#ok its 8 am i need sleep lol
dawnbreakersgaze · 3 months
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He's so pretty and his tits are so nice 😩🥺
I still don't have the second card yet but good God I'm gonna kiss whoever decided to give us this story.
I love you, random InFold writer(s). I love you so much rn. And that's not just the delirium from no sleep talking 🫠🥹
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I made a tier list...
please make your own!! I need to see boomer nations opinions on our man!!!! I know the tiers are actually so vile so change them if you desire :)))
OK so my quick blurb on why they are their!! (working worst to best)
28. Identity Crisis #5 - HE WOULD KILL ME FOR THE FUN OF IT. It did bring about the most random rivalry between Tim drake’s fandom and boomer's which is very funny
27. Black Lantern - Oh no… he's back… like a boomerang. Ate his own son... RIP…. L skill issue
26. Sliver Age - Would actually call me a slur and say that I don't deserve rights. He would hate crime me and then solicit me for sex. He looks like he's wearing a dress… what a pretty lady.
25. Flash TV Show - EWWWWWWWW, he though he ate...
24. DC Online - He looks like he would punch me in face at a NYC bus stop
23. White Lantern - Don't look at me like that… stop. He's back from the dead like a boomerang?? Something about most of the New 52 boomerangs don't hit the same. the bride all in white :’)
22. Young Justice - Gave me the ick. You might be thinking... he looks identical to SS hell to pay, why is he down here?? Great question… HE WAS SO CREEPY TO ONE OF THE GIRLS IN YOUNG JUSTICE….. WHO IS A MINOR!
21. Injustice Movie - Just because your in the background… doesn't save you from this list!!!
20. New 52 - Ok he's kinda hot if you look through your peripherals…Why are you wearing skinny jeans… you millennial
19. Harley Quinn TV Show - He's fine… just fine. “We’ll stack out bingo… Boomer loves an older woman” NO HE MUST LOVE ME! I AM VERY VERY MATURE FOR MY AGE
18. Flash: Sins of the Father - Can you please stop talking in the 3rd person… you are starting to sound crazy.
17. Most Wanted - I know jack shit about him. That's probably because he is barely in a comic issues THATS NAMED AFTER HIM!
16. Flash Point Paradox - His fight scene actually ate. I'm a sucker for Boomer being with the Rogues. If cyborg can take his belt off… so can I
15. Suicide Squad 2021 - Wow they somehow gave him even less lines than his first movie. 1. He doesnt look like boomer. 2. His accent is so bad… and hes AUSTRALIAN 3. His acting low key kinda mid 4. They killed off two of the only OG suicide squad members they had on the cast 5. He dies in the first 20min and in the most disrespectful way
14. Suicide Squad 2016 - The only good thing to come from this man is the fanfiction he brought. THIS FUCKING MOVIE MADE HIM A CANON BRONY WHICH I CAN NOT FORGIVE. GET THIS OUT OF MY SMUT BEFORE FREAK THE FUCK OUT >:( Fuck him and pinky too, you son of a bitch!!!! (its not that serious lol... i just want him to stop fucking a toy horse... please guys)
13. This Goober Alien Guy - I know nothing. He just kinda showed up… and I'm not mad just a little confused. He looks like he needs a hot chocolate and a hug :)))) 
12. Lego Batman Movie - Low key an icon. What I would do to get my hands on one of these sets… I would come close to killing someone for it
11. DC Lego Super Villains - If he wasn't Lego I would propose (Shane Dawson style) Once again what I would do for the very discontinued Lego set tie in…
10. Batman: Brave and The Bold - Those cheekbones could cut someone. Why are you wear a mini skirt… take it off ;)
9. Suicide Squad (comic) - Yes I know he was drinking and driving but he's not real so it doesn't count!!! The beginning of the Boomer Mobile! THE GAP TOOTH DUDE!
8. Justice League Unlimited S1 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ok the hairline is… bad…. But so is mine twin!! I LOVE THAT THEY GAVE HIM PROPER CLOTHES AND NOT RAGS DUDE
7. Agent of Oz - is this picture is my school profile pic...yes… and??HE'S COVERED IN BLOOD AND IM GIGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Stjepan Sejic's Boomer - Choke hold and choke me...  I want to hear his voice but he can't break his mewing streak…The ungodly things I would let him do to me
5. Dark: Apocalypse War - Constantine! Boomer! GIRLS! GIRLS!! ILL SLEEP WITH BOTH OF YOU!!! I was not expecting him in this movie so I started to freak out when he showed up DUDE. PLEASE LET ME SIT ON IT
4. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay - I'm a ride he wouldn't survive… I DONT HAVE WORDS TO DECRIBE HOW I FEEL DUDE… I WOULD DO ANYTHING HE ASKED FOR NO JOKE. Dead on the floor
3. Justice League Unlimited S2 - The glow up in REAL... had me on my hands and knees as a 3rd grader… and still on my knees today. I have never wanted someone to fuck me in the back alleyway of a shit bar so bad in my life
2. Batman: Assault on Arkham - The one that started it all… he is the reason I am this way. no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom BUT GREG ELLIS IS PUBLIC ENIME NUMDER ONE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!!
1. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - I AM GNAWING ON THE IRON BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!!!!! He has it all, the face, the VOICE, the look, the character!!!!! It is hands down the most consistently good representation of captain boomerang out their… and its canon that's he has a big dick :D I would sell my first born to get one night…
Thank you all for reading this word vom, I am sick in the head <3
if any of the comic issues are off or something please let me know :)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make your our and tag me!! i need to see them <3<3<3
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hibiscussoupbowl · 4 months
Some characters in teen wolf are very 50 50 for me and some of those characters are malia, kira, allison, and derek. Most of them are females and that is bc the writers put all of their best into lydia.
Kira is one of the main characters that i dont like and that is bc how she was introduced was very weird. Eavesdropping on a convo and then just being like 'yeah those dreams mean ur gonna die :D' like sorry bro that is NOT the way to go if ur trying to make friends. I think the ppl who screwed her over the most was the writers bc i feel like if she was just a character on her own she wouldve been fine but it felt like she was there purely for scott. I get it, tv shows need romance most of the time but scott is never single ever. Like maybe s3a?? And even then its still sorta allison. Kiras scenes with malia were so good and i thought when they were dancing in the first ep of s4 i was like i think this would be a good dynamic. And in s5 when she has to capture the electricity or whatevrr malias there and shes giving her encouragement and i thought that was awesome. I feel like bc they made her there just bc of scott it made me iffy abt her character. Shes a kitsune who has lightning powers u couldnt give her some scenes were she wasnt with scott or doing stuff by herself??
Allison is another case like this. She has such good moments when its just her archery and doing stuff by herself or with lydia. S3a shes being herself and shes finding stuff out and still having to deal with ppl sorta dustrusting her bc she was an antagonist at the end of s2 and i think its annoying that they put isaac there as a love interest. Isaac and allison as separate characters or a dynamic?? Amazing. Awesome. But making them so sexual tension wasnt fun bc a. Allison was mainly using isaac as a rebound and b. when she was dying she was just all like scott its been you all along and that fine first love but to isaac??? That shit is painful af like imagine ur being kinda with a girl and then u think ok finally someone loves me finally someone is in the same boat of ppl being distrusting but then she dies and not even a glance? Idk just felt bad. Allison was so close bc when she was on her own she had such good scenes and i wish she had more archery scenes and ones with lydia. It was also like the parallel u couldve gotten with isaac and allison fighting together or smt???? Like with the end of s2 with allison shooting down all of the wherewolves and then s3b and shes fighting WITH them???? Like bro wasted potential.
Malia is just a character a 50 50 chaarcter cuz there is some questionable things she does but shes pretty cool with the whole 8 years coyote thing and with being blunt but idk i think i just am 50 50 on her lol
Lydia is the absolute best bc omfg she had some dating but overall she mostly figured stuff out herself and she had good sideplots with being a banshee and i thought her ajd parrish havibg that weird... smt was not needed but i did like the aspect of before she found out abt her sonar scream she needed to learn how to fight and i think it woldve been cool if they were not freaking tension filled. She was a strong character and they def put everything into her bc holy crap. Idk to me shes a big 10/10 character.
Derek is just freaking annoying man. Like sleeping with the enemy so many times? And he also never has smt besides a family problem or smt abt the person hes sleeping with. I was also kinda annoyed abt how isaac leaving after derek throws the glass never gets resolved. I feel like he also doesnt grow as a character much. Like two seasons hes like my sister died my uncle did it and family fire and my ex is the one who caused most of this and then s3 and its i slept with the enemy and my sisters back somehow after the family fire that my other ex caused and then s4 is braedens season and she was again so cool as a character on her OWN nd then the inly interesting thing was that he needed to learn how to use a gun. And then s5 he was barely there and s6 he was barely there so he didnt have growth i feel like. Not to say he wasnt hella funny at times
They all had good moments though like malias plot abt her mother was interesting (even if i couldnt really follow along) and kiras whole skinwalker thing which i was disapointed abt bc i wanted her to stay for s6.
