing right before it.
"How about you face me properly, Jon? Come on, turn around. It would be boring if the last thing you ever saw was a wall, wouldn't you agree?" It sang, and this time, the cold breath creeping against Jon's nape was not his imagination.
His whole body shook, and his breathing became so fast that his vision began to blur. This was... god, this wasn't good at all. Jon's thoughts were a jumbled mess, and it was so hard to focus. He was going to die, he was sure of it. How could he be so stupid? Of course he wouldn't be able to outrun that thing. If it wasn't for him breaking that table--
The table. He still had the axe with him, didn't he? Jon gripped the handle tighter into his fists, knuckles turning white. The whole point of getting it was to make that thing hurt, right?
Well, hopefully it'll actually serve its purpose.
Slowly, Jon turned around, having to crane his head to meet the gaze of the monster that stared back with a dangerous glint in its eyes.
The being that wasn't Sasha stared right at him as he looked straight into its fake, glassy eyes.
"Good." It says, with a satisfied tone, lifting its hand- no, not a hand; this was far too big and sharp to be called one- from the ground, raising it to Jon's eye level.
"Remember when I told you I'd make this quick earlier?" It cackles, with that voice that did not belong to it. "I'm afraid Good old Sasha lied!"
It's going to strike.
"You. Are. Not. HER!"
One quick swing, and Jon manages to axe the beast's right limb. The force sends it slamming against a nearby wall and the thing shrieks with multiple voices at once, stumbling back.
"You...YOU!!!" It had not expected Jon to still be able to inflict any sort of damage on its body.
Clutching its wound, it emits a furious roar, and Jon swears his eardrums are about to pop.
He just has enough time to turn around and start running again before the creature tries to catch him, and it trips on itself.
No matter how far away Jon was getting, screams of anguish still rattled off of the walls around him. It sent a chill down his spine, and as he spotted a fork in the catacombs, a screech of muddled voices startled him. "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE RAT!" It yells out, and the sound of it getting back onto what Jon supposed could be feet made its way down the hall.
As far as he was concerned, remembering how to navigate his way back out of the tunnels was the least of his problems. So Jon ducks and weaves through halls of all sizes, hoping that he'll eventually become so lost that not even the monster at his heels would be able to find him.
Not!Sasha wants to hunt him down to the ends of the Earth.
But first it needed to get its arm back. It quickly grabbed it and pressed the area that was freshly cut against its shoulder and the porcelain colored flesh melted, fusing the missing piece against its body.
It clutched its limb and stretched out its claws, briefly studying itself to see if that puny human caused any further damage.
It seemed satisfied.
It quickly looked at the direction where Jon had fled and it screeched again, getting back on all fours and rushing out, leaving the dead end behind.
" JON! " It howled like a dying animal.
It galloped through the halls, absolutely seething, scanning each nook and corners that could lead it to Jon's location.
Its screams of rage had encouraged Jon to avoid staying in one place for too long. So he continues to let himself wander, some turns echoing the voice louder than others. He's not quite sure how long he's been running, but the aching in his legs is beginning to slow him down. "Come on, keep going...!" Jon grunts to himself as he tries to fight through the pain, but it's becoming apparent that he has to find somewhere to rest soon.
" Jooooonnnn.... " It hissed through gritted fangs, "If you show yourself now, maybe I won't tear you limb from limb. Come on, be a good friend and come out, won't you?" As the monster began to speak aloud again, Jon rounded a corner and pressed himself against the cold wall. Every bone within him shook, and it took everything in him to not slide down to the floor.
The creature snarled, still very much enraged by her previous wound. Even a monster of the Stranger can still feel pain, after all. And having to push its fake bones back into place wasn't exactly pleasant.
Seeing that Jon was still nowhere close to her, it halted for a brief instant. "Alright, I may have gotten a little bit angry earlier. But could you blame me? You literally cut my arm off! That's not a very nice thing to do to your friend, is it, Jon?"
Naturally, she knew this wasn't going to entice him to come to her. But it was fun to toy with him.
"You know," It says, "I wonder how your screams would sound like once I get you to the circus... Taking you apart pieces by pieces, to reshape you afterward… Kinda like Sasha, actually! Oh, you should have seen her! She did such a wonderful performance too, squirming under my claws.'' It chuckles, dragging on the last words of her sentence painfully. No matter how hard Jon tried to ignore the taunts of the beast, its words sank in deep. The second that it began to describe Sasha's body being torn apart and put together, he felt himself heave a bit. And yet they continued on, finding humor in how his dear friend suffered.
"She writhed and squirmed when I gave her new joints, too. Human bones are tough, that’s obvious, but they can always be upgraded to better material. No one would see the difference anyway! Especially not you, Jon."
It chuckled eerily.
"Oh, you should have heard her too! She kept on screaming at you and your acolytes' names, too! It was delightful to hear! Actually, why don't you listen to it yourself? You love to listen, don't you?" Jon's breathing began to pick up again until it became quick gasps of air. He did his best to get it under control, but then.
The sound Jon heard was the exact replica of Sasha's voice. He could hear the terror and the agonizing pain in her tone.
"Jon, Martin! Anyone! help, it-it hurts so much! Please, someone, get me out of here! Please! PLEASE, JON! HELP ME! "
It spoke like Sasha. The real Sasha. The begging and pleading that called out into the halls belonged to someone he couldn't recognize. But he knew without a doubt that it was her. "Oh, Christ... Sasha, s-she was--"
How long was she tormented? Ripped apart and reconstructed like some sort of sick puzzle?
"I-I'm so sorry, Sasha..!" Jon whimpered out, clamping a free hand to his mouth to stop a sob bubbling up his throat. The whole time, Sasha was alive, and they did nothing to help her.
The realization hit Jon with such an intensity that he collapsed down the wall with a pathetic thud. The axe followed shortly after, the metal clattering to the stone floor and ringing out beyond where the Archivist could see. He stiffened, eyes widening in horror and darting down to his weapon he had dropped on the floor.
Jon made a huge mistake.
The creature halted its grim imitation suddenly, turning its head sharply toward the direction of the noise she just heard.
Oh, that was too easy.
She did not need to look any longer, she knew exactly where her prey was now.
Not Sasha suddenly appeared right before him.
"There you are."
Jon barely had the time to get up and made another foolish attempt to flee. The monster had already seized his ankle with her inhumanly big, sharp hand, forcing the man to collide brutally against the hard floor beneath him. Jon gasped in pain at the force of the impact.
"Oh, no no, I’m not letting you go anywhere anytime soon!"
Jon uselessly thrashed and scraped his nails on the stone covered ground as Not Sasha simply dragged Jon back to her, flipping him unceremoniously on his back, so he could see her in her full glory, her entire body looming over him, caging him.
"No-- No, no no no--"
Jon's desperate pleas were cut off as the thing that wasn't his Sasha suddenly slammed her other hand against Jon's body, effectively pinning him down under its weight as its dangerous claws were big enough to cover and seize his body.
"Now… What am I going to do with you…?" It said, absolutely relishing the way Jon stared back at her with terrified eyes.
Oh, how much she loved to taste the fear of her prey. This was delightful.
"Hmm... I could do the same thing you did to me... But using that little axe of yours may make it too easy. I think cutting through you myself would be much more fun!" She spoke idly, biting back a laugh when their suggestion only caused the Archivist to squirm more.
"Oh, but I know how much you care about your old Sasha! Maybe taking you to see her one last time, broken and wrong would be more painful!" Jon managed to wriggle an arm out from its grasp, and attempted to punch their long fingers.
It didn't even phase them. "And if you're good, Jon," Not Sasha's face leered down to meet his own, her sharp grin reflecting in the glasses that framed Jon's panicked eyes.
"Maybe I'll tear you apart just like how I did her."
Jon felt his breath snag in his lungs. If being torn apart would be his reward for being "good" Then what would it be if he tried to actually fight back? Probably something worse than death itself.
He wasn't about to find out.
"Just- please, just let me go, I don't-"
"Ah, ah, ah! I didn't chase you through these tunnels all this time just to let you run again, you silly. No, no, I exactly know what I'm going to do with you."
Not Sasha grabbed Jon's wrist between the edge of its claws, observing it.
"Such a frail little limb. Wonder how long it'll take to break."
Before Jon could utter another useless plea, the monster unhinged its jaws,and violently sank her teeth into his right shoulder, mirroring the damage that Jon did to her just before. The second her horribly sharp teeth punctured into his skin, Jon began to spiral into hysterics. His instincts told him to do something, anything, but the pain clouded his mind to the point where he wasn't able to focus on anything else. Jon screamed.
Not Sasha pulled and pulled on his arm, and a sickening squelch could be heard as her fangs kept digging deeper and deeper inside his shoulder.
