#ok don't want to sound delusional here
dirtytransmasc · 5 months
no-no, I don't think you get it:
Driving out into the sun. Let the ultraviolet *cover me up*
went looking for a creation myth. Ended up with a pair of *cracked lips*
windows down, scream along. To some America First rap, country song
A slaughterhouse (an outlet mall)
Slot machines
Fear of God
*Windows down, heater on*
Big bolts of lightning hanging low. Over the coast, everyone's convinced. It's a government drone or an alien spaceship
Either way. we're. not. alone.
I'll find a new place to be from. A haunted house with a picket fence. To float around and ghost my friends
No, I'm Not Afraid To Disappear.
The billboard said
"The end is near"
I turned around, there was Nothing There
Yeah, I guess the end is here .
The end is here
The end is here
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talaok · 9 months
ok hear me out!!!!! pedro and y/n are super good friends (but they secretly love each other) and y/n has a cute 3 year old daughter that’s obsessed with pedro and for halloween she asks him to dress up as mando and she will be grogu and they act like father and daughter all the time and y/n almost burst seeing them looking so cute together and pedro never thought about having kids but he loves y/n daughter so much and is so over protective with both of them and idk pedro and y/n end up getting together and they are a beautiful family, i just love picturing dad!pedro wearing cute halloween costumes with his kids 😭 i love being delusional
pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
a/n: this is the cutest effing thing that anyone has ever thought of ohmygod
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What? That was it? He didn't need any convincing?
"I-I'm sorry what?"
He smiled, watching your face frown in puzzlement 
"Of course I'll dress up for Halloween if that'll make Maya happy"
"As the Mandalorian?" you asked, just to make sure he understood what he was agreeing to
"as the Mandalorian" he nodded
"And she'll dress as baby Yoda"
"It's Grogu, not baby Yoda"
You didn't know if you wanted to roll your eyes or laugh.
"you're incredible you know that?" you chuckled, throwing your arms around his neck to hug him "She's gonna be so happy" 
"Incredible, huh? I like the sound of that" he chuckled as he hugged you back
"shut up" you laughed, soaking in his scent and warmth for a moment "Thank you"
__ __ __
Your feet were kind of hurting, and Maya had gathered enough candies to feed an army, but she was so happy and excited that you didn't have it in you to tell her it was time to go home.
The neighborhood was filled with kids dressed up as every type of monster laughing and running around, and Maya, Maya was over the moon.
She looked so incredibly cute in her costume, and the way she insisted on holding Pedro's hand every living moment just made it all the more heartwarming. 
And Pedro... Pedro was more than happy to comply. 
He'd been making her laugh and smile the whole night, going with it every time she wanted him to say his character's lines or reenact a scene in the middle of the road.
You had spent the whole night watching them, and with every gesture, your heart warmed and your eyes threatened to spill.
Now maybe you were being dramatic, but there just was something about the image that was making you feel all sorts of things, half of which you couldn't even name.
And you weren't the only one, because Pedro was having a realization of his own. He always knew he loved you and your daughter incredibly, but now... now a deeper feeling was igniting in his stomach, one that didn't want this night to end, that maybe, just maybe wanted this to be the rest of his life.
"Aren't you just the cutest little monster?" the old lady at the door cried as soon as Maya stepped closer.
"'m not a monster!" She protested, clearly not happy about it "I'm Grogu, and this is my dad, Mando" she explained, pointing at Pedro.
And he knew she just meant in the show, just like you did, but hearing that word come out of her mouth so easily made time stand still for a moment.
"Oh I'm sorry" the lady laughed sweetly "Here, let me apologize with some candy"
"yes please!" Maya smiled, forgetting all about the lady's mistake as her bucket filled once again
"thank you ma'am, have a good night," she recited as you'd taught her.
"have a good night sweetie" the lady smiled, watching her and Pedro walk away.
"I'm sorry about... that" an awkward chuckle left your lips "She just gets very defensive about her costume"
"Oh don't worry" The lady's eyes crinkled as she drew a reassuring smile "She's a nice kid" she said, finding your eyes after a moment of silence "You're a really beautiful family"
"oh-" you stopped, because as you were about to correct her, you realized... you didn't really want to, 
"t-thank you" you nodded "Have a good night"
Your head was spinning, and your heart was racing and-
"Are you ok?" Pedro's hazel eyes looked concerned, and it took you a moment to understand he was talking to you.
"Y-yeah, it's nothing" you tried your best to smile 
"Are you sure?" he asked "Maybe we should sit down a minute"
"I'm fine Pedro" you let out a breathy chuckle "I promise"
"I can hold your bag if you want" he offered, not ready to give up just yet.
"Pedro..." you only raised an eyebrow
"alright, fine" he held his hands up in surrender "I give up"
But before you had time to say anything else, Maya was already dragging him to another house.
It was only ten minutes later that he noticed something change in her, she wasn't talking as much, and her eyes were getting all droopy, and as a big yawn left her mouth, he smiled to himself.
She was finally tired.
"You sleepy sweetheart?" he asked, stopping to look down at her.
"a little" she murmured.
"oh baby" you pouted, "you wanna head back home?"
"mh-mh" she nodded 
"c'mon let's go then" you gestured,
But for some reason, she stayed exactly where she was.
"you don't feel like walking anymore?" Pedro asked, to which Maya slowly shook her head.
"I can carry you if you want"
It was like a match had lighted inside her eyes from how much they sparked.
"if that's ok" he said, turning to you
"of course" you nodded, watching as your daughter wrapped her tiny body around Pedro's the moment he picked her up.
It was a ten-minute walk back to your house, and in those ten minutes, two things happened: 
Maya fell asleep, softly snoring into Pedro's ear and making both of you laugh
Every doubt Pedro had in his mind, dissipated into thin air. 
He wanted this. 
He wanted you, he wanted to be there for Maya, he wanted to wake up in the morning and make both of you breakfast, he wanted to come home to a full house, and even if he'd never really thought about having children, now it seemed like the easiest decision ever.
He'd always loved you, and he'd always loved helping you out with Maya ever since she was born, but for some reason, maybe fear, maybe cowardice, he'd never told you, but now... now for some reason it felt like all the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, like he had finally gotten it, and as terrifying as it was, he needed to tell you.
Which is why, after you had put Maya to sleep and joined him on the couch, he said:
"I had a lot of fun tonight"
You laughed at that for some reason "You don't have to lie, Pedro, I know Maya can be a handful sometimes"
"No, No I'm serious" he insisted "I love spending time with her... and with you of course"
"oh" you breathed, surprised "Well I'm glad" you smiled "and for the record, I like spending time with you too, and so does Maya"
His lips twitched into a big smile then, as some of his anxiety melted away.
"So I- uhm" he cleared his throat, and you couldn't help but frown at his sudden change in demeanor.
Why did he look so... scared?
"I wanted to tell you something" he finally spoke
"you're scaring me Pedro" you attempted a half-laugh 
"N-no it's nothing bad" he reassured you "or at least I hope"
"Ok..." your frown only deepened "What is it?"
You watched his Adam's apple bob up and down as he swallowed thickly.
"Well the thing is that..." he murmured, his trembling eyes looking into yours as he took the longest pause known to mankind "that I love you y/n"
there, it was out. No turning back now.
"I felt this way for a really long time," he said "Well since before Maya was born, but... you know, you were with-" he stopped himself, not able to say that piece of shit's name "and then when she was born your life was already hard and I didn't want to give you one more thing to think about, or maybe the truth is just that I was terrified of losing you" he laughed softly "and I still am, to be honest" he confessed "but I just wanted you to know now, because y/n I really do" he promised, gingerly taking your hand in his as your eyes watered "I love you, and I love Maya, and-and I- I understand that it's difficult and it's fine if you don't feel the same way... but I'd really love for us to be a family,"
It was your turn to speak, but it took you a while to remember how.