They also make ALL the female characters be romantic with scott of least ONCE. Lydia kissed him, allison, kira, malia (which i thought was weird that they just, got rid of that in the movie and developed it in like 20 episodes and was rushed as hell) and then allison again. Please give me a character that isnt somehow drawn to scott i beg
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transboysokka · 5 months
Tell us about your extensive list of injuries!
ok this is probably why my body is so shitty now lol
like idk if this is A Lot but also the doctor i had my whole time in America's philosophy was "give it time and your body will heal it" and idk if it was him or my shitty dad who just like didn't know about physical therapy lol but yeah
feel free to use any of this as fanfic inspo lmao
I don't think anything here is TOO graphic but, y'know, take care of yourselves
I was BORN with a broken collarbone because i was... 10.5 pounds as a baby? Couldn't fit through the hole lolol like i guess the DELIVERY took 2.5 hours
this isn't an injury but feels like it belongs here... i have a bleeding disorder so when i was a kid between like 3-5 years old i'd get these TERRIBLE nosebleeds that, no lie, would fill up a bath towel. so i had two nose cauterizations when i was 5 and 6. so. surgery.
Many many ankle sprains lol
In... Grade 8? I broke BOTH of my ankles at the same time bc i tried to jump hurdles in track AFTER having already pulled a muscle. so i landed terribly wrong... lol they had me doing shot put the rest of the season bc that was the only thing i didnt have to move my legs so much doing
somehow i think... i was mostly okay through high school... somehow? (maybe not i dont remember a lot of high school lol)
ok so in college i worked at this Religiously Traumatizing summer camp and i did all the like Carrying Heavy Stuff Around jobs but i slipped in the mud from standing height and slammed RIGHT down on my right knee and i swear i landed on a rock or something? yeahhhhh that's my most fucked up one still, it NEVER healed right and actually the way they had me using crutches for that one really messed up my OTHER knee too
about... 6 years ago right before i moved to asia i worked in construction sales (fucking loved that job, i was so buff driving forklifts and tossing around bags of cement) and i was lifting a 14-foot 4x6 WET pressure-treated beam, so we're talking like... idk that's gotta be 30kg, am i exaggerating? (on my own, as I probably shouldn't have done) over my head and DROPPED IT ON MY FACE. HUGE laceration and concussion
ANYWAY i was sleeping in my sister's top bunk at the time lmao and so the next morning I FELL OUT OF IT AND LANDED ON THE SAME DAMN LEFT COLLARBONE I BROKE AS A BABY. snapped the thing clean in half. waited a month for it to heal on its own, it didnt, and i needed surgery for them to break it again and fix it. I still have the plate and screws in there. but now that whole area is kind of fucked muscle-wise too
OH i almost forgot i got in a scooter accident a few months ago, major head injury there. like passed out for 10 minutes kind of head injury! but also i cut my finger like right down to the bone so that was... fun to heal...
so yeah... is it a lot? idk lol but that's all of them i think
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mugiwara--ya · 7 months
heyyy hi a little life/med update !!
ive been super super busy these past couple weeks w a ton of socialization etc and ngl i think i burned myself out lol last night after we got back home from a con (and the bar stop after it) i had a massive shutdown that lasted hours and im still reeling from it, but ANYWAYS!! med update med update wooo
so! on top of the lifesaving bupropion ive been taking all year & the eszopiclone for sleep i finally !! got put on something for my ocd, lets give it up for fluoxetine to join my beautiful, beautiful cocktail, mwah 💖💝💗💕💞💓
i know it supposedly takes a few weeks to fully Work but im already feeling a MASSIVE difference right off the bat, like yesterday i was at the mall and i ✨ touched the escalator's handrail ✨ i was literally so excited i kept looking at my hand going yoooooo im DOING it im making it HAPPEN like even my friends congratulated me on it kdsfjhakjg it felt silly but massive at the same time lol and of course i still immediately disinfected my hands but the important thing is that I Did It
and idk its like!!! i knew it was BAD like especially these past few months its been just. VIOLENTLY out of control but god the absolute relief ive been feeling is making me feel like i was still grossly underestimating it, it had completely taken over my life. right now its like, i encounter any random trigger and i brace myself for the anxiety spiral to come and then it DOESN'T and its so ??? like i still have The Thought but then i just go "ok" and dismiss it like an annoying notification and thats IT, while the last time i was on therapy i literally described my ocd as having hundreds of those cymbal-banging monkey toys of different sizes just sitting there in my brain Waiting and every single time i got triggered one of them would start losing its absolute shit - for example if im at the supermarket, on top of the everything about existing as an autistic person at the supermarket, thered be like a dozen of them constantly going ALERT ALERT CONTAMINATION CONTAMINATION EEK EEK DANGER DANGER BANG BANG BANG- and now the monkeys r GONE. get turned into mostly-dismissable phone notifs, idiots !!!!!!!!!
the only monkey im willingly keeping!!!!! is the low poly 3d model of monkey d. luffy constantly rotating in my brain <3 kfngskjdfs
also like i still do like, say, my cleaning rituals when i get back home, but idk i just. i feel Normal about it?? like calmly wiping my phone bc phones r Gross and not bc i literally see a green film of Germs And Various Pathogens enveloping it lol. anddd i havent been attacked by violent intrusive thoughts in a minute !! lets see if it stays that way. im generally super sensitive to medications too so im on low doses of everything and i wanna keep it like that lol so heres to hoping it keeps goin like this so i dont have to up my dose 8)
uhh thats about it ! having a bit of Personal Issues tm at the moment tho but im so relieved abt my ocd i kinda have the bandwidth to deal with them lol. i prolly jus need some sleep quiet and to not be perceived by anyone for a solid week.
in other lighter and unrelated news my queue is completely empty rn so it'll be just a liiiittle quiet around here for a bit but ! yeah. also i just watched the latest op anime episode and urhgrhghrghrgh it was so good hhh <3333 so yah if you read this whole thing i am giving you a little kiss on the forehead, mwah, hope you have a great week !!
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astranauticus · 8 months
ok one last post about the Project to truly exorcise it from my brain. just some process/design thoughts (also now that it's done if you want to read my liveblogged whinging for whatever reason here it is)
first off some stats because i kept stats like the nerd that i am:
time wise making this animatic took about 93.5 hours give or take (thanks procreate process replay) spread across exactly 2 months
anyway when i said i finished this project mostly through stubbornness and sunk cost fallacy this is what i meant lol like a lot of my thought process through this was just 'no way in hell am i letting some of these drawings disappear into my drafts forever'
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on average each frame took about 2 hours 45 minutes but thats a bit of an overestimate since i forgot to count some of the animated bits from the first two lines (so id guess the actual number is more like.. 2 hours 20 minutes?)
btw that line with the starry apparition fading away? 12 hours total
the single longest and most painful frame to draw was the one of the crew walking through tu'narath (5 hours 30 minutes) because a. perspective b. architecture design c. for some reason i put a lot of detail into rendering the armour on all the githyanki i drew why on earth did i do that
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(its especially painful bc that frame was one of the ones that didnt... feel like an important enough moment in the actual story of the show to be worth capturing the way the wish or even like, endellion is, i just needed to put that there for the storytelling flow or whatever of the animatic itself and it bothered me so much)
one other interesting little mishap was that i did all of these on canvas size 1080x720px (so that's why the youtube resolution isnt particularly high lmao) which is why procreate let me put an absolutely absurd amount of layers in one canvas (all 8 frames of with memories projected on the astral sea were done on one canvas. 159 layers) because the layer limit for that canvas size is 400 BUT. i accidentally started the starry apparition fade on an A4 canvas (my default canvas size for like all my normal fanart) and i only realised after finishing all the lineart and starting on colouring because i hit layer limit so i had to resize the canvas which did... interesting?? things to the lineart resolution
also if youre wondering how i drew K-LB that many times in something resembling timely fashion the answer is i sacrificed some... amount of sleep to 3d model and rig him in blender which. honestly? i consider it a roaring success
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splitting the frames by bar was a Choice and certainly a choice ive.. had doubtsTM about but thats the kind of thing you cant really change without bringing the whole project crashing down so if the frames seem to move a bit too fast im so sorry there was really not much i could do there
idk if people actually noticed the very very tiny drawings of the crew moving around on the ship in the 4th line especially since they sometimes get obscured by the subtitles but the REASON for that is in my original drawings the subtitles went in the top left corner but they kept conflicting with other stuff so i just gave up and threw them to the bottom (also i originally included the chinese lyrics but then i got lazy lmao)
anyway that little detail like VR-LA angstily looking at the sea reminiscing about the JourneyTM and the crew sort of appearing along with the memories of their adventures together was one of those things that seemed SO COOL in my head but once i actually execute it its like. hmmmm not sure if that worked out the way you thought it would buddy. also the tiny crew was EXTREMELY hard to draw so put that down as another point in 'me subjecting myself to deeply painful and out there compositions for no good reason'
anyway i called this my magnum opus but i do actually have some thoughts about another one (a companion piece, if you will) for another song by the same band because now that i know what capcut can do im.. really itching to try something a little different because this like powerpoint presentation style? fully a product of me using iMovie as my only available video editing software for the past like 7 years of my life
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autisticempathydaemon · 7 months
Have never done anything like this before but I wanted to participate because why not!
