#ok this scenario is actually a dream come true but your writing!!!!
coraline-jones353 · 27 days
Campsite Love, Pt 1
Summary: On a family trip to a campsite, you romanticize having a campsite love story. But this time it ends up coming true.
Henry Hart X f!reader
Warnings: Cussing
Coraline speaking: heyy guys, I had a scenario like this play out in my head before bed last night because I'm gonna be at a campsite this weekend so enjoy my hopeful thinking lol.
Also I think imma make this a mini series of 4 because I don't want it to be just one long story. So if y'all would be interested in that then go to the next part --->
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (still in the writing phase)
"Good morning!" My mom screams as she busts down my door at 7 am. Why do we have to leave so early, I think to myself as I turn away from the door as she throws open my black out curtains. "I'm up, I'm up." I say groaning and getting out of bed.
I walk into the bathroom and start to get ready for the day. After I've gotten dressed and what not I started double checking my bag for all the stuff I insist I need. I mentally do a checklist and decide I've got it all. After that I go help load everything up into the van. Then we have last minute bathroom time, grab any DVD's and snacks and get the hell in the car.
Since I'm the oldest under 18 I get the farthest back seat to myself so I can lay down and relax. I put my eye mask on, air pods in, and go back to sleep for a while.
I wake up with about an hour till we arrive at the campsite so I just play games on my phone and day dream. I start to let my mind wander to the what if's. Like what if I meet a cute guy and we actually hit it off. Maybe we'd go on a date and walk around at night together. Ooo or we could go to the playground and just swing for a bit, or maybe we can do the tye dye day and make matching clothes or make something for one another. There's just so many possibilities. And I think of them all as we pull into the campsite and to the cabin we will be staying in.
"Well this is our home for the next 4 days." My dad says as he starts to unload the van quickly since it's so hot outside. My mom said to unpack my stuff and just go have fun and maybe make some friends.
Worst idea ever I think to myself as I kick a rock down a path to the playground. I'm probably just gonna swing for a bit while listening to music and then just go back to the cabin. I hate making friends.
"Watch out!!" I hear three voices yell at me. I did indeed attempt to duck but I was not fast enough apparently. The basketball proceeded to hit my head as I scrunched up my face on impact.
"Ow" I groan rubbing my head and picking up the ball. I look up to hand it to the person that had the terrible shot and hit me. Just to see a teenager run up.
Gods was he hot. It felt like he was running in slow mow over to me.
Blonde hair, chocolatey brown eyes, chiseled jaw, and his shirt off. Holy shit I think he has a 6 pack.
"Hey, sorry about that my sister has bad aim." He apologizes as he seems to search me for further injuries. "Oh it's all good." I say still holding my head. Man I'm gonna need an ice pack later I think to myself.
"Is your head ok? We have ice packs I can give you from my cabin it's like maybe down the street from here." He says almost reading my mind. "Actually I will take you up on that because my head feels like it's throbbing and the ice will cool me down from this heat." I reply removing my hand from my head.
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draxua · 8 months
Quick tarot reading for @mysicklove <3
Ace of swords reversed 6 of wands Queen of cups + others
"What do you think of Mello? + any messages you think she may need"
• A very sexy but overly confused girl boss, it's ok to be socially unaware, girl. we love you for that!
• People shouldn't let your socially unaware moments cloud their judgement on your intellectual you're actually extremely intelligent your mind is sharp and you're able to cut through confusing situations and equations, your intellectual engagement is high I forgot what exactly you major in right now but its less vocational and creative and more on the academic side, something to do with problem solving, communicating with others and helping them stay in tune with themselves if not in education this can take other areas of your life like relationships, it may be something you offer to people you love or try to offer ; open mindedness, advice and overall just being a support system in a more physical sense I don't think your best communication is through words but more actions like acts of service or physical touch to which I have a feeling either one of those or perhaps both are your love languages or you attract a wide variety of people who look for these qualities within a relationship, to which you are happy to provide with them
• People feel like they can confind in you, you have that guidance counsellor we all loved as kids because she was cool and genuinely loved her job but got sacked because she got caught smoking marijuana on school site, moving swiftly on!
• You're quite an intimate person, honestly people are lucky to get into a relationship with you. You bring harmony but strength and empowerment to your relationships it's something people who have earned your intimacy actually love about you, you're capable of making strong bonds with someone else whether it's mutal or one sided. You carry an energy which makes people chase and get heavily attracted to you after receiving a bite out of you (with you and this scenario its vice versa) absolute alpha behaviour, you go girl!
• The cards wish to congratulate you on your most recent tumblr milestone, 6 of wands acknowledges public acknowledgment for your hard efforts. That aside the 6 of wands encourages you to give yourself a big hug, you did so much girl they know things didn't turn out exactly as you had planned but you did amazingly, but please be reminded to not let guilt or fear for the future stop you from getting opportunities and stand in the way of your success you still got a looooong way to go, you'll look back at that "moment of panic" and think things turned out for the better.
• The Queen of Cups has beautiful imagery of a woman, she sits on a throne nearby the sea just at the very edge. She holds a golden, that have handles shaped like angels. Most of the cups in the Suit of Cups cards are open this cup is closed (arent you special) – The Queen’s true thoughts and inner feelings are veiled and only arise from the very depths of her soul.
• To summarise you have some deeeeeep feels that are only uncovered through creative processes, because duh you write shit for the girls on tumblr and we eat it up everytime
• Ittu bitty thing I wanna slide in there try looking into moon cycle rituals 👀
I'm also seeing some confusion. You're lacking clear sight of what's to come. Lately, your emotions have felt at the top of the glass. It's close to overspilling. It seems that now you're in a difficult position. You're beginning to give up on your dreams, take this as a lesson to learn to see things from a different perspective, and see things aren't as doom and gloom as you think. Success is in reach for you dear, right now what you need is persistence they're telling you to keep going!!
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arabellameyer · 9 months
AN INTRODUCTION TO ME (plus side blogs/other places you can find me)
Hello everyone! How are you? I'm Arabella, and I love to worldbuild, learn about nature, draw, and a bunch of other stuff. If you have any questions about my worlduilding, let me know! Please keep conversations appropriate (no sexting or asking extremely personal questions). Here there will be reblogs of/art of some stuff you might find disturbing (body horror/gore), but I will label it as such (gore, blood, tw, nsfw, etc). It's part of my worldbuilding as you'll see here over time. But it isn't the only part of my worldbuilding, so don't worry about missing out on much. I do not tolerate any porn so none will be here. I've heard too many stories of people dealing with porn addictions and how debilitating it is, so I'm not even going to chance looking at it, lead alone reblogging it.
Filing system down below v
When I reblog stuff, I'll put it in a file system that is similar to my pinterest pinning system (same titles and such). Here's how it'll go...
(btw if any of these tags are of no interest to you, then feel free to block them)
Animal reference
Animal pose
Animal behavior
Art reference
Human pose
Guide or Art Guide
It just looks pretty - I like it because it looks nice :)
Storytelling or Cinematic - the way it sends a message is interesting, and I'd like to use it as inspiration
(BTW level 1 animals are animals found irl)
Level 2 - Like irl animals that have one little thing changed about them, like their color or number of eyes.
Level 3 - Mix of 2 or more animals that is hard to distinguish what the original animal is (like a cat/snake mix, was it originally a cat or originally a snake).
Level 4 - A change in the original species causes a majority of people to fear it, like deep fear it. Creepy
Level 5 - Like levels 2-4, but with a horror aspect to it (like snakes that look like intestines).
I've made guides for my leveling system and I'll post them soon, so don't worry if you're confused ;)
Scene idea - idea for a plot point or fun story in my world
Characters - catch-all
Johann the discoverer
Mama nova
Void deer
(I'll add more as time goes on)
Memes - general tag
Remember - has some relevance to it, whether or not it's a meme (just sorta a catch-all for anything that I want to remember. You'll see what I mean if you search through there.)
Scenario - meme that describes a scene, and I don't know where else to put it
Food for the funnies - this is where I put the stuff I actually laugh at. Not just a breath out of my nose, but a true laugh.
Derpy - •u•
Fever dream - lol those memes that make no sense or come out of left field
And that's how babies are made - I'm not even going to explain this one lol
Stay flexy - exercise ideas
Cute - catch-all for anything adorable :3
Cute animal - specifically cute animals
Cute plant - specifically cute plants
Recommend or Recommendation - smth I should check out (to buy or look @ again)
Pins or Enamel pins - enamel pins I like the look of.
Watch later - if I like the look of it but don't have the mental energy to completely peruse it, then I'll put it here.
Ok so that is my filing system lol. I know it's pretty long but I plan on using the references and stuff I find here.
I know I said this before, but I love talking (raging extrovert), so if you wanna chat or dump a writing idea or creature idea on me, then go for it! Heck, my commissions are also open (not getting them done immediately, tho) if you're interested (no guarantee on the quality. Just know I am still learning the fundamentals of art). Anyways, if you're reading this far, then you're one of the real ones (also, what's your favorite color? Mine is blue, but I like them all tbh) 💪. Thanks so much for reading this. I'll have a side blog here shortly where I'll post only my art so that you don't have to go through all my reblogs, lol. Anyways, thanks so much, and have a blessed day <3
P.S. this is my art-only side blog and deviantart. Here, have a mouse 🫴🐁
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etoiile · 5 months
hi friends! this is my reminder that tumblr is not real. (btw this is all from a girl's perspective)
lets think. what's a fan fav trope? sunshine x grumpy? when have you ever met a "grumpy" guy like rin? THEY DONT EXIST. everyone has at least a basic level of manners, and the people that don't are absolute douchebags who dont have the soft side that makes this trope so good. and even if a grumpy did exist, (you might be able to find a less grumpy version irl??) you wouldnt get to know them well enough for them to open up to you and love you. why? because they're BITCHES. like. IMMEDIATELY. no chance to say hi or get to know them, because it's "hi! nice to meet you! i'm y/n! what's your name?" "rin." *walks away*
also. guys dont hardcore fall for girls like the way we depict them. "the moment i laid eyes on her, i knew that she was the one for me. the one i would marry. the only one i could ever love" like uhhh bro what
LETS THINK OF ANOTHER TROPE!! hmmm only one bed? in WHAT scenario would you be sharing a bed with a guy. group of friends on vacay?? lets be fr the girls would all cram on one bed and the guys on the other. oh! for some reason youre the manager of their sports team?? first of all, girls aren't managers for all-boys teams (at least in the US in high school) but IF IT SOMEHOW HAPPENED, i absolutely GUARANTEE that the school/team would find another way to get you your own bed. there is NO WAY IN HELL you would share a bed with a guy. (as a girl, at least.)
ok! another one! enemies to lovers! ok so who do you know that has an actual "enemy?" NO ONE. people dont have enemies, and thats ESPECIALLY true for girl-guy relationships. "oh, y/n? yeah, she's weird as hell." "oh, *insert boy name?* he's such a creep like omg" THAT is what happens. THAT is reality. there is no hot hatred-fueled hookup. it's just "ewww i hate him hes so weird" like be fr.
what are some popular meet-cutes? first one that comes to mind for me is like A spilling coffee on B. that could be SORT of realistic but like what are the odds of the most gorgeous gorgeous gal (y/n) being in the exact same place at the exact same time as the most gorgeous gorgeous guy (tumblr fantasy man) and just so happening to spill her drink on this very specific man? ALMOST ZERO. this typa stuff just DOESNT HAPPEN. and on the slim chance that this did in fact occur, do you really think that a lot of guys would like offer to pay for your coffee and dry cleaning? NO. i had a guy BREAK my tumbler to the point that i couldn't use it and all i got was a lousy "sorry."
anyways i will still be reading and loving and writing and loving and dreaming and loving and hoping and loving on tumblr. when will i get a bf amen have a good day
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Who Holds The Devil, a fic recommendation:
Hi, Niki here.
Ok so, I know I rarely post anymore bc.. reasons (uni is killing me & I even had to step away from my own long ass fic for a tiny bit) BUT if you are in the market for a delectable, truly masterfully written fic as you scroll through the The Devil Judge content on ao3, lemme introduce you to the (ongoing, mind u) 200k+, post canon of your dreams: Who Holds The Devil
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written by the lovely @amethystinawrites (who’s also a great artist btw, check dem cool creations out @lienwyn), the story follows the classic, superior introspective format that we all love to find at 3am on a weekday with an early wake up call the following morning, which is Unreliable Narrator 101 (clearly).
I wanted to introduce you all to this lovely fic bc I recently caught up with the latest chapter (23) and I wanted to publish the notes I’ve taken for (almost) each update of the plot. I could have easily cut to the chase and posted them in a neatly wrapped comment on ao3 but... you’re talking with the danmei extraordinaire who just reached 350k on their own ongoing gay little fictlet so....... you KNOW my notes would have not been able to fit into the character limit of ao3 comments, right??
so what you will find below is just the product of my live-reaction to some of the stuff I’ve read in the fic. without context, they won’t make much sense to you BUT there will be spoilers for both the ending of the kdrama AND for the aforementioned fic so. BACK AWAY NOW and I would love you all regardless.
this is a spectacular work, it reads fluently, has alternative titles, ~glucose fathers~, helps coming to terms with some truly disturbing shit drama-wise while simultaneously making it easier for the reader to see how much of an unreliable (and gullible? at times? bby u need some railing soon. we got u boo) narrator the protagonist actually is AND it includes a kitten (nothing new for the drama fans, but still, who says no to kittens?).
if you still aren’t sold on this beauty or you haven’t seen the drama, please go do that as soon as you can. personally I think there ARE a few things that made me uncomfortable in the drama (if you know you know, that Texas twist was uncalled for imo), but if you love Villains and Anti-heroes plotting their plotty plots, pretty, older, EVIL ladies (with the occasional younger sinnamon cinnamon roll), BlackMirror-esque scenarios but on steroids, fabulous dramatics and charismatic idiots... then this is the show for you.
which brings me back to the actual reason I decided to write this post! under the cut there are the (short, admittedly) chapter-by-chapter notes I’ve written while reading Who Holds The Devil, so if you don’t know the fic in question and were intrigued enough to check it out thanks to my great pitching abilities (*oneshots an entire bottle of coke as they laught nervously*), then you go do that and then come back to read the notes.
it’s nothing huge, really. my last chapter in my own fic received some great comments from some truly lovely readers and I felt energized by their earnestness, enough to plan to do smth nice myself for an author I admire. I have generally little time to read fiction these days, since I research heavily for my fics and all, so I really wanted to take the time to appreciate this precious thing.
one small thing. if you want to reblog this post of mine, consider visiting @amethystinawrites ‘s tumblr first. I’m not posting this to get attention for myself or my trashcan tumblr blog, I’m doing this to share the love for a great writer so... go there and look around, hit the “follow button” and then share posts from there. like this beauty up here! THANK U DEARS!
last chance: BIG SPOILERS AHEAD!
buckle up and here we go!
(tw grief and some tmi from my part):
(chapters 1-23)
as i’m reading this, i can sense the crushing loneliness and grief and how sometimes your life could orbit around a small cat because it’s the only thing keeping u sane. i have experienced smth similar after my grandparents’ passing last year and i can feel it here as well.
seeing how Ga On cares for Elijah made me tear up. he’s so fond of her. author is very smart about communicating these small things that make life worth living;
i like how the author writes dreams: the way they turn into nightmares when Ga On gets a little too close to realise smth, the way they turn to smth feeble at the edges of his understanding of them;
the remorse Ga On feels for wishing Yo Han to get hurt at Elijah’s expense is so palpable, i hadn’t even considered that while watching. there were so many things happening at once. but author must have thought deeply about it and it shows;
the “feeling guilty for crying” part resonated with me a lot;
Ga On needing friends and human connection? reminds me of when i self-isolated for an entire year with my family and didn’t speak to anyone else, not even texting;
wanting to do everything alone? me and my three-year recovery from burnout would agree if we weren’t little stubborn bitches
loneliness makes u colder, there’s a scientific explanation for it but it fails me now. Ga On looking for warmth seems appropriate;
i like the part where Ga On admits to himself the future he would have had with Soo Hyun was hazy at best. it doesn’t detract from how much she meant to him, but i think honesty is a good way to honour her memory
author smart, every question seems reasonable and well thought out, my understanding is limited but all sounds very compelling;
Yo Han u sneaky bitch treat yo self, have some fun
judge Oh.. i’ve missed her, i was so keen on seeing how she was doing after everything that happened;
the guilt for “forgetting” about thinking of someone is very real: i’m glad to see a character going through the same things i have experienced, it makes me feel less alone in my past struggles and the perception i have of them;
the part of deserving pain and misery felt also very real;
i miss Soo Hyun too;
this fic makes me feel drained after each new chapter but in the same way the movie “The Farewell” does, helping me work through my own grief one sobbing session at a time. gotta love it
i have the biggest crush on judge Oh and the author is making it worse;
distance make the heart grow fonder for real y’all…;
Yo Han lives in survival mode at all times and i can relate to that;
Ga On is such an unreliable narrator i want to call him an idiot sandwich to his face but he’s too compassionate for me to be this cruel to him;
i know the rituals are intricate, i know they are;
(sudden thought: i really really want to see Yo Han tipsy or drunk. i want him to be funny like only old men can be while making a fool of themselves);
competence is a good look on Ga On. i should learn from him and try to make friends;
communication is not their stronger point;
stepping away from trauma and from codependency from your child is hard to work through, but Yo Han is trying;
author is very smart about manipulation tactics (but also, self-doubting idiots). i am impressed
(no notes this time bc this chapter was too gripping i forgot to write my thoughts down, sorry)
“i like hearing you happy” judge Oh please marryME;
“friends” sounding wrong is so funny to me: how do u even relate to someone like Yo Han in a normal context??;
Oh Jin Joo marry ME;
“i grew up in a basement” that’s the level of fact-checking i aspire to on a daily basis;
Yo Han using expressions willingly.. he is reading on how to communicate better, isn’t he?;
Elijah my child ;-; so cute;
i didn’t know judges usually graduate in COURTing as well
i will have to kidnap judge Oh, yes;
“i don’t ever want you to suffer because you think it will make me happy. it won’t”………… author is giving me unreasonable expectations about wife-material individuals;
(*checks fandoms of interest as of recently*) why is it always the murder-husbands trope that gets me…;
that talk about the “imagined grief” ah yes, i play at that game sometimes. it’s horrifying. and this is perhaps the second time i see it explored in the 10 years i’ve been reading fanfictions… well done author;
started reading in loud-whisper now: that’s when u know the plot is good;
that admission was so raw, i love it;
Yo Han is running away ah!;
“are you punishing me?” i am frothing at the mouth. author deserves treats;
(reader is distracted by the dialogue but so far Yo Han is doing his best to explain himself and we are HERE for it);
Yo Han has encyclopaedic knowledge on human emotions but people are not that easily predictable;
oh my god Kang Yo Han, you cannot simply ask people why they can’t get a grip so that you can be with them (eye roll);
Soo Hyun knew Ga On so much they didn’t need words between them… he needs to practice now;
i forgot the brother-doppelgänger trope: i am an imbecile;
the hug ;-; i’m dying
author is really good with nightmares;
look, i’m not saying that Ga On needs therapy but.. Ga On my boi u need therapy;
(reader got distracted by how cool judge Oh is)
new characters yay!;
Ga On not knowing how to interact with people reminds me of my own struggles in uni as i decided to go back after almost 4 years of forced isolation from other people in my age range. depression is a bad bitch and re-learning to talk to others?? not easy;
so cheeky my boi;
aside from the praise kink, the order-me-around one is also strong in this one;
this boi can fit so much possessiveness i swear!