"I-" you sniffled as tears fell from your eyes "of course I love you too Pedro" A laugh bubbled inside your chest "B-but- Are you sure you want to do this?" you had to make sure "Taking care of Maya it's not always easy, or pleasant, and it's not a part-time thing, it's all day, every day" you spoke "So before you make any decisions I just think you should consider that"
He looked at you like you'd just explained to him the hardest physics theory to ever exist.
"Y/n" he couldn't help but smile "I know all that, and I know that I don't fully understand what it means yet, but I promise you that I'll do everything I can, that I'll try as hard as I can, that when I say I want this, I mean it"
A wide smile pulled at your lips as you leaned closer
"you sure?"
"one thousand percent" he promised "I love you y/n"
And that's all you needed before you finally let your lips meet with his, tasting all of him for the first time, and melting in his arms like ice on a summer day.
"I love you too Ped-"
But just as you were speaking, a softer, smaller voice caught your attention.
You let out a small chuckle before turning towards Maya, who was standing in the hallway to the living room in her pjs, hugging Berry, her teddy bear.
"what is it pumpkin?" 
"I had a bad dream" she murmured, looking exhausted.
"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry" you cooed, "you want to come here on the couch with us for a little while?"
She complied immediately, stumbling towards you, until she was close enough for you to hoist her up and next to you.
"there" you murmured, as she settled right against your side "feel better?"
"mh-mh" she nodded, her eyes already closing 
"it was just a dream baby, it's not real" you murmured, petting her hair as she clung to your arm "I'm here now"
And all Pedro could do, was watch mesmerized, as he dreamed of when he too, was gonna be able to do that.
"see" you whispered after Maya's soft snores started filling the room "This is what I was talking about. You still sure you want this?"
His lips pulled into a soft smile as he answered.
"Y/n" he murmured, "I think it's all I ever wanted"
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lihhelsing · 11 months
Hate That I Loved You
Now complete on AO3!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 ↓ | Part 5 | Part 6
Despite Eddie's wishes, everything just keeps on moving.
In a way, it's a little comforting to know that no matter how badly Eddie fucks up, life keeps going. It kept going when Lou almost broke him, it kept going every time he dumped someone or got dumped. It kept going when his mom passed away in the middle of the European leg of their tour. 
It kept moving when he and Steve stopped walking in the same direction. 
Eddie sits in his dressing room, waiting for his make-up to be finished. He barely slept during the night, a mix of anxiousness and fear of whatever was to come.
Eddie wants to talk to Steve and clear the air and explain that what he had seen the night before wasn't what he thought it was. There's nothing between him and Lou. Not anymore. 
It's not like he thinks Steve still wants something with him. He's not delusional or anything, knows Steve is doing this only as a favor to him and nothing more. But he's done hurting Steve, needs to put an end to all this once and for all. 
There was no time in between the band finishing up their part of the music video at around 3am and the super early call time they all had for the last day of shooting. When he got there, Eddie got dragged to wardrobe and make-up and had no time to even look for Steve.
He hoped Steve hadn't bailed because of whatever it was that he thought he saw last night, but if he had, they would most likely know by now. Probably. 
But to be completely honest, Eddie doesn't even realize he's holding his breath in anticipation until the moment he lay eyes on Steve again. 
Eddie gets into the studio all ready for the shooting. His clothes are a perfect match to what he used to wear back then, right before Corroded Coffin made it big. A sleeveless CC shirt with ripped skinny jeans. Always black. Chains and rings and a leather jacket on top of everything. 
It feels even weirder once he gets a good look at it. The studio had been completely modified and now he can see a perfect representation of his uncle’s old trailer. The place where he made most of the music for their first album. 
The place where he fell in love with Steve.
But now that Eddie is really looking at it, he can see only half of the trailer. The other half is actually the recording studio where they had made their first album. 
Half and half, torn in the middle, just like Eddie had been back then. Unable to choose between life with Steve and the band. 
Whenever Eddie was with Steve, his brain was thinking music and lyrics and chords. He itched to put his hands on a guitar, to take notes, to write. 
Then, when he was with the band, he kept thinking about Steve, missing him, missing his touch and his kiss and-
“Hey,” Steve’s voice sounds unsure, like he had tried getting Eddie’s attention more than once. 
“Hi. Sorry, it’s… Weird being back here,” Eddie says and Steve gives him a soft smile which… Don't seem like a bad thing.
“Yeah. Brings back a lot of memories,” Steve agrees and motions forward as if he’s going to touch Eddie’s arm. 
But then the director is calling their names and asking if they are ready and Steve drops his hand, turning away from him. 
“Can we, uh, talk? After? I really wanted to explain what you saw yesterday.” 
Steve shakes his head. “You don’t owe me an explanation, Eddie.” 
“No, I know. But I want to. If you… Please?” 
Steve looks over at him and there’s this unreadable thing about his expression that tugs at Eddie’s heart. He needs him to say yes. Needs him to listen to him. He needs to still have a chance. 
“Yeah, ok,” Steve says finally and Eddie can barely react before they are being directed to their places for the shoot. 
They have both the places that tore Eddie apart, and they are separated by a thick glass. Steve is standing on one side, a symbol of Eddie’s past life, the one he left behind when he started to pursue a life in music. 
The other is all his dreams coming true. Everything that he ever wanted becoming real. Back then, Eddie thought Steve didn’t fit in it. Steve didn’t feel he fit in. He never made Eddie choose, but soon it became clear Eddie wouldn’t be able to balance the two things at the same time for long.
He’d be away too much. And Steve needed him near. Wanted him there and Eddie wasn’t there. They fought, screamed at each other out of frustration and heartbreak. 
Eddie wanted to stay and he knew he needed to leave, but he only found courage to do it when Steve told him he didn’t see a future for them, that Eddie should put his chips on something more certain. 
He realized that day he would never be enough for Steve. He was splitting himself in half for him, trying to make everyone happy, and even then he was failing. Couldn't get things right.
The day he walked away, Eddie felt like his heart was going to give in. And he feels that way again as he looks into Steve’s eyes and sings how he hates that he loved him. 
There's this glass in between them and Eddie can't get through. No matter how loud he sings, no matter how much he tries, he can't have it all. He starts to wonder how much different his life would be if he had bet on his relationship with Steve. 
Wonders if he would've been happy with any other job. Maybe he would have become a music teacher somewhere. Have a white picket fence house with three cats and Steve. Maybe that would've been enough for him. 
Or maybe he'd resent Steve, like he always said he would. Every time Eddie missed something related to the band because Steve, he said that. Like Eddie couldn't make his own decisions. 
He knocks on the glass as Steve walks around the trailer with his back to Eddie. He wants to reach him, but he can't, and suddenly there's this suffocating need to tell him everything. To tell Steve how he feels. 
It's not past tense. His feelings for Steve never went anywhere, always there, always alive. He needs him to know. Even if Steve doesn't feel the same anymore, he's sure Steve has moved on from their thing a long time ago. He just needs him to know. 
Maybe back then it wasn't time for him and Steve, but maybe now it can be.