Hope I'm doing this right- this is for the RedactedAudio Match-up :)
1 - Ok so I have 2 song fixations, first one is "Used to the Darkness" by Des Rocs and the other is "Morning Coffee" by Chevy and Nalba
For Used to the Darkness the specific verse is the chorus, it's a bit long for tumblr but I'll give my reasoning. I've always loved this kind of rock because it reminds me of the 90s rebellion kind of era and this verse strikes me as 'society has forced me down by its standards and is leaving me in the dust because I've "made a mistake", but I'm going to fight because my life hasn't started yet and I'm too young to simply give up'. Every time I hear that chorus it gives me a second wind of sorts and reminds me to just keep going, to keep being stubborn and to keep being me unapologetically.
For Morning Coffee there is no specific line because I resonate with the whole song lol. I'm a very big coffee addict, like I need coffee or tea every day to make it feel right. The reason being is that it's a small comfort treat to help me feel better especially when some days just aren't the best and I need a pick me up to feel better, even if it's a little bit. I listen to this every morning on my commute and every afternoon on the way back home, it's such a big comfort song that I keep on repeat.
2 - 6! (subtype sp) 3 - I love a good video essay! My favourite ones are a bit niche but I especially love SovietWomble's essay about "The Forest" because it's a deep dive critique and explanation of what happens when lore is added to a game post-release and why it's so important to develop it as a whole rather than doing it in bits as it can be the difference of an amazing or completely underwhelming experience. As someone who writes for fun and loves to play games soley for the lore sometimes, I found it useful to develop and hone my skills in world-building and making my stories more coherent. Also because he did a face reveal at the end BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!
4 - Gosh I haven't talked about my imaginary friend in a bit, her face evades me but I remember she would always help me sleep or play with me when no one else did (so everyday basically). She always wore a yellow dress and had her hair up in pigtails. I never gave her a name because she never needed one, I just called her 'friend', I miss her
5 - Put on a redacted audio vid and fall asleep to that lmfao (usually a david vid)
6 - I honestly don't know what I'd change my name to, sometimes I just wish I didn't really have a name because my self identity fluctuates so much
7 - Favourite redacted audio, hm, tbh any of David's audios. I find myself always returning to one of his videos but I think I like his camping one the most, I cry every time but hearing the stories makes my heart so full and like I genuinely want to comfort him.
8 - Huxley maybe? I love his pairing with Damien but I've never really liked or gotten into his story much, might just be a me thing- but hey he's gay so that's fun
9 - RWBY! Specifically volumes 1-3 because they're so iconic, love the entire series though, I quote it a lot to myself.
10 - Guy, he's as much as a dumbass and gremlin as I am and I THRIVE off of the chaotic energy so much. Plus he can make me pizza while we hang out so that's fun!
11 - Memes, I will start quoting memes. Either that or "Which character would win in xyz situation? A or B?" 12 - 7-11 hot chocolate but instead of milk I put a latte in it
13 - Karu's "How To Train Your Dragon" orchestra cover playlist 14 - smutty audios... idk I just find it fun to scour for a good audio on reddit lmfao
15 - I'm very argumentative and will debate anyone on any topic (I've been a debater for years), but I'm also very much a people pleaser because I like to give people gifts and do acts of service. Uh- does a plushie addiction count as something that'll tell you who I am? I like dnd and Critical Role
Thank you!
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Ooh, I love you; you gave me so much information to work with! There were a good amount of possibilities I was working with, but if you’re an argumentative Six, who else can I pair you with but Avior?
You’re both similar in a lot of ways- a love of debate, prone to Acts of Service, Type Sixes who are loyal, thoughtful, and reliable. It’s these similarities but also the differences that make me think you’d be compatible. Avior and his sarcastic, sharp nature would be good at keeping your people-pleasing chaos in check. Your love of storytelling and narratives would be new and so refreshing to him as he’s never put so much thought into fantasy and fiction. He learns to accept your gifts graciously because he wants you to be happy even though he’s not used to it.
Your life together would be so fun; you’d make his life so fun. Avior does not understand your plushie collection, but he tolerates it and comes to terms with their watching eyes every day because he loves you. He also doesn’t understand any of your memes either; he pretends he thinks they’re insipid and pointless, but he actually thinks they and you are cute and silly when you quote them. Also, you’re totally coffee/tea addicts together, and you’ve got the best stocked caffeine cupboards in all of Dahlia.
Just tea for two and two for tea/ Me for you and you for me alone/ Nobody near us/ To see us or hear us/ No friends or relations/ On weekend vacations/ We won't have it known, dear/ That we own a telephone (oh, I hate telephones) (yeah, me too)
I couldn’t help it; you gave me a coffee song, so I had to give you a tea song in return! I also like it for you, because it’s cute, it’s sweet, it’s singable. It’s not just about tea but love and being together, having tea side by side for the rest of your lives. It’s the kind of song you could sing at Avior, and he’d have to try really hard to not be charmed.
If you’re a DnD fan, I’ve got to give you Lasko as a runner-up; my brain would not allow otherwise! The two of you could write together and be so cute. Asher is your other contender because you’re similar in a lot of ways that would be really fun but more in a platonic, best friend way than romantic like Avior.
note: thank you so much for waiting~! I hope you like your match-up!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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runa-falls · 9 months
Em I did not come to say hello in very very long time (woopsies ahah) but ANYWAY i've been seeng your 123 celebration going on and i came to say hi and congrats on all the milestones!!!!!! I'M VERY PROUD OF YOU FOR ALL OF IT!!!
anyway im meant to be writing but lmao here we are?
shipping game: send me a brief description of yourself (preferably your pronouns [so i don't get it wrong!], hobbies, likes/dislikes, personality, etc.) and i'll match you with one of my blorbos! -- also include if u want some spice 🌶️ or not!
ok ok so. um.
I use she/her pronouns, I've got big wavy hair that has a bit of a curl to it. I used to do competitive swimming/general swim classes for about 7-8 years until Covid (meaning: my poor. poor. poor. hair.). I am average height at 5'5 and a bit, and I've got big brown eyes. I struggle a LOT to find good clothing cuz I'm very heavily on the curvy side and dress modestly, but I tend to be a little extra with my clothing and like to dress up for the smallest occasions (like. i will go to the mall. in an evening gown. i dont care.) I looove collecting things like rocks, old records and specifically pins- I wear a hijab so I adooooore collecting little things I can use to pin it with. Super fun. I love cooking but I hate cleaning up after, I sleep in a lot, and I love to read romance books. My favourite colour is green, and I dress in a lot of earth tones, and I am heavily touch starved, my love language is....I think physical touch or gifts cuz I loove making things for people!! I write a lot, fanfiction and novels (less on the novels lmao). Ummm, I loove parties and social gatherings, and I like someone by me who enjoys going on adventures and exploring the world (biggest history nerd you will meet its so bad)
anyway i love you mwah mwah mwah mwah
i ship you with: miguel o'hara :))
i feel like miguel was a lot more sociable when he was happy so he'd love to have you on his arm when you two attend parties and shit.
miguel loves it when you dress up. he doesn't need to see a SPECK of skin to get riled up for you LOL. he 100% hypes you up whenever you get ready "there's my girl 😍" (he's a simp). you have to physically push him away before he ruins your make up and wrinkles your clothes bc he's so needy ugh.
miguel also loves giving gifts to show his affection. he's the type of guy to randomly give you little pins for your hijab or a record by an artist he's seen you listen to. he also loves to have you in his arms. he's a protective guy and having someone who's a foot smaller makes him FERAL. not to mention his love for curves :3
mig is open to traveling, but both of his jobs (scientist/spiderman) kinda keep him in one general area. he'd probably make exceptions for you tho (SIMP). mig can cook for you, but he loves your food so he usually ends up cleaning up anyway. he's an early riser so the kitchen is clean for you every morning!