As soon as he felt his shoulder about to give out under that thing's fangs, she suddenly released him, pulling her head back to reveal her freshly bloodstained face. It casually wiped the blood that dribbled down its chin, eyeing its work.
"...Actually, I just remembered that Nikola doesn't really like being handed broken playthings. I guess you get to keep your arm this time. Lucky you! ...But then again, I could always replace your arm with something different. I wonder if Nikola would mind… Hmmm."
She tapped her chin, seeming to seriously ponder that option.
“Oh, I sure hope she won't be mad at me for damaging you a bit.”
She looked almost worried, but more for the fact that she could get in trouble for harming Jon rather than being concerned about his well being.
The Not Them had briefly released Jon, as she was too busy trying to shred his shoulder into bits previously. The Archivist stumbled backwards in hopes of gaining some distance between them. But it took nothing more than a tug at his ankle to drag him back.
Hm, she must have tired him out. Good.
"Well, I suppose I'll just have to wait until I hear back from Nikola. In that case," Not Sasha grabbed hold of Jon's torso with one of its large disfigured hands, gripping tightly.
She hummed in satisfaction when she was able to feel the Archivist's heart hammering against her palm.
"It seems like you'll be coming with me." It squeezed him a bit tighter, chuckling as Jon screwed his eyes shut in agony. "N- no! I'll never- AH-!"
A claw prodded in one of the gory punctures on his arm. "Now, now. I was generous enough with letting you keep your arm... don't push it." They dug the finger in deeper to emphasize their point.
For the fun of it, Not Sasha left her claw in the wound, enjoying the sight of her prey writhing in pain. But soon enough, Jon tired himself out, slowly falling limp and shaking with exhaustion. "Someone, p-please...!" He begged. A last ditch effort on his behalf, Not Sasha was sure of it.
"Oh, come now, Jon, no one can hear you. I thought you knew that these tunnels keep things rather well hidden. If none of your friends were able to hear your screams, what makes you think they'll hear your pathetic whimpering?"
He went quiet at that.
"Good. Now, shall we go?"
"Martin, Tim, please...." Jon mumbled to himself, feeling himself close to passing out from the pain.
"I'll take that as a yes." ———————————————- Please let us know if you enjoyed that fic so we can be motivated to write more ❤️
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew; part 12
Summary: It's the morning after Rus's heat. Time for a little truth or consequence.
Tags: heatfic, dubious consent, NSFW, frenemies to lovers, mates, first time, more if I think of them
PLEASE READ THE TAGS: This is a Heat story, so there are going to be issues of consent. I don’t do partner rape, nope, but hey, I want to be straight with y’all. I like heatfics personally, but I understand how they can be troubling for some people. So there it is.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Read Chapter 12 on AO3
Read it here!
Rus was dead. It was the only explanation for how shitty he felt.
Being dead sure as hell sounded better than dealing with all the aches and pains he could feel settling into his bones. Better than dealing with the trickle of memory that was starting to soak into his thoughts, of spending the last night in a heat-induced haze of fucking, and by the shiny damned stars, having sex all night long only sounded good if you were getting paid by the hour. Anyone off the clock needed some damn sleep after a while and that was a fact.
Since dead people didn’t need sleep, though, Rus was gonna have to come to the regrettable conclusion that he was alive, in which case he might actually have to deal with some shit.
In the positive column, his soul felt…okay. Settled. That seemed like a good word for it or maybe deeply satisfied would be better. A miles-deep itch luxuriously scratched with a firm application of dick. A quick trip over into the negatives was he felt like every single one of his bones had a bruise fucked into it somewhere.
Also, he desperately wanted a cigarette and oh, yeah, he was in Edge’s bed and the last time that happened, the waking up didn’t exact rate a 10 on the hospitality scale. He could feel the presence of a body behind him and unless some serious changes in time and space happened while he was out cold, it was a good guess that it was Edge. Yay.
Welp, since he wasn’t dead, there was nothing for it. Cautiously, Rus eased over to take a gander.
Edge was there, all right, sound asleep, rusty-dark circles beneath his sockets. Stood to reason he’d still be zonked; he’d been along for the entire bouncy ride and stuck around for the cleanup. That was something to be grateful for right there. The bond between them felt oddly empty, like it was lying dormant. Rus prodded at it mentally like poking at a sore tooth and there was only the faintest pulse of response, not even enough for Edge to stir.
Yeah, buddy was tired, he deserved a chance to sleep in, right, job well done and all that shit. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too pissed off if he slept through his shift, but Rus wasn’t sticking around to find out. Time to get out before black comedy took a left turn back to the drama category.
Didn’t exactly start off well; the second Rus tried to climb out of bed, it felt like this morphed from porn to some kind of stealth game. First objective, slithering off the mattress without moving it enough to wake the Edgelord. Next, his clothes were scattered to the four corners of the room, forcing Rus to tiptoe around to gather them up. At least they weren’t hard to find. Aside from his loose wardrobe, the room was neat as a pin.
Rus slipped his clothes back on, grimacing at the lingering dampness on his tank top and at the crotch of his pants. He sure as hell hoped Muffet held on to the sweatshirt he’d left at her bar even if she charged a cleaning fee, it was one of his favorites. Thinking of Muffet made him wince. His reputation was going to take a hell of a beating over last night or at least start up a Scooby Doo style mystery.
He’d deal with that later. Wasn’t much he could do about his clothes now, he wasn’t hanging around to do laundry, and he only needed to wear them long enough for a couple shortcuts.
Done and done, time to hit bricks and if the shortcut down to the machine woke Edge, all he could do was send an annoyed text. Yep, it was time to go, back home where he didn’t have to think about anything he didn’t want to, tuck all this shit about heats and bonds and who-the-fuck-knew else back into the dark, dusty corners of his mind while he focused on naps and smoking. Back to the ol’ basics.
Except, Rus still found himself hesitating, looking back where Edge was sleeping curled up beneath the rumpled blankets.
Rus’s soul gave an uncomfortable throb. Edge looked so damn young when he was asleep. All of the sharp corners and creases that bound him up during the day eased, leaving his skull smoother and the cracks that ran through his socket starker, more poignant. A pretty unwelcome reminder that he was the same age as Blue…and that he’d never had sex before, fucking hell, what a way to lose any vestiges of virginity a guy had, both times in a feverish, heat-induced marathon. Rus wasn’t an expert on the mornings-after, okay, he’d only slept over by accident a few other times. Dropped unconscious was more accurate, he’d been drunk as hell every time. Sneaking out for a hasty walk of shame while his nighttime companion and/or mistake was still out cold was fine on those occasions, but this time? Seemed kinda rude, what with the whole soul bond thing. Maybe really rude.
Besides, could be if Rus stuck around, he’d get breakfast out of the deal again.
That hooked it. He’d stay until Edge got up and see how this played out, and if it started with, any version of, ‘Why are you still here?’, he’d hit bricks. He rubbed his chest right over his soul, mentally ordering it to quit with the whining, he was staying, okay?
For now, he needed a damned cigarette. That itchy craving might be a pale comparison to driving heat crawling through his bones, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t irritating. The crumpled pack in his pants pocket held two mangled butts and his lighter. It’d have to do.
Rus stepped outside the bedroom door and carefully closed it before taking shortcut down to the front porch, already shaking out a cig before he sat down. It was cold outside, the sudden chill refreshing on his bones. The soothing rush of nicotine was all the better coupled with the linger ache in his bones. Nothing like a smoke after getting laid.
Not that ‘getting laid’ really lived up to the experience, now did it. That first time had been something, but his turn in the heat box was…fuck. That shit had been something else, the memory a blurry mess of pleasure and hot aching, his soul uncaring as it slowly collapsed into pain and dragged his dick along for the ride. If that was what it was like with a helper along, Rus didn’t even want to think about what it might be like to endure it alone. Someone needed to ask evolution for a refund, because that didn’t qualify under normal wear and tear.
Then again, if getting knocked up kept a Monster from having to go through that, it was a hell of an incentive.
A shadow fell over him and Rus looked up. And up, and up, at a hulking bear Monster, radiating LV without even a check, their beady, reddened eyes focused laser-sharp on Rus.
Yeah, okay, that was a hell of a wake-up call to remind him he was still in Underfell.
“Hey, there precious,” the Bear said, low and growling. “don’t you smell delicious?”
Welp, that was ominous on about three different levels, four if Rus could use complex mathematics, but this guy looked like 2 + 2 might tax his skill level.
Suddenly, Rus was feeling a lot more self-conscious about his tank top; there was a reason he normally bundled up in a sweatshirt and it wasn’t because he couldn’t take the temps.
Before Rus could decide whether to take his chances telling them to piss off, or shortcut out and ruin one of his last cigarettes, a familiar voice said from behind the Bear, “might wanna take another whiff there, smokey, that one’s taken.”
