phosphorus-noodles · 11 days
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obsessed with... whatever this is
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artfulacrostic · 2 years
the original series of star trek is absolutely my favorite thing bc every episode is like:
-kirk manhandles a penis shaped rock prop for a very long time
-spock dances flamenco
-sulu fences down the hallway shirtless
-episode plot is kirk v massive sentient lump
-kirk tries to explain spock's ears as a childhood accident where he got his head caught in a mechanical rice picker
-on an unrelated note, spock starts wearing a beanie
-redshirts get turned into like. cubes of salt
-uhura defeats a giant green hand by hotwiring the entire comms console
-spock and kirk hold hands
-scotty stops chekov from starting a bar fight with klingons only to immediately start one himself bc the love of his life (the enterprise) gets insulted
-mccoy's fantasies involve meeting characters from alice in wonderland, including a giant anthropomorphic rabbit
-spock's alien sex drive episode
-kirk gets bodyswapped
-gladiator fight episode (1)
-gladiator fight episode (2)
-gladiator fight episode (3)
AND YET, every episode is ALSO like:
-war cannot be reduced to numbers from an outside perspective, because that makes it easier to stomach without change; the horror that is war must be acknowledged in order to make room for peace
-more types of life can be extant than we can conceive, and just because they are different forms of life doesn't make them incapable of prospering
-love cannot be programmed or controlled, and discriminatory hatred is a tool only for death and pain
-cultures that are different than our own are valuable and can be vibrantly rich with history, and judging them before we try to understand and empathize is not only reductive but contemptible
-happiness is something that we have to allow ourselves, and actively seek out, because it can't come to us without work and acknowledgement of our own state of being
-genocide can never be justified, and certainly not even to supposedly save the people that are more "valuable" by any given metric over those who are not, because all lives have worth
anyway the balance of absurdity and meaningfulness gives me life, and we haven't even gotten started on the whale movie lmao
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rosy-crow · 2 months
Still not over this. Sephiroth what the fuck man.
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fatliberation · 4 months
I never know what to do when people want congratulations for their weight loss I was just talking to my fat classmate who is very sweet and kind and he mentioned he was ‘down 60 lbs’ and HELP I WAS SO SILENT I just nodded my head awkwardly, there was so much dead space 😭
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ctommyisnt · 8 months
‘YOU CANT SHIP SCARIAN OR ERHUBS IN LIMLIFE THEYRE RELATED 😭😭😭😭😭 ITS SO WEIRDDDD’ it’s called a bit. You ever heard of those. A bit. Hey. Hey. Look at me. It’s called a bit. Do whatever the fuck uou want it’s Minecraft roleplay nobody actually cares. Nobody cares. A bit.
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cecoeur · 4 months
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Not Bigfoot???
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madame-mongoose · 11 months
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um uh uhm um uhhh uh um uh *cat explode gif*
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halfagone · 11 months
Let Gotham Be Terrifying
I've seen many different takes and versions of Gotham, but I would love to play into the fact that Gotham is the second most crime-ridden city in America. That's right- Gotham, for all its horrible cruelty, still does not compare to Blüdhaven. But that doesn't make it any less terrifying, especially to newcomers.
I know a lot of people say that Amity Parkers would be desensitized to the Rogue attacks, because of the ghosts that constantly haunt the streets. But I think they would actually be more horrified of Gotham because of the ghosts.
Because here's the thing about Danny's Rogues Gallery. For all intents and purposes, they don't actually want to hurt people. The ghosts might not be harmless, but neither are they expressly malicious.
The Box Ghost? Give him some of your leftover cardboard from when you were moving apartments, he'll appreciate them and leave you alone for a while as a thank you. If you catch him at the right time, he might even be willing to lend a helping hand. With the promise of the boxes afterwards, he doesn't do work for free after all.
Lunch Lady? You'll see her at the soup kitchens or the food banks lending a helping hand; sometimes she even gets invited to the soccer games to act as hostess and she makes the best main dishes. And her dessert? People have made remarks that they're to die for, which is more than a little insensitive but hey, still true.
Ember McLain? Phantom's made a deal with her: so long as she keeps her mind control out of her music, she can play however much she wants. They hold weekly concerts in the park, you just gotta make sure everyone scatters by the time the Fentons arrive, and don't say shit to the GIW when they come around asking, and everyone comes out of this happy.
Kitty and Johnny? Sure, their arguments always cause a ruckus, and it can be more than a little awkward to watch a couple scream at each other in public. But if you're willing to lend a kind ear to Kitty when she's upset, she's far less likely to lash out and hurt people as a result. As for Johnny, let him do a couple laps around town and he'll get his head on straight. If the Red Huntress doesn't do it for him, of course. And when they're on good terms, you'll sometimes see them walking about town, holding hands and just having fun. Sometimes they'll buy some ice cream or other treats from stores. No one really knows where they got the money, but it's legit and no one feels the need to turn them away, if they're respectful about private property.
Youngblood? He's a bit brash and immature, but sometimes you'll catch him hanging out with Phantom playing astronauts. Sometimes you'll even see him hanging out with that girl Phantom playing cowboys. He likes to play at the parks and playgrounds with the other kids his age. And yeah, sometimes he hogs the toys a little too long, but he's the best storyteller the kids on the yard have ever seen. He's a great playmate once you get the hang of it.