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This is my first attempt at a kind of fanfic i guess? Lol its a bit of a test
Lets see how it goes
This is part 1
Dex belongs to @leech-twinz
Warnings: cussing , light sickness (flu)
Ships present: Cain x Oc (Dex), Abel x Larry
5 am
Another morning at site 17. Another day at the foundation. Scp 073 reached out to the alarm, which’s annoying ringtone had woken him up, and turned it off. He yawned, questioning to himself how he could be more tired than when he went to bed, and got up. Cain walked up to the bathroom, turned the tap on and started washing his face with cold water, in the attempt to better wake up and hopefully shake off this strange feeling of fatigue and tiredness. He turned off the tap and grabbed a towel to his face, then looked up:“Man, I really should shave '' was his first thought upon seeing his reflection in the mirror , but something made him observe closely. Cain noticed that his face was unusually pale and the bags under his eyes were somehow blacker than normal . “Yes, maybe I should '' he mumbled. He decided to dismiss the entire situation to the fact that maybe he should sleep more. There was no way he was sick. He hasn’t been sick in 1000 years! Nope, he must've been just tired. Right ? He sighed and made his way to the door leading on the corridor, then proceeded straight walking past the site’s canteen. Usually he would have stopped for some breakfast, but this time, while well knowing it wasn’t that much of a good idea, he decided not to. He didn’t feel much like eating right now, and only the thought of food made him nauseous.
“Hey dumbass!”
073 looked up
“Good morning to you too, brother”
“Have you seen Frost by any chance? It’s at least 30 minutes that i look for her!”
“Abel you know very well that she is never up before 8 am”
“It’s 5 am”
“You guys better not be talking behind my back” Frost walked towards her brothers with a smirk
“Huh, since when are you a morning person ?” Smiled Cain
“Oh I’m not. But Zack unfortunately is. And the ringtone of his alarm today was so loud that I heard it from my cell. And that’s why I’m awake” Frost yawned “Man, I hate waking up- ... early-“
Scp 9108 stopped “Dude you alright? You don’t look too good “
Abel immediately looked at Cain
“Hm? Oh! Yes I’m fine, just tired” 073 shrugged off “ Maybe I should sleep more “
Frost stayed silent for a moment. 076 instead didn’t break eye contact , not believing a word of what his brother just said
“Fine” she obliged “still, you probably should go back to bed. You are pale as fuck “
“Nah, I’m fine”
“Well, I was going to eat something. Would you guys like to come too?”
“Fuck yeah! I haven’t had breakfast yet!” exclaimed Abel
“Thanks but no. I’m not hungry “
Abel began to stare again at his older brother
“Nothing. Why?“
“You were looking at me weird—“
“I wasn’t “ argued 076
“...ok?””Anyway , I have to go. I have to catalog some documents and Doctor Glass asked me for some help. If you need me I’ll be in his office”
“Ok! See you later brother”
As Cain walked away Frost and Abel shared a worried look
“That was wired -“ mumbled 9108
“Dude, were you even listening to me?”
“Yeah. Sorry I was just thinking”
“—-“ “Yes, I’m worried too”
“Never said I was”
“Hmh. Yeah. Sure-“
Abel shrugged
Of course he was worried. Why would his brother lie like that?
“Hi guys!“
“AAHH!” 9108 rapidly looked behind her
“ Oh shoot! I’m sorry“ started apologizing Dex upon seeing the reaction of his sister-in-law
“No prob “ Frost reassured him “I just didn’t expect that lol”
“SERIOUSLY what does ‘lol’ mean?!” Abel glanced at the both of them in anger
“Oh come on!”
076 started mumbling swear words in Sumerian under his breath, thing he always did when he was pissed
“Heyyyy- language-“ 9108 joked
“Ok jeeze “
“Are we going to have breakfast or not? I don’t have all day “
“Fine mr grumpy” she rolled her eyes “ Dex would you like to join?”
Dex nodded happily “Ofc!”he then stopped a second and proceeded to look around “Where’s Cain?”
Abel and Frost stared at each other.
“He went to help Doctor Glass” Frost responded, and then hesitantly continued with “And- well - he was weird this morning”
Dex started at her confused
“I’ll explain everything, but in the meantime let’s head to the canteen” continued 9108
“Ok” he obliged a bit anxiously
“Ok, and with this we have finished with scp 4001’s documents ” Doctor Glass closed the file on his tablet “Which one is next? Was it 005 ? “
No response
“Cain?” Glass looked up from his tablet and at his friend, who was sitting at the other end of the desk.
Cain had his head on the table , buried in his arms. Did he fall asleep? Wait- is he shaking?
Simon stood up and approached 073. He then proceeded to gently shake him by the shoulder. Cain groaned, blinked several times until he was somewhat awake and then looked up. It took him 10 seconds to realize he had been asleep for all the cataloging of 4001’s files.
“Omg- I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep like that “ he then apologized, with a weak voice
Doctor Glass stared at him worried. Cain was sweating and shaking, and was clearly trying to keep his eyes open to avoid falling asleep again, though he barely managed to keep them only halfway open.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah , I’m fine”
‘-No you aren’t-‘ Thought the scientist
“Listen, we actually finished cataloging everything for today, and I thank you a lot for helping me. ” He said “But you don’t look well at all, you really should go and rest.”
Cain stared at the table for several seconds, and finally nodded. He was right. It was stupid to keep working while in that state. He proceeded to stand up and, after waving off Doctor Glass, he started heading back to his chamber.
Abel made his way in the corridor, trying to focus on the incoming mission, but still failed to shake off the feeling of worry. He kept on walking, trying not to think about it. Then he noticed a familiar face in the corridor, coming from the opposite direction.
Cain? He already finished cataloging ?
073 raised his eyes
Abel approached him. He observed him for a second and then immediately asked
“Are you ok?”
Cain stayed quiet for a few minutes. He really did not want to worry his brother, but it was too obvious at that point that he indeed wasn’t fine.
He shook his head. No.
076 placed a hand on 073’s forehead for then commenting with “ Your burning up! How are you even standing up!?” and “I’m bringing you back to your chamber this instant!”
Cain didn’t say a word, he just nodded. He was too exhausted to do anything else other than that.
Upon entering the cell, Abel immediately placed his brother in bed. He then proceeded to find and hand him a thermometer.
“Well? Don’t just stare at it dumbass!” He said annoyed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Cain glanced at Abel “Calm down, sheesh”
“Just use it idiot “
A few seconds later the thermometer beeped and 073 it handed it back to 076
“104 °F? How in the FUCK are you even still conscious?!”
Abel sighed
“What made you think it was a good idea going to work like this?!” He then yelled
“ I don’t know “
“What do you mean you don’t know?!?!”
“I- don’t know, ok? Maybe I didn’t want to worry anybody or maybe it was for another reason. I just don’t know “
“Well you just fucking worsen things. Couldn’t you just use your brain and think about it for once?! Why tf are you so -“
“....I know...... you’re right ........I’m sorry”
He lowered his head, staring at his hands, that was now squeezing tightly into fists
-Aw shit - Abel sighed again
“Hey- I didn’t mea-“
“I know. Don’t worry “
“No really I’m sor- “
“No problem “
076 grabbed him by the shoulders
“ Cain please. I really didn’t mean to yell at you like that. I was just worried”
Cain looked up at his brother
“And sometimes you should take a break from work” Abel continued “You need some time to rest , you’re not a robot for God’s sake!”
Cain nodded
“Guess you’re r-“ his sentence was roughly interrupted by a series of coughing fits and a sneeze.
“Uh- I’ll get you some tissues. You’ll need them “ 076 stood up
073 sniffled “Thank you” he replied weakly
Abel got some tissues and some cough and fever medicine , then gave the tissues to Cain, just in time for him to sneeze into one. He also handed him the medication along with a spoon
“Don’t stain the sheets with that “ he slightly smirked
Cain nodded again, this time with a weak smile
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psylunari · 2 years
Comments: thoughts, types, how-tos, and etiquette (part 2 of 4)
This is better read sequentially, but you can skip to any section. They are as numbered:
1) The basics
2) Thoughts on comment culture
3) Types of comments
4) Writing cohesive and coherent comments
5) Etiquette
6) Technical questions
7) Short-answer questions
8) Long-answer questions
Part 1: Sections 1 and 2.
Part 2: Sections 3 and 4 (you are here).
Part 3: Sections 5 and 6.
Part 4: Sections 7 and 8.
PDF version here, containing the whole thing. It has a table of contents and cute formatting.