listen, i forgot the bomb was a thing n the drama. author is smart;
lawyer Ko is great. we stan;
lawyer Ko recognises a possessive man and his destructive tendencies alright.. i guess bonding over overthrowing a government does that to a guy like him;
a nice dream~;
“Something within Ga On resonated with the darkness and secrets that hid at Yo Han's core. Like a constant pull, a taut thread of tension, tying them together. Drawing them closer, making them align. Like a steady hum of rightness that left ripples long after they parted, reverberating inside Ga On until his very essence seemed to change frequency.” …….listen, i may as well quit writing. this is poetry to me and it will haunt me for weeks;
this feels like beauty and the beast, reminding Yo Han of his humanity and all;
awkward uncle Yo Han deserves respect;
and i love the fact that Elijah doesn’t make the connection right away. feels normal. organic. i remember how unaware i used to be at her age about adults and their business, i was too busy dealing with my denials and traumas.. so yeah, i like this outcome. it’s also a fresh thing to read, especially since i’m using the match-making trope in my current fic and i’m having fun planning how to overrule it entirely ahah. playing with reader’s expectations is FUN 😈🔥
judge Oh please tug on MY lapels;
praise this good puppy!;
i was wondering about how Ga On had felt that first day after the explosion. he really thought he had lost everything uh?;
“are you planning to murder more people?” should be standard flirting procedure;
Ga On knows how to bargain;
i had to draw the line myself once, with a friend. it was horrible. they tried to reason with me, then tried to change my mind, then it was clear i had to leave for my own good. this is the first time i see this topic examined in fiction so efficiently. it feels real
the part about “holding that line” resonated with me on a visceral level, almost scary;
i am in love with all these boss bitches author has come up with;
chairwoman Moon use me as a floor mat i am begging u;
not me noticing how Ga On trying to make a businesswoman be held accountable for her choices echoes Ga On asking Yo Han the same: again, author SMART;
friendship is great i love these kids;
yes, make Jin Joo feel special Ga On! she always wanted that more than fame anyway. u go kid!;
hug ME judge Oh! i’ll get all the germs no problem
this really hits too close to home sometimes, with the whole second-guessing-despite-being-sure Ga On is going through. i think i needed that. it’s cathartic. it helps;
on one hand i cannot help myself from being fond of Elijah as she is, abrasive and blunt. on the other, i’m glad Ga On calmed down enough to articulate his point properly and teach her about when to step back from other people’s private business. that was very cool to read;
Professor Min >:( this is going to be interesting;
(update) i can feel the shaky-camness in this scene holy fucko;
“you might not want to admit it, but you sold yourself to the devil” yooo that must have been fun to write!;
“so did you” what a PUNCH LINE my guy!;
Oh Jin Joo step on me;
the Kang Yo Han to Proper Mensch pipeline;
dude be screaming his love confession in reply text messages for MONTHS yet only now decides it’s still a good time to nope this out of the way and wait some more before admitting to himself it was love the whole time. effervescent;
so embarrassing! this boi has a crush! ew!!;
ah, anger… the best and easier coverup to process emotions while in denial to rely on in times of confusion. yes. very productive;
if author gets to use the breathy “hyung” card during intimate scenes in the future I’m gonna combust. this is so unfair. author is too good at this game 😔💕;
this puppy needs to channel his anger into some kickboxing or smth;
kang YOUR HAPPINESS MATTERS TO ME yo han ladies and gentlemen;
kang I MISS YOU TOO yo han y’all;
kang IM SORRY yo han. period;
oh this fucking diva i swear to any god willing to listen to me!!
Go Eun hi!! :D so cute;
it’s good to see Ga On trying to be more in tune with his confidence, he would have crumbled in the past under Yo Han’s words just by thinking he deserved the pain they were suppose to inflict. good job kid;
Jin Joo u are making it harder and harder for me to ever be able to find a wife in the future, you know that yes?;
AWARENESS as the kids call it these days yes;
drunk Ga On is adorable;
he is saying I LOVE U you absolute buffoon;
omg it’s happening it’s HAPPENING CALM DOWN
K ;-; ah he really ended up badly poor thing;
someone is nervous 👀;
(too distracted by FEELS to take notes sorry);
the part about small tomatoes being thrown was cute;
i want my own oasis of calm too ;-; Ga On tell me your sugar bby secrets!;
i think this boi deserves a cuddle pile. just… pile everyone on top of him for a collective nap so he can convince himself that he is safe and cared for;
realising to be happy and consequently finding yourself sad bc it’s so sad that it took so long to be happy……. yeah. i know the feeling too well. nice to see it portrayed in fanfic. author smart;
ms Ji ;——; i hope she’s thriving;
(btw i really liked that scene in the drama when Ga On explored the house for the first time. the repetition of Ga Ons really did it for me. idk i’m just very attached to the visuals in that particular context);
(i also liked that scene where Yo Han defends his younger self from his father’s violence. we do that mental exercise in trauma work and to see it portrayed on screen was very hard to watch but also freeing);
someone can feel the Tension uh??;
bby girl is such a spoiled precious princess i love her;
i would love to take notes for Elijah!;
sugary negotiations ensue;
the pining is delicious
give kitty some kiths;
another, grumpy, bigger cat seems to need some too… confused Yo Han is priceless;
listen, soapy hands are underrated as gay awakening material;
NO TRY HARDER omg Ga On u kinky bby;
take the free car u idiot he is courting u;
we are living our best single lives up in here while these two idiots keep flirting, it’s fine, i wish i could drink to wallow in my own misery but i don’t drink, but it’s fine, it’s cool, really;
kang ITS VERY CUTE yo han fuck this guy he’s making me yell at the sun;
they bicker like two old married gays;
yes Ga On order HIM around some more;
author u cannot use the word “starving” and expect me not to go feral feral on this fic
(this is all I have for now but I’m so excited for what comes next! thank you author and please, take time to rest!)
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
ok so like imagine reader as a teachers aid for like a first grade teacher and a group of kids come up to them and ask “y/n do you know what the dream smp is?” and reader just responds with “oh i for sure know what that is” and shows a kid a picture of reader and one of the boys hanging out/on a date and then making the kids promise to not tell anyone
i imagine this as like headcannons or soemthing idk, i hope you have a great day!!
Hallo, thank you for requesting!
I think this idea is very adorable, but to make this longer I'll also put the boys reaction to this
Hope you enjoy<3
Kids reacting to Teacher!Reader dating/knowing the DSMP
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, Philza, Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers
Click here before requesting, please <3
First of all, this is how I imagine the whole scenario going:
"Teacher!!" A group of little kids exclaimed as they ran after you during recess.
You turned to them with a warm smile "Hello kiddos, shouldn't you be playing? What are y'all doing here?"
Suddenly all of them seemed too shy to ask the question they intended to ask, until one of them decided to step in "My older brother said that you know the Dream SMP, is it true?"
You let out a surprised chuckle, not expecting to actually be recognized "Hm...What if I told you that it is?"
The small group of kids all exclaimed happily but one of them wanted proof. So you showed a picture of you and them on a date/hanging out (depends on who you're reading for)
(also of you're reading this for Dream, he's wearing the mask in the picture)
Needless to say they all went ballistic and bombarded you with questions for the rest of recess. You also made them promise to keep this little secret of yours and that maybe you'll let them meet the DSMP, to which they quickly complied
Now to the reactions
Dream, Sapnap, Skeppy, Quackity and Punz would be so honoured. Maybe the attention might go a little bit to their ego, but they make sure to give the kids what they wanted; expect Dream, who can't physically meet them so he calls you during recess to talk to them
George, Phil, Wilbur and Technoblade are quiet surprised to you getting recognized, but will definitely show up to meet the kids. Phil is probably the best one with them, while you needed to stay close to Techno cause he forgot how to act normal lol
Badboyhalo, Karl, Nihachu, Eret and Foolish find this whole situation very adorable and wholesome and they quickly take the offer to meet them. Nihachu would probably be the most suprised, since she barely gets attention (which is actually sad to write but true)
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nach0 · 2 years
Tugging Strings
[Grian] Statement of… actually, you never gave me your name.
[???] Prove you’re not the fae first.
[Grian] How do I do that?
[???] You know what, I never actually figured that out. This is the point where I’m usually running away from angry fae. Lucas Clawthorne.
[Grian] …I see. Statement of Lucas Clawthorne, regarding a strange pulling to this building. Statement begins.
AO3 Link
Word count: 1242
This is inspired by @sixteenth-days' From The Archives series! I figured Lucas would be pretty fun to write a statement for with how absolutely insane their life is and I was right lol
(Looks better on AO3)
[Grian] Another old statement, I’m not sure how much of this I’ll be able to read. There’s burnt sections all over this page, I can barely read the name.
Well, this is my job. Statement of-
(A door creaks open.)
Hey, who are you?
[???] Oh sorry, is this a bad time? I know I was told to wait, but the tugging got too strong to resist.
[Grian] Tugging? I suppose you’re here to give a statement then, sit down. What kind of tugging are you talking about?
[???] Maybe tugging wasn’t the best word. Nudging might be better. Shoving when I don’t follow it.
How does this whole thing work?
[Grian] You mean to tell me you came into the VOID Institute without knowing what we do?
You give a statement about your supernatural experience, and we archive it, investigate it, and try to solve it. Speaking of, I should really start- oh, it’s already on.
Statement of… actually, you never gave me your name.
[???] Prove you’re not the fae first.
[Grian] How do I do that?
[???] You know what, I never actually figured that out. This is the point where I’m usually running away from angry fae. Lucas Clawthorne.
[Grian] …I see. Statement of Lucas Clawthorne, regarding a strange pulling to this building. Statement begins.
[Lucas] I’ll be honest, I don’t exactly expect you to be able to help me. Those much more experienced with magic have tried and failed. But I’m apparently meant to come here, and I clearly don’t have control over my life anymore. If I vanish suddenly, know that means I’ve said too much.
(There’s bitterness in their tone. They cough awkwardly before continuing.)
It all started about... a year and a half ago? Not relatively of course, it’s been far longer from my perspective. I wonder how long this trip will be?
All things considered; it had been a pretty normal day. I went to bed wishing my life didn’t suck quite so much, and then I woke up in Paris.
You guys do have Paris here, right?
[Grian] Yes, we have the city of Paris.
[Lucas] Yeah ok, I know that sounded weird. Just wanted to check.
So I woke up in Paris, and I had wings. Thought it was just a dream at first, especially when I saw the giant monster and superheroes chasing it.
But after a couple of weeks, I couldn’t pass it off as a dream anymore.
And it wasn’t just your regular old magical Paris. It was from a show, one I won’t name just in case, so I decided to insert myself into the plot.
A win-win scenario, you know? Figured if I saved the day I might get to go home, and if I didn’t, well at least the day would be saved.
...I still wonder what would have happened if I’d made a different choice. I’d probably get shoved into it anyway, but...
Going home is never a win.
Beat the bad guy, made some friends, forged a connection that echoes through every time I’m sucked into another one of these, and abruptly woke up.
Even after everything, I was willing to pass it off as a dream. For my sanity’s sake, you know?
But then I saw the notebook.
I’d bought one while I was there, to make note of everything that was true to the show compared to what had changed.
It was sitting on my dresser.
I left it well enough alone, at least at first, but I eventually opened it. Everything was the same, from my scribbled notes to that one page Trixx tried to eat.
It’s in my pocket, if you want to see it. Never runs out of space, and it comes with me every time.
So by that point I knew it wasn’t a dream, but I still had no idea what had happened.
And then it happened again.
A different world, not even on earth to start. And once again, it was a cartoon I’d watched. No wings this time- which as a side note was very distressing. It was so hard to go back to normal life without them, I caught myself more times than I could count about to try and take off from my balcony.
...You have feathers. Do you still have whatever did that to you? Do you think it can do whole wings?
[Grian] I wouldn’t recommend going to Cleo. And I doubt she’d do the same thing twice.
[Lucas] Aww, a shame. But you are the expert.
Cleo was actually pretty nice when we last met. A little bloodthirsty, but we all were. Just part of the game. You especially caused a lot of death. It was fun though, minus all the trauma.
I’m getting off track.
This has been going on ever since then, and I’ve just been dragged around like a puppet on strings fixing issues. It’s not all bad though! I was a dragon in one, which was neat. It was me and my sister against the world, except our hole world was our father.
He died long before I was sucked away, and I call that karma. Just wish the scar he left wasn’t so damn prominent...
I chose to believe that Moon is safe. Killed the bad guy, did my job, made the world safe for her.
And that’s how it goes every time. No matter what I do, friends I make, family I find. I’m always sucked away into another one. Another fictional universe, with anything from one detail to the entire plot changed.
I call it ‘Dimension-Jumping.’ Never figured out how to control it, whether to stop it or stay in one place. I don’t know if I ever will.
(There’s a short silence.)
[Grian] Now when you say it’s always a fictional universe...
[Lucas] Ah, yeah. Sorry, didn’t meant to give anyone existential crises this early. That’s usually saved for when I have to explain why I’m about to vanish forever. If it makes you feel any better, you’re most definitely real. Even if not in my world, your experiences here prove that.
[Grian] Oddly enough, it somewhat does.
[Lucas] I’ve got experience. I’m not being tugged away, so I suppose I have more work to do here. Though from the looks of things, the problem I have to solve may just be your messy as high hell office.
Three moons, does no one clean around here?
[Grian] There’s only one moon.
[Lucas] Only one moon here. Need an assistant?
There’s no record for anyone named Lucas Clawthorne to be found anywhere. They say it corroborates their story. They’re a good kid if a bit... strange. I took a quick look through their journal, and it wasn’t by Joe Hills, which rules out some of my theories. They didn’t want to get too far from it, and from the amount of notes inside, I can tell why.
Any pushing about family or the puppeteers they mentioned is met with either a changing of the subject or an outright refusal to answer.
It’s a bit worrying.
But they seem happy enough here, and they know their way around the supernatural well enough. Even better than some of our staff if I’m being honest.
Part of me doesn’t want them to be sucked back to whatever home they had before all this started.
From what I’ve seen, they don’t want to either.
Definitely didn't forget I had a taglist oop:
@a-chilly-pepper @over-emotional-huffelpuff
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP x Fem!Child!Hybrid!Reader
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Requested by: @nightfoxyycats
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I'm so sorry this took longer than expected T_T
(Yes Ik it's longer than the others I do, and that's cuz I usually end up mixing the headcanons into drabbles/one-shots, but this time, I kept it as bullet points and I got carried away. Oops. And yes, it's easier to write headcanons this way but it'll end up being long af)
When Cain first met you, he overheard and was curious about this new SCP during a test, so he decided to come and watch, from afar of course.
When Cain first met you, he overheard and was curious about this new SCP during a test, so he decided to come and watch, from afar of course.
Anyways, the little test was just a plain and boring one and little (Y/N) was taken back to her containment cell after 10 minutes. Cain had requested to see you as he remembered seeing in your file that you can breathe fire and cry lava among other things due to your dragon abilities.
It's not like he didn't believe them since he's been in the foundation for many years, but he was just curious about a hybrid child like you and wanted to see if you were doing well. You being a shy child was quiet at first and when Cain went to visit you every so often, you both became close and he was a father figure to you, even though you were abandoned by your father since birth and your mother died not long later.
He took good care of you and made sure you were well fed. You were rather polite to the guards and staff so Cain wouldn't need to worry too much about you intentionally killing them. But only for a short period of time as who knows what you'll be like when you're older.
Luckily for Cain, you were also carnivorous, so he didn't have to worry about you eating your 5 a day (not that you wanted to anyways you ungrateful meat-eating child).
Whenever there's a containment breach, the first thing he does is to look for you
Aside from some side effects, he isn't worried too much as he wouldn't receive any wounds anyways so hell just charge towards anyone who looks/sound like you
He's basically your new dad ok?
