#ok how many bets for how long until i delete this
volos-wish · 7 months
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dreamylyfe-x · 3 years
Long time listener first time caller; love the show! Question for you. Something's bothered me about the way Mickey is portrayed in E07, and upon (too much) reflection, I think it's this: he acts like a mob boss. The dropped phone, the kidnapping: Mickey's ordering around a lot of people for an escaped convict in flight. It's risky unless he's their leader; but as things unfold, Mickey's pretty clearly on his own. So what gives, dear screenwriters? -- Have you any thoughts on this?
Hee hee hee...
OK! First off. I am worried, first-time-long-time, that you will think that wasn't that into this ask because it's taken over a week for me to respond but NO! I was super into it and I responded to it immediately... And then tumbler ATE the post. (And my life got very busy and I couldn't respond. Because my thoughts, they are many.)
So again. Once more. Hitting the 'save as draft' aggressively.
Hee hee hee...
Ok, I have things to say, but this is head canon, because I can't justify it.
I can justify PART of it.
First off, Mickey likes to put on a show.
He has a flare for the dramatic. This is foundational. Look at EVERY TIME Mickey enters the chat.
We got season one:
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Season two:
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Season three:
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He comes in like a wrecking ball. Every time.
So. What do these entrances have in common? They all happen before Mickey has locked things down with Ian. They are before they're kissing or spend the night together. They're before they're talking about feelings. They're all during times when Mickey wants something from Ian (granted, in season one it's 'to bash Ian's brain in') and he leads with the bravado. Every time.
We don't get that in season four because, by that time, blood has been spilled and they're both hurt and desperate about each other and Mickey is way too worried to bother with theatrics. He also doesn't need to. He knows, by that point, that he means something to Ian. I mean, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. He knows Ian isn't indifferent. And Mickey is in that place until the end of season five.
Then... We get this:
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This is what is called a 'big choice'. One of the roughest things about watching that 6x01 scene is Mickey refusing to act like he and Ian are done. Just shining it on, with reckless abandoned. Loving so hard the bright heat of it comes right though the glass. Not bravado, exactly. But a show. His last attempt to get Ian to stay through the impossible sentence he's been given. He means it, but it's still Mickey putting out what he wants Ian to pick up with FULL face.
After 6x01 Ian stops coming to visit and Mickey has to deal with that -- and here we only have head canon because we don't get anything else for a couple of years. There's that deleted scene where we see the upset that Mickey isn't going to let Ian see. And then the curtain comes down until 7x10. When Mickey comes back after at least a year and half. And once again -- he puts 👏 on👏 a 👏 show👏.
Imagine Damon. My favourite of all the Gallavich victims. He gets put in a cell with Mickey Milkovich. Smart. Tough. On a mission. Mickey wants to get out and he's going to take Damon with him. This is great for Damon so he falls in line and he does whatever Mickey needs him to do because the end of this story is him getting the fuck out of prison.
And then it WORKS. Mickey's plan comes together and they are free and Damon turns to Mickey, who has worked out this intricate escape and clearly knows how to figure shit out and says "What's next? Where do we go? What do we do? What is your plan?"
And Mickey has a plan. An intricate one. And it requires two burner phones, a van and some guys big enough to overpower a six-foot tall redhead who has been doing a 100 push-ups a day since he was 15.
I like to imagine this conversation because I bet it was comedy gold. Damon is the one with contacts! He has friends! He's in a gang that he went down for. There are people who will do shit for him. And since Mickey did him a solid, they will do shit for Mickey, too!
But the shit Mickey wants done is ... weird. And SUPER focused on what was always Mickey's primary reason to escape: getting his boyfriend back.
Like, sure, yeah, Mexico. He doesn't want to go back to prison, that's for damn sure. But that's not nearly as important as getting Ian back and step one? INTRICATE game! Cell phones are deployed and hidden. Scenes are set. Mickey makes his dramatic entrance.
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Again. Let's imagine Damon trying his best to roll with this. Probably asking, occasionally -- much like Ian does in 7x11 -- "What are we doing now? How are we getting to Mexico? When the fuck are we leaving?" Meanwhile:
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It really is the funniest thing Mickey ever does. I love it with all my heart. He has planed the SHIT out of getting Ian back and yadda-yadda'ed sneaking into Mexico. Like the plan drops off a CLIFF once Ian is in the car. After that it's like "fuck in car, fuck under stars, find Jesus, ???, Profit!"
Ultimately, Mickey IS on his own. Damon thinks their interests are aligned and he is completely unaware that Mickey has no issue dumping him in the middle of a parking lot over one little armed robbery attempt. Getting Damon and his compatriots to be his rude mechanicals for one episode is one of his best cons and I am absolutely here for it.
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
post-finale stuff
Possible spoilers. Beware
Last night, I happened to check the scriptwriter's Weibo and saw that she had liked this fan's post. It's the only non-work related Weibo post that she had liked, so of course, I went to read it. 
The fact that this is the only fan post she's given her approval to must mean that it is on point and she agrees with the characterisation. I thought it's pretty good, so I've gone ahead to translate it here. I own 0 rights to this. I just thought it's a good perspective that may help others like me who struggled with the ending. 
I think I've mostly made my peace with it now, and to sum it up:
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all that they are. 
A-Xu never once blamed Lao Wen for how things turned out because he understood that. And he’s clearly a better person than I am (lol).
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Let me be clear about my stand - the real victim of how the drama unfolded in the last six episodes is WKX. When we feel our hearts ache for ZZS, it's because the show let down WKX (the character). If your heart is only hurting for WKX during episodes 33-34, you should try to ship WKX with someone else, ok? If you think the last six episodes were great and that WKX was very romantic (and only romantic), then I honestly don't know what to say. 
I ship wenzhou. That means I like both Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu. I want them to love each other, be good to each other and live happily ever after. And I want them not to be OOC. 
The rest behind the cut. Spoilers for the whole drama. 
First, the source. Here is a link to that Weibo post, by 爱吐槽的栗小姐. I will delete this if requested by the OP - because this is really in a grey area imo. But I think the intention of a public post is for it to be shared? (especially something like this, which argues a point) 
Secondly, the poster does try to be fair in her post, but as the problem here is WKX's ruined characterisation, ZZS's character is analysed primarily concerning this issue only. There's quite a bit left to ZZS's character and backstory that isn't relevant. I believe that's why the post doesn't elaborate on it, or so I hope.
Ever since WKX faked his death, I received three to four waves of fellow sister fans' mournful wails: "Lao Wen actually faked his death; does he have a heart?" "They were supposed to be of the same heart and treat each other with honesty. How did they regress?" "What happened to their innate soulmate-ness?" "Why does A-Xu always say to face things together, yet Lao Wen always keeps his plans from him?" "A-Xu loves Lao Wen, yet Lao Wen only loves himself"…….
Wait. What have you guys misunderstood about the meaning of soulmates? 
Soulmates are about values, but a person's behaviour… that's methodology FFS! 
(Do they no longer teach this in political affairs class in high school anymore?) 
Wenzhou, these soulmates, are incomparably compatible and mesh well in terms of values. According to the scriptwriter, the entire jianghu wants and tries to get the pieces of Glazed Armour, save the two of them. Not only do they not care for the peerless martial arts, immense power, nor the massive wealth that the Glazed Armour represents, they don't even care for the power they hold in their hands –Ghost Valley and the Window of Heaven. Both of them willing to give it up without a second thought. 
Before they met each other, they were so tired of (ZZS) and so angry at (WKX) this earthly world that they didn't even want to live on anymore. 
After they met each other, they gradually began to feel the warmth in this world again. How nice it would be if they could live in seclusion, hand in hand and just bask in the sun. 
In this world, where everyone else is fighting for power or wealth, they are true soulmates. To intelligent people like them, whether or not they're honest about their identities or secrets is merely a matter of formality. They had already determined their attraction to the other's soul early on and have never doubted it. 
There may be some here who would criticise loudly at this point, "Then can't you be more considerate for your soulmate (the actual phrased used is "spiritual companion")? A-Xu has said many times, let's face everything together, I'll bet that you will be honest with me. If you really love him, then why can't you care for his feelings?" 
----- You guys, you've never been married. 
If two souls meeting can naturally resolve all behavioural conflicts and disagreements, then the theory of "breaking in" * would not exist. 
Let us take a look at what kind of a person WKX and ZZS each are.
Wen Kexing, he's a lone wolf. 
After his parents' death and his entering the Ghost Valley, his smooth sailing life suddenly fell off a cliff. Ever since then, the only person he could rely on was himself. That deep-seated hatred is carved into his bones, yet he can't speak of it to anyone else. He isn't the same type of person as the rest of the ghosts in the Ghost Valley; he isn't the same type of person as A-Xiang, who he raised. If we talk about the world and everyone who lives in it, he doesn't have any fetters or feels any (positive) emotions. 
His supposed craziness is a form of indifference. He's indifferent to others' lives, nor his own, because he just doesn't care. (T/N: I think he does care for his own life, but only for revenge, after that, he's indifferent. Indifferent isn't suicidal. I don't know why some fans seem to be confusing the two. Although he didn't plan to, if he somehow manages to stay alive after getting his revenge, WKX will continue to live on, even if it's only to keep A-Xiang happy because he is indifferent.)
Growing up like this, being solitary became his style. He's used to doing everything alone, used to making his own decisions, used to digesting all his emotions himself. 
Every time he argues with A-Xu, he digests his emotions himself. The next day, he faces A-Xu with a smile again. 
This is how he loves, to take it upon himself to face danger, difficulty and pain alone. It's how he had supported A-Xiang all these years in the Ghost Valley and what he's used to. 
While Zhou Zishu, he's a lead horse (of a herd). ** 
Since a very young age, he's taught to take responsibility. He's used to bearing everything on his shoulders, be it the responsibility of his family or the responsibility for the Four Seasons Manor, even the responsibility for saving commoners from disasters. 
Unlike the lone wolf, the lead horse is ultimately a social animal. 
Regardless of his identity as the Manor Lord of the Four Seasons Manor or the Leader of the Window of Heaven, he's always the one to lead the herd and rarely fights alone. So, A-Xu not only has leadership ability but more than that, he also knows how to be tolerant and accepting of the differences of his team members. You can see the various ways he managed to influence Lao Wen along the road; he's firm when he needs to be and soft the other times. It's absolutely textbook in managing your lover workplace management. 
Zhou Zishu believes in communication whenever there's a problem, that they should be open and honest. So, teamwork is what he's used to. 
Does it mean that when a horse and lone wolf fall in love, that there won't be a breaking in period? 
Obviously not. 
I guess this is where some may say again, "isn't this part of a character's arc/development? The two of them quarrel time and time again. Did WKX not grow at all from it?" 
Of course, after meeting each other, they both grew and saved each other.
When he first left Window of Heaven, A-Xu was lonely with regret. Unlike the lone wolf who's used to doing everything alone, a lead horse without the last of his herd has no way to bear the bone-deep loneliness and merciless self-recrimination.
ZZS wandered around this world aimlessly until Lao Wen started pestering him, until he picked up Zhang Chengling, right up until he felt he hadn't singlehandedly destroyed the Four Seasons Manor. This lead horse finally regained a goal in life. He gained a partner and a lover. Lao Wen sticks to him, Chengling relies on him, and the abandoned Four Seasons Manor became like-new in his hands. He finally reconciles with himself. 
When he first came out of the valley, Lao Wen carried a rage strong enough to burn the world down. But when he met A-Xu, he also met the beauty of the world. 
When the Four Sages of Anji died, WKX understood how he caused innocent suffering. When Gao Chong walked to his death knowingly, he understood that although some may desire power, they could still be righteous and upstanding people. When he learned of everything Long Que sacrificed to protect his family***, he finally relaxed his guard. 
There were so many types of good people and things that he saw along this journey that he hadn't seen in the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu told him he was a good person as they basked in the sun, he genuinely wanted to return to the human (vs ghost) realm and be a good man. 
Along their journey, A-Xu made up for the morals and values that WKX lost in the Ghost Valley and showed him a new world outlook. He appeased Lao Wen's anger, tempered his extremism. The process wasn't easy, but not that difficult either, because, in the end, Lao Wen is kind at heart. 
But in the end, being a lone wolf is how he survived and succeeded in a place like the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu was so heavily injured and needed a lot of rest (for Wu Xi) to save his life, Lao Wen suddenly recalled his enemies and how such an excellent opportunity to take revenge just fell into his lap. Everything was in place, and all he needed to do was hide it from A-Xu; he could leave for a short while and have it settled quickly. Upon returning, he could then live happily ever after with his wife. To a crazy lone wolf, why would he not take a gamble? 
What he couldn't predict was the news would've been leaked (to A-Xu), and he didn't know that by doing so, he would've forever lost his love. 
Both of them were using their own methods to love the other person. Zhou Zishu is more forgiving and accepting because being forgiving is in his blood. While what WKX learned in his years in the Ghost Valley is -- love needs to be protected, like how he has A-Xiang, who he considers a sister, call himself master (to protect her). 
Only when faced with painful consequences can a person's deep-rooted habits and approach to things change. So I don't think faking his death ruined the characterisation of Wen Kexing, but I regret that the last two episodes did not have a scene to show us Lao Wen's heartbreak when he learns the truth. 
Until I know what it feels like to have lost you, I will only love you in my own way. 
*I can't think of the correct phrase for this as I don't read all that much about relationships >< please let me know if you know of it. Here, I'm referring to the process of wearing something new (like shoes) that will hurt at the start until it becomes soft and comfortable. 
** I did some side-reading, and omg, A-Xu is TOTALLY the lead mare. Although he's not the stallion and weak/dying for most of the show, he's the head of their little family, and he expects "to be obeyed", aka, I'm not going to learn how to cook. Call me for dinner. Kthxbye. 
From Rutgers' website: A herd of wild horses consists of one or two stallions, a group of mares, and their foals. The leader of the herd is usually an older mare (the "alpha mare"), even though one stallion owns the herd. She maintains her dominant role even though she may be physically weaker than the others. The older mare has had more experiences, more close encounters, and survived more threats than any other horse in the herd. The requirement of the lead horse is not strength or size; if this were so, then humans could never dominate a horse. Dominance is established not only through aggression but also through attitudes that let the other horses know she expects to be obeyed.
***I think this is important here because WKX wasn't crying for his loss. I think a big part of him was realising not everyone in the world was callous and turned their backs on his parents, that he could've gone his whole life without ever discovering what sacrifices some people have made. Good people suffer quietly and in silence. It's a big moment to realise he was wrong about many things that he had let hatred blind himself to the world. Because although he was sad about the Four Sages and somewhat shocked by Gao Chong's death, he hadn't truly faced up to his actions until now. 
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(screenshot of the scriptwriter liking the above post) 
To add: 
I'm not sure how many of you read my "opinion" posts, but I've been struggling to find a way to accept the last six episodes of Word of Honor.  I first tried looking at open forum postings, comments, and Tumblr posts. None of it worked because it was just arguing and emotions and no one made points good enough for me to accept things. 
So I gave up and went back to reading Chinese sites. I found many posts discussing the plot. Some I liked, some I didn't, but none satisfied my need for a reasonable explanation. I felt they had biases (both ways), or else it lacked logic. After a time, I realised that I should be looking for WKX-stans (or pro-WKX fans) because they would be more motivated to explain his side, but also because well-written posts by wenzhou-fans & ZZS-stans made me super sad.
I'm sorry, but those who keep trying to explain why the ending was good completely missed that episodes 32-34 are the real problem to those who don't like it and only focused on 36. I can understand if people don't think those episodes are a problem, but no one could provide an articulate and sensible reason. There are just too few well-reasoned plot-focused posts in English (sorry). I've seen too many examples of WKX-fans arguing with people who are upset about the ending, backed by nothing more than "look how much WKX suffers, woe is him. And how romantic is this????" *dies* 
Lastly, if you spot anything inaccurate, let me know & I will correct it.
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
I really wished I had gotten this done before the rollercoaster that was today. Yeah I’m looking at you NCIS press staff who threw the entire fandom into a spiral with this uploaded then deleted nine second clip that threatens to make us all riot. Looking. At. You. 
Anyways, this is gonna be short in comparison to Sangre because honestly there wasn’t a whole whole lot and also my mind is scrambled 🥴
So Nick at the elevator with Ellie’s firearms scorecard had be dying. Either he knows exactly when she shows up everyday because this is Eleanor Bishop and she’s nothing if not punctual, it’s just who she is. Or they are in such constant contact that she had literally just sent him a text that she was parking and coming up to the bullpen now. Or he’d been standing there for the past half hour while McGee tries to rib him for looking like an idiot and him refusing to move because she has to show up to work eventually. But my bet is the second honestly. Ellie acting coy and giving Nick a hard time is everything though because this is so usually not how it goes. He’s usually the secretive one (up until recently, I’m aware) and now she’s the one who’s all mysterious like yeah I’m a badass shot (and you know this Nick, duhhhh) but I’m not gonna tell you why my score is even better now so good that I maxed it out since it has to do with the training I’m getting from Odette that I *still* haven’t told anyone about. But shockingly enough boy learned his previous mistake last year in the jail cell and dropped it and didn’t ask more questions because he knows Ellie will tell him when Ellie is ready and ok to tell him 🥺 the respect for her and also trust she’d tell him if it was big (which ahem Ellie if this *is* because of Odette, oooooo you done messed up). 
McGee being bitter about not getting the body call had me cackling. Poor dude does not have a poker face 🤣
And then I stayed laughing with Kasie’s little commentary about streets for cars and oceans for sharks (my husband who dabbles in cycling would not be on the same page with the first part but definitely the second Kasie, I hear that). Why does Ellie’s look at the back of Nick’s head and his immediate getting Kasie back on track seem like they’ve just got perfect telepathy and know literally what the other is thinking, they’re just so in sync 😩
More ellick as partners and it’s just adorable as usual I love how they work together, they so efficient they already two steps ahead of McGee with everything. And 🥺 Nick’s catching Ellie’s attention while she’s thinking about Gibbs, that slight worry in his face as he knows this is hard for her because of their relationship. I love how much he cares without showing he cares. He would do everything for her, he wants to wrap her up and protect her from the dangers and hurt of the world. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE NOT LIKE MIGUEL NICK, THIS. YOUR DAD WOULD NEVER. Also Gibbs tells Ellie its not his call so she immediately defers to Nick to see what they should do? Ugh the trust. I love. 