♥ 3: Types of comments ♥
Comments are detailed below with a description and examples. I wrote all the examples. They might be based on comments I’ve seen, but aren’t real ones left by readers.
3.1 Emojis, keysmashes, second kudos, and not-so-verbal comments
Usually short. Might be hard to make heads or tails of them. If it’s all emojis/kaomojis, the comment is likely trying to express the reader’s emotions. The keysmash is internet “slang” for speechless or at a loss for words, but strong feelings about the thing, often positive. Second kudos are also emojis, but heart emojis, imitating the kudos/favorite button.
“😭😭😭😭😭😭” “ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ” “skjhgsdkfljgsdlkgfsjdh” “❤️” “!!!?????!!!!??????”
3.2 Short positive comments
One or two sentences expressing appreciation about the whole fic or some aspect of it.
“Loved it, thanks for sharing!” “This chapter is everything. Good to see this pairing more often in the fandom.”
3.3 Medium and long positive comments
Longer than the previous ones. Might delve into detailed opinions, quote the fic back to the author, and contain a deeper analysis of something.
“I’ve been reading this fic since day one. The writing is stellar and the characterization is on point. It’s good to see things getting finally resolved. Those two deserve peace and quiet in each other’s arms, after all.” “Ok, so it’s 3 am and I totally should be sleeping. My finals start tomorrow, and I was scribbling a few notes for an assignment, but I couldn’t resist this update. 5k words? How come?? The plot twist was SOMETHING ELSE. I don’t wanna spoil the other readers who might see this, so take my word for it and GO READ. When we thought we were done getting into her flashbacks, we get THAT. OH MY GOD. What will be of me until the next update? (probably a sleepless mess because broke college student juggling two jobs) LOL see you anytime, your writing is a blessing to this world.”
3.4 Constructive criticism (concrit)
Concrit points out flaws in whatever the reader can find them, and provides ways to improve the fic. Ideally, it’s a polite, considerate comment, but might not be.
“While I love the premise, worldbuilding, and first act, I think it’s a bit dragged out from chapter 5 onwards. Stories like yours could use faster pacing and less domesticity. If you trim the less relevant scenes and turn them into extras (maybe posted as one-shots in a series), it’ll flow a lot better. Also, be sure to use a spellchecker. English is hard. I know you’re not a native speaker, so that’s why I’m suggesting it. This fic will be a hit, you just have to polish it, to make it shine its brightest. HMU if you need help, and good luck!”
3.5 Pure criticism
Simply state an opinion, not ways to improve. Ideally, it’s polite, but might not be.
“It reads very amateurish, repeats many clichés from the fandom, and the characterization is off. I was in for the tags, ends up it’s not great.”
3.6 Hate/harassment, demanding updates, unwanted comments
Comments that try to bring the author down, attack them, demand faster updates, are impolite in general, or outright creepy. Might contain swear words and threats.
“lol this fic is trash, don’t waste your time” “I bet you live in your mom’s basement to this day and will never get a girlfriend” “Why don’t you post the next chapter already? It’s been a month. We’re all waiting” “Ugh, such disgusting content, what to expect from shippers of that pairing?” “Write even one more chapter, and I’ll doxx you” “Quick question, do you have an OnlyFans?”
3.7 Requests/prompts
Ask if the author could write a specific thing or suggests ideas for a fic.
“Could you write more one-shots of them? I need this pairing in my life.” “Put them all in a high fantasy AU, each one from a different race, competing for the throne. Three parts minimum. It’ll be awesome in your style and I want to see it.”
♥ 4: Writing cohesive and coherent comments ♥
AKA “I don’t know how to write X type of comment, help me”.
If you need further help, check the Long Live Feedback (LLF) Comment Builder.
4.1 Types I’m not going to cover and why
I’m not going to teach you how to write “pure criticism” and “hate/harassment” comments. Section 3 had a guide on identifying them, not encouragement to write it.
Pure criticism can be “an opinion”. Sure, “critic” is a job, like film critics, book critics, etc. There’s also such a thing as a nice opinion. However, I’d like to keep it positive. I don’t want to teach you how to tear a fic down without teaching you how to tell the author ways to do better. It might scare people away from fandom, especially newbies and/or insecure writers. Avoid criticizing total strangers (do it to friends who take it well, and it’s none of my business). You don’t know who’s behind the screen and the hardships they’re facing. Be kind.
I don’t need to go into detail about why teaching how to bully and harass others online is a bad idea. It’s unavoidable to come across hate comments on the internet. Anonymity makes people think they’re free to say as they please. Be the change the world needs to see.
If you do end up spreading hate online, I hope you face consequences, learn from your mistakes, quit doing it, and find something healthier to pass the time.
4.2 Not-so-verbal comments (emojis, keysmashes, second kudos…)
Emojis/kaomojis: send the ones that best represent your emotions.
Keysmash: type lots of incoherent letters without any words.
Second kudos: send heart emojis, maybe with “second kudos!” written as well.
4.3 Short positive comments
“Loved it!” or “great/amazing fic!” are fail-proof. You can also add “thanks for sharing”, “Love this [ship/plot/trope/other]”, “your style is great”, and other things you can think.
4.4 Medium and long positive comments
You can open comments with things like:
What you were doing when you found the fic (at school/work? procrastinating? looking for a rarepair? looking for a specific tag/theme?);
What time of the day it was;
Stating if you’re a newcomer to their works or not;
Other things you can think of.
There are a few things you can praise:
Writing style;
Being engaging;
Being original;
Other things you can think of.
You can proceed with:
Quoting your favorite lines of the fic;
Mentioning if you usually read that type of fic or not;
Saying if a scene made you cry/laugh;
Saying if a scene will stick with you for a while;
If it’s your favorite fic of that pairing/tag/theme;
If it’s your favorite fic of that fandom;
If it’s your favorite fic ever;
Other things you can think of.
4.5 Constructive criticism (concrit)
This one needs a little more structuring.
Create a document somewhere. Google Docs, Word, Notes app, etc.;
List strengths. Writing style? Characterization? Plot? Character development? Pacing? Dialogue? Spelling, punctuation, grammar? Being engaging? Being original? Others?;
List weaknesses. Same list as above;
Try to come up with ways the author could improve on the weaknesses. Grammar and the like? Spellcheckers. The plot structure is on the weaker side? Studying storytelling and structure. Robotic dialogue? Paying attention to real conversations, and so on;
Then, use a model like this if you want:
[These are all the things that I think are good, and don’t need to change.] [Next, these are the things I think need more work.] [These are ways they can do it better, and solutions for the problems I found.] [Here, you wish the best of luck to them, reassure them you’re doing it out of liking the fic, and state your intention to help them if they need it again.] [If they need further feedback, and you’re willing to do it, leave your contact info.]
4.6 Requests/prompts
If the author hasn’t stated publicly that they take requests/fill prompts, don’t send them uninvited. Always ask first. If they respond positively, proceed. If they don’t, it’s nothing personal. Some aren’t good with prompts or have no time/desire to write them.
Some authors provide sheets for requests or list things they will/won’t write. If there is a sheet, fill it out and send it. If they don't write something, don’t insist they do.
If it’s a request, be polite and non-demanding. Phrase it like “could you write this?” or “would you be open to writing that?”. Never “5k fic of this/that character doing this, ready by tomorrow night”, you’re not their boss. Preferably, thank them for their time and effort.
If it’s a prompt, provide enough information, not too much information. Don’t go overboard on details: the author won’t be able to elaborate with their personal touch. You’re asking them specifically to write it, so in theory, you want their take, not just your ideas.
If you want a specific thing to be out of the fic, state it, especially if there’s a chance the author could add it because it’d fit the context. For example, in a car accident prompt, someone dying isn’t out of place. Don’t want any deaths? Tell them.
An example of a weak prompt:
“Write a one-shot about Main Character.”
An example of a well-rounded prompt:
“Three years after canon ends, Main Character and Side Character #1 see Character Dead in Canon walking on the street on a Friday night. Character Dead in Canon didn’t seem to notice them, then entered the most suspicious nightclub. No smut/incest, please.”
An example of a too-detailed prompt:
“What if Main Character woke up, checked their phone, and there is a text message demanding they get to work at 7:35 am? Their former boss requested they deal with this, this, and this activity they used to do. However, they’ve been retired for years, since they were deemed unfit to work. Thing is, their boss has a miracle solution for the health issue they’re facing, but their boss isn’t going to tell them about the solution until they arrive at the office. I’d like it to be 30k words minimum, it should include spicy scenes here and there, but nothing explicit. Their car should be red. Their cat is a Maine Coon named Salt. They are dating me specifically. I am 165 cm tall, my weight is 60 kg…”
Part 1 // Part 3 // Part 4 are waiting for you.