SCP 076 (Abel)
Abel first came into contact with you during a containment breach
He just saw you casually flying around and occasionally lending the guards a hand by breathing fire just to burn some holes for easier access (how professional)
He saw you again moments later when you were alone and you decided to approach this hulk of a man to ask for some help, thinking he worked there. Abel had abandoned you (like your hopes and dreams left you a millennium years ago) but you insisted on going with him so he took you in
Later his rage in the facility had vanished as he had cared for you for the short period of time he had met you and handed you over to the guards, much to their surprise
He then ran away as he's not totally scared of kids or anything and hid in his box
You insisted on visiting 076-2 and so the researchers did, realising much later that you both had bonded. Abel was a parental figure to you.
A very overbearing protective guardian I must say.
Even more so when there's a containment breach
Like imagine 610 and 682 mashed up together to form an extremely hostile entity and that's Abel for you
But that's only if you were hurt, if you weren't or fit was just a normal containment breach, had be extremely worried
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor) (Guy's pls don't be mistaken, I don't have any beef with 049 ok? XD If I make any characters a little OC then 049 will gladly rid the pestilence from you without consent)
This sassy MF so-called doctor right here met you when for some reason, the doctors had decided to put you both into a testing room (no, it wasn't Bright's idea).
049 was just doing his thing as you just sat on a really high chair (cuz you do be short so ofc you wouldn't be sitting on a lower chair which is lower than your taste in men/women) and watched curiously. The doctor thought it was somewhat cute and laughed slightly from your curiosity.
Sensing that you didn't have the pestilence, he allowed you to scooch closer just to see. After the test was done, the guards took you back out with slight aggression, but you, for some reason, were still polite to the guards despite their aggression which made 049's heart swell due to your pureness.
You yawned slightly and accidentally blew out fire from your mouth which almost caused a containment breach if it weren't for 049's quick thinking
Later on, the researchers had decided to put you both in the testing room again, and you both began to bond as 049 requested you to burn the bodies he performed surgery on
Needless to say, you both had a great time and the researchers were mildly amused
If you somehow knew another friend (*ahem* 035), he'd probs ask him/her to care/loof for you if there were a containment breach
Or he would just sigh and look after you himself if you were closer to 035 and he asked so nicely
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask) (Right about 049 being sassy.... I'll take that back, 035 is the sassiest, right next to a certain sculpture in the foundation)
Anyhow, 035 was actually the reason you were stuck in the foundation anyways
God knows how, but you met this guy wearing this theatre mask and you ended up here in the foundation
Now everyone thought you were either a Keter or Euclid
I mean, you were so close to being put into the Euclid class but ended up in safe since you were so polite to the researchers as well as shy and relatively easy to contain... For now
Whenever they used you in a test, you were rewarded with whatever you wanted, within reason ofc, whenever you behaved well which was like 98% of the time minus minor accidents since you weren't entirely in control of your powers
Sometimes instead of a reward, you'd request to see 035 as he would perform to you and that was only granted when its safe to do so and when that hideous mask would do as he/she/it is told
035 would be that somewhat overprotective yet goofy uncle that everyone loved and he was totally wrapped around your fingers unless you were hurt or if he urgently needed something or someone
If there was a containment breach, he'd look for you, if not he'll call out his 'friend' to look out for you (*cough* 049 *cough*)
When 035 finds you, he'd most likely ask you to fly around to see the nearest exit or he'd just carry you when there's someone chasing you
If 035 were to kill anyone, you'd cry and tell him no to which did end up in burning the floor but oh wells, they're rich enough to contain him so why not use the extra money to rebuild the floor right?
Anyways, 035 loves you no matter what and he'd do anything to make sure you're doing well
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
Ok so, when you and 999 first met each other, you were kind of just wandering around the facility minding your own business
999 just casually slithered up to your leg and offered you some sweets and a hug since you looked upset and so you accepted it
You both found a place to sit and just talk bout stuff and what life was like before you were captured
But you were cheery just like 999 and rarely attacked anyone, and if you ever did, it was either that you were hella pissed or you accidentally breathed fire/teared up some lava which burnt some stuff
The researchers would secretly take in some notes bout your interactions and just continued on with their day and left you both alone, but would sometimes keep a stern eye on you
They say it's for everyone's safety, and that's true to an extent, but the main reason they do it is to monitor your progress of you controlling your powers
Anyways, sometimes when it gets busy in the cafe or down the hallway, you just fly across the room, and sometimes, you'll be extra cheeky and play hide and seek with the researchers
999 would occasionally join in but he's more like a worried older brother to you
During containment breaches, 999 would run around looking for you and when he did, he would check if you had any injuries
When you say you didn't, he was relieved but not for long since you mentioned bout making new SCP friends and he just died right there and then (not really)
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
Similarly to Able, he'd be wary of you at first
Like, he can sense that you weren't just an ordinary child when you just appeared behind him
He was somewhat irritated when you followed him around, but you reminded him of 053, so he just let it slide and let you show some affection towards him
It's not like he didn't like it, he was just embarrassed
Anyhow, the researchers wanted to test how 682 would bond with you, so they made you meet up with him again but in his cell
You were both chatting like father and daughter and soon, everyone had found out that not only could you fly, you could also cry lava, which yes did burn a small hole on the ground and you could somehow breathe fire
You were also immune to the fire and lava so they decided to have a full-on body check and discovered that you were built similar to the komodo dragon with a side of 682 (XD Don't ask)
682 was left stunned, but luckily he didn't feel the need to run up the wall like that bunny
Like who tf invented a self-eating bunny?
Anyways, research shows that just like Abel, the giant lizard was very protective of you
The theory has it that you were somehow related to the lizard, perhaps he laid an egg before containment and some guy took it in and froze it then decided to hatch the egg
During containment breaches, he would basically rampage around the facility, killing anyone and everyone until he found you
And when he did, he would check on you like the amazing father he is and then carry on killing but was then stopped by you
So he would just carry you around until you fell asleep
SCP 105 (Iris)
I think Iris would be a good mother/sister figure when it comes to kids
It kinda came from the fact that Iris hangs out with Abel and Cain a lot, so it kinda just rubs off her
Her motherly/sisterly instinct just heightened when she first found you on a mission and she just took you in
It took a while to bribe the foundation that she kinda had custody
Not exactly custody, but she had a say when it came to your safety, especially the fact that you weren't exactly human and your appearance would cause a disturbance to others
I feel like Iris would be a stern yet kind guardian towards you, leaning towards the stern part since you're a child SCP and has fire breath and lava tears
Iris wouldn't be entirely bothered by you flying around, but she had to bribe the researchers and some SCPs to help you fly better
She would murder anyone who had to cry because they made you cry and cleaning up after your tears is such a mess considering that you have little control over them
Your fire breath on the other hand is slightly more controllable, but if you were hella happy or mad you'd breathe the fire and burn anyone/anything
Most of the time, its unintentional and you're usually sweet and kind towards anyone, so manners aren't a big thing for Iris to teach you
She'd even teach you some of the stuff she learnt/discovered and you'd just sit there being nosy and curious about everything
Like that one time, you almost caused a breach cus you were so curious and friendly that 682 was about to snap off your head and rampage out of the foundation
And don't even get me started with the brothers and 096, OML
Other than that, you both were like a family you never had :,) (You're welcome!!!)
During containment breaches, Iris would literally pick you up and run
Unless you weren't with her for whatever reason (Yes, you're attached to each other's hips... Don't lie, you love it!), she'd do anything to find you
If you were hurt, shed tend to your injuries immediately and lecture you about safety
If you weren't hurt, shed still give you a lecture, then pick you up and run
If you made friends on the way, she may or may not approve and bite of anyone head
And the foundation wouldn't want an Angry!Iris around
SCP 106 (Old Man)
This old man here is basically the definition of a cool uncle/granddad
Without a doubt, he'd go into his pocket dimension and comes back with a teddy bear or some sweets
He'd spoil you a lot and the foundation had enough of this cuz by the time you become an adult, you wouldn't be independent enough
Anyways, 106 would let you go into his dimension and practice your abilities there for the safety of others
The researchers would occasionally ask you to carry a camera with you just so they know what it's like in his pocket dimension
106 rarely gets mad, and even if he was, it'll be about someone trying to hurt you since you're too kind and shy to make him mad
You're even kind to the researchers and guards which is worrying to 106 as they might take advantage of your kindness (which may be true for some, but most of them are just glad you're kind since it makes their jobs so much easier)
Sometimes, you'd make things levitate which was a shock to anyone who walked by and witnessed this
But only for a few seconds though, so it's not much
106 would encourage you to use your telekineses and he'd attempt to train you
Which didn't work so well, so that sucks
During containment breaches, he'd use his pocket dimension to his advantage
He'd hide you in there just so you don't have to get hurt
If you weren't there with him, he'd kill and hunt down anyone who might know where you are
He'd make sure you weren't hurt otherwise he would go into scary uncle mode
If you weren't hurt, he would just hug you which stops you from crying lava
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
Now what makes you and 096 a unique pairing is that you're both shy
The only difference is that you can speak but 096 kinda doesn't
But that's not a problem since you both just understood each other since day 1
I'd say 096 is that introverted uncle/cousin but he's kinda chill and sweet with you
As for containment breaches, the only difference with this tall guy is that not only will he kill anyone who sees his face, he'd also hunt down anyone who'd hurt you
096 has a newfound ability for this and the researchers were shocked when they first found out
A certain chainsaw loving doctor wanted to test it out himself but was stopped rather quickly by the other researchers
Anyways, one time you almost burnt down the foundation because 096 crept up behind you which scared you to tears
And you screamed as well which didn't help at all since you could breathe fire
Also, when you're not with 096, you'd use your levitating powers to grab lighter objects which did result in the objects falling onto your head
And this is why you need to train more, so then objects wouldn't be yeeted onto your tiny head and knock the nonexistent brain cells out of your nonexistent brain - Sorry not sorry (Ok so at least pretend to laugh)
If anyone bullied you and you didn't say a word, 096 would know and even if you tried to stop him, it wouldn't work
Unless you're in a life-threatening situation, but even then, he'd kill the guy
Dr. Simon Glass
Unlike the others on the list, you're the one who approached the doctor
Mainly because you were lost, but you were curious as well
Simon would probably be the best person to run into, other than Kondraki, but still
It's because he's a psychologist and still very much human (I mean, Kondraki's a normal human I guess, but he has those butterfly thingys)
Anyways, when he first saw you, you were in his office flying about and crying lava
Simon saw you and was shocked but attempted to calm you down and get you you sit with him for a bit, then call the others
But boy did that not work out, because this poor innocent boi was boutta get killed by your firey breath cuz he startled you too much
Bright, Kondraki and Clef just strolled in and saw the mess and even attempted to get you to chill, but this didn't work either
So poor Simon Glass had to find his way to get you to stop being so scared which obviously worked
You sat down with him and he let you doodle on a blank piece of paper
And being a good psychologist he is, he used psychological methods to get you to feel comfortable and to start talking to which you did
You were so polite he gave it to a chocolate bar, but instead of taking it off his hands, you used your telekineses to levitate it in your direction
Simon recorded what he had seen before letting the other researchers take you and offered to take you under his wing on the condition that you were you have a check-up every now and again
That wasn't much of a problem since you were so polite and chill - Usually
During containment breaches, he would make sure that you were safe first and it wasn't so difficult to deal with you since you were with him most of the time
When you're not with him, he'd be extremely worried like a mother hen and run in any direction that would take him to you
He'd be relieved to see you and if you were hurt, he'd bandage you up and try to not cry
If you've made new friends, he would be very happy about it - Unless it's a Keter or Euclid class
They'll be on his watchlist
Anyhow, Simon Glass is basically your mother and mentor
He'd teach you all the basics you'll need and help train you if he can (he'd most likely have to ask the other doctors and SCPs with some bribery)
Dr. Jack Bright
Our favourite doctor here would be that goofy uncle/dad
I feel that he'd sympathise with you since he's also an SCP (sorta) and he feels kind of trapped in the foundation
If you're lucky enough, Jack might be able to take you out for an hour for some fresh air
You'll automatically be under his wing and nobody will ever question it. Ever.
Although he may be goofy and does stupid things, he would be surprisingly protective and his fatherly instincts kick in right away since he first met you
He would allow you to use your powers to an extent and teach you how to use your power properly
You are well aware of his anomalous abilities with his neckless, so whenever Bright had to change bodies, you'd automatically know where he is (other than the obvious neckless thingy)
If there were to have a containment breach, Bright would panic but quickly become calm as that's the only way he could find you and keep you safe
When he finds you he would give you that lecture while finding any scratches on you
If you were to grow, he would give most guys the dad glare of the century and all those guys would run tf away cuz nobody messes with Bright's newfound daughter
I have high doubts that he would let anyone do tests with you when he's not there and even if he was, they would need his approval, so most of the time, you don't even need to worry much
Dr. Alto Clef
(OML Why do I keep adding new characters?! There's so much to write T_T)
Right, so when Clef found you, it was like as if his long lost (well... not so lost) memory came back to him
For some reason, you reminded him of 166 (OML I'm so lost for this SCP, like boi she had a rewrite)
So he took you in the foundation like he did with his daughter and took care of you Since he works for the foundation, he's not remotely terrified or anything, but he's curious about your abilities
And of course, you managed to use some of your abilities because of some SCPs and Bright Clef took you to meet 166 and you both showed your abilities and since 166 is older than you, she's probably trying to help you control your powers more
Which, of course, makes Clef a proud dad
If there were any containment breaches, he'd panicked but once he found you with his other daughter, he was relieved
166 made sure that you weren't hurt and if you were, you'd be bandaged up so Clef doesn't have to worry too much
Anyhow, if Clef decides to introduce you to the tiger doctors, he'd make sure Glass is the first since he's the most sensible person (but let's face it, he wouldn't admit it)
Then it'll be Iceberg, Coggs (that's his name right), Light and a couple others Bright and Kondraki would be last since they would be somewhat chaotic (mainly Bright) even though they're the fun uncle
Whenever Clef has a mission, he'd shove you to either 166 or Glass, if he's free, if not then it'll most likely be Light (and if she's also busy, then yall screwed)
And bless the guy who takes an interest in you when you become a teen cuz our messy boi would make sure that guy would suffer
Dr. Benjamin Kondraki
Ok let's face it, Kondraki would definitely be the mother hen of the dad world in the SCP Foundation
He's literally your mother, kinda like Glass but kinda not, ya know what I'm saying?
Like he'll feed your curiosity since many people around you wouldn't and you're an SCP so you're trapped in the foundation anyways
I'd say he's quite cautious and caring, obviously, but if he's out and about, he'd definitely let you go with him
Unless he's going out for a mission, then that's a definite no-no
He would let you hang out with the safer SCPs like 999 and maybe 166 if Clef is chill, but he has to let you hang out with her cuz she's the only other SCP who could help you get a grasp with your powers
Like how to not burn the bloody floor when you cry and stop breathing fire inconsistently by accident
An attempt was made when they try to train your telekineses but they'll have to wait till you're older
Since most of the time you're stuck with Kondraki, I don't think he'd be all too worried bout breaches, of course, he'd be worried about your safety, but you're there with him
If not then god knows what Kondraki would do
Like that one time, he begged Clef and Bright to look for you in which they did but then they made him do something for them in return
Let's just say, it wasn't pleasant at all, but it could be worse since Clef had a shred of sympathy left for the man and Bright just wanted chainsaws
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
i like the idea of thomas for the dad/christmas fic 🥺
heeey!!! thanks for comment on it again!!! once again, i'm sorry for not writing that one with the person 'we' mentioned first😅 hope u like it!
-> dad!thomas raggi x reader
prompt: in which, dad!thomas is bit late for xmas to see his little girl! bonus. he teaching his little girl how to play the guitar!
warnings: none, just the good stuff today!! oh, we actually talk more about the 'finals' holiday than xmas itself on here so i hope it doesnt be too awkward for people who don't celebrate it.
You closed the fairytale book, putting it in its place on the shelf, and then tidied the blanket to cover Alice better. One of her arms was on her new guitar, which Santa Claus had left for her at Thomas's mother’s house; and by Santa you meant Thomas. She was so happy at the moment that you couldn't wait to show him the video. 
 Despise this, the smile on her face hadn't lasted long, you didn't know if everyone could see that she looked sad or if it was something maternal that warned you about it. She was asleep, and even though you could tell she was heartbroken, her long eyelashes rested under the freckles of her chubby face; appearing to be all agitated - she had not cried, but you knew she had held back her tears while you put her to sleep. You didn't blame her, you missed him, too. 
 You hugged your torso, wanting to stay there with her, you didn't feel like going to sleep knowing that he wasn’t home for Christmas. When you looked at her again, with her sad little face, you suddenly felt bad for not thinking about letting her sleep with you; since she liked it when you let her stay in Thomas’s side of the bed when he wasn’t around.
“I love you, angel,” you whispered, brushing her hair away from her face and placing a kiss on the prominent freckles on her nose. She mumbled something you couldn't understand, and smiling silly at your girl, you took her purrs as your cue to make your way to the kicthen.
You hummed one of Thomas’s band songs to yourself after you checked that there was no messages or new call on it. He promised he would at least contact you, and as long as you are together he never was one to broke his promises; so what you could do was wait. 
 It was the first Christmas after you had Alice that he hadn't been able to come back home on time. And as much as you told him that you understood and that everything would be fine, which was true, you couldn't deny how much you missed him.