The Bear did, loudly, nostrils flaring, and Rus would’ve sworn he paled even though his face was covered in fur. He ducked his head and it was more than a little bemusing to see him so subservient to a guy not even half their height, muttering out, “Sorry, Red, I didn’t know.”
“uh huh,” Red hooked a thumb towards town, “you got a free whiff, now fuck off.”
The Bear dropped down to all fours and waddled hastily away. Rus watched him go, their tail waggling like a flag of surrender. Then he looked back at Red.
Red looked like Red, that ever-present smirk of his lingering on his mouth. He tucked his hands into his pockets and rocked on his sneakered heels. “you shouldn’t be outside yet,” Red said, “you still reek and some of the dimmer bulbs won’t check who you belong to, since the boss hasn’t bothered to put a collar on you yet.”
“yet?” Rus took a long drag, snorting out smoke through his nasal cavity. “yeah, i don’t think so. i don’t belong to anyone.”
“don’t take it so hard. he belongs to you, too,” Red sounded resigned. As if had any fucking right to, as if this whole clusterfuck wasn’t his fault, and yeah, it might’ve still gone down this way if Red just told him about this, maybe handed over that fabled heat manual along with the rock and the hard place, but at least Rus would’ve had a choice. At least this would be all his bad decisions, that much he was used to. Not Red using him like a bandage, slapping him over his brother’s wound and expecting him to soak up all the juices.
Only to find out it wasn’t as easy to toss him out afterward and fuck it, Rus was losing the metaphor, but the point stood. Red didn’t have a right to sound like that, fucking prick.
What all this really came down to was that there was a choice to make here, and the bitch of it was, Rus already knew what one he was going to make.
Rus sighed and held out the pack of cigarettes, and after a minute, Red took the last one, tossing the crumpled pack on the ground where Edge was probably gonna find it and bitch about it. Red sat down next to him on the step and took the silently offered lighter, too. They sat there for a while, smoking in the quiet morning and honestly, what a laugh, right? Red and Sans could hold onto a grudge in both their greasy little hands until the Universe went to dust and Rus’s soft little soul folded like a card house after one shouting match.
Seriously, Red really knew how to pick his scapegoats, didn’t he.
“i really hate you, you know,” Rus said conversationally. The artificial light was getting brighter. If he were back home, Rus would already be napping at his sentry station.
Red only chuckled humorlessly, “there’s another thing you and my bro have in common.”
“your brother doesn’t hate you.”
Red shrugged, flicking ash across the snow mounded around their porch. “wouldn’t know. haven’t seen him since his heat.”
“what?” That sure as hell got Rus’s attention. Yeah, Red skipped out on movie night, but Rus hadn’t known it was that bad. “you live here.”
Red’s grin was blade-sharp, his eye lights firmly on his untied shoes. “see that’s the thing about being able to shortcut. you don’t have to see anybody you don’t wanna.”
“true.” But Rus couldn’t help but wonder who didn’t want to see who, ‘cause if Red did all this for his brother, it was pretty damn hard to believe that he’d ditch him over the fallout. “edge is still pretty pissed, huh.”
Not that Rus had a leg to stand on in that fight, not when he was still pissed off himself. Once Edge figured out who sent Rus into the lion’s heat den—an extremely short list of suspects— stood to reason he’d be steamed.
Red said nothing. He flicked his burnt-out butt into the snow and pulled a slim silver case out of his pocket. Weirdly posh for him but when he opened it, there was a neat row of those little cigars that he liked to smoke. He held the case out, offering, and fuck it, Rus took one. Nicotine was nicotine, even if the harsh smoke made him cough. When Red made a move to pat him on the back, Rus leaned away, glaring through his cough.
“don’t,” Rus wheezed out. “don’t touch me.” He took a couple deep, clean breaths, and added, “we aren’t good, i want you to know that. we aren’t friends. you fucked me over good with this shit.”
“yeah. i did.” Red didn’t argue. He smoked his cigar and looked out at the snow drifts around them. At his battered version of Snowdin, his world that was so fucked up that it forced Monsters to go into heat and nearly die themselves to keep the population up.
Rus sighed, absently twirling the cigar between his fingers. “but if you want, i’ll try and help you get back in with your bro.”
That got Red’s attention. He turned to Rus, sockets narrowed suspiciously. “why would you do that?”
“because edge didn’t ask for any of this shit, either,” Rus said, low, “and now he’s stuck with me of all people, isn’t he. he doesn’t deserve to lose his brother, too, especially not in your shitheap of a world.” And it was a shitty, shitty thing Red did, but damned if Rus didn’t get it. What wouldn’t he do for his own bro? Might be better not to put it to the test.
Red said, dubiously, “don’t think that’s how he’d look at it—”
He didn’t get a chance to elaborate. Rus got the faintest impression of someone else’s panic at almost the exact moment the door swung open abruptly behind them and Edge came boiling out, nearly tripped ass over teakettle over them. His wild panic faded when he saw them, the flare of his eye lights dimming to confusion, “Why are you outside?”
Rus shrugged and held up the cigar in answer. “don’t worry, red is a good bodyguard.”
From the corner of his socket, Rus let his eye lights linger on Edge’s bare ribcage, the smooth, broad bones occasionally intersected with the scars of old cracks. The clotted bite mark on his sternum was stark in the artificial daylight and looking at it gave Rus a weird itch, echoed in the healed scar on his collarbone. Interesting to see that Edge hadn’t put on a shirt or even his boots. He was going to go searching in the snow in his bare feet, so panicked he was gonna chase Rus down without shoes.
Guess it was a good thing he decided not to leave. The last thing he needed was Edge showing up half-naked in Underswap Snowdin and tearing apart the town searching for him. That soul bond shit really did a number on a guy’s head, didn’t it, plus maybe some dregs of that heat lingering at the bottom of the mug.
He had the bond pulled in pretty tight right now, anyway. Rus didn’t feel a bit of Edge’s visible discomfort. His ungloved fingers clattered lightly against his skull as he ran a hand over it. “Both of you get inside.”
A direct order that neither Rus nor Red made any move to obey. Rus pinched out his cigar and tucked it into his pocket in case of a later nicotine emergency, then tipped his skull back to look at Edge, all that restless impatience turned upside down.
“you gonna make us some breakfast?” Rus asked lightly.
Edge’s eye lights settled on his and he stared at Rus, unblinking, and fuck only knew what he was seeing. Then they slowly slid to his brother’s back, at Red who was currently staring holes into the ground.
“Yes,” Edge agreed, slowly. “Now come inside.” He didn’t wait to see if they followed, turned on his bare heel and went back in, leaving the door open behind him. Red made a show about getting to his feet, tossing the cigar butt into the snow and giving his ass a lazy scratch. He was shifting impatiently by the time Rus did the same, minus the ass scratch, and shuffled inside.
Edge was waiting by the kitchen door. He said to Rus, “Why don’t you go upstairs and take a nap while I cook? You look like you could use a little more rest.”
“don’t have to tell me twice.” Especially since he suspected Edge wanted to talk with his brother without an audience. Welp, he’d gotten Red through the door, the rest was up to them.
Rus took a shortcut right up into Edge’s mussed bed. The sheets had already given up all the heat they’d collected overnight. Didn’t matter, they were still comfortable and the blankets plentiful. Rus burrowed in, sighing, and closing his sockets, firmly ignoring the spicy, sex-musty stink that was probably baked into the linens even as it made his soul twitch feebly with interest.
Nope, you had your fun, he told it sternly. Time to sit in the back seat until his pelvis felt less like it’d been used as a rocking horse.
Honestly, he didn’t mean to actually fall asleep or at least not as hard as he did, but he must’ve because the next thing Rus knew Edge was there, along with the tantalizing aroma of pancakes and coffee.
The spread was as good as the last time, golden-brown pancakes with a pat of melting butter pooled in the center, mingling with the drizzled honey. Tempting as that was, despite the hungry cry in his soul for sustenance, Rus reached for the coffee first. Only two notches above lukewarm with plenty of milk and sugar, just how he liked it.
Edge set the tray on the bed between them, digging into his plate of pancakes while Rus got close and personal with the coffee. Didn’t take long for him to finish his caffeinated bonding and start in on his own plate, groaning his bliss out around a mouthful of delicious caky sweetness.
“this is so good,” Rus mumbled, then before Edge could grouse about his tables manners in spite of the lack of table, he swallowed and added, “i could get used to being served breakfast in bed after a long night of heat sex.”
Edge’s fork paused almost too briefly to be seen, quickly cutting into his second pancake. “I think something like that could be arranged.”
It was lightly said, but the reminder made Rus grimace anyway. Yeah, if what Edge told him before held true, they were gonna be doing this every few months or so, weren’t they. A shitty situation all the way around, but fuck it, at least there might be future pancakes. He poked at a bite with his fork, the soft innards dissolving into a honey sludge.