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energywarning · 2 years
How did your 3 and 8 ultimately get to know each other after octo expansion? Ice breaker being "we shot at each other a bunch"
8 wanted ( tried) to talk to 3 pretty much immediately post ending, she ended up carrying them on her back to bring them to the helicopter to go to inkopolis and tried to ask them the basics like whats your real name etc. But also wanted to say "thank you for saving me from the blender i think our souls are intertwined forever you are so cool ?? I am absolutely certain of what im saying but also Am i insane to you for saying this sorry i dont understand inkling culture yet" except her poor inklish made her say smth nonsensical . Thankfully? 3 was still so out of it they could neither hear nor answer.
About 4-5 days after she asks marina if she could try to help her get in contact with capn cuttlefish and 3 and while marina has 0 difficulties contacting the capn its a different story for 3, even cuttlefish has pretty much no idea of their whereabouts when theyre off duty. But he organized a meeting for the day since 3 can like actually go to places and not be in an hospital . so the capn invited 8, (it was also a way for the old man to know if 8 was still up for agent work (she wasnt really.))
She goes (with again, marina s help since inkopolis is very overwhelming) once she gets there marina leaves and tell her the basics "call me if you need anything and if someone picks a fight with you tell me and me and pearlie will beat them up etc"
She sees 3 there. The old man, And 4, whom she never met before.
3 looks at her with a look that can be described as very scaredy ish? Regretful. Like looking your insane boss in the eyes after you just broke his golf clubs that are worth your entire annual salary. Like uh oh my life is over.
She tries to greet 3 but is interrupted by 4, who is a huge talker, in spite of the language barrier 4 talks nonstop for 20mins and manages to convince 8 to go live w her because "having a roomie is fun and honestly i havent talked to another being in a while so!! Plus i can show you around inkopolis and stuff, and youll live in the middle of the city compared to pearl s mansion Lol so ull get to explore more easily. Youll have to do the dishes though i hate that stuff takes so much time, as for me ill do the laundry"
-"the laundry? The dish?? Lol??"
-"eh dw abt it just yet"
-"dw??? What is the meaning of these letters..."
Then 4 is like hey btw *points to them* this is 3 !! This is so crazy but im 90% sure we actually used to be mutuals on tunablr when we were younger ( energywarning here, asking:what would tumblr b named in sploon universe?) .
Finally 8 gets to say hello to 3
3 is convinced that 8 hates them but this certainty in their beliefs also calms them down enough to offers a friendly normal well adjusted handshake. That is very normal to offer to someone who probably hates you a lot. 8 does not understand the gesture and just grabs their hand and intertwines their fingers together.
Then 8 is just "thank you i am glad to meet you again" .3 looks at her like shes an insane person for a good 10 seconds bc they dont know what to answer but ultimately settles for a "you are welcome, thank for saving me from. well you know. because id probably be dead now." and 8 says "well i would definitely be dead as well ! You know . The blender. Actually a lot more people would be dead if either of us died so, i am glad that we met even if we shot eachother a few times haha" 3 looks very pale by that point
4 asks 3 if they want to be the #2nd roomie but 3 immediately refuses. They say they already have the neccessary accommodations to sleep, 4 assumes the best and drops the idea (a mistake, at that point 3 is pretty much abt to get evicted oops)
Then meeting starts. Boring blabla YAY 8 YOU saved inkopolis congrats were throwing you a party soon :^) do you want to do agent work again no oh well i guess its fair but the door is always open so to speak so you know. ok bye now oh no need to thank me 8 youre the one who saved us blablabla.
8 goes home w 4 and realises she didnt tell marina shed like. Move out so she tells her . Marina and pearl have a wtf they grow up so fast- oh we are being silly arent we but also who is 4 i have to run. 420 background checks actually (turns out to be just some gal that was like extremely bullied when she was younger who either plays viddy games or draws chibis and stuff in her free time)
3 walks back "home" on their own and in their head:
Wishes they could be friend w 4 (but they "cant" because of some insanely self restrictive rules about social interactions theyve put around themself. "Mfw when i cant talk to people because im nothing which is good because no one knows me which means i can just focus on being a good agent and if i die nobody will miss me not that people would even if i talked to them but also-)
Wishes they could properly apologize to 8 (they think on how, their best options seemed to drop on the floor hands n knees and apologize. Which they end up doing the day after their 1st meeting at crusty sean. that or ask if 8 wants to beat them up to "even it out"?? Which they actually end up asking but like 8 says no obviously i want to be ur friend... 3 also asks her later on if she wants to kill them but 8 thought that was just some kind of inkling humor so she laughed at them)
Wishes they could be friend w 8 because like she obviously seems like a very sweet girl but cannot for same reason as 4 + other stuff
Anyway in the meantime 8 asks 4 if she has 3's personal phone number and she does . So 4 gives it to her.
8 calls them like immediately but gets no responses cus theyre like. Never answering a phone call ever. So she sends them a few messages asking if they want to hang out. Then 4 tells her to include her in the messages cus she wants to hangout w 3 too so she does.
3 sees the messages and is glad they turned off that seen/read warning stuff cus they take like 1 hour to answer since its a battle in their mind between "are you fucking insane there is no way anyone wants to meet up with you its got to be a bait of some sort did her phone get hacked ? (Also what if you get hijacked again. Somehow you are radioactive i bet do not get close to people)" and "are you fucking insane why would you refuse dont be an asshole. If shes asking you its because she wants to probably she just got to the surface she doesnt give a f about inkling customs. Where people do not hang out with people whom they fought mind control or circumstances beyond their control or not. Just go along it wont kill you, and if it does well thats just life"
They end up replying w smth like "ok wht time n where"
And then they all meet up at crusty sean the day after, so thatd be their 1st proper meeting technically post oe.
At the end of it 3 asks 8 "ok so you dont blame me nor you or either of us blablabla but like why do you want to hang out with me genuinely, theres gotta be a reason?? Do i make you feel bad or smth" and 8 is just like no i think you are the cool ! I like you i want to know more of you, i think of you many times . 3 replies oh ok WELL THATS COOL I APPRECIATE IT. GOODBYE NOW lets do this again tomorrow maybe .and runs away
(8 n 4 talk on their way home and 8 mentions that social media friend thing and 4s just like yeah they were a pretty cheerful person back then ?!! Idk what happened they just dissapeared one day.)