You kept the leftovers Alice had begged her grandmother to give her on the frigde, remembering how she had planned on eating it with Thomas when he got home. Glad pleased, you could imagine how happy he’d be that she thought about doing it for him. Just when your mind was ready to get lost in a scenario where Thomas would be home for the Holidays, the vibrations of your phone interrupted you.
“Hey, babe. Merry Christmas!” You said excitedly. It was him, he wouln’t forget of you. It was late at night and you had no idea what time it was for him, but still he called. 
“Merry Christmas, babe,” He said in a slurred, almost inaudible voice. He looked a bit sapped and busy.
“It's not a good time, right? I can call you later if you can’t speak right now or are feeling too tired,”
“Nah, it’s fine,” He assured, a bit breathless, getting clearer over the phone. “How was your day? How’s Alice? God, I missed you,”
“It was good,” you sighed, thinking about being cheeky and adding that it would have been better with him, yet you were afraid that it might make him feel worse. “Alice is fine too. She loved the guitar, you will love to see it. I filmed everything, she didn’t stop jumping with it in her arms, telling your parents how it was just like the one his dad have. She misses you so much, Thommy, and I think she’s learning how to deal with it.”
“She’s learning...” he repeated. “I wish she didn't need to learn to deal with me being away from her,”
“Don’t say that, I made a bad choice of words, you know she loves you and she loves even more the way you love her extra when you’re back. She understands, Thomas,”
“She’s 5 years old, Y/N,”
You let the silence fill the chasm between you. You felt how sad he was, he had been away for a long time because of the turns before, still he always managed to return for the special dates - just as he had promised when Alice was born - but this time, well, this time it wasn’t possible.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured and you visualized in your head his eyebrows furrowing as his hand ran agonizingly through his hair, just as he always do when he‘s feeling in low spirits. “You’re right. I should be focusing on the good things, soon I’ll be home, I’m gonna teach her to play the guitar, show her all my love and be the best dad in the world,”
You laughed at his abrupt change in mood mixed with a hint of himself. “I know you will, babe,”
“I’m gonna be the best boyfriend too,” he would give continuity to his words when a loud noise of something falling stopped him abruptly.
“What was it?” You asked. You made it clear that you were suspicious, and by his nervous laugh he knew that. After all, what would he say about the noise that seemed to have come from the room next to where you were? “Oh my god, Thomas, that can’t be you.”
He didn't even need to answer, the sound of your steps going on his way was enough for him to know that you knew he was there, making him curse himself for being so clumsy. And just like in a flash, you were in his arms. He dropped his bag on the floor, giving you al of his attention as he squeezed your shape to his body.
“You’re here,” you bured your face on his chest, letting the feeling of comfort fill your nostrils, and then soul. “You’re really here.” You added in a breathless sigh.
Relief taking over his body as you snuggled into his frame, he grinned, “I promised that I would try my best to be with you all the special dates, didn't I?” He asked, holding your face so he could look at you properly. “Are you crying?”
You nodded at his soft voice. “I’m sorry,”
He laughed, a nasal sound that you missed so much. “It’s ok, 5 months is a long time,” He said, tracing kisses across your face. “I promise I’m gonna love you extra now.”
It was already possible to see the sun rissing outside, yet you refused to close your eyes and lose any moment with Thomas.
You rested your head on the pillow, waiting for him and thinking of how lucky you were that he managed to catch a last minute flight to spend the New Year at home. He was scheduled to return only after the first day of the year, somehow things would have worked out better than expected and he managed to get back sooner.
“She looks like an angel sleeping so calmly.” He spoke, lying beside you under the covers.
“I thought you were going to wake her up, she'll go crazy when she sees you.”
“I know,” He smiled, proud of himself. He knew she was the definition of daddy’s little girl. “I will wait until she wakes up. I'm dying to fill her with kisses and hugs.”
Still with his charming teeth and cute dimples on display, he pulled you to his chest, trying to wrap you in the blanket next to him. “She loves you. She doesn't care about the time you spend away, as long as you come back to her.” You nuzzled into his neck, squeezing him tighter as you said that. It was likely that this would happen more often, letting Thomas blame himself for that wouldn’t do him any good.
He bobbed, kissing your forehead, enlacing you with the same intensity. “I know, babe,”
“How was turn?” You asked, looking at him, making sure that he was fine. He was thoughtful, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
He told you about his gigs around the globe and you were happy feeling his body soften on your arms. His voice almost lulled you to sleep, but you were sure you would never tire of hearing him talk about what he loves. You showed him the video of Alice receiving the guitar, seeing his eyes fill with water after she said that she‘d be just like her father made your chest almost explode with love. In the best possible way, of course.
“You can sleep if you want, babe.”
“No, I want to spend more time with you.”
“I’m here, I am not intending to go anywhere.” He patted your hair, rubbing his nose through your hairline, and the last thing you remembered was feeling his lips on your temple.
When you opened your eyes again, he was no longer there. You rubbed your eyes tight, trying to adjust to the light, wondering if there was any possibility that it might have been a dream, but then a sweet chuckle brought you back to reality.
Alice was standing in front of you, with the guitar resting awkwardly on her shoulders. Her eyes went from you to Thomas, as if asking him if everything was all right. You smirked lightly at her features that looked the same as Thomas's.
She started playing something, which looked incredibly bad, Thomas wrinkled his nose in an attempt not to laugh so as not to discourage her. He should have spent a lot of time helping her, and she looked like she was trying. Her lips was between her teeth as she concentrated to play her less than a minute of song was so cute that as much as you didn't understand a thing, you couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
“It’s Vent'anni,” Thomas mouthed, waving his hand in a way that would get your attention but not hers. “It’s Vent'anni.”
“Oh my god!” You opened your arms for her as she finished playing, watching you with her excited eyes. “It’s Vent'anni.”
She grinned from ear to ear, handing Thomas the guitar, and then jumping into your arms.
“Did you like this?” She asked happily, making ‘this’ sound like ‘dis’. “It’s not perfect but I’ll get better, right dad?”
“Yes, better than Damiano trying to play It!" Thomas confirmed, stroking her back as he approached you. “Good mornin’, love.” he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you,” you kissed his cheek, wishing he could feel how much you love him. “And I love you too, little one,” you mumbled, pinching Alice’s nose, which eyes was stuck on the two of you.
She laughed, her gaze still on you and Thomas. She looked like a completely different person from the night before.
“Dad said you look cute when you're tired.”
You knew that you looked tired, the day before wasn’t the best and you had barely slept. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking at Thomas who had a silly smile playing on his lips and felt your cheeks get hotter. The reason you still felt that way when he complimented you was a mystery, you liked it anyway.
“You are a gossip little thing,” Thomas joked, poking at her sides.
“No, I’m not.” She laughed, trying to run away from him flawlessly, letting him hug her as she recovered her breath.
“I love you too, both of you,” she pointed a finger at both of you. Thomas's smile was priceless, you could live in there forever. “but can we play more guitar now, please?”
You agreed and Thomas got up to sit upright, putting her between his legs. He looked at you, his face still radiant, you could easily imagine him talking about you with Alice - just like you did talk about him with her as well. He positioned her tiny hands on the guitar, guiding then with his own fingers. His gentle, patient voice teaching her things that both knew she would soon forget and he would have to repeat it all over again - and you knew Thomas would do it without a problem - was lovely to watch. Her head was resting on his chest and whenever she hit a note and heard Thomas praising her, she would turn to you and say "see mom, I did it.” And you swear that you couldn't be happier to have found the meaning of the word home in two of your favorite people in the world.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
The Boyz as things and feelings (just cause)
this is a small thing @haechanhues​ needed help with so i decided to make it an actual post uwu [this is gonna be pretty long cause i might write little scenarios]
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mirrors make a place look bigger than it really is - i feel like sangyeon has that ability to make you feel like you’re more important on your worst days
the things he’ll do just to make sure you’re alright, even when he knows you’re not
he also has the ability to reflect what you need: sad? he’ll come and hug you and let you cry or talk about your shitty day. happy? he’ll joke about the way you snort while laughing then he’d probably do something dumb to keep the energy up there
mirrors also feel very private and at-home, and that exactly how i feel he curates an environment
pillows are self-explanatory ig, smth to cry into, smth to fall asleep with while hugging, has the best homely scents ever, very comfortable
i imagine going home after a long day and finding your partner also tired, but he’s cooking or like in the couch watching tv and he just invites you into his arms uwu
“tell me about everything! whatever that makes you happy or sad and i’ll try my best to be who you need at that point of time!”
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ok like jacob with a guitar is just a stellar sight to behold, he looks like he was born to hold one, and his vocals are super underrated imo, most of tbz’s discography doesnt really suit his voice - i really wish he had a chance to have more lines in more ballads or maybe even a solo thing
he would drag you out to go on walks after he knows you’ve buried yourself in your work the whole day, and he’d be the kind to stop at a pretty flower and contemplate plucking it but he wouldn’t cause he’s a fairy and wouldn’t hurt a fly, much less a pretty flower
would probably play a piece in the background while you’re stressed w work and hum a tune so the singing wouldn’t distract you
would stop when he notices you stopped working and your sad ass is probably crying lmao
he’s a very soft and gentle man imo
he’s the innocent daisy amidst other bright colored, flamboyant flowers but he still stands out
“i’ll grow you a rose bush in the yard so i don’t have to be sad about plucking flowers next time.”
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he definitely radiates tsundere vibes on first sight, but when you get to know him, he’s obviously the opposite: a crybaby
but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t keep up his model-like appearances when he’s outside - in fact, he’d be the one to influence you into caring more about how you look (of course not materialistically, but more into actually caring about making yourself feel good with your fashion and appearance)
i chose winter coats as a symbol of coverage - he doesn’t show much of himself unless he’s close to you (like when you wear winter coats to keep warm, he’s a burrito because he doesn’t bother too much about sharing his feelings), but when he does, it feels like he has the ability to keep you warm and comfortable, even on the coldest days, even if his inner savage comes out
it’ll be like he scooped you into his coat and has you warm in one of this inner breast pockets
i see him as the kind to get regular coffee and like, a tart or something, at a cafe. it adds on to the warmth, when he remembers what you like. the details. maybe you like your coffee with cinnamon or less sugar or something, but then he tops it up with a muffin and he knows you like it heated up so he specifically asks for them to do so
ok but he’s defo the kind of guy that catches people’s attention at public spaces so every now and then when he’s laughing or smiling, some girl would gawk at him and he would be embarrassed about it, but lucky for you, you’re already wearing matching coats so they know the man’s taken uwu
“if only they knew how long it took to convince you to wear that coat.”
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classy but calm. dream-like but realistic. 
i say concerts as in the instrumental, ballad kinds. he loves it and he knows you probably need the sleep where you have that kind of background white noise/music that provides you the best quality of sleep there is. but when you’re not dosing off, he’s admiring how much time you’re willing to invest into being at something he loves
of course, in turn, he doesn’t complain much when you’re hungry and you meet him down the street at the nearest convenience store for some instant noodles and potato chips with a coke and he lets you ramble about your day 
he would probably buy you an ice cream just so you’d feel better, then regret it when you get a stomachache later cause it was like 2am in the morning
you probably have like 5 of his hoodies at home that you refuse to wash cause his scent is tainted all over it and the only time he gets to take them home is when he stays over or visits and he sneaks one into his bag when you’re in the kitchen making tea or a bowl of noodles
then you’ll get it back without even knowing it was gone
the kind that would probably surprise you after a day of work with a casual date idea to the movies, and i mean showing up at your place, impromptu, after he knows you’re home with two tickets 
“act like my girlfriend for once and go on a date with me, would you? your work isn’t going to be there with you when you die at 90.”
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as dumb and sometimes bimbotic as he seems he is, he’s gotten most of the visible constellations memorised and he would not hesitate from telling you all about his childhood with his family when they would travel and try to spot every single constellation they can remember
which brings me to the point where he remembers what you like, but... backhandedly. he doesn’t remember what you like but he remembers what you hate instead, so you don’t ever have to worry about getting that licorice flavoured jelly bean
he would offer a midnight walk to help you relieve your stress, cause he knows you just like seeing the nightsky amidst the peace and quiet while he rambles on for his own satisfaction. not everything has to be so emotionally attached and shared. you can share blissful moments without being the reason for each other’s and that’s totally fine.
juyeon is kind of a scaredy cat in the sense that he isn’t really into horror movies or games but he’s always had that dream to become a pilot and so for his birthday, you brought him to a vr game arcade where he played some plane simulator and ever since, you’ve been taking turns to surprise each other with a new vr arcade spot or adding on to the vr game console set you have at home
“maybe i should digitalise you so i can see you in the vr game”
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the best-friend kind of partner you would come across once in a lifetime
a billion film shots of you after he drags you to the karaoke and he beats you at super intense songs like the bohemian rhapsody just cause he can hit those high notes and solely because he was screaming on the floor when he did it
almost left his film camera behind 
absolutely LOVES those walks along streets where there are a million neon lights
would come across that one sus neon light signs that indicate a sex toy store and he would give you that sly smile and probably joke for you to go in 
kevin has a moon neon light in his room and you have a star or something (whatever you want)
corrects your grammar and pronunciation, only for you two to bicker about it even more when you use google translation and there are different pronunciations depending on where/what accent you’re using
he really is your light in the dark, even if he’s known to be introverted. once he’s comfortable enough with you, he makes you feel like the most important person in the world
has one of those portable speaker microphones at home and he drones on and on and on with some billie eilish song until you hurl a pillow at him
“so you’re the tough girl, like it really rough girl, justcan’tgetenoughofkevingirl, chest always so puffed girl”
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(i could not find a more candid, softer aesthetic pic for chanhee rip)
his entire wardrobe fits you - the only problem is that he’ll never let you wear it in fear that you’d stain or tear something
shared playlists because that’s how similar your taste in music is, and so sometimes when you have your earpiece in and you’re humming the melody of that song, chanhee picks it up immediately despite not hearing that song, and ends up harmonising with you
got kicked out of the library once or twice because it was exam period and the two of you won’t shut up
ironically doesn’t sing that much if you’re not around
chanhee is a true blue introvert - which is a miracle that you’ve managed to tear through that barrier of his and find out that he giggles at every stupid thing you do: he’s having a bad day? trip over the pavement. he’ll laugh. it works
dragging him out to go strawberry picking was so difficult - but of course chanhee isn’t safe from how beautiful and enticing the fresh fruits were.
didn’t touch anything strawberry flavoured OR any strawberries for the next month or so
his straightforwardness comes with the breakdown of his barrier - but that’s what brings you comfort. he will never lie, he will only be sarcastic and even then, you’d know it’s true
i used duets as a symbol of harmony and being in-sync, though never really exactly the same, and that’s how it is with chanhee. your thoughts are very similar even though he’s much more introverted than you, but that’s what binds you 
“i’m gonna tell the librarian i don’t know you if we get kicked out again.”
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city tours - the kind that you already know inside out and yet you STILL travel the area as if you were a tourist 
that’s exactly how it is with changmin: you know him inside out, after being friends for so long, but it never gets old
you’re used to him biting your hand out of nowhere and yet it startles you all the time. that stupid chucky doll in his living room? old, but it never fails to scare you
he doesn’t ever talk about it that much, but he loves it when you co-ordinate outfits
no, it doesn’t mean you wear couple tees, but it’s aesthetically pleasing to changmin that if he wears cool tones, you would too
he’d be reserved about his thoughts and feelings sometimes but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think or feel them
there’s a strange sense of familiarity with changmin, because you kind of know what to expect but then you’re never disappointed, you know?
“i got you this white pigeon cause it looks like the one i already got... you can give it back to me if you don’t like it though-” /he takes it before you can accept it/
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there’s something about ju that makes it very casual and easy-going
he hates horror genred themes so fuck that, he would queue online just for the latest ali wong comedy show, even if it’s an online show, and he would laugh until he cried
sometimes he’s a drama queen but that makes it alot easier for you to know what he’s thinking or feeling - it makes communication alot easier
that means a lack of arguments
he’s also very empathetic but straightforward, exactly like how comedy shows are - because they are relatable, they are funny because they bring out the irony and sarcasm and all the dumb things in life that people are sometimes afraid of talking about and hak just says whatever he wants to say, even if he knows it might be hurtful or upsetting
he prioritises truth and honesty over anything else
it makes you a better person, honestly
beach walks - very calming, very liberating. he lets you yell and scream and kick sand back into the water because you can, and he does it with you
tries to teach you how to skip rocks but you suck and you can’t so he just pulls you away from the pile of rocks you amassed
“flick your wrist like that, not like you’re meowing!”
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he will NOT go easy on you in a friendly match: you might be one of the fastest players of the female team but he’s ruthless in his ball-stealing, so even if you were fast enough to keep the ball out of his reach, he’d still be able to snatch it right out between your feet
very, very competitive and does not like to lose
you would always play the ‘ladies first’ card but then he’d throw the ‘feminism’ card back at you 
sometimes you act more like siblings than anything else 
the only time when he isn’t fuming with competition is if you’re injured because he accidentally tackled you - he’ll gracefully give himself a yellow card before absolutely trashing you in the next match
has one foot into the production game recently - likes to play with the beat board and mixing tunes, and since you’ve had your hand in doing music remixes for a deejay job before, you’re there to identify which songs have the same bass line or beat counts for easier mixing
would make you a playlist of remixes but wouldn’t admit that he spent a whole day in the studio without you just so it would be a surprise
a soft boy stuck in the wraps of an egoistic man
“a day? please. i illegally downloaded half these remixes off the internet cause i’d think you’re too internet-dumb to find them.”