As good as the food was, it was weirdly awkward to be sitting here eating pancakes, even more than it’d been the last time. Last time, Rus thought he was about to head home and all this would end up a footnote in his autobiography. Now Rus knew it was gonna end up as a chapter of its own and sitting here trying not to look at the bite mark he’d left on Edge’s sternum on the same bed where only a few hours ago he’d been putting in a good effort to pound Edge through the mattress was a little…yeah, awkward didn’t seem to quite cover it.
Reluctant as he was to think about last night, he did have some clear memories, and hadn’t he just been telling Red that none of this was Edge’s fault? Might be time to put his G where his big mouth was.
“i’m sorry for what i said last night,” Rus said bluntly. “it was shitty of me to blame all this on you.”
Edge didn’t even pause, only swallowed down his current mouthful and said, “I’m hardly going to hold what you say in heat against you. One of the first things in the manual is to not take things a heat-stricken Monster says personally.”
“yeah? that’s probably sound advice.” Rus dragged a bite of pancake through the leftover honey puddled on the plate, sopping it up. “i didn’t know how awful that was for you before. i suspected, you didn’t exactly seem like you were having a good time, but that?” Rus ducked his head, shuddering. “that was something else.”
“Being in heat is awful,” Edge agreed. “however, it shouldn’t be that bad again. Not according to the manual.”
“it’s word is law, huh?”
“After a few centuries of refinement, I’m willing to follow it.”
Rus was running out of pancakes to use as a buffer, time to speed this up. “i feel like an asshole for having to ask and i can guess what you’re say, but…um…are you okay?”
Stupid how that faint smile of Edge’s sent a little pulse through his soul, this bond thing could be really annoying. “I’m fine. And you wouldn’t be an asshole even if I weren’t, it wasn’t your fault.”
“it feels like my fault.” He’d been the one climbing on top, he’d been the one pinning Edge down. Willing or no, it’d still felt like Rus was taking too much, taking, forcing, driven by unrelenting heat and—
“Who are you going to trust, your feeling or me?”
Rus only laughed, a little uncomfortably. He dabbled a finger in the honey dregs, licked it clean. “i’m not usually much of a dick man, anyway. better to receive than give, in my opinion.”
“I don’t think I’m prepared to choose either way.” Edge mused thoughtfully as he set the tray with their empty plates on the floor. “I’d need more data.”
Oh. Well, now. That almost sounded like an invitation, now, dinnit?
Maybe if he…gingerly, Rus opened up the mental wall he had up around his soul juuust a little, a wide enough crack to peer out. He could feel Edge doing the same, so fucking weird, allowing the barest tickle of emotion that wasn’t his, but Rus was ready to match that emotion pretty damn quick.
Desire, as thick and sweet as that morning’s honey.
Rus swallowed hard, “uh, do you maybe…?”
“Yes, I want you,” Edge said bluntly. Just tossed it out there like a ball for Rus to fumble, except not really because Rus had a hold on it now, opening up his soul a wee bit more. Okay, so, if he could feel all the concerns and worries that Edge put out, stood to reason he’d feel want, he’d felt it a little last night. Wants and needs and desires and pleasure, and holy hell, this was gonna be interesting, wasn’t it.
“aww, sweet talker,” Rus cooed. He reached out and traced around the bite mark on Edge’s sternum teasingly, skirting dangerously close to the damaged bone. “you up for some experimenting?”
“Are you offering?”
“yeah, i am.” Enough dancing around, Rus was a little too tired yet to try for the tango. And why the fuck not. His cock was out of commission, but his cunt was all right, and as far as he knew, the only sex Edge ever had was his own heat and its aftermath, and then Rus’s. He could stand to be shown a good time. Hell, Edge was a better lay than most anyone else Rus went home with before, plus he came with morning after pancakes. Maybe this bond thing didn’t have to be so bad, especially if Edge was willing to let him show off a trick or two.
Rus leaned in, carefully telegraphing each move, and kissed him. Jaggedly sharp teeth parted, allowing his tongue inside and there was something about navigating around them, the almost-danger of it that pulled a groan out of Rus, fuck, yes, this was gonna be amazing it was—
An unguarded flash of emotion pulsed through Rus’s soul, a spark of unexpected warmth. Rus jerked back instinctively, flinching away from Edge, both hands curling over his chest as he asked shakily, “what the fuck!”
That emotion was stifled immediately, snuffed out and hastily hidden behind that mental brick wall again. “My apologies,” Edge said smoothly. He leaned in, trying to kiss Rus again but it was about ten steps past too late for that.
“no, no, holy shit, what the fuck!” That brief, shining flash, so brief, but Rus knew it for what it was. Too-warm and tender, settled insidiously against his own for only a moment, but he knew.
Rus scrambled out of the bed, nearly tripping over the tray on the floor, dishes rattling as he backed hastily away, his trembling hands held out as if to keep Edge back.
Edge didn’t try to stop him, he only sat there, looking bleak and…and…no, fuck no…
“no,” Rus choked out, “no, i can’t do that, this bond.” He clutched a fist over his sternum where his soul was aching to manifest “i can’t…please…i can’t deal with it making me feel things that aren’t real, i can’t.”
“It’s not the bond,” Edge whispered, barely audible. He looked way, down at his hands twisting in his lap. “I felt that way before I ever touched you.”
“don’t…” Rus blurted, low and thready. The sourness rising at the back of his throat overwhelming the lingering sweet. “don’t you fucking dare. i don’t believe you.”
“Why do you think my brother chose you?”
“He told me—“
”Oh, I’m sure he had a very good excuse. But heat can be more selective than you’d think.” Edge closed his sockets, exhaling long and slow, “My brother knew exactly how I felt about you and he knew that I never wanted this for you. You deserve a choice, a better choice, any other choice than this.”
“you don’t…you don’t feel that way about me…” Rus said shakily. “you can’t.” More denials trembled on his tongue, but how the fuck was he supposed to deny what he felt with his own soul.
He didn’t even think about shortcutting, only knew he needed to be gone.
The basement was cold, colder even then outside, untouched by the artificial light. Rus fumbled at the machine controls. He had to clear it and reset the coordinates for Underswap twice. Home, he had to get home, that was all, he had to get away from here and…
…and then what?
What was he gonna do? Go hide in Underswap again until heat struck one of them down?
Rus covered his face with trembling hands, inhaled the nauseating mixture the smell of tobacco and sweet honey that clung to his bones. Everything had changed and nothing had changed; the heat was still going to come and there was no place deep enough Rus could bury himself, no Monster he could pull between his legs to ride him to forgetfulness that was gonna stop it.
He didn’t know what to do anymore.
He stood in front of the shimmering blackness of portal, his soul knotted into a screaming tantrum of not fair and when had that ever changed a fucking thing? Terror and anger could fight it out for supremacy in his head, but he had some pretty visceral proof that he couldn’t run away from this one and that was the bitch of it. It was chained directly to his soul and there was no easy escape, not this time.
It was hard to force any kind of clarity into his warbling thoughts, but Rus did the best he could. Deep, calming breaths, his breath clouding in the cold of the basement. He was shivering by the time his panic loosened its hold, bones rattling in the stillness. Okay, obviously, his head and soul were twisted on backwards and upside down over this. What he needed was an outside opinion, someone who didn’t have a horse in this race to give him some damned advice.
Rus went through the portal and closed it behind him before heading upstairs, towards the best opinion he knew. He’d barely opened the door when a shout rang out, making him cringe.
His brother all but flew off the sofa, furiously. Tears stood out in his sockets, shining against the starry blue of his eye lights. “I have been looking everywhere for you! The Monsters at Muffet’s said you were acting strangely and--” Whatever Blue saw on his face made him pause, his righteous anger fading. When Rus dropped to his knees and opened his arms Blue was there in an instant, holding him close. His small, sturdy body was comfort, it was home, and Rus greedily absorbed the feel of it.
All too soon, Blue pulled away. He didn’t go far, cupping Rus’s face in his gentle, gloved hands. “Papy? What is going on?”
That was his bro, always so kind and trying so hard to understand, to make things better. Blue wanted so terribly much to fix it, whatever it was, things and places and people and Rus.
“sit down, bro,” Rus sighed, nudging him towards the sofa, “and i’ll explain. but it’s a long story.”
“Then start telling it,” Blue settled in on the cushions, folding his hands in his lap expectantly. “and brother? I’m expecting a much longer tale than ‘Fuzzy Bunny’.”