OK so the hotly disputed scene in interrogation with McGee, Bishop and Hannah. I have thoughts and yes I wear ellick-colored glasses while I watch this show so yes I’ll be biased. Just like everyone has their own bias when watching so we can all believe what we want to believe since we also all know that we will never, ever get clarification. NCIS writers would never. Past plot lines coming back up, that’s cute. SO ANYWAYS. I love that it was Ellie’s idea to do the skeptic and hopeless romantic, for being a logical agent she sure is using her heart a lot in recent episodes I see you Ellie you can’t hide that Ms. Big-Hearted Bishop 👀 and yes the shaaaaade she throws out is 100% real you cannot convince me otherwise. Half these guys wouldn’t know love if it smacked them in the face?? yes. agree. A thousand percent agree. SHE SPEAKS FROM EXPERIENCE OK. And then the someone special in her life 🥺🥺🥺 oof we know you love him Ellie it’s ok you can just say it. You can say Nick has wormed his way into your heart with his dancing hips and his smart tongue. We know it he’s special to you he’s more than special he’s your loooooove 😭 and yes the GROWTH Y’ALL. We went from not trusting him with her phone- her pHONE. To now she trusts him with her life???? Because this man vowed from that night in the bullpen in 16x11 to prove to her that she can trust him and ain’t that IT. Good god is someone cutting onions around me?? He stood in the bullpen realizing how much he fucked up and said, that won’t happen again. She will trust me with everything big and small, to the point she’d trust me with her life and it will be my mission in life to prove this to her no matter how long it takes because yes it matters. Boy even pushed her out the way of a speeding car and almost died himself all for this lady and yes nick she knows you risked her life for hers and that’s when she realizes that shit this is so incredibly real and I’d put my life in his hands and he’d put his in mine without hesitation this is love. So yes if he asked her to do something (relating to Hannah here and also I think a piece of her knows that if nick had died, she would have been the one to kill Xavier), she would in a heartbeat. She would do anything for this man and while yes some of this is dramatized and played up a bit to get Hannah to open up, I firmly believe that it comes from a place of truth. That she pulled from experience and what she feels in order to play it best. Also partly why I don’t think this is in reference to Gibbs. She told McGee she was going to play the hopeless romantic card and she’s literally trying to appeal/connect with Hannah who is in a *romantic* relationship with the suspect. So naturally she’s going to mirror that with a romantic angle, not a father-daughter angle (that’s creepy when you think about it tbh - related to a woman who’s in love with a guy by saying you understand because you feel similarly about your “dad’?? No thank you) So yes, I’m in the camp that Ellie was picturing Nick while saying all this and surely she laid it on a little thick for the sake of the interrogation, but there’s an undercurrent of truth to her words and you can pry that out of my dead, cold hands because I will believe this to my grave unless NCIS writers magically remember old plots and prove me wrong. 
Nick busting out Hannah’s rhymes while Nick gives the little head bob yessssss. How many times had they done that before McGee got that update 🤣🤣😅
He’s still at her desk 👀 he’s always at her desk 🥰 and then the celebratory drink part…Nick’s look at Ellie…more silent communication because they’re just on the same page and you honestly did not need to look at each other that long but ok, can’t keep your eyes off one another even though McGee asked a simple question. But the better question is did they still go get that celebratory drink with McGee or did McGee decide to go home since Gibbs screened their call and they went out to get that drink by themselves 👀👀 and really it’s just Ellie drinking and getting flirty throwing some arms around some shoulders 👀👀 I don’t hate this is that why you guys get all cozy in the bullpen next episode huh nick 👀👀 can’t stop it after tipsy Ellie is falling all over you with how close y’all are now I see how it is 👀👀
But yeah tonight’s episode. I’ve gone on a clown rollercoaster today and I can tell you I’m not looking forward to the emotional turmoil that will be tonight- however it turns out. Who am I kidding i live for this shit I’m a clown forever through and through. 
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morkleemelon · 4 years
Jet Lag✈️
1) you and Mark are both idols and you're on video call from different countries and you miss each other. You surprise Mark secretly visiting Korea and you then surprise him in his room and you guys cuddle and stuff ^~^
@smolninja thank you for your request! I hope it’s everything you wanted! I’m sorry for the delay, I had so many issues with Tumblr and accidentally deleted it when I was like 70% done it was so sad. Nonetheless, I really liked writing it! Enjoy :)
Warnings: mild swearing
Word Count: 3k
Genre: Fluff, slight angst
Fem Idol!reader x Mark Lee
The set up: you’re in a 7 member kpop group called Girl Trouble and you’ve just finished the first concert of your Japanese tour. We’re pretending corona doesn’t exist :) The general public does not know that you are dating Mark Lee
You feel the van come to a stop as flashing lights bloom from outside the tinted windows, waking you from your much needed sleep.
“We’re at the hotel y/n,” your bandmate, Yeeun, informs, fixing her hair in her phone camera to make sure she was ready to be photographed.
The excited cheers coming from the street bring you out of your sleepy stupor and you stretch your arms above you in a big yawn.
“How do I look?” you ask Nayoo, your best friend in the group who’s sitting next to you, touching up her concealer.
“Perfect as always y/n, duh,” she replied, playfully winking as she put her stuff away.
“Ok I’m opening the door!” you warn as you grab the handle and take a deep breath, putting on your best smile.
Swinging the door open, you’re met with an uproar of fans calling out your name and a storm of camera flashes eager to capture your latest look. It was your group’s first time in Japan so the fans were especially excited to finally have the chance to see you.
*Click click click click*
You stepped out of the car as gracefully as you could, smile never faltering as you showed off your pearly white teeth and prize-winning dimples. Brushing your hair back slightly as you walk, you tease your new gold earrings as a subtle endorsement to the brand. Your members following suit, you wave to the crowd and make your way to the entrance, nodding at a few fansites you recognized.
- - -
Throwing yourself onto the bed, your freshly showered hair promptly soaks through the comforter but you couldn’t care less.
“Ugh...,” you sighed, melting into the plush goodness of the hotel mattress, “I’m so goddamn tired.”
If only he were here with you...
“Oh!” you gasp, head shooting up from your now wet pillow, “I promised I’d call!”. You rolled off the bed and scrambled to find your phone in your bag, suddenly wide awake.
“You’re calling loverrr boyyyy?” Nayoo teased, dragging out the letters because she knew how much you hated it.
“Stopppp!” you whined, throwing your soggy pillow at her and trying to hide the growing blush on your cheeks.
Frantically unlocking your phone, you scroll through your contacts to find your boyfriend, heart racing with anticipation. It’s been a few weeks since you’ve seen Mark and you know it’ll be a few more until you have the chance. You promised each other to call whenever you could, but with NCT dream having a new comeback and Girl Trouble was starting to be really popular, there was only so much you could do. On top of that, it was stressful trying to keep your relationship a secret with all of the prying eyes around you and Mark’s intense fan base. Nevertheless, you’ve been going strong for about 8 months now you know that everything, every struggle, is worth it because of how much you truly love him.
Calling: Baby💕💋🦁...
You don’t bother to fix your makeup-less face and frizzy hair because you know that he’ll say you’re beautiful.
You smile at the thought of him as the FaceTime chimes ring.
“Marky!” you whisper cry, heart racing with excitement as you see his face for the first time in days.
“Baby!” Mark squeals back in the same tone, losing himself to giggles as you both giddily recover from the excitement of getting to see each other. You can hear the sound of voices mocking him in the background and Chenle’s piercing scream cuts through the audio.
“How have you been, baby?” you ask adoringly, ignoring the dreamies and look longingly at the boy in round glasses and his favorite grey hoodie.
“Shut up guys! I’m trying to talk to y/n!” he yells back at them, met with only more mocking and screaming. Sighing and giving up, he turns back to the camera, “Ah you know, I’ve been alright. We’ve been pretty busy with practice. I’m actually at practice right now if you can’t tell”. He pans the camera to the other members of dream who are clearly only taking a break because Mark made them stop for this phone call.
Guilt grips at you as you realize how you were probably inconveniencing them. After all, it was getting late and they all have to stay even later now because of you.
“Oh... if now’s not a good time we can always try tomorrow,” you offer, smiling slightly but not enough to hide your disappointment and guilt.
“Aw baby I’m sorry,” Mark soothes, “don’t worry about us I didn’t mean it like that. I missed you so much and these guys can spare a few minutes it’s fine”.
“I wish you were here, Mark. Or I was there,” you whisper, lying down on your bed once again. Placing your phone in front of you, it’s almost, almost, as if he were there lying with you.
Mark wears a pensive expression as he looks down, using his free hand to fiddle with his hoodie strings.
“Yeah. Me too”.
His voice is strained as he thinks about the nights you’ve snuck out together and the secret dates you shared. He misses the way you feel in his arms and the way your soft hair felt when it tickled him awake in the morning. He misses your terrible dad jokes and your night cooking. It was really frustrating how you were both so young and so in love, but everything else in life had to get in the way. Mark really missed you.
You reach out instinctively to stroke his hair but instead of comforting the boy you loved, your hands are met with only the cold surface of your screen.
The two of you talked for a few more minutes, trying to make the most of the time before he had to go. You could tell by the way his voice strained that he was really exhausted.
When he finally hung up, you couldn’t shake the empty feeling off; not being next to him, being able to touch him, to comfort him, to be with him was the worst feeling in the world.
And before you could stop yourself, warm tears began to fall as your shoulders shook with your heartbroken sobs. Video calls were supposed to make you miss each other less, not more. You loved him so much that you’d miss him even if he was right there with you. Being apart was devastating.
“Oh, honey…,” Nayoo coos, crawling into your bed to give you a much needed hug, “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. Let it out”.
Wrapping your arms around your best friend, you let the tears fall onto your already soaked pillow and spilling out the feelings you’ve kept buried inside for so long. 
“I just miss him so much,” you gasp, squeezing your fists around the fabric of Nayoo’s sweatshirt. 
“Oh I know y/n, I know,” she comforted, “remember back when we were trainees and you just started dating Mark? And I was always there to distract Manager Kim when you snuck out to meet him?”.
You let out a small laugh at her attempt to lighten the mood. Nayoo was truly a good friend and she always had your back. You were really lucky to have her in your life.
“I do, Nayoo. I never thanked you enough for that”
“You know I love you. I’d do it again now if you wanted to sneak out and meet him. Actually I bet you could pull it off since our next show isn’t for another 4 days”
Both of you sat up at the same time, looking at each other with wide eyes. 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this”
“Shush! We already bought the tickets there’s no backing out now”
“What if someone notices me?”
“They won’t. Look at you”
You looked in the mirror of the lobby bathroom you were hiding in. You were dressed in plain, unbranded clothes, your hair tucked in a low, messy bun. The majority of your face was covered by a mask and a baseball hat, making you look nearly unidentifiable to anyone looking. 
“I guess,” you sighed, still nervous, “let’s just go over the plan again”.
“Alright sheesh,” Nayoo groaned, “as if I am not a wizard of distracting our manager. You’ll get into the Uber we just called and go to Japan Airport. Your flight is at 2:30am and you’ll arrive in Korea at about 4:00am. Then you’ll go to Mark’s dorm and make out with him yadda yadda-”.
You punched her in the arm.
“Okay! Did I lie though? Anyways, you’ll be on your return flight the next day at the same time so you better savor your time. MY job is to tell Manager Kim that you are having lady problems and you can’t make it to practice today. He hates when we talk about periods so this is fool proof seriously. Plus we know that you will do fine on stage without one day of practice”.
“Okay…,” you chewed your lip nervously, half dreading the thought of being caught and half thrilled at the thought of being in Mark’s arms in a few hours. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you looked at the notification.
*your Uber driver Ayako is here! Look for license plate A29&Q on a black Honda Pilot*
Hugging Nayoo goodbye, you rush out of the hotel and into the cab, adjusting your cap and mask to make sure it covers your face. 
Each second that passed, you became more excited about seeing your boyfriend and less nervous about the consequences. 
Mark, I’m here for you. I’m coming, just wait a little bit longer. 
Your hands itched to call him and tell him what you were doing but you knew that he was catching up on some much needed sleep by now. 
When you arrived at the Japan Airport, you thanked the driver and walked briskly through the airport. You had nothing except a small backpack and your plane ticket so getting through security was quick. Thankfully, there weren’t too many people there at 2 in the morning so you began to relax. 
Successfully making it through security, you finally board the plane and claim your seat at the very back. 
Looking out the window to the dark, starry skies, the lights of the airplane wings illuminate the drops of rain that began to fall. 
You jolt awake as the plane lands at the South Korea Airport with a rumbling thud. Your hands dart to your face to make sure your mask and hat are still there, sighing in relief when they remain unmoved. 
Grabbing your bag, you walk down the aisle of the half-empty plane, each step bringing you closer to Mark. 
Rushing out of the airport, your steps gain traction as you feel your heart racing in excitement at the thought of seeing your boyfriend so soon. The cold night air greets you familiarly as you call the nearest cab over. Telling the driver the address of Mark’s dorm building, you watch as the streetlights pass by and you near the boy you’ve been dying to see for weeks. 
At last, you arrive at the steps of the apartment complex. Thanking the driver, you rush into the building and attack the elevator button going up. Your breathing is shallow with excitement knowing that he’s there right now. He’s there and you’re going to be with him. 
Every second in the elevator feels like hours and you kick yourself for not taking the stairs. The floors seem like they’re all a mile away from the last and you tap your foot impatiently on the carpeted floor. 
You speed out of the elevator and find your way expertly to the infamous 10th floor dorm room. Feeling around the crevices of the carpet floor for the spare key, you feel a slight twinge of nerves because you’re technically breaking into their home. But, as soon as you enter the familiar room, any guilt you have washes away and the only thing you can feel is the rapid beating of your heart filled with love and anticipation.
Making your way silently through the dark common room, you stop at the oh-so-familiar door. When your hand touches the cold metal of the doorknob, you swear that the beating of your heart was loud enough to wake the entire building.
Taking a deep breath, you open the door and you see him. Your breath hitches at your throat and you fight back the urge to cry right then and there. Mark was lying on his bed, snuggled under the covers with his arms and legs wrapped around a pillow like he always does when he sleeps. His soft breathing was rhythmic and calming, the warm scent of his room inviting you in. 
Without wasting another second away from him, you drop your bag on the messy floor and walk up to his bed. Carefully, you pull at the pillow in his embrace and replace it with your own body. Mark shifts slightly and you freeze, not wanting to wake him up from his rare sleep. His eyes remain closed and his arms instinctively tighten around you. You can see through the darkness that his eyebrows furrow slightly and his lips part, and you wonder if he knew you were there. 
“Finally,” you thought to yourself, reaching up slowly to caress his hair, “we’re finally together”. It didn’t feel real. You couldn’t believe that you were finally here in his arms. His body was so warm and felt like home to you. 
You can feel Mark’s fingers autonomously rub circles into your back. As if his body realized what was happening, Mark’s eyes opened slowly and he peered into your face, blinking slowly to process this new information. 
“I’m here, Mark,” you whisper as softly as you can.
Without any hesitation, Mark leans forward and presses a deep kiss onto your lips, conveying ten thousand words with his actions that could only be interpreted as “I missed you so much”. 
You kiss him back, fingers gripping onto his shirt with raw emotion in an “I missed you too”. You breathe in deeply, not wanting to forsake any aspect of him, taking in all of his scent and drinking it all like a flower with no water.
He pulls away with a sigh and presses his forehead against yours. Mumbling incoherent words, you notice that he seems to have fallen back asleep.
Your own eyelids feel heavy and they flutter closed as you succumb to the warm welcome of sleep, your heart whole with love.
Dull beams of sun fell slanted through the curtains as you drifted awake the next morning. You felt a hand playing with your hair and you opened your eyes slowly, temporarily forgetting what you had done the night before. Memories flooded back and your attention narrowed in at the smiling boy in front of you. 
“You’re really here,” Mark whispered, “how are you here?”.
“It’s a long story,” you whispered back, voice still hoarse from sleep. 
He pulled you in closer to his chest and you gladly snuggled into his warm body, nuzzling at his favorite hoodie, the one you got him for Christmas. 
“I thought it was all a dream when I saw you last night,” he admitted.
“Stay with me today?,” you ask, worried that your time together would be short. If he had to go to practice, you could hardly see him at all and you’d go back to missing him a thousand miles away.
“I’m not going anywhere today,” Mark replies, kissing the top of your head, “my wishes have finally come true and you magically appeared in my bed. I’d be an idiot to leave”.
You giggled at his words, working your fingers to draw shapes into his back. 
You start to tell him what happened after you called him the night before and how devastated you were when you weren’t with him. Mark’s arms tightened around you as you told him you cried when you saw how tired he was and you weren’t there to cheer him up. You told him about how you put on a disguise and snuck around Manager Kim who thought you were dying right now. His body shook with laughter at the crazy night you had and you both agreed that this was the wildest thing you had ever done.
“How long are you gonna stay here?”
“My flight back to Japan is at 2:30am tomorrow morning. What time is it now?”
Mark shifts to unlock his phone on the nightstand. 
“It’s 10:49am”
You sighed and buried your face deeper into his chest, trying to get impossibly closer to the love of your life and make the most of your hard-earned time together. 
“Let’s do everything today,” you heard him say.
“What do you mean?” you ask, tilting your chin up to look at him, pressing a small his to his jaw. 
“Let’s just do everything we always wanted to do. Let’s get ramen from the convenience store together and then go on a walk at the park. Let’s get matching sweaters from the mall and then full sugar boba tea. You’ll drink half of mine and I’ll let you because I’m a good boyfriend”. Mark giggles at his imagination and peppers kisses across your face. 
You laugh at the ticklish sensation and your heart swells with love for the Canadian boy. 
Your whole body tingled, the feel of his body around yours and his lips on yours sending your head spinning. Rubbing your nose adoringly against his in an eskimo kiss, you vow that you would be strong for him from now on. You might be apart for work a lot, but the love you share is inseparable and undeniable. Nothing could ever come between you. You were his and he was yours. 
“Let’s do it, Everything”
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biisexualemma · 4 years
bet on me pt.2. oscar diaz
word count: 2185
warnings: nope
requested: yes by many people (thanks for the support on part 1 hope this is a satisfying ending for those who wanted one)
plot: reader is trying to move on
"hey," you whipped your head around, hearing his familiar voice. you hadn't spoken in weeks, and you hadn't realised how much you missed him till he was standing in front of you. he wore a soft smile, it warmed your heart to see him again.
"hey, cesar," you smiled. he was with his friends, who'd all walked ahead, leaving you two alone.
you'd been on pretty good terms with cesar when you were dating his brother. he liked having you around the house, he used to joke about how much nicer oscar was when you were around. you didn't think he really meant it. he was just being nice.
you choked out a laugh when you were both quiet for a moment, the tension was heavy between the two of you. "y'gonna give me a hug or what?" you teased. cesar ducked his head, smiling before opening his arms and engulfing you in a tight hug. he reminded you so much of his brother.