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full of impromptu, casual ideas to hang out 
baking is a fucking mess - why did he suggest it when he doesn’t even have the right ingredients?
wanted to replace eggs with water - like ok thats supposedly healthier, but why????????????
he likes cleaning so that was the only fucking bonus in baking - had to call his mom for help halfway through because the cookies looked more like goop than playdough
gave up in the end and he repaid his debt by helping clean your kitchen
tried to teach you how to skateboard, but he ended up falling off his own in the process and now he’s got a grazed knee 
the kind of person you’d have so much chaotic fun with, he’s that friend your mom told you to NOT hang out with that much if not you’d get run down by a car 
has the most fucking random pieces of clothing in his wardrobe, like where did he even get that pink coat from?
“no you have to do this and like lift up your leg and then kinda rest your weight on it before flicking your ankle and like- whOA- OH OW OHNO OHOHOH OW”
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 1 “FartsApp” [Episode List] Since he’s a gassy nerd, Dave teases his friend Tim via WhatsApp by sending him a series of short videos of him farting.
Being gay with a fart fetish is really hard sometimes.
For me at least.
While the world is definitely getting more open-minded about homosexuality, I can’t really force it to accept this weird fetish (to be honest, all fetishes are kinda treated like taboos, regardless of the sexuality involved). I had to settle for YouTube videos or websites devoted to this whole fart-sniffing thing; not that I’m complaining: it was good to discover that so many people actually had this fetish.
Cue Dave. Well, sort of, actually. He doesn’t have a fart fetish and he’s not even gay. Dave has been my best friend since forever. Unlike me, however, he’s straight and is currently dating some (lucky) girl.
Around my age, he’s like a brother to me, and we’re actually well-known because of how much time we always spend with each other.
Dave is a great guy, a great friend, very open-minded and, dare to say it, actually quite hot.
Not surprisingly, being the brother I never had, he’s the first friend I came out to, the only one who knows about my homosexuality. Actually, it’s not like I told him… he found out on his own, in the worst possible way (for me).
During one of our nerdy game-nights, being “that one gassy friend”, Dave started to rip -as usual- tons of farts, fueled by some junk food, until he ripped one directly in my face (and boy it was amazing…). Everything went downhill from there… kinda. For some reason or another… he just accepted all at once not only my homosexuality, but also the fact that I found face-farting… hot. He just laughed about it and honestly gave me some encouraging words about my peculiar situation, proving that he’s indeed the best friend ever. Oh… and he also literally farted for me after that, in my face, letting me sniff and enjoy his amazing rips; he can also fart on command apparently: got a taste of his talent that same night.
That one, surreal night.
I still can’t believe it happened.
Felt like a confused dream. Like one of those nights where you drink too much so you don’t clearly remember what happened. But it was all true.
Dave, my best friend, was perfectly fine with me, my fetish, and all this weird stuff.
Yes: I know how lucky I am.
It’s been 4 months since he found out.
And, believe it or not, I’m getting face-farted so often that I’m almost forgetting how beautiful it feels.
Seriously: Dave simply accepted it like I’m living in someone’s crazy fetish dream and, when we’re alone, he just casually farts in my face (without me asking for it). Not always, but very often.
Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that my nose spends a lot of time brushing against his denim-covered butt, our friendship didn’t change at all though: we still hang out with the rest of our friends and generally spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes I’m so in disbelief about how easy-going he’s been with me, that I randomly ask him “You sure you’re OK with… this?” (I say, gesturing all of me), but he just smiles or rolls his eyes annoyed, tired of hearing the same question over and over again. What can I say? He’s perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality I guess, so he doesn’t have any problem with my fetish.
Sometimes though -sorry I say this- I kinda wish he did…
No, I’m definitely not complaining. That’s the best possible scenario for me, but sometimes he can get a bit too… inopportune. Dave is not really a prankster, but he loves teasing his friends, just for fun, including me.
I was in the middle of an important exam once, one of these pop-quiz thingies that make zero sense, and I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my FB private messages and all I saw was this YouTube link sent by Dave. Since I’m a fool apparently, I clicked on it, and one of those popular YouTube fart videos popped up and played, one with really loud farts. The first fart actually echoed in the room and other students glared at me: never felt so embarrassed (not including the night Dave found out about my fetish).
“Dude! Stop sending me this stuff!” I texted him. “I’m in the middle of an exam here!”
I scolded him for this, but the truth is that I couldn’t ask for a friend more open-minded than him.
The fact that he teases him with fart videos like he teases our heterosexual friends with those “shock” porn pics made me feel more… accepted.
But still… I was in the middle of an important exam so he had to stop.
And he obviously didn’t.
He sent me like 10 other links, just to annoy the sh%t out of me.
I mocked him by texting something like “Those videos are quite hard to find. Guess you’re gay too then!” but he would reply with “I had a great teacher!” and send me one of my awkward photos from Facebook.
Other times, since our friendship didn’t change a bit, he even made random references to my homosexuality or even my fart fetish when messaging me to make plans for the night (especially during the weekend). This mostly happens on WhatsApp:
Dave: “Dude, you have to come with us. Stop being a whiny little bi*ch and get up from that couch!”
Tim: “Sorry, man. I don’t think I’ll be joining you tonight…”
Dave: “You know what? If you don’t come with us… you’re gay!”
Dave: “Sorry, I mean… if you don’t come with us, you’re a fuc*ing heterosexual!
Dave: "U ride pussy, don’t you? Fuc*ing straight people!”
He was obviously being sarcastic, but I just loved how he adapted his… uhm… “humor” to my situation.
One time, however, things got a bit… hotter for me…
Dave: “Dude, come over. We have a lot to study…”
Tim: “Sorry, really can’t today. Aren’t you with Dana right now anyway?”
Dave: “I need somebody to focus with, not focus on. You know me and Dana always end up in bed after like 20 minutes.”
Dave: “It’s awesome but this stuff ain’t gonna study itself…”
Yep. Dave and his girlfriend Dana apparently had a very active sex life.
Glad he was getting laid. And Dana was pretty cool to be honest.
Tim: “Dave, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, k?”
Dave: “Dude! Come on! I’m farting like crazy today!”
Did… did he just try to “bribe” me using his farting abilities?
Dave: “Seriously. I just ripped one that was like 10 seconds long. What a waste of farts!”
Tim: “Dave… are you crazy?”
Took a couple of minutes to reply to that one, and then I got two messages at once.
Dave: “Oh yessss, Tim, crazy for youuuuuu!” he wrote, with a heart emoticon at the end (again, he’s a sassy bi*ch as usual).
I then saw that WhatsApp was loading a video sent by him, an actual video, not a link.
It was Dave, a smirk drawn on his face while staring at the camera. He was wearing a simple black shirt. The view soon moved and I saw his slightly sagging-butt in jeans sitting on a wooden chair, and then heard this big fart echoing in his living room (he was alone), rumbling loudly and hard on the wooden surface. He even turned the camera to his face while he was forcing the “classic”-sounding fart out, making funny facial expressions; indeed, the fart lasted almost 10 seconds, and I obviously loved that: biggest farts I’ve ever heard from him in awhile! It was like watching those funny fartvines on… well… Vine, but having my best friend as the funny/hot farter this time.
Dave: “Hope that convinced you…” he then texted.
I was kinda… “offended” by that last message.
I mean, yeah, I seriously wanted to be there, but I always love spending time with Dave, farts or not (that’s why we’ve been friends since… forever).
Tim: “Are you seriously using farts to buy my friendship? It’s not like I don’t want to study with you. I just can’t today!”
Was that too harsh? Should I have added a smiley face at the end?
Only thing I was sure of, is that I never thought that a sentence like that would even make sense someday.
And I was still bewildered by how Dave was so comfortable with the fact that I loved farts.
Tim: “You don’t need farts to convince me, Dave. More like… you’re making me suffer!” I joked, finally breaking the ice myself with a reference to my embarrassing fetish, proving that I indeed wanted to be there with him, enjoying those farts.
Another couple of minutes passed.
Was he making another…?
Dave: “I know you’re suffering, Tim. Don’t worry. That’s why I’m sending you this.”
Oh boy, another video. Should I play it? Was he aware that I was getting a boner from all of this?
I literally pitched a tent in my pants.
There… it’s Dave again, this time sitting on the couch. The video started with his face winking at the camera with a sly smile; the camera then moved between his legs and slowly panned towards his butt in loose jeans (he probably put his legs on the small table in front of his couch, to make his butt more visible). Now I had a rather unique (and hot -for me) view of both his butt (and part of his crotch) in jeans and his face. He grinned wildly and the fart began, ripped right in front of the phone. The sound and the views were perfect; Dave moved the camera towards his butt as the fart kept going strong, sounding like a deep trumpet; I could see the detailed blue fabric of his jeans as the funny sounds continued. What a lucky phone!
It lasted around 8 seconds and it was simply the hotness.
The video ended with Dave laughing at the camera and all went pitch black.
Tim: “You’re insane, Dave!” I joked again, enjoying how crazy he was about this. And for me I guess.
But I had to tell him.
Tim: “Dave, you do know that all of this gave me a… well…”
But as I was halfheartedly writing the second part of the message, Dave wrote more stuff.
Dave: “Then go beat your meat! I can’t do everything for you, Tim.”
Dave: “And please don’t act like this is some kind of big deal…
Dave: "Wow, Tim got a boner! How impressive!”
Dave: “Let’s all bow to Tim, the mighty guy whose penis can turn bigger!”
Dave: “Behold, the Great Tim! The guy who once had a boner and had to tell everyone!”
Further proof that Dave was being the best friend ever.
He was clearly being sarcastic; he was joking. That was his way of telling me “Nah bro, it’s all good”. And I was kinda surprised that he was so… chill about this stuff. I literally had a boner because of him and he just… didn’t care. As I said, he’s very open minded and perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality, so he didn’t have the irrational fear of “turning gay” when doing this stuff with and for me. I also appreciated that he trusted me with those funny, but otherwise embarrassing videos.
After one or two minutes, I’ve received one big audio file and I just knew what I was going to get when I clicked the triangular-shaped button to play them.
I heard Dave singing my name like he was some kind of serial killer trying to find me.
Dave: “Tim… come here…”
I then heard a series of muffled noises, as if the camera was being put under something, and it was clear what: I in fact then heard the loud, audio-glitching sound of one big fart that lasted around four seconds.
Dave: “He’s waiting for you…” he sung again in that creepy tone of voice.
Another fart, just as big as the first one.
He was on fire that day!
Now I was both laughing like an idiot and having the biggest boner.
Tim: “Dude, you’re on fire! But… to be honest, that was kinda gay…” I chuckled.
Dave: “Says the guy who gets a boner when he hears a fart. You fuc*ing hypocrite.”
He then sent yet another audio file, with him singing that meme-song “I’m gay, gay, gay, I love long big c*cks”, but slightly changing the lyrics. He even put a karaoke version of it on his computer while recording the audio file.
Dave: “You are gay, gay gay, you love long big farts. ‘cuz you’re supah-super gay, and you love big…”
Fittingly enough, a huge fart from my best friend took over the last part of the song. Loud as usual, sounding like a deep chainsaw. I could just imagine how beautiful that was. But the best part was probably the fact that he was definitely farting for me. I know, not your usual “hot sexy” scenario… more like a “sweet” one, in a very twisted way of course.
I wasn’t obviously offended by that “gay song”, since I knew that Dave was just being silly as usual and his mocking words were definitely not mean-spirited.
Tim: “Aren’t you supposed to be studying right now?” I asked.
Dave: “I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be here right now?”
Tim: “Dude, seriously. Thank you! But I’m serious… I really can’t today.”
Dave: “Alright… alright… cya tonight faggot…” he wrote, with a heart-shaped emoticon at the end.
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, then drove my attention to my own books.
This was going to be a long afternoon. But after only one minute of silence, my phone vibrated wildly: it was Dave and he was calling me. Very unusual in that moment.
“Uhm… Dave? Hello?” I picked up.
I was greeted by a series of “Dude, sorry!” and I was really confused.
“Dave… what?”
It was just Dave being adorkable I guess.
“Dude, sorry about that 'faggot'… that was bit too much, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
I laughed in disbelief. “Bro, it’s OK. I’m not offended. I know you didn’t want to insult me or anything…”
“No, Tim. That one word is not a joke and I shouldn’t have used it, sorry.”
I was just… wow. Dave went from “dominant friendly farter” to “adorable/awkward confused puppy” in mere seconds. Further proof that I was the luckiest guy alive (fetish or not): Dave cared so much for me that he even apologized for the “f-word”, which admittedly is a very bad word for a guy like me. But this time it was coming from Dave, my best friend, a guy who cares so much about me that he would even “censor” his language just to avoid unfortunate implications.
Ironically enough, the roles were switched, and he was the one saying a rapid-fire series of “sorry!” this time.
“Dave, quit with the apologizing. You’re the best.” I chuckled. “We’re bros, that’s what we do: we insult each other!”
“Alright… you sure? Not going to use that word ever again though.”
“Dave… it’s OK. You’re the best.”
“OK… OK. See you tonight. Take care.”
And he hang up.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t accidentally offend me by calling me a “fag”.
I would have been, if it wasn’t coming from Dave.
But then again, he also said that he was going to kick in the face whoever dared to insult me.
And he said that before he found out the truth about me: he’s always been quite protective.
“Oh come on!” I shouted, almost annoyed, merely five minutes later, when I heard the phone vibrate one more time.
It was Dave. Again.
He sent another video.
I tried to scoff at it but I was obviously loving all of this instead.
He was lying on the couch, the camera focusing on his butt in jeans. I could see both his face and butt, at the same time. It was like he filmed the video imagining my POV when he farted in my face, and I absolutely enjoyed that.
“Alright, Tim… Sorry for calling you a faggot.” he spoke in a “comically” serious voice. He truly was “sorry”, but it was clear that he was trying not to laugh. “I’m really, really sorry, believe me.”
Keeping a straight face, he ripped an incredibly loud, deep fart at the camera. He didn’t bat an eye, blink or smile. He eventually lost it towards the end of that 6-seconds long blast. He chuckled a bit and then turned “serious” again.
“That was a sad fart… we’re both sorry.”
He then closed his eyes and made a funny face, signing in relief as he ripped another long fart, the lucky camera slowly panning towards the seams and textures of the blue denim covering his powerful sagging butt. It lasted almost 10 seconds: truly a fart master. And those weren’t even on command!
“Oh my…” I whispered, staring in awe at the amazing video.
“This one was on the house…” he chuckled, right before turning the phone to his butt one last time and ripping a short series of toots, grinning wildly, clearly forcing those smaller farts out just for me. And that was it.
My boner was definitely wet now as bits of that well-known white substance poured from the tip of of my “standing” dick, slightly dampening my boxers and pants. It was like a volcano going to explode. A volcano that, just like me, couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom and furiously beat my meat, almost strangling my rock-hard penis with a firm grip. I didn’t last much: I literally peed sperm, thinking of Dave’s farts. The best part is that I didn’t need to imagine anything: it was all real. I laughed in relief just as I felt my penis deflating like a balloon, after it vomited its white substance. It felt good, not “masturbation good”, like “life is good”. And it was.
My best friend, Dave, was this fantastic guy who, in his own, twisted way, was taking care of me, accepting me, making me comfortable with my fart fetish. A gassy, open-minded, mildly disgusting “bro” who only wanted to preserve our friendship.
And I couldn’t be happier.
End of Episode 1
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
Hey, I love your work alot you're an incredibly skilled writer and always look forward to seeing your notification pop up! Is it ok if I request Adrien pinning a male reader down while they're alone?
A Adrien solo headcanon? How fun, boo!
Sure thing.
Sorry boo, even if I really liked your idea I've been having a lot of headaches (sorry if it's tmi, but: Periods fuckin sucks-).
I hope you don't mind if I redo your ask another time, probably a better one shot than- Whatever the hell I was thinking when writing this XD
TW/Tags: bullying but like- That's no surprise lol- // mentions of past encounters // perhaps mutual simping? // short hc, sorry about that boo ;-; // Terrible quality for an headcanon
Sorry I don't have a title- [Yandere!Bully OC (Adrien) x M!Reader - Headcanon]:
You have been running around this place for quite some time now, Amaryllis Academy is quite big after all.
You suspected that someone like him would not have enough stamina to continue pursuing you like this. And the truth is that he didn't have enough of an athletic build to hold it for so long, he just changed his strategy.
You also weren't necessarily interested in exercising everyday, you could say that maybe you two have the same amount of stamina, the difference being that you decided to waste it all while trying to run from him- And he decided to plan a way to corner you.
No one can blame you for falling so easily to that, but let's be honest- You should have seen this coming the moment he stopped chasing you and started coming forward very calmly.
"Why didn't I stop running as well?" You thought out loud now that you find yourself in a no ways out situation, great, just great.
You were choking on your own air- Completely out of breath having a hard time bringing more oxygen to your lungs. You take a look back and notice who was walking in- Wow, how surprising.
"- Ugh, come on-" you were not really pissed off, or surprised, or even scared anymore, you were just tired of having to run from this guy. One would think that someone like him isn't capable of hurting a single fly, but those who doubted him would end up having a big wake up call- Just like you did.
Do you remember now? It was in a similar situation like this- You were cornered, out of breath, your legs were giving up and couldn't even fight anymore. The only difference from that moment to now was that there wasn't anyone else here, except you two.
No audience this time, this was the backstage and you two were the actors getting their costumes out. At least that's how he saw it, to you it was just like any other time he would bully you. How wrong were you to think that.
He didn't make any attempts at running at you, and as you tried to help yourself on the walls beside you, he clapped at your latest performance.
"- Bravo, Are you happy with yourself now? That you managed to make a fool out of yourself?" His voice wasn't as bored as he usually was, it sounded filled with sarcasm with a hint of true anger in it.
Despite that, you weren't sure what he was talking about. I mean- You know what happened, but you can't recall a single moment where you have made him so pissed off.