Rus resisted the urge to say anything about it being a tale about getting tail and sat down next to him, sprawling into his brother’s lap. “okay. you remember a few weeks ago when i stayed out all night—"
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kittykatzpaws · 3 years
The Annelid Spa. Upscale, selective, nearly impossible to get booked into unless you had the right contacts. Luckily for Kolt, being a superhero gave you those sorts of connections. One mention of his name had the receptionist clearing the day’s salon schedule to book him in for a treatment. He felt a little bad, having left the booking until the last minute. He was due for a public appearance the next day. A big, important ceremony where he had to be looking his best. Normally, he’d just go to the cheap place down the street that he’d been going to for years, but the last fur treatment he’d gotten from them left him itching for days, and that just wouldn’t do for such a big event.
 He arrived at the spa just after lunch. He had never actually seen the building up close, but it was as impressive as one would expect from such a high-end spa. The building was shaped like a pyramid, covered in reflective panelling that made it look like it was glowing. It was amazing. It looked, Kolt thought with a laugh, almost like a supervillain’s lair. But instead of being on some secluded island or inside a volcano, it was just nestled between two normal brick buildings in the middle of the city.
Kolt pushed open the heavy doors and walked inside, admiring how sleek and new everything looked. It seemed to be all white walls and shiny floors and gleaming metal doors. A woman sat behind the reception desk, typing away at a futuristic looking computer. Even her outfit seemed to match the rest of the building. A starched white dress and matching gloves. She glanced up at Kolt for a moment when he walked in, finishing up what she was typing before rolling her chair back to the middle of the reception desk and waving him forward.
“Mr. Lasser. We’re pleased you could join us today. We were very happy when you called to book your appointment. Such a well-known hero deserves only the best treatment, and that’s what we offer here.” The woman spoke with an even, measured tone.
Kolt smiled, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. “Oh, well the place I usually go to sort of didn’t work out. I think I’m allergic to something in their fur treatment.”
“We’ve been hearing that from new clients a lot recently. It makes me wonder if other places are trying to cut costs with cheaper products. I can assure you that everything we use here is of the finest quality.” She gave a polite smile and stood. “Would you like to get straight to the treatment, or would you like to enjoy some of our other facilities first? We have a wonderful sauna and a simply lovely sun room for meditation.”
Kolt considered the sauna for a moment, but shook his head. As nice as the place was, he didn’t want to be there for too long. He still had a few things to prepare before the ceremony the next day. “Just the salon, thanks.”
“Very good. Right this way, please.” The receptionist took a step towards one of the metal doors before pausing. “Ah, we have a very strict policy about technology. I’ll need to ask you to hand over your cell phone, watch, and any other items of technology you may have.”
Kolt hesitated, glancing at his watch. He didn’t like leaving it behind. The suit inside of it was his last line of defence. “You can’t make an exception?” He asked, hopefully.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Lasser.” The receptionist gave a regretful shake of her head. “But I promise you, they’ll be kept perfectly safe, and will be returned to you as soon as you’re ready to leave.”
Kolt sighed. It was unlikely anything bad would happen during a couple of hours at a spa, so he supposed he could part with it. It wasn’t easy, but he took off his watch and fished his phone from his pocket, handing them both over to the receptionist. She took out a key, unlocking a drawer in the desk and placing the items gently inside before locking it again. At least they were safe, Kolt reassured himself. And he would get them back soon.
“This way.” The receptionist gestured for Kolt to follow her, pushing open one of the large metal doors. “The treatment room is at the very back of the spa, so I’m afraid we’ll have to go through a few of the other rooms to get there. Please try to remain quiet so you don’t disturb any of the other guests.”
She led him through a second metal door and into a large tiled room. On either side were large pools full of mud. Kolt could see a couple of people relaxing in the mud baths, covered in the substance. The next room she led him through seemed to be for massages. There was a man faced down on a massage bed, getting his shoulders rubbed by a woman in an identical uniform to the receptionist. His tail was swishing softly in delight as he was massaged. Kolt lingered for just a moment, thinking about how nice a massage would be. The receptionist continued her quick strides, so Kolt had to jog for a moment to catch up to her, following her through the next set of doors.
She led him through a few more rooms. One had walls covered in stained glass, and people meditating under the multicoloured reflections. Another had soft gongs going off, in different tones and intervals, and Kolt thought he remembered reading something about “sound bathing” in the brochure for the place. After going through a few more rooms, they finally reached the treatment room. It was large and slightly cold, with a shiny black chair in the middle. The sides of the chair were raised up, looking as though his body would slot perfectly into it. Around the chair were counters and cabinets, presumably full of products and tools for treating his fur. The receptionist left him with brief instructions to strip and wait for the salon specialist. Kolt did as he was told, piling his clothes onto a chair in the corner. He waited for a few, awkward minutes before the doors opened once more and a new woman stepped inside. She was dressed identically to the rest of the staff, and had an equally professional demeanour.
“Mr. Lasser. If you wouldn’t mind getting into the chair?” She gestured to the black chair. “We’ll start with a quick inspection and brush, then move on to shampoo to make everything soft, and finally drying.”
Kolt did as he was told, his body fitting perfectly into the chair. It felt as though it were made for him. The woman’s gloved fingers sifted through his fur slowly, making soft notes about the texture and feel under her breath. When she was finally satisfied, she walked over to one of the cabinets. Kolt watched her search the drawer full of brushes to find the right type for his fur before returning triumphantly with one in hand. One side of it had long metal claws to untangle the longest parts of his fur. The other side had softer bristles made for the rest of his fur.
The woman began her work, starting at the top of his head and working her way down methodically. Kolt let himself relax into the feeling, the tips of the brush lightly scratching at his scalp in a soothing way. He generally thought of himself as a pretty hygienic guy, but she brushed parts of him he’d never even thought about. The crease where his ears met his head, the underside of his jaw, the backs of his knees. She also got places he typically struggled to reach. She had him sit up so she could brush his whole back, paying extra attention to the middle where his arms couldn’t quite reach. It felt nice.
“I’m going to tip the chair back now.” The woman warned him so the sudden change didn’t scare him. “It turns into a sort of tub that I can fill with water so we can wash your fur.”
Kolt nodded, thankful for the warning. He felt himself tipping back as the chair moved, his legs coming up until the whole chair was flat. He understood now why the sides came up so high. She would be able to fill it with water without splashing it all over the floor. She took his hand lightly, running some warm water over it and asking if the temperature was alright for him. He nodded and she left the nozzle in the tub with him, filling it slowly as she went to get the shampoo.
He closed his eyes when she returned, not wanting to get shampoo in them. He could feel the bubbles forming around him as she poured the shampoo into the water. He could smell it on the steam rising from the bath, slightly spiced with a faint chemical undertone. It felt nice in his fur, her fingers massaging it into him. This was his favourite part about going to salons. The warm water and the gentle attention were always a nice way to relax. Especially when something big and important like the ceremony was coming up.
As he laid in the bath, the chemicals in the shampoo slowly sank into his skin. He felt lethargic, sluggish. It wasn’t abnormal for him to get tired during a salon visit, so he thought nothing of it. But his thoughts slowed to a crawl. He let the woman move his limbs where she needed to, unable to muster up the energy to move himself. Not that he needed to. She was doing such a good job getting him nice and clean for the ceremony. Really, all he needed to do was let the feeling of tiredness wash over him and leave her to her job.
It felt like it was all over too soon. She finished working the shampoo into his fur and rinsing away the excess. He was clean, and all that was left was for him to be dried, and then the lovely spa visit would be over. The thought sunk in slowly, his eyes opening slightly when a shadow passed over them. She had pulled down what looked like some sort of vent, and it began to gently blow warm air towards him. He felt similar vents open in the chair itself, warming and drying him from both sides. The chemicals from the shampoo were still working through his system, keeping him slow and tired.
“Before we finish, there’s someone who wants to pay you a visit. She has a complimentary service to offer you.” The woman spoke, her words taking their time to penetrate the chemical fog that was swirling in Kolt’s brain.
He didn’t fully understand what she had said until there was a new face peering down at him. The woman was elegant and beautiful, and the grin on her face was one of triumph. She looked… familiar. Kolt tried to remember where he’d seen her before. He blinked up at her, brows furrowed as he sifted slowly through his memories. She looked a lot like one of the supervillains he was working to stop, but he couldn’t quite recall a name. Was that her? The thought didn’t bother him so much as confuse him. Was she a supervillain? Why was she running a spa if she was?
“Well, I had a whole monologue prepared for this moment, but it seems like it would be wasted on you in this state.” The woman gave an exaggerated sigh of disappointment. “I suppose I’ll just go right into it then. The worm?”
She held her gloved hand out and the woman who had been washing Kolt’s fur handed her a pair of forceps. Pinched between them was something that looked akin to a slug or a fat worm. Kolt’s brain was still whirring uselessly, trying to catch up to what was happening. There was a supervillain here, running a spa, and holding a worm? He couldn’t figure out how it all connected in his head. It was a little frustrating. He was usually so good at working these sorts of things out.