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milesandcorysupermacy · 6 months
"I know someone who can" (Part 1)
1610!Miles x Confused-Black-Fem!Reader
Genre: Friends-to-lovers, Fluff, lil bit of angst
Warnings: We're like lowk cheating 😭, Cursing, Use of N Word, Google Translated Spanish, That's it I think lemme know if I missed sum 🤷🏾‍♀️
Songs that it's based on: Let Me Love You By Mario, Don't By Bryson Tiller
Summary: Basically, you get into a lil argument with your man (Jaleel) and run to Miles. You tell him that it's been like this for a while and he isn't having any of that. He tells you that you deserve better, luckily he knows someone who can provide better 😉
The IG Post:
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"You are so fucking insecure, it's unbelievable"
You say, rolling your eyes. You were sitting on Jaleel's bed, with your arms crossed. This nigga had the audacity to press you about an IG post on your PRIVATE Instagram. The post wasn't even that bad. Jaleel's been like this ever since the start of your relationship. At first. You just thought it was cute that he was a little possessive, you thought he was just showing that he cared. But now you're 4 months in and that shit just not cute anymore!
"I'm insecure? Nah I'm just responsible for you, and ion like you out here showing ya ass for all these lil niggas that are thirsting over you. You MY bitch."
Hold up...you know he ain't just say what you THINK he said. All your respect for him went out the window the second he said that. Plus, he wasn't even looking at you during this whole argument, this nigga is turned around, on his PS5, in his gaming chair, paying you no attention. You know what...you don't even care that you're at his house at this point, you're about to say what's on your mind.
"FIRST of all, I'm nobody's bitch. Second, Boy you are not responsible for me. Nigga, you ain't my daddy. You make it seem like I'm just a job, not your girlfriend. You know what...Miles WARNED me about you and I should've listene-"
You said, before getting so rudely cut off by the dreadhead in front of you. To be honest, you probably just fell for the height and hair. (Because if a 6 foot dreadhead walked up to you, you would take the opportunity too. Don't lie.)
"There you go, always talking about that nigga. 'Miles this, Miles that', since you wanna talk about him so bad why don't you just go be with him. But let me tell you something, that'll be the biggest mistake of your life. Because, he don't want yo' ass anyway. I'm the best thing you'll ever ha-"
He's cut off by the sound of you grabbing your shoes, and purse, hopping off the bed. One thing your mama has always told you is 'If you disrespect yourself, you'll allow others to disrespect you' and you weren't about to sit up here and be disrespected.
Jaleel turned around in his chair and looked at you, puzzled.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm grabbing my stuff and leaving, I'm not about to let you talk to me like this. J, I deserve so much better and that's what I'm about to go get."
You said, walking to the door. You heard him stand up out of his gaming chair and run after you. With the controller still in his hand, he stood in front of you. Blocking the exit of his apartment.
"Wait, wait, wait. Bae, I'm sorry, ok? Maybe I took it far this time but, you know you're not gonna actually leave me, right?"
He chuckled out, thinking this whole thing was a joke. Little did he know you weren't playing.
"Look, you can be delusional if you want to but I'm done."
You say, pushing past him and walking out the door. You heard faint sounds of Jaleel cursing in the background. You honestly weren't paying attention, there was just so much going through your head. You honestly couldn't believe that you just did that. You just kept your head down, continuing to walk down the hallway of the apartment complex. You felt tears well up in your eyes, not from sadness, but pure rage. You couldn't even believe that you stuck around for that long. How could you do that to yourself? Did he ever really care about you? Was he being egotistical? Was he right about you wanting to get with Miles? What are you gonna tell your mo-
You heard a little thump from your shirt rubbing against someone's jacket, dragging you out of your train of thought. You must have accidentally bumped into someone on your walk home.
"I'm sorry"
You said with a slightly congested, scratchy voice since you were just crying. Before looking up to see who it was, you recognized the Jordans and shadow of a tall, sort of lanky boy with a taper fade. Apparently he recognized you too.
"Y/N? Mami, why are you crying? Where's your jacket, you must be freezing!"
He said, pulling you into his embrace in the cold weather, wiping the tears from your eyes.
"Voy a matar a quien te haya hecho esto."
(I'm gonna kill whoever did this to you)
He muttered under his breath, still embracing you as he lead you to his home.
"I was just at Ja-"
"Shhh, you can tell me about it when we're inside so that you're warm and safe, Cariño."
He said as he continued speed walking the streets of Brooklyn, New York, with you wrapped in his warmth. He wanted to get to his apartment as soon as possible to make sure you're ok, you took note of that. Jaleel was wrong about a lot of things, but maybe he was right about this. Maybe you do wanna be with Miles...?
This was lowk originally a one-shot but likeeeeee it's a lil more juicy when it's in chapters 😋 anyway, lemme know what yall think in the comments, I WILL REPLY BC I LOVE YALL 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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kanmom51 · 10 months
Did you jikookers see that? Yes JK is a smoker just like tae,and it's obvious tae taught him to smoke,they now spend time smoking together as a real couple and nothing for jimin,or your delusional ship. He doesn't care anymore he wants the world to know that he too smokes like his boyfriend tae,When taekook are hanging our,enjoying each others company while smoking,jimin is busy going to museums with namjoon.poor jokers😂😂😂😂.You will always be losers at the end of the day,you can never have what taekook have jk just proved that they are the only real ship.You ALL SHOULD GIVE UP
I was going to just block this shit off but then, I felt like having a good laugh, so I decided to post this.
Do I even have to comment?
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And for the fun of it...
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But finally, in case the message wasn't clear enough...
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And we are the ones being called delusional...
But seriously. Why the fuck do you assholes keep showing up in Jikook blogs trying to what? Convert us? Prove us wrong? This is utterly hilarious.
I guess that's what you do when you have zero interaction between the two people you are forcing on each other to be in a relationship they aren't in?
Do you even realize how utterly ridiculous you sound?
I guess that by your logic all social smokers are literally fucking each other. Ok then. Good logic. Does that apply to social drinkers too? Cause JK, he been drinking A LOT with JM. Does that mean they are fucking? Ooh....ooh, I guess we're on to something here.
I'd say that instead of coming with stupid ass asks to send to Jikook blogs @secretfurystrawberry you go and:
a. Get a life, cause stalking Jikook blogs is not a good look on you.
b. Stop trying to force a square into a triangle. JK and Tae are mates, good friends. C'est tous. Nothing else. And no matter which what way you twist it, it won't fit. And for crying out loud, start listening to JK you ass. He's made it abundantly clear.
c. I think you also need to go back to school. Although I'm not sure they teach common sense in school, so maybe not school. But you definitley need a lesson in common sense if this is what you can come up with to try and 'prove' just how 'real' TKK are (as a couple, cause friends, they don't smoke together now, do they?).
Bottom line dear asshole TKKer, is fuck back off to your fake account!!
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It's been a while since I've answered stupid ass asks like these. I tend to just block or delete.
Gotta say, it feels good to vent a little, lol.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Can I have a yandere apollo hc please
"I would give up everything for you. I would do anything for you." - Apollo.
❝☀️— lady l: Ok, here it's, anon. Sorry that take so long but I hope you like it <3 btw, I'm always trying to decide which of these edits I make, for no apparent reason, look better :V so if you have any preferences between the ones I've posted, please let me know what you think, I'm very in doubt...
❝☀️tw: yandere themes in general, obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder and torture, dub-con and non-con not explicit.
❝☀️pairing: yandere!apollo x gender neutral!reader
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Apollo is the second most revered Greek deity by the ancient Greeks, after his father. He is the embodiment of the male beauty ideal and this is one of the reasons why he doesn't accept being rejected by anyone. He is a god, one of the most worshiped gods so he has a huge ego and if you dare insult him you will be severely punished.
Apollo is known to love things that are beautiful and rare, so it was no surprise when you captured his attention. You were everything the god liked, young and beautiful. The perfect target to become his new obsession.
Apollo is obsessive, possessive, suffocating, delusional and overprotective. All these adjectives together. Not much to say, Apollo is one of the most suffocating gods in all of Olympus. The god will always be wherever you are, no matter the location. Apollo will always be keeping an eye on you, he is the sun god so he always know where you are.