"how're you? how's school?" you were genuinely interested. you knew cesar struggled sometimes trying to balance his school work with everything he had going on with the gang.
"uh— good. both good," he wore a soft smile. you could tell he didn't really know what to do or say around you anymore. it kind of hurt. but it was expected.
"good— look i gotta run. i'm meeting someone," a lie. but he didn't need to know that. you just didn't want to make him feel like he had to stand here and talk to you. so you shot him another friendly smile. he nodded. "it was nice to see you."
"you too, y/n," you could tell there was something up but you didn't push it. it wasn't your business. you playfully punched his shoulder before turning away from him again.
"see ya later, kid," you waved, continuing your walk home. you took a deep breath. you weren't expecting to bump into anyone today, never mind cesar. but before you got too far away you heard him call your name.
"yeah?" you were facing him again now, waiting for him to say something. he looked uncomfortable. his eyes shifted around a lot. "hey— what's wrong?" your eyebrows knitted softly, your hand lifting to rest on his shoulder.
"do you think you could speak to him?" your face softened. you didn't need clarification, you already knew who he was talking about.
"cesar—" you were quick to turn him down. your hand dropping from his shoulder now.
"i know, he's an asshole," he stepped closer to you. his arms reaching out to you. you gulped. "but i just think you two need to talk."
you'd tried not to think about it. weeks had passed and you felt like you were really getting somewhere. you felt like you were starting to move on from the whole thing. you couldn't go back on yourself now. you were feeling happy again. you didn't need to speak to him now, and ruin everything.
you'd come to the conclusion not long after that night, that oscar must've liked you. his feelings were real and everything between you was real. you'd convinced yourself it was all genuine, otherwise you were sure you'd go insane. oscar wasn't a cruel person, he wouldn't've strung you along like that if he hadn't felt something. but it didn't change anything. he made you feel like a piece of meat. you didn't want to be around someone who made you feel like that. someone that would do something like that in the first place.
"we talked, cesar," you shook your head. "i don't have anything else to say to him."
he looked deflated. you felt bad. you would do anything for that kid, he was one of the nicest people you knew. but you couldn't do this for him. it was too much.
"i know he regrets what he did," he admitted. you shook your head, stepping away from him.
"that's on him," you shrugged. "i gotta go— sorry i can't help," quickly, and before he could argue with you again, you turned away and left him alone.
you took deep breaths as you walked down the street, and back home. you really didn't need to relive any of this. you were moving passed it finally.
"what'd he say?" your friends voice rang through the phone you had held up to your ear. you called her pretty much the second you got back to your house. you'd been telling her about your weird encounter.
"that i need to talk to oscar," you sighed. you were kind of fed up with it all. you wanted to be done with it.
"what'd you say?"
"yeah," the line went quiet. you couldn't stop thinking about any of it. bumping into cesar today and having to deal with all that just brought everything back up that you'd been trying to bury. because, truthfully, you wanted to talk to oscar more than anything. you missed him, despite everything. your friend knew that. you got so close to him so quickly, which never happens for you. it really felt different with him. you couldn't forget about him no matter how badly you wanted to. you couldn't ignore the nagging feeling you had telling you to just talk to him. you were torn between two minds.
"you ok?" you nodded, though she couldn't see you. you were spaced out. you couldn't focus on your conversation. you could only think about him. you hated it.
"d'you think i made a mistake?" you were quiet. it had been in the back of your head for weeks. you just hadn't said it aloud until now. you'd been lying to everyone, including yourself. you couldn't let go, not when you didn't have the whole picture.
"he made the mistake. not you," you nodded, trying to convince yourself what she was saying was true. but you couldn't help but feel like in the heat of the moment you didn't let him defend himself.
"yeah i guess," your phone vibrated. you pulled it away from your ear to see you had an incoming call. "hey, i gotta go but i'll text you later," you hung up quickly after saying your goodbyes.
you didn't recognise the number calling. "hello?"
"hey," you sat up, hearing his voice on the other end of the line. your mouth hung open slightly, he was the last person you were expecting to hear from. you had deleted his number a couple weeks ago so you wouldn't be tempted to call him up when you were really going through it. you could only guess that he was calling because of cesar. no doubt had spoken to him by now.
"oh," was all you could say.
"i know it's late, i just wanted to say sorry," your eyebrows furrowed. "i told cesar to stay out of it but he always does what he wants anyway, obviously."
"oh," you repeated. you couldn't think of anything better to say. it'd been weeks since you'd heard his voice. it felt a bit surreal. you weren't expecting him to call you up, you were sure you'd made it clear the last time you spoke that you were finished with him. but you weren't mad about the phone call. it felt nice to hear him just talk. "it's ok. he's just a kid."
he hummed. the line was silent for a moment, you could almost hear him breathing on the other end. "um— how are you?"
you frowned. you didn't want to have this conversation. you didn't want to small talk with him, it felt unnatural and forced. but he just wanted to talk to you for longer. he just wanted to hear your voice.
"i don't wanna talk like this—" you didn't answer his question. you hated this. you missed him. you needed to talk to him. you couldn't stop yourself anymore. "i'm coming over."
you hung up before he could answer.
you just needed to talk to him again. you'd spent weeks ignoring everything, trying to move passed it because if you thought about it too much it hurt. it hurt because oscar was so good to you. before you knew anything about the bet you were convinced you could see something long term with him. you still wanted that. he made a mistake. the least you could do was hear him out.
"oh," he looked taken aback when he opened his front door and you stood on the other side. "hey."
"i told you i was coming over," you clarified. it's not like you turned up out of the blue. he shook his head, motioning for you to come inside. he would've protested you walking to his house late at night, but you hung up before he could get a word in.
"no— i know," he shut the door, turning around to see you'd made your way into his bedroom. he frowned, you still walked around like you lived here. following you, he found you on his bed. "comfortable?" he teased halfheartedly.
"i just wanna know why you didn't tell me?" you were straight to the point. you were never very good at beating around the bush. you just needed to know. "because if you really liked me, osc, you could've just told me."
he ran a hand across his face, he often did this when he was angry or uncomfortable. you didn't know which he was feeling. he was unreadable. that was the one thing you hated about him. you couldn't tell what he was thinking, and he would never tell you.
he hesitated before he spoke. "it wasn't that easy," he stood still at the foot of the door, keeping his distance from where you were sat. "i knew you'd hate me the second i told you."
"exactly," he huffed. he didn't feel like explaining himself. he didn't feel like it make any difference. he'd screwed up and he was trying to move passed it. you drudging it all back up again wasn't helping anybody. it wouldn't change anything.
you glanced down at your hands. "i don't hate you, now," you spoke up after you were both quiet for a moment. "i just wish you'd told me—"
"it wouldn't have changed anything," he cut you off. he was kind of annoyed that you came over here just to make him feel worse for what he did. he couldn't take it back.
"i don't know," you shrugged. you looked over at him, noticing the way his body tensed up now you were watching him. his eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched. "but it wouldn't've hurt as much."
he glanced away from you. "i know i fucked up but you don't have to try and make me feel worse, ok?" he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, looking up at you heart wrenchingly. "i'm sorry. i made a mistake. i did one stupid thing but i didn't know i was gonna end up like this."
you furrowed your brows. you stood up and edged closer to where he stood. "like what?" you mumbled. your voice was soft, not angry, or hurt, or sad. you were standing close to him, holding onto his every word.
you wanted to forgive him. something about the way he looked at you and spoke to you. you wanted to forgive him. it felt like the right thing to do. you had been mad at him but everything melted away now that you were standing this close to him listening to his apology.
"i love you," he pushed the words out his mouth. if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to say it. but you were looking at him all hopeful and lovingly and he couldn't not say what he was thinking. "it started as something else. but it's different now. and i'm sorry i didn't tell you. i should've said something. i know it made me look guilty. but i love you, i couldn't break your heart like that."
you hadn't realised you were holding your breath until he stopped talking.
"you love me?"
"you kidding?" he strained. "you're so much more than i thought you were."
it was all you'd ever wanted to hear. maybe he didn't go about it the right way. but if he hadn't have made that bet, you never would have got to know him. and you didn't want to not know him. he was more than you thought he was when you met.
"i love you, too," you were quiet. unsure of what you were saying as you said it. but it felt right. you felt like you loved him. "but only if you never lie to me again."
he engulfed you in a hug, his arm wrapped around your shoulders tight and your head rested against his chest. "promise," you wore a soft smile, your arms tucked around him. you felt lucky to have someone like him. it'd been rocky to start with but this felt right. everything felt right. you didn't want him to let you go.
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rurulaura · 3 years
digimon tri. rant thing
So, I was making new screenshots of Meiko for the last few weeks to make a phone wallpaper with. Kind of shocking I never did that before isn’t it? As someone who is so obsessed... 
So anyway, I was rewatching the series, but fast forwarding to Meiko’s scenes. Doing so made me realize that more things bothered me about the series than I remembered. 
I didn’t realize how I wasn’t the only one that thought this not in such a rage mindset. I ran a salt blog between part 1 and 4 where I shitposted. THat blog is now deleted. But I was so emotionally angry, that I couldn��t think straight, if that makes sense. I couldn’t put the logic to my emotions.
It’s been a few years and “rewatching” tri. brought these feelings back, but now I can look at it more logically.. I’m more mentally sound, so I was to see more. Hah, taichi’s goggles reference. See more, understand less. Get it? Well anyway. It ended up a little long. Enjoy.
Initially, anything that bothered me I tried to come up with an explanation for. I just thought back then, surely I am just not a deep enough person to fully comprehend what is obviously here. I don’t remember the last I rewatched tri., probably last year, but this darn pandemic makes feel it’s been a decade. The situation with the 02 kids is something I tried to come up with an explanation for. 
Sure, I can see the lead up to their disappearance, discovering Maki’s and Yggdrasil’s plan. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking too. (Ok, but a detective/ hacker 02 squad? How can you say no to that! Can you blame me???) But ultimately, now that I look back on it. Just doesn’t make sense. 
\The four of them would have definitely called the other chosen for help. Daisuke and Miyako might be irrational at times, but I think even they would have realized they couldn’t hadle this.  Miyako and Iori would have definitely needed Hikari and Takeru by their side for Jogress. They would realized they would  need Koushirou for contact. Taichi and Yamato for Omegamon. Plus, the timeline for Reunion to Determination seems to be 2 months. They would have 1,000,000,000% have realized four of their friends were missing. The six of them are hanging out together. Miyako, HIkari, Takeru, and Daisuke are not just in the same grade, But I bet you they are still in the same darn school. I tried to make sense of this. Maybe this would make sense in a week period. But honestly. These 6 idiots would have known. 
In Determination, mysterious man shows up as the “Digimon Kaiser” and no one bats an eye. They all 100% think that’s Ken. After everything that poor kid has been through. and to top it all off Imperialdramon. You think Ken would EVER not only USE someonelse’s Digimon for his own doing, BUT PUT HIS PARTNER AND HIS BEST FRIEND’S PARTNER IN POTENTIAL DANGER? TO ACCOMPLISH WHAT EXACTLY? No. Absoulutely not. 
In Loss, when “gennai” was blowing up the kids with Mugendramon, one of the kids said “IS that really Gennai?” Then Takeru responds, “No way . Gennai would never do this!”
Takeru, TK. Teeks. Honey, remember how that old geezer didn’t even show up until half way through your adventure to guide you? Remember three years later when he didn’t appear until the world was pretty ending? YOU TRUST THAT GEEZER MORE THAT YOUR FRIEND. How freaking dare you. It was bad enough when Sora also said “Oh, stop Ichijouji-kun!” When she was pinned down and sexually harassed by mysterious man. 
I remembered trying to defend this. Saying “Oh, they just didn’t know what to call him.” In Japan there are so many ways to refer to someone in third person. Just like for the non-binary community,  They ask to be called “they/them”. It’s not that difficult to find those third person pronouns in English. I mean, even we have had nicknames. Dark Gennai, Kennai, Mysterious Man. 
There are some other nuances that didn’t make sense to me in the series. Like in part 5, when Meiko is sitting outside the school after having spoken with Taichi Agumon shows up in front of her. Agumon talks about how he wasn’t scared of the scary story she told. Agumon then states “I love Meicoomon, and I know she loves you too!”. I never got why Meiko teared up and hugged Agumon. I don’t get how that was comforting. 
Also in part 5, no one is suprised that Daigo could get into the Digital WOrld? I’m pretty disappointed that they basically used the Original Chosen Children for plot only. Because none of the kids cared that “Hey! How come you can get into the Digital World without a Digivice?” Or Taichi caring in the basement with the 02 kids/gennai with Daigo talking Maki also having partner. Why did you introduce them in this way, if you were just using for plot purposes? You can say, “Oh, it’s just time constraints.”
But there’s so much in tri. where you can say that to. It really does show how sloppy tri. was. 
We never really got to see much of Meiko’s personality. As a kid she’s shown as a happy go lucky kid. Seems like adventuring/exploring. I.e. “Meicoomon and I would always play in the woods behind my house.” She also knows to how to make fire. Cool skill. Seen drawing. Cool. 
Ok, so what happened in those 6 years to make her to traumatized that she’s so withdrawn and selfloathing? Were she and Meicoomon being chased for that long? Targeted? Without any of the 12 knowing? Koushirou made a huge Chosen Child database, wouldn’t they know if a Chosen Child out there was in that much danger? WOuldn’t they know the DIgital WOrld was being attacked and put in danger by a mutation? Why logically move her to Tokyo 6 years later to “protect her”. Yeah, I get it. For plot reasons. It’s just sloppy.
Like, the transfer student trope is done in anime alllll the time. But this one obviously screams plot convinience. Then to top it off, Meiko moves BACK to Tottori. Why? I get being mortified that you asked your new friends to kill your partner. That you feel you don’t deserve their friendship and that’ll close you off to others. But why move in a 5 month span? Look, I know it’s anime and things don’t have to make sense. But when you have so many plot points just for convenience, it’s sloppy! So poor! 
Like, Meiko could just stay in Tokyo. And the end of tri. is just the 12 of them at her door with presents and they have a christmas party. You can still have a one off character live in the same city. Michael and Wallace still live in New York as far I know. and hey, wallace even got a cameo in Kizuna! 
Also,, in part 2. Mimi has a discussion with Meiko in the clothing store that Mimi can’t stand people that aren’t honest with themselves. This bothers Meiko. I thought this was just because Meiko knew of the infection and didn’t tell anyone. But later in part 3, Meiko says she knew Meicoomon was special, but not that it would come to this. So the reaction there doesn’t make sense. 
Other inappropriate reactions consist of Agumon’s constant “I’m hungry!” jokes during serious moments. “It’s comedy releif for the dark scenes!” For a few sure, not constantly through out 6 movies. It got really old really fast. That also just doesn’t fit their personalities.  Patamon’s ship bait in part 6 was not cool. 
Also, really don’t like the girls in bikinis. Didn’t like it either. Still makes sense to not like it now. 
I think those are my biggest gripes. I’m going rewatch adventure and 02 at some point. I’ll probably have more gripes about the older cast. 
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
hello!! i just wanted to ask- i wanna do an ouat rewatch bc CAPTAIN SWANN but its pretty long and i honestly dont care for the other characters/how badly the overall writing was handled.. which are your favourite captain swan eps? anything them centered and i think ill just skip around to rewatch their romance as they did invent romance 😭😭 ty in advance <3
they absolutely did invent romance, you are right about that and i love them so much
UHMMMM as far as my favorite CS eps, here’s a roadmap of what I personally consider key eps in their journey (some of this is from memory but I haven’t done a full rewatch in a while so i’m going through the episode list as a refresher)
2x06: Tallahassee--this is a must-watch ep for any CS fan, and I really think this is the episode that sparked the fire that CS would become as a fandom. It has everything--flirtatious banter, all kinds of tension, deliberate parallels drawn between Emma and Killian’s pasts, as well as their first meeting being intercut with her relationship with Neal (which serves, especially in hindsight, to highlight just how sketchy that relationship was, and why she couldn’t bring herself to trust Killian--because the last time she felt this way about anyone, it ended horribly)
2x08 and 2x09: Into the Deep and Queen of Hearts--these episodes cover the race to the portal between Emma&co and Hook/Cora and while they don’t do a ton for CS as a relationship since they’re still enemies at this point, it lays great foundation for their future relationship development. Plus, sexy swordfight, Hook going out of his way to save Aurora’s heart--he may be a pirate, but he has standards ok--and Emma realizing Cora can’t remove her heart without her permission? Poetic Cinema
2x11: The Outsider--more of a Killian-centric episode, it shows a lot of Killian at his worst but it’s necessary for his overall character arc and I genuinely love looking back and seeing just how far he managed to come, to the point of eventually even letting go of his (very understandable) grudge against Rumplestiltskin.
2x12: In the Name of the Brother--am I including this purely for Emma&Hook banter in the hospital, and Killian saying ‘hey beautiful’ when he’s lying on the road because he just got hit by a fucking car? You bet I am. Also, go to youtube and look up ‘ouat season two deleted scene jello’, because it’s beautiful and there was a tremendous outcry in the fandom when we realized it had been cut from the episode lmao (It’s also the episode that made me start shipping Frankenwolf, which I’m still sad never went anywhere, but they had a lot of potential and great chemistry.)
2x22: And Straight On Till Morning--A few of the episodes in between have some fun minor interactions and flashbacks (and I always approve of episodes where Killian gets one up on Rumple, so 2x15 is fun for me if i ignore all the Neal bits) but the finale is where we finally get a glimpse of who Killian could be beyond his need for revenge. He didn’t have to come back, he didn’t have to bring back the bean and help the town--but he did.
Season 3a: there’s a lot of really good stuff here for Hook and Emma that is interwoven between the A plots of other episodes. I think, as far as half-season arcs go, it’s one of the best (and everything after 4a bombed hard, but I digress) But there are a few episodes that stand out if you don’t want to watch the whole season. (I recommend starting with the premier though, it was a really solid season starter overall.)
3x05: Good Form--this is the culmination of David’s poisoned-by-dreamshade arc, and is also Peak Captain Charming Bromance. Hook not only keeping David’s secret, but doing everything he can to help save him??? Poetic cinema. It also provides some crucial Killian backstory, showing how he lost his brother to the very same dreamshade. Plus, the character development--Pan offers Killian a chance to escape the island with Emma if he kills David, and instead, he saves him, refusing the deal and damn the consequences. Also also? The first CS kiss which drove the fandom WILD.
3X06: Ariel--not only to I love OUaT’s take on Ariel, but this episode has the infamous Echo Cave scene, which involves a lot of feelsy confessions and Killian being the one to tell everyone that Neal is alive and helping Emma save him despite his own growing feelings for her.....IT’S JUST A LOT AND I LOVE IT.