He watched as the woman moved the forceps closer to his ear, the worm wriggling as though desperate to escape. He should probably move. That was his most coherent thought. But he wasn’t entirely sure how to do it. While he considered this, he felt the slimy head of the worm press against his ear. It was large. He could feel it stretching his ear canal, squirming as it tried to burrow into his ear to reach his brain. That wasn’t good. He wanted to do something to stop it, but he couldn’t think clearly enough to know what to do. Maybe his super suit could help? He just barely got up the energy to pat uselessly at his wrist, wondering why his watch wasn’t there. He remembered, as the worm wriggled farther into his ear, that he’d been told to take it off. That wasn’t good either.
The woman released the worm from the forceps once it was lodged halfway into Kolt’s ear. The worm writhed its way in, slimy and thick. It disappeared into his ear, and Kolt could feel it deep inside of him, working towards his brain. The fleshy creature filled his head, and his eye twitched slightly at the feeling of it nudging at his brain. He could feel it wriggling around in his head, searching for the perfect spot to make its home. The woman was talking to him again, probably unable to help herself from explaining her evil plan, but Kolt couldn’t focus. The wet, fleshy creature was deep inside his brain, and he could feel it burrowing deep into his memory centre, making itself at home there. His vision went fuzzy as it latched on, becoming an integral part of the memory centre of his brain.
Over the course of a few minutes, the worm managed to meld itself completely into his brain. It was, for all intents and purposes, his new memory centre. It couldn’t be removed without doing permanent damage. Not that Kolt would remember it was in there for long enough to try to remove it anyway. Already, it was working hard to take over his memories and make him forget it was there at all. Its bloated, slimy body dug deep into his brain, and Kolt could feel his whole body responding to it as its tail slithered past various parts of his brain to join the rest of its body in taking over his memories. His fingers twitched when it passed the part responsible for his movement. He babbled incoherently as it burrowed past his speech centre. With every writhing motion, his head felt fuller, like the tube of flesh was filling his whole skull.
It was almost a melting feeling in his head, sending tingles to the back of his scalp. He could feel the worm melding with his brain, its synapses hijacking his own to take over. All he could see was blurry colours, the gleaming white of the room, the shining metal of the vents still drying him with warm air, the crimson grin of his captor. He could feel the worm start to work, sending little shocks of information into his brain. His memories of the worm began to slip away, leaving nothing more than a slightly odd, pulsing feeling in the back of his head. He remembered the woman with the forceps, but he couldn’t remember what they held. Or where it had gone. Was it part of the treatment? Why was the woman there, anyway? Then, his memories of the villainous woman with the forceps began to disappear as well. Someone had walked into the room, but he couldn’t remember who. Perhaps just another worker, there to check up on the treatment? And then he didn’t even remember the interruption at all. Just the brushing, the bath, the warm fans drying him. The worm pulsed inside of his brain, leaving him wondering at the feeling. It drew out all his memories of the supervillain, replacing them with a perfectly normal day at the spa. A normal, if not a bit nicer than his usual salon experiences, brush and wash, and now a thorough drying. Nothing for him to worry about.
Kolt could feel the strength come back to him somewhat, as though he were just waking up from a deep sleep. The chemicals from the shampoo had run their course. Though, as far as Kolt was concerned, he’d only been tired because of the soothing feeling of having his fur washed. His vision refocused as the vent was lifted and the tub turned back into a chair. He looked around and saw the woman who had done his treatment, smiling at him. They were alone. He wasn’t sure why that was something he noticed. Of course they were alone, she’d been the only one to help with his treatment. And, come to think of it, she had done an amazing job. His fur felt softer than it had in years.
“I hope you had a nice time.” The woman said politely.
Kolt no longer felt the worm pulsing in his head, but it was certainly there, working exactly as it had been trained to. The woman had been so nice, Kolt thought to himself, and she’d done such a good job. He should definitely tip her, quite generously. He grabbed his clothes, searching his pockets for his wallet. He paused for a moment to dress before opening his wallet. He’d set aside a few banknotes to tip her with, but now that he thought back on his memories of the treatment, she’d done so much for him. She’d done such a good job and it had been such a pleasant experience. He pulled out a much larger wad of bills, handing them over to her with a smile.
“You did a great job, my fur feels amazing!” He praised.
The woman smiled, counting out the bills. “My boss will be pleased to hear it.”
She led Kolt back through the rooms and out to the reception area. The receptionist smiled at them both, asking how the treatment went. They both assured her that it had gone very well, and she seemed pleased. She pulled out her key, unlocking the drawer in her desk and pulling out Kolt’s belongings. She handed over his phone, watch, and usb stick. Kolt took them gratefully, putting his watch back on his wrist and pocketing the other two items. The worm slithered deeper into his brain, stopping him from wondering about the usb. Of course it was his, why else would the woman have given it to him?
 The ceremony went off without a hitch, and Kolt even got quite a few compliments. He’d definitely have to go back to that spa some time, it had been a lovely experience. But that would have to wait. For now he had work to do at the base. The days after the ceremony were busy ones. There was a lot to do, and Kolt had already taken two days off, between his spa day and the ceremony. He didn’t have time for anything even close to a break for a few days afterwards. When he finally did, he found himself standing in the hallway, feeling like there was a thought nagging in the back of his mind.
He’d forgotten to do something important. He couldn’t quite put his finger on what it was, but there was something he needed to do. His hand strayed absentmindedly to his pocket, fiddling with the usb drive. He froze. That’s what it was! He rubbed his forehead, feeling ridiculous for having forgotten. He made his way to the nearest computer room, plugging the usb into the port. How could he have forgotten to do this? It was very important! He couldn’t… quite remember why it was important. But it needed to be done.
He watched words fill up the screen, walking him through what he needed to do. He tapped away at the keys, doing what he was told. Once it was done, a message flashed onto the screen, letting him know he could take out the stick. He pulled it out, disposing of it discreetly. He stopped and blinked. What had he just been doing? He remembered standing in the hallway, and now he was at a computer. He looked at the computer, but it seemed to be running like normal. Why had he gone in there? He thought about it for a moment longer before deciding he’d probably just gone in to check that he’d updated the files after his last mission. He sat down at the computer and checked, confirming that he had. He couldn’t believe he’d forgotten walking into the room, he must have been really tired. He stretched and yawned, heading off for a well-earned nap.
⚜ Commission Me ⚜
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thetourguidebarbie · 5 years
You’ve got to be kidding me + Klaroline :)
Inspired by a tweet I saw posted somewhere about group projects.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Caroline whispered, staring down at her phone, feeling rage build quickly inside of her as she read the tinder messages over for the fourth time.
[klaus]: hello, sweetheart.
[klaus]: any plans tonight?
What an ass. 
They’d been thrown together for their philosophy project early on in the semester, courtesy of Professor Saltzman, resident life-ruiner. Klaus had studiously avoided her attempts to get him to talk to her after class, to the extent of being absent for the past few weeks. He’d also refused to answer any of her texts asking when they would meet up, and managed to fall completely off the grid whenever she tried to track him down through his friends or facebook. It was infuriating, the lengths to which he was going to avoid her. Sure, the philosophy project was stupid, but they still had to do it, and not all of them had a trust fund to fall back on. She had student loans that weren’t paying off themselves, and even if she hadn’t, he was being a jerk.
And now he’d had the nerve–the audacity–to message her on tinder, a place she usually went to escape stress rather than to have her blood pressure rocket up to dangerous levels. Did he even know that she was his partner? Her picture didn’t look any different from her in real life, or at least not enough to excuse him forgetting her face. Ugh. Infuriating. Did he seriously think he could just message her as though she’d be up for a one-night-stand with someone she knew for a fact was a slacker? 
Caroline Forbes did not date slackers, nor did she have one-night-stands with slackers. 
Caroline Forbes dated men who had their shit together. Ideally.
She glared at her phone screen, which still had Klaus’s messages open. He could have at least sent her a quick text to agree to the topic she’d chosen. If he wanted to spend his time with girls he messaged on tinder, she was happy to oblige. It was clear that he wasn’t going to work on their project voluntarily, so she might as well take drastic measures.
[caroline]: just homework, but i’d be willing to have a distraction ;)
[klaus]: excellent. do you want to get a drink? I know a good pub by campus.
[caroline]: How about we just skip to you coming to my place? I’m short on time and we both know where this is going to go…
This was, of course, a lie. He did not know that he was going to come over and they were going to do some research on Descartes.
[klaus]: well i can’t say I’m not flattered, love. Address?
Caroline typed out her apartment number and hit send before busying herself getting ready for company. Klaus might be a flaky jerk, but that didn’t mean he deserved a couch with cookie crumbs all over it. She also changed into more stranger-appropriate clothing and put on some mascara, not because Klaus was cute, but because it would give her confidence. Obviously. 