The deity is very jealous too. Apollo gets jealous very easily, from the slightest possible interaction, it doesn't matter if someone said a simple and innocent "hello", if Apollo doesn't like that person's appearance or suspects that there are "hidden motives" behind that person hi, they will be punished. Tortured, if you prefer a clearer language.
He is very passionate too! Apollo adores you immensely, he is always willing to do anything for you no matter what, but don't be fooled, he's not dumb. If Apollo suspects that you are cheating or playing with him, he will make you bitterly regret it.
You became his princess/prince, basically. Ask for anything and you'll have it, but Apollo expects you to thank him after that. Whether with hugs, kisses, make out or sex. He has no preference, although he loves to see you moving sensually beneath him.
Apollo is hungry for physical touches, he absolutely loves being cuddled with you all the time. Sticky in the extreme, the god will always be with an arm around your waist or showering your beautiful face with kisses. He likes to be touched, to have you pressed tightly against his muscular chest as he rests his head on top of yours.
He would go so far in his obsession with you that he would make everyone adore you and any offense or insult directed at you will not be taken lightly. Apollo himself would personally take care of the punishment of the one who insulted you, maybe shooting some arrows or perhaps flaying that person alive or simply convincing his uncle Hades to have them tortured eternally in Tartarus, either way, they will regret it.
If Apollo can, he will definitely marry you. He would make you immortal so that no tragedy would occur and it would make you his wife/husband. Even if he can't marry you, Apollo will give you ambrosia anyway, he can't risk your death.
If you like singing or writing, Apollo will be your biggest fan. He loves anything you sing or write, your art is of utmost importance to the god and anyone who insults it… Well, they won't have a tongue or fingers anymore. Apollo will always be there, encouraging you and cheering for you.
Apollo loves to see the way you squirm as he pleasures you with his lips. The way you moan his name out loud when he lick on your clit, but the sound he likes to hear the most is when you scream as he penetrated you deep. The tears that fall from yours eyes make you look more angelic and he loves it. Apollo takes what he wants and when he wants, so if you reject him, he can and, especially, if he's in a bad mood, he'll force you.
The god is not a bad romantic partner in general, but his obsession and need to protect you will become exhausting eventually. He's too suffocating, privacy isn't something you'll have after he's fallen in love with you. You literally became Apollo's reason for living. You are his oxygen and he cannot live without. Apollo can't live without you.
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spnexploration · 1 year
Collared part 29
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: Sam and Dean loosen up their protections a little.
Warnings: none particularly
Word count: 1.8k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
A/N: Had to queue this up while I'm away, so apologies for not updating the mastlist or providing links to other chapters yet. Fixed now!
Part 28 <- -> Part 30
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“Y/N,” Dean started at breakfast the next morning, “I think maybe Sam and I have been a bit, uh, overprotective and maybe it hasn't really been helping you adjust.” He'd been thinking a lot about what you'd said yesterday.
“Oh?” you said. He was pleased to see that you hadn't instantly reacted negatively to him.
“So, we have a suggestion, if you're up for it. There are some woods around the bunker, pretty secluded. We umm, thought you might want to go outside for a bit?”
Your face lit up, but then was overtaken with fear again. He wanted to wipe away your fear forever, but he knew he couldn’t.
“We’ll be with you the whole time. I, uh, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out alone yet. But, we don't want you to feel like you’re, you know, stuck in here.” He hated how nervous he felt, how nervous he was clearly coming across as.
“Uh, whenever you want. I just gotta grab some angel blades and we'll be good to go whenever you want.”
“Angel blades?” you said, biting your lip. Crap, he thought, he didn't want to scare you more.
“They work on demons too. But don't worry, we are 99.9% sure absolutely nothing will happen. We're just grumpy buggers who hate being caught unaware.”
You nodded. “Umm, can we do it after breakfast?”
Dean made you wait at the bottom of the stairs with Sam while he checked outside.
“Do you always do this before you go outside?” you asked Sam.
“Well, no, but I'm a 6’4 monster hunter with concealed weapons on me at all times,” he said with a grin. You laughed.
“Ok, point taken.” After a pause you added, “Do you really have concealed weapons on you at all times?”
“Umm, yep, pretty much.”
Dean called out to say it was all clear and Sam gestured for you to head up the stairs first. You felt suddenly apprehensive, you hadn't been out since the failed shopping attempt. You even remembered being afraid of sunlight, with the collar on.
“We don't have to do this if you're not ready,” Sam said quietly behind you. “But I want you to know that I think you can do this.” He reached out and squeezed your hand. You took a deep breath and started to walk up the stairs.
You felt the sun on your skin. You breathed in the scent of the trees. You could see a horizon. It was magic.
Dean gave you an encouraging nod as you started to walk towards the woods. He and Sam trailed after you, staying close enough that they could get to you but giving you space. You quickly forgot about them, caught up in the experience.
There were birds. You had forgotten what they sounded like. They weren’t flashy or particularly impressive, just... Birds!!
You reached out and touched the trees. You picked up a leaf, crunching it in your hand. You could smell a sort of... freshness. It was beautiful.
You saw the perfect tree. Sturdy looking branches starting low enough and spaced a good distance apart. You ran to the tree, laughing, and began to climb up.
“You get up that thing, you better be able to get yourself down!” Dean called, a smile in his voice. “I am not rescuing you from a tree!”
“You wouldn't have to,” you called back. “I'm barely higher than Sam’s eyebrows!” You heard them both laugh.
You climbed higher, feeling a sense of elation and purpose.
“We sure she's not still delusional?” Dean stage whispered to Sam. “This has pretending to be a fairy written all over it.”
“How do you know I don't pretend to be a fairy all of the time?” He laughed.
You sat in the tree for a while, watching the world go past. “You boys should see the view up here - it's beautiful!”
“Dean's too stocky for trees,” Sam teased. “Bow legs can't hold on either.”
You sat there for a while longer, taking it all in.
Finally, you decided to climb back down. For all of Dean's jokes, he certainly seemed concerned watching you climb down. His arm came up behind you as if to catch you. It was sweet, although you were fine.
“Gonna have to give you a new nickname,” Dean remarked. “That was far from Bambi-esque.”
“She can't have Squirrel, that's you,” Sam laughed. “Although in your case it's because you look like one, rather than any skillset.”
Dean glared at his brother, “Shut up, Moose.”
“I think our Y/N still has some wide-eyed Bambi in her,” Sam said affectionately. “Even if she is swinging through trees like a monkey.”
You laughed, enjoying spending time with them. “You wanna do some more, Bambi?” Dean asked.
“Nah, I think I’d like some water now.”
The trio started to walk back to the bunker in a companionable silence. Just as you got to the door, you said quietly, “Thank you.”
“No worries, Y/N. Any time you wanna come out here, just let one of us know.”
You headed to your room after lunch, but after a while started to feel restless. Perhaps spending all of your time hiding away wasn’t the best strategy.
You went looking for the brothers.
You found Dean sitting at a table, surrounded by an arsenal of guns. One was in pieces in front of him. He looked up at you, “You ok? Something wrong?”
“No, just, umm, bit sick of my room.”
He smiled. “You're welcome to stay here and keep me company while I clean, if you'd like. Or Sam might be able to find you a book, or there's always the TV.”
“How- how do you clean them?”
He looked at you thoughtfully, “You making conversation or are you interested in me teaching you about guns? I can do either.”
You bit your lip, hesitant to ask for what you want. His body language was open, relaxed. You took a steadying breath, “I think I'd like to learn.”
He smiled encouragingly. “Ok, what do you know about guns?”