"- You tried your hardest to get me to this point, and congratulations- You did it-" Adrien was holding himself from lashing out as much he could, he was feeling humiliated and the fact you're so unaware as to way makes him want to choke you. Put his arms around your neck and force you to at least look at him when he is talking with you.
You tried to remember what could have possibly made him so desperate to get back at you, and as you do, you can feel your blood pulsating inside your skull- You can recall one incident that happened yesterday.
Yesterday, you were avoiding Adrien as best as you could, while also trying to make new friends that could help you get away from him for a bit longer. You started talking with a shy girl in your class, you thought that it would be easier to get to know someone who is mostly alone all the time then going straight to the popular crowd- Who would absolutely dismiss you or even do worse things considering Adrien's influence over them.
You started talking to a girl you thought to be an outcast just like yourself, maybe you two could have been friends- But that didn't last too long after you realized exactly why she would be so distant from other people, apparently she was one of those who were… A little too into other people's relationships, more specifically your relationship with Adrien.
She only started talking with you because of how much time you spent with Adrien, how suspicious it is for someone like him to be so clingy towards you. Her endless nagging was horrible but even worse was how she had planted the idea in her head that you two have been dating or something- You tried arguing that Adrien has done nothing but bullying you and distancing yourself from others, but she couldn't really listen to you, or even care enough to try.
You were heavily reconsidering your options, after all it didn't seem like you two would really work out together- But before you considered ditching her, Adrien had confronted you about walking around with her.
He was acting like his usual bratty self, keeping himself calm and still holding that stern look in his face, but the actual contents of his speech were a bit concerning- It sounded like he was really jealous of you hanging out with a "creep like her", as he said.
You tried calming him down to not create a bigger scene, but your new "friend" had pushed Adrien to end up bumping on you, which only made the situation to escalate.
Adrien took this whole thing as a plan you both created to make himself seem like a fool, this was just an attempt to get his attention and he fell for it- He got red and started yelling at you two, his threats sounding like barks.
That's why he was chasing you today, at least that's why you thought so- Although the truth was a bit deeper than that, dearest. That whole event didn't slip through his mind even when he was asleep, he dreamed about the incident- Although with a thin veil of something a bit… Uncalled for in his opinion.
In Adrien's head, the accident made it look like he was hugging you, which made him get flustered and panicky. He had a dream about the whole scene happening again, but without your friend and without any of the other students, it was very pathetic of him to imagine a scenario where you would be there for him, to get him when he falls, how wishful.
He blames you for such a dream, just as if he would blame you if he ever got a dream about you cheating on him- Regardless of how your actual relationship is currently.
His own delusions and anxious thoughts would get the best of him, and that's why you're in this exact situation- Feeling out of breath with no one to save you from Adrien.
You felt yourself almost lose your balance and almost hit your face in the concrete, but thanks to Adrien slamming your back against the wall you didn't need to scratch your face, at least that's a positive.
You didn't pay much attention to what he was saying, you were just kinda pissed off of having to deal with this brat's bs everyday. Although, you're very aware that Adrien can be a bit more than just a brat, sometimes you have to remind yourself of that- It wouldn't be pretty to make him mad.
Bullying you, hating you, liking you, loving you- All are so difficult to manage everyday, it's too much work for someone like him. It's exhausting overthinking about you every day.
"- …. Sigh- You're very annoying, very, very annoying…." all that anger that was previously in his voice has almost gone away, being slowly replaced with tiredness. Key word being "almost", he was tired but not over his own jealousy yet.
You didn't want to provoke him considering how, well- Dangerous this situation is, or could be if you do the wrong thing. It's a 50/50 chance of you finding a way to comfort him without him lashing out once again. Then again, nothing can prevent him from getting the wrong idea of your actions, so choose wisely your next move, dearest.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 7
Word Count: 6,020
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language, NSFW, Smut
Notes: We’re getting closer to the end. Just one more part left to go. This has been such a fun series to write for you guys. Hope you enjoy these last two little bits. As always I love your feedback, your reblogs, your tags and your likes! Happy Reading!!!
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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You weren't sure what time it was, all you knew is that moonlight was streaming through the windows, which meant the storm must have passed. The one thing you did know was why you woke up. It would actually be quite comical if it wasn't giving you such intense pleasure. You were curled into Jamie's side, his cock now hard inside you. Every so often his hips would flex into yours, hitting the spot you loved so well, which is what jolted you awake. At first, you thought he was purposely trying to wake you up with how he softly rocked into you, but then you heard his light snore and realized he was asleep, which is what made the whole thing laughable. "Mmm," Jamie moaned out, as his cock moved deeper into your core. His facial features were so relaxed, that you knew he had to be dreaming as he fucked you in his sleep.
 You dropped soft kisses to his chest, in hopes of waking him gently, yet they worked to no avail. Part of you was curious how long this would keep up before he would either spend inside you or wake up, though there was the other part that was too turned on to wait and see how it would end. Your unsated appetite won out finally, and you reached up to capture his lips. His mouth was slightly parted in sleep, so it was easy to dip your tongue inside and tangle with his. At first, his eyes remained closed, as he kissed you back and you were having trouble determining whether he was awake or not, but then they slowly opened as you pulled back from the kiss; his lips chasing yours. You watched the whole scenario play out across his face, his mind slowly coming into focus and realizing that you were in his bed, to the look of pleasure from being buried deep inside you, to utter shock that he was fucking you without any conscious thought. "Jesus," he hissed out, then went to pull out of you, only you locked your leg around him and pulled him closer to your body.
 "Don't stop, Jame."
 "I..um…" he was still in a brain fog, his body running on pure instinct at the moment as he thrust in and out of your aching pussy. You kissed him again, halting any words that he wanted to say. You knew just how close he was to cuming, as he'd worked himself into a frenzy even in sleep, but you weren't quite there yet. Jamie somehow sensed this. Running his hand between your bodies so that he could toy with your clit.
 It was your turn to moan with pleasure, as he rubbed your little nub back and forth. It didn't take long to get you to that edge, the one that would have you soaring and screaming out his name. Your pussy started to quiver as the orgasm hit, and with a few well-timed thrusts, Jamie was following you down that blissful path of ecstasy.  
 You both lay there panting, his eyes searching yours curious to your reaction of what just played out. "Did we just? Was I..?"
 "Yes, and yes, you were asleep," you laughed.
 "Oh my god, I thought I was dreaming."
 "Well, I don't have to guess what it was about." There was a teasing note to your voice, which made Jamie relax a bit. "I'm just hoping it was me that was in that dream."
 His face took on an all too serious look and you regretted the words you just jokingly said. "It's always you, (Y/N). It's always been you, though I'm glad it's now a reality."
 "Me too, Jame," you breathed out and you really were glad that this right now was your reality. Emma had been right, you needed to find out if your girlhood fantasies of your first time had been just that or if it really was everything. Now you knew for sure that it was everything and so much more. The only scary part was hoping Jamie wouldn't hurt you again. You pushed past the part of your brain that wanted to dwell on that thought and tried to focus on the here and now. "What time is it?'
 "Um…" he peeked his head above you to look at your side of the bed, where you assumed a clock was. "Just after one."
 "Mmm, good. Then let's go back to sleep."
 His lips came down to give you the sweetest kiss. "I'll try to keep my lustful dreams under control and not wake you up." There was a little smirk on Jamie's face and you were glad he was finally able to laugh about his little wet dream turned reality.
 "Hmm, I'm not opposed if it happens again."
 His eyebrows shot up, before you kissed him one more time, then snuggled back into his embrace. You were asleep within minutes.
 This time you weren't woken up by Jamie and his hard cock inside you. Instead, it was the light from the bright shining sun. You checked the time for even though you didn't have to be in the office until later today, you didn't want to get too carried away with Jamie and end up being late. Thankfully, it was only seven, which meant you had plenty of time for what you had planned. You looked over at Jamie, peacefully sleeping, though still in a state of arousal and you wondered if he was having that same dream from before, as his cock was pressed up against his stomach. You wet your lips, before pulling back the sheet farther so you could dip your head down to his erect member.
 Darting your tongue out, you licked up the length of his shaft before twirling it around the head. Jamie moaned out in pleasure, his body coming alive with just that brief contact. Your hand went to the base, as your mouth sunk down to devour his cock. Jamie's hand threaded into your locks and now you knew he was fully awake as you worked him in and out of your mouth. You peeked through your lashes to look up at his face, his pupils blown wide both from sleep and the things you were doing to him with your mouth. "Mmm, fuck baby that feels so good." You pressed your tongue against the underside of his cock, a move he'd always loved when he was younger and apparently still did, as he bucked his hips into your mouth. You worked faster, bobbing up and down on his member, taking him all the way inside so he's hitting the back of your throat. "(Y/N), I'm gonna…" he groaned and you knew he was close, you could feel it. His hands were trying to get you off his cock, but you want to taste him, feel him lose control because of what you were doing just the way he did to you last night. It's when you cupped his balls that he went over the edge, spurts of hot cum shooting down your throat as he screamed out your name. You licked him clean, before taking the back of your hand and wiping your mouth.
 Jamie's was already reaching for you before you could do anything more. He had your body sprawled on top of his, and his mouth was kissing you, probably tasting himself on your lips. "I'm never going to let you leave if you keep waking me up like this."
 You kissed him back hard, before pulling back to stare into his large brown eyes. "Sorry hun, I've got patients today, so you have to let me go." Jamie's hands were roaming up and down your spine and you felt yourself melting back into him, which can't happen because you do have patients to see today, though not that many.
 He cupped your ass, squeezing the globes and making you moan. "I can be your patient if you want."
 "Oh, so you want to play doctor huh?" you asked resting your head on your hands which were laced together on his chest.
 "Mmm," he hummed. There's a little smirk that crosses his face and you can see he's intrigued with the idea. To tell the truth, so are you, but not this morning. Your legs are a bit sore from their workout last night and you still need to get to Jessi's to get your things. Reluctantly, you lift yourself off of Jamie and out of bed. "Where are you going?"
 "To the bathroom," you say rather sheepishly and pad your way into the en suite. Jamie stayed in bed and you know he's hoping that you'll be back for round three or does giving him a blow job make it round four. Either way, if you get back in that bed you may not get out, because being with him is everything you knew it would be and so much more, and that scares the hell out of you. This is all moving much faster than you anticipated but is that a bad thing. It's just so much easier because there's this familiarity between the two of you. You're trying not to overthink everything as you wash your hands in the sink, it's only then that you look up and see yourself in the mirror. "Jamie Randolph Benn!" you yelled.
 Jamie came running from the bedroom, naked and out of breath. "Are you ok?..."Did you fall?" he asked because you never called him by his full name, well maybe one time when you were really mad you did and you're pretty close to being that upset at the moment.
 "No, I'm not ok…" you told him motioning to your reflection in the mirror. "Did you..are these…" you're sputtering your words because really you're not sure what to say.
 "Hickies?" He supplies the word you couldn't seem to push past your lips. There's a smirk on his face and he looks quite pleased with himself, but he's also a bit red in the face at leaving marks on your body. God, that hasn't happened since you were in high school.
 "How am I suppose to go to work with these?" Your hands are trying to rub them out, get some sort of circulation so that the blood will flow a little better, and lessen the marks, but you know they're not going to go away magically. "What are my patients going to think?"
 "That you made someone very happy last night and that maybe he did the same for you?" Jamie slides his arms around your midsection in an attempt to soften you. You're not truly mad, so you relax against his chest, as he props his chin in the crook of your neck.
 "Well, that's true." There's this shy smile playing on his lips again and you have the urge to kiss him senseless, but then you'll end up with more of these marks on your body and you can't have that, there's already three that you're going to need to cover with makeup, plus another that you can hide under clothing. Thank god, for good concealer. "Last night was actually amazing." You thread your hands with his around your middle, loving the feel of his arms wrapped around you.
 "Then why don't we go continue it this morning." His cock has recovered from earlier as you feel its semi-erect form pressing against your backside. He's kissing your neck and then your shoulder blade and the image in the mirror of the two of you like this is making you wet again.
 "Nope," you say, then pull out of his arms, but he's already grabbing you back towards him. You go easily. "I need to shower, Jame. I'm a sticky mess, and I need to go to Jessi's and get my stuff."
 "You could shower here, with me." He's back to kissing you again and it's so distracting. "It would save on water." He kisses your collarbone. "And it would be faster." Your lips are next and you're beginning to cave, as he dances you back against the sink counter.
 "Ok," you finally give in, knowing that you have plenty of time, but not for the three-hour session you can tell Jamie has in mind. "But we have to be quick."
 "Mmhmm, sure," he tells you, before lifting you up on the counter and spreading your legs. "Just let me get you a sticky mess one more time before we rinse all this off." He winks and drops down to his knees before diving right into your pussy. Before you know it, you're coming apart sitting on his bathroom sink and then again one more time when you're in the shower, which was supposed to save time, but instead takes twice as long then if you were by yourself.
 "Jame, where's a brush?" you ask after he toweled you off, and was now drying himself.
 "Right-hand side."
 You're brushing your hair and you swear you hear something downstairs but you know Jamie locked the doors, so you must be hearing things. It's not ten seconds later, that you hear someone shouting for Jamie. "Hey, Chubbs!" A voice yells and you look at Jamie through the mirror to see if he knows who it is.
 "Shit! I forgot Tyler and I were supposed to work out." Flying back into the bedroom, you start searching for Jamie's sweats that you had on last night. "Be right down Segs," Jamie screams back. He's much calmer than you are, as you whip his sweatshirt over your head.
 "Where did you throw my panties?" He shrugs as he puts his boxers on as casual as if there isn't one of his teammates downstairs waiting for him. "Nevermind. I'll find them later." You grab the sweats and pull them on.
 "Mmm, commando huh?" You shake your head and roll your eyes at him, all while throwing your wet hair in a messy bun.
 "Would you go down there before he comes up here?"
 "He's not going to come up here. It's Tyler. He knows better than that." Which means he knows Jamie has a woman up here, so there's no way of getting out of Jamie's place without Tyler seeing you.
 "Just go, I'll be down in a second."
 Jamie comes up behind you, grabbing you quickly and kissing you. "Stop worrying about Tyler," he tells you when he finally ends the kiss because he knows you and knows that you just feel like you were caught by your parents instead of one of his friends. "I'll see you in a few seconds." You went back to the bathroom, to make yourself a bit more presentable, so you didn't hear the interaction between the two.
 Tyler was at the bottom of the stairs when Jamie got there. "What took you so long man? You got someone up there?" Jamie answered with a broad-ass grin that gave him away, without him even saying a word. "No shit! It's (Y/N) right?"
 "Of course, it's (Y/N). You know there's no one else for me." Tyler knew this but needed verbal confirmation from his best friend, before slapping him on the back.
 "Congrats bud, I don't know how you did it."
 "Fuck man me either." You chose that moment to head down the stairs.
 Jamie has his back to you, so it was Tyler that saw you first. "Hey Doc," he greeted you, with a little wink and your cheeks felt like they were on fire. You could see him take in your attire and the fact that you were wearing Jamie's clothes, which told him you'd spent the night, even though he didn't need to see your outfit to know that.
 "Hi Segs," you said using the nickname Jamie had used moments ago.
 "So…you kids have fun last night," he teased and now it just wasn't your cheeks that were turning bright red but Jamie's as well.
 "Shut up," Jamie told him, as he curled you into his side.
 "What? I was just asking. You know trying to be polite and all." No, he was fishing for information and you were not going to bite on that hook and supply it to him.
 "I really have to go." You told the two.
 "I'll grab my keys and run you over."
 "Jesus, Chubbs she only lives two doors down. I think she can make it there without you driving her."
 "Hardy har," Jamie faked chuckled. "I need to take her to Jessi's to get her purse, asshole." Tyler's face formed an 'O' comprehending why Jamie was offering to drive you.
 "It's ok. I can just run into my house and get my spare set of keys. You boys go workout." You made a move out of Jamie's embrace but he tightened his grip, pulling you so that your body was facing his.
 "You sure?"
 "Yeah, it's no biggie. I need to change and stuff anyway. I'll just stop on my way to the office."
 "I could take you now though if you want." Jamie insisted and you knew he was reluctant to let you go, probably scared that you wouldn't come back.
 "Jame, it's fine."
 "Yeah, Jame," Tyler mocked. "She's fine. You can watch her from the front porch while I make the protein shakes. I mean someone has to make them." Jamie glared at him.
 "You're lucky I'm in a good mood, or I'd kick your ass when we get on the ice."
 Tyler made a pretend scared face. "Oh, look at me shaking." He headed towards the kitchen and you had a feeling Jamie was going to check him into the boards hard during drills for that. "See ya tomorrow, doc."
 "Bye Tyler," you called then headed for the front door. "Why will I see him tomorrow?"
 "Oh, annual team picnic. I thought I told you."
 "You did, it slipped my mind." You probably would've remembered the minute you checked your schedule on your phone, which you needed to get. "What do you want me to bring?"
 "I want your cake," Tyler yelled from the room over and you heard him snicker.
 "You're not getting her cake," Jamie emphasized the word her and you realized they were no longer talking about the chocolate cake you took to Jordie and Jessi's. You buried your head in Jamie's chest.
 Tyler couldn't resist egging Jamie on. "But it's so sweet and moist and…"
 "I swear to god, Seguin, if you finish that sentence, you'll regret it." You tugged on Jamie's arm and headed toward the front door, hearing Tyler cackle as you made your way there.
 Jamie grudgingly opened the front door then for you to leave, stepping outside with you.
 "So, will I see you later tonight?" His hands were at your sides, sliding up and down under your shirt so he could feel your skin once last time.