He knocked just after she’d finished hauling her books out of her room into her kitchen and opening her laptop. He gave her a dimpled smile when she opened the door for him, and she stood aside to let him in, gesturing to the kitchen. “This way.”
“Bossy,” he murmured quietly, though he obligingly followed, and she pointed to the chair next to her books.
“Do you want a drink? I have water, milk, juice, and a few beers. Actually, scratch that, I’d rather we were both sober for this.”
“No thank you,” he said slowly, clearly catching onto this not being a normal one night stand (or even a one night stand at all, if she had anything to say about it). 
“Suit yourself,” she said with forced cheer, sitting down next to him and grabbing a highlighter. “So, I know you never answered my texts, but I think that using Discourse on the Method is too cliche. Everyone who got assigned Descartes is going to be doing it. I think we should compare and contrast Principles of Philosophy with Aristotle’s writings.”
He stared at her for a moment, clearly trying to figure out what she was talking about. Watching realization slowly dawn on him over a few seconds was immensely satisfying. “You’re my partner for the philosophy project,” he said, having the decency to look at least a little sheepish.
“Yes, I am. I know that a philosophy project probably wasn’t your plans for tonight, but honestly I kind of don’t care. This is due in two weeks, and I’m not doing the whole thing myself. You can have a sexcapade marathon with tinder hookups after we’re done, but right now I need you to read one of the books and take notes. Would you rather do Aristotle or Descartes?”
“I thought you just said we had to agree on a topic,” Klaus said, looking slightly amused.
“I made an executive decision, since you didn’t text me back,” Caroline said, giving him a clearly false smile. “I already did you the huge favor of outlining the main points, too. All you need to do is find stuff to back it up, write it up, and send it to me. Super easy. Shouldn’t take you more than a few hours, tops.”
He gave her an assessing look, clearly realizing he’d misjudged her. She’d had extensive experience with men thinking the way she talked and the interests she had meant she was stupid, and it was depressing that she was used to it by now, and that he’d bought into it. Hopefully he’d shape up now that he realized she wasn’t going to let him half-ass the whole thing at the last minute.
“All right. Shall I do it this weekend and get back to you, then?” he asked, making a move to get up.
She reached out and grabbed his sleeve, tugging him back down. He let her, sinking into her kitchen chair. “Nice try, buddy. I want to make sure this gets done, so until I can see that you’ve made progress, you’re not leaving.”
He seemed to be debating saying something. She had a feeling he was itching to point out that he could just leave if he wanted, but instead he nodded, grabbing the highlighter she was holding out for him to take. “I suppose that I have time if it means you’ll stop incessantly texting me about it for the rest of the semester.”
“Oh, trust me, you have been enough of a jerk about this that I fully intend on never texting you again once we’re done,” Caroline said, her voice saccharine. “So, want to rethink that drink? We might be here awhile.”
They ended up ordering a pizza around midnight, taking a break to eat. She found that Klaus was funny, if a bit arrogant, and he listened when she talked, gently teasing her about things she was interested in, but taking her returning jabs in stride. It wasn’t an unpleasant evening, and she could reluctantly admit in the privacy of her own head that it had almost even been fun. They got most of the project done, and he left around two, promising that he’d send her the rest of his part of the essay the next afternoon.
When he did finally email it to her (on time, even!), he followed up with a text a few seconds later.
[klaus]: I just emailed you my part of the project, love. I apologize for the delay. 
[caroline]: thanks!
[klaus]: I know that you have every reason to be cross with me, but I was hoping that you might consider taking me up on that drink?
[caroline]: A drink?
[klaus]: Yes. I enjoyed your company, and I was hoping for a date. A real one.
[klaus]: I fancy you, Caroline.
Caroline frowned at her phone, considering her options. On the one hand, he’d avoided the project for weeks and had made her life immeasurably more stressful because of it. He was clearly kind of a jerk. A hot jerk, but still a jerk. Did she really want to get mixed up with him?
She guessed maybe something casual wouldn’t hurt. What was the worst that could happen? She’d have trouble tracking him down to break up with him?
[caroline]: Fine. Against my better judgment, you get one date.
[caroline]: I should warn you though, I don’t date slackers.
As she found out when she brought him home for some non-academic activities a few days later, he took her warning very seriously.
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musical-icarus · 4 years
I’ve started writing a fun little story where our favorite angel Pit gets to go on a Pokémon journey, though not exactly in the typical fashion. I’d like to share part 1 with people, so may I introduce:
Need a Vacation?
By the gods, why has everything been so boring lately? No that’s a bad question, I know why. I’m probably not going to have a new game if at all for another twenty five years or so, meaning that I don’t think there’s any new adventures for me in the near future, and I’m just not a good fighter compared to the other characters in Smash Bros so I don’t get much attention.
By no means am I offended, it’s an honor to take part in such an event and even have a game within the past twenty years, I just wish there was something to do.
At least Min Min has opened up a noodle shop, and that’s where I’m heading later. Her ramen is some of the best I’ve ever tasted! But that’s after I’ve finished cleaning up all the items that were used today. An angel has to keep busy somehow.
While carrying the pokéballs back to the storage bin, one of master balls slips loose of my grip and begins to roll away. However it must have landed on the button or something because it was open when I picked it up and there was a tiny star shaped Pokémon floating above it. If I remember correctly that one is called Jirachi and is the wish granting Pokémon.
In an instant temptation strikes me, I could ask Jirachi if it can make it so my wings work properly so I could fly on my own. Then again wish granters are often the trickster type so I would need to think about this one more carefully. Perhaps I can come back another time after I’ve talked to Lady Palutena about it.
“I think what you need is a vacation.” A cheery voice resounds in my head, reminding me of whenever the gods would speak to my during my quests. After taking a quick look around to confirm no one else was around, I gaze back at Jirachi who was smiling me as I remember it’s one of those psychic types like Mewtwo.
“What do you mean by that?” I ask, nearly forgetting about the rest of the pokéballs in my arms as I pick up the purple one belonging to the star Pokémon.
“I mean, you need to take a break, take your mind off of things however that may be. Whether it’s relaxing or getting to go on a fun adventure and I can help with that!” Jirachi floats up to my eye level after pushing down the master ball in my hand. It would be rude to return it during our conversation.
“Well, I could probably do that anyways...” I mumble, tapping my foot rapidly, extremely tempted to ask about my wings, but I’m too curious about what this mythical creature is trying to offer.
“But you’re waiting on someone to need you again?” Jirachi predicts what I was going to say in a softer tone, and they’re right. An angel’s work is never done. “And to make it more appealing, I can make it so you can fly on your own, though only temporarily.”
Now it has my interest. “What were you planning on doing?”
“Turn you into a Pokémon-“
“WHAT?!” I shout, not letting it finish. “B-but Lady Palutena! And Pittoo! I can’t just leaving them forever because I’m selfish and wanted a break!”
“Now hold on, you didn’t let me finish. I can only change you for about a year so that’s how I would have your vacation be. Anyways, I turn you into a Pokémon, teleport you to my world, you can stay there, do whatever you want, request to come back if you don’t like it, and you’ll come back as normal if something important happens.” Jirachi calmly explains, and I’m actually starting to like the idea. I’ve seen how Pikachu and Pichu are always running around so carefree, maybe being a Pokémon wouldn’t be so bad. As long as I have wings and can fly.
“Which Pokémon were you thinking you’d turn me into? Or should I pick?” I asked, not wanting to get stuck as a land Pokémon.
“I have the perfect one in mind, but I’m going to leave it as a surprise. What I will tell you is that it has fluffy wings like yours and you’ll be able to evolve since I’ve heard it’s a very satisfying experience.” The wishing Pokémon grins pulling one of the blue tags from its star shaped head and hands it to me. “Here, I think you know what to do.”
Turning and twisting the tiny strip of fabric nervously in my hand, I take one last look at Jirachi before making a wish that would hopefully be a good decision in the end.
“I wish to take to take a break on Jirachi’s terms.” I whisper with my eyes closed, though shortly after I can sense a light on the other side of darkness.
“Trust me, you’re going to enjoy this.” Jirachi whispers back in my head as suddenly my entire body goes numb, causing the tag to slip from fingers, and for me to remember-
“I need to tell Lady Palu... Lady... Palu...” Before I can finish my thought, I lose my balance and tumble down into a sitting position. My head just feels so fuzzy and the rest of my body is uncomfortable. I thought Jirachi said this was supposed to relaxing!