“Only what Sam told me when you went after the witch, and I'm not sure I can remember it all.”
“Ok, no problem. Learning how it all fits together is a good first step anyway.”
He was patient, explaining what he was doing and answering all of your questions.
“Why do you have so many?”
He laughed, “Because Sam is a slacker who doesn't like doing it. You see Sammy field stripping his firearm and you start wondering what he's worried about.”
You laughed with him. They never really complained about each other when you had the collar on, but now you were getting to see more of their good-natured ribbing of each other. Dean kept up the conversation, teaching you more than you'd ever known there was to know about guns.
“Ok, now push that in and slide this piece backwards,” Dean said, encouraging you to learn how to pull a small handgun apart. You were struggling with it, unable to get it to work properly. Dean reached over to help you, his hands wrapping around yours to guide your fingers.
You froze. You suddenly felt trapped, even though you knew exactly what he was doing and why. Your emotional response didn't seem to care about that, it just detected danger and went with it. You felt your breathing quicken.
Dean seemed to realise you'd stopped trying. He looked up to your face and then quickly dropped his hands.
“Crap, sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to scare you.”
You dropped the gun. It clattered to the table, and you jumped at the sound.
Dean backed away from you, hands up in surrender position. “I'm not going to hurt you,” he said in a calming voice. “I'm going to go now, I think I'm scaring you. I'll get Sam, ok?” He backed away slowly, out the door. You heard him down the corridor calling “Sammy!”
You tried to calm your breathing. You weren't even sure why you were panicking, you weren't afraid of Dean. But his strong hands enveloping yours around the cold, hard surface of the gun triggered something. You couldn't remember a particular instance where something like that happened, but the feeling of a strong man's hands controlling you was familiar.
Sam appeared, looking worried. “Hey, Y/N,” he said in a soft, calm voice from the other side of the room, “How are you going?”
“I’m- I’m- I'm ok.” He edged closer to you, watching your reaction. It didn't trigger your fight / flight / freeze this time, so you gave him a small nod. He moved closer again. “I just,” you continued, your voice still a little shaky, “I dunno, suddenly I was panicking.”
He stood closer to you and opened his arms. You stepped forward gratefully and hugged him.
“It's ok,” he murmured. “You're safe.”
You let yourself be hugged for a minute or so, calming your racing heart and breathing.
“You wanna talk about what happened?” Sam asked gently when you pulled away.
“I don't even know. I wasn't scared of Dean. I just, I dunno, suddenly felt trapped.”
He rubbed his hands gently up your arms. “It's probably not what you want to hear, but unfortunately sometimes these things might just happen. You went through a lot and it takes time.”
You nodded. You were trying to reassure yourself that it was to be expected, not your fault.
Suddenly, you remembered- “Dean! Is he ok?”
Sam smiled at you, “He's fine, Y/N. He just wanted to make sure you were, and he didn't think his presence was helping you calm down.”
“Where is he now? I want to apologise.”
“You don't need to apologise, and you don't need to put yourself in any situations that make you feel uncomfortable.”
“No, I want to talk to him. Where is he?”
Sam studied your face for a moment before relenting, “I don't know for sure, but my best guess is the garage. He often works on the car when he's feeling stressed.”
Dean looked up and saw you walking into the garage. He couldn’t get over the look on your face when he’d tried to help you with the gun, but you looked better now. He wiped his hands on the grease cloth and stepped out from under Baby’s hood.
“I’m sorry about before,” you said tentatively.
“You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. I should’ve known not to touch you.”
“I don’t- I don’t want you to avoid touching me, Dean. I just freaked out, but it wasn’t about you. I wasn’t scared of you. I was just, I dunno, scared for some reason.”
“Ok,” he said sincerely, “thank you for telling me.”
“So, um, what are you doing out here?”
He chuckled, “Honestly? Checking you didn't break anything when you were poking around in here.”
You laughed. He was relieved, he’d been worried that joke would tank. “Do you, umm, mind some company?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Any time.”
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nightmaree-eyess · 11 months
Second in command
Arcane fanfic
Summary: jinx took over silcos crime ring when he died and you are her second in command
Word count: 1238
Tags: au, lesbian jinx, y/n, femme reader,hurt/comfort, imagine, action/adventure, angst, romance, everyone is alive, implied drugs, hallucinations, implied emotional abuse
My days are pretty boring and monotonous for being second in command for the biggest crime ring in Zaun. I wake up, make my tea, go to work, take inventory, and go home. Obviously my days aren't exactly the same but they are similar enough. Today was one of those days.
“Jinx wants to see you.”
Ugh sevika. She thinks she runs this place since she's been with the ring the longest. She thinks she deserves to run this place.
I rolled my eyes at her in response
“Look just because your girlfriend is uppity about me doesn't mean you have too.”
“Just because my head is between her legs, doesn't mean it's up her ass too.”
Sevika grimaces and I groan and walk away from taking inventory. I don't feel like dealing with her bullshit today. Or ever really.
I push the door open with my shoulder to jinx’s office. The doors are heavy and made of rusted iron. The handles are vials of shimmer. The doors creak as I enter.
“Hello y/n”
Jinx turns around to face you in her chair behind the desk.
“Hi baby, what's up?”
“Don't call me that you know I hate pet names. But can you grab my shimmer for me? My eye is fucking killing me.”
Sometimes I feel more like a monkey than her girlfriend. Just another one of her employees but with more sexual benefits.
I grab the shimmer from the table and straddle her to get a better angle. A part of me only uses that as an excuse to get closer to her.I take her chin and angle her head upwards, take the syringe, and inject her eye. Her left eye looks like a nuclear sunset with a void in the middle. She winces in pain for a moment.
“Ah fuck. That never gets easier” jinx groans
You take her face and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and she raises her hand to yours. You step backwards to put the syringe away.
“This wasn't the only reason i called you in here”
I think she wants a sexual favor from me. That's usually how this goes but she keeps talking.
“ I have a job I want you to come along and it's a pretty serious one. I wanted my assistant to come with me. Id send one of the other employees but i feel like theyd fuck this job up. And we have the power they don't.”
Finally I'm starting to feel important. Jinx usually did the negotiating while i kept things running on the inside. But I never really felt like I had the power people claimed I had as jinx’s girlfriend and assistant.
“Sounds good. But what's the job?” i questioned
“We have to go to piltover and talk to jayce talis about importing more shimmer through their harbors. Business is booming right now and we need to make bigger shipments. And I need you there just in case things go wrong.”
“Like a bodyguard? Am I getting a demotion?” i joke
“Ha. ha. Funny. You think I'm some joke? You don't think I can handle myself? You think im gonna fuck up the job like i fuck everything up right?!”
“No, I-Im sorry” i raise my hands in defeat
“Good. Because it sounded like my girlfriend and assistant were doubting my abilities. Remember who's above you y/n. I'll let you know the details later. Now get the fuck out of my office.”
“Hello ladies, glad to be in your presence.” Jayce bows sarcastically
“Yeah whatever, let's just get to business.” jinx groans
I follow them into an empty alley. I thought maybe we’d be in an office or something but maybe the guy doesn't want us knowing where he resides. Jayce starts the convo
“Ok you called a meeting with me and i only have 15 minutes. So get to the point.”
“We want to import more shimmer through the harbors. Business is booming a-”
“No? What do you mean no? This would benefit both of us in the long run and youre fucking delusional not to think so.”
“I already have the council up my ass. I can't import more shimmer without it being suspicious. The answer is no.”
Jinx pulls out her gun and points it at jayce
“We import more shimmer through your harbors or you get a bullet in the skull. Its honestly your choice”
Next thing I know there's a flash of blue illuminating the sky, the boom of a gun, and a warm feeling running down my chest. I slip into the void at peace.