As for Skulker... eh, he and Phantom have their fights but honestly, it's the collateral damage that causes more problems than the ghosts themselves. The morning commute should not take this long.
Spectra got ran out of town forever ago and at this point, people can recognize her on sight. If your mental health has taken a startling downturn, contact one of the helplines and if worse comes to worst, reach out to Phantom to make sure she's not sticking her nose where no one wants her.
Desiree- watch your mouth and stop saying the word 'wish' and you're set for life. She can be petty sometimes, but again, that's why you watch your mouth.
For 7 out of the 9 cases here, the ghosts don't actually mean much harm. Other, more powerful ghosts like Vortex or Nocturn don't come around often. They might think Phantom is a little bitch, but they respect his territory. They would do the same if they were in his place. Predator acknowledging predator, as I like to say.
But that's the distinct difference. The ghosts can be bargained with, reasoned with. If you give them some other outlet, more often than not they're willing to take it and don't bother anyone first.
The Gotham Rogues on the other hand? There is no indulging the Joker or Black Mask or Scarecrow. In some cases, even when Mr. Freeze's wife is cured or he's finally let her go, he still keeps to his life of crime. What about Harvey Dent? Zsasz? Manbat? A lot of these Rogues cannot be reasoned with.
And this isn't even including the drug dealers and the muggers and the traffickers. This isn't even including the corrupt police and the even more corrupt local government. This isn't even including the likes of the Court of Owls and the rich and elite that run the show. This isn't even including the League of Assassins, who've always had a vested interest in the city.
And isn't that sad? Doesn't that say something when the living are crueler than the dead?
So give me a Danny or a Jazz or a Tucker or a Sam- any Amity Park citizen you want- that is disturbed by the thoughtless destruction and murders. Give me a Jazz that takes one look at the Arkham Asylum patients and is unnerved by their incapability to change. Give me a Danny that visits Gotham one time to lend a hand, and by the end of it, he turns to Batman and he says, "I don't know how you do it."
Because this is a family of vigilantes, who all besides one, do not have powers. They have to cover a city filled with millions of people, watch over them every night, and try to stop any possible terrible atrocities. Because even if every single member of Batman's Rogues Gallery suddenly dropped dead, Gotham has far deeper issues than just them. That is why Batman's crusade is endless. That's why it's not as simple as flicking a switch.
Gotham is terrifying. And what does it say when the Batman can put the fear of god into a city like that?
Batman is terrifying, and I think sometimes that can be a reminder to us all.
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talistheintrovert · 1 year
there's something so inherently queer in the way The Eighth Sense is being acted and ESPECIALLY in the way it's being filmed, and the cinematography and editing choices that keep taking my goddamn breath away.
the almost pain in the longing of short, broken glances to avoid being caught staring, the eyes darting over his whole face instead of lingering too long on his eyes or lips, the tentative broaching of conversation and testing of boundaries that only happens with that level of anxiety in a queer relationship
the constant fear of "what if he's not?" "what if i'm mistaken?" "what if i step too far?" which straight people rarely have to worry about, because at worst if you ask another straight person out you'll get meanly turned down, but if you're queer and you ask a straight person out the reaction could be SO bad, so you're scared and you're withholding but you're just WANTING
there are whole scenes where their friendship is clearly blooming and they both forget their sexualities and they're just having fun like they do with other people
and then there's always a moment where it THUDS back home again. the wetsuits. the showers. outside the bar. on the beach. where they're both so clearly HYPERAWARE of themselves and each other and feeling so exposed and so so scared but still desperate to be near each other
jaewon and jihyun are in parallel states of just YEARNING so badly that it makes my heart ache and my breath catch every time one of those scenes appears
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lilac-hecox · 2 months
Angela!Ian watching the 'We bought Smosh' announcement video and pretending to kiss Anthony as Ian.
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arrowheadedbitch · 5 months
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venbetta · 4 months
Was watching Kill Bill these past few days and O-Ren Ishii decapitating some dude made me have a based lesbian moment
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I just imagined Freddy giving a very concerned side glance when I blurted "God she's so hot..." out loud LMAO
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pocket-watcher · 4 months
I’ve found myself way more susceptible to spirals recently.
It’s not a problem or anything, just thought I’d announce it.
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50stressballs · 6 months
Really wish all the “low impact” exercise routines I find weren’t hyper focused on like squats and lunges and shit. Like bro, my knees DO NOT WORK. They simply do not function properly. If I do 15 squats today I’m not going to be able to walk properly for literal days.
…….but like I’m so tired and I NEED to work out to help with my fatigue, and I don’t have the attention span for yoga right now. So I do the five bajillion squats anyway.
And I’m stupid so I forget that that’s a bad idea, so when I’m in an incredible amount of pain just walking up and down the stairs for the rest of the week, I’ll be like
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sunlaire · 18 days
"Of all the people, there are only, including the tuunbaq, there are two that I respect. Crozier, who I see as a something maybe a soul-mate, would be a way of describin it, and the Tuunbaq."
Adam Nagaitis on a podcast about the Terror
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
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We're talking away
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