3x07: Dark Hallow--oh man, I’d forgotten about this episode, but it has Killian and Neal fighting over Emma, which may sound eye-roll worthy, but Emma is allowed to tear them a new one about it and it’s one of the few times she’s allowed to actually???? put her own feelings first so I have to include it here on spec
3x11 and 3x12: Going Home and New York City Serenade--these mark the end of 3a and start of 3b respectively, and it has some amazing shit like Killian vowing never to forget Emma and Emma smiling as she replies, “Good.” And then she and Henry are in New York with their memories completely altered, but Killian shows up because Storybrooke is back and in jeopardy, and he helps Emma get back to her family and her home and, much later, Emma finds out he sold the Jolly Roger to be able to do it and it’s just. It’s beautiful ok.
3x17: The Jolly Roger--there’s honestly not a whole lot in the back half of season 3 (until the CS movie) but of course anything named for Hook is a must-watch, and this is where we get the iconic line I swear on Emma Swan--which is Killian saying he’s in love with her before he even realizes it. We also find out just what he did to Ariel, and his attempts to make amends are what lead to Zelena being able to curse him, so it’s great from a character perspective as well.
The next four episodes round out the end of the season, and there’s a lot of great stuff in them--Hook refusing to get Emma to kiss him, but Emma feeling like she can’t trust him because he didn’t tell her about the curse to begin with, and then kissing him anyway to save his life regardless of the consequences.... but the only ones that are absolutely necessary are the final two episodes.
They are colloquially termed ‘The Captain Swan Movie’ for a reason, after all.
Killian and Emma essentially have an entire Time Travel adventure all to themselves, where they accidentally ruin her parents first meeting and have to fix it so that she’ll even be born, Emma finally getting into the storybook, the pair of them dancing at a ball, Killian rushing to save Emma only for her to get out of the cell herself, because “The only one who saves me is me.” Killian saying “I would go to the ends of the world for her... or time.” Finally fixing the timeline and making it back to Storybrooke and Killian feeling like he doesn’t deserve a place at the table so he doesn’t go inside, but Emma comes out to him anyway and finds out he gave up the Jolly Roger for her, the true start to their relationship...... IM CRYING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I’M SORRY.
I personally really enjoyed 4a, the Frozen arc was one of the last good half-season arcs of the show, but a lot of people disliked it so it’s really up to interpretation. I don’t have as many Intense Opinions on this season (except hating almost everything about 4b and the queens of darkness arc), but I will say the episodes with good Killian/CS moments are 4x02 (Emma nearly freezes to death, Killian is desperate to save her, Captain Charming teamwork, my heart hurts), 4x04 (Emma asks Killian out on a real date, he tries to get his real hand back from Gold, things go massively awry and he winds up back under Gold’s thumb), 4x08 (Killian tries to save Emma from Gold’s plans), 4x11 (the 4a finale is just great in general), and then..... it cannot be overstated how much I hate season 4b, but 4x15 is the Killian-centric ep where his past with Ursula is revealed and he makes amends to her in order to get her to leave the QoD alliance and it’s great character stuff for him, and then there’s the season 4 finale.
Both parts are worth watching, if only because Deckhand Coward Hook still being a braver, more heroic man than ‘Hero Rumplestiltskin’ warms the very cockles of my heart, and of course the second part of the finale has him helping Henry to save Emma and it’s beautiful and also Emma watches him die for her and it is angsty as FUCK but gods I love it. Here’s where it gets tricky, though--my recommendation is, turn the episode off right after Emma finds Killian back in the present day of Storybrooke and they reunite.
Just turn off the episode there and skip right ahead to the s6 musical episode (Emma and Killian’s wedding ep) and pretend they got married and none of seasons 5 or 6 ever happened. >.> (Although I will say certain parts of the Underworld arc were incredibly feelsy despite how much I overall hated the season: 5x11 (the 5a finale, Killian as the dark one STILL being a better man than rumple, we love to see it), 5x15 (I am not immune to Brothers Jones feelings ok), 5x20 (emma literally takes a True Love Test trying to find a way to save killian, you don’t get more romantic than that--also Killian telling Emma to promise she won’t put her armor back up just because she lost him again??? my HEART), 5x21 (Hook does what he can from the Underworld anyway and zeus sends him back to Emma, they really just said ‘today I will invent romance’ and then Did That)
And then, yeah, just skip to the wedding. It’s beautiful, I enjoyed the music, personally, though I know musical episodes are hit or miss with most people. And if you turn it off when the last musical number starts (after the wedding ceremony, I believe) you can pretend it was the end of the show! =DDD
.....Oh my god I just rambled for years. I HOPE YOU FIND THIS USEFUL, ANON. I 100% support a CS-centered rewatch, their episodes were consistently some of the best across the entire series, and they are truly one of my favorite romances of all time.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
Hey lovey, i had a concept or blurb whatever you prefer to do. Maybe a little something about giving gray a massage or helping him when if poor back hurts and just being there for him. I’m so soft. Ok thank you love you! Ps make sure you are eating and drinking enough water 🥺💖
(did I get 1k words into this and then tumblr deleted it? yes. am I rewriting it bc I love you? also yes)
The first time that Grayson hurt his back, it was Ethan’s fault. A few overly-competitive wrestling moves on the too-thin mat in the garage ended with the breath knocked out of his lungs and a sore back for a week. After that, it would only flare up occasionally. Lisa took him to the doctor when he was 11, and all they said was it could be a nerve, it could be the way his muscles were wired, or it could be nothing. So they left with no answers, and he signed up for football the next month anyways, ignoring the pain after one too many tackles at practice and stealing the ice pack from the freezer every night. 
Now, at 20, without contact sports in his daily life, he had it under control for the most part.
But there was still one thing that could have him, in his words, ‘kinked up’ in no time. 
He’d gotten a better handle on his stress over the last few years, combatting it with a good workout, a walk, even meditation. When work got stressful he knew how to brace for it, how to make sure his body didn’t have any adverse reaction.
But when Ethan decided to prank him with an elaborate set up that had him thinking the house construction got delayed for another 3 months?
Back -> kinked.
Which was why when you made it to the front door of the rental house in Laguna, Ethan answered it instead of your boyfriend.
“Is he good?” 
“He’s pouting in his room cause I got him good,” he teased, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Don’t sound too concerned,” you laughed, moving past him and sliding your shoes off by the door. You followed the now familiar path down the stairs and to the right, unsurprised to hear music from behind his closed door.
If anyone else had opened it and saw what you saw, they probably would have thought it was a ritual of some sort.
Grayson was flat on his back in the middle of the bed, shirtless, staring up at the ceiling without moving a muscle. There was a candle on each of the nightstands - healing on the left, relax on the right you would later realize. Music played from the speaker in the corner, quiet enough to still be relaxing.
“Hey you.”
He perked up, but only moved his neck, looking up at you and offering the best smile he could muster. It was pitiful.
“Still hurtin’ huh?” He’d text you about the whole prank a few hours ago, and you’d hoped that maybe it had eased up before you got there. But he just shook his head with a bit of a sigh and a pout.
“Roll over baby, I’ll try to get it out.” 
He did as you said, trying to stay quiet as he tensed up at the pain. It pulled at your heartstrings, and your hands fluttered over him uselessly as he groaned a bit, finally making it over to his stomach. 
You climbed on the bed as lightly as you could, careful not to jostle him as you got situated, straddling him over his ass and letting a bit of your weight rest on him while you held yourself up with your knees.
As soon as you leaned forward and pressed your hand onto his back he groaned, but you recognized it as a pleasant one rather than a painful one.
“Just try to relax, it’ll help,” you hummed, starting to work up by his neck and shoulders.
“Your hands are tiny,” he mumbled, voice muffled a bit by the comforter. “Feels so good though.”
“Your back is just huge,” you countered, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lions. He sighed at the feeling of your lips on him, relaxing even more as you continued your work, thumbs pressing in hard against the thick bands of muscle that ran all across his back.
“I always wanted a girlfriend so I could have somebody to rub my back,” he said, words a bit jumbled like he was about to fall asleep. Sure enough, when you leaned over slightly his eyes were closed, long eyelashes practically resting on the tops of his cheeks.
“Oh yeah? You just love me for my back rubs huh,” you teased, readjusting a bit so you could move further down. 
“No baby you know that’s no- shit,” he hissed, as your fingers found the knot you’d been looking for, just shy of his spine on the right, a few inches under his tattoo. His whole body tensed under you, shifting so quickly that you had to grab onto his hip so you didn’t lose your balance.
“Swear that wasn’t on purpose. Relax baby, I’ll work it out slow,” you coaxed, peppering kisses along his skin until he was sinking back into the mattress. You made your way back over to the spot, working around the edges of it gently, slowly but surely pressing and kneading it out little by little. You could tell it was the good kind of hurt, and Grayson did his best, finally melting like a puddle when it was finally gone and his tired muscles were relieved.
“You’re magic,” he hummed, starting to roll over a bit, giving you time to move with him until you were straddling his waist, looking down at him. “Come down here.” 
You obliged, shifting off your tired knees and settling against his chest. With the smell of the candles burning you were so relaxed that you were almost sleepy, and when his warm arms wrapped around you tightly you weren’t sure you were going to be able to stay awake.
“I owe you a good back rub, you just tell me when,” He pressed a kiss into your hair, the gratitude obvious in his voice.
“I’ll let you know.” He gave the best back rubs, especially because his hands were so big. “Were you just kinked up from the prank stress? Is there anything else going on?”
“Just the stupid prank. I shouldn’t have fallen for it, but the idea of not being able to be home for another 3 months had me so worked up.”
“I know you’re ready to get back there,” you sighed, smiling as his hands moved over your back lightly, fingers grazing over the fabric of your shirt. “S’not so bad here though.”
“It’s not, but I’m just ready for us to be home, because being home means you moving in full time, and us being in our room, with our bed and our stuff.” The excitement in his voice made your heart swell a bit.
“Don’t forget our bathroom. Designed for all the activities,” you grinned, the thought of the little shower bench that Grayson had designed racing through your head.
“Activities huh? I bet we could do some of those now. Get some good practice in.”
“Hmmm, I’m not sure. Wouldn’t want you to kink your back up again or anything, I’m a one-back-rub a day type of girl,” you feigned your innocence, sitting up to give him a wide grin. “Don’t think we have an ice pack here.”
Two seconds later and he had you pinned underneath him, eyes ablaze. 
“We’ll see whose needing the ice pack in a minute.” 
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puckyess · 4 years
4 Times His Teammates Said “I Love You” + 1 Time He Did | Ryder Donovan
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S/o to @penaltbox for being my favorite brainstorm partner and encouraging the hell out of me. Inspo: @that-fandom-stuck-in-your-head 
I found the one TikTok that was deleted, so now all TikToks are linked!!
Words: 7.5k
Shay Donovan 
You weren’t allowed to have favorites on the team outside of Ryder, but if you did it would be Shay hands down. The relationship you had with him was like that of a brother. He watched out for you and you for him. You’d play the part of his best wingwoman and he supported your relationship with his brother. You’d fight like siblings too. He knew exactly which buttons to press and you knew how to get under his skin. You knew each other well and this is what made you two Ryder’s worst nightmare. You constantly ganged up on him with his brother. You were able to get Ryder to do/fall for just about anything and that made you Shay’s favorite secret weapon.
The boys had some free time this weekend and wanted to make the 5 hour drive to Duluth to spend it on their boat since it would probably be one of the last times they would get to do so with the season ramping up. Ryder’s annoyance for you and Shay began promptly at 6 a.m. He was not a morning person and you definitely weren’t either, but Shay insisted you both get up early so that you get to the boat at a decent time in the day. He did not however, set his alarm for 6 a.m., rather 6 p.m. and was awoken by his brother’s shouts to get out of bed. You, on the other hand, were just running late because you thought you could get ready in a shorter amount of time than was realistic. By the time you and Shay make it down to Ryder, who already has the car packed and ready to go, he’s huffy. “You guys know I hate when you tell me a specific time and then you show up late”.  “Well this should be a fun trip, right Rizzer?”, Shay speaks up with fake enthusiasm. You shoot Shay a look from the front seat as a signal to shut the hell up, to which Ryder appreciates.
The first hour is pretty smooth, not a whole lot of talking going on in the car. Everyone just appreciating the sunrise, or at least that’s what you thought until you glanced in the backseat and saw Shay sound asleep. At your “awh” Ryder moved his eyes from the road to the rear view mirror. “So that’s why it’s been so peaceful”. Even though you laughed you gave Ryder’s hand that was on your thigh a light squeeze. “Don’t be so grumpy Rydes. This is going to be a fun weekend, I just know it”. He can hear the smile in your voice without even looking over and he knows you’re right, flashing you his signature bright smile of his own.
As if he knew he was being talked about, Shay begins to stir. The quietness is disturbed immediately upon his awakening. He takes over the AUX and the road tripping can finally begin. Him and Ryder argue over music, whether to play alternative or country and which has more of a summer vibe, until finally a summer playlist, containing both is chosen. You pick up your phone, scrolling through some Tiktoks when you find one you just have to send to Shay. You watch as he gets the notification and opens it immediately. The music is broken up, replaced with the voice of a guy saying, “Send this to someone you don't like. You look like a rat, and you are so fat. I would be so sad, if i looked like that”. You’re dying laughing in the front seat at the offended look on Shay’s face and the death glare he’s receiving from Ryder. “I hate you” is all Ryder spits out, as this is a regular occurrence in any car ride. You love how you can get Shay in trouble without even really trying and how Ryder only yells at his brother when you’re the one who sent it to him.
The rest of the ride is spent on the highway and though you love the singing of the boys in the car with you, you’re getting pretty bored just watching the trees pass by so you say, “Let’s play a game!”. They both look at you like you’re 12.
“What? It’ll be fun I promise”. They shoot you skeptical looks, but ask what the game is anyway.
“It’s like license plate bingo kind of. You see the type of car first, you call it out and then you get to punch whoever you want”, you say with a shrug.
“Ooo, I like this game”, Shay says rubbing his palms together as he studies the list of “rules” you sent him: Slug bug, no punchbacks. PT Cruiser, get a bruiser. Tacoma, put you in a coma. Kia, wouldn’t wanna be ya, could be substituted with kia kick. Big truck, no luck. Subaru slap. Jeep jab. Honda hit. Train, feel the pain. You read them out loud to Ryder so that he can play too while he drives. Ryder shakes his head as you continue down the list, clearly not as impressed as Shay was.
“Where do you come up with this stuff, Y/N?”, but he agrees to participate nonetheless.
The rest of the ride is now much more exciting, everyone on high alert for a vehicle that would allow them to inflict pain on a passenger. You and Shay are admittedly better and much more active in the game since Ryder has to also pay attention to the road. As a result, he also ends up taking most of the hits, both from you and his brother. Everytime you would excitedly jab him, he’d give you puppy dog eyes. He was easy pickings, as he was right next to you, but the sad eyes did make you choose Shay as your target a little more often.
After Shay slugs Ryder in the arm for about the fifth “Kia, wouldn't wanna be ya”, his personal favorite, Ryder expresses his annoyance for the game. “This is abuse. I can’t even play right since I’m driving. The only person I can hit is Y/N, and unlike some people”, he says, shooting you a look, “I don’t enjoy hitting my significant other”.
You just roll your eyes at him, but Shay is quick to jump in, unhappy that Ryder is squashing his fun. “Awh can widdle brudder not take a few punches? You’re going soft, Ryder” Shay says with his fake baby voice.
You know it grates on Ryder’s nerves like no other so you call the game quits before they engage in an argument in the small space. Luckily, you were just pulling into the drive leading to where the Donovan’s call home. Getting out of the car Shay throws an arm around you, “I liked our game, Y/N. Very fun. We should play it more often”.
You all enter the house long enough to drop off the bags and pack some snacks for the boat. Shay leans over to you. “Want to see something funny?”, he asks with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. You raise your eyebrow at him in response. “I’m going to get Ryder in trouble with only four words”, he promises. You use your hand to gesture him on to whatever it is he has planned.
“OW, Ryder! Ryder, stoppp!” He suddenly yells. Ryder, who was digging through the fridge, turns around, giving Shay a confused look as if to say “Wtf”.
“Ryder, seriously! Stop!”, he continues yelling.
“Knock it off!”, their mom calls down from upstairs. Ryder’s clued into what’s happening now, giving his brother a little shoulder check as he passes him to drop the strawberries on the island, just in time for his mom to come around the corner.
“Ryder stop!”, Shay yells at his brother one last time for good measure.
“Seriously, Ryder? You two are home for not even two minutes and you’re already trying to test my patience? And with a guest in the house. Did I teach you boys nothing?”, she reprimands her sons and you have to hide your smile as Shay’s plan plays out accordingly.
She’s bringing you in for a hug then and eventually her two sons the same. She catches up with the boys for a few minutes, but knows they’re impatient to get to the boat so she doesn’t chat for long.
Once she leaves the room you turn to Shay, “I have to say, I’m impressed. I didn’t think it would be that easy.” Shay has a very pleased smirk on his lips.
“I used to do it when we were kids, all the time. Good to know it still works now too, isn’t that right, Rydes?” he says nudging his brother.
Ryder looks back and forth between you and his brother, shaking his head. “You were in on this? You two are the worst. I’m about to drive back to Wisconsin and leave you both here”, he says with a huff.
Unfortunately for Ryder, your antics with Shay weren’t finished yet. While he was driving the boat, Shay had found a Tiktok that he wanted to make, but he needed your help to do it. You were lounging at the front of the boat when Shay brought it to you, explaining his plan.
“Okay, so I’m going to sit over there and just act like I’m on my phone, but I’m actually going to be filming. You’re going to put your fingers like this”, he says showing you  his thumb and pointer finger touching like in the ok sign, “and then tell him to do that on his chin, but put it on your cheek. “I want to see how many times it’s going to take him to get it right. My bet is 5. You in?”.
You felt bad goading your boyfriend like that, but you knew he was the perfect victim for it. You loved Ryder, but he was a little slow to catch onto things sometimes. The punchline of jokes? Not his thing, he’d get it a few seconds after everyone else and even then, sometimes you weren’t really sure if he even got it then. It was a wonder how he played such a fast paced game and came up with chirps on the fly. Mulling it over once more, you finally nodded your head. “Yeah, I’m in, but $10 says it’s going to take him 8”, you say with a wink.
Shaking on it, he says, “I like the way you think. You have a deal”.
Getting up you go over to your boyfriend, trying not to feel guilty. “Babe, I have a test for you”, you say as innocently as possible.
“And what is that?”, he asks, giving you his full attention.