I flutter my eyes open and see a distorted jinx next to me
“You're nothing to me. You're just a dog that I bet on and you're losing.” she laughs maniacally
I try to sit up but I'm paralysed. What the fuck is going on? Before I can process anything I drift away again.
I squint my eyes open. I'm in a sketchy room, on a twin sized mattress on the floor.
“Oh god, baby I'm so glad you're alive!”
You feel jinx’s warm lips against your clammy forehead
“Wha- ow fuck” you clutch your chest
“I'm so sorry baby, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you along I jinxed it like i do everything this is all my fault im sorry”
“What are you talking about?”
“I-i accidentally shot you when jayce let off a bomb. I got startled and I shot you. Jayce died when the bomb went off but I got lucky. You… died when I shot you. I brought you to singed because i knew he could revive you…like he did me and it worked. Now you have to inject yourself with shimmer where you were injured to stay alive. I shouldn't have ever threatened jayce in the first place. This is all my fault.” she sobbed
“This… is a lot to process.” i wince in pain
“I'm so sorry. I've been cold and distant with you and you don't deserve that. Even though I keep you at arms distance, I love you. I didn't realise how much I loved you until I lost you. If I lost you…then I would have no one left. I need you in my life. You make my days brighter, you support me in ways no one else does, and I never want to take you for granted ever again. I want to love you the way you deserve, if you'll let me?”
I try my best to sit up to kiss her but I can't. Jinx fills in the space and kisses me passionately and deeply. Like if she stopped kissing me she'd lose me again. I break the kiss.
“I know. I love you too”
She climbs into bed with me. We are so close that we could almost merge into one. She pushes my sweaty strands of hair out of my face and kisses me softly on my nose and we drift off to a blissful sleep. And even though this is the most pain i've ever been in i'm the happiest i've ever been.
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evony256 · 7 months
Spoilers for drdt chapter 2 episode 6!!!!
So uh I noticed something about both episode 4 and episode 6 WWAAAYYYY back when episode 6 first came out. I honestly thought about making a post about it but social anxiety and all that shit. I also wasn't quite sure if anybody else had talked about it before, but since I haven't seen anyone mention it, ig I'll point it out. Eight months later.
Back in episode 4, right after Teruko talks to Arei, Teruko starts talking to Charles. Now, they have a silly little convo, some banter here and there. But there was one piece of dialogue from Charles that stuck to me.
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"You make fun of me when I can't cook, and you make fun of me when I can. There really is no winning with you, Teruko."
Now, I want you to remember these two lines. Especially the first one. They might seem like nothing, but they will be important.
Ok so flashback to episode 6, right after Ace wakes up from his beauty sleep. Once Ace leaves, MonoTV enter the room and tells Teruko and Eden to leave. When asked as to why they need to leave, MonoTV prompts this response:
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"You complain when *you* have to do chores, and you complain when *I* have to do chores! There's really no winning with you, Teruko!"
The similarities between the first sentences is shocking. Sure, they are about different things and use different words. Yet, they give off the same feeling and seem to have the same base. And don't even get me STARTED on the second sentence. They are literally the exact. same. thing. Now, this could be me overanalyzing every single bit of dialogue and every single aspect and design choice in this series, as I do. BUT this isn't the first time "dialogue repetition" has appeared in this series. A good example is in episode 5, when Arei breaks down. Arei says "I wanted... I just wanted to..." which is a direct paralel to Min's words in episode 12. Hell, Teruko even goes as far as to point out that "that pitiful crying" reminds her of something or someone.
This could be possibly drawing a paralel between MonoTV and Charles. Though, we don't have a lot of evidence for that. The only other evidence that we have is the detail that Charles definitely has had some sort of traumatic experience with dogs and MonoTV looking like a cat, yet stating that it's a dog. And that could also be used to link Nico and MonoTV together, considering the whole "cat theme". So that's why I don't have that much faith in it. Yet there's also the fact that Mr. Charlers has had a couple of interactions with MonoTV as well. Though, I am still very interested in this odd detail. I, personally, will be delusional and use this as "evidence" that Charles won't die in Chapter 3. If you guys have any other ideas, then... Say them? Or not if you don't want to. I literally took 8 months to post this, I am NOT in a position to tell you to talk about what you think
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franciskirkland · 8 months
Do you have any pink genre recs in terms of music? I want to get more into the genre.
-Hypermobile Françoise anon
hello!!! do you have any idea how hard this is for me to answer. i love rambling and being pedantic and going off on tangents. almost as much as i love punk music...
tl;dr i compiled a playlist for you, containing 3 songs from (most of) the bands mentioned below, plus a few extra from miscellanious artists bc 54 is my lucky number. it was hard to choose just 3 from some of my faves but i feel like this is a good introduction. long post to follow <3
instead of simply giving you a list and sending you on your merry way, i am absolutely going to spout off bc thats what i do and ur gonna regret asking. do you think you were gonna get off that easy? you absolute fool. sit ur ass down ur about to get schooled.
disclaimer; this isn't exhaustive. i'm not rattling off every single punk artist that's ever existed. just a few of my favorites.
the clash, the quintessential punk band in my opinion. defined the genre and embodied the political ethos. explored different subgenres througout their expansive discography. they were probably my first introduction to music as a whole since they're my dad's favorite band. i may be biased but i'd definitely say start with the clash. i'd recommend listening to their third album, london calling, first.
the pogues - the folk punk band of all time. NOT folk-punk like some smelly white man with dreadlocks screaming over poorly-tuned guitar. you'll know exactly what i mean when you hear it. they have a unique sound that just can't be replicated. and shane macgowan is actually such a beautiful person. their lyrics are also politically tinged, kinda gritty and edgy (i.e. gratuitous slurs) so not for senstive ears.
(i actually have a playlist of my fave pogues/shane macgowan songs)
the cure, in my opinion, invented goth or at least popularized it. their earlier stuff had more of a punk sound but every one of their albums is a perfect 10 to me. they're one of my favorite bands of all time and i could go on about them for hours so i'll leave it there. joy division, also more goth/post-punk but i love them, i have one of their album covers tattooed on my forearm lmao 19 year old decisions. no regrets (i also love the smiths, but they're not really punk punk.)
before you ask, no sex pistols!!! don't get me started on how much i hate the sex pistols i will throw up! god they suck. to me at least.
a lot of punks also listen to ska - no, not that kind of ska. 70/80s ska that originated from rocksteady/reggae. some of my faves in that arena being madness, the specials, bad manners, and the beat.
and as for across the pond - american punk artists.
johnny cash. no, seriously. man was punk before punk was defined.
my favorite band is probably social distortion. they're pretty different than those mentioned above, owing to their unmistakable americana sound and aesthetic. to me they're the quintessential rockabilly revival band, heavily influenced by country and blues. great guitar licks. think wistful and reckless all at once.
their frontman mike ness is an outrageously gorgeous man. he has two solo albums that absolutely slap. the happiest day of my life was seeing them live a couple years ago and he winked right at me - i promise i'm not delusional i swear he really did. ok i digress.
dead kennedys - hilarious lyrics and sick ass bass lines, very political and generally pretty iconic. one of my dad's faves. the cramps and the misfits. two bands overlapping goth + punk + psychobilly. pioneers of a campy subgenre known as horror-punk. i also really like danzig, the misfits frontman's solo career.
the velvet underground/lou reed - great example of american proto-punk. very NYC vibes. the pixies are a more grungy, later punk band. one of my mommy's favorites <3 i would unironically name my child velouria. definitely iconic but i find them overplayed sometimes, as in you've probably heard them at the grocery store.
this barely scratches the surface btw but i think that about covers it for today. sorry if i bored you to death pls come back and keep me company. peace and love on planet mpregfrance <3
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animeyanderetalker · 11 months
Hi not a request (sorry if it sounds like one) I was wondering An (hope it’s ok I call you that) , I’ve been rewatching Fairy tail and I was wondering who do you think would be the best and the worst for a poly relationship for sharing a darling?