Some times later 3 ends up going back on their word bc sleeping in a car is exhausting and they dont care about their dignity anymore and asks 4 if shed accept them as a new roommate. 4 is like omg sure bestie. by that point theyre all interacting w eachother and on friendly term so when they end up all in the apartment its not an issue
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Miscellaneous Media Moment
Alright so I'm watching the anime The Way of the Househusband on Netflix and writing my thoughts as I watch. This might be a tad unhinged, but here we go. As always if you liked this content feel free to be me a coffee. Also, yes, I do know that there a multiple episodes in each episode but I'm going to number them by how they're contained and labeled through Netflix as that's how I'm watching it :)
Episode 5
A job outside of the house in a cafe interesting, beans =bullets, the latte art of a cat, aww doing it for extra cash to get his wife a present
He's so loud, Again the food in this series really does deserve its own analysis post, overtime is exhausting,
Boss lady of the torii group in a grocery,
this is going to be a disaster of a birthday lol, wow happy birthday song as a dirge, shades and bling
the old boss has a dog, he sewed a sweater for the dog! nice tie in to previous episode, the impromptu cooking is wild,
The cat adventure with the grocery lady
Episode 6
he was totally going to roast that lady's "72 hour" cured sausage, he's taking this show so seriously, man loves his wife so much
the excitement over the steam oven, white powder=flour again nice call back, well that's one way to beat the dough, oven down!, keep warm on the rice cooker is innovative
fire next door, talk about needing proper air ventilation. the cops probably wanted some food, oh its rare eh
I admit nothing, oh nice flowers, oh its not that much and then proceeds to unwrap a dessert feast, rain as a mood killer, they're such a good couple
why would you try hitting a watermelon blindfolded?, the volleyball smacking into them, I love how Miku can be high energy as well, a real man is willing to get wracked protecting his loving wife, her carrying him
teacher au?? what am i watching?, apron art, the intensity in this scene
Episode 7
tapioca milk tea, getting the intel from the streets, the scary smiles keeping the customers away XD
Adding to the arsenal of the blond guy
The waking up to the husband in the middle of the night is seriously ominous, well that was an interesting take on the classic peach boy story, and then they had a group hug,
The hit list of summer assignments, a pen holder, colorful soap, school is tomorrow, the report to the teacher is so good
Tatsu you're so dramatic ( this is true, he a very dramatic king), oh the housespouse meet up, family gopher, the differing interpretations of what he's describing, is that really what Miku is rally like?, listening in one the one side of the conversation, the support from the housewives is so good
Oh, cat adventure of fair fighting with the other cat
Episode 8
urg the rap battle, so unnecessary, the explanation of what a rap battle is, the punch of silence, well ok
take it easy (yeah no, this guy has no chill), febreze the sheets, instant noodles as a vice lol, Masa helping him take it easy but as a horror show, Tatsu kicking him as a flight or fight moment
Wanting second place instead of first for the rice, and Miku wants the vacation, what a bribe, the kid wins of course
buffet battlefield, welp I'm hungry now, fruit with cream cheese is a delicious combo, aww the splitting of a desert
Oh, the dad wants to do the hotpot, Dad and Miku cooking like each other, Miku being a wild child (this explains so much), aww the dad saying she has someone else to protect her now and then Tatsu saying he has the dad's back, the mom being the true master is perfect
Masa wanting make his boss proud through the way of the househusband, tomorrow though
Episode 9
Virus depicted as a group of punks, trying to head off a cold through early preventive measures is such a mood, Miku being the light aww, the light with grenades lol
new threads, Masa is so not subtle, the brown powder as opposed to the white powder, and Masa has officially broken, Pine Dew huh, Tatsu sleeping with eyes open, the utter chaos and Masa being the sober one, the next day drawing of them is adorable
Will I need to use my dagger? no a normal knife will do, the intense music x_x,
The power couple helping the newlyweds
winged pup from the sky, you can't run from boss fights!, the magic girl transformation, the deconstruction of the outfit, Its all a dream and the meeting next week is perfect
Oh no cat adventure this episode
Episode 10
The fact that Miku has such high energy, the toys r us tribute
Sending dog pics to his boss, the bonding over the dogs, the random kidnapping, but its to a dog park
The cafe hurts the guys eyes, too much sweet things, lemon and honey chicken sounds good, the flashbacks paired with the wistful music is a nice choice, I don't remember there being a wasp
ok extreme dental care, um yeah that's not a good way to get a kid to the dentist, gotta face the music
counting to try and get to sleep, calming sounds turning to dark past is hilarious, also him without glasses is rather adorable, accidentally made a whole meal (he's got adhd a bit doesn't he), the cat being awake
the cat adventure with crow/raven
End of Season One!
Alright well thanks for coming to this Miscellaneous Media Moment where I do unhinged and most likely nonsensical rambling of what I watched is a thing. I will most likely continue at some point, so stay tuned and please let me know if this is a format that you liked. Along with any comments on the show that you have.
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videostak · 1 year
ya theyre leaving at like 10 rn i am not going to that 6am swap meet. fuck my life ugh... like obv gonna be waken in the middle of the night when they get back ._. srsly can they be considerate of my life for fucking once. like knowing that i do this for work and is my only source of money and then to do something like that on a total whim and try to downplay how it will affect my sleep and morning tomorrow is srlsy making me so pissed.. like the amount of effort i and to an extent my sister will go to to be considerate of others just to have her do shit like this is so infuriating. like literally my job for a record store that needs inventory desperately and i cant fucking go cause of my asshole inconsiderate mom. reaaaaallly great. i mean best case scenario i can drive up to the estate sale tahts supposed to be at 8. id have to leave at liiiike idk 6:30. so probably not that too. should try to go to the other 8:00 swap meet too or the yard sale but starting to feel real uncomfortable abt going to the swap meet cause of all the stuff around that. so annoying for me to plan all this out just for her to shit all over it cause she wants an excuse to get drunk and trauma dump to her cousin and make to put her cousin in a super awkward weird position. sucha  genuinely awful person ugh.... i mean idk i should goo tomorrow but like really dont kno if ill be able to get up in time. idk i think ill still push rly hard ill try to get a coffee tomorrow at mcdonalds and stuf but like idk just so fucking annoyed rn like dude this is literally my job right now that A LOT of things are riding on have some fucking respect and learn when ur making things much more difficult for ppl. what annoys me so much is when i told her that i wouldnt be able to go tomorrow if she went out as late as shes planning to she just tried to go supportingly “ok we’re gonna go at 10 and tomorrow u can go wherever u want and dont worry about it :)” while just ignoring what i said. lol. something abt idk if all parents are like this or if most are but like that level of being so in denial abt everything that u just respond to any attempt at talking things out with this very fake positivity vibe is so awful. like she does it so much whenever something comes up thats a problem and its so annoying. she did it thursday too when i wasnt sure if i was gonna be able to go cause of my dads dog and she ignored what we said and cut us off and went dont worry ill handle it all :) even tho it was like not even clear what she would be “handling” cause she just wanted to get us to stop talking abt it.  like not even aware of how my dad lets the dog in without warning and how the cats and the dog need to be watched cause he’ll start playing rough. like idk what to even do when ppl genuinely just do not listen to anything u tell them at all. theres no reason for me to tell her something before hand cause she’ll just do whatever the fuck she originally intended to and then try to “discuss” it or apologize after even if youve already had a what u thought was productive conversation days before abt it. like on the first weekend i drove to the swap meet i had told her before i was gonna let the dogs in the back right i went to let her kno beforehand and she agreed there was no argument no even hint at there being a disagreement so i thought things were good and then when i actually was gonna leave she was like no dont let them out theyll bark its too early and i had to get my sister to get her to agree to let them out. like srlsy sooo annoying same thing happens A LOT when having to schedule things shell be in complete agreeance and then when the time comes to do smthn she will like bring up something out of nowhere that she def knew b4 hand  but was just waiting to bring up last second. like she’ll say we should schedule smthn for the vet on a day and then reveal that the vets actually closed that day when that day actually comes etc. or will lie and say it is. like i need to take the cats to the vet soon cause cassettes worms are still present and dendy needs to get neutered and she said she’d call monday even tho its smthn shes already been lagging on for a long time so im just like waiting to see what excuse she’ll bring up then or if she actually does intend to call. like she could bring up an excuse or just spend the whole day in her room and ignore it when i bring it up. ughhh well i will try to go tomorrow i think. i mean im gonna shave and shower just incase i do. i dont think ill wear shorts tho not rly feeling it atm since i could be nervous if i do go to the yard sale. but willl rly have to see
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xplrvibes · 2 years
I'm sorry. It's been a bit since I actually did one of these, but...I had to. It's like an itch that I just had to scratch, lol.
Behind the cut are my thoughts on episodes 5 and 6 of the so-called season 2: Bower's Mansion and Victoria's Black Swan Inn.
But before you hit that keep reading button: please for the love of all that is good and pure, READ THE DISCLAIMER.
Try to remember that I am just some goof with a blog and a lot of opinions, and I am not the world's foremost expert on all things Sam and Colby. If you don't like what I said, don't lose sleep over it.
Opinions are defined as: "A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge."
So, I didn’t really talk much about Bower’s Mansion- and that wasn’t for any bad reason, I actually did like the episode- but I do want to take this opportunity to talk about one thing that I just need to get off my chest about Bower’s: The Door.
If I’m allowed one critique about this episode, its that they didn’t even attempt to figure out if the door closing multiple times in a night could be anything other than paranormal. I 100% believe Colby had nothing to do with that door closing the second time (even if the way he moved away from the door right before it closed was a bit...suspicious).  His absolute panic at the jump scare, plus them catching the door closing on camera later in the night really sealed the deal of his innocence for me.  That being said- to me, a door closing three times in one night makes it more likely that it can be ascribed to a creaky old malfunctioning door in a creaky old abandoned house, rather than anything paranormal.  
However, they get eternal brownie points for finally acknowledging that Colby got some shit going on with him, which as you know, has been my mission statement since the dawning of the age of aquarius, and they gave us a ton of sweet sweet cat footage, so...they get an overall 8/10 on that episode from me.
Now, onto this latest episode (Victoria's Black Swan Inn).
This episode was just ok to me.  I don’t know why, but it felt a little...rushed. It almost felt like they left a few key scenes out for some reason.  And I feel, at the end of the day, that maybe there just wasn’t much interesting evidence or paranormal stuff that happened in this episode, and maybe that’s why it felt kind of off, but I did definitely notice it.
Anyway, there were some pro's and some con's. So, I'm going to highlight some of those below. These are in no particular order:
Pro: Sam, Colby and Nate's relationship is top tier. They work really well together and you can just see how much they truly enjoy each other's company- and how many years of history they have between them. I don't think snc gel with anyone quite as smoothly as they do with Nate.