“Put this,” Showing him the same sign Shay showed you, “on your chin”, demonstrating for him, placing the ok sign on your cheek.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Is this a tiktok or something?” he asked, looking around for your phone. Your eyes widened with fake offence as you pointed to your phone over on your towel. “Babe, do you see me filming? My phone is way over there. It’s fine. Just put this on your chin”, you said, once again demonstrating for him.
He looked around, still suspicious. “You’re not going to hit me right? This isn’t another one of your ‘beat up on Ryder games’?” You shook your head, promising him you wouldn’t even touch him. Satisfied with that, he gave in to your request, like he always did and copied your actions. Meanwhile, Shay was trying his hardest to remain camouflage but his brother’s predictable actions were making it very difficult to not start laughing behind his phone.
You repeated your phrase again, “Put this on your chin” and he again mirrored your movements, putting his ok sign on his cheek and looking at you expectantly. You tried again, enunciating the “this” as you watched him. He again put his fingers on his face.
You tried not to laugh, repeating the phrase, trying to clue him in as you said the words slowly this time. “Put this on your chin.” He studied you real hard this time, but copied your placement exactly with his ok sign on his cheek.
You tried again, “Put this,” showing him your ok sign in front of his face and speaking slowly, “on your chin”. This time the poor boy grabbed your wrist, bringing your ok sign to HIS cheek and waiting for your approval. This time you had to let out a little chuckle and as you glanced over at Shay he was ready to bust a gut trying to hold back his laugh. You tried to compose yourself, as you tried to get your boyfriend to do the simple task.
“Put this on your chin” you practically yelled at him. Even though he was frustrated with what you were saying, he had a big smile on his face because you did. “I’m not fucking stupid” he said through laughs and grabbed your hand with two hands this time and put it on his cheek.
You were really laughing now, pulling your hand away and trying one last time. “Ryder. Put this. On your chin”, you said hoping this time would stick. But nope. The boy really put that okay sign on his damn cheek and really had the audacity to look at you to say he did it right.
You took a deep breath, trying to catch your breath from laughing so hard. “On your chin”, and he just looked at you, processing what you just said and then finally his hand shot to his chin and he started laughing again. “Oh shit”. You started cheering for him and Shay practically exploded from his spot as he fell to the floor laughing.
“Oh my god. That was too good. I’m so posting this”, he said between laughs.
“I believe you owe me 10 bucks, Shay. Pay up”, you responded with your hand out.
Ryder once again was stuck looking between you and Shay. “You set me up!” he accurately accused. “And you BET on it? You bet against me?” he said, turning to you. Seeing the hurt look on his face you felt bad.
“Rydes I didn’t bet against you per say, I just guessed how many times it might take you to catch on to what I was saying. I love you though”, you say as you run your fingers up and down his arms at an attempt to get him to forget your tricks. He’s not pleased with your answer though.
Now you’re pouting and sticking your lip out at him, throwing Shay under the bus. “It was Shay’s idea!”.
“Dude!” Shay exclaims.
You roll your eyes at him, “Oh like he didn’t already know”.
The slight frown on Ryder's face had turned into a small smile as he spoke to Shay. “I can’t believe you turned my own girlfriend on me. You guys are being extra annoying today”.
“It’s all for the tiktok, bahd” Shay answers with a shrug, unbothered by his brother’s annoyance.
You, however, spent the rest of the afternoon trying to suck up to Ryder.
“I hate you,” you said as you passed Shay to get to the cooler to fetch Ryder a drink for the fifth time as part of your penance. Shay just grins up at you, shooting you a wink. “I love you too, my little partner in crime”.
The following weekend you’re out with the guys, walking down State Street and a car passes your group. Shay glances at you and then Ryder and an ear splitting grin takes over his features. Lightning fast he hits Ryder, yelling “Lamborghini, hit you in your weenie!”.
You stop in your tracks as your boyfriend doubles over in pain and you double over in hysterics. The guys, as well as the few passerbyers who had heard Shay’s outburst look on in confusion.
As you finally catch your breath you move to help your still struggling boyfriend. You crouch down so you can see his face as you ask if he’s okay, but his grimace tells all. There’s nothing you can really do for him but let him breathe it out so you stand back up, high-5ing Shay. “That was pretty good,” you say shaking your head at the memory of what just happened and your road trip from last weekend.
“How long did it take ya to come up with that one?”.
He proudly announces that he’s been thinking of new ones to add to the list all week.
“Whoever introduced you two was a real idiot and is 100% regretting that decision” Ryder says from his still bent over position. You only offer your hand to help him stand straight in response.
Shay’s animatedly trying to explain the game to the boys, who all seem very excited to play. They spend the rest of the walk to KK punching each other and calling out the phrases as they search the cars lining the sides of the road. You walk a few steps behind them with Ryder leaning on you for a little support and maybe some protection.
“You’ve really created a monster now” he sighs, watching the boys.
All of a sudden he strikes your arm. “PT Cruiser, get a bruiser!”, he hollers and takes off down the street, suddenly fine. He looks back at you with a big grin.
You shake your head, “Smooth, Ryder Donovan, smooth” and you chase after him.
Mike Vorlicky
Being in a group chat with a bunch of hockey players meant that you were no stranger to your phone blowing up with nonsense, but you knew the boys were at practice, as Ryder had left for it 15 minutes ago, so when you heard more pings from your MacBook- 4 in a row to be exact -  all from Mike, you knew something was up. Quickly checking your phone, your brows knit as you read the succession of messages, confirming your suspicion that something was definitely up.
“Y/N! SOS.”
“I know you have your phone, I NEED YOU”
“Come on my ass is about to be shipped back to Edina”
“Y/N! I hate to do this, but Ryder got hurt on the way to practice. I mean like really hurt”.
The messages didn’t make sense, but the last one had you calling Mike immediately.
“Oh, thank God-'' he answered, but you cut him off, wanting to know about the status of your boyfriend.
“What happened? How is Ryder? Where are you?”. The pause on the other end of the line had your heart beating in your ears, filled with anxiety and worry for your boyfriend, at least for a moment.
When you heard “Dude she’s gonna kill you” from Cole in the background, a different emotion filled you.
“Mike Vorlicky, what the HELL is going on?”
Despite the anger and annoyance in your voice, Mike still let out a smug chuckle. “I knew that last one would get you to answer your damn phone. But listen-“
“So he’s fine? Nothing happened?”, you asked just to be sure.
When Mike lets out a nervous chuckle you release the breath that you had been holding. “I should hang up on your ass right now, Vorlicky. You can’t just-“
“No seriously, Y/N this is important. You can yell at me later, but will you pleaseeee, pretty please with a cherry on top please bring me my practice jersey? I was serious about coach shipping me out. This is like the third time. He’s gonna bench me next game and my parents are coming to this one...”.
Even though you were extremely pissed off at him for even speaking into existence your boyfriend getting hurt, you also couldn’t deny him or any of the boys when they needed your help and he knew that. After letting out a groan you asked him where the jersey was and made your way over to his dorm. Getting into his building was scarily easy and the jersey was surprisingly right where he said it would be, laid out on his bed. It’s a wonder how he forgot it.
Minutes later you were pulling up to the practice facility and walking through the glass doors that led to the rink. You were met with cool air and smiling faces. As the boys noticed you began to head your way, but not before Mike rushed over. He was coming so fast he barely had time to stop before he hit the boards and wrapped you in a hug, “I love you so much right now I could kiss you” he said, taking the jersey from your hands.
“Don’t even think about it, Vorlicky” Ryder called to him as he made his way through the boys to give you a quick kiss before the whistle blew signifying practice starting, just in time for Mike to slip the jersey over his gear.
Owen Lindmark
Cooking had never been your thing, still having never really gained that skill even after living on your own. But as much as it was not your best quality, it was even less so for the boys that were about to come crashing through your door any minute. Dating Ryder was amazing and equally as amazing were the 20 other boys who’ve you’ve come to call close friends that came along with him.
You had just gotten an air fryer and were excited to test it out. You’d been promising the boys you’d cook for them for weeks and figured what better time to do so than now. They had a big rematch coming up that weekend against PSU anyway so you had told Ryder to invite some of his teammates over for a mini team dinner.
You were pretty impressed with yourself you had to admit. Not only had you planned a full meal and dessert, you had timed it perfectly so that everything was just about finished as you heard the door unlock.
“Honey, I’m hooommee”, Shay called out as he dropped his bag in the pathway of the others behind him.
You shook your head as you stirred the marinara sauce one last time, knowing that the pet name bugged Ryder even though it was a movie line and he was so obviously joking.
“Dude it smells amazing in here”
“What’re we having?”
“I’m starving”, and curses could all be heard as the crew continued to pour into the apartment, the noise and chaos level instantly rising.
You cleared your throat and very dramatically tapped your spoon on your wine glass to gather the boys’ attention.
”First of all, everyone is to wash their hands before eating, please and thank you. Salad is already on the table. You guys can grab yourselves a plate, the pasta is over by the sink, the sauce is right next to it and then the chicken’s already been cooked in the air fryer so it follows your guys’ diets (kind of) and parmesan melted on it so you can just put that on top of the pasta. I have bread in the oven that I’ll bring out when it’s done. Oh and dessert for when everyone’s ready”. You barely finished your spiel before the boys were shoving each other to get in line.
Shay of course had battled his way to the front of the line, claiming seniority, Mike unsurprisingly behind him, followed by Lex, Owen, Cole and Dylan. For being as large as Dylan was, he had been easily bullied to the end of the line. Ryder stuck around, wrapping you in a hug and placing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
“You’re amazing for doing this. The boys haven’t shut up about it all week. You really went all out didn’t you, babe?” He asked with a proud smile on his face. His little acknowledgment coupled with how proud he looked made you blush. You knew he wasn’t lying about the boys obsessing over this meal either, as you had been receiving daily texts from each of them about it.
“Don’t get too excited, you haven’t even tasted anything yet. What if it’s the worst Chicken parm, you’ve ever tasted in your life?” You asked pouring on the dramatics. It was your first time using the air fryer after all, you had no idea how it would turn out and you were a bit nervous, but had warned the boys ahead of time that they may be ordering pizza instead.
Your disclaimer was countered by moans coming from the living room, a chorus of them actually. You and Ryder share a look before busting out laughing. “I guess there’s your answer for ya.” He replies, followed by a “No one better be having sex out there”.
You shoo him along so that he can eat with his friends and you can grab the bread out of the oven. After slicing it and putting it on a plate you deliver it to the vultures in your living room and prop yourself on the armrest of Ryder’s chair, rubbing his back as he eats.
The boys don’t stop gushing about your cooking as they continue to shovel food in their mouths. “This is seriously- the best meal- no, scratch that- food- I’ve had in months”, Cole says between bites.
“Hey, I just made you that really good burger and Mac cheese thing last week and you gave it 5 stars!” Dylan protests.
You and Owen lock eyes and instantly start laughing. “Dyl, did it come in a red box with a glove on the front?” You ask, still giggling. His eyes light up, happy that you recognize it and he nods.
“Dude, that’s Hamburger Helper!” Owen howls.
“And an insult to Y/N’s cooking”, Alex chimes in.
”Even this salad is more gourmet than Hamburger Helper, sorry bro”, Cole adds.
At this point everyone’s laughing at Dylan’s expense, yourself included. He’s immediately apologetic, hoping he didn’t truly insult your cooking, which just eggs the boys on assuring him that he did in fact insult you.
“Yeah, that’s like comparing Wayne Gretzky and Shay in hockey, but for cooking”, Mike chirps, feeling the need to get involved.
”Nice one Mikey. Dylan fucks up, but let’s roast Shay”, Shay retorts.
You grin, loving being a part of the relaxed banter that’s going on but wave them off. Dylan attempts to grumble out his weak defense, claiming that he’s from Canada and didn’t know about Hamburger Helper, just making you giggle harder.
“Okay, okay okay,” you say in an attempt to calm yourself and the room down. You were wiping tears from your eyes. “I’m going to go get the dessert so you clowns can get out of my apartment”.
Once in the kitchen you opened the cabinet by the fridge and felt around for the plate of brownies you knew you’d hidden up there so that the boys, specifically your boyfriend, wouldn’t pick at them before dinner. You felt a pair of hands on your hips. You had expected it to be your boyfriend, but with his body slightly pressed against yours you knew it wasn’t him.
“Need some help?”, the voice confirmed your thoughts. It was Owen.
“Please”, you said, accepting his offer.
He grinned once he pulled the plate down and saw the perfectly proportioned brownies. You had used one of those baking pans that had individual brownie shapes so that every piece had four edges, the best part and Ryder’s favorite.
“I love these, my mom makes ‘em like that. Smart to keep these hidden from Ryder”, he says with a wink. Though his tone is light toward the end with the little chirp at Ryder, you don’t miss the hint of sadness that laced his voice in the beginning. And he doesn’t miss the look of concern on your face either.
He puts the plate down and leans against the counter. “I love you for doing this tonight. I really can’t thank you enough. I needed this, the laughs, the home cooked meal”, he confesses, running a hand through his hair.
“Missing home a little extra?” You ask, knowing exactly how he feels.
”You could say that. I know the guys and I don’t say it enough, but we love you and appreciate how much you take care of us and keep us sane. What you do for Ryder is obvious, but stuff like this that you do extra for us, making a really good dinner and dessert, always letting us hang out here, and come to you with our problems. It means a lot”.
Not really having words for all that he’d just told you, but wanting to show him you really did care for him too, you wrapped your arms around him and gave him a good squeeze.
“Awh, O. I don’t know what to say. You and the boys are like family to me. You always have a second home here.” The sentimental moment is broken up by Mike shouting about dessert and someone telling him to shut up and stop being rude.
“I guess we better get this dessert to the boys so they can get out of your hair”, he says grinning.
Before letting him go you pull back and say, “Tell your mom I said hi when you call her later”. He picks the plate of brownies back up and you make your way toward the rowdy group occupying your living room.
“You know me too well. But I surely will let her know. I’m sure she’ll appreciate you keeping me alive”, he says with a chuckle.
Dylan Holloway
Everyone was huddled close together in the dimly lit booth as it came down to just Roman and Dylan, each with two fingers on the full pitcher in the middle of the table. The two boys were half out of their seats staring each other down. Roman had a smug smirk on his face as he watched Dylan sweat it out across from him, his mind clearly going a mile a minute.
The guys had just swept PSU and were definitely feeling themselves tonight. They decided to opt for the usual celebratory tradition of KK and Fingers, a game that Dylan was historically terrible at.
It was Dylan’s turn and he was still shaking his head, both at himself for overthinking a simple drinking game and at Roman who was continuously chirping him, which was not helping him decide. He only hoped the winning luck of the night would continue as he began counting down, “Three, two, one - two!”, Roman yanked one finger off the pitcher as Dylan left his two on, for a total of three fingers.
The team erupted as Dylan threw his hands in the air, “Fuck! I always lose this stupid, fucking game”.
“Drink up, bud!”, Roman chided him, pushing the pitcher closer to him on the table.
Dylan just groaned and stared at the full pitcher of unknown alcohol with a grimace.
“Come on, Dyl, you know the rules. Or at least you should, you’ve lost enough times by now”, Shay chirped from behind him. You felt bad for the guy because Shay wasn’t wrong. Of the handful of times you had watched and played the game, Dylan had lost all but maybe twice.
“You’re right Shay, maybe we should spice it up this time, eh? What do we think boys?” Mike suggests with a devilish smile and a rub of his palms. You don’t miss the look that he shares with Roman and your eyes narrow in on the boy who suddenly has a mischievous look in his eyes.
“Dylan, I dare you to go ask that girl for her number”, he challenges, nodding toward a blonde who had been looking over at the group.
Following his gaze you notice who exactly it is that he pointed out and you choke on your drink. You want to stop Dylan before he makes a fool out of himself, but he easily gulps down the pitcher and quickly makes his way over to the girl waiting for him. You can’t get your words out as you’re sputtering and coughing from your drink.
When you finally catch your breath you give Roman a shove and hiss “Fuck you Ro. What’re you doing? Aren’t you talking to that girl?”. He doesn’t answer, just shrugs as he watches on with a smirk plastered on his face, as if he knows exactly what is going to happen. Ryder nudges you in confusion at your little interaction with his teammate. Moving closer to him you filled him in on the unknown drama that was going on. “I played wingwoman for Roman a couple weeks ago so that he could pick up this same girl. Of course with my 90% success rate, he got her and I guess kept her. He’s been texting me about her all week”.
Suddenly understanding, he said “You have to go save D. The guys will never let him live this down” and you knew he was right. A freshman hitting on an older guy’s girl? Even if it was on a dare and even if her and Roman were just talking, it would still be embarrassing on Dylan’s part and chirp content for the team for the weeks to come.
So with a flip of your hair and a pat to Roman’s head you strode over to where Dylan was flirting with the blonde. He was really pulling out all the stops trying to earn this girl’s number, you had to give him that. You would even say that it actually appeared to be going well, but judging by the look that was on Roman’s face, you knew it wouldn’t end well.
“Excuse me, mind if I borrow him real quick? No? Ok great, thanks! I’ll give him back in just a second!”. You gripped his wrist with both hands and all but yanked him off the barstool until he was stumbling toward you, very confused. Once you were a few feet away, you steadied him with your hands. He was clearly annoyed with you.
“What the hell, Y/N? what’re you doing? I need to get back there. Things were actually going well”.
“And you will, D just listen to me for a second. I’m trying to help you here”.
“Help me? What’re you talking about?”.
“Dylan, Roman’s been talking to that girl for weeks now. He’s just trying to set you up because he knows she won’t actually give you her number because she’s with him so you end up coming back to the table empty handed and the guys can chirp you for weeks about trying to get with Roman’s girl”.
Realization washed over his face as he took in the situation. He glanced over at Roman’s now displeased but confused face and back at the girl who was seemingly waiting for him to return to the empty seat next to her.
“Whatever you have to do to get that number Dylan Holloway, do it. You can’t come back to that table empty handed, got it?”. He nodded furiously. “Good boy. Now go charm her pants off!” And with that you sent him on his way and returned to the group, all of whom were looking at you with quizzical faces.
You just shrugged it off saying, “He just wanted me to check if he smelled like beer. I guess she hates that stuff, only drinks Claws.” With that, Roman shoots you a look, knowing that was a load of shit and a jab at him. Her hatred of beer and love for white claws had been one of the many “fun facts” he had shared with you over the week. His attention turns as the guys erupt once again in cheers as the girl plants a kiss on Dylan’s cheek and sends him back to your table. He smiles victoriously as he stops in front of Roman. “I hope you don’t mind sharing your girl, she seems pretty into me”, he says and drops the napkin with her phone number on it on the table in front of Roman. The “ooos” and hollers from the boys are golden, but pale in comparison to the look on Roman’s face. Ryder fist bumps him and Dylan leans in to give your hand a squeeze, “I love you so much for that. The look on his face? Totally worth it. Really saved my ass. I owe you”.