I think the best would be Natsu and Lucy since there trust each other completely and get along well that and there balanced each other out with them being best friends and all (Depending how the 100 year request is going ; hopefully there tie the knot XD)
Worst poly by sharing a darling , my opinion would be Mard geer and kyouka , I don’t think the reader would ever catch a break , especially with Mard geer thin patient and Kyouka sadist ways . (I’m pretty sure Mard Geer would be pulling the shots since he did tie up Kyouka by using his curse magic🤔 just cause she upset him)
Love to hear your thoughts ^-^
also if your looking for a show to watch or read I suggest Eden’s zero or dead rock (it’s really good so far 💗)
That's an interesting question so here are a few of my thoughts. I didn't include all options or otherwise I could have gone on for a longer while.
The best:
Natsu and Lucy: I think you nailed it already pretty well with those two, although I think the entire team (Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray, (platonic or not) Wendy) could work together. I do think that those two would be the best pairing since they would make the least troubles for their darling and work really well together. Both are delusional and clingy but Lucy would be the one to respect it if their darling requests privacy even if reluctantly since she knows firsthand that Natsu has a lack of respect for privacy. I also think that Natsu and Lucy would see all the time eye to eye and talk together and decide together about everything involving their darling. Obviously Erza and Gray would work with those two well too but I do think that the rivalry between Natsu and Gray can be a bit tiring, not to mention that Gray is possessive, protective and low-key paranoid about darling and their safety. Erza on the other hand, whilst highly respecting and appreciating her friends, tends to scare people when someone ruins her time with her darling or upsets them. She gets occasionally scary for silly reasons. Considering that the boys are very obviously scared of her when she gets mad, I also think there wouldn't be all the time equal footing. Wendy is a sweetheart but a bit too gullible and naive, hence why Carla is there for her.
The Strauss siblings: Mirajane, Elfman and Lisanna would definitely go well together and work well together since all three of them are very close to each other and have a lot of love for their darling to spare. Mirajane is the oldest sibling and despite her kind and sweet appearance, she is just about enough mature and strict to put a foot down which isn't bad considering that Elfman and Lisanna tend to be more, maybe a bit too, forgiving and lenient. Especially Elfman is down bad for his s/o.
Alzack and Bisca: They're literally already a married couple and very sweet to each other so a third person that they adore would fit in very much. They'd probably be really shy and timid in the beginning before getting more comfortable and affectionate with time around their s/o.
Maybe also Gajeel and Levy since I do think they balance each other out well enough. Levy is more openly tender-hearted and understanding which would help to smooth out Gajeel's possessive side and his cocky pride at times. She isn't afraid to call him out and lecture him.
Potential candidates (with some issues to work through):
Gray and Juvia: It could work but I do feel like Juvia's excessive obsession and jealous streak would cause some issues, not to mention that I can't help but feel like her extreme behavior might have a bad effect and Gray who in return would also turn slightly more unhinged. You definitely don't want an unhinged Gray.
Erza and Jellal: They're childhood friends and I don't think that Erza would ever intimidate and scare Jellal like she would do with Gray and Natsu, he can even calm her down fairly well. The main issue is mainly that Jellal has isolated himself out of vengeance and that means there would be a lot of time where darling would just spend time with Erza.
Lucy and Loke: Those two could definitely share a darling too but Loke's antics in here are a problem and less the fact that he's a Celestial Spirit since he has the ability to enter the human realm without Lucy calling upon him. He's a tad bit too mischievious.
Thunder God Tribe + Laxus: This would be so chaotic because I feel like Evergreen and Fried would be so sickenly sweet, jealous and obsessed with their darling. Bickslow is in comparison to those two the sanest one and even that doesn't have to mean much. With Laxus there would at least be a bit more control and order but who knows how long that can last. They're a very active and energetic bunch for sure with Laxus the only pillar holding them somewhat together.
Sting and Rogue are really troublesome but I do think lots of people would expect them to work really well together. They could for sure share a darling but it wouldn't be as harmonious because Sting is really possessive and whilst definitely willing to die for his s/o, also a rather controlling individual who would persuade Rogue, who feels guilty for his obsession which makes him mentally more prone to Sting's manipulation, into convincing you into following a rather strict lifestyle created by them. That may or may not include restrictions where you can go, when you can go and with whom you can go and punishment if you break those rules. Believe me, they always find out.
The worst:
Mard Geer and Kyoka: Bold of you to assume that Mard Geer would share with anyone at all. He views his darling as his property and would never share so the only reason why Kyoka wouldn't be instantly murdered is because she's a member of Tartaros and even then she'd be forbidden to ever go near his s/o. Kyoka could probably only somewhat share with Seilah and that would be the furthest thing from a healthy and happy relationship. Mard Geer is the leader though and that's probably the only reason why Kyoka wouldn't brutally torture him and hurt him for falling in love with the same person as her.
Any poly!relationship with Minerva before her change of heart would spell a catastrophe too since she'd be so sadistic, not only to her darling but also whoever dares to fall in love with her darling. She'd at best tolerate that person but only if they're strong enough to be worthy in her opinion.
I can definitely see the members of the Oración Seis (Midnight, Cobra, Angel, Racer) being at one point one of the worst to share a darling too. All of them wouldn't be too fond to share a darling to begin with, Cobra is probably the nicest one about it because he's actually interested in sincerely caring for darling's health and well-being. Midnight on the other hand is sadistic and possessive, Angel is obsessive and sadistic and Racer, whilst initially appearing to be rather chill, is not all that nice after all either. The peak worst phase would be after the timeskip in my opinion where all of them have traded something in order for greater power which makes all of them only more unhinged, possessive and to a certain degree even more desperate.
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Hey I know you are one of the reasonable ones so I thought I would send it to you.
See this is why I find it hard to take shipping seriously. If you look at the second clip, JK literally grabs Vs ass. How is this any different to him grabbing JMs ass? Like it doesn't make sense at all. Sure it could be done in a jest so how does that make it any different to what Jikook have been doing? I am not doing it to come across anti Jikook or anything but these moments are the ones that keep me from being delusional.
Who says shipping needs to be taken seriously? Is there a rule somewhere? As far as I know and how I apply it to my experience within fandom spaces, shipping is fun. It's a fan practice that au contraire, shouldn't be taken too seriously because often that's the attitude that leads to negative experiences and consequences.
If shipping means being delusional, then perhaps I am. Does that make me unreasonable now? I wonder if my opinion can still be taken seriously? Not that it would matter to me.
I think each person has their own way of engaging with shipping in ways that work for them, resulting in a spectrum of habits and perspectives. For example, I ship Taemin and Jimin. I am fully "delusional" about MinMin, especially when I always bring back the idea that they kissed once. It's my ultimate k-pop fantasy ship and talking about it is something that I enjoy in the moments that I'm online. I also ship Jimin and Jungkook. I do it because I like them separately as idols and I like how they behave when together. Bottom line, it is that simple. And to get to some of the things you mentioned, I do not look at Jungkook grabbing Jimin's ass and think "There it is! The proof!" And I don't do that with every single thing they do with/for each other. It doesn't concern me. And to stick to my point, I don't like taekook because I find them boring as a duo so nothing they do becomes an interest for me. Just as most of the duos in BTS. I can watch jinkook playfight for all they want, it does nothing to me.
