#ok! queen.
uhhhhhhhhh PimpMoth
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jakejeffreyperalta 9 months
sally jackson is literally the only person ever. she's so amazing. she's perfect. she's so kind it makes people cry. she listens to nirvana. she's beautiful. she fought a bull. she can cook. she's everyone's mother. she's a writer. she sings sad songs and applies them to her life and cries. she killed her abusive ex husband and sold him to get money for an apartment. she used to work at a candy store and bring percy samples of his favourite flavours. she shot a monster with a police gun in the middle of a war. she started making food blue because she's petty and she knew it would piss gabe off. she's an icon. she's the moment. no. 1 milf. no one's doing it like her.
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arundolyn 6 months
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platoapproved 10 days
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He loved it the way people love evil, because it thrills them to the core of their souls. - The Story of Daniel the Devil's Minion, or the Boy from Interview with the Vampire
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bruciemilf 8 months
Jason ranting about Bruce for the 10th time today: Gosh, he's just the worst.
Roy: Uh huh. Yea. Hey, Ollie? When is Beyonc茅's birthday?
Oliver: September 4, 1981, Houston Texas. 10:30 PM. It was on a Saturday. Her nurses' name was Susan.
Roy: When's MY birthday?
Oliver: How the fuck should I know?
Roy: Go on.
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girls i have loved
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somethinginworl 2 months
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Hi!! I've been working on this for months!! Now I'm proud to present to you; My Kirby gijinkas!
Let me know whatcha think!
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torgwn 9 months
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fionna and cake genuinely broke me and this is the first thing i draw for it. anyway personally i think simon's probably kissed the golb statuette he keeps in his golb shrine
below pics are because i couldn't decide which i preferred and also because i like the way it looks without labels
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Incredible that in a single one shot Renee got herself in the top 5 iconic moments in the aftgverse with that peace sign to Riko.
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mimir97477906 9 months
here's my take on betty and simon role swap ^_^ but i am sleepy rn so ur gonna see simon later
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korbywo 2 months
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nearly every "queen" (or king hehe) in wof!
missing a couple minor ones (like Pearl) but every notable one should be here!
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cozylittleartblog 1 year
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hey. hey anon? youa re. so right,
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stariiberry 1 year
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HEAR ME OUT....... Kingdom hearts au
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criticalrolo 1 year
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they yassified Brennan lee mulligan for the new d20 season and I鈥檓 having a great time
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seawherethesunsets 2 months
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You鈥檙e too adorable when you鈥檙e drunk. But you still got drunk and acted cute in front of other women. How dare you?
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klexos 9 months
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I inherited this country when I was only a child, Nahuseresh. I have held it. I have fought down rebellious barons. I've fought Sounis to keep the land on this side of the mountains. I have killed men and watched them hang. I've seen them tortured to keep this country safe and聽mine. How did you think I did this if I was a fool with cow eyes for any handsome man with gold in his purse?
鈥暵燤egan Whalen Turner,聽The Queen of Attolia
Finally finished this piece! It's good to be back on this website:)
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