 "I think that can be arranged. I'm thinking pizza, maybe a movie, maybe a little something else." You knew you were teasing him but then again after last night, it was going to be torture for you as well.
 "Sounds like heaven. My place or yours?"
 "Your place, there are still boxes everywhere in my house." It wasn't quite perfect yet, and it seemed like it wouldn't be for quite some time with how much you were over at Jamie's now. "I'll call you on my way home."
 "Ok." He pulled you closer to him, dropping kisses to your forehead and nose before, stealing your breath away with one to your lips. Thank goodness you both lived in a secluded neighborhood, and there weren't cars driving by watching this public display of affection.
 You ended the kiss sooner than either of you wanted. "I really have to go."
 "I know. I'll see you soon." He pecked your lips again, as you took a step back from his embrace, yet not completely out of it. "Tell Jessi I said hi."
 "I will." You gave him just one more kiss. "See you tonight." You started to walk away, your hands still laced until they were stretched so far you had no choice but to let go, only Jamie pulled you back one last time, his mouth hot on yours.
 "Bye baby," he finally breathed out and let you go. You could feel his heated gaze on you across the expanse of the lawn as you headed back to your house. This time you punched in the right code, opened the door and gave Jamie one last wave before heading inside.
 You threw on some makeup and then headed to Jessi's, where you knew that it would take longer than fifteen minutes, as she wanted to know exactly what happened with you and Jamie. Needless to say, she was ecstatic that the two of you were willing to give your relationship another chance. After an hour with Jessi, you took off for the office, telling her you'd see her tomorrow at Jamie's house for the Star's picnic.
 Fortunately, work went extremely fast and before you knew it, you were seeing your last patient for the day. After making a few last minutes notes, you headed to the hospital. Another doctor had done morning rounds, but since you were in the vicinity you decided to check up on some patients, including Noah. He was your first stop and you could hear laughter coming from his room, as you reached the nurse's station. "Someone sounds like they're in a good mood today." You commented to Shelly, one of the nurses that day.
 "Noah has a special visitor today." Laughter again filled the air, only this time you recognized more than just Noah's. "One of the big-name hockey players is there. You probably know him, or will soon enough." Oh, you knew him alright, had actually just left him earlier this morning. "I'm having a hard time keeping the other nurses out of Noah's room. I don't know how you do it being around all those gorgeous men."
 You gave her a little wink, as you headed to Noah's room. "It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it." Shelly was right, there were three other nurses in Noah's room watching him play a video game with Jamie. "Well, someone seems to be doing pretty well today." It was kind of funny to watch the nurses scramble out of the room as if they'd been caught drooling over a hockey star.
 "Hi, Dr. (Y/LN)," Noah said with a huge smile on his face. "Look who came to see me. It's Jamie Benn, the Jamie Benn. You know from the Dallas Stars." He was rambling and it was really quite cute, but what was even more adorable was seeing Jamie sitting there having a blast with him.
 "I see that. Hello Mr. Benn. I'm surprised to see you here."
 "Hey (Y/N)…I mean Dr. (Y/LN). Thought I'd stop by and visit one of the Stars' biggest fans." Jamie winked at you and your heart melted that he would be so considerate to drop by and spend time with Noah.
 "Jamie brought me a signed jersey and a puck, oh and the latest Xbox system too." Had you not already consigned yourself to giving your relationship with Jamie another chance, this alone would make you do it. The man knew the way to your heart. He could buy you all the flowers in Dallas and they would mean nothing compared to what he'd just done to brighten this little boy's day. "Oh, and he said when I get out of here, I can watch him play. Like, go to a real game and everything."
 "Only when Dr. (Y/N) gives you the ok," Jamie added, scoring yet another point in his favor. At this rate, he'd be the Conn Smythe trophy winner of your heart in no time.
 "Well, if you keep healing as well as you are, you'll be at that game in no time. Now, do you have a minute so I can check you out, and then I'll let you get back to that game." You examined him rather quickly, but everything seemed to be healing perfectly. Another week or so and he would be out of the hospital, though it would be quite a bit longer before he was heading to a hockey game. "Alright, well I'll check back in with you on Monday. Now, make sure you don't go easy here on Mr. Benn."
 "I won't. See you soon."
 You stepped out of the hospital room, only to hear Jamie tell Noah he'd be back in a minute. "Hey (Y/N), we still on for tonight?"
 "Of course," you told him; how could you not be after everything he did for Noah. "Jame, I…I don't know how to thank you for everything you did for him. That was…" You felt yourself getting choked up. Last night, you told him that you were willing to give him a shot and now today you wanted to jump in with both feet first, because damn if you didn't feel like you were falling in love with him.
 "It's really nothing. I honestly didn't think you'd be here." Did he think that you wouldn't find out? If so that made you just love him a little more. "He's a good kid, and it was a sucky thing that happened to him. You're the one who did all the hard stuff."
 "Don't discredit what you did. It means a lot." He slid his hands to your waist then, yet stopped for fear you'd not approve. Instead of reprimanding him though, you looped your arms around his neck. "And I plan on showing you just how grateful I am when I get to your place."
 His eyebrows picked up, making his eyes like huge silver dollars. "Well, I won't argue with that." You kissed him quickly there in the hospital hallway before you could change your mind and you knew that not only Shelly, but the other three nurses had to see you, but you didn't really care.
 "I've got a few more patients to see then I'm heading out. See you soon."
 "Yeah, I'm just going to play one more game, then I'm going too." Pulling him down, you pecked his lips one last time, before letting him go. "I'll see you at home, babe." He released you then headed back into Noah's room, as you made your way down the hall to stares from all the nurses. You simply shrugged then kept on going until you were at the next patient's room.
 Two hours later, you were standing on Jamie's front porch ringing the doorbell. "I thought I said to just come in, the door would be unlocked," he told you as he opened the front door, yet made no move to let you in.
 "I know you did, but it…" you didn't finish the rest as Jamie's hands slid down the globes of your ass to grab it. "Jame," you shrieked and jumped into his arms exactly as he planned. He lifted you so that you had no choice but to wrap your legs around him, then he kicked the door closed.
 "I missed you," he told you before his lips found yours and he carried you into the living room.
 "You just saw me a couple hours ago."
 "Mmm…doesn't mean I can't miss you." He was kissing you again as he sat down on the couch and really who were you to complain about it when you'd been missing him as well. Which is how you found yourself kissing him back. It was a half-hour before Jamie's stomach decided that food took precedence over making out. You ordered pizza just as you promised Jamie that morning, then put on a movie, which ended up being background noise as neither of you could keep your hands off the other. It was just like being back in high school all over again. Only this time, there was no one to interrupt you, as Jamie led you upstairs to his bedroom, where you spent the rest of the night and the next morning in a mess of naked bodies and tangled limbs.
 It wasn't until late in the morning that you finally headed back to your house to get ready for the picnic. Jamie had called you three times, while you got ready asking when you'd be back over, but you didn't want it to seem like you'd been there all day and all night, even though you had, so you waited until a few teammates had shown up before heading over. There were actually more people there than you thought, and you had a hard time finding Jamie when you first got there.
 Jessi spotted you first. "Hey (Y/N)," she said embracing you in a big hug. "I'm actually surprised you weren't here when I came."
 "Thought I'd let a few people get here before, so it didn't look too bad."
 "If you're worried about his teammates, don't. They're all really great." She must have sensed there was something more, because she added, "And they won't care that you're dating. Actually, they'll all probably be as excited as I am for you two."
 Her words made heat rise to your face. "I'm just worried being the team doctor and all. Plus, I don't even know if we are dating. We haven't really talked about it."
 "Oh, you're dating. He practically said as much when I asked him."
 "When did you talk to him?" You had to know since Jamie hadn't said anything to you and the two of you had spent the last sixteen hours together.
 "When I came here early, hoping that you'd be here and I could drill you both together." Jessi was grinning ear to ear though you knew behind that smile she was dying to play twenty questions with you and Jamie together. You'd have to ask how Jamie faired on his own. "The man is smitten with you, (Y/N). I've known him for a long time and I haven't seen him this happy…ever." It had honestly been a long time since you'd been this happy as well. She grabbed you in a hug then whispered to you. "Stop worrying. Jamie's not going to do anything to screw this up. Trust me." Strangely, you did trust her and would definitely miss her when she headed off to Vancouver.
 "Thank you."
 "And quit worrying about the team. They all love you and it's not like there's some rule against them dating anyone in the organization. I know for a fact Tyler's dated one if not two of the ice girls, before what's her name." Why did that not surprise you. Jessi looped her arm through yours then. "Now, let's go find a drink. I feel like drinking tonight." Which is exactly what the two of you did. The shot of tequila Jessi made you do at first, definitely had you relaxing a bit more. You met almost all of the guys; who were all incredibly sweet as were most of their significant others. The only reason you said most was because Sara was there with Caitlyn in tow. Their disdain for you was quite obvious, as you saw them whispering anytime Jamie was around you.
 Jamie, for his part, kept things at a lower key, thank goodness. His touches were subtle, just a hand at the small of your back every now and then, or entwining your fingers together every so often when he thought you needed a small reassurance with one of his teammates. Just those tiny gestures sent chills up and down your spine. Though you both kept the PDA to a minimum, Jamie was still attentive, always making sure that you had a drink in your hand or something to eat.
 The party was in full swing within a few hours of starting. You made your way to the downstairs powder room, only to see one of the younger players, Hintz you thought, push through people to get there first. You didn't need to have the letters MD behind your name to know that he'd had one too many shots and was currently throwing up the contents of the barbeque as well as the alcohol he'd drank into Jamie's toilet. Hopefully, the kid had good aim, as you did not want to be cleaning up that mess later, for though you'd taken an oath to treat the sick it did not include wiping up puke from the bathroom floor. Giving him an IV full of fluids in the morning was more your speed.
 You turned on your heel and headed upstairs to Jamie's en suite. The second floor was much quieter than the downstairs as no one seemed to be venturing up there. You were just heading out of the bedroom when you heard voices outside the door.
 "I'm not really sure why you dragged me here to this party Sara." You'd recognize Caitlyn's whiny voice anywhere.
 "I thought you were interested in Jamie."
 "I am…I mean I was…but he's not even paying attention to me." You could almost see her arms crossed as she pouted even though you were on the other side of the door. "Who cares. Everyone knows that he doesn't eat pussy. He's probably lousy in bed." You clamped your hand over your mouth to stifle the laugh that threatened to bubble out. Jamie most definitely went down on women, in fact, it was just this morning that he had eaten you out not once but twice.
 You should've made yourself known, but instead, you listened as you heard Tyler's girlfriend respond. "That was just some silly tweet from years ago. He's probably changed since then."
 "It doesn't really matter either way. He seems to only be paying any attention to that doctor." She fairly spat the word doctor out as if it had some disgusting taste on her tongue.
  "I'm telling you Tyler told me himself that Jamie is just using her." Wait, what had Sara just said? That Jamie was using you? "Jamie told him yesterday that he's just pretending to be into her so that he can get her fired. He even went to the owner to talk to him about it." Bile rose in the back of your throat and suddenly you wanted to join Hintz in offering up the contents of your stomach. Was Jamie really just using you again? Had the last forty-eight hours all been some elaborate scheme just to get you out of the Stars organization? Jessi had mentioned earlier that there weren't any rules against dating but maybe she'd been wrong. "He told Tyler that he was just going to do what he did in high school to get rid of her." Well, he'd certainly done that, only this time he'd slept with you more than once before discarding you. How could you have been so blind to trust him again?
 "Really?" It was Caitlyn's question but the word was also running through your brain. Would Jamie really do this?
 "Yes, really! Now come on, let's go back downstairs so you can flirt with Jamie." With a click of their heels, the two set off.
 Tears started to roll down your face, just as they had all those years ago. Only this time you angrily swiped them away. You tried to tell yourself that it didn't hurt, that you'd guarded your heart against a moment just like this, but as the tears seemed to keep flowing you had to admit that it felt just as bad at this moment as it did fourteen years ago. Wrong again. It felt worse. For somehow in just this short amount of time, you'd let your heart get attached once again. You needed to get out of here. You couldn't be in this house any longer. Everything was a blur as you flew down the stairs and out the front door. You didn't stop for anyone or anything as you headed for the safety of your home.
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indiaalphawhiskey · 4 years
I respectfully disagree with your last post (as an author). I’ve been in this fandom for 6 years and noticed it’s a little bit toxic when it comes to certain issues that should be normal and obvious to anyone.
I don’t get the “I choose the people I want to take criticism from” part. Ok, so why posting your work on a public page for independent writers where every subscriber will be able to read it and comment on it? Just send it to the people whose opinion matters to you and have a discussion about your work with them. If you post your work on a public page made specifically for independent writers, you are automatically posting it for everyone on that site. And every person has opinions on things and feels invited to express it if that particular thing is public and comments are open (I’m talking about respectful opinions, not slurs and offending someone).
If it was only for you and the people you actually want to get feedback from then wouldn’t it be easier to create an “élite” group where you read your work and then discuss it together? Because your post sends a very negative and exclusionary message to people that are reading your work for the first time or without knowing you as an author. It really seems like you are saying “dear readers, your opinion doesn’t matter to me so unless it’s positive I don’t want to hear it because this fanfic was written for me and this list of people.” Then don’t post it. But why making people feel excluded or bad because they did something normal just because they didn’t know it wasn’t written “for them” as you said in your post. And constructive criticism is just an opinion too as long as it doesn’t contain vulgarities, you don’t have to listen to it. Other’s opinion shouldn’t change the way you feel about your work but you also shouldn’t make them feel uncomfortable and bad for expressing it in a respectful way on a public page.
I know that authors on AO3 aren’t paid and that’s just for fun, but that’s what every page like AO3 is about: putting your work out there for other people to read with the possibility to express their personal opinion in a respectful way (I mean, you CAN disable the comments). Why making it public and then complaining and making other people feel bad for expressing their opinion on it? It’s not a diary or a personal Instagram profile.
So, first off, thank you for saying you respectfully disagree with me. I appreciate that you’re trying to be polite. 
There are many different ways I can answer this ask, because there’s a lot to discuss here, however, I’m exhausted by this conversation and have tackled it many times before, so I’ll link things when I see fit and get straight to the point.
My question for you is this: What is the purpose of you posting negative  (even though well-worded, polite, and tactful) unsolicited comments on a person’s fanfic? Why do you do it?
That’s not a rhetorical question, I really want you to think about the answer, because, for something to be called “constructive criticism” (which is specifically what we’re discussing here, versus the opposite “destructive” criticism) there has to be a point beyond just the fact that “it’s a public forum” and therefore, you feel entitled to express your opinion, whatever it may be. (That reasoning, btw, is called entitlement. No one said you weren’t allowed to have an opinion, but if you’re saying it to the author with no constructive, bettering purpose behind it, then at worst, your intent is to hurt them, which is just mean, no matter how politely you word it, and at best, you’re saying your opinions and preference take precedent over the author’s own.)
There are three reasons that I assume one can have when posting constructive criticism on work/art:
1. You want to help make them be a better writer, both now and in the future. 
I, and other fellow authors, explain why this doesn’t work here and here, and there are more posts about it like this one, if you need to hear it from voices that are not from the Larry fandom (which I assume you do, since you said this is a little bit toxic here particularly.) 
I encourage you to read all those posts, to get a better explanation in context, but the gist of them is this: for something to be truly constructive (synonym: helpful), the source, the timing, and the tact is key. Let me demonstrate: There is a difference between telling a friend while shopping, “I wouldn’t buy that dress, it’s not the most flattering on you,” and saying, while you’re out at a club, “Oh, that dress isn’t the most flattering on you, I wouldn’t wear it again.” -- Both are honest, worded politely, and both will achieve the same outcome: she will not wear the dress again -- but only one of them will cause undue stress, embarrassment, and self-consciousness (under the guise of being helpful), and that is all due to tact and timing. At the store, she can change into something else, and won’t assume you think she looks awful the entire day while you’re out. At the club, the damage is done, there is nothing she can do to change it, and you’ve just ruined her night.
The same goes for writing. I have seen people gracefully and willingly rewrite their entire first drafts based on astute and even harsh comments on their work, by their betas. I have never seen someone take down a fic and edit it based on a piece of constructive criticism given by a stranger on AO3. What I have seen based on that scenario, is people taking that criticism to heart and reflecting on whether or not they ever want to write again, because when they made themselves vulnerable, some people looked at it as an opportunity to ask for what would cater best to their own tastes, instead of appreciating the work as a true product of the author’s personal feelings and experiences. That results in less writers for the fandom, less content, and a whole lot of undue discouragement which is not something we want (nor is it actually constructive).
2. You want to engage the author in a deeper discussion of their work.
This is in direct answer to this part of your ask:
It really seems like you are saying “dear readers, your opinion doesn’t matter to me so unless it’s positive I don’t want to hear it because this fanfic was written for me and this list of people.”
You feel passionate (both positively and negatively) about my work? That’s lovely. I say, start a discussion with me. Ask me questions. Learn why I made those decisions. A discussion starts with an invitation to have a conversation (two ways, you say something, I say something, rinse repeat). It doesn’t start with “I didn’t like” or “This could have been better if”, and it certainly doesn’t start in a public forum, like the comments on AO3, where the writer runs the risk of looking like a defensive asshole. 
But India, you say, what if I don’t have the means to have a private conversation/the writer doesn’t have tumblr/they’ve long since been inactive in the fandom? The answers are, respectively: leave a polite comment asking if they’re willing to discuss, if they are willing to discuss, leave a polite comment asking how to contact them, and if they’re no longer active, find other friends with which to discuss your feelings in private.
But India, that seems like so much work. It is, flat out. But if you really felt that strongly about something I wrote, you would make that effort to understand it. Otherwise, why not just walk away?