“I promise, your goddess will get word of where you went and that her angel is safe.” Jirachi reassures me, lifting up my chin up to greet me with their smile as the inside of my mouth grows on increasingly more tight. I make an attempt to feel my cheeks, but my arms feel too heavy so I can’t even lift them. My panic only grows as whatever was swelling up inside of my mouth begins to push out past my lips. I can’t see much but it looks white and round, and... and... oh gods I think it’s a beak! I can’t figure out where my teeth are and my nose, it’s disappearing! None of this feels right at all. Alright Pit, you need to look on the bright side, you did agree to this after all. A beak means you’re becoming a bird... right? And that means you’ll be able to fly, just like Jirachi said.
Once my mouth and nose had fully merged with the large, round yet squished mass stuck on my face, the entirety of my skin begins to tingle, causing goosebumps to shoot up on my limbs, and the remaining normal parts of my face became too itchy to bare. The only problem was that my arms still had no feeling in them, preventing me from scratching at my head. However when I glanced down to see what was wrong, I wanted to scream but all that left my beak were high pitched whistles. What I had noticed first was that the cuffs on my wrist were a lot further up than they should have been, but a terrifying truth clicked as I watched them come even closer to my head. My arms were shrinking into my body! My hands had already disappeared while I was distracted by my face, leaving nothing but a bit of my palms for now.
“Swa! Swa!” I try to call out to Lady Palutena, but my voice had already been replaced, and that fact really scares me. I should have seen this coming, though for some reason I still didn’t expect not being able to talk to anyone, which only made my desire to be with my goddess burn even brighter. I need her right now, but not to help me, I just need her to hold me, and care for me like I’m her own child. That’s it! I feel like I’m a little kid again, I’m surprised I even remember what it felt like given how it’s been nearly three thousand years.
I barely notice Jirachi leaving me while my bronze cuffs fall and clatter on the ground beside me. Before I get the chance to look around for the star Pokémon the itchiness in my face becomes far to overwhelming that I’m tempted to throw myself on the ground just to scratch it, though without arms getting back up might be an issue so I decide against it. While rubbing my cheek against what’s remaining of my shoulders, I catch a glimpse of red and yellow near my temple.
‘Perfect!’ I think to myself, deciding to put my new beak to good use and using it to move my scarf out of the way so I might be able to get some relief with my ruby and gold broach. I’m able to get some relief using the pin until I realize that my reflection in the polished jewel is becoming even more off with patches of purple spotting up everywhere I managed to scratch and it was slowly spreading. While I’m trying to figure out what bird has a purple face with a strange white and round beak with my limited knowledge of Pokémon, I hear the gold band that’s normally on my upper are clang to the ground, and what’s left of my shoulders are uncomfortably tight.
Thankfully as my broach falls away with the complete loss of my arms, my face doesn’t itch nearly as much, and especially where the stuff is forming. Actually, even when thinking properly becomes increasingly harder, the stuff feels like feathers, and that makes a lot of sense, given the situation.
For a brief moment my scalp began to itch like my face, which probably meant feathers were going to grow there, but instead I can feel most of my hair receding with few bits of remaining bare skin. However, I never feel new feathers taking its place. But before I can use one of my wings to investigate, a sharp snap by my shoulder blades shoots through the numbness of my body.
“BLUUUUU!!!” I cry out as I fall onto my back shortly after wings migrate their base to where my shoulders were, all while my neck begins to feel really bloated. Through the pain I hadn’t even noticed how my tunic and tank top weren’t moved much by my maneuvered limbs. As I try to and unsuccessfully get up by flailing my useless wings and legs, I find I can’t move my head independently and my whole body moves when I try to look around to watch the rest of the changes.
“Oh Pit, are you alright?” A sweet and gentle voice, that I would recognize from anywhere, asks alongside the sound of graceful footsteps. Through the discomfort, my heart warms, and if I could still smile I would.
“I saw how stressed you were, and decided bring Palutena here so she could help you through the last phase and you’d get to say goodbye.” Jirachi, who as also returned, informs me, though I don’t really pay any attention to them.
“Swa Swablu!” Mama Palutena! I chirp cheerfully as I’m lifted away from the ground, leaving my sandals and the gold band from my thigh behind. I had been so distracted I never realized how small the rest of me had become. Overall, I am able to fit perfectly into an arm of my beautiful green haired goddess, I can’t bend my legs anymore, and though it’s hard to see with how far down my head has been compressed into my upper body, my wings are just behind where my ears would have been on this compact form, and the feathers on them, they seem puffier. My toga is more like a large blanket wrapped around me, and my tank top and shorts are barely hanging onto me. And-hold on. I said “Mama” Palutena? Or at least meant to say it? I mean... I guess she is my only mother figure, but I’ve only ever addressed her formally...
Before I can dwell on the thought any longer mama Palutena removes my tops and gives me a light scratch on back/back of head, I can’t really tell anymore... I called her “mama” again! Wait, but she is my mom, she made me, it only feels right, and- ooh just a little more up- right there! That’s the spot!
Now content in mama’s arm with a very nice petting, I watch as my already small feet continue to shrink while just remaining within view of my sight. A distressed coo escapes me as my toes click and merge into each other, leaving two tiny claws on each foot while the rest of the foot thins into a point that are coated in pale blue scales before disappearing from my vision. Just as my ankles were about to sink into my tiny body, my tummy began to feel real ticklish as it bulged out a bit, moving my face to face forward and my little feet to sit underneath me. I’m overcome with a burning desire to hug mama, but without arms I needed to use the next best thing.
I keep my eyes closed and do my best to wrap my wings around mama while I can feel my eyes shrink in size, shift a bit closer to my beak, and little pinches like my feathers that have fully engulfed all of my skin, allowing me to comfortably kick off my shorts. For a moment I think I’m done, but to put the icing on one very delicious cake my wings tingled as the feathers puffed up, and they only got fluffier and fluffier, just like clouds. Underneath the pure fluff that was my new wings, my muscles and almost all other mass under my cloud feathers seemed to fade.
“Feeling better?” Mama asks, giving me a light scratch under my beak.
“Swa~a~a....” I whistle blissfully, curling up my wings against the sides of my body. Why was I so scared before? Mama is here and she’s giving me all the love I need.
“I have to say, you make an adorable little bird. I hope you enjoy yourself on your vacation.” Mama smiles down on me as she sets me on ground, where I struggle to get my balance at first with my new body. Wait... vacation? Oh yeah, that’s why I... why I... what did I do again? My head feels just as fuzzy from when I started changing, and if I changed, that means I was something else before. But... what was I? I suppose it doesn’t matter since mama isn’t worried.
Speaking of mama, she knelt down in front of me and is now holding a mirror towards me. She’s right, I am adorable! Though I was wrong about the color of my feathers, they’re not purple and instead are a sky blue. Small tail feathers ruffle behind me as I admire the three cute little thin feathers on the of my head, and giggle chirps at my oversized laurel crown that’s only managed to stay on because of my wings.
Mama untangles the crown from my cotton feathers and spins it around a little in her hands then holds out her arms above me, just high enough so I couldn’t jump into them with my lack of legs. Did she want me to fly? But I can’t.... then again, why? All I have to do it flap my wings, right? Suddenly, a feeling of weightlessness takes over me as, I can no longer feel the ground beneath me and I can see my wings moving just by thinking about it in the corner of my eye.
“Swa Swablu! Blu Swablu!” I’m doing it! I’m flying by myself! I cheer loud and proud as I land in mama’s cupped hands, though why exactly I’m so excited, I can’t quite remember. Whatever the reason, I’m happy and mama is happy so that’s all that counts. While bouncing around, mama settles my leafy laurel back on head, but she must have used her magic because now it fits just right.
“There you go, it might help you remember yourself while we’re apart.” Mama hums while petting my back, and Jirachi floats over to me. Why would I need to remember myself? I know who I am, my name is... is...
“Pit!” Jirachi grins, quickly running their fingers through my feathers. That’s right, my name is Pit, and I’m.... “You ready to go now?”
“Go where?” I ask, trying to remember why Jirachi is even here. Ooo! Maybe I can wish for a bunch of ice cream while they’re here!
“On that adventure you wanted to go on, silly!” The star Pokémon giggles, holding their hands up to their mouth.
“Adventure? But what about mama?” I solemnly question lowering my wings, but my mood perks up when mama scratches right under my wings.
“Mama will always be with you, and I’ll be looking over you even when you can’t see me.” Mama smiles, putting my worries to rest while Jirachi places a hand above and between my eyes. “Have fun on your journey-“ And for a brief moment the world around me turns white. When my sight returns there’s soft grass beneath my feet, trees and bushes are all around, and mama and the wish granting Pokémon are no where to be seem.
Just ahead of me is a small circle shaped pond which I easily fly over to the edge of. I feel all giddy inside for some reason while doing so, I’ve always been able to do that, right? Or at least for as long as I can remember. Pushing the thoughts of my memories aside, I admire my beautiful reflection in the water as inside think about what mama told me.
A journey, huh? Yeah. That sounds like fun!
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