Ryder wasn’t one to overuse the phrase “I love you”. He held great value in those three words and reserved them for times when it was just the two of you or for when the moment deemed necessary. Today was one of those moments.
He had gotten home from practice early to find you out on his balcony wrapped in a blanket and your computer on your lap. He hadn’t thought much of it as he shed his bag and went to wash his hands and make a snack, but the door was cracked and he could hear a familiar laugh that wasn’t yours. He stopped what he was doing and listened for it again. As if right on cue, his baby sister’s laugh found his ears. He debated with himself whether or not he should make his presence known. Curiosity eventually winning out, he decided to wait it out and see what his two favorite girls were talking about. He’d be lying if he said his heart wasn’t ready to burst at seeing you voluntarily FaceTiming his baby sister.  
His snack forgotten, he sat himself on the couch out of view and just listened and watched. He watched the way your hair fluttered with the breeze, how you focused your attention on the girl on the screen, and nodded your head in agreement with whatever she was saying. He watched the way you interacted with his sister and couldn’t deny the feeling that was consuming him.
Even more so he watched the way Clara’s face lit up as you spoke to her, a look he’d seen before, one she reserved for her big sister. It was one of idolization, respect, and love. He watched her smile and her head tip back as she laughed with you like you were her best friend. Mostly he watched as the two of you had become part of each other’s lives in a way he hadn’t even known.
He listened to the beautiful sound of your laugh mix with hers and to the way both of your voices were so animated with each other. He listened as you spoke naturally with her, your kindness genuine instead of just treating her as some little kid. He knew she hated that but had unfortunately had her share of heartbreak by girls who only used her to get to him. He hated that he had caused her any kind of pain, but loved that you had somehow found a way to right his mistakes. He knew right then and there that he’d never take you away from her and she wouldn’t let him.
His thoughts were broken up by you reentering the apartment.
“Having a stalker moment there, Rydes?”, you ask him with eyebrows raised.
Deflecting the question, he clears his throats and instead asks what you guys were talking about. “Didn’t you hear the whole conversation already?”, you tease him. He just rolls his eyes, so you divulge as you pull stuff out to make dinner.
“We were just checking in. She was making sure you were still alive, taking your vitamins, treating me right, our usual. She had some drama stuff, but V is busy getting stuff ready for the baby so she didn’t want to bother her. Oh, and we’re planning your sister’s baby shower! Well, Clara’s in charge but she wanted my opinion on some details”.
The feeling he had before as he watched you two only intensified as he discovered what you had actually been talking about.
“What do you mean your usual?”
You’d stopped adding ingredients to the pot as you looked up at him, realizing you had just let Ryder in on something you hadn’t planned on. “Um. You know how you FaceTime Clara every week? Well uh, I do too...that’s ok right? That’s not like weird?”
He processed the information you had just told him. You actually took the time out of your busy life to get in touch with his sister every single week and were asking him if that was ok? He hadn’t even imagined you doing that, but you continued to amaze him. The smile he gave you was so warm and full of love. “Of course that’s okay. I love that you do that and I’m sure she does too. I saw the way she looks at you, you know. The same way she looks at V.” Your heart swells at his comment and you almost start crying on the spot.
“So she’s coming to you with drama huh? Anything I should know about?”. You laugh and default to “girl code” aka Ryder doesn’t get any deets. Despite his best efforts, including puppy dog eyes, he doesn’t get anything out of you.
“You’re MY girlfriend, you can’t let my sisters convert you to their side already” he whines.
You laugh and respond with “Well would you rather I convert to your brother’s side? I’m sure Shay could pitch a good argument.” He looks offended that you’d even say such a thing and grumbles out a “no”.
After he’s decided he’s done pouting he comes around the counter and wraps his arms around you from behind, nuzzling his face into your hair. “You told Clara I treat you well, right?” He questions, still thinking about your conversation with her. You’re surprised to detect nervousness in his question and that he’d even ask that. Turning in his arms you answer him, wanting him to see the conviction in your face when you say “Of course, Ryder. You don’t ever need to doubt that, baby”. He looks relieved and surprises you again with a confession.
“Good. I want Clara to see how she should be treated. What good love looks like, a healthy relationship, ya know?”.
Tears start form in your eyes and it takes you a second to find your voice. Eventually you do and you gently pull his face down to yours, running  your thumb over his cheek. You melt over the way he leans into your touch. Even though your voice is barely above a whisper, it’s strong as you tell him, “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been. You show me what love is everyday and inspire me to be better for you and for me. You are such a role model to her Ryder. When she looks at us, I promise you all she will see is genuine, pure love.”
His heart is beating so hard as he absorbs your words. He takes your wrist and pulls your hand to his lips. He kisses your palm then cups your face in his hands, bringing your foreheads together. His own eyes are glassy and throat thick as he tries to put what he’s feeling into words that will convey the same amount of strength and emotion. “Every time I think ‘she can't get any better’ you surprise me. Well not surprise me because I’m not surprised you get better, but- fuck! I can’t get my words out right now.” He can feel you smiling and takes it as a sign to keep going.
“What I’m trying to say is you keep loving me and showing me that you love me in new ways that I didn't even know existed. You’re always taking care of me before games, after games and practices. Even just asking about practice and my day and coming to my games, waiting up for me after road trips. The highs of winning and you right there with me are amazing, but what I love most and what are even better are when you sit there and watch us lose, me lose and you just know how to deal with me afterwards. I can’t tell you how much it helps me to have you hold me after a game or offer dessert or just let me bitch about it. The lows are better because you still want me after. Like even if I couldn’t play hockey anymore, you’d still want me. You still believe in me to do better next game. You inspire me to be better. Off the ice especially”, he takes a deep breath then and as badly as you want to say something, you don’t interrupt him knowing he still has more to say. 
“You’ve shown me what it feels like to be loved. Really, truly loved. You take care of my friends, regardless of what they need and you do so out of the goodness of your heart. Watching you with my family, I can’t ever imagine you being anywhere else but a part of my family, Y/N. The fact that my favorite people in the entire world love you makes me so happy I can’t even describe it. You’re FaceTiming my baby sister of your own free will, planning a baby shower with her for my other sister? You keep up with Shay and get Boden out of his shell. I couldn’t dream it up better if I tried. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but somehow I was blessed with you and I swear to you, promise you I will never stop loving you, ok? I love you with my whole heart and then some, Y/N”.  
The tears are absolutely streaming down your face and into his hands and his into yours. The moment had gotten so intense and so fast. These were rare between you two, preferring to keep the relationship light and fun, but occasional moments like this where you attempted to pour your whole heart and soul into each other would occur and you were left breathless every time. But of course, you couldn’t resist a good chirp.
“You’re gonna have a hard time topping that for a proposal, Donovan”.
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311 rant & BNHA rambles!!!
So, I did make this post before, and then deleted it. So I could re-vamped it and when I say re-vamped it! I mean I just added more rambles 😂! So like before I’m just piecing my thoughts together, which make no sense but I’m sharing them!
“Deku was the one who suggested being bait” Yeah he did, and you know what?! That still doesn’t make it ok. I mean it was destined to happen, and maybe they did as adults voice a bit of doubt in that suggestion but as the more experienced adults and Pro heroes you’d think they would know or thought of a better plan 🤷‍♀️! With Deku playing “vigilante” hero though, I’m not shocked it came to this!
Overhaul really does not seem like much of a threat, he has no arms (😂 let’s all thank Shiggy!) and he looks like he could list a thousand reasons for why his life sucks!
The villainness, like girl who are you? What are your plans? Or your alliance? Who do you work with? I’m so curious by her, and really want to know what her name is!
Endeavor’s new name for an attack we have seen before, related to Touya’s name and I just don’t feel too fond of it! I actually really REALLY dislike it! “Ignited arrow” or something like that, I’m sorry it just sounds distasteful and majorly corny! Then again to be fair, I feel like all attack names sound quite corny especially when you imagine them shouting them out 😂! It also seems bit iffy if he was to use it against Dabi/Touya, but meh I’m moving on I’m just excited to see where the Todofam plot will go from here! 😭 please Hori give me Dabi/Touya or Shouto already I haven’t seen them in ages! They’re the Todoroki’s I want to see 🥺!
Ok like we have not seen Toga for how many chapters now? I can’t remember....that’s how long we haven’t seen her 😭 I want to know where she is, like is she with the League again? Gone into hiding? What if she’s been caught? I need to know! Come on Hori I’m getting Toga-itis(lack of Toga content sickness)!
Also I really REALLY want to know, where is Amajiki? Fatgum? Are they alive? Are they well? Because so far you have gave us nothing Hori nothing 😭 I want to know Amajiki is literally primary school me, and Fatgum is literally one of the Pro hero who make it into my top 10! I need to know if they ok!
Deku looks so depressed, and it’s making me sad 😔 I really know it’s going to take a while yet before he’s truly happy again, but I can’t wait to see it!
All Might dead? 😂😑 denying it I am denying it until we get confirmation, because I do not believe that Hori will kill him just like that! I feel it would be more dramatic and emotional, or something I just don’t see this being it!
I’m wishing to see Katsuki as well, I really want to know what he is going through! What are his thoughts? Did Deku tell him what he was planning? Or is he left in the dark? What did his letter say? Come on I want to know, I don’t know why I get into these things because I’m an impatient girl I want to know everything straight away 😂!
I absolutely love that Endeavor(and the others) is getting backlash from the civilians, and they ain’t showing any signs of sympathy! However, they’re also actually really pissing me off as well, I mean this reaction they’re having is so realistic but I bet they would deny it. If they were told they were the problem too! Hero society was flawed sure, and the heroes played a part in it but so did society. The leave it to a hero mindset is what led to Shiggy being ignored, which led to him being picked up by AFO. Because if someone just anyone helped him that day, then maybe just maybe we wouldn’t be in this position 🤷‍♀️! I think the number system needs to go too!
I wonder if we will get to see the other parents of class 1A, I really want to see what Kirishima’s parents look like and Mina’s too! It’s a stupid curiosity that I got, and I really want it quenched!
Where have they put that giant guy? Like all of the prisons have been broken, and the most “secure” prison known as Tartarus is down. So like where have they put that giant man, whose name has escaped me 🤔 Gigomanchia right?! Or something like that!
Shoji from class 1A needs to have his mask ripped off his face, honestly I’m going to manifest in BNHA and do it myself! I’m so curious to what he looks like, because if I remember rightly he has faced discrimination for how he looks. Now maybe that’s because of his arms, but I also feel like maybe his face too given that he has it covered! So like what does he look like? I’m so curious! I can’t be the only one who’s curious!
So Deku, Ochaco and Shouto have their villain counterparts set up, but what about Bakugou? Who’s his counterpart? Spinner? Will that be the villain who’ll play his counterpart 🤔 or maybe he’s will be AFO alongside Deku, like he assists in taking him down!
The 2nd and 3rd user’s face reveal, whoa they be handsome but infuriating like I do think the time travel theory has been demolished. However, damn it Hori how ya going to reveal their faces, but give us no name like you honestly be dangling the sweet in front of the child and taking it away 😭!
What does Bakugou Katsuki’s bedroom look like? 🤔 another stupid curious question that pops in my head now and then! Like we did the room challenge, and saw nearly all of their bedrooms but his and Asui’s! I want to know what Katsuki “I go to bed at 8” Bakugou’s bedroom be decorated like!
There you go that’s the re-vamped list, if I have anymore rambles and thoughts I’ll just make a part 2!
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celebritytgcaptions · 3 years
Requests (5/8/2021)
Hi lovelies! I just filled up the queue through May but I have a LOT of requests left. So I’m posting the remaining requests below! If you see your request here that means it’ll be posted in June at the earliest. If you don’t see your request it means it’s probably going to be posted in May (although I did delete two messages that weren’t “requests” as much as “demands”, messages that said, “Do this,” or, “Make that,” which I don’t respond to). There are some requests I addressed in a post on April 27th though that won’t be posted until June also so be sure to check that out. Thanks for the support lovelies! Hope you like what’s to cum. ;)
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Anonymous said:
Could u do emma stone from amazing spider man i like her look from the 2nd one but its fine whichever u use
Yep! Second one it is. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi was wondering if you could do a caption of a superhero that is captured by their villain and turned into an evil hench woman thought about anne hathaway as cat woman if you could thanks love your captions btw
Sure thing!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption where a white guy gets turned into Kerry Washington. And becomes addicted to sleeping with black men? I was thinking of using the scene from little man where shes in bed after a night of "doing it". Can that be done or is that too graphic of a description?
I don’t think it’s too graphic? I’ve never seen Little Man (idk what it is tbh) but I googled “Kerry Washington Little Man” & found a pic I think works so I can do this.
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Anonymous said:
I don't remember if I requested this already or not but could you do one of Haley atwell from captain america I was thinking like a super soldier test turns a guy into her but he then finds out that was the plan that the government wanted to make super sissies instead
You did not request it and I can do it!
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do a caption using Betsy brandt? Shes the aunt from breaking bad incase you didnt know I just think shes beautiful and hope you could do a caption for her idk what about maybe something about milfs thatd be good ig whatever you decide anyways thanks
I DO know who that is! And there have been quite a few MILF requests (as you’ll see) so all you MILF lovers will be happy going forward. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello first off big fan 2nd off im sorry if this is too much but I have abit of a list for ya if u can do these thats great if not its ok just sorry i know its alot.  Emma thompson(saving mr banks)  Sean young, (ace venture)  Rhea Pearlman, ( matilda)  Christina agulara( burlesque)   sigourney weaver, (alien or ghostbusters)   emma stone (cruela)  thank u there will be a part 2
Heres part 2 its just ones I dont really have any specific thing in mind.    Tia and Tamara. Idna menzel.   Adele.    Bonnie Tyler.    Ruby rose.    Sarah chalke.   Kristen schaal.  Melissa McCarthy.  Megan trainer.    Elizabeth gillies.   Like i said if u can great if not thats alright atleast u'll have some stocked up for a rainy day thanks again and sorry again
Hello im the one who gave the list of requests sorry once again I just wanted to further explain one of them the christina Aguilera from burlesque one to be specific I would like the one where she is wearing the bowler hat with the  loose frizz curls thats the only one I can think of to elaborate on the rest are up to u thanks again sorry again
Ok so this is A LOT of requests and in the future I would like to ask people to limit their requests to three celebs at a time, but I’ve never said that before so it wouldn’t be fair to the person who requested all these. So yes I can do these requests. The only one I won’t do is Sean Young from Ace Ventura because her character in Ace Ventura is really really transphobic (or, more specifically, how that character is written). And I can do that specific Christina Aguilera one. Also since this IS so many requests I’ll probably be sprinkling them in through instead of doing them all at once, & I already wrote an Elizabeth Gillies one coming out towards the end of May.
Anonymous said:
If possible could you do Elizabeth perkins as Wilma Flintstone I had the idea of it litterally being set in cave man times and depicting the forat instance of feminization, the first sissy, being of a weaker evolution and stuff causing the tribe to pick him as the tribes cave sissy
Oooo, sounds fun. Totally!
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Anonymous said:
Could you do Marissa tomei? Was thinking hero type story by night hes a crime fighing vigilante by day She is a stay at home sissy wife waiting for hubby to get home to pleasure him
I can do this!
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Anonymous said:
Could you try making one where a boy who’s always been short his entire life gets feminized by his friend? I was thinking someone like Skai Jackson would be great for this
Sure thing! I found one of Skai where she’s of age so I’ll use that. :) (I won’t use a GIF of here her though since most of them are from Jessie when she’s under 18)
Anonymous said:
I was wondering if you could do one about a college professor named Peter whose autocloset gets hacked by his students.  They transform and feminize him into a sexy latina milf so they have someone sexy to look at during class.  Actress of your choice, someone over 30 please.
Oooo, I’ve got the perfect celeb for this. ;)
Anonymous said:
Hi I actually have 3 u may have done them before but if u can thatd be great. 1 Natalie Portman (V for vendetta ) the little girl outfit with the pigtails I was thinking like a lost bet. 2 P!nk (beautiful trauma) the house wife look is so good.  3 Elizabeth olsen (wandavision) when shes in the bed wearing her costume like a morning after thing.  Thats all like I said if u can thank u love ur captions
Ah gotcha. I can do these!
Anonymous said:
Hi id like to start off by saying i love your captions. Was wondering if you could do one of Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Ramona flowers when she had Green hair as far as the story I dont really have anything other than green being the guys fav color idk hopefully you can do something with that anyways thank you for your time have a good one
I can work with this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hey I have a specific scene in mind its of kaley cuoco when she was on the big bang theory I dont remember the episode but its where shes sitting on the couch when her BF walks in and shes dressed in this purple lingerie and shes got her hair up its beautiful I was thinking if u could do a caption on that? Maybe like a roommates thing sorry I dont have enough info on the scene
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Anonymous said:
Could u ro Lindsay sloane from bring it on I had to look up the name I just remember her as "Big red" what they called her in the movie
Yep! I love Bring it On. :)
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Anonymous said:
Omg i love the Alex kingston caption u did recently whenever u get a chance could u do more River song captions also the billie piper one again whenever u get the chance
You got it. :)
Anonymous said:
Ok if you could i have an idea for a caption of a guy who wants to be internet famous but cant cut it as a guy so he pretends to be a lady on an onlyfans but doesnt show off anything too much then he gets surprised by his Male roommate who found out and his roommate blackmails him into making more "Private" videos to get cash I was thinking using meg turney if u could thanks
Sounds fun. Sure thing! :)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I know you mightve done this one already but the one of Katy Perry from "Hey hey hey" music vid could u do another one from that still her with the blonde hair but when shes just waking up instead thank you
You bet!
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Anonymous said:
I know you got alot of requests lately but if you dont mind one more could you do Drew Barrymore from Batman forever?
I had to double check how old she was in that but yes! I can do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
I know I probably wont see this for awhile but if u could can u do a caption of debby ryan from jessie where she is dressed like a little kid and has her hair in pigtails? I was thinking like a babysitting gig gone wrong for the story like dress up goes too far or something anyawys thank u
Do you know what episode that’s from? I found the image and I think it looks great but I just want to make 100% sure that Jessie was an adult when she made it. If you know the episode feel free to message me & I can go ahead with it. :)
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Anonymous said:
I have 3 if u could do them 1. Zazie beets  2. Zendaya  3. Tessa Thompson. Thats all thanks
I actually have Zazie Beets and Zendaya caps coming up before May ends, but you’ll get the Tessa Thompson one in June. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi could you do another caption tor jenna fischer from the office please?
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a cap where a teacher named Peter gets feminized into a latina housewife and use Marisol Nichols from Riverdale?  Can't ignore the MILFs.