Con: I couldn’t follow along with the story of what supposedly happened in this house.  Maybe I was too tired, or maybe the editing was a little choppy, but...I don’t know.  There was a lady who died somehow (I think they mentioned like 3 different ways this woman could've died?), and a guy named Park Street who killed himself, only maybe he didn’t, only maybe he did?  And somehow they were connected, and then there was some guy named Porkelroy or something? And a dude that died trying to save a horse, but I don't know if he was the Porkelroy guy or someone totally unrelated? I don’t know.  I really don’t know. 
Pro: I don't know why Sam and Colby had to take their shirts off and stand so awkwardly in the corner to scare Nate, but when I tell you I laughed...
I mean, why are they standing like this???!!
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This will haunt my nightmares, but in the best of ways. Nate said it best: "I don't know whether to be scared or aroused."
Con: Outside of the Estes Method, which I'll get to in a sec, there really wasn't much in the way of super cool paranormal activity, so I feel like the things thay were happening they were really dialing up to 11. The flashlights were fun, I guess, and I'm happy they remembered that they own a thermal camera, but...I don't know.
I didn't buy that shadow figure thing at all...mostly because I didn't see anything. Like Sam literally pointed the camera in the other direction at first, like wtf lol. And even when they did zoom in...maybe my bad eyesight is catching up to me, but I didn't see shit.
Also...Sam kept saying this is the first time he saw a shadow figure, but he supposedly saw one at the Conjuring and the Bellaire House, so he's on like his third first with that whole thing.
Pro: The Estes Method Sessions were both cool. First of all, did anyone catch Colby rocking along in perfect tandem with Nate while Nate was under? So random, lol.
But second of all- while it was kind of weird to throw Colby in the closet and be yelling questions through the door at him, watching him practically hypnotize himself while he was doing the Estes Method really upped the creep factor. I don't know wtf they were even trying to get out of the lady, cause I couldn't follow that whole story worth a damn, but it was still cool!
Con: This is just a minor thing, but don't be tracking wet shoes and mud all through that old ass house with them old ass floors, boys. Also, the bare feet- wasn't Nate running around barefoot all night? Couldn't those tracks have been him?
Pro: The psychomanteum thing, was very very interesting to me. I didn’t for a second buy that it was paranormal in any way, shape or form, but my god was it fascinating in a psychological way. I loved it, I loved hearing about the state of almost hypnosis that they put themselves in and the things they saw, and I would love to do some kind of deep dive and figure out what some of that says about one's psyche.
Also, Nate is quite the wordsmith lol. "Obsidian wells" sounds like the name of a town on a soap opera. 🤣
And this is not a pro or a con, but a random observation: There was something really funky happening with Colby in this entire episode. I don't know if he hotboxed beforehand, or what, but he was...off. At a couple different points, he was staring off into space like he was seeing/hearing things the others weren't, he randomly started smelling gunpowder, and he just seemed...drained. Even before the whole psychomanteum/Estes Method thing, he just seemed off. I don't know what that was about, perse, but it was noticeable- at least to me. Anyone else?
Anyway, this one was solid on the interactions between the boys and had some fun moments, but it was kind of filler for me. I'll give it a 6.5/10, and I guess we'll see what's in store for next week!
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one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
i really need to vent im so sorry. my sister is driving me to literal insanity. i dont know if im a manipulator or shes truly being a horrible person to me. i talk to my bf a lot. facetime pretty much all day every day, and she can hear me talking through the wall, mostly mumbles no words, but still noise, and she doesnt say anything. she games at the WORST times, honestly, at least we stop talking at 8/9pm, but thats when she starts gaming with her friends, screaming (yes. literal ear piercing screams from horror games) shouting and overall joyous loudness from her room. i put my headphones on and try to block it out, knowing shes just having fun and i need to put up with it. its been like this the whole year practically. the past week shes been getting closer to dad again. dad. the guy who hates me with a passion and mentally abused me for 2 years straight and never got a consequence for it. every. single. time. she hangs out with him, or games with him, she turns into this horribly mean snarky person who is so so rude. and ik im sounding dramatic but shes literally the opposite otherwise. but other than dad shes also got a new friend whos very judgemental and snarky so ig shes impressionable. but anyway the past week shes been very rude and mean to both me and my mum. mums a huge pushover so being mean to her is like kicking a dog, and i truly hate it when shes mean to her. cos mum loves her more than she loves me (its evident and shes told me multiple times i promise im not inferring it) so shes much more of a pushover with my sister 'everything has to be perfect for her'. i hate it. ik ik its jealousy but im dealing with it or at least trying to. so tonight she was singing horribly and ive not had a good day, im stressed, tired, and trying to sleep and here she is humming away purposefully sounding awful. i ask her to be quiet, continues, tell her to shut up, she continues, so i bang on the wall and i kid you not she slowly gets wuieter and quieter til its barely a mumble i can hear from her room and it makes me so unfathomably angry and i truly have no idea why. its like she knows every single button of mine and pushes them at will. so i texted her saying, why are you being such a dick lately its so annoying, to which she was like "i put up iwith you blah blah you cant put up with me blah' i told her to stop playing victim so she told me i need to learn to shut up and put up. a phrase straight from dads book. she knows it is and it throws me into a spiral ehenever i hear it and she knows!! so here i am angry af trying to calm down and not do something ill regret tomorrow, whilst shes happily downstairs making light conversation with dad. i hate it so so much. i did respond back, are you being sarcastic rn?? if not i dont want to speak to you ever again. and she said ok. ik ik its dramatic af but i just cant with her anymore she makes me feel how dad made me feel and i then react like a child, to a child. ik my responses are in the wrong, i really am sorry if i sound really childish or just plain stupid and im truly in the wrong, pls pls tell me if i am. i just cannot handle her at all lately shes literally been a demon lmao (jkjk) thank you for letting me vent to you, the safe space youve created really means a lot <3
hi im the anon whos mad at my sister, uhm - im very close to starting my period and have come to the conclusion that its the reason for the anger lol. Ik i do have some issues but i think it was mostly irrational anger when i wrote the vent, and not an acc issue, or at least thats what im really hoping is the answer lol. im super sorry about it, and i hope youre having an awesome day 💕
Hey, nonnie. I'm glad you could let out some of your frustration and anger here ❤️ I didn’t see your second ask until after writing the reply below, but I think all of it applies anyway, becuase we’re allowed to have days where we’re more irritable. I’m having a good day today, I hope you are too!
I don't think you sound childish or stupid, nonnie. It sounds to me like you might have had a trauma reaction toward her because of the abuse your dad put you through. Trauma reactions (ie. having flashbacks, going into fight/flight, becoming hypervigilant...) don't just appear when we're interacting with the people who abused us; they often also appear when other people do or say something that reminds us of the abuse. Your sister knowingly used a line your dad has used to hurt you before, so I think it is completely understandable that you had an emotional reaction that seems "dramatic" in retrospect. I can only talk from personal experience, but I've also done the same over text in the past, and it was always after something/someone sent me into a fight response.
And, nonnie, even if trauma responses don't justify our actions (they only explain them), I think it's fair to say that this situation with your sister escalated from both sides, not just yours. It wasn't you exploding at her out of nowhere. As you said, she was pushing your buttons, and she knew she was upsetting you, because you'd asked her to be quiet several times.
So yeah, if she makes you feel like your dad made you feel, I think it's understandable that you're having these big emotional reactions toward her when she oversteps your boundaries and purposefully pushes your buttons. You said you react "like a child" toward her, and I think it might be helpful to think about why your reactions feel like those of a child. Children—especially abused children—feel small and defenceless, and sometimes they lash out to protect themselves when this fear and defencelessness become overwhelming. So "reacting like a child" doesn't have to necessarily mean "oh I'm being so immature and stupid". It can mean "I feel threatened and helpless, so my body is having an instinctive reaction to protect me".
What I'm trying to get that is I think you ought to be a little bit kinder to yourself, nonnie. You're allowed to be affected by her attitude toward you. You're allowed to acknowledge that these reactions you're having aren't a flaw on your part, but a sign you're going through a lot of distress and your body is protecting you in any way it can.
I also think you need to be kinder to yourself about feeling jealous that your mum loves your sister more than you. Your jealousy isn't the thing that needs to be fixed in this situation. Your jealousy is a very appropriate reaction to a very unfair situation to you. You deserve to be loved and cared for and protected from harm as much as your sister. You never deserved to hear that your mum loves her more than you. You're not being selfish or childish by feeling jealous; you're just acknowledging your unmet emotional needs and acknowledging that you deserve better than this. And you really do. You deserve so, so much better than this.
Your emotions are allowed, nonnie. Your anger and your jealousy and your defensiveness when she's mean to you and your mum are all allowed. Please don't forget that.
Sending a virtual hug ❤️
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