If an ass grab is something that you consider a proof that Jungkook behaves the same way with Jimin and V or it leads to the conclusion that what he does with Jimin in general is nothing special, then ok. If this line of thoughts helps you not turning delusional, that's fine. I'm not really sure though what you want from me? To agree with you? (It's clear that I don't). To offer a reasonable answer to your perspective? (I think I did, I'm not sure it is to your liking). To convince of the opposite? (I doubt it). Should I come up with a list of all the important jikook moments that make them more special and how I believe they are a real couple? You can find that on any other jikook shipper blog, it's not my modus operandi.
I'm not going to question too much how genuine your questions are because I've already spent 15 minutes answering this ask. One that sounds so similar to so many that I have in my inbox, that I see on so many other blogs and I'm sure similar ones got blocked by some people. Your ask is neither bringing up some interesting points, nor stands out in particular. It is so generic and typical for this particular ship, which is why I decided to say something. You or someone else will send almost the same ask to other people and at other points in the future. It's repetitive and to be honest, you are on the "losing" side here because instead of enjoying whatever it is that gets posted on the day content is released, you are here doing this.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 7 months
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That was a mistranslation, first of all. Do your own research before you believe things on twitter.
Ok. Now, you all KNOW that Jimin is not just Jimin hyung to Jk. If he was, you all wouldn't be here trying to downplay jikook. You sound like tkkrs. And that's the biggest insult, nowadays.
You are delusional if you think Jk would pick army over any of the members and Jimin, especially.
You are delusional if you think Jk would pick any of the members over Jimin.
No matter how much you try to downplay it, jikook's relationship bothers you because there is more there than you want to admit.
Keep being mad, I guess? But what a sad way to live life if you consume content just to feed your hate.
Let it go and don't worry about jikook. They are doing fine.
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everyonewooeverywhere · 2 months
pookie I dunno anything about riize but I'd love for you to show me their pictures and ramble about your fave <3
hehehe ok~~~
this should go w/o saying, but i am ot7 all the way. so you know...fuck sm actually
this shit is kinda long...sorry not sorry
picking a fave is really really hard for me soooo...i'm just gonna talk about all of them if ya don't mind 😀 (i am wonbin & anton biased though...i think)
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so, talent-wise, i've been a pretty big fan of shotaro for a while. he is such a phenomenal dancer. like his rhythm and body control is fucking insane.
here are some must watches of him dancing : 1 | 2 | 3
other than his talent, i love listening to him talk 🫠 he's pretty soft-spoken and his little giggle? 😔 i love him
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eunseok is a cheeky bitch, and i love him for it. he gives the energy that he would relentlessly make fun of his partner. it's like his love language.
also his cheekbones??? higher that god fr
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i've always wanted to just pat sungchan on the head. like *pat pat* you know? granted dude is tall as fuck so he'd have to crouch down so i could give him a good pat, but i feel like he'd be willing.
i also randomly think about his verse in "90's love" like once a month ✌️
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one thing i love about wonbin is that he will always serve cunt. genuinely, the face card goes so fucking hard i cannot.
personally, this little "mysterious pretty boy" persona sm has got him doing cracks me up because boo just wants to be silly 24/7. and he is. go watch a couple episodes of "we riize" and i promise you will understand.
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genuinely fuck sm for depriving us of seunghan. this man is actually so stunning that i can't breathe.
other than just a pretty face though i could genuinely fall asleep to the sound of him just talking. his deep raspy voice is the kinda shit that actually makes me melt.
also is just a silly guy. baby come home i miss you 🥺
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sohee gives major toddler energy. like not in the sense that he's immature, but he is like riize's child. they love him. i love him. we all love him.
i honestly do feel like in another universe him and i would be great friends though. idk he just gives me that vibe.
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fun fact about me....the closer an idol i like gets to my age the more delusional i get because like, would i go for a 25+ yo man rn?? fuck no. but someone less than a year older than me?? of course 😌 (i have a whole "subunit" of idols that fit into this don't worry. ask me about sometime i'd love to spill)
anyway, that rant aside, i fucking love anton (for many more reasons than us being close in age 💀). he is genuinely so fucking hilarious (source: riize tiktok captions). i'm in love with his energy. we would definitely vibe well together i can just tell.
he's also so college!bf coded (ofc he is he's literally 20 💀). BUT i'm currently hunting my campus for my anton lee dupe.
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crmsnmth · 2 months
It Will Be Ok
You're staring at me. Not like everyone else who stares at me with accusation grins and bullying eyes. You stare at me, like you can see inside my head And the very thought makes me physically ill
There's no map in here And I'm scared you'll get lost behind boxes of memories some marked real and other's marked as "Delusional." And that's really the only way that even I can tell the difference And I don't want you to see the thoughts I have when I'm alone
There's no landmarks the entire landscape is constantly shifting from a perfect forest to the very edges of a burning glass beach Hell is real and it's made of blue lakes and the smell of rotten eggs and it is localized behind my gray eyes I'd never forgive myself if you were to never cone out of here
You're eyes don't show panic as you read every thought behind my eyes instead you smile softly, like trying to calm a babe and squeeze my hands with soft yet undeniable pressure.
"It will be ok."
It's the only time I've ever believed those words and it works, even if part of me says its untrue But those words, in your tone, with the sound of your voice I really want to believe in you, like children and the Easter Bunny Be my happy little myth My epic written to save the world My verse that just ends with
"It will be ok."
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funpoire · 4 months
So actually I was trying to find some merch haikyuu and I found some doujinshi AND OMG it brings very old and bad memories lol
Yeah today's subject is haikyuu doujinshi in 2020/2021 (lol it sounds too serious when it’s just about weird fan creation)
So basically if you were on tik tok back in 2020/2021 yk that haikyuu was very famous at that time and because of that the fandom created a lot of things like dance, fan merch, very pretty cosplay, a trend were people act like playing volleyball was that serious and you say goodbye to your favour character with the haikyuu opening in the background…. Yeah I could do a post about this funny time but it would be kind of bullying and I don't want that lol yeah also the fandom has that whole area where it was very NSFW and corny and both of these areas got in common: fanfiction (obv but not the subject) and doujinshi
The corny part :
So like I said before I found out people selling doujinshi so you kinda had to be there and chronically online to know what I’m talking about but back in the day a few TikTok accounts appeared and they were reading and translating those mangas were it was just some x reader thing nothing harmful just kinda silly now that I think about it
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This is probably the most famous corny doujin I don’t really remember the story behind just that some could be a little bit spicy but I don't really remember just that most of the people who watch it were delusional
Now…. Let’s talk about the corn doujin (don’t worry i’m not gonna say some outrageous thing)
Ok so tik Tok anime was known to put corn in front of really young audiences cause idk I forgot why they decided to do that I guess to destroy your innocence like Bronny fan did first but some doujin ended up being famous in the haikyuu fandom don’t remember the name and if I did I would NOT share it cause yes share stuff like that is bad basically it was bokuto, akaashi, tsuki and kuroo playing twister in a bed and yeah I saw that when I was 13…. Anyway that thing could stopped there but the fandom talked about it for like 2 weeks and they even wrote some FF about this ship nothing wrong with polygamy just that the fandom made the whole ship super weird and it was just “yeah let’s play Twister every sec of the day” (not sure hypersexual content is a very good representation) when I think about this I also think about this zoo fanfic that was very NSFW but I feel like it wasn't that famous so I can’t really yappe about it and you guys doesn't miss nothing trust me also I like to believe that the ship Tsuki kuroo came from here or at least it get more popular because of that doujin idk
This post is so long but I have no one to talk about that thing might start a podcast
I just hope my English wasn't that broken
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Bye it was Pomme tough
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