Damn right you can’t! I’ll be sure to do this. :)
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Anonymous said:
Addison Rae or Ariana Grande please
I’ll do both! :)
@tammyboy25 said:
Hi there! I was wondering if you could please do one where a sister or best girlfriend guilt trips a boy into being their maid of honor for her wedding? Bachelorette party, Dress shopping, getting their hair done, dancing with other boys at the reception are some ideas I had. Thank you so much either way!!!
Ooooo I love this! You got it sweetie. :)
Anonymous said:
Wow, I really loved the "From the Amazons" caption you did with Wonder Woman! Could you do something similar with a guy named Rene put into the body of a sluttfied superheroine?  Maybe Scarlet Witch/Wanda? Thanks!
“From the Amazons” has been getting a lot of love so thanks everyone! I can totally do this with an Elizabeth Olsen pic. :)
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Anonymous said:
I'm not sure if youve seen falcon and the winter soldier yet but Erin kellyman who plays kharli in that is a relatively new actress so I could understand if you dont know her but if you do could you make a caption for her? Thank you
I actually do know who she is! I saw her in “Falcon & Winter Soldier” and Solo so I can totally do a cap with her. :)
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Anonymous said:
Hi, yesterday I said how much I loved that Wonder Woman caption you did with Gakl Gadot. And I've since discovered the manips made by Saturdays24. My name is Rene, and I'd loved to be turned into a girl in one of his pics, particularly Taylor Swift! Thanks!
Sure thing! @saturdays24 gave me permission to use their stuff a few years ago so I can do any caps with their manips. :)
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Anonymous said:
Can you please do Priyanka Chopra captions
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Anonymous said:
Can you do Lala Anthony captions. I am a big fan of her
Totally! (For some reason I can’t find a good GIF of her though)
Anonymous said:
Can you do a cap with the new Billie Eilish Vogue Pics? That would be so so amazing.
Anonymous said:
billie eilish or addison rae?
Anonymous said:
Hi I remember someone else asking for a billie eilish caption since she was of age now but it was still too recent to have any pics of her at the right age well now shes 19 and I just saw she was on the cover of vogue afew days ago ....would that work?
Don’t worry, a Billie Eilish cap from British Vogue is on the way! She is an adult now & so I can make caps with her. :) (Also to the person who asked about Addison Rae, like I said earlier I’ll make one for her too. :D)
Anonymous said:
I really liked ur newest caption of Kelly lebrock as a boss being spotted enfemme I was wondering if u could do a follow up to that one? Maybe with her from woman in red. Id just like to see the coworker confront the boss
I like that idea! Totally. :)
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Anonymous said:
Could you do a caption with Jhene Aiko or Jenna Ortega? They’re both similar to me in body build so it would be pretty amazing to see them in a caption.
Jhene Aiko yes. Jenna Ortega MAYBE. Jenna Ortega only JUST turned 18 and that was during the COVID-19 pandemic so there aren’t going to be a lot of projects where she’s an adult to pull from. So if I can find something maybe otherwise you might just have to wait a bit. Sorry if that’s a bummer. :/
Anonymous said:
Can you do Nikita Dragun captions please?
I’ve no idea who this is, sorry.
Anonymous said:
Idk if u know the band pentatonix or not but if u do could u do a caption for Kirstin Maldonado they just came out with a music video for 90s medley and she is gorgeous in it much appreciated :)
I’ve actually done some Kristin Maldonado caps already so I can totally do another. :)
5 notes · View notes
sambergscott · 5 years
i'd wait forever and a day for you
summary: post-trying // jake is on an undercover mission and amy thinks she’s pregnant. 
(you should read this just for the last line tbh)
Her period is late.
At first, she attributes it to stress. Jake is on a major undercover operation and while she is an incredibly proud, supportive wife, she knows how dangerous the situation is. He’s a great cop -- one of New York’s finest, in both senses of the word (...he’s hot) -- and he was so excited about getting this assignment. And she’s excited for him -- really, she is. But with updates filtering through to Captain Holt at a snail’s pace, it’s impossible not to worry about him, where he is, what he’s doing, whether he’s safe. Her cycle was shot to hell when he was in Witness Protection in Florida and it is entirely possible that history is repeating itself. 
Four days pass, Jake is still undercover and her period still has not arrived. She tries to blame Hitchcock’s God-awful Zika cologne disrupting her cycle again until she remembers that both Hitchcock and Scully have been off work all week with food poisoning. She even Googles why is my period late?, quickly closing the tab and deleting her browser history when the first result that pops up is pregnancy. 
There’s no way she’s pregnant. She refuses to even consider it for a second. 
Despite her absolute certainty that her uterus is as empty as it’s always been, when Rosa invites her for drinks with her new boyfriend, Amy opts for a non-alcoholic beer. 
“I’m driving,” she explains at Rosa’s raised eyebrows and swiftly changes the conversation. She finds out that Rosa’s boyfriend is a mechanic and they hit it off when she took her motorbike in for repair. She talks about Jake, about how he’s her favourite person in the entire world and how much she misses him (A Lot). He asks her what it’s like dating a cop and how to deal with the person you love putting themselves in danger every single day, which makes Rosa blush. Amy has never seen her blush before. 
“It’s difficult,” she says truthfully. She hates seeing her husband hurting and being thrown in prison for crimes he didn’t commit and having guns pointed at his head. It’s why she instated the short-lived ‘no dating cops’ rule, before Jake kissed her and she decided screw it. “But it’s worth it. When you really love them, it’s worth the pain. Every second.”
“That’s what I thought,” he responds, looking at Rosa the way Jake looks at Amy. 
She finishes her drink (which is so not as good as its alcoholic counterpart) and gathers her coat and purse. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds to it. See you Monday,” she directs at Rosa and “it was nice to meet you” at her boyfriend, who she has a feeling might be sticking around for a while. 
She opens up her Messages app and types out a full paragraph to Jake about how she met Rosa’s boyfriend before him and how he’s really nice and makes her blush! Rosa Disz!!! Blushing!!! She adds a gif of Jonathan Van Ness saying “can you believe?” and is about to click send when she realises his phone is on his nightstand where he left it before his mission and puts her phone back in her pocket in dismay. 
Once home, she gets changed into one of his NYPD t-shirts and climbs straight into bed, crying herself to sleep. 
She wakes up bright and early the next morning, a feat that is made significantly easier when there is no super cute husband to snuggle with. She showers, pulls on leggings and one of his plaid shirts and gets started on her Sunday Chores. Dancing around the apartment and pretending the mop is a microphone stand is a lot less fun on her own and she overcompensates, making herself dizzy and throwing up in the toilet she just cleaned. 
Without thinking, she finds herself at the bodega on the corner, staring at the selection of pregnancy tests. She grabs three of the safest looking ones and bites her lip when the guy congratulates her as she pays. She’s wasted hundreds of dollars on pregnancy tests thus far and she knows she’s definitely wasting money on these ones too. She doesn’t need congratulating for making poor financial decisions and being bad at making babies, but she thanks him anyway. 
Back at the apartment, she dumps the paper bag on the kitchen counter to deal with later. She makes a cup of tea, calls her mom and fills in The Times crossword. The paper bag screams out to her the entire time. 
Reluctantly, she removes the boxes from the bag, fully intending to put them away in the back of the bathroom cabinet, out of sight. 
A niggling voice tells her to just open one and find out. 
She has the box open and the test in her hand when her phone buzzes with a text from Holt informing her that Jake is safe and the mission is going well. 
She drops the test like it burnt her skin. 
Jake. She can’t do this without him. If she is pregnant, she’d never forgive herself for finding out without him, for stripping him of that moment they’d been dreaming of forever. 
She’s waited this long, she can wait a few more days. And she’s probably not pregnant anyway. 
She ends up waiting two more weeks. 
It’s torture. 
She’s throwing up almost daily, crying in the break room for no apparent reason and her damn period has still not come. All symptoms which could be explained away by a lack of Jake Peralta and stress (due to missing the aforementioned Jake Peralta). 
Rosa corners her in the ladies bathroom and asks if she wants her to run out for more pregnancy tests.
“I already have some at home.”
“And?” She prompts. “Did you take them? Are you pregnant?”
“I don’t know.” She tries to play it off as no big deal, but Rosa knows her pretty well these days. 
“You’ve been trying for nearly a year, there’s a chance you are finally pregnant and you haven’t taken a test?”
“I can’t -- I want to -- Jake --.”
“Oh,” it dawns on her. 
“Yeah,” Amy sighs. “I’ve been staring at the tests every night but I just can’t. Not without him.  He’d be devastated.”
“He would not be devastated if you were pregnant, Amy Santiago.” 
“You know what I mean. He’d want to be have been there. I want him to be there.”
“I guess he needs to hurry the hell up and catch the bad guys then.”
He must have heard her because, hours later, the elevator door opens and there he is, exhausted and still in his weird undercover clothes, with the biggest smile on his face. 
She practically throws herself at him and, yeah, maybe she kisses him in a not-very-work-appropriate way and maybe some of the perps in the holding cell wolf whistle and maybe Charles is crying, but he is home and she can finally take those pregnancy tests. 
Holt allows her to clock out early (she makes a mental note to buy him a glass of Charbonnay the next time they go to Shaw’s) and Jake excitedly tells her all about the case, barely taking a second to breathe.
“Sounds fun, babe,” she says when he gets to the part of the story when he handcuffed the bad guys and then made out with this super hot chick in front of all his co-workers. 
“It was awesome,” he confirms. “What about you? What have you been up to? I missed you so much.”
“Aw,” she smiles, rubbing her hand over his thigh as he drives, “I missed you so much, too. As for what I’ve been up to, I’ve mostly just been kind of sick.”
“Mm-hmm. I... um... actually think I might be pregnant.”
He swerves suddenly, nearly crashing the car. Ignoring the cars around them honking, he focuses on his wife. “Pregnant?”
“My period is nearly three weeks late, I’ve been throwing up and I’ve been extra emotional,” she debriefs him. 
“Right. OK.” He takes a deep breath. “Have you taken a test?”
“I bought three but I couldn’t take them without you. It’s kind of been killing me.”
“Yeah, I bet,” he laughs, pulling over in front of their apartment. Neither of them move. “We should probably take them now.”
“Yeah,” she agrees. 
“You nervous?”
“Yeah,” she says again. She’s lost count of how many negative tests they’ve seen, how many times she’s felt that familiar crushing disappointment. The thought of going through it all over again... 
“I understand. We can wait, if you want. Or we could rip the band-aid off, let the scab bleed all over the place. I’ll hold your hand.”
There’s this reassuring look in his eyes that she’s seen a million times over from back when they were newly-assigned partners and he was reassuring her they would solve a tough case to that time on the roof of 397 Barton Street when he said he always knew she was going to be his boss to his speech at Hitchcock’s (second) divorce party when he told her that they are a family and that they can take whatever ‘next step’ she wants because as long as they’re together, he’s happy. 
Because it’s him, she nods. “Let’s do this.” 
The wait for the timer to go off seems longer than ever. She squeezes his hand so tight she thinks she might cut off the circulation, but he doesn’t complain, just keeps talking about how they’ll be fine, no matter what the result. 
The timer eventually goes off and she picks up the test and starts crying immediately. 
Jake hugs her tight and she can feel him crying too and this is so crazy and insane and good. 
“We’re having a baby,” he says in awe and it’s the best thing Amy’s ever heard. 
“We’re having a baby!” She repeats, half-laughing, half-crying. 
She yelps as he lifts her up and spins her around their tiny bathroom before kissing her tenderly. 
“I can’t believe this,” he exclaims when he pulls away, rubbing his hand over his face, “can you?”
“Nope.” She grins, kissing him again.
140 notes · View notes
munsonsduchess · 4 years
So, I re-watched The Old Guard, again. Just like my Mag 7 re-watch I made some notes, six pages of them to be exact which is why I’m gonna drop them under the cut so I don’t clutter up anyone’s dash with my mildest of observations and all my feelings for a sad alcoholic Frenchman. 
I love how we’re introduced to everyone, Andy walking alone through Marrakesh and Booker speeding through the narrow streets on his bike. Are we supposed to think they’re strangers or do they know each other
Bookers little smile when he catches up to Andy like he’s so happy to see her again and Andy’s face lighting up to see him again too
Andy spent a fortune on a book because she knew Booker would like it. “First edition Don Quixote, that wouldn’t come cheap” “it didn’t”
“What brings you to Marrakech?” // “Family'' leave me alone I’m already sobbing
Andy honey they’ll still be able to see that picture in deleted photos but you tried and that’s what matters
Nicky and Joe!
Nicky is so happy to see Andy. That little smile. It’s adorable
“You look good” “you look ok” gentle family teasing is the best ok
It’s been a year since they saw one and other and they just love each other so much. No one touch me.
Nicky and Booker betting on the baklava and Joe just sitting there like “let him lose his money it’s fine, he won’t learn and it’s funny”
Everyone teasing Nicky for loosing and he’s just stood there like “no it’s fine ”
These are the best people for the job and Copley knows it and doesn’t care how much it will cost him. He has faith
Copley knowing Nicky is there and the little wave
Andy taking her axe with her. I love that axe
Just a group of immortals walking through the desert with swords and guns nothing to see here
“Peace be with you” those catholic teachings never quite leave
“It’s a trap!”
That has got to hurt. Those guys emptied full clips into them. Like I get the need to do a job and do it well but come on guys that’s overkill
This is what women want. Andy and her axe
Nicky still having faith there are girls
The picture on Copley’s desk. Like if you knew why did you have to go through this bullshit?
Andy has lived too long and seen too much
Like I know now that Booker knew what was happening or maybe he didn’t know the extent of it but him saying sorry did feel genuine
Andy is just all kinds of done. She didn’t want to do the job in the first place
Nile proving that yes you can be in a strange place and you can serve your country but you don’t have to be a dick about it
“Keep it respectful”
She made an effort to learn the language and learn the customs which goes a long way to establish trust
How traumatic must this have been for Nile? She always knew there was a possibility of being injured in combat or worse never coming home but to be injured so fatally and have your friend hold your life in their hands only to come back and be rejected because you’re an anomaly. A freak
Goes a long way to explain Booker’s feelings too
Nicky and Joe sleeping in the train car is something that is obviously so normal for couples and goes such a long way to show people how ‘normal’ queer people are
“What did you see?” “Part of a name tag” thanks Booker that’s helpful
“I felt her die”
“Everything happens for a reason boss”
Booker didn’t want to go after Nile. He didn’t want her involved
Nicky pushing for them to go after Nile. The emotional centre of the group, appealing to their own experiences and feelings from their first times
Andy is not happy and I can understand how she feels. Given their current situation bringing an unknown element into the mix is only going to complicate everything
“I know I saw her die”
No scarring. Nothing to suggest that anything happened to Nile
The seeds of doubt already growing amongst Nike’s friends and allies
Merrick looks like he should have been a doctor who villain who got his shit kicked in by Donna
Copley you asshole what did you think was gonna happen? They were just gonna get clips emptied into their bodies and let the mercs walk away? Use your big boy brain
Nile trying to come to terms with what happened to her. Everyone around her looking at her with suspicion. Even her Sargent who’s sending her away from more tests
The hostility in the barracks. The fact that her things are already packed.
Everyone knows what happened. Nile has never been more alone just like Nicky said
Trying to drown out the noise of the world and decompress and understand what happened“
But you can call me Andy”
Just casually steals a military transport. Nbd
MA’AM PLEASE I AM ALREADY GAY. Riding around in a tank top and shades like that is not helping
“These damn kids” 
Zero hesitation in shooting Nile. This is a woman who has run out of every kind of fuck
“Why does it always have to be so goddamn slow the first couple of times?”
“You shot me” “yes honey now back in the car
”Andy might think she’s cold and heartless and only here to do a job but you can see how much she already cares about what happens to Nile
Soldiers. Fighters. Family
You know what I’m really glad they didn’t make Andy’s tank top skin tight or moulded to show off her body. That isn’t how she rolls
Andy is so proud that Nile stabbed her. Look at that smile
!Nile already having the makings of a plan within minutes of stepping onto the plane
Andy just like “god isn’t real, I’m real though and people thought I was god”
I wonder how many nights the group sat up until the wee hours discussing things like theology. Andy who was worshiped as a god. Nicky and Joe who fought in a holy war for their beliefs and Booker who probably had his own feelings on the subject 
Andy being so chill about the crash. The best poker face
It was a good try Nile and look Andy is proud of you!
The smile on Andy’s face when she’s fighting with Nile gives me so much serotonin
Soft Andy. Who had to be tough to teach a lesson
Poor Nile. Coming to terms with what she is and the fact that she might never see her family again
Family dinner time!
Awkward family dinner time
Nicky and Joe staring at each each other with their puppy dog eyes “we’re meant to find each other”
Then Booker and Andy like “misery loves company”
Everyone’s just like “awh Nicky and Joe are so cute”
Andy reliving the people she’s fought with and lost
Booker knows just how much ‘help’ talking to ones family about the situation is
Booker do not put your finger on the trigger of your gun when it’s still in your trousers! You might be immortal but that’s gonna hurt a lot more
Oh no. Quynh.
Andy’s face. I can’t
Joe in tears telling the story“
Before me and Nicky it was just the two of them”
Booker knowing exactly how it feels to hang there for hours and not die or dying and coming back time and time again. Knowing how Quynh and Andy must have felt
I cannot imagine what it must have been like for Andy. To be with someone for so long. The only other person who understands you. To be ripped apart like that
“Why do you blame yourself” that’s not a nice question to ask people
The big emotional talk with Andy and Nile in the churchyard being interrupted by the gunfire
Andy being so afraid Booker wouldn’t come back and delegating to Nile who just accepts her orders
“Welcome back asshole” / “it feels like someone was dancing on my chest”
The banter
Nicky being banished to the table in the corner after 2006 is my favourite headcanon
“Wait for my signal” Andy is more pissed than ever at the people coming after her family
“Big wounds take longer to heal” Nile as a millennial presses x to doubt
The sheer emotion in Andy’s eyes as she fights. The tears. She’s doing this for her family.