3. You don’t know better.
I found this part of your ask extremely interesting:
“But why making people feel excluded or bad because they did something normal just because they didn’t know it wasn’t written “for them” as you said in your post.”
The reason I found it interesting is because it means that there are people who assume that all work that is public was made for them, to suit their tastes, which is, frankly, a bizarre way to consume art. I do not go into The Louvre, look at the Mona Lisa and say “I don’t see the hype, it’s not something I would hang in my living room.” I look at it and think “What does this piece say about Da Vinci and his life? What has this brought to the world? How has this helped people/art/culture?”
(No, I am in no way comparing my talents to Da Vinci, I am not delusional. But, I don’t think my work deserves any less thought than that of a professional artist, simply because I’m an amateur and it’s on the internet and not in a gallery, and you have the superpower of anonymity.) You asked me what the point was in posting my work publicly if I didn’t want to hear every single person’s personal (negative) take on it, and the answer is this: I post what I write publicly, because I hope it helps someone. I hope my thoughts, feelings, experiences, loneliness validate someone, entertain them, help them through a tough time, bring them comfort. I post because I want to invite people to lose themselves alongside me, heal alongside me, dream alongside me. 
(Notice how I said “someone” and not “everyone”. How I said “someone” and not “an élite group that discusses my work”, because yes, I do hope that my work positively impacts someone outside of my betas, my friend group. Does that mean someone can leave negative comments on my work? Yes. But should they? That’s a different question.)
I know my work won’t be a positive experience for every single person, but my goal was never to be relevant to every single person. So, my question is, if I’m not relevant to you personally -- if my work doesn’t touch you personally, heal you personally, entertain you personally, why not just walk away and find something that does? Who does your negative opinion really help? How is it constructive? What is its purpose? Why do you do it?
I will apologize for this, though: I spoke on behalf of all writers, and maybe I shouldn’t have. Maybe I should have been clear that though many writers feel this way, not all do. There are some, such as, I assume, yourself, who do view negative comments on AO3 as constructive, whether or not they are solicited, and I’m sorry to have spoken on behalf of you. However, I do still stand by this, though: it is much better to be kind than be right, and that definitely goes for comments on fic.
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nari-nim · 4 years
forever anticipating
“hi i don't know if your requests are open but if they are can you write an scenario in which hyunsuk sets jihoon and y/n on a blind date? fluffy? btw do you think he would kiss on the first date?”
aww anonie this is the cutest request! time for some SOFT JIHOON HOURS!  To answer your question, I think Jihoon is highly intuitive and can read body language well so he will use that to inform his decision whether or not to go for the kiss! If his date is down, he will not hesitate. I hope you enjoy the direction I took :) lmk what you think!! 💓
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This is how Jihoon secretly looks at you when you aren’t looking during your date. gif credit goes to @khaly-no​
Treasure Jihoon x Y/N
warnings: none, this FLUFFY
word count: 1.8k
— the dorms —
Video game night was in full swing and it has never been louder in the dorms. Jeongwoo screeched over the sound of six other members’ simultaneous bickering. Meanwhile, Asahi decided now was the perfect time hit whoever blinked with a couch pillow. Normally, Hyunsuk wouldn’t have tolerated this level of rowdiness under his roof. But he was busy. He sat quietly on the far end of the sofa tapping furiously into his phone, a sly smile plastered across his features.
“Hey, Jihoon—oh my god,” Hyunsuk said, his smile melting as soon as he looked up. The chaos activated his leader (mother) mode. “Jihoon-Jeongwoo get down. Jeongwoo, please. Haruto, wait--Junkyu-Junkyu- ASAHI”
Asahi stopped. The rest followed suit.
The room turned to normal levels of volume, and Hyunsuk was able to try again. 
“Jihoon, come here.” Jihoon perked up from his Mashiho impersonation, and got up to join Hyunsuk.
“Bro, you should join us. Junghwan is killing it, you don’t want to miss his true maknae on top moment.” (He’s actually not, the beloved super king cow king baby is getting crushed by Haruto every round). Jihoon slid next to Hyunsuk, glancing at his phone screen. “What are you...”
Hyunsuk flashed him a cheeky smile and hid what he was working on for the past half hour.
“You’re going on a blind date tomorrow.”
“No way, this feels somewhat illegal. Tell me more.”
“Her name is y/n and I met her through a mutual friend. They go to uni together and we met at that hangout I went to last weekend. Park Jun, she is exactly your type. You gotta trust me on this one.”
Jihoon blinked at him, for once without a witty remark. Jihoon squinted at Hyunsuk, and chuckled in disbelief. Reality was hitting him and logic does not like that shit eating grin on Hyunsuk’s face.
“Hyunsuk, you’re setting me up? You, really? This is actually happening? Right before our flight to Japan?”
“Yeah. Tomorrow early morning at the Han River. You’ll have a few hours before we head over to Incheon.” 
Jihoon ruffled his hair and sat back into the couch. He sucked in a breath. Hyunsuk frowned, “you don’t want to? Sorry man, I really thought your vibes would’ve matched and-“
“Oh no no, hyung, I’m just...worried since we’re going to promote in Japan for the next two weeks and our schedules are so busy. It might end up hurting us both,” Jihoon confessed. “And it’s been forever since I last been on a date.”
“Nah I think you’re worrying way too much in advance. The policy is chill now and, hey, who can say no to waiting a few weeks for those abs,” Hyunsuk reassured. 
“Oh right, I’m going to flash my abs the fifth minute in,” Jihoon said sarcastically. He did make a mental note, though, because if you really are that cute? He’ll need that Plan G.
“Here, I’ll text you the address now. You better not flake and make me look bad.”
“HEY! What are you guys WHISPERING about!” Jeongwoo said, looking at them suspiciously. Simultaneously, the nonactive players of the game whipped their heads to stare at the pair.
“Nothing, the grownups are talking” Jihoon joked, dramatically nodding and shooting thumbs up at Hyunsuk. Jihoon left the resulting hysterics and sound of Hyunsuk cackling behind for the comforts of his room where he checked his buzzing phone. Turns out, Hyunsuk had attached the pictures of you, figuring he would give Jihoon that peace of mind (and a way to find you tomorrow) under the instructions.
Holy shit. 
Jihoon eyes widened. You are exactly his type. Jihoon couldn’t stop staring at your smiling features. The soft smile that colored his features never left his face for the rest of the night.
He couldn’t wait.
— Han River —
Wow ok, this is slightly worse than evaluation days, Jihoon decided, nervously kicking a small pebble around on the dusty road.
“Hey, Jihoon?”
Jihoon froze for a millisecond and turned around to face you.
You looked ethereal in the early morning sun. The light reflected off your lovely features, illuminating the kind glow of your smile. Jihoon made another mental note to treat Hyunsuk to dinner once they land in Japan.
“The one and only. Y/n?”
“Yes,” you nodded shyly. “It’s nice to meet you, Jihoon.”
Jihoon loved hearing his name coming from your lips. Which were so pretty and pink and—
Jihoon cleared his throat. “Likewise.” After a small pause, “Is there anything you would like to do in particular while we get to know each other?”
You laughed, the sound music to Jihoon’s ears. He wants to hear that all the time now, he decided.
“I actually really like taking pictures of random beautiful things that pique my interest! Maybe we can just go for a walk and explore what we find beautiful about the Han River?”
“Perfect,” Jihoon smiled widely, which somehow grew when he noticed the blush in your cheeks.
And that’s how you two somehow went from exchanging detailed introductions to sharing hobbies to discussing life goals and values, all while snapping amazing scenery pics. This developed into a made up game of taking the best picture, judged entire on a subjective and nondemocratic point system. The winner gets uncontested glory and a copy of all the photos of the loser’s captured moments. 
“HAHA, y/n I just got the spiciest photo of these golden bell flowers over this ledge!”
“What, how??” You whipped around from trying to make some daisies look aesthetic. The competitive side of you was taking over.
“I guess it’s one of the perks of being taller,” Jihoon said, hopping down the said six foot tall ledge he spent the last few minutes scaling. He dusted his pants off carefully and flashed you his eye smile. In a singsong voice, he said, “and one of those perks is winning this game~”
Yeah you were not about to risk a broken arm for that picture. “Okay, fine, but show it to me?”
“Nuh uh.” He flashed you the picture in one second bursts, having the best time teasing you.
Jihoon paused. He got so comfortable with you in the last hour that he just teased you like he does with the other Treasure members. His worries were interrupted at the adorable sight of you giggling. He internally sighed of relief.
“NuH uH,” you mimicked backed at him, reaching for his phone. 
Jihoon quickly yanked his phone above his head, dramatically leaned his body so it was out of your reach. Surprised, you tried to change course. But in the spur of the moment, the momentum carried you just a tad too far. You bump slightly into his chest. Jihoon instinctively grabbed at you to prevent you from losing your balance further, his hands falling on your waist. His large hands felt so warm through the fabric, his breath brushing as the top of your forehead. You were so close.
His eyes widened, heat rushing to his cheeks. For a second, your eyes meet. You wonder if he can hear the thundering in your chest.
Jihoon quickly let go and took a step back, slightly bowing at you. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to grab you like that!”
You could tell your face was absolutely flushed at this point, but you made a show of brushing off your outfit and stuck your nose in the air, “as long as you don’t have cooties.”
“Ooh,” Jihoon winced. “I definitely do. Exclusive, premium, limited edition cooties.”
You laughed, thankful he didn’t press you on the obvious blush. Although it’s not like his face was any better.
“Hey, y/n,” Jihoon said, pulling you out of your internal monologue. “This might be about it for the date. My phone has actually been blowing up with reminders to get back.”
Oh, You tried to hide the sadness in your face. The few hours you spent together seemed to fly by so fast, and you definitely longed for more. Within the span of the date, he showed just how incredible he is—unyielding dedication to his dreams, selfless outlooks on life, and a kind, hilarious and loving personality that felt like sunshine on a rainy day.
Jihoon noticed the quiet pause, and softly asked, “May I walk you home?”
You let out an airy laugh. “Not unless you want to walk 45 minutes in one direction and an hour in the other, Park Jihoon. It’s okay, I’ll take the subway!”
“Right, right,” Jihoon chuckled. You guys reached an intersection leading pedestrians away from the river sidewalk. The signs pointed to your destinations in opposite directions, which felt too meta for your taste.
Jihoon turned to face you.
“You know, golden bell flowers means anticipation in flower language.” He looked the most serious he has ever been all morning.
You mustered yourself to look into his eyes.
“That’s suitable, Jihoon, because I anticipate for you to call me as soon as you safely land and are available.”
Numbers and addresses (for postcards, he claims) were exchanged.
“Jihoon, I had an amazing time today.” You said, suddenly feeling shy again. A part of you wished you could walk him back, but that would attract unwanted attention.
“Me too, y/n. Thanks for waking up so early to spend all this time with me.” Jihoon said, the tone of his voice so soft and genuine.
He shifted a little closer, eyes flickering to your lips. 
Your eyes widened. 
He leaned in and gently rested his hand against the back of your head. His eyes searched yours, asking.
Oh my god, yes please. You drew even closer in answer, eyes fluttering shut. 
Jihoon closed the distance. His lips gently pressed into yours, completing a perfect puzzle. The kiss was was warm, sweet and heartfelt. Your lips gently moved against each other, before you pulled slightly away for air. As your foreheads rested against each together, a warm wave unfurled in your chest.
Just a little more, you thought. Jihoon seemed to agree as you both lean in again, this time the kiss far less hesitant. Your hands rest against his chest while he cups your face with his. Jihoon pulled back, pushing a strand of hair behind your ears. His phone was aggressively ringing, you realize.
“I’ll see you, y/n.”
“I’ll anticipate you, Jihoon.”
He watched your retreating figure for a bit before he headed back to the dorm, giddy with joy.
— your home —
A few days later, a package arrived. It was from Jihoon. Your heart raced. 
He never mentioned anything about this in his calls, you excitedly thought. 
You slowly pulled out the contents, marveling at each one. A picture of the Han River reflecting the morning light. A dozen of printed photos he somehow took of you that day (you laughing at something you took, looking off into the river, and crouching over vegetation). A polaroid of him in the hotel room, “you better be missing me so damn hard” it captioned. You chuckled, touched by his gift. 
You were about to close the envelope until you realized there’s still one item left. You reached in. And you gasped.
A golden bell flower, pressed by hand. 
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
FINALLY YOUR REQUEST IS OPEN! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS CUZ YOUR WRITING IS GODDAMN GOOD 🥺 ( sorry if i make you scared- ) Can i request a MoonGod!Reader with c!DSMP? It can be gn! Like one night on the full moon, reader descended to earth and landed in a lake with elegance and purity and moonlight shining on them, then accidentally the c! passed by and saw that scene and their heart fluttered by the scenery. Maybe with Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, Dream, George, Nihachu, Technoblade?
Hallo, thank you for requesting!
I feel so bad for answering this so late now T^T
But I still hope you enjoy <3
Some of the C!DSMP reacting to Moon Deity!Reader
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl Jacob, Technoblade, Nihachu
Requests are closed
Reader: GN - They/Them
P.s: I'm using "Deity" because I found that it's a more gender neutral term for god/godness
[Also, btw, "Talking to the Moon" is such a good song for this scenario]
A legend roamed around the Dream SMP
Every 100 years there was a special moon right in the middle of the chosen year
And the Moon Deity would come to earth in hopes of finding something special
What was the something special, you may ask? Unfortunately nobody knows. The Deity has never been pleased in all these years
But some of the SMP members hoped to make their wish come true, so they headed to the lake on the highest mountain
And at exactly midnight the moon shined on the lake, as a figure floated down from the sky
You scanned your surroundings, surprised by how much things have changed since your last visit on earth, but your eyes landed on a figure in front of the lake who seemed to be admiring you from afar
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❝ C!Dream ❞
Dream isn't an easily impressed person
He was usually the one who impress' others...in a good way or a bad way
And honestly he didn't expect much from this "legend" but still wanted to give it a try
He was taken back by how mesmerising you were, the book he was reading about you did no justice to your actual beauty
You read him like a book, scars scattered along his body and bags under his eyes, it said a lot about him.
You wanted to know his history, and he wanted to know yours, so that night you two just sat and talked
And by dawn you two were closer then ever. Dream didn't know why he confined in a deity who wasn't even from his world...but it felt right
So every night Dream would visit you by the lake
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❝ C!Georgenotfound ❞
If he had to be honest, George was there accidentally
His sleep took over on one of his random walks and he just so happen to wake up as you descended from the sky
Best way to wake up ever might he add
You scanned the brown haired boy and came to conclusion that he may be a king of some sort
George was shy and stuttery when you two first talked, he was very flustered by your presence and aura
But as days went by, and you stayed to talk to him, he got more confident and more comfortable
You two were both night owls. Sleeping by morning and socializing by night
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❝ C!Sapnap ❞
Sapnap's mind was all over the place
Between the fight with his to ex finances and the betrayal of his best friend he just needed a sign...a sign of something good
He remembered this silly story Bad would tell him, about the Moon Deity, so on the right day and the right time he waited by the lake
He held his breath the entire time you descended from the sky, which caused him to almost pass out
You were quick to hold him up and ask if he was ok, but flustered by your voice he accidentally sets a tree nearby on fire which you found quiet fascinating
Sapnap confined in you with his problems, surprised that a Deity such as yourself would just sit there and listen, but you gave him good advice and even comforted him
The days passed and you were still there, so he took every opportunity he got to stay with you
Away from the problems. Just you and him, under the bright moonlight and night sky
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❝ C!Quackity ❞
The Las Nevadas owner didn't know what he expected from this legend
He just wanted to get to it before anyone could
But all thoughts left his mind as you appeared before him
Soft smile on your face as you scanned the man in front of you, who had by now become a red baloon
You noticed the large scar on the mans eye and subconsciously traced it with your hand
Quackity, understandingly, jumped back but he let you continue after he recovered from the shock
You found his scar quiet endearing, it just held a lot of meaning and added to his character
You two talked that night, about your past and his, about what you liked and what had happened in your life
The both of you had one thing in common, losing someone important, which added to the foundation of your relationship
Quackity weirdly found comfort in visiting you and you found a reason to stay
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❝ C!Karl Jacobs ❞
The man had been here before
Many times, probably more then he could count
But he seemed to always be fascinated by your appearance
You recognized him, having visited you in many other timelines but still not satisfying your need to stay
This would be his last try, the power of his getting too strong and consuming him in the process
You were amazed by his dedication to see you, honestly taken back by his actions
You both didn't know why you were suddenly attracted to eachother, but you didn't want to know
Because as of right now you'd be doing that for as long as you could, before you would lose Karl to his memory loss
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❝ C!Technoblade❞
[Can I first say, your ship name would be so cool! Cause he's the blood god and you're the moon deity so togheter you'd be bloodmoon!]
Techno happened to be patrolling around the lake at the time and was taken back by the figure gliding on the lake
Twinkles and shines danced around your figure as you happily spinned on top of the water
But upon feeling the presence of someone else you stopped to look at him
And for the first time in his life the voices were cancelled out from Techno's mind, to busy gazing at the Deity infront of him
You were taken back by the scary yet handsome figure looking at you
His red blood colored eyes intimidating yet giving you a sense of safeness
This could honestly be love at first sight...something that none of you would admit too
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Niki adored this story as a child, and she dreamed of the day to see such a beautiful Deity in front of her
And she knew her dreams came true as her eyes landed on you
You were happy to be talking to someone again, especially someone with such a kind aura
Niki would make sure to bring you treats whenever she visited you and you in return showed her the many things you did as a moon deity
She was always infatuated by everything you did and slowly you started doing the same
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