Will I ever stop harping on about found family in this show? No I will not“
How can you even tell what the signal is?” One explosion later “oh wait nvm”
The wound on Andy’s shoulder probably doesn’t even feel like anything with the amount of adrenaline
The van. These two“
What is he your boyfriend?” Stanzas of Arabic poetry later, “he’s not my boyfriend he’s all and he’s more”
Nicky and Joe Horny on Main all day every day
These cocky little shits “can you remove the chains? no? ok”“
There’s a TV Joe!” “Champagne?” it’s not a field trip boys
“I used to keep my stuff here” in an abandoned mine she found in the 1150s or that’s when she thinks she found it
Nile being amazed by Andy’s ‘stuff’
Booker meanwhile makes a joke at the expense of his sister
Merrick really should have been a doctor who villain honestly. The grand gesturing the weird mood swings. He could have been great in a two part episode and then had to reckon with Donna
Donna Noble is my favourite companion don’t @ me
Copley beginning to have second thoughts on everything
Andy realising only now that she hasn’t healed from the fight in the church“
Just because we keep living doesn’t mean we stop hurting” I have a lot of Booker feelings ok“
I thought you were the brains of this outfit” oh honey no
Bookers family. Oh no.
No but really how hard must it have been for Booker. To know that his son, his baby was suffering from cancer such an awful disease all the whole cursing his father for being selfish, uncaring, cursing Booker and Booker can’t do anything about it. He’s immortal, he heals, disease will never ravage his body, but he can’t share it with his son. He can only sit and watch as death claims everyone he’s ever loved. Living with the fact that his family despised him at the end of their lives because they didn’t understand that his immortality is a curse.
I have a lot of Booker feels don’t @ me
The pharmacy girl though. Helping just because she could
Reaffirming the reason why Andy started to help people in the first place
A selfless act. A purely good deed. Nothing expected in return. An unselfish act
Andy’s wound and Lykon’s death causing Andy to come to terms with her own mortality
Merrick “prosperity data” and Copley “I’m sorry those are people not objects”
Nicky is not here for your bullshit
Malta Sex Vacation ™
Family bonding time with Nile and Andy
Andy “whatever it takes” and Nile “not on my watch”
So what I want to know is obviously Booker was in on it from the beginning but did actively derail Andy looking into Copley after Joe and Nicky were taken or was he just genuinely having a hard time
Nile prioritising her flesh and blood family and Andy totally understanding because she’s doing this for family too“
You and me Book. Now and always” my heart can’t cope
Nile finding the empty clip. Realising what’s about to happen and going back for her new family because as much as she loves her flesh and blood family this one matters to her as well
Meanwhile Copley I guess got a tip off from Booker (?) and knew this was all going down
The conspiracy wall
Booker you bastard why did you shoot her in the back?
I love this man but god damn
Booker wanting to be ‘normal’ because the memory of being rejected is still so raw
Suicidal tendencies in a 200 year old man
They’re both so upset by the whole thing. The betrayal
Book loves this woman with all his heart and soul. This is the woman who saved him and now she isn’t healing. She’s dying
Booker putting up so much of a fight so they wouldn’t take Andy
“I’m sorry Andy I’m sorry”
You might disagree with me but in my mind Booker never meant to hurt anyone. He didn’t want to be a lab rat. Didn’t want anyone else to be a lab rat. He just wanted to be ‘normal’“
All things die”
“Your time is coming” // “As is yours” Nicky is gonna fuck someone up
“I’m new” says Nile after shooting herself in the foot to make a point
Copley’s conspiracy wall or his fanboy wall for all the good Andy, Booker, Joe and Nicky have done
Copley’s grief at losing his wife being the driving factor for handing the group over to Merrick is tragic and heart breaking and just goes to show how much of a human story this really is
Nile said no guns Copley
Nile is here to save her family
“Those three men in there and I we’ll keep you safe” // Nile coming in guns blazing for them instead
Joe is going to kill Booker himself
“You and Nicky always had each other. All we had was our grief”
Everyone being so surprised to see Nile like “what the fuck?”“
Just leave me here” // “No man left behind”
Meanwhile Joe is fine with just leaving Booker right there to be the last lab rat
The groups concern for Andy who’s always been so strong
The concern. The subtle little head nods Andy does to let them know she’s ok
Andy spies an axe
Joe being so concerned for Nicky and making sure he comes back ok
Nicky immediately scrambling to his feet to go and help Andy
“What happened in 1934?” // “1834”
“Wait for the signal” “like the last one?” “Go big or go home!”
Arguing over who goes first and Andy just “if it doesn’t work our next time you can go first”
And there’s your signal
“You shot Nicky” Joe is not messing around when it comes to his other half“
You ok?” // “Everything hurts”
Andy has been immortal for so long she’s lost all sense of feeling human. Then Nile shows up to do just that. Remind her
Merrick calling Nile selfish like I’m sorry you entitled little shit what did you say“
Do you think he speaks Russian?”
That one must have hurt
Nicky and Joe just like “wow the new girl is hardcore”
“Faster than the elevator”
Gotta save Andy’s axe
Nicky sits in the middle which is the actual worst place to sit in a car
Do you think they al rocked up to a hotel covered in blood like “don’t ask just give us a room and a shower”
Joe still seething at Booker through the pub window
Nile having to live with the fact that her family will never know what really happened to her. That they’ll all think she was KIA and whatever body they send back won’t be hers
The 100 year naughty step
I love that Nile was gonna let Booker off with an apology like “he didn’t mean it he’s just a sad alcoholic”
Nobody look at me. Ok. Andy and Booker saying goodbye on the shore. I can’t. This is it. This is the scene that breaks me
“I won’t see you again” // “Have a little faith Book”
Joe really wants to hit Booker. Probably did in the interim
The big picture“
Maybe this is the why Andy”
Andy laying down the law and Joe in the background like “yeah this isn’t a request”
Meanwhile in Paris. Booker is tired and just wants a drink
I am a fan of the scruff though
If that’s water Quynh definitely brought it in herself for The Drama ™
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pixie88 · 4 years
Bad Decision
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Chapter 4 - Our Little Secret.
A/N: Queen B fanfiction. I’m currently editing and adding all  my FF to my new account. All being added to my pinned masterlist on my profile. Let me know if you would like to be tagged! 
Find previous chapters HERE under Queen B - Our Little Secret.
Word count: 1757
WARNINGS: ⚠️ Some adult language & Angst
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Pixelberry.
Pairings: Ian x MC - Lyla.
"Lillian, I can explain" Ian tells her "How can any explanation make the fact you are sleeping with a student make this right? Ian, this is wrong on so many levels! Do you not care about your career?" she asks him.
I close the door, Ian turns to me for help "Lillian, I understand this looks bad but I promise this isn't how it started. When we first met I had no idea he was my professor nor did he know I was his student" "So when you did find out why didn't you stop it Ian?" Lillian asks him.
"Lillian, I tried, but the more I denied myself the more I wanted. I love Lyla, I'm even moving to a different university, so I can be with her without any repercussions" " So, you tried? It doesn't look like you tried very hard Ian! What do you two fuck between classes? I bet Lyla is an A class student in your class she has to be considering she's fucking her professor. Ian, how can you be so reckless?" Ian face turns to annoyance.
Lillian, Stop! I will not have you talk about or to Lyla like that! Yes, I have been reckless, but that is from my own doing!" Lillian face soften "Ian, I'm sorry! I just don't want this to blow up in your face and end your career you worked so hard for" (Lillian is right, I can't let Ian risk his career for me. At least not while he's still working here).
"Ian, your sister is right, maybe we should cool it until you start your new job. I can't risk you losing everything for me. So, I think it is best that you find a new TA for the rest of your time here. I'll see you in class." I put the graded essays on the small coffee table.
I go to leave the room, but I feel an arm on my shoulder "Lyla, No! Don't do this!" I turn to face him, his eyes are sad "Ian, I don't want to, but we have to," I see Lillian giving me an agreeing nod to the side of Ian.
"We can still carry on in secret, no one will know" his eye pleading with me (I have to tell him about Poppy) "Someone found out!" I tell him, and he pulls away "You're lying! You're just saying that, so I agree to take a break." "Ian, I wish I was, but I'm not. Poppy found out about us she had photo's of us. She was going to use them to blackmail me, but I managed to delete every copy she had and burn the paper ones. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I didn't want you to be a part of my mess" he gives me those puppy dog eyes I can't resist.
"Lyla, You should have told me. We could've dealt with that together" I smile "As much as I love you being my knight in shining armour, this was my mess" "No Lyla, It was our mess. You should've told me." he cups my face.
"I know, but so we don't have this problem again, I think we cool it just until you no longer my professor!" he lets go of my face, turns away from me and takes a seat behind his desk.
"Ian, I know it must be hard, but it makes sense and it's only for a few weeks. I think what Lyla is doing is very noble" she smiles at me.
"If that's all Lyla you may go. I'll get a new TA sorted from tomorrow." he doesn't look at me. I leave his office deflated. (Get a grip 8 weeks aren't that long).
2 Weeks later, I have only seen Ian in class I avoid being the first one there so it isn't awkward or at least any more awkward than Ian has made it. Ian avoids my eyes in every lesson and ignores me around campus. He got a new TA 2 days after I told him to get a new one.
I'm not sure Tony seems up to the job as Ian stressed when ever he's around. Ian's class has ended and I'm getting my stuff together to leave when I hear "Ian! It's so good to see you again" I look up to see Lexi approaching Ian's desk at the front of the class.
I hear his husky tone as I make my way to the end of the aisle to leave the classroom "Lexi, you're early" I reach the door when I hear her reply, "Oh, I thought maybe we could have a few drinks before Richard and Annie arrive" (Argh I need a drink and also a bath tub to drown Lexi in).
I send a quick text to Zoe asking if she was free tonight, but she has a lot of studying to catch up on so would probably spend the night in the library.
(Looks like your on your own tonight Lyla).
After I head home to change I found myself outside The Base Lounge a new club that opened last week. I make my way inside and take a seat at the bar and order a passion fruit martini.
After I don't know how many martinis I pull out my phone. I want to text Ian but I shouldn't, but I go against my better judgement.
[Hi Ian, I hope yuo are having a dreadful time on your date with Lexi!]
[You* Whoops]
PING (5 Minutes later)
[Lyla, I am not on a date with Lexi. We are just having dinner with a few colleagues.]
I laugh nearly falling off the bar stool.
[I bet that's not how she sees it. Now you're free for the making.]
[Wait that's still not right taking*]
PING (3 Minutes later)
[Lyla, No one is going to take me. You said it was for the best!]
[That was sober Lyla's idea. She's stupid!! I dom't like her!]
PING (2 Minutes later)
[Lyla, Are you drunk?]
[Well duh! Come on progessor you have a degree. I thought that was obvious!]
PING (1 Minute later)
[Maybe you should get your friends to take you home to sober up!]
[ Haha, I would but Zoey was busy]
PING (50 seconds later)
[You're by yourself??]
[You know for a professor you are pretty dumb. Of courses I'm by myself if Zoey isn't here. I'm going to walk home after I have been for a pee. Do you know this place has shared toilets! I know it's new but that's just weird right?]
PING (30 Seconds later)
[No need to shout. Well text shout haha. No I'm fine. I can walk. I'll see you in class tomorrow]
I hear my phone continuously ping and ring, but I ignore it and I make my way out of the club. I start walking in the direction I think my dorm is in.
(I feel like I've been walking forever, everything is spinning, Oh no I'm going to...) I run over to the nearest bin and puke. Once I've stopped I clean myself open with a tissue I have in my bag. (Not my classiest moment) "Are you ok?" I look up to find some guy with long black hair staring at me.
(Oh my god, I have hair envy) "Wow, I love your hair!" He smiles "Thanks, but are you ok?" "Yes, I am fine frank you, I mean thank you" "Are you on your way home?" I look at him confused.
(Oh god, he's one of these weirdos that bury young girls under his driveway) "STRANGER DANGER!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I move away from Mr. Perfect Hair. "Stay away from me" he seems shocked "No! Look, I was just checking you were ok. I did mean to scare you" I still back away from him.
"Keep away from me," I shout at him again. I hear a car pull up, the headlights light us up I turn I can't see who it is but because the light is blinding me but I soon recognize the voice.
"Lyla, there you are" Ian comes into view "I've been looking everywhere for you!" he turns to Mr. Perfect Hair "Can I help you?" Ian asks him. "I was just checking she was ok when I saw her throwing up in the bin over there then the mad cow started screaming stranger danger. She's fucking nuts mate." (Everything after that happened in slow motion) Ian squares Mr. Perfect Hair straight in the jaw.
He runs off and Ian takes my hand and leads me to his car.
He gets into the driver's seat, he seems angry "Are you ok Ian?" his jaw tenses "Ian, I said are yo..." "I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID, LYLA!" he shouts, "Excuse you!" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout, but you have no idea how worried I was about you!" "Ian, I'm ok!" "You might not have been! Why would you put yourself in danger like that?" "I wanted a drink and no one was free, Plus I was jealous!" I turn away from him.
"Jealous?" he asks I roll my eye "Yes, jealous of Lexi being able to be seen out in public with you and just in your company," he looks over to me with soft eyes "Lyla, This was your idea. I was happy to keep seeing you in secret, but you decided it was best." "Now I don't think it's best. Ian, I miss you," he quickly looks over to me with a smile before returning his eyes to the road.
"I have to admit I've missed you terribly, but you need to figure out what you want!" "Ian, it's you! I want you. I can't wait 6 more weeks, it's killing me now" I see him smirk.
He takes my hand and pulls it to his lips before placing a small kiss against my knuckles "I want you to, Lyla. But if we are going to do this we need to be careful, very careful! No one can know!" "Of course!" "Not even Lillian!" "Ok, but if we are trying to be careful for the next 6 weeks I don't think you should be seen dropping me at my dorm" "Where shall I drop you home?" I grin.
"At your place Professor!" I wink.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 5.
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ssixa · 4 years
Chance Encounter//Mark Tuan x Y/N
Description: Walking into the night shift at the hospital proves to keep you on your toes. Nights are left to the universe so you can only hope that tonight will be decent. What happens when you find out that one of your patients is THE Mark Tuan from GOT7? how do you try to deal with the chaos erupting from this chance encounter? and how many times do you have to tell yourself that you love your job?
Genre: fluff, slight cringe, idol au
Pairing: Black Fem Reader x Mark Tuan (though I will say there isn’t much description of black characteristics)
Word count: 995 words
Warning: explicit language
A/n: yet again I’m working and uploading this while I’m in the middle of lecture. Nothing crazy to add though. Ngl that I’m actually kinda satisfied with how the collage turned out this time.
*All pic collages are made by me unless I state otherwise. Individual pictures in the collage are not mine and I give credit to where credit is due.
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Chapter Four
A whole week passes by and it was just as uneventful and repetitive. My life is really basic, all I ever do is work and go back home (until school starts, then it’s just school, work, and home). I attend my other part time job and deal with a bunch of Karens (both male and female) who refuse to wear their masks, getting asked a lot of questions that I have no idea how to answer, so and so forth. The weeks always pass by quickly since all I do is work, so I wasn’t surprised that at a blink of an eye, I’m back at the hospital. Nothing different happens when walking into work at the hospital...well accept for almost tripping over air walking out of the parking deck. We’re not gonna talk about it.
When I reach the front desk, one of the nurses gets my attention,
“Hey y/n, there’s a note here left for you. Must be from the manager” she mentions. I’m not that taken back since the manager has left notes for me before. I walk to the desk and grab the slip. Like always, my name graces the front of the folded paper. I open it and start reading,
“Dear y/n,
I was hoping that I would have the chance to keep in contact with you after our short, yet memorable, encounter. Though I can’t promise we would ever cross paths I decided to just not leave everything up to chance (you don’t seem like the sappy type to believe in such shit). Anyways, hope to hear from you soon!
Love, your soon to be favorite member, Mark”
I couldn’t believe it, Mark wrote me the sweetest little letter AND he left me his kakao contact. Is that even allowed? Won’t he get in trouble? Maybe his manager gave him permission, but even then it’s such a big risk. Forget it, this is probably one of the best things that has ever happened in my life.
Though the anticipation is there, I wasn’t able to contact Mark until Monday morning. Yes, I know, over twenty four hours, but it was torture not being able to message Mark for that long. Both the shifts were ridiculously crazy and by the time I got home all I wanted to do was sleep. When Monday morning rolled around, I added Mark’s contact and spent a little too long pondering on what my first message should be. Then it came to me, why am I freaking out about this when we’ve met before and have held full conversations with each other, this shouldn’t be difficult. Ok, here we go,
“Hi...it’s y/n, um, your tech” I message.
“Who is this? I think you have the wrong contact” the reply came only after a few minutes that felt like hours.
“Oh god he doesn’t remember, wow, I guess it was all just too good to be true” I think-panic to myself.
“OMG I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT HAHAHAHA!!” Mark replied. I could just imagine him laughing hysterically by himself. I really hate him.
“I hate you so much Mark Tuan.” I surely hope he sensed my anger through that message.
“Oh, no more mr. Tuan? I kinda liked it” I sense the smirk through the message.
“You lost the privilege once you stopped being a patient Mark, you weirdo” I message back.
“Ooo with the insults, I thought we were more than just patient and tech” Mark replies. My heart sped up a little, but then I realized who I was talking to.
“Well I thought you were just a patient who got bored and I happened to be an easy target?” I sassed.
“Fair enough, well how about this, ‘y/n the tech’ will you be my friend?” Mark asks.
“Oh c’mon y/n, pplllleeeaasseee” Mark begs. Oh do I like the sound of that. He’s always teasing me so even if this is a fake beg, I’ll still take it.
“Oh fine, yes Mark, we can officially be friends” I reply.
“Unfortunately I only just got off of work and I don’t think I can stay up much longer” I mentioned.
“Awe really? Well I understand. Get some rest, don’t forget to dream of me” he replies with a winking emoji.
“Trust me, if I could control my dreams I would much rather choose my bias than you’re annoying ass” I reply sassily.
“Ooooo~ so you have a mouth on you too. You’re just full of surprises huh? But imma have to tell JB that, I bet he would be happy to hear it coming straight from a fan’s mouth...well...kinda” he said with a slyness.
“I really hate when I type faster than my brain processes, I’m going to regret this later won’t I?” I reply with a sigh
“Oh most definitely, but don’t worry I won’t tell him. We’re friends right? I don’t want to start off on a bad foot” he said with confidence
“Well aren’t you sweet, hahaha but really thanks. I would much prefer to be friends with all the boys. I’m really not over how I’ve gotten to talk to all of you and even be able to call you my friend. Hopefully we can all get closer...wow that sounds cheesy, sorry” I message with my heart on my sleeve. Wow, I’m really making myself vulnerable with him. I definitely know I’m going to regret that.
“I’m glad we got to meet each other too even if the circumstances were a bit hard. Who knew I would run into ‘fan turn to friend’ in the most unlikely of places...btw didn’t you say you were going to sleep? That was like an hour ago?” he mentions
“My new friend?” he continues,
“Sleep well beautiful”
“*message deleted*”
“Sleep well dummy”
A/N: thanks for reading chapter 4! sorry that this isn’t the traditional way of doing text message convos when you’re writing them, but hopefully it still makes